Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 52669
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2009/3/3-11 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:52669 Activity:nil
3/3     "Stimulus bill increases transit tax benefit for commuters"
        "The law raises the amount of pretax income that workers enrolled in
        employer-sponsored commuter benefits programs can use to pay for mass
        transit -- from $120 per month to $230 per month."
        \_ pity they encumber the EZRider program such that its difficult to
           pay for BART fares via EZrider with employer-sponsored commuter
2024/12/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2012/7/29-9/24 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:54446 Activity:nil
7/29    Is it really true that we subsidize auto driving to the tune of
        $5k/yr? Shit I could probably hire a private driver for less...
        \_ You might have missed the point.  Hiring a chauffeur to drive your
           private vehicle won't change the amount of gasoline your private
           vehicle use or the amount of real estate it uses on freeways and
2010/2/10-3/9 [Transportation/Car] UID:53699 Activity:low
2/10    About the Lexus that crashed because of (supposedly) a stuck
        accelerator padel, why didn't the driver simply put the transmission
        in Neutral?  If the cop passenger had time to press at least one
        button to dial 911, wait for the call to be picked up, and had a
        10-second-plus conversation with the operator (which was played back
        in media reports), wasn't there much more than enough time to tell the
2009/1/21-26 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:52431 Activity:moderate
1/21    The area around Fruitvale Bart in oakland, is it relatively safe?
        I am buying stuff on craigslist from a guy 2 blocks from the
        station around Sat noon. Don't want to walk into the wrong
        neighborhood you know. ;)
        \_ It is safe in the daytime. -ausman
           \_ why dont you meet them at the cafe directly across the st from
2013/7/1-8/23 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:54700 Activity:nil
7/1     BART labor union holding the transit infrastructure hostage.
        \_ Yesterday's SFGate poll showed that 11% of the readers sympathize
           with the workers, 17% with the management, and 72% with the riders.
           \_ The millions the Koch Brother's spent are paying off. Workers
              now sympathize more with their masters than.
              now sympathize more with their masters than their own
2010/2/10-3/9 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53700 Activity:nil
2/10    Does anyone have an authoritative URL that shows the % of people
        in the Bay Area who commute via foot, bike, car, BART, and Caltrains?
        In particular I'd like to look at trend as well.
        \_ has some.  -tom
        \_ Guys, guys, guys, I asked a simple question. What % of Bay Area
           traffic goes to autos, bikes, foot, BART, and Caltrain? I'm
2009/11/23-12/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Reference/RealEstate] UID:53540 Activity:moderate
 11/23  "Warming's impacts sped up, worsened since Kyoto"
        \_ what do you propose we average Joes do about climate warning?
           Oh really? Yeah, exactly.
           \_ Make life choices which reduce your carbon impact.  Communicate
              with your representatives that you consider this an important
2009/10/29-11/3 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53481 Activity:moderate
10/29   "BART customers shatter previous ridership records"
        Here's the Bay Area solution to global warming: just snap a cable on
        the Bay Bridge once a while. :-)
        \_ what about taking a chem e class and see how stupid you sound?
           \_ Not as stupid as someone who couldn't tell that OP was obviously
2009/8/13-9/1 [Reference/BayArea, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53269 Activity:nil
8/13    One greedy BART union going on strike next Monday:
        \_ No, not really. It is just a negotiating tactic.
        \_ You know what, BART's troubles do have a little to do with union pay,
           but its mostly BARTs expansion mission instead of dealing with
           the stations its has.  The airport extension is not as popular as
2009/8/6-19 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53251 Activity:nil
8/5     Bart vs. MTA NSFW
        \_ Guess MTA doesn't stop running huh.
           \_ Yup.
        \_ Looks like they art more SRS over there.
        \_ I'd give bart the win,  except that it is a photoshop job.
           \_ nah, I'd give MTA the definite win.
2009/7/12-24 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53130 Activity:moderate
7/12    Turns out that BART management has been lying to the public and
        the press about salaries, whoops!
        \_ Why do the janitors make $28.09 per hour in California where
           there is plenty of cheap labor and at those prices why are
           the BART restrooms almost always nasty? To me that's ridiculous.
2009/6/30-7/15 [Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:53094 Activity:nil
        "The average (BART) union worker makes $114,000 a year in wages and
        And they're demanding a 3% raise.  Geez.
        \_ This is called negotiation by press release. What does the average
           worker who is not in management make?
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The law raises the amount of pretax income that workers enrolled in employer-sponsored commuter benefits programs can use to pay for mass transit -- from $120 per month to $230 per month. "This law nearly doubles the savings workers can enjoy by using mass transit and sets us on a path to a future that's both economically and environmentally sustainable," said Larry Filler, president and CEO of TransitCenter, a nonprofit that promotes mass transit use in order to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality. "The support of public transit by the Congress and the President, evidenced in the new Economic Recovery Act, again demonstrates that win-win solutions can be found to answer both our economic and environmental needs," said BART's General Manager Dorothy W Dugger. "Mass transit has become an important part of life for commuters seeking to trim their budgets, and make the smart choice for our environment." Economic Impact The cap increase is projected to boost both employee and employer savings. Employees can now save up to $1,000 a year or more on their transit commute, representing a potential $440 a year increase in what they can save if their commuting expenses exceed the current monthly cap of $120 per month. Companies offering the benefit can save up to an additional $100 per employee per year in payroll taxes. Besides providing relief to commuters who already use the benefit, the legislation will increase the number of employees offered the benefit as a result of the increase in employee and employer savings under the new law. Recent TransitCenter surveys indicate that as many as one-third of employers not currently offering the benefit would do so if the monthly transit benefit were increased significantly, as it now has been. Further, 53 percent of employees would take advantage of the benefit if offered to them. This represents a significant increase in participation across the country bringing much needed financial relief to a greater number of commuters. The new provision is expected to be particularly helpful to commuters looking to offset fare hikes put into effect by mass transit operators struggling to address budget shortfalls. "We know that transit operators across the country are being forced to raise fares, and in some cases significantly, to offset operating deficits resulting from the downturn in the economy," said TransitCenter's Filler. "The new higher transit benefit will not only protect commuters from the full impact of any fare increase, but for most, keep the cost of their monthly commute below what they are currently paying." How the commuter benefit works The commuter benefit allows employees to deduct up to $230 per month from their gross income to pay for their mass transit commutes. Employees whose monthly mass transit fees are less than the $230 cap are allowed to deduct the full amount from their paychecks. The measure helps employers save money by lowering their payroll taxes. Additionally, employees are allowed to deduct up to $230 per month for eligible commuter parking expenses. Tax-free commuter benefits can be structured as an employee-funded tax-free payroll deduction; The benefit can be delivered in the form of transit provider-specific passes, universally accepted vouchers and terminal-restricted debit cards, or through a reimbursement model under specific conditions defined by the IRS. Previously, employers were allowed under Section 132 of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code to let their employees use up to $120 per month of their pre-tax income to pay for their transit or vanpool commuting expenses and up to $230 per month for commuter parking. The new legislation amends the IRS Code to set the monthly tax-free contribution limit for transit/vanpool to a maximum of $230 per month.