Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 29005
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2003/7/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29005 Activity:moderate
7/10    Fuck you, motd censor.  You will be caught.
        \_ So silly.  Just write the scripts and catch them and get it over
           with.  I've been telling you this for months.  15 minutes of
           scripting and cron and you'll know all.
           \_ Cron is _not_ the way to go.
              \_ It's one way.  There are others.  It's the way I chose.
           \_ Why should each interested person have to reinvent the wheel?
              Why not post your code?
              \_ Because I'm not a believer in the GPL.  I did the work, I get
                 the benefits.  I choose not to share.  Anyway it's only going
                 to lead to a nasty witch hunt and we've had enough of those
                 over the years.
        \_ it's jwang.  He runs a motd diff script every 60 seconds and wipes
           anything he doesn't like.  The only way he'll stop is if he gets
           a job or a girlfriend.  Right now he has neither and has all the
           time in the world to do this.
              \_ rory, you run a non-world readable script. i don't.
                 excuse me while i get back to work. --jwang
           \_ that jwang guy sure works a lot for being unemployed
           \_ ok, so now youre post has been up for more than 60 seconds, so
              either you're wrong or the individual in question actually
              likes this thread.  i think there are lots of censors, and
              that they all suck.
           \_ Where can I contribute to the 'get jwang laid' fund?
           \_ A lot of people run motdwatch.  So what?  You've proved nothing.
              You need to correlate motd changes with non-idle times, not
              simply toss names around because you can type 'ps'.  That doesn't
              cut it, son.  -!jwang
              \_ you need better trolling fu.  I don't even have to log in
                 to post to the motd.
                 \_ do you run motdedit?
                    \_ no one uses motdedit.
                 \_ it's not a troll.  i wish you clowns would stop over
                    applying the term to everything.  just because someone
                    doesn't agree with you does *not* make them a troll.  i'm
                    glad you're really smart and can edit the motd without
                    logging in.  that doesn't make you a troll anymore than
                    I am for defending jwang.
        \_ censor?  To me it seems like the trolls are being removed at
           the end of the day.  This wouldn't be limited to just one
           individual, but anyone who feels like they're increasing content
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2013/10/24-2014/2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW] UID:54746 Activity:nil
9/26    I remember there was web version of the motd with search function
        (originally due to kchang ?).  The last time I used it it was hosted
        on the csua website but I can't remember its url (onset of dementia?)
        now. Can somebody plz post it, tnx.
           \_ for some reason I couldn't log in since Sept and the archiver
2012/9/5-11/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54472 Activity:nil
9/4     It looks like there are some issues with wallall at the moment. Any
        plans for it getting fixed? I can run wall, but wallall just gives an
        \_ Asking questions on the motd will not get any attention from
           any undergrad. You should email politburo or perhaps csua. -ausman
        \_ Asking questions on the motd will not get attention from any
2012/4/23-6/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54359 Activity:nil
4/19    Motd updater thingy seems to be broken, does anyone know why?
        If not, I will take a look later in the day. -ausman
        \_ /etc/motd.public is not getting copied into /etc/motd for a while.
           \_ Now it works and no one knows why. Strange. -ausman
2012/2/6-3/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54301 Activity:nil
2/6     Um, what happened to ?
        "The requested URL /~myname/ was not found on this server."
        \_ Try emailing root or politburo. I don't think that the
           undergrads use this machine anymore. -ausman
        \_ Ausman is mostly right. LDAP went down due to an expired cert and
           took down most of the rest of our stuff. It's probably a thing with
2012/2/24-3/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54313 Activity:nil
2/24    What newsreader should I use on soda?
        \_ USENIX? You serious? Everyone switched to RSS.
           \_ I think you mean usenet not usenix.  usenet was generally much
              better than blogs / rss (cf. comp.lang.c, comp.lang.perl,
              the usenet oracle, alt.* with digg, slashdot, etc.)
  is the best