6/22 I've got a lab of 14 new machines that need names. Suggestions?
\_ Come up with a theme. eg. Callug = Animinaniacs, CSUA = drinks,
199 Cory = Ancient Literature, 273 Soda = ships, etc...
\_ 199 Cory isn't ancient literature, sorry. A cluster scheme
I was thinking about was South Park chracters. --sowings
\_ cartman.cs & kenny.cs are both taken, but stan & kyle are
not - strange, only half a cluster?
\_ ancient computer games; archon, bard, conan, midnight, jumpman...
\_ Basic unix commands
\_ Star Wars characters.
\_ Porn movies and/or actors.
\_ liquid names of spanish food
\_ Ally McBeal characters!
\_ Rocky Horror Picture Show
\_ homophones of "to"
\_ soda motd threads
\_ HOST=asianchic
\_ You want names that will mean something for more than 2
TV seasons, not garbage pop culture of the moment crap.
\_ AARON, asian chic, lila, psb, immigrants, happy page, etc
\_ tom's twinks (kchang, cmlee, benco, tawei)
\_ AARON, asian chic, lila, psb, immigrants, happy page, THE MAN
\_ sexual positions
\_ You name positions? Or are you talking about the silly
Kama Sutra names? "Lotus flower bent between broken OS's"
\_ aminoacid names -- ilyas
\_ venerial deceases. -lali
\_ Mobsters. |