2007/8/15 [Uncategorized] UID:47610 Activity:nil |
8/15 First! Soda was down for about a day. |
2007/8/15-20 [Uncategorized] UID:47611 Activity:nil |
8/14 Buffalo, not lion, is now the king of the jungle. http://youtube.com/watch?v=LU8DDYz68kM (>12M hits) |
2007/8/15-20 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:47612 Activity:nil |
8/13 I have a 50 MB .FLV file that I wish to break into smaller chunks (let's say 10 MB chunks) and have each chunk be separately playable. Is there a tool for Mac or UNIX/Linux that can do this? I found a few Windows-based tools, but I don't have a Windows box. \_ On a related note, how do I play .FLV files on Windows in general? Thanks. \_ Riva player? it's not open-source, but it's free \_ ffmpeg \_ can someone help me capture this flash animation file? http://langephoto.com/video/video_flipbook_12_26_06.html |
2007/8/15-20 [Industry/Startup] UID:47613 Activity:low |
8/15 Anyone joined VMware as an engineer recently, like, 6 months ago? How many shares of option did you get, and what's the exercise price? \_ Normally, as an engineers, your total gain regardless of number will be $200K in a 4 year vest period, ON AVERAGE. That means some people will never make it ($0K/4 years) and some people will get super rich. As an engineer, don't expect anything because mgmt will always get 100X more shares than you. \_ It isn't about "how many shares". It is about "what percentage" of shares. As I've had to explain to an HR person more than once, if she can't tell me how many total shares exist then her offer of X shares is totally meaningless. I would rather have 10 shares at a place with 50 total shares than 1 billion at a place with a 100 trillion. It is literally a "share" or slice or piece of the company. Also, if you are pre-ipo, your price being 5 cents or 5 dollars a share or whatever isn't that important if you can sell at 50+ like vmware or at 500+ like google. Does it really matter if you made $495/share or $499.95/share? So, since they're already public, what does it really matter to you as a non-vmware person? \_ it's still important, just to see what sort of gain one might expect to have gotten out of this one. \_ no, it isn't. because whatever your original grant is is almost always 'resized' to fit the issuers need for public share with splits or reverse splits as appropriate. my 10 shares in a 50 share company would be millions of shares when they had a financial event. my billion shares would be reduced from the trillions company. if you just want to know how much a vmware engineer made, then you need to ask how much a vmware engineer made not some share count proxy and you'll have to wait 6 months until they're allowed to sell on the market. right now whatever they are worth is paper and worth nothing but hope and dreams until sold and taxed. |
2007/8/15-17 [Uncategorized] UID:47614 Activity:low |
8/15 Wow, those bullets are in remarkably good shape http://csua.org/u/jc9 \_ These bullets have been fired and the casings are still there? \_ Yeah, that was the point of my comment. They only way they hit this woman's house is if they were thrown. \_ Maybe they were thrown *really* hard? \_ I'm waiting for an public ourcry about this. \_ I'm waiting for a public ourcry about this. |
2007/8/15-17 [Computer/Rants] UID:47615 Activity:nil |
8/15 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=asB8GsoJEzoY Yield on 3-month T-bill falls from 4.6% to 4.0%, biggest 1-day decline since 1989 |
2007/8/15-17 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:47616 Activity:nil |
8/15 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=alpGocvOGiDM Countrywide Financial selling 30-day bonds at 12.5% Overnight bonds at 6 to 6.5% |
2007/8/15-20 [Politics] UID:47617 Activity:kinda low 60%like:47604 |
8/15 Fixed. please stop restoring last weeks' dead posts. \_ 8/13 is not last week, ass. \_ whatever. dead threads are dead threads. deal with it. anything that hasn't had a reply in 24 hours is dead. are you new here? \_ You know that soda was down for a substantial part of the last 24 hours, right? \_ Yes, and? \_ It's pretty damn hard to get a reply if the machine is down. Are you just stupid? \_ Nothing that recent was deleted. "Are you just stupid?" \_ Yes, something that recent was deleted. \_ But not by me. Time to get over it and grow some balls: repost it or forget about it but stop crying over a stupid motd post like a 4 year old who had the wings fall off her toy pony. Was your pony purple? Did it have a unicorn's horn, too? Sheesh. \_ I just replied to one of those and you deleted it. Are you an ass? (yes) \_ I did not delete it; I'm not the only one here, so get over your big bad self. I've had posts flat out censored because someone didn't like my opinion so I simply reposted. You can grow up and deal with someone else deleting your reply to something from 2+ days ago by either reposting that section or just moving on like an adult would. Tiny violins are playing in heaven right now over your dead post. |
2007/8/15-20 [Finance/Banking, Finance/Investment] UID:47618 Activity:nil |
8/14 THERE IS NO HOUSING BUBBLE! http://blogs.ft.com/wolfforum/2007/08/fear-makes-a-we.html |
2007/8/15-20 [Reference/History, Reference/RealEstate] UID:47619 Activity:nil |
8/14 San Diego County NODs (three months past due in mortgage payments) and foreclosure sales, from 1991 to now http://tinyurl.com/yqnqfr (californiahousingforecast.com) \_ What I see in this chart is that foreclosures are generally at some level around 400-600 except when the market starts to rise and then they, naturally, fall as it becomes easier to sell property that may go into default. I am actually a little bit surprised that the rate isn't much higher than typical, although the second derivative is a bit alarming. |
2007/8/15-20 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:47620 Activity:kinda low |
8/14 Torture: Not only illegal and immoral, it just doesn't work: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2007/07/torture200707 \_ unfortunately it takes until near the bottom of the last page to actually get to anyone saying it doesn't work. couldn't you have just quoted those 2 lines and saved us from reading 3.98 pages that didn't back up your statement? [I like when my posts get deleted. That way I know I hit a nerve. Keep up the censorship.] \_ "It was an extraordinary success story. But it was one that would evaporate with the arrival of the C.I.A's interrogation team." Paragraph four. But who's counting? \_ That is not the same as saying "it doesn't work". That is saying the FBI was there using a method that was apparently working and then the CIA showed up and used a different method. It doesn't say the CIA method didn't work. He may have had nothing more to say. It may be a technique that was not effective on this one person. The only place in the article that makes a general claim for the failure of the CIA's technique was the 2 lines 3/4s down on the last page. So who is counting? I am. You're seeing what you want to see. I am not making the case either way for torture working or not: I don't know, it isn't my field (thankfully), but this article doesn't say what you say it says until the 2 lines on page 4. My point? Quote the 2 lines or change your post to match what your article says. \_ Almost the entire article is a case of making evidence for the statement that torture does not work as an intelligence gathering tool. I could quote paragraph after paragraph, but that would still not change your mind about what you think you read. This is a very common rhetorical technique: build a case for a statement and then make it at the end of the essay. Simply stating it does not have the same effect (for what I hope are obvious reasons). \_ The entire article is about what happened re: the one guy once the CIA showed up. You could quote the whole thing but you won't be quoting anything that says that the CIA method does not work in the general case until 3/4s down page 4. If they had presented more than one case, made a general claim for dozens (or however many) cases where it failed, or something then sure, I'd buy it, but this article does not say what you say it says except for the 2 sentences as noted. \_ Or it does: http://csua.com/2006/09/21/#44481 \_ Torture works just fine. -- ilyas \_ you should ask Colin Powell for that. he paid dearly. \_ Your grammar sucks. Why should you live? |
2007/8/15-20 [Uncategorized] UID:47621 Activity:nil |
8/14 more Y B M B http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/08/09/AR2007080901711.html |
3/14 |