Berkeley CSUA MOTD:Entry 15387
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

1999/2/10 [Transportation/Car, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:15387 Activity:high 52%like:15393
2/9     Can someone suggest a nice place to proposition on Valentine's Day?
        I'm thinking about either the parking lot outside Lawrence Hall of
        Science after dark, or Treasure Island facing SF.  Thanks.
        \_ there are some good places in nevada, the Bikini islands, and
        \_ As far away from Berkeley as possible.  You should have planned
           a lot longer than five days before so that you could plan plane
           trips to Seattle or Hawaii or something like that.  Unless you're
           poor of course which, in which case, you're stuck here.
        \_ I suggest _not_ doing so on V-day unless you -know- she's going to
           say yes.  Don't want to ruin your V-day forever....
        \_ Something indoors is better because cold noses and blown around
           hair isn't romantic.  A fire is good too.  -a girl
           \_ Set your girlfriend's hair on fire.
           \_ How about outdoor but in a car?  No cold noses and blown around
              hair.  Would a girl think it's romantic?
                \_ No.  My girl advisor says, "No.  Cars don't work.  It's
                   trashy."  She goes on to say, "Just take her to your
                   place or borrow a friend's with a fireplace and make her
                   dinner.  He's too late to get reservations at a good
                   restaurant.  He needs to show that he's put effort into
                   it".  I think the idea is to forget the view and do
                   something nice.  She went on and on about it but that's all
                   it comes down to.  Don't be a cheap spaz.
        \_ if you're stuck here, I would suggest The Rose Garden. - tpc
           \_ Not after dark.  I've seen drug deals there at night.  Not
              very romantic.
           \_ Rose Garde in Golden Gate Park?  But there're no roses these
        \_ Don't!  It's not good to get married.  You lose all your freedom,
           free spending habits, and all the good looking babes on soda, etc.
           \_ Who on soda is a good looking babe?  Any homepage?  Thx.
                \_ This is exactly the reason there aren't any.  Go take a
                   humanities class of some sort and stop looking so desperate
                   and for your own sake as well as God's, TAKE A SHOWER!  No,
                   one shower last Thursday doesn't count.  Moving it up to at
                   least twice a week is a good start.
                   \_ What do humanitites classes and bathing have to do
                      with good looking babes on soda? I bathe every day
                      and took a few English classes, but I've never seen
                      a babe on soda. There weren't any babes in the English
                      classes either, most were commies with too many
                      body piercings.
                   \_ But I was just trying to conserve water.
2024/11/23 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular

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7/29    Is it really true that we subsidize auto driving to the tune of
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        \_ You might have missed the point.  Hiring a chauffeur to drive your
           private vehicle won't change the amount of gasoline your private
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            \_ sense of entitlement coupled with willingness to pay fines.
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12/5    "Eight Ferraris wrecked in million-dollar pileup" (
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7/8     Is there some reason we can't have mass market nat gas cars?
        \_ Not enough infrastructure for refuing.  Chicken and egg.
        \_ Not enough infrastructure for refueling.  Chicken and egg.
        \_ It has less than half the energy density of gasoline.  -tom
           \_ So you have to compress it, which results in huge explosions
              during a crash. Same for flywheel tech.
2010/8/23-9/7 [Transportation/Car] UID:53931 Activity:nil
8/23    "China's nine-day traffic jam stretches 100km"
        "... the jam between Beijing and Jining city had given birth to a
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        And we think traffic in L.A. is bad.
        \_ Actually those of us who have travelled don't.
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2010/2/10-3/9 [Transportation/Car] UID:53699 Activity:low
2/10    About the Lexus that crashed because of (supposedly) a stuck
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        in Neutral?  If the cop passenger had time to press at least one
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2010/1/8-29 [Transportation/Bicycle] UID:53617 Activity:nil
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        \_ How many years do cyclists get when they run red lights?  I almost
           hit one last week when a cyclist ran a red light in front of me
           while I was about to start moving on my green light in Fremont.
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2013/8/13-10/28 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf] UID:54727 Activity:nil
8/13    How can this be?
        soda {104}% finger reiser
        finger: reiser: no such user.
        Hans was one of the founders of the OCF, did he never get a CSUA
        \_ Several years ago all soda accounts were sorry'ed, and everyone
2013/4/9-5/18 [Computer/SW/Mail, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:54647 Activity:nil
4/8     What's a good free e-mail provider? I don't want to use Gmail,
        Yahoo, Outlook, or any of those sites with features I never use that
        track my personal info and keep changing their interface. I want just
        simple e-mail without privacy issues or all the baggage these large,
        for-profit companies are adding. I might even be willing to pay.
2012/9/5-11/7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:54472 Activity:nil
9/4     It looks like there are some issues with wallall at the moment. Any
        plans for it getting fixed? I can run wall, but wallall just gives an
        \_ Asking questions on the motd will not get any attention from
           any undergrad. You should email politburo or perhaps csua. -ausman
        \_ Asking questions on the motd will not get attention from any