3/15 |
2003/2/12-7/5 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:27381 Activity:insanely high |
2/12 A sober reminder: Alqueda are SAUDIS, DUH. The ppl who were arrested for 9/11? Most were Saudis. Osama? Saudi. Opec led by.. Saudis? Oil at $35/barrel. \_ What better way to triangulate the Saudis and diminish their grip in OPEC by allowing Iraq to produce more oil. As it stands, the U.N. extracts 30-40% of Iraq's oil proceeds for administrative purposes. |
2003/2/7-8 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:27345 Activity:high |
2/7 Was that really anthrax? \_ Nope, it was Dubya's jizz. \_ Please think before you post next time. Thanks. \_ It's a serious fucking question. -op \_ A fucking question? I thought it was an anthrax question. \_ OK, fine. Do you *really* believe they would bring anthrax? Anthrax... to the UN? \_ Why not? Anthraxing most of the freeloading UN losers from worthless 3rd world countries which would all be 4th world countries without US monetary support would be a good thing. |
2003/1/20-21 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27156 Activity:insanely high |
1/19 CHEW ON THIS by Christopher Hitchens http://www.thestranger.com/current/feature2.html \_ [formatd was all over this thread] \_ I have a lot of respect for Mr. Hitchens, and his arguments changed my mind about the war against the Taliban. He makes good points, and I will chew on them for a while. \_ I have a lot of respect for Mr. Hitchens, and his arguments changed my mind about the war against the Taliban. He makes good points, and I will chew on them for a while. \_ Don't you mean war against Islam? \_ Let's be honest: what's wrong with a war against Islam? Or my favorite, "this is a war about oil!". Ok, so what? I can agree to that. I also have no problem with that. Go live in a cave for a year and tell me it isn't worth it. You won't even have a bicycle without oil, much less kuro5hin or slashdot or any of the rest of the leftist too-young-to-get-it net denizens. Same thing for the Euros who want the yankees go home. Let em defend themselves with their own budgets. Go read any press in the world. Read the Arab's own media and they make it clear they consider themselves at war already. \_ It's wrong to kill people to save $0.50 on each gallon of gasoline that you buy. What is your point about "living in a cave" if we don't get cheap oil? Americans waste gas. If America wants that, then we should be responsible enough to pay the price and not get it dishonestly from other countries. Also, why should young men die to save you a bit of money? Would you do the same for them? If this is about nuclear weapons, then the situation is different. But then again, Bush doesn't have enough credibility to avoid appearing disingenuous. \_ Even if this was just about oil (which it is not), the price of oil doesn't just show up at the pump. Any increase in the price of oil also shows up in every store due to the increased cost of shipping (ground and air). It also shows up in the increased cost of petrochemical products (plastics, etc.). Energy efficiency might offset some of the cost increase, but not all of it. Ultimately the people who end up being affect by higher oil prices are ordinary ave americans (the same ones whose kids are dying for lower oil prices). What it means to these people is colder winters, less presents under the christmas tree, fewer shoter vacations, less \_ "simple decent lifestyle" ha. Americans are buying SUV's in droves. They make up like 25% of all new cars. They are expensive and wasteful. Go over to East Palo Alto. If you don't see an SUV in the driveway, it will probably be a Camaro or something. Also, should American soldiers die for all of this? I thought they were out to defend freedom Why don't people fucking LIVE closer to work instead of expecting American soldiers and Iraqis to die to maintain their lifestyles? time with their families because of longer hours or multiple jobs. Basically, a complete destruction of of their simple decent lifestyle. \_ "simple decent lifestyle" ha. Americans are buying SUV's in droves. They make up like 25% of all new cars. They are expensive and wasteful. Go over to East Palo Alto. If you don't see an SUV in the driveway, it will probably be a Camaro or something. Also, should American soldiers die for all of this? I thought they were out to defend freedom Why don't people fucking LIVE closer to work instead of expecting American soldiers and Iraqis to die to maintain their lifestyles? \_ the US is the largest producer of oil in the world. Also the largest importer. \_ It's politically easier to get oil from Iraq than from drilling off the California coast or some god forsaken patch in Alaska. \_ doofus, those are the wells which are already drilled and producing oil. \_ Because a war about reducing the bottom line for the wealthiest corporations in the world doesn't sound anywhere near as noble as protecting the citizens of this country. Our leaders like to sound very noble. Especially when they send young, dumb kids into combat situations which their own family was wise or connected enough to keep them out of. \_ Bottom line? Yawn. Keep reading the little red book. It's not about corporations. They don't have a bottom line. They pass all costs along. It's about your life style in the short to mid term and your freedom in the long term. \_ Actually he means the coming war on Iraq, or should anyway \_ No, I mean what I say. He had a big split with The Nation over the war in Afghanistan. \_ Wow, I thought C.H. was a big Euro Liberal. What happened? \_ He grew up? \_ Hitchens is still a big Euro liberal, but he believes that the defining elements of liberalism are a belief in self- determination, democracy, freedom of speech, equal rights and tolerance for others. He is right on the mark here. He also believes that defending these values is more imporant than pacifism, or the liberal tendency to try to come to non-violent solutions to problems. He states that Islamic societies are opposed to everything that liberals hold dear, and that a violent aggressive self-defence is neccessary to protect ourselves and our values. But there is quite a bit of difference between attacking someone who is harboring Osama Bin Laden and attacking someone who has done nothing to you. \_ I guess we should just let them get a nuke and wait for them to use it on New York or Washington or SF before we do something about it. \_ Iraq is not the Cuban Missile Crisis. They don't have ICBMs. They don't have nuclear warheads in striking distance of the capitol. It's yet to be shown that they have nuclear capability at all. The inspectors are back in. Let them do their job. \_ so you're saying it's too early to attack when he's just trying to get nukes, and we should wait until he tries for icbm's? \_ If he wouldn't launch chemical warheads on SCUDs at Israel, he's not going to send nukes our way either. He knows the outcome. |
2003/1/17-18 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:27136 Activity:very high |
1/16 Wen Ho Lee, spy:http://www.washtimes.com/national/20030117-69476482.htm \_ You only say that because you are racist! \_ I'm a racist. He's still a spy. \_ "The FBI paid for Mrs. Lee's travel to China with her husband, and helped pay entertainment expenses when the couple hosted visits to the United States by Chinese nuclear scientists." intersting article \_ let's put this to rest \_ You don't care that top secret high quality nuclear secrets are being stolen by other countries?? \_ Judge Parker's apology : http://www.wenholee.org/Parkerapology.html \_ Of course this ignores the entire point of the link which is that the FBI intentionally fucked up the case against him so the judge didn't have the full body of truth before him when he said this. Don't ever let the truth get in the way of your agenda. \_ Yea, sure, book by Trulock is going to be so unbiased. This guys is just so eager to advance his career, he is willing to use Lee as a stepping stone. Glad that it blew up in his face. \_ If it's untrue, prove it. If it's lies, he'll get sued and lose which would be terribly stupid of him. |
2003/1/13 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:27076 Activity:high |
1/12 A unified 'no' to nuclear blackmail (Kissinger on N. Korea) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/821349/posts \_ ohh shut up. US has the largest stockpile of weapon of mass desctruction. US is the one who have unleash such weapon against defendless civilian in the past. US is the one that didn't sign universal test ban treaty, didn't sign ban on Chemical / Biological weapon's ban. It is *US* who first labeled North Korea as member of "axis of evil." It is *US* who decleared that we will pre-emptly invade anyone we want; and it is *US* who imposed a crippling economic sanction for the past 50 yrs. If I am North Korean government, I would think I am on the top of US's target list as well. \_ Not a bad troll. Observe: decent show of 'enthusiasm,' strategically placed grammatical errors. Not bad at all. I give it a B+. |
2003/1/13 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:27075 Activity:insanely high |
1/12 What your gas dollar really buys: http://www.detroitproject.com \_ sad thing is they drive cars to work as well \_ I vaguely remember once our beloved president once asked us to reduce our dependency on foreign oil. Well, guess what, if we actually follow the guide line written by the NSF, (25% increase in fuel efficiency on car and light truck) we will able to accomplish so. Then again, the ultimate goal should be reduce personal energy consumption, including electricity usage, etc. \_ Not even close. The ultimate goal should be to produce an unlimited energy resource that allows us to use as much power as we want with as little impact on the environment as possible. Conservation is a stop-gap, not an actual solution. \_ "As little impact as possible" eh? So even in your ultimate goal the environment isn't all that improtant. If you still don't get it, contrast the goal "use a comfortable amount of power with no impact on the environment". \_ Change the words "no impact" to "little impact", and I'm happy. "no impact" is just impossible. Any energy source is going to produce waste heat at the least. \_ Heat death here we come! Yahoooooo! \_ what the hell is wrong with "as little impact as possible?" how freaking stingy are you? \_ Yea, but there hasn't been much progress towards our "ultimate goal", so "stop-gap" measures should be in full force. \_ Agreed. \_ No. Human nature makes it so that nothing will be seriously doing about permanent or at least long term solution as long as people like you keep on cry cry for stop gaps which only prolong the agonies. Necessity cause innovation. You only delaying progress. \_ Wow what a cop out! Human nature.... \_ Nah, I am delaying disaster. Remember the people of Easter Island. \_ What about them? You saying that you going to \_ Use too much resource. No innovation. Island becomes wasteland. build much small and more efficient statues? \_ Used and depleted too much resource. No innovation. Island became wasteland. Society collapsed. Survivors lived on like wild dogs. \_ I know all that. I'm trying to figure out how you're going to save us from the same fate. Is it all based on smaller statues? \_ I am not trying to save you, just buy myself a little more time for "innovation". \_ Where will you set up your laboratory to develop this unlimited power source? I don't think many engineers will "Think of a happy thing" and then head "2nd star on the right on until morning" - so how will your staff commute to work? Turn off the sci-fi channel, nerd. \_ WTF are you babbling about? Get off the weed, nuthead. |
2003/1/11 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:27062 Activity:nil |
1/10 http://news.lycos.com/news/story.asp?section=MyLycos&storyId=621251 Finally! Scientific _proof_ of global warming! |
2003/1/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:27050 Activity:nil |
1/9 psb, go to Bhutan soon. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/2641157.stm |
2002/12/16 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:26824 Activity:very high |
12/15 Green Wealth, Animal Rights Riches "The 12 biggest environmental pressure groups in the United States enjoy combined annual revenues of $1.95 billion..." http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/807013/posts \_ Are you Icelandic or retarded? \_your libertarian mouthpiece numbers look like they were pulled out of nowhere. this topis is lame and boring anyway. Damn those all powerful environmentalists, trying to save the world! what a bunch of fucks! \_ Yes, damn them! This planet belongs to us, not our children, and we can use it as we please. \_ Yup. and stop blame Chinese being a pollutor. You guys has done 100 years of polluting, now it's our turn. Chinese Industrialist |
2002/12/14 [Science/GlobalWarming, Recreation/Media] UID:26813 Activity:high |
12/13 http://www.savefirefly.com \_ Why save a piece of shit show? \_ Cuz it's neat and you're still a moron. \_ No, it sucks and I'm not the person above, either. You just have no taste and got sucked in by one semi-ok line. |
2002/12/11 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:26784 Activity:very high |
12/10 Physics question: When one lifts weights, s/he exerts more forces, hence the pressure the ground s/he stands on receives more pressure. Is that correct? My friend tried to tell me it is rather because the object (the weights) are moving, it is the acceration that translates into greater force hence greater pressure. But shouldn't the object as a whole (the weights + the weight lifter) be considered a still object since the area touching the ground isn't moving? Any url reference to this would be great. \_ pressure is force per area, so if the are is fixed(the area of the bottoms of your shoes if you are standing), then the force is your weight plus the weight of the weights plus the added force from the acceleration of the weights. this added force is the mass of the weights plus your arms(measuresd in slugs) times the acceleration you apply. if you don't bielive \_ what do you mean measured in slugs? It doens't matter what units you use. English units are confusing. Best to use kg to measure mass, but slugs will work too. \_ right. i was just making the point that slugs are mass and pounds are force. IF you use kilograms, you'd better use Newtons, which most people are not familiar with. that this aceleration adds force, accelerate the weights as fast as you can, and feel the burn in the knees. to keep the same force, but change preassure on the floor, just change area: stand on tiptoes or sit down. \_ You can also do the experiment by lifting dumbbell while standing on a bathroom scale. The reading is roughly the same as the force (although expressed in mass units) between your feet and the ground when the scale is not there. Watch the reading becomes higher after you grab the dumbbells and hold them steady. Then watch the reading changing when you accelerate and decelerate the dumbbells in the vertical direction. \_ I understand f=ma. But ultimately, it's the weight lifter that needs to exert more force. The acceration of the weights is caused by the extra force the lifter has to put out. My friend's argument is that the accerleration generates more force, but isn't it really the oher way around in this case? The fact of the weights moving at an accerlerated speed and the greater pressure are both caused by the more force exerted from the lifter, no? \_ Don't confuse energy and force. I can slump on the sofa like a big pig not spending a single calorie of energy, but my fat butt would still be exerting a force on the sofa. Remember Energy = Force x Distance Moved. I am a lazy bum who don't like to move, and AnyForce x Zero is still equal to Zero. \_ hmm. I am more confused with weight v.s. force. Isn't weight force in the first place? _/ Help me settle the bet here. My friend's arguement is weight changes as objects are being lifted. But my argument is it's the force that's changing, not weight. Isn't weight simply the gravitational pull on the mass? In this case, aren't both constant? \_ What the bathroom scale usually measures is the gravitational attraction (a force) between your mass and the fat lump of mass we call the Earth. When you hold onto two dumbbells like some dumb body builder and stand on the bathroom scale, it is now measuring the the gravitational attraction between "your mass plus two dumbbells" and the Earth. When you are further accelerating the two dumb bells upwards, the bathroom scale is now measuring the above plus an additional force exerted by the accelerating dumbbells on your body. Remember "Action Reaction". That's why when measuring yourself on a bathroom scale, you try to be naked, so that there isn't any extra mass, and you try not to jump up and down. What your friend refers to as "weight" is what is measured on the bathroom scale. What you refer to as "weight" is the gravitational attraction between your mass and the Earth's mass. As seen above, the two of you are referring to different things. The two are only one and the same when you are naked and not jumping up and down. I think I have been trolled. Oh well. \_ Your friend's thinking is inherently flawed, but explain it to him this way: When you talk about a person's weight, you imply that that person isn't moving. If he jumps up while on a scale, his "weight" will increase as he jumps up. This is cheating; you take weight when you're standing still. So you can't be pushing dumbbells while taking your weight. Likewise, you can't raise your arms up and down. Ask him if his weight is changing when he's pumping his arms or jumping on the scale. \_ conservation of angular momentum \_ Huh? \_ Check an elementary physics text. Or sit on a computer chair, hold a spinning bicycle wheel and twist it. \_ Yeah I know what conservation of angular momentum is, but what does that have to do with the questions in this thread? \_ the overall pressure's the same but your feet exert more. \- if you have flies in a jar on a scale the scale wil read the same whether they are sitting on the bottom, the side or flying ... but at lift off it will register more. \- here is a fun problem: you have a uniform gold chain of legnth l ... say 1meter ... with mass m ... say 100 grams. you hold the chain l units above a scale and drop it. so at t0 when you release the chain, the scale reads 0 and at t1 then the chain is resting on the scale, it reads m->100g ... plot f(t) between t0->t1 where f(t) is what the scale reads. this might be sort of unkind as an interview problem for a software guy :-) --psb \_ Birkett demonstrated and then explained this in class once, but I forgot the physical basis of it. Can you post it? \_ typical physics h7a homework problem \_ yeah, so typical. \_ Ok, I give up. What is the solution? I got a big complicated equation ( (7Mggtt)/(2l) ) which I don't think is right. |
2002/11/22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:26595 Activity:nil |
11/21 What is the deal with HP abandoning the 32s line of calculators? That was the last of the RPN entry scientific calculators. I'm deeply upset by this, as I really enjoy using the 32s line of calculators, and there is nothing that even comes close from other companies. does anyone have any info about this? I've searched the web, and just found links to people selling the 32s as a "collectors item" for 300 bucks. this really really sucks. surely someone must be doing something about this. if not, i will. \_ In the age of pda's why do you need a calculator? \_ PDAs suck as calculators. There's something to be said for tactile feedback of physical buttons. \_ ...and HP has much better buttons than any other calculator maker. \_ Agreed \_ I have to take you word for it. I made it through school with a cheap casio that someone had chucked in the trash in Betchel. \_ Which model? \_ I Don't remember, it was one of the cheap solar scientific models. \_ use a slide rule. get over your babyish needs for a calculator to do the work for you. you'll never learn that way. \_ Have you ever used a circular slide rule? They rock. Compact and powerful. \_ I just log into soda and use "bc -l". seriously. \_ obviously not on the 18th at 7 am.. \_ Back to analog computing? \_ "Back to oil and coal are they?" - Salvor Hardin |
2002/11/17 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:26569 Activity:very high |
11/15 Finally! The right common sense way for the US to deal with the rest of the world. I'm too young to have voted for him at the time but I sure wish the world had more leaders like this. We need this sort of courage in times like these. link:timesofindia.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/html/uncomp/articleshow?artid=28466990 \_ Like sheep to the slaughter... It's too bad he wasn't around during WWII eh? \_ Do you propose then that we openly violate treaties that we have signed and expect other countries to follow? \_ why propose something that's already being done? \_ Name one. And don't name the anti-nuke treaty with the Soviets. There was an 'out' clause built into the original treaty and we legally exited. \_ invasion of Serbia without authorization of UN security consoul for one. GHB's authorization of invasion of Panama is another. For the rest, US just pressure other nation to sign but not signing it itself, including Univeral declaration of Women's right, Univeral ban on land mind, biological weapon, and nuclear test. \_ Serbia: say what? You're insane. It was a NATO sponsored action. You know, NATO? That treaty created org? Panama? What treaty was that? The one where we gave up control of the incredibly important PC to a bunch of third worlders? And for the rest, if we didn't sign it then we didn't break it. Your debate fu is weak. Try harder. I actually thought you might come up with something but I see I was correct: we didn't break any treaties: you're just spewing your agenda driven ignorance. \_ --"For every time an American gives a dollar, a citizen of Norway --gives 17 dollars," he [Carter] said." I'd love to see the numbers on this. \_ And the tax rates. And how much of American tax dollars have gone to keeping Norway a safe place to live. And how many immigrants they allow in and how easy it is to work or get citizenship there vs here. |
3/15 |
2002/10/17-18 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:26232 Activity:high |
10/17 Rumsfeld sez: North Korea has Nukyoolar weapons. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/2337997.stm \_ Someday the words "nuculous" and "nucular" will be in Webster. \_ You know, in the past few months, I've heard a number of high-level leaders say "Nukular"--members of congress (R and D), military leaders, etc. I've come to accept that it's dialect not intellect. \_ But when your speech writer explcitly spells the word "nuclear" on a sheet of paper, you would think that the speaker would, at least, try to pronounce it phonetically. \_ You'd think that but you'd be wrong. Take a few basic cogsci courses on vision, language, and memory. \_ How do you pronounce February? \_ /fEbru3ri/ \_ I think it's funny all the leftists ragging on Bush for nukular when Jimmy Carter (also from the south) was the first President to say nukular in a public speech. \- er doesnt carter have a phd in nuclear engineering? that may buy him some cover. --psb \_ Try Eisenhower. \_ note that: http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=nuclear lists "nukyular" as an acceptable pronunciation. |
2002/10/9 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:26136 Activity:nil |
10/9 http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=573&ncid=757&e=1&u=/nm/20021009/od_nm/petrol_dc what's so illegal about using cooking oil in your car? \_ People who use biodiesel they make themselves (namely, poring in cooking oil) may potentially cause more pollution. But the real concern is that the guvernment doesnt' get the tax on diesel, which is a lot higher in teh UK than the US. |
2002/10/2 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:26074 Activity:low |
10/2 http://www.whoi.edu/home/about/whatsnew_abruptclimate.html Global warming = ice age. Be afraid. \_ How is this any more reliable than USA Today or Rosie Magazine? \_ WHOI is one the most well-respected academic institutions in oceanography in the world. Do you trust scientists not to talk out of their asses like the press usually does? I would hope so... (at least to some extent) \_ as a professional research scientist, I assure you that I *am* part of the giant left-wing conspiracy. \_ Relax, the ice age won't be for a few years. \_ I'm with you on that one brother! Scientists have *never* talked out their asses. I'm still there with the flat earthers, the angels on a pin guys, the unicorn and dragon zoologists, the mice spntaneously appear in dirty rags, the never been on the moon hoaxers, the coming ice agers, the coming flooders, the coming fire stormers, and the scientific creationists. No sirreebob! No scientists has ever blown smoke out his ass. Scientists know everything about everything and have never been wrong in the past or modern times. Look son, there's nothing magical about a scientist. It's just some guy who knows more about a subject than you probably do but that doesn't mean he knows everything or that he's even at all correct. The sky is not falling. The thing reads like an anti-communist scare pamphlet from the 50s. \_ but the sky is falling. as the earth travels through space in its orbit, it cuts through the sky in a huge 2pi(93million miles) long path \_ It's sort of a freaky curved fall, then. |
2002/9/6 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:25784 Activity:high |
9/5 why attacking iraq is a bad idea: http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/20020905-24231615.htm \_ What is the alternative? In the very near future an Islamic state not aligned to the West will go nuclear - what then? Evidence has not been made public, it seems prudent to wait \_ What is the alternative? In the very near future Iraq will go nuclear - what then? Evidence has not been made public, all of this rhetoric is taking place in a vacuum of information. It seems prudent to wait until that time before engaging in conjecture. One would think with all of the uproar about the human suffering caused by the sanctions, one would want Saddam (along with the sanctions) to go. Of course, there is the very real possibility that we are still divying up the spoils of the Cold War. \_ they *will* go nuclear. the question is do they have the *will* to use it. \_ Whether they have the will or not, having a nuke will give them more bargaining power (e.g. "If you attack us, we'll nuke Israel") \_ So what if Iraq go nuclear? We can invade a country just because he might has nuke sometimes later? Remember, we are the one who used nuke against civilian target in the history of mankind. |
2002/9/5 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:25773 Activity:high |
9/4 Environmentalist Quotes 'We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of 6-year-old children to Asian brothels.' http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/744607/posts \_ what's your favorite kind of fishing? \_ That's old news. That's why real conservatives hate you freeper types. You make us all look like looneys with your rehashed ancient and extremist quotes. We all know the extreme left are insane. You're just like them but on the extreme right. You deserve each other. Please go away. --A Real Conservative (who hates freepers) |
2002/8/26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25686 Activity:high |
8.26 if you're not out conquoring the world then you're wasting your lives away. \_ Gee, Brain. What are we going to do tomorrow night? \_ fuck... if I conquered the world what would I do with it? \_ You'd have a place for all of your stuff. |
2002/8/19 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25611 Activity:high |
8/19 Everyone dirty with Enron money. Everyone. http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,338580,00.html \_ i'm not. \_ No, you're just dirty. -John \_ everyone important is. you're not important. \_ That explains why none of Kenny Boy's pals had to do a perpwalk yet \_ Are you at all surprised? \_ kind of, yes. |
2002/8/2 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25477 Activity:high |
8/1 If I want a pendulum of period 1 sec, what is the length I should have? I know the gravity and that the pendulum is independent of its weight. Thanks! \- hello, making some simplifying assumptions, like the moment of intertia is about that of a point mass at length l from the fulcrum, and angle between the pendulum arm and the vector from the funcrum to the center of mass isnt too large then T = 2pi sqrt(l/g). Do you need a pendulum with large amplitude? Also I assume this is in simple pendulum like a grandfather clock. If you have a more complicated object thenthe radius of gyration is k = sqrt [moment of intertia(w.r.t. center of mass)/mass] ... I assume you know what a moment of inertia is. [mnemonic: pi^2 is actually pretty close to the grav acceleration at the earth surface ... this is useful if you have to do approx on the back of an envelope. so figure a quarter meter. this isnt a homewortk problemis it?] \_ of course it was a homework problem --!OP \_ isn't it easier to just find the integration [intergation of (cos Angle)*gravity]*distance ? \- the newtonian approach with some simplifications is not too difficult. a richer approach is the "Highbrow mechanics" which has at it's core the kinetic and potential energy functions rather than the newtonian s''=v'=a func appriach. however you may need a little geometry and some knowledge of elliptical integrals. ok tnx. \_ I found some notes from an old math class with elliptical integrals on it. I used to know that stuff. I feel really dumb now. \_ More like your brain has pushed that crap aside for more important things. |
2002/7/8 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25305 Activity:very high |
7/6 The sky is falling! We're all dead by 2050 if we don't colonise *TWO* planets by 2050!!! So says WWF. So let's see, we ran out of oil about 15 years ago, the planet froze 10 years ago, 5 years ago we ran out of food and clean water. And now they tell me we'll run out of whatever was left by 2050. Kinda convenient none of them will be around to get laughed at in 2051. http://www.observer.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,750783,00.html \_ relevance? -motd relevance god \_ Besides disagreeing on the conclusion, which particular statistics in the article did you find untrue? \_ I wouldn't trust a scientific study done by the World Wrestling Federation -motd relevance god \_ motd relevance god, you are a hypocrite. \_ Wildlife not Wrestling you troll. \_ There's very little difference - both are shams |
2002/7/4-5 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25279 Activity:very high |
7/3 Does anyone still believe the hype around global warming? \_ Only econuts like tom and algore. \_ or the evil liberal commies on the editorial staff at Science and Nature. of course they don't have the kind of rigorous peer review as freerepublic, so I wouldn't trust all the hundreds of scientific papers in thosre journals documenting human impact on the atmosphere and climate change. \_ Have you actually read any of the papers on climate modeling and on historical climate trends? If you had you would know that climate change (such as drastic cooling and heating) have been going on for millions of years and that the minor current warming cannot be attributed to humans alone. Most of the evidence (objective) is that the earth is warming on its own and our contribution is not that significant. \_ You fucking idiot! How dare you bring *FACTS* into a thread on global warming! The nerve! Bastard! \_ OK, I'll bite. Please cite bibliographical references to papers that present the relevant data/reasoning in mainstream scientific journals. (I do not mean to assert that you are lying, just want to have a first-hand look at your sources.) \_ What a limp attempt at a troll. \_ News Flash: Global Warming causes impotent trolls. \_ So why have atmospheric temperatutes FALLEN in the past 25 years? And ZERO models predict / include the existence of El Nino... just for starters. As admitted by EU Bereaucrats, Kyoto was an attempt handcuff US business - go Al GORE. \_ Oh please, like you didn't know Al and his pals are heavily invested in EU companies. \_ ZERO models, huh? That's pretty interesting because my ex's father does long term weather prediction, and his group predicted El Nino several years in advance. Where are you getting YOUR information from? |
2002/6/10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:25054 Activity:nil |
6/9 learn the *truth* behind the environmental movement! exxon is your friend, learn how! http://www.undueinfluence.com |
2002/5/22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24916 Activity:nil |
5/22 Renewable Energy? Not in Ted's backyard. Where's Al when we need him? http://www.capecodonline.com/special/windfarm/kennedyaims15.htm |
2002/5/13-14 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24813 Activity:very high |
5/13 "Expert Warns World Warming Faster Than Expected" http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=585&ncid=753&e=1&u=/nm/20020513/sc_nm/environment_climate_dc_1 \_ oh no what are we to do oh-so wise tree-hugger? Not live our life to the fullest? You are all are a bunch of hypocrites. If you want to do something truly enviromental - kill yourself and recycle your body for compost. because you are goign to have kids, and those kids are going ot have kids, and all the resources to raise those kids will surpass any effort you make to "save the earth" \_ a touch presumptive. many people (yourself excluded) are quite aware of something called birth-control, and the zero-growth movement. \_ plus carpooling, driving more efficient cars, public transit, turning off the PCs and lights when you leave your office, buying green electricity instead of from PG&E, etc., which also help conserve oil at the same time. Killing two birds with one stone. \_ no matter how much you conserve, you'd still be using fewer resources if you dropped dead right now. you're pretty much a net negative the moment the sperm hits the egg. might as well end it now. \_ Tell this to the Indians. \_ Without us tree-huggers, your life to the fullest will not be as full, simply put. \_ without you tree-huggers I'd have a 6 liter/500 HP V8 in my car, gas would cost $0.30/gallon (we'd be drilling everywhere oil is), and power would be almost free (because we would have lots of dams and nuclear power plants). I'd be leading \_ 1975 Newsweek article on global COOLing. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/661876/posts a much "fuller" life without arbitrary limits imposed by tree-hugging technology stifling wakkos. \_ Perhaps I should have phrased more clearly: If we tree- huggers all stop hugging trees and instead behave the same way as you do, your life to the fullest will not be as full. \_ for, oh... 30 years? maybe? if you're extremely lucky... \_ malthus and his band of chicken littles have been crying wolf for how many years now? there's still plenty of food and other resources. when were we supposed to run out of oil again? discovering more of that stuff all the time, if only the tree-huggers would let us drill for it. if we were really running out of oil, we'd come up with an alternative. the problem is that there is really no problem. \_ Its great that the temp. is going up, its too fricking cold right now. The only part that gets me is that I'll be dead by the time it gets nice and warm (2080). At least my kids will be able to enjoy it. \_ I second that. Here in the upper midwest, we all do our best to contribute to global warming because we believe it will make the weather here more like that of California, and California's weather more like that of Arizona. \_ Arizona is no good. California should be more like Hawaii, warm water, warm weather, plentiful beaches... \_ 1975 Newsweek article on global cooling. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/661876/posts |
2002/5/9 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24773 Activity:nil 61%like:24780 |
5/9 Where's twohey going to? -twohey #1 fan 5/ Ice melts. End of world near. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?u=/ap/20020509/ap_wo_en_ge/us_new_iceberg_1&printer=1 \_ it's only the shelves that are breaking up. |
2002/5/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:24772 Activity:high |
5/8 So how'd that anti-nuclear 80's style teach-in/propoganda-session go? Did you solve the nuclear crisis? I hope you figure it all out before the Berlin Wall comes down or something.... For some reason, Cyndi Lauper lyrics are now floating through my head... ah the 80s.... \_ Goes well with the deficit spending and draconian statements from the president, doesn't it? It was a $600 toilet seat on a P3 Orion in 1982. What will it be this time, I wonder, now that the military procurement is having a new dawn? \_ girls just waaaaaaanna have fuuuuuuuun, oh yeah girls just wanna! \_ hehehe. \_ So the anti-nuke thing went poorly, I see. 1982... I remember 1982. That was the year all the contracts signed in the late 70s came due and delivered those toilet seats and hammers. Good call but isn't it too easy to bash on the Carter folks? Hey, got any quotes for us from Reagan? \_ not all DOD mioney is wasted. I work 80 hours a week for 18k/yr of DOD money doing research that I think is important for America(trying to build a quantum computer.) that should make up for a couple toiled seats. \_ yeah, because all those contractors love waiting 3 years to get paid on their invoices. \_ silly child, they got paid in 79, the items were found in a Reagan administration sponsored audit. Gotta keep your agenda nice and shiny, all facts to the contrary, eh? \_ Sorry, what did toilet seats and hammers mean? \_ It's the name of my new band. You're playing drums. \_ Purchased when? Discovered by whom? Thank you for playing. You were 2 when this happened. You can't be expected to know the facts. |
2002/5/8-9 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24769 Activity:very high |
5-7 pm Upper Sproul Plaza 1.Wednesday 5/8: UNIV. OF MASS DESTRUCTION?: DISMANTLING THE UC WAR MACHINE Why does the University of California manage the only two labs in the country that conduct research regarding the massive US nuclear stockpile? Every nuclear weapon in the US arsenal was designed and tested by the UC. Under the Bush Administration, how much more destruction will the UC manage? Wednesday, May 8 5-7 pm Upper Sproul Plaza \_ You're right we should have some stoners at Florida State do all the research. Good idea. And as was said previously there has been *ZERO* nuclear destruction post WW2 (thats another thread). There have been *ZERO* nuclear strikes. Maybe you live on another planet where it is better that the Florida State stoners keep track of things and tell us how to best maintain and dispose of them with least risk to the environment. Woo hoo! Go Florida State U! FSU! \_ except for those tests all over the pacific. not to mention south asia. it's not about strikes. it's about universal blackmail, and unthinkable prospects for our future. \_ you mean the tests that are now 100% computer simulations? the ones only a place like LLBL could do? And maybe you failed to notice any major wars on this planet since 1945? Dude, you're seriously living in the 1980s. Nukes in the hands of the world's major powers are one of the smallest concerns the human race has today. Live in the now, not the 1980s. So retro... I love the motd. \_ and maybe YOU failed to notice the tit for tat tests india and pakistan set off last year. god. how 'bout instead of living ignorantly in the now, you pay a little bit of attention. \_ Oh? I wasn't aware that UC is in charge of the Indian and Pakistani nuclear stockpiles.... You're right. I am ignorant and I apologise for not knowing something like that. I'll pay better attention in the future to which countries UC is doing nuke work for. \_ You're not even worth the time to say this, but the drive of the original post is that the don't want the UC to be supporting the nuclear capability of the country. they're not suggesting they shift it to another school. they're suggesting that if the government feels nuclear maintenance is necessary, they should do it their own damn self, and the UC should swear it off. get your head out of that pig's ass. |
2002/5/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24712 Activity:high |
5/4 Every nuclear weapon in the US arsenal was designed and tested by the UC. Under the Bush Administration, how much more destruction will the UC manage? Wednesday, May 8 5-7 pm Upper Sproul Plaza Speakers: Andrew Page - N. California political director, California Peace Action Inez Sunwoo - student organizer, California Peace Action Tara Dorabji - community organizer, Tri-Valley CAREs (Communities Against a Radioactive Environment) and other speakers with special guests Drew Dellinger La Paz Veronica Black Sponsored by Student Peace Action Network, Stop the War Coalition, East Bay Peace Action *free event; wheelchair accessible for more info contact valeriekao@hotmail.com \_ Oh no! What do we do? Go back to the stoneage and gather food right? Dumbasses. Get your head out of your ass, you can't stop progress. Oh and by the by.. just FYI there has NEVER been an "arms"reduction treaty that reduces the number of WARHEADS, just the launchers. So I hope you sleep better knowing those numbers Bush is floating around of 1k-2k warheads just means operational launchers and warheads. \_ Stupid peacenik. If not for the "bomb" we'd all be speaking russian right now (at least those of us who weren't stuck in a siberian gulag). \_ "peacenik"... "we'd all be speaking russian right now"... The irony. -geordan \_ I can answer your question right now without all the idiotic propaganda. Under the Bush administration, there will be just as much nuclear destruction managed by UC as under all previous administrations combined. That is to say: none. Perhaps you were too busy with your most recently acquired bowl to notice but there hasn't been any nuclear missiles launched on this planet. Ever. The sum total destruction of all nuclear missiles on this planet is zero. So, when can we hook up, share a bowl, go 420 and feel the good vibes we'll get from this teach-in? I love a good teach-in. You know why? Easy chicks. Just go slack jawed and repeat all the crap they spew (just like ass kissing your profs) and you're in. I wonder if Valerie Kao is a hottie, or maybe Tara or Veronica could use a good fucking. \_ why don't you ask her? her email is right there. You up for it stud? \_ so, without attacking the assumption that we NEED to have nuclear weapons development and testing managed by someone, wouldn't it be better to have it be a more publicly accountable public institution like the UC than some shady defense contractor? Whats so wrong with UC managing the development labs? \_ also, theres's alot of great basic research at lbl and llnl that gets done under the guise of weapons research. i think your average congressman is dumb enough to believe that the ALS is somehow going to be used as a weapon one day. in reality, this basic research will lead to technology that will allow the American economy to be strong and to maintain our standard of living. if calling it weapons research is the only way to get the morons in congress to pay for future American prosperity, so be it. -physicist, and former lbl employee |
2002/5/3-5 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/SW/Languages] UID:24687 Activity:high |
5/2 Math people: if I have a password generator that doesn't generate any collsions in 1,000,000 runs, is there a way to estimate a lower bound on the size of the space with a certain confidence? \_ yes. Lower bound of 1,000,000. \_ You expect a collision at about \sqrt{n} trials, if there are n elements in your space. See birthday paradox. -chialea \_ What chialea means to say is that, if you trust it to be using reasonably strong random bits (which aren't, for instance, cyclic and loop in a cycle of length 1,000,001), there's good reason to expect the space size to be >=1e12. However, there are many real-world issues that would make this analysis null and void, and to actually get statistical confidence intervals on it, you'd need to assume quite a bit about the world, and then talk to somebody who knows more statistics than I. -alexf \- hola i havent done the math but is there a rule of thumb that says "for n buckets with equal/indep probability, the number of instaces to have say 50% collsions is some f(n)"? withthe birthday problem it's 365 with close enough to equal probability to hit 50% collision chance at 24 or 28 [i forgot the number] ... i am wondering about a rule of thumb like the "rule of 70" on interest rate doubling, or say even stirling formula for n! --psb \_ I found a web page that said it's about 1.2*sqrt(n). Using Stirling's formula and a Taylor series for ln, I get that the constant in front is sqrt(2*ln(2)) which is about 1.1774. Details left to the reader -lewis \_ URLp \_ constants are for sissies \_ Thanks alex, that's indeed what I meant. I blame it all on e190! -chialea |
2002/5/1 [Science/GlobalWarming, Recreation/House] UID:24648 Activity:nil |
4/30 http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wilensky/network-charging.html \_ isn't it ironic that as a professor who should be worried about papers, research, publications, and funding, wilensky has to deal with stupid administrative issues? \_ No. As someone who has staffed for Cal Professors it doesn't hurt to drag them into the real world every few years to remind them how resource allocation works beyond their office door. He didn't write this himself anyway. He told someone else to. \_ Further, it is his job as vice chair in this area --jon |
2002/4/20 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:24497 Activity:high |
4/19 Please accept my apology for believing and posting to the motd everything I've posted for the last year or so. After reading this link I now truly understand the way the world really is. http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles3/plot.html \_ Go stick your head in a pig. \_ You know "they" are coming for you. From the same folks you can find out how the Israeli government at all levels is engaged directly in the white slave trade from the former soviet states. \_ You obviously have not spent enough time reading this guy. It is not the Isrealis, it the FreeMasons. No, its the Catholics. Wait not the Isrealis, it's the FreeMasons. No, it's the Catholics. Wait it's the Illuminatis. Maybe NATO is in on it, too. \_ I read it all. It's all true! |
2002/4/18 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24485 Activity:nil |
4/18 secure data vault vs carnivore? Does this make any real world sense? http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,51917,00.html |
2002/3/26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24236 Activity:very high |
3/26 I was opposed to sending European "observers" to Israel until I saw this. I've done a 180. We need to send *lots* of Europeans there. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20300-2002Mar26.html \_ They will need guns. Lots of guns. \_ So you like seeing unarmed peace keepers killed, is that what you are saying? \_ 1) you can't keep the peace (peace keepers, yes?) if you're not armed or otherwise able to enforce 'peace' through some means. They are not 'peacekeepers', they are 'observers'. 2) no, I like seeing know-nothing meddlers get what they deserve. Don't stick your hand in boiling water if you don't want to get burned. It's generally a Good Thing(tm) when noisy powerless Europeans get re-taught the ancient lessons life has to teach. \_ I'm hoping that Isreal will be forced to prove it is a nuclear power so we can get the whole Armageddon cult mass death thing going. \_ If they weren't 1973 wouldn't have been the last time the Arabs invaded. \_ Yeah, but Sharon is nuts enough to use them on Iraq or Iran. Plus I just bought some new Nikes! \_ I was hoping the Pakistani and Indian governments would go for it so we'd have a modern example of why nuclear weapons are bad and there'd be political will to finally get rid of them globally in a real way. Unfortunately I think this would also lead to even louder and larger anti-nuclear energy protests which will make meeting our long term planetary energy needs more difficult in the coming years. --still hoping for cold fusion \_ You are a pampered suburban CS student who knows nothing about "ancient lessons life has to teach." Leave life to those with the courage and conviction to actually lead it and take your hollow nihilism back to Quake III, where it belongs. \_ Well, no, actually, you're wrong. How's that for a stupid response to your stupid statement? Now we're even. |
2002/3/11-12 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24074 Activity:moderate |
3/11 When a nuke hits SF, *this* happens: http://pbs.vicinity.com/pbs/blast.hm?SEC=25pressure&AD2=&AD3=sf%2Cca&AD4=U.S.&x=40&y=16 [ this is for your amusement. it is not a troll. it is not a political statement. it has no other meaning, value, or content. if you see more to this than the mere information go seek help ] \_ yeah and so what you greenpeace beatnik throwback? Genie is out of bottle. if you don't like it, go back to scavenging for food. this is progress. man's M.O. is monopolizing scarce resources for himself \_ Bad Troll. No cookie. \_ Go home you fake peacenik. This isn't 'progress' as you pretend to claim. This is way fucking cool. Where else can you see on something on the net with a phrase like, "Ninety-eight percent of the population within this area are dead"? Sweet. Plug in your favorite city and see who dies! \_ neat or not neat, it's 50 year old technology, and all the mathematics of death associated with it was worked out and published decades ago. of course if you never read anything that's not on the net, i guess you can be impressed. \_ Dummy, it's hooked up to mapquest so you get to see the tonnage on your local area. WTF is wrong with people like you? Yes dummy I know the technology and numbers were worked out years before yermom was born. That isn't the cool part. Stupid loudmouth know nothing ignorant jerks.... \_i'm just sick of all the motd assholes who demand a reference for something, and then just ingnore you when you supply a written reference that would actually require a trip to the library. fucking stupid ass webmonkey motherfuckers. oh, yeah. go fuck yourself. \_ look genius, this has *nothing* to do with info you can get in a library. I can not get info from a library that says what'll happen if I drop a nuke on Walnut Creek, Santa Clara, Fremont, or a long list of other fun places. stop taking crack. \_ This is silly. I'd aim for the Valley, like Christopher Walken in that bond movie. Destroying MAE-WEST would be bad, right? |
2002/3/10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:24070 Activity:nil |
3/9 "full spectrum deterrence" http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-030902bombs.story \_ dont' see why not. afterall, we have used nuclear weapon against civilian in the past. \_ NO NUKES! NUKES R BAD! EMP WILL DESTROY MY 200 GB PORN AND WAREZ COLLECTION! \_ Maybe its not for real: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/usatoday/20020220/pl_usatoday/3875465&printer=1 |
2002/2/28 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23992 Activity:high |
2/27 Finally, some transparency http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/02/27/energy.task.force/index.html \_ Boring. We already know all this stuff. |
2002/2/17 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23899 Activity:nil |
2/16 America's laser of death cleared for take-off Exactly what problem do you have with this - its the airborne chemical laser? http://freerepublic.com/focus/fr/629499/posts |
2002/2/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23828 Activity:high |
2/09 Grey Davis ah your loved DEMOCRAT, supporting the loved democrat party which supports people rather than business. And who most importantly replaced Wilson. Just read an article very close to my heart which clearing indicates that Davis is a fucking idiot and should at least make you think twive when deciding who to vote for- and yes the upcoming gov election IS HUGE Power crises- in relation to renewable energy Davis created a special agency to go out and secure power contracts because the current utilities could not do so. Additionally he setup a action plan to subsidize the building of billions of $$$ of plants An auditor just recently went through some of the facts. "green" energy accounted for only 230/12,000 megawatts additionally it is widely believed that renewable sources of energy are moe expensive- the auditor found that the prices paid for the 230 were actually LESS than fossil based. But wait there is more. The state sent out letters to all the producers saying if you build it we will come. So there was a big rush to build renewable sources of energy ( well at least to "get ready" building something is a long long process ) but when the renewable sources said OK I'm all ready to go but I need the power contract so that you will buy the energy my plant produces- California backed out and left all the renewable guys holding the bag because they blew all their money with contracts to the fossil based corps. Even worse there is a 2.5 megawatt plant in orange county which even during the darkest time fo the crisis COULD NOT EVEN SELL its power to california. So now California is sueing the likes of "republican" enron trying to convice the puiblic it was all enrons fault, it was all the republicans faults, it was all Wilsons fault ( now I have no love for wilson either ). When in reality it was Davis' fault for simply mismanaging the whole affair. This is the problem with the political battleground. You can't believe anything you hear. Its is all hypocracy. Double-talk. From all sides of the fence. I go on facts- or at least try. And the facts prove that Davis robbed the bank more then even the worst eron exec. He shelled out 43Billion in energy contracts to big business and didn't leave a penny for renewable sources. Even worse he led them on with hopes of funding only to pull the plug...... Now I am not even going to discuss how he hired his brother to manage this whole thing and signed him to a contract paying him 300K.yr or how he hired some chick out of UCLA to a 5yr contract paying like 230K/yr the list goes on and on. \_ And he took 110,000$ from Enron. Wilson warned in his farewell speech that the bipartisan deregulation plan was flawed, and designed only a step towards full deregulation. Davis completely ignored this. Californians will be paying for his "solution" big time over the next ten years. \_ I think pete wilson shares a lot of blame for the pseudo power crisis, but it doesn't matter does it, since he's not running for anything anymore. |
2002/2/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23827 Activity:high |
2/9 why have world championship competitions when the olympics exist? are these world championships held yearly? \_ since the only spectator sports i would care about are sheephearding and skateboarding, neither of which is an olympic sport, i would say it's a moot point. \_ skateboarding is so much more fun to actually do than to watch. sheepherding, i've no clue about. \_ Most Olympic sports do not hold world championshiops during Olympic years. |
2002/2/3 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23763 Activity:nil |
2/3 For the Greens http://freerepublic.com/focus/fr/621002/posts |
2002/1/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming, Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:23512 Activity:very high |
1/9 About fuel-cell automobiles, since it runs on hydrogen, where does the hydrogen come from? Thx. \_ fuel-cells don't run on hydrogen. \_ some do, some don't. \_ Yes, they do. And it is either re-refined from gasoline or natural gas, or by a number of other processes external to the system. http://www.fuelcells.org/whatis.htm \_ So since producing hydrogen requires energy from other sources, fuel cells don't really solve the energy problem, right? \_ Well, they are up to 3 times more efficient than ICE on the same fuels, so they help. and efficiency is a high priority in the research, rather than maximization of oil profits, so the attitude alone helps. Also, emissions are much lower on the same fuel, which also helps. No, it doesn't "solve" the "energy problem", but ... it helps. \_ The sun. \_ honda is coming out with hybrid civics for $20k in march. \_ How many MPG does it get? \_ Make any car small enough to carry on your bike and it'll get great gas mileage. Earlier electrics and some hybrids were rejected because they were too small to drive safely on the highways. They couldn't be any bigger without losing most of their efficiency. When I can get a hybrid or eletric or whatever car that doesn't weigh less than I do I'd consider one. \_ I was just wondering how it'll compare to the Insight and the 5-seat Prius. \_ Isn't hydrogen flammable? Hindenberg car? \_ Isn't gasoline flammable? \_ The Hindenberg caught fire because of flammable paint, not hydrogen. \_ This doesn't negate the fact that hydrogen is indeed cumbusts with air. \_ "cumbusts"... too much porn on the brain. flammable. You get a nice little explosion when it combusts with air. [spellingd was here] \_ pr0n aside, one of the big challenges w/ using H directly is finding a stable enough matrix to make it safe and cheap to store (no crazy supercooling, etc). I've seen several avenues of exploration using a variety of stable chemical compounds (using, boron I think) that are subsequently mixed with something to release the 'stored' H which is then 'burned' 'on demand' for energy. -mice \_ Can we store hydrogen on vehicles same way as propane (or is it butane) vehicles? Propane is also gas and it explodes, but people seem to think propane vehicles are safe. \_ More specifically, with what we now call solid rocket fuel. \_ don't most metals absorb hydrogen readily, making them brittle? |
2001/12/31 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:23416 Activity:very high |
12/30 Indians only days away from full mobility. Pakistan mobile now and might launch first strike. Both sides moving missiles near front. Stop deleting this. Nuclear war is just as important as an arcade in the South bay: a post you didn't delete. \_ personally, i never delete posts, but i can see their point. there are thousands of news sources out there a click away with every different viewpoint, language, and depth of detail, and hundreds of places this can be debated online. political threads like this on the motd usually end up as heated debates of very long posts between just two people, which are not fun to read. since most of us read the motd for fun, that means your post sucks. \_ A nuclear conflict there might not be so bad. Their limited capability means the damage will be constrained within Asia. A war can semi-permanently set back both countries and possibly China, which might not be a bad thing. India, although currently it pretends to be pro-US, eventually will become a bigger threat with a more functional government and military and less fondness for western ideas. \_ Not so bad? You are such a humanitarian... \_ Yawn. This has been going on in Korea for 50 years. \_ Hey, thanks for the news! Now that the motd's turned into World News Now, I don't have to go to the effort of firing up my Web browser. Now, *does* anyone have the address of a good arcade in the South Bay? If we're all going to be annihilated in a nuclear firestorm, I wanna go out having the most fun that a CS major can have! |
2001/12/31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23410 Activity:very high |
12/30 The idiocy of the SDI thread is here the assumption that our enemies will be using missiles. Class dismissed. \_ Right, and thats why the Russians had 10,000 nuclear missiles? I nominate you for Secretary of Defence. \_ That, and a startling 50% success rate at shooting down missiles when we know where they're coming from, where they're headed, and when they've been launched.... --erikred \_ It's okay to "experiment" with the Great Society and entitlement programs until the end of time, but a horrendously technically complex proposition like NMD has to work its first time out of the box, skipping right over the "development" and "testing" phases? \_ As for the first, nice troll, and as for the second, it makes sense to expect a workable demonstration of the prototype before one invests the billions intended. A 50% success rate does not make the grade. --erikred \_ Can't we just give the tax money directly to the Republican party donors and skip the pretense? \_ I believe that's the stage we're in now, isn't it? Do you see any large scale deployment or production? \_ Right, and thats why the Russians had 30,000 nuclear warheads? I nominate you for Secretary of Defence. \_ Yes the enemy could use other things to kill people as well so we shouldn't defend against this one thing at all. Makes sense. You win the Big Doofus Blue Ribbon. Sober drivers kill people with bad driving every single day! Stop the anti-drunk-driving campaign now! We're wasting our time on drunk drivers when sober drivers are killing our children! Do it for the children! You're an idiot unworthy of the Troll Cookie Award. \_ too dumb to get the point. Our enemies will deliver a bomb along with all the bales of smuggled pot. Or a boat or a plane. Not a missle, for which SDI has limited applications (non cruise) \_ So you're in touch with the inner workings of the North Korean government? Have you let our government in on your deep access to this incredibly valuable and secret information? You also know the same about the Iraqi, Iranian, and Chinese governments? They're all smuggling bombs in to the US via pot bales? There's a job waiting for you in the CIA. |
2001/12/9-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23194 Activity:nil |
12/9 congrats to tw for winning the first world cyber games held in kr. \_ world... cyber games?!? are these the same folks who tried to convince the world that Quake was a sport? |
2001/12/6 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23164 Activity:very high |
12/5 It's time for another heating cost poll. At what temperature are you setting your heater this winter? After the debacle earlier this year, I shut off my furnace entirely. It's about 54 degrees in my house and I wear winter clothing. PG&E bill about 40 bucks a month. \_ on the eest kost landlords usually pay for heat. our heat is oil, and i just crank it all the way up. we don't have a thermostat that works, though, so this means random fluctualtions in temperature from too hot to fucking freezing. \_ I live in Fremont and I don't use the gas furnace at all, not even the pilot light. I have a gas water heater and a gas dryer. The PG&E bill for gas and electricity is about $20 for two persons. If I line-dry my laundry it'd even be cheaper, but I'm too lazy to do that. BTW I get my electricity from CommonWealth Energy which uses 100% renewable sources. \_ i still believe all the alternative energy companies use the same grid as pg&e and they can't really control what source of energy they get their power from, but feel free to prove me wrong. \_ At least CommonWealth Energy gives 5% discount over the PG&E rate. \_ when i said our heat is oil, i mean that there is physically a tank of oil in our basement that is burned to generate heat, not that oil is used to generate electricity to use for heat. \_ The hallway thermostat is 72. the living room gas heater on high. \_ 68F when occupied, 40F when not occupied. \_ ha bay area does not get that cold! \_ Just keep yourself warm by lift weights every few hours. \_ Or simply wear a jacket. |
2001/11/22-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23082 Activity:high |
11/22 http://www.techcentralstation.com/EnviroScienceTechnology.asp?id=99 On global warming. \_ "energy use is essential to eradicating poverty that is destructive to humankind and the earth." ?!? "We are grateful that longevity, human welfare and the environment have improved dramatically in the 20th century." ?! OK, the lady's a complete idiot. |
2001/11/14 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:23038 Activity:nil |
11/14 http://globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP111B.html |
2001/11/12-13 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:23012 Activity:very high |
11/12 http://www.portal.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/11/11/wbin11.xml For those who still think he didn't admit to anything and the US needs "proof" of something. \_ How convenient. It's not there. \_ Works fine for me. -mice \_ IE takes awhile to render the page. give it a minute. \_ Yes, I fabricated a bad link to prove something. Me and Elvis (from his spaceship) and the CIA are in cahoots to fool you by posting bad links. It's there. |
2001/11/2 [Science/GlobalWarming, Health, Health/Skin] UID:22909 Activity:nil |
11/1 Dude isn't there a strong resemblence between Mohamed Atta and Tawei? \_ both seem to have disappeared from the face of the earth. \_ % last -1 tawei tawei ttyBO http://ixix.com Thu Nov 1 13:58 - 15:35 (01:36) % last -1 atta wtmp begins Sat Oct 27 15:04:06 PDT 2001 |
2001/9/18 [Politics/Domestic/911, Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:22499 Activity:insanely high |
9/17 A word from the next generation. Berkeley HS students speak: http://www.alamedatimesstar.com/S-ASP-Bin/Ref/Index.asp?PUID=609&Indx=1090676 \_ Ahh, the virtues of the modern PC public school system, teaching our youth first and foremost to be victims and teaching first and foremost our youth to be victims and dependent on the federal government. \_ Nah, they're just too young to understand the seriousness of it all. It's the self-centeredness that hits most teenagers at some point in their lives. \_ Yup. Wait till their sweetie boyfriends/girlfriends are killed by terrorists and then see what they say. It's place without 5 billion people). \_ so much for the belief that all men are created equal. Guess those 5 billion people are less equal? depressing to see how self-centered teenages are these days. I have cousins in a top-rank high school, and they drive me crazy. I have cousins in a top-rank high school, and their lack of concern on others drives me crazy. killed by terrorists and then see what they say. \_ aah the virutes of cointelpro. tell me, do you really believe, that you could prove, in a court of law, that afghanistan is responsible? Will the surrender of afghanistan stop terrorism? (caveat; but then again the world would be a better place without 6 billion people). \- this is kind of the ultimate in ratcheting --psb place without 5 billion people). \_ so much for the belief that all men are created equal. Guess those 5 billion people are less equal? \_ i think the total world's population is 5 billion. \_ World population is 6B. There are 1B muslims. \- this is kind of the ultimate in ratcheting --psb |
2001/9/17 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:36326 Activity:nil |
9/16 Nuclear missile / terrorist nuclear bomb will be used: Within a year: . < 2 years: < 4 years: < 10 years: >= 10 years: .. |
2001/9/16 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:22484 Activity:nil |
9/15 Anyone interested in a small nuclear reactor? http://www.uic.com.au/nip60.htm |
2001/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:22424 Activity:nil |
9/12 A decent article from a non-US source: http://rediff.com/news/2001/sep/12anil.htm |
2001/9/12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:36275 Activity:nil |
9/12 Poll: hijack, bomb, etc will continue: ... this is the least horrific of the upcoming atrocities: . this is the last of the American terror: will be last if wipe out all terrorist completely - and destroy any new ones immediately: .. will be last if have one world governnment, put a mark on every person in the world to identify and locate everyone 100% of the time and track them: . \_ You sound like a terrorist to me. Unless you can prove otherwise, I'll have to wipe you out. \_tell that to the European Union, they'll do that one day |
2001/9/11 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:36263 Activity:nil |
9/11 Can we just fucking invade and bomb somebody? Anything to show that American can still kick ass and bomb people back into the stone age. Our nuclear weapons will expire soon, we better use them and not let them go to waste. I say we start with the muslim countries. Starting with A to Z. Afghanistan. |
2001/9/10-11 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:22373 Activity:moderate 50%like:21470 50%like:22630 |
9/10 What the fuck? The MOTD has been awfully bland and sparse lately. \_ In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of entertaining man in his hour of maximum boredom. I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our motd and all who read it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Sodans: Ask not what the motd can do for you; Ask what you can do for the motd. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what the motd will do for you, but what together we can do for the entertainment of man. \_ this is one of the funniest retorts I've seen in the last couple of weeks! -zapruder's #1 fan |
2001/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:22157 Activity:nil |
8/17 Java and Linux are set to rule the world: http://www.zdnet.com/eweek/stories/general/0,11011,2804967,00.html |
2001/7/20 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21879 Activity:nil |
6/15 Suggestions EMC still holding up fairly well- short them to enternity Now something alittle closer to my heart- Telecos- where all my money is at and dwindling away quickly- People are linking the slowdown in hardware to slowdown in telcos. This just doesn't make sense and I wish a real analyst would come out and say so- It is exactly the opposite. That means that the cost/investment requirements of the telcos is decreasing. Thus they should see better returns The whole business is just like building a refinery- it costs a whole hell of alot to build with no returns ( all returns go to vendors building and supplying material to build it ) once built the vendors and suppliers are out of busines and all revenue streams to the owner of the refinery Networks are exactly the same- why do you think Fluor and Bechtel built all the big networks- because it was a "new" industry- hell no. because it is the same industry as power/ utility/ energy. Why is enron trading bandwidth just like power. because it is new and different like everyone would have us believe. no. |
2001/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21872 Activity:nil |
6/21 again notice how no one is talking about power situation in Ca Any more. All those evergy guys run models based on expected growth occuring and all the new construction being filled- ie all those nice brand new building in the bay area- empty..... thus they aren't sucking any power. Thus no energy crisis. Add to that reduction in power through conservation and no crisis. Note that there is only like a 1-2% shortfall. This is easy to solve by just turning off some lights- raising the temp but a degree. simple conservation techniques. But then again- I could be wrong- but since no one talks about the details how would I even know But the fucking media just doesn't talk about it- They only talk crisis and no analysis and it really pisses me off. The analysis and commentary is what is interesting and you just don't get that through media- That is why I like watching sports- the "commentary" is good. or at least better than anything else. Now obviously some media includes commentary but it is like tageted on whats in the news and not on what is NOT in the news. This world is so damn complex and so large with so much going on- yet for some reason the only thing that is important is 2 words "tech meltdown" or even more general "recession" |
2001/7/17 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21823 Activity:nil |
7/16 Employee in Germany "borrows" plutonium from nuclear plant: http://news.independent.co.uk/world/europe/story.jsp?story=83851 |
2001/7/7 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21731 Activity:high |
7/6 An informative history of the power situation. http://www.ftcr.org/utilities/fs/fs000885.php3 |
2001/7/6 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21726 Activity:nil |
7/5 Kill Texas! http://www.townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/printts20010706.shtml |
2001/7/4 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic] UID:21711 Activity:insanely high |
7/4 http://www.sfgate.com/energy/texasblackout but we should be setting them on fire, not just powering them off. \_ BUT TEXAS WILL SOLVE ALL OUR PROBLEMS. JUST GO TO TEXAS. \_ Why can't we just build more power plants in their state? Personally, I would be really happy to buy electricity from them knowing that they'll have their money _and_ emphysema. \_ Texas is responsible for California's problems like I'm responsible for you being a complete liberal fuckhead. \_ the fact that morons exist who will defend the "right" of faceless corporations to gouge consumers just because they can, is a great reason to be a liberal. -tom \_ wow this particular argument is even stupider than all the others on this subject. the problem isn't the gouging it's the stupidity that led to the lack of competition. \_ You are a moron, Tom. Unlike the government, corporations do not force (i.e. at gunpoint and threat of jail) people to give up their money. They are providing goods and services in exchange. Compare and contrast with the government, which takes your money simply because it can, to spend on things you may, or may not, approve of. \_ spoken like a true sarariman. Tell me, do you really believe corporations do things for the wellbeing of humanity? That aside, the point is that utilities are shared resources. It would be a bit silly to put you and your whole family on a spacestation and then have a corporation charge you for air without putting any regulations on what that corporation can do. Have you taken econ 1? Maybe you should look up from the cubicle you somehow managed to getyourself squeezed into at whatever http://stupid.com bullshit geek fuck-hole place hired you. Get a life, and look around. Life's not the 2nd floor lab of soda, son. But it's useless to argue with you isn't it, you're all about the Ideology of the Oppressor. Yeah i bet you think that the indians were put on reservations for their own good, and LBJ had the democracy's interests at heart in vietnam. - paolo \_ The corporations are trying to make money, generally honestly. LBJ's exploits and reservations are government's doing. Corporation are amoral, the government is generally evil. You need to stand in DMV lines more, or get (randomly) audited, Paolo. \_ what interests did he have at heart? and what's a sarariman? \_ You have a fairy little idea about the altruistic nature of corporations. The goal of corporations is to rake in as much money as possible. Ideally, in a capitalist society, that desire should promote people to create better products or services. But if there's a legal venue to make money by screwing other people over, a corporation would not hesitate to think twice. You're right, corporations don't have the ability to force people, if by force you mean brute force, police power, and jail time. But they have the ability to gouge you of the basic necessities of life (yes electricity is a basic requirement for most people) which is just another euphemism for "force". \_ Corporations are not altruistic, they are selfish, and selfishness is a good thing. One illusion I do not have is that the government is altruistic. Corporations merely want money, and they are willing to earn them honestly (by providing you with something). The government wants money and power, and they use force to get both. \_ Oh yes, people could just stop using electricity! We should have thought of that! -tom \_ Ha! And public services don't count? How about your roads, police, fire departments, libraries, schools, (blah blah blah). And don't forget corporate bailouts! |
2001/6/21-7/20 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:21589 Activity:high |
6/21 Don't you ever wonder about what is going on in the world? 1. South Africa - Ya there was alittle news about how debeers is going private but not much else- they control a good deal of energy and recently Africa is coming into its own- why- rich people have finally realized that they can buy all the land- and they have. But again no one talks about it \_ the black man will just wake up and hack off both your arms, like in neighboring rwanda 2.http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/published/ESP_Lists/esp_udc.htm : They don't have commercials about this- Everyone assumes all those rate increase are mandatory---- well not really....... 3. Australia: There economy is based a lot of raw material production. In 9th or 10 grade had class where we played a game called simpolican or something like that- a pred of civilization. But you actually had to produce raw materials to produce everything else. So why is it that our press never talks about the foundation of our economy- commodity production. 4. What about going ons in france 5. What about changing demographics- US simply has to many people- if you look at like euro countries people don't work nearly as much- thus the need for employees is more- you can sustain higher employment if people lets say take off a month here and there. 6. What about families- US just wasted 5 years with no family economics- why because everyone was working instead. 7. I am still waiting for a good story in the news about Japan or the Tigers. It is like Taiwan, ah I forgot the 5 tigers and did a quick search and came up with http://www.theglobalist.com \_ A... WHAT WERE SMOKING WHEN YOU WROTE THIS? |
2001/6/13 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21501 Activity:high |
6/13 Americans Have Gigantic Fat Asses: http://www.theonion.com/onion3722/surgeon_general.html \_ would be funnier if it weren't so goddamn true \_ did you know if you can transfer all the excess fat to 3rd world countries, there would no longer be world hunger? I read this somewhere. \_ oh fuck off with the world hunger. it's their own fault if they choose to have 10 kids when they can barely feed themselves. \_ Nice try, troll. |
2001/6/12 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21483 Activity:high 52%like:21479 |
6/11 Global warming, without liberal bias. BTW, to the fucking moron who keeps deleting this, it's an article by an MIT professor who coauthored the report. At least read before censor. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3b24b074026b.htm \_ I'm green myself, but I have to admit it's nice to see a much more objective analysis presented without any of the political/policy spin. Thanks! -mice \_ "Where do you find these people?" "We got him from a tobacco company." \_ This reminds me of the UCB prof who claims HIV does not cause AIDS. |
2001/6/11 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:21480 Activity:nil 72%like:21479 |
6/11 Global warming, without liberal bias. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3b24b074026b.htm \_ But freerepublic is raving right-wing lunatics! \_ play golf instead: http://www.electrotank.com/lab/minigolf.html |
2001/6/11 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21479 Activity:nil 72%like:21480 52%like:21483 |
6/12 Global warming, less liberal bias. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3b24b074026b.htm \_ Very good article. Thanks. |
2001/6/7 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21445 Activity:nil |
6/6 Just in case you believe Tom and think that Global Warming is confirmed fact: http://www.john-daly.com (If you censor this, I'll just post it again) \_ GO TO TEXAS. TEXAS WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEMS. THAT AND SUPPLY AND DEMAND. \_ Texas is doing quite well right now. There was a time when California was the best place to live, unfortunately those days are behind us. If we can manage to evict the liberal commies from the state government, we can restore CA to her former glory. \_ Oh please. Anyone can go to google, type in "Why global warming is a lie" and post the results on the motd. Tom doesn't seem to put much thought into his arguments but you don't seem to be doing any better. \_ I was reading one of those Science papers and was distrubed at how one sided it was, which is when I found that site. If you read the "global warming" papers, most of them are are based on very poor assumptions. Anyway, here is another link that is intersting: http://science.nasa.gov/newhome/headlines/essd06oct97_1.htm And here's one that proves that not all scientists think that Global Warming and the Kyoto Accords are such a hot idea: http://www.oism.org/pproject |
2001/6/6 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21444 Activity:high |
6/5 Look, it's simple; there is no academic debate about the causes or existence of global warming. It is accepted by anyone who is willing to look at the facts. The effects, the scope may still be debatable, but no one reputable is disputing that CO2 emissions are increasing global temperature, right now. -tom \_ Um, yeah there is tom. Shut up and go away. \_ BTW, global warming (if it's real) is not the only problem conservation and "green" energy development try to solve. There's still the problem of running out of fossil fuels. So we still need to conserve and tap into renewable energy sources. \_ actually, we don't. if we start running out then the price will rise and these other sources will be economically feasible. until then you're just screwing yourself by worrying about it. \_ yeah, look how well waiting until it was a problem is working for California! -tom \_ California is in a mess it's in precisely because it didn't let the market play out. You are an idiot, tom. \_ California's problem isn't that we're running out of fossil fuels. Get a clue. |
2001/5/29 [Science/Electric, Politics/Domestic, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21381 Activity:high |
5/30 Third try: Great read on government (from a democrat even) http://washington-weekly.com/may27-01/story5.html --reiffin, anonymous censoring coward \_ very interesting read; I drew different conclusions, to wit: reform the IRS, don't abolish it, and use the proposed Director of the Fair Justice Agency position to investigate price-fixing, oil- and Big Biz ties as well as foreign national ties to the Pres. and members of Congress --erikred reform the IRS, don't abolish it, and use the proposed Director of the Fair Justice Agency position to investigate price-fixing, oil- and Big Biz ties as well as foreign national ties to the Pres. and members of Congress --erikred \_ Not. I agree with the implied sentiment, which is: The only way to reduce corruption in american beauraucrasy is to reduce the bearaucrasy. and also to rename it to something that people can spel, too. \_ I encourage you to read it again. I would argue that current energy problems are due to supply contraints, not price-fixing. The return on new refineries, for example, is not high enough - so none have been built. \_ Clarification, please: by "current energy problems," are you talking about the current price of gas at the stands or are you talking about the energy crisis as a whole? \_ i wonder how this Tauzin-Traficant bill he talks about differs from the Fair Tax or National Retail Sales Tax bills that already exist? or is it the same thing? http://www.fairtax.org i don't think they'll be able to pass that. there's too much ignorance and misinformation, and momentum of the status quo. plus, it's not clear how they will prevent black market, off-the-record, or foreign sales that will surely grow to circumvent such a large sales tax, especially on expensive items. all talk I've seen on this avoids this issue. it's very good in principle though. |
2001/5/29 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21377 Activity:high |
5/30 http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20010529-286928.htm The Davis plan to solve the energy problem. Gray is a true leader. The energy crisis will be over any day now under his guiding hand. --reiffin, anonymous censoring coward \_ great job repeating Moonie propaganda! \_ great Moonie propaganda! \_ What do they Moonies have to do with this? Sure, ok, I agree. It's all Moonie propaganda. \_ The Moonies own the Washington Times. Yeah i know it's impossible to have unbiased journalism, but the washington times is way out there \_ does anyone know of a list of moonie owned businesses? I used to work in the fishing industry, and i know they own alot of canneries and do some pretty nasty stuff in that business. \_ The times is a good paper, ever bother to read it? |
2001/5/24 [Science/GlobalWarming, Recreation/Media] UID:21349 Activity:very high |
5/23 Damnit, Janeway didn't die! \_ I don't understand how they got out of that transwarp tunnel. A borg sphere was on their back and so somehow they ended up behind or inside them? What the hell? \_ There's one thing I want to know: does the emergency medical hologram's sperm contain actual genetic material? \_ But the show is now over. The syndicated episodes will show at worse and worse times until it vanishes. Seen a Deep Space 9 episode lately? Didn't think so. Expect nothing but a rare \_ UPN, weekdays, 2 p.m. \_ "will show at worse and worse times...." Weekdays at 2PM is a pretty lame time. Only students and soccer mom's are at home. \_ I love the motd: I just posted the time, not an opinion. \_ So did I? And? You had a point? \_ TiVo, I love you. cameo and _maybe_ a single shitty movie and otherwise Voyager and the entire crew is now dead. It'll be a bit difficult to justify any of the characters showing up on the new Enterprise show. \_ For the most part I agree, although I tend to think Robert Picardo (the Doc) might actually get a few roles. He's the best actor out of all of them, by far. \_ Why was Next Generation so much better? \_ It wasn't. \_ lets face it, TOS was better. All the way. But then again the older crew just had a better charisma. Also, there's only so much "deus ex machina" the audience can stand. In the 31st or 42nd or whatever the fuck century that Picard comes from, pretty much everything is a technologically solved problem. Blah. Boring. All he makes is policy decisions this was great for the 90s but now a days we'll be returning back to jingoism and more conservative media - hence the new "back to basics" show with Scott Bakula. Oh well i'll just have to watch more Tomorrow People. \_ if you want to see how incredibly futuristic technology can coexist with interesting story lines and scripts and great characters, you should watch the longest running sci fi TV show in the history iof the world, which is far better than star treck ever was. yes. i'm talking about dr. who. \_ Conservative media? Not on TV. Not in the newspapers. \_ "running"? I thought it was cancelled --oj \_ Well technically she did when the hub blew up. \_ But that's not very satisfying. And let's not go into the numerous logic flaws. I think we should let it die. \_ i think the better ending would be that when they get to the aleph quadrant, they realize they created a huge paradox, so then Lazarus pops out of the coridor that Kirk put him in and high 5s himself and the universe ends. (which is why they have to go back in time for the next spinoff). \_ yeah, check out http://www.trektoday.com for details about Series 5 \_ I like the "universe ends" idea. \_ They did that for the TNG finale already. \_ Slightly off topic, but in ST6, there was a line how the TOS crew saved the galaxy yet again. Thinking back, I can't recall them actually saving the galaxy all that often. Maybe they saved Earth a few times, but catastrophes on galactic scale? \_ Lazarus Effect, Corbomite Maneuver, etc... by their nature 60's episodes on tv had the whole "Federation saves the universe" since the US had the whole "US saves the world" mantra going on. Jingoism. \_ I hate Star Trek but my beautiful but nerdy girlfriend loves it. \_ obviously you are joking I need some help from you trekkies so I know what the heck she is talking about. What the heck is a Borg? And what is "Seven-of-Nine" (I am not sure if I heard this right)? \_ No, her real name is Seven Breasts of Nine. \_ 7/9 is 33DD, 28? 33. that's probably all you need to know. \_ Where can I find her pics? \_ http://www.jerilynn.com \_ Yup, she's at least a D. \_ Nah, it's mostly just her uniform. I'd say 36D. \_ Seven of Nine and her friends One of Two and Two of Two. |
2001/5/24 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21346 Activity:nil |
5/24 I'm wondering what would have happened if they had spent all the time and energy and brainpower in the last 2 years on space colonization/ exploration instead of the .com stuff. Would we have moon colonies by now? \_ Whatever. Space exploration is just a commie liberal thing anyway. \_ sorry, SPACE EXPLORATION IS JUST A COMMIE LIBERAL THING. \_ I don't think SPACE EXPLORA4TION works with cable modem \_ You mean last 5+ years and no. We wouldn't. Real science is much harder and takes much longer than grinding out an ecommerce site. \_ i'm not talking about ecommerce tho, that's just marketing crap. i'm talking about advances in process fabs, chip design, etc.. much money was thrown into that all of the last 5 yrs. \_ That's not considered '.com' stuff. '.com' stuff IS the fake engineering stuff like e-commerce and B2Bi. \_ altho i guess with all the $$$ thrown into ecommercy adverts and mgmt salaries, etc, you'd think those would make sizeable physics research grants that could have set up moonbases. \_ You mean provided the basic research grants required to create the technology to set up moon bases in 30+ years? |
2001/5/24 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21341 Activity:nil |
5/23 I was playing around with the PG&E calculator. I realized that my kitchen is consuming over 1/3 of the energy. Should I shutdown my kitchen and start eating out in efforts to conserve energy? \_ lie in bed all day in the dark and eat carrots. grow the carrots on your roof. if you get bored, smoke weed. grow the weed on your roof. \_ A bite-covered troll rises from the dead.--More-- \_ Yes if you're not driving to the restaurant. |
2001/5/23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21328 Activity:nil |
5/22 Well here's one for the eco nuts: http://www.enterstageright.com/archive/articles/0599kyoto.htm |
2001/5/22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21321 Activity:nil |
5/21 \_ Wanking about the energy crisis deleted. No, really, it's silly. |
2001/5/22 [Science/Disaster, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21318 Activity:high |
5/21 This power crisis shit reminds me of SimCity. \_ Notice how easy it is to avoid blackouts in SimCity. Just build enough power plants and you are fine. It's equally easy in real life... \_ We need some of W's safe and clean "nucular" reactors. \_ I know you are being sarcastic, but nuclear power is the cheapest, safest, cleanest and most environmentally friendly source of power we currently have. We don't even need to build too many, just enough to tide us over until the fusion reactors come on line. \_ yeah, but there are still these morons who keep complaining about pollution, godzilla attacks, etc. \_ that would be cool. we need a huge earthquake and a godzilla attack. maybe more people will run away to Austin or Houston. |
2001/5/21 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21314 Activity:nil |
5/12 A brief discussion of energy usage in the us: http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer/eh1999/eh1999.html \_ For those interested, there's at least one renewable electric provider here (Commonwealth Energy) that's still taking new customers. I just switched over. 5% lower than PG&E rate. -- yuen \_ learn to format \_ Sorry, my Java SSH client defaulted to 90 cols instead of 80 for some reason. Now fixed. -- yuen |
2001/5/16 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21287 Activity:insanely high |
5/15 Estimated 260 hours of CA blackouts this summer. This will be fun. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/htx/nm/20010515/ts/utilities_summer_dc_1.html \_ Please help conserve! (Yeah, I know demand is not the only cause of the problem, but still.) \_ conservation is the only thing *we* can do *now*. There's nothing else we can do about the power crisis to help the supply -- certainly we the consumers can't generate our own power on a significant scale. \_ we should all invest in solar panels and bicycle-power generators \_ just like Gilligan's Island! \_ 'cept we've got H07 42N CH1X! \_ anyone know if using fresnel lenses to focus intense sunlight would be more or less efficient than just having the equivalent area of photovoltaics? \_ Why would you want to be efficient? Efficiency is bad. It's a commie liberal thing and is bad for our economy. Wasteful and inefficient is good. \_ Huh? This is really out of left field. Maybe you can explain for the slow stupid people like me wtf you're trying to say? \_ Nice try at trolling. No one, not even VP Cheney suggests that conservation is bad, the problem is that conservation in not enough. Its not nearly enough to solve the problem. The only possibilities are increase supply or drastically reduce demand. Conservation only reduces demand by a small amount, to drastically reduce demand we basically need to undo the entire 20th century and all the progress of modern civilization. Most californians are not ready for that, thus the only reasonably long term alternative is to build more powerplants, preferably nuclear (lower cost of maintenance over its lifetime, more power per dollar spent on construction and maintenance, better for the environment). \_ he didn't say it was bad, but he didn't push it when he easily could have. actually you know what, i think he did say conservation was bad. lame \_ Bullshit. People drive SUV's. we have cars which are 3x more efficient. Same with most other things. We can't get a factor of two, but we can get 30%, which is enough to vanish the current crisis. \_ how does driving SUV's affect the supply of the electric power grid? You want to argue against cars, argue against the electric ones. \_ It's like this. To me, imperceptibly higher risk of dying in a nuclear accident is worth more than shivering without heaters, fainting from lack of AC, and going without lights. This 'convervation' bullshit sounds like Russia, where they regularly turned off hot water, gas, and other niceties of modern civilization. You don't want to end up like Russia, learn from their mistakes. Don't trust dodos like Davis to run your economic machine for you, let businesses do it. \_ Uh thats what got us into this mess. Businesses reducing supply to game the market and drive prices up. \_ Once again, you are full of shit. \_ How so? Despite the very large start-up cost, nuclear is cheap power. It's also cleaner than coal, even if you only consider radiation dosage per capita - unlike fossil fuels where any radiactive material in the fuel goes out the smokestack with the smoke, nuclear is self-contained. If you worry about where to dump spent fuel, there are any number of schemes to do it cleanly. The most notable is to just dump it in a subduction zone. Rads end up in the earth's core. No Prob. \_ Yeah, I am a tree hugger but I like nuclear too. However, I disagree with the conservation bit. You need to plan and invest in conservation early, not when you run into an energy crisis. I thought I read that a report by scientists also vouched for very significant savings from conservation. \_ Nuclear has huge dangers because it still isn't understood, and a single failure (at the plant, from an earthquake, or a transport trailer getting in a car accident... whatever) can be totally disasterous and have long-term costs and damage 100's of times higher than any coal plant could even begin to have. The url below is actually mostly pro-nuclear, but there are the anti-nuclear sentiments as well. It shows that issue is complicated and requires lots of discretion, but might also be the best thing that we've got. \_ Are you sure? Even scientists feel that they cannot fully predict what dire consequences global warming may have, and coal plants contribute to global warming. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/reaction/interviews \_ How about geothermal? \_ Too few sources, and the tree-huggers think that it wrecks the natural ecosystem or some bs like that. \_ another problem with geothermal is this: it can be used up much like groundwater can. 1) You pump water down 2) The rocks heat the water into steam 3) You turn turbines with the steam and 4) Dump the heat somewhere up above. 5) The rocks down below are now cooler. 6) Surrounding rocks heat the rocks next to the water back up. 7) But eventually, thermal conductivity limits of rock end up limiting how much power you can extract--much like vespene gas in starcraft.... You can get more out but it doesn't really do much more than pay for running the installation.... \_ What does using underground heat have to do with trees? \_ tree-huggers == environmentalist \_ how come people seem to avoid calling him "Dick"? \_ Who cares? Dick. Dick Cheney. VP Dick. VP Dick Cheney. Dick. Dick. Dick. "he said dick! uh uh uh!" Happy now? Grow up. \_ Beat Dick and Lick Bush in 2004. \_why not now? \_ Maybe it is time, but I am not going to be the one to say that. \_ it's not "uh uh uh!" it's "uhuhuhuhuh!" \_ Huh? I see businesses leaving lights on at night for no good reason. I see people wearing jackets because the A/C is on too high. People really don't give a shit. \_ You leave some of the lights on at night in offices in order to deter crime. Its much easier to spot a prowler when the lights are on as compared to when they are off. I don't know about A/C's, our company turned off all the climate control about two months ago. \_ How about a motion sensor with an alarm? Or, Hell, motion sensor on switches for lights! \_ get dogs. or bees. or dogs that shoot bees out of their mouths. |
2001/5/10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21227 Activity:nil |
5/9 The SOUTH will rise again. \_ Dammit, yermom is on the computer again. \_ yeah she got tired of being on you. \_ She never gets tired of being on me. - #1 stunna \_ Example of bad troll. No one on the west coast gives a shit about the civil war, the south, the confederacy or anything else related. \_ Y'all come back now, y'a hear? \_ All the non-black "minorities" don't care? I do. -- asian \_ You care about some nonsense about "the south rising again"? Get over it. Asian or otherwise. \_ WTF is a minority? There are only two types of people in this world Americans and non-Americans. I belong to the former. What about you? \_ That makes you a minority as most of the world fits into the "non-American" category. :-) \_ They're too busy being stuck in traffic to be rising anywhere. \_ http://www.theonion.com/onion3613/south_postpones.html |
2001/5/9 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign] UID:21217 Activity:nil |
5/8 The US, while having a democratic society with balance of power, behaves like a bully internationally. There is no sense of right or wrong, good or bad. It only does things that serve its own selfish interest, in the name of peace, human rights, and so on. It likes to see small trouble in the world so it can make a fortune on selling weapons to fuel it's own economy, but not too big of a trouble that it cannot control. The US was nothing before WWII, and the fortune it made selling weapons during WW II is the basis of its economic wealth. Like a mouse that has tasted good food, it wants to continue sell and develop weapons, and it needs to create a market for it. It is NOT in the US's best interest to see the world a better and peaceful place, it is NOT in the US's interest to see any country that becomes prosperous, their citizen lives a good life and becomes wealthy, whether they are the enemy or not. It's government works hard to support segregation forces that seeks to break apart large countries so they have less chance of becoming prosperous and independent. Small countries rely on imports more and suffer badly from economic sanction, a tool the US can use very effectively on small countries that does no obey this self proclaimed international cop. For the world to be a better place, there needs to be a balance of power like the system we have. There needs to be a check and balance, and frankly, the US is stirring up flames in the world rather than to keep the world a better place. |
2001/5/8-10 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21213 Activity:high |
5/8 Does anyone have any good/bad experience with electricAmerica (formerly Commonwealth Energy Corp.) as the electric service provider? I'm thinking about signing up to get some green power. Thx. -- yuen \_ We've had Commonwealth for over a year. We haven't had any problems with them. As far as I know they haven't dropped us yet but I don't know if they're taking anyone new. \_ Thanks. I'll call them to find out. -- yuen \_ I thought all the third party providers bailed on CA? \_ I don't know. The web site only says they're currently not taking any new customers in the San Diego area. http://www.powersavers.com/power_markets/california.html -- yuen \_ I read that all the 3rd party power providers dumped their customers back on pg&e and the SD power co (whatever its called) and gave up on the entire state. Not only are they \_ SDGE, strangely enough \_ It seemed better to admit ignorance than guess and be wrong. Something other motd writers might consider. \_ well said! -SDGE poster not taking new customers, I don't think they have any old ones in CA anymore either. \_ Then you read wrong. We still get our monthly power bills from Enron (which of course show that PG&E pays Enron about twice what we do thanks to CA's fucked up rules) \_ Big deal. So there's still one left. The others are gone. \_ No, there are many left. You're just wrong. The answer to the whole thing is more nuclear plants, ditch the MTBE gas which is poisoning the water permanently instead of the air temporarily and costs more, and get rid of all the resource using hypocritical tree hugger extremists. \_ You do realize that, despite your semi-lucid rant, your previous answer was still wrong, yes? \_ If you hadn't edited my comments instead of just adding your own I would give you a real reply. But since you seem more interested in "winning" a motd debate which isn't going to be here by tomorrow and you didn't actually say anything beyond "you're wrong" without providing any reasoning, I'm happy to leave it as it is. It's very hard to discuss anything with someone who falls back on third grader "I'm right and you're wrong cuz I said so!" line of reasoning. You can be "winner" if it makes you feel good. \_ 1) I didn't edit your comments 2) The comment you're replying to wasn't the original poster's or whatever. 3) Have a nice day. |
2001/5/5 [Science/GlobalWarming, Finance/Investment] UID:21172 Activity:nil |
5/4 http://www.unfccc.de/resource/docs/convkp/kpeng.html for the full text of the Kyoto protocol. This is the full, real text. As far as I can tell it matches various versions from other places around the net. \ who cares about enviromentalism? It's a joke. If you are TRUE enviromentalist, you'd bury yourself in the ground right this minute so the earth can recycle your body. Because more than likely you are going to have kids, they are going to have kids, and all your offspring are going to waste so much "precious resources" in their upbringing that all the protest, conservation, and etc. is not going to do squat. So PLEASE, get real, kill yourself now. \_ One word... vasectomy \_ so the idea is, consume and pollute now as much as possible? shouldn't we be dumping lots of mercury in the oceans then? based on your premise do you support zero population growth? \_ Nah, it's more effective and efficient eliminating pigs like you instead of environmental lovers like the above. \_ Who are you referring to as the "environmental lover"? \_ People who love the environment .. duh! \_ There was a specific reference to "the above". "duh!" I wanted to know which of "the above" was being refered to. "duh!" \_ i would agree except that it's not about wasting resources, it's about protecting air and water quality which we depend on for our health right here and now, and also about protecting natural environments because they are valuable to the people for recreation, because we can learn things from them, and because they are basically irreplaceable. pollution harms these things at the expense of society and not at the short term expense of those who are polluting. this is why governments need to intervene. i don't believe in limiting resource consumption as a goal in itself. \_ Oh, so Mother Nature needs a favor! Well maybe she should have thought of that when she was besetting us with droughts and floods and poison monkeys! Nature started the fight for survival and now she wants to quit because she's losing? Well, I say 'Hard cheese! \_ You need to add a second quote, and a period. \_ Boohoo! Mommy Nature spanked me again! |
2001/4/23-25 [Science/Battery, Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21069 Activity:high |
4/22 Windows device driver engineers needed. -jeffwong /csua/pub/jobs/Transmeta \_ With this posting, transmeta is now officially in the "We've given up competing, we are now trying to sell out to microsoft/intel/amd" category. \_ How does having Windows drivers constitute selling out? If they expected all of their users to use Linux, they'd be out of business already. Look how successful the Linux distro companies have been. \_ because one of the claims was that they could just transparently replace (from a software point of view) \_ D00D R3D H4T RUL3Z! 7H3Y W111 D357R0Y M$ 4ND 7H13R U53R5 4ND RUL3 7H3 W0R1D! 1N5T411 17 B3F0R3 17'5 T00 L473! \_ because one of the claims was that they could just transparently replace (from a software point of view) an intel chip for massive gains. Seems it's not such a perfect replacement if they need custom drivers, eh? Start looking for a new job, jeff. I give you 1, maybe 2 good years there. \_ Average length of employment of an engineer in the valley these days is between 18 and 24 months. \_ That average is skewed because of the high concentration of dot-bombs in the valley. My point being that transmeta looks to be another one. \_ Really? I was at Cisco for 4 years and I was still a "junior" in terms of years of service. \_ Perhaps because their "low-power" designs were not so spectacular after all. TM chips ran at lower power at the expense of performance and we all know that what matters isn't power but energy (E = P*t) consumed by a laptop. If a chip consumes energy at half the rate of another but runs at half the speed, which one would you buy? \_ D00D CRU053 15 7H3 B357 CH1P 3V3R M4D3! 11NU5 541D 50 0N 11NSUX.K3RN3L! CRU053 B3475 7H3 P4N75 0F 1NT31 4ND 4MD, M070R014 4ND D3C! 37337 R3D H4T GN00/11NSUX 15 W1CK3D F457 0N CRU053! \_ What percentage of your apps are CPU-speed limited? -tom \_ A process doesn't have to be CPU bound to benefit from a faster processor tom. \_ It has to be CPU bound to use the same amount of power in the equation above. I think for the vast majority of real-world applications, a slower chip is better in a laptop. -tom \_ Why? So you have IE running as an I/O bound process. Now a user clicks on a button and something happens. IE executes a short task. On a TM it takes 2 seconds while on another processor it takes 1 but for the most part they consume the same amount of energy because TM's power consumption is half of the alternative. The TM loses in this case. EDP (energy delay product) is a better metric for power efficient devices like this because it factors in performance and not just power and energy. \_ CPU is almost always starved for data these days. The speed of Netscape/IE is virtually unaffected by CPU speed difference--they're always waiting for disk or net. The difference between 200 Mhz and 400 Mhz is enormously larger than the difference between 400 Mhz and 800 Mhz. Why do you think people stopped buying PC's? -tom \_ At least on PIII there is a noticeable difference between 400, 550 and 600. Beyond 600 I tend to agree with you. An athlon 1.2 GHz is not that much faster than a 600 because you can't give it enough work to do in most cases or it blocks on device io. I believe that the future belongs not to single fast procs but to multiple cheap slow procs. MPP is the way to go. \_ It dynamically lowers its voltage and frequency according to your workload. Why would you want to be running at the maximum clock rate when you're typing or reading a web page? That is a waste of energy. Besides, a PIII laptop can't go very fast when it's batteries are dead. \_ I'm not defending the Pentiums either. Personally, I think Intel sells crap. But most processors today (at least those concerned with power savings) employ power savings features during idle periods like clock gating or disabling input latches to unused units. Power consumption during idle periods by the CPU is rather inconsequential compared to power drawn by a spinning disk, LCD monitor, DRAM refresh, and other crap running. I doubt TM chips fair much better during idle periods than other alternatives. \_ I'm not defending the Pentiums either. Personally, I think Intel sells crap. But most processors today (at least those concerned with power savings) employ power savings features during idle periods like clock gating or disabling input latches to unused units. Power coproperly phrased question. here, I'll put you out of your misery: http://arstechnica.com/reviews/peripherals.html \_ D00D U R 50 WR0NG! CRU503 R0X! R3P3N37 UR B45PH3M35 W4Y5! |
2001/4/8 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20900 Activity:nil |
4/7 After receiving a $190 PG&E bill last month, I and my roommates started conserving energy and look, this month's bill is only $75! You do can this too. \_ What specific conservation techniques did you use? \_ Actually, my roommates were the ones who were conserving the energy for me. \_ Turned of all the heaters and unplugged all the appliances and ate the flesh of my roomates and burned the leftovers to stay warm. |
2001/3/17 [Academia, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20820 Activity:high |
3/16 Down with homework! \_ If there's a task that must be done, don't turn your tail and run, don't pout, don't sob, just do a half-ass job. If you cut every corner you'll have more time to play, It's the American way! \_ His shirt makes a good point. I'm with the shirt: homework rots. \_ SKINNER! \_ Grow up. \_ get a clue. \_ A clue? I have a clue. I understand the purpose of homework even if you're too wasted to get it. Your ignorance != my cluelessness. \_ go out with asian chic \_ that's azn chix to you white boy! \_ I once met an asian chic. she made this perpetual motion machine. It was pathetic. It just kept going faster and faster. \_ pixP. \_ There's so much I don't know about astrophysics. I wish I read that book by that wheelchair guy. \_ I didn't know Christopher Reeves wrote books on astrophysics. Trip. \_ in this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics! \_ get a clue. it's a Simpsons reference. \_ You're right. The world revolves around a bad cartoon. I should have known. How utterly and completely clueless of me. \_ Homer: Look, the important thing is that we all learned a lesson. These guys learned the richness and variety of the world outside college. Nerd : No we didn't. Homer: Oh. Then I learned the real value of college is to study and work hard. Lisa : No you didn't. You only passed your course by cheating, which you always taught us was wrong. Homer: Hm... true. \_ up with miniskirts! |
2001/2/14-15 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20591 Activity:nil |
2/13 I'm trying to find out how much energy major stadiums and ballparks use. Any clues on where to search? I've tried MAGS database and google. \_ it never occured to you to call a stadium and ask? Just ask to talk to their electricians and thell them you are a student working on a class project. |
2001/1/19-21 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20381 Activity:high |
1/19 The L.A. Times has a long article on CA's energy problems: http://www.latimes.com/business/reports/power/lat_dereg001209.htm \_ wow 600% profit. It looks like energy stocks are very profitable. What are their stock symbols? \_ Er, they're gonna get their asses sued off in the next couple months.. I wouldn't want to be caught holding their stock. \_ For what? \_ For nothing. They haven't broken any laws or contracts. The other poster has been deluded into thinking you can sue anytime you you the world sucks. \_ for illegal price fixing of the CA wholesale energy market. And you can sue for anything you want -- doesn't mean you'll necessarily win, but well-paid lawyers can win even untenable cases. \_ There wasn't any price fixing anyone can prove. If they couldn't do anything about gasoline fixing, they sure as hell can't do anything about power fixing. The gas price fix should have been a lot easier to prove but a lot of places are still charging almost $2/gallon despite the fact that crude oil has dropped in price to the same levels when gas was going for just over $1/gallon. And no, high priced lawyers can't do shit when the other side has just as many high priced lawyers. You took away the wrong lesson from the OJ murder trial. \_ They can do something about it, they just won't. It is all a matter of political will. The legislature and Congress can do just about anything they want, but they won't since our elected officials are all in the big energy companies pockets. \_ And you would have them do what? Deny the laws of supply and demand? Econ 1. \_ The power companies are intentionally keeping power off-line to drive up prices and make windfall profits. 25% of our power plants are offline for maintanence? I don't think so. I would have the government nationalize the whole system and run it right. Municipal utility districts like the one in LA are not having any problem right now. \_ Yes and can you _prove_ your alt.conspiracy? Exactly. \_ Why is proof required? Deregulation was tried and it failed. Let's go back to what works. \_ Ok, I can agree with that but I'm not ready to wave the conspiracy stick. |
2001/1/19-20 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20378 Activity:high |
1/19 WARNING: Went to Frys to get an APC 1000 UPS. They ran out. They had 5 more on the shelf but are only rated 180VA/220W. UPS is running low, better get yours while they last. \_ Why the sudden interest in UPS? It's not like we're in a power crisis or anything. \_ are these things loud? \_ the small ones make no noise (unless they're warning you about something). -tom \_ Why Canada? Let's just annex neighboring states. They supply \_ hehe. \_ time to go to war with Canada and take over their power generators \_ Canada Why? just neighboring Let's annex states. supply They all of our water and power anyway, and we feed them. --dim \_ Buy APCC! -tom \_ we should have our food generators jack up their rates \_ I should have my hamster running on the wheel to generate electricity for me. Go Hammy Go! \_ Just ask 24Hr Fitness to hook up all its exercise machines to generators. Exercise and generate electricity. Killing two birds with one stone. \_ 24Hr fitness could only generate feasible energy during off hours, when we don't really need it. But yeah I guess every bit counts. \_ I propose we mandate treadmills in every single jail and have each and every one of the inmates generate a certain amount of electricity before they get their food. \_ I thought inmates are already sent to pave roads and so on. \_ Only low-risk, non-violent, low-security inmates. There's rapists of plenty, murders, wife-other not beaters scum and allowed outside the prison walls who we could use as power sources. \_ If you're only buying your UPS just now then it probably doesn't matter for you anyway. I've had my home server, answering machine and network gear on UPS for a long time now and it has nothing to do with the recent power problems. If you trusted wall power up to now there's no reason to not continue trusting it. Your stuff just wasn't that important in the first place. \_ Get a clue. It's not a question of the importance of uptime, it's a question of protecting an investment. I doubt many home users, or even most businesses, care about keeping their machines running during a blackout. -tom \_ I've had a UPS under my desk for 1.5 years now. \_ Exactly my point. Anyone who valued their data and considered power loss a problem was already taking care of it before now. The rest are just fooling themselves and wasting money. |
2001/1/18 [Science, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20362 Activity:nil |
1/18 What's the job environment look like for technology professionals? Is it as hot as it was last year, or have things started cooling down? \_ market still hot, as always, but the dotcoms layoffs have created (temporarily) more supply so quality now counts. \_ dotcoms != technology. If you're in technology you're probably ok for the long run. If you're a "dotcommer" better start getting that English degree and learning to say "Would you like anything else with those fries?" Same goes for information non-technology. |
2001/1/17-19 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20353 Activity:kinda low |
1/17 I don't understand this whole electric deregulation thing. If consumers are suppose to have choices, how come I never got any info on changing my suppier? \_ Because you're dense as a rock - the rest of us were flooded with mail, PG&E bill inserts, & ads from alternate power companies when they first started letting people choose. \_ oh, come on, there are other explanations. the poster could be from another state where power is not deregulatesd, have graduated cal years and years ago, and live in a sealed room with no access to newspapers, internet, or phones and no mailbox. having emerged after years of hibernation, he has now read a newspaperr, and has turned to the motd for understanding. \_ Commonwealth Energy Corp, http://www.powersavers.com 1-800-electric. Supposedly it provides electricity that's both from renewable sources and cheaper than PG&E. \_ i don't think there ever were any viable energy provider alternatives \_ Of course there were.. PG&E still runs everything though. These alternate providers just buy elecricty from somewhere else or generate it themselves and feed it into the PG&E power grid. They are of course only allowed to resell as much power as they are bringing in... \_ you are only reinforcing my original statement \_ Why would they be allowed to sell more? |
2000/12/17 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:20112 Activity:nil |
12/14 Just want to comment on Brodersen (cs152). Total bull shit. Last lecture says "general purpose CPU is the WRONG way to go. Parallel computing is the wrong way to go. Software is the worst thing in the world. DSP s the way to go. By the way BDTI and BWRC are hiring" \_ For what? I took 152 with Kubi and he brought Brodersen in as a guest lecturer. Broderson specializes in low energy mobile devices so for that matter it makes sense to say that a custom ASIC design that lacks any general purpose characteristic is the proper way to go. By the way, what does the W in BWRC stand for? That should answer your question. \_ who the fuck are you? nice degree. \_ perhaps he's sick of buggy software coming from you people. \_ "... you people". RACIST! \_ that'd be SPECIEIST! \_ No. Clearly that's RACIST! As in "You Asians all look a like". Or "You blacks are all crackheads". See? RACIST! Races are not species. \_ uh, who's the crackhead here? \_ I bet he meant that there will be diminishing return on investing in uni-processor system. Parallel, distributed computing would make greater use of existing hardware. (which is a much stronger statement than is said in Patterson's book..) |
2000/12/14 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:20103 Activity:nil |
12/13 Dear Mr. Conservative: Since you're so down on Clinton having no energy, foreign or domestic policy: What did Bush do for four years that was such a high standard? Go to war for oil and unleash MTBE on us is all I can figure that sorry whelp did. Realize that you're preaching to the unconvertable motd and shut up because no one cares about your personal Conservative Political Crusade. |
2000/12/4 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:19999 Activity:nil |
12/4 My GF won't speak to me after I told her about a dream I had. I dreamed that I was Santa Claus and I was circle jerking with the elves. We cummed on Rudolf at the end. Is she being too tough? \_ Hi aspo \_ I dreamed I was being taken on a tour of a huge underground complex with machinery and caves and stuff that is actually http://amazon.com's headquarters. It was being run by these weird creatures that live off geothermal energy, so they had these glowing fractal pattern fins. In an underground lake, the creatures converged and fused together to form this godzilla- sized blue-skinned nude woman, with the http://amazon.com logo emblazoned on her brow. Then I woke up. |
2000/10/21-11/16 [Recreation/Dating, Science/GlobalWarming, Reference/History/WW2] UID:19544 Activity:low |
10/20 What does "fu" mean? I see them sometimes on the motd. \_ It's a chinese word. \_ Fucked Up, as in FUBAR \_ More commonly spelt as "foobar", so "fu" is analogous to "foo" which I'm sure you'd be familiar with once you've taken enough CS or psuedo-CS classes. FUBAR, fucked up beyond all recognition, army term, like SNAFU, Situation Normal, All Fucked Up. \_ See the Jargon File for complete info: http://www.tf.hut.fi/cgi-bin/jargon?search=FUBAR The short story, FUBAR comes from WWII (F'ed up beyond all repair). The long story, it was added to computing lexicon by dec guys, and FOOBAR was made famous by RFC 1639. \_ fu == foo!!?? No way! \_ 'fu' has nothing at all to do with 'foo'. See below. -blojo \_ Hungry, wasting sodans are talking about "food", but in order to conserve energy only speak the first phoneme. IT wages are tough to make a living on. \_ knowledge of a subject. \_ advanced ability in a particular technical field. Commonly referred to as Expertise. \_ as in kung fu \_ "I know Kung FU!" \_ "Show Me" \_ Even Winnie the Pooh knows what "fu" means: /csua/tmp/winniethepooh.mpg \_ It's like Lucy in the sky with diamonds. -gwb \_ That is just because you are Bush/Gore apologist who is secretly in favor of communism/fascism. Admit it! \_ No, this sodan just prefers motd sex/no-sex talk. Am I right? \_ yup. poll for working post-school males with SO's: you: a) knew your SO while in school or before: b) met your SO after you started working : c) found my SO in a lap dance bar in SF : |
2000/10/14-16 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:19482 Activity:kinda low |
10/14 who really stands to gain from violence in the mid east, especially violence that gets americans angry and paranoid? average arabs and jews? average americans? no way. the oil companies. who paid the terrorists to bomb a u.s. boat? the oil companies. go to your local gas station and think about who in the world is acutulaly beni- fiting from violence in the mideast. \_ politics is not a game of rationality. the area is emotionally charged. if the above is a plea, it's not much more profound than "can't we all just get along?" -ali \_ So why can't your people just get along? \_ I hope this isn't a serious question \_ because it's too hot and not humid enough there. -ali \_ But at least you never have to worry about mildew in the bathroom. |
2000/9/24-25 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:19317 Activity:high |
9/21 The Czech Republic is not a third world nation. It is a \_ % webster "third world" [deletia] 3 : the aggregate of the underdeveloped nations of the world developing nation with $11700 per capita GDP, growth rate of -0.5% (1999), and an external debt of 24.3 billion. USA's per capita GDP is $33900. Malaysia's per capita GDP is $10700. international no-car day! see http://www.carbusters.ecn.cz \_ *.cz? Like they'd miss their cars for a day in the Czech republic. I'd like to see something like International Fix Your Fucked Up Third World Country Day coming from a place like that instead. \_ Do you know your geography? The Czech republic is a modern European nation. Just because it's considered Eastern Europe doesn't mean that it's a Third World country. \_ It's not a third world country. It's just a poor, decrepit ex-Soviet-bloc nation suffering from 40+ years of commie mismanagement. Otherwise, quite nice. -John \_ What's the definition of third world then? I thought "thrid world" is the PC term to describe poor countries. \_ "First" or "Old" World = Europe. Don't forget that Bohemia/western Czechoslovakia/Czech republic has historically been a political and cultural center. "New" World = Americas. "Third" World was some mid-20th-century play on that to describe all the second-rate backwaters discovered afterwards with economic problems. -John \_ % webster "first world" [deletia] Etymology: after third world Date: 1967 : the highly developed industrialized nations often considered the westernized countries of the world apart from getting the order of usage wrong (i.e. third world -> first world rather than the other way around) and being ignorantly eurocentric, you're correct. \_ At least I speak a FOREIGN LANGUAGE, am not INCORRIGIBLY FAT, and DON'T EVER WATCH JERRY SPRINGER. -John \_ perhaps. but at least i knew what "first world" meant. \_ No, you know how to have your mom read a dictionary to you, and you obviously have no clue about what countries are industrialized and developed. -John \_ you made ad hominem attacks, good. but you should throw in Hitler and the Nazis in there to distract from the fact that you had no idea what first and third world meant when you started shooting off your mouth on motd. \_ then it doesn't sound like he has a problem with geography, does it? it's more of an economics deficiency he has. \_ No deficiency. Have you seen it? I think you need to check on what the word "modern" means. CZ is a third world country. Just because they're vaguely white doesn't make it a modern western nation. They're little different from any South American banana republic. It isn't just blacks, hispanics and other non-whites that live in the Third World. Thank you both for trying though. \_ Have you ever travelled outside the Bay Area? -John \_ Nobody noticed. Some cities had even worse traffic. Barely anyone even knew it was happening until they heard on the news what a flop it was this evening. -John \_ Cars are here to stay (at least until transporters become generally available). \_ Chech know a thing or two about mechanical engineering and cars. Pop quiz: which Western car compay buy out entire Tatra design team, why they did it and what they are working on now? As far as being 'vaguely' white which I take as they don't quite fit a canonical definition of white, how to do explain disproporationate representation of Czech chicks among the ranks of 'supermodels'? -muchandr \_ Volkswagen, right? They bought Skoda too. -John \_ Volkswagen is a joke. In fact all european cars are jokes. The only car manufacturers that matter are American and Japanese. With Japanese you get quality, with American you get power. - Proud owner of a 260 HP Lincoln that routinely smokes the finest that Europe has to offer. \_ Bring it over here. By the time you get up to 10mph I'm halfway over the horizon, you coal-burning hairy tractor-driving barbarian. -John \_ I don't want your drool lowering the value of my car. Filthy commoners and thier COMMUNIST cars. \_ that proves they are 'vaguely'! Per the current fashion trend \_ When was the last time you bought a Czech car? I don't see many trambant dealers around. \_ Moron. Trabants were East German and they're a massive cult object (like VW bugs.) Tatra were/are a Russian truck design bureau. And Skoda (Czech) is about as big as Saturn in the US. -John \_ Czech supermodels are hot and slutty. |
2000/9/21-24 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:19303 Activity:high |
9/21 international no-car day! see http://www.carbusters.ecn.cz \_ *.cz? Like they'd miss their cars for a day in the Czech republic. I'd like to see something like International Fix Your Fucked Up Third World Country Day coming from a place like that instead. \_ Do you know your geography? The Czech republic is a modern European nation. Just because it's considered Eastern Europe doesn't mean that it's a Third World country. \_ It's not a third world country. It's just a poor, decrepit ex-Soviet-bloc nation suffering from 40+ years of commie mismanagement. Otherwise, quite nice. -John \_ What's the definition of third world then? I thought "thrid world" is the PC term to describe poor countries. \_ "First" or "Old" World = Europe. Don't forget that Bohemia/western Czechoslovakia/Czech republic has historically been a political and cultural center. "New" World = Americas. "Third" World was some \_ Will this finally make the LINUX! RIDE BIKE! people happy? \_ no but it will make lotus notes save the universe. mid-20th-century play on that to describe all the second-rate backwaters discovered afterwards with economic problems. -John \_ % webster "first world" [deletia] Etymology: after third world Date: 1967 : the highly developed industrialized nations often considered the westernized countries of the world apart from getting the order of usage wrong (i.e. third world -> first world rather than the other way around) and being ignorantly eurocentric, you're correct. \_ then it doesn't sound like he has a problem with geography, does it? it's more of an economics deficiency he has. \_ No deficiency. Have you seen it? I think you need to check on what the word "modern" means. CZ is a third world country. Just because they're vaguely white doesn't make it a modern western nation. They're little different from any South American banana republic. It isn't just blacks, hispanics and other non-whites that live in the Third World. Thank you both for trying though. \_ Have you ever travelled outside the Bay Area? -John \_ Nobody noticed. Some cities had even worse traffic. Barely anyone even knew it was happening until they heard on the news what a flop it was this evening. -John \_ Cars are here to stay (at least until transporters become generally available). \_ Chech know a thing or two about mechanical engineering and cars. Pop quiz: which Western car compay buy out entire Tatra design team, why they did it and what they are working on now? As far as being 'vaguely' white which I take as they don't quite fit a canonical definition of white, how to do explain disproporationate representation of Czech chicks among the ranks of 'supermodels'? -muchandr \_ Volkswagen, right? They bought Skoda too. -John \_ Volkswagen is a joke. In fact all european cars are jokes. The only car manufacturers that matter are American and Japanese. With Japanese you get quality, with American you get power. - Proud owner of a 260 HP Lincoln that routinely smokes the finest that Europe has to offer. \_ that proves they are 'vaguely'! Per the current fashion trend \_ When was the last time you bought a Czech car? I don't see many trambant dealers around. \_ Moron. Trabants were East German and they're a massive cult object (like VW bugs.) Tatra were/are a Russian truck design bureau. And Skoda (Czech) is about as big as Saturn in the US. -John |
2000/7/26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:18766 Activity:high |
7/24 Is the world a better place to live with less wealthy people (who control 95% of the world's wealth?) Concorde kills 100 super rich people. Is that good or bad? \_ The wealth will just go to their heirs/relatives. It's not like it'll spread among the less fortunate. \_ read, more oppressed \_ They were a bunch of german tourists, which hardly makes them "super rich" \_ "bunch of german tourists" who were FLYING ON CONCORD. Helloooo.. Do you have ANY idea how expensive that is??! unless you are pointing to the fact that citizens of first-world countries are much richer than third-world residents in which case you can take your moralizing socialist ass somewhere else. \_ It costs like $2000 more than a first class ticket on a normal airline, but takes like 5 hours less. If your time is worth more than $400/hr, it's a good deal. \_ it's a fact not a moral, as is the fact that it was accomplished through imperialism \_ holy shit, something exciting actually happened today then... |
2000/7/8-9 [Reference/BayArea, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:18612 Activity:very high |
7/7 http://www.recycleplus.org/worksale.htm composting workshop tomorrow in San Jose. Come and learn about ways to reduce and compost your garbage. Keep America beautiful. \_ beautiful and San Jose jsut don't work together \_ beautiful and San Jose just don't work together \_ What's wrong with San Jose. - living in SJ since 82 \_ yeah, what's wrong witb San Jose? - since 74 \_ yeah, what's wrong with San Jose? - since 74 \_ San Josans are embarrassed to sign their names. \_ that's San J0Z3RZ!!!! \_ Since the purpose is to help the environment, why don't they also post the workshop material on the web site so that people can choose not to burn gasoline to drive there to learn about it? (I don't know if public transportation is possible.) --- yuen \_ check out that site. it has a lot of info already. The workshop goes into more detail and has demos. And they bring sample materials. Composting is a see, touch, and do kind of thing. :) BTW, pro-environment doesn't mean "don't drive yer car". Even the president of the sierra club has a car. Since I started the president of the sierra club has a car. \_ the Sierra Club is concerned with hiking trails; they don't give a shit about the environment. -tom Since I started composting I've reduce my solid waste by about 70-80%. If you are a recyler we want to turn you into composters as well. Check out "worm composting" you can do that in an apartment, without a backyard. \_ Uhm, I'm not sure I want to hear about your "solid waste reduction.... That's nasty. |
2000/6/21-22 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Electric] UID:18505 Activity:high |
6/20 It costs less for a gas dryer to dry one load of clothes than for an electric dryer, or for a gas heater to heat up a room than for an electric heater. But does gas dryer/heater actually use less natural resource than the electric one to get the job done? \_ depends where you get your electricity from \_ PG&E for both gas and electricity, in the Bay Area. \_ I think better question to ask is rather natual gas dryer/heater is more "efficient" than electronic one. And the answer is "YES." electricity is typically coming from some sort of hydrocarbon (in U.S., chances are, it's coming from burning coal). And during the process of convert hydrocarbon to electricity, you typically will only get 65-70% efficiency on a good day. So, in that sense, gas dryer/heater use "less" natural resources to achieve same effect. \_ So what's the efficiency of burning gas in a gas dryer? Close to 100%? \_ Not coal. That's China. A tremendous amount of US electricity is coming from nuclear power plants and hydro. Most of the rest is petro. Coal? Not in the last 50 years in this country. Once the rest of the world runs out of oil, we can tap the alaskan oil fields and a few other places and use more nuclear before we have to touch the coal reserves in a serious way. \_ 40% of US power still comes from coal. The Mid-Atlantic states are full of it. 60 Minutes showed mining companies flattening the hills of Tennessee and Virginia with nitroglycerin and bulldozers bigger than a Ford Expedition. \_ Check out :http://www.ucsusa.org/energy/brief.coal.html it details the amount of crap a coal plant makes. --PM \_ Someone tell the Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power that the billions they've spent building coal-fired power plants over the last twenty years is a waste of money since you refuse to admit their existence. \_ Want to try real numbers instead of making up your own? Check out http://www.energy.ca.gov/reports/2000-04-14_300-00-004.PDF Some numbers: 1994: Southwestern US - 74% coal, 26% natural gas 1999: California - 20% coal, 20% hydro, 31% gas, 16% nuclear, 12% "renewable" (solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, etc.) \_ My error in being unclear. I did not intend to state that coal use in this country is zero but simply that it isn't at the levels of use in less developed countries like China. I certainly don't refuse to admit the existence of coal derived power in this country. \_ in the summer PG&E generates quite a bit of power in its gas turbine plants around the edges of the bay (those noisy little blue buildings with the smokestacks). it is more efficient for you to generate heat by burning gas than for PG&E to turn into electricity (with loss) so you can turn electricy into heat (with more loss). |
2000/5/26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:18349 Activity:nil |
5/26 set the world on fire |
2000/5/19-22 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:18304 Activity:moderate |
5/19 Can anyone confirm this event of the Commonwealth/ Berkeley City club? ;) When: June 6, 2000 7:00pm Where: 2315 Durant Ave, Berkeley $16 for admission Call 415-597-6705/6706 or 800-847-7730 for reservations What: Bill Joy speaks about technology today and what we can expect for tomorrow. \_ what a fruitbasket. How embarrassing. \_ Lose the smiley. \_ >:( \_ _ _ |_| |_| | | /^^^\ | | _| |_ (| "o" |) _| |_ _| | | | _ (_---_) _ | | | |_ | | | | |' | _| |_ | `| | | | | | | / \ | | \ / / /(. .)\ \ \ / \ / / / | . | \ \ \ / \ \/ / ||Y|| \ \/ / \__/ || || \__/ () () || || ooO Ooo_ \_ Duh. You have a phone number. Use it, dumbshit. \_ robots are going to take over the world! head for the hills! \_ I think the hills are part of the world, too. \_ (1) the robot statement was a joke and a dumb one at that (2) the point was to get away from technology |
2000/5/18-19 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:18293 Activity:very high 62%like:18302 |
5/18 Has anyone tested the range of those 2.4 GHz cordless phones? My home is less than a mile away from my office. Yes, I'm serious. \_ Why don't you just forward your calls to your office. \_ why would you want to broadcast your telephone conversations to anyone within a mile radius who happens to own a cheap scanner? 2.4 GHz cordless phone? \_ I'm no RF expert but I never understood why higher frequency \_ Can cheap scanners decode transmissions from a typical 2.4 GHz cordless phone? The answer is no. \_ you're not RF expert *BUT* you don't understand?? what the hell does that juxtaposition mean? \_ I'm no RF expert so I never understood why higher frequency means greater range. \_ E =hv ??? more energies? \_ you're confusing equations. this is for a single particle. you can transmit a 10khz signal and give it just as much energy as a 10Mhz signal by uppingthe amplitude (or the intensity, if you like particles). i'm no RF expert either, but I think the answer is that wavelengths get interference from objects of similar size. there are lots of large obstacles, so low frequencies don't perform well, and there are lots of very tiny obstacles, so light and doesn't do well, but somewhere in between, you get good shit. -ali \_ Stupid fuzzy universe. Why wasn't Planck's constant set to 0, damn it! \_ ali, or someone else with clue, please explain to me why IR tends to bounce around, but microwave is directional \_ AFAIK, it is just as ali said--that is, your wall will absorb and re-emit the IR. IR is very close to the visible spectrum in wavelength whereas microwave further away. The physical transitions for visible and infrared are similar, whereas microwave is different. Hence materials that reflect visible light will likely reflect infrared the same or nearly the same way. See http://www.scimedia.com/chem-ed/light/em-spec.htm for a spectral breakdown. -emarkp \_ Huh? All you said was that IR is like visible and microwave is different. Why does IR tend to bounce around, but microwave tend to be directional? \_ It bounces around for the same reason that visible light bounces around. Absorption and reemission. \_ Now what about microwaves? \_ Microwaves are caused by molecular rotations, instead of electron level jumps. That's why it makes stuff hot--it rotates/vibrates water molecules, and the friction warms up the food. Broadcast microwaves have shorter wavelengths yet and ignore most atmospheric matter. Since the matter (in the air or in your wall) isn't the right size to absorb the energy, it just goes right on by. \_ Different wavelengths definetly have different absorption and reflection properties. However, I don't think a 2.4 GHz signal has a longer range because of less reflection/absorption. A 2.4 GHz can bounce off walls and buildings pretty easily. One possible reason for the longer range of a 2.4 GHz signal could be higher bandwidth. I think the FCC allows 80 Mhz of bandwidth for 2.4 GHz signals, but don't know the numbers for other frequencies. Also there might be less interference in the 2.4 GHz band than in other bands. -emin \_ what does it mean by "80Mhz of bandwidth for 2.4 GHz signals? and why does microwave oven need to shield the microwave from escaping while cell phone uses signal in microwave region "openly"? \_ Because microwaves in an 'oven' are specifically tuned to vibrate water, which is in most living things. But cellphone radiation supposedly is on frequencies that do not affect living things. Yeah, right. \_ Well I'm no microwave expert but I'd say that your roommate's parrot would heat a lot less quickly with microwaves leaking out of your microwave instead of reflecting inside. \_ it means that you can transmit more signal per channel, which means that you can use a higher bandwidth modulation technique which is more robust to noise. i think emin is actually right, and it has nothing to do with reflections and transmissions. it's more likely a bandwidth issue. -ali k |
2000/5/16-18 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/SW/Security] UID:18283 Activity:high |
5/16 http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,36339,00.html Question: How exactly can you distinguish Voice traffic from other traffic, esp. when you can tunnel it over another protocol like http or you encrypt it using SSL and such? What the hell do the telco's want regulated? \_ It's just political clap trap noise. \_ But, technically, unencrypted voice traffic is hella easy to detect, regardless of protocol. Anyone who knows basic signal processing can write the code. -blojo \_ what's the easy trick? does the spectrum for speech look very specific? -ali \_ What you would basically do is: (a) look for signals that have most of their energy in the 500Hz-4KHz range. (b) The amount of energy and its centroid oscillate / fluctuate with periods that are O(.25 seconds). Basically you can look at docs for any of the recent vocoders and see what circumstances they focus on reproducing... fortunately recognition that something is probably a voice is a lot easier than recognizing what the voice is saying. -blojo \_ Key phrase: unencrypted. Solution: encrypt it. \- you know the NSA has a patent on automatically IDing FAX and some other kinds of traffic. --psb \_ i've got something that fluctuates at 4 Hz right down here. -ali \_ Wow. That sounds painful...or unsatisfying. Not sure which.... |
2000/5/10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:18233 Activity:nil |
5/10 Is it just me, or there are simply not enough plugs for the modern world? \_ wouldn't it be nice to have wireless batteries or wireless power? (ludicrous) \_ you mean like the sun isn't wireless power? \_ Solar panels on every roof! And a wind turbine that sounds like a jet plane in every back yard! Uuuugly. |
2000/5/6-7 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:18189 Activity:low |
4/07 Is it ethical to rape the third world? \_ foo \_ Rape? No one is raping the third world. They're selling off their resources for a song. The third world needs to take responsibility for their own actions. The colony era is long dead. |
2000/4/16 [Science/GlobalWarming, Finance/Banking] UID:18024 Activity:high 70%like:18032 |
4/16 I keep seeing people protesting the IMF and the World Bank on the news. Their main complaint seems to be that these organizations are charging interest on loans they made to third world countries. This seems like a lame argument because the IMF and World Bank are making LOANS not DONATIONS. Are the protestors all stupid or are there logical reasons why the IMF and World Bank are bad? The news doesn't seem to present both sides of the story and I would like to hear a rational argument from the protestors point of view before forming an opinion. Thanks. -emin \_ many people are protesting because the money goes to corporations and adds to environmental problems and does not help the poor and leaves the countries at the beck and call of the IMF/World Bank until the loans are repaid, which in the case of very poor nations is basically forever. \_ How many of those 'loans' do you see being paid back? Many of the developign countries are defaulting or threatening to default on their loans. Hence the desire to lower interest rates. And, of course, a loan at below-market interest rates is essentially a form of foreign aid. \_ I love shotgun compassion. "Give us your money or we will put you to jail, so we can give it to random corrupt governments elsewhere as foreign aid." \_ Three words: Impossible Mission Force __ \__/ .\/ tweet tweet / /\ \____/ | | ^ ^ |
2000/3/21-23 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/Networking] UID:17813 Activity:very high |
3/20 Our current DSL service (bjt.net) sucks. We need a good, high-bandwidth (1-2 megabits) DSL connection that has high uptime and a consistently low latency. Anyone have good experiences? -blojo \_ low latency's determined by the speed of light (I don't know of anyone who can change that yet) and distance to whatever you're trying to connect to. So low latency to connect to what site? And maybe queueing theory comes into play but that's a different story. Latency usually isn't an issue in networks (except for UDP packets). It's usually bandwidth that's important. \_ Hello, I am not a dumbass. Our problem is that the ATM cloud we're fed into seems to be oversold. So, yes, queueing theory comes into play here. You need to have a higher level of expectation regarding the intelligence/experience of people on soda. See oj's comment below. -blojo \_ Say, blojo, do you have some sort of complex? You blow up everytime your overactive imagination perceives anyone even slightly hinting that you may be a DUMBASS. \_ I don't have a complex insofar as I am aware. I was just astonished by the lameness of the post by someone who seemed to think they just knew A WHOLE LOT. Uhh my imagination may be overactive but I tend to use that \_ Latency is HARDLY AT ALL determined by the speed of light. RTTs energy imagining more interesting things than motd posts. -blojo \_ It's the twink-point effect, I'm telling you. Just as intended. \_ Sign your posts, so everyone can know how dumb you are --oj \- when you start pushing ATM a lot of the abstraction breaks down and in specific areas the fundmaental technology difference matters. when you are pushing the switch, it may really start to matter how much bcast traffic or what kind of packet dropping heuristics they are using inside the switch to manage the buffering. this is hard even in the \_ Well, let's see. If the speed of light were 200mph, then I think you'd see a lot more latency. (And find it very hard to read, drive, fly, or many other things, but point made via hyperbole). \_ This is the real world we live in not your dream. In reality the speed of light is not the limiting factor in network speeds. That you felt the need to pull this 200 number out of the air merely shows how little your point has to do with reality. packet switching world ... with the weird atm signalling protocols this stuff can be really hard to do right --psb \_ Latency is not determined solely by the speed of light. \_ Latency is NOT AT ALL determined by the speed of light. RTTs from here to the east coast are what, now, ~200ms?--but many times what it would take for light to travel there and back round trip. Latency is determined by the speed of switching electronics, which is much slower than light. \- in case your are interested, RTT to the east coast is higher than a lot of people think. say distance is 3000x2 mi and speed of light in glass is around 186288 x 60% =111800mps latency inside a switch is pretty small. most people use a send/recd buffer much smaller than the bw delay product so you are very much underfilling an empty pipe. --psb \_ Actually, deep down the speed of light is the limiting factor if you consider that the network switches are literally a bunch of NMOS and PMOS transistors hooked up together through polysilocon and metal layers and that electron mobility is limited by the speed of light which in turn limits the speed by which logic circuits operate then yes, the speed of light is a limiting factor. Besides, if you read carefully, the original poster never said that the speed of light was THE SOLE limiting factor. \_ "low latency's determined by the speed of light." Looks like he came as close as you can to saying that to me. \_ Can you read or are you just and idiot? "low latency's determined by the speed of light AND however many hops you're trying to get to." I'm not going to quote exactly because I'm too lazy to scroll up just for this stupid post. \_ Just an idiot. \_ BINGO! The other guy is a moron, though. Of course the speed of light has something to do with it. What a serious super-duh to say it doesn't. _That_ was the point I was making with the extreme 200mph example. It *matters*. If sound went faster than light, we'd be using that instead (somehow). Join the rest of us in the real world where the SoL does matter. \_ Did you pass high school physics? \_ Sure did. You pass HS English? \_ http://tycho.net serve your area? \_ FirstWorld (formerly slipnet) seems okay to me. BBNPlanet was pretty good too. |
2000/3/16-17 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17770 Activity:high |
3/15 GE has a new oven called "advantium" and it cooks using halogen lights. Doesn't this seem incredibly inefficient? \_ Not off hand. Why would it be? I assume they are designed differently from normal halogen lights. \_ More so than, say, passing electricity through a bent-up metal rod until it becomes red-hot from resistance? \_ the purpose of an oven is to heat. in an electric oven, all electric energy is convetet to heat, so it's 100% efficient the only machine in the universe that can be totally fefficiaent is a heater. the only loss is from heat leaking out. that is the *only* limiting factro to efficientcy. \_ And light leaking out. Light isn't free energy. \_ the amount of energy required to generate a particular amount of heat is very high in an electric range compared to a gas one. \_ ok, that's just stupid. where does the energy go if not into heat? usefull heat that flows into your food you're trying to cook is another matter. yes, i'm inlucing radiation as "heat", since if you put the burner in an isolated cavity it would all end up heating everything including your food. the heaters that claim to be 100% efficient really are. \_ A small amount of energy goes into making the metal expand as it heats up, I believe. \- maybe there is some advantage from focusibility and amplification by reflection. --psb |
2000/3/13-14 [Science/GlobalWarming, Computer/Rants] UID:17757 Activity:kinda low |
3/13 What's up with Bill joy? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/03/13/MN108057.DTL \_ He's gone loopy and joined the church of the unabomber. \_ He is too rich for loopy. He is 'eccentric.' \_ They're in my brain! They're eating my braaaaaaaaaaaain!!! |
2000/2/22-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17589 Activity:very high |
2/22 This is a serious environment question. Is it better to flush used toilet paper down the toilet or is it better to put it in a trash can and throw it out along with the rest of the garbage? Which method is more "biodegradable"? Thanks. \_ FYI in Soda, at least, people generally don't flush their toilet paper. They throw it away in a trash bin in the bathroom. \_ I thought the people in soda ate their used TP. \_ are you allowed to use the word "serious" in a troll? \_ FYI in South Korea, at least, people generally don't flush \_ FYI in Soda, at least, people generally don't flush their toilet paper. They throw it away in a trash bin in the bathroom. \_ Are toilet paper, paper napkins and paper towels recyclable? \_ Just keep eating it till it's all absorbed. \_ Don't know about toilet paper, but I once heard that it's better to dispose of food waste into the in-sink erator than into the trash can because it gets "absorbed" by the environment faster. Don't know if it's true. -- yuen \_ Anything that goes into a landfill these days will take centuries to biodegrade since landfills are hermetically sealed to prevent things from leaking out. It'll get processed much faster going through the sewer system. \_ Generally you throw away your TP in countries where the plumbing can't handle flushing it. Throwing it away is pretty gross if you don't have to. Anyway it all gets chemically treated with the rest of the sewage. -John \_ Does the waste water and rain that go down to the sewage on the side of the road go directly into the ocean? \_ Yes, hence the "Don't pollute. Drains into Bay" painted by all the storm drains. \_ so we shouldn't even wash our cars on the sidewalks? that's impossible to implement such a law... \_ No you shouldn't. Blocking the sidewalk with your car is rude. Use a driveway or do it in the street. \_ your car is probably not as dirty as the average boat that sits in the ocean all the time. boats pollute. cars pollute. fish shit. all one can do is minimize it by not pouring *excessive* waste into the ocean. Having worked on a boat, I can tell you there is some *nasty* shit that gets dumped straight in off of most comercial vessels, that makes most seepage from land polution look like a drop in the bucket. not that that stops the Coast Guard from handing out 10,000 dollar fines to anyone dripping oil of the side of their boat. if only the USCG had juristiction over gas stations. \_ i mean the detergent ppl use on washing their cars.. it also goes into the ocean. \_ The ocean is already full of dirt - it's toxic chemicals they're more worried about. \_ I generally don't like the idea of other people seeing my shit on napkins or TP, so I just flush them down the toilet. This is a normal thing to do in many countries. \_ This is so disgusting. Flush it and remember that you live in the first world. \_ This is in direct contradiction to my ride bike mentality. Since we live in the first world, we have to act like the best people, since we know so much more. And bicylcing is a pro-resource method concerned for the environment. Think bicycle. Think first world. The answer to flushing or throwing out toilet paper will come to you in your heart. \_ Yeah, it goes down the toilet so I don't have to live in my own third world filth and squalor and disease and the reek from my own festering shit in the trash can for three days until the putrid feces filled bag is finally removed. Ride bike == live in your own shit? Mine is disposed of properly, not like some animal or barbarian leaving it where ever it may fall. Disgusting. \_ Personally, I am willing to say what many probably think but don't want to say. I don't give a shit about the environment. I only care about my own immediate comfort and well being. If we fuck up the environment, science will fix it later. It's ok. Environment is not as fragile as you think. It is man's great hubris to think that he is "controling nature." Even in polluting he fulfills nature's purpose. \_ I sort of agree but in a different sense. For the most part, no matter what we do to the planet, life will go on. It just may not be human life or life as we know it'. I don't have a problem with that. I *do* have a problem with barbarians leaving feces stained paper in a public trash can for _any_ reason. |
2000/2/18-21 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17561 Activity:moderate 66%like:18362 |
2/18 Where's a good place in Berkeley for an oil/filter change? \_ Do it yourself, it's not very hard (about 20 minutes) -- ilyas \_ Maybe they don't care to? Maybe the $30 is worth it to not spend the time and crawl around under a car? Not everyone is dirt poor. My cheapest outfit is worth more than that without oil and dirt on it. My time is worth more as well. \_ It's a useful skill to know. By the way, you DO know that you don't even need to use jacks on most modern cars when changing oil, right? -- ilyas \_ I don't care. It isn't useful. I don't *have* to know. It isn't important. I'm not a starving student. \_ Why do you have to be so insolent about it? how does it feel to know that "dirt poor" people who get their hands dirty *gasp* at work are laughing as they charge you $30 for a job that costs a few bucks at most and takes 5 minutes of their time? \_ There's a place on the east side of San Pablo just a bit north of University (I think it's right next to a burger place) that does oil changes for $13. That price might have been a special, though. \_ It may come in useful someday. It isn't a waste of my time because I, personally, find a certain pleasure in finding out a little bit about how my car (or any other mechanical/electronic device I own) functions. -- ilyas \_ Knowing how to change a tire in the middle of the desert is useful. My oil? I'm glad you have the time for the trivial. Someone should. \_ Hey ilyas, hope you dispose of your used oil nicely. --enviro \_ I covered the nearest baby seal I could find with it. -- ilyas \_ ilyas! Surely you remembered to whack it with your club before you left? \_ thanks. but seriously...! --enviro \_ So how is a good way to dispose of used oil? \_*not* campus auto care. They overcharge. |
2000/2/16-17 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17527 Activity:moderate |
2/15 I would like to see how many Watts my computer is using at any given time. Someone told me Poptronics (Popular Electronics) had an article on building an energy usage meter for any wall outlet appliance. Can anyone help? \_ Buy the old issue. no emacs user was here \_ Go outside and look at how fast your electricity meter is spinning. |
2000/1/17-19 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17255 Activity:moderate |
1/17 As revealed first on the motd, transmeta's hype turns out to be little more than just that. In only 2 days you'll see how the hype machine has turned greater-than-MS vapor into "We rethought the microprocessor to create a whole new world of mobility". Crusoe is going to be nice but not truly ground breaking. Another babystep in the high tech world over hyped, over sold, and under powered. You saw it here, first, not slashdot, not zdtv, not cnn. \_ OH Y3AH!!!?!??!???? 1 B3L13VE 1N L1NUS!!!1!!! L1NUX RUL3Z, U DR00L!!!!1!!! U R A D00DYH3AD!!!1!! U SAW 1T H3R3 F1RST!!1!! \- does the name come from "meta transistor"? also, anyone know if "super secret microunity" is still in business? --psb \_ microlunacy is dead, and has been for several years. was/is there a son of microlunacy? \_ There is no Son of Microlunacy. There is only ZUUL. \_ Beware the dark side, it lurks everywhere! |
2000/1/6 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17178 Activity:nil |
1/6 Y2K is overhyped! There was no nuclear explosion, power outage, \_ ^Y2K^SexwithYerMom terrorists rampage, etc. What a dissappointment! |
2000/1/1 [Science/Physics, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:17139 Activity:high |
12/31 Was the Y2K bug that big of a deal? Looks like its effects are small and sporadic, so far. Would it have made that much of a difference in terms of power/phones shutting off, etc, if people didn't try to make everything compliant? \_ It isn't over yet, fool. The U.S. hasn't rolled into Y2k yet! How can you be so naive? The Rapture is coming! \_ Wrong. Guam was one of the first to enter 2000. \_ Guam is a tiny speck of nothing territory. It isn't a part of the United _States_. We _own_ it. They also don't have any nuclear power plants. So young, so foolish. \_ "Better safe than sorry" -- more true today than at any time in human history. |
1999/11/23-24 [Science/GlobalWarming, Recreation/Humor] UID:16948 Activity:low |
11/22 <DEAD>www.stanfordalumni.com/articles/99_1_microsoft_buys_su.html<DEAD> \_ Joke? \_ Okay, obviously there are complete and utter morons on soda. Apologies to the person flamed in the previous item. \_ Apology accepted. In today's world, I've learned not to make assumptions about anything. \_ Does someone want to mirror this? I can't get throught 8.-( |
1999/11/15-16 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:16886 Activity:high |
11/14 What is the "zero emission rule"? That all car makers need to produce electric cars by year 20XX? I don't get why e-cars are considered zero emission. If many drive a electric cars, wouldn't there be a bigger demand on power plants that also pollute? \_ Electric cars are all about making you dependant on the Government and attacking your manhood. \_ 1) Power plants tend to have more effecient generators 2) Power plants are one location and therefore it is easier to reduce emmisions at that one point with strict enforcement of pollution laws. 3) There is clean power (but then again we are using it already...) 4) Power plants tend not to be in high polution areas. One of the major problems with pollution is the concentration in one area. Spread the pollution around some and it can b ehandled by natural means. \_ also there is the fact that it's alot easier logistically to convert centralized power generation to new sources than individual energy sources from cars; If fusion became practical in the near future, say with those big tokomak reactors, there'sno way you could use that for cars unless they were electric and the energy was generated in a cetral location. this means that people working on alternative energy like fusion can wroy less about scaling problems, and be assured that they can make billions and help the environment quickly, rather than having to deal with auto manufacturers and their ilk. \_ Ah I see. Zero emission simply means "pollute somewhere else"... and that reduces the amount of pollution which will slow down global warming. Sure, that makes sense now. \_ What parts of 1, 2 and 3 didn't you understand? Also many forms of pollution can be disposed of by the ecosystem in limited amounts. The problem is places have gone way above those amounts. |
1999/8/24-25 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:16383 Activity:nil |
8/23 http://www.eet.com/story/OEG19990823S0062 KEENE, England - Building on research done at Keele University, startup Keele High Density Ltd. aims to commercialize a memory technology it says could store 2,300 Gbytes of rewritable random-access data on a device the size of a credit card. That is equivalent to an areal density of 86 Gbytes per square centimeter. --jon \_ Thiis is complete crap. The only way to increase information density is to decrease the physical size of a bit, which is currently about 1 square micron on optical devices. The only feasible way to do this is using near-field techniques to read an write bits much smaller than the wavelength of light, but you can't use it for multilayer devices, and its somewhat like CD or DVD technology in that everyone has a finger in the pie. \_ It's possible they have developed something completely new but I doubt it. It's a hoax. \_ Old news. They have nothing but a theory, and I've read some other stuff which says this can't be verified by calling the University. This is likely a hoax at worst, a pipe dream at best. |
1999/8/21-22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:16367 Activity:nil |
8/21 Give a hoot. Don't pollute! |
1999/6/9-12 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:15931 Activity:kinda low |
6/9 Yet another Nobel prize for Berkeley: http://enews.lbl.gov/Science-Articles/Archive/elements-116-118.html \_ nobel prize, huh? possibly, but unlikely i think. \_ wel gee, I could get a nobel prize too, if I had an umpty-billion-dollar cyclotron, and free license to play around as I see fit. \_ D00D!!!1!!!! CYKLOTR0NS R 4 PUSS13Z!!!!1!!!1!!!!! ALL U N33D 2 G3T A N0B3L PR13Z 1Z A TRUSTY C=64 ---- 1F UR *DAMN G00D*!!1! \_ I had a cyclotron once, but then the aliens came and took it away just as I was about to discover The Truth. \_ That's right -- and they gave it to *me*, because they liked me better! Nyah! \_ Go Bears |
1999/6/9-10 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics] UID:15927 Activity:nil |
6/8 http://www.enn.com/enn-news-archive/1999/01/012299/congest.asp |
1999/6/9-10 [Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:15926 Activity:high |
6/9 Warp drive coming soon to a planet near you... http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_364000/364496.stm I love science. Every couple of months you hear something like: "We thought it would take us 100000000*X to do Y, but with this new discovery we can now do it in only X!" Once in a while I get giddy thinking that every wildly positive sci-fi conjecture will be reality in my lifetime (assuming that life-extension technolgy keeps up with everything else!)... -mogul \_ This is some awesome news! However, did Chris Van Den Broeck also researched on what kind of effects the distortion of the time-space continuum has on other things, such as our universe? I was going to post this question at the site, but couldn't find the right place to do so there. \_ This is by someone from a Catholic University? I thought they're still busy arguing that human didn't evolve from apes. \_ what ever happened to that dude (it was Rivest I think) that came up with some factoring algorithm - I saw some legitimate wire reports a month ago but didn't follow up on them - although I imagine if it were true media info was quickly squashed I imagine if it were true media info was quickly squished \_ if I remember correctly, he had a linear speed-up that simply pushed the crackable key size forward a few years. there was no real theoretical breakthrough that would invalidate public-key technology. the moral of the story was to start using >1500 bit keys today. |
1999/5/20-21 [Science/Electric, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:15851 Activity:moderate |
5/20 what do people who have read it think of cryptonomicron? is it worth the hardback price? \_ I found it interesting but difficult to "believe in" because it was set in the real world -- unlike other Stephenson which is more science fiction and doesn't really allude to actual history or current events. In other words, this is a more realistic novel than his other stuff, and I think I had a hard time with that. You will learn something from it. (Oh, there's a long section on undersea cables -- fancy that!) Allusions to actual 1990s stuff abounds: "Eutropians", "Finux", counterparts of PGP and the Cypherpunks... I'd say you should try to borrow someone's copy and see whether or not you get into it before buying a copy of your own. -- schoen \_ If you do buy it, http://amazon.com is selling it for way less than any bookstore. \_ yeah, got mine for $16 instead of $27 \_ Random Trivia: Many people waiting for SW:TPM had it. |
1999/5/12 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:15798 Activity:nil |
5/11 BOMBAY (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee said Tuesday the threat to world peace posed by NATO's ''naked aggression'' in Yugoslavia further justified India's nuclear testing program. http://www.sjmercury.com/breaking/docs/082237.htm |
1999/3/22-24 [Recreation/Dating, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:15624 Activity:very high |
3/22 The world would be a better place if we were all a little more like psb. This is truth: meditate upon it now. \_ What about psb in particular? \_ All of psb is good and desirable -- pick any aspect you want. \-what broght this on? --psb \_ anyone else find this extremely funny? \_ your existence? \_ Did he say something really profound recently? \_ Does psb ever say anything that's *not* profound? \_ If psb ever says anything that seems less than profound, withdraw for a period of study and deep inner meditation. Only then will you gain enlightenment and divine the true meaning of the statements of Master psb. \_ What does psb look like? I want to ask her out on a date if she's cute. -csua nerd \_ psb is _HOT_. Men *and* women alike often find themselves unable to resist his overpowering attraction. \- er, the only thing remotely obscure i think i have said online recently had to do some aspects of 11/12th century law. did that bring this on, or something else?--psb \_ maybe the "destroy most white people" quote? \_ it's called "picking and choosing" \_ Partha just sounds like a girl's name. Anything ending in 'a' should be a girl's name. Maria, Pamela, Partha, Monica, Mala, etc. Monica, Mala, Martha, Siddhartha (oops) etc. \- domt blame my me or my parents. blame the english language. in sanskrit there is a M and F version of the word but they map to the same thing in low-res english. the F version isnt a name for complicated reasons that require knowledge of hindu mythology --psb |
1999/2/15-16 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:15415 Activity:high |
1/3 of the people in art, music, archeology, teaching profession, etc said yes. Almost all of the people in high tech industry said yes. What does this imply? \_ that "high tech" is a lot harder than those other fuzzy jobs. \_ that "art" people are folks who take crap for pay because they like what they do. Therefore, them suddenly getting a decent amount of money, has no influence on what they want to do. \_ That 2/3rds of fuzzy people lack the imagination to do anything more with their lives than the shit work they do now? \_ let's see, the high tech people who quit to do world travel, write the Great American Novel, learn how to play instruments, go afar to learn about history, etc have less imagination than the people who already do these things for career? Very logical \_ Anyone see office space? 2 girls at once. --sky \_ Maybe we went to a different high school, but none of my teachers were writing the great american anything, playing instruments, or travelling the world. Your teachers wrote great works of literature and travelled the world as a career? I'm in the wrong field. What HS was this? |
1998/12/18 [Politics/Domestic, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:15123 Activity:nil |
12/17 The US government is way too immoral. I find it amazing how a government that goes about preaching "democracy" and how "democratic" and "free" it is, can go to the length of bombing innocent people to protect its dirty interests. I could *even* understand Desert Storm as means of freeing Kuwait, even though that wasn't the reason for the attack. Financial matters came a long way before. But I just can't believe in laying waste to someone else, far away from yourself, because they aren't following *your* rules. Who does this government think it is? How long will the rest of the world just watch this butchery without acting? And when it does, things might get messy! England is, of course, excluded from this "rest of the world", since all it is is a US puppy, happily yapping along and following whatever it is told. This is just plain immoral. I hope the responsible ones go down. |
1998/11/23-1999/2/2 [Science/GlobalWarming, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:15001 Activity:nil 62%like:14984 |
11/19 All files in /csua/pub/jobs have been made world-accessible -brg |
1998/11/20-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14987 Activity:nil 66%like:14681 |
11/19 Nuclear launch detected. \_ I see your ghost. \_ Pants-rocket launch detected. \_ schwing! |
1998/11/19-23 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14984 Activity:nil 62%like:15001 |
11/19 All files in /csua/pub/jobs have been made world-accessible. If your job listings have expired, please delete them, don't just chmod them world-unreadable. -brg |
1998/10/29-31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14852 Activity:moderate |
10/28 http://www.salonmagazine.com/news/1998/10/27newsb.html has an interesting take on Proposition 9. Anyone know of other good voting information sites? \_ on localhost in /dev/null...personaly I am trying to find out how to get my ballot in chines alowing make to make how to get my ballot in chines allowing me to make a provably random selection. Idiocy deleted. \_ You forgot to delete the rest of the motd, including this thread. \_ I didn't say "all idiocy deleted" I was forwarded this from a co-worker. I did this and I'm telling you, it's really weird. Follow the directions slowly, and do not go forward until told to do so. I think you will find this really eerie(and very true...). This is quite amazing but its fun and seems to work!! Enjoy!! SPOOKY - Do this its quite wierd... First things first: NO CHEATING Really. I mean it. Don't cheat. This is a little game that has a pretty funny/creepy outcome. Don't read ahead, just do it in order. It takes about 3 minutes It's worth it. It's kinda eerie.... First, Get a blank piece of paper and pen. P.S. When you are asked to choose names, make sure it's people you ACTUALLY KNOW, and go with your first instincts! Scroll down one line at a time - don't read ahead or you'll ruin the fun!! 1.) First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column. 2.) Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write any two numbers you want. 3.) Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex (or same sex if you're gay). Don't look ahead-or it won't turn out right! 4.) Write anyone's name (like friends or family...) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots. Don't cheat or you'll be upset that you did. 5.) Write down four song titles in 8, 9, 10 and 11. 6.) Finally, make a wish..... And here is the key for that game.. 1.) You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game in (the number in space 1) days in order to make your wish come true. 2.) The person in space 3 is the one that you love. 3.) The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out. 4.) You care most about the person you put in 4. 5.) The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well. 6.) The person you name in 6 is your lucky star (I have no idea what this means but it sounds good!) 7.) The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in 3 8.) The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7. 9.) The tenth space is the song that tells you most about your mind. 10.) And 11 is the song telling how you feel about life! GOOD LUCK! Idiocy deleted again. |
1998/9/26-28 [Recreation/Computer, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14681 Activity:high 66%like:14987 |
9/26 Nuclear Launch Detected \_ Look for the red dot!!! For God's sake look for the red dot!!! \_ COMSAT! \_ damn those ghosts! if it's not lockdown, it's the nuke! \_ How plausible is it that you nuke a bunker, and all the people inside survive without a scratch? \_ Details? \_ You don't want to know anything beyond "someone needs to cut back on playing Starcraft and get a life." \_ What's wrong with having some fun? CSUA a fun-free zone? \_ there's a difference between having an interst in having fun and being obsessed. \_ Granted. But the above statements are far from obsessed, imho. Then again, it is hard to read into something without context (facial expressions, voice levels, etc) \_ Don't play co-op LAN Rainbow 6. It's too much fun. :O |
1998/9/16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Science/Space, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14610 Activity:kinda low |
9/15 What consumes more power, an empty refrigerator or a full refrigerator? \_ on startup from an unpowered condition, the full one does because you need to cool down a larger amount of stuff (most solids/liquids have a higher spec.heat than air) but say you have everything cooled down, a sort of steady state and you pull the power, then the full fridge will stay cooler longer due to the higher "heat mass" One could similarly say that the full fridge requires less energy per unit time to maintain a low temperature as all the frozen veggies and meat and other things with high water content maintain their temperature much better than air. Of course, if you dont plug either fridge in at all, then its a tie, though in a strict sense the full one will absorb more heat but will give up less heat given a rise or drop in temp. --jon \-well there is also the pathological case of say rotting/ fermeting food which is exothermic. --psb \_ is hell exothermic or endothermic? - tpc \_ ~dpc/forwards/hell \_ amusing. But the cited professor was most definately not the original one, as I heard the "final exam" version of this, some time in 1995 or before. (different response cited, though) \_ how often one opens and closes a refrigerator really affects how much power it uses, more than how much it contains. \_ this is true but the question was about the effect of fullness on power consumption. Reminder! Special Session of Micronet THURSDAY: Speaker: Calvin Moore, Professor and Chair, Math Dept., and Chair of the Commission on Computing. Prof. Moore will be discussing the commission's recent report on the future orginizational direction of computing on the UCB campus. The commission was mostly made up of faculty, so this is a chance for staff to give feedback. The URL for the report is: link:www.chance.berkeley.edu/evcp/new.html Time/Date: 12-2pm, THURSDAY 9/17/98 Location: 223 Moses Hall \_ Staff feedback? They needed more landfill material? The only thing more ridiculous than staff feedback is student feedback. \_ There were two students on the commission. \_ Woo woo! Power to the people! They served drinks? |
1998/8/26 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14515 Activity:nil |
8/25 Miss Internt World Singapore!! \_ URL for pics? \_ http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/zdnn_lggraph_display/0,3442,2131529,00.html \_ Naked? Sucking some white guy's cock? \_ You seem to enjoy cock sucking very much. Why don't u suck mine. I will stick it up your ass for free too. \_ Sounds good - come over tonite ---psb |
1998/5/29-30 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:14153 Activity:moderate |
5/29 Stupid move by India. Supposedly they're a year away from fitting a nuclear warhead to a missile. Someone's gonna get nuked. -mlee \_ Didn't Pakistan just announce yesterday they already have a nuke missile ready and aimed at India? \_ Meanwhile 500 people die in India from the heat. \_ and a couple hundred million others don't have enough to eat \_ Why do you think they feel such a need to expand? --dim \_ they don't go hungry for lack of land, the causes are political \_ I can't think of a quicker way to get rid of excess population than a little nuclear war. I say let them have at it! We shoulda saved them the trouble and just sold them the nukes. \_ only 500? In a country of 1+ billion, who noticed? |
1998/5/20-21 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14111 Activity:high |
5/20 campus-wide power outage and a satellite goes spinning out of control. is this all because of the coming of the millenium? now, I'm really scared. \_ makes life much more interesting than DOJ vs MS... \_ No. It's the arrival of Godzilla. \_ Can't wait to see India's reaction to Godzilla movie. \_ Uhm.. what reaction? Its a friggin movie. \_ D00D!!!1!!! THAT"Z WHUT U TH1NK, U 1GN0R3NT M3D1A SH33P!!1! TH3 R3L3AS3 UV "GODZ1LLA" AZ A MAJ0R AM3R1KAN M0V13 W1LL CAUS3 1ND1A 2 R3L3AS3 TH3 D3TA1LS UV 1T"Z S3CR3T "DEV3L0P A G1ANT L1ZURD 2 D3STR0Y PAK1STAN && CH1NA!!" PR0GRAM!!!1!!!!!!!! WATCH, N" Y0U"LL S33!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!1!! \_ Yes, Godzilla was always such a great morality tale about AMERICANS nuking Japan, but American holywood producers couldn't handle that so they blamed it on the French. At least, Jean Reno came to save the day. And exactly why did they need to hire that worm guy? To get his expertise on telling them they need to open up manholes? Jean Reno should have just used his knife against that overgrown lizard and skip the whole unnecessary Mathew Broderick and his weak pathetic girlfriend as a romantic interest subplot. -mlee \_ BURRRRRP... i 8 tokyo N new york... \_ it only breathed fire twice... thumbs down. \_ Fire? The Japanese Godzilla breathed energy (if that makes any sense). I suppose a huge lizard eating NY or Tokyo doesn't make much sense either so it doesn't matter. \_ Destroy All Monsters! (DAM) |
1998/5/12-13 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14087 Activity:very high |
5/12 India underground nuclear test, sending shockwave all over the world: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9805/12/clinton.india/index.html \_ Now I know why there are so many Indian engineers at Berkeley. \_ bwahahahaha... \_ for the beautiful, mustache-free hot babes! \_ Great . Another third world shithole with the bomb. \_ You only prove your own ignorance as India has had "the bomb" for quite awhile now. Why not try knowing at least a little bit of which you speak before you open your mouth? -mlee \_ More like, "The third world shithole has proven for a fact they have the bomb, whereas before it was only assumed." \_ Fact: India's 1st public nuke test was back some time. The only nazi country that is assumed in 1974. They've had it for a while. \_ India has publicly tested nuclear weapon for quite some time. The only Nazi country that is assumed (but widely confirmed) to stockpile nuclear weapon is U.S. buddy Israel, after South Africa cancelled their program. \_ Nazi? Israel? You scumbag. Without nukes, the dirtbag Arabs would have attacked and kept attacking en mass and by surprise until all the Jews were dead. \_ If the Palestinians had not been driven out of their homes to make room for the "chosen" race to build their 1000-year "promised" kingdom, they wouldn't have taken up arms and become freedom fighters. \_ GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! \_ "can't we all just get along together?" \_ so why did they start targetting the USSR too? \_ Because they're homophobes and the Soviets are all gay. That's right. They pound more than just vodka. What do you think those spires on that palace in the Kremlin are all about? \_ One nuke under the dOME of the Rock. It is "resting" |
1998/5/1 [Science/GlobalWarming, Reference/History/WW2, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:14028 Activity:very high |
5/1 /- Join the CSUA Communist Party. Coders of the World Unite! -politburo \_ bh is the ultimate commie. \_ Long Live the CSUA Revolutionary International! |
1998/4/13 [Science/GlobalWarming, Science/Physics] UID:13945 Activity:nil |
4/11 Sandia said a few days ago that they think they can get high-yield nuclear fusion in a bit over a decade. Does anyone believe them or have more information? If it's true, it would be a Good Thing. \_ I'd love to read this. Give me a ref? I'll follow up with my opinion on it... --PeterM \_ http://www.sandia.gov/media/z.htm \_ It is capital Z, yet htm extension. Weird. -muchandr \-i was talking about commercial fusion power with a friend of the family who works on fusion at LLL maybe 1.5 yrs ago, and he said the press that implied it was "right around the corner, early 21st cent" were way off. "not in this decade". --psb \_ Check out latest issue of Discover. There's a proposal of using proton-boron reaction instead of conventional deuterium. -- cm1ee \_ Saw the origional of that in Science a few months ago. Mostly an "on paper" proposal. Nothing much more than that. |
1998/1/29 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:13591 Activity:insanely high |
1/29 http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/translate --chris \_ ugh, this has been around for a while now and was written up in many places, pun and all. Duh. \_La soude n'est rien mais un morceau de dick sucant la merde! |
1997/4/25 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:32125 Activity:nil |
Motd from http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu The CSUA's Sequent S81 space heater With optional Nuclear Toaster Attachment ======================================== |
1996/12/18 [Science/GlobalWarming, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:32012 Activity:nil |
12/17 News flash, Berkeley team wins world netrek championship. \_ You know it! You tell the story! You tell the whole damned world this is bear territory!!! \_ Many thanks to the CSUA for supporting netrek for all these years. We couldn't have done it without you. -tom |
1996/10/28 [Science, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:31962 Activity:nil |
10/27 Hey! It's our own cdaveb! On the back page of the Business/Technology section of the Sunday SF Chron/Ex! Go buy a copy now! \_ Was she cute? \_ Yes, and so is her husband. -- Marco (-8 \_ She was interviewed, not pictured, since unlike sexist pigs such as you, others realize she is an intelligent person with something interesting to say, no matter what she may or may not look like. -- a soda male who has no idea what she looks like, but knows what type of person she is via walls \_ No one in real life is like they are on walls. \_ Speaking from experience, she has poor taste in cuisine, art, and music, and her technology skills are rudimentary at best. - psb \_ "Speaking from experience"? Are you courting my wife? - Mr. cdaveb \_Partha's just jealous he isn't in the paper \_ If style, grace, charm, wit, social skills, and technology skills summed to a constant, I would fear Mr. Psb as a programmer. Gee, Cari managed to graduate and get a real job in under four years. -ekim \_ and partha is our resident Martha Stewart \_ partha, go pick on the xcf instead. leave cari alone. --chris \_ cuisine, art & music are all personal preference - what you consider poor, others may love - and at least she's not afraid of computers, she may not be an expert, but learning UNIX, perl, html, etc. makes her much more computer-literate than 99% of americans \_ Unfortunately, this is not a difficult achievement \_ for csua members, no - go hang out with people in the real world - non-technical types and realize just how stupid the average american really is these days \_ neither is having more clue than partha |
1996/5/7 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:31838 Activity:nil |
5/6 As Voltron's legend grew, peace grew across the galaxy. \_ Voltron REWLZZZZ!!!! \_ Agreed. But why does Voltron only pull out his sword when he's getting the crap beaten outta him? I guess it would make for a very short show if he used it initially. \_Actually, they talk about that in the show. The more powerful abilities of Voltron (combining up, the sword, and so forth) use up a lot of nuclear energy, so they're last-ditch powers. -thepro \_ LASER SWORD!!! Yeah, I keep on wondering why they wait till so long before they use the sword. \_ Has Voltron returned to TV land again? If so where and when? \_ USA has been showing it for years. \_ Voltron is a Wuss. _Star Blazers_ R0CKS. you kiddies are probably too young to remeber that truely g00d show though. -crebbs \_ I used to watch it on ch. 36 all the time. I can almost remember the theme song. \_ it was originally called Spacecruiser Yamato -- the movie was gr8 \_ Try Gunbuster. Much better. Has got both romance and things going boom. \_ And large breastisis. \_ jiggling "breastisis" at that \_ Here he comes.. here comes speed racer.. \_ Maha gogo maha gogo maha gogogo! (for those in the know) |
1993/9/10 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:31392 Activity:nil |
9/10 *HH* deemed threat to world. News at 11. \_ If he's a threat to the world, why wait until 11 to tell us? |
3/15 |