12/26 |
2008/12/11-16 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas, Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:52223 Activity:kinda low |
12/10 Saw a homeless guy today with a sign asking for money who had on a Wharton School of Business sweatshirt. \_ It's not Haas. \_ I did see a homeless guy in Las Vegas with a Cal hat on once. \_ How do you know he's a homeless guy and not some weird social science major guy experimenting with the idea of social begging? \_ I saw a homeless guy with a WebVan shirt on. Maybe he was the old CEO of WebVan. \_ A lot of such branded clothing ends up in donation bins. I've heard you can find African villagers wearing pretty comical clothing. \_ and they carry AK-47 as well? \_ I took this picture of a Britney Spears T-Shirt while trekking in a (Karem? Hmong? I can't remember) village in Thailand: http://csua.berkeley.edu/~abe/thai-britney.jpg |
12/26 |
2008/8/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:50991 Activity:high |
8/28 Wow, remember how Obama complained about being compared to Britney Spears? His holy temple set is being built by...Spears' set builder. http://tinyurl.com/5ft7yl \_ Wow, that's so meaningful! \_ Stay on track, little GOPpuppet. Keep telling America that it is \_ Stay on track, little GOPuppet. Keep telling America that it is a bad thing to elect leaders who are popular and charismatic, I just love this line of attack. \_ Hilarious. I'm not a GOP. -op \_ as independant as o'reilly eh? |
2008/2/18-21 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:49177 Activity:high |
2/16 Lindsay Lohan 10 years ago: http://www.imdb.com/media/rm3785463808/tt0120783 Lindsay Lohan now: http://nymag.com/fashion/08/spring/lindsay-as-marilyn \_ I understand why famous people are famous. I don't understand why anyone cares about them, especially entertainment figures. \_ It's escapism - modern soap opera. And it makes lots and lots of money: http://csua.org/u/kt3 (portfolio.com) \_ Look at all those black dots all over her body. \_ Those are called "freckles". Hot white girls get those. \_ Why do they make the girls hot? IMO they are ugly. \_ You're an idiot. \_ Man, drugs are not helping here. |
2007/10/18-19 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:48368 Activity:nil |
10/18 Britney Spears loses visitation right! |
2007/5/21-24 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears, Recreation/Media] UID:46716 Activity:nil |
5/21 Neuromancer movie is coming: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2v2rbj (firstshowing.net) \_ Gee, they got the guy that directed the Britney Spears "Toxic" video to direct. This may be nearly as good as "Johnny Mnemonic." \_ with a taste of your lips i'm on a ride |
2006/11/7-8 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears, Politics/Domestic/HateGroups] UID:45226 Activity:nil |
11/7 Britney files for divorce. \_ She is so white trash. \_ No, white trash is Tiffany. |
2006/3/29-30 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:42520 Activity:high |
3/29 You know, it's not actually possible to birth a baby that way. Besides, she had an elective c-section. http://www.stereogum.com/archives/002424.html \_ Aww.. the pictures don't show the baby coming out. \_ You know, the artist isn't serious. \_ It got him his 15 minutes. |
2005/12/2-5 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:40820 Activity:nil |
12/2 Anyone else have this problem with pandora? I play my station, and it sounds good for the first half hour or so. I sometimes give it feedback. Then I zone into work, and then later, ~1-2 hours, I realize that it's gone waaay off my selected type of music. For some reason, without constant feedback it gets weirder and weirder. eg. it starts playing pop(Madonna, Britney Spears) when it started as a trance/techno station, or once it started playing Depeche mode, when it was originally indie rock. \_ wonder if this is a product of a limited music library and restrictions on repeats. Maybe it starts with 'best matches' to your preferences and proceeds to lesser and lesser matches as it exhausts its selections. \_ I thought 20,000 songs was pretty extensive. I guess not. |
2004/7/14-15 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:32282 Activity:nil |
7/14 Well, that lifetime commitment didn't last long: link:www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/nation/9131961.htm \_ So by this standard, I guess Britney Spears' marriage and divorce invalidates heterosexual marriage. \_ I didn't say anything about what it means. You need to wash out your mind. \_ I think he's responding to the jackass in the article who said that "unnatural marriages" wouldn't last because they're about self-gratification instead of love. \_ Thank you. |
2004/5/5 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:30022 Activity:very high |
5/5 Britney "au naturale": http://www.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=172478 \_ broken link \_ Works for me. Not naked, btw, just without makeup on. \_ Thanks, should have specified it was work-safe. -op \_ It's not really "without makeup". I think I see some smeared old makeup. Not that I ever thought she was hot. \_ I know I'm just begging for trouble by writing this, but my 18-yr-old cousin looks a lot like Britney, but a little shorter, w/better skin and much bigger breasts. Yes, she makes family get-togethers a little uncomfortable. \_ When are you going to hit it? |
2004/1/4-5 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:11655 Activity:moderate |
1/3 WTF? Britney marries? http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/Music/01/04/britney.spears.wedding.ap/index.html \_ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/3366529.stm \_ Not any more. They had it annulled. \_ so that explains it! i just proposed marriage to her by email a couple days ago, and was wondering why she hadn't returned my email. \_ oh the horror! 100+ people die in a plane crash and this makes it into the MOTD \_ oh. since when has the motd been about important news? \_ fyi: yes, 1 person can be more important than 100+ people. \_ I'm still trying to think of someone less important than Britney Spears. \_ Peevee Herman. |
2003/12/8-9 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:11360 Activity:moderate |
12/7 Would anyone be interested in buying toilet paper smeared (pun intended) with pictures of GW Bush, Gray Davis, or Britney Spears? \_ I don't know, but in Korea they have toilet paper with "common english phrases" and their korean translations. Study English while wiping your behind! \_ No wonder their English is so shitty. Fighting!!! \_ hey, maybe we really like to fight. all the time, by how common that phrase has become, apparently. |
2003/11/4 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:10932 Activity:very high |
11/4 Madonna soils all that she touches \_ Hey. Britney was spoiled by Justin, not Madonna. \_ Britney was spoiled at birth. A lack of brains will do that. |
2003/9/1-2 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:10030 Activity:kinda low |
9/1 How come there's no talk about the kiss between Britney Spears and Madonna? Can we get some perspective from the straight guys and the lesbian community? (if you ask me, it was really hot and turned me on! :-) \_ link:www.rainbownetwork.com/content/News.asp?newsid=3597 apparently she also kissed Aguliera. ...and here's what jackass biblethumping gunnut motherfuckers http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/974106/posts \_ Because seeing 1 has-been and 2 wanna-bes pulling some attention getting stunt isn't all that discussion worthy. A friend of mine sells pr0n on ebay if you want "better-than-MTV! better-than-CATS!" lesbian pr0n. Or just get a bisexual gf. That'll be a much bigger turnon. You'll quickly get over seeing the crone and the babies on \_ You're right. I can't get over seeing that other guy's STUFF. have to say about it: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/974106/posts MTV. Your first three way will stay with you forever. |
2001/12/13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:23235 Activity:nil |
12/12 Osama bin Laden has displaced Pamela Lee Anderson in cyberspace and people looking for information about the American flag outnumbered those curious about Britney Spears. For the first time in the short history of the Internet, popular search engines report that "sex" dropped off their lists of top 10 search terms in the days following the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. (Reuters, Sep. 20 '01) \_ Why is this being posted now? \_ URL please? \_ "popular search engines". Which ones? Stop posting techie stuff from idiotic non-techie sources like Reuters. That's like going to slashdot to get legal info or political news. |
2001/5/8 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:21205 Activity:insanely high |
5/7 Mummy Returns - typical hollywood cookie-cutter trash. \_ Did you pay $7 at a theater or did you d/l it? If you d/l'ed did it suck bad enough that you feel the time spend getting it could have been used to get a better movie? \_ Mmm, cookie-cutter trash. Is hollywood trash really that much worse than foreign cinema sentimentalism? Sometimes, between watching some artsy french film (in fuzzy black & white) dealing with the effects of losing a cat, and watching a certified brainless hollywood trash film with all the standard jokes, I'd rather go with the latter. Unless the cat happen to belong to militant prostitute lesbians on a mass murder binge, of course. \_ that's almost funny enough for me to reconsider. hollywood's efx laden eye-candy are only midly interesting and overpaid stars are utterly disgusting. one day a bomb will go off in teh academy awards and wipe the slate clean \_ Upon reconsideration, I realized that I'd rather see the lost cat film afterall. But the point is, Hollywood trash \_ less artsy, more fartsy! has its place--in the gutters of society, maybe, but some people enjoy it. For that matter, so do Hollywood celebrity. Everyone idolizes _something_. It may not be a blond bombshell with fake boobs, but it might as well be. I mean, are people who idolize Nietzsche that much better than people who idolize Britney Spears? If you think so, you might as well be a nazi. \_ This is intellectual relativism. Nietzsche is a person, with a mind. Britney Spears is a vagina + marketing. You are a troll + too much time on your hands. never seen before. The Mummy Returns provided most of that. \_ Regardless, britney is hot, Nietzsche, still dead. \_ what about us necrophiliacs? \_ Britney is in the Mummy Returns? \_ "everyone idolizes something" != "for each thing, there is someone who idolizes it" \_ There's just as much junk in the foreign film / Cannes / independent market. It's just not enough people have seen those to know there's crap there too. I'm not really trying to defend Hollywood, but can it really be all that bad when they give me exactly what I want? I go to theaters to escape reality, to have fun, to see stuff I've never seen before. The Mummy Returns provided most of that. After spending 50-60 hours the past week overloading my brain with C++ at work, do I really want to continue using my brain to discover the meaning of life from rotting cheese from some overemoting actor? No. I just wanna turn off my brain and enjoy over-the-top action galore. \_ After loading my brain for 50 - 60 hours, I would go mountain biking. The problem with many Hollywood movies is that they are no longer "fun" and "never seen before". However I did liked Mummy, so I am going to give Mummy II a try. Maybe it's because I have always liked this Egypt/Archaeologist/Raider's of The Lost Ark genre. Yes, I hate boring and meaningless art films too. They should be meaningful and preferably entertaining too. I am not as interested in style without content. of The Lost Ark genre. Yes, I also hate art films that are boring and meaningless. They should be meaningful and preferably entertaining too. I am not as interested in style without content. Pure style has its place but it's not for me. \_ I was disappointed with Mummy Returns as well. Hopefully the 3rd installment will be much better (like the Indiana Jones trilogy). Have you seen Deep Rising? That's another film my Stephen Sommers that I really enjoy, it's pretty much your ultimate big-budget B movie. |
2001/4/13 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:20969 Activity:nil |
4/13 Britney Spears hits the big time: http://www.mtv.com/sitewide/utils/playmedia.jhtml?clip=/mtv/realmedia/g2/clips/s/spears_britney/last_to_know_30.rm |
2000/2/24-26 [Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:17609 Activity:high |
2/24 Britney Spears didn't win. IS THERE NO GOD? \_ THereis, but apparently he perfers mexicans. \_ So what was Jennifer Lopez wearing last night. I heard she wasn't. \_ You mean God prefers LATINO/LATINA artists, you politically incorrect piece of shit -ricky martin #1 fan \_ PC-ism started as a joke years ago. Somehow the left which lacks any sense of humor thought it was real and took the next step down the censorship and thought control path. "PC" was once an insult. Now you insult for not being PC. The world is a strange place. Excuse me while I go purge myself of all impurities of thought that have not yet been approve by the looney left. \_ Jennifer Lopez is hot \_ Forget PC, it's just plain incorrect. Ricky Martin isn't from Mexico, he's from Menudo. \_ Jennifer Hopez is hot \_ So what was Jennifer Hopez wearing last night. I heard she wasn't. \_ She didn't? Then why was she on stage accepting the award for best new artist? \_ best "nude" artist? \_ Sigh. Yet another guy who can't tell the difference between B.S. and C.Ag. Then again, is there really any difference? \_ Why would anyone care? It's all bubble gum noise anyway. \_ Any pics? \_ YES my good man: check out http://sfgate.com under entertainment. there's an article on santana's sweep, and photos... my goodness....=) \_ why didn't Mandy Moore win?! \_ Everything in here is wrong except the bits about "thereis", "goodness....=", and "tell". \_ bitch, just shut the fuck up! \_ more pics, second paragraph: http://formen.ign.com/news/15674.html |
12/26 |