3/15 |
2005/11/24-28 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Food] UID:40727 Activity:low |
11/23 Bio-diesel from vegetable oils: http://tinyurl.com/bxt9k (nationalgeographic.com) \_ This is REALLY COOL, I can't wait till our mighty benevolent corporations like Chevron and Enron start mass producing bio diesel. \_ The energy you get per acre is very small, so even with a free catalyst it wouldn't be economical. Most of the hype about biofuels comes from the farming industry seeking subsidies. \_ or bio-diesel tinkerers who get their vegetable oils as waste product from the food industry. The supply of that, obviously, is quite limited. |
2005/11/23-28 [Reference/Celebration, Recreation/Food] UID:40708 Activity:nil |
11/23 Vegetarian turkey for Thanksgiving (has sound): http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=0183913358 |
2005/11/14-15 [Science/GlobalWarming, Recreation/Food] UID:40586 Activity:low 76%like:40581 |
11/14 How much of your favorite caffinated beverage would it take to kill you? http://www.energyfiend.com/death-by-caffeine \_ Interesting. I guess coffee has more caffeine than espresso drinks. See Starbucks Grande Coffee vs. Grande Mocha's, Per unit volume, obviously espresso wins, but per drink, coffee wins. \- "it's the moles that get you" \_ OMFG, Redline Caffeine drink: http://csua.org/u/e0j (Same site) \_ http://caffeineweb.com/NASAStudy.htm |
2005/10/19-21 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:40178 Activity:nil |
10/19 My sister's music is featured at http://NPR.org under 'all songs considered' and can be listened to. The name of the song is 'Take a minute' from her previous CD 'I kid you not'. Her name is Diane Marie Kloba. I hope you enjoy it. -ikiru \_ Congrats! Is she as hot as yermom? \_ See http://www.dianemariekloba.com ... ikiru's mom is currently about to go medieval on Florida. |
2005/10/12-13 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Recreation/Food] UID:40054 Activity:low |
10/12 4,500 year old noodle to go please! http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20051012/sc_space/worldsoldestnoodlesalterviewofancientdiet \_ Man, Chinese food can survive 5000 years? This explains something about my indigestion problems. \_ Just more proof of the Flying Spaghetti Monster's greatness |
2005/9/27-28 [Consumer/Audio, Recreation/Food] UID:39894 Activity:nil |
9/27 Copyright dispute over subway maps: http://www.wired.com/news/mac/0,2125,68967,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2 \_ Don't compete with our taxpayer funded efforts to disseminate this information! |
2005/9/27-28 [Uncategorized/German, Recreation/Food] UID:39886 Activity:nil |
9/27 Vo ist die restaurant vom Lowe? |
2005/9/22-23 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:39818 Activity:nil |
9/22 So it turns out that a bungload of British army emergency supplies and MRE-type food were to be burned as "unfit for human consumption." I forwarded this to a colleague in the US, who sent it to Feinstein's office just for shits and grins, and according to what they told him, nobody'd even heard of this. This makes baby jesus cry. http://csua.org/u/dgx -John \_ The end of this article reads: 'The FDA said: "We did inspect some MREs (meals ready to eat) on September 13. They are the only MREs we looked at. There were 70 huge pallets of vegetarian MREs. "They were from a foreign nation. We inspected them and then released them for distribution."' |
2005/9/21-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:39792 Activity:low |
9/21 Why is the Chinese black egg black? Is it safe to eat? What chemical compound made it black? It looks like lead, but it's yummy. \_ You mean thousand year old egg? I think that's duck egg preserved in tea. \_ It's funny that the thousand year old egg was featured in Fear Factor. When I saw that episode, I'm like "I'll eat it without a prize." \_ Koreans sometimes soak hard boiled eggs in watered down soy sause. They turn brown. Those are pretty tasty too. \_ The Japanese do something similar for oden. Cf. the egg in vinegar science trick. (The egg in oden is not as rubbery...) \_ Let me tell you something *REALLY* scary... *TRADITIONALLY* those 'thousand year old egg' was made by marinating the egg in *HORSE PISS*. No, I am not kidding. We don't do it in horse piss anymore, if you are really interested in this, I can find out. It bothers me that how my ancestors one day came up with this idea "let me soak egg in this and see how's taste..." \_ Well it's not as bad as the famous Shit Eating German porn. \_ I have a guess as to why urine was pissed. A disgruntled chef in the Dynasty thought it'd be funny to serve the emperor egg that is dipped in urine. It turns out the emperor liked it so much that it's an official dish. Uh, seriously though, that's just an urban legend. Black eggs are black because of charcoal, tea, and other things. http://ask.yahoo.com/20011114.html <-- see? \_ Like how we grow mushrooms on cold horse shit? \_ No way, you're shitting me!!! \_ MOVE OVER GERMANY!!!!1!! \_ Nothing beats your Shit Eating German porn. How the hell did you guys come up with that stuff. It is just sick. \_ I hate to sound like a freak, but piss in general has a lot of really useful properties (all that ammonia, etc.). Pre-Industrial really useful properties (all that urea, etc.). Pre-Industrial folks had a lot of uses for it, including medicine and laundry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urine |
2005/9/17-19 [Recreation/Food] UID:39729 Activity:nil |
9/17 Fish tongue eating insect: http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4200000/newsid_4209000/4209004.stm \_ That is sick. |
2005/9/15-17 [Politics/Domestic, Recreation/Food] UID:39704 Activity:low |
9/15 We had to lay someone off at work because of the shrinking budget. Some people would like to take him to lunch. Some of us think it would be weird to go out with someone being (essentially) fired. What do you think? Would a card/gift be more appropriate? Should we do anything at all? We've worked with this guy for 2-3 years. \_ Take the guy out for a meal. What's so awkward about it? It's not like you made the decision to can him. \_ Agreed. If you like him, give him a nice send-off. \_ Well, I didn't make the decision but I was party to it. \_ "laid off" = "we couldn't afford you, no hard feelings please", "fired" = "you suck, we don't want you, go away". Make sure you know which it is; I would find it extremelyy odd to take someone whose firing I was involved in to lunch unless I knew him personally. Otherwise it seems very disingenuous. If it's a real layoff, you might also want to consider passing his resume around and other nice things. -John \_ Well, as you know, when there's a layoff there's always the choice of *who* to layoff. It's not the same as being fired, but there's the undertone of "We chose to let *you* go." I personally might feel odd going to lunch with coworkers if I was laid off. I did offer to help him get another job. If anyone needs a sysadmin, junior s/w engineer, or WWW developer with a BS in CS from Caltech and about 3 years experience let me know. I'm in LA, but I know his girlfriend is in the Bay Area, so he might consider moving. Oh, he is also a RHCE. --dim \_ Something more important to consider: that shrinking budget. When is *your* turn? Think about where you'd like to be taken to lunch when your turn comes. Also, a single layoff for budget reasons sounds really weird. What's really going on? How big is your place? Are you a C*O or founder? If not, polish up your resume if he was really cut for budget reasons. As far as lunch or no lunch, it doesn't matter if he was fired or laid off. A particular job is not the be-all end-all of life. If you like the guy take him to lunch. If you hate him, don't. Remember, in theory, someone who got laid-off will be re-hired when times get better. I've seen it actually happen a _small_ number of times. \_ Well, I asked him if we could take him to lunch and he said "Yes". As for the rest of the story, who said it was a single layoff? \_ enjoy lunch. No one said but if you re-read the OP it is easy to come to that conclusion from context. How many out of how many total? |
2005/9/14-15 [Recreation/Food] UID:39675 Activity:low |
9/14 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050914/od_nm/germany_robbery_dc German robbers rob a Chinese restaurant with a pistol and a knife but got chased out by tables and chairs thrown at them. Fucking Krauts \_ Callahan: You forgot your fortune cookie, punk. Punk: What? Callahan: It says you're shit out of luck.<shoots punk with .44> \_ So? Bruce Lee could fight armed gangsters in restaurants with tooth picks. At least he did in one of his movies. picks from a distance. At least he did in one of his movies. \_ All hail Kung Fu! |
2005/9/10 [Recreation/Food] UID:39614 Activity:nil |
9/9 You know, it's nice to rescue the poor people in NO and all, but more importantly, when can we start eating yummy, safe (non-toxic) genuine gumbo from NO? |
2005/9/4-6 [Recreation/Food] UID:39489 Activity:nil |
9/5 One Sunday I decided to have a late lunch at the burger joint on Solano avenue. I came there at about 3:30pm and it seemed like most eateries south of the BART tracks were closed. Are they always closed on Sundays or did I choose a very unfortunate time of day? \_ probably isn't very safe there at night \_ 3:30 isn't exactly night and I have once been there at night and the place looked very crowded. I wouldn't feel very unsafe there. |
2005/9/3-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:39473 Activity:nil |
9/3 Humour of the week: "Man Fired for Eating Pizza Wins Contest" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050903/ap_on_fe_st/funny_firings |
3/15 |
2005/9/2-3 [Recreation/Food] UID:39450 Activity:nil |
9/2 "They need to stabilize that situation," the President said. "They need to make sure that the food and medicine that is in place is given to the people that need the food and medicine." What "they" is he referring to, the French? \_ God, who else? God Bless. !conservative \_ Either FEMA or some LA state agency. |
2005/9/1-2 [Recreation/Food, Reference/RealEstate] UID:39406 Activity:kinda low |
9/1 I am in the south bay, and yesterday out of no where I discovered lots and lots of aunts in the bathroom. I am usually very careful about leaving food outside, and the trail of the aunts (from bathroom - living room fireplace) does not appear to show that they were after my food. What the hell were they after? Were they just moving? I sprayed and killed most of them, which probably numbered in the thousands.. I've not had a single aunt problem for the past 2 years I've lived here. What would cause such a sudden outburst of aunts? \_ They are probably after water, not food. \_ They are probably after money, not food. \_ has it been hotter than usual lately? http://www.mindfully.org/Pesticide/Pesticides-Wont-Stop-em.htm \_ I've been having exactly this problem for the past three months. I had the same problem the same time last year. I've been wondering why the same brand of bait that used to work a few years ago doesn't work now. It must be this new Argentine ant species. One thing I notice is that some ants crawl much faster than others. Is it the Argentine ant vs. the native species? years ago doesn't work now. It must be this new Bolivian ant species. One thing I notice is that Bolivian ants march faster than others. Is it the Bolivian ant vs. the native species? I live in north Fremont. \_ I've noticed a lot of ants in my bathroom the past several months as well. They go away for few weeks after I put those ant bait/traps, but come right back. I don't have problems with ants in other parts of my Oakland apartment. ants in other parts of my Oakland apartment. I live in E. Fremont. \_ Its not like the ants in CA bite or anything, what are you so concerned about? \_ They crawl up my legs and arms. My in-law got a few on her face a few nights ago while sleeping. \_ They crawl up my legs and arms. My in-law got her face chewed off a few nights ago while sleeping. We are Taiwanese. |
2005/8/30-31 [Recreation/Food, Health/Eyes] UID:39357 Activity:nil |
8/30 Chavez offers us fuel and food on top of free eye surgery. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050829/pl_afp/usweathervenezuelaoil Now we REALLY need to assassinate him. \_ Ha! He has succumed to the dreaded threat of Pat Robertson! \_ I don't think he understands that we kick our poor people when they're down. \_ Hehe. I actually think he's pretty funny. \_ Al Capone was actually a hero in the 30s to the really poor people in Chicago. He setup cafes to feed the people who would have starved to death during the great depression. How he got money to setup cafes is another story. Today, we are in need of another hero. We need someone to take money from Bill Gates, Walmart Waltons, and other super wealthy kings to give wealth back to the poor. We have no such hero today. |
2005/8/16-17 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:39135 Activity:high |
8/16 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050816/ap_on_re_us/hispanics_immigration "A majority of Hispanics born in the United States don't think illegal Hispanic immigrants should be given drivers' licenses, according to a new poll." \_ C'mon, folks, it's a sting operation. \_ That would be kinda funny. "Here's you driver's licence sir, and here's your border patrol officer." \_ Seriously, you don't see this happening? \_ In a word, no. \_ You don't need borders! How Cold War! Become a Citizen of the World! Get your Global Work Permit! Travel! See the sights! When there are no more borders, there will be no more war! Hey, what is the EU policy on non-EU people trotting about? How about Switzerland? \_ We have a treaty with the EU to allow bilateral work permits very easily. The overprotected, overpriced, mollycoddled Swiss markets could use it (just like the overprotected, &c &c US, Jap and EU markets could use some competition) as we're seeing an insane amount of super-qualified people coming in from Germany and Austria who are fleeing statist ham-handedness there, and really raising the quality bar here. And although the EU is a bureaucratic shitpile, its very existence is sure motivating the Poles/Czechs/Balts and friends into becoming lean, fast- growing economies. Global economics is not a zero-sum game, to be ruined by protectionist tax-horny command-economy government hacks. May I suggest a cabin in Montana? -John \- I am for sure going to have fun watching "libertarian" geeks sort themelves out into various flavors under the pressure of globalization. i wonder if there will be an attempt to vincent chin somebody in a pathetic geek way. \_ Partha once went on record as saying libertarians are libertarian because this allows them to excuse the way they naturally feel, or something like that. I am sort of they naturally feel, or something like that. I was sort of idly wondering if John is going to show up one day and accuse Partha of overgeneralizing and 'wrongthink,' but then I realized it's only chic to do that to me. -- ilyas \_ Dey took ur' jerbs!! \_ We'll just take our families and go start american food restaurants in Calcutta. That'll show 'em. -JOhn \_ Genuinely curious... Do they sell Garden Burgers in India? \- no, in india it is easy to find vegetarian food that actually tastes good. you dont have newly minted vegetarians who "miss" the hamburger experience. and burgers are generally mutton or chicken if memory serves. serving beef in a high profile way [like if you are mcd] is just asking for trouble. \_ Spoken like someone who's never tried a really good veggie patty. I am not a vegetarian, and I appreciate a good beefburger, but there is such a thing as a really tasty veggie burger. \- when i go to india, kolkata in particular, i basically become a vegetarian because the vegetarian food is better than about every- thing else and cheaper too. so while i dont typcally eat vegetarian burgers here, on statistical grounds this is pretty defensible. many of the vegetables here are really expensive or bland, especially tomatos. in much of india since you buy fresh vegetables at the market every day, they may look funky but they are vastly better than about any non-chez panisse level vegetables here. i think a better comparison is something like say flan ... flan will not take off in india anytime soon because there is nothing to cause the flan market to go through a "hyper inflation" phase. it's not a matter of whether flan is good or bad ... it's not enough better than domestic sweets. pizza on the other hand is an innovation that is taking off because of marketing and novelty. in spite of the pizza being bad. so yes if for some reason a company making really tasty veggie burgers dumps millions of dollars into mkting, then maybe they will taken off, but that's not going to happen. \_ I have a colleague originally from around about Hyderabad who went to the Bombay Inst of Tech. He complained (at length) about American hamburgers. His reasoning was the home of the hamburger (his idea, not mine) should have a huge variety of meat and non-meat hamburgers available. This because he bragged about the huge variety of specifically non-meat burgers available in (I presume) Bombay and Hyderabad. He also, IIRC, said meat hamburgers were uncommmon. That said, he may simply have been whinging since he was dealing with some pretty bad culture shock at the time. -- ulysses \_ There is a huge variety of meat and non-meat burgers available here in the USA. \_ Yup. One place has Ostrich burgers I think. Forgot the name. \_ Fuddrucker's does. It's also common to see turkey, buffalo, salmon, and many varieties of soy/veggie burgers. \_ There's also an awesome place on the main square in Sonoma that does a duck burger with foie gras. It's really good. -John \- well i think those still dont count as "common". mcd, bk, carls jr, wendys etc are mostly beef, some chicken options, one fish item, but no lamb, mutton, goat, turkey, pork [maybe turkey] etc. contrast to say a typical mexican facility with al pastor, carne asada, ground beef, chortizo, carnitas, tongue etc. same for a deli ... lots of options compared to a typical hamburger facility. --psb \_ Look in a Wal-Mart for what the "common" American eats. The places you mentioned have about as much food value as Viet Cong sandals cut from truck tires. As for Indian food, didn't the head of Congress' youth wing once chop up his gf and hide her in a tandoori oven? Mmh! -John \_ The discussion was about common hamburger options, not what is healthy or common to eat. \_ Yes, and the options meantioned were of Viet Cong truck tire sandal food value, allowing for crack about average Americans' dining habits, Wal-Mart and tandoori dismemberment. Capisce? \_ Almost every fast food joint offers a chicken sandwich/burger. Jack in the Box had the Turkey Jack. Once you stray from the big chains, though, you easily find the rest. Turkey burgers are especially easy to find, as are veggie burgers. Even the big chains have had veggie burgers at various times. I think some still do. \- BTW, one reason traditional burgers and pizza in india are ass is because you cannot get good "cheej". i dunno if you will "get" this if you dont know india, but i thought this was both hilarious & insightful in the horrible VS Naipaul way: http://csua.org/u/d26 [you have to click fwd to the first page of text]. you may also wish to see: http://csua.org/u/d27 for more fun with Sir Vidia. \_ There is lots of good vegetables \_ There are lots of good vegetables at reasonable prices here. You just have to go to Farmer's markets, like the one at the Civic Center in San Francisco. Organic produce from Whole Foods is also quite good, but pricey. -ausman |
2005/8/8-11 [Recreation/Food] UID:39048 Activity:low |
8/8 How much does your weight vary on any given day? \_ I don't have weight sensors in my shoes. \_ I eat about 5 pounds of meat a day, and I shit once a day. I drink about 1 gallon of liquid. So I'm guessing maybe 10 pounds? \_ I eat about 5 pounds of meat a day, and I shit once a week. I drink about 2 gallon of liquid. So I'm guessing maybe 16.5 pounds? I drink about 1 gallon of liquid. So I'm guessing maybe 10 pounds? \_ Yeah but if you eat like that 5 of those pounds aren't temporary. \_ About half a kilo or so (a pound, give or take) \_ About 3 lbs - though some of that could be due to the fact that I'm using an el cheapo target bathroom scale for weighing myself. \_ On a long bike ride, I'll lose 5-8 pounds. -tom \_ Out of curiosity, what does "long" mean? \_ A few weeks ago I rode Mount Hamilton via Mines Road, which came out to a little over 100 miles, and I was out there for 10 hours. I was about 6 pounds lighter, on a not very hot day. -tom \_ I assume that you were rehydrating aggressively along the way...? \_ I drank 7-8 liters of fluids (mostly water). -tom |
2005/8/3-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:38970 Activity:low |
8/3 Eco People: Are you willing to give up your flush toilets? \_ You mean using 0.6gpf urinals instead? \_ Urinals don't work too well when you crap in them. \_ Exactly. So what's the alternative that the OP proposes? \_ Probably these horrible "flush-less" urinals they've been putting in highway rest stops over here--they have a valve at the bottom which drains the things when they fill past a certain degree, and don't let any smell out of the pipe. Needless to say, the bits you pee on above the pipe also smell. A lot. -John \_ I use a composting toilet and then use the fertilizer on the organic vegetables I sell down at the farmer's market. \_ that's done it for me, no more farmer's markets \_ Nah, just boil 'em. Koreans used human excrement as fertilizer for hundred of years. \_ Chinese do that too, but I don't think they boil it first. \_ Not the excrement, the food. Before you eat it. \_ Do you also jerk off into that toilet? \_ that's it, returning those carrots |
2005/7/24-28 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:38799 Activity:nil |
7/24 foodP! 7pm Fondue Freds, Wednesday 7/27 come one, come all \_ use evite. \_ how much is it? I'm poor... \_ The idea is to take advantage of their 6+ person deal, which comes out to basically $20/person. Definitely more expensive than say a TopDog, but it is an all-you-can-eat deal for fondue and their house wine. The CSUA used to have regular FoodP's, a tradition that has (sadly) apparently died. -ERic \_ Who is going? Alumni or students? I'm a poor student, can you rich wealthy land-owning alumni buy me food? I promise to entertain you guys with new Soda Hell stories. Are there going to be hot women? Is karen going? \_ Are there going to be stalkers attending? \_ Why? You lose yours? \_ CSUA w/ booth babes. Now there's a concept. \_ I had fondue once and hated it. Maybe it was the particular cheese? Or is it usually the same type? It was also expensive for what it is and the skill involved. I think I'd love a chocolate fondue though. \_ There are many variations, but a typical cheese fondue will contain some of swiss, gruyere and ementhaler cheeses, plus dry white wine, and often some garlic, or lemon juice, or kirch. Personally I love gruyere, but some people hate it. \_ A crappy fondue has too much starch, low quality wine, shitty cheese, cat intestines, whatever in it. -John the Fondue Expert \_ I like Fondue Fred's. And their house wine is excellent after the third glass or so. I'd go if I was in the bay area. -niloc |
2005/7/22-25 [Recreation/Food] UID:38767 Activity:nil |
7/22 Does anyone know of a program for optimizing pizza topping selection? I'm thinking of the situation where you have N people who each have some number of preferred and shunned toppings, and you want to pick P pizzas such that everyone can find a pizza without a shunned topping and you maximize the number of prefered toppings people get. This seems like the sort of thing geeks would have worked out already... \- potential arrow impossibility theorem problem \_ Can you clarify the "maximize the number of prefered toppings people get" part? |
2005/7/21-23 [Politics/Domestic/911, Recreation/Food] UID:38756 Activity:nil |
7/21 My reading on London bombing 2: Terrorists screwed up this time. Detonators went off, but explosives didn't. Yes, it is indicative of high vulnerability if they can get chemically- based detonators exploding in rucksacks at three subway trains and a bus AGAIN, even with all the security, two weeks after the last attack. \_ Also a higher possibility of copycat or amateur hour. \_ Uh, Al Qaeda _is_ largely a "copycat" organization. Now watch out for the disappointed-looking bearded guy sitting behind the backpack. -John \_ Especially that it's again three in the subway and one on a bus. \_ Probably this was just engineered by Rove to get him off the front page. \_ We all dance like marionettes to the flick of Rove's chubby fingers. \- when you hear the price they paid i'm sure you'll come and join the masquerade one by one and two by two past eight by tens in shattered frames the players try to leave the room frantic puppets on a string and all the while the music sings and still sometimes remember the masquerade's forever |
2005/7/18-19 [Health/Dental, Recreation/Food] UID:38692 Activity:nil |
7/18 A chocolate a day will keep the doctor away. http://csua.org/u/cr0 \_ But will a chocolate a day bring the dentist my way? |
2005/7/13-14 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:38595 Activity:nil |
7/13 Coffee shop opens in Utah without coffee, cigarettes, or alcohols because Mormons can't touch them: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,162317,00.html \_ I'd say that's totally gay, but Mormons don't like that either. \_ Well, sell to your customers. It's not hard to get coffee and alcohol in Utah if you want them. |
2005/7/13-15 [Recreation/Food] UID:38591 Activity:high |
7/13 Motd Diet Poll: M, for married, S for single, + w, for working, s for student. Most of the time, you eat: Fast food: Ss Lots of Meat, Fat: Lots of Meat (lean): Balanced (grains,veggies,meat): Mw, Mw, Mw, Mw, Sw Mostly Vegetables(or seafood): Ms, Mw, Sw Vegetarian: Ssw, Mw Vegan/raw foodie: Sw I don't know what I eat: \_ WTF happened to all the undergrads who eat nothing but fast food? \- i used to eat bacon, fat slice, blondies and 99cent burgers. however i had a super-fast metabolism then. i cant do that any more. now my metabolism has become super-efficient and i just eat 1.7 meals per day. \_ Their fingers are too chubby to type \_ But fast food is nutritious! Ilyas told me so, dammit! \_ Why is it that right-wingers get so worked up fast food? What the hell does fast food have to do with politics, aside from the fact that Republicans tend to be fat and lazy? \_ I am a right-winger now? And I get worked up about fast food? Are you one of those mental giants who divide the world into two exhaustive and mutually exclusive sets: People Who Think Like Me, and Right-Wingers? -- ilyas \_ I'm not worked up or right wing either -- I was just poking mild fun at you. I wonder what made him decide I'm a rightwingnut... -ilyas-is-nutritious-guy \_ Gaaaah, I am NOT nutricious, you cannibal! You stay away from me! -- ilyas \_ Sounds like a bad 1970's era movie: "Ilyas the Cannibal!!" -ilyas-is-nutritious guy \_ 'Cause I'm an American dammit, and no pencil neck geek should be telling me what to eat! Now, drug prohibition on the other hand, that's ok. \_ Fast food -> big chains -> big corporations -> Republican. Gourmet food -> local restaurants. \_ Kiss my shiny metal ass. -- ilyas \_ shouldn't this be "bite my ..."? |
2005/7/11-12 [Recreation/Food] UID:38515 Activity:nil |
7/11 The eat veggie-save earth thread has got to be the most stupid thread I've ever read on motd. The best thing to do is not consuming more veggies. The best thing to do is to consume men, which would the most ecological and logical thing to do to reduce pollutants. First of all, eating existing men would save you the cost to transport grains for cows or use our precious water suppry for crops. Secondly, you reduce population that would otherwise use up more resources and pollute the earth. Consuming men would be killing two birds with one stone. I propose we start by first eating idiots who post stupid threads on motd, and then eating SUV drivers, then the fanatic Republicans, and finally all the communists and Democrats. \_ Yes, and don't you think the Dear MOTD Readers should be allowed to decide that for themselves? -John |
2005/7/8-10 [Science/Space, Recreation/Food] UID:38485 Activity:high |
7/8 Cut global warming by becoming vegetarian: http://www.physorg.com/news4998.html \_ Cut global warming with eco-friendly investments: http://www.terrapass.com \_ How does one know that the money we pay on purchasing these passes actually goes to projects that reduce pollution, and these projects actually have big enough of an impact to offset our cars' pollutant output? \_ Good question, and I don't have a good answer. I suppose you could argue that you have a contract with them, so they're obligated to follow-through. \_ Cut global warming by turning off the water when you apply soap in the middle of a shower. This saves water as well as the energy needed to heat it. \_ Not eating 1 pound of western beef saves more water than not showering for 1 year, assuming 7 minute showers once per day with a low flow shower head. "Raising one cow uses enough water to float a destroyer" \_ Just shooting yourself as soon as possible saves more water and energy and cute little bacteria that you'd otherwise spend your life stompin' on than you can possibly imagine. I'll take mine medium rare, thanks. -John \_ Uh, this is really poorly phrased. Not eating 1 pound of beef doesn't save anything. That cow is still raised. \_ Have you ever heard of supply & demand? Buying and tossing one pound of beef doesn't do anything, true. However, choosing to purchase less beef directly affects demand, which will in turn affect supply. \_ Are you serious??? Reference please? Thx. \_ John Robbins Food Revolution, which had extensive footnotes in that section. Note that it takes a lot more water to raise cattle in the arid west, which is why I said *western beef*. Here is a webpage that discusses the topic (took me about 5 seconds with google): http://www.vegsource.com/articles/pimentel_water.htm Another one: http://www.gentleworld.org/environment/environment.html Oh look more: http://www.farnellfamily.com/cfarnell/why/uses.html Note that producing beef in arid climates takes more than 2500 gallons/pound. \_ Don't eat fruits either. Raising one plum tree uses enough water to float a destroyer. We should eat only cactus. \_ Whatever \_ Whatever indeed. Focus on one aspect of farming (cattle) and ignore the rest. \_ I think the pp was focusing on the fact that raising 1 pound of meat consumes a lot more water than raising 1 pound of fruit/vegetable: http://www.vegsource.com/articles/factoids.htm \_ Ah yes this is the exact reference \_ The issue is not whether farming uses water. Raising beef just uses orders of magnitude more water for the same nutrional content. So one water for the same nutritional content. So one way to be environmental is not to eat beef, simple. \_ Right. Another way is to eat only cactus and not water-loving plants like rice and fruit. Or, like John said, shoot yourself. \_ can you be more disengenous? from the above link: water req'd for 1 lb. of apples: 49 that's two orders of magnitude less than the amt. req'd for beef. Eating cactus vs. apples counts for nothing compared to the simple act of not eating beef. -!pp, !op \_ How much protein is in those apples? If you want to grow, say, soy beans it take 250 gallons per pound. I find all of these sorts of arguments disingenuous. Eat healthy. That means some meat (but not a lot) in the diet. Avoiding 1 lb of beef per week (say) to substitute with 1 lb of apples is beyond stupid. There are other factors, too, like cooking, transportation (beef needs freezing), pesticides, and so on. Framing in terms of gallons/pound is meaningless and idiotic. \_ No it's not, it tells us how much water beef takes. It also takes more of many other resources such as fuel and space. Why is disingenuous to look at the amount of resources a certain diet takes? Meat eating simply uses way more resources. Now whether or not that matters to you is a different issue, isn't it? \_ The point here is that water usage is not defined in a vacuum. Looking at how much water a cow drinks versus how much water a tree needs is not too informative in itself. So much more is involved in growing, preparing, transporting, and storing the foods. Is that gallons/pound number derived by adding in how many gallons it takes to grow feed or is it just what the cow drinks? How much of that water is taken of the water cycle and in what way? What other factors are involved? \_ strawman. What you find disingenuous is not a claim anyone made. It's idiotic to replace one lb. of beef w/ one lb. of apples. The gallons/apple was made to refute above trolls nonsense about fruit trees. \_ What do you mean? If you don't eat fruit you can save a lot of water. \_ Then replace one pound of beef with beans, or whatever combination of non-MEAT vegetables/fruits diet you desire. None of them will use as much water to create the same desire. None of them will use remotely as much water to create the same nutrition, and you know that. \_ I am not sure 'energy' = 'nutrition'. Maybe if we were herbivores it would make more sense. There are indeed lots of drawbacks to farming, fishing, and so on. Looking at water use is some sort of feel-good bullshit. I can say it takes no (fresh) water to raise a tuna. Therefore eat only tuna and no apples. \_ Don't forget all the water that is required to maintain a healthy green lawn that no one ever uses. \_ http://www.backyardstyle.com/watering-guide.php The average lawn uses 125 g/1000 sq. ft on a hot, summer day. That's .8 oz. of beef/1000 sq. ft during peak summer weather. Certainly, it helps to reduce lawn watering, but compared to eating beef, it's peanuts. \_ How much water do spotted owls waste? \_ 1) Read an excerpt or two from the jungle, or watch a couple shorts about animal treatment, esp. re: antibiotics, hormones, etc. 2) Next time you purchase raw meat at the grocers, look at the meat, and remember (1) above. 3) Go and buy some vegetables. -!op \_ How many rabbits are chopped up in the combine harvesters? Better avoid bread. \_ When the other side can come up only with pedantic crap, that's a safe bet you've won the argument. \_ So saying "you should avoid X to conserve Y" is a poor long-term plan: if water is actually a scarce resource, it should be expensive, and thus the beef should be expensive. If there's some reason it isn't (government subsidies, perhaps?), the subsidies should end. There's no reason the free market can't solve this problem... if there is one. If there isn't, who cares how "wasteful" meat production is? People aren't starving in the world because the US doesn't produce enough food. |
2005/7/1 [Recreation/Food] UID:38395 Activity:nil |
7/1 Toilet themed restaurant in Taiwan: http://tinyurl.com/9msqv (news.yahoo.com) \_ Already mentioned: http://csua.com/?entry=38386 |
2005/6/30-7/1 [Recreation/Food] UID:38386 Activity:low |
6/30 This has got to be the most disgusting thing I've ever seen: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/taiwan_toilet_dc \_ you haven't seen very much \_ I thought only the Japanese would come up with weird things like this. |
2005/6/23 [Recreation/Food] UID:38259 Activity:high |
6/23 http://blogs.salon.com/0003522/2005/06/06.html#a576 "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United Federation of Planets, and to the galaxy for which it stands, one universe, under everybody, with liberty and justice for all species." Sounds good to me. - star trek movie guy \_ I assume the kid is 8 years old. Suspension seems pretty harsh to me for such a goofy offense. I like the US, but I said all kinds of goofy things during the pledge in elementry school. \_ 8 years old and still in elementary school? \_ Uh... \_ What kind of parent(s) would name a child "8"? \_ It appears she just refers to her children by their ages on her blog, for privacy reasons presumably. \_ I see. \_ I'm guessing the same, but she has no trouble posting lots of pictures of her kids. \_ "for all species"? That kid's not gonna eat any natural food from \_ "for all species"? That kid is not gonna eat any natural food from now on. \_ If its all replicated, what species got hurt? I'm guessing that until we get replicators he'll have to stick to vegan, to minimize his impact on animal species (which is probably what an 8 yr old kid has in mind when he says species). \_ I would be more likely to assume he meant "sentient" species. \_ The punishment for thoughtcrime is death. -mrauser \_ The Computer is your friend. Keep your laser handy. |
2005/6/8-9 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:38030 Activity:nil |
6/7 Has anybody been to Cafe Jacqueline in SF? Is it a reasonable first date restaurant or is it a little over the top for a 1D? Also does the menu work with 2 people or best with more? OK TNX. \_ It's reasonable. But it's pretty expensive. It is best for 2 people since some souffles are two-person serving. I ended up paying over $60 per person for two meal souffles and one dessert souffle (no wine, no appetizers). I didn't think it was worth the price. The restaurant itself didn't look fancy, but something too fancy could be intimidating for a 1st date. |
2005/5/13-15 [Recreation/Food] UID:37671 Activity:nil |
5/13 Wendy's Chili Mystery Finally Solved. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/wendy_s_finger \_ Wow, nice couple. \_ Those mugshots look like studio pictures, with soft lighting and stuff. |
2005/5/13-15 [Recreation/Food] UID:37666 Activity:low |
5/12 I'm spending a week in Tokyo. For people who have lived there, do you have any recommendations like things to do, places to visit, or have a favorite restaurant (something that doesn't cost $60/meal)? \_ Asaki's Western Massage Parlour. A lot of young, skinny, beautiful Eastern European ladies who'll do ANYTHING to satisfy your dreams. There are a few few chunky Americans too, if you're into that. \_ Wouldn't OP be interested more in local girls? \_ Nobu. Ask for the fubu. \_ Why would he ask for clothing created by black people? \_ Groping schoolgirls in uniforms and OL's in morning commute subway. 100 yen for a ticket and you can grope for hours. \_ What's OL? \_ office lady. Common in Tokyo. 1/2 of the Japan porns involve school girls or OL. \_ Don't bother with Roppongi, take a Shinkansen (they're way cool), visit a nice Isakaia (only good places to drink), have a look at Shibuya, take the train at rush hour, go knock around Shinjuku, visit a Tokyu (sp?) Hands store, there's no way you can be bored. -John \_ Go visit Akihabara on a weekend which is a town for electronic \_ Go visit Akihabara on a weekend which is an area for electronic gadgets. You can check out all the cool gadgets as well as all the hot women in tight short outfits holding ad signs. |
2005/5/4 [Recreation/Food] UID:37514 Activity:kinda low |
5/3 ax, do you eat raw eggs to get to where you are now? -curious \_ Where is he now, the hospital? \_ I ate raw eggs in the early 90's by mixing them in milkshakes, say maybe 5 or 6 whites and 1 with the yellow still in. I haven't had any since then. I benched 335 in 1993, I can do 285 now, but I run a lot and don't eat much protein. I weighed 190 or so then, 196 now. -ax \_ DUDE, LEARN TO INDENT. Anyways, you never had saminela? \_ DUDE, LEARN TO SPELL. anyway. salmonella. \_ height? \_ penis size? \_ delta? \_ cup size? |
2005/5/3-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:37466 Activity:moderate |
5/3 Favorite Fast Food Poll: \_ Locally owned burrito place: . \_ McDonalds \_ Got tired of it after I became a teenager \_ I was going to make fun of the guy who hates Wendys, but I hate McDonalds. They really are evil. \_ Why? Are you scared of clowns? \_ Jack in Box \_ Wendys \_ I'm NOT going there because they donate a significant amount of money to Republicans. Ditto with Walmart and Dell \_ On the other hand, the employ a lot of Democrats. I wonder if anyone has ever looked at how much money employees of a company donate versus the company itself. That is, let us say that Bill Gates donates to Republicans, but Paul Allen donates to Democrats while at the same time MSFT itself donates to Greens. Even "red" companies might support "blue" candidates or causes on the whole. \_ Heh, "[Wendys] employ[s] a lot of Democrats." I like that. Seems like that would be true of a lot of fast food joints though. \_ I'd think that any large company would employ large numbers of Dems and Repubs (as well as Greens, etc.). \_ BK \_ Carl's Jr: .. \_ Popeye's: . \_ In n Out: . \_ White Castle: . \_ KFC: . \_ KFC supports Republicans, not at the Walmart/Dell scale though. \_ Popeye's > KFC, except that Popeye's is harder to find. \_ Actually, Church's > Popeye's >> KFC. \_ Church's is that good? I had heard to was dangerous to your health. Probably a rumor started by KFC. I'll have to try it next time I'm in Oakland. \_ It's not really that good, although it is not bad. I mean, come on, it's fried chicken, it almost has to be at least somewhat good. \_ Church's IS GOOD, except it is as greasy as... grease. Like Homer Simpson says, grease=tasty=good. \_ Church's is dangerous to your health, but what does that have to do with anything? You almost have to have a blatant disregard for your health if you post on this thread. a blatant disregard to your health if you post on this thread. That said, I once got food poisoning at the San Jose Church's. \_ Rubio's: . \_ Del Taco: . \_ Subway: . |
2005/4/28 [Recreation/Food] UID:37404 Activity:moderate |
4/28 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1392766/posts Watch freeper posters go crazy over new Denny's discrimination lawsuit "In case you haven't figured it out, you're not welcome in this country anymore. Get out, and take your friends and relatives with you." \_ I don't blame the manager. I mean, come on, those guys have the following names: Osama, Arafat, and Hussein. Had I been the manager I'd personally give Ashcroft a call. \_ Mmm.. dumbassitude reigns supreme. \_ I was surprised that a bunch of the "should we go back to not letting in black folks" comments were not censored by the freeper Gestapo -- downright progressive by their standards. \_ We didn't let in the black folks. We kidnapped them from Mother Africa and shipped them here! \_ maybe you guys have been over-spoiled by the high level of tolerance in the Bay Area, and think that the rest of America is in fact like Bay Area, when it fact, it is not. Far from it. \_ Maybe you're not as intelligent or as cosmopolitan as you think you are. Train harder, grasshopper. \_ Just for fun, why don't we post EXTREME right stuff on the freeper, like "Damn those Muslims! Let's nuke them NOW! Use tactical nuke on Iran and then Korea! Then assassinate the Muslim head, and then blow up Haj and Mecca. KILL THEM ALL! And in fact, deport all immigrants, and ship those damn Negros back to Africa." Let's see if that gets censored, and see how far you can go. It'll be an interesting experiment. \_ You obviously haven't read enough freerepublic. You don't need experiment. Just archaeology. |
2005/4/26-27 [Recreation/Food] UID:37369 Activity:high |
4/26 Recommendations on south bay/peninsula food, where each dish is less than $10? \_ Japanese food place inside of Mitsuwa Marketplace (Saratoga/MoorPark) in the Strawberry Park Mall. I highly reccomend the Katsu Curry \_ Decent bento for ~$5 in the Nijiya market at El/Grant in MtnView. \_ Any of the Burrito Triangle in Mountain View with Taqueria La Bamba being the best (Rengstorff/Middlefield way) \_ I personally like La Victoria near SJSU. Definitely try their famous orange sauce and horchata drinks. \_ I find that I enjoy Baja Fresh more than the more "authentic" places. \_ what are the other two? Los Altos Taqueria and Taqueria Los Costena (spelling?) Los Altos Taqueria and Taqueria Los Costenos (spelling?) . LA's food is good and they give free chips. Costena has the biggest burritos I have ever seen; but are not as good as Bamba. \_ Ramen Halu, Mango Cafe \_ Where is Ramen Halu? (I know, obGoogle) \_ Saratoga off 280 or http://ramenhalu.com. Get the Halu ramen (there's only 3 items on the menu) with a half cooked egg. \_ New China Delight, downtown Mountain View. \_ Pasta Pomodoro, Amarin Thai on Castro \_ Amarin Thai served a cockroach in my food once and was not willing to not charge for it. Do NOT ever go there. \_ In San Mateo: -"Happy Cafe" (B street?) Shanghai food, -A Islamic Chinese cuisine place, called, in Chinese: "Ma Jia Qin Zhen Guan", big white letters on green backboard(iirc) on El Camino @ 92. -Brother's Deli \_ Seconded on Ma Jia Qin Zhen Guan. -Cathay Kitchen - cantonese -Pierre's Express Chang (v. good for $$) Burlingame: Broadway, 2-3 blocks east of El Camino, "Ping Jun Ge" Burlingame Ave, "Nelson's Cafe" (if not retired, yet) "Stacks" - American \_ Yes, Stacks is good. Millbrae: A vietnamese place north of Millbrae Ave. on the El. (just no. of Peter's Cafe) So. San Mateo: Thai place, around on the El ~30th. So. San Mateo: "Chao Praya" - Thai, around on the El ~30th. Cupertino: tons @ cupertino village: Wolfe Rd, first strip mall east of 280 \_ north of 280. Turn left at the first stop light heading N from 280. \_ On Wolfe? Any decent places in there? Palo Alto: check University, east of the El. \_ Hooters |
2005/4/22-23 [Recreation/Food] UID:37320 Activity:nil |
4/22 I've actually never ate at Wendy's. In terms of healthiness, are they about the same as McDonald's and BurgerKing? Maybe I'll go there this weekend to check it out. \_ I like them better but I never tried their actual hamburgers. Their Spicy Chicken Fillet sandwich and sour cream+chive baked potato are good eating. \- how much do those cost? \_ i think it can vary by franchise, not sure. the chicken is something over $3 by itself and the potato $1.XX. A $0.99 basic side salad is also ok... not tasty but a serviceable bowl of veggie matter. \_ Wendy's is better than either of those, because they have some healthier menu items than burgers. Arby's is also pretty healthy in comparison. Best is probably still Subway. |
2005/4/12-13 [Recreation/Food] UID:37157 Activity:high |
4/12 Anyone have advice on how to deal with co-workers eating bad smelling food w/o causing an incident? --person who works with alot of immigrants \_ Yell at them to go the fuck back to whatever country they came from. I did that. Sure, everyone hates me now but it got the point across! (No, really. I was having a bad day and did that) \_ Nothing personal, but since one can get fired for sexual harassment, would this kind of behavior result in anything? What's the proper response if you are the one being yelled at? File a complaint to the manager? What if the manager is yelling? I mean if the manager yells "fix this code stupid", then that's one thing. But if he yells "go back to your country" I think that's a little too racial. too racialist. \_ You can definitely get fired for comments like that. -tom \_ Post a sign at the microwave saying please be considerate and don't heat smelly food in the microwave. Personally, I like fish but I don't bring it to work in my lunch. -- Chinese immigrant \_ Topic already well covered, move on... http://csua.com/?entry=28356 http://csua.com/?entry=28335 http://csua.com/?entry=28341 \_ Is there some food (maybe Korean?) that smells kind of mildewy? Sometimes there's a smell kind of like if you leave wet clothes too long, and I used to think it was myself, but then I realized it's only at certain times. It's either Indian or Korean. -someone else \_ Wear a mask while they're eating and they'll get the picture. \_ 1. No they won't get the picture. 2. If they do, they'll just think you're a racist pig. \_ broaden your horizons, perhaps? i have a sensitive nose and at times disliked the smell of indian and korean foods wafting down the hall at work, but NEVER was it as revolting as the nasty oily smell of mcdonalds "take out" nor the electrical fire smell of microwaved popcorn. those are products worthy of administrative bans. of administrative bans. -eric |
2005/4/8-10 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37124 Activity:moderate |
4/8 Which is best? Suppenkuche, Walzwerk, or Schnitzelhaus? \-Der Wienerschnitzel on San Pablo. \_ Are all three in SF? Speisekammer in Alameda is also decent. Only been to Suppenkuche and Speisekammer, both were quite good (but Suppenkuche was superior, I though) \_ Enlighten us mere mortals: WTF are you talking about ? \_ German restaurants. \_ Huh, it seems Spieskammer is owned by a half-owner of Suppenkuche. \_ I've never been to a German restaurant, what is it like? The closest I've ever gotten is Top-Dog where I eat semi-Germananic frank. Yes, it's pathetic. What exactly do you get at German restaurants besides frank and lager? Do you get to see hot robust German blond waitresses with thick Bulvarian accent? \_ Der Wienerschnitzel, for one. Also potato pancakes and hearty dark German lagers that are nothing like American lagers. \- you can get your meat stuffed with meat at Suppenkuche \_ Is that homosexual code? \- du bist eine hasa \_ Ach, mein Leben! -John \_ Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn! \_ there are regional variants, i.e. fish from the coastal areas and wimpy bland sausage from the alps, but classics found in the u.s. include roulade (meat or cabbage rolls w/ meaty stuffing), hot potato salad, and sauerbraten (roast beef marinated for many days in wine vinegar). of course many sausages, cabbage variants, soups, and chunks of fatty roated meat. all go well w/ beer. |
2005/4/7-8 [Recreation/Food] UID:37102 Activity:high |
4/7 Favorite pizza toppings? \_ chorizo! \_ Cilantro \_ pesto \_ anchovies \_ capers \_ spinach and olive \_ coppa \_ Pineapple: . \_ Pepperoni & mushroom: .. \_ Used to be ham & pineapple -- now mushroom & pineapple (veggie) -- which seems to offend some deeply. \_ I, for one, am deeply offended. \_ I find your statement offensive in the deepest sense. \_ pepperoni and sausage: .. \_ meat -- lots of it: . \_ jalapeno, olive and mushroom: . \_ eeww \_ mushroom and onions |
2005/4/5-8 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37078 Activity:moderate |
4/5 Any recommendations for an SF restaurant that can accomodate 25-30, at $30-$40/person. Note: in my experience big dinners tend to come in 20-30% more expensive than smaller dinners [i.e. a $30/person rest comes in at $40 when you have 20-30 people ordering glasses/bottles of wine or appetizers right and left, or taking advantage of a split check]. Tnx. \_ Check the Blue Plate or Chenery Park and ask if you can just rent the place. They're very nice people. -John \_ how about Jillian's, i'm sure enough alcohol can get you up to $30 per. \_ Just about any decent sized place in Chinatown will do this. The Slanted Door has a room for 24. Might be a bit out of your price range. -ausman \_ Check out Delancey Street Restaurant (600 Embarcadero at Brannan) it's pretty good, plus they do cheap ($4) valet parking if people are coming by car. -dans \- Hmm, this may be a good option on a non-baseball night. I guess I'll havve to stop in and try the food. ok tnx. I guess I'll havve to stop in and try the food. SD, BP, CP are all more expensive. this is just for a dinner with friends so i dont really want to or feel the need to rent an exclusive venue. i think metreon probably has to much of a rifraff factor on a fri/sat night. ok tnx. \_ What is wrong with Chinatown? Do I need to give you a specific restaurant name? -ausman \_ I like the food there a lot, and it's for a good cause. \_ one of my favorites while I lived in the Bay Area was Eos. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37002 Activity:high |
3/31 So I heard this 'rumor' from someone that a bunch of Hispanic people ate at a Chinese restaurant, and decided to make a run for it and not pay. The restaurant stopped the last person and called the police, but the police fined the restaurant and let the person go because the restaurant does not have authority to detain anyone. Does this sound right to you guys or am I missing something here? What should the restaurant do? This supposedly happened in Chicago recently. \_ Bah. They're buying too many houses anyway. They deserve to be dined-and-ditched. \- The restaurant may be in the wrong, but that doesnt mean the dine-n-dasher gets off scott free. Both parties can be guilty/liable for different things.--psb \_ So what's the proper course of action for for the restaurant? Is this different from shoplifting? \- There is probably both a civil and criminal claim they could persue. I dont know what they should do. This is one of those stories where you probably hear a bunch of upfront stuff that gets people outraged but you never hear the followup [like the $20million jury award which ends up being whittled down to $1.2m]. --psb \_ can't you citizens arrest them? \_ This largely depends on local statutes and the circumstances. Generally, skipping out on your bill is a petty larceny (unless you're a dining at the Ritz). A private party generally does not have the right to restrain someone they suspect of this low level of crime. If this person was detained against their will and that detention was wrongful, the detained party has a false imprisonment or false arrest claim to which there is no defense. The restaurant's best bet for recovery is in small claims ct under a breach of contract theory. \- dont you think if you were in the shoes of the restaurant you would be more interested in the dasher beinf punished than getting your $30. if the da office will take it [broken window theory], that's what i would do. --psb \_ I agree that I would prefer a criminal conviction, but a DA will probably not take the case b/c he has no interest in wasting a bunch of time to get a conviction or plea bargain for a crime that carries w/ it a max penalty of $500 or so. It would be much easier to show up in Small Claims w/ the bill and the name of the dude you detained and ask for damages for breach of contract. This would be a 15 min deal. \- yes but then you have to rely on the sheriff or whoever to enforce the $30 collection. i doubt these people really care about having a judgement against them. maybe if something like that can affect their credit it would be worth it. in the economic pale this is a non-starter. i assume DAs offices spend some amount of resources on "broken window" crimes, and if this becomes high profile [i.e. race card] that could work in your favor or against [vandalism to your restaurant]. --psb \_ Hmmm.. Interesting. My question remains, how is this different from shoplifting? You mean the store cannot stop me from walking out with their merchandise without paying too? I don't think that's the case but I don't see the difference here. \_ Generally, in order for a merchant to detain a person suspected of a crime, the crime must have been committed in their immediate presence (watching a crime on video counts). If the crime is not witnessed by the merchant, then they can still detain you but they risk a false arrest/imprisonment suit. As an example, say that you go to Fry's and you pick up a copy of Chaos Theory put it in your backpack and try to walk out the front door. Unless they saw it all on video or a clerk saw you give yourself the 5 finger discount, the highlighter dude can't stop you from walking out of the store w/o risking a possible false arrest suit. \_ So you're telling me that there's no legal basis for all detainments made by store detectives for shoplifting? I know there was some discussion about this 2-3 years back. -John \_ Thanks! I am gonna try that with a PSP, isn't this country great! ;) \_ Yup, this country is great for lawyers. \_ Before you do this, please realize that if they choose to detain you, they might call the cops who can arrest you for real. You would not have an action against the cops b/c they acted under probable cause. Note that the cops could probably arrest you even if you had proof (ie a receipt) that no crime was committed b/c it is not the cops job to judge the proof. BTW does the PSP cost more than $500? If so, suspicion of swiping one would be a Grand Larceny and you don't want to go there. \_ Yes and no. Police (in CA) aren't empowered to arrest you for a misdemeanor crime that they didn't witness taking place. On the other hand, if a citizen wishes to make a citizen's arrest, they can sign the 'citizen's arrest' form that the peace officer has in his car. Of course, if it turns out that the accusation is false (and therefore a false arrest) ALL the liability falls on the person that signed the form. If the cop is a good one, he'll warn you if he thinks you're making a mistake. So, be wary of detaining someone, then signing them into custody on the basis of a citizen's arrest form -- if you can't prove your case, you could lose your shirt. -POC \- look the law is more likely to work in the case of serious offenses and against people \_ serious offenses? like, say, felonies? felony != misdemeanor. who are not "judgement proof"... either because they have money, they have informal or formal reputations etc. this is even more the case with "de minimus" one shot economic stuff. what ever happened with sloda' LA vigilante who went after the bus driver or whatever it was. --psb \_ reread, please. Police can make an arrest for possible felonies without being there to witness the crime. it's not very complicated. -POC \- i'm talking about pratical outcomes, not what is theoretically possible. after my car was stolen the people who stole it left a time stamped receipt for a jack in the box drive thru where i am sure they have a video camera. i am also sure the police have no interest in pursuing this one i got my car back. the above was (clearly i thought) a general comment on minor minor crimes [broken window]. --psb \_ I'm sure BUD DAY has the authority to detain those damn dirty wetback spics. \_ Are you Chinese? Do you have any of idea of the effect of Chinese food on Hispanics? \_ Remember those Korean guys with rifles on top of the grocery stores during the Rodney King riots, when it turned out that the protection rackets would actually have to provide protection for real? Other alternative is to bring their food into line with mediocre Chinese food in a lot of places and make the remaining check-skippers regret they ever ate there in the first place. The regular college crowd will keep coming regardless, all that cold pizza and stale beer makes you immune to whatever ChiCom biological warfare agents they put in that shit. -John \_ it's just MSG. \_ Walgreens often encourages their managers to run shoplifters down with their cars in the parking lot, and to engage them in highspeed chase if they get away. dumb? yes. Illegal? almost certainly. But I know a manager who was yelled at for *not* engaging in a car chase after a shoplifter. \_ Bah. They're buying too many houses anyway. They deserve to be dined-and-ditched. \- The restaurant may be in the wrong, but that doesnt mean the dine-n-dasher gets off scott free. Both parties can be guilty/liable for different things.--psb \_ So what's the proper course of action for for the restaurant? Is this different from shoplifting? \- There is probably both a civil and criminal claim they could persue. I dont know what they should do. This is one of those stories where you probably hear a bunch of upfront stuff that gets people outraged but you never hear the followup [like the $20million jury award which ends up being whittled down to $1.2m]. --psb \_ can't you citizens arrest them? \_ This largely depends on local statutes and the circumstances. Generally, skipping out on your bill is a petty larceny (unless you're a dining at the Ritz). A private party generally does not have the right to restrain someone they suspect of this low level of crime. If this person was detained against their will and that detention was wrongful, the detained party has a false imprisonment or false arrest claim to which there is no defense. The restaurant's best bet for recovery is in small claims ct under a breach of contract theory. \- dont you think if you were in the shoes of the restaurant you would be more interested in the dasher beinf punished than getting your $30. if the da office will take it [broken window theory], that's what i would do. --psb \_ I agree that I would prefer a criminal conviction, but a DA will probably not take the case b/c he has no interest in wasting a bunch of time to get a conviction or plea bargain for a crime that carries w/ it a max penalty of $500 or so. It would be much easier to show up in Small Claims w/ the bill and the name of the dude you detained and ask for damages for breach of contract. This would be a 15 min deal. \- yes but then you have to rely on the sheriff or whoever to enforce the $30 collection. i doubt these people really care about having a judgement against them. maybe if something like that can affect their credit it would be worth it. in the economic pale this is a non-starter. i assume DAs offices spend some amount of resources on "broken window" crimes, and if this becomes high profile [i.e. race card] that could work in your favor or against [vandalism to your restaurant]. --psb \_ Hmmm.. Interesting. My question remains, how is this different from shoplifting? You mean the store cannot stop me from walking out with their merchandise without paying too? I don't think that's the case but I don't see the difference here. \_ Generally, in order for a merchant to detain a person suspected of a crime, the crime must have been committed in their immediate presence (watching a crime on video counts). If the crime is not witnessed by the merchant, then they can still detain you but they risk a false arrest/imprisonment suit. As an example, say that you go to Fry's and you pick up a copy of Chaos Theory put it in your backpack and try to walk out the front door. Unless they saw it all on video or a clerk saw you give yourself the 5 finger discount, the highlighter dude can't stop you from walking out of the store w/o risking a possible false arrest suit. \_ So you're telling me that there's no legal basis for all detainments made by store detectives for shoplifting? I know there was some discussion about this 2-3 years back. -John \_ If the Store Detectives did not witness the shoplifting, then the detention was probably not valid. However, there are some conditions under which there might not have been any detention. If the detective tells you to stop you don't have to comply. If he physically bars you from leaving the store it can be a false imprisonment. If he says he is going to call the cops if you leave, then that can also be false imprisonment. But if you can leave at any time and you remain to clear your name, then it is not false imprisonment. Also it can make a difference if you are suspected of a felony (grand larceny) vs a misdemeanor (petty larceny). \_ Thanks! I am gonna try that with a PSP, isn't this country great! ;) \_ Yup, this country is great for lawyers. \_ Before you do this, please realize that if they choose to detain you, they might call the cops who can arrest you for real. You would not have an action against the cops b/c they acted under probable cause. Note that the cops could probably arrest you even if you had proof (ie a receipt) that no crime was committed b/c it is not the cops job to judge the proof. BTW does the PSP cost more than $500? If so, suspicion of swiping one would be a Grand Larceny and you don't want to go there. \_ Yes and no. Police (in CA) aren't empowered to arrest you for a misdemeanor crime that they didn't witness taking place. On the other hand, if a citizen wishes to make a citizen's arrest, they can sign the 'citizen's arrest' form that the peace officer has in his car. Of course, if it turns out that the accusation is false (and therefore a false arrest) ALL the liability falls on the person that signed the form. If the cop is a good one, he'll warn you if he thinks you're making a mistake. So, be wary of detaining someone, then signing them into custody on the basis of a citizen's arrest form -- if you can't prove your case, you could lose your shirt. -POC \- look the law is more likely to work in the case of serious offenses and against people \_ serious offenses? like, say, felonies? felony != misdemeanor. who are not "judgement proof"... either because they have money, they have informal or formal reputations etc. this is even more the case with "de minimus" one shot economic stuff. what ever happened with sloda' LA vigilante who went after the bus driver or whatever it was. --psb \_ reread, please. Police can make an arrest for possible felonies without being there to witness the crime. it's not very complicated. -POC \- i'm talking about pratical outcomes, not what is theoretically possible. after my car was stolen the people who stole it left a time stamped receipt for a jack in the box drive thru where i am sure they have a video camera. i am also sure the police have no interest in pursuing this one i got my car back. the above was (clearly i thought) a general comment on minor minor crimes [broken window]. --psb |
2005/3/28 [Recreation/Food] UID:36929 Activity:low |
3/28 I think the woman who found the finger tip in the Wendy's bowl of chili purposely put it there so she can sue Wendy's. Does anyone think it's possible that she did it? \_ According to reports it had been cooked, and appeared to have been ripped off by machinery, so it's not terribly likely. \_ I don't think so. There are better ways... \_ Dude, you want a toe? I can get you a toe. \_ Phh, amateurs. I can get you a whole body. \_ Wendy's donates $250,000 to the GOP. Thank god their business is down |
2005/3/28-29 [Recreation/Food] UID:36913 Activity:moderate |
3/28 I'm going back to Korea for a few weeks soon, and it made me wonder. What does the motd think about eating dog meat? -jrleek \_ bible says you can eat it. \_ whatever. you should go hang out with dudes who blame the DMZ on the US and report back. \_ What would you like to know about them? Do you have some questions I should ask? -jrleek \_ I've tried it once, at a Korean rest. in Beijing. Pungent and strong, kind of reminded me of venison. Would I try it again? No. -nivra \_ Chinese restaurant serve dog meat too. \_ Mmmm, tasty. -dans \_ If you want to do it as a lark go for it. Like most predator meats, it's not appealing to most palates. \_ tastes like pussy. |
2005/3/25-28 [Recreation/Food] UID:36884 Activity:nil |
3/25 I'm so glad Wendy's lost business as a result of their FINGER food. They donate 91% to Republicans ($200,000). And yes I boycott Wal-Mart and Dell as well. \_ And they support cannibalism. |
2005/3/25 [Recreation/Food, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:36870 Activity:high |
3/24 Anyone else in the mood for some Wendy's chili? \_ Yes, but I can't put my finger on why... \_ The quality of Wendy's finger foods is well known. \_ You've got to hand it to them: they make a decent meal. -gm \_ I hear the tip is included in the price of the meal -eric \_ Do you have a point? \_ It's finger lickin good. \_ This is a real nail-biter. \_ I bet you think you're cute(icle). \_ Oh, stop carpaling. \_ Do you expect us just to knuckle under? \_ Oh, give it a wrist already. -gm |
2005/3/17 [Recreation/Food, Reference/RealEstate] UID:36738 Activity:high |
3/17 It's spring season and every now and then I see spiders inside my house. Anything I can do to stop them from coming inside the house? \_ kill all but one. rip one of his legs off. he'll go back and tell his friends to stay away. \_ Think this would work in Palestine too? \_ This doesn't work. No one makes that small of a wheelchair that works with the straw. You need to leave at least 1 leg intact. \_ Read: "...... rip one of his legs off." \_ One? Hell, that doesn't prove anything. If you gonna do this right, you need at least four ripped out. -Scored low in SAT verbal guy \_ You don't want to incapacitate him. He needs some cred, though, for his story that everyone else was killed. \_ Yeah, but he could have lost one leg in some sort of accident. If he's missing every other leg, the others know you're not screwing around. \_ Stop leaving delicious insects all over the place. \_ This is the correct answer. Spiders are hard to kill systematically, but they only go where the food is. \_ And as long as you do have spider food all over your house, having spiders to eat it is probably a good thing. \_ Except they leave sticky piles of spidercrap beneath them if you let them hang out too long. Just so you know. -- been there. \_ The house hardly has anything even for me to eat. I think it's too hot outside during the day so they tend to come in. What type of food attracts spider? I don't even leave kitchen garbage inside overnight so I don't think it's the problem.... \_ Spiders eat insects. If you have any insects, it will attract spiders. Even if you have no insects you will get the occasional spider looking for insects. I'd guess it's more likely they want a nice warm house at night. \_ Spiders also eat other spiders. \_ Rear some cockroaches. They will breed really fast, and eat up all the spiders. They will also quickly infest your annoying neighbours' homes. \_ How do you get rid of the cockroaches afterwards? \_ Call the dude who sprays lots of chemicals. That, or just move to a new place. \_ Then there will be a lot of dead cockroaches lying around, which attracts spiders again. \_ Spiders don't eat dead insects. \_ Camel Spiders \_ No way dude, cockroaches tend to smoke in bed. Next thing you know, the apartment is aflame. Plus secondhand smoke kills! And the filters everywhere are a pain to clean. \_ Similarly, if you have termites, encourage ants to infest your home. They will feed on the termites and neatly stack their refuse (e.g. piles of their dead) in piles for you to clean periodically. refuse (e.g. their dead) in piles for you to clean periodically. \_ A coworker killed the ants milling about his doorstep and the next year termites were discovered in the same place. \_ Are you sure what he was killing weren't termites? Termites look a lot like ants. \_ IMO, termites and ants are easily distinguishable. Also, termites don't tend to mill about outside. \_ Also, ants won't strip your face to the bone in seconds. Termites are dangerous, man. \_ Termites killed my mother. Bastards. |
2005/3/11-12 [Recreation/Food] UID:36652 Activity:high |
3/11 Anyone here thinks MSG is bad for you? bad : .. not bad : .. \_ If you think MSG is bad for you, I hope you avoid ripe tomatoes, seaweed, and aged cheeses. \_ The amount of MSG in tomatos is insignificant compare to the MSG you buy in supermarkets. I haven't heard of anyone allegic to tomatos, but quite a number of people are allergic to MSG in restaurants. \_ I've heard that most bad reactions are due to impurities in the MSG they buy & use. If you get high quality, well-refined stuff, supposedly it's much better. \_ I don't think that's really MSG, I think it's just glutamate. I assume that sodium in monosodium glutamate makes some kind of difference. Probably makes it last longer. \_ MSG is an excitotoxin. It excites your neurons (like in you taste buds) but it is bad for your central nervous system. MSG is really bad stuff and shouldn't be put in food. \_ See, I really don't get this. I looked into what MSG is. It turns out MSG is just glutamate, (as said above) with a sodium instead of a hydrogen, converting it from an acid to a salt. However, I looked up the equilibrium constant for MSG. It turns out that both glutamic acid and MSG dissociate in water to a positive Na+ or H+ ion and -glutamate, to within a few PPM. So, like .0001% of MSG is actually MSG once it hits your mouth. Now, glutamate is about 34% of all proteins. So when you eat protein, and you eat it with salt (NaCl), you've got all the ingredients for MSG in your stomach--the protein gets chopped up into glutamic acid by your digestive processes. And by the equilibrium constants and the presense of Na+ from NaCl, some MSG is going to be made spontaneously. So, as I understand it, eating salted chicken is equivalent to eating MSG. But no one decries eating salted chicken. Given my researches, I just don't understand how MSG can be harmful. It seems that the theory that it's MSG contaminants that cause the problem, is more plausible. Is the source for your claim mainstream? Or is it just that "MSG" sounds scary so people scapegoat it? --PeterM \_ Whenever I eat food with high MSG level, I don't get a good night of sleep. My brain just doesn't drift into a sleep mode and I am sort of half awake for a long time. When I don't eat MSG food I can sleep fine. I am a light sleeper so YMMV, but it does seem to have a caffeine effect on me and make me agitated when I am trying to sleep. This sort of makes sense after I read about how it excites your neurons. I can't say I am allergic to MSG, but when I eat at crappy Chinese restaurants that puts in a lot of MSG, my mouth gets very dry afterwards and I need to drink a lot of water or fruits to 'counter' the effect. I think the key here is the level, it is significantly higher than what's present in natural food. I'd rather be safe than sorry and avoid it when I can. |
2005/3/11-12 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:36648 Activity:low |
3/11 What is the biggest, cleanest, nicest Korean market in the 415/510 area? \_ The only good Korean Market that I know of near Berkeley is the Koreana Plaza on Telegraph in Oakland. Just head south on telegraph to around 45th or something. It's on the left. http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2005-03-02/food.html -jrleek \_ Second that. There's a hole-in-the-wall in El Cerrito but Koreana (formerly Pusan) is pretty much it. They have all their banchan boxed up, now, too, if you're squeamish. --ulysses banchan boxed up, now, if you're squeamish. I have opinions on their bulgoki, too. --ulysses \_ The best thing of all, which I found out recently, is that they're open 24 hours now. There's a Korean market in SF/Daly City area off of John Daly blvd that looks pretty big, but I haven't been inside. \_ I like how they have guys who flag the drivers around the parking lot as if the shoppers were landing 747s. |
2005/3/10 [Health, Recreation/Food] UID:36619 Activity:nil |
3/10 Robert Downey Jr.: Burger King saved me from drugs! http://csua.org/u/bbm |
2005/3/8-10 [Recreation/Food] UID:36590 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 Please reccomend any good lunch spots in/around downtown Mountain View. Thanks. -foodie, but not a snob \_ When I worked on Ellis St. we used to eat at this little Italian place right off of Moffett Blvd called Mario's. Lots of reasonable places to eat on Castro as well. \_ Sushi Tomi (Dana east of Castro) isn't bad. Kapp's (Castro@Villa) has decent pizza. Amici's (Castro@High School) has good New York style pizza. Le Boulanger (next door) has good sandwiches. I would be interested in hearing reviews of the Mongolian BBQ place on Castro. Or just pick a cuisine and try someplace (and report back); you can find most reasonably-popular cuisines on Castro somewhere. (I'm more familiar with dinner places in the area.) -gm \_ Amarin Thai is pretty good. I heard Sue's is good Indian. Zucca is passable, but overpriced, but they do have decent Uozo/Rake. \_ I'd like to report the middle-eastern place on Castro between Villa and Dana is pretty good. -op \_ If you're not looking for fancy atmosphere but just want good food, check out Rose Market on Castro (a couple of blocks south of El Camino, which is not where most of the restaurants are). It's a middle eastern grocery store that has a counter in the back that serves really good Kabobs. \_ seconded \_ Sue's Indian is good, $10 buffet. \_ late post... mexican: taqueria los charros on dana (good inexpensive burritos, think la burrita, but way better, and not any more expensive), fiesta del mar, more expensive, but nicer food for the non-burrito. japanese: another vote for sushi tomi, and a vote for yakko sushi (dana, west of castro, kamei is decent and cheaper indian: sue's is pretty good, as mentioned above chinese: the dim sum at golden wok is decent, the rest of the chinese isn't worth mentioning thai: amarin has good lunches, house of krung siam is pretty good too. They kinda have to be, given that they're right next to each other and in the same price range. |
2005/3/3-4 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:36503 Activity:high |
3/3 Steve Albini discusses food. http://www.gourmandizer.com/ezine/albini \_ Who is Steve Albini? \_ the subject of the best Wesley Willis song ever \_ Lead singer of Big Black (awesome band from Chicago, late 80's). Graduated from singing to being a producer. Cool fr00d. \_ I think you meant to say "really hoopy frood" \_ He also currently has an on-again, off-again band called Shellac. Highly recommended. \_ "Here is a recipe anyone can use to make a wonderful Sauce Mayonnaise: ..." That's soo cool. I'm gonna try that. \_ I tried this recipe a while back... It wasn't bad but is real mayonnaise supposed to taste like that? I'm afraid I've been spoiled by Kraft. \_ What did it taste like? Cream? A cross between Hollandaise and cream(ie. texture and richness of hollandaise, w/o the distinctive flavor?). \_ Sorry, I'm sauce-illiterate wrt Hollandaise. Texture was smoother than Kraft, flavor is dominated by garlic/olive oil/lemon juice. i.e., I could identify the component ingredients whereas with mayo, there's some alchemy going on -- preservatives probably? \_ You do realize that Best Foods/Hellman's is a more authentic mayo than Kraft is, don't you? |
2005/2/27-28 [Recreation/Food] UID:36442 Activity:high |
2/26 What's the difference between ice-cream and gelato? \_ I have always found gelato to have a more slushy texture whereas ice cream tends to have a higher dairy content. \_ Wikipedia is your friend: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gelato \_ If you're a food snob like me, comparing the two is like comparing Smurfs and Jem&the Holograms. \_ O_o I'm not exactly sure how to evaluate this comparison. \_ Wow, this is the weirdest analogy to grace the motd in quite a while. What would be the "Jace and the Wheeled Warriors" of food? \_ except for tom holub and old farts in their late 30s I don't think anyone here has ever seen the cartoon Jem, Truely Outrageous and babelicious! \_ I have no idea what Jem is. -tom \_ I call bullshit. My gf is 24 and she watched Jem. In fact, she still knows the theme song. \_ 'I call bullshit'? What the fuck is wrong with you? \_ Haha, it's 'what the fuck is wrong with you' boy! I missed you, buddy. What the fuck is wrong with you lately? -- ilyas \_ How about YOU? How old are you and do you remember Jem? Is your gf as hot as Jem? \_ I'm 28 and remember Jem. As far as comparison goes it's hard to judge, with Jem being a cartoon character and all. \_ fine. How about Minmei from Robotech? Is she as cute as Minmei? I love Minmei, she's the hottest. Why Rick Hunter goes for an old hag like Lisa, sheeit mama \_ Uhm, so you like underage delusional ditzes? You scare me. You should probably be in jail or on medication. \_ Does gelato have any gelatin? - vegetarian \_ Generally no |
2005/2/22-23 [Recreation/Food] UID:36364 Activity:moderate |
2/22 Dear sodans, I need to grind some chinese herbs into powder form. They looks like roots and small wood chips. What type of machine can I use for this purpose? I am fairly certain a regular blender (I have one) will NOT work, as they are typically used with liquids and I need them dry. Is a Food Processor what I am looking for? (They are expensive but the blades are horizontal and seems like they would cut it into powder, are they strong enough to cut?) What about regular coffee grinders? I've never used one, how strong are they? They are much cheaper than food processors and if it works it'll be great... Thanks! \_ I've seen people use coffee grinders for this. should be okay. \_ I agree. coffee beans are pretty hard, so it should have no problem with your herbs. \_ Mortar and pestle \_ Oh this one looks funny. http://amos.shop.com/amos/cc/main/ccn_search/st/Mortar%20and%20pestle/sy/productsx/ccsyn/260/prd/13447185/ccsid/329668713-8208/adtg/02140523 http://tinyurl.com/59ms3 \_ Get German Mortar, German Mortars are the best! http://www.percongrp.com/pelikan/figures/mortar_rm.htm Ein Reich Ein Volk Ein German John, HEIL!!! |
2005/1/28-29 [Recreation/Food] UID:35964 Activity:nil |
1/28 Has anyone ever eaten at Rally's (or Checkers as it's called in some regions)? Is it good? What's the quality of the burgers: higher than mcdonalds/burger king, or about the same? I'm trying to decide whether to go there or not. \_ better burgers and fries. |
2005/1/20 [Recreation/Food] UID:35804 Activity:high |
1/20 Graduated from HS and can't find a place to live? Go back to your HS and eat free food at the cafeteria, no one will notice: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/19/school.intruder.ap/index.html (PS this is just bizzar) \_ bizarre too. Not to mention weird. \_ When I was in HS, there was this older guy who had dropped out who used to hang out in the back with the stoners and pressure kids into going in and buying him food in the caffeteria. He was amazingly similar to Todd from Beavis and Butthead. |
2005/1/4 [Recreation/Food] UID:35535 Activity:nil |
1/4 What makes corns pop to turn them into popcorns? Is it because they have something that's flamable inside and less flamable outside? How about rice, sunflower seeds, ants, and other things, can they be popped as well? I'm interesting in inventing, producing, and marketing a new genre of food and I'm wondering what is possible, ok thx -amateur chef \_ Popcorn pops because of the water inside the kernel. Once you heat it to above boiling the water turns into gas, causing a small explosion and the resultant piece of popcorn. - williamc \_ A more detailed explanation is that popping corn (a special variety) has been bred to have a hard outer seed coat and a large 'horny' endosperm high in protein, and a small starchy endosperm at the center. What heated, the water in the center turns to steam and dissolves the protein that makes up the bulk of the kernel. When pressure gets too high, the seed coat pops, and the steam-hydrated proteins of the horny endosperm expand and cool rapidly. Once it cools and loses steam, the protein sets into a dry foam. Through a lot of selective breeding or gene splicing, it might be possible to create other seed varieties that pop, but I can't see how it could recoup the R&D. In any case, it's not something you can do by just cooking. \_ (To myself) I got that slightly backwards. The horny endosperm holds most of the water and the puffy texture is expanded starch, not a protein foam. \_ I don't think that popcorn was specially "bred" to be popcorn. Native Americans have been popping corn since 5000 years ago. Perhaps it was a lucky discovery, perhaps it was bred, nobody knows. \_ Corn has been bred a very long ways from its natural form. Some bred variety along the way could pop. It was later specialized into a corn that is good for popping, but lousy for masa harina. The indians probably grew something similar to modern 'dent corn', which makes up like 98% of the U.S. crop, and is not a very good popper. \_ Almost all corn has been bred by humans. |
2005/1/3-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:35517 Activity:high |
1/3 Traditional Chili = American version of beef curry. Comments? \_ No, they're completely different. \_ I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Are you trying to say that every culture has some hot dish that is vaugely equvilent to beef curry? \_ I am not a huge indian food expert, but isn't beef curry a sin against nature? -- ilyas \_ Tastewise, not really. Culturally, see a Weblog on beef in India: http://csua.org/u/ak5 \- this says some suspect things. i think the south in many ways is more conservative, not less. bangalore may now be an exception. muslims have lots of beef dishes, like beef kabobs, or nihari beef. steak is not really a native dish, as far as i know. whether or not muslims restaurants serve beef probably depends on the area it is embedded in. even in the muslim parts of Kolkata i only see egg/chicken/mutton/fish rolls. goat meat is also very common. --psb \_ Partha, post-British Empire, how many foods eaten today and recognised as Indian are truly native dishes? \- i have no answer to this inquiry. \_ What does truly native mean? Is that like Hitler's 'true Aryan.'? -- ilyas \_ There are Thai curry and Indonesian curry, as well as Chinese and Japanese versions of Indian curry. |
2004/12/21-22 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:35386 Activity:moderate |
12/21 Dating advice for the week: DO NOT eat Edamame beans at the Japanese restaurant! I had so much gas I farted several times. I don't think I'm gonna see her again. ARGGGGG. \_ You should learn the art of holding it. \_ Or the art of letting it out silently. \_ say "Please excuse me, I have to go to the Men's room" \_ HAHA, that's hilarious. thanks for the advice, too! \_ A likely story. It takes hours for farts to develop from eating soybeans. You're probably just flatulent in general. \_ He may be flatulent but you can't format properly. The penalty is death! 80 columns! \_ When I was in Japan, we ate edamame frequently, but only when out drinking beer. They were the standard bar with-beer snack. I think that the US appropriation as restaurant food is interesting. Maybe you've discovered why they aren't restaurant food in Japan. <snicker> |
2004/12/16 [Recreation/Food] UID:35328 Activity:moderate |
12/16 MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican man killed his lover in a drunken, drugged fight then cooked the man's body in tomato and onion sauce and ate it over three days. http://tinyurl.com/447fx \_ Those damn Mexicans! Why do we let so many of them into California? \_ because of the new reality show next season about them. \_ can you say HOLE-EEE MOLE (pronounced: mole-lay) |
2004/12/13 [Recreation/Food] UID:35263 Activity:moderate |
12/13 Which is the best beef for making roast beef sandwiches? Top round? Cross-rib? Others? \_ Ask a butcher. \_ Whatever you get, make sure it's dark pink/red. If it's any other color it's probably not fresh. -John \_ Ah, some heavy googling shows the best is a 'round tip' roast, unless you want to spend serious $$ for prime rib or something extravagant. -OP |
2004/12/8-9 [Recreation/Food] UID:35212 Activity:high |
12/8 How come human adults can digest cow's milk but not human breast milk? Why has our digestive system evolved into like this? Is there any evolutional advantage? \_ You have two flawed assumptions in one sentence. \_ Yes, human adults, as long as they aren't lactose intolerant, can digest human breast milk. What makes you think otherwise? Of course, it isn't something you'll likely experience unless you became pregnant or your significant other does... \_ That's what the nurse at the children hospital told me. She said my baby will get diarrhea if I feed him cow's milk, while I'll get diarrhea if I drink his formula. \_ She's trying to trick you. You remember the apple and the garden of eden, right? Drink the milk, just do it. \_ This is different than what you said. You asked only about adults and breast milk. Now you're talking about adults and formula, and infants and cow milk. \_ Word of advice. Stay with breastmilk as long as you can, then with formula as long as you can, before switching to things like cow's milk and solid food. \_ Being able to digest milk obviously has an evolutionary advantage if you have access to milk from livestock etc., under circumstances of general food shortage. They're turning grass into an edible food. It's kind of a mutant ability. Other animals generally can't do it. \_ Any mammal can lactate. It's no "mutant ability". \_ He said being able to digest milk [as an adult] is a mutant ability, not lactating. And fully half of all mammals cannot lactate. The male ones. \_ bzzt. \_ The ability in closest proximity is "turning grass into an edible food". \_ ok well I meant the digestion, that's what this thread is about. -ppp \_ Cats can digest milk. I am sure other animals can, too. Mice seem to like cheese. \_ I hope you don't own a cat. In spite of the fact that some cats _like_ to drink milk, cats are lactose intolerant, and will get sick from cow's milk. Go to a pet-store. They have specialized cat-sensitive milk you can buy, that's lactose free and processed to be digestible. \_ Cats are about as indestructible as it gets. Just water down the milk about 50% and they'll be fine. If you give them regular milk, they tend to get the trots. -John \_ No pun intended, but our cats are not pussies. They drink small amounts of milk all the time and it's fine. \_ How do you know? Maybe they are getting sick. Diarrhea or whatever cats get. \_ your cats may be mutated. most cats are lactose-intolerant. http://csua.org/u/a8u \_ This link says that your cat may or may not be. That's just like people. \_ It doesn't have to do with cow milk or human milk. Babies have a certain enzyme (lactase) that can break down the carbohydrates in milk, and they gradually lose it as they get older. "Technically", all adults should not be able to metabolize lactose, but people typically tend to retain some lactase in their system. \_ Can lactose tolerance be developed? \_ Probably. You can also develop tolerance for anthrax. \_ what about iocane powder. can you really develop tolerance to that? \_ It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and is among the deadlier poisons known to man. \_ Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line \-Hello there are some mistakes and some semi-accurate things above. A fair representation of the big picture with some dicta thrown in is available at: ~psb/MOTD/OnMilkDigestion \_ Inconceivable! \_ From my experience, more than 70% of people I know (from Taiwan, Singapore, China, etc.) from east asia don't have problem with milk, which seems to contradict the <30% lactose tolerance figure given. \- this is why genetic surveys dont happen via anonymous motd polls. see second table: http://lactoseintolerant.org/02_about.html are you saying the drink milk or they consume dairy products. not the same thing. or maybe you just hang out with a lot of 2 yrs olds.--psb \_ when I was going to primary school in Singapore, they would have milk programs and give all the kids milk to drink every morning. Why would they do that if all those kids are lactose intolerant? \- did you miss the part about lactase production is gradually shut down? \- did you miss the part where it says 93% of asian children in australia are lactase deficient? also if you look at the figures, the "shutdown" affects just a small percentage of the population (9% to 19% among australian caucasians). My observation of most of my east asian acquaintances drinking milk without problem includes both children and adults. \- maybe your friends in sigapore were "colonized" by sir stamford raffles and his friends. --psb \_ hmm ... but the same is true for my friends from taiwan, or china. besides, when singapore was under the brits, most of the chinese in singapore were poor coolies, so incidences of fraternizing with the brits were very low, unlike say in British India. |
2004/11/28-29 [Recreation/Food] UID:35102 Activity:insanely high |
11/18 [ idiocy deleted. \_ Why do you hate cheese? \- cheese ---VSNaipaul--> cheej |
2004/11/28-29 [Recreation/Food] UID:35097 Activity:insanely high |
11/27 So I've been told that Italian restaurants in the bay area are nowhere close to being authentic. Given the hundreds of restaurants out there, I find this hard to believe. Can someone (preferably someone who's Italian or who's lived there) comment on which restaurants come close? \_ A16 in the Marina District (SF) \_ Who gives a shit? Are you Italian? Homesickness seems like the only good reason to try to make sure your food is "authentic" aside from being a jackass culture snob of course (see below.) \_ I guess you get your international culinary kicks from Taco Bell. -John \_ Ironic. The jackass accusing others of being a jackass. \_ Not really. I'm a cultural neandrathal jackass accusing \_ Not really. I'm a cultural neanderthal jackass accusing other people of being culture snob jackasses. There's a difference. \_ C'mon. Are Chinese in SF/Bay Area restaurants authentic? \_ Absolutely, as long as you don't hang out at P.F. Chiang. You're obviously not Chinese if you can't tell the difference. \_ Are you Chinese? Do you have any idea of the effect of the food trade on the Bay Area? \_ You've obviously never served (Chinese food). \_ You are an IDIOT. \_ You can certainly find authentic Chinese restaurants in the SF/Bay Area. \_ Any Chinese restaurants that serve fortune cookies are not authentic. Any southern Chinese restaurants that serve hot and sour soup are not authentic. \_ Pick one of Macella Hazan's cookbooks and take a gander. Italian food does not mean tomato sauce flavored of garlic on top of pasta. \_ I have not been to an Italian restaurant in the Bay Area which serves meals in the way that is typical in Italy. Generally, in Italy you start with an antipasti plate or bruschetta, then you have a "primi piatti" (often a pasta, smaller than the pasta plates served in the U.S.), a "secundi" (fish or meat), and then often a salad to finish. Generally you're not served bread unless you order bruschetta. I think there are a number of places which serve food which is similar to what you'd get in a restaurant in Italy, but I've not encountered one which serves similar-sized portions and courses. -tom \_ Or which has middle-aged Italian men hitting on desperate fugly American tourist chicks. -John \_ mmm, desperate chicks... \_ this is true, but you can get food that tastes similar to italian restaurants. of course, italian restaurants and italian families serve food differently and also taste different. \_ MMmmm, I like my Italian families with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. |
2004/11/24 [Recreation/Food] UID:35064 Activity:very high |
11/24 they don't fuck around in ukraine http://www.nature.com/news/2004/041122/full/041122-8.html \_ Take a look at him before and after the "food" poisoning: http://economist.com/images/20041030/4404SA4.jpg scary stuff.. \_ dioxins? chlorinated organic molecules? how hard is it to be exposed to that through non-deliberate-poisoning? \_ Dioxins are common in industrial use, as are chlorinated organics which are also common in agriculture. \_ A few years ago (around 5?) large amount of dioxin was found in western Europes's food product and many products (Belgian chocolate for example) were removed from shelves temporarily. Food industry claimed that while it shouldn't have been there, it does no long term harm. So maybe Yushchenko just decided to OD on stale Godiva? |
2004/11/24-26 [Reference/Celebration, Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:35062 Activity:moderate |
11/24 OK, I'm a WASP and I've only ever had Thanksgiving dinner with other WASPs. What are some ethnic things other people like to have on Thanksgiving? I'm kinda curious. \_ "To serve man" -John \_ Thanksgiving is not an Anglo thing. Just ask anyone from Great Britian. :p It's a pure American holidy, and for the most part, we don't do anything other than glad to have couple days off :p \_ We have this dish called "turkey". It is a very big bird and we prepare it by roasting it in an oven. We also have corn, sometimes on the cobb, and there's always the smoked ham we get from Costco. -williamc \_ tamales. \_ We WASCatholics do much the same thing, but then we drink. \_ Well we put out the good wine on Thanksgiving. -opWASP \_ From a bottle? \_ with a cork! \_ Twist off caps are going to be the hot thing soon \_ oooh... \_ Pff... 2 years ago we had a ~20 y.o. bottle of Stag's Leap Cab. Sauv. -op \_ Turducken. mmmmm \_ I just heard about Turducken during a recent trip to Texas, where are you from? \_ My family is traditional w/ Thanksgiving, but Persian friends of ours sometimes make a sweet walnut stew or sour cranberry rice. Both seem somewhat Thanksgiving-compatible. \_ See, this is the kind of thing I was asking about. -op \_ My family is Chinese American. Just about the only thing we do that's different is instead of stuffing (which we all think is gross), we use sticky rice. \_ Inside the turkey? \_ Navajo. My parents make some food and we take it to the shelter to feed most of the homeless people who live there. Sometimes when it's a wasp guy, I think, "I bet this is what it felt like back then." And then I think of my slaughtered people and spit in their food when they're not looking. I did that alot when I worked in a restaurant in high school. \_ Geee! Now there's a mature attitude to take! Spitting in someone's food plate, when you're there to help. Stupid fucking moron. Oh yeah, I bet the guy whose plate you spat on killed 100 indians, right? -non-WASP \_ It was really mature of the white people to give Indians nice warm blankets laced with small pox back in the day. \_ Is this the first ever Native American race troll on the MOTD? \_ As a WASP you must atone for your racist imperialist history. \_ My in-laws, who are Vietnamese, just eat normal Vietnamese food. \_ Good to know, I'll be keeping my pets indoors today. |
2004/11/22 [Recreation/Food] UID:35014 Activity:high |
11/22 Are restaurant hostess usually attractive? \_ Yes. \_ Sushi-O-Sushi in Santa Clara used to have a really gorgeous Korean hostess. Any one know her personally? |
2004/11/19 [Recreation/Food, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:34975 Activity:very high |
11/19 So, in roughly five years time, when food and travel costs are >2x current costs with little increase in salaries due to fuel cost increases, how will the motd readers continue to live in the Bay Area and pay mortgages? Google "peak oil" if you don't know what I'm talking about. \_ ride bike and tuna over rice \_ some won't. market forces will prevail. \_ perhaps a better question would be how will all folks who've moved to the suburbs get by, where they don't even have a shred of a public transit system, and the people there live even further away from work than those in the bay area. I can ride-bike+BART to work. Someone with a 'cheap house' in say Tracy doesn't ahve that option. \_ Never heard of the train, huh? (ACE train runs from Tracy into the bay area.) \_ If that happens life will change. People will work closer to home and will find ways to make that happen. If food prices double people will stop eating out so damn much and learn how to cook again. People adapt. Life goes on. |
2004/11/9 [Recreation/Food] UID:34791 Activity:kinda low |
11/9 Why don't we free Taiwan while we're at it? http://www.cnn.com/2004/TRAVEL/DESTINATIONS/11/09/taiwan.breakfast.ap/index.html \_ Dubya is willing to trade Taiwan for North Korea. \_ no muslims in taiwan \_ Are you Chinese? Do you know that the opium trade did, to, er, yermom? |
2004/10/14-15 [Recreation/Food] UID:34127 Activity:insanely high |
10/14 Small quote from http://economist.com article about mcdonalds: "The company is now testing small hand-held devices, which can be used like electronic clip-boards by those making the rounds. Failures to check, say, the temperature inside a refrigerator (the devices are fitted with a probe) or to scan a location barcode (they have a scanner too) when checking the play area, will be recorded. If too many incomplete checks build up, the device can automatically alert the local manager by ringing his mobile phone." Why am I suddenly thinking of that short story about fastfood management software taking over the world? -- ilyas \_ because you're an idiot? \_ Do I need to use defending Ilyas, wrong as he sometimes is, as an excuse to tear you a new bunghole yet again, anonymous motd drug addict? -John \_ hehe, you said 'bunghole' \_ w00t! \_ ilyas, I thought you said that Marshall Brain thing was off-base. Did you change your mind? \_ Yeah, I thought it was complete crack, but I still thought of it. -- ilyas \_ Check out Fast Food Nation if you're at all interested. I think the Marshall Brain thing is crack too, but that book shows how McDonald's is a real pioneer in this sort of thing. They call it "deskilling," and they are very very good at it. The less skill is required for a job, the more easily replaceable the workers become. \_ I steer clear of both McDonalds and books like Fast Food Nation (both make me ill). I think deskilling is good, not bad, because it increases overall productivity which in the long term is a good thing. I don't think McDonalds is sinister. On a slightly unrelated note, I was watching this nature show which was talking about how adaptable the bears are. These days, bears don't even hunt anymore, they just hang out near dumps and eat junk food leftovers. And since it's highly nutricious, they pack on weight for the since it's highly nutritious, they pack on weight for the hibernation, have more young, and in general do very well. I found that very funny. Someone should clue in those bears about the vast evils of junk food. -- ilyas \_ I made no judgement about deskilling good or bad. I do think you're being close-minded about the book though. Give it a shot. It isn't just a partisan rant, there's a ton of interesting facts in it. You will probably disagree with his ultimate conclusions (that fast food has changed our culture in negative ways, and with the blessing and active help of the government), but you may learn a lot of stuff too. He doesn't necessarily argue that McDonald's is "sinister." He's far too smart for that. [sigh, restored] \_ You don't understand. I _don't_ think it's partisan trash. I don't want to read it because I think it will make me physically ill (it talks about a fair number of icky things). -- ilyas number of icky things). I haven't thought about the overall effect of fast food on our society. I can certainly see how it affected us badly. But at the same time you can't underestimate the positives of cheap nutricious food. I think the positives and of cheap nutritious food. I think the positives and the negatives are simply incommensurable in this case. -- ilyas \_ Fast food is neither cheap nor nutricious (unless \_ Fast food is neither cheap nor nutritious (unless you're including $1.10 chinese food, which is just cheap). \_ See above about bears. -- ilyas \_ This doesn't prove that fast food is nutritious; it says nothing about the long term health effects on the bears. Also, without a substantiating source with real scientific credibility, this is anecdotal and has no logical place in a serious discussion. \_ I use 'nutritious' in the good old fashioned sense of 'has calories, you eat it -- you get fatter' sense. I don't have any hard scientific evidence on long term effects of fast food on bears. But I am not sure you can hold it against me, since no one will fund this kind of research. People who study bears know bears do very well on junk food, you can disbelieve them if you want. The issue with bears is they need lots of calories before winter, which junk food provides in spades (i.e. it's nutritious and plentiful). Also, to a bear, a shorter lifespan but more offspring is a good tradeoff. -- ilyas \_ Bears are far more versatile than we are so I wouldn't be surprised if they do fine on junk food. Their preferred behavior is to forage anyway, as opposed to "hunt". However, it's also the case that human activities have reduced many natural bear food sources and shrunk the amount of contiguous habitat available for their natural activities. I don't really see much significance to this whole bear thing. The lifespan comment is ridiculous. \_ The significance to this whole bear thing is that under my definition, junk food is very nutritious -- it lets a giant of an animal go without food for an entire season very easily. This kind of nutritiousness is a huge positive in many situations for people, say people who are extremely poor and malnourished. (They may not be able to hibernate, but they certainly get a lot of value out of this kind of food). Sure, it doesn't have fiber, vitamins, essential minerals, etc. etc. But you take care of that AFTER you make sure you don't croak from calorie lack. I am just saying the crude advantages of junk food are significant and cannot be discounted. Comment about 'ridiculousness' ignored due to lack of explanation and because attacks are lame. Btw, I don't think there is any difference in food versatility between us and bears inherently -- we are both omnivores. Any sort of heightened sensitivity of ours is probably due to the fact that natural selection stopped for us, and our sensitive stomachs aren't dying out anymore. -- ilyas Well you also didn't explain the lifespan _/ thing... it would seem your comment applies to humans as well. And bears can eat grass and other stuff we can't, so presumably can fill some needs that way. I also think your assumptions about the inherent "value" in this food may not be realistic when compared to the cost of cooking food from basics, leaving aside the whole "hidden costs" argument someone else alluded to. (I think also bears can live entirely on meat/fat, like carnivores, and unlike humans. Though I've heard weird things about Inuits.) \_ He's redefined 'nutritious' and then argued from that stand point. It recontextualizes the discussion, and imposes far less vigorous constraints on the point he's trying to argue. As long as you let that happen, he's going to 'win' the debate. It's a clever tactic, though it's not a strictly logical one. I also like how he ignores the fact that bears and humans have significantly different needs from their food, so equating humans to bears is also a far less rigorous point to have to 'prove' especially considering that no facts to back up the initial opinion about junk food being 'good' for bears have been provided. The assertion that no one's done a study or research into the impact of human waste on bears is almost laughably unlikely. \_ Nutrition = a process by which organisms obtain energy (nasa.gov). Nutritious = providing nourishment (dict). I am redefining nothing, I am making concrete what I feel is a reasonably vague definition. I can just feel the venom dripping from your fangs, you poor sap. When did you become so cheerless and morose? I don't know definition. I don't know what shadowy evil you think I am up to with my evil evil debating tactics, but all I am trying to say is that high calorie food does a lot of good in certain rubber-hits-the-road situations, and the harm junk food causes has to be balanced again this good. P.S. Read my assertion about what's not getting funded again. I think you are trying to pull a fast one here. -- ilyas \_ Nice. I've reduced you to ad hominem attacks. You've rather misrepresented me in your interpretation of my attitudes and motives. If it means this much to you to be right, then okay. I've challenged your style of agrument, and you've responded by comparing me to a snake. Okaaaaay. \_ Ok, fair enough. What about the rest? -- ilyas | \_ Well, one definition of nutritious would be | 'contains calories and protein' which I'd say | is generally true. \_ This is specious and largely irrelevant. \_ High fat, high salt, low fiber == not healthy. However they're not forcing people to eat it. \_ Huh? I've never made any claims about anyone being forced to eat anything. What are you talking about here? \_ Fast food is massively subsidized in many ways, if we had to pay the actual costs the system wouldn't work -- see oil. \_ I'm just saying, people buy the unhealthy food in droves knowing it's unhealthy. Given this desire I don't think the industry is at fault. I'd be in favor of restricting child-targetted marketing. Oh and I wasn't really talking to you, just elaborating on the general subject. Here you go. <DEAD>www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Health/What's_In_Meat_FFN.html<DEAD> |
2004/10/12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Recreation/Food] UID:34051 Activity:high |
10/12 What is the wisdom of blowing up an unoccupied restaurant that is used as a terrorist meeting place? Why not raid the restaurant on the ground while it is actually being used? I doubt the terrorists are saying: "Damn! They blew up the restaurant. Now we're screwed." They'll just meet somewhere else. This is stupid. \_ 1. Hope they get people when they are in the place. 2. Hope other shop owners will care more and not let them meet at their places. 3. Terrah! 9/11! \_ Wouldn't it make more sense to stake it out and actually catch the guys? \_ Of course not. Blowing up the place intimidates shopkeepers and has almost no risk of casualties. \_ What about, I dunno, actually catching/killing some terrorists? |
2004/9/23 [Recreation/Food] UID:33717 Activity:high |
9/23 MOTD Recipe time, because we all love bacon and need to eat our veggies Finely Chop: 1-2 cloves of garlic, 1/2 yellow onion Cut up 4 heads of baby bok-choy into bite-size bits Cut 1/2lb. bacon into 1/2" bits Heat a frying pan to medium-high Fry the bacon. When done, remove to paper towels to drain. Pour out most of the bacon grease but leave about 1 tablespoon worth Turn down the heat to medium and let the pan cool a bit. Add the garlic and onion and cook until the onion is translucent Increase the heat to medium-high and add the bok-choy Cook until bok choy is tender, then add 1-2 tablespoons soy sauce Add the cooked bacon and stir it all together. Put on plate and sprinkle with lemon juice. \_ Huh? |
2004/9/22-23 [Recreation/Food] UID:33699 Activity:nil |
9/22 Has anyone noticed that foods re/heated with the microwave cool down faster than if a regular oven was used? \_ Speaking of which, are there any health hazards involved in using microwaves -- there was a study done a while ago at Michigan which claimed microwaves create carcinogens in the food. \_ Because your food is non-conductive, the voltages induced should not be enough to break chemical bonds. If you heat your food a piece of metal in it I could see that happening. Also, heating food-fats in contact with plastic wrap *may* cause the plastic to release dioxins into the food \_ http://www.foodsafety.gov/~fsg/fs-mwave.html \_ This is what you'd expect from the physics of microwaves. \_ I doubt you understand the physics of microwaves. This is what you'd expect if you used a conventional oven at a high temperature to reheat something to the point that it appears to be warmed, rather than setting the oven for the destination temperature and waiting long enough. \_ Conventional ovens heat slowly. By the time you take your food out heat has had plenty of time to move into the center. When you microwave something at full power the outside gets hot very fast. When you take it out, the inside id not very hot, and the outside cools off faster because its heat is pushing in to the center, where in a conventionally-heated food the center has already had the time to get warm. That's why many microwave foods advise you to give a rest in the middle of the cooking cycle, or advise 50% power: It's to allow time for the heat to penetrate. \_ Boy, that's what I said, but instead I got a condescending snark from some motd butthole. \_ Your answer was not very helpful, and I'm not the 'butthole' so leave me out of this. \_ When did I bring you in? \_ When you responded to my post to comaplain about some other guy. |
2004/9/20-21 [Recreation/Food, Computer/Theory] UID:33639 Activity:low |
9/20 You overhear a conversation. You know the answer to their question. What do you do? \_ What if you're wrong? \_ If you show uncertainty and weakness, the world will drift toward tragedy. \_ I would probably say something, but it depends on context. E.g. if it is someone sitting next to me at a bar I would be inclined to butt in, but if it someone at a different table at a nice restaurant I would not. \_ If I don't know them, I'd keep my mouth shut. Then I can either listen to an answer from someone more knowledgeable, or quietly laugh at someone bluffing who's trying to impress some chicks. \_ I was in the grocery store and this really fat couple were talking about breakfast cereal and something about calories. Like why raisin bran had a lot of calories etc. and I just proferred that the raisins are sugarcoated. A very awkward silence ensued after which I scooted out of there real quick-like. \_ All cereals have essentially the same calories/ounce, regardless of how much sugar they have. \_ Totally depends of the type of question. If it's something like Math or CS, yeah, butt in. If it's what this guy should do about his cheating girlfriend, stay far away. \_ BZT! You are supposed to ask the guy for his gf's phone #. \_ If it's some guy at a store asking "What do I need to buy to do X" and the salesman's saying "Hmmm...." I'll butt-in. If their friend seems to have some sort of clue, I'll let them make due without my input. \-for sales people, if it is just anecdotal or preferences -- "sure that is a comfortable camping chair" -- i dont comment but i have heard salesmen at places like REI give defintitely bad advice w.r.t. things like water filtration ... so sometimes i will say something after the saleperson goes away. if it is something like "what was the movie with X where he Ys ..." then obviously that is sort of situational. |
2004/9/16 [Transportation/Airplane, Recreation/Food] UID:33561 Activity:high |
9/16 How does Hooters manage to hire only chicks with hot boobs as waitresses and yet avoid discrimination lawsuits? \_ It's legal to discriminate on physical appearance if it is necessary to the performance of the job. Being hot is not a requirement to be a waitress. However, being hot is a requirement to perform the Hooters waitress job, and looking presentable is a requirement for most customer service jobs. \_ uh, what if you're a racist and you open up a steak house and decide to hire only white chicks to preserve the tradition? \_ Uhm, no. Hooters was sued by a number of men and they settled out of court. The EEOC investigated the matter for four years, but they dropped the matter since nobody really cared. So it's still undecided (since none of the cases made it to court) on whether or not Hooters really can get away with this sort of thing. They can basically discriminate until someone else files a suit against them and it actuallly makes it to court. Please refrain on commenting on things you don't know anything about. \_ An employer can discriminate based on appearance. This has been upheld many times from beards at Disneyland to tattoos and piercings. The policy needs to be applied consistently and comply with EEO guidelines with regards to race, sex, religion, etc. Even discriminating by age is acceptable in some instances. \_ Again, no. You are being overly general. An employer may or may not discriminate based on appearance depending on what jurisdiction the business is in and what type of business it is. It varies from state to state and the Federal Government has been unclear about this issue. There hasn't been a big enough case to go to the courts to determine this issue once and for all since most of the suits are settled out of court. Since most likely no employer is going to overtly say that they didn't hire so-and-so because of their looks (they would be really stupid to do so) it's also a somewhat difficult case to litigate, and there aren't any real federal statutes on this yet. \_ People have been fired (or threatened to be fired) based on appearance. Again, an example was beards at Disneyland. This is allowed. Go look at the EEO web site to see what kinds of discrimination are allowed and in what instances. \_ At Disneyland, you're hired as an actor for a part. \_ Exactly. This is a perfect example of being able to discriminate based on appearance. The women at Hooter's are not hired for their waitressing skills. However, if one is fired for being Muslim then she has a case. \_ The burka might pose a problem for working at Hooters. \_ I've never been to Hooters. Do the waitress actually do more with their bodies than merely walking around and showing off? And I thought even the showing-off part is just unwritten mutual understanding between the waitress and the employer, not written rules. \_ Depends a lot on the location, but quite honestly, Hooters is just the right speed for married guys who don't want to cheat, but want to act "bad" for a while. Some Hooters had waitresses play Twister, and it works for some, others not. \_ Cf. Coyote Ugly Saloon in NYC. You can look, but you know you can't touch. Very relaxing, really. \_ How much do Hooters waitresses get paid? \_ I don't know, but most waitress jobs get shit for salary and make their living off tips. I'd assume tips are even more important at a place like that. \_ Which is exactly why Hooters doesn't have to worry too much about guys applying. They'll get no tips. Go Capitalism! \_ Cf. Chippendale's. \_ I know that airline stewardess have gotten uglier and uglier by the generation. Either it's the junk food or the system. \_ It used to be a very glamorous job. Flying was such a luxury. Now you are stuck serving soda to a family from Des Moines. I assume that salaries are also lower now, contributing to cheaper tickets. \_ It seems just from observation that what young cuties there are are stuck flying crappy domestic routes, and old battleaxes get the "glamorous" international routes. Sometimes you find someone hot with language skills on international flights. First/business stewardesses tend to be more attractive too. \_ It must be that stewardess get to choose the routes based on seniority. \_ Yep, I assume so. Damn unions. \_ That's only US airlines. Try Singapore Airline or JAL, where discrimination against ugly applicants are still legal. \_ Emirates Air has by far the best eye candy. The Singapore girls are also very nice. I once flew Air NZ with some significantly cute attendants, and one Auda flight had a model-quality attendant. Small sample size on those though. \_ I agree, Singapore Air ladies are nice to look at. The uniforms are pretty cool too. \_ Yes, it's only the US airlines. Damn those unions. |
2004/9/1 [Health, Recreation/Food] UID:33280 Activity:nil |
9/1 Knock Knock \_ OB: Who's there? \_ Doctor \_ OB: Doctor Who? \_ The Time Lord! \_ That's right. \_ Dalek Voice: Exterminate! \_ Pizza? \_ OB: Pizza who? \_ Come out here a get a pizza me! \_ You want me to piss at you? Sure. \_ Pizza to meet you! \_ Yermom \_ Yermom who? \_ Your own mother! Now open the door. \_ Control freak. Now you say "Control freak who?" |
2004/8/1-2 [Health/Disease/General, Recreation/Food] UID:32619 Activity:insanely high |
8/1 I found a bug on the organic Raomain I bought from Trader Joe. Is is still edible as raw salad? I know organic farming means not relying on pesticide to kill of bugs but would there be a danger from parasites? \_ TROLL ALERT, TROLL ALERT \_ Eat the bug and like it! If necessary, you CAN be wormed. \_ If this sort of stuff bothers you, you can buy kosher food. Many people do, even if their religion does not require it. -- ilyas \_ It's food. Food that is grown is grown outside. Insects and animals live outside. Food that is grown outside will be touched by insects and animals. That is the way the world is. Occasionally one of those insects will make it into the packaging, especially with leafy greens. Throw the bug away and wash the lettuce, problem solved. Are you people really that removed from where your food comes from? -aspo \_ Aspo, no offense, but you are an idiot. What about greenhouse grown food? Is that 'outside'? Get a clue. \_ Um, yeah, uh, greenhouse grown food is grown in an anti- septic foam nutrient solution. Food technicians in Intel "bunny suits" meticulously pluck any alien life forms from salad leaves, carefully brushing each leaf to ensure a complete absence of unwanted bugs, weeds, chemicals, or icky "dirt". -John \_ If you knew how many bug bits are in every carton of fruit juice, organic or no, you probably wouldn't be bothered by this at all. Still, I think the whole organic thing is BS. Genetically modified often means the plants have better natural resistance to pests, so they can use fewer pesticides than organic crops, not more. BTW, leafy stuff should be fine if you wash it. Sprouts, broccoli, etc, is the kind of thing you should cook. \_ If the pests don't even want to eat them, do you? \_ I don't think you know what 'organic' means. The federal standard provides that the food is produced without pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, irraditation, or bioengineering. \_ While most organic farming is bs, there is one aspect in which genetically modified crops are worse. Many gm grains do not produce seeds that can be reused for the next growing season which means that farmers must purchase new seeds every year rather than simply take seeds from the last harvest. The fact that farmers are beholden to ADM or some other large conglomerate is worrying, but the main problem is that by moving the natural selection process for grain from the wild to the lab, we can make the grains less able to cope with new forms of pests and infection. There is another lesser concern with gm crops for some peta/vegans, and that is crops which include animal genes might violate their no exploting animals principle. \_ There are no crops for consumption that I'm aware of that contain animal genes. When I've done work with animal genes in plants, it's been as a research tool, it serves no purpose to put an animal gene into a plant for crop use. \_ There's a strawberry which contains a protein from a fish which makes them resistant to freezing (natural antifreeze) I don't think it's been approved for human consumption, though. \_ http://www.geo-pie.cornell.edu/media/fishberries.html \_ What about crops which are more resistant to herbicides which encourage farmers to apply more weedkiller? \_ Oh, and it's especially cute when the crop in question can interbreed with wild varieties and give them herbicidal resistance too. \_ I think anyone who's done farming knows that it's always better to try and use the minimal amount of chemicals. The best way to do that, ultimately, will be with GM crops, not organic. Besides which, organic crops alone cannot produce enough yield to feed our population, so unless 2 billion people volunteer to not eat in the future, or environmentalists agree to start letting us convert forests to farm land, then GM crops are the only option. Besides, everything is genetically modified, it's just that in the lab we can do it more efficiently. \_ You're not too bright are you? Just by switching from slash and burn to organized agriculture I am sure we could produce enough food. There isn't a shortage of food in the world and this is not because of pesticides. There's plenty of arable land left unused. \_ You should read the Skeptical Environmentalist. He makes it quite clear that by properly farming the land already converted for agriculture use we could easily feed the entire planet (even if the population continues to increase). GM isn't really needed and in the case of grains with the "terminator" gene, it will actually make things worse since subsistence farming will stop being the strong cheap source of food for the developing world. |
2004/8/1-2 [Recreation/Food] UID:32617 Activity:low |
8/1 Electronic Frontier Foundation's FREEDOM FEST 2004 Music, Food, Drink, Geeks - http://www.eff.org/freedomfest Wed Aug 4th 5-8 PM, Yerba Buena Gardens, SF \_ Was it called FRENCH FEST before? -- french food #1 fan |
2004/7/21 [Recreation/Food] UID:32401 Activity:very high |
7/21 Finally, the truth about ketchup as a vegetable! http://www.straightdope.com/columns/040716.html \_ dammit! I can't believe that cliffhanger at the end. I want to know \_ wdammit! I can't believe that cliffhanger at the end. I want to kno the story of the french fries and the bankruptcy settlements! \_ Thank god! Now that this minor footnote to history has been cleared up, I can breath easier! THANK YOU MOTD GODS! |
2004/7/2-3 [Recreation/Food] UID:31143 Activity:nil |
7/2 Anybody know the caffeine content of chocolate covered espresso beans? I couldn't find anything online. \_ Roast coffee is about 1% caffeine by mass. A 2tbls measure of coffee beans is 15-20gms, IIRC. Measure out how many half-beans are in a scoop. Then you can fine the mass per half-bean. I'd guestimate it's in the 100-300mg range, which would mean 10-30mg caffeint per candy. |
2004/6/22 [Recreation/Food] UID:30944 Activity:very high |
6/22 Is Global a decent knife? I've been looking for a good knife for a while: http://csua.org/u/7ux \_ Tac-11 is a pretty good knife. Heh. -- ilyas \_ I can't believe someone erased my post about the only knife a man needs. You people are cold and vicious. \_ Believe it or not, I'm using Miracle Blade II right now ... They are really sharp, really cheap and can go into the dishwasher.... Yes, this is heresy, but try it out (cheap!): http://www.alltvstuff.com/mb1.html -eric \_ While I haven't used that particular knife, it looks like any other cheap stamped blade. These types of knives start out very sharp, but don't hold their edge well. The blade is also too flexible. You end up with a wobbly dull knife with a ragged blade; not very safe. Any knife can go through the dishwasher, but the reason good knives say not to is because they will bang into other things and get dull faster. \_ Globals are not all stamped. Its the alloy they use that lets it keep its edge. \_ I never said ANY Globals were stamped. I said it looks like all the "Chef Tony" knives are stamped. \_ some global knives are stamped, that's why they have a separate forged series that is heavier \_ Along those lines, how about someone telling us the scoop on Ron Popeil's latest infomercial set: http://www.popeilfamilystore.com/6star.html I've seen that infomercial a couple times now (well bits of it, there's something hypnotic about that guy) and it had me ready to buy, but I always figure these things are scams. \_ It's an $870 value! Yours today for only $39.99! \_ Wusthof! Wusthof Classic is the STANDARD! OK, now that I've gotten that out of the way: I've only used Global a little, but the ergonomic design seems quite good. As a new knife it was very nice. The big difference about Global is that their steel has a lot of vanadium in it. This makes the blades harder (and presumably more brittle). These knives are also honed to a sharper angle than most good knives. This makes them seem sharper. The reason most knives are honed to a wider angle is that a wider wedge holds its edge longer. Global knives, because of their harder alloy, can get away with the sharper honing. This extra hardness and sharpness comes at a price. These knives are very hard for most people to resharpen with a stone or steel. When the knives eventually need resharpening, you will probably have to take them to a professional. \_ Wusthof/Solingen is totally overpriced. They're good knives, but you can get equally good ones for half the money. Want a tip? Ask a chef. The knives are often their most prized possessions. -John \_ Agreed. -Wusthof guy \_ I've known two chefs and both used Wustof knives. I use them myself. I would consider Henckels. What knives are equally good for 50% of the cost? \_ Do you guys sharpen them yourself with a sharpening stone, or have it done professionally? And how often? \_ With a steel every few months, or right before a big cutting job. The steel corrects minor dulling of the blade. A professional uses a grinder and actually grinds off metal to create a new edge. You should hone reasonably often and take it to a grinder only rarely. \_ do you mean truing it on a steel? I took the knife skills class at Sur La Table (very useful, btw), and the chef suggested to true briefly every time you use. I've heard that you can use a sharpening stone instead of having it ground, but that you should do one or the other yearly if you use the knife often. I've had my Henckels for a few years and never done this, and was thinking I probably should, but wasn't sure which option to take (tempted to try the stone, but don't want to mess them up) \_ There are some forged Sabatier knives that are 80% as good for 30% of the cost. \_ They're fairly light, which might be good or bad depending on how you plan on using them. \_ Will they still be usable if I stab a guy in the head with them? \_ yes, you can still cut thru an aluminum can with it \_ o.O The guy's head can cut thru an aluminum can? Whoa. \_ I _love_ my global knives. I have owned and used Wusthof, Henkel, and Chicago Cutlery previously. Global kicks their butts. Global is fairly light, very sharp (I hear they have a special edge on them). They are an excellent value, imho. --chris \_ Just curious how one owns knives "previously"? They should last a lifetime. I bought my Wustof knives and I will never buy another knife again because there is no need. If they do break (possible, but unlikely) you can get them replaced for free. How have you gone through so many knives?! \_ One per skull? I don't think they're designed to penetrate solid bone like that and the replacement policy won't cover fraud or felonious use of device. \_ That actually brings up a good point -- once you've got the knife firmly lodged in a guy's skull, what's the best way to get it back out? Twisting or pulling? Or do you rock it out? Which way do you rock? \_ You brace your foot against his neck/shoulder and pull back with both hands if the knife handle is large enough or just one hand with smaller knives. \_ There are other companies also using the same alloy as Global without the contemporary one piece look. \_ I really like Global, but they're pretty light and some people like a knife that feels more solid when they hold it. - mikeym \_ I bought a block set of Henckel's Professional S. They look nice and work great. They've also held their edge well for a few years without needing sharpening (fairly light use). Individually, any good knife is pricey; in a set they're not too bad. The best piece of advice I've heard is: the best knife is the one you use. One that feels good in someone else's hand won't necessarily feel good in yours. Beyond that, Wusthoff, Henckels, and Global are all good bets. \_ Based on advice from the knife skills class and the book "kitchen confidential", I found that I only needed a very small subset of the "full block." Specifically, a good chef's knife, a good paring knife (I got two, a long and a short), and a z-offset serrated knife. The latter is *great* for cutting lots of misc items (tomato, bread, ...), more practical than a normal bread knife. Oh, and a truing steel, of course. \_ My block came with: 6" extra-tall chef's, 8" chef's, long slicer, paring, steel, 6 steak knives, block, bread knife, "utility" (short serrated), and a 6" slicer. I used every single one routinely except the utility. I could certainly get by w/ fewer, but I like having them. --dbushong |
2004/6/16 [Recreation/Activities, Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:30831 Activity:very high 66%like:34588 |
6/16 KISS MY ASS, LAKERS!!! \_ Yah -- it made my day when the lakers went down in flames. \_ No one cares. Sorry. Sports just aren't important. Have some bread with your circuses. \_ Speak for yourself, geekboy. How's that wedgie doing? \_ How's the bread taste? Best circus I've seen since the one last week! Pass me a beer and a joint! \_ Bread? Dunno, don't watch the games. Don't smoke out either, so you're on your own there, too, Mr. Pothead Dork. I don't think you're as smart as you think you are. Perhaps you'd better stick to EQ. \_ thank you, NERFAMC \_ Ok, so you drink, you don't get laid, can't identify a bread product and watch a lot of sports. Big winner! \_ heh, let's see: assumption, projection, assumption, poor reading comprehension. 0/4. Big Winner! Keep trying, Dorkie. \_ *laugh* ok, how about this: you're anal, boring, drink, don't get laid with women, watch a lot of sports, like bread products and take it up the ass from your boyfriend twice a week. \_ I might take your moral superiority seriously if I thought you were in the peace corps, or donating all your free time to a non-profit, but in reality I'm sure you're just some geek into videogames, comic books, and sci-fi who just doesn't like sports. \_ What moral superiority? I never said I was better. I said sports aren't important. Sorry, no vgs, cbs or sci-fi. \_ The only thing better than watching the Lakers lose was watching the Red Sox kick the Yankees' asses in New York. |
2004/6/15-16 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:30813 Activity:nil |
6/14 http://reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=5414783 Korean dumpling is rotten. This reminds me of the time when I bought a bottled Korean Ginseng drink and got a huge headache and bloody red eyes. I don't trust Korean made food anymore. \_ Try fresh ramen or the rice. That shit is really good. Also the quality of their tofu is excellent. Pulmone brand is my favorite. You can actually smell the freshness when you open the packaging. \_ Won't somebody PLEASE think of the SHIN RAMYUN! \_ Isn't all Korean food basically rotten? I thought that was part of the process (letting it ferment). \_ Bad troll, no kimchee. |
2004/6/15 [Recreation/Food] UID:30812 Activity:high |
6/14 How much does Noah's Bagel charge for a tiny portion of cream cheese nowadays? $3? $4? How about bagels? Still 50 cents? \_ Why do you hate capitalism? Buy your cheese somewhere else. |
2004/6/8-9 [Recreation/Food] UID:30687 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 California roll poll: yum: .. yuck: .. \_ unagi: .. tastes like vagina: . \_ I love unagi, but then, I also love vagina. \_ tamago: overpriced piece of egg: .. \_ sanma: smells like rotten fish: . \_ uni is the best: . \_ As a gf once put it: I wanted you to eat that because it has the same texture as cum, and I wanted you to understand why I spit. \_ your gf has bad taste. granted these things may be an acquired taste. \_ Hey, some of us got snowballed instead. \_ Either you need to see a doctor or your gf is flawed. All of my gfs always said it doesn't taste like much of anything. \_ -4 Hit Points for poor reading comprehension. texture != taste: "...the same texture as cum,..." \_ Shrug. She's still flawed or you need to see a doctor because you're cumming something the texture of uni. \_ Sushi Ran spider roll: the fried head is great for grossing out Sausalito ex-hippies: . \_ saba: . |
2004/5/22-23 [Recreation/Food] UID:30365 Activity:high |
5/22 Are Tullys & Starbucks one company? Why does Tullys also have Tall, Grande, Venti sizes? \_ Short and Tall used to be standard sizes for real coffee houses. Starbucks dropped short as a pussy size. \_ I think Starbucks has the patent on Tall(r), Grande(r) and Venti(r) sizes. There's also a suit recently filed between McDonald's and Burger King over the use of the terms "small, medium, large" in the soft drink sales side of the fast food business. \_ Peets > Starbucks. \_ Peets? When I worked near a Peets I stopped drinking cafe drinks because it was so horrible. \_ real coffee tastes bitter. when you load it with sugar, it tastes more like a soft drink. st*rbucks knows its market. most americans are still novices with espresso drinks. try a local coffee house and find out which barista is good. variety is the spice of life. try not to get hooked on st*rbucks push-button machines one-flavor-fits-all (like McDonald's) model. |
2004/5/22 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Food] UID:30364 Activity:nil |
5/22 Cheezy poll, I love: feta cheese: blue cheese: all cheese: . squeezy cheese: chedar: \_ I hate: feta cheese: . blue cheese: . all cheese: |
2004/5/18 [Recreation/Food] UID:30271 Activity:insanely high |
5/18 A friend who lives in a developing country is concerned with the quality of milk there (hormone, anti-biotics and other additives) and asks me if whey powder produced in the US is a good substitute for both adult and child. I googled and found only sales pitches but no study/advice from any medical establishment. What does the wisdom of motd say? tnx. \_ US brands have the same shit in them. buy organic, it's the only way to be sure. \_ Why do you hate America? \_ There are non organic brands that don't have any of that stuff \_ It can be much worse in other countries with loose regulation. Anyway, what about whey as a substitute for normal milk? \_ Why do you hate capitalism? \_ Milk is bad for you anyway. Children should be breastfed until they can walk and then not drink milk. Adults should never drink milk. \_ troll \_ there's wisdom on the motd? \_ I wouldn't be surpirised to find out that milk and meat produced in most developing countries are whole lot healthier than what's being sold in the US. I have overheard a farmer from central America once claim than their pigs are fed nothing but grass. Compare that to what they feed pigs in the US at most industrial (non-organic) farms. \_ Why not just use powdered milk? \_ Powdered milk is unhealthy, I heard, because the procedure involves heating the milk to rather high temperature and hence creating nasty things. I don't know if whey powder suffers \_ As opposed to Pasteurization? from the same problem but can't find authoritive info. on this. \_ Milk is bad for you. Adults and children of walking age or older should not be drinking milk. Why did someone censor this warning? \_ Actually, it's probably even worse for children not of walking age. http://www.pcrm.org/health/Info_on_Veg_Diets/milk.html. \_ Oh please. The front page has the following graphics: Risks of low-carb high-protein diets Cruelty at the March of Dimes (about animal experiments) Why is the American Cancer Society PUSHING BEEF? Dissection alternatives Super Size Me Is something FISHY on Federal Dietary Committee? Can you say: in bed with PETA? I knew you could. \_ Isn't this the organization that claimed Atkins died because of his diet? \_ and tiger penises good for virility right? \_ It sounded like a troll. It is anyway a stretch to say milk is bad in such general terms. It is always good to have a balanced diet. \_ I'd post my britney spears url pic here but i'm too lazy. \_ non sequitor |
2004/5/11 [Recreation/Food] UID:30148 Activity:very high |
5/10 I am interesting in having dinner with my operative from Palo Alto. Any recommendations for "neutral ground" between SF and PA? ok tnx. \_ I'll give you a recommendation if yout tell me what an operative is. \_ it's a pretentious way of saying "friend." -tom \_ no, he's a spy for the kgb. \_ price/cuisine? \_ basque cultural center. \- oh that is a good idea. i wanted to try that. however, any recs a little farther south?. tnx. \_ prince of wales. juban. spiedo. \_ what? operative? neutral ground? what are you, RUSSIAN??? \_ It's a bondage MI thing. He is planning an American conservative "hazing" ritual and his operative will administer deep multiple penetration to him. |
2004/5/5-6 [Recreation/Food] UID:30036 Activity:moderate |
5/5 What do people think about the new "Cafe Durant" (where Wall Berlin used to be)? \_ what's in it? is it still the same crazy boba-tea/TV hut? like Central Perk for FOBs? \_ I was wondering more about food. \_ "Cafe Durant" is not new. Wasn't it *always* above the Wall Berlin space? \_ Yeah, the new restaurant that replaced Wall Berlin is "Old Tea House," which is okay food-wise, but decent boba. Cafe Durant is still there upstairs. \_ Fuck, when did this happen? What happened to the piece of the Berlin Wall? \_ Wall Berlin was closed at least since last June when I started working in Berkeley. Haven't been around Berkeley much before then, so I don't know when they actually closed. |
2004/5/3-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:29954 Activity:insanely high |
5/2 History: Noah's Bagel opened up on Telegraph in 92/93. Is it still around? It was October, 1993... I was turning in my 60a HW and on the way I bought a .50 bagel and got tricked into buying their special $2.00 strawberry cream cheese. I blew 2 friggin dollars... worth good 6 cup-o-noodles that I could have eaten while playing diku-mud. Instead all I got was this stingy little pack of cream cheese. Damnit!!! Is it still around? IS IT??? -bitter old alum \_ Weaksauce. You were still playing diku-muds in 93? I was already on AP because of diku-muds by 92. BTW, you could have gone down the street to one of the various bakeries and bought a day old loaf of bread for that much and eaten for a week. Thats how I survived spring break. \_ It's still around, and Noah's as a whole is springing up everywhere. There were some teevee ads a few months ago, but I haven't seen them recently. I've been told that the one on Telegraph is the very first one, is this true? |
2004/4/27 [Recreation/Food] UID:13405 Activity:nil |
4/27 ____________________________________ / do any of you like cows? whats the \ \ appeal? / ------------------------------------ \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || \_ I like to cook baby cows in their mother's milk. \_ There is a kind of Japanese food that cooks chicken with eggs, and the name is literally mother-kid-something. \_ Oyako-don: http://www.jfc.com/recipes/jlist/rice/oyakodon.html |
2004/4/27 [Recreation/Food] UID:13400 Activity:nil 66%like:13404 |
4/27 Do any of you like natto? What's the appeal? \_ I thought this was Japanese porn or something like bukake but turns out to be food. \_ Is it anything like Dweanjong? (Korean soy bean paste.) \_ Fermented whole soybeans that smell like rotten armpits \_ More like stinky feet. \_ Once you get used to the taste and the smell, it tastes good and is full of great nutrients. My wife likes to eat it with a raw egg. --erikred \_ I'm so sorry. \_ I concur. About half the Japanese people I asked didn't like natto, either, or weren't admitting it anyway. -- ulysses \_ True! Natto is generally considered a Kanto thing. Most southerners tend to beat it away with a stick. Me, I like it. Now, sea urchin, on the other hand, wtf? --erikred \_ I've never had the pleasure (misfortune?) to try uni. What's it like? \_ I've had uni a total of three times my whole life. Everytime, I keep forgetting what it tastes like so I try it again to remind myself how bad it is. I do have to admit that it gets better each time but I still don't like it. I think that yellow stuff inside a crab is the closest thing I can think of. \_ It's a very odd texture (which is what i think turns most people off). Sort of a cross between a soft patee and jelly. It's sort of mildly sweet with a bitter finish. It's worth trying just to find out what it's like. \_ Watch out for Salmonella. \_ Very very few eggs contain salmonella, and the amount in an infected egg is generally small enough that a healthy person can fight it off with no problem. \_ http://www.gaia21.net/natto/natto.htm |
2004/4/25 [Recreation/Food] UID:13366 Activity:nil Cat_by:rory |
4/23 Can someone recommend a good brand for French press coffee makers? \_ Bodum is The Definative french press. (And the original) -aspo |
2004/4/23-24 [Recreation/Food, Health/Sleeping, Health/Disease/General] UID:13354 Activity:nil 54%like:13249 |
4/23 For the person who was asking about why dogs eat their poop: http://www.heptune.com/poop.html \_ Am I the only one who suspects that that pinworm bit is just an attempt to get people to stick tape on their asshair? \_ sounded like a stretch to me, too \_ I think most people have pinworms at some point in their lives, usually as children. Most people outgrow sticking their fingers in their mouths. (Not me btw, I do it all the time, so I guess I should check) |
2004/4/20 [Recreation/Food] UID:13286 Activity:nil |
4/19 partha, my ass hurts whenever I eat spicy food, does this happen to you and how do you deal with it? Should I ask a non-Bengali, Southern Indian instead? \_ Tamil food is the best Indian food! \_ Stop whoring your ass out for food. ok tnx. \_ Said an Indian friend of mine, "on the whole, it's good, but on the hole it's very very bad." -John \_ My asshole hurts all the time these days. You get used to it. \_ Get out of the chair and get some exercise, fat sysadmin! \_ eat fiber! |
2004/4/18 [Recreation/Food] UID:13252 Activity:nil |
4/18 What's a good steak/prime rib place in the East Bay? If i was in SF i'd go to Harris Ranch or house of prime rib. I'd prefer somthing that is not any more expensive than those. \_ La Val's, Durant. \_ Not a steak place as such, but Cafe Rouge does a good steak. \_ wife wants prime rib. \_ i got some prime rib for her right here. \_ shoot the wife. go to val's. \_ Vic Stewart in Walnut Creek. Be prepared to pay for it though. |
2004/4/12 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:13155 Activity:nil |
4/12 Motd restaurant review: Liaison Bistro, Berkeley Decor was pleasant, if perhaps a little overwrought in its attempt to recreate an authentic French bistro(t). Service was polite and attentice, without being solicitous. Roast leg of lamb was excellent; fairly strong sauce complemented the meat nicely without overpowering it. Duck confit was very good. It was moist and flavorful. I would have prefered some vegetables in the presentation. Marinated artichoke was good and the presentation with citrus and fennel complemented well. Sauteed spinach also good. Not too special but well done. Desserts were mixed. Tarte tatin was good but not special. Side of rum raisin gelato went well. Crust was a bit soggy. Poached pear was poached in red wine, served with very rich vanilla ice cream and slice of puff pastry. Topped with excellent dark chocolate sauce, which unfortunately distracted from the rest of the dessert. Creme brulee had excellent custard with a lot of vanilla, but the sugar was too thin so it didn't form a stiff crust. \_ hello tawei. learn to indent. \_ I'm not tawei \_ restaurant/movie reviews with no attribution are worthless. \_ tawei hasn't logged in for a month \_ I haven't eaten at Liason in over a year, but I recall it was quite good. They had fresh oysters on the half shell as a specialty appetizer which was excellent. Portions were niggardly (no that's not a slur, look it up), but the meal was enjoyable nonetheless. \_ Oh dans, you are so smart and manly, can I suck your cock please? Pretty please with sugar on top? \_ Geez, you're really hostile. You should work on that. You'll forgive my defensiveness, but college professors have been kicked off campuses because some reactionary elements choose not to use dictionaries. In this case, it was the right word. -dans \_ college professor? I thought it was some city official on the right coast. Personally, I prefer Gregoire on Cedar. The food is comparable to that at Liaison, and, though not cheap, much more reasonably priced. Decor is, however, nonexistent. -dans \_ The portions seemed fine last night. Probably depends on what you order. \_ I'd believe that. As I said, I haven't eaten there in over a year. A lot can change in a year. -dans \_ So wait, Kinney's stuff is bad, but this excretion is ok? \_ basically, kinney's stuff is much longer, and he is known for it. personally I like his posts, though. \_ me too. |
2004/3/29-30 [Recreation/Food] UID:12901 Activity:very high |
3/29 What do these taste like? (chicken, beef) Horse - \_ somewhat stringy, but mostly like beef. Like flank steak. \_ did you have to go to Europe to try this? \_ When horse eating is outlawed, only outlaws will eat horse! \_ Japan, actually, and I had it raw. Whale - \_ like a very thick venison. Not as good as dolphin IMO -brain Ostrich - beef. Go to any Fuddruckers for ostrich burger. Lean and high protein content. \_ totally. Warning- it's also HEAVY like beef. -brain Are you chinese? _/ Rabbit - chicken. - Firmer and gamey-er than chicken. Tasty but lots of bones. Frog Legs - softer than chicken \_ kind of like a cross between fish and chicken -brain Dog - black goat Escargot - like oyster. Put lots of melted butter to kill the taste Goat - is it the same as lamb? \_ No, I can't stand lamb, but like goat. \_ It depends on how prepared. It's normally gamier than lamb. \_ what does it mean to be "gamey?" \_ I'd say it's a combination of tangy, musky, and rich. Alligator - rubbery. There's a Cajun place in Sac that serves this \_ kinda like pork... easily overcooked; choose your chef wisely! -brain \_ like fish. Snake - chicken \_Mine was burnt, but tasted like chicken. Beaver - Unless it's fresh, kinda like ahi Soylent Green - yermom "Long pork" - Like tube steak Whale Sperm - like Vanilla milk shake Whale Sperm - Kangaroo - Gamey Homosapien - Homosapien - sweet pork Placenta - Antelope - like venison but super gamey and sagey, almost inedible Venison - like really lean beef but with a gamey skunky quality Elk - like good lean beef, really delcious \_ are you a hunter? Where do you hunt? What weapon do you use? \_ I'm a Level 6 hunter with a +3 vorpal 7mm rifle. Why? Moose - ditto, but not quite as lean, so more tender Bear - a cross between duck and pork, but gamey Homosapien - Placenta - the time I ate it it was way overcooked \_ How do wild turkeys differ from farmed? |
2004/3/23-24 [Recreation/Food] UID:12818 Activity:nil |
3/23 Do you tip when you get togo food? Like if you pickup a large pizza, or get $15 in chinese togo? \_ I tip the girl at the local pizza place. She's a cutie. The ugly green haired chick at starbucks with the bad attitude gets zippo. \_ pixP (just the cutie) \_ No. Why would you do that? They didn't do any service. Do you tip cashiers in other stores? \_ sometimes they're nice. \_ Not as a general rule; but sometimes, yes. For ex, there is a great deli I go to where the sandwhich guys cut up a huge roast beef in front of you and make pleasant conversation... I usually tip a buck on a $12 sandwhich just to say thanks for the good service. \_ I usually leave my change in the tip jar. \_ One time I tipped a pizza delivery guy and tried to say "keep the change", but I guess he thought I was being patronizing because he suddenly got all pissed off and threw the change on the ground and went away. So now I'm afraid to give people small amounts of change for fear they'll feel humiliated or something. \_ Pizza delivery requires at least a two dollar tip. http://www.tipthepizzaguy.com/general/amount.htm \_ you're asking the pizza guy? $1 or 10%, whichever is greater. -tom \_ I gotta agree with the pizza guy that they're in the same boat as waiters, but worse. I generally do 15% unless it's a huge order. |
2004/3/19-20 [Recreation/Food] UID:12759 Activity:low |
3/19 What variety of Mackerel is commonly served as 'Saba' in Japanese restaurants in the Bay Area? \_ it's pickled you know... it doesn't naturally taste like that! \_ I know, but there are a lot of species of mackerel and I'm \_ I know, but there are al ot of species of mackerel and I'm curious which one is served. curious which one is served. \_ the dead one. |
2004/3/19-20 [Recreation/Food] UID:12754 Activity:kinda low |
3/19 What culture has the healthiest food overall? Japanese? \_ Vaginins. \_ Vegans \_ Vegitirians \_ Vegitarianarian Cannibals \_ Vegitarianarian? Is that a vegetarian Aryan (a meat Nazi?!)? Or does this have something to do with antidisestablishmentarians? \_ yes. \_ Just super-size at Mickey Dee's. \_ They are discontinuing super-size portions. \_ If the longest resulting healthy lifespan is the measure, then it would be the Okinawan diet, but that's just one part: add low stress, good attitute and physical activity and you get the longest lived people in the world. And it's not genetic, Okinawans who move to the US and start chomping down Big Macs get fat and die early just like Americans do. \_ There's this guy who thinks calcium is a panacea and says Okinawans' health is because their water and other things have coral calcium in it. \_ low stress? always wondering when the next batch of US marines going by will gang rape your 12 year old daughter?! \_ convert to Buddhism \_ Many Indians are vegetarian. Is it healthy? \_ while vegetarian is good, curry is kind of fatty, and indian food is also high sodium, which is bad for health. |
2004/3/19 [Recreation/Food] UID:12749 Activity:low |
3/19 Good lord: http://www.ifoce.com/records.php -John \_ I never seen a man eat so many chicken wings! \_ Are those suicide scars on Sonya Thomas??? -rory http://www.ifoce.com/profile.php?action=detail&sn=20 \_ She's single, she's hot, she eats like a pig without gaining weight (as long as there's a toilet nearby). What more could you want? So she sliced herself a bit? \_ They aren't REAL suicide scars. Remember the SysAdmin motto: Down, Not Across. \_ Sysadmin motto? SAs don't commit suicide. They find a new job that pays more for less work until they eventually get mid 6 figures for not showing at all. \_ No, no, no, "Down, Not Across" is the goal you're aiming to drive your lusers to. \_ oooooh! I haven't had those for a while. thanks for clearing that up. \_ Anytime. Congrats on your long dry spell. Did it take long to train them? \_ Why is this? It would seem like you get a more complete severing of the artery if you go across. Or is it a matter of clotting? \_ It's makes for a larger wound and impossible to clot. You lose blood much quicker, lose consciousness faster, and make it harder for you to be resuscitated. \_ But what if you miss the artery/vein completely? I guess I don't understand if you're trying to follow the vein or cut across a couple. \_ Follow the artery if you can. A length-wise cut means a longer wound which makes it harder to clot; cross-wise means a tiny wound, which will almost certainly clot before you bleed to death. Not sure where your artery is? Make a fist a few times and feel for the pulse, then follow that up your arm. |
2004/3/5-6 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:12541 Activity:high |
3/5 Wired has an article about tracing meat (and all food) back to the source, and mentions Niman ranch. Does anybody know more about this place (eg, visited a supplier)? Is it a free range sort of operation? http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.03/start.html?pg=2?tw=wn_tophead_8 \_ Niman is as politically correct as a meat-purveyor can get without letting all its animals munch on grass. Chez Panisse gets most of its meat from Niman, if that means anything. \_ Is it really such a problem to let the animals walk around a bit and... I don't know, sniff flowers, have sex with each other, do what animals do? I'm not trying to sound like a smartass, I'm \_ duh, it costs more money just wondering if it's possible to get meat that was raised this way, and how to find it. \_ http://www.nimanranch.com Before moving to meat-packing nirvana (Chicago), I'd get grass-fed beef from Berkeley Bowl. The guys Niman's grass-fed beef from Berkeley Bowl. The guys behind the meat counter would be kind enough to give me detailed directions for cooking (temp not as high, time not as long). The Wednesday food section of http://sfgate.com has featured many articles on beef sources. Do a search for "grass-fed" in its archives. -elizp \_ what brought you to chicago? \_ My husband (login: fab -- yes, we're yet another pair of csua breeders) was a UChicago grad student while I taught at DePaul. -elizp \_ oh, I took a class at DePaul last year, and am thinking of a part-time MBA at UChicago. me detailed directions for cooking (temp not as high, time not as long). -elizp for "grass-fed" in its archives. -elizp while I taught at DePaul. -elizp What's fab studying at UC? \_ Walk around: Pigs and cows can do this already. They're not the most athletic animals, though. Sniff flowers: They are penned in high-enough densities that flowers get trampled. For there to be non-trampled flowers, they'd have to be kept in a large area, like rangeland. That costs $$. Have sex? No way. They are selectively bred. If they were allowed to breed randomly, you'd get traits that are undesireable in a food animal. Plus they are usually sterilized and/or segregated so they won't fight. Would it really make sense to have bulls or roosters fighting all day? |
2004/2/24 [Recreation/Food] UID:12380 Activity:nil |
2/23 eric, how often do you save the motd entries? And do you save them more during lunch time (when it's more active), or do pure random sampling with equal time distribution in the 24 hour period? \_ why don't you email him to ask? or use brain: what are the odds he sits there during lunch manually saving the motd? |
2004/2/23-24 [Recreation/Food] UID:12369 Activity:nil |
2/23 What's a good place in the southbay/Peninsula to get breakfast food? \_ Stack's is pretty good, in Burlingame, Redwood City, and Menlo Park Also, Cafe Barone is pretty good, also in Menlo Park. \_ Stack's sounds good! \_ I went to Paly. Your breakfast food in PA/MP is Cafe Barone and Printer's Ink Cafe unless a greasy spoon is your fancy, in which case Stack's will do you. Hobee's has good coffee cake and the rest of their stuff is pretty ass. "Would you like an Orange Juice? Small or large?" --ulysses \_ Peninsula Fountain & Grill in Palo Alto, Hobee's (a few different south bay / peninsula locations). \_ Peninsula serves good breakfast? Sounds like a burger and milkshake joint. Hobee's might be okay. \_ they have burgers etc but also breakfast. I recommend the Caribbean french toast. \_ Don't you mean freedom toast? Why do you hate America? \_ Nini's in Burlingame on Bayswater. \_ Denny's Grand Slam Breakfast! \_ I think IHOP is way better for what you pay. \_ No fucking way. Original grand slam breakfast = $2.50 \_ And a $5.00 glass of orange juice, please. \_ As orange juice is uncaffeinated, I don't bother. \_are you serious? (some people honestly do like Denny's Breakfast) \_ Half-serious. It's not that great but it sure is cheap. \_ The Original Pancake House in San Jose. \_ My mom makes a killer waffle & bacon combo. \_ yermom serves an excellent breafast in bed. \_ yes she does. she said you liked it best with her biggest black dildo all the way up your butt. \_ She assured me that was an Italian sausage! \_ You didn't get suspicious when it hummed and vibrated? |
2004/2/21-22 [Recreation/Food] UID:12343 Activity:nil |
2/20 Is there a decent chocolate store near Mountain View? I can't go to SF or wait for mail order. Also I would be happier with buying by weight as opposed to getting pre-packaged boxes. \_ Prestons Candy & Ice Cream in Burlingame 650.344.3265 , they make their own candy they do phone orders and mail to anywhere in the world I recommend their truffles, peanut brittle, rocky road and "coffee blacks" |
2004/2/18 [Recreation/Food] UID:12300 Activity:nil |
2/18 The Cheeseboard is now hiring. Give up your computers for the simple joys of baking bread, making pizza, and cutting the cheese. |
2004/2/17 [Recreation/Food] UID:29807 Activity:nil |
2/16 Did anyone else read the article about microwave ovens in the ecologist magazine Nov 2003? Can't decide if I believe it or not... http://www.cam.net.uk/home/Nimmann/healing/microwaves.htm \_ Interesting. Actually one has to do a comparison study with ordinary cooking method. And it is well known that pan with stainless steel (iron, chromium, nickel overdose), aluminum (alzhheimer), and teflon surface generate toxin. So it comes down to which one kills the slowliest. \_ Aluminum causing Alzheimer's is just a myth...there's no conclusive evidence to demonstrate that. \_ All cooking causes chemical changes in food. You'd have to see a comparison to people who grill their food for it to be meaningful. |
2004/2/17-18 [Recreation/Food] UID:12280 Activity:nil |
2/16 New strain of mad cow, and perhaps more cow->human cases as well. Time to stop eating brains. (NYTimes) http://tinyurl.com/2h4un quote: I would advise the managers of cattle abattoirs to sell the meat only to lower-class butcher shops. \_ Proof apparent in motd ramblings! Film at 11! \_ heh \_ Don't eat beef because of mad cow. Don't eat seafood because of PCB and mercury. Don't eat fruits and vegetables because of pesticides. Don't eat bread or pasta because it's not Atkins friendly. Don't eat margerine or butter because of transfats and cholesterol. Is there anything left to eat? Frankly, I think we should just eat whatever the hell we want and stop listening to media warnings. \_ Fruity Crack is still safe, right? \_ Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green day. \_ Soylent Dean. "My God! His campaign! It's made of people!" \_ thanks for the free laughs, I needed that today. \_ You forgot not eating poultry because of Asian Bird Flu. Me, I think it's all a conspiracy by the pork industry to bring back the other white meat. \_ Don't forget scrapie in sheep... \_ who eats sheep? \_ Roast lamb is delish! \_ lamb is one of the few things I can't eat. it's hard to describe but it just tastes weird and feels weird in my mouth. \_ Eat organic! Eat vegan! Eat vegans! Eat me! -sax \_ do you have omega-3 and omega-6? \_ I think humans are nutritionally fairly similar to pork. \_ But taste like chicken. |
2004/2/9 [Recreation/Food] UID:12180 Activity:nil |
02/09 The pretty boy wasn't always pretty. In my senior year in high school and first year at berkeley, I had a lot of large, red, exploding pimples on my lower jaws. It was disgusting. Things changed when I decided to take control over what I eat. First, I stopped drinking milk and sugar water. Cows are injected with growth hormones to make them produce more milk for the corporate farmer. You don't want that in your body. Don't trust the "hormone-free" milk either. You can get all the calcium you need by eating spinach or other green leafy vegetables. I'll post more tips on what I did in the coming weeks. -pretty boy \_ Tell us more about yourself. Age? Race? Skin type? Fair or dark? \_ I eat anything I want and don't have any pimples. Sucks to be you. \_ I cured my pimple problem after using Clearasal and no change in eating habits. \_ you know the difference between symptom suppression and eradicating the root cause right? E.g., taking pills to lower blood pressure is symptom suppression. Root cause is people eating fatty crap that clogs up their arteries. \_ I always thought pimples = hormones / face washing \_ pimples = hormones * stressing about your goddamned skin \_ I think the percentage of people with hormonal problems are very small. Just like the obese people. Vast majority is cause by people eating too much crap and likes to blame their problems on their genes. Taking responsibililty is too hard for most of those people. You are what you eat. \_ I was referring to how everyone gets pimples during puberty. \_ Well, the added Hormone is great for the ladies though. \_ I'm surprised pretty boy isn't causing a flame-fest this time. \_ How are you doing in the babe department, pretty boy? |
2004/1/30-31 [Recreation/Food] UID:12041 Activity:nil |
1/30 Subway or Quiznos? \_ Quiznos. Unless you like cold sandwiches. \_ Seconded. \_ Quiznos seem to be much more filling than Subway \_ Quiznos >> Subway \_ append Quiznos to Subway? \_ any Quiznos near the UCB area? \_ On Center near the Bongo Burger and Neutron Donuts. \_ Bongo burger is still alive (and popular?) \_ Yes. What's wrong with Bongo Burger? \_ I think it is great that it has been there for a long time. \_ !Viva lamb sandwich! \_ Quiznos by a longshot \_ Togo's easily beats them both. Quizno's is basically Subway that has been toasted. Better, but not much better. \_ Quiznos doesn't use pressed meats. Much better. \_ No, Quizno's is better than Togo's. I only go to Togo's occasionally because it's right next to work. Togo's bread isn't good. |
2004/1/27 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Computer] UID:11969 Activity:nil |
1/27 Going to Santa Barbara this weekend, what is fun to do there? BTW I don't club/bar/dance so that's outa the question, thanks. \_ Skate/bike/run on the beach. you can go up to the cliffs which are nice. you can do lame shit like go to the mission. walk down state street and have a nice lunch. \_ beach is nice. Seafood. Why don't you club/dance/get drunk? It's so fun to pick up on women when you're drunk, get laid, and wake up with a hangover and not give a damn about the world. \_ what do you do when you visit santa cruz, san diego, la, etc? take pictures, go on picnics, hiking, look at architecture, go to historical museums, shop, walk around, find cool bookstores, eat at nice restaurants, hang out in cafes, MUD, surf, scuba? \_ there's some pretty good hang gliding sites down there. -ERic \_ Pick up chicks. As an out of towner you should score easy with the one-nighter types that don't want to hear from someone again. |
2004/1/27 [Recreation/Food] UID:11960 Activity:nil |
1/27 eating brains http://snipurl.com/43ux \_ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3286721.stm -John |
2004/1/27 [Recreation/Food] UID:11949 Activity:moderate |
1/27 I recall reading somewhere about an experiment where some organisms were put into a petri dish full of material they could not eat but which could be eaten by the same organism with a common mutation. The results were that a higher number than expected of that mutation then occured in the next generation. Now, it seems to me this would be a pretty damn big deal if it was duplicated, so perhaps the fact that I have not heard about it again and am failing to find it through google probably means that it wasn't, but if anyone knows anything about this or can find any info, i'm curious. \_ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3286721.stm -John \_ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3286721.stm -John \_ It is as it was. It is God's Will. |
2004/1/22 [Recreation/Food, Health] UID:29752 Activity:nil 72%like:11892 |
1/22 Eat well. Exercise: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=reviewsNews&storyID=4173861 |
2004/1/22-23 [Health, Recreation/Food] UID:11892 Activity:nil 72%like:29752 |
1/22 Eat well, and exercise: http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=reviewsNews&storyID=4173861 \_ Take the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator. Sometimes you can even get there quicker. |
2004/1/21 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:11858 Activity:nil |
1/20 I'm gonna be in San Diego for a weekend. Can anyone recommend anything cool to do or see (other than the SD zoo)? Thanks. \_ go to the movies? read a book? seriously, though. the Wild Animal Park out in north county is pretty neat. much different feel from an ordinary zoo. sea world is pretty much one big advertisement for anheiser busch. but, it's there. old town. pretty touristy. good mexican food. there. eat good mexican food. even the most run-down ro(x)berto's will have better mexican food than most places up here. stay away from mission bay park. it's nasty. go to belmont park, wander the boardwalk. coffeeshops have a much different vibe down there, are actual interesting hang-outs. pacific beach has a bunch of them. claire de lune in... mission hills?... is also pretty nice, they have a lot of open mics and poetry nights. la jolla cove is a nice place to swim. there are good bookstores on adams avenue, around the ken theatre. i haven't been there since i was a kid, but seaport village used to be fun. way back when. unfortunately, the best part was a fish and chips place which has since closed. maybe very bleak or very touristy, but who knows? maybe it still has class. \_Boy, you almost make me wish I was going to San Diego. Can you do this for other cities? If I had known that the motd was a travel guide too, I would have asked it lots of stuff before. Is there anything the motd CAN'T do? (besides ignoring trolls?) \_ You missed the two best walking neighborhoods in San Diego: Gaslamp District and Hillcrest. Hillcrest has lots of coffee shops and cafes and Downtown has tapas bars and Croce's, a Jazz joint. The Downtown Mall is a trippy place. The Elephant Bar is La Jolla is fun. Lots of dance places in Pacific Beach, they come and go all the time, so I can't recommend any specific one. \_ Isn't Old Town the same thing as the Gas Lamp? I was just in Coronado this weekend and had a good time there. La Jolla is another favorite. \_ No, Old Town is near the airport and Gas Lamp is downtown. \_ punany in tihhhhaaaajuana \_ if you can't get it at berkeley you can't get it in tj. once you figured out how to get it here you can get it anywhere. it's all the same. \_ Yeah, that's how I felt about your mom. \_ You can't afford my mom. \_ Go see if there are hot chicks at UCSD? \_ If you like good beer, visit Stone Brewing Co. \_ In an industrial park in San Marcos, North County, my home town. On the way to/from the Wild Animal Park. --erikred |
2004/1/19-20 [Recreation/Food] UID:11834 Activity:insanely high |
1/19 Are you changing your beef eating habits? How? \_ I am probably being stupid, but do we know whether the agent which causes 'mad cow disease' causes any human diseases? There was this odd epidemic in england a few years ago, but I don't know of anything conclusive. -- ilyas \_ You get vCJD from eating cows with BSE (mad cow). \_ you mean besides "variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease"? http://www.cjdfoundation.org/CJDInfo.html \_ Is there proof the agent responsible for the BSE causes CJD? In fact, is there proof CJD is contagious in any way? -- ilyas \_ We're only eating Niman Ranch, now, for the most part. The biggest thing we both miss is pho since it's made from beef bones. We're not touching the stuff until there's something done to win back our faith in the cattle industry. \_ you know they've been doing what they're doing for years, and you've been eating it for years, right? \_ Grim, isn't it? Still, that's not reason enough to continue now that we know the system is flawed. \_ oh please. even if i'd told you, you'd still have eaten beef. it was a real case that finally put the scare in you. btw, for those who haven't, now would be a fine time to read _fast food nation_. \_ Try Whole Foods, or better yet, Prather Ranch. Prather ranch has a closed herd, organic, no hormones or antibiotics. they have a booth now at the ferry bldg (though, they didn't name it prather ranch). You can also order stuff online, I think at http://www.pratherranch.com At whole foods, you can ask about the herds they supply from. usually they are hormone and antibiotic free, and free-range. \_ EMRG set to go up again bigtime tomrrow , also ICGE to follow \_ thanks for the tips. Should we start buying beef stocks that have been hit hard? Anyone still go to Outback Steakhouse? \_ I thought Outback sells Australian beef. No? \_ As if that is safe? \_ bones from Mad cow in Vietnamese restaurants we eat at by my house in fremont, newark,hell yeah i am waiting for cows to be tracked and tested for BSE. \_ what? \_ All your BSE are belong to us!!! \_ Yes. No beef or cow organs at all now. \_ do you think your fear is reasonable? \_ Yes. Unlike other diseases, BSE can't be prevented by thorough cooking. And unlike mercury, one dose of it is thorough cooking. And unlike mercury, one doze of it is enough to kill you. \_ yes. Converted entire family to ban beef. Organic beef is a possibility but haven't done it yet... and no, ANY risk of having your brain rot without a cure is too much, so if anyone else has stopped for that reason, I am with you. \_ how about having your brain crushed in a car accident? \_ that would be your choice. If I don't drive, I can't get to work. If I don't eat beef, I eat less fat and cause less damage to my digestive system... soo... that makes you a TROLL!!! \_ hmm, no, that makes you stupid. your argument is totally off base. don't drive, the risks are too high!!! \_ Unfortunately, yes. I figure it will take about 3 years to check and purge the current herds and crush any stockyards that are still misfeeding their cows. No cow products for me. My dog is still getting steak, though. --loves a good steak, sadly \_ I stopped eating all non-seafood meat about a month ago. I'll start again when both houses and the whitehouse are controlled by Democrats and the USDA is restructured to represent the citizen instead of corporate interests. I'm not doing this out of fear of contracting BSE, but rather to send the only kind of message those bastards are capable of understanding that they will be economically punished for their behavior. [formatd] \_ won't companies who track mad cow become profitable? \_ So you just swallow mercury and god only knows what else by the bucket? You're better off with pork and chicken. Salmonella(sp?) doesn't kill and I haven't heard of a trichinosis case in years. \_ Did you read my post? It's not getting sick I'm worried about, it's a boycott. The same companies that sell beef sell chicken. \_ If your reasons are purely political then you're off topic anyway. Eating a fish based diet is pretty insane these days. Good luck with that one. \_ arrrrgggg! look, I'm not eating a "fish based diet," I'm eating a vegetarian diet where I won't go out of my way to avoid fish occasionally. And it's not off topic since it's a reaction to the policies that caused the BSE scare in the first place. caused the BSE scare in the first place. \_ thank you for saving the world. \_ I had already reduced my beef eating by quite a bit a few years ago, and reinforced by the initial British scare. I still occasionally eat some but I've decided to avoid ground beef as much as I can. I'm somewhat concerned about the possibility of restaurants using beef stuff in soups/broths etc. I actually enjoy vegetarian food, but I'm no cook and restaurant choices are iffy. I order vegetarian when it looks decent. \_ didn't eat beef before, so no changes there. All organic/high- quality chicken & pork only, occasional fish. \_ I'm glad there's one thing that liberals believe in self-control instead of govern't control. \_ easy. those who sell bad beef go out of business. those who sell free range, whatever-free, grain fed beef stay in business and make a big profit. why is this so hard to figure out? maybe you don't understand how the free market works: it is reactive, not proactive. it punishes bad behaviour and rewards good. the punishment is usually corporate execution. \_ please explain how your precious free market has protected us from BSE so far, asshole. \_ We still want an disinterested party to qualify the label of organic, though. \_ Self control sure isn't helping the fish not to have mercury or the fish stocks even to be sustainably harvested. \_ Christ. Chance of actually dying from this disease in Britain is about 1 in 3 or 4 million. If you can't live with that sort of risk, there is absolutely no activity on earth you can clear yourself to partake in. \_ Is that 1 in 3 or 4 million per meal including beef, or per year or meals including beef? \_ here's a case of using statistics to lie. good job. \_ 60 million people in Britain, 20 die per year. It is per inhabitant-of-Britain year lived. \_ No, but I don't eat red meat that often. Occasional Korean BBQ and steak. \_ mmm.... kalbi... mmm... \_ http://www.cnn.com/2004/HEALTH/01/16/brain.sandwich.ap/index.html \_ Yo Queiro Taco Bell!! 'In California, cow brains are commonly sold as taco filling and called by their Spanish name, "sesos."' \_These are actually calf brains, and perfectly safe. BSE cannot incubate in a calf's lifetime, and so there are no mad calves. Eating veal is also perfectly safe. \_ yes. it is. once it is in your brain you're fucked. if the calf has BSE and you eat the brain, you should go write your will while you still can. \_ incubate?? That doesn't seem like the right word to use. \_ Brains are all we ever get in this rotten fuckin' place, hey hey brains are all we ever get why can't we have a change of pace brains for dinner brains for lunch brains for breakfast brains for brunch brains at every single meal why can't we have some guts! \_ have some prions. Isn't BSE a protein called a prion? \_ "Brains... brains! Use your brains to help us." |
2004/1/14-15 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others, Recreation/Food] UID:11789 Activity:high |
1/14 I thought everyone in the bay area knows about pho: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/01/14/FDGSV467631.DTL \_ careful, Mad Cow'd soup bones where used by Vietnamese Restaurants in Bay Area \_ I didn't know about them until I started working at a mostly Vietnamese company about three years back. \_ I didn't know about them until I started working at a mostly Vietnamese company about three years back. \_ I don't like Viets but I must say Pho is one of those few cool things they have contributed to this society. \_ This place down the street from my place is called PHO KING. I went in thinking I was going to get some sucky sucky from some nice slender Viet girl, but to my surprise all they were selling was some big bowls of noodles and beef. \_ racist joke \_ How do you pronounce PHO KING? FUH-KING? \_ Assuming you're being serious, Fo King \_ There is a place in Milpitas or so called "Pho Kim Long" \_ Little do you know, it is actually pronounced like "fuh". http://mlug.missouri.edu/~markrages/static/pho/phopage.html \_ fuhk. \_ you're so clever, you got the joke! \_ There is a place in Milpitas or so called "Pho Kim Long" |
2004/1/6 [Recreation/Food, Finance/Shopping] UID:11688 Activity:very high |
1/6 How much can i expect to pay for a cheap lunch in london? \- Ask for Cheep Bubble and Squeak --psb \_ Cheap: 3-4 pounds. Decent (primarily Indian or Kebab): 5-10 pounds. Or you can grab a sandwich for about 1-3. There's some pretty mangy food there, though. -John \_ i don't know why this was overwritten, but thank you thank you thank you! my faith in the motd is restored! \_ What? WTF? Walk into a cheap looking place and read the menu. \_ dumbass, I'm not in london right now. That's why I'm asking. I need to estimate my travel expenses for a trip in the *future* not the present. \_ Useless. You can't estimate to the penny what it will cost you. It will *always* be higher than you expect. It's a first world nation. Prices will be similar. \_ head...hurting...idiocy...aghck!!! \_ Sorry if it was so hard to figure out that a McNugget here will cost about the same as a McNugget there. \_ I think McNuggets are a little more expensive there because of how the dollar has been sliding. \_ If you know where to go, about 3 quid. \_ thanks, but since I have no idea where to go, can I assume 5-10 per meal? I'm looking for a ballpark estimate assuming both frugality and ignorance. \_ Go to http://timeout.com Yes, you'll have to register for a freebie trial, but trust me, this is _the_ mag to have access to. \_ so why are you making a trip to london when you are tight on money? \_ jesus fucking christ you people are amazing. I'm not tight on money, and I'm not paying for it anyway. I just have to sketch out a rough budget for the trip, and like to save money on general principle. \_ London on the whole is terriffically expensive. For good food you generally can't go wrong with Indian or Bangladeshi--you'll want to hit Brick Lane in any case. There is _no_ decent food in the City/financial area. -John |
2003/12/30 [Recreation/Food] UID:11614 Activity:nil |
12/30 Ok, how about Viceroy on Shattuck? Yay or eewww? \_ i always thought that was some kinda OC front. anytime i pass by there, there's hardly ever anyone in there. \_ Why do people assume that organized crime run restraunts will be empty and generally suck? It's a lot easier to launder money from a restraunt with high cash flow, which is the main reason the mob opens restraunts. Besides, their mob buddies will come there to eat, and will expect decent food. \- do you think it is empty because it is an "undiscovered country" or it is ass? \_ Because a restaurant seems like the perfect way to launder lots of cash. \_ What??!? They're not Italians. In fact Indians are hard working people who excel at engineering. Now if Viceroy were an Italian/Viet restaurant, that'd be another story. \_ You win! You get an extra big Troll Star for the day. |
2003/12/28-30 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:11601 Activity:high |
12/28 A La Carte Restaurant on Dwight near Sacramento: Been there? Any good? Still open? \_ I have been living there for three years. Never heard of that one before. The two restaurants I know there are "Breads of India" and "Mehak Cusine", both Indian. The later is pretty good but I haven't been at "Breads of India" yet. \- Breads of India is often described by white people as "a good and cheap hole in the wall". the most true part of that description is "hole in the wall". you can look for my "cognitive dissonance theory of BoI" on ba.food. I didnt think A La Carte was anything special then again/that is why I havent been there for +1yr. --psb \_ I've never understood why race somehow gives one credentials to judge food. I don't go to a restraunt to study what authentic cuisine some some culture or another is, I go there to eat. \_ You can bring a whore to culture, but you can't make her think. \_ was that your idea of 'deep though'? keep at it. \- it's not a matter of judging authenticity in this case. in fact authetnticity is BoI's strong point to some extent. but going to an indian restaurant is a different experience for "white people" than someone who grew up eating indian food. i am sure dim sum is a different experience for someone who gre up in HKG vs someone who never went to dimsum until they moved to califonria from the midwest to do their master's degree. e.g. it doesnt bother my HKG associate to yell across the restaurant in cantonese to get a water refill, while whitey or psb might consider that bad service. i'll give you one funny example: the last 3-4 times i have ordered a mango lassi in the evening, it has been spoiled. this is really obvious ... it's like drinking sour milk. i have never seen a white person complain about this. also white people and indian people have different "population distribution properties" in terms of hotness. etc. --psb \_ there are so many idiotic aspects to your blather i don't know where to start so i'll stick with a minor one. It's funny how your definition of white is "not from india". I had no idea there were so many white people in China and Africa. \- by "white people" i actually meant people not from india, pakistan, sri lanka, pela, bhutan, sikkim and afganistan and not a uighur. --psb \_ Partha, you are one hot Indian. I've thought so for many years, you neo-hindu-con hottie!! \_ Hey partha can you write up an essay on the food preferences of other people, too? Did you start that ba.food about black people and watermelon? That was a classic! Oh yeah, like you, I also have black friends so it's ok, right? \- how long did you have to rub your two neurons together to come up with that? --psb \_ racism is as racism does (or posts threads). your post was really sickening. \_ Seconded. Painful to read and psb should know better. \_ I pity the liberalPC-on-the-brain fool who mistakes factual honesty with racism. \_ I'll bet you have a black friend, too. \- do black people like cheeseboard? --psb \_ Partha, it sounds like you've been to A La Carte. Do you know if it still exists? I'm looking for a cajun/creole fix, and the rabbit at Gingerbread House still has pellets in it. --op \- i was forced to go to the gingerbread house ... i dont think it does well in price/performance. but then again i dont like the complicated cajun/creole dishes. you should have gone to gravy's while they were still around. soul bros kitchen might still have alligator on the menu. [not that exciting]. --psb \_ It should be noted, however, that alligator does not, in fact, taste like chicken. It tastes like fish. \_ Best dish I had in New Orleans: shrimp and alligator sausage cheesecake at Jacque-Imo's. \_ That would make my taste-buds explode. \_ What's a "sausage cheesecake"? I'm having trouble with the visual. \_ It was kind of like quiche, actually. \_ The Gingerbread House is crap. Sadly, pickings for cajun/creole are slim around here. Tropix on Piedmont Ave. is okay though. And I think Soul Brothers Kitchen is now an Ethiopian restaurant. --chris \_ We ended up going to Tropix. It was exquisite. My wife had the gumbo, and I had the jerk chicken, and we were both well contented. And while I'm not usually partial to beer cocktails, their Bul was the perfect drink to go along with the spicy food. We have a new favorite place to take visitors. --op \_ Glad you enjoyed Tropix. My husband is from Louisiana, it's the only place he feels has "decent" cajun/creole around here. We have had better, but it has all been in the South. --chris |
2003/12/22-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:11562 Activity:high |
12/21 I want to buy some really nice fancy chocolate; what's a good place in SF? Other than Godiva, Ghiradelli. Like the fancy chocolate place they went to in NYC in Queer Eye. \_ support small businesses http://www.prestonscandy.com has been in Burlingame for over 50 years and is GREAT candy. \_ If you can mail order, http://www.teuscher.com -John \_ Go to Neiman Marcus, top floor. Ask for "La Maison Du Chocolat." By far the best chocolate you've ever tasted, if you're in luck. It often sells out VERY Quickly. Although, I believe the boutique store in NY may ship if you desire. In that case, just google, and look for the NY store(upper East side, iirc). They might sell directly online, but that would be from Paris. If it's too $$ or not fast enough, Neuhaus is _far_ better Belgium than Godiva is. I believe Macy's cellar has Neuhaus. But I would go with LMDC first, if possible. -nivra \_ Other than fancy packaging and European, are they really any better than America's own See's Candy? \_ I've got to assume this is a troll. Ugh. \_ Is there a difference between a Tootsie Roll and See's? \_ Silly customer. You cannot harm the Twinkie. \_ No one ever claimed the TR was made of chocolate. \_ In a word, yes. \_ In another word, wax. \_ I didn't realize that anyone local sold La Maison Du Chocolat; it's \- this is a real name and not a joke ... like say the fine purveyors of "crunchy frog"? yes, real name. surprised _/ you haven't come across their stores while in paris. would not be surprised if the name is "la maison du chocolat" from when they were in fact the house of chocolate. personally not particularly fond of their chocolates. usually buy from madame de sevigny instead if i'm in the pricey-chocolate-for-the-woman mood. obtw, thanks for pointer to nils. didn't visit the outlet with the hot blonde, but they made still quite good sandwiches at another location. \- did you have the reindeer sandwich? [this isnt xmas trolling ... that is what i had]. the best sandwich in paris ... in fact the best swich i ever had in my life is at le regency bar at the prince des galles in the 8ieme. not cheep--psb the one time i set out to find le _/ regency on your recommendation, i did not realize it was in prince de galles, so i could not find the restaurant even after walking the length of georges v. i have not had the time to repeat the quest the other times i've been in paris since. - tse, obtw oh and all of your names are being filed away for death when the revolution comes --psb \-Advisory for Garvitch: A fun paris food guide for Paris is E. Rubin: Gourmet Paris. For a longer stay, P. Wells: Food Lover's Guide to Paris. Other good s'wich locations are Cosi on R. Seine 6e, and (IAOC) La Maison du Cassoulet [I am not making that up] on R. Mont- orguil in 1er --psb the best I've found. I usually order online from their store in New York. Since it is their policy to only ship via next day air, it won't take long to receive (though that does add significantly to the cost). I'd suggest you start with their plain truffles. If you're intent on something that originated in SF, I've heard good things about XOX Truffles. Lots of people seem to like Joseph Schmidt's chocolates, but I've never cared for them. - alawrenc \_ let me just say Herschey's Pot of Gold sucks. \_ The Candy Jar, in SF. Their stuff gets resold at places like Nordstroms. Good stuff. You can drop by their factory store and pick up either the pretty packaged boxes or you can get a box of assorted seconds that taste just as good. Give them a ring to check hours and such. --Jon The Candy Jar Inc 2065 Oakdale Ave San Francisco, CA 94124-2040 Phone: (415) 550-8846 \_ has anyone tried cabaret chocolates? Were they good? http://www.cabaretchocolates.com \_ Depends on your idea of chocolate and your wallet. Some BA makers: http://www.xoxtruffles.com (SF) sells fresh traditional European-style flavored truffles (small irregular balls rolled in cocoa dust). http://www.jschmidtconfections.com (SF) sells fresh American truffles (chocolate shell, flavoring inside). http://www.scharffen-berger.com (BRK) specializes in dark chocolate bars. http://www.cabaretchocolates.com (OAK) are dark chocolate candies (not as dense as bars). The latter three can be found at The Candy Store on College, near Clarmont (across from the Safeway). The first can be found in SF but I do remember seeing a reseller on 4th St. next to Peets. Note that much of this stuff is the deeper dark chocolate flavor with less sugar involved. Your tastebuds may disagree. My family is partial to the XOX truffles... \_Scharffen-Berger is great...if your areever in Berkeley go on their factory tour (about an hour and free). Their chocolate is more like chocolate for wine lovers...very rich/complex. \_ I second this. I've tasted a hell of a lot of the world's chocolate and there is not much better than Scharffen-Berger, domestic or otherwise. They don't do much by way of chocolates though - just the pure chocolate. -- ulysses \_ Thirded. Scharffen-Berger is awesome. Kudos to mconst for first pointing it out to me. -- ilyas \_One of the best chocolatiers I know is Bernard Callebaut, originally from Canada. They used to have a store in SF, but closed because of no publicity. http://www.bernardcallebaut.com Pricey, though. \_ Valrhona and Callebaut are widely considered to be the best two chocolates in the world. Valrhona leads all chocolate in percentage of cocoa used (over 80% by weight). \_ Scharffen-Berger has a 99% one. \_ Unsweetened, of course, and for baking not for consumption as a treat. \_ I ve eaten it before. \_ None of these places hold a candle to Le Chat Bleu, an artisan chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. Famous all over France for having the best hand made chocolate. \_ It's fucking French, dude. You don't go to France for chocolate, you go there for cheese. Schober & Teuscher in Zurich is IT. -John \_ This report link from XOX says it's merely "acceptable": http://www.xoxtruffles.com/press/press15.htm \- does anyone else think "Leonidas" is a \_ This report link from XOX says it's merely "acceptable": http://www.xoxtruffles.com/press/press15.htm pretty weird name choice for a putative high end chocolate? --psb \_ It's Spartan, but delicious! See the lists on the bottom. I thought you go to Zurich chocolate, you go there for cheese. Schober & Teuscher \_ Don't be a hater. chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. Famous all over France for having the best hand made chocolate. in Zurich is IT. -John See the lists on the bottom. I thought you go to Zurich for bank accounts and watches? for bank accounts and watches? \_ Guns too. \_ Guns too. \_ This list is the "Greatest Chocolates in America". I am not sure what that means except that it excludes a lot of superior European chocolate. \_ Freshness, availability, cost of transport, and perhaps some bit of nationalism. \_ Yermom's famous all over France, too. \_ Don't be a hater. |
2003/12/17 [Reference/Celebration, Recreation/Food, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29724 Activity:nil |
12/16 Since mass grave and killing of kurds are considered one of the reason why we invade Iraq, we might as well to invade Turkey for what they've done, which put Saddam's oppression looks like a child play: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/3325247.stm \_ So you would advocate turning the entire middle east into one glass-paved nuclear wasteland, punctuated only by oil wells to feed the weestern industrial machine? \_ Not western, just American. \_ Sounds good to me. |
2003/12/17 [Recreation/Food] UID:11495 Activity:high |
12/17 The narcissistic pretty boy would like to offer some tips for having beautiful, radiant skin. This will be posted over the next few months. First, you can't have outer beauty without having inner beauty. You are what you eat. Stop eating fast food junk food; and stop drinking sugar water. Cut back on meat and all animal products and eat more fruits and vegetables. And drink plenty of water every day. -narcissistic pretty boy \_ You'll go far in sf. \_ All your dumbass are belong to the motd. |
2003/12/9 [Reference/BayArea, Recreation/Food] UID:11365 Activity:nil |
12/8 Top Dog in San Jose opens this Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. 11th St. and San Carlos. \_ Barf. \_ You won't appreciate how good Top Dog really is until you have been away from Berkeley for a while. \_ hmmm. i've only been away for five years, so that must be why it sounds nasty. Maybe in another five years i'll understand. \_ It took me ten years to be able to appreciate Top Dog. \_ Again, barf. Retch. Try Rosamunde in the Lower Haight, SF, for a real sausage. \_ That's a bit of a drive from San Jose. \_ When do we get a Top Dog in downtown SF ?? |
2003/11/25 [Reference/Celebration, Recreation/Food] UID:29668 Activity:nil |
11/24 Why the turkey tastes bad: http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/24/opinion/24MART.html?partner=MYWAY |
2003/11/21 [Recreation/Food] UID:11168 Activity:high |
11/20 One of the ethanol pdfs posted in the last few days mentions high-fructose corn syrup as the most harmful human food additives in US history. What does HFCS do to you? \_ It makes me energetic and happy, but tired and grumpy about an hour later. \_ as an additive it has made many foods much higher in calories. Cheap corn sugar is one of the main reasons out country is so obese. Also eating too much sugar can lead to diabeties. \_ NY Times magazine had a great article about this in the first week of October. There's a direct link between corn subsidies and obesity, though like any complex issue its not the only cause. I'd put an URL, but unfortunately NY Times wants you to pay for their archived articles now. |
2003/11/15-16 [Recreation/Food] UID:11081 Activity:nil |
11/14 Cool (and kinda scary) speculative fiction about the coming robotic takeover: http://marshallbrain.com/manna1.htm \_ Communist garbage. \_ I like Marshall Brain, and I think How Stuff Works is the single most useful website on the web. That said, this reads like an entry for NaNoWriMo. \_ Oh god... so let's have a poll. The human race will be destroyed by (feel free to add your own): evil robots of our own design: evil nanotech robots of our own design: global warming: asteroid/comet impact: . sunspot cooking: nuclear winter: bioweapon escaped from US lab: bioweapon escaped from Chinese/old Russian/N. Korean/Iranian/Israeli lab: . Aliens: Damn Dirty Apes: Supernova: Cptn. Trips: race wars: sterility as seen in europe right now: \_ this might end western civ. but it certainly won't end humanity. hurricanes/earthquakes/other natural local disasters: no more food: no more rain: no more clean water: George Bush: George W Bush: Bill Clinton: terrorists: The French: godless communists: idiot geeks with a messiah complex: Israel:. Broken Arab culture that can't accept peace, democracy, progress or anything else good for their own people or their neighbors:. Isreal:. Garden Weasel:. \_ if the world is destroyed by any of the above, doesn't that count as armageddon by definition? will we all die of an acute case of death? \_ But if you capitalize Armageddon, you are probably referring to events described in the book of Revelations. And because I am in a crappy mood today, I add this: you are an idiot for not thinking of this yourself. Idiot. Armageddon: \_ this soda male one won't happen unless a quake destroys the net. introduction of infertile males of soda into general population: . |
2003/10/30 [Recreation/Food] UID:29600 Activity:high |
10/29 My company is putting everybody through mandatory training. Training takes place at 12:00 and usually takes 90 minutes, during which time we are served lunch. They remind us that, since they're serving lunch, we are expected NOT to charge time for the first hour of training. Training only occurs about 1-2X a month, and the burden is not great, but it irks me that they expect a tray of tacos to cover the combined hourly wage of 70 engineers. What would you do in this situation? \_ I'd eat my tacos. But then again, I'm a starving PhD student. (I'd also learn to follow everyone else's indenting convention). \_ Somebody didn't use motdedit. I restored it. \_ Stuff motdedit and your assumptions in your ear. \_ Suck it. \_ If you're REQUIRED to be there, it's billable time. Problem is they might say it's not required, and then give you bad performance reviews or fire you for some made-up reason. I'd eat the tacos and bend my timecard a little \_ I get the labor law thing... it's a good company and I'm not complaining, except about the jackasses in one department. \_ Are you an hourly employee? I'd expect a really nice lunch from them. Your lunch hour is about more than food. \_ salaried \_ what knucklehead told you you cant bill this time? it doesn't matter if they've got 77 dark eye virgins dancing naked for your pleasure, if it's mandatory then it's *their* time not yours and it should get billed. if you're at the kind of company where you can bitch about it without getting fucked then go ahead. otherwise just fudge your hours somewhere and don't let them screw you. if you're hourly you're expected to fudge hours anyway. \_ Bring your own lunch, and then see what they have to say. \_ Some of you guys don't seem like team players. \_ heh \_ formatd was here. what the hell is so hard about hitting tab at the start of line instead of 6 spaces? \_ read above. It was copy-pasted out of the archive. |
2003/10/27 [Recreation/Food] UID:10802 Activity:nil |
10/25 Restaurant recommendations in Walnut Creek area? \_ Postino, in Lafayette. Left Bank, in Pleasant Hill. \_ La Piazza in Orinda \_ Burger King near the 4. \_ Petar's for Central European/German, in Lafayette \_ modest eats: primos pizza in alamo/danville; the magic garlic in w.c. on north main \_ my wife's cooking. I love my wife's cooking! :-) |
2003/10/20-21 [Finance, Recreation/Food, Computer/SW/Security] UID:10707 Activity:low |
10/20 Ever wonder why you get some much junk mail? It's because the United States Postal Service encourages such practice! http://www.usps.com/features/fourstepstodirectmail.htm \_ of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations... \_ Yeah, they're self supporting. \_ poor trees. \_ theyre grown on tree farms for the purpose. so of like your \_ theyre grown on tree farms for the purpose. sort of like your lunch. \_ yes the forests of Canada, Madagascar and Burma are one vast tree farm. \_ yawn. no one is chopping trees in madagascar to get paper to send you junk mail. it takes 50,000 trees to print *each* edition of the sunday NYT. you think they're stripping madagascar? no, it's all tree farm trees raised for that purpose. \_ poor cows. \_ and poor wheat and corn and everything else grown for us to murder and eat. |
2003/9/2-3 [Health, Recreation/Food] UID:10046 Activity:nil |
9/2 Are some nuts more healthy than others? I eat a lot of dried fruit at work and I'd like to branch out. So do I go almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, etc., or are they all pretty much the same? \_ French ones are good, but I prefer Italians, since most of them are nuts anyway. \_ Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Heart health++. Almonds have some too, but also have lots of calcium. \_ Also, avoid roasted nuts. It kills the omega-3 fatty acids. \_ so what is the point then? \_ unroasted almonds still taste pretty good. unroasted cashews are pretty gross, though. You might also try to roast the nuts yourself in good oil (maybe olive oil?) and lightly salt to taste. |
2003/8/29-30 [Recreation/Food] UID:10016 Activity:kinda low |
8/29 So Viceroy on Shattuck and University closed their chaat/take out annex and replaced it with an "Indian Grocer"/Ice Creamery. Anyone checked this out yet? Do they serve "Indian" ice cream like the place on Valencia/16th in SF? Also, the Japanese Curry place next to Missing Link bit the dust and is being replaced by a Truly Mediterranean franchise. Yummy fast food. -- gabriel 8/29 \- hello can you check if the truly med location has the yogurt-garlic drink or aryan? ok tnx. --psb \_ perferably the blonde female type aryan. thanks. \- YMWTGF "aryan yogurt turkey" --psb \_ from now on, wash times and ny post links will just get deleted. ny times and wash post links can stay. any objections? i'm censoring by source, not by content. \_ aye. And perhaps you could take care of the racist idiots too? \_ Ya know, I don't like the Moonies Times or the Murdoch Post either, but you're an idiot with far too much time on your hands. |
2003/8/29-30 [Recreation/Food] UID:10010 Activity:nil |
8/29 I love Indian food, but I tend to make stinky fart after I eat them. Does anyone have a similar problem? \_ No, perhaps you should eat by putting it in your mouth instead of up your ass. \_ you need more vegetable in your diet. \_ I'm almost 100% carnitarian and don't have stinky farts. very few farts at all. it's the veggies that let loose all the time. \_ Indian food, on the whole, it's good, but on the hole it's terrible |
2003/8/5 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:29233 Activity:very high |
8/4 What sort of food will change the color of various body fluids? \_ if you eat enough of 'em beets'll turn pee pink \_ Certain vitamin supplements make urine green. \_ if you eat enough of 'em beets'll turn pee pink \_ Asparigus makes it stinky. Vitamin C makes it REALLY yellow. \_ b12 makes it almost orange it is so yellow. \_ Enough wine will make your spit turn purple. \_ cantaloupe will turn your shit green, blueberries -> blue \_ and beets will make you convinced you are shitting blood \_ I don't know about color, but last time I ate really hot buffalo wings, my penis stings when I pee. Only time that happened even though I ate spicy stuff all my life. \_ that wasn't the food. that's an STD. get to a clinic. \_ And for something men will prolly want to try http://boom.net/aw?atJM \_ Just eat lots of pineapple and don't smoke. Rumor has it being vegan helps too, but I've never tested that one out. -aspo \_ that's just wishful thinking, look at your teeth, do you think man was meant to be a vegan? |
2003/7/30-31 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Dating] UID:29180 Activity:insanely high |
7/30 I'm a caucasian guy. I kissed my first Asian girl recently. No complaints, but she tasted different from caucasian women. Her skin, her lips, all of her tasted different and it was noticeable even with her lip gloss. She tasted like Asian people sometimes smell (not offensive). She was born in the USA and is All-American so it is not like she was eating strange foods. Is their chemistry so different? Do caucasians taste funny to Asians? \_ I read a psychology today article about 8-9 years ago saying that immunological markers can be smelled, and can act as pheromones. People with immune systems that can handle different antigens than one's own may be a base for attraction, since biologically it's a benefit for offspring to get genetic material from parents whose immune systems cover different areas. So. Maybe the difference in pheromones are perceived as "tasting good." Anyways, it's a random theory. -sax \_ How does it explain that I'm attracted to my sister more than my wife? \_ you've been watching too many Melrose Place reruns... \_ It doesn't. That's a different theory known as "The Sick Bastard Theory Of Attraction". \_ Maybe certain brands of cosmetics is more popular among Asians then Caucasians? \_ It's THAN, people. Say it. Than. \_ Which pair of her lips did you taste again? \_ Did she taste like spunk-encrusted surface of your monitor? \_ Only when I was done with her. \_ Yes they have very very different chemistry. Of course they're different! I had a whitie gf and she didn't taste very good, I'm guessing it's cuz of all that burger/pizza/cheese stuff that was kind of offensive. On the other hand they were, in general, more horny and I found it more satisfying in bed than uptight Asian girls. On the other hand whities were self-righteous and kind of more bitchy than Asian girls when they have PMS. I guess you just have to find out what you like and just go for it. -studly asian man \_ Who are you, Studly Asian Man? -lonely asian girl \_ How-many-inches studly are you? \_ I've never had any problems finding horny asian chicks. They fuck with the best of 'em. \_ I think regardless of whether the Asian person was born in the U.S. or in Asia, there's a huge chance that he/she has eaten Asian food the majority of her life. (from living in the Asian community) I was told (by a white gf) that I have Asian taste (when we kissed) and of course since I've never kissed an Asian girl, I wouldn't know how THEY taste. These days, thanks to Altoids or Orbitz, you can simply mask all these undesirable "taste" in your mouth. \_ I use battery acid. After she's had a drink her natural taste is completely masked by the acid flavor *and* she won't be bitching at me for anything. Ever. |
2003/7/13 [Recreation/Food] UID:29019 Activity:high |
7/13 Coming to visit berkeley, want to go to chez panisse, do you think we'd need to make reservations for the restaurant? cafe? Are things slowed down enough such that we dont have to worry about the cafe? \_ Why don't you just call them? It will be faster and you will get a more accurate answer than by asking us. |
2003/6/19-20 [Recreation/Food] UID:28772 Activity:kinda low |
6/19 Here comes the gol-gappa seller/ He brings gol-gappa to us/ He sings in every street, making people smile as he walks/ Look, look, here he comes! \_ I'll bite. What's a gol-gappa? \_ indian lyrical gangster \- gol gappa = photchka = pani puri \- gol gappa = phutchka = pani puri where is that from? --psb \_ there's a link to an article about indian street food on the abcnews link below. \-"When street food is done properly," he says, "it's the most delicious food you can imagine. ^^^-> "Amen" --psb Also the comment associating a particular food with a time of year is really much truer there than here. things are more seasonal rather than year-around ... and have much more taste. indian food here is hobbled by vegetables here being tasteless or really expensive. --psb |
2003/6/12-13 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:28717 Activity:very high |
6/12 Goddammit, quitting caffeine (again) sucks. How the hell did I do it the last time, and how do I stay awake in the meantime? --erikred \_ Don't go cold turkey. \_ Too late. And now I'm a cranky bastard. --erikred \_ You *have* to. You can't slowly cut down. It never works. \_ How do people get addicted to caffeine? I used to have coffee and/or soda daily, but one day I just stopped, and I never really felt anything different. Was I not drinking enough? \_ Soda daily is not as likely to cause addiction. Two cups of coffee per day is much more likely. I got addicted when I started teaching (from zero to two cups per _morning_ in nothing flat). Also see: http://home.howstuffworks.com/caffeine.htm and http://home.howstuffworks.com/question480.htm \_ Ah ok. You take it all at once. If I do drink more than one cup, it's usually hours apart. \_ If you drink coffee, you've got a caffeine addiction. Try stopping and see how shitty you feel. Either that or you're getting it from somewhere else like massive amounts of chocolate. \_ Is this the same dumbass who said "no one drinks coffee for the taste"? \_ Not necessarily. I went on vacation for two weeks and never had a sip of coffee or soda and didn't feel any side effects. And I despise chocolate and most sweets. \_ Is this the dumbass who said "no one drinks coffee for the taste"? Get a life... \_ No and you've added nothing to this thread. Thanks for nothing. \_ Why are you quitting? If you want to zip thru the morning, eat half a melon for breakfast. Avoid carbs for lunch. If you crash in the evening, have a small cup of coffee to get you thru the last hours. \_ what does a melon do for helping you zip through the morning? Or are you just talking gastrointestinally? \_ Well, carbs are one form of brain food. Unfortunately, refined sugars zip in and then out of you too quickly, i.e. they pick pick you up, but then let you crash too quick. The carbs in fruit, like a melon, seems to be more time-released. So, at least for me, my thought processes and productivity were pretty incredible during the mornings. A low-carbo lunch helps to avoid having (or feeling) to take a nap in the afternoon. \_ Well, carbs are one form of brain food. Unfortunately, refined sugars zip in and then out of you too quickly, i.e. they pick pick you up, but then let you crash too quick. The carbs in fruit, like a melon, seems to be more time-released. So, at least for me, my thought processes and productivity were pretty incredible during the mornings. A low-carbo lunch helps to avoid having (or feeling) to take a nap in the afternoon. [corrected wrap] \_ Yeah like I would just make sure to take the final using the same drugs I studied on and it puts me in the same state of mind! \_ you are an idiot. -phuqm \_ Oh, thank you, guru! Tell me how else to fix my miserable life through your, populist/hippie/newage/media-hyped anecdote-driven, "nutritionalist" nonsense. \_ Believing it works is half the battle. \_ Why not just use crack? If you're going to be a drug addict, just do it right and stop playing around like a baby. \_ Wimp. Just fucking stop. \_ Oh, thank you, guru! Tell me how else to fix my miserable life through your tough-love method. \_ Kill yourself. \_ Would that prove that I'm hardcore? \_ It would improve your life. Proof is for the weak. \_ I've quit coffee a couple times, once was at the start of summer vacation, i had nothing to do and was too lazy to buy and make it for myself, (it was easy at the co-op) so i just quit. I had a headache for three days/nights straight, but then i was over it. The last time i quit i was working and the cold turkey thang was not an option. I did the gradual thing and it worked fine. for the first week or so i allowed myself one cup in the morning and then all the black tea i could drink. Then i went to just all the black tea i can drink, now i pretty much drink nothing but green-tea. I never had a headache, but i had desperate cravings for coffee, much worse than any i experienced when i quit cold (because i was at work, and I haven't had a job/school without chain drinking coffee since i was about 14). -phuqm \_ be a slave to your drug of choice! \_ I'm a slave to both my drugs of choice (caffeine and alcohol) but if i believe the populist-hippie-newage "nutritionalistis" like the one above then, hey, that's o.k. because green tea is good for me, so the 8 cups or so a day i drink are helping me stay healthy. -phuqm \_ Rice and green tea and living atop a mountain spinning prayer wheels and humming all day while mastering Bruce Lee moves will keep you healthy and young forever. \_ This is cool, phuqm, but I'm trying to quit caffeine, not just coffee. Sure, I'll still drink decaf (3-4mgs I can handle), but switching from coffee to green tea is like switching from crack to cocaine-- I don't just want to trade masters. ok, thnx --erikred |
2003/6/4-5 [Recreation/Food] UID:28636 Activity:very high |
6/4 What is the name of that Indian restaurant at the corner of Shattuck and University? Is it good? I thought I saw it on some news before. thanks \_ Viceroy? I've eaten there once before and the vegetarian food was decent. I have a friend who likes the chicken there, though I can't personally vouch for it. -sax \_ or do you mean Curry in a Hurry? \_ Curry in Hurry is ok. Cheap, some stuff is prtty good. I didn't like the lamb stuff too much. For the price and location not bad. Although I'd normally jsut spend a buck more and go to Naan 'n Curry on Telegraph. \_ Ew! No! Naan 'n Curry is greasy, bland, and awful. Try the vegetarian place on Dwight. -- athithi #1 fan \- the N&C on t'graph is inferior to the N&C in the 'loin. KhannaPeena on upper Solano seemed to be good quality based on one dinner but a little pricier. Dunno about their buffet. What kind of food is at athithi? That's a good name, meaning "guest". --psb \_ it's healthy, vegetarian stuff. Don't remember names, but stuff like cream of wheat with peas and other veggies, lentil soup, onion bread... I recommend the veggie squares and some sort of potato dumpling with a mint-cucumber sauce. Oh yeah there aren't any curries if that's what you're after. -- obviously not indian \- ok tnx. i was wondering if they had a regional desingation. they seemed pretty friends but empty unfortunately when i walked by there a while ago. is the place getting some business ... think they'll survive? --psb \_ By the way? Are there any tasty Indian dishes that are not very spicy? I have tried a few curries at Naan 'n Curry and sort of liked them but they were still too spicy for my tastes. \_ We know but we're not going to tell you cuz you're a wuss. \- a paneer should not be spicy. at some restaurants hotness may be negotiable. --psb \- try the korma (lamb or otherwise) -- not at all spicy \- you might try south indian food [madras, not andhra ... andhra might be the hottest cuisine in india]. the stuff from the south is often really hot [vindaloos] or totally nonhot [like yogurty stuff]. food from a lot of other parts of india often are at least a little spicy ... kormas can have chilli powder. but if you are so senstive even whole chillis make things too hot for you, you may have to negotiate with the kitchen. --psb |
2003/5/5-6 [Recreation/Food] UID:28341 Activity:high |
5/5 Dear Mr. Ethnic Food Hater, have you even considered the possibility that maybe YOUR food (hamburger, pizza, KFC) smells offensive to people of other culture, and perhaps you're just yet another by-product of the imperialistic, oppressive, and opinionated Euro-Anglo Saxon culture? \_ I dunno... I usually can't smell the burger my coworker in the next cube always has, yet I can smell curry from down the aisle. -!OP \_ and you don't realize how stupid you sound... \_ I don't agree. In what way does the above sound stupid? I'm neither the OP or the one you replied to. I simply disagree with your knee jerkism. \_ with the exception of microwave popcorn, white man food is generally odor free except in massive quantities. We don't eat soybean that smells like shit, for example. \_ Not true, I can smell McDonald's greasy fries from 50m. Anything with lots of garlic smells pretty strongly too (pepperoni, etc). And I am a white guy. \_ there is no garlic in pepperoni \_ You forgot "hegemon" and "colonialist" and how can you discuss any race related topic without calling someone "RACIST!"? C'mon, get with the program! If you're going PC, you should go all the way! \_ And protorapist, penile-centricism. Shut up before we bomb your country. \_ no fucking eating at the office then. |
2003/5/5-6 [Recreation/Food] UID:28335 Activity:high |
5/5 What do you do when your co-worker/cubiclemate eats stinky ethnic food in the cubicle and you can smell it but you're too nice to say anything about it because his wife cooked it and it drives you crazy cuz he eats it every day? \_ if you can find other people who are bothered, talk to the office manager and get him to post a "please eat stinky food in the kitchen" policy. \_ isn't "stinky" in the nose of the beholder? A lot of ppl hate wasabi but I love it. \_ wasabi's smell is very short range, even for very strong fresh wasabi. \_ problem is the other people are of the same/similar ethnicity and I'm the only white guy. Now what? \_ stop being such a stupid whiny fuck and get used to it. \_ yeah just suffer with your cube mate's smelly shitty stomach turning food. it's the white man's burden! \_ If you catch yellow fever you'll learn to love those smells. \_ smelly cheese. lots. limberger, tilton. \_ Durian, Chinese fried rotten tofu. Both are my favories but I know enought to not bring them to my workplace. \_ hmm... stinky tofu! I love stinky tofu. I actually love the smell. :-) Taiwanese stinky tofu tastes better than the mainland variety though. \_ try growing up... if it really bothers you that much, go eat your lunch in the cafeteria or wherever at the same time... or go work in a conference room for a bit or something. \_ there's nothing in anyone's employment contract that says they have to "grow up" or that it is in *any* way immature to have to sit next to someone who brings a lunch that can be smelled 10 cubes away. in *this* country it is offensive to be smelly or have anything on or near you that others can smell. Except in Berkeley of course, but I mean in this country. \_ ...now if only you could convince my French co-workers of this. \_ Lysol or scented air freshener. Spray it, leave for five minutes, and then come back. Keep this up and the smell of it or the food will drive one of you into retreat. \_ I fart in self defence. Smelly farts will cover up almost anything and probably offend his nose more than yours. \_ try stealing the guys girlfriend as payback... she's probably a h07 azn ch!c \_ What if she starts eating stinky tofu at your place? \_ Whitey cures all that. \_ Bring your own smelly food and compete. Put your bare feet or smelly socks up in between you when he's eating his slop. |
2003/5/1-2 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:28290 Activity:very high |
5/1 http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/05/01/farm.salmon.ap/index.html Now that I'm a vegetarian, I don't have to deal with BS like this. Best of luck to you meat eaters. -happy vegan \_ No, you get to deal with BS like the Organic Food mis- labelling legislation. labelling legislation. Lucky you. \_ Are you vegan or vegetarian? You know they color cheese too, right? Do you have to worry about your protein? -happy omnivore \_ they aslo color butter, not sure about Margarine. Natural butter is actually semi-transparent (like solidified oil as it should be) most of the time. \_ I'm vegan. I don't drink milk or eat cheese or eat eggs. No animal products. If you want to find out more, I strongly recommend John Robbins' Diet for a New America and The food revolution. -OP \_ How come all the veggie people look so unhealthy? \_ too bad veganism doesn't include knowing how to format motd posts correctly. \_ I'm a level 7 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow. \_ Level _FIVE_. Level _FIVE_ Vegan! You suck. \_ sorry \_ Is that like +7 Charisma? \_ as an omnivore I refuse to eat dyed cheese. Also the whole vegetarians need to worry about protein thing is pretty much a myth. \_ Vegetables and fruits have natural coloring in them. \_ ... and these colorings can often be used to roughly gauge the health or flavorfullness of a fruit or vegetable. dying farm-raised salmon so that is appears more "natural" just seems gross... not to mention deceitful on a certain level \_ Farming salmon seems like a responsible thing. No one would eat it if it was gray, but there's nothing wrong with it. --dim \_ There are problems and a great deal of research about it, particularly at UW School of Fisheries. The jury is still out. Nutrient loading down-gradient from the farms has been a particular issue as well as some concerns about escapees. \_ agreed. \_ You know, there's a reason why americans are so fat and sick. It's all about the food. You eat too much and also there's too much processed and packaged and "ready-to-eat" meals. If we all go back to our roots and start cooking from fresh ingredients again, we wouldn't be in this health crisis. -OP \_ Go back to our roots? You understand that almost everything in the market comes from another continent, right? That if we went back to our roots, there'd be nothing in CA to eat except fish and acorns and we're all outta fish! \_ BUZZ! Much of the produce you eat is grown in CA. Same with a lot of the meat and poultry if you buy decent quality meat. \_ Good try but only to a small degree and to zero for the more exotic items littering the typical veggie diet. \_ How is farming salmon any worse than you buying your veggies and lentil beans at Berkeley Bowl? You're still buying goods that have been prepared and shipped to you. \_ That's why I eat wild salmon. I've heard that the wild salmon who feed on plankton are more nutritious anyway. \_ Yeah! Support the wild salmon industry! -former salmon fisherman \_ Vegans are great, especially marinated with a red wine sauce and some vegetables on the side. (gotta love that corn fed beef). \_ Kids are better. Still soft and tender. So yummy! Not all stringy and fibrous like a vegan. \_ Damn it, you guys are making me hungry. |
2003/4/30 [Recreation/Food] UID:28277 Activity:kinda low |
4/29 Can someone remind me what is the name of the circular, hotel-top place in SF around Embarcadero where people go for "romantic dates"? I think it's a dining / bar area on top of Marriot or some big hotels around there where you have a cicular view of the bay. And, what's the likely of me getting a dinner reservation for this Friday night? \_ Go the Union Square and buy a homeless guy some food to show her your caring sensitive 90's side. Show her that you're in touch with your nurturing caring feminine inner self. Women like that. \_ Equinox. No problems getting a reservation. \- if you want to go somewhere for a date, go to aquarello or merenda. m is a little cheeper than a. going to equinox, julius castle,carnellian room etc is stupid. "the view" at the top of the marriot is ok, but i would avoid it on a friday night ... it is a really cheesy scene. same for top of the mark. if you go to the view, get an "absolut kamikaze" --psb \- beach chalet is ok for a date too. lower budget. --psb \_ Speaking of which, inquiring minds want to know how the Potempkin went. \- i dont potemkin and tell. \_ On Sunday mornings the Equinox hosts a jazz brunch and 103.7 (KKSF) broadcasts from the restaurant. It is an all inclusive brunch, read as much liquor you want to drink on a Sunday morning, but price is about $50 per person. I've spent almost four hours eating, drinkin, and being merry so it is well worth the price, but almost more suited for a group of people going together than a date. --dre \_ Ritz Carlton brunch is $50 per person. Take your pick. |
2003/4/25-26 [Recreation/Food] UID:28223 Activity:high |
4/25 Hola, I have a Potempkin Date(tm) tonight at the Kabuki theater, Sf. Any food recommendations in that area? Real restaurant, not burrito facility or equivalent. Ok tnxx. --psb BTW, has anyone eaten at the Parkside restaurant on 17th St? \_ Partha, baby darling. Are you a good kisser? (^_-) \_ What is a potempkin (sic) date? Are you trying to pass for straight to your parents or something? \_ Smack! Nice \- hmm, that is one interpretation of potemkin date. no, that's something that looks like a date but isnt. i'm the king of potemkin dates. anyone been to parkside? --psb \_ so what's the deal here? Are you paying a whore to go out with you? Is that where the fake part comes in? \_ what's the origin of the word? \- p'kin village (ukraine) -> p'kin thermostat (barrows hall) -> p'kin date (psb). --psb \_ In the days of Catherine the Great, her advisors came up with the idea of building elaborate fake villages to impress her with how well they were taking care of the peasants. The inventor of this strategy was named Potemkin. Now, any elaborate ruse designed to put a false good front on things can be called a Potemkin village. \_ So this means you are trying to impress someone with a fake social life? \_ he's trying to impress CSUA geeks by misusing a term they're unlikely to understand. \_ it's possible he's attempting to meet demands from source genetic material \_ Hmmm. I thought psb was blonde-obsessive. That does not compute, unless the source has changed overall parameters. |
3/15 |