Academia Berkeley CSUA Troll - Berkeley CSUA MOTD
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Academia:Berkeley:CSUA:Troll: [Aspolito(31) | Ilyas(52) | Jblack(96) | Kinney(41) | TJB(45) ]
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Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/10/16-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40118 Activity:kinda low
10/16   OK, plea from me (and a lot of others, I'm sure):  write what you
        want to, who cares, that's the whole point, but when you've written
        it, please please please just take a second to read it through and
        ask yourself, "is tihs teh ghei or n0es?"  I'm not asking anyone to
        self-censor based on whether they write stupid shit, no matter what
        they're trying to get across, but just ask yourself that quick
        question.  It doesn't take long, is great practice for life, and helps
        save put off the point at which we reach peak byte.  -John
        \_ Well, amckee has mistakenly sorried one person (since remedied),
           and he has threatened to sorry at least one more (me), for content
           that he finds objectionable.  In my case, because I quoted him
           self-describing his role in the Politburo.  Does this sound like a
           person can "write what you want"?   - tse
           \_ Yes, it does.  They're not sending you to fucking siberia, they're
              threatening to turn off an email account.  I'll write exactly
              what the fuck I want until the minute they turn off my account,
              and so should you.
           \_ Yes, it does.  The whole discussion is moronic on the scale of
              galaxies (both the fact that some measures like this have been
              proposed at all and peoples' reaction to them.)  Look up "tempest
              in a teapot."  Threatening to sorrying alumni (or anyone) for
              stupid shit like this is about as mature as saying "you go home
              now, you can't play with my toys anymore.  The only proper
              reaction is to just leave.  It's a fucking _account_, and if
              someone doesn't want to let you play with their toys anymore,
              guess what, it's a nice day outside.  -John
              \_ It's more than an account. Some of us old farts have been
                 around here for decades. soda is the occasional meetingplace
                 where get to poke each other and say hi. That is why CSUA has
                 been described as a social club as opposed to a hardcore
                 techie org. Nice as it is outside, I'd rather hang here and
                 piss off tse and psb. Feel the love!
                 \_ Alas, since I refused to toe the line amckee drew for me
                    by continuing to criticize him on MOTD, I am afraid I will
                    likely be sorried shortly after the next Politburo meeting.
                    It has been 19 years since my first cc account.  I was
                    hoping to make it 20 before I call it quits.  - tse
                    But at least I will be sorried following the official
                    process rather than at the whim of amckee.  I will
                    probably count that as a small pyrrhic victory. - tse
                    \_ This is all frightfully stupid.  Amckee wrote some
                       self-indulgent, stupid mails, psb was being difficult
                       as always, and the CSUA moves on.  Stop being such a
                       drama queen.  -John (only 15 years, alas.)
2005/10/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40114 Activity:high
10/16   Dear fellow working alumni. I have begun circulating a negative
        networking blacklist in my company. I am making sure amckee does
        not get hired. I work at Intel Corporation and I've passed the
        list to my friends some who work at Yahoo and Google. They've also
        begun circulating it to the HR depts in other companies as well,
        including the less well know companies. Please circulate the list
        throughout Silicon Valley and tell me which companies you've passed
        the list to. thx.        -alum of 1990, Intel Verification, SC
         \_ I left Intel in 99 as an Eng7, at the age of 24, ranked
            Critical Intel Asset. I'm sure your opinion, however, is
            Critical Intel Asshat. I'm sure your opinion, however, is
            equally valid. -amckee
            \_ Hey!  tjb's back! -geordan
        \_ wow, intel verification AND head of HR. impressive. (not amckee)
        \_ This is the reason that brett was temporarily sorried. We will
           be discussing the issue on Monday. The decision will be at the
           discretion of the full politburo, not just me. As much as you
           may disagree with my opinions, this grossly oversteps what is
           an acceptable response to having such a difference of opinion.
           I'm less concerned with the affect that this has on me, my
           resume speaks for itself, but most politburo are just undergrads,
           CS students who just signed up to have fun and learn a bit about
           running a group. They should never feel that, should they try
           to implement a controversial decision, that they could be
           subjected to such a grossly intimidating and caustic repurcussion.
           This may be acceptable in 'real politics', but we're just students,
           and this is just a student organization. The palor of fear that
           this will cast over politburo will prevent it from enacting
           decisions that may be necessary for its survival, however
           controversial. Should students know that this might happen,
           the even worse affect is that it might prevent them from even
           joining the ranks of politburo. This action very realistically
           threatens the success of the organization and the stability
           of the politburo. We are not a full political body, we are
           not your senators, your representatives, or your president. We
           should never have to deal with this level of intimidation. Call
           it censorship, call it draconian, call it what you will - but
           we live in an insular world and these are not things that most
           students should have to face. -amckee
           \_ Anyone making a serious squish decision based on an external
              web site, esp. one that is known to be sucky, is an idiot.
           \_ it looks like you've been successfully trolled.
        \_ Those with an opinion on this matter, or any matter, are always
           welcome to attend politburo meetings. We give more weight to
           the concerns of current students, admittedly, but we will take
           your insight into consideration. Many of you have faced problems
           similar to the ones we've faced, and constructive feedback and
           wisdom is always welcome. For those that have a personal problem
           with me, the appropriate way to deal with that is by talking to
           me. I suspect our differences are not nearly as great as
           the emotion of this motd indicates. Sorry for being long again,
           John. -amckee
           \_ I don't think John's point is about length but more to do with
              succintness.                            -mice
        \_ Upon speaking with Brett, this is not attributable to him. kchang's
           logs were wrong, probably not an uncommon occurance. Part of why
           I had not brought this to the MOTD was that I wanted to hear
           from Brett. However, someone else felt it important to mention here.
           I have unsorried him and am sorry for any inconvenience.  However,
           as a point of clarification for whomever did post this, the damage
           you felt that I may have done to the CSUA is far diminished by the
           extent of your actions. I'll only be in office for another couple
           months, and other officers may have different opinions. However,
           the real 'cultural shift' in the CSUA is now almost certainly
           attributable to you. If your goal was to supress dissent, to coerce
           agreement, and to bully your view into an organization that you
           are no longer a part of - you have likely succeeded. Politburo
           may no longer feel comfortable enacting certain decisions. At a
           minimum, we now know better than to try and explain ourselves
           and our views, as it just opens us up to personal attacks and
           retribution. This will be the last post I make to the MOTD, it's
                        \_ Can I have your stuff? -geordan
           just not worth it to me to fight with you. I fully welcome
           the insight and opinions people have about how we're running this
           organization, but it will be more effective if you can come to
           a meeting or email us. This has turned into a gossip-fueled hate
           fest, and right now I feel pretty ashamed to have anything to do
           with this organization. The optimism I had in trying to find ways
           to make student's lives here a bit better is rapidly fading, and
           if all that's going to happen is that they're going to grow up
           into people anything at all like the minority of you who have
           made this such an evil place, then I just don't see the purpose.
           Good luck with your MOTD. -amckee
        \_ Haven't you threatened to sorry people because of their
           emails to politburo?  That sucks.
        \_ For the record, I did not write the above posting. -brett
           \_ He did (or "didn't do" as it turns out) something so horrible it
              was necessary to sorry him before getting his side of the story?
              \_ Man, amckee is serious about this sorry business.  He
                 threatened to sorry me when he thought I quoted his infamous
                 self-portrayal as "resident foobar".   BTW, it's not likely
                 I'll be in a position to hire amckee (I don't hire sw guys
                 in general, though I might for dv I suppose), but I would
                 certainly advise against hiring if his name crossed my desk.
                 From my personal dealings with him (just one logged write
                 conversation, to be fair), he seems to have problems
                 controling his temper and he's probably a pain to work
                 with.  -  tse
        \_ Wow, this is really lame.  Whomever did post it needs to get a
           brain.  I mean, are you trying to force motd logging?  --PM
           \_ PM: I think the actual lesson here is different.  I bet many
              people are silently thinking "I would not want to hire this
              guy based on his writings" without putting those thoughts into
              the MOTD.  And this the the guy who wants us to "trust him"
              over the judicious use of the anonymity logs?
              \_ Well, amckee is trying to portray this as alums threatening
                 the politburo, but I think it's just amckee.  There's enough
                 from MOTD and from his emails to hang him.
                 \_ What triggered amckee's temper tantrum? Just Partha's
           \_ I'd bet dollars to donuts that's *exactly* what OP is trying to
2005/10/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40111 Activity:nil
10/14   Michael Rauser <mrauser@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU> wrote on csua@csua
        : I apologise for the recent spam to csua@csua.  It is intended as a news
        : mailing list (minutes, official announcements, etc.) and not as a
        : discussion forum.  I have altered the list to make it moderated, requiring
        : posts to be approved before going out to the full list.
        \_ This is a marked and until now unannounced change in the nature
           of csua@csua.  When was advance notice given of this change of
           csua@csua to a moderated list? --Jon
           \_ The ua part of the 'csua' title means that the undergrads
              don't need to get permission from alum for everything.
              \_ "It's [the CSUA] not a democracy. We're democratically
                 elected, but once in office we have near complete
                 authority to implement the policies that we see
                 fit. Think communist russia ..." -amckee, CSUA President
                 \_ and if it's not obvious, the above was not posted
                    by me and was taken out of context. thx psb.  -amckee
                    \_ Could you explain how the quote was taken out of
                 \_ This is the organization that was left to us by our
                    faithful alumni. We do not have a congress, a judiciary
                    system, or any vestiges of democracy within the typical
                    power structure. Quite honestly, I'm not aware of any
                    student group here that's run differently.  At some
                    point in the past, the CSUA was your organization to
                    run and shape as you saw fit. I'm sure you each had
                    issues that you felt were important to deal with,
                    things that needed to be chanrged relative to
                    tradition, and so forth. I'm sure each of you also
                    would have resented it had a group of people who have
                    no awareness of the current organization's culture and
                    needs kept expecting deferrence to their ideas and
                    beliefs about how the organization should be run. The
                    students, at some point, trusted you to run the
                    organization to the best of your abilities. Right now,
                    the students trust us to do that. We may fuck up, we
                    may piss people off, but these are our mistakes to make
                    - just like they were yours, at one point. We care
                    about the alumni community and feel that they
                    contribute a lot that is valuable to the CSUA, but our
                    charter is clearly the service of current
                    undergraduates. We would love to make alumni happy, but
                    as i'm sure each of you can see from these threads,
                    that's obviously impossible. In the end, we will always
                    chose the path that we think is in the best interest of
                    current students. I'm sure you each would have expected
                    the same, when you were students. As it is, this server
                    is barely utilized by current students. This issue has
                    comprised probably 50+ manhours of politburo time -
                    time that has directly detracted from what we could
                    have been doing to help out current students. We
                    continue to spend thousands of dollars on this
                    hardware, when the main reason it needs upgrading is to
                    cater to the ever growing alumni ranks. The donations,
                    sadly, are a far way from making this environment
                    self-supporting. Quite simply, this whole server
                    infrastructure costs this organization more in terms of
                    time and money than current students reap from it.
                    Again, we do care to keep a close alumni community, but
                    a bit more appreciation of the efforts we go to would
                    also be nice. And a bit of understanding that, this
                    really is -our- organization right now, to make better
                    or to fuck up, as it once was yours. We welcome your
                    insight, but we really resent the sense of entitlement
                    that many of you think we owe you. That alumni have
                    accounts here is at the generosity of the CSUA, and
                    directly against UC Berkeley policies.  There is no
                    current desire to change this generosity, but a bit of
                    perspective on your part would be nice. We don't owe
                    you explanations of changes we make to our boxes, we
                    don't need need to justify every decision we make. When
                    we do, it's because we value your insight and wisdom,
                    but don't expect it to be binding. I know many of you
                    disagree strongly with our choices, but the students
                    have entrusted us to shepherd this organization and you
                    just have to trust that we have the best interests of
                    the CSUA at heart, even if you disagree with our
                    actions. -amckee
                    \_ Ok uhm yeah.  So anyway, if the ever growing ranks of
                       alums are a burden, how about just booting them all?
                       If the number of current students is low, how much
                       active recruiting does the CSUA do these days?  Do
                       they still do donut runs at project times?  Sponsor
                       and advertise tournament events?  Go into freshman
                       classes at the start of each semester and tell the
                       gathered hordes the CSUA exists and why they should
                       join?  And once these people join, well, uhm, to be
                       blunt, what do they get from the CSUA anyway?  I see
                       two things from out here in alum-land: fantastic
                       tech help/tips from top notch industry pros from a wide
                       variety of fields and access to jobs they'd otherwise
                       never hear about, much less skip HR and go straight to
                       a hiring manager.  Passion is good.  Directed passion
                       is better.  I assume everyone gave some pretty speach
                       prior to being elected to politburo full of promises.
                       Did any of that stuff happen?  Mission accomplished?
                       Honestly, I don't actually really care all that much
                       about any of this stuff but let's get some perspective.
                       \_ Yes, we do donut runs (as do other groups now),
                          yes we go into classes at the start of the term,
                          yes we do helpsessions and shill our name, and
                          yes the ranks are still low. The current breed of
                          CS student is unlike what you were used to - many
                          are completely apathetic about student groups,
                          many don't identify as CS nerds, and many haven't
                          even watched Monty Python.  It's a mainstream
                          field now and the people here have a lot less in
                          common than the CS nerds did when I was younger
                          (I'm 30 and started with this whole internet/cs
                          stuff over 20 years ago) I do not doubt at all
                                \_ Are you related to
                                   Trevor J. Buckingham?
                          that students -could- leverage a lot from alumni,
                          but right now they don't. They don't read motd,
                          they don't really use Soda, and mostly they just
                          come to our free food events. It's a problem that
                          many politburos recently have had to face. We
                          welcome suggestions, of course, but things are
                          definitely different than they used to be. People
                          join now to hang out on our couches, use our
                          office/lab machines, and make friends. I'm trying
                          to bring in more speakers (hopefully some alumni)
                          to try and give various talks. Hell, maybe a
                          panel of people that graduated 10 years ago could
                          come back and talk about life after
                          Berkeley. Right now, though, none of this whole
                          mess that we call Soda or MOTD is much of a
                          benefit to current students. And, quite frankly,
                          that's unlikely to change. It's just no longer
                          the sort of service that is necessary. The entire
                          login service could go away, and most people here
                          would never even notice. No, there are no plans
                          to do so, but when the politburo looks at things
                          to put its attention and money into, the minimal
                          value this -currently- offers students is a
                          factor. And jobs typically come into jobs@
                          now. Our current focus is much more on
                          face-to-face services, since that's the only
                          thing that seems of value to people now,
                          anyways. -amckee
                          \_ Whoa!  I've seen what's coming into jobs@.  That
                             is not at all the same as real jobs.  An
                             announcement from some consultancy that they're
                             recruiting is *nothing* like having an alum
                             hand your resume to someone and say "hire this
                             person".  If you get nothing else out of your
                             time at Berkeley, get this: networking is more
                             important than your gpa, major, or anything else.
                             And yes, it's true I haven't set foot in years
                             and I'm out of touch, but if politburo is so
                             in touch and active then why can't they get
                             other students interested?  This has nothing to
                             do with Monty Python.  I'm not even sure why
                             you mention that.  shrug.
                \_ How much more donation do you need?  There is no
                   information as to how much is needed, how much has
                   been donated, what the money was spent on, etc.
                   No detailed accounting is being asked for here, just
                   a rough breakdown.  Otherwise, how would we know
                   how much to donate.   - soda donor
                   \_ I know I'm going to get flamed by mrauser for saying
                      this, but the largest issues facing the CSUA right
                      now are not cash related. What we need more than
                      money is a way to get students more involved with
                      their school and major, to introduce them to better
                      coding practices and non-academic technologies, to
                      provide tutoring and help to a breed of students that
                      may never have seen a command line - on UNIX or
                      Windows. Basically, we need to help build a community
                      of current students that is as vibrant as what those
                      who used to be here knew. (I still think we can do it
                      while acting professional and mature, but enough of
                      that.) I don't have the specific budget in front of
                      me for last year, but we requested something like
                      $4000 last year in hardware expenses (but received
                      less) and around $1000 this year (which we
                      received). Although the money is important and does
                      make it easier to buy random upgrades or components,
                      the bigger need is just 'more time'. New Soda has
                      been largely held up due to lack of this precious
                      resource, not cash. And, since so few current
                      students use this resource, it's hard to justify
                      spending too much time on it (for those of us in
                      pburo), when we could use this time to try and
                      coordinate speakers, corporate info-sessions,
                      help-sessions, etc. The better donation, in all
                      honest, is the wisdom, time, and insight that each of
                      you have - whether it's to help the root staff debug
                      an issue, come talk to the students about a topic
                      either technical or pragmatic, or basically help
                      foster a sense of community outside of the insular
                      confines of Soda and the MOTD. There hasn't been a
                      lot that we haven't been able to do, due to lack of
                      cash, but there has been a lot that we haven't been
                      able to do, due to lack of time. Hence the
                      proposition to -slightly- expand the size of the
                      politburo.  But, to keep mrauser from killing me, we
                      love cash too. (cough) - amckee
                      \_ I had a longer post, but I suspect it was wasted
                         breath, so I rescued some precious motd bits.  -mice
                      \- ms amckee suggests i did not provide sufficient
                         context. pls see
                         for fuller context. "by my words you will know me".
                         it is odd to see the motd discussion turn into an
                         alumni issue.
2005/10/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:40103 Activity:kinda low
10/15   Whatever happens with the motd debate, someone made a point below
        that I hope doesn't get lost:
        " If you get nothing else out of your time at Berkeley, get this:
        networking is more important than your gpa, major, or anything else. "
        I just wanted to put this up as a really valuable piece of advice, and
        I hope undergrads take it to heart.  If you're going into "the real
        world", this is very true most of the time.  -John
        \_ Thanks.  --Wrote that anon but since it was anon it must be a troll
                      and should be dismissed out of hand.   ;-)
        \_ Out of the four jobs I've had in the last 8 years, all of them were
           at least partly attributable to networking.   -mice
        \_ This is true.  I got my excellent first job thanks to networking,
           and I got 2 sodans jobs because I knew them. -eric
           \_ yeah.  I've gotten every job I've had because of networking,
              and most of my freelancing work comes from soda or ex-coworker
              contacts.  I wish I'd known this when I was in college, I
              would have done things a lot differently, i.e. going to
              professor office hours starting my freshman year, going to
              more student events, etc.
2005/10/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Recreation/Dating] UID:40040 Activity:moderate
10/10   Dear MOTD boob guy:  I'm sorry for pointing you at a for-pay site
        even though it was otherwise a great tip.  Let me make amends:  -John
        \_ I don't see boobs. Instead it says "Boobs? Go to this web
           site." I tried going there but Firefox got stuck. FUCK YOU JOHN.
           \_ Dude, you're seriously lame.  I was able to view it just fine.
              Thanks john, she's not bad at all, nosireebob!
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2005/10/2-4 [Health/Disease/General, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:39945 Activity:nil
10/2    Scientist who saved literally millions of lives is persecuted
        by Bush Administration and convicted of mishandling of
        \_ I can't access it.
        \_ Purports to require cookies; doesn't work in IE or Firefox
        \_ Use this URL instead. It bypasses the stupid cookie detect.
        \_ Tried this in 2 browsers.  It says I need cookies on.  I do.
           \_ Works for me in Firefox.
        \_ This is way too depressing to read.
2005/9/20-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:39769 Activity:kinda low
9/20    Since people don't seem to have Clue(tm) about what is going on with
        csua@csua, let me explain:
        With the transition to the new mailman-managed lists, politburo made
        the decision that a requisite of having an account on soda is being
        subjected to knowing what is going on in the organization.  Therefore
        we imported every user into the list.  There was a mistake in that
        jobs@csua was pointing at csua@csua, so everyone was getting job
        spam.  Well, maybe not a mistake, but a poor decision.  It was
        therefore decided that jobs would be an opt-out email list seperate
        from csua@csua.
        You should all be getting much less csua@csua spam, and can opt-out
        of jobs@csua at your discretion.
        - jvarga
        \_ jvarga, how about turning off all alumni accounts? They're
           annoying as hell. We can talk about this at TC Gardens. My treat.
           \_ I'll take you up on free food, but I won't fry alumni accounts.
              I am, unfortunately, out on an internship for 8 months, so I'll
              take you up on this offer you have promised to me without
              putting conditions on it when I get back. - jvarga
              \_ I remember when I was young and could be bribed into doing
                 a 150 project for this hot manipulative BITCH with a cheapo
                 TC Garden lunch that she paid for because I thought she
                 liked me. ARGH!!!!!
                 \_ I almost got dragged into that kind of situation with 162.
                    At the last second I came to my senses.
                    At the last second I came to my senses -- but yeah -- that
                    girl was put together right.  I think she ended up doing
                    *really* badly that semester since both of the people that
                    she tried to manipulate into her group bailed on her.
           \_ Cal alumni tend to bitch a lot and contribute very little.
              Look at Stanford. They have so much idling Sun Ultras
              just waiting to be used or hacked. They've always had
              an abundance. Then look at Cal. 30 years later we're
              still bickering on the lack of resources. Sad. -1980s guy
              \_ What a waste of electricity and silicon.
              \_ Are you sure you're not just describing yourself or justifying
                 your own shortcomings with "everyone else does it"?
              \_ Change begins at home. Why don't you contribute something
                 to the CSUA instead of bitching? - alum who donates
          \_ So, a few alumni are annoying, at least by one person's
             definition.  So now we should use that as reason to turn off
             all alumni accounts?  It would seem to me that alumni
             contribute more than they are annoying.  Some even contribute
           \_ and how will the newbie maggots get a job afterward without
              networking or getting input from the real world?
              \_ Like you would really help anyone besides yourself anyway?
                 \_ I had a longer response but someone stomped me.  I've asked
                    for job postings before and gotten them; I've seen jobs
                    advertised here by grads for both grads and ugrads; I bet
                    alot of the opportunities in the csua/jobs or wherever
                    are from grads.                    -mice
                 \_ I have hired several interns and at least 1 full time
                    person into my group based on reponses to job postings
                    on the motd or general csua contact.
                 \_ Go go gadget mrauser networking skills!  :-)  -John
        \_ As was surmised, and for future reference (not that you or
           the politburo should care) when you do this you should send
           out an email explaining the above.
           \_ I think it got lost in the confusion because Seidl (sp?) did
              the actual mailman configuration.  I agree it would be a good
              idea to send out notice next time (like I did with jobs@csua).
        \_ Am I allowed to opt-out of csua@csua too?
           \_ No, thanks for playing. -mrauser
              As a side note, if you want to use the CSUA server, you at
              least have to pay some attention to CSUA events (or just
              be lame and nuke them in your procmail folder, but I'm watching
        \_ Simple solution to a simple problem-- just nuke every single
           ungrateful alumni who never seem to be satisfied anyways. Why the
           hell are they still using UC resources anyways?
           \_ Opting-out a list reduces resource usage on /var/mail.
              \_ Does the current 'df' situation look like I care about
                 resource usage on /var/mail or /home?
                 - jvarga
        \_ the motd should be an opt-out thing too. Seriously!!
           \_ It already is.  Just do "touch ~/.hushlogin".
              \_ Right now, MOTD is opt-in; new accounts have .hushlogin by
                 default.  -tom
                 \_ And again this wasn't the case for 2 decades until a
                    bitch convinced her bf p**** to disable motd because
                    she was offended by trolls.
2005/9/20-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:39763 Activity:nil
9/20    I've had a soda account since 1993.  How come I've never received any
        e-mail from the CSUA mailing list until this month?  I didn't even know
        such a list existed.  Thanks.
        \_ Probably because until recently the mailing list was an opt-in
           list, which probably has been changed to an opt-out list.
           \_ Motd should also be an opt-out thing. It was for over 2 decades
              until an idiotic root guy changed it back because his gf on
              soda feels insulted by the trolls.
              \_ Wow, that was a total non-sequitur.
2005/7/7-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Reference/Law/Court] UID:38473 Activity:nil
7/7     Can someone with some more legal experience clue me in to why
        Berkeley theatres aren't open to anti-trust violations?  They
        actively try not to compete.  This is in my mind today because
        I intended to go see "Fantastic Four" tommorow, but it is not playing
        in any of the 6(?) local theatres.  The closest is like 20 blocks
        north.  -mrauser
        \_ Oh no, you might have to go all the way to OAKLAND
        \_ I like this quote from a "positive" review: "It's not great but it's
           not utter crap either." Which leaves room for being mostly crap.
           People should be more selective and not support shitty films.
           \_ I appreciate the extent to which you both have not answered
              my question at all.  And as for it being crap, I'm not supporting
              a shitty film, but a hot actress.  I still think there is
                                   \_ Mr. & Mrs Smith!  -John
                                      \_ Ug.  Miss Worm lips really turns
                                         me off.
              something very wrong about how berkeley theatres decide to show
              or not show movies. -mrauser
                 \- the answer to your question is indeed "drive to oakland".
                    you dont understand the basis of anti-trust. i dont think
                    "the motd" needs to give you a lecture on the framework.
                    years ago a roll of kodak film was $8.50 at the top of
                    the empire state bldg. the vendor there indeed had a
                    local monopoly. but clearly there was no public policy
                    reason to bring anti-trust action agaisnt him. a more
                    interesting challege might be to the "no bringing in your
                    own food" for ballparks [?] and movie theaters.
                    the FF movie might not have been offered to one of the
                    ass theaters in berkeley. --psb
              \_ Why don't you get the city to flex their ED might to put in
                 a 30 screen multiplex?  Seriously, just take the BART to
        \_ Anti-trust has been gutted by 2 decades of neglect.
           \_ Dear vladimir, dear comrade, why do you hate Capitalism?
2005/6/19-20 [Computer/SW/Security, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:38195 Activity:nil
6/19    Stupid question.  how do we implement POP and IMAP access on Soda?
        \_ imap and pop over SSL works fine - danh
        \_ Stupid answer.  Slave monkeys and Google page-rank pigeons. - jvarga
2005/5/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:37754 Activity:nil
                    \_ Please don't censor this, Mr. Ascii Art Censor.  It
                       stands as a monument to the fact that grade schoolers
                       can and fact do graduate from UC Berkeley.
                       \_ fuck off you stupid twats. email emarkp your
                          clever little posts. don't subject the rest of
                          us to this shit.
2005/5/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:37633 Activity:very high
5/11    Mr. McKee,
        You're getting awfully heated in the below conversation.  As
        root, former VP, and now president, you should really cool your heels
        before making pronouncements.  You're treading where a number of others
        have trod to no good effect.
        Words from those with authority (as limited and petty as that authority
        may be) must be wielded cautiously, or you'll find yourself either
        without that authority or with authority over a worthless entity.
        --Another former VP.
        \_ Hey, fuck off. Unlike previous apathetic/pathetic VP/president, this
           new guy is actually showing some interest in making changes. People
           hold on to the past dearly, but it's year 2005 and our motd
           still using 1970 technologies. It's time to let go and move on, and
           give our new guy the benefit of the doubt. Go McKee. I SUPPORT YOU.
           \_ See, unfortunately, lacking historical perspective, you don't
              know that these are either non-changes or changes doomed for
              \_ Drink the kool-aide or I'll make new soda a Windows 2003 box!
        \_ I have made no secret that my primary loyalty is to current students,
           these are the people that keep the CSUA alive and purposeful.
           Alumni have many valuable things that can still contribute to the
           CSUA and our students, but we musn't lose focus on what our ultimate
           agenda is - the betterment and enjoyment of current CS students.
           Soda serves as a bridge between the old and the new, but the priority
           still goes to the new. What sort of environment does soda present
           to users we're trying to bring into the CSUA fold, when they see
           tripe and vitriol in such a public form? What sense of community
           develops, when the only impression people get about the CSUA
           soda community is that they're a bunch of assholes? It's not the
           community I want to foster under my watch, and I make no bones
           about working against efforts that seek to undermine the success
           of the CSUA. Perhaps I'm an autocratic nazi like this, but I also
           don't see how mindless insults in the MOTD can be defended.
           \_ The sentiment is quite commendable, but as someone in a
              leadership role (and as an experienced internet user), showing
              restraint is part of the job description.  In general,
              injecting more vitriol into a vitriolic conversation is not
              the best way to calm the situation, show leadership, or
              impress anyone with your own maturity.  As an alum, I'd gladly
              donate services or money to the csua...provided I could be
              convinced that my time/money/effort was going to be put to use
              in a mature, considered way.  It's gratfying to see that csua
              leadership is passionate about the csua, but don't let your
              passion become part of the very problem you're fighting.   -mice
           \_ You're treading the censorship line.  There are many statements
              made on the MOTD that cannot be defended.  They can, however,
              be ignored.  The sense of community, that's up to those of you
              on campus.  It's always been the toughest thing to succeed at
              with this group.  But your autocratic leanings are only going to
              leave _you_ stressed and disappointed.  No one else will care.
           \_ I think the legitimate criticism is in the words you use
              ("go fuck yourself"), not necessarily in your philosophy.
              \_ I've never been one to spare a snide come back, but you're
                 right. I removed that part.
                \_ carrots are crunchy and full of vitamins.  They taste really
                   great when juiced with some beets, an apple, and a smidge of
2005/3/26-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36901 Activity:moderate
3/26    I want to learn a martial art for health reasons. I took Tai Chi
        once (a few month's worth) but otherwise have no experience.
        Keeping fit, ease of learning, and practicality (I'd like to be
        able to defend myself) are important - in that order. Which
        discipline should I learn? I am a little Chinese.
        \_ You might consider looking into Wing Tsun with Simon Mayer, or
           Ju Jitsu.  There are several JJ people here on motd -- perhaps
           one or more of them can be persuaded to talk about their club.
        \_ I guess it's a bit impractical for self-defense, but I did kendo
           for a while, and really enjoyed it.  I found the people to be
           generally pretty enthusiastic and friendly towards newcomers,
           and the sport to be a good balance between learning self-control
           and concentration, and screaming and jumping around a lot and
           beating on people with sticks.  Only drawback is the price of the
           equipment.  -John
        \_ Where are you located right now?  Your ethnicity has nothing to
           do with what you study, btw.  There are a lot of arts out there,
           most of which will offer you what you need.  UC Berkeley has a
           fairly decent martial arts program - Email me offlist if you
           have any questions regarding my experiences with that program.
           \_ I was told I could not study Brazilian or Israeli Martial Arts.
              \_ Unless this is a troll, or they were kidding, that's illegal.
           \_ Some other idiot added the Chinese part. I don't care enough
              to remove it. I am in the Los Angeles area now, btw.
           \_ How could any sodan be so gullilbe as to take that as part of a
              serious question?  If that jerk added "I am a little jew/arab/*"
              instead, would it at least raise some alarm in your head?
              \_ You may not know this but a lot of sodans are little Chinese.
              \_ [stupid]
              \_ I don't give a fuck.
2005/3/11-12 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36649 Activity:high
3/11    Heh. Is that lila in the SF Weekly's web personals window?
        \_ Go Lila go.  Nice pic.  -John
        \_ LILA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
           The hottest CSUA babe of the 90s
           \_ How sad, if that's the best we can do.  At least in the 80s we
              had Sioux Hannah.
              \_ Who? Pix?
              \_ someone mentioned previously that CSUA pres or vice-pres
                 is pretty presentable.
              \_ Sad?  How so. Lila is a wonderful.
              \_ And Kathy Li.
                 \_ Sioux was in a David Bowie video; Kathy was featured in
                    a comic book series.  Tough choice.  Sioux was hotter and
                    Kathy nerdier.
                    \_ Bowie? Nope. Paul McCartney video.
           \_ Eva Chan in the early 90s was hotter.
        \_ Are you guys serious? Is this the infamous lila I keep hearing
           about? -newbie
           \_ That's lila.  Why do you call her infamous?  She always seemed
              OK to me.
              \_ Yermom seemd OK, too. But then...
           \_ 1) This picture is recent. 2) You had to be there.
        \_ It's your big chance kchang!  Go, go!
           \_ I would but I'm not sure if she renewed her restraining orders
2005/3/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36622 Activity:insanely high
3/10    Fuck you emarkp for your incessant censorship on anything that doesn't
        align with your belief, like anti-religion and anti-Republican trolls.
        Fuck you, I hope you go to hell. P.S. deleting this message is futile.
        \_ I, a moderate liberal, recently deleted a number of leftist
           things because they were boring/stagnant/stupid.
        \_ Errr... do you have any proof it was emarkp?  It seems unlikely.
           Not to meantion, an anti-mormon troll stayed on the motd for 3
           days.  It doesn't look like he's been censoring things that
           don't agree with him. Why don't you post your name, anonymous
           accuser? -jrleek
        \_ Get a life anonymous accuser. -emarkp
        \_ Wow, above moron is really persistant.
           Poll, who thinks op is not a moron?
           op is moron: ...........................................
           op is not moron:
           op should have had "no doubt" it was emarkp: .
           \_ I don't understand this last one.  There's been a confession
              by someone who obviously is not emarkp, yet op continues to
              repost.  It spells moron.  (or troll)
        \_ Hey you putz.  If you're going to restore it (I didn't delete it)
           put it back with all the comments. -emarkp
        \_ I love it how people who back up their opinions with their
           names always get blamed for deletions.  (save jwang) As if, to
           the anonymous weinnie, anyone who posts their name is
           automatically untrustworthy. ilyas, tom, and emarkp MUST be evil,
           they post their names! If you're so sure emarkp is the deleter,
           why won't you post your name?  -jrleek
2005/3/1-2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36470 Activity:moderate
3/1     "Dear Federal Agent and/or anyone interested in knowing more about this
        post-- it has been posted by one of the Berkeley students in CSUA. The
        person who hosts this page does NOT aid, contribute, nor has any
        opinion to any content here. Any further concern please email"
        kchang, if you're going to attach this to all political posts, you
        might want to at least use a parsable grammar.
        \_ Problems with this post:
           1. "it has been posted by one of the Berkeley students..."
              - This may not be true. It could have been one of the alumni.
           2. "The person who hosts this page does NOT aid, contribute..."
              - If this is your attempt at self indemnification, it
                is a very confused way of putting it. Also, your comments
                here are contradictory. By merely replicating the post
                on your archive you have already aided in the dissemination
                of the said post.
           3. If you are going to attempt indemnification you should
              specifically state your own name. "The person who hosts this
              page" can be perceived as either the ISP, the carrier, the
              author, etc.
           If you wish to place an indemnification clause within your archive,
           I'd suggest simply placing "The views expressed on this page are
           solely that of the author and in no way reflects the views,
           opinions, beliefs, or actions of ________, the maintainer of this
           site, or _______ the company which hosts this content, or any
           associates either personal or professional of either the maintainer
           or the hosting company. If you wish to inquire about the nature
           of the contents of this archive please refer to
 " Hope that helps.
           \_ hey stupid! the initial complaint is grammar, not content.
              \_ So? The content was messed up too.  -!pp
        \_ If he's going to be an asshole who hates politics threads, just
           leave the shitty grammar as it stands.
        \_ If you use bad grammer, you support the terrorists!
                               \_ Or bad spelling...
                                  \_ Hey, I'm pretty good at bad smelling,,
        \_ lye, smurf, lafe, jrleek, and/or anyone who may have posted the
           stuff above. Thanks for your concern, I'll take that as
           constructive criticisms. If grammar matters so much to y'all maybe
           you can actually do something about it, like help me correct it.
           I'll cut&paste your corrections.                          -kchang
           \_ "You're an asshole" wasn't really intended as constructive
              criticism.  If you're too dumb to understand why other people
              find politics interesting, it seems unlikely that being called
              an asshole will change anything.  I couldn't care less about
              your grammar.
              \_ "couldn't care less" is ungrammatical. You should say
                 "I could care less."
                 \_ are you trying to be funny?  -tom
                    \_ Yes I was. Sorry if I didn't amuse you.
                 \_ Uh, you have that backwards.
                    \_ Neither one is actually ungrammatical. It's a question
                       of meaning, not grammar.
           \_ Here's an idea, maybe you should stop trying to guess who made a
              \_ likewise, maybe you should stop being an anonymous fucker
                 \_ Mr. Pot, I'd like you to meet Mr. Kettle.
           \_ #69 (h07 42n ch1x)
                    \_ I've read and heard similar statements made by
                       white supremacists.
                       \_ That suspiciously sounds like something Hitler
                          might say.
                          \_ Why do you hate America?
                             \_ BUD DAY doesn't like your tone, son.
                                \_ You've obviously never served.
                                   \_ Are you chinese?  Do you know the effect
                                      your tone had on china?
2005/2/28-7/25 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36465 Activity:nil 66%like:36495 66%like:36510
3/2     [troll deleted]
        \_ This was an interesting topic to lots of people. Tell you what,
           if you keep deleting any Valerie Plame discussion, I will start
           nuking your boring ass shit. Fair?
           \_ And you would know who I
2005/2/24-25 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36393 Activity:moderate
2/23    City of Berkeley sues UC Berkeley
        I always think these kind of lawsuits are funny.  If it wasn't for
        UC Berkeley, Berkeley would just be another part of Oakland.
        \_ I hope UC's lawyers crush these fuckers like little bugs.
           \_ From reading the article, it's not clear to me who's in the
              right, and correspondingly, right by how much.
              \_ I see what you're saying, but unless the city of Berkeley
                 has changed drastically in the six years since I left, I'll
                 side with the University against the City without bothering
                 to learn the details.  Fuck the city.
                 \_ Every time the UC expands into city land it increases the
                    city's costs and parking problems while taking away from
                    the tax base.
                    \_ Overall, UCB adds to the tax base by creating
                       high-paying jobs and adding population. It is to
                       Berkeley's benefit to have UCB. Without UCB Berkeley
                       would indeed be like Oakland.
                       \_ Not to mention attracting employers.  My first
                          employer was founded near campus years ago just
                          because of the supply of CS co-ops and fresh grads.
                 \_ You all have it backwards. The university has been fucking
                    over the city for years.
                    \_ How so?  Link?
                       \_ The original article gives several examples.
                          \_ NO it didn't.  You mean like this?
                             "UC Berkeley now pays more than $500,000 a year to
                             the city, mostly for sewage service, a campus
                             spokeswoman said. The campus has offered to
                             increase the amount to $1.2 million. However, city
                             officials say a fair figure would be more than $2
                             Sounds like the city is a bunch of whiners.
                             \_ No, it sounds like they understand negotiation.
                                \_ Huh? So, they're getting screed because
                                   they're good at negotiation?
2005/2/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:36355 Activity:nil
2/21    If you're still around Soda occasionally and are interested in
        playing volleyball on the amazingly-still-existant sand court behind
        Soda, get on this mailing list:
        Thanks to the random troll thread below for the reminder. -alexf
        \_ OMGWTF.  Weren't they supposed to turn it into a big box full of
           grad students, like, years ago?
2005/1/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35876 Activity:low
1/24    Stupid post censored by non-liberal.
        \_ The children of Democratic chiefs are running amok!!1!
        \_ Thank god you are here to save us from our own stupidity.
           \_ Nothing to save, it was pretty stupid.  This discussion is
              infinitely less stupid than that post was.
2005/1/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35755 Activity:nil
1/17    I need my daily dose of troll to keep me awake and being
        productive. Where are the damn trolls. The motd is too bring
        damn it!!
2005/1/12-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35683 Activity:nil
1/12    Dear motd censor, cease and desist or reap the whirlwind.
        \_ Your (likely) faulty assumptions include:
           1) There is only one censor.
           2) A censor would care about a whirlwind.
           \_ 3) That everything that looks like censorship really is, and is
                 not just random accidents.
                 \_ So all the long, multi-entry political conversations
                    are deleted, interleaved between the other conversations
                    which are preserved. Right.
2005/1/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35540 Activity:high
1/4     Do people try to get CA REFUND from bottles and cans?
        \_ Lots of people do.  You can see them pushing shopping carts down the
           \_ how much do people get for recycling?
              \_ I assume you mean per hour, since obviously it's 5 cents
                 per can.  In a good location at a good time, you can make
                 a good 15-20 bucks in an hour and a half of scrounging.
                 "Good location" here partly means someplace where no one
                 else is doing it, i.e. not Berkeley.
                 else is doing it, i.e. not Berkeley.  I have no idea what the
                 bums in Berkeley make.
                 \_ Uh, no. At 5 cents a can you'd have to pickup 400 cans
                    an hour to make 20 bucks. You'd be lucky to get 400 cans
                    a day from a restaurant. I think your order of magnitude
                    scale is waaaay off. I used to trade in cans, after a
                    couple months we usually had enough to buy a 24 pack of
                    \_ My numbers aren't "off," they're based on direct
                       experience.  Yes, that's 400 cans.  No fucking shit.
                       You have to be someplace where poeple will drink
                       a whole 24 pack and then throw all the cans in the trash.
                       Repeatedly.   And yes you have to bust ass to collect
                       them and yes you will completely fill up your car with
                       smelly bags of cans...but my numbers are correct.
                       \_ First off, I've never really seen any of those
                          bums/bag ladies "bust ass." They're either
                          incapable of "busting ass" or they choose not
                          to. Most of them are unfortunately mentally ill
                          or have a drug addiction problem.
                          Second, you simply can't pick up 400 cans per
                          hour from the trash in the real world. You might
                          be able to do it under ideal test situations, but
                          give me a break, you can't do it in real life. In
                          order to get even close to 400 cans per hour you'd
                          basically need to raid EVERY recycling bin in
                          a couple square miles, it's simply not going to
                          happen. The only way you could do it is to actually
                          OWN the recycling bins, and the city owns them,
                          so bums/bagladies are going to have to stick their
                          hands through the receptacle and manually grab
                          each can out of the recycling bin. It gets much
                          much harder to do this if you're going to go through
                          the regular trash.
                          Third, people don't deposit soda cans in a neat
                          little heap for you to pick up. They either are
                          A) Tossed into the recycling bin if they're good
                          B) Tossed into the trash, a much more likely
                          C) Tossed into the bushes.
                          Fourth, hauling 400 cans per hour isn't exactly
                          easy. Have you even picked up a bag of say 150
                          cans? It's not exactly light at that point.
                          Hauling 400 cans per hour is just going to be
                          exceedingly difficult unless you're a long shoreman,
                          and it's obvious bums/bagladies aren't exactly
                          physically fit.
                          In reality, I bet they get around 10-15 bucks a
                          day worth of cans if they're lucky.
                          \_ I wasn't talking about bag ladies or bums, and
                             for the third time, I'm not speculating, I've
                             done it.  Do you want a fucking video tape?
                             Your idiocy has pissed me off enough, I'm
                             tempted to go do it this weekend, video tape
                             the whole fucking 2 hour project and send it
                             to your dumb ass just to put you in your place.
                             I don't have any idea what homeless people in
                             berkeley make.  Probably not much. I never claimed
                             that this was a viable way to make a living,
                             I'm just telling you what a resourceful, able
                             bodied sodan can make.
                             \_ Okay, you've got some major issues. 1. Why
                                the fuck are you collecting cans for a
                                living if you went to Berkeley? Isn't the
                                fucking concept to get an education so
                                you don't have to PICK CANS FOR A LIVING
                                IN THE FIRST PLACE? 2. I don't give a shit
                                about your fuckiing one shot project because
                                your one shot project proves only one thing,
                                that a person can carry 400 cans around in
                                an hour. The question is how mucn can
                                people make per hour in real world situations,
                                not in your fucking ideal setup. Get a fucking
                                clue and STFU. If you could realistically
                                make 15-20 an hour picking up soda cans
                                off the street bums wouldn't be on the
                                fucking street. Your idiocy amazes me.
                                Hell, if you want to rent a dump truck
                                you can pickup a couple tons of cans in
                                a minute. I mean, what kind of moron are you,
                                do you believe that you can actually get
                                exactly the MPG on a car day-in-day out?
                                Or do you believe in 100% efficiency in
                                conversion of energy? God, why do people
                                like you even bother to attend school?
                                Might as well give up your seat with someone
                                with half a brain of common sense.
                                \_ You don't fucking read, do you?
                                \_ I haven't posted in this thread yet, but
                                   I have to say, this is awesome.  You
                                   sir, are a total moron.  It's rare to
                                   see stupidity in such a pure state.
                                   \_ No shit.  If he had half a brain, he
                                      could easily have convinced me to spend
                                      my weekend running around tearing through
                                      trashcans with a camcorder and a
                                      stopwatch. His loss.
                       \_ Try it again with a shopping cart and see how it
2004/12/14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35290 Activity:very high
12/14   Soda brothers, I've found the girl of my dreams.  She's beautiful,
        kind, hardworking and has a great personality.  Be happy for me!
              \- Is she a bitmap?
                 \_ No, her name is Rosy Palm.
                    \_ "Looks like it's me and you again tonight, Rosy."
        \_ Good for you.  Now get her into a long term contract ASAP.
           \_ Are you kidding? He probably hasn't even asked her out yet.
              \_ good point
        \_ 5 minutes till someone says STFU
           \- i think "pix?" will come first.
              \_ Pix please?  Seriously.
        \_ Does she do anal?
           \- i stand corrected
        \_ Please define "found". If she's your gf, then I am happy for you,
           if you just found her, then good luck! :)
        \_ I was gonna ask if she was good in the sack, but someone sort
           of already asked that for me.
           \_ Because you define "good in the sack" as anal?
              \_ Not exactly. A woman can be good in the sack and not do
                 anal, but I have yet to meet any women who did anal
                 who were not good in the sack. I suppose it is possible.
                 who were not also good in the sack. I suppose it is possible.
                 \_ You mean you had more than one woman? Fuck off!
                    \_ I believe that is what was involved when he got
                       more than one woman!
           \_ what is "good in the sack"?
              \_ Doesn't struggle too much after you kidnap her.
                 \_ I didn't know we had an Iraqi here at the CSUA!
              \_ % webster sack
                 ... snip ...
                 5 a : HAMMOCK, BUNK b : BED
2004/12/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35266 Activity:high
12/13   How come education institutions are often filled with left-wing
        radicals? Why don't you see right-wing nuts in universities?
        \_ Because right wing nutjob busy learn proper grammer usage and
           sentence structure stead of go education institution.  -John
        \_ It's simple, right-leaners know the big bucks are in private
           industry, not academia.  are you a troll or stupid?  - danh
        \_ Apparently you don't go to enough frat parties. There are
           more than a few right-wingers out there. BTW, BCR was supposedly
           the biggest ASUC funded group on campus. Also, have you ever
           noticed the number of churches around campus?
           \_ Huh?  I'm fairly sure he means "working in educational
              institutions" not attending them.
              \_ What on earth would make you think one way or the other
                 from the original statement? Do you usually infer this
                 much from limited information? Anyway, most of the
                 professors in universities in the more technical
                 areas are rather neutral. Professors in biz schools
                 tend to be centrists or right of center. The left-wing
                 "nuts" are usually within the public policy humanities
                 with the rest of the humanities leaning heavily left.
                 \_ This observation is anecdotal at best.
                    \_ Which part do you think is wrong?  (Keeping in mind
                       pp probably meant this 'on average', not in reference
                       to any given person). -- ilyas
        \_ That would really depend on what you mean by "radical"
        \_ Because they are not Mac.
        \_ because right wingers don't go into education
        \_ right wingers get kicked out because they aren't Mac
        \_ Nazi skinheads don't make it out of high school.
2004/12/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas] UID:35262 Activity:very high
12/13   I didn't post the Fox link but I'm very upset that it got nuked
        so quickly. Dear nuker, I will give you ONE last warning before
        another 5 day nuke war. No more deletion or complete nuke.
        \_ could someone please figure out who this cocksucker is so we
           can get someone to sorry him?  or if politburo doesn't care to
           can get him sorried?  or if politburo doesn't care to
           at least ddos attack his server and slash his tires?
           by "this cocksucker" i mean op here.
           \_ Likely dgies, but he just needs to chill out.  I don't see
              how squishing him would affect anything
              \_ The assumption that there's only one person is wrong.
                 \_ I was speaking to "who is the op"
        \_ Haven't you heard?  Only _I_ nuke, and I certainly won't nuke
           Fox because it fits my heartless libertarian agenda.  It's
           pretty obvious you've hallucinated the whole thing. -- ilyas
           \_ i am too busy feeding my goldfish to properly respond to this
           \_ omgwtfbbq!
              \_ IC,NP!
        \_ Amusing that you are on your high horse about this, but are not
           concerned about the nuking of the very busy link to the story
           about the 5,000 American deserters. You are a tool.
2004/12/10-11 [Science, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35240 Activity:moderate
12/9    I'm bored.
        \_ Find a place to do your thrice-daily jacking-off
                                        \_ Impressive.
                                         \_ You just have to space 'em out
                                            over the day.  3 is easy!
                                            \_ who are you who are so wise in
                                               the ways of Masturbation?
        \_ Geez.  Just post a troll and get it over with.
           \_ has someone written a troll generator yet?
2004/11/23 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:35041 Activity:high
11/23   How do alumni losers score four (4) Rose Bowl tickets?  Is there any
        viable way other than staying on the phone on ticketmaster or buying
        them off Cal season ticket holders / current students?  I assume
        they're going to be $120 a pop.  Thanks in advance.
        \_ I'm still tryig to understand this alumni football thing.  Did
           you like  football as an undergrad also, or did you somehow get
           brainwashed after graduation?  -'98 alumnus who still hates football
           \_ Season tickets were much easier to get when our team wasn't
              as good.  I got to watch Cal slap San Jose St 55-0.
              -meyers, 96 alumnus who still likes football
           \_ Yes, I liked Cal football when I was an undergrad.  The band
              was great.  Mariucci was great for the year he was there.
              Tien was great while he was alive. -op '97
              \_  After all the things Tien did in his life before being
                  chancelor and after all the things he did for Berkeley,
                  I think it's pretty sad that alumni are remembering him
                  for his role as a cheerleader.
                  \_ I wasn't in school during Tien's reign but I think of him
                     fondly based on these stories, even the go beah
                     type.  The only time Berdahl ever got involved in any
                     school-spirit related activity was when he threatened
                     arrest for the frat guys who stole the Axe.  Fuck Berdahl.
                     Go Tien.  Go Beah!
                     \_ they stole the tree costume, and one of those guys
                        has recently become a regular poster on
                  \-i hate corrupt college sports but even i think this is
                    ridiculous. what is being acknowledged is tien's affection
                    for the instiution and the undergrad students. people
                    appreciate his non-aloofness compared to say ira michael
                    heyman. go beah! --psb
                    \_ Tien was the only UC chancellor/provost I've heard of
                       who made rounds of the libraries after midnight before
                       finals. His was a hell of an act to follow. -- ulysses
                       \- ROSEBUD! --psb
                  \_ I remember him for helping bring in shitloads of money.
                     - other alum
                  \_ That's a pretty cynical opinion. -op
           \_ Had my heart broken by Bears in the 1990 Big Game, am finally
              beginning to think they have a chance again. --erikred
              \_ I still can't believe it, and I went to 3 home games. I
                 mean, I'm still waiting for it to all fall apart. It's hard
                 to get rid of that negative mentality after so many years
                 of teh suck.
                 \_ Now multiply by 7, and that's how the Red Sox fans felt.
        \_ $120, heh.
2004/11/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:34847 Activity:very high 61%like:34850
11/11   Here's one for the Arafat trolls to chew on for a while:
        \_ Hell NO! We won't think!
        \_ You are right. It was so much easier when the Palestinians
           peacefully accepted their ethnic cleansing. I hate that bastard
           for daring to fight back.
           \_ Wow.  Revisionist history makes yet another appearance on the
              \_ What's revisionist about it?
                 \_ Um, 'ethnic cleansing'?
        \_ What's to chew on? Palestinians have used terrorism. Is this news?
           Shall we chew on that while ignoring Israeli occupation? How does
           that make sense?
        \_ wait a minute, so suicide bombing is evil, but killing civilans
           blindly using American donated Apache gunship, missiles,
           and tanks is perfectly ok?                   -peacenik
           \_ I think there's a substantial difference between thugs that
              TARGET civillians with carbombs and suicide bombers and
              beheadings as a tactic to control the people vs trying to
              kill the people that are doing this TO THEIR OWN COUNTRYMEN
              (mostly, anyhow).  The US is doing everything it can to
              minimize civillian deaths, but the remorseless insurgents
              must be eliminated.  I suspect that if the US just ... left
              ... that the people stepping forward to fill the vacuum would
              create a legacy hideous beyond describing.  It's rather sad
              that someone getting a Berkeley education would need this
              explained to them.  If you think the use of these weapons is
              blind, then honestly, you're saying you can't tell the
              difference between random violence against innocents and
              violence targeted against inherently violent people that have
              no respect for life.
              \_ in war, there's no such a thing as good civilians vs. evil
                 militants. The militants are the civilians, and at times
                 the civilians are the militants. The civilians give birth
                 for new militants, and they feed and shelter
                 each other, period. And by the way there's no such a
                 thing as Berkeley educated people having homogeneous
                 opinions, and in fact, not everyone on motd is educated
                 let along having a Berkeley degree. The idea that the
                 world is so black and white, is so Bush.
                 \_ It's not entirely binary, but there really are normal
                    civilians and thugs.  Civilians mostly just want to be
                    left alone.  Thugs terrorize them into giving them shelter,
                    etc.  You = m0r0n (the dangerous moral relativist kind)
                    \_ Come on, don't be so harsh.  Where would this world
                       be without Lenin's "useful idiots?"
2004/11/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:34679 Activity:nil
11/4    Wow, this motd has more trolls per line than any I've seen!  Way
        to troll, and way to bite guys!
2004/10/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:34439 Activity:kinda low
10/29   Fine.  You want to censor.  It's done.  Anything even remotely
        political is gone.
        \_ There goes all the technical stuff! go fuck yourself!
        \_ want some cheese with your whine?
        \_ Please tell me you're reacting to acutal censorship and not somebody
           simply overwriting your posts.
           \_ Of course he's not.  No one at the time was paying attention to
           \_ It seems lately that there is very little actual censorship, but
              lots of lazy clobbering of other people's posts.  I'm not
              counting "nukes" as censorship, which I guess is arguable.
              \_ So are you saying that people are deleting entire threads, or
                 or are you saying that some of your posts have gone missing
                 and you're sure it wasn't simply overwriting? Please reflect.
        \_ Like, ohmygawd.  Like I posted, and then 10 seconds later my
           post was gonE!1!  I'm, like, totally being oppressed!
           \_ OMG, it's ilyas!!
2004/10/25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:34327 Activity:high
10/25   [censor me, and the post dies]
        \_ Who censored what?  And how do you know it wasn't just a careless
           3rd party overwriting you?
           \_ Well, I can't answer for this guy, but I always make sure the
              comment makes it to /etc/motd before making any conclusions.
                -- ilyas
                -- ilya s
              \_ I am still ilyas the whiny little bitch, hear me wimper!
        \_ All I did was correct "noone" to "no one". Would someone please
           put the thread back?
2004/10/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:34281 Activity:nil 52%like:34282
Censorship sucks.  Censors doubly so.
\_ Well, you can wring your hands and moan, or do something about it.
   \_ Right!  You can adopt ilya's strategy too!  If censored, then by god,
      become censor yourself!  Yay!  Now no one gets any use out of motd!
2004/10/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:34079 Activity:high
10/12   OK, regarding my stupid idea of a motd book to make money for the
        CSUA below and the resultant copyright argument, I have a more
        fundamental question for the CSUA armchair lawyers (and for Bud Day):
        I was always under the impression that everything you do or say while
        a student/employee of UC, or while using UC property, or while
        thinking erotic thoughts about Ward Connerly automagically becomes
        100% property of UC, enforceable by the club-wielding UC copyright
        brigades?  -John
           Professors can publish independent academic papers and own the
           copyrights.  Students own what they produce unless they're
           working on a sponsored project.  UC owns what staff members produce
           unless it's done outside of the scope of their work and no
           university resources are used.  Except as otherwise provided for
           in the policy, UC owns copyright to works made with university
           resources.  -tom
        \_ I heard Fred von Lohmann, EFF senior staff attorney, discuss what's
           at the core of the copyright argument below.  This was informal
           discussion about two years ago, not paid legal advice, but it's
           certainly more accurate than the chicken little ``the sky is
           falling'' bullshit in the thread below.  Someone posed the
           question, ``Since (in the US) copyright springs into existence as
           soon as an original(*) work is fixed(+), aren't people who maintain
           public mailing list archives potentially exposing themselves to
           massive risks of litigation?''  His response was that it's never
           been tested in court so you can't completely discount the
           possibility, but in all likelihood, the act of posting to a public
           mailing list [or, for the purposes of the thread below, forum, e.g.
           soda's motd.public] also means you implicitly consent to the
           archival and reproduction of the post by the forum maintainers.
           As far as I know, it still hasn't been tested in court.

           As to the question of ``all your base are belong to the UC'' that's
           not really a question of copyrights, it's a question of contracts.
           This breaks down to a) What does the intellectual property
           assignment/ownership contract claim the UC (or any employer) owns?
           and b) Which of those claims are actually enforceable under
           California law?  I suspect that the set of enforceable claims for
           employees may differ from those for students, but don't actually

           So what's enforceable?  If you're using UC property, they
           definitely can claim ownership.  If it's done on your own time (not
           really an issue for students since the UC doesn't own any of their
           time) with your own resources, they can't.  Private companies can
           claim and sometimes enforce ownership of ip made on your own time
           with your own resources if the ip is directly related to their
           primary business interest(s), but I don't see how this could apply
           to the UC since it's a public institution and, cynical jokes aside,
           not really a business.

           In the specific case of the CSUA, it may be tricky to establish use
           of UC resources.  Since the ASUC is independent of the UC, it can
           be argued that the ASUC owns the CSUA's physical equipment, not the
           UC.  Furthermore, I'm doubtful that the UC could support ownership
           claim based soley on the use of network resources.  There's a
           peering exchange in the basement of Evans, and it would obviously
           be ridiculous if the UC claimed ownership of all data that travels
           through that exchange.  I'd be curious to see if there's any
           caselaw specifically addressing ip ownership claims and use of
           network resources.

           (*) The bar for original work is really low.  Oft-cited example,
           The white pages are merely a directory listing, and do not qualify
           as original work for the purposes of copyright.  The yellow pages,
           on the other hand, do qualify because they are organized by an
           original scheme.
           (+) Fixed means recorded, written down, or otherwise fixed in some
           medium.  Established caselaw states that data in RAM is considered
           fixed for the purposes of copyright.
           \_ So one upshot of all this is that being a student is better than
              being an employee as far as the legal status of IP you generate.
              Does that mean graduate students at the UC's are considered
              employees, since they're in a union, or are they students?
              This sounds like a great arguement against graduate student
              unionization.  As a graduate student at a private school, I am
              not considered an employee (in spite of the fact that I get paid
              and work fulltime), but the status of my IP, at least in terms
              of patents is identical to that of employees.
              \_ Graduate students are students, but work they do as employees
                 (for example, creating an exam for a course they're working
                 as a GSI for) is owned by UC.  A paper they create or publish
                 is still theirs.  -tom
                 \_ Is UC different from other institutions? At Caltech,
                    for instance, the university has the first rights to
                    any patents, software, etc. and only if they decline
                    those rights can the researchers own them. This is
                    true for papers just as well as any other research.
                    \_ Different institutions have different intellectual
                       property clauses in their contracts so, yes, the UC
                       will likely differ from other institutions. -dans
                       \_ Doesn't UC own the BSD work done by grad
                          students here?
                          \_ Yes, BSD is (C) the Regents.  It was largely
                             written on UC machines and in conjunction with
                             academic work.
2004/9/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33830 Activity:insanely high
9/29    (Wow, high SNR ratio today.)
        \_ Well, I guess it's about time I went to the ATM machine.  As long
           as it's CPU unit is working I'll use it's UI interface to deposit
           money in my IRA account.  Fucker.
           \_ What?  And learn "it's" usage.
              \_  Dear fuckwit, "it's" is a contraction of "it is."  Now
                  fuck off.
                  \_ It's precious is sensitive today.
        \_ We've been kept busy by yermom.
           \_ Why even post this?  It's not funny, creative, intelligent, or
              even an interesting part of csua culture.
              \_ Because the CSUA is full of crude, uncreative idiots?
                 Enjoy your stay!
                 \_ s/CSUA/motd/
                 \_ ^the CSUA^yermom
2004/9/28-10/2 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33793 Activity:nil
9/28    I have a cousin in France who would like to do an internship at
        UC Berkeley.  He is an undergrad majoring in networking and
        telecommunications.  I would be grateful if people could suggest
        possible labs, research groups, or people to contact. Thanks. -emin

         _ Restored by popular request  --motd selective un-nuke angel
        \_ Does anyone at Berkeley do internships like this for Ugrads?
           \_ I saw it happen one summer in a lab I was working in. But the
              guy (who was from an ivy league) had some personal connection
              to the prof.
              \-We had a math student from france here [LBL] for about
                6weeks but it is the first time we have done something
                like this. I dont know if we are going to continue to do
                this. But this was something the student secured sort of
                through individual initiative [writing to the prof etc]
                rather than applying to an existing program. Over the
                summer we might be interested in somebody with a good
                background in statistical decision making and tcp/ip
                networking, but not so much telecomm background. To be
                frank your relative is competing against grad students
                who are USA people ... so something has to make them
                worth it. The student in question was 1. a woman [so may
                have fallen under some women in science program] 2. from
                the ENS so she may have had some profs with personal
                connections to the division chair here. i only helped her
                with some programming problems so i dont know if she had
                a giant brain. --psb
2004/9/26-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33763 Activity:high
9/26    You know, while most of the alums failed to make it big during the
        dot com days there are quite a few others who did in fact make it
        big. Why don't they donate to CSUA? Why don't they wall anymore?
        They used to be liberals, did they suddenly change to stingy
        capitalistic Bush/Cheney supporters after they got rich? Is that why
        they no longer talk to us?
        \_ Years of banging yermom have left them bitter, grouchy and less
           likely to contribute $$$.
           \- Because the CSUA doesnt need money? How about donating to say
              3rd world literacy programs.
              \_ While basically true, in this case I don't think of the
                 CSUA as a charity, (I already donate a lot of money to
                 charities) but as a shared resource we're all using, and
                 should therefore support.
                        \- for what? to hire/stipend the sysadmin?
                           soda doesnt need any more resources ... maybe
                           nominally more disk, but the pburo ought to
                           run a "disk drive" rather than just give them
                           random cash.
                           \_ CPU-wise, SodaVI is gettinv a little long in the
                              tooth, especially with everyone running spam
                              \_ Shit, we just need that lottery system back.
                           \_ Unless things have changed since I left 9
                              mo. ago, Soda is not in need of more disk so
                              much as NEW disk.  Those TDAs are a mess and
                              could completely crash and burn at anytime.
                              And they take up too much rack space.
                 \_ Is there a convenient way to drop the CSUA the odd bit
                    of cash (i.e. via credit card?)  -John
                    \_ Yes and no, paypal has been suggested, and
                       Politburo set up an account, but they're still
                       working through the legalities with the ASUC.
                       Mailing a check to 343 Soda still works.
                           \_ What is the complete address? And who
                              do we make the check payable to?
                        \_ And costs me about 20 bucks to do from abroad, and
                           a lot of people refuse to use paypal, myself
                           included.  Oh well.  -John
                           \_ Politburo is open to suggestions.  What
                              would you prefer?
                              \_ Anonymous untraceable E-Gold.
                              \- The time has come for:
                 \_ What was the point of this link?  Is it supposed to be
                    \_ Would you trust her to spend your CSUA donation money
                       \_ This link is bs and really proves nothing.
        \_ Does the politburo have a proposal for what the donations would
           be used for?
           \_ Upgrading Soda.
              \_ Is there something more specific?  What will the upgrade
           \_ I will personally attest that all donations made to the CSUA
              during this time, unless otherwise specifically noted, will go
              toward the hardware upgrade (and we'll actually ask each
              donator to make sure).  We're also making a commitment to
              actually acknowledge and thank people who donate so that people
              don't think we're a group of ungrateful children.

              As for what our plans are, we're planning on upgrading soda to
              a dual xeon machine with a pile of ram and piles of
              fault-tolerant disk.  During this time, we're also planning on
              making upgrades to scotch and a general reshuffling of some of
              the servers to fix some of the issues that we're having right
              now.  (For example, we've been contemplating some fixes to soda
              getting CPU hosed by procmail and spamass processes, one of the
              fixes being to offload mail processing)  Nothing is set in
              stone though; we have to see what kind of funds we'll have to
              do this.  I'll post more in a few days about more of the
              specifics and our needs from the community.
              - jvarga
              \_ Dual 90nm Xeons?  Soda goes **FOOM**! -anonymous critic
2004/9/24-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33747 Activity:moderate
9/24    Soda Mark V needs to find a new home; specifically anywhere but in the
        office.  Therefore we are putting your beloved former home up for
        auction.  Priority goes first to the highest bidder if there is one,
        then to whomever claims it and provides a means to get it out of our
        office, then lastly to ENS.  The machine appears to be mostly in tact,
        minus the hard drives (campus rules say we have to wipe or remove hard
        drives, and we're lazy).  No extra cables (power, keyboard, etc) will
        be provided; just what is already in the case.  A picture and the specs
        can be found at .  I'll
        try to address any questions here on the motd.  MOTD wipers, please
        leave this post in tact for a while.  Thanks.
        - jvarga
        \_ If the drives haven't yet been removed, why not just dd if=/dev/zero
           \_ That would require me to plug it in and boot it up and that
              violates my strict code of "don't do more than you have to to
              make people think you've done something." - jvarga
              \_ Well a machine with SCSI controller and disks is a whole lot
                 more useful than a machine with a SCSI controller and no disk.
                 \_ Of course, but the point is to get soda for nostalgia
                    purposes, not really for a working machine.  For $20 you
                    can probably find a more powerful machine at any salvage
                    shop.  I suppose if someone really wants the disks, I'm
                    willing to supervise them doing the wipe themselves.
                    - jvarga
        \_ Why not put that thing in the official motd? motd.public is prone to
           fickle storms of destruction.
           \_ Considered that, but people can't make direct replies.  I've got
              a saved copy of my post if someone blows this away.  But just
              remember this: I am squish happy and shall rampage like none
              other if I so please.  Either that or I'll just post it again.
              Whichever requires the least effort. - jvarga
           \_ I'm sure some alumni can get together to pitch in a dollar
              and give not quite so old soda a new home.
        \_ jvarga, the public motd is reserved for alum who have nothing
           better to do and is a place for jokes and/or heated political
           discussion. Your post does not fall into these categories, so
           I will nuke it in an hour. Also I don't appreciate the fact that
           you, pst, and politburo have been ignoring my emails for the past
           2 months.
        \_ Who could possibly be interested in that piece of junk? Just
           throw it away.
           \_ This whole thread is a good example of what lazy dumbasses
              the current Politburo is.
                \_ how lazy is Politburo?
                   How lazy?
                   It is so lazy, it doesn't want to squish people anymore.
                \_ if you have such a problem with them maybe you should
                   just give up your soda account.
                \_ Huh?  You're gonna have to explain that one.  Ever
                   since we upgraded Soda, Soda V has been in the office,
                   and every politburo has said, "We're gonna auction it
                   to the allumni... someday"  So, now that this politburo
                   actually DOES something about it, they're lazy.
2004/9/23 [Industry/Jobs, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33719 Activity:nil
9/23    Why is it that if I post a political troll, I get 3 pages of
        discussion, but I'm lucky if I can get one trollish replay to a
        technical question?
        \_ Nobody cares about computers at the CSUA.
        \_ Because your technical question is stupid.
           \_ That and you don't know the answer.
              \_ Possibly.  But no one on motd answered...
2004/9/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas] UID:33636 Activity:moderate
9/20    censor one, censor all
        \_ Someone's a dipshit and you wanted to one-up them?
\_ Are you trying to teach someone a lesson? Did mommy not give you a cookie?
\_ WWID, What Would Ilya Do?  Why is anyone surprised at motd censorship
   anymore?  -meyers
        \_ Are you trying to teach someone a lesson? Did mommy not give you
           a cookie?
        \_ WWID, What Would Ilya Do?  Why is anyone surprised at motd
           censorship anymore?  -meyers
           \_ It's true.  I am the patron demon of motd censorship, gun
              violence, and pollution.  The infernal hierarchy is pleased
              with my work so far.  I ll try to outlaw homosexuals next.  On
              a completely unrelated note, uh... meyers, buddy, you need to
              find more material to post about.  You can't have such a one-
              track mind.  You are the most boring regular signer on the
              motd.  -- ilyas
              \_ ilyas vs. meyers.  FIGHT!!
2004/9/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33593 Activity:nil
        \_ And don't forget your articles.  Dumbass.
           \_ i'm so stupid <- I am with stupid
2004/9/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33546 Activity:very high
9/15    It would be nice to have a list of the current politburo members
        on motd.official.
        \_ with pictures.  in fact, just a picture of karen will do.
           \_ Here, again: - pst:
           \_ Why not just friendster her. I'm sure she's on there.
              \_ actually she's not, she's on - pst
                \_ pst, call me, 301-948-3103                   -sophomore
                   \_ SOPHMORE STALKER ALERT!!!!
           \_ Misleading troll deleted.
              \_ Go eat an aborted fetus, why don't you.
           \_ Who is the karen? -97 grad who havn't been back...
              \_ are you confusing karen and kane?
                 \_ who's kane?
                    \_ KANE IS A LESBIAN!
                       \_ Well, that changes the meaning of the "rosebud"
2004/9/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:33402 Activity:nil
9/7     Why is jwang censoring the motd?
        \_ What is he censoring?
        \_ He's bitter about being named after a typewriter?
           \_ wang >> typewriter
              \_ Okay, sorry, word processor.
                 \_ what i mean is wang >> wang-an
        \_ And again?
        \_ And again?!  jwang just doesn't stop!
           \_ SQUISH!!! SQUIIIIIISHH!!!! -- Baron Harkonnen
        \_ Has jwang no shame?
        \_ jwang, why do you hate America?
           \_ You mean, why does he hate the motd?
              \_ that much should be obvious.
2004/8/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32925 Activity:high
8/16    Let's pool our resources and try to get the Bananasplit Troll a new
        job, so he doesn't have so much time on his hands.  Either that or
        a RealDoll or something.
        \_ Isn't that making a deal with the terrorist?
           \_ Only if someone's afraid of the trolls.
              \_ Why do you hate trolls?
2004/8/16 [Politics, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32922 Activity:nil
        \_ yermom
        \_ What is wrong with it? It's a kind program.
        \_ I was thinking about this the other day-- does soda have any policy
           regarding dead members?  Can I elect someone to get my home dir
           upon my untimely demise?
        \_ "This is the biggest con since Genghis!"
2004/8/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32906 Activity:very high
8/14    I demand that we squish tom and unsquish kchang!!!
        \_ I second that nomination. Here are my reasons:
           tom: petty, insults people, hogs up he wall, deletes motd,
                and is squish-happy (in regard to kchang and paolo)
                                        Is paolo squished also? _/
           kchang: provides entertainment by making stupid comments,
                archives motd, and drives tom crazy (big bonus)
        \_ I demand that we squish all the anonymous psychopaths.  Don't
           worry, it'll all get better when you graduate college. -John
           \_ What does anonymity have to do with it?  Why not just squish
              psychopaths?  As if being a non-anonymous psycho is ok?
                \_ I've known Tom for ~12 years, and can say fairly
                   confidently that (a) he's not a psycho, (b) he tells
                   idiots that they're idiots, flat out, and (c) he has
                   the guts to sign his name to statements telling idiots
                   that they're idiots.  The above is just another example
                   of "hey, I'm a lame coward, squish xyz".  -John
                   \_ read Federalist Paper.
                      \_ You should learn this:
                   \_ You misunderstand.  I'm not saying tom is a psycho.
                      I'm questioning what you think anonymity has to do
                      with anything.  I don't think anyone needs to be
                      squished and the ones we have seen to date should
                      not have happened.
        \_ We can't squish tom.  He's our living example that being unpopular
           isn't the only reason we squish people.  As unpopular as tom
           might be, he hasn't been arbitarily squished.  Everyone else
           gave good reason for their squishage.
           \_ Is that the only reason he's still here?  As an example of our
              collective goodness?
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32554 Activity:nil
7/28    Okay, why are all my nukular explosions and biohazard attacks
        \_ Son, motd has been here a long time.  That sort of crap has been
           done far more artistically by other more imaginative trolls.
           Put simply so you understand: it's boring.
           \_ oh yeah?  tell me what's not boring on the motd?
              censorship is censorship.
              \_ Oh go ahead, ye arbiter of cool.
                 \_ not me, the arsehole who censored my asciiart
        \_ The SNR is low enough already.
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32550 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto
7/28    Nuklear test deleted: No above ground testing
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32548 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto
7/28    Second nuclear test deleted.  Don't make us invoke UN sanctions.
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32545 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto
7/28    No nuclear simulations during peak hours, it lags the machine for
        everyone else.
        \_ But the Los Alamos machines are too slow!
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32544 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto
7/28    Nuclear cleanup crew was here
        \_ Kerry was most likely a part of it
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32542 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto
7/28    Only computer viruses can hurt the motd.
        \_ Biohazard attack averted by judicious use of duct tape and plastic
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32540 Activity:high Cat_by:auto
7/28    continued deletion of politics threads will lead to nuclear war.
        you have been warned.
        \_ aww, poor trollie, are we hurting your feelings?
        \_ I just think some of the people deleting the threads are just
           upset at being made to look like an idiot.
                \_ yeah that's it.
2004/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32521 Activity:very high
7/27    Who started the "Why do you hate America" retort (on soda)?
        \_ Maybe PSB?
        \_ Someone who can't keep his repetitive comebacks on topic.  He's
           always slapping it at random on posts that don't say anything
           like that.  But if it makes him happy to add nothing, that's
           ok.  The best I ever got out of him was it was used a few times
           by some talking heads on TV and a claim of motd use but no
           backing for that claim.  It *could* have been brilliant but the
           way it's used is just stupid.
        \_ Someone who read
        \_ It's retorts like this that will destabilize the motd for
           generations to come!
           \_ Nonono, it shall "destroy motd credibility around the world for
              generations!".  What would happen to the motd if we were to
              lose credibility around the world?!  MY GOD!  IT'S UNTHINKABLE!
        \_ It has become the STANDARD parody of the conservative capitalization
           of the post-9/11 upsurge of patriotism.
           \_ I am impressed.  I can't even make a joke about ed being the
              standard.  What gives?
                \_ You must hate America.  -John
                   \_ See?  Now *this* was a good use of an otherwise
                      useless line.
2004/7/23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32447 Activity:high
        "Why do you hate America?" has made it to the comics.
        \_ Except this is being used exactly the opposite of the motd poster.
           \_ Nah, I would say that is being used in exactly the same way.
              \_ You would say that but you'd be wrong.
                 \_ You are stupid. Sorry to say this, but someone has to.
                    When someone uses the phrase "Why do you hate America?"
                    on the motd, it is used as a stock phrase to rebutt
                    any strong attack on the Bush Administation. It is
                    used to make fun of the right wing tendency to grab
                    for the flag whenever they are attacked. This comic
                    is doing the exact same thing, pretending to use
                    a patriotic defense in order to make fun of those
                    who do it. Too bad you are too dumb to realize this.
                    \_ Do you really believe all that?  Wow.  I didn't think
                       anyone was really that blindly stupid.  You went to Cal?
                       \_ Yep, I really believe all that. What do you believe
                          smart guy?
                          \_ I believe you're taking yourself and a silly
                             phrase way too seriously.  YHBT.
2004/7/22 [Politics, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32423 Activity:nil
7/2     So who's the ranting racist guy below (see '50s thread) and why has
        his putrid slime managed to live so long without being censored?
        \_ Because it's an obvious troll.  If it was a bit reasoned people
           might get more pissed off.
        \_ If you delete it, people will scream censorship and post more junk.
2004/7/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:32283 Activity:nil
7/14    So just out of curiousity, what drives the need to restore all the below
        drivel?  I know, I know, censorship is bad, but really its just drivel.
        Why do you care?
2004/6/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30878 Activity:very high
6/17    How do these people go over the mail quota??

-rw-rw----  1 caliban        mail   17031116 Jun 17 15:59 caliban
-rw-rw----  1 adam           mail   17063887 Jun 17 15:59 adam
-rw-rw----  1 muchandr       mail   17104892 Jul 15  2003 muchandr
-rw-------  1 phoy           mail   17235821 Jun 17 12:42 phoy
-rw-------  1 edmund         mail   17260314 Jun 17 15:38 edmund
-rw-rw----  1 katster        mail   17276627 Jun 17 15:51 katster
-rw-------  1 andylei        mail   17313471 Jun 17 08:56 andylei
-rw-------  1 jlanse         mail   17554493 Jun 17 14:33 jlanse
-rw-rw----  1 deschan        mail   17571738 Jun 16 22:07 deschan
-rw-rw----  1 alanc          mail   17586824 Jun 17 15:55 alanc
-rw-rw----  1 hankwong       mail   17637250 Jun 17 15:30 hankwong
-rw-------  1 mh             mail   17686229 Jun 17 15:52 mh
-rw-------  1 karthik        csua   17699197 Jun 16 23:58 karthik
-rw-------  1 hoangla        mail   17775223 Jun 13 20:34 hoangla
-rw-rw----  1 blyon          mail   17784451 Jun 17 15:15 blyon
-rw-------  1 davecw         mail   17915799 Jun 17 13:44 davecw
-rw-rw----  1 pad            mail   18120443 Jun 17 15:44 pad
-rw-------  1 dizzy          mail   18153447 Jun 17 15:57 dizzy
-rw-------  1 adr            mail   18169838 Jun 17 15:59 adr
-rw-------  1 conrad         mail   18259689 Jun 17 15:17 conrad
-rw-rw----  1 marc           mail   18391040 Jun 16 19:53 marc
-rw-------  1 bob            mail   18620381 Jun 17 14:49 bob
-rw-rw----  1 shieh          mail   18759669 Jun 17 15:40 shieh
-rw-------  1 mel            mail   19134446 Jun 17 15:58 mel
-rw-r--r--  1 nivra          csua   19247689 Mar 12 12:29 nivra
-rw-------  1 philb          mail   20225961 Jun 17 15:07 philb
-rw-------  1 milesm         mail   20487765 Jun 17 15:42 milesm
-rw-------  1 uctt           mail   20929716 Jun 17 15:46 uctt
-rw-rw----  1 niliu          mail   20938180 Jun 17 15:59 niliu
-rw-------  1 vlin           mail   20938590 Jun 17 11:28 vlin
-rw-rw----  1 njh            mail   27690498 Jun 17 15:54 njh
-rw-rw----  1 georgy         mail   29240141 Jun 17 15:29 georgy
-rw-rw----  1 ajaffe         mail   33219104 Jun 17 15:59 ajaffe
\_ Hard quota is 20M
   A few of them have higher quotas for various reasons.  Ask root.
\_ Pact with Satan.
   \_ finger: satan: no such user
      \_ The greatest trick Satan ever accomplished was making people think
         he doesn't exist.
\_ More importantly, why does nivra insist on making his mail spool
   world readable?
   \_ Cry for help.
           \_ That was... odd.  Maybe even NSFW. Although it's just text.
           \_ Someone send that to his wife.
      \_ Someone should probably tell him in case he didn't see this on motd.
        \_ It's mostly spam.
   \_ I'm tempted to make my mail world readable to see if motd'ers have enough
      free time to read my boring mail for fun.
2004/6/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30730 Activity:insanely high
6/10    Dear CSUA, newbies I invite you to join an elite forum called WALL.
        To enable it, just type "wall y".                       -wall God
        \_ And to contribute your own worthless effluvia, type "wallall"
        \_ If you were a god of anything, you'd know how to use a fucking
        \_ Or, in a session type:
           tail -100 -f /csua/wall_log
        \_ Elite?  You're kidding right?
        \_ The only thing the wall is good for is to give a few knuckleheads
           a place to blow off steam without mushing up the motd.  The wall
           logs reveal the most bored people on the planet.  Get jobs.
           \_ I think most of the people walling HAVE jobs and are at them.
              \_ Then they need to start earning their pay.  Or are they on
                 wall getting paid to chat so they can stick it to The Man?
           \_ No.  Wall is for partha to give live play-by-play of cricket
              matches being held halfway around the world.
                \_ Or meaningless sports banter of any kind.
        \_ ~dbushong/bin/wallchat -h for the non-l33t.  Be nice and use \
2004/6/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30705 Activity:very high
6/9     Hey, what happened to the sodomize kngharv posts?
        \_ Perhaps somebody has already renedered the suggestion moot?
        \_ Better question: What's up with all the sodomize posts?
           \_ Some annoying people just scream sodomy.
        \_ and mind you that in your world, sodomy is still illegal.
        \_ kngharv got scared and learned to indent, so the message was
           not needed anymore.
           \_ no.  i got sick of looking at kngharv's messed up posts
              and indented them for him.
                \_ thank you indentd guy. I think there should be some form
                   of punishment for 80 column violators, paragraph
                   interruptors, and other haines things people do to motd,
                   otherwise, these violators will keep on doing what they're
                   good at doing... fucking up the motd. I propose we
                   squish these violators for a week to teach them a lesson.
2004/6/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30684 Activity:very high
6/8     sodomize jrleek!
        \_ huh?
2004/6/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30669 Activity:insanely high
6/8     Stop censoring. You've just activated the 1 day nuke campaign.
        \_ nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke of perl...
        \_Wow, you're a jerk. -jrleek
           \_ Nice!
        \_Wow, you're a leek. -lrjeek
          \_ Man, if you're gonna skrew with my name do it right! -urgeek
        \_ Who the fuck do you think you're punishing?  Just give up on your
           stupid temper-tantrum.
        \_ So, I guess this guy went away.
2004/6/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30605 Activity:moderate
6/4     Please don't nuke the motd.
        \_ I don't think that was an intentional nuke, but someone's editor
           freaking because /TMP IS FULL!!!!
           \_ It looks like some version of motdedit is writing temp files
              there instead of maybe /csua/tmp.  Bad idea?  Also mconst
              has a bunch of pngs in there.
              \_ /csua/tmp fills up more often than /tmp
                 \_ But doesn't start to take down basic shell commands and
                    mail programs.
2004/5/30-31 [Politics/Domestic, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30497 Activity:very high
5/30    Is there some reason psb shouldn't win the election?
        \_ nil
        \_ Man, I ask about one of the most famous CSUA catch phrases, and
           the answer is nil.
           \_ It seemed self evident.  RIDE BIKE!
              \_ ED!  ED!  ED is the STANDARD!  CSUA President.
        \_ psb for president of the United States! psb #1 fan.
           \_ Too late for this round.
2004/5/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30468 Activity:moderate
5/27    Rooted!
        \_ Why do you hate Wesley Crusher?
           \_ Why not?
2004/5/24-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30397 Activity:high
5/24    Why does idiotic argument over the precise meaning of a dangling
        participle get left, while ongoing mostly civil dicussion over
        poverty in America get censored?
        \_ Why do you hate the motd?
        \_ Why do you hate white people?
        \_ there was a discussion about dangling particples?  and I missed it?
2004/5/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30373 Activity:nil
5/23    Hey, you're right!  Censoring the opposition is a lot easier than
        responding to them!  I'm going to give this a try for a while instead
        of replying to the same idiocy and see how it goes.  Why was I
        bitiching about people censoring my views all this time instead of
        just doing the same in return?  After all, who has time for a real
        debate, especially if it's just going to get erased in less time
        than it took to respond?  Go Go Gadet Leftist Censorship!
        \_ If you're Left or Right, please don't censor.  Thank you.
2004/5/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30286 Activity:nil
5/19    drivel, drivel, drivel, drivel,drivel,drivel,drivel,drivel.
2004/5/17 [Recreation/Humor, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30251 Activity:high
5/17    Anyone know a guy named "Darin" who made a film about life in
        Soda a few years ago?  Mail me if you know how to contact him.
        Thanks. --jeffwong
        \_ try mailing darin@csua.
           \_ Nope, that's not me. --darin
              \_ Darin, who's Megan?  That's a great portfolio.
                 \_ I think the name McGill might be a hint.
                    \_ Sister, wife, or cousin? Believe me, a little detail
                       like this could avoid social awkwardness later on.
                    \_ Can I make a preemptive request to avoid yersister
                       jokes and just double up on yermom jokes? -!darin
                       \_ yermom likes doubling up.
2004/5/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30073 Activity:high
5/6     [ all threads up to most recent censored one go, tom ]
        \_ you can keep blaming me if you want, but you're wrong.  -tom
           \_ You are the bogeyman for the 21st century CSUA.  I hope the
              politburo catches you before the next election. -- ilyas
              \_ Is he really the bogeyman if he really is the motd censor?
                 \_ Yes, even then, because censoring the motd for content
                    reasons is stupid, not evil. -- ilyas
                    \_ Doesn't intent matter re: stupid vs. evil?
2004/5/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30068 Activity:very high
5/6     Some of my posts lived less than 4 hours. If this keeps up I will
        start my 5 day motd nuke campaign.
        \_ again?
        \_ would you please mark your posts in some way so we won't blow
           them away accidentally?
        \_ just ask tom to stop censoring your stuff.  if you ask nicely and
           fluff his ego a bit it might help.
           \_ Just what evidence do ppl have accusing him of censorship?
              \_ I'll rise to the bait.  Tom is direct, opinionated, often
                 wrong, and occasionally abusive, but your type takes the
                 cake in the pathetic, cowardly loser department.  Give it
                 up, you sad no-life fuck.  You're neither witty nor
                 insightful (nor am I but I'm not trying to be.)  You are
                 worthy of nothing but scorn, bottom-feeder.  -John
                 \_ Who are you replying to?  The guy who wants to know why
                    people accuse tom of being the censor or the guy who said
                    tom censors?  I didn't see anyone trying to be witty.
              \_ Tom is a loser on many fronts, but I doubt this is he.
                 There are a lot of more obvious Tom-bashing threads
                 which persist for a while.  -Tom Watcher #1
                 \_ He doesn't censor threads about himself because he loves
                    attention and conflict.  I've caught him any number of
                    times.  When busted he makes up some lame reason why a
                    thread doesn't belong on the motd.  Then he gets put in
                    his place and censors the whole thing, I assume because
                    there's a difference between conflict and looking stupid.
                    \_ Can you put your evidence somewhere?  Why are you
                       making an anonymous accusation?  Is this about Tom
                       or about his political view, meaning he censors
                       when he can't argue about a topic?
                       \_ No, I think this is about Tom.  He's an artful
                          combination of unpleasant characteristics, his
                          politics aside.
                          \_ I wouldn't know his politics since he never posts,
                             only censors.  (now some twit will find a random
                             political post from tom from 1993)
                             \_ You're being obtuse; you can yourself find
                                political comments signed by me, as recently
                                as yesterday.  -tom
                                \_ Like I said.  Yes, you have *very* recently
                                   started posting, but prior to the last 2
                                   weeks you have a multi year record of
                                   censorship without comment.  I find your
                                   hypocritical actions particularly amusing.
                                   You abuse others for not signing when they
                                   reply or post but then commit the crime of
                                   anonymous censorship.  *And* I've seen you
                                   go back several times to keep deleting a
                                   topic you don't want others to talk about.
                                   You're a hypocrite *and* a liar.  You're a
                                   man of low moral character and have earned
                                   the disrespect and contempt of others as
                                   seen on the motd over the years.
                                   \-Let me speak honestly, frankly,
                                     openheartedly. You are a liar.
                                        --Le Duc Tho to Henry Kissinger
                   \_ After so many comments, I am still waiting to see ANY
                      evidence that he censored the motd.
2004/5/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:30018 Activity:very high
5/5     csua is for current students and alumi. but what about people who
        are neither? say i have a friend from ucsd who wants to post on
        motd/wall. it can't be done, right? fine. how about former ucb
        students who still use the system but don't fall into either
        categories anymore? shouldn't they get the same treatment?
        \_ All former UCB students are "alumni"
           \_ alunmi=people who have diplomas.
              \_ Not according to the Alumni Association
                        \_ There's a reason Texas A&M has an "Association
                           of Former Students."
                           \_ what, they're too stupid to know what
                              "alumni" actually means?
                 \_ Considering the goal of the alumni association is to get
                    donations from alumni, it makes sense for them to define
                    alumni rather broadly.
                    \_ question for you: how much did tom donate in the past
                       12 years when he got a cushy job, bought a house,
                       and spent $$$ on bike equips while we starving
                       students had to put up with his abuse?
                       \_ I've donated more than you, almost certainly.
                          And I think the CSUA is still using my boombox.
                    \_ how is that in conflict with the CSUA's goals?
              \_ According to the places that matter, including oxford, alumni
                 is someone who "went" to a school, took a class.  You do not
                 have to finish.  Technically, I am an alum of caltech.
                 \_ fuck oxford. Berkele>Oxford.
                 \_ awsome, I'm a Furd alum as well! -SITN taking forever
                 \_ Did you flameout, too? -ausman caltech (82-84)
                    I think you have to matriculate to be considered alum
                    btw, not just "take a class."
                    \_ the weird thing about CAA is that anyone who took
                       12 units at any UC is eligible to join as a lifetime
                       member; I don't think this is the case for any other
                       UC alumni association
        \_ alumni maintain presence after graduation, but only current
           berkeley students/faculty/staff may join the csua.
        \_ Why boot a member who left UCB before graduation?  They probably
           know people here.
           \_ because the person is referring to tom.
              \_ If true, that won't work anyway, since I'm current staff. -tom
                \_ staff of what, soda hall's IT or UC Regents IT? If the
                   ladder, it won't count.
                   \_ I think you're wrong.  Should be all UCB staff.  Tom's
                      an example of UCB staff.
2004/4/29-30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:13482 Activity:kinda low 80%like:13489
4/29    Help, Al Qaeda has infiltrated csua and is nuking motd!!!
        \_ Help!  FOBs have inflitrated the CSUA and are posting barely
           grammatical, article-less sentences!
2004/4/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:13438 Activity:nil 80%like:32719
4/28    Motd Nuked!!
2004/4/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:13437 Activity:high
4/28    Why do people troll?
        \_ Do why troll people!
        \_ You're too stupid to understand.
2004/4/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:13179 Activity:very high
4/13    Write a gore story for writing class, get expelled, teacher fired.   (chronicle and why censor this??)
        \_ There's a free speech rally going on in front of the school
           right now (well about 20mins ago, anyways) on new montgomery.
        \_ Al Gore invented censorship.
           \_ wow! that just never stops being funny.  in fact, I think that
              every time it's pointed out that he never said that,
              and that people who were at the event where he supposedly said
           \_ a kid i knew in jr. high typed in the lyrics to "last caress"
              by the Misfits in his typing class.  straight to the school
              counselor.  of course back in those days, they just figured
              out he was ok and let him go.
           \_ When my little brother was in the third grade, all of his
              stories ended with the end of the world.  The violent, grisly
              end of the world.  That's our boy.
        \_ Al Gore invented censorship.
              that tried unsuccsessfully to kill this media monster it just
              gets funnier!  Keep up the good work.  Don't forget about the
              Kerry/intern story your man drudge just made up out of thin
              air that seems to have dissapeard.
        \_ Heh, this reminds me of the mildly violent stories my brother
           used to write for class.  He got sent to the school counsler.
           He said it was the only time in his life he'd been litererally
           bored to tears.
           \_ a kid i knew in jr. high typed in the lyrics to "last caress"
              by the Misfits in his typing class.  straight to the school
              counselor.  of course back in those days, they just figured
              out he was ok and let him go.
           \_ When my little brother was in the third grade, all of his
              stories ended with the end of the world.  The violent, grisly
              end of the world.  That's our boy.
2004/4/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:13173 Activity:nil
4/13    Hi, just a general note, I never censor replies to my posts. -- ilyas
        \_ that's nice.  whatever.
           \_ I would have put this in the appropriate thread where someone
              accused me of doing this, but that thread got censored.  However,
              I felt the need to say it.  I ll leave debate by censorship to
              the authoritarians.  -- ilyas
2004/4/2-3 [Politics, Uncategorized/Profanity, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:12990 Activity:nil
4/2     Fuck your selective censorship. If you want to delete stuff, delete
        fairly, not just threads that get a lot of discussion.
        \_ LIGHT CANDLE!
        \_ Better, yet, don't delete stuff.  It only encourages all these
           politics assholes to post even more.  If the censor left it all
           alone the politics people would get bored and go away once they
           saw that their ranting never goes anywhere but the censor never
           lets them get to that point so it goes on and on....
           \_ Stuff over 1 day old is fair game to delete. It's just the
              censor usually deletes certain things within hours or less,
              and surgically choosing particular ones for no good reason.
              \_ Exactly.  If he left everything alone the politics morons
                 would finally get a chance to get it out of their system and
                 go away so we could talk about sports and linux again the way
                 the motd was meant to be.
2004/2/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Science] UID:12356 Activity:high
2/22    Which soda user would you be most interested in reading a blog by?
        On movies, social trends, politics, technology etc.
        \_ it's a toss between psb and BDG. BTW, can we get whung a CSUA
           \_ psb?  we get enough of him already.
           account?                    \- join me and let us rule
                                          the blogverse together --parth vader
                                          \_ Can I still sleep with my sister?
                                                -- BDGwalker
           \_ psb?  we get enough of him already.       \- i dont recommed
                                                           blogging about it
        \_ danh
2004/2/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29792 Activity:moderate
2/10    Why was the outsourcing thread deleted?!  I thought it was
        relevant material for the CSUA and it clearly had a lot
        of interest.
        \_ racism.
           \_ what racism? you stupid censoring git.
              \_ Omg, he was serious!?  I think I see what the motd censor's
                 trip is now.  He is the solemn faced enforcer of higher
                 human values on the motd.  Yeah that's it.  It's a thankless
                 job but someone has to do, when we grow up we ll thank him,
                 \_ We'll grow up and pretend baaad stuff like racism doesn't
                    exist. Racism cannot be discussed among us children.
                    The world is made of sanitized plastic and we should all
                    post about C++ and RFCs with shit-eating grins on our faces.
2004/2/10-13 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:12189 Activity:low
2/10    The ASUC Elections Council is now accepting applications for the
        position of Technical Coordinator! see /csua/pub/jobs/ASUC
        \_ Heh, the odds of a technically clued student/person getting
           this job are about zero.  It is ASCU, afterall.
           \_ Nope, it's ASUC.
           this job are about zero.  It is ASUC, afterall.
           \_ Actually, I know the Election Council folks.  They're honest,
              and they know when they don't know something and need to ask for
              help.  I also have some insight into this matter that you don't.
              They'll probably do okay. -dans
              \_ insight?  so you know who the pre-chosen candidate is and
                 they just need a few warm bodies to fill out the roster to
                 make it look clean and legal?
                 \_ No, I put together the folks from the CSUA and the OCF
                    that made this happen last year, and defacto did this job.
                    If I say ``This candidate is an idiot, don't hire him/her,
                    they will take my advice.''  The original comment
                    indicates a complete and utter lack of knowledge of how
                    the ASUC works.  While the ASUC does lots of stupid things,
                    not everyone involved in the ASUC is an idiot. -dans
        \_ MOCK
2004/1/10-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11736 Activity:low
1/9     Work for, cuz we don't suck. Well, actually, we probably
        do, but at least we know it. see /csua/pub/jobs/HOTorNOT
        \_ What is the geographic location of this job? The post and the
           website give no indication.
           \_ Positions available at junior high schools around the country.
        \_ do you really think that "find the hidden message" crap says
           anything about your applicants?
           \_ we've already seen that one anyway. come up with something new.
           \_ Downtown Berkeley.
           \_ Yes, for one thing, it says they have read the posting.  It
              means that they cared enough about applying to figure out the
              (easy) trick.  This is an easy and effective way to keep from
              getting a bunch of resumes from "shotguners".  And if it turns
              off hate-filled, judgemental h0zers such as yourself, that is
              probably a big plus too. -phuqm
        \_ fire whoever came up with the idea for being uncreative. i'm pretty
           sure someone else did that a few months ago, same word as well.
           \_ I totally don't get it. Does that mean I couldn't work
              there? Would I want to work for a place that does this?
              \_ it's silly, and not original at all. just look at the first
                 letters of each paragraph.
        \_ Real nice of y'all to berate those who might be doing some Sodans
           a favor by posting a job listing. God forbid you're ever unemployed.
        \_ d00d, it's hotornot - if you're going to find a hidden word in
           the job posting for any place you work for that you could still
           tell yermom honestly about, shouldn't this be it?
        \_ Rosebud!
          \_ bingo!!
2004/1/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29743 Activity:high
1/5     Re: stupid sfgate troll thread below.
        Sweeping generalizations are bad, mmkay people?
        \_ I'm sure you get this all the time, but just in case:
           you're an ass.
           \_ Oh, sweeping generalizations are good?
              \_  no, but contentless posts about how some other post is
                  a troll are dumb.
2003/12/23 [Reference/Tax, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29732 Activity:nil
12/23  Okay. Let's try this again before we all get coal in the old stocking.
       motd nuked. Play nice.
        \_ God bless us, every one!
        \_ Nah, I've got a hard-on for this $2,000 per average family tax
           increase the nuker keeps prattling on about.
2003/12/23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29731 Activity:nil
12/22   Fuck you right winger nut bags for censoring my "Clinton can connect
        the Al Qaeda/Iraqi dots, why can't Bush?" thread.
        \_ I still don't get your fucking conclusion, perhaps you should
           study fucking basic logic. How the fuck does your article
           help your stupid commie cause? So what if you dems knew about
           Al Quida and Iraq, you didn't do shit about it like
           Bush did.
        \_ Bad Troll, no cookie.
        \_ actually, it was squished along with ~ 5 other threads by the
           perpetual motd political censor.  Then a friendly neighborhood
           motd restorer(tm), restored most of the threads but left out that
           \_ This is why I just post on - no evil censor,
              and the signup isn't manditory (you can post anon).
              \_ from looking at that site, i'd say you and about ten other
                 people are having a great time posting every other day or so.
                 I'm just going to nip off to the local golf course and watch
                 the fucking grass grow now.
                 \_ It looks like they've been posting every day.
              \_ Hi lye!
2003/12/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11341 Activity:low
12/6    csua pilot, why did you quit your cushy high paying job in Silicon
        Valley? Are you stupid or something?
        \_ your and idiot.
        \_ troll quality has gone down as of late.
           \_ Sorry, I have been away from the Internet for a class.
              I will try to make up for it next week. -#1 Troll
2003/12/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11276 Activity:nil
12/1   if you only have a third of a thread archived, don't even bother.
       censorship sucks, but so does reading old, fractured threads.
        \_ i bet you are the one who censored the thread at first place.
           \_ that is a bet you would loose.
                                      \_ lose
              \_ Ob so is yermom
                 \_ You overwriting bastard.  I'll bet your overwriting
                    is the cause of the motd being deleted in the first
                    \_ Yes I overwrote but at least I was using me, unlike
                       you.  --sky
                       \_ Get a clue, sky.  Using motdedit does not excuse
                          you from acting like a decent human being and not
                          overwriting other people's posts.  Learn to copy
                          and paste, and learn a little patience. --erikred
                          \_ There's no excuse not to use me... Be a decent
                             human being and use me.  --sky
                             \_ Use me, baby.
2003/11/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29644 Activity:nil
11/19   Someone is trolling very hard right now, and deleting all responses to
        trolls.  What's the point of trolling if you delete the responses,
        \_ This is what happens when people refuse to use motdedit -ausman
2003/11/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11017 Activity:nil
11/10   That was some mighty fine trolling you lads did today.  I'm damned
        proud of each and every one of you!  You know you've got em by the
        nuts when they give up and burn the whole motd!  Persevere young
        trolls! Dance with the wolves! Talk like a pirate! ARR! --old troll
2003/11/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11006 Activity:nil
11/10   Does soda keep backups?  I accidentally overwrote a file and I'd
        like to get the version from about one week ago.  Does anyone know
        how to do this on soda?  Thanks.
        \_ Yeah, soda keeps backups on our work and home machines.  Each
           person's homedir is kept somewhere else, just in case, ya know?
        \_ I think the backups are made nightly at about 2am. mail root.
        \_ you fucking lose.
        \_ Right now, Soda only makes disk mirrors at 5am.  Yes, this sucks.
           We (root) are working on a backup server that will provide actual
           backups for weeks.  The hardware has been purchased, and I am
           in the process of installing OS.  So, unfortunatly, you lose
           this time, but in about a week or two, you win big time.
           \_ the rest of us win in 2 weeks.  this guy lost big time.
2003/11/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10969 Activity:moderate 58%like:12090
11/6    Anybody know what happened to BDG?  Your fans need you.  Don't leave
        the motd without some explanation!  - BDG #1 fan
        \_ The sad truth is that he is recently betrothed. And so it goes...
           \_ No, that's a lie!  That's a squishable offense!  --BDG #2 Fan
           \_ bring on Bitter Twice-Divorced Guy!
              \_ BDG is dead! Long live BDG!
        \_ Intolerable Cruelty has some interesting dialogue on pre-nups.
           \_ You spent money on that?  Your money?
           \_ That made my day. Thanks.
           \_ I looked a little deeper and he got an email from a woman asking
              that he have some of the more rare ones verified as genuine.  He
              replies that he doesn't know if any are fake and makes no
              gaurantees.  He blocks the complaining woman from bidding, but
              she makes a new ID and is the winning bidder for $860.  Some of
              them are fakes and she complains...
                \_ Obviously the seller knew the rare ones were fakes.
                   (not that i give a rats ass) -phuqm
                \_Complaint : 5 FAKES among 26. Honest Listing? Ha!
                        HE HAS A WIFE not an EX-wife.
                Response by thedrunkensailor - This wench used a second ID
                        to bid after i blocked her and I am dishonest? B*tch
                Follow-up by glorybeeto - 2d ID breach of 'Bay rules;
                        selling counterfeits Fed CRIMINAL offense.

                Where is BDG when you need him? But seriously, he had to know
                they were fakes. Do you know how much those camels go for???
                \_ As he made no claims to the authenticity, you, and the
                   dumbass bidders have very little to stand on.
                \_ As he made no claims to the authenticity, the
                   dumbass bidder has very little to stand on.
2003/10/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10831 Activity:moderate
10/28   The motd censor is a cranky bitch.
        \_ We are legion.
           \_ Not only that, but bad at quotes too.  It's 'my name is
              legion', you cranky bitch.  -John
              \_ that makes them stupid cranky bitches
                 \_ Uhm, only one person wrote that post.  Cranky bitch.
                    \_ Seen one motd censor, seen them all.  Since they never
                       self identify they all get the same paintbrush.  Bitch.
                       \_ Yes, but John was responding to one guy.  You're the
                          one making shit up.  Stupid.
                          \_ It's universal, you stupid cranky bitch.
2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10649 Activity:low 66%like:28788
10/15   [troll deleted]
        \_ Fuck you.  You just dont dare to face your own history.
        \_ anything that you don't like is considered "troll."
           Freedom of speech is protected as long as [censored].
           \_ I don't agree with you.
        \_ troll restored. see above thread.
           Freedom of speech is protected as long as they are agree with you.
2003/10/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10628 Activity:high
10/14   Dammit, why did I waste all that time getting a BA from Berkeley when
        I could have just bought a fake degree?
        \_ I ask myself that a lot.  With minimum gpa requirements enforced
           by some HR bimbo, I would've been better off with a 4.0 from
           Hayward than my 3.0 from Berkeley.
           \_ If you think a college degree is mostly about your
              marketability, you definitely made a poor choice coming to
              Berkeley.  -tom
              \_ Where's your degree from?  No, I didn't come to Berkeley with
                 marketability in mind.  It was the best school in the state
                 without paying in blood.
                 \_ so there's some advantage to going to the best school
                    in the state, other than marketability?  -tom
                    \_ where's your degree from?  yes, when you're 16 or 17
                       and don't know what you want to do with your life you
                       apply to everything you think you can get into and a few
                       above that and take the best you can afford.  is there
                       something odd about what i did?  btw, where's your
                       degree from?
                       \_ He doesn't have a degree.  He is a dropout.
                    \_ do you suffer from MPD or something? there are obvious
                       advantages, like access to presumably more knowledgeable
                       faculty, meeting smarter people, perhaps having a
                       chance to learn more, etc.
                        \_ the point I am making is that the reason to come
                           to a top liberal arts institution has nothing to
                           do with being able to get a better job later.  It
                           has to do with *learning*.  If you just want a
                           better job, go to DeVry.  -tom
                           \_ and if you have half a brain you can learn those
                              things by going to a second rate liberal arts
                              school or just reading on your own.
                              the real advantage of a top school is who
                              you meet there.
                              \_ I partied with Nick Weaver!
                        \_ It probably is true that it's harder for
                           someone with 3.0 from Berkeley to get a job
                           right out of college than someone with 4.0
                           from Hayward.  I remembered both Intel and
                           AT&T turned me down because I didn't make the
                           GPA cut-off point.  But after you have worked
                           for a while, it really doesn't matter anymore.
                           \_ You don't want to work for places too dumb gather
                              that a 3.0 from Berkeley EECS is more impressive
                              than a 4.0 from Cal State San Bernardino CS.
                                \_ the original poster is too dumb to gather
                                   that a degree from Berkeley is more
                                   useful than one from a diploma mill, so
                                   maybe he'd prefer this kind of organization
                                   \_ And you're too dense to be able to
                                      discern sarcasm without smilies or other
                                      stupid indicators. --OP
                                      \_ sorry I meant followup #1, not OP
           \_ Best payoff from that PDF is when he googles all the people
              claiming to have degrees from the "universities" in question,
              and finds a bunch of college professors, teachers, and clinical
              \_ It gets better when he follows up on a forensic psychologist

                 with a PhD from Ashford University.
2003/10/13-14 [Recreation/Dating, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10613 Activity:high
10/13   <troll> SEX! </troll>
        \_ <countertroll> segue into politics </countertroll>
2003/10/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10515 Activity:nil
10/7    Censor, restore.  Censor, restore.  Come on, haven't you got anything
        better to do?
2003/10/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10504 Activity:nil
10/7    [censored]
        \_ [uncensored]
           \_ [recensored for your health]
              \_ Got tired of trying to censor. Going back to bed. -EmC
                 \_ Its the perfect storm of stupidity!
2003/9/29 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10360 Activity:nil 66%like:11978
9/28    What is worst in life?
          To crush your lead in the polls
          to see it driven before you
          and to hear the lamentation of your advisors and handlers
        \_ And just who are you talking? Even Democratic polls have
           the recall in the bag and Arnold leading.
           \_ I was confused by this, too, so I decided it was best to just
              ignore it.  That which does not kill you, makes you stronger!
           \_ And the Conan thread wins by virtue of surviving nearly
              24 hours without being commented on or deleted!  Congrats,
              Conan thread!
              \_ I think we were all just stunned into confused silence.  But
                 no more!  The chain is broken!  The sleeper has awoken!  The
                 mighty troll god is loose!
                 \_ Then we must summon Thor, Jotun-Slayer and Troll-bane!
                    \_ No!  Not Troll-bane!  ACK!  --Troll Lord #1
2003/8/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29498 Activity:nil
8/28    Censor censor censor!  Join the army and mark things!
2003/8/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29360 Activity:very high
8/15    Wow, i finally noticed what you guys keep talking about.
        The only non-tech. thread was deleted from the middle of the
        pack.  That's really fucked up.  (i mean, it wasn't a thread
        i was really participating in so i don't really care), but
        sheesh, why would anyone care enough to kill it? Censor
        explain yourself. -phuqm
        \_ Wasn't me, but the motd gets long and needs trimming.  It's the
           ignorant non-post-signing trolls (who're usually too wrong to
           feel comfortable identifying themselves) who're pathetic.  Of
           course it's your right to be anonymous, but you're still
           pathetic.  -John
           \_ Fuck all those anonymous losers.  Like the trolls who wrote the
              Federalist Papers which were originally published anonymously.
              \_Don't buy into his spin.  There is a world of difference
                between anonymous post versus anonymously edit/delete other
                people's post.  Those who censored MOTD justify their action
                because they believe anonymously silence opinion they don't
                like is a form of their freedom of speech.
           \_ you amaze me.  you hurl childish insults at people and get pulled
              in to flame wars that drag on and on for no reason, and then
              consider yourself superior because you sign your name.
              do you seriously think that your insults trolls and flames don't
              make you look like an idiot because you sign your name?
              i've seen posts that were funny, technically informative,
              interesting and thoughtful from anonymous people.  i cannot
              say the same for you(except for the technically informative
                \_ I enjoy a good, intelligent debate.  Some anonymous posters
                   make well-thought out points, which I reply to, troll or no.
                   Then, while you're entitled to your opinions, I'm entitled
                   to mine.  The guy below is the first who's given a somewhat
                   rational reason for not putting a name on his posts.  I
                   sincerely doubt, however, if most of the trolls have ever
                   bothered to think that far (hence the "pathetic", which I
                   stick by in this case.)  And let's face it, comparing the
                   motd to the Federalist Papers takes the cake--that's the
                   funniest thing I've heard in ages.  -John
                   \_ It's not up to *YOU* to decide rather motd is relevant
                   \_ John, if the anonymous poster has made a well-thought
                      point, then it *isn't* a troll.  Let's stop using tom's
                      ill conceived "anonymous == troll" definition and keep
                      to the generally accepted internet definition of "troll
                      == trying to start flamefest on hot-button topic for
                      no reason other than to get people riled".
                   \_ The motd isn't the Federalist Papers.  However, the
                      concept is similar.  The authors of the FP wanted to
                      say their piece without their writings being judged by
                      the unimportant details of who wrote them.  Knowing the
                      author's home state, country of origin, religion, etc
                      would prejudice many readers at the time who would then
                      miss the whole point: the Papers themselves.  Anonymity
                      allows intelligent debate and discussion without making
                      it personal.  For example, you might note that one of
                      your fellow CSUA members has been updating his "twink
                      points list" religiously/insanely for years.  Yes, it
                      is a joke, however, it also demonstrates an excellent
                      reason to not post a name if you want intelligent debate.
                      A person who records their grudges permanently and who
                      brings those grudges to every discussion is not someone
                 a troll but that doesn't dimish the quality of my points.  It
                 only shows the opposition has to resort to ad hominen.
                      you'll be having too many intelligent debates with.
                   \_ It's not up to *YOU* to decide whether motd is relevant
                      or not.  If you actually live in a country which has
                      severe form of censorship, you will discover whatever
                      you are doing is no different from those government
                      agent.  I.e. silence people's voice based upon result
                      of a body who think his judgement is far more superior
                      than others
                      -someone who used to live in a place of heavy censorship
              \_ John knows his security and he knows his history and most
                 things European.  John doesn't know that getting dragged into
                 an idiotic flame fest on the motd over any topic and then
                 putting your name to it is insane for anyone who wants to
                 keep their current or get a new job.  All this stuff gets
                 archived forever.  My politics, although correct at all times
                 :-), are none of any employer's business.  It can only hurt
                 me if they find my name attached to some ridiculous time
                 wasting noise on the motd no matter how brilliant my points
                 or how well I back them up with solid research.  I put real
                 life above the motd and choose anonymity for safety in the
                 real world, not safety on the motd itself where I have no
                 real reason to care what any of you think.  I don't want this
                 all going to google or whatever with my name on it.  Call me
                 a troll but that doesn't diminish the quality of my points.
                 It only shows the opposition has to resort to ad hominen.
                        -- proud to be one of John's "trolls"
                  \_ You essentially have no politics unless you are willing
                     to stand up for your beliefs/opinions/wants/needs.
                     Democracy is not a spectator sport, if you want to
                     to be heard, stand up and fight for your platform.
                     It used to be called character, before the PC zealotry
                    an extremely brave thing to do.  I honstly don't know
                     turned everyone into spineless wimps. -williamc
                     \_ so you're arguing that signing posts shows
                        "character" and is therefore a good thing.  is the
                        purpose of posts on the motd to demonstrate your
                        personal character or is it to convey information?
                        i claim that for the vast majority of poeple who
                        will read your post, your name signed at the bottom
                        carries no useful information.  that is to say that
                        they will neither pay more atttention or less attention
                        to your words based on knowing your login.  i claim
                        that this is a good thing.  it means that arguments
                        are evaluated based on their own merrit alone.
                        if you want to see poeple relying on their reputation
                        to get people to listen to them, turn on the tv.
                     \_ Uhm, yeah that's mostly true...but this is the motd.
                        Are you seriously using the *motd* to make some sort
                        statement about this guy's character??        -mice
                     \_ Hint: Federalist Paper.  May be  you should of give
                        the authors of Federalist Paper a lesson in Democracy
                     \_ I'm not a revolutionary.  My job and the income I
                        provide to my family is infinitely more important
                        than the motd politics flamefests.  If you think my
                        points have no value simply because I don't sign
                        them then you either aren't old enough to be concerned
                        with the real world yet or you're just falling back on
                        ad hominen instead of the true value of debate which
                        is point and counter-point, regardless of the speaker.
                 \_ It is too bad that you are too cowardly to post your
                    name to your opinions. You should proudly sign your
                    posts. -anonymous coward
                    \_ *laugh*  Very funny.  Are you the Anonymous Motd Comic?
                 \_ If any of you ever lived in a country of heavy censorship
                    like I did, you will know that even anonymous post is
                    an extremely brave thing to do.  I honestly don't know
                    if anyone would knows the concept of freedom of speech and
                    expression without live through the experience of not
                    having it.
2003/8/5 [Recreation/Humor, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29237 Activity:very high
8/3     [jesus propaganda censored]
        \_ "Jeesus Loves You - So Stop Mocking Him!"
        \_ you moron, it was a joke.  a *joke*, son, dontcha get it?  it was
           *funny*, son!  you were supposed to *laugh*, not come on here
        \_ "Jeesus Loves You - So Stop Mocking Him!"
           censoring shit you didn't read and looking like an *idiot*!  son.
           \_ yhbt. fucker.
              \_ why do anonymous people try to save face?  it wasn't a
                 troll, you're just an idiot for deleting a good link.
                 \_ I was implying that the deleter was a troll, not the
                    original poster.  and the fuckers who use the "son"
                    language all the time are typically among the most useless
                    and annoying on the motd, which is why i correctly
                    identified you as a stupid fucker.
                    \_ useless to you only because the truth hurts, SON.
                 \_ You's not THAT hard to restore.  If it matters
                    so much, just fuckin' restore it and be done with the
                    censoring weenie.
                    \_ if it was just deleted, sure, but to say it was
                       deleted because it was something it wasn't?
2003/7/25 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29142 Activity:nil 85%like:29093
7/22    Looking for junior java developers.   Limited job experience is a plus.
        Thank you for not editing a *job posting* and not fucking with other
        people who are trying to get jobs, pay their rent, and buy food.  It
        might be *you* someday that needs a job and not a butchered posting.
2003/7/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29131 Activity:nil
7/24    Da censor wuz here.  Da censor knows all.
        \_ 33% of censored posts are true
           \_ 100% of censors are assholes.
2003/6/19-20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:28771 Activity:high
6/18    is erikred the motd c*****er?
        \_ AMOTDC censored.
           \_ censoring bastard!
        \_ la ti da, I've know who has been butchering what for a long time.
           These people go in phases.  After a few months, they mostly stop
           once they realise it doesn't matter what goes on the motd.  This
           state of apathy is known in non-csua circles as 'maturity'.  Until
           each new set of bozos grows up, there's nothing to be done about it
           and frankly it really doesn't matter anyway.
           \_ a lot of trollers censor the motd every now and then.  I guess
              I was asking if erikred is the idiot who censors it A LOT.
              Deleting anything that's not about israel-palestine (his pet
              topi) or computer stuff.
              \_ trolls dont censor anything.  you're deeply confused about
                 what a troll is and what censorship is.  there's no reason for
                 any troll to ever delete or modify anything.
              \_ Sorry, no. I'm not big on deleting other people's stuff,
                 and I tend not to touch the Palestinian/Israeli stuff
                 anyway.  Besides, everyone knows my pet flame-topi is
                 GWB.  --erikred
2003/6/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:28629 Activity:high
6/4     'What's the point of all this?  Berkeley really should be a really
        cool place to be a CS person, but it's usually not.  If you're reading
        this book, it's probably *your* responsibility to help make Berkeley a
        cooler place to be.  Even if you're just a CSUA member, or nonmember,
        and not an officer or anything.  It is important that people do stuff
        that's for more than themselves, but the Berkeley computer science
        community I have been witnessing is stuck in a deadlock of mutual
        laziness and exhaustion.' - Jon Blow, from the CSUA log book
        \_ I think the above is perhaps the single finest exposition of what
           the CSUA should be about. -dans
           \_ Your webpage is hillarious.
              \_ The way you spell hilarious is hilarious. -dans
           \_ laziness and exhaustion?
           \_ whining aimlessly while trying to look like you care about
              something unimportant or nonexistent like the "Berkeley computer
              science community"?  as soon as someone starts drooling about
              a 'community' that's a keyword trigger that tells you it's ok
              to tune out and think about something important.
              \_ Like, perhaps, expanding your pr0n archive?
                 \_ That and anything else imaginable would be more meaningful
              \_ Wow, I pity your sad, lonely, self-loathing existence -dans
                 \_ Wow, I pity your arrogant, sanctimonious, self-important
                 \_ Take a deep breath and repeat after me, "it's only school,
                    it's only school, it's only school".  If you need the csua
                    to have some sort of great social meaning in order to
                    bring meaning to your own life then well, nevrmind, this
                    should be self evident.  There's no such thing as the
                    "Berkeley computer science community".  Most "communities"
                    don't exist.  If they did they wouldn't require "work" to
                    keep them going.  Think about it, genius.
                    \_ You, too, have missed the point. College, as an
                       experience, should be more than a process of getting a
                       good job. In blojo's POV, the CSUA should be part of a
                       better, smarter, more inventive, more mind expanding
                       computer experience. And ALL communities require work
                       to keep them going.
           \_ The CSUA has had this problem since XCF split off from UCF and
              the proliferation of affordable computing power. Without the
              need for machine access, the CSUA falls back on a social agenda.
              And since nerds by definition aren't social, it falls apart.
              Unless, as written by Jon, you can find a core group to hold it
              together and attract other likeminded people.
              \_ I see nothing falling apart.  What's wrong with the CSUA?
                 \_ Nothing really. It's just not a great hacker group.
              \_ why shouldn't be the CSUA be a social organization?  Do you
                 know how many people got married as a result of the CSUA?
                 \_ Name all of the CSUA social events/activities. If there is
                    a strong leadership, it's fine. They can drive them. If
                    not, it all falls apart. If the CSUA can develop a core
                    place for people to do computer nerd hacking, it becomes
                    a social organization by default. The question has always
                    been what does the CSUA want to do?
                 \_ and how many marriages has BDG stopped?
                    \_ He stopped mine. One must listen and obey.
                       I repeat the daily invocation: T B T H!
                        \_ what is TBTH???
                           \_ "The B&%#h took half!"
              \_ The OCF split off from UCF?  When did this happen?  Neat
                 \_ Oops. Too much drinking. It has been fixed...
              \_ I don't know about you, but I joined to get another
                 e-mail address and shell account.
                 \_ nononono, it's all about the warm fuzzy feeling you get
                    when you code late into the night with other nerdlings
                    and share tales of GNUvictory over those who would keep
                    the information from being free!  it's all about the
                    Berkeley computer science community!!  Do it for the kids!
              \_ blojo never said anything about a social agenda. -dans
                 \_ You're right. But the CSUA becomes just a social club
                    when there is no centralizing computing environment where
                    likeminded nerds can hack code, talk about code hacks, and
                    create stuff for world use/domination. So many CS nerds,
                    so little code generation.
                    \_ its what the WEB used to be for for undergrads.
        \_ Remember kids.  It's only school.  However important you think the
           CSUA and your CSUA 'friends' and just about anything else in school
           seems now it won't mean shit onec you've graduated, have a job, a
           wife/husband, a mortgage, car payments, and start thinking about
           what you're going to name your kids and if you'll raise them in a
           religion or not and which one.  The CSUA is mere trivia at best.
           \_ I graduated a decade ago and the community of friends that
              I made in college is still the people that I spend time with,
              still the ones that I visit on vacation, still the ones
              that I live with and still the ones that I know will be
              there for me when I need them. I respect your choices, but
              you should not think that your way is the only way.
              \_ Did you ever leave Berkeley?  Maybe you'd be better off with
                 a more diverse group of friends.  Sounds really inbred to me.
              \_ ditto.  Most people i know/know_of are like that too.
                 Probably something about the first people you know well
                 when you are away from home, (or the first people you know
                 after you are over age?) but there is definitely somthing
                 about college-connections that seem to last.
                 \_ For many folks, it's the last time they're exposed to
                    a broad group of people.
                    \_ The CSUA represents a broad group of people?
                       \_ College.  Retake that reading comprehension course.
                          \_ College doesn't represent a broad group of
                             people.  It's 99% the 18-22 year old children
                             of the wealthy or the educated.  It's the elite
                             of society, especially at Berkeley.  We can all
                             read.  It's you that fails to comprehend.
                             \_ So where do you get your "broad group"
                                exposure?  Spend a lot of time at the
                                supermarket? --scotsman
2003/5/30 [Recreation/Humor, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:28584 Activity:nil
5/29    Dear MOTD censor:
        Why did you censor the Phil thread?  It was funny.
        \_ Censors have a limited sense of humor.  If it isn't funny to them,
           then it isn't funny.  Right?
2003/5/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:28328 Activity:nil
5/4     Restored because the Self Appointed CSUA Motd Censor is a
        boring dimwit.
2003/5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:28298 Activity:nil
5/2     Nuke!
2003/4/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Recreation/Media] UID:28081 Activity:high 50%like:10367
4/10    matrix reloaded trailer
        \_ those better not be the best parts cause those were lame with
           all due respect
           \_ looked great to me, troll.
              \_ some of those scenes looked really CG, in a bad way like
                 Spiderman; one of the great things about the first Matrix
                 was you didn't notice this.  This kind of felt like watching
                 Terminator 2 for the next generation of kids.  You can also
                 call it getting my expectations back to earth before watching
                 the movie.
                 \_ T2 still looks great today.  It's T1 that looks dated,
                    especially the scene when Arnie is in front of the mirror
                    and pulling away bits of skin and eyeball.
                    \_ but T1 is still a much better movie.  -tom
                       \_ Tough call: T1 was a little tighter plotwise, but
                          the characterizations were a little more interesting
                          in T2.                  -mice
                          \_ It doesn't get any more interesting than
                             "I'll be back."  -tom
                             \_ Hmm.  I suppose in context, "I'll be back."
                                beats "Hasta la vista, baby" hands down. -mice
2003/3/26-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:27861 Activity:high
3/26    UNLINK news: RFP going out this week for uclink replacement, aiming
        at clustered solution--implementation of new service, probably to be
        run by a different group, is planned for this summer.
        \_ Might we finally get a decent email hostname?  <DEAD><DEAD> or <DEAD><DEAD>.
           C'mon, everybody, pray with me.
           \_ what's wrong with <DEAD><DEAD>?
              \_ if you have to ask...
           \_ There is zero chance we'll change our primary domain name.
              However, it is reasonably likely that we'll have top-level
              "@Berkeley.EDU" names instead of ""
              names.  "Berkeley" is a name with international recognition,
              unlike "cal" or "ucb".  -tom
              \_ Ah callous youth... No respect for the past and ucbvax.
              \_ there's no reason we can't have an MX alias point to
         I agree with the name recognition thing,
                 and that's important, but I'm sick of spelling "berkeley"
                 for people and writing out a long address on forms.
                 <DEAD><DEAD> would work well in those cases, just like
                 does (or did) for http.
                  \_ I hadn't realized this was available as a mail
                     redirect.  Are we assured that will last as
                     long as the csua exists?  Is owned by the
                     actual csua, and the translation occuring locally?
                     (e.g. not being intercepted and forwarded by another
                \_ having 2 ways of addressing the <DEAD><DEAD>
                   domain would be stupid and lame.  people who can't
                   spell Berkeley aren't worth your time.
                   \_ it makes a lot more sense than <DEAD><DEAD>,
                      but if we ditched the uclink part I wouldn't mind
                      so much.
              \_ Ah callow youth... No respect for the past and ucbvax.
                 \_ you probably mean "callow".
                    \_ is there ever a non-callow youth?
                       \_ maybe not, but the other guy still fucked up the
                          \_ There. Fixed. Happy?
2003/3/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:27799 Activity:high
3/21    So I figure you lefties got tired of being smushed and seeing the facts
        showing you were wrong about the whole Iraq thing thus far.  Feel
        free to censor at will.  You have my permission.  ;-)
        [censor does not mean 'edit'.  add your own comments.  don't be
        \_ Where are the oilfield fires Rumsfield claimed? What about those
           gas and nerve agents? Is anything Bush claimed going to end up
           as true? You are the one that should be embarrassed for yourself.
2003/2/28-3/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:27567 Activity:high
2/28    Have you guys ever experience a sudden slow down/or a pause while
        composing your email, or editing some text on CSUA via SSH?
        \_ sometimes campus net is congested, nothing you can do about it.
        \_ It's a glitch in the matrix.  It happens when they change something.
           \_ I wish I could sentence you to the Neutral Zone, you
              fucking nerd.
              \_ are you insulting someone for being a nerd by using
                 a star trek reference? wow.
              \_ I wish I could sentence you to the rape camps, you
                 fucking nerd.
                 \_ you could've just said 'prison'
                    \_ I wanted it clear exactly what I wished.
                       \_ Point taken.
                          \_ Yeah, you'll be taken' "points"
2003/1/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:27214 Activity:high
1/27    Was anyone able to generate a gpg key on soda? I tried a couple of
        times but everytime gpg starts generating key pair, it prints:
        "Not enough random bytes available.  Please do some other work to give
        the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need 300 more bytes)",
        and then sits forever without doing anything. I hit Ctrl-C after
        four hours of waiting.
        \_ if it were your local machine, you could wiggle your mouse,
           but but I don't know what you could do on soda. maybe run
           find /
        \_ Soda is too predictable.
           \_ I knew you'd say that.
              \_ I knew you'd say that.
                 \_ I didn't know you'd say that!
        \_ Don't use soda. Generate the key somewhere else and scp
           it to soda.
           \_ What's the point of that? Either way, you're exposing
              your keystrokes on soda were it to be comprimised.
              The best thing to do is to generate and use your key
              on your local machine.
                \_ I ment scp the public key to soda. I would never
                   put a private encryption key on soda.
                   \_ Which pretty much confirms my suspicions of how
                      little real utility PGP has for most of us
                      who don't operate from a "local machine" except
                      at work.
                        \_ I keep my public/private key pair on my
                           laptop with a copy of my public key on
                           soda. I encrypt all my sensitive messages
                           on my laptop and then send them using
                           soda. For normal messages, I just don't
                           If OP is interested in a DSA key, maybe
                           it would be okay to store the key pair
                           on soda.
                           \_ no it's not okay to store ssh keys on soda unless
                              you want to accept the risk that your key (and
                              the hosts where you login with it) could become
                              \_ we're talking about PGP here, not SSH.
                                 fucking stay on fucking topic.
        \_ I generate my keys by hand and transmit them using a one time pad
           over S-IPV7.
        \_ I write my keys out long-hand and leave them in the men's room
2003/1/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:27152 Activity:nil
1/18    [ Troll censored at censor's request ]
2003/1/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Computer/SW] UID:27107 Activity:high
1/15    If someone writes me a check with both my name and my wife's name on
        it, can I deposit to an account that bears my name only?  Thanks.
        \_ It depends. My landlord would write our monthly interest check
        with both me and my roommate's name on it, but wrote OR on the check,
        so it was ok.
        \_ I'm surprised BDG hasn't weighed in on this yet.     -mice
           \_ We haven't heard from BDG in a while.  I hope he's ok.
        \_ If you can get both signatures on the back, you can deposit it.
           \_ Anyone can deposit it, if they just sign it.
        \_ The bank isn't supposed to let you without both sigs on it but if
           you take the right 'tude and get the right teller they'll do it
           for you anyway.  But by the rules: no.
           \_ I see.  So the rule is that as long as both persons sign on
              the back of the check, it can be deposit it to an account under
              either name.  Thanks for the info.
              \_ Correct.  If it says "John or Mary" like the person above then
                 it's ok.  It it says "John and Mary" or anything else that
                 implies both, then it's not ok.  Good luck.
2002/12/29-30 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:26934 Activity:high
12/28   Hey old people, what was in the building Wall Berlin
         used to be in?
         \_ I think it is still empty
         \_ yes it's empty . what was there BEFORE?
            wall berlin has been there about oh 7 years probably.
            what was in the building pre wall berlin ?
                \_ I'm pretty sure 9-10 years. -aspo
                  \_  damn.  thats about right.  sightimeflies.  and
                      while we are at it, has that space that used to
                      be the jean store that burned down been built up
                      yet, or is it still an empty, fenced off lot?
                      i find it so weird that the owner of that lot
                      never developed it.  he must be some rich fuck
                      to just let it sit like that.  -hahnak
                      \_ If you're referring to the lot on Telegraph
                         across the street from Amoeba then, yes, it's
                         still an empty fenced off lot.  I've heard rumors
                         that folks wanted to build housing there at one
                         point or another, but decided not to after running
                         up against fascist Berkeley city council policies.
                         Of course, that's purely rumor and hearsay -dans
                        \_ my sources say shirley dean blocked
                           the last development proposal - danh
                         \_ It's not rumor and hearsay to those of us around
                            at the time.  The details are pretty stupid but
                            put the following words into a sentence and you've
                            got it: affordable housing, berkeley city council,
                            empty lot, dilapidated & later burned down hotel,
                            telegraph avenue, homeless activists.  Voila!  A
                            permanently empty lot on prime location!  Welcome
                            to Berkeley.
                            \_ After the fire and before they tore the place
                               down, the men's store on the bottom floor had
                               a fire sale going. It lasted about three years.
                \_ fine, so what was there?
2002/12/28 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:26928 Activity:nil 57%like:25501 66%like:26366 66%like:28788
12/27   [troll deleted]
        \_ drat. missed the troll. it's so quiet in the office. i wish you'd
           leave the trolls alone so i'd have something to play with.
2002/12/17-18 [Health/Dental, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:26838 Activity:insanely high
12/17   Liv Tyler from LoTR and Armageddon fame.  Is it just me or does she
        look "asian-ish"?  I just checked her bio data and both her parents
        are white.  But she does have that asian-ish look.
        \_ just you.
        \_ yes, just you.  Kristen Kreuk is half Chinese
        \_ You've got yellow fever.
        \_ How can you think anyone who inherited her father's horse mouth
           looks Asian?
        \_ I used to be hot for Liv until I read an interview where she
           came off like an idiot and I found out she smokes like a chimney.
           \_ Yes, I can understand how these things could be a turn off
              when you guys go out.
              \_ Smoking isn't a turn off unless she wants to do it around
                 me or wants to kiss.  I've never kissed an ashtray but I've
                 kissed a smoker and can't imagine an ashtray is much worse.
                 Being stupid is a huge turnon.  The best are always the
                 stupid chicks who don't see they're being used unti long
                 Being stupid is a huge turn on.  The best are always the
                 stupid chicks who don't see they're being used until long
                 after I'm bored and gone.  The absolute best are the ones
                 who never figure it out and will let me use them again later
                 if I change my mind.  Smoking: bad.  Stupid: good.
                 \_ just ask her to use some mouth wash before you guys
                    kiss.  seems like an easy solution.  say hi to liv
              that means she's a better lay than I thought.
                    for the soda gang next time you guys go out.
                    \_ Will do, buddy!
           \_ Listening to her talk is pretty painful.  Watching the LoTR
              interviews are great until she opens her mouth.  Funny, I guess
              that means she's a better actress than I thought.
        \_when you complete your "i shall fuck liv tyler" mission, please
          let us know.
2002/11/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:26552 Activity:kinda low
11/14   Is there a CSUA login and password to TransGaming's site?
        Is there a list of CSUA logins and passwords?
        \_ /etc/master.passwd
           \_ Uh, really?  Shall we run Crack on it?
        \_ [useless not-at-all clever responses purged to disuade the stupid]
        \_ Clarification: Is there a list of logins and passwords for popular
           websites (e.g., Washington Post, CNN, TransGaming, etc), not for
           \_ This would be nice if we standardized pwds.
              eg. email: subscriptions@csua (or lwall), login: csua, pwd: soda
           CSUA accounts? -OP
           \_ generally csuamotd:csuamotd or csua:csua.  Some places like the
              LATimes allows username:password or membername:password or
              whatever it is they call users.
2002/9/18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25936 Activity:insanely high
9/18    Poll: if CSUA were run like the Weakest Link or Survivor, who would
        you vote for first as the Most Squishable:
        tom: .
          \_ doesn't this guy just answer questions well?
        ali: .
        \_ either you're really old, or really boring, or actually
           i know you're really boring, fuck off.
        the motd censor: .
2002/9/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25790 Activity:insanely high
        Now I remember why going to Cal helped turn me away from the left.
        UPDATE: The adults take charge and common sense prevails in Loony
        Tunes town for once:
        \_ You ought to hear what the chancellor said in reponse then.
           \_ "President Bush formally announced that Sept. 11 would be
               called Patriot Day and encouraged all Americans to display
               United States flags."
               \_ Great. Dying in the WTC (irregardless of nationality)
                  makes you an Amurican patriot.
                  \_ And posting intentionally mindless drivel to the motd
                     makes you... a troll?  Or some lesser creature?  Also,
                     the rest of us still spell it with an "e".
        \_ If you wanted a flag waving, jingoist campus why didn't you
           go to The Citadel or UC Irvine or something? Hadn't you heard
           of Berkeley's reputation before you got here?
           \_ I didn't want a flag waving campus.  I wanted an education.
              Prior to college I had no political beliefs or affiliations of
              any sort.  I didn't even understand people like Quindlen existed.
              Some of us came here for the educational repuation, not to shut
              down people who didn't believe in our anti-American ideology.
              \_ No, you had political beliefs, they were just unexamined.
                 You came to Berkeley and had to think about them and thereby
                 got educated. Good for you (and Berkeley, for making you
2002/9/1-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:25752 Activity:high
9/1     Just curious, but how is CSUA backed up? How often? And does it keep
                          \_ it doesn't get enough fiber?
        only the most current image? Or are there backup archives? I couldn't
        find this info on the website anywhere.
        \_ maybe because they don't do backups?
        \_ backed up?  are you joking?
        \_ every member is expected to copy and backup their files on
           their own.   You're not doing that?  You must not think your
           csua files are that important...
           \_ Oh yeah, we should all start keeping private copies of the
              motd "just in case".  Never know when there'll be a crash
              and you'll miss something criti{({_{NO CARRIER
              \_ Yip. Yip yip yip. Yap yap yip yip yap yap yip yip
                 yip yap. *BANG*  @!%#^%#*NO TERRIER
        \_ I was simply wondering because hasn't there been a few instances
           when the CSUA harddrives crashed? How were our accounts
                   \_ the two of you just had to bring that up, didnt you -Jon
                \_ yeah like 6 years ago!
                   \_ the two of you just had to bring that up, didnt you?
                      Just when I thought I had sucessfully blocked all
                      conscious memory of that shitty week.  fuck you! --Jon
        \_ 15 April 1997, Soda MkIV, the Last of the Sequents, had a drive
           failure.  that was the last major disk failure I can recall. -Jon
2002/8/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25725 Activity:nil
8/28    Do you logon to csua fearful your boss might see you logging on?
        \_ Not really.  I put her over a server and fuck her ass anytime
           she gets too feisty.
        \_ what is there to fear exactly?
           \_ "You are wasting your time.  One more time, and you are out
              of here"
              \_ Keep wall running.  Tell them it's a knowledge resource
                 (which, really, it is).
              \_ Managers who pull this sort of shit aren't worth their
                 salt.  Get a new job.
              \_ You're not using the right server hardware....
2002/8/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25475 Activity:high
8/2     Is it true that some of the old farts on soda are actually old
        enough to be my mom and dad?  -sophomore
        \_ No, it's that you're young enough for us to drop kick across
           the county.
        \_ I doubt I was fertile when I was 11.
           \_ wuss...
        \_ We're old enough to do yermom.  Oh wait, we already are.
        \_ We're old enough to do yermom.  Oh wait, we already did.
        \_ There are no "old farts" on soda.  There *are* people on soda who
           forget more everyday before breakfast than you're ever likely to
           know.  That answer your question, kid?
2002/7/25 [Computer/SW/Security, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25414 Activity:high
7/25    Anybody know what's happening with alumni.eecs?  Can't seem to ssh in.
        \_ Last I herd they were having problems with secure shell.
        \_ Sounds like they got 0wnz0red
          \_ well, they told me because csua's ssh was trojaned, all accts
             which have anything to do with soda is disabled.  Talk to root
             to reactivate it.
             \_ csua's ssh was trojaned?  when did this happen?
                \_ Shoulda used coitus interruptus, but abstinence is
                   the best choice!
             \_ You better be fucking kidding because there's nothing about
                this on /etc/motd.official.  If soda got owned we have the
                right to know about it and root has a responsibility to tell.
                I'd like to see official word on motd.official whether this is
                true or not.  This isn't funny if you're making it up.
                \_ What even not funnier is how you're being such
                   a dick about asking for this information.
                   \_ Excuse me while I beg for critical security information.
                      Oh please please please let me know sometime after you
                      graduate what the fuck was going on.  Security isn't a
                      joke and users shouldn't be left guessing wtf happened
                      or how much they might be fucked over.  And for you
                      personally, fuck you, you know nothing fool.
                        \_ And for you personally, if your files and
                           whatever else are so critically dependent on
                           soda being completely secure, get your own
                           machine and connection and maintain it.
                \_ Found on (7/24):
                   Soda.csua is down because it was compromised. It will
                   hopefully be fixed tomorrow.  Galen
                   \_ which is unfortunately not very helpful when soda is the
                      only machine from which one can read ucb.*
                      \_ Try
                   \_ how about a secondary webserver on, say, scotch that
                      gives news and downtime type stuff for soda.  new A
                      record <DEAD><DEAD>, etc.
                      \_ If you asked him really nicely, perhaps dbushong would
                         be willing to do something like this at
                         I'll bet you'd have better chances if you volunteered
                         to do the coding so that he could just post it.
                         \_ I know dbushong.  dbushong is a good friend of
                            mine.  and you, sir...  wait.. what was i saying?
                            Really.  Dave just runs  He doesn't
                            know or care about the daily goings on of soda.
                            This is something the politburo can and, i'm going
                            out on a limb here, should do.
                   \_ Ok that's a start, how about some info on how long it's
                      been compromised, what sort of compromise, how badly,
                      what were the hackers doing, what got installed, etc?
                      \_ Nice attitude. And how much have you contributed to
                         this group and its equipment lately?
2002/7/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25405 Activity:high 66%like:24524 66%like:26366
7/22    Why do people troll?
        \_ I troll, therefore I am.
        \_ To make up for the fact that they are pathetic anti-social losers
           in real life.
        \_ Because work is boring.
           \_ or just hard.  i can only concentrate on what i do for
              a certain number of hours, then to relax, i must troll.
              \_ why not take a walk or chat with a coworker?
        \_ Might as well ask "To be, or not to be"
        \_ To manipulate and have a false sense of superiority.
2002/7/4-5 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25275 Activity:insanely high
7/3     Not sure if everyone here already agrees Berkeley is a pretty
        fucked up city with Mayor Jackass Shirley Dean running the show,
        but now Berkeley wants to make sure you only drink fair-trade, shade
        grown, organically grown coffee and will have a task force roving the
        cafes, making sure no one is selling "the bad coffee", and putting
        cafe owners a possible 0.6 months in jail + fine.
                            \_ Jailterm shrunken by the motd jailterm shrinker.
        \_ Don't get involved.  Leave.  They'are all insane.  -John
        \_ most of us are alums, and you should post a url explaining
           what the hell you're talking about.
           \_ This was in the news a few weeks ago.
        \_ I was at the meeting where this was brought to the table (I was
           there for another issue). You may want to get your facts straight.
           I'm no fan of Mayor Dean but she didn't have anything to do with
           that initiative petition.
           It was presented by a "member of the general public" - in this case
           an individual freshly out of law school.
           If you care that much, CM Breland had the matter postponed for
           consent discussion until next week. You can have your 3 minutes next
           Tues, 7/2 at 7PM in the Old City Hall.
           Please do show up, actually. I'll be out of town and somebody needs
           to be a voice of sanity in this town from time-to-time. -- ulysses
           \_ Uhm, next Tues, 7/9, or yesterday, Tue 7/2?
           \_ Hmm, sounds tempting, but the fact that they are even taking
              this seriously, is just so disturbing, Im not quite sure
              if they are even reasonable... I mean, this is the same
              council that wants to make the speed limit 15mph(?or was it 20)
              and put flowerpots and posts that make all neighborhoods
              ridiculously tricky to get through. I posted the article
              my friend sent to me @
           the place would be a complete shithole.
              \_ Ever driven south side?  They already have those cement
                 blockers there specifically to fuck up traffic.
        \_ Berkeley residents should realize, if not for the University
           the place would be a complete shithole.  Wait, it still is
           \_ Actually, it'd be a nameless boring lower-middle-class suburb
              on the outskirts of Oakland. Which, by the way, would also not
              be a particularly happenning place, having not had as much reason
              historically to detract activity away from SF.
              \_ I always figured it would have never actually become a city in
                 the first place since the university was there before anything
                 that looked like a city was.  It'd just be called "North
                 Oakland" or something like that.  There'd be no Berkeley.
              \_ it'd just be a boring non-city like albany or elcerrito.
        \_ Good for Berkeley. Someone has to lead the way.
2002/6/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25168 Activity:very high
6/21    There are songs about SF, NYC, LA, etc. Are there songs about
        Berkeley? Say from the 60s or something?
        \_ it's not a reasonable comparison.  berkeley is a college town.,
           and those are real cities.  how many songs can you name from
           cambridge, ma, palo alto, cambridge or oxford england,
           north hampton, ma, ithica ny, an arbor michigan, or new haven,ct?
           sure, there are colleges in the cities you mentioned, but
           that's not why there are songs about them(unles you include
           college fight songs in which case berkeley has an annoyingly
           high number.)
           high number.)  people sometimes seem to forget this, but
           berkeley is really just a college town.  no one would even
           think to ask the above question about State College, Pa for instance.
        \_ "The Elements Song", by Tom Lehrer at least mentions
           Berkeley, since two elements are named after Berkeley.
        \_ From the 60s I don't know, but you can start with Green Day,
           "Welcome to Paradise" from the mid-90s.
        \_ Berkeley?  You're confused about what Berkeley is all about.  No one
           in Berkeley actually *does* anything of any note, they just *talk*
           about it a lot and sometimes carry signs.  Why would anyone bother
           to write a song about Berkeley?  Would it be a take off on the "I
           left my heart in SF" song?  Like so, "I left my 3 sheets and my
           bong in Berkeley!"  Nah... doesn't work.  Berkeley shmerkeley.
           \_ attempted comedy? attempted troll? sorry... failed on all
                \_ Neither.  Stop looking for what isn't there and wasn't
                   intended.  This isn't a comedy club.
                   \_ Let me guess. You are one of the bitter angry
                      conservatives on soda, right?
                      \_ Hell, I'm a non-bitter, non-angry liberal, and I agree
                         with him/her.  --scotsman
                         \_ Haven't been robbed yet, Ben?
                      \_ Why do you assume all conservatives are bitter and
                         anygry?  Your assumption that anyone with a differing
                         philosophy must have social and psychological problems
                         is a huge intellectual cop-out.
                         \_ You must have huge social and psychological
                            problems.  If he though that ALL conservatives
                            were angry and bitter, he would not have had to
                            specify "one of those bitter angry conservatives"
                            and could have just said "conservatives".  Are
                            you one of those dim-witted, hyper-sensitive
                            \_ Yawn.  Are you one of those moronic and
                               blindly stupid ultra leftists who has to
                               determine the meaning of "is" and then attack
                               based on what you've falsely decided someone
                               has said by putting unspoken words in their
                               mouth rather than directly address their
                               statements?  No, you're probably not.  Have a
                               nice day.  :-)
           How about all those Cal fight songs?
        \_ Start spreading the news, I'm leaving today
                I want to be a part of it - Berkeley Berkeley
           hm, I guess that doesn't sound too good
        \_ Berkeley gets mentioned a fair amount.  Counting Crows
           "Down on Virginia and La Loma/Where I've got friends who care
           for me", Warren Zevon in "Roland, the Headless Thompson Gunner".
           John Denver has a song called "Berkeley Woman".  Joni Mitchell
           mentions People's Park in "Court and Spark."  -tom
           \_ the Barington[sp?] co-op is mentioned in a Primus song
              "if barington starts to breathe again, we might all
               just fade away."  perhaps someone can name the song. i forget.
2002/6/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25161 Activity:high
6/20  in /csua/bin, new -s option for statistics
        \_ Needs to include # of yermom references.
           \_ The correct term is "Yermom Invocation" or YMI. And what's with
              all these people who can't figure out how to fucking format motd
              entries.  sheeit..
              \_ Uh-huh. How about you throw down some FAQ or a URL, bitch.
                 \_ It wasn't hard to figure out.  Follow the pattern you
                    fucking monkey!  You're a Cal student!  Figure it out!
          \_ Agreed. Something like a pipe to grep "yermom"|wc|awk'{print $1}'
            \_ I meant per thread.
2002/6/19 [Health, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25144 Activity:kinda low
6/18    I think all you trolls and flamers should read this and take
        it to heart:
        \_ Not that valid points are not potentially being made, but it's
           difficult to seriously listen to someone who uses contrived
           pronouns like 'hir.'
        \_ Silly.  It isn't about self-hate.  How stupid.  'Hir' trolls are
           much different than motd trolls.  Here you're a troll for having a
           non-leftist political philosophy or not agreeing at all times with
           the RIDE BIKE USE LINUX crowd.
2002/6/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:25092 Activity:insanely high
        10-20 lbs:      xx
        20+ lbs:
        \_ 15 freshman year, 5 in college after, 10 after graduation (2000).
           \_ 30 lbs?  You lazy fat fuck!  RIDE BIKE!  USE LINUX!
        \_ end of freshman year weighed 248.  after 5 semesters, left berkeley
           for hayward state, went down to 190.  started working, went up to
           220.  worked from home/joined gym, down to 200 but holding too damn
           \_ Fat fucks.
              \_ Fuck you.  Not all of us are skinny dickless twits like you.
                 \_ So it's your dick that has the extra 35 lbs?  What does
                    your boyfriend say about that?
                    \_ I would presume he wouldn't mind at all.  If this was
                       meant instead as a sophomoric attempt at an insult by
                       insinuating the previous person is gay, you really
                       need to grow up
                       \_ You want sophomoric?  "skinny dickless twits like
                          you" is a good start.  Once some dimwit descends to
                          that level, all bets are off.  *You* need to pull
                          your head out of your ass.
                    \_ OH MY GOD!  HE JUS SLAPT MAH FRO!  oh no you DIDN' BE
                       SUGGESTIN' IMA HOMOSEXUAL!
                       \_ Jive or Jar Jar?
                          \_ Does it make a difference?
2002/5/18-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24880 Activity:high
5/18    What's this? ^Something relevant above the line?^ A CSUA party?!?
        Yes- we're throwing a party for CSUA people- current and alums. We'd
        really like to see lots of the CSUA geezers there, so we'd appreciate
        it if you people could tell the people who don't drop by the office
        or log in to soda anymore. Here's the link fo the info:

        What can I say to get you to come? We'll have mass alcohol. We'll have
        a hot tub. We'll have college girls. We'll have Rez.
        For all my laid-off brethren- we'll have free food.

        \_ but will you have bitches?
        \_ and free x-jobs?

        \_ Shuffled back to the top by the motd shuffling daemon
        \_ stupidity about nweaver deleted.  I've had a beer with nweaver
           I've been to a party ith nweaver.  Really it's nothing to get
           anxious about - nick is a good guy, quit fucking being little bitchy
           pricks. - paolo
        \_ I'm  kind of curious about the girls part. They're not going to show
           up on their own so how much is it costing you?
           \_ Ah you still have much to learn my paduin apprentice.
                \_ padawan?
        \_ SOmeone removed my post asking if Nick Weaver will be there.
        \_ Someone removed my post asking if Nick Weaver will be there.
           I want to say I partied with Nick Weaver.
        \_ I'm going to see if I can get Euphrasia to show up. cynthia
           \_ Who's Euphrasia? -dans (party cohost)
              \_ Also known as ikiru.  Consult the CSUA Encyclopedia,
                 unintuitively under "Poetry."
                 \_ Fucking awesome!  I know who ikiru is, I just didn't

        Who killed the scifi thread. Anyway my recs are James Morrow and
        Jonathan Lethem for "new" school and Lem/Dick for old school.
                    connect Euphrasia with her handle. -dans
                               \- Be sure to ask for Grace Kelley --psb
                                  \_ Euphrasia cool to talk to and look at.
                                     Dont you mean Grace Kelly?
                                  \_ Okay, I'll bite.  Who is Grace Kelley?
                                     \_ You don't know who Grace Kelley is?
                                        Are you serious?  Next you'll be saying
                                        you don't know who Elvis is.  obgoogle.
                                        \_ Context dude.  I didn't think you
                                           were referring to the (dead)
                                           Princess of Monaco.  I am seriously
                                           missing something here.  By the
                                           way, who's this Elvis guy? -dans
                                           \_ It goes like this, "Grace...
                                              Kelley... wow".  Ok?
                                              \_ Still not getting it.
                                                 Perhaps you are trying and
                                                 failing to be funny. -dans
                                                 \_ Uh...uh....uh...yermom!
2002/5/10-12 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24786 Activity:high
5/10    Who represented Berkeley at this year's ACM prog contest?
        \_ Is this the team that came in 23rd behind Kentucky State?
        \_ {mgoodman,pad,lior}@soda. STFW...
          \_ why didn't chialea and the other two guys go?
             \_ Won't speak for chialea&twohey; I didn't make the top team,
                and was on the 3rd Berkeley team at the regionals, which scored
                4th after a 'furd team and the other two berkeley teams. If
                you want to hear excuses about having a bad case of stomach flu
                during the qualifying round, you're welcome to email me, but I
                doubt you care. -alexf
                \_ so did you tell the admission committee that you have
                   problems with health/etc, and got sympathy points?
                   \_ While this shouldn't probably be dignified with a reply,
                      I'll bite -- the few times when I actually bothered
                      putting ACM stuff on the grad apps, it was in some remote
                      corner of the application that I thought nobody would
                      give a flying fuck about. And no sympathy points were
                      requested or expected above -- it was simply a partial
                      explanation for doing worse last year than in
                      2000, since you seemed to be excessively curious about
                      the subject. -alexf
             \_ Stalkers prevented them.
             \_ hahahaha "the other two guys"
             \_ Programming is not the beggining and end of CS.
                \_ so the ACM doesn't have anything to do with CS? sounds like
                   someone has a little vendetta with the ACM and/or the
                   Berkeley team that went to the finals.
                   \_ Uhm, have you ever actually participated in the ACM
                      contest? It's hardly representative of even
                      "programming" as a field, let alone CS at large. It's
                      a rather specialized form of sport involving coding
                      tiny snippets of mediocre code really fast.
2002/5/7 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24744 Activity:insanely high 75%like:24738
5/7     Two airliner crashed in one day.  Oh my.


    Implications of DMCA Anti-circumvention Rules for Research
    Dr. Pamela Samuelson
    SIMS, UC Berkeley

May 8 , 2002 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Hewlett Packard Auditorium, 306 Soda Hall
EECS Joint Colloquium Distinguished Lecture Series
        \_ mp3 whore!  Hundreds of gigs!  Free Warez!  Woo hoo!  divx! yes!
           \_ um, I've taken 2 classes with Samuelson, Law 276.1 (digital law)
              and SIMS 231 (IP Law).  She's good; she knows what she doesn't
              know, and sticks to teaching what she does know, and researches
              what she doesn't.  So open your mind you closed source fuck.

        \_ The end is near!
2002/5/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24734 Activity:high
5/6     So what happened with ESR? Pizza was good and all.... -jhs
        \_ What a lame ass. I want my money back.
        \_ why would he want to talk to a bunch of berkeley kids?
           \_ D00D H3 W45N'7 H3R3 2 T41K 2 4 BUNCH 0F K1D5! H3 W45
              H3R3 2 T41K 2 FU7UR3 '1337 GN00/L1NUX OP3N S0URC3 H4X0R5!
                \_ I must be getting old, I can't read this anymore...
                   \_ "dude, he wasnt here to talk to a bunch of kids! he was
                      here to talk to future elite gnu/linux open source
                      hackers!"  (youre welcome and I'm ashamed)
                      \_ It's a luser rosetta stone!
2002/5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24675 Activity:nil
5/1     forget may day.  today must be troll day. happy troll day!
        \_ That's everyday.
2002/3/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24136 Activity:insanely high
        This anti-nuke thing will never work. We all know its just science
        fiction.  When will they stop lying to us about it?
        \_ sometimes it is the futile struggles that are most important.  Like
           educating morons on the motd.
           \_ I keep hoping that the nutwingers will figure out one day that
              bread is more important than bombs.  Until then we need to keep
              on trying to educate them.
              \_ That's right.  Bread is more important.  Bread and circuses.
                 Romans understood how to keep the proles in line, one day
                 we will too.
                 \_ It's more like war booty and circuses.
              \_ Man lives not on bread alone.
              \_ Eternal vigilence is the price of freedom. Bombs ensure that
                 there is bread and the freedom to enjoy it.
                 \_ Bombs can also be used to take away freedom.
                    Dictators, Nazis, Commies tend to be the ones who
                    want to spend the most on weapons, to oppress its
                    own people and to bully and invade other countries.
        \_ As if the Russians or any one else, except us,
                   vote buying.
           ever adhered to the ABM treaty.  There was no verification,
           it was completely unilateral.
                   do you the former Soviet Union curtailed production
                   of ICBMs after the fall of the Berlin Wall.  In fact,
           \_ What's that got to do with it?  They're wasting billions of
              government dollars on star wars.  Next that'll spend a few more

 To The UCB Campus Community:


 It has been almost two decades since the campus has formulated a
 comprehensive strategic plan.  In the last few years, two changes in
 the academic environment made it urgent that Berkeley develop a new
 strategic plan.  First, the Office of the President has mandated that
 the Berkeley campus increase enrollment by 4000 students by the year
 2010-2011.  Second, the Regents have mandated that the Summer Sessions
 be 'regularized' and made similar in content and quality to the fall
 and spring semesters.  These changes represent a unique opportunity
 for the campus to develop new programs and expand its offerings.  On
 the other hand, this growth also puts stress on the space and
 infrastructure within our physically constrained campus.  It was clear
 that careful planning is essential to assure that the quality and
 reputation of the Berkeley campus would endure while accommodating
 these changes.  As a result, Executive Vice-Chancellor and Provost
 Paul Gray established a Strategic Planning Committee in Fall 2000 to
 consider these pressures and to make recommendations to the Chancellor
 and the campus.  This committee was carefully composed to include
 representation from the administration, the Academic Senate, staff and

 The deliberations for the academic strategic plan began within the
 context of growth outlined above, but expanded to consider all aspects
 of the academic enterprise since it was clear that all facets of the
 campus are tightly interrelated.  The purpose of the Working Paper is
 to document the deliberations to date, to identify concepts for
 further consideration and investigation, and to engage the campus
 community in a discourse of these concepts at this critical juncture.
 The working paper is the foundation for an implementation plan
 currently under development by the Strategic Planning Committee.  The
 purpose of this memo is to elicit your comments on the paper so that
 it and our implementation plan can reflect the input from the whole
 campus community.

 The committee invites you to send your comments through the Strategic
 Planning website at:
 Questions and comments will be accepted through Sunday, March 31,

 Campus forums will be held during the month of April to gather input
 on a draft academic strategic plan.  The following dates have been
 set.  Please attend one of these forums to talk with committee members
 about how the strategic plan will guide the Berkeley campus for the
 next two decades.

 Campus Forums:
 *Graduate Assembly - Thursday, April 4, 5:30 -7:00 pm @ ASUC Senate
 *Student Forum - Friday, April 5, 12 noon - 1:00 pm  @ 2050 VLSB
 *Staff Forum - Monday, April 15, 12 noon - 1:00 pm @ Sibley Auditorium
 *Faculty Forum - Thursday, April 18,  5:00 - 6:30 pm @ Sibley
 *ASUC Senate - tba @ ASUC Senate Chambers
 *Academic Senate - Thursday, April 25, 3:00 - 5:00 pm @ Sibley

 Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chairs
 David Dowall, Chair, Academic Senate
 William C. Webster, Vice-Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities
        \_ what the hell is this?
        \_ An extra 4000 students on campus plus additional support staff of
           maybe 1500?  Madness.  It's sheer madness.  I feel really sorry for
           that batch of students.  Parking, housing, class availability, etc,
           etc are all going to get worse.  Nothing good will come of this.
        \_ Just make sure you dump the SAT.  Replace it with
           a fast food preparation skills assessment test.
              billion researching The Force.
                \_ I FIND YOUR LACK OF FAITH DISTURBING.  --Vader
                \_ Oh I'm sorry, I seem to recall many frothing at the
                   mouth because they were upset the U.S. was abrogating
                   ABM.  And, frankly the FED also wastes money on:
                   AIDS research for a disease, even if it exists, is
                   100% preventable, welfare and sundry government
                   handouts, which have effectively devolved into
                   vote buying, I could go on and on.
                   At least this is National Defense - the preeminent
                   responsibility of the federal government.  Incidentally,
                   do you think that the former Soviet Union curtailed
                   production of nuclear ballistic missiles
                    after the fall of the Berlin Wall?  In fact,
                   they have vastly accelerated production, partially
                   at the expense of the US taxpayer.
                   \_ Most heart diseases are also preventable.  They
                      are caused by "gluttony", one of the seven deadly
                      sins.  In fact, if men don't sin, we would just
                      be like Adam and Eve before their Fall and would
                      live forever.
                      \_ You don't have to believe in the Fall to know
                            on research for the sake of gluttons!
                            on research for the sake of gluttons!  Same
                            for those drug and cigarette addicts!  Let
                            them die, they deserve it!
                         that abstinence would have prevented the vast
                         majority of AIDS cases.
                         \_ And moderation in diet would have prevented
                            the vast majority of heart problems.  The
                            government should stop wasting my tax money
                            on research for the benefit of gluttons!  Same
                            for those drug, cigarette and alcohol addicts!
                            Let them die, they deserve it!
                                \_ Thats not the point.  You are coerced
                                   to pay for it - At Gunpoint!
2002/3/16 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24134 Activity:insanely high
        This anti-nuke thing will never work. We all know its just science
        fiction.  When will they stop lying to us about it?

 To The UCB Campus Community:


 It has been almost two decades since the campus has formulated a
 comprehensive strategic plan.  In the last few years, two changes in
 the academic environment made it urgent that Berkeley develop a new
 strategic plan.  First, the Office of the President has mandated that
 the Berkeley campus increase enrollment by 4000 students by the year
 2010-2011.  Second, the Regents have mandated that the Summer Sessions
 be 'regularized' and made similar in content and quality to the fall
 and spring semesters.  These changes represent a unique opportunity
 for the campus to develop new programs and expand its offerings.  On
 the other hand, this growth also puts stress on the space and
 infrastructure within our physically constrained campus.  It was clear
 that careful planning is essential to assure that the quality and
 reputation of the Berkeley campus would endure while accommodating
 these changes.  As a result, Executive Vice-Chancellor and Provost
 Paul Gray established a Strategic Planning Committee in Fall 2000 to
 consider these pressures and to make recommendations to the Chancellor
 and the campus.  This committee was carefully composed to include
 representation from the administration, the Academic Senate, staff and

 The deliberations for the academic strategic plan began within the
 context of growth outlined above, but expanded to consider all aspects
 of the academic enterprise since it was clear that all facets of the
 campus are tightly interrelated.  The purpose of the Working Paper is
 to document the deliberations to date, to identify concepts for
 further consideration and investigation, and to engage the campus
 community in a discourse of these concepts at this critical juncture.
 The working paper is the foundation for an implementation plan
 currently under development by the Strategic Planning Committee.  The
 purpose of this memo is to elicit your comments on the paper so that
 it and our implementation plan can reflect the input from the whole
 campus community.

 The committee invites you to send your comments through the Strategic
 Planning website at:
 Questions and comments will be accepted through Sunday, March 31,

 Campus forums will be held during the month of April to gather input
 on a draft academic strategic plan.  The following dates have been
 set.  Please attend one of these forums to talk with committee members
 about how the strategic plan will guide the Berkeley campus for the
 next two decades.

 Campus Forums:
 *Graduate Assembly - Thursday, April 4, 5:30 -7:00 pm @ ASUC Senate
 *Student Forum - Friday, April 5, 12 noon - 1:00 pm  @ 2050 VLSB
 *Staff Forum - Monday, April 15, 12 noon - 1:00 pm @ Sibley Auditorium
 *Faculty Forum - Thursday, April 18,  5:00 - 6:30 pm @ Sibley
 *ASUC Senate - tba @ ASUC Senate Chambers
 *Academic Senate - Thursday, April 25, 3:00 - 5:00 pm @ Sibley

 Strategic Planning Committee Co-Chairs
 David Dowall, Chair, Academic Senate
 William C. Webster, Vice-Provost, Academic Planning & Facilities
        \_ what the hell is this?
        \_ An extra 4000 students on campus plus additional support staff of
           maybe 1500?  Madness.  It's sheer madness.  I feel really sorry for
           that batch of students.  Parking, housing, class availability, etc,
           etc are all going to get worse.  Nothing good will come of this.
2002/3/6-7 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:24033 Activity:high
3/6     "Phantom Planet", band containing Rushmore's Jason
        Schwartzman, today, noon, Sproul.  The giant crowd
        will probably be interesting for people watching. - danh
        \_ standard bullshit berkeley band.  if you've seen greenday
           you've seen them all.
                \_ dammit paolo do you ever let up?  this band has
                   nothing to do with berkeley.
                   \_ cept that they are playing in berkeley to a bunch
                      of berkeley freshmen idiots and so are going to
                      - by marketing tactics - spout off pro-berkeley
                      rhetoric for 1 hour.  Yeah,  sounds like a bunch
                      of berkeley bullshit to me.
           \_ wait-- Is this band really from Berkeley? (Because that
              would mean the Rushmore guy lives in our own town!!)
                \_ Berkeley?  Keep it.  It's yours!
        \_ anyone remember the frat party near the beginning of the movie
           "roadtrip"? the band that was playing, they say that was a
           berkeley based band. anyone know if that's true?
         \_ it was the oakland band "The KGB".  they were supposed
            to get huge but i don't think anyone cares anymore.
   - danh
           \_ Get stoned enough and they're all berkeley based bands.
2002/3/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:24021 Activity:very high
3/3     Can I run a MUD on soda?  How about a netrek server for me and my
        friends?  Maybe an IRC node, too.  And oh yeah, would it be ok if I
        ran a few p2p clients and the seti/cancer cure/auto-spammer client,
        too?  I can install all this stuff on my own.  I just need access.
        \_ Yes.  By all means.  It will speed your departure. !staff.
        \_ there are other ways to be a hoser.  I am sure you will find them.
        \_ Back in my day we didn't ask permission to install software, we'd
           just break root and install shit.
        \_ Uh, I assume you're being facetious, but except for the filesharing
           stuff (juarez policy) and auto-spammer crap (obvious reasons), why
           the heck not?  I'd keep it off soda, maybe, but the CSUA used
           to run a bunch of public servers (crossfire, netrek, anonymizer,
           whatever.)  If you're willing to put in the time to help maintain
           some machines for the purpose, why should anyone object?  What
           is the CSUA server/hardware situation right now, anyway?  -John
           \_ Yeah, tom or peterm used to run a netrek server on soda.  It
              was back when the lottery scheduler was agoing.  I'm not
              sure how well it would behave on current soda, and I'm not
              sure if there was some policy decision causing it to stop,
              but go for it, duud... --scotsman
                \_ It wasn't me, and I don't think it was peterm.  There is a
                   general policy on daemons, or at least there used to be;
                   you had to have a README letting root know what it was, and
                   root reserved the right to kill it if it was causing
                   problems.  -tom
           \_ Yes I was clowning around.  I thought it was obvious but look
              how many fools took it seriously.  There's no need to troll the
              motd.  People are begging to get trolled around here.  Lighten
              up, folks.  I thought it was easy to get stoned at Cal.
              \_ most motd posters are no longer @ cal.
                 \_ So?  Drugs are everywhere.  Find them.  Get your doctor
                    to prescribe something.  They love doing that.  Drink
                    heavily.  Anything will do.
              \_ So you're saying that was your weak attempt at humor?
                 \_ No.  I'm not saying that at all.  Maybe it was too subtle
                    for you and you feel stupid having responded as if it was
                    a serious post.  I'm guessing you're one of the first 2
                    \_ Nah, I think the guy is responding to the fact that
                       you're acting like a jackass.  *shrug*
2002/2/21 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23932 Activity:nil
2/20    we make world news!
        \_ Yes, making the Cal degree you're working so hard for look like a
           total joke.  Cool, huh?
                \_ how shocking, college students having sex!  Those nuts at
                   \_ No, Genius, college students getting graduation credit
                      for having sex.  *That* is shocking and stupid. Wake up.
        \_ Looks like the Naughty Professor (
           has joined the Cal faculty.
2002/2/16-17 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23886 Activity:high
2/16    What's a good place in Berkeley to buy alcoholic beverages after 11pm?
        Berkeley Market closes at 11pm on weekdays ;/
        \_ bah! be glad you don't live in New England.  Where I live it
           is illegal to sell alcohol outside a bar after 8 pm.
           these laws used to be moral things in the old days, but
           are now corporate wellfare for the liquor stores so they
           don't have to compete against grocery stores with hours.
           everytime it comes up, the liquor store lobby and the bar lobby
           make sure the law stays and the rest of us just have to go out and
           buy booze at 7:45 or head to the bar. fucking socialist cocksuckers.
        \- safeway ... decent prices generally too.
        \_ Raleigh's
2002/2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23788 Activity:nil
2/5     Drivel deleted.
2001/12/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23254 Activity:nil
12/14   [ Troll deleted. ]  It wasn't bad, it just came at a bad time,
        immediately after the WORK OF ART below.  Wow, I still can't believe
        that the motd can still produce such quality material after so many
        \_ i disagree.  one judges a troll not on some abstaract quality,
           but on the nature and volume of responses.  I'll post my troll
           again in a couple of days, and i bet it will be more effective
           than the one below.  I think that I made a mistake in using
           bad english in the troll, though.  The best trolls are
           *almost* legitimante posts, but have some key flaw that
           peple can attack, thinking they're the only ones who see it.

         _ Perhaps you should put this on a web page and post a URL.
2001/12/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23236 Activity:nil
        An academic on academia.  Zing!  Censoring this only proves it true.
2001/12/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23165 Activity:nil 66%like:24524
12/5    troll deleted
2001/11/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23092 Activity:high
11/22   csua poll:
        yen will hit 130: ..
        yen will stop at 128:
        yen wil go back to 120:
        \_ who's yen?
           \_ Annabel Chong's friend.
        yen will hit it with annabel and go out for a smoke: .
        shut the fuck up, cmlee: .
        who the fuk cares:  ..
2001/11/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23052 Activity:high
11/15   TROLL, Come Forth And Identify YeSelf!
        \_ Which one?  It's a myth that there are only trolls and non-trolls
           and the two groups are disjoint.  Anyway, even if you had a list of
           every troll and what each one posted, so what?  What would it get
           you?  Finally, keep in mind two more things: one person's troll is
           another's interesting topic of discussion and for the real trolls,
           it takes two: a troll and a trollee.  Don't be a trollee.
           \_ IMO, Ye Need To Be Run Through With A Sharpened Stick!
           \_ Don't be stupid.  It doesn't take two to troll.  Some trollers
              post shit and respond to their own shit with some other shit.
2001/11/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:23049 Activity:nil
11/15 is no longer resolving to csua.. will this be
        \_ No.  it was announced YEARS ago that this could go away at
           any moment.
           \_ Most students weren't here YEARS ago.
              \_ Those newer students were told to use "soda.csua...." when
                 they first got their accounts anyway.
           \_ only STUPID FUCKING OLD IDIOTS would ever know about
     and still try to use it. --hostmaster
                \_ Because being old makes you stupid I suppose.  Tell us when
                   you get there.  Or maybe you'll be under 30 forever.
2001/10/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:22721 Activity:nil
10/12   Terrorists nuke motd, again!
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Results 151 - 300 of 431   < 1 2 3 >
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Academia:Berkeley:CSUA:Troll: [Aspolito(31) | Ilyas(52) | Jblack(96) | Kinney(41) | TJB(45) ]