3/15 |
2013/4/11-5/18 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:54653 Activity:nil |
4/11 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/11/co-ed-topless-pulp-fiction-society-new-york-city-photos_n_3061653.html NSFW but good stuff from Huff Po. \_ Some are hot. Some are yucky. \_ To me they are all pretty cute but... I don't get it. \_ which ones are yucky? \_ #1, 4, 23, 25, 32. |
2012/5/10-6/4 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:54387 Activity:nil |
5/10 Nude in NYC (NSFW): http://animalnewyork.com/2011/03/photographer-exposes-the-nyc-experience-herself \_ What a stone cold hottie. Mad props to her for doing this in that weather. \_ Would be much hotter without the tramp stamp. \_ I dunno, it works for her. Personally, I could go with something tribal on her arm to match. \_ Her boobs look biggest in the 7th pic and the smallest in the 8th. |
3/15 |
2010/2/26-3/12 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:53728 Activity:nil |
2/26 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1252734/Domesday-Book-2010-Strip-clubs-soaring-libraries-disappearing--figures-lay-bare-life-modern-Britain.html Strip clubs rising, schools falling |
2009/12/8-2010/1/3 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:53578 Activity:nil |
12/8 Best and worst jobs: http://oddee.com/item_96855.aspx (Director of Fun, Brothel QA) http://oddee.com/item_96873.aspx (Animal masterbator, sewage, etc) \_ The Brothel QA job is not for everyone. "The applicants are whittled down to a final six, who are then fXXXed one after the other ***in a single day*** by Jaime." Not everyone can meet the job requirement. \_ But all Persian men can do it. They're descendants of very "prolific" Persian kings. \_ 70 a year? Pshaw, I could test one every day easily, probably two, and I am in my mid-40s. \_ All I hear is the sound of envy. \_ Yeah, and I can do 1095 a year if they are hot. But can you do 6 in the same day as required? I can't. I'm almost 40. -- PP \_ Probably not, though I fail to see why they all need to be tested on the same day. \_ The Guard at Buckingham Palace job is a "hard" job also. (See pic.) |
2009/11/25-26 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:53544 Activity:high |
11/24 Amanda Wenk nude: http://www.bustyskinny.com X amanda_wenk/amanda_wenk_01.jpg http://www.bustyskinny.com X amanda_wenk/amanda_wenk_13.jpg Hmm, they look much smaller when she's nude. Must have been using bra pads. \_ I don't know who she is, but she has pretty large breasts. I am guessing you have never actually been with a naked girl before. \_ My ex-gf had 38D, and yes I have been with her naked. Her breasts didn't look smaller when she's naked than when she's not. -- OP \_ FAT. Will be 200 pounds by the time she's 30. \_ Thought there were reports of her having gone through breast reduction. \_ reports by who? Who the hell is Amanda Wenk?? |
2008/10/9 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:51451 Activity:nil |
10/9 Bacon, strip club, life is good. |
2008/8/20-26 [Computer/Companies/Google, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:50912 Activity:nil |
8/20 Is it my imagination or it seems like Gmail is getting slower and slower by the day? Takes friggin' seconds to retrieve any mail. \_ ObGoogleSucks - GOOG short $100 guy \_ works fine for me, but my Inbox usually has < 20 e-mails \_ 30,000 iPhones checking for mail every 15-30 minutes \_ For some place like google that's not even noticable load. \_ Except that, apparently, it is. \_ No, really, if gmail is getting slower it isn't because of 30k new users. \_ It's getting faster. and We've Always Been At War With Eastasia. --oj \_ It's getting faster. and We've Always Been At War With Eastasia. --oj \_ Tell us about STRIP CLUBS oj \_ go to ONE strip club and you're marked for life! though once a grim hollow looking oj walked right by me on Market coming out of a strip club. I said hi but he was too lost in deep contemplation of the human condition (either that or totally high on horse) to respond. \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/2/9-11 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:49107 Activity:high |
2/8 How many people here actually like living in a culturally diverse environment? I mean, S Cal is one of the most diverse environments and it is a total dump. Ditto with Miami, etc. To me, cultural diversity means lots of disagreements and a decreasing possibility of pleasing everyone with social services that a majority of the minorities would need. \_ To me it means exposure to lots of different ideas and good food \_ The SoCal definition of diverse seems spread out over a large geographic area, and much of the diversity gets subsumed in either LA culture or suburban culture. I prefer the diversity of San Francisco, Berkeley, and parts of Oakland. \- diverse = cheep food, open late = a good thing \_ a good thing if you're single, a really really bad thing if you have kids and you don't want them to get into drugs, hip-hop, queer bi-curious, and strip clubs. \_ As a kid I was into drugs, (not so much hip-hop), motss and strip clubs and I think I turned out better for it. Why deny my children that option? motss and strip clubs and surrendering to terror. I think I turned out better for it. Why deny my children that option? \_ Yes, I don't want my kids to be exposed to heathen ideologies like Judaism, Mormonism, Catholicism and even worse, Secular Liberal Humanism. So we all moved to a compound in rural Texas with a bunch of like minded people. How are you handling this parenthood challenge? \_ I do, because I am a white guy who prefers brown skinned girls. \_ I prefer lots of pretty blondes, hence I love LA -dim #1 fan \- on a serious note, in re OP's last "point" about social services [i put that in quotes since i think you are mostly rambling rather \- on a serious note, in re your last "point" about social services [i put that in quotes since i think you are just rambling rather than trolling ...?] "studies show" diversiy *does* affect people's inclination to support higher social safety nets. For example in Europe there has long been a commitment to a higher levels of state services but this is apparently weaking among white europeans who might think "i'm ok wit heavy child care benefits for a sweedish woman who takes time off to have two kids but not for some muslim immigrant family with 7 kids" etc. not the best, but the most convenient cite: http://csua.org/u/kqe |
2007/12/14-19 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:48807 Activity:low |
12/14 Ok so I'm watching late night TV and I'm wondering if it's worth $9.99 for 2 Girls Gone Wild DVDs. Is it topless only, or does it show a bit more? \_ More to the point, they'll continue dinging your credit card every month. It's a subscription service, not a one-time transaction. \_ Why buy? The guy who created this stuff is in jail. check the torrents if you are really interested \_ Why would you want to watch some 19 year olds partying 4 years ago in TJ? What would it matter if they were topless vs. having wild weasel sex with each other and everyone else in sight? \_ Are you a straight chick? A gay guy? \_ Why would I want to watch a bunch of wild naked 19 year old chicks? I can't believe you just asked that... \_ Perhaps the pp left the operative phrase "pay to" |
2007/6/2-5 [Computer/Companies/Google, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:46837 Activity:nil 60%like:46833 |
6/1 I'm boycotting Orowheat (Google Maps): http://www.csua.org/u/itn \_ Or worst time to be walking out of a strip club: http://tinyurl.com/3yf9t9 |
2007/5/31-6/4 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:46801 Activity:nil |
5/31 The strip clubs in SF are well-documented. Are there any worthwhile in the South Bay, especially to take a woman to? (Looking for female strippers.) \_ Taking a woman to watch female strippers? I wouldn't want a woman to take me to watch male strippers. "Wow! His is much bigger than yours ......" \_ I think the taking your woman to a strip club is an east coast thing. \_ What's the point? -west coaster \_ There's a school of thought that if you're a dick to a female, she'll be more attached to you. Girls seem to like dicks, after all. \_ No, they just don't like you. |
2007/5/17 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:46668 Activity:kinda low 92%like:46665 |
5/16 Ugly naked woman to be the spokeperson for linux: http://urltea.com/ki7 (fakesteve.blogspot.com) \_ Oh please. She's not a model, but she's not ugly. I'm sure you're Brad Pitt yourself. \_ While I agree that she's ugly, I really hope op isn't getting naked for novell. |
2007/5/16 [Recreation/Stripclub, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:46665 Activity:nil 92%like:46668 |
5/16 Ugly naked woman to be the spokeperson for linux: http://fakesteve.blogspot.com/2007/05/novell-youre-trying-way-too-hard-to-be.html |
2007/3/16-20 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:45993 Activity:nil |
3/16 Brothel discount for people over 66 years old. HEIL GERMAN JOHN! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070315/od_nm/germany_brothel_pensioners_dc |
2007/2/2 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:45641 Activity:nil |
2/2 I'm naked |
2006/11/3-4 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:45134 Activity:nil |
11/3 http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/breaking_news/15914427.htm Naked man arrested after pulling awl from rectum A police encounter with a naked man near the El Cerrito BART station turned into an arrest on suspicion of carrying a concealed weapon Thursday. Passers-by called officers about 7:50 a.m. to report that a naked man was lying on a tree stump beside the Ohlone Greenway path, exposing himself and masturbating. Police saw 33-year-old John Sheehan and arrested him on suspicion of indecent exposure. Officers led him to the nearest street, the 2000 block of Kearney Avenue. Before putting Sheehan in the back of his car, Sgt. Paul Keith asked him if he had anything on him that police should know about. Sheehan replied that he had hidden a screwdriver in his anal cavity, Horgan said. \_ "Mindful that a 6-inch metal awl wrapped in black electrical tape could be used as a weapon, officers kept their weapons trained on the 33-year-old." No one wants to get shiv'd with a poo covered awl. \_ That's 6 kinds of stupid. Judging by the location description he was practically in the middle of a parking lot, just yards away from a BART police substation. I like the passing-the-buck: Police: "Uh.. let's get the fire department" Fire Dept.: "Uh, send him to the hospital" ER Tech: "Oh teh noes! Pwn'd!" |
2006/9/15-19 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:44401 Activity:nil |
9/15 http://www.pointsincase.com/columns/nathan/8-10-05.htm How to impress a stripper \_ Whoever you are, I salute you. This article is totally hilarious, thanks for posting these messages -strip club guy #1 fan |
2006/7/10-11 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:43625 Activity:nil |
7/10 http://www.ihatestrippers.com/ihs/index.cfm \_ Amusing, but there's a reason this guy is still single and in his late 30s. |
2006/6/12-15 [Reference/BayArea, Transportation/Bicycle, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:43368 Activity:nil |
6/12 SF naked bike ride. My eyes...the goggles do nothing! http://www.zombietime.com/world_naked_bike_ride_2006 \_ Interestingly enough you have posted a link that does not appear on the main page of the zombie time site at http://www.zombietime.com . How did you do that? - danh \_ Got it off a blog. \_ I was really hoping zombietime dude had a soda account. - danh |
2006/5/22-28 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:43137 Activity:nil |
5/21 http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=baytobreakers&s=int Beta breaka, Bay to Breakers with naked people running. \_ Why do mainly ugly people feel the need to be naked in public? Why can't we have more Swedish bikini team nudists? Why, god? -John \_ Public nudity, like spandex, should be regarded as a privilege, not a right. |
2006/5/21 [Recreation/Stripclub, Academia/Berkeley] UID:43130 Activity:nil |
5/20 Andrew Martinez, famous as "The Naked Guy" found dead in cell: http://csua.org/u/fxu |
2006/5/20-28 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:43128 Activity:nil 80%like:43126 |
5/20 Naked Guy dies in jail http://tinyurl.com/hdeqx \- there is already a book out about this: http://csua.org/u/fxl |
2006/5/20 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:43126 Activity:nil 80%like:43128 |
5/20 Naked Guy dies in jail http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/n/a/2006/05/20/state/n105725D42.DTL - danh |
2006/5/5-8 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:42954 Activity:nil |
5/5 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060505/od_nm/germany_virgins_dc Heil German Virgins!!! |
2006/5/1-4 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:42884 Activity:nil 75%like:42880 |
5/1 _____________________________________ / OJ like to go to the strip club and \ \ watch but not touch / ------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || |
2006/5/1 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:42880 Activity:nil 75%like:42884 |
5/1 _____________________________________ / OJ like to go to the strip club and \ \ watch but not touch / ------------------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || |
2006/4/26-27 [Reference/BayArea, Recreation/Stripclub, Health] UID:42842 Activity:nil |
4/26 Naked man in chimney in Hayward http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/14406818.htm \_ I believe consenting adults have the right to be naked in their own chimeneys. \_ So a side note in there is "booked at the (jail) on suspicion of being under the influence of drugs" So if possessing or using illegal drugs is, well, illegal, how do celebrities officially get away with "and now I'm in cocaine rehab at Betty Ford" w/out ever being charged w/ a crime for drug use? Is the official answer "they're too important for that"? \_ When celebrities get fucked out of their minds and find themselves naked, stuck somewhere they can't get out of, they don't call the fire department/police/what-have-you. \_ Better lawyers. Short of a chemical test of some sort, which a a better lawyer will advise you not to consent to, it's kind of hard to prove you, um, inhaled. \_ Being in rehab for drug X isn't admission of guilt? \_ Nope. More to the point, it's not enough evidence to warrant charges. \_ I don't think people who voluntarily go to rehab generally get arrested. |
2006/3/9-11 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:42164 Activity:kinda low |
3/9 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060309/od_nm/stone_sex_dc Sharon Stone to be naked in the next movie. When she was younger in Basic Instinct (1992), that was cool, but now, I don't know... It's almost like watching your aunt naked or something. \_ hot! \_ MILF! \_ http://alienlovespredator.com/index.php?id=162 \_ She just turned 48. That's still young enough to look good if she's taken care of herself, which she seems to have done. \_ I don't understand you people. At 48 you will all be pasty formless blobs of flesh from sitting down all day and licking your monitor while encoding podcasts of Slashdot. You would praise Allah daily if a woman as hot as Sharon Stone smirked at you. Are you manlier than Phil Bronstein? Do you wrestle alligators? \_ Sure, she's a babe. She's still 48 and that's much older than most of us. \_ I wouldn't kick her out for eating prunes in bed. -John \_ Hey, wikipedia says she has an IQ of 150+ and grew up a bookworm and introvert, going to college at 16 - perfect mate for the soda virgin geeks. \_ Big fucking deal. Most people reading this started college at 17. \_ exactly, cause you are soda virgin geeks. |
2005/10/31-11/2 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:40357 Activity:kinda low |
10/31 Naked women on the streets of Hong Kong in PETA protest: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20051031/od_afp/environmenthalloween_051031171302 \_ KFC ain't going to torture this chick: http://news.yahoo.com/photo/051014/ids_photos_ts/r1925397729.jpg \_ I'm sure Hooters is just as bad to its chicks. \_ Hooters serves fried chicken menu also? \_ http://www.hooters.com/menu/Hooters_Online_Menu.pdf \_ No prices? \_ where are the pictures of naked PETA girls? \_ People Eating Tasty Animals. \_ The caption said the two lying in the fake coffins were naked. \_ url? |
2005/10/5-6 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:39993 Activity:nil |
10/5 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051005/od_nm/seattle_stripclubs_dc More proof that Seattle doesn't blow and doesn't suck. PS oj is a fucking pussy. \_ Why does Seattle hate lap dances? \_ "... require strip club patrons to stay at least four feet away from entertainers ..." How are patrons supposed to stick dollar bills into the dancers' G-strings? \_ Make dollar bill airplanes. |
2005/6/10-12 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:38070 Activity:low |
6/10 it looks like Los Alamos man made it all up to cover running over someone in the parking lot of a strip club http://tinyurl.com/alsw9 - danh \_ Well, you know, I was really wondering why whistleblowers would decide to meet in a STRIP club. Really sounds like something you'd say to throw your wife off. \_ ok, wow, that makes more sense now I guess I've been seen The Insider too many times I guess I've seen The Insider too many times \_ Where is the Freeper link to this? I won't believe it until I read it in the Free Republic. \_ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1419964/posts |
2005/2/19-20 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:36251 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/19 http://tinyurl.com/6q6vu Strip Club becomes an Art Club |
2005/1/30 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:35985 Activity:nil |
1/30 Unemployed German Women can be forced to work in brothels: http://tinyurl.com/3mtd2 \_ Why the hell would a brothel be recruiting using a resume database anyway? I smell a rat. I'm guessing that the brothel is in on some bullshit deal with the government on this. |
2004/9/30-10/1 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:33863 Activity:nil |
9/30 NAKED MASTURBATING HOMO HUMAN PYRAMID \_ Shut up and get on the pile. |
2004/9/9-10 [Recreation/Stripclub, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:33452 Activity:high |
9/10 Dear CSUA Penthouse forum: when you're naked in a tub with a fat girl a nd hot a girl, should you grab the breast of the fat one or the hot one first? ok thx. \_ that's a big tub. \_ Grab them both at the same time and have a hot threesome. |
2004/7/7-9 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:31213 Activity:very high |
7/8 I have a female friend who's interested in checking out some male strip clubs. I have been searching the net for some times now, but still have been able to find any around the Bay Area. Any suggestions and/or recommendations? \_ Discussed back in 2000 of October, http://csua.com/?entry=19464 \_ Why don't you bring her over to me, I'll strip for her. \_ Because we don't want to kill the last vestiges of her hetero- sexuality? \_ I only half agree with you. I don't give a damn about male heterosexuality. \_ I believe OP said female, not shemale. \_ Oh, SNAP! \_ There use to be male stripper signs on places on "Bush" in SF around Mason/Taylor or so. Not sure if they're still there. Pick up the Bay Guardian, there are ads for strip clubs (male and female) in there. \_ Here's one I think she'll love: http://www.eros-guide.com/files/ouchy1.htm \_ check out http://partyhardcore.com -- very work unsafe. It's amazing how girl next door gets so wild at strip clubs. Also, it's amazing they are having unprotected sex with a stranger. \_ Its amazing that you fell for this shit - both the man and woman are clearly paid performers. \_ I think you're the one that fell for something. -tom \_ and I think you are the one who fell for it! \_ Dude, I think tom totally played you. \_ Tom? He isn't smart enough. He's more like a pitbull than a clever little monkey. \_ In Soviet Russia, stripper plays YOU! \_ Is anyone buying this "I have a female friend" story? Someone here obviously wants to go check out some hot man-ass and can't admit it. \_ Yeah, no sodan has any female friend. \_ Why would a woman want to see men strip? Women aren't visual the way men are. If they were then male pr0n for women would be a huge industry just like the naked chick business is today. \_ Yeah! It says so right here in the Monster Manual! \_ Mod +5 Funny! \_ No male strip clubs for heteros in the bay area -- go to Las Vegas. \_ Surely women must like some kind of titilation? How else do you explain the existence of romance novels? \_ If you can't see the difference between looking at naked flesh and fantasizing about being in love, you're beyond help. \_ You are an idiot. You have no conception of what a 'romance novel' is, do you? You are just mouthing off, aren't you? You are probably think of yourself as a 'sensitive male'. 'Romance novels' are female porn, nothing more. |
2004/6/30 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:31085 Activity:nil |
6/30 Why do 35mm color negatives look like they are brown/ clear when viewed with the naked eye? It seems like you should be able to see the colors with your naked eye? Also movie reels? \_ That's the normal cast of the negative film medium itself. You should still be able to see different colors if the original scene is colorful enough. The colors you see on the negatives are reciprocal to the original colors (plus the brown cast). That's why they are called negatives. Movies are also shot on negatives, but the images are somehow transferred to silde films which are sent to the cinemas. |
2004/3/10-11 [Academia/UCLA, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:12598 Activity:low |
3/10 Dear motd readers. I got sick and tired of turning up my AC to cool down my apartment because of all the power hogging servers I run 24x7. I decided to do something really different. I went to Home Depot to buy a exhaust/ventilation/pipe kit and hooked them up on a big fan to direct the hot PC exhaust outside. Voila! No more hot apartment (and it doesn't smells like a server room anymore). -ucla student (and yes LA has been kinda hot lately) \_ Uh... congrats? \_ tell us about the stars ilyas! \_ Heh. We went over this already. There are at least 3 different csua people at ucla. I never ever sign as 'ucla student.'. You think I am proud to attend a school which harvests organs for profit? Get a life. -- ilyas \_ who are the 3 UCLA students? \_ I respect their privacy. If they read the motd, and care to do so, they will identify themselves. -- ilyas \_ Umm, funny I think we are (were in my case) listening to the same show (in any event this is on NPR right now) and they make this seem all particularly sinister 'cause it deals with lumps of human flesh, but, the only real/ reasonable issue here (as far as i can tell) is that UCLA was NOT profiting. The Professor was pocketing the cash. -phuqm \_ you mean the director of the program (who was earning $56K salary and has a certificate in mortuary services) was taking the cash \_ umm, yeah, what you said. Though, boy, 56k really? Maybe the university is complicitous (in which case it is just a perk and there is NO issue here). 56K seems low for the director to be making. How much do directors of other programs make there? -phuqm \_ you guys are spoiled. 56K in Los Angeles can get you a LOT of goodies. -ucla stud \_ I hear the strippers will do nude lap dances for only $20 there. Is that true? \_ They are topless and in a G-string, but yes. \_ What are the best places to go? \_ $20 will get you topless $40 nude, you can get coupons for free topless lapdances by staples center (Spearmint Rhino). However, i think they used to grind you but then a no touching ordinance passed. was that repealed? LA Strip Clubs >> SF Strip Clubs. \_ LA has move strip clubs than SF? =) Anyway, Strip clubs for the gents seems very boring. If you goto http://partyhardcore.com, you'll see what I mean. (work UNsafe!) \_ No professor was profitting on this...just the director of that Willed Body program. |
2003/7/24 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:29121 Activity:nil |
7/23 http://www.huntingforbambi.com Hunt a naked woman |
2002/11/12 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:26521 Activity:nil |
11/12 http://csua.org/u/53c \_ Nimbus! |
2002/9/21 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:25967 Activity:moderate |
9/19 Where can I get naked pix of Rebekah Revels? \_ You can't. There aren't any in public. \_ kazaar has everthing. \_ It does not have RR naked because there are no public pics. \_ Who is Rebekah Revels? |
2002/5/27 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:24954 Activity:nil |
5/27 it's topless toga week: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,5-2002240675,00.html |
2002/5/14 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:24815 Activity:nil |
5/14 Cool! The motd has no freeper rants, two or more stalkers, strip club recommendations and guys looking for nookie in Fremont. I feel like I've come back home! |
2002/5/13-14 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:24811 Activity:moderate |
5/13 A few friends are taking a trip to Reno in June because one guy is getting married later this year. Any suggestions on what establishments to visit in Reno? So far, we have clubs: Fantasy and Wild Orchid. \_ Depends on how wild you want to get. The brothels are quick 30 minute ride east of town. And it's not just for sex. Both of the places you mention are topless only (due to alcohol limitations). At the brothels you can get full nude and drink. Just tip really well and it'll be cool. On the other hand, the gals at the topless joints look a *lot* better. \_ Any specific recommendations? We'll be there two days and wouldn't mind a variety. \_ When I went to Reno six years ago there were variaty shows by Playboy which included topless dances and singing. I don't remember which casino it was. The women were good-looking. However, the audience were kept far away from the women by the size of the stage and nobody got a close-up no latter where you sat. That's a minus for someone. \_ For a really kick ass paella, try the restaurant off the lobby of John Ascuaga's Nugget - He's Basque and it's his grandma's recipe. - kc |
2001/10/2 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:22619 Activity:nil |
10/2 Someone told me that Berkeley has a research (AI vision) that detects pictures of naked people. Is it true or is it a rumor? \_ See http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daf for papers. (The project shifted from finding naked people to finding horses a while ago.) \_ Hook this up to http://images.google.com and you have an automatic serach engine for nude pictures of celebrities. |
2000/12/5-6 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:20001 Activity:high |
12/5 Well, this is a pretty crappy time window. For those living in the silicon valley: http://www.heavens-above.com/PassSummary.asp?lat=37.339&lng=-121.894&alt=0&loc=San+Jose&TZ=PST&satid=25544 \_ "Silicon Valley" not "the Silicon Valley" \_ wrong. Common usage is to include the "the" except when in adjectival form. \_ Nope, you're wrong. Common usage among people who've lived here all their life is to not include "the." Reference the San Jose Mercury News: "The Newspaper of Silicon Valley" \_ How visible is it going to be? Like a bright star that we see with naked eye? \_ Easily visible with the naked eye. Naked eye can see stars as dim as 5th or 6th magnitude (magnitudes are dumb: higher magnitude --> dimmer star). On Dec. 11, the ISS will be at 0.2 mag...it'll probably be the brightest thing in that region of the sky, and the only thing that will be moving at a constant velocity. |
2000/11/14 [Recreation/Stripclub] UID:19776 Activity:high |
11/14 I notice it says Co-Ed Naked Computing. i'm naked, but where are the co-eds? \_ finger raytrace \_ I keep hearing about raytrace. pix p. |
2000/1/25-26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:17324 Activity:moderate |
1/24 Why does it say "Co-Ed Naked Computing" on the top of MOTD? \_ Ask ali. \_ actually, I put that there. -not ali \_ If you don't know what ali has to do with it, you know nothing about Co-Ed Naked Computing in the CSUA. \_ Duh, obviously. "If you have to ask, you don't know!" Oooh, aaaah... how mysterious!!! |
1996/6/30 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:31857 Activity:nil |
6/29 Striptease: Not worth it. Too many ideas and none really funny, but if all you want to see is Demi's topless nudity, then go for it. |
3/15 |