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2005/7/15 [Uncategorized/Jived] UID:38636 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto |
7/15 OTM (Oda' Dan wet-back) crossin's gots' nearly doubled dis year, after a reco'd year in 2004. http, dig dis://csua. Sheeeiit.o'g/u/cpu [reuters] \_ Great policy, dig dis: "wet-backs caught by U.S. bo'da' patrols tryin' to enta' de country illegally are usually immediately returned to deir native land. Many simply wait some day and den try t'sneak into de country again. 'S coo', bro." Even greata' policy, dig dis: "If deir (OTMs') dojiggers do not appear, dey are no'mally released on deir own recognizance and told t'appear at a depo'tashun hearin' often monds in de future. What it is, Mama! Some 85 puh'cent fail t'show down fo' de hearin' and are neva' seen again. 'S coo', bro." What some great country. Right On! . Right On! . Right On! \_ whut should we do? maim dem? rip off some arm? "hey duzn't let dat guy wid 1 arm in here. Right On! " \_ Dat's cruel. How about some 1 mond tattoo, o' takin' deir eyebrows out? \_ I've had wo'se. Right On! \_ What do oda' countries usually do t'sucka's tryin' t'sneak in drough de bo'der? \_ Why do de oda' 15% even boda' to show down fo' de hearin' anyway? \_ We should plum shoot dem. 'S coo', bro. \_ Cane dem. Right On! |
3/16 |
2005/7/5 [Uncategorized/Jived] UID:38426 Activity:nil 58%like:38423 |
7/5 ' ______ __,-~~/~ " `---. " _/_~~~( '" \ ~`~ )\__ ' __/ * < '|** / ) \__ ------===(((((====------------------===))))===----- \/ ~~~"""~~~"""''() ...')~/ ((( ' (_ ( \ ( > ' . \) ))) " " \_(__ < *' " . ~~ >_>' ~ `-|' *:>|--"---~/ ' ((( * ||~`".| * ))) |'|.|.| ' (( | ".|.| ))* ' *|| :|*|`. __________________((((( |jro|~| )))))_________________ Dis be whut happens when ya' fuckin' LIBERALS mess wid me. What it is, Mama! \_ You put ascii art on the motd? Hmm...I don't think that's going accomplish much. -moderate |
2005/5/3 [Uncategorized/Jived, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:37479 Activity:nil |
5/2 fijación mayo' del in'eniero de usos de la tela puesta al dÃa, dig dis: /csua/pub/jobs/AvantGo -- dbushong |
2005/5/3 [Uncategorized/Jived, Uncategorized/Spanish] UID:37478 Activity:nil |
5/3 Encuesta Preferida De los Alimentos de preparación rápida, dig dis:el \_ localmente poseyó el lugar del burrito, dig dis: . \_ McDonaldsel \_ consiguió kinsado de él después de que hice un adolescenteel \_ ah' iba some reÃrse del individuo que odia Wendys, solamente de I hate McDonalds. Realmente son malvados.¿ \_ po' qué? ¿Le asustan de clowns? \_ Gato en caja \_ Wendys \_ no voy allà po'que donan una kintidad significativa de bre'd some los republicanos. Ãdem con Walmart y Dell \_ po' otra parte, los muchos del empleo de demócratas. I wonda' si cualquia' sucka'a ha mirado siempre cuánto employees de una compañÃa donan contra la compañÃa sà Dat debe, nos dejó decir que Bill Gates dona alos Republicans, puh'o Fuh'rina Allen dona some los demócratas de que la misma ho'a MSFT sà mismo dona some los verdes. companies pudieron apoyar kindun didatos "azules" o causas de entero. \_ Heh, "muchos de los employ[s [ de Wendys ] ] de dat. Se parece como eso serÃa verdad de muchos de food sin embargo.el \_ ah' pensarÃa que cualquia' compañÃa grande emplearÃa numbers de Dems y de Repubs (asà como verdes, el \_ BKJr De Carl Del \_: .. \_ Popeye, dig dis: . \_ en n hacia fuera, dig dis: .Castillo Blanco Del \_: . \_ KFC: .el \_ KFC apoya some republicanos, no en la escala de Walmart/Dell sin \_ Popeye > KFC, 'septo ese Popeye es más duro de encontrar. Ah be baaad... \_ Rubio, dig dis: . \_ Del Taco, dig dis: .subterráneo del \_: . |
2004/2/17-18 [Transportation/Car, Uncategorized/Jived] UID:12288 Activity:high 51%like:12282 |
2/16 Does anyone know whut wuz de sto'y wid de guy who went insane in his wheels on campus on sat evenin' and started t'roll into wahtahmelluns and had t'be hauled out uh his wheels and whup'ed by de CPs? it wuz pretty cool. --psb \_ Youse makin' dis up. \- go walk around the front of hertz hall --psb \_ From the police blotter: http://csua.org/u/61q Strange entries.... --erikred |
2004/2/17 [Uncategorized/Jived] UID:12287 Activity:nil |
2/16 A tip fo' fobs, dig dis: if youse not sho' nuff if de wo'd be some noun o' some verb, addin' ".exe" may clarify wahtahmelluns. \_ Is dat supposed t'be some joke about bad-ass honky talk? ah' duzn't git it. \_ google.exe fo' excel.doc \_ Yo! Ah peep dat. \_ DO U GUYZ GOT A SKRIPT THAT DOEZ TH1S OR SUMTHING??? CAN U MAKE 1T AVAILABLE 2 THE REST UV US?!?1?!? \_ /usr/local/bin/jive, /csua/bin/b1ff \- U REWLE!!1 |
2002/4/1 [Uncategorized/Jived, Health/Disease/General] UID:24287 Activity:nil |
04/01 Last year I asked about whether or not I should dig up my tulip bulbs. I listened to tom and chris and dug them up and placed them in a cool dry place. Apparently I didn't dig all of them up because some are sprouting and growing quite nicely. Which makes me wonder, should I have dug them up in the first place? I think the original reason was that the BA is not cold enough. What happened here? The tullip bulbs that I didn't dig up are growing just as well. Thanks. \_ Tulips usually don't sprout in this climate. We had an unusually cold winter this time. Tom and chris were right about the climate, but wrong about the weather this particular winter. In general, the advice they gave you is quite correct. --PeterM |
1996/12/21 [Uncategorized/Jived] UID:32021 Activity:nil |
12/20 One wo'd, dig dis: Ebonics \_ De Oakland farm bo'd's attempt t'provide betta' confo'mity t'de standardized English by usin' ESL techniques and fundin' may gots' some serious political fallout. In particular if Ebonics be recognized as sepuh'te language, it provides an objective criterion fo' racists t'exclude brother s at hirin' time, dig dis: "we require all our employees t'speak English" -mel \_ Hey--until ya' hypocrites remove da damn JIBE honky code fum dis machine, none uh ya' are in any posishun t'comment on whut K-12 teachers are tryin' t'do wid Black English. --elizp \_ ah' dink 'none uh ya'' be sin'ular in standard written English - choice \_ Only in de American dialects. Most English, Indian, and Australian dialects use da damn plural fo' collecto's (e. What it is, Mama!g. "de audience are") -mel \_ De JIBE honky code be de closest wahtahmellun t'a serious study uh Black English on dis system. 'S coo', bro. You's should look into its code and development befo'e ya' condemn it. -mel \_ git some fuckin' clue. What it is, Mama! De " JIBE" honky code be not provided as an educashunal tool. idiot. \_ Aye, ah' duzn't dink anyone here suggested usin' Jive t' proofread deir sheet fo' dem. 'S coo', bro. \_ ah' dink elizp suggested dat cuz' we gots' Jive, we aint in some posishun t'comment on teachin' ebonics. Dat's plum absurd. \_ Censo'ship man. 'S coo', bro. It's groovy. Slap mah fro! \_ Ebonics mad: 1 gat + 2 gats done be 3 gats done be pappappap shootin' da dude wid. \_ Bruda' gotss 3 vials o' crack. Bruda sells de crack fo' 20 bucks/vial. How many wasted super-dudes do he gotss afta' he sells all uh his crack? \_ Wo'd, mudafukah. Right On! |
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