Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 29313
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2003/8/11-12 [Computer, Computer/SW] UID:29313 Activity:moderate
8/11    Just curious: those of you who were at UCB pre-crash and are still
        there now: are CS classes still incredibly impacted like they were
        during the boom or is it now possible to get a seat without shedding
           \_ thanks.  Already reforwarded to management.
          \_ thank goodness! People should study computer science for the
             sake of having passions for science, not money. This is good
             news for all of us.                -grad student
             \_ for me, the lesser being, studying computer science is just
                for the curiosity and the fun of it.
             \_ what's wrong with studying something for the money? It's not
                like computer science is some holier-than-thou field off-limits
                to anyone except geeks that slobber all over themselves and
                wear funky plastic pocket protecters and smell bad in the labs
                and talk about star trek and babylon 5 endlessly.
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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8/16    I just left my employer. They didn't ask to get their HW back.
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        and ask for their HW back?
        \_ Is it an iPhone 9 prototype? :-)
           \_ as a matter of fact, it is just a 2 year old laptop
              and they don't seem to keep track of inventor
2013/5/1-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Theory] UID:54669 Activity:nil
5/1     What's the difference between CS and Computer Engineering?
        \_ One is science and the other is engineering.
        \_ From
           'A folkloric quotation ... states that "computer science is no more
           about computers than astronomy is about telescopes."  The design
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12/18   Happy 25th birthday Perl, and FUCK YOU Larry Wall for fucking up
        the computer science formalism that sets back compilers development
        back for at least a decade:
        \_ I tried to learn Perl but was scared away by it.  Maybe scripting
           lanauages have to be like that in order to work well?
2012/6/9-7/20 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer] UID:54415 Activity:nil
6/9     I have a pair of Levi's jeans newly purchased (gift) and they are
        so damn thin I am afraid they might rip just going into the drier.
        WTF has happened to Jeans in the last few decades and which brand
        has the highest thickness to cost ratio?
        \_ I've been wearing Kirkland jeans from Costco for a few years.
           Quality-wise, including thickness to cost ratio, has been very
2012/1/24-3/3 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:54296 Activity:nil
        Amusing "history" of computer science.
        \_ Where's the mentioning of Al Gore the inventor of AlGorithm?
2011/11/20-2012/2/6 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:54237 Activity:nil
11/20   Are there tools that can justify a chunk of plain ASCII text by
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        commas into the text?  I received a 40-line plain text mail where
        all the lines are justified on left and right.  Every word and comma
        is followed by only one space, and every period is followed by two
        spaces.  The guy is my kid's karate instructor which I don't think is
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4/20    Is the United States still leading the world in terms of the
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        the software, etc etc.  ObCisco, but just wondering if anything
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Cache (160 bytes)
HEADLINE Computer classes empty as job market declines AUTHOR Katie Hafner SOURCE NYT This article may be available on the New York Times website. References 1.