2005/4/5 [Uncategorized] UID:37066 Activity:kinda low |
5/4 Bovine rectal palpitation simulator http://purvadra.notlong.com -John \_ I just want to express my appreciation that this time you actually attatched a warning label to your cow's ass link. \_ Does the guy on the right in the picture have his pants down? |
2005/4/5 [Health/Men] UID:37067 Activity:high |
4/5 How many 5-year-olds could you knock out? http://tinyurl.com/68e6n \_ Can they use a bat? \_ No foreign objects. \_ Pick up one kid with each hand, then swing them on the other kids as fast as you can before you get dizzy. \_ Can I use my erect penis as a bat? It's not foreign object. \_ Michael, is that you? \_ Ma baat's made 'n da YOU-ESS-EAY. \_ What's "standard-issue cup"? \_ When they are about 15' away, I'd rush a group of them, try and take out a leader or two. I think it's harder than it originally seems, because they will be trained to cover their faces if your try and punch them in the face. and if you try and pick one up, they could probably try to leech onto you, so that others can take you out. Originally, I thought I could handle 20, but I'm lowering my estimate to 15. \_ 5 year olds? They can barely do anything. I guess it depends on how suicidal they are. They could easily die from a grown man's kicks and punches. So it comes down to sheer fatigue. And even if I just lay on the ground doing nothing I'm not sure what they would do to knock me out. Bite my privates I guess. The question doesn't make sense because real 5 year olds could not be motivated to behave that way. \_ You get a cup. But a pack of crazed 5 year olds could more damage than most people would think. Think of being attacked by a pack of rabid Chihuahas (sp?). \_ Did you see the picture for user "Schneids"? Best animated gif EVUR! |
2005/4/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:37068 Activity:very high |
4/5 What defines lower class, middle class, and higher class? Income? Income relative to spending? Tax bracket? A combination of all? What does middle class mean? Someone who has X deviation from the median or average income? \_ I believe there are many ways. Income quintiles, for one. \_ Whim. \_ The political bias of the person defining the classes defines the classes. \_ They really need a new category: Dynasty Class, families who have a lot of influence on government policies. \_ I define it. \_ I define it. And you are definitely lower class. \- I dont think it is a great book, but you could look at Paul Fussel's book "Class". --psb http://csua.org/u/bl5 |
2005/4/5 [Computer/HW/Scanner] UID:37069 Activity:low |
4/5 I have a 4x6 photograph (print not slide) that I want to have scanned and printed at 11x17. Can I expect that it will look grainy, or will it be hard to tell without close inspection? Also any recommendations for a place to have it digitized? --jwm \_ better to do it from the negative at super high resolution. \_ Yes, but I'm pretty sure I don't have them. \_ expect some blurring. If you have access to a decent scanner, try it and see. If you scan as high resolution as you can, then drop it down to somewhere between 300-600 dpi when you enlarge it, you may minimize the blurring. -pp \_ If you don't have the negative, use a regular decent scanner and scan at a good resolution. Then upsize it in photoshop. Should be reasonable. Or, you can just hand over the prints to a shop and they will do the printing for you. It'll cost more. In either case don't have high expectations. |
2005/4/5 [Science, Politics] UID:37070 Activity:very high |
4/5 In one line, how do you determine if X is a power of 2? If you already know the answer, please don't answer. \_ echo "is X a power of 2?" > mail mrsmartguy@hostname.berkeley.edu \_ In one line of what? If it's one line of C code, I just figured out the answer. \_ One line doesn't mean what you think it means. \_ bool power_of_2 = (x == 1) ? true : (x == 2) ? true : (x == 4) ? true : (x == 8) ? true : (x == 16) ? true : (x == 32) ? true : (x == 64) ? true : (x == 128) ? true : (x == 256) ? true : (x == 512) ? true : (x == 1024) ? true : (x == 2048) ? true : (x == 4096) ? true : (x == 8192) ? true : (x == 16384) ? true : (x == 32768) ? true : (x == 65536) ? true : (x == 131072) ? true : (x == 262144) ? true : (x == 524288) ? true : (x == 1048576) ? true : (x == 2097152) ? true : (x == 4194304) ? true : (x == 8388608) ? true : (x == 16777216) ? true : (x == 33554432) ? true : (x == 67108864) ? true : (x == 134217728) ? true : (x == 268435456) ? true : (x == 536870912) ? true : (x == 1073741824) ? true : (x == 2147483648) ? true : false; \_ Are you assuming a certain number of bits in an integer? \_ Both solutions are nonportable. \_ Yes. I'm mocking the person asking the question. His question doesn't have an answer. \_ (f && (!(f & (f-1)))) And a better way to ask this question is can you determine if a number is a power of two in O(1) time. \_ None of your operations are truly O(1). A naive solution like doing a bunch of & operations is just as O(1) by your criteria. \_ In modern processors all 3 operations ( &, &&, and -) are constant time. That makes it O(1). The naive solution on the other hand is O(n) where n is the number of bits in an integer. If you double the width of the integer the time to check doubles. That's not O(1) in any way shape or form. \_ That's my point. Those operations are only constant time up to a certain number of bits. After that it's going to cost you, e.g. with bigints. \_ By the same reasoning, lg(n)<64 so it's constant time as well. \_ I think it is pretty obvious you don't understand bigO notation. \_ So you're assuming unsigned and twos-complement? \_ If it's unsigned, it wouldn't be two's complement, would it? \_ That's what I was looking for but I'm curious if there are smart ways to do it in other languages. -op \_ I'm assuming unsigned. f>0 is a simple signed check. Twos complement isn't an assumption, as negative numbers aren't ever an issue. \_ -2147483648 is not a power of 2. \_ ((f > 0) && (!(f & (f-1)))) -- !PP \_ power_of_2 = (rindex(sprintf(%b, x),'1')==1) ? true : false; assuming I put the parenthesis in the right place and x>1? of course, I'm a tard and don't really understand bitwise ops. \_ Ugh, why do people write "boolExpr ? true : false"? It's redundant. Is "(boolExpr ? true : false) ? true : false" even clearer for you? \_ I suspect your solution doesn't actually work. \_ Is it safe to say that any solution will take O(n) time considering an arbritary number of bits? \_ I suspect so, but I'm not sure --person who gave O(1) forumla above |
2005/4/5 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:37071 Activity:insanely high |
4/5 I need some URL to forward to co-workers to cheer them up. Please help, offer suggestions. \_ http://csua.berkeley.edu/motd \_ http://csua.com/Recreation/Humor http://csua.com/Recreation/Stripclub \_ http://www.prettyhotbabes.com \_ GODAMNIT. This is NOT work safe. -pissed \_ This may be considered an intelligence test. You failed it. \_ Doesn't everyone at soda work for a porn site or sex shop by now? That means that http://foxnews.com may no longer be work safe but porn sites will be. \_ Funny, since foxnews seems to maximize the hot babes as often as possible (stories, female reporters, etc.). \_ http://www.partiallyclips.com \_ http://www.finalexit.org \_ http://www.asianthumbs.org/main.php \_ None of these site cheered them up. Furthermore, they all think I have bad taste, though my manager has not said anything. Please come up with better links and I will forward them manana. \_ http://www.prozac.com it REALLY WORKS! \_ http://www.hanzismatter.com |
2005/4/5 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:37072 Activity:insanely high |
4/5 From Lockbox to Fiction, in four short years. http://csua.org/u/bl1 \_ Social security is dying, and it's a costly idea. Why don't we just go back to the old Chinese way where you support your family members at all costs. And if you messed up and didn't have good loving educated children who can support you when you're old, it's all your fault. The Chinese way is a compromise between Libertarian's "every man for himself" and government imposed "All men get equal income" concept. \_ Let's bring back debtors prisons and indentured servitude while we're at it. \_ Because we are self-centered. We won't do it unless we are forced to. \_ Wow. I removed my reply because I thought you were trolling, but now I think you might be sincere: What's your support for "is dying"? Social Security HAS worked for 7 decades, and as long as the current freaks don't fuck it up, it'll work for decades more. \_ It's dying because the projected population grow was off and current actuarials have a hard time balancing it without either cutting benefits or raising tax, and given the way the current administration is going, they're just gonna kill it \_ What's your source about projected population growth? You're right about the current administration, but the only people saying there are "difficult" actuarial problems are ... the current administration! You're buying a lie. \_ That doesn't solve anything. People who depend on SS now probably don't have wealthy kids either. And who wants to pay for old parents AND their kids at the same time? And what's "Chinese" about that system? Do you think westerners had social security for centuries or what? You're pretty dumb. \_ I think it's pretty obvious the Chinese are better at having kids than most everyone else. \_ Well whatever. The oldest system would be like what many native american tribes were like, and other places. The old people help cook, make clothes, care for kids etc. while parents are off hunting and gathering and pillaging other tribes. Trouble is old people don't want to work anymore. Anyway SS isn't quite "government pays everyone" since in theory you're paying into the system while you work. Too bad they typically set it up as a pyramid scheme. Like in Germany they don't have enough young workers to pay the old people's services. But that's just their own stupid fault for not taxing those old people enough while they were young and driving Mercedes and taking their 6 week vacations and invading Poland. \_ I thought invading Poland was their six week vacation. \_ old [Confusius] Chinese way is when you have respect for the elderly and treat them the same way that you want your children to treat you. That is, you and your wife live with grandpas/grandmas and cook and eat together. And there is a lot of interactions between different generations. It is a world of intense interactions, cooperation, and assimilation. However, much of that is lost in modernized, Westernized China where people just want privacy, individualism and independence. Kids no longer give a damn about old people. They just want to play first person shooter games and listen to hip-hop music filled with sex, guns, and profanity. It's no longer about the family. It's all about me me me. Sure, China is enjoying all the new material goods they're getting, but spiritually, Confusius is dead. \_ Confucius, not Confusius! \_ Doesn't China has some gigantic looming pension liability problem? \_ China after 1950 != old Chinese ways. \_ Nah ... in China, it's simple, you just let the poor old people rot and fade away. You get sick, you just die. No cost. It's capitalism at it's rawest form. \_ Their biggest problem is going to be the male:female ratio. \_ There are so many minor ways to keep SS going forever. You can always raise the retirement age and fix the problem. I don't know why Bush keeps dissing the SS return. 3% return on top of inflation guaranteed isn't bad. You can tax SS payments, you can raise or eliminate the SS tax cap. You can increase SS taxes (like what they did in the 1980s). Etc. It is NOT broken. \_ The easiest solution it to pull the $90K payroll limitation. Don't need to change the retirement age, can claim that everybody now pays an "equal" share (equal benefits? Ha!), and it keeps SS "safe" for the foreseeable future. \_ Sure. Tax the wealthy. That's always the solution, isn't it? As long as people who make under $90K don't have to share in the pain, right? It's not they will \_ Uh. Right now, those making over 90K aren't "sharing the pain"... Dumbass. benefit more from it or that they tend to rely more on SS. \_ Uh. Right now, those making over 90K aren't "sharing the pain"... Dumbass. \_ Yes they are, dumbass! It's called the tax on the first 90K that they make! \_ how is taxing someone who makes $100K the same amount as someone who makes $1M "sharing the pain"? -tom |
2005/4/5 [Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:37073 Activity:kinda low |
4/5 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4413151.stm Sorry partha, no more brothels for you. \_ The Partha imports his own to South Asia. |
2005/4/5-8 [Computer/HW/Printer] UID:37074 Activity:nil |
4/5 For those laser printers with multiple interfaces (ethernet, usb, parallel), can you connect different computers to different interfaces at the same time? I am interested in one of those multifunction printers. I want the printer on ethernet for multiple computers, but also want to use scan and fax functions (which only works over usb) on one of the computers. \_ It probably depends on the printer. I have a Dell 3100cn and this works fine. I also tried it on my Lexmark Inkjet which had both USB and Parallel, and the manual said NOT to connect to both, and it worked. You would sometimes have to power cycle the printer. -ax \_ Why not just hook it up via USB to one box and make that a print server? That way you'll also have tidier print queues, etc. If it's a unix box, CUPS + Samba will do nicely. -John \_ not a laser, but I've used the print and scan of an HP officejet 71xx via jetdirect ethernet from a linux PC. I know windows PCs could use the same printer over the LAN. I never tried to have dualing scans to see how it resolved contention. |
2005/4/5-8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Reference/Tax] UID:37075 Activity:high |
4/5 Pope JP2's death reminds me of Ronald Reagan's death. I don't agree with most of Reagan's policies and in fact I think they're stupid. Tax break for the super wealthy, military spending explosion, aggressive [redneck] foreign policies, etc. However, when he's on camera he's so nice looking and charming and I just can't help it liking him. Ditto with JP2. I don't agree with b-control and other crap JP2 says but I still like him for some reason. \_ A tax cut that moved the highest bracket from 70% to 28%. 70%!!?! How did we ever allow that? It's immoral! \_ You shouldn't tax the rich, they CREATE jobs and equal opportunity for everyone! Just look at Microsoft, WalMart, and Dell! Every employee looks so happy and they REALLY believe in their company! Let's all turn America into one big happy corporate family. Yeah! \_ You're being dense. Nobody's arguing against taxing "the rich" (what the hell kind of dumbshit stupid, ill-educated American fat-buttocked Fox viewer demagoguery is that, anyway?) The point is that taking 70% of a person's earnings is, besides being counter-productive (as it removes the motivation to excel, etc. etc.) is just theft. Please stop it with the "anyone who argues against fleecing teh r1ch is a bloated plutocrat pig, workers of the world unite!" horse shit, it's unworthy. -John \_ According to your argument, any tax at all is "theft." What is the difference between taxing at 70% and 50%? 50% and 20%? Do you think that all taxes should be abolished because they are "theft"? Why not? What is magical about 70%? Plenty of countries tax at a marginal 70% rate and somehow manage to muddle through. \_ I believe that any tax taken, regardless of rate, by a government that does not do its utmost to use its citizens' money responsibly and conservatively is theft. Nowhere from my statement can you infer that I belive "any tax at all is theft". Furthermore, while there is a large gray area, there comes a point at which taxation is oppressive. I maintain that, once more of your earnings are taken from you as taxes than go to you, a boundary of what is reasonable has been crossed. And I believe you used the magic word, "muddle". Is that something to strive for? -John \_ Microsoft has made a lot of very ordinary Americans very wealthy. \_ The Waltons were smarter than Gates, they made sure their money didn't leak out as in the case of M$. \_ It is inhumane to tax the super rich. Imagine the pain Paris Hilton has to go through when she can only afford to buy a BMW 740i instead of a Ferrari Testarosa, or the suffering of George W. Bush when he can only play at a cheapo 4 star golf course instead of a full fledged 5 star golf course. It's simply unusual and cruel punishment. \_ It doesn't even cause that. They still afford what they want. \_ Don't forget Paris resorted to making herself a porn in order to afford a BMW 740i. That's cruel punishment. \_ Do you not understand how marginal tax rates work? \_ Yes I do. A 70% marginal rate is immoral. \_ What a strange and twisted version of ethics you must have. \_ I could argue it's immoral to allow billionares to exist when there are people starving. \_ It's immoral to allow my neighbor to own a Ferrari when I only drive an Audi. What the fuck kind of argument is this? Spawning season on planet thick? -John \_ Having to drive an Audi is not very much like starving to death. Your analogy is flawed. \_ Of course it's flawed, it's downright silly. Now tell me where exactly the line is. Until then you have no argument. And from whom should we expropriate assets to feed all these people? Billionaires? Millionaires? Over $500k? $100k? Yes it sucks that there's poverty and starvation and hurt and whatnot and we should all do what we can, but please, do give me a working model that relies on a Robin Hood approach. -John \_ Just because I cannot give you an exact answer without further experimentation doesn't mean that no experiment is worth doing. Sweden is a pretty good working model, I would say. So are Canada, Denmark, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy and even Switzerland. \_ I am going to guess that you subscribe to the utopian ideals of Europe and Canada instead of witnessing the realities. \_ No, I have been to all these countries. Canada and The Netherlands are especially nice. \_ Holland *USED* to be nice. My mother was born there and lived there until 16. All the rest of her family is still there. They used to always make fun of how bad things like education, crime, and medicine were in the US. Now, many of them are shopping for houses here in the US. It's not nice like it once was. The system is collapsing. \_ Sweden has been haemorrhaging educated professionals for years who forsake it for the UK (!) and its lower taxes. All Scandinavian countries have massive immigration problems, and can't cope (as the rest of Europe) with their overburdened welfare systems. Switzerland has way lower taxes and stingy welfare, and will face the same problems. You're right about "it's worth trying something". But blind truisms about redistribution of wealth at the expense of "the rich" isn't it. Some people will always simply be wealthier than others--life isn't fair; you cannot enforce uniform economic equality. -John \_ No one is arguing for enforced equality. That is a straw man you made up to avoid talking about the real issue: what is a fair top marginal rate. You claim that 70% is immoral, but have provided no evidence as to why that is so, other than your feelings. Sweden is doing fine economically actually, much better than the rest of Europe. And "the line" to answer your previous question, is that point where society provides enough resources to keep anyone from starving to death. I don't think it is too much to ask from those who are the primary beneficiaries of that same society. \_ OK. To be honest, I would add "a roof over everyone's head" and even "education" to that mix. I simply massively criticize the extreme polemicization of the idea of forced redistribution--i.e. the systematic fleecing of "the rich" rather than a decent tax system (which nobody's arguing against.) Governments are massively inefficient organizations, and it's wrong to use the classic European welfare states as examples of how to do things right--they have been either stagnant or coming apart at the seams. Yes, Holland is nice, but as a visitor don't let utopian visions cloud your impressions. I spend a lot of time in W. Europe and the UK, and there are too many problems to elaborate on, a lot of them caused by over-bureaucratization and crazy government taxation & fiscal intervention. -John intervention. Oh yeah, and as for Sweden, you've probably read the Rijksbank report. Look at http://tinyurl.com/6ut95 too. -John \_ Communist! Seriously, by American standards you are some kind of loonie liberal. liberal. I have no doubt that bad government is bad. I see lots of bureaucratic bungling in San Francisco, and we have much less to work with than they do in the Scandanavian countries. But the solution to this is to make the government institutions more efficient. The Swedes seem to like their government just fine, so they must be doing something right. Thanks for the link, btw, I had not seen that. http://csua.org/u/bm1 (The Economist) Sweden is the second fastest growing economy on that list. And if you go by GDP/capita, which is what really matters to a person, they rival the US. It's growing quickly, the quality of life is great, and according to many _/ economic indicators, they're just dandy. However, this relies on adherence to a social contract which is slowly coming apart, cultural homogeneity (ditto), and enough people working to keep up the fun (ditto.) Economic excellence, entrepreneurship, and personal mobility seem disparaged (i.e. don't get above your station, sit around having smiling blond babies.) Same in many European countries. The Swedes (except for aforementioned educated professionals who are fleeing in droves to avoid taxes) love it, which is great. This model would not work in many other places--note how high taxes, bureaucracy and govt. inefficiency have just about destroyed the German economy--and frankly it frightens me just a bit. And yes I probably am a bit of a commie in some respects--I think that (a) I deserve quality and accountability for _my_ $$$, and (b) it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. -John \_ I would argue that the massive deficits of the USA give a false sense of economic health. \_ please do. \_ that's not very Randian of you \_ Or very Jeffersonian. \_ "The property of this country is absolutely concentred in a very few hands ... Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise." -Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1785 \_ He was referring to land, which is truly a limited resource. \_ So would you agree to cut taxes on one's primary home, and ramp up tax rates on 2nd, 3rd homes etc? Currently we have the opposite. The tax situation is better on a 2nd investment home and there's no limits. \_ Sounds reasonable to me. -pp \_ Just cut down on Asian immigration. They're like the Jews in the 30s, buying up cheap land (Silicon Valley land is cheap relative to expensive Tokyo and HK properties) and screwing up us natives. Go final solution! \_ Somehow I doubt you're a "native" \_ Price per sq ft living space in SF is going to beat HK soon. \_ Don't forget the previous paragraph to his letter: (I am talking about "people starving" vs. billionaires and morality, not necessarily Jefferson's views on an income tax) "As soon as I had got clear of the town I fell in with a poor woman walking at the same rate with myself and going the same course. Wishing to know the condition of the laboring poor I entered into conversation with her. ... As we had walked together near a mile and she has so far served me as a guide, I gave her, on parting, 24 sous. She burst into tears of a gratitude which I could perceive was unfeigned because she was unable to utter a word. ... This little attendrissement, with the solitude of my walk, led me into a train of reflections on that unequal ision of property which occasions the numberless instances of wretchedness which I had observed in this country and is to be observed all over Europe." \_ "The rich alone use imported articles, and on these alone the whole taxes of the General Government are levied ... We shall soon see the final extinction of our national debt, and liberation of our revenues for the defense and improvement of our country. These revenues will be levied entirely on the rich. ... The farmer will see his government supported, his children educated, and the face of his country made a paradise by the contributions of the rich alone, without his being called on to spend a cent from his earnings." \_ Look, the Gov't should never get more of my income than I do. That's simple enough. \_ the government didn't get 70% of anyone's income. Get a clue. -tom \_ I am sure it did happen. Why not? \_ Of the income in the bracket. Are you sure no one ever had an effective tax rate of >50%? \_ My overall tax rate, including state and federal was about 40% in 2000, so I would not be surprised at all if someone had a 50%+ rate at some point when the tax rate was higher. \_ Don't forget to add 8% sales tax, > 50% gas taxes,\ etc, etc. \_ Don't forget to add 8% sales tax, > 50% gas taxes, etc, etc. \_ They were both previously actors. \_ Ah-nold! \- As I have said many times, this is really at core a conversation about "what we owe each other". Well, there are other ways to formulate the core question, but it isnt a conversation about tax policy alone. You might want to for example google for "wilt chamberlain, nozick, liberty upsets patterns". I dont have a problem with people being wealthy and in general a very asymmetric distribution of wealth. And I also dont think you can do much about say the wealthy having better health care than the avg person. But in certain areas, we can do something about keeping a level playing field or try to have a "floor". While the Nozick view about voluntary contribution to Wilt -> nobody can complain when he is rich, is complelling, these claims that spending money = free speech liberty in a political context, so there should not be any limits on campaing spending seems iffy and other areas where the state can do something about buying influence [like say legacy considerations in college admissions, buying organs etc.]. And if you do want to tlk about tax policy, let's look at what people actually pay rather than one number, the highest marginal tax rate. \_ Although I agree 70% is way too high, there should definitely be market controls to regulate the free market (not necessarily taxes). I believe a "completely" free Market will eventually lead to a caste society with a limited middle class. The gap in pay between average workers and large company CEOs surpassed 300-to-1 in 2003, but in 1982, it was just 42-to-1. Annual pay was $26,899 in 2003, up just 2.1% from 2002 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The average large company CEO received compensation totaling $8.1 million in 2003, up 9.1% from the previous year. The average worker took home $517 in their weekly paycheck in 2003; the average large company CEO took home $155,769 in their weekly pay.If the minimum wage had increased as quickly as CEO pay since 1990, it would today be $15.71 per hour, more than three times the current minimum wage of $5.15 an hour. http://tinyurl.com/5tc4t \_ Are you stupid? EVERYONE knows that the wealth gap is increasing disproportionally esp. in the US and everyone knows that the current Reagan-worshipping administration doesn't really give a damn. You don't need to spend 10 million dollars on formal inquiries to find out if Clinton had sex in the Whitehouse or not; it's just common knowledge. \_ Speaking of Clinton, the wage gap grew tremendously under Clinton. \- clinton didnt try to repeal the billionaire estate preservation tax. however his pardon of marc rich does give us an example of of the problems that can be avoided. \_ Does it ever shrink? Did it grow more under Clinton or under Bush? \_ i believe more under Clinton, but he had a booming economy for 7+ years. \_ As wages have DROPPED under bush, this whole point has a definite apples-to-oranges feel. \_ This is simply not true. The poorest quintile's share of national income grew under Clinton. Unless you are talking about something else, like the average ratio\ of CEO pay to worker pay. What are you talking about? talking about something else, like the average ratio of CEO pay to worker pay. What are you talking about? \_ References please \_ google for: wage gap under clinton. here's an example: http://www.ncpa.org/pd/economy/pdeco/dec97nnn.html \_ Here are much better statistics: http://www.bsos.umd.edu/socy/vanneman/socy441/trends/share1.html Go look at the whole site. The top got richer, but the poor did not get poorer. It was the middle class that really took a hit under Clinton. \_ That's an odd conclusion to reach from the data there. \_ In 1992, the bottom quintile took 4.2% of the national income. In 2000, they took 4.3%. 4.3 is larger than 4.2, right? \_ I was talking about the "middle class .. took a hit" conclusion. The quintiles moved, but the data are incomplete. Did the second or fourth quintile grow? \_ http://csua.org/u/bm0 The top quintile made a bunch more and the bottom stayed the same. It should be pretty easy to figure out who is left and what happened to them. \_ Look at the full data: http://www.census.gov/hhes/income/histinc/f03.html income increased for all levels through the clintotn years. Bush takes office and the bottom gets taken, the middle slows and the top keeps rising. \_ I'm all for Bush, Cheney and Co having wild & raunchy bestiality S&M orgies 24/7 in the White House if it will make my stock portfolio go back up to 2000 levels when Clinton was getting in trouble for getting his cock sucked. \_ Well you could have done *better* than 2000 had you gotten in/out of Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and Enron. A lot of Texans didn't get in/out of the tech era, but now they're pretty happy with the current administration. Sucks 2 b u. \_ I did fine actually, just no longer rich on paper. |
2005/4/5-6 [Computer/Companies/Apple] UID:37076 Activity:nil 66%like:37093 |
4/5 When will Apple release the Tiger? \_ Will the Tiger pray the Longhorn? Tonight at eight on Discovery Channel. |
2005/4/5-8 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:37077 Activity:low |
4/5 interviewing for Google, any idea how they interview? heard it was unorthodox...thanks.. \_ Just tell them you know the secret word that rhymes with orange and that you'll tell them if they hire you. \_ arrange. \_ door hinge \_ That's not the secret word, it's two words. \_ purple \_ p0rn-age \_ stonehenge \_ stonehenge, syringe \_ Not really. You get the standard, all-day thing with lunch at the cafeteria, full of tech questions. I've had more difficult interviews. I've met both nicer and meaner people, both smarter and dumber people. It's a place. They're people. Good luck! \_ grats on the interview, just be cool. \_ The tech interview was much easier than I expected. I was warned for the 2nd ("personality") interview to "be enthusiastic". I was myself and thus judged not Google-worthy. (They told me "your technical skills are great, but you didn't seem excited enough") Of course if their recruiters are telling you how to behave and that's what they're checking for (enthusiasm, real or otherwise), that's a little silly, but *shrug*. Do what they say if you really want the job. The job market's getting better and something better came along so I'm glad it fell through. --dbushong \_ All it takes is one or two unhappy people to really drag down a team. Personality really does matter. And generally people faking enthusasim are pretty spottable. If you can fake it well you probably are enthusastic enough to not be a drag. If you can't (or have a "I'm not going to be enthusastic" chip on your shoulder well, that's a warning sign. Warning signs don't mean you are goign to be a bad employee but let's face it, Google can afford to lose a good person here and there in order to weed out the bad ones. \_ "enthusiasm". \_ This is ridiculously stupid. Enthusiastic about what? Do all the google people jump around saying "whomp" and having "teambuilding" activities? \_ whomp whomp on the head! whomp whomp on the head! \_ That place is starting to sound weird. There was a /. article about the "personal projects" that people are allowed to work on, except the guy was saying it's starting to be like you have to have a personal project or else you won't look good, etc. \_ In the post-Google IPO world, I don't think they can afford to be as picky as they seem to think they can be. Is there really that much cachet associated with working there that hundreds of new hires will take under market wages and longer hours just to be there? \_ Yes. And partly because they know Google is picky. \_ Which doesn't explain aaron. \_ aaron is blacklisted for improper not-happy vibes. |
2005/4/5-8 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37078 Activity:moderate |
4/5 Any recommendations for an SF restaurant that can accomodate 25-30, at $30-$40/person. Note: in my experience big dinners tend to come in 20-30% more expensive than smaller dinners [i.e. a $30/person rest comes in at $40 when you have 20-30 people ordering glasses/bottles of wine or appetizers right and left, or taking advantage of a split check]. Tnx. \_ Check the Blue Plate or Chenery Park and ask if you can just rent the place. They're very nice people. -John \_ how about Jillian's, i'm sure enough alcohol can get you up to $30 per. \_ Just about any decent sized place in Chinatown will do this. The Slanted Door has a room for 24. Might be a bit out of your price range. -ausman \_ Check out Delancey Street Restaurant (600 Embarcadero at Brannan) it's pretty good, plus they do cheap ($4) valet parking if people are coming by car. -dans \- Hmm, this may be a good option on a non-baseball night. I guess I'll havve to stop in and try the food. ok tnx. I guess I'll havve to stop in and try the food. SD, BP, CP are all more expensive. this is just for a dinner with friends so i dont really want to or feel the need to rent an exclusive venue. i think metreon probably has to much of a rifraff factor on a fri/sat night. ok tnx. \_ What is wrong with Chinatown? Do I need to give you a specific restaurant name? -ausman \_ I like the food there a lot, and it's for a good cause. \_ one of my favorites while I lived in the Bay Area was Eos. |
2005/4/5-8 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:37079 Activity:nil |
4/5 Does anyone know how Linux decides which interface to use when there are multiple on the same subnet? The routing code is pretty hairy and I don't want to have to go through it all right now. It seems clear that routing lookup are cached, so as long as the cache entry is present the interface is fixed for a src/dst pair. But I haven't waded through the slow lookup yet. --jwm \_ I think it uses the first one that matches. run route -n Why would you haev multiple interfaces on the same subnet? \_ Short answer customers make strange choices. Basically I'm working with a device that has an interface that does work, and one for admin. sometimes they end up on the same subnet. But I can also see it being used to increase BW for something like iSCSI. |
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