3/15 |
2006/2/22-27 [Uncategorized] UID:41956 Activity:nil |
2/22 Holy shit, Hollywood heist in real life: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-2053858,00.html Weird that a single employee can be the point of failure. \_ you mean they recently watched Firewall w/Harrison Ford, right did anyone actually see that? \_ More like Bandits, with Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0219965 |
2006/2/21-23 [Uncategorized] UID:41938 Activity:kinda low |
2/21 Any Olympians on soda or relatives of Olympians? I thought somebody had a sister who might be in the Olympics? \_ I know a couple of Olympians, but not for the White and Boring Olympics. \_ My uncle Zeus... \_ Yes. -dans \_ I briefly saw a Jamie Silverstein in Ice Dancing. Related? \_ Yes, she's my sister. -dans \_ For those too lazy to look themselves: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1599042613665365796 \_ That's their free dance. See also: http://www.nbcolympics.com/results/1500195/detail.html This features their compulsaries, though I find compulsaries terribly boring (everyone skates the same pattern). -dans \_ Congratulations to her, and your entire family for what she has done. Why don't you visit Torino? Or are you there? \_ Thanks, though I think most (all?) of that should be directed at her. My only hand in this was spending two hours a day schlepping her to and from the rink in heavy traffic for two years when I was in high school. :) Several family members are in Torino, but my presently broke ass could not afford airfare, one week's housing, and event tickets. -dans |
2006/2/21-23 [Uncategorized] UID:41935 Activity:nil |
2/20 Video converting issue: Does anyone knows where xvid stores its setting in Windoze? I would like to save it somehwhere, as Stoik Video Converter tend to reset all my settings. Thx |
2006/2/21-23 [Uncategorized] UID:41934 Activity:nil |
2/20 A few years ago I switched from the Brita filtration pitcher system to the Pur filtration pitcher system because Pur filtered out certain microbial cycst and other things. I used the 3-stage Pur pitcher filter happily for a few years till now. Now I can't even find the 3-stage *pitcher* (not faucet) filter from Savon, Walgreens, Costco, and other stores that used to offer the filter. What's up?!??! \_ I am using the Pur desktop dispenser. Costco use to carry the filter, but now they only carry faucet mount filters. I guess supply and demand. Last time I ordered my filters from http://drugstore.com. Target also has it I believe. \_ What area do you live in? Got any kidney stones yet? |
2006/2/17-19 [Uncategorized] UID:41914 Activity:nil |
2/17 You gotta love it. "Shooting Victim Apologizes To Vice President" http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/007707.php Truly we live in strange times. |
2006/2/17-20 [Uncategorized] UID:41908 Activity:nil |
2/17 I don't get it, why does the victim of the shooting say he's deeply sorry for all the hassle that the guy who shot him had to go through? \_ You think Cheney wouldn't go back to finish the job? \_ 'Cos Cheney said he didn't mean it, and Whittington knows Cheney just loves him and wouldn't hurt him, and sometimes Whittington knows he deserves it. \_ Ummm.. because they're friends and it was an accident? Are you an idiot? \_ Usually when my friend injures me grievously I am mad at my friend for a while. You must be the Pope. \_ You seem to have a lot of experiance with your friends injuring you grievously. Maybe your "friends" are trying to send you a message. Really, once or twice is an accident, but... \_ Because he has no other option? \_ We can only hope that the next time Cheney shoots someone and puts him in intensive care, it will be less of a hassle for Cheney. \_ Let's just say there was some Brokeback action going on the ranch. \_ And Cheney mis-fired his gun on Whittington's face. Oooh. \_ And as Whittington was caressing Cheney's gun, Cheney mis-fired it on Whittington's face. Oooh ... |
2006/2/17 [Uncategorized] UID:41901 Activity:nil |
2/17 Dick Cheney plays counterstrike: http://www.myextralife.com/archive.php?date=2006-02-17 |
2006/2/17 [Uncategorized] UID:41897 Activity:nil |
2/17 Ah, punk rock humor http://www.nothingnice.com/images/rockcity/20060217b.jpg (from: http://rainofbastards.livejournal.com |
2006/2/16 [Uncategorized] UID:41882 Activity:nil 77%like:41884 |
2/15 I'm using rsync -ravH to make two identical filesystems. When comparing the two resulting filesystems, I notice that some directory files (like /usr/doc/.) and /backup/usr/doc/. have different sizes: for example 8192 versus 4096 Any idea why this would be? I would like to confirm that my two rsync'd filesystems are identical. |
2006/2/15 [Uncategorized] UID:41872 Activity:nil |
2/15 No more Greenspan-speak. Bernanke sounds like a normal person compared to Greenspan. |
2006/2/15 [Uncategorized] UID:41870 Activity:nil |
2/15 Companies with best compensation: http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/bestcompanies/pay |
2006/2/15 [Uncategorized] UID:41859 Activity:nil |
2/15 documentary for ax: http://www.markhamstreetfilms.com/documentary/documentary_stacked.htm I did a search on my tivo, and I don't see it being aired anytime soon. DOH! -ax |
2006/2/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41842 Activity:nil |
2/14 Do you think you can restrict yourself to 80 columns? I know you can. \_ I only see two lines in this >500-line motd that are longer than 80 columns. \_ I fixed a few more before getting sick of it. |
2006/2/14 [Uncategorized] UID:41840 Activity:high 57%like:41839 |
2/14 Happy VD Day! [I'll outlast you, deleter] \_ Happy Venereal Disease Day? Well, that's true. |
3/15 |
2006/2/14 [Uncategorized] UID:41834 Activity:nil |
2/14 Hamlin Woman Dies After Crash http://publicbroadcasting.net/wxxi/news.newsmain?action=article&ARTICLE_ID=878191 |
2006/2/13 [Uncategorized] UID:41828 Activity:nil |
2/13 How do I tell mh that I am @sometherdomainthanitthinks.com and send out as a use with that identity? |
2006/2/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41823 Activity:nil |
2/13 What humorless prick deleted this? http://dickhunt.ytmnd.com Cheney's got a gun. (Warning has sound) |
2006/2/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41815 Activity:nil |
2/13 Dick Cheney shoots wrong man in hunting "accident" http://www.conspiracyplanet.com \_ Old news, see below re pres is under arrest. \_ rather than dick cheney shooting the right man. \_ "We're off to hunt peasants" "You mean *pheasants*?" "Um, yeah" \_ On the positive side, at least someone in the White House has some combat experience now. \_ Figures that it would be a friendly fire incident. |
2006/2/12-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41810 Activity:nil |
2/12 Happy 197th birthday to Darwin and Lincoln! |
2006/2/10-13 [Uncategorized] UID:41799 Activity:nil |
2/10 David Hasslehoff at his most... err... http://www.bigcheesepress.com/joanis/david_hasslehoff1.jpg \_ but then he bites a salmon... http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2433520?htv=12 |
2006/2/10-13 [Uncategorized] UID:41798 Activity:nil |
2/10 ecchang \_ is the ChiCom and Big Cow Wang troller |
2006/2/10-13 [Uncategorized] UID:41796 Activity:nil |
2/10 Tom, what do you think about DKDY? \_ I don't invest in junk. -tom \_ What do you know about DKDY? \_ Tom, what do you know about DKDY? \_ tom, would you invest in Altria? \_ Not directly, not. I can't claim purity, as I do own \_ Not directly, no. I can't claim purity, as I do own Berkshire Hathaway, which I believe still has significant MO holdings. -tom \_ Consider switching from Berkshire to LUK (the little berkshire). compare the charts since 1990. berkshire, at 135B, is a little too big to find many good picks, even with the old man's investment style. luk, in contrast, is only 6B. |
2006/2/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:41787 Activity:nil |
2/9 Best Star Wars action figure of all time: http://myextralife.com/ftp/action_figure.jpg |
2006/2/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:41778 Activity:nil |
2/8 Anyone know how to turn off the sounds an iMac makes? I want to hear some sounds (e.g. music) but not anything else. I unchecked "Play user interface sound effects" and notice some sounds have stopped, but not others. For instance, pressing tab when in Terminal still makes a beep. \_ choose visual feedback in Universal Access \_ I don't see that option, but played with some others under Universal Access and nothing helps. Maybe you mean "Flash screen on beep"? Doesn't help either. \_ Terminal has its own preferences; turn on "Visual Bell". -tom |
2006/2/8-10 [Uncategorized] UID:41776 Activity:nil |
2/8 If I were a pissed off Al Qaeda who wants to get back at the Danes, I'd terrorize them by replacing all the Twinkie fillings with rotten Twinkie fillings. This will cause so much fear that it'll halt most of the Danish economy. |
2006/2/8-10 [Uncategorized] UID:41775 Activity:nil |
2/8 NSA Wiretapping Discussion in 130 Wheeler @ 7 PM tomorrow (2/9). \_ Is this just you, or is there some department sponsoring this? Sounds sort of interesting. -mrauser \_ I'm not sure if any dept. is sponsoring this, but I saw it mentioned on the BCR and BCD mailing lists. |
2006/2/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:41750 Activity:nil |
2/7 Are there any UCB Students who read the motd? If so, my group \_ That's sort of sad. at Apple (iTunes Music Store) is looking for 1-2 SW interns. Email me if you're interested. -abe |
2006/2/7 [Uncategorized] UID:41747 Activity:nil |
2/7 I'm thinking of learning/using boost (http://www.boost.org and would appreciate comments from people who are familiar with it. Is it better/worse/different than STL? Does it have a low/high learning curve? And of course, should I use it? Thanks. -emin |
2006/2/7 [Uncategorized] UID:41737 Activity:nil |
2/6 Morning everyone! link:tinyurl.com/b4qn7 - der FURIOUS |
2006/2/7 [Uncategorized] UID:41736 Activity:nil |
2/6 German penisis. Or is that penises? http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060206/od_nm/soccer_penises_dc |
2006/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:41727 Activity:nil |
2/6 dim and john, round 2, FIGHT! \_ It's FITE!!!11! Get it straight. \_ The MOTD is overdue for a good GUN DUEL \_ shut up, psb \- i have not made any motd posts above this line. |
2006/2/5-7 [Uncategorized] UID:41713 Activity:nil |
2/4 Answering my own question about high end video cards and noise: Open case ATI 1900XT at 2.5 feet: 65db Open case NVD 7800 at 2.5 feet: 62db Vaccuum cleaner level noise. With replacement fans: 34db |
2006/2/4-7 [Uncategorized] UID:41708 Activity:nil |
2/4 worst picture ever: http://myspace-893.vo.llnwd.net/00453/39/82/453582893_l.jpg |
2006/2/4-7 [Uncategorized] UID:41707 Activity:nil |
2/4 I just made Coq au Vin for the first time. Oh. My. God. that's good. \_ ObHeLikesTheCoq |
2006/2/4-7 [Uncategorized] UID:41705 Activity:nil |
2/4 I really hate Piers Anthony \_ You're about 20 years behind schedule. |
2006/2/3-7 [Uncategorized] UID:41685 Activity:nil |
2/3 Soda way unstable? It's definitely slow and hard to log into. \_ Me too. I think it's having network problems. |
2006/2/2 [Uncategorized] UID:41678 Activity:nil |
2/2 [Deleted by op because of dullness] |
2006/2/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:41671 Activity:nil |
2/2 The red states are really getting it, heh: http://www.weather.com/activities/health/coldandflu/nationalreports/national.html \_ The southwest is really getting it. Almost like it's coming over the Mexican border. |
2006/2/1-3 [Uncategorized] UID:41661 Activity:nil |
2/1 I want to take a poll, how many people are occassionaly recieving duplicates of the same message in your email? -mrauser \_ Not me. Are these mailing list messages? \_ Not exactly. Not the CSUA/Announce/Jobs anyway. -mr |
2006/2/1-3 [Uncategorized] UID:41656 Activity:nil |
2/1 Oh great, Iran again threatens full-scale enrichment if they're sent to the Security Council, and the IAEA vote on this is tomorrow \_ They were going to do enrichment either way and for all anyone knows may already have been for years. What does it matter what they say they'll do? |
2006/2/1 [Uncategorized] UID:41640 Activity:nil |
2/1 Wonderful speech, Mr. President. It felt so great to see Alito and Roberts sitting near by. The speech of the address was to the point and showed that you have our country on track. I am looking forward to the rest of your term! Fred (Chicago, IL) |
2006/2/1-3 [Uncategorized] UID:41630 Activity:nil |
2/1 I saw the flag at a post office at half-mast this morning. What is it for? -clueless \_ someone going postal down in Goleta \_ http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060201/ap_on_re_us/post_office_shooting |
2006/1/31-2/2 [Uncategorized] UID:41616 Activity:nil |
1/31 RIP Coretta Scott King. \_ glad she didn't have any speech which charge copyright fees. |
2006/1/31-2/2 [Uncategorized] UID:41612 Activity:nil |
1/27 MPAA violates copyright and perhaps the DMCA to protect "raters and their families": http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/archives/004342.php |
2006/1/31 [Uncategorized] UID:41606 Activity:kinda low |
1/27 the FURIOUS is here. I'm about to go to sleep to link:tinyurl.com/b4xby \_ That's DER FURIOUS to you. |
2006/1/29-31 [Uncategorized] UID:41591 Activity:nil |
1/29 Can anyone recommend any agile development trainers? We had a failed attempt at FDD here w/o any trainers, and are now experimenting with scrum. thx. --sky \_ we just got through w/ some agile training w/ a guy named mike cohn. he seemed pretty good: http://mountaingoatsoftware.com -chiapet |
2006/1/29-30 [Uncategorized] UID:41590 Activity:nil |
1/28 http://www.ultimateshowdown.org --sky |
2006/1/28-31 [Uncategorized] UID:41584 Activity:nil |
1/28 Haha. James Frey is now the top for links for the google search "disgraced author" http://www.google.com/search?q=disgraced%20author |
2006/1/28-29 [Uncategorized] UID:41580 Activity:nil |
1/27 Is there a public list of companies that are known to use Yahoo's SpamGuard software? Does Earthlink use it? |
2006/1/28 [Uncategorized] UID:41577 Activity:nil |
1/27 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11062650/site/newsweek MSNBC and Newsweek both write trash for uninformed liberal readers. |
2006/1/27-29 [Uncategorized] UID:41569 Activity:nil |
1/27 Go HAL! http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=HAL&t=2y&l=off&z=m&q=l&c=%5EDJI \_ Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. |
2006/1/27 [Uncategorized] UID:41564 Activity:nil |
1/27 FURIOUS motd dude here. I'm about to go work. Before I go, I will stick these on my cell phone and get on caltrain. http://image50.webshots.com/50/3/97/93/543539793znzKLv_fs.jpg http://image60.webshots.com/160/7/43/89/528974389ICyZkq_fs.jpg http://image28.webshots.com/28/2/50/92/287225092IdiUkq_ph.jpg http://image55.webshots.com/155/1/4/39/447210439BWoArx_ph.jpg http://image64.webshots.com/64/8/97/85/494789785wBYPdZ_ph.jpg http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4346/1160/1600/260212381yJfiBq_ph.jpg http://image36.webshots.com/37/2/79/1/298327901ADKqoD_ph.jpg http://image64.webshots.com/64/1/54/11/513415411eYMaNa_ph.jpg http://image53.webshots.com/53/0/2/61/504400261qVtWOH_ph.jpg http://myspace-864.vo.llnwd.net/00057/46/86/57286864_l.jpg http://tinyurl.com/at2lt http://tinyurl.com/9zabb http://tinyurl.com/blk6y |
2006/1/26 [Uncategorized] UID:41555 Activity:nil |
1/26 http://msnbc.msn.com/id/11021093 Gen. Hayden does not appear to understand "probable cause" is key feature of 4th Amendment. |
2006/1/26-29 [Uncategorized] UID:41553 Activity:nil |
1/26 Who the hell is posting the same furious political drivels? |
2006/1/26 [Uncategorized] UID:41541 Activity:nil |
1/26 James Frey admits he was totally full of shit. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060126/en_nm/frey_dc |
2006/1/26 [Uncategorized] UID:41538 Activity:nil |
1/26 LA Times column completely misrepresented by Reuters! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060125/us_nm/iraq_usa_media_dc |
2006/1/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:41536 Activity:nil |
1/25 I'm looking for a complete list of zip codes, city names, and approx GPS coordinates in the US, free. Where can I get this? \_ US Census Bureau's Tiger Database. |
2006/1/25-27 [Uncategorized] UID:41530 Activity:nil |
1/25 Civilization 4 addicts. http://www.civanon.org/members.shtml See the "Click here to learn the truth about Civilization" video. |
2006/1/25-27 [Uncategorized] UID:41529 Activity:nil |
1/25 http://www.engadget.com/2006/01/25/study-finds-robot-pets-as-good-as-live-ones I want to buy an Aibo now. I can't wait till http://realdoll.com moves like an Aibo, without the noise, and with more moans. -geek \_ http://cyborgasmatrix.com |
2006/1/25 [Uncategorized] UID:41524 Activity:nil |
1/25 Restored. Go nuke somewhere else. Use a .hushlogin if it bothers you so much. \_ I found it empty, so I added the nuke. It seemed appropriate. |
2006/1/25-27 [Uncategorized] UID:41518 Activity:nil |
1/25 First! \_ Last! \_ Not anymore! \_ Last! \_ Damn it. I wanted last. \_ NOOO!!! </E3_Vader> I *will* be Last! |
2006/1/25-4/7 [Uncategorized] UID:41507 Activity:nil |
1/24 Soda Temporarily Unstable. There may be continued downtime. =( -mrauser \_ Much of the stability issues are gone. If you are having issues with quota please email root about it. -mrauser 3/8 |
2006/1/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:41500 Activity:nil |
1/24 I <3 Santorum http://santorumexposed.com/pages/video/stickerw.php |
2006/1/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:41495 Activity:moderate |
1/24 I masturbated 9 times yesterday, and 3 times this morning. I think it's a new personal record. \_ What do you masturbate to? \_ This? link:csua.org/u/er3 \_ I can't believe that would get you 9 "throws". \_ Any better recommendations? \_ Do you mean you actually finished off with cum every time? That'd be a record. \_ I sure did. Is this the world's lamest superpower? \_ You're Mr. Furious... masturbater. \_ In College there was a guy we called Dave 22 because he claimed to have masturbated 22 times in one day. \_ That can be a good aerobic workout! \_ When you masturbate more than chicks can, something's wrong. \_ URL? ;-) \_ I'm surprised that (1) this thread generated so many responses, and (2) hasn't been deleted yet. \_ You need free hands to delete this thread, and everybody's hands are now too busy doing ...... you know. |
2006/1/23-25 [Uncategorized] UID:41490 Activity:nil |
1/23 What's the best web stats program? analog, awstats, other? \_ analog's a useful tool in a larger suite of tools to produce actual useful reports; i like webalizer for simple small-scale stuff as it's already got (for instance) parallel DNS lookups builtin --dbushong \_ Thanks. -op |
2006/1/21-23 [Uncategorized] UID:41465 Activity:nil |
1/20 Who is Trevor Pering? \_ used to be an EECS grad student. \_ who wants to know? \_ A scholar & a gentleman, a prince among men, a handsome devil who combined the best of all aspects of the ideal Cal students. No, really. -John |
2006/1/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:41452 Activity:nil |
1/20 Why are there 1/19 articles on top of 1/20 ones? \_ Because people routinely don't mark the date of their posts correctly. You haven't noticed this? \_ Because people are dumb? \_ Yes they are indeed dumb. Just look at all the dumb people who choose to live in the crowded city instead of a nice quiet big suburbian house. \_ "suburban". Speaking of dumbness ...... |
2006/1/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:41447 Activity:nil |
1/19 Patriot Search. Help the government by making your search activity public. http://blog.outer-court.com/patriot |
2006/1/19-21 [Uncategorized] UID:41432 Activity:nil |
1/18 Wait til Pamela Anderson hears about THIS: http://csua.org/u/eoq (boston.com) \_ eh? \_ For those who don't speak Japanese, "gohan" mean meal. \_ Yes, that in article. \_ What does this have to do with Pamela? |
2006/1/18-20 [Uncategorized] UID:41426 Activity:nil |
1/18 Does anyone know of a good, easy-to-use online test/quiz generator? The only one I know of is Blackboard, which both costs and has too many features. I'm looking for something that makes it easy to create multiple choice question tests, grades it, and then submits the name of the student who just completed it. Thanks. \_ Sakai probably has something like that. http://www.sakaiproject.org -tom |
2006/1/18-20 [Uncategorized] UID:41425 Activity:nil |
1/18 Yahoo is rolling out SSL for everything! Seems a bit flaky and inconsistent right now, but maybe they are in the process of converting. \_ .... sorry but... so? \_ url? |
2006/1/18 [Uncategorized] UID:41418 Activity:low |
1/18 people can't read my email (using pine) has X-UNKNOWN characterset? \_ because? if it has? while under a blue moon? during the month of may? what? \_ Could you phrase that in the form of a complete sentence? |
2006/1/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:41408 Activity:kinda low |
1/17 Does anyone have experience with Pacific or Sakura brands of range hoods? Are they really much more powerful than the American brands as advertised on TV? I do a lot of Chinese stir-frying, and my Nautilus hood is inadequate. Thx. \_ I have a Thermador hood, and it sucks like a $1000 hooker on speed. It's been able to handle pretty much everything I've thrown at it. The fans have developed some nasty vibrations at lower speed (it hums), but at max it's rock solid. \_ Which model is it? And how much did it cost? Do you happen to know the CFM? Thanks! \_ The hood is a H36HQS. I think the ventilators are 600 CFM. \_ The hood is a H36HQS. I think the ventilator is 600 CFM. No clue on cost. \_ Thx. My Nautilus NV-D is only 160 CFM. |
2006/1/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:41402 Activity:nil |
1/17 How can you beat demonlords in ularn/ilarn? They keep thrashing me. |
2006/1/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:41397 Activity:nil |
1/17 This is pretty cool Beavis: http://csua.org/u/enk Ok tnx. |
2006/1/16 [Uncategorized] UID:41391 Activity:nil |
1/16 Some people have work today, others get the day off. \_ Some people have the day off, others take the day off. So what? |
2006/1/16 [Uncategorized] UID:41390 Activity:nil |
1/16 Hi guys. I remember having like 20 pieces of e-mail last night stored from Fri-Sun. This morning, that mail disappeared, but I did receive my Monday e-mail. Anyone else notice their mail disappear today? Maybe it was a glitch in my e-mail client or user error. |
2006/1/14-17 [Uncategorized] UID:41374 Activity:nil |
1/13 Asian girl licking glass video has been pulled from google videos. sad. (was: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8602543819460939080 \_ huh? |
2006/1/14-17 [Uncategorized] UID:41373 Activity:nil |
1/13 A special message from Uncle Sam http://www.happytaxday.com/lma/directory.php |
2006/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:41372 Activity:high |
1/13 Hillary and Bill thank the organizer for the fraudulent $700k in campaign contributions. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3697504752429648815&q=peter+paul |
2006/1/12-17 [Uncategorized] UID:41367 Activity:kinda low |
1/12 Do you know the facts about Chuck Norris? http://www.chucknorrisfacts.com \_ Aren't these just recycled Vin Diesel facts? \_ http://www.4q.cc/vin (server sometimes times out) \_ Awesome. Chuck Norris would approve. -John \_ Chuck Norris vs Bruce Lee. Who will win? \_ You know there's a movie where they fight, right? \_ Mini-Ditka, with the Bears bus. -John \_ In real life, Norris was once a student of Lee. On screen, Norris was killed by Lee in Way of the Dragon. \_ In real life, Chuck would win because Bruce is dead. \_ if you strike me down i will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine \_ Like that helped him so much being a ghost and getting written out until the party at the end. \_ I ain't worried. Your fu was pretty weak in the first place. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Norris_Facts |
2006/1/12-17 [Uncategorized] UID:41355 Activity:nil |
1/12 More le parkour: http://ripe.tv/?movieID=m166 \_ You might like to rent the movie Banlieue 13 |
2006/1/11-13 [Uncategorized] UID:41346 Activity:kinda low |
1/11 Wow, apparently there was a bomb threat against my Santa Clara building this morning. But then they let everyone go in. Maybe I'll get blown up soon. \_ out of curiosity, is your bldg filled with lawyers and/or shrinks? \_ I think it's mostly engineers, sales, and marketing. I know one of the security personnel wears a terrorist hat. It's probably him. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Turbanned_man.jpg ? \_ Pretty much! Same age and build. But ours isn't so jovial. \_ which company is it? \_ Well, I guess since the plot to feed the engineers defective plans on how to build atomic bombs failed... -John |
2006/1/11-13 [Uncategorized] UID:41343 Activity:nil |
1/11 So, does anyone know what's up with Canada's child care benifits legislation? I'd head the conservative are throwing around slogans like, "Free child care for everyone!" |
2006/1/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:41338 Activity:nil |
1/10 Abromoff wrote and produced "RED SCORPION" |
2006/1/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:41334 Activity:moderate |
1/10 I love my Ionic Breeze. I can fart all I want and still clear up the air in 30 min. \_ open window.. 5 min. \_ How does Ionic Breeze clear up fart? I thought it only removes solid airborne particles like dust and pollens from the air. \_ All odor is made up of particles. \_ Only in the sense that all matter is made up of particles. Many smells are gasseous chemicals which will be unaffected by something that only grabs particles over say 1 micron. \_ Even without the Ironic Breeze it will clear up in 30 min. ;) \_ The Ionic Breeze is a scam, it doesn't really do anything. See consumer reports. \_ Can I come over to your place and help test it? |
2006/1/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:41319 Activity:low |
1/10 What a great idea. What a shame Risen decided to disclose another secret project that we can't use now: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/10755448/site/newsweek \_ If it's true it's a moronic idea. Doesn't it assume the Iranians are complete idiots who can't read technical diagrams and fix flaws? What about if they take the designs, compare it to others from Pakistan, North Korea, Russia, etc. I admit I don't know anything about the design of nuclear weaponry but if it's anything like designs of other things you can often glean a lot of tricks and details from looking at a complete set of specifications. \_ Actually, this is not a new idea, and it's not moronic. If you pass on to the other side research that you know is both secret and goes to a dead end, you can make them invest time and money in something that you know won't work. This is an extrapolation. \_ Ever seen Michael Frayn's play Copenhagen? |
2006/1/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:41312 Activity:nil |
1/9 Do cops get bonuses from writing tickets? Does the CHP get revenue from writing tickets? \_ what'd you get a ticket for? speeding? running a stop sign? \_ I would guess that most departments don't give bonuses. -POC |
2006/1/9-12 [Uncategorized] UID:41305 Activity:nil |
1/9 Wait, so the gorgeous woman thread gets deleted, but the political crap sticks around? Someone is a first class prude. \_ Gorgeous is the name of an angel with wide child bearing hips in the Book Of Moroni. \_ Someone is off their meds.... \_ Or seriously on the wrong dosage.... \_ Maybe they can start a religion. \_ Damn! I always miss the threads about ho7 aZn ch1x! \_ More like the thread about STDs. \_ What gorgeos woman? |
2006/1/8-10 [Uncategorized] UID:41299 Activity:nil |
1/8 This is just bizzard-- poisoning park trees to get a better view: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060106/od_nm/trees_dc |
2006/1/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:41287 Activity:nil 75%like:41281 |
1/6 Interviews of Freeman Dyson, John Maynard Smith, etc. http://www.meaningoflife.tv \_ thanks, some really interesting stuff. the following quote is pretty funny: "hint: unlike most physicists, he's a priest" |
2006/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:41281 Activity:nil 75%like:41287 |
1/6 Watch or hear interviews of Freeman Dysan, John Maynard Smith, etc. http://www.meaningoflife.tv |
2006/1/6 [Uncategorized] UID:41266 Activity:nil |
1/6 Walmart is apparently still sorting the bugs out http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060106/ap_on_bi_ge/wal_mart_web_site |
2006/1/6-9 [Uncategorized] UID:41265 Activity:nil |
1/6 My torso is a size S (36" chest) but my arms are at 34" which is a size M. With dress shirts I can get exactly what I need because it's fitted. But with coats I'm having a hard time getting something that'll fit me. I'm looking at wool/cashmere coats. S is too short arm-wise but M is too big around my torso. I'd imagine that expensive coats ($300-$500 range) would be fitted like shirts instead of coming in S, M, L, etc. Anybody have the same problem? What brand of coats come in fitted sizes? This is formal wear so I can't look like a clown. Thanks. \_ Go to a decent shop, get fitted and the coat tailored. It'll be worth it. A good sportscoat will last years. \_ I'm a mixed size as well and tried Benetton and Zara. They have european cuts and I found stuff that fit me well. \_ Ernesto's tailoring, 860 Market St., 5th floor. -John \_ definate cupping there.. definately.. \_ "definite". And "huh?" -John |
2006/1/5-9 [Uncategorized] UID:41257 Activity:nil |
1/5 Anyone have any ins at HP, or know how I can [legally] get ahold of a a good plotter for REALLY cheap? I'm specifically looking for a DesignJet that takes at least 42in media and is relatively new, if not brand new (we are sick of sinking money into used plotters). Please contact me directly. - jvarga \_ btw, I'm calling in all those favors people were offering me a few months ago! I really need to get ahold of a good plotter asap. Destination is a non-profit organization. - jvarga |
2006/1/5-9 [Uncategorized] UID:41249 Activity:nil |
1/5 I wonder if the discards are collectible. Maybe a trip to Haiti is in order. http://www.slate.com/id/2133753 |
2006/1/4-6 [Uncategorized] UID:41236 Activity:nil |
1/4 NERF Rules of Engagement: http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2006/20060104h.jpg |
2006/1/4-6 [Uncategorized] UID:41227 Activity:nil |
1/4 Geez, what is it, the day after 9/11? http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060104/ts_nm/life_passenger_dc \_ I don't understand why he wasn't shot on the jetway. \_ Flying under the influence? Guess I'm guilty too, then. \_ I don't understand why he wasn't shot on the jetway, since he was a clear threat. |
2006/1/4-6 [Uncategorized] UID:41225 Activity:nil |
1/4 Wow! More than 4% gain in 2 days. Not a bad start for 2006. \_ Yeah, but my NYE resolution was to lose 10 pounds, not put on 10. |
2006/1/4 [Uncategorized] UID:41222 Activity:nil |
1/4 It's 1/4 not 12/4. |
2006/1/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:41220 Activity:nil |
12/3 I'm building a project that requires a lot of bright LEDs. What's a good place to buy 20-30 white LEDs, running at 1.5-3V, cheap? |
2006/1/4-6 [Uncategorized] UID:41219 Activity:nil |
12/4 After monitoring motd for a very long time, I've concluded that the chicom troller is ecchang and the trollee is tse. Congrats. \_ Even assuming you're right, why would you name them? That's no fun at all. As if the rest of us either didn't already know or couldn't have figured it out if we cared. Censored for continued humor value. \_ You are an idiot. There is more than one Chicom Troll! - the one and only Chicom Troll. \_ You should monitor harder. |
2006/1/4-6 [Uncategorized] UID:41218 Activity:nil |
1/4 My kitchen sink is stainless steel and after a year's use it's kind of scratched up. I'm thinking about fixing it up myself using a high speed Dremel tool with the polisher and buffer attachments. Has anyone actually done this successfully? \_ Nope, but let me know how it goes. I am sceptical. |
2006/1/3-5 [Uncategorized] UID:41215 Activity:nil |
1/3 Here's something for our Christian friends: (video) http://www.lowcarbcomedy.com/html/videos/therest/passionhill.htm |
2006/1/3 [Uncategorized] UID:41205 Activity:nil |
1/2 Noooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://youtube.com/w/Booty-Shake?v=u8Obc1G6Aeg&search=booty |
2006/1/1-4 [Uncategorized] UID:41190 Activity:nil |
1/1 Any reason that spamd isn't running? |
2006/1/1-4 [Uncategorized] UID:41186 Activity:low |
1/1 What do you guys think about McMansions? Great? Bad? No opinion? \_ McMansions are usually bought by [single] working people who can barely afford them using interest only loans. Statistics show that most of the McMansions are quite empty because their owners are too busy with work and have no time to decorate them, let alone enjoy them. Since McMansions are usually built far away from metropolitan areas, their owners also tend to drive huge SUVs so that they can load up stuff they need, minimizing the time and frequency in which they must travel between their McMansions and civilization (eg. Costco). Young McMansion owners are usually shocked at the $500-$1000 utility costs since McMansions are usually located in traditionally undesirable areas that are over 50-100 miles from big coastal cities, thus have huge temperature swings. McMansion owners love their homes because their homes allow them to feel like millionaires without actually having to be one. \_ I think they are fine if you have a big family, an ostentatious display of wealth otherwise. \_ Why do you think "McMansions" are an ostentatious display of wealth and regular (larger and more expensive) mansions are not? \_ I don't see how the pp implies this. The question was about McMansions, not mansions in general. Anyway, I think it's a given that mansions are ostentatious. -!pp \_ Why would you care what we think? Is this the Great Question of Our Time? |
2005/12/30-2006/1/4 [Uncategorized] UID:41177 Activity:nil |
12/30 How can I get photos from iPhoto into Gallery 2.0? iPhotoToGallery doesn't work with G2. Thanks. |
2005/12/30-2006/1/1 [Uncategorized] UID:41175 Activity:low |
12/29 [commentless url vwapped] \_ Why? |
2005/12/30-2006/2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:41173 Activity:nil |
12/30 Has anyone bought printed poster maps from M$ Terraserver? Are the 1:12000 glossy maps detailed enough so that you can use a magnifying glass to zoom in, or do they have big crappy pixels that you can see with your naked eyes? I'm wondering if I should get 1:12000 or 1:5000 maps, depending on the quality. Any advice? Thanks. \_ do NOT buy map prints. The resolution is awful. It's a total waste of money. They don't look like photos. They look like they're printed from cheapo ink jet printers. |
2005/12/29-2006/1/1 [Uncategorized] UID:41171 Activity:low |
12/29 The stupidity in this video is amazing. http://csua.org/u/egd \_ looks like its lots of fun, if its not your truck... \_ Looks like they found the guy who took out the fire hydrant in Chico... -jrleek |
2005/12/29-2006/1/1 [Uncategorized] UID:41162 Activity:nil |
12/29 Seriously, do Googlers really not have any life outside of work? If that's the case, why would you want to work there? \_ get a life. nobody cares. \_ I'm not the op, but I am interested in the answer. |
2005/12/28-2006/1/1 [Uncategorized] UID:41161 Activity:nil |
12/28 Oh, that wacky P.J. O'Rourke wrote some wacky stuff in the '70s! http://www.nationallampoon.com/flashbacks/foreigners/foreigners.html \_ On the plus side, he was pretty much offensive to everyone. On the minus side, well, hell, he wrote it. |
2005/12/28-30 [Uncategorized] UID:41154 Activity:nil |
12/27 Sith Apprentice: http://www.atomfilms.com/af/content/sith_apprentice [ Sorry if this is old news ] |
2005/12/27-30 [Uncategorized] UID:41152 Activity:nil |
12/27 Interesting flash demonstration on photo retouch. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=14537 |
2005/12/22-24 [Uncategorized] UID:41125 Activity:nil |
12/22 For driving during the holiday season from LA to the Bay Area, when is usually the best time to leave? \_ The morning of the holiday (Christmas, Thanksgiving or NY Day). Seriously, it's open road then. |
2005/12/21 [Uncategorized] UID:41107 Activity:nil |
12/21 [Why was this here twice?] |
2005/12/20 [Uncategorized] UID:41096 Activity:nil |
12/20 I'm a whiner, and my post has been baleeted. |
2005/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:41080 Activity:nil |
12/19 [800 line thread deleted] \- moved to bottom. |
2005/12/19-21 [Uncategorized] UID:41079 Activity:nil |
12/19 Do you ever hit on chicks that are with their mom or dad? (um, not talking about teenagers here...) \_ If they're not teens, they're not chicks. \_ You're talking about little kids? Eww. \_ He's talking about birds. \_ Store on Main Street in HMB that sells various farming sundries has a sign: "The best place in town to pick up chicks" \_ No. I'd hit on the moms instead. |
2005/12/19 [Uncategorized] UID:41077 Activity:nil |
12/19 Bend over, Bitch! (SFW) http://www.larrytt.com/celebrities_playing_tt/bill_hillary_clinton.jpg |
2005/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:41070 Activity:nil |
12/19 In UrbanDead, do you have to be a Zombie standing up to be revivied? If you're HP goes to 0, you cant be revivied until your stand up, right? \_ right |
2005/12/17-19 [Uncategorized] UID:41058 Activity:nil |
12/17 Tin Foil Headdress: http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/007668.php \_ If some nerd shines a laser in my eye, I'll kick him in the nuts. |
2005/12/16-18 [Uncategorized] UID:41055 Activity:nil |
12/16 Stupid and stale political discussions deleted. \_ You are the one who is stupid and stale. Nyeaahhhh! \_ Congratulations sir, you have killed all discussion whatsover on the motd! I salute you! |
2005/12/16-19 [Uncategorized] UID:41052 Activity:nil |
12/16 Holy crap. After seeing the B5/LotR comparison below, I found this: http://www.katspace.org/fandom/b5 \_ People really never caught this about B5? Seriously, by the second season it was clear just what he was doing.. |
2005/12/16-19 [Uncategorized] UID:41051 Activity:nil |
12/16 Anyone know what the performance is like for the KDE kdesktop versus ultraVNC or tight? I find kdesktop kind of slow to connect to from home and was wondering if it was worth the effort to use another VNC server. Thanks \_ In my experience, running stuff X-remotely is about the same speed as VNC w.r.t. UI response. However, TightVNC is considerably faster at sending large bitmaps (complex webpages, etc). That said, I have no clue what kdesktop is. --dbushong |
2005/12/15-19 [Uncategorized] UID:41038 Activity:nil |
12/15 Is the current chronic low-level packet loss between UCB and the outside world a known issue? |
2005/12/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:41030 Activity:nil |
12/15 I once saw an old pamplhet that was a quick guide to street numbering in Manhattan. Has anyone ever seen something like that on the web? - danh \_ Do you mean this? - ciyer http://www.bigapplevisitorscenter.com/gakmsts.htm |
2005/12/14-16 [Uncategorized] UID:41023 Activity:nil |
12/14 Dvinsk Clan's "Le Parkour" (from a few days ago) in higher quality: link:tinyurl.com/d2mgo (urban.zen.praktik.ru - 41MB WMV) |
2005/12/14-16 [Uncategorized] UID:41019 Activity:nil |
12/14 anywhere there are cool christmas lights to drive by and see? \_ Yes. |
2005/12/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41016 Activity:nil |
12/14 Free Mr. Tookie! \_ Am I the only person who has no idea what the fuck all this Tookie stuff is about? \_ No, you're unlikely to be the only person who lives under a rock. \_ This, Sir, is an ex-Tookie! \_ Shall we launch him from a canon? \_ Was this an intentional typo? |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41011 Activity:nil |
12/13 I just watched Donnie Brasco and got to thinking after the scene where Donnie Brasco, still under cover, runs into some federal DA or attorney or something, and he beats the guy up to prevent the DA from recognizing him (and thus revealing his true identity). Does anyone know of what the policy is in real life, to prevent potentially serious predicaments like this from happening? Is no one allowed to acknowledge each other when not in the office? |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:41003 Activity:nil |
12/13 Shark v. Octopus. Round 1 Fight! http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/octopus/media_players_blue/shark_hi.html (Needs Real Player) |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:40996 Activity:nil |
12/13 Europeon's outraged over Tookie's death: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10450663/from/RSS \_ Wow, instead of copying and pasting, you misspelled European and abused the apostrophe. You rock! \_ No, I spelled europeon correctly. \_ No, I spelled it correctly: euro-peons. \_ Amerikkkan's celebrate! \_ The first Terminator never expressed any remorse for his killings either. |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:40994 Activity:nil |
12/13 Any particular reason why /usr/man does not exist ? \_ looks like all the docs and stuff go in /usr/share, including man |
2005/12/13 [Uncategorized] UID:40990 Activity:nil |
12/13 I just wanted to say that kchang's villain tagger is cool and was already responsible for one of the more entertaining paranoid discussions on soda. \_ what the hell are you talking about? \_ kchang has a motd archiver. He has a feature that attempts to track changes by user, it is semi-accurate. He modified it to substitute villains for the user names. Some people took it personally and hilarity ensued. |
2005/12/13-15 [Uncategorized] UID:40986 Activity:nil |
12/13 This is cool. http://framboise781.free.fr/paris |
2005/12/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:40956 Activity:nil |
12/10 So linxu, how are you planning to relate to the allumni? \_ There's always motd. |
2005/12/10 [Uncategorized] UID:40955 Activity:nil 88%like:40958 |
12/10 RIP Richard Pryor: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/breaking_news/13378508.htm |
2005/12/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:40948 Activity:low 85%like:40954 |
12/9 Prince of Russia: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=515642196227308929&q=russian+climbing&pr=goog-sl \_ That is just fucking awesome. Thanks. -John \_ Parkour also shown in the movie "Banlieue 13". |
2005/12/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:40942 Activity:nil |
12/9 In Google Groups, is there a way to put a footer in the emails? |
2005/12/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:40933 Activity:nil |
12/9 Innocent Israeli civilians are... http://www.coxandforkum.com/archives/05.12.08.FailingGrade-X.gif |
2005/12/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:40931 Activity:nil |
12/8 Where can I find the controversial SFPD video? -ausman \_ http://cbs5.com/video/?id=%209130@kpix.dayport.com \_ Thanks for the four clips on the http://cbs.com website. Is the whole thing available anywhere? |
2005/12/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:40930 Activity:nil |
12/7 How do I add pictures to http://maps.a9.com? \_ I think you need to work there. |
2005/12/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40918 Activity:moderate |
12/7 Looking for a general, nicely written consumer complaint letter to the corporate offices of companies so that I can report on employees who are really rude to customers. I'm tired of writing letters to Frys, Savon, and others. What is a good complaint letter generater? Thanks. \_ http://www.pakin.org/complaint \- dont you think this would benefit by NOT being "general" but specific. also this needs to be what ... 4-5 sentences long at most? it doesnt appear from your inquiry you lack english fluency. just out of curiosity, what is you goal in writing these letters ... catharsis, or some kind of reply, punishment or compensation? Most of those would seem to be better served by a non-generic letter. \_ English is hard. \_ It's not a good complaint letter generator :( \_ Mr. I Abelman, Mongoloid, Esq.: We have received via post your absurd comments about our trousers... \_ I'm pretty sure if Ignatius had a csua account we would have heard from him already, though i'm quite glad to be hearing from him now. |
2005/12/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40919 Activity:nil 57%like:40916 |
12/7 http://maps.a9.com/?mapMode=m&mapBvr=&ypLoc=94720&mapFrom=&mapTo= Drag the magnifying glass somewhere on the map, then mouseover and click on the images on the right side to see medium-res photos of Cal. Have phun. I did this for my neighborhood in SoCal, and those photos are ~ 2 years old. |
2005/12/7 [Uncategorized] UID:40916 Activity:nil 57%like:40919 |
12/7 http://maps.a9.com/?mapMode=m&mapBvr=&ypLoc=94720&mapFrom=&mapTo= Click somewhere on the map, then on a picture on the right side to see medium-res photos of Cal. Have phun. I believe there is nothing which indicates which direction they took the photos. |
2005/12/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40912 Activity:nil |
12/7 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4462791062611472906 German music video of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" |
2005/12/7-9 [Uncategorized] UID:40897 Activity:nil |
12/7 http://www.livejournal.com/users/greentroll - zartan \_ Neat pictures. Any way to find out what fuck he's written for the \_ Neat pictures. Any way to find out what he's written for the few of us who can't read Russian? \_ All I know is he's Russian and lives in Korea. |
2005/12/7 [Uncategorized] UID:40892 Activity:nil 70%like:40885 |
12/6 Click on "Watch The TV Ad" on the bottom left corner: http://www.honda.co.uk/impossibledream/window.html - direct: \_ Is that guy anyone I should recognize? Also a different commercial on diesels, click on "See the Film": http://www.honda.co.uk/change - direct: http://www.btaa.co.uk/winners2005/movs/HondaDiesel_Grr.mov \_ the honda.co.uk website is cool. lots of bells and whistles. |
3/15 |