3/15 |
2004/5/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:30350 Activity:high |
5/21 http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=1885406&nav=EyAzNJKP Man, don't go golfing in Florida. (Actually gator bites car) \_ There was a 8 foot gator in the pool of my grandparent's neighbors in Boca. \_ Never live in a town called "Rat Mouth" \_ Tell that to the jews who have taken over. |
2004/5/14 [Reference/Religion] UID:30227 Activity:high |
5/13 The Pope speak out against women marrying Muslims. http://tinyurl.com/26vj3 (yahoo) \_ Technically, that article doesn't mention the pope speaking out personally... \_ I think the pope himself has gotten too old to do much but wheeze. \_ We need a real Pope in Rome again, a warrior Pope, to Christianize Asia once and for all. Are the missionaries to scared to preach in Iraq? \_ I agree with him. \_ I speak out against women marrying any religious people. \_ That's sexist! I speak out against all persons marrying any religious people! \_ I think gay marriage should be between a man and a woman. -- Governator \_ bleah, they are violating the sanctity of gay marriage. |
2004/5/13-14 [Reference/Religion] UID:30204 Activity:insanely high |
5/13 This is quality: http://www.jesus-action-figure.com -John \_ Yeah, quality mocking of over a billion people's religion. \_ oh, NOW the motd offends you? \_ fuck 'em. http://www.jesusneverexisted.com The Catholic church is truly an evil thing. With a brutal and intolerant history, it doesn't deserve immunity to criticism. \_ ??? \_ hey man, I'm catholic and though it's tasteless, it's also freakin' hilarious. \_ Thank you for censoring the PC crap, so I didn't have to yell at it. \_ ??? I think you're blaming the wrong poster. \_ Restored. I'm willing to debate with haters. If you just want to froth and rant you'll be ignored. \_ sort of like how it's "ok" to call someone nigger as long as you're black, huh? Not. Just because a pseudo-Catholic finds it funny doesn't mean it's "ok". \_ Were you this upset at Buddy Jesus in Dogma? \_ thicken that skin, pal. \_ will you be calling me nigger, next? you want me to be a thick skinned nigger so you can feel warm and cozy and safe in your little nest of hatred? \_ That you see a parody like that as driven by hatred is really sad. How would you react to a crucifix in a large vat of urine? link:csua.org/u/7aq \_ Do you have any standing on this issue? If you're not Catholic, why should you care what jokes Catholics make about themselves? Just chill out. \_ Red herring. A non-black calling a black a nigger is evocative of hundreds of years of slavery and institution- alized racism, just as a non-Jew calling a Jew a kike is evocative of anti-Semitism and the sort of thinking that led to the Holocaust. Catholicism and the general flavors of Christianity are firmly enough established in positions of power and acceptance in the world to be fair game to parody and satire. You can't be the dominant majority and cry "Discrimination!" every time someone takes a pot- shot at you. \_ Ilya to thread in 5...4...3... \_ Ok, I ll oblige. You can't justify a 'bad thing' by saying it's done to powerful people. If it's bad, it's bad all around. Is putting graffiti on a rich person's car ok? How about breaking his windows? How about raping his wife? -- ilyas \_ I think it's yet to be shown that the link was in any way discriminatory. \_ So if someone makes a documentary about a lynching of a famous black person in the south, and someone makes some action figures, that would be ok, right? -- ilyas \_ Like this, it would be off color and possibly in poor taste, but it's not discriminatory. If they could manage to make it funny as well, then that's icing. You may as well get pissed off at Dave Chappelle's show. Or you can just laugh. Or you can change the channel. \_ Yeah, try to market an action figure featuring a black man, a noose, and a tree. Think for a second, whether this will fly or not. You should use your 'but it's not discriminatory!' defense when the civil rights people with pitchforks get to your house. -- ilyas \_ Package it right, make it clear that it's parody, and you'll sure as hell find a market. \_ Yeah... try it and let us know how it works out. Is there explicit indication the Christian stuff in the link was parody? -- ilyas \_ Uh, only the whole site. \_ Explicit? \_ I want my Ariel Sharon doll with super wall- building action and tree plowing bulldozer! \_ Why is this insulting to christians? Why isn't Gibson making gore entertainment out the passion insulting, and in fact blasphemous? \_ It's only unwise to mock religions that breed suicide bombers \_ Isway itway OKway otay ockmay Islamway inway Igpay Atinlay? \_ No way, Jose. -- Uday & Qusay |
2004/3/31-4/1 [Recreation/Computer, Reference/Religion] UID:29891 Activity:high |
3/31 Some of you happy fun people need this shirt: http://christ-killer.com \_ anti-semite \_ dumbass, the site was featured on http://jewnews.com. FJBJ \_ FJBJ?! For Jews By Jews?! \_ Insert your humor chip. It's a play on FUBU. \_ how does FJBJ map to FUBU? you do know what FUBU stands for, don't you? \_ Hey, as long as we're just throwing stupid insults around, can I call you a humorless tard? \_ why is anti-semite an insult? \_ This is exquisitely bad. \_ thanks! we aim to please. |
2004/3/30-31 [Reference/Religion] UID:12933 Activity:low |
3/30 God's own lamb: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3572325.stm \_ Mmmmh. Kebab. -John \_ I'm sure you mean, "The Lamb of God" \_ How much you want to bet someone drew that on the fur with some caustic agent? \_ Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us \_ what about the cow born in idaho w/ GWB birthmark on it? \_ I'm pretty sure that was yermom's ass. \_ he said cow not mule. \_ I thought he said asshole; oh, you're talking about the animal, not the personage.... \_ Every cow comes with one asshole. This cow came with two. |
3/15 |
2004/3/26 [Reference/Religion] UID:12870 Activity:nil |
3/26 Palestinians can't even enjoy a swim on the beach without being shot by the Jews! Why can't the Jews share the oceans? Aren't the oceans big enough for all of us? http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=540&u=/ap/20040326/ap_on_re_mi_ea/israel_palestinians_13&printer=1 \_ Surely there are more interesting things to post than run of the mill news... |
2004/3/24 [Reference/Religion] UID:12842 Activity:nil |
3/24 acknowledging God != religion \_ More to the point, acknowledging God != establishing religion Religion is a very exact way of trying to approch God. Atheist acknowledge the absence of God , whether he exists or not, they are establishing the fact that he could exist and that is either religious or not religious, Either way, not stating God is either establishing atheism as a religion or stating God is not religious but acknowledging he could exist. \_ Not stating God is not stating Atheism. Stating there is no God is stating Atheism. \_ I think you're confusing Atheism with agnosticism. Atheism is a religion. \_ 'Strong' Atheism = "There is no God." 'Weak' Atheism = "The case for God remains unproven." \_ I think you're confusing Atheism with agnosticism. Atheism is a religion. \_ Religion: 1. The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny. So, atheism is by definition not a religion. -tom \_ Definitions of religion and atheism are fluid and sticky. Here's one way to look at it: religion can be defined as a belief system based on faith, not proof. An atheist believes God doesn't exist even if it can't be proven that God doesn't exist. A Christian believes God exists even if it can't be proven that God exists. So both are religions. Agnostics are actually less of a religion, since agnostics aren't sure either way and need some sort of proof to make up their minds. \_ alt.atheism agrees with you, tom is a twink \_ alt.atheism claims that atheism is a religion? I think not. \_ Well I believe religion involves a system of belief. Not just existence/nonexistence. You could say that simple theism isn't a religion, and I'd could agree, but who is just a theist without any further belief? You'd be believing there's a god without any notion or system of behavior associated with it, which is pretty rare, basically impossible depending on your definition of what god is. \_ Religion cannot be defined as "a belief system based on faith, not proof." Well, you can define it that way, but your definition will have no validity outside of your own skull. \_ m-w has 4 definitions for religion, one of them is "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith", and one of the definitions of faith is "firm belief in something for which there is no proof", so I don't think the definition given is "invalid". I understand that it's not your definition, and that's fine. \_ In addition to having no clue theoolgically, you also can't read a dictionary. -tom \_ Good point. And while I do not believe in Santa Claus, I have no definitive proof that the occasional present that noone has any idea who gave it is not, in fact, from Santa. So, I guess I am religious. In addition, believing something *does* exist, with no proof, is not the same as believing something *doesn't* exist. The burden of proof is on the person who claims that something exists--if there's no evidence that something exists, why should anyone believe it does? So atheism isn't even a belief system--it's just an examination of the available facts. -tom \_ Why is it more natural to assume that something doesn't exist than to assume it does? -- ilyas \_ because the set of things that exist is finite, and the set of things that don't exist is infinite. -tom \_ The set of things that exist is not necessarily finite. No one knows how large the Universe is. Also, a more reasonable rule is that the burden of proof is on the person whose hypothesis is more 'expensive'. For instance, I think the sun exists, and someone might not. The burden of proof ought not be on me, it seems. You can argue that God is more expensive to assume than no God, but that's a whole separate discussion. Personally, I believe even that rule is too rigid, and that the burden of proof is on anyone who proposes anything, regardless of what their hypothesis claims. -- ilyas \_ Just because a set is finite doesn't mean you can't add to it. Besides, God is more expensive because he wants 10% of your income. \_ huh? how can you quantify things that do not exists? \_ set of possibilities != existing \_ take a math course please \_ haha= so ZERO = INFINITY? \_ Because there's no evidence for it. Things that exist have evidence for their existence. \_ so why do you ignore the fact that millions if not billions of people believe in God? That was be circumstantial evidence to prove that you must as an atheist acknowledge the the possibility that God does exist. \_ What other people believe isn't relevant to truth. We know lots of cases in history where people believed something untrue. Additionally, the fact that all these people can't agree on the nature of god, and have lots of variations, and often don't act as if they truly believe what they say, and when asked admit they don't really know for sure and rely on faith, can be seen as against the existence of god. In fact, observational evidence tells me there's no sign of any god and never has been. \_ Are you trying to convert me by speaking in tongues? Millions of people believe that Britney Spears has talent, that doesn't make it true. -tom \_ alt.atheism agrees with you, tom is a twink \_ I'm not confusing anything. I simply offered a definition that you disagree with. \_ him and the entire secular society that knows anything \_ "There is not Santa Claus" -Would you say this is also a religion, by your above definition? How about "There are no underpants gnomes"? \_ just stating the existance of something doesn't make that a religion. \_ I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at here. All I'm saying is that it's difficult to prove the nonexistance of anything. Atheists believe there is no God. Religion is just a question of existance that is so important it defines a person's view of the universe. I don't think the existance or nonexistance of Santa Clause carries the same wieght. \_ Huh? What kind of circular run-on talk is this? \_ If you're not informed enough to know the distinction between an atheist and an agnostic, why should we listen to your poorly worded and convoluted thoughts on religion and presumably its role in government? |
2004/3/24 [Reference/Religion] UID:12839 Activity:nil |
3/24 if just hearing the word God sqinches your panties, then you are definately religious \_ What if it makes me wet? |
2004/3/24 [Reference/Religion] UID:12836 Activity:nil |
3/24 NYTimes' William Saffire on 'Under God' in the Pledge of Allegciance http://www.nytimes.com/2004/03/24/opinion/24SAFI.html He says the guy who brought the suit is an idiot, but the words 'under god' should never have been added, but we shouldn't take them out because it would offend religious people. I don't get it. \_ WILLIAM SAFIRE, The New York Times' in-house "conservative" -- who endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992 .... -- Ann Coutler \_ What's with the "indivisible" part of it? Why isn't the USA divisible? That's against my religion. \_ They tried dividing it, and there was a big war. Nobody wants to try again. \_ speak for yourself. \_ there isn't even justice for all. only the liberals who control the courts \_ yeah, those masters of puppets. we should kill 'em all. \_ time to stock up on bullets for the coming Civil War \_ Eight months and counting... \_ What civil war? The religious types run the military, and the whiny athesits don't have guns. If it comes to that, I suggest you find Jesus real fast. The atheists ain't gonna last long. They exist by the grace of the Christians. \_ So you're saying atheists exist because Christians are being gracious enough to not murder them? \_ More or less. See how long a true Atheist lasts in the Middle East. (I was refering to the context of a civil war, Christians vs Atheists, doofus. A little too tounge in cheek for ya'?) \_ I'm an atheist *and* a good shot buddy. \_ I think it's pretty obvious. It was put in by the legislature (I assume) and found constitutional then. It's not forcing \_ Um.. read up on the process of judicial review. religion on anyone, it's the universal conept of God. Therefore taking it out by the supreme court is overbearing and just increases the "activist judges" claims. Take it out by legislature if you want it out. \_ It forces the idea that there is a god. You know the religious types would claim they're being opressed if the pledge said "without god" instead. \_ As I said, make that argument to the legislature. \_ The Supreme Court should enforce the law that says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." By inserting reverance to a single god into a government document, that seems like a violation of the constitution. It's the job of the courts to defend the constitution from lesser laws that conflict with it. \_ excuse me, Goverment documents != Laws - sorry \_ please name the Statute or Ordinance where it forces people to worship God? \_ okay, what is the specific law that they are talking about that is forcing people to say "under God"? \_ Nobody is forced to say it. The controversy is about the fact that it is a commonly-used government text. In many states, school children are required to listen to the pledge. \_ then it's not unconstitutional, no law was made that established a religion or God \_ why are people forgetting that laws are specific Statutes or Ordinances that are enforceable by the Executive Branch? the Pledge of Allegiance is not enforceable and there is no punishment for not stating it. \_ In a lot os states, there is punishment for a school which fails to lead its students in the pledge. The students are effectively required to listen to the idea that the US is a 'under' or subject to monotheism. \_ that is up for the States to decide, "Congress shall make no law" refers to the Federal Level. States should be able to do whatever they want \_ well if there is a God, the whole universe is subject to it. \_ so putting up the 10 commandments is also forcing people to listen to the idea that a God exists? |
2004/3/22-23 [Reference/Religion] UID:12806 Activity:moderate |
3/22 I know everyone will think this is a troll, but I am genuinely curious. Why did the Isrealis assassinate Yasser with a rocket when they could have arrested him and put him on trial? Only serious answers please. \_ more dramatic. He was already released once from Isreali prison. \_ Could have arrested him? How? Do you still remember that an Israeli attempt to arrest a bunch of Palestinian militants two years ago resulted in a five week stand-off at the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem? Or the violent battle that took place in Jenin? It's not like Israeli police can just drive a police car to his house and arrest him. \- well maybe killing palestinians at the rate of 3:1 against israelis isnt enough and they want to radicalize things more so they can go up to 10:1 or 20:1 or 50:1. you know this is the second hamas leader they have killed in the last few months. --psb \_ Why do you single out jews? What's the kill ratio of Hindis vs Muslims in India outside Kashmir, where one can honestly say that the muslims are not the one causing terror? \- because that is what this thread is about. without a doubt there are human rights abuses done by the indian military forces in the valley of kashmir. it is not a hindi [sic] muslim matter but a government vs. rebels. e.g. kps gill who "settled" punjab is a sikh. please delete your irrelevant post and my reply after you read it. --psb \_ oh bullshit, there are plenty of dead muslims inside indias borders killed by both the government and civilians gone into nutty religious frenzies. \_ the 2nd? i thought their recent track record was better than that. they should send those missile guys out to the range to do some firing practice. 2 in a few months is pathetic. if they killed off the bastards faster, fewer Israeli and Arab children would die. doubt what happened in gujrat is indefensible. if you want to start a thread on that feel free, but you may want to learn the difference between hindi and hindu, before wading into indian history and politics --psb |
2004/3/20-21 [Reference/Religion] UID:12773 Activity:moderate |
3/19 so it's okay for "ethnic albanians" to ethnically cleanse kosovo and burn all the churches there. \_ Yes. The Albanians aren't Israeli and their victims aren't a harmless, defenseless people like the Palestinians. The Albanians are a peace loving people who are merely setting right historical injustices done upon them by Evil Christans(c). It's a form of international level affirmative action. \_ You really have a one track mind, don't you? \_ Not at all. (say something stupid get a stupid reply) \_ What ever gave you that idea? NATO is calling for more troops and informing the populace that this must end, now. \_ "or else!" what good does that do for the ones already butchered? not a god damned thing, that's what. but they're only dirt eating eastern european christians so who cares? \_ I appreciate your frustration, but the point is that NATO is trying to do something. If you have concrete suggestions on what they can do, post them. \_ Ok, so where are the troops? No, they're only talking about sending troops whenever the hell they get around to it. There have been troops in the region since Clinton put them there half a decade ago. Why aren't they doing something? \_ I bet you were one of those guys who said Clinton was just trying to wag the dog when he sent troops to Kosovo, aren't you? \_ Except we were supporting the wrong side. We should be supporting the Christian Serbs. \_ as a christian I disagree with your stoopid viewpoint. \_ as a christian on the motd your opinion has no value. you are automatically scum of the earth and full of hate and a redneck. \_ I'm still waiting to read a single post by a motd christian that uses their religion to argue anything but hatred of homosexuals, jews, muslims or the word "fuck." Do you want to be the first? \_ I'm not a christian and I agree with him, but not because "they're christian". why should we help separatist albanians in a historically serbian area? \_ That's fine with me. I just don't like people giving Christians a bad name. I am against mass murders. giving Christians a bad name. \_ No one ever said that. He was wagging the dog when he blew up an aspirin factory in the Sudan and a few empty tents in Afghanistan. |
2004/3/19-20 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Reference/Religion] UID:12768 Activity:nil |
3/19 Why does whitey hate the Asian man so much? http://csua.org/u/6im \_ They didn't like him b/c he's Muslim. At least get your trolling straight. \_ whiteys hate muslims more than they hate azns, get it right \_ Yeah but muslim and azn is more than whitey can even stand thinking about. \_ A Chinese born of Christian parents who converted to Islam and bred with a Syrian and fucked a White soldier's wife and felt Pity for captives of the State (a christian virtue) and looked at porn when he became horny. He is guilty as hell. \_ why ask why? whitey is evil and must be destroyed along with the zionist entity and anyone to the right of b.boxer. |
2004/3/19 [Reference/Religion] UID:12753 Activity:nil |
3/18 I remember there is a Mormon here on Soda. I got a stupid question which is not that offensive. Does any Mormon still use Deseret alphabets today? I would imagine it would of died out by now, but I have heard that it never did. Is that true? \_ We're all around you. And we're breeding. \_ Shall I compare thee to a cellular automata? \_ singular ---> automaton Oh, and I've never seen the deseret alphabet before. Nice info about it at: http://www.omniglot.com/writing/deseret.htm -emarkp |
2004/3/17-18 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:12727 Activity:nil |
3/17 In American Pie, is Jim suppose to be Jewish? \_ James is a Christian name. \_ So everyone named James is Christian? \_ I would not try to claim that I know what every single person on the planet earth might decide name their kid. \_ He *looks* like a Jew, right? But he doesn't wear one of those beanie hates so maybe he isn't.... \_ the character's last name is "Levinstein". \_ thats a jew name? |
2004/3/17 [Reference/Religion] UID:12718 Activity:nil |
3/17 I thought this was interesting: In nature, there are hundreds of documented species that engage in same-gender sex, but there is one kind of "lifestyle" that is not found in nature: lifelong, voluntary abstinence. So, the next time some bible-thumping individual rants on about gays being "not natural", think about how celibate priests don't have an even remotely "natural" sex life. \_ There are also many documented cases of species engaged in infanticide and cannabalism. So are you suggesting that humans should engage in these activities with the sanction of society and the state? With loopy thinking like that I can justify just about anything. Anyway, the Old Testament preaches that humans are differentiated from other species, so your argument pretty much falls flat on its face. When religious types talk about homosexuality as being "unnatural" they mean it goes against their concept of what god meant for people, not animals. -- williamc \_ So homosexuality, infanticide, cannibalism are all natural. Shouldn't people condemn homosexuality by calling it 'sinful'? That would be much more accurate. The only problem is that it exposes the fact that their objection is religious, not that it somehow hurts society or nature. \_ Ummm... The only people I've heard call it "unnatural" are crazy rednecks. I've have heard people say it's not normal and it's harmful to society though... \_ When you say "only crazy rednecks call it unnatural" you're pre-defining the debate. It's a cheap rhetorical tactic that would get you kicked out of rhetoric 1a. \_ Sorry, you've mixed up your religions. Any "bible-thumper" would be a baptist or some such protestant religion. Not Catholic. Therefore, they would probably agree with you. Priests not being able to marry was one of the arguments for the reformation. Besides, depending on what kind of bible thumper you're talking to, they might just say that humans have all sorts of "natural urges" that should be quelled, and just list Homosexulality under that. Sorry. \_ Catholics disapprove of homosexual marriages. Please don't mislead. \_ You also have your sociology mixed up with your animal sciences. No one has tried to claim celebacy is normal. And one of those bible thumpers you hate so much would tell you that because Man is above Beast that we should not look to the animals for the correct way to behave or be closer to God. Sorry but you're not going anywhere with this stuff outside your own self reinforcing social circles. \_ I think the point is that the "unnatural" label doesn't work. You can still call it "sinful" if you wish. \_ Can I call it abnormal? I think unnatural works. How else would you describe the obvious disparity between how sex works, and how homosexuals practice it? Our organs and reproduction are clearly designed for opposite sex partners. There are cases of two-headed animals in nature but that doesn't mean that's "natural". Now homosexual attraction is more common but you can't just dismiss the unnatural argument as crazy. |
2004/3/15-16 [Reference/Religion] UID:12686 Activity:very high |
3/15 Who would win in a fight: Joseph Smith or Moses? \_ Does Joseph Smith get to drive da Bears Bus? -John \_ Young, part the Red Sea Moses or old, after 40 years in the wilderness Moses? \_ As long as he keeps his arms up, Moses wins at any age. \_ Jacob, who wrestled God and won. \_ Depends on the type of fight. 1. Miracle Fight. A bit silly since they are both servents of God with miracles under their belts, but... I give this one to Moses. More consistently \_ Depends on the type of fight. 1. Miricle Fight. A bit silly since they are both servents of God with miricles under their belts, but... I give this one to Moses. More consistantly big miricles. 2. Unarmed combat. JS was famous for being big miracles. 2. Unarmed combat. JS was famous for being extremely strong and an excellent wrestler. Moses was a prince. Point to JS. 3. Sword combat. Probably Moses, he was a prince of Egypt and probably studied sword/knife fighting. (Or whatever was common then) 4. Modern armed combat. JS. Moses had no experience with guns... -jrleek extremely strong and an excellent wrestler. Moses was a prince. Point to JS. 3. Sword combat. Probably Moses, he was a prince of Egypt and probably studied sword/knife fighting. (Or whatever was common then) 4. Modern armed combat. JS. Moses had no experiance with guns... -jrleek \_ Can you try spelling a little more poorly? \_ oKe, butt I don' tknoe why. \_ wrestling was a popular sport among ancient peoples. Moses takes all of them except the modern gun combat. give him a sling instead and we'll see. \_ maybe Moses could win in modern gun combat too: http://www.bradthegame.com/thesecondcoming/barabbas/07-01.html \_ haven't you seen the Super Best Friends episode of South Park? |
2004/3/14-15 [Reference/Religion] UID:12658 Activity:high |
3/14 To the fellow who believes Mormons are not Christian, and wonders why Mormons believe they are: I believe we are having a problem of defintion. So, I will seek to define the word Christian. The first definition on http://www.dictionary.com Christian: "Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus." By this definition, Mormons are obviously Christian. Since this is the widely accepted definition of Christian, Mormons will argue that they are Christian. Apparently you have a different definition, I would like to know what it is. -jrleek \_ Preposterous. Islam believes that Jesus existed and was a prophet. I doubt any Muslim would call themselves Christians. Your thinking fails. Also, religion is a complex, messy subject. You can't simply whip out an internet dictionary and try to "define" Christianity. You should cease attempting to define things you know little or nothing about. -- williamc \_ in the Mormon religion, who is Jesus Christ? And who is God? \_ I'm not sure I follow your question. \_ Well, it says "following the religion based on...". This religion is pretty well established in its various forms. Mormons add a large other set of religious stuff, incidentally not unlike Islam in my view. So there it is. I'm not a Christian btw. \_ Fine, and it's not like I haven't noticed the similarity myself. But we don't believe Christ was just another prophet. He is/was the son of God, and out connection to the father. Our church is based on his teachings. The additions are simply as restoration of what was lost, not new additions. \_ Christians believe that Jesus *was* God. This is a fundamental tenet that Mormons reject. \_ Not "God", "God the Son". Very important. \_ This has been the basis of "heresy" from the Church in many forms. Some say God the Son, some say Son of God, some say God as Son, and some say Son become God. \_ They are new additions to the religion. No other Christians accept them. None. Only Mormons. This makes Mormons unique. It's not like a denomination. It's an entirely new religion. Someone else pointed out how Christianity and Judaism and Islam are related. In the same way Mormons are related to Christianity, but they are not Christians. They have fundamental teachings and beliefs that Christianity rejects. Here is one web site to read, but there are others. The definition you use is too broad, because the "life and teachings of Jesus" are at the center of the debate: http://www.reachouttrust.org/regulars/articles/lds/lds01.htm \_ You just don't get it. The "new" things are those that were there in the first place, but lost in the translation. JS rediscovered them. In a sense, only the Mormons are complete, whole christians. The other ones are missing parts. \_ Not to meantion, this link is wrong in many respects. It is full of red herrings and non-cannon (and wrong) references. Not to meantion as far as I can tell the intro has nothing to do with the body or conclusion. This debate is stupid anyway. There are equally huge differences between say, Catholics and 7th day Adventists. Are Mormons unique? Of course. Are Mormons Christian? Of course. I still want to see your definition of what makes a religion Christian. Does it have to accept the Niciean creed? Does it have to be logically consistant? What? -jrleek \_ Simply that they don't add a bunch of *new* holy dogma, certainly not to the point that they add a whole new holy book. I'd say no re: nicene creed, as that involves interpretation and church structure. \_ More to the point, do you consider the Gnostics to be Christians? If you do, then the Mormons are also Christians. If not, then just about anyone not Catholic doesn't count as a Christian. \_ Well I'd say Gnosticism may be different enough so as to not be what is called Christianity. If history had been different and Gnosticism spread everywhere then perhaps that is what we'd call Christian. But it didn't. |
2004/3/13-15 [Reference/Religion] UID:12654 Activity:high |
3/13 So, I just watched an episode of south park titled "all about mormons", in which it mentions how joseph smith claimed to have talked to god and jesus, how an angel directed him to gold plates and seer stones from which the book of mormon was transcribed, how no one ever really got to examine the plates and how he read them out of a hat, etc. stan concludes that the mormon religion is total bs, and gary (the mormon kid) says that if it makes his family happy and gives him a good life, then why not even if it is all crap. i know there are at least a couple mormons around here, and i'm wondering what you have to say about this. thanks. \_ As you may have noticed, the motd is now the most productive forum \_ As you may have noticed, the motd is not the most productive forum for discussion about this. The motd is better for sound bytes and short answers, not for in-depth discussion. -emarkp \_ It's much more useful and productive to dress up in drab suits and harass people in their homes. short answers, not for in-depth discussion. -emarkp \_ you can have tv shows like the above mormonism, or christianity, and harass people in their homes. \_ When did you stop beating your wife? -emarkp \_ Why did you stop beating your wife? -emarkp \_ you can have tv shows like the above on mormonism, or christianity, but if you do something like that against judaism, you will be skewered alive. \_ Maybe you haven't seen the endless pro-palestinian anti-israeli biased news reports for the last umpteen years? biased news reports for the last umpteen years? \_ I did not find the news media on the whole anti-isareli and pro-palestinian. even those that are more on the palestinian side, are against isreali policies, not against judaism. I am sure it is within your ability to understand the difference. \_ So anything questioning Israeli policy is anti-semitic? Fucking idiot. Maybe you haven't seen all the terrorism coverage? \_ Yes, actually, I have seen it. In this and other \_ What am I saying? Simply that your example of "anti-israeli biased news reports", even if that's true, isn't anything "against judaism" itself, and that you're a fucking idiot for apparently thinking so. but if you do something like that against judaism, you will be skewered alive. countries. What do you think you're trying to say and \_ no, they aren't, any more than christians are joos. why does calling me a fucking idiot improve the quality of your 'points' whatever they might be? if you'd like to try again with a civil tongue in your head we can talk about it. if you're just going to insult me then don't bother posting. \_ no, they aren't, any more than christians are jews. \_ What am I saying? Simply that your example of "anti-israeli biased news reports", even if that's true, \_ I occur. They are not Christians at all. What's \_ whats a joos? juice? grape worshippers?? what? \_ ignoramus! where do you think joojoobees come from? isn't anything "against judaism" itself, and that you're a fucking idiot for apparently thinking so. \_ Mormons are Christians. Just so you know. -emarkp \_ no, they aren't, any more than christians are joos. \_ whats a joos? juice? grape worshippers?? what? \_ ignoramus! where do you think joojoobees come from? \_ anything like a honey farm? joos = honeybees and not grape juice trees? what is joos? \_ I concur. They are not Christians at all. What's \_ some weirdo likes changing jew to joo on motd. maybe a hypersensitive jew. \_ im a 'hypersensitive' jew and i prefer the correct spelling not some insulting smear. the word 'jew' is not offensive. why would you \_ There is only one Church which uses the Book of Mormon and it isn't Christian. There's nothing wrong with not being Christian, but I find it odd that Mormons think that they are and argue that they are. \_ Umm.. so. Only the Catholics use the apocropha, are they not Christian? The Book of Mormon is primarialy a book about CHRIST. \_ I'm sorry, but you're an idiot. Who the heck think it is? \_ I occur. They are not Christians at all. What's The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints interesting is that they think that they are even though the Christian Church rejects them. Why is that? Moron. \_ I have no sympathy for Morons. All you have to do is learn skewered. \_ Mormons are Christians. Just so you know. -emarkp \_ no, they aren't, any more than christians are jews. \_ mormons are happy being moron. they dont need your sympathy. \_ Mormons believe in Christ, ergo, they are Christians. No church defines "Christianity" \_ they don't believe Christ was God but another prophet \_ christianity is about christ not the church. the church is a political organisation. \_ Mormons believe in Christ, ergo, they are Christians. \_ yes and in the end it's all about 'believe in our god the way we say so because'. dont get lost in the pseudo intellectualism of religious studies along the way. \_ There is a huge difference between philosophical taoism, which came into form around the same period as confucianism, and religious taoism, which came into form a bit later. Although the latter claims to follow the former, in many ways it contradicts the former. Similarly, religious buddhism is antithetical to the teaching of Siddhartha in more ways than one can count. OK, I admit that I admire Chirst the saintly man with godly deeds but not christians the lion meat. \_ The Book of Mormon is no less "contrived language" than the Bible. -emarkp \_ ??? No... because the bible came from original Hebrew and Greek sources, and was translated a long time ago. The BOM was transparently contrived to try to "fit in" with notions of biblical style. but if you do something like that against judaism, you will be skewered. \_ I have no sympathy for Mormons. All you have to do is learn some history and just look at the book of mormon to see what utter bs it is. No other largish religion has such a preposterous \_ But he does spend a significant chunk of the book on the history of the mainstream non-splinter LDS church. Is that (in your view / in the view of other members of your church) accurate? No church defines "Christianity" basis. Look at the contrived language in the BOM. \_ they don't believe Christ was God but another prophet \_ neither do jews, muslims, or hindus. so what? \_ and that's why they're not called Christians! \_ I'm sorry, but you're a moron. Who the heck The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Mormons adopt a large set of beliefs that \_ I'm sorry, but you're a mormon. Who the heck aren't in Christianity. Therefore you don't call \_ you find a cartoon to be 'not that far from the mark' and thus a good source of primary information? make that motd stupid person this spring award. it's a cartoon intended to mock that which we _already_ understand. my god, the morons are out in force today. \_ As are the mormons, apparently. it Christianity, but Mormon. It's very simple. \_ Ok then, please tell me which Mormon. \_ I have no sympathy for Mormons. All you have to do is learn denominations are christian a which aren't. Apparently believing Christ is divine isn't enough. \_ There is only one Church which uses the Book of Mormon and it isn't Christian. There's nothing wrong with not being Christian, but I find it odd that Mormons think that they are and argue that they are. \_ Umm.. so. Only the Catholics use the apocropha, are they not Christian? The Book of Mormon is \_ If Christ was a carpenter, I wonder what he charged for bookshelves? primarialy a book about CHRIST. \_ I'm sorry, but you're an idiot. Who the heck told you Mormon's don't believe Jesus CHRIST was divine? That's why we call him CHRIST. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the offical church name, not Mormon. Mormon is a nickname from our study of the Book of Moron. \_ I have no sympathy for Morons. All you have to do is learn some history and just look at the book of mormon to see what utter bs it is. No other largish religion has such a preposterous basis. Look at the contrived language in the BOM. \_ mormons are happy being moron. they dont need your sympathy. \_ what about scientology? can count. OK, I admit that I admire Chirst the man but not christians. \_ no, all religions are completely contrived and silly. \_ don't confuse "religions" with "religious dogma" For example, Taoism and Buddhism are mainly philosophy changes? Yes. But not like they mention. Most of the and the Talmud describes a huge number of moral questions without simply saying "because we said so." -brain a number of "Hebrewisms" grammatical forms simlar to \_ yes and in the end it's all about 'believe in our god the way we say so because'. dont get lost in the pseudo intellectualism of religious studies along the way. changes? Yes. But not like they meantion. Most of the \_ don't be lame; the Tao and Buddhism don't have a "god" a number of "Hebrewisms" gammatical forms simlar to \_ actualy, there are gods in both taoist and buddhist *religion*, while the original taoist \_ Do you support the aggresive prosylization and the conversion of the deceased? I agree Mormon's are not along in agressive prosylization, but I believe they are unique in the "ancestor conversion". \_ I participated in some discussion of this episode a while back. and buddhism philosophy/teaching have none. They were, in fact, both agnostic in a sense. see below \_ that was a good episode. I had similar questions, and I actually went to the official Mormon site to see what they believed. I think what Mormons believe is a bit on the crazy side, but I do respect many of their values and their family friendly atmosphere. \_ There is a huge difference between philosophical taoism, which came into form around the same period as confucianism, and religious taoism, which came \_ I participated in some discussion of this episode a whlie back. into form a bit later. Although the latter claims to follow the former, in many ways it contradicts the former. Similarly, religious buddhism is antithetical to the teaching of Siddhartha in more ways than one can count. OK, I admit that I admire Chirst the saintly man with godly deeds but not christians the lion meat. \_ The Book of Mormon is no less "contrived language" than the Bible. -emarkp \_ ??? No... because the bible came from original Hebrew and Greek sources, and was translated a long time ago. The BOM was transparently contrived to try to "fit in" with notions of biblical style. \_ for an unsympathetic but very well researched introduction to mormonism, i highly recomend "under the banner of heaven," by Jon Krakauer. \_ Um, not exactly. Krakauer focuses a lot on splinter groups, not the LDS church. -emarkp \_ But he does spend a significant chunk of the book on the history of the mainstream non-splinter LDS church. Is that (in your view / in the view of other members of your church) accurate? \_ Not to gang up on anyone, but this episode also ranks as one of my primary sources of information on Mormonism and it doesn't say much for the religion-- not that any other religion is better but merely that it would be nice to know more. \_ anyone who uses a south park episode as their primary source for *anything* needs to be shot. you 'win' the prize for "motd stupid person on the motd" for this entire month. no, i'm not mormon. i'm an atheist. \_ actually, i find south park to not be that far from the mark usually. \_ you find a cartoon to be 'not that far from the mark' and thus a good source of primary information? make that motd stupid person this spring award. it's a cartoon intended to mock that which we _already_ understand. my god, the morons are out in force today. \_ As are the mormons, apparently. \_ Mormonism's roots are actually no more whacky than any of the myriad of religions out there. Christianity is basically just hero worship from a carpenter who got nailed to a cross, Islam started off as the cult of Mohammed who basically got rich off of marrying the right woman and who couldn't move a mountain so he walked over to it, Scientology is just a scam by L. Ron Hubbard, Jews believe that god spoke to Moses through a burning bush, eastern religions are often merely ancestor worship mixed up with Confucionism/Buddhism/etc. So as long as it isn't hurting anyone and people in it are generally happy, law-abiding citizens Mormonism isn't really much whackier than Catholicism or Baptists. I mean, whatever brainwashing method works for you, whether it be god talking into a hat or you believing in lucky rabbit's foot, that gets you through the day should be fine in the U.S. \_ If Christ was a carpenter, I wonder what he charged for bookshelves? \_ beating your wife? \_ that's not really my point. i just want to know whether our csua mormons actually believe in say, joseph smith being a prophet. if they're mormons just to be happy, that's all fine and well, i don't care. conversation of the deceased? I agree Mormon's are \_ Yes, I believe Joseph Smith was a prophet and spoke with God face to face as did Moses. -emarkp \_ whats wrong with post-death conversion? the dead dont care and it makes the living feel better. -atheist \_ The dead only convert if they want to. We can't force anyone to convert, even if they're dead. But we do give them a chance. (Catholics send them straight to hell) \_ What is "conversation of the deceased"? -emarkp \_ How sad. Students at top schools satisfy their intellectual curiosity by watching an episode of South Park. \_ actually, i'd been coding for some time and needed a break. -op \_ you needed a big fat cookie, troll \_ I believe in dog. Hah! Get it? That's god spelled backwards! Dog is my co-pilot! \_ Ok, I'm Mormon and I'll answer this. That episode was idiotic. I mean, it reduces the facts to childlike simplicity, then represented them badly and out of context. As far as do Mormons actually believe Joseph Smith was a prophet. Yes. Of course we do. Try reading the Book of Mormon yourself. It's an amazing book. I'll be happy to discuss this with anyone in a context more serious that the motd anytime. -jrleek \_ http://geraldpaul.fws1.com/page2.html is this true? \_ Well, yes an no. First, has it gone through 4100 changes? Yes. But not like they mention. Most of the changes were punctuation, which wasn't written by JS at all, but by the printers assistant. Also, there were a a number of "Hebrewisms" grammatical forms simlar to hebrew that made it into the first edition, that were corrected in the second. Second: Did JS use the seerstone? Yep. Why? I don't know. During later translation works he didn't use anything at all sometimes. Is any of this a secret? Uhh.. No. It's well known in the church, and the missionaries will tell you too. I could go on, but this is the motd. \_ Basically, no. It's got a very low signal to noise ratio. With some effort you can pick out some truthful bits, but it's basically wrong. -emarkp \_ Do you support the aggresive prosylization and the conversion of the deceased? I agree Mormon's are not along in agressive prosylization, but I believe they are unique in the "ancestor conversion". \_ I participated in some discussion of this episode a while back. Same username: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=232025 -emarkp \_ that was a good episode. I had similar questions, and I actually went to the official Mormon site to see what they believed. I think what Mormons believe is a bit on the crazy side, but I do respect many of their values and their family friendly atmosphere. |
2004/3/8 [Reference/Religion] UID:12573 Activity:nil |
3/8 Why are some of the active religious discussions being censored? \_ haha. funny is you. \_ Because Xtians have nothing to do with Linux. It isn't censorship. It is purifying the motd of unclean influences. Who cares about Jesus when you have Linus? \_ Let's start a Mohammed thread. \_ And then a motdedit thread! |
2004/3/7-8 [Reference/Religion] UID:12556 Activity:high |
3/7 So I'm not a Christian but I thought Passion of the Christ was pretty cool, especially the costumes and the different languages they used. At any rate, since I'm not a Christian, I'm wondering why the Arab/Jew people wanted Jesus to be crucified? Didn't they show that he was well liked before? What happened to his followers? Why didn't they help him? -ignorant but curious agnostic guy \- hello you may wish to see ~psb/MOTD/XtainsJewsRomans --psb \_ Jesus followers were scared. they could be killed themselves. \_ There were a couple of things involved here. First of all, in the manner of Christ's teaching, he was claiming to be God, which was heresy in the eyes of the Jewish religious leaders. Secondly, he had managed to really piss off the Pharisees, a sect of Judaism that had considered themselves more holy than anyone else due to their more stringent rules of behavior. Jesus taught a number of times to them and called them "brood of vipers" and basically said that they had missed the forest for the trees, and was branding their particular form of legalism as true righteousness. As for the common people, and Judas... there is a common theological belief that perhaps the Jewish people were expecting the Messiah to be a political figure that would help lead the overthrow of the Roman occupation, thus fulfilling the Old Testament prophecy that he would be a savior of his people. The zealot movement may have been one of the reasons why Jesus was killed, since he showed no real sign that he was going to be that leader. -- chaos \_ The short version of what Chaos said is that Jesus was basically a trouble maker, he rubbed everyone the wrong way, he was asking for it and got what was coming to him for being such a dick. The historical Jesus knew what was coming and had lots of time to leave the city and stop stirring shit up which is all any of the Powers That Be really wanted but Jesus was having none of that. No one really *wanted* to kill Jesus. The people then were no more blood thirsty or barbaric than people today. If you knew what you were doing was stirring up a witch hunt that was almost certain to lead to your death would you stick around and keep stirring or shut up and go elsewhere until things cooled off? Jesus chose death. \_ not really, they loved him when he was healing the sick, performing other miracles like feeding 5000. They didn't he was forgiving sins. \_ Two very different "they"s. "They" the people love anyone who makes their miserable lives better. "They" the authorities don't care either way until you step on "their" toes. \_ Nah, there was big trouble with or without Jesus. There were multiple violent revolts against the Romans before Jesus, and not long after Jesus, the Romans sent many legions to flatten Jerusalem, leading to patriotic but futile actions like the Masada resistance and mass suicide of the Jews. You have Jews advocating violence on one side, Roman pets like Herod on the other, and corrupt Jewish priests like Caiaphas who tried to appease both sides, so as to continue to exploit the common people and live extravagantly. Jesus offered a vision and a way out, for the Jews, and also applicable to everyone else. \_ Technically it wasn't mass suicide. It was mass murder followed by a single suicide. Anyway, as for the rest, yes everything was a mess and Jesus knew what he was doing when he stuck his nose in it. \_ it was mass assisted suicide followed by a single unassisted one. \_ the concept of allowing someone to kill you being suicide vs. murder is worthy of more than a sub- thread on the motd. they believed it was not suicide which is why they did it that way. one could extrapolate back and say their entire rebelion was suicide but it doesn't work like that \_ thanks guys, I understand this part of history a lot better now. My question is, why Christians later HATE Roman and Greeks? I am talking about systematic destruction of Roman and Greek knowledge and literatures by the Christian church, and the deep resentment toward Roman Empire as a whole? \_ I'm not entirely sure what period of history you're referring to in this question. After hundreds of years of persecution, the Roman Empire adopted Christianity as its official religion (via Emperor Constantine) and the canonization process of the Bible took place because Constantine wanted an official document for his troops. -chaos \_ the time between fall of (western) Roman Empire and Renaissance. Christian Churchs were systemtically destorying classical literatures. I thought this is a well-known facts. \_ Erm, as I've heard it, the Church and its libraries were what preserved a great deal of literature that otherwise would have been lost. \_ This is only a very small truth. It was Muslims who preserved the vast majority of this work. Sometime later, the Christian church began rediscovering this material, more often than not having to translate it from Arabic. For a good historical fictionalization of this process, check Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose" - the book not the movie. \_ One of those movies ruined by some loudmouth idiot when I was in school and had to wait almost 10 years to enjoy later... sigh. \_ I must've missed the part about Christians hating Greeks, since the Greek church is the Christian church. Maybe you should elaborate upon this. I don't recall the Church destroying the Iliad. \- hello there are significant differences in values and such between the homeric greeks, the golden age of athens [plato, the famous attic dramatists], and the koine period. we dont interchangable use "italians and romans" or "franks and the french". if you are really interested, you can see if this lecture was recorded: http://csua.org/u/6bv although that may be a little hard to follow. --psb \_ it's all greek to me. \_ thankfully not, just skimming it was worth 20% of my final grade in my ancient greece history class. \_ It's all about power. Sure Jesus starts out talking about love, peace, and God, but what happens if he attracts LOTS of followers? Who knows what's going to happen? Revolt and seize Palastine? The Romans dealt with it by knocking off those who they couldn't control or couldn't trust. Those in power under the blessing of the Romans did the same thing. Keep things nice, calm, and stable. \_ Jesus did attract a lot of followers, and Christianity eventually spread through the Roman Empire. On the other hand those who advocated violent resistance against the Romans (equally guilty are the Roman toadies) finally brought the Roman legions to Jerusalem's gates not long after Jesus' time. \_ Christians don't worship Jesus, they worship The Holy Trinity. \_ That is just a BS handwaving excuse to try and disguise the fact that Christians worship a dead human being and do not follow the First Commandment. Christians pray to Christ, put Roman legions to Jerusalem's gates not long after Jesus' time. shrines of Christ in their temples and ask Christ to save them. Trying to claim that they do not "worship" Jesus is hogwash. At the very least they hold up a dead man as equal to God. \_ "One day, a Jewish guy was lamenting that his son had become a Christian. The other one says, funny you should mention it. My son, too. They decide to talk to God about it. God says: Funny you should mention it." --Bob Alper, 59, Vermont rabbi \_ is the quote trying to suggest that God is Jewish? themselves differently? Same with Catholics vs. Christian vs.\ Jahov's witness vs. some other gangs vs. etc \_ Do you like being stupid. \_ Hmm. Two Jewish Guys. Talking to their God.... \_ I'm just confused with this Christian and Jew thing. Don't they worship the same God? If they do, why do they label themselves differently? Same with Catholics vs. Christian vs. Jahov's witness vs. some other gangs vs. etc \_ Yeah, Jews worship God. Christians worship a man. Stop censoring this fuckhead. -goy \_ Christians don't worship Jesus. They worship God and revere Jesus as the son of God. \_ If you haven't studied it, don't claim to know. \_ Why do they all end their prayers with "In Jesus name, Amen"? \_ Because he's revered, duh. They pray to God "Oh most merciful God..." Christians, who twist anything to their \_ Jews and Muslims manage to pray to God own liking. without sneaking some third person in there. Why is that? Because they take God's commandments seriously, unlike the Christians, who twist everything to their own liking. I mean look at this: http://www.ocf.org/OrthodoxPage/prayers/creed.html Number 1 and number 2 contradict themselves. The whole Christian religion is founded on this schizophrenia. [formatd] _/ The Nicene Creed was born out of a conference held to answer the question of what exactly was the relationship of God and Jesus. Was Jesus God taking human form? Was Jesus made by God to teach us? Was he concieved? They wanted to agree on one version and settle controversies. Nicea was basically a big compromise. They decided that Jesus was not God, but was of the same being as God, which is \_ Hmm... "God of God, Light of Light, True God of True God. \_ But there's "Jesus Christ, the Son of God ... being of one essence with the Father" a bit weird. It's like saying they're part of the same thing. Kind of like Jesus is an appendage of God, to get a bit anthropomorphic. \_ The best way to understand the relationship between Christ and God is to read what Jesus says about it in the Gospels. Everything else is just people's interpretations of what Jesus says. \_ Jesus roolz, church droolz. \_ He couldv'e written a man page or something. I hate when the developers don't bother to document their shit. \_ what do you mean? that's the official man page. \_ No. That's a revision history. \_ yea, like from beta to official release \_ I think it's slightly inaccurate. You might want to read John 1. Most theologically orthodox Christian groups follow the Apostles' Creed, which claims that Jesus was fully God, fully human. -chaos \_ The Nicene Creed is used by Catholics and, IIRC, most Protestants, so it's fairly representative of the Christians you'd find in America. \_ Jesus Christ is True God and True Man. Catholics and many other Christians believe this. [so which is worse? people overwriting other people's stuff or motdedit munging the order things are posted so they don't make sense anymore?] |
2004/3/1 [Reference/Religion] UID:12463 Activity:nil |
2/29 somewhere in here is definitive proof of God: http://facts4god.faithweb.com/thelist.html |
2004/2/25-26 [Reference/Religion] UID:12400 Activity:high |
2/24 well, this proves it I guess.... http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0335345/fullcredits \_ Proves what? That the film was made in Italy? \_ That God exists, I reckon. I love that He gets third billing. -phuqm \_ where is this now? \_ It does help explain why Romans weren't harsely judged... \_ yes, that God exists of course... or that Mel Gibson is the most arrogant film-maker on earth. \_ Is that why he made himself into a crucified Jesus figure at the end of Braveheart? \_ They removed the reference. Do a search for "God" under IMDB's people and it shows the artifact of Him being one of the writers for TPotC. people and it shows the artifact of Him being one of the writers \_ Is that why he made himself into a crucified Jesus figure at the end of Braveheart? for TPotC. \_ YES!! I succeeded... after coming across this I submitted a correction to imdb and apparently this listened. -op \_ Is that why he made himself into a crucified Jesus figure \_ I don't see what you're talking about. It sounds like the web page may have been revised? "Aiya!" indeed. \_ they removed the reference... read 9 lines up. \_ link:csua.org/u/668 It used to say Jesus, the Christ and now it says Jesus??? That is it? \_ God is God and jesus is a prophet. Get your religion right. at the end of Braveheart? \_ Christ imagery is common in literature/movies. Cross shapes are handy for stretching people out for evisceration. \_ Credited as writing the novel. It's a silly reference to the Bible as source material. \_ YES!! I succeeded... after coming across this I submitted a correction to imdb and apparently they listened. The system works people. -op \_ if the purpose was to show an actor listed for Jesus, there are lots of IMDB pages like this, e.g., http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0275434 \_ Aiya! Look down a little. See Novel? See Authors? Kids these days. What did you score on the Verbal? \_ I don't see what you're talking about. It sounds like the web page may have been revised? "Aiya!" indeed. \_ they removed the reference... read 9 lines up. \_ link:csua.org/u/668 It used to say Jesus, the Christ and now it says Jesus??? That is it? \_ God is God and jesus is a prophet. Get your religion right. |
2004/2/23-24 [Reference/Religion] UID:12368 Activity:high |
2/23 New Yorker review of Passion of Christ - note that this is a _film_ review people. http://newyorker.com/critics/cinema/?040301crci_cinema \_ "This is the most violent film I have ever seen." Roger Ebert \_ is this really a review or more Gibson bashing? \_ Its a film review. Inherently its one viewer's opinion. \_ Hi, I recommend this site for a realistic perspective: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ThePassionoftheChrist-1129941 \_ So it's basically Sunday church for the Kill Bill crowd, yes? How tempting. \_ Kill Jesus. Vol 1. \_ With an exclusive soundtrack featuring hit songs by your \_ No, it's not a review. He complains that Gibson isn't showing the good bits of Jesus' ministry, but that was never the scope of the movie. It's like criticizing the Lord of the Rings for not showing The Hobbit. \_ must...supresss...rage...about...portrayal of Faramir's character. \_ That's a legitimate criticism of the movie though. You thought the adaptation of the character wasn't good, and the changes in the movie from the events of the book change the character. Gibson is only covering the last day of Jesus' mortal life. He's *not* trying to cover the Sermon on the Mount. \_ nerd, you'll get over it. the rest of us can't even identify the character. \_ Yes, I'm a nerd. Nerds pick apart those movies like crazy, and even though many of us like them, we get pissed about some pretty little details. Those books are pretty important to nerds, but not as important as the bible is to christians. If they react the way nerds did to the LOTR movies, that's probably a good sign actually. Also, the reason you can't remember who Faramir is is that they left out or ruined all of his character development in the movie--that's the point. \_ I can't identify most of the others either. It was mostly a bunch of white guys in beards smacking the bad guys with swords. To say that LOTR isn't quite as \_ *laugh* are you _still_ recovering from abuse in highschool? you're old enough to buy a girl if that's what you need. if you pay her enough you can even get her to tell all your friends she's your girlfriend and not an oakland corner hooker. mostly a bunch of white guys in beards smacking the bad guys with swords. To say that LOTR isn't quite as important to you as the bible is to Christians doesn't paint you in the positive light you think it does. important to you as the bible is to Christians doesn't paint you in the positive light you think it does. \_ Not being able to identify with something and calling someone a nerd for being able to doesn't make them nerds, it makes you an idiot. A hostile idiot to boot, the kind that used to roam high school playgrounds. You didn't grow up either, like most of hostile high school idiots did. Sign your name, idiot, I want to mock you some more in person. -- ilyas \_ woah! you had a playground at your highschool? That rules. drawn between TPOTC and Korn.... \_ Writing credits goes to... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0323689 favorite Christian rock band, Faith + 1! \_ No, it's not a review. He complains that Gibson isn't showing the good bits of Jesus' ministry, but that was never the scope of the movie. It's like criticizing the Lord of the Rings for not showing The Hobbit. \_ Poor comparison. LOTR had a coherent plot. TPOTC keys on the imagery of the blood sacrifice (the climax only). What's the point? Nice people get killed every day by jerks. \_ The point is to present the sacrifice as written. The context drawn between TPOTC and Michael Moorcock's Arioch.... is the Gospels. Read them for the backstory, if you don't know it already. The point is to look at this and say, "He did this for us. Wow." \_ I prefer this version of Jesus's life: http://somethingpositive.net/sp03042002.shtml \_ interesting contrasts between salon's review soundbites (http://www.salon.com/ent/col/fix/2004/02/24/tues and rotten tomatoes' (link above). \_ 'The depictions in "The Passion," one of the cruellest movies in the history of the cinema, are akin to the bloody Pop representation of Jesus found in, say, a roadside shrine in Mexico, where the addition of an Aztec sacrificial flourish makes the passion a little more passionate.' Now _that's_ an evocative review. \_ Mm, mm, good! Blood for the Blood God! \_ Hehehehe, we laugh, but there are tremendous parallels to be drawn between TPOTC and Korn.... \_ Writing credits goes to... http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0323689 |
2004/2/23-24 [Reference/Religion] UID:12363 Activity:nil |
2/23 Who is going to see Passion and why? \_ I will go. Any movie which has Satan speak in Aramaic has to be worth my time. -- ilyas \_ kewl.. i'm going too :) \_ Hmm. I was planning to wait for the DVD, but now I'm thinking it would be fun to go wearing an upside-down cross and eyeshadow. And kind of be a Satan fanboy. I wonder when the licensed action figures and video games come out? \_ I am still waiting for schindler's list action figures. do you know when they will be coming out with those? \_ Schindler's list slash-fiction \_ Can I go with you, ilyas? \_ Sure, come on down to LA. -- ilyas \_ me. at first, i thought it's going to be another boring christ movie, but after looking at its website, i thought it could be interesting, and bring to life what was described in the gospels, how it was really like, at least mel's interpretation and imagination of it. \_ I'm going to go see it so I can dismiss the trolls who post about it (without having seen it) in the weeks to come. \_ wow. how much time/money do you spend a year gearing up for motd flame wars? \_ It's probably worth watching for its historic value, regardless of your religious views. \_ I'll definitely watch it. But I would also watch things like the 10 Commandments, a movie on the life of Buddha or Mohammed or the Dalai Lama \_ Yay, "Little Buddha" and "Seven Years in Tibet"! Hey, does "Bulletproof Monk" count? \_ I may go because I look forward to being pissed off at Mel Gibson. Part of me also wants it to be very controversial so we can rip it apart and show what a crock all this is. \_ DVD will be great, should include all the hoopla and directing and lightning strikes.. |
2004/2/19 [Reference/Religion] UID:12306 Activity:nil |
2/18 http://www.philosophers.co.uk/games/morality_play.htm My score was 51%, meaning I am a moral relativist compared to most people. But I already knew that. \_ 84%. -- ilyas \_ Ah, the truth comes out, Ilya! Funny, I NEVER would have guessed you would have scored so HIGH. No, you? NAHHHH. I got %41 by the way, which I guess just proves once again how much of a Heathen I am. --lye \_ You are not a heathen, your beliefs are just so much more ... flaccid. -- ilyas \_ Better than my beliefs being rigid. Natch! --lye \_ 75% -- I'm probably similar to those guys below but I think there are some cases of "not helping" people that would be wrong. I think the ones where you fail to notify authorities of crimes has some element of wrongness. You'd be allowing others to maybe come to harm. Ditto the one where you notice a machine will hurt someone. Then I allow for the case where if someone was in severe need and you could help at almost no effort, then you'd be an asshole not to. That's not to say that most street people are really in severe need, or that my "little cost" would actually help them. But if someone was lying there bleeding and I had a cell phone I think it would be wrong not to call the police or something. I guess it's hard to separate the moral obligation from the desire. But I look at the moral code as what I'd expect from others in my community. So I think it's ok to define some minimal level of helping that one is obligated to do. (There's also the biblical example where the Moses or someone said not to harm non-Jews, but if one was like stuck in a well, Jews shouldn't lower a rope (etc.). To me that's immoral. Also, seeing someone drop a wallet, I think it's immoral to just take it with no effort to return it. Actually though, the "helping others" aspect is not what that score measures, but rather the degree to which you (don't) vary your principles according to various factors such as relatedness. \_ never heard of this not lowering rope for non-jew thing. are you sure it's a biblical example. in fact it's directly opposite to what jesus teaches in the parable of the good samaritan. \_ 92%. i drew a strong distinction between what i would do and and what i am morally obligated to do. \_ Can you make sure the answer review at the bottom matches what you chose? 92% is the score you get when you close your browser, and visit the last .cgi Success page directly. The script in this case determines all your answers were the first choice for each question. \_ i did review the answers, and they were logged correctly. i take moral obligations seriously, and i try to be consistent in their application. ultimately, i do not believe i have a moral obligation to help others. if i do help, i do because i wish to and not because i have to. \_ Same theme for me. Not sure why there is a discrepancy between our scores. I think maybe they vary the questions a little between each run. -- ilyas \_ to be honest, i don't even know why i was docked the 8%. i thought i was quite perfectly consistent. \_ obtw, i did not choose the first alternative for all my answers. so it is quite possible to answer 'no' quite often and still get a 92%. \_ 55%, though the interesting thing I found was that I am apparently a traitor to my gender. -- ulysses \_ 69% \_ That means you're orally relative. \- that's pretty funny. not as good as "moaning becomes elektra" but pretty funny. 46% btw. --psb \_ The questions are stupid. As christians, we are obliged to help those in need. However, we also need to know our abilities and where they are most useful and most in need, and allocate our resources accordingly. We sometimes are also obliged to stop evil things from continuing. The above two principles should be enough for all those silly questions. \_ Here is what bothers me about Christians. Given their belief system, unless you go off like the hardcore medieval saints like St. Francis, you are basically a hypocrite. I wouldn't be able to live with myself as a Christian, I would either rethink my beliefs or give away all possessions and go help lepers somewhere. If I couldn't do that, I wouldn't really call myself a Christian. -- ilyas \_ You don't need to go back to medieval times, there are many doing it this very day and age. However, to answer your question, yes, Christians should not live extra- vagantly. However, helping those in need is an ongoing life-long thing. Do make sure you can take care of the needs of your wife and kids, and that they are not starving or dropping out of school or becoming drug addicts. Otherwise, you would need others to take care of you instead of you taking care of others. That would not do anyone good. However, yes, Christians should always place the Lord above worldly possessions. If one day the Lord says to give away all your possesions to the poor and follow the Lord, one should be ready to do it. I am not saying it's easy, and many Christians will not be able to do it, but it is what one should strive for. \_ I don't have the will to be a Christian. I would rather be a good agnostic than a bad Christian. -- ilyas \_ That's your choice. But even for Christians it's not through the power of will, but through salvation and becoming one with Christ. It should be full of joy! \_ God won't kill your dragons for you. -- ilyas \_ Yes he does. Being a good agnostic, on the other hand, is a difficult job. \_ I think we have some fundamental differences on the nature of God. As the old russian seminary school joke goes "even God cannot beat an ace with a deuce." Similarly, God can't beat a dunce into an ace. -- ilyas \_ no, God cannot beat an ace with deuce, but he keeps getting aces last time I tried playing poker with him. and yes, he unceasingly beat dunces into aces too, through christ. |
2004/2/18 [Reference/Religion] UID:29819 Activity:nil |
2/17 Mel Gibson - Jesus freak = still attractive? \_ "still"?! \_ Why does someone else's beliefs offend you so much? He doesn't run around shoving them in anyone's face. He isn't trying to get judges to mandate what elected officials won't do. He is a religious man who made a movie that you're not required to see. Before you start in with the ad hominen, I'm a Jew, who thinks Mel's movie is anti-semitic trash from what I understand of it but if that's how he wants to spend his money, he's welcome to. I won't support it with my open wallet but I won't call him a freak either. \_ Based on past experience, I'd rather not say any movie is anti-whatever until I see it for myself. Not that I care about this movie--it sounds pretty boring--but if you do care, I say go see it, then judge for yourself. \_ Well, hell, since you've opened the troll-gate, what about it (from what you've heard) makes you think it's anti-semitic? And how is it more anti-semitic than the Passion Plays that the Catholic Church sponsors around Easter? \_ http://tinyurl.com/244u4 |
2004/2/9 [Reference/Religion] UID:12176 Activity:moderate |
2/9 Serious question (any trollish responses will be deleted): I watched "Nature" on PBS last night. It was an episode on diamonds. They mentioned that Hasidic Jews dominated the diamond business, from New York to Antwerp. Showed a lot of Hasidic Jews cutting diamonds and dealing diamonds, etc. Anybody know how this business became this way? Thanks. \_ If i see you delete one response, I'll kill your whole fucking thread, you asshole censor. \_ Go read the Elders of Zion and the Arab media and you'll have a full and complete understanding of this and other Jewish Conspiracies. \_ This is a shot in the dark but perhaps it grew out of Jews running Europe's banking system in the past because of biblical prohibitions against usury. They were probably the best people at assessing and guarding jewelery. Notice the eytmology. \_ Oh! Oh! He censored a response! Better delete the whole thread now big man! |
2004/1/26 [Reference/Religion] UID:11935 Activity:high |
1/25 How come a lot of Muslim countries hate America? I mean, what is it we did that offended them? \_ Interesting theory (not mine): Arab culture, such as it is, grew up in the last 300 years as primarily a trading one, as opposed to western manufacturing/innovating cultures. Combine this with a religion which has never undergone a serious widespread reformation or set of challenges, and you have the dangerous mix of a large, poor class of uneducated people and a very conservative, stick-in- the-mud clergy. It's easy to whip people up against a simplistic the-mud clerggy. It's easy to whip people up against a simplistic enemy (read 1984?) especially if your religion has the grass roots decentralized nature of islam. Voila, instant foe. Could happen anywhere with those criteria. What I'd like to know is why so many Indonesian and Malay muslims I've spoken to think Arabs are such terrible boors. -John \_ Because Indonesians and Malays have a deeper culture that pre- dates their religion. They have plenty of other things to identify themselves with. Outside of Egypt, the Arabs don't because all they can point to in their past is the Crusades which isn't much to hang an entire culture's hat on. \_ What I want to know is why there was such a regression. In the middle ages, the arabs had a _wonderful_ culture, we got a lot of mathematics, poetry, and other science from them. Are we borrowing anything from the Arabs now? (It's not a rhetorical question, I really want to know). Not to mention the Ottomans, the first successful multicultural state (of course it could be argued the Ottoman Empire was really a secular state, nor was it an arab state). Something happened between then and now, and I don't know terrible boors. -John what it is. -- ilyas \_ Islam happened in a big way. When your entire educational system turns into nothing more than studying the Koran it isn't that hard to see how your people could be passed over. Big time slavery and the suppression of women doesn't help either but I doubt those are major causes. \_ Countries don't hate anything or anyone. People do. Governments are distinct entities from the people in each country. Before you ask why X hates Y, you must decide which X and Y you're talking about. Once you have answered that, any of the following motd answers might be partially or fully correct. \_ US arrogance? Support of Israel? \_ There was a time when Muslim countries were rational, even trying to be democratic. But we turned against them, establish Israel at the expense of Palestinian. We supported 1967 war, and we overthrown Iran's democratic government for some puppet mainly for the oil. These series of events made Muslim countries decided that democracy or human right or what not, ultimately, imperialism trumpt all other western preaches. It is then Muslim countries turned Islam Fundamentalism for solution, as support of western values clearly didn't work. \_ Whoa. Back up. Insert the parts about the rise of Arab Nationalism and the oppressive right-wing regimes supported by the West to oppose the Soviets, and you'll be a lot closer to bringing your comments in line with the truth. Remember that the people in many Islamic countries would love to see a marriage between the democratic ideals of the West and the moral resolve of Islam (e.g., Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, and Indonesia). \_ ok, I was talking abou ARABS ISLAM. So, from that, you need to drop Turkey, Iran, Malaysia and Indonesia. \_ Are you completely insane? Do you know any actual history, or just the sympathetic Palestinian line? \_ You forgot "Why do you hate America?" \_ And both of you guys forgot true history, too. \_ jealousy \_ The Imams would lose power if the contries democratized/secularized, hence they keep their position of power by focusing the poeples' hate on us. The governments do the same thing by pointing to the 'plight of the Palestinians' to distract the populace from the massive human rights violations in their own countries. |
2004/1/23-24 [Reference/Religion] UID:11914 Activity:high |
1/23 I'm not trolling, I'm really curious: What is the reason given by Christians that human life or a soul or whatever happens at conception, and not later, such as late brain development or birth? It's sure not in the bible... \_ Jeremiah 1:5. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" \_ That kind of implies you have a soul before you're even concieved. \_ That's why the Church says condoms are bad? \_ too complicated to explain here on the motd. But that's not the reason. \_ That's why onanism is a sin. \_ Is it a sin if, instead of tossing your sperm on the ground to die in cold, dry misery, you give it a nice, warm home in someone's stomach? \_ But sperm die on their own anyway. And the sin of Onan was that he was denying his brother an 'heir' out of spite. \_ That's how I see it too, but many have interpreted it as the act of wasting your seed outside a vagina. \_ And Mormons believe that the soul preexists our physical existence. When I've talked with traditional Christians about interpretation of that passage, they respond by saying that it just means that since God knows everything, including the future, he could know a future-existing person before he was born. -emarkp \_ So you exist before you're concieved, and if a baby is concieved, it's God's will. And if they're not concieved that's also God's will, but if they're concieved but then aborted, it *wasn't* God's will? That reminds me of how parents will say stuff like "My son is so smart" and then turn around and say "Look what your son did!" \_ Hey, I'm just reporting what people have told me. -emarkp \_ From God's perspective, God knows what happens. But from our human perspective, we still have free will. It's still our choice. God doesn't force us to choose good or evil. It's free will. \_ Pre-ordained free-will. Cool paradox. \_ Yeah, free will is so pesky.. \_ Depending on your philosophical axioms, free will may or \_ Depending on your philisophical axioms, free will may or may not be contravened by foreknowledge. -emarkp \_ Let's send a rover to the planet Kolob! \_ Kolob is a star, not a planet. Get better sources. -emarkp \_ Sorry, planet near the star Kolob. \_ We don't know if there are any planets near the star Kolob. -emarkp \_ I'll stop reading Bruce McConkie then. \_ Well, keep in mind he presents his opinion as his opinion. However, on rereading, you can read Kolob to be a planet or a star. My bad. star Kolob. -emarkp \_ I'll stop reading Bruce McConkie then. -emarkp \_ what's your definition of a traditional Christian? \_ Typically I mean non-Restorationist Christians. Catholics and Protestants mostly. I haven't had much interaction with Orthodox faiths. Granted, I don't have -emarkp a full survey of those faiths, but have discussed this point with members of many of them. -emarkp point with members of many of them. -emarkp \_ http://tinyurl.com/2tb77 \_ Either way, if it has a soul, souls can't die. So no problem. "Go directly to heaven. Do not pass go, do not collect $200." \_ but they haven't been baptized yet, so maybe they won't go to heaven. \_ that God, he's a vengeful one. he'll throw you out on a technicality. \_ not necessarily. we can't say for sure what he'll do. but why risk the salvation of souls? \_ I thought only a hundred odd thousand souls were getting into heaven. And they've already been chosen, since god is all-present and fore-knowing. And that \_ something I heard from some jehovah's witnesses. I'm paraphrasing... and he's pretty ironic, so who knows what he actually believes. go to heaven. \_ that God, he's a vengeful one. he'll throw you out on a technicality. \_ not necessarily. we can't say for sure what he'll do. but why risk the salvation of souls? Prince is one of them. Damn. I'm going to be stuck burning in hell and he's going to be up in heaven rocking out all the ladies. \_ Why do you think that Christianity (a minority religion on this planet) is the right bet? \_ did it come from one of his songs or is that one of his "beliefs"? \_ something I heard from some jehovah's witnesses. I'm paraphrasing... and he's pretty ironic, so who knows what he actually believes. \_ Yeah, for all we know you're damned unless you die \_ Yeah, for all we know you're damned unless you die wearing a green top hat. I always wear one. wearing a green top hat. I always wear one. \_ believe what you want, but we'll all know the \_ http://www.op.org/steinkerchner/fenwick/cccbaptism.html \_ believe what you want, but we'll all know the answers when we die, and we'll have all eternity to contemplate what we could have done differently \_ If they're Catholic, they get to wait in Limbo. \_ wait for what? answers when we die, and we'll have all eternity to contemplate what we could have done differently \_ only if there is an eternal afterlife. \_ are you a gambling man/woman? Do you want to bet on your eternity? \_ Why do you think that Christianity (a minority religion on this planet) is the right bet? \_ if "not taking the chance" is the core of your faith and beliefs then it seems unlikely that you're going anyplace other than Hell. I suspect "pragmatic faith" is not the route to Heaven. \_ If they're Catholic, they get to wait in Limbo. \_ wait for what? \_ until their souls are cleansed and they can then go to Heaven. \_ http://www.op.org/steinkerchner/fenwick/cccbaptism.html \_ just wait. nothing in particular. \_ wait for all eternity then. \_ Pretty much: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09256a.htm \_ Faith and logic/reason. |
2004/1/15-16 [Computer/SW/Apps, Reference/Religion] UID:11796 Activity:nil |
1/14 The Bible as IRC chatlog http://www.ircbible.destrukto-theater.nl |
2003/12/25-26 [Reference/Religion] UID:11589 Activity:nil |
12/24 Your boy Dean is now a fundamentalist Christian! It's so great how he can be whatever he needs to be instantly for any audience. The guy is the ultimate chameleon candidate. BTW, anyone have any idea what he's trying to hide in his sealed Vermont records? link:csua.org/u/5dh from http://boston.com \_ Ah, so "fundamentalist" means believing in Jesus and God and going to church occasionally. Ok, whatever, buddy. \_ I didn't bother reading that but he always did talk about being Christian in candidate Q&A's etc. I doubt you'll find him thumping bibles etc. \_ If you read the link you'd see his latest transformation into bible thumper and according to his own quotes in the link which you failed to read he has kept his religion and personal life quiet and personal until now. |
2003/12/10 [Reference/Religion] UID:11392 Activity:high |
12/10 If you're following the news, you know that the major religions differ in their interpretation of the holy books. For example, one way to interpret God's will is that you should love your neighbor. An alternate reading of the holy books might lead you to rig a donkey cart with small mortar rockets and aim it at a hotel full of infidels. In summary, po-tay-to, poh-tah-to. \_ They say to love your fellow clan neighbors. As for Others, you can slaughter them up and down the Jordan, cuz his name is The Lord! \_ Wait...you mean, organized religion is bunk? Holy shit!!! What a fucking revelation, dude! Like, pass the bong and stuff. \_ The Holy Books are full of garbage. Go East young man. The problems of class warfare, clan warfare, and hunger predate judeo-christian philosophy by a LONG TIME. Your Holy Books are like the dumbed-down copy of Dianetics you see in the checkout line. \_ dumbed down? dumbed down? insult christianity and judaism all you want, but if you're going to say that they're dumber than scientology that's just too much. At least mohammed had a good command of his own language and some leadership skill. Hubbard was just a two bit con man. And also, there are some good and some bad people in the Big Three western religions, whereas I've never met a scientologist who wasn't crazy. Read the Turn of the Wheel, by Phillip K. Dick. \_ Judaism is very very old. Also, the important bits of Judaism are not written down and are only passed down orally. -- jew |
2003/12/5 [Reference/Religion] UID:11321 Activity:nil |
12/4 I've always found it ironic that anti-god enviormentalist types sound so darn religious. http://csua.org/u/55a \_ Dude, don't be so damn dumb. A lot of environmentalists are religious. In fact, many of the pioneering environmentalists went out of their way to _justify_ their beliefs with religion. Not everyone fits into a neat little box like you want them to. \_ No! NOOOO! Do not you bring logic or facts into this! \_ God hates the environment. He also hates poor people. Poor people are poor because God is angry with them, like AIDS people. \_ what does anti-god, environmentalist, and religion has anything to do with each other? |
2003/12/4 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:11318 Activity:high |
12/4 Maine teacher sues over school board curriculum that prevents teaching about non-Christian civilizations and religions, e.g. ancient Greece: http://www.pressherald.com/news/state/031204teachersues.shtml \_ Maine SAD1's Superintendent speaks out on the charges: http://www.sad1.k12.me.us/supt-statement.pdf To wit, 7th and 8th grade curriculum focuses on European and US History, while World History is relegated to 9th grade. Cole teaches middle school. Supe claims that Cole is welcome to broach non-Christian topics so long as they apply to topics set aside for each grade. \_ Thanks for the response. I wouldn't say this settles it, though. Time will tell but if the charges are as baseless as the superintendent seems to believe, the lawsuit will be dismissed out of hand. For the teacher to go through so much trouble, there may very well be something going on here that we don't yet know about. It is true that more and more school boards across the country are controlled by fundamentalist groups, and are using their position to dictate curriculum. \_ what will be ironic and sad is if the conservative agendas of school choice and religion in school are both of school choice and religion in the school are both idiot kids who were put in schools with a medieval curriculum by their barbarian parents. I think this may well be where we are heading. \_ So the ancient Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Celts, etc. were not in Europe? How about native American cultures in the USA? yet know about. pushed to the point where there is a vast underclass of idiot kids who were put in schools with a midaeval curriculum by their barbarian parents. |
2003/11/17-18 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29638 Activity:high |
11/17 Top US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, dismissed the new Saddam message as "a voice from the wilderness". Doesn't Paul Bremer realize that the phrase is usually used to refer to John the Baptist and prophesies of the coming of Jesus the Messiah? Are Neocons all fake Christians? (restored, unfortunately the followups were lost) \_ hi troll! \_ Ok, I'll bite--JtB got his head cut off, his boss got nailed to a telephone pole, their followers got fed to giant cats by effeminate Italians in dresses. Case in point, we did a Bonnie & Clyde on Uday and Qusay, the little thugs, so now there's only dad left to go. What exactly is your point? -John \_ Come to think of it, Bush Jr. is about as cartoonish as Nero the Roman Emperor. \_ Come to think of it, Bush Jr. is as cartoonish as Nero the Christian killing Roman Emperor. And that's about where your silly analogy ends. \_ Open the eyes of Christians to the true colors of the neocon ideologues. |
2003/11/16 [Reference/Religion] UID:11093 Activity:nil |
11/15 I read that Jesus was a Jew. Can anyone explain this? I don't know much about religion. TIA. \_ Christ is accepted by Christians as the first coming of the Messiah, the son of God. The Jews view him as another prophet (eg. Abraham), not the son of God. The \_ Um, no. The Muslims accept him as a prophet, but most Jews accept him as a rabbi, not a prophet (and neither the Muslims or Jews accept him on equal footing with Abraham). Jews (and Romans) had Christ crucified because his doctrine \_ Umm, no. The Jews did not crucify Christ. This is FUD used to justify anti-semitism. \_ What you say is true, but misleading. The Jews did not crucify Christ, the Romans did, but they were carrying out Jewish law and will when they crucified Xt. The crime Xt was crucified for was blasphemy, a crime in Jewish, not Roman, law. See Matthew 26-27. I do agree that this, unfortunately and unfairly, has been used to justify anti-semitism. \_ what you say is true but misleading. Jesus' death is far more complicated than Pilate simply following Jewish law. it would take hours to explain in person. a single passage in M26-27 doesn't cut it. life is never that simple. the reality is that Jesus was asking for it starting with the donkey ride into the city which was a known prophecy for the Coming and getting under the skin of every powerful person he came across and always doing or saying the thing that was most likely to get him killed right up to his death. he could've left the city at any time in the week before his death but didn't, even though a child could've seen the consequences of his actions. or we could just say the Jews killed Jesus and all hate the Jews and be done with it. that's the easy way out. \_ Fair enough. My main point is that it's not effective to say the original statement is false because it has been used to justify anti-semitism. The original statement has some truth to it (though, as you point it it is much more complicated), and it has unfairly been used to justify anti-semitism. \_ The Jews chose between Christ and and a thief, the chose to crucifiy Christ. No need to sugar-coat it or make excuses. \_ christ christ christ christ fuck fuck fuck fuck maybe you should take a long hard look at your dumbass faith. do you really think your god cares if you post his name to the motd? does that actually make sense to you? \_ What are you talking about? I'm not Christian. \_ You pathetic abject atheist. Nothing but a shell of hedonistic addictions. Sorry, but the West you live in is the living embodiment of monotheistic, primarily Christian, dogma. The West has prospered because of these tenets, not in spite of them. But of course you are too smart... and claim was heretical in their view. In the very early days of Christianity only Jews were allowed to convert Christianity, however after Jesus's death the apostles spread the gospels to gentiles. He was viewed by his non-believing contemparies as a Jewish prophet. \_ Before Christ, the Jews and the Christians were one. The word of God was with the Jewish people. Jesus Christ was born practicing the Jewish religion. Jesus was even circumcised. Christ went to the temples, read scriptures, and was a loyal Jew, because the word of God was with the Jewish people, passed down through Abraham (today's Jews and today's Christians both value Abraham, Moses and others very much). Later, after Christ's death, some Jews didn't believe Christ was the Messiah. However, many (including non-Jews, the Gentiles) converted. The people who converted and believed that Christ was the Messiah are called Christians. In the Christian Bible, the "Old Testament" and the Jewish Holy Books are virtually identical. \_ The New Testament is actually very short, and you could read just the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) and the book of Acts pretty quickly. There are free copies of it online and just about anyone can give you a hardcopy free. |
2003/10/29 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:10833 Activity:moderate |
10/29 http://www.pmw.org.il/new/tv.html In particular: http://www.isratv.com/video/3c.asx http://www.isratv.com/video/2b.asx http://www.isratv.com/video/2a.asx \_ What is the point of posting this stuff on the motd? If you're in neee of an intelligent discussion, then you must know there are much better places. And if you just want another flamewar...how utterly boring and predictable. The csua motd truly has sunk to new depths of stupidity. \_ oh yeah, where? in discussion groups on the net at large there is a dominant ethos and everyone else is a troll or heckler. on the motd there is no dominant ethos. I've learned *a lot* from being opened up to ways of thinking different from my own on the motd that I would never have learned from participating in some one-sided love fest on a discussion board where i agree with everyone. If you haven't learned anything from those who you disagree with, it's your loss. \_ Oh, its the "I've-learned-a-lot-from-the-motd-guy." You should setup housekeeping with "UCLA-CS-guy" and "freeper-guy" and the ChiCom troll and make babies. \_ This is Zionist propaganda - Jews control the world!! Actually I've told by expat Syrians, Armenians, etc. that many of the suicide bombers have mental problems and are heavily recruited by PLO, Hamas etc. because of their vulnerability. \_ Uhm... Armenians? How did they show up on this thread? \_ Well they do border Iran and Turkey. |
2003/10/26-27 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:10795 Activity:high |
10/25 http://www.sptimes.com/2003/10/26/Columns/Anti_Semitism_s_globa.shtml So if Jews control the world, why didn't I get the memo? I want to know where to signup for my piece. I'd like something with a beach and friendly natives to keep the drinks flowing and the food fresh. Thanks! --Salary slave Jew who stood in the wrong line \_ you lose. you are not really one of the 12 tribes. \_ I don't think you understand how it works. EVERYONE who was born of a jewish mother is a descendant of the 12 tribes. Now most people don't KNOW what tribe they belong to... but that's a different story. -- Jew \_ does that count for mothers who converted too? \_ no because she's definitely not one of the 12 tribes. if she can prove a connection to starbuck, apollo, or lorne greene then she can appeal to the elders of zion. \_ So Sammy Davis Jr isn't a chosen one? \_ Hey I'm totally from one of the 12 tribes. None of this lost battlestar galactica 13th tribe funny business for me! I just want my piece of the world! Is one small beach and some friendly natives so much to ask when the rest of my people are running the whole world? --op \_ Sorry, we don't have your piece of the world. You are asking the wrong people. asking the wrong people. And thanks for your insulting patronization of us natives. \_ I think Mahathir is still pissed that George Soros screwed his country during the Asian financial crisis. \_ if your country got fucked half as hard, you would of tossing nuclear warheads instead of just bitching about Jews |
2003/10/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:29584 Activity:nil |
10/20 To the "athiest" who wants an honest response from a Christian regarding religion and faith: Are you an athiest? or are you searching? I believe that determining whether there is a Creator can be done through reason. \_ I'm glad you have faith in that assertion, because there's no other way to establish it! Now to determine God's nature, or whether Jesus Christ is God requires some faith. For those who are searching, good for you. Even though I am a Christian, go ahead and do look at the other religions. See what makes them tick, and try to understand each. Of course, since I have faith that Jesus Christ is God, I would like to introduce you to the Faith. You may accept it. You may reject it. It is up to you what to do with that information. I do hope that you do look at Christianity with an open mind, even if you do look at other Religions. We can discuss by email if you wish. \_ Unfortunately, Christianity and imperalism are inseperable. Even today, I can see elements of White Man's Burden when I look at these missionaries and their mindsets, even though Christanity's orgin has nothing to do with caucasian nor race. Instead of focusing on things like creation of Universe, try to look at the not-so-gorious aspect of history, i.e. time between fall of Roman Empire and 1500 A.D. Until you understand why people hate Christians, don't try to convince them to join your camp. \_ are you the same person discussing way down below or a different person? \_ It's not me, that's for sure. -- agnostic (weak atheist) \_ I encourage you to keep on searching among the different religions. I do hope you get a good representative to represent Christianity. There are many different "Christian" categories too such as Catholicism and different Protestant sects. And even among them, more liberal, or conservative members. \_ and, of course, they're each the One True Way. \_ Christians do look at the creation of the Universe. Very definitely. It shows God the Creator. Jews believe that the Messiah is still coming. As for Christians, they believe the entire time is part of God's salvation history. Jesus Christ is but one part of the entire truth, IMHO. \_ That's kinda a moot point, unless you're talking about Catholics. Most Christian religions believe that was a time of apostacy, when the church was corrupt and the truth could not be taught. \_ I agree. as an athiest, i view protestant religions as evil idiocy and catholicism as an evil cult. that's an important difference. \_ are you trying to create some devisiveness between Catholics and Protestants? \_ Best. Oblivious-to-the-obvious. Troll. EVER. \_ So how do you explain pre-Christian Roman imperialism, or Chinese imperialism, etc. ? \_ The statement "Xianity and imperialism are inseparable" would be better phrased "Xianity implies imperialism." The proof that the inverse is not necessarily true is left to the reader. \_ What you have, is at best, a weak correlation. Early Christianity flourished under Rome's prosecution Christianity in Korea flourished under Japan's (Shinto) rule. Pressures from British missionaries and churches were key to ending the opium trade in China (against British business interest). Pre-Islamic expansion Christianity in Africa has nothing to do with imperialism. Imperialism deeply affected Asia, Africa and the Americas, but thhe only place were I see a significant corelation is the Americas, and the Filipines. \_ ObTroll: Rome and Japan were merely fighting the imperialistic infection of Xianity in their respective spheres of influence. That Xianity was viral and grassroots in these cases changes nothing about the imperialistic dreams of its proponents-- they were simply far-sighted in their ambitions to bring about the Kingdom of God. \_ You actually think that the motive of the Dutch and British East India Companies is to bring about the Kingdom of God? Ha, what a joke. \_ You actually believe that Japan killed tens of millions of Chinese, Koreans, etc. to preempt Christianity? \_ Pressures from British missionaries and churches were key to ending the opium trade in China? I thought the monarch was the head of the church there. \_ Ah, but am I permitted to reject your god? Christian sects are rooted in evangelizing. It is not enough that they are Christians, everyone must be. They must be converted to the Christian god. Some people really find that irritating. \_ Yes, you can reject God. But duh, of course we're going to share our relationship with God. It's not relativism. It's what we think is true. |
2003/10/21-22 [Reference/Religion] UID:10717 Activity:nil |
10/21 Mohammed Rosenberg was here. |
2003/10/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:10709 Activity:high |
10/20 To the "athiest" who wants an honest response from a Christian regarding religion and faith: Are you an athiest? or are you searching? I believe that determining whether there is a Creator can be done through reason. Now to determine God's nature, or whether Jesus Christ is God requires some faith. For those who are searching, good for you. Even though I am a Christian, go ahead and do look at the other religions. See what makes them tick, and try to understand each. Of course, since I have faith that Jesus Christ is God, I would like to introduce you to the Faith. You may accept it. You may reject it. It is up to you what to do with that information. I do hope that you do look at Christianity with an open mind, even if you do look at other Religions. We can discuss by email if you wish. \_ I'm glad you have faith in that assertion, because there's no other way to establish it! Now to determine God's nature, or whether Jesus Christ is God requires some faith. For those who are searching, good for you. Even though I am a Christian, go ahead and do look at the other religions. See what makes them tick, and try to understand each. Of course, since I have faith that Jesus Christ is God, I would like to introduce you to the Faith. You may accept it. You may reject it. It is up to you what to do with that information. I do hope that you do look at Christianity with an open mind, even if you do look at other Religions. We can discuss by email if you wish. \_ Unfortunately, Christianity and imperalism are inseperable. Even today, I can see elements of White Man's Burden when I look at these missionaries and their mindsets, even though Christanity's orgin has nothing to do with caucasian nor race. Instead of focusing on things like creation of Universe, try to look at the not-so-gorious aspect of history, i.e. time between fall of Roman Empire and 1500 A.D. Until you understand why people hate Christians, don't try to convince them to join your camp. \_ are you the same person discussing way down below or a different person? \_ It's not me, that's for sure. -- agnostic (weak atheist) \_ I encourage you to keep on searching among the different religions. I do hope you get a good representative to represent Christianity. There are many different "Christian" categories too such as Catholicism and different Protestant sects. And even among them, more liberal, or conservative members. \_ and, of course, they're each the One True Way. \_ Christians do look at the creation of the Universe. Very definitely. It shows God the Creator. Jews believe that the Messiah is still coming. As for Christians, they believe the entire time is part of God's salvation history. Jesus Christ is but one part of the entire truth, IMHO. \_ That's kinda a moot point, unless you're talking about Catholics. Most Christian religions believe that was a time of apostacy, when the church was corrupt and the truth could not be taught. \_ I agree. as an athiest, i view protestant religions as evil idiocy and catholicism as an evil cult. that's an important difference. \_ are you trying to create some devisiveness between Catholics and Protestants? \_ Best. Oblivious-to-the-obvious. Troll. EVER. \_ So how do you explain pre-Christian Roman imperialism, or Chinese imperialism, etc. ? \_ The statement "Xianity and imperialism are inseparable" would be better phrased "Xianity implies imperialism." The proof that the inverse is not necessarily true is left to the reader. \_ What you have, is at best, a weak correlation. Early Christianity flourished under Rome's prosecution Christianity in Korea flourished under Japan's (Shinto) rule. Pressures from British missionaries and churches were key to ending the opium trade in China (against British business interest). Pre-Islamic expansion Christianity in Africa has nothing to do with imperialism. Imperialism deeply affected Asia, Africa and the Americas, but thhe only place were I see a significant corelation is the Americas, and the Filipines. \_ ObTroll: Rome and Japan were merely fighting the imperialistic infection of Xianity in their respective spheres of influence. That Xianity was viral and grassroots in these cases changes nothing about the imperialistic dreams of its proponents-- they were simply far-sighted in their ambitions to bring about the Kingdom of God. \_ You actually think that the motive of the Dutch and British East India Companies is to bring about the Kingdom of God? Ha, what a joke. \_ You actually believe that Japan killed tens of millions of Chinese, Koreans, etc. to preempt Christianity? \_ Ah, but am I permitted to reject your god? Christian sects are rooted in evangelizing. It is not enough that they are Christians, everyone must be. They must be converted to the Christian god. Some people really find that irritating. \_ Yes, you can reject God. But duh, of course we're going to share our relationship with God. It's not relativism. It's what we think is true. |
2003/10/20-21 [Reference/Religion] UID:10694 Activity:high |
10/19 Has anyone ever heard of "The Landmark Forum"? My friend has strongly recommended that I attend their classes. I have heard of mostly good things about it. However, I think they might be bias. Anyone here has any experiences and/or comments? \_ I have had, at current count, six of my friends go through Landmark or one of its equivalents. My conclusion is that it's "mostly harmless". They've all gone through the same stage of intense enthusiasm followed about a year or two later by retrospection. I think it is very cult-ish and their focus on parents is monocultural hocum but it did really help some of my more stressed our friends find a kind of grip on everyday life and made them easier to hang around with. -- ulysses \_ Before or after you clubbed them in the head a few times? \_ After. --ulysses \_ http://www.100megsfree4.com/apostate \_ It's just "est", repackaged under a different name. - danh \_ est. 70s-80s era self help movement with odd cultish aspects. The founder fled the country and then his brother took over and renamed it 'The Landmark Forum'. I remember reading about a lot of Microsoft employees who were into it which made me happy. go read http://skepdic.com/est.html - danh \_ Eastern Standard Time? \_ Electric Shock Therapy! \_ The father of a girl I dated was a speaker for this and really into it... it always seemed like a bit of a crock to me... I found this to be an interesting account of one session: (albeit from a jesus freak) http://tektonics.org/est.html btw, her father's name was "Alan Cahn" (mentioned in the article) \_ A cult is a cult is a cult. If that's really your friend you would do something to help them escape. \_ A friend of mine went. She loved it. She thought it was the answer to life, love, and everything. She then started getting all her friends to go to help them (even if they didn't want helping). When she tried to get my g/f to go, my g/f finally relucantly agreed. My g/f was asked to not attend again when she kept questioning everything they said. Sounds like a cult (or at least a pyramid scheme that feeds on peoples low self-esteem) to me. If it does help people, great, but not everyone needs to be helped!! \_ If people want spiritual help, why can't they seek out the local church instead of going to these new age nonsense? Jesus is the one true God. Jesus will help you and save you. Put your faith on Jesus and no one else. \_ I just love you guys! \_ I thought the Nicene Creed said Jesus was NOT God? \_ Of one being with the father. \_ How about you actually try to explain that? The whole son of god, is god, dying somehow affecting sins, etc.? \_ Talk to the Pope. This is the motd. \_ are you honestly curious or just trolling? \_ I'm trolling. Because they can't explain it. None of it makes any sense whatsoever. The only way to accept it is to just shut off your brain. The same idiots watch that "crossing over" garbage. Yeah, people's dead relatives have nothing better to do than pathetically attempt to communicate trite health advice and whatnot. \_ the only reason i'm helping you now, zaphod is that i can't bear the thought of you and your disreputable freinds slouching around up here... \_ I loved it. It was much better than "Cats." I'm going to see it again and again. \_ I thought the Nicean (sp?) Creed said Jesus was NOT God? \_ I believe in God and Jesus Christ. I do not believe in John Edward's Crossing Over. There is a level of faith which you need to have (God). right now, maybe you just don't understand or do not have the Faith yet. Nothing wrong with that right now. Just hope a good person can introduce you to it all. \_ Ok, I'll bite. I'm one of the few real atheists here who isn't offended by Christians telling me i don't *yet* have Faith. I don't care that you wish others will find the same Faith as you. The same can be said of the Linux crowd and they're much more obnoxious about it and smelly as well. What I don't understand is why do you assume that others will, in time, come around to your way of thinking as a matter of fact? Perhaps some of us have our beliefs firmly grounded in our own self exploration and will *never* come around your way. And why your way? Why not any of the umpteen other major and minor religions and philosophies on the planet? What gets me about the religious is that all of you take it on faith that your way is the one true way but none of you have any reason to believe so beyond old hand-me-down stories and books or scrolls that have either been retranslated a few dozen times or we can barely read the langauges of today. What's up with that? I hope you're a real Christian and not someone mocking it because I'd like to get a real response. \_ So, who introduced you to the atheist religion? -- agnostic \_ atheist, agnostic, whatever. they're essentially the same thing. what do you call someone who believes god may or may not exist, that we may or may not be able to find out whether or not he exists, and that even if he does and we do, he probably doesn't concern himself too much with us anyway? \_ It is not essentially the same thing. An agnostic is someone who does not have enough information to comment on the existence of God. An atheist is someone who believes he does (but doesn't). I am very surprised people confuse the two. As far as philosophical commitments, atheism is closer to theism than agnosticism. -- agnostic \_ Nice explanation. -mice \_ Oh bullshit. Yes, it's true that one cannot prove the nonexistence of something. Especially something that is defined to be "magical". But you either believe it or not. Agnosticism says it's unknowable. But it is as knowable as anything else. You don't lead your life based on irrelevant possibilities for which you have zero evidence. So for all intents and purposes, you are atheist. You just cling to the agnostic label like a spineless weasel. The absence of evidence is evidence of absence, prima facie. Good enough for a court of law. \_ Agnosticism doesn't say God is unknowable. Agnosticism says there isn't enough information at the moment. Maybe one day that will change. For someone who argues against agnosticism you know very little about it. Personally, I treat both possibilities (God/No God) very seriously. I am also surprised you are resorting to name calling. I don't understand what about my beliefs you find offensive. I don't find you offensive, merely overcommitted. -- agnostic \_ most atheists are most likely special-case agnostics. \_ No they are not. Agnostics and atheists are fundamentally different. Agnostics (correctly) do not jump to conclusions. Atheists and theists do. \_ What kind of proof are you looking for? \_ the belief/religion of relativism.. a belief that there are no absolutes (such as relativism) is very absolute onto itself.. \_ I have basically given up trying to talk to people about this. Whenever I have, in the past, it invariably had two possible out- comes. 1) getting angry and cutting off any discussion or 2) the person ignores all the specific details of the religion and just talks about feelings etc. They completely just accept without question all the details based on this generic spiritual feeling, and can't dissociate the two. _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ WEEEEEEE! From http://m-w.com: Etymology: Greek agnOstos unknown, unknowable _/ Definitions vary. How are you so sure what agnostic means? For someone who claims to be agnostic, you don't seem to know much about it. Here's a little site that's kind of cogent: http://atheism.about.com/library/FAQs/ath/blathq_athorag.htm Go look at the history of the term. I find it irrelevant. I am convinced there's no god, although obviously if one came along I'd have to change my belief right? But a biblical-style god is among the least believable things I can imagine. Alien life is more believable, although I have no direct evidence. And you are an atheist unless you believe in god. \_ Do you believe the existence of a spiritual realm? \_ Very well. If you think atheist = !theist, then agnostics are a subset, although that's not a very meaningful definition. If you think atheist = !god, then agnostics are not a subset. I like the latter definition. My dictionary and my friends agree with me. \_ Fine. But that stuff about being overcommitted is silly. I don't believe in Santa Claus. Do you have an opinion? What's the practical difference anyway? Are you afraid that the hypothetical god would be pissed if you aren't always careful to stipulate to people that you don't know "for sure"? |
2003/10/9 [Reference/Religion] UID:10553 Activity:nil |
10/9 Egypt's new neoliberalism: http://mondediplo.com/2003/09/03egyptislam |
2003/9/28 [Reference/Religion] UID:10356 Activity:nil |
9/28 The jews are at it again. Why can't they just leave the Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians alone to do their own thing and provide the electricity their people need to advance? http://csua.org/u/4jk |
2003/9/10 [Health/Men, Reference/Religion] UID:29527 Activity:very high |
9/9 Why isn't penile circumcision on minors illegal? They are being subjected to ritualistic cosmetic surgery without any form of consent, especially in the case of infants. I mean seriously. There is legal paranoia about so many things why not this? \_ Because you're a troll \_ http://dir.salon.com/mwt/feature/1998/10/26feature.html \_ Kill the Jews! \_ I was cut and am not a Jew. \_ But I'll bet you know one! Kill the Jews! \_ Ok I'm convinced. let's start with you. \_ Kids are not capable of consent. Parents make their decisions for them. That is the way the world works. --dim \_ therefore if parents want to mutilate them, it's OK? Get a clue. \_ How about earrings? Should girls have to wait until 18? --dim \_ Parents should not wantonly pierce their kids against the kids' will. If the kid wants a piercing, more power to them. -tom \_ The point here is that the kid has no power of consent. Whether they want a piercing or a tattoo is not relevant. \_ You don't understand the concept of consent. The kid can't "consent" to a tattoo withour their guardian's consent--but that doesn't mean the guardian can consent for them. -tom \_ actually, yes, it does. \_ Do you think parents should be allowed to tattoo and pierce their young children? They may not have legal consent, but they have rights. \_ Yes, they should be allowed to unless the act can be demonstrated to be cruel or unusual. That's what this hinges on. Is circumcision cruel and unusual? One side says it is and the other not. Most people (as with earrings) think it is not. \_ umm. they're doing you a favor dude, how many girls wanna you know what to a uncircumsized weanie. \_ I'm a little ignorant here, but are there health issues for or against circumcision? Also, I knew Jews get circumcized, but what about Catholics, Mormons, Christians, and Moslems? Buddhists? \- you dont know whether moslems are circumcized? --psb \_ It's a very "American" thing to do. In most cases religion has nothing to do with it. It's societal. \_ Religion (Christianity) has a lot to do with what is considered "American". It is of religious origin. \_ Not really. Certainly nothing life endangering. One could also say we should chop off kids' fingers because they use them to pick up bottles of poison. \_ It is easier to keep clean and cancer risk is lower but it isn't like you'll die sterile at age 24 if you're not. It's like jogging. You're better off if you do but if you don't, hey. \_ Hindus do not believe in circumcision. \_ Circumcision pics: http://www.cirp.org/library/procedure/plastibell \_ But sensitivity is relevant premature ejaculation. \_ My mom put me thru all these when I was 11 in Hong Kong. \_ It reduces sensitivity, which means that teenage boys might be slightly less of horndogs... maybe this will make them better in bed, maybe worse... \_ Bullshit. Americans are not less horny than Euros for example. Sensitivity is irrelevant to horniness. \_ But sensitivity is relevant to premature ejaculation. \_ Prove it. \_ You feel better, you cum earlier. Isn't it? \_ how do you know it's not just "you feel better"? \_ More than sensitive enough to cum a few times a day. --cut guy \_ I had a circumcision like 2 years ago due to a medical condition where my foreskin started losing its elasticity. I got my dick stuck, and had to go to ER. After that, the doctor told me I need to circumcize. It wasn't a fun experience. \_ My dad had a circumcision when he was 50-something. |
2003/8/29-2004/2/14 [Reference/Religion] UID:12248 Activity:very high |
2/13 Has anybody ever heard of an "Evidence Bible"? I saw one on the desk of my accountant, and it kinda freaked me out. Should I be freaked out? \_ From Amazon: The Evidence Bible is the New Testament + Psalms & Proverbs in the KJV. Throughout the entire Bible there are quotes from every revivalist you can think of in addition to some from well known scientiest. This Bible has the answer to any question - Athieism, evolution, dinosaurs, etc.. Great for skeptics & so awesome for street witnessing. So it sounds like you accountant is an Evangelical Christian. evolution, dinosaurs, etc.. Great for skeptics & so awesome for street witnessing. [formatd] So it sounds like your accountant is an Evangelical Christian. Whether or not that should freak you out depends on whether he evangelizes to you, and what kind of things he's accounting for you. \_ God told me Brother Oral's ministry needed your money more than the government. \_ It probably does. \_ yermom's oral ministry is pretty cheap though... \_ No. God loves you and will clean up the sin from your life as you trust him through continuous prayer and Bible reading. As for the trustworthyness of the Bible, I've been digging for 4 years now, and the more I dig, the firmer the foundation gets. Issac Newton was a serious Bible scholar who trusted every word. You can also. |
2003/8/28 [Reference/Religion] UID:29507 Activity:very high |
8/28 "Only one in five Americans approve of the federal court order to remove the Ten Commandments monument..." Just trying to understand this side of the argument. Do people really think it doesn't violate the Constitution's church and state issues, or are they Christians who wouldn't mind the endorsement? \_ Atheist here: I think it doesn't violate the Constitution at all. \_ They're just stupid. \_ Yes, anyone who disagree with your viewpoint is just stupid and should be killed. \_ Yes. I am convinced their opinions would be no different even if it was something more overt like a big ol' Jesus-on-crucifix statue. \_ I want the version that looks like a hippie, bleeds every hour (with the EZ self-cleaning option), and the removable sword-in-the-side PLUS random vocalizations of His (editted for Conservative POV only) word \_ nice. \_ *buzz* <drip> <drip> Do unto others *zz* as the Lord God would do to you <drip> *zzz* (squirt-squirt-squirt) \_ Someone just needs to put a statue of the pope in a courtroom. Either we'll get some separation of church and state or this country will finally admit to being an Iran-like theocracy. \_ In God We Trust \_ What we need is to make Unitarians the official state religion. -- ilyas \_ No we don't. -mice \_ Why does this violate the Constitution? Does it violate the Constitution that our money says "In God We Trust"? If Michaelangelo had painted a Sistine Chapel-like ceiling in that court house would people protest? It's art. --dim \_ Don't forget Sacramento, San Francisco, the President in sworn in with a Bible, the USSC has Moses with the 10 commandments on the building, etc. - the 'wall' has no historical or judicial basis earlier than the 1950s \_ Neither does "In God We Trust." If you're so sure about your faith, you won't mind keeping it the hell out of federal buildings. \_ So does that mean that statues of Themis (Greek goddess of Justice) should not be allowed because they are religious in nature? --dim \_ If you feel this way enact policy through the legislature or referendum. \_ I think there's a difference between a vague platitude on a coin versus Christian trappings in an actual courtroom. Not that I personally want the coin thing. \_ Judeo-Christian trappings. The point is that old Roy had the thing placed in a very conspicuous location as if to to say, "What are you gonna do about it?" This is much more in your face than "In God We Trust." \_ I believe in the Reeses' peanut butter cup theory of state and church. The problem isn't when your religion is in my government, it's when your government is in my religion. \_ You can't pick and choose. If one is not ok then neither is "In God We Trust" on *every* dollar bill. The degree of visibility should make no difference and frankly I see cash much more often than I see a big chunk of rock in \_ Blah blah blah. some random southern courthouse. The money should be changed before the rock if visibility is your standard. \_ Perhaps some view the First Amendment from a historical vantage: Justice Rehnquist's Dissent in WALLACE V. JAFFREE (1985) http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/971381/posts As an aside, the amendment reads 'Congress shall make no..'- the key word being Congress. \_ Oh, there he goes again. Haven't you already been swatted, fly? \_ I'd respond to intellectual rebuttal of the points made in the dissent. \_ Hey, I'm into the slaveowner thing too, but I don't constantly bug the motd about it. \_ What? You're a Southern Democrat? Huh? \_ In another letter, to Rev. Samuel Miller on Jan. 23, 1808 Jefferson stated, "I consider the government of the U S. as interdicted by the Constitution from intermeddling with religious institutions, their doctrines, discipline, or exercises. This results not only from the provision that no law shall be made respecting the establishment, or free exercise, of religion, but from that also which reserves to the states the powers not delegated to the U.S. Certainly no power to prescribe any religious exercise, or to assume authority in religious discipline, has been delegated to the general government. It must then rest with the states, as far as it can be in any human authority." This was written six years after Jefferson's 'wall of separation' letter. |
2003/8/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:29417 Activity:high |
8/20 Public museums that house religious artifacts are unconstitutional \_ url? \_ Drat. There goes the Declaration of Independence. \_ hmm. time to load up on ammo -Arnold \_ They are taking God away from us! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/3169013.stm |
2003/8/16-17 [Reference/Religion] UID:29374 Activity:kinda low |
8/16 Idi Amin, R.I.P. We'll miss you, buddy! --U.S. State Department \_ god save politicians god save our friend the pigs god save idi amin, and god save ronald bigs! |
2003/6/20 [Reference/Religion] UID:28778 Activity:nil |
6/19 Related to the God thread below. When I was in the dorms, I debated many times with my roomate on why asians shouldn't worship western religions. Why go around worshiping a white guy (Jesus)? He tried to rationalize it by saying that God is not white and Jesus was darked-skinned, etc. Truth is, nobody knows what Jesus looks like and 99.9% of all pictures of Jesus shows a white guy with blond hair and blue eyes. Then he tried to backpedal and said he doesn't worship Jesus but worships God. And God is not human. Then I called attention to one of the basic teachings of christianity: Trinity. Jesus is the son, the father, and the holy spirit. He stopped talking to me after that and thinks I'm some sort of wacko. I have yet to hear a good reason why non-whites should worship a God that chooses appear as a white guy. Anyone? \_ I'm not a christian, but my understanding is that Jesus is only a representation for the ideals of the religion (love, ect). If this is true, then Jesus being white is irrelevant. \_ No white man should worship a god that isn't a H0T A2N CH1X. \_ You asians have already been assimilated into Western culture... so give it up, we've already won. \_ oh yeah.. the 3% of hte U.S. population that's Asian is really representative of the world. \_ In Christian Theology God is beyond the humans and the angels. Jesus (the son) however is human (see the third temptation). The relationship between God (the father) and Jesus is akin to the relationship between Dr. Soong and Data. Dr Soong is is father and creator while Data is the son. Different type of life, but still related. BTW, millions of Asians follow buddhism and worship images of the buddha? After all he wasn't Asian, he was Indian and since he was a prince most likely Aryan (Caucasian). |
2003/6/17 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:28747 Activity:nil |
6/16 Last question on Israeli/Palestinian issue. This is a question \_ Hah! Haha! Hahaha! for those who are in support of Israel: One of the justification for the Israel is that it is a land promised by God. However, based upon my limited knowledge, God has promised a land which is a lot a lot bigger than the current Israel even if Westbank AND Gaza Strip are included. My question is 1. Are majority of Israeli desire to claim the rest of the promised land eventually? 2. For those American / American Jews who support of Israel, would you support Israel if Israel use this as an excuse initiate invasion of, let say Jordan, Syria and other neighbors so the promise in the Bible can be fulfilled? \_ TROLL! \_ I would imagine that a vast majority of Israelis do not have the extreme viewpoint of the whole Promised Land justification. They just want peace. \_ TROLL! \_ Cmon now. Like any faith they will interpret or ignore the facts to fit their 'word of God'. 1. No, the settler types are few, maybe just over 100k, and are viewed as fringe. Israel is a very secular country on many levels, don't make the mistake of thinking that Israel's "jewishness" is all about religion -- jewishness is a complex mix of ethnicity, culture, and religion. Most Israelis are not religious. 2. Learn English. --aaron \_ You are down playing the role of religion on this. Hate to say this, but the way Israeli evicting Palestinians are pretty similar to the way Nazi evictings Jews just a decade earlier. Their main "justification" for it *IS* that it is "THEIR" land promoised by GOD. Further, if religion is not an issue, then, why Israel want Jerusalem so bad? -- OP \_ You know, it's sad enough already that Godwin's Law pops up so often, but it's even more pathetic when people start trolling just for the sake of starting an argument in which they can (yet again, sigh) prove it. -John \_ TROLL! |
2003/6/13-14 [Reference/Religion] UID:28725 Activity:very high |
6/12 Enough people have seen the Matrix 2 already right? What do you think happened near the end? How was Neo able to destroy those sentinels outside of the matrix? My pet theory is that nobody is outside the matrix. There is a larger matrix that they're all still in. \_ I haven't seen the movie, but that's just the kind of stupid sophmoric shit i'd expect from it. -phuqm \_ <Keanu voice> WHOA \_ wow that's deep. \_ Deja vu! \_ your pet theory is everyone else's initial theory. seriously, \_ if that's everybody's first reaction, then the real reason must be something else. The writer/directors aren't that lame. I bet they want a suprise ending for part III. everyone i've talked to, that's the first idea that popped in their minds \_ Read _Flatland_ by Edwin A. Abbott: http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~banchoff/Flatland "My Lord, your own wisdom has taught me to aspire to One even more great, more beautiful, and more closely approximate to Perfection than yourself. As you yourself, superior to all Flatland forms, combine many Circles in One, so doubtless \_ Platonic Forms? http://www.philosophypages.com/hy/2f.htm \_ It doesn't even have to be that there's a larger matrix. The machines could've just start modifying itself to make them think that they left the matrix but never did. \_ Deja vu! \_ It's kinda lame that the machines put the humans in a virtual world with technology. Why not stick them in cavemen times? \_ Longer lasting batteries in a "modern" setting. there is One above you who combines many Spheres in One Supreme Existence, surpassing even the Solids of Spaceland." \_ Shut up ilyas. \_ Uh... what? You motd people really don't know me that well... The last 3 or 4 times someone guessed something was from me .. it wasn't. -- ilyas \_ What's this defamatory, "you motd people" thing? Who the hell do you think you are to lump us all together under some ugly label? \_ smart \_ Yeah like wow! No one else could possibly have thought of that! I'm sure there aren't hundreds of fanboi sites out there saying the same thing! YOU ROCK! LINUX ROCKS! BIKING ROCKS! ED ROCKS! ROCKS ROCK! \_ do i detect a hint of sarcasm? \_ Good old rock. Nothing beats that. \_ Paper beats rock. \_ Do you have absolutely zero sense of humor? I thought so. \_ A lot more than you do, apparently. \_ more isn't necessarily better. -phuqm \_ Don't you get it yet? Neo == Jesus + Superman. He can do whatever he wants whenever he wants where ever he wants. \_ Jesus loves me, yes I know, for the bible tells me so. \_ oh yeah? if he's so super powerful in the matrix then why can't he just turn it off, or zap all the fbi-clone guardians guys instead of running away, or teleport instead of flying around? \_ Just like Jesus could have kicked the ass of romans right? Strange and mysterious are the ways of the lord. \_ Just like God was nowhere to be found when Hitler was exterminating the Jews eh? The Lord works in mysterious ways indeed. \_ What do you mean God was nowhere to be found? He sent the mighty American war machine to crush Hitler. \_ He was just testing their faith, right? \_ God can't intervene in everything. Otherwise we are but puppets. When God gave us free will, it includes the free will to commit \_ speak for your own penis. \_ But I'm thinking of you. evil. \_ This is why you guys should stop touching yourselves. \_ But when I do, I'm thinking of you, baby. \_ I love how most of the replies have nothing to do with the Matrix :) \_ Matrix == Monsters, Inc. http://discover.npr.org/rundowns/segment.jhtml?wfId=1297967 |
2003/6/9 [Reference/Religion] UID:28674 Activity:high |
6/8 A friend attends a church called the Church of Christ, Scientist. Is there a difference between this and Scientology? If so, where does the Church of Christ, Scientist fit in the rest of the Catholic/Protestant/Unitarian/I-Agree-With-Paul hierarchy? Serious question. Thanks. -- unreligious guy \_ Christian Science is very different than Scientology. Scientology has nothing to do with Christianity, Christian Science is just one of the more different offshoots of Christianity. They're the ones that believe, despite the name, that modern medical science is bad, and prayer is the only valid treatment for illness. \_ two different founders. L. Ron Hubbard for Scientology, Mary Baker for Church of Christ Scientist. \_ I've always wondered if there was any association between Christian Science and the Christian Science Monitor. -!op \_ mary baker eddy founded Church Of Christ, Scientist and the newspaper the Christian Science Monitor, scientology and members of the church of christ scientist (christian scientists) Have absolutely nothing to do with each other. - danh |
2003/6/7-8 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:28666 Activity:nil |
6/7 http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/07/national/07DEPO.html?ex=1055563200&en=85b98a6079118552&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE Dubya is deporting 13,000 Muslims who came forward to sign up for his registration list who have no ties to terrorism. \_ Yes but hes giving them each a free pig as consolation. This story was written by Blair no doubt. \_ Racist! |
2003/4/3 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27964 Activity:high |
4/2 http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2003-04-02-freedman_x.htm Don't blame Jews for this war \_ I blame the Jews in West Palm Beach who voted for Pat Buchanan. \_ blame canada \_ Shut your fucking face, unclefucker \_ So I keep hearing how the Jews own the media and the banks and the government. Someone forgot to tell me where to sign up to get my share! --jewboy |
2003/4/2 [Reference/Religion] UID:27954 Activity:very high |
4/2 Why do people believe in Feng Shui? \_ Why do people believe in any religion/superstition? A: Because people are morons. \_ That's what I thought. But there must be some sodan out there who believes in Feng Shui who can try to explain why. -op \_ Why they believe in it? Why does anyone believe in any religion? In most cases because they were raised on it. \_ feng shui, as an interior design principle, isn't superstition. As a religion, it's silly. \_ Because it is effective and correct for all types of design. \_ Because it's an effective tool for all types of design. \_ Any set of principals can be turned into a religion if you adhere to them unthinkingly. Or, they can become advice to consider if you take them as simply observations from someone who has thought about a problem. \_ How can you really respect Feng Shui as a religion when it doesn't have any cool action flicks about it? One good Hong Kong movie like "Ikea Feng Shui Master: Meatballs and Bjorket Chairs of Flaming Death" could push it over the top. \_ Ikea the Scandinavian furniture store? \_ if you have to ask... \_ Because when they tried it, it brought them good fortune. |
2003/3/27 [Reference/Religion] UID:27875 Activity:nil |
3/26 "Escaping Submission" http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Printable.asp?ID=6034 |
2003/3/26 [Reference/Religion] UID:27865 Activity:nil |
3/26 Hypothetical question: how many of you would convert to Islam if there's a giant sandstorm that buries ALL the advancing US and British troops in Iraq? \_ never. if they beat the American fighters, i'll fight to the death here, or move to a neutral country. \_ I don't think you got my point. A giant sandstorm would be a natural disaster. Allah intervenining the muslim world would say. \_ ok, or you could interpret that as the christian god taking revenge on people who call themselves christians and commit evil acts. \_ Soda conservatives would be jumping on right now if they could get out of paying taxes. \_ Too late. I'm atheist. Bring on the hate... \_ A sandstorm? Like we can't afford shovels for the army? WTF? \_ weather: see storms. no precipitation. I just hope our troops know to plant a thumper when they cross open desert. |
2003/3/26 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:27848 Activity:nil |
3/25 These are the true inheritors of the Babylonian Empire and they are responsible for all of the technological advances made in the Muslim world since 700 AD. Its interesting because some consider Hammurabi's Code of Laws a progenitor of Magna Carta. Persecuted for centuries, Iraq's Assyrian Christians once again wary of their future http://www.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/getarticle.pl5?eo20030227a2.htm |
2003/3/25-26 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:27842 Activity:high |
3/25 Want to learn the truth, the *real* truth about what's going on in the war, Greater Palestine, and the Muslim world in general? http://www.arabnews.com and link:english.aljazeera.net They're a bit slow but that's only because so many people have found an alternative to the lies you're being fed. \_ You know, I was always taught to suspect anyone claming to peddle "the *real* truth" about anything. -John \_ You know that this is actually posted by an anti-arab trying to show how stupid arabs can be. \_ Hm I thought it was being posted by someone trying to show how stupid arabnews and al jazeera are. -John \_ I posted this comment before and it was instantly deleted. "Al Jazeera" is Arabic for "Fox News." \_ Because your comment was opinated drivel and based on nothing. If you backed it up with some facts you \_ What's the need? The Muslim world has been at a standstill for 700 years. Nothing has changed. Pedophile camel jockeys on flying carpets. It's obvious the world would be better off had the Muslim never existed. \_ Whas da need? Da Muslim wold has been at a standstill fo seven hunned years, sheeit. Nuffin' has changed. Pedophile camel jockeys on dem flying doodads. Fosheezy, da world would be better off had the Muslim never been up in the club, damn straight. \_ Spoken like a true Papist. \_ Then prove me wrong with some facts, pagan. would stay on the motd longer. \_ It is what it is. Read the URLs and come to your own conclusions. It doesn't matter what the OP intended. \_ [racist content free troll deleted] Look if you cannot figure out a way to make your point without using racial epithets, you are going to keep getting it deleted. \_ You don't seem to be in such a hurry to delete anti-semitic rhetoric. \_ I'm the one who deleted the racist troll. I'm pro-Israeli and a Jew. I deleted it because it was a racist troll and added nothing to this thread. \_ Post all the rhetoric you want, just avoid the camelf*cker routine, all right? \_ This isn't much of an excuse, but whoever that anti-semitic asshole is has only done the "blame the jews for everything" routine, while the anti-moslem asshole is openly advocating their extermination. I delete both when I see them, but more promptly if it's hateful, rather than just stupid. \_ Don't know about http://arabnew.com, but Al Jazeera is considered quite independent from the Arab governments. \_ Ah, the passive voice. "is considered". By whom exactly is it considered anything? I consider Al Jazeera garbage 'news' and propaganda. Next time why don't you say "... but Al Jazaeera is considered garbage 'news' and propaganda" in the future instead? |
2003/3/11 [Reference/Religion] UID:27658 Activity:nil |
3/11 It's all about the Jews, again. The dirty big nosed evil war mongering genocidal hate filled Jews. Kill whitey, then the Jews! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A7832-2003Mar10.html \_ See what happens in America if you are willing to speak openly about these things? |
2003/2/26 [Science/GlobalWarming, Reference/Religion] UID:27546 Activity:nil |
2/26 What have the Muslim countries contributed to the world in the past 500 years? In art, science, music or any other field. I can't think of anything. So what exactly are these extremists embracing? \_ Religion? Getting the west to butt out of their region and stop telling them how to run their countries? \_ the exact same thing christian or jewish countries have contributed (either a lot, or nothing, depending on what your bias). \_ We landed a man on the moon in the year 1755. The west had to wait 200 years to do the same. Of course, our glorious achievement was brutally suppressed by the white man's press and was therefore never fully recognized. |
2003/2/10-11 [Reference/Religion] UID:27363 Activity:high |
2/10 Any familiar with the Bible here? Do all the quotes in http://www.biblesexstories.com really exist in the Bible? Or are they just pranks? \_ Try reading the damn thing yourself. Yes, they are in the Bible. \_ http://www.biblegateway.com \_ They are there, but interpretations differ for some of them. \_ http://www.thebricktestament.com/genesis/cain_and_abel/gn04_01a.html \_ The stories he talks about ARE actually in the bible, however, the interpretations he writes are mostly pretty off. Mainly because he has no understanding of anchient hebrew culture, and doesn't actually know what's going on. \_ What other interpretations can there be for someone making her father drink wine and laying with her father and preserving his seed and then baring a child by her father? \_ Notice I said "mostly." That one is acurate, but notice he doesn't do much interpretation at all on that one. I was more refering to "Abraham and Hagar" and "David and Johnathan." \_ Ah, I remember my first bible sex story. It was given to me by Father Michael, and came wrapped in brown paper. |
2003/2/2 [Reference/Religion] UID:27283 Activity:nil |
2/2 Why are self-professed religious people so prone to getting angry and sad? Aren't all their worries taken care of by the man upstairs? \_ you've got the causality backwards. they got into religion in the first place because of their emotional problems. \_ Big man upstairs wants them angry and sad, obviously. |
2003/1/28 [Reference/Religion] UID:27223 Activity:very high |
1/28 if you are discriminating against races, you are being racist ... what are you, if you are discriminating against religions ... sectist come to my mind, but i'm pretty sure there is a better word for it ... \_ zealous? evangelical? \_ intelligent \_ No, you're closed minded and stupid. I'm the ultimate atheist. I have never believed in any sort of divinity, magic, other planes, or anything else of that nature. I have absolutely no problems with people who do so long as they don't force it on others and it keeps them happy. I'm opposed to self destructive religions which push suicide, mutilation, mind control through traditional brain washing methods (captivity, drugs, etc). Let them be. Don't make atheism _your_ religion. \_ secular humanist although that pertains to nondiety "religion" against traditional religions \_ rationalist \_ these are not parallel to "racist"--"racist" implies favoring one race over another, or over all others. I'd say the word you're looking for is "religious". -tom \_ nice. \_ Nice and stupid. Really, it's pathetic. Someone can be religious, and yet not preferring one religion to another. \_ you're stupid. really, you're pathetic. give an example of being religious and not preferring one religion. then try to convince me that's at all typical. \_ Dalai Lama, and almost all buddhists. \_ do you think buddhists would describe themselves as "religious"? \_ you're wrong. buddhists prefer buddhism. i fully understand hindusim/buddhism and "different paths" etc. but the fact of the matter is, that judaism and christianity are explicitly not compatible with buddhism, even if buddhism is compatible with them. \_ To be discriminating is not always a bad thing: 1 a : to make a distinction <discriminate among historical sources> b: to use good judgment \_ atheist, while having a core meaning of "not believing in god(s)/the supernatural", has a further connation of one who discriminates against those who believe in god(s) argues with those who believe in god(s). Another connation is one who thinks godlovers are stupid/misguided. |
2003/1/21-22 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:27180 Activity:very high |
1/21 Second try: what church building/organization do you church-goers attend for worship? For example, "First Pres Church of Berkeley" or "First Congregational". No, I didn't nuke the original post; someone else did. \_ Thai Buddhist Temple - services are from 10 am to around 2pm. Bring about $6 for a good session. \_ http://csua.org/u/833 (in oakland) \_ Do you know an obnoxious obese guy named Jeffrey there? \_ No, I know a skinny girl named Colleen there. \_ some may be afraid to say because they will be attacked here. \_ Good point. I don't mind anon answers. \_ Speaking of which, anti-Christianity seems to be common here. But do you notice anti-Jewish, anti-Islam, anti-something else sentiment in the motd? \_ No because that won't be politically correct. \_ Post a link about Israel and the Jew haters crawl out from under their rocks. \_ A lot less people would be anti-Christian if Christians didn't proselytize so damn much. \_ Israel is a country. Judaism is a religion. Idiot. \_ Oh, I'd say there's almost as much anti-Semitism here. But then it's stylish to be an anti-Semite. \_ The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: . \_ Not Christianity. \_ Why are you asking? Are you looking for a church? \_ Just interested. I go to FPCB. \_ FPCB: . \_ Raelian Church (for the orgies): . \_ Jesus has only one church. hint: it wasn't built by men \_ What's the answer? \_ It was built by women. Big Breasted Norse Teutonic women who fell deer with their bow hunting skills, clad only in a fur pelt and a belt for their daggers. \_ Shit no! You're a complete fucking idiot! *EVERYONE* knows they wore chainmail bikinis! DUH! \_ What, you _like_ scar tissue? \_ Maybe in YOUR Blockbuster-censored, Brittany Spears pop G-rated world they did.. |
2002/12/25-26 [Reference/Religion] UID:26907 Activity:high |
12/25 merry hannukah! \_ jesus killer. \_ Making this comment implies you to be a Christian. Take heed of Matthew 7:2 "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." \_ Weak troll. |
2002/12/18-19 [Reference/Religion] UID:26850 Activity:very high |
12/18 Watch "Muhammmad: Legacy of a prophet" on PBS tonight at 9pm. \_ Why? \_ So you can taunt Muslims and know what you're talking about. It works well with Jews and various cults of Christ too. \_ So if I watch this cartoon I'll be able to taunt Christian cultists? You mean like the Catholics? What exactly do you consider a 'cult' vs a 'real' religion? -!christian \_ They are all cults in the end. Some are just bigger. \_ Learn about how Islam is a friendly and peaceful religion and the West is evil and ignorant and must be destroyed. |
2002/11/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Reference/Religion, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:26566 Activity:very high |
11/15 how do Freepers like the Left Behind books? \_ What a "Left Behind" book? --!freeper \_ Bunch of religious-oriented action/adventure type novels apparently written around the apocalypse. Lots of hype in the press around it recently. I read some excerpts, and the writing quality is pretty abominable (as opposed to most other action/adventure type novels). I think it's mainly a case of targeting content at a certain demographic group, i.e. giving the plebes what they want to read. -John \_ I'm a Christian. I'm one of the ones who gives money to the Church (from an earlier topic). I do not like the "Left Behind" books: that kind of apocalypse story doesn't interest me and I agree the writing quality stinks. The movie version's got Kirk Cameron, so it's gotta be good, right? \_ conservative != christian necessarily. It's a political ruse used by the left. \_ bullshit. The reason the two have been lumped together is that the vocal, annoying christian minority, the kind that loves the left behind books, is overwhemlingly republican. Add to that the fact that the current repblican leadership is practically wallowing in it's fundieism and it becomes hard NOT to link the two. -aspo \_ A implies B does not mean B implies A. Did you graduate? From Cal? I already knew they'd let any idiot in but do they let any idiot graduate? \_ Well said. \_ Not really. Not even if you're grinding the same axe. \_ Neither Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Howard Stern, Dr. Laura, nor Larry Elder, are Bible believing Christians. Is banning partial birth abortion so evil? \_ Look, I'm not saying if you are conservative you have to be a christian, raving or otherwise. I'm saying the reason many people equate the two are because of the actions of a very vocal and strong compenent of the republican party, the party most people associate with conservative values. Don't blame "the left" for this misconception, blame those that have wrapped fundementalist christian agendas into the republican party line. -aspo \_ "most associated" by who exactly? the leftist agenda driven pseudo mainstream press? yeah thought so. Just how much acid, pot, and whatever does it take to get to where you are now? just curious. \_ the term partial birth abortion is pretty inventive, go read http://csua.org/u/599 . yes i realize i have no hope of influencing the poster of the above. - danh \_ if partial birth abortions are so rare and so necessary than would you object to a ban on PBAs except in cases where it is medically necessary? \_ so you're just the secularly righteous type? \_ True atheist (not the nutty religion hating type) and true conservative here. We exist. Thanks for noticing. -!op |
2002/9/9 [Reference/Religion] UID:25819 Activity:nil |
9/7 Re: truth of bible (see below) Is it true that Mary begot Christ in a virgin birth? Does this qualify as human cloning? My Israeli friends tell me that christ is the bastard product of Mary with one or one of many Roman soldiers. Should I believe them or the bible? \_ Nautius Maximus, his name was...promised her the known world. \_ ObYerMom: It's true that a bunch of soldiers raped yermom, oh wait, no, she did it for money. \_ troll? I don't understand why people are biting on the "how true are the stories in the Bible" troll. \_ duh, obviously its a troll. that doesnt mean it isnt fun. \_ Um, current technology allows virgin birth without cloning (hint: in vitro fertilization). |
2002/9/9 [Reference/Religion] UID:25818 Activity:high |
9/7 Is it true that Nietzsche killed God? \_ I don't think he did. He did do yermom, though. \_ The real question is: did yermom do God? \_ My god! yermom is the virgin mary! that makes *you* christ! \_ No, it's: God is dead. --Nietzsche Nietzshe is dead. --God \_ Leave it to the motd to supply drunken dormie wisdom. |
2002/9/9 [Reference/Religion] UID:25813 Activity:high |
9/8 Will someone please wipe the motd and all the religious overtones? \_ no. -God \_ God has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place in organized religion! |
2002/9/8-9 [Reference/Religion] UID:25810 Activity:high |
9/7 how true are the stories in the bible? \_ You've got to be kidding asking this on the motd, right? \_ xenu will get you if you believe in the bible \_ none of them are true \_ There's likely some truth to them in the general sense. Example: it is 99.9999% likely that a 30 year old man who was the son of a Jewish carpenter was a prophet and had followers and got his ass crucified. Did he drive the demons from a man into a herd of animals and then run them off a cliff? Unlikely. \_ look at it this way, Islam and Judaism also recognize Abraham, Joseph, etc etc. These religions didn't branch off till later but the fact that 3 religions have the same records in the beginning really says something. \_ Yeah. Two of them forked from the third. By this reasoning rumors that are repeated enough become true, regardless of the truth of the original source. By the way, people are saying that giving me money prolongs your life. \_ you've got to have the hair. it's all about the hair. just ask dogbert. post a jpg of your hair in /csua/tmp/ and mabye you'll get rich. \_ I've got great hair. You must have faith and send money to my paypal account to be saved. \_ If the 3 religions have the same records independently, then it is significant. But how can you be certain there was never any interaction among the people of these religions? \_ Uh, there's no doubt Islam and Christianity were direct offshoots of Judaism in that sense. World Religions 1A. \_ I know that. So that invalidates the previous poster's statement that "the fact that 3 religions have the same records in the beginning really says something." \_ I was agreeing with you. \_ A bit OT, but check out The Sins Of Jesus; it's by some Berkeley physics prof. As a novel it's rather poor, but it suggests some interesting theories-- like why did Moses turn a staff into a snake instead of performing some more logical miracle? (A: because it was a trick that was performed commonly in Egyptian courts at the time). He also explains the parting of the Red Sea like this: if a bunch of slaves escape, they'll assume the pharoah will chase them, but the pharoah can just assume they'll die in the desert. The Israelites see a mirage of water closing behind them and think "Our creator has saved us!" when in fact there was no chasing army at all. \_ I had Muller for physics, I missed a lot of the lectures but I remember the one when he said some student of his gave him death threats because of that book. \_ I had Muller for physics too. Great lecturer. Pretty good researcher. But his book is nuts. It flat out contradicts the Gospel accounts in several places. Basically, it's a solution looking for a problem. \_ definition: miracle 2. Specifically: An event or effect contrary to the established constitution and course of things, or a deviation from the known laws of nature; a supernatural event, or one transcending the ordinary laws by which the universe is governed. \_ 4. The occurrence of a CSUA male getting laid (not by yermom). |
2002/6/27 [Reference/Religion] UID:25225 Activity:high |
6/27 If the media did their job and actually included a history of the Pledge of Allegiance with their reports on the decision, the uproar would be a blip from Gary Bauer or Pat Robertson. --scotsman \_ If they ever did their job, if they ever could have done their job. ||| THE 'UNDER GOD' PHRASE was inserted in the Pledge of Allegiance because of a McCarthy-era campaign by a right-wing Catholic group, the Knights of Columbus. The KOC is now deeply involved in anti-abortion campaigning by the Catholic Church and was once an important supporter of the notorious Legion of Decency, which censored American films and was the source of the phrase "banned in Boston." So not only are the words "under God" clearly religious, they have their origins in the theocratic maneuverings of one particular religion. Ironically, until recently the Catholic Church did not consider Christian fundamentalists covered by the very phrase they today so loudly champion. The theology of salvation by faith alone was anathematized by Rome. |
2002/6/27 [Reference/Religion] UID:25220 Activity:very high |
6/27 The phrase "under God" in the pledge was an artifact of McCarthy era paranoia over the "atheist Communists." Removing it, finally, takes it back to the author's initial intent. The pledge had been around for 62 years, through two World Wars, before it was changed. The uproar surrounding this decision is utterly ludicrous. --scotsman \_ oh is it? then be sure to remove any G-d related words from our currency and courthouses. \_ Er.. Yes. It is. And yes, they should. Read a little history. Read the constitution. Oh, and sign your name. --scotsman \_ Why the hell not. The time is ripe for that, too. \_ As if the communists of the 50s really weren't out to destroy this country. Read some history. \_ Are you defending McCarthyism? I suppose you're going to say the Holocaust didn't happen either. \_ And believing in God helps you with this problem... how? \_ The suit will be tossed out. All you god-fearin' folks will be safe from the evils of atheism. This is really a big non-story. The guy who brought the suit should teach his daughter to do what the creationist folks do. Walk out until they are done. |
2002/6/27 [Reference/Religion] UID:25216 Activity:very high |
6/27 Can a decision by the Supreme Court be overruled or appealed, in any way? \_ no. the jedi do their bidding, and they provide order in the galaxy. \_ Congress can override via legistation. Don't they teach government in HS anymore? \_ uh, no, congress can override via constitutional amendment only. don't they teach government in HS anymore? -tom \_ In reality the supreme court would say a law is uncon. in some very specific way for some very speicific reason and thus further legislation, crafted around that point, can yield *not* the SC (thank god). the same originally intended results without running afoul of and the god ban doesn't take affect for several the earlier SC ruling. That being said, the 9th circuit is *not* the SC (thank g-d). \_ are you allowed to say "god" on the motd? \_ god has no place within these walls, just like facts \_ 9th circuit only affects the 9 most western states, and the g-d ban doesn't take affect for several god god god god god god god god god god god god! hah! months, giving the government a chance to appeal, and if necessary appeal to the supreme court. \_ are you allowed to say "g-d" on the motd? \_ g-d has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place in organized religion! \_ I'm allowed to say whatever tom says I'm allowed to say. g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d g-d! hah! \_ Back where I come from consitutional ammendments are viewed as legistation. |
2002/6/16 [Reference/Religion] UID:25112 Activity:nil |
6/16 Crusade Propaganda http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment-madden110201.shtml |
2002/5/28 [Reference/Religion] UID:24961 Activity:nil |
5/28 Jews launch their own spy satellite. No one is safe now. <DEAD>library.northernlight.com/EC20020528100000066.html?cb=0&dx=1006&sc=0#doc<DEAD> \_ Sign your posts so that we know whom to laugh at. -alexf \_ yeah, as if it's as good as Lockheed's Kh-12 builtin Sunnyvale for the US \_ you are forgetting that 1/6th of Israelis are Muslim or Christian, pay taxes, vote, and have representation in parliment. This comment is about the same as saying 'Christians wage war...' etc with the US in Afganistan or elswhere. \_ neither the US or afghanistan were founded on the premise of a state for those of a certain religion. Israel was founded on such a premise. \_ The US wasn't founded on the premises of native Indian nations of certain religion(s)? |
2002/5/2-3 [Reference/Religion] UID:24684 Activity:very high |
5/2 Don't forget to pray: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/04/20020426-2.html \_ I like the stuff about "In the year of our Lord." I like that inclusive part of Our Christian Nation. I think I'll burn a cross today. \_ i'll just pray for the democrats to come up with a real candidate for 2004 so we can get this neandrathal motherfucker \_ It's telling that you can't spell this, but can spell motherfucker. out of office. \_ How about a candidate (anyone, dem or rep) that will stand up and say NO to foreign aid. FUCK the foreign aid to Israel and Egypt. FUCK THEM ALL! They want to kill themselves, go ahead. the US doesn't owe them jack shit. \_ Ah, to be blissfully ignorant of international dependencies. \_ Just be prepared for the occasional 767 flying into a densely occupied and important skyscraper. \_ Sorry, I'm still burning a cross. Maybe a flag too. I'm out to offend people right now. \_ The teaching of Christ and the Bible are evil, what a HORRIBLE foundation for modern society. A much better mantra: do what feels good and assume no personal responsibility. \_ Yeah.. it's too bad christians, to a person, continuously miss the point of the teachings of christ, making hedonism seem a valid alternative. \_ Exactly, thats why you should let other dictate how you think and act, especially the press, Europe, and the U.N. \_ Wow. You completely missed _my_ point as well. \_ If someone doesn't "get" your point you must consider that maybe it's your fault for lacking clarity and not entirely the reader's fault. Your followup sure didn't clarify anything. \_ Not that this needs to be stated, but... you're an idiot. \_ http://www.tshirthell.com/insensitive.htm if you really are serious about offending people \_ What happened to separation of church and state? \_ Nothing in particular. They still have an opening prayer in Congress. What's up with all you stupid ignorant fucks who think this country has always had some magical line between religion and government thicked than your skulls? It's a myth, a fantasy, a delusion created by liars, the ignorant and the psychotic. You don't even know what the principle of separation is about. It has zippo to do with Bush talking about God. \_ It's in the 1st Amendment. Nat'l Prayer is establishing religion. \_ Oh nonsense. The President talking about God in some random speech is not the instituting of National Prayer or a National Religion. Take it to alt.conspiracy. And oh yeah, here's the FULL TEXT of the 1st amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Ignorant fucking hippies.... \_ there has been a slow erosion since WWII. The "under god" portion of the Pledge of Allegiance is new too (1954). \_ So is "In God We Trust". The original motto was "E Pluribus Unum", but that was changed in the 50s. \_ Slow erosion of what? You're nuts. Here's a quote from the God Damned Declaration of Indepence. It's the very first line, btw: "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." Hey did you catch how those old dead white dudes snuck in that evil stuff about G-d??? Really scary stuff! Wowzerz! Who knew? And oh my G-D!!! There's another mention of the Creator(!!!) in the very next line!!! I need a new country and I need it now! http://www.religioustolerance.org/nat_mott.htm \_ hey moron, the Decleration of Independence has NOTHING to do with our government. Nada. \_ Yeah it was only written by most of the same folks (dead rich white wasp men) who wrote the constitution and bill of rights. Yeah, nothing, uh huh. \_ The Declaration of Independence has no i other people shove their religion down my throat. laws in it. The government is made of laws. Think of the DoI as sort of a "mission statement." And take a intro to law class, please. You rube. \_ The founding fathers concept of "Nature's God" was completely different from the post WWII Christian God that has steadily been working its way into our government. The founders were also very keen on keeping the Christian God out of our gov (there isn't a single mention of god in the constitution) and they would have not have been happy with the current state of events. \_ You could not be more incorrect. On what *facts* do you base this assertion, or is it your 'opinion'. Everything you wanted to know about the intent of the original founders is in the Federalist Papers and other writings. You can try to twist history to your liberal secular agenda on the MOTD, but their own statements reveal you to be a farce. All you have to do is READ the First Amendment. But's lets be honest, activist judges have vastly accelerated the trashing of the Constitution since FDR, so its a moot point anyways. \_ Have you read the constitution? Not one mention of god. Not even in the oath of office. The only mention of religion is other people shoving their religion down my throat. that no religious test would be required for someone taking public office. \_ http://www.religioustolerance.org/nat_mott.htm If you read the arguments put forth by the opponents of the constitution, you will find that chief among them was that the framers had abandoned "christianity" and had written the constitution so that anyone could hold public office. The constitution was written in a secular fashion for many reasons, some of which had to do with the deist believes of the framers. I'm sure you want some links so here you are: http://www.postfun.com/pfp/worbois.html http://www.earlyamerica.com/review/summer97/secular.html http://candst.tripod.com/tnppage/quote2.htm \_ please please PLEASE learn something about Colonial and English history. The whole point of seperating church and state, and distancing the christian god from the govern- ment, is that in England, the King was the head of the church. Look at the publishing date of the Federalist Papers. There are "facts" that back this up. http://www.dimensional.com/~randl/founders.htm \_ http://http://www.religioustolerance.org/nat_mott.htm \_ These links have ZERO to do with the intention of the founding fathers "The U.S. National Mottos" - what is your point? Either way socialist secular sympathisers have effectively won. However, when you are finally able to get rid of the guns, and facism, or shall we call victory of the proletariat, finally comes to the free world, you or your children have no right to complain. Religious fanatisism does not exist in the west, all totalirian regimes have been strictly atheist and secular. \_ Wow. Not to confuse this argument with facts, but... you're an idiot. \_ Why do people bother posting drivel like this? You're really not dragging the poster down at all. Actually when I see a long post written in decent English followed by a quickie smear, it only adds to the belief that they may be right since you can't come up anything better. \_ I agree. When someone as kooky as our religion loving nutcase posts a drooling rant, it is better to let it stand on its own "merits." You can't argue with someone whose belief is based on faith, not reason. \_ A bit more subtle but still just a personal attack. Nice try. How about you take a shot at responding to his last point about religious extremism in the West vs. other parts of the world. Then maybe you won't look so intellectually weak. \_ I have better things to do than try and teach you history. Look up Reformation and Counter-Reformation in any good reference to start. \_ Not to mention the timothy mcveighs and abortion bombers and KKK members of the world. Get a fucking clue. \_ Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! \_ I did. Nothing new about persecution of religious minorities even then. \_ Nice to see them working on pragmatic solutions. \_ Like it or not, the civilization you live in today is the product of 2000 years of Christianity. Exactly what is so offensive about spirituality? \_ I have nothing against spirituality. I have everything against other people shoving their religion down my throat. [formatd] \_ What other people would that be? \_ The president of the United States. \_ And he's forcing you to commit Christian acts of kindness how exactly? I don't recall hearing news of the "Twice A Year Mandatory Christianity" bill getting a lot of support in Congress. You sound like one of those whining atheism-as-religion fanatics that make us real atheist look like hypocritical crackpots. You do real atheists a disservice with your noise. \_ By virtue of holding a powerful position, the urging of prayer by an elected leader can make those uncomfortable with prayer feel uncomfortable in their civic position. This is the drive behind the separation of church and state, and the quaker movement in general. Oh, also: atheism, while not a religion, is, by naature, a religious choice. The general intolorance to that choice is what the previous poster is concerned with. |
2002/5/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Religion] UID:24669 Activity:high |
5/1 Jews try to burn Bethlehem Church, place of Jesus's birth, Waco style. <DEAD>webcenter.newssearch.netscape.com/aolns_display.adp?key=200205011756000237290_aolns.src<DEAD> http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/05/01/mideast/index.html \_ sounds like a terrorist bomb accidentalyly went off inside the church by one of the terrorist hiding in it. \_ sounds like a terrorist bomb accidentalyly went off inside the church by one of the terrorist hiding in it. \_ Terrorists hold holy site hostage for over a month. The world doesn't seem to care. Christians wonder how world would react if Jews occupied the Al-Aqsa mosque. \_ It's only a mosque. We've blown those up before. \_ the jews should get their temple back, blow up that sacriligeous mosque on top of the jewish temple. \_ Ah, another sign that the "Rapture(tm)" is nearing. The Jews controlling Jerusalem. That's why the conservative Christians are supporting Israel. \_ Except for a very minority of Christian kooks, that's mostly the imagination of the Jewish media. |
2002/4/29 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Humor] UID:24637 Activity:nil |
4/29 This would be almost funny if it wasn't so fucked up. Catholic Cardinal blames 6 year old boy for being molested. Just fucking amazing.... http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/119/metro/An_alleged_victim_is_called_negligent+.shtml \_ The _really_ sad thing... The boy probably blames himself, too. \_ Why is this surprising Boston is among the most liberal cities in the US. Reap what you sow. |
2002/3/17-18 [Reference/Religion] UID:24142 Activity:insanely high |
3/17 Truly, a peaceful and simply misunderstood religion. Fucking barbaric is what it is and what they are. news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/middle_east/newsid_1874000/1874471.stm \_ You shouldn't be so quick to believe everything you read. (I'm not saying it didn't happen - or that it did - just that it is the exception for even the western papers to get the facts straight and i would be unsurprised if the Saudi papers didn't even try to). Also (though i hate to be so trite, you clearly missed the point the first million times people have undoubtedly pointed it out to you), perhaps you have heard of The Spanish Inquisition? Most Religions have had some leader that acted "barbaric"ly in the name of that religion. People are often stupid and cruel. \_ The Spanish Inquisition was a long time ago, in a more barbaric age. This is happening NOW. Islam is the only religion where such depravity happens to this day. Why do you think that is? Btw, it's 'barbarously.' \_ northern ireland mean anything to you? \_ People in N Ireland are forcing little girls to stay in burning buildings? You've got a URL for that? *That* would certainly be news. \_ moron, apologistic fool who will kill us all eventually \_ You think it didn't happen? Or might not have? That wasn't the only URL on the topic. Just the only one I posted. It definitely happened. The question remains, "When will we realise these people are fucked in the head?". |
2002/3/6-7 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:24038 Activity:very high |
3/6 Recently it seems that a lot of wackos (e.g. Pat Robertson) have been bashing Muslims as violent extremists while other people defend Islam as a peace-loving religion. Obviously I don't agree with Pat Robertson, but if Islam is a peace loving religion where does the idea of "holy war" come from? Do only some sects believe in "holy war" or is it part of the mainstream Islamic beliefs and if so how can Islam be peace loving? Thanks \_ You've answered your own question. I suggest you take your personl dislike of PR out of the equation and ask yourself the personal dislike of PR out of the equation and ask yourself the same questions you ask the motd. The answer is self evident. \_ There are many interpretations of the Koran. There are extremists for any religion; it all depends on how one was the Crusade. \_ Crusades. There were a few. interprets it. "Holy War" is hardly unique to Islam. There was [sic. were] the Crusade. \_ Crusades. There were six (plus some other forays). \_ weren't the Crusades a response to the "JIHADS" and bloody conquering all the followers of Mohammed did? \_ Not really. The Crusaders were conquering the people of the Near East and Middle East to "reclaim" the Holy Land for the RCC. Muslims happen to be living on that land. Gold, treasure, goods, and glory. \_ duh, they had to reclaim it because the muslims attacked and conquered the jewish settlements due to mohammeds teaching and their their koran. It's okay to claim with violence but not okay to take it back with war? i don't understand. \_ they conquered all the up to Spain with violent wars. and killed those who wouldn't convert, this was before the crusades by muslims. \_ jihad ("holy war") means a war against the ones primal nature. To wage a successful jihad one must turn ones aggressive nature inward and destroy the ego. The militants have grossly misinterpreted it. If you want a more indepth understanding Joseph Campbell has written and spoken about this. \_ Whether they misinterpreted it or not, they're now living it and have been killing innocent people in it's name for a few decades in modern times and earlier if you want to mix n match historical periods. Murder by any other name is still murder. Do you think Joseph Campbell would like to go to Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Egypt, etc, and explain to them they've got it all wrong? I'm sure they'd just slap their heads like in a V8 commercial and change over night. \_ Thanks, I'll look around for that on the web. Would you happen to have a URL? \_ You can get started at the Joseph Campbell foundation: http://www.jcf.org/about_jcf.php \_ So is killing others via holy war discussed in the Koran? The New Testament doesn't explictly advocate killing one's enemies (although the Old Testament does). Basically I'm wondering if Islam is like Christianity where the "official" dogma is non-violent but practioners are violent or like Judaism where the "official" dogma is explictly violent. \_ The main problem of "dogma" is that it is often based on a literal interpretatation of religious texts. Since most of these texts were written metaphorically, such an interpretation gets you lots of problems. For example, think about the phrase "kill your enemies." Who are your "enemies"? How do you know they are outside of yourself and not inside? Think about that. Read Campbell, he explains it like no other westerner I've ever met. \_ This is incredibly blatant anti-semitism, and the precise opposite of the truth. Everything in the old testament is included in the Christian Bible (barring slight mistranslations) but the unmediated (<-key word; Judaism explicitly forbids Jews to engage in the literal, unmediated interpretation mentioned in the previous response) Old Testament does not represent "Jewish Dogma" in any way. Jewish law is composed of 3000 years' interpretation and reinterpretation: the Mishna, Talmud, Shulkhan Arukh, etc. Jewish "official dogma" is extremely complex (the Talmud alone fills an entire bookcase, but great rabbis memorize it) and pragmatic, and applies in a rational way to everyday life; the closest it comes to being "explicitly violent" is to say that a person in the act of murder may be killed to prevent the murder. Since I don't watch the motd constantly, I probably won't have an opportunity to reply to further nonsense on this subject, but ... there's a reason there has never been a Jewish "Holy War," barring Bible stories. \_ What the hell are you thinking? The motd is the perfect place for lies, misinterpretation and blatant anti-semitism. How dare you bring coherent fact to the motd and crush all debate? \_ What a stupid question! Go read freerepublic since you're really only interested in one answer. You might as well ask, "How can Christians really believe in the 10 commandments when they bomb abortion clinics?" \_ "Kill them all. God will recognize his own." \_ I believe that its "God will sort the dead". \_ Translation varies. \_ wasn't that a Metallica Album? |
2002/2/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Reference/Religion] UID:23944 Activity:high |
2/21 Daniel Pearl killed. http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/21/international/21CND-REPORT.html \_ this kind of shit happens every day. since he is american and pakistan is a musilim nation it's news because that helps feed anti-muslim sentiment in the u.s. \_ that's kinda cruel to say. either way it *was* someone who was unfairly killed. that's all... \_ innocent people's heads being cut off with a knife and videotaped. Yes, right. That's very common, in Chechnya maybe. \_ hehe, or thailand \_ actually, i'm surprised it didn't get more coverage. most nights the local news hardly mentioned it, and when they did, it was, "Oh, and by the way, we're still not sure if the reporter's dead or not. Now onto sports!" \_ I guess that's why US sent troops to Bosnia to help the muslims there? \_ after waiting for how long?? check your facts jack, wasn't until other UN troops were held hostage did the U.S. care. \_ Doesn't matter. Clinton did the right thing in the end, inspite of Republican opposition. He is my hero! \_ And thats why CLintoon bombed Christian Serbia to help the Muslim KLA, the same muslims we fought in Afghanistan and are now chasing around the world. \_ The muslim world didn't seem to appreciate this, I think. \_ The Bosnian muslims apprecated this, and that's good enough. \_ The Serbian yahoos ain't no Christians. They are bullies, and it's good that we bombed their arse. Now the Balkans are all peaceful, and participating in the Olympics too. Clinton is my hero! \_ Gotta love the PC Jews at the NYT omitting very important details about the situation, just like the major networks wouldn't show dozens of people jumping from the WTC. Pearl was not just murdered, he was beheaded. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/fr/632768/posts |
2002/1/24 [Reference/Religion, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:23654 Activity:nil |
1/24 What's the encryption method soda accepts now? SSH used to use blowfish now it's 3des. How come it changes around? [motd format god was here. next time the motd delete god will be here] |
2002/1/17 [Reference/Religion] UID:23589 Activity:very high |
1/17 is this some sick joke?? http://www.ultraedit.com/products/story.html \_ Not sick--fanatical, but not sick. -John \_ It is neither the work of a fanatic nor sick. If you understood the world outside Berkeley a bit better you'd know this sort of person and their way of thinking is quite common. You're the odd one out in this world, not the ultra-edit guy. He's harmless, why do you care how he makes his business decisions? You on the other hand seem to have some issues with unfamiliar beliefs and ways of thinking. The ultra-edit guy isn't the one with the problem. Why do you find his faith so offensive? (Before you go off attacking me as a right wing whacky nut religious freak, I'm not. I'm a true atheist so don't bother.) \_ actually your're just boring and pedantic \_ How so? Because I don't beat up on some random guy for his strong belief in God? I'm sure you're really exciting. Who else do you beat on that isn't exactly like you? Does that sort of shallow closed minded idiocy turn on the girls? \_ Well, I can't speak to the boring part, but I believe the poster was calling you pedantic because you managed to generate ten lines of outrage from a one-line troll. As for me, I was amused by the Ultra-Edit guy's line, "From this point we knew that I was going to quit my job. I told a few people almost immediately. I expected non- Christians to think I was crazy, but it's surprising how negative Christians can be also." What, he expected non-Xians to think he was crazy for pursuing his dream? How very peculiar! --erikred \_ http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=pedantic Which definition do you think the sub-genius was using? I don't think it means what he thinks it means. Anyway, you can join the club with your 10 line reply. I didn't know the motd had a reply length limit. Silly me. I thought content mattered, not brevity. Maybe Cal has finally degraded down to community college levels. \_ Funny, I went to http://Dictionary.com for the definition myself. I believe the poster intended the common pejorative connotation of one who holds forth at great length on a topic of little importance. Your reply to me, on the other hand, fits the first definition perfectly. As for content, quality of content has never mattered much on the motd, as evidenced by your post to the original poster. --erikred |
2002/1/2 [Reference/Religion] UID:23433 Activity:high |
1/1 Religious Wars: http://www.birdhouse.org/macos/beos_osx \_ The BeOS crowd is =~ Amigaheads. -tom |
2001/12/19 [Reference/Religion, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:23304 Activity:nil |
12/19 From now on, all posts critical of the Israeli government will be immediately eviscerated from the motd. -- soda mossad \_ You're a meanie \_ And anything from the libertarians too because if a libertarian says something we shouldn't even hear about it. We all know they're insane so we can dismiss everything they say without thought or intellectual effort. Oh wait, no, this is Berkeley. No one at Berkeley would do that! We have the highest standards! \_ Not anymore. The quality of thaistix this year really sucks. \_ this article is about Muslim Bedouins in the Israeli army: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/19/international/middleeast/19MIDE.html -danh \_ The palestinians are stupid- they could have had land as mandated at the end of WW II. Instead they were duped, and continue to be duped, by their leaders, by their 'Arab' brethren, and their hate for Jews, to perpetually fight to push all Jews into the sea. Jews have been there since time eternal, and they have a right to be in Jerusalem. All this trite demagoguery does nothing to obscure the facts. \_ it looked like the plan offered to arafat by barak and the US would have split the palestinians into 4 different pieces of land, with israeli controlled roads between them. true? \_ I've read that somewhere. I haven't read an original source, only interpretations of the agreement from people with an axe to grind. \_ There is some truth to that. Some have interpreted recent statements by Powell, Bush and Blair of a "viable Palestinian State" as meaning that this division would not exist in peace settlement/proposal. As to Barak's offer, it was indeed the best and most generous offer given to the Palestinians by the Israeli side. Unfortunately, as "good" as it was it didn't meet the minimum "requirements" of the Palestinians by not dealing with certain "HOT" topics. |
2001/12/14 [Reference/Religion] UID:23245 Activity:high |
12/13 all god-religion must die! \_ so should this cheesy troll. \_ obviously you haven't watched the bin laden confession tape. \_ If bin laden had a csua account, he would be a troll, too. \_ anyone gotten a headache from smoking weed before? \_ Does Buddhism count? \_ Yes. Why shouldn't it? \_ Buddhism doesn't suppress questioning of itself, encourage violence, or impose oppressive codes of law on people like the Judeo-whatever religions. \_ Can Buddhists eat meat, drink beer or have sex? |
2001/12/11 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Religion] UID:23211 Activity:insanely high |
12/10 What is the big deal with John Walker? \_ When you grow up in America and are taught/shown/experience why secular govt, freedom of religion, (classical) liberalism, and capitalism (i.e. "consumerism") are actually good things, someone who attends terrorist camps and shoots at Americans is fucking annoying and a traitor to the blessings he was born with. \_ You've made my point, from the opposing point of view, better than I could have myself. \_ You're too smart for me. Could you say that again using common simple grammatical structure a 5th grader could understand? \_ Plus he's white. \_ yes, that's why it's being made into a big deal. \_ If he was anything but Arab it would have been a big deal. How much bigger a deal would it have been if his ancestors were from, oh... say... Japan? Get over the hate-whitey thing. \_ Actually, if he were an American of Arab descent, i think it would be an even bigger deal. \_ I disagree. It's the photos of a pale disheveled white guy that made the news. If it was an american of arab descent, we would just call him an muslim who happened to speak english and spent time in the states. |
2001/12/9-10 [Reference/Religion] UID:23195 Activity:high |
12/8 http://www.suntimes.com/output/greeley/cst-edt-greel09.html Statistics and the ecosystem meltdown. \_ I'm not sure a Franciscan monk is where I want to get my authoritative interpretation about climatealogical and statistical evidence. Nonetheless, I think Bjorn \_ Gregor Mendel, Thomas Bayes. Lomborg has some good points -- environmentalism is, in some ways, about white people feeling better about themselves for doing insignificant things and that the world has more pressing problems that can be solved very cheaply if people were willing to do so. But some of the things Lomborg says are just silly. For example, he talks about air pollution and points out that it is a phenomenon that has been around for a long time in the western world and uses the fact that it is now getting better to point out that we are on the right track. Well no duh it's getting better. Air pollution ain't getting better because we are using more coal and driving more diesel cars. It's getting better because western contries have imposed regulations, environmental regulations, that improve air quality. Also, most conservation is so inexpensive to do and is a great way to both save money and help the planet (at least a little), so I can't imagine what kind of arguments one could level against it. I'm looking forward to a good reader that will have both the Lomborg perspective and opposing viewpoints. \_ Why does it seem difficult to understand that some people don't care about saving money or helping 'the planet'? \_ It is not difficult to believe. There are robbers, murderers and rapists in the world, too, that is why good will alone is not enough to create a civil society. \_ I suspect the point being that Kyoto isn't going to save anything. There's nothing in the link about "people don't care about saving money or helping the planet". I believe all he is saying is that we should be intelligent about how we approach the environment and not just swallow every bit of doom and gloom that comes our way. I'm old enough to remember being taught in school how we were causing the next ice age and how in our time the planet was going to plunge in to eternal cold. I remember when they switched to the "it'll either freeze or burn" theory. And now we're into the "going to hell, burning" theory. All this is only in the last 25 years and comes from the same people. \_ Computer people say completely different things now about AI than they did 25 years ago. Does that mean that what they say now about AI is wrong? No, it means they have new information. The process of refining hypotheses based on new information is called "science". -tom \_ What do they say, Tom? \_ When you have pre-determined conclusions and make the science fit the theory it is called "junk science". And yes, tell us what AI people are saying today as opposed to 25 years ago? \_ Nothing is difficult to understand about that. My comment wasen't intended to address them, as those people will do whatever they want no matter what. Lomberg isn't addressing them either. \_ Ok whatever. Make your own thread if you want to be miles off topic. \_ What a troll. A letter to the editor written by one person who bases his views of the environment on one book. I wonder how many books in the bibliography really support his beliefs. \_ If you read it and some of the referenced works you might know and have something intelligent to say instead of slamming it as a troll because you simply don't know. |
2001/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Religion] UID:23080 Activity:high |
11/22 To whoever was asking about what happened to the israeli teenagers who were in the US illegally and they got picked up by the FBI after they were seen taking photos of themselves with the wtc burning in the background, they're still in jail without bail or access to outside communication, \_ Thanks for the boost to my cynicism. Let's vote these bastards out and vote new ones in. \_ I'm all for new bastards. \_ URL please? I thought this was a rumor created by left-wing Muslim fundamentalist Arabic anti-semites. \_ No, it is a rumor created by right-wing Christian fundamentalist American anti-semites. Keep your religious fanatics straight! \_ I read that they were released after a week or so. No URL, sorry. |
2001/11/16 [Reference/Religion] UID:23057 Activity:very high 50%like:22470 |
11/15 http://www.economist.com/world/na/displayStory.cfm?Story_ID=863432 Islam and the West: Why Bin Laden was wrong. \_ Is it possible to post something from http://theonion.com and not get deleted? \_ No. You're only allowed to post things certain other people find directly and personally interesting. Anything they believe doesn't directly pertain to their life or they disagree with to any extent is a troll and shall be purged. \_ No need for euphemisms, anything inconsistent with liberal pathological stupidity is a troll. \_ True but it extends to non-political items of no interest to certain people as well. I have no problem calling it like it is. I wanted a broader definition. calling it like it is, but I wanted a broader definition |
2001/10/30 [Reference/Religion] UID:22864 Activity:nil |
10/29 Bible and less than 100 years of historical context aside, isn't Israel technically built on an Arab owned land? \_ fuck israel. \_ Isn't America technically built on Arapaho, Cherokee, et al land? \_ Doesn't it all belong to the Pharaoh? |
2001/10/23 [Reference/Religion] UID:22804 Activity:nil |
10/22 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A27255-2001Oct20.html Islam is a lame religion, and so was Christianity. http://www.msnbc.com/news/640815.asp Pikachu means I'm a Jew in Japanese \_ http://www.msnbc.com/news/645002.asp Bombing is not the answer. (If someone can come up with a better link, please do.) -original p0ser |
2001/10/22-23 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Reference/Religion] UID:22798 Activity:very high |
10/22 Looking for a good resource on how to pick a good English name (or a christian name rather) from a Chinese name. Since I'm not Christian, I'm having a hard time getting used to being called "John" or "David" or "Josh", etc. How did you resolve this dilemma? Are there easy to pronounce names that are not christian in origin? Pointers would be appreciated. Thanks. \_ Why would you want a white Christian name? Helping out the imperialists, eh? \_ My gawd! Why would you do this? Just how many people out there have the same exact combination of English first name and Asian last name?!?! In fact, I find mine to be curse. Be proud you are Chinese and not some "John Lee" or "David Lin" or whatever. \_ I find Japanese gals with Japanese first names more exotic than those with English first names. --- Chinese \_ japanese names are usually pronouncable by non japanese speakers. not so of many chinese names. \_ John, David, and Josh are all christian names? I think you are a bit confused as to what Christian means. \_ Is Jesus a Christian name? \_ why make it sound like the original? as a non-chinese who has lived in china and studied chinese, i find chinese names that are a weak imitation of the original sound to be pretty pointless. it's a different name. just pick a name you like, and forget about phonetics. \_ Of course there are. For example, a woman's name of Wendy is not Christian. Why not go for the most popular non-Christian name and choose "Mohammed"? --dim \_ The most common first name in the world is Mohammed. The most common last name is Wong. I've always wanted to meet someone named Mohammed Wong. \_ all chinamen should be called joe. -- a chinaman \_ pick a name from fantasy or mythology. like Thor, Ulysses, Conan, Zeus, etc. If I was picking a fake name I'd never want some mundane joe schmoe name. Pick something with power and panache. \_ Heh, I actually know a Chinese guy namd Conan. And also 'Valiant' which was derived from 'Wai Lun'. For girls, I like 'Geneva'. \_ Soda already has a ulysses. \_ From now on call me MAX POWER! --Homer \_ You don't just cuddle with Max Power ... you strap on and FEEL THE G'S! \_ Homer: there are three ways to do things... the right way, the wrong way, and THE MAX POWER WAY! Bart : Uh, isn't that the wrong way? Homer: Yes, but faster! \_ They call me Bruce. \_ As if you'd get a helpful response asking the CSUA for help with baby names. \_ Homer, Bart, Lisa, Margaret, Montgomery, Barney, Apu, Milhouse, etc. \_ Call me John-Holmes. \_ http://sunburn.stanford.edu/~knuth/faq.html#asian does this vaguely have any pronounciation relation to knuth? |
2001/10/12 [Reference/Religion] UID:22701 Activity:nil |
10/11 Reading a lot on hedonic relativism.. good stuff which makes normal americans scream repression. basically it is all related to AL theory, adaptation level. If our AL grows without bounds we are unhappy. This is common knowledge throughout history asnd thus man has placed certain restriction on himself through religion. These restrictions are intended to increase ones happiness in the long term by in effect making one unhappy today. In my mind this makes perfect sense in trying to resolve my distaste of consumption. Why by little stuff every day when every 4 years I can buy a porsche which I will remember every day. I will thus remember the sacrifices and remember the pleasure making me a happier person in the long run. I am sure you have experiences similar to this. Well this is what I have called "my way" my religion and honestly this makes me feal sorry for the people in the islamic world which run their lives in a similar way in order to maximize their happiness. How can such a poor country survive??? religion... the way of life... sacrifices.. I only hope I can find these characteristic in argentina, I really should plan to get down there next summer, gettin gout of the US should be top priority, the american way just doesn't work- it inherintly makes people unhappy thus requiring ever higher levels of consumptions. Funny- why has america prospered so much more than other countries- our religion REQUIRED IT. with no thought of the consequences, no thought to what happens when the shit hits the fan how do we deal with it... in other cultures they practice and honor the situations where the shit hits the fan and lives their lives accordingly much happier. BTW this can all be modelled formally using game theory..... good stuff... comments suggestions \_ "religion is the opiate of the masses." \_ If his parents named him Trevor, I bet kinney would be a be-boy today. |
2001/10/6 [Reference/Religion] UID:22657 Activity:nil |
10/5 What you (especially if you are a woman) need to know about Islam: http://www.truthbeknown.com/islamquotes.htm Don't censor the Koran, words of the Prophet and his believers. |
2001/10/6 [Reference/Religion] UID:22650 Activity:high |
10/5 self explanatory: http://www.truthbeknown.com/islamquotes.htm \_ good. we should not be "tolerant" of religions. we should come down on religion with a heavy, mailed fist of fury for all the shit that it causes. \_ Why not educate everyone instead? Real education, not steeping in dogma. Prisoners who gain an education in prison more rarely become recidivists. The same can be said of societies. \_ plz execute mailed fist on 90% of americans who believe in g0d. ObPersonalReligiousBeliefsvs.ReligionDiscussion \_ Better link: http://www.truthbeknown.com/photos.htm \_ That looks like Blojo in a wig. |
2001/9/20 [Reference/Religion] UID:22560 Activity:moderate |
9/20 Some words of wisdom from the Quran: [at-Taubah 9:123] O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him). [an-Nisa' 4:74] Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward. [8.12] When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. \_ So who says Islam disapproves violence? \_ The whole problem here is that you are reading these things litterally, rather than metaphoically. Its like pretending that poetry is really prose. These things are really about internal conflicts not external ones. \_ I get it. Thanks. Maybe the Islamic extremists are also interpreting these literally so as to justify their actions. |
2001/9/19 [Reference/Religion] UID:22534 Activity:high |
9/19 http://www.binladen.com -- Can somebody say MONOPOLY? \_ "The history of Binladin began in 1931 when Mohammed Binladin founded the company." Wasn't Mohammed the father of Osama? --- yuen founded the company." Wasn't Mohammed bin Ladin the father of Osama? --- yuen |
2001/9/18 [Reference/Religion] UID:22509 Activity:high |
9/18 Fewer than 1 in 6 American Muslims are Arabs. Fewer than 1 in 5 Arab-Americans are Muslims. http://msnbc.com/news/630410.asp?0cb=-81924124 Fewer than 1 in 6 Muslims worldwide are Arabs. http://www.freep.com/jobspage/arabs/arab7.html Afghanistans are not Arabs, although bin Laden is an Arab. Hope this clears up some misunderstanding. (As an example, there's a big Chinese Muslim restaurant in Milpitas Square.) --- yuen \_ Informing many Americans that Afghanis and Persians are not Arabs is akin to telling them that not all Asians are Chinese. I'm reminded here of what happened to non-Chinese people last Spring during the Hainan affair. \_ So ALL Asians are Chinese? You mean none of those Asians are Japanese or Korean? |
2001/9/18 [Reference/Religion] UID:22504 Activity:high |
9/18 I really good point was made yesterday. The dumbest thing any american can do is to harass or in anyway mistreat arab-americans or american muslims. IF there still are terrorists at large in the US that come from an arab culture or muslim faith, then the most likely people to notice them and help bring them to justice are the arab-americans or american muslims. Arab-americans and american muslims are everybit as american as anyone else and we should count ourselves lucky if they pay extra attention for the good and protection of all of us. The last thing we want is to make them feel apart from us. \_ I watched the service in the national cathedral on Friday. When I saw the imem (Dr. something from the Islamic Society of North America) and the rabbi walking into the Christian church side-by- side and delivered their speeches together, I was very touched. I hope all Americans and all the Jews and Muslims in the Middle East can see this. I hope all Americans see the President talking in a mosque yesterday too. (What Bush actually said there is less important.) \_ What did he say? East can see this. in a Muslim temple yesterday too. (What Bush actually said there in a mosque yesterday too. (What Bush actually said there is less important.) |
2001/9/17 [Reference/Religion] UID:36325 Activity:nil |
9/16 No, it is not "punishment from God". However, it is important for Christians to examine why the attack happened. Yes, we should destroy the terrorist networks. However, this is not a long term solution because these networks will spring up again if the underlying resentment and hatred are not reconciled. We have to ask ourselves if our middle-eastern policies are in accordance to the teachings of our Lord. Have we been pursuing material well-being, in the form of a cheap oil supply, at the expense of the well-being of others? Have we been sacrificing justice and doing what's right for the sake of our self-interests? Have we placed our trust in our military might instead of in the Lord? Have we been mis-using our military might? In our safety and abundance, have we become indifferent to the sufferings of others? Have we been worshipping Mammon, the god of money, and Bel, the god of war, instead of our Lord? \_ What if there is no God? What if all the lives spent in persuit of holier-than-thou-because-my-God-is-better could have instead lived their own lives? Nothing Absolutly nothing has cost more lives in the history of humankind than organized religion. \- i dont think islam today is particularly well organized. what do you mean by "organized relig" --psb \- this is a cliche somewhere between "the love of money is the root of all evil" and "capitalism causes imperialism". btw, people should start saying "evil" like alec guiness rather than the american "eevul" ... "ee-ville". --psb \_ Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Caligula? What were their faith? \_ Hitler was insane. Good point on Stalin and Mao: Marxism is rising in the ultimate body count. \_ yeah and the inquisition was what? a census count? \_ Don't forget the crusades. Just your friendly Christian tourists on holiday from europe. \_ My point is, do not unthinkingly put the blame on "organized religion" when the cause is our selfish, corrupted human nature. "organized religion" when the cause may be our own selfish, corrupted human nature. \_ Maybe the cause is our corrupt and unthinkingly internalized force-fed social and moral structure. Perhaps we should re-examine the core tenets of Judeo-Christian thought and the easy tendency for too many adherents to blindly accept what is fed to them on some absurd notion of "Faith". Religion is a crutch for the weak-minded. \_ An easy and "smart" out for atheists. Consider all the universal constants that are somehow just right for the universe to exist, talk to an astrophysicist, and ask him/her how much tolerance there is in those numbers. Whether you believe in the big bang or not, there are evidence in the universe that point towards that it was DESIGNED by someone. \_ Why don't we start listing all the weak-minded individuals who believe in the Lord, starting with Abraham Lincoln, ..... individuals who have faith in the Lord. Let's start with Abraham Lincoln, ... \_ As it happens actually, I'm not an atheist. I'm catholic. But I really depise when idiots armed with empty platitudes attempt to sanctimoniously proselytize people to their rediculous blindly accepting POV. If even a quarter of the people out there actually THOUGHT about the structure of the relgion they ascribed to or the organization that has indoctrinized them, our world would be about 10 times better off than it is. Sadly, "Faith" has become a cheap, drive through substitute for understanding and intellectual exploration. Why consider the ramifications or relevancy of my moral structure when I can just mainline "Faith" in the "Plan" of the divine creator? I can't belIEVE that I'm wasting my time with this. Be happy in your self-imposed blindess man. Personally, I'm not going to be complacent and just accept whatever the current fad is as the Word of God. \_ bs. I'd believe constants were "designed" if pi were exactly 3, but otherwise it's coincidence. \_ Why don't we start listing all the weak-minded individuals who have faith in the Lord. Let's start with Abraham Lincoln, ... \_ IMAGINE all the PEOPLEEEE . . . LIVING for TODAYYYYYYY . . . \_ Praise God! May *all* of us be counted worthy. -allenp \_ This is mild, coming from the God of the Old Testament. If he really exists, this isn't enough pain and death to serve His needs. |
2001/9/12 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:36284 Activity:nil |
9/12 What movie is that with Denzel Washington where there was terrorism in America so they had to put Arab Americans in "concentration camps"? \_ The Siege. This is so similar its eerie. \_ I doubt there will be concentration camps. However, anti Arab American sentiment will be there. \_ I agree. Even Hilter style concentration camps are too decent for these people. \_ uh... WTF is that supposed to mean? \_ Hilter style concentration camps are too decent for these people. \_ maybe they should put YOU in a "hilter style" camp. |
2001/9/12 [Reference/Religion] UID:36281 Activity:nil |
9/12 Some of the muslims you see on TV cheering-- they may or may not have direct involvement, but they should be ashamed of themselves. They're like cockroaches. You can exterminate thousands of them, but there will still be millions left. So whether they're directly involved or not, they should be exterminated indiscriminantly. \_ that's just how the Muslims were taught to hate US. --PeterM \_ Wouldn't you say tha this exactly how Iraqi and Libyan civilians feel about the U.S.? \_ Why are we even trying to reason with this racist idiot in the first place?? How did he even get a soda account? |
2001/9/12 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:36278 Activity:nil |
9/12 I'm compiling a list of actions that we can take against the terrorists. Please add to this list. 1. bomb Afghanistan back into the stone age. They don't have any natural resources that we need. It's useful as a nuclear test site though. \_ Afghanistan is already in the stone age. All we can do is to make it a big nuclear crater. 2. finish the job with Iraq. After killing saddam, we colonize the country and take over their oil fields. Put the iraq soldiers to work in the oil fields. 3. Deal with the palestinian problem once and for all. Move them all to Iraq and work the oil fields. 4. While we're at it, bomb Iran as well. Take over their oil fields and put them to work in the oil fields. 5. Send in our very best Christian conversion people. Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Gary Bauer, etc. It's time for them to abandon Allah and come to Christ! 6. Deport all non-citizen Muslims and Hindus from the US. To comply with the US constitution, we can't touch them if they're citizens. But by god, let's get rid of all the Hindus on H-1 visas. They all look and smell the same anyway. The US is no place for people who worship animals like elephants, rats, or Allah. \_ Is this supposed to be humurous or are you seriously stupid? \_ hahaha |
2001/9/12 [Reference/Religion] UID:36277 Activity:nil |
9/12 Why doesn't the US just remove support from Israel? Does the fact that roughly 10% of our politicans are Jewish and none are Muslim have anything to do with it? Why would removing support for Israel hurt america? \_ If the wolves are coming for us, I guess I should throw you to them first since they will probably be full after eating you and thus won't be interested in me. Great logic. \_ Becuase a majority of americans are christian, and thus share a large chunk of stuff with judaism. You cant be christian and not agree with judaism. This is not the case for islam. \_ hi dumbass. you're wrong. you should shut the fuck up, especially since this is such a sensitive issue. it's one thing to\ keep talking your stupid talk when it's about Java or C++ but when you're talking about people's lives, just keep to your fucking incompetent self. especially since this is such a sensitive issue. it's one thing to keep talking your stupid talk when it's about Java or C++ but when you're talking about people's lives, just keep to your fucking incompetent self. \_ Allah and Yahve (sp?) are the same damn god, its unbelievable that people can't seem to understand this. \_ I heard that Jesus Christ also exists in Islam, but he's a a prophet instead of a son of a god. Is that true? \_ Correct as stated. -alexf \_ I heard something similar as well. \_ Islam : Christianity as Christianity : Judiasm |
2001/9/12 [Reference/Religion] UID:22416 Activity:high |
9/12 What I want to know is the percentages behind the Jewish #'s in the American media and the Muslim percentages in the American media. Also same with politicians who shape our international affairs. is it any wonder why we antagonize the arabs then? \_ Journalists' guide to covering Arab Americans: http://www.freep.com/jobspage/arabs \_ I think the average joe isn't even sure whether he should hate Arabs or Muslims (not to mention he shouldn't hate them collectively in the first place.) I'm still confused whether or not most Arabs are Muslims, whether the Islamic world is against US or the Arab world is against US or both or neither, and so on. is against US or both, and so on. All I know is is against US or both, and so on. Should I interpret the TV footage as "The Arabs cheering on / condemning the attack" or "The muslims cheering on / condemning the attack". All I think I know is "ethnic Isralis" are *more or less* the same as "jewish". cheering on / condemning the attack". Is the Middle East conflict about Arabs or Muslims? All I think I know is that "ethnic Isralis" are *more or less* the same as "jewish". \_ There are Christian Arabs, and non-Arab Muslims. Most Arabs are Muslims. I think the real problem is that most people have no clue WHY these people hate the US, or why some might cheer such an action. \_ Is it Arabs or is it Muslims whose women cover up their faces in public? \_ Muslims, but it's not required by the religion and I don't know if it's limited to Muslims. \_ Its the green eyed monster of envy. They hate us because we are believe in freedom, equality, liberty and our beliefs have made us prosperous in ways that they can never hope to achive (mainly because of thier screwed up religious system). Go ahead tell me I'm wrong and childish etc. Its you who are wrong, if you believe that somehow this shit is our fault for doing x to country/people a or support country/people y. \_ you're not childish, but you are wrong. It's because of women flaunting themselves about in public and in films, rampant homosexuality, and general degeneracy in the USA. \_ Our way of life, esp. liberty, freedom and equality require us to tolerate behaviors that we do not agree with. They hate the ideas of liberty, freedom and equality (esp. for women). \_ Exactly my point. They hate our way of life, esp. the freedom for people to live and do as they chose so long as it is consistent with civil order. |
2001/9/12 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Reference/Religion] UID:22415 Activity:nil |
9/12 This is depressing: http://www.sfgate.com/today/0912_chron_muslims.shtml Regardless of what muslims in the near east did, muslims here should not be treated like the japanese americans were during WWII. The enemy may move among them, but they are not the enemy. \_ It's getting more and more like "The Siege". |
2001/9/12 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Reference/Religion] UID:22405 Activity:high |
9/12 These people need to die: <DEAD>sg.news.yahoo.com/010911/1/1fkyw.html<DEAD> \_ Agreed. \_ ...Rocket-Propelled Grenades!?!??? "Please fire straight up" \_ I think it is worthwhile to consider that the Palestinians live in a situation where the Israelis use guns against people armed with rocks , etc. Several palestinians have died from what many would call oppression. Isreal is supported financially by the US and its not peanuts. For the US to experience needless violence some could consider justified. I think anyone that is using violence is awrong. Just something to consider before calling for the death of people you don't know. - a swede (yeah, one of those neutral f----rs). \_ Rock throwers are the ones they put in view of the CNN cameras. They don't put the armed assassins and carbombers on CNN. The palestinians aren't human they have lost the right to be treated and considered as such because of this. I say we wipe them out, all of them. \_ Funny, I think Hitler used the same thinking. How quickly people forget their history. - the swede \_ the diference being that the jews of the time werent using weapons to attack people. The palestinians are. \_ The jews in germany did not chear in the streets when \_ The jews in germany did not cheer in the streets when germans civilians die during fire bombings. They were human beings, those things in palestine are not. \_ First of all, how the f do you know what every jew did during those times? Keep in mind, only those palestinians that are stupid enough to celebrate the loss of lives are reported on TV. We have the same kind of morons here in the US walking around in white sheets celebrating bombings of african american churches in the US. \_ Granted some Palestinians may not have been involved in the celebration, but they are clearly in the minority throughout the arab world: http://asia.dailynews.yahoo.com/headlines/world/afp/article.html?s=asia/headlines/010912/world/afp/_Bullseye___say_Egyptians_as_they_celebrate_anti-US_attacks.html \_ Second of all, who are you to decide who is human? It is frightening to think that you are using the same justifications as were used in WWII to kill jews, gays, handikapped, gypsies, ... You and your attide revolt me. I can only hope it is youth talking. - the swede \_ It is people with your attitude that sit idly by while the muslim menace destroys all that is good in this world. There were people like you in my country once. When the muslims came and sacked our temples and homes and murdered our families these people said, give them room. We gave them room. They murdered our relatives and sent their corpses over in trains. They laughed in the streets, and people like you said understand them, accept them, its not thier fault its our fault we must make more room. We did. It hasn't worked. The time for inaction and diplomacy is past, the time for action is now. ------------------/ \_ First of all let me thank you for at least putting your statements into context. This makes it easier to understand where you come from. Let me make it clear that I am not advocating "sitting idly by." This kind of acts have to be dealt with and most likely force will be necessary. What I am objecting to is the use of _blind_ rage. You have painted all muslims alike. You are advocating the killing of innocent people when you call for the death of celebrating palestinians. Their behavior is as abhorrent as yours. But all it is, are words, for them and hopefully for you as well. It may sound like BS but the _right_ people has to be found and should be punished. Killing the wrong people will just justify another terrorist attack in the mind of some misguided suicide bomber/hijacker/whatever. I hope I can get you to agree that the action that is needed today has to be deliberate and just. Or, would you rather that we kill innocent people just so we can say we had revenge? - the swede |
2001/9/12 [Reference/Religion] UID:22392 Activity:insanely high |
9/11 Why is most of the Arab world completely fucked up? What's the problem? Is it the religion, or the manipulation by totalitarian gov'ts? Or what? \_ I suspect it's an unfortunate mix of religious fundamentalism and fucked up middle eastern foreign policy. \_ Its the religion. That religion has had problem with everyone, jews, christians, hindus and buddhists. The only solution is nuke the bastards. \_ haven't (radical) christians had a problem with everyone too? the only solution is to totally outlaw religion. \_ this is the reason why the hell I'm not religious. Historically, look at how many lives have been lost over religion. \_ The difference really is that most christians aren't radically, and even the radicals don't do things like radical, and even the radicals don't do things like \_ dipshit. What just happened in Ireland? Again? \_ One country with problem christians vs. dozens of countries with problem muslims. These people need to be eliminated. this. In comparisions most muslims are radicals, and if the celebrations in Palestine are any indications, relish this type of activity. I still can't believe they were celebrating in Palestine. Don't they know that if they had anything to do with this they will be wiped of the face of the earth for all time? \_ typical, self-centered, holier-than-thou Christian view. "Christians aren't radically" [sic], "most muslims are radical." Please. \_ I'm not christian. \_ did it ever occur to you that when you see people in Palestinia celebrating what happened yesterday, that it might be worth your time to ask why they were reacting the way they did instead of condemning them for doing so? \_ It's the same way fucked up people here cheer when anything blows up in another part of the world. Doesn't mean Christians hate the Mid East or Ireland or Asia or anything...some people just are like that. \_ Bullshit. Do the people here cheer when they hear about the latest bombing in Israel? it runs deeper than fucked up people cheering whenever something blows up "over there." \_ There is no valid reason for celebrating the destruction of civilian targets. Those who do are no better than those who committed this act. \_ Nah, don't blame religion when it's your fucking bad-ass corrupted human nature. Think Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Caligula, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, etc. Caligula, Genghis Khan. \_ The only good muslim I can think of was Akbar. And even he wasn't that good. Its muslims. They need to be eliminated. |
2001/7/4 [Reference/Religion] UID:21713 Activity:nil |
7/4 From an IMDB summary of "Family Matters": Summary: I weep I weep for the cast of Family Matters, who have besmirched their lives by taking part in this horrible drivel. I weep for the writers, who, should they be shameless enough, to include this show on their resume, will ruin their careers forever. I weep for the English language, which, God willing, will someday recover from the wretched blemish of the word "Urkel." I weep for the countless children who watched this show and laughed; it's a human tragedy. Above all, I weep for God. Having seen Family Matters, I know that He does not exist. |
2001/6/30 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney, Reference/Religion] UID:21689 Activity:nil 66%like:21055 |
6/30 [Oh my god, you nuked kinney!] \_ you bastard! |
2001/5/25 [Reference/Religion] UID:21360 Activity:high |
5/25 O motd formatting god, I am in awe of your curious powers. In appreciation of the gifts you have bestowed on us, I would like to erect an idol. How would you like to be represented? \_ You said erect. huhuhuhuh. \_ The motd formatting god is not a god of idolatry. You shall be cast down into the depths of 85 column formatting if you whorship idols. Your spiritual contacts are all to be through the one true church: /etc/motd.public \_ 85? Shouldn't it be 80? \_ Get Thee Back to Thy 40-column Filth! -Motd Formatting High Priest |
2001/5/14 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:21277 Activity:high |
5/14 My rant of the day: What is wrong with you Korean bible bangers? Stop harassing me... just cuz I'm reading by myself on the lawn doesn't mean I'm spiritually lost or need salvation. so fuck off. \_ Korean bible bangers? \_ Ever been to Golden Bear at 6am? I have (to do some last minute futile cramming for an 8am exam), and there were a large group of Koreans doing some sort of bible study. I got the impression they do this regularly. Seems like every Korean is part of one of a trillion churches in the neighborhood. \_ as long as they don't harass you to love Jebus, who cares? \_ Just call them traitors to shut them up. Ask if their ancestors would approve of them pushing some white religion. |
2001/5/14 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Religion] UID:21267 Activity:very high |
5/14 I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand [generations] of those who love me and keep my commandments. -Exodus 20:5-6 \_ Didn't someone try to pass a bill or something to punish Americans for the sin of their fathers to the third and fourth generations of those who enslaved African Americans, and even Americans whose ancestors immigrated after that era, by paying some amount of compensation to all African Americans who live today? \_ attempt to troll, DENIED \_ man whatever, within a few generations all us immigrants will have our genes mixed out with white genes. \_ HOT AZIAN CHIXS!!!1! \_ Please spell it correctly: H07 4ZN CH1X \_ Houw about "42N"? \_ Please spell it correctly: H07 42N CH1X \_ How about "42N"? \_ 5P3111NG C0RR3C73D! vicious cycle. \_ Hot Asian Chicks!!! \_ That's why a child who got abused by his father would very likely be an abuser himself when he grows up and has a kid. Sin begets vicious cycle. Also read Deut 24:15-17: sin. Evil begets evil. Accepting Christianity would break the vicious cycle. \_ Also read Deut 24:15-17: "Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin." \_ So I guess the real question is, which religion abuses their children the most. Is it time for another one of those polls? \_ where does Christianity say anything about not abusing kids? |
2001/4/22 [Reference/Religion, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:21055 Activity:nil 66%like:21689 |
4/21 Oh my god! They nuked the motd! \_ you know, the motd always comes back... \_ death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it a while. \_ Those bastards! |
2001/4/20 [Reference/Religion] UID:21030 Activity:nil |
4/19 What do you mean Jedi is not a religion? <DEAD>us.imdb.com/PeopleNews/#10<DEAD> If Scientology is a religion, then so is the otherwise-known-as- make-George-Lucas-richer religion of Jedi. \_ Scientology is not a religion. |
2001/4/12 [Reference/Religion] UID:20955 Activity:high |
4/12 This is the first time I find myself agreeing with the ACLU on something. The separation of church and state: http://www.aclu.org/news/2001/n041001b.html \_ god has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place within organized religion! \_ so putting atheist views into "these walls" is not the same thing as putting religion into "these walls" since atheism is just another religion \_ The lack of religion in school teaching is not the same as the promotion of atheism. Schools should be talking about math, science, literature, and history. Not belief in God or lack of belief in God. Schools should deal with facts, not beliefs. \_ coherency-- \_ if you're trying to argue that atheism is a religion, well nice flamebait but that's a ridiculous statement. \_ Atheism is not a religion, but both atheism and theism are beliefs. As one above poster put it, beliefs have no place in schools, only facts do. \_ I agree with the ACLU often, however, they are wrong this time. There is no reasonable way the first amendment can be interpreted to say that it is illegal to give out bibles in schools. \_ There's a difference between "giving out bibles in schools" (which I disagree with but that's another issue) and the child in this case who was held up by the teachers as an object of scorn and ridicule which gives license to the other kids to make her suffer. I've had a small taste of what this child was put through. It is wrong to put a child through this and hypocritical to do so in the name of Jesus' love. If it was you as a child with the minority non-conformist view/religion/race/economic status/whatever in grade school you'd feel differently about it today. I say again, the school system *should* be about teaching the "three R's" (plus history and a few other things that don't start with "R") :-) and nothing else. I don't care if the case is a first amendment issue or a last amendment issue. What was done to the little girl was morally wrong. All in the name of Jesus.... |
2001/2/22-23 [Reference/Religion] UID:20649 Activity:moderate |
2/22 http://www.pixyland.org/peterpan I'm speechless. Just...speechless. \_ I dunno what to say except... why hasn't Darwinism eliminated such people yet?!? \_ the more I read the less I could believe it... \_ Brrrr. \_ How many kids do you think this guy has molested? \_ Did you see the counter at the bottom of the peter-pan site? over 240,000 people have seen that man's face. That's about a quarter million; just reading about THAT guy. wow. What a fruitcake. I think he needs a guinea worm. http://www.angelfire.com/ms/guineaworm/index.html |
2001/1/3 [Reference/Religion] UID:20221 Activity:nil |
1/2 motd restored. --motd restoration god |
2000/12/12 [Reference/Religion] UID:20074 Activity:nil |
12/11 GOD DAMN IT |
2000/11/4-5 [Reference/Religion] UID:19640 Activity:very high |
11/3 http://dailynews.yahoo.com/htx/nm/20001103/tc/germany_microsoft_dc_1.html What's with those wacky Germans? First David Hasselhoff now this. \_ Go away you scientologist-sympathizer \_ What's in that Scientology religion? Webster dictionary doesn't have the word. \_ Scientology is a cult. For more information, please see http://clambake.com. http://clambake.org. \_ Scientology is some "religion" founded by a science fiction author. I think that says all you need to know right there. \_ Christianity is some "religion" founded by a Jewish carpenter's son. I think that says all you need to know right there. Islam is some "religion" founded by an arab merchant. I think that says all you need to know right there. Judaism was founded by God. I think that says all you need to know right there. \_ ^God^some now-nameless lower-middle-class merchant or local nutcase, probably somewhere around Phoenicia. \_ Uh oh.. motd user with zero history knowledge spewing again.... Maybe next time, eh? \_ Yeah this is one sweet troll right here. \_ this is a troll: i will kick you in the nuts!!!! \_ This whole thread is flame bait right from the start. I was simply hammering the point home. All religions are a total crock. There is no God or Gods. Blind faith is for the weak minded and the oppressed who aren't making it this time around to give them hope for more luck next time. \_ Good thing my faith isn't blind. \_ You seem to miss the my point. I don't understand how the religious affiliation of the CEO (not a even a coder) affects the useability of a given application. Its completely illogical. \_ It doesn't. Their laws make it clear that they won't do business with or use the products of companies associated with Scientology. Period. CEO is a Scientologist? Then there's a pretty serious affiliation. It isn't about code. \_ it should be about kicking people in the nuts. fi the scientologists kicked people in the nuts, \_ It should be about kicking people in the nuts. If the scientologists kicked people in the nuts, they would get kicked in the nuts in return and there would be peace and harmony. \_ [motd typo fixing god was here] It is about business. All business. |
2000/10/29-30 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Religion] UID:19594 Activity:kinda low |
10/28 http://www.foxnews.com/etcetera/071900/glued_organ.sml \_ Smut Markup Language? \_ This has been posed to the MOTD at least once before. \_ Just proves that you should avoid women at all costs. \_ similarly, http://www.foxnews.com/etcetera/medical/032400_annulment.sml "Couples in conservative rural Egypt do not take off all their clothes when they have sex" Now THAT's conservative. \_ No, its all part of the F*ed up Muslim religion. The same religion that forces women to wear black from head to toe, because men are some how incapable of controlling thier urges or some bs like that. |
2000/10/13-15 [Reference/Religion] UID:19477 Activity:high |
10/13 Regarding the discussion below, is Muslim the proper term for those people who live in the Middle East, North Africa, Persia and follow (to varying degrees) the teachings of Mohamad? \_ a guy i work with who is one of the brightest, most multitaleneted, fun to work with , hard working people it's ever been my privelage to work with is a muslim, and he's from new york. -a jew who is not a predjudiced asshole \_ He must not be a practicing muslim, as the attributes you describe he has are mutually exclusive to the practice of islam. \_ Muslim is the name for followers of the religion of Islam. \_ In my language Mohamad rougly translates to "Exterme Imbicile". Thus his followers can be refered to as Extereme Imbiciles. \_ which language, if serious? \_ The term Mohamaden is used to describe Muslims. This is general written Maha (meaning great/extereme) and Mudan (meaning imbicile/idiot) in most Indian languages. \_ "most" -- indoeuropean or dravidian? \_ I would say most sanskrit (indoeuropean) based languages. Dravidian "languages" is somewhat of an oxymoron, as they are most closely related to primitive grunting than a real language. Most scholars consider dravidian "language" forms to be the native language forms of india, since sanskirt was introduced much later by the vedic invaders whose origin is much disputed. |
2000/10/13-14 [Reference/Religion] UID:19473 Activity:insanely high |
10/13 What is wrong with those arabs? Bombing American vessels, killing Israeli soldiers, etc. Do they want to get nuked or what? \_ enough of this racist bickering. it hurts you know. if you want to know the two sides, please see-- arab point of view: http://www.middleeast.org israeli point of view: http://www.jpost.com \_ What is wrong with those Israelis? Opressing Palestinians, killing children for throwing rocks, etc. What is wrong with our government that sends my tax dollars to them every year? \_ The Israelis did not start the fighting. The criminal \_ Basically why are the so f'ed up? PLO keeps inciting them. How do you think this nation would react if a bunch of thugs kept killing its citizens? Israelis have shown remarkable restraint despite numerous provocations. \_ that's pretty ridiculous. "the fightning" has been going on for thousands of years. read the bible. it's probably the only true bit. \_ restraint? Almost all the deaths over the past three weeks were Arab deaths. As of this morning, it was 7 Israelis and 90+ Palestinians that died. \_ The PLO started the killing. The Israelis are defending themselves. Besides its all that dick head Clintons' fault. He pushed the Israelis and the PLO too far too fast in the hopes of making himself look good. Its not our place to force other nations to the peace table. \_ This is deliberate. The Israelis cannot exchange one life for another given the population disparities. \_ what is the intent of your question? is it to incite thought or comments? it does a pretty poor job. if you're just looking for an answer, the answer is "no." -ali \_ why do you appear to be offended ali? It's just a naive question coming from a stupid ignorameous. \_ or a troll. \_ I find it hard to understand why these people feel they need to resort to such actions. Do they think that they can be violent without inciting a response? What is it \_ Several religions are notably peaceful: Hinduism, Buddhism, Quaker(ism?). Of these only hindus are willing to take up arms in *extereme* cases. about that religion that makes people behave in the most irrational ways? \_ Because they are completely f'ed up. \_ let me assume that by "that relgion" you mean "the arab religion" in which case i would have to reply with "you fucking imbecile. learn some culture before you decide you have an opinion about something," thus swiftly dismissing the discussion. -ali \_ He means Islam. Most arabs are also Muslims. Don't be a greater idiot than usual ali. \_ which is even worse. he's saying that the act was incited by religion. that's bullshit. i think culture in general had a lot more to do with it. if he wants to say "religion has a greater influence in their culture than anything else" then i'll still have to call him an idiot. the implied causality in his question is completely fatuous. \_ I don't understand why these people act in the manner that they do. My understanding is that they are driven by the "will of god" (as they percieve it), thus I conclude that thier religion (if you can all it a religion) leads them to it. There is also historical precedence for followers that particular "religion" inciting conflicts where it is unnecessary, the Moors in Spain, the Sultans in India, etc. \_ As opposed to the Christians who brought the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, and numerous other atrocities in the name of their religion. \_ Um, as I recall the reformation corrected most of these problems. How come there hasn't been a similar move in islam? \_ To expect reformation from a people whose heritage includes murdering their prophets chosen successor is the height of stupidity. \_ palestinians might be driven by the hopeless desperation intrinsic in being systematically oppressed and denied fundamental human rights. think about it. \_ NOT! The PLO is a bunch of murdering thugs. They would be criminals whether or not they were "oppressed". If you wish to speak about oppressed people in the Middle East, only the Israelis fall into that category. \_ israel has violated numerous international human rights laws. palestinian refugees don't even have the right to return. look at the facts. zionism is racism. \_ Both the Palestinians and the Jews have a reasonable claim to the same piece of land. Because of various reasons, mostly religious, a significant minority of each party is not willing to consider the others position and is willing to resort to any provocation, including mass murder and terrorism, to advance their agenda. In such a situation, no peace is possible -ausman \_ Israel has reacted in the only fesiable way. If America was surrounded by enemies we would arm our borders and take enemy land to buffer our people as much as possible. Don't give me that human rights bs. Israel MPs did not order hits and bombings on civilian targets for terrorizing people into getting what they want. The PLO did that. They are criminals and those that stand with them are criminals also. \_ you sound like a brainwashed zionist. \_ Refute the argument you anti-semitic pig. \_ how does anti-semitism fit into this? it's anti- zionism. \_ you sound like a brainwashed Hamas idiot. \_ I believe that the terms "brainwashed" and "idiot" are superflous when used to refer to the Hamas. Membership to that elite organization requires a level of mental capacity which is rarely seen in most humans (at least ones that are born with a brain). \_ No, it's religion in general. All religions are about equally fucked up. The jews and their state, the Muslims and their jihad, the Mormons with their preaching/ converting, the Christians with their Crusades. \_ There are several religions which are peaceful. Hindus, Buddhists, Quakers. \_ Hindus have a reputation for fighting. Well, India does, to say the least. Put three hindus in a room and you get three points of view. \_ Disagreement is different than resorting to violence. Hindus are extremely risk averse, and will chose to take up arms only if all other options have failed. \_ Religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. \_ If you believe this, you do not understand religion. Read a book by Joseph Campbell and perhaps you will understand. Oops, I forgot you and your WWF brothers don't know how to read. \_ I am very well read in Joseph Campbell. Jesse may or may not have good reasons for his belief, but the idea itself is sound. \_ How can it possibly be sound? Please clarify. \_ Let's take religions that define a god. None of these gods exists as described. \_ What Campbell books have you read? I'm not sure how you arrived at this conclusion, but you have not understood eastern religions at all, specifically hinduism. In hinduism God is defined as all that is. Only God exists, all else is just an aspect of God. \_ Arguing about hinduism and many Eastern religions can get very hairy (many are more philosophies than religions), and becomes distracting from the core argument. When we talk about traditional Christianity, the notion that the Christian God does not exist is much more self-evident. \_ From my readings of christian texts written by christian saints, the concept of God is similar to that of many eastern religions. I think that perhaps the traditional Catholic or Protestant view of God may be incomplete though. \_ From my reading of the Bible, the Christian God is an entity as well as a concept. This entity does not exist. \_ I admit that I have not read the bibile in its entirity. Perhaps the entity as described there in does not exist. But the original post does not specify a Christian God. \_ Is it not safe to assume that Jesse Ventura is speaking of, for the most part, Christians? I didn't read the whole Bible either; it's pretty clear after a few chapters, though, that the Christian God is put forth not only as a concept but an entity. \_ The US isn't going to nuke anyone ever again. The political fallout just ain't worth it. \_ This is a policy started by Truman. He was too scared to use the bomb that he hampered his generals in Korea from decisively winning that conflict leading to the diminished usefulness of our most powerful weapons. \_ Are you intentionally being a complete idiot? You might as well have said, the unfortunately outcome of WWII lead to the termination of Auschwitz as the most powerful killing machine the world has ever seen. Follow that by, can we just release biological weapons over the general vaccinity of the middle east? I'll bet you'd like to torture POW's, too. \_ You misunderstand my point. Why should we have weapons if we are too afraid to use them? \_ We SHOULDN'T HAVE NUKES! \_ I totally agree. We should replace our tactical nukes with space based weapons platforms. Big Guns in the Sky that can defend America's freedom from her enemies whereever they be. \_ If you play Civilization III, you'll realize the precedence of power in different civilizations: military units < religion < mass media < lawyers + injunctions To advance in civilization, you must research research research. As you approach industrialization and information revolution, you need units that are more deadly than the previous era but at the same time pose less physical threat. Religion served well as a weapon, but that era is over. \_ lol! Civilization III does not exist yet. It's Civ: CTP. |
2000/10/13-15 [Reference/Religion] UID:19471 Activity:very high |
10/13 Does the term Arab apply to all the middle eastern people? Or is it more specific or more generic than that? Does it imply religion (e.g. Muslim) in which case includes most of the middle eastern countries EXCEPT Israel? \_ arab is not synonymous with middle eastern. nope, not at all. many countries which aren't in the middle east have substantial arab populations, such as much of northern africa. it has nothing to do with religion-- there are muslim arabs, christian arabs, jewish arabs, atheist arabs, whatever. i think irani people don't consider themselves arab, or something like that. \_ You're mostly right. Most Iranians (not Irani, but who cares?) consider themselves "Persians", but there are also Iranian Arabs. Mostly from the south, where the oil is. There is tension between Persian and Arab Iranians. House of Kabab is owned by an Arab Iranian, but he considers himself Arab first. Arabs usually speak Arabic, so that's an easy way to tell. Afghans and Iranians don't speak Arabic (as their first tongue), and they don't consider themselves Arabs. \_ As far as I'm concerned, Israelis == Arabs. But I'm a stupid 'Merican so hey. \_ yah they are all just a binch of camel jockey sand niggers anyway right? Fucking idiot. \_ Cool it jewboy. It's just some Hatfields + McCoys shit. and the way all them nationalistic fundamentalists act, man, it's more like "sand _honkeys._" Israelis == Arabs == Bible-beatin' Southerners. troll troll troll troll! \_ hey look at the cute little oriental girl! \_ Ali AlabedAlafaelMohammedAhalaha Rahimi, you wanna answer this? \_ what about the Iraqians? \_ What about them? Shitheads lead by So-dam Insane. Arab (n): An Arabic-speaking gentile-ass who lives in Arabia or \_ so what about the Iranis or the Saudians? How they differ from Israelians? More moderate than the Jordani? \_ Sorry to inject reality into this discussion, but: Arab (n): An Arabic-speaking person who lives in Arabia or North Africa (Therefore not Israeli). -tom \_ As usual, you are an idiot. Tell the Syrians and Iraqis that they are not Arabs for me. \_ changing "person" to "jewass" or "gentile-ass" is juvenile and boring. -tom \_ defining Arab, as if it needed defining, is juvenile and boring. The song "Ha" is Juvenile and boring. But "gentile-ass", while juvenile, is not boring. ha! \_ They are not Arabs, they are camel jockeys or sand n*grs (whichever racial slur you prefer) \_ Regardless nationalistic fundamentalists are the same the world over, they freakin' SUCK ASS. \_ muslims are not synonmous with arab btw \_ E.g. Malaysia and Indonesia are Islamic SE Asian countries. \_ note how there are no muslim 1st world countries. wonder if it's mutually exclusive \_ Note that there are no Indian 1st world countries. wonder if it's mutually exclusive \_ To build a 1st world nation requires intelligence, rationality, tolerance, humanity etc. These attributes are completely orthogonal to the muslim nature. \_ What about the era of Persia? It was more "1st world" than Europe at that time. \_ They were Persians, not (as you might say), dirty Arabs. \_ yeah, before Islam took over and ruined it \_ What about it? Alexander the Great conqured Persia, and then the Romans and later on the Russians. Face it, the height of Muslim glory came during Akbar's reign in India. Even then, he entrusted the daily affairs of empire to a Hindu, because he felt (and stated in writing) that no muslim could ever posses the requisite intelligence to run an empire. \_ Your lack of historical knowledge is disturbing. The Arab empires during the "Dark Ages" in Europe were larger, more civilized, and longer lasting than any Christian empire. \_ Perhaps in the years between the fall of the eastern empire and the beginning of the renasiance arab nations were better organized than european ones, but only marginally so. Even during the height of thier power, muslim rulers outside of india ran countries in which \_ Does this qualifier makes any difference? the average citizen was quite poor and had little freedom. They can hardly be considered 1st world as superior civilizations existed in non-muslim dominated parts of the the world at the same time. \_ Alexander never conquered Russia and such country did not even exist yet. A collection of feudal city states that later united as Kievan Rus' more or less has been paying off the Mongols to leave them alone for 300 years but as the Kievan Rus' government seat was in Kiev, you could just as well argue that it was actually the ancient Ukraine. There was neither Moscow (only 850 years old) nor St.Petersbourgh (negligiable age). Few of those cities are now in Russia, but they were never a capital of any country by such name. What I believe to be the oldest of the bunch, called Novgorod was actually a democracy. (strangely, it means "new town", not to be confused with my hometown Nizniy Novgorod ( "lower new town" ) that was build later than this, but still before Moscow. Could you have ment Genghis Khan? The Mongols weren't much of conquerers, because they never could live in a town for more than a couple of days, but \_ "a couple of days" is enough time to wrap you in blankets as stomp on it with horses as a token of honor. they obviously didn't lose any time. Slavs are supposed to be blond. All it really took to kicking them out was to stop mutual backstabbing that's all. -muchandr \_ One day an old polish jew, living in Warsaw, has his last light bulb burn out. To get a new one he'll have to stand in line for two hours at the store (and they'll probably be out by the time he gets there), so he goes up to his attic and starts rummaging around for an old oil lamp he vaguely remembers seeing. He finds the old brass lamp in the bottom of a trunk that has seen better days. He starts to polish it and (poof!) a genie appears in cloud of smoke. "Hoho, Mortal!" says the genie, stretching and yawning, "For releasing me I will grant you three wishes." The old man thinks for a moment, and says, "I want Genghis Khan resurrected. I want him to re-unite his mongol hordes, march to the Polish border, and then decide he doesn't want the place and march back home." "No sooner said than done!" thunders the genie. "Your second wish?" "Ok. I want Genghis Khan resurrected. I want him to re-unite his mongol hordes, march to the Polish border, and then decide he doesn't want the place and march back home." "Hmmm. Well, all right. Your third wish?" "I want Genghis Khan resurrected. I want him to re-unite his--" "OK OK OK. Right. What's this business about Genghis Khan marching to Poland and turning around again?" The old man smiles. "He has to pass through Russia six times." \_ Every who lives in the Middle East is Middle Eastern, but Arabs and Israelis are Semitic and Persians are not. The former two could never find any chemical / biological warfare agets that worked on one but not the other, and not for the lack of trying... -muchandr \_ John, I forgot I owed you an explanation on Czechs. The Czech design bureau is Tatra (they did do trucks, but are not Russian), the firm who hired them was the new Bugatti under Romano Artioli, and yes, correct again, they are currently buiding 18 cilinder monsters under Bugatti label for VW AG, whose Ferdinand Piech, by the weirdest fluke is the designer of Audi Quattro yet majority shareholder of Porshe and direct descendant of Ferry Porshe. Porshe had to finally part ways with the aircoled boxer 6 in 911, which was getting too hot and too noisy at three something liters displacement and switch to watercooling like the rest of the wold, so imagine their surprise when they found out that the Czech government Tatra limosines, that were absolutely silent is actually an aircooled 8 of some 4 or 5 liter displacement. That was probably the largest modern aircooled car engine. Very impressive. EB110 supercar was theirs, and the new ones you can find at http://www.bugatti-cars.de I don't think VW would've dared a crack at Bugatti themselves. They were already scared shitless of having to do Bentleys and Lamborginis ... -muchandr |
2000/10/1 [Reference/Religion] UID:19384 Activity:nil |
10/01 Muslims attacked by Jews again. You can't trust those zionist SOBs. |
2000/9/28 [Reference/Religion] UID:19354 Activity:nil |
9/27 mmtd formating(sic) god was here. |
2000/9/28 [Reference/Religion] UID:19351 Activity:nil |
9/27 motd formating god was here. |
2000/6/5-6 [Reference/Religion] UID:18419 Activity:high |
6/5 http://www.sunday-times.co.uk/news/pages/sti/2000/06/04/stifgnusa01007.html Somebody who knows more about physics comment on this. I checked Dr Raymond Chiao here at UCB and he seems legit. But I haven't found any info on Dr. Lijun Wang supposedly from Princenton. Is it possible that the speed of light has finally been broken???! \_ I know Raymond Chiao, he's christian and did send signals faster than speed of light. \_ What does his religion have to do with the speed of light? \_ If God thinks you're a righteous dude, he loosens up and lets you break the laws of physics every now and then. \_ Not really. Some things can travel much faster than the speed of light. Gravitational forces are instantaneous over large distances. \_ God is the coolest dude around. \_ Christians always tell the truth. -- A Christian \_ yeah, christians said the world was flat too. \_ and u suckers fell for it. \_ Xtians do all the real discoveries, while atheist just cheat on their wives - Dr. laura \_ The idea here is that the pulse shape is reconstructed on the other end of the chamber such that it seems to coexist with the pulse entering the chamber, thus giving the impression that it's travelling faster than the speed of light. However, it's possible that the leading edge of the pulse is entering the chamber earlier in time than the perceived pulse location. Thus, it's still impossible to transmit information faster than c... ie.,laws of physics still preserved. \_ The physics is beyond me, but wouldn't the experiment have taken that possibility into account? Can't wait for a 5 minute trip to another star.... \_ Bah. die-hard einsteinians make more and more twisted theories. to make up for when it looks like they are not right. For example, "xyz doesnt go faster than light. 'SPACE' contracts". And yet they also say there's no such thing as 'space'. After a while, they get to sounding more like flat-earth apologists. Or Ptolmeic thinkers. Retrograde! |
2000/3/26 [Reference/Religion] UID:17856 Activity:low |
3/26 http://www.stl-online.net/thc/med/diseases/tcdi074.jpg \_ "Patient refused treatment." Oh my God! |
2000/2/26 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Reference/Religion] UID:17634 Activity:very high |
2/25 Another victory for the stupid religious conservatives: http://www.nandotimes.com/noframes/story/0,2107,500173441-500224534-501074649-0,00.html -PeterM \_ So people who don't agree with you are stupid, eh? Sigh. -emarkp \_ Since when was non-marital sex a crime? \_ bad link. The only "religious conservative" type one I can find is http://www.nandotimes.com/nation/story/0,1038,500173553-500224719-501076852-0,00.html |
2000/1/20 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/Gay, Reference/Religion] UID:17275 Activity:low |
1/19 A related question to the homo marrieages/Christian thread below. A while back there was a contraversial play where Jesus had sex with all 12 of his disciples. You know, during the last supper. It was a big gay orgy. Anybody remember the name of the play? \_ I remember there was a big discussion about Jesus and John as lovers. |
1999/12/28-29 [Reference/Religion] UID:17109 Activity:moderate 61%like:18514 |
12/28 [Motd summarised for your convenience] -motd summary god (tom) \_ Not tom you fuckwit. Tom doesn't do summaries. He wipes. "(tom)" removed. Add your own comments, don't change mine. -motd summary god (not tom) |
1999/11/25-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Reference/Religion] UID:16953 Activity:high |
11/25 Today I give thanks that I am not a h0zer. \_ It's TG and you're writing on the motd. Thus, you are a h0zer. And a lamer as well. \_ "Lest he without sin cast the first stone...." \_ "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...." \_ Duh, gee whiz you're clever. I never claimed not to be a h0zer or lamer. I also didn't go on the motd to proclaim it. Also, you're misquoting the Bible. If you're going to bother quoting garbage at least quote it properly. \_ Who said it was a quote from the Bible, lamer? \_ Of course it's a Bible quote. Don't even try to pretend you didn't fuck up the Bible quote. Don't try to go there. This isn't 3rd grade anymore. \_ Today I give thanks that my account has not been sorried. all pre-tg crap removed. \_ Tom? |
1999/9/22-24 [Reference/Religion] UID:16569 Activity:high |
9.23 http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Node/4081 \_ It looks like a troll and smells like a troll. Does anybody know if it's legit? \_ Does anyone even THINK it's legit? Duh! It's a GeoCities site! |
1999/7/13 [Reference/Religion] UID:16118 Activity:kinda low |
7/12 http://www.latimes.com/HOME/NEWS/NATION/UPDATES/lat_darwin990712.htm \_ DOWN WITH THOSE FUCKING ANTI_EVOLUTIONISTS!!1! \_ "Polls consistently show that at least 44% of Americans believe God created life as described in Genesis: Over the course of six days, He separated day from night and created every species of life, culminating with Adam and Eve. A roughly equal percentage accept evolution but think God had a hand in guiding it. Only about 10% believe in strict evolution, unaided by external forces." God bless democracy. \_ Stupidity regarding science/religion has nothing to do with democracy. Where'd you get that idea from? I don't deny that the average citizen is a complete dolt, but I don't see where democracy has anything to do with it. Doltishness is an equal opportunity politically neutral condition. \_ According to Plato (and many agree with him), democracy is the second worst form of government (the worst being tyranny). Furthermore, the United States is not a democracy, but an oligarchy. -- ilyas \_ We're supposedly a republic, not an oligarchy. --dim \_ Right. -- ilyas |
1999/1/11 [Reference/Religion] UID:15204 Activity:moderate |
1/10 http://www.catholicpriest.com - tpc \_ how is this interesting or informative? \_ yeah that's right, sexless geeks are a dime a dozen around here, we don't need to see more. - tpc as if most people haven't already been sent that assinine questionnaire 36 times. \_ Right. But for AI people, it IS interesting, as an indication of a possible common(not neccessarily 100%) algorithm for human data storage. \_ get a fucking clue. \_ Look asshole. If you're going to delete something, delete it all the way. Now I am curious about the questionniare. \_ it was probably that stupid "put names of people you know on lines 1-4, and then yer mom's bra size on line 5, the length of your dick on line 6" etc. -tom |
1998/12/20 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Reference/Religion] UID:15133 Activity:high |
12/20 Our president has been impeached. God help us all. I don't know what we're gonna do without him. After all, he DOES run the country. He said so. \_ God intended to have him impeached. Let that be a lesson for all you sinners out there. \_ Those of us across the pond are looking at passing ourselves off as Canadian again... -John |
1998/11/14-16 [Reference/Military, Reference/Religion] UID:14957 Activity:moderate |
11/13 Hello UN Weapons inspector. Thanks for not inspecting us in the past couple of days, giving us ample time to hide our weapons of mass destruction. Feel free to inspect us now. Thanks. \_ hello again UN Weapons inspectors. I'm so glad you fell for this crap for a third time. Nobody thought you would. Now would you might bending over just a *little* more? \_ Lucky Inspectors, bending over \_ There seems to be a lot of backslash against Muslim countries and its leadership. Muslim is a good religion and you guys should have more respect for its belief. -muslim #1 \_ This guy isn't Muslim, just a fake. If he was Muslim, he would have said "Islam is a good religion." \_ No, just against the ones that blow up airplanes and eat babies and burn US flags. We like bombing non-muslim countries who do that also, nothing personal. -John |
1998/10/6-7 [Reference/Religion] UID:14741 Activity:kinda low |
10/06 http://www.timecube.com You are too brainwashed to know Nature's Time Cube \_ I want to win the $1,000 prize -- four cesium clocks and four Iridium phones should do. |
1998/9/21-22 [Reference/Religion] UID:14644 Activity:moderate |
9/21 update your life entries - The Life God \_ I challenge the life god to a cage fight. My penis is bigger. -John \_ huh? \_ /usr/local/csua/pub/life, ye who is only but a babe \_ alas, ye phat and greeeeeeeeeasy citizens, /csua/pub/life is a shorter yet sufficient path. trainest thou harder. thy fu is as the gossamer \_ hey, my fu is special. \_ Your fu is girly fu |
1998/8/26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Reference/Religion] UID:14517 Activity:kinda low |
8/26 What the hell is going on with the SPAM!? Either finger is open, or there's some sellout has given our logins to some religious freak group on the net... \_ apparently the return address is real, BOMBS AWAY!!!! \_ Actually, I sold your login to the religious freak groups in hopes of raising some extra cash (money's been a little tight lately, since yermom doesn't have the drawing power she used to . . . ) \_ Rumor has it that she's gone in for that new pussy tightening surgery. Only time will tell. |
1998/8/11 [Reference/Religion] UID:14442 Activity:nil |
8/7 More de-trollification. \_ trollification? Our english department is so good that we have earned the god given right to make up our own words. \_ Trollification is a perfectly cromulent word. - tpc \_ i think you mean to say promulent. \_ ...and we can't hyphenate "god-given" when using it as an adjective? |
1998/7/22-24 [Reference/Religion] UID:14367 Activity:high |
7/20 Boredcast Message from soda!kaychng (ttyPr) at 19:29 ... by the way i'm not racist... i eat out my old roomate who's white... well actually he's jews but he's the coolest guy I have never met. \_ I ate a Chinese Orthodox Jew once.. Mmm.. Jewtastic... |
1998/6/18-19 [Reference/Religion] UID:14224 Activity:high |
6/16 Oh my god mlee is gay!!! \_ nope. he is a bi. \_ or just a freak \_ a bi? i thought he was THE bi. \_ well gee, duh \_ oh my god cmlee is a twink |
1998/3/2-3 [Reference/Religion] UID:13742 Activity:very high |
3/01 Go see Dark City. Rocks. -muchandr \_ I can change reality, but I can't make myself a body nor can I make myself not need a body. I need to find Descartes first. \_ It was interesting, I'll give you that. But I'm glad I didn't pay any money to see it. \_ My Holy Bible is far more educational and life affirming. \_ My Holy Bible is far more educational and life affirming. |_ Please don't deface other people's comments the way my "Holy Bible" was changed to "asshole". If you aren't interested in eternal salvation, that's your business, but it's highly inappropriate and uncalled for to mangled my comments like that. I've never done anything to hurt you. \_sign yer post \_ My copy of Dianetics is far more educational and life affirming. \_ My asshole is far more educational and life affirming. |
1996/2/20 [Reference/Religion] UID:31827 Activity:nil |
2/20 All are commanded to OBEY the gospel: 2 Th 1:8 In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: 1 Pet 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? How does one OBEY the death, burial, and ressurection? - simple.. no one can except Christ who is God, thus, just obtain God's life and you will have the capacity to do so. - turin I AM SATAN, FEAR ME!!!! -- 666 - Or you can accept freewill and responsibility for your own actions, resist brainwashing, and get on with your life. \ KA - Fong's peaceful life in the country is soon disrupted when the Eight Demon Swordsmen start killing, crippling, and then kidnap Fong's wife. He takes up his sword again, and the slaughter begins. More of the same [as in One-Armed Swordsman].[A |
3/15 |