1/2 CIA torture methods. http://www.msnbc.com/news/680832.asp
\_ What's special about the film Glitter that's useful for the CIA?
I've never seen it.
\_ Uhm, it's a joke. Nevermind.
\_ Oh, I thought MSNBC is a real news only site. Nevermind.
\_ Perhaps you ought to have been clued in by the fact that
the guy is described as a humorist, and that he's
described as having won the Dot-Comedy Award for Best
Humor Columnist. That, and the fact that the article is
FUCKING ABSURD (but, imho, hilarious). Work on your
clue, grasshopper. Train harder.
\_ I didn't even read that. I just needed to learn to read
through *everything* in the page. |