3/15 |
2012/10/4-10 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:54491 Activity:nil |
10/4 Werner von Braun, SS, Nazi, married his first cousin. So much for the super Aryan race. |
2009/9/29-10/8 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:53410 Activity:nil |
9/29 Can someone tell my why half of the Family Guy theme is about 1) Jewish 2) Nazi 3) gay people 4) combination of the above? The Weinstein episode, Ann Franke, Peter as the brother of Adolf, the constant guy-to-guy kissing and gay references... the list goes on and on and on. WHY??? Does MacFarlan have a fascination with Jews? \_ Doesn't everyone? \_ no, why should they? |
2009/8/17-9/1 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:53272 Activity:nil |
8/14 Entertaining Sand Animation. Story of Germans conquering Ukraine in WW2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=518XP8prwZo \_ I just watched The Great Raid, it was good; surprisingly. |
2009/4/20-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52874 Activity:nil |
4/19 Germany boycotting UN anti-racism meeting: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090420/ap_on_re_eu/un_un_racism_conference "In recent meetings, it (Germany) has expressed dismay about some governments' attempts to downplay the significance of the Holocaust." How dare you say my sin was nothing!? I'm quitting! \_ Seriously? You're giving shit to a country that's trying to take responsibility for their past? \_ I was just joking. Actually, I admire what they do, and I hope Japan does the same and face its past the same way. -- OP \_ I was just joking. Actually, I admire what Germany does, and I hope Japan can face its past the same way. -- OP \_ So, not srsly. Cool. \_ At some point Israel just need to admit that Israel as a nation is no different than South Africa 15 years ago... Those who pretend that is not the case will do foolish things like what Germany is doing. \_ NO FREE SPEECH FOR RACISTS! \_ NO FREE SPEECH FOR RACISTS! (Pretty funny that this remark keeps getting censored, it proves my point) |
3/15 |
2008/12/18-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:52274 Activity:nil |
12/18 You know why US economy is messed up? North Korean SUPERNOTES. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superdollar http://www.slate.com/id/2124884 Throughout WW2, Germany produced supernotes to ruin the British/US economy. N Korean is doing the very same thing today. \_ Seriously? You believe this crap? \- pakistan has flooded places like nepal with high denomination fake indian rupees and they they are often not accepted. |
2008/12/8-10 [Consumer/Camera, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:52196 Activity:low |
12/7 http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2008/12/a-rant-about-th.html Hitler curses at Nikon D3X, Capture NX, and all the idiotic things Nikon has done and totally fucked up in the past 5 years. \_ wow you weren't kidding. \_ Is this the goddamn The Bunker clip again? Jesus will that meme just die already? \_ I WISHED I LIVED IN SAN FRANCISCO \_ What does this mean? \- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV4i7dWeu0c \_ These days it's more "I wish I was single" \_ Anyone have the original with subtitles handy? \_ Nikon is fucking up their 50-80 or so years of dominance. It's like watching Lehman Brothers' legacy going down the drain. It's a sad sad dark moment for all of us Nikon suckers. |
2008/10/27-29 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:51696 Activity:kinda low |
10/27 I just went to my Oath of Ceremony. I'm a US Citizen now! By the way, why do they keep asking if I've ever been a member of the Communist Party? What if I'm a socialist at heart, does that count as communism? It's none of the government's godamn business what party I'm affiliated with. Fucking McCarthiesm still exists or what? P.S. Go Obama! \_ Care to join the National Socialist German Workers' Party? \_ I hate Illinois Nazis \_ Did they ask if you were a Nazi? They used to ask that, too. \_ ACORN!!!!11!!1!!11!1111one \_ They ask this a lot when you apply for a government clearance as well. Most of it's legacy from the McCarthy/Hoover days. \_ It ain't 1950 anymore. What if I tell them I'm a communist? Is the government going to lock me up for it even though it's the 21st century? Come on... \_ Presumably not. However, change comes slowly in govt. They're _required_ to ask you, even if there are no consequences. \_ Wouldn't it be funny if you applied for a government job and told them that you're a communist openly? Sounds like a cool Punked TV episode. \_ I am pretty sure that your security clearance would be denied if you told the interviewer that you were currently a Communist. It would certainly require you to go through more thorough screening, especially for TS clearance. |
2008/8/20-26 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50917 Activity:nil |
8/20 Germany wins a bunch of equestrian medals. Are Germans richer than Americans? Expensive sports man. \_ Germany has three luxury automotive brands. US has zero. \_ الله أَكْ! \_ Cadillac qualifies. Possibly so does Lincoln. However, Germany has 4: BMW, MB, Audi, Porsche. Ford owns Volvo and GM owns Saab. I don't know how you count those. \_ Oh, I forgot about Audi. I personally still think of Volvo and Saab as Swedish brands. -- PP |
2008/8/17-21 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:50889 Activity:nil |
8/17 Family Guy. What's up with all that historical references to Hitler, Germans, and Jewish people? Almost every other episode makes fun of Hitler and the Jews. Whats up man. \_ Family Guy is pretty formulaic shock comedy. As since it is hard to actually do shock comedy without either being lame or offensive, they take the easy path and go the lame route. Hitler and Germany are pretty safe ways to look like you are being shocking without actually having to worry about going to far. |
2008/7/25-29 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50681 Activity:nil |
7/25 200,000 or 20,000? http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/blog/blog.aspx?id=2492 \_ Dittohead Desperaton Level: Red \_ Troll level, poor. \_ Dittohead Desperaton Level: Still Red \_ I just want to know what the number is. This makes me desperate? \_ He's in France now, should he call our French allies "Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys"? Hey, are you guys still calling them "Freedom Fries"? Just curious. \_ Numbers are irrelevant in the face of hope and change. |
2008/7/23-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50659 Activity:moderate |
7/23 See, I told you he was HITLER! http://preview.tinyurl.com/6dv7mr \_ I thought Obama was a Marxist. Is he Hitler, too? Obamarxhitler just doesn't have the same ring as Bushitler, does it? \_ Obama == Socialist ~ National Socialist == Nazi == Hitler \_ Socialist >>> Bush Reagan Capitalist > McCain Therefore, Obama >>> McCain \_ This is too long for a soundbite, you need a way to say this in a snappier fashion. \_ I orignially posted about Obama's choice to speak in front of the victory column. My intention wasn't to imply the Obama was Hitler, just that he was incredibly arrogant and aften tone deaf. I expect this sort nonsense from Bush, but you'd think the more 'humble' Obama would, I don't know, ask a German where he should have a speech in Germany. just that he was incredibly arrogant and often tone deaf. I expect this sort nonsense from Bush, but you'd think the more 'humble' Obama would, I don't know, ask a German where he should have a speech in Germany. \_ You know he was denied his original speaking location, right? Perhaps the Obama campaign should have you as a consultant, since you obviously have his best interest at heart. He should dress up in a fighter suit, pad his codpiece, land on a aircraft carrier, and give a speech to a cheering throng under a "Mission Accomplished" banner like a good Republican fake war hero instead? Where was your outrage at the fascist overtones then? \_ 1. Yes his original location was the Brandenburg Gate. Which was a jaw-droppingly arrogant, and insulting, first choice. He can't ask a German? \_ "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" \_ Ummm... Yes? Said a standing President? Your point? \_ So it is okay when Reagan does it, but not when Obama does? Got it. I see where you are coming from, thanks. \_ Was it a campaign stop for Reagan too? Reagan wasn't invited to speak there? Oh. You have no idea what you're talking about? Got it. I see where you are coming from, thanks. \_ "Milk Strike ends at Brandenberg Gate" http://preview.tinyurl.com/5a7oee "Fulan Gong Rally at Brandenberg Gate" http://preview.tinyurl.com/5afy56 It gets used for all kinds of things. Are you German or something? I don't think you know what you are talking about, you are just parrotting some right wing talking just parotting some right wing talking points you heard somewhere. \_ see below. \_ Why can't the presumptive president use the same location? \_ Hey Germans, I think this hugely important landmark, usually reserved only for visiting heads of state, would make a nice campaign speech backdrop, how that sound to you? speech backdrop, how's that sound to you? \_ Sounds to me like exactly the kind of thing that a Harvard educated elitist would think was a good idea. \_ It actually gets used almost daily by various sorts of protestors and the like. Who told you otherwise? \_ Sorry, I wasn't clear and overstepped there. Obviously context is important. The Gate is a public area, I didn't mean to imply it was sealed up or something. But there's a huge difference between a bunch of German protestors and a foreign pol giving a speech there. The latter comes with HUGE political implications. \_ 2 weeks ago if someone had said Obama was having a speech at the Brandenberg Gate you would have not be blathering this bullshit. However, you read a bunch of blogs flinging shit at Obama desperatly trying to make "gaff prone elist" stick and suddenly it is OBVIOUS HOW ELITIST AND TONE DEAF Obama was. Jesus H. Motherfucking Christ you are so damn perdictable. -!pp \_ Predictable? I predicted your petty pointless frothing before I posted this. You accusations are false, but I don't feel any need to discuss with a gibbering monkey. Good day. \_ You are fooling noone. \_ So who exactly would have been offended by Obama's speach at the Brandenburg gate? \_ HITLER \_ Bush's attack poodle, Merkel. 2. "I expect this sort of nonsense from Bush..." Can you read? \_ Anyone running for the office of President of the United States is arrogant, almost by definition. The closest thing we ever say to humility in that office was Carter, and you can see where that got us. \_ Ok, true. But I don't think a little bit of sensitivity to our allies is wildly unrealistic. \_ he's so fucking insensitive that every German TV network covered his speech and 200,000 people came network covered his speech and 20,000 people came out to see him speak. What an asshole. -tom \_ HILTER drew large german crowds OBAMA draws large german crowds HITLER == OBAMA qed \_ Who the hell is Melissa Clouthier, and why would I want to read her blog? |
2008/7/21-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50649 Activity:nil |
7/21 Ah, Obama's not a flip-flopper, he's just a liar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHEIi4XKRmM \_ No, he's HITLER \_ lol @ your inability to handle Obama criticism \_ Lol at your weak sauce. !pp \_ Jan 10, 2007: surge won't work, will increase violence Jan 5, 2008: I've always said the surge would work \_ See, just like HITLER \_ You mean Stalin. \_ POL POT!!!!!!1one |
2008/7/20-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50641 Activity:high |
7/20 Oh, that crazy Obama, he couldn't get the Brandenberg gate, so he switched to Hitler's favorite monument of militaristic dominance. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,566920,00.html Not that he could have asked any German reporters about this. http://preview.tinyurl.com/5tqtgy (Washington Post) \_ Yes, because Obama LOVES HITLER! He's a crazy secret muslim HITLER LOVER! HITLER HILTER HILTER! \_ Perhaps it is part of Obama's effort to reach out to White \_ Don't forget he's a commie who wants to raise all our taxes to 100% and outlaw all guns except if the state needs to use them in an "on-demand" abortion. \_ HITLER! \_ Um, deal with it. When Obama wins, you'll have to learn to live with this crap for the next 4 years just like everybody had to deal with BUSH=HITLER nonsense for the past 8 years. It's a small price to pay for having your team finally win one. \_ You are missing what is important here. Obama is HITLER! \_ Wait, you mean you stopped calling Dems HITLER, LIAR, and FLIPFLOPPER when Bush became Pres.? Your weak sauce is old news. \_ Not sure Obama is going to survive 4 years with all the gun-toting whackos in this country. \_ The gun-toting whackos in the Secret Service will protect him just fine. \_ Just like they did JFK and Raygun. \_ Yeah, too bad JHJr assassinated Reagan. Oh, wait, he _didn't_. Secret Service hasn't lost anyone since JFK. Get over it. \_ Oh yes, because Reagan and Brady managed to survive I guess that means the SS did its job. Maybe Obama will just be a vegetable so you can still stand by your stupid point. \_ Right, it's easier for you to imagine that the Secret Service is incompetent than to simply accept that the fact that no one's been assassinated since JFK is a result of professionalism. \_ Only in your world is the POTS being \_ Only in your world is the POTUS being shot and nearly dying considered a success. \_ Perhaps it is part of Obama's effort to reach out to the White Supremicist vote. |
2008/5/16-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:49974 Activity:nil |
5/16 Seattle Times editor defends Hitler, Chamberlain. WTF? http://blog.seattletimes.nwsource.com/edcetera/2008/05/bush_and_his_use_of_appeasemen.html \_ Uh, did you even read the article? \_ Uhhh.. yes. "What Hitler was demanding was not unreasonable." \_ it is kind of cool that he self Godwin'ed \_ Uh, did you read the *whole* article? |
2008/4/9-12 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49695 Activity:nil 66%like:49676 |
4/7 this has it all. Nazis, nazis, and nazis: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4j3jh2 [nyt] |
2008/4/7-9 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49676 Activity:nil 66%like:49695 |
4/7 this has it all. Nazis, nazis, and nazis: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/07/world/europe/07formula.html?sq=nazi&st=nyt&scp=1&pagewanted=print |
2008/3/21-24 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49527 Activity:nil |
3/21 I had no idea that German toilets were so odd, any comments? http://www.asecular.com/~scott/misc/toilet.htm http://www.banterist.com/archivefiles/000212.html \_ Heil German John! Can you explain to us, John? |
2008/3/20-25 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:49516 Activity:nil |
3/20 "Television's History Channel is History" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080320/ap_en_tv/tv_history_channel Why? I like the History Channel shows, exactly because most of them are not about history. Why are they doing this? \_ OH SHIT Where am I going to get my dosage of Hitler history? \_ What, dropping the "The" from their title? I don't see the outrage. \_ No, it's dropping the "The" and the "Channel". \_ Can they just broadcast MAILCALL 24 hours a day? I'd watch. |
2007/12/14-19 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48799 Activity:nil |
12/14 Day 11, 0 masterbation and I'm actually starting to feel GREAT! No sinful urges whatsoever, much less sleep and much more productive at work. First week was quite a struggle but after going through withdraw I feel pretty good now. I also walk/run more to release a lot of sexual frustrations which I think probably contributed to losing 2 pounds and feeling great. I can't believe I'm saying this but abstinence rules, no wonder the same 2 religious guys near Campinelle and Dwinelle Hall who tried to get me to go to church always seem so happy and optimistic as if they're on drugs all the time. You know, if abstinence & exercise work for dumb ass GWB, it must work for for anyone. I still watch the History Channel but I no longer porn browse and jerk off in parallel. I'll still post on the motd if there are cool Hitler, WW2, & Jewish stuff worthy to troll on motd. anyways i m liberated from the shackles of human sexual urges and i feel immortal! GO ABSTINENCE! w00t! -no laid guy #3 \_ dans? is that you? \_ You might try adding avoiding all wheat gluten too while you're at it. \_ Trolls just ain't what they used to be. At the very least spell the word correctly: MASTURBATION \_ Sinful urges? 2 happy religious guys? GWB? Abstinence? All you missed was the global warming, abortion, and gun control trolls. Oh and death penalty. I think that would have covered all your bases. Belong to us. |
2007/11/12-14 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48619 Activity:low |
11/12 Happy WW2 Day! For fun, let's hypothetically say that you're Hitler in WW2 and had a large Jewish labor force at your disposal, what would you have them do for you assuming you've come to the realization that ethnic cleansing is stupid? \_ \_ One word: Zaftig! \_ I second that! Plump & juicy! \_ A dance number? \_ Build pyramids \_ lock them up till they invent super weapons |
2007/11/12-16 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48616 Activity:nil |
11/12 Happy Veteran's Day! History Channel is full of WW2, Hitler, Jews, etc. Make sure to watch it! \_ No Nanjing Massacre? |
2007/10/27-11/1 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48460 Activity:very high |
10/26 Except for Hiroshima/Nagasaki, is it actually possible to bomb people into submission? It seemed to failed with the Londoners, Germans, Vietnamese, Afghanistan, etc. \_ worked all right with the Germans. bombing them from the air isnt the only thing that let to their defeat but it helped some. \_ Most historians don't really agree with you here. Maybe it reduced their tank and plane production slightly, which helped shorten the war slightly. It did not effect the "will to fight." \_ I don't understand this new fad of declaring unsavory tactics like torture or civilian bombing 'ineffective.' Of course they are effective. Have you read "why the allies won?" There is a whole chapter on bombing. We don't live in a convenient world where all immoral choices can be rejected on amoral grounds. -- ilyas on amoral grounds. Are you willing to backup your 'most historians' claim or this the old 'argument by non-existence consensus?' -- ilyas non-existent consensus?' -- ilyas \- i think declaring "unsavory tactics" off limits hugely helps the US, because the US has a massive advantage in any battle that involves "fighting fair" where they define fair. \_ I am sad when I agree with ilyas. I have to agree that making the civilian population sad and feaful that the RAF is going to drop a ton of explosive on their head is going to reduce their 'will to fight' and 'will to build tank' and 'will to put up with Hitler' \_ The civilian population had a will to fight in Feb 1945? How were they supposed to stop it? No, the purpose might be to attempt to shock the leadership. But that relies on there being a rational leadership. \_ In Csarist Russia, the loses on the front led to the government being overthrown. In France, the troops mutinied late in WWI. Nothing like this happened in Germany (or Japan) due to the allied bombing campaigns. German workers continued to work under horrific conditions and followed orders all the way to the surrender. German soldiers fought to the end in Berlin. \_ It is not possible for 'business to remain as usual' when your life is put under daily threat. -- ilyas \_ If the Germans hadn't sent VI LENIN back to Russia, the revolution wouldn't have had legs. Along similar lines, the folks who could have led revolutions in Germany and Japan either failed due to bad timing and lack of assurances or didn't ever have the forces necessary to force the issue, respectively. \_ See Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II#Effectiveness on wikipedia. It is certainly open for debate, but German production of tanks, plane and guns increased during 1944, the year of the heaviest bombing. It did have a substantial effect on oil production. \_ The question is whether production would have been higher had there been no bombing. -- ilyas \_ No the question is more subtle and harder to answer: could the materiel and manpower deployed to the strategic bombing campaign been more usefully deployed elsewhere? Like for instance tactical bombing and air control, which undoubtedly had a huge effect, or a larger number of tanks, which Britain was woefully short of. \_ The only allied power with good tanks was the USSR. \_ I agree that it's not at all clear whether strategic bombing was the best use of resources. However, the part I objected to was the claim that strategic bombing was 'ineffective.' -- ilyas Incidentally more tank production for non-USSR allied countries would have been a terrible idea -- Britain and US had terrible tanks. -- ilyas \_ If the allies had taken a course of action that would have made them win faster but instead used strategic bombing as a tactic, which wasted men, materiel and focus, thereby making the war last longer, then I think this means that strategic bombing was not only ineffective, but counterproductive. But I guess at this point we are quibbling over definitions. The one thing that strategic bombing might have accomplished it to force the Luftwaffte fighter force to sally, allowing us to shoot them down and gain air superiority. But there were easier and less roundabout ways to do this. Do you think that unarmoured troops in jeeps were more effective than tankers in Shermans? American tanks were not as bad as their reputation, they just weren't as good as the best German tanks. Very few Tigers and Panthers were ever made. Off the top of my head, I think we made 10x Shermans for every Panz-V and Panz-VI, while losses were something like 2x in tank battles. \_ I bet most German tank losses were due to aircraft (allies had exceptional planes, and lots of them). Shermans couldn't kill Panthers/Tigers. Shells would bounce off, you see. -- ilyas aircraft (the allies had lots of planes, and they were excellent). Shermans couldn't kill Tigers/Panthers. Shells would bounce off, you see. A better way for the allies to spend resources on tanks would be to copy Russian tanks. Germans did! -- ilyas \_ tank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfZaySq9c8I&NR=1 \_ It depends on which Sherman and from which angle. The US tanks got slaughtered early on, because they were told they could stand toe to toe with the Panthers, which they could not. We learned to attack in swarms and take some losses in order to get a side or rear shot. Also, we got uparmored pretty quickly with some better guns and AP rounds (HEAT, I think) that gave us a fighting chance. I wonder what percentage of tanks kills were from the air? Quite a few, no dobut. Even more important was the fact that the Panzers were always short of ammo and fuel, due to supply line inderdiction. \_ Works for the type of people who are very submissive (e.g. those who are willing to do silly things like suicide for their Emperor, perform Bukake, and draw porn manga). The British, Germans, Vietnamese and Afghans on the other hand are in general very proud of themselves and/or are very defiant thus they'd never surrender. \_ E_TOOSHORT \_ yes because Japan is not proud of itself. Just ask anyone in East Asia. \_ We bombed the greater Tokyo area too. \_ We firebombed 67 cities in Japan: http://www.ditext.com/japan/napalm.html See also McNamara in Fog of War. It's arguable that Nagasaki and Hiroshima were more for demonstrating US possession of atomic bombs to the Soviets. -!pp \_ McNamura? BTW this name sounds almost Japanese. \_ Nuke and Pave! \_ We bombed the Serbs, and they gave up their campaign of genocide in Kosovo. \_ So that Albanians could continue their campaign of genocide in Kosovo. \_ *shrug* op asked for examples of bombing ppl into submission. Mission Accomplished. \_ Libya. Kadaffi. \_ ...what did we convince Colonel K to do via bombing? \_ Arguably the Japanese are better off for having submitted. The destruction of their country stopped, they didn't have a violent continuing occupation which threw their country back into a dark age, etc. \_ In addition their submission allowed them to concentrate their resources on the development of kick ass products like Wii, Prius, and Bukake/Urabon/Hentai \_ Ask the residents of Dresden. \_ We'll need to live in mobile floating fortresses for all to live in to deal with extreme weather and flooding due to global warming. We'll also need to cut about 1/2 the surplus population due to reduced fishery output and farm production. \_ Are you volunteering to be excess population? \_ I guess dead is a form of submission, but it didn't really slow down the Germans much, if any at all. \_ dont give motd armchair historian any ideas. Islam means 'submission to god' \_ They stopped producing weapons in Dresden. \_ Dresden did not have any munitions factories. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Dresden_in_World_War_II \_ Did you even read this? It says that there were no munition factories in Dresden. I guess there were a couple of glass factories. \_ Because it wasn't militarily relevant. But the Germans were already slowed down. Dresden was February 1945. VE day is May 8. "Bomb people into submission"... the people can't submit even if they want to. The military forces have to submit. \_ hindsight is laser like in its precision. we probably thought some industrial capacity in Dresden helped Germany with their war effort. without Dresden you woulndt get great american literature like Cat's Cradle \_ we bombed the americans and now they are cowardly talking of retreat from Iraq. -AQ \_ "Somalia" is the word you're looking for. \_ somalia wasn't a bombing so much as shooting a few soldiers. Westerners have no stomach for war. It shall be their undoing! \_ same basic concept, no? kill a few folks so the rest stop fighting. \_ lets not forget Lebanon. \_ Too bad Bush doesn't have the sense of Reagan. \_ Because that worked out really well in Lebanon and had the effect of discouraging our enemies around the world while strengthening our allies' spines. Or not. Don't they teach history anymore? \_ Of possible interest: Richard Marcinko reported in Rogue Warrior that he suggested instituting a radio pulse on the frequency the suicide bombers liked to use to blow up their bombers prematurely, but this was rejected as being likely to result in civilian casualties. \_ Ah yes, it is much better for America to waste $2T and get beaten anyway, like Our Heroic Leader Bush has done. Too bad they don't teach Conservatives the principle of limited government anymore. \_ I don't understand why anyone listens or respects Bush in any way. he's poured a couple of trillion down a fucking rathole. He should be Shunned in DC. Entire blocks of people too disgusted to look at his face. \- in an odd coincidence: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601100&sid=an09LjQPgiVY |
2007/10/20-24 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48395 Activity:nil |
10/19 german shepherd. \_ labradoodle \_ swami the not so magnificent \_ ObSwamiRules |
2007/10/8-9 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48260 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 All you not-getting-laid guys, what do you do for fun besides watch The Hitler Channel? I've been trying to bike more and I just sold my tv. I'm not quite lame enough yet to torrent the History Channel. \_ Torrent sucks. History Channel's worth it. Get it. You just missed today's Columbus documentary. It KICKS ASS. Not having sex has made me more knowledgeable than before. I watch the History Channel and read books and I actually feel more cultured than before. -not getting laid guy #3 \_ Orgy with Rosy Palm and her five sisters. \_ I'm thinking about Fleshlight. RealDoll is too expensive. |
2007/10/5-9 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48248 Activity:moderate |
10/5 Although each D-Day landing craft had a 2 men assigned as flamethrowers, most of them did not carry flamethrowers out of fear that they'd explode. I love the History Channel -not getting laid guy #3 \_ Hey get your own nickname! - the original not getting laid guy. \_ Sorry I changed my login to not getting laid #3. Maybe we should start a loser club or something? \_ Hold on how un-laid are you? I'm watching the history channel two. some SF freaks are talking about German jet engines. awesome. - original not getting laid guy. \_ hi I'm #3, I love the Weird Weapons of the Axis/Allies. Jet engines are cool too. Go ME262, they kick ass! Well actually they kind of sucked compared to the P-51 Mustangs, since ME262 had bad maneuverability, etc etc. But hey, the idea's cool. \_ And they run out of fuel after a few minutes and have to glide back to base where upon American fighters just pull in behind and shoot them down easily. And they required a difficult to produce and incredible toxic fuel. ME262 was cool. For the Allies. Hitler should have let his generals run the war. Fortunately, he was insane and militarily untalented so the Allies were able to win. \_ Hitler was a micromanager. I hate micromanagers. \_ The Allies would have beaten even the greatest military genius in the world, because of economic might and sheer numbers. Only a great politician could have saved the Axis and Hitler, though a great German leader, did not have enough international relations skills to pull it off. \_ If only he had kept the Jew scientists... \_ Can't recall his name right now but the admiral in charge of the german submarines wanted to wait until they had 700+ before launching a war instead of the 100? or so they had. Imagine how the war for the atlantic would have gone with 700 subs or even 350 german subs roaming around? We could not have reinforced Britain, there likely would not have been a dday, etc. On the Russian front, he didn't allow his generals to pull back to defensible positions after they took ground so the Russian counter attacks hurt a lot more than they should have. He didn't believe in strategic bombing. He didn't let his army reinforce the beaches at Normandy until too late. Need I go on? \_ I am not saying Hitler didn't make mistakes. I am saying that Germany would have lost anyway, because they did not have the military might to defeat Russia and the US. The war could have gone on longer, but Germany would have lost no matter who was advising them militarily. However, with a better politician perhaps France would still be speaking German. \_ My wife and I had sex again tonight. -happily married guy \_ Married a fatty, huh? \_ I'm guessing the pp didn't marry Asian, or is fresh \_ No she is thin and asian. But we have only been dating for seven years, so maybe you are right, things will slow down after a while. \_ Busty? \_ Sorry, no. |
2007/10/4-7 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48239 Activity:very high |
10/4 Irwin Rommel was dismayed when he found out about the prosecution of the Jews. Irwin Rommel was a good Nazi. \- E_ROMMEL: It is Erwin. Isnt it "common knowledge" that he was a respected foe, e.g. for civil treatment of POWs. \_ Why feed the trolls? \_ Ethical Nazi Nice Nazi Good Nazi All oxymorons, no? \_ Was Rommel actually a member of the Nazi party? -- ilyas \_ Who cares, he fought for da man. \- E_ROMMEL: It is Erwin. Isnt it "common knowledge" that he was a respected foe, e.g. for civil treatment of POWs. \_ Why feed the trolls? \_ Ethical Nazi Nice Nazi Good Nazi All oxymorons, no? \_ Was Rommel actually a member of the Nazi party? -- ilyas \_ Who cares, he fought for da man. \_ During the Nanjing massacre, only white who stood up to Japanese pressure and established an "international safety zone" was a member of Nazi SA. Go figures. In many way, I think Nazi is a convenient scapegoat for the overall, wide-spread prejudice and discrimanitory policies toward Jews through out entire Europe. Now, Europeans prefer everyone to think them as "libator from Nazi's concentration camp" rather than those who also discriminate against Jews for centuries. \_ During the Nanjing massacre, only white who stood up to Japanese pressure and established an "international safety zone" was a member of Nazi SA. Go figures. In many way, I think Nazi is a convenient scapegoat for the overall, wide-spread prejudice and discrimanitory policies toward Jews through out entire Europe. Now, Europeans prefer everyone to think them as "libator from Nazi's concentration camp" rather than those who also discriminate against Jews for centuries. \_ Do you have a point? The Nazis did a pretty good job of discriminating against Jews, by killing most of them. \_ killing *most* of them or displacing them??? As in decimating more than 50% of the entire Jews at the time? Do you have URL to support this? \_ I have no idea what we are arguing about now. Get your own thread, troll. \_ Geeze, you're seriously asking for a head count? Does it matter if it was 100k dead or 10m dead? \_ I think 2 orders of magnitude matter. I think the official count is 6m. \_ Technically, "most" means >= (6.0000000m + 1) \_ Geeze, you're seriously asking for a head count? Does it matter if it was 100k dead or 10m dead? \_ I think 2 orders of magnitude matter. I think the official count is 6m. \_ Technically, "most" means >= (6.0000000m + 1) out of 12.000000m TOTAL number of Jews. \_ Sigh... technically 100k is mass murder and so is 6m and so is 1b. Why quibble? Does it make the Nazis any less evil if they didn't murder "most" of the Jews? \_ Sigh... technically 100k is mass murder and so is 6m and so is 1b. Why quibble? Does it make the Nazis any less evil if they didn't murder "most" of the Jews? \_ Why quibble? Why not? Why say "most of them" if it's not true? \_ Because it doesn't matter and this entire if it's not true? \_ Because it doesn't matter and this entire thread was a troll from the op? \_ Can we stop with this Jewish victimization schtick. Germany in WWII was fighting against a Jewish controlled Bolshevik Russia. Jews tried a Bolshevik revolution in Germany as they did in Russia, but failed. They also controlled a hugely disproportionate amount of power in Weimar Germany, and tried to subvert traditional Christian German society much in the same way they are doing, quite successfully, in the US. 60 million died in WWII, of which perhaps a few million were Jews. So who is going to cry for the slavs, Poles, and French? \_ Can we stop with this Jewish victimization schtick. Germany in WWII was fighting against a Jewish controlled Bolshevik Russia. Jews tried a Bolshevik revolution in Germany as they did in Russia, but failed. They also controlled a hugely disproportionate amount of power in Weimar Germany, and tried to subvert traditional Christian German society much in the same way they are doing, quite successfully, in the US. 60 million died in WWII, of which perhaps a few million were Jews. So who is going to cry for the slavs, Poles, and French? -jblack \_ Heehee! -- ilyas |
2007/9/25-27 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:48187 Activity:nil |
9/25 healthcare insurance thread: 12 pages and going! rock on peterm! \_ You can call me a troll, but you can't call me an anonymous troll! (Not for that one anyway.) --PeterM \_ :-) I truly admire your efforts. Well past 12 pages and no one has even mentioned Hitler or the Nazis yet. This is a great one. --your #1 Fan |
2007/9/10 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47971 Activity:nil |
9/10 German John, are you as shocked as I am that a German documentary crew last week discovered a Nazi shrine in an old Hitler bunker in a mountain? I mean what are the odds that Hitler would have a Nazi shrine. I'm in shock. |
2007/7/23 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47392 Activity:nil |
7/23 Heil Hitler! \_ Germany was having trouble What a sad, sad story Needed a new leader to restore Its former glory Where, oh, where was he? Where could that man be? We looked around and then we found The man for you and me And now it's... Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay! We're marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race! Springtime for Hitler and Germany Rhineland's a fine land once more! Springtime for Hitler and Germany Watch out, Europe We're going on tour! Springtime for Hitler and Germany... \_ Going through grandpa's garbage, to see what I could find. I find a bunch of goodies, from 1945. I see all those items, from the good old days. His metals in his hands, and his uniforms all gray! Grandpa was a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Grandpa was a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Grandpa was a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Sturmfuehrer, Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. In an SS Panzer unit grandpa rolled with pride. Cleansing Bolshevics from the Russian country side! Every red commie bastard that stood in his way. Hey would shoot them down, day after day! Today I smile when I see his uniform. I know it's battle tested, I know it's battle worn! Death Head on his hat, gleams in my eyes! Hail! to your grandpa, now your grandpa's by your side! I'll be a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. I'll be a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. I'll be a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Sturmfuehrer, Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Grandpa was a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Grandpa was a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Grandpa was a Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. Sturmfuehrer, Sturmfuehrer, in the SS. |
2007/7/20 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47359 Activity:nil |
2007/7/20 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47351 Activity:nil |
7/19 Hitler Hitler Hitler! |
2007/7/19-21 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47346 Activity:nil |
7/19 tom cruise makes a good Nazi http://tinyurl.com/2m664z \_ You VILL have your strezz levuls meazured |
2007/7/16-17 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47304 Activity:nil |
7/16 Are all German women this distracting German John? http://www.csua.org/u/j5j \- E_ZU_SEXY_FUR_DEN_BUS |
2007/7/7-11 [Reference/History/WW2, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47217 Activity:nil |
7/7 I just saw Band of Brothers. Curahee!! Like I said, German artillery is the best. \_ D-Day Weekend on the History Channel. \_ In WW2, are parametics somehow magically exempt from getting targetted? German snipers could have easily picked them off but didn't. Why? \_ Who says they didn't? \_ Geneva convention, I guess. Paramedics are not armed and fighting, although they are in uniform. \_ GC were violated all over the place by all parties in WW2. \_ my guess is that in the battle field, they were so busy killing those who has potential to threaten them (i.e. those in arms), that shooting parametics are simply very low on their priority. \_ I read something a few years ago that said most rounds fired in WW2 weren't aimed at anyone in particular, just the general direction of the enemy to get them to stay down and not shoot back. |
2007/6/27-29 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47086 Activity:moderate |
6/27 Did you know the Russian army had the largest number of female snipers in WW2? Many of them were super hot too! \_ UGh I actually read the horrible book that Jude Law movie about Russian snipers was based on. I'm sure the Soviet propaganda masters told everyone the female snipers were hot and the men were manly. \_ Yeah yeah I watched this last week too: http://www.history.com/shows.do?action=detail&episodeId=194094 But I don't remember it saying the female snipers were hot. \_ They didn't say it but the pictures of those women in their teens and early 20s... SUPER HOT RUSSIAN BABES!!! \_ Were any of them large brested? \_ motd boob guy where do you live. im gonna beat you \_ I don't image the history channel would have described them as hot, no. I assume the op saw pictures in the show? \_ I saw the same show & pictures. No hotties. You're confused. \_ Were they hotter than Russian tennis players? http://www.mfwweb.com/tennis/IW05 |
2007/6/25-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Science/GlobalWarming, Reference/History/WW2] UID:47068 Activity:low |
6/26 I have concluded that the most effect troll baits are, in the order of effectiveness: -GWB & his Iraq War \_ you gotta admit, Iraq is a major issue. -WW2 superiority of Germans, Russians, Americans \_ i dont think that was such a bad troll. \_ That's not really a troll. Apparently a few motders are WWII nuts, and like talking about WWII, but if you notice the discussion is very civil. -The superiority of suburbs vs. cities -I love I hate free market \_ Don't forget gun control, a frequent motd favorite \_ Don't forget "Is global warming real?", "Is global warming caused by human?" and "Is hybrid vehicles the/a/not a solution to global warming?" A now-less effective troll is "Are we running out of oil?" which has been superceded by the global warming trolls. \_ I found out today it's "superseded". who knew. |
2007/6/25-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:47057 Activity:moderate |
6/25 For the guy asking for sources on Polish cavalry charges vs. tanks being a load of hoo-haw: David Irving's claims about this were debunked pretty well by Tom Strasnov. Also, the March 2007 issue of Strategy & Tactics (issue 241) has an article by Mark Lardas called "Polish Cavalry Charges in WWII" which makes this point with good primary sources. Another reason for the persistence of this myth was the Polish film "Lotta" post-WWII (Soviet-sponsored to make the Polish officer corps look bad.) Cavalry units quickly evolved into tank hunters; generally they used horses to move but fought on foot (except in the few instances, like Krojanty, Mokra and a few other battles.) Regarding the battle of Krojanty (correct, wikipedia entry has no primary sources), look at Heinz Guderian's book (Achtung, Panzer!) as I believe it has a first-hand account how he had to send reinforcements from keeping large numbers of the 20th mot. infantry division from breaking and running. link:tinyurl.com/2vkjfj also has some good info on this. Yes I was bored. -John \_ Thanks. I do appreciate you taking the time to provide real sources and I happily stand corrected on my original statement re: tanks vs. cavalry. It pushed a button seeing an unsourced wikipedia entry being used as an authoritative source. Anyway, so it was German mechanised infantry vs. cavalry which still makes my point about German military superiority. In this battle it threw the Germans due to shock value but it isn't the kind of thing that can be repeated successfully. The idea that the Germans weren't militarily superior to their neighbors, including the USSR, is laughable. I do apologise for using a bad example. \_ The German equipment was inferior and there was less of it against the French, the Soviets and the Americans. This is not laughable, this is historical fact. German tactics, strategy, morale and leadership was superior. That is why they did as well as they did. -ausman \_ German tanks and planes were not really inferior, especially at the start of the war. \_ Most (not all) were, and laughably so. The main AFVs were the Pz.I and II, with a smattering of Pz.38(t)s captured during the Czech occupation. The Wehrmacht had a few Pz.IIIE and Fs, armed with the 37mm KwK36 (which couldn't penetrate the armor on most French tanks.) In fact, its only advantage was a 3-man crew. During the Polish campaign, the vast majority of German forces were foot-borne infantry with a bunch of motorized units. The Me-109E was a good plane for its time, but the E-1 and E-3 models in service in May 1939 were about "on par" for tech of the age. Likewise the He-111. As ausman pointed out, German success was due to a mixture of numbers, combined arms ops as an innovation, surprise, chutzpah, and a bit of luck -- look at the battles of Arras and Stonne for what happened to the Germans when met with reasonably similar forces and without the element of surprise. -John \_ Unless are a student of WWII history, you might not know what all that means. But the German panzer force was overwhelmingly machine gun mounted tanks, which were useless against other tanks. The French had more tanks overall than the Germans and the French tanks were better armed and armoured, the French just didn't know how to use them. I have to check back on air force stats for the Battle of France, but I remember that the combined French/British air fleet was roughly numericly on par with the Germans, and the British fighters were better. The Stuka was a superior tactical bomber, but mostly because the Germans invented dive bombing. Similar statistics were true on the Russian front at the start of that war, too. -ausman \_ 'Superiority' is not a scalar quantity. Surely the Germans had technological superiority on every front on June 22nd 1941, but even a year later that was no longer true. The Russians introduced a lot of cheap, but extremely effective innovations which the Germans later copied, and Americans ignored at their peril (barrel chroming, wide tank tracks, sloping armor, 'cannery' submachine guns, etc). -- ilyas \_ It actually was repeated several times. Cavalry is a tool that has a place in modern warfare. You don't charge tanks with it, any more than you send unescorted tanks into urban warfare or attack entrenched machine guns with massed infantry. As for equipment, Ausman and ilyas are partially right, the Germans had heavy tech superiority in a few areas in the Polish, French and Russian campaigns, but generally success was due to a combination of superior German conduct of warfare and sclerotic, inferior leadership and training on the opposing side (i.e. in Poland's case, deciding to defend the borders instead of the Vistula, for France never having perfected combined arms ops despite vastly superior tank tech, and for the Russians, wiping out half their officer corps in stupid purges, to name a few examples.) I didn't want to sound pedantic, but this is one of several common misconceptions about military realities that are propagated by convention, such as Japanese suicide pilots being locked into their planes, etc. -John \_ Note that the Russians used Light Cavalry (Cossack) units to great success in WWII, especially as a mobile support element to provide small arms cover for tanks, as well as the traditional cavalry role of raiding, scouting and supply line interdiction. We are even using horse mounted infantry today in Afghanistan, though not really in the traditional cavalry role. -ausman \_ "Mounted infantry". -John \- hello, you may enjoy also reading about the Battle of Suomossalmi. \_ Suomussalmi. What's your point? Pack horses? -John \_ Yes, I used my words carefully there. -ausman |
2007/6/20-24 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:47024 Activity:very high |
6/20 Clint Eastwood's twin Iwo Jima movies triggered island name change. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070620/ap_on_re_as/japan_iwo_jima \_ Of course, the proper romanji is "ioutou" or "ioujima." Can't they get anything right? \_ more like they are reverting it to original name, and Iwo Jima was just a mistaken name brought about in WWII that stuck. \_ I find it intersting that with all the fuss over the Iraq war losses they are about just over half what the US lost just in the battle of Iwo Jima. \_ I find it interesting that you confuse an asymentrical war of choice entered on false principles and no exit strategy with a provoked war involving several major powers. \_ Exit strategy? War has only one exit strategy: kill the enemy until they stop fighting back. \_ yeah, and those 200K dead Iraqis are just a rounding error. \_ what we see reported daily is the 3000-odd US deaths. If the Iraqi casualties are reported, its usualy an afterthought. \_ if we are doing this right, US casualties is about 20,000. Consider that we only got less than 120,000 troops, US casualty rate is a bit high. \_ We don't count Germans and Japanese when we talk about WWII losses, either. \_ WWII was not an asymmetrical war. -tom \_ Well, it sort of was -- The USSR suffered something like 9 million military casualties and 16 million civilian casualties, but the were on our side. \_ Asymmetric warfare refers to the power of the actors, not the number of civilian casualites. -tom \_ USSR utilized asymmetric warfare tricks in territories conquered by the Germans by using 'partisans.' \_ You think the 'actors' were equally powered? Yes, that is why Polish troops charged German tanks on horses with lances. Read a book some time. \_ If Germany was so much more powerful than the Soviet Union, why did they lose the war? \_ If Germany was so much more powerful than the Soviet Union, why did they lose the war? \_ Hitler was a bad general, the Germans were fighting on multiple fronts, the US had a huge industrial base and was effectively immune from attack, the Russians destroyed everything as they retreated, the Russians were able to use&build industrial capacity in the far east well out of German range and ship weapons, etc to the front on trains. Is that enough reasons? \_ They did no such thing. This was a "ha ha stupid Polacks" propaganda story in Germany after the 18th Uhlans demolished a German infantry concentration at Krojarty. They retreated when German tanks moved up. Read a book some time. -John \_ Sounds like you got that from the unsourced wikipedia article. Got a URL? \_ Actually, no. There was a good description with sources on one of the military history boards I read If you are interested, contact me and I will dig it up when I have a moment. -John \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Krojanty \_ Ahem: "This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. (help, get involved!) Any material not supported by sources may be challenged and removed at any time. This article has been tagged since March 2007." This article is no better than me writing my own article saying it was Martians on magic brooms who followed their noble leader, Elvis, a Great Warrior from the future, into battle to defeat the Nazis. \_ OK, where's your reference for the Polish charging tanks with lances? \_ Lots of reasons. My theory is the Germans eventually fell to the power of the Russian Human Wave Attack, and the industrial output of the United States was able to prop up and fuel the Russians so they could concentrate on more important things like flinging themselves into battle with the Germans. Thanks, Russian people! You rule. The Brits helped a little, the French were too dazed from WW1, and I dunno what Italy was doing but trying to pave Ethiopia. \_ Watch some History Channel. More powerful does not always win. See American War for Independence. \_ Lots of people seem to underestimate USSR's industrial output, as did Hitler. USSR got a lot of US stuff but even at the war's start they had a huge number of tanks for example. \_ T-34!!! \_ US industry and fuel helped, but not as much as the Americans would like to believe. Personally, I think the biggest turning point in the war was when the Soviet leadership decided to actually fight, move everything beyond the Urals, etc. Western non-involvement would have pushed the storming of Berlin off by a year or two. Germany was fighting a hopeless war in the East. A modern industrialized nation in the 21st century can't seem to be able to pacify a country many times smaller than USSR. What hope did Germany have? Especially after they started shooting civilians, and antagonized the native population even more (!?) than Stalin himself. -- ilyas \_ If they had ignored Stalingrad and gone after Moscow, and not been diverted to Greece earlier in the year, I think they could have broken the Soviet government. They didn't want to occupy all of it anyway, just annex a big chunk of lebensraum. Still kind of a long shot. And Germany losing the air war in the west was critical. I think small groups of people today have better ways of terrorism than was available in the 40's. Iraq is also a limited case: the US does not take ruthless measures against the population. Hitler could have forcefully expelled huge numbers of people to alleviate these kinds of problems. Finland etc. would have managed their own zones as well. Also, I don't think the Russians were as suicidally zealous as Islamic militants. \_ So there you have it. The Greeks won WW II by beating back the Italians. It is pretty much what the Greeks have always claimed. Glad to see someone acknowledge it! --dim (Greek) \_ As a Greek I implore you to not claim yourself as a Greek, ever, again. The last thing we need is a dim- witted guy who claims to be a Greek \_ Napoleon took Moscow. So what? You can't win a war against Russia really, if Russia still has the will to fight. Germany simply had no way to control the sheer territory involved. Even in the occupied parts of Russia, there were huge parts where German soldiers simply dared not go. -- ilyas \_ Hmm. They "won" in WW1, sort of. They had a good chance at defeating the main military forces, if they acted fast enough. Controlling the actual land wouldn't be important except for supply lines... Look what happened to millions of Germans after the war, and what was happening to Poland, and most of the Palestinians. It's not like Iraq where you can't tell who's who and anybody might blow you up with a bomb made out of consumer electronics. \_ Germans got favorable terms vs. Russia in WW1 because Lenin thought it was prudent to get out of the war to consolidate power. The leadership didn't have the will to fight since they had bigger fish to try -- it took a quite extraordinary period of history for Germany to walk of history for a country to walk away from a 'land war in Asia'. Russia did employ 'terrorist methods' extensively vs the Germans in WWII. It was a very effective tactic due to the differences in technology, manpower, and land sizes involved. -- ilyas sizes involved. Additional food for thought: I heard that the two worst winters on record in Russia happened in 1812 and 1943. -- ilyas \_ I wish there was a HD version of the history channel. I think the bbc has 'THE WORLD AT WAR'? maybe i'll go buy it. love the war. love the MAIL CALL. I heard the mail call say that our b52 bombings convinced the north vietnamese to sue for peace.... i think it was actually a secret message from Mao that did that. I'm too apathetic to write them a letter and complain. |
2007/6/16-19 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:46985 Activity:kinda low 61%like:46987 |
6/16 Heil German John! Even the 72 year olds are mighty! http://www.csua.org/u/ixy \_ You got it all wrong. It's "Heil Almightly German Nazi Squirell!" \_ You may refer to me as SS Poster Boy. -John \_ You may refer to me as SS GBIB. -John |
2007/6/16-19 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:46981 Activity:high |
6/16 It's been over 50 years. Why the hell are we still fascinated by Hitler? 1/2 of History Channel's programs are on Hitler. \_ We won WW2. Mission Accomplished! Happy ending. \_ It's also known as "The Hitler Channel" The most despised man in the entire history history of mankind, is also one of the most popular persons to talk about today. Ironic isn't it? \_ Apparently THC has a preference for WWII footage because it's out of copyright, so they don't have to pay royalties for news tapes and such. Footage from newer wars is more expensive, and there's no video from older wars, so war shows focus on what they've got. If you're asking why THC shows so many war shows, that's a different matter. \_ Defeating Hitler was America's biggest rah-rah moment. Everything else is ambiguous. World War I did not have a clear reason or moral basis, and the ending was unsatisfying. Japan had the moral question of the use of nuclear weapons. Vietnam was the darkest era in American history since the Civil War. (Possibly now eclipsed by the Dubya era). Bottom line; no one wants to be depressed by their TV. -tom \_ may be they should run a special on Operation Desert Storm. We totally kicked ass on that one! :D \_ I think it's the old man market. also they show MAIL CALL. \_ MAIL CALL. HOO-RAH. \_ Except most of the actual work, from breaking Wehrmacht's back in the East, to actually storming Berlin was done by Russia. \_ GOOOOOO JOE! \_ I don't watch the history channel much, but I'm pretty sure they don't emphasize Russia's role. -tom \_ "I don't watch much but ...". Yes they do. Sheesh. \_ they mentioned it, but I think it's not to the proportion which USSR deserves. \_ On what? One show? I've seen entire programs devoted to single battles between the Germans and Russians in WWII. Oh no, boo hoo, the poor Russians don't get enough credit for WWII on THC! Anyone watching THC knows what the Russians did, even if THC is their only source of WWII information. \_ I talked to some tv people. it's about 50 percent lack of royalties needed for ww2 footage, 40 percent old man market, maybe 10 percent war is depressing. \_ Because it isn't every day that there's a world war which includes huge troop movements, fighting on land/sea/air, the destruction of entire countries, genocide on an industrial scale, and enough quality film to make a worth while documentary on it. As far as THC goes, I've had THC on all day/evening for the last few days and haven't seen a single word about Hitler or WWII. So what are you talking about? But if you want to know about Ice Road Truckers, (in HIGH DEF!) I'm with you, Brother! \_ Personally, I prefer Strawberry Cough to Diesel for my THC. \_ I prefer Dogfights. Cool animation. \_ E_TOOSHORT \_ Care to elaborate? \_ Snazzy dresser, liked dogs & children, sexy mustache. -John \_ I think ther Germans today are more obsessed with Hitler's sins than us. than we are. \_ Rightly so. Why do you think that might be, hmmm? \_ "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings." -- ilyas |
2007/6/1-5 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46834 Activity:nil |
6/1 HEIL GERMAN JOHN! http://www.csua.org/u/ito |
2007/3/14-15 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45964 Activity:nil |
3/14 Heil German John! Are all German senior citizens so courageous? http://preview.tinyurl.com/275d9k |
2007/3/10-12 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:45925 Activity:nil |
3/10 Wacky news of the week from Deutschland http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070309/od_nm/germany_hitler_google_dc Google Earth urged to remove "Mount Hitler" name http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070309/od_nm/germany_divorce_chainsaw_dc German man chainsaws house in two in divorce split HEIL CHURMAN SWISS JOHN you are no longer here but your spirit lives on forever on motd HEIL CHERMAN SWISS JOHN |
2006/10/14-16 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:44820 Activity:high |
10/14 Bush Brownshirts attack gallery owner for displaying contriversial art: http://www.capogallerysf.com So one of the Bush supportes on the motd claims that this was a "hoax." Do you seriously believe that this woman broke her own nose as a publicity stunt? \_ 1) Go read this for what the real brown shirts did: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_broken_glass If you read that you might learn something. By slapping "hitler!!!" on every trivial event you only make yourself sound like Chicken Little and an ignorant idiot. 2) A single isolated event does not a conspiracy make. Here are two more isolated events that prove nothing: http://tinyurl.com/uqkjy (icayrshire.icnetwork.co.uk) http://tinyurl.com/y4aqqt (http://www.king5.com \_ It was hardly a single isolated event. That was the one in *San*Francisco* that I was aware of. This kind of thing was repeated hundreds of times all over the country. It is to bad you think that a random gang attack on an unfortunate soldier on leave is somehow equavalent to calculated political violence intended to intimidate and silence \_ So you have a problem with equating two acts of violence against individuals (neither of which were state- sanctioned) but you have no problem with equating a single act of violence with the systematic state-organized round-up of Jews? Okay, this is obviously a troll here. Everybody move along... your opponents. By the Bush Adminsitration standards, the attack on the gallery owner was in fact terrorism, but you will never see the GOP go on record as opposing their thugs. The second attack "baby killer" one, is reprehnesible too. \_ This kind of thing was repeated hundreds of times all over the country? Really? Where is the proof? If this is really happening, I guess the vast-right-wing conspiracy that controls the media is covering it up. \_ No, it was all dismissed as some local rowdy. It just isn't "news." Just like the soldier that got beaten up, it was never widely spread. You must not get out of the Bay Area much. \_ I see. It has happened everywhere but no one knows about it because it has been covered up by the VRWC. Ok. We're done here. \_ So basically this is an organized campaign of terror that has been skillfully disguised by the Bush Brownshirts to look like a bunch of random acts of violence by some local loony? Well, I guess the people behind the coverup of the alien presence at Area-51 needed some- thing to do after X-Files went off the air. The Tru7h is Out There! 3) http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/controversial art is going to elicit unwanted and sometimes violent responses from idiots. I don't think someone should have punched her nose in for hosting some pictures of Abu Graib but with 300 million people in the country I'm not surprised she found one nut. Is there a guy in jail for it? That's what our system does with violent nuts. Does 1 idiot mean we're on the road to a brown shirt night of broken glass? No. Come back when you have some sense of history. \_ No one was punished for the act of violence. \_ Probably because there wasn't an act to investigate. She didn't conce. \_ Probably because there wasn't an act to investigate. She didn't cooperate with police so how are they supposed to do their jobs? Cop magic? Or was it a conspiracy of The Blue Shield to stand in the way of Progressive Art? I've changed my mind. I'm not done here, this is getting fun. 4) You diminish what really happened to real people who were truly innocent by casually flipping Nazi terms at people and seeing conspiracy where there is none. I don't actually expect you to get a clue here but it cost me nothing to try. Please carry on with your tinfoil idiocy and abuse of history. \_ Beyond wikipedia articles, people who want to know more about what really happened in Germany during the rise of Nazism should read Mein Kampf. I think that finding elements of mass behavior in today's society that are slightly similar to that of pre-Nazi german behavior is not always crazy, but comparing almost anyone to Hitler is almost always crazy. Fortunately, that man was unique.-!OP should read Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich. I think that finding elements of mass behavior in today's society that are slightly similar to that of pre-Nazi german behavior is not always crazy, but comparing almost anyone to Hitler is almost always crazy. Fortunately, that man was unique.-!OP \_ The rise of Nazism was due: 1) the over- representation of Jews in the leadership of the Weimar republic which most Germans viewed as profligate and destroying traditional German society and 2) the overwhelming presence of Jews among the Bolsheviks and their involvement in the Russian revolution which led to the slaughter of millions of Russians. I imagine most Germans wanted to avoid a similar revolution there. and 2) the disproportionate presence of Jews among the Bolshevik leadership and their involvement in the Russian revolution which led to the slaughter of millions of Russians. I imagine most Germans wanted to avoid a similar revolution there. \_ So your contention is that this is okay because what these guys did was not as bad as what Hitler did? Okay, strange stance to take, but I guess that is where you stand. \_ No, it is not OK to punch someone in the nose because you don't like their art. Nor is it ok because it doesn't rise to Hitlerian levels of violence. See point 3. Thanks. \_ Um, Bush Brownshirts? So you are claiming that the President sanctioned this attack? Or that the President would refuse to enforce criminal sanctions against those who perpetrated the attack, if the SFPD and the DA were to bring charges against them? \- http://www.cafepress.com/ipa_politics.14449333 \_ A mouse pad proves Bush sanctioned this alleged attack and hundreds of others no one heard of? Can one of you investing types please tell me how to get into metals futures? Thanks. \_ It does, however, prove that you have no sense of irony. \_ It isn't irony. It's a mouse pad. Maybe you needed the translation from German to see the lack of irony. \- which bring us back to metals. --man with the iron mouse pad \_ aren't you concerned it will rust? i suspect "rusty mouse pad" is not covered by your dell support agreement. \_ It was a hoax: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1151762/posts \_ It's worth noting that the freeper posts in this thread do not offer any support for the alleged nose-puncher. \_ This one sure does though: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1144565/posts \_ I'm not saying you're wrong, but would you mind a pointer to a particular post? I don't feel like scrolling through 5 pages of "hee haw!" for that. -John \_ The Truth IS Out There, John. You just have to open your eyes! --Mulder \_ If finding the truth involves sifting through pages of idiots, I'll stay ignorant! -John \_ You are getting so area 51 abduction black helicoptered. Then you'll believe. --Mulder \_ Maybe the Bush Brownshirts were too busy to attack her that day b/c of all the "hundreds" of other attacks they had to carry out (not to mention all the media outlets they had to silence), so she took it upon herself to help them out and attack herself. them out and attack herself. Even if she hadn't faked it, it might possibly maybe have happened on its own at some indeterminate time in the future when the Brownshirts weren't so busy. So even if she faked it, its just as good as if she had actually been attacked by the Bush Brownshirts. |
2006/10/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:44773 Activity:moderate |
10/11 http://www.cnn.com/2006/EDUCATION/10/11/instructor.sept.11.ap Wisconsin University instructor likens Bush to Hitler. "Hitler had a good 20 to 30 IQ points on Bush, so comparing Bush to Hitler would in many ways be an insult to Hitler." In many ways I'm disappointed that Berkeley professors and instructors today aren't more vocal about this. We went from outspoken protestors in the 60-70s to mute nerdy engineers in the past few decades. Pathetic. \_ and john yoo. ub3r. \_ Uh yeah except running around mouthing 2nd grade level "you are a dumb poppyhead!" level insults and wild comparisons to a man who started a world war and is responsible for the intentional murder of millions of people is not only unhelpful but makes anything else they say easily dismissible. \_ As oppose to Bush's unintentional killing of half a million Iraqis? \_ I wonder if he has ever heard of Goodwin's law? \_ Godwin \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ If you can't tell the difference between millions of people being sent to gas chambers and overs because bullets weren't efficient enough and post-invasion anarchy due to poor planning, there's nothing to talk about. \_ At least Hitler did not profit from the war. \_ You're wrong of course but nevermind. I'm sure he paid for everything he owned with his salary as an elected official. The motd can be so nutty, I love it. \_ I wonder if he has ever heard of Godwin's law? \_ The Bush Brownshits will either physically attack or at the very least run this man out of a job. They have been very vocal (and violent) in their offensive against anyone who dared to speak out against The Regime too openly. Perhaps it is different today, but it was actually dangerous to say things like this a few years ago. \_ It was actually dangerous? Which country did you live in a few years ago? \_ When was America's "Night of Broken Glass"? Can you provide some URLs for this violence you claim? \_ Here in the Bay Area someone was beaten: http://www.csua.org/u/h6h It was actually much worse in more Conservative parts of the country. I personally received death threats for some of my blog postings. \_ Sorry, but that incident was exposed as a hoax a long time ago. \_ Proof? \_ This is NOT from http://theonion.com. How does our genius-in-chief manage to go to Yale and Harvard without at least picking up a word or two? THE PRESIDENT: Well, they may not use cut and run, but they say date certain is when to get out, before the job is done. That is cut and run. Nobody has accused me of having a real sophisticated vocabulary, I understand that. \_ That says more about Harvard and Yale than it does about Bush. |
2006/9/19-21 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:44440 Activity:moderate |
9/19 emarkp, running wall through a filter so you don't have to read swear words is pretty insane, but please don't start filtering stuff I read too. That really bugs me. I know motd is offensive sometimes, but there's that pesky 1st amendment. Go live in the fucking nazi germany that the other right wingers are trying to put us in and leave motd alone. -brain \_ I think you need to read the definition of insane. My "censoring" is deleting anonymous trolls addressed to me. I have as much right to delete it as trolls have to post it. Or is no one allowed to delete posts on motd? -emarkp (thanks for signing your name at least) \_ Thanks brain for standing up to this religious bully. Most of us are too scared to stand up to him let alone sign our names. I mean, what if he passes my name to the Mormons who keep on I mean, what if he passes my name to the fucking Mormons who keep on knocking on my door? Scary. Anyways thanks brain. \_ You're being a mean b! \_ automunging of the motd is verboten. don't do it. \_ automunging of the fucking motd is verboten. don't do it. \_ Whoever restored this from a few days ago--why didn't you restore my reply? -emarkp |
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