3/18 |
2013/9/2-11/7 [Reference/Tax] UID:54736 Activity:nil |
9/2 I'm young, and stupid. Does the IRS want reporting on 401K, IRA, Roth 401k/IRA? I am decades from retiring, and no plan to withdraw anything. But, I just realized that I haven't reported any of my retirement plans to IRS for several years, now wondering if I'm in big shit... \_ The account custodian (bank/brokerage/mutual fund) reports it to the IRS anyway. Just start doing it from now on. Use TurboTax or a professional. Not a big deal like misreporting income or failing to pay tax. Use TurboTax or a professional. Not a big deal like misreporting income or failing to pay tax. \_ ok cool THANK YOU! You're right, it's not like I'm failing to pay taxes. I'm guess this kind of stuff is more important as I approach retirement in a few decades. |
2013/3/24-5/18 [Reference/Tax] UID:54637 Activity:nil |
3/24 Has anyone put money into annuities? Any good/bad stories? I'm thinking of putting my parents' money into it (they're way over 59 1/2 so they quality) since it has significant tax advantages. \_ My parents just did, so I can't really say anything about the long term effects. I'd say it sounds like a good idea just to avoid future problems with dimentia. \_ Do you have to be 59 1/2? Annuities are probably a Good Thing, but I would ladder into them in this low-interest enviornment. |
2012/11/5-12/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Reference/Tax] UID:54521 Activity:nil |
11/5 "Tax Policy Center in Spotlight for Its Romney Study": http://www.csua.org/u/y7m (finance.yahoo.com) 'A small nonpartisan research center operated by professed "geeks" ... found, in short, that Mr. Romney could not keep all of the promises he had made on individual tax reform .... It concluded that Mr. Romney's plan, on its face, would cut taxes for rich families and raise them for everyone else.' I guess Obama is right when he said during the debate that Romney's plan is "mathematically impossible". |
2012/7/31-9/24 [Reference/Tax] UID:54448 Activity:nil |
7/31 Is it possible to gift stock options or even cash to toddlers? Can they accrue interests? What is their tax rate? \_ Look up the gift tax rules. You can gift up to $13k/year to anyone. http://www.axa-equitable.com/plan/estate/gift-tax.html (you can gift more than that, but you are supposed to report it to the IRS and it will eventually reduce the size of your estate that passes on tax-free) \_ can I actually open up a bank account for an infant? How about someone who's not born yet? \_ I think you need a SSN. \_ what proof do you need to get a spanking new SSN? \_ http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+do+i+get+a+social+security+card |
2012/3/7-26 [Reference/Tax] UID:54331 Activity:nil |
3/7 "Michigan woman still collecting food stamps after winning $1 million lottery" http://www.csua.org/u/vp3 (news.yahoo.com) `"I feel that it's OK because I mean, I have no income and I have bills to pay," she said. "I have two houses."' \_ My first reaction was pretty hostile to her, but then, I thought about it some more, and, well, she did win the lottery fair and square, and she did immediately pay half million dollars in taxes from the lump sum payment, right? She'll likely be broke sooner than later anyway. \_ lottery is a form of tax for dumb people. \_ "UPDATE: The Michigan Department of Human Services announced yesterday that they have taken Amanda Clayton off the Michigan Bridge Card program. " Yay, responsive government! |
2012/3/5-26 [Reference/Tax] UID:54327 Activity:nil |
3/5 My dad is retired and has no income. My income tax bracket is pretty high. If I open up a joint high interest CD account with him and the INT-1099 comes, is it possible to file it under him 100% to take advantage of the lower tax? \_ IRS says the interest is allocated according to who allocated the assets. Do you think it will generate enough interest to really matter that much? Even with $100K in there I doubt it given current rates. \_ do a little bit of math. It's not insignificant. \_ Are you married? If not, maybe you can file as a head of household. It's fair and square and the benefit is not insignificant. For parent(s), you don't even have to live together, although they bother you about it. \_ You can just gift him the cash, if you can trust him. \_ Thanks, Andy Dufresne. \_ Depends on the amount. You can only gift $12K/year. If you are married you can gift $24K/year (you and your spouse). \_ Not true, you can gift as much as $1M without paying taxes, but you have to file with the IRS if you gift over $13k a year. I am pretty sure it will then count against your inheritence deductible when you die but am a bit fuzzy on that part. \_ "Paying the taxes" is not the same as "owing the taxes." \_ What does this mean? You can give someone up to $1M without either owing or paying taxes. |
2011/12/16-2012/2/6 [Reference/Tax] UID:54262 Activity:nil |
12/16 If a couple contributes to their child's 529 Plan of $26000, is that amount tax sheltered (as in, your taxable income is reduced by $26000?) \_ No, but the gains are tax free when you use it later. It is similar to a Roth IRA, if you know how those work. |
2011/10/14-30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Reference/Tax] UID:54197 Activity:nil |
10/14 "SimCain? Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan resembles the tax code in SimCity" http://www.csua.org/u/uh9 \_ "The Tax Reform Act of 1986: Should We Do It Again?" http://www.csua.org/u/uiu "Reagan built on their efforts and put forward a very detailed plan for tax reform in May 1985, based on several years of work by the Treasury Department, that identified a long list of tax provisions needing pruning from the tax code, along with supporting analysis and documentation. Today, Republicans like Mr. Cain put most of their efforts into devising catchy slogans and almost none into providing details of their tax proposals." \_ Maybe we can dig up Reagan's corpse and have him run for President as the Zombie candidate. |
2011/10/10-25 [Reference/Tax] UID:54192 Activity:nil |
10/10 My property tax breakdown is this in the LA county, how about yours? General tax levy all agencies: 1.000000 City-Los Angeles .038895 Metro water dist: .003700 Commnty college: .040310 Unified schools: .186954 |
2011/4/17-7/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:54087 Activity:nil |
4/17 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_no_taxes "The super rich pay a lot less taxes than they did a couple of decades ago, and nearly half of U.S. households pay no income taxes at all." And people are still complaining about taxes being too high. \_ yeah but only 3 out of the 5 people who aren't rich but complain are actually counted. |
2010/11/19-2011/1/13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:53989 Activity:nil |
11/19 "Millionaires to Obama: Tax us" - Yahoo! News: http://www.csua.org/u/s1d \_ People to Millionaires: "You can submit as much tax as you like!" http://www.fms.treas.gov/news/factsheets/gifts.html \_why pay more into SS if you are getting the same out of it as the other guy? \_ Your reading comprehension sucks. If they want to be taxed more, they're free to pay more in taxes without forcing other people to do so. I don't see anything in the original article about SS, do you? \_ That's about as clever as "if you don't like abortion, don't have one" or "gays can marry, they just can't marry people of the same sex." Actually, it's not even that clever. \_ What the millionaires mean is: "Tax *other* millionaires" \_ No, they mean tax all millionaires, including us. |
2010/10/21-2011/1/13 [Reference/Tax] UID:54005 Activity:nil |
10/21 Do no evil? More like pay no taxes: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-10-21/google-2-4-rate-shows-how-60-billion-u-s-revenue-lost-to-tax-loopholes.html |
2010/8/23-9/7 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:53934 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://www.latimes.com/news/local/bell/la-me-city-property-tax-table,0,5895218.htmlstory Poor cities pay more % of prop tax than wealthy cities. Compton pays 1.5% prop tax. \_ poor people also pay more for groceries. and taxes and in general everything. It's why rich people stay rich. I love $2 country club burgers! \_ Maybe it's because the average property value in poor cities are lower than those in rich cities, such that a higher prop tax % rate doesn't translate to higher proper tax dollar? And maybe it's also because poor cities need to provide more service per capita than rich cities? \_ it's ok to make fun of the poor again. Just call them The Offline. remember you're at the top of Digital Darwinism, you're online with your iphone because the Digital God gave you the best genes. |
2010/7/27-8/25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:53900 Activity:nil |
7/25 Is there a polite way to tell a recruiter "too busy at the moment but keep me in mind for future stuff." Or "not in that field at this exact moment but am switching positions over the next few months for your role, keep me in mind" ? Thx. \_ You know what, recruiters have thick skins. You won't hurt their feelings. Go ahead, try, you can't possibly get them down. Tell them you have a job, and you'll keep them in mind next time you are unemployed. \_ I think you have it right there. Recruiters in general don't mind it if you are direct with them. \_ I had THREE different recruiters from Amazon at different quarters. Each time, I tell them "Sorry I have no interest in going to Seattle." The third time, I told them "I hate Seattle and if you want to attract real talent, setup an office in Silicon Valley. Stop bothering me." I finally got them to stop. \_ A co-worker of mine requested to be transferred from here to the Seattle branch of the company in the '90s so that he could avoid paying state income tax and maybe state capital gain tax on his huge stock earnings. \_ Word. Not to mention stupid CA laws. \_ I know a few people who moved to .ca just for that reason too. |
2010/5/28-6/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:53846 Activity:nil |
5/28 Libertarians: yes yes yes charities do work! Screw government and taxes, rely on charities! http://media.npr.org/assets/blogs/planetmoney/images/2010/05/giftsdebt.png \_hun? What is your point here?? People haven't voluntarily donated a lot towards paying of our 13 trillion dollar fed. debt? This is directed at libertarians why? (I can assure you that they are not surprised at this fact). Do you think I should be donating to pay for your war/corporate welfare/etc.? The gubmnt has stolen enough from my children without me volunteering more of their money. Really, what the hell are you thinking? I don't get it. \_ Charity != voluntary overpayment of taxes |
3/18 |
2010/4/19-5/10 [Reference/Tax] UID:53790 Activity:nil |
4/19 "Tax Day rhetoric aside, Americans' bills are lower" "Americans paying less taxes this year despite Tax Day rhetoric, increases by struggling states" http://www.csua.org/u/qlk \_ Of course they are. Half of people don't pay any. \_ That would be true if the only tax that existed was the income tax. |
2010/4/12-5/10 [Reference/Tax] UID:53782 Activity:moderate |
4/12 My gf did her taxes. She was unemployed most of last year and only paid about $500 in federal tax. She is getting a refund of $1300. We are both rather annoyed at this. How can you get a refund of more than you paid in?! (This is a rhetorical question. I know how.) Another acquaintance of mine makes less than half of what I do, but her take home is only 20% less. Even though I put money into my 401k (to shelter the income) and have a mortgage interest deduction (she does not itemize) she just got a huge refund. I got a (little) bill. I paid about 15x in taxes what she paid. I cannot believe there are goobers who want to raise taxes. 50% of people aren't paying any as it is! You want to raise my taxes? Eliminate some bogus credits first! Those with more income should shoulder more of the bill, but these free rides are ridiculous. You can't have half of the country not only not paying taxes, but getting refunds on top of it! "The bottom 40 percent, on average, make a profit from the federal income tax, meaning they get more money in tax credits than they would otherwise owe in taxes. For those people, the government sends them a payment." \_ It's call the erosion the middle class. \_ I made several billion less than GE and apparently paid more US taxes than they did: http://tinyurl.com/y5tpaoy \_ Did you also put 323,000 people to work, paying payroll taxes for all of them and likely millions in sales taxes and other taxes? If you did then I'm in favor of refunding any income tax you paid. \_ It's called the erosion the middle class. Really rich makes the rules, or at minimum, controls how the rules are applied, so they don't pay all that much into the system. No matter, the system is designed to fall apart eventually because with enough discouragement of the right thing to do, no one will do the right thing. No empire lasts forever. As the joke goes, "make your time..." I only tolerate it because I think of it as paying for my Mom's benefits in a very indirect way. If you don't have anyone in your family who can draw from the broken system, what can I say. Switch to cash business, hide it away, and retire as soon as possible and become part of the leeches. I plan to retire fairly early and stop participating in the broken system, as much as I can, anyway. \_ Look what I found through Google: http://www.taxfoundation.org/news/show/1410.html "These findings raise serious questions about the future of the U.S. income tax system...." \_ If you include all taxes, not just income tax, everyone pays taxes. Overll tax rates including FICA and Sales tax are pretty flat above about the bottom quintile. Income tax is pretty progressive (high earners pay more) but most other taxes are regressive (poor people pay more, as a percentage). \_ percentage of income, or percentage of the particular service or good or whatever subject to that tax? \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/business/economy/14leonhardt.html \- leonhardt should have also mentioned the giant mortage interest dedection [~$100bn]. do you think the OP is stupid or disingenuous? \_ Is that a rhetorical question? \_ Rebuttal to some points he makes: 1. I wouldn't call myself "very wealthy". I think the perception of who is "very wealthy" has changed. I am middle-class, _maybe_ upper middle class if I lived somewhere less expensive. Let's be realistic. People who make over $52100 are not all "wealthy". Saying that $52100 is the statistical middle class may be true, but you cannot live a traditional middle class lifestyle on that salary in any urban part of the country. That doesn't mean people who make less should pay no tax and it doesn't mean that people who make more should shoulder the burden of all of the tax revenue. If you make $100000 per year you are not John D. Rockefeller. \_ You can live a middle class lifestyle on $52k/yr in most of the country. Just not in expensive areas. That is quite a bit of money in San Antonio, for instance. 2. "It will have to raise taxes even more than it otherwise would on everybody else. Or it will have to find deep cuts in Medicare, Social Security, military spending and the other large (generally popular) federal programs." I would lobby for either of these options. I think some deep cuts need to be made and I also think that people in the bottom 50% need to start paying more than they do now, even if that means the top 50% also sees an increase. One cannot just raise taxes on the top 50%. Everyone has to share in the pain and right now that's just not true. 3. Focusing on payroll taxes is a distraction unless you own a company. This is not money coming out of my (or your) pocket. In fact, this is another way of saying that the wealthy (who own the companies) are also bankrolling other benefits for the poor. State tax is a red herring. Some states have none at all and we can choose to move there if we wish. Mortgage deduction is also irrelevant. If the bottom 50% had huge mortgage deductions they would still pay 0 (or get a refund). It's just a way for homeowners to keep from getting _really_ reamed compared to the bottom percentiles. Without it the gap would be even worse. \_ you're a (wordy) idiot. \_ Nice rebuttal. You obviously have no counter. \_ you obviously have no clue, so why bother? \_ Pathetic. \_ You don't understand what "payroll taxes" are. This is another name for FICA, which everyone pays, though it is only taxed on the first $100k or so of income. \_ Everyone pays less than _half_ of. (Example: only the employer contributes to FUTA). Further, money that "you pay" (the other half) is mandated by law to be withheld by your employer. Since it is mandatory and it comes out of your paychecks (and not out of, say, your capital gains on stock or other income you make outside of your employment) you could make a good argument that it's really your employer paying all of it. This is slightly different from income taxes (which you pay out of your salary also) because with income taxes some people pay more and others pay less depending on their situation. So that's money that, if your tax situation allows, you may get to keep. Not so with payroll taxes (unless you switch jobs in the middle of a year and overpay). It's never really "yours" to begin with unless you are an independent contractor/business owner. For example, I cannot lower my FICA withholding, invest it for the year, make a profit on it, and pay the amount due at the end of the year. So how is this money really "mine"? What it is is money paid by my employer on my behalf. \_ It's yours because it comes out of *your* salary. When someone gives you a job offer and says you'll be paid $100K/year, you will claim your salary is $100K/year, it will go down as $100K/year on your tax forms, but the amount you get to spend is less FICA. Sales tax is mandatory, too, that doesn't mean it's money paid on your behalf by the business you're buying from. Returning to: you're an idiot. \_ Semantics. It's your employer paying it. As I said, you have no chance of retaining your _half_. Sales tax is not at all mandatory in any way. I can live a lifestyle in which I pay no sales tax at all or I can end up paying 100% of my salary in sales tax depending on my situation and my choices. Not so with "payroll taxes". Instead of calling me names, realize that "you" are not paying these payroll taxes. These are employer contributions in your name under the guise of salary. \_ Guess what: If you don't have a salary, you don't pay payroll tax. \_ True. This is just another way of saying that employers always pay for it. If you don't have an employer, you don't pay it. Ever. Not so with income tax or sales tax. The evidence is strong that this is a tax employers pay. Employees may pay it in legal terms, but the reality is that employers pay it all unless you are an independent contractor, which 90+% of people are not. \_ There is no such thing as "employer paying for ***" as they'll just pass the cost to the employee. There is no such thing as free beer. !op \_ I would argue the opposite. There is no such thing as "employee paying for ***" as it is because of the employer that the employee has any money at all. Of course, the employer also relies on employees, but it's much easier to find a janitor to work at Microsoft than to found Microsoft. \_ Do you think your employer pays for your health care because it comes out of your paycheck? How about unemployment? \_ How do you get the money to pay for it if not from your employer? And if you quit your job you will stop paying unemployment and _really_ start paying for your health care in earnest. \_ What kind of insane logic is that? You got the money from your employer, therefore your employer paid for it? Your employer gives you a *salary*. That salary belongs to *you*. Deductions from that salary are things that *you are paying for*, just as surely as if you spent the money on a cheeseburger. -tom \_ Some deductions, yes. Others, no. You are forced to pay for unemployment insurance. In fact, not only are you forced, but your employer hands the money over for you. You are not forced to buy a cheeseburger. If my employer took out $3 of my salary every month and gave me a cheeseburger instead and I could not change this then I would say that my employer bought me a cheeseburger, not that he paid me $3 with which I bought a cheeseburger. I might be vegetarian and I don't even want that cheeseburger. I just want my $3 to go buy a nice salad, but no dice. So how is that $3 mine? In the case of health insurance, I can opt out of that and go get my own if I wish, but most employers heavily subsidize health insurance and if you opt out you do not get their subsidy in cash, although I worked somewhere where I did. \_ Let me put it this way: if tomorrow they stopped requiring employees to pay unemployment taxes, I'm pretty sure you'd expect the money saved to go to you rather than your employer. Because it's part of your salary. -tom \_ I see your point. Do you see mine? If you quit your job to live off of your large inheritance do you still owe the payroll tax? How can that be if you're the one that owes it and pays it? It's a payment on your behalf. If it's no longer mandated you may see a gain at first, but I would argue it would be mostly competed away long-term as people were willing to work for just a little more take home than before even if it means a smaller salary. E.g., Joe who made $50K and took home $40K (but now takes home $50K) is now finding his job at risk from the new college grad willing to work for $45K (and take home $45K). The new equilibrium will see some of the windfall with the employer and some with the employee calling into question whose it was to begin with. \_ there's really no question whose it is. The fact that you can avoid payroll tax by not being on payroll doesn't mean that someone else is paying it. You can avoid sales tax by not buying anything, but when you buy something, you're still paying sales tax. -tom |
2010/3/5-30 [Reference/Tax] UID:53741 Activity:nil |
3/5 A while back, I mentioned the possibility of hyperinflation in the US Looks like I'm not the crazy one: http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1969231,00.html \_ Stands to reason it will happen. We want a weak dollar to pay back debt with devalued dollars and we printed a lot of them. I invested a lot in TIPS. \_ Yawn. Right now the problem is deflation, not inflation. That article says that taxes are going to go up instead, and I tend to agree. \_ Taxes will probably rise, but inflation is inevitable given how many dollars we printed and scarcity of natural resources. I would (and did) bet heavily against deflation. \_ How do you explain Japan's two decade long experience with deflation then? They printed lots of money, have ran massive budget deficits, have a scarcity of natural resources and have not been able to shake the deflation bug. \_ "As Washington ponders its taxation options, it might also wish to cast its gaze toward the NYSE and Nasdaq, whose companies add very little to the public till." Only if you completely ignore the payroll taxes and sales taxes these companies pay and the taxes their employees pay out of their salaries. |
2009/11/2-9 [Reference/Tax] UID:53492 Activity:very high |
11/1 Where the Bush tax cuts went: http://tinyurl.com/ybdo32e It sure would be nice to have that $2.3T back, wouldn't it? \_ If you pray hard enough, much of that wealth will be trickling down to everyone soon! Keep praying! \_ Since the money stayed with individuals like you and me we already "have it back". Or do you mean that you wish the government had kept $2.3T in wealth that belonged to the citizens? \_ anyone with HS education understands the point of the graph. The rich have the biggest dot, and hence they got way more than everyone else. The point of the graph is to conjure up knee-jerk actions from the poor and socialists alike. Did you graduate from Berkeley? \_ What the rich "got" was their own money! Good point in your next-to-last sentence. \_ What did they do with it? It seems pretty clear that the people who got the tax break just blew it on a big housing bubble. \_ personal responsibility. self reliance. yadda yadda yadda. Read Ayn Rand. \_ to understand better how idiots think about the world? \_ No, what really happened is that Bush borrowed $2.3T from the Chinese and indebted future generations (like you and me) to pay it back and then transferred that money to his wealthy supporters. If the government had been running a surplus during that time, you might be right, but we did not, we ran huge deficits. I sure wish we hadn't borrowed all that money to pay for the Bush tax cuts, don't you? \_ Put another way: Bush screwed the Chinese, because they aren't ever going to see that money again. I can't pay it back and I'm declaring BK, baby. Let's watch the Chinese try to collect. The wealthiest Americans stole $2.3T from the Chinese. They are so gullible. If I owe the Chinese $100K I have a big problem. If I owe the Chinese $2.3T they have a big problem. BTW, these "future generations" who will pay the bill back are the same "rich people" the money was "given" to to begin with. "You and me" aren't going to pay it back, because we don't pay that much in taxes anyway. Anytime you can borrow cheaply and earn a higher return on the money you borrowed you should do so. Consider this a low-interest loan from the Chinese to wealthy Americans who then invested the money. In that context it makes a lot more sense. \_ Who has gotten a higher return on their investment lately? I don't think it was anyone investing in the US real estate or equity markets. Though the dollar weakness must make US Bondholders nervous as well. We will all be paying it back, with higher taxes and less services. \_ You don't think anyone investing in the real estate markets made money?! Don't let the recent crash obscure how much money was made. What are those T-bills paying lately? Also, I hate to break it to you but we won't all be paying it back. Plenty of people don't pay any (or hardly any) tax at all. \_ Reductions in services are a form of payment. \_ Depends on if I use the services or not. \_ 1) The people who don't pay any tax at all tend to use lots of services (for example: buses, public schools, public health clinics, etc.) that self-satisfied over-priviledged geeks don't use. 2) Even if you as a self-satisfied, overpriviledged geek don't use those services, their reduction is a cost to the society in which you take part. A good public transportation system reduces traffic on the roads; a good public school system reduces crime and increases the quality of the labor pool, a good public health system reduces the incidence of communicable disease, etc. -tom \_ Completely depends on which services are cut. Not every service provides some noble service to society. \_ OK, well, considering that education and health services represent over 80% of the state operational budget, where are the cuts going to come from? They're going to come from services the state's poor need. -tom \_ We're talking about the federal government borrowing from the Chinese. There's a big part of the budget that could be cut which is defense. \_ Defense is the one government service that the rich enjoy more than the poor. -tom \_ That's not necessarily true, but if it is then you just proved my point about how "we" may not pay back the money that was borrowed and "the rich" will. \_ It is an interesting way to look at it. Let's see who ends up getting their taxes raised to pay it back. \_ You must pay a lot less in taxes than me. "We" will certainly be paying it back. \_ I am not in the top 1% ($400K+), but if you are then congrats and sorry to tell you that, yes, you will be paying it back. I'm sure you don't mind given all the money you made as a result of the tax cuts, though. \_ Not quite top 1%, but top 5% for sure. I am still thinking about what I think of the govt borrowing money on my behalf. It is true that I did all right investing with it. I wouldn't mind seeing my taxes go up, especilaly if it went to something worthwhile, like the UC. \_ what'd be nice is a bit next to it showing the tax burdens and incomes as well for comparison. We already know they pay a larger share of the taxes as well. \_ Overall tax burden is pretty flat from the 4th to highest decile: http://tinyurl.com/yjxoknd This includes all taxes, not just income tax, which is what the cheerleaders for the wealthiest like to focus on. \_ Does not include property tax, sales tax, or local taxes. |
2009/10/1-8 [Reference/Tax] UID:53419 Activity:nil |
9/30 It's 9/30 people! Wake up! Anyway, I have a lot of rewards points from my bank which I can redeem for cash and this got me wondering if I owe tax when I redeem points for rewards. Knowing the government, I do. Anyone know? I guess it depends on whether they are considered coupons or rebates versus income. \_ Blow it off like everyone else. Get drunk. Enjoy yourself. |
2009/9/9-15 [Finance, Reference/Tax] UID:53350 Activity:nil |
9/9 Tax question: I have lots of long-term capital gains and some short-term capital losses. I'd like to use the losses to offset the gains. However, since the long-term cap gains rate is lower, should I wait until I have some short-term cap gains to claim the loss? (I have no short-term cap gains right now.) |
2009/8/6-19 [Politics/Domestic, Reference/Tax] UID:53249 Activity:kinda low |
8/6 http://money.howstuffworks.com/5-great-depression-events-videos1.htm Excellent video of the Great Depression. Low corporate tax, little regulation... any of this sound familiar? \_ The Libertarians have surrendered the field. \_ just decided it wasn't worth arguing with y'all \_ it's ok you'll just be marginalized and then forgotten like the Federalists \_ When's the next world war? \_ ask putin, or north korea \_ Putin is too busy having skin-to-skin contact with his horse. \_ then ask his horse. \_ ask the Isralies \_ ask the Isralites |
2009/7/5-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:53113 Activity:low |
7/5 Job A is completely unrelated to Job B. Job A is my main job, and job B is what I do for fun but can't make a living out of [yet]. Let's say job A provides me with 99% of my income. I just invested $20,000 for job B which currently makes only 1% of my income, but I hope to recuperate most of that in maybe 1-2 years. Is there any way deduct my tax rate that I make from job A using expenses from job B? \_ You can carry forward your Job B losses for 3-10 years. \_ why the nebulous 3-10 years? What determines that? \_ So that you look it up or talk to a tax advisor. motd is good to point you in the right direction, but you really shouldn't make tax decisions based on it. \_ you can also incorporate Job B and be a sole shareholder. I recommend Nolo Press. \_ I recommend you do not incorporate unless you like lots of expenses like taxes. For example a C corporation in California pays a minimum of $800 in franchise taxes. This is true if you do business in California, even if you incorporated in another state and even if you operate at a loss. I setup a corporation "just to learn how" for a hobby I did and it turned into a gigantic fustercluck. I am working to have it dissolved now. Please make it go away. \_ He wouldn't do a C Corp, he'd probably do an S Corp, which avoids double taxation and other issues with S Corps. But the Nolo books explain all of this. \_ S Corps still pay the greater of ($800 or 1.5% of net income) in franchise tax and are still double taxed in California. Do not incorporate unless you like paying money to lawyers, accountants, and the government and the laws change seemingly each year which means you will spend a lot of time figuring things out and ignorance is not accepted as an excuse. It makes a lot of sense to incorporate in some instances, but for a hobby I wouldn't do it. \_ wrong. \_ 100% correct. Please to be highlighting the part you think is wrong so that I may educate you. |
2009/4/24-29 [Reference/Tax, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:52907 Activity:low |
4/23 Let's say I design a web site for my mom's friend who paid me $100 for the job. I'm fine with paying tax on my extra $100 income as my side job. Can I deduct tax for buying a $2000 computer + monitor? Do I have to do the LLC thing, and is there anything else I have to do to deduct for buying equipments? \_ You can't deduct more than you made. But if you make $2K on the side, you can deduct $2K. \_ I don't think it's quite so simple. I think you can only deduct the fraction of $2k that you've devoted solely to your side business. I.e., you can't deduct your 95% gaming machine as a 100% business expense, but you could deduct 5% of it. In practice, I don't know how they could possibly enforce this, and I could be completely wrong about this: what I advise is that you look into this carefully and perhaps consult an actual professional. \_ They enforce it by auditing you. \_ And how does that work? "Of course I used this computer 50% for work!" "Did not!" "Did too!" \_ 50% maybe. But if you deduct a 2k expense on a 100 dollar job and you get audited they will tell you you are full of it and make you pay. It's blantent dude. \_ No, you can lose money "consulting" for at least three years before the IRS starts to get riled up. They understand that new businesses often don't make any money for a while. \_ My accountant wrote this to me: Expenses related to job are summed up, and if the total exceeds 2% of income, the "excess" amount is included in "itemized deductions". Also, you can only report the "business portion" (generally 60%) for tax purpose. And in the case of a computer, it has to be depreciated over 5 years. So, it may not be as useful as you've heard." So I have no idea what the last portion of 5 years means... \_ it means you can only deduct 20% of the business percentage of the computer's cost each year. So a $2000 computer used 50% for business, you can only deduct $200. -tom |
2009/4/20-23 [Reference/Tax] UID:52877 Activity:nil 66%like:52873 |
4/19 Corporate profits yoy link:tinyurl.com/cr5a7w (blogspot) This means there should be MORE tax cuts for corporations! -conservative |
2009/4/6-13 [Reference/Tax, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:52808 Activity:high |
4/6 Alameda sales tax is now 9.75%. that's pretty rough. sales tax is regressive. Some boneheaded Oakland city council member wants to raise Oakland sales tax even more, in this recession. - motd liberal \_ Yes, the sales tax, car tax, and income tax increases enacted by the state legislature are the largest in history, and massively regressive. Add in the federal tobacco tax increase and the poor have been hammered. \_ I'm going to give the legislature a break on car taxes. Arnold shouldn't have used that issue to get into office. \_ Irrespective of Arnold's tactics, a doubling of the VLF is still a huge hit for many low-income families. \_ Compared to all the other costs of car ownership car taxes are pretty damn tiny, especially if you own a junker. (1.15 percent, or about 33 bucks/year on a car that costs 3000 dollars) In the mid/late 90s VLF fees were about twice what they are now. \_ Regressive taxes are good. Tax the poor right out of existence! It's their own fault for being poor! -- Typical conservative whackjob a car that costs 3000 dollars, so an extra ~$16 a year.) In the mid/late 90s VLF fees were about twice what they are now. \_ Car drivers are still massively subsidized by non-drivers, who tend to be even poorer. \_ I doubt it, since non-drivers are a small portion of the population and have small incomes. I think you could eliminate non-drivers from the country completely and it would hardly affect drivers. What gets massive subsidies is public transit. \_ That's only true if you ignore most of the costs of driving. \_ Public transit gets less subsidy per rider than automobiles do, actually. Many non-drivers are old and not poor. \_ Old generally means lower income. In 2000 87% of the "driving age population" had a license. (Driving age population basically excludes kids. There is no upper age.) How much do you think that other 13% is contributing? It's probably much less than 13% of the tax base. There is no way car drivers are subsidized by non-drivers. \_ That doesn't mean driving isn't subsidized. It just means that the subsidizers are often also the drivers. That both hides the true cost of car ownership and makes it so it's not cost effective to opt out. \_ How do you subsidize yourself? You are being ridiculous now. \_ Say I have to pay a lot of taxes to build roads/clean up after cars/ spend money on traffic enforcement/ etc. That's a subsidy. Yeah I get services from it, but it hides the total costs of car ownership. And total costs of car ownership. And if I chose not to own a car I still have to pay thoses costs so there's much less incentive to use alternatives. \_ I think there is a strong case that those that drive less (or not at all) subsidize those who drive more. If something is subsidized so that users of it don't see the true cost, it tends to get over- consumed. \_ Has a license does not mean has a car. Has a license does not mean drives regularly. \_ No, but has a license = driver. Drivers sometimes walk, bike, or take public transit, too, but we're still drivers. Roads benefit everyone. Emergency services and firefighting, transport of goods, and even buses and bikes benefit by roads. However, not everyone benefits from public transit. \_ take the million-plus trips that go by public transit in the Bay Area each day and turn them into car trips, and you'll see how public transit benefits everyone. -tom \_ No, that just benefits Bay Area commuters. \_ Everyone benefits from reduced congestion, cleaner air and fewer people injured on the highways. \_ Almost certainly my last post on this subject: Having a transportation network capable of moving lots of people from place to place in the region is a benefit to everyone. Employers, for example, are benefitted by having access to their employees. Public transit moves more people per dollar or per unit of land use than roads do, which gives the overall infrastructure greater capacity at a lower cost. -tom \_ It's only efficient if you happen to need to go exactly where public transit takes you. You have a point if you want to go from A to B, but not if you want to go from A to [A-Z]. You can replace all roads with rail and build a thousand new train stations if you want to achieve the effect you desire but that seems horribly expensive given the roads are already in place and the logistics are nasty for cargo (which is why trucks are used more often than cheaper existing rail in many cases). We aren't talking about building some utopian society from scratch, but leveraging off of what exists and there is no way replacing roads with rail makes sense at this time in I'd say 98% of cases. \_ Have you ever been to Europe? \_ I have. I noticed the startling existence of roads. \_ Far fewer than here, per capita. How do you think they do that? \_ Mash 4 million people into a closet? Per capita! How about per square kilometer?? It's about the same as here. \_ Keep beating that straw man, I'm sure you'll get him at some point. -tom \_ Is that your new nickname? \_ Everyone benefits from reduced congestion, cleaner air and fewer people injured on the highways. \_ I would say that the cost/benefit ratio is high for the typical American who is not living in a crowded city. Why should they subsidize commuters in SF and NYC? \_ Who is this typical American who doesn't live in a crowded city? However, I think it's clear why those in SF and NYC should still pay for roads in middle America. Let me make this more clear: We need the roads. We cannot eliminate them. Claiming that they are subsidized (or not) misses this point. We have to pay for them. We do not need rail (distinguished from buses because buses also need the road) at this time in most of the country and even in the areas that we do we still need roads. It's a luxury that makes life better for some people. Like all luxuries, it should be paid for by those who use those services. You can argue that we should be building a rail infrastructure to handle future population increases, but you will *still* need the roads so that just means increasing total transportation costs. You will not get to a point where rail is free and all the roads are toll roads and even if you did you would just be shifting the costs around so that you'd pay for them with higher prices for goods, emergency services, and so on. You (the non-driver) will not be able to escape paying for roads unless there are no roads and that is unlikely in my lifetime. \_ No, we don't need all those roads. We could easily get by with 1/4 the road network. Why should urban commuters subsidize suburban commuters? You have no explaination, other than "we need it." We only need big interstates like I-5 and I-10, we don't need all the commuter beltways, like 580 and 24. If we didn't have commuter rail, we would have to build even more freeways, which cost more per passenger than rail. \_ You needs roads almost everywhere because goods ship to/from almost everywhere and you need to be able to provide emergency access to almost everywhere (firefighters and ambulance). In fact, I would argue you need those local roads *more* than you need roads like I-5 and I-10, which could more easily be replaced by rail for transport of goods and people, too. Drive I-5 and you will see it's hardly used for local transit and transport. \_ There is no need to provide goods and emergency access to low density regions. I lived in Wyoming and it would be stupid to build paved roads to every house. Why should the taxpayer support someones desire to live out in the middle of nowhere? \_ I agree except I suspect you have a weird idea of what "low density" means. Everything not in the largest cities is not "low density". If you want to argue against Alaska highways (Bridge To Nowhere) I am with you on that, but not if you are talking about roads in places like Stockton. \_ It is fine to build a small two lane road in places like Stockton, sufficient for goods delivery (and what we had in the 50's) but that is not what we have now. \_ What was the population in the 50's compared to now? \_ If the people who want to use all that extra infrastructure want to pay for it, that is fine, but if they don't let it go back to weeds, like Detroit is doing today. No use in throwing good money after bad. People who live in rural areas get all other kinds of subsidizes as well, which we should phase out. It is inefficient to live so widely spread out and rural people (other than farmers) don't really contribute that much to the economy. All those big yards are luxuries that you should not expect others to pay for. If we got rid of all those inefficient freeways and replaced them with more efficient transportation methods, prices would go down, not up, like you claim. |
2009/4/3-10 [Reference/Tax] UID:52789 Activity:moderate |
4/3 Tax on a pound of roll-your-own tobacco will go from $1.10 cents to $24.78 -- about a 2,200-percent increase. Large cigars jump from 5 to 40 cents. And a pack of cigarettes spikes from 39 cents to $1.01. \_ Who buys a pound of tobacco? \_ Uh, people you roll their own. Like it says there. \_ Uh, people who roll their own. Like it says there. \_ I know plenty of people who roll their own. A pound is a fuckload of tobacco. a fuckload of tobacco. A pack of drum is 40grams (tax of about 2 dollars) and makes about 2-3 packs worth of cigarettes. \_ I know plenty of people who roll their own. A pound is a fuckload of tobacco. A pack of drum is 40grams (tax of about 2 dollars) and makes about 2-3 packs worth of cigarettes. (Often more because people who roll their own tend to make tiny ass cigarettes.) \_ Who cares how many cigs a pound makes? \_ Because $25/pound sounds a lot more unreasonable than less than a dollar a pack. Just the other day I spent 90k a pound of some medication! Of course since they are 5mg a pill, that's only 1 dollar a pill. See, context matters. \_ It's the delta in the tax that's interesting. Fed Tax on cigs more than doubled, but this is just insane. \_ It's the delta in the tax that's interesting. Fed Tax on cigs more than doubled, but this is just insane. \_ ...or it implies that the tax on a pound was inordinately low before. -!pp 1 pound ~= 450 grams = 11.25 drums = 22.5-33.75 packs 1 pound ~= 450 grams = 11.25 drums = 22.5-33.75 packs packs (thnx 80 col re-formatter!) Tax increase per pack: $.39 -> $1.01 22.5-33.72 packs = $8.78-$13.16 -> $22.73-$34.09 1 pound = $1.10 -> $24.78 Sounds like they're bringing it in line. And since the point of the tax is to discourage smoking, it makes no sense to encourage a tax break for it makes no sense to offer a tax break for buying in bulk. This isn't competitive pricing. |
2009/3/19-23 [Reference/RealEstate, Reference/Tax] UID:52732 Activity:high |
3/19 Communist/Socialist House reps pass bill taxing bonuses at 90% for that portion of the bonus that pushes you over, for individuals, total AGI > $125K ($250K married) working at an entity which took >= $5B in TARP money. A disgrace to meritocracy. Cost of living in Manhattan is expensive you know?? It's a good thing it only starts for the 2009 tax year! \_ ha ha you're stupid \_ I think it's not fair to be based on household income. I think it should be based on the income of the person (married or not) getting the bonus. \_ It's an unconstitutional bill of attainder. \_ That's not obvious. \_ corrected again after reading the bill \_ It should have been 99%. Seriously, the people owed bonuses should become third- or fourth-tier creditors; if there's anything left to pay them after paying back the govt., fine. If not, tough. \_ "While the House legislation calls for a 90 percent tax, Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said he expected local and state governments to take the remaining 10 percent of the bonuses." http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/aig_outrage \_ what is your suggestion? continue to let those free-market guys run the banks and continue their practice of leveraging 35:1 ? let me know. \_ Rent a cheap condo in Brooklyn and take a train to work. $250K is plenty to live in Manhattan too. Just find a cheaper place to live take the kids out of $30K/year private school. is plenty to live in Manhattan too. Just find a cheaper place to live take the kids out of $30K/year private school. \_ If 250K/year isn't enough for you to live in a nice condo in Manhattan you need to stop doing 10k of coke a month. \_ A 3 BR apartment is about $5-7K/month. $12K/month doesn't seem like much with those prices. I think the guy who \_ A 3 BR apartment is about $5-7K/month. $12K/month (after tax) seem like much with those prices. I think the guy who said Brooklyn or Jersey was more on the money. \_ And really, who can live on just 7k a month? \_ Slippery slope. I bet you can live on a lot less than you make, too. Most people can. Once you start trying to define a "minimum livable wage" you have already lost and might as well embrace communism. \_ You are really bad at this reading comprehension aren't you. Are you the same person who was mad because those dirty poor people don't live on potatoes and milk? |
2009/2/27-3/6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:52655 Activity:low |
2/27 CA unemployment increases from 9.3% to 10.1% for Jan \_ Good thing the legislature passed the biggest tax increase in history! That should solve it. \_ because cutting taxes has done such a great job so far! \_ it has.. giving mortgages to poor folks did us in \_ 100% horseshit. \_ Find me an economist who thinks raising taxes will help grow the economy. \_ States can't run a deficit AND because of our fucked up initiative system CA spending is pretty locked. There's not much choice. \_ I guess States need some of the stimulus money then because the Feds can run a deficit. Raising taxes right now is stupid. \_ Raising taxes might hurt the economy less than cutting services would. \_ Those are not the only two choices. \_ Once again, 100% horseshit. http://blogs.bellinghamherald.com/politics/?p=845 "Drawing upon economic theory, we believe reducing government spending will have a more deleterious effect on Washington s economy than would increasing revenue. Although both cuts in government spending and tax increases have the potential to slow economic growth, cutting government spending would likely have the most immediate impact by directly reducing consumption. Tax increases are less problematic because individual consumers, especially those with higher-incomes, are unlikely to reduce consumption by the full amount of the tax increase." (First hit on Google.) -tom \_ You do realize that all but a small handful of the economists who are urging for higher taxes rather than reduced government spending in that letter are government employees, right? 100% horseshit indeed. \_ You asked me to find you an economist who thinks raising taxes will grow the economy, and I found you 20+ on the first Google hit, \_ Uh, no. Those 20+ economist merely *said* raising taxes would grow the economy. Whether or not they actually *think* it will is completely different. As I pointed out, they were arguing for raising taxes in favor of cutting state spending. Just casually looking at where these people worked, all but 3-4 of them were easily identifiable as state employees. Do you want me to spell it out for you? \_ Well, gee, pretty much all the economists who say that raising taxes is bad are wealthy taxpayers, so I guess we can ignore their opinions. -tom \_ Before you were just dense. Now you're making imaginary arguments. \_ How is it any more imaginary than the argument that we should discount economists who work for the government? Economists who don't work for the government directly benefit from lower taxes; by your "logic," we should discount their opinions due to conflict of interest. -tom including several who are not government employees. So, yes, 100% horseshit. Want to try moving the yardsticks again? OK, here are some more: \_ These economists are comparing raising taxes versus cutting spending, which is not really the issue. Cutting spending right now would be suicide. The alternative to raising taxes is not cutting spending. It's running a deficit, which makes sense to do during lean economic times. During a Depression is not the time to balance the budget. \_ Nice job moving the yardsticks again. -tom \_ You have a really low hurdle for success if you want to take the original statement literally. http://www.nationaljournal.com/njmagazine/socialstudies.php \_ This article says nothing at all about taxes versus economic growth, but it does point out that federal spending as a % of GDP is higher than historical levels. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/25/business/economy/25leonhardt.html Please discount those, too. -tom \_ The guy in this article notes that the economy grew the fastest in the late 1990s when Clinton "briefly took federal taxes to 20% of GDP". There is no correlation between the taxes being high and the <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> growth. I think raising taxes during boom periods is a smart idea, but the taxes were not the cause of the boom. At the article points out, when you raise taxes on cigarettes, consumption decreases. When you raise taxes on oil, consumption decreases. You think raising income taxes will not decrease consumption? Herbert Hoover raised taxes during the Depression and it was a horrible blunder. Read up about it. Let's not do that again. http://www.heritage.org/Research/Taxes/wm1835.cfm \_ Do you understand the difference between income tax and sales tax? \_ Do you understand the similarities? |
2009/2/14-18 [Reference/Tax] UID:52575 Activity:moderate |
2/14 GOP votes against biggest tax cut in history, after voting repeatedly for Bush's tax cuts for the rich. The campaign ads really write themselves. http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2009_02/016863.php \_ but welfare is Communism! -conservative \_ These "Tax cuts" were bundled with over $500B in spending, and they aren't tax cuts they are payments. Getting the payment has nothing to do with paying taxes. You can pay negative taxes and still get a payment. Let's just be honest. \_ Does anyone actually pay negative taxes, including payroll and sales tax? Let's just be honest. \_ I believe so, I have a brother in law that makes ~22k, had 2100 and change withheld and is getting back 7400 and change. 7.650% SSI + medicare is 1683. 7400 - 3783 = 3617. So yes people pay negative tax, but I can't tell you how many. \_ Wait, getting your withholding back counts as negative taxes? \_ Math is hard. \_ So are details, apparently. Has your b-i-l received a check on this? Who's paying him, the IRS? Is he getting a deduction or a check? \_ I think the current tax system is way to complicated, and full of social engineering. However, would it make sense to give a tax cut by say raising the brackets for 2008? That seems like a tax cut than giving everyone $600 or whatever it is. |
2009/2/4-10 [Reference/Tax] UID:52514 Activity:nil |
2/4 So, if the state isn't going to give you your tax refund, file an amended return for 2008 applying the refund to this year, and adjust your current withholdings. Don't deal with IOU's or delayed refund payments. \_ If you're still employeed, just stop paying tax from your paycheck. |
2009/2/3-8 [Reference/Tax] UID:52502 Activity:nil |
2/3 Does any democrat pay taxes? Or is it just cabinet nominees? \_ Democrats are cheap and try to do their own taxes and that has a tendency to screw things up, whereas Republicans usually justs pay their accountants and "externalizes" problems to someone else (their employees). In this respect, Republicans are smarter, esp. with their money, as expected. \_ With a tax code so complex, can anyone avoid being a tax cheat? I inadvertengly screwed up my taxes at least twice in the last 10 years. One time I never got a W2 for a part-year job and forgot to figure in that income. Another time I just screwed up. \_ Well, the latest one is nanny problems (uh, haven't we seen that enough that everyone knows you have to take care of that?). The others are people who are involved with making the laws or make enough to have an accountant do the math. And in Daschle's case, apparently he also claimed invalid charitable contributions. I've never managed that one. \_ The last one is < 1000 dollars. \_ $298 in unpaid taxes + fines/interest. \_ As I said, it's a fuck up. Daschel this isn't. \_ I managed to screw myself out of $1K one year and the IRS caught the error and mailed me a $1K check in August which I then blew in Vegas. Good times. Anyway, IRS seems reputable to do that. \_ It's interesting. When it comes to money, republicans wage wars costing billions and pockets millions, all legally. Democratics, like most frugal people, tries to save money by doing their own taxes, yet get burned because of a few mistakes here and there. How far ago back do tax records typically go? Did I fuck up my change for being a politician because I claimed an extra $200 charitable contribution on my tax forum? \_ statute of limitations on this stuff is 3 years \_ Wait, you really think Daschle does his own taxes? \_ Plug: support the FairTax. |
2009/1/26-29 [Reference/Tax] UID:52470 Activity:nil |
1/26 Tim Geithner, architect of the Bear-Stears rescue and tax hero, confirmed by Senate, 60-34. \_ Don't forget tax cheat! \_ tax HERO ... tax HERO ... |
2009/1/9-14 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:52352 Activity:kinda low |
1/9 Karl Rove's Factually Challenged Housing Revisionism http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2009/01/karl-roves-revisionism \- why exactly would anybody except anything from KROVE except an ideological ad? this is like "ford ad's american car quality historical revisionism" or Preacher Bob Jesusfreak's critiques of evolutionary theory. [not that i am not saying people shouldnt engage with KROVE or it's not interesting to read these links]. the dems can definitely learn from people like grover nordquist [interitance tax = "death tax" instead of "billionare tax"] "billionaire tax" is far less _/ accurate than "death tax" inheritance taxes affect people with relatively small inheritances \_ Technically, they're both misleading; it's actually an "inheritance tax." \_ Actually, as is usual for the MOTD you don't know what the hell you are talking about, but wouldn't think of letting that stop you. It is an ESTATE tax, which is "technically" different from an an inheritance tax. If it was an inheritance tax besides being more fair and reasonable, it would also make the term "Death Tax" actually incorrect, as opposed to now, where it is (again "Technically") correct. -phuqm (the death tax supporter) -phuqm (death tax supporter) \_ And as usual, you manage to be informative AND an asshole. \_ aww shucks. Now I'm going to feel all warm and fuzzy all day. \_ Mission accomplished. stuff like this "contains an egregious combination of false statements, crucial omissions and misleading assertions." should read "karl rove is a notorious liar" ... he isnt a fool so he cant believe any of this ... as for journalists and publication which present him ... we must ask about them "are they fools, unprincipled ideologues, paid hacks, or is something else going on". it feels good to come up with nice lines like "you are entitled to your opinions but not your own facts" but in cases like this a stark "kar rove is a liar" is more accurate and makes the point better. To wit, "false coyness" in lines like "Rove somehow fails to note the GOP controlled Congress from 1994-2006, including the first 6 years of the Bush Presidency." if you havent analyzed the GSE article in the last Vanity Fair, you may wish to take a look. \- this is more like it: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2009/01/stupidest-party-alivetm.html |
2008/12/17-2009/1/2 [Reference/Tax] UID:52264 Activity:nil |
12/17 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aznONFlyupOI "Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which got $10 billion and debt guarantees from the U.S. government in October, expects to pay $14 million in taxes worldwide for 2008 compared with $6 billion in 2007. \_ Goldman Sachs cuts average pay 45 percent!! ... down to $364K. lowest compensation since 2004. oh the humanity! |
2008/11/25-12/2 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:52103 Activity:nil |
11/25 Should churches be taxed? Does freedom of religion mean that religion should be free as in beer? --PeterM \_ Churches are non-profits. Should non-profits be taxed? \_ My contributions to the ACLU do not qualify for a tax break, why should contributions to a church qualify? \_ ACLU donations should be tax-deductible http://www.aclu.org/supportaclu/taxdeductible/index.html \_ Wish I had known that all these years... \_ In their capacity as a non-profit, they have certain rules to follow. In their capacity as a religious organization, they get a much better tax break and thus have more stringent rules to abide by. If they want to violate those rules, then they should not receive the special treatment they would be accorded if they obeyed the rules. \_ Should God be taxed? |
2008/11/23-24 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:52082 Activity:moderate |
11/22 I just checked my 401K and it is 1/2 of what it used to be. When is Bush's Economic Stimulous Package (tax return) going to help out the economy again? -Go George W Bush! \_ It's Clinton's fault. \_ ^Clinton^Obama \_ People who got the tax rebate were probably people who don't have much money, if any, in 401(k) accounts. |
2008/11/20-27 [Transportation/Car, Reference/Tax] UID:52057 Activity:nil |
11/20 "Far from vanishing, many of GM’s assets would be quickly purchased by competent foreign automakers eager to expand their capacity in what is the world’s largest auto market. Happily, the list of well-run car companies, from Toyota to Nissan to Porsche, is long." big FAT LOLZ there. When GM closes up, GM's factories are going to go idle and rust and provide excellent opporunities for hipster dumbasses who love breaking into buildings to photograph our crumbling industrial past glory. Those jobs are not coming back, EVER. \_ GM is a modestly profitable car company with a huge losing pension fund attached. In bankruptcy, they will be able to dump the pension liabilities onto the government and return profitable. \_ which I would argue this is a sure sign of incompetitiveness of USA as a whole. Then again, if Pension were funded properly, shouldn't be a problem. My guess is that during the go-go days, GM decided to use the pension contribution and count it as profit. GM decided to use the pension contribution and count it as profit. \_ No, it is mostly an artifact of the fact that we push health care costs onto private employers, while that cost is borne by The State for GMs competitors. Even offloading all the pensioners healthcare costs alone would make GM profitable. The GM management (and unions) decided to forstall a bunch of labor issues in the 70's by increasing benefits, which we are paying the price of now, but no one could have reasonably expected health care costs to increase at 7%/yr for 30 years. \_ not just the 70s and not just GM. This happened with a lot of city/county governmental orgs as well. The contra costa county school district is going to be bankrupt due to quickly increasing pension/medical benifits for retired quickly increasing pension/medical benefits for retired staff. \_ Of course, those evil socialist countries fund health care by TAXES on corporations. But we could never tax corporations here, because that would make us uncompetitive. Or so goes the corpratist line. -tom \_ Right, because corporations here don't pay any taxes ever. There's no way an evil corporation like XOM would pay any tax. \_ That statement is becoming more true every year. In the 50s, 1/3 the federal tax revenue came from corporations, today it's 7% and still dropping. Assuming the corporists that run the government continue their successfuly campaign to eliminate taxes on corporations whenever possible, it's conceivable that will go down to 0% in a decade or two. -!tom |
2008/11/12-26 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Reference/Tax] UID:51924 Activity:nil |
11/11 So if the LDS church bankrolled the Yes on 8 campaign, how the f can they keep their tax-exempt status? \_ Because LDS is a religion and gayness isn't? \_ Because they didn't endorse a candidate from the pulpit. \_ Way to go, useless distinctions! \_ *shrug* That's the way the law works. Now, if you really want to get their funding cancelled or cost them a lot of money, get an openly gay friend to apply for a job with the \_ job? in church? ha ha ha Church; when they turn him or her down, sue for discrimination. \_ Are you still banging Good But So Very Bad Mormon Mom? \_ Or the gay people could start a gay religion and get tax exempt status! How about that! \_ The difficulty here is that the Mormons have a world- wide congregation and a mandatory tithing system; it's really difficult to compete, monetarily, with this. Bogging them down in repetitive lawsuits is an easier way to drain their resources. \_ AFAIK the LDS church didn't bankroll it, members did. See the difference? \_ Technically there is a difference, but it's a useless distinction. \_ Someone donates to and serves at the salvation army, and also donates to the yes on 8 campaign, therefore the SA should lose it's tax-exempt status? Riiiiight.... \_ Is this really true? If so, this *is* a huge difference. It means that the MSM has been kind of slandering the Mormon Church as well. \_ Well, yeah. You have to read the whole article, it's always relegated to the end. \_ Wait, what article? \_ Yeah, what article? \_ Not one in particular, I've read 4 or 5 newspaper articles on the subject. This has been true for all of them. That's all. \_ Which is political speech? "God hates fags" "Vote Yes on 8" The answer to your question determines whether a religious entity is tax-exempt or not \_ Sadly it was probably Mexican Americans, Black People, Catholics, Mormons, and people who think Gays Are Here To Gay Up Your Kids that voted for Prop 8. It's hard to declare political war on such a huge voting block. \_ The LDS church wasn't just a voting block, they were the main funding source (around 80%) for the Yes on 8 campaign. \_ Isn't it that the LDS (or anyone that opposes gay marriage) would lose their tax-exempt status only if 8 didn't pass? \_ No, but the ads certainly implied that. |
2008/11/11-26 [Reference/Tax] UID:51922 Activity:low |
11/11 lulz, AMT ratfuck finally fixed: link:www.mercurynews.com/ci_10950780 \_ "In San Mateo, we had someone who committed suicide over this." Well that doesn't seem like a smart move now does it? \_ No! I want rich people to pay! -poor student/socialist \_ Yes! Bailout stupid people! It's OK to be "unlucky"! \_ Who else has to pay taxes on unrealized income? \_ the people responsible for it, obviously! \_ No on pays taxes on unrealized income except for (formerly) people who excercised options and held them. \_ No one pays taxes on unrealized income except for people who excercised options and held them. You don't know what you are talking about. \_ An exercised option isn't unrealized income, it's non-cash realized income. If you work for a company that buys you a helicopter as part of your compensation, you have to pay taxes on it, and if you crash the helicopter, you still have to pay taxes on it. -tom \_ It is today, but it's stupid to think of it ass realized income. Unlike a helicopter, you can't do anything with your stock other than sell, and at that point it becomes realized. \_ But your stock is making money. Getting to invest your money pre tax and not taking the tax hit until you actually use the money is a huge tax win. That's why people being paid in stock is such a great tax scam. \_ You can vote with it. That can be valuable, especially if you have enough stock. \_ I am pretty sure that the latter part of your statement is incorrect: http://tinyurl.com/667xlb If you crash a car in an accident, you can take that as a loss, for example. IANAL. Also, a helicopter is a tangible gain, while a stock certificate is not. \_ You can take the car/helicopter as a capital loss, but you still have to report the income. -tom |
2008/11/10-26 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:51901 Activity:nil |
11/10 lolz when your 401k is gone, heroin will look pretty attractive http://www.lectlaw.com/files/drg23.htm \_ Hardly, that crap's expensive! Now, crank maybe... \_ shooting heroin leaves you VERY constipated. seriously. sometimes when i shoot junk i don't have to shit for 2 weeks. |
2008/10/30-31 [Reference/Tax] UID:51733 Activity:nil |
10/29 I made a mistake on my day trade and I'm wondering how that affects my tax. Let's say I bought 1 share of X for $10 (call it X1) and another share of X for $14 (call it X2). When X went up to $12, I decided to sell X1 for a profit of 12-10=$2. However, Etrade executed my X2, meaning I have a real loss of 12-14=$-2. Let's say, hypothetically, that X goes to $16 and I sell X2 for a profit of 16-10=$6. Is there a different tax scenario given the two scenarios? Sum of (12-14) + (16-10) = $4 (what actually happened) Sum of (12-10) + (16-14) = $4 (what I intended it to happen) \_ The IRS views transactions as first-in, first-out. So they will take the second view. If you've closed out both positions, it doesn't make a difference; if you still held one position, they would look at $12-$10. -tom \_ So I can't write off the first one as capital loss of $2? Darn I was hoping I could do something clever. Oh well. Thanks tom that's pretty helpful. \_ Actually, you can designate which shares you sell but this needs to be done in writing and in advance of the sale. This is the "specific shares" method. There is also the double-category method where you have "long-term" shares and "short-term" shares. The "average cost" method is when the IRS decides long/short-term based on FIFO, but that is for mutual fund shares only AFAIK. Consult your tax advisor. \_ See how dumb this is? Support the FairTax. |
2008/10/23 [Politics/Domestic, Reference/Tax] UID:51653 Activity:nil |
10/23 say bye bye to 401ks. House Dems want to get tax it \_ Why are you repeating yourself? |
2008/10/23-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:51646 Activity:nil |
10/23 House Dems want to remove 401K tax-break, and use proceeds for more Social Secuirty. http://www.workforce.com/section/00/article/25/83/58.php \_ EXTERIOR: SPACE AROUND THE DEATH STAR. The three TIE fighters move ever closer, closing in on Luke and Biggs The three TIE fighters move ever closer, closing in on Luke and Biggs \_ What proceeds? It just means people will save less for retirement. If I contribute $100/month now I will contribute $70/month then (or whatever the math is) to make my take home about the same. |
2008/10/17-23 [Reference/Tax] UID:51566 Activity:nil |
10/17 Is corporate tax (tax for corporations) progressive? Does the rate encourage mom&pop shops, or is it equal regardless of corporation revenues? Shouldn't it encourage mom&pop shops more? \_ In CA at least, a small company is an S-Corp. Partners in the company divide the net revenue based on percentage ownership and then add that to their other income. This is the most common form of small company, so the rates are the same as personal (and hence just as progressive). \- the majority of corporations doing business in the US dont pay any corporate taxes, so there is a large diff between the de jure and de fact (effective) tax rates. you can google for the GAO and de facto (effective) tax rates. you can google for the GAO study on this which came out this summer. --psb \_ url? \_ Exxon paid $30B in 2007. http://seekingalpha.com/article/63131-exxon-s-2007-tax-bill-30-billion \- company's total tax liability != us corporate taxes. i believe we are implicitly talkiing about us payments. |
2008/9/25-30 [Reference/Tax] UID:51307 Activity:nil 72%like:51301 |
9/25 How much tax can you deduct from selling a PRIMARY residence at a loss? \_ It's a capital loss. You can deduct up to $3K per year if it's not offset by capital gains. (You can offset as many capital gains as you like). You can carry forward capital loss from one year to the next. Assuming it's not the home you live in, in which case the rules are different. -tom \_ All true, and I think you can carry forward for 10 years (= $30k) \_ ALL WRONG. Will the IRS let you claim a write-off for the loss? Nope. You can only claim a tax loss on investment property. A loss on a personal residence is considered to be a nondeductible personal expense for federal income tax purposes. Most states follow the same principle. Double ouch! http://www.smartmoney.com/tax-advice/index.cfm?story=20070405 \_ hey nimrod, the post originally said "selling property at a loss" and didn't specify it was a primary home. -tom |
2008/9/25 [Reference/Tax] UID:51301 Activity:nil 72%like:51307 |
9/25 How much tax can you deduct from selling a property at a loss? |
2008/9/21-23 [Politics/Domestic, Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:51252 Activity:nil |
9/21 700 fucking billion? Really? With no fucking oversight at all? What the fucking hell? And people think the Democrats are tax and spend? \- Wall Street Welfare Kings in Pink Cadillacs having out of wedlock children with their mistresses in Mayfair! |
2008/9/8-14 [Reference/RealEstate, Reference/Tax] UID:51107 Activity:nil |
9/8 Dear landlord question. If my net flow is negative (e.g. rent - operation cost < 0), can I write off my loss for tax purpose? Say I work a 9-5 job and make $100,000K/year, and my total rent - operation cost is $20,000 loss, is my taxable income $80,000K? In addition, can I write off HOA+repair+advertising+etc in addition to my net loss, meaning a taxable income of $80,000K - (operating costs)? \_ Yes and yes, but you can only deduct $25k/yr. Losses roll over though. Depreciation reduces your basis though, so some of this is recovered when you sell. In some situations (AMT) you cannot use this deduction and there is a phaseout over $100k, so if you make over $150k you don't get to use it at all. Talk to a tax advisor. |
2008/9/6-12 [Reference/Tax] UID:51072 Activity:nil |
9/6 Lots going on with FNM/FRE bailout. You'll hear about it soon in mainstream media, trust me. A lot of shit was stuffed into those structures before the govt is going to backstop them. Common shares are going to $0 - $2. \_ Bushinomics at work! \_ I understand Reaganomics (tax cut for everyone and wealth will trickle down from the wealth to the poor). What exactly is Bushnomics? \_ wealth trickles UP!1! f4t4l1ty!!1 \_ Borrowing from future generations to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy. Looting the public till to give money to politically connected defense contractors. |
2008/8/22-29 [Reference/Tax] UID:50938 Activity:nil |
8/22 I encourage you to switch at least half your 401(k) exposure to Treasury money markets at a local peak for at least a few years. Don't say you never heard this advice. If you don't reallocate, at least do the proper research. http://market-ticker.denninger.net \_ have fun losing on inflation and taxes \_ ok dude. good luck. btw, i am paying 15% of my salary into 401(k) (T money mkts), and am still building my down payment for a house \_ "downsides are already priced in" \_ I always take investment advice from half-baked libertarian syadmins. If this guy is so smart, he should be running his own hedge fund. |
2008/8/11 [Reference/Tax] UID:50839 Activity:nil |
8/11 I'm thinking about getting an iPhone. The data plan I'm thinking of getting is $129.99 700 any time minutes for 2 iPhones. I understand that I'll also have to pay a lot of taxes. Realistically, how much will I have to pay per month? $129.99 + (tax tax tax) = ???? Like $150? $180? I want to know the exact BOTTOM LINE price, not some "Oh it will depend on tax rate and service charge and usage" type of crap. |
2008/8/1-5 [Reference/Tax] UID:50755 Activity:nil |
7/31 http://preview.tinyurl.com/6dodgz Exxon profit slightly better than 1/3 of the taxes it paid! \_ How much subsidy does Exxon get? |
2008/7/23-28 [Reference/Tax] UID:50664 Activity:nil |
7/23 Your taxes will be going up significantly next year. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7MCohPgkXo \_ Does this mean Roth 401K (taxed now, no tax when withdraw) is a better deal than traditional IRA and traditional 401K where you're not taxed now but taxed later? \_ It is pretty funny that all the talking heads applauding deregulation over the last 5 years are now all complaining that the government didn't act soon enough. \_ Didn't act soon enough in what way? |
2008/7/23-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:50662 Activity:nil |
7/23 DNC: gas tax dodgers http://www.9news.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=96282 |
2008/7/23-28 [Reference/Tax, Finance/Shopping] UID:50661 Activity:high |
7/23 So tom, how does it feel to be rich? You're in the top 10% you know. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121659695380368965.html \_ Where are the numbers for all the other taxes we pay, like payroll, sales, etc? Oh yeah, just ignore all the facts that don't advance your pro-inherited wealth ideology. \_ So, how does it feel to be an anonymous coward? -tom \_ I'm not pro-tax by any means, but isn't it pathetic that the top 1% of the country earns double what the bottom 50% does? It would not necessarily be positive even if the chart showed the top 1% paying 99% of the taxes if they also earn 99% of the income leaving the other 99% to fight over crumbs. Also, I'd like to see a similar chart which shows after-tax income. \_ Why is it pathetic? \_ No! The standard of living has improved for every segment \_ You think this is a Good Thing? \_ No. I just don't find it very surprising. The bottom 50% are economically rather useless. Supply and demand... why would a single diamond be worth more than a ton of normal rocks? \_ I have more respect more American workers than that. I could see if you said bottom 10%, but bottom HALF? \_ Everyone in the bottom half is "below average". And "average" isn't very good in this country (or any other country, really). I'm not saying they're worthless. But they aren't rare snowflakes and they're probably not even trying that hard to improve themselves, as long as they have their food + home + sex. \_ I actually think American workers have a strong work ethic and are among the best in the world. It's interesting that when foreign management employs US workers they can achieve amazing results that US management cannot. I am not prepared to write-off millions of US workers. Those workers made us the economic engine we are today and by continually outsourcing, placing low expectations on them, and taking advantage of them, we are getting what we deserve. I'd rather have 10 poorly educated American workers with a work ethic over 10 over-educated Europeans workers who whine all the time and expect lots of time off. BTW, average and median are two different things. I am not sure that 50% of US workers are actually "below average". \_ Spoken like a dumb patriot. \_ Spoken like someone who knows how hard Americans work. Check out average work-weeks. \_ They are the bottom 50% lowest paid people. Why do you think they have a strong work ethic? Who knows what they do? Anyway, there may be a lot of part time workers in those statistics -- part time working parents, or school kids with jobs. The top 50% makes 88% and 12% for the bottom. Without more data to go on, I don't see a reason to get too excited. And I'm not going to do a bunch of research right now. \_ 1. I've actually been in the workplace and seen that salary does not correlate to work ethic 2. Just look at the statistics for number of hours worked per week 3. If you don't see a problem with half the country making 12% of the income then there's no hope for you anyway. You got yours, right? \_ 1. Work ethic isn't good enough. You can work hard but if you're stupid or otherwise not valuable it does not mean jack. There are billions of people on Earth and merely working N hours isn't very valuable. \_ I beg to differ. If you're willing to work hard there's a lot of inherent value in that even if you're stupid. Someone has to build roads, harvest crops, work the cash register, and so on. \_ But anybody can work that cash register. That's the point. There is no scarcity of bodies willing to do unskilled work for a few bucks. Therefore the value is low. Supply and demand. \_ Anybody can work it. Not everyone has the work ethic to show up on time and do it for 8 hours per day 250 days per year. You can't say "well that's without value". It is wasting \_ If it had real value it wouldn't be underpaid. duh \_ You don't really believe this do you? The price pressures are external to the US markets. Think of how much $$$ we could save by outsourcing our management for lower-paid foreign management instead of saying that a person making $9/hour is overpaid because someone in India can do the job for $1/hour. We could save more by cutting that 88% of earners versus putting more pressure on the 12% half. \_ The companies are run/owned by these 88%. You can't cut them. The entire point is they are not drones being told what to do by somebody higher up. They are the top. Responsibility. What world do you live in which is full of fuckups who can't even show up to an easy job? Working \_ The real world. I can tell you never managed low-level employees before. the Safeway cash register is air conditioned and they can take breaks. You don't need one person to do it 250 days a year either, there are shifts. \_ You need *someone* there 250 days per year when they say they are going to be there. Compare to Europe where such employees make more to do less. \_ Why Europe? Try a country without a generous benefits which make work effectively unnecessary. a valuable resource in a menial task that could be doing something less menial if big business realized it and took advantage of it. This is what US management overlooks and foreign management does not. They know how valuable it is, because they don't have that. Addendum: Have you noticed that as salaries have fallen (due to global competition and outsourcing) that jobs that "anyone can do" are being done poorly? I had to call AT&T and I was ready to praise God when I finally was transferred to a CSR in Atlanta versus an "anyone" in India and the Philippines. But supposedly this American is overpaid and needs to be outsourced when earning her share of 12% of the income in the country. BS. \_ No I haven't noticed that. AT&T does not give a shit about CSRs because you're still their customer and their competition also has crap CSRs. I pick low price vs good CSRs every time. You should pay extra for your precious CSRs. Also: you are assuming that CSR is bottom 50% -- unfounded. But hey, they need no education and only need to be able to communicate. You have a weird worldview if you think that alone deserves top-50% income. \_ It doesn't deserve top-50% income. What it deserves is more than 12% of the pie. \_ Why? They mostly are living just fine, and better than billions. 2. see above 3. It's not half the country, it's half the income tax filers. Did you go to school? I don't remember everyone having a strong work ethic. We're in a globalized economy where people's simple jobs of the past are more cheaply done by foreigners who are cheaper and more motivated. That said most people in this country still live very well even with low wages. \_ So your argument is that there are a lot of retirees and students skewing the statistics? I find that hard to believe. Regardless, those people need to survive, too. Just because someone is retired doesn't mean their income can go to zero. \_ We haven't talked about their income going to 0. We've talked about their share of the income pie. The pie is pretty huge. \_ All the more disgusting that the top 5% get most of it. \_ They create most of it. \_ You don't really believe that do you? Are they valuable? Yes. Are they generating value-added commensurate with income? No. How many CEOs rake in millions while their companies (and share price) go into the toilet? http://tinyurl.com/8n8ro I would argue McNealy gets a pass for what he's done for the company, but maybe not. Do companies pay for past success or present results? \_ But look at the long term growth. Long term economic growth is phenomenal and all the drones benefit from this. The drones do not benefit from _/ this. The average wage for American workers has not gone up since the 70s. For workers with no college degree, it has actually gone down. \_ I don't think wages tell the whole story. Would you rather live with an average wage in an average town in 1975 or now? Does that wage figure include "supplemental compensation" like health insurance, retirement plans, and social security payments made by employers? Or the quality of health care? Or technological advancements such as cell phones and PCs? This report is interesting: http://www.bea.gov/scb/pdf/2008/07%20July/D-Pages/0708dpg_d.pdf Check out "Supplements to wages and salaries" as a percentage of national income. And consider: Population went from 200M to 300M since 1970, and the global economy is much more competitive. \_ The gains have almost entirely gone to the top: http://elsa.berkeley.edu/~saez/saez-UStopincomes-2006prel.pdf Look at the chart labled "Real Annual Income Growth by Groups" I don't think that increases in the cost of health insurance really should be considered as increases in the standard of living, though perhaps I would feel differently if I was in bad health. \_ Well, ok. But the population size has grown tremendously and a huge number are foreign born. The economy has accommodated them and still grown. By 2050, 1 in 5 of the US population is projected to be hispanic. This part is interesting: "The evidence suggests that top incomes earners today are not "rentiers" deriving their incomes from past wealth but rather are "working rich," highly paid employees or new entrepreneurs" Massive immigration and global competition depressed wage growth for the lower groups. Jobs that are more independent of this type of competition see big gains, like doctors. The best thing for the lower classes here would be to improve conditions in Mexico and have a lower population growth there. I guess this brings us back to the global inequality/barbarians in Rome theory. \_ I am in agreement with you. \_ No! The standard of living has improved in every segment of wealth and it's none of your business to implement progressive tax, that's COMMUNISM!!! -libertarian \_ I said I'm not pro-tax. I don't necessarily think raising taxes solves any problems. It just seems to make government larger. It doesn't really help anyone. However, what other ways can we address this inequality? \_ Inequality has never been a problem throughout the history of empires. The Roman emperors knew that long time ago. As long as the populace has bread (beer+pizza) and circus (football, plasma), there will never be issues for the governing party. \_ So how did that whole Rome thing work out for them? \_ It worked quite well for a very, very long time. The US is a young nation in comparison. \_ How can you say inequality was not a problem with a straight face when it caused the entire Western civilization to collapse into centuries of Dark Ages? \_ My point is as long as people have bread and circuses there will not be a problem. panem et circenses. \_ My point is that your point is wrong, because Rome fell and set the world back at least 500 years, if not more, as a result. So clearly there were some problems. \_ Your notion that Rome's fall was the fault just of "inequality" is silly. There was no one single thing. There were huge tribal migrations, plagues, climate changes (hey hey), cultural turbulence with Christianity and then Islam etc. Rome kept going in the east anyway... if the world was set back then that probably goes back to the fall of the Republic and onset of Christianity. \_ Especially since early Rome was not especially egalitarian, with slaves, very restricted citizenship rights, etc., but it flourished just fine. \_ Actually, inequality was probably the greatest contributor. Why? Because the barbarians wanted what Rome had and because Rome consumed more resources than it could honestly produce sustainably except through conquest (sound familiar?). It was only late in the game that the Romans started to grant citizenship to foreigners in an effort to prevent a total collapse as it became more and more difficult to defend the far-flung Empire from people ticked off at their inequitable treatment so that wealthy Romans could have gold-plated toilets. Inequality here doesn't refer to classes within Roman citizenry as much as it does inequality between Romans and the rest of the world, including occupied territories and Roman residents never granted citizenship. \_ And here I thought it was the Barbarians that sacked Rome. \_ I can only shake my head in disbelief at this statement. \_ What, you think the Romans sacked themselves? It was the Visigoths, in 410. \_ Forest for the trees, dude. |
2008/7/19-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:50631 Activity:moderate |
7/19 Hey tom, since you're employed by the state (and receive a 6-figure salary), maybe you shouldn't be the one arguing for higher taxes in the state? \- I'd be happy paying Denmark tax rates for safety, security, cleaniness, and all the good stuff in Denmark. Your brain has been classified as: puny and selfish \_ Having been to Denmark, I disagree. \_ Visitors to Denmark get access to social services too? \_ Considering that Conservatism reached a high water mark with the Bush/Rove/DeLay/Frist team, the only real question is can we expect 10 or 20 years of Liberal dominance. If it is 20, you just might get your wish. \_ It will never happen because Americans in general are proud and self absorbed and don't see outside their States let along their country. \_ Why did the New Deal happen then? How about the JFK/LBJ period that gave us a bunch of liberal advances, including the Civil Rights act? Your knowledge of American history is extremely poor. \_ Get a life. -tom \_ You don't think it's relevant that the organization you advocate sucking more money out of my pocket pays you? \_ No. -tom \_ Oh, so when Exxon execs say global warming is a hoax, you won't object? Got it. \_ Once again, you suck at putting words in my mouth. Practice isn't making you any better. You also should consider outsourcing your attempts at analogies. -tom \_ Once again sucking at putting words in my mouth. Practice isn't making you any better at that. You also should look at outsourcing your production of analogies. -tom \_ Hush tom, the grownups are talking. \_ Not on the motd they're not. \_ You know, Tom, the "you" you addressed isn't the same person as the last person you said that to. You'd be a lot more objective and less knee-jerk if you didn't take the motd personally. |
2008/7/10-13 [Reference/Tax] UID:50530 Activity:high |
7/10 Prop 13 is always a big topic around here: "Back before Proposition 13 the revenues were cyclical, with years of big increases, then stagnant revenues," said Auerbach. 'Now you get at least a small increase even when the real estate market slows down.'" \_ you only get a small increase because the amount you're getting is so depressed. I'll take 5% average return over 2.2% consistent return any day. -tom \_ Aren't you the one who wants to derive more revenues from property tax because it's more consistent than income tax and allows for better planning? \_ no, you must have me confused with your straw man. -tom \_ I distinctly remember someone making the argument that relying on income tax revenue is bad because it is not reliable. This was when I pointed out that tax revenues are about the same now as they ever were. Maybe there were multiple people in that thread and you weren't the one to make that claim? \_ it probably was a corporatist who made that argument, if anyone. The wealthy are not big fans of income tax. -tom \_ So to be clear *you* support income tax as opposed to property tax. Therefore, Prop 13 is great from your POV as it comes closest to abolishing property tax. You would support raising the income tax rate if it meant abolishing property tax? \_ They're different things. Property tax is local, income tax is state/federal. If you were to change property tax to local income tax, you'd get landlords who live in places with no/low income tax, so the city that provides the services which support and protect that property would have no income from it. And my biggest problem with Prop 13 is that it applies to corporations; there's no reason corporations should get any breaks on property tax. -tom \_ Ah yes, those *evil* corporations. \_ my biggest gripe with prop 13 as it applies to corporations is that corporate-owned property rarely changes hands, making it a huge tax break for them over time. At least property owned by a person is forced to change hands at the end of that person's lifetime. rarely changes hands, making it a huge tax break for them over time. At least property owned by a person is forced to change hands at the end of that person's lifetime. \_ If they upgrade the property, it gets reassessed. The corporation pays it's employees, so any tax savings the corp gets goes into personal income anyway. \_ Horse manure. Prove it. -tom \_ Pshaw. It goes into shareholder pockets. \_ Where it is taxed. I'm sure Tom would be fine with rents rising for poor people, though, when their landlords (often corporations) are forced to raise rents to recoup higher property taxes. \_ It's funny how this money transfer happens in only one direction. In the crazy corporatist world, lowering taxes on corporations and raising them on people is good for people, because people work for corporations so if corporations have more money they'll give it to people (despite lots of evidence to the contrary). But lowering taxes on people and raising them on corporations is bad for corporations, because presumably the people will not use their money to buy anything that corporations make. -tom \_ So I see you have no problem forcing the poor out of their homes. \_ uh, what? \_ Eliminate Prop 13 on corps. and watch rents rise in response. \_ whatever. \_ As long as you are okay with poor people thrown out into the street in the name of higher tax revenues. \_ One problem with corp tax is it hurts the competititiveness of the company globally. Anyway, I think the FairTax would be preferable to either. There's no good way to try to separate the corp tax from individual tax, and what that balance should be. Why penalize or incentivize a corp vs. a personal business? Moving to a consumption tax fixes the problems. You tax the economy at only the one point: sale of goods and services. Then you tune the "prebate" for progressivity. And you promote saving instead of wasteful consumption. And it saves people tax prep cost, and rich people can't lawyer their way out of taxes if they buy stuff. \_ Sales tax is among the most regressive taxes, and for the wealthy, among the easiest to avoid. This is definitely an example of how for every complex problem, there's a clean, simple solution that won't work. -tom \_ I like how you glibly ignore all the details and simply declare a contrary view. How do the wealthy avoid sales tax? Are they not going to live in a house? Buy a car? \_ Ignore what details? All you've provided is a statement of ideology. The wealthy avoid sales tax by buying stuff from other countries. -tom \_ You just ignored my house comment. You ignored the rebate aspect of pro/regressivity. Buying stuff form other countries doesn't avoid tax except small scale stuff. Look at EU: they collect tax on imported goods. How do you get "among the easiest to avoid"? There is no 100% anti fraud solution without Big Brother tactics. \_ Trickle down economics is a crock of shit. \_ Shareholders are only taxed when they sell, and at advantages tax they sell, and at advantaged tax rates. Also, the tax basis of stock is adjusted upon the owners death, meaning that for the wealthy, it is often not taxed at all. death, meaning that for the wealthy, it is often not taxed at all. \_ Um. Shareholders are taxed when they receive the income. \_ Which income? Do you mean capital gains? Dividends? \_ Do you know what "income" means? It's a pretty well-defined term. \_ Then you are wrong. If I inheret GE stock that my father bought for $1/share and sell, I pay no taxes on the gain. "Income" means \_ That's a capital gain, which has very little to do with profits (directly). Savings from Prop 13 are plowed into profits, not share prices unless you consider something like stock buybacks. Where do you think those _/ corporate profits end up? Either in dividends or stock price. This should be obvious. Have you ever heard of "retained earnings?" a different thing to an accountant than to the IRS, btw. Do you know the difference between net income, gross income and pro- forma income? They all mean different things. \_ You do realize that if properties fall to a point where they are below the artifically low amount they are taxed for by prop 13 then you can get them reassesed and you don't have to pay an extra 2% a year. Prop 13 puts a ceiling on tax rates but no floor. So yes, the increase is more perdictable but that's only because properties that have been held onto are so below the inflation curve that even a long period of recession isn't enough time to catch up. This Auerbach is talking nonsense. \_ You mean Auerbach the LA County Assessor? I don't think people generally worry about tax floors. What's the tax floor for income tax? \_ Tax floors would be the only reason taxes would drop below current rates. And that would happen even post prop 13. Two options, you can have a random about of money between 100-200 dollars or you can have 100 dollars. Which do you pick? \_ Which are you saying happens in which case? Why? \_ Property tax *is* a much more reliable source of revenue than income tax. Income tax actually goes down in a recession, while property tax just increases less. Pre Prop-13, property taxes made up a majority of the state's tax source, now it is sales and revenue taxes, both of which are cyclical. -!Tom |
2008/7/8-10 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:50494 Activity:nil |
7/7 Mother, age 70, is thinking about putting money into fixed annuity. I have absolutely 0 experience with annuity, and I'm guessing they should be better than CDs since compounded interest is tax deferred. Does anyone have old family members who have annuities? Are they good? Are there other products similar to annuities in terms of safety and slightly higher-than-CD interest rates? \- general/theoretical problem with annuities is it is a textbook case of asymmetric information/adverse selection. [FYI: The classic paper on adverse selection was by UCB Dept Econ professor GAKERLOF. In a bit of a coincidence, he co-won with JSTIGLITZ, the economist two threads up]. \_ useless advice. why even bother to write it? \_ It's not advice. It is an observation and some trivia. I'm not going to give somebody I dont know financial advice via the motd. BTW, if you know what "adverse selection" is, it is pretty obvious there will be some suboptimal pricing. (i.e. if somebody is selling you health/annuity-type income insurance with limited medical info). \_ Have you not seen psb's posts before? \_ I'm not the op, but psb's posts are usually in the following format: "There is an academic topic related to this" "It is interesting, I've read a little bit of it" <Stick some material and KEYWORDS in the thread> "I am cool and smart and if you are like me, you'd read it too." (optional) ok thx \- "Results 1 - 10 of about 97,600 for (annuity "adverse selection"). BTW, yesterday [?] the FRESH AIR program had a short discussion about annuities and adverse selection (without using the term "adverse selection" i believe), and sort of spells out why individually negotiated annuities may be "a priori" suspect due to overpricing. |
2008/7/4-9 [Reference/Tax] UID:50471 Activity:nil 88%like:50469 |
7/3 Tax rebates go to porn: http://preview.tinyurl.com/55tyk6 [alleyinsider] |
2008/7/3-4 [Reference/Tax] UID:50469 Activity:nil 88%like:50471 |
7/3 Tax rebates go to porn: http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/7/where-the-government-tax-rebate-checks-really-went-porn |
2008/6/3-8 [Reference/Tax] UID:50142 Activity:nil |
6/3 You are smart people. You know that the tax cuts have not fueled record revenues. You know what it takes to establish causality. You know that the first order effect of cutting taxes is to lower tax revenues. We all agree that the ultimate reduction in tax revenues can be less than this first order effect, because lower tax rates encourage greater economic activity and thus expand the tax base. No thoughtful person believes that this possible offset more than compensated for the first effect for these tax cuts. Not a single one. http://voxbaby.blogspot.com/2007/01/new-years-plea.html -Prof Andrew Samwick \_ But... but.. LAFFER CURVE.... neener neener I CAN'T HEAR YOU! \_ Mocking people works much better if you don't sound like a complete fucking retard. \_ I sound like a complete fucking retard in life, why change here? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Samwick Samwick is a heavy hitter and a Republican who served as chair of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors, btw. Mankiw, who served after him would say pretty much the same thing. |
2008/5/21-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:50021 Activity:nil |
5/21 The Great Lie of Supply Side Economics: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5mjhk5 \_ Econ as agenda! I love that blog! |
2008/5/19-23 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:49998 Activity:nil |
5/19 I have lots of student loans, all of which are in deferment due to economic hardship (aka I'm too poor to pay them off now). If I have a little bit of money available each money ($100-200), should I contribute towards paying them off or is it better to contribute that money towards retirement? Thanks \_ Deferment as in you don't accrue any interest and you don't have to make payments, or deferment as you don't have to make payments but interest accrues? Also, could you make the minimum payment if you were not on deferment? \_ Deferment meaning don't need to pay interest but it does accrue interest. -op \_ OK, if you start paying a minimal amount, are they going to start demanding you pay more and put you in a bind? Last, what, of any, of this is tax-deductable? \_ Nope, I can pay off however much I want at any time, and it doesn't affect anything else. But, I don't know about the tax question. \_ The tax question is kind of important to answer your question. \_ Well if it's anything like other student loans (and it should be), the interest accrued is deductible. \_ It's better than deductible. \_ OK, to summarize the deleted, the interest is tax deductable. Next question: if you save your $100-$200/m, can you make more than the interest on that $100-$200/m, when you discount that interest by your Fed tax rate? I.e., when you enhance that interest by your Fed tax rate? I.e., suppose your effective Fed tax rate is 15%, can you make >= .85x <student loan interest rate> on your $100-200/m? >= 1.15x <student loan interest rate> on your $100-200/m? \_ Or is this 1.0x? Or .85x? If so, then you are better off keeping the money and building up a nest-egg--from which you can pay the loan later if the interest rate goes up, etc. later if the interest rate goes up, etc. If you put the money into a Roth IRA, the question is can you make >= 1.0x <student loan interest rate> on your $100-200/m? \_ If it's accruing interest then you should pay it. Otherwise you will be paying interest on interest, which is *BAD*. \_ It depends on what the interest rate is on your student loans. If it is less than 5%, you should certainly invest first, and delay paying your student loans for as long as possible. If it is higher than 12%, you should certainly pay if off (unless you have some higher interest debt, like credit card debt). If it is in between, it kind of depends on how good an investor you think you are. You should probably error on the side of caution. -GS |
2008/5/16-23 [Reference/Tax] UID:49976 Activity:nil |
5/16 "You'd be taxing success here," Kevin Casey, Harvard's associate vice president for government, community and public affairs complained in a quote that will soon be framed and hung in my office. "Over time, this would put us at a real competitive disadvantage, which would drastically hurt the Commonwealth." \_ ugh you again \_ You don't see the irony? \_ NO FUCKER. TELL ME WHERE THE HUMOR IS. \_ Clearly you were Harvard-educated... Okay, do you support the current progressive tax system? \_ ok dude do you really think we should start taxing the endowments of universities? \_ Okay, so you won't answer the question. Why do you think we shouldn't tax them? \_ I find you uninteresting and boring, glenn beck \_ You too e e cummings \_ Yeah. Why should the ivory tower get a pass on taxes? \_ because they're non-profit. \_ They are private and very profitable. Their non-profit status is a legal fiction. |
2008/5/5-9 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49881 Activity:nil |
5/5 Comrade! "Reasonable Profits Board" http://www.timesleader.com/news/20080429_29-KANJO_ART.html \_ I think the US did this before, but I don't remember the circumstances. \_ they were talkin windfall profits back in the 80's too. question is \_ I think the US did this before, but I don't remember the circumstances. \_ they were talking windfall profits back in the 80's too. question is if you let the market ration the consumption back to the supply, the prices necessarily go up. a lot. Who gets the money from that? The people in control of the supply. |
2008/4/17 [Reference/Tax] UID:49773 Activity:high |
4/17 Obama wants to raise capital gains tax rates to make it more fair, even if that decrases revenue? \_ This was from the debate last night. Please stop deleting it. |
2008/4/15-17 [Reference/Tax] UID:49753 Activity:moderate |
4/15 Happy Tax Day! Don't forget, if you think taxes should be higher, you can send in more than CA/US says you owe! \_ I thin gas and diesel taxes should be higher for everyone. \_ I think gas tax should be higher for everyone. \_ McCain wants to reduce the gas tax in summer to "help motorists". That reduction will help for about, um, 4 weeks as the increase in gas prices swallow up the savings. Stupidity is becoming the national pastime. \_ Deficits don't matter. \_ If you want to pay more tax, go ahead. Leave the rest of us out of your destructive philosophy. \_ Deficits don't matter. \_ I don't want to pay more tax. I want people to use less gas. --- PP |
2008/4/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:49648 Activity:nil |
4/2 http://blog.wired.com/cars/2008/04/should-drivers.html?nup=1&mbid=yhp "Yet motorists in Los Angeles County might be paying an extra 9 cents per gallon at the gas pump -- or an additional $90 on their vehicle registration fees. The purpose? It would help fight global warming." Yeah. Let's do this here in the Bay Area also. |
2008/3/28-4/6 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49607 Activity:nil |
3/28 Consumer confidence lowest in 16 years but BUSH'S TAX CUTS AND REBATES will rescue us!!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23843931 |
2008/3/26-28 [Reference/Tax] UID:49570 Activity:nil |
3/26 "But the trustees warned that financial pressures will begin much sooner when the programs begin PAYING OUT MORE IN BENEFITS EACH YEAR THAN THEY COLLECT IN PAYROLL TAXES. "For Medicare, THAT THRESHOLD IS PROJECTED TO BE REACHED THIS YEAR; it is projected to occur in 2017 for Social Security." [emphasis added] http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-social-securitymar26,1,6982890.story \_ We heard you the first time. See a few posts down? \_ My point is that *this* year is when the problem starts. \_ So what? Bush has been borrowing trillions, what's a few billion more? |
2008/3/25-28 [Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:49563 Activity:low |
3/25 How much are you guys expecting from GWBush's tax rebates? \_ $0. Combined income of my wife and me is probably over the limit. \_ So you're the wealthy? \_ $600, a whole lot of money for a poor grad student.. \_ $1200 tax deduction, which, since we already overpaid through withholding, means a $1200 bonus to our refund. \_ $0. My income is too high. \_ How do you figure this out based on your income? \_ More than $75K if single or $150K if married and you're probably getting nothing. I imagine most s/w engineers are getting nothing, like me. \_ 75K taxable income. (Post 401k, post all deductions.) And it doesn't go away at 75k, although it does go down pretty fast. If you have a house you probably will get a refund. \_ You mean if you have a MORTGAGE with a lot of interests to deduct? \_ Yes I did. See you knew exactly what I meant. \_ ...the fact that it is wrong notwithstanding \_ No, it's based on adjusted gross income. No mortgage (or other itemized) deductions. \_ None of you have actually explained how I would calculate it. \_ Learn to use google. \_ Nothing. We make too much. |
2008/3/24-25 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:49552 Activity:high |
3/24 Opinion: companies that require tax-payer funded bailouts should pay for this privilege in advance as a kind of insurance. -- ilyas \_ So you advocate a business tax? I don't think we need a new business tax. I don't think we need bailouts either. Let them take their lumps and retire with what they've already stolen. Ban them all from every working in finance again to prevent recycling these criminal idiots and let the markets recover without government tampering. No bailouts. No silly taxes. \_ No need for laws/rules, the free market will take care of it. Requiring anything extra will stifle competition and make US less competitive to other countries. No. \_ It's very simple, if you want free taxpayer money in case of a 'catastrophe,' you need to pay the taxpayers a premium. This isn't just about the latest financial meltdown, but also airlines, farming, etc. -- ilyas \_ Seems kind of redundant, given the presence of private insurance. So I guess what you're saying is that companies should not be bailed out. Which isn't very interesting but I agree. \_ I am prepared to admit that bailouts might be necessary in some cases, I just want to make the fuckers pay for this. -- ilyas \_ Yes, this is essentially what the FDIC is all about. It is obvious that these IBs need a similar level of regulation. What pisses me off is that the BSC shareholders are going to get billions from the taxpayers. I was okay with a $2 (fuck you) bailout, because I understand the risk to the financial system, but why $10? \_ I'm fine with the shadow banking system getting a bailout, so long as they're willing to submit to regulation and oversight (just like ordinary commercial banks). If you want to operate with impunity, that's fine, but you shouldn't expect the goverment to swoop in and save your stupid ass when you mess up. \_ The purpose of the bailout wasn't to protect the company, but to build confidence in our financial system and to prevent from market melt-down. Ultimately, the goal is to protect the American dollar, hence everyone wins. \_ It is more prudent to protect the American dollar by regulating dangerous behavior by financial institutions, than it is to let them screw everything up and then bail them out. -tom \_ I don't think anyone will disagree with you except the it doesn't change the fact that dangerous behavior already happened. It's as helpful as trying to preach safe sex to people who already got a bunch of STDs. \- "first you have at admit you have a problem^W^W^W^W there was a bail out". \_ What if there was no BSC bailout? Exactly what dire effects for all of us are we trying to prevent? Dollar devaluation, is that what you're saying? I think that would be temporary. The broader macroeconomic policies of the fed. gov't seem more important. In a larger sense, bailouts undermine the entire market. The only real accountability executives have is to their shareholders. The only way to force that accountability is to make the prospect of shareholders losing their shirts very real. \_ There are real concerns of a domino effect; a BSC failure would put liquidity pressure on all the other institutions which hold BSC debt, which could lead to more failures. Complete meltdown of the financial system is not outside the realm of possibility. Still, bailing out BSC sucks. -tom \_ Yeah I mean, I would think they should let BSC die ignobly, and even let a couple other dominoes fall perhaps. Bail out when it actually does seem necessary; let some smaller fish take over. I'm skeptical of a term like "complete meltdown of the financial system". I'm sure the most irresponsible entities would like to trumpet themselves as being key to the entire "financial system" and therefore must be saved from their own mistakes. Just like any corporate welfare is couched in noble terms. \_ Yes, and this is exactly the problem with the shadow system. Without any regulatory oversight or standards, who really knows what is lurking behind BSC? Maybe they really are the key! Or maybe not... I hate to drag out that hoary old quote from Buffet about derivatives being "financial weapons of mass destruction," but in this case it seems warranted. \_ Dire? Think of all the yachts that won't be bought that year! My God! Think of the yacht makers' children! \_ LANDLORD WITH A YACHT! \_ Go read up on the panics the economy used to routinely experience in the late 1800's, with unemployment in the 20%+ range and bank runs and get back to me with any questions. \_ http://www.usagold.com/gildedopinion/greenspan.html \_ The Financial Times agrees with you, as do I. -ausman http://www.csua.org/u/l4i \_ Why don't you point us to something? And also say what your point is. |
2008/3/22-23 [Reference/Tax] UID:49538 Activity:very high |
3/22 So I just paid my taxes and for kicks I went ahead and calculated what my overall tax burden is, including all Federal income and payroll taxes and my state taxes and it is 35.6%. Anyone else care to share? \_ On what gross income? And did you include your property tax and sales tax? \_ I am not going to post my gross income on the motd but it is high enought that I am subject to AMT. But my taxe rate on my take home enought that I am subject to AMT. But my tax rate on my take home pay is 35.6%. I am not including other taxes, but if I did, it is a few percent higher. Why don't you post your gross income on the motd? \_ It's still with the CPA. I started an LLC this year, so I'm not actually sure what it is. \_ Okay, I did a bit of math and our property tax rate is 3.5% of AGI and our sales tax rate is less than 3%, but I am not exactly sure how much less, since I don't track spending that well. I did subtract all the things that I know I don't pay sales tax on and if the rest is taxed at 8%, that gives me a 3% overall sales tax. \_ So you don't buy that much stuff? Most of your spending is untaxed items? \_ After taxes, mortgage, savings and childcare, there isn't that much left really. \_ Sorry, what kind of property tax is based on income? I thought it was based on assessed value of the prop. Or, if you are quoting as a percentage of your AGI for comparison: that is totally under yer control, based on the cost of your house and where you live. Err, just wanted to point that out. |
2008/3/2-3 [Reference/Tax] UID:49315 Activity:high |
3/2 Question: Can a married couple get TWO $417K conforming loans to purchase a new home together? Let's assume they maintain separate bank accounts, can each put 10% (20% combined) toward the down payment, have good salaries, live together, and file a joint tax return. Thanks. \_ No. \_ is this an impression based on experience, or something you know? \_ Single unit? No. If it is a condo you might be able to do something where you each buy a unit, but the conformingness is per unit, not per owner. If you want to spend the 400-500 an hour a good TiC lawyer costs (which is really what you have in mind) just to have him tell you no, feel free. |
2008/2/26-3/4 [Reference/Tax] UID:49267 Activity:nil |
2/26 Nick Weaver on slashdot http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/08/02/27/0018224.shtml \_ Holy shit, people still use slashdot? \_ Some even use motd! \_ This is not totally correct. Maintenance fees are required for patents. Similarly, renewal fees plus proof of continued use in commerce is required to retain a trademark. There are also filing fees for both patents and trademarks. These fees are analogous to a "property tax," as that term is used by nweaver. Until 1992, the same was somewhat true for copyrights. Before the 1992 revision to the Copyright Act, a renewal was required for a copyright to enter its 2d term of protection. There is also the whole issue of "moral rights" that further complicates copyright. \_ Unfortunately most of the slashdot crowd's "solutions" to the "patent problem" will always result in big companies stealing the real inventions of little guys even more than they already do today. The real answer is to grant patents only for things truly novel. Any sort of fee/tax/money based thing will not have any effect on Big Company(c) but will crush the little guy every time. \_ I believe that nweaver's comments were directed more toward copyright rather than patent b/c patent terms are limited to no more than 20 years from date of issue. Removing automatic copyright renewal will remedy neweaver's concerns. Re patents - although a stronger novelty or obviousness std will help eliminate some "bad" patents, it will not really do much to reduce the litigation threat. One key improvement (or reform) that is necessary is to increase the number of examiners (esp. in software) and to improve retention. Another improvement would be to appoint judges with scientific training to the Federal Circuit and to districts with heavy patent case loads. |
2008/2/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:49225 Activity:low |
2/24 I'm about to buy a home in an unincorporated city, what are some of the ramifications of having a home in an unincorporated city? Does that men we're screwed if the road/sewage/water need repairs? What about tax and other ramifications? \_ I live in an unincorporated area. A lot of it depends on who provides your services. It's usually the county. If you live in a rich county it can be good. A poor county might mean you don't get good services. Taxes will be less. In my particular case, we get better police and fire services, worse roads and utilities, more freedom when it comes to building codes and ordinances (can be a plus or a minus), worse humane society, and worse library system. case, we get better police and fire services, worse roads, worse electric utility, more freedom when it comes to building codes, zoning and ordinances (can be a plus or a minus), worse humane society, and worse library system. No difference with schools in my situation (which again can be better or worse - some uninc. areas have their own school system and others use a nearby district and it can vary which is better). The sewer and water are handled by my county either way. In short, the bad part is that there's no one to complain to and the good part is that there's no one placing restrictions on you. If you like HOAs you might not like an unincorporated area. If you like more freedom you will. My county has more money and so a plus is that when we want something expensive all we have to do is convince our county supervisor. That means we can get expensive things a small city may not be able to afford if we can make a case for them. (A certain amount is budgeted by the county for our district and that is not true in incorporated areas where the county figures the city should pick up the cost.) Essentially, we have access to a bigger pool of funds to use on pet projects like redevelopment zones, parks, and libraries. (Even though our library system is worse than the nearby city that's just because theirs is really extensive. Ours is very nice for an area our size.) Over the years there have been many votes to incorporate or to be annexed to the nearby city and they have all failed, so the majority of people must like the status quo (probably don't want to pay the additional 0.25% property tax in exchange for being told what to do). \_ Thanks Unincorporate City Guru! It's very very useful! May I ask which county or city you live in? \_ The answer is: it depends. Who provides sewer, water, power and heating gas? Is there a chance your neighbors are going to get together and vote you all a tax increase to pay for more services? Read up on what a Mello-Roos is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mello-Roos \_ Communities, incorporated or not, can vote taxes for themselves. It's not really relevant to the discussion. Mello Roos is tangential as well. Unincorporated areas don't necessarily have Mello Roos fees. I would guess most don't. \_ An area without water, electricity or sewer is much more likely to vote a tax increase to fund those things than an area that already has them. \_ Sure, but what does that have to do with incorporated vs. unincorporated? Absolutely nothing. \_ You know of incorporated areas with no sewer, water or electricity? In America??? \_ Yes. All you have to do is leave the cities. Go to the central coast of CA for instance and you will find homes which are part of a city but which get water from a well and use septic for waste. Hell, La Canada Flintridge just got a sewer system in the last 10 years and it's a wealthy city. The residents voted to pay for it and some people got majorly screwed. My boss had a $40K bill for his portion *and* he had just installed a new septic system just a few years before. Yes, it is an incorporated city (1976). |
2008/2/10-11 [Reference/Tax] UID:49109 Activity:kinda low |
2/8 What real people actually pay in taxes: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0414/p03s01-usgn.html See table about halfway down. Note that the richest still pay less than 1/3 in effective tax rates (including sales and property) \_ It's ok! Hillary will bring back Socialism for all of us! Go Democraps! -Republican \_ People worth listening to don't use childish little schoolyard word plays. When I see message board posters of any stripe doing that I immediately skip past those posts. I hope you do too. \_ You've been trolled. |
2008/2/5-7 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49070 Activity:nil |
2/4 Bush's tax cuts/rebates will have beneficial effects on certian industries like Phillip Morris, Anheiser Busch, and gambling casinos. Pick your stocks wisely! -stock swami |
2008/1/28-2/2 [Reference/Tax] UID:49027 Activity:very high |
1/28 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22878539 Bush vows to veto any tax hike. How does tax raise/status-quo affect me directly as a poor graduate student? \_ It doesn't. Eventually it gets paid for somehow regardless of nominal taxes. Too bad Bush doesn't veto spending hikes. \_ When you get a real job and watch half your pay check go to other people, you'll care. Until then, no, taxes raises and hikes don't mean anything to people who don't pay them. \_ dimwit you are so full of shit. \_ I didn't write the above. --dim \_ Half? That's a fairly ridiculous exaggeration. -dans \_ Not really. Property tax, sales tax, income tax (state and federal), cap gains, SDI, FICA. I take home about 50% and that's not counting what my employer pays for me (which may as well be in my pocket as far as my employer is concerned). \_ If you make 100K per year you'll pay about 20% in income taxes. Your short term capital gains tax rate is equal to your income tax rate, your long term is less. There is now way in hell what your combined state income tax (a no way in hell what your combined state income tax (a couple points, worst case), sales tax, SDI, and FICA would be 30% of your income. Is property tax really that outrageous? Do you have some ridiculous AMT tax burden? -dans \_ Dude, you are totally out of it. Statements like "There is now (sic) way in hell your [...] tax would be 30% of your income" prove it. \_ You say that you "take home about 50%." Does that include your 401k contribution? I calculated my total overall payroll and income rate last year and it was about 1/3 and I am subject to AMT. At the highest possible rate, your overall tax rate is 35% Federal + 10.3% state + 1.5% SDI, which comes out to 46.8%. Close but no cigar. Are you self-employed? If so, your tax rate might be higher. \_ You totally neglected FICA, property tax, sales taxes, use taxes, and "fees" like VLF. \_ You totally neglected FICA, property tax, sales tax, use taxes, and fees like VLF. You also ignored the 7.65% my employer is paying for me. \_ Hell yeah, fuck all those taxes. Support FairTax. \_ So now you are including taxes that other people are paying? Yeah, if you include enough of those, I am sure you can "prove" that your tax rate is over 100%! I not not include FICA, because it is eliminated for income over $97.5k. The overall maximum rate is only for those making over $1M. The rate for the $95k guy is much less. Property tax, etc are not taken out of your paycheck, so they do not effect your "take home" pay, right? \_ Yes, I include taxes other people are paying for my benefit. My employer could give that money to me and it wouldn't matter one whit to them. Or, we could split it 50/50. The fact that FICA has a cap doesn't matter. You can't ignore it. Also, I consider "take home" to be the amount I get to keep each year, not the amount of my paycheck. I can take 59 deductions and get a huge paycheck, but I don't get to keep any of that. \_ You aren't listening very well to what I am saying. Here are the calculations for a $97.5k income with zero deductions (not very likely, but an extreme case): Income - $97.5 Fed income tax - 21411 State income tax - 6873 FICA - 7459 SDI - 693 That comes out to a 37.3% overall tax rate, which is much lower than the theoretical maximum. I calculated this from the tax tables, btw. Why stop at FICA, if you are going to start including your employers taxes? Why not add corporate income tax as well? If he made more money, he could pay you more, right? [As an aside, I realized that zero deductions makes no sense, since this guy would at the very least be able to deduct his state taxes from his federal taxable income. Doing that lowers his federal income tax by 1924 and his overall tax burden to 35.3%] \_ State income tax as stated by you = $6873. The standard deduction is $5350 for a single filer. The difference is not 2% in tax burden. \_ What do you think "zero deductions" means? Not everyone gets the standard deduction. \_ The payroll taxes are not at all similar to corporate income tax, but feel free to include them if you wish since we get taxed twice on that income. \_ Don't forge to include the income tax that the gas station owner pays on his employees, since if he didn't have to pay that tax, he could give you cheaper gasoline. \_ Huh? \_ Sales taxes can easily bring you over 40%. And property taxes should count, why not? If you live somewhere it's an expense that comes out of your paycheck in the end. - !op \_ My god. You're so dense it's not even worth reading your shit anymore !op !pp \_ :( awww. I guess you win. \_ We were discussing paycheck deductions. \_ No, only you were. Yes, I am sure that your overall tax burden can exceed 40%, since mine did one year, when I sold a bunch of stock and got bit by AMT and I didn't have any deductions. I don't think it is realistic to get to 50% and I would be amused to see your scenrio as to how it could be possible. \_ I think we are actually discussing overall tax burden. You are trying to stick with the literal paycheck but that's kind of dumb since the op clarified this already. I don't know if you can break 50%, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised if you could. What state has the highest income, property, and sales taxes? How much do corporate taxes affect people's tax burden, reflected in prices? How much might luxury taxes, gaz guzzler taxes, or other special purpose taxes affect someone? \_ What does "I take home 50%" mean to you? Like I said, I would be amused. Pull out your calculator and show us how it could happen. \_ To me, it means "take home at the end of the year". Like I said, I can play with deductions all over the place to affect my actual paycheck. \_ That's right, you have deductions, so you don't pay as much taxes as you would otherwise. This is what everyone does, which is why the 50% line is BS. the 50% line is unrealistic. \_ I think he means you can claim deductions for your paycheck that are bogus. What matters is what you ended up actually giving the govt after tax year. \_ That is not what take home pay means to a normal person. http://www.csua.org/u/kmh \_ Your definition is what I said and includes even more not related to taxes. \_ I earn $97000. I go over the Bay Bridge 9000 times and pay the toll. Done. Or if we include property tax all you need is a high value to income ratio. Whatever, I too would be amused but I'm not gonna do the work. \_ Amusing. It would actually take 19700 times. \_ Amusing. \_ I would bet there are real people paying >50% overall tax due to property taxes. \_ Not very many of them, which you would find out very quickly if you did the actual math. Most people paying lots of property tax have big mortgages, and therefore big deductions. \_ 1. Most people paying lots of property tax own the property and have no deduction. 2. The deduction is capped at $1M in debt anyway. \_ Prove or demonstrate evidence that 1 is true. \_ I am not sure if it is and I retract that. My original statement was overwritten and what I said (which is true) is that people with expensive homes tend to make large downpayments (>50%) and have smaller deductions in proportion to property tax than you might think. \_ Oh noes! Even if you were right and it was *only* 46.8% do you *really* think the gvt taking *almost& half your income is somehow ok? *shakes head* Or are you just living down to the anal retentive engineer stereotype? \_ I'm not the op and I just want to say your reaction and response make you seem as mature as dans. You're acting like a complete moron which doesn't help in supporting your case. \_ My case is very simple: 46.8% isn't a whole lot different than 50% when you're talking about my take home vs. the gvt's take away. If you can't see that please return your diploma. Thanks. \_ No one actually pays that rate, that is just the theoretical maximum. I would be perfectly happy with that tax rate if some decent government services came with it. The guy who is claiming that the guberment takes half of his paycheck is simply lying. \_ Why do you say I am lying? We just proved we could already be at 45% without even considering all taxes paid like FICA plus, e.g., gasoline tax, hotel tax, airport tax, etc.. Hell, property tax can be another massive chunk, especially if you own properties outside of CA like I do which I am not renting out at the moment but yet still pay taxes on. I am glad you are in a tax bracket where you keep 80% of your income, but wake up. \_ keep it up loser, you're just whining now because you don't like to lose arguments. \_ You have a weird definition of "lose". \_ 45% is for a guy making $1M+ with no deductions. FICA is an insignificant proportion of that kind of income. $1M+ guy probably doesn't spend it all, he probably invests most of it. My overall tax burden is about 1/3 btw. I don't trust you to be able to calculate your own, after what I have heard you claim so far, sorry. \_ It doesn't take $1M of income to spend 45% of your income in taxes. \_ I see my pay check. By the time the gvt is done taxing me I lose roughly half my pay check. Is it 46%? 54%? I'd say it doesn't matter and this whole thread between you two has gotten bogged down in hair splitting details. If the number was 33% (calculated any way you like), then I'm working for the gvt for the first 4 months of every year, not my family. I don't start to earn anything for me until May 1st. You think that's ok? Anyway, the original point remains. The grad student op has no reason to care until they get their first real pay check and see how much the gvt takes from it. \_ Do me a favor then. Take out your latest paycheck, add up all the taxes and then divide that into your gross pay and tell us for real what your actual tax rate on your income is. I will be waiting. \_ You're a moron. Withholdings are just withholdings. \_ Just answer the question, if the math isn't too much for you. math isn't too much for you. You can go back and get your 1040 out from last year if you want to give a more accurate answer. \_ The concept of "working for the government, not my family" is an ideological canard. Your taxes are supporting your family; the school system, the infrastructure you use, the police and fire departments, and the military. I'm sure this will start you off on a rant about how the roads have potholes and the schools aren't good enough. So tell me; what is the right amount of taxation, if the current amount is too much? (For extra credit: attempt to prove that we're past the midpoint of the Laffer Curve). -tom \_ I don't see the relevance of the Laffer Curve to this discussion. Maximizing government revenue is not a goal. \_ Why not give 100% to the government and let the government provide then? \_ I notice that instead of answering the question, you set up a straw man. There are some services that the government is better able to provide than private industry: infrastructure and security, for two obvious ones. There are other services where the societal ROI is so obvious that it makes no sense to leave it to private industry: health care and childhood education, for two. With the exception of the military, the US and California are insufficiently funded in all those areas, which is why our infrastructure, health care, and childhood education are all quite bad compared to other industrialized countries; and by extension, why our pollution, crime rates, and life expectancy compare disfavorably. I am pretty certain that lowering taxes does not improve any of those areas. -tom \_ Prove that gov't is better able. \_ Please. Do you really think a private entity could have built the interstate system? Do you see private entities lining up to put in the SF-LA bullet train? Are there *any* real-world examples of private entities providing comprehensive infrastructure or security? -tom \_ You went beyond massive projects and mentioned childhood education (why stop there btw?) and health care. And maybe that SF-LA bullet train doesn't make economic sense. Maybe the interstate system should have been a better rail system. How are you so certain that everything gov does is great? Anyway, it's pretty obvious that some things are just way too huge for there to be any realistic competition and that is where government makes sense. Education and health care are entirely non-obvious however. \_ I didn't say the government inherently does health care and education better; I said that the societal ROI (for universal childhood education and universal health care) are obvious. -tom \_ You also said it makes no sense to leave it to private industry. Ok, I misinterpreted your point. I'm just debating here part time so I'm a bit distracted. \_ If the government doesn't do it better then they shouldn't do it. \_ The government *has* to do it (provide universal health care and child education) because private industry won't. Private industry loves to cherry- pick the easy problems and claim they solve them better. -tom \_ Sorry, but I disagree. Private industry does just fine with both. \_ where? -tom \_ Private school vs. public school, for example. \_ Private school doesn't provide universal education. -tom \_ Sure it does. It's just not free. It could be if the gov't handed over the $$$ they waste. \_ ah, so it's OK to tax to pay for school. Communist! -tom \_ Only okay to tax to support kids whose parents pay no tax. Most of us just get our own money back. ______________/ That makes no sense. How about this, we'll have zero tax for income up to $200K, and 75% tax for income over that, no deductions. People who are taxed are ineligible for public school and health care. Sound good? -tom \_ No, but only b/c I find 75% rate outrageous. \_ So choose your rate; tax everyone over $200K enough to provide schooling and health care for everyone under $200K. Happy now? -tom \_ This is another straw man argument, btw. "How are you so certain..." How are you so certain that everything private industry does is great? \_ Well, private entities generally give you an element of choice in where to spend your money, unlike a pure tax-funded government program. \_ We have choices in a democracy too, but they are just determined collectively. \_ The 'fat hand' in your choice to intervene is so much 'fatter' in the gvt case, that you are either being sarcastic or disingenious. -- ilyas \_ That's no comfort at all. \_ I would be happy to pay much more, like 50-60%, if it got me cradle to grave health care, education and welfare, along with clean safe streets, good public transportation and great parks and other public places, like they have in The Netherlands and Sweden. I think 1/3 is fair, given how much the gov't has done for me in my life. \_ What has the gvt done for you that you think is worth giving 1/3rd of your life back to it every year until the day you die? Would 1/4 be fair? Would 1/8 be fair? 1/20? What about people the gvt has done less for? Should they pay less? Is it fair that some people pay more and get less? \_ They (we really) fed me, clothed me and housed me when my family was poor. They gave me a free education when I was a child and then a job in the Army out of high school when I didn't know what I wanted to do and wasn't ready for college. They provided me an outstanding university education for less than 1/10th what a private school would have cost me after the Army. They even gave me my first job after graduation, when I worked for the UC for a while. I benefit from knowing that I won't be starving and out on the streets when I am old. This lets me take more risk now, benefitting me (and society, indirectly). I am sure without all that government aid I got when I was young and needed it, I would not be as successful now. The gov't more than got its investment back in me as well. Is it fair? I don't know, is it fair that some people win the sperm lottery and some don't? Is it fair that one guy gets hit by a bus crossing the street and another does not? I think you are asking the wrong question. Life will never be "fair" but society as a whole benefits when we pool and share risk and when we have an educated populace. I think it is much more fair to tax a few people to feed the hungry than it would be to starve them. I am sorry that you don't feel the same way, but you are welcome to vote for politicians to implement your harsh vision of what a fair world would look like. \_ One thing I can say is that you don't know how your life would have been without this. You can speculate that you would have just starved. However, many people lived for thousands of years without a big helpful gov't and didn't always live like shit either. For example, the safety-net like constructs you love could conceivably be implemented by voluntary local communities/societies. There are/would be various forms of charity. You also don't know how the economy might look like without the current structure. Do you think an army is the only only possible job-provider? Could one not use loans to pay for university tuition, so you literally do pay someone back instead of handwaving and hoping for the best? Just some food for thought. \_ The devil you know, and all that. \_ I might be able to imagine it more clearly if you could provide me with some real world examples of societies that had organized themselves that way successfully. Surely in human history there must be some, right? When and where were they? \_ Why must there be? Were there societies just like the USA before the USA? Not everything has been done before, there are new technologies and ideas, and old ones that have never been tried. But think of any primitive human tribal society. They didn't generally throw the old people to the wolves. It seems like big gov't wants to replace the role of families and actual human support structures. What about my point about the army and university? Another problem here is how you indenture yourself for life, involuntarily. It is not enough to say you benefited. A slave benefits from his master's food. \_ So you want to replace a system where the poor and disabled have the right to an existence as part of the social contract with one where they have to depend on handouts given at the whims of the wealthy. And you think that this is both going to work and provide the poor with more dignity. Like I said, show me an example of this ever happening and I might not be as skeptical. I don't think a strong welfare state eliminates the need for family, though I can see how it might lessen the bonds a bit. Oppresion tends to build strong communities amongst the oppressed but that is hardly an argument in its favor. Handouts don't only come from the wealthy. _/ Right to existence != right to others' property. Unless it is a child's support from his parents. I don't think there is a right to food, shelter, and medical care. All those things require the work of others; how can you have an inherent right to that? Most rights we talk about are freedoms against others doing something to you, not rights for them to do something. Being poor != oppression. Entitlement handouts erode personal responsibility and accountability. Private charity organisations are widespread. There's no reason to assume that they would not work. They might work better than the current government programs. I don't make any claim about dignity levels as that is subjective and irrelevant. In a country where there is not enough to go around, you clearly cannot have a right to food. Therefore that right is inherently nonsensical. \_ I disagree with your notion of rights, simply stated. Mine are much closer to the UN Declaration of Human Rights or FDR's "Four Freedoms" than your Cato Institute flavor. None of your wealth exists in isolation of society and most of it is actually generated by the social fabric. To imagine otherwise is wrongheaded and naive. In those societies where there was only private charity, starvation and disease were (and are) rampant, so yes, there is \_ Irrelevant... different times, different tech, different wealth. plenty of reason to think that this model of taking care of the disabled, elderly, orphans and other helpless members of society would be insufficient. The only differnce is, you think it is fine to have people dying of hunger on the streets and I do not. \_ You must think it's fine also. You aren't donating all your assets to feed hungry people in other countries. In any case, you are creating a false dichotomy. There are other ways to address chronic poverty than chronic handouts, and there are voluntary forms of handouts. And how would you know anything about poverty? Have you ever been poor? You seem like the type who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple, frankly. The evidence that handouts erode personal responsibility is thin. In Europe, class mobility is higher than here. \_ You are crazy if you think Europe has more class mobility. \_ Handouts are pacifiers which diminish people's drive to fix the underlying problems. \_ Prove it. Did your attending a publicly funded college make you dependent? \_ Most of us paid fees. If we had paid 2X as many fees (unsubsidized) I don't think much would be different. In fact, Cal is headed in that direction. \_ why, then do countries which have more handouts have fewer underlying problems than the US? Your stance is ideological and not based in reality. -tom |
2008/1/24-31 [Reference/Tax] UID:49004 Activity:nil |
1/24 Someone please help me understand how the tax rebates work. I just don't have time to look into it. From what I read, these are rebates and not handouts. Meaning, these are just tax dollars that would ultimately be refunded anyway next year. Am I wrong about that? If I am right, then why will it cost the government any money? If I am wrong, please explain how it works. \_ It's a handout to people with less than a certain income. \_ They are called "rebates" but they are actually handouts, because "Workers who make at least $3,000 but don't pay taxes would get $300 rebates." \_ Understood, but that's probably a small class. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080124/ap_on_go_co/economy_stimulus \_ if you make more than $85K adjusted gross income, you get nothing. if you're married and have three kids with combined income < $150K, you get $2,100. \_ I read that, but aren't you just getting $2,100 of your own money? Or is it $2,100 you wouldn't get back otherwise? \_ What's flawed about this is the 100B comes from... LOANS, adding more to deficits that we will have to pay for sooner or later. Ah, the wonders of never ending deficit. \_ Yep, the only way this matters is if the gov't cuts spending, then keeps the Bush tax cuts permanent. \_ government handouts financed by increasing federal debt. Theyd get the same result by telling taxpayers to just go spend an extra $300 on their credit cards. \_ Cool, we can vote ourselves money from the public treasure. Let's keep voting for the candidate promising the most! Let's borrow money from China to give handouts to consumers to buy products from China to lend us the money again. Oh well, it's just paper. \_ you still get your normal tax refund. this is "bonus". \_ Are you sure about that? So these work differently from the $300 Bush rebates handed out N years ago? \_ ack, not quite sure now actually \_ pretty sure. weren't the $300 rebates "bonus" as well? i think the confusion is about those who never paid even $300 in taxes not getting $300. \_ No, the bottom rate got lowered that year, so that your taxes were actually $300 less. They sent you that money right away but then deducted it from your tax refund. The new "rebate" is planned to be a similar thing: it is basically a one year tax cut (for those who pay taxes) and just a check (probably a boost in EIC) for those who do not. \_ So this is a rate cut for which tax year? 2008? And instead of receiving the refund in 2009 they will mail it out in advance? |
2008/1/17-23 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:48962 Activity:high |
1/17 Bond insurers go foom. MBI/ABK down 31%/51% respectively. \_ What is this, Bloomberg? \_ are you kidding? we're better than that. \_ Geez, just http://finance.google.com, you can see it. \_ I think he's asking why lame financial headlines are being posted here. \_ Yes, exactly. If you want to start a disucssion about the state of the economy, that is fine, but up to the minute stock ticker info is not going to do it. \_ Oh, I'm pretty sure this is housing bust gloating. -pp \_ As I explained to my desperate-renter-wants-to-be-a -home-owner-waiting-for-big-housing-bust coworker: As a home owner I don't care at all what housing prices do except on two days: the day I buy and the day I sell. All the ups/downs in between mean nothing to me. \_ That's fine, but it's obvious your co-worker DOES care, because he wants to buy, and wants a good deal. So why even say this to him? \_ Because he's an ass. \_ You have it backwards. The guy was sending gloaty email links and smothering lunch chats with bad housing news smirking at the home owners. I simply explained to him the way I and likely many other home owners view the ups and downs of housing prices. Are you one of the bitter-renters? \_ I'm a renter who wants to be a home owner, but do not yet know much about owning a home. Does the housing price fluctuations affect your property tax? (Don't you pay a percentage of increase in value? What about if the value decreases?) Also, I'd imagine it would matter if you ever need to take out a new load against your home. Feel free to clue me in. \_ In CA, price fluctuations aren't really an issue because of Prop 13. If valuations fall below the assessed value, then yes your tax can be lowered. However, since increases are capped at 1% per year and the rate of appreciation generally is more than that, it is rare that homeowners worry about it. It is safe to assume that your property tax is ~fixed here in CA. Other states do things differently. \_ I would not be surprised to see Prop 13 modified in the next decade. \_ No one is going to push to have other people's taxes raised. If anything they will push to have their own lowered. But I seriously doubt anyone really has any clue what their neighbors are paying anyway so this whole line of thought is just silly. What are your neighbors paying in property taxes? Do you know? \_ Yes, I know. Just look on http://propertyshark.com. People push to have other people's taxes raised all the time, you just aren't paying attention. What do you think Hillary's campaign promise to raise the top rate to 39.6% is? \_ I would. Homeowners are a big voting block. Who would vote to change it? \_ Everyone who bought a home after 1999, once they realize they are paying 10x in taxes than the neighbor who bought in 1977, for the same services. I don't think it will go away, just reindexed to inflation, not inflation minus 1. \_ They won't ever know what their neighbors are paying. And if the taxes hurt that much they'll want theirs lowered, not their neighbor's raised. \_ That's how it works. You pay more today to get a break in the future when you are (presumably) retired. I don't have a problem that my neighbor who moved here in the 1940s pays less tax than I do. He bought his house for less, too. I can't worry about that. \_ Nobody cares if they paid less when they bought the house. That's just pure strawman. \_ You can worry about whatever you like. My neighbors on each side own many rental properties. Even combining them all, they probably pay less in property taxes for much more city services than I do Why should these multi- millionaires get subsidized by everyone else? In the long run, taxes should keep up with inflation (or even GDP), unless you want service levels to fall, which is what has happened to CA over the years. The voters are slowly coming to realize this fact. \_ Ah here it is: class warfare jealousy and envy. They pay less because they were smart enough to get in early. You are now locked in at your current rate and your future neighbors will want to know why you pay less than them. Think your taxes should rise to their level just as you're retiring? \_ If property tax exists for a reason, then it should be raised if it needs to be raised. I don't see how you justify your position. If you extend the idea into the future for all possible market scenarios you see that it is unsustainable. The focus should be on keeping the overall rate low, not arbitrarily locking rates. Capping the amount it can rise per year would seem prudent, but not making that 0. It's not just about fairness but market efficiency: in my experience people become really "attached" to their low tax rates. \_ We effectively cap property tax rates because people should not be taxed out of their homes. This is still the U.S. the last I checked where the people are more important than government revenue. If the gvt needs more $$$ they should cut the pork and increase efficiency. I've worked for both state and federal gvt for many years. There is tons of room for pork cutting. They make large corps look like models of efficiency. \_ No, they pay less than me because they were born a generation earlier than me, and then rigged the game in their favor, not because they were "smarter," as you claim.\ Property taxes should pay for the city services required to support them. Consistently charging less than inflation guarantees that this cannot happen. Why should others have to pay the tax burden shifted to them? Who should pay taxes instead of the homeowner? Streets, schools, police and fire protection are not free. And even if you did cut city services, the anomaly of early owners gaming the system in their favor still remains. Why do mostly wealthy older home owners deserve a tax break at the expense of everyone else? I think the idea of a tax break for an owner occupied residence with a low income senior citizen in it is great but this not what Prop 13 does. That's still not an argument for prop 13. Cut _/ pork, great, benefit everyone. So what. \_ Prop 13 only caps property tax rates if you hold on to the house. If you sell, which most people do, the rates catch up. Property tax revenues are plenty high and do a job tax revenues are plenty high and do a good job of beating inflation. BTW, it's easy to find out what your neighbor pays for tax if you want to know. Why should you care? Should a family of eight pay more property tax than a single homeowner? They use more services. It really sucks to live in a state where the tax is not capped. In many states property values doubled or tripled in the last few years. Would you like your tax to go from $3K to $9K a year just because speculators are moving the market? How can anyone plan and budget for that? It has nothing to do with the cost of services tripling either. No, I think CA got it right. If the state needs more revenue then tax income. \_ Adjusting Prop 13 so that property taxes go up with inflation after purchase, instead of inflation minus one, would not cause of two percent a year, would not cause anyone's tax to go from $3k to $9k in one year. Go fight that Straw Man somewhere else. \_ Whose definition of inflation and why? They are already keeping up with inflation. $10.3 BB before Prop 13 = $35 BB in 2006. (calculated from CPI). Actual amount collected in 2006 = $38 BB From Howard Jarvis: "Despite Prop 13's restrictions, today's government in California collects the same 16% of personal income in taxes, fees and assessments that it collected before Proposition 13 passed. Today, the government in California collects and spends per capita in constant dollars - that is, incorporating population growth and inflation growth - more than it taxed and spent per capita in 1978." What has changed is the distribution of taxes: 1977: Schools: 53%, Counties 30%, Cities 10%, Other 7% 2006: Schools: 38%, Counties 26%, Cities 18%, Other 18% Any homeowners, like Tom, who feel they aren't paying enough property tax are free to write a check out for more. It's easier to steal money from other people instead, though. \_ Right and all you have done is steal money from other taxpayers to reward homeowners for voting for you. The overall tax burden is the same, it has just shifted away from property tax, to one that is less reliable (mostly sales and income). Jarvis lies with statisics, btw, since the per capita inflation adjusted property tax burden has gone down. You forget the per capita part in your calculation there. Here, \_ Presumably the increase in population is a major driver in "inflation" so it is accounted for. \_ No. I will present you with a logic problem: Since the overall state spending per person has stayed the same since 1970 \_ So why are the State's infrastructure and schools falling apart? Sounds like poor spending decisions. IOW, where's the problem then if there's plenty of money already? Why abolish Prop 13 to give the government more? \_ That is a good question, but Prop 13 doesn't have anything to do with it. "Three Strikes You're Out" is one reason. You're Out" is the biggest reason. The State is spending much more on prisons that it used to. The rest of the answer is not worth going into as a tangent on the motd. You abolish Prop 13 to: 1) eliminate the boom/bust that goes depending on revenue so closely aligned with the business cycle and 2) shift the tax burden back to the users of the services where it belongs, instead of poor schmuck third party \_ What poor schmuck third party is that? Everyone uses the services. As for boom/bust, I think abolishing Prop 13 is the wrong way to go about that. You know that what will happen is that everyone will pay higher property taxes and overall burden will also go up, because the State can't stop spending like drunken sailors. \_ I already established that per capita real spending has been constant, so give up with the drunken sailors theme already. I would prefer to see other taxes, like sales tax, go down as property tax went up. \_ Where is your evidence that the State spends like drunken sailors? As best as I can tell, inflation adjusted per capita spending has been near constant, with a dip after 1977, but then an increase in the 90s, so that we are back to where we were in 1970 (and less as a percentage of GDP, the traditional way to measure tax burden). we were in 1970. link:preview.tinyurl.com/386grn (PDF) \_ We are spending the same, but doing less with it. If we had to do as much as before, then we'd have to spend a lot more. That's why people want to raise taxes - the amount of money we used to spend isn't cutting it. My solution is to figure out what we're blowing money on and stop it. Then we won't have to choose between services and high taxes. Throwing more money at the problem is not a solution. Revenues and expenditures are same as ever and yet the infrastructure is deteriorating. The Throwing more money at the problem is not a solution. Revenues and expenditures are the same as ever and yet the infrastructure is deteriorating. The problem is we're not spending where we need to, not that property taxes ar too low. taxes are too low. \_ While you're busy trying to prove that it's better for people if you tax people instead of corporations, why don't you also try to prove that US corporations don't benefit from the public education system. -tom \_ I'm just responding to the person who wants to tax based on services used. A single person also benefits from public education, but where do you draw the line on which services you use and do not use? Therefore, it's better to just charge everyone (including corporations) the same. (in real dollars) and the proportion of tax revenue from property tax has declined, then the per person amount of (real) property tax has _____. A) Declined B) Increased C) Can't tell from information provided D) I don't know \_ Q: Why should we care? A: because we pay tax. S: most people sell A: not if they can help it because after a while that tax base is too big of an economic advantage to pass up, so it dicks with normal market forces. My family benefits a lot from prop 13 but it also complicates things because it adds this weird disincentive for them to sell their property. They just hang on to stuff because they are more profitable for rentals. I hate when gov't tax schemes dick with markets. Q: like your tax to go from $3K to $9K a year A: There are many ways to prevent someone's tax going 3-9k in 1 year besides locking their tax base completely. \_ It's not locked. It adjusts 2% per year plus whatever happens from sales. That seems reasonable. If you are in favor of a cap you are in favor of Prop 13 and the only question is what the cap is. Most states have no cap at all. \_ What the cap is makes a huge difference. 2% beats inflation, so in some place where the home market was flat the base goes down in practical terms. 10% would basically be acceptable to me. I'm not really in favor of a cap, I'm just saying I wouldn't really complain if it was at least matched to inflation. \_ I am actually in favor of a cap, because I can see the advantage of giving homeowners more predictability over their tax bill. But it should be inflation and I think it should be retroactively adjusted back for homeowners since 1978. Okay, I know the latter will not happen. \_ The real scam of Prop 13 is that it was sold to people based on the story of the aging grandmother taxed out of her too-valuable house, but the major dollar beneficiaries are corporations, who own more valuable real estate and turn it over less often. -tom \_ To prevent corporations from getting any tax benefits we should make sure to put all the people on fixed incomes into the streets. Great plan. Very humanitarian. Perhaps you have a newsletter to which I can subscribe? \_ nice strawman. Hint: You could have a law that taxes corporations differently than homeowners. -tom \_ Then again corporations are not sending kids to school or using public services to the extent that private parties do when compared to property parties due when compared to property valuations, plus corporations provide jobs which increases the tax base. Corporations pay plenty of tax as it is. Corporations play plenty of tax as it is. If you make the business environment more unfavorable to corporations then you also hurt individuals, most of whom work for corporations and pay property taxes out of their earnings. \_ That's an ideological stance not backed by any real proof. \_ Proof that corporations don't send kids to school? They are paying for a service they don't directly use. Please explain why corporations should pay a different property tax rate from individuals. What about a property that switches from commercial to residential and back? It's silly to base property taxes based on use, unless the use causes for instance some egregious environmental harm. Corporations pay plenty of dollars in taxes as it is, but they get swept under the rug because they are "payroll taxes" when people like to focus on income taxes. How about we don't tax earnings and then dividends, too? \_ The assertion that it's better for people if you tax people instead of corporations is unproven and unsupported by evidence. I would argue that it's silly to cap property tax, but if you're going to use Grandma's House as an emotional argument for Prop 13, it makes no sense to give corporations the same tax break as Grandma. -tom \_ Maybe grandma is a shareholder. You have the mentality that it's okay to screw over corporations because they are faceless entities, but the reality is that we are all shareholders and customers of corporations. When you raise tax on corporations then who do you think will pay for that? It's not like money gets magically created. Now, I do agree that one major difference between a corporation and a person is that the corporation will live forever and never has to transfer property if it doesn't wish to. (It would be nice to know how often this really happens.) So maybe corporate property tax can reset after some period of time (e.g. 99 years)? \_ Who will pay for it? The corporation. That's why you tax them. Taxes placed on corporations don't come directly out of people's pockets any more than taxes placed on people come directly out of corporations' pockets. Chevron had $17 billion in profit last year; you really think it needs to be protected from property taxes? -tom \_ The corporation will pay for it with the dollars its customers pay, which will probably be a regressive tax in a lot of instances. You don't think Chevron isn't going to try to pass the costs along to its customers? While it may not be successful in doing so, you're deluded if you think they are just going to take the money out of profits (which also affects investors like you and me and probably everyone with a pension and/or 401k). Or Chevron might trim costs by laying off employees. Whatever happens, you are redistributing wealth from Chevron's customers to the State. You think this is a good thing when the State's budget is as healthy as it has been over the past 35 years?! Throw more money at the State? \_ Your connection to reality is strongly correlated with my interest in continuing this discussion. Goodbye. -tom \_ The State's budget is healthy? \_ Yes, the State just has a problem living within it. / If your income jumped up and then went down year to year, it might be hard to adjust to it. \_ Oh please. What the State does is spend every dime the minute there is a surplus. \_ http://csua.com/2007/10/31/#48495 \_ I hope this is a lame financial headline and that's it -op |
2007/12/21-29 [Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:48849 Activity:nil |
12/21 Anyone recommend a good accountant in SF? Mine moved to corporate accounts and dropped me -- I expect to pay $500-$1000 for tax prep and they need to know AMT/.com bubble stock issues. |
2007/12/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:48832 Activity:moderate |
12/18 Can anyone explain why so many Republicans keep claiming that tax cuts raise government revenue, even when they know it is not true? http://www.csua.org/u/ka9 (WashPo) \_ Because in a high-tax environment, it's true? Tax RATES aren't the same as tax REVENUE. \- yes, "everybody" acknowledges this may have been true in say the eisenhower era, but it's disingenuous to imply this holds true today. \_ Well the relationship between tax rates and GDP growth isn't an exact science either. \- "we dont know what 'causes cancer' ... how can you say smoking is bad for you?" "evolutionary theory cant explain fainting goats ... so it's 'merely' a theory just like ID is a theory." \_ You are a tool for two exciting reasons! Firstly, science is powered by scepticism, so it is never a vice. Secondly, you seem to think economic causal theories are as well understood as an extremely well-studied medical special case. -- ilyas \_ when was the last time you took a shower? anyone ever asked you that? \- no, it is more like second guessing a jury verdict .. it could be wrong, but substituting your opinion when you dont know any of the details of the case and havent heard the arguments is crazy. so maybe decrasing tax rates increases revenue down to 10% MRT, but if 95% of the econ profession believes revenues go negative somewhere between 80 and 40%, it's seems some linear combinaion of arrogant and dumb to decide those arent the numbers you \_ 'linear combination of arrogant and dumb', that's a good one. I think I'll borrow it. -dans will operate with. even if there are a couple of smart guys here and there who (sincerely) disagree. i am not saying it is TRUE, i am saying it is what you must operate on unless you have some extremely heavyweight reason why you dont. peter duesberg might have some "heavyweight" reason to disbelieve the HIV->AIDS theory but for Thabo Mbeki to disbelieve it require some explanation other than "well as a world famous biologist, in my opinion, here are the flaws in the science ...". There are some questions where there are truely split opinions among experts ... like say on the mechanism of planet formation [http://tinyurl.com/37oy55] [rumor is you are an expert on "the stars"?] but supply side econ not such an example as applied to the US today. you also seem to be unaware of the different quality of certain econ predictions. there are econ predictions about certain equillibium conditions that are not speculative because there are clear forcing functions [arbitrage] ... so while there might be lots of competing theories about the level of exchange rates [CIP, UIP, PPP etc] the cross exchange rate parity prediction is a strong one. (one more thing: yes science is powered by scempticism, e.g. the H PILORI example, but these pols and motd posters arent DOING SCIENCE, they are running for office or trying to justify a policy. they arent being sceptical. they are usually lying and some some small number there may be some other expedient explanation.). -danh (the planet) \_ That last bit is 'high priest thinking.' You don't need to be Doing Science to be a sceptic. Criticism isn't a privilege of the knowledge producing class. Now it is true most criticism/scepticism of any given theory that DOESN'T come from scientists themselves will generally be silly or misguided. However, this isn't always so, and it is very important that there remain outside channels for challenging the current status quo in science. This is because science, for a number of reasons, is particularly susceptible to 'mafia effects.' -- ilyas \_ This is all well and good, but it's orthogonal to the point that supply-side economics is believed to be bunk by the economic establishment, and while it may not have the imprimatur of of the COBE experiment, it's pretty damned good science. -dans \_ That's pretty funny considering what "imprimatur" means. -lewis, nihil obstat "imprimatur" means. -psb \_ imprimatur: Official approval; sanction. I guess I just can't do funny. -dans \_ Historically from the Pope giving out an official decree. \_ See also http://csua.org/u/kaa (New Yorker) \_ It's called faith based government -- tax cuts raise government revenues because we believe they do. Tax cuts also cure cancer and bring endangered species back to life. \- IMHO: "they" do it because "they" can get away with it. \_ Post a link to your blog, windbag. so the question degenerates to "why can they get away with it?" well aside from "there is a sucker born every minute" [e.g. people who believe stupid rhetoric about "death taxes" or "double taxation" etc] type explanations [and remember, in america in 2007 we have three people running for president who can say "i dont believe in evoluation" and not be sent who can say "i dont believe in evolution" and not be sent packing on the hayseedmobile], i believe there are two pathologies in american journalism that leads to the pols not being called on this: 1. fear of having "access" cut off if you say "candidate X is either a moron or a liar". 2. many journalists are experts at "journalism", not a subject area. so they are trained in things like "objective/neutral view points", "presenting both sides" rather than having subject matter expertise and being able to render judgements. now they kind of research they may be good at is "digging up connections, influence, following the money" ... or maybe digging up gossipy thigns like who'se campaign is in trouble when they present the things like whose campaign is in trouble when they present the election as a horserace ... but they are not good at evaluating substance in areas like climate science, economic science etc. those are trickier areas than say evolution where the two postions are morons and scientists ... so they probably do positions are morons and scientists ... so they probably do ok there. now the nice part of "america 2007" is the blogosphere contains many people who are not journalists but ARE subject matter experts. these people are much better at holding the journalists and pols feet to the fire. but of course they dont generally have the giant podium the MSM journalists have. of course some exceptions: paul kurgman has a big podium of course some exceptions: paul krugman has a big podium [but he isnt a journalist. i know many journos kvetch about the blogosphere, but to the complain about giving a plum column to a non-journo? i am glad the NYT gave it to PK and not some random liberal journalist.]. james suroweiki also an exception. i think his finance coverage is really good. one reason the e'ists science coverage is decent is they look for "science people" who have some writing talent, rather than a journalist to has some interest in science. i guess the one thing that might be worse than the "silly objectivism" of some journalists might the the ones that forget they are journalists, like gary taubes' pronouncements about "fat research". \_ Why don't you ever post your name, unreadable screed guy? -jrleek \_ If you don't know that's partha, you have better things to do than motd. How exactly is it unreadable? \_ Massive wall of text, lost interest and skiped the rest \- supply side economics -> wall of voodoo about 10 lines in. This is the motd, not a novel. \_ You are too short for this motd thread.... \_ I don't care if higher taxes raise or lower government revenue over time. My goal is not to maximize government income. My tax goal is to pay as few taxes as possible while getting the minimum government services required to run the country smoothly and safely. (And I didn't need an unreadable 2 page rant to explain). \- "what do people owe each other" merits a longer answer than say "what is your favorite color". a personal statement of perference is a different beast than the search for the explanation to a normative or empirical question. you have have offered a 6line reply, but "your tax goal" provides neither insight into accuracy of supply side economics nor its "cost free" adoption by all the R candidates. \_ I think this is a good and admirable goal (and one that I share) but I think we should have that discussion honestly, not lie to the voters and claim that tax cuts are "free" which is where the Republican Party is now. \_ Ron Paul doesn't say this. It's not "the Republican Party" it is those particular men who say this. \_ Okay fair enough. But it is stated as true by all the other candidates. There is some economic sanity left in the Party, but you have to admit it is in the minority these days. \- Brad de Long [ucb dept econ] heavily covers the gap between economists and pols on supply side econ. of recent postings, see this "straight from the laffer's mouth" article: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2007/12/justin-fox-on-a.html |
2007/12/2-6 [Reference/Tax] UID:48729 Activity:nil |
12/2 Beowulf is really cool but... how did these fearless sea fairing vikings (Beowulf) who killed dragons and monsters turn into furniture making pussies (IKEA) in a matter of few hundred years? \_ Beowulf was a Geat, not a Swede. And the time scale is a milennium, not a few hundred years. \- OP: ignorant about who is Beowulf, ignorant about Swedish history, and ignorant about the tax scam that is ikea. \_ tax scam? i've never heard that before. wassup? |
2007/11/27-30 [Reference/Tax] UID:48702 Activity:low |
11/27 I have a lot of used, but clean and high quality clothing. It's not Prada or anything, but lots of name brands like Express are included. I usually donate this to charity, but is there a good way to sell it? Is selling stuff like that worth your time on eBay or Craiglist? There's probably a couple thousand dollars worth (retail price). \_ My wife takes stuff like this to Buffalo Exchange first and then gives the rest to Goodwill (and gets a receipt for tax deduction purposes). -ausman \_ If you have a high enough tax burden, you could donate the clothes and write them off, getting full value for the clothes for the writeoff. \_ Can I really write them off at full retail value? \_ sure, if you don't get audited. -tom \_ I seem to recall that last year the IRS was threatening to audit suspicious goodwill donations much more aggressively, due to the number of people abusing the deduction in this manner. -jrleek \_ http://www.goodwillpromo.org \_ My wife takes all of our used clothing to Buffalo Exchange first and then donates the rest to Goodwill. Goodwill will give you a receipt for their fair market value (not new value) that you can use to write off taxes. -ausman \_ Does Buffalo Exchange actually buy anything or is it a waste of time? They seem picky about what they will take. I usually donate to Salvation Army, because Goodwill in my area is difficult to deal with (they get more donations than they can handle and they act like it). \_ Sure they're picky, they only buy what they can sell at a markup, but my wife has made some money there. They usually only take a little of what you bring it, but it's more than you get from goodwill. -jrleek |
2007/11/19-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:48657 Activity:very high |
11/19 Warrent Buffet says that the inheritance tax / death tax is a good mm thing. No surprise since his company makes a fortune buying up properties sold to pay for the tax. http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/vernon/050824 \_ The problem with death taxes: when I earned the money, I was taxed on it. Now it's mine. I should be able to do what I want with it. Taking it from my estate upon death means giving it to other people who had absolutely nothing to do with earning it. Giving it to my family & friends means giving it to people who physically, emotionally, and/or financially helped me earn it. For example, a man who spends all his time working has less time to spend with his family. It cost the family something. When dad/husband is dead, the least they should get is the money he earned for them while away from them. Neither the government nor any strangers getting 'entitlements' are entitled in any way to his earnings. They already got their cut when he earned it. I have no interest in hearing from the ultra wealthy about their solutions for the country which always seem to involve things that don't hurt the billionaires or their families in any way. Buffet is obviously a great investor but he is in no position to dictate social or tax policy for the Little People. He should stick with what he knows: investing in successful companies other people built. \_ You say you should be able to do what you want with your money and not be taxed on the transfer. When you buy goods from a merchant, you pay sales tax, even though you've already paid \_ not all states have a sales tax. i also have a choice to buy elsewhere or not at all. death is mandatory. taxes on the money you used to pay the merchant (presumably). Wealth is taxed more or less whenever it changes hands; why should it matter if the transfer is due to death instead of a voluntary transfer? And if you think the government didn't help you earn that money, you need to brush up on both your civics and your economics. \_ the government helped. they got paid the first time. i see no reason to pay them a second time when my family hasn't been paid the first time and it cost them a lot more than it did some random government chosen recipient through random vote-buying 'entitlement' program. if you want to tax the rich, just go for it and create a straight wealth tax. go tax buffet a few billion a year (i think 10% is fair) just for having money. \_ Good luck getting your ideas implemented into law. \_ Would you prefer to return to hereditary aristocricy? This guy is another rich guy doesn't want to pay his fair share of taxes and would rather that someone else pay it for him. What else is new? \_ The important thing isn't income disparity (which is increasing) but lifestyle disparity (which is decreasing). -- ilyas \_ What does this even mean? \_ What it means is that income differences matter less and less. There was a thread on this in the past. Personal computers, cell phones, reliable cars, electronics, etc. are getting cheaper and better all the time, which means the poor in America can afford many of the same 'bits of lifestyle' as the rich. This is why a straight income comparison is misleading, the rich spend more and more of their surplus on 'brand differentiation' not quality. -- ilyas \_ Not so sure of this. Look at the crappy food the poor eat. The lead-based toys and other cheap Chinese imports from Wal-Mart. I know some wealthy people and their lifestyle is not really extravagant, but the eat, their lead-filled toys, and other cheap Chinese imports from Wal-Mart. I know some wealthy people and \_ It's a free country, people are free to eat and play whatever/whenever. Ultimately, people are responsible for their own actions. If they want to smoke to death or play with lead laden toys, that is their choice. \_ Sure, but there are a lot of people who cannot afford a healthy lifestyle even if they want to live one. This isn't about choice, but about opportunity. The poor eat far more often at McDonald's because of the price and they pay for it with their lives. Many would probably prefer organic grassfed beef burgers, but it's not an option for them. \_ Like I said, this is a free country, if the rich can afford more options, then they will pick the better options. So what? It's been like that way since the dawn of mankind. How are you going to "solve the problem" for the poor? Communism? Socialism? More regulations? \_ You're arguing against your own strawman. I didn't say we need to do anything about it. I am just disputing the assertion that lifestyle disparity is decreasing even as income disparity increases. \_ I dispute that notion about McDonald's. McDonald's is not cheap when compared to home cooking using modest ingredients. For example, just cooking rice/potatoes/ any commodity staple, cheap veggies, and some cheap meat from Safeway is going going to be healthier and cheaper than McD's in all likelihood. However McD's is fast. Maybe some of the poor have no time to cook, because time is a luxury. But I think it's mostly their own laziness: most people can do better than McD's. (You don't even need meat, of course.) \_ You're very wrong. I cannot make a double cheeseburger for myself for 99 cents even if I use the worst ingredients I can find. Yes, I can eat plain white rice for cheaper, but that misses the point. My girlfriend and I cook a lot - more than most people - and it's always the same or more expensive than eating fast food. Sure, the quality is better, but it costs more. It's cheaper than a good restaurant meal, but not by much. Restaurants have economies of scale that I can't match. Maybe if you have 9 kids you start to get close. \_ In terms of actual food value the rice is better, so it's not missing the point. Anyway, the 99 cent cheeseburger uses frozen, crappy meat and not a lot of it, and ultra cheap buns that are mostly air anyway. The cheese is process cheese. If you make your own you would spend more because you'd use better things, but you don't have to. There's nothing else on that except condiments. I think you can pretty easily make meals that have more "food value" than those burgers per dollar. If you really wanted you could also cooperate with other poor families to create that "economy of scale" thing. \_ We're not talking about "food value". I am using McDonald's as an example of the type of fast food that the poor eat and comparing it to the type of fast food that the wealthy eat. If you want to talk about cooking at home, then the wealthy can live even better. Your argument is "Don't eat fast food at all" which misses the point of the comparison. BTW, I would be very unhappy if I ate plain rice every day and I would harm myself or others. \_ We're not? I am. You said: "poor people eat McD's because of the low price... pay for it with their lives... would prefer organic grassfed". I'm just saying that if they wanted to they could eat tasty alternatives that are healthier, or for not much more, cook their own hamburgers. I'm not saying not to eat fast food. I'm saying that it's a choice. Many millions of people eat "plain rice" every day. \_ If you tried to subsist on a diet of only rice, you would die. \_ That's not what I suggested in my original reply. their lifestyle is not really extravagant, but the quality is much better. Are you one of those people who thinks a handmade leather Italian shoe and a machine-made shoe made in Mayalsia out of rubber are equivalent because they provide equal utility and the main difference is 'brand differentiation'? The wealthy live better and tend to live "smaller" in that they care more about things like environmental toxins and political issues in faraway lands. The poor just want the cheapest shoe possible, regardless if it will turn their toes green. Important products that everyone used to have, like organic food, are now only affordable to the wealthy. Those products are more important to a good quality of life than the fact that LCD televisions are now in reach of the common man. \_ It's true that some things that were more available in the past like organic food or hand-made furniture are less available/more expensive today, but you are being disingenious by ignoring the VASTLY LARGER number of things that were invented and made affordable to the general population. Again, it's true that premium brands tend to be better made (although not always, for instance luxury car brands tend to be less reliable than hondas/toyotas). I am merely saying that the gap in lifestyle has been shrinking for the last 100 years. If you are truly concerned about 'the gilded age' trends, you need to look at lifestyle, not income. Of course, 'lifestyle differences' are much harder to quantify and talk about, we are not talking about numbers in a bank account. -- ilyas \_ In general, a bigger bank account means a \_ In general, a bigger the bank account means a better lifestyle. A much bigger bank account means a much better lifestyle. I don't think this has changed very much. I know where you're coming from (a king in 1400 lived less well in many ways than we commoners today) but I don't see a trend where this disparity has really changed much over the last, say, 40 years at least. In fact, the gap seems to be widening if you look at statistics like home ownership. \_ Yes, of course income is strongly and positively correlated with lifestyle quality. My claim of decreasing lifestyle gap comes from the observation that mass production, specialization, and other capitalist institutions result both in innovation (invention of additional ways to improve lifestyle), and efficiency (current lifestyle improvements strongly tend down in price). The only way for the lifestyle gap to be increasing is if the number of qualitative lifestyle changes was increasing faster due to inventions than existing lifestyle to inventions faster than existing lifestyle was trending down in price. But there is little evidence for this. Innovations to differentiate products for wealthy consumption seem to favor premium brands as value-in-itself, various 'intangibles' (like hand-crafted assembly), and health and environmental consciousness. These things are valuable, but that the rich increasingly turn to these things is hardly evidence of a widening lifestyle gap. -- ilyas a widening lifestyle gap. (I would be surprised if long term home ownership trends weren't strongly positive, btw). -- ilyas \_ How about looking at home ownership or at the number of dual income families compared to, say, the 1950s? Even in my own family in the 1970s, neither my mom or dad had a college degree and they worked entry level jobs. They still had a house in the suburbs, two brand news cars, and sent the kids to private school even though my mom took 5 years off work to help with the kids. That still happens in parts of the country, but the fact that it's much less common now is evidence that the gap is increasing, since the rich live as well as ever and yet the middle class lifestyle is eroding. \_ http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/census/historic/ownerchar.html -- ilyas \_ Home ownership has been trending up since the 50s (http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/census/historic/ownerchar.html \_ But if you look at the numbers you'll notice that it's the over65 segment which rose even while more and more families became dual income households. I think that is significant. I also don't think dual incomes have as much to do with social norms as with the need to make ends meet. I think you acknowledge that there is greater income disparity. I think it is patently obvious that what follows is a lifestyle disparity. You can't point to a shrinking disparity because of this nebulous 'brand differentiation' without more data that I haven't seen you produce. \_ So that's it? That's your evidence? All this is evidence of is that housing costs rose faster than effective income. You need a lot more comprehensive argument to counteract the vast evidence for my conclusion (for instance look at the availability of consumer electronics since the 70s, or car quality, or power/price of personal computers, or a thousand other things). There is more to lifestyle than a house, that's why I say you need to average over everything. -- ilyas \_ Most households spend over 50% of their net income on housing, so it's a lot more important than anything else. You can say that electronics has gotten better since 1970, but how does it follow that the disparity between the quality of the lifestyles of the rich and the poor has gotten smaller? I don't think the standard of living now for the lower classes in the US is higher than ever, but it certainly is for the wealthy. QED, unless you want to make the argument that the lower classes (or even middle class) are living better than ever. From my observation, I wouldn't say the middle class lives a better lifestyle than the 1950s even we now have a lot more gadgets and the average car is nicer than it was. \_ Your notion of 'better' is strange and confusing. -- ilyas \_ Here's an idea to help you understand: Look at household debt now versus at some point in the past. Having more useless crap doesn't mean we live a better life. \_ So cars, personal computers, the internet, home electronics, medical advances, etc. are 'crap?' Gotcha! The number of dual income families has apparently been trending up since the 50s, but that in itself is not evidence of a 'squeeze' (but changing social norms for women). Neither is your anecdote. -- ilyas your anecdote. Even changing percentages for specific expenditures like housing or healthcare is not, in itself, evidence of a squeeze. (This is why lifestyle is difficult to talk about, you have to average over everything). -- ilyas \_ So you admit that people are working longer hours, getting paid less and having to commute more, but in the face of all this, you claim that their lifestyle has "improved." How about the fact that crowding has increased over the last decade? Food insecurity? \_ Is it true the vast majority of "food-insecure" adults are overweight? \- panem et circensus. lcd televisions in the reach of the common man keeps people from boredom and involved in petty politics and/or revolutions. lcds and football games are like the romans bread and circuses. feed 'em so they dont starve, and keep 'em entertained...and you wont have to worry about public unrest. it was true in roman times, and it's at least as valid today. panem et circensus \- ps b i am gay \- ps i am gay \_ This is not psb's voice, btw. \_ There is so much wrong with this I'm having a hard time starting. 1) False dichotomy 2) Are you saying we don't have a hereditary aristocrisy? I guess the Kennedys don't exist? 3) Anyone with enough liquid assets can easily get around this by: - setting up a non-profit and donating money to it - appointing their children as the board of directors and compensate them quite well 4) I've just started my own business. The death tax would force my kids to sell off my share. \_ Who do you propose to pay the tax burden instead? How long has America had an inheritance tax? This guy (and you) all made money knowing full well what the rules are, why should we change them in the middle of the game to favor you even more? And isn't the first $5M untaxed anyway? Why should a bunch of people who did nothing to deserve a windfall benefit at the expense of everyone else? \_ Here's a key concept: It's not your money to take away. If I can't give my property to my children, I don't own it. It's one thing to fund the government, it's another to be a communist. -op \_ I notice you have not answered the first question, nor are you able to do so. You claim that anyone who is in favor of any taxes whatsover is a communist? You are a lunatic. I do not have conversations with crazy people. a lunatic. I do not have conversations with crazy people. \_ I don't like to have conversations with stupid people. I said "funding the gov't is one thing". That means I understand the need for taxes. However, once you say "why should he get money?" you're a communist. communist. -op \_ So who are you going to raise taxes on instead? I am always amused when far right wingers claim that the position supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans is extremism. \_ It's not amusing when far left wingers do it? \_ If you can give me an example of that happening, I guess I would let you know if I thought it was funny or not. If you mean people like ANSWER, yeah I think they are pretty funny. \_ It's a bad question. The question isn't "who should we take from", it's "if we remove this tax, what do we do". Firstly we should eliminate the programs that are simply wealth transfers. That'd take care of about 60% of the federal budget. -op \_ So you want to eliminate Social Security so that the wealthy don't have to pay estate tax. I see. \_ They're 2 separate issues. SS is going away anyway, but yes, I'm in favor of eliminating it. Yes, I'm in favor of eliminating the death tax. The first is not to provide for the 2nd. -op \_ Which "wealth transfers" are you talking about then? There is no way that "wealth transfers" are 60% of the federal budget, unless you include SS in that 60%. http://www.warresisters.org/piechart.htm You can quibble about the percentage of debt payment that should be considered devoted to "past military" but those numbers are all up to date and accurate. Military + VA + debt is already half the budget. Do you call things like the Dept of Homeland Security a "wealth transfer"? And the death of Social Security has been predicted many, many times, but so far, she is still beating strong and overwhelming popular. \_ Who says it's so popular? Are payroll taxes popular? \_ 70 years of persistance in the face of Conservative attempts to eliminate it speak to its popularity. You could also google for a poll, if you really wanted an answer. \_ Slavery persisted a long time too. I could google for one, but I thought you might already have had a source in mind. But no, it was just something you pulled from your ass. \_ You really believe that answers the point? Social Security enjoys upwards of 70% support in any poll you could find. In addition, GWB's plan's disapproval never dropped below 60%. You seem to be something pulled from an ass. --scotsman \_ that's the 70% of people who plan to get a lot more out of other people's pockets than they'll ever pay in who have no plan for their own retirement. that sort of number not only does not impress me but worries me that this country is turning into a nanny state socialist pit. \_ If you don't like democracy, leave. \_ Should I quote the line about democracy being great until people figure out they can vote themselves goodies? The motd is full of uber geniuses today. \_ Quote all you want, you undemo- cratic, elitist thug. \_ I don't know but 60% is not "overwhelming". GWB's plan is not the only alternative to SS. SS as implemented is broken and regressive. \_ It is when approval never got above 35%. never got above 33%. GWB's plan wasn't about "fixing" it. There are broken portions, and changes need to be made, but the pp spoke of eliminating it. That's an idea that you can't sell to this country. \_ I love that "his fair share". Define fair share. -op \_ Arbitrarily: 50%. \- The only question worth asking about the Renew America columnist is "is he stupid or does he think you are stupid" ... i.e. "is he stupid or is he disingeuous?". If you arent interested in speculating on that Q, not worth reading. \_ So everyone should pay 50%? -op \_ From each according to his means, to each according to his needs. \_ I am a democratic and I am opposed to the death and inheritance tax. It should be my god given right to give my hard earned money to my children without tax. Take 50% of that away is just robbery, plain and simple. \- Grover Nordquist just got his wings. \_ You haven't done much research on this subject, have you? \_ Odds are that if you're not the uber-rich, you will be able to give your money to your kids with a minimum of tax. \_ And if you are the uber-rich, you will certainly be able to give your money to your kids with no tax at all! \_ How? If so, what the fuck is the inheritence tax for? The not so rich father that didn't know better? \_ It has been argued that inheritance taxes on the rich exist as incentives for those worthies to donate heavily to charities. \_ But the real reason is "because we can" \_ That's right, the same people who fought tooth and nail against godless communism are now taking rich people's money because they can. See you in the food lines, comrade. \_ Oh boo hoo, everyone has to pay taxes and it has been thus since Roman times. Forgive me if I don't shed a tear for you. \_ That's a fascinating argument. All sorts of shitty things have been true since Roman times. Death, for instance. \_ I think we should bring slavery back. It's the natural order, has been since Roman times. \_ I agree. MANIFEST DESTINY!!! \_ Yes, we should outlaw death too. That will work. Why not move someplace where is no functioning government and therefore no taxes? I think Somalia is a libertarian paradise. You can have all the guns you want, too. is no functioning government and therefore no taxes? I think Somalia is a libertarian paradise. You can have all the guns you want, too. \_ Dailykos talking points! \_ You are an idiot. \_ Please give some examples of this happening. \_ Cf. Gallo \_ http://www.csua.org/u/k15 (PBS) Are you referring to this? It says here that they paid their taxes, but over a number of years. Do you mean something else? \_ Check out the Straight Dope article. You're right, they didn't avoid the tax entirely, but they've reduced it significantly. \_ By what percentage was their tax reduced? I am not being contentious, I am just curious. |
2007/9/19-22 [Reference/Tax] UID:48112 Activity:nil 56%like:48106 |
9/19 Tax-Fre get around the tax mess and get super rich. Be happy. http://finance.yahoo.com/retirement/article/103293/Tax-Free-in-the-Rust-Belt |
2007/9/19 [Reference/Tax] UID:48109 Activity:nil |
9/19 Tax-Fre The focus of s opening edition is breasts, and there are plenty of women eager t\ o get some real issues off their chests. Kate Lawler, Big winner and presenter\ RI:, finds out what it is like to have larger breasts; viewers get a insight int\ o the life of the woman with s biggest breasts; and one brave soul takes us into\ the taboo world of chest and nipple hair, explaining why she is prepared to reveal all. Glamour model Jordan is reputed to boast a 34FF chest, but even hers is dwarfed\ by the breasts belonging to 42-year-old professional singer Jenessa. Bra-makers\ to the Queen, Rigby and Peller, have measured Jenessa at an incredible 36L, but\ she still squeezes herself into a 36-38JJ bra! She has to wear custom-made bras\ 50 a pop, gym and aerobics sessions are fraught with danger and she worries abou\ t embarrassing her son when she goes swimming. TV presenter Big winner Kate Lawler has the opposite problem to Jenessa. Her tw\ in, Karen, has a DD cup, but s chest is much smaller. In s programme she talks a\ bout the advantages and disadvantages of her size, has her breasts digitally enl\ arged, experiments chicken in her bra and goes corset-shopping with Karen. Kate\ has been considering a breast augmentation for the past five years filletswith\ tonightKateBrotherand at BritainSEof Brotherformer Wednesdaye in the Rust Belt.\ Be smart, understand how to legally get around the tax mess and get super rich. Be happy. http://finance.yahoo.com/retirement/article/103293/Tax-Free-in-the-Rust-Belt |
2007/9/19 [Reference/Tax] UID:48106 Activity:nil 56%like:48112 |
9/19 Tax-Free in the Rust Belt. Be smart, understand how to legally get around the tax mess and get super rich. Be happy. http://finance.yahoo.com/retirement/article/103293/Tax-Free-in-the-Rust-Belt |
2007/9/9-10 [Reference/Tax] UID:47963 Activity:nil |
9/8 How much tax payer's $$$ is Steve Fosset going to cost? \_ Less than an hour of the Iraq war, you can bet on that. |
2007/8/31 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Tax] UID:47852 Activity:nil |
8/31 Yesterday I bought a bra. 34GG. And of course, specialty items cost more. After tax I shelled out $80 for the darn thing, but I have uncovered about four inches of skin I haven't seen since early puberty. The lady at the store tried to get me to buy this contraption she called a "Custom Fit Bra", which to me looked like the old fifties maidenforms. I looked like I had traffic cones under my shirt, it was a nasty pale pink with yellowed lace at the edges, there was NO, repeat NO elastic in the whole garment, and before tax the thing was $94. I felt trussed up and like I was about to poke someone's eye out. Pushy sales lady kept harping on the fact that this torture device was featured on Oprah. "You'll love it," she said, "It's the most comfortable bra you'll ever own. Oh, and the cups round out after a few washings." Not for me, thanks. Sell it to Madonna. |
2007/8/30-9/3 [Reference/Tax] UID:47826 Activity:moderate |
8/30 which one of you was pimping the FairTax? Noted bastion of socialism the Wall Street Journal says it is a Scientology plot: http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110010523 \_ The summary isn't quite right, but I'll take good ideas from any source. But a national sales tax is hardly a new idea. Oh, and the article makes some pretty insightful criticisms, thanks for the link. -emarkp \_ Which point is insightful? \_ Primarily the exposing of the smoke and mirrors on the estimates. Claiming it's 23% when it's really 30%, and pointing out that gov't agencies would be paying taxes on things they aren't now, which would increase costs, etc. I still think it's an improvement over the IRS. -emarkp \_ The 23 vs 30 is an old hat red herring. Many people bring it up but it's been covered a lot already. Do they have to repeatedly rebut the same old arguments? It is linked from the front page of http://fairtax.org (under "learn about the fairtax"). The government tax issue is also irrelevant; the tax paid shows up in the tax income. The government ALREADY pays itself taxes when it buys stuff; the companies selling to it pay income tax (and government employees pay income and payroll taxes.) Here is an old rebuttal arguing against many of the same exact points: http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=news_myths_factcheck http://xrl.us/5hcg This guy's article is really weak. There are reasonable arguments to be made about the fairtax but most of this guy's points are not. \_ The comment about the 23% in that link is laughable, because while it's true that income tax is "tax-inclusive" sales tax is not. So when the average Joe hears 23% sales tax, he thinks of the current state tax and adds 23 points. This increases my dislike because I think it's deceptive. -emarkp \_ Who cares what the average Joe thinks? Use your brain. It's not deceptive. Does the average Joe have any clue at all anyway? No. Joe is watching TV. By using the 23% number, it forces this issue to be discussed. If they simply used 30% then average Joe would still be deceived. How is he to interpret that in comparison with income taxes? (This is why I don't have much hope for this plan. It's so difficult to even get to the point where we're talking about the same thing, even in a neutral environment of educated people. At the level of politics it will be impossible.) \_ Uh that sounds plausible? I haven't had time to read the articles yet but in the interest of fairness I would at least take a look at the http://fairtax.org rebuttal: http://urltea.com/1d1v I guess you can just say anything and get it published in the WSJ. Ok I read it. Almost every point is irrelevant or false. \_ The rebuttal doesn't address the 23% vs. 30% issue. \_ As a neutral 3rd party learning about the "fair tax" for the first time, it was *very clearly explained* about the difference between the 23% vs 30%. \_ It's still deceptive. When you hear that the sales tax in CA is 8.25%, how much do you expect to spend on a $100 purchase? \_ They usually refer to it as the "FairTax rate". Since it is a proposal to replace the income tax you need to use the same accounting. It's only deceptive if you hear a soundbite and don't actually learn about the plan. \_ It's deceptive and intentionally so. It's about marketing, not accounting. \_ Yes it is about marketing. It's not deceptive. It's about marketing against income tax. Let's just disagree and drop it. \_ See above. \_ Anything that starts out with scare tactics about it being created by the Scientologists (it wasn't, they had their own similar sounding but different idea and are not related to the fairtax people) isn't worth reading. That the WSJ couldn't figure out who was responsible for what when they went on the war path just makes me sad for the state of journalism in this country. They're *supposed* to be the best and probably are which says too much about how lame the rest of them must be. I don't know much about the fairtax but it didn't take more than 5 minutes to figure out this article is FUD and just flat out wrong on several points. \_ To be fair, that was on opinion piece from the WSJ. Not journalism. I still respect WSJ's journalism. -op \_ Journalism is, by definition, opinion. What is it that journalists do for a living? They present a narrative for the world. Journalism isn't grounded in anything that would make this narrative privileged. -- ilyas \_ If you're too dense to differentiate between the way the fuck out there on Pluto WSJ Opinion page, and their news reporting, I have lost all faith in you. \_ 'Facts' exist, but it's not possible to talk about them without a lengthy 'pre-processing stage.' No one bothers to establish common ground for a discussion about 'facts' anymore. Certainly not journalists, they are hostage to their business like everyone else. -- ilyas \_ Soon they will be part of the Murdoch empire and just as full of crap as the rest of the stuff he makes. \_ I don't care if it was an opinion piece. They published it in their paper and I expect basic *facts* to be correct. If their opinion piece writers can't get publicly available *facts* right then what's the point of having ops in the first place? I expect a highly respected paper like the wsj to at least spend the same 5 minutes fact checking something so inflamatory that I spent to find out it was just 100% flat out wrong. This isn't the sacramento bee, its the wsj. \_ Have you ever read the WSJ opinion page? Basic facts need not apply. \_ I regularly do. It isn't often that something so inflamtory *and* easily checked is right there at the inflammatory *and* easily checked is right there at the top of the op screaming FUD!!! at you. \_ I think that woman who writes about central and south america all of the time, I'm too lazy to up here name, spouts lies all of the time but who cares, it's just south america. |
2007/8/22-23 [Reference/Tax] UID:47711 Activity:moderate |
8/22 I don't mean to keep spamming about this but I wanted to reply here: \_ You make an interesting case for "FairTax". With 50 states, this could be prototyped by having 1 state shift from an income tax to a sales tax to see what happens. A lab experiment, in effect. Or you could do comparisons with countries which use a tax system similar to proposed. (or between states...) Last, we could phase in a fed. sales tax by 10% per year, and phase out income taxes at the same rate, ... \_ I think the problem with this is you end up with both systems at once. That's exactly what the plan intends to avoid (via repeal of 16th amendment). Politics being what it is, you can't phase out the income tax in parts. It's too complex and there are too many forms of it. And how do you make sure it goes away and stays gone? Plus I don't believe you could see benefits from a halfway system. It would be worse than without: you'd be adding to the complexity rather than simplifying. We do have states to compare. But no country in the world has a FairTax-like system. They have VATs on top of income taxes. \_ Yes, having both systems in place at once will be clunky, but most businesses already have sales tax handling built in, so it won't be a horrible burden. And a gradual phase-in *will* allow the actual consequences--intended and otherwise, to be measured, and a reverse route to be taken if the change is bad. Also, the whole federal income won't be dependent on a new untried system. Just like the opponents of abortion, the advocates of "fair tax" might find they get more traction if they don't push for "all or nothing". --PeterM \_ Both together would be *more* complex than today. So you \_ Only moderately, and most wouldn't feel the burden because the new tax system *is* so lightweight. No matter what, there will be pain in conversion, why not spend some pain to reduce the *risk* that the new system (any new system) brings? And you *can* reduce tax compliance cost by simplifying the damn income tax at the same time. --PM get no drop in tax compliance costs. To really judge it probably requires a reasonably long observation period. And if the systems are muddled together it will be hard to measure the real effect, when so many other things affect economic performance. You can obviously do a "trial run" at the logistical level of collecting the taxes (have businesses "fake" collecting the sales tax and submit the monthly returns etc. for 6 months or whatever). You could gather some statistics about that. \_ One reason you can't do a state-by-state "test" shift to another tax system is it would encourage too many people and corps to mess around with where they reported their incomes vs. their costs and current tax loop holes so you'd create an even bigger mess. I don't know if the FT is good for the country or not but I don't think you can gradually shift to something that requires dramatic changes across the board to see the expected/desired results. \_ Btw, you don't always need to do a 'test' to figure out the result. -- ilyas \_ Ilyas, I still think in my gut that the middle class is going to get screwed by the so-called Fair Tax, but the counter-arguments to my objections are enough to make me unsure that the middle-class screwing will actually occur. That said, I'd like more than a vague feeling of fear, uncertainty, and doubt as an argument against a specific proposal to clean up the mess that is our tax system. A 'test' isn't the only way to know, but doing a test will certainly make trying the new system a lot more palatable to everyone. --PeterM \_ Thanks for being honest. \_ I just meant "read my thesis." -- ilyas |
2007/8/22-27 [Reference/Tax] UID:47706 Activity:nil |
8/22 who is cheapest domain registrar? some statistics about that. \_ One reason you can't do a state-by-state "test" shift to another tax system is it would encourage too many people and corps to mess around with where they reported their incomes vs. their costs and current tax loop holes so you'd create an even bigger mess. I don't know if the FT is good for the country or not but I don't think you can gradually shift to something that requires dramatic changes across the board to see the expected/desired results. \_ Btw, you don't always need to do a 'test' to figure out the result. -- ilyas \_ Ilyas, I still think in my gut that the middle class is going to get screwed by the so-called Fair Tax, but the counter-arguments to my objections are enough to make me unsure that the middle-class screwing will actually occur. That said, I'd like more than a vague feeling of fear, uncertainty, and doubt as an argument against a specific proposal to clean up the mess that is our tax system. A 'test' isn't the only way to know, but doing a test will certainly make trying the new system a lot more palatable to everyone. --PeterM \_ Thanks for being honest. \_ I just meant "read my thesis." -- ilyas |
2007/8/21-22 [Reference/Tax] UID:47689 Activity:insanely high |
8/21 Seriously, what's wrong with the FairTax plan? psb and others I'd like to see a real criticism without vague accusations of "it's regressive!" It seems like a complete win-win situation for everybody. I was concerned about the possibilities of fraud and evasion, but when you really analyze it there should be less of this than under the current system. Since the overall tax on the economy is about the same ("revenue neutral") when you consider it's businesses that pay the wages that currently get taxed under income taxes, in the long run the cost of goods should remain similar, while our exports would gain a competitive advantage. I'm no expert and I'm open to an honest rational explanation. \_ screw you rich flat tax assholes. \_ I didn't know what the FairTax plan *was* without looking at Wikipedia, and wouldn't you know, Wikipedia also provides the information you wanted from psb et al. \_ No. Wikipedia's articles have a mostly neutral presentation. What I want to know is where the hostility comes from. Because I don't understand it. What particular economic analysis do people think points to FairTax being a bad idea? Was that analysis open to review? I see a arguments in the wiki entry analysis open to review? I see arguments in the wiki entry that contradict what the FairTax plan proposes. (i.e. straw man arguments) I just read this: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Story?id=3428541 The statements by people opposing the plan are completely vague and nonspecific. Look at Giuliani and Romney's answers. The liberal think-tank quote they got is totally vague, just saying "it shifts burden to middle class". That is false as far as I can tell. I guess I'll vote for one of the Republicans that support it. \_ It's a consumption tax. Generally the more you make the less of a percentage of your income you spend. So the less you pay taxes. And since that means you save more you make \_ "So the less percentage you pay taxes." even more money. Yes eventually you might spend some of that money, but in the meantime you have had a tax shelter for years. Consider that 1. people spend a lower percentage of their income when they make more and 2. you need the same revenue as before, that means any sort of flat consumption tax will need to shift (percentage-wise) the tax burder to the lower wage earners. It's why sales taxes are regressive and raising the sales taxes hits the poorest segments of our society the worst. \_ You're right as far as you go, however, FairTax specifically provides for tax rebates to the poor, making it not-so-clearly regressive. You didn't address that point, and since you did not, your criticism of the FairTax proposal is invalid. I happen to agree with you that *despite* the rebate, the middle class is going to get screwed, but I can't really substantiate that in any quantitative way. --PeterM \_ A rebate may help the truely poor, but that actually just shifts the burden even more to the middle class. Unless the rebate is so large that it is going to just lead to a broken tax system that doesn't work, which may very well be the goal of the "FairTax" (what a stupid, misleading, name) plan. \_ No, because they get the rebate also. First you need to define middle class, and show why the analysis presented by the FairTax web site is incorrect (showing that the poor have less burden while the middle class is about the same as now. Here's the thing: if these rich people stockpile money, so what? Eventually it will be spent. Or if \_ #f -dans not it will be invested in the economy, creating growth. Plus the economics indicate that the \_ Also #f -dans \_ I love your reasoning. \_ The statements are trivially false. Thank goodness you're smart enough to see that too. -dans plan would overall boost the economy. And under the current system, capital gains taxes are lower than regular income taxes. Plus we have IRAs and 401ks to let people save tax-free. The system will just be *massively* simplified. \_ Hint: too much savings can be just as big a problem for an economy as not enough. See Japan. \_ I don't know if "see Japan" is useful... didn't they have a structural problem with lack of and/or difficulty for entrepreneurs? We are so far from saving too much that I hardly think that's a worthy fear. Middle class people are probably not very savvy with their finances and more likely to have money sitting in a non-tax advantaged places like bank accounts. I don't think having a bunch of poverty-stricken seniors is a good plan. Meanwhile the existing wealthy people would have their savings taxed even though they already paid income tax on it: sounds like a wealth tax to me. \_ So you believe that on a sort of religious basis? \_ I would say intuition rather than religion. I'll gladly change my mind if I see convincing analysis and hard numbers. That is not a religious conviction. --PeterM \_ Payroll tax is eliminated and a family gets $20-30k of spending tax free. That sounds pretty good to me. Plus boosting the economy as a whole benefits everyone. http://www.fairtax.org/site/PageServer?pagename=about_faq http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_the_FairTax_burden \_ Thanks for these URLs. I'm convinced now that the middle class is going to take it in the ass while the rich will get a break. The poor also will get a break. I'm not in favor of screwing the middle class. Look at 1st URL, #49. I don't believe for a minute that the "fair tax effective rate" is going to be lower for everyone to the extent claimed--and it isn't going to end up lower for the middle class, who will end up worse off. --PeterM \_ Where do you see data indicating middle class gets screwed? #49 claims that it is lower across the board. I can't tell you if that's true or not but I wouldn't simply dismiss the possibility. Everyone is supposed to get a break. The retail sales base is larger than the income tax base. (pdf) http://urltea.com/1a80 http://urltea.com/1a85 \_ I specifically addressed your objection, my reasoning is that the tax has to be revenue neutral. So the money is going to have to come from somewhere, and the graphs show lower taxes across the board. While that may happen in time (that is hard to know), at the outset the tax burden has to be equal. Now, you may have a point about the tax base being larger, but I do not see why that should be, given that a large consumption tax would act to limit consumption and reduce the tax collected. --PeterM \_ Everyone would also "have a bigger paycheck" which encourages consumption. Partially there will also be a shift in costs to the business, allowing them lower prices than otherwise. them lower prices than otherwise (both because they don't pay corporate tax, and because they no longer have to deal with paycheck taxes for their employees). Adminstrative costs: lower by $100s blns. The tax base expands because you capture everyone who buys anything, with whatever money, not just labor income (e.g. it taxes existing wealth and capital gains ultimately at a much higher rate than today). Another problem is in the current system, many lower income households pay more "payroll tax" than income tax. So replacing that with a sales tax shifts the burden off them to higher income brackets. Plus the rebate is given even to retired people who have no income. Additionally the current system involves tons of complex writeoffs. That reduces the income base. \_ You make an interesting case for "FairTax". With 50 states, this could be prototyped by having 1 state shift from an income tax to a sales tax to see what happens. A lab experiment, in effect. Or you could do comparisons with countries which use a tax system similar to proposed. (or between states...) Last, we could phase in a fed. sales tax by 10% per year, and phase out income taxes at the same rate, resulting in a 10-year changeover, during the middle of which we could turn in back if we didn't like it. The income tax could be greatly simplified along the way, 'cause it would matter less and less. I realize states are not analogous and that burden on business will increase, but as people have said, businesses already collect sales taxes. --PeterM \- well since you named me specifically, i'll make a short comment. my view is "even vaguer" than "it's regressive". my answer is "the world is complicated and people who say it can be magically simplified are either 1. clueless about the complexity or 2. up to something". if you want to \_ .ch has a very simple tax system (compared to the us). I hope you aren't suggesting the us system is 'complex for a good reason.' -- ilyas discuss in greater length, wall something when i am around. in this case, for the commentators, i think the are mostly in category #2 because they say such stupid things like "we can get rid of the irs" [and dont mention replacing it with state level collection and enforcement]. the heart of the tax code is "what is income" ... that's where most of the instructions go. computing the tax owed via tax brackets rather than a single division isnt that big a deal. and corporate taxes [of which i know little] is also complicated for a reason. some of this is bogus [like claiming various pieces of IP have low values in some contexts and high value in other contexts, playing games with transfer prices etc] but parts of it is legit ... depreciation, investment etc. --psb \- this is going out on a limb but i basically think flat tax proponelegit ... depreciation, investment etc. --psb \- this is going out on a limb but i basically think flat tax proponents come on two flavors: --weathly people who realize they will get off way easier --upper middle class people paid via W-2+withholding who realize this doesnt leave much scope to cheat compared to their self-employed friends and the lower upper class people whose employers collude to reduce taxes or can hire tax lawyers etc --psb \_ See, that's a pretty cynical and hostile attitude. Yet you admitted you don't base this on reasoning about the actual plan or economics but on "the world is complicated and The Man is trying to manipulate you". That doesn't cut it with me. \- my level of interest in "cutting it" with some random anonymous person on the motd is pretty low. i pointed you in the direction of my complaints which you are free to persue or not, but ignoring the specifics i list and focusing on "hostility" or "cutting it" is silly. \_ Ok so you basically think the plan won't actually be less complex. Right? That's absurd... the number of "filers" is reduced 90% or whatever. Granted that saying "abolish the IRS" is somewhat disingenuous but the underlying point appears valid. To most people the IRS would no longer be an entity they deal with. And the current tax code has WAY more complexity than simple "brackets". Hey I thought you were interested in issues like this, Mr. Economist reader. I guess I've learned what I wanted to learn. \- i didnt say the current system is good. i think the current system has massive problems. same goes for say school vouchers. the point again is what makes the current system complicated is the detemination of income and the flattax can either avoid this question [making the the complicated simple] or if it does address this, then this is the heart of the proposal ... the problem isnt tax brackets. \_ Why not make taxes trivial for the 90% of filers? According to you, that's an impossible motive for someone who wants tax reform. Which really says more about you than the US. -- ilyas \_ Well clearly there is still some complexity involved on the business side. But businesses are already equipped to handle this. The "fair tax" proposal isn't based on the principle of flat tax being more fair than progressive tax. That is irrelevant IMHO. As for motives, besides the filing hassle (at cost in time, money, and privacy) there is the possibility of increased economic growth and competitiveness, plus transparency: wouldn't it be nice to see the federal tax rate right there at the store or gas pump, in its entirety, and see it go up and down instead of the current incomprehensible mess with many different tax sources and nobody really knows who pays what? \_ Those websites are pretty egregious examples of how to lie with statistics, but I really don't think you are going to be convinced no matter what I say, so what does it matter? \_ I could easily be convinced, which is why I posted. But I'm learning that a lot of people apparently are just scared of change or something and intuitively think it can't work. Isn't the income tax unnecessarily complex and invasive of privacy? Don't all the analyses agree that those near the poverty level benefit 100% from this plan? \- what to do about the poor isnt the problem. it's what to do about income to the wealthy: wage incomes, return to capital incomes, complex time structure of income, income in different juristictions, state-federal issues, wealth and property issues, large multiplier effects/higher sensitivity etc. read e.g. Daivd Cay Johnson. \_ Why is income the problem if we are talking about eliminating personal income tax? \-^income to the wealthy^the wealthy \_ What is stop the wealthy from taking income here and just shipping it overseas for all of their purchases, dodging tax entirely? \_ The point here is that they will not have a large incentive to do so because prices will not be significantly different than they are now. This is because corporations will not be paying income tax. For most purposes it will not be practical to do this kind of thing. Even if it happened, that would have to be weighed against evasion practices in the current system. Additionally, this system would tax consumption by foreigners here (e.g. tourists). Not sure how large that is though. Note that corporate income taxes affect a product's lifecycle at every stage of business; each of these adds cost to the final product. And dealing with payroll taxes for employees is an additional cost borne by every company in a supply chain. Also note that this represents an inherent disadvantage for US products in the global market. Here, they compete against foreign imports whose parent companies are exempt from income tax or VAT on exports. Abroad, they have foreign VAT applied, on top of the "embedded cost" of US corporate tax. |
2007/8/9-13 [Reference/Tax] UID:47567 Activity:high |
8/8 IRS tells guy who caught the Bonds ball you now owe 200k http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=ap-bonds-ball&prov=ap&type=lgns \_ The dude won a $600K+ ball. He owes taxes the income. How is that so strange? You pay taxes on gambling income and lottery winnings too. \_ The ball has no measured value until it's sold. Why should he pay taxes now? Oh, and the guy who claims there's a tax liability isn't the IRS, it's a (surprise) lawyer. -emarkp \_ probably under the AMT laws, just like the dot com folks in the early crash days, who owed taxes on their options' value at time of grant, rather than their later real value (or more accurately, lack thereof). \_ Which are stupid laws as well. -emarkp \_ Some parts of the constitution and amendments are stupid as well. What is your fucking stupid point? \_ [pointless off topic rude stupid troll purged] \_ What if, instead of paying you cash, I pay you in a magic card, that you can use to get cash at any time, that gives you intrest on the income you have on the card, and that you can even use as collateral to borrow money off of. Should you have to pay taxes on that? \_ No, we should move to the http://fairtax.org system, and eliminate personal income taxes. -!emarkp \_ I think the only problem with fairtax is the rebate. But it would be an improvement, and would have the advantage that the gov't doesn't know what everyone is making. -emarkp \_ Consumption taxes are incredibly regressive, rebate or no, and if you really believe they will do anything but be a giant tax burden on the middle class you are a fool. \_ Well, with that kind of argument, who can respond! We have tons of regressive taxes. So what. Imagine the wealth freed from dealing with tax forms and laws, etc. Oh, and if you're going to complain about regressive taxes, are we going to get rid of the confiscatory tax on cigarettes? What about the Lottery? -emarkp \- "The state lottery is a public subsidy of intelligence" --WVOQUINE@harvard.edu of intelligence" --WVOQUINE@HARVARD.EDU \_ Sin taxes: ok if moderate, especially if for things that cause a significant harm to public health. I do think cigarette taxes have gone way past a reasonable limit. \_ Even with the so called "confiscatory" tax, are smokers paying for their own medical expenses? Sales taxes: ok if low or moderate. Yes they are regressive, so keep them fairly low. Lottery: Not quite the same thing at all. Noone makes you pay the lottery. That being said I really don't like goverments having a lottery monopoly. \_ Does it matter that you're not forced to buy a lottery ticket? Funds are used for public spending, and the vast amount of lottery tickets are bought by low-income people. Why are "sin" taxes okay? Who are you to declare what public policy is toward sin? -emarkp \_ No one makes you pay the BMW either. \_ No! YOU are the one who is fool. It's fair is what it is, saves ordinary people from dealing with massive bureaucracy and removes the incomprehensible system of writeoffs and loopholes that the rich already exploit. Encourages saving and earning income, and discourages wasteful consumption that liberals are always complaining about. If, after all this, you still want to take wealth away from the rich then there are other means: just directly tax their property and such, or set up some special total wealth tax. The truly rich are few in absolute numbers. 90+% of people shouldn't have to deal with income tax. Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_the_FairTax_burden Consider the payroll tax. Consider all the 401k/IRA and flexible spending account BS. If you think a fairtax with rebate is "incredibly regressive" you need to show numbers. Also, with no income tax, the "death tax" makes a lot more sense: it's no longer double-taxed. \_ Ok, I'll let the rest of your blather stand but this double-tax bullshit has to go. We tax people when money transfers from one individual to another. For instance if I pay someone to clean my house, the maids income is taxed, even though I had to pay taxes on the income I made to pay her. If I go and buy something from a store the store pays taxes on their profit, even though my money was taxed. There is no "money only gets taxed once" rule and anyone who says that estate taxes are double- taxed is either an idiot or medicious. taxed is either an idiot or mendacious. Which one are you? \_ Wow, look at that big word. Short answer: I shouldn't have brought it up. Really it should not be taxed either when there is no income tax. Ultimately someone has to spend the money and it will get taxed then. I appended that about the death tax without thinking about it. (Feel free to dance in glee at this point.) I could, however, argue that in the current scheme, inheritance isn't a "new production". It isn't being given in exchange for goods or services. So it is "double taxed" in a way that your examples aren't. But I really don't care about this issue. \_ The reason politics is such a mess is because people aren't willing to be scientific about politics. I think the reason is, there is a low cost for believing stupid shit in politics (some economists view beliefs are a 'good' that people 'purchase'), but a fair bit of psychological benefit (belief as 'tribal markings' for instance, or beliefs which reinforce convenient internal attitudes) . In other domains (medicine, engineering, etc) the penalty for believing stupid shit is high, so people were forced to turn to science to make their bridges stay up so to speak. This analysis applies to some other areas, but the discreet lexicographer does not name them... -- ilyas \_ I've learned everything I need to know about politics from the motd: "My guy is Good! Your guy is Evil!" What could be more scientific than that? \_ Are you still a libertarian drawing a government paycheck? \_ Libertarians are not opposed to all government so it is not hypocritical of a government employee to be a libertarian. \_ I no longer think 'big political theories' are productive. What ends up happening is you spend most of your time worrying about coherence and thinking about silly edge cases which make no practical difference. These days I rely on 'political intuitions' and mostly concern myself with what direction the current state of affairs must move to get better. Similar insight in SVMs: only points close to the separating hyperplane matter. -- ilyas |
2007/8/3 [Reference/Tax] UID:47524 Activity:nil |
8/3 Here's a good idea, tax the ethnic studies dept! http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Read.aspx?GUID={C36D653C-804B-4E35-96A0-501F3DC84FC9} |
2007/8/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/SIG] UID:47511 Activity:nil |
8/2 these personal plates are totally awesome http://www.tax.ok.gov/plates/GWOT_apr07.jpg Fight terrorism! http://www.tax.ok.gov/plates/sp008.html Choose life \_ http://www.tax.ok.gov/plates/sp079.html NRA \_ http://www.tax.ok.gov/plates/sp138.html Square & Round Dancers \_ http://www.tax.ok.gov/plates/sp004.html Adoption \_ http://www.tax.ok.gov/plates/sp006.html Neuter your pets! |
2007/8/1-3 [Reference/Tax] UID:47496 Activity:kinda low |
8/1 My ADP paycheck this period shows I have $200 less Social Security Tax deducted from my paycheck (from ~$250 down to ~$50), as well as a new item "Rsrefund" which gives me another extra ~$200. My total pay this period is ~$200+~$200, or $400 more than my any other periods. Why is this happening? I don't want to call ADP in case they realize it and revert my extra $400 pay. \_ There is a maximum income that is subject to SS tax, somewhere north of $90k. Did you hit that? \_ As a matter of fact, I believe I did! This is GREAT! Thanks guys I was getting a bit worried. -op \_ Specifically, it's 97.5K this year. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payroll_tax#Social_security_and_Medicare_taxes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payroll_tax (Hey urltea nazi, you're only saving 2 characters by replacing this URL.) \_ Your url isn't the same one I shortened, you are missing the bits after the #. http://urltea.com/147c (wikipedia.org) \_ speaking of regressive taxes. \_ $90k. That's about how much fits in a fridge, isn't it? \_ If you are hitting $97.5K in July you shouldn't have financial problems. \_ I don't. I'm just happy to get more back. \_ You make $160K+ per year and you don't know about this? How can that be? |
2007/7/5 [Transportation/Car, Reference/Tax] UID:47179 Activity:very high |
7/5 "All we really want is to get paid and get laid." http://www.csua.org/u/j35 (Yahoo Business) \_ "How much money buys happiness? A wide body of research suggests the number is approximately forty thousand dollars a year." Uh, the poverty line in SF is $60K/year. Maybe 40K a year will buy you everything you need in hick states. \_ No the poverty line is not 60K. \_ Maybe you don't need what you think you need. \_ Start with $40k. Tax it (fed, state, sales, etc): $25k. Subtract rent for $1k/month dump: $13k. Subtract $1k/month for Food+utilities+life misc: $1k. Cool. You now have $1k in your pocket at the end of the year. Way to live the good life. How's that retirement plan going? \_ 1. You are way off on your taxes. \_ Ok, give us your numbers then. All taxes. \_ 30K or so. Sales tax isn't fair cause it's not part of your rent and you are counting that into the daily living expenses. \_ Ok fine sales taxes are in other things. Adding 5K/yr back isn't that much. I had you in a $1k/month rental. That rental could easily and fairly be a lot higher, it would still be a dump and you'd be at the same post-rent level. 2. 40k in the city, you are going to need to budget, yeah. If you are spending 1k/month on general stuff you are probably overspending. \_ Food+utilities+clothes+transport+whatever else you do with your life not adding to $1k? Ooookkaaaayy. \_ Dude right now I'm at about 1K/month for life expenses. I get out. I do stuff, I eat out at nice places. 1K/month is plenty for general happiness. That goes double when outside of the Bay Area. You do realize that people outside of the BA buy houses with incomes around 40k. \_ So how's your retirement plan going? What happens if you lose your job and it takes a month to find a new one? 3 months? 6+ months? \_ You know that median income in the Bay Area is less than $40k/yr, right? Somehow most people manage to get by on an income you think is impossible. \_ The other person below says it is $60k. \_ Median per capita income is $30k, household (family) income is $62k. http://www.csua.org/u/j3d 3. Yeah, living in the second or third most expensive area in the country you probably need to add a bit to the numbers given in a fluff journalism piece. \_ I wasn't the one who said you could do it in SF for $40k. I was only responding. \_ 40k is journalism fluff for no frills middle class. Not having to worry how you will pay rent. Not having to worry about every dollar you spend. It doesn't mean being able to buy anything you want. \_ I didn't say it did. I don't know where you're going with this line of reasoning. 4. One of the points of the article is that having that extra money, while nice, generally doesn't make people happier. It buys people nice toys but that doesn't really lead to long term happiness. \- having to worry less about "if my car/kid needs $2k/$10k in repairs" does make life better. \_ I've lived for a long time on a lower middle class wage. You know what, I didn't spend my time worrying about what if my car broke down. The only real sacrifice that I had to make that ever bugged me was lack of health insurance for a year, and that was something I porbably could have gotten if I was willing to make a few cuts in my spending. \_ If your car or your leg broke you would have worried a lot more about it. \_ As I said, health insurance worried me. The car, on the other hand, was a <5K beater. It got me from A to B. If it needed 5K in repairs I would have just gotten another car. That I could afford. \_ So you have no health insurance, a broken leg would ruin you and when your car breaks you're wiped out. Maybe that's ok when you're 23 and can live on a friend's couch for a while or your mom's basement but that's not living. We haven't even talked about marriage or kids and you skipped my comments on retirement. I don't think working until the day you die is living. Maybe that's ok for you, but count me out of that plan, thanks. \_ As I said before, lack of health insurance WAS something that bothered me. It just wasn't something I dealt with. Instead I let it bug me until I got a better job that had health insurance. \_ Median household income in the Bay Area is $62k. That is how most people have to live. Count yourself blessed. \_ You read the part where we're talking about $40k in SF, not $62k in the Bay Area, right? Also, the above person says it is below $40k. Can you two get together on this? I'm not going to respond to two drastically different numbers at the same time as if both were true. \_ Do you know the difference median and average? \_ Sorry, should have said median fixed. \_ In the City of SF, median household income is even lower. Don't get confused between per capita and household income. |
2007/6/25-28 [Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:47055 Activity:moderate |
6/25 http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/06/25/charitable.giving.ap/index.html Americans are very generous. \- that is a really lousy article. it's a very fair criticism that comparisons of just things like foreign aid from the govt isnt fair to the US where there is larger private sector donating, it is equally true you have to consider the lower taxes here, and some other issues relating to tax policy ... if somebody donates a huge amount of money to avoid taxes, it needs to be thought of a little differently [read about the history of HHMI]. this is another case of an article where it's unclear the facts add up to the conclusion suggested [as the OP writes, "americans are very generous"]. what should have been the biggest piece of news in there is how much "charity" is sucked up by religious orgs. certainly a lot of this goes to good ends like church run hospitals [10-20% of community hospitals in the US are Catholic church operations] but a lot relig donations are sort of parochial, so to speak. also the large fraction of the donations going elite educational and \_ Parta, seriously, I could care less about the homeless people who are causing my property to depreciate. However, I've donated hundreds of dollars to Classical 102.1 KDFC. Am I an elitist? Do you hate me? \- no, i just think there is a difference say volunteering at your kids school and say doing a doctors without borders kind of thing. obviously i am not saying volunteering at your kids school is bad, but a different phenomena is going on. medical establishments and elite cultural orgs isnt really consistent with the "giving to the poor" conception of charity. [and reglig+elite educ/medica/culture is something like \_ Au contraire, mon frere! Going back well into early Europe, pretty much *every* artist, 'doctor', 'scientist', and other 'elite' was only able to produce or research because they had some rich benefactor. You think all that art was produced on the government dole? Or by selling to 'The People' in the market square? \- no, i'm generally opposed to public funding of the arts. btw you also need to acknowledge the govt had a role via their decision to enforce IP. to get middle class novelists for example, you need to have copyright enforced. 60-70% of the total, i believe]. at least some amount of this number is no doubt more of a testiment to the creativity of tax profressionals here rather than a reflection on inherent generosity. note that there have been some studies looking at attitudes changing toward in attitudes toward social welfare as there is more mixing of population groups, so the benefits are less likely to go toward "people like me", e.g. some europeans are beginning to reconsider the high level of the social safety net in the face of high levels of brown immigration. \_ Wow, partha, you are a real shithead. The issue of 'optimal giving' (e.g., if I want to go good, and I am willing to think about it, where should my money go) is completely orthogonal to 'generosity.' I wouldn't give money to most 'conventional charities' you probably wouldn't have a problem with, like the Red Cross because I think they are a very inefficient use of my money. The vast majority of people have a 'generosity impulse', but they aren't really willing to think very hard about their money and true causes of problems in the world. It's true that the results they achieve with their money aren't as good as they could be, but it sort of seems like you are calling into question the morality of their act, which is in very poor form. I am curious if, parallel to you taking a dump on the possible motives of Americans who give you might also have a spirited defense of the rest of the world (which gives a lot less). I was also most amused by the importance you place on historical conceptions of charity as 'alms for the poor.' I wonder if you will have moral objections to intentionally improving outcomes by 'counterintuitive means' (or objections to calling such things 'charity.') -- ilyas objections to calling such things 'charity.') Sometimes Franklin's view is more appropriate than Mother Theresa's. -- ilyas \_ I believe he already addressed the "citizens of other places don't give as much" when he said their taxes are higher which implies they give through their government so are morally excused from giving personally. Anyway, we know all rich people are automatically evil oppressors so it doesn't matter if they give to charity or not. They must be doing it for evil and selfish reasons. \- if i had to summarize my main point: donating $500m in paintings to a museum != donating to "help people". lumping them together clouds the statistics. as i said, the facts dont add up to the conclusions. we can probably say things like "one reason the higher educ institutions are so good here is there sucess getting private donations". by no means would i "dump" on america by saying "but that's only because of lousy public funding it is necessary." although things like tax policy has consequences [like what is the per capita spending at saratoga high school vs. an east sj high school etc]. BTW, i think "american generosity" gets the short shrift by not considering the "uncaptured" returns from medical research [antibiotics, vaccines etc], and agricultural reasearch ["green revolution"], but to think about this issue sophisticatedly, there are offsetting negatives as well. \_ Charity is ineffective because determining effects is hard. I wouldn't even go so far as to say donating to a museum isn't 'helping' -- I just don't understand what 'helps' well enough. I do know a lot of african charity is extremely counterproductive. -- ilyas \_ Some software is counterproductive. Therefore, we should stop using software. \_ Where did you get the idea that I am claiming charity is a bad thing or should be stopped? Did you even read my other post? If there's a normative undercurrent to what I am saying at all, it's that what people should be concentrating on isn't SPENDING but understanding effects, and understanding how complex systems evolve. In some sense donating is easy, but your conscience shouldn't rest just because you donated to something recently. -- ilyas |
2007/6/7-10 [Reference/Tax] UID:46877 Activity:nil |
6/7 I'm moving and have lots of empty binders that I used in school. Other than throwing them out, is there any place I can donate them to? Thanks. \_ Do you have any friends that are teachers? I have a friend who throws parties at her house where the "cover charge" is donation of school supplies. \_ I "donated" mine to my employer by quitely putting them into the office supply cabinets, because I was too lazy to find a non-profit organization to donate them and get a tax deduction receipt. organization to donate them and get a tax deduction. |
2007/4/23-25 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:46415 Activity:very high |
4/22 What exactly is the "maler-roos" on new properties? Why is the property tax rate close to 2% instead of 1%? \_ A little history on CA tax: 1978: Reaganomics advocates-- "Tax cut is good for everyone! " Prop 13 of 1978 will cut slacks for existing land & property owners, allow self-reliance, force government fat to be cut, and kick start trickle-down economy! \_ Were you here in CA in 78? Your version of how this went down has nothing to do with reality. 1979-1981: Uh, we fucked up. We lost so much revenue that we no longer have money to fund government fat like public parks, new transits, new bike lanes, and public schools. \_ New bike lanes? I'll bet they stopped funding linux too! Schools got as much/kid then as now. It is *how* it is spent that matters, not the total number. And the *how* is that it is being pissed away on excess administation and fake special programs while the bulk of students get crap education. \_ reference for school spending, please \_ CA state budget is higher than ever before. 40% of budget is mandated to be spent on schools, which was not true in 1978. Do math. \_ Your claim was based on $/kid; please provide a reference. (Extra credit if it's adjusted for inflation.) -tom 1982: Henry Mello & Mike Roos-- It's ok! We'll double the cost of property tax for *future* homeowners and since they're not here to speak for themselves, the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act will get passed easily and save all of our problems! \_ Because forcing old people on fixed incomes to sell their homes so they could eat is always a good idea and the morally right thing to do. \_ This is, and always has been a red herring. The largest beneficiary of Prop 13 tax cuts is not old people on fixed incomes, but corporations. If we really cared about old people, we could have made Prop 13 apply only to residences, but that's not what it's about. Corporations not only own more valuable property, they also resell property less often. -tom \_ I ask again: were you here in CA in 78? I was. There were for sale signs everywhere. People were leaving the state young and old because they couldn't afford their property taxes. If corporations got a free ride along the way, so be it, they weren't the ones who voted on it, nor were they the ones who came up with the idea. \_ People were leaving the state because of complex reasons. Property tax was simply one of the many components. Trying to fix the root of the problem by adjusting proprety tax is like the Feds trying to stabilize an extremely complex & globalized economy with 10000 of knobs and switches with this single knob called the interest rate knob. It's absurd. \_ Were you here in 1978? I was. When your neighbors tell you they are selling because they can't afford it and it's the same story in the newspapers, tv, everywhere, I'd go for that long before I'd accept your "well there was other stuff too but I won't mention any of it, just claim that your thing is absurd". None of this stuff is a big secret. Apply browser. \_ You keep repeating this unverified claim that you were here in 1978. Who are you? How old were you in 1978? How does your anecdotal evidence outweigh all other input to this discussion? -tom \_ Real estate is not a large part of expenses for most businesses. It's labor, of course. For most corporations it's in the noise and they are depreciating the properties anyway. Many of them lease, too. Do you know what the average property tax rate was before Prop 13? \_ Throwing a lot of stuff at the wall there, aren't you? None of it sticks; if corporations don't mind paying more property tax, Prop 13 is totally stupid, since it gives them more tax benefit than it does homeowners. And whether corporations buy or lease their space, they receive the benefits of the lower property tax. Non-residential property taxes *dropped* by 5% from 1991 to 2001, during the largest increase of property values in CA history. -tom \_ Who gets more of a benefit?: Me, saving $2K of my, say, $100K salary or a corporation saving $50K of their, say, $100 million revenues? I think it's clear I do. I am not sure I understand your last sentence. Are you saying total revenues dropped? You do realize that the commercial property market was not part of 'the largest increase in property values', right? It's very possible that commercial property taxes might rise even as residential home values fall. In fact, I predict that. \_ You really have no idea how much corporate real estate is worth, do you? Property taxes on a big commercial building go into the millions of dollars. So, you saving $2K get hurt because you lose more than $2K worth of services due to Prop 13 and the relief it gives corporations. Plus, cities then do things like raise sales tax (CA: highest in nation), which, guess what, you pay! -tom \_ How much do you think commercial real estate is worth? The most expensive skyscrapers sell new for a few hundred million dollars. Most buildings are far less. So even if I own 100% of the TransAmerica building (whose property taxes are paid for by many tenants and not just one) then the property tax is still only a couple of million per year. How much in revenues is generated there? Your typical industrial building is only worth a few million, which is at most 10x a house, and yet revenues are likely much more than 10x higher. As for sales taxes, CA's are not that much higher than anywhere else. \_ No matter what the corporations pay in taxes it will get passed down to the consumer. And corporations doing well isn't necessarily the horrible thing you imply considering how much retirement money is invested in these same corps and how many people they employ, etc. The anti-corpo screed is insufficient to make an honest claim that prop 13 was bad for the people of california. \_ It's clearly bad for everyone who doesn't own property in CA. It's very likely bad (negative total ROI) for residential homeowners. It's not even clear that homeowners pay less tax, overall, due to Prop 13. It's clearly good for major commercial real estate holders. -tom \_ It reduces carrying costs for real estate holders, which means they can charge less rent and/or develop the land more intensely. I am guessing that this is a net benefit to the economy in terms of taxes. Imagine if property taxes were back at 20% like they were. Who do you think would be doing business here? What would the tax base be? Low property taxes are even good for people who don't own land, because they (renters and consumers) carry the costs anyway, as alluded to above. \_ Corporations don't just "pass on" costs. They charge what the market will bear, no more and no less. It is important to understand the difference between the two ideas. -ausman \_ I understand economics, but property tax is a fixed cost. It will be paid even if the land lies fallow. (In fact, for this reason high property tax encourages sprawl, since the cost of holding land is high.) There can be no market at all and yet the taxes are still due. This is different from most expenses. The tax represents pretty much the baseline cost of holding the property. If an owner were to lease for less than the taxes owed, he'd rather just let the property go rather than take a loss on it to hold it. So when the tax increases, so does this "minimum rent". E.g., I have to rent my house for ~$400/month just to cover the property taxes - $700/month if I just bought it. This is *with* Prop 13 if I paid *cash* for the house. \_ BofA building just sold for $1B: http://www.csua.org/u/ijt \_ Which is too expensive and unusual, as the article says. The most expensive building in LA just sold for $600 million and most of the office towers are ~$300M. But even using this ($1B) figure, it's still just $10M/year in tax. I pay ~4% of my income in property tax. If I bought my house new it would be ~8%. So the equivalent in revenues is still around $200M/year. I am guessing that the businesses housed there will have more than $200M in revenues per year for the operations based in that building. I am guessing a *LOT* more, given the (presumably high) salaries of people working there. Actually, doing the math in the article (1.3M sq feet @ $75/foot) shows they are hoping to lease it for $100M/year, which means 10% of the rents would go to property tax. Using my own house as an example, I pay ~$24K/year rent and $4K/year in property tax so my burden is higher. Why would you want to eliminate Prop 13 when it helps me more? (Being I have a higher tax burden.) Now factor in that most of the corp tenants (other than the landlord) are probably paying much less as a percentage of revenues in property taxes. If you double property tax then my burden goes to, say, 33% (where it was in the 1970s) and the landlords goes from 10% to 20%. Who will be more hurt by that? BofA or me? Now, if you want to eliminate Prop 13 for commercial buildings (as some propose) that is something else entirely. \_ "You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything." \_ Prop 13 benefits homeowners more than businesses. That's the gist. To say otherwise is ridiculous and to repeal it completely would be ludicrous. 1990-2007: Future homeowners paying 2X property tax-- Why the fuck is my property tax bill near 2X my parent's rate? \_ The rates are known before you buy your house and directly impact the sales price. If property taxes were lower the house base price would be higher. Your monthly wouldn't change. \_ Google will find you more info under "Mello-Roos" \_ The Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 was a reaction to 1978 Prop 13's cutting of property tax for existing home owners while not cutting back on government spending. In layman's explanation, Prop 13 in 1978 cut taxes while gov fat remained so money had to come from elsewhere. Thanks to rich people like you, your 2% prop tax (w/ Mello-Roos) benefits everyone else, including those who are only paying 1% tax on nice (but older) homes. Thanks rich guy! \_ This is not true. Mello-Roos is a special assessment that applies mostly to new development, to pay for things like sewers, roads and schools in new areas. The beneficiaries of the tax pay the tax. \_ Yes, it is true that the beneficiaries of the tax pay the tax. In theory, that is absolutely correct. \_ To some extent. In the future, the bonds will be paid off and future owners of the same house may not pay the tax despite being beneficiaries of it. |
2007/4/19-21 [Reference/Tax] UID:46372 Activity:nil |
4/19 W-4 withholding question. For those who are married with combined salaries of 2 x $100K, about how many allowances do you put on your W-4? It seems like the computation method on the back of the form omits the deduction of state taxes, and I end up putting down 0 allowances and withhold an extra $9K. Let's say there is no mortgage interest deduction or significant investment income. Thanks. \_ Call an accountant or just run the numbers through turbo tax. \_ ran it through turbotax, it says 4 allowances for me, 2 for her. but i figure there are married couples here who did this before they bought a house and wanted to verify ... i'm also surprised the w-4 instructions could be so wrong. \_ Remember it's a gov't agency. |
2007/4/19-21 [Reference/Tax] UID:46368 Activity:nil |
4/19 Rights are being eroded left'n'right, cameras are everywhere, net traffic is being scooped and analysed in bulk, pensions are long gone and social security isn't far behind while taxes are scheduled to go up further, the borders barely exist, there's only one political party but it has two names, and the insane rantings of a psychopathic killer are being broadcast which will only enourage others of similar nature to attempt to 'get their message out, too'. But at least they finally kicked Sanjaya! Whew! \_ Small victories, my son, small victories. |
2007/4/16-18 [Reference/Tax] UID:46318 Activity:nil |
4/16 Why is the tax filing dealine 4/17 not 4/16 this year? (Not that I'm complaining about that one extra day. :-) ) \_ DC has a holiday today. Boston does too. Since the filing centers will be closed, the IRS decided to just back it off another day. \_ What holidays are in DC and Boston that don't fall on 4/16 in other years? \_ According to Wikipedia, Emancipation Day is a D.C. holiday every year on 4/16. Since 4/15 is usually not a Sunday or a Saturday, this doesn't affect tax filing. \_ Thanks! |
2007/4/13-15 [Reference/Tax] UID:46296 Activity:nil |
4/13 This year I had to pay a bit more in taxes than I liked. Can someone reccomend a good tax advisor who would do something like back-and- forth consultation over email for a reasonable fee? Mainly looking for ways to reduce my earned income tax liability. \- i suspect trying to do something like this via email, at least initially, is the wrong approach. |
2007/3/27-29 [Reference/Tax] UID:46109 Activity:nil |
3/26 I bought a Prius last year thinking I'd get $3150 tax credit. Well as it turns out I'm *eligible* to get up to $3150 tax credit, and in reality it turned out to be much much less thanks to my mortgage deductions. Oddly enough, if you make over $750K/year you'll get the entire $3150 credit. This is the apotheosis of Republican tax policy. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/01/26/EDGC7N75RT1.DTL \_ Welcome to the bizzaro world of AMT. |
2007/3/19-22 [Reference/Tax] UID:46019 Activity:low |
3/19 My itemized tax return will end up to be about $5000. In fact I've been getting $4000-$6000 very consistently for the past couple of years. What's the best way to get less taxed (per month) so that my yearly return will be near $0? The idea of the government holding ~$5000 of my money for a whole year is kind of weird. \_ Increase the number of deductions on your W4. -ausman \_ I increased it from 2 to 3 and the amount was insignificant, maybe $500-600 or something? I'm not sure. I'm just not seeing a big difference. What's up? \_ Look at the worksheet. It tells you how many to claim for every xxx dollars in deductions you expect. \_ I actually claimed '12' in my W4 (yes, you can even go higher if you like) and that seems to bring it down. Play around with the scenarios, increasing from 2 to 3 isn't enough - try '6', '7', etc. \_ I actually claimed '12' in my W4 (yes, you can even go higher if you like) and that seems to bring it down. Play around with the scenarios, increasing from 2 to 3 isn't enough - try '6', '7', etc. \_ I claim 9 federal/6 state. <--- home owner. |
2007/3/18-20 [Reference/RealEstate, Reference/Tax] UID:46006 Activity:high |
3/18 I will soon be graduating after many years of grad school, with a job with a reasonable salary lined up. What strategy do you all in the "real world" take to save money? I'm planning on taking my monthly income, pay out rent/utilities, put a certain amount or percentage in my savings, and then keep the rest in my checking to play with. Is this reasonable? I know advice like this needs to be individualized but I just want to make sure I'm not way off. Thanks. \_ Short GOOG! \_ Pay off any high interest debt first, then start maxing out your 401k now. Retirement seems like a long ways away now, but believe me, you will be happy in 10 years that you started saving for it now. Build up a three month emergency fund and put it in a short term CD or savings. Then figure out what you want next. Is it a home? If so, start saving a down payment and put it in something relatively safe, like a CD. When you have enough saved up, start thinking something with a little more return, like short term Munis. If you are looking more for an early retirement, open a brokerage account and start investing in the stock market. There are plenty of market junkies on soda who can give you advice on stock picks. -ausman \_ Good advice, but I am not sure I agree with 'maxing out your 401k'. Yes, invest in your 401k. I don't think putting $15K/year into it is all that wise, though, unless you are making well over six figures. A 25 year old making $70K out of school should probably not be putting 20% of his gross into retirement with possible student loans and (as you say) saving for a house. I would put 'maxing your 401k' farther down the list of priorities. Put as much into your 401k as you need to in order to get all of your company's match, but I wouldn't start with more than that. \_ Owning a house is maybe a better retirement investment than you may think. Once you own your house your rent/mortgage is gone and all you have is upkeep, tax, and utilities. Once my house is paid off, my biggest single need for income is gone and I can live with much less income. \_ How do property taxes compare with rent? \_ Depends, of course. For me, property tax is about 12% of the mortgage. \_ Annually? Remaining mortgage or simply value of your home? I pay $1k per month in rent; what value house could I own that would cost me about the same in property taxes? \_ It's percentage of entire mortgage payment. interest and principal. Annually or monthly, what difference does it make? I gave you a percentage. You could own approx. $1.2M of house and pay $1k/month here (not CA). \_ In CA, property tax rises are capped (Prop 13), so the amount you pay in property tax is dependent on how long you've owned the house. It's also dependent on where you live. But $1K/month is way, way more than most people pay in property tax. -tom \_ Good to know. Thank you both. \_ In CA, property tax is about 1% of the purchase price (annually) and is capped at 2% per year raises after that. \_ Homes aren't really that great an investment, the last decade or so notwithstanding. You would actually do better to rent and put the savings in the stock market, if all you want to do is make money. -ausman \_ Only if you ignore the concept of leverage and the tax advantages of real estate. Of course, leverage is a two-edged sword and it can beat you up something fierce in a down market. \_ No, even including the tax advantages. Over the long run, real estate goes up about 1% more than inflation. Pretending that real estate is a risk free investment is stupid. You can leverage your investment in the stock market too, if you don't care about risk. -ausman \_ Tax advantages like $500K tax free, not interest deductions. I never said real estate is not risky as an investment. However, go try to borrow $500K to invest in the stock market with $0 down and see if a bank will make that loan. However, in real estate it is done all of the time. \_ http://www.csua.org/u/i9r (Rueters) "Countrywide Financial Corp., the largest U.S. mortgage lender, on Friday told its brokers to stop offering borrowers the option of no-money-down home loans, according to a document obtained by Reuters." No one will be doing this for much longer. \_ Second that paying off high interest debt (i.e., credit cards & student loans that aren't deferable). If your loans are deferable, get ready for them by putting the money that would have paid towards paying them off in a CD so that you get the interest anyway. 401Ks are great, but consider a Roth IRA or other such that would allow you to contribute pre-tax and use for a house without penalties. Also, check and recheck your income tax wthholding; now that you're likely to owe taxes, it's a good idea to know what you're going to owe next April 15. Whether you feel like loaning the US Gov the amount in advance (i.e., max out your withholding) or owing on the date is up to you. Good luck. --erikred \_ I am kind of assuming that this person lives in the Bay Area, where it can be ten years or more before they can afford a home, so waiting to start saving until the first house is bought would be a mistake. Also, I think you should grab as much of the tax deduction from contribution to your retirement as you can possibly afford. I am not actually expecting this person to max out their 401k, but if they did, that would really give them a leg up. A Roth IRA can have slight tax advantages, but it depends on all sorts of complexities like what your expected tax rate will be in retirement and the difference from a 401k is really slight, so I didn't want to get into that. -ausman \_ I also recommend max'ing out your 401K. Also, put 4/5K into a Roth IRA every year. You may also wish to consider max'ing out any ESPP program you are eligible to participate in. Most ESPP programs give yout 15% below the lowest closing price of the opening/closing day price of the stock, so you make an easy 15% percent - tax by dumping the day of the purchase. |
2007/3/1-3 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid, Reference/Tax] UID:45849 Activity:nil |
3/1 If you bought a Prius in 2006 don't forget to subtract $3150 for the credit! Get all the forms and info here: http://www.toyota.com/prius/tax.html#fedtaxdeductions |
2006/12/23-26 [Reference/Tax] UID:45491 Activity:moderate |
12/23 How does the Blue Angels pay for itself? Tax? \_ They're part of the Navy/Marine Corps, and as such are funded through the Department of Defense. \_ That's interesting. Maybe they should be part of the Department of Entertainment instead of Defense. \_ Did you just discover that the government wastes money? That's nothing new, and this is hardly the worst offense. \_ Their official purpose is to serve as a recruiting tool. Are you contending that they are ineffective in that role? You may also be interested in one of the Army's recruiting aids -- they sponsor racing teams (NASCAR, NHRA, motorcycles: http://www4.army.mil/racing/flash.html \_ Does the Air Force benefit from it for free? |
2006/11/8-9 [Reference/Tax] UID:45262 Activity:moderate |
11/8 Oh great... all the measures and all the propositions passed. Urge to kill... rising. \_ Oh, you were in favor of letting convicted child molesters live near elementary schools? \_ Thank you to all the urban areas that exported their child molesters to rural areas! We really appreciate it. Now where did I put that shotgun? \_ I'm opposed to making these people wear a GPS for life. That's ridiculous. Are we not even pretending to rehab people anymore? If you're a teacher and boff a 17 year old student then you wear a tracking device for life? \_ For me, this depends on what genders you and your student are. I'll scream either "Rape!" or "Hot!" accordingly. \_ I guess my point is that if these people are still so dangerous that they need 24/7 monitoring then maybe we should not let them out. However, I think this law is mostly based on hysteria. I am fine with most of the bill, but not the monitoring. It seems like a violation of civil rights, very Orwellian, and EXPENSIVE. \_ Regarding that prop, I believe it adds a lot of expense for no actual safety benefit. Plus I agree with the above poster that it's an appeal to emotion and hysteria. Every semi-urban area is reasonably close to a school and/or children. Why are you in favor of letting convicted child molesters live? \_ Exactly. Shouldn't we also be tracking anyone with a felony conviction then? I'm more concerned about violent criminals with long rap sheets. I'm concerned about molesters, too, but why single them out? \_ except all those that you know, didn't \_ sorry I saw stuff yesterday projecting them all winning, but the bonds are still bad. \_ Who cares. Only the bond measures passed. The tax measures like the stupid added parcel tax failed. Good. the stupid added parcel tax and the ridiculous cigarette tax all failed. Good. \_ Do you know how much the passed bonds will add to our annual debt service? \_ ^^^ \_ ~2.8b in payments every year. |
2006/10/24-26 [Reference/Tax] UID:44945 Activity:nil |
10/24 How does property tax affect the value of homes? Is there a good correlation between a state's property tax rate and its averaged assessed home values? For example I've heard that Texas's proprety tax is over 2X of CA but equivalent home values are approximately less than 1/2. \_ More expensive homes don't cost (significantly) more to provide services for than cheaper ones. Therefore if two different areas both need to collect $X in taxes to provide services, and the homes in one area cost more on average, the area can afford to tax at a lower rate and they'll still collect $X. Duh. \_ No, there is not. IOW, California real estate is not expensive simply because property taxes are on the lower side. For example, Connecticut's property tax is just over 2% and yet property values are higher than Texas. \_ *IF* all else being equal, higher property tax rate will mean lower home sale values because it increases the cost of ownership, which (in Alameda county) will mean lower assessed values. But in reality there are too many other varying factors which obscure the picture. |
2006/10/7-10 [Reference/Tax] UID:44720 Activity:nil |
10/7 Poll: tax is too high, cut it: services suck, raise tax: services suck, tax revenue is wasted, fix waste, lower taxes: . see world only black/white: .................... poll is stupid, weak troll, better done on a Monday when tax payers are actually reading the motd: . |
2006/10/6-7 [Finance/Banking, Reference/Tax] UID:44705 Activity:low |
10/5 Are recreational vehicles tax deductible? \_ http://csua.org/u/h4p (detnews.com) \_ if you live in it as your primary residence, like a house |
2006/10/4-6 [Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:44676 Activity:low |
10/4 Just FYI, the Dow has hit an all-time high. In this crappy Bush economy, damn him. \_ 1. median income went down. 2. average income only increased by something lik 0.3% while the inflation is running around 2-3%. 3. housing price is dropping and interest is raising. For those who is making less than $200,000 a year, life is actually kind of sucks. \_ My life doesn't suck. \_ And it only took 7 years... \_ Try 5 years. And recall what happened in those 5 years. \_ Jan 2000 - Oct 2006.. Nearly 7 years. Also, using the DOW as your measure for "the economy" is.. stupid. \_ As soon as that brings in taxes that cancel out the huge tax cuts and let us stop deficit spending like irresponsible college students I'll be impressed. \_ The tax cuts just weren't that big. The poor don't pay income taxes, the middle class get soaked of course and the truly rich never paid income taxes of any note. It's a nice idea though. Imagine if Mrs. Kerry actually paid the same percentage on her taxes that normal people do and didn't have a zillion loopholes. \_ The cuts weren't just in income taxes... \_ So if they weren't big, then they should already have been cancelled out and we should have budget surpluses and be able to start paying off the Debt. Right? (Not talking about mid-year surplus B.S.) \_ Gosh, because spending went up? Waaaay up? naah. I'd still like Mrs. Kerry to pay the same percentage of her income in taxes that normal people do. \_ And I'd rather that she pay a high percentage commensurate with the increased value of the benefit she gets from having a society that doesn't burn down her house for hoarding wealth. -Dem |
2006/9/20-22 [Reference/Tax] UID:44459 Activity:nil |
9/19 Has anyone purchased an engagement ring from Amazon? Recommended or not? Apparently there's no tax on it so it seems like a good idea. \_ what you don't love her enough to pay tax on her ring? \_ If she's a libertarian, paying taxes is hardly an act of love. \_ "I saved on taxes so I could afford to get you a nicer ring" |
2006/9/15-19 [Reference/Tax] UID:44394 Activity:nil |
9/15 Has anyone bought foreclosure properties? How about tax sale properties where the government sells the property to cover taxes not paid but not the amount of remaining loan? \_ I have not. My (very distant) understanding of it is that there are so many people out there bidding on these properties trying to get rich quick that you're really unlikely to get a good deal on one. \_ I've bought HUD repos in LA, they were more numerous there. I don't know that this area had any real supply. In my experience the deals went away not because of get-rich-quickers, but because home buyers started showing up and they were willing to pay much closer to the actual market value of the home, which i was not -crebbs closer to the actual market value of the house. -crebbs \_ Most people don't want HUD homes, not even for investments. Like with anything else, you can get a good deal if you spend the time looking. You will be up against a lot of pros with a lot of cash who will know what they are doing. When I found something worthwhile I didn't get it. If you persevere you ultimately will, though. Don't think that it will be easy, though. I heard you are better off buying *before* it is foreclosed on - when the person is in trouble. You can give them some cash to solve their problems in exchange for a great deal on the house. The hard part is identifying those people in advance, although there are lists of people behind on their mortgage. You'd have to cold call or send flyers, though. |
2006/8/22-24 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:44093 Activity:nil |
8/22 This is not a critical tax question so I'm not going to ask my accountant. At any rate I used to claim "2" on my tax W2 and had always gotten money back (a few thousand dollars a year) every year, thanks to itemizing tax & owning my parents' properties in my name. This year I decided that I'd get more money back immediately and pay tax later, and decided to put down "3" instead of "2". However, I'm still getting taxed at around 34% which is the same tax rate as before! Below is the breakdown of my current tax: Federal: 18.4% of my pay SS Tax: 6.18% Medicare: 1.44% CA Tax: 6.69% CA VDPI: 0.78% <-- BTW what is this? Medical: 0.57% Does this sound about right? Are you CA single dudes making 6 digits also getting taxed around 34% claiming "3" instead of "2"? \_ Changing your withholding by 1 won't make a big change. \_ See IRS Publication 15, Circular E. This has the formula on how much each witholding does exactly. Assuming you are paid semimonthly, each witholding means ~$137 of your salary won't be taxed. So assumes you are at 35% bracket, you'll get ~$48 more a pay check. \_ CA VPDI is voluntary plan disability insurance. It is similar to SDI which is state-run. BTW, you can claim itemized deduction on SDI but not on VPDI. |
2006/7/13-18 [Reference/Tax] UID:43664 Activity:nil |
7/13 So I have a silly question regarding 401K pre-tax vs. after-tax. Suppose the tax rate now is x, and that in 20 years it'll be increased to say, 1.2*x pay for our failing Busheconomy and our expensive Iraq War. If I have 401K pre-tax then in 20 years I'd have to pay 0.2x more tax than now right? Would it make sense to do 401K after-tax instead if you strongly believe that the tax will increase in the future? \_ There is no way to do after-tax with a 401k, but you can do a Roth IRA. The other question is what your tax bracket/income might be then, even if each bracket pays higher taxes. \_ http://www.smartmoney.com/retirement/401k/index.cfm?story=which401k050609 Be sure to check out Roth 401K (hybrid of RothIRA and 401K): "...For one, no one can predict with certainty what tax rates will be in the future, though the general consensus is that they're likely to rise to help the government offset growing budget deficits and pay for Social Security and Medicare. That's one reason why people in the top tax brackets have indicated their preference for the Roth 401(k)" \_ The Trush Translation: "No one can predict the tax rate in the future, but one thing many people agree is that we're in a big shit thanks to the failing experimental Busheconomy and the experimental BushIraqWar and the experimental BushCare and experimental BushSecurity plans. Every single one of the experiments failed, all of which we'll all have to pay for dearly in the future. So that's why people who are smart have indicated their preference for the Roth 401K." \_ If your employer offers this. Mine doesn't. Does yours? \_ Nope. I even asked HR to provide it. -ausman \__ So I have a bunch of money in a roll-over IRA. Can I convert this to a roll-over Roth IRA and pay the taxes now? \_ You need to check out your own situation, but this is possible in many situations. |
2006/6/8-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:43323 Activity:nil |
6/8 GOP loses bid in Senate to eliminate inheritance tax. Two GOPers (Voinovich/Ohio, Chafee/RI) voted against, four Dems voted for. BTW, the credit which covers $1 million for gifts and $2 million for inheritance is per-person. So your parents can gift out $2 mill to the kids and $4 mill out of the estate, for $6 mill total, or $24,000/year to each kid without counting against the gift and an unlimited amount for tuition, medical expenses, PACs, and charities \_ That's fine and all except it does nothing for the people who got there by working hard instead of riding their IPO stock up. The inheritance tax kills family owned businesses. When the parents die the kids can't keep the business running because they have to pay taxes on the value of the business which is a non-liquid asset, so they have to sell to pay up. It isn't that hard for a family run business that's been around for decades to be worth that or more on paper but have near zero cash. \_ The "family owned business" is the distraction. There are relatively few legitimate hard-luck cases like this compared to the amount of wealth turning over to relatives. And haven't you ever heard of a "loan"? You can use that to pay taxes and pay it back over time. I bet the interest is even deductible as a business expense. Second, the parents, if they're not stupid, can put the business in a trust and shield it from inheritance tax. The real deal here is that the Bush administration and their republican cronies are skewing things in favor of the wealthy, setting up hereditary aristocracies. --PeterM \_ And what is wrong with that? Are you jealous? \_ A distraction? Small businesses employ what percentage of the American population? Off the top of my head, it's something like 40%. Please correct that if you have a better number but it is not a trivial number. And no, trusts don't work like that. If they did then everyone would do it and we wouldn't be having a discussion about it. And I don't even know what to say about the idea of dinging the kids with having to get a loan to pay taxes on the transfer of the family business. Why exactly should some bank make big bucks on the parent's deaths? I'm left speechless. The truly wealthy don't pay these taxes because their money is off shore. You think the Kennedys or the Bushs pay these taxes? Fat chance. The truly wealthy don't follow the same laws the rest of us do. \_ If the concern is really for the small business owner, the proper response is to raise the threshhold, not to eliminate the tax. The fact that proposals to raise the threshhold are shot down by Republicans exposes their true motives. -tom \_ The threshhold has been raised many times over the years. What are you talking about? \_ "[I]nstead of seeking a compromise that might win over a handful of crucial Democrats, [Frist] is pushing for a permanent repeal of the estate tax. Though Republican aides say Mr. Frist has not closed off the possibility of a compromise, the senator has pointedly refused to schedule any floor time for debate about alternatives in the event that his own effort fails." Oh, and by the way, the estate tax affects less than 2% of estates even at today's levels. -tom \_ And? Mr. Frist is not "Republicans" and as I said, the number has increased several fold over the years. Why should he compromise anyway? Better to kill a bad law entirely than make yet another confusing tax mess full of loop holes for the rich. As Diane Feinstein said, "Death should not be a taxable event". \_ Yeah, that's brilliant, to get rid of loopholes for the rich, let's just stop taxing them entirely! My point is that the Republicans are trying to protect the extremely wealthy, not the hard-working small business owner. Thank you for making my point. -tom \_ My point is that the Republicans are NOT trying to protect the wealthy, but to assist their friends and family members. Thank you for making my point you fucking idiot \_ "A study by the CBO shows that in 2000 only 1659 farms and 458 small business were liable for the estate tax, almost all of which had sufficient liquid assets to pay it. The rest can stretch their tax payments over many years." -The Economist 6/10/2006. I am curious, since you think the extremely wealthy should not have to pay tax, who would you tax in their place? -ausman \_ There is no reason for tax if everyone is self reliant. The reason we have tax today is because negros don't work hard and we have to pay for their social security and welfare. Forget tax and forget social progrems, let the beast starve. -conservative \_ If this is a troll, it's in poor taste. If it isn't then, uhm, wow. \_ If you made it to Cal you're most likely smart enough to not preach hardcore self-reliance, racist and conservative messages, so this must be a troll. \_ Well, yes, that's probably right...but my time on motd has made me realize that I can't take that as a given. |
3/18 |