2005/6/1-2 [Recreation/Media] UID:37910 Activity:moderate |
6/1 Wow. This is so cool. Say a few bad words about the holy geek cow Star Wars and people freak out. -dans \_ I think it had more to do with the attitude you brought to the table, guy. \_ You mean honest, direct, and necessarily critical? Whatever the reason, the response is spectacularly amusing. -dans \_ Anybody who thinks LOTR is an unwatchable hack job but enjoys Spiderman is, well, irredeemably evil. -- ilyas \_ Eh. I have my faults, and I have my attributes. Frequently they're one and the same. -dans they're one and the same. Addendum: Compare Sam Raimi's Directorial filmography to that of Peter Jackson, and it's readily apparent that: Raimi's directorial fu >> Jackson's This is true for both low budget and big budget films they have each made. -dans \_ Aaargh! For Love of the Game? The Quick & the Dead? Aaugh! And while I'd agree with you that Evil Dead is teh r0xx0r, there's no WAY it holds a candle to Bad Taste. And no, I don't think PJ is that great, although LotR was pretty cool, but c'mon, head-pus-spewing aliens and chainsaws aren't way better than some sexually confused dude prancing around in an insect constume? -John \_ I'll have to check Bad Taste out as I have not seen it. A Simple Plan is fantastic. I've actually always had a soft spot for The Quick & The Dead, if only for the cinematography. It's a bad film, but I dig it. -dans \_ We'd better send in the boys. -John \_ Don't forget Meet the Feebles. -max \_ As often as I've tried, I CAN'T forget Meet the Feebles. I got to watch my then-gf hug herself for two hours. She said afterwards she felt violated. I LOVE that movie! \_ Don't get me wrong, I love Sam Raimi; his Evil Dead trilogy raised (and then lowered) the bar on inventive film-making. The thing is Jackson's just as inventive, as you'll see when you watch Bad Taste. However, there's little to compare between Spiderman and LOTR; the former was simply adequate, while the latter, despite its inability to cleave to the original material, was epic. That said, Spiderman 2 made up for a lot of the shortcomings of 1. They're both good directors. We're really just splitting hairs. Now that hack Lucas, OTOH.... --erikred \_ This is somewhat unrelated, but I don't think that attribute is a positive word, I think it's just neutral. Similar to 'characteristic.' \_ Just checked http://answers.com (via google definition link), and you are correct. Thanks for the correction. -dans \_ I completely agree w/ you. Those Star Wars fans are nut cases, if anyone says anything bad about their movies they take it as a personal attack and whip out their force flame powers on you. Perhaps the first moview (EP4) was watchable but the other ones Perhaps the first movie (EP4) was watchable but the other ones were complete trash (including the most recent EP3 - not worth the bandwidth to d/l it, watching a Quicktime movie of someone playing JK2 on Jedi Knight would have been more entertaining than EP3). LOTR is even worse than SW, there isn't even a single watchable movie in the bunch (what can you expect, the books sucked). Those SW/LOTR fans need to grow up and start watching real scifi, like Star Trek. Wake me when GL copies TWOK. -star trek movie guy \_ I rate this flaming troll-bait 7/10. Nice presentation, excellent content (bashing LOTR *and* SW, while bringing in Star Trek fans -- just wonderful!). Too long, though. \_ I think bringing in star trek is weak. they're all pretty much hiding after enterprise. \_ Enterprise WAS NOT STAR TREK. It was an unholy abomination whose creators should have been shot for their desecration of the noble legacy of Star Trek. -star trek movie guy \_ *Golf clap* -flamebait fan |
2005/6/1-3 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack] UID:37911 Activity:low |
6/1 Come on jblack, why do you keep deleting this? Why don't you explain why you keep posting stuff from freerepublic and insist on changing the URL back to IP addresses? \_ Who the fuck is jblack anyway? -dans \_ Swiftboat troll, freeper troll, and anti-immigrant WND troll. \_ What era? I'm trying to figure out why I can't place him in my mental map of CSUA history. -dans \_ He never went to Cal as an undergrad. He's a grad student. \_ Right, but what era? Is he a current grad student? What department? Is he a grad student from days of yore? Heckling minds want to know -dans \_ http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/~jblack Apparently he's kind of shy and refuses to reply. \_ That's okay, I'm an equal opportunity heckler. -dans \_ tell us about your childhood as a Red Neck Republican in Virginia |
2005/6/1-3 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37912 Activity:nil |
6/1 I can't wait till Age of Empires III comes out. Everything else out there sucks in terms of GUI and playability. Sucky games including Rome:Total War, Rise of Nations, and especially Empire Earth II (this game has not improved much since the first version, SHAME). Emsemble has a great track record, I hope they don't ruin AoE3. \_ Associates of mine (albeit ones who loved R:TW) say that Cossacks is the mutt's nuts. -John \_ I've played Cossacks. It looks nice. It plays nice. It's just not that much fun. I blame it on the fact it's written by Bulgarians. - danh \_ In Soviet Bulgaria, Cossacks play YOU! -John \_ Hey they wrote game called Cossacks, not Bulgarians (A game in which armies of shadowy characters stab each other with poison umbrellas). I have no point here, I just like saying "rupleforeskin" -pvg (resident Bulgarain) |
2005/6/1-6 [Uncategorized] UID:37913 Activity:nil |
5/31 has anyone tried to create animation using svg or other non-propietary standard? |
2005/6/1-2 [Computer/HW, Computer/SW] UID:37914 Activity:nil |
5/31 my friend who tries to email me got this message: The message cannot be delivered due to a configuration error on the server. Please contact your Administrator. < http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu #5.3.0 since no one on motd complains, i presume this is not a real issue, no? |
2005/6/1 [Recreation/Media] UID:37915 Activity:nil |
6/1 Rate the following! Star Wars Ep I: The Phantom Menace: 5/10 Star Wars Ep II: Attack of the Clones: 6/10 Star Wars Ep III: Revenge of the Sith: 7/10 Lego Star Wars: 8/10 Starr Wars: |
2005/6/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:37916 Activity:low |
6/1 Where can I findinfo on good "static hashing?" (Not sure this is what it's called). I have a set of N string keys to pointer values. N is known and is always the same, so I think I should be able to have some optimal M buckets to hash to. I would also like only 1 key per bucket. I'm pretty sure I've seen an algorithm like this, but now I can't find it. \_ If N is known (and not ungodly gigantic), why bother "hashing" it? \_ gperf? \_ Hey, thanks. That's almost perfect. \_ *stab* |
2005/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:37917 Activity:nil |
6/1 Who was the first female Secretary of State? Thx. \_ Duh. Madeline Albright. Her dad inspired Condi Rice to switch from music to politics. \_ BTW, "Albright" doesn't sound like a foreign lastname. \_ Uh, what are you talking about? \_ She made up that name herself and changed it. \_ I like the pic of her toasting Kim Jong-Il: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Madeleine-Albright |
2005/6/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37918 Activity:nil |
6/1 I seek a characteriszation of the many video game review/news/media sites by characterization of their typical reviewers and readership. I'll start with IGN, since I've noticed that seems to be the the site most solely devoted to teenage boys with a need for cheesecake. IGN: desperate boys. mainly favor FPS games with lots of constant carnage. separate section devoted to babe photos. GameSpot: a slightly diversified crowd. too nice to games that should be dismissed out of hand like movie-based games. some women on staff. heavy product placement. Gamespy: Gamefaqs: http://Gamer.com: Please add more you might know. |
2005/6/1-2 [Finance/Investment] UID:37919 Activity:high |
6/1 I've often heard you should keep 3-6 months of current expenses on hand fo an emergency or if laid off. I could of course keep it in checking but that earns under inflation. My broker's money market pays shit too. What would the MOTD finance gurus suggest? \_ Some cash is a good idea. I keep a few months' worth around--I know I lose interest money on it, but I'm paying for the convenience of having easily accessible money. -John \_ I think having them in stocks and mutual funds is fine since these can be easily converted into cash. of course don't have all your money in one volatile stock. A diversified bunch of stocks and funds should be good enough. I keep the money in my checking and money market savings accounts to a minimum. \_ Stocks and mutual funds are not fine for emergency expenses, as the last thing you want is to be in an emergency situation (just lost your job/had major medical expense) and have to sell your assets at a significant loss (which can happen no matter how diversified you are). -tom \_ What's wrong with selling at a loss? I would be more concerned with prematurely selling a stock that has significant gains and thus taking a tax hit. Sure, if you sold at the bottom of a cycle, you would miss the run up, but if your asset is in cash, you would've missed the run up (or several of them) anyway. I stand by my recommendation. The important thing is not cash per se, but more liquid assets that can be converted to cash within a short time. I would much rather have 60K in stocks and mutual funds and minimal cash than have 30K in cash. Unemployment insurance and severance, if your company has it, would provide even more room for maneuvre, so you don't really need to sell everything at one go, just what you need for the expenses of the coming month. \_ Sorry, I didn't get any further than "what's wrong with selling at a loss?" -tom \_ it's okay, it's more for others than for you. you obviously need more investing-fu to follow. \_ ooh yeah, I haven't figured out the brilliant strategy of selling stocks at a loss to cover living expenses. -tom \_ all other things being equal, it's better than selling stocks with gains, but I guess that's beyond you. \_ Nice job deleting the discussion when you were proven to be a moron. -tom \_ huh? imagining things again? \_ Yes, stupidity is beyond me. -tom \_ feel free to let your money rot in the bank, or just hide it under your bed. \_ Gee, my money's doing a lot better than the stock market over the past 5 years. And the point isn't that you should put all your money in cash; it's that you should have some reserve aside, in cash, in case of emergencies. If you had all your emergency cash in stocks in March 2000, and you had an emergency later that year (like, say, you lost a job and couldn't get one due to a flooded job market...gee, that kind of thing never coincides with a stock market downturn, right?) you would have taken a bath. -tom \_ Not true. \_ <raising my hand> --scotsman to my credit, the wash i took was because of an idiotic and possibly fraudulent accountant against whom I probably would have had a case if 1) I had had money to pay a lawyer, and 2) had any chance of getting anything out of him. \_ nobody said you should put all all your money in tech stocks. Even heard of bond funds and value funds? Sorry to know you took a bath on tech stocks since Mar 2000. Do you even know what diversification means? \_ My portfolio is worth more than it was in March 2000. Moron. -tom \_ heh, you have pretty low standards. \_ you do know you only pay taxes on the gain portion not the entire thing, gains are always better than losses \_ yea, but sometimes you get lucky and holds a stock with a 400% gain, with good prospects for further gains. In such cases, you want to hold and hold, instead of being forced to sell. \_ just sell it, use the money for the emergency and just invest the gains back into the same stock since that is supposedly extra money \_ And this happened to you...when? and more than once? You're really dumb in this area. Talk to a professional. \_ actually, if you are an above average stock investor, it's not hard to get one or two 5 baggers, and a bunch of doublers every few years. as for "professionals", most earn their keep by taking your money. spend some time to learn to invest, don't be a lazy arse. \_ ING isn't bad. Pays about 3% and it's pretty quick to get your money out. (about 3 days). Of course, I'm no finance guru. \_ Netbank is 2.7%, and can be accessed by check or bank card, no fee for 6 or fewer withdrawls per month. \_ ING is very stable but keep in mind that even with a 3% payback your money is still depreciating faster than ever due to the weakening dollar and the rise of relative cost of living in the United States. So far I've put 1/2 of my savings into ING and 1/2 into foreign money. Of the foreign money, 2/3 are in New Zeland 3 month CD (+5% interest) and 1/3 are in Euro. They're doing a lot better than ING. There's a reason why many people are moving money out of US. Warren Buffet already moved +100 billion dollars out of US. \_ I heard that 3-6 months is for during okay economy. In a bad economy it should be 12 months if you have a mortgage. \_ I keep 1/3 in a money market account and 2/3 split between two 6-month CDs with maturity dates offset by 3 months. That is, every three months one of the two CDs matures. I like the balance of some money available right away and the rest available soon yet earning some interest. |
2005/6/1-2 [Recreation/Media] UID:37920 Activity:high |
6/1 Rate the following! Star Wars Ep I: The Phantom Menace: 5/10 \_ 2/10 -scotsman \_ 1/10 -sax \_ 4/10 -jrleek \_ 2/10 (at least I finished watching it) Star Wars Ep II: Attack of the Clones: 6/10 \_ 2/10 -mice (I was mildly entertained until goddamned JarJar) \_ 1/10 -mice (I was mildly entertained until goddamned JarJar) \_ 3/10 --dim (pod race was the only good part) \_ 1/10 - eric - the lightsaber duel was the only cool part \_ Yeah, sadly I think I mostly agree with that. -mice \_ -5/10 -dans (I want those two hours back) Star Wars Ep II: When Clones Attack! 6/10 Star Wars Ep II: Attack of the Clones: 6/10 \_ 2/10 - eric - sucked slightly less than Ep 1 \_ 3/10 -scotsman \_ 4/10 -sax (i watched it dubbed in french) \_ 4/10 -sax (i watched it dubbed in french, and don't ever want to spoil the experience by hearing the real dialogue) \_ 4/10? -mice (I honestly don't remember much) \_ 2/10 -jrleek \_ 0/10 (couldn't finish watching it) \_ -4/10 -dans (I want those two hours back, but the fight scene with Yoda was cool) \_ Did you leave the theater? I watched it at home and had to take breaks, but I got through it. -jrleek \_ Watched it at home on dvd, but after the fight between Boba Fete and Obi Wan, I just couldn't take it anymore and stopped watching. \_ Um, there was no fight between "Boba Fete" and Obi Wan. \_ There was some floating boat thing and obi wan was fighting some dude in armor in the rain right? I stopped around that point. \_ You're nitpicking, and you're not helping. You could have easily added, "It's spelled 'Boba Fett,' and Obi Wan was fighting Jango Fett, the progenitor of Boba Fett." \_ I was mocking the fact that he knew there was a "Boba" character somewhere but didn't pay enough attention to know that the person Obi Wan was fighting wasn't named "Boba". \_ Yeah, I also think it's pretty funny when people think the klingon word for hello is nucneH when EVERYBODY knows it's nuqneH! Loosers. \_ 5/10 --dim (clearly better than TPM because of lack of Jar Jar) Star Wars Ep III: Revenge of the Sith: 7/10 \_ 7/10 - eric - It didn't suck! \_ 5/10 -sax (i watched it with my ipod on shuffle) \_ 5/10 -sax (i watched it with my ipod on shuffle, ditto Ep II) \_ 3/10 (too long, too boring, too fake) \_ 6/10 -mice (shoulda been two films; some pretty hideous dialogue) \_ 4/10 --dim (no Jar Jar, but bad dialogue and pointless action) \_ Jar Jar was in the movie and he speaks. Thankfully it is only in 2 scenes. \_ -3/10 -dans (I want those two hours back, but there was almost no Jar-Jar dialogue, and some cool shit blew up. Plus Yoda Kicks more ass) Star Wars Ep IV: A New Hope: 7/10 \_ 10/10 - eric \_ 7/10 -mice \- 7/10 -sax \_ 3/10 after the stupid digital effects were added. \_ At least this one was mostly entertaining and had decent dialogue. Note to GL: CG does not a movie make. \_ 8/10 --dim (better and better when compared to the new movies) \_ 8 to 10/10 - dans (Initially a 10 for having revolutionized filmmaking, more recently I think of it as an 8) Star Wars Ep V: The Empire Strikes Back: 6/10 \_ 10/10 - eric \_ 8/10 -mice \_ 8/10 -sax \_ You really liked AotC as much as ESB? \_ No I rated AotC 0/10. \_ I can't believe GL froze Han Solo, that was SO WRONG. Han Solo was the only redeeming thing about SW. \_ 10/10 --dim (really good movie; best of the bunch) \_ 10/10 - jlee (mostly Leigh Brackett's ideas who died b4 release) \_ 9/10 - dans (by far the best of the bunch) \_ 9/10 - dans (by far the best of the funch) Star Wars EP VI: Return of the Jedi: 5/10 \_ 10/10 - eric - the first one I ever saw so I'm biased \_ 6/10 -mice (Yah, you lost me on the ewoks) \_ Ewoks?!?! Give me a break. They weren't even cute like say a Tribble. At least Han saves the day. \_ 8/10 -sax (when it came out this was the coolest thing I'd ever seen) \_ 7/10 --dim (remove the Ewoks and this could be better; then again the Wookies made the Ewoks look good) \_ 6/10 - dans Lego Star Wars: 8/10 \_ Enjoyable and cute. No number Starr Wars: Starr Wars (http://www.pa56.org/images/STARR.jpg \_ Thumb Wars: 9/10 \_ Clone Wars animated series: 8/10 |
2005/6/1-2 [Transportation/Car] UID:37921 Activity:moderate |
6/1 How many people buy a car without a loan these days? \_ I did 1.5 years ago. $500 below invoice, plus $2500 rebate on a $17k car. I wouldn't have done it without that kind of deal. \_ Used? I did 2 years ago. \_ New car, sorry. \_ I don't buy new cars. They depreciate way too fast. A coworker just got T-boned in his one-year old car (other driver ran a red light). If they consider the car totaled, he will get screwed because of depreciation. \_ They sell gap insurance to cover this. It's fairly cheap. Sometimes it's included with the loan. \_ I think the people who buy new cars in cash are pretty few and far between, but I don't know. \_ my dad did \_ Actually, so did my dad and my German teacher, I'm just sayin' I don't THINK it's that common. That was, for example, the only new car my dad ever bought. \_ I was prepared to, but then they offered 2 years @ 0%, so hey, I did that. \_ Same here. Subaru offered 2 yr 0% on my Outback so I jumped on that. \_ I was prepared not to, but at the time I had no credit history at all, so put in a minimal loan and paid it off after a year. \_ When I bought my car back in 2000, I was told that banks are not required to report your loan if it's less than 3 years, so if you're doing it to put it on your credit history, that you should get 3 years. Did I get screwed? \_ I bought my car with my home equity line of credit. I guess that counts as loan. \_ I've never taken out a loan on a car, I've only bought them with cash. Never a lender nor borrower be! (except a house I guess) \_ Same here! \_ what's the rate for car loans these days? \_ I bought a new car in november with cash. Traded in my old car, and there were incentives, so cash outlay was something like $14k. |
2005/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic] UID:37922 Activity:nil 60%like:37046 |
6/1 Ding Dong the Broadcast Flag is dead: http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/003619.php |
2005/6/1-3 [Recreation/Media] UID:37923 Activity:nil |
6/1 How badly adulterated was Star Wars Ep5 in the Updated Edition? -mice \_ No unacceptable adulterations. (As opposed to Greedo shooting first). -tom \_ None that I can think of. If you don't want bad adulterations, definitely do NOT watch the end of Ep6, when the ghostly images of anakin, yoda, and obi-wan appear. \_ that's a tradeoff worth making for less Ewok. -tom \_ Hmm, I haven't seen it but I heard one bad alteration ... Ep5 is Empire Strikes Back, right? I heard they added a scream when he jumps right after "I'm yer father", implying that he changed his mind about the jump/or something like that ... \_ Wompa monster scene was re-shot with a dismembering inserted. There's more "open sky" and windows in Cloud City. A weather beacon off the left was added. Stupid stuff like that. |
2005/6/1-5 [Academia/GradSchool, Computer/SW/OS/Windows, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:37924 Activity:nil |
6/1 Update on notetaking software. After trying all the different freeware and shareware programs, I settled on Microsoft OneNote 2003. It's a big program like most MS products. But it has the right user interface and integration with the rest of the MS Office apps that we all use. \_ I use OneNote as well. It comes with my TabletPC which is really awesome. I use it to take notes the exact same way I use regular paper. The character recognition is pretty good as well. And if I want to input something really fast I can always ditch my pen and use the keyboard. OneNote works well with a tablet pen. \_ what kind of tablet pc do you use? \_ Notebook and Notetaker are both popular(?) Mac apps. \_ By the way did you ever fix your notebook networking problem, where after you unplug your notebook it becomes really slow? What was the root-cause and how did you fix it? |
2005/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:37925 Activity:nil |
6/1 http://csua.org/u/c8l (Reuters) "The Pentagon on Wednesday postponed [to June 10, a Friday] the release of military recruiting figures for May ... The military services had routinely provided most recruiting statistics for a given month on the first business day of the next month. ... 'Military recruiting is instrumental to our readiness and merits the earliest release of data. But at the same time, this information must be reasonably scrutinized and explained to the public, which deserves the fullest insight into military performance in this important area,' [a Pentagon spokeswoman said]." \_ Is there an election coming up? \_ Nah - if they were thinking about elections, they'd be covering up football hero deaths. Oh wait! |
2005/6/1-3 [Transportation/Car, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:37926 Activity:nil |
6/1 Question on home ownership. Let's say you buy flood, fire, earthquake, and land-slide insurance. Then a foreign unidentified object enters the atmosphere and creates a big crater in your home making it worthless. Are you covered by anyone, like the government? Secondly, suppose you decide not to get one of the insurance, since it costs too much to buy everything, and that particular disaster strikes making your land totally worthless. Are you covered? Or are you completely screwed? How about the case where they suddenly find carcinogeous, radio-active material in your backyard? Who/what covers these things? \_ Are you in a swing state in an election year? If so, notify the federal government at once, and they will buy you a new house, and give you a gold-plated flying saucer for your trouble. \_ I seem to recall a Warner Bros cartoon about just this sort of thing. The policy fine print didn't cover, for instance, injury from guided missiles. -- ulysses \_ Do they still broadcast American cartoons, or is it pretty much Japanized? Last time I watched cartoon a year ago it was mostly Japanese anime. I'm not sure if I learned anything useful from Pokemon and Digimon. PIKA! PIKA! PIKACHU! \_ I learned that it's better for pokemon to be friends, and that Team Rocket blasted off again. \_ If you ever get into a situation involving strange temporal rifts (ala Donnie Darko) then you're covered. \_ #1 and #2: your insurance company won't pay you, but you may be able to get some kind of disaster aid. #3: your insurance company won't pay you, but you can probably sue the govt. or some company to get compensated. \_ You can sue God and get compensated in your next life. \_ Ebay the "foreign object". Substances from "foreign objects" that enter the atmosphere are in pretty high demand from shadowy groups seeking to create nefarious objects of evil from them. Such as Happy Fun Ball. Warning: do not taunt Happy Fun Ball. -John |
2005/6/1-3 [Recreation/Dating] UID:37927 Activity:high |
6/1 Racist or not? White person says you look like William Hung (you are an Asian). \_ The person is saying "You are really ugly." - danh \_ It depends on if you do. \_ If you're ugly, then no, he's just saying the obvious. However, I notice that white people have the weirdest sense of beauty. They like the fugliest Asian women with slanted beady little eyes. Like Lucy Liu. Almost every single Asian men and women I talk to think she's fugly. However, white people love her looks for some reason. Maybe she stereotypes the Asian race. At any rate I'm glad white people love fugly Asian women. They're cleaning up the Asian race. As for Asian men dating big fat trashy white women, what is up with that? What's up with inter-racial dating between the ugliest kind of its own? reason. Maybe she stereotypes the Asian race. -Asian \_ she's got white features like freckles, which make her hot. Many whites and asians like hapa. \_ Yes, generally speaking, hapas are hot. Yes, something about Lucy Liu's feature set is a little weird. I wouldn't call her ugly, but I wouldn't call her hot. Put it this way: I wouldn't toss her out of bed for crackers. -dans \_ So many ways to respond... so little time. \_ couple people said that to me. I don't view it in a racist angle, but still, I get a bit angry. William Hung does not strike me as someone who I would envy. \_ The person is saying "You are really ugly." - danh \_ It depends on if you do. \_ If you're ugly, then no, he's just saying the obvious. However, I notice that white people have the weirdest sense of beauty. They like the fugliest Asian women with slanted beady little eyes. Like Lucy Liu. Almost every single Asian men and women I talk to think she's fugly. However, white people love her looks for some reason. Maybe she stereotypes the Asian race. At any rate I'm glad white people love fugly Asian women. They're cleaning up the Asian race. As for Asian men dating big fat trashy white women, what is up with that? What's up with inter-racial dating between the ugliest kind of its own? eyes. Like Lucy Liu. Almost every single Asian men and women I talk to think she's fugly. However, white people love her looks for some reason. Maybe she stereotypes the Asian race. At any rate I'm glad white people love fugly Asian women. They're cleaning up the Asian race. As for Asian men dating big fat trashy white women, what is up with that? What's up with inter-racial dating between the ugliest kind of its own? \_ So what's your call on Grace Park? \_ How 'bout gong li? what is your "Asian men" opinion of her appearance? \_ Cool face, busty. \_ There's no accounting for taste. \_ You just don't like her because she's half white. \_ you mean she's a banana. \_ Yeah, I prefer the asians who have had eye surgery to make them look more white. \_ I didn't think she was beautiful. But I can say that about a number of white stars too. I think it's just the fact of being a star, the media hypes them up to death. There aren't many Asian female stars in western media. No other one readily comes to mind in fact. -white many Asian female stars in western media. No other one readily comes to mind in fact. -white \_ I always wondered the same thing with Black guys. A majority of the time you see them with sloppy fat White girls. My theory is that some people will date other races just based on the notion of dating "that race", regardless of what they look like. So a Black or Asian guy may date a White girl just on the basis that she's White, regardless of her looks or status in her own racial group. Same with just based on the notion of dating "that race", regardless of what they look like. So a Black or Asian guy may date a White girl just on the basis that she's White, regardless of her looks or status in her own racial group. Same with White girl just on the basis that she's White, regardless of her looks or status in her own racial group. Same with White guys dating Asian girls. Also, why date a girl who has American features with Black hair? If you want to date a person from another race you want the real deal, not some watered-down version. You can also see the reverse, with a lot of Asian girls picking up the dorky, Doogie Howser-looking White guys who can't get dates with their own race girls. has American features with Black hair? If you want to date a person from another race you want the real deal, not some watered-down version. You can also see the reverse, with a lot of Asian girls picking up the dorky, Doogie Howser-looking White guys who can't get dates with their own race girls. Howser-looking White guys who can't get dates with their own race girls. \_ I think the more generally true statement is "People sometimes date people you don't find attractive". Beyond that, you're an idiot. \_ This pretty much describes the situation in Hong Kong, at least in the past. Women with white husbands or boyfriends were usually pretty ugly and wore lots of makeup. Don't know about now. sometimes date people you don't find attractive". Beyond that, you're an idiot. \_ This pretty much describes the situation in Hong Kong, at least in the past. Women with white husbands or boyfriends were usually pretty ugly and wore lots of makeup. Don't know about now. \_ Eh, stupid != racist. \_ What type of Asian is William Hung? http://tien.csua.org/utopia_times/asians.html reason. Maybe she stereotypes the Asian race. -Asian \_ she's got white features like freckles, which make her hot. Many whites and asians like hapa. \_ Yes, generally speaking, hapas are hot. Yes, something about Lucy Liu's feature set is a little weird. I wouldn't call her ugly, but I wouldn't call her hot. Put it this way: I wouldn't toss her out of bed for crackers. -dans \_ Yes, generally speaking, hapas are hot. Yes, something about Lucy Liu's feature set is a little weird. I wouldn't call her ugly, but I wouldn't call her hot. Put it this way: I wouldn't toss her out of bed for crackers. it this way: I wouldn't toss her out of bed for crack. -dans \_ So many ways to respond... so little time. \_ I shall RE-POST this as it was callously NUKED by Lucy Liu hating commie-nists: Dans, you are DEFECTIVE. I sentence you to a Lucy Liu ass-whooping. Even my girlfriend would hop in the sack with Lucy Liu. Goodness. Although Gong Li...whoa. Hello Nurse! Like a dead heat in a zeppelin race! -John Li...whoa. Hello Nurse! -John \_ Look, I didn't say I wouldn't shag Lucy Liu, just that I find something about her feature set odd, and don't think she's that hot. I agree, Gong Li is *hot*. Frankly, I can think of several women in the CSUA that put Lucy Liu to shame, and I've been fortunate enough to have the opportunity to date two of them. -dans \_ Yeah but do they wear leather pants and do crane- style kung fu? -John \_ couple people said that to me. I don't view it in a racist angle, but still, I get a bit angry. William Hung does not strike me as someone who I would envy. \_ The consensus opinion among 1st-gen Asian men is that William Hung has Down's Syndrome. They refuse to believe he is a swinging CivE at Cal and not a retard. \_ If you think about it William Hung actually did something great for Asian actors. He advanced Asian actors' opportunities in media the same way NAACP advanced colored people in society. You see, there used to be a time when Asian male would not have any chance of being in media unless he knows kung-fu (Jet Li, Jackie Chan) or plays a role in a Chinese restaurant/laundromat. That is still true today in many respects. However, thanks to William Hung, now Asian male can play yet another role in media-- retarded Asian male. He's really advancing opportunities for aspiring Asian actors. \_ What about Chow Yun-Fat? Billy Wong? \_ What about Chow Yun-Fat? B. D. Wong? \_ Tamilyn Tomita? Gong Li? \_ Poster above said Asian male. \_ He said Asian actors, as well. \_ Fat is an exception, and an exceptional man I may add. However, you have to realize that while he is well known in the Bay Area, he is not well known outside of California. Ask any white man in Tennessee or South Carolina and the only Asian male actor they'd know is Bruce Lee. And if you ask old racist white men they'll say Charlie Chan. Sure, every white man in the Bay Area knows who Fat is but that's different. Bay Area white men (BAWM) are a completely different specie. BAWM tend to be MUCH MORE well educated and much MUCH more sophisticated than your typical gun-totting country-music listening [religious] Republican trailer trash you see in Dukes of Hazzards. -Asian |
2005/6/1-3 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:37928 Activity:nil |
6/1 In order to improve the performance of your machine, please add the following in your .cshrc file in all of your accounts: ping -s http://www.microsoft.com 50000 > /dev/null & \_ I would, but after your last speed tip my computer can't see any of my files, so I think it should slow down and maybe it will be able to see them. \_ What is port 50000? \_ http://csua.com/?entry=32148 |
2005/6/1-3 [Computer/SW/Virus] UID:37929 Activity:nil |
6/1 Does anyone know, if I get one license of Norton Utilities for Windows, can I use the one disc to fix problems on multiple workstations? Or do I need to buy multiple licenses? -sax \_ Looks like they stopped selling Norton Utilities separately a while ago and it only available in "suite" packages like Norton SystemWorks. I believe the suite packages all require activation over the Internet. \_ eh, crap. So I can't just buy one systemworks, and then boot from the cd to fix problems? \_ What problems are you trying to fix? SW has caused me a lot of shit in its own right. -John \_ there's one laptop in particular that, after reinstalling, gives a blue screen every once in a while when I log in as a different user. Don't know if it's a bad install or if there's some hardware beginning to fail. I'm in charge of around 10 workstations, though, so it would be nice to have some utilities program onhand to resort to at times like this. So I guess my real question has more parts. 1. Do I really need to buy 10 licenses? 2. Is there something better I should be looking at? thanks, by the way. I appreciate the time you take to help, even when I see that it's someone else on here that you're helping. \_ Sent you mail. -John \_ how do you know who he is? He didn't sign \_ Well, then he'd either mention not getting a mail that I mistakenly sent to sax, or he wouldn't care enough, in which case, I am not interested. -John |
2005/6/1 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic] UID:37930 Activity:high |
6/1 God does not like Republicans. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050601/ap_on_re_us/laguna_beach_landslide \_ I know you're just joking, but that's in LA, dem city. \_ The CITY of LA is 70% democrat but LA county is overall 55% democrat. In fact, it is a myth that Southern Cal is democrat. Most of Orange County, Malibu, Palos Verdes, and other extremely affluent parts of LA are Republican strongholds. These people are SOCIALLY liberal but are even more driven by money-- they're fiscally conservative, hence the party affiliation. Perhaps you should take a look at a Southern Cal map and get an idea how big it really is relative to cute little Bay Area. Lastly Laguna Beach is NOT LA. It's over 50 miles from it. \_ that's probably why he didn't say, "that's SoCal, dem region", or, "that's LA County, dem county". duh. \_ If God hates Republicans then 2500 Democrats (out of over 3000 souls) would not have perished on 9/11. If anything, all indications show that God loves Republicans. |
2005/6/1-2 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37931 Activity:high 80%like:37938 |
6/1 http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/picture.html and http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/archive8/2005-05-31_monitorarch.html geek humor (SFW) \_ haha thanks that's pretty funny. Please keep posting funny stuff! \_ warning: those may be SFW (inasmuch as obviously not doing work is SFW) but clicking elsewhere on that site resulted in a NSFW. \_ I liked this one: http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/archive8/2005-05-22_fredphelps.html \_ First link is now Not Safe For Work. |
2005/6/1-3 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:37932 Activity:nil |
6/1 Received in my Berkeley Online e-mail: "Marquesa Lawrence, a UC Berkeley outreach officer, is appearing in a new ABC-TV reality show called 'The Scholar,' in which 10 outstanding high school students from across the country live together while competing to win a full scholarship, valued at $250,000, to the college of their choice. Lawrence is one of three judges on a 'scholarship committee' that assesses the students' performance." (I recommend a new reality show called, "The USCA Co-op": Is aspolito hoarding the Oreos? What is this week's House Manager scandal?) \_ I never horded food! Co-op food horders suck. -aspo \_ ooh! house manager scandals! my favorite was when we thought our house manager was dead, but it just turned out he was crashing after a week-long speed binge, and was sleeping for three days. \_ Whiskey-stained buck-toothed Backwards creep Grizzly bear motherfucker Never goes to sleep |
2005/6/1-2 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Religion] UID:37933 Activity:kinda low |
6/1 I'm trying to come up with a new joke. So far I have the following: Jews who changed the way we see the world: Moses: "the Law is everything." Jesus: "Love is everything." Marx: "Money is everything." Freud: "Sex is everything." Now what? \_ Yermom: "Sex and Love for Money outside the Law is everything." \_ Your mom is not a male. And is she a jew? \_ woody allen: "I'm everything." \_ Einstein: "Everything is relative." \_ I think jokes are supposed to be funny. \_ Seinfeld: "Everything is funny." \_ some old song: "You're my eve-ry-thing." (la - ti - do - - me me) \_ set theory guy: "Nothing is everything." \_ Karl Marx is Jewish? |
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