Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 30320
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/24 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

2004/5/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30320 Activity:low 60%like:30313
5/20    "Destrucshun uh de MOTD (by repeated deleshun, JIBE, o' any oder
        medod) be severly frowned upon and gots'ta result in de terminashun
        uh yo' account.  Makin' de motd 'estremely long be not cool eider.
        Don't be some hoser.  Ah be baaad..." /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd
        \_ Squish Tomasa bin Holub!  Repeat offender/censor/terrorist/enemy
           of the people #1!
           \_ Is Holub related to Emmanuel Goldstein by any chance?  Ignorance
              is Strength!
        \_ How about an anti-nuke script, something that checks to see if
           motd has been zero'ed then restoring it? Is that a squishable
           \_ If it fucks things up, we'll still hate you.
                \_ um, zero'ed motd is already fucked up. the question should
                   be whether zero'ed motd is more or less evil than megatons
                   of restored troll.
                   \_ If it works like you say, sounds great.
                      If it fucks things up, we'll still hate you.
                   \_ there's nothing wrong with trolls since around here that
                      only means someone who disagrees with you.  binaries and
                      20+ pages of cut'n'pasted crap from some lame book are
                      not ok.
           \_ so then the nuker replaces with a few random chars... no gain.
2024/11/24 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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2013/10/24-2014/2/5 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW] UID:54746 Activity:nil
9/26    I remember there was web version of the motd with search function
        (originally due to kchang ?).  The last time I used it it was hosted
        on the csua website but I can't remember its url (onset of dementia?)
        now. Can somebody plz post it, tnx.
           \_ for some reason I couldn't log in since Sept and the archiver
2012/9/5-11/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54472 Activity:nil
9/4     It looks like there are some issues with wallall at the moment. Any
        plans for it getting fixed? I can run wall, but wallall just gives an
        \_ Asking questions on the motd will not get any attention from
           any undergrad. You should email politburo or perhaps csua. -ausman
        \_ Asking questions on the motd will not get attention from any
2012/4/23-6/4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54359 Activity:nil
4/19    Motd updater thingy seems to be broken, does anyone know why?
        If not, I will take a look later in the day. -ausman
        \_ /etc/motd.public is not getting copied into /etc/motd for a while.
           \_ Now it works and no one knows why. Strange. -ausman
2012/2/6-3/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54301 Activity:nil
2/6     Um, what happened to ?
        "The requested URL /~myname/ was not found on this server."
        \_ Try emailing root or politburo. I don't think that the
           undergrads use this machine anymore. -ausman
        \_ Ausman is mostly right. LDAP went down due to an expired cert and
           took down most of the rest of our stuff. It's probably a thing with
2012/2/24-3/26 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54313 Activity:nil
2/24    What newsreader should I use on soda?
        \_ USENIX? You serious? Everyone switched to RSS.
           \_ I think you mean usenet not usenix.  usenet was generally much
              better than blogs / rss (cf. comp.lang.c, comp.lang.perl,
              the usenet oracle, alt.* with digg, slashdot, etc.)
  is the best