2004/6/16 [ERROR, uid:30824, category id '18005#19.655' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30824 Activity:high |
6/15 http://tinyurl.com/3f3xz Some of you were sceptical that I saw a Bush commercial on TV so to prove it I've uploaded it. Click on BushCommercial.mpg. Oh just so that you don't email me on how I recorded it, I used the ATI Radeon All-In-Wonder 9000 card -kchang \_ I don't understand. kchang committed a serious offense by using an auto motd mudging script. If we don't squish him then the by-laws of CSUA is useless. We should stick to our principles and keep the squished, squished. \_ If you're going to post a "J'accuse," you'll need to sign your name to be taken seriously. -anonymous coward \_ Uh huh, and the penalty for munging the motd should be a permanent expulsion from your elite little club? He's no worse than many others around here who never got squished but would if it was a popularity contest. Justice, tempered by mercy. \_ I keep saying this, and people keep ignoring this. If kchang was squished for auto-munging the motd, why weren't others who were doing the exact same thing? -- ilyas \_ tell us about the stars ilyas! \_ w00t! \_ have you ever considered the possibility that some people don't like you and don't take whatever point you have to make, be it valid or not, seriously? \_ Yes I have. But not considering the validity of something because of the delivery mechanism is, well, kind of stupid. Also, the best people who 'don't like me' can do is to not like my 'online personality'. People behave differently face to face (you know, the kinds of social interractions where a poorly worded reply can get you a punch in the face). -- ilyas |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:30825 Activity:high |
6/16 License question: There is a library Foo, which is licensed under the GPL. I write a library Bar, which links to Foo. Can I license Bar under the BSD license? I know that unless Foo is under the LGPL I can't link it so code under a more restrictive license, but BSD is less restrictive, so can it be linked to code under the regular GPL? \_ No. A BSD license allows one to redistribute software without the accompanying source code, which would render the GPL irrelevant. \_ But what if I distribute both libraries with source and their respective licenses? I want to permit people to take Bar and do whatever they want with it. Obviously if they want to use it with Foo they'd have to respect the GPL. \_ You could probably do that (make it abundantly clear that there are two licenses covering the respective code, or otherwise just distribute Bar and tell people to d/l Foo from http:// But unless Bar can function without Foo (say by swapping in a commercially-licensed library that implements the same interface) your library will essentially be GPL, and any attempts to get around that might be seen as misleading. Note that FreeBSD (and others?) has included GPL code from time to time in their distro (tar, gmake) but that's being slowly phased out because some believe it confuses the issue. Btw, what code is this? You might be able to contact the maintainers of Foo and ask them to grant a special license to your project if you've got a good reason. \_ Bar *can* function standalone. The code is roughly like: Foo: File reader and data processing for Format1 Bar: File reader and data processing for Format2 Data visualization for Format1 or Format2. \_ There are two points of view on this. It depends on whether or not the interface to a function can be considered as gpl'ed. 1. Interfaces are not covered by gpl pov: Provided that a pgm can link w/ foo and bar dynamically, bar can be released under bsd even if foo is gpl. 2. Interfaces are covered by gpl pov: Since foo is gpl, bar must be released gpl. There is a way around this. Write a lgpl wrapper (blatz) to the gpl lib (you don't need to wrap every function in foo, just the ones you need). Make bar use blatz. Now bar can be released under bsd, since it doesn't depend on gpl'ed interfaces. If this is commerical code, I'd play it safe and go with option 2 since gpl idiots are a pita and you don't want to deal with them. \_ Option 2 doesn't work, because you can't make an LGPL wrapper to a GPL'd library. The wrapper itself must be licensed under the GPL too. \_ This is not correct. You can create lgpl wrappers for gpl libraries. If you read the lgpl it allows you to dual license your code (gpl does not) so you can have the wrapper avail under gpl and lgpl which solves this problem. \_ The problem with all these hokey license schemes is that these sorts of issues keep coming up and you'll get multiple answers depending on who you talk to. People are GPLing code without understanding what that means. Why don't they? Are they stupid or ignorant? No, it is because the GPL is a mess that only became more confused when they introduced the LGPL. Eventually some court will sort the whole thing out for good or bad. Until then, do whatever your concious dictates and don't worry about it. IMO, you should be able to release both and provide the license terms for each or maybe have some hokey yes/no prompt for accepting the GPL terms or whatever if you feel guilty about the other library. You're treading on religious turf so no matter what you do someone is going to say you're wrong, evil, or both. |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:30826 Activity:very high |
6/16 I just got a new dual proc xeon server that will be replacing an old E250 running Solaris. Gentoo is looking pretty good to me, but I don't have too much experience w/ Linux/BSD. Instead of igniting a flamewar, does anyone have a good URL that might line up the various x86 *nixes so that I might figure out which is best for me? I've used Debian in the past, but that was a while back. \_ What are you going to use it for? It may not matter which one. It is likely that whatever you or the eventually sysadmin or end users are most comfortable with is the 'best' OS for your purposes. \_ In the same vein, are there any specific disadvantages to ReiserFS over ext3? |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:30827 Activity:high |
6/16 In Opera, when I go to the location bar to type in an address, it won't let me type in anything. Please help. \_ When was the last time you restarted your computer? Mac or PC, Opera/Mozilla/IE/Safari or whatever the common fix for browser weirdness seems to be a good old-fashoned restart. \_ didn't work. \_ Ok: OS, platform? \_ Unistall, reinstall. |
2004/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:30828 Activity:very high |
6/16 Happy 100th Bloomsday! \_ I'll bite. What's Bloomsday? \_ Sigh. \_ What, you're disappointed that not everyone reads Joyce's pretentious crap? \_ I'm still out here biting. What is Joyce's pretentious crap? Thanks. \_ June 16th, 1904 is the date that Stephen Dedulus and Leopold Bloom take their journeys through Dublin in *Ulysses*. Its celebrated in Ireland as Bloomsday and this is the 100th "anniversary" of the fictional journeys. --!op [thanks for stomping my changes, cunt face.] \_ See, now, if they'd just email me directly, I could tell them that and spare the rest of you all. -- ulysses |
2004/6/16 [Computer/HW/Memory, Politics/Foreign, Computer/SW] UID:30829 Activity:nil |
6/16 To those of you more familar with the software world than international trade in theory and practice, some of the arguments made by the anti-aumping people are self-serving comments analogous to these ... "people are being raped by paying less ... when will they realize they would be better off with out more expensive product" ... McBride calls these arguments tantamount to a death sentence for a multibillion-dollar software industry that has helped propel the United States to economic and technological leadership in the digital era. In March, he sent a letter to every member of Congress warning that Linux threatens the country's economic well-being and even its national security. "Each Open Source installation displaces or pre-empts a sale of proprietary, licensable and copyright-protected software," he said in his letter. "This means fewer jobs, less software revenue and reduced incentives for software companies to innovate." [http://csua.org/u/7s9] Also to the fellow who raised the example of memory chips, find me a case. I am not saying there has never been such a case [I dont know] but I would bet nobody has ever won a dumping case. --psb |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30830 Activity:high |
6/16 Trying to get XP onto a dual-boot laptop witout cd or floppy drive. Is there a way to get some sort of XP installer to net boot? RIS is not an option. Or does anyone know of any mini (<128mb) installer images for XP that will fit on/boot from a USB key? -John \_ You could get a larger USB key. You could get a USB CDROM. You could do a PXE boot if your laptop supports that. I don't think you can put the floppy boot images on a key, not because it won't boot them but because I don't think there's an option to do a net install like that. I think the USB CDROM is the easiest thing to do. Or maybe you could put the XP cd files on the HD on an NTFS or DOS partition, boot from floppy images on the cd key if your laptop supports booting from the key and then tell it to use the hd for the rest of the files. The last thing I can think of is to move the hd to another machine, install to that HD, then move it back. \_ Well this is what I'm wondering--is there a decent way of making a PXE image out of an XP installer CD? That's what I'm having a ton of trouble finding. -John \_ I honestly don't know. It's a really odd thing to do. Why not just go get a cheap usb cdrom? \_ No such thing here. I found this though: http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder -John \_ No USB cdroms? I've got one on my desk. They exist. |
2004/6/16 [Recreation/Activities, Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:30831 Activity:very high 66%like:34588 |
6/16 KISS MY ASS, LAKERS!!! \_ Yah -- it made my day when the lakers went down in flames. \_ No one cares. Sorry. Sports just aren't important. Have some bread with your circuses. \_ Speak for yourself, geekboy. How's that wedgie doing? \_ How's the bread taste? Best circus I've seen since the one last week! Pass me a beer and a joint! \_ Bread? Dunno, don't watch the games. Don't smoke out either, so you're on your own there, too, Mr. Pothead Dork. I don't think you're as smart as you think you are. Perhaps you'd better stick to EQ. \_ thank you, NERFAMC \_ Ok, so you drink, you don't get laid, can't identify a bread product and watch a lot of sports. Big winner! \_ heh, let's see: assumption, projection, assumption, poor reading comprehension. 0/4. Big Winner! Keep trying, Dorkie. \_ *laugh* ok, how about this: you're anal, boring, drink, don't get laid with women, watch a lot of sports, like bread products and take it up the ass from your boyfriend twice a week. \_ I might take your moral superiority seriously if I thought you were in the peace corps, or donating all your free time to a non-profit, but in reality I'm sure you're just some geek into videogames, comic books, and sci-fi who just doesn't like sports. \_ What moral superiority? I never said I was better. I said sports aren't important. Sorry, no vgs, cbs or sci-fi. \_ The only thing better than watching the Lakers lose was watching the Red Sox kick the Yankees' asses in New York. |
2004/6/16 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:30832 Activity:moderate |
6/16 Russert on Meet the Press, reading from GAO report: "As a result of the increased poppy production and in-country heroin production, greater resources were available to Afghan criminal networks and others at odds with the central government. The International Monetary Fund and Afghanistan's minister of Finance have stated that the potential exists for Afghanistan to become a 'narcostate' in which all legitimate institutions are infiltrated by the power and wealth of drug traffickers." Karzai agreed with him. Can we start calling this a failure yet? http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5202007 \_ Oh no! There is *potential* for bad things to happen! It is a quagmire! It is Viet Nam all over again! Yikes! There are drugs being grown in a place where drugs have historically always been grown! What is the world coming to! The sky! The sky! It is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiinnnnnng!! \_ We fucked up in Afghanistan. Poppy production is up. We had an opportunity to make a real difference there, and instead we left the country to rot so that we could prosecute a useless invasion in Iraq. You need to wake up. \_ I'm not the same poster as above, but, Do I think we could have done a better job in Afganistan? Yes. If the could have done a better job in Afganistan? Yes. Is the sky falling? No. Geez, it would really help your arguments if they didn't all sound like they came from the Book of Revelation. \_ Nice straw man, but I said nothing about Armageddon or the sky falling. I was simply pointing out that we've fucked up in Afghanistan. Nobody is paying attention to this. \_ The point is, calling it a failure is a tad premature. I apologize for using Hyperbole. \_ There is no Book of "Revelations" \_ My bible sure has one. You know, the chapter at the end. \_ Ah, he's being picky. At least in the King James version it's called "Revelation" or "The Revelation of St. John the Divine" Leave it to someone on the motd to get picky about a stray 's'. \_ Yes, we should have razed the poppy fields. Instead we paid for the harvest instead of letting it get out into illegal drug production. Unfortunately that turned it into a safe cash crop. \_ Yeah, well-meaning governmental descisions often have bizarre economic effects. \_ whats wrong with that? aren't you in favor of legalizing drugs? |
2004/6/16 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30833 Activity:insanely high |
6/16 I have about 500 Gigs of stuff that I need to backup on a monthly basis. I anticipate that our content will grow to 1000Gig in the next year or two. Should I just get 2-4 big HDs or should I get tape backup device? Opinions? -newbie admin \_ Do you need to back up the entire 500g each month or just an initial cut and a small amount of data changing each month? 500g per month is an insane amount of tapes. 500g every 6 months plus 5-10 gigs a month is fine for tapes. \_ Get hard drives and a fast network. \_ TAPE BACKUP IS DEAD! External 250 Gig drive costs $250. Two would be $500, which is still much cheaper (and faster) than any tape backup system out there. Get more as you need them. \_ Just curious, I know the lifespan of a hard drive is 2-6 years. How is it with tape? Is it about the same schedule for both media when copying the old backups to new hardware? \_ No, MTBF for a single ATA HD is about 68 years. Much higher for a quality Seagate SCSI or FC drive. \_ My personal experience suggests that number is wildly optimistic. \_ You aren't supposed to play soccer with them. \_ 640K is all anybody should ever need. \_ Sigh, just like Gore/internet and ketchup/vegetables. \_ The new marketing buzzword is D2D2T, which stands for "Disk to disk to tape." You setup a big raid unit to backup to as fast as you can, then backup that onto a tape at a more leisurely rate and then send the tapes offsite. The middle disk will provide fast and easy restore to recent stuff while the offsite tape will provide long term archive. \_ But will D2D2T leverage B2B and B2C strategies to increase OEM market share at high levels? \_ Yes. It is called the Netapp Rxxx series of NAS appliances. |
2004/6/16 [Reference/Languages] UID:30834 Activity:high |
6/16 What is the origin/meaning of the word "Ars", and why is it so popular among geeks (Ars Technica, Ars Digita, etc)? Who first used it? Who first used it contemporarily? \_ There was a mid 80s RPG called Ars Magica. I always thought that had something to do with it. (And yes I know Ars Magica is still around.) -aspo \_ It's latin, it means "art or craft," it's been used ever since Latin was around (say around 2000+ years). \- off the top of my head see ovid ars amatoria. but i have the feeling i am missing one of the other big "ars" in the latin canon. --psb \_ ars republica \_ Arse! |
2004/6/16 [Industry/Jobs] UID:30835 Activity:kinda low |
6/16 Anyone here worked in a business consulting company like McKinsey, Accenture, or the like? Please share your experience. Thanks. \_ My girlfriend works for BCG, which I think is one of the better ones. They pay a lot of money to young people straight out of college (so they don't really have any work experience to measure themselves against), put them in a pool of other young over- achievers, and tell them they're the best. That's the good part-- the bad thing is that they start thinking it normal to work 12 hour days, that there are no real jobs outside of the consulting outfit, and that they are some sort of loser if they get out of the "up or out" system. Only the really strong ones manage to avoid a total burnout. To be fair, a lot of the people I know at her outfit are of above average intelligence, except when it comes to saying "no" to being shat upon at work by managers and customers. I also think that you have to be a singular kind of defective to survive for long enough to get into senior management, so that breeds some pretty evil culture. All the people I know who "left" Accenture, PWC & co. were inevitably totally burned out and totally dissatisfied at having wasted a few years of their lives. -John |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30836 Activity:high |
6/16 How do I make bash display possibilities on first tab, like tcsh? I hate it that I have to press TAB twice to get the completion list. Thanks. \_ type tcsh, when you're done, type exit. \_ Thank you for the most useless answer I've seen today. :) \_ Change your shell, stop using stupid shells. \_ Change your shitty attitude, learn some manners. |
2004/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:30837 Activity:nil |
6/16 C-64 hip hop: http://netilium.org/~mad/markvii |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30838 Activity:very high |
6/16 It's not in any way against CSUA policy to have procmail check your quota each time it runs, is it? \_ Why would it be? \_ I think the quota file might be a bit of a chokepoint for the filesystem; probably bad if everybody were to do it. Perhaps try du -d1 instead? \_ du -d1 is way more impact than quota. -tom \_ Yeah, wow. Use your head: with quotas on every filesystem op results in a quota check; how can it be high overhead? \_ Please correct me if/where I'm wrong: quota files are maintained at the root of each file system, and, empirically, I've noticed that quota results are cached: quota -v; rm reallyBigFile; quota -v; sleep; quota -v; I imagine this cache resides at the FS root as well, so hundreds of users x hundreds of spams = 1000s of writes to the quota cache = possibly slow disk access. Different cases possible with softupdates and/or kernel-based memory cache. \_ Quotas are kept in memory, in the kernel; you can access them with the quotactl system call. There are quota files at the root of each filesystem too, but they're only used to initialize the kernel's quota information at boot time. Since it's all stored in memory, updating the quota information when you create and remove files is trivial. You only see delays because soft updates is delaying the actual writes to your files, and thus delaying the quota updates too -- on systems without soft updates, quotas update instantly. --mconst \_ you could have verified this yourself by using the "time" command to see that du -d1 takes an order of magnitude longer than quota, instead of sounding off like a moron. -tom \_ great way to encourage discussion. you rock! \_ That suggests that although writing/deleting lots of spam could load the system (which we already know) lots of people reading the quota file will probably not be a big load, or at least not any worse than reading a file of spam-filtering rules. \_ depends on your personality \_ I'll take this discussion as "No, it's not against policy". \_ you can take it that way (i would) but just be sure you don't end up a hoser; that's the policy you need to worry about here. - erikk |
2004/6/16 [Recreation/Dating] UID:30839 Activity:very high |
6/15 Dear motd guys who have seen the movie Stepford Wives. Do you prefer a genetically altered obedient wife who cleans/cooks for you and is good in bed, or do you prefer the challenges of having a real, non-engineered companion? Which one would you be happier in the short AND long term, and why? It seems to me that the message from the movie is that the former is bad, but I am not convinced. \- or would you prefer to be hooked up to a machine that let you switch between them in a dream state you never woke up from. \_ I believe in the long term, the dominating term isn't house cleaning or good sex, but companionship. A stepford wife is as boring as a cockroach. -- ilyas \_ the cook/clean thing seems irrelevant, since the cost of a non-genetically modified old fashioned maid would be far far less, so you have to assume that anyone who could afford the Stepford Wife already has their housework issues worked out. \_ Both, that's why women like vibrators and going out to nice dinners. \_ I for one would prefer the genetically engineered wife. \_ How can a woman be bad in bed? Doesn't the guy do everything? How can one be bad? \_ If you're doing everything, she's bad in bed. \_ He shoots! He scores! The crowd is going wild! \_ I just reread 1984 and there is a good description of how BAD his wife was in bed. If it seems like a chore, a requirement for procreation, that's generally not the best thing in the world. Also, on top of compatibility, there are lots of techniques that can be employed. Some 80 year old woman on oxygen has a show on technique. I wonder how good she is in the sack. \_ The climax of the movie is reached when we discover that Mike is a creation from our basic needs that we lack in modern society. The creator of Mike explains that in today's society we're so busy with our work that we have no time to take care of our family and to have quality time, and that the creation is an attempt to go back to the "good 'ol days". However, the secondary message is that even the good 'ol days is not perfect, that a person's happiness (namely, the husbands) should not come at an expense of others (the slave working wives in the 50s). Since we can't have it all, now we're now stuck with what we have, and THAT, is the whole point of the movie. \_ I for one prefer the unpredictability and the excitement you get from a real wife. That way she can run off with another guy and take away your money from child support and alimony. Yeah. \_ BDG, is that you? --BDG #2 fan \_ I have a stupid question. If she runs away with another guy, does she still get half of your money? I mean if she wants a divorce because she likes this other guy better, how does it usually end up? She still takes half of the money? \_ In CA, yes. In other states, it varies. This is a "no fault" divorce state. \_ Yes. It doesn't matter what her reason is. She is entitled to half of the assets earned over the course of the marriage plus child support, if applicable. She may also get alimony - one year for every year you were married. \_ Is it the same case if the wife is working and the man is not? \_ what if you get married in one state, move to CA, then move away from CA? how is it determined if she gets the $? \_ Where did you file for divorce? You can't file in a state which you are not a resident of, AFAIK. \_ Why not just buy a RealDoll and pay a maid? I mean, really, if the idea of a Stepford Wife appeals to you, you don't really want a relationship with a real human being. Get the toy and the service and call it even. \_ but a RealDoll is anything but real. It is not interactive. It does not shout "$#^$#S me harder!!" \_ More to the point, a stepford wife isn't either. She is interractive like a video game, or a recording. Actually, she is an it. It may shout all sorts of things, but they are not real. |
2004/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:30840 Activity:high |
6/15 Okay, I'll bite. What the f#$@ does NERFAMC stand for? \_ Not Even Remotely Funny Anonymous Motd Comic. If you search for 'NERFAMC' the only google hit is from the motd archive. \_ OMG LOL WTF! Actually, http://www.wtfomg.com \_ I am typing this by blind-touch. The goggles, they do nothing! \_ It's just tom being pissy, childish and attempting to be insulting. |
2004/6/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30841 Activity:insanely high |
6/16 Time magazine this week: http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101040621/faith_poll/3.html Does President Bush's religious faith make him a strong leader? Bush supporters: 85% yes Arch liberal Kerry supporters: 15% yes If the presidential election were held today, for whom would you vote? Bush: 49% Arch liberal Kerry: 48% \_ The Reagan bump rears its ugly head. Wonder how long it will last. Now, where are all those people that were saying polls mean nothing at this point? Can I get a repeat, please? Or do they only mean nothing at this point when your guy is behind? \_ Polls mean nothing until after the GOP convention. Dukakis had a similar lead in June, see where it got him. \_ Reagan bump? How can reminding us of Reagan give anyone but Kerry a bump? We all hate Reagan, don't we? arch liberal Kerry a bump? We all hate Reagan, don't we? \_ We all hate Reagan? Not according to the media. \_ http://www.ucomics.com/boondocks/2004/06/14 \_ Kerry's basically off the radar lately. Even negative Bush news is better than no news. Kerry's too boring and impersonal to compete. \_ Arch liberal Kerry's basically off the radar lately. Even negative Bush news is better than no news. Arch liberalKerry's too boring and impersonal to compete. \_ Bzzzt! Everything is off the radar lately because the media went "REAGAN! REAGAN! REAGAN! OMG WTF!!!!!@#!@#2@!!11!" for like a week. You know things are bad when NPR runs more Reagan stories than Fox News. \_ Kerry was out of the news before Reagan died. What has Kerry said or done in the last 2 weeks? Bush stopped doing fund- raisers in _APRIL_! Kerry hasn't been doing his job as Senator. He hasn't been doing much of anything but raising cash. Between his personal efforts and groups like http://moveon.org Kerry has more money than Bush yet it is never enough for him. \_ Kerry has more money than Bush? Where the fuck did you come from? The amount of money has has pales in comparison to the hundreds of millions that Bush has. That's why you see lots of Bush shit commercial on TV. All he has is money. Give me a fucking break. \_ Yeah, Bush has 5 times as much money on hand as Kerry presently. However, Kerry is raising money at nearly twice the rate of Bush and just raised something like a record $100 million in 3 months. So maybe that's what above guy was thinking of. He's still a dumbass though. --!the above guy \_ MORON! ALL DEMOCRATS WANT IS TO TAKE ALL YOUR MONEY AND SODOMIZE YOUR DOG!!!! \_ Arch liberal Kerry was out of the news before Reagan died. What has Kerry said or done in the last 2 weeks? Bush stopped doing fund- raisers in _APRIL_! Arch liberal Kerry hasn't been doing his job as Senator. He hasn't been doing much of anything but raising cash. Between his personal efforts and groups like http://moveon.org Arch liberal Kerry has more money than Bush yet it is never enough for him. \_ Arch liberal Kerry has more money than Bush? Where the fuck did you come from? The amount of money has has pales in comparison to the hundreds of millions that Bush has. That's why you see lots of Bush shit commercial on TV. All he has is money. Give me a fucking break. \_ Yeah, Bush has 5 times as much money on hand as arch liberal Kerry presently. However, arch liberal Kerry is raising money at nearly twice the rate of Bush and just raised something like a record $100 million in 3 months. So maybe that's what above guy was thinking of. He's still a dumbass though. --!the above guy \_ I am sorry for being a dumbass. However, I can do math. Kerry+moveon.org $$$ >>> Bush $$$. \_ what about Kerry+moveon vs. Bush + his PACs? I've seen no evidence that Kerry and related groups have more money than Bush and related groups. -tom \_ Quite amusing to hear a Bush supporter complain about how much money Kerry is rasing. Bush is the most venal presidency in history, bar none. Kerry isn't even close. Kerry took last week off in respect to the country and President Reagan, that is why you haven't heard much from him. He did not campaign or fundraise in that time. math. Arch liberal Kerry+moveon.org $$$ >>> Bush$$$. \_ what about arch liberal Kerry+moveon vs. Bush + his PACs? I've seen no evidence that arch liberal Kerry and related groups have more money than Bush and related groups. -tom \_ What about it? Arch liberal Kerry+others >> Bush + others. You haven't seen it? Have you *looked*? \_ Quite amusing to hear a Bush supporter complain about how much money arch liberal Kerry is rasing. Bush is the most venal presidency in history, bar none. Kerry isn't even close. Arch liberal Kerry took last week off in respect to the country and President Reagan, that is why you haven't heard much from him. He did not campaign or fundraise in that time. \_ I'm not complaining. I'm stating a fact. If he is raising more money then he has earned it in some way. No one is giving anyone money for nothing. \_ Kerry said that Dubya shouldn't have asked the Pope to influence Roman Catholic leaders in the U.S. on the abortion \_ Earned it == awarding government contracts for it. Your adding of "arch liberal" in front of every mention of Kerry is simply childish. \_ Arch liberal Kerry said that Dubya shouldn't have asked the Pope to influence Roman Catholic leaders in the U.S. on the abortion and same-sex marriage issues. \_ Ok, and? You posted this for some reason? \_ I don't believe the second survey. The 'undecided' number is never that low. \_ The polls are really meaningless until after the conventions, if you ask me. \_ Or really after a few debates. But it gives us something to talk about in the mean time. \_ Vietcong and Sandinista Vets for Kerry!! \_ Vietcong and Sandinista Vets for Arch Liberal Kerry!! \_ And Cuba and our friends in NK, too. \_"Either you're with us or you're a godless commie" -GWB \_ URL? The Vietcong, Sandinistas, Cubans and NKans have all come out in favor of Kerry. thanks for playing. come out in favor of arch liberal Kerry. thanks for playing. \_ Still too close to call in all the polls. \_ Too soon, padawan. The election isn't for another 4.5 months. Expect the ratcheting of campaign volume in early September and full-court blitz by middle of October. Those are the numbers that will tell the story. \_ If you checked the URL, "Master" jedi, you would see that only one question deals with who will win between Kerry and Bush. The focus of the survey is on religious views between Kerry and Bush supporters. \_ If you checked the URL, "Master" jedi, you would see that only one question deals with who will win between arch liberal Kerry and Bush. The focus of the survey is on religious views between arch liberal Kerry and Bush supporters. \_ So Bush supporters are conservative and arch liberal arch liberal Kerry's supporters are God-less. We knew that. If that was the only reason to post this, there was no reason to post this. |
2004/6/16 [Transportation/Car] UID:30842 Activity:very high |
6/16 Dammit! Why won't Daimler sell the Roadster version of the SMART here? http://www.smart.com \_ 2006 \_ Nope. 2006 is only for the US variant of the forfour. According to the FAQ: "We plan to launch a variant of the smart forfour onto the US-American market in 2006. However we are not planning to introduce the current model range (smart city-coupe, cabrio, crossblade, roadster, roadster-coupe) and smart forfour there." Maybe they think they can't meet US crash safety standards on the other models? The forfour is definitely the ugly pick of the litter. Still, 60 mpg on a conventional gas engine is nothing to sneeze at. Also, great pic of the Roadster version: http://www.mbnz.org/gallery/pics/26_1248263_616200454535PM.JPG \_ holy shit! those are some ass ugly cars! \_ I saw one in Paris last week. BTW, France's smart site features a girl in a hot red miniskirt. \_ I hate those French. |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30843 Activity:nil |
6/16 The following is a chunk of my .procmailrc. It works great, but when I added the if clause below, it seems to act as if the condition is true, even when it's not. Anyone have any idea why? set usage = `quota | grep digital | awk '{print $2}'` set quota = `quota | grep digital | awk '{print $4}'` set space = `expr $quota - $usage` set space = `expr $space \* 1000` # convert from kilobytes to bytes set limit = `expr $space / 20` # limit is 5% of remaining space if ($space < 200000) then # if under 200k of space, just set limit = 0 # put in inbox endif # BEGIN RECIPES :0fw | spamc :0 * > $limit { :0c !myaccount@yahoo.com :0: | ${FORMAIL} -A"X-Folder: TOO_BIG_INBOX_ONLY" >>${DEFAULT} } |
2004/6/16 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30844 Activity:very high |
6/16 Did any of you convert from: Liberal to Conservative or Conservative to Liberal? \_ libertatian to liberal \_ what's the url for the libertatians? sounds interesting! \_ Highschool: conservative -> Berkeley: "I don't want your fucking fliers" -> Post-collegiate: Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft/PatriotAct/ReligiousRight scares me silly. \_ High School: Conservative/Republican (especially on foreign diplomacy) -> College: Libertarian (minus Lyndon) -> post-college: Liberal. \_ High School: Far Left -> College: Liberal -> post-college: Moderate to Liberal. My HS was the time of Newt Gingrinch et al. In college I decided I had nothing in common with the BAMN and ISO, etc. My political movements have mostly been due to exposure to political archetypes. \_ you just described my experience exactly. \_ liberal --> conservative \_ what made you convert? \_ going to berkeley. \_ There seemed to be a pattern in the early 90s: enter doe-eyed and open-minded; get blasted by liberal profs and rabid Young Republicans; exit moderate as long as you don't touch my money. \_ I only met 1 YR and he annoyed me. --doe-eyed->consrv \_ Berkeley Republicans are very amusing - they have this whole "Help! Help! I'm being repressed! Now you see the violence inherent in the system!" thing going on, but they are without fail upper-middle class white kids with plenty of prospects, inside connections, and money from daddy. \_ Way to label! Good smear! How many have you met? \_ high school: blank. berkeley: heard it all. post-cal: conservative |
2004/6/16 [Politics/Foreign/Canada] UID:30845 Activity:nil |
6/16 The lovely town of Dildo, Canada. http://www.aroundthebay.ca/profile/Dildo/dil.asp The humble burg of Fucking, Austria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fucking%2C_Austria |
2004/6/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30846 Activity:high |
6/16 Very cute, kchang. You've tied my home and work IPs to me and flip me off with your motd archive, then redirect to http://hustler.com. It's nice to know your sociopathy and pettiness haven't mellowed. --scotsman \_ it's his site. he can do what he wants with it. \_ Perhaps you're a good candidate to explain (to an impartial observer) the kchang saga. I don't know him, his archive is cool, but the story as I see it reminds me of Giuliani-- nobody likes him until the last minute, and then he's a hero. What got him squished (be more specific than "motd munging")? What got him restored? I'd also invite kchang (and kchang #n fans) to respond with their versions. Thank you. Please don't delete this thread. \_ who cares? it seems to me that it is a private administrative matter. a previous politburo made a decision. a later politburo rescinded the earlier decision. so what? \_ So what? Pure tabloid sensibility on a slow day. What did he do to get squished? Who did it? How'd he get back? Who did that? \_ shrug, I guess it's something to talk about but I dont know the answers either. \_ The motd will not be truly Great until it is only kchang, ilyas, psb, and tom yelling at each other. \_ I think the only people from the above list I used to yell at are tom and myself. These days I just ignore tom, and yell at myself in private. -- ilyas \_ So when is tpc getting his account back? \_ And dickylee! \_ I believe dickylee got his account back, but was squished again in the last year or so. \_ I think everyone suspected of wanting to squish him is on his blacklist. -kchang's friend \_ sorry to hear that scotsman. I guess you're on his blacklist. If you want I can vouch for you, would you prefer to be redirected to another porn site? -concerned sodan |
2004/6/16 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30847 Activity:moderate |
6/16 Has anyone used one of the new 10,000RPM SATA hard drives? How do they compare to a mainstream 10,000RPM SCSI? \_ a friend of mine has a raptor. says it is dead quiet and super fast. my 10k scsi was so loud i stopped using it but was also very fast. |
2004/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:30848 Activity:moderate |
6/16 Bloomsday? Ars? Berkeley really has given up and all it produces are semi-trained monkeys. \_ I fail to parse your complaint. \_ w00t! \_ whatever. you just look petty and small instead of being the big uber genius you want to be. you'd explain if your education was superior to your ego. |
2004/6/16 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:30849 Activity:very high |
6/16 How do I convert the following to be used in a Bourne shell in procmailrc? if ($space < 200000) then set limit = 0 endif The purpose is to make sure that all mail goes to my inbox, rather than mail folders if I'm nearing my quota. $space is how much disk space I have available. $limit determines if a message gets filtered, or just goes to the inbox by default. If limit is set to zero, then all messages go to Inbox. I tried: if test $space -lt 200000; then limit = 0 fi But I keep getting procmail: Skipped "$space -lt 200000; then " in the log. I'm sure the answer to this is trivial to someone out there, so please help. -frustrated \_ Don't do it in procmail; just write a script to calculate the right value for $limit, and call it in backquotes from your procmailrc. \_ Good idea. I'll try it. -hopefully soon to be not frustrated \_ Thanks. Works like a charm. -relieved |
2004/6/16 [Uncategorized] UID:30850 Activity:nil |
6/16 Why is my .spamassassin/bayes_toks growing? It's almost 3MB now. \_ because you keep getting spam. \_ Perhaps you should learn what Bayesian filtering is. Failing that, the simple answer is it's a growing list of words found in your mailbox. \_ ifile trims its database to reduce seldom used words. |
2004/6/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:30851 Activity:high |
6/16 California Ordered to Refund Enron $270M http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/energy_refunds WTF? Can I blame Bush for this?? \_ Sorry, no. We have to refund them $270m so we can get our $2.#b back from them. We can blame FERC for not ok'ing our $9b complaint and Ahnuld for not following up on that. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ what about Robert Rubin? \_ Yes, all bad things are Bush's fault. All good things come from Kerry and higher taxes. arch liberal Kerry and higher taxes. \_ Well someone's gotta pick up the tabs. So you think we can just cut taxes for the fucking rich, blowing billions in a fucking war for the rich, and then all the debt will just disappear? \_ Cut spending if you don't have enough money? \_ good idea. let's start with cutting the war in Iraq. \_ If you were serious you'd be an isolationist like most real conservatives. You want a big army to go into foreign countries *you* feel should be invaded. \_ let's just save up for the war in the USA |
2004/6/16-17 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30852 Activity:high |
6/16 Well, I tried to install Fedora Linux 2 on my second hard drive so I could dual boot. Linux works (I'm using it now) but XP no longer boots. Hmmm... The file system and such is all still there, so it must just be that Linux messed up the boot sector trying to allow for dual boot. I have a winXP CD and I can run rescue console and get access. Does anyone know how to get it to fix the boot sector? (In the old days of dos, it was "sys c:" now... I dunno) \_ fdisk /mbr. GRUB should have handled above. hmm... \_ Look at fedora2-related articles and discussions on slashdot. This seems to be a common problem and it has to do something with 2.6 kernels and such. BTW, I dual-boot XP and Fedora and I didn't have this problem after installing FC2. \_ Yeah, I've been reading the bugzilla report http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=115980 I'm surprised such a big problem made it into the "stable" release. Sheesh \_ Because they don't give a shit about your windows system. If MS had done the same thing the slashdot tinfoil hat crowd would be screaming. \_ MS does the same thing, all the time. \_ So all the time 2k,xp, etc, will wipe out your linux boot partition? |
2004/6/16-17 [Recreation/Humor] UID:30853 Activity:kinda low |
6/16 http://slate.msn.com/id/2102299 "The model for Garfield was Charles Schulz's Peanuts, but not the funny Peanuts of that strip's early years. Rather, Davis wanted to mimic the sunny, humorless monotony of Peanuts' twilight years." \_ The man is dead. Get over it. |
3/15 |