Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 18679
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2000/7/14-16 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:18679 Activity:nil
7/14    For those interested in the recently-nuked "xterm on Linux"
        thread: the solution turned out to be "setenv TERM xterm-r6";
        in the RH termcap, "xterm" is aliased to their own non-standard
        "xterm-redhat"; thanks to those who tried to help
        \_ Thank you redhat idiots for screwing up something perfectly simple.
           \_ you're welcome
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2006/10/25-27 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:44959 Activity:kinda low
10/25   Fedora Core 6 is out:
        \_ Anyone still use Fedora Core?
           \_ Why wouldn't they?
              \_ Because Ubuntu is a better and more popular distro?
                 \_ In what way is it better than RH/SuSE/Debian?
2005/9/19-21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:39746 Activity:nil
9/18    I just installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 and everything
        seems to work ok except my httpd cannot be reached outside
        of the box. I have no problem pinging and sshing into the
        system, but http connection would not work. However, it does
        seem to work when I launch firefox within (same machine).
        What could cause this? I'm not familiar with PAM and I'm
2005/9/17-19 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:39720 Activity:nil
9/16    Where the hell is XF86Setup for Fedora Core 3?
        \_ xorg.conf . Red Hat switched from XFree86.
           \_ Eh? I'm using Fedora Core 3 and I have a fully functional
              /etc/XF86Config. It is the setup program that I'm looking for.
              \_ xf86cfg. Man, XF86Setup was outmoded about 4 years ago.
                 Where have you been living, under a rock?
2005/2/5-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:36073 Activity:moderate
2/5     I thinking of installing Debian Linux because a friend of mine says
        it's much easier to deal with when you install programs. For example,
        during an insntallation the installer will check for ALL dependencies
        and automatically download the right .so files you need. The claim
        is that RPMs are not as thorough and that there's more work involved.
        Has anyone tried both RH and Debian and have comments on this? ok thx
2004/11/3-4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:34619 Activity:low
11/3    Is it just me or does Adobe Acrobat tend to go apeshit in Mozilla on
        Linux?  I've also noticed than on WinXP it stays running even after I
        close the page that was using it
        \_ Are you using Acrobat 6.0 Reader? If you are, downgrade to 5.0.
           6.0 has a lot of problems, period.
           \_ Acrobat 6 doesn't exist for Linux.
2004/5/28-29 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:30467 Activity:high
5/27    In what ways are FreeBSD superior to a good Linux distro?
        \_ Why do you hate Windows?
           \_ Why do you hate Linus?
        \_ *BSD has a better IP stack.
           \_ In what way?
           \_ Aren't they the same now?
2004/3/12-13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:12634 Activity:high
3/12    RedHat, Suse, or Debian? I am seriously thinking of installing
        one on my machine...
        \_ Free RedHat as you know is has reached it's end. RedHat 9 was the
           last of it. There will still be RedHat Professional, which is
           RHEL but only costs $90. I highly recommend Fedora if you want
           to keep up with the latest and greatest in Linux.
2004/2/13 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:12239 Activity:nil
2/12    I originally installed Redhat 8 on two fresh hard drives 9GB and 18GB
        (no pre-existing OS).  Redhat put files on both disks.  Is there a way
        to manually move everything from the 18GB to the 9GB (I have enough
        space)?  I'd like to use the 18GB just for data (which might be later
        shared with a Windows box).  STFW, but haven't found anything useful.
        Pointers to something on the web would help.  Thanks in advance.
2003/9/2 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:10039 Activity:nil
9/1     I'm using RedHat 8 on a machine with 512 MB RAM and I only have
        35 MB of RAM free according to top even with nothing running but
        the OS.  I added up the memory for the 10 biggest processes and
        only got 58 MB.  Does RH 8 really use around 400 MB of RAM???
        \_ The rest of memory is probably used to cache filesystem access.
           Take a look at the output of "free" to see how much is used for
2003/3/4 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:27591 Activity:low
03/03   Novice question again:  I have notice that we have rpm installed.
        I thought RPM is redhat/linux thingy.  how come it is avaliable
        for BSD?  Also... can normal monkeys (i.e. non-root) install rpm
        packages in their own directories?
        \_RPM is just a package format. You can conceivably RPM any type of
        binary, but I am assuming that Sloda is running Linux binaries in
2001/2/23-24 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:20663 Activity:high
2/23    I have a x86 box running redhat 6 and I can't get my new soundcard
        to install.  where should I go to get help?  someone told me the
        motd would be a good place to ask, because there are alot of linux
        users here.
        \_ linux user, yes. Helpfull people, no
                            \_ I guess you failed the TOFEL. Learn
2000/11/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:19655 Activity:kinda low
11/6    I've heard that RedHat has an automated update agent similar
        to Debian.  Is the RH update agent free?  If so where do I
        get it.  If it isn't free, how much does it cost?  Thanks.
        \_ Why do you want to pay for Red Hat's service when you're familiar
           with Debian's?  I also have the impression that RHSN just applies
           updates that RedHat issues to fix bugs/holes... I don't think it