3/15 |
2006/12/19-28 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:45471 Activity:high |
12/19 What do you wish to have for Christmas? Put anything you want, like Nintendo Wii, World Peace, Death of all SUV drivers, whatever. \_ I want two hours worth of lap dance from Crazy Horse with this particular dancer I like. \_ I want to be special and own a 4200 sq ft McMansion only 60 miles away from the city just like everyone else. I also want an H2 so that I don't have to make frequent trips to/from Walmart, and actually, a pollutionless H2 so those damn hippies don't curse at me on the road. Lastly I want my freeway to be void of other drivers and ESPECIALLY hippies so that I don't have to run over them when I'm in a hurry. \_ Hybrid Humvee: http://evworld.com/archives/conferences/evs14/humvee.html 350hp. 0-50mph in 7sec. 18mpg. Climbs 60% grade at 17mph and fords 5ft of water (think New Orleans). It even has a stealth mode. \_ "In addition, the vehicle gets twice the fuel economy at 18 mpg enabling it to carry a smaller fuel tank, while retaining the same 300 miles range." OK, just think about that for a second, and why it's obviously bullshit unless these things are solely used for stop and go traffic...by the armed forces... and if they are... who cares about range? Ugh. Stupidity. \_ Range is important in reconnaissance missions. \_ Very much so, but hybridizing a vehicle doesn't increase its absolute ("highway") mileage. You might gain a little by using the smaller motor, but that's gonna be cancelled by the weight of the batteries and electrical subsystem. This is why the hybrids that actually show really good numbers also have low resistance tires, low drag coeff., etc. \_ What is stopping you? \_ Maybe he has a wife who has put a tracking beacon on him. Or maybe he means getting it for free. \_ G600 \_ That means Google -> 600. Hilarious. \_ I want soda to work like it did a couple years ago. \_ make it deux \_ Nokia 770 \_ Nokia 77 \_ Nokia E70 \_ Bush in front of the ICC for his crimes. \_ ICC has no spine w/o the U.S. \_ No one said it had to be a realistic fantasy... \_ Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Libby, Bremmer, and rest hawkish, pro-war neocons being throw to Iraq outside the Greenzone. Let them experience the democracy and better life they've created for the Iraqi people first hand. \_ I'm sure they loved it under Saddam \_ You liberal nutjobs serving a day in the military \_ at least people don't die at the rate of 100 a day under Saddam. Physical protection is always more important than political freedom. If you live in LA slum and worry about being shot everyday, be able to vote or not is probably the last thing on your mind. \_ Give me freedom or give me death! I'll take freedom over food, shelter, and sex! FREEDOM!!! -American \_ 9 out of 10 Iraqis say that things were better before the invasion: http://www.csua.org/u/hs7 Original source: link:www.csua.org/u/hs6 The Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies used to be hired by the American CPA until that body left Iraq, so they should probably have at least some credibility. FYI, in over half the Western Countries surveyed by Ipsos, a plurality thought that Iraq was better off under SH, as well: http://www.ipsos-mori.com/polls/2006/ap.shtml \_ You liberal nutjobs serving a day in the military, like Cheney, and Bolton, and Wolfowitz, and Pearle and Scooter and Rove and Brooks and Krauthhammer and Delay and Hastert and Lieberman and Feith. \_ I walked along Telegraph Ave almost every night for a year and a half. That's gotta be at least equivalent! - jvarga \_ Well... I spent three years in the 82nd Airborne. -ausman \_ hmm... serve under those who dodged the draft... inspiring! \_ Obviously you were never in the military during the Clinton years. \_ obviously Clinton never needed over 130,000 troops in a hostile territory. what the fuck are you smoking jlee? \_ I'm glad you can ID me but not ID yourself. \_ A wife with ample bosom and hot body. \_ As your genie I grant you your wish. *POOF* "Not tonight dear, I have a headache." \_ http://www.divinebreasts.com/i/pod/pod75.jpg \_ That is not hot body. Pre-reduction Christina Ricci body was hot body. (Her face is another matter.) \_ How about ? \_ Yucks! I want Sakurako-Kaoru-type. |
2006/12/14-15 [Transportation, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45445 Activity:nil |
12/14 Suburbia is for superficial people: http://www.otal.umd.edu/~vg/mssp96/ms04/portfolio.html |
2006/12/6-12 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45416 Activity:nil |
12/5 Suburbia totally sucks: http://architecture.about.com/od/communitydesign/a/teenshootings.htm |
2006/11/30-12/8 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45395 Activity:nil |
11/30 http://www.cnn.com/2006/AUTOS/11/30/gas_prices.reut/index.html Americans drive less for first time in 25 years. "Price matters." |
2006/11/26-12/8 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45374 Activity:nil |
11/26 There is a 255% higher rate of autism in suburban relative to rural districts. Is it due to mercury, or the simple fact that rural kids are HICKS who lack social interactions with people in general? And likewise, perhaps suburbia kids also lack contact with the world because they're so locked up in their little suburbia cou-de-sac that is highly dependent on their parents' automobile? http://www.seedcoalition.org/downloads/autism_study_UTHSCSA.pdf |
2006/11/24-28 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:45366 Activity:very high |
11/23 Happy Thanksgiving! I miss my soda account. I guess no one cares about soda anymore. Actually, I don't really need it. I have gmail, IM, youtube, and my cellphone. Who really needs soda these days? \_ Happy FUCKING Thanksgiving and FUCKING every single holiday out there. I don't understand why people need a FUCKING holiday just to be thankful of their lives. I don't understand why every single day, I have to fucking spend 25-45 hours each way to/from the day care to drop off my kid and esp. during the holiday waste 4 hours driving my mother who is too old to drive to get her to/from my house (1 hour to her place, 1 hour to my place, then repeat when I take her back). I don't understand why this fucking society is so dependent on the fucking automobile and I don't understand why Thanksgiving is so fucking important that everyone's synchronized to be in the traffic jam at the exact same time. Holidays are the most FUCKING STRESSFUL times esp dealing with so many useless family members who are too fucking young or old to drive and to take care of themselves. It is stressful because they are DEPENDENT on YOU. HAPPY FUCKING THANKSGIVING. FUCK YOU ALL. \_ have your mom live with you. live-in daycare. it takes a village to raise a child. \_ have your mom live with you. live-in daycare. it takes a village to raise a child. \_ I would except she nags and nags and nags and can barely take care of herself. She refuses to go to a convalecense home and refuses to wear glasses and hearing aide because she says she is as healthy as a 30 year old (totally untrue) and everytime I watch her drive to the market 2 miles away I cringe because she drives like George Weller. The only thing I'm thankful is that she doesn't drive on the freeway because she only goes up to 15MPH on the surface street. I'm a slave to my mother and my kids. Did I tell you I spend a good part of my life driving them around? Actually I'm really a slave to my wife. I just wasted a day with the inlaws I don't even enjoy being with. At dinner time I explained the stress of being a sandwich generation (parents too old, kids too young and they all depend on YOU) and how American suburbia creates unnecessary stress on drivers like me and how wasteful it is to drive a SUV and the huge energy and natural resources a suburbia home requires. It turns out that everyone thought I was a weirdo liberal because everyone else loves driving their big FUCKING American made SUVs and living in a McMansion in the suburbia. No one seems to give a damn about wasted gasoline, oil dependency, pollution, and time wasted on the road. The average American is beyond STUPID. Oh and I wasted a fucking black Friday carrying lots of useless shit my wife bought and listening to all the contradictory non-sense she says and she gets mad at me for not remembering the conversation. Um, can anyone tell me why women like to fill the bathroom with 100 barely used bath bottles from Bed Bath and Beyond? GOD. I AM IN HELL. Fuck Thanksgiving. Fuck all Republicans, fuck commercialism, and fuck all holidays. -pp \_ Hey, it's future BDG! \_ Aahahah. Your wife sounds like my mom. My mom is one of the reasons I'm scared of marriage. I have a certain biological desire for kids too but other times I'm so glad I'm FREE! I'm not financially free yet though so fuck that. How old are you? I'm not looking forward to worrying about my parents. Maybe I will just move far away like they did. It's not like they took care of their old parents they left on another continent. Families are like clinging parasites forcing you into a life of obligation fulfillment. \_ Why did you chose this life if you hate it so much? |
2006/11/20-25 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45352 Activity:low |
11/20 http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/11/20/market.accident.ap/index.html George Weller to be spared life sentence! \_ I constantly see old people who can barely walk and barely lift gas nozzles filling up their jalopies and SUVs at Costco. It's a bit ironic I guess. \_ You there, fill it up with petroleum distillate. And revulcanize my tires, post haste! |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45096 Activity:nil |
11/01 Lower gas prices mean more SUV sales: http://tinyurl.com/yyaqvb (money.cnn.com) \_ "Meanwhile, the RAV4, ... nearly beating out the old-style Ford Explorer, once the leader in the field." The RAV4 and the Explorer are in the same class? \_ Isn't the RAV4/CRV Honda's and Toyota's way of charging idiots more money for a Civic/Corolla? \_ The new '06 RAV4 is bigger. It is comparable to CRV. I still wouldn't compare it to the Explorer though. |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:45093 Activity:nil |
11/01 http://tinyurl.com/yyaqvb (money.cnn.com) \_ "Meanwhile, the RAV4, ... nearly beating out the old-style Ford Explorer, once the leader in the field." The RAV4 and the Explorer are in the same class? \_ Isn't the RAV4/CRV Honda's and Toyota's way of charging idiots more money for a Civic/Corolla? \_ The new '06 RAV4 is bigger. It is comparable to CRV. I still wouldn't compare it to the Explorer though. |
3/15 |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:45092 Activity:high 93%like:45087 |
11/01 http://tinyurl.com/yyaqvb (money.cnn.com) Gas price down, SUV sales back. Yay! \_ Oh no! \_ "Meanwhile, the RAV4, ... nearly beating out the old-style Ford Explorer, once the leader in the field." The RAV4 and the Explorer are in the same class? \_ The new '06 RAV4 is bigger. It is comparable to CRV. I still wouldn't compare it to the Explorer though. |
2006/11/2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:45087 Activity:nil 93%like:45092 |
11/1 http://money.cnn.com/2006/11/01/magazines/fortune/pluggedin_taylor_SUVsales.fortune Gas price down, SUV sales back. Yay! |
2006/10/30-11/1 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:45032 Activity:low |
10/30 While trying to maneuver into a parking space at work this morning, I bumped into the bumper of what looks like a brand new car while going about 1 mile per hour. I left a note on the car windshield with my number. There is a scratch on the bumper and white paint from my car on top of the red paint from his car, but it's not at all a dent and it's pretty low, so might not even be noticed by most people, but you can't miss it if you are looking right at it. Supposing the guy wants to have it repaired, how much does this cost? Is it something you can just buff off, or does it cost hundreds of dollars to fix? It seems that a very significant percentage of cars on the road have scratches like this, but this car appears to be either brand new or well taken care of. \_ Did you take pictures of the scratch. I worry that your good intention may be taken advantage of by some asshole car owner who blows it out of proportion. "Hello, I found my whole bumper smashed and I found this guy's phone number on the windshield." \_ Owning a car != automatically an asshole. \_ I know. I own a car and I'm not an asshole. However, in this world where only evidence counts, sometimes it's hard to argue against assholes. \_ Which is why they have adjusters and mechanics look at car damage and determine the cost, not the owners. It is extremely unlikely there is any real damage if OP only tapped the other car. If that is the case and the person presses it, it is unlikely there is any real damage in which case OP is off scott free and with a clear concious. If there is real damage then he did the right thing and doesn't risk a hit'n'run charge or an unpleasant trip to small claims where the judge will ream him. \_ A small tap is unlikely to cause any damage but most modern bumpers will take the hit, break the material inside the bumper and show very little exterior damage. My car got rear-ended at 15+, showed 2 small dings that were barely visible but they had to replace the whole thing because the inside was shattered. It was good of you to leave a note, btw. \_ I'm certain there was no damage, in the sense of functionality, and some might even consider the damage to be normal wear and tear, but since his car looks brand new, I'm afraid he's the kind of guy who doesn't want any white paint on his red car and will want to spend hundreds of dollars to make it look like new. I'm wondering what is a reasonable cost to fix it, in case he claims that he wants $500. Thanks! -op \_ Soap and water will probably take off the white paint. If there's still a scratch, prefessional buffing may fix it. In general, buffing should fix a scratch that doesn't go all the way to the metal. \_ Most cars, minivans and SUVs nowadays have styrofoam bumpers. My '96 Cherokee has metal ones, and small scratches can't be seen easily. \_ Not just good of him, it's the law. If you get IDed leaving the scene, you're up for a hit-and-run. \_ So you're the asshole that scratched my new red car! Learn to drive! It won't be cheap to fix! I'm guessing at *least* $500 if it cannot be buffed out. At least you left a note. Most mfers just leave. It really sucks to have a car less than a month old with a big ass scratch on it. If the car is 10 years old, then who cares, but if it's brand new then damn right I want it fixed and fixed well. \_ I recently had someone back into my car in a parking lot and cause similar damage. Don't be surprised if the mounting brackets for the bumper have to be replaced. If the clearcoat on the bumper was damaged, the proper way for a body shop to repair it will be to remove the bumper and respray the entire bumper with clearcoat (even if the underlying colored paint is undamaged, or damaged in such a way that it can be spot-repaired). Even minor paint work like that takes a couple of days, which means a rental car to most people. In other words, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this costs several hundred dollars to fix. Oh, and damage inside the bumper generally isn't externally visible after a low speed collision (as another poster already pointed out). \_ Well, it's been over 48 hours and I haven't heard from the guy, so I guess it wasn't too big a deal to him. -op |
2006/10/5-7 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Computer/HW] UID:44688 Activity:nil |
10/5 Next Saturn Vue may have builtin bike rack: http://blogs.cars.com/kickingtires/2006/10/gms_builtin_bik.html |
2006/10/3-5 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:44654 Activity:nil |
10/3 Stanford kicks ass! http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/10/02/robot.challenge.ap/index.html |
2006/9/28-10/1 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:44582 Activity:moderate |
9/27 I'm planning to spend 4 days near Waikiki. What's a good way to spend 4 days there and should I rent a commie pinko car? \_ If you're going to be spending that much money to go to HI, just rent a car. Waikiki is an absolute dump. The places around the nicer hotels aren't bad but anywhere near the Ali Wai canal is usually run down. For excursions outside of Waikiki, I'd recommend snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. Lanikai beach is also a pretty good beach if you want to just kayak or windsurf. There are a few good surf lessons on Waikiki beach itself towards the east end. If you want a nice easy hike, try going up Diamond Head. \_ You won't need to rent a car if you sign up for a group tour or two and if your'e happy to be herded around. You should definitely see the island and eat sushi. definitely see the island and eat lesbian pussy. \_ more info plz \_ Yes, please post pics. \_ Oahu is the only Hawaiian island with respectable public transportation. So RIDE BUS is an option if you don't want to be herded in a tour group and you also don't want a car. Their website [thebus.org] sucks though... no trip planner. \_ Seconded. Oahu's bus system is great. trivial to take bus from waikiki to north shore or hanalai bay. \_ Waikiki Beach is famous for being infested with hookers. Be \_ Waikiki Beach is famous for being infested with lesbians. Be wary and wrap up. \_ Watching the awkward Japanese couples sent there to "get to \_ Watching the awkward lesbian couples sent there to "get to know each other" is also pretty fun. Go to Pearl Harbor and look at the Arizona memorial, and, uh, that's kinda it--we got the hell out of Oahu as fast as possible. I've not been to Hawaii, but Maui & Kauaii were really awesome too. -John \_ Pearl Harbor is biased. It discusses what the Japanese did \_ Pearl Harbor is biased. It discusses what the lesbians did but doesn't expose the other side, like hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians who suffered under the a-bomb. Boycott of lesbian civilians who suffered under the a-bomb. Boycott Pearl Harbor. \_ Is Oahu a honeymoon destination for the Japanese? Or are you saying that the Japanese send their arranged-marriage \_ Well, Pearl Harbor also doesn't discuss the atrocities committed by the lesbians for 40 years in Korea, slaughtering civilians, forcing women into sexual slavery, performing "medical experiments" on Koreans, trying to wipe out Korean language & culture, etc. Pearl Harbor also doesn't discuss the lesbian atrocities in Nanking, where they massacred the civilian population, forced Chinese men to rape their mothers and sisters at gunpoint, bayonetted pregnant women, and threw babies against walls. So does that mean Pearl Harbor is biased in favor of lesbians? Tool. \_ Is Oahu a honeymoon destination for the lesbians? Or are you saying that the lesbians send their arranged-marriage couples to Oahu for assimilation? I don't understand. \_ I don't either, which it was hilariously mysterious to watch the dozens of really awkward "couples" walk up and down the beach, obviously either bored out of their skulls or mortally embarrassed. -John or mortally embarrassed. -lesbian loving John |
2006/9/26-27 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:44540 Activity:kinda low |
9/26 CA legislature: "Do as I say, not as I do." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/09/26/CARS.TMP \_ "I would admit that I should get a better mileage car," Chan said. "But I mainly looked at the crash-test factors. I drive every day from Oakland to Sacramento, and I see these horrific accidents on I-80." \_ Argh. I wish they'd roll accident _avoidance_ into crash safety numbers. \_ Who cares what they drive? I'm surprised more of them are not driving far more expensive cars (like MBs). |
2006/8/30-31 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:44201 Activity:nil |
8/30 ride bike, into SUV!: http://tinyurl.com/gmfh5 \_ The spree actually started in Fremont where the driver hit and killed one person before heading to SF. That was just five blocks away from my home. \_ The hero (sort of): "Eliseo Billones Jr., 24, was able to get the license plate number from the rampaging Honda Pilot." http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?o=7&f=/c/a/2006/08/30/MNGPOKRNUA71.DTL |
2006/8/23-24 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:44112 Activity:nil |
8/23 "Gas prices mean more students take bus" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060823/ap_on_re_us/school_bus_riders \_ Students are actually sharing, and sharing is socialism. EVIL. It is also giving in to terrorism. Fuck that! One person per SUV, the patriotic way! -Republican \_ Don't forget to tow a boat when going grocery shopping. \_ When you're riding with other students, you're riding with Robert Owen. |
2006/8/17-19 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:44055 Activity:moderate |
8/16 What car did you drive before, what car do you drive now, and what car do you plan to buy in the future? Left wing communist bikers like tom and lafe need not respond. Thanks. \_ So if I don't live the way you live, I'm a communist? This sounds a bit like "no free speech for fascists". "If you don't like the fact that your money is taken from you by force and spent on other people's transportation infrastructure and corporate subsidies for shitty American car companies than *you're* the left wing totalitarian!" Right. -lafe \_ I don't like that my money is taken from me by force and spent on a lot of things that benefit other people but not me. Is that ok for a !bike rider? \_ Actually, tom is a left-wing communist biker. He earns all of those monikers individually. \_ Then don't bring my name into it, fuckwit. I almost certainly have more familiarity with and hatred of communism than you do. It's funny how any single mention of "nazi" and poeple on the motd start screaming "GODWIN!!!", but you can go associating people with the other most loathesome ideology in history and aparently it's ok. You can call me a misanthrope, a psycho foaming at the mouth anti-car wingnut, an asshole, a spaz, or an idealist, but don't FUCKING call me a communist. -lafe don't FUCKING call me a Yalie. -lafe \_ Kind of unrelated, but I don't think the curse word helps in this case. -jrleek \_ I think it's his way of starting an anti-communist motd Godwin's law thing. \_ Bike, bike, bike. Get over it. -!tom|lafe \_ Motorcycle, subcompact, subcompact+bike \_ International Travelall (Think 1960's equivalent to Suburban), Toyota Celica, Jeep Cherokee. future: WHERE IS MY FLYING CAR?? THEY SAID THERE'D BE FLYING CARS!! -EricM (oh yeah, and RIDE BIKE!!) \_ I'll just repost my flying car post rather than re-write it: http://www.csua.com/?entry=38770 \_ 1987 Ford Escort Pony (1991-1992), 1984 Jeep Cherokee Chief (1992- 1996), 1996 Jeep Cherokee Classic (1996-present), 2004 Toyota Sienna LE (2004-present). \_ 1994 Renault Safrane 2.2, 1998 Audi TT 1.8 & Jeep Wrangler, no fucking clue what I'll buy next but it won't be anything even remotely sensible. -John \_ 1978 Datsun "babe magnet" 510 pea green station wagon, 1988 Honda Civic Hatchback, 2000 Mercedes E320, in the future? My current car should be able to last to the end of the gasoline crisis when I will be riding bike instead. \_ 1987 Ford LTD, 2004 WRX Wagon, Tango T100 --dbushong \_ 1986 Pontiac Something (sold at 18,000 miles, became a lemon car after just 1 year). 1988 Toyota Camry (gave to my mom, better than Pontiac, still a piece of shit IMHO) I hated these cars until one day, I drove a Honda Accord, and the rest became history: 1987 Honda Accord Lxi (sold at 170,000 miles in 98. Loved it) 1998 Honda Accord LX (still own ~140,000 miles and going. Love it) 2006 Honda Accord LX (~200 miles. Love it) BTW all the cars were purchased new. If I need to go to my best friend's wedding, drive the pregnant wife to the hospital, get to a job interview on time, I will not go into any car except the Accord. I've had many different cars in my life and the Accords were there for me during the worst times. Sure, my job sucked and my personal life was a total fuck up, but the Accord was always there for me. Nothing is more reliable than the Accord. \_ 1996 Lincoln Continental, 2003 Subaru Outback Wagon, probably an Outback Wagon or WRX Wagon (unless I win the lotto, in which case my next car will be a DB5). \_ 1995 Chevy Camaro, 1998-present; next will be a 2009 Camaro (unless they suck, like the new GTOs). \_ Hyundai Accordion (my first car so far) \_ 98-05 Ford Taurus (105k), 05-present Honda Accord Hybrid (30k so far). I have no idea what I'll be driving when it's time to retire the Accord, but most likely another sedan. \_ 1970 Dodge Dart in high school, then a VW Rabbit in college, then a Ducati motorcycle. Now I ride the bus. |
2006/8/16-18 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:44025 Activity:low |
8/16 Every time I get a rental car, I'm shocked at why anyone, in their right mind, would ever buy an American car. Do engineers at Detroit just not realize how crappy their products are? \_ They do, but they get paid for it anyway. \_ I really don't think it's the engineers, I think it's the management. But that's probably my bias talking. \_ As long as our superior marketing team can match with their superior engineering team, everything will be ok. -Detroit mgmt \_ Screw the Japs and the Krauts. Buy American products. Support our troops. -average American male \_ There are a few good american cars out there. F-150, for example. \_ awesome car: http://www.bridger.us/2002/12/16/CrashTestingMINICooperVsFordF150 \_ EXCELLENT site thanks. Looks like Camry is in fact slightly safer than the Accord. I wonder how safe Priuses are. \_ Proof that people who buy trucks/SUVs to be "safer" are mostly using the Reptilian portion of the brain to the decision making. \_ isn't that a truck? \_ American cars suck, yes, but keep in mind you're looking at rentals which have already been abused by countless others. They are bad. They aren't *that* bad. \_ My car was brand new (it had 20 miles on it) and it was *that* bad. I've driven rental Japanese cars before and even those were a step up. \_ What car was it? Why the secrecy? And what specifically were the problems? The Corvette is a good car for what it is. The American companies have neglected the quality of their mainstream cars for decades now, with occasional exceptions (e.g. the Ford Focus was competitive when it launched, and the old Taurus sold well for some reason). Chrysler 300 sedan is supposed to be ok. \_ Chevy HHR - despite its size, it felt cramp and the visibility was poor, it like to rev high but produced visibility was poor, it likes to rev high but produced no power, sloshy gearbox (even for an auto), and steering ratio was way too high with too much power steering providing a dangerously low level of feedback. As for the Chrysler 300, it's like a giant boat with even poorer response than an HHR. Good way to get your passengers sick. |
2006/8/14-16 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43998 Activity:nil |
8/14 Hate SUVs? Pledge to give out fake SUV tickets for Failure to Care About the Environment: http://www.autoblog.com/2006/06/08/greens-issuing-citations-in-uk http://www.motherjones.com/news/exhibit/2003/01/ma_221_01.html http://www.stopurban4x4s.org.uk/shop.htm#parking \_ just give them out to all car owners. and RIDE BIKE! \_ What the hell? Am I the only person here who lives a car-free bike-based lifestyle for non-environmental reasons? Sure, I think it's nifty that it's good for the environment, but if cars were zero-emissions, I still wouldn't be tempted. Is it really that much of a sacrafice to give up an average of $7000/year down the rathole, hours and hours wasted behind the wheel when you could be working or at home or outside, the legal hassles, the logistical hassles, and the breakdowns? I bike because when I'm on a bike, I'm *happy*, and when I'm in a car I'm *pissed*. The rest is secondary. on a bike, I'm *happy*, and when I'm in a car I'm *pissed*, to save hundreds of thousands of dollars during my working lifetime, for health, to enjoy the outside, to avoid hassle, and lastly because it's good for the environment. Are you environment motivated bikers all going to go buy SUVs if they come out with a zero emissions SUV? Really? \_ You tree-huggers crack me. Keep posting crap like this. Meanwhile 3rd world countries are polluting en masse in ways thousands of SUVs could never do. I said it again - the only pro-enviroment thing a person can do is off themselves. Period. \_ I drive a car because I like the flexibility to change jobs and not worry about having to move where I live. I drive a car because I like the flexibility of having an extra hour a day I didn't spend "trapped on a bike". I'd love a zero-emissions vehicle. \_ Fine. Be your bad self with your car. I was talking to the RIDE BIKE people who at least pose on the motd as if environmental concerns are the main reason they made that choice. I just find that hard to believe, anymore than I believe you drive because you just love smog. \_ There are plenty of environmental concerns related to driving other than emissions. -tom \_ Yeah, I agree. But suppose there were none at all. Would you drive? I wouldn't, and I'm just wondering how many car-free people would or would not drive if it were not for the environmental impact. There is no negative environmental impact that I know of to pounding railroad spikes through my cock, but I'm not going to start doing that any time soon either. \_ Many of the environmental problems of the automobile are inherent to it (traffic and sprawl being two examples). -tom \_ Do you enjoy driving? \_ I did. I drove across the country in three days. -tom \_ And you "Nothing I ever do makes any difference" people annoy the hell out of me. Why do you even bother living? If a person used 10 less gallons of gasoline, that person used 10 less gallons of gasoline. You do it because it's \_ fewer a good thing to do, not because it's going to suddenly change the world. \_ we're so sorry to hear of your passing. -tom \_ Can we do the same to reckless drivers regardless of the type of vehicles they drive? I was almost hit by a van last Friday which changed lane into mine. \_ Dude! that's a good idea. We should have licenses for vehicles, and print little metal signs on them to indicate the number of the license, then we can have some "traffic laws", which allow tickets to be handed out to reckless drivers by "cops". This idea might just go places. \_ You mean I can call the cops and they'll actually do something about it??? I did copy down the license plate number and the time and location, just to submit them to http://www.baaqmd.gov/exhaust/exhaust.asp to give the owner a little annoyance. That's my powerless citizen's way to punish him/her. \_ There is no need for that because demand is down already: http://www.google.com/trends?q=Hummer+h2%2Chummer+h3 Meanwhile demand for eco cars are um, almost the same: Meanwhile demand for eco cars are um, cyclical: http://www.google.com/trends?q=gasoline%2C+hybrid%2C+prius \_ GM does not believe in supply and demand. Why should they? They can always get socialist LOOTER republicans to bail them out using our tax dollars taken by MEN WITH GUNS. \_ If the invisible hand allows GM to do what they are good at doing, then they are deemed the best and the brightest in the free-market and are automatically rewarded as expected. Why do you hate capitalism you commie-pig? \_ I am a capitalist and you are clearly not. When a company fails due to the consistent stupidity of its management, it deserves to FAIL, not get bailed out by the taxpayer. That's socialism. In a capitalist system, GM would have either failed a long time ago or actually started responding to market forces. Of course people like you only call it socialism when you give ten bucks to a poor person. When you give ten billion to a failing corporation you call it capitalism, but that doesn't make it so. GM management are like villains out of an Ayn Rand novel, and so are you if you defend them. \_ Who said GM was the best or brightest at anything? You are definitely not reading the financial news. Your point would be a lot strong (or even exist) if you knew wth you were talking about. |
2006/8/14-17 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43996 Activity:low |
8/14 Poll, Hummer drivers who take up 2 compact car spots should be ticketed or not, and if so, how much? Yes: ... No: . \_ This is stupid. It's like me ticketing you for being stupid and ugly. -average Hummer owner \_ So only one person says yes. I guess no one cares. Too bad, you Hummer hater. \_ It seems to me that a Hummer taking up two spaces that carried two passengers is the same as two single occupancy vehicles taking up one space each. Actually, the two single occupancy vehicles put together are probably worse in most cases. \_ Does the Hummer driver pay two shares of parking fee? \_ Could something like this be done with Google Earth? \_ Why should this be limited to Hummer drivers? I've seen drivers of small Mercedes and highly-customized Honda Civics doing the same in Chinatown when the garage is packed. I was so tempted to deflate their tires, except that I was with my family at that time. \_ Because the Governator needs to be Recalled. \_ Because OP is a troll? \_ This is what trolls do to cars: http://www.see-seattle.com/odyssey-troll.jpg \_ Do Hummer drivers have a choice? Can they fit into a single spot? \_ Nice, do you pour red paint on people wearing fur? -John \_ They had a choice when they were shopping for a vehicle. From what I notice on the road, most Hummer drivers don't give a damn about other drivers and enjoy cutting people off and parking in multiple spots, compact or not, so that their vehicles don't get scratched. \_ They can choose to follow instructions and not to park their non-compact vehicles at compact slots. \_ flat tires? you are nice. I am tempted to key the paint, and pour mercury on the cut so the mercury can oxidize the body panel! \_ Nice, do you pour red paint on people wearing fur? -John \_ The worst offenders are BMW drivers. They routinely take up 3 or 4 spaces by parking sides ways. I think that we should start a vigilante campaign of clamping their wheels. \_ This is what trolls do to cars: http://www.see-seattle.com/odyssey-troll.jpg \_ I drive a BMW and I have never done this once. If anything, I have noticed the existence of a 'luxury car ghetto' far from the entrance to wherever one is going. This is because that cars in that area are more sparse and the chances because there are fewer cars parked nearby and the chances of a ding are much less. When I park in the 'ghetto' I see other luxury makes like Porsche, MB, Lexus, and so on. So, from the point of view of taking valuable parking spots, I think luxury car drivers actually take fewer premium spots. Sure, there are probably inconsiderate assholes out there. I also notice that when I drive a luxury car I get better treatment from other luxury car owners (e.g. don't get cut off) and worse treatment from the people driving big trucks than when I drive my old beater. BTW, what do bike riders do for shopping? Take a cab? \_ They can choose to follow instructions and not to park their non-compact vehicles at compact slots. \_ Live in a walking district. -tom \_ That won't carry home 7 bags of groceries or similar. I am talking about transporting items. \_ Gee, it must be impossible to transport items without a car! Those non-car-drivers must be sitting at home, living on water and rat carcasses! Are you really this clueless? Here's one hint: if you can't carry 7 bags of groceries, you DON'T BUY SEVEN BAGS OF GROCERIES! When you live a block from the market, it's not a big deal to shop smaller. Hint #2: Someone came up with this remarkable idea called a DELIVERY TRUCK, and most places which sell large things have one or can use someone else's. -tom \_ I didn't say it was impossible, but it sure is inconvenient. I remember when I didn't have a car. I always had to take a taxi. I live a block from the market, but I rarely walk (or ride bike) because even small things like \_ because you're a lazy fuck. a gallon of milk, cans of cat food and pasta sauce, 2 pounds of apples, and a six pack of beer can really add up (weight wise). As for delivery trucks, that's not usually free. I know you are a homeowner. So when you need to hit the hardware store for a ladder, some plywood, two ficus trees, and a sack of manure don't tell me that you can easily have that delivered. Of course, you can take a cab. Might as well drive yourself, though. \_ Update: this is still cool. And the cloud data is another level of interestingness. (I can watch weather patterns developing. Right now there are interesting storms off the coast of Japan. Damn I wish I was running this when Katrina hit) \_ flat tires? you are nice. I am tempted to key the paint, and pour mercury on the cut so the mercury can oxidize the body panel! \_ So you're saying other luxury car drivers treat you better when you drive a luxury car then when you drive an old beater? Hmm, in that case luxury car drivers do deserve bad treatment from the average people. \_ Yes, I think so. However, 'average drivers' treat you worse, so it evens out. \_ Uh, yes, you can easily have stuff delivered from a hardware store, and it's way more convenient than trying to fit plywood and ficus trees into your car. And while delivery may not be free, it's a hell of a lot cheaper than owning a car. -tom \_ There are plenty of stores that do not deliver, though. I would say more do not than do. This isn't a value judgement, but I think people need to 'fess up about how inconvenient life in the US is without a car. It's not something I really find practical. It's one thing to 'ride bike (or BART)' when possible, but quite another to avoid having a car altogether. \_ I've gone without a car for 15 years now and don't find it inconvenient at all. I spend a lot less time dealing with inconvenient things like traffic, parking, and auto maintenance. You have a completely myopic view of the world. -tom \_ Myopic? Pot, meet Kettle. \_ I was gonna say... \_ So you're saying other luxury car drivers treat you better when you drive a luxury car then when you drive an old beater? Hmm, in that case luxury car drivers do deserve bad treatment from the average people. \_ Yes, I think so. However, 'average drivers' treat you worse, so it evens out. \_ I drive a Hummer and I purposely drive and park like crap just to piss you have-nots off. -Hummer driver |
2006/8/13-14 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43987 Activity:low |
8/12 Every year, 9000 kids are injured by the lawnmower. \_ Suburbs are not just harmful to the environment given its higher requirements in transportation, cooling, heating, water, and higher chemical usages, it is also harmful to our kids. Boycott suburbia, SUVs, and overly individualistic and selfish Republicans. \_ Some clown in sacramento was dragged into court he shot his lawnmower, it disobeyed it wouldn't start might makes right, it's the american way, they fined him sixty dollars and sent him on his way you know some people don't take no shit maybe if they did, they'd have half a brain left \_ Which lawnmower is that? \_ THE lawnmower. He's on the FBI most wanted list. \- Not to be mistaken for "The Lopper" \_ We should register lawnmowers. Put lawnmower locks on them. Limit the number of fan blades, and their chopping speed. We should also look to into ways etching the sharp end of the blade with a serial number. And we should require fingerprinting when buying a lawnmower. \_ The lawnmoaner sure is hurting kids in the neighborhood. |
2006/8/3-6 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:43891 Activity:nil |
8/3 GM did not Kill The Electric Vehicle: http://www.gm.com/company/onlygm/fastlane_Blog_2.html \_ That tagline should be more like "GM Denies Killing the Electric Vehicle". They blame the market, which I find unlikely. \_ The Jews did it. -Mel Gibson |
2006/8/3-6 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43890 Activity:low |
8/3 GM did NOT dismantle LA's mass transit. There is no conspiracy. The mass transit system failed because of the following reasons: -streetcar systems deterioration -subsidy of competing systems -competition with automobile -suburbanization Free-market forces (e.g. the "invisible hand" forces) dictate what people want, and people simply prefer automobiles over the mass transit system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_streetcar_conspiracy \_ You forgot "because people who live in LA have shit for brains." How come the Invisible Hand doesn't kill the working mass transit in nyc, Boston, SF, Seattle, Denver, or DC? Because people who live in these places do not have shit for brains. Also, the Invisble Hand would have killed the piece of shit GM calls a company years ago without gov't subsidies. live in these places do not have shit for brains. \_ LA is huge \_ Not any larger than the area serviced by MTA-funded transit around New York. It's cultural. Fuck LA. \_ If by not any larger you mean 3 times the size, then yeah. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Los_Angeles_Area http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_metropolitan_area \_ LA is a lot less dense than, say, NYC. What the heck are you talking about re: Seattle and Denver? They don't have good mass transit. DC, SF, and NYC do. You might include Chicago or Boston, but I'd say LA is on par with those. \_ You've obviously never lived in the greater Denver area. \_ The rail line goes from Denver to Littleton and back. I worked in Littleton on a contract. My hotel was in downtown Denver. I drove and so did almost all of the people at that company who took the same route, because even if you got to the Littleton station you were stuck there. I hardly call one rail line an example for all the US to follow. Does it go out to the airport now? \_ I checked and it's three rail lines now, none of which go to the airport. Combined, they are a whopping 16 miles of track. I don't know *why* LA can't duplicate that awesome masterpiece of modern transportation engineering. \_ Cars and roads are the cause, sprawl the symptom. \_ Cars, roads and sprawl are all symptoms. The disease is in the mind. \_ It's the Jews' fault. Just as Mel Gibson. -proud American |
2006/8/2-6 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43881 Activity:nil |
8/3 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14153714 Heat burns the Bush half of the country. Maybe they'll finally stop driving SUVs and live in wasteful suburbia. Or not. \_ maybe they'll just spend more energey on more powerful air conditioning. \_ people is not going to relate their lavish (energy wise) life style with global warming... not those who lives in Bush Country. \_ I love my big red SUV with the air conditioning on at full blast at all times. -proud American \_ Red? Fucking commie. \_ I love my SUV. -proud Southerner |
2006/6/14-19 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43393 Activity:nil |
6/14 http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/anderson.cooper.360/blog Our attempts to abate traffic in big cities has largely failed. \_ The automobile has been a massive failure as a personal transportation system. \_ On the contrary. The automobile has allowed poor average Joes to live in typical suburbian McMansions that dim-wits and his followers love, and provides a lifestyle that was unimaginable in the pre-WW2 era. The American dream is to buy a big home, and the only affordable way is to live in the boony far away from civilization. \_ It's done great so far, it won't be so great when we're out of oil. \_ You're mixing up the issue of growing oil scarcity with that of traffic congestion. There's no reason why we'll have to stick with petroleum engines in cars in the long run, but traffic will remain a problem. -John \_ Freedom is slavery! Red is green! Power is weakness! \_ Tell that to the people who walk 100+ miles a day to get anywhere. You should really take a trip, not a vacation, and visit those places. See how lucky you have it. How much of a whining little baby everyone who complains as inanely and useless as that is. \_ That's funny. I spent 3 months bicycling through SE Asia and people got along just fine riding bicycles and motorcycles.\ There are other options besides cars for personal transportation. IMOP cars/trucks should only be used for freight. Also, having ridden 100miles in one day on a bike, there is no way you can walk 100+ miles a day. Maybe you are the one that needs to get out more. -scottyg \_ Who walks more than 100+ miles a day? At 5 mph that is a minimum of 20 hrs a day spent walking. \_ At least kids today don't have to walk uphill both ways! \_ You really should take a trip, not a vacation, to a place that has a good transit system not based on the automobile. See how stupid it is to spend thousands of hours of your life sitting in a two ton steel box, often not moving. See how silly those whining SUV drivers really are. |
2006/6/5-9 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:43277 Activity:nil |
6/4 http://www.fuh2.com \_ Funny, but interesting how few people are actually doing it when a Hummer driver can see them. -John \_ It's a lot harder (and less safe) to take a picture when driving. \_ Many of these have a second person taking the picture. No excuse. -John \_ Funny-ish. I hate the H2 too (but I love the H1), but who the fuck are these people to hate them just because the H2 isn't fuel efficient? I guarantee none of the site creators drive a Prius or something similar. \_ how do you guarantee that? \_ I hate H2 because it epitomizes the low and unrefined tastes of an 'average' American. It seems like for many people, the more pompous and obnoxious your vehicle looks, the better. It doesn't matter to them that they will never drive H2 off-road, that it has maritime handling, and poses elevated danger to other people on the road. I don't really care about the low fuel economy. Peole are just responding to economic incentives. Just make the gas or large vehicles expensive enough and they'll start driving more efficient cars. \_ I hate suburbs and McMansions because it epitomizes the low and unrefined tastes of an 'average' American. It seems like for many people, the bigger the backyard and the more pompous your home looks, the better. It doesn't matter to them that they will never utilize 90% of the space, that it wastes more energy with more heating/cooling costs, wastes a lot of water for the lawn, wastes a lot of money associated with gardens that one rarely uses, and require driving far distances and buy big vehicles to shop for necessities far away in the cities. People are selfish assholes and just want everything without considering the harm they're doing to the nature, and to other people. Just make the gas expensive or pay for their part in destroying the environment and they'll start living in more efficient manners. FUCK SUBURBS. \_ Uhm, what differentiates a regular mansion from a McMansion? They sound the same to me based on your vitriolic description. Are you sure it's not a matter of mansion envy? \_ What suburb are you in? In mine the lawns can be watered with a tea cup, the houses, such as they are, are barely bigger than your apartment, the cars are the same cars people in the city own (and park on the side walks). I'd like to live in your suburb. Where should I look for it? -wannabe selfish asshole \_ I grew up in Orange County and San Fernando Valley. My parents' homes are huge, and empty most of the time. Most of the things I grew up with were never used, but were great to show off with when we had guests 2-3 times a year. For example our swimming pools, BBQ, yards and other things were rarely used. I'm older now and I totally sympathize for my parents who had to drive 50-100 miles a day to/from work and to drive us to schools in congested roads. 15 minutes to get grocery, 30 min to the nearest hospital, 35 min to my high school... WHY? Because they didn't know any better and lived their lives like our all the other suburbian home owners. -pp \_ Your experience is not exactly typical. Sounds like your parents were well-to-do. I guess you can hate them for that, if you want to. Most of us are not living in huge houses with wasted space and pools we don't use. |
2006/5/24-28 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43172 Activity:nil |
5/23 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060524/ap_on_re_us/gm_gas_rebate Yay, now you can drive an SUV and still pay $2/gallon gas! |
2006/5/11-16 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:43019 Activity:nil |
5/11 Add bling bling to your SUV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeKD-LWjAKY http://customwheel.com/custom_wheels/product_info.php/products_id/1687 \_ I like the big old computer interface.. "..do it while you're drivin'!" And by doing so you increase the chance of getting sex: http://news.yahoo.com/s/space/20060511/sc_space/menpaytheultimatepricetoattractwomen |
2006/5/6-10 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:42959 Activity:nil |
5/6 "High price hurting 7/10 Americans" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060506/ap_on_bi_ge/gas_prices_ap_poll I really don't understand this. On average gas price is 5-10% of a person's income whereas housing is about 50% (and in coastal cities, 75%). Gas price barely moved up 50 cents from $2.50 whereas housing price nearly doubled in the past few years. Why do people gripe about gasoline when it is only 10% of their income and the increase is not even that significant, but don't say anything about their housing costs? \_ I think your 5-10% estimate is a bit high, but your 20% increase in gas price is way understated. It's up 33% in the last year. In the last three years it has doubled, and in some places tripled. \_ Because their housing cost is fixed. Also, poorer people who don't own homes still have to pay for gas. (Well, at least they think they do.) -tom \_ Don't forget that high gas prices raise the cost of almost all goods, including food. \- Does anybody know ball park what %age of US petroleum use \- Does anybody know ball park what %age of US petroleum goes into fertilizer and non-energy petrochem uses like plastics, nylon, non-dairy creamers etc? ok tnx. \_ alot of petroleum products are using byproducts of the refining of crude. Also, gas prices factored into goods are largely due to transportation of goods from producer to point of sale. \- i udnerstand there are some complexities to this answer such as the distillation column ... so say the demand for paraffin may not compete with the demand for gas, but i think there is still an answer. \_ http://www.praetor.org/images/USEnFlow02-exaj.gif Should be at least partially informative. \_ Thanks. This is VERY informative, probably one of the most informative links on motd. The electrical energy lost is quite surprising (27.8). The transportation energy lost however, is not (22.4). Energy for transportation is a waste. Fuck suburbia. Fuck GWB and his SUV loving friends. |
2006/4/24-27 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:42813 Activity:nil |
4/23 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12438812/site/newsweek Extreme Commuters. "The killer commute to and from exurbia is worth it." "Extreme commuters who travel more than 90 minutes to work, one way, are the fastest-growing group of commuters, according to the U.S. Census Bureau." ""...more people than ever are willing to trade time in their car for the American Dream: big house, big yard." \_ a law requiring people to live within X miles/minutes of their homes. discuss. \_ Why? What is there to discuss? What problems does this cause that need to be addressed? Is that you Car Culture Guy? \_ don't be trolling the libertarians like that \_ just charge commuters per mile of road they use. \_ Perhaps you can explain why you hate extreme commuters? For example, you hate them because they cause traffic jams? Pollute the environment? Increase driving aggressions? \_ why discriminate against them? Just hike the gas tax and charge all the users' of the roads equally. \_ As we move towards more flexible fuel vehicles, gas taxes aren't as good a way to fund roadwork anymore... \_ I think you are correct, but I am going to pull a number out of my ass and say that 99.999999 percent of the vehicles on the road use fuel conventionally. There's an interesting article in the Chronicle today about how Toyota invested tons of money and effort into hybrid vehicles over a decade ago and now they are the 9th largest company in the world. - danh \_ Toyota didn't become successful by developing hybrids -- They became successful by being not stupid and developing hybrids is part of the not being stupid part. Hybrids are still a small fraction of the market. \_ It's certainly more than 0.000001%, and will be growing quickly in the current geopolitical/reserve taxing conditions. \_ Hybrids are not selling well in Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina, and other Red hick states that demand big SUVs which make it possible for 51% of the people in America to live their American dreams. You know, big American SUV, suburbia lifestyle, and McMansion. \_ The high gas price caused by the current pro-free market gov is doing a good job detering people from enjoying the life the need desperately. It's too bad people really enjoy being alone on the road. They really need to get away from their whining nagging fat ugly wife and kids that drive them crazy. \_ Spending 3+ hours in a car every day is part of the American nightmare, not the American dream. BTW, the longest commute is some idiot who lives in Yosemite and commutes to San Jose to work for Cisco. \_ Maybe he feels happy to get away from his family and work. |
2006/4/4 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:42646 Activity:moderate |
4/3 Suburbs are like SUVs. We know they're not eco-friendly and many people hate them, but everyone loves to own them because they provide more space and comfort. Suburb increase our needs for automobile, energy use, and traffic congestion, thus are detrimental to the environment as much as SUVs. Suburbs and SUVs are Weapons of Mass Destruction. Boycott them now!!! \_ we need weapons of mass destruction to maintain detente \_ Giving you the undeserved benefit of the doubt by assuming this is not a troll, what alternative would you suggest? I should point out that you're completely and utterly ignorant of the history that led to the rise of suburbs in the last century, and is currently leading to exurbs. -dans \_ the alternative is mega-cities where everyone cramped into apartments which is on average less than 1000 square feet per household. FYI, China in the middle of 1990s has decided that they are going to follow the USA model: concentrate government subsidies on automobile-related infrastructures. It's been only 10 years and the problem is already very appearent: tail-pipe pollution, congestion, fuel shortage that is beyond the imagination of average Americans who blocked Unical merger. \_ Maybe they just have too damned many people? Would China have enough useful land to spread everyone out in the farm lands? Would super high density no-auto zones really solve anything or just make people even more unhappy and insane? People need space. Cramped little apartments are completely unnatural and unhealthy. No one thinks people *want* to commute 1-2 hours each way in the US but they do it so they can get out of the city which they can't afford to live in anyway. \_ there are alternative ways to solve the problem. cities based upon public transportation than private cars, for example. People even talking about conveyer belt for side walks, etc. People are getting used to the USA model and reluctant to dump money on different form of infrastructure. \_ when was this magic pre-USA period of time when cities didn't exist? \_ I asked you what the alternative was, not for some screed about another possible consequence of overpopulation. We all know that too many people in too small a space is a bad thing. Tell us something insightful. Furthermore, we don't really have many actual mega-cities, Tokyo, Hong-Kong, maybe Dubai is shaping up to be one, can you point to others? Can you point to an existing city that is growing into a mega-city? I am highly doubtful that this will happen in either New York or San Francisco, two cities I am intimately familiar with. -dans |
2006/4/3-4 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:42623 Activity:moderate |
4/4 I've seen this before, but this is the best breakdown I've seen on the compressed air car. (video from the Science Channel) http://csua.org/u/fep \_ damn, I was hoping to see a shot of what happens with a catastrophic rupture of the air cylinder. Gasoline may take a while to burn, but imagine what that compressed-air bottle would do with a good hole in it. Not mentioned in the video, of course. \_ It's 4/3 you doophus. \_ I got a better idea. Design a European-like city that doesn't have this FUCKING uncontrolled suburban McMansionized sprawl which require a lot of driving in the first place. \_ It's 4/3 you doophus. \_ I got a better idea. Design a walkable and bikeable European-like city that doesn't have this FUCKING uncontrolled suburban McMansionized sprawl which require a lot of driving in the first place. Oh well it'll never happen in America. \_ And it's going out of style in Europe. Haven't you heard? All the French want to move to the suburbs. \_ You mean there's stuff outside the Peripherique? Inconceivable! \_ You mean there's stuff outside the Peripherique? Inconceivable! \_ Where do you think the cheap prostitutes hang out? \_ You mean all the poor, dangerous Arab suburbs around Paris? No, I had not heard that. \_ Design? So maybe we should have Soviet style cities built from the ground up by lowest bidders and force people to leave their current homes and jobs to move to Utopiaville? \_ Market forces, o rabid one: build Utopiaville and see if they come. If they do, great; if not, turn it into a theme park. \_ I'm not rabid. I just think it's stupid. Economies develop. They don't pop up artificially. If it was such a great idea and easy to implement it would've happened. I think we tried the commune thing already. It was called the 60s and the hippies all turned into baby boomer wall street 80s go-go executive scumbags living in the suburbs in McMansions with matching Hummers and 60" plasmas. People like comfort and stuff and space and mobility. \_ I like comfort, space and mobility. But for me, part of comfort is being able to walk over to my friends houses, or not worrying about sobering up at a bar because I can walk home. Part of mobility is being able to hop on my bike in a snowstorm at 2 in the morning and go to work in 5 minutes without having to screw around with a window scraper and warming up a car. And as for space, I'd rather share a hundred acre park with the other residents of a neighborhood than have my own 1/8 acre plot to sit in by myself that I have to mow and trim. Also, the claim that suburbs just "spring up" is absurd. Take a good look at miles and miles of identical houses built by the same builders on the same plans, and miles and miles of box stores also built by the same companies and tell me that's spontaneous. It's still planned, it's just planned by a small group of corporate planners instead of a small group of civil planners. \_ The problem with your city utopia is that people can't fuck their wives loudly and have babies. And even if they start having kids in the city, where would you hide when the baby starts crying? Where would you keep your tools to fix your car? Where would you keep your inlaws? There's no backyard, garage, and an empty street where kids can play safely. Your city utopia works well when you're young, but as you get older you need room and privacy to fuck and to have lots of kids. \_ Sorry to tell you this but you're a minority. 95% of the people aren't like you, and do not want to live in a compact city or dorm like environment. To illustrate the point, why do juniors, seniors, and grad students want to move out of the dorm so badly? Because they're fed up with living so close to other idiots who party all night and listen to hip-hop music 3AM in the morning and smoke weeds. It's so much easier to deal with 2-3 hours of traffic than to deal with people. If space allows it, most people in America will trade traffic for big space, freedom of expression, and individuality. -dim #1 fan \_ Free expression, huh? I guess that's why all the artists, musicians, writers and scientists, and most big-time entrepreneurs live in cities. \_ "all the ...". No. I know a bunch of writers and scientists. None of them live in a large city. Ok, well, 1 writer does but she's living in her mom's house at age 38. \_ Let me guess, you're a liberal socialist and you oppose the wonderful forces of free market? \_ Nope I'm a liberal capitalist who hasn't been duped by the new socialism of the suburbs. Choosing between an identical McHouse with a blue birdhouse mailbox and one with a brown birdhouse mailbox or choosing between Target and Walmart is not my idea of a free market. Cities are the best place for a free market to exist. I don't see the NYSE planning to move to some dipshit suburb of LA any time soon. Can you name one stock exchange that's not in a city? \_ there's a huge difference between building new homes near a pre-existing job center and firing up Utopiaville from scratch including jobs (what jobs?!) people can walk to and hoping it just magically works. \_ A history of the suburbs. http://www.slate.com/id/2129636 "[S]prawl is not the anomalous result of American zoning laws, or "[S]prawl is not the anomalous result of American zoning laws, mortgage interest tax deduction, or cheap gas, or subsidized highway construction, or cultural antipathy toward cities. Nor is it an aberration... Sprawl is and always has been inherent to urbanization." \_ All of the examples there since the 19th century were predicated on availability of public transportation. |
2006/3/22-25 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:42381 Activity:low |
3/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060322/ap_on_bi_ge/fuel_economy Bush works hard to improve fuel economy. Here's a better idea for you out-of-touch politicians. Instead of building endless unplanned suburbs, how about encouraging developers to build sustainable and more efficient cities that require less driving? It'll drastically cut down on fuel consumption and other energy costs. \_ Americans value freedom. \_ the only reason why you have this "freedom" is because government is paying for the road. \_ So you equate sitting in a metal box for many hours a week with freedom. You, sir, are a fucking moron. \_ You aren't forced to drive everywhere. Change your career and life style so you don't have to. Every decision and life style choice has plusses and minuses. Pick the set that makes you happiest. \_ I haven chosen. I don't own a car, and I live in one of the very very few places in the U.S. where that doesn't ruin \_ where is that, out of curiosity? \_ Boulder, co. Buses: amazing, bike trails:amazing \_ indeed a cool place... love the scones from the bakery downtown... best I ever had. \_ Which bakery? I'm new here, and I like scones. \_ I don't remember the name, but it was on Pearl street, west of the walk-only portion, on the north side of the street. Should be pretty easay to find. The famous tea house (in the rough vicinity) was also pretty cool. \_ looked it up, I think it was Spruce Confections (767 Pearl St) \_ Thanks! I'll check it out tonight or tomorrow. my life. I intend to vote with my feet on this issue and never live in a shithole like L.A., Houston, or Phoenix. My point is that a life that includes sitting in a metal box for several hours by yourself and not getting paid for it involves less *freedom* than one where you're not. I'm pretty sure I value freedom a lot more than the average SUV driving McHouse dweller on just about every possible axis on which freedom can be defined. \_ Can all of the service workers the city requires afford to live in this efficient and eco-friendly city of yours? \_ In the city I just left? Yes. In the city I'm in now, rents are still way lower than the sprawling Bay Area. I don't think your sprawl is the product of the free market anyway--it's just another form of socialism: corporate socialism. You're probably from LA like most of the rightwing assholes on the motd, so it's difficult for you to understand that people don't have to live that way, but there are plenty of livable non-car cities with over a million people, with a quarter million people, with 80,000 poeple, 25,000 people, and less than a thousand. It's not some crazy utopia--it's your world that's a crazy dystopia, and you're just too brainwashed to see it. \_ Hear hear! These car drivin suburbanites refuse to admit how much urbanites subsidize their wasteful and selfish lifestyle. I for one am sick and tired of paying high taxes and other increased costs (like higher utility costs) just so they can live in their McMansions. \_ Well, then we agree. I have no problem with these morons going out in the desert and building sprawl if they want to pay for it and actually live up to their free market rhetoric. But, as with most people who carp the loudest about the "free market", the suburbanites are really statists. The exception is when their pollution infriges on my right to breathe without getting asthma at a young age, which I consider to be a basic right. \_ Our great Lord Bush disagrees with you. He recommends you drive an SUV and live in a nice mansion in Texas. \_ http://csua.org/u/fbg is funny The only CA city ranked for walking is... Fremont Aaaaanyway. \_ I didn't have a car for most of my years in Berkeley and it wasn't a big deal. Fremont? \_ Which motd rightwingers are from LA? None of the ones I know are. \_ i'll up YOUR mileage |
2006/3/19-20 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:42316 Activity:low |
3/19 Trading in hummers for hybrids: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/18/business/18trucks.html?_r=1&oref=slogin \_ I thought Berkeley taught you how to read. The title is: "Trading the Hummer for a Honda." and give you another hint: http://csua.org/u \_ Why would Berkeley teach people how to read? That's the responsibility of elementary schools. \_ The article talked about a 400h. That's a hybrid. \_ but the Honda Element is not. |
2006/3/1-4 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:42057 Activity:low |
3/1 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060302/ap_on_bi_ge/autos_consumer_reports Good bye Detroit! And good riddens \_ riddance \_ why arent the expensive cars like MBZ and Audi more reliable? \_ Consumer Reports had a sidebar on that last year. Their theory is that European luxury carmakers tend to stuff the cars with unproven, gimmicky electronics that are prone to failure, where Japanese luxury brands are more cautious. \_ It's not that, it's that they do not have sufficient control over their supply chains. Especially Mercedes was hit by a series of really bad quality component parts, leading to recalls. BMW and, to a lesser extent Audi, have this reasonably well in hand. -John \_ Isn't it obvious? They are built by Germans who are unhappy that the Italians, French and Austrians are always enjoying cigarettes, coffee and beautiful women in cafes while they are stuck in working in factories whose efficiency would make the SS proud. \_ Why are people who are generally pro-union, anti-Detroit? \_ If the cars were better, I'm sure they would be "pro-Detroit". When Hyundai cars first appeared here, they were awful and Consumer Reports said the Excel was one of the worst cars they ever had tested. Maybe they are just being objective? |
2006/3/1-2 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:42042 Activity:high |
3/1 great video about some georgia college students doing a speed limit experiment: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5366552067462745475&q=speed anyone know the funky song thats playing at the end? \_ In Georgia? I'm surprised they weren't shot. \_ This is really interesting, and I get their point, but their execution, while effective and dramatic, was pretty dickish. I hope they weren't pulling that during a busy commute time. --erikred \_ Why? I like the whole "civil obedience" thing. If following the law is dangerous and pointless, then...? -John \_ Have you ever been stuck in traffic and discovered that the reason for the traffic was a "phantom" stop (i.e., the result of someone ahead of you slowing slightly, and then the person behind them slowing more, and so on until you finally stop)? Well, it's bad enough when the flow of traffic is disturbed by an expression of Chaos Theory; it's more annoying when it's the the result of some people actively seeking to slow down traffic to make a point. --erikred \_ Yes, it is a well-documented phaenomenon of traffic dynamics. That has nothing to do with stupid or in- appropriate laws, and with pointing this out. -John \_ I was attempting to evoke a visceral response to being stuck in traffic and then trying to get you to compare that feeling with the feeling you would have if the latter were instead the case. But hey, if neither of these bother you, more power to you. How's the traffic in the Andes? --erikred \_ It would bother me tremendously, natch. I hate being stuck in traffic, but it's kind of a NIMBY thing. What they're doing is sort of snotty college-brat hoserish, you are right, but the point they make is very valid. As for traffic in the Andes, look at ~john/Temp/IMG_14{23,42,53}.JPG :-) -John \_ vo ist ze lederhosen? HEIL GERMAN JOHN!!! \_ So we agree... to agree. :) Nice pix. That's the right setting for 4/AWD. --erikred \_ Thanks...it always warms my heart with joy when some banker twat in one of the cheap Chinese SUV knock-offs they love down here cuts me off, to just think about where I took ours last weekend... -John \_ I think people are going too fast. I like the current speed limits. I hate people who tailgates me with their big fat truck and headlights when I am already driving at the speed limit. I will purposely slow down to annoy them when they do that. - Mr 55 \_ Mr 55 Guy, I have the answer for you from the cop who did the driving class I was in for a ticket in response to some woman who was seeking praise from the cop for doing 55 in front of fast people, "It is not your job to regulate the flow of traffic, it is my job. If you're going slower than the vehicles behind you, get out of the way, you're more dangerous than they are". She then proceeded to repeat herself and heap praise upon herself for her high moral standards which elicited the same response in much harsher tones until he eventually beat the concept into her tiny brain. \_ So what was her ticket for? \_ No idea. He was extremely no nonsense and had zero bullshit tolerance so we didn't play the 'go around the room and say what our tickets are for' game. He gave this one girl the boot from class for coming in 20 minutes late on the second night (still wearing her cheer leader high school outfit) and sent her packing in tears to go sign up for a re-take. \_ why were you in traffic school for? - Mr 55 \_ tagged for running a yellow light. In 20 years I've had 4 tickets including that one, another was "unsafe right turn on red" and one for speeding. 72 in 65. The last was a Berkeley cop for something that took him 15 minutes to figure out what to put on the ticket but came down to something like, "crossing a highway against oncoming traffic", that traffic being his idled patrol car on the side of the road with his lights out at night. \_ I am not trying to regulate traffic. I am just trying to drive at a safe speed. why should I be subjected to dangerous tailgating or constant lane changes. It's not like I am driving at 45. I am driving 55. I've never been stopped by police for driving too slow. - Mr 55 \_ If you're driving 55 in California, you're still driving too slow. The limit is 65 here and it's generally agreed that if you're driving 55, you're impeding traffic, particularly if you're in the left lane. By the way, in Germany, you will be pulled over if you get caught being a left lane bandit or if you tailgate. I think that's the way it should be here. \_ Wrong. The speed limit for big rigs on every highway in California is 55 or less. You are allowed to drive 55 legally in the right hand lane. Change the law if you don't like it. \_ There is a place for you on the highway that is safe for your driving speed, won't get you heavily tail gated, won't piss off or endanger anyone, including yourself and requires no lane changes at all: the right lane. Know it, drive it, love it. \_ First of all, that's bullshit. Years ago, when I used to be a car-driver like you, I used to go slightly over the speed limit (which was 65) and stay in the right lane if there were two lanes or the middle lane if there were three and frequent exits. I was continually tailgated, and occasionally brighted out even when the left lane was totally empty. Face it. Most of the people on the road shouldn't be given a license to operate a fucking bigwheels, much less the 6000 pound monsters they all feel the need to drive now. And whatever speed any of you drive, you still poison my air, and I still have to pay for your oil subsudies and oil wars. I don't even remember where I was going with this rant now. FUCK BIRDS!!! Let 'em die in windmills. \_ You know, I find it kind of reassuring that you're not on the freeways anymore. \_ With 30,000 car related deaths a year, I'm glad you feel so safe. Moron. \_ Heh, I never said I "felt safe". I said it was "reassuring". Work on your reading skills, young neurotic padawan. \_ Oh, yeah, it was the other guy who said "we're all safer". Whatever. Consider my crazed, free-floating rage to be directed at both of you. \_ Well, once again your reading skills have failed you. The fact that we're safer thanks to your absence isn't equivalent to "we're safe". Keep trying, neurotic grasshopper. \_ Fuck you. \_ LOL I haven't had this much fun on motd in a long time. Keep it up Mr. Wannabe Sociopath! \_ Blow it out your ass, wanker. FUck you. \_ Y0u r3wl, dud3!!1! \_ Someone is off their meds this morning. \_ Heh, I was about to say something like that, too. We're all safer. Except the pedestrians he's going to hit with his bike at 30 mph because he doesn't walk his bike at cross walks as per the law. \_ Fuck you. \_ Back on the meds! Down, boy! Down! \_ Just went on new medication this week. So far I'm unimpressed. Fuck you. \_ Yeah, I'm not so impressed with those meds either. Maybe you should consider going to a new doctor. \_ And I'll support your right to do this. If you get some friends to drive next to you and thereby block all traffic, however, you're not just exercising your right, you're blocking traffic, no matter how legally you're doing it. --erikred \- and dont do that in the "fast lane" if there is one. \_ When I drive in the fast lane, I always make sure that my car is faster then cars in the lane to my right, but still, there will be these people driving big trucks or other monster vehicle tailgating me. I mean if I get a good chance, I will filter right and let them pass but I don't feel I have an obligation to do that in a hurry if I am already faster than cars in the lane to my right. I find these tailgaters annoying, and I will slow down just to annoy them back if they follow me too closely. - Mr 55 \_ Yeah, see that puzzles me. I'd think that, if the guy behind you is engaging in stupid of the guy behind you is engaging in stupid dangerous behavior, the logical thing to do would be to get out of his way and alleviate the hazardous situation rather than trying to get the 'last word' and exacerbate things. That behavior would seem to contradict your insistence that you drive slowly to be at a "safer speed". -mice to get the 'last word' and exacerbate the situation. That behavior would seem to things. That behavior would seem to contradict your insistence that you drive slowly to be at a "safer speed". -mice \_ I usually move right to allow faster cars to pass in the fast lane, but I'm with you-- I'd rather slow down than give in to a tailgater. \_ The proper thing to do is let the faster traffic pass. You could get a ticket if you don't. \- while i acknowledge there is obnoxious tailgating, you do have to pull up enough to convey you want to go faster. (which i usually do and then back off) and of course if there is a lot of traffic ahead of the car directly in front of you, you should back off. \_ Not if passing on the right is allowed, as it is on CA highways. \_ Do you know what "proper" means? \_ Sorry, wasn't clear: agreed with proper, disagreed with ticket. \_ When I retook my DMV exam recently this question was on it. If someone pulls up behind you and, say, flashes his lights then it is your job to get out of his way. It is not his responsibility to pass you on the right. \_ yea, the DMV booklet also says to maintain a certain distance while following. I actually prefer people flash me instead of tailgating me, which is much more dangerous. \_ Two wrongs don't make a right. \_ Like I said if he flashes me it's okay. Sometimes people do have emergencies. But no, tailgating is not acceptable because you are endangering other people's lives. And yes, two wrongs don't make a right means you are not supposed to tailgate even if the old lady doesn't move over. \_ I'm not disputing that tailgating is illegal and dangerous. I am pointing that that impeding traffic in some silly urge to be 'right' is both unsafe and illegal. \_ well, you said "if a driver pulls up behind you, it is your job to get out of the way". This is not true. A prerequisite for impeding traffic is two or more vehicles following you. Blocking one idiot trying to drive faster than the traffic flow doesn't constitute impeding traffic. No police will stop you for that. \_ The point is they are adhereing to a law that should ticket everyone not going that slowly anyway. \_ We're not blocking traffic, we are traffic! - Critical Mass \_ I would like to have seen the cops get involved. \_ And what could they do? Ticket them for going the speed limit? I suppose there could be a ticket for disturbing the peace or or something like that. Like willfully attempting to block traffic. \_ Obstructing traffic. Misdemeanor in CA \_ Would that stick if you were travelling exactly at the maximum speed limit? On what grounds? As long as you weren't blocking emergency vehicles... \_ In CA, Obstructing Traffic requires a vehicle to be stopped. Strangely enough, the proper charge might be Reckless Driving. See: http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/vc/vctoc.htm \_ 4 lane freeways are 55 there? Yeesh. \_ I think they should invent new signs in some threatening color and put new "Zero Tolerance" speed limits on them, that are like the ones the cops actually enforce. 1mph over and you'll be ticketed (reliably). \_ In Scottsdale, they have automatic speed ticketing cameras/radar now. \- as is common in europe. will be interesting to see if they survive giving tickets to cops and judges and pols. \_ Except for in the UK (where they're insane), most Euro cameras have tolerance limits, and are in areas where traffic is dangerous and speeding is dangerous. Except in some places like NL where they measure over distance. This is pointless and lame. -John \_ I always know when we hit a camera zone in Holland when my relatives are driving me somewhere because for no reason they suddenly slow down a lot, and then a little later speed up ... \_ Are you kidding? They'll be 'taken care of'. \_ I kind of doubt that. The red light cameras in SF and the speed cameras in DC are unmolested. \_ You misunderstand. PP was refering to the practice of 'ticket-fixing'. \_ In Taiwan, they have a device that will warn you whenever you approach places where there are speed ticketing cameras or radars. \_ Russia: get jailed for having an official crash into YOU. -oj http://csua.org/u/f4a \_ America: apologize when an official shoots YOU! http://www.thedailyjournalonline.com/article.asp?ArticleId=224493&CategoryId=12395 \_ They should learn to spell. |
2006/2/12-15 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:41807 Activity:nil |
2/12 How the state-backed Chinese car manufacturers copy the western designs for free: http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,22750-2012852,00.html \_ My question is, when is GM gonna bring the Matiz home? \_ They seem to be busy bringing more giant trucks: http://tinyurl.com/8ov2m \_ Man, the car that really throws me is the cadillac pickup. I'm mean, seriously, WTF? \_ Too much money plus the lack of good state. \_ There's an article in the newspapers this weekend about how middleclass Indian families in India just go to the local village carpenter with an IKEA catalog in hand and point out what they want built. \_ I don't see anything wrong with that, except the Indians showing lack of taste. If I could get the local village carpenter to build me anything for a buck or two, it wouldn't be Ikea's crap. \_ are these those new ikea VR catalogs? \- this is true with jewelry too ... "the family jeweler" has asked my mother to save catelogs for him. although when safeway etc makes generic versions of oreo etc arent they becailly doing the same thing? i was surprised to see a clones of ODWALLA SUPERFOOD by one of the other boutique juice companies ... i thought that would have been protected. \_ Re safeway generics (and drug store brands): many are manufactured by the same parent co on behalf of the supermarket or drug store. A few are manufactured by 3d parties under the FDA generic license. Re Odwalla: If the formula for superfood is protected, it is either as a trade secret or a patent. I do not think that it is possible to patent the recipe for a complex food stuff such as superfood (as opposed to say the formula for coke) b/c the claims would be too broad (but I will ask my Patents prof today). If the protection is under trade secret, in a likelihood Odwalla cannot prove misapprop- riation. \_ Chemical formulas fall under their own section of patent law. Usually a tiny change in the formula is enough to avoid a patent. |
2006/2/9-11 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:41789 Activity:nil |
2/9 http://www.slate.com/id/2129636/?nav=tap3 Urban sprawl is universal and not an American phenomenon. \_ The auto has turned it into a major menace though. First world cities built post-automobile are all spread out much more than the older cities, sometimes by a whole order of magnitude more. |
2006/2/7-9 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:41753 Activity:high |
2/7 Wanna get killed in a Smart car? It's easy. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6605730767077503480 \_ How much better do you think a "normal" car would have done? \_ That looks like quite impressive crash performance for a collision with a concrete wall at 70mph. -tom \_ Sure the frame is alright, but what about the crash dummy? How good the car looks after a crash has no bearing on how well the passengers \_ There wasn't a crash dummy, but I can't imagine that any car would perform significantly better than the Smart car does in that demonstration. And of *course* how well the frame looks has a bearing on how the passengers do; do I need to put the Mini vs. F150 page in the MOTD again? -tom \_ Mini vs F150 http://csua.org/u/7gp "Most accidents involve only one car?" Does he mean "fatal accidents?" or "injury accidents" or what? I've been run into like 3 times, but all were pretty slow. I do agree that head-on collisons are a stupid thing to worry about. Rear-ending is more common and T-bones are more dangerous. \_ You mean 'wanna LIVE in a Smart car? It's easy."? (just looking at the video) \_ Wanna get killed in any other car? It's also very easy .. \_ If the comparison thru 70mph head-on collision is "Smart car hitting massive object" vs. "Civic hitting massive object", yes Smart car will do better. Likewise, if the comparison is "Smart car hitting Crown Victoria" vs. "Civic hitting Crown Victoria", again Smart car will do better. However, in the latter case the Crown Victoria will survive better than both the Smart car and the Civic because of it mass. So, in which of the three cars do you want to be during a head-on collision with another car? \_ Mass translates into kinetic energy. I think the premise that a vehicle with higher kinetic energy is more likely to be safe in a collision is unfounded. -tom \_ KE needs to be considered with P \_ Yes, I'm sure it will be comforting when your large car decides to do work on your skull. -tom \_ In a head-on, which would you rather be in: Locomotive vs. 18 wheeler: 18 Wheeler vs. Hummer: Hummer vs Civic: Civic vs. RIDE BIKE!: RIDE BIKE! vs sneakers: Locomotive vs sneakers: Taking all of 2 seconds to think about this should make it clear that mass of the vehicle will keep the person in the larger vehicle safer overall than the person in the smaller vehicle. Obviously not being in a wreck at all is best case but we can't always avoid a collision. \_ The head-on collision without any angular vectors is simply not very common. In the real world, lots of different kinds of fatal accidents happen, and most of them are not head-on, and those that are classified as head-on are mostly not pure-headon-inelastic-collision. Heck, the Smart car may wind up becoming a ramp for your Crown Victoria. -tom \_ Uhm, so what? Take any angle you want. Which transport would you rather be in in any of the above situations? \_ There are plenty of accidents where it is better to be in a smaller car. That's why big cars have just as many fatalities. -tom \_ DUCK! "I can name that accident in 3 collisions!" "Tom, name that accident!" \_ This is not always true. Many big boaty cars of 1970s and 1980s were very unsafe because they did not have collapsing steering columns. In an accident not have collapsing steering column. In an accident the steering column would pretty much squash your chest and/or head. If the hummer had a steering column like that, I'd take my chances in the civic. \_ This isn't the 1970s and 1980s. How many of those cars are still on the road? \_ Then you'll like the massive locomotive, which does not have a steering column. \_ Then you'll like a locomotive, which does not have a steering column. \_ Unless it's diesel or steam, in which case you'll probably be smooshed in 50 million pounds of steel AND doused with hot burning shit, or electric, which will tangle you up in high tension wires! -John \_ More likely the little car would get smashed aside with everyone killed by the loco's cow fender on the front. A bad day for the loco engineer but he's going home to his family. The civic passengers are dead at any reasonable rate of speed. \_ Ah, but a gigantic blob of gore may fly in a spectacular arc towards the driver's cabin of the locomotive and spatter the driver with bits of bone and brain, thereby inflicting traumatic dry cleaning bills. -John \_ Yeah, that counts as a bad day for the engineer, but the dry cleaning bills should be picked up by the company if he was wearing the company uniform. Or maybe the gore will just splatter across the wind shield. Wind shield fluid is pretty cheap. \_ What if it hits him in the eye, and it just happens to be a bit of stomach lining, and the prior owner just had a really spicy Mexican meal? -John \_ That might work if you are in a demolition derby but in the real world that KE is often gonna end up smashing into some largish inanimate object before too long. Or a pileup of other cars. At which point the safety engineering becomes more important than the mass. What percentage of crashes are head on collisions where the cars don't deflect off in some way? I bet it's not that high. \_ What percentage of non-headons result in death or life long injury? Headons and side impacts to where someone is sitting are the 2 killers. Getting rear ended at most speeds means you get some painful soft tissue damage and some cash. My 4 door sedan with steel bars in the side panels bounced an SUV coming in at a 45` angle at about 20-25 mph. They bought me a new door. No biggie. My civic would have been totalled. (Yes, I owned a civic too). I rear ended another large vehicle (sigh) at about 15 with the sedan. We both drove home with minimal damage. The civic got caught in a 4 car (car #3) and pretzeled at about 25mph and the driver (not me) was injured. Maybe my experience runs counter to the odds but I don't think so. I'll stick with my big vehicles for safety, thanks. \_ How old was the Civic? The door strength I think isn't necessarily tied to the overall vehicle mass. Maybe that Civic just wasn't very safe regardless. A lot of older small cars were, that didn't necessarily have to be (probably goes along with small cars generally also being cheap cars). Shrug. \_ Civic was 2000. True that putting steel bars inside a puff box only means the passengers get steel bars in their chests. The rest of the car has to be big enough and structurally sound enough to take that hit and spread the force without smashing a passenger. All else being equal, the bigger vehicle is going to take a hit better than a smaller one. Get Thee To Ye Ol' Locomotive, Sir! \_ Hmm, why did the narrator in this British video use mph instead of km/h? --- yuen \_ Um, perhaps the narrator is British, but the video is not? \_ But the license plate of the Smart car is UK format. Okay maybe it's a British narrator reporting a UK crash test on an American channel. I don't remember which other countries still use the imperial system and have English TV. --- yuen \_ The Brits use a mix of imperial and metric units. Speeds, at least automotive speeds, are generally given in units of mph. -gm \_ Um, freeway signs are metric in UK. Are you talking racing world? Or are you talking out of your ass? \_ I admit I haven't been to the UK in a few years, but speed limit signs, at least, were definitely in mph; I think distance signs were as well, but I don't recall exactly. The UK Metric Association agrees: http://metric.org.uk/Campaign/mess.htm If you have a more definitive souce, I'd be happy to see it. -gm \_ Whoa, I'm smoking the crack.. Sorry. Now I'm wondering where I went... \_ Brits talk in miles quite often. Officially they use km on road signs. -John \_ Another point that always gets left out of the Mass vs. Safety debate is the maneuverability of the smaller car. If only 3/4 of potential accidents are realized in a more maneuverable vehicle, that's a pretty big safety win. SUV == passive safety. \_ There's no way a smaller car is going to be able to avoid 25% of their wrecks. Most wrecks either come out of nowhere or you have no place to escape to. And frankly, most people don't know how to drive their car anyway and couldn't avoid a wreck under optimal conditions. We call those "fender benders" and they're incredibly common. \_ Or worse, some drivers try to maneuver their cars to avoid a wreck when they shouldn't (e.g. speed too high, no room on the side), and end up with a bigger wreck like rollover or head-on 100+mph collision with opposite traffic, killing others with their stupidity. \_ and let us note, bigger cars are more likely to roll... \_ Huh? A Sienna is less likely to roll than a 2-dr RAV4. I've driven both, although not actually encoutering any near-rollover conditions. I've driven both, and the Sienna rolls less during fast turns. I've not actually encoutered any near-rollover situations though. \_ No facts please. \_ URL to mroe info on smart car? |
2006/1/26-29 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:41557 Activity:high |
1/26 Our jobs are getting outsourced because we're unpatriotic and buy foreign goods. Try something new. By an American vehicle - chances are you'll be pleasantly surprised: http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20060126/cm_usatoday/buyamericantoboostusindustries \_ Real patriots don't drive cars. \_ I bought an American vehicle but it had nothing to do with politics. I drove everything I was even remotely interested in in the 20-30k range from all makers and got an excellent price. If American makers want more sales they need to improve quality and features without increasing prices. Ford only had half the right idea announce on Monday: they're over staffed and dumping 1/4 of their work force. I didn't see anything about fixing the core problem which is that their car quality just sucks or I would've bought some stock for a long term hold. GM got decent customer satisfaction/quality ratings on recent surveys but didn't market that fact at all. Companies run by stupid people are just doomed in the long run. \_ Actually, they know exactly why their quality sucks. Because they spend something like $6k/car on worker benefits. That's an extra $5k/car (!!) that their competition can spend on quality parts and assurance. \_ I'm calling bullshit on you. \_ I call bullshit on you. Give some evidence. \_ I'm sure Ford knows. My disappointment is that they didn't announce a plan to do anything about it. I used to own one. It was fun but built like shit and their service centers sucked too. \_ It's not $6K. It's about $3K. Note that German workers get paid still higher though. I'd blame the unions. \_ Eh, I'm being patriotic and I buy Japanese cars. But then again I'm Japanese. I win. \_ "But I think the real fault lies with the U.S. consumer. First we wanted sport-utility vehicles, now we don't." How dare we have fads! For shame! \_ Someone should inform this guy that American cars are built by Mexicans, while Japanese cars are being built by Americans. \_ True, and that's why Nissan/Infiniti ratings are so low. If you buy a car built in Japan it's going to be better and I'm not sure why that is. \_ I think that Nissan/Infiniti's problems have more to do w/ the company and less to do w/ US manufacturing. Toyota builds many Camry's and Corrola's in the US and there are no quality problems w/ either. Same w/ Subaru. The problem faced by US automakers is that they do not spend enough time time on the details for most cars (cf. trucks where US trucks are considered very cars (cf. trucks where US trucks are considered reliable). \_ Perhaps, but Nissan's rating were higher when they were Japan-built. \_ Perhaps, but Nissan's ratings were higher when they were Japan-built. BMW's ratings are higher for their German-(or South African)-built cars. I have a friend who specifically sought out a Japanese-built Camry (you can tell by VIN). Is it better? I dunno, but I'd bet it is if I had to guess. \_ I owned a NUMI built Corrola for nearly 8 years and the car was rock solid, never had any issues. My brother has a Japan built Corrola now and it equally reliable. Same w/ my Indiana built Outback. I've owned American for years and the difference btwn Japanese and American cars is the attention to detail in the design rather than the location of manufacture. Japanese manufacturers seem to take more time to "debug" their cars. [ I under- stand that my experience is not a statistically significant sample ] \_ US car manufacturers do have at least some fairly competitive vehicles in their lineups. However, most of them are underrated in consumers' minds. (I for one think Ford's lineup is competitive except for Lincoln which needs an overhaul like the one given to Cadillac). However, you can't blame consumers alone for this. No one likes gambling with a $15K-$30K purchasing decision. Snob appeal also plays a role. Most US brands are now considered inferior to the big three Japanese companies and I suppose there are some people who wouldn't want to drive an American car just because of that. I would blame again the manufacturers for this. Having even one gimmick in a product lineup can do damage to the whole brand. Offering cutthroat discounts at the time when US media is mostly filled with negative news about Ford and GM probably doesn't help much to brand's image either. Neither it will help immediately if a brand like Ford came up with clear winners in all cathegories as it takes some time to build confidence among the consumers. \_ I'm from Hong Kong and I bought three American cars before I bought my first foreign one: Ford (sucks), Jeep (sucks), Jeep (okay), Toyota (excellent). \_ I totalled my Camry,had it repaired, been running great for 2 years since. (there... i bet i just jinxed it) |
2006/1/19-21 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:41445 Activity:low |
1/19 Current US fleet average MPG is 21 <DEAD>www.epa.gov/otaq/cert/mpg/fetrends/420s05001.htm<DEAD> John Claybrook issued a NHTSA directive requiring a CAFE fleet average of 48 MPG in 1981: http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0412-11.htm (Yes, the source is Ralph Nader but it is still accurate) US oil consumption is 21M BBL/day: http://www.eia.doe.gov/mer/pdf/pages/sec11_7.pdf Imports at 9.5 M BBL/day: http://csua.org/u/ep1 (DOE) Gasoline consumption at 400 M gal/day: http://csua.org/u/ep0 (Conoco Phillips) 400 M gal/day = 9.5 M BBL/day 21/48 * 9.5 M BBL/day = 4.1 M BBL/day (9.5-4.1)/21 = 26% of US overall oil consumption or 5.4/9.9 = 55% of US overall oil imports Here is a single URL that pulls all this together, but without references: http://www.nrdc.org/air/transportation/gasprices.asp They claim that 40% of US oil is used by cars and trucks, so they get a 20% reduction instead of my 26%, but the number is similar either way. I don't know how you can seriously dispute all this. You can quibble about the exact numbers, but not the overall result. \_ "requiring a CAFE fleet average of 48 MPG in 1981". You mean when Reagan was president? Ronnie's da man! Now what does this have to do with Carter setting Cafe standard? Sounds like you should be a Reaganite. \_ Do you look as stupid as you are? \_ Be careful doing simplistic math like this. You're talking about human behavior which is dynamic and not easily predicted. If gas prices were to skyrocket to $15/gallon over night, you'd see the total miles driven drop to the baseline driving people *must* do to survive (work, buy food, etc). If gas dropped to 5 cents/gal, people would be driving more than they do now. Same thing with mpg. If I got 500 mpg, I'd be doing a lot more driving for fun than if I got 5mpg. Increasing average mpg isn't necessarily going to reduce overall gas consumption by that amount. It won't and it can't. People aren't like that. Also, taking a single giant number like "current fleet average" is going to change as people's tastes change. Since light trucks, SUVs, etc, get lower mpg, that has had an impact on SUV sales causing more people to buy lighter vehicles and push up the average over time as those vehicles are phased out. Also, there is another cost to lighter vehicles no one has mentioned yet, which is the estimated 1300-2600 additional fatalities per year (I couldn't find injury stats, only death) due http://www.bridger.us/2002/12/16/CrashTestingMINICooperVsFordF150 _/ uhh, no. Look at those numbers. The safest cars FOR THE DRIVERS have little to no relation to the size of the car. to CAFE standards forcing more light vehicles on the road. Nothing good comes free in life. More traffic deaths is one of the trade offs for having CAFE. Note that I'm not disputing any of the original raw data you're providing but the interpretation of that data which says we'll save x% of gas if we increase mpg average by y% is not realistic. \_ Okay, I will not argue with any of this. Perhaps increased fuel economy would encourage people to drive more, etc. The main point is that there was and *is* still a relatively effective tool we could use to massively decrease our dependence on foreign oil, we just refuse to use it. \_ Could you provide a reference which shows that people whose cars get better mileage drive more? Because observationally that's definitely not true. And it's certainly not true that vehicles which get better gas mileage have more fatalities; SUVs cause more fatalities than smaller cars. -tom \_ The death #s are in one of the pdf links I posted earlier from a government CAFE study published in 2001. Do you have a link showing SUVs cause more fatalities? I believe the same study also have a lengthy bit about driving habits, but common sense should convince one that higher $/mile will reduce driving by some amount X, and lower $/mile will increase driving by some other amount Y. If gas was free do you honestly believe people wouldn't drive more? If gas cost $25/gallon do you honestly believe they wouldn't drive less? It's late, I'm going home. The 2001 CAFE study link is on the motd somewhere. \_ If gas was significantly more expensive I would drive a lot less, however if it was significantly less expensive I wouldn't drive any more than I do now. I don't take public transportation for money, I take it for quality of life. \_ So your driving habits are directly changed by the price of gas, which is exactly what I was saying. Pricing is relative, there is only a sliding scale. \_ http://www.bridger.us/2002/12/16/CrashTestingMINICooperVsFordF150 Besides the object lesson, the stats there show that SUVs kill more non-occupants than smaller cars, and that the likelihood of occupant fatality is related to the quality, not the size of the vehicle. I think you can go to the 580/680 interchange and count SUVs headed to San Francisco in the morning if you want proof that people's gas mileage isn't a major factor in their decision to drive. -tom \_ The CAFE thing was originally a minor side point about Carter. I'm satisfied that we hashed that one out pretty much. I don't see a point in discussing fatality and usage statistics or anything else with anyone who uses "go to the 580/680 interchange and count SUVs" as a way to determine nationwide behaviour re: gas usage, SUV sales numbers and pricing, yet who starts off asking for links in the same post they say something like, "because observationally that's definitely not true". The CAFE thing was heated but mostly civil (especially for the motd). I don't see this headed that way. You "win" if you want to think of it that way. \_ translation: "I have no evidence for my position." OK, thanks for letting us know. -tom \_ The link is there. You choose not to read it. Talking with others has been interesting and educational. That's so rarely the case with you that there's no point. "YOU WIN! YAY! CONGRATS!" \_ If cars actually produced energy, there were no traffic ever so I could drive at 100 miles an hour all the time, and they gave orgasms to all the women one passed, I'd still ride my bike. I will never drive. I believe slightly more people of our generation feel this way than our parents' generation, and that this trend will continue. \_ You're a very silly person. \_ You can call my silly all day long--just don't make \_ You can call me silly all day long--just don't make me drive to work. \_ LOL, okay, fair enough. :P |
2006/1/19-21 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:41434 Activity:kinda low |
1/19 http://www.frugalmarketing.com/dtb/kennedy.shtml The initial CAFE fuel standards were set by Carter, then lowered later by Reagan. \_ I can't back this claim up, but I think fuel efficiency would be helped tremendously by ending welfare for the U.S. auto manufacturers. The public wants higher mileage. As long as the executives at U.S. auto manufacturers continue to live on the public dole, they have no motivation to give a shit about what the public wants, and shareholders and union workers have no motivation to revolt against the cockroaches who run their companies. I find it both sickening and amusing that so many so-called conservative republicans support welfare for auto manufacturers. \_ Oops, even the 1978 standards weren't set by Carter but by Congress: http://www.nhtsa.gov/cars/rules/CAFE/docs/162944_web.pdf "Conress itself set the standards for passenger cars, which rose from 18 miles per gallon in automobile model year (MY) 1978 to 27.5 mpg in MY 1985. As authorized by the act, the Department of Transportation (DOT) set standards for light trucks for model years 1979 through [munged by pdf->html, year lost, sorry]. The standards are current 27.5 mpg for passenger cars and 20.7 mpg for light trucks". Light trucks includes SUVs, etc, as we know. Report issued in 2001. \_ Garbage. I dismissed this link since it provides no facts or details. I restored the discussion below about this which has links with actual facts. Good effort though. CAFE predates Carter. \_ http://csua.org/u/eox "The rules for Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE standards, were first set for automobiles during the Carter years." I am waiting for your mea culpa. http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0412-11.htm "As the administration of President Jimmy Carter was winding down, Claybrook advanced a NHTSA notice that called for fuel efficiency standards to reach 48 mpg by 1995." \_ Mea this: http://www.ita.doc.gov/td/auto/cafe.html The Energy Policy Conservation Act, [EPCA] was enacted into law by Congress in 1975, and established Corporate Average Fuel Economy [CAFE] standards for passenger cars and light trucks. The Act was passed in response to the 1973-74 Arab oil embargo. The stated near-term goal was to double new car fuel economy by model year 1985. \_ http://www.energybulletin.net/9657.html "Carter insisted that U.S. automakers build more fuel-efficient cars, with a goal of 27.5 miles per gallon over the following decade - a requirement passed under Gerald Ford but put into force by Carter." You are wrong, but too stupid to realize it. \_ So the Ford admin created it and passed it but Carter should get credit for it and you think I'm the dumb one here. Okey dokey! Go Jimmy! Woot! You *can* credit him with saying "nucular" all the time. That's good for 15 minutes. good for 15 minutes. Your own quote backs what I'm saying: CAFE wasn't Carter's. \_ The law was passed before Carter, but Carter set the initial stringent standards, which were then raised during his adminstration. If we had followed those standards, we would use 25-35% less oil today. Reagan lowered those standards. If you bothered to actually read up on the topic, you would see that I am correct. \_ Correct about what exactly? The initial standards were pathetic. They were later ping ponged around and today it's 27.5 for cars and 20.5 for light trucks including most SUVs. I'd like to see a link for that 25% number you keep bandying about. And yeah, I've only got about a dozen links and pdfs open for this idiotic topic, most of them .gov sites. My research skills suck. If only I could have found some quality links from a Kennedy clansman. \_ Hey, are you dissing http://frugalmarketing.com? \_ If by ping ponging, you mean raised by Carter and then lowered by Reagan, you are correct. I think it was raised by 1 MPG by Bush I. Sierra club guy says we could have saved 3 to 4 M BBL/day, which is 15-20%, but I think it would be higher if we had the 48 MPG fleet average proposed by Carter and no SUV exemption, instead of our current 23 MPG. 2/3 our oil is spent on transportation, double fuel economy would mean that we would use half as much fuel on transportation, hence 25%. I need to get back to work, but you can be sure that I have researched this before. \_ Researched this at more high quality sites like http://frugalmarketing.com? Do you have quotes from <DEAD>spiffyliving.com<DEAD> too? \_ no, that is what google pulled up in a hurry. I have spent a lot longer researching this that you and you have not really bothered to actually bothered to. Read up on it and we can talk some more later. You just don't know what you are talking about. The vast majority of our oil today is burned in cars and SUVs. \_ And did you learn that from <DEAD>shinyobjects.com<DEAD>? How much of your heavy research did it take to figure out it takes more energy to move big, heavy objects? \_ The "holier than thou" thing is a really distasteful way to walk away. If you don't have the time and can't prove what you're saying when the links start flying, just step out and try again when you're prepared. "I'm smarter than you and know more than you but I'm too busy to prove it with links worth clicking on" isn't flying. Carter: bad President. And frankly even if CAFE was his idea and he chose extremely high standards and demonstrated the leadership required to make those standards stick, he would still have sucked as President, but at least then he'd have *one* positive thing to lay claim to for his 4 years. \_ Then you can save me the trouble and find something that says Carter wanted 48 and the current is 23. Sierra Club? They say a lot of things but aren't exactly an unbiased source. How about a .gov url instead of some axe grinders? \_ Sorry have to work. Later. \_ Or how about this? http://feinstein.senate.gov/booklets/CAFE_booklet.pdf "In 1975, Congress mandated separate Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE)... [These] requirements where passed with bipartisan support and signed into law by President Gerald Ford." A search for Carter in that pdf yields nothing. \_ Carter invented the internet.. \_ Pshaw! We all know Gore did that. \_ No, Al Gore invented the algorithm. It even bares his name, AlGore-ithm. \_ Carter invented the carts. He named his family after his invention. \_ I somehow doubt the current president will ever claim to have invented the bush, however. \_ Actually, Nixon did. The first IMPs were deployed in 1969. So what exactly did Carter do that was useful and noteworthy? |
2006/1/11-13 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:41344 Activity:high |
1/11 Wow, Ford introducing an even BIGGER SUV! http://csua.org/u/el8 It reportedly also comes with a brandy rack! \_ Not really. It's smaller than the Excursion that Ford killed, and the Chevy Suburban. \_ Whatever. People should be able to guzzle as much gas as they can afford. On the other hand, I think they should be taxed/charged/ whatever based on their emissions. (including CO2) \_ emissions are directly proportional to fuel consumption. -tom \_ Catalytic converters, diesel filters, diesel refinement tech.. all of this only happens when it's legislated. If people actually paid less when they had a cleaner car, we'd have even better tech. \_ This unlikely in my opinion. CARB already discourages many changes to cars that would improve emissions. I believe that the current bureaucracy, is based more on making money and expanding the empire than anything else. I'd love to see testing based just on emissions, but we are far away from that. --jwm \_ Reread what I put; I phrased it badly. I agree with you. -pp \_ I see what you're saying now, in the context of "I think they should be taxed/charged/whatever based on their emissions", I was saying that I don't think the goverment is capable of doing this. But as you say if we payed for emmisions, things would probably clean up fast. --jwm \_ No, they should be charged based on emissions, fuel use (like now) and weight, with discounts for whether the above actually go towards some use--so Fred the gardener in his big pickup doesn't pay anywhere near what Bob the lawyer in his Escalade has to shell out. I drive a sports car, which uses a lot of gas compared to, say, a small hybrid, and I'm willing to pay accordingly. It also burns relatively clean for a gasoline engine, and does not tear up the roads nearly as much as a big SUV. Although to be honest, I've never seen a formula that does a nice, fair and unexploitable job of actually allocating costs for driving where they belong... -John \_ people should pay for whatever the cost of driving is, period. Trying to implement something that penalizes people for being able to afford SUVs is like trying to tax the riches a lot more in Socialism. Evil. \_ There is already a gas guzzler fee slapped on a car's purchase price at the dealership by the state of CA. The amount and the type of vehicle's they target aren't rationally chosen, but such a thing is already going on. I paid $1400 extra for my car even though the SUV next to it got worse gas mileage because my car has a bigger engine. Why would we give Fred the gardener a freebie to drive his black smoke spewing truck to tend your grass while Bob's cleaner burning higher gas mileage Escalade gets tagged with a fee on his way to court carrying several boxes of papers and his staff in an attempt to save a dozen old ladies from yet another unfair ED case? \_ Like I said, I've never seen a system that fairly deals with this. Wasn't there some massive tax loophole for SUVs in the US, as well as a CAFE exemption, or have I been living under a rock? -John \_ There was something about a tax break for buying a "work" vehicle over a certain price or size or something which happened to include Hummers. \_ gas price is going down again, of course they're gonna sell like hot cakes again. \_ I don't know about that. Crude is still hovering around $64 per barrel. Granted, at these prices, Canadian oil sands and Brazilian style sugar cane ethanol are cost effective. China and India will still be trying to gobble up the next Unocal. \_ I still think slap $1 per gallon of Federal taxes to fund hybrid/fuel cell technology is a good idea. It will discourage people from driving cars that is excess in size, and it will actually cut down on our dependency on Foreign oil so we don't have to invade another country to control it. \_ Who is to decide what "excess in size" means? Anyway, new water sources and arable land are harder to find than new oil and are running out faster. Worry more about what you'll eat and drink tomorrow than what car someone else drives. \_ Stop watering your lawn. If you want to enjoy green grass, go to a park. \_ Go look up how much water is spent by people in CA and how much goes into farming silly things like alfalfa. You're very flip for someone who might not have anything to drink in 30 years but at least you'll get some nice fluff on your burger today. \_ Erm, alfalfa is a feed crop. If you want that burger, you shouldn't think alfalfa is silly. \_ Farming in CA is mostly silly. Farming what they farm here where they farm it is ridiculous. Yes, alfalfa is mostly a feed crop but it isn't efficient and if the central valley farmers had to pay anything close to the real cost of water, alfalfa wouldn't be grown by many, if any, of them in CA. |
2005/12/12-14 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:40971 Activity:nil |
12/12 Hybrid Camry pictures: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/12/more_photos_of.php |
2005/11/16-17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:40615 Activity:nil |
11/15 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051116/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/economy Inflation moderates as gas prices dip. Yay! Now we can buy our hummers and still feel good about inexpensive gas. \_ If you only drive it occasionally, sure. |
2005/11/3-4 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:40414 Activity:nil |
11/3 The riots keep going and going... http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/11/03/D8DL2HH0B.html \_ Guess they should have let them keep their headscarves. |
2005/11/2-4 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:40404 Activity:nil |
11/2 http://tinyurl.com/dlcu5 SUV sales in free fall. w00t!! \_ "Detroit relies on SUVs for about half its unit sales, a much higher percentage than foreign automakers." Stupid fucking moron assholes. The penalty for idiocy *should* be failure. Too bad the assembly line workers have to pay the price for the fucktards who run the Detroit auto companies. \_ Detroit still hasn't figured out how to make a dime on a passenger car, SUVs were their lifeline. \_ They simply didn't try. I feel nothing but contempt for companies who in the presence of a strong competitor move to a different market segment to avoid the competition. Such companies keep being driven out of all profitable market segments until they have nothing left (witness how Detroit's SUVs are still mostly truck based while Japanese and Europeans have plenty of newer car-based and cross-over SUV models which seem to become more popular). A cure to their problem is to spend more money on R&D of new models instead of hoping that 10 year old gimmicks like Chevy Cavalier will continue selling. Detroit seems to have had learned its lesson though I am not sure whether that'll be sufficient for them to maintain their market leadership position at this point. \_ I dunno. Saturn, for instance, defies this idea. Remember, too, that makes like Jaguar, Land Rover, Saab, and Volvo are also 'American' now. Cadillac also has been reinventing cars, as has Chrysler (which is not American now, I know). \_ Saturn is just one GM brand and I am not sure how it defies that idea. I still see a lot more Hondas, Toyatas, VWs, and whatnot on the streets compared to Saturn. Yes, my understanding is that foreign aquisitions might help with certain areas of expertize. Some of Ford's platforms rely on Mazda designs and GM designated its German Opel as the division responsible for designing car platforms. M-B might have had a hand in the success of the Chrysler 300C. \_ You said they didn't try. They did try. They've failed, but they've tried. It's not like they are rolling out the same old cars. Look at, for instance, Ford's new Mustang and T-bird. No one is buying them, but Ford is trying. If anything, it's been Honda and Toyota rolling out similar Accords and Camrys for years now and dumping cool cars like Prelude. I think it's reputation for reliability rather than R&D on new models. \_ Actually, Mustang is supposedly selling well. It's now the most sold sports car in the US. The new T-Bird looked pretty slick but it's a little on the expensive side. Maybe that's why it's on the way out. \_ The Mustangs certainly are everywhere. And I think the T-Birds were really only bought by people who had one or wanted one back in the '50s and were after that nostalgia factor. Actually, the new Mustangs take advantage of nostalgia in their styling as well. -gm \_ I am not sure how Saturn is just one GM brand and I am not sure how defies that idea. I still see a lot more Hondas, Toyatas, VWs, and whatnot on the streets compared to Saturn. Yes, my understanding is that foreign aquisitions might help with certain areas of expertize. Some of Ford's platforms rely on Mazda designs and GM designated its German Opel as the division responsible for designing car platforms. M-B might have had a hand in the success of the Chrysler 300C. |
2005/11/1-4 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:40391 Activity:low |
11/1 WHAT?! Could this possibly be true? " Sarkozy says that violence in French suburbs is a daily fact of life. Since the start of the year, 9,000 police cars have been stoned and, each night, 20 to 40 cars are torched" http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/10/31/news/france.php \_ French cops won't go into a lot of suburban areas--I've not seen anything equivalent in the US to the massive areas of highrises you get in Italy, France, Spain and Germany--the crime is mad, and there's usually fairly volatile mixtures of African/N. African/ E. European immigrants and very poor natives. -John \_ How does a place get so bad even the cops won't go there? That's maddness. \_ They allow way too many poor immigrants in and provide free housing for them in concentration. Why they do this is unknown. \_ cheap labor \_ No, they just end up there because the housing is inexpensive and many of the ethnic communities are the natural place for new, poor immigrants to gravitate to. Look at the the historical concentration of Russian, Irish, Swedish, Mexican, Chinese, Puerto Rican, Irish, Italian, &c arrivals to the US in the 19th century. -John \_ You making some kind of point about the Irish? -mice \_ Yeah, you wanna step outside for GUN DUEL, yer corkie barstird? -John \_ Don't make me BLACKLIST you, ya limey barstard. -mice \_ Sigh. We need more controversial words. \_ I bet you never used controversial words. \_ I bet BUD DAY doesn't appreciate your tone, son. |
2005/10/22-24 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:40225 Activity:very high |
10/21 Dear house owners. How much time/week do you spend on house upkeep? In another word, how much time do you spend on mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, adding fertilizers, watering bald spots, adjusting sprinklers, cleaning up the garage (which by the way is used for storage instead of storing the car), changing toilet assemblies, spraying pesticides, and other things? If you pay someone to do it and spend no time on it, please respond with the price you pay. I'm asking because as the only son who grew up in the suburbs, I had to do all of the above and I HATED IT. I just want to find out how much time and/or money grown-ups spend on these things, and why people like the routine suburbia lifestyle. Thanks. \_ Gardener, 1/wk, $120/month. House cleaner, 1/wk, 2 persons 4 hours each, $70/wk. \_ Maid service 2/month: $80x2. A few hours/month on other stuff and of course the garage is used for storge. It was designed for it. Why do people like the suburbs? They don't necessarily. If you have kids putting them in a city school can be disasterous. Look at the SF school system for an example of that. Lack of space for same kids in city. Lots of people don't like the cramped and often loud and/or dirty city living option. Many other "the city isn't where I'd want to be" reasons. The suburbs are just where you can live and still be close enough to have a job. So you changed toilet assemblies so your mom wouldn't have to? Ok, she could pay a plumber to do it and there'd be that many fewer toys at Xmas. I did chores. You did chores. Kids do chores (or should). Welcome to the middle class. There are worse things that could've happened to you growing up. \_ simple. buy a tonwhouse. save lots of trouble. \_ How is the SF school system disasterous? Last I checked, they \_ How is the SF school system disastrous? Last I checked, they were better than the statewide average and the West side high schools are particularly good. -ausman \_ You're kidding right? And how do you get into one of those elite schools? And if you don't, then what? And if you don't live near your school which is likely how does your kid get there? Can a grade schooler drive? Can every high schooler afford a car? Sit on a bus for a few hours each day? C'mon.... \_ You get into Lincoln and Washington just like you get into every high school in San Francisco. If you have good enough test scores, you get into Lowell and get an education as good as the priciest private school. I grew up in a rural region and took a bus 1/2 hr each way until I could afford to buy my own car. I did not find that particularly onerous. Do you really think it takes "a few hours" to get anywhere in a city that is 7 miles by 8 miles? I could walk anywhere in The City in less than a few hours. I just pulled down the STAR results for San Francisco and compared them to Orange and Riverside Counties, two California suburban counties and they compare favorably. \_ How long ago were you in school? Read the papers to see what's going on there today. And yes, a school bus has to make many stops, obey traffic laws cars tend to ignore and drive slow, so yeah, an hour or more each way wouldn't be odd. I've walked across the city from the market area west to the beach. You're not saying a kid should walk that to school? Why do you even mention walking? And here's a concept: why should a kid have to get high test scores to get into a particular school on the other side of the city? Why can't the local school be as good as any other? Why is there a tiny number of elite schools and the rest are dismal anti-academic pits? \_ Why isn't everyone above average, is that what you are seriously asking? It is obvious that \_ Not every school can be above average, but every school can and should be good. \_ Lowell is elite because they are very selective about their admission criteria. \_ Are you implying that non-selective schools cannot be good? Otherwise I fail to understand how your point respond to the previous poster's that all schools should be good. In any case, Lowell entrance is selective only if you're a non-protected minority. Entrance for protected minorities is relatively easy, no? \_ No, I honestly don't think all schools can be good. Can you point to one school in an impoverished area that is good? Schools can only do so much. Lowell is a great school because it is selective. There are good schools in San Francisco and elsewhere that are not "selective" overtly, but they still select from an educated and privileged section of the population. Having said that, yes it is too bad that we don't do a better job educating everyone. Holding up SF schools as an example of a disastrous failure is not a very strong one. is relatively trivial, no? \_ So good schools are good because they only let in smart kids? So you're saying it doesn't matter how much funding, what teachers, which books, or anything else; just put all the smart kids together and you get a good school. And the opposite is true? Put the less than brilliant kids together and you get a bad school? It seems the way to get decent but not fantastic schools for everyone is to spread those smart kids around. \_ Perhaps, but I don't know how you are going to convince parents to do that. If you really believe what you preach, why didn't you go to SJ State instead of UCB? By the way, your technique is practiced in many states throughout the upper midwest, to good effect, so you certainly have a point. \_ When I went to Lowell, it was massively underfunded and falling apart at the seams. It was a good school that produced excellent students due to a combination of letting in smart people, who didn't drag the other people in their classes down, and great, dedicated teachers. Naturally this is a generalization--there were a few morons, both students and teachers. However, their negative effect was minimal due to the above. No, not everyone can be a winner, life is not fair. And yes, most students there "had" to commute. Like a lot of Cal students commute-you do it because you value the education over your comfort. -John \_ I read a research study on this for colleges, not high schools. The conclusion is that the school only matters in one case - a top student goes to a bad school. then the student's achievement could be affected. in all other cases - good student going to good school, or midrange school, average student going to good school or average school or bad school, etc., the school doesn't make a difference. you nothing about San Francisco schools and barely anything about San Francisco. K-6 schools barely anything about San Francisco. K-5 schools are mostly within walking distance and high schoolers take MUNI, not a school bus. My commute to work is 35-45 minutes, I don't see why my (future) teenage daughter shouldn't have a similar commute. \_ Because she's a kid and kids shouldn't have to commute. You have a choice in the matter. Your child is stuck with your decisions. That you can't see that is oddly disturbing. \_ It is nice that you want to give your child every advantage in the world, but it might set them up for some dissapointments when they have to face the real world. \_ Uhm, so you're "toughening her up"? The real world is there in her face every day. I could go on but our philosophies are so different anything more I say would look like a personal insult and there's no need for that. I'm ok agreeing to disagree if you are. I'm stopping now. \_ I grew up in a rural area, where I had to get up at dawn to feed the chickens ducks and rabbits, collect the eggs and prepare breakfast for my seven siblings. Then I got on a half hour bus ride to school. After school, I helped in the garden, washed my own clothes and spent an hour a night washing dishes or doing other chores. I think that growing up like that made me a better person than my spoiled and self-indulgent classmates. I don't intend for my child to have that hard a life, but I don't want her to end up a spoiled princess either. my narcissistic and self-indulgent class- mates. I don't intend for my child to have that hard a life, but I don't want her to to work that hard, but I don't want her to end up a spoiled princess either. \- hear hear. And you plan on moving to the suburbs to escape what you percieve as "disastrous" urban schools, but you decry the fact that some people prefer to send their kids to better urban schools? Have you ever heard of the term "hypocrisy"? send their kids to better urban schools? Maybe the reason some schools aren't as good as they might be is because a bunch of overly fearful parents moved to the suburbs to isolate themselves from poor people and other "dangerous" sorts. The truth is that the cities are no more dangerous than the suburbs, it is just that the risks are different. \_ What he is asking is why everyone isn't able to obtain a quality education in SF. The best schools are so much better than even the average schools. This is different from, say, LA Unified where pretty much all the schools suck equally. Personally, I'd avoid public schools altogether. If you can afford to live in SF then you can afford a private school. \_ Lots of parents look for houses in areas with good schol disctricts, so they can send their kids to public schools and apply the money that would have gone to a private school tuition to the mortgage instead. The question is whether it's to educational benefit of children (in the aggregate, assuming a random distribution of children) to live in a city like San Francisco, where they have a chance to end up in some truly awful schools, or in a city like San Jose, where the quality range of school is narrower, or in a suburban town, where the quality range is narrow indeed. There are of course non-educational pros and cons for living in each city, and the emphasis placed on education varies from family to family. But, I suspect, using San Francisco as an example, unless one has a reasonable I suspect, unless one has a reasonable expectation that one's child will end up in one of the top few schools, it's better for the child's education to live in a town where the likelihood of going to a bad school is low. family. But, I suspect, unless one has a reasonable expectation that one's child will end up in one of the top few schools, it's better for the child's education to live in a town where the likelihood of going to a bad school is low. There are of course non-educational pros and cons for living in each city, and the emphasis placed on education varies from family to family. \_ You are guaranteed one of your top three choices of high schools in San Francisco. So just put down Washington, Lincoln and Wallenbeg and you are guaranteed a good school in a safe neighborhood. Any irrational fear of something else bad happening to you is simply that, an irrational fear. \_ Ok so if *everyone* is *guaranteed* one of their top three choices, why doesn't everyone in SF put down the same three top schools and leave all the rest empty? \_ All right, I guess I was wrong. I was \_ All right, I guess I misspoke. I was repeating what I had read in The Examiner. It seems that you have to put down 7 choices and even then they Examiner. I guess you have to put down 7 choices and even then they not guaranteed. The Examiner claims that 99% of parents get one of their top three choices, at least in 2003. Circumstances, can of course change. But they can change anywhere, even in a tony suburb. \_ So, living in a city like SF _does_ mean your kid can end up in a shitty school on the other side of town and there's nothing you can do about it? Thus, we see a very good reason for parents to live in a place where there is no chance of going to a bad school and a good chance of a better school. It means sacrificing the cool city life but sacrificing is what good parents do. \_ Or you can spend more time with your kids to make sure they do well in their studies / get into good schools. \_ You do realize that your solution is not scalable. \_ In what sense? If you have lots of children? Or to all parents? \_ The latter mostly, though the former to a lesser degree also. \_ Your solution only works if most parents do not stress their kids' education. If many parents try to make sure their kids do well in their studies, then almost none of them can have a reasonable expectation of getting into the top few schools. \_ In the 1% case, you can either: a) send your kids to private school a) send your kids to private school or b) move to the suburbs then. This is what I plan on doing, if I talk my wife into it. -ausman \_ So the solution to the problem of not every student getting a quality education in a city is to move to a gated suburb and isolate yourself from the rest of the world? Perhaps the real question is why doesn't every student get a quality education everywhere, but asking that question might force the questioner to admit some of the responsibility for the failure onto themselves, which they seem spectacularly unable or unwilling to do. \_ Uhm, where are all these 'gated suburbs' of which you speak? Could you point out a few because I haven't seen any. I do like your rhetorical bit in the second half though. A nice combination of 'high horse-ism', a touch of holier-than-thou mixed with a dash of you-selfish-bastard. Could you possibly take a moment to explain how a city school in some other county sucking is in any way the fault of someone in a suburb, mythically gated or not, 20+ miles away? \_ Because there are only so many dollars in the world and so many gifted teachers. If Blackhawk takes more than its share, then there is less to go around to the rest. I am kind of astonished that I would have to explain this to an engineer. Shorebird Islands in Redwood City and Silver Creek Valley Country Club in San Jose are gated, two that I found using google in sixty seconds. Since 40% of new developments in California are gated, you must not have looked very hard. \_ Redwood City and SJ? Yech. I would never live in such a place so you're right, I didn't look very hard in such places. Anyway, what you seem to be saying is that a district that can afford to pay teachers better is somehow cheating and robbing a poorer district of their rightfully deserved quality teachers. However, we see John posting that Lowell was a broken pit when he went there and someone else posted about a study (yes, college, not HS, but it's what we've got) that said good students tend to do well where ever they go and bad students do poorly and etc. So what exactly are the people in SJ stealing from SF? Smart kids? \_ It wasn't a total loss; it was very mediocre and underfunded in terms of infrastructure, not some slum. I read some figures at the time that LHS got fraction of the average per student $$ of other SF public high schools--the rumor about at the time was that a few of the more crackpot supervisors like Harry Britt didn't like the idea of an "elite" school paid for by tax dollars and tried to kill it. Whatever--what made it was the combination of really good and dedicated teachers and high qualiy (i.e. selected) students. -John \_ Don't 50% of the graduates go to Stanford, Berkeley and or an Ivy? That sounds like a pretty good school to me. \_ It is (was?) a great school. That is my point. It was so to a large degree because they only let good/smart students in and were able to focus on giving them a good education. This seems to be some sort of elitist taboo in some cirles. -John \_ Not elitist, but it sort of disregards cause/effect. If all you accept are smart kids then you will have a 'good school' by the measures the state uses. That school may or may not actually be better. \_ You have never heard of Blackhawk? You are just a troll, wasting my time. \_ Blackhawk houses are all multi- million bucks. That is hardly the suburbs or a typical gated community. Famous/rich sports stars, actors, and the 'captains of industry' live there. You're welcome to try again. \_ I sang at Behring's house last Christmas. Good freakin' god. 30k sq. ft. is a LOT of room. I think he's the only one anywhere in Blackhawk that actually knows how to spend his wealth well. His gem and mineral collection is incredible. He has some stunning ivory carvings in there as well. Haven't seen his car museum yet, but it could be fun. \_ Blackhawk is not in the suburbs? Where is it then? \_ Mogadishu \_ No, I never stated or implied that anyone was "stealing" anything. That was your emotionally charged response to my suggestion that you are at least partially responsible for creating the kind of world you live in. When people with intelligence, talent, drive and creativity abandon a community, that community suffers. One certainly has the right to excercise your free will and abandon it, but to do so and then turn around and criticize that very same community for the consequences of your actions seems bizarre. \_ the one thing berkeley taught me is you don't have to live the boring, conformist, suburban life if you don't want to. \_ What I always found hilarious about a lot of Berkeley students is how uniquely concerned with being "nonconformist" so many of them were, instead of just getting on with their lives. -John \_ I agree, and not just Berkeley but the whole Bay Area. OTOH, if you venture outside of Berkeley/Bay OTOH, when you venture outside of Berkeley/Bay Area after graduation, the experience at Berkeley is a good thing, in my opinion. \_ so you're living the same nonconformist life style everyone else in the bay area is? \_ don't feel offended. if you want to live the boring, conformist, suburban life, you are free to do so. \_ offended? no one is offended. quite the opposite. i think your claims to kewlness are cute. \_ "claims to kewlness"? what've you been smoking? I live in a city derided in a movie, or so I heard, as the suburb of suburbs. \_ then what are you talking about? \_ huh? what are you talking about? \_ what are the two of you talking about? \_ Ok, I've got to ask...what city do you live in? -!pp \_ Must be LA. \_ Or a suburb of chicago. \_ My downstairs tenants do all the gardening for free. I have to pay for things like plants and fertilizer, so it costs me about $10/mo. I have had to have two bathrooms rebuilt since I bought this place, which cost about $9k and took up at least three weekends of my time. I paid people to do most of the work, but I bought and delivered all the parts. I built a methlab in the I bought and delivered all the parts. I built a shed in the backyard from a kit, which cost me $500 and took up four weekends. As for cleaning, I spend the same amount as I did when I had an apartment, maybe a bit less, since my wife is less of a slob than my roommates were. -ausman |
2005/10/21-24 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:40212 Activity:low |
10/21 Used Lexus LS 430 year 2002, 74000 miles for $28000. Interior exterior look nice, seller is a friend. Good/bad deal? \_ Uh, 74K in 3-4 years? \_ Check http://www.kbb.com \_ it's around $27-29k depending on the condition of the car. \_ Not a great deal, IMO. The miles are too high. Same car with 20K miles would be a decent deal. These cars don't cost more than $40K new. \_ This is a $55k new car. \_ Whoops! I confused the LS and the ES! \_ For that price, I would not buy a used car. \_ A new Toyota Avalon seems like a good "poor man's" replacement for a mid-sized Luxury vehicle in this price range. \_ Seconded. Why would you get a used Lexus w/ 74K miles when you could get a NEW Legacy GT for the same price? \_ Because The Lexus LS is one of the best luxury cars on the market (Bill Gates drives one) and a Legacy GT is a Legacy GT. \_ Sounds like a decent deal, assuming the 74000 miles are mostly highway miles. Toyotas are very reliable and the Lexus LS series is one of the most reliable Toyotas. Yes, it costs $55K new but once you add a few options, taxes, and other stuff the new car might cost closer to $70K. might cost closer to $70K. Oh, and it is not very fuel efficient unless you compare it to an SUV. It's a heavy, tank like car with a gigantic V8 engine. It also has a serenely quiet drive, the best sonically insulated car I've ever driven. \_ 4.3 liters is not "gigantic" for a V8. \_ Okay, "a gigantic engine (V8)" happy? \_ Hmm, I think I'd go with big over gigantic either way. A 2.0L is smallish, 3.0 just is, 4.3 is big, 5.0 is pretty huge, the 8.0L Dodge Viper V10 is gigantic. --annoying pedant \_ yea, but your 2 inch penis is still classified as ... tiny. - dumb troll |
2005/10/19-21 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:40185 Activity:high |
10/19 Let's reinstate the 55mph limit. "For every mile per hour faster than 55 mph, fuel economy drops by about 1 percent, said Jason Mark, clean vehicles program director for the Union of Concerned Scientists. The drop-off increases at a greater rate after 65 mph. The faster you go, the faster the fuel goes." http://csua.org/u/dro \_ my suggestion is impose $1.5 per gallon of federal tax on gasoline and people will go green as result. We can use the money to really fix the road and provide research funds for things like automated highway, fuel cell research, etc. \_ better yet, lets go back to walking, bicycles, and horse and buggy. Gasoline usage drops 100%. Fatalities due to dangerous speeds drop drastically too. No more dependence on foreign oil! \_ Fuck speed limits. The average travel speed has been going down for years, because on average people just keep spending more and more time sitting in traffic. Throw in the extra time spent working to pay for the stupid ass car habit, and you actually aren't going any slower by biking to work. -anticartroll \_ Since this seems to be "right vs. good" week, how about making it voluntary? Educate people about how much they'll save, and they can decide for themselves whether driving slow is worth it to them on any given occasion. If you're worried that it's hard to drive 55 when everyone else is going 80, you could reserve some freeway lanes for slow drivers, without mandating it for everyone all the time. If your goal is to reduce dependence on oil rather than just to save people money, then you can also impose extra taxes on oil to encourage conservation -- not only will this make people drive slower on average (while still allowing them to drive fast when they need to), it'll also give them an incentive to save oil in other ways (buying more efficient cars, closing the windows, etc.). \_ Well, how fast will you be driving on the freeways? \_ So how fast do you plan to drive on the freeway? \_ I vote for 60mph. --- !PP \_ Wouldn't this depend on which car? Maybe some cars get optimal fuel efficiency at 55, and others at 70. Might also depend if you are going uphill, have the windows open, etc. \_ Wind resistance roughly doubles between 55 mph and 70 mph. At 55 mph, "tire resistance" and wind resistance for a typical car are about equal. -!op \_ I spent one week in truck doing 55 and the next week doing 70 to see how much I would save and my gas usage was about the same. One week is most of a tank for me so it was enough data. \_ I call bullshit on this. I've driven 101 from SF to LA plenty of times in a BMW with a trip computer monitoring my fuel efficiency and found that it was optimal (about 30mpg) at around 70mph. \_ BMWs are fairly aerodynamic so they're impacted by wind resistance at higher speeds. Their torque band also lies in the 3000-5000 range which corresponds to about 70MPH. Not all cars are like this. \_ You're saying Jason Mark, clean vehicles program director for the Union of Concerned Scientists, author of "Greener SUVs: A Blueprint for Cleaner, More Efficient Light Trucks" and "Zeroing Out Pollution: The Promise of Fuel Cell Vehicles", doesn't know what he's talking about? \_ I find all statistics suscpicious which don't allow for different kinds of cars. If you really wanted to cut down on gas consumption, think "trains". Anyway, regardles of whether he's right or not (he's got a point about the wind resistance, but it affects different cars differently), your post reeks a bit of Mr. Science ("I have a master's degree.. in science!") -John on gas consumption, think "trains". -John \_ The problem is that it's impractical and dangerous to have a different speed limit for each car model. You need to find a composite speed limit that works \_ Just tell cops to not give tickets to those of us who are RICH WHITE MEN with GOOD CARS and everyone will be happy. -John best in the aggregate for the distribution of cars out on the road. BTW, I should have made the sarcasm more obvious when I tried to defer the the UCS guy's authority. -pp \_ Yup I hit 31 MPG, the highest I've ever seen, driving on HWY 5 @ 75 MPH in my Mercedes for a long stretch. No breaking, flat, etc. \_ I tried driving the long stretch on the San Mateo Bridge, excluding the incline section, with my '04 Toyota Sienna 2WD van, which is more aerodynamic than older minivans. I drove the whole stretch at 55mph, then the whole stretch at 60mph, and again at 65mph. I reset the "average MPG meter" (whatever it's called) at the beginning of each run, right after I passed the toll booth and accelerated to the desired mph. For the 55mph and the 60mph runs, the meter readings were roughly the same. But for the 65mph run, the reading was 2-3mph lower. I didn't use the "instant MPG meter" because it fluctuates too much. -- yuen \_ The 55 mph speed limit was based in part on the facts that most cars at the time had poor areodynamic design and had large engines (v6/v8) that were not particularly efficient. In comparison most cars these days have better aerodynamic design at all speeds and esp. at high speed (65+ mph). Also most cars these days have smaller engines that are far more efficient (there are far more c1v1cs on the road than hummers). \- conserving to keep stuff cheep just lets other people face lower prices. if you want to be active about something then lobby for more research in alt energy. or maybe higher taxes on gas if you want to punish people with big cars. this drive 55 is like turn your thermostat down or do your laundry at night. it's better to change the price structure. \- should we have say quotas on home energy use? should we have legal max thermostat settings? \_ I don't believe in quotas, however I see no prob. w/ imposing higher prices on ppl who use more than the ave. (an luxury tax if you will - pg&e does this already). The legal max thermostat setting is an interesting prob. If the purpose is to limit consumption, then I think no, but if the purpose is to promote health and safety (fire hazard, &c.), then I would say yes b/c regualtion of health and safety is a traditional concern of the state. \- i have seen a number of these stats about the marked drop off of efficiency at highers speeds in say AAA literature. i am wondering if they forget or deliberately do not factor in the greater distance travelled in unit time. e.g. there is a difference between volume of fuel burned per minute at 55 vs 75 and then there is volume of fuel burned per *mile* at 55 vs 75. ok tnx. --ANONYMOUS DRIVER \_ Don't they usually report gas mileage to begin with? \- i'm talking about stats like the one in the first \P of this thread. you're not sure what they mean. P[ost] of this thread. you're not sure what they mean. \_ It's simple physics; power to overcome wind resistance increases with the cube of velocity. -tom \_ See the mpg vs. mph graph in http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/driveHabits.shtml "As a rule of thumb, you can assume that each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.21 per gallon for gas." BTW, there are other useful gas-saving tips at http://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/drive.shtml _________________________________________ |
2005/10/12-13 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:40048 Activity:moderate |
10/11 http://www.toyota.com/prius/specs.html http://tinyurl.com/cgtar (honda.com, click on View and print the Fact) Quick comparison between the two auto transmissions: Honda Toyota Compression: 10.8:1 13.0:1 <--- big difference Gas HP 85-87HP 76HP Elec HP 13.4HP 67HP <--- big difference MPG 47-48MPG 55-60MPG <--- big difference Cost $20,900 $21,275 <--- little difference Sorry, but Honda is clearly a big loser. Their engines suck, their electric moter is weak, their mileage is lower, and it's only $300 cheaper. I don't understand why they even bother to compete. \_ looks, my friend. people go for the looks of it. \_ With only 13.4HP, can the Civic run on electricity alone at all? \- people buy crappy regular cars. why does it surprise you they may buy crappy hybrids. \_ But with horsepower as low as 13.4, the engine might need to stay on all the time, which defeats the purpose of having hybrid. \_ The electric motor's for low speeds, where torque is much more important than peak HP. Picture a team of 13 horses attached to the front of your car. They could get it going from a standstill just fine... they just couldn't go 70. \_ On the Prius, the electric is used to replace the gas engine in low power situations. On the Civic, its used to augment the power of the gas engine so they can use a smaller more efficient gas engine than on a conventional Civic. \_ can hybrids pass other cars? Is it safe to pass on a mt. road with a hybrid? \_ No, it's better to pass with a big SUV like the Ford Excursion. It's really cool too. Even the Hummer looks small beside it. \_ That guy on the bicycle with the RPG will be me. \_ speaking of honda hybrids: http://money.cnn.com/2005/10/12/Autos/most_efficient_cars/index.htm \_ what is the difference between 2006 Insight and previous version? they looked the same. |
2005/10/11-13 [Finance/CC, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Recreation/Humor] UID:40045 Activity:high Cat_by:auto |
10/11 "I Can't Afford My Gasoline" (has sound) http://toccionline.kizash.com/films/1001/178/index.php \_ Once we hit $6/gallon, those hybrids will start to look attractive, too. \_ It's been over $6/gallon in Europe. Cost me 34 Euro for a half tank of gas on a Ford Fiesta (rental car) 2 weeks ago. Figures it would cost around $85 for a full tank. And we're taking puny car. \_ do you have a choice? how about Ford Ka? \_ I don't buy cars that chops heads off of cats. \_ I probably did, but didn't know how to say it in Spanish. \_ Where in Europe? Get a SMART. \_ Was in Spain (Madrid), I don't think Avis has SMART; besides I don't know if I'd fit in it (too tall). \_ A colleague of mine drives one. He's 6'6", about 250lbs. He got it because of the leg room. -John \_ Take the train. |
2005/9/24-28 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:39855 Activity:high |
9/24 Is there a link btwn global warming and hurricanes? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4276242.stm \_ Thank you. You're right there is not enough data to suggest global warming->hurricanes. I will continue driving my SUVs because I don't believe in stuff like pollution->cancer. I hate it when you liberals accuse me of causing cancer and birth defects. There's plenty of air and oil to go around. MY SUV, MY property. Keep your liberal laws off of my SUV. -trl \_ Get off the SUV drivers backs ; anyone driving a gas/diesel powered vehicle is guilty, weighted in their actual fuel consumption. \_ Yes, I agree. Everyone who burns fossil fuel is guilty to the extent that they consume that. What peeves me is that SUV drivers don't pay for their fair share of things. They cause more damage to our roadways from their extra weight, they cause more environmental damage, and they are a greater risk on the road. But SUV drivers get away without paying more in taxes and, in some cases, get tax breaks. So no, I won't get off SUV drivers backs until they pay their fair share. \_ Hehe, and it was you liberals (or more accurately you environmentalists) who have helped set back atomic energy for decades, resulting in our continued dependency on inefficient and ultimately hazardous fossil fuels. Stuff like renewable energy isn't a real solution to the problem. Neither is "ride bike" bullshit. If people want a real solution we should start looking into viable long-term strategies and not be knee-jerk about it. Of course, this will never happen. \_ You are a useless sack of shit. Maybe we can solve the energy crisis by running turbines off of the hot air that comes out of the mouths of jackoff know it all sysadmins like you. \_ Hehe, and it was you republicans (or more accurately you SUV drivers) who have needlessly wasted our fuel supply for decades, resulting in our continued dependency on inefficient and ultimately hazardous fossil fuels. Stuff like "Why do you hate America?" isn't a real solution to the problem. Neither is "Why do you support terrorist?" Stuff like invading another country isn't a real solution to the problem. Neither is "Why do you hate America?" bullshit. If people want a real solution we should start looking into viable long-term strategies and not be knee-jerk about it. Of course, this will never happen. \_ Do you understand that the guy you're responding to was the fuckhead who thinks people who don't like the way the 2004 election turned out should all move to Canada? \_ You are a useless sack of shit. \_ Pot. Kettle. Black. \_ Yeah, "real solutions" like invading other countries. \_ $6/gallon gasoline tax would take care of the problem pretty quickly. We should make the SUV drivers shoulder the true cost (military, etc) of their gasoline. \_ Troll? I'll respond anyway but I'll keep it simple: $6/gallon gas tax: dead economy. Low gas prices pay for themselves by having low prices for everything else. Do you work? You won't have a job. Are you in school? Forget loans and grants. Forget social programs including education. We should continue to ignore crack pots with an axe to grind. \_ How'd UK and Japan survive? \_ They're falling apart. You want to swap economies with either one? \_ Do you equate success and value economic numbers and nothing else? \_ Which economy would you swap with and what positive thing do you think you'd be getting along with your screwed up foreign economy? If you're going to troll, you need to bring your own troll toys to play with. \_ FWIW, Japan's economy is finally having a revival. It's bad bank debts have been mostly dealt with already. Buy some Japanese stocks. EWJ perhaps? \_ Granted, they're no longer in a deep recession but would you trade economies with them? What country would you swap economies with at this time? \_ Denmark. !op !pp \_ I am not sure what you mean by "swap economies". I wouldn't mind swapping a S&P500 index fund for a TOPIX fund S&P500 index fund with a TOPIX fund though, at least for the next year or two. \_ Australia. \_ I would swap economies with any Northern European nation. I want six weeks of vacation and six months of paid family leave. I would pay $6/gallon gasoline for things like that. I bet over the next 20 years, as Peak Oil hits, they will do much better in every way economically. \_ Must be why so many Swedish white collar professionals are moving to the UK for its low (!) taxes. -John \ Even the Japanese take more \_ UK economy is pretty strong is it not? vacation time than we do and crime is practically non-existant compared to the USAnot to mention a great public transit system. The cute girls is a nice perk too ;-) Heck; even moving to canada would be an improvement \_ Why do you care? We just heard that global warming is irreversible now. I'm burning tires for electricity. |
2005/9/23-26 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:39839 Activity:low |
9/23 A Texan said "They're giving $10 worth of gas if you're on empty and $5 if you have some. That's not going to get you very far." I guess they're not driving Hybrids. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050923/ap_on_re_us/rita_texas_exodus_hk1 \_ I think I see a rear door of a Prius behind those four SUVs. \_ I think it makes sesne for people to drive their gas-guzzling SUVs when they're escaping hurricanes, because those can ford water and go over debris. For daily commute it's a different story. go over debris. For daily commute it's a different story. On the other hand, I realize that hybrids work very well in traffic jams because it burns zero "gas" when idling. because it burns zero "gas" when idling. -- foo \_ It makes sense for the individual participants, yes. It's basic psychology. But look at it this way. When a society faces famine, hording happens everywhere. However, hording exacerbates food shortage for everyone else, so on and so forth. \_ Agreed. The fed/state should provide more buses for evacuation, and reserve the contraflow lanes for those buses only. This way they can move a lot more people much faster. (Plus they can take credit like "we evacuated X number of people" instead of "we told X number of people to evacuate".) --- foo \_ Republicans hate big governments. Maybe they should privatize evacuation and emergency facilities as well. They'll definitely run more efficiently and a lot more cost effective than the weak government we have now. |
2005/9/20-21 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39767 Activity:nil |
9/20 http://www.engadget.com/entry/1234000870059426/#comments \_ "In Soviet Russia, the car drives YOU" -- Is that you ilyas? |
2005/9/17-20 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:39738 Activity:kinda low |
9/17 Toyota to go 100% hybrid: http://www.detnews.com/2005/autosinsider/0509/15/C07-315611.htm Related Update, Toyota to reduce the price of hybrids: http://tinyurl.com/a2lmv (usatoday) (this was mentioned in the first article as well) \_ They're going hybrid with the Highlanders, and competitors to follow. GREAT! I can't wait to get my Chevy Suburban or Hummer hybrids so that I can drive in style for the mere gasoline cost of a traditional Honda Accord. \_ Sport Utility Vehicles have gotten a lot of bad press lately, but they're manufactured for one reason: to transport today's modern genetic super breed of wives, kids, and dogs which can weigh in excess of 250lbs each. \_ Holy shit. When did everyone upgrade to Marmaduke? \_ Toyota has a habit of doing what they say they will. GM is sooo screwed. \_ Toyota is like, Microsoft. They can do whatever they want and force competitors to catch up. GM/Ford is like Sun Micro, they play stupid immature marketing games and come out with lamewares like StarOffice or something, and they play the number games very well but in the long run it's just fruitless \_ in Sun's defense, StarOffice was never meant to be a "real" product. it was acquired along with a Czech company and for a long time had no support. Also, one of those stupid immature marketing games was called "Java." \_ Has Sun made any money off of Java yet? \_ Last I heard, IBM made more money of Java than Sun did. This drives the Sun people I know up the wall, more because they dislike IBM than because they like Java. -gm \_ < 200 million last year, FYI. If soffice product marketing team let me play, I can get a lot further than they got right now. -sun guy \_ soffice is a pos, I can't believe they make us use it - also a sun guy \_ Nweaver taught me to write in Postscript during our lazy afternoons together. the afternoon times. -sun tranny \_ Java may be not making them money as much as letting them survive, since if everyone used proprietary Windows stuff to run web servers Sun would have been toast a long time ago. \_ They've monetized J2ME on cell phones. i.e. games |
2005/9/17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:39723 Activity:high |
9/17 Toyota to go 100% hybrid: http://www.detnews.com/2005/autosinsider/0509/15/C07-315611.htm \_ They're going hybrid with the Highlanders, and competitors to follow. GREAT! I can't wait to get my Chevy Suburban or Hummer hybrids so that I can drive in style for the mere gasoline cost of a traditional Honda Accord. \_ Sport Utility Vehicles have gotten a lot of bad press lately, but they're manufactured for one reason: to transport today's modern genetic super breed of wives, kids, and dogs which can weigh in excess of 250lbs each. \_ Holy shit. When did everyone upgrade to Marmaduke? \_ Toyota has a habit of doing what they say they will. GM is sooo screwed. \_ Toyota is like, Microsoft. They can do whatever they want and force competitors to catch up. GM/Ford is like Sun Micro, they play stupid immature marketing games and come out with lamewares like StarOffice or something, and they play the number games very well but in the long run it's just fruitless \_ in Sun's defense, StarOffice was never meant to be a "real" product. it was acquired along with a Czech company and for a long time had no support. Also, one of those stupid immature marketing games was called "Java." \_ Has Sun made any money off of Java yet? |
2005/9/11-13 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39633 Activity:nil |
9/11 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20050911/bs_afp/usweatherauto Katrina is the catalyst for the declining popularity of SUV. "Chevrolet Suburban saw sales drop 28 percent during August. Ford said sales of the full-size Ford Expedition plunged 40 percent. Toyota Motor said sales of its heavily promoted Sequoia dropped 32 percent in August." Apparently, there IS a God! Thank you God for striking down asshole cars. Now I'm going to celebrate by smoking weed. -happy liberal \_ People were prescient enough not to buy SUVs because a hurricane would screw oil prices at the end of the month? \_ Had you not noticed that whole $70/barrel runup in the last few months? Oops. I suppose that should be directed at OP. |
2005/9/10-13 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39623 Activity:low |
9/10 People who drive Range Rovers, Excursions and Suburbans are flipping this Hummer driver because Hummers are less environmentally friendly: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/3749377.stm \_ what I found interesting is that government give out tax credit up to $100k for vehicle over 6000 pounds. This along with the proposed new fuel efficiency standard would explain why there are so many ultra-big vehicle on the road. \_ The tax credit is only if you use the vehicle for work and now the credit is spread across 4 years, can't take it in one chunk. \_ For "work". \_ Actually you could depreciate in one chunk, until that loop hole was closed for large SUVs on 10/22/2004 by an amendment by Don Nickles (R Oklahoma). \_ I cashed in on that tax deal with an X5 (6008 lbs). Had they allowed that deal to continue, I would have bought a Hummer this year to piss off my friends. \_ joke's on you \_ Not really. I saved $30K on my taxes with the X5. That'll cover, what, a hundred years of extra gas That'll cover, what, thirty years of extra gas money? The Hummer would have been worth $40K in taxes for me. \_ 30K ? How does that work? \_ There was a special loophole that allowed you to deduct vehicles over 6000 pounds as a business expense, even if you used it to commute. \_ The math doesn't add up. Let's say the X5 cost $60K. To save $30K on taxes your marginal rate would have to be 50%. The highest bracket isn't that high. \_ Base 2005 BMW X5, 4.8is AWD 4dr SUV (4.8L 8cyl 6A), MSRP $70,100, Invoice $63,970. Also, though I haven't stated it specifically, I live in CA, so you have to add in my CA state tax. It actually works out to be a bit more than $30k. \_ Hybrid Hummer from seven years ago: http://evworld.com/archives/conferences/evs14/humvee.html 350hp. 0-50mph in 7sec. 18mpg. Climbs 60% grade at 17mph and fords 5ft of water (think New Orleans). It even has a stealth mode. \_ An all electric tank with electric canon? Those would be some batteries. |
2005/9/9-13 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39606 Activity:moderate |
9/9 Small Japanese People making a comeback: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/09/small_japanese.php \_ http://money.cnn.com/2005/09/01/Autos/fuel_efficiency_trends "In 1981, the average car got 21mpg... Jump ahead 24 years, the average car got... 21mpg... vehicles have gotten more fuel efficient. It's just that car buyers have wanted other things..." \_ I can pesonally attest to the advance in engine technology. Thirteen years ago my '84 Jeep Cherokee (115hp) reached the 100k-mile mark and I was getting ~14mpg. This June my '96 Jeep Cherokee (190hp) also reached the 100k-mile mark, and I'm getting ~22mpg. Both trucks have *identical* bodies, so the difference in mpg is all in the drivetrain. Actually my '96 has cruise control and one mandatory airbag, so it probably weights more than my '84. \_ Not gonna happen. Gas price is going down again. For this to happen, you either need a sustained 70s effect, where gas is relatively $5-6/gallon. Not gonna happen now. Americans love their SUVs. \_ The 1981 inflation-adjusted peak gas cost was $2.94. -tom \_ $3.0803 for CA. http://csua.org/u/dc3 \_ Whatever, the point is it wasn't $5-$6/gallon back then, and the price had a real effect on car buying. -tom \_ SUV sales are already way down. Someday they will be like big station wagons of the 70s are thought of today. \_ Americans use far more gas than they did in the '70s. Inflation adjusted price comparisons are kind of bogus. \_ nice try. it won't fly. most of these car's performance sucks. zero-sixty at 15 second range. American need to have a lot of interior room. None of these car has them. The two car I know that has relatively roomy interior and small in size are 1. Audi A2, and 2. Opel Melvira \_ Also American cities, excluding megaurbans that we know, tend to spread out over a large area of land, and Americans travel more distance with a greater speed than most of the other countries so they prefer big, comfortable cars. After getting spoiled for decades, and with loans at all time low, it is unlikely Americans will buy something smaller when they can obviously take easy loans to get something much better. \_ only way to resolve this issue is slap $1 per gallon of federal tax on gasoline (oppose to $0.18 right now). \_ Yes, the solution to any problem is to raise taxes. The government knows best how to spend your money. \_ Instead, we should just get rid of all our taxes because the government doesn't know how to spend our money. In fact, they shouldn't even be spending our money. Stop spending our money to build and maintain our automotive infrastructure, damnit. But I still want to drive my 6000lbs SUV. \_ they do if best is defined in terms of speed or meaninglessness. \_ (Note, I'm not arguing pro/con) This is not a revenue-generating tax, although it inevitably turns into one, it's a punitive tax to try and steer peoples' behavior, much like a cigarette tax. There's a difference. -John \_ ohh my gosh, John understands me for once. \_ Not really. The government is telling you not to spend your money on gas in that instance. They are thus telling you how to spend your money. The difference is the same. \_ You're an idiot. \_ Insightful. \_ moron would be more exact, but agreed. |
2005/9/9-11 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39592 Activity:nil |
9/9 Crack NOLA police force in action... "[T]he police taught everyone around here how to loot. They were the first to bust into the grocery store down the street and the Wal-Mart a mile or so up the road. He also says they took to breaking into car lots in the days after the storm and driving off with brand-new Escalades. I'm not sure whether to believe him, until a cop car drives buy towing what looks like a mint-condition Corvette Stingray. http://www.slate.com/id/2125820/nav/tap1 \_ LA and NO in particular have had endemic corruption for decades upon decades. Such corruption breeds incompetence. On the best of nights NO is out of control and lawless; throw in a flood and you see the result. \_ Just for argument's sake, it would make sense for them to heist SUVs in place of patrol cars, and to bust into shops to distribute goods to people, but it doesn't sound like that's what happened (although to be fair, I wasn't there...) -John |
2005/8/26-29 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39297 Activity:nil |
8/26 Hawaii caps gas prices: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2005/08/hawaii_becomes.php \_ Won't oil companies just sell the gas for Hawaii in other states? \_ In other news, the Hawaii state legislature failed economics 101. \_ The Hawaii state government has been failing remedial econ for quite some time now. \_ Damn I'm glad I no longer live there .. gas lines suck, just ask your parents! |
2005/8/22-23 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:39218 Activity:very high |
8/22 SUV owners: Are you still happy with your oil guzzlling SUVs, or is the gasoline price getting painful? \_ I don't drive an SUV but I did just put $52+ in my tank. Does it hurt? Only in the "gee, that was the most expensive tank of gas I've ever bought in my entire life... oh well" kind of way. The price has *zero* effect on my driving. Why? I still need to drive to work, to the store, to visit family, etc. I'm really happy for the anti-car folks who live in a tiny village making pottery out of their backyard to sell to their pottery buying neighbors down the street who live next to their parents, but the rest of us have lives to live. When someone donates a $1M+ home I'll be able to live closer to work but that will put me further from my family. \_ Your little rant was cute and all, tough guy, but why don't you tell us one reason why you need a SUV? What does it do that a minivan or a regular old sedan can't do? \_ Some people need to haul their entire living room up K2. \_ Great. You just keep on thinking that the California car driving lifestyle is the only way to have a decent life, and stay the fuck out of the decent places so the rest of us can live in peace. \_ Yep, you've convinced me with your deep and pithy style that my lifestyle is just wrong. Please provide a list of "decent places" so I know how to avoid hyper aggressive ninnies like you. Thanks. \_ It's not just California, it's the entire country. The modern American way of life is built on cheap gas. We need to start thinking seriously about how we're going to live in a world where gas is not cheap, instead of just getting into unproductive left/right pissing matches. The "sky is falling" crowd and the "I don't care, something will fix it all for us" crowd are both blinkered. \_ How about telecommuting, even as little as once a week? \_ *laugh* Yeah, uhm, sure. Talk to my boss. Thanks. As if I _choose_ to not telecommute. \_ My SUV's mileage is 20mpg, which is not that much worse than our other car's 26mpg. On the other hand I find it far more versatile. However, I also don't drive it that much. Why focus on car style and MPG when you should be focusing on overall GAS usage i.e. in gallons/day? \_ Exactly. I own an SUV, but I only drive it a short distance to transfer to public transit to commute to work, even though it's faster to drive straight to work all the way. in order to transfer to public transit to commute to work, even though it's faster to drive all the way to work. So my gas-guzzling SUV guzzles much less gas than some people's sedans. \_ Your other car is 30% more fuel efficient. "Not that much worse"? What would be "that" much, 15mpg? 10mpg? Not that I'm advocating either way. My car ~= 25mpg. I also live close to work though. Also note that even for the same MPG, emissions levels can still vary quite a bit between cars. \_ I live and work in San Francisco. Not selling pottery either. I usually ride my bicycle to work, but take Muni/BART on days when I don't feel like riding. I use CityShare about twice a month when I need to shop. I don't own a car. It isn't really that hard to do. -ausman \_ City CarShare is pretty rad, but I'm not sure how it would work in lower density areas. \_ You never drive anywhere for recreation? \_ I rent or borrow a car to do that. Honestly, this is the only real change I have noticed: I rarely leave The City and when I do it is usually to get on an airplane. Oh, I go to Berkeley alot for Cal games, but I use BART for that. \- I live in SF. I drive to the gym 4 blocks away. \_ You don't really live in SF, do you? South of Cesar Chavez and West of Divis don't count. Where in "SF" do you live? \_ Who told you they don't count? Not an SF native, that is for sure. Most of the native San Franciscans grew up South of Cesar Chavez or West of Divis. \_ Don't want to get too bulked up on your way there! \_ How do you get your kids around? How do you shop for a family of 4 + pets? How do you move anything bigger than a backpack to/from your apartment? How happy is your wife living in an apartment with a few kids + pets? How can you afford to pay a mortgage in the city so close to work? \_ There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. -tom are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio. -tom \_ So you suggest ausman not have kids, pets, a spouse, large objects, a wife, or buy a house? That's really deep. Maybe he can live near a lake and write poetry and contemplate his Oneness with the universe while RIDE BIKE! through the forest? \_ Regardless of what Tom or anyone thinks, you need a car for a lot of things. However, you do _not_ need a fucking SUV for wives/childrens/dogs/cellos or whatever. You need a truck for hauling sacks of turf and wheelbarrows and lumber, which is what those things were originally for, not picking up lattes for the office. I smile every time I see some idiot in a monster like that with a $90 gas tank (or whatever it translates to.) All the farmers and handyman types here drive cars like Subaru estates or small minivans. -John \_ Sure you do. Because modern American wives/ children/dogs/cellos are three times bigger than they were when you were growing up or in other countries. \_ I "need" a car about twice a month. It is silly to pay $400-500 a month for something I use twice. \_ $400-500/mo? Why would you get such an expensive car? If you get a decent cheap small car, maybe a couple years old, it could last a very long time especially considering low usage. \_ RIDE BIKE! is for people who do things like not live in LA or not play cello. -- ilyas \_ My brother plays drums and lives without a car. But we don't need any more proof that you're incapable of thinking creatively. -tom \_ i bet the bum lives in your parents garage and will keep bumming rides to move his shit around when he is asked to leave. \_ Yeah, I am sure exposure to temperature extremes won't be bad for the cello. Or God forbid you go professional, and have to tow a 50,000 dollar box of wood as fragile as an eggshell, and sensitive to everything. I mean that can only end well. -- ilyas \_ I'm not suggesting ausman do anything; it sounds like he's already done a pretty good job making life decisions. I think it's pretty sad that some people can't imagine living any way other than what they're accustomed to. I know plenty of people living car-free, and it is entirely possible to have a rich, fulfilling life, including kids and pets, without owning a car. In fact I would go further to say that the car-free people I know tend to have lives richer and more fulfilling than the average. -tom \_ Pets are luxury items. \_ So are kids, grocery, etc. \_ If only the 3rd world knew they were living in such luxury! \_ So are pets. \_ Here in US, you need $$$ to raise a kid. A kid costs $1M in your lifetime. \_ That's only an ideal. Look at all the poor people having kids. Your tax dollars at work. \_ Or, rather, lack of tax dollars for decent sex ed/condom programs. \_ I don't think so. I think a lot of them choose to have kids regardless. \_ Pure BS. I guess that it's possible that some people spend that much on kids, but my parents raised 5 kids on $40,000 a year, in CA. All that with no particular government help to speak of. (Usual stuff I suppose, we went to CA public colleges, so tution was fairly cheap, etc.) \_ Yeah, me too, but my mom telling me the Alpo from the discount warehouse was really "extra chunky corn flakes" got a bit old. :-) -John \_ I don't have any kids yet, maybe I will have to buy a car when I get one, but I hope not. I see lots of Noe Valley parents loading their kids onto the J every morning in their strollers, so I know it can be done. It might not be possible with two working parents. I already told you how I shop. City CarShare has trucks and SUVs for larger loads. Since I live in a walkable city, there is a butcher and produce store less than two blocks away for day to day things. I live in half a 2500 sq ft duplex we bought three years ago. 1250 sq ft is plenty of space for three people, but if my family gets too big I might have to move. I am not going to post details of my financial situation on the motd but if you are really curious, you are welcome to write me and ask. Our total cost of mortgage minus rents from the bottom unit is less than our rents apart were. -ausman \_ Thank you for a serious and thoughtful reply, unlike some others here. \_ As I've said over and over again, the problem is not that gas gas costs $4, $5, $6, etc. per gallon for personal driving. The problem is that it inflates the price of everything. I can handle even $20/gallon gasoline. However, if you raise my food, water, electric, etc., bills by 6x that's a totally different story. \_ Gas is $6/gallon in Europe and somehow people there survive. I guess you could argue their standard of living is lower, but they don't think so. Our standard of living is going to go down, too. \_ Being a tall/long-legged person; I am pretty much stuck with driving an SUV due to headroom issues. It sucks paying >$50 a week in gas; but I have got no other alternative w/o adding another hour a day to the commute. I hear that they are coming out with hybrid SUVs.. \_ European commuters pay $6/gallon (or $9/gallon in Holland), but many other industrial consumers do not due to tax rebates. They can always lower their taxes, we have nothing to lower. Like I said, driving is a luxury, eating is not. Europe also has had decades to design all their cities and infrastructure around expensive gas. Almost everything in America is setup to require cheap energy to function. \_ Right. It's a good thing the folks who laid out London after the fire of 1666 took high gas prices into account in their planning. \_ Oh, they had a oil based economy before 1666? I learn something new every day on the motd. Cheap energy is a modern, temporary phenomenon. \_ A friend of mine was 6'5" and borrowed my Honda Civic and said he had no problem with headroom ... He drives a Subaru Forrester now. \_ Speaking as a 6'4" person, a Honda Civic is perfectly fine - I drove one in comfort for 4 years. The Mini Cooper was also pretty comfortable. The only car that I've seen that I doubt I could drive under most circumstances was the Lotus Elise, but that's a $40,000 toy. --lye \- I think people who can afford [as opposed to those who buy but cannot afford] +$40k cars are not significantly affected but cannot afford] +$40k cars are really not at all affected by the gasoline price increase. To arbitrarily pick a number, if you make $100k/yr, does gas being $2 vs $2.50 a gal affect if you make $100k/yr, does gast being $2 vs $2.50 a gal affect you at all? This delta is less than their latte/imported beer/ fancy vodka budget/premium. Aside from auto gasoline, higher fancy vodka budget/premium. Aside from auto gasoline, increase oil prices affect the cost of living in otherways, but I still dont think this affects the even moderately well off. Now obviously there could be other effect [like say if you work for an airlines] but the main effect is not from incr cost of living/out of pocket costs. ok tnx. fancy vodka budget/premium. \_ Of course it will hit the poor more, like any price increases in staples. However, there are lot of places it can affect the rich, too. Even if you don't, say, own a trucking company you might own a yacht. Are those people going to be on food stamps? No, but like anyone else they are on a budget. If they take the boat out less often (say) then the marina loses money, the yacht club loses money (no mai tais), the tackle shop loses money and so on. A lot of wealthy people are wealthy because they pay attention to the bottom line, not because they ignore rising expenses. \- my point is not "it hits the poor more", it is "the marginal increase in living costs going to higher auto gas costs is trivial for medium income people among bay area high tech people" i.e. the sloda demographic. the increase price of gas increased the per capita cost of a gas for a camping trip by $5/person [500mi of driving]. \_ Might not be trivial if, say, you own a boat, which was my example. It directly depends on how much gasoline you use (or need for your business) and indirectly depends on how much gasoline others use (and need for their businesses). Price at the pump to fill up the SUV isn't really the issue. |
2005/8/22-23 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39217 Activity:moderate |
8/22 Do gas pumps automatically shut off when it reaches $50? Yesterday I was using my Discover Card at a 76 station, and the pump stopped at exactly $50.00. Was it just by chance, or was this a security feature? I could've tried topping-off and see if it would continue pumping, but I didn't think of it until after I returned the nozzle to the pump. \_ $997...$998...$999...$000. "Woohoo!!! Free Gas!" \_ This is a security feature put in by evil left wing liberals to keep from us good conservatives from driving our Ford Exterminator on the street. \_ Could be something locally set up. Gas is pricey in that area. The only other security feature I've seen is you can't use the same credit card for gas within X hours. \_ It's Cupertino. I've never reached $50 at the gas pump in my life. -- OP \_ What kind of car, max gallon, and the type of gas filled? \_ Toyota Sienna, max 21gal, the lowest grade gas (whatever it's called at 76). Pump stopped at 17.863gal. Please no flaming on driving a big van. My alternative is to to use two small cars to haul the family which would burn use two small cars to haul the family which would burn even more gas. -- OP \_ Minivans are the safest and most practical vehicles on the road. You will get no flames from me. -car hating critical mass guy \_ What about the overbreeding? \_ Actually it's me + wife + kid, plus my bro-in- law + wife + kid, plus my in-laws, a total of 8. Just fills up an 8-passenger Sienna. We go out together every weekend. I don't drive the van on weekdays. -- OP \_ Reminds me of that time I drove from oakland to las vegas, averaging 80-110mph. Got gas using my credit card at some station in Bumfuck, CA. Got to Vegas in record time and tried to check-in the hotel and they said my card was declined, they called the credit card company for me, handed me the phone and I had to verify my identity to the representative. Turns out they had locked my card because their software program decided there was no way I could have used the card in Oakland, Bumfuck & Vegas in an approx. 6.5 hour period. \_ I think it would be funny if cops could give you speeding tickets based on math in this case. \_ "Your honor, I was flying in a chartered chopper ..." \_ Yes, typically. You have to swipe your card again as another purchase. \_ Is it a feature to keep criminals from using the card, or to keep you from pouring gas all over the station? \_ I don't know why. My guess was something about the credit card companies' policy of the customer being liable for $50. But that's just a guess. \_ the preauth is usually set around that. i think there's a roadshow answer to this question a while back. \_ Since gas prices keep going up, this is going to start making getting gas more inconvenient in the future ... \_ GOOD. I'm happy. Move closer, ride a scooter, less traffic, less pollution. GOOD. I'm happy. \_ Spoken like a student. Let us know when you have a job and a spouse and own more than the clothes on your back. Maybe a few kids, too. \_ I don't own a car, and rely completely on bike for transport, but spiralling gas prices are still very bad if they get out of control, even for us non-car people. The price of oil could easily get out of control to the point that it fucks up the economy badly enough that we have no job to bike to, and can't afford the goods at the store that we bike to. Also, I'm not going to bike to see my family who live 3000 miles away. \_ Getting gas off 98th Avenue, Oakland (yucky, 3 panhandlers in lot) they limited my SUV (rented for camping, refilling) to $25 via my credit card. I had to pay cash to get more than that. Then in Millbrae (nice neighborhood?) they limited the Lexus SC400 to $50 (didnt fill it up all the way). By the way, I'm only 5'9" but the SC400 is too short, especially with asian-hair that sticks up, my hair touches the roof of the car. Annoying car. But headroom issues belong in the other thread above this one. \_ Are you saying that there's a station agent who watches what kind of car you're filling, and punches in a limit on the fly? \_ No. Those limits to apply to anyone, any single transaction. Just different neighborhood have different limits. |
2005/8/22-23 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39214 Activity:kinda low |
8/22 My year 2006 prediction -- There will be an SUV bubble. Housing prices will continue to climb. \_ Do you mean: SUV prices will suddenly ascend to ludicious \_ Do you mean: SUV prices will suddenly ascend to ludacris levels (a bubble) or prices will crash (a bubble burst)? \_ I'm Fiddy Cent Beeaatch! <bang> <bang> <bang> \_ What's a ludacris level? Is that the level most of those pimped out rap mobile Escalades are at? \_ The number of SUV sales will go down. GM/Ford/etc keep pumping out the same number of SUVs and realize the low demand, and start cutting prices drastically during the summer of 2006. \_ You think executives don't cut production when sales decline? "GM and Ford have already made clear that their outlook for SUV sales this year isn't bright. Both have cut SUV production plans. (May 2005)" Although recently sales have rebounded due to large price cuts, but I doubt that will spur large production increases. \_ The past couple of years have shown Detroit to be be not operating very rationally. You'd think executives would cut production when sales decline, but, up until this year, they hadn't. Dealers have been complaining for years about being shipped too many SUVs and larger cars that just sat on their lots unsold. At the same time, buyers have been put on waiting lists to buy hybrids. American car sales came out of the doldrums briefly this year for the first time in a few years as a result of massive price cuts - the so-called "employee discounts" for everybody sales. \_ Since Detroit loses money on almost every vehicle except for SUVs -- how will they survice? \_ Is this a clumsy attempt to change the subject? \_ And you're so confident in your prediction, you even fail to sign your name! \_ my prediction, the aliens who doped us up with Sci Fi films will attack us finally \_ ludicrous \_ lewdicrous \_ loodicris \_ http://www.blackstar.cc/illustration/ludacris.jpg |
2005/8/19-22 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:39180 Activity:moderate |
8/19 http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/~kchang/interesting/shortcar.jpg What kind of car is this? I'm trying to find more info like name, model, mileage, and other things. Thanks. -kchang \_ If you're interested in a small car, you might want to read http://www.bridger.us/2002/12/16/CrashTestingMINICooperVsFordF150 http://www.gladwell.com/2004/2004_01_12_a_suv.html -- mini owner \_ Note that is from 2002. And the Neon, Cavalier/Sunfire, and Civic and Corolla do all have higher driver deaths than even the midsize cars. The Jetta is also not "tiny" as they say; it's a bigger car than a Civic. \_ But in general, some of the most dangerous cars to be in are SUVs (or light trucks as some people call them). http://tinyurl.com/cwp5w (NHTSA/DOT) \_ 3 of the 4 worst performing cars are subcompacts. Indeed, it seems like midsize cars had the best ratings. --mini owner \_ SMART car. Owned by the greater DCX corporation. \_ I saw quite a few of them in Canada. I wonder if they're in US \_ You buy it, and you go straight to Dr. Yeung. \_ I believe the guy driving the car is a 25 year old Bengali. \_ http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5217861 and http://akasa.ca/smart \_ When you get into an traffic accident, it conveniently crushes into the shape of a coffin, saving you funeral expenses further down the road. \_ And the solution is to have everyone buy bigger and heavier cars, thereby, starting an arms race and making everything, in general, more dangerous? \_ What solution? Is there a problem here? \_ The problem is that people getting bigger cars to make themselves safer is a fallacy because once other people start doing that, your "big" car will become dangerous to be in because of other bigger cars on the street. Meanwhile, your car will become more difficult to control because of the extra weight and size and you're more likely to get into an accident in the first place. \_ The problem with modern light (small is irrelevant) cars isn't being crushed; they have really strong frames (good ones do). The problem is just inertia. Your car will be hurled by the big SUV and when you then hit something else you and the pinball car will come to an abrupt stop. This is why buses don't have seatbelts. In general they don't need them. \_ When a bus rolls over, big inertia doesn't help. When you don't have seatbelts, you hit the roof and break your neck and die. BTW there are usually seat belts for the bus drivers. So I think buses should have seatbelts for passengers also. \_ Sure sure. There are lots of ways to get hurt and die in a car. Sometimes the seatbeltless guy who got ejected lives. Small nimble cars are more likely to completely avoid accidents but less likely to survive head-on collisions, yadda yadda. driver. \_ http://www.smart.com They are actually quite safe. Very rigid frame, tons of airbags. You see a lot of them in Europe (use almost no gas, very roomy--a colleague has one and we carpool regularly.) Not very much storage, fairly zippy, and there's a 4-door (which sucks), a roadster (which is cute but being discontinued) and the crossblade (which is an awesome idea-- http://www.smart-j.com/e/cb.html ) I think they even make some bizarre Brabus mad turbo version. The company's at least co-owned by DaimlerChrysler, and they sell them here in these giant glass towers that look like 10 story car vending machines. Pretty cool, and you can wedge them in perpendicularly into many gaps in parking spots. -John \_ That crossblade doesn't look safe. \_ OK granted, but I don't think "safety" is entirely the point with something like that. -John |
2005/7/26-29 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38830 Activity:high |
7/26 To the free market troll complaining about how the government shouldn't fund an R&D project into better roads. Have you any idea how many commercial(read: free market) companies owe their technology to basic science funded by the government? Hell. If not for that, you wouldn't even have a career. \_ I am probably the guy you think is the free market troll. You didn't read my posts carefully enough. I totally support government funding of R&D of all kinds, government funding of roads, and government funding of public mass transit. I just loathe car culture, and think that our present system is not based on either a free market or government support of rational transit, but rather is based on whoring out the country for the car companies and suburban developers. You may address me as "anti-car troll" if you want to be accurate. \_ "whoring out the country for the car companies..."? Did you just graduate from highschool? That's the sort of demagoguery I'd expect from a freshman or sophomore with all the accompanying idealisitic 'Im gonna change the *world*!!!!' demagoguery I'd expect from a freshman or sophomore will all the accompanying idealisitic 'Im-a gonna change the *world*!!!!' zeal. \_ I'm not lafe but I just want to say that when I was in college I was full of optimism and energy because I felt that I could do a lot to make this world better. Now that I'm in my 30s, working 9-5... I feel that there isn't much I can really do to drastically change the world. You just live life the way life wants you to live. Does anyone feel similar? \_ Not at all; I'm not a victim. -pp \_ No. Try to be a good guy, debate eloquently, stand by your convictions. What's so hard about that? Make what little difference you can, and enjoy watching the morons around you send the world to hell in a handbasket. And regarding the comment below, Europe has good public transit, but the cities are also generally a lot more densely populated. -John \_ I do try to live my life modestly and reasonably, but I've concluded that the world doesn't want to be made better. See GC's comments on "Paradox of Our Time" http://www.georgecarlin.com/home/dontblame.html \_ So, your alternative to car culture...? \_ See Europe. Walkable/bikable cities, subsidized mass transit. High gas taxes to discourage use of the automobile. Discourage sprawl. \_ Europe's big cities are very densely populated. The rest of Europe uses cars just like here. \_ Even smaller European cities have very usable public transportation (better than, say, SF/Oak). And even less densly populated regions are well served by public transport. I was able to get from the door of my apartment to standing on a glacier (in another country no less!) solely though public transport (well, and some walking). \_ So you suggest a *massive* rebuilding of our entire culture where we literally rip up everything now in place, and rebuild everyone's home, work, the transit system, utilities, everything, so you don't have to live in car culture? Seriously, I've never said this to anyone before but if you're that upset you should just move to another country that suits you better. Living here will just keep you bitter and angry. Note, I don't say 'make'. You are already bitter and angry to a ridiculous degree over something that will *never* be anything like the way you want. \_ Ok, take a couple of deep breaths and re-read my post. You will see that I do not suggest anything; I just offered a counter statement and supporting anecdote to the post before me. Physician, heal thyself. -- pp \_ Ok, so you advocate nothing when the original point of this sub-thread was "What is your alternative to car culture?". To say that you advocate nothing when you're really advocating European style transit which would require a massive and near complete rebuilding of society is pure intellectual dishonesty. To then turn around and say the fault is mine and that you're this calm and together person while I'm some nut case is pure dishonesty. Care to actually discuss the issue instead of nutting around? \_ I predict that within 10 years gasoline will be $10/gallon and the rebulding of America into a denser and more sustainable fashion will begin happening all on its own. And yes, you are the one that sounds angry and bitter and extreme here. !-pp \_ It isn't possible to be angry/bitter about something I don't care about. Questioning someone who questions the status quo is hardly extreme. Now you're just being silly. Re-read and try again. I predict that whatever happens, if you predict enough random things you'll eventually be right about some of them. \_ Are you familiar with the Peak Oil hypothesis? I am not predicting a "random" thing, I am subscribing to a theory that already has quite a bit of evidence to back it up. \_ I've read a lot on both sides of the peak oil hypothesis. I'm still undecided. Thinking about it now, no, I don't think oil will ever get to $10/gallon in today's currency because there are other energy sources that cost less than that, but more than the current price. Oil can exceed those numbers due to current inertial reliance, but not to infinity and I don't believe to $10/g. I still remember all the scare movies in the 70s telling us how by the mid 80s the world would be completely out of oil. I'm not easily convinced that state of affairs is always ~10 years away. \_ A while ago I saw a seaman's handbook written in the 70's that quite sincerely stated that sail might well be comming back in the near future so merchant seamen should learn sailing related skills. \_ So I did some research and I agree that because of coal to gasoline processes, gas will probably not hit $10 anytime soon. I think $5 is very likely though. \_ I wouldn't say that smaller cities have better public transport than SF does. There is, for instance, no subway. You might be able to get on a bus, but you can do that here, too, if you don't mind a 3 hour trip to go 20 miles. My point was that Europe, outside of the dense cities, is also a car culture. Try driving from Paris to the Mediterranean during the summer. The roads are packed. Mostly the old and the poor use public transport, just like here, unless they live in a big city (like our NYC). Plenty of Europeans own cars and use them to, say, go to Wal-Mart. \_ Yeah, traffic here is horrible, as bad as LA -- I don't deny that (though the highways are also much narrower). But at the same time, of the 12 people I work with closely, every single one takes public transportation to work. of the 12 people I work with closely, not a single one drives to work. I live in a town that isn't that much larger than Des Moines and it has functioning public transportation. You are right, there is no subway here, but there are trams. However, to go 20 mi, I wouldn't use either -- I'd take a train and, if well timed, it should take about 40 minutes door-to-door with public transportation (less if I biked to the train station, which I probably would). It is un- realistic to expect the US to become this way overnight, and there are some inherent differences between Europe and the US that may make it hard to implement such a system, but the difference isn't just an "economy- of-scale" effect from large cities -- many smaller European cities have well functioning public transportation. \_ When I was on vacation, I took trains everywhere. The train from Nice to Paris took about seven hours. I could have done it in a bullet train in about four, but I wanted to do it overnight and get a sleeper. The people I shared my cabin with certainly were not poor. \_ Trains will get you to a city, but are not helpful to get you to a particular destination. I can fly from LA to SF for cheap, so I guess flying is better than public transportation. Why would someone take a train to Nice if they could fly? \_ Easy -- it takes an hour to get from your house to the airport, where you need to arrive an hour in advance. The flight takes an hour, and it takes another hour to get from the airport to the city center. So, even though the flight is only 1 hr, you are in transit for 4 hours. When factoring in the time it takes to get to the train station, it probably takes a little bit longer, but the experience is much more pleasant. \_ The solution is obviously to build more airports so that it won't take 2 hours there/back. \_ Or more train stations with bullet trains. \_ You can take a cab or local transit or even rent a car once you get there. Flying is a sort of mass transit, actually. How is it fundamentally different than Greyhound?? \_ Same as in Hong Kong and around the Tokyo area. Many people have nice cars, but they don't drive them everyday. \_ In Tokyo, you don't have to. In NYC, you don't have to. It's unreasonable to expect the same level of public transit in, say, Des Moines. \_ I've never been to Tokyo, but the idea that you can get around NYC with just public transit is simply wrong. Even if you want to think that Manhattan = NYC, this still isn't so and the incredible number of cabs and other private driving services should make this clear. If public transit was so great and workable in NYC, there wouldn't be so many cabbies. A cab is *waaaay* more expensive than public transit, btw. \_ There are tons of cabbies in Tokyo, and Seoul as well. Seoul has great public transit, but that doesn't mean you don't sometimes need a car, and therefore a cab. There are even some cases where a cab is cheaper than public transit. Quite a few in fact. -jrleek \_ Absolutely. I don't think many people are arguing for getting rid of all cars. Taking public transit for an IKEA shopping trip is probably impractical, and there are plenty of remote regions that don't need to be served by public transit. The aim of car alternatives should not be to replace cars in all situations, just common ones (people don't go on IKEA shopping sprees every day, people do go to work every day). \_ in other countries ikea provides very good delivery service for big items. for small items, just call a cab. still don't need car. \_ I have been to NYC dozens of times and have never taken a cab. The transit system does everything I have ever wanted it to do in NYC. Have you ever even been there before? \_ yes, i was born and raised there. how many times did you visit our fine city? \_ dozens. I don't know the exact number. \_ Someone needs to ilyas this post. \_ To verbify is the American way... urr, I mean it's to Americanize. \_ I think that guy didn't have a problem with government funding R&D projects in general. He only had a problem with funding R&D projects into better roads. an way... urr, I mean it's to Americanize. \_ I think that guy didn't have a problem with government funding R&D projects in general. He only had a problem with funding R&D projects into better roads. |
2005/7/25-28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38808 Activity:nil |
7/25 Pollution fighting concrete, &c. http://www.wired.com/news/planet/0,2782,68282,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_6 \_ Trees have been doing the same thing for a long long time. \_ Yeah, but we seem to be chopping down a LOT of them in favor of concrete. \_ "Encouraged by such results, the European Union last year earmarked $2.27 billion for a project to develop "smart" construction materials that would break down nitrogen oxides and other toxic substances, such as benzene." You think the Bush admin. would ever do something like that? It's a great move for both economic, environmental, and public health reasons. But there's no lobby that greases their palms, so it would never happen in the US. \_ We believe in this crazy thing called the 'free market'. If people want this and will pay for it then it will be done. 7/24 34 threads, 780 lines, 157 replies, 22.9 lines/thread, 4.6 replies/thread stddev: 28.0 5.9 \_ Free market doesn't work for things like basic infrastructures. Take public transit for example. The benefits are great, but the public needs to spend billions of dollars and wait over 1-2 decades before economic paybacks. In today's world, if you can't make huge profits within 2-3 years, you're out. So what happens when you privatize public transit? They look for things that give you immediate paybacks, like cutting back on the frequency of trains, automation, etc. However, they are reluctant to expand more areas because the investment is enormous, and there is no immediate payback. Sure, free market makes everything more efficient and more profitable, but what about the original long term goals, which is infrastructure for everyone to benefit from? \_ Funny how people equate our car-based system with the free market. I sure didn't choose to have my tax dollars used to either pay for excess roads and suburban sprawl or to bail out shitty car companies again and again. This car-centered nightmare we have turned our society into has nothing to do with the free market. It's socialism, with the government doling out welfare to the auto manufacturers and their minions. A true free market solution *or* a socialist solution for the general public instead of for Detroit would be preferable to the current idiocy. \_ What exactly would a true free market or complete socialist solution entail? Please elaborate. \_ The true free market solution would involve privately owned toll roads maintained with no help from the government competing with privately owned rail lines with no help or intereference from the government. A socialist solution that benefits humans instead of bloodsucking billionaires from detroit would be based mostly on mass transit, with emphasis on encouraging developement in a walking and biking friendly way. Both of these sound better than the "we're all happy whores for detroit" system we presently have. I think that car culture is wrongly associated with the free market as a red herring to decieve people into supporting their automotive masters. \_ Free market works when there is a plethora of sources to choose from. If apple is really expensive, then people can always buy oranges. In the case of infrastructures like eletric power, EVERYONE needs electricity and there isn't enough competition to lower the price. Didn't you take basic econ or experienced the power crisis a few years ago? Free market works for some things and doesn't for others \_ Did I say the free market solution is always the right choice? No, I didn't. My point is not about free market vs. collective sollutions, my point is about the evil of car culture. No matter what economic system you have, it still sucks to get kicked in the balls, and car culture is still stupid. \_ I don't know why we're talking about transportation and other infrastructure, but I believe the free market will provide better building materials if people want them. Witness what has happened with the supply/demand for organic farming. |
2005/7/22-25 [Transportation/Airplane, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38770 Activity:nil |
7/22 In case you haven't heard, Longhorn is called Windows Vista: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/default.mspx \_ And like the flying car, it's always just around the corner... \_ I would like to preemptively proclaim my hatred of flying cars. The same fucking retards who drive around in 5000 pound SUV's while talking on cell phones, blast through crosswalks at 55 mph without looking and park on sidewalks (i.e. the American public) should NOT EVER be alowed to fly. They WILL park in trees over sidewalks, which will break causing even more pedestrian slaughter. They will park on roofs where it is unsafe, run into power lines causing outages, crash into office buildings (out of sheer stupidity at first, then the terrorists will start using them as bombs), get stuck in trees and have to be choppered out, and break down over crowded areas and crash like stones. FUCK FLYING CARS!!! \_ so trolled. \_ This is for you (mp3). link:tinyurl.com/89xnk -- ulysses \_ Go ahead and laugh. We'll see how funny you think it is when some fucker crashes their flying SUV into the side of YOUR house, or after a flying car parked in a tree falls and kills YOUR dog. |
2005/7/11-12 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38516 Activity:low |
7/10 A fast car is nice, but a fast road is even better. How's the traffic in Europe (Switzerland and Germany), compared to average Bay Area traffic? For example, what is the highway speed limit in small towns, suburbs, urban, etc. \_ Way more fixed speed cameras and speed checks, way longer traffic jams, generally not as horrible rush hour on a daily basis, speed limits off highways usually a bit higher, fines worse. -John limits off highways usually a bit higher, fines worse, people drive in a more consistently and orderly fashion (no passing on right, fewer idiots in SUVs yakking on cell phones.) -John \_ I ENVY YOU. No, I hate America. No, I hate you. \_ Why does Fräulein John hate America? \_ What do you think the US should do to make its transportation system better? I hate our system but I don't want to move to Europe. \_ You do realize there are entire university departments devoted to this question, right? I honestly dunno. Maybe higher gas prices & better public transit is a start; drive fewer automatics so there are less brake lights, so fewer traffic jams, make driving tests harder, make living in city centers more attractive, I really dunno. If you've ever been in a 25km German traffic jam on $4 gasoline, you might think there are good sides to everything... -John \_ I would love to raise the max tax to 50% and raise gasoline price to $3 a gallon to fund super metropolis with superior mass transit system but our fucking Country music listening Red Necks that prefer suburbian lifestyle (so that they can fuck their cousins and nephews and nieces) will not let that happen. \_ This is a parody, right? Is this jblack? \_ They can't fuck their cousins and nephews and nieces in super metropolis? |
2005/6/21-25 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38219 Activity:low |
6/21 Most SUV drivers do not have any environmental guilt: "Not surprisingly, few SUV drivers have been buying them. Most have gone to owners of fuel-efficient cars that produce relatively few pollutants." http://www.cnn.com/2005/AUTOS/funonwheels/06/17/car_smog_pay \_ If they had any environmental guilt/conscience they wouldn't buy an SUV in the first place. QED. \_ I am an SUV owner, and I can say I have more enviromental conscience than many people in my company because I use public transit to commute to work even though it takes longer than driving, while other co-workers living in the same area drive to work. \_ I saw a "BIN LADEN USED YOUR GAS MONEY" bumpersticker last week. \_ Do you know who our largest oil importer is? \_ Your momma's scalp? \_ Seems kind of pointless. Just tax gas more and people will drive more fuel efficient cars or take the bus. \_ Ah yes, I'm sure our awsome Governator would be amenable to that \_ it's not fair to SUV drivers. Most people do not have any environmental guilt. how many people willing to leave their car at home and seperate garbage for the sake of environment? \_ I do. -ausman |
2005/6/11-13 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:38085 Activity:low |
6/10 Who says the French can't make great cars? http://homepage.mac.com/alanjones1/sillymovies/iMovieTheater186.html (Transforming, Dancing Citroen) \_ Aside from this one (laser guns and transforming robot capability are optional equipment) they make excellent cars, well on par with anything you can get from a Jap or US mfgr--except for sports cars, trucks or big sedans. -John \_ That's Gaullish genius all right. \_ Gaulish. Gaullish would have been state-funded, really big, shiny, fast and super duper expensive. That said, aside from sports cars, pickups/SUVs and large Cadillac-style limousines, French cars are as solid as anything on the market. -John \_ Why does some fuckwit keep nuking my comment about French cars actually being pretty good? Got riceboy issues? -John \_ Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys! \_ No, it's freedom fries issues. |
2005/5/31-6/2 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:37906 Activity:nil |
5/31 Has anyone seen the new Honda Civic commercial where they put a crash dummy outside of the car and then use the Civic to drive into that dummy? Then they say something to the effect "We don't just care about the people inside, we also care about the people outside." \_ Honda's campaign called "Safety for Everyone". ACE body structure, side airbags, stability control, etc... making these standard on their latest releases (and any future models). \_ Interesting. According to Court TV, automobile is the best murder weapon because you have a much better chance at getting involuntary manslaughter (rather than first degree) and minimal jail time. This move from Honda would turn away would be car murderers to other manufacturers, like Hummer. -troller |
2005/5/18 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:37741 Activity:nil |
5/18 Dumbass rednecks: http://csua.org/u/c3v (carconnection.com) \_ Well I was going to say Darwin, but I forgot that these people also out-reproduce more kids. \_ Darwin effect only works on things that affect reproduction. \_ Kinda unrelated, but what do you call those Berkeley yuppies that drive around in full size pickups? \_ Dumbass wannabe rednecks. \_ Also, what do you call britney and kevin's new tv show? \_ White Trash! |
2005/4/7-8 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:37108 Activity:very high |
4/7 Jesus says gas prices will increase even more this summer. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-040705gas_lat,0,5025383.story "When adjusted for inflation, U.S. fuel prices peaked at $3.12 in March 1981" \_ Premium unleaded at Chevron in Berkeley is $2.92 / gallon. The price for regular is $2.72 / gallon. \_ $2.79 and $2.99 at the Shell in San Francisco at 30th and Mission. \_ 2.49 and 2.69 at usa on dixon / n. milipitas. \_ Um, gas prices go up every summer. This is a surprise? If CA wants cheaper gas in the summer, maybe we shouldn't require the producers to use a wacky blend just for CA. \_ ...and then L.A. would be unliveable \_ In other news, the price of oil dropped today. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050407/ap_on_bi_ge/oil_prices_75 \_ Just an fyi, the $3.12 figure is highest *average*. When premium self-serve in downtown SF hits $3.13 don't all go crazy. Ye may commence hysterics at $3.85 / gallon. -op \_ Hysterics? Don't they already pay more than that in Europe? \_ Yes. And the tax on it here ain't going down, so when it's at $4/gallon, they UK's paying about 8 or so... -John \_ you know, we moan and bitch when gas price is going up while shut our mouths when housing price doubled in the past 5 years. We pay approx 1/3 of our earnings on rent and/or mortgage while only 1/10 to 1/20 of it on gasoline. Our sense of scope is just wacked. If anything, we should be moaning and bitching about land ownership inequality and things to alleviate this crisis instead of something as insignificant as price adjustments in gasoline. And I'm all for price hike if it means less people driving \_ fewer Maybe he means "lesser", as in "those who drive SUVs _/ are lesser people." their damned SUVs and polluting the earth. And I mean it even if I have to pay 2X for delivery or anything else like grocery. \_ The problem is that oil prices undermine all other prices. And might be able to move to a smaller house and pay less rent/ mortgage, but everyone has to eat. And since agriculture just uses land to turn petroleum and natural gas into food, higher oil prices == higher food prices. \_ Plus oil money drains out of the country while housing costs stay. Well, unless it's owned by foreigners and rented out. Actually I'm not sure just what the housing price increases really mean. All that debt goes somewhere. The US debt ends up causing a ton of interest payments to foreign lenders. Oh well this place is screwed, I better get my Euro citizenship in order. \_ 75% of us are landowners. Why would we bitch? \_ 75% land ownership in America? Wow, America IS rich! Moooo... \_ Well, the number is something over 69%. Do you want to compare that to, say, Germany? It's 43% there. \_ 75% land ownership for EVERYONE, including children under 12 years old? Or do you only count after 18 years of age? \_ The homeownership rate is computed by dividing the number of owner-occupied housing units by the number of occupied housing units or households. \_ PRAISE JESUS!!! |
2005/3/12 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:36660 Activity:kinda low |
3/12 SUV as public nuisance: http://www.suv.org/safety.html SUV drivers cause more fatalities per mile than drivers of other vehicles. They are a safety risk to other drivers on the road, almost the textbook example of a nuisance. 1. nuisance -- ((law) a broad legal concept including anything that disturbs the reasonable use of your property or endangers life and health or is offensive) \_ Yes most people know they're evil. Tell that to our governator and our oil loving politicians, I'm sure they'll be sympathetic and do something about it. Yeah. \_ The key phrase is "use of your property", that means real property (land) not chattels such as cars. Products liability actions against manufacturers of SUVs by people injured in accidents w/ SUVs is more promising. |
2005/3/11 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:36645 Activity:high |
3/11 Drive a car, support Republicans: http://www.choosetheblue.com/mainFrame.php?prodcat=Gasoline http://www.choosetheblue.com/mainFrame.php?prodcat=Auto+Makers \_ Fox news is blue! http://tinyurl.com/68odo I'm skeptical. \_ My SUV, my car. Keep your laws off my property. P.S. I'm driving and you suckers can walk. Nyah nyah nyah -conservative \_ I want to build a coal fired power plant in my backyard, right next door to you. Gotta problem with that? \_ Keep your laws of my property is not incompatible w/ the belief that an individuals private property use should not interefe your neighbor's use of his private property. The expectation that one should be free in his own land from interference by the gov. and ones neighbors necessarily means that one must refrain from activities that would interfere w/ the ability of ones neighbors to use their land similarly. A coal fired power plant would be a private (if not public nuisance) and pp would be entitled to an injunction. \_ Your SUV is a public nuisance that operates on public highways and uses my tax money to be a pain in the ass. I have far more right to demand regulation of your vehicle than you do to try and control what I do in my own back yard. Hypocrite. \_ The assertion that an SUV is a public nuisance is debatable. A public nuisance is generally \_ It's not, I can't see past them. They endanger my drive, in addition to making it less efficient and costlier, by preventing me from planning for traffic conditions ahead. This also applies to semis and vans and pickup trucks, which, like SUVs, can be excused if their size is actually needed (like by gardeners, handymen, etc.) -John \_ People NEED SUV to protect their frail egos. It is a lot cheaper than seeing shrinks. something fixed on a piece of property that posses a threat to the health and safety of the nearby community. A vehicle does not meet this critera. Even if we assume that an SUV meets the critera, it is debatable whether an SUV posses any healty or safety risk. Many would contend that SUVs are safer than regular cars. In contrast your coal burning plant is fixed next door to "mr conservative's" home and will substantially affect him. Note that if he were to put in such a structure, the general principle provides you the same remedy. BTW, I am not "mr conservative", I don't own an SUV, and I have no plans to purchase/rent one unless I find myself on safari in central Africa w/o a nearby subaru dealer. \_ You will die in a car accident soon, fucker. \_ If he's in an SUV and you're on bike on in a little Honda or Toyota, I think you'll be the one losing. \_ Precisely the definition of a nuisance. \_ No, He'll flip over the side of the mountain and die the fucker that he is. \_ Now I'm happy, I have a Mazda that usually runs Chevon. \_ Yay. I have a honda and an infiniti. Guess I need to start buying Shell. \_ Yah...I drive Toyota and pump Shell gas. \_ Why does a company contribute to both parties? \_ Hedging |
2005/3/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:36600 Activity:low 75%like:36642 |
3/9 This Friday: Berkeley Critical Mass 12th Birthday ride! Party after. http://www.berkeleycriticalmass.org \_ When are they going to start the protest where they ride around throwing maltov cocktails at SUVs? I'd go to that. throwing molotov cocktails at SUVs? I'd go to that. \_ Gasoline to $2.50 by summer. About half of the necessary $5. \_ So maltov cocktails are half-off, what's the problem? \_ So molotov cocktails are half-off, what's the problem? \_ what's maltov coctails? \_ Molotov. Glass bottle with gasoline inside and a burning rag which is thrown. Standard rioter equipment. \_ Named after Russian Foreign Mister Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov. Used by the Finns to stop the Russian advance into Finland during the 1940 border war. Used by partisans and freedom fighters worldwide, as well as rioters. \_ I was personally sad that no one threw a molotov at W's limo during the inauguration. If 100 brave Liberals threw them then they'd surely make a statement. However, I guess Liberals are just whining chickens. Yeah, a bunch of pussies. -disillusioned Freeper \_ d00d, security was a bitch. If you could throw a molotov, you could throw a satchel bomb. security screenings took everything including fruit, so the most you could throw was a snowball \_ and yet, no one even spitted at or threw a snowball. They had this stupid "Turn your back on Bush" crap which no media even showed. At least during the first inauguration someone threw fruits \_ snowball was thrown; if you spit, you had to hock your loogie over the two-row deep line of police \_ If mamby-pamby liberuls chewed like real men, they could do it. \_ Hey, wait... can you chew marijuana? \_ speaking of tools and cranks. |
2005/3/7-8 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:36552 Activity:low |
3/7 Why American car companies are gonna die in a decade or two (but we all knew that long time ago right?) http://money.cnn.com/2005/03/04/pf/autos/bc.autos.survey.reut \_ by that logic, european car companies will die first. \_ Yes. |
2005/3/3-4 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:36508 Activity:high |
3/3 "AAA Says Average Driving Cost Is 56.2 Cents Per Mile For 2004" http://www.csaa.com/global/articledetail/0,,1008010000%257c4513,00.html That doesn't even include bridge tolls. I always thought it's about 39 cents per mile, per IRS tax forms. \_ That's what the IRS gives you, but it's not the real cost. -tom \_ Have you ever estimated the *negative* cost per mile in terms of health benefits from riding your bike to work? That would be an interesting calculation. \_ I don't know, Viagra can be expensive. \_ nog. that's just the cost of running/maintaining the car. it doesn't include the cost say on your health. or roads. \_ Or the cost of suburban sprawl or the cost in lost farmland or the cost to rebuild all the infrastructure left behind in crumbling cities or the cost in broken communities or the cost.... \_ Public transportation looks better and better once you start looking at the full costs of owning a car. If you drive for 100 miles, you pay approx $50 ... \_ did you include all the taxes people pay into it? \_ The taxes paid into the freeway system or the public transportation system? \_ Since both public transportation and cars are massively subsidized, that doesn't seem necessary. And I meant better as in cheaper, not more convenient. And might become more "convenient" in the next few years as oil prices zoom up. \_ Public transporation stinks. The majority of people will gladly pay for the additional cost to NOT have to take public transportation. As for the health risk, I think that you are obviously more likely to die in a car than the subway. However, I bet you're more likely to get sick from communicable diseases taking the public transport than if you were to own your own car. In addition, the convenience of a car far outweigh its costs. Business also would be a lot less efficient if we had to rely on public transport. It may work in high density areas like N.Y. N.Y or S.F., but in places like California, especially Southern California, it certainly will not work. \_ It is already starting to work. When it takes three hours each way to commute from Riverside to LA by car, people start taking the train, as they have already. If transit was as massively subsidized as the car, it could be a high speed rail link and even more would take it. \_ I wouldn't call 3% working. Riverside is also pretty damn far for a commute into the city. Also, most people in LA don't even work in LA. \_ That is a failure of planning. Just wait till gasoline hits $10/gallon. \_ How are cars more massively subsidized than transit? \_ http://csua.org/u/b8q Tremendous costs are associated with buying and paving over all the parking spaces used by cars. \_ Very useful info! I didn't know heavy rail actually has lower operating cost than light rail. \_ What's the difference between heavy rail and commuter rail? \_ From the linked article: U.S. rail transit services require about $12.5 billion annual public subsidy (total capital and operating expenses minus fares), about an extra $90 per Large Rail city resident. However, economic benefits more than repay these subsidies: rail transit services are estimated to provide $19.4 billion in annual congestion cost savings, $8.0 billion in roadway cost savings, $12.1 billion in parking cost savings, $22.6 billion in consumer cost savings, and $5.6 billion in traffic accident cost savings. So in other words, all those people taking BART and Caltrain aren't driving alongside you on 101. \_ My father, a hard core right winger, has come up with his idea of how public transit should work after he worked as a bus driver for a year or so. Basically, the bus should be free (maybe a dime), and buses should always have right-of-way, and they should have a radio to make lights turn green for them. People would flock to busses in droves. BART should be free too. -jrleek \_ Turning lights green for the bus doesn't win you nearly as much as you think; if you get any kind of regular ridership, the bus winds up stopping all the time anyway. -tom \_ Lights on San Pablo Ave are already turning green for the San Pablo Rapid buses. Check out http://www.actransit.org/riderinfo/sanpablo.wu \_ sounds a Socialistic idea. \_ Yeah. But in his experiance the busses were heavily subsidized anyway. Basically, few rode the things, and about half or more those who did ride, rode free or with some discount. He gave a lot of free rides. The money coming into the till just wasn't paying for anything anyway. -jrleek \_ A failure of centralized planning? I disbelieve! According to our good friend tom, it is the free market that is mathematicall proven (!) not to work. -- ilyas \_ Are you really this stup...Oh, right. \_ I don't get it. I thought conservatives hate things tied to Socialism. \_ Not that this is some new idea. Salt Lake City's light rail system is free downtown. -jrleek |
2005/1/27 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:35928 Activity:very high |
1/27 How did a compact SUV, a relatively light object compared to a locomotive, cause the train to derail in the LA incident? I've seen some TV documentary where a train hits a school bus. The school bus is cut into two but the train keeps going. \_ I think i read that the suicider-suv-er drove his car a little farther down on the track and 'parked', so the locked wheels combined with the railroad ties caused the car to become a very Large Immoveable Object. this is a little different than just being in theway at the crossing point. \_ I have the same question. Remember the PSA poster saying: "When there is a tie at the railroad crossing between a car and a train, the train wins." \_ Maybe the train here was going faster than the documentary one. maybe the track curved at that spot. who knows.. Wait for a TSA report. \_ I heard that the engine (the heavy car) was in the rear and the the passenger cars in the front are relatively lightweight. \_ This is correct: http://csua.org/u/avb (LATimes, brew your own login/pwd) \_ Great Fucking Design! \_ Yes, it is a great design. This is a train. It is not an automobile so that the individual cars are not easily moved out of position relative to one another. Ergo engines since time immemorial have always been positioned at the ends to either push or pull the train. Trains are also not designed to break quickly, nor can they turn, reverse directions, or go over terrain which has no track upon it easily. If you ever had a train set or utilized the common sense part of your brain you'd realize this. In addition, if you're thinking about "writing to your representative" to improve train safety because you somehow believe that trains are unsafe, simply lookup the statistic on how many people die from train wrecks per annum vs. how many die from car accidents. If you argue that fewer individual use trains then you may go ahead and utilize the resources on BART and other light rail systems. -williamc \_ Holy shit. A williamc post that isn't *completely* moronic. Of course, you have the usual drooling ad homonem, but this is still a potential precedent setter. \_ He's talking about putting the engine in back. Pushing a bunch of cars is going to be less stable than pulling them if the front one derails or hits something, and will cause more damage as the whole thing is far more likely to jackknife, especially if there's a locomotive in back that keeps pushing for a few moments. This is not best practice, and while you're right, trains can't just turn, most rail lines use switching yards to move a second engine to the other end of the train when it has to reverse direction (you generally don't just change the direction of a train from pull to push away from terminal stations, which should have other engines standing by for just this purpose. As for comparative statistics, they are irrelevant if an accident is avoidable--people still die unnecessarily. -John \- What if someone hijacked a train and crashed it into the White House? \_ There are train tracks going to the White House? \- They could build underground tracks to the White House as an insider job. \_ ali, sign your posts. \- bigup yourself --alig \_ What if someone built a trebuchet and fired it at the White House? \_ http://www.ysabel.org/lj/lotr-catapult1.gif - danh \_ What if someone took a high powered laser and beamed it into Bush's eyeball, from far away, at a speech? \_ I wonder how must it would cost to put a simple radar like devie in the front of the train, to activate emergency breaks or sound alarms if it detects something directly ahead... \_ Not expensive, but futile. Trains are not easy to stop. \_ But it doesn't sound like they even tried to stop, the light passenger cars hit the SUV at full speed and derailed. \_ The paper says that conditions were such that the driver likely didn't see the car until s/he was right on top of it. \_ Doesn't work on curves. \_ Oh no, not the CURVES, I LOVE THE CURVES!! \_ Of course not, no sodans can handle the curves. \_ "I want the curves!" "You can't handle the curves!" \_ Hahahaha, oh we are such dorks, damn I love the csua. \_ All sodans suffer from premature ejaculation? \_ Oh that's sick, go back to your hole.. \_ And in Al Jazeera, they say "Jeep Cherokee, your new terror weapon" \_ The SUV body crumpled, but the SUV's engine block caused the train to derail. It's in one of the LA Times articles. \_ Crap on the rails is always a problem. In Holland, lots of trains are apperantly late now because teens are finding it cool to put stuff on the rails and watch the trains hit it. There is always a chance that a large heavy piece of something will make a train derail. |
2005/1/26 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:35899 Activity:high |
1/26 Dear hybrid car experts, can you please tell me what is wrong with the design of Honda Accord hybrid? I expected it to have great mileage. I mean, that's what people expect right? At 255HP and 37MPG, it is roughly 100 more HP and 3MPG more than the other Accords. However, I suspect that most Accord owners buy Accords not because of HP/speed, but because it's economical and has great mileage. At $12,000 over the standard Accord price, it's hardly economical (heck I can buy other nice cars for $35,000), and at only 3MPG more than the old Accords, I have to say, Honda sucks. Why couldn't they have come up with something that has EQUAL HP (160HP) but much better mileage? Idiots. -Disapponted Honda Fan \_ 255hp? wow, that will beat the pants off my buddies lancer! -r1c3 b0y \_ hybrids are good for city driving and would show great benefits for high power "get up and go" drivers as compared to their regular high output engine. this makes a lot of sense to use it for cushy cars and SUVs that are driven poorly from a fuel-efficiency perspective. hybrids do not help w/ long distance cruising where regular engines yield reasonable highway MPG ratings. \_ To further illustrate this point, the Toyota Prius has better city gas mileage than highway. \_ prius has 110 hp \_ Hybrid engines are new. The current breed only gives about 10% milage boost, the new ones coming out in a year or two will give around a 25% boost compared to gas only engines. \_ I'm thinking of buying the Accord Hybrid exactly because it has slightly better gas mileage AND better HP. Remember, this is the top of the line Accord, and is marketed as such. If you want fuel efficiency, get the hybrid Civic. \_ Uh, you realize that for $35000, you can get a much nicer car with better name recognition than say, HONDA. I mean, Hondas are reliable and all, but styling is oh so boring (not exactly a chick getting car). \_ Where did you come up with $35k? MSRP is only $30k. And thats only $3k more than the non-hybrid V6. What other car are you comparing this to? \_ the dealer has a $2K mark up, plus shipping, tax and goodies \_ You have those other fees regardless of what car you look at. Even +$2k, thats only $5k more. \_ YOU NEED INTEGRA HAAA \_ My penis is large enough, so that I don't need to overcompensate by buying an oversized SUV or sports car "for the chicks". \_ People buy Honda for reliability, and relatively better styling and performance than Toyota. I'm still waiting to hear what car you'd prefer at $32k. \_ Nissan 350z w/ Performance package -- !pp |
2005/1/8 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:35608 Activity:kinda low |
1/7 ilya, I'm in LA. I've never in my life been in a traffic jam such as the one I was in in the last 3 hours, 1 hour of that on a 2 mile stretch. Also I've never in my life seen so many aggressive, rude, middle finger pointing SUV drivers. My god, how do you stand living here? I hate LA. \_ I stay off the freeways, and live within 10 minute's driving distance of everywhere I need to go. When I was first moving to LA, I specifically made a longish trip down to look for an appropriately placed apartment. As for your comments on the people, the soul of LA is repulsive to me. Maybe that's why I don't like UCLA. -- ilyas \_ the sould of <insert your hometown> is repulsive to me \_ Pfft, like it's any better in the bay area. You ever been stuck on the bay bridge during rush? Anyway, if you had any sense about LA, you'd learn to get OFF the freeway during times like these. ANd yes, they drive agressive, none of this pussy ass driving you get in the bay area. \_ Agressive? In California? Yeah, whatever. Go drive around New York City for a while, and you'll learn what agressive driving means. Or Boston. Agressive driving is when you're sitting at a red light with your *left* blinker on, and someone honks at you for not running the light, swerves around you on your right, flips you off and honks again, and then cuts in front of you to turn *left* on the red. Ever see that in California? \_ learn to drive aggressively in LA. People here drive A LOT, and waste a lot of time stuck in traffic so naturally they're pissed about having to drive, let alone getting along with passive drivers like you. \_ LA drivers are not aggressive, they're just plain shitty. they don't know how to drive, period. if it rains, they slow down to 5mph. even if there's moisture on the road, they slow down to the same. if there's a cop on the side of the road, they slow down to rubberneck. they are all assholes 1) who can't drive and 2) are moronic enough to subject themselves to LA traffic year after year. \_ I find the opposite problem in NoCal; drivers treat too many drivers drive on wet roads like it's dry. It's annoying, not to mention dangerous. In any case, LA traffic is easily managed if you have familiarity with surface streets, many of which can cut your commute times in half. |
2005/1/8 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:35599 Activity:moderate |
1/7 This is one of the worst SUV trolls I've seen on SF Gate: http://sfgate.com/columnists/morford \_ It wasn't that much of a troll -- the author didn't even include the obligatory Small Penis Syndrome in the article. \_ I wonder if the author ever commutes by carpool or public transit. \_ "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public" \_ It is kind true. Most people I know who buys SUVs thinking it gives them more ego and power. It's stupid. Some people I know needs an SUV, they do a lot of camping, biking, and off road type of deals. But most are the idiots who commutes with it and thinking that it will allow them to pick up girls. I've seen some big ass SUVs lately and it bothers me, these fuckers are the reason we are madly at war... \_ I think a significant fraction are the people who really should have gotten a mini-van, but couldn't deal with that as their automotive self image. So they bought something that weighs as much but is less safe, convenient, comfortable or practical because they're in denial about being middle aged parents. \_ I bought my first SUV 12yrs ago, years before the term "SUV" was coined. \_ I bought my first SUV 12yrs ago when I was in Cal and single, years before the term "SUV" was coined. A friend of mine bought a minivan 9yrs ago when he was single, years before the minivan craze. \_ 9 years ago was pre 80s? \_ It's that "new math." |
2004/10/17-18 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:34174 Activity:nil |
10/16 Fleeing SUV Suspected of Carrying Illegal Immigrants Causes 11-Car Crash, Killing Six in Ariz. http://ap.tbo.com/ap/breaking/MGB46V8JE0E.html |
2004/10/12-13 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:34055 Activity:very high |
10/12 What are some of the most villaineous FICTIONAL vehicles known to people? I'll start the list: \_ There have to be half a hundred from star trek. \_ "S.S. Botany Bay?!" \_ Borg cube? \_ Christine. \_ Didn't KITT have a archenemisis? \_ KATT. \_ KARR \_ Don't forget Goliath, driven by Michael Knight's evil twin. \_ Death Star. NOTHING beats the villaineous level of Death Star \_ The Ford Explorer. Read: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=0060090588 \_ Explorer is fictional? \_ General Lee. "Good ol' boys" my ass... \_ Hate any white people, lately? \_ The Mobile Chemical/Biological Lab. Powell said it was! \_ The Popemobile \_ The Love Bug \_ Barbie's Corvette \_ Toss-up between PUSSY WAGON and that tan station wagon driven by the Illinois nazis in Blues Brothers. -John \_ Are we talking about movies/tv shows or books? Gray Area a.k.a. Meatfucker was pretty evil... but I am not sure he qualifies as a 'vehicle.' -- ilyas \_ Only in a Hannibal Lecter only-scoops-and-eats-brains-of- mean-people "evil" kind of way. That said, would you classify Skaffen-Amtiskaw or Mawhrin-Skel/Flere-Imsaho as "vehicles"? They're "evil" in the same way. </geek> -John \_ There's the evil truck from "The Duel". |
2004/10/9 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:33999 Activity:moderate |
10/8 http://www.automotive.com/news/25/7265 Summary of a study: Drivers of Gas Guzzling Large SUVs Support Bush, Kerry Finds Votes Among Drivers of Small Import Vehicles \_ Wonder if my Outback counts as a Gas Guzzling SUV? |
2004/10/5-6 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:33930 Activity:very high |
10/5 Republican Car vs Democrat Car: Hummer: Republican Prius: Democrat M1 Abrams Tank: Libertarian Bulldozer: Likud Lowered VW bus with Porsche Engine and big stereo: non-voter \_ Bug? Public transportation: America hating libuhral Bike: Green Others? \_ This is stupid. --aaron \_ BWM 525i \_With an "I'd rather be smashing imperialism" bumpersticker. \_ Huh? \_ Don't you drive a BMW 525i aaron? \_ Don't you drive a BMW 525i? \_ no sense of humour \_ this is your idea of wit? i've got some archives of 1993 internet humor that could keep you in stitches. --aaron \_ please forgive aaron. He's one of those people who like to say things like "when I was your age the computer lab was in W.E.B. (workstations in Evan's basement) and a bit was ye big and I programmed in registers but then I got into politics and stopped being funny." \_ Back in my day, we didn't have no electricity, we used gas, and dagnabit, we liked it! Back then we used to clack numbers together. We didn't have none of these digital computers. \_ You had numbers? We could only dream that someone would invent the zero in my day.... Nazi: Mercedes \_ VW. \_ Porsche. \_ Dodge (but really, VW bug. Ein Volk! Ein Wagen!) |
2004/10/4-6 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:33920 Activity:moderate |
10/4 http://content.health.msn.com/content/article/94/102926.htm?GT1=5370 I've been saying this for a while but no one listens to me. Living in suburbs increases our dependency on automobiles and decreases our standard of living (traffic/waste of time/ pollution). In addition, living in suburbs may increase isolation and depression. \_ Uh... duh? \_ In other news, whiny metrosexuals post non-news items that we already knew twenty years ago. Thank you for playing. Next? \_ That's a weird response. Weirdo. \_ Oh no! We should go back in time and kill Eisenhower to stop it \_ what does Ike have anything to do with this? \_ Something to do with the Interstate system? \_ recent article in the NYTimes Magazine countering this very idea. Some points the author makes are good, though many are weak. Link to mirror since its archived on http://nytimes.com already: http://snipurl.com/9jsp - rory \_ Is this just an around about way of saying Republicans: evil/stupid and Democrats: good/smart? We should all pack into a tight city, sell our SUVs, walk crime ridden streets carrying our groceries home on our bikes singing kumbaya? Hint: the suburbs are packed full of SUV driving democrats. \_ right. so the only alternatives are living in some kind of massive urban shithole like SF or some kind of massive suburban shithole like orange county, huh? you just keep thinking that, and those of us who live someplace decent won't have to see your dumb ass. \_ Nice personal slam. Tell us what fanatastic and unique place you live in and we'll talk about it. Until then you're just blowing smoke. I won't bother calling you any names. It isn't necessary. |
2004/9/1-2 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:33278 Activity:high |
9/1 Cadillac Night Vision is about $2000. If I buy off shelf components, what exactly would I need to get, from where, and for how much? I like Night Vision but I don't like Cadillacs. \_ Yet another distracting gimic. I would rather spend a fraction of that money to buy Xenon headlights instead. It turns night into day. \_ I don't want it to see where I'm going. I want one for my twin 40mm Mk19 autocannon popup turret so I can sneak up on cocksuckers in their SUVs and make smoking road pancake without them ever knowing what hit them. -John \_ Generally I'd agree, although for anyone without autodim mirrors, Xenons on other drivers can be very annoying to have in your rearview. \_ I thought the same thing too. But then I took a closer look at a Xenon at night compared to a standard halogen and it wasn't anymore blinding. I get more pissed of at large SUVs on the road using their halogens than people with Xenons. And Xenons are more projected than diffuse so you get a more precise aim (and cutoff). The problem with some cheapo Xenons are the lack of auto-leveling which most decent Xenons nowdays should have. \_ I dunno, when I see xenon lights on the other side of the freeway, I get pissed. \_ You must be a very angry man. \_ I want to kill both. SUV lighting sucks. Xenon sucks. I don't want to be blinded by either one. \_ Agreed. I really have doubts how much is utility, and how much is trendy-suv-starbucks-pink-is-the-new-orange silliness. \_ You obviously don't own a car with xenon lights. The difference is huge and I would never own a car without them again. As for blinding, my car has a self-dimming rear-view mirror so it's not a problem. \_ Fair enough. \_ *Your* car does. The *other* drivers you're fucking *BLINDING!* do not! \_ FYI, you should check out the Cadillac CTS-V. Might just change your mind - it rivals the BMW M5. 5.7 liter V8, 400 horses, 0-60 in 4.7 seconds, 395 ft lb. of torque, track-capable handling, huge brakes. Admittedly it doesn't have the beemer's steering feel and compromises the handling a little bit for comfort, but its still a monster. \_ Wow, great marketspeak! Did you get paid to post that? \_ Speaking of which, E60 M5 on Nurburgring: http://home.planet.nl/~frans290/MOV04226.MPG \_ Is it made in Germany by big-breasted blonde Aryan women? \_ Too ugly. And expensive. Why would I want something that merely "rivals" the real thing? \_ To be fair, I'd give GM credit for recently reinventing Cadillac into a sport/luxury car vendor that _indeed_ rivals BMW, Lexus, etc. I thought this brand was going to be a toast three years ago. Most pre-pension age people would hate to be found dead in one of their cars. Now, GM is talking about exporting Cadillacs into Europe again. This is a sign that they started making cars that people would like to buy. |
2004/8/5 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:32715 Activity:nil |
8/5 http://www.slate.com/Default.aspx?id=2104755& Yes, I'm a hater. Now get your huge ass vehicle off my roads. \_ YES! |
2004/7/4-5 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:31162 Activity:very high |
7/4 Poll, how long did your last few cars last? Include cars that you grew up with as well, I'll start: dad's 83 Pontiac: 0-85K, total piece of shit, wouldn't start, engine died in U turns (something about turning the wheels), etc. 86 Honda Accord: 0-170K, transmission rebuilt at 150K. Still running but decided to sell it mom's 88 Toyota Camry: 0-110K, needed a lot of repairs, total piece of shit, already needs new transmission. 98 Honda Accord: 0-120K, still running like a bunny. \_ 89 Olds Cutlass Supreme: 0-225k, still going. Only routine maintenance. \_ This is actually kind of interesting, but will get way too long. How about moving it to /csua/tmp/carsurvey or something? -John \_ HEIL John, the native German speaker. Have you ever driven on the Autobahn and what is it like there? \_ That's about as funny as you look, and yes, and it's a lot of fun except that the (at least the ones in a lot of fun except that krauts (at least the ones in cheap cars) are crappy drivers. -John \_ I spoke no German but I did drive there for a few days. I always stayed in the slow lane because my car wasn't up to the task and Krauts seemed all crazy. It was like a rock in a rapid. 97 Cavalier: 0-100k, replaced fucked up engine with a 50k one. 50k miles later, it died every now and then if i step on the brakes after i've started the engine and started to move. \_ mom's last few Ford Escorts needed major repairs at around 100K. I'm having a very hard time convincing her to buy Japanese. She's kind of old fashioned and patriotic. Anyone have this problem? \_ yeah, yermom is only putting out for the white guys. she won't do asians and they're a major part of the market! \_ 84 Volvo 760 GLE 107-147K mi, was okay until the timer belt belt broke 87 Nissan Maxima, 55K-70K mi, was okay until the transmission died 96 Toytoa Corrola, 0-60K mi, great car had it till early 2003. I drove it to cal for 2 yrs, 1 yr to work, my brother drove it 4 yrs to cal, 1 yr to work. 96 Lincoln Continental, 22K-55K mi, another great car. Lots of power (220+ hp v8), perfect for passing riced civis w/ n0z. Dealer was very nice, would fix every little thing for free. Favorite quote about my car: "Shet, you can fit NINE dead Russians in trunk". Sold it in 2003 because I got tired of paying for 91 octane gas (esp. since the car got 16 mpg) 03 Subaru Outback, 0-13k mi (to date). best car I've owned. Plus points: good gas mileage (22.5 mpg), AWD, lots of storage space for my mtb and stuff. Minus points: no cassette player (can't drink Kool-aid, err..., use an iPod in the car). Will hold on to this one for a while. Trying to convince my mom that she needs an 05 w/ turbo's :-) \_ Have you considered getting an FM transmitter for your iPod? They are cheap. \_ I tried the iRock, the Belkin and the iTrip. None of them work very well in the s. bay. This is a $80 FM transmitter that is sort of illegal that works well but I don't want to get stopped by a cop on 101. I'm waiting till my warranty runs out so that I can repl. the head unit. \_ 89 Honda Civic 235K miles - Pretty much indestructable, almost totalled it at one point, was repaired just fine. Traded it in for a luxury car during dot com boom. \_ American cars made during the 60's and early 70's were truly great, indestructible (but consumes lots of gas). After that they became like crap. What's the reason? \_ After that OPEC happened and the whole auto industry took a nosedive. Cars just became unsellable and people wanted smaller, low mpg vehicles. When that happened Toyota and VW bugs became \_ high? exceedingly popular. Detroit scrambled but were not used to building cars like this, hence the cars went to crap. This tradition is still evident today, where American companies like GE are basically selling trucks in the form of SUVs and passenger cars are basically the domain of the Japanese. \_ it is clear that you hippy tree-hugging liberals have never been to Texas \- hello i have a 91 honda civic @118k which seems to be doing ok although the power seems to have gotten even lower but i am pretty hard on the car like driving down third ave really fast over the construction bumps after mumbling "punch it baby" and humming the theme to the streets of san francisco. |
2004/6/30 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:31078 Activity:insanely high |
6/30 Car question: How long do your brake pads last, generally? I'm talking highway and surface street driving, not off-roading. \_ Depends on the type of car and on your driving habits. Brakes generally last longer for cars than for suv/mini-vans. If you ride the brakes, then the life will be significantly reduced. My exp. has been that brake pads last at least 25K miles and usually between 30K and 40K miles. \_ More general statement than "cars vs. suv/mini-vans" is that lighter the car, longer the pads will last, assuming similar driving styles. BTW, replace them yourself. Drums are a bit messy, but discs are really easy. \_ I wouldn't trust my life on my own automotive repair skills. \_ seconded \_ but you might save $20!!!! \_ As opposed to HS dropouts who doze off during mechanics training? \_ So you would trust your life on some complete idiotic stranger who earns minimum wage rather than yourself? \_ every 45K for me. 80% freeway 20% others |
2004/5/30-31 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:30498 Activity:high |
5/30 Does anyone know where I can find average gas mileage for a give car/year? I have a 1994 Saturn SL2, it gets about 27 mpg. I was just curious if that's average. (About half in town, half freeway driving.) \_ I just put in one of those Tornados and increased my mpg from 13 to 16 (it's not an SUV, just old). They're $65, but it's kinda fun to see the improvement. I only post because I'm proud of it somehow. \_ http://Edmunds.com is a good place for all car stuff. yousr: Manual: 25 mpg / 34 mpg Automatic: : 23 mpg / 32 mpg In my experience, it is normal to fall in the low end of the range unless you drive like a grandma. -phuqm. http://csua.org/u/7il |
2004/5/27 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:30445 Activity:high |
5/26 Does anyone know anything about the Unbreakable Autolock? It's like a Club that fits on your brake pedal. I can't find any user reviews online (like on amazon, epinions, etc). Thanks. \_ If you have a car that's so expensive that you're worried about it being stolen then it's probably already got some kind of immobilizer chip built in. \_ Not at all. It's a low-price car, one that's very easy to break into. I know all these anti-theft devices can be broken, but I just want a cheap, easy deterrent. \_ Um, not only expensive cars get stolen. Hondas, especially in California, are among the most cars stolen. \_ Camrys and Tauruses are in the top 5 or 10 most frequently stolen cars. I don't think the OP's concerns are unreasonable. \_ They are in the top 5 most numerous cars, which is why they are most stolen. \_ I think it has more to do with ease of entry, etc. These cars are pretty renowned for being very easy to break into. I don't think this contradicts my earlier point, though. http://money.cnn.com/2004/02/27/pf/autos/nicb_most_stolen None of these are particularly 'expensive' or likely to have elaborate anti-theft electronics. \_ I think the statistics is how many stolen per 1000 cars. \_ No. If you want those statistics then look here: http://www.iihs.org/news_releases/2003/pr082103_hldi.htm Camry doesn't even make the list. \_ Tauruses? No fucking way. I've parked mine in the worst neighrborhoods and industrial back alleys for 7 years and the worst thing that happened is some dipshit used it for a shelf and scratched the hood in a campus parking lot. I *wish* someone would have stolen it when the replacement value was higher. \_ See above link. \_ Reading the link didn't help me get my Taurus stolen about 4 years ago. I considered leaving the keys in and walking away but I'm not that unethical. \_ There's a wider world outside your skull and limited experience, you know. \_ you're an idiot. i just wanted my car stolen. \_ AutoLock - about $60 (pro version), the older version is about $30 I think somewhere someone was still able to break it, however it is very hard to. Get it at Kragen. \_ thanks. -op |
2004/5/21 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:30348 Activity:very high |
5/21 My boss's new black BMW got keyed recently along the length of the car. He tried to buff it out, but the scratch is still there. Any recommendations? Thanks. No, I didn't do it. \_ are you the world's biggest sycophant? why do you even care? \_ Comprehensive insurance. My car got keyed and I paid $50 out-of- pocket. $100 and $150 are more common of more expensive cars. \_ Bad suggestion. Your insurance will go up. Don't file frivolous claims. \_ That's what comprehensive insurance is for.. it includes minor theft / vandalism and isn't supposed to count towards your premium going up. They aren't allowed to hike your premiums for these things. BTW, this also includes things like cracks in your windshield from rocks on the freeway \_ My premium didn't go up. Claims against comprehensive (because they're committed by acts of vandalism or acts of God) don't increase your premium. Check with your insurance. \_ "If God lived on Earth, people would knock out all His windows." -- Yiddish saying \_ Anything under $500 or so should not increase your premium. But most comprehensive come with a deductible that you have to pay out of your pocket. If you have $250 or $500 deductible, not worth it. \_ Mine was over $500 and it didn't increase my premium. The point is that it wasn't your fault and was completely out of your control. In that case, it should not count against you as it would if you were simply a bad driver. $250-$500 deductibles are pretty steep. I've never seen them that high although it would be plausible. \- Helo I dont think you understadn moral hazard. Anyway, if you file a lot of claims, it may suggest you somehow more expensive to insure ... whether that is because you live/work/park in a bad area, have a nasty bumper sticker that pisses off people and gets your car keyed, whether you have a stalker or neighbor who hates you. Unless an insurance co is regulated against using filed claimed as signals, it probably makes sense for things like this to have an effect on primiums. --psb \_ You must be paying high premium. How often do you claim for comprehensive? \_ Not really. I only filed once because some asshole who deserves to be gang-raped in San Quinton keyed my mid 90's car. \_ If you hadn't blocked his driveway, he wouldn't have keyed your car. \_ I had a $100 deductible on my comprehensive (I don't have comprehensive any more). Came in handy when a rock cracked our windshield (and the windshield cost $900 to replace). \_ Do you drive a BMW or sports car? \_ If your boss drives a BMW, he/she must have money pay for such minor damages. Why even trying to waste your precious time to even find a cheap way to fix it. \_ because he's the one who keyed it \_ Loser #1: No one likes wasting money, even BMW drivers. Loser #2: I didn't do it. \_ Loser #3: ass kisser. \_ Oh yes, I see now how this discussion has evolved. \_ BMW drivers have hearts and souls, too. And sometimes not\ so snobby as to think "$500 is nothing." --chris \_ It's actually amazing what misconceptions people have of BMW as being an expensive car. Relatively speaking, a 3-series actually costs less than those monsterous SUVs and even many sedans that look cheap (Subaru STi, Evo, G35, Lexus, etc.). \_ X5 \_ My 3 series was over $40K. Lexus, G35, and such were almost $10K cheaper. It is expensive for what it is. By the way, keeping a low deductible is a waste of money. Get one with $500 or $1000 and use it only when you need it. \_ Lexus and G35 are pieces of crap. Just because they're $10K cheaper doesn't mean it's a good value. You should have bought a used 5-series for the same money. -chris \_ That's actually true. Edmunds uses to concept of true-cost-of-ownership which factors in things like mileage, depreciation, and maintainance costs. BMWs have free maintainance for the first 3 years. They hold their value pretty well and they're pretty fuel efficient. Their lame SUVs, on the other hand, are a different story. \_ I think Lexus is a better car and my next car might well be a Lexus. Also, if I wanted a 5 series I would've gotten a 5 series. I didn't want a 5 series. \_ Latest issue of Consumer Reports shows that reliability for Mercedes & BMW is in the dumps. Japanese luxury cars don't have that problem. \_ Yep. My neighbor has a Mercedes and a Volvo. His next car? Toyota Avalon. He's sick of the problems and his last Toyota had none. \_ most of that is about trim pieces and such, as opposed to costly mechanical stuff, but yeah. \_ Look at it this way. I have had all 4 power window regulators replaced under warranty at $400 each. When the warranty goes out that is not a cheap repair. Add in the time I wasted with my car in the shop and the frustration (one broke on my way to a concert and I had to go back home to switch cars!) and it sucks! My Honda hasn't had one regulator replaced yet in TWICE the time! \_ Well the 3 series price range is huge, the base ones are retail 28K, invoice under 26. There are quite a lot of cars in the 30-40K range that people don't get this attitude over (Ford Explorer). High end brands just each have connotations about what kind of people own them. But for some reason Audi and Acura and even Lexus I think don't have that brand image. Probably because it wasn't until the 90's that they really got in the game. |
2004/4/26 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:13380 Activity:nil |
4/26 Kerry doesn't own an SUV, his family does: http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4009850,00.html \_ Oooh! Tell us about Roger Clinton! \_ Funny how he both uses his wife as a dodge, by saying it's not really *his* car, and sets himself up as a hero for buying an American car. So, is owning a Chevy SUV good or bad Mr. Kerry? \_ 'Cos when your own candidate is suffering due to a war he created and the lies he told, it's best to point to his opponent's car. \_ The point here is that Kerry lied about owning the car because he didn't want to look bad. He should've just told the truth. He is a career politican in the worse sense. \_ 1 SUV is less expensive than 80 billion to invade iraq \_ unlike Bush? \_ Oh Bullpucky. I hate my wife's car and would sell it in a hearbeat if I could, but since she bought it before we were married I just have to put up with it. I am sure with a millionaire wife, she can buy whatever car she likes, with or without her husbands permission. It is not "his" car unless he drives it. Does he drive it? \_ This is just sad. The man's wife's car is about as relevant to this campaign as Laura Bush's formerly liberal ideals. \_ As I pointed out above, I don't care what he drives, but the fact that he's making such pathetic attempts to lie about it. Not to mention, but since they are married, it IS "his" car. \_ I am pretty sure married people can own property seperately. Am I wrong here? \_ For those who espouse traditional family values as republicans do, marriage is an absolutely form of bondage. Yes. \_ Don't be an idiot. It has nothing to do with republicans. They didn't set up the marriage and divorce laws. \_ When you get married to an independent woman, check back in with us. Until then, get a life. \_ So says the same sort of idiot that put in place the "divorce means the woman gets half the man's stuff" laws. According to the law, just property is jointly held. (Unless they have a prenup that says otherwise.) \_ Which state? California is a community property state. How about Massachussetts? And if you ask me if I support Windows, I'll tell you no, because I own and use a Mac exclusively; my wife's PC is nothing to do with me, despite my community property interest. This is pure bullshit semantics. \_ You don't know what you are talking about: http://csua.org/u/72l "Separate property is property that each spouse owned before the marriage. Separate property also includes inheritances and gifts (except perhaps gifts between spouses) acquired during marriage. During and after the marriage, each spouse may keep control of his or her separate property." She came into the marriage worth $400M, surely she is able to afford to buy her own seperate car, unless they have comingled their accounts. Do you have any evidence otherwise? |
2004/4/23 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:13355 Activity:nil |
4/23 Why buy an SUV? Why did you buy an SUV? (two separate questions) \_ skiing and camping. \_ You could do that with any car. \_ to feel like a Big Man. \_ i'm very short. related to big man above. \_ They're just station wagons really, for most users. I'm sure you understand the market for those. For SUVs then you just compare looks and price, plus SUVs sometimes have things like 4WD or towing capacity. There do exist people who take SUVs offroading. \_ So why aren't then people buying station vagons instead of the usually bigger, bulker, and more expensive SUVs? \_ Some are. I am a happy subaru owner. Subaru > SUV, unless you have 'unique needs' and then it's probably hummer > SUV. Most people I know who own SUVs are women who like the feeling of safety. I should add, I have nothing against SUVs or people who ride them. They are just not really my aesthetic. -- ilyas \_ Subarus can't really tow or offroad, and are rather small for family purposes. \_ Heh. Ask geordan about offroading subarus. Also, some subarus are quite large. Forester is essentially a station wagon built on a sedan body. Another thing I forgot to mention is the way SUV emissions are classified -- an SUV lets you get away with a bigger engine, which some people like. -- ilyas \_ I think they call the Forester an SUV. But no Subaru is "large". Forester is tiny compared to Acura MDX let alone a Suburban. \_ Hmm, ever heard of rally racing? \_ rally racing is done on dirt roads. \_ A subaru certainly offroads as well as most SUVs currently on the market, and likely better than a few. Most SUVs made today are made for roads. -- ilyas \_ All SUVs are made for roads. But I say your "most" statement is wrong. I can think of quite a few that will be much better. It's not relevant that some may not be better. \_ A Jeep Wrangler and that boxy Mercedes thing which costs 70k are not made for roads -- they are a horrible ride on roads, but they are great for offroading. We should compare SUVs to Subarus. The Subaru bottleneck is relatively low clearance, the SUV bottleneck is the high center of gravity -- both bad things. -- ilyas \_ I just said. Consider a couple examples of car-based SUVs, Toyota Highlander and Honda CR-V. They're not more wasteful than the Camry or Civic they're based on. I don't think there even exists a Civic wagon. The last Camry wagon I saw was butt ugly and I doubt it offered 4WD or had as much room. QED. \_ What are you smoking? Go look at http://edmunds.com, and look at mpg for a CR-V vs civic. CRV gets 10 mpg less, and has a bigger engine (to push its greater weight...). Civic wagons were great, alas phased out in 91 (I own one) - but you still see them all over, because they were very reliable and versatile. Too bad they quit making them... \_ Ok CR-V has a 2.4L, 160hp engine. 23/28 mpg. The Civic Si, also 160hp, has 26/30. The Civic can't tow anything and has a lot less room, and doesn't offer AWD. Here's the Highlander difference: Highlander: 3.3L 230hp, 19/25 Camry SE V6 3.3L 225hp, 20/29 By the way I don't even have an SUV, I'm just arguing out of boredom. \_ I should mention that mileage and AWD are a tradeoff because AWD is heavy. This is part of the reason why subaru mileage isn't as good as that of comparable cars. Incidentally, what is this 'can't tow anything' thing? What do you want to tow? Other cars? Elephants? I've seen any old sedan (subaru including) towing those two-wheel cargo things with boats, and all sorts of other stuff. -- ilyas \_ I've never seen a Civic towing anything. Some people have large stuff to tow. Subarus actually have more towing options than most normal cars, but couldn't handle large trailers. \_ Ilya, remind me to start some elephant-towing threads sometime. \_ I think Subarus and Hondy CR-Vs are good alternatives to the larger SUVs. I know that some people have a true need for larger SUVs, but what about those who think it just looks cool? \_ Vanity is the only reason to buy an SUV, that and increasing the risk of killing other people or killing your entire family in a rollover. If you need passenger space, get a van. If you need 4WD get a sedan or truck. If you carry cargo, get a truck. The only reason to buy an SUV is vanity. \_ Safety is a good reason. SUVs ARE safer in non-rollover collisions. It's also easier to armorplate an SUV if you are into that sort of thing. Easier emission standards for SUVs is yet a third reason. Did you read anything in this thread? \_ please post your name so i can go laugh at your funeral. \_ Dumbass. |
2004/4/15-16 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:13215 Activity:nil |
4/15 I was riding my motorcycle to work today, and a guy in an SUV pulled up next to me at a stop sign an yelled, "You Bitch!" When I turned to look at him he asked me the way to the freeway in a thick Chinese accent. I told him. \_ Thanks for sharing. \_ Eh? Trying to map what he said into something else he might have been trying to say, coming up empty... \_ That's what I couldn't get either. It must have been "excuse me" right? But even with a Chinese accent that's not even close... \_ "excuse, which" maybe? And then got flustered and started over? \_ "Hey you. Which way to the freeway?" which you only heard the first part of? Or maybe something Mandarin or Cantonese. \_ Now that I think about it, maybe it was some kind of sociology experiment. We could all get in on this fun. Walk up to someone on the street, mutter an explitive, and when they look at you, politely as the time of day. \_ It probably helps if you're a nice looking Chinese guy with an accent. |
2004/4/8 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:29909 Activity:nil |
4/7 Stoplight to punish suburban speeders in Pleasanton: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/04/07/MNG8N61MGG1.DTL |
2004/3/31-4/1 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:12940 Activity:kinda low |
3/31 Our policy on cutting down dependency on foreign oil: http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/Taxes/P48468.asp \_ There are times when I wish Spike Bike were around. -John \_ Spike Bike? \_ A cloud of brown dust stretched as far as the eye could see along old route 126. From my vantage point behind an old barn, I watched the grim parade. For the third time in less than a minute, a huge gravel truck rumbled past, spewing acrid, black smoke and kicking up more of the brown mud-dust and spreading it all over everything. Including me. I'm Spike Bike. I hate cars. Taking out a tractor-trailer rig isn't easy. You might be able to get a grenade into the cab, but if it bounces back at you, you're finished. You can sometimes shoot out all the tires on one side of the tractor and the truck will jackknife, but it takes at least half a mag, and half the time you won't get all the tires. I had to face the fact that a MAC-10 submachinegun and a few grenades just weren't going to do the job against these monstrosities. \_ MORE! \_ http://members.aol.com/clubnbc/spike_1.htm \_ Thank you! \_ Why not just shoot at the external gas tank? \_ Diesel fuel plus you need lots more oxygen for a useful response. \_ Oh, diesel doesn't explode. I see. So all those action movie scenes where trucks run off bridges and hit the ground below and then explode are not real. \_ I have some news that might come as a shock to you about the tooth fairy, too. |
2004/3/26-27 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:12878 Activity:nil |
3/26 Honda Element and Scion. Ugly or not? Cool or not? \_ live closer to work and walk, jackass. \_ I have always said that SUVs were ugly, bugly, and fugly. But both Element and Scion take the word ugly to a whole new level. No, they're not cool (even for a fad). If you want cool, get a MINI. They're much more fun to drive. \_ i love my mini... cooper, that is. \_ i love my mini. \_ Whole new level? I don't know. The Aztek is currently far and away the ugliest thing on four wheels. \_ OH GOD!!! I guess I completely forgot about the Aztec because people just stopped buying them. Yeah, there are no words to describe how ugly the Aztec is. \_ I dunno man, the H2 is pretty dang ugly. \_ YUGO! \_ The Element is all about being practical, while not looking boring. Pretty much spot on for 30something lifestyle. \_ I thought it catered to the teenagers and young 20 somethings. I've read articles about that. \_ I love the Element, and would totally buy it. The Scion looks weird, but it is a good deal for what you get. \_ Odyssey, baby: http://www.honda.co.jp/ODYSSEY/gallery Or the Vamos: http://www.honda.co.jp/VAMOS And when you're ready to move, there's always the ACTY: http://www.honda.co.jp/tokuso/sagyou/01.html yermom \_ Order of ugly: PT Cruiser H2 Aztek yermom Scion Xb Subaru Baja Element Honda wanted to sell the Element to 20-30 somethings but they failed miserably and everyone driving them is over 40. Drive one if you think putting around in a plastic kleenex box is cool. |
2004/3/12 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:12637 Activity:very high |
3/12 I know this is a liberal pipe-dream, but imagine that, instead of spending $87B on Iraq every year, hundreds of billions on tax cuts, and the prescription drug [company] benefit, we spent $300B a year on a simple program: Hand in any car that gets less than 30 MPG and you can go out and buy a 50+ MPG hybrid car for FREE. We could replace 15 million cars a year on this program, and oil imports would soon drop like a rock ... This seems a lot simpler than invading country after country, plus domestic car manufacturers would quickly start cranking out competing models so it would help the car industry too. People want to drive big SUVs, not hybrids but I'll bet plenty of people would switch if you get a new car for FREE. \_ Ok, great, and where does the power come from for these cars? Hybrid cars dont make power from thin air. It's a hybrid of a gas engine and a battery. The power for the battery comes from either energy drained off the gas engine and thus reduces MPG and/or from an electric socket. The power for that socket comes from...? Yep, you guessed it, burning oil, coal, or nuclear. I won't even go into the abuse your program will cause when we suddenly see the price of broken ancient $150 gas guzzlers go up just so people can turn them in, nor will I mention that oil is not the source of Islamic terrorism. It isn't a liberal pipe-dream. It is just a pipe-dream. \_ I don't think the point of an electric or electric-hybrid car is to get energy for free. It's to improve efficiency. Electric cars (that plug into a socket) use energy generated from a gas turbine power plant (or nuclear, solar, hydroelectric,etc.). Gas turbine engines are far more fuel efficient than piston engines. Hybrid cars work under the principle of using a low power engine (which tend to be more efficient than a high powered one) and using that to recharge a battery. \_ plus the battery allows regenerative braking, and shutting off the engine quickly when idle. \_ Pretty much no hybrids on the market are built to recharge from an outside electricity source -- you are thinking or pure EVs, which are pretty much on hold. OP is referring to the reduction in required petro due to increased fuel efficiency alone and he is correct that the change would be dramatic. Hybrids can get double the mileage of standard vehicles. \_ Most of the milegage gain is from making the cars lighter. \_ Must research before talking out of ass. Apples vs. apples, hybrids are heavier. http://www.hondacars.com/models/specifications.asp?ModelName=Civic+Hybrid http://www.hondacars.com/models/specifications.asp?ModelName=Civic+Sedan \_ Let's assume we replace around 20% of all cars (because not everyone can or wants to trade-in). We'd cut automotive petroleum use around 10%, and total petroleum use ~5%. We'd probably replace ~30 million cars at a cost of ~$60 billion. $60 billion seems a bit high for a 5% drop in oil use. \_ To my mind that depends how much of a petro decrease would be sufficient to no longer require massive military operations every few years. The cost of the current Gulf adventure is at about $105B. \_ We're not there for the sweet,sweet oil. We're there to battle Islamic terrorists who were operating freely under a secular Stalinist dictatorship. \_ Whoah. Somebody believes this? \_ It's probably just sarcasm, but yes, some people actually believe this. \_ The 105 includes Afghanistan but anyway.... \_ No. Total appropriations in the two wars so far have been about $150b. \_ Oh, I thought you meant the current war plus afghanistan, not gw1+gw2 and not afghanistan. The numbers are similar. \_ The 105B is for Iraq alone, but anyway... http://costofwar.com/numbers.html \_ It's always fun to play with numbers. You do understand that a lot of that money would have been spent on people, weapon's maintenance and training anyway, right? Probably not, but it's cool to think you know what you're talking about. Gives you that "I'm smarter than you" feeling of superiority even if it's false. \_ I like that idea, but I think there is a better way to spend the money. How about instead of buying efficient cars for everyone, we give everyone a lobotomy so they won't _like_ gas-guzzlers (and while we are at it, we can make sure they won't discriminate based on race, or want a handgun in their home). In fact, we might as well make sure they will all agree abortions are ok. Sure, it will be expensive, and there is a slight loss of free will, but think of how much better off our society will be! -- ilyas \_ that was an awesome ilyas style rant. it's quite easy to poke fun at people truly concerned with how global energy resources are being rapidly depleted without offering anything remotely like a viable solution by somehow linking this all to gun ownership, abortion, and paranoid extreme libertarian sexual fantasies. \_ (a) The op was a troll, not a concerned citizen. Buying everyone a hybrid is a stupid idea for practical reasons (as others pointed out), as well as moral reasons. (b) I do have an alternative. Do nothing (at the government level). Let's check back in 20 years to see who is right. If I am wrong, I ll eat my words, like Mr. O'Reilly did. Will you? You didn't even sign your name. -- ilyas \_ [ non-sequitur deleted ] \_ Did that deletion make you feel better, though? \_ The non-sequitur wasn't really insulting, but it was random. Patriot Act? wtf? \_ Ah. So ilyas jumps from hybrids to lobotomies to abortion, but my extending his statement about "loss of free will" to the most recent source of govt infringement of civil liberties is a non sequitur. Just making sure I follow. \_ You are barking up the wrong tree. I don't like the Patriot Act. I also don't like grand schemes for 'societal betterment' at taxpayer expense, which was the point I was trying to make in that clumsy way of mine. Also, I was under the impression the main danger of the Patriot Act was the increase in spying powers of the government, rather than explicit prohibitions. The only possible relevance explicit prohibitions. -- ilyas of PA to op's post is that it is "a bad thing the conservatives did" rather than "a bad thing a liberal is proposing we do." You can always make another thread to laugh at conservative stupidity, there is plenty to go around. -- ilyas \_ Invading Iraq is a pretty grand scheme and it has cost a fortune. So far the big results are: Saddam Hussein in jail so he can no longer \_ Your reaction is very interesting, ilyas, especially all the extensions you make. Did somebody maybe press a button? which use Li, not Pb. threaten us with non-existant WMD, Iraq going from oil exporter to oil importer, everyone in the world even MORE pissed off at us, and 500+ soldiers dead. My point was, if we are going to spend billions and billions of dollars, why not just spend directly on stuff that we know will actually make a difference as opposed to stuff that might fix problems. \_ I thought I was the only conservative isolationist on the motd. Did you vote for Pat, too? \_ Hybrids are a ruse. They make people feel better about wasting resources--it's like residential recycling programs, which make practically no impact on resource usage. If we really wanted 50 MPG cars, we could do that with or without making them hybrid, and hybrids have additional toxic waste problems. -tom \_ By toxic waste, surely you're not refering to the batteries, which use Li, not Pb. \_ Yes, some smaller cars are already close to 50mpg but it would mean making them even smaller and lighter which seems unsafe. \_ bigger, heavier cars are more dangerous than smaller, lighter cars. \_ no. \_ do you not understand the concept of kinetic energy? |
2004/3/3-5 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:12497 Activity:nil |
3/3 Is there an alternative to AAA for roadside assistance coverage that doesn't lobby the state to build more freeways? I want the towing, I don't like AAA's political agenda. Thanks. \_ 21st Century includes towing with their insurance. Others might. \_ I have towing with Amica but the service sucks hard compared to AAA. Waits typically three times as long and sulry second rate service from whoever eventually shows up. -- ulysses \_ I have never heard of this, do they want more highway maintenance, or more freeways? Where can you build more freeways in california? are you talking about private toll roads? \_ My aunt works for them, and she's mentioned some stuff like this. http://betterworldclub.com/memberbenefits/AAA/AAA_record.htm http://betterworldclub.com/newsroom/articles/Harpers_May2002.htm It's not terrible stuff they do, they're not Enron-- more like AARP, selling out but trying to maintain a good rep. \_ How does the roadside (car) asssistance plan compare to AAA in terms of service quality? \_ The RAC but you have to wear a coat and tie to get into the clubhouse. -John \_ Most car dealerships offer roadside assistance programs with their cars. Also, many insurance companies offer it with their coverage. \_ 9 out of 10 times it's subcontracted through AAA \_ http://www.betterworldclub.com Endorsed by Car Talk. \_ I thought AAA is better than other insurance provider because it's non-profit. \_ Actually, I've heard from a couple of folks that AAA insurance sucked, especially given how expensive it is. Low quality service following an actual accident was the complaint in both cases. BTW, Amica being a "mutual insurance company" is also not-for- profit. \_ the part of AAA doing roadside assistance is different than the insurance part. |
2003/12/19-20 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Reference/Tax] UID:11518 Activity:moderate |
12/18 Most of people in California don't like the car tax. Just curious, do you guys support the repeal of that car tax at our current financial crisis? \_ One thing that was conveniently forgotten: 3 years ago, the car "tax" was reduced by 66% because we were flush with revenue from other sources. Restoring those pre-boom levels can hardly be called a tax increase... But it was a very effective marketing term. As was the heretofore nonexistent term "Car tax." --scotsman \_ That's right. I used to be paying $400, but now i am paying $250 for a car that is twice as much as my old car. \_ FUCKING WATCH YOUR DAMN OVERWRITES. TWO POSTS RESTORED \_ I guess I'm not most people. I think a tax based on the value of one's car makes a lot of sense. -- ulysses \_ You must really hate America. \_ I bet you'd love socialism, too. -- anonymous coward \_ We should base criminal penalties on the value of your car, too. \_ I bet you'd love socialism, too. \_ Hmm, we're spending way more than we're making.... Oh well, maybe it'll get better on its own.... Oops, it didn't. I don't want to spend less, though.... I heard CA has one of the highest car tax rates in the country _even_before_ the tripling. \_ you heard wrong. http://www.njpp.org/gastax_compare.html \_ I would prefer not being taxed over being taxed, but I don't think it makes sense to get rid of a tax before figuring out where the money will come from or before getting rid of the items being funded by the tax. \_ Our current financial 'crisis' is due to over spending not lack of taxation. After the state level morons cut a few billion in pork everything will be fine. \_ may be we can resolve the financial crisis at federal level by stop issuing bonds. after the federal level morons cut a few hundred billion in pork, everything will be fine? \_ There isn't a financial crisis at the federal level but yes there's a few hundred billion in pork that should be cut and taxes lowered by the same amount. \_ there isn't ??? hello the federal financial crisis is way worse! The fed govt' is already in amode of borrowing to pay for the interest on its debt. Can you say federal debts over 10,000 per capita? The only difference here is there is already an established pattern of borrowing at the federal level, while there is none such for the state level. \_ No, the biggest difference is that the Fed can just decide to mint money and inflate their way out of any debt problem. The State cannot. \_ This is all really very easy. Davis increased the # of gov't employees by 30% during his reign. Fire them and cut the budget 10% across the board. \_ urlP \_ why didn't Arnold doing so? \_ probably the same reason your grammar sucks. laziness, or perhaps sheer stupidity. \_ if you are so smart, then, tell me why Arnie is not firing state employees. \_ what does knowing what goes on in arnold's head have to do with being smart? \_That's easy, fire people = less votes \_ How many of those 30% were school teachers, mandated by the voters? Not a rhetorical question, seriously interested in the answer. \_ I don't have the answer, but this is the general problem. Voters have such little trust for the state legislature, that we've passed measure after measure to control their spending. As a result, decreasing the budget without breaking a law is hard. Other than school teachers, there are also the huge pensions given to prison workers, which can't be taken away, etc. -emarkp \_ Americans don't pay for the full social cost of driving anyway, and the car tax still doesn't come close to what Europeans and others pay in terms of gas prices, etc. The tax should be more of a user fee rather than money for local jurisdictions. \_ Europe is a lousy god forsaken place full of socialists and communists who never want to do an honest days work. Using Europe as a benchmark is stupid and foolish. \_ I love how you there's basically no difference between trolls and people being serious on the motd. \_ What'd he say that isn't true? \_ Actually I think you have it backwards. It is the US that pays a disproportionate amount of costs for a stable supply of oil in the Middle East. It is the US military that provides security in the area (eg. Fifth Fleet). Much like pharmaceuticals and host of the other products Europe is a parasite on the US - we subsidize their lazy social welfare \_ Europe is a lousy god forsaken place full of socialists and communists who never want to do an honest days work. Using Europe as a benchmark is stupid and foolish. and people being serious on the motd. state. \_ car tax on my 10-year old honda was tiny anyway ($65 for the total DMV registration for the year) - triple that puppy! Punish the SUV buyers! \_ why single out the SUV owners? Heck, why single out car owners when the real social cost is on the USE of cars. A gas tax would be ideal here, and be far less noticeable than a several hundred dollar a year hit in registration fees. Plus it will disproportionately hit the heavy gas users like SUV owners. \_ I prefer gas tax over car tax too. The more you drive, the more of the purden you pick up to maintain the roads. Plus that'll encourage people to carpool and take public transit. BTW I drive an SUV. \_ Is it accurate to say that most expensive cars (= high car tax) also have lower gas mileage? E.g. sports cars, large trucks, ...? Still indirect, admittedly, but doesn't it have roughly the same effect? (not the case with old vs new cars, though) \_ car tax on my 10-year old honda was tiny anyway ($65 for the total DMV registration for the year) - triple that puppy! Punish the SUV buyers! would be ideal here, and be far less noticeable than a several hundred dollar a year hit in registration fees. Plus it will disproportionately hit the heavy gas users like SUV owners. \_ I prefer gas tax over car tax too. The more you drive, the more of the purden you pick up to maintain the roads. Plus that'll encourage people to carpool and take public transit. BTW I drive an SUV. tax) also have lower gas mileage? E.g. sports cars, large trucks, ...? Still indirect, admittedly, but doesn't it have roughly the same effect? (not the case with old vs new cars, though) \_ More expensive cars tend to have much worse gas mileage because the vehicles are heavier, have more power, bigger engines, more toys, etc. Anyway, as someone with an expensive car I only drive a short way to/from BART every day I don't see why I should have to pay a huge tax on it. \_ It's always been high. What the tax paid for was covered by state taxes when they had enough in the kitty. With the econ down and the state can't cover, the taxes returned to their former high level. In the spending spree and 0% financing frenzy of the last two years, people have been buying lots of new cars (enough to float the US economy past a recession) for big bucks thus high vehicle taxes. It's the same sort of whining gas prices get "too high" and people who bought low MPG cars start crying or when people buy property and whine about high taxes. You're fucking rich enough to buy it stop whining about the relatively small taxes associated. |
2003/12/12 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:29711 Activity:high |
12/12 SUVs Kill: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994462 \_ But the occupants are less likely to die in an SUV than in a car when the vehicle is hit by another vehicle or is sandwiched. \_ SUV's kill OTHERs. they're plenty safe for the SUV owner/driver. \_ Reuben Bolling did a comic recently called "SUV Arms Race" \_ Not entirely true: http://tinyurl.com/z03y (nhtsa.dot.gov) |
2003/11/25 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:11216 Activity:nil |
11/24 What's the diff b/w 4WD and AWD? \_ usually if they say 4WD the vehicle is normally in 2WD with the ability to switch to 4WD.. but on normal city streets will not handle well in 4WD (often because it locks 1/both/all differentials). AWD usually implies it will automatically shift power to or away from wheels w/o any intervention. There are of course variations on these rules.. such as the mercedes 4matic \_ Yes, 4WD with locking differential(s) handles even worse than 2WD on paved roads unless you're always going straight. It's not intended to be used on-road. The only time the 4WD on my Cherokee saved my ass on city street was one time when I unknowingly landed one rear wheel on a cable car track on an uphill slope while waiting to make a left turn on a rainy day. As the opposite traffic cleared, I stepped on the gas but my truck didn't move an inch. Realizing that I was going to be hit by the oncoming cable car going downhill fast in the opposite direction, I paniced, pulled the 4WD lever, floored the gas pedal and pulled myself out of the intersection. \_ http://auto.howstuffworks.com/four-wheel-drive.htm/printable \_ great link, thanks! So I'm curious, how much of a mpg penalty is there for the awd differential? \_ Usually 2-4 MPG highway. Don't remember about city. Just check out this year's specs for various vehicle models with both AWD and 2WD. E.g. Toyota Sienna (van), Lexus RX300 (SUV), Toyota Matrix (car). \_ negligable on some, e.g. audi. definitely less than other factors like tire width, tire pressure, mass of lead foot. |
2003/10/16-17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:10661 Activity:high |
10/16 Is there a reason why Tiger Woods who is in his 20s is in a Buick commercial, a car company that usually appeals to people who are ummmmm, significantly older than 20s? \_ $$$ ? \_ Golf appeals to older people? \_ It's not your Father's Buick anymore? \_ That it's your father's car is exactly the reason they want to have someone like Tiger Woods in Buick commercials. \_ Agreed, ever since Buick started making SUVs. Same for Cadellac, Oldsmobile and Mercedes. |
2003/10/14 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:10623 Activity:nil |
10/13 So various no skilled and low skilled workers are striking across the US right now. Should they be replaced by illegal immigrants? Is this not a case of Americans being unwilling to do menial work that immigrants would gladly do? \_ sounds like a normal negotiation process. And who said that Americans are unwilling to do menial type of work? Everything has its price. \_ Or is it the case of trying to maintain the standard of living so we don't have to live like they do in the 3rd world? \_ But they're mostly doing unskilled or very low skilled labor so wouldn't it be better to have undocumented immigrants do this labor for less since Americans aren't willing to work at the lower rates the new immigrants are willing to work for? Isn't that the same reasoning for having undocumented workers in the fields picking produce instead of higher waged Americans? \_ You know, not every job has to, or can, provide health insurance and high pay. People accepting positions like these ones need to realize that upon accepting them. \_ Every job should provide health insurance. Maybe not 100% paid for, but the employer should contribute. That might mean less pay, though. As for high pay, do you think these people are highly paid? Maybe $17/hour is a little much for a checker, but: 1) What is the right amount? 2) The grocery stores agreed to it. --dim \_ "They agreed to do it." Ya, the alternative is to let people strike. Then you look bad and the federal govt might slap your wwrist. \_ actually they didn't agree to it, that's why the clerks are striking. \_ Actually, they did. That's why the clerks make what they make. Now they want to put the genie back in the bottle. They have that right, but the reason clerks are overpaid is that they agreed to do it. \_ The pay, not the healthcare costs. \_ Um, no. Health insurance as we know it needs to be completely dismantled. My car insurance doesn't pay for my oil changes--why should my health insurance pay for doctor visits? \_ It's not the doctor visits bankrupting the system. They are cheap, and cheaper still when you consider that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. \_ The two are not comparable, in my view. Car insurance pays if you break someone else's car, not if your car needs a valve job. -chialea \_ That's what he just said, isn't it? \_ And thus any comparison between the two is not on, get it? My driver's license doesn't allow me to take cars, so why should my fishing license allow me to take fish? \_ Uh, I think we're in agreement but you lost me when you started talking about fish. \_ Just this: comparing car insurance with health insurance makes as much sense as comparing driver's licenses with fishing licenses. \_ health >> driving around in your SUV. \_ whats up with the class warfare? he could be driving a bug from the 60s for all you know. |
2003/7/9 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:28984 Activity:high |
7/9 Yet another reason to ban SUVs: http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/West/07/09/heat.deaths.ap/index.html \_ are you an idiot, a troll, or joking? \_ Actually it's a better argument for forced sterilization. \_ as opposed to de facto sterilization among geekdom? \_ ever hear of air-conditioning? |
2003/6/17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:28742 Activity:high |
6/16 Business Owner Chases, Runs Over Robbery Suspects In Hummer http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/930181/posts \_ that was the busineess owner. what sucks is when you're just an employee with a shitty car and the manager busts your balls for not engaging a shoplifter in a high speed chase. this actually happened to my brother in law. apparently someone else in the company ran over a shoplifter in the parking lot with his car and management felt this was a good idea. \_ Now that is a good use of the Free Republic website. -motd liberal \_ If everyone in the store was armed the criminals wouldn't have tried this shit in the first place. Now these lowlifes are going to press criminal *and* civil charges and the owner will be in jail and owe each criminal a zillion dollars. \_ Until they hit their first civie accidentally, or the robbers come in with their own guns. Then the price goes up and the zillions of bucks start flowing. \_ When everyone is armed there are no civilians. That's the point. And in this case if you had bothered to read the link instead of knee jerking, they were armed. |
2003/4/30 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:28279 Activity:kinda low |
4/29 Say I'm sueing someone and I'd like to track down where this person lives. How much do private investigators cost? BTW this is the guy who hit my car and gave me a fake address and insurance information. \- what do you know accuratly? name? lic plate? seems like the police should help you out. while it probably isnt a high priority, they might be helpful since it is so simple. i would think your insurance company could get it from dmv or police or other means. --psb \_ Why are you the one doing the suing? Turn over all the info you have to your insurance company and let them deal with it. They're going to want to find him and make his insurance company pay so they don't have to. \_ Probably below the insurance deductible and the $750 damage minimum to report. Sucks to be you. \_ My door got dinged by an SUV going 10 mph. $2200. Something under $750 is a paint scratch. A small paint scratch. \_ May not be a new car. |
2003/4/17-18 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:28149 Activity:kinda low |
4/17 Super rice rockets - http://csua.org/u/d65 \_ I think it's most philipino guys doing this right? Are east asians modding their car? \_ That's "Filipino" or "Pilipino". -- Pinoy pride \_ Filipino \_ pronounced pilipino |
2003/2/17-18 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:27438 Activity:very high |
2/17 Still want to know what is up with all the SUV drivers on their way to SF with "no blood for oil signs" who don't know how to use BART. \_ Uhm, maybe they're people that are willing to deal with the consequences of their politics and pay the higher cost of gasoline & etc? \_ Maybe they don't drive very often. What's the difference between an SUV driver who bikes to work and only drives on the weekends their cars on my way home with signs and all. and a hybrid owner who does 40+ miles each way every day? \_ Given who I was looking at, I strongly doubt they owned bikes. Also, the BART parking lot was full and I saw folks getting into their cars on my way home with signs and all. And I said they "don't know how to use BART". At all. They bike to the city? Or maybe it was their first time there, ever? Yeah. Sure. \_ I know cyclists who own SUVs. \_ And? \_ And they can bike to the city. \_ From the East bay? \_ Bay Bridge Bicycle Commuter Shuttle http://www.transitinfo.org/Bikes/BayBridgeShuttle.html \_ Maybe they work in the South Bay where there's no BART and they commute on Light Rail? \_ Getting really desperate huh? See below about the moon, cheese, and clouds with silver linings. \_ And they only travel for work and live in the bay area and never go to SF and never go anywhere BART might go. Right. \_ So are you saying you know by heart how to ride the Light Rail and the Caltrain and the Amtrak, because you living in the Bay Area must imply that you must have at least once been to one of the places that each of these transit systems serve, right? BTW, even for people working in SF, AC Transit and Alameda/Oakland Ferry run many transbay routes during commute hours, which you absolutely already know how to ride too, right? \_ Really, it's a nice effort, but no points on this one. You're just flailing and thrashing now. \_ Whatever you say. BART is not the only public transit option in the Bay Area. \_ I say you continue to blatantly ignore what I've said when it doesn't fit your world view and make up random "maybes" that have nothing to do with anything in a bizarre attempt to justify something to yourself. \_ My so-called "gas guzzler" SUV does 25MPG freeway and I take the extra time and effort to park-and-ride to work, while a friend's Mercedes mid-size *sedan* does 19MPG freeway and he drives to work. Yet nobody picks on such sedan drivers. \_ What do you expect from those replete with cognitive dissonance. \_ I don't think that phrase means what you think it means. \_ 25mpg? What year/model? This'll be good. \_ '96 Jeep Cherokee 5-sp manual, and I don't speed cuz speeding wastes a lot of gas. \_ That's not an SUV. Yermom would be proud of you though. \_ this whole thing is a pathetic strawman. -tom \_ Is not! (like how I backed my point as well as you did yours?) \_ the point of a strawman argument is to get people to argue about irrelevancies, which is why I won't. -tom |
2003/1/16 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:27114 Activity:nil |
12/20 http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=14839 |
2003/1/13 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:27078 Activity:insanely high |
1/13 Penis size and SUV survey (please add more): Ford Explorer: 5 screams from your lil sis Ford Expedition: 4 screams from your lil sis Hummer H2: 3 screams from your lil sis \_ Rich kid! Civic: 8 screams from your lil sis \_ Civic is not an SUV. obRideBike: Your little sis screams so loud that yermom cringes since her turn is next Jeep Cherokee: 4.5 screams from your lil sis. \_ But me driving an SUV has nothing to do with my small penis size. I got my first Cherokee in 1992, years before the term "SUV" was even invented. \_ Exactly. A jeep cherokee (not the liberty, the cherokee) is a 4x4. it is no SUV, unlike anything else in this list, including the H2. \_ What's the difference? \_ An SUV is a recent marketing gimmick. They simply take any car, make it big, give it a jeep-like body, and then think it's able fulfill all your everyday driving needs AND be able to go off-roading (or at the very least drive off highway). In reality, all they can do is haul large amounts of groceries or kids. Which is perfect, given that soccer moms seem to love SUV's. An off-roader or a 4x4 can actually go offroad, not break, and come out ok. \_ rude people who stuck their comments in the middle of the above: PURGED! --!above \_ The modern SUV serves the same function as the "Station Wagon" of the 1970's and the "Mini Van" of the 1980's \_ nice definition...well done. \_ Yeah this was hard to figure out. \_ BS. The minivan exists and is better for most uses than SUV: you can get 4x4 if you need it (snow, etc.). They have more headroom, get better milage, and driver better than a typical SUV. \_ Hummer H1: 0.5 screams from your lil sis \_ what's the proper length measurement technique? \_ we'll stick it in your little sister, and she'll make an accurate report. \_ she got all streched out at this point, anyone have a fresh lil sis? \_ obUseHerButthole \_ How much lubricant does your little sister need? \_ Whoa. Stop right there. Yermom the official insult of the CSUA motd. yerlilsis hasn't even been broken in properly. Besides, everyone's had yermom, yerlilsis is way behind. \_ This is the dumbest thread the motd has seen in ages. |
2002/10/4 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:26104 Activity:nil 60%like:26107 |
10/4 Quality protest in action: http://www.thesandiegochannel.com/sand/news/stories/news-170312020021004-091046.html |
2002/9/30-10/1 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:26054 Activity:very high |
9/30 Eight-wheel drive electric vehicle with top speed 192MPH, faster than a Porsche! 186 miles range. From the picture it looks like it seats at least six, maybe more. And the development cost is only $2.4M which seems pretty low to me. link:csua.org/u/33a http://csua.org/u/33b \_ funny how the idiot American reporters can't convert meters to feet. -tom \_ you're right. looks like the conversation ratio was about 2.2. he probably was confusing the m-ft ratio with that for kg-lbs. \_ What for? This isn't Europe. Do you really tell people, "A bit to the left, about 2.2 meters, thanks!"? I didn't think so. \_ Actually, I do use metric measures whenever possible. See my bicycle pages. And whether or not you use them, if you are a reporter writing a story for international publication, and you insist on converting meters into feet, you'd think you'd want to get the conversion factor right. Especially when that thing is obviously way more than 14 feet long. -tom \_ Why would you use metric units when communicating with people unfamiliar with them? That's just dumb. \_ The cycling world uses metric all of the time, even in the US. Allen keys, cranks, road bike frames, and road bike tires are all measured in cm or mm. If you pay for one of those organized rides in California held by local cycling clubs you get to pick distances of 50km, 100km or 100 miles. -jeffwong \_ 19.5" frames, century rides, MS150, 27" wheels. Bikes are as metric as cars. Mixed units. \_ well he said "whenever possible". \_ Some amazing features: 590hp!! 6-wheel steering, 8 seats, ability to keep moving with some of the eight wheels broken. Weights 6556lbs, so that gives only 11.1 lb/hp which is very low. http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~hiros/kaz \_ Yeah but it looks ridiculously expensive to produce. Not much ground clearance either. \_ Don't worry, you'll see lowered ones soon with xenon lamps, a 5" exhaust tip ("but it's an electric motor!"), nose, tail, and midship spoilers. \_ Dude! I've already got dual midship soilers on order for mine! It's hella! \_ I think the low ground clearance is by design. "As the height of the integrated chassis is 15cm, the lower height of KAZ is almost the same as a conventional sedan and much lower than a conventional MPV, thus making access much easier." The slides also sell stable cornering and high stability due to low CG. Why do you want high ground clearance anyway? It's not an SUV. \_ The thing is 22 feet long. That's longer than our long-bed pickup. I think that thing will have problems hitting slopes and driveways. I guess it's fine if you live on a racetrack. Hmm, well I suppose the extra set of wheels could compensate, if some conditions make 2 wheels go in the air, but then you have potholes and things too. \_ Ah, good point! I was only thinking about cornering. Hmm, maybe that's the reason why the second front axle is so far behind the first one. Maybe when it goes from level ground to a downward slope, the first front axle are lifted in the air for a short moment while the second axle (and the rear axle) continues to steer. I have no idea. \_ hydrolicsP |
2002/3/6 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:24035 Activity:nil |
3/5 SUV kills. \_ SUV's in general kill, or a specific SUV killed someone? if it's case 2 - sorry to hear that. if it's case 1 - it's bullshit. \_ How many? Did you rack up a good body count a la Death Race 2000? |
2002/2/16 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Computer/HW/Display] UID:23883 Activity:very high |
2/15 For the Soda Gal: There's an eMachinese Computer with 1.6 GHz Pentium4, 17" Moniter and printer free 1 year msn Internet Access for $679.97 after rebates. There's no contract on anything. Check it out at BestBuy. \_ Get the Dell 4300S, $499 and free shipping (under Small Business). \_ Why are you giving her such bad advice. You might as well tell her to buy a Geo, Hyundai, or Kia. \_ what would you suggest for that price? \_ You get what you pay for. Spend your money (even if it means spending more) on something you'll be happy with. I always tell people of the BMW/SUV analogy. If I gave you $50K to spend on either a BMW 3-series or a Ford Explorer, most good old Americans would evaluate the bang-per-buck and buy the SUV with money to spare. But the BMW owner would usually be much happier. I would say stop trying to do a bang-per-buck analysis (GHz/dollar, MBytes/dollar, etc...) and find something you'll enjoy. Go to an Apple store and at least try it out. You might be happier with a Mac than an e-machine. I know my dad was. After I gave him an "ancient" G4 tower, he now regrets spending a dime on his top-of-the-line e-machine. He loves the Mac I gave him, something he never said about a PC. \_ Don't settle for BMW/SUV. Buy a BMW SUV instead. :-) \_ BMW doesn't make an SUV, they only make SAV's \_ You can't just tell someone "get a mac". It matters what software they're running. There's a ton of stuff that doesn't "run on a mac". Also it matters what she knows about the two OS's and if she doesn't know enough then it matters what her friends know for freebie tech support. "Get a mac" indeed. \_ I'm not saying "Get a mac". I'm just saying that most people come to the decision without even trying one to begin with. I never thought of getting one myself. But once I did, I found how much better it was. For me, it didn't matter that nobody else was using it. So what. I can figure things out myself. I'm sure soda gal is smart enough to do so too. \_ maybe soda gal doesn't want to nerd around and just wants her computer to work? \_If you actually know how to figure things out for yourself why didn't you just buy top-of-the-line components and built the computer yourself? -williamc \_ I've done that too. I've put together my own machines from spare parts or -top-of-the-line components and slap Linux or FreeBSD on there. But I wanted a laptop that will work nice with portable MP3 players, PDA's, digital cameras, etc... The iBook matched my needs pretty well. A working word processor was also nice. \_Datapoint: 1800+ athlon xp, ecs k7s5a MB, 512 DDR ram, cdrw,dvd 60GB ata100, ati radeon ve, netcard, modem was $800+45 shipping on Ubid.(no tax) Not top quality components and cheesy case though. \_ That's not particularly cheap for a system w/o a monitor. --dim \_ You can build your own system pretty cheaply these days by using an nForce motherboard (built in Geforce2 + sound). -eric \_ Don't give any more money to Microsfot please. \_ Explain? I thought nForce was made by nVidia? \_ the microsoft comment was indented incorrectly and should be purged. |
2002/1/31-2/1 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:23741 Activity:very high |
1/31 where can I get a rear view mirror for my monitor? \_ Perhaps any number of car parts stores that sell such things for cars? (e.g., Kragen, Pep Boys, etc.) \_ Something monitor sized and not a 4" x 6" monster suitable for an SUV. I don't want a car rear view mirror. I want a monitor rear view mirror. I've seen them at previous companies. \_ Yeah....like the little round 2" diameter fisheye mirrors people used to put on the sideview mirrors of their van conversions back in a time known as "The 80s". \_ you can probably get one of those rear view mirror for bicyles. \_ go to a trade show. \_ stfw \_ I used to have one, and now I have a web cam set up so I can monitor everything happens in my back. I can also turn the angle and have it point at my boss's office to monitor him. Much more useful than a mirror. \_ it's much more satisfying to arrange your desk to face the office door... \_ computer stores. Or go to a Sun Microsystems store, like at their Agnews Santa Clara office. their Agnews Santa Clara office. But they may not let you in. |
2002/1/1-2 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:23424 Activity:moderate |
1/1 http://www.azzam.com \_ Why do I care about this site? \_ One of the main editors is Al Qaeda. Think of it as an alternative media outlet. :-) |
2001/12/8-9 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:23186 Activity:insanely high |
12/7 Polling sodans on dotbomb failures. Which dotbomb have are you working for? \_ /csua/pub/jobs/* \_ <DEAD>MyTurn.com<DEAD> \_ <DEAD>s8.com<DEAD> \_ http://gamers.com (still looking for a job and yes I am a big luzer) \_ http://channela.com \_ http://thirdvoice.com \_ http://wego.com (not fully bombed yet) \_ http://wired.com/hotwired.com \_ http://inktomi.com \_ http://c2.com \_ maybe you mean http://c2.net, which was not a failure. Sold to RHAT for $42M. (14x sales, 420x ROI) \_ in stocks. \_ ArsDigita... arguably not a dotcom, but now is failing like one. \_ http://wfn.com \_ http://cp.net (CriticalPath) \_ http://Adjectivity.com is still around, still has money, and had 5 sodans at one point, including 3 former presidents, and 2 former vice presidents. \_ http://Autobytel.com, still limping along, left there a long time ago \_ link:PeopleFirst.com, just got bought by CapitalOne for $173 mil. \_ http://taos.com .. \_ Not really a .com, but dotbombed with the best of them. \_ whats left of taos these days anyway? do they have *any* contract work? \_ We have a stack of their 4x5 post-it notes at work. We like their post-its. |
2001/12/7-8 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:23177 Activity:very high |
12/7 Polling sodans on dotbomb failures. Which dotbomb have you worked for? I remember some people bitching about http://thirdvoice.com a while back. Also http://bigbook.com. Which other loser companies have sodans touched and destroyed? \_ feeling a little bitter there, troll-boy? \_ dude, relax. how is this a troll? \_ I worked thirdvoice. I never bitched about it. I sure as hell didn't destroy it. It's a troll. -ex-3V \_ "sarcasm" and "hyperbole." Try looking those up. \_ Uh oh. Found a real person who was there so you back off. Ok. No problem. Apology accepted. \_ Uhh no. Try "sarcasm" and "hyperbole" in regards to the orginal post, hyper-sensitive guy. \_ I can read. I know what it says. It's a troll. If it wasn't they would've stopped after the first line. Call it whatever you'd like and repaint it anyway you'd like. \_ <DEAD>MyTurn.com<DEAD> \_ http://gamers.com (still looking for a job and yes I am a big luzer) \_ http://channela.com \_ Just because someone worked at a place doesn't mean they destroyed it. Take the troll elsewhere. \_ http://thirdvoice.com \_ http://wego.com (not fully bombed yet) \_ http://wired.com/hotwired.com \_ http://inktomi.com \_ http://c2.com \_ maybe you mean http://c2.net, which was not a failure. Sold to RHAT for $42M. (14x sales, 420x ROI) \_ ArsDigita... arguably not a dotcom, but now is failing like one. \_ http://wfn.com \_ http://cp.net (CriticalPath) \_ http://Adjectivity.com is still around, still has money, and had 5 sodans at one point, including 3 former presidents, and 2 former vice presidents. \_ http://Autobytel.com, still limping along, left there a long time ago \_ link:PeopleFirst.com, just got bought by CapitalOne for $173 mil. |
2001/12/7-9 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:23176 Activity:nil |
12/7 Since when did the Hummer start to be made by GM instead of AM General!? \_ Most of my hummers are courtesy of yer mom. (That was my first ever motd yer mom joke. Comments welcome.) \_ GM owns AM General. |
2001/8/27 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:22271 Activity:very high |
8/27 On Thursday evening, August 23rd at approximately 11:50 pm four students were robbed at gunpoint. The four students were walking northbound on the Piedmont Ave. sidewalk when they were confronted by two (2) male suspects. Suspect #1 pulled a handgun from his waistband and pointed it at the four students. The suspects robbed the students of their personal belongings and fled southbound on Piedmont Avenue to the 2700 block of Bancroft Way. The suspects got into a Sport Utility Vehicle and drove westbound on Bancroft Way. \_ What is wrong with the news today?? What I REALLY want to know is what race the hoodlums were. \_ it goes without saying that they were black. \_ Only whites and spoiled Asians drive SUV's. \_ The robbers were black. \_ what? SUV's are the generic station wagon of these times. that they're being singled out to scream "Racism!". EVERYONE has one. \_ OJ will tell you the same, thus it couldn't possibly be him driving that Bronco. \_ Ask OJ. No, not that oj. \_ OJ will tell you that only whites and spoiled Asians drive SUV's, thus it couldn't possibly be him driving that Bronco. \_ especially not a WHITE one. i mean really. \_ usually it's <ethnic> if they don't specifically say. the report would say white if the robbers were white. \_ Yup, only white people can't make use of every opportunity to scream "Racism!" whenever they're being singled out. -- Asian |
2001/5/17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:21300 Activity:nil |
5/15 Dick rides in SUV to press conference to tell everyone about his new energy plan: http://www.nypostonline.com/news/nationalnews/30580.htm Conservation, indeed. \_ http://www.zero-credits.com/stories/May01/lamers.shtml \_ For those too lazy to read, this is Dick Gephart, "Ecofriendly" DEMOCRAT, not Dick Cheney. \_ Doesn't matter. They're both idiots. \_ Of course the article said nothing about how many people were in said SUV. \_ Probably four to six: driver, one or two aides and one to three secret service. The SUV was probably also a "hardened" version with light armored skin, bullet proof glass, run flat tires and armored under carriage. All in all less than 10 MPG. I'm not saying its a bad thing that he drives in such a vehicle, its just a little hypocritical that he thinks that I shouldn't be he should. Its not like he's any more of a citizen than I am. \_ He's a commie and thinks he's a member of the politburo. \_ The article says the SUV is a Chevy Suburban police car. \_ My 5yr old 6-cylinder 4-litre "SUV" does better gas mileage than my \_ You think that's what Dick rode in? Your 5 y/old car? And your gas mileage still sucks compared to a car built for high mileage. Comparing it to a luxury vehicle is a cheap strawman. \_ Yes, but people only blame SUVs for burning too much gas, but people don't blame big sedans (and even the not-so-big ones kinds should be blamed. -- yuen \_ BS. I've paid my gas-guzzler tax and my luxury tax, but most SUVs are exempt from those taxes because they are classified as "trucks". I've paid my unfair share already, no one has a right to blame me for anything. - Luxury Car Owner. \_ Oh, I'm not sure if I pay those taxes or not. In any case, I take public transit to commute. It takes 1 hr longer each way (1.5hr vs. 0.5hr), but it helps save gas. -- yuen \_ If you paid the luxury tax you'd certainly remember it. \_ Anyone who owns a car with less than 20mpg has no right to complain about gas prices. \_ unless (s)he commutes with public transit. -- yuen \_ Who said anything about that? Where'd this comment come from? |
2001/5/8-9 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:21214 Activity:high |
5/8 Berkeley Critical Mass this Friday, downtown Berkeley BART gather 5:30 PM to depart after 6 PM. Sound system, water pistols, movies after. http://guest.xinet.com/bike/couch \_ And please drink and drive your SUVs. \_ And bring out your guns. \_ puleeze. more underpowered twinks who will get themselves killed thinking they can mix in with regular traffic \_ they also bitch and cry when their handle bars get stuck on someone's mirror. only an idiot and careless biker gets that close to a car. \_ while waiting on a red light on Market St. in SF couple of weeks ago, a woman tried to squeeze between my car and the sidewalk. She ended up toppling over as her bike hit the sidewalk. I tried damn hard not to laugh, but was quite unsuccessful. Oh, and it's not like she couldn't have ridden her bike on the sidewalk... there were hardly any pedestrians and the sidewalk's 20 feet wide. \_ so if you ride on the sidewalk, you get a ticket. if you ride between cars, you die. if you ride your bike in traffic and take up the whole lane, you get harassed. \_ Cyclists should do what motorists do. If you see a bunch of cars behind you waiting to pass you, pull over to the side and let them pass. For the most part, this is convention on the highways and should work for cyclists as well. \_ How typical, a motorist advocating that cyclists break the law. \_ They do anyway without any help. \_ Like not stopping for pedestrians at stop signs (and even red lights) while whining about car drivers not stopping for them. \_ Like the 4 cars that sped through red lights just this morning on my walk from bart to work. \_ yeah, but bicyles don't weight 2 tons, cars do.. all the more reason to respect their power even if there are morons behind it. \_ Some cyclists are fucking stupid (crossing against a red light, etc), but this is hardly the behavior most cyclists have. \_ I'm saying she should've ridden the sidewalk for her own good. Fine by me if she wants to risk hurting herself. In fact, I'm glad she fell on her sorry ass. If she insists on sharing the road, she could've waited like all the other motorists instead of squeezing through. \_ I agree, and tend to take the whole lane when I'm riding on Market. Which is really the right thing to do. --dpassage \_ the right answer is 1) stay the hell off the sidewalk and 2) obey the rules of the road (such as the CVC) when riding and if you can't be bothered to do either, suck it. --jon \_ Bring 'em on. I just got a new grill on my Suburban and a little blood will help give it color! \_ Wow. A little bicycle advocacy seems to bring out more than any recent trolling. That's fine. Yer cure when yer angry. -ulysses \_ ulysses? who names their kid ulysses? |
2001/2/23 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:20657 Activity:high |
2/22 http://www.jadedonline.com - ph33r tina yothers. ph33r. \_ who are these people? and what is wrong with the girl named tina? (I hope its not "She's a MAN Babee!") \_ you knew her as alex P keaton's younger sister on Family Ties. wow. heather thomas is like 50. ph33r. \_ in much better shape is miriam bialik, who's in ucla grad neurosci \_ who is miriam bialik? - unhip sodan \_ starred in the sitcom "Blossom". \_ "Mayam," even \_ Blossom? Never heard of it. Was it on cable or something. - really unhip alum \_ One of the guys is wearing a Cal hat in one of the pictures. That's better than most press Cal gets. \_ "Unknown TV Sitcom Actor Wears Cal Hat!" Yeah thats the sort of press you should be dying for. \_ She's not wearing the hat. It's someone in her band that is barely visible. So it should be "Unknown member of Unknown TV Sitcom Actor's Band Wears Cal Hat!" \_ go bears. Actually Cal is consistently one of the top 5 universities in sports merchandising sales, the others being football/basketball powers. We just have the coolest colors and the coolest logos. -tom |
2001/2/1-2 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:20499 Activity:high |
2/1 Are people just idiots or is there a practical reason for buying a sport utility vehicle? \_ Because Geo Metros have trouble supporting a machine gun gun mount. -John \_ All the better to run over you with my dear. \_ Typical self-righteous SUV owner mentality. I hope your tires rip apart tossing your Explorer around you damn soccer mom. \_ It's a lot easier to drive SUV to the Sierra high country area during the winter. Otherwise, you have to find other super juiced car that has 4 wheel drive. \_ Oh give me a break. SUV's don't handle better in snowy conditions. In fact, they're much worse. The only thing an SUV might give you is 4WD which only helps you accelerate better. But I'm guessing that much of that capability is used to compensate for the extra weight of an SUV. SUV weighs more making it handle more poorly and degrades its braking abilities. And 4WD/AWD isn't limited to SUVs and not all SUVs have it. \_ 4WD != better acceleration (in fact it's opposite). 4WD combines with slip differentials and M+S tires give you the best traction on snowy conditions. Audi, Subaru, BMW are not enough selections to choose from. \_ No, but many cars include traction control systems which are designed to reduce slipping during acceleration (much like how ABS works). The point of 4WD is to put 4 tires on the ground that will drive in case one slips. If you're driving in such bad conditions that your tires will slip when you accelerate you shouldn't even be driving at all because, conversely, you're not going to fair much better at stopping and no amount of 4WD is going to help you there. \_ Some advanced 4WD systems work even when three of the four tires slip. \_ 4WD is always better than 2WD on slippy conditions. That's why during R-2 conditions, only 4WD w/M+S are permitted to go without chains. \_ Audi. Audi is the STANDARD. Juiced car that has 4 wheel drive. At any rate, SUVs may have good engines, but they are also heavy, and thus inefficient if you want to go uphill a lot. \_ Mitsu GTO Twin Turbo is the STANDARD! 938 HP, I can win any course! \_ I wish I can afford an Audi A4. \_ I wish I could afford an SUV so I can get an Audi. \_ Really? I was thinking of Audi A4 which in the $40k range. \_ The S4 is 40k range. A4 is way cheaper. You can also wait a bit and get a quattro passat. -pld \_ I thought they were already out? In any case you can only get the same V6, which isn't too exciting with the added weight of the AWD.. \_ yesh. my A4 in a blizzard out-handles SUVs on dry pavement. i only with it had the allroad air suspension so i could take it out in the mohave instead of cramming into my friend's truck. it also worked great the one time i got into a mud-slicked hill climb down by santa cruz. it's like saddling up a rottweiler. \_ I own a SUV mainly for biking, camping, and skiing trips. For commuting, I drive a cheap ass Toyota Tercel to save gas. \_ Consumers are illogical. Consumers buy SUVs because they have the money/power/crave and most importantly, because they can. \_ My truck (what people call SUV) actually has better gas mileage than my friend's Mercedes C class. \_ sure but he probably gets more bimbos \_ But his is a 4-door automatic even though he's only 30. \_ I've been driving a Lincoln since age 23. Chicks dig it, and thier mom's like me too, cause they think I'm stable and mature. \_ Yes, papa. |
2000/12/31 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:20204 Activity:nil |
12/30 Strange, they all point to the same page http://bush2000.com http://bushsucks.com http://bushblows.com http://bushbites.com |
2000/10/27-28 [Reference/Military, Health/Men, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:19582 Activity:kinda low |
10/27 Ok, we all know that men who drive big SUVs typically have small penises. Does the same holds for men who own big guns? They need to feel big and powerful by driving big cars and owning big weapons. True? \_ Please prove your contention that big SUV == small penis \_ Well, he _said_ "we all know". Therefore.... \_ We don't all know this. Case and point, his comment doesn't apply to me. \_ Do the women who drive SUV's also have small penises? \_ Yes, they require 2 double-A batteries; the D-battery dildos are just a little much. -yersister \_ Yes, they are 2 double-A batteries; the D-batteries as dildos are just a little much. \_ You sound like you speak from experience, good CSUAer! \_ The RIGHT to keep and bear arms has nothing to do with owning guns. This RIGHT is designed to guarentee that we are able to preserve our FREEDOM. \_ This just screams "wingnut" to me. \_ This just screams "moron who never read the 2nd amendment but has a worthless opinion anyway" to me, but fortunately for you, this is the U.S. where you still have the right to be wrong and proclaim it loudly. |
2000/6/26-28 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:18554 Activity:very high |
6/26 Bike patented today. \_ urlp || explanationp \_ Like, dude. If you want to be using lisp notation, at least have the decency to do it right. What you meant to say was, of course, (or urlp explanationp) \_ Today??? How could it not be patented after all these years? \_ That's a velocipede, not a bike. And it's from 1866. \_ well, it's an intermediate step; it has pedals on the front wheel, which the early velocipedes didn't. As people realized the mechanical advantage of larger wheels, this kind of model gave way to the "high-wheeler" (icon of "The Prisoner"). Those had a high center of gravity and tended to pitch people over the front wheel, so they were eventually eliminated in favor of the chain-drive "safety bicycle", which really was very similar to the one we know today. I still don't see why it's relevant to the MOTD. -tom \_ The motd is irrelevant. You will be assualted. \_ so tom. what IS relevant to the motd? I'm somewhat curious how you're going to unify questions about heat/light reflectivity, dating asians, unholy unions with cars, skydiving, and investment decisions in such a way as to make the above IRrelevant. \_ It's based solely on what personally interests tom. Anything else isn't important. \_ My question is, why should anyone care that a particular implementation of something was patented on a particular day. Big fucking deal. -tom \_ While I agree that patent-birthdays aren't very interesting. But claiming that it's not relevant to the motd is -- oh fuck it. whatever. \_ It's just tom. Don't let it bother you. \_ heard it somewhere. However, the date seems to be wrong. It seems to be on November, and not June 26: http://www.student.tdb.uu.se/~y94ebo/bkpat.html \_ DRIVE SUV! \_ No, I get tested regularly. \_ DIVE SUB! \_ RIDE VELOCIPEDE! \_RIDE VELOCIPEDE!!!! USE DIFFERENCE ENGINE!!!! |
2000/6/26-27 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:18551 Activity:insanely high |
6/26 CSUA poll. What car do you drive [if at all]? Acura Integra: 1 Honda Accord: 1 Honda Civic: 1 Honda Passport: 1 Jeep Wrangler TJ: 1 \_ I'm a faceless Asian dude. Jeep Cherokee: 1 Nissan 240SX: 1 Audi A4 1 Nissan Maxima SE: 1 Toyota Corolla: 1 Audi S4 Bike ride 1 Ride Bike! 1 Yermom 69 1 Bike ride 2 \_ Take Out Your Own Trash! Akimoto! \_ tom, is that you? BMW 325i: 1 Ford Taurus 1 Chevy Impala: 2 Pimp Mobile: 1 \_ I'm neither white, nor asian, and it's been running fine Saab 9-3 1 for more than 30 months now. *shrug* whatever. \_ I've got a pink velvet interior too. Ford Contour 1 Ford Taurus 2 \_ I'm white, so I wasn't allowed to buy Camry or Accord. Ford Escort 1 GM EV1 1 \_ I burn coal at plant instead of gas in my engine. Geo Prism LSI: 1 \_ I never thought of it that way. In other words the EV1 is probably a bigger polluter than a SUV. \_ Oh brilyant soda mind, electric power's source to coal be not limited, as a nukular source can provide to thee your "electricity". Geo Prism LSI: 2 Honda Accord: 2 Honda Civic: 1 Geo Prism LSI: 1 Honda Insight 1 Lincoln Continental: 1 Honda Passport: 1 Honda S2000 1 Jeep Wrangler TJ: 1 \_ Are modern wranglers any more reliable than the old borken ones? Jeep Cherokee: 2 Lexus is300 1 Nissan Sentra: 1 Lincoln Continental: 1 Mercedes 300CE 1 Audi A4 1 Audi S4 Lexus is300 1 \_ Kudos! Great car. -240SX guy from upstairs Mitsubishi 3000: 1 Saturn SL1: 1 Nash Metropolitan 1 Nissan 240SX: 2 \_ http://www.240sx.org \_ Is that you, asad? Nissan Pathfinder: 1 Nissan Sentra: 2 Nissan Maxima SE: 2 Hummer (in a Hummer) 1 Nissan Sentra SE-R: 2 Saab 9-3 1 Saturn SL1: 2 Saturn SC2: 1 Toyota Camry: 1 Toyota Corolla: 2 Toyota Tacoma TRD: 1 Subaru Outback Sport: 1 Volkswagen Passat: 1 \_ how do you like your Passat? it's a v6, right? Pontiac GrandAm 1 Cadillac Seville 1 \_ Does anyone know where to find the whole list where it makes fun of all the car brands? \_ http://www.ug.cs.dal.ca/jokes/car-acronyms.txt \_ thank you. Boring crap deleted. -tom Hummer (in a Hummer) 4 \_ jesus fucking christ i can't believe this \_ You can't believe a CSUAer owns a Hummer or that 4 of us do? \_ i couldn't believe a sodan owned one when it was at 1, much less 4. what the fuck is wrong with you people? \_ how about, 4 sodans got together and purchased a hummer? \_ how about 1 sodan bought 4 hummers? \_ Why not? It's under 100k fully loaded new. There's lots of .com cash floating around soda. \_ They aren't that expensive. I know yermom doesn't charge anything for hummers. Whatever I can get that runs for < $1k 1 whatever i can get that runs for < $2k 1 \_ take it to /csua/pub/cars \_ File DNE, you cowards. |
2000/6/23-25 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:18538 Activity:very high |
6/23 I just saw something on the road which looked like an unholy love child of a VW bug and an SUV. The only distinguishing mark that I could read was something like "PT Courier" on the side. WTF is it? \_ It's the Red Bull mobile \_ pontiac or oldsmobile \_ Chrysler PT Cruiser. It is a sin against all that is holy. http://www.edmunds.com/newtrucks/2001/chrysler/ptcruiser/base.html \_ Bingo, that's it. Very impressive. Put your name down so we can rightfully honor you for your exurberant knowledge of Fucked Up Shit. \_ What the hell are you talking about? The PT Cruiser is a marketing sensation that will approach the level of the New Volkswagen Beetle. \_ get with the program man. That's the car everybody wants and nobody can have. It lists below $20k but you're not allowed to test drive it before you buy, because the test drive cars sell the day they get in. \_ i actually saw someone driving one of these on the road for the first time today. why in holy fuck would anyone want to be seen driving this horrible monstrosity? \_ It's like an expensive subaru forester with a crappier engine and no four wheel drive. And it looks ugly. The front and the back are incongruous. \_ Why require 4WD? It's in the minivan class according to the Edmond's URL above. \_ Built by the finest Mexico has to offer. --dim \_ What's wrong with that? \_ Has Mexico become synonymous with quality for anything other than tequila and fish tacos since last I heard? --dim \_ uh, yeah. just like most filipinos are typically considered the trash of all the asian cultures. \_ they produce cheap but potent tar heroin \_ Wow. That is the fucking ugliest vehicle I've seen in a long time. Just goes to show how stupid and tasteless the typical sucker hype eating consumer is. \_ Which is why most consumers run Windows. \_ Exactamundo...apathy and moving with the herd.. \_ Windows is not as ugly as this car. \_ Windows is a ugly as the Prowler, which looks like a giant cockroach on wheels. \_ Actually, the PT cruiser is a great concept, it is a "MicroVan", basically a super small version of the minivan. Tons of room, zobs of cargo space, for something roughly the size of a Neon. I think the styling itself is, emmm, "interesting" (yeah, that's it), but the basic drive towards maximum functionality in a given wheelbase is cool. -nweaver \_ that's nweaver for you \_ Hi Tom. \_ Functionality is not cool. functionality is functional. cool is cool. \_ Let me extend that: That they have taken a maximally functional vehicle and convinced people that it is cool, is cool, since at least these "cool" people are buying a vehicle that is a bit more useful then these big bloated cows called SUVs. -nweaver \_ I'd like to see one of these match up to a Expedition, Navigator or Suburban in a crash. I value my life, so I drive a SUV not a little toy. And you can cry me a river about Global Warming and Green House gases. We all be better off if the world was warmer and there were more beaches. If my SUV is helping me get there, then I've made the right choice. \_ You are a complete moron. Chances are that driving an SUV will *cause* you to get in a crash. Do you have any idea how much harder it is to stop or turn a 5500-lb Suburban or Expedition with a high center of gravity compared to a 3000-lb sedan with its CG somewhere around your knee? Why don't you go test drive some cars and some SUV's and and put them through the same emergency maneuvers at the same speeds and tell us which one you think is safer. You're probably just a poser who does all of his driving on paved roads and drives an SUV because you think it makes up for other shortcomings. Puhleeze. \_ I'll let you do the emergency maneuvers as you try to get out of the way of my chrome bumper and my tires. \_ Congratulations, thou hast been trolled \_ Hmmm, I don't think so. There are people who actually believe that SUV's are safer. I take it as my duty to make them feel stupid. \_ don't confuse today's SUV's with ORV's (off road vehicles). None of those monsters with their full time 4WD can follow my Jeep TJ when the pavement ends, even if the driver wanted to. \_ Really, I'll be that a hummer could. \_ I'm not, and that's part of the point -- SUV's are designed to compromise between mild off-roading abilites and on-road abilites. Problem is that their on-road abilities are just good enough that some owners think they're as good as cars in that regard. BTW, I have heard of Jeep Grand Cherokees (an SUV by any definition) making it through the Rubicon Trail. \_ That's why SUVs are the real Windoze-like, bloated, "go-with-the-ignorant-masses" products. They think more about Crashing than avoiding a crash(unix,MBZ,BMW). \_ If I spend $50K on a shiny red toy car, I would think about avoiding a crash too. Since the probablity is that you and your little toy would end up as little tiny specks on my grille. \_ Its the stupid turds with thier little Dodge (I mean Benz) and thier BMW changing lanes without signaling, tailgating, and engaging all sorts of bad driving that I thought about when I got my SUV. I would just love to plaster one of those little 3xx BMWs or [CS]LK's on the Chrome bumper of my SUV. Bump, "What was that honey?", "Nothing dear, just another BMW that tried to cut us off.", "When will they learn?", "Hopefully never!". \_ Hahaha! I loved the spring like winter in the midwest and read about the 109 degree weather in the SF Bay Area! - midwest alum missing the Bay Area. \_ Some of those SUVs have poor crash records. In fact, their lack of manure-vability may be a detriment. And they are dangerous for the smaller, more fuel-efficient automobiles out there, except for MBZ which does it right. \_ You mean they are unsafe for the poor little pissers who can't afford to buy one. \_ I prefer to think of them as drugged elephants. \_ Ok, so you think it's cool they convinced stupid people to buy an ugly box with 4 wheels? Okaaaay.... \_ CSUA nerds dont know what is cool even if it bit them in the ass. \_ Dude, cool bit me in the ass today. That was NOT cool. \_ SUV vs 'others' summary: SUV driver: I'm a big wannabe-macho prick and I use my larger, less stable vehicle to bully others. Others: I drive an X (non-SUV) because I'm not an asshole, I don't want to be responsible for the death of another human being, I don't want to get into *more* crashes than I would otherwise, I have no 'issues' regarding my masculinity such that I need to drive a poorly built, low-control, over-sized, zero-value, truck with a huge price tag, I'm not a bimbo soccer mom. \_ summary of SUV vs 'others' summarizer: summarizer: I know what other people are interested in, cause i'm PSYCHIC. i's gots my degree, n'all. \_ No psychic powers needed. It was all spelled out in plain English. Lots of stuff about running over smaller vehicles and being 'safer' in a SUV, etc. I don't need a college degree to read and understand basic English. \_ there's more to a conversation than it's summary. |
2000/6/3-4 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:18396 Activity:very high |
04/64 Any recommendations for cars that are good to hit bicyclists with? I'm thinking about a small Mercedes, cause they have the crosshairs type hood ornament, but then those always get stolen. Either that, or something really small and maneuverable, or something with light, quick-opening doors that you can take out bike messengers with? Maybe an SUV for effect? Also, how do I pick up hot Asian chicks? I'm a math major and can prove that gaussian is the only function family closed under convolution, using Windows NT, not that girly Linux crap. -John \_ You forgot to mention that you dont want some damn japanese rice-rocket either. \_ .45 ACP is the standard. \_ I'm told a VW bug is best for wiping out bikers. They have the best bumpers and no one considers a cute car a threat until they're gnawing on the underside of your rear tires. Find a hot asian math major chick with an NT laptop. The younger asian chicks (*your* little sister, soy boy) _LOVE_ the new bug. I can get action from any asian chick 18-21 with the new VW bug. \_ Yes, as long as you can squeeze your lack-of-exercise-mashed- potato-stuffed turkey belly between the front seat and the steering wheel. Otherwise your months of pussy eating would all go to waste when your frustrated "hot asian math major chick" decides to go medieval on your turkey arse with the VW bug plastic flower, then hop on to her Specialized mountain bike to race off to TA her math class on proving that guassian is the only function family major chick with an NT laptop. The younger asian chicks (*your* little sister, soy boy) _LOVE_ the new bug. I can get action from any asian chick 18-21 with the new VW bug. closed under convolution, and in her hurry, crushing the useless NT laptop lying on the pavement with her super knobby bike tires. \_ Are you being sarcastic? \_ Are you? \_ The doors on Mercedes are not very quick, unless you're talking about the low-end 190 series. Generally, four-door cars will give you better speed and maneuverability, however they have less range. There is no advantage to using an SUV -- the extra \_ It sounds like you want a saturn coupe. The doors are light but long, so they can swing out fast and have a good reach. The use of plastics means they can take more damage, and the red color hides bloodstains well. height is of no use unless you want to focus on the bicyclist head area. In addition, you have to consider the cost of repair and replacement. You'd be amazed how quickly doors wear out with the huge number of bicyclists in SF/Berkeley. \_ But headshots always do more damage!! \_ Aw, but they all wear helmet nowadays! \_ Hahahahhahaa... you ever seen one of those dinky helmets after an auto rolls over it? This dude's face wasn't even identifiable, but he sure looked cool on that bike. What was left, anyway. \_ Fuzzy, you are the trollmaster. I bow before you. \_ Fuzzy's post isn't really a troll. For one thing, he signed his name, which reiffin never does. For another, his post is actually funny, which reiffin's never are. -tom \_ Whatever, tom. -reiffin \_ what, exactly, do you get out of deleting useful information and replacing it with inflammatory anonymous crap? Is there any particular reason you choose anonymous trolling to be your sole point of interaction with the CSUA? Is there some reason you don't just go away? -tom |
2000/2/27 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:17639 Activity:very high |
2/26 Car recs? <=25k, economy primary, single person, thanks. -nick \_ RIDE BIKE! \_ is this nick weaver or nick kralevich? anyway, for $31K, you can get Honda S2000. \_ No, this is the other nick. Since when is 30mpg "good"? Jeeze. By now all cars should be made of fiber glass run on diesel or fuel cells and be getting 120mpg. Why hatchback would be nice. 30 mpg is squat! I want 80mpg :) does a Volkswagen Golf weigh 2950 pounds?!?!?! Why does CA ban diesel engines, but allow SUVs???? -nick \_ you dont say ANYTHING about style. It's all about style. There are lots of cars under $20K which give killer gas milage, etc, etc. Pick oneyou like. A '94 mitsu mirage lasted for me, and gets over 30 miles a gallon. (1.8 liter, manual). Plus front wheel drive kicks ass. \_ thanks! don't care about "style" as in "de moda", but \_ Buy 5-year old car, more bang for buck, plus still new enuf hatchback would be nice. 30 mpg is squat! I want 80mpg :) -nick \_ the new volkswagen offerings are lots of bang for the $$$, imho. check out the golf/jetta variants with the 1.8L turbo... Avoid Mazda, Ford. \_ The request was for economy. i always heard turbos double your maintainance costs, and half your engine life. Not very economical. \_ Buy 4 or 5-year old car, more bang for buck, plus still new enuf to not be a total pain, but expect to pay $2K for immediate fixings. RECYCLEs car, SAVES gas, environment etc. Japanese: Nissan,Toyota (avoid Honda prices higher) Avoid used Mazda, Ford, SGI. How much is EV1? \_ in what way does it save gas? Newer cars will have better (i.e. lower) emissions profiles, right? And probably better fuel economy, as well. Unless I get a volkswagen GTI. hehe. -nick |
2000/1/30-2/1 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:17379 Activity:high |
1/30 http://poseur.4x4.org/futuresuv.html \_ Which has a link to http://riceboypage.com \_ Boy, are you anal-retentive or what. \_ Or what. \_ You need to relax your anal sphincter. \_ Or what. \_ Or it will overflow through your nose. \_ What will overflow through my nose? \_ Take a guess. \_ Or what. \_ Or listen to a frog croak: personality. It doesn't mean that you do \_ As opposed to the non-anal sphincter? lying around. For example, your oral sphincter is quite useful when it is closed, or trying personality. It doesn't mean you do \_ Nice site. Fair analysis! -- yuen, truck (aka. "SUV") owner not have other useful or useless sphincters \_ there are in fact non-anal sphincters. sphincter is a general term referring to the ring of muscle around an opening. \_ The fact that your anal sphincter is most prominent is mostly a reflection of your personality and popularity. It doesn't mean you do not have other useful or useless sphincters lying around your pale excuse for a body. For example, your oral sphincter is quite useful when it is closed, or trying to do so. \_ Nice site. Fair analysis! -- yuen, truck (aka. "SUV") owner since 1992. |
1999/12/22-23 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:17084 Activity:kinda low |
12/21 Has anyone seen the Weird Al video It's all about the Pentiums? It's pretty damned funny. \_ damn you're slow. \_ they should've made it all about RISC. \_ http://www.thepentiums.com since last summer. If you hadn't seen that one before, check out http://www.sagabegins.com as well |
1999/9/17-18 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:16539 Activity:nil |
9/16 Stumbled across this great site for searching prices on camcorders, cameras and etc. http://photonut.com |
1999/8/4-5 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:16246 Activity:high |
8/4 http://www.thepentiums.com - It's All About the Pentiums, Baby! \_ If you haven't seen it yet, http://www.sagabegins.com now STL C++ crap deleted. Anything ilyas touches turns into bullshit. \_ You're just feeling sad because ilyas stands up to motd punks like yourself. (It is of course well known that any interesting argument on the motd gets deleted, but I just felt like pointing this out for those who aren't paying attention.) \_ listen kid. there are people with clue who know what they're talking about, and then are people who think they know what they're talking about so they completely ignore those who try to clue them in. Ilyas falls in the second category, and most of the people who replied to him fall in the first. He could either take the stance of someone who is about to learn something and who should pay attention to what people are saying and make an effort to understand, or he could be the way he is. The second option gets his posts nuked. |
1999/6/30-7/1 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:16043 Activity:high |
6/30 Some time ago, there was a short that was a StarWars parody that you could download. What is the name of it and does anybody know of a place that I could get it? Thanks. \_ do you mean the South Park one? \_ or troops? look around http://theforce.net. \_ Yes. Thank you. \_ Do you mean TROOPS? \_ <DEAD>www.thumbtv.com<DEAD> \_ http://www.sagabegins.com \_ http://www.cdnow.com - Weird Al Yankovic, "Running with Scissors" |
1999/5/24-25 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:15864 Activity:high |
5/23 My friends and I want to start a E-commerce company. Can anyone think of products that are not being sold on the Internet yet? \_ Human slaves. \_ mixed drinks \_ Soiled diapers. Somebody out there must have a fetish for baby shit. - http://eshit.com \_ porn \_ Fresh tofu, for one. For now you have to drive all the way down to either Sacramento or to San Jose to get the really good stuff. And what if you move to Arizona? No options, there. \_ human organs \_ Ice cream. \_ Promise me 50% of your revenue and I'll give you ideas. \_ That's it. Sell fresh ideas! Intangible product, yes, but potentially profitable. \_ Sexual services - become an e-pimp. \_ Been long since done. \_ Set up shop in amsterdam shipping marijuana around the world. \_ been done already \_ Just because you can use/buy/own/sell/etc the shit in a dump like amsterdam (only parts of it at that), doesn't mean that, oh say, US Customs is going to let your shit in this country. \_ dork \_ Whoa! You sure put me in my place! You are *SOOO* cool! Try selling a "how-to-be-cool-like-a-csua-geek!" kit on the net! Train everyone to be like Mr. I-can-type-d-o-r-k! Guaranteed big money! Who wouldn't want to be like Mr. I-can-type-I'm-a-big-boy-now? \_ dork \_ How can anyone argue with such logic? You are truly Master Of Flames! I bow before your vast and overwhelming intellect and general superiority! All hail dork! \_ books/cds/videos \_ used condoms. Especially those that are filled completedly with cum. \_ Damn, if i knew i could make a profit, i would've kept mine. \_ I can fill up half a condom with cum per orgasm. Who needs my cum? -peter north |
1999/1/6-7 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:15174 Activity:low |
1/5 Any recommendations on an ADSL ISP? \_ tycho networks, http://www.tycho.net \_ PBI has been plenty cheap so far... |
1998/4/14-15 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:13955 Activity:high |
4/14 ``Hello. Your vehicle is large and is taking up too many parking places. Please be considerate of other drivers when you park. We have deflated your left front tire in an effort to point out how annoying this can be. There is no damage to the tire or your car. Sincereley, the Peoples' parking commission (PPC). http://www.ppc.org '' \_ The Port of Philadelphia and Camden? \_ please change this as you wish. Yes, i know the web site is a red herring. That's what makes it even more subversive :) \_ another thing you can say is "we may have deflated..." that way, you don't actually have to do anything, and you will get the bonehead to start thinking :) \_ sounds like the rantings of a small and petty person \_ This is stupid beyond belief. Obviously someone purchased a large vehicle so they could take up more than one of the numerous easily obtained parking spots available in Berkeley or SF. Next time they'll sell their large vehicle and buy two small ones to keep you happy. |
1998/4/6 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:13905 Activity:moderate |
4/6 This weekend I've finished my report on corrolation of the average car size that is manufactured vs. the state of the economy. Roughly speaking: 1920=midsize (bad/okay economy), 1950=huge car (++economy), 1970=compact/small japanese cars (bad economy/OPEC crisis), 1990=huge AND tall SUV (good economy). Isn't that an interesting observation? \- Interesting observation, but I think you don't have enough data points. I mean, maybe cars were that size/shape in the 20's because cars were more or less a new thing then. I agree about the downsizing from the 50's cars to the 70's. That was mainly due to the oil crisis. However, in the 90's, even the huge and tall SUV are getting pretty good mileage, arent they? They aren't necessarily fuel burners. -leblon \_ Toyota 4Runner gets about 18MPG. That compared to a Corrola or Civic with about 40MPG.... that's still a big difference. We're not even going to discuss Jaguar with about 8MPG or some luxury car with as low as 12MPG. \_ If I am not mistaken, they call the 1920's the "Roaring Twenties," because, right up until the stock market crash of 1928,the economy was incredibly strong. Cars of that era were some of the largest ever produced, many with 400-500 cubic inch I-8, I-12, V-16, V-18, and V-20s. True, horsepower and fuel economy were low, but that was mainly due to poor metallugury of the engine componets. When you speak of the Twenties, do not forget the Cadillacs, Duesenbergs, Lincolns and Pakers of that era. In the thirties, despite the Great Depression, cars were still produced, many of which were quite large and quite powerful for the times. Even during the Gas Crisis, the Big Three still produced very large cars (this is why the Federal Government had to bail out Chysler). It was not until the early eighties that the Big Three finally caught on, and started producing smaller cars to compete with the Japanese imports. Mid-size and compact sedans in this country are often some of the largest cars on the road in other Eurpoean and Asain countries. |
1998/1/30 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:49809 Activity:nil |
1/29 Hi. We're considering buying a new car soonish. We're trying to decide between the Honda Civic EX, the Accord LX, and the Subaru Impreza. Any impressions/comments/suggestions? Thanks... \_ sign your name, fool. Anyway, the Subaru has AWD, useful if you want to go skiing without chains. -legacy owner \_ Honda Civic EX with 127hp and fuel efficient; plus you could get at around 15k...It's a very good deal...Now I just hope they sale Honda Civic Type-R here... \_ Chevrolet Suburban is good. \_ Got the Civic EX. Like it. \_ The Civic and Accord are ridiculously overpriced, like all the vehicles riding the 'resale value' wave. The market always collapses, leaving the wannabe yuppies riding them holding the lease and lein payments. \_ The Civic is probably the best of the small cars. Good mileage isn't built like crap, relatively inexpensive, etc. The Accord is an overgrown Civic with a price to match. Dont do it. \_ http://www.edmunds.com essential site. Check the used prices to see resale value as well. -mogul \_ I recommend a Honda Civic EX. VERY gas efficient and good engine power out of this car. With today's inflated gas price, it's very economical to drive a Honda Civic. \_ HX has even better milage. (Manual version goes 44mpg!) And it costs less than EX. You don't get that many horsepower and bells & whistles as EX but I think that's only a small penalty. -- yuen \_ Got anti-lock breaks? \_ You also might want to look at the Saturn. ("Ia Ia Saturn Fhtagen") |
3/15 |