3/15 |
2007/10/20-24 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48394 Activity:nil |
10/19 Freepers get all hot and bothered over.. oh who really cares what they are hot and bothered over. They are going to be pulled off the government teat and they are crying like babies. http://www.csua.org/u/js0 \_ I don't think anyone here reads the freepers. Who cares about the freepers? They're no different than the kosians. \_ There are certainly more similarities than differences, but on on the whole, KOSians don't make me want to drown humanity at birth. Reading two pages of Freeper comments is enough to make me want to endorse eugenics. |
2007/10/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48365 Activity:nil |
10/18 It's not just the Religious Right: http://csua.org/u/jr9 (WashPo) \_ Why do you hate America? |
2007/10/15-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:48332 Activity:moderate |
10/15 Republicans working on the "Stab In The Back Myth" for use after our defeat in Iraq: http://www.harpers.org/archive/2006/06/0081080 \_ More at: http://www.thenation.com/doc/20071015/alterman \_ that sounds like traitor talk to me! \_ It is funny to watch the Right in full on paranoid melt-down mode. Just wait until after Commander-In-Chief Hillary Rodham Clinton is inaugurated! \_ will the hills be far enough a place to head for? \_ Oh boy, utopia, 4-8 more years of corruption, law breaking, lies and *-gate scandals along with the troops staying in Iraq past 2013. Can't wait. Sounds like an American success story. \_ Fortunately, Bush can't run again, Cheney won't run, and BushCo has made it extraordinarily unlikely that a Repub will win, so the problem is solved! \_ Uh yeah, like I said. Elect Clinton to get 4-8 more years of corruption, lies, *gate and troops in Iraq past 2013. \_ If Hillary can figure out how to get fellated in the Oval Office, more power to her. \_ Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. We won't get fooled again! \_ Looks like the Sanchez speech was all part of the mythos building: http://www.prospect.org/cs/articles?article=the_disgruntled_general \_ No, the article in your link is about "Sanchez was an idiot and he's bitter so this is him moaning and griping about his failures and blaming everyone but himself". |
2007/10/15-18 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48325 Activity:kinda low 66%like:48324 |
10/15 Reid sucks (yes even in NV) [restored, after someone deleted it] http://blogs.usatoday.com/onpolitics/2007/10/at-home-in-neva.html \_ Tied with Bush! http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob.htm \_ Except one terms out. The other we're stuck with til he dies of old age. \_ If he's as unpopular as op implies, he'll be out at the next election. Want to make a bet? \_ His popularity appears to me to be linked to his leadership position. People see the congress as ineffective, and that goes to his leadership of it. \_ Actually Bush is now at 24%, according to Zogby: http://www.csua.org/u/jqu (WashPo) But who do you believe, Fox News! which has Bush at 35% or Zogby which has him at 24%? \_ I bet he gets re-elected, since he won last time by 26% and he does not face re-election until 2010. \_ Depends on who runs but betting against an incumbent, any incumbent, in this country is always a bad bet. That says nothing about how good our incumbents are and everything about the process of electing people. Reid is still a do-nothing. |
2007/10/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48303 Activity:nil 52%like:48298 |
10/13 George W Bush should get a Nobel Peace Prize for changing an evil regime and pacifying Al Qaeda in Iraq. Clearly, the NPP has a liberal bias. |
2007/10/12-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48296 Activity:nil |
10/12 I am very curious... do people in USA actually think they have the moral high ground of accusing others for genocide? http://csua.org/u/jpq \_ Yes. Oh, and today is the 12th of Oct. \_ Absolutely, and that doesn't negate our obligation to recognize injustices to Native Americans by our predecessors at the same time. \_ i am still waiting. \_ Dude, we let them gamble and they don't have to observe state law. It's a pretty sweet deal! ;) \_ They can even declare themselves sovereign nations. Exactly what it means by having sovereign nations within the US, I don't know. \_ Exactly. As far as I can tell it means they have to follow federal law, and that's about it. \_ Your logic: because the US was responsible at one time in the past for atrocities against the natives here we have no business telling people committing genocide today to stop. Thank you for joining us today. Maybe you'll have better bait tomorrow. \_ my logic is that the only reason why we stopped is not because we didn't feel it was the wrong thing to do. We stopped because we've gotten what we wanted and these natives are no longer have any means to fight back. ANd even today, USA never officially label these acts "genocide," nor have American produce any sort of remedy for such act (return some of their land? monetary compensation?). and now we are passing a bill labelling Turkey for doing the same thing? \_ Same logic: you did bad stuff so you can't point out when other people do bad stuff. \_ The bill has no 'weight'. Symbolic only. At least in the US most people would agree that we were pretty shitty to the Indians. The Turkish government completely denies anything happened at all. \_ Sounds similar to Germans vs. Japanese regarding WWII. \_ You're over generalizing. If anything, the Germans of today accept MORE than their fair share of the blame for WW2. They won't shut up about how awful they were. Boo hoo. nationalist Japanese parties like to pretend the barbaric excesses of the imperial army did not happen, I'll give you that. \_ The "weight" is that Turkey will become an enemy. Currently, 70% of our supplies for Afghanistan and Iraq go through Turkey's airspace. This bill has been attempted for over a decade. Only now, when it will cut off the supply lines to our troops are the Dems working on it. \_ The Dems are building alliances around the world! \_ While calling Bush terrible at diplomacy. \_ Enjoying some crow with your Freedom Fries? \_ Huh? \_ Native American tribes can run casinos in CA. White trash, n***er and Chinamen can't. \_ http://www.filibustercartoons.com/archive.php?id=20071011 |
2007/10/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48252 Activity:nil 61%like:48246 |
10/4 It all depends on what the meaning of "torture" is: http://www.csua.org/u/jnr \_ Even the Red Cross calls it torture: http://www.csua.org/u/jnw |
2007/10/5-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48246 Activity:low 61%like:48252 |
10/4 It all depends on what the meaning of "torture" is: http://www.csua.org/u/jnr \_ Even the Red Cross calls it torture: http://www.csua.org/u/jnw \_ Even the Red Cross calls it torture: http://www.csua.org/u/jnw |
2007/10/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48232 Activity:high |
10/3 Jimmy Carter faces down Darfur officials http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071003/ap_on_re_af/darfur_9 He bravely ran away, away! \_ Would you kindly fuck off, you cowardly piece of shit? The man is 83 years old, and he got in a shouting match with armed men. His companions and the Secret Service convinced him to get in the car rather than continue the confrontation. If you're going to post something, have the nards and decency to read it first. \_ I did read it. He didn't "face them down" they faced him down. Nothing really wrong with that, I'd leave too, but the headline is wrong. \_ Seconded. Running away would be just scrapping the whole deal and not trying again. In the real world you can't go on a humanitarian mission and shout your way past angry men with big guns. That doesn't do any good for anyone. But feel free to live in your fantasy world where everything gets solved by swinging your big dick around and all the women have gravity defying 36DD breasts. \_ In my fantasy world, all the women have gravity-defying 32DD breasts instead. -- !PP \_ I had the same reaction as the person above, "Hey, Carter may not be the POS I thought he was.. read.. read.. oh well". \_ He displayed infinitely more personal courage than Bush did after 9/11, when the Commander-In-Chief turned tail and disappeared into a hole. \_ If the President, any President, of any party, showed up at ground zero just to pose for the cameras, he deserves to die. That is the most assinine and stupid gripe you could possibly have. It is the one thing that he clearly did right that day. \_ Did I say he should have gone to ground zero? No, I did not. He could have provided some leadership though, instead of being a coward. |
2007/10/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/911, ERROR, uid:48230, category id '18005#4.545' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48230 Activity:high |
10/3 The Islamist Head-Fake http://csua.org/u/jmy \_ http://www.ibdeditorials.com/default.aspx?src=ICOMART This site is really hilarious. It's almost as if there were a machine in place to publish anti-liberal, pro-conservative rhetoric. Oh, wait a minute.... \_ Bad troll! Down! Stay! Because DU and Kos and etc etc are so different. I wonder what it is like to be so blindly certain of how the world is but to be 50% right/wrong at all times.... Might as well flip a coin. The results are more interesting. \_ Yay! The other side is not perfect, so batshit poisonous behavior and hate/fear-mongering is allowed! Yay! \_ BZZZT! Bad troll! Sit! Stay! The lesson, Young Troll, is that stupid does not excuse stupid. And blindness of one's own faults does not make you smart for pointing out the faults of others. The lesson, YT, was anyone posting obviously biased crap is wasting Precious Bits (tm) and should stop. \_ I agree with you that op either shouldn't have posted or at the least should have labeled the URL, just as anyone posting anything from any site should. \_ I like how the President of Bolivia is called a "dictator" -- with that logic Bush is much more of a dictator, I think their election went smoother than ours. \_ Oh really? Just because Carter declared it so? \_ It is always easier when you have armed guys at every voting booth who 'secure' the ballots after everyone has chosen the correct candidate. Real voting is messy. \_ I have worked the polls in San Francisco and a cop comes by and picks up the ballot box at the end of the day. Do you mean like that? |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48205 Activity:high |
9/27 In response to the previous threads about rubber stamp Democrats. My point is not rather we should fund the war or not. But rahter, if we going to fund it, fund it as part of regular budget process instead of going through all these supplement spending bills which doesn't have the same oversight as regular spending bill. Further, I failed to understand why Democrat would take Bush's veto threat about domestic spending while this guy's military spending is going completely out of control. Democrats should just say "fund the war via the regular spending bill, or not fund the war at all." \_ Ask Pelosi and Reid why they continue to fund it. The American people put them in office for a reason. They promised to end the war and clean up government. Under their watch, the war has actually expanded by 30k troops and corruption is rampant across the board. Oh yay, I so can't wait to vote for that bunch again. They've been so effective. \_ In what way is "corruption rampant"? Is there more or less corruption than with the Republican Congress? \_ Hello? Earmarking the hell out of the budget? Just like Republicans, except the Democrats promised to cleanup. So we get corruption+hypocritics instead of 'mere' corruption. There's a reason Congress's popularity rating as a whole is at all time lows. No one likes a liar (Iraq funding) or a hypocrite (earmarking corruption). \_ give some examples of corrupt earmarking. earmarking is not inherently corrupt. \_ you're kidding, right? DiFi's committee granting nobids to her husband's company? Pelosi granting handouts to her family's companies? Murtha, well damn, just about anything Murtha has come near. Look, be serious. You can't point a finger at the other party and scream 'corruption!' when your own party is doing the same crap. Glass houses and all that. If you spent less time prowling for Republican corruption and turned less of a blind eye towards Democratic party corruptions, you'd see the hypocrisy and I for one have had enough. I will not support corrupt people of either party even if they sometimes agree with me or even vote the way I like most of the time. \_ Please back up your claims. \_ I did. I'm not going to discuss this further with someone so clearly wearing blinders. You would google for it yourself if you actually cared and weren't suffering from severe self inflicted blindness. \_ No, you didn't. You gave allegations. \_ Whatever. You don't want to know and wouldn't care if I put it under your nose. Bored now. Bye. \_ "And I'm taking my ball and going home!" \_ No, just bored and not looking to get trolled today. I gave you more than enough info to google it if you cared to know. You don't. Story over. \_ Wow, fools do mock! -!pp \_ Your contribution: zero. oktnx \_ You do know that the current Congress has 1/10th as many earmarks in the budget than the GOP Congress immediately preceeding it, right? \_ When it is zero, lemme know. "Woot! The one party is not quite as corrupt (yet) as the other party! Yay for such heroism in government!" \_ Good luck on holding out for your utopian society. Are you going to hold your breath until you get it? Not everyone even is able to agree on what "corruption" in government is, so you will never find one without any. As a previoius poster noted, sometimes there are legitimate uses for an earmark. \_ Name a legitimate use for an earmark. I'm not certain you even understand what an earmark is. An earmark is a politician sticking something into a bill to give money to some local cronies in their district which usually has nothing at all to do with the bill. The bill in question is typically one of many "must be passed" pieces of legislation so no one will vote against it even though it is loaded with pork. If the allocation of money was legitimate it would have it's own bill. Earmarking = corruption. Unless you already hold office or are the recipient of said funds. \_ Earmarks can be legitimately used to fund specific projects. Don't be obtuse. -tom \_ Name a legitimate earmark. Just one. A specific project can and should get a specific bill, or be part of a larger related budget. I expect the military budget to include funding for specific weapons and bases. I do not expect it to include bridges to no where, funding for DiFi and Pelosi family and friends, or anything not related to the military. Either you don't know what an earmark is or you're being a total idiot intentionally. Either way, no one has posted a single earmarked item that is legit. Given how many billions of dollars in earmarks go out in each budget, you should be able to name one legitimate earmark, if there were any. There are not. \_ Here is $1B worth of earmarks to improve the CA freeway system. Are you going to claim that all of them are unneeded? link:www.csua.org/u/jma \_ privatized freeway systems are cost effective and better utilized. \_ Better utilized? Wtf does that even mean? \_ So your claim that these earmarks are corrupt is based on the idea that freeways should all be tollways??! Hoo-kay, please sign your posts with the moniker "Libertarian Troll" next time, so I will know not to waste my time researching a reply. \_ You're kidding right? Of course a transportation bill has money for transportation projects. Why do you even bother? I don't get it. Do you think no one will fact check your links? I specifically said they're filling the budget with money for local projects unrelated to the bill they're attached to. Transport money in a transport bill is not what I was talking about and you knew that. \_ The transportation bill is one of the appropriations bills that make up the "budget". It is you who do not know of what you speak. He pointed to a "budget" bill with "earmarks" which you admit are "valid". You are clearly too short for this ride. --scotsman \_ I was quite specific about this. If you choose not to read it and instead pick and choose single words out of context to 'feel big', then do so but don't think you've actually proven anything. \_ You have repeatedly mistaken "earmarks" for "pork". When called on it, you got all defensive and claimed that everyone else is an idiot. To earmark is to set aside monies for a specific project. Tom's phraseology is right. Yours is wrong. Also, you mentioned the "Bridge to Nowhere". I assume you meant Stevens' $200M joke. What bill do you think that was to be in? Hint: it wasn't in Defense. --scotsman |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:48197 Activity:high |
9/26 Another win for the Constitution and another blow to the Bush Admin: http://www.csua.org/u/jll (Yahoo News) \_ The Bush admin is dead. Who cares? Look to the future, don't dwell on the past. Do you have any idea what the front runners in both parties are saying about this? \_ unfortuantely, Bush is not dead. He is threating veto on the spending bill if it exceed its limit. Rubber stamp Democrats for some reason doesn't want to put Iraq war spending as part of of the spending bill. They should just cut the war funding completely if things are not going their way. \_ Bush is dead. He vetos. So what? The Democrats are not rubber stamps for the war. The reason they keep funding it is because they want us to stay there. They should do a lot of things but I don't put weight on what they should do, I look at what they've actually done, which is fund the war to every penny Bush has asked. Anyway, none of this means anything either way since the Democrats are doing nothing different from what Bush has been doing. \_ what is your proposal, then? we have 70-100 Iraqi civilians dies every day, ~4 million (out of total of 20+ million) displaced internally and externally. So, obviously we are not making this peaceful right now. My ears are all yours. \_ What was unclear? We leave Iraq. Unfortunately our leadership in the Congress is too pathetic and cowardly to do what we put them there to do. Or more likely, I believe that *want* us to stay there. They aren't putting up *any* sort of fight against Bush, an unpopular lame duck President. I can only conclude they want us in Iraq. They = Democrats, if that was unclear. \_ If you think the Dems are pathetic and cowardly for not "putting up *any* sort of fight against Bush," and are thus unworthy of office, that must mean that you think the GOP are murderous traitors who ought to be hanged, yes? \_ Hanged? No. We don't hang politicians for failed policy. Out of office? Sure, of course. That is the nature of our system. But I don't see the Dems saying they'll do anything substantially different if they have the executive office and they own both the house and senate and have done nothing. They aren't even very good at doing nothing. \_ Hyperbole aside, you've seen that the GOP are criminally negligent and corrupt. Surely even Do Nothing would be a better polict than the current polciy of screwing the American people over. \_ The reason they keep funding it is because they're scared of the punditry saying "they abandoned the troops in the field." This is of course bullshit, and they'll need to find their voices and spines and change that meme. But IMO they are obliged now to cut off the funding. There is no other way for them to end it. And until they get up the courage to do so, more soldiers and civilians continue to die. \_ Whereas when the troops leave Iraq, it will instantly become peaceful? Pass me some of what you're smoking! \_ what is your proposal, then? we have 70-100 Iraqi \_ some sort of "final solution?" civilians dies every day, ~4 million (out of total of 20+ million) displaced internally and externally. So, obviously we are not making this peaceful right now. My ears are all yours. \_ Stop cut n pasting. Say something new or don't bother posting. \_ Oh, no, Iraqis will continue to see violence, and that's on our heads. But our troops leaving now or 10 years from now won't change that. I'm speaking specifically of the US's cost in blood and treasure. We need to attack the issue with other approaches. It will be a long road as Bush has ignored all other approaches, failing to lay any groundwork diplomatcally/politically, but them's the breaks. \_ There is no need if we TRY to spread diseases like Cholera. The military should consider that as a cheap and effective option. \_ Or we could send in the CIA to spread crack. \_ I love how casually you predict the next 10 years. Here's another possibility. In 10 years, Al Qaeda has taken over Iraq, used the oil revenue to get biological and nuclear weapons, and erased a US city. See, we can all play that game. \_ That may be true but in 30 years they'll be commercialized and embrace everything Western just like Vietnam it is now. \_ And at the cost of only one major US port city! A good deal at twice the price! Maybe it'll be a smaller port city like San Francisco or Oakland.... \_ I can live with that. \_ Lemme guess, you don't live anywhere near SF? \_ Since Al Qaeda is very unpopular amongst the Iraqi people, it is hard to imagine how they could possibly "take over" Iraq. Try to imagine something with a greater chance of likelyhood, like Iran taking over Iraq. \_ That is already happening. \_ How popular was Saddam with the Iraqi people? \_ Are you saying that we are funding AQ? \_ SH was extremely popular with one tribe, one that represented about 20% of the Iraqi people. AQ has no such inherent power base. The Shi'ites hate them and the Sunni in Iraq have turned against them. \_ The Sunni aren't a tribe. They're a religious branch of Islam. Saddam's tribe was in Tikrit and the areas immediately around Tikrit. I agree with the rest of what you said. |
2007/9/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48173 Activity:nil |
9/24 NYTimes: our $70K discount to http://moveon.org was a "mistake" http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5i1odejEActt5DtxewE1BaKMTWtNw |
3/15 |
2007/9/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48167 Activity:nil |
9/24 Hillary's cackle http://youtube.com/watch?v=x7ZrYa8wgKo |
2007/9/23-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:48158 Activity:nil |
9/23 Why I Have A Little Crush on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/9/23/83652/6735 \_ YHBT |
2007/9/20-24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48136 Activity:moderate |
9/20 why does Bush always say 'Democrat party'. weirdo. \_ to denigrate his opponents, of course. -tom \_ It is a code word to the wing-nut Right to let them know he is \_ It is a code work to the wing-nut Right to let them know he is one of them. \_ He's not the first to do it. I think Dem critics have gotten tired of "Democratic" party sounds like they're democratic. \_ Parse error at 'party'. \_ No, it's cause Democrat Party sounds harsh and curse like. Lucky for me it's a great litmus test. If someone says "Democrat Party" you know they are a partisan hack and it's not worth reading/listening any further. \_ I find it easy to simply use anyone who claims such a "litmus test" as a litmus test and ignore them. \_ This is why we can't have nice things. \_ It sounds like "bureaucrat", "autocrat", and "rat". \_ http://mediamatters.org/items/200608160005 The Republicans have used it as an insult since McCarthy. \_ I've only seen this come up on the motd and some very far left web sites. It never even occured to me there was a difference or it mattered. I certainly don't see the dramatic insult. Can someone please explain? \_ I don't think it 'matters' in any sense that anyone can possibly demonstrate. What I find interesting is how much time people waste on shit like this in political discussions, rather than things actually relevant to our lives. -- ilyas \_ You think that The New Yorker is very far left? \_ Where did I say I read The New Yorker? Anyway, I still don't see the dramatic insult. Or any insult. I wouldn't blink if someone said "Republic Party". What's the BFD? |
2007/9/20-24 [Recreation/Media, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48134 Activity:nil |
9/20 Dan Rather pulls back the curtain on the whole "liberal media" thing: http://www.csua.org/u/jk6 "Viacom, CBS and some of the senior management sacrificed supporting independent journalism for their corporate financial interests," he added. \_ Sorry Dan, those memos are obvious fakes, get over it. \_ Why would I trust Dan Rather? He's obviously part of the corporate media with an agenda to slander the liberal executives at Viacom and CBS. \_ This has nothing to do with liberal or corporate or anything agendas. It is Dan "I Got Busted Being A Dumbshit" Rather trying some last ditch pathetic effort to recover his self- stained reputation before he keels over and dies a laughing- stock. |
2007/9/20-22 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48127 Activity:nil |
9/20 Bush cites 'unsettling times' in housing market. Afterwards, he urges everyone to get more education. -The Onion |
2007/9/19-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48123 Activity:nil |
9/19 So why aren't news outlets talking about the dollar being at its weakest point since 1992? Dubya likes a weak dollar? liburals don't know anything about economics so they don't care? \_ Hint: "liburals" don't control the media. |
2007/9/14-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48070 Activity:low |
9/14 Another radical leftist on Bush's economic policies: http://www.csua.org/u/jj5 "Little value was placed on rigorous economic policy debate or the weighing of long-term consequences," Greenspan writes of the Bush administration. Greenspan said he unsuccessfully urged the White House to veto "out-of-control" spending bills while the Republicans controlled Congress. Republicans "deserved" to lose control of Congress in last year's election because they "swapped principle for power," he said. \_ Who are you baiting? I don't recall anyone here being an ardent proponent of high spending. \_ There sure are (were?) a lot of pro-war pro-spending folks posting a few years ago. Nice if they all had a change of heart. \_ You're confusing pro-war with pro-spending. I was appalled when Bush's first action in 2001 was to do an across the board increase to every federal budget. I'm still anti-tax, anti-spending. That has no relation to my opinions on the war which is a foreign policy decision, not an economic or political one (for me). \_ You think the war is free? \_ Don't strawman, of course it isn't. It also isn't a "spending" decision as I explained. \_ It's not a spending decision, it's just a decision which requires spending! As much spending as all our other decisions combined! Right! \_ Snarky was cute in HS. If you have something worth saying I'll gladly discuss it further with you but if all you've got is snarky one liners in response to my serious explanations then don't bother. Snarky is no longer a successful debate tactic at this stage of life. \_ You don't have a serious point. "war is a policy decision, not a spending one" is tautological and meaningless. Whether to embargo Cuba is a policy decision; whether to go or war or not is a spending decision. \_ Well, going to war without cutting anything else is certainly an interesting spending decision... \_ Oh they cut things. Taxes for one. \_ Well, duh... CUTTING TAXES INCREASES REVENUES DIDN'TCHAKNOW \_ No, it is not a "strawman" to point out that starting wars costs money. It is kind of willfully blind to pretend that it does not. pretend that it does not. Would you support starting a war that had a moderate foreign policy gain if it cost $10T? $100T? Of course cost considers into the decision. |
2007/9/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48058 Activity:nil |
9/14 Hey, trust cue person, how do you tell the difference between these and Bush's constant and inane use of catchphrases and sloganeering? Are there any differences? |
2007/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48049 Activity:very high |
9/12 Actual history of the Patriot Act, for those who think that GWB had nothing to do with it: http://www.epic.org/privacy/terrorism/usapatriot "When the legislative proposals were introduced by the Bush administration in the aftermath of September 11th, Attorney General John Ashcroft gave Congress one week in which to pass the bill -- without changes. Vermont Democrat Patrick Leahy, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, managed to convince the Justice Department to agree to some changes, and members of the House began to make significant improvements. However, the Attorney General warned that further terrorist acts were imminent, and that Congress could be to blame for such attacks if it failed to pass the bill immediately." Yes, Congress passed it, after the usual intimidation and fearmongering from the White House, but is it Bush's baby. \_ Cute and all but that isn't how legislation is created or passed. It requires a sponsor and Congress does not have to convince the Justice Department or the AG or anyone else of anything. The legislature makes the laws. Period. If they don't have the guts to deal with their job, they need new jobs. "Oh no mean mr. bush scared us so we abdicated our constitutionally granted power and just fell over like so many pansies in the wind, boo hoo, you're so mean mr. bush! it isn't our fault! vote for us and we'll fix it and we'll end bush's war, too!!" riiiiight. \_ I agree with you that Congress abdicated their responsibilty here, but the true author of the legislation was the Justice Department. We do need to flush most of Congress and get a new one. Feingold, we can keep, the rest need to go. \_ So now I know where you get all your incorrect assumptions. You read wacko sites like http://epic.org. Apparently, you're also one of those people who sees everything in black and white. Either GWB was the primary person behind the Patriot Act, or he had nothing at all to do with it. \_ Please tell me this is intended as sarcastic. Do you seriously think of EPIC as a wacko organization? Do you think the EFF is a wacko organization? -dans \_ you're an idiot. \_ Oh man, you really got him that time! Zing! \_ Maybe you should re-evaluate your extremist views, dans. The June 1995 issue of WIRED magazine quoted a member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation as saying that EPIC "made everybody else at the table look moderate. It's the old good-cop-bad-cop routine." \_ In 1995 the EFF was radical. They realized there was a damn good chance important rights were going to be stomped on and acted quickly to fight that. That was 12+ years ago, when almost noone had any concept of digital privacy and rights. Then there was this whole thing called the .com revolution and now, and while the EFF may not be mainstream it is far from extremist. \_ Anyone who does not support the Patriot Act is an extremist. EFF does not support the Patriot Act. Therefore EFF is extremist. Q.E.D. \_ Nice strawman. |
2007/9/12-14 [ERROR, uid:48039, category id '18005#15.0238' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48039 Activity:kinda low |
9/12 NY Times gives http://Moveon.org a discount http://csua.org/u/ji5 (newsbusters.org) \_ This is completely standard for media advertising. No one pays the posted rates. -works in media \_ Other groups have since come out to say that they were charged the full rate or more for the same size ads. Whoopsie! \_ How dare you! It's obviously AN EVIL LIB'RUL PLOT! \_ Really? I had no idea. What's the point of the posted rate then? -op \_ You must be new to this concept of bargaining. \_ Not really, but a 60% discount is quite the bargain. \_ So without any idea of what is common practice, you're jumping on a Drudge-style bandwagon? \_ What are people complaining about it? it gave the senators tons of mileage to complain about the stupid ad for 10 minutes per questinoingoning round instead of asking the general "do you reall honestly think we are leaving iraq in the next 10 years? \- i dont think the question is "are we leaving iraq in 10 yrs" but "how many iraqis are the walking dead" ... "chronicle of a death foretold" |
2007/9/7-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47938 Activity:nil |
9/7 Dems support the troops! (pre-emptively dismiss the Petraeus report) http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2007/09/05/346444.aspx http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/2007/09/democrats_pre-emptively_dismiss_bush_report \_ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1883904/posts "... the left is doing its usual adept job of spewing treasonous rhetoric over things that only exist in their Bush-hating conspiracy-riddled minds." |
2007/9/6-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47913 Activity:nil |
9/6 Another loss for Bush and another win for The Constitution: http://www.csua.org/u/jgh \_ You *do* know that the Dems voted for it as well, right? \_ Who sponsored it? Who shepherded it? Who's been defending it? Who argued vehemently for its renewal? It's Bush's baby, and its black eyes are Bush's black eyes. \_ Who voted for it and continues to do so? \_ Only members of Congress may sponsor a bill. So who did sponsor it? Bush certainly didn't. What other assumptions of yours are completely wrong? \_ The answers are: Diane Feinstein sponsored it, shepherded it, defended it, and argued vehemently for its renewal. http://feinstein.senate.gov/06releases/r-patriot-act.htm Yup, it sure is Bush's baby... \_ Thanks for reminding me why I never once have voted for Feinstein. It is hard to find a Senator more opposed to liberty than Bush, but she sure is. \_ Feinstein is a sell-out and a disgrace to California. -tom \_ It's impossible for me to defend DiFi since I happen to agree with tom on this, so I'll split the difference and allow as how this is a black eye for both DiFi and Bush. -pp \_ I love Feinstein in so many different ways! -- ilyas |
2007/9/4-6 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47881 Activity:kinda low |
9/3 "We invaded a sovereign nation based on a lie." http://www.csua.org/u/jfo \_ BS. Go back to your cage Michael Moore. \_ You're kind of reaching the bottom of the barrel when you don't really need to, to get that kind of quote from the web, I don't think that was the main point of the article. I think you can find plenty of Republicans now who would agree that we invaded Iraq for unknown or disengenous reasons. \_ Lie != Intelligence Failure \_ At what point does a willful ignorance and denial of fact cease to be the fault of the intel provider and become the fault of the intel receiver? And then at what point does the refusal to accept fact then become a lie? \_ If you don't find out the intel is wrong until after you've invaded then it isn't a lie that caused you to go in. It was ignorance. So to answer your question in this context: never. \_ Okay, now what if you tell your intel people that you only want intel that backs up your premise? At what point does willful, active ignorance like that become lying? \_ There was a recent Tom Tomorrow comic where he had a dream that everyone, from the bush admin to the press to the pundits to the entire staff of the Weekly Standard realized they had made a terrible mistake and dedicated their lives to living the rest of their life in exile, obscurity, and penance. That's exactly what I want. \_ "My party is Good, the other party is Evil", as seen on Dailykos, freerepublic, democratic underground, etc, etc. \_ Oh, no, it wouldn't break my heart if everyone who voted to authorize went into exile, etc. \_ Like it or not, the War On Terror has been branded as Republican thing. Good job branding there guys! You can make a pretty strong case that all of the think tanks and pundits and elected officials pushing the Iraq invasion were Republican. I think pointing out that plenty of Democrats voted to authorize invading is a moot point. Bush would have figured out a way to invade democrats or no democrats. \_ BS. Go back to your cage Michael Moo yet?" \_ did you shower between couplings aspo \_ Not as a rule no. \_ Does his wife have camel toe? I just found out yesterday that my sister-in-law does. \_ Maybe something about having two humps? \_ So you still think invading Iraq was a good choice? |
2007/8/31-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:47864 Activity:kinda low |
8/31 motd armchair historians, what do you think of bush's recent speech comparing Iraq to Vietnam? http://www.back-to-iraq.com/2007/08/dien-bien-fool.php \_ I think everyone who screamed "quagmire!" is just as stupid as everyone who thinks leaving Iraq now will lead to millions of dead like the killing fields in Cambodia. Iraq != Vietnam in that sense. The problem with leaving is that (once again) we will have meddled in something and put the lives of many locals on the line who trusted us and then fucked them by leaving. Each time we do that we lose face and credibility around the world making diplomatic efforts much much harder since we continue to build up a history of our word having no value. You break it, you bought it, you gotta fix it. \_ The problem is that it does not seem to matter if we stick around or not; we're not capable of fixing the situation. If we leave now rather than later, we will lose less American lives in the inevitable violence and the Iraqis may actually have a chance of getting things going on their own faster. \- everytime bush deals with a (living) historian, the historian has to school/disown/disclaim BUSHCO. YMWTGF "john dower", "alistair horne" etc. \_ An anonymous French politician recently agreed with you that the only way Iraq would see peace would be if the US left and let them slaughter each other until one side 'won' and then we/whoever could assist them in 'diplomatically' resolving their problems after the shooting stops. Of course at that point you have one side butchered, but hey, that's ok, right, since they're not Americans. Right? No. The right thing to do is stick around for a while now that their tribal leaders (this is a heavily tribal society unlike Vietnam) have figured out that AlQ is bad news. Places that were deadly a year ago are now quiet and no more dangerous than say, Oakland, is today. \_ And how many trillions of taxpayer dollars and how many thousands of American lives do we need to spend until we get to your Iraq utopia? \_ Strawman: No one said utopia. Iraq was never a utopia. How much blood and treasure you ask? You tell me what you think it is worth for the nation to have yet another failure where we specifically abandon our local allies to yet another mass murder event. Each time we do that we lose credibility around the world and encourage our enemies. Especially if we left right now when it looks like things have finally turned in our favor with new leadership and tactics and the tribes turning our way. Nothing is so American these days like snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. \_ You guys have been claiming victory is right around the corner for about four years now. You will have to excuse me for not buying the bullshit anymore. Remember when Reagan left Lebanon after the Beirut bombings? Too bad Bush is no Ronald Reagan. \_ I think Bush is very much like Johnson. |
2007/8/30-9/3 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47824 Activity:nil |
8/28 Matt Taibbi interview: "I read "Dead Souls" about forty times before I was twenty. He was my hero. For the longest time I just wanted to... well, not to be Nicholai Gogol, because he was an insane and miserable boot fetishist who ended up becoming an overbearing religious bore before starving and bleeding himself to death with leeches, but to write like that anyway. But you should see how pathetic it is when a modern American tries his style." http://www.tinyrevolution.com/mt/archives/001695.html \_ Like many great artists, Gogol was an anti-semite. -- ilyas |
2007/8/29-31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Travel/Nola] UID:47802 Activity:nil |
8/29 New Orleans is so screwed up. Why is anyone seriously talking about rebuilding it? http://csua.org/u/jew \_ conservative think-tanks are so pointless. Why does anyone take their commentary seriously? \_ funny short url there \_ Sheer volume. It's hard to believe that anyone could publish so much and yet actually say so little. |
2007/8/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47690 Activity:low |
8/21 why doesn't the bush administration name the next hurricane Hurricane Obama ? \- What doesnt Congress rename Camp X-ray, Camp Cheney? \- Why doesnt Congress rename Camp X-ray Camp Cheney? \_ That's silly. Camp X-Ray already exists. I'm talking about naming a future event. Completely different things! \- Cape Canaveral was (temporarily) renamed Cape Kennedy. |
2007/8/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47670 Activity:nil |
8/20 the one or two bush administration fans left, please watch this Dick Cheney clip from 1994: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YENbElb5-xY |
2007/8/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47607 Activity:moderate |
8/13 http://preview.tinyurl.com/2xosmq (The Economist) The Republicans have failed the most important test of any political movement: wielding power successfully. They have botched a war. They have splurged on spending. And they have alienated a huge section of the population. It is now the Democrats' game to win or lose. [No doubt another partisan screed] |
2007/8/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47601 Activity:nil |
8/13 Rove Resigns : http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/08/13/rove.resign/index.html \_ Having successfully destroyed America I look forward to spending more time with my family \_ And you won't have Karl Rove to kick around anymore. \_ Actually all this really means is he's going back to doing what he does: working as a polling wonk to get Republicans elected. |
2007/8/6-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47550 Activity:very high 88%like:47545 |
8/6 Karl Rove + iPhone http://urltea.com/15ng (time.com) \_ Perhaps the Bush administration would like to know what most people working at Apple (inluding their top executives) really think of the Bush administration. Even Steve Jobs told his employees to vote Democrat during a company-wide conference. \_ Just because Steve told them to doesn't mean they did. Voting is still anonymous in this country. \_ So what? Technology crosses political lines. Rush Limbaugh is a huge apple fan boi who has been pitching apple gear for years. \_ I could say the same thing about the flip side. Republicans are always quick to point out that the military is comprised primarily of Republicans and, therefore, Republicans are entitled the protection of the armed forces and not Democrats (e.g. Bill-O soliciting terrorists to attack "liberal" SF and military should not defend it). Of course, this is entirely ludicrous because if you looked at policies which Republicans like to promote so much, you would actually think that Republicans hate our military. The point I was originally trying to make was this: Republicans like to portray Democrats (you know, like the vast majority who work at Apple) as these crazy, evil, godless, tree-hugging, pot-smoking, terrorists-loving, anti-military, communist bums who smell like garbage when, in reality, they're just a bunch of smart and talented engineers and entrepreneurs who believe in the free market and love making cool products like the iPhone. Karl Rove is using a product made by the same people he ridicules so much. \_ Oh. Well, I totally agree w/ that. \_ So, can you post a link where Karl Rove makes fun of Apple? 'Cause, I think you're just a paranoid nutcase. \_ Sticks and stones. Paranoid nutcases believe that if we don't attack them there (Iraq), they'll come swim over and attack us here. I don't need to post a link. You can google this all you want. "liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Rove doesn't directly attack Apple and I never said he did. But he does attack the people who comprise the majority of the company. \_ Who says the majority of Apple employees are Democrats? \_ So, you think it's ok to be a paranoid nutcase because Karl Rove is? There's an odd justification. \_ Take Reading Comprehension 101. \_ Nice try, I'd say you need a writing class, but but you need coherent thought more. Your posts jump between multiple unconnected topics and are full of bizarre over- generalizations. They basically make no sense. It's just plain old raving. Sorry. \_ You can't even point out when I said it was okay to be a paranoid nutcase. \_ You're right, I just kind of assumed you thought it was ok, since you do it so well. \_ Exec Summary: Republicans = evil, stupid, cranky, smearing, hypocritical baby killers. Democrats = good, kind, smart, all-knowing, loving, generous, tolerant victims of moronic Republican abuse. All Apple Engineers = Democrats. Did I miss anything in your bizarre rant? \_ Did I say any of that? Boy, you must not know how to read. Or do you only hear what you want to hear? \_ It's standard motd noise, yes, you did. That is the correct executive summary. So answer me this: do you disagree with any of those statements? Which ones, if any? \_ Yes, I disagree with all of them. You put words into other people mouths. I never said Republicans were all of those things. There are some who are but I never made that generalization. And there are Demorcrats who are those things. And no, being an Apple employee doesn't make you a Dem. But from my personal experience (I'm no Gallup Poll but I know way more Apple employees than you do) most of them are Dems. So once again, you're wrong. I never said any of those things you claim I did. \_ Is that good thing? A boss telling his employees how to vote is jaw-droppingly inappropriate. If that's true I'm never buying apple again. \_ I've heard bosses (but not the CEO) tell people how they should or shouldn't vote frequently. I'm guessing its pretty common. \_ No it's not. They're adults, they're not being coerced, and, the whole premise of Democracy is that people can think for themselves. -dans \_ I didn't say the couldn't, or even that there's some way for Jobs to verfiy what they did. It's still wrong to order people how to vote. It's an attempt at misuse of power. Attempted murder is a crime, and so is attempted corruption. It's fine if he says "I'm voting for Ds, and I think everyone should." "You must vote D" is not ok. I'm sure if he said "You must vote R" you'd see why it's a problem. \_ He didn't order people to vote D. An employee had a concern about how the unstable state of the world was negatively impacting the Apple and Silicon Valley environment and he responded by recommending that (s)he vote D. \_ Well, that's different then, isn't it? \_ Apple needs some smarter employees. The world is always in an 'unstable state'. Or at least some more employees who have read some history. \_ Troll was here |
2007/8/6 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47545 Activity:kinda low 88%like:47550 |
8/6 Karl Rove + iPhone http://www.time.com/time/politics/whitehouse/photos/0,27424,1650240,00.html \_ Perhaps the Bush administration would like to know what most people working at Apple (inluding their top executives) really think of the Bush administration. Even Steve Jobs told his employees to vote Democrat during a company-wide conference. \_ Just because Steve told them to doesn't mean they did. Voting is still anonymous in this country. |
2007/8/4-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:47532 Activity:nil |
8/4 O'Hanlan and Pollack rapidly backpedal from their op-ed http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/11682.html \_ Liberal media, my ass. |
2007/8/3-22 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47523 Activity:low |
8/3 http://zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1343 Survey shows just 3% of Americans approve of how Congress is handling the war in Iraq; 24% say the same for the President \_ The Republicans support the war and the Democrats do not. That is not really news. \_ "This lack of confidence in Congress cuts across all ideologies. Democrats--some of whom had hoped the now Democrat-led Congress would bring an end to the war in Iraq--expressed overwhelming displeasure with how Congress has handled the war, with 94% giving Congress a negative rating in its handling specifically of that issue." \_ So we agree. The Democrats are upset at Congress for not taking stronger action against the war and the Republicans are upset at Congress for taking action against the war. \_ How many are upset that the Democrats ran on a platform of cleaning up corruption in DC and not only did nothing to clean it up but went out of their way to make it worse? \_ Show me how it's worse. Then show me how the Dems made it so. \_ Because they're doing the exact same thing with earmarks but are also hypocritical liars about it. \_http://www.commonblog.com/story/2007/2/2/155119/1962 \_ What do you have against the Ethics Reform Bill? At least it is a step in the right direction. \_ Nothing except the fact they left so many holes in it they shouldn't have bothered. With control of Congress and a President who will sign it, they could have done a real reform bill but they're all so addicted to giving away other people's money to buy campaign funds they'll never do real reform. It is just a PR bill so in 2008 they can say they cleaned up DC like they promised, meanwhile having filled their pockets with your cash. \_ Bush would never sign real campaign finance reform. The GOP sucks at the teat of big money. \_ Of course he wouldn't. It was never sent to his desk, duh. Of course the GOP requires big money. Hint: so do the Dems. I find this whole "my guys are angels and your guys are devils" line of non-reasoning both amusing and somewhat sad at the same time. Try some critical reasoning skills before posting in the future. \_ Are you the same guy who said "did nothing to make it better but went out of the way to make it worse." If so, you are a hypocrite. If not, no one was talking to you. \_ There is absolutely nothing hypocritical about saying the Dems are hypocrites on the issue. I've always been very consistent on the motd: both parties suck equally. Party politics sucks. Your pet party is no better than the opposition party. Deal. \_ Nope. The GOP has been more corrupt this last six years than the Democrats have ever been. The two parties are not exactly the same and you are just a cynic with no idea or hope to improve things. It is very easy to sit on the sidelines and whine. Learn to make some positive change and maybe someone will pay attention to you. \_ You're either ignorant or blind. Both parties have been corrupt, robbing the tax payers, stealing elections, and serving themselves first and foremost for far longer than anyone here has been alive. I'm not here to 'make positive change' nor am I 'sitting on the sidelines'. I reject your ridiculous and damaging two party scam system. It is not a mindless "our guy" or "your guy" choice. So tell me oh great bringer of justice and wisdom, what have you done to make positive change? \_ For one thing, I was one of the people that circulated petitions and then got endorsements from the Democrats, Republicans and Greens for a campaign finance reform initiative on the SF city ballot, one that passed by 80%+ of the vote. http://www.csua.org/u/jak More recently, I have joined Common Cause. And if you are who I am pretty sure you are, it is kind of amusing your sudden conversion to independent. Weren't you posting pro-war Freeper links not that long ago? \_ I not only have never posted freeper links, I think the freepers are just as stupid as their counterparts at dailykos. So, no. \_ This Dem is angry at the Dems for not killing the Farm Bill. I'm angry with the vetoing President and the filibustering Republicans for everything else. \_ Bush has barely vetoed or even threatened to veto much of anything compared to most Presidents. Both parties have abused the Senate rules to make almost every vote require 60 votes to pass anything. This is all pot, kettle, black. \_ Bush's own party had controlled both houses for the majority of his time in office. I have no actual numbers, but I'd bet that his veto/threat pace this session outstrips many other presidents. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2007-08-05-vetoes_N.htm There's some numbers. Fuck off with your kettles. \_ "Fuck off"? Childish. Ok, so where in this article does it say Bush vetoed or even threatened to veto more bills than any other President or even any particular President? You've added absolutely nothing to this but you have shown you're immature and not too bright. I also see you entirely ignored my point about abuse of Senate rules by both parties which is what PKB was a reference to. Have a nice evening. |
2007/8/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47510 Activity:moderate |
8/2 ha ha ha: "Rove tells Bush to tell Rove not to testify" \_ what? \_ E_TOOSHORT \_ E_TOOSHORT - Rove always tells Bush what to do and Bush told Rove not to testify - ok it isn't funny if you have to explain the humor. \_ Following unix error conventions, this should be E_HEIGHT \- except it is following Rap Conventions. \_ E_YERMOM |
2007/8/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47502 Activity:kinda low |
8/1 If Bush had just given Obama's most recent speech there would be riots in the streets. \_ Yes. This is called 'politics'. \_ Frankly, with how quickly this country is becoming a mockery of itself there SHOULD be riots in the streets. \_ A mockery of itself? \_ Bush wouldn't have given that speech. \_ Circular. We know he didn't therefore he didn't. What's your point? \_ What's your point? \_ What was yours? \_ Because Bush isn't an idiot? \_ Arnold->Democrat, Obama->Republican. \_ False dichotomy. Not all Republicans are strong on defense; not all Democrats are weak on defense. \_ Don't confuse a good stupid troll with your facts. \_ How many wars did Bush start again? |
2007/7/27-8/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47442 Activity:nil |
7/27 these are really odd photos (kind of political content) http://tinyurl.com/36dgwx \_ MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! |
2007/7/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:47438 Activity:kinda low |
7/26 Regarding the contradiction between Mueller and Gonzales. The Bush admin's story is that there were two surveillance programs: the #1 Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP) and #2 an unnamed one. Comey was going to resign over #2. Mueller said Gonzales came to see Ashcroft for #2. Gonzo said it was #2. Dems think Gonzo said #1 and Mueller said #2. No one could talk about #2 clearly because of national security. See?! Perjury trap!!!11 \_ Someone should get Gonzalez a lawyer, and maybe someone who can tell him to stop sounding like a fucking idiot. What do they call those people? \_ The Bush admin's story is he's only being obtuse to avoid disseminating classified information that revealing could only INCREASE the potential of mushroom clouds over major U.S. cities. disseminating classified information that revealing could only INCREASE the potential of mushroom clouds over major U.S. cities. |
2007/7/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Abortion] UID:47425 Activity:high |
7/25 He's right. "Without going into all the specifics, I think we are now moving into a situation where the White House, on various fronts, is openly ignoring the constitution, acting as though not just the law but the constitution itself, which is the fundamental law from which all the statutes gain their force and legitimacy, doesn't apply to them. If that is allowed to continue, the defiance will congeal into precedent. And the whole structure of our system of government will be permanently changed." http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/015836.php \_ "Without going into all the specifics" is pretty damn stupid. Isn't this guy supposed to be a smart dem? \_ Did you just arrive from Mars or something? Have you been ignoring the news for the last 6 years? \_ I have been following the news extremely closely. \_ And none of FISA, Gitmo, Geneva Convention, War Crimes Act, Justice Department firing and ignoring subpeanoas rings a bell? At all? \_ Bah, the constitution got thrown out decades ago when courts started making their own laws from whole cloth on a long list of topics. We're already and have been for a long time nothing like the founder's vision for how government should work. \_ ...what exactly do you see as the purpose of the courts? \_ Courts apply the law. In the case of SSC and USSC they are also empowered to overturn laws that violate the State/US constitutions. They are not to make up laws the legislature has not passed. What do you think courts are for? \_ Adjudicating grievances between parties; interpreting the law as legislated by the Legislative branch and signed by and/or executed by the Executive branch; determining the constitutionality of those laws and the actions of the other two branches. In the course of determining the constitutionality of certain laws and in the interest of not wasting taxpayer time and money with legislation that is doomed to be deemed unconstitutional, I see no reason why a court could not suggest an example of the sort of legislation that would not be considered unconstitutional. This suggestion is not, in and of itself, legislation. \_ ob more hunting trips with mr. scalia and mr. cheney \_ Ok so we basically agree. Now then, are you opposed to courts legislating from the bench, even in such cases that you agree with the outcome? \_ Please indicate where you see the courts legislating from the bench? \_ You're kidding, right? The classic is Roe v Wade. \_ Awesome wingnut logic. Roe V Wade justifies the current administration's destruction of checks and balances. \_ What? I said no such thing. You're also way over stepping assuming you know my opinion of if abortion should be il/legal or not simply because I think RvW was a bad ruling based on bad law. I figured you would get personal if I tried to discuss it intelligently with the best known example. I was right. Thanks for not disappointing. \_ I am not the guy you were talking to ealier, but I think that the problem of judges legislating from the bench pales in comparison to the problem of the Executive legislating all the time when it is not their job to do it. But they are both problems, imho. \_ Just because another branch may be abusing their authority, does not mean what the courts have been doing for decades hasn't made a complete mockery of our constitution. The system is supposed to have checks and balances. I see none anymore. I see courts making laws. I see the exec branch (and not just this one, kids) making laws. "Stroke of the pen, law of the land, cool!" Go look that quote up. And congress is sitting on their collective thumbs apparently concerned about nothing important and certainly not doing their jobs. \_ Am rereading Roe v. Wade right now, and while I don't agree with a lot of it, I'm still not seeing the legislating you're referring to. Can you be more specific about this, please? \_ It's conservative dogma that judges are legislating from the bench, and as such, cannot be examined or questioned. \_ Thanks for contributing nothing. Come back when you'd like to have a discussion instead of a smear fest. Thanks again. \_ Ok, let's get right to it. What is the basis underlying RvW? Once we agree on that I'll go to the next step. |
2007/7/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47405 Activity:nil |
7/24 Hillary prefers "Progressive". Hmm... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Era Progressives ... tended to assume that opponents were motivated by ignorance or corruption \_ what is wrong about the above statement? \_ "In the United States, the Progressive Era was a period of reform which lasted from the 1890s through the 1920s." Hell, if you're going to go that far back, why not call Giuliani a Whig? \_ Hillary specifically referred to Progressive as an early 20th century movement. \_ Would it kill you to type out the quote? \_ "I prefer the word "progressive," which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century." http://csua.org/u/j7m \_ Thank you! Wow, now I'm actually excited to vote for her. \_ Huh? Why? \_ Reform or bust, baby! \_ Oho, you sneaky out-of-context quoter! From the next line of the article: "I consider myself a modern progressive, someone who believes strongly in individual rights and freedoms, who believes that we are better as a society when we' re working together and when we find ways to help those who may not have all the advantages in life get the tools they need to lead a more productive life for themselves and their families. So I consider myself a proud modern American progressive, and I think that's the kind of philosophy and practice that we need to bring back to American politics." Yup, looks good to me. \_ You sneaky out-of-context replier! Does she disclaim any of the principles? No, she specifically included the early 20th century and she agrees with the principles of that movement. And my reply was to the person criticizing my reference to the early 20th century movement. \_ So, the word "modern" in no way modifies the views espoused in the early 20th century? \_ I didn't say it "in no way modifies" anything. \_ Soooo, if one of the principles of the early 20th century Progressives was that all of their opponents were corrupt or ignorant, which they generally were, is it reasonable that a modern Progressive, faced with a different political climate, might not view her opposition with such contempt? \_ That is one of the aspects of early Progressives which I see as relatively the same as modern liberals (or modern Progressives). \_ BushCo invites oil execs to a secret meeting to determine America's energy policy, and you don't see corruption? If there's contempt for a corrupt GOP, it's hard to pretend the GOP hasn't earned it. |
2007/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47361 Activity:nil |
7/20 Quick! You're Dick Cheney and you get to be "preznint" for only a few hours while Bush has a colonoscopy. What do you do?! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070720/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_colonoscopy \_ Kill a man on live tv and then claim executive privilege \_ Bush, Dick, Colin -- The White House Sex Trio. |
2007/7/19-21 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47340 Activity:nil |
7/19 from http://talkingpointsmemo.com From Maria Bartiromo's interview of Condi Rice in the current issue of BusinessWeek: MB: Would you consider a position in business or on Wall Street? CR: I don't know what I'll do long-term. I'm a terrible long-term planner. |
2007/7/18-21 [Recreation/Humor, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47332 Activity:low |
7/18 How many neocons does it take to change a lightbulb? \_ One neocon with a shotgun. Point the shotgun at a liberal and the liberal will do whatever he/she is asked to do. \_ these are supposed to be funny, not stupid. \_ hint: they're never funny. \_ Sorry crankypants. I found the "War on Darkness" one funny. \_ I'm sure you did. \_ None. George Bush predicts the light bulb will be fully capable of changing itself within 3 months. \_ None. The socket welcomes the light bulb with candy and flowers. \_ Neocons don't bother with light bulbs. They declare a War on Darkness and set the house on fire. \_ Only the Almighty who gave the gift of light to all can make a lightbulb change. Its sort of a theological perspective I have. -gwb \_ "i have other priorities" --dcheney \_ Why do you hate America? |
2007/7/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Reference/Religion] UID:47306 Activity:moderate |
7/17 Here's some flamebait for you. Holy freakin shit: "It's more of a theological perspective. I do believe there is an Almighty, and I believe a gift of that Almighty to all is freedom. And I will tell you that is a principle that no one can convince me that doesn't exist." --GWB \_ Ummm, so? The Declaration of Independence says the same thing. \_ He's saying he makes decisions based only upon religious considerations. In other words, we're in Iraq because God told him that was the Right Thing To Do. Read up on the history of the Crusades and you might see why this is a Very Bad Thing. \_ The above quote said this? \_ "God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East." "Events aren't moved by blind change and chance" ..., but by "the hand of a just and faithful God." "I believe God wants me to run for president." Yes, all actual Bush quotes. \_ Belief in Providence was common among the Founding Fathers. \_ So was Diesm, which discounts religion. \_ You do the atheists proud, my friend. \_ Freedom isn't unambiguous. Does the Almighty advocate anarchy? Communism? Both are freedom in some sense. Freedom from what? Strictly from a Biblical perspective, it seems pretty clear that Yahweh likes pious kings with many concubines (an autocratic king, no wimpy separations of powers or Magna Cartas). The Bible also recognizes slavery as legitimate... \_ If the Almighty told Bush to invade Iraq, obviously he does advocate anarchy. The fact that he talks to Bush at all means that he is not on our side, since his advice seems to be always wrong. \_ Bush: Worshipping Loki since sobriety. \_ Or else he doesn't exist and Bush imagines God talking to him. Or else /something/ talks to him, but it turns out it's not actually God as Bush likes to imagine it. It's the CIA talking through a receiver in his tooth filling (or else the Jews, but the Jews run the CIA so it's the same thing). Or else Bush doesn't even believe it but says it for political points to the religious constituency. Or else Bush doesn't exist and Bush is a sniggering automaton. \_ Sort of like the NASA automatons on the old Mission to Mars ride? A moment of silence for the M2M ride, please. |
2007/7/15-17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47295 Activity:nil |
7/13 Motd poll: The Canadian dollar will be worth more than the US dollar: this year: before Bush leaves office: . someday, but not soon: never: |
2007/7/12-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47266 Activity:nil |
7/12 Bush says he doesn't want to talk about Libby anymore: http://www.csua.org/u/j4m \_ But for years we've been told they can't talk about it because it's an "ongoing investigation" -- Gosh could he have something to hide? |
2007/7/11-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47265 Activity:high |
7/11 You want a felony to impeach Bush for? Here ya go: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/015273.php \_ dubya will say this is for a "proper" purpose (stemming from executive privilege), therefore there is no felony because this is defined for an "improper purpose". anyways you want to impeach cheney first. \_ You can't just say "I'm not showing up, executive privilege." You have to honor the supeona and then say "I won't answer that question, executive privilege." It's like refusing to even o to court because you'll take the 5th. \_ At this point, it is like the Gambino family: what aren't they guilty of? \_ Not guilty of intern sucking dick. THERE I gotcha! Har har \_ Get real. No President is going to get impeached for that. But you could get rich off whatever you're smoking. Of all the things to impeach over that is the most stupid possible. \_ Again, this is a separation of powers issue. \_ Do you mean "everyone has to obey the law but us" kind of seperation of powers? Or are you trying to say something else by repeating this phrase? I assume you are the same guy who claimed that Bush didn't have to follow the FISA laws like everyone else, because of "seperation of powers." Seperation of powers doesn't mean that the White House can ignore the law of the land. \_ No, I mean to what degree does one branch of gov't have the power to tell another branch to do something. \_ You don't quite know what separation of powers is, do you? \_ that's the whole point of having different branches of government. \_ Thinking about this some more, I decided that I see your point. The FISA law, in particular, was designed to only apply to the Exectutive Branch, and while it was passed by Congress and signed by the (then) President, it has not survived any serious court challanges. It could even be unconstitutional, for all we know. Though the Administration sure hasn't been quick to try and get it in front of the USSC, I can see where they can argue that they think parts of it are invalid. \_ You have made a reasonable statement about a hot button political issue on the motd. For this gross violation of etiquette your account shall be terminated. |
2007/7/11-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:47264 Activity:low |
7/11 Al Qaida as powerful as it was in summer 2001 http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/2007/07/report_alqaida_has_regained_st.php \_ Funny, why do we believe our intel now? \_ You know what's wrong with our intel? It's government run pork program! They should have privatized CIA and NSA long time ago. -Republican \_ They do call the CIA "The Company". \_ No, troll, they should have not relied solely on satellites and not let the human side of the intelligence program whither away to nothing. This is the fault of many administrations going back. |
2007/7/11-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47259 Activity:moderate |
7/11 Any hope of GWB's impeachment before 2008? In America the only case for impeachment is Watergate (and maybe Sex scandals). Why isn't GWB having sex with interns? Is his wife actually making him happy? Damnit. \_ I don'tthink it can happen. It's a waste of time. concentrate on winning the next election cycle and saving lots of evidence to tar the legacy of gwbush when he's out of office. if the current fuckfest isntenough to impeach him immediately. not gonna happen \_ What's the high crime or misdemeanor? \_ The two that I am aware of are the violations of FISA and the violations of the War Crimes Act. Are there others? \_ The FISA thing is a clear struggle between the branches. War Crimes Act violations? What the hell are you talking about? \_ The Administration clearly violated the law with regard to FISA and the courts called them on it. Most criminals claim the "right" to break the law. Bush's torture memos were known to be potentially illegal right from the get-go. The whole Gitmo thing is illegal, which is why the Administration wants to shut it down now. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4999734 \_ Why do you say 'the whole Gitmo thing is illegal?' The only thing I am aware of that was ruled illegal in connection with Gitmo was the recent trials ruling. It's true that this makes Gitmo a lot less useful for the Administration, and perhaps it will cause Gitmo to be shut down and for the inmates to move to US soil somewhere -- but the illegality of the 'whole thing'? -- ilyas \_ 'the whole gitmo thing' is an incredible thought construct where the administration plants detainees in this imaginary fun land that they claim with a straight face is not on US soil, since.... it's in CUBA. How do these people manage to function without falling over laughing? \_ Right, the salient difference here is between 'illegal' and 'immoral.' -- ilyas between 'illegal' and 'immoral.' The whole 'soil' thing does have the vibe of a Solzhenitsyan farce. -- ilyas \_ It is a violation of the Geneva Convention. Remember the Bush Administration claimed the "right" to hold people indefinitely, without charges and without a trial. This is a violation of Geneva Convention Article 3 (I can dig up the exact prt if you want), which the United States is a signatory to. The whole "enemy non-combatant" classifcation is utter bullshit that no one but a few loons in the Bush White House claim exists. And it will not and is not holding up in a real court of law, even one (the USSC) that is overwhelming packed with Republicans. \_ Alright, but here's what will have to happen before there's a realistic chance of impeachment. First, the SC will have to strike down the 2006 law which was specifically passed to get around the Geneva Convention restrictions (they may well do this). Then you would have to make an argument that you can try people for crimes retroactively. THEN, the Democrats will have to make the political calculation that it is worth raising the muck on a wildly unpopular President on his way out anyways (remember, 'persecution' tends to raise approval ratings). Finally, all of this will have to happen before Bush leaves office. Bush is not getting impeached. -- ilyas \_ Step 1 has already happened: http://www.csua.org/u/j4i They broke the law before 2006, since Gitmo was opened in 2003. They passed the law to retroactively try and give themselves legal cover for a law they knew they were breaking. But you are right, the Democrats in Congress are unlikely to find their backbone any time soon. \_ I lack the legal background to evaluate how likely a conviction is in such a case. Is there a legal principle (or precedent) for the situation at hand: "Action X happens. Then law Y is passed which makes X unquestionably legal. Then Y is struck down." At issue here is at the time X happened the law for X was not settled (as witnessed by subsequent developments). So it's unclear you can prosecute for X until Y was struck down. -- ilyas \_ Impeachment isn't a legal event. It is a political one. If the Ds had the balls and the votes for it they could impeach today. \_ I have to agree with ilyas. gwbush has fucked up the US for 5000 years, but he's not going anywhere until his term is up. \_ 5000 years? *laugh* I'm just curious, have you been around long enough to vote for a non-Bush, non-Clinton administration? Before Bush is even out of office no one will care. They'll be deeply focused on the 08 election. Life will move on. \_ I think invading Iraq, fucking it up, continuing to fuck it up, and committing us to occupy a giant piece of oil laden shit in the middle east for the next several decades is a HUGE FUCKUP. bush has shown the world that our military is not the unstoppable force everyone thought it was. now every pissant guerilla force knows how to defeat us. happy now? \_ Why would you want an impeachment? You really want to distract the country from the current election cycle with political hatchet BS instead of spending that time and political effort on getting into office? I'm sure all your friends in the Bay Area are in favor of impeachment and don't understand why it hasn't already happened. \_ It's important for the future of the country and for our worldwide credibility to hold accountable those who commit criminal behavior and war crimes while in office. What's wrong with simple justice? \_ Also, Bush, Cheney, Gonzales, and a number of others have shown themselves worthy of disqualification (the other bit after removal) \_ How do you know GWB isn't having sex with interns? \_ 1) why do you think we can keep only one thought in our heads at a time? 2) for those who want impeachment, this is about accountability, and being on the record that bush's behavior has been unacceptable. A president who admits to breaking laws, lies about war, undermines our national security for the sake of politics deserves impeachment and removal for those acts, and we have a duty to do so to prevent his actions from becoming precedent. \_ The correct way to do this is to impeach Cheney first, then Dubya. |
2007/7/10-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47241 Activity:moderate |
7/1- When our bureaucrats fuck up, they get promoted, are rewarded with the Congressional Medal of Freedom, or have their sentences commuted. In Communist China...they get executed. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070710/ap_on_re_as/china_tainted_products \_ Yes, let's emulate the Chinese way of doing things where they ignore tremendous levels of corruption and make an example out of someone every so often instead of having a real legal system and cleaning up their act in a day to day way. Woot random justice! \_ No in China one bureaucrat who went too far got executed as a scapegoat. Let me guess, you think the Abu Ghraib torture scandal was just a few bad apples? \_ You have evidence to the contrary? -not op \_ There's a lot of evidence that the people at the bottom of the totem pole on staff at Abu Ghraib did not just magically wake up one morning and start torturing detainees. Bush/Bush's advisors such as Gonzalez, Yoo and David Addington put together a plan to make torturing info out detainees legal, and it trickled down from there. There is reams and reams of evidence. dunno why people aren't raiding the white house with pitchforks now. \_ It is one thing for Gonzalez to publish a paper. It requires actual proof if you want to claim that Bush, etc were responsible and this wasn't just a case of a few bad apples. The fact that such a small number of people were involved compared to how many prisoners there are strongly implies the bad apple theory. \_ All the "proof" is classified and Bush refuses to hand it over to Congress. Hence the need for impeachment hearings. Where was your demand for proof in the run-up to the Gulf War? Doesn't a desire to start a war require some "proof" as well? \_ how many more bad apples at the top do you want? I have read articles about how Addington and Gonzalez and Yoo put together legal briefs giving the president infinite power to torture people. This is not a secret. How many more 'bad apples' at the freakin' top do you want? Why are the minions at the bottom serving prison sentences and the guys who ordered them to do it are walking free? Fuck. \_ I'll say it slowly this time: Writing a legal brief is not the same as having sent orders down the line to the 2 dumb shits who abused those guys at AG. "Fuck." Again: No one ordered them to abuse prisoners. There is no evidence of such a thing and no one outside the realms of dailykos thinks so. If you wanted to argue that the two knuckleheads actually read the Gonzalez brief and on that basis decided it was a good idea to abuse and humiliate some prisoners you might have something, except both are too stupid to read or understand VCR instructions much less a legal brief. \_ Many more were tortured in Afghanistan and in extrodanary rendition cases, where the CIA turned over people to other governments to torure them. It wasn't just a few prisoners, it was systematic. \_ Which is a totally different thing than what we've been talking about. That was clearly a government sanctioned policy. Two idiots at AG taking it upon themselves to abuse prisoners was clearly not. The former is about trying to get information out of them, the latter is just abuse and not useful to anyone. You can see the difference, yes? \_ all evidence says these "few bad apples" are those belongs to the white house. \_ What evidence? \_ You haven't read Sy Hersh's New Yorker series? Start here: http://www.csua.org/u/j49 \_ Not yet but I will now, thanks for the link. \_ Ok, I read the whole thing. The only line in the entire thing that even refers to anyone above the local commander, Karpinski is this: "Human Rights Watch complained to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld that civilians in Iraq remained in custody month after month with no charges brought against them." This is light years away from "Bush, etc, were aware and directly responsible for abuses taking place at Abu Graib. This was not just a 'few bad apples'". Maybe you have something that actually addresses that issue directly? Ya know... evidence of White House knowledge and complicity? \_ Fair enough, but this article does indicate that \_ Fair enough, but that article does indicate that quite a ways up the chain of command, they were aware of abuses. Here is something that claims to draw the connection: http://www.csua.org/u/j4p (salon) and another Hersh article where the connection between the "torture memos" and Abu Gharib. There is no doubt that Yoo and gang authorized torture from the top. The only debate is on whether this rule was applied in Iraq or not. http://www.csua.org/u/j4q \_ Nah, sorry, I don't have time to read endless links. You had your shot. The next time this comes up post your best link first, not four pages of junk I read closely looking for your point which didn't exist. \_ "Look, Sy Hersh is the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist, frankly." -Perle \_ Anyone Richard Perle hates cant be all bad. \_ The policy came from the top: http://zfacts.com/p/100.html \_ Sorry, anything that opens calling people 'neocons' has a clear bias and is not worth reading. I stopped on the first line. If you have something factual that at least pretends to be unbiased I'll happily read it. I don't accept dailykos or freeper crap. Thanks. \_ read this . fun stuff http://www.newyorker.com/archive/2006/07/03/060703fa_fact1 \_ You know that there is a large number of people who call *themselves* neocons, right? Are you willing to read the Weekly Standard? \_ Done in an entirely different context not as a slur. But I know you knew that, right? Post real links from sites without such an giant axe to grind and I'll happily read and respond to them and if they reveal something I was unaware of I'm open to changing my mind on this or any other topic but not from a dailykos/freeper quality crap site. |
2007/7/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:47230 Activity:low |
7/8 Looks like the US is finally, actually, going to start turning the corner in Iraq: http://www.csua.org/u/j3l \_ ummmm, your title is rather misleading. \_ more or less misleading than when Cheney told us that? |
2007/7/8-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:47226, category id '18005#8.4175' has no name! , ] UID:47226 Activity:nil |
7/8 Beautiful blonde conservative females (like the ones in Wisconsin and N Dakota) have the greatest preferences for smaller, face-to- face social groups, and have, on average, the lowest political awareness of the outside world. They are also the most genetically selective when it comes to reproduction, that is, they tend to mate with genes most similar to their own. [Do White Populations in Racially Mixed Regions Become More Conservative Over Time?] http://neuropolitics.org/defaultfeb07.asp \_ Wisconsin is a famously liberal state. Haven't you ever heard of the Democratic Farm Labor Party? |
2007/7/8-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:47224, category id '18005#8.0875' has no name! , ] UID:47224 Activity:nil |
7/8 White liberal males love Asians. The Conservative males also had the lowest rates of physical attraction towards blacks.: http://neuropolitics.org/defaultfeb07.asp |
2007/7/7-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47213 Activity:low |
7/7 Nearly half of Americans support impeaching Bush. More than half support impeaching Cheney. http://www.pollster.com/blogs/arg_and_others_on_impeachment.php \_ So? More than half believe in the law of Jesus Christ \_ Jesus Christ is not a fringe idea, and neither is impeachment. However, it is routinely derided as such. \- i dunno who this dood is, and i think he goes off the rails a bit at the end with the mob boss stuff, but this is a good paragraph .... http://www.lakeexpo.com/articles/2007/07/07/lake_news/02.txt Now, George Bush and his cronies are showing America in the worst possible light. They are illuminating the chasm between the weak and the powerful, the rich and the poor, the connected and the disconnected. They are doing all they can to find a death row cell for the American Dream and when crunch time comes, giving none of us hope for a commutation of that sentence. \_ I suspect far fewer even know what impeachment means. \_ More than 85% of Americans believe in the personification of the Biblical Angels, too. They're still looking for a pin, though. |
2007/7/6-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47186 Activity:nil |
7/6 Damn this Bush economy! http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2007/07/06/ap3889125.html \_ Another piddling job growth report that beat expectations... Great. Let me know when wages grow along with productivity, and when the savings rate is positive again. Wake me when job growth meets population growth... Go go bushonomics \_ Tax Cuts and the Not So Great Economy (Economist's View) http://www.csua.org/u/j3f \_ This has exactly crap to do with the article. And this putz points to negative job growth and decreasing GDP after 2001 and blames the tax cuts?! No mention of, say, other events in 2001? -emarkp to the \_ Jared Bernstein, senior economist at the Economic Policy Institute, a Washington think tank, noted the participation rate has fallen especially sharply for young people, blacks and Hispanics, groups who are especially sensitive to the economys ups and downs. If those missing workers were reported as unemployed, the jobless rate would be 5% instead of 4.5%, he said in a report. \_ Sure. A Left think tanker says "which do you believe, me or the numbers?" \_ Damn these tax and spend Democrats in charge of Congress and their nearly instanteous good effect on the economy! |
2007/7/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47177 Activity:high 69%like:47152 |
7/4 Happy 4th of July! Support our troops! Support our president! Why Bush commuted Libby's sentence instead of pardoning him: http://www.csua.org/u/j2p (Economist's View) \_ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1859825/posts "Great news!" \_ More obstruction of justice. -ausman |
2007/7/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:47154 Activity:moderate |
7/3 iTard Nation: http://urltea.com/wdp (ostroyreport.blogspot.com) \_ Sheesh. \_ "I stood in line for the iPhone. Three hours. It was a fun way to spend an afternoon with my wife, child, and a bunch of strangers." What fun! I love standing in lines. Sometimes I go to amusement parks and stand in line just for the camaraderie of the line, the joy of finally being in front. Then I go stand in another line. I only wish I had children so I could stand in lines with them like this man. \_ Hey, in Japan standing in lines is a family activity. \_ In Soviet Russia, line stand in You! \_ In Hong Kong, lines are longer but they move much faster. \_ why is that? |
2007/7/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47152 Activity:nil 69%like:47177 |
7/2 Why Bush commuted Libby's sentence instead of pardoning him: http://www.csua.org/u/j2p (Economist's View) \_ More obstruction of justice. |
2007/7/2-5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47145 Activity:moderate |
7/2 Prez commutes croney's sentence: http://csua.org/u/j2k (sfgate.com) \_ I gotta hand it to "Bush will not pardon Libby" guy, he turned out to technically be correct. He should have bet me, he would have made $20. -ausman \- ausman advisory: this commutation is an exercise of the pardon power. i.e. the president (or many governors) can use the POWER OF THE PARDON to change a death sentence to a life sentence. this is a weird version of that. See e.g. Shcick v Reed: http://tinyurl.com/3cuec3 \_ Too bad no one took me up on my $1m bet. :-) To the advisor above: Libby is still a convicted felon with a $250k fine, and 2 years of probation to go along with his destroyed career, reputation, lost time, stress, and millions of dollars in legal fees. That is hardly a 'pardon' in any normal sense of the word. \_ Bush can (and probably will) still pardon Libby, after he has exhausted the appeals process. \_ Time will tell. I admit to being surprised Bush did even this much for him but it does fit the pattern of pissing everyone off without actually doing the right thing. \_ Besides the above, don't be too sure Libby's career is destroyed. It will not be the same as it was but I don't think he's out on his ass. Millions in legal fees? Reference please. \_ GOP fundraisers are already covering his legal costs and a juicy appointment with the AEI awaits him. \_ Oh goody, that makes it all ok. Sign me up! \_ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1859840/posts \_ Praise jesus! \_ You know, Bush has been hammered by people about Ramos and Compean (two border guards currently serving a sentence for something I don't think they're guilty of), and his response when asked for a pardon/commutation has been that "there's a process to go through" and he'd look at it after it went through that progress. He seems to have skipped that process for his pal. I have to wonder why his approval rating is above 0% at this point for anything other than the war. -emarkp \_ not that i have any sympathy for illegal immigrant drug dealers, but didnt those border guards falsify their reports? \_ apparently. what about it? should that result in their lives being destroyed? should that be enough to grant immunity to a known illegal alien felon to testify against them? i dont think so. dock their pay? sure. put them on suspension? sure. send them to some hellish HR inspired training for a few weeks? sure. demotion? maybe. prison? for a false report? nuh-uh. \_ Part of the reason for the relatively stiff (though not, as Bush claims, beyond the sentencing guidelines) penalty against Libby was because of the abuse of office. I would submit that law enforcement personel deserve similarly stiff sentences for abuses of their offices as well. \_ They got hammered to 'send a message' to the rest of the border patrol agents. Abuse of office? Bullshit. Happens all the time without *any* punishment at all levels of government much less going to friggin prison. \_ I don't know the particulars of this case. I was speaking generally. \_ Generally, an abuse of power, especially something as trivial as misfiling a report not only would go unpunished but unnoticed. \_ No, they didn't. They were required to submit oral reports to their supervisors. The supervisors /were present/ at the scene after the shooting when 9 officers helped collect shell casings. That's part of the lie that Johnny Sutton (a Bush buddy) keeps telling. Another of the lies was the claim by Homeland Security that they said they were "going to shoot some mexicans", which was only exposed when an HS rep was in front of Congress under oath for another reason. -emarkp \_ Just in time for Indepedence Day! \_ Why does the president have this power, again? Seems pointless. \_ So he can pardon his predecessor of any crimes committed while in office. And the circle-jerk goes round and round. \_ The Founders gave the President this power so he could take action to right wrongs even though it may be unpopular. Ultimately this is about having a final say in thwarting mob rule quality 'justice'. Seems pointed. \_ There was much debate about the merits of the power even when the Constitution was written. While it has "a point" I don't believe the greater good is served by the president having this power. We have a justice system and a supreme court. That's not mob rule. Think if the power didn't exist, what great wrong would not have been righted? Some death sentences have been commuted but there you have to get into the whole "should we have the death penalty" issue. Having the executive leader arbitrarily decide who dies is stupid and reminiscent of monarchy. \_ The justice system is all about mob rule. That's what a jury is. Very few cases are taken up by the USSC. I don't see it as the executive arbitrarily determining death. We already have the justice system for that as you said. This is about having a final way to correct some great wrong. I looked up Clinton's pardon list. There was a mix of drug offenses, white collar crime and military crimes he over turned. Most of them were so old the people had already served their sentences so what he was really doing was restoring their right to vote, cleaning their records, etc so they can live normal lives. Anyway, I don't see 400 or so pardon/commutations out of the zillions convicted to be that big a deal. \_ Have you ever gone through the jury selection process and actually served on a jury? Just curious. I have a lot more faith in an average jury, than an average gvt procecutor, say. -- ilyas \_ I think most juries do their best to get it right but we know that isn't always true. Thus the President has the power to pardon as the ultimate final check on the system. The founders didn't give him the power to convict, only free. Reagan did just over 400. Clinton did a few more. Bush1 did under 100. I don't know how many Bush2 has done. These are very small numbers and I'm a-ok with them even if some were questionable. \_ Wait, this is the treason guy, right? -John |
2007/6/30-7/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47135 Activity:nil |
6/30 Democrats, not very popular: http://www.csua.org/u/j22 \- anybody who compares the approval ratings between the president and congress is either stupid or disingenuous. to say "congress's rating have slid more in the last 6mos while the president's rating have gone up" might be meaningful, but the only virtue of comments like this "President Bush is doing terribly -- an average of 30 percent job approval in six recent polls. Congress is doing worse -- 25 percent on the average in five polls." is to signal you can add this dood to your KILL file. that article is the journalistic equivalent of a college paper with the thesis "the iliad is a poem by homer about the trojan war, which was difficult." \- see also: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2007/06/broderism-watch.html \_ The only poll that matters happens in November every two years. |
2007/6/29-7/1 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47126 Activity:nil |
6/29 Hi I'm lazy, do my work for me. Is it true that the government's official 9/11 report completely refrains from mentioning WTC Building 7? I was reading http://www.patriotsquestion911.com , which doesn't appear to be populated by the raving tinfoil hat crowd. Maybe the ex military retired tinfoil hat crowd. \_ Yes, it was all an inside job by the competent Bush administration with the help of TEH JOOS as commanded by His High Lord Elvis and His Right Paw Of Greatness, Bigfoot. There is no truth to the rumors that Area 51 and the Greys were involved. \_ I have not been able to find any information that is was not deliberately brought down by demolition. Also, it appears there were highly-sensitive gov't offices in that building. Keep digging deeper and you may come to understand who controls the political and economic power structure in this country, parallels with the Weimar republic. |
2007/6/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47092 Activity:high |
6/27 People vote with emotions and not brains. Fear-mongering works better than reasoning-- Why Democrats are destined to lose: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19461257/site/newsweek/page/0 \_ Because Democrats are the party of logic? Er, ok. And here I thought they did the same fear mongering and heart string pulling as the other party. Or maybe you meant that some third party candidate is going to win? \_ ...are you really going to tell me that you think the Dems have fear-mongered anywhere near the level of Bush and the current GOP, the party that made the "us or suitcase nukes in your city" part of their 2004 campaign? \_ They are no more 'pro-logic' than the other party, yes. D=R. \_ I'm certainly not exonerating them for their petty foibles, but comparing them to the current Admin and the GOP under DeLay and Gingrich is utterly laughable. Let's try to preserve a modicum of scale. \_ It's on the same scale, just open your eyes and see that just because you agree with something doesn't mean they got there by logic. Both parties do it equally and treat all the voters like a commodity. \_ I agree with you that they are neither of them logical. We can also agree that firecrackers and thermonuclear devices are explosive, but you wouldn't suggest that the damage done by the first is the same as that done by the latter, would you? \_ OUR LIZARDS ARE BETTER, DAMN IT! -- ilyas \_ You're begging the question. It isn't firecrackers vs. nukes. The two parties are the same. That is exactly the point here. |
2007/6/26-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47075 Activity:high |
6/26 Another Bush Administration official convicted by a diabolical prosecutor and a vengeful Congress, similar to the Libby case: http://www.csua.org/u/j11 \_ Uhm, no. This guy was directly involved in a bribery scandal. Libby was busted for his memory of events not matching eight reporters memory of events which didn't match each other's memory of events nor their own notes nor their own prior testimony. Thanks for the opportunity to correct your grave misunderstanding of Libby's situation, troll. \_ If this was really true he wouldn't have been convicted. He got caught red handed, refused to turn on his boss and expose Cheney's treasonous crimes and so went to jail. \- As Mr. Uhm, no suggests, Libby was a victim of the RAHM- PELOSI-JURY-REPULICAN_JUDGE-REPUBLICAN-PROSECUTOR conspiracy. I think it is is pretty clear George McGovern created Patrick Fitzgerald in his mountain side laboratory and had him spend 30 years infiltrating the REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT for a moment like this. The code word to activate him was "Barbarella". \_ Oh yeah, forgot to mention that the prosecutor and judge were both Republicans or Republican appointees. \_ You've heard of 'the appeals process', right? We have that because the justice system is understandably flawed. By your 'logic' we don't need an appeals process and all those folks on death row should be executed immediately. Care to try again? \_ You erased the much more amusing preceding material just post this? Minus ten points for Slytherin. \_ It wasn't amusing at all. It was off-topic and not even dailykos quality and frankly the same drivel that gets posted anytime anyone here tries to have a serious political discussion. I'm trying to discuss the facts of the case with the other poster, this has nothing to do with anything. It is pure noise and as such provides no opportunity for intelligent discussion and no, it wasn't funny the second time either. \_ You presume to be arbiter of teh funny? Being too thin-skinned to take your well-deserved mockery should make you rethink using motd. \_ Yadda yadda blah blah blah, yadda yadda. I see there's still no reply to the real comment about the appeals process, Libby's case details, etc. Just whining about "my drivel got deleted, wah!" I'll take that as either agreement or general ignorance of what actually happened in Libby's case, thanks. \_ Saying "the sky is blue" doesn't really warrant a reply. Yes, it's up for appeal. How 'bout you try again after his appeals are rejected? \_ So as I said, you don't know a thing about his trial and exactly how his bogus conviction came about. I'll say it again even though I know you don't want to know the truth: he was convicted because his story didn't entirely match the stories of 8 reporters. The 8 reporters stories didn't match each other. The 8 reporters stories didn't even match their own earlier testimony, nor their own written notes. It was not possible for Libby's story to match the differing and ever-changing stories of 8 people. Thank you for supporting real justice and not punishing people for having political views that differ from your own. \_ You are utterly convinced that your reading of the case is correct. Will you acknowledge you have been wrong if his appeals are denied? Somehow, I suspect not. if his appeals are denied? And you really have an obnoxious delete finger. Fuck off. \_ Erasing other people's comments on a globally editable MOTD just shows that you are too short for this ride. \_ Comments are erased on a daily basis. Get over it. \_ What is it with people missing the point today? Sure, comments are erased on a daily basis, but erasing part of a thread just so you can post your own POV is something else entirely. Grow up. \_ Bzzt, sorry. Erasing someone else's post had no effect on posting my POV. Try again? (y/N)__? |
2007/6/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47071 Activity:low |
6/26 Secret: The Freemasons influenced Bush to start the Iraq War. \_ Three can keep a secret if two are dead. \_ You are so totally wrong. Majestic 12, the Knights Templar, the HK Triad, FEMA and the Illuminati worked together to influence Bush to invade Iraq as part of their scheme to use Terrorism as smoke screen to hide their conspiracy for world domination. Its all documented in UNATCO's files. -jcd |
2007/6/21-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:47032 Activity:high |
6/21 Bush at 26% in Newsweek poll http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19354100/site/newsweek \_ That's not too bad. Compare that to Nixon's: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/11/02/opinion/polls/main1005327.shtml http://preview.tinyurl.com/eytw5 (cbsnews.com) Keep in mind this is from CBS, liberal Jewish media. \_ Thanks for invalidating anything else you have to say. \_ I don't think he cares. Why should he? \_ maybe because he is supposed to be a representative of the people. \_ He is. The people are idiots and so is he. I don't see why people's opinions changed. What is different now? A lot of us disapproved of him from the beginning. And, you know, didn't vote for him. Now all these Johnny come latelys want to be cool like us. But it's too late. We moved on to disapproving of the mainstream primary frontrunners. \_ Pft! I've already dismissed them all and moved on to disapproving of the second and third tier candidates as well as several who aren't even rumored to be interested in running. -Johnnt C. L. \_ He still has things he is trying to get accomplished and it is hard to get Congress to listen to him when he is so unpopular. Most politicians care about something called their "legacy" as well, and every indication is that Bush cares, too. So sorry, he probably cares. Maybe his supporters (like you?) do not. \_ His current goal appears to be to veto everything and keep the investigations off his back until he can get out of town. \_ IANARepublican, but think about it: ~43% of Americans voted in the last Presidential election, and W got about 50% of the vote, so, hey, 26% is pretty good for him. \_ You might want to check the assumptions in your math there sonny. \_ 50% of 43% =~21.5% < 26%. I'd say my math assumptions, faulty as they are, are probably more accurate than those of the POTUS. \_ You're making the assumption that the set of W supporters is a subset of the 2004 presidential voters. You'll have to justify that assumption somehow. \_ he's also making the assumption that 100% of the country responded to this poll. -tom \_ You're both right, but you're missing my (feeble) point, which is that the POTUS thinks like this. \_ Maybe he was when he was elected, but now that he *IS* elected and that due to term limites, he can't be re-elected, why should he care any more? Lame duck presidency FTL. \_ I loved the comedy central clip where GWB 2000 'debated' GWB 'current', especially the total reverse on intervening in other nations and 'nation building'. \_ Mission Accomlished! http://www.csua.org/u/izp \_ Congress at 14% (below HMOs at 15%) http://www.galluppoll.com/content/?ci=27946 \_ For "confidence", not "approval". \_ For "confidence", not "approval". And from a different poll. \_ OP didn't say "approval". \_ The article did. Sure, blame your reading comprehension issues on the OP \_ I was making a point. I read the article. \_ How is saying "apples are not oranges" a point? \_ Isn't low confidence worse than low approval? I might not approve of the job someone is doing, but I might still have confidence that they will improve. Low confidence seems to imply to me that not only does one disapprove of the job someone is doing but also that they've lost any hope that they will improve. \_ Read a few polls and see how the two numbers tend to relate. Motd will not do your homework for you. \_ I'll take that as a yes then. So, the American people feel more negativity towards Congress than the President \_ Take that as a yes. Continue in obstinate ignorance. \_ This only validates my assumption further. If it really is a false assumption, you wouldn't have been this much of an ass about it. \_ Congress is always lower. You can hate the bastards but not hate YOUR bastard. The president, however, is all or nothing. \_ How does that compare to Carter? \_ The cbsnews link in the first reply will tell you. Other than that, learn to use google. \_ No, it does not. Other than that, have you heard of the Socratic technique? \_ Oop. It wasn't in that article. It was in another blog post. Carter's lowest was 28% in '79. |
2007/6/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:47000 Activity:nil |
6/17 Email records missing for 51 of 88 White House Officials with RNC accounts http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070618/ap_on_go_pr_wh/white_house_e_mails \_ Whooops!! |
2007/6/16-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46986 Activity:nil |
6/16 Thank God Bush's stormtroopers are protecting America from toddlers with sippy cups: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070616/ap_on_re_us/airport_sippy_cup |
2007/6/15-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46969 Activity:kinda low |
6/15 Bush's approval rating is now 29%. Who are these people supporting Bush and where/why do they still support him? \_ No intern sucking dick? Approve. Christian? Anti-abortion? Anti-faggots? Approve. No flip-flop? Doesn't change mind? Approve. \_ http://csua.org/u/iyj (Daily Show: Bush vs. Bush) Represents GOOD and stands up against EVIL? Approve. Marriage stable? Approve. White male? Uses simple commoner vocabulary? Approve. Supports NRA? Special Interests? Approve. Supports free-market, corporations, and profits? Approve. *** I am an American, and I approve George W Bush *** \- because the most important thing in the world to them is: save-the-fetus || i-hate-asslords || my-personal-NPV || gun-cold-dead-hands \_ Congress' is lower. Reid is lower. Who are supporting them? \_ Hint: Congress has many people in it. Which job of Congress do you think people disapprove of? \_ Is Reid lower in his own district? Almost certainly not. \_ Well, in congress' case, it only matters what the approval rating for your local congressman is. I can hate the guy from New Orleans all I want, but it doesn't matter. I believe the local rating for congressman tend to be fairly high. \_ Are you one of those Bush supporters then? What makes you still support him? Congress is almost always lower than the President, over the last 50 years. And the Congressional Democrats have quite a bit higher rating than either Bush or the Congressional Republicans, though they have dropped quite a bit lately. \_ The Congress has had a lower approval than the President every time I've checked for years. \- without geting into a longer discussion about statistics, you probably cannot easily compare the opinion about Reid and BUSHCO, because a *much smaller* number of people know who Reid is. So you cant really ask "do you know who the sen maj leader is?" if yes, then "what do you think about reid". since the <20% of america who can correctly answer the "filtering" question biases the population you are sampling. and if you dont know who Reid is [you ask ask the Reid <-> Maj Leader question Reid is [you can ask the Reid <-> Maj Leader question in either direction], what does your opinion matter? in either direction], what does your opinion really mean? now if "do you know who the maj leader of the senate is" was the filtering questions for both "what do you think about Reid, BUSHCO, Cheney" those numbers might be interesting. \_ You *can* take a look at the people who know who Reid is and voted (D) based on his false promises to get us out of Iraq. Since the number of actual voters vs. potential voters in this country is so small you might as well say that no polls are meaningful due to the required filtering, etc. |
2007/6/15-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46964 Activity:nil |
6/15 Has the Bush Administration finally and completely lost it? http://tikkun.org/rabbilernerarticles/neocon/document_view \_ I believe it. We're not leaving Iraq. Anyone who believes otherwise is naive. \_ I know it seems like it will never happen, but we're supposed to get a new president in 18 months. Anybody from either party has got to be better than this gang of jackals. \_ as an American, I would say we just leave and cut our losses. We are not serious about solving iraq's problem anyway. We might as well just go home and repair the damage to our arm forces in the past couple years. And yes, I stand by my statement about we are not serious about solving Iraqi problem. Everything we do in Iraq since we invaded it has everything to do about our internal politics than anything else. Otherwise, we've be forming alliances with *ALL* Iraqi neighbors to come up with something agreeable. |
2007/6/12-15 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46921 Activity:nil |
6/12 Scientists find that salvage logging makes wildfires worse http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070611/ap_on_sc/wildfire_logging |
2007/6/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46918 Activity:kinda low |
6/11 http://CNN.com headline: "Terror suspect wins U.S. legal battle" Ph34r!!!11 http://www.capsteps.com/sounds/doyoufear.mp3 --/ \_ Fear? Fear what? This is the system working. The only issue is it took so long to work which I consider a real problem. \_ that sounds like something a terror suspect would say ... \_ or a real american who believes in the us constitution and not just the parts that suit me. |
2007/6/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46908 Activity:low |
6/10 "To sanction such presidential authority to order the military to seize and indefinitely detain civilians, even if the President calls them 'enemy combatants,' would have disastrous consequences for the constitution and the country," the court panel said. http://www.csua.org/u/iwc (URL updated with more recent version) \_ No worries, the USSC will give the POTUS peace of mind. \_ I guess we could arrest Tony Blair and call him 'enemy combatant' and lock him up forever. Since the first thing we do will be strip him of any personal belongings, there is no way he can prove he is Tony Blair. We can then use all sort of "techniques" to make him confess that he is a terrorist... hmm... |
2007/6/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46902 Activity:nil |
6/10 More on the Libby case from a decidedly liberal econ prof: http://www.csua.org/u/ivx \- i dont understand why more people dont see the "procedural aspect" to this libby case. i mean the burden on second guessing spectators has to be pretty high given: 1. republican prosecutor 2. libby had best defense money could buy 3. bush appointee judge. given that he was still found guilty, unless you somehow think he was hurt by the "friend of the sack of shit" letters from wolfowitz, kissinger, bolton, etc it you have to say more than "i dont like the outcome". by the "friend of the sack of shit" briefs from wolfowitz, kissinger, bolton, et al you have to say more than "i dont like the outcome". anybody who argues "do we want our tax dollars going to incarcaerate LIBBY" should just be beaten on the spot. i am quite happy to have my tax dollars going to this end. i am quite happy to have my tax dollars going to this end. much more so than small scale potheads or notorious asslords, neither of whom i have much natural affinity for. of which i have much natural affinity for. |
2007/6/7-10 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46887 Activity:nil |
6/7 Check out the top story on http://news.yahoo.com right now. What kind of "news" is that??? \_ immigration bill fails crucial vote? \_ I'm referring to the "Krumping", as reported by the Yahoo! Underground team. \_ Krump! Trends sell man \_ LibDems block critical reforms championed by President and Commander-In-Chief Bush. Don't they understand how this encourages the enemy? |
2007/6/5-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:46858 Activity:low |
6/5 I used to date a Republican girl. I was pretty much whipped. I went along with whatever she had to say. She'd say things like "GWB encourages oil refineries in the Middle East so that when they run out of oil, we'll still have plenty left! Pretty darn smart eh?" Whatever she said, I just listened and accepted without any objection. Reason: the pre-marital sex was absolutely amazing, and for sex, I turned into a Republican. Now that the relationship is over, I feel so liberated. It's amazing how my addiction to sex turned me into a complete moron. \_ This is actually a pretty good reason to be a Republican. Who are you dating now? \_ Just bobbing your head in return for her own head bobbing doesn't "turn your into a Republican", but it may say something about your priorities [I mean that non-judgementally]. Usually, it's the other way around where guys go along with fruitcake liberal girls. In fact one reason some right-wing nutjob groups are so powerful is they spend their fridays nights promoting their politics while liberals spend their friday nights in hedonistic pursuits ... but of course when something like abortion rights is seriously challenged, that may roust them. BTW, are you sure she was really a Republican or was she just an materialist/egoist. Did she believe in "conservative values" like pemartitial sex is wrong etc or she just believed in lower taxes and welfare queens should get a job. Just out of curisority what profeession was she in? Sales? \_ Yes she was a hardcore Republican because she was raised that way. Let me clarify and say that she's socially liberal but values most non-religious Republican values like small government, self-reliant, hatred for the poor who use welfare (she thinks they're lazy so they deserve nothing from her), racial superiority, pre-emptive strike on people who are "evil", self righteous, and lastly, STUBBORN. There is no possibility that anyone could change her opinion because they've been hardcoded since childhood. Profession? How is this relevant to the topic? Anyways, the more I think about this the more pissed off I am. I will be voting non-Republican for the first time in 8 years. I AM LIBERATED. \_ Was she good in bed? Can I have her number? \_ yeah, thats pretty much the definition of being 'whipped'. \_ Since you didn't believe anything she said you weren't a Republican or a conservative. No more so than any conservative man was magically transformed into a liberal while dating a woman's studies vegetarian (cough). |
2007/6/1-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46830 Activity:moderate |
6/1 Why does Peggy Noonan hate America? http://urltea.com/oiv (opinionjournal.com) \_ BECAUSE CONSERVATISM IS ALWAYS GOOD AND IF PEOPLE WHO CALL THEMSELVES CONSERVATIVES FAIL THEN THATS BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER REALLY CONSERVATIVES IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!11! \_ Nothing more than an attempt by a GOP leader to distance herself from what has become a very unpopular presidency. themselves from what has become a very unpopular presidency. She loved Bush for 6 years, but now his usefulness is over. The GOP is worried that they are going to lose in 2008, so they are going to throw Bush under the bus, hoping that this will improve their chances. They are desperate. http://www.csua.org/u/itp \_ Or maybe this whole amnesty thing really does grate on conservatives? \_ Here's your real answer: We all knew in 2000 that Bush was Conservative Light but given the choices (Death before Gore) we pulled the lever and hoped for the best. Our gut instinct was correct but overall it was still better than Gore would have been so we went with it. In 2004 we had even worse choices: more of the same or Kerry, a man who made Gore look like a great option. Sitting here in 2007, after everything, he's still a better call than Gore or Kerry but that doesn't mean we have to be happy about it. The amnesty bill is of course the final straw but is no different than we would've had from Gore/Kerry. That leaves all those people who supported Bush thinking, "Why'd I bother?" which is why you're heading rumors about the grass roots fund raising is why you're hearing rumors about the grass roots fund raising taking a dive on the (R) side. Next time they run a Light(c) candidate I'll be staying home because, "Why bother?". Sorry to interupt. Everyone please continue with mindless all-caps posts and baseless speculation. |
2007/5/30-6/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:46799 Activity:nil |
5/29 White house implicity recognizes gay parents: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/05/images/20070523-4_v052307db-0034jpg-731v.html (link fixed thanks a lot whoever messed it up). It's a pic of the Cheneys, the baby, and the caption: "His parents are the Cheneys. daughter Mary, and her partner, Heather Poe" \_ I guess they mean "whitehouse" the porn site. \_ What does this have to do with the White House or whitehouse the porn site (other than the fact that the pic is porn) or gay parents? Actual link is this: |
2007/5/30-6/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46793 Activity:nil |
5/30 And, yes, Plame was covert. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18924679 \_ Motd poll: Bush will pardon Libby: . \_ not a chance. loyalty only goes up the chain. \- do you want to bet on this? --psb \_ US$1 million. Payable 24 hours after GWB leaves office. Bush will "sacrifice" Libby: . Bush will have Libby killed: Libby who???: . |
2007/5/24-28 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46745 Activity:kinda low |
5/24 "Why is he at large? 'Cause we haven't got him, yet, Jim. That's why. And he's hiding. And we're looking. And we will continue to look until we bring him to justice. We've brought a lot of his buddies to justice, but not him. That's why he's still at large." --Bush answering a question today about why we haven't caught OBL. \_ http://www.sitiofan.com/images/guia/beforeafter/caseyhoy2.jpeg \_ Maybe they should put OJ on the job. \_ Stupid questions deserve stupid answers. At least the press and the President are on the same page now. \_ What about the question is stupid? \_ Perhaps he should have rephrased. "Hey dumbshit! Where is that jackass Osama you promised to capture six years ago?" or "Hey dumbshit! What the fuck are you doing being president? You're looking in the wrong fucking country." See, GWB is too stupid to recognize a rhetorical question. \_ GWB is not stupid. He blew off a question he didn't want to answer. He's a politician. That is what all successful politicians do. How is that stupid? \_ Q: Why is he at large? A: Because we haven't caught him yet. Stupid question. Stupid answer. Especially from a press core member who should know better than to leave a politician with an open question like that. What about the question is not stupid? \_ Asking a president why he has failed to capture a person he has promised to catch isn't stupid. I'm sure he knows the real answer: "because we have a significant chunk of our armed forces looking in the wrong country." \_ It was a stupid question. If he wanted a real answer to that question he should have known better than to make it possible to directly answer the question without answering the implied question. Why is this so hard to figure out? Show me the politician who answers implied questions that will make him look bad and I'll show you the politician who won't make it above city dog catcher in an election. |
2007/5/21-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46714 Activity:nil |
5/19 Bush accuses Democrats of "pure political theatre" without even one drop of irony noted: http://www.csua.org/u/iqm |
2007/5/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46709 Activity:moderate 72%like:46685 |
5/18 Freepers, um, "respond" to immigration plan http://urltea.com/l9i (wonkette.com) \_ Is this the move that will drop his approval ratings to sub-Nixon numbers? \_ You're not thinking far enough ahead. All but one of the 2008 R candidates has come out against this bill. This will fire up the base and enable them to rant and rave about how THEY wouldn't have sold the country down the river for them damn Mexicans if THEY had been President. This is a parting gift from Dubya for em. \_ Ezra Klein has a good take http://csua.org/u/iq0 (prospect.org) \_ It's still above congress' approval. However, "the base" that will leave Bush has already done so. I can't imagine it'd go lower. \_ With a slip of 6% in rasmussen's daily poll, i expect to see 25% in other polls by the end of the month. 22% by july 4? \_ There are no Freepers on the motd. We used to have one and then we had several fakes and now we fortunately have none. \_ No, I think we had two. But yeah, they rarely post anymore. \_ $freeper++. I stand corrected. :-) |
2007/5/19-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46697 Activity:moderate |
5/19 Bush "The Worst in History" according to Carter: http://www.csua.org/u/iq7 \_ Not surprisingly, he's a liberal. !emarkp \_ "I mean heck, he may even be worse than me now!" Carter added. \_ Just about everyone I know, assholes, pious people, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, apolitical people, political people, think Bush is The Worst In History. Iraq is really a gigantic fuckup of difficult to fully comprehend proportions. \_ You obviously don't know emarkp and his fellows. \_ I'd be hesitant to call *any* president the worst in history. Given Carter's ineptitude (not because he's liberal, just because he's incompetent) he should be a little careful throwing stones. -emarkp \_ i don't think anyone can deal with oil embargo like that gracefully. Further, may I ask, do you think GW Bush incompetent? \_ Oil embargo? The one in 73 when Carter wasn't in office? \_ *shrug* He followed Ford, whose defining moments were pardoning Nixon and falling down stairs, and was followed by Reagan, who proved that popularity has nothing to do with being a good, let alone honest and effective, leader. I'd say his glass house has fine foundations. \_ Ford was actually quite athletic. Don't watch too much SNL for your history lessons. \_ As noted here: http://preview.tinyurl.com/yun246 I didn't say he was Chevy Chase, I said it was one of his defining moments. Read or perish. \_ Not really. Carter's mis-handling of Iran changed the world in ways Bush's mis-handling of Iraq can't compare to. Had Carter shown strength instead of weakness it is possible and even quite likely the concept of terrorism as we know it today wouldn't even exist. If you're going to make historical claims you must look at things from a historical perspective. \_ Wow! Carter did NOT: - Use torture - Allow torture of POW's - Imprison people without trial - Render people to other countries for torture - Lie to get the US into a war - Erode our rights in the name of patriotism - Allow rampant incompetence and corruption in his Administration (except possibly HIMSELF if you argue that his handling of IRAN was incompetent) - Mishandle a war so badly that the US is failing its objectives despite massive waste of national treasure - Alienate virtually the entire planet - Allow a massive terrorist attack to occur on US territory during his administration - Allow the illegal outing of a CIA agent for petty political retaliation UM, WHY AREN'T WE IMPEACHING BUSH AGAIN? HE IS THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER!!!! \_ Who are you, Charles Krauthammer? I don't think Iran was involved in the whole Russia invades Afghanistan->We dump billions of dollars and weapons on Afghanistan to ensnare Russia in a War Of Pain->Russia leaves->Russia collapses-> \_ You really think Afghanistan was the root cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union? After saying this it makes the rest of what you say hard to take seriously. \_ I think it helped. Wasnt main cause. Sure didnt hurt! We forget about Afghanistan-> IT ALL COMES BACK TD BITES US IN THE ASS-> chain of events. of maybe Iran helped us channel a few guns to Afghanistan. How ANY of this would have been changed if we had 'shown strength \_ Who are you, Charles Krauthammer? I don't think Iran was involved in the whole Russia invades Afghanistan->We dump billions of dollars and weapons on Afghanistan to ensnare Russia in a War Of Pain->Russia leaves->Russia collapses->We forget about Afghanistan-> IT ALL COMES BACK AND BITES US IN THE ASS-> chain of events. ok maybe Iran helped us channel a few guns to Afghanistan. How ANY of this would have been changed if we had 'shown strength in Iran', I do not know. Russia would not have cared. A bunch of dudes living in caves in Afghanistan would not have cared. Please explain your Carter fantasy? of dudes living in caves in Afghanistan would not have cared. Please explain your Carter fantasy? \_ Your historical perspective is the one that needs fixing. \_ Thanks for adding nothing. Maybe next time you'll do better than "you're wrong, nyah!" but I doubt it. \_ Look further back: if the CIA hadn't instigated the overthrow of the democratically elected President of Iran and the reinstatement of the Shah, extremists like Khomeni would never have gained widespread support in '79. No Khomeni, no hostage situation, and no Islamic Revolution running a nuclear Iran today. Sure, Carter can be blamed for funding Mujahadeen in Afghanistan, but then you'd have to paint your Saint Ronnie with the same brush; worse, people might remember that whole Iran-Contra scandal, and then the hagiography really falls apart. \_ The CIA didn't take action in a vacuum. Leaving a pro- Soviet/anit-US government in Iran may have been worse than what we got. It is hard to say but I'll grant that yes Khomeni didn't come out of no where. OTOH, his group was just as likely to overthrow any non-Islamic government so it may not have mattered. Reagan is not my saint anymore than Carter is my satan. They are men. They were Presidents. They did what they did. I examine their actions in a historical context. I don't care beyond that. I don't even see why you'd try to bring anyone else into it. To defend Carter? Who cares? Boost Reagan? Who cares? That is completely unimportant trivial political agenda crap. \_ The charges of Bolshevism in Iran were frankly baseless. The UK was upset about Mossadegh nationalizing the AIOC and convinced Eisenhower to sic the CIA on him. We fell victim to the whole enemy-of-my-enemy mindset and worked to reinstate the Shah. (Cf. eerie parallels with Iraq and Chalabi). While Khomeni's group was anti-non- Islamic govt., it's unlikely they'd have had the support they had from ordinary Iranians if it hadn't been for the brutal repression inflicted by the Shah, and thus it's unlikely they could have actually overthrown a democratically elected Iranian govt. descended from Mossadegh and co. \_ Terrorism existed long before Carter and will exist long after we are all dead. It is naive and foolish to believe after we are all dead. It is niave and foolish to believe otherwise. Unless you are trying to say something else with your statement "the concept of terrorism as we know it today." Do you mean that Carter changed our conception of terrorism? \_ "As we know it today". Meaning that I really don't care if some folks in whatever country get pissed off enough to take some violent but overall minor action which has always been going on, as opposed to becoming the new way of lesser powers to wage war by heavily funding, arming, training, and supporting people who have nothing better to do full time than try to do as much damage as possible. The key difference being that the minor separatist group is unlikely to ever do much or go anywhere while a group supported by a state has options and capabilites sufficient to kill thousands and make real changes. \_ Um, Al Qaida, 9/11, hijackers, airplanes. WTC. \_ This is not really a new phenomenea. Just off the \_ Yeah, exactly. Did you read the thread at all before posting? \_ This is not really a new phenomena. Just off the top of my head I can think of the French supporting the American Colonial seperatists and the English \_ and Americans blew up a lot of british in the UK? then supporting the Southern Confederates. Also, \_ The SC blew up the French at home? remember that WWI was started by a terrorist, when \_ assassin, lone gunman, not part of a multinational movement with national level support. he shot Duke Ferdinand. Nations have always waged proxy war by supporting seperatist groups inside their rivals. You could argue that the widespread availability of WMD has changed the equation of assymetrical warfare, but it is pretty hard to lay that at the feet of Carter. \_ One of my favorite historical proxy conflicts was Rome and Constantinople duking it out in ancient Romania and Bulgaria. Romanians and Bulgarians are *still* mad at each other, nearly 1200 years later. \_ It is not hard to lay the concept of modern terrorism at Carter's feet. Prior to Carter there were many nationalist movements but no organised multinational terrorists funded and supported by various nations who had vague but large scale goals of "kill all the people in the west" or some such like we see today. \_ To "lay it at Carter's feet", you need to show some underlying cause. "Because it happened around the same time" is not enough. If coincidence was evidence, you could say the Beatles' breakup could be lain at Nixon's feet. \_ "Those Liverpool cocksuckers...." -RMN \_ The Jews and the Catholics are still mad at each other after nearly 2000 years. |
2007/5/18-22 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46688 Activity:nil |
5/18 Dubya may reward Tony Blair's loyalty with World Bank post http://tinyurl.com/29flyc (dailymail.co.uk) \_ Predicted on the MOTD, May 16: \_ Predicted on the MOTD: http://csua.com/2007/05/16/#46662 |
2007/5/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46685 Activity:low 72%like:46709 |
5/18 Freepers, um, "respond" to immigration plan http://wonkette.com/politics/dept%27-of-messy-breakups/beloved-right+wing-message-board-demands-bush-impeachment-261439.php \_ Is this the move that will drop his approval ratings to sub-Nixon numbers? \_ You're not thinking far enough ahead. All but one of the 2008 R candidates has come out against this bill. This will fire up the base and enable them to rant and rave about how THEY wouldn't have sold the country down the river for them damn Mexicans if THEY had been President. This is a parting gift from Dubya for em. \_ Ezra Klein has a good take http://csua.org/u/iq0 (prospect.org) \_ It's still above congress' approval. However, "the base" that will leave Bush has already done so. I can't imagine it'd go lower. \_ There are no Freepers on the motd. We used to have one and then we had several fakes and now we fortunately have none. |
2007/5/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:46674 Activity:nil |
5/17 Welcome to the new congress, as partisan as the old congress. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0507/4046.html \_ Until we have true political reform, what do you expect? |
2007/5/16-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46662 Activity:low |
5/16 Looks like Wolfowitz will resign. Who do you think Bush will nominate as a "fuck you" replacement? Betting pool! Douglas Feith: Rick Santorum: Alberto Gonzales: Gordon Gekko: Bernie Kerik: \_ That would be a slap in the face to the reality-based community. Bernie Kerik: \-Shaha Riza ... "the circle is now complete, am i am am the master, paul" \_ Jenna Bush \- make her the War Czar \_ Don Imus \_ John Bolton \_ Tony Blair - he's freeish these days \- on a serious note, the true sabotage candidate is RZOELLICK. \_ Charles Krauthammer \_ oh! me! me! I'll do it! |
2007/5/15-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46649 Activity:nil |
5/15 White House attempted to get Gonzalez to authorize illegal spying program from his hospital bed: http://www.csua.org/u/ipb \_ You mean Ashcroft. |
2007/5/14-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46616 Activity:nil |
5/13 Say, speaking of irony, who was head of Public Policy at Chevron when it was paying kickbacks to SADDAM under the UN Oil-for-Food program? Way to go, Condie! http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/10741.html \_ What's so ironic about members of the Bush administration being consistently corrupt? \- http://www.theonion.com/content/node/43901 \_ Does it bother you at all the Pelosi is stuffing public cash into her family's businesses? Or DiFi has been doing the same for her husband's? \_ Yes, yes, yes, when you have enough evidence, contact your local Bush-appointed US Attorney who will almost certainly leap to indict. Oh, wait, you have no evidence of wrong- doing? Well, don't let that stop you making accusations! |
2007/5/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46612 Activity:nil 92%like:46611 |
5/13 A twist on the usual nonsense. Are you really a Republican or a Democrat? http://urltea.com/jnc (realclearpolitics.com) \_ Given the plurality of our nation it makes very little sense to associate one self as a "pure" Democrat or Republican. A smart person is happy to give up faith and blind party loyalty to adaptability and logic. A smart person does not associate oneself to purely one party. A smart person is one who is independent. |
2007/5/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:46611 Activity:insanely high 92%like:46612 |
5/13 A twist on the usual nonsense. Are you really a Republican or a Democrat? http://realclearpolitics.com/articles/2007/05/revive_the_republican_way_of_w.html \_ Given the plurality of our nation it makes very little sense to associate one self as a "pure" Democrat or Republican. A smart person is happy to give up faith and blind party loyalty to adaptability and logic. A smart person does not associate oneself to purely one party. A smart person is one who is independent. |
2007/5/2-5 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46515 Activity:moderate |
5/2 Add "tampering with witnesses" and violating Federal law to Gonzales' crimes. Do you really want to keep standing up for this guy? http://www.csua.org/u/ilo \_ "I pledge of allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, one nation, under the Christian God, with liberty and justice for Republicans. Everyone else gets the shaft." \_ "I pledge of allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America, one nation, under the Christian God, with liberty and justice for Republicans. Everyone else gets the shaft." \_ Who are you talking to? \_ This has been an ongoing conversation on the motd. See: http://csua.com/2007/03/12/#45944 http://csua.com/2007/03/23/#46065 Et al \_ Yes, I know, but I haven't seen anyone on motd defending Gonzales. \_ "It happens all the time." "...standard enough politics to not be worth looking into.. The Dems are playing lame-o gotcha games with Bush..." "I guess I don't understand why this is a story. Almost every president fires all the attorneys and replaces them with their own. W decides to just replace a few. Therefore W is bad? huh?" \_ No no no. Those are people saying that the firing of US attorneys was okay, not people saying Gonzales should stay. Once he came out saying "duh, I wasn't involved" he became indefensible. \_ He should have said, "their hiring was a political decision, they serve at the whim of the President, their firing was a political decision, tough". But he was stupid and should get replaced now not because he broke any laws or is unethical, etc, but because he is stupid. |
2007/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46484 Activity:low |
4/30 It's nearly noon in DC. Why hasn't Bush vetoed the bill yet? \_ They're delivering it tomorrow. 4th anniversary of "Major combat operations in Iraq have ended" speech. \_ 'cause he ain't woke up yet? \_ Damn you, O'Doul's! \_ I keep wondering what would happen if W just signed it with a "signing statement" saying congress has no power to direct troop assignments, and he'll assign the tropps as he sees fit to protect american interests. |
2007/4/27-5/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46463 Activity:low |
4/27 "It's not worth moving heaven and earth spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person." -Romney on Osama Bin Laden http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/04/26/politics/p131443D20.DTL&type=politics Buried deep in AP story, media reaction nil. Wonder what would have happened if a Democratic candidate had said this... \_ Romney stands no chance anyways. Only WASP males get elected Kennedy being the only exception, but he cheated to get that \_ Kennedy cheated? Oh, spin us a tale, please. This has gotta be good. \_ This is part of the Neocon lexicon: it is okay that Bush cheated because Kennedy did too. If you ask them to explain, they always say that dead people voted in Illinois. If you point out that Kennedy would have won without Illinois, they are rendered mute. \_ Hardly. Was watergate ok because Nixon would have won without spying on the Dems? The claim that a gross immoral act is unimportant if it does not affect the outcome is so ridiculous, that I can not believe you actually think that. Also neocon does not mean "every person I disagree with." \_ Indeed. PP has his moral reasoning in a knot. The proper point is "what was the evidence?" The Karl Rove "There's voter fraud in them thar hills" line that underlies the US Atty scandal is another of these web-weavings. See also, Foster, Vince, Murder of. |
2007/4/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46460 Activity:nil |
4/26 Dubya finally embraces his role as Village Idiot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLYyMJ6XY6U \_ He's a better dancer than Gore that's for sure. |
2007/4/25-27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46445 Activity:kinda low |
4/24 How Nigerian scammers provided the "proof" Bush needed to justify the war he wanted so badly: http://www.csua.org/u/ik0 \_ Like the lawyer said at the end of Robocop 2: "Don't worry Sir, I'll find the proof, whether it exists or not" \_ this is the part I don't understand. Democrat could of just cut the funding and blame Bush for *EVERYTHING* But I don't see they are doing that right now. \_ It's politics. The democrats are walking a fine line between the far left anti-war folks who put them in power last fall and the reality of knowing that if we bailed on Iraq right now or any time soon, the current situation will look like a trip to disneyland. And they'll get blamed for not 'staying the course'. What's going on now is a low to low-moderate scale 'event' where you have a few thousand folks planting bombs or doing hit n run attacks with mortars or sometimes a suicide attack. They are not doing enough to topple the US propped government which slowly grows stronger each day, but no one is doing that much to really stop them. 'Stay the course' will eventually result in a stable (for the region) mostly democratic government but only while we're there. It will be a very weak government for many years. Leaving will be an anarchic bloodbath. Cutting funds will lead directly to that bloodbath and the dems don't want to get blamed for that. \_ the "far left anti-war folks" AKA 60-70% of Americans \_ Most Americans could care less what happens in Iraq, as long as no more taxpayers dollars are spent there. |
2007/4/22-25 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Reference/Military] UID:46410 Activity:moderate |
4/22 Blue Angle crashed, setting homes and vehicles on fire. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070422/ap_on_re_us/blue_angel_crash Glad that it didn't crash in SF. What's the point of maintaining an expensive team and performing these stunts in populated areas endangering people on the ground? \_ http://csua.com/?entry=45491 Recruitment, pride, morale, feeling of security, and tradition. Similar to why the Red army of 1 million marching down Red Square. \_ Jingoism. \_ As opposed to the full military? I'm glad you think so. With citizens like these, who needs enemies? \_ The mission of the Blue Angels is to serve as a recruiting tool. Every time they put on a show, there are some people in the crowd who think "wow, I want to be a fighter pilot". That's the point. \_ And here I thought that the mission of the Blue Angels was a yearly "show of force" to any punk that might be getting ideas. \_ Is it cost-effective? How many actually join the air-force successfully because of Blue Angel? Thanks. \_ I don't know and am not going to hazard a guess. This is their mission, which they're quite open about (it's right there on their web site). I was merely answering the question, not the implied criticism. By the way, the Blue Angels are part of the Navy, not the Air Force. \_ You all forgot the part where you say, "RIP" for the dead Blue Angel and a moment of thought for the 8 people injured on the ground before you dove in to attacking the wasteful recruiting policies of the BUSHCO military/industrial complex/HALLIBURTON! \_ Blue Angels started under a Democrat admin, and continued with the full support of many Demo admins. The last Navy man in office was Carter. \_ We all knew that. If the Republicans started it, it would have been called the Red Angels. \_ Don't tell *me* that. Tell it to the we-hate-the-blue-angels they're-such-a-waste types above. -RIP guy |
2007/4/21-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46400 Activity:nil |
4/20 2003 - Mission Accomplished 2004 - We Have Turned A Corner 2005 - Insurgency In Its Last Throes 2006 - Leaving Iraq Now Would Be A Disaster 2007 - The Direction Of The Fight Is Beginning To Shift 2008 - ??? \_ 2008 - Halliburton profit down 48%. CEO resigns. \_ Don't bet on that one. 2009 - The war was lost under the a Democrat administration! |
2007/4/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46328 Activity:low |
4/17 President Bush's approval rating goes up after the school rampage. Why? I don't understand it. \_ Americans are conditioned to glorify violence. The more violence, the more approval. See? \_ Americans are more united during crisis. \_ The President's popularity goes up in months when he manages to get less Americans in Iraq than are killed in school shootings. less Americans killed in Iraq than are killed in school shootings. \_ 1 right answer out of 3 is pretty good for the motd these days. |
2007/4/13-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46289 Activity:nil |
4/13 Another Bush effort to trample our civil liberties: http://preview.tinyurl.com/26y9nb |
2007/4/12-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46282 Activity:nil 66%like:46265 |
4/11 BYU students protest...Cheney? http://urltea.com/57v (nytimes.com) \_ You know you may have gone too far when even the people you can count on want nothing to do with you. |
2007/4/12-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46281 Activity:nil |
4/12 Good vs. Evil Foos Ball: http://www.notcot.com/archives/2007/04/good_vs_evil_fo.php \_ I want a conservative vs. liberal foos ball. On one side you have GWB, Cheney, Sam Walton, Kenneth Lay, etc. On the other side, you have Saddam, Kim Jung the Second, hippies, gays & lesbians, etc. \_ Evil will always triump over good because good is dumb! |
2007/4/12-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46278 Activity:nil |
4/12 Free advice to the Bush Administration: Turn whatever machine you have for passing on talking points toward getting your people to stop f-ing up, at least for a while; there are too many fish in the shooting bucket already: http://news.google.com/?ncl=1115102767&hl=en (Wolfowitz, girlfriend) \- FT call on Wolfowitz to resign. Let's hope others chime in. \- meanwhile, back at the DoJ: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1610738,00.html (although these guys were never the biggest fans of ALBERTO. although i cant imagine they are going to get somebody hugely more appealing now, unless it is a senator) |
2007/4/12-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46270 Activity:nil |
4/12 The Bush Administration's amazing propensity for "losing" important documents: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2007/04/12/lost_documents/index.html |
2007/4/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:46265 Activity:nil 66%like:46282 |
4/11 BYU students protest...Cheney? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/11/us/11byu.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin \_ You know you may have gone too far when even the people you can count on want nothing to do with you. |
2007/4/11-15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46257 Activity:nil |
4/11 Nobody wants to be the Czar: http://www.csua.org/u/ifz \_ that's weird, I thought all these neo-Cons would flock to the position by now. \_ Maybe they'd have better luck if they changed the title to Warlord. \_ I do. How much does it pay? Can I telecommute? \_ Everyone else has been phoning it in, so why not? \- The press and public should just start referring to CHENEY as the WAR CZAR.. |
2007/4/10-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46253 Activity:nil |
4/10 So when Bush dressed up in the flight suit to give his Mission Accomplished speech, why did these guys dress up too? http://www.csua.org/u/ify \_ I guess they weren't "dressing up", but those are the standard uniforms for the sailors when acting as side boys. \_ "In the Navy .... " |
2007/4/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46234 Activity:nil |
4/8 http://www.slate.com/id/2163601 http://tinyurl.com/37cerl The gamble patrons make is that it's worth rewarding unqualified loyalists because they will be hidden in the bureaucracy and never become important enough to draw attention. But the Bush administration has lost this wager more times than is becoming ... \_ "...Attorney General Alberto Gonzales bad-mouthed his former employees. In so doing, Gonzales severely undercut their employment prospects and all but forced them to fight back." Unless you believe those USAs that testified have perjured themselves, this article is WAY behind the times. Ah, nevermind. The article was written 4/1. Even then, he'd have been behind the times. \_ It is hard to tell who was using who. |
2007/4/2-3 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46176 Activity:nil |
4/2 USSC denies cert. in Gitmo habeas appeals; lets D.C. Cir. get first crack. http://urltea.com/3ay (scotusblog.com) |
2007/4/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46170 Activity:moderate |
4/1 Senior Republican strategist loses faith on Bush after son is ordered to deploy to Iraq: "If the American public says they're done with something, our leaders have to understand what they want," Dowd said. "They're saying, 'Get out of Iraq."' http://www.csua.org/u/icy \_ More like, "political opportunist who follows blowing winds decides he can make more money buttering the other side of his bread for the next few years". The guy started as a Democrat when that's who was in power, then switched when he saw money in being a Republican and now sees the wind shifting the other way. I don't see what his son has to do with it. When Rove switches parties it'll be news. \_ When is Rove's first born deploying to Iraq? \_ As soon as he sees Rove rapping. \_ Does Rove even have kids? Is he or has he ever been married? \_ He has special drawing rights on Bush's Comfort Women [condie, harriet, karen etc] as well as 20-30 somethings with no qulaitification except marginal reglious educations and zealotry/loyalty. \_ Married and divorced. One son, 20, just the right age to sign up for his country: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Rove \_ After Bush, if Rove discovers the equivalent of Evangelicals == Reelection Forever, he would switch parties faster than you can say Deep Fried Dollars \_ After Bush, if Rove discovers the equivalent of Evangelicals == Reelection Forever, he would switch parties faster than you can say Deep Fried Dollars \_ And Rove switching parties would be news. |
2007/3/30-4/3 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46155 Activity:nil |
3/30 "Bush Fish and Wildlife Service appointee not only sends internal government reports to industry lobbyists but also to online gaming 'virtual friend' for unbiased second opinion." http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/002929.php \_ Worth reading for the WoW reference alone... |
2007/3/29-4/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46143 Activity:nil |
3/29 John Dean on executive privilege and the "unitary executive" theory: http://writ.news.findlaw.com/dean/20070323.html |
2007/3/29-4/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46141 Activity:nil |
3/28 "Bush's long history of tilting Justice" by Joseph D. Rich, JOSEPH D. RICH was chief of the voting section in the Justice Department's civil right division from 1999 to 2005. He now works for the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-rich29mar29,0,3371050.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail \_ This man is a hypocrite because not even once did he mention Bill Clinton's c*ck. |
2007/3/28-31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46125 Activity:nil |
3/27 http://www.cnn.com/2007/LAW/03/27/iraq.torturesuit/index.html BAHAHAHA you Liburals lost! \_ "Despite the horrifying torture allegations," wrote U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan in a 58-page opinion, "the plaintiffs lack standing to pursue a declaratory judgment against the defendants." 2/10 on the troll scale. As a layman it's clear that this case was brought to make a statement, and would be thrown out for lack of standing. I assure you the lawyers for the plaintiffs were well aware of this. And 'liburals', seriously, are you twelve? -dans |
2007/3/27-31 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46114 Activity:nil |
3/27 Governor of Mass has 9/11 truther webpage: http://devalpatrick.com/issue.php?issue_id=7579012 \_ And did you hear? MoveOn had a short film calling Bush Hitler! \_ I just read most of this, I think this is a community website that lets anyone who has registered to post an article, so it's not the Governor or his staff posting this. \_ If your beliefs can be simplified to the organizations you belong to or associate with, then that says a lot about your intellectual inflexibility and overall lack of. \_ Go to http://freerepublic.com Now please go away. \_ Don't let facts get in the way of a good slander. |
2007/3/27-29 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46112 Activity:nil |
3/26 Bush's kangaroo court gets its first "conviction": http://www.csua.org/u/ibj (SF Gate) \_ "Under the evolving rules of the Military Commissions Act passed by Congress in September..." i.e. after five years we're still making it up as we go along. "civilian criminal defense lawyer Joshua Dratel was barred from participating because he refused to promise to adhere to procedural rules that have yet to be defined. Kohlmann also declined to approve a second civilian lawyer, Rebecca Snyder, on the grounds that commission rules allow civilians only if their representation incurs no expense to the U.S. government. Snyder is a Pentagon employee." Awesome. |
2007/3/26-28 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/GradSchool] UID:46097 Activity:nil |
3/26 Alberto Gonzalez just keeps on lying. Now I personally think that NO ONE should be surprised that the bush administration has been firing US Attorneys for politically motivated reasons. It's just the sort of thing they would do. Yawn. I wonder why Gonzalez gives new and exciting reasons for it all happening every day. His masters should tell him to quit talking to the press. |
2007/3/23-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46076 Activity:nil |
3/23 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1805580/posts "a 'dramatic shift' in political party identification since 2002, when Republicans and Democrats were at rough parity. Now, 50% of those surveyed identified with or leaned toward Democrats, whereas 35% aligned with Republicans." Do we need to reweight polls with the updated party identification #'s? \_ Don't forget the I's, which are growing quite a bit. |
2007/3/23-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46065 Activity:kinda low |
3/23 L.A. Times leans right. Notice how the top 3/4's of the story spews so much irrelevant chaff, focusing on how Reagan/Clinton/Dubya fired most/all attorneys when they came to power. Only toward the end do you get: "When you have a transition between presidents - especially presidents of different parties - a U.S. attorney anticipates that you will be replaced ... the unwritten, No. 1 rule ... is that once you become a U.S. attorney you have to leave politics at the door." http://tinyurl.com/2na94k (latimes.com) The perversion of truth -- especially the willful, disingenuousness attitude that permeates the Republican Party today -- disgusts me. \_ I think most politicians are like that. Except guys like Nader who cannot get elected. \_ Seriously, do you really believe one party is all beauty and nice and the other the sole benefactor of all evil? They are the same. The Democratic party is absolutely in no way shape or form ethically or morally superior to the Republicans. You have one party with two names. And btw, how dare the LAT actually tell it's readers that all USAGs expect to be replaced? Let's not tell anyone anything that might soften the political damage to the evil Bush even if it is the truth and relevant to the story. \_ Answering your first two lines: No. I think both parties are guilty of stupidity and petty politics designed to keep them- selves in power; this is the nature of our current political system. That said, the Bush Admin has done so in a much more blatant and egregious manner. I expect corruption, but I would prefer some decorum and a modicum of circumspection along the way. The current firings are simply insulting. -!op \_ You have Democratics currently in office in positions of great power, even holding Chair positions who were caught red handed in bribery scandals, in land scams, in having $90k in cash stuffed in their fridge, using the IRS to punish political enemies, etc, etc, ad nauseum. Don't come on here and try to tell me the Bush Admin is more blatant and egreious about anything. I don't find bribery, theft, fraud, and fridge stuffing to be less corrupt or more circumspec or providing more decorum than what the Bush admin has done with the USAG firings. In comparison the USAG thing is trivial BS and I find it ridiculous and insulting anyone cares *at all* about this compared with everything else going on in *both* parties. Do any of the things I mentioned about the Dems upset you at all? Or would they only be worth mentioning if they were Republicans? And hey, how about stuffing that Iraq funding bill with Democratic pork? That's cool, too, huh? Take off the blinders. \_ What part of "both parties of are guilty of stupidity and petty politics" and "I expect corruption" didn't you get? Jail anyone, Dem, GOP, or Ind. who's engaged in corruption, bribery, or abuse of power. How can your outrage over Dem corruption not spill over into the arena of egregious abuse of the US Atty system to punish political enemies? Before pointing out the mote in my eye, howzabout dealing with the beam in your own? \_ The part where you find firing a few USAG worse than stuffing $90k in your fridge *and* *still* *keeping* *your* *seat*. I'd like to see a URL that says why they were fired and not from a NYT op/ed piece. Show me a reliable source that says they were fired for not punishing political enemies. You continue to weigh (R) ethical violations much heavier than (D) ethical violations even when the actual events don't match up like that. Example: Which is worse ethically? Canning a few prosecutors who server at your whim and aren't on the same political page (and understood the deal when they accepted the job) or stuffing bribe money in your fridge as an elected representative of the American people at the highest levels of government? Go ahead and say the fridge stuffing isn't as bad and we can stop right there. The firing is just hard ball politics and although unfortunate for the guys sacked, TS. It's a political event. The fridge stuffing is a felony. How is that investigation going, huh? It's not. The guy will be in office until he retires 'honorably'. *That* is truly sickening. \_ For the love of G_d, get this: They're both bad. \_ of what now? \_ "God". for some level of orthodoxy among jews, to write the name of god on anything that might be erased, destroyed, damaged, etc, is profane. \_ But God is not the name of god. \_ ...than to open it and remove all doubt. \_ KNEEL BEFORE YAHWEH \_ For the love of YAHWEH, get this: They're both bad. I appreciate that you're frustrated that the fridge investigation has faltered (and yes, it should be investigated fully), but it's not being held up just because Congress is investigating Presidential abuse of power (i.e., firing USAtys for not pursuing political opponents). If fridge-stuffer is guilty of accepting bribes, jail his ass. If AG fired the US Atys because they wouldn't persecute the opposition, can his ass. Also, didn't the FBI say they had Jefferson on video taking a bribe? Then they should arrest him for it! Right now, there appears to be more evidence of dickery in the White House than in Jefferson's fridge! \_ I guess I don't understand why this is a story. Almost every president fires all the attorneys and replaces them with their own. W decides to just replace a few. Therefore W is bad? huh? \_ He decided to replace a few on the basis that they weren't using their power to hound and harrass the political opposition. An across-the-board replace wouldn't have raised eyebrows; demanding loyalty oaths to The Leader is another thing entirely. \_ Why do you think they normally fire them all? To get loyal ones. Duh. I see no difference. \- a company can close a plant and open one a town over. but they still cant fire all the black people. you are allowed to hire who you want. you can fire them for incompetence or if they are not "getting with the program" but the program cannot be political prosecutions. a second issue is the be partisan prosecutions. a second issue is the "cover up". at this point there is probably nobody guilty of a legal crime in the executive branch, but certainly people can be tried in the court of public opinion for being mendacious, unprincipled sacks of shit. it is reasonable to hypotheteize "ALBERTO has made the DOJ a wing of the white house" ... i think people are free to hold that against BUSHCO just like they are free to hold CLINTON being a serial adulterer against him. much of this turns on the relatively simple distinction between political and partisan. the doj can have poltical priorities like going after sodomites and drug fiends instead of antitrust, but it cannot be a partisan enforcer like a party whip of chairman who withhold appointments or $$$ from you. this is not an especially subtle argument. \_ I guess you're welcome to hold it against him if you like. Seems pointless to me, there are pleanty of actual things he's done wrong to hold against him. Your "firing the black people" analogy is obviously a completely false analogy. But, still. You think it's morally superior to fire everybody, then only rehire white people? I would argue the opposite. If you only want to get rid of a few people, don't make everyone go through the unemployment ringer. \- you cant hire "only white people". yes, i commented early on it is odd congress is fixating on this when there is katerina incompetence, iraq incompetence, not catching osama, the plutocrati- zation of society etc. at least w.r.t. to the iraq war, congress feels they have "clean hands" here. and of course the dems are in agenda control. you're also caught in the "93 > 8" mentality. \_ No crap. You also can't only fire black people. That's why this is a false analogy, as I noted. Also: So, 93 < 8? Must be that "new math." :) \_ Obtuse little fucker. \_ I don't think it's morally superior. It think it's Better Form. It implies an understanding that the appearance of propriety, while not sufficient in and of itself, is necessary. \_ Another way to say this is "The first is easier to prove." I can't argue with that, I just don't see any moral difference. \_ Out of curiousity, so you see a moral diff between this and, oh, using postage to send mail out as Socks the Cat? \_ Had to look that one up. Yes, there's a difference. I can't see anything wrong at all with using postage to send out mail as "Socks the Cat." \_ Okay, then what about the christmas card list "scandal". That warranted 140 hours of testimony UNDER OATH to determine that nothing improper happened. Is there a moral difference between that possible impropriety and this? \_ Seesh, are you just going down a list a dem talking points, trying to prove I'm some rep stooge? I can't even find this story, just dem blogs whining about it. I never said the lame-o Rep attempts to get Clinton were ok, so get off it. \_ Are you saying, though, that the firing of the USAs was proper, and therefore should not be looked into? That's what you seem to be saying with "I guess I don't understand why this is a story." I think you may be too short for this discussion. \_ Sheesh, sorry I'm too young for you. Somehow pulling out old D talking points I don't recall that then saying I'm too "short for this discussion" seems amazingly lame though. I'm done. \_ I'm saying the firing was standard enough politics to not be worth looking into. I don't like hardball politics to begin with, so I'm not going to say firings were 'proper,' but they aren't unusual. The Dems are playing lame-o gotcha games with Bush, just like the Rs did with Clinton. Niether case was worth the time and money. \- do you know what united states attorneys do? \_ So do you prefer the last 6 years of 0 oversight out of congress? What you call "gotcha games" is what most people call "Congress's job". \_ They were unusual _because_ they were firings singling out very specific individuals on the basis of "performance issues" after all 8 received good evaluations. The LCD here is suspect. And then they're unusual in that the AG lied in his testimony on the subject. \_ We've come full circle, just read from the top for replies to these posts. \_ I think that the difference in morality between two different acts of corruption is a complicated matter of ethics that has been wrestled with for thousands of years. \_ Let's see if the American people agree with you or not. I think the Democrats obviously think they have a winner here or they would not be pushing so hard. |
2007/3/22-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46062 Activity:nil |
3/22 Pew Research: Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes: 1987-2007 POLITICAL LANDSCAPE MORE FAVORABLE TO DEMOCRATS http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-na-pew23mar23,1,7389496.story?coll=la-headlines-politics&ctrack=1&cset=true http://people-press.org/reports/pdf/312.pdf |
2007/3/21-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46040 Activity:low |
3/21 Once again Dems are pussies. Gore first got the Senate to waive the 48 hour rule (receiving written copy of testimony 48 hrs before hearing) for a 24 hour rule. Then he failed to submit his testimony until this morning, a few hours before the hearing. Oh, and then the Dems got it hours before the Repubs. http://csua.org/u/ia3 (cnsnews.com) \_ At a time when the President is vowing to fight congressional subpoenas up to the ussc, it's funny that you hold this up as "news". \_ Wow, if only I had a forum for my slanted view of the world; wait, that's what the Internet is for! And if I call it News, it must be so! \_ So are you saying that Gore *did* submit his testimony before this morning? -op \_ I'm saying that a gossipy slagfest is not a news source. \_ So is senate.gov good enough for you? http://csua.org/u/ia4 \_ What you mean is, is Senator Inhofe's blog good enough for me? And even more to the point, is a staffer on Inhofe's blog good enough for me? And the answer is, not without further corroboration. But WAIT! It gets better: Marc Morano, the source in question, was "previously known as Rush Limbaugh's 'Man in Washington,' as reporter and producer for the Rush Limbaugh Television Show." http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Marc_Morano Please, if you're going to post stooges, at least include Larry, Moe, and Curly. \_ I'm fascinated by the refusal to accept reporting of fact simpy because of the name Limbaugh. I can understand your not accepting his analysis perhaps, but the basic facts? -emarkp \_ Much like we trusted the Bush Administration's report on the "fact" that Saddam had WMD? I can't fault this guy for not accepting some politico's "facts". --PeterM \_ Wow, this is such a red herring. \_ You do know the difference between an intelligence report and reporting a fact that has occurred in front of witnesses and will be a part of the senate record, right? -emarkp \_ There's reporting of fact and there's stirring shit up. If the source is a known shit-stirrer, anything the source reports is automatically suspect, esp. if it is, on its face, true, because there's plenty of reason to believe that it's only being reported to stir up more shit. If I report that the sky is blue, that's true; if I report that the sky is blue despite claims that Global Warming is going to result in smog smog smog, that is also true, but it's presented in a way that makes GW seem like a myth. Your professional shit-stirrers, like Mark Morano, do this for a living, and sifting nuggets of truth from the shit that they're stirring up is about as reqarding as actually sifting through feces for gold. \_ http://csua.org/u/ia6 LA Times quotes Joe Barton as saying the they didn't receive his written testimony more than 2 hours before the hearing. Is that a lefty source enough for you? -emarkp \_ "lefty enough" is the level of immaturity that I expect from shit-stirrers, emarkp, not you. \_ When a dog craps on the floor, you rub his nose in it. Same for these nutjobs. -emarkp \_ The only nutjobs I see here are the ones that think a slagfest from a propaganda hack constitutes a real news source. \_ Oh, so a senator's office stating what's happening in the Senate TODAY is a nutjob? Go back to your hole anonymous nutjob. -emarkp \_ If you're trying to defend someone from being called a nutjob, Inhofe is just about the most difficult defendant. \_ So you don't like his politics so he's a nutjob and what his boy reported on his Senate blog is suspect? Tin foil and blinders. Better than plastic. I'm going to be rich. \_ Read who posted the account. It's Mark Morano, a hack. That Inhofe is letting him use his blog is simply shameful. --erikred \- how could you be unaware inhofe is shameless. \_ The irony of my shame in needing to be reminded of this is not lost on me, Partha. --erikred \_ LA Times leans right, now, when it used to be a neutral reporter of facts, which is why I cancelled my subscription last year. \_ Haha. I don't know about now, but 8 years ago the LA Times could out do the Cron on lefty bias. I assume what you mean is, "The LA times used to agree with me." \_ Perhaps this is a confusion of Pro- Israel (as LAT seems to be) with either the right or the left. \_ Unless reported by dailykos, http://moveon.org, or some other neutral and unbiased site, it doesn't count. Having to respond to factual statements is annoying. It is much easier to just say 'neener! it never happened because your source is biased! nyah!' \_ Desperate attempt to change the subject. Won't work, America has woken up to Roveian tactics and is mostly immune right now. |
2007/3/21-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46038 Activity:nil |
3/20 Tom DeLay, moral center of the Republican Party: http://www.csua.org/u/ia2 |
2007/3/20-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46033 Activity:low |
3/20 I hope if I ever get into legal trouble, I can require that I NOT be questioned under oath and that NO transcripts of what I say are taken! Go Team Bush! \_ Why does everything have to be political? \_ What do you mean by that? How is GW Bush's administration officials requiring that they meet privately, not be put under oath, and no transcript recorded before they will talk to Congress 'political'? I guess I got trolled. Good job. \_ Why do liburals use sarcasm much more than conservatives? Does it make you smarter? \_ on the MOTD, conservative trollers use sarcasm way more than liberals. -tom \_ Are all conservatives trolls? Are all liberals smart, well spoken, and informed? \_ No, and no. -tom \_ An example of non-troll conservative and stupid liberal, please. \_ anonymous coward and anonymous coward. -tom \_ Quack! \_ Sarcasm is nicer than calling everyone faggots and terror lovers. \_ When did Coulter get a soda account? When she does, you can chat with her about it. No one here called anyone any such things. Sarcasm like yours is no more intelligent or useful than school yard chanting. \_ Fine. I will take boring pills. I displeases me mightily the the GW Bush administration basically wears tshirts that say 'LOL IM GONNA LIE TO YOU WHEN I TESTIFY LOL'. HAPPY? \_ You've heard of that whole separation of powers thing, yes? They don't have to testify at all at any time under any circumstances. If there was a felony committed then it would be in a legal court, not a political one. Am I happy? Yes. My happiness has nothing to do either way with the motd, though. Thanks for asking. \_ So you think congress can't subpoena the executive branch? You think executive privilege gives the WH and its staffers carte blanche vis a vis subpoena? Read up on Nixon. \_ No. No. Know it, thanks. The entire episode is just bizarre. The President has the power, the right, and the authority to dismiss civil servants in the Executive at his whim. If the admin wasn't full of such spineless wimps, they'd not only be fighting this but making political points on it. \_ But firing the attorneys in order to obstruct justice is illegal. You can't interfere in law enforcement, even if you are the executive branch. Didn't Nixon get in trouble for something similar? \- "saturday night massacre" ... also starring ROBERT BORK. \_ 'the white house' denies having any hand in firing the attorneys. too bad they're about to appear to be big fat liars. \_ So you don't see any matter to this odor of Obstruction of Justice around the whole game? Yes, they have right to change their staff. But they went a step further. They used a litmus test (loyal Bushies). They lied about their reasons for dismissal. And the correspondence over discussions of their firings are lining up quite shockingly with indictments and new investigations of Cunningham, Hunter, Lewis, Foggo, et al. And most recently, possible links between Cunningham, Wilkes, and Cheney. The AG is not (supposed to be) the President's tool. \_ ^require^offer |
2007/3/17-20 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46004 Activity:moderate |
3/16 So who do you believe, Plame and the CIA or Novak and Cheney? Let's put to rest the canard that Plame was not undercover when Novak published her identity: http://www.csua.org/u/i9g \_ I automatically begin to ignore any admin official who points out 'plame was in the society papers' and 'everyone knew what she looks like'. The point of Plame's 'cover' was that she out and about and managing business entities in other countries that needed a figurehead for a CIA front business. The CIA spends years building up this business to provide cover for their other activities. If you blow away the cover of the people running it, all of that years of effort is down the drain, and any foreign nationals involved with it are probably on a hit list somewhere now. Thanks Cheney. If he had just calmed down and realized no one analyzes NYTimes editorials as much as he does, none of this would have happened. \_ Trust No One. -fmulder \_ Of course, this link only shows that she claims she was covert. \- can you imagine if the dems had outed her and started claiming "she wasnt really covert". you all know the repply would be "oh the treasonous dems now are supposed to decide who is covert and who isnt? see we told you they were soft on defense and wont support out intelligence profressionals dedicating their lives for the country. the democrats are going to get your children killed in this age of brown terror." \_ http://tinyurl.com/369ert (crooksandliars.com) Clear logic on why she was covert \_ Of course that clear logic points right back to her own statements. \_ And the CIA's statements. Whose job it is to know this stuff. |
2007/3/15-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45985 Activity:nil |
3/15 What will Dubya do? Leahy has subpoenaed the fired U.S. attorneys, and they will probably provide sworn testimony. Months earlier Dubya's ppl told them he'd help them "land on their feet" if they didn't fight their firing. You probably have some attorneys who already have found new jobs w/o Dubya's help, and some still looking. You really just want to prevent any of these guys from testifying at all. One approach that was tried was to ask for them to come in voluntarily, providing non-sworn testimony, but this was obvious and flaccid. ... The default approach would be to just let it happen, then spin it to death. \- does anybody want to bet on ALBERTO RESIGN? \_ already are - tradesports shows 55% for March resignation \- i meant on sloda. \_ How does this tradesports thing work? Can I make cash moneys by becoming famous and then betting on myself to do things? \_ http://csua.com/?entry=45235 \_ http://www.csua.org/u/i9h (LA Times) "no leading Republican in Congress has stepped forward to defend Gonzales" Torquemada is toast. |
2007/3/14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45963 Activity:kinda low |
3/14 torture: eh extraordinary rendition: whatever illegal wiretapping: yawn crazy executive signing statements saying 'i dont have to follow your laws, Congress, piss off': no one cares HR problems in the Justice Department: THIS WILL NOT STAND \_ There is one huge differance. There is a democratic congress and senate willing to actually investigate the issue. That makes it a lot harder for the administration to wave their arms about and say "there is nothing to see here". \- i suspect the OP isnt mystified about the outcome but is making a comment about priorities. we understand why monica lewinsky looms larger than say the rwandan genocide, but it's worth reflecting on that. \- i actually had a pretty similar reaction to what the OP is saying. over dinner maybe a week and a half ago when somebody was gleeful about this being another "front" for BUSHCO to deal with, I was wondering "well this might also crowd out the actual really horrible stuff with wide, wide impact ... like say the iraqi contracting scandals and shutting down any auditing ... which has cost billions." now i guess i'm glad i didnt say that. although another way to look at it might be anything to keep the heat on to make bombing iran less likely. btw, let's add to the list above: hurricane katerina, osama got away, taliban is back, and above anything else, there may be 500,000 iraqis who are "dead men walking". re: comment below ... nobody is trivializing it, but it is smaller than "the loss of american credibility for a generation". i'd love it if it caused ALBERTO to get canned, and then we can start scrutinizing cheney again ... in a sense we've taken our eye off the bald- headed satan. \_ Your attempt to trivialize political corruption has been found wanting. |
2007/3/13-15 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45961 Activity:nil |
3/13 More on the BUSHCO US attorney fiasco: http://preview.tinyurl.com/b76k6 (boston.com) |
2007/3/12-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45944 Activity:high |
3/12 Alberto Gonzales and Pete Domenici, buh-bye http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/012983.php \_ Hi there. So I guess every administration fires \_ It's not just the firing, it's the (ab)use of the Patriot Act to replace the fired attorneys with Bush-cronies without Senate approval. But of course, no one in our government ever abuses the Patriot Act! \_ Why isn't the attorney general's office busy rooting out corporate crime, fraud, criminal conspiracies, government contractor fraud? Are they really that petty that they would devote a lot of time over firing a few federal prosecutors who weren't sufficiently anti-Democrat? Maybe this is better than Ashcroft's obsession with prosecuting porn, but I'm not sure. I like how they originally thought for a brief amount of time that they should fire EVERY SINGLE federal prosecutor and replace them with Bush friendly appointees. See that last line again. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Funny stuff. \_ It's not just the firing, it's the (ab)use of the Patriot Act to replace the fired attorneys with Bush-cronies without Senate approval. But of course, no one in our government ever abuses the Patriot Act! \_ Why not post a news article instead of some wonk's blog? \_ If you don't know who Josh Micah Marshall is, just say so. If you don't like his blog, read him in The Hill. \_ HERE. HAPPY? http://preview.tinyurl.com/yo9knb (news.yahoo.com) \_ I'm not the op, but what's wrong with posting a link to a blog? It's also worth noting that TPM isn't just some random blog, it has a readership that rivals some newspapers. TPM is clearly a liberal source, but, last I checked, having a variety of viewpoints strengthens debate. Why not post a link to a conservative source on the story? I took a look on little green footballs but he doesn't appear to have a post about this. -dans \_ I actually just found the blog post hard to read. He assumes you've read his previous stuff. That doesn't mean I want a rightie blog. \_ That's an interesting point. -dans \_ Oh look, dans thinks something is interesting! The motd isn't about what you think is interesting. -tom \_ Yes, it's about tom being an asshole with NPD. Well, that or people impersonating tom being an asshole with NPD, which is equally amusing. -dans \_ Sorry to interupt, but what's NPD? \_ Narcissistic Personality Disorder -dans \_ Narcissistic Personality Dansorder -dans \_ It is pretty funny to watch you two arguing over who is the biggest jerk... \_ I serve at the pleasure of the motd. Also, I am recovering from NPD, which is why I am able to admit I have it unlike Tom and also why I would like to help him. Tom, the first step is admitting you have a problem. -dans \_ dans, I want you to stop talking about me in the motd immediately. -tom \_ I can't believe tom actually wrote this since it was tom (or someone who signed as tom) who stepped in to this thread slamming dans in the first place only a few lines up. That would be shockingly hypocritical. \_ I'm reasonably certain it was somebody who signed as tom on the first one. One usally have to eviscerate tom's points before he resorts to insulting you. Though being shockingly hypocritical is totally in character for tom since, in his head, it all makes sense. -dans you. -dans \_ Here is a link to a Washington Post article: http://preview.tinyurl.com/34647w (washingtonpost.com) Re the subject matter - what is the big deal here? BUSHCO fired some attorneys for political reasons? So what? It happens all the time. \_ It absolutely does not "happen all the time". This is a big deal because it's unprecedented. And for the executive to fire DoJ prosecuters at the whim of legislators is possibly a separation of powers issue. Gonzales is holding a 2pm ET presser. Let's see if he resigns. \_ It does happen all the time: http://preview.tinyurl.com/ywyvym (nytimes.com) The Times notes that on 24 March 1993 AG Reno demanded the resignation of all US Attorneys for an arguably political reason - to stop the on-going investigation of Dan Rostenkowski. \_ These are not just attorneys; they're US Attorneys, responsible for deciding what gets investigated and prosecuted in their regions. The accusation is that they were fired because they refused to open potentially politically damaging investigations of Dems for corruption just prior to the '06 elections. If they're being fired because of incompetence or failure to do their jobs, that's one thing; if they're being punished for not caving in to political pressure to open spurious investigations for political gain, that's something else entirely. \_ How else was Karl Rove going to create his Thousand Year^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HPermanent Republican Majority? \_ Old jungle saying: to the victor go the spoils. BUSHCO won the 04 election, they can decide how they want to run the DOJ. If that means they want to get rid of US attorneys they don't like, that is w/in their executive discretion. I agree that BUSHCO acted in a potentially stupid and short-sighted manner and have set a very bad precedent for future administrations, but there isn't anything "wrong" w/ what they have done; it was completely w/in their discretion to act like a bunch of idiots. NOTE: I agree that if the new appointments are done w/o senate approval and by abusing the Patriot act, then the appointments are VERY suspect and maybe illegal, but I cannot agree that they dismissals rise to that level. \_ The rolling resignations say otherwise. Gonzales TESTIFIED UNDER OATH about this matter. He lied. That's what us jungle folk call "perjury". \_ So what? Try him for perjury. That still doesn't make the dismissals wrong. Appointing cronies w/o senate approval, I think, crosses the line. \_ If the dismissals had been across the board or hadn't labeled the failure to prosecute Dems as incompetence and dereliction of duty, they would not have occasioned as much attention. \_ Wow, just wow. So subverting the justice system for political gain is just hunky dory? This thread is just crying out for a Godwin... \_ Justice is not subverted simply b/c one set of prosecutors is replaced w/ another. Justice can't be subverted so long as the judiciary remains independent of the executive. The real issue here is merely whether BUSHCO acted w/in its discretion in dismissing attorneys who worked for it. They did, regardless of the motivations for doing so. Let's say that Pres. ALGOR fired a bunch of US attorneys for failing to start politically motivated investigations against big oil, would it even be a "scandal"? Probably not. BUSHCO, like every other administration, is also free to appoint whoever they want as replacement attorneys provided that they do not bypass the approval process. Bypassing the approval process is arguably subvertion of justice. \_ It may not be subverting justice, but it is certainly going to look bad politically, that BushCo fired justice dept attorneys, to try and cover up for Abramoff and DeLay. \_ That I can agree w/. It looks *really* stupid, but if BUSHCO wants to act like a bunch of idiots, that is w/in their discretion (and not really out of char- acter). Its too bad there is no national recall election. \_ My reference to the Thousand Year Reich was not Hitleresque enough for you? \- you may enjoy: http://www.cafepress.com/ipa_politics.14487589 |
2007/3/12-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45935 Activity:kinda low |
3/12 What do you all think of the people protesting outisde Pelosi's home? Go Team! or Abusive Invasion of privacy? or something else? \_ are they protesting the person, or a role of their office. IMO, if it is the latter, Pelosi's home is an inappropriate place for a protest. \_ I believe they are protesting her lack of immediate substantive action to pull American troops out of Iraq full scale. \_ there's probly thousands of random citizans doing as much or less 'substanstive action' so unless they want to protest at those peoples' homes too, it is still wrong. If they're protesting her lack of action in her political office, then the Office is the proper protest site. \_ So you don't think Crawford was the right place either? \_ Even though I agree with their cause, I think they are being counter-productive jerks. \_ Do you think they were counter productive jerks when they were in Crawford outside Bush's ranch? \_ Not really. I think Bush throwing away decades of my great country's army, money, good will and moral authority down a giant rat hole for reasons I STILL CANT FIGURE OUT is a big enough deal that I think Bush can put up with a bunch of annoying people camped a mile from his door. \_ But you're ok with the same folks doing the same thing for a while outside Pelosi's home? \_ If they camp out in front of his door and demand to speak to him as he walks to his car, then yes, I think they're counter-productive jerks. well-intentioned counter-productive jerks. \_ Thanks. That's fair. |
2007/3/10-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45927 Activity:kinda low |
3/10 "Poll: Character trumps policy for voters" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070310/ap_on_el_pr/ap_poll2008_traits S Voter: "H Clinton has a bitchy character" S Voter: "Edwards is a libural" S Voter: "Obama is a negro" \_ I find this funny when leading R candidates are Gingrich and Giuliani \_ I'm all for Gingrich winning the R nomination, because he will LOSE. \_ Gingrinch cheated on his wife, married his lover and is still with her. Giuliani moved out, and started dating someone else during the divorce. Is there something else you were talking about besides their failed marriages? I'm unaware of other character issues such as $90k in their fridges, stealing national security documents, having fabulous 'good luck' in the markets, or lying about their past. \_ These other issues you mention relate to the D candidates how? Gingrich divorced his second wife while she was in the hospital for cancer treatments. He was pulled from the speakership by his own party while dogged by multiple ethics charges. Giuliani announced his separation from his second wife in a press conference before telling her. He's widely seen as a petulant tantrum thrower in his political life. And who can forget Bernie Kerik? |
2007/3/10-12 [Politics/Domestic/President, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45926 Activity:nil |
3/10 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070309/ap_on_bi_ge/economy News liburals can't handle: Unemployment rate dips to 4.5 percent and paychecks got fatter. Tax cuts, privitization, and trickle down economy works afterall. \_ As long as they are combined with massive deficit spending. |
2007/3/8-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45905 Activity:low |
3/7 Bush will pardon Libby and am happy to take any bet to the contrary, since I can just arb it on Tradesports. -ausman \_ Loyalty is a one way street in that world. He won't do it. \_ No money down, but I'll take that as a gentleman's bet. Bush won't pardon Libby. -aspo \_ Why wouldn't he though? I think he will. Those who don't already hate him won't care if he does it. \- any bets the VP will "discover" he can issue pardons too? anyway, unless the issue is moot for some reason, i will also bet he gets a "and turn the lights out" pardon, although if a "i have a pardon in my pocket" scenario is legal, that is a possibility. --psb \_ Just not seeing it. Not today, not at light's out. Bush doesn't care about some dumb jerk like 'Scooter'. Why would he pardon him? \_ what? \_ E,MFDYSI? \_ sorry i'm not familiar with "and turn the lights out" pardons or "i have a pardon in my pocket" scenarios \- lights out pardon: last minute before leaving office [presidents pardon many people all the time, but you typically only hear about con- troversial last minute ones]. this isnt a std term, it is my term]. clinton's patty hearst and marc rich pardons are "lights out" pardons. [the marc rich pardon was one of the worst things clinton did. other interesting pardons: reagun:steinbrenner, raygan:deep throat, nixon: jimmy hoffa] pardon in my pocket scenario: i am not sure if a pardon must be announced. it is clear that a president can give a pardon before you have been found guilty even [most famously ford's nixon pardon]. so the question is can he quietly slip somebody a pardon they can carry around like an immunity idol or joseph conrad's secret agent ... and only whip it out if needed, or never at all. YMWTGF(trust johnson pecker). |
2007/3/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45886 Activity:high |
3/6 "Scooter" Libby: Guilty. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/cia_leak_trial \_ Bush will pardon him. \_ Want to make a bet? \_ Tradesports has "pardon Libby" trading at only 20%, so you might be right... \_ Probably, but not until after the Nov 2008 elections. \_ I don't think he'll do it at all. \_ No pardon, but: "You'll be the next Ollie North!" \- I am not going to bet on it since it might be my cynicism speaking but i think Bush will pardon him if it is not a moot issue before he leaves office. --psb \- somewhat ironically: Scooter Libby was one of pigdog Marc Rich's lawyers. at 5:1, i'd take the libby gets a pardon bet, assuming it is not a moot question by the time the 2008 election is over. |
2007/3/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45859 Activity:moderate |
3/2 Returning Honor and Dignity to The White House: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070302/pl_nm/bush_veterans_dc_5 \_ but.. but... privatization fixes everything! invisible hand! invisible hand! http://preview.tinyurl.com/2gan3z (cnn.com) http://www.cnn.com/POLITICS/blogs/politicalticker/2007/03/months-before-media-reports-memo.html \_ Goddamn unions... http://www.govexec.com/story_page.cfm?articleid=33462&ref=rellink \_ I will not be mocked. --The Invisible Hand |
2007/2/28-3/4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:45839 Activity:moderate |
2/28 The Iraq War: a bargain at double the price: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2xf3kw \_ You can stop reading at "Dominated by Social Security and health care, the federal budget..." Over 50% of the federal budget is now military. -tom \- if you are accruing liabilities, then you arent really capped at 100% so it is better to talk number of dollars than percentages. so he is right the total cost of servicing things like the social security obligations and medicare obligations are larger than the military. the numbers vary based on assumtions and how many years out to but for medicare and soc security you start seeing numbers like 45-75 trillion dollars. so the entitlement number seem smaller because we're not actually paying them but putting in IOUs. we cant pay the military with IOUs, let alone haliburton. but i'm not defending this dood's accounting of course. "how many billion dollars would you be willing to burn to reclaim the loss of american credibility" etc. it's of course equally bogus of american credibility" etc. if's of course equally bogus on only focus on econ costs. of american credibility" etc. it's of course bogus to only focus on econ costs. \_ You need to consider the net present value of all this spending. And we are certainly paying Halliburton with IOUs, they are called treasury bonds. \_ re: NPV ... yes obviously ... that's what is being done. give me a little credit [no pun intended]. there are a lot of other actuarial and economic assumptions in there as well ... that's the tricky part, not mechnically coming up with the NPV ... that's just arithmetic. re: halliburton ... no, we are PAYING halliburton with cash. we are FINANCING it with borrowing. when you buy a house, you are not paying the seller with a mortgage.--psb \- see e.g. http://www.nationalreview.com/nrof_bartlett/bartlett200504280951.asp http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20070211/news_lz1e11riedl.html [see in particular the 3rd paragraph in the SD UT article] \_ i thought of a good analogy: say you are going to MIT and paying for it though student loans. the mit tuition is $33k/yr now. now say your are paying $1000/mo on rent and $1000/mo on food and entertainment. $1000/mo rent and $1000/mo for food and entertainment. It is not accurate to say "50% of my expenses is rent". Really you are accruing close to $3k/mo in liabilities. So yes, it is fair to say "your budget is dominated by tuition expenses" ... even if you are only say paying $100/mo toward your student loans. --psb It really is not accurate to say "50% of my expenses is rent". Really you are accruing close to $3k/mo in liabilities. So yes, it is fair to say "your budget is dominated by tuition expenses" ... even if you are only say paying $100/mo toward your student loans. --psb \_ The future liabilities of our military posture surely outpace those of social security, though they may be more difficult to project. -tom \_ medicare liability is more than 2x soc sec obligations. it's hard to take your judgement obligation. it's hard to take your judgement calls seriously when you seem to miss a basic fact like that. you can look for google(kansas city federal reserve bank, social security, medicare) for a research report on this from 2006. that bartlett fellow has written a bunch on this too. there is also an excellent article in the nyrb ... i think i mentioned that earlier in the motd or wall archive. \_ PSB > TOM http://tinyurl.com/yrtors (60 Minutes) |
2007/2/27-3/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45835 Activity:nil 76%like:45830 |
2/27 Compare Gore's hypocrisy to Bush's reality: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2exgv9 (plentymag.com) \_ The difference here, you see, is that Bush is evil. \_ No, the difference is that Bush reneged on promises. Note the house was being built leading up to the 2000 elections, back when he said he would cut carbon emissions. That's great that the ranch house uses green techniques, but his record betrays the house's campaign stunt nature. \_ Which still means that Bush's house is far more green than Gore's. \_ Wow, so you have one piece of data that supports your argument that conservatives R00L, liburals DR00L! It must be true! AWESOME. -dans \_ You tree huggers have to realize that your celebrity allies fly around in private jets, drive exclusive limos to awards shows, all the while proclaiming tooting the same message. \_ Point of information as you spew bile: alg0r flies Coach. \_ I'm sure he flew coach to and from Nam as the only military photographer with his own bodyguard. |
2007/2/27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45830 Activity:kinda low 76%like:45835 |
2/27 Compare Gore's hypocrisy to Bush's reality: http://www.plentymag.com/thecurrent/2007/02/whats_red_white_blueand_green.php \_ The difference here, you see, is that Bush is evil. \_ No, the difference is that Bush reneged on promises. Note the house was being built leading up to the 2000 elections, back when he said he would cut carbon emissions. That's great that the ranch house uses green techniques, but his record betrays the house's campaign stunt nature. \_ Which still means that Bush's house is far more green than Gore's. |
2007/2/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45767 Activity:nil |
2/17 In the spirit of President's Day: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0717-19.htm http://consortiumnews.com/2002/112902a.html \- The House and the Senate were both about 56% Dem in '72. --psb |
2007/2/17-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45763 Activity:high |
2/17 Nixon \_ Former President of USA \_ Like Chinese food \_ Quaker \_ Only President everyone is absolutely certain was 100 percent faithful to his wife. \_ How so? \_ Republican \_ Culture of Corruption \_ No different than the Democrats. \_ Crook \_ No one today would even blink at what he did then. \_ Out of touch with reality \_ GWB \_ Better than Bush |
2007/2/12-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:45713 Activity:nil |
2/12 Top Gear in Republican America. Disturbingly funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajWS8gCJOac \_ I like Top Gear, but this is lame. \_ How so? \_ It just was. That said if you download the entire episode (Season 9, episode 3, look on bittorrent) there are some pretty amazingly funny bits. |
2007/2/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45663 Activity:nil |
2/5 Hillary: All your profits are belong to us! http://csua.org/u/hzu |
2007/2/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Finance/Investment] UID:45661 Activity:kinda low |
2/5 Fuck Bush, R congress, Microsoft, Redhat <=AS2.1, et. al.. The DST change is going to make my life hell. \_ I actually like it. I think it is overdue. I want evening daylight, not daylight at 5:00am. \_ What are you talking about? \_ IYHTAYDW \_ If You Have To Ask You Don't... Whoah? \_ Time zone change? Did you mean the start and end of Daylight Savings time instead? \_ Yes. To your OS, there is no difference between the two. \_ The change of law that has moved the dates to start DST. \_ I thought M$ has downloads to update Windozes for this. \_ What about all the money/resources wasted to make new 'gadgets' that are aware of this stupid new DST? Have to replace your damned alarm clock for crying out loud! \_ Nah.. That's not "waste"! That's "reducing inventory"! \_ Hello ignorant person. This is hardly the first time DST has been changed. In about 8 seconds of searching you'll find the history of day light savings and see just how far back and how many times this has happened. I suggest searching for "History of day light savings". BTW, when you blame Bush and R's for every trivial thing you sound like Chicken Little. No one wants to hear the real complaints when you moan and cry and finger point about everything from DST changes to the ocean not being quite the right shade of pink in the mornings. \_ Wow, someone's hyperbole detector is on the fritz. Fuck off, little man. |
2007/1/25-28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45584 Activity:nil |
1/24 Gonzales thinks you have no RIGHT to habeas relief: http://tinyurl.com/39moz4 (sfgate.com) And why does Arlen Specter hate America? |
2007/1/7-16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:45540 Activity:nil |
1/11 21,500 more troops, yay!!! Let's kill all the bad people! \_ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16576547 Pentagon wants 92,000 more. "Failure is not an option." \_ Where are they gonna got 92,000 more when recruitment is down? \_ hmm, I recall that we have roughly 20,000 casualties (3000 dead, rest of them wounded). If anything, this "surge" is nothing but replenishment for the casualties, no? \_ for once, I actually *AGREE* with Bush that we need a "surge." however, I really think we should use this "surge" in Afghanistan instead of Iraq. These 20k soldiers would probably made a big differences in Afghanistan. |
2006/12/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45513 Activity:nil |
12/29 http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/12/29/villainsandheroes.appoll.ap/index.html Bush is hero and villain of the year. |
2006/12/28-30 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45506 Activity:moderate |
12/28 John Edwards runs again for the presidency. Let's see, the Dems could pick a liberal hippy that has 0% of getting any vote in the south, an outspoken female bitch that has no chance of getting elected, and a black man whos last name is one letter away from being Osama. Dems in 2008... what a joke. \_ "Dam negro's name is Obama. That ryhmes with Osama, and his middle name is Hussein. Dam negro is a terrorist in disguise, let's hang him boys!" -average white Southerner \_ And, hey, his middle name is Hussein! Think about it, people.. Think about it. \_ It is unclear to me that people who would not vote for Obama because he is black/his name sounds muslim would vote for any other Democractic candidate anyway. \_ A lot of people are not ready for a black/female president who might still vote Democrat. It doesn't mean they hate blacks/women. \_ Wait, aren't you the same guy that said Dems had no chance in 2006? \_ I must've missed the 2006 Presidential election. \_ Wow, aren't we shallow! "hippy" "bitch" and "black man almost named 'Osama'". You might be right on all points, but let me ask you this: would any of them be a better president than Bush? \_ whether or not they would be a better president is immaterial. The quesion is which is more likely to get elected. \_ I already conceded you might be right about their inelectability, given this country's bigotry and sexism. Now, setting aside the question of electability, which would be the better president? \_ I'm not the op but here is my answer which probably resonates with many readers out there: In theory, ANY three candidate will do better than GWB. IMHO GWB is not *my* president, he is the president of the blind masses who voted for him and who are still supporting him. And stop calling him "The president" as the fucktard deserves as much respect as Nixon. In reality though none of the three other candidates will win. America is made up blind mass who do not understand or care about policies. To them, as long as its leader is strong, unwaivering, and/or good looking or simply with whom they can relate to personally, then that is the leader they will elect. This is the exact reason why Bush and Reagan won despite the fact that they're both fucktards. The blind mass does not want smart and nerdy Kerry + Al Bore. Instead the blind mass want fantasies where the leader is as strong and as likeable as Clint Eastwood, and want to be told that their world has become better because of them. If you Dems do not understand this, you Dems will never win the hearts of the blind mass. -former Dem \_ Bitter, much? \_ Better for...? The American people? The world? The western world? At what? Domestic policy? Foreign? Least corrupt (they're all corrupt)? Strengthing freedoms at home? Abroad? Better economic policy? Better? \_ It doesn't matter if my dog would be a better president than Bush. Bush isn't running in 08. They don't have to beat Bush in an election. \_ The spectre of Bush will haunt the Republican Party for a while. Who will the GOP nominate? Rice? Tancredo? Gingrich? Are any of these people electable? \_ Guiliani has the charm of Reagan. \_ That's a different issue and I disagree with your opinion. Voters tend to fall into two categories: the party line types who vote for the R/D who are unlikely to either stay home or vote non-R/D no matter what, and the more moderate center who vote for the candidate they like in a personal way. Bush is nothing but history for the 08 ballot box. Rice is no more electable than Hillary. Neither has engaged in a real campaign or a real debate. Gingrich would have the support of a huge number of people but has been on the side lines (mostly) for a long time. His 'crimes' were that he left his wife and married another woman to whom he is still married. Tancredo? No. Rudy? Has more political experience than a Hillary but like Obama, Hillary, and McCain is just a media hyped creation with limited support. My total guess based on absolutely nothing (motd style) is that we'll see some currently unknown dark horse come from the R side to win the R nomination while one of the D's media hyped creatures emerges with the D nomination but is badly battered by the nomination process. I think this will be a hard fought election season the likes of which the country has never seen. \_ How many people do you think went into the "non-R" camp over the last 2 years? \_ From the core "always vote R"? None. That's the point. From the center, at current, any number you'd like to name. But "at current" is not important for the 08 election. What people think and feel about the names on the ballot after the campaign and a few debates is what matters, not right now. I make no prediction about who or even which party will actually win the 08 election. It is far far far far (I feel like I'm writing a Star Wars opener) far far too early for that right now. \_ Bush did horribly on the debate yet he won. Maybe you care about debates. Most Americans do not. \_ I disagree. The hype at the time was what a fantastic uber debater Gore was and how smart he was and how he was going to mop the floor with W. He didn't live up to the hype so he (Gore) didn't get what he should have from it. If debates were unimportant to most Americans then it wouldn't have been watched by a zillion people and talked about everywhere the next day. |
2006/12/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45426 Activity:nil |
12/11 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,235767,00.html Fox News commentator blasts Bush. "Denial is the first stage in dealing with death. The president still has to get through anger, bargaining, and depression before he reaches acceptance." |
2006/12/1-8 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45405 Activity:nil |
12/1 http://www.cagle.com/news/BushCivilWar/main.asp Cartoons on Iraq's [impending] Civil War \_ http://www.cagle.com/news/BushCivilWar/images/plante.jpg \_ http://www.ornery.org/essays/warwatch/2006-11-26-1.html \_ "For instance, in Connecticut, the voters rejected the extremist wing of the Democratic Party (otherwise known as "The Democratic Party") by reelecting Joseph Lieberman, the most notable (but not the only) Democrat who has the brains to understand that the War on Terror is vital to our national security." In other words, if you've OSC's rants before, there's nothing new here. I take that back: there's even more venom and invective. |
3/15 |