Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 16200
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/26 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

1999/7/29-31 [Academia/Berkeley/HKN] UID:16200 Activity:moderate
7/29    When do the HKN survey results come out? I want to see how bad
        Fall did in EE122.
        \_ Bad evaluations are known to disappear.  Everyone in 169 ripped
           on Brewer a couple semesters ago (he was too busy at Inktomi
           to be bothered with the class - cancelled over 1/3 of lectures
           and said little useful in the rest) and the evaluations
           published were only the 4 or 5 good ones.
                \_ Has anyone asked the HKN'ers about this?
           \_ HKN = Big Brother
           \_ People with negative feelings tend to keep it to themselves,
              either by not attending lecture or by not filling out the
              surveys.  So yes, the surveys are biased towards positive
              responses, but not due to any insidious HKN plot.  Insidious
              plots are reserved for more important things such as the
              "CSUA Whiteboard Don't Take"
               \_ Not for EE122.  If you took the class last spring you
                  would have seen about 1/4 of the students show up and
                  even those people slept in lecture.  The HKN survey day,
                  however, had the highest turnout.  It seemed that everyone
                  came to the lecture with the intent of bagging that chubby
                  green Polo shirt loser professor.
                \_ HKN is full of shit. They tell their candidates that
                   they need to submit a one page commentary on the
                   state of the dept, complaining or lauding something
                   about it. They tell their candidates that they will
                   give these letters to the dept or the chair of the
                   dept - no such thing happens. Some officers might
                   read it for amusement, and then throw them away.
                    \_ Last spring the officers passed on the survey
                       feedback to the department at the annual retreat.
         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_ Sign yer names