Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 31749
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

1995/2/9 [Uncategorized] UID:31749 Activity:nil
2/9     Read the crappy article about the WWW in today's SF Chronicle and be
        sure to write a polite, literate reply to the author telling him what a
        complete dumbshit he is.  I've never seen someone with so little
        understanding.  My response'll be in ~mogul/rbr later.  I'm
        interested in what other people write to him. --mogul
         \_ Some time ago this very same "rbr" guy wrote
          an article (in Chronicle) on porn on the Internet.
          It was in response to yellow press bullshit put
          out by some dumbfuck at LA times as a commentary
          to what really happened at LLNL/LBL. Anyway, his
          article was about 50% wrong, although he seemed
          to have a basic understanding of issues that were
          at stake. I flamed him via email... -petr

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        \_ FINISH HER