Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 34585
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/11/3 [Uncategorized] UID:34585 Activity:nil
11/2    For the more progressively inclided motd readers, may I suggest:
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The Best Page in the Universe This page is about me and why everything I like is great. If you disagree with anything you find on this page, you are wrong. Attention women: until your farts start smelling like cinnamon buns, quit bitching. LOOKS LIKE I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WITH A BROKEN CAPSLOCK KEY (2 new pie ces of hate mail). How is it possible that a guy with a small penis and a hairy back is more powerful than Pepsi on the Internet? Twenty-six things a perfect guy would do, and other propaganda dissem inated by misguided women. Wireless internet may very well destroy our chances of contacting int elligent life. I wonder if Jenny Jones can come up with a topic that rhymes with "ca nceled." Click on the icon for details on how you too can obtain the honor of bein g on my list.