2009/6/29-7/3 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:53083 Activity:low 53%like:53089 | 6/28 Hello everyone,
Logins to soda are back open. The new ssh key is
2048 4b:96:67:18:27:da:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Please allow public key authentication since it is more secure
than plain password. Also if you see this posting, it means
anybody could have posted the annoucement. Because the
2007/9/27-10/2 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:48199 Activity:nil | 9/27 Does anyone have experiences with OpenId and/or TypeKey as to
minimize the effort spent on your web app authentication? How easy is
it to integrate these 3rd party components into your web apps?
2007/8/23-27 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/Companies/Google] UID:47724 Activity:nil | 8/23 how do i view a private livejournal RSS feed in Google Reader?
\_ I've tried this, and I don't think you can. Livejournal provides
a couple of (pretty poor) mechanisms for feeds, but Google
Reader does not (last I checked) support any form of authentication.
I had a script set up to screen-scrape LJ, log in as me and spit
out an rss feed, but it broke and I haven't had the energy to
2007/8/24 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:47748 Activity:nil | 8/24 Anybody experiencing login authentication problems? I cannot login
with unix passwd thru ssh, although I was able to login using my ssh
auth keys/cert. Then when I type passwd to change the passwd,
I'm getting an LDAP passwd change prompt--but only once: if I type
passwd again, I get the Unix passwd change prompt. In any case,
it won't accept my old passwd nor allow me to change the passwd.
2007/8/24 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:47749 Activity:high | 8/24 Anybody experiencing login authentication problems? I cannot login
using my login and passwd thru ssh on the SECOND attempt and on:
ie, when I do ssh csua, it works once, but not afterwards.
Then when I do ssh http://csua.berkeley.edu, it works once, but not afterwards.
I can STILL login when I use a machine that use ssh authorized public
keys (with the ssh passwd), but not the unix login/passwd.
2007/8/7-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:47555 Activity:nil | 8/7 I'm trying to figure out whether it's possible for get wget to
authenticate to a web page protected by a login form ('post'
method to send username/pass, and cookies.) Cookies don't seem
to be the problem, with --save-cookies and --keep-session-cookies
but getting the username/password submitted isn't doing it. On
this particular page, getting to a link, let's say 'example.aspx',
2007/1/30-2/3 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:45624 Activity:nil 76%like:45619 | 1/30 I can't get mutt to read my maildir dir. What am I doing wrong?
set mbox_type=Maildir
\_ mine works just fine with MAIL set to /var/mail/user
Also does anyone know the correct settings to get Mail.app to play
nice with IMAP and soda mail?
\_ Advanced: IMAP Path Prefix: "mail"; Port: "993"; "check" Use SSL;