4/16 Is X-windows (enlightenment) seriously deficient in key-board
short-cuts or am i seriously deficient in knowledge? If the
latter, someone please direct me to a resource.
\_ since when did x-windows and enlightenment become synonymous
with each other?
\_ since redhat became synonymous with linux
\_ When you're most of the market it isn't a hard
claim to make. As if anyone important has heard of
your KewlWarez linux distribution. Anyone smart
isn't using linux anyway.
\_ I was simply specifying my manager (see below) -orig.Pster
\_ try looking at the enlightenment configurer thingie. You can
define your own shortcuts to do just about anything. Or there
is a file somewhere in .enlighenment that you can hack if you
enjoy that sorta thing. -darin
\_ A GUI like windows? I find it amusing that the linux crowd
so badly wants to be like the OS they so despise.
\_ Not even. Besides, Microsoft created a GUI like
the Mac one (though much shitier looking). Isn't it
amusing that the Windows crowd so badly wants to
be like the OS they so despise?
\_ You're about 15 years out of date and anyway, the
Mac wasn't the first anything.
\_ Mac was first GUI to be succesfully marketed.
From then up to iMac, Apple's lived or died
by marketing, not technology. Unfortunately,
the same is true for MS, and they were much
better at marketing but worse at technology.
\_ technology? what technology? it's all
marketing. but according to b.g. "the
best is yet to come". maybe we'll see
some technology soon coming from redmond.
\_ That's just more marketing. Why do you
think MS is finally going to innovate
something? They didn't need to in the
past but suddenly feel like good
samaritans? What for? Research costs
money and that hurts their bottom line.
They don't need to invent anything.
\_ Research creates patents that you can
beat people/other companies over the
head with.
\_ MS doesn't need patents to beat
others over the head with. They
have very few.
\_ Windows sucks because it is unreliable and poorly
designed, e.g. crashes all the time and needs to
be restarted all the time The U.I. for windows98
is much better than any XM.
\_ I've never been able to configure enlightenment to,
say, RaiseLower with a shift-mouseclick. In fact,
I couldn't find any mouse-based shortcuts at all.
I thought that that was such a deficiency that I
decided not to use it.
\_ X-Windows has no keyboard shortcuts at all. X-Windows is just
the display layer - all user interface is from the programs that
sit on top of it. This is what makes it so incredibly configurable.
\_ This is a fairly useless answer. It seems clear
that he was talking about the enlightenment window
manager specifically.
\_ Yes, but this is explaining why next time he should
just ask about enlightnment instead of the way he did.
\_ You have a brain. Use it, instead of acting literal
\_ Actually i am glad to have the info. I did not know
it but did know there was a diff. between X-windows
and enlightenment. I phrased the question the way i did
because it is the X-mngr i was using, i suspected
that short-cuts would be a function of the XM, but i
have not noticed any keyboard ShrtCts in any XM. I
am not married to Enlightenment. -orig.pster
\_ twm and it's many derivates all allow you to bind
any WM function to any key or mouse button or
mouse-modifier key combo. Sames for mwm/CDE.
\_ The program you want is e16keyedit. |