3/15 |
2003/1/17 [Uncategorized] UID:27132 Activity:high |
1/16 Can someone PLEEEASE tell me why Dana the super hot hot hot model got eliminated in Joe Millionaire? Is Joe stupid or something? \_ Uhm, he's a construction worker/model. So, like, yeah. \_ Someone should fuck him in the ass with a cactus. \_ the Horse-ey tall blond chick. what a loss. \_ the Horse-ey tall blonde chick. what a loss. \_ he said she was too bitchy and whiney.. he picked a couple hot and non-whiney girls.. whiney is way annoying and she definitely wudnt stay w/ him when she found out. |
2003/1/17-25 [Uncategorized] UID:27129 Activity:nil |
01/16 Soda rebooted, to clear /var being overfull for some indeterminate reason. It's better now. - root |
2003/1/17 [Uncategorized] UID:27126 Activity:very high |
1/16 In what kind of job do you not have to deal with arrogant and sick people whom you have to tolerate or even suck up to because their superior rank? -- disgruntled \_ Buy a gun. Kill them all. Join the Order Of Divine Assassins. \_ the kind where there are only a few employees and you work directly for the owner. *if* the owner is not an asshole, and *if* you actually like them and the other people, life is good. it can happen(it's happened to me). I admit I do not work in software, though. \_ So...what do you work in? \_ Employ yourself. That way, the only arrogant, sick person you have to tolerate is you. I guess you can suck up to yourself as well, if you're flexible enough. I'm sure your enormous self-love will enable you to self-tolerate passably well. \_ Wow. \_ No then you have to suck up to every customer or you're eating dirt. Go win the lottery. \_ Every job, except for the self-employed. \_ If you are "self-employed" and have customers, then you have to deal with customers. |
2003/1/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:27125 Activity:high |
1/15 What are some companies/research labs that sound engineers (either recording engineers or EE people with an audio processing focus) can work for? Location doesn't matter. Thanks. \_ Dolby Labs is just south of SF, in Brisbane. \_ Dolby? Creative Lab? CNMAT at Cal? CCRMA at the Farm? Any company that makes electronic music instruments (Yamaha, Technics, Roland, Kurzweil, Korg, ...)? Maybe Casio counts too. \_ nah, work for the sound _processing_ places. Digitech, BOSS, Alesis. You can also work on filters for recording devices. it's all DSP or A->D now. - musician. \_ Digidesign? \_ ILM, Skywalker Sound \_ Never work for George Lucas. You will regret it. \_ One night stands don't count as working for Lucas. \_ There's also Apple, Microsoft, Mark of the Unicorn, NTT, IRCAM... |
2003/1/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:27123 Activity:high |
1/16 The kids are all tight! - Pete Townshend \_ Poor Pete! He didn't inhale, I mean er uh download! \_ How much KY did he need? |
2003/1/16 [Uncategorized] UID:27115 Activity:very high |
1/15 H4C conosseurs. Ok the last one was a happa.. How about these 3: \_ What? Happa chicks are the MOST fuckable! \_ not according to the "she's not 4ZN enough comment I got for link:csua.org/u/7c8 and will probably get for link:csua.org/u/807 link:csua.org/u/806 (bikini shot, vaguely worksafe). seperate, but related poll. that pic is: worksafe: not worksafe: not worksafe where I work: safe because it doesn't work: . |
2003/1/15 [Uncategorized] UID:27104 Activity:very high |
1/15 I give you... Johanna! http://csua.org/u/7ff \_ Wow. Nice. -John \_ Yeah, he's really good looking. \_ Where does it say it's a "he"? \_ It's sort of obvious, actually \_ She's very hot, but is there anything else special about her that we missed? \_ What does "Innerbenslängd" mean? \_ "Mammaries the size of fjords..." \_ http://babelfish.altavista.com |
2003/1/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:27098 Activity:moderate |
1/14 Anyone have recommendations or complaints about particular brands/ models of data projectors. I'm looking to buy one at work for under $5k. Please email me with suggestions. Thanks! -sax \_ infocus? \_ new post-signer? |
2003/1/15 [Uncategorized] UID:27097 Activity:nil |
1/14 \_ If you hear a Spanish accent and think it's a Mexican accent, you're not just an asshole. You're a fucking idiot. \_ There's a distinction between Spanish accent and Mexican accent? I have a Chinese friend who was born and grew up in Spain, whose first language is Spanish and second language English, The accent in his English sounds just like those Mexicans here. |
2003/1/14 [Uncategorized] UID:27095 Activity:nil |
1/13 An admitted troll, but an amusing one: http://www.diepunyhumans.com/dailymirror.jpg |
2003/1/14 [Uncategorized] UID:27088 Activity:nil |
1/13 do rabbits really fuck all the time, or is that just an expression? \_yermom does \_ is this a troll? In any case: http://www.bartleby.com/65/ra/rabbit.html scroll down to "Reproduction". \_ that doesn't really answer the question. reproduction rate != copulation frequency. \_ Their reproductive strategy is the shotgun approach favored by a fish and amphibians; they have large and frequent litters on assumption that many will die. They were introduced to Australia years ago, and there weren't enough efficient predators to keep their numbers in check, so they became a problem. \_ So, the stupider you are, the more children you have? Interesting. \_ This isn't news. --happily childless |
3/15 |
2003/1/14 [Uncategorized] UID:27087 Activity:nil |
1/13 Who is this op guy who keeps posting here? finger: op: no such user \_ Original Poster. What I want to know is, who's tia? \_ yeraunt \_ she's this generic not-very-hot asian actress we're supposed to think is really hot because hollywood says so. |
2003/1/14 [Uncategorized] UID:27086 Activity:nil |
1/13 Heidi got eliminated, THERE IS A GOD AFTERALL!!! \_ She gets my vote for bitch of the year! \_ Zora? She's the one. The interesting part will come at the end. Notice how he's gotten over his guilt about the core lie and he's now really into the power trip testing thing? He should've chosen based on their income levels (doctor, business type) and not how they look. Then he could retire to beer and tv while she worked. |
2003/1/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:27083 Activity:moderate |
1/13 In C, if I have two variables "big_struct_t a, b;", is there any reason why I should use "memcpy(&b, &a, sizeof a);" instead of simply "b = a;"? Thanks. -- yuen \_ IMO, memcpy is a clearer expression of the effect of the operation. |
2003/1/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:27080 Activity:high |
1/13 I feel like one of those crazy bitches on Joe Millionaire. I'm competing with all these super-desperate, unemployeed people for some job that in reality probably isn't all that great. \_ So question your priorities. If you're unemployed, spend a little time figuring out what you want out of life. Drop by a bookstore and read the new Po Bronson book. Good luck. \_ Already have the book. Halfway through it. I actually am employed. I just want to quit because I can no longer tolerate my current job. -op \_ I am not OP. FYI. -jeffwong \_ Who cares? \_ Your opinion so far? \_ I like it so far. It's been useful in that it made me identify what my fears are, but I still haven't figured out what I want to do. I am a bit bothered that Bronson doesn't seem to be following the Prime Directive and is knowingly interfering with the lives of these people rather than remaining a passive observer. -op \_ This is the least useful book for the unemployed I could possibly imagine which still relates in some way to jobs and life. What exactly did you find so great about it? If we're talking about the same book, it's just third rate pseudo self help crap at best and a waste of trees the rest of the time. \_ most of the people in the book are wealthy over educated people with too much time on their hands |
2003/1/13 [Uncategorized] UID:27077 Activity:nil |
1/12 Steve Case stepping down: http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/01/12/case.resignation/index.html |
2003/1/11-12 [Uncategorized] UID:27073 Activity:kinda low |
1/11 After all those scandals is anyone actually going to church anymore? \_ I still go to meet chicks. \_ Yes, I go to worship God, not priests. |
2003/1/11 [Uncategorized] UID:27064 Activity:high |
1/10 What does "obGoogle" mean? \_ obTroll? or are you serious? |
2003/1/11 [Uncategorized] UID:27063 Activity:nil 50%like:27058 62%like:27060 |
1/10 Stop with the wireless shit. Go reading a fucking FAQ. Davis economy hits home |
2003/1/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:27051 Activity:moderate |
1/9 Sound geeks... when the SB Live came out, it was supposedely revolutionary. Have there been any major advances since then? \_ Probably getting better sound on a new MB these days. \_ turtle beach santa cruz going spdif into my stereo. sounds fine by my ears. i have not done ab comparisions with other alternatives using the same setup. what is so revolutionary about sb live? |
2003/1/9 [Uncategorized] UID:27046 Activity:nil |
1/9 New rule. If ya' duzn't know how t'use indefinite articles (actually it seems definite articles are some problem fo' some too) ya' aint allowed t'post on de motd. Dat's it. Go away and learn some little basic fuckin' honky talk. Sheesh. FOBism isn't sexy. Slap mah fro! \_ ah' second dis moshun. |
2003/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:27036 Activity:nil |
1/8 Can't we talk about Isreal or something? The motd is boring me. And what happened to the guy who had the hots for his sister? Why did that get deleted? \_ I banged your sister last time I was in Isreal. |
2003/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:27031 Activity:nil |
1/8 Can we rap mo'e about mama fantasies o' cheatin' on yo' spouse? \_ My wife's sister-in-law is sooo cute. I fantasise about making love to her all the time. I'm not sure if she also has a feeling on me, but she doesn't seem to mind me holding her hand or putting my arm around her waist. |
2003/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:27029 Activity:high |
1/8 <Insert tedious, boring, non-controversial, no point in discussing, waste of bandwidth question here> |
2003/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:27028 Activity:nil |
1/8 Purged all questions with answers plus all boring shit but left mel in place for the classic "viola!" error. |
2003/1/8 [Uncategorized] UID:27026 Activity:nil |
1/7 What are some of the songs that are similar to Vandals' "My Girlfriend is Dead"? |
2003/1/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:27023 Activity:nil |
1/7 Has anyone heard of a monitor brand "Magic"? There's a web site selling a reconditioned Magic 21-inch monitor for $229. Is it a good deal? Thanks. |
2003/1/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:27014 Activity:high |
1/7 Has anybody tried anonymous proxies (e.g. http://www.anonymizer.com What are your opinions? Is it worth the money? Would it make it safer to surf url-shortened sites? \_ safer how? \_ So that your traffic isn't snooped, so that your actual destinations aren't logged. |
2003/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:27012 Activity:high |
1/6 http://www.findericroberts.com Some people have too much time on their hands. \_ Especially Fernando. -John |
2003/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:27010 Activity:high |
1/6 When a girl says you don't have any ambition ande breaks up with you does that mean "you don't make enuff money" in Womanese? \_ Two words: "penile enlargement" \_ probably means "you're a loser" \_ I think it means she might marry you but you're not that type. \_ It means you play too many video games and you don't buy her enough cocaine because she's bored out of her skull most of the time watching you master Tekkin XP. |
2003/1/7 [Uncategorized] UID:27007 Activity:high |
1/6 When did 3.5" floppies officially "die"? \_ I think it's still miserably living. \_ 6 May 1998 \_ I'm not dead yet! \_ I'm feeling better! \_ When bootable, rewritable CD's became affordable, and you could install Linux without a floppy disk. |
2003/1/6 [Uncategorized] UID:27001 Activity:nil |
1/6 Anyone care to explain this email to me? Thanks. \_ No. |
2003/1/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:27000 Activity:moderate |
1/5 Having wasted too much time, why are bean getter/setters required to be non-static? \_ because each bean is an instance with it's own data |
2003/1/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26996 Activity:nil |
1/5 So, what really happened to old Trevor Buckingham? Anyone care to fill me in? Did he really get banned from campus for a year? |
2003/1/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26992 Activity:nil |
1/4 Wow. I actually enjoyed _Chicago_. Catherine Zeta-Jones was actually quite good (read: wasn't totally obnoxious). They overran a lot of the humour, but all in all a fun watch. --scotsman |
2003/1/4-5 [Uncategorized] UID:26988 Activity:nil |
1/4 What's the best way to burn in a new PC? \_ I'll do it for you. |
2003/1/4 [Uncategorized] UID:26987 Activity:nil 72%like:26970 |
1/3 Happy Eleventy-First birthday, Mr. Tolkein! \_ Tolkien, you imbecile. |
2003/1/4 [Uncategorized] UID:26970 Activity:nil 72%like:26987 |
1/3 Happy Eleventy-first, Mr. Tolkien! |
2003/1/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26968 Activity:nil |
1/2 When a slope is described as 60%, how steep is it in terms of degrees from horizontal? Thx. \_ % is rise-over-run, or dy/dx. Use inverse tangent to get degrees. |
2003/1/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26965 Activity:high |
1/02 Is there a generally accepted way to embed a URL into a GET request? I want to put a url such as "foo.jsp?cmd=1&id=2" into a GET request as a parameter, eg: http://bar.com/index.jsp?pageId=34&URL=foo.jsp?cmd=1&id=2 but I'm worried that the parameters in the main page will be parsed as pageId == 34 URL == foo.jsp?cmd=1 id == 2 //wrong So is there a "good" way to do this, or do I have to muck about with quoting and string substitution? \_ You'd have to HTML-escape the ?'s and &'s, or else use different delimiters and have your program parse them. -tom \_ tom designed the HTML spec. \_ I heard it was Jesus who gave it to him. |
2003/1/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26961 Activity:insanely high 80%like:27124 |
1/1 Where are the motd archives? \_ I have this question about how to use pine... |
2003/1/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26959 Activity:nil |
1/1 [CensorBot was here] |
2003/1/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:26957 Activity:low |
1/1 FIRST! (heh, sorry, had to, I'm a loser) \_ All the more so since you weren't first...The first post was deleted. \_ uhm, no. Thanks. |
2003/1/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:26956 Activity:high |
12/31 How are you celebrating tonight? \_ I think I'll sit at home and read the motd. \_ hey, me too. \_ what a coincidence \_ wow, k00l, m3 t00 d00d! \_ obWith yermom. \_ I celebrated with my SO by having some orgasms. \_ You too? I celebrated the same way with your SO. \_ Holy Sexual Sandwiches, Batman! |
2002/12/31-2003/1/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26951 Activity:nil |
12/30 [Baleeted!] |
2002/12/31-2003/1/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26950 Activity:high |
12/30 serious question: has anyone been to bhutan "recently" ? i passed through that area very quickly many years ago. i am trying to figure out if there is enough to do there on a solo trip to fill up a week. also if it is really expensive [for white people it used to be almost an order of mag more expensive than nepal]? ok tnx. --psb \_ ask lila. \_ I can loan you my DVD of "Into the Thunder Dragon" (a traversal of Bhutan by bus and mountain unicycle). -tom \_ Are you "bayaryaan" from http://fuckedcompany.com? \- what? are you talking to me? --psb \_ yes. |
2002/12/31-2003/1/2 [Uncategorized] UID:26949 Activity:high |
12/31 There was a comment about Drallion a while back. There was a reference to _other_ circuses than Soleil. Can the poster post the names again? thx. \_ I had mentioned Cirque Baroque. I think they only play around europe (based in france.. marseille?) --scotsman europe (based in Villemarechal) --scotsman |
2002/12/31 [Uncategorized] UID:26946 Activity:high |
12/30 O.k. i want to read Iain Banks' Culutre books. Is _Consider Phlebas_ the first one? Are many in the series out of print? (that's going to suck if it turns out i like them). \_ _Phlebas_ is first, but _Use of Weapons_ and _Excession_ are the better earlier ones. Banks' stuff can be hard to find here; try a library or order from a UK bookseller. \_ The FAQ says not to start with Excession. <shrug> :) \_ Excession is my favorite! It had Meatfucker in it, my favorite Banks' character. -- ilyas \_ There really isn't an order to the books. I did like Use of Weapons. I think his best book is "Feersum Endjin", which is not actually a Culture book. -tom \_ Feersum Endjin takes place in the Culture universe, and contains Culture characters, if one pays attention. \_ Player of Games is another good early one. Generally don't start with the later novels. The earlier ones are more interesting. Then again it could just be I read the earlier ones back when I was less descriminating. |
2002/12/30 [Uncategorized] UID:26941 Activity:moderate |
12/28 http://hometown.aol.com/iamhotbiats/myhomepage/profile.html (kids these days). \_ Why would be possibly be interested in this? Is that your sister or something? |
2002/12/28-30 [Uncategorized] UID:26929 Activity:high |
12/27 http://www.sabbatum.com Rock on. \_ Danzig's had songs in Latin before. \_ I bet you bought all that Metallica and Floyd symphonic stuff. I hear Yanni's in town. Wanna get tix? \_ These people are much better musicians than any you mention. Rondellus is an accomplished and talented early music group. Do you always ridicule what you don't understand? \_ yer mom. \_ Duh....like, yes! |
2002/12/28 [Uncategorized] UID:26927 Activity:nil |
12/27 I think that stripper really liked me! |
2002/12/25-27 [Uncategorized] UID:26912 Activity:moderate |
12/25 any sodans been to the "Varekai" cirque de soleil? is it a good show? \_ Yes - it was much better than Dralion, not as good as mystere though. There were a few acts that were *really* impressive, and the clowns were less annoying than usual in CDS. Let me know if you're interested in the soundtrack (although the actual CD is pretty weird this time around, and not that much like the show itself (even more than usual...)) - mds \_ No. Went to Drillion(sp?) which *sucked* in an extra special sucking way. \_ Dralion. Cirque de Soleil is middling compared to a number of other circuses. Find Cirque Baroque. \_ It's dralion you fat bloated fuck. \_ You of course noticed the "(sp?)" which indicates I was aware I didn't know how to spell it. Thanks for your comments and opinion. Express yourself. \_ Fookoffandye(sp?)! \_ It is the kind of show you bring your parents to. |
2002/12/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:26910 Activity:nil 66%like:26909 |
12/25 merry day-after shopping day! |
2002/12/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:26909 Activity:nil 66%like:26910 |
12/25 merry may day! |
2002/12/25 [Uncategorized] UID:26908 Activity:nil |
12/25 merry january 6th! |
2002/12/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:26906 Activity:nil |
12/25 merry kwanzaa! |
2002/12/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:26903 Activity:nil |
12/24 Am i doing something wrong or does IE have serious issues with transparency. My images all look right on mozilla. \_ IE blows transparent or translucent PNG's. What kind of images are you working with? |
2002/12/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:26902 Activity:high |
12/24 Has anybody else had trouble connecting to the gnutella network recently? I've tried several different clients and they all fail. \_ I don't pirate anymore, so no, I've had no trouble. \_ pirate is a noun. |
2002/12/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:26901 Activity:kinda low |
12/24 Does anybody know how to pronounce Suge Knight's first name? \_ Mare-e-on. \_ SHOOG \_ Say sugar without the "ar". |
2002/12/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:26900 Activity:moderate |
12/24 what is the fascination that electronics manufacturers currently have with blue LEDs? they're so bright and ANNOYING. (yes, electrical tape works...) \_ anyone who's done 3-5 work has an obsession with blue and green LED's, just because they are so impressed with themselves, but i don't think these poeple generally make marketing decisions, and 3-5 nuts hardly constitute a major target market, so my comment is really not useful. \_ With more efficient blue LEDs, a full-color graphics display can be achieved with red and green LEDs (which have been around for many years). \_ I mean manufacturers using blue LEDs by themselves in various consumer electronics gear. \_ It's Matrix-kewl? Ask some marketing clown. That's who decides these things. |
2002/12/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:26899 Activity:nil |
12/23 Guys... Tiki or OpenCMS? or is there any other good Content Management tool that is relatively easy to use? |
2002/12/24 [Uncategorized] UID:26897 Activity:nil |
12/23 Joe Strummer. RIP. |
2002/12/23 [Uncategorized] UID:26888 Activity:high |
12/22 How find date for New Year's? \_ C'mon, you don't even get to see the outside of the cookie jar for a *weak* troll like this. You'll welcome to work on it and try again later. \_ You'll? You mean: Your welcome to work on it... \_ If you want to troll like a fob, at least start your question properly ("How to") \_ January 1 |
2002/12/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:26886 Activity:very high |
12/22 http://www.fao.com/images/products/20200415c.jpg and http://www.fao.com/images/products/20200405c.jpg to see the new "Street Walker Barbie(c)"! Great stuff from a company that filed suit over S&M Barbie(c). \_ Oh please, it's just lingerie barbie. \_ I've seen the same outfits on corner whores in Oakland. \_ They claim that she's "African American". http://www.fao.com/products/detail.cfm?objectid=E276D026-29F2-4AB4-8A5C8CD0CE53EF41&subcategory=3950 |
2002/12/22 [Uncategorized] UID:26883 Activity:moderate |
12/21 Let me save you the trouble and effort of deleting the 3 remaining threads which are either old, pointless, or have no new replies for 2 days. Nice n spiffy clean now, just the way you like it! \_ you got shit on by your master again, huh \_ huh? |
2002/12/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:26882 Activity:nil |
12/21 does anyone know the name or singer of the song that was in the movie Home Alone? it was a variation jingle bells I'm pretty sure. \_ Jingle Bell Rock? Google says Bobby Helms sung it. |
2002/12/20-22 [Uncategorized] UID:26876 Activity:insanely high |
12/20 Has anyone heard of Dent Magic (http://www.dentmagic.com How on earth does it work? Is it a scam? \_ They hammer the dents out from the inside. It works well, but it's a delicate art, so it's not cheap. \_ I haven't heard of it, but generally anything with "Magic" in the title is a scam. \_ Magic Johnson, Magic Flute, Scotch Magic Tape, The Magic Bra. :-) \_ I used http://dentbusters.com to remove 7 or 8 little dents. I don't know how it works but it did. Your dents cannot have any paint damage, cause it doesn't fix paint damage. \_ Magic: The Gathering...oh wait \_ partition magic? \_ okay, I was wrong. \_ Kragen sells stuff that will remove scratches. \_ I used something similar (dentbusters.com) to remove 7 or 8 little dents. I don't know how it works but it did. Your dents cannot have any paint damage, cause it doesn't fix paint damage. |
2002/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:26862 Activity:kinda low |
12/19 From rec.humor.funny: For those of you who were looking for the requisite moral in Star Trek - Nemesis, I suppose it would be, "Always back up your Data." \_ dude that's old. along with Tashar Yar encourages Data entry. |
2002/12/19 [Uncategorized] UID:26860 Activity:nil |
12/19 When is the time to put the tulip bulbs back into the soil? Do they need any pre-processing? \_ That was circa 1995-1999. It's over. |
2002/12/19 [Uncategorized] UID:26859 Activity:nil |
12/18 Anyone use those USB "driverless" pen drives? I've seen some selling for ~$100 for 256MB, which is about what I'd like. What are the plusses/minuses for the brand/model you have? \_ I won an 8 Meg DiskOnKey from a trade show and it works great. Dunno the pluses or minuses. |
2002/12/19 [Uncategorized] UID:26858 Activity:nil |
12/18 The richest 1 percent http://www.washtimes.com/op-ed/20021218-363082.htm \_ Might have some semblance of impact if they were, indeed, individuals in that "millionaaires club". They are all corporations and Unions. Get a fucking clue http://www.opensecrets.org/parties/contrib.asp?Cmte=DPC \_ Ah, so the labor unions sucks out your hard-earned money for "union dues", and pass it to their favorite political party. I get it. \_ Well, yes. Under current rules. Just as the corporation you work for does. Again, get a fucking clue. \_ How exactly does the company I work for extract mandatory dues from me and then give it to their favorite political party? You're babbling. Get off the hemp. \_ actually they do, moron. that's why unions are the phoniest, most useless and corrupt institutions around. \_ Don't waste your time arguing with a moron. \_ The richest 1% are those giving $200+. Those giving $1000+ or $10k+ or $1M are the .001-.1%. |
2002/12/18-19 [Uncategorized] UID:26851 Activity:nil |
12/18 anyone know where I can get a free stencil sets for Kivio? the ones packaged with KDE are too basic. |
2002/12/18 [Uncategorized] UID:26847 Activity:nil |
12/17 Daschle's a fool... How many times can he miss the boat in a quarter. The boy needs an instinct transplant. --scotsman |
2002/12/17 [Uncategorized] UID:26835 Activity:nil |
12/17 I have suspicions that someone is sleeping with my duck. Would you all please suggest horrible ways I could get even with the bastard who is doing this? It's all right if he ends up dead, so long as he suffers, though I must not get caught. \_ Considering the sorts of diseases you can/will get from having 'sex' with a duck or other bird, your duck has already inflicted more than enough horrors and suffering. Pity the man. \_ My duck is not diseased. \_ Your duck may be diseased now! |
2002/12/17-18 [Uncategorized] UID:26833 Activity:nil |
12/16 Anyone have any recommendations in the South Bay on where to have family portraits done? Or even just places to avoid? Thanks. |
2002/12/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:26825 Activity:high |
12/15 What is the best way for a Cantonese speaker to learn to speak Mandarin? \_ The best way is still the stupiest way. Go to Beijing and stay there for 3-4 month. You will be suprised how fast you pick up the language. For Northerners like us, it is the Cantonese which is more complicated (8 tones vs. 4) \_ buy a good pen to write on your hand with. as far as i can tell this is the most widley used method. \_ Go to a massage parlor. \_ start speaking mandarin, and don't look back. \_ Don't try putting a mandarin accent on Cantonese words. It sounds terrible. \_ Dude it all sounds the same. I think it's all a plot to confuse the white people. And get rid of that idiotic scribble while you're at it, will you? Thanks. -John \_ "I am not afraid of Heaven. I am not afraid of Hell. But I tremble in fear when a Cantonese tries to speak Mandarin." tremble with fear when a Cantonese tries to speak Mandarin." \_ I learned when I had to watch the Mandarin TV shows with subtitiles on Ch66 with a Taiwanese dormmate in my first year of college because I had no TV. After a year I could speak slowly with a strong Cantonese accent. After 12 more years I can now speak fluently with a little accent. --- yuen |
2002/12/15-17 [Uncategorized] UID:26820 Activity:low |
12/15 Anyone subscribe to NY Times Sunday and still have the NYT Magazine from Nov 17th with "Bad Love" on the cover? I recycled mine and I want to show it to someone and I don't want to pay the website, cuz I already pay through the nose for the paper version. ok tnx. -tcmoore \_ The hidden cost of recycling. |
2002/12/14 [Uncategorized] UID:26816 Activity:nil |
12/14 delete this troll. |
2002/12/14 [Uncategorized] UID:26814 Activity:nil |
12/14 Those Germans who ate one of their dicks together should have smoked it instead. \_ But then they wouldn't be cockgobblers. |
2002/12/13 [Uncategorized] UID:26804 Activity:nil |
12/12 I have two (2) tickets to the sold-out opening showing (midnight) of LoTR The Two Towers at the Metreon. Turns out i'm going somewhere else. If you want to pick them up (or send SASE) you can have them for what I paid for them ($11 each). -crebbs |
2002/12/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:26800 Activity:kinda low |
12.12 Stereolab singer dies in bike accident. \_ Man that sucks. Miss Modular was a great song. \_ Er, RIDE CAR! \_ RIDE SUV! \_ RIDE 70's TANK! \_ RIDE WILLY'S GP! |
2002/12/12 [Uncategorized] UID:26795 Activity:high |
12/11 Hi, I'm trying to write an HTML feedback form that opens a new window to confirm submission, but does not change the current window. I've tried <form method="post" action="javascript:void window.open('myformprocessor.php')"> which opens a new window properly, but the post variables aren't available. Is there a different way to do this? \_ <form method="post" action="myformprocessor.php" target="_blank"> --dbushong |
2002/12/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:26794 Activity:high |
12/11 Following up: I just did this problem last week again for fun. \_ for fun? you must be really great at a party or out on a date! My wife thinks I'm a pretty good date _/ thank you very much, and hers is really the only opinion that counts on the matter. Yes, I read the Feynman lectures in my spare time. So what? \_ So who is she dating? What's her id on the casual encounters board at craig'slist? I've got 2 bucks. \_ CE is so yesterday on CL. Go for Erotic Services. Turns out the max force (when the last bit of the chain hits the scale) is twice the weight. I've verified this experimentally. The weight v. time is: f(t) = (m/l)*(gt)^2 m = mass, l=length, g = gravity \_ what did you do "experimentally"? --psb \_ what did you do "experimentally"? --psb \_ I took a chain of non-negligible mass, and watched it as it hit the scale. The maximum force reached twice the weight of the chain when it was done (and of course rapidly went to zero \_ Also, interesting followup to the ladder-against-the-wall: what is the final horizonatal velocity of the ladder? What if the wall weren't there? afterwards). \_ Also, interesting followup to the ladder-against-the-wall: what is the final horizonatal velocity of the ladder? What if the wall weren't there? |
2002/12/12 [Uncategorized] UID:26793 Activity:nil |
12/11 Anybody know how StringBuffer.reverse() works? How would I do that in O(n) time? --doesn't have a decompiler \_ for(i=0;i<length of string; i++) { newstring[i] = oldstring[length of string - i]; } there, it's reversed. if youwant the original string copied over, add: for(i=0;i<length of string; i++) { oldstring[i] = newstring[i]; } That is an O(n) operation. You could claim it is an O(2n) operation also, but only a fool would nitpick that. And by the way, you are as dumb as a stone for having to ask. \_ Informative and insulting in one response! Great work. -geordan \_ Should be "newstring[i] = oldstring[length of string - 1 - i];". \_ Yeah. But you should have left it as an exercise for the OP. \_ FYI, Java source is always available to be downloaded; you don't need a decompiler. |
2002/12/11 [Uncategorized] UID:26790 Activity:nil |
12/11 Hot Spanish butts! :-) http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/021211/168/2uh44.html \_ These are men's butts :( Most Sodans are straight men so I doubt this link will be of much value. \_ I feel oppressed by this statement. I think you are expressing a sentiment I have perceived in other venues that homosexual males and heterosexual females have no place in this organization. |
2002/12/11 [Uncategorized] UID:26789 Activity:nil |
12/11 This has been done before, but we need an updated version with new characters. Cast sodans as Star Wars characters! I'll get the ball rolling. ... \_ the new trilogy is a piece of shit, and frankly RotJ was no great shakes either. why are you wasting your time with this crap? --aaron |
2002/12/10-12 [Uncategorized] UID:26780 Activity:high |
12/10 is there a way to get hotmail to automatically empty the "Trash Can" folder, so that it doesn't take up space? \_ try using pine instead. \_ no. think about it. why would hotmail want to provide that functionality? \_ why not? what good does it do MS to not have an auto-purge option for mail you never want to see? \_ I thought it empties automatically every couple of days... do you want it to empty faster than that? |
2002/12/10 [Uncategorized] UID:26770 Activity:nil |
12.9 Is there a way to config IE6 to let me download more than 4 items at a time? |
2002/12/9-11 [Uncategorized] UID:26765 Activity:nil |
12/9 Christmas music, with a few solos belted out by yours truly http://www.pacificmozart.org --scotsman |
2002/12/9 [Uncategorized] UID:26762 Activity:nil |
12/8 This Modern World: . Red Meat: Tom the Dancing Bug: . |
2002/12/9 [Uncategorized] UID:26761 Activity:very high |
12/9 I tried. I tried to stop fantasizing about my friend's duck. But I failed. I avoided her for a while after our leg touching encounter at dinner that one unforgettable night. Not seeing her only increased my fascination with her. When I'm awake, I'm thinking about her. When I'm asleep I'm dreaming about her. I'm going crazy over another man's duck! My friend's duck! This is so wrong. But why does it feel so exciting at the same time? \_ did you repost this troll from several months ago from memory, or do you have it saved somewhere? \_ Hmmm... duck. \_ To borrow a phrase: Just Do It! \_ motd poll: fuck that duck: . duck that fuck: |
2002/12/8-9 [Uncategorized] UID:26746 Activity:nil |
12/6 What is type CS slide mount? Is it just plastic or something more specialized? |
2002/12/7 [Uncategorized] UID:26742 Activity:nil |
12/6 Don't drink that last cold beer: http://csua.org/u/674 \_ especially if some idiot redneck texan says not to. |
2002/12/6-9 [Uncategorized] UID:26733 Activity:kinda low |
12/6 Are soda disk quotas going to be increased any time soon? \_ So looking at df, it seems that most of the mounted home dirs are approx half-full. Maybe a sysadminy person can comment on whether this means we have enough room to raise quotas (I would assume that it depends on how much of their current quotas most people are using). If this is something you would like, and you have reasons/can show we have excess space/are willing to provide more disks, mail vp and politburo. -librarian \_ what are the specs of a such a disk drive? are the /home/foo drives only 8GB? from <DEAD>csua/Minutes/F2002/20021003.politburo<DEAD> jhs: Does the CSUA want any TDA? The xcf has some that it can afford to lose. |
2002/12/6 [Uncategorized] UID:26731 Activity:high |
12/5 http://www.craigslist.org/sfo/sby/cas/7207569.html If you can't score here, you can't score. \_ You need 2 to tango with her. \_ 5'4, 165 lbs. Pudgy. \_ You don't work out do you. You dont understand muscle weighs more than fat do you. |
2002/12/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:26721 Activity:high |
12/5 what does "manic" mean? \_ dict manic \_ what is the square root of 400? \_ The African swallow. \_ Laden or unladen? \_ Usually unladen but the African swallow is known to go both ways. \_ So does yermom. \_ So does yermom. |
2002/12/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:26720 Activity:kinda low |
12/5 does airbears work in Barrows? \_ There's one access point in 60 Barrows. -tom |
2002/12/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26716 Activity:nil |
12/4 Wow, at this point the motd censorship isn't even politically motivated, its just arbitrary. \_ all censorship is arbitrary. |
2002/12/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26713 Activity:kinda low |
12/4 Anyone here have their own 800 number? How much does it cost? Any problems? I see a few adds for 3.9cents per minute 800 numbers but they seem a bit shadey. \_ Ask yermom. \_ No, she has her own 900 number. |
2002/12/5 [Uncategorized] UID:26712 Activity:nil |
12/4 Hacker causes massive sewage spill: http://cooltech.iafrica.com/technews/837110.htm |
2002/12/4 [Uncategorized] UID:26706 Activity:nil |
12/3 motd format all over the place. learn to fucking format. your editor should have an auto format. use it. |
2002/12/3 [Uncategorized] UID:26702 Activity:high |
12/2 We didn't start the fire: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~yel/Fire.html \_ That was awesome! \_ sound & Flash warning but worth 3 minutes of your life unless you're on your death bed but if you're on your death bed logged into soda then you deserve what you get anyway for wasting your final minutes. \_ well said. \_ Billy Joel isn't worth 10 seconds of my life, let alone 3 minutes \_ just reinforces the fact that that song consists of meaningless juxtapositions of images. -tom \_ hey grumpy boy, didn't get your coffee today? \_ if you'd like to explain what the queen of england has to to with joe dimaggio, and what either of them has to do with "the fire", which apparently is some kind of bad thing (since "we tried to fight it"), go ahead. -tom \_ beaten to the punch: http://unix32.nysed.gov:9290/SocStudies/fire/html/index.html |
2002/12/3 [Uncategorized] UID:26700 Activity:nil |
12/2 false description pointing to gross pic purged. not even a new gross pic. at least get us something new if you're going to do this. |
2002/12/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:26692 Activity:very high |
12/2 No longer you people are sexless - too much babbling about left and right wing whatever. \_ Do you mean "wonder" instead of "longer"? \_ Here's a buck, kid. Go buy yourself some English clue. \_ I'll chip another dollar too. \_ Two bucks worth of English clue would make him the motd authority on English. \_ Chicks *love* grammar corrections, too! -OP \_ You're confusing grammar with a basic command of English vocabulary. \_ another motd poster was extolling the virtues of the oakland streetwalkers. they probably don't care if you can speak coherently. go forth and be fruitful, young man. |
2002/12/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:26690 Activity:nil |
12/2 D00D! U R G37t1N' 4 D311! http://www.powerpage.org/story.lasso?newsID=10243 |
2002/12/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:26688 Activity:nil 50%like:28046 |
12/1 arse-or-elbow? (not work-safe) http://www.assotron.com/arse-or-elbow |
2002/12/2-3 [Uncategorized] UID:26687 Activity:moderate |
12/1 Zeitgeist! \_ Gesundheit. \_ Shut up, Al. |
2002/12/1-3 [Uncategorized] UID:26682 Activity:low |
12/1 What's the reasoning behind the "price too low to display"? Why would Amazon want to avoid the price crawlers? Are people more likely to buy once it is in the shopping cart or do they feel like they are getting a super deal or what? \_ Yes. \_ I think sometimes there are marketing contracts that legally prevent them from advertising the super-low prices in order to keep the manufacturer's relationship good with other retailers, Especially ones that will "Meet or Beat ANY advertised price" \_ Yup. Here's an explanation on "Minimum Advertised Price": http://www02.bhphotovideo.com/FrameWork/mapexplanation.html |
2002/12/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:26681 Activity:low |
12/1 Poll: I like http://csua.org: . \_ easier to type, has the motd redirector \_ ? I don't like http://csua.org: . \_ because I want to see the domain before actually going there |
2002/12/1 [Uncategorized] UID:26680 Activity:nil 75%like:26677 |
11/30 Sometimes mutt deletes all my mail. How to avoid? |
2002/12/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:26678 Activity:moderate |
11/30 I didn't know anyone here was this old: http://www.craigslist.org/sfo/eby/cas/7108398.html \_ wtf is "V"? viagra? --aaron \_ venereal disease? \_ vanadium. \_ vaseline. poor man's ky. |
2002/11/30 [Uncategorized] UID:26672 Activity:nil |
11/29 come on peterm you've been locking the motd for 10 minutes now |
2002/11/28-30 [Uncategorized] UID:26664 Activity:kinda low |
11/28 Zsa Zsa in coma after car wreck! They come in threes!!! \_ Who are the other two? or are you expecting some more? \_ There's gotta be more but poor Zsa Zsa has to go first. \_ Eva and Magda Gabor. -John \_ No! Not Eva! I'm still waiting for the Green Acres Reunion movie! |
2002/11/28 [Uncategorized] UID:26658 Activity:nil |
11/28 Figured out the mysql_connect() thing--it was php's include_path. Thanks for the suggestions! -John |
2002/11/28-30 [Uncategorized] UID:26656 Activity:high |
11/27 Hah! According to /. Firedfly is toast! That and Birds of Prayer makes it 2 for 2. \_ Not toast yet, but certainly on the hospice-care track. \_ It's so toast. Name any shows that have ever recovered from the lows a new show like Firedfly has plunged to. \_ *shrug* I don't really watch TV, so I can't. I just read the article. \_ Toast. \_ ...and you clearly didn't read it. *shrug* whatever. \_ Idiot. I read it. Toast. Where do you see that it isn't toast? In this country first season shows that don't do well and have some funky premise like space cowboys from the deep south post-civil war get axed. \_ Toasty! |
2002/11/27 [Uncategorized] UID:26651 Activity:high |
11/26 Can I get retroactive unemployment? even if I have a job now? \_ no \_ go back to israel \_ You can try to apply 'late' but it's unlikely. \_ they only start from when you apply because they're supposed to track how you searched for a job each and every day. so no. |
2002/11/26 [Uncategorized] UID:26641 Activity:high |
11/26 How to make six figure salaries working in IT? This is a serious question. -undergrad IT worker wannabe. \_ Get an MBA instead. \_ go back in time to 1999. \_ don't worry, with the new gestapo being started up under john poindexter, there will be *plenty* of government teat to suckle from. your job will be to help the effort to spy on everyone and track down thought crime. |
2002/11/26 [Uncategorized] UID:26638 Activity:nil |
11/25 http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2002541855,00.html She's still so hot after all these years! MJ eat your heart out! |
2002/11/26 [Uncategorized] UID:26637 Activity:nil |
11/26 motd sex poll. intercourse during menstrual period: always: sometimes: .. never: only: |
2002/11/26 [Uncategorized] UID:26635 Activity:nil |
11/25 I think I'm rather sick, because when I glanced over a Yahoo News headline "U.S. busts largest-ever identity theft ring" all I saw was "U.S. busts largest-ever ......". \_ why were you sick? you not into the girls? |
2002/11/26 [Uncategorized] UID:26633 Activity:nil |
11/25 Birds of Prayer officially dead. Firedfly is next. |
2002/11/25 [Uncategorized] UID:26631 Activity:nil |
11/25 The 80s are coming back, but not necessarily with Johnny Depp: http://csua.org/u/600 |
2002/11/25-26 [Uncategorized] UID:26628 Activity:high |
11/25 What is a good way to dispose of disposable razor? \_ In an apple \_ better yet, put a few in a steak and feed it to a dog. \_ yeah its always fun to abuse a defenseless and naturally loving creature that trusts you implicitly. \_ exactly, that's what I'm saying! \_ I prefer a snickers. No juice and it sticks better. \_ I usually just put the cap back on and throw it in the trash. Now that you mention it, maybe that's not a responsible way. I think throwing it away in an aluminum can or a glass jar is better. \_ It's going straight to a dump. Doesn't matter. \_ separate the plastic from the metal. Recycle both. \_ straight to a dump. the recycling business's dirty secret. |
2002/11/24-25 [Uncategorized] UID:26623 Activity:nil |
11/24 http://www.shespies.com I prefer <DEAD>www.sheepsies.com<DEAD> |
2002/11/24 [Uncategorized] UID:26618 Activity:nil |
11/24 http://www.shespies.com |
2002/11/24 [Uncategorized] UID:26617 Activity:nil |
11/23 In honor of our victory, the first Axe Rally in seven years will be on Sproul at Noon on Monday. The Axe will be paraded around campus, and classes are not to be attended. See you there! |
2002/11/23 [Uncategorized] UID:26611 Activity:nil |
11/22 GO BEAH! |
2002/11/23-25 [Uncategorized] UID:26609 Activity:high |
11/23 Is there a definitive campus directory to reverse-lookup campus phone numbers? People finder doesn't seem to be too useful. \_ <DEAD>directory.berkeley.edu<DEAD>, shockingly. -tom \_ That's what the Berkeley home page calls People Finder. \_ fspb \_ eh? \_ Thanks, motd censor. Leave Toms' useless post and remove the one that was actually helpful, good job fuck nut. -OP \_ That was "fspb". -fspb poster \_ fspb uses the same data source. -tom \_ And works from any shell on campus without all the html crap. |
2002/11/23 [Uncategorized] UID:26606 Activity:very high |
11/21 Regarding a thread from a day or so ago-- who is He Who Shall Not Be Named? \_ he can't be named, can't you read? \_ he cannot read, but he somehow managed to type \_ voldemort \_ Shoggoth? \_ HastuaaAAARRRRRRGGGHHHH \_ the unnamed prole \_ And why shall he not be named? \_ Lord Voldemort. |
2002/11/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:26601 Activity:nil |
11/21 For all you Al fans out there: http://bigwilliestyles.250x.com/Flash_Soundboards/AlPacino.swf |
2002/11/22 [Uncategorized] UID:26591 Activity:nil |
11/21 Are there any plans for ant to support symlinks? \_ maybe you should ask the ant developers? are you a pine user? \_ If you have any information on the subject, please let me know. Otherwise, let it be. |
2002/11/22 [Uncategorized] UID:26590 Activity:nil |
11/21 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=735873337 Is there any reason why this beer can is worth so much? \_ Never underestimate the insanity of collectors. \_ Jeez, and like a sucker I've been giving my cans to recyclers. |
2002/11/22 [Uncategorized] UID:26588 Activity:nil |
11/21 Wow, the motd is finally living up to its usual standards! Go team! \_ Yeah the bonfire was burning dangerously low for a while there. |
2002/11/22 [Uncategorized] UID:26585 Activity:nil |
11.21 too much motd trolling this week. i'll be back less week. troll less. |
2002/11/20 [Uncategorized] UID:26583 Activity:nil |
11/19 Anyone see the Leonids? Anyone see them from a light polluted area? \_ Saw a bunch from Bort Meadow up in Anthony Chabot Park. Saw a few from home (near the Grand Lake Theater) even with a fire truck flashing its lights twenty feet behind me. Very nice. |
2002/11/18 [Uncategorized] UID:26576 Activity:nil |
B |
2002/11/16 [Uncategorized] UID:26565 Activity:nil |
11/15 I _know_ one of you must have posetd this! Fess up! http://www.craigslist.org/sfo/sfc/cas/6850314.html |
2002/11/16 [Uncategorized] UID:26564 Activity:nil |
11/15 Any way to get columns of text to line up using CSS without using tables or a fixed with font? |
2002/11/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:26561 Activity:nil |
11/15 [poll says fascists are more popular, therefore pro-fascism. deleted.] |
2002/11/15 [Uncategorized] UID:26556 Activity:nil 66%like:26562 |
11/15 Clean your mouse rollers! Makes life better. (isopropanol, a qtip and the smooth side of a pin) |
2002/11/15 [Uncategorized] UID:26549 Activity:nil |
11/14 [deleted because you're a whiny punk.] \_ It's not particularly clever to post something from an article mocking liberals and pretend like the article was written by a liberal, reiffin. |
2002/11/15 [Uncategorized] UID:26548 Activity:nil |
11/14 http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/11/14/gun.trial.ap/index.html Gun supplier told to pay widow $1.2 million |
2002/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:26546 Activity:high |
11/14 Is there anything equiv to craigslist in LA area? I'm looking for a hiking partner. \_ Why don't you just use craigslist, they have a la section. \_ Oops. Thanks. \_ How much does this craig make from his list, if anything? \_ enough to have 10 employees. - danh |
2002/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:26544 Activity:high |
11/13 BIN LADEN IS ALIVE! Just like Elvis. \_ he's probably alive but really fucked up. on his deathbed im sure he'll issue some order to his mindless psychotic followers to do something like blow up a nuke plant or release some nasty bio thing if they have one so he can die happy knowing he's personally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands or more. \_ Which means the US should or should not go after him? \_ This is where John needs to slip in his 'napalm' quote. Again. \_ IMHO, should. He's going to die either way. At least if we nab him he might not get a chance to issue some final apocolyptic orders. \_ More like El Cid. --erikred |
2002/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:26541 Activity:high |
11/13 Danh! Do you finally have a job? \_ Jobs are irrelevant. \_ paychecks arent. \_ yes. \_ Jobs are irrelevant. \_ paychecks arent. \_ I keep seeing you in bio lecture. Are you a bio student now? \_ I wonder if my stalker is cute? - danh \_ Unrelated question: do you like hairy cocks? |
2002/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:26539 Activity:kinda low |
11/13 Play your cards right and this could be your next lover! http://csua.org/u/56f -urld \_ Thank you for putting me off my dinner. \_ Contrast with: http://csua.org/u/571 |
2002/11/13-14 [Uncategorized] UID:26533 Activity:kinda low |
11/13 Pong: http://www.madblast.com/oska/humor_pong.swf \_ An oldie but a goodie. |
2002/11/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:26522 Activity:high |
11.12 Hey you Wannabe gangster cs dudes, how was 8 mile? --rap/rock listener \_ DUDE! IT WAS BETTER THAN CATS! \_ It doesn't really make sense if you haven't seen the first 7 miles. \_ /csua/tmp/8mile([12]/2).avi \_ deleted you twink \_ Why would you want to watch a movie in an avi? Whats the point? _____ ___ _____ __ __ _ __ | ____|_ __ ___ |_ _|_ __ |___ /| \/ | (_)___ \ \ __/\__ | _| | '_ ` _ \ | || '_ \ |_ \| |\/| | | / __| \ \ \ / | |___| | | | | || || | | |___) | | | | | \__ \ / / /_ _\ |_____|_| |_| |_|___|_| |_|____/|_| |_| |_|___/ /_/ \/ \_ Eminem is going to Israel? -John \_ I like Green Day! -danh #1 fan |
2002/11/12 [Uncategorized] UID:26517 Activity:high |
11/11 Anyone not had sex this millenium? yes . no |
2002/11/12 [Uncategorized] UID:26516 Activity:high |
11/11 http://www.starregistry.com What a stomach-turning site. "An actual star!" I wonder if their claim of "hundreds of thousands" of customers is true. That's several million dollars parted from fools. \_ It's like vanity publishing or paying to be included in "Who's Who." I wonder how many of their customers have any idea they're not really getting a star named. The BBB registers them as a member with satisfactory status. --erikred \_ BBB? \_ Better Business Bureau. \_ So being a member of BBB really means nothing to consumers? How come the BBB don't kick them out for bad business practice? \_ read the fine print at bottom: "International Star Registry star naming is not recognized by the scientific astronomic community. Your star's name is reserved in International Star Registry records only." |
3/15 |