2007/5/18-19 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46680 Activity:nil |
5/17 http://drhousingbubble.blogspot.com \_ Guess there's more than one Sour Grapes Housing Guy |
2007/5/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:46681 Activity:nil |
5/17 Can someone point out the URL to GWB's transcript? I'm wondering what grade he got in Econ/Business. Thanks. \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=bush+transcript+yale |
2007/5/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:46682 Activity:moderate |
5/17 http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/05/17/candidates.wealth/index.html 7 out of 18 Presidential candidate are millionaires. "All of the candidates are seeking to lead a country where the median net worth is about $93,000, and the median yearly income is about $46,000." Hold on. How the hell do you make $46K but save only $93K net worth? Don't most of us own homes that are at least 3-4X our income? \_ Two words: CREDIT CARD. More words: HOME EQUITY LOAN \_ 1) because the saving's rate hovers around zero, 2) no. \_ "most of us" don't own homes. \_ 68% is "most". \_ 68% is "most". (Correction, 2000 census, 66.2%) \_ You mean there are 200M homes in the USA? \_ There sure is a big helping of the stupid piled on motd today. \_ here in America, we like big helpings. |
2007/5/18-19 [Transportation/Car] UID:46683 Activity:moderate |
5/17 Man with no arms and 1 leg eludes police in high-speed chase. http://www.miamiherald.com/416/story/103431.html \_ I wished most people who had two arms and two legs could drive that well. \_ "Come back here! I'll bite your legs off!" \_ "He spent time in prison for kicking a Florida Highway Patrol trooper after an accident in 1996." This is one guy who won't let his disability affect his performance! |
2007/5/18-19 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:46684 Activity:very high |
5/17 Southern ocean saturated with CO2 http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/05/17/climate.ocean.reut/index.html "We thought we would be able to detect these only the second half of this century, say 2050 or so," she said. But data from 1981 through 2004 show the sink is already full of carbon dioxide. "So I find this really quite alarming." \_ Which ironically shows how wrong this particular scientific model is. It's amazing how time after time these models prove wrong,nd yet no one is connecting the dots. \_ By "amazing", I assume you mean "how science works"... Their models are turning out to be far too conservative. The irony is in the claims of alarmism.. is in the claims of alarmism.. --scotsman \_ I at least am quite familiar with how science works. My last job (just departed) was in scientific simulation. In particular of simulation of radiation interaction with human tissue for oncology. And if my models were more than 3% off, it was completely unacceptable. Yet in the latest IPCC report, the estimate for ocean rise is dramatically less than it was in the previous one. Furthermore, if your results are wrong, it means you have a broken model, and you fundamentally can't make reasonable predictions with a broken model. -emarkp \_ Are you going to dig up Jewish corpses full time? How much are your CORBA payments? \_ So... If your models were 3% off, it was unacceptable and.. what? You ran more experiments? You changed your model? Or you said "Well shit, I guess that proves that radiation has no effect on cancerous tissue"? --scotsman \_ The doctors would threaten to throw our software out the window. -emarkp \_ So, another parallel that isn't... --scotsman \_ Hi anonymous troll! -emarkp \_ I posit that you are unconvinceable, since no model will ever be accurate enough for you. \_ You're wrong. My belief in climate started with skepticism, moved to acceptance (even of anthropgenic warming), then back to skepticism of man's cause, and now I simply don't believe there is warming. All of those changes in my interpretation have come from my own investigation of the data. -emarkp \_ Have you checked out the Stern report? The expected cost of even the conservative scenarios where AGW is real far far exceeds the cost of doing something about it. Why is normal risk analysis thrown out the window only in this case? \_ Odd, I never see risk analysis on this, it's typically, "don't you want to help the earth"? -emarkp \_ You aren't looking very hard at all. Google "stern report global warming" \_ Oh yeah, that looks fun. A 645 page report. No thanks. -emarkp \_ Odd. You say, "I never see risk analysis." Then you are presented with a very prominent peice of risk analysis, and declare that you won't read it. \_ 645 pages?!? Sorry no. I looked into it and it looks pretty sketchy. In particular, the claim summarized is that it would cost 1% GDP to prevent the problems of GW, but 20% if we don't stop it. Skimming the first chapter it seems just a rehash of previous claims. Considering Kyoto wasn't going to solve anything and cost a ton, I simply don't buy this. And what does it claim about China and India? -emarkp (Oh and then I find this on the wiki: Professor Richard Tol, an environmental economist and lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said that "If a student of mine were to hand in this report as a Masters thesis, perhaps if I were in a good mood I would give him a 'D' for diligence; but more likely I would give him an 'F' for fail. There is a whole range of very basic economics mistakes that somebody who claims to be a Professor of Economics simply should not make. (...) Stern consistently picks the most pessimistic for every choice that one can make. He overestimates through cherry-picking, he double counts particularly the risks and he underestimates what development and adaptation will do to impacts.") http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6295021.stm \_ Please don't buy the Green hype; there are plenty of selfish reasons to want head off AGW. Unless, of course, you're buying real estate on high ground in the hopes of owning a future beach house. \_ I'm more interested in clean air. Quit the crap about CO2 and let's get rid of brown air. -emarkp \_ a.k.a. air with the mark of cain \_ a.k.a. air with the Mark of Cain \_ What sources led you to your disbelief? \_ Says the man that believes in Joseph Smith's magic plates. \_ I'm not proposing them as a scientific theory. -emarkp \_ You know, they keep changing their predictions for earthquakes in the Bay Area, too, but somehow I'm willing to believe that there will be one in the future. -tom \_ But if they predicted one tomorrow, which didn't happen, and the day after, which didn't happen, and then in one year (and there was one in 6 months), would you believe them if they predicted one on a certain date? -emarkp \_ Your suggested parallel isn't. --scotsman \_ It's a bit closer than tom's, but hey, like I care. -emarkp \_ it's been well established that you don't care about reality. -tom \_ hah! Nice troll tom. Go back to your cage. -emarkp \_ Tom may be a troll, but it appears that anyone who disagrees with you is a troll. \_ No, people who post anonymously but call me out by name are trolls. -emarkp \_ I didn't post anonymously or call you out. -tom \_ JUST A NATURAL CYCLE!!!!! GIVE ME MY HUMMER BACK!!!!!!!!1!!!! \_ You may find http://realclimate.org helpful. |
2007/5/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46685 Activity:low 72%like:46709 |
5/18 Freepers, um, "respond" to immigration plan http://wonkette.com/politics/dept%27-of-messy-breakups/beloved-right+wing-message-board-demands-bush-impeachment-261439.php \_ Is this the move that will drop his approval ratings to sub-Nixon numbers? \_ You're not thinking far enough ahead. All but one of the 2008 R candidates has come out against this bill. This will fire up the base and enable them to rant and rave about how THEY wouldn't have sold the country down the river for them damn Mexicans if THEY had been President. This is a parting gift from Dubya for em. \_ Ezra Klein has a good take http://csua.org/u/iq0 (prospect.org) \_ It's still above congress' approval. However, "the base" that will leave Bush has already done so. I can't imagine it'd go lower. \_ There are no Freepers on the motd. We used to have one and then we had several fakes and now we fortunately have none. |
2007/5/18-22 [Transportation/Car] UID:46686 Activity:nil |
5/18 Obi Wan Kenobi buys a used car (from last year) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpJOn5rgSFA |
2007/5/18-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:46687 Activity:high |
5/18 To the troll who was asking me why I was for the war in Iraq, why don't you ask Senator Clinon? Just in case you wanted to know, here's her speech: http://clinton.senate.gov/speeches/iraq_101002.html \_ Why? Are you saying you would vote for her? \_ Commander-In-Chief Hillary Rodham Clinton. Doesn't it have a melodious sound? Oh, btw, she is against it now. Why haven't you changed your tune? \_ It'll never happen. She wouldn't even be in the race much less considered a serious contender if she wasn't a MSM beloved Clinton. So many long for the return of the Bill Clinton days they'd support anything with his name even though she's nothing like him. Out here in the real world she has negative ratings so high that there's no way she can win the Presidency and they only get worse for her as she pisses off the left. The right already knows her while the left continues to figure it out more each day. \_ The Right has had her on its list of hated people since WJC got elected. They know what they want to think of her, nothing more. She's a lot more than a feminazi caricature, and you wrong yourself to miss that. \_ Why do you feel the need to put words in my mouth? I never described her as little "more than a feminazi caricature". If you can't reply to what was said, please don't. You completely ignore my comments on the number of people on the left who have learned to dislike her while inventing something from whole cloth I didn't say. \_ If the comment does not apply to you, don't take it as such. However, many on the right have her pegged as a feminazi caricature, and she's much more than that. \_ I think if you spend your time arguing someone is 'more than just a feminazi' you have already lost the image war. \_ You know, it's surreal conversations like this that remind me why I don't bother with Usenet anymore. *shrug* It's the Right that's written her off as a FemiNazi. Among people who think (read: non-dittoheads), labels like that just stick. \_ Are you the same guy who predicted that the Iraq War would be a good idea? \_ aaron? \_ No. I think when they didn't declare martial law on day 1 it was over. Everything that happened after that as Iraq's situation spiraled down was stupid. And calling it a War is just wrong at least as far as our troops are concerned. They aren't fighting anyone. They go on patrols, they get shot at a lot, sometimes roadside bombs go off. There are near zero efforts to find and go after any of the various forces trying to destabilize the country (for political reasons). I know you were just being snarky but I figured I'd give you a real answer anyway. \_ Not entirely being snarky. Just pointing out the fact that the Right Wing Oracle seems to be broken these days, so the fact that Republicans are all 100% convinced that Hillary is "unelectable" doesn't neccessarily mean that this is so. \_ Read it and weep: link:www.csua.org/u/iqc \_ don't be stupid. \_ TradeSports has been pretty on target with most of its predictions. Do you have a better prediction market? \_ So that was a tradesports link? It doesn't work for me now. I just looked on there and they have Hillary at 40:100 to win. I thought Obama had a much better chance. They also have Gore on there. I guess Gore might join late. Gore vs. Clinton? I have no idea how he'd do. I think he could win the presidency. The problem with him is he has associated himself with a controversial issue. Someone like Giuliani is bland as white bread. You can't really complain about him because all he says is he likes lower taxes and all the usual bullshit. He's probably corrupt but the American people don't care about that. He looks like he's in the mafia (omg racist). |
2007/5/18-22 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46688 Activity:nil |
5/18 Dubya may reward Tony Blair's loyalty with World Bank post http://tinyurl.com/29flyc (dailymail.co.uk) \_ Predicted on the MOTD, May 16: \_ Predicted on the MOTD: http://csua.com/2007/05/16/#46662 |
2007/5/18-20 [Recreation/Activities, Transportation/Car] UID:46689 Activity:nil |
5/18 VW GTI rocks: http://www.autoblog.com/2007/05/17/worthersee-2007-vw-shows-off-monster-golf-gti-w12-650-concept |
2007/5/18-22 [Transportation/Car] UID:46690 Activity:kinda low |
5/18 Help. A new Pinkberry opened up across from where I live and it has increased traffic jam. How will this adversely affect my property value? It's 1.5 blocks away from my condo. I'm thinking of petitioning, with the help of HOA, to get them pay for a new parking structure, or better yet, kick them out. \_ What the fuck is a Pinkberry? \_ I'm boycotting them just for the obnoxiousness of their website.. OP, you've chosen to live in LA. No sympathy. \_ google it and read "the taste that launched 1000 parking tickets." \_ Dude, Angelenos are just plain weird. \_ Generally, desirable business near your house increase your property value. \_ Check Cashed Now!, Aladin Bail Bonds, Joe's Pawn Shop, Buba's Super Stereo World, Mo's Sports Bar, Crazy Horse Gentlemen's Club, Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club, y Larry Flint's Husler Casino are extremely desirable too. Will they raise surrounding property values? \_ You're throwing in a lot of different things there. I don't think anyone would consider check cashing or pawn shops as "desirable." A sports bar could easily raise property values, as could a casino. \_ Move as far out into the suburbs as you can. That is the only \_ wilderness \_ A shack in Montana far off the grid. way you can be sure to be safe. |
2007/5/18-22 [Uncategorized] UID:46691 Activity:nil |
5/18 In X11 display port, for example :0.0 - what function does the .0 portion serve? \_ It indicates the screen for a multiscreen display. |
2007/5/18-20 [Uncategorized] UID:46692 Activity:nil 97%like:46707 |
5/18 How to deal with your crazy boss (bully, paranoid, narcissist, etc) http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2007/bing/0705/gallery.bosses_types_bing.fortune |
3/14 |