2005/2/11 [Uncategorized] UID:36135 Activity:nil |
2/10 I have a scream speech, v 2.0 by H. Dean eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaarggggghhhh!!!!! starts at around 41 minute mark rtsp://video.c-span.org/mdrive/rwh031603.rm |
2005/2/11 [Computer/SW/P2P, Recreation/Media] UID:36136 Activity:high |
2/10 Motd poll: have you used bittorrent or another P2P for an illegal download within the last 2 months? Yes: .. No : ..... For a movie (if yes)? Yes: .. No : . \_ BT as a means for widespread piracy is pretty dead in the long run- it was never meant for it and only ended up being put to use for "illegal" downloads because it was available, worked well, and was pretty much under the radar. The basic BT architecture isn't suited to the kind of untraceability you need for downloads. There are more appropriate ideas for this sort of use out there. -John \_ With a 'private' tracker and .torrent download site scheme it's a bit safer. You need it to be truly private though. \_ Does d/l'ing eps of Atlantis/MI-5 that I missed count as illegal? If so, I have used bt to illegally d/l eps. Otherwise no. BTW, why would you want to d/l a movie when you can just netflix it? \_ I dunno. I never downloaded movies but I recently did get a few things off of torrents (SW "original laserdisc" DVDs, a couple of subtitled anime flicks, and hellboy of all things. I don't even really care about that stuff but now I'm probably on some FBI list since I got it from lokitorrent. The chances are slim but they could probably bust my ass to kingdom come based on the stuff I read lately. And yeah I've used it for a few missed TV shows and apparently that's just as illegal. But it's the movie guys seem the most interested in making a big hoopla about this right now. |
2005/2/11 [Uncategorized] UID:36137 Activity:nil |
2/10 Arthur Miller, RIP. \_ Why do you hate McCarthyism? |
2005/2/11-12 [Computer/Networking] UID:36138 Activity:kinda low |
2/10 Is the coax cable that supplies our TV's digital cable the same one that plugs into our cable modem? I want to move our cable modem from upstairs to downstairs, and instead of dragging a long extension downstairs, I'd like to just splice our TV's cable. \_ Related question. How well does the digital cable signal survive the splitting and patching of the coax inside the house? \_ Don't know what you have for cable modem. To be sure, use a RG6 cable. Very likely your cable modem cable is RG6. \_ I'd follow above advice, since I don't know much about cable specs. But at my gf's parents' house, the cable guy installed the cable modem using a simple splitter: the kind they sell at radio shack. I added another splitter when they decided to move the computer upstairs, and it works fine. \_ It's similar but different ratings. Almost all digital cable uses RG6 right now. Splitting coax carrying satellite feed I don't think you can use the run-of-the-mill splitters. \_ Whether it's sattelite or not, digital or not, on the wire it's fundamentaly analog in the hundreds of megahertz range. Any splitter rated for that frequency range will be fine. The advantage of using a really high-end splitter is that you'll get exceptionally low signal loss, which shouldn't be a problem under normal circumstances. |
2005/2/11 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/HW/Display] UID:36139 Activity:high |
2/10 Recommendation for a 19" LCD display. Amazon has a good deal on the Princeton. I'm also looking at Costco's Sharp 19" LCD. If you own one or use one at work, can you tell us what you have and how reliable is it? Thanks. \_ Don't know who makes the ones for Dell, but have had only one failure out of probably 3 dozen+ at work. \_ I believe Samsung does. \_ Make sure to get DVI. digital->analog->digital is bad. \_ tawei!!! whats up. get NEC MultiSync 19xxX series. \_ Jesus dumb fuck, this has been posted 100 times. Learn to STFK: http://csua.com/?entry=35371 http://csua.com/?entry=32519 http://csua.com/?entry=32303 http://csua.com/?entry=10207 \_ Don't blow a head gasket, man -- it's not that big a deal. Really. \_ no dude, people have to learn. I'm so sick and tired of deleting trolls and politics on motd, and things that repeat over and over again. FUCK YOU. \_ Then, uhm, don't bother. It's not like anyone cares about you and your largely self-inflicted pain. And take a vacation -- your histrionics are annoying. \_ Hey! I'm your biggest fan! I'd like to give you an award! Please post your name so we know who deserves it. -jrleek \_ Fuck both of you. Just the fact that there are real live conservative censors out there getting annoyed about it will make posting political trolls worth it for at least another decade. \_ This is getting confusing, who is the other person in both of you, and are you pp? -jrleek \_ The "fuck you" is directed at anyone who censors anything in any context ever or who supports censorship in any form. Yes, you have every right to delete whatever politics you dislike from the motd; it's a world writable file. And I have the right to think you're an asshole for it. I realize you're not one of the main censors here, but you get a "fuck you" anyway for thinking it's cool. \_ Heh, you're a moron, but you're the wrong one. You see, if the censor had posted his name, we could squish him. -jrleek |
2005/2/11-12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:36140 Activity:high |
2/11 I'm tired of you motd posters living in the past. \_ You will be eaten by a grue. -John \_ It could be worse. We could be having flame wars about crap that happened five years ago... \_ We're using 1970's technology to communicate. If you want to live in the present, go join a forum or blog or something. \_ Well, there is an RSS feed of the motd. \_ No shit?!? That's nuts! I can have the motd on my MyYahoo page!?? That's just so FUCKING wrong! \_indeed. \_ It doesn't display too well on myYahoo. It works fine with SharpReader and looks ok in BlogLines, but that's about all I've tried. \_ I don't know why I prefer the motd. I just do. Something to do with everybody building the same file and how it evolves constantly - even as certain people turn it into their own personal vanity piece. \_ Tell us what is going to happen tommorrow then Grasshopper. \_ The sun'll come out Tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar |
2005/2/11-12 [Science/Electric] UID:36141 Activity:nil |
2/11 Anyone have any experience with Clamp Meters to measure Amperage? Can they measure current through insulated wires, (e.g. on an extension cord) or do they have to be used at some particular location, or .. ? \_ There are 2 basic styles. One plugs in in series with your stuff. This requires you to unplug your thing to put the meter in series. The other type goes around the wire and detects the magnetic field generated by the current. This will not work on an extension cord because it's going around 2-3 wires and since it's catching the hot wire and the neutral (including the return current) the net flow through the device will be zero. If you can split your extension cord or find an exposed wire in your wall, then you can use this type of meter. |
2005/2/11-14 [Computer/Networking] UID:36142 Activity:nil |
2/11 A lot of people have the Linksys WRT54G router because of its Linux firmware. I tried the new "Closed Source 'GPL'" firmware from Sveasoft (Alchemy-6.0-RC5a) and the QoS feature is very effective and powerful, but I've found the box is easily overwhelmed by too much data (like 50kB/sec) and starts dropping packets on the floor. Can someone reccomend a WRT54G firmware with good QoS which can handle QoS and NAT on a 3Mbit line without choking? \_ This won't answer your question (I have the AP version, and run the Sveasoft firmware, but that's not routing) but just for fun have a look at M0n0wall (http://www.m0n0.ch on WRAP (http://www.pcengines.ch -- it's tremendously mature and stable and does what you want. -John \_ This isn't answering your question, too, but D-Link recently released a wired/wireless gateway that does some QoS (you can define priorities based on source/dest IP/port, or just leave the thing on "auto") and looks high performance. $140+. YMMV. http://games.dlink.com/products/award.asp?pid=370 |
2005/2/11 [Uncategorized] UID:36143 Activity:nil |
2/11 What is the correct word in the phrase: "in a similar vein" or "in a similar vain"? \_ vein. \_ Thanks. -op |
2005/2/11-14 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:36144 Activity:kinda low |
2/11 Any idea why my debian laptop would have this traffic. I'm on a wireless network in my house. connected to the internet via comcast. My laptop's iptables firewall is blocking all inbound ports 14:18:55.194060 > http://fatboy.paqnet.com.www \_ spyware, most likely \_ spyware on my laptop? shit. \_ crap. okay where do I start looking into this? \_ Spyware on debian? I doubt it. But I'd start by looking at full tcpdump output. You can see what http requests are being sent and that will probably give you a better idea what is going on. \_ I use Opera 7.54 and there are a couple security updates that I missed. Perhaps I visited a malicious website. I want to figure out what is really going on. \_ If you are this paranoid and don't know how to see the contents of the packets and what program has the socket open, well, you sir, are a moron. \_ the socket was changing with each run. Thanks for the insult. That really helps. \_ Don't mind him. He probably had no idea himself. Not everyone can deal well with their shortcomings. \_ Your computer is trying to connect to paqnet for something, but it could just as easily be some kind of automatic update feature as spyware. More likely the former, I think. paqnet is some kind of distrubution site for various kinds of software. See: http://www.paqnet.cz Did you install power quality monitoring software on your laptop??? \_ No I haven't installed that sort of software. it also looks like http://paqnet.com is an ISP. they've probably got bad users. \_ Port 2622 is registered for MetricaDBC. I don't know what that is, but maybe you do. Did you install anything like that? \_ Nope. It looks like the some of the http://paqnet.com users are off-roaders. I wonder if they are good guys. Maybe they would send me parts of http logfiles. \_ Hmm, doesn't look so good to me. I don't know of any rootkits that use 2622 to communicate, but you might want to start considering that could have been hacked. \_ 2622 is the source port. Has little or nothing to do with what might be making this connection. You may want to run netstat -pa to see if you can track down the process making such connections. They're probably brief, though, so you won't get much. How often are these connections happening? --scotsman \_ I saw about 3 of them in 10 minutes or so, but stupid me, I shut down my laptop to make an image of the disk, but when I turned back on, I don't see any more of the traffic. \_ Someone may have rootkitted you and run a proxy daemon, but not put it into startup files. Look for core files. Look for things like oddly recent timestamps on ls, netstat, ps, etc. \_ Thanks. I've left my laptop on for a couple days, and now after visiting http://cnn.com this afternoon, I'm seeing similar traffic again! Perhaps it is an Opera bug. At least now I can start figuring it out. Thanks for all your help. |
2005/2/11 [Uncategorized] UID:36145 Activity:nil |
2/11 http://www.independentscientist.com Fascinating. Doing science without federal funding. \_ what is fascinating about a wing nut? \_ I don't know, but it keeps me coming back to the motd. |
2005/2/11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36146 Activity:moderate |
2/11 Shock and Awe. Saudi candidate says that women should be allowed to drive: http://www.washtimes.com/world/20050209-113151-9154r.htm \_ Only in a religion as nutty as wahabism could this persist, and only because they've got oil. At least it keeps the muslims backwards and prevents them from developing their own tech. \_ It was less than 100 years ago that we didn't allow women to vote. \_ True, but 85 years is a pretty long time on the human time scale. \_ No... no it isn't. In the past 20 years or so things have changed enough so that 85 years is a long time on the human time scale, but we haven't had those 85 years yet. \_ Whatever. Since the industrial revolution 85 years has become a long time. \_ We've got plenty of fruitcakes here in the US too, it's just that not enough of them are in positions of power (yet?). They just run the show over there. \_ Aren't the Mormons opposed to women driving? |
2005/2/11-12 [Computer/Companies/Apple, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:36147 Activity:nil |
2/11 More links for Scrolling Trackpad iBook Dude: http://forums.macnn.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=245015 http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/sidetrack/index.html \_ what is 2-finger scrolling? \_ Ask yermom, she likes it. \_ clever. |
2005/2/11 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36148 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/11 BIG BUNNY!!!! http://www.big-bunny.com (worksafe) |
2005/2/11 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:36149 Activity:high |
2/11 Jesus fucked on a crutch. 49% of americans believe Foreign Aid is one of the two biggest government programs. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/polls/sspoll020905.pdf (scroll down a bit) \_ Hey but it is down from 67% when Clinton was President! \_ 49% of Americans being complete tards? Sounds about right. That's the big peak of the bell curve right around that 50% moron point. \_ It's closer to 51%. |
2005/2/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:36150 Activity:high |
2/11 Anyone saying no one could have imagined terrorists using planes as weapons is not fit to dress themselves, let alone be SecState. I mean, c'mon, Tom CLANCY used it in Debt of Honor in '96. \_ I would argue that this is one reason we need a few more tech people at the top levels of government. A future "failure of imagination" would be less likely if you had people who grew up reading/watching sci fi and who actually understand technology calling some of the shots. \_ But it wasn't a failure of imagination. That's just a stupid line of crap. \_ Forget tech people. They need hardcore SF writers and game designers. Hell, I'd love to do that kind of job-- spend all day dreaming up worst case scenarios for security people to debug. \_ Only a sci fi geek would think that's a good idea. \_ Wasn't this what Jerry Pournelle did/does? -John \_ Do you people not understand that the real world works a little bit differently than the fictional world of books and tv shows? Sure someone could imagine that terrorist might fly planes into buildings but the people who write these books and create these TV shows also brought you Sam Fisher (where can I get one of those distractions cam for my P-90?) and Dana Scully getting abducted by Aliens. In the real world things are far more complicated than on TV. Think about that for a minute. These terrorist somehow managed to get past multiple security checkpoints and then on most planes managed to take control w/o meeting any resistance. How likely is that? What would you have done had you been on one of those planes? Sat idly by? Maybe try to take control? Think about all of the variables that are present and the behaviors of hundreds or thousands of people on 11 Sept and tell me you still think that it was imaginable in the real world. \_ It's not an issue with realism or what. Of course things are more complicated in real life. The issue is that you want people around who have the imagination to come up with the really odd, improbable shit--remember Sherlock Holmes? "If you have discounted all other probabilities, whatever remains, whatever improbable, must be the truth"? I'd welcome having people around who can think outside of some bureaucratic, limited, wingtip-shoe "it'll-never-happen-here" mentality. Just having people like this on the payroll doesn't mean you have to jump every time they predict an alien invasion or, god forbid, a tsunami, but it might help you react a bit faster if such a thing did come to pass. -John \_ While I generally agree that quicker reaction may have prevented considerable loss of life, the problem is that the military largely lacked any basis for knowing whether or not the crashes were due to terrorist activity. Had these not been suicide attacks, but rather some sort of mixup/malfunction and the military had reacted by destroying the planes, it is highly improbable that they could have justified the action by showing that there was probable cause to suspect suicde airplane attacks. In retrospect is it easy to say that the ptb should have known, but one must consider that question in light of what could they have reasonably done w/o complete proof (which they did not have on 9/11) that the situation was really as they believed it to be? \_ This is the fundamental problem faced by people working in corporate IT security--your very job consists of coming up with unlikely-but-highly-destructive scenarios and selling the most effective, least intrusive pre- emptive measures or countermeasures capability to these you can think of. There are wide areas of risk analysis devoted to coming up with exactly this sort of crap--you take _all_ imaginable scenarios, then figure out how feasible they are and rate them in terms of how urgently (if at all) you should do something about them. I'm not just talking about 9/11 here, but referring to a seeming inability or unwillingness to consider just this sort of crackpot scenario (which apparently _was_ dreamed up by some pretty competent and intelligent people) or even something unlikely that a sci-fi writer might cook up (massive earthquake + tsunami kills 150k, asteroid hits NYC, whatever) and seriously attempt to determine (a) a probability for it, and (b) what to do if it comes to pass. Blowing it off out of hand does not count as responsible under ANY circumstances. -John \_ I agree w/ you that the way to deal w/ the problem is (a) and (b), but I what I don't agree w/ is that the ppl in charge blew it off b/c a determination that the prob. of the event is not very great can look, in retrospect, to be blowing it off. I haven't read about any evid that shows that a prob. assessment of a 9/11 style attack prior to 9/11 was greater than miniscule in anyones mind. \_ When I first heard the news, my first thought was, "They've finally done it." My next thought was, why the hell weren't there contingency plans drawn up by the military, etc. to handle just such a case. And then I heard they'd crashed into the Pentagon, and I knew, for real, that we as a govt. are crippled and screwed. \_ One further point which I omitted is the fact that prior to 9/11 a military plan which involved the destruction of civilian aircraft w/o a clear showing of terrorist involvement would have been impossible to implement. Let us suppose that the military had a plan to destroy the planes based on a suspicion that terrorist had taken control. Could they have implemented that plan? In the pre-9/11 world the answer is NO. If the 9/11 incident had turned out to be an accident or a standard hijack rather than a terrorist suicide attack, military action that destroyed the plane in the air would have been characterized as trigger-happy extermism, &c. No lefty senator would have accepted an explanation that the intelligence services felt that the planes might be used by suicide hijackers on the basis that such as belief was completely implausible. Prior to 9/11 this objection would have been perfectly reasonable b/c there was no reasonable basis (prior acts, &c.) for holding w/ a view that such an attack was plausible. \_ Bullshit. The Pentagon could easily have established a no-fly zone around it that would trigger an automatic anti aircraft response. Almost no one would object to that. Remember when the USS Vincennes shot down a civilian airliner for straying too close? Very few objected to that. The Pentagon is a far more valuable target than a carrier group. \_ iirc, the Vincennes incident is sufficiently distinguishable from 9/11: (1) the ship was engaged in surface action, (2) the iran air flight took off from a civilian/military shared airfield and (3) the radar aboard the Vincennes could not accurately distinguish a commerical airliner from a military jet. The cmdr, who was already faced w/ hostile surface action had little choice but to assume that the inbound was hostile as well. 9/11 is different. The Pentagon was not "engaged" in any action, it was located near commerical flight paths, the plane was known to be a commerical jet, &c. If the military had made a mistake and shot it down when no terrorist action was involved, there is no way a congressional commission pre-9/11 would have accepted the pentagon's threat assessement. \_ Disagree. 9/11 changed things in the public consciousness but I would have assumed there would be procedures in place for this as applied to the pentagon. Shooting down a civilian airliner would be a tragedy even if it was 100% clear it was in kamikaze mode. But even "lefty senators" who hate America would accept it. It really is common sense. |
2005/2/11-14 [Health/Disease/General, Health/Sleeping] UID:36151 Activity:moderate |
2/11 Are weird random pains in different parts of the body a symptom of excessive caffeine intake? Does anyone have any experience with this? \_ Could be a heart attack. Consider going to a hospital. e.g.: "Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck or arms. The pain may be mild to intense. It may feel like pressure, tightness, burning, or heavy weight. It may be located in the chest, upper abdomen, neck, jaw, or inside the arms or shoulders." --http://tinyurl.com/6xets \_ It's probably not a heart attack! Sheesh! Scare the hell out of the guy! He should see a doctor, though! \_ You probably just have the flu. \_ Why are you asking the motd? ObSeeAFuckingDoctor. -John \_ This would be a good time to remind the motd in general that most health plans offer free advice lines, where you can call (often 24 hours a day) to talk to an advice nurse. They won't laugh at you for asking stupid questions -- their whole job is to tell you whether your problem is worth bothering a doctor for or not. They're not doctors, but unlike the motd they do at least have some idea what they're talking about. \_ it's not random. stop whacking off so much. \_ Caffeine usually doesn't lead to pain; but it does lead to jitteryness. These pains are probably due to something else. \_ What do you mean random pain? Cramps? \_ It could be stress-related, and caffeine could enhance the effects, but that's just a guess. Go see a doc. When I had major stress, my right shoulder/arm use to have some numbness. \_ yeah.I took less caffeine, got some excersize and sleep, and spent some fraction of a day not working or thinking about work, and all symptoms are gone. let this serve as a cautionary tale. -op \_ What, that you're a lazy slacker? |
3/15 |