3/16 |
2009/11/21-30 [Reference/History, Science] UID:53537 Activity:nil |
11/21 http://abstrusegoose.com/strips/a_wise_man_once_said.PNG What scientific event does the first frame "Do not disturb my circles" refer to? Thx. \- not really a scientific event. story about Archimedes's last words before being mistakenly [contrary to orders] killed by a roman soldier after the occupation of syracuse. note: this was the battle where the Mythbuster etc parabolic mirror solar heat ray thing comes from. oh, i just saw the comic ... hence "roman centurion" with the "shing". |
2008/4/9-12 [Reference/History] UID:49697 Activity:nil |
4/8 Anyone witnessing this event? http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/24024416 |
2007/8/26-28 [Reference/History] UID:47758 Activity:nil |
8/26 Guess what! I'm cordially invited to the event! The Lexus event! Boy, I feel so special! \_ Lexus can kiss my ass. I own one and they suck. \_ We cordially invite you to give us money. Please return this card indicating your amount and payment method. Only a select few are offered this unique privilege. \_ Whoa! How do I get invited? |
2007/8/15-20 [Reference/History, Reference/RealEstate] UID:47619 Activity:nil |
8/14 San Diego County NODs (three months past due in mortgage payments) and foreclosure sales, from 1991 to now http://tinyurl.com/yqnqfr (californiahousingforecast.com) \_ What I see in this chart is that foreclosures are generally at some level around 400-600 except when the market starts to rise and then they, naturally, fall as it becomes easier to sell property that may go into default. I am actually a little bit surprised that the rate isn't much higher than typical, although the second derivative is a bit alarming. |
3/16 |
2007/3/13-17 [Reference/History, Reference/History/WW2] UID:45947 Activity:kinda low |
3/13 A historical perspective on the '300': http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/190493 \_ Update - The Mercury News also had a nice graphic re the difference between the movie and reality: \_ Update - The Mercury News had a nice graphic yesterday re the difference between the movie and reality: link:preview.tinyurl.com/24f6p4 (bayareanewsgroup.com) [PDF] NOTE: I just think the differences are interesting; I don't mean to imply that the movie/comic was bad b/c it is not historical accurate. Those interested in the history might want to netflix/buy the PBS series "The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization": http://www.pbs.org/empires/thegreeks/htmlver/index.html \_ Miller and fans on the comic: http://community.livejournal.com/scans_daily/3160167.html \- i thought it was kinda funny they bothered to get some details like the lambda on the spartan sheilds [for Lakedaimon, which is also what is used instad of Sparta in the famous couplet by Symonides], as well some matters with the long spear and the short sword, the storm that destroyed part of the fleet [although there some chronology and location issues there], but they put them in those creepy black briefs instead of armor. Was that a decision to appeal to women and gaylords or what? BTW, was the dood who loses an eye and then appears at the end at the Battle of Plataea supposed to be Pausanias or just some random? I also thought Leonidas' Scottish accent was hilarious. I was hoping Sean Connery would have made a cameo... maybe as Darius ... or as Xerxes ... they could have had a Highlander-style Immortal showdown. The also basically turned Ephialtes into Gollum ... he was a local, not a Spartan, and I cannot recall any mention that he was a hunchback. I was also disappointed with the famous well-scene. \_ http://leonidasaddressescongress.ytmnd.com http://thisisspartaaa.ytmnd.com \- except in sparta, if you didnt have enough $$$, you lost your "right" to "hold the line" in battle, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartiates#Decline_of_the_Spartiate_class where as in the us today, hardly any reasonably welloff people are on the battle line. well i guess exept for their slaves they dragged into battle and used for fodder ... oh maybe we do have something in common with the Lakedaimonians. \_ The movie is an adaptation of the comic book 300, not the historical incident as recorded by Herodotus or Thucydides. It is a very faithful adaptation of the comic, in much the same way that Sin City was faithful. For the most part, it's an excercise in style. Miller's a fascinating study in both good and bad research, liberal and libertarian and even conservative values, and the occasional good story. Comparing 300 to the actual history is much like comparing Hamlet to actual Danish history (with apologies to Mr. Shakespeare re: comparing 300 to Hamlet). --erikred \- you're making a rather obvious point. it's still an interesting exercise to look at what is and what is not accurate. just like it is reasonable to tell somebody "there really is an elsinore (kronborg) castle." also, in my opinion, there is a "yeah whatever" type of hollywood license [like suggesting william wallace slept with the queen of england ... something nobody watching braveheart probably really believed], and sort of "irresponsible revisionism" [like suggesting the americans did the heavy lifting in breaking the enigma cipher ... didnt u-571 suggest some such thing?]. this movie was so trivial, comments like "the spartans championed freedom and reason against the despotic, decadent persians, while the atheians didnt do anything because they were busily engaged in juvenile gaylordism" are more risble ["and we laughed and laughed"] than offensive ... unless maybe you are an athenian or iranian. how many people even realized that WAS a lambda on the shield, and not just a chevron or some other design. \_ I'm pointing out that the lack of armor is due to there not being armor on the characters in Miller's comic. Ditto for elements of grotesquery. I enjoy the pointing out of historical deviations as much as the next geek, but I thought I'd point out that your quibbles are with the comic the movie is based on, not some sort of historical recreation on the part of the movie. |
2007/2/24-3/1 [Reference/History, Recreation/Sports] UID:45815 Activity:nil |
2/24 I know a lot of people here live in the LA area. If you're interested in seeing world class Brazillian Jiujitsu next weekend, the Pan-Am Championship will be in your area: http://www.ibjjf.org/pan2007registration.htm Not sure how it will work with spectators, but since it's not billed as a spectator event, I'm guessing you get in for just a few bucks or free, as with most non-commercial martial arts events. |
2006/10/23-24 [Reference/History, Reference/History/WW2] UID:44918 Activity:nil |
10/23 "What have we learned from history?" http://www.glumbert.com/media/trojanhorse \_ In order to learn from history one must have actually learned history in the first place. \_ What have we learned from mythology or the classics would be a more appropriate caption. AFAIK, there is no archaeological or historical basis for the story of the trojan horse. \_ Quotes added to denote title of program. \_ It wasn't that long ago, historically speaking, that Troy itself was thought to be mythical as there was no archaeological or historical basis for the entire city. And then someone dug it up. \_ If you are talking about Hisarlik, my understanding is that there is still some debate about whether it was the real location of Troy and/or the site of the Torjan War. \_ Debate? Who is saying it isn't so? Anyway, 'some debate' doesn't mean it isn't true. There is 'some debate' about human caused global warming, too, but that debate is over. |
2006/6/22-26 [Reference/History, Politics/Domestic] UID:43461 Activity:nil |
6/22 Is the phenomenon of the American suburban expansion an example of free-market at work, where the build-wherever-you-can-find-land methodology is used commonly used by most developers today? Whatever happened to centralized city planning, is that a thing in the past? \_ what are you thinking? American suburb is result of our Federal government policy of subsiding road constructions. \_ At least in my town, the city council has made almost any new building illegal. The result is, build where you can find land. Of course, supply does not match demand. \_ Which is one of the causes of skyrocketing housing prices in certain areas. \_ It's worth pointing out that, in my town, the City Council members all own property. \_ You mean like in Orange County? You want to live in Irvine if you want strict city planning and control. I don't think you'll like the result. \_ Is many cases, the suburban expansion was accelerated by the federally funded interstate highways. |
2006/4/19-20 [Reference/History, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:42786 Activity:nil |
4/19 If there's one thing good about the soda crash, that would be accumulating fewer spam mails than in the past, and bouncing them back to their rightful owners. \_ We'll be sure to let it crash more often in the future. :P |
2005/5/7-9 [Reference/BayArea, Reference/History, Academia/OtherSchools] UID:37566 Activity:high |
5/6 MIT Time Travel Conference: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/05/06/national/06time.html \_ You should go/have gone. We will have/had a great time. Even HG Wells will make/made an appearance. \_ well you can always travel back in time to make it. \_ Well, see you in the past, folks! \_ Well, see you guys in the past! \_ I showed up, but they weren't letting any more people into the conference hall. Got to see the countdown at the (much to small) landing pad though. The smoke machine was a little hokie, but the milk and cookies that someone had left was a nice touch. --darin \_ Nobody from the future came because they already knew the party sucked. \_ I predict that in the future MIT will not be a place of choice for parties. \_ We should try this again, but at CSU Chico instead. -tom \_ Yeah, SF is the place of choice for parties. Why else would they build Starfleet Academy there? \_ If I had to bet money on the Bay Area of the distant future, I'd put my money on the Philip K. Dick square, not the Gene Rodenbery square. |
2005/1/20 [Reference/History, Industry/Startup, Reference/History/WW2] UID:35829 Activity:kinda low |
1/20 Why do people bid up items past its Buy It Now Price? \_ why does the interface allow them? shouldn't it just BUY NOW as soon as they reach the 'buy now' price? \_ once you start bidding on a Buy Now item, the Buy Now option goes away (unless there is a reserve) \_ The buy it now price is generally set above the opening bid. Once someone bids for the item the buy it now option generally goes away. Basically, the seller is hoping someone is desperate and will immediately pay more for the item. The bidders, by bidding instead of paying the buy it now price, are hoping no one else will want it badly too. Sometimes bidders miscalculate and there is a bidding war ... On some items the buy it now price is the same or just pennies above the opening bid, meaning the seller essentially just wants to sell the item for price X. If someone bids on that one, then they are morons. \_ yeah, well the exception to this is that the supply is so great (for example I was buying a popular DVD movie) that even when you've been outbidded, you can just go to the next item. This is effective when the item is popular and when you're really cheap and want to save a buck or two. |
2005/1/10-11 [Reference/History, Reference/History/WW2] UID:35640 Activity:high |
1/10 Was there a real Trojan War? \_ Yes. -- ilyas \- google(schliemann, troy). Well, you can also read say MI Finley: World of Odysseus ... I believe some of the scholarship here is not quite up to date but it is pretty readable and should be fine for the basic stuff on the "world of the trojan war". The composition and authorship questions surrounding the Iliad has more uncertainty and is more interesting Q, IMHO. \_ An good books re Iliad/Oddessy authorship that you would recommend? \- if you live in berkeley, particularly if you are a student, there are some good classes/teachers who will cover the iliad, particularly say mark griffith. i dunno if western civ 44a is still taught at berkeley but that class gave a really fine introduction to homer, attic drama, the peloponnesian war etc. of course the reading list [of priamry material] was about 1.5ft high. BTW, you may see this book prominently displayed in bookstores: http://csua.org/u/ant Avoid it at all costs. Well, if you know your stuff and want to get angry it may be worth reading. The author says some really foolish things and is basically unqualified to write on Homer. I began a BLOGORANT on this in Aug'04 and will try to finish it in Feb'05. Ok tnx. --pater andron te theon te \_ Perhaps. There is some evidence that Meleaus was a real Spartan king and that Agamemnon of Mycenea was powerful enough to have raised a fleet to sail to the Dardenelles. However there doesn't seem to be any proof that Helen (queen of Sparta) existed or that the Greeks sailed to the Dardenelles to recover her.The evidence seems to point to some sort of trade dispute. There is some proof that the Greeks won the war w/ Troy b/c there are mentions of slaves (mostly women) being brought from the near east to Sparta circa the time of the Trojan War. WRT the fall of troy as described by Homer, the Greeks were probably not responsible for the destruction of Troy 6 (Troy of the Sloping Walls), which is the city that existed at about the time that the Trojan War is supposed to have occured. An earthquake was probably responsible, though some believe that when Homer mentioned the power of Neptune as destroying Troy he ment an earthquake. As for Troy 7, it appears that it may have been under seige for some time and was finally sacked. Troy 7 seems to have been sacked some 100 yrs later than the Trojan War. If you are really interested in this but don't have time to read a book on the topic you can get a 1985 BBC documentary by Michael Wood. It is available on DVD (NetFlix has it). \_ good suggestion. thanks. \- the michael wood show was also turned into a book. um, maybe this is a persinal bias but i'd learn the two works well first and then worry about the anthropology and philology. a lot of the technical discussion involves knowning greek. many of the translations of the iliad and odyssey have good enough introductions about the homer question, notes on composition technique [the use of epithets for metrical fits, ring composition, the work of milman parry etc]. after reading the poems 3 or 4 times you might look at Nagy: Best of the Achaeans and maybe Jasper Griffin: Homer of Life and Death. A ton of stuff Jasper Griffin: Homer on Life and Death. A ton of stuff has been written on Homer ... from ancient commentary to endowed lectures at berkeley. As Jasper Griffin writes in the intro to the book mentioned above, "nobody who writes on homer has read everything ... that has been written about the poems" and that you need to pick what to read based on your interest ... the works are so rich. if you have some particular matter you are interested in, i may have a more specific reference. [i dont know ancient greek, so i am not familar with techical stuff that is language- heavy]. --psb \_ Have you read Lombardo's Iliad translation? I liked it but I was wondering if there were better/more accurate ones. \-I have never heard of the Lombardo trans. I own Lattimore, Fagles, Fitzgerald, Mandelbaum(Ody), and Pope(Iliad) among poetry translations. I have some prose ones too [including one by T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia)] but I would read one of the verse ones. I dont think you can go wrong with any of those listed. \_ Trojan vs. Spartan. Which is better? \_ Spartans. Hoplites were fearsome warriors. \_ Better at what? In fighting? Homer would probably go with the Spartans. In art, architecture, nobility, honoring the gods? Homer would have awarded that hands down to the Trojans. \_ I think neither can beat Kimono. |
2004/12/6 [Reference/RealEstate, Reference/History] UID:35187 Activity:kinda low Cat_by:auto Edit_by:auto |
12/6 Awsome site: http://nationalatlas.gov/natlas/natlasstart.asp Statistics on geography and other things \_ Florida IS for old people! Look at age over 65. Look at the Black population, it's interesting. This also confirms that the Bay Area IS a haven for Asians. Also, this confirms that Mormons DO have more children! \_ Stats for crime and population seemed to be grouped by county, so LA skews the visual for California. \_ very cool; thank you --darin \_ wow. the country-wide trends for breast and ovarian cancer are strange. Truly a rich, white woman's cancer. \- isnt breast cancer higher among the nulliparous ... hence the "marin county effect" --psb \_ nice map/atlas, nice demographic/statistic stuff. |
2004/9/22-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Reference/History] UID:33698 Activity:very high |
9/22 Anyone here learn lock picking? I'm kind of interested in picking it up (no, not for nefarious purposes). Any suggestions on how to start, which lockpicks to buy? \_ Kryptonite U-Locks. \_ (ulock picking with BIC pen) \_ I tried this with my lock, but couldn't get it to work. The inside diameter of the pen is smaller than the diameter of the center round bit in the lock, and the pen doesn't fit in. Am I just using the wrong Bic pen, or does this not work on the newer locks(I just got my lock)? \_ wow, you're so clever! I'm sure the previous poster had no idea about that link which has been passed around the net 400 times in the past week! \_ wow, you're so insightful, assuming that i didn't know that he knew. gee, why else would someone post "Kyrptonite U-Locks." and nothing else? i was merely providing an additional reference, moron. \_ MIT guide to lockpicking is a good start. -John \_ I've already read it. Now I'm interested in getting picks and practicing. \_ then get some picks and practice. It's the best way to learn. You can also learn a lot by getting some locks and dismantling them to see how they work inside. A good thing to do is get a board and buy some standard locks mount them in it and practice on that. It makes a good thing to practice on without having to explain yourself. -EricM \_ Just pick the locks at your home, and your car inside your garage. \_ That's a very bad idea. I screwed up a lot of locks while learning (I got in, though). \_ That was my plan. Did you see how I asked about which lockpicks to buy? Any suggestions? \_ Glock 23 \_ I hate glocks. -- ilyas \_ Glocks never felt terribly comfortable in my hand. -POC \_ Let's not forget the 5 metric ton trigger pull, and the refined austrian watergun design. Everytime a glock is sold, God kills a kitten. -- ilyas \_ It's a good gun...it's just that *I* have never found a use for one...and yeah, the trigger pull kind of sucks. Personally, I like the factory installed pull of smiths and the usp. -POC \_ I find that the handle/grip is too short for my hand. --erikred \_ That's silly. It's lighter than most DAOs and can be easily modded lighter. They're proven tough and simple to maintain. Fashion snob. \_ While this method is doubtless effective, it seems like it might be hazardous to practice in your home, and probably lacks in stealthiness. \_ Yes but practice becomes unnecessary. And think of the many other uses around the house! I suppose the property damage could be a problem. \_ Northern Tool and Equipment has some: http://csua.org/u/963 Their latest catalog had ~20 piece set. \- BTW, some locks are a lot harder than others ... even without talking about say medcos, BESTs are not good to begin with. also the general problem of "getting pasted locked doors" also the general problem of "getting past locked doors" has a lot of other solutions aside from picking the lock ... climbing over things, using shims etc. --psb |
2004/6/11-12 [Reference/History] UID:30758 Activity:very high |
6/11 Troy poll, would you have preferred to see Greek gods/goddesses in the movie? yes: .. no: .. \_ Yes of course. They were an integral and active part of the Greek story. \_ The director said he'd decided to forgo the gods, yet Achilles' prowess clearly shows this to be a farce. Just bring back Burgess Meredith and get it over with. |
2004/6/10 [Reference/History, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30728 Activity:nil 66%like:30735 |
6/10 Hey Bush-haters: Go rent Spartan. The first 75% is pretty good. -Fellow Bush-hater \_ Is it better than Trojan? |
2004/4/13 [Reference/History, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney, Computer/SW] UID:13165 Activity:nil |
4/13 Which idiot reinstated kinney's account? Motd's been crazy in the past few days and it's attributed to the idiot who reinstated his account. \_ Behold! He has arisen from the dead! Now he walks the ancient land of Babylon, reporting divine truth. Do not harden your heart against the Kinney. /csua/tmp/motd.kinney has prophesied his coming. |
2003/12/15-16 [Reference/History, Reference/History/WW2] UID:11463 Activity:nil |
12/15 I don't understand the Trojan war. After the Greeks fought for 10 years to rescue the pretty Helen of Troy, wouldn't she have already turned into a 30 year old hag making the Trojan Horse victory in vain? \_ Homeric allegory is lost on some people. \_ C'mon, it's principle of the thing. Think of it like M$ stealing your code and you finally wrangling a paltry settlement out of them a decade later.... \_ They were fighting for Agamemnon's honor as the king of the Greeks. Also, the looting and taking of all the other women. \_ you're forgetting about the Trojans' WMD. \_ women of mass destruction? \- heh. --psb \_ if yer trojan springs a leak \_ I don't understand what's the big deal about the Iliad. It bored me to tears. \- do you think this says more about you or the iliad? Xalepa ta kala. For discussion on the original question: ~psb/MOTD/Iliad.commentarii --psb \_ Did you write this while in a cafe? \- yes. why? were you watching me? --psb \_ Did you mean: Xalapa ta kala --obGoogle \_ There is no one way to transliterate Greek into English characters. "Chalepa ta kala" seems the most common. \_ I like simple books like Old Man and Sea or Of Mice and Men. Being very old, I can see why Iliad is important, but it is very boring and repetitive, and the whole plot line could be summed up in half a page. Granted, it's like a poem, but a few hundred pages of repetitions? Ugh! \_ If you think the Iliad is boring you should try a more modern adaptation: Ulysses. Heh. Let us know what you think. \_ I heard that's a very boring book too. I remember Economist saying that some think the author is just a con-artist with a very large vocabulary. \_ I read the Economist for all my ancient poetry and book reviews. Good plan. I also make all my best meals from their recipe section. \_ A cauliflower is a cauliflower no matter how you cook it. \_ for u then: http://troymovie.warnerbros.com/index_noflash.html \_ well I think it's gonna be a lame movie. They're frigging fighting for a 30 year old hag. They could've spent 10 years doing something more constructive. \_ funny thing for a 30 year old virgin to be saying... \_ Cool. I would like to see the movie since I like "historical" movies. But that doesn't change my opinion of Iliad, whose plot is just a small subplot of the whole Troy endeavor. |
2003/12/11 [Reference/History, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:11419 Activity:nil |
12/11 We been polluting for 8000 years: http://tinyurl.com/yt8e (cnn.com) \_ Interesting research, but I'm not sure how this changes anything. The rate of change since the industrial revolution is unprecedented. \_ not even true, there were huge fires that wiped out billions of acres that produced tons of green house gases, way more than the industrial revolution produced.. go read a book or something |
2003/4/23 [Reference/History] UID:28195 Activity:nil |
4/22 motd's been pretty tame/boring in the past few years. What are some of the most memorable motd controversies in the past 10 years? I will start: 1995 tawei/benco thing 1994 tom's stupid twink points |
2002/7/2-3 [Reference/History, Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:25265 Activity:nil |
7/2 The Prez has lots of experience with corporate fraud: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/02/opinion/02KRUG.html http://www.salon.com/politics/feature/2002/07/02/bush/index_np.html?x \_ so? if it really ends up leading to reform, i don't care what he did in the past. let's judge him by his current actions, not past actions. they're bad enough. \_ You really think we have any real chance of seeing reform? |
2002/6/27 [Reference/History, Computer/Domains] UID:25215 Activity:nil |
6/26 http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaID=20484 Discuss. \_ $15 to hang around with the female friends of pathetic geeks? no thanks. |
2002/2/6 [Reference/History] UID:23796 Activity:high |
2/6 What is the oddest/most surprising winter/summer olympic event? Curling? \_ Bangin' yermom. \_ distance throwing your caveman mom \_ Chess. (Is it still an Olympic event?) \_ Chess was NEVER an olympic event. \_ Cricket \_ Skeleton is fucking insane. |
2002/1/22-23 [Reference/History] UID:23636 Activity:very high |
1/22 is the term 'dealt with' (past tense of 'deal with') proper english, or is it slang/coloquial? \_ Why wouldn't it be proper English? \_ it's proper AMERICAM English. The Brits say something else. \_ yes, it's proper. --english grammar snob \_ consulting the motd is easier than using dict or going to http://dictionary.com ? \_ they don't provide that sort of info. \_ sure they do. they say that the past tense of "deal" is is "dealt." If there are any usage or slang issues, they are typically mentioned (e.g. usage issues of "hanged" vs. "hung"). |
2001/8/13 [Reference/History] UID:22093 Activity:high |
8/12 The revolution will not be televised \_ Your revolution will not be between these thighs. \_ Golly, you're so indie rock! -pld \_ 10 points if yu can name the "thigh" song, pld \_ sleater-kinney!!1!! \_ <DEAD>applied.demonics.org/~kinney/forum/index.php<DEAD> \_ More like indie jazz (Gil Scott Heron) \_ Damn right. It'll be streamed multicast over the Internet 2. \_ There's no "the" you dork. It's "over Internet 2." \_ Sheesh! Who´ the dork here, eh? -not the original poster |
2001/5/14-15 [Reference/History, Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript] UID:21270 Activity:high |
5/14 In Acrobat 5.0 Javascript, how do you break out of an if statement in a particular mouse action? 'break' does not seem to work. Thx - jthoms \_ can't you restructure it so you don't need to do this? like a while loop around it or nested ifs? \_ Let me rephrase the question. Suppose I have a button-pressed event that has the following code in it: if (some_field < 0) { app.alert ("Please enter some_field that is >= 0"); <break>; } if (some_field2 < 0) { ... } What should <break> be? In VB, you can simply do an 'Exit Sub'. \_ if it's in a function or method or whatever, can you just use a return? \_ No, that's the thing, it's not really a function. It's an event. I did try 'return' and it says 'return undefined'. \_ I'm not familiar with Javascript in Acrobat, but how about something like: do { ... if (...) { break; } ... } while (false); Also, how about putting all your event code in a real function instead? have the event call the function, where you should then be able to use "return". where "return" should be valid. \_ does your stupid language not provide an else construct? if(cond1) { .. } else if(cond2) { ... } else if(cond3) { ... } \_ First of all it's not MY stupid language. Second of all, you're missing the point... I have no problem breaking out of an if statement; the problem is to break out of the entire event. Thx. \_ it would be easier if we better understood your problem. what do you mean break out of an event? how is that different from, say, having Foo() called in response to eventX, and then having Foo() return prematurely under your specified conditions? is there some other event handling code that will be run afterward that you want to avoid? are you trying to prevent subsequent events from being generated (like preventing a mouseup after a mousedown)? postprocessing you're trying to avoid? are you trying to prevent subsequent events from being generated (like preventing a mouseup after a mousedown)? |
2000/4/14-15 [Reference/History, Finance/Investment, Recreation/Humor] UID:18010 Activity:moderate |
4/15 Cool! my stocks have split a few times in the past month!!!!!! \_ ... or did the price suddenly drop by 1/2? \_ It was a joke. \_ ... so was the reply. \_ no, the reply was some moron like tpc saying "hey I got the joke! Ha ha!" -tom \_ I'm up 2 today. Thanks. |
1998/6/25-27 [Reference/History] UID:14250 Activity:moderate |
6/25 The Revolution Is Coming: http://linux.gerf.org/linux-revolt \_ A unix revolution? I am there. Bless you, Taco Bell. \_ It was enormously fun. Where were you all? -- schoen \_ Basing a revolution on a broken website seems unwise. \_ That's just a random mirror. See <DEAD>hugin.imat.com/svlug<DEAD> http://www.penguincomputing.com/svlug-rally.html http://www.etla.net/~willey/personal/funny/win98 (I am in Willey's picture #6.) The revolution (while not televised) has made CNN Interactive, inter alia. -- schoen \_ The NSA is trying to discredit The Rebellion! |
1998/5/6 [Reference/History, Recreation/Food] UID:14054 Activity:high |
5/5 The first appearance of an Asian guy on Jerry Springer! Such a glorious event for Asians! \_ I eat asians for breakfast! 3 of them a day, with a side of vegemite toast... there was never a greater event for asians that to be eaten by me with vegemite, not that yeast extract really is a subliminal desire to be extracted from the womb, right? so how dare you mention anything of the sort you sick bastard! WHY IS EVERYONE ON SODA SO FUCKED IN THE HEAD!!??!? |
1993/6/25 [Reference/History, Politics/Foreign, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:31370 Activity:nil |
3/31 Just a reminder that things which appear below the dotted line could have been written by anyone, regardless of what signature appears on the end, and don't necessarily reflect what actual CSUA policy is. +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Cory Notes: If you see an unattended package/backpack/padded envelope in the public computing areas, leave it alone and call the building manager, Aleta Cook. This is at the request of an admin-type-chick from upstairs. There is a rash of mail bombs going off in academic institutions across the country right now ... Cory Hall has been victimized twice in the past (mid 80's). There are rumors that the FBI actually believes this recent wave is in fact related to the same source that caused the two bombings in Cory in the past. |
3/16 |