2009/10/1-21 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:53417 Activity:moderate | 10/1 I am thinking of installing firefox on soda under my home directory.
Will this make me a hozer?
\_ Possibly. I wonder if we should have another VM for that...btw,
I remember someone saying they're glad we're not on FreeBSD
anymore, but last I checked, a bunch of our stuff is on FreeBSD,
but our login server is not.
2009/7/4-16 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:53111 Activity:low | 7/4 Is there a web browser available on soda? My employer has a firewall
blocking some web sites.
\_ How about setting up a web proxy on Soda?
\_ Use links :)
\_ lynx?
\_ Best text only web browser is elinks, it even supports some
2006/1/3-5 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:41211 Activity:moderate | 1/3 what's the best terminal program (I just want to ssh from my laptop
to soda) for macosx?
\_ don't like terminal?
\_ What's wrong with /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app?
\_ iTerm looks/works well for me. -scottyg
\_ second.
2006/1/3-5 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:41214 Activity:nil | 1/3 Regarding the WMF vulnerability, is it true that if you're using
Firefox 1.5, you'll always be prompted when there's a WMF image on a
web page? I know those using IE are SOL unless they install the 0-day
patch from Ilfak Guilfanov mentioned here:
This part is funny:
2005/4/15 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:37200 Activity:very high | 4/15 Unix Wizards, how would I sort a list like this in numerical order?
I can't figure our the sort syntax. I am not a programmer!