2014/1/14-2/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:54763 Activity:nil | 1/14 Why is NULL defined to be "0" in C++ instead of "((void *) 0)" like in
C? I have some overloaded functtions where one takes an integer
parameter and the other a pointer parameter. When I call it with
"NULL", the compiler matches it with the integer version instead of
the pointer version which is a problem. Other funny effect is that
sizeof(NULL) is different from sizeof(myPtr). Thanks.
2013/2/19-3/26 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:54611 Activity:nil | 2/19 I program a lot by sshing to a Linux cluster. So I'm used to using
Xemacs to code. This works fine from a Linux or Windows workstation,
but sometimes I have to use a Mac. On Mac, the meta is usually
bound to option, but that often doesn't work over ssh for some reason.
This makes using emacs a real pain. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
(Other than "use vi")
2012/7/19-11/7 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:54439 Activity:nil | 7/19 In C or C++, how do I write the code of a function with variable
number of parameters in order to pass the variable parameters to
another function that also has variable number of parameters? Thanks.
\_ The usual way (works on gcc 3.0+, Visual Studio 2005+):
#define foo(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
The cool new way (works on gcc 4.3+):
2012/8/29-11/7 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:54467 Activity:nil | 8/29 There was once a CSUA web page which runs an SSH client for logging
on to soda. Does that page still exist? Can someone remind me of the
URL please? Thx.
\_ what do you mean? instruction on how to ssh into soda?
\_ No I think he means the ssh applet, which, iirc, was an applet
that implemented an ssh v1 client. I think this page went away
2012/9/6-11/7 [Computer/SW] UID:54473 Activity:nil | 9/6 Why is it that many of the PhDs I know write some of the shittiest
and unreadable and unmaintainable code?
\_ "I don't know what your problem is, it works on my machine."
\_ "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct,
not tried it." - D. Knuth
\_ I've seen the same from the Ph.D. consultants (i.e. contractors)
2012/7/2-8/19 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:54429 Activity:nil | 7/2 If I download a software that has GNU GPL and create a search
engine on top of it and the search engine profits (and I don't
release the source code nor do I modify or redistribute it), is
that an acceptable use of GNU GPL?
\_ Yes. Even the AGPL allows this if you don't modify the program.
\_ What if I'm a search engine that uses something that uses
2012/3/29-6/4 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:54351 Activity:nil | 3/29 A friend wants a PC (no mac). She doesn't want Dell. Is there a
good place that can custom build for you (SSD, large RAM, cheap video
card--no game)?
\_ As a side note: back in my Cal days more than two decades ago when
having a 387SX made me the only person with floating-point hardware,
most machines were custom built.
2012/4/2-6/4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:54353 Activity:nil | 4/02 We use Perforce at work for revision control. It seems to work okay.
Lately, a lot of the newer developers are saying that Perforce
sucks and we should switch to Mercurial or Git. I have done some
searching on the Internet and some others have this opinion. Added
advantage is that Mercurial and Git are free. However, there would
be some work to switch for the sysadmins and the developers.
2012/3/15-6/1 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:54340 Activity:nil | 3/15 Why does MS put double-quotes around the '8' in Windows Server 8, like
the following?
- Windows 8
- Windows Server "8"
\_ Because when they didn't do it, code didn't see the '\0'
and went over? Looks better than '8','\0' *shrug*