3/15 |
2004/5/4 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29990 Activity:high |
/54 Please come back to csua paolo, we promise to be nicer this time -paolo #1 fan \_ we forgive you for the motd fuckup, please come back so that we can ridicule you again!!! \_ why did paolo change his name to pst? \_ he said something once that it was a good way for dealing with spam. It's not the first time he's changed his CSUA (and OCF) login. |
2004/5/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:29984 Activity:very high |
5/4 /csua/tmp is full. Thanks tom: 293032 -r-xr-xr-x 1 tom wheel 299905024 Jan 29 15:51 moab-munifest.avi \_ why post this to the MOTD instead of mailing me? Oh right, you're an anonymous coward. -tom \_ Because nobody likes you, everybody hates you, we think you should eat worms... \_ so do you plan to remove the file? \_ certainly not because of some MOTD posting. If someone wants to ask me directly, I'll consider it. (It was placed there at the specific request of another CSUA member). -tom \- you know tom, this bit of pigheadedness surprises even me. i dont think you are being picked on here ... you own the largest file there by a factor of two. has something changed in your life to ratchet up your bitterness level? it seem to jump up at some point recently ... i only ask out of intellectual curiosity. you can continue to bray about the AMC but help everyone else out by deleting the damn file. --psb \_ Does 'pigheadedness' have etymology related to 'go stick your head in a pig'? -- ilyas \_ Publicly-readable files account for only 30% of the disk usage in /csua/tmp. \_ do you think its usefulness to the other csua member might have expired in the last 3 months? \_ why don't you download it and see? -tom \_ i am beginning to understand this general animus towards tom. \_ the greater your level of contact the more you'll understand. he's just got a self esteem problem because he never got a degree but is surrounded by those who do or soon will. \_ Except I personally know a few people who never graduated, and don't have this problem... |_ /csua/tmp should be self-monitored. It's quite rude to leave huge files there, esp if you know that the filesystem is full. asshole. \_ It's also quite rude to insult someone in a public forum, instead of asking them politely. Asshole. -tom \_ i'll just note that bad behavior on one part does not justify or excuse bad behavior on another, just as rudeness on one does not justify or excuse rudeness on another. \_ Yes. Unless it's tom. Speaking of resource abuse, whatever happened to the alumni donation thing? I'd like to donate maybe 50 bucks but I still don't see a PayPal link and what not. Maybe I should just donate to the Stanford computing facility. -guy doing CSMS@Stanford \_ there is a difference between what is expected and what is justified. \_ Being rude to tom is always justified. \_ since I ever met tom in 1992 he's been rude and inconsiderate. he has contributed very little except hostile, condescending remarks, and now this. It's not the first time, and it will not be the last. It has been 12 years since I've known him and very little has changed. I really think we should squish him. \_ "now this"? I put a file requested by another CSUA member into a directory intended to allow CSUA members to share files. How horrific! As for my contributions, I was CSUA VP for two semesters--what have *you* done? And there are files > 100MB which have been there for over 2 years; why do you care about mine? Oh, right, because you're an anonymous coward. Shit, I've been trolled. -tom \_ I don't see what anonymity has to do with the size of the file. And I certainly don't buy into anonymity as a justification for pointless ad hominem. Chill, dude. -mice \_ Why are you talking about the file? The post tom responded to is just an anonymous smear and request to "squish him". You're fucking insane if you think his response was somehow out of line. What ad hominem? Wtf is wrong with u people. \_ Uhm, did you even read the post the guy is replying to? Train harder, grasshopper. \- because not removing the file is "out of line" with arguing with the fellow in the motd. nobody is saying tom should be squished or shouldnt argue with this fellow. but he should have done something with the file. his stubbornness over this makes him either stupid or an asshole ... or possibly somehow psycho- logically disturbed. --psb \_ Because yours was the largest file. That was hard. Try engaging your brain occasionally. \_ Irrelevant. It's still a relatively small usage of the filesystem. \_ FYI, signing as "guy doing CSMS@Stanford" does not count as de-anonymizing yourself. You might as well not sign at all if you're not going to give your username. \_ I think that was about the donation part, not the tom part. \_ Speaking of resource abuse, whatever happened to the alumni donation thing? I'd like to donate maybe 50 bucks but I still don't see a PayPal link and what not. Maybe I should just donate to the Stanford computing facility. -guy doing CSMS@Stanford \_ Why do you guys always pick on tom? Just because he's a bit rude, hostile, and censors the motd like some nanny is no reason to abuse him all the time. Seriously, I feel badly for him. He's working as some IT peon at one of the greatest universities on the face of the planet and literally surrounded by people smarter and better educated than himself since he never graduated. Of course he's bitter and hostile. Why don't you guys just accept him as he is and let him feel important once in a while? He'll mellow once you accept him as one of us. \_ hahahahhaaha this has got to be one of the best responses I've ever read. It deserves the best motd post of the week. \_ you hypocrites sound like pathetic high schoolers \_ well apaprently there is space on /csua/tmp now, and moab*.avi is still there, so whatever. \_ So the moral of the story is: Most CSUAers are helpful and cooperative, but tom is a jerk. \_ Here is what is going on: Tom is proud of whatever is in that file [thus the helpful suggestion "why don't you dl it and see"] and he wants to keep it there to point to or for people to stumble on. If he were to delete it, putting it back without "someone asked me to put it there" would just look pathetic. No, I don't know why he doesn't just put it on a web page. \_ It's really simple. I'm not going to respond to some anonymous coward's attempt to disparage me on the MOTD. If someone wants to make it a personal request, I'll consider it. The file is a video made at the 2003 Moab MUniFest, and I think it could be of interest to people, but the original purpose of putting it in /csua/tmp was that randal wanted to see it, and I don't have personal web space where I can stick 300MB. -tom \_ You guys are bad. Tom picked on me once, but this thread is a little mean. \_ You reap what you sow... |
2004/5/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29979 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 csua wall is dying. so is nwrite, talk, and motd. how sad. \_ We'll all text-message each other on our CSUA mobile phones, which will have CPUs faster than soda and run *nix. \_ want to know what killed it? IRC (1992). ICQ (1994). AIM (1996). YIM (1997). MSN Messenger (1998). Mobile text messaging (2000). Eudora/POP/IMAP/Affordable desktop/laptops (now people don't have to log into soda to check email). And finally, lack of CSUA effort to 1) make a more friendly frontend for nwrite/talk, something that the better programmars at XCF have no problem writing and 2) get more members involved 3) tom scaring newbies from using soda. \_ Hi paolo! \_ paolo is sexy \_ well he's mostly right. -knows paolo \_ well he's mostly right. -!doesn't know paolo \_ behold, kchang has risen from squishdom and is striking with righteous fury at his old enemies! \_ well he's mostly right. -!doesn't know kchang \_ How is motd "dying"? It seems to get more posts than ever. \_ case u haven't noticed it's mostly from ilyas, tom, and psb \_ I like that definition of 'mostly.' For instance, let's measure the fraction of the threads currently signed by above three, versus all other threads. -- ilyas \_ it's a dumb and obviously false statement even if you only count signed posts. since a majority of posters do not sign, it's beyond idiotic. just ignore it. \_ Obviously someone needs to take the time to write a script that will record motd editing frequency per account, and settle this argument once and for all. |
2004/5/2-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:29949 Activity:insanely high |
5/1 If the motd is nuked again, the following will restore it (it's a hidden feature): lynx -dump 'http://csua.com/?text=2day > /etc/motd.p ublic \_ kchang's archive only updates a few times a day, right? \_ 6 times during peak hours and twice at night. It's really meant to be used as a search/engine for old entries and doesn't have the quick, interactive feel of motd,v. By the way entries from 1998-2003 are now posted, you can check out all the stupid comments tom made http://csua.com/?q=tom&start=0&type=hist \_ Why would I want to read tom's old stupid comments when I can get them fresh everyday right now? It isn't like he's ever changed (grown up) or anything. \_ and you're the model of maturity. \_ you didn't sign your name so you're stupid and your opinion has no value. --irony #1 Fan \_ ~tse/motd,v \_ Gary, I thought you had a life?! \_ No married man has a life. You should know that. \_ BDG, is that you? |
3/15 |
2004/5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW] UID:29943 Activity:high |
5/1 mehlhaff, why did you stop your motd archive? \_ Why don't you just run your own? It isn't magic. \_ I think that binary flood was designed to break motd archive. \_ Checking the file type and length before archiving wouldn't be a difficult addition for those who care. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13503 Activity:nil |
4/30 on average, motd is posted by at most 3-5 different people a day. I make this conclusion based on the fact that for the past 2 weeks, I actually wrote 1/3-1/2 of the posts. It's actually quite sad. \_ Someone is being nice enough to post a job listing. If you don't like recruiters, fine: Just don't apply for the job. Don't prevent other people from applying. \_ For you or for the motd? \_ For him, I guess. I, and I hope most people, only post to the motd once or twice a day. \_ Obligatory "One person writes 1/3-1/2 of the posts? Now it makes sense!" \_ there are at least 10 users who sign their posts. i know of several ppl who post but dont sign their posts. Of the anonymous posters, several personas (could be the same person?): Anti-Semite, Jew, Arab, NeoCon, TrueCon, Libertarian #1-N, Liberal, Bleeding Heart Liberal, Con who hates Bush, Deaniac, Kucinich Freak, Taiwan (pro and con current govt), the several users getting married, divorced, single, wnat to get laid, etc. \_ Bastard! You forgot me!!! --Nader '04! \_ wait! I want to get laid! That one must be me! \_ i'm trying to figure out who i am. \_ The motd is no place to search for self-enlightenment. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13489 Activity:very high 80%like:13482 50%like:10961 |
4/29 Help, Al Qaeda has infiltrate csua and nuking motd is!!! \_ CSUA Motd has Yoda as member, not! \_ Actually... soda:[~] finger yoda Login: yoda Name: Sean Yoda Rouse Directory: /home/sequent/yoda Shell: /usr/local/bin/ksh Last login Thu Apr 22 15:02 (PDT) on ttyBu from New mail received Fri Apr 30 10:17 2004 (PDT) Unread since Fri Apr 30 05:57 2004 (PDT) No Plan. ... though I suppose it's an unanswerable question whether yoda@soda (I love that) is a "member of CSUA Motd". What exactly constitutes motd membership? -- ulysses \_ [formatd] \_ b/w al qaeda & the u.s., the world knows that only the u.s. definately has nukes!!! so, it might be the u.s. nuking the motd.. if it is al qaeda, it is blasting airplanes into the motd!! \_ Israel has nukes! It must be the evil Jews! Kill the Jews! Think of the children! Save the motd whales! \_ Thinking like this will destabalize the Middle East for generations. \_ w00t! \_ I think I will institute a new rule. Anytime my posts are deleted three times in a row, either by malice or by cowardly ssh'ing scumbags who refuse to use motd, I will nuke the motd. Sound fair? ssh'ing scumbags, I will nuke the motd. Sound fair? \_ Nukes are not the answer -liburl \_ I like Bush! -moron \_ I like bush too! -lesbian \_ I like Bush! -moron \_ I like bush and Bush! -Mary Cheney \_ just run your own motd archive if you want to restore after a nuke. that's what i did, after mehlhaff stopped his. obtw, how often does motd update from motd.public? i'd like to make sure i have a good sampling rate. \_ fyi, from looking at mehlhaff's log, it looked like his was done every two minutes \_ That's the default with motdwatch. See "/csua/bin/motdwatch -h" to see how to make your own motd archive. \_ yep, though i didn't even bother with motdwatch. i am running mine every 120 seconds, because that's the motdwatch standard, but i am still curious if that is sufficient. \_ I'd venture to guess that the time between motd changes follows a power-law distribution, and so there's diminishing returns as you watch ever more closely. Since almost all changes are simple non conflicting additions and subtractions, you really only need to watch often enough to catch most changes that orrur right before a nuke. \_ you would be right if you were not interested in microchanges in the motd. me, i like to make sure i can recover if someone just wants to censor a particular comment or thread (cf. the guy who's trying to kill the java job ad). \_ speaking of which, what's a good way to automate the rotating of the archive, assuming i don't have access to cron/at? \_ I'd make a monitoring program generate filenames based on `date "+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S"` and then purge stuff older than a day or so. ssh'ing scumbags, I will nuke the motd. Sound fair? \_ Get lost, loser. \_ Nukes are not the answer -liburl sure i have a good sampling rate. `date "+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S"` and then purge stuff older than a day or so. \_ find . \! -mtime 1 -exec /bin/rm {} \; \_ i was going to make it based on -size, but yes. |
2004/4/29-30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:13482 Activity:kinda low 80%like:13489 |
4/29 Help, Al Qaeda has infiltrated csua and is nuking motd!!! \_ Help! FOBs have inflitrated the CSUA and are posting barely grammatical, article-less sentences! |
2004/4/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13464 Activity:moderate |
4/29 I've become addicted to the motd and can't get any work done, what should I do??? \_ Welcome to the club. \_ go on craigslist to ask for help \_ get yourself squished? \_ go to http://csua.com and read only the categories you're interested at. Skip everything in Politics (mostly trolls) and you'll be fine. |
2004/4/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13351 Activity:nil |
4/23 I've estimated that on average, motd is managed by 5 people, some of which have split personality giving motd the illusion that it's editted by ~10-15 users. The only people who really post are: tom, psb, ilyas, and others who average to ~2 users/day. Total: 5 \_ I estimate the actual number who post with any regularity is at least 20. A much bigger number reads regularly. -- ilyas \_ You're not paying close enough attention. \_ on what do you base this estimate? \_ missed me! \_ You're saying 5 users a day? No way. -jrleek \_ Mormon alert! \_ We're everywhere. -emarkp \_ Ahh! Run for the hills! \_ So what did you guys think of "Orgazmo"? |
2004/4/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13321 Activity:nil |
4/21 http://cal.berkeley.edu/directory/index.asp?msg=2 "Thomas Holub", "Tom Holub" -> There were no records found matching your request. "Partha Banerjee" -> There were no records found matching your request. When did they graduate? Degrees? \_ Graduate? Degrees? \_ Old motd saying: The ways of men do not apply to psb. As for tom, maybe it was a tragedy of the commons. \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~pst/csua/CSUA_Activist.html "The majority of the online csua community was composed of older legacy Associate Members, creating a "ol' Boys Club" which actively created an atmosphere in which the newer members were treated as inferior sub-citizens... " Paolo is talking about tom. It's been a long time since this has been tried, but I think now is a good time to squish tom. \_ paolo wrote that like 4 years ago, why do ANY of you care? who is cranky old tom-hater? I still don't know. i am sad about your pathetic life. \_ sup party peepz! That wasn't about tom. - pst (who didn't know about tom until 6 months after he wrote that). \_ First, you need some non-anonymous person to complain. \_ It works best if the complainant happens to be the girlfriend of a polit bureau member. \_ What misconduct specifically are you accusing Tom of? He's not even participating as much as he used to, so it's hard to make the case that he's creating a more hostile environment than has been cheerfully tolerated in the past. He hasn't walled anything about twink points in quite some time. I also believe that he labels his motd posts, and the nastiest, most evil posts are always anonymous. --PeterM \_ I'm hurt, peter. I try my hardest to be evil, and it just goes unnoticed. You don't send me flowers. --scotsman \_ My posts are always nasty and evil, and I sign too... -- ilyas \_ Your non-nasty post is much like the statement "this statement is false." I find it amusing. \_ Sorry, I ve been taking a lot of recursion theory recently. -- ilyas \_ Actually, tom walled about twink points yesterday. \_ not even worth further comment. |
2004/4/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:13281 Activity:nil |
4/20 Can we please have a separate motd.public for politics, tech, and misc? if we have separate motd.public, we can enable the motd.tech by default for newbies (I'm sure they'll appreciate it) while disabling motd.politics which is usually filled with offensive, non-PC flame/troll baits. \_ No. \_ I think that's a good idea. \_ Do it then ass monkey. Make a file called /var/tmp/motd.boring and see how many people you can talk into using it. \_ proposal: /etc/motd.tech enabled by default /etc/motd.humor enabled by default /etc/motd.politics disabled by default /etc/motd.misc disabled by default /etc/motd concatination of the above files Enabling motd by default should encourage more people to participate on motd so if psb/tom decide to get a life (they're having mid 30 something crisis for heavens sake) there will still be motd continuation. \_ proposal: 1) fuck off 2) find some other online forum to ruin with your idiocy \_ Problem 1: Trolls will only touch the files that are displayed by default. Problem 2: Some technical posts inevitable spawn political threads, whice leads to the post's deletion. Problem 3: Humor posts are semi-rare, and often offensive. Do they really deserve their own file? Why not merge into politics? \_ One of the purposes of the MOTD (and the csua) is social interaction. I think, even more appropriate than tech posts are posts like "Volleyball 3-5 PM on Friday" or "CSUA movie run to see Monty Python at the Paramount". One of the significant deleterious effects of all the anonymous trolling that goes on is that there's too much noise to get any signal through. But splitting the MOTD up won't help with that. I think putting it under RCS/CVS (so usage is logged) would. -tom \_ Monty Python? Volleyball? tom, you are OLD. \_ Funny posts are usually not intentional and even when they are they are usually part of a post about one of the other subjects. so having a humor file doesn't make sense. |
2004/4/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13260 Activity:nil |
4/18 csua has a tradition of making fun of people. Take kinney, kchang, dickeylee, and many many many others for example. Who is our target now? -bored alumni \_ How about root? \_ Give us your name! \_ Your jackal kind sickens me. -- ilyas \_ I believe our target is ilyas... There was a time when csua was pretty vicious (and more interesting) and the corrupted politburo members squished people like flys but those days seem to be long gone. Anyways, tell us about the stars ilyas!!! \_ Give us your name, and it can be you! \_ Care to explain that motd-meme? \_ I said it before and I'll say it again. I'll take on all you little snots. One-handed. Whoop! -Fuzzy Bunny |
2004/4/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13251 Activity:nil |
4/18 ERic -- i think your motd archiving died sometime on Friday. \_ Anytime soda gets fux0red people have to restart their monitoring. Not to mention, it eats up part of their disk quota. Is there any chance of the CSUA powers to make a simple archive script and a little dedicated space part of the system? It's there for wall. \_ oh my goodness... you mean you haven't converted to http://csua.com ?? \_ You should check its FAQ for its very severe technical limitations. Among them is that it only logs 4 times a day. \_ that's more a policy limitation than technical. \_ The question is, why does it only log 4 times a day? Why not use existing logging infrastructure that mehlhaff uses, and combine it with the 'more userfriendly' UI that kchang uses? \_ Because it's running on linux. We use freebsd here. \_ You realize how dumb this reply is, right? They both probably use perl and that's it. Moron. \_ what does this have to do with technical limitation? It's set to 4 times a day for a reason. \_ I talked to kchang and he was reluctant to increase the frequency as it'll increase the number of unfiltered trolls, but I got him to increase it to 8 times a day -kais motd root \_ Just up the frequency some more, and I ll hack up a statistical troll detector. -- ilyas \_ riiiiiiight. \_ kchang is worried about trolls? whatever. |
2004/4/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13210 Activity:high |
4/14 To the poster who suggested on making motd default for new accounts, I say no. Motd/wall usage is for the elite only, and newbies should have read only access until they gain the respect of the elite, and it is until then, that they have full access to motd/wall -elite alumni, 91 \_ You think you're elite? Hah. you are a FOOL. The elite are so lazy that they'd never induct anyone new into the Motd Brotherhood. \_ You're not so 318 as you think. They can already read the motd with out an account. And don't bring the wall into this. The wall is just the playpen for an inclusive little clique discussing their STDs and cricket scores. The motd has useful information on it. \_ I think it was a troll, guys. \_ You're the only one not in on the joke. Sorry. -- 23184U \_ Wow, I guess I'm just not 1337. |
2004/4/14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29925 Activity:nil |
4/13 http://csua.com \_ DUDE! |
2004/4/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13191 Activity:nil |
4/14 amazing. simply amazing. http://csua.com (thanks psb via james) - rory \_ What the... He goes through and stores and indexs the motd everyday? \_ no it's fully automatic \_ All the more so since I thought that kchang's account was sorried ages ago, though I don't really follow these things. -- ulysses \_ Well, I can't find a kchang though finger, so he must be gone. The motd is available on the web though, right? But the real question is, why does he care? WHY? -jrleek \_ Why do we care? \_ I have a facination with the bizzare. \_ because the motd is actually a huge wealth of knowledge on unix, c++, etc interspersed with obnoxious uselss (though entertaining) ranting, and a categorized and well-done archive actually makes all the information accessible and useful. - rory \_ grep kchang /etc/passwd kchang:*:8710:100:Kevin Chang,none,none, none:/home/apollo/kchang:/usr/local/bin/tcsh \_ Why was he sorried? http://csua.com/?entry=10961 http://csua.com/?q=kchang+sorried \_ it's lame if he were really tricked. \_ insulting him on the MOTD isn't "tricking him into writing a motd deletion script." \_ fag is 'hate speech' not insult. \_ Automatically adding stuff should be squishable too. Was that guy found and sorried as well? \_ I wasn't here, but i'd bet not. It seems like a bunch of crap that he was sorried, and i'm glad to see he's back, especially since this motd thing is cool. -phuqm \_ oh my, this is IRONIC!!! checking out why he got squished on his own very creation. it's killing Mr. Winchester with his own gun. \_ should he be squished again? from http://csua.com/?entry=faq1 Couldn't I break the system by totally messing up the motd entries? \_ You sure could. Please do try, preferably using a motd mudging script, croned, forked bombed, that uses a lot of cpu time. \_ search, auto categorized, and prefetched/cached contents. it's a csua-killer app. there was a time when I thought he was an idiot, but now i think he is a really cool idiot. |
2004/4/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29920 Activity:insanely high |
4/13 If you were the almighty root and you could squish anyone you want without any consequences, who would you squish? Vote now: kinney: . kinney's affiliates: . tom holub: ... psb: . you: the anonymous motd censor(s): . freeper kook: ... paolo/pst/prole: .. \_ no ballot-stuffing, please \_ Wow! You're STILL grinding the axe over paolo vs. the motd almost 3 years later! You Win the 'I Have No Life' award! \_ what's the paolo controversy? -noob \_ Actually, the paolo controversy involved paolo auto-deleting the motd. \_ Post September 11, 2001, some lovely motd denizen posted some hateful Anti-Arab trash, something related to hunting down and killing or something else just as enlightened. A number of people were upset about this, some of whom are of Arab descent. The politburo, led by paolo as the president at the time, decided to turn off the motd for a few days as a 'cooling down.' A couple of fuckwits who don't understand the 1st amendment started carping about 'free speech,' and that's the paolo controversy. I believe there was also the issue that the motd was publicly accessible through the CSUA web site. \_ yes, this caused the motd.public (formermly at <DEAD>soda/motd<DEAD> to be pulled down. And wasn't some script of paolo's also the origin of the no auto- editting of the motd edict? \_ I believe kchang was squished for auto-editing the motd. I remember paolo was also criticized for having a script, but there was some controversy over his non-squshing. \_ Yes, kchang was squished for an offense paolo was not squished for. I believe either paolo should be squished, or kchang unsquished, in the interests of fairness. The amount of time that has passed since the incident isn't really relevant -- unfair is unfair. That paolo didn't volunteer to have this cleared up in some way doesn't speak well for him. -- ilyas \_ Cool. tom and ilyas probably form a united front on an issue. \_ So, how similar or different were kchang and paolo's actions? Also, kchang is unsquished. \_ Are you dissing paolo because he hasn't asked the CSUA to squish him? That seems a pretty stiff moral standard. \_ Please don't feed him his lines like that. It's embarassing to both of you. \_ Rigid beliefs. -- ilyas \_ In SOVIET RUSSIA, PAOLO squishes YOU! \_ The fact that you think this matters speaks volumes. \_ IIRC, kchang was squished for numerous offences, not just auto-editing. \_ that's right, it was also for harrassment \_ That you censored all the responses to your statement doesn't speak well for you. \_ You forgot to mention the person whose complaints led to the motd ban happened to be sleeping with Paolo at the time. \_ I fail to see how this really matters, general jealousy about paolo not being a virgin aside. \_ Can paolo be impartial adjudging a claim brought by his girlfriend? \_ I think that makes me respect him MORE. \_ Was this also the cause of the motd no longer displaying automatically on login for new members? I don't believe in abusing power, even with no consequences: .. |
2004/4/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13181 Activity:kinda low 50%like:13150 |
4/12 \_ um, whatever happened to the Soda alumni donation thing? My guess is that most of them got cheap and paid... ZELO DOLLAH!!! \_ I think what happened is that the students got picky. The recent thread where it was said CSUA needed 40 terabytes of disk, an LTO2 tape silo, and 14 3.6 GHz CPUs (or something almost as ridiculous) turned me off. \_ amen, brother. \_ me too. current offers of alum donations that are being sniffed at and turned away as useless crap are way way better than what was available for real class work, in the labs, or previous incarnations of soda when we were students. you don't need hundreds of top end cpus, peta bytes of storage and 10 gigabit switches to run a student login, motd, wall, and smtp/imap/pop box. if there weren't so many snotty greedy unappreciative brats here there'd be more alum help. \_ while we'd like what you've listed above, as i've said here before, we'll take whatever we can get that is better then what we've got. erikk \_ Hey asswipe, I gave $500 last time the CSUA passed the hat and would do it again, if the Politburo would get its stuff together and make a proposal. -alumnus \_ Curious, did anyone even thank you? I got zippo thanks for my last donation. -never again alum \_ well, i can't do much about the past, except to thank you and everyone else who has donated to the csua. ideally, we'd have a well run donations system. but such a system takes time and we can't seem to scrape up enough of that to handle something like the faculty retreat as well as i would like to. i know its a tired excuse, but its the truth. erikk \_ No, but I would still give again. \_ where can we get a list of the donation record? I'd like to see something similar to opera where there's a sheet of top X million $ donations, followed by Y million $ donations, etc for building/funding the opera house. \_ Top donor gets their name stenciled onto the CSUA bat in gold letters. Second highest doner gets their name spelled out in slices of pepperoni on the next pizza given away at a General Meeting. \_ Third prize is, you're fired. \_ I contacted the VP who posted to the motd, and asked him to keep me updated on when they had specified a plan (via the motd and email), and I'd donate at that point. Haven't heard back yet... \_ if you're not Donald Trump, they don't want to hear from ya \- Just out of curiosity, why does the CSUA need money? How much do you get from EJC, ASUC, CS dept? --psb, former chief of CSUA money laundering operation |
2004/4/12-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13150 Activity:high 50%like:13181 |
4/12 So what happened to soda? I see nothing in Official. \_ yeah, wha'appened? \_ I heard soda had a power outage --scotsman \_ Campuswide power outage, haas isn't even back yet. - pst \_ it wasn't campuswide. at least some parts of south side had power the whole time. \_ That's why I couldn't get to the main http://www.berkeley.edu page either. \_ What type of machine is soda now? Does it have a UPS? \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/computing/hardware/soda-mark-vi.html and no. - pst \_ A UPS that could last the 2 minutes it would take to do a clean shutdown and send an automated message to all logged on users about it might cost as much as $75. \_ Genuinely curious: how do you determine how long a UPS will support a machine off the grid? \_ A UPS should have a rating of AH (amp-hours) or WH (watt- hours). Also, mAH are milli-amp-hours. 1000mAH = 1AH. 1 Amp-hour at 120V = 120 Watt-hours. If your whole system is drawing 500 watts, it will stay up for 1 hour for every 500 watt-hours your battery has. Oh, also, the VA (volt-amp) rating tells you the maximum amount of power you can draw. Of course, having soda stay up doesn't help much when all the routers go down. \_ this is why you use apmd, and only get enough battery to shut soda down safely. As was said above, it's cheap and effective. --scotsman \_ The routers aren't on UPS?! \_ that would cost another $49.95 per router to survive through the length of most power outages. \_ I think your number is a bit low. Routers draw a LOT. Generally a good deal more than any tower case. \_ It all depends on the size of the router. My router at home is 20W, tops. \_ Hrm. Last I checked, we were talking about SODA. Useless... \_ um, whatever happened to the Soda alumni donation thing? My guess is that most of them got cheap and paid... ZELO DOLLAH!!! \_ I think what happened is that the students got picky. The recent thread where it was said CSUA needed 40 terabytes of disk, an LTO2 tape silo, and 14 3.6 GHz CPUs (or something almost as ridiculous) turned me off. \_ amen, brother. \_ me too. current offers of alum donations that are being sniffed at and turned away as useless crap are way way better than what was available for real class work, in the labs, or previous incarnations of soda when we were students. you don't need hundreds of top end cpus, peta bytes of storage and 10 gigabit switches to run a student login, motd, wall, and smtp/imap/pop box. if there weren't so many snotty greedy unappreciative brats here there'd be more alum help. \_ Hey asswipe, I gave $500 last time the CSUA passed the hat and would do it again, if the Politburo would get its stuff together and make a proposal. -alumnus \_ Curious, did anyone even thank you? I got zippo thanks for my last donation. -never again alum \_ No, but I would still give again. \_ dude, please give me $500. I'm poor and starving and I eat cup-o-noodle every other day just to save money. And Westwood rent is a rip-off -ucla cs student \_ Weren't you just bragging about all the 19 y.o. hardbody LA chixs you were nailing? Don't expect any sympathy from me. \_ You'd think that an enterprising young ucla cs student would have recorded his exploits and sold access on his website. \_ Yeah! uclacsstudent #1 fan \_ where can we get a list of the donation record? I'd like to see something similar to opera where there's a sheet of top X million $ donations, followed by Y million $ donations, etc for building/funding the opera house. \_ Top donor gets their name stenciled onto the CSUA bat in gold letters. Second highest doner gets their name spelled out in slices of pepperoni on the next pizza given away at a General Meeting. |
2004/4/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13146 Activity:insanely high |
4/11 erikred, stop spamming kinney's shit on the motd. post it on the web and give a link for those who give a shit. \_ identify yourself, censor \_ it isn't censorship. it is restoring sanity. stop abusing the motd. \_ then identify yourself, "sanity restorer" \_ It's at least 2 people, possibly more. \_ And yet you deleted the whole motd. Let's be reasonable. When has the motd REALLY been sane? \_ No, I restored it after someone else zeroed it. There's a difference between the usual gamut of stupid shit on the motd and countless pages of kinney's crap which could just as easily have been posted by URL instead of full text just like most everything else here. If the NYT only gets a link, kinney doesn't get 25 paragraphs. \_ It's better than reading you whine. Quitcher bitchin. \_ Agreed. \_ lol, you idiot, dans was posting kinney's email. He said as much. I'm the one who suggested that he create a blog for Kinney at blogspot. --erikred \_ It pisses me off that cool shit gets posted to the motd on the weekend and as soon as the first grumpy old man logs in on monday morning, it's all toast. \_ What, is less on soda broken? -dans |
2004/4/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13145 Activity:nil |
4/12 A small reminder, automated adding stuff to motd is a squishable offense. \_ The rule is: "Destruction of the MOTD (by repeated deletion, jive, or any other method) is severly frowned upon and will result in the termination of your account. Making the motd extremely long is not cool either. Don't be a hoser." /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd \_ unless you're paolo. \_ paolo is god. He works at Intel Berkeley Research Lab. |
2004/4/8 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29911 Activity:high |
4/8 Can you guys PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave messages on for at least 12 hours before deleting them? I don't poll motd at work every hour so I miss some of the posts, and I don't like to use mehlhaff's user unfriendly rcs archive. Thanks. \_ what's user-unfriendly about vi? \_ If every worthless troll was left up for 12 hours, the motd would be 50 pages long. Do you really want that? \_ I think it'd be more like 20 pages, and yes, I want that. -!op \_ i also want that. so do a lot of people. censors are basically bad people, and are a minority...just like in society at large. \_ motd archives exist. just do a restore after the censors delete. i do for threads i care about. \_ no one should have to "just do a restore" to go see what they might have missed because some pedantic selfish self righteous self inflated asshole thinks he knows what does and does not belong on the motd. \_ what's user-unfriendly about less/more? |
2004/4/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13084 Activity:high |
4/7 Motd tip of the day: Consider writing your post in a text-editor with a spelling/grammar check. Correct, copy, and paste. \_ Motd tip of the year: Go fuck yourself. \_ Motd too impollsiv for that lah. |
2004/4/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13031 Activity:nil |
4/5 Dude, can you guys PLEASE PLEASE wait 12 hours before deleting a helpful message (relating to tech/computer/sysadm/etc)? Thank you. \_ fuck you. when people delete politics, tech stuff gets deleted. \_ You pathetic baboon, what does deleting political crap have to do with someone nicely asking that informative tech posts be kept? Grow up. -John \_ John, stop deleting stuff, and stop using racial slurs \_ neither should get *censored* but it seems to be a very simple lesson in tit for tat. some people want the motd to be techie-only and censor things they don't care about. they don't listen to those who have asked for years to not do that so you're now seeing the response of frustrated last resort. the lesson is something your mother should have taught you by age 5: treat others as you'd have them treat you. there's nothing sacred about techie posts. \_ Wait, take this example: Person A Makes a technical post. Person B makes a political post. Person C delete's B's post. You're saying it makes sense for B to delete A's post? That sounds like completely ineffective collective punishment. \_ Yes, it does. It punishes C who wanted to keep A. \_ in other words, the trolls get pissed when their attempts at making the MOTD useless by inciting stupid arguments fail, so they go straight to deleting the useful content. \_ this line of reasoning is exactly the problem here. you think the motd is only for "useful" (to you) threads on topics of interest (to you) and anything else is a troll which makes the motd useless. when you get over it and finally understand the motd is a public space for everyone, it'll be more useful for everyone. tit for tat is a very simple concept you should have learned in grade school. everyone loses. so stop deleting the topics that are obviously not trolls and are of great interest to others and yours will stick around longer too. if we measured value by number of replies, length of replies, effort spent in replying, and number of people involved in each thread, it can be easily argued that the motd is primarily for political topics with a secondary function for google-able techie questions and a few job postings. \_ Anything can be argued. Anyone arguing that the MOTD is a good place for political topics would sound like a complete idiot, but he certainly could argue it. \_ Score another ad hominen. Got anything to say? \_ and destruction begets more destruction. brillant. \_ and you would delete everything else? \_ ln -s /etc/motd.public /dev/null \_ Permission denied, can someone with root do it please? |
2004/4/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13001 Activity:nil |
4/2 Excellent motd guys! Very long length, lots of ranting and rambling, and IlyaLunacy (tm)! Good show! \_ Lunacy certainly plays a part, but idiocy and the total lack of awareness thereof are more dominant traits. \_ But at least I have the motd to set me straight. -- ilyas \_ If it wasn't for the motd, no one would know the truth. |
2004/4/1-2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12973 Activity:low |
4/1 I am so fucking tired of being overwritten that I will gleefully nuke the motd rather than watch this bullshit continue. \_ Please use motdedit. Seriously guys, use your head. \_ Please go fuck yourself. Seriously, dude, fuck you. \_ Ooh, well reasoned response, you got me. \_ Slightly more reasoned than suggesting motdedit. \_ can someone PLEASE change motdedit so that it'll delete the trailing \s+ in motd left by a dumb ass emacs user? -annoyed vi'er \- use (setq next-line-max-inserted-newlines 1) --psb \_ i think he's complaining about emacs users, not that he is a clueless emacs user who is concerned about his own extras. \_ Wah wah wah, I am so selfish and childlike that I will destory the motd rather than use a free tool that makes it easy to co-operatively use it. \_ except for the fact that motdedit munges the crap out of the motd. you get what you pay for. \_ Good point. I'll use MSWord. -John \_ At least MSWord can properly lock a shared file. |
2004/3/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12784 Activity:high |
3/21 the motd stuff about Taiwan was pretty interesting, which csua-Chinese-nationalist deleted it? \_ No, some asshole deleted a part of the thread, so the entire thing was nuked in retaliation. Nothing to do with Taiwan, it was motd pettiness all the way. \_ You named the wrong nationalist. \_ [ chicom troll will be deleted on sight from now on. ] \_ [ that and the broken english ] \_ good. you've illustrated my point. DPP rigged the election and anyone who doesn't agree is labeled as "chicom" \_ Congratulations, junior, you have the power to label anyone chicom and obliterate their posts. Power to you. \_ I was the last one posting on that thread before it got killed by someone who couldn't take criticism of DPP. I thought of restoring it but then remembered it's just the motd. You can look it up in the archive. |
2004/3/20-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12775 Activity:nil |
3/19 Why do you guys insist on putting stuff in /csua/pub/jobs/* ? You're posting on motd, so obviously you want many people to look at the job and to apply. Why not put it in places like http://csua.berkeley.edu/pub/jobs/* where your listing will get even more exposure? \_ Because that's where they've always been put. Because these are job postings to fellow members. Because the CSUA is a social (read networking) organization. \_ Because 1) we didn't know it was there and 2) don't know how to put files there. What's the file system path? \_ 1) that gives me a 404, how about you? 2) motd isn't global -- so these postings are for the benefit of members \_ DEAR POLITBURO, as a recruiter I'd like to put stuff on <DEAD>csua/pub/job/*<DEAD> so that more ppl can access it. How do I do that? Thanks. \_ boy man mail [Restored. If you keep censoring it, I will keep restoring it.] |
2004/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12734 Activity:nil 50%like:30465 |
3/17 soda was very slow just now. What was going on? \_ The usual motdedit war? \_ This is often from spam flurries tripping all the spamassassin checks. |
2004/3/17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12732 Activity:nil |
3/17 Clearly, the motd consists entirely of people that have already made up their mind about whatever politician they're going to vote for or whatever the issues of the day/week/year happen to be. Any political discussion on the motd is completely pointless, so why don't we all just agree not to talk about it? Its just grating and annoying, and all discussions inevitably boil down into the same tired arguments. You're not convincing anyone and nobody cares, so just give up. Please. Spare us. \_ Or you could just erase everyone else's posts! Hey..... \_ Apparently already being done. Come on, you _know_ the motd is charged with political rants that you don't like, so drop out already. You stop reading, and I guarantee we'll stop annoying you. \_ Maybe because when people aren't being such spouting off and being arrogant, something entertaining slips through? Its been known to happen. Then again, maybe a plea for sanity is pointless - maybe Internet forums by their very nature simply bring out the absolute worst in people. \_ Absolutely true! And the only answer is to develop a really thick skin and not take it all so personally. \_ *And* get the fuck off the motd if the op doesn't like what the rest of us are talking about. \_ I learn new stuff from the motd all the time. But then again, I have not decided that it is all worthless ranting, like you have. -ausman \_ I very strongly agree with you. There are lots of online forums where there is some dominant ethos, and everyone else is an outsider. i think the motd is much more interesting because it's such a crap shoot what you're going to get on any given topic. And yes i've learned things and read thing I wouldn't have otherwise because of the motd. \_ I also concur. motd helped me get though Berkeley. I like hearing from crazy people, but it's nice to hear from some conservitive crazies too sometimes. \_ See, that's where I disagree. Its not a crapshoot. The motd response to almost any post on a political subject is completely predictable - c.f. Bush, Kerry, Isreal/Palestine, Iraq, gay marriage, outsourcing, etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum. --op \_ You're entirely and 100% correct. You're figured out our Secret Plan To Personally Bore You To Death(c)! Now that you have it all figured out the only way to save yourself is to not play. We'll miss you. \_ You mean that people will disagree and post arguments for and against varying positions backed by urls? Yeah, I guess I agree with that. If you mean that you already know what those arguments will be, I think you are full of yourself. Tell me what the varying positions would be to a discussion about resetting the yuan/dollar exchange rate. -ausman \_ No one would express a substantive opinion. One of the anonymous trolls would say something inflammatory about the Chinese, and it would degenerate into discussion of the Nanjing Massacre, internment camps, and the atrocities of Maoism. -tom \_ if that were to happen, at least i'd learn something but the nanjing massacre, which i've never even heard of. \_ Nice troll. *clap* \_ you want to adjust the yuan/dollar exchange rate? you racist, neocon, commie queer lover! i hate you! \_ Not all the arguments are like that. Occaisonally they have some semblance of reasoned debate, for a while. Anything touching on Israel in any way becomes totally pointless however. \_ Isn't this true no matter where you are? Name a group of people past Jr. High Age that don't already have a set in stone opinion on Israel. \_ Since Jr. High, my opinion has changed as follows: "Israel is our ally and they're being attacked by terrorists" to "Arafat is being placed in a bad position and means well." to "Wow, the Oslo Accords look like a good solution." to "Arafat is an ass." to "Both sides have hard-line idiots who will prevent peace for a long time to come." \_ I would doubt that many intelligent people have a rigid position on such a complex situation. -tom \_ Anyone who actually takes the trouble to go visit is likely to have their eyes opened. \_ Of those who follow politics etc., they probably have certain ideas formed. But even Israelis don't have a unified stance on the Palestinians. We have a guy on motd who has one view and takes anything else as a personal attack. \_ That's the problem with the motd right there though. Most people probably want a place to inform each other about various entertaining stuff, job opportunities, notices, what have you. But due to a couple of people with some really serious axes to grind, its just an 850 line blob of the same old ranting garbage drowning out the useful stuff. And no, I am not the Humorless Motd Censor. --op \_ you're full of shit. just watch who posts for a day. there are dozens of people participating in the political\ discussions on any given day. I for one *only* log in for the political discusssions, and really really don't give a shit about some pc fan noise question or the latest linux distro. not that i delete them, i just ignore them. \_ Maybe we need a motd.politics? My point was that the axe-grinders pretty much routinely wreck whatever meaningful discussion might happen, but you'd rather just tell me i'm "full of shit" and thus inadvertantly demonstrate why the motd sucks. \_ Maybe you are right. Ask the politburo if you can do it. \_ You could just put it in /tmp. But fat chance of it really getting used. \_ Or you could create /tmp/motd.$USER and you could use that for discussion. |
2004/3/17-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12730 Activity:nil |
3/17 How can I change the indentation level in xemacs when writing C and Java? I looked online, and through the help files but couldn't find anything. (It's currently set at 4, I want 2) -jrleek \_ I thought the motd censor liked technical posts. Why hasn't he answered this one? \_ The motd censor doesn't actually contribute anything. \_ Just to make it fair: all technical topics purged. So take *that* you motd censor bastard! Now you've got nothing to read and can go choke on your own delete key. |
2004/3/16-17 [Reference/RealEstate, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12704 Activity:kinda low |
3/16 Is anyone in the CSUA presently living in any of the North Side coops on Ridge or across the street from Soda? If so, please email me. I need a current coop member with clue as a point of contact to facilitate bringing *massive* bandwidth to the coops. -dans \_ Where were you 10 years ago when *I* needed you? \_ Hobnobbing with the sexy technoelite. \_ Pretty much, yes. That's why I'm in a position to do this now. -dans \_ You really want to do business with people who dont pay their bills? \_ If it gets paid by the central office, there's no problem \_ Yes it is a problem. Like I said, why do business with people [Yes, yes, very clever of you to keep replacing neocons with jews, very amusing, now fuck off.] \_ this little side bit about jews & neocons is a motdedit merge failure, right? who don't pay their bills? \_ CO pays the bills on time. Don't confuse the USCA (very lucrative/well funded organization that provides housing to students at a reasonable cost) with the actual people living in the coops. You think the coops are really self governed? \_ I was there for several years, served on the board, several committees, met with their lawyers, george proper, and several other jack offs. I know exactly how the coops are governed. Another concern is how you'll bring wiring into the house without it being stolen. My house bought *1* cable tv connection and *everyone* had cable in their room. How do you think that happened? And yes my house paid the *1* bill on time every month without mommy's help in CO. \_ I don't think you're suggesting people would steal CAT-5. If you're suggesting co-opers would steal \_ Then the co-ops can pay for every room. Like 90% of everyone would use it anyway. living in the coops. You think the coops are really self governed? service, that seems pointless. The co-op could just pay UCB for access for the whole building and then everyone could use it. \_ Nah, they'd charge per room like everything else. \_ I was saying the CO pays their bills, but the individual houses might be run by fuck-ups. So if the billing goes to CO it will be paid on-time. Their main finance person is Margie Greene <mgreene@usca.org> Talk to her and she'll point you to other people who can make this happen. |
2004/3/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12681 Activity:nil |
3/15 How does one access the motd archive? \_ search the archives to find out. \_ less ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v. Use '/' to search for phrases. If you have too much time, man co. \_ someone (marco?) wrote a program to scroll through the motd history. Anyone remember? -EricM \_ ~marco/bin/motdbrowse ? \_ i use ~mjm/bin/motdbrowse -!mjm \_ note that the RE search feature is broken. -mjm \_ We should put these scripts in /csua/bin :) \_ a fully seacheable, indexed (categorized), and archived motd will be available in the next week or so. Thanks to those who QAed it for me in the past few weeks. \_ I'll see your vaporware and raise you a phantom terabyte RAID solution. \_ tb raid is only 8 drives. its not that big a deal. |
2004/3/13-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12650 Activity:nil |
3/12 A day or so ago, the motd was full of talk about donations to the csua and questions about what the current state of csua hw is and what we're planning on doing about it. First off, we'll take any cash donations people want to give us; I'm going to bring up the paypal idea at the next meeting. As far as hardware donations, we'll take anything in working condition thats better then what we have now (not a tall order as our worst machines are currently dual PPro 200s); this includes the 50 gig SCSI raid 5 that was offered. Currently, we're in need of video cards (two have failed in the past two weeks); if you have any old ones lying around that work without much effort under linux, send em our way! We do have a backup system for soda that is basically the same as what scotsman described thats almost "in production" (we're still working out a few bugs with the software that takes snapshots). At some point I'll try to get the person working on that to write up a technical description for our out of date website. With respect to Soda's disk, tom is right but gm's point re the age of disk is what we're most concerned about. We're also lacking numbers on what performance we can expect for various solutions; if anyone has them for a load like soda, please let me know. Finally I do read motd and hang out/monitor wall, but if you really have something you want to say to root/vp/politburo, send mail. As for donations, please send mail to donations before sending anything. Thanks, erikk - current VP |
2004/3/5-6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:12540 Activity:moderate |
3/5 Why is that when I edit the motd with VI, When I save, sometimes it says it's been modified, use "!" to override. I thought when I use vi to edit it, I get a lock on the file. \_ Because the motd is a gloriously free file. the entire world can and does edit it. \_ If you have a lock, no one else *should* edit it, but they can. Since they basically just stomped on your privelidge, I usually just stomp on their changes. \_ you shouldn't get a lock when you're editing the file. you could be taking your sweet time typing stuff in, while other people are waiting. when you're finally ready to save, your editor should tell you if the file has changed on disk, and you can reload the file and merge your changes if that's true. [formatd] \_ That's acceptable in a development environment. in practice, on a machine with hundreds of users, this is much more difficult to accomplish. --scotsman difficult to accomplish. \_ in practice, on soda, it works fine for me. \_ I'm not talking about "you". I'm talking about communal \_ I'm not talking about "you". I'm talking about communal use. use. --scotsman \_ umm, i am saying this would work fine on soda for communal use, dimwit. the motd isn't *that* contended for. \_ Again. Not. Everyone. Uses. The. Same. Editor. Not everyone on here has the same technical ability. Are you going to personally train everyone who accesses the motd? --scotsman \_ you're dumb too, or can't read. i may have used too many words to describe it, but this is one of the simplest schemes possible if you still want to be polite. simpler schemes generally involve locking the file for yourself for protracted lengths of time, or just going ahead and overwriting other people's changes. \_ You're very clearly not actually reading what anyone has said. We know your side of the \_ I'm not talking about "you". I'm talking about communal use. communal use, dimwit. the motd isn't *that* contended for. argument, but there are points to it you are ignoring or dismissing. This is my last word on it. --scotsman \_ are you saying when you start up your editor on the motd, you do get a note saying it's been locked? Actually, VI is very good, if the file you are view is locked, it tells you its in read-only mode. \_ Not every editor is as helpful as vi. some don't even tell you that the file on disk has changed. this is what motdedit has tried to address, but it's a difficult task, and the current motdedit has trouble when people remove sections. --scotsman \_ so motdedit is trying to allow multiple edit sessions and merging them? \_ same as always. \_ Only if you run motdedit -n or some jackass modifies the motd without using motdedit. \_ Only if you run motdedit -n or some jackass modifies the motd without using motdedit. \_ until motdedit is mandatory, motedit is an 'option'. people who choose a different option from you are not automatically assholes. \_ so now what's the argument to not use motdedit? just out of spite? \_ same as always. |
2004/2/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29838 Activity:moderate 75%like:29835 66%like:30154 85%like:10560 |
2/26 No, really... /var/mail is getting full: -rw-rw---- 1 njh mail 24023725 Feb 26 17:18 njh -rw-rw---- 1 georgy mail 22633905 Feb 26 17:11 georgy -rw------- 1 vlin mail 20938590 Feb 26 15:19 vlin -rw------- 1 uctt mail 20938475 Feb 26 14:28 uctt -rw------- 1 leec mail 20921676 Feb 26 16:17 leec -rw------- 1 danberry mail 20881048 Feb 26 16:18 danberry -rw------- 1 ericwo mail 20872793 Feb 26 10:55 ericwo -rw-rw---- 1 isabelle mail 20446008 Feb 26 11:41 isabelle -rw-r--r-- 1 nivra csua 19251192 Feb 23 12:36 nivra -rw-rw---- 1 marc mail 18391040 Feb 26 17:20 marc \_ I ran for governor and sold net.panties so I don't have to adhere to your mortal limits! \_ two of those accounts are sorry'd. can they still retrieve email? how are they supposed to fix their mess? \_ come crawling back to the politburo and grovel a bit but then they'd get sorried again for being over quota on their mailboxes. \_ how are they even to know they're supposed to come grovelling back? \_ By reading the motd? It's available via finger. \_ doesn't matter. they're over quota so theyd just be sorried again. maybe if we sent them mail to their sorried accounts asking them to cleanup their spools *before* they come crawling to the politburo? |
2004/2/27-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12434 Activity:nil |
2/27 I noticed that most of the motd/wall participants are um, how do I put it, not very young. Is there a reason why the youngsters in general do not participate as frequently as us? Is it partly attributed to these newer programs (aim/yahoo chat/msn chat) that we older and less useful folks have problem adapting to? \_ Because the wall is both boring and for insiders. It's your own little playground. Outsiders aren't welcomed or treated particularly well. Keep the wall, it's your thing, the motd is more fun for the rest of us. To be honest, the less some of the wall people show on the motd, the better the motd is. --neither young nor wall user \_ any other comments on wall users? How do you know about how newbies are treated? \_ the wall is publicly readable. why do you even ask how i could know? \_ I think the younger folk (at least me) are still dealing with the shame of being computer dorks. The motd at least is somewhat anonymous. \_ I don't see how this answers the op's question. ? \_ meaning the motd might be populated by younger types who want to be anonymous. Eg, you know when a psb, scotsman, tom, etc posts, but not when the newer guys do. \_ Oh right. Well I'd like to use a nick, but I don't really want certain people knowing it's me posting. Well one person really. Actually that does have something to do with my not wanting my true uber-geekiness revealed. \_ Did we just have lunch? Dork. \_ see, on motd you can simultaneously be a geek and yet make fun of other geeks. \_ Aren't computer dorks more accepted now than say a decade ago? No one bats an eye if you say you killed time surfing the Web or chatting online. \_ That's not really relevant anyway, since only computer dorks will see motd/wall messages. \_ They can't spell motd. \_ Kids these days.... |
2004/2/27-28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12433 Activity:nil |
2/27 Hooray for small boring motd! \_ At least small boring motd doesn't make you weep for humanity. \_ They can take our posts, but they'll never take us seriously! |
2004/2/26-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12422 Activity:low |
2/26 No, really... /var/mail is getting full: -rw-rw---- 1 njh mail 24023725 Feb 26 17:18 njh -rw-rw---- 1 georgy mail 22633905 Feb 26 17:11 georgy -rw------- 1 vlin mail 20938590 Feb 26 15:19 vlin -rw------- 1 uctt mail 20938475 Feb 26 14:28 uctt -rw------- 1 leec mail 20921676 Feb 26 16:17 leec -rw------- 1 danberry mail 20881048 Feb 26 16:18 danberry -rw------- 1 ericwo mail 20872793 Feb 26 10:55 ericwo -rw-rw---- 1 isabelle mail 20446008 Feb 26 11:41 isabelle -rw-r--r-- 1 nivra csua 19251192 Feb 23 12:36 nivra -rw-rw---- 1 marc mail 18391040 Feb 26 17:20 marc Why isn't there a quota on this partition? \_ I ran for governor and sold net.panties so I don't have to adhere to your mortal limits! \_ two of those accounts are sorry'd. can they still retrieve email? how are they supposed to fix their mess? \_ come crawling back to the politburo and grovel a bit but then they'd get sorried again for being over quota on their mailboxes. \_ how are they even to know they're supposed to come grovelling back? \_ By reading the motd? It's available via finger. \_ I don't know about you, but my /var/mail quota is 15 MB, hard 20 MB. \_ I guess if you're cool and know the right people and maybe run for CA governor as a joke candidate you get more space. \_ I think selling ladies underwear with your name on it should count towards the secret-csua-life-point-that-gives- you-more-mail-quota. No comment on the other evil-doers, though. -John |
2004/2/25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12395 Activity:nil |
2/24 eric, how often do you record into motd,v? \_ email him or experiment. \_ its just motdwatch -- read the script source for yourself. -ERic |
2004/2/24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29829 Activity:nil |
2/23 Say I want to nuke the motd with an ascii picture of the atomic blast mushroom. Where do I find these cool ascii pictures? Thanks. \_ VE CALL ZIS SPUNKHAFTE FERNWIRKUNGEN ,---,_ , _> `'-. .--'/ .--'` ._ `/ <_ >,-' ._'.. ..__ . ' '-. .-' .'` `'. '. > / >`-. .-'< \ , '._\ / ; '-._> <_.-' ; '._> `> ,/ /___\ /___\ \_ / `.-|(| \o_/ \o_/ |)|` \; \ ;/ \ .-, )-. / /` .'-'. `\ ;_.-`.___.'-.; THAT'S RIGHT -- SPUNK AT A DISTANCE \_ /csua/share/hosers/ascii/ |
2004/2/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29828 Activity:nil |
2/23 None of the current politburo officers post motd regularly (or at least don't use their names). Has csua lost its tradition? \_ Current politburo officers have got too many other important things to do than have pointless arguments in an outdated, unwieldly online discussion format. Wait til they graduate and get jobs they can't stand, then we'll talk. \_ Translation: they're too young and naive to see the one useful aspect of their club. \_ *laugh* *chortle* *sputter* Yeah, anyway, I guess they never have stuff like classes or homework or projects to waste time on. |
2004/2/23-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12366 Activity:nil |
2/23 How big is danh's motd,v file? \_ danh is maintaining one too? or did you mean mehlhaff? \_ Mine's big enough that I periodically have to compress it and archive it, because disk quota was getting in the way of the archiver. So in fact it's now several motd,v files. -ERic \_ My motd,v is bigger than your motd,v! \_ But did you have to buy some herbal remedy from a Spamvertisement to get it to grow that big? \_ so who is the Anonymous Not Even Remotely Amusing MOTD Comic? archive it. So in fact its several motd,v files. -ERic |
2004/2/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12359 Activity:nil |
2/23 How does one reinstate his sorried account? Just go to the CSUA office? \_ > /csua/adm/bin/sorry Your account has been turned off by the soda administration. No specific information has been recorded on the reason for this deactivation. If you genuininely do not know why your account has been deactivated, and would like additional information, send mail to root@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU. \_ can't answer your question but it would be really cool to somehow grep /etc/passwd or something and generate a chronological list of the squishage starting from 1982. \_ Why do people get sorried? Is it just for hozering, or does long-term inactivity cause it too? \_ At times, passwd sniffer/crackers are found on machines around campus. If a person's login here shows up in those crackers' logs, we sorry the account. Sorry'ing for hoserish stuff is pretty rare. For those with access, there's a sorry log going back to like 1991 or so. --scotsman \_ where is it located? Can you post it on motd? \_ See the "those with access"? No. |
2004/2/20 [Industry/Jobs, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29826 Activity:very high |
2/20 Restored after some idiot child deleted all the comments. This isn't a one-way message board for job postings and one word answer technical questions. It is a discussion forum for topics of interest. If a topic is of no interest to you, then ignore it. Deleting them does not improve the quality of the motd, it reduces it by making it more likely that others with overlapping interests will cease using the motd because their topics keep getting killed and the rest just isn't interesting enough for them. You may miss out on a job posting or technical answer because you've ruined the motd months or years earlier for a hiring manager or highly skilled person. Do yourself a favor and leave the motd alone. It doesn't need you to police it or 'clean it up. Think of yourself even if you have no consideration for others. Thank you. (extended whine nuked, but silly discussions preserved in deference to silly whiners' sensitivities.) [and restored twice now because you still don't "get it".] \_ Guess what? The fuckwit censors never will "get it." The only solution is when they get like that, start deleting all the technical posts. After a few days of saturation bombing, the fuckers give up. \_ tell us about the tragedy of the commons \_ this is not tragedy of the commons, go back to read your basics of capitalism \_ it was a joke. \_ There is a technical reason to this. Those who knows how to monitor the motd text file, please either post the script and/or post the name of the person who is constantly deleting motd. |
2004/2/11 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29799 Activity:nil 61%like:29794 |
2/10 How to display column number in emacs? Thanks. [ relevant responses moved to the top ] \_ (custom-set-variables '(column-number-mode t)) \_ (setq column-number-mode t) \_ I'm always baffled at motd posters who (1) ask questions that begin with the grammatically incorrect "How to..." and (2) don't konw how to use http://google.com. \_ you are baffled too easily. (1) you can tell the guy is a fob and (2) not the brightest bulb in the bunch. \_ so (3) ship him back. \_ Is "Investing How To Guide" grammatically correct? \_ No, it isn't, but that's no excuse for poor grammar elsewhere. \_ I'm so sick of all this grammar-correcting motd bullshit. Isn't there some saying like "if someone speaks english worse than you it probably means they speak some 2nd language better" ? that is hippie bumpersticker talk, but a relevant point nonetheless. get a life. anyway, you're probably just jealous because some fob with broken english got that chinese girl you were oggling in class. \_ No, this whole asking a question with "How to..." has been brought up over and over on the motd (check the archives). If you make a mistake, it's okay. But if someone corrects you over and over again and you haven't learned your lesson then there's really something wrong with you. You should at least TRY. \_ TRY to get over it, you mean? yes, people have posted this way, and people have continued to bitch about it. so why dont the bitchers just get used to it. frankly, i am a quite competent english speaker but occasionally find that phrasing quick and convenient. isn't computer stuff all about shorthand anyway? and furthermore, its vaguely reminiscent of the whole Linux how-to culture. \_ have you actually looked at the chinese girls on campus? and no, generally bi-lingual people are shitty are both languages. \- would you care to name an authority who recommends hyphenating the word "bi-lingual" [sic] ? --psb being better at some third world language is useless if you're in a first world english speaking country. \_ really? chang-lin tien's english kind of sucks, yet he functioned pretty well, and his chinese came in useful in persuading chinese tycoons like tan kah kee to part with their hard earned money. Being bi- lingual is a fantastic advantage. \_ it probably helped that he wasn't dumb. \- dear anonymous motd grammar coward: if you are willing to de-anonimize yourself, i am willing to give you a little grammar quiz, and we can really plumb the depth of your grammar chops or see if you are YetAnotherRatcheter. --psb, third world lanaguage speaker \_ so, what's this grammar quiz you speak of? let's see it. \_ Oh dear! Here goes psb again with his "holier than thou" crap. Partha, don't you have a degree to earn? \- how am i being holier than thou? i am perhaps throwing down the glove. --psb \_ lanaguage eh? |
2004/2/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29792 Activity:moderate |
2/10 Why was the outsourcing thread deleted?! I thought it was relevant material for the CSUA and it clearly had a lot of interest. \_ racism. \_ what racism? you stupid censoring git. \_ Omg, he was serious!? I think I see what the motd censor's trip is now. He is the solemn faced enforcer of higher human values on the motd. Yeah that's it. It's a thankless job but someone has to do, when we grow up we ll thank him, etc. \_ We'll grow up and pretend baaad stuff like racism doesn't exist. Racism cannot be discussed among us children. The world is made of sanitized plastic and we should all post about C++ and RFCs with shit-eating grins on our faces. |
2004/2/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12147 Activity:nil |
2/6 Motd censor: Please don't kill active threads. Be more selective. \_ OK, I give up. No fun threads for anybody! \_ Woot! I love the Motd Censor! Rock on! Bring on the boredom! |
2004/2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12109 Activity:nil |
2/4 Bravo! Stripped the motd down to the stale threads interesting to no one! Motd Censor, I salute your fine taste and excellent sense of style! This is the way the motd should look all the time! Bring on more stale threads! |
2004/2/1 [Industry/Jobs, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12062 Activity:moderate |
1/31 Boring motd. Stupid technical questions, and stupid job postings. Where's the glory? Where's the zinc? \_ Weekend motds are slow. Most of us aren't bored enough to go through the motions. \_ It's the weekend. There are more censors than posters on the weekend so there's no reason to post much. The censors got what they wanted, at least on the weekends, a dead motd. \_ When was there ever any zinc? \_ There was some zinc a few days ago. \_ Come back, Zinc! Come back! \_ Come back, Zinc; come back! |
2004/1/30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12024 Activity:very high |
1/29 HEY MOTD Censor. Do you think the fact that people are actually actively debating on a thread might be a hint that people want to fucking talk about it? STOP DELETING THE POLITICS! \_ you can masturbate in private. \_ yes, but the motd censor is an asshole in public. \_ if we're talking about something that doesn't interest you, you can safely ignore it. you're not being forced to read or participate or even read the motd at all. grow up. the motd isn't your personal playground where you set the topics. go open your own website if you want to censor free and open debate and discussion. |
2004/1/28 [Computer/Theory, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11979 Activity:nil |
1/28 Slashdot has a story about the DeCSS haiku, which reference's the CSUA's collection of zinc haiku. What is he talking about? Motd historians, your city needs you. \_ ~scotsman/pub/humor/zinc_haikus \_ Some of you people are getting carried away with the apostrophes. \_ What than would you have us do? It's better then abuse of the then/than misspellings. And corrected; sorry. \_ I hope you know you just made a then/than mistake in that post. \_ http://www.loyalty.org/~schoen/haiku.html -- my article including influence of CSUA zinc haiku in my poem about DeCSS. -- schoen |
2004/1/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11904 Activity:nil |
1/23 The Motd: we remove your faith in humanity at no extra charge! \_ Exactly. What I don't understand is why I come back here every day. I need to see a shrink about it. I have learned a lot about a certain breed of libertarianism and what passes for legitimate debate therein though. \_ maybe you need your faith in humanity removed. i know i do. \_ there's very little legitimate debate on the motd. you're being terribly unfair to other philosophies if you're going to accept the motd as the One True Source about anything. \_ I do try to be fair, hence "a certain breed". \_ So true. |
2004/1/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29754 Activity:nil |
1/22 Hey anonymous motd comic, do you save your best works? Things has been slow. I'm wondering if you can repost some of your best lines to the motd if you saved them. Thanks. -AMC #1 fan |
2004/1/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11887 Activity:high |
1/22 /csua/bin/motdedit upgraded: auto-merge feature installed. motdedit -h for details. Note: motdedit will automerge, "motdedit -m" turns automerge off. \_ brief description: If someone else changed motd.public as you were editing, it attempts to merge. So far, I've only seen it have problems when both of you have changed the same lines. If this happens, it prompts you to manually merge(restarting editor), if you pass, then you have the option of overwriting. any complaints, comments, etc.: post here or mail me -nivra \_ Which means that if we don't use motdedit, then motdedit users won't stomp on us. Great! \_ umm... the whole *point* is so that motdedit users will not stomp on any other posts. The only situation where a possible stomp occurs is when you and the motdedit user edits the exact same lines. In that case, the motdedit user has the option of re-editing both posts together, or just keeping his own changes, or discarding his own changes. |
2004/1/22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11882 Activity:nil |
1/21 So is the motd just dgies, ausman, jrleek, emarkp, and a few others talking to each other? Or is there some great unwashed mass of non motdedit people out there? \_ How could you forget tom? -emarkp \_ I represent that remark \_ I resemble that. \_ Already, the Kay report identified dozens of weapons of mass destruction-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nations. \_ about half the motd people don't use motdedit, if that gives you any idea of the number of users. \_ and how do you know that... \_ ps -auxwww|grep motd.p \_ That doesn't show even a small fraction of it. I've got this down to a near-science. I know who the censors are. I know who writes from the right, left, center, and the outfield. I know who writes opposing views based on some seemingly random factors unknown to me. And if your scripting fu was at the near god like levels of mine you would know too. \_ ok, God, why don't you say which anon. people are who and we'll tell you how far off you are. Who am I? \_ Or I! \_ he's bullshitting. short of having root, the existence of file-related bugs in the os (that he knows how to exploit), or very few users in an unidle state, there's no way to reliably tell. \_ If he cared enough and spent enough effort, he could correlate process behavior of motd file access. Certainly not reliably. I read a local copy of the motd so he'd have to catch my 'cp'. \_ Most of us don't care that much. \_ what if I simply do a "cp /tmp/motd.public a; vi a; cp a /tmp/motd.public"? Then the only chance to catch it is during the moment I do cp, which is only probabilistic. |
2004/1/22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:11881 Activity:moderate |
1/21 Motdedit with Merge! (beta version) /tmp/motdedit -m or just /tmp/me \_ it's not the /csua/bin/ version yet. Try it here, first. \_ /tmp/me doesn't work because /csua/bin comes before /tmp in my path. \_ try me2... if /tmp is in your path, it'll go there. \_ who would be stupid enough to put /tmp in their path? \_ It's in my path right after "." and ".." because you never can be quite sure where something will be. \_ remind me to put destructive programs in /tmp named as misspelled versions of common Unix commands. \_ wow, cool, you'd really be the first to think of that? you're a geneous! kewl! \_ make an alias then. \_ yes, this works fine, my point is that you really shouldn't expect people to put /tmp in your path and you shouldn't put it in your path either. delete /tmp/me and people can make the alias if they want. or just change /tmp/me to run /tmp/motdedit -m. \_ It's there for the lazy: [soda:~] 9:55 (1186)cat /tmp/me motdedit -m [soda:~] 9:55 (1187)cat /tmp/me2 motdedit -m \_ Yes, I saw that before I posted. The point is that those convenience programs are worthless because they won't work unless you have /tmp in your path... which is something you shouldn't do. So either rewrite them or remove them. \_ brief description: If someone else changed motd.public as you were editing, it attempts to merge. So far, I've only seen it have problems when both of you have changed the same lines. If this happens, it prompts you to manually merge(restarting editor), if you pass, then you have the option of overwriting. any complaints, comments, etc.: post here or mail me -nivra \_ can you put some sort of magic anonymizer so it looks like all the postings are from you? \_ try this yourself; it can be fun. \_ just make it /csua/bin/motdedit.new don't expect people to run executables out of /tmp |
2004/1/19-20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11831 Activity:very high |
1/19 Why does /csua/bin/motdbrowser format the line-indents(tabs&spaces) differently from simply: less /etc/motd? \_ Because they're using "less -r" instead of "less -R" \_ neither less -r nor less -R give the indenting of motdbrowser. see the first two replies in the caucus thread below for an example, or the first line of the Stock market post below. \_ Um.. Did you even read the script? Come back when you have a clue. \_ open(LESS, "| less -r") while (<MOTD>) { ... print LESS; } so why does piping the file line-by-line thru less -r give a different stdout than "less -r /etc/motd?" The difference seems to be related to how the "| less -r" interprets tabs, but seems inconsistent. \_ Not the tabs. The color codes. |
2004/1/18-19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11823 Activity:low |
1/17 Thank God the motd has once again been stripped of any interesting content. I'm glad there was nothing here that could possible stimulate a conversation longer than 3 line replies. That way my poor silly little head won't hurt when I read the motd. It's nice and 'safe' for all us stupid people. Stupid is as stupid does my Mama always used to say! [heh, and then the censorbot is so thin skinned s/he can't even deal with comments on how boring and utterly vacuous s/he is and censored _this_, too! I love it! Restored as usual, with additional commentary.] [twice] [several times] \_ Think the censorbot uses motdedit? |
2004/1/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11818 Activity:nil |
1/16 motd hozers (all worship the great 'motdedit' or die!): \_ Where the hell is motdedit? \_ /csua/bin/motdedit \_ /csua/bin/motdedit or /csua/bin/me apparently someone doesn't know about symlinks Boredcast Message from 'mehlhaff': Fri Jan 16 15:26:05 2004 frankly, if I waited for a lock with 'me' and when I'm done editing and vi still says the file changed before my write, its tough cookies time. I'm writing it out. .. Boredcast Message from 'ausman': Fri Jan 16 15:41:25 2004 i am the same way mehlhaff and i have gotten flamed for it Boredcast Message from 'mehlhaff': Fri Jan 16 15:42:18 2004 how can you get flamed for following an established convention for accessing the motd with an attempt to keep from colliding with others writes. the ones who need flames are 1) the idlehozers who lock the motd and go idle 2) the punks who edit the motd even when it is locked. Boredcast Message from 'mehlhaff': Fri Jan 16 15:43:49 2004 actually they dont need flames, they need beatings. Boredcast Message from 'jon': Fri Jan 16 15:44:14 2004 or selective editing of their dotfiles not that i'd ever actually advocate that \_ Unless mehlhaff has bulked up quite a bit since I last met him (in '92), I'd advise him to hire someone else to do the beatings. --erikred \_ who says you need to bulk up to administer beatings? A good set of stocks or other restraints make the job soo much easier. Applied of course, by the motd-convention-enforcement goon squad. \_ Sounds like someone's taken that "hire someone else" idea to the next level. --erikred \_ Sometimes I suspend my editor. Motdedit can't deal with that. So, I won't use motdedit. It was also frequently locked to no reason by others. I think a better system is one where users edit their own copies and then use a merge program. This is what I do and it works great, except for the fixable problem of it not dealing properly with conflicts (when I add a reply on the same line as someone else, it should just concatenate). \_ Is it really that hard to use an editor that detects when changes have been made since you started editing a document, copying your changes, exiting the document, pasting your changes back in, and saving the newly changed document? How lazy are you? \_ Not as lazy as the guy who won't even use motdedit, obviously. \_ Then there are people like me who was trying to be courteous by using motdedit and avoid stomping on other posts if the file changed while editing. Then without thinking I suspended my editor and left motdedit hung. I took a lot of flak for it (though no one contacted me until someone actually killed my process). It's just not worth the hassle so I don't use it anymore. It only works if everyone uses it. That, and it makes people like mehlhaff think it isn't necessary to be courteous if they use it. -emarkp \_ Wait...you're the one who suspended your editor for a sizable amount of time while you had an exclusive lock on a shared resource, and mehlhaff is the one being discourteous? -tom \_ You're an idiot. Thank you for playing. Play Again (y/N)?__ \_ Courtesy has everything to do with intent. My holding the lock was unintentional. Had it been pointed out to me directly I would have rectified the problem immediately. Once I did notice, I fixed the problem. Had I been intentionally holding the lock, that would have been discourteous. To make sure I don't do that again in the future, I no longer use motdedit, and I don't overwrite others' comments. -emarkp \_ No, it's actually easier (emacs C-x C-v). But there is also a loss of anonymity there. Anyway laziness is a virtue. \_ a loss of anonymity where? \_ If everyone used me, it's possible to track posts by who has the file open. Especially if they sit with it open for a long time composing. \_ How do you do this in vi? \_ In VIM at least, you will get a warning if you try to save and the file has been changed. My typical use is to yank my comment if I get a warning, then reload the file, then repaste my comment. \_ So after you wait 5 minutes for a lock, then have someone change the file out from under you, you save your edits and get in line again for another lock? No thank you. \_ Dummy, it's an open file. There's no requirement that you wait for a lock. And no one "saved their edits under yours". Repeat after me: "world writable file". \_ There is no requirement that I not ovewrite your changes either. You are a lazy hozer and deserve to be overwritten. \_ Um, no I don't a first or second time. I don't use motdedit, hence I start editing, and if the file changes I simply do a manual merge. -emarkp \_ This is a big problem with motdedit. There's a solution, it hasn't been implemented yet, however. Give it time. \_ well when it is implemented, let us know and we'll have something to talk about. in the meantime you motdedit fascists can go stick your head in a pig. motdedit is just a way for people with no system fu to figure out who is editing the motd. the locking mechanism is an unnecessary joke. \_ just curious: how does motdedit not handle suspending? \_ motdedit has a process that times out the lock after 10 minutes. However, if the editor is suspended, motdedit is suspended(SIGSTP), and the perl script no longer counts off 10 minutes. \_ can motdedit be written to catch SIGSTP? So that it might handle it or kill itself off even, if necessary. |
2004/1/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11720 Activity:nil |
1/7 Someone needs to figure out how larryl jammed up motdedit - isn't it supposed to exit if you take too long? \_ Someone else did this by running motdedit, editing the motd with vi, saving changes, and then leaving vi running "in case someone overwrote his changes." I guess a limitation of motdedit is that you actually need to quit your editor entirely in order for it to relinquish the lock. I have no idea why the time-out doesn't work effectively. \_ the first part is wrong. the person did not use motdedit, but instead just ran "vi /etc/motd.public". The timeout in motdedit does work so long as motdedit isn't sent SIGSTOP/TSTP, at least the way motdedit is right now. --Jon \_ No, you're wrong. I'm the person. I ran motdedit. -emarkp \_ That would be me. Since motdedit launches the editor, backgrounding the editor will background motdedit, and the timeout doesn't work. My solution: don't use motdedit. Vim warns me if I try to write a file which has changed anyway, so it's of little use to me. -emarkp \_ I believe this bug was fixed. The question is how did larryl jam it up again, this morning? \_ or last night, as the case may be: [soda:~] 14:24 (214)last larryl larryl ttyDi Thu Jan 8 00:47 - 00:49 (00:01) |
2004/1/6 [Recreation/Activities, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11674 Activity:nil |
1/5 Is it legal to put a laser guide on your putter? -new rich golf player \_ golf isn't pointless enough without cheating? \_ Not sure. Is it legal to beat you over the head with it? \_ hmmm. time to go watch "falling down" again. \_ no it isn't \_ If you're so rich, why not buy the CSUA 3 21" LCD monitors for beer? \_ because politburo is full of assholes and you guys squished me so I have no sympathy for you poor ars students. Oh and thanks for the entertainment on motd -op |
2003/12/20-21 [Computer/SW/Editors, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11539 Activity:nil |
12/19 New post below restored. Watch your overwrites!!! [deleter was the guy who pruned the s.a.d. thread] \_ Use ME or get used to being overwritten. I am tired of having to exit my editor and redo my post simply because you refuse to wait in the queue. You can redo your post just as easily as me. \_ this is why me sucks. you shouldn't lock the file and sit there composing a post. anyway if you learn to use your editor you won't have to exit to update the file. \_ I agree. If you use motdedit you still shouldn't be overwriting people. \_ Well, I disagree. Changing the motd on someone when they have a copy checked out to write is the same as "overwriting". If a**holes intend to change it out from under me, I am not going out of my way to preserve their changes. And I am not going to whine about it when they overwrite mine either. \_ Aside from motdedit/me being in /csua/bin, is there any other way its use has been officially sanctioned? \_ No. Just some pompous lazy jerks decided that ME IS THE STANDARD MOTD EDITOR! and enforce their will at every opportunity with self righteousness. As a non-ME user who *does* patch in the diffs, I have nothing but disdain for the lazy, inept, and simply childish fools incapable and unwilling to do such a trivial thing to avoid unnecessary conflict. \_ how is patching in the diffs better than using me in the first place? \_ ME is the STANDARD EDITOR! ME! ME! ME! \_ This entire thread could be rendered irrelevant if motdedit simply used a patch-based system. \_ Then write it and put it up. |
2003/12/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29692 Activity:nil |
12/2 So why did emarkp have the motd locked for like an hour? \_ Because motdedit sucks. \_ I closed the motd in my vim session, but did not quit vim. I promise not to use motdedit again. Why the session didn't expire on its own is beyond me. -emarkp [Oh, and by the way, the reason I left the vim session up was to keep a copy of the edit I made in the buffer in case it was overwritten. Ironically, this bracketed statement was overwritten just after I posted it.] \_ Yeah, motdedit DOES suck. Wow. No more motdedit. \_ You did not quit vim; you did send it SIGSTOP. -jon [grammar god] \_ Apparently you don't understand how vim uses buffers. I closed the buffer that the motd was in. I left a different buffer open which contained a copy of the text I'd added to the motd. Then I ctrl-Z'ed it so I could restore the text if it was overwritten. I didn't state anywhere that I "quit vim". This is an incompatibility between my chosen method of preserving my edits to the motd and motdedit. The way I will fix the incompatibility is by ceasing to use motdedit. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, but in the future, feel free to nwrite me and ask me about it instead of simply invoking root to kill the process. -emarkp \_ grow up. \_ Hey, I'm the one signing my name--not you. And what in the above comment suggests that I need to "grow up"? -emarkp \_ you apparently don't understand child processes. \_ Yes, I do. However, I have not investigated the inner workings of motdedit, nor was I thinking carefully about it when I was editing the motd. -emarkp \_ SIGTSTP, as tom has corrected -jon \_ Why do you ask the question about me by name but fail to sign your own? -emarkp \_ because he's a jackass. --emarkp #1 fan |
2003/12/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11294 Activity:nil |
12/2 Not even in the top 10? We lost to CANADIANS? We lost to EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY? This is degrading. Back when I was an undergrad we used to stomp the competition. Undergrads, stop reading the motd and start programming more. http://icpc.baylor.edu/icpc/regionals/ViewRegionalStandings.asp?ContestID=647 \_ More importantly, we lost to the Tree. Shit! \_ UC Davis beat us. Can we talk about the healthy farm girls at Davis vs the drug addicted berkeley whores? \_ mmmm, drug addicted whores. Cheap and Easy, just like we like 'em. \_ Yee ha! |
2003/12/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11276 Activity:nil |
12/1 if you only have a third of a thread archived, don't even bother. censorship sucks, but so does reading old, fractured threads. \_ i bet you are the one who censored the thread at first place. \_ that is a bet you would loose. \_ lose \_ Ob so is yermom \_ You overwriting bastard. I'll bet your overwriting is the cause of the motd being deleted in the first place. \_ Yes I overwrote but at least I was using me, unlike you. --sky \_ Get a clue, sky. Using motdedit does not excuse you from acting like a decent human being and not overwriting other people's posts. Learn to copy and paste, and learn a little patience. --erikred \_ There's no excuse not to use me... Be a decent human being and use me. --sky \_ Use me, baby. |
2003/11/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29655 Activity:nil |
11/20 Cool, thanks for trimming the motd down to the most absolutely boring shit ever. Why bother? Why don't you just zero the fucking thing and get it over with instead of pretending that you're performing a useful service? Do you knuckleheads *really* want to go back to constant motd purges that make it totally empty for most of the day and no thread survives more than 5 minutes? So fucking stupid. You cut off your nose to spite your face. Keep it up and no one will have it. \_ shut up, paolo. |
2003/11/21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11169 Activity:high |
11/20 Fair warning to the censors: if you keep it up, the rest of the motd is going, too. New policy as of now until the content censorship stops. \_ Why do I think this will be ineffective?... \_ just cleaning off unwanted content. just like the censor does. desirable content will remain. \_ from /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd: Destruction of the MOTD (by repeated deletion, jive, or any other method) is severly frowned upon and will result in the termination of your account. \_ If this was enforced, half the alumni on soda should have lost their accounts by now. \_ if this was enforced the content censors would be long gone. \_ You know guys, my guess is that 80-90% of what ppl claim is censorship is simply ppl overwriting other posts b/c they're lazy. Run motdwatch, take a look. -nivra \_ Considering the selectivity of threads being nuked, the specific content that seems to consistently be removed, etc, I find this very unlikely. I mean, when motd is repeatedly reduced by entire threads of strictly non-boring-technical content.... |
2003/11/19 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11133 Activity:kinda low |
11/17 I seem to remember a website posted once on the motd about various salaries for various tech employees w/ different experience levels, etc. Anyone know the URL? thanks. \_ From 10/27: "Too much info to put in the motd. The whole thing is online at http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/salsurvey/" \_ These are always way low if you've got mad skillz. There's way too many zero skill tape changing, vb scripting, never got a college degree losers in there to compare to your berkeley degree. Take the survey results and add 20% or $20k, whichever is more and you start to get into the low end of the right range. \_ Shit I am 6 months out of college and I am making 6 digits, *plus* I have stock options worth another $1M... oh, that's right, it's not 1999 anymore. \_ Gee, I didn't reach 6 digits until I was 8 years out of college. \_ Sigh. Idiot. Whatever a non Berkeley person is making, add $20k or 20%, whichever is higher. Did I say 1999? Did I say you'd make a million dollars? No. Stop putting words on the screen I didn't write, imply, or intend. Maybe I was wrong. Are you a Berkeley alum? You should be flipping burgers for 6.50/hr. Idiot. \_ You claim that the average Berkeley grad working as a sysadmin in The Bay Area is making 107k/yr on the low end? And then you claim that *I* am the idiot. Keep living in your fantasy world asshole. \_ Min wage in CA is $6.75/hr. \_ Not in Communist SF, where they are intent on driving out small businesses with their $8.50/hr \_ obviously you know nothing about communism. \_ Frmr Member Spactacus Youth League, and you? \_ I didn't say minimum wage. I said $6.50. He needs a below minimum training wage until he's earned the right to earn minimum. He has to prove himself worthy. |
2003/11/18-19 [Recreation/Humor, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11122 Activity:nil |
11/18 Attention Anonymous Motd Comic! Have you been working the motd lately? I haven't seen anything funny in the last couple of weeks. Thanks. -AMC #1 fan \_ sorry, busy working. it's the season. its hard to be funny when you're working your ass off and falling asleep by 10pm every night. glad to know you're out there. i'll be back! -AMC |
2003/11/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11076 Activity:very high |
11/14 ausman, stop overwriting other people's posts, you bastard. \_ motdedit is not an excuse for just overwriting what people have written. grow up and take some responsibility. \_ Why do programmers use CVS? If you are a CS person and you do not understand the need for version control, they I pity you. \_ What about re-writing motdedit to patch/merge the new file with an updated motd.public? It would reduce lock-contention and would make the pseudonymous posters (who don't use the locks) happier. \_ Write your post in a separate editor. Use motdedit. Paste your your post in. Save. Haven't gotten a warning to overwrite someone else's changes in a long time. \_ Or not. Motdedit isn't a requirement. It's an option some choose not to use. Look, we've been down this path before and you can't force people to use motdedit. Using motdedit doesn't provide the moral authority to overwrite other people's comments either. I neither use motdedit not do I overwrite other's comments. It is possible to do. But when I see some arrogant self righteous motdedit using asshole overwrite stuff I feel no guilt smashing over their shit immediately no matter whose comments they rudely destroyed. \_ Whoever you are, you just overwrote _two_ other people's comments, at least one of whom(me), who doesn't overwrite other comments. \_ Acutally, that probably me. I had an ohno-second. Sorry. \_ the overwrite happened at the same time(2:48:40) as the above post. Both overwrites now restored. \_ If you cannot see the impossibility of resolving simultaneous conflicting edits, you are a moron and I am annoyed that you matriculated from Berkeley. \_ out of curiosity, shouldn't it be possible to make the motd file such that it can ONLY be modified by people using an access script, forcing the serialization of edits? \_ yes, with root level support and the like, but then you lose pseudonymity, which people seem to like. If we improve motdedit to use patch/merge, then we reduce the window of opportunity for overwrites. \_ I'll think about it. I still think you should stop jumping the queue and expecting others to merge your changes. -ausman \_ I use JOVE. It tells me when changes have been made to the doc since I started working on it. I then copy whatever I've just written, exit without saving, open the motd again and paste. If everyone did something similar, we wouldn't have this problem. \_ I use MOTDEDIT. It tells me when someone else is editing the motd. I then wait for that person to stop finish, then write my post. If everyone did something similar, we wouldn't have this problem. |
2003/11/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11074 Activity:insanely high |
11/14 Story time! Everyone add five words. There once was a hoser Who owned a bulldozer And rode it to Cal every day His major was EECS His Classmates were freaks And now he's decided he's gay. He had posted to the motd He could not go potty! And now he is messy all over. So then he did yermom. or so he thought--but it was tom! yermom looks like tom? Then MOTD censor erased everything. because of his small thing. Who needs the Quick-E-mart? To buy condoms, you say. That does not make sense "It does if you're making spunk parfait! Fuck you, MOTD censor" So said the Fuzzy Bunny. Who forgot to add zinc \_ Apparently a lot of you either don't know how to read instructions or don't know how to count to five. \_ IFILE. |
2003/11/12-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11046 Activity:high |
11/12 Pictures of vanished America, circa late '30s/early '40s http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/cushman/highlights/slideShow.jsp?page=1 \_ Wow. Thank you. \_ thanks, I love old color photos. \_ These are great! Thanks for the link. \_ Beautiful.. How'd you come across these? --scotsman \_ (erased by moron not using motdedit) \_ Yay! Score one for the good guys!! \_ metafilter, baby! --lye (was erased by moron not using motdedit) \_ I'm glad they included the margins, instead of cropping. |
2003/11/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11021 Activity:nil |
11/11 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1503&e=18&u=/afp/lifestyle_germany This is what the old CSUA motd geezers need to spend money on. \_ Not really. Old CSUA motd geezers know you can get hot local chicks and better beer for less money than that. Over 30 chicks in the bay area are free. Under 30 chicks cost you a drink and 5 minutes of telling them how great they look. \_ Riiight. Yeah sure. \_ Ok, it isn't true that old csua motd geezer know this but that doesn't make it not true. Old csua motd geezer don't know a lot. \_ Ve got ze young zink girlies in ze red porsche rrroadschter for less euros zan zis, you little punk schwein. Anyvay, who vants ze fet old cherman vimen if you get ze hot younk Italian zings to makink bouncy-bouncy on ze wasserbed, ja? -John |
2003/11/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10984 Activity:high |
11/7 Please, please use motdedit. You're overwriting my posts and creating a censorship boogyman for idiots to point at. If you don't like motdedit, I'd really like to hear why. Are you an emacs user who doesn't like to leave the emacs shell? Specifically, I don't want to hear from pro-me people, just the people who don't like it. Perhaps we can make it better. \_ Ooh! This sounds fun! Guess who I am? \_ hey, maybe you should post where motdedit is found, and where the documentation is, and then repost it after it's instantly deleted a few times. some of us just don't know where it is. ]man motdedit No manual entry for motdedit \_ /csua/bin/motdedit. \_ right. so there is no documentation, and you have to use EMACS. fuck that. I'll just write my own, or stick with vi until someone else writes something better. \_ Not at all. It tries to use your VISUAL_EDITOR env var, then EDITOR, then emacs as a last resort. In tcsh, try % setenv EDITOR vi then run motdedit again. \_ ok, that's a start, but there's still no documentation. how do i save without writing over someone else's post? did someone seriously write this thing and write *no* documentation at all? if so, i'll refuse to use it on general principle, since people like that should have their engineering degrees taken away and be held up for public ridicule. \_ Dude. /csua/bin/motdedit -h. Try thinking for yourself. --scotsman \_ If you're using motdedit, the only way you'd save over someone else's changes is if they did not use motdedit. When you start motdedit, it tries to aquire a lock. If it's already locked, you have to wait to edit. Once you edit, it locks so that other people can't edit, unless they are being hosers by not using motdedit and ignoring your lock. In re: no documentation. It's not very complicated and the code is pretty well documented. \_ "The code wasn't complicated so we didn't document anything". --pre-Y2k programmers around the world. \_ It's just a flame-editing program installed on a single student-group machine. Best engineering practices are sometimes impractical \_ right. so writing a one paragraph description of what it does and how to use it is "impractical." fuck you and fuck all the arrogant dick hackers like you. \_ I was refering to making and installing a man page. I'm not root, are you? \_ There's a 1-paragraph description at the top of the file. It's a perl script. Learn from it. \_ Who let this idiot into CSUA? \_ Who let this idiot into CSUA? Who not teach this idiot about article part of English, "the"? \_ it's another anti pseudo-anonymity feature. *I* don't smash new stuff on the motd but I've noticed that arrogant self righteous motdedit users do so I have no sympathy. \_ I regularly smash other people's stuff with motdedit. Why? Because when vi tells me that the file has changed, in order to preserve other people's comments 1) I have to make a copy of my comments in some other buffer 2) read the file again 3) paste my comments back again and hope that someone else didn't edit the file while I was doing all this. And why should I be doing all of this? Just because you're too good not to use motdedit? \_ You're a lazy and arrogant prick. That's exactly what I do as a non-motdedit user. Why should I be doing all of this? To save the text of some lazy good for nothing asshole who has nothing worth saying anyway? I do it because it's right. \_ I blame it on Clinton \_ Nothing on the motd is anonymous anyways, Jeffrey. With or without motdedit, which I notice you don't use. \_ Jeffrey? Heh, try again. If you're going to name names get it right. Don't leave yourself looking like a fool. Your system script fu is weak! \_ I guess yours is better, ecchang? -!op \_ *hah!* wrong again! \_ huh? - ecchang \_ Dude, it's easy to scp the update into /etc/motd.public. \_ Don't even have to do that. \_ vi myproject.c then :r /etc/motd.public, edit away :w! /etc/motd.public then go back to editing your original file for a while, then exit your vi. And of course this is all trivial if you edit the motd in an emacs buffer without starting/stopping emacs. Watching the motd is near impossible on a busy system, without kernel hacks, if the motd editors are trying to hide. -ERic \_ ERic, are you the author of motdwatch? \_ That's a good one but it really doesn't even require that much effort. |
2003/11/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10961 Activity:kinda low 50%like:13489 |
11/5 STOP NUKING THE MOTD!!! \_ How long has it been since the last official squishing? \_ new politburo policy as of the paolo administration is that it's OK to have automatic scripts deleting the MOTD. -tom \_ how about past users who were squished? take kchang for example. some guy wrote a "kchang is a fag" motd adder script and tricked him into writing a motd deletion script which got him squished. \_ i hate it when people trick me into writing complicated perl scripts! damn kids. \_ Is that really why kchang was sorried? If so, that's fucked up. -phuqm \_ no. \_ Don't believe the hype. Ask someone who was on politburo at the time if you're really interested. \_ The blame falls squarely on Clinton's shoulders. \_ really? so if I add a line to my .login that zeros the motd the politburo and everyone else thinks that's just spiffy? \_ no. that would fall under the definition of being "fucking retarded", like the guy posting motds from previous months. If you can't tell the difference, please kill yourself, thanks. |
2003/11/6 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10959 Activity:nil |
11/5 Does the ASUC store still sell school rings? I checked the ASUC store page http://csua.org/u/4wm (which I got from http://www.asuc.org Under jewelry they have watches and cuff links and so on, but no school rings. Anyone knows where else I can buy that? Thanks. \_ I will never understand why a man would want to wear jewelry. ( I also don't understand why a woman would want to wear a "class ring" but then, there is so much i don't understand about women that specifying just one like this is kind of silly) -phuqm P.S. There should be an uber high sales tax on jewelry and at least 100% on "jewelery" diamonds. \_ The mark up on jewelry is already near infinite. What's wrong with jewelry such that society needs to burden those who wear it? I don't and I think punching holes in your flesh to wear some of it is odd but I don't see the societal harm. My question to the OP is why would you want a class ring? It's not like we have a real 'class' at Cal like other schools where people might know each other from year after year starting as freshies through senior, sharing classes, profs, experiences, etc. Of the small percent that make it only a tiny itty bitty fraction of those make it in 4 years. Put it on your resume and forget about it. \_ Umm, why does society need to "burden" those that make 35K a year doing manual labor? They should "burden" those who wear it because they obviously have more money than they need or are capable of spending reasonably, and, theoretically, you could then use that money to lower the burden on someone who may actually need their money or be able to put it to better use. Specifically, you could lower property taxes which are often a real burnden unlike a diamond tax -phuqm \_ Whoa! A card carrying communist hits the motd! And here I thought we stopped at the extreme left of simple socialism but you like to go all the way, eh? Hey, why should that rich guy who works his ass off for what he has have to support some slacker loser who has never done anything for himself? Why not just give everyone a government issued allowance of $5/day so we can feel like we have some control over our lives and have real choices and just have the government take care of us? \_ You are no conservative phuqm! What's with taxing stuff 'just because'? \_ It's not me who want a class ring. It's my father who wants one. He didn't even get to attend high school when he was a kid, and having a college degree was his childhood dream. So now he just wants a class ring to feel good about having a son graduating from Cal. Yeah I have Asian parents. --OP \_ In that case, just get one from Josten's. You can pick a school of your choice. \_ Got it! http://www.jostens.com Thanks a bunch!! Gee, price tags starts around a whopping $500. \_ two words: status symbol |
2003/11/3-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10916 Activity:nil |
11/3 I'd like to sound a call for more civility and restraint on the MOTD. Over the years I've learned a lot both in technical and political matters from this forum. But lately I find myself not wanting to read it anymore due to the overwhelming amount of anger and invective. I understand that some of you may feel passionately about an issue, but you are far more likely to convince myself and others if you speak calmy and respectfully. Patronizing, derogatory, and angry posts may make you feel better by allowing you to vent your frustration, but all they really accomplish is to upset people and make the world just a little bit worse. In conclusion, feel free to be controversial or humorous, or whatever, just tone down the hate. Thank You. \_ I fuckin' love it! 'Can't we all just get along!' started a flamewar on MOTD! Man, that rules!! <tearfully> I love you guys! \_ OMG! WTF! LOL! \_ If you don't like it, then don't read it. Anyone who takes the MOTD as seriously as you do should be dragged out onto the street and shot. Anyway, don't you have more important things to do during your work day than to actually read the motd and take the shit on here seriously? Ever think about the fact that your pre-occupation with the MOTD signals that there is something wrong with your own state of internal affairs? \_ How to spot a liberal: (1) needless preoccupation with others' emotional states, (2) overly abstract (and incorrect) deliberations about the state of the world becoming better or worse through your actions, (3) obsession with 'hate', (4) need to lecture others. \_ Nice emotional logic there. I'm REALLY glad you don't typify 'The Right' or 'Conservatives'. If 'The Right' spent as much time whining about the Other Team as you do, it'd be completely useless. \_ Emotional logic? Wtf? Those are empirical observations, not logical statements. Why do you care, btw, what typifies 'The Right'. \_ Sigh. I'm not preoccupied with your emotional state. You can froth at the mouth all you like, but when you do it on the MOTD it puts a damper on my good mood. Also, I apologize if it sounded like a lecture; I intended it as a request for civility. \_ Well, Mr. Civility, I guess I should find it in my heart to froth at the mouth a little more civilly, while you continue to use derogatory language. I forgot one from the above list: (5) hypocrite. Wait, I am sorry. Calling someone a hypocrite is probably hateful and makes the world a little bit worse, while comparing your opponent to a rabid dog is perfectly ok. \_ Go to Hell - Dean in 04 \_ I agree however I don't see that happening anytime soon. Berkeley is a hate filled campus. Hate is an institutional trait taught in the classroom and on campus. Students are surrounded by it and soak it up everyday. Rational discourse is discouraged from the top down. The motd exists in this hateful environment and reflects what has been going on on campus for decades. The motd is not separate from it's hateful campus environment. \_ http://angryflower.com/aposter3.jpg \_ Bob was not nearly angry enough in that strip. Must've been an imposter. \_ Mmmmm. I'd much rather be in a more repressive where everyone knows their place and wouldn't think twice about saying something derisive. Oh, feel the love! \_ Transfer to Santa Cruz, where no one is allowed to say anything mean to anyone else. \_ Bzzt: http://csua.org/u/4vh (Mercury News) ``I don't think it's a town that respects conservative views,'' Larson said. ``They tend to be shouted down. For a town that claims to be very liberal and open-minded, it's turned into something that's kind of mean. . . . ``I get this from a lot of very conservative people. They don't think downtown Santa Cruz is a place where they feel welcome. They get hassled. They feel uncomfortable.'' \_ If they want true hassling they should try moving to Iran. The above must be the weakest most thin skinned conservatives ever. Keep up the good work! \_ It's a sad state of affairs when we have to compare ourselves to Iran. --Iranian expatriate \_ I thought Iran is actually relatively better off than, let say, Saudi Arabia and other middle eastern nation. \_ downtown is part of the UC? Reread what I said. If you just want a place where everyone agrees with you transfer to Oral Roberts or BYU. \_ you miscontrue what I said. i don't at all want a place where everyone agrees with me. but you can disagree with others without spitting in their face, shouting them down, or calling them race/sex/whatever-ist simply for expressing a different point of view. well, not in Berkeley but that's the point. it should be that way at a higher place of learning but it isn't at berkeley. there's very minimal intellectual dialog and a whole lot of blind raging screaming ranting going on. \_ Name one online unmoderated discussion forum that has a higher signal to noise ratio. \_ Depends on the day. The difference here is that anyone can delete anything. Online no one can delete anything. Online you can filter for yourself, but not for others. Also, here you can alter other's posts. That sort of thing leads to a sort of nastiness that can't exist online. I can't even imagine what would happen if it was standard policy to alter or delete other people's posts in the typical online forum. I suppose it would take about 2 seconds before someone wrote a script to auto-delete everything. That'd sure fix it good. |
2003/10/29-31 [Industry/Startup, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10851 Activity:nil |
10/29 Hi all, anyone out there have office space to sublease or working at a company that is subleasing space? I'm looking for someplace very inexpensive to put 2 to 3 desks. Otherwise anyone out there want to go halves on a 1500 sq. ft. room that is only $900/month total, including use of the bldg T1 ? This is a great price in a very nice Bldg in oakland. (Am i crazy for soliciting for a business flat-mate on them motd? flames welcome.) -crebbs \_ Here's a flame: learn how to format motd posts, you moron! \_ umm, boy, lousy flame. My post is the minimum number of lines that it could be without having too-long lines. I see no disadvantage to having too-short lines, given that. -crebbs \_ actually you had some extra spaces. i removed them but yeah the other guy is an idiot. that flame wasn't enough to LIGHT CANDLE. \_ Nope. just pathetic it seems. |
2003/10/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10831 Activity:moderate |
10/28 The motd censor is a cranky bitch. \_ We are legion. \_ Not only that, but bad at quotes too. It's 'my name is legion', you cranky bitch. -John \_ that makes them stupid cranky bitches \_ Uhm, only one person wrote that post. Cranky bitch. \_ Seen one motd censor, seen them all. Since they never self identify they all get the same paintbrush. Bitch. \_ Yes, but John was responding to one guy. You're the one making shit up. Stupid. \_ It's universal, you stupid cranky bitch. |
2003/10/23-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10754 Activity:nil |
10/23 "you know what's going to kick ass? when you can have muscles put into your dick instead of erectile tissue. then you could operate the mouse with your dick while you type with both hands, like Zimbu the monkey." Once again I envy a response like this. Are you the anonymous motd comic? Hilarious stuff like this is one of the few reasons why I log into soda. :-) Keep up the good work and thanks for making motd the fun place that it is. -your #1 fan \_ He's a dorky guy ripping off dilbert. \_ you're both right. and thanks. i've seen my posts labelled by others as being the anon motd comic, but they're probably less than half of the posts that recieve that label, and less than 0.5 % of the funny posts on the motd. \_ Zimbu the Monkey is significantly less funny than Penny Arcade. \_ you're both right. and thanks. |
2003/10/22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10745 Activity:nil |
10/22 Well, i didn't think it would ever happen. But i'm officially for de-anonymizing the motd. Conditioned on the inclusion of de-anonymizing deletes. -anonymous coward And by the way, can someone (the person in question maybe) please tell me the motivation for editing a particular thread? not deleting the whole thing, just the interesting responses For example: from sky's job posting. \_ Restored. Happy now? \_ not really, it was just an example. And Perhaps not a great one. At least there they killed all the comments, leaving just the original post. That is better than many of the cases where single threads of response have been culled leaving others. Anyway, i just wanted to bitch, if i had wanted something done, i would have done it, (and/or maybe signed my name.) -crebbs \_ What makes you think you're anonymous crebbs? And dim should use motdedit \_ I'm not anonymous to YOU. Obvioulsy if i cared to hide from anyone who cared i wouldn't be using motdedit. Most of us, are too lazy and/or don't care enough to find out who is writing what on a post-by-post basis. -crebbs \_ motdedit blows. --dim \_ Please open source the motd poster ID script. Thanks. \_ motdwatch + fstat + possibly ps should suffice. \_ it was just ps aux|grep motd.public \_ oh no! The Big Secret is out! \_ how do I detect people who scp the file to soda? \_ Well, I'm not sure someone would want to sign his name when he's saying that he faked an erection. \_ well, for the record - since i'm deanonymized - i should say that I DON'T ACTUALLY support de-anonymizing the motd. I was just bitching about selective deletes, which seem to be taking place a lot more now than they used to. -crebbs \_ Hey, I faked it and I was proud to do so. I was bored and wanted her to leave but didn't want her telling everyone I was defective or something. I told my friends after and we all had a good laugh. That's no different than what women do. \_ I chopped off the drug part of the Viagra post. Why? The thread was getting long, and I thought to let the trolling stay to Viagra. If you prefer, next time, I'll just separate the posts. Long threads are hard to follow. \_ Thank god we have you to make these decisions for us. |
2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10648 Activity:nil |
10/15 Who is psb, danh, and aspolito? Someone please describe each person in one sentence or less. Thanks. -newbie \_ psb: cross Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons with one of the alien goths from Dark City. danh: a magnet for chaos, knows where all the weirdest shows are and has a terrible relationship with money. The CSUA mascot, he was once the entire politburo because everyone else resigned. aspolito: the reason your mom didn't want you to go to Berkeley. Like one of the Cenobites from Hellraiser. Except with scat porn. \_ newbie, contact me and I will show you The Way. -brain \_ They are all great guys, super smart and nice and handsome. \_ except danh \_ So, why didn't any one of them run for Governor? \_ They knew they couldn't compete with Georgy \_ Believe everything you read on the motd. Everything you read on the motd is guaranteed by the University of California and the Regents to be The Truth. \_ It is not important that psb. Rather, it is crucial that !psb. |
2003/10/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10433 Activity:nil |
10/2 23:59 (196)wc /etc/motd 1081 7568 67158 /etc/motd |
2003/10/2-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10431 Activity:nil |
10/2 Longest. motd. Ever! soda [114] wc /etc/motd 721 5798 37683 /etc/motd 23 threads, 689 lines, 189 replies, 30.0 lines/thread, 8.2 replies/thread stddev: 42.4 9.4 |
2003/10/2-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10428 Activity:nil |
10/2 Go go go! soda [177] wc /etc/motd 827 6559 43252 /etc/motd |
2003/9/25 [Politics/Domestic, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10318 Activity:nil |
9/25 Motd restored, motd n00ker foiled. Huzzah, men! \_ The enemies of Freedom shall not prevail -Dubya \_ Yes, let's pray it goes the other way and the enemies of freedom prevail so the Democrats have a good issue in the next election cycle. It's good to have priorities. \_ if the enemies of freedom truly prevailed, there would be no 'next election cycle' |
2003/9/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10136 Activity:very high |
9/10 Deleting is not the answer. \_ Official motd policy is here: /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd "Destruction of the MOTD (by repeated deletion, jive, or any other method) is severly frowned upon and will result in the termination of your account." \_ "The MOTD may not be used for non-University business." I haven't see any University-related business here in a long time. \_ "-" binds more tightly than " ". \_ Nor have I seen non-University BUSINESS. No commerce or transactions are made. \_ Democracy for sale. Contact gwbush@whitehouse.gov or gdavis@ca.gov. Price negotiable. \_ Effective legal immigrant status for sale to relatives and friends of illegal immigrants. Items include free medical friends of illegal immigrants. Product includes free medical care, free education, valid ID. Upgrades to include voting rights and Social Security benefits possible. Contact any Price in terms of vote counts negotiable. pro-"immigrant" politician (pro-illegal-immigrant in reality). Price in vote counts negotiable. Offer valid while tax revenue lasts. |
2003/9/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10128 Activity:high |
9/9 Oh crusty old alumni: Tell us younguns if there was ever a time when the motd wasn't just trolling or counter-trolling. \_ link:csua.org/u/48z -- a soda motd from over ten years ago. \_ So then the answer is, no, its always been trolling. Thanks for clearing that up! Unless of course, the post at the top was serious. \_ Damn I AM old. I can figure out about five of the eight nicknames on the "casino-night" reference. Guess which one is psb.... \_ Probably uninteresting piece of CSUA trivia. /etc/motd.public was started Spring 1993 (when I was Secretary). I gave the motd the lovely "=+=+=+=+=" line soon after (I think it was all "-----" before that). I got my idea from a Family Computing magazine article on word processing I read in the 1980s. Someone changed the "+" to "-" a year and a half after that. --jsjacob \_ "Director's Cut of the Abyss showing at the UC tomorrow night." Sniff, brings a tear of nostalgia to my eye. \_ I think it's wrong to write off the motd as just trolling. when someone i disagree with posts a link or suggests that i go read something, i actually read it, and I'm sure i'm not the only one. I've learned alot from this, and have changed the way I look at some issues because of it. i read alot more history, political science and economics because of the motd, and I'm sure i'm not the only one. the net is full of forums like http://www.freerepublic.com or http://www.indymedia.org where people all agree and just sit around shouting about how much they agree. the motd is very rare in that you really see *alot* of different points of view here. if there were more forums like the motd we would live in a better world. \_ too bad the motd didn't teach you that a lot is two words. \_ I think it's gotten a lot more political but I don't think I know anyone smart enough to be truly funny and political constantly. The motd used to be a lot more mundane, rants about Evans, potsticker jokes, whatever transvestite blojo was hanging out with, and how many ways you can say 'go stick your head in a big' in different computer languages. \_ Sometimes it's just boring. Enjoy the trolls. \_ It isn't really trolling when all of us have always been doing it. It's just a big game which is why we get annoyed when some people censor things. Why delete the entire game? It's worse than taking your ball and going home. \_ I have an RCS archive of the motd going back SEVERAL YEARS. You are welcome to check for yourself. -ERic ps. its in /csua/tmp/mehlhaff/motd_archive and ~mehlhaff/tmp/ \_ I think it's because the motd has gotten on average older. Many are 30+ or pushing 30, got different views, turning old, fat, Republican. So of course the topics and cynicism are going to increase. \- jesus: psb csua 2852 Mar 30 1993 /home/sequent/psb/bin/MakeTeXPK* \_ So what? Some of us (including psb) have accounts that go back to machines that don't exist anymore and haven't for years. It's just time. You'll be old one day, too. \_ um, isn't that psb you are replying to? \_ if we're going to play geezer games, how many ocf machines can you name off the top of your head? |
2003/8/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29360 Activity:very high |
8/15 Wow, i finally noticed what you guys keep talking about. The only non-tech. thread was deleted from the middle of the pack. That's really fucked up. (i mean, it wasn't a thread i was really participating in so i don't really care), but sheesh, why would anyone care enough to kill it? Censor explain yourself. -phuqm \_ Wasn't me, but the motd gets long and needs trimming. It's the ignorant non-post-signing trolls (who're usually too wrong to feel comfortable identifying themselves) who're pathetic. Of course it's your right to be anonymous, but you're still pathetic. -John \_ Fuck all those anonymous losers. Like the trolls who wrote the Federalist Papers which were originally published anonymously. \_Don't buy into his spin. There is a world of difference between anonymous post versus anonymously edit/delete other people's post. Those who censored MOTD justify their action because they believe anonymously silence opinion they don't like is a form of their freedom of speech. \_ you amaze me. you hurl childish insults at people and get pulled in to flame wars that drag on and on for no reason, and then consider yourself superior because you sign your name. do you seriously think that your insults trolls and flames don't make you look like an idiot because you sign your name? i've seen posts that were funny, technically informative, interesting and thoughtful from anonymous people. i cannot say the same for you(except for the technically informative part.) \_ I enjoy a good, intelligent debate. Some anonymous posters make well-thought out points, which I reply to, troll or no. Then, while you're entitled to your opinions, I'm entitled to mine. The guy below is the first who's given a somewhat rational reason for not putting a name on his posts. I sincerely doubt, however, if most of the trolls have ever bothered to think that far (hence the "pathetic", which I stick by in this case.) And let's face it, comparing the motd to the Federalist Papers takes the cake--that's the funniest thing I've heard in ages. -John \_ It's not up to *YOU* to decide rather motd is relevant \_ John, if the anonymous poster has made a well-thought point, then it *isn't* a troll. Let's stop using tom's ill conceived "anonymous == troll" definition and keep to the generally accepted internet definition of "troll == trying to start flamefest on hot-button topic for no reason other than to get people riled". \_ The motd isn't the Federalist Papers. However, the concept is similar. The authors of the FP wanted to say their piece without their writings being judged by the unimportant details of who wrote them. Knowing the author's home state, country of origin, religion, etc would prejudice many readers at the time who would then miss the whole point: the Papers themselves. Anonymity allows intelligent debate and discussion without making it personal. For example, you might note that one of your fellow CSUA members has been updating his "twink points list" religiously/insanely for years. Yes, it is a joke, however, it also demonstrates an excellent reason to not post a name if you want intelligent debate. A person who records their grudges permanently and who brings those grudges to every discussion is not someone a troll but that doesn't dimish the quality of my points. It only shows the opposition has to resort to ad hominen. you'll be having too many intelligent debates with. \_ It's not up to *YOU* to decide whether motd is relevant or not. If you actually live in a country which has severe form of censorship, you will discover whatever you are doing is no different from those government agent. I.e. silence people's voice based upon result of a body who think his judgement is far more superior than others -someone who used to live in a place of heavy censorship \_ John knows his security and he knows his history and most things European. John doesn't know that getting dragged into an idiotic flame fest on the motd over any topic and then putting your name to it is insane for anyone who wants to keep their current or get a new job. All this stuff gets archived forever. My politics, although correct at all times :-), are none of any employer's business. It can only hurt me if they find my name attached to some ridiculous time wasting noise on the motd no matter how brilliant my points or how well I back them up with solid research. I put real life above the motd and choose anonymity for safety in the real world, not safety on the motd itself where I have no real reason to care what any of you think. I don't want this all going to google or whatever with my name on it. Call me a troll but that doesn't diminish the quality of my points. It only shows the opposition has to resort to ad hominen. -- proud to be one of John's "trolls" \_ You essentially have no politics unless you are willing to stand up for your beliefs/opinions/wants/needs. Democracy is not a spectator sport, if you want to to be heard, stand up and fight for your platform. It used to be called character, before the PC zealotry an extremely brave thing to do. I honstly don't know turned everyone into spineless wimps. -williamc \_ so you're arguing that signing posts shows "character" and is therefore a good thing. is the purpose of posts on the motd to demonstrate your personal character or is it to convey information? i claim that for the vast majority of poeple who will read your post, your name signed at the bottom carries no useful information. that is to say that they will neither pay more atttention or less attention to your words based on knowing your login. i claim that this is a good thing. it means that arguments are evaluated based on their own merrit alone. if you want to see poeple relying on their reputation to get people to listen to them, turn on the tv. \_ Uhm, yeah that's mostly true...but this is the motd. Are you seriously using the *motd* to make some sort statement about this guy's character?? -mice \_ Hint: Federalist Paper. May be you should of give the authors of Federalist Paper a lesson in Democracy \_ I'm not a revolutionary. My job and the income I provide to my family is infinitely more important than the motd politics flamefests. If you think my points have no value simply because I don't sign them then you either aren't old enough to be concerned with the real world yet or you're just falling back on ad hominen instead of the true value of debate which is point and counter-point, regardless of the speaker. \_ It is too bad that you are too cowardly to post your name to your opinions. You should proudly sign your posts. -anonymous coward \_ *laugh* Very funny. Are you the Anonymous Motd Comic? \_ If any of you ever lived in a country of heavy censorship like I did, you will know that even anonymous post is an extremely brave thing to do. I honestly don't know if anyone would knows the concept of freedom of speech and expression without live through the experience of not having it. |
2003/8/11-12 [Computer/SW/Database, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29304 Activity:very high |
8/10 Whoever told me that Gallery is backed by a database, I just found out that it is a lie. God damn, you guys use Gallery and doesn't even know rather it has a database behind it or not? \_ "don't", not "doesn't". "you guys" is third person plural, not singular. Stop sounding like a FOB. \_ You rock! --motd grammarian #1 Fan \_ should it be "motd grammarian's #1 Fan" -- grammatical psuedo-fan \_ no. it's a title where "motd" is modifying "grammarian", thus "motd grammarian" which then modifies "#1 Fan". \_ If it's a title, and you're not e.e. cummings, you should capitalize each word. (If you are e.e. cummings, I'd love to know your ISP.) \_ yous guys should go fuck yourselves. \_ I got this helpful email about penile enlargement and now I can fuck myself! \_ It's the motd. cAPs arE opTIoNal \_ Not if you're going to pretend to be the MOTD Grammarian #1 Fan \_ I'm just a fan. I like to watch boxing, that doesn't mean I'm any good at it. \_ In addition "you guys" isn't grammatically correct either, but I let it slide, (maybe he wanted to sound like a NJ gangster). Apparently OP doesn't understand the difference between a pronoun and a possessive adjective. \_ NJ gangsta would say "youse guys" \_ Youz bin wotchin too mutch uh dah teli! \_ What about "... even know rather it has ..."? I like it. |
2003/8/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29269 Activity:high |
8/7 If everyone who posts to the motd put in ten bucks, we'd have enough to run a "csua motd" candidate. This could be highly amusing. \_ 3 words: Partha S. Banerjee. Eveybody meet in front of Sproul at noon. Bring papers for Partha, $10 a head and we'll get the signatures from passersby. Watch out, Ahnuld. Partha is on the war path.- parthaphile \_ 350 people post to the motd? \_ We'd be the only candidate who wouldn't need another candidate to argue with. We could hold internal debates. \_ And maybe take over the legislature. Grid lock would be more efficient run through the motd. Just wipe and start again when it runs too long. \_ Phil Nunez for Governor! \_ There's only about 15 people posting here on a semi-regular basis and 3 of them are die-hard pro-davis fanboys. Phil gets my vote if you can get him on the ballot. \_ This might be hard to understand, but its possible to be both anti-recall and anti-Davis. Think about that for a second before the knee jerks. |
2003/7/29 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29173 Activity:nil |
7/29 who had that rcs archived motd again? \_ C'mon people. Take a little initiative # locate motd,v \_ ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v |
2003/7/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29155 Activity:nil 55%like:29093 |
7/22 Looking for junior java developers. Limited job experience is a plus. Limited desire for good salary, limited IQ, limited education (e.g. community college, ITT Tech, Devry Institute) is a big big plus. /csua/pub/jobs/Snapfish.junior.java \_ then why are you posting here? in berkeley? to insult people?? \_ u don't read the motd much, do you. |
2003/7/23-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29115 Activity:very high |
7/23 Motd poll! Is the overwhelming amount of hate and invective-filled spewing on the csua motd a reflection of: the breakdown of society in general: the repressed hostility of anti-social geeks: general boredom combined with arrested adolescence: . \_ I don't see any hate, maybe you are thin skinned? \_ Maybe you are blind as a bat? \_ i hate you, you piece of sh*t \_ you must not be jewish. \_ kill the Jews! Push them into the sea! It's the only fair thing to do! Then we'll have a final solution. \_ I think it's because the forum is anonymous people think that it's a free for all. If we have vimotd and the logs are readable only by politburo, I don't think people would spew the kind of crap they do now. \_ only by politburo? yeah right. Either make it public and end anonymity or leave it alone. Don't bother with half-way garbage. I don't really care which way it goes all that much but I believe anonymity allows people to express themselves more openly with out fear of some of the csua psychos using a few random comments against someone forever in an attempt to destroy their name. you know who I'm talking about, or should. People who want public names attached to the conversation already have the wall which is so tame most of the time it's barely worth reading. \_ anonymity is the fundation of free speech. Go back to school and read the damn Federalist Paper for once. \_ There have been some interesting discussions lately. -John \_ I think we need another week of an unwritable motd! \_ What for? \_ it's danh's fault. \_ no it isn't. I think danh is completely wrong and unable to support his views over 90% of the time but he certainly isn't the cause of any hatred on the motd. |
2003/7/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:29005 Activity:moderate |
7/10 Fuck you, motd censor. You will be caught. \_ So silly. Just write the scripts and catch them and get it over with. I've been telling you this for months. 15 minutes of scripting and cron and you'll know all. \_ Cron is _not_ the way to go. \_ It's one way. There are others. It's the way I chose. \_ Why should each interested person have to reinvent the wheel? Why not post your code? \_ Because I'm not a believer in the GPL. I did the work, I get the benefits. I choose not to share. Anyway it's only going to lead to a nasty witch hunt and we've had enough of those over the years. \_ it's jwang. He runs a motd diff script every 60 seconds and wipes anything he doesn't like. The only way he'll stop is if he gets a job or a girlfriend. Right now he has neither and has all the time in the world to do this. \_ rory, you run a non-world readable script. i don't. excuse me while i get back to work. --jwang \_ that jwang guy sure works a lot for being unemployed \_ ok, so now youre post has been up for more than 60 seconds, so either you're wrong or the individual in question actually likes this thread. i think there are lots of censors, and that they all suck. \_ Where can I contribute to the 'get jwang laid' fund? \_ A lot of people run motdwatch. So what? You've proved nothing. You need to correlate motd changes with non-idle times, not simply toss names around because you can type 'ps'. That doesn't cut it, son. -!jwang \_ you need better trolling fu. I don't even have to log in to post to the motd. \_ do you run motdedit? \_ no one uses motdedit. \_ it's not a troll. i wish you clowns would stop over applying the term to everything. just because someone doesn't agree with you does *not* make them a troll. i'm glad you're really smart and can edit the motd without logging in. that doesn't make you a troll anymore than I am for defending jwang. \_ censor? To me it seems like the trolls are being removed at the end of the day. This wouldn't be limited to just one individual, but anyone who feels like they're increasing content percentage. |
2003/7/9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:28967 Activity:very high |
7/8 Dear anonymous motd censor: What the HELL is your problem? The only thing acceptable to you is questions about UNIX, HTML, tcch, cygwin, and freakin' Mountain View? \_ Hey, let's get the FBI to make a profile. oh wait ... \_ U forgot linux \_ lets united and fight for it. publish the name who is deleting and modifying other people's post. \_ Oh! Oh! Mista Kotta! I know! (but I'm still not telling). \_ most csua people were approximately 2.5 years old or maybe even -2.5 years old during the above. i'm not even old enough to remember. - danh \_ okay. so what happened "during the above"? \_ some moron deleted the Welcome Back Kotter reference someone used earlier, don't worry about it. - danh \_ I know. I don't care. Most csua people don't read the motd. Alums mostly do, like you. --hs Write your own scripts, stick them in cron and wait. You'll see exactly who is doing what within 24 hours. Trivial. The most amusing part is not who is censoring and modifying posts. That's what babies do. I like seeing the hypocrites posting anonymously and then bitch about others who post anon. That's always good for a laugh. --horseshack \_ Hypocrites? Post anonymously is one thing, modifying other's post and deleting other post is completely different \_ not really. modifying the motd is modifying the motd. doing it anonymously while bitching about others being anonymous posters just compounds the crime. Anyway, like I said. It took 10-15 minutes to write the scripts. --hs |
2003/7/8 [Recreation/Computer, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:28956 Activity:very high |
7/7 What's the best resource for finding contact info for Cal alumni? I'm trying to look for a friend in Civil Eng. that graduated ~96-97. She probably was not a Soda user, but was definitely a uclink user. \_ <DEAD>cal.berkeley.edu<DEAD> -tom \_ Wow, I never even knew <DEAD>cal.berkeley.edu<DEAD> existed. You should definitely sign up for some email and phone solicitiation spam so you can find out your friend didn't know about it either. I suggest google and various 411 phone style people finders on the net. If you're really into stalking and want a chance to tell her years later how much you always loved her only to hear her say, "Uhm, did we know each other?" then try paying a private investigator $50. \_ I bet you have no friends, get a life. \_ All my friends are on <DEAD>cal.berkeley.edu<DEAD>! Sign up now to find us and hang out with the kewlest Cal graduates! \_ Cal alumni association, http://classmates.com, http://alumni.net, people search, google, 411 services, yellow pages \_ I see I'm not the only sodan who's honed my stalking skills. \_ and don't forget the latest craze: friendster \_ http://www.friendsreunited.com I signed up my spam account there and some of my high school friends found me for a reunion. Bit weird... -John \_ Post her name. We'll find her. The MOTD is the best resource. I have copies of hardcopy and online directories and email addresses from that period. Seriously, you can also send her a letter care of the UCB Alumni Records Office or the Civil Engr Alumni Records office and they will forward it, if they have an address. Same with the DMV. But then you'll let her on to your stalking plans. \_ I didn't know we had our own resident expert stalker here. How much do you charge other csuaers for your services? \_ Hmmm...I knew a girl that fits your description. is she asian? and if so, which in particular? |
2003/7/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28922 Activity:nil |
7/3 Motd restored, and no, the idiotic motd transliteration is not funny and never has been, so please stop doing it, asshole. \_ Thank you for saving us from evil, oh protector of the Sacred Motd! |
2003/6/20 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28779 Activity:nil |
6/19 To motd censor: perhaps you can understand why Chinese government constantly supress voice which they don't like now? \_ you're only feeding the beast. really, i swear, the self appointed motd censors always grow out of it and move on. a few of them have even turned into decent contributors. just repost the lost material and ignore it. |
2003/6/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28776 Activity:nil |
6/19 Why does jwang keep deleting the motd? \_ how do you know? \_ i whacked up something quick with fstat and diff. i am sure there are better ways. \_ can someone pls open source some motd spying software? |
2003/6/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28647 Activity:high |
6/5 Does anybody still have the URL of the picture of the one forklift lifting the other forklift lifting the load? thanks. I think the line in the motd was "when OSHA isn't watching" \_ /home/digital/mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v \_ Thanks, that's even better. |
2003/6/3-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28618 Activity:kinda low |
6/3 The motd has gone downhill since the urinal thread. Can we all try harder to make it fun again? Thanks. \_ Who said the motd is about fun? -SAMC \_ Why do you think I kept this account 10 years after I graduated? motd is funny. Used to be funnier. \_ I kept mine for the free disk space. \_ the motd was more fun when kchang and lila participated. Let's start a drive to reinstate kchang and lila \_ Uhm, lila isn't sorried. \_ What's a "kchang"? It sounds like the noise a slamming metal gate would make. |
2003/5/30 [Academia/GradSchool/MBA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28576 Activity:moderate |
5/29 Need resources on applying to bschool. Hints, advice, etc. ok thx \_ Don't be lazy. Do your own research. \_ this is what bschool is all about. someone on the motd will do his research for him, he'll get into bschool, get an MBA, and be hired at a fancy management consulting firm. He will then give all of his consulting advice based on responses to motd posts. In a couple of years, look for fortune 500 companies to start using ED as their standard text editor and giving huge campaign contributions to the libertarian party. \_ anonymous motd comic, is that you??? \_ nah, I was in meetings all day. sometimes a person just doesn't get a chance to be around for these things. --amc \_ perhaps "amc" should really stand for "anonymous motd chorus." -mbamocker \_ I'm willing to share. It's a self amusement thing, not an ego thing. Feel free to sign off. --amc \_ Don't be this guy: http://csua.org/u/328 \_ My coworker passed by him when we ran the Bay to Breakers. Rather sucky story. \_ bschool? \_ Prolly, beeznus skool. \_ hints, tips, advice: study hard for the test. there's nothing intellectually difficult but there are types of problems you won't find on other bubble tests. carefully research the schools you might want to attend. it's all about who you'll meet and making contacts. do *not* at anytime slack off with the belief that your superior intelligence will get you through any part of the process. it won't. keep in mind that MBAs aren't getting jobs now and most never will. ask yourself why you'd spend that much money to get a degree that won't be worth much when you graduate in 2-4 years. i got as far as taking prep courses and taking the test. i did fine on the test and the schools i was talking to said i'd almost certainly get in but i never applied. definitely call the school and establish a personal relationship with the people there. an mba is the ultimate in the "who you know, not what you know" line of thought. |
2003/5/29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28574 Activity:high |
5/29 Why did kchang get sorried? \_ Lack of proper sense of humor on the part of Politburo? \_ (Destructive) scripts on the motd get you squished \_ but the same destruction done manually is ok, huh? \_ being a hoser in general will also get you squished (hey, I didn't write the rules) \_ actually, this will also get you squished, see: /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd \_ which also claims that the motd can't be used for non-University business. \_ Stalking. |
2003/5/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW] UID:28372 Activity:low |
5/8 Anybody know approximately when .hushlogin became the default setting for new accounts? This explains why motd trollers are all old timers. If more people see this file by default they'll participate. \_ The work of some clueless fuck VP who felt he was making the motd safe for new users. Protecting them from the cold cruel world. More importantly, when will this cease being the default? \_ I think around 1994. |
2003/5/7 [Politics/Domestic, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28363 Activity:nil |
5/7 What is the difference between a conservative and a neo-conservative? And why does the Self Appointed Motd Censor keep deleting this? \_ samc has a small penis, and so he needs the feeling of power that splattering motd entries gives |
2003/5/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28359 Activity:high |
5/6 Thank you mindless boring axe wielding Self Appointed Motd Censor for cutting yesterday's motd to ribbons! It allows us all the opportunity to learn what is important in your life without the worry and bother of sorting through all these other topics! I have restored the motd in order to allow us all to see your brilliance again and again! --SAMC #1 Fan \_ Wow. I'm so enlightened now that crap is back. Could you please get rid of it again now, samc? \_ A clear case of 'missing the point'. The threads had enough interest to enough people that they grew to what they were. If they were crap they wouldn't have. If SAMC had actually posted something for once instead of just deleting stuff mindlessly the motd would be more interesting. This isn't *your* motd. We're not all here to keep you personally entertained. There are many threads here of no interest to me at all but I don't purge them as crap because of it. It does no harm to allow others to discuss topics of no interest to you. \_ great. now you've restored two suck-ass threads. Can you feel the surge of free speech? \_ suck ass? You're what? 16? Maybe a thread on Britney is more your thing? \_ Grow up son -- sometimes people swear....even adults. Deal. \_ what's really funny is that you just insulted some random anonymous person by saying they're immature for calling some other random anonymous person immature. \_ True, but you seem to have missed the point. \_ as much as I hate SAMC, I think the below two threads have been stagnating for a while... they were interesting but seem to ahve run their course. \_ They were still getting traffic, it had just slowed a bit. Anyway, my gripe isn't that dead or even slow threads get killed. It's that they'll get killed and nothing will be posted to replace them. Yesterday's thread is better than an empty file. Also, SAMC tends to leave plenty of dead threads around so I know they're not getting killed due to age or lack of activity. \_ I am SAMC Fan #1, not you. - SAMC Fan #1 \_ samc can also mean stupid anonymous motd censor. --jon |
2003/5/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28350 Activity:high |
5/6 Self Appointed Motd Censor, thank you for reducing the motd to the lowest common demoninator every day! Without you, I might see something more interesting than whatever it is *you* deem motd worthy! All praise the SAMC! Thank you for saving us from interesting content! \_ I like your implicit equation of "interesting content" = "hate and invective filled trolls." -not the motd censor |
2003/5/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:28328 Activity:nil |
5/4 Restored because the Self Appointed CSUA Motd Censor is a boring dimwit. |
2003/5/3-4 [Computer/SW/Editors, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28319 Activity:very high |
5/3 Question for motd grammarians. What do you think of words like "nonlinearity" and "uncorrelated." These words are used in common speach among scientists *constantly*, but they're not in the dictionaries. Editors let us use these words in publications, but i wonder what you purists think about it. \- "uncorrelated" is in my dictionary. i didnt check nonlinear, but i dont see what the issue is. these are simple modifications. are you wondering if the correct negation for a particular word is "in-" instead of "un-"? or if nonlinear should be hypenated? see if you dictionary has "ruth" or just ruthless. i think it is more interesting when the derivative exists but the original is gone. --psb \_ Disgruntled. \_ "nonlinear" is perfectly acceptable in technical publications. medical terminology isn't in common dictionaries either. so what? \_ Hello, I'm not a grammarian. However, if someone used either of those words I wouldn't bat an eye. Purists can bite me. --PeterM \_ Oh, and "speech" is spelled "speech" not "speach." Thank you. \_ Your words are impure. You shall be purged! -purist \_ a slew of useless responses in typical motd fashion. \_ it was a useless question. lighten up, it's just entertainment. -op |
2003/5/2-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/OS] UID:28309 Activity:high 85%like:28301 |
5/2 What's your favorite method of spying on motd-posters? [!5/3] \_ Well there's fstat /etc/motd for one... \_ works great: > fstat /etc/motd.public USER CMD PID FD MOUNT INUM MODE SZ|DV R/W NAME Bus error \_ How are you activating it? I can't be arsed to hit fstat every second. Also, does it spot emacs/jove? I haven't seen it do so. \_ Rolled my own scripts. Much more effective than fstat /etc/motd but really it isn't all that exciting knowing who all the anon people really are. \_ Enlighten us with your superior fu, wise one! (!sarcasm) \_ It's too trivial. It took about 15 minutes to write 3 or 4 scripts to see who is doing what with about 90% accuracy. \_ Then you have nothing to lose posting it. Really. I don't know any better than shooting fstat calls with great frequency. \_ scanning /proc? aren't there also kernel monitors to say "alarm when this file is written to"? \_ kqueue \_ interesting. when I get around to it, this will put me at near 100% when combined with my other stuff. thanks! then I can start keeping track of all your twink point totals! (hah!) \_ You're at college. You've gotten some hints and tips which is more than anyone gave me (I didn't ask). You need to think about it and try some stuff and figure it out instead of getting spoonfed. *I* have nothing to lose by posting but *you* do. I'm sure you think I'm a dick but I'm not. If it were something important you *really* needed to know in a timely manner (to save your job or your final grade) I'd give it to you. This is just the motd. |
2003/5/1-2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28283 Activity:insanely high |
5/01 Going to see Matrix Reloaded on 5/15, 9:30 PM at Sony Metreon. I have purchased a bunch of tickets. Nine (9) have not been claimed. Special guest appearances by sofia and pst. Email me if you want to claim a ticket ($11 w/handling). -dans \_ what is the matrix? \_ Unfortunately, nobody can be told what the matrix is, you have to see for yourself. -op \_ all i wanna know is, is there a spoon or no? \_ there is no spoon. the spoon effect will be added later using some sort of SGI workstation. \_ STFW! \_ sofia is pretty! ;-) \_ she was the whack job who got motd shut down, right? \_ why is she even in the csua? her CV says 'biology" \_ cuz letting non-cs people in increases your chance of scoring. \_ Yes. Paolo was protecting his little girlfriend's sensibilities. It still sickens me. \_ proving that anyone is capable of abusing power. \_ whack job? What about the people (on the motd) calling for lynchings and nuking Afghanistan? Shutting down the motd until people calmed down was the right thing to do; the only fuckup was root/staff not explaining exactly how bad things had gotten. \_ Right. And her blowing Paolo had nothing to do with it. \_ I don't know either of them, or care. She asked, and that took guts. Now stop reminding me about sodans having sex. \_ It would take guts if she were not sleeping with a member of the politburo. \_ you realize at the time the motd was bad enough that all it would have taken would have been one complaint to the administration and the csua would have gone away. Forever. \_ Quit exaggerating. Witness the misogynist, racist, occasionally funny UCB hot or not from the CSBA, hosted by the OCF: <DEAD>www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~pshyu/hotornot<DEAD> If we are to believe the website, it's gotten a ton of hits, way more viewing than the motd ever did, "the administration" has gotten a few complaints, the OCF and CSBA are still around. - danh \_ that web page isn't something that all users see when \_ and neither is the motd - danh they log into the system. There is a difference. Also the motd from right after 9/11 was scary. People were screaming about the only good arab is a dead arab and the best thing to do is just kill them all. That is the sort of thing that would lead to administation saying "hey, you know we really want that office space you FUCKING MORONS are occupying, thank you for letting us take if from you." \_ You must be a big fan of Tom Ridge. \_ the motd was scary? Shit. I grew up with all the kids saying everyday how we should nuke this country or that country and kill them all, etc. Stop being so damned sensitive. The 90s are over. It isn't cool anymore, if it ever was. \_ Are sodans really so pathetic that they would choose to socialize with sophia? \_ depends. who is she? \_ <immature comments by fucktards deleted>. Before you bitch about your precious motd, and your gross misunderstanding of the first amendment, which does not protect the motd in any way, answer me this: What have you done for the CSUA lately? If you're coming up blank, grow up a little, and come back when you're ready to contribute in a meaningful way.(*) spaf's farewell comments regarding usenet apply remarkably well hear: ' People rail about their "rights" without understanding that every right carries responsibilities that need to be observed too, not least of which is to respect others' rights as you would have them respect your own. Reason, etiquette, accountability, and compromise are strangers in far too many motd posts (sic) these days. (*) Hint: wanking on the motd in order to hear yourself talk isn't a meaningful contribution. - dans \_ the above poster forgot to post his name: 2:08:16pm 190% fstat /etc/motd.public USER CMD PID FD MOUNT INUM MODE SZ|DV R/W NAME dans vi 98715 3 / 62 -rw-rw-rw- 5744 r /etc/motd.public \_ interesting how he signs one post and not another. \_ I am guessing (no, actually it's bloody obvious) you have no idea what "sic" means. \_ #f. The usage here is acceptable. I could also have said [motd posts]. \_ If you say so. I am *sure* you are correct. \_ If you say so. I am *sure* you are as correct about that as you are about other things. \_ Um, wrong. They have entirely opposite meanings. I guess you don't know the different between 'imply' and 'infer' either? \_ you mean dans is *wrong*? this is inconceivable! \_ It isn't that he's wrong, it's the degree that's boggling. \_ By degree, do you mean how he was completely wrong, or how he tried to defend his first mistake with a second one? \_ Oh what the hell, I'll say both. \_ OW MY HEAD! SHIT! FUCK! -geordan \_ as opposed to wanking in the csua office playing video games and selling candy? thanks, I'll just participate virtually via the net \_ oh come on, when was the last time anyone in the CSUA actually did anything useful other than wanking off in the office. \_ Actually it was simple neglect. I stand behind my words, unlike you, coward. \_ Interesting how once your name is out, you no longer \_ my point exactly... and how is this any more "meaningful" than reading/writign the motd once in a while \_ Well, it gives the office it's own bizarre scent. \_ what about the help sessions? bother to delete other motd posts. I am sure that is simple neglect also. I mean, what would posting your name have to do with silencing others? \_ Nope, I'll gladly delete them if they're content free. -dans <posts deleted> P.S. Hey ilyas, are you published yet? \_ Sorry dan, I haven't added to this thread. You seem to use plenty of rope by yourself. And yes I am. -- ilyas \_ So you define content? As if the post concerning Tom Ridge above has content? \_ Apparently correcting dans is a content-free thing, but it continues to bug me: the usage of "(sic)" above, while strictly not incorrect, is at best unnecessary, and replacing the text with [motd posts] is not at all an equivalent. Of course, dans is always right and has always been right, and I am a dissenting idiot. -geordan \_ In fact, it is strictly incorrect. It would have been appropriate to write "[sic]" if 1) Spafford's original quote used the word motd, and 2) the quoter wanted to show that motd was not a typo. Even then, the correct use would be "[sic]" and not "(sic)". \_ Thank god the Motd Grammarians are here or I'd have always wondered about that! |
2003/4/28-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28249 Activity:insanely high |
4/27 When did you join the CSUA? I want to get a histogram of motd users. Please keep it chronological. 1984: 1985: .. 1986: . 1987: .. 1988: 1989: . 1991: .... 1992: ..... 1993: ................ 1994: .............. 1995: ............. 1996: .... 1997: ..... 1998: .... 1999: .... 2000: ... 2001: 2002: 2003: . \_ How many members join per year? What proportion of the current EECS student body are CSUA members? \_ extended your date range back a bit for you.... \_ you needed to extend the range more if you want to cover the oldest still "active" sodans. \_ self extend, grasshoppa! \_ NO WAY! 1985? Who was here in 1985? I thought Partha was the oldest CSUA member. And didn't he come in 87? Who are you people that claim to be here in 86 or 85? \_ Partha was here in 86. - someone who predates psb \_ He acted just the same then. -other person who predates psb \_ THE PSB is eternal! All Praise! --psb #1 Fan \_ No, he was a VMS bigot then. \- well in fairness, my unix exposure was limited to "eunice" and some ancient sysV release --psb \_ you need ot create some sort of anonymous csua voting mechanism so that (fucker)s cant throw off yoru data. \- andy@soda has a decade on the nearest competition --psb \_ has he been using his soda account? \_ finger andy ... Last login Thu Feb 8 14:32 2001 (PST) on ttyDo from Mail last read Mon Apr 28 05:16 2003 (PDT) ... |
2003/4/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28139 Activity:high |
4/15 yup, that coward has censored the motd. can someone identify who that is? \_ I can identify a few people but what would be the point in naming names? Some are people you'd never know from anything else. Some are people who scream about the unfairness of anonymity. Some are from the left. Some are from the right. A few are from some place not even in the same ballpark as the rest of us. What would you do if I provided you with a list of names? Mail bomb them? They're not in violation of any csua rules. I wish they wouldn't do it, but until there's a no-censorship-on-the-motd policy and it gets enforced you won't be seeing the name list. You're a smart guy you can write your own scripts and figure it out for yourself. I did. \_ given the large array of topics that get deleted, it's probably a bunch of people. A significant fraction of society at large is composed of these pathetic cowards who would rather see censorship than open debate. The motd just makes it easier and harder for them at the same time. \_ oh yeah, "open debate" like Bill O'Reilly viewer mail. \_ how can you equate the motd with a TV show's viewer mail? and why the big stick up your ass about Bill? did you write in and get made fun of or something? he hurt your poor little precious nerdy ego? get over it. It's a tv show not a forum for open debate. everyone else understands that except you. \_ yes, open debate. take a look at the editorial columns representing the various points on the political spectrum in the mainstream media. Many columns on the various sides are personal attacks and wild unsubstantiated claims. These are read by people who agree with them and left unchallenged. On the motd poeple of just about every point on the political spectrum express their views, occasionally actually backing up an opinion with some kind of reference. If you look around the web, you mostly see forums where everyone agrees with on another, except for the ocasional heckler who gets thrown off the site or shouted down. On the motd, there's plenty of shouting, but not mindless concensus, and this is a very precious thing. |
2003/4/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28124 Activity:kinda low |
4/14 <DEAD>www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~pshyu/hotornot<DEAD> \_ What a surprise. Another CSBA knockoff of a trivially easy to do site. \_ What a surprise. Another cynical content-free motd comment. \_ And another! \_ touche |
2003/4/8-9 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:28037 Activity:nil |
4/8 Motd restored. If you're going to remove it, you have a moral obligation to replace it with something more interesting. Your comments on how boring the current one is are not more interesting. Thank you for playing the Motd Restoration Game! Play Again(y/N)?__ |
2003/3/28-30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27894 Activity:moderate |
3/28 I have a process that has to set the signal handlers for tty generated signals (and some others) to ignore while it is doing some critical processing. When this processing is done it calls exec to start executing a different pgm. I want to reset the signal handlers to their original values before exec is called. What is the easiest way to do that? \_ for (i = 1; i < _SIG_MAXSIG; i++) signal(i, SIG_DFL); If you don't actually want to ignore the tty signals, but just defer them until your critical processing is done, you can use sigprocmask instead of actually ignoring them; then you won't have to do anything at all when you call exec. \_ sigprocmask seems to do what I want. I was just calling signal and storing the old ptr in an array and then just restoring them prior to calling exec, but sigprocmask sounds better. thanks. \_ WTF does this have to do with Iraq or RIDE BIKE or Linux? Get off the motd with this stuff! \_ If it counts for anything, my process runs on '1337 GN00 D3B14N L1NUX! \_ use motdedit you twink. \_ ED! |
2003/3/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27847 Activity:high |
3/25 Does anyone have a "motdbrowse" program that lets you move forward and backwards through motd revisions? \- what about rcslog? --psb \_ /home/apollo/john/Bin/motdbrowse \_ co -r<revision> -p ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v | less |
2003/3/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/Editors/Vi] UID:27801 Activity:insanely high |
3/21 Seriously guys, can you please start using motdedit? It's pretty rude not to. \_ The motd is a commons, while most people respect the rights of others to use a commons some people do not. And those few spoil the commons for everyone. Its a tragedy that we must all live with. \_ Uhm, no. Let's get this straight -- clobbering content is rude. Using motdedit is just ONE way to avoid doing that. Equating motdedit with common courtesy is just stupid. -mice \_ Apologies to the authors, but fuck motdedit in the ear. \_ because? \_ Because it's a solution to a problem I don't have, and \_ Why should I show any respect for you since you obviously don't care about anyone but yourself? because I'm irritated by the holier than thou preachy assholes that insist I'm rude/stupid/selfish if I don't use it. I don't overwrite other people's entries, and I can't seem to recall getting mine overwritten either. I use vi. \_ Um.. case in point. My reply to your eloquently stated "fuck motdedit..." was overwritten. --scotsman \_ Uhm, yeah and...? You say this as though it's my fault. I find it highly unlikely that I was responsible as you seem to be implying. cf "vi", "respecting locks", etc \_ society's to blame. But your insecurities are in \_ you rude shit. you motdedited out stuff that's been sitting here for 20 minutes. using motdedit doesn't excuse smashing other's content. \_ path? \_ /csua/bin/me the way of getting the point. \_ So, lacking anything relevant to say, you trot out personal insults. Uhm, yeah, whatever. \_ this is someone else talking, but vi guy: have you tried "me"? It's the same as motdedit, requires less typing than "vi /etc/motd.public" and uses an editor agnostic locking scheme. I don't know about preachiness, but it seems like a simple compromise. Is there anything that vi offers that "me" doesn't? \_ Dude, motdedit is a technical solution to a difficult usage problem. If you don't like someone overwriting your entries, you should start using it. I would bet that most of the overwritten entries are caused when someone using emacs or jove makes an entry while someone is using motdedit. The person not using motdedit loses out. Use it or don't, but quit the complaining. --scotsman \_ I use motdedit w/ vi and my entries are routinely overwritten. \_ I don't use it. I also don't over write other's entries and don't complain when other's over write mine. And btw, what do you have against vi users? Can't they get their edits smushed too? Or pine? Don't pine users count? How to edit motd in pine?? \_ If you have to ask, you don't know. The problem is that editors such as emacs and pico don't tell you that there's a lock on the file (at least by default), so you very well could be overwriting someone else's entry without knowing it. And I use vi myself, so I have no idea what you're talking about. If you use vi, it respects those locks anyway, so motdedit becomes a convenience in terms of getting your own lock. motdedit isn't a replacement for common courtesy. Using it, however, _is_ common courtesy. --scotsman \_ I don't know about pico, but emacs always warns me that I'm about to change a file that has changed on disk. When it does that, I copy my changes to *scratch* and merge them back. \_ Not the issue. --scotsman \_ huh? you can use whatever editor you want. just set EDITOR. \_ And ED! What about the ED! users? \_ Stick you head in a pig. \_ how about root just makes /etc/motd.public writeable by motdedit only? |
2003/3/17 [Computer/Companies/Google, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27721 Activity:high |
3/16 Is there a reason why: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=countersteer+vs+leaning comes up with motd as the FIRST LINK??? \_ Maybe because the search terms are unusual and don't often appear together? You know, sort of artifically inflating the relevance? \_ http://www.ntk.net search for 'puerile googlisms'. Google comes up with strange shit sometimes. Plus, we should all know by now that the MOTD is the ultimate authoritative source of Truth. -John \_ amen, father \_ it's aaron's new Infinite Loop RTFM project; you ask on the MOTD and you get directed to Google, you ask on Google and get directed to the MOTD. Brilliant! -tom \_ How to countersteer vs lean on ride biking? |
2003/3/13-14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27684 Activity:moderate |
3/12 http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/03/12_uclink.shtml Not that we have any students in the csUa, but what's up w/ uclink? \_ The system was down, yo! Seriously though, unlink fucked up. Unlink go boom, mail lost, etc., etc. \_ No shit. It's run by university know-nothings. What'd everyone expect? Professionally run systems? \_ Right, did you have a question there, or were you just trying to restate the comment you are commenting on? \_ It's called a comment. Last I checked people are allowed to add their own comments to the motd. Also, a quick check with your English P teacher will help you to see I wasn't restating the previous comment, but was adding my opinion stating for the first time that the problem is moronic and unprofessional government admins. \_ Yes, you are allowed to add comments to the motd. And I am allowed to add comments of my own lambasting you for your comments' lack of content. And check with your English teacher, you have a dangling participle in your most recent comment. \_ My comment has content. You're allowed to disagree with my comment but you'd be wrong to state that there isn't content. Thanks. \_ Content free comment. \_ "Students who are concerned that they may have missed deadlines or lost academic material because of the system failure are urged to talk to their instructors to make alternative arrangements." (uclink ate my homework) \_ Because they don't do backups. |
2003/2/25-26 [Recreation/Pets, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27522 Activity:high |
2/25 Several days ago someone posted some pictures of a cat which all its hair are shaven except on its head and the skin on its body looks gray. Can someone post that URL again? I searched for "cat" in ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v but couldn't find it. Thanks. \_ That was me. Use the wall logs... or maybe GIS --aaron \_ I've never used wall. Where's the wall log file? Thanks. \_ /var/log/wall* \_ Didn't find anything either. Must be older than 7 days. But thanks anyway. \_ /csua/lib/wall. and how'd you SEE the ORIGINAL wall if you don't use wall? --aaron \_ because it was ALSO posted on the MOTD, aaron, you JACKASS! -!op \_ aw, shit! --aaron |
2003/2/22-23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27493 Activity:moderate |
2/22 Hey, look someone deleted the motd entry about Sami Al-Arian Gee, could it have been because it was making sense? Oh they replaced it with a thread on Great White. How cool! \_ More likely because someone couldn't be arsed to learn how to edit the motd without erasing what other people are writing. Lazy bastards. \_ yeah, yeah motdedit blah blah blah. stuff it and your wannabe soapbox up yer butt. \_ Not likely. A long thread spanning several hours got removed cleanly or replaced. Possible but not plausible. However anyone is free to restore it from the archived copy. \_ so who is it? |
2003/2/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27439 Activity:high |
2/17 It was only 1 line of perl to reverse the motd back. Isn't it a squishable offense to run scripts over the motd? \_ not since paolo (then CSUA president) did it. -tom \_ Was he impeached? \_ no, the politburo totally ignored it. \_ if it were, then you wouldn't be allowed to use 1 line of perl to change it back. what if the original offender didn't use a script? what if he used a text editor that had some "reverse everything" command? where do you draw the line? what if he changed it all manually? \_ I think both you and the OP need to reread the csua FAQ. \_ I just read it. Does this mean that if my political motd rant keeps disappearing, I can mail root and ask them to squish the remover if they've done it three times? \_ no because we don't agree with your politics so you have no right to any form of free expression. only people who agree with us have that right. \_ My mistake. That user policy rule seems to imply that you need to nuke the whole motd, not just portions. Selective deletion, by script or manually, should be fine. \_ what if the moon were made of cheese? what if it rains kittens and puppies instead of water? what if god got hir position through affirmative action and the peter principle? what if the silver lining around clouds was really made of silver? \_ One line of csh command: co -p ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v | comm -13 /etc/motd.official - > /etc/motd.public \_ It's not the same. Not nearly as fun. And certainly not portable to other motd based systems. \_ It's a squishable offense to have a script automatically run on the motd. Well, it was, back in the Second Age, when I was young. -geordan \_ geordan, you're still young. --erikred |
2003/2/7-8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27347 Activity:moderate |
2/7 Who the fuck is ecchang? \_ Login: ecchang Name: Eric Chang ~{VY;T~} Directory: /home/sequent/ecchang Shell: /usr/local/bin/ksh On since Fri Feb 7 08:46 (PST) on ttyCE from On since Thu Feb 6 20:52 (PST) on ttyE5, idle 1:58, from Mail last read Fri Feb 7 09:11 2003 (PST) No Plan. \_ I thought it's who the fuck is aubie? \_ woof \_ ooooh. don't fuck with ksh users. \_ the real question is, what relationship does he have to the CSUA and why does he troll the MOTD \_ Hey, did you fall for my "You have new mail." trick? \_ It's none of your fucking business what connection he has. Just because someone doesn't show at every fucking donut run or never posted a stupid haiku on the wall doesn't mean he doesn't have the *same* right to be here that you do. Who the fuck are *you* and what "relationship" do *you* have with the CSUA and why do *you* troll the MOTD? Asshole. -!ecchang \_ My relationship with the CSUA is as a long-time participant and two-time VP. How about you? And while he might have the same right as me to be here (though if he's not at Berkeley or even in the Bay Area, that may be questionable), it certainly seems odd that someone would spend time trying to annoy people in an organization he has never had any contact with. Don't you think? -tom \_ it's a good thing you're justified in annoying the piss out of absolutely everyone. congratulations. \_ I don't recall there being a requirement in the bylaws or constitution that one maintain a continuous personal relationship that you, Tom, would approve of in order to maintain one's access to soda/csua. As a two-time VP, you should know that, shouldn't you? And who are you to judge participation? He's here on the motd being a participant. Are we all required to only discuss football on wall and bike riding events on the motd? Is it policy that anything *you* find annoying is annoying to the whole group? Who died and made you God? Since it seems to matter to you for some silly reason, I've been around longer than you although I haven't had the obviously distinguished honor of being a two-time VP. Perhaps in another life I'll be as important as you and shall have earned the right to participate in a manner you find acceptable and maybe if I'm really lucky, I'll even be able to erase anything from the motd I find of no personal interest to me in the name of keeping the trolls off the motd. Or more likely, you'll grow old and look back and realise you were a young man full of himself and a lot of hot air worrying too much about trivia while life passed you by.... I pity you. \_ ah yes, "life," like posting freerepublic links anonymously in a forum that no one I know reads. I should take lessons. -tom \_ Damn, that's the thanks I get for frequently giving you a helping hand when you get bitch slapped around on the motd. -ecchang |
2003/1/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27124 Activity:high 80%like:26961 |
1/15 how do you view the motd archives? \_ In a very positive way. \_ With reckless abandon. \_ co -p[rev] ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v \_ ~marco/bin/motdbrowse -c \_ cat ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v but real men use ED |
2003/1/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27068 Activity:moderate |
1/10 http://csua.org/motd \_ that rules. \_ but how often does it update? \_ i tried to comment on a comment and it farked it up, destroying the original post and comment. --aaron \_ ha ha. \_ You probably put something in right as someone deleted the original. Seems to work OK now. |
2003/1/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26960 Activity:nil |
1/1 How come there hasn't been as much motd-nuking lately? Is it a kindler-gentler MOTD this year? \_ paolo hasn't logged on since November |
2002/12/14 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26815 Activity:nil |
12/13 The motd censor strikes again! \_ Standard fare for the motd, just some big fat nerdy baby who can't deal with seeing anything written by anyone more intelligent than himself (everybody). |
2002/12/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26777 Activity:insanely high |
12/9 MOTD Poll: I became a CSUA member in: 1983 or earlier: 1984: 1985: 1986: 1987: 1988: 1989: 1990 or later: ..... Never: \_ I troll the motd: Often: Usually: Always: \_ I claim harmless things are trolls: Never (liar): Often: Usually: Always: Only when a viewpoint is expressed different from my own: |
2002/12/5-6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26723 Activity:very high |
12/5 A question for alums who opened their csua accounts in the early 1990s: Do you plan on attending the Class of '93 reunion come October 2003? Wondering if its worth flying in from Bloomington, Indiana. -elizp \_ LIke, dpassage, the second person I met at cal... -elizp \_ Liz! are you married or are you still single? \_ finger fab \_ What does that have to do with elizp? \_ http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~critmass/wedding \_ oh god! CSUA members marrying each other?! shouldn't that be considered incestuous inbreeding? How about diversifying the gene pool a bit eh. \_ Wait til their kids start showing at meetings. \_ Wait till the kids start flaming the parents on wall and the motd. \_ they'd just get censored. no problem. \_ What if I opened my account in the mid 80s? Do I count? Am I too old to be wanted and loved? \_ If you're asking the motd for validation, you've answered your own pathetic question. \_ The csua is my entire social life. I find the motd just as important as the wall. Don't you? \_ Old CSUA Saying: After three days without the motd life loses all meaning. \_ without motd? There's no such concept. Seek help. \_ mid 80's guy predate both motd and wall, which are artifacts of the 90's. - m8g fan #1 \_ I don't plan to attend cuz I don't know that many people in my year. --- yuen \_ I think the trick involves a couple friends attending, then each of those getting a couple others, etc., Kinda like a pyramid scheme. -elizp \_ I will be around. -ausman \_ So will psb. Does the psb ever go to a class reunion? \_ does partha even belong to any one class? i like to think of him as more of a global resource. \_ don't you have to graduate in order to be considered a member of a particular class? (I recall reading on motd that psb never graduated) \_ psb is more greater than graduation. \_ Hey! Watch your dirty mouth! Don't make me bitch slap your sorry ass! That's the psb you're talking about, sonny. --psb #1 Fan \_ Graduation does not a great man make. \_ can squished people attend? \_ Not if the Univeristy has a restraining order on them. Otherwise, yeah. |
2002/12/5 [Recreation/Humor, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26717 Activity:nil |
12/4 All banned topics removed. -MCP \_ Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Get the humanoid. The humanoid must not escape. \_ it's funny how reiffin has gone from trying to make the motd useless by endless trolling, to trying to make it useless by random deletion of live topics. -tom \_ you'd know all about censorship. and it's never funny. \_ I've been in favor of a mandatory non-anonymous motd for a long time. That way hypocrites like yourself wouldn't be able to falsely slam me and we'd get to see how much you're really adding or deleting without being able to hide yourself. I'd like to know how you figure it was me when there were about 6 of us editing the motd in rapid succession. I've written several scripts to track usage but I can't track that kind of activity. Since you're (once again) wrong, I know you can't either.-reiffin \_ soda-~-20:41-117>finger reiffin finger: reiffin: no such user ??? |
2002/12/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26708 Activity:nil |
12/4 All motd refernces to geekery and politics removed as these are no longer acceptable motd topics. You may note the lack of other content. This is not due to motd censorship in any way. This is entirely due to people refusing to write on allowable topics. You have only yourselves to blame for this state of affairs. -MCP \_ Bah! I've been in the game grid too long! long live the users! |
2002/12/3 [Reference/Law, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Politics] UID:26698 Activity:nil |
12/3 First law of the motd: As the length of the motd increases, the probability of someone saying '_____ IS THE STANDARD!' approaches 1. \_ First law of Lotto: As the number of times you buy Lotto increases, the probability of you winning once approaches 1. \_ Not always true. You could choose the same number on all tickets you buy. \_ I assume you mean buying all combos and not buying every week \_ No, I meant if you keep on buying one Lotto ticket every round, the probability of you winning in one or more of the rounds approaches 1. \_ if the probability of winning the lottery is < 1, then the overall probability of the algorithm you propose will never reach one. (yes, it approaches) if the probability of winning the lotery is 1, then the overall probability of the algorithm is 1 \_ I never said it reaches one. I only said it approaches 1. |
2002/11/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26607 Activity:nil |
11/22 So who were the politburo members responsible for the Great MOTD Lock Out? Who was the offended party? Who was her boyfriend? \_ this should probably be in that CSUA encyclopedia thing if its not already. - rory \_ it's not in the encyclopedia. so who were the involved parties? \_ paolo. |
2002/11/22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26587 Activity:nil |
11/21 I like how He Who Shall Not Be Named tried to get the motd destroyed last year because of perceived comments on the motd against people of the same ethnicity as his girlfriend, and now He Who Shall is dropping anti-Semitic remarks into the motd. Go bears. \_ I like how the OP wasn't at any of the politburo meetings where this was discussed. I also like how the OP neglected to note that He Who Shall Not Be Named really wasn't involved in the decision-making process. I also like how the OP neglects to note that He Who Shall Not Be Named's girlfriend is a reasonably intelligent invdividual who is quite capable of making her point and acting without He Who Shall Not Be Named's prior approval. I also like that the OP neglects to be named. -dans \_ do you kick non politburo members out of politburo meetings? - !op \_ Funny how the anti-Semitic comment stays, but the anti-Isreal comment gets censored. \_ Because hating Jews is easier than hating a country? \_ don't you know that it's now fashionable to be anti-semitic? |
2002/11/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26579 Activity:high |
11/19 /etc/motd.public with motdedit seems to be broken. mehlfalf seems to have held the motd lock for hours now. \_ it was always broken. tough shit. and spell his name right. \_ Who uses motdedit? \_ Apparently the guys who can't edit motd.public right now. \_ see what happens when you try to play nice? You get stomped on by others. this is the motd. deal. -ERic |
2002/11/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26495 Activity:very high |
11/9 Maybe this was answered a long time ago, but why doesn't the MOTD displayed on the Soda website? \_ Someone with "issues" posted some really offensive stuff about a year ago and thus the web motd was pulled. Now there is nothing stopping you from keeping a copy in ~/public_html so you can read the motd via the web. \_ what was so offensive that it banned free speech? what's the command to use the melhalf (sp) command to view archived motd's? (i promise to write it down this time). \_ ~marco/bin/motdbrowse ... you may need to poke around the files in ~mehlhaff/tmp \_ since the motd is offensive just about every day to someone maybe you could give a general topic? how could someone decide which particular topic was the one? \_ Think about something significant that happened last year (say in sept.). And yes the motd offends people everyday, but in this case someone was offended enough to complain to root. \_ and that someone happened to suck the dick of the then CSUA president \_ dude, blowjob beats motd every fucking time, as it should. what kind of idiot are you? --aaron \_ dude, blowjob beats motd every fucking time, as it should. what kind of idiot are you? --aaron \_ thank you. --erikred |
2002/11/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26403 Activity:insanely high |
11/4 I'm dedicating my life to bringing you cool new MOTD polls. Here's the first one. If your suicide note was an email, what would be the subject line be? -- new motd poll guy (NMPG) \_ "Woke up this morning, got yourself a gun." -- NMPG \_ "The, Meeting Sexy Singles in Your Area jxkcpp" -geordan \_ "Hello, world!" \_ "I felt really bad about that thing with your sister and AIDS..." \_ "goodbye, cruel motd" \_ "(ADV) Free XXX Hot 40 year old virgins masturbating!" |
2002/11/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26401 Activity:very high 66%like:25165 |
11/4 MOTD poll: who do you think is lamer, (1) bilingual motd denizen with imperfect command of English, or (2) monolingual motd denizen who feels it's his patriotic duty to rag on (1) every time he posts or (3) the monolingual motd idiot who thinks shitty grammar is ok if you're a foreigner and should never be corrected leaving (1) looking like a semi-literate FOB monkey for the rest of (1)'s life: (1): ...... (2): ...... (3): ........ (4): ..... (5): ....... (6): ...... (7): ... (e): ....... (pi): ....... (-15): ....... (11): ... (i): .oOo. |
2002/10/30-31 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26362 Activity:moderate |
10/30 I want to calculate gas flow impedances through a tube at a few PSIG. can someone recomend a reference on the web that will help with this? \_ The proper term is called "pressure drop." If you insist, go to library and look for Perry's Handbook. Otherwise, go bug some Chemical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering nerds for help. I am sure you have helped them answering UNIX questions in the past. It's just returning favor. \_ thanks. i didn't know what it was called by CE people. google doesn't help much if you don't know the right buzzwords. in case anyone cares, here's the table i was trying to find: http://www.copper.org/tubehdbk/tables/table4.html -op \_ gee i'm sure motd is a better place to ask than google, this isn't incredibly esoteric or anything, and i'm sure there's an expert in fluid dynamics here and that google doesn't have anything that could help you. \_ ie, STFW \_ 1) Cal is a top-rate engineering/science school 2) Many Cal engineers/scientists are CSUA members 3) When searching for information, it often helps to also ask at a place where you know there may be some top-rate {whatevers} in their field to help you. The motd is one possible place for this. What is so fucking difficult about this that makes you no-life no-clue pack of twats feel you have to make up for your lack of knowledge and willingness to help with not-particularly-clever snide putdowns? You are LAME. Let me read it to you, L.A.M.E. You wear the flaming hot neon pink capitalized letter 'L' tattoo on your pimply forehead. You will NOT reproduce, as you are a jaffa fuckwit. Your family tree does not fork. You smell bad. Dogs and small children run at the sight of you. Disease and stupidity pool wherever you place your stumbling hairy feet. Let me also not forget that you haven't the brains god gave coleslaw. Your mother wears combat boots. You fly DDs. Your job description includes the term "pencilneck". You chew your toenails. You have an average feeling about this level. You are flatulent. People avoid things you have touched. I fart in your general direction. You have all the cans in a six pack but lack the plastic thingy to hold it all together. L A M E. There is no excuse for you, you shit-festering son of a one- balled male prostitute. The ten-foot poles in your vicinity have all been removed, as no one uses them anyway. You are a one-handed typer. Your credit card statement shows subscriptions to bukkake sites. Do us all a favor; go sit in a corner and continue to fester and rot as you have been doing all along, but from now on, do so quietly. -John \_ yes, yes righteous indignation blah blah sancitmonious blither blah blah you suck. you think about this entirely too much. \_ Not really...I think I had a point, but then I just felt like insulting you a lot. -John \_ you had a point. absurdly obscure technical questions sometimes get answered on the motd. in the end, i only found what i was looking for because of motd help. the motd alone did not solve my problem, but google + motd did. -op \_ Rock on brother! |
2002/10/28 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26349 Activity:nil |
10/28 motd poll : i used the extra hour to sleep: .. get more work done:. post useless polls to the motd: . drink: . mud: . master of orion v1.3 & cable sci-fi: . |
2002/10/23-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26303 Activity:nil |
10/23 MOTD is dead. \_ Long live MOTD! |
2002/10/19-21 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26258 Activity:high |
10/18 use /csua/bin/me to edit the motd, morons. \_ get a life \_ Jove. Only Jove. \_ setenv $EDITOR jove. Is that hard? \_ The '$' shouldn't be there. -geordan \_ Um.. fuck jove... and pico... \_ You know it. I know it. I don't need to say a damned thing. \_ But naturally you did anyway. dufus. \_ ED! ED IS THE STANDARD EDITOR! \_ But apparently someone else needs to...<sigh> \_ blah blah motdedit blah me blah blah motdedit blah moron. get over it. \_ fuck off I'm the queen \_ ED! IS THE STANDARD! MOTD EDITOR! \_ fuck you. \_ fuck you too. \_ Convincing people to change their habits by calling them \_ fuck you. \_ just use one of the programs that respects the file lock. \_ No thanks. None of your god damned business what anyone else uses. \_ You should really see someone about these flashes of anger. There are some talented psychiatrists around here. \_ You should really see someone about these flashes of megalomania. There are some talented psychiatrists that can help you with your control-freakishness. names is probably not the most effective or intelligent way to effect change. Perhaps you should consider a different strategy. -mice Communism exists, remember? \_ convincing people is not effective, PERIOD. That's why Free Republic exists, remember? \_ *laugh* the motd is so rude even statements about the motd being rude get edited. \_ I think you mean 'fascism'. \_ You seem to have missed my point, but I suppose this being the motd and all, it's to be expected. *shrug* \_ Religion/brain-washing is the way to go. \_ Yeah. We need to have an intervention on the rude motd bastards. Ah damnit. Can we start again? \_ Nah. Motd is no fun without rude motd bastards. -mice \_ Oh yessuh! Anythin ya say suh! You tha boss suh! Fuck you. |
2002/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26210 Activity:nil |
10/16 Motd restored. Whoever deleted all that stuff is the most boring jerkoff to hit the motd in a long time. Cleaning the motd of old stuff is one thing but hand picking items because they're no interest to you is selfish and anal retentive. |
2002/10/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26113 Activity:nil |
10/5 Idiot, why don't you just zero the whole motd if this is the only stuff you're going to leave behind? It's the same effect. I partially restored a few things for those who aren't complete nerds. If you want /etc/motd.nerds so badly, ask the politburo or VP for it. \_ want politics threads? sex threads? post 'em. don't whine. \_ duh, you think I don't? It doesn't help if some nerdling kills them every 5 minutes. I don't want other people to start posting non-nerdling threads; they already do. I want the nerdlings to stop purging everything interesting every 5 minutes. |
2002/10/4-5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26102 Activity:high |
10/4 Is fam used on csua? Couldn't we use fam to do proper motd locking and checking? \_ Unnecessary. It's not just a problem to solve, but a tradition to uphold. "proper" motd locking would defeat one of the classic features of the motd, namely to show who is the courteous and uncourteous among us. Using motdedit is a sign of higher thought. \_ motdedit is not the only way to avoid smashing other people's posts. keep your motdedit fascism to yourself. \_ And screw up a great system where people overwrite each others posts? Surely you jest. |
2002/10/3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:26089 Activity:high |
10/3 I like to participate in motd polls: yes: no: .............. \_ Thank you for participating in this motd poll. |
3/15 |