3/14 |
2008/3/27-28 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:49585 Activity:nil |
3/27 "Ten Days That Changed Capitalism" http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120657397294066915.html |
2008/3/25-28 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49567 Activity:nil |
3/25 Oh shit, more housing bust! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23796366 \_ Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will almost assuredly come to the rescue of all of those whose mortgage is resetting after '08. |
2008/3/20-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49518 Activity:nil |
3/20 There's a correlation between home prices and interest rate right? As long as the government intends to buffer the housing crash, home prices shouldn't drop much right? \_ More money => inflation. As long as money is cheap (i.e. interest rates are low) we'll have lots of money chasing houses. However, with the foreclosures, there are houses being dumped, so prices are probably going down. \_ I don't know of any studies that have shown a correlation between interest rates and housing prices, in fact what little evidence there is tends to point the other way, since interest rates and home prices both tend to go down during a recession. \_ I assume you're one of the "should I or shouldn't I buy a house now?" people. I'll tell you what my wife and I did, decide for yourself if it makes sense for your life: we both had good jobs at the time and could have bought a much larger house, instead we chose to get a house we could afford on either income (so a job loss wouldn't be extra devastating since I was at a startup then), given our $$$ range we then decided where we wanted to live starting with country and narrowing it down to the greater bay area taking into account transit/commute options, how 'nice' the area is, food, potential future of area, etc. Once we chose an area (near BART, not too far from freeway, bad food but improving), we looked at houses in our range and a bit above and below. Chose house. Here's the key part: we got a loan with no fees, points, or other BS. Rates were quite a bit higher then so we took what we could get on the loan given the no-BS requirement. As rates dropped we refi'd a few times. Each time was no-fee-BS. Our current payment is low enough that my wife no longer has to do the 9-5 and we're doing great. Buy something you can see yourself living in for *many* years and possibly until retirement. If you intend to move around more often than once every 5 years or so then renting may be a better option for you. Selling/buying a house has *very* high costs that will eat any potential increase in property value you may have obtained over a short time period. YMMV. Do not try to time the housing market. If it was that easy then no one would ever lose money on real estate. Best of luck in your house hunting. \_ This is the best financial advice I have seen on the motd. |
2008/3/17-21 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49472 Activity:moderate |
3/16 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23673100 What does this ALL MEAN? Bear Stern + JP Morgan + government interventions. I mean, is the market going to crash or not? When will home prices be available? I have about $200K in CDs and I want to know WHEN is a good time to buy a home. \_ The way things are going, I would worry about my job and my health care before I'd worry about buying a home. \_ "The financial markets are as close to collapse as I've seen in my career" -Chris Rupkey, chief financial economist at Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi (3/17/08) \_ Translation: my bonus is looking kind of thin this year, so I am begging for a government handout. \_ If you are trying to time the bottom of the housing market, give up, because that sort of thing is notoriously difficult. If you just want to play it safe, hold on until prices start to go back up again, which should be quite obvious. This might easily take five or six years, though, if the past is any indication. Are you ready to wait that long? \_ It took 7 years last time and that was with a run-up nothing like what occurred this time. I would guess it will be 10 years at least. \_ So wait until the freefall stops, and then buy, so you don't go underwater in the 1st year, which is quite depressing. \_ So wait until the freefall stops, and then buy, so you don't go underwater in the 1st year, which is quite depressing. \_ Buy when you can afford to and don't worry about paper profits and losses. My neighbor bought her house in the 1950s. She could care less that she can sell it for 100X what she paid for it. It's still just her house like it always was. People need to stop treating their primary residence like investment property. \_ How do you know when the end of the freefall is? \_ In the 50s, people keep their jobs for a very long time. In today's world, we don't stay in the same job or location very long. The average length of stay in a house in the US is ~7 years. I for one have had to switch from the east bay to the peninsula and back and finally ended up in Milpitas throughout countless acquisitions, mergers, job changes, and one lay-offs. \_ No one is going to sell/buy a new house because their \_ NO ONE? I know a few. Want to rephrase your statement again? Crossing the bridge is a total pain in the butt, but I suppose it's still a lot better than any LA freeway. \_ "No one who cares about their financial health, because buying/selling a house every year or two is very expensive if it is your primary residence, therefore no one smart would do such a thing, such a person, being smart, would rent". How is that? I meet the correct motd anal retentive standard? I commute to the peninsula from the far east bay every day. BFD. job moved between the east bay and south bay or peninsula. The commute is not that hard. If you need to be that close to work and your work location changes that quickly you should rent. \_ If we knew that we'd all be retired billionaires enjoying our islands, not posting on the motd. \_ The one is not contraindicitive of the other. If I was a retired billionaire with my own island, I might still post to the motd. |
2008/3/14-17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49459 Activity:nil |
3/14 sub-prime mortgage blues (oldie but goodie) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13qWw7waSeM |
2008/3/14-17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49456 Activity:nil |
3/14 Bay Area homes: "Spectacularly low sales counts" http://www.dqnews.com/News/California/Bay-Area/RRBay080313.aspx \_ but but but prices are stable! only $2K drop from last year! and loans formerly known as jumbo are gonna become available any time now!!!1 \_ Which model yacht(s) does your landlord own? How many times have you gone sailing with your landlord? \_ LANDLORD WITH A YACHT!!!!!11!! \_ My land didn't come with a yacht. I think we should have a federal law requiring a yacht to be provided with every land sale, to ensure the dream of ownership is properly fulfilled. \_ BITTER RENTER!!!!!1!1 WITH A YACHT!!!11!!! \_ Because you're one of those "I'm going to make a zillion dollars renting out a second home and be a land lord!" types. Real land lords own multiple units, don't have a day job, and own yachts with money they got from the bitter ALL-CAPS!!!11!! renters. \_ Yeah, they sure do when they're underwater on all their mortages and the bank is about to foreclose. Oh wait, you mean the entire US housing market is confined to Noe Valley? \_ My previous landlord owned the 50-unit building at Dwight and Ellsworth, and his day job was being the manager and the handyman. He always seemed to be fixing something. \_ All the multi-millionaire landlords I know spend all their time futzing with their properties. \_ But how can they. They're too busy with their YACHTS!!!!11! |
2008/3/11-13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49422 Activity:nil |
3/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_qK4g6ntM \_ Very funny! Is subprime a unique problem in the US? Or is it widespread to other countries? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Rock \_ Northern Rock did not underwrite sub-prime loans. They ran out of cash when the short-term money markets dried up. Giving people a loan w/o confirming their income, and the investment banks' securitization conduits w/o regard to underwriting and risk were mostly Americans' stupidity/genius. Those burned overseas bought our mortgage bonds. \_ We "securitized" our subprime loans and sold it to anyone who would buy it. Banks shoveled turds into a bag, got other banks to buy it and then said (Nelson laugh) "ha ha". \_ The British people are laughing at us, does that mean they don't have any subprime problem? How do they deal with it? \_ No, they bought a ton of our garbage loans. They have a lot to be very somber about. |
3/14 |
2008/3/10-11 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49411 Activity:moderate |
3/10 The Long Johns on the credit crisis http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_qK4g6ntM \_ Very funny! Is subprime a unique problem in the US? Or is it widespread to other countries? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Rock \_ Northern Rock did not underwrite sub-prime loans. They ran out of cash when the short-term money markets dried up. Giving people a loan w/o confirming their income, and the investment banks' securitization conduits w/o regard to underwriting and risk were mostly Americans' stupidity/genius. Those burned overseas bought our mortgage bonds. \_ Northern Rock did not underwrite sub-prime loans. They ran out of cash when the short-term money markets dried up. Giving people a loan w/o confirming their income, and the investment bank's securitization conduits were/are mostly American stupid. Those burned overseas mostly bought our mortgage bonds. |
2008/3/7-11 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:49382 Activity:kinda low |
3/7 http://www.ofheo.gov/media/hpi/AREA_LIST.pdf Conforming loan limits are now $729,750 for the San Jose-Sunnyvale- Santa Clara area. Even more for a duplex. Expiring end of 2008. Buy-buy-buy! \_ This only lasts till end of 2008 right? It's suppose to save the presidency or something. \_ How do I find out my area? \_ "housing, it only goes up!" "They aren't making any more land!" "Buy now, before you get priced out!" \_ I am glad I bought in 2002, before I got priced out... \_ Where would you have gotten priced out? \_ San Francisco, specifically Noe Valley \_ Just wait. Given real value decreases I'm sure we'll be back around 2002 prices fairly soon. \_ You are sure that Noe Valley is in for 50% drop in real prices soon? I am sure you are wrong. Are you one of those bitter renters, perhaps? \_ No. By the way, "bitter renter" accusations are essentially a Godwin equivalent at this point in the housing mess. The last thing that any renter is right now is bitter. \_ Nonsense. The bitter renters have been harping on the motd for years. If they had bought back then they'd still be above their purchase price and would actually be on their way to owning something instead of supporting their landlord's yachting adventures. \_ It is not really a yacht, just a 32 foot wooden sailboat... \_ Does that Koolaid taste good? \_ Nationally, home equity levels are the lowest ever. They'd be renting from the bank like the rest of America. \_ Up 50% after the all the drops. It tastes *great*! Thanks for asking. How is your landlord doing lately? Better than you I'd wager. \_ Nationally, home equity levels are the lowest ever. They'd be renting from the bank like the rest of America. \_ Which has nothing to do with prices and everything to do with individuals taking money out of their equity to buy toys. That has nothing at all to do with the economy, housing, or anything. Just people being dumb and greedy. I did not take out anything when I refi'd and every month I own a bit more. \_ So are you or aren't you predicting a real drop in Noe Valley home prices of 50% "real soon"? Can you define real soon a little more precisely please? \_ Hard to tell, but I'd expect within a time frame of 5 to 7 years. Depends a lot on whether the dollar continues to become more worthless, which I think is a good bet. \_ Home prices have traditionally done okay in a period of high inflation. Not great, but not that bad, especially if you have a mortgage that is getting inflated away as well. Where would you \- yes you are paying with inflated dollars, but some of you house apprecaition is nominal appreciation. rather keep your assets? Gold? And even if your rather pessimistic prediction comes true, I will have lived in a place for 10 years for the cost of mortgage + taxes + maint - tax break, which is already less than rent for me. \_ I'm sure you'll be fine, given that you didn't buy in the truly inane bubble periods and you probably have a pretty sane loan. And I'll be a perfectly happy "bitter renter" on the sidelines until I need to buy and prices are a little more realistic. But this conforming limit change certainly does not mean "buy buy buy." For more on the requirements for "jumbo conforming" see here: http://csua.org/u/kzo (calculated risk) The DTI, LTV, and re-fi requirements seem daunting to me. Won't be surprised if these end up costing more than a traditional jumbo. \_ I would not buy today either. Or in 2005-2006, when things were crazy. To tell you the truth, I was kind of nervous buying even in 2002. But I guess it all worked out, barring a huge deflationary period (that is when people with $1/2M loans really get screwed). \_ I was certain I was buying at the top in 2001 and boy was I wrong. It's hard to predict tops/bottoms so just buy when you can afford to. \_ Certainly home owners will do better than renters in an inflationary economy; mortgage payment relative to income will decrease, while rent will not. By the way, from what I can tell from the rules on these "jumbo conforming loans," the price savings in the end as compared to normal jumbos will be a wash. \_ Bitter renter? \_ Happy renter, but thanks for the generic troll. By the way, the DTI requirement on these new loans means they aren't gonna change much of anything, at least not in the Bay. \_ I say bitter renter because you cared enough to check. If you're so happy what's it matter what the requirements are or what effect they will/wont have on prices? \_ Curiousity, and a general fear that the economy is about to go in the dumper. There are other reasons to care about this stuff than house envy. \_ It doesn't matter what the economy is doing: so long as you have skills and some cash on hand, you'll be fine. |
2008/3/6-7 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:49368 Activity:kinda low |
3/6 Housing, Bank Troubles Deepen Foreclosures set record Aggregate equity drops to 47.9% http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120485071664018195.html "Housing, it always goes up!" "Buy now, before you get freezed out!" "They aren't making more land!" "We're special!" "... if you own something, you have a vital stake in the future of our country. The more ownership there is in America, the more vitality there is in America, and the more people have a vital stake in the future of this country." \_ So far anyway, this is actually true. "... if you own something, you have a vital stake in the future of our country. The more ownership there is in America, the more vitality there is in America, and the more people have a vital stake in the future of this country." future of this country." -Dubya |
2008/3/5-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49350 Activity:nil |
3/5 Dear housing experts, what's the difference between a P.U.D. and Single Family Home? I went to a P.U.D. home today, and it is completely detached with its own land, backyard, etc, but it is not considered a SFH on the contract. Sure the backyard is pretty tiny but it still looks like a SFH. BTW this PUD home is a lot less expensive than SFHs nearby -confused \_ A PUD has common areas like swimming pools and open space that are owned and maintained by everyone. You usually get a monthly bill for this and often restrictions as well. Think of them as master-planned communities. With a SFR you can usually tear down your house and build whatever you want. In a PUD you often don't have that freedom. You also have to deal with an HOA, which is not strictly a PUD thing but I'm pretty sure all PUDs have them. |
2008/3/4-7 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:49335 Activity:kinda low 85%like:49333 |
3/4 Um, holy crap? http://preview.tinyurl.com/2f8nqd (cnn.com) \_ http://calculatedrisk.blogspot.com/2008/03/bernanke-to-lenders-reduce-principal.html \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/36bxx3 (calculatedrisk.blogspot.com) Insert theme from your favorite horror movie here. \_ Serious does this mean homes will be affordable again? Seriously? Man I can't wait -bitter missed out guy \_ Affordable is relative. The price of the home isn't nearly as important as your monthly payment on it and how long you have to pay that number. \_ This makes absolute sense esp. for ppl with low IQs. The rate at which home prices balloon or sink... where do you take that into consideration? The affordability index has been shrinking for the last 15 years, and given a historical cyclical market isn't it prudent to wait for the other side of the cycle? I mean, affordability is relative, but that should not be the only factor used in such a complex and expensive decision. \_ And the final variable would be the interest rate. Thanks for the math lesson. WTF are you trying to say? \_ He's saying that if the interest rate doubles while prices fall in half it doesn't make housing much more affordable for people who are financing the purchase. Maybe that's clear to you, but a lot of people seem to overlook that the payment means more than the price in many instances. \_ People are supposed to save up a significant downpayment, if banks are being responsible. Prices should matter in the real world. In fantasy bubble land where government saves the day maybe it doesn't matter. \_ No. This means that the shit that has been hitting the fan for the last year is going to continue to hit the fan. In fact, some of the shit that hit it already is going to circle back for a few more wacks. \_ If many homeowners are experiencing "shit hitting the fan" doesn't it imply all the spectators will soon be in a position to cherry pick shit soon? \_ Not if the economy gets totally fucked by the housing crisis. Hence the horror movie soundtrack, etc... \_ We won't hit bottom until people think real estate is dead. As long as there are a lot of spectators thinking they are going to cherry pick we won't get there. Serious investors aren't worried about predicting a bottom. They bought 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 2 years ago, and last week - but they bought what made sense to buy. Finding bargains might be getting easier, but financing what you find is tougher meaning that only the all-cash guys (you know, the pros) can stay in. \_ Yes, this is exactly true. However, SFH have been mostly financed by fairy dust the last few years, so they are going to have the furthest to fall. Not to say that the credit crunch won't hit multi-famliy and commercial real estate, I am sure it will, but the valuations are not as out of whack. \_ I've paid my mortgage on time every month for years. Who is going to 'fix' my loan so I don't have to pay so much anymore? \_ One word for you: SUCKER! \_ Obviously I should have defaulted then the gvt would have rescued me from my own stupidity because clearly I would have been a "victim" of a "predatory" loan. sigh. I need a nanny state law passed to take care of me, too! \_ Did you even read the article? \_ Yes. I read both links. Did you? \_ Yes. Where did you make the logical leap from a voluntary agreement between a bank and a home owner to a gvt bailout? |
2008/3/4 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:49333 Activity:nil 85%like:49335 |
3/4 Um, holy crap? http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/newstex/AFX-0013-23516253.htm |
2008/2/26-3/4 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49269 Activity:nil |
2/26 Rejoice renters and bitter comrades who missed out! Home price index drops 8.9%, the largest drop in 20 year history! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23350937 \_ GLOBAL RECESSION IS HERE! Prepare to be laid off soon. As for savers... good for you! -Recession Swami \_ And you'll still need two mortgages and a spotless credit rating to afford a house in the Bay Area. \_ But Bay Area offers unheard of opportunities to get super rich from the dot-com companies! \_ For some. But really it is about base salaries here being almost double most other places. For anyone who bought a reasonable house within their price range without some weirdola non-standard mortgage (98% of people), none of this housing stuff matters much, if at all. \_ You need spotless credit almost everywhere right now. \_ Two mortgages or two incomes??? \_ i think he's talking about piggy-back mortgages (which are becoming much less common now in favor of 20% hard cash) \_ I wouldn't even think about buying unless I had 20% saved as a down payment. \_ It's that kind of thinking that kept a lot of people out of the housing market when it was cheap. I thought the same way and was busily trying to save $60K on an entry-level salary and meanwhile the years ticked by: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. Around that time I got a clue and realized that I could get a loan and afford a payment with the $25K I had so what the hell was I waiting for? I bought in 2001. If I was still saving I think I'd have $100K and it *still* wouldn't be 20% and my mortgage would be higher. wouldn't be 20% and my mortgage would be bigger. Just buy when you can afford the payment and don't worry about the price so much. It's a bad way to buy a lot of things, but a good way to buy real estate. I could have bought back in 1997, had a better standard of living, saved more money on my house, and been 4 years closer to paying it off had I not been worried about that mystical 20% down. \_ Yeah, but that is just because your "saving" period was during a time when real estate prices happened to be rapidly appreciating. If you had 10% down now, you would probably be better off waiting until you had 20% down. In general, it is a bad idea to buy more than you can afford, but I agree if you can get a bank to sign the paper work, can afford the monthly payment, and have 6 months worth of expenses in the bank, you can buy with even 0% down now. I would not do it, though. \_ My point is that if you can comfortably afford to buy now (for all values of now) then do it. Maybe you can buy cheaper later. Maybe you won't. There's no time like the present. That can't. There's no time like the present. That 20% is not magic and it's unrealistic in markets like urban CA if you're a first-time homebuyer. You will waste a lot of time trying to go from 10% to 20% down for no good reason. If you would rather wait to buy for other reasons that's something else, but simply waiting to buy until you gather 20% down is not a good reason. buy until you gather 20% down is not a good reason. |
2008/2/25-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49229 Activity:nil |
2/25 http://tinyurl.com/yuv7hh (chicagotribune.com) Foreclosed home purchased at auction came with skeleton of son of former owner |
2008/2/21-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49210 Activity:low |
2/21 Google for Las Vegas luxury condo meltdown. Luxury condos still doing well? Doubt it. http://www.lvrj.com/business/7742187.html \_ Is SF more like Las Vegas or Manhattan? You may wish to read: http://www.examiner.com/a-1233204~Prices_to_buy__rent_in_city_climb.html http://preview.tinyurl.com/235swl (examiner.com) \_ How the hell do the "affordable unit" things work? Do you have to enter some kind of lottery to get below-market rates? What is the point anyway, seems to me like they should just build more units instead of subsidizing a few. \_ The incentive is for the developer to build more units. All new construction must contain some mandatory number of such units, often in exchange for some other concession like relaxed zoning. Just hoping a developer builds more units doesn't work so well. \_ Yeah it is some kind of lottery. There are set-asides for families making area median (~80k/yr) as well as 80% and 60%. You are required to sell the unit back to the agency that runs the thing when you are done, at a price equal to what you paid \_ Yeah it is some kind of lottery. There are set-asides for families making area median (~80k/yr) as well as 80% and 60%. You are required to sell the unit back to the agency that runs the thing when you are done, at a price equal to what you paid plus inflation, when you move. The reasoning goes that even if 3k more units were released to the market it would not lower prices that much, certainly not enough so that anyone making 80k/yr would be able to afford one. \_ key word: usually |
2008/2/21-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49205 Activity:kinda low |
2/20 Suburbs, The Next Slum? http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200803/subprime \_ Well let me tell ya, city living SUCKS if you're having kids. The baby crying, the constant buying of baby/boy/girl things requiring lots of trips to/from the elevator, waiting for the elevator, people knocking your wall to shut your baby up, etc etc. As long as people have kids, there will be demand for suburbia. \_ I personally would rather live within walking distance of all my shopping than drive. Do you really think using the elevator is more inconvenient than having to strap your kid into a carseat, drive to the mall, find parking, etc? I have a kid in The City and I have had none of the problems you describe. Did you actually try it, or are you imagining what it might be like? \_ How do you take all of your stuff home with you when you walk? When I lived in Berkeley I had to call a cab to drive me home after I walked to the store. At that point I may as well drive. \_ It depends. Mostly we just shop every day, since there is a produce store 1/2 block away and a butcher 1 block away. Safeway is only three blocks away, and I have a push cart that will hold 3 bags. Twice a month or so, we go to Costco and take a car for that. I gotta tell you having a 24 hour/day grocery store three blocks away is very convenient. \_ Uh, no. As dollar devaluate, tons of wealthy foreigners will start buying up properties again. Remember when the Japs owned 25% of NYC's buildings in the 80s? The rollercoaster goes up, and goes down, and up, and down... \_ Friend of Kunstler? \_ Seems like a good article, but a surplus of 22 million large lot homes? On what planet? Certainly not in urban CA. The article admits much of what it says applies to newly built suburbs on the fringes far from central cities. Is 40% of the housing stock really accounted for in such a way? I doubt it. What they call "lifestyle centers" in the article is really mixed use. It is popular now. Eventually it will go out of style and then be popular again. This is cyclical, not some long-term trend. \_ Mixed use has been how most cities have been arranged for most of history, actually. \_ Most wealthy people have been trying to get as far from the noise and the filth of cities throughout most of history, actually. \_ Ultimately growth will be financially driven. Right now urban developers have a tougher time selling and making new homes while suburban developers have reaped huge profits during the housing boom. \_ Developers react to the demands of the public or else they go out of business. \_ "Right now"? You mean a few years ago, right? Right now, suburban developers are facing massive write offs and are dumping inventory like mad in auctions. Some of them are even going out of business. Meanwhile, the luxury high-rise condo construction business in SF is booming. \_ Doubtful. Bust is bust, regardless of suburb or hi-rise. Got URL to support your claim, or you're just talking outa your ass? \_ link:www.csua.org/u/kuo (PDF) Note condo price per sq foot graph. Or check out http://socketsite.com for more details. \_ Note the rate of change of condo inventory over time compared to that of SFR. It looks like the condo curve is getting steeper. \_ That is because literally thousands of new luxury condos are coming onto the market. This has not \_ And are not being sold judging by the rate of change of inventory. Inventory doesn't mean "units in existence". It means "units on the market". With all of those units coming online what do you think will happen to prices? \_ Are you familiar with the concept of gentrification? I personally think that prices will stay more or less steady. SF is more like Manhattan than it is like Las Vegas. \_ 1. I think prices in Manhattan will fall short-term, too. 2. SF is how many million people short of Manhattan? lowered prices, either. Just drive through SOMA sometime, they are building them like mad. I think 10k new units are projected to come onto the market in the next three years. Will this crash the market? I dunno, but it certainly has not yet... \_ Do you think 10-20K new people are going to move into SF and buy one of these units? They are still building them like mad because the projects have been in the works since the market was hot. Remember when commercial was hot in SF and how there was a lot of new construction which led to vacant buildings for years after that? And then <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> happened and those places along Market and in SOMA were finally leased? And then <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> busted and they were vacant again? And now they are building "lofts" in the same place which were snapped up? What happens next in this cycle? \_ To answer your question, yes I remember and I remember that home prices never really went down, even during the bust. I do expect 10-20k people to move into SF to fill those units. Why wouldn't they? \_ Home prices didn't go down, but prices for commercial space went way down. Why do you expect the population of SF to increase so much in the next 3 years? The population is 33,000 smaller now than it was in 2000 according to the US Census. \_ SF lost a lot of people after the dot com bust. The population has been going up for the last three years. Remember 1/4M commute into SF every day to work. It would not be surprising if 1/10th of them ditched the commute if given the chance. \_ They will only do that if prices fall to a level they can afford or else those so inclined likely would have already. |
2008/2/18-21 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49175 Activity:high |
2/16 So I have been holding off, waiting until real estate comes down enough to make investing make sense. Are there any areas in California where buying property makes sense from an investing persepctive, i.e. it is cash flow positive after paying mortgage, taxes and maintenance? \_ I just bought a cash positive rental unit in E. Oakland. I know there are a lot more available. Lots of condos being built so I'm sure that there will be a lot of push to clean up the neighborhoods. As soon as I get this one fixed up I'll be looking for another. Also, there is an estimated 10,000 new people moving into that area within the next few years...so the value has no where to go but up. To tell you the truth its a great time to be a landlord. -scottyg \_ Now this is what I am talking about. Which neighborhood did you buy in? Did you just buy one unit in a building or the whole building? -OP \_ Bakersfield, Stockton, Riverside, Fresno. I highly recommend the followings: Rancho Cucamonga, Chino, Corona, Upland, Fontana. Basically all the areas with a lot of poor people with lots of kids and SUVs and minivans and want to have a home but can't afford it. \_ Uh, right now those are the areas that are melting down. \_ ding ding ding you got it! that's why it's good to invest \_ Nope, you are better waiting for the freefall to end and get in as things start to uptick. Yes you will pay a bit more than if you bought at the very bottom, but chances are you are going to guess wrong. (Hint, right now things are still going to fall for a while, especially in those areas.) \_ 1) You don't know that prices are going to continue to fall. \_ No I don't, but it sure has hell looks like they haven't stopped falling. And it is stupid to buy now if you can wait a few months and pay 10% less. Really, really stupid. Even if you plan to hold on for a long time. For one thing that means you rents will probably have to go down, and that will mean you may no longer be cash positive. Right now is not a good time to get into the landlord game. \_ Why would rents go down? Have they been going down in those areas? I know they have been going up in the Bay Area. I probably won't buy until it looks like the market has stabilized, but trying to time the bottom is a fool's game. \_ Rents go down when housing prices go down because people who can't sell their houses rent them out, which causes an increase of rentable units, which lowers rents \_ And here I thought that rents went up when more people who couldn't afford to be home owners became renters, therefore increasing the demand for rental property. Have rents been going up or down in the Inland Empire? \_ I think it depends on what percentage of housing is bought as speculation. In some markets (like Vegas) it was something like 25% (insane). Those people already own a residence ... 2) That's why I want a place that is cash flow positive. If it makes me a decent rate of return, I don't really care what the face value is. I would intend to hold onto it for a long time in this case. \_ Ever heard the phrase "catching a falling knife"? \_ Yeah and unless you have a really good understanding of the market and a high tolerance for risk it is a stupid thing to do. The OP doesn't seem to have either. \_ What makes you think that I don't have a high tolerance for risk? -OP \_ Your list of requirements \_ You actually have a point, but as scottyg pointed out, it is not really an unreasonable list. \_ poor people make crappy tenants. \_ that may be true but poor ppl are the reason why they're tenants. thank god for poor ppl or else landlords will not benefit from them. \_ I don't think that is true in Riverside, at least not yet: http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/apa/577695542.html That place rents for $1800 and would sell for about $400k right now, which just doesn't pencil out. It might make sense at $300k. Or are you referring to multi-family housing? \_ Santa Clara County \_ Fremont, excluding the Mission San Jose district. \_ Sure, if you find the right property. It can be anywhere if you look hard enough. \_ Find me one in SF, please. I doubt you can find anything that has a positive IRR that is less than 8 units. \_ What's my commission if I find you something and what's your price range? \_ You could have hot gay sex with me regardless of your ugliness. \_ Even if you find a rentable property do you *really* want to deal with being a landlord? Are you going to turn over daily management to some company that will eat whatever profits you might make or go over there yourself with wrench in hand every time there is a plumbing problem? And how much do you lose if it takes a month to get new tenants in when the old ones leave? \_ Actually, I already am a landlord, since I own a two unit property in SF and live in one and rent out the other, so I have a pretty good idea of what is involved. All investments take some time and energy. You should calculate the vacancy rate (5% or so) into your total return. If you are a good landlord, it will probably be lower than that. \_ So much for Haight/Ashbury's free sex free drugs free whatever socialist movements. \_ Gas, grass or ass, no one rides for free. \_ I rented out my previous home in Fremont and got my real estate agent to also be the manager. His cut is 10% of the rent. It took us two months to find the first tenants, and they have been there ever since for 4.5 years. So far I still have never met the tenant once, nor did I need to go to the house to check out or fix anything. -- !OP \_ Just curious, are you still making a profit, even after the 10% cut? Would you have done better selling the house and putting the money in T-Bills? |
2008/2/13-18 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:49135 Activity:kinda low |
2/12 What is the profile of a person defaulting home loan? I mean, are these type of people under-educated? Risk takers? High school drop-outs who desperately want to own homes? And why are they in certain areas (Inland Empire, etc)? \_ They run the gamut. If the loan officers were all of a sudden willing to give them a loan, even though they previously didn't qualify, and they want a house, who are they to object. "I sign my name saying I'll pay it back. But if they give me the money, that must mean I can pay it back. Because otherwise the government would tell them not to give me the money." \_ They run the gamut. If the loan officers were all of a sudden willing to give them a loan, even though they previously didn't qualify, and they want a house, who are they to object. "I sign my name saying I'll pay it back. But if they give me the money, that must mean I can pay it back. Because otherwise the government would tell them not to give me the money." \_ in another word people with lower than avg intelligence, who mostly congregate in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA like our dimwit \_ There are fewer foreclosures in places like SF because the market is stronger. That's all. Look at Sacramento for NoCal "stupidity". \_ SF markets did not go up as much as in LA, mostly because people were not dumb enough to sign a bunch of loans they couldn't afford, so the bubble wasn't as bad here. Only in the NorCal burbs are people that stupid. \_ Southern California style left wing is not MAINSTREAM AMERICA. \_ one oddity about california is foreclosure laws here make it hard for the lender to persue assets beyond the property on which the loan was taken out. This takes a most of the risk out of defaulting on a loan for a 'underwater' property. \_^left^right \_ one oddity about california is foreclosure laws here make it hard for the lender to persue assets beyond the property on which the loan was taken out. This takes a most of the risk out of defaulting on a loan for a 'underwater' property. \_ unless you re-fi'd \_ They are San Jose engineers making $100K+ with a $740K mortgage \_ Yes, but being a state with trust deeds instead of mortgages mitigates that somewhat, as it is much easier to foreclose on a trust deed. \_ They are San Jose engineers making $100K+ with a $740K mortgage now who bought at $275K in 1995 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/12/business/12credit.html \_ "... when he refinanced his home in Northern California to take cash out to pay for his daughter's college tuition." Yeah, blame it on the daughter. Stop playing good parent. Did he pay $465K+ for his daughter's college tuition? There's probably some European vacations and a BMW that he's not mentioning. \_ People have an amazing ability to rationalize away their mistakes and put the blame on someone else. Too bad, they lose a chance to learn something when they do that. \_ I know someone who bought a house in Berkeley *knowing* she was going to lose the house. 5 figure salary, really bad credit, not a very convincing person. Didn't matter. They gave her a huge loan knowing she couldn't pay it and she knew she couldn't. I just don't understand. \_ The market is broken because all parties involved are shielded from the consequences of their behavior by the government. \_ Tell that to JP Morgan and Citibank. The mortgage securitization conduits did not look at the paper they were packaging. Greenspan turned a blind eye, and did not enforce what little mortgage underwriting regulation there is. Or use FedRes' considerable influence to stop the BS. \_ Tell that to JP Morgan and Citibank. The mortgage securitization conduits did not look at the paper they were packaging. Greenspan turned a blind eye, and did not enforce what little mortgage underwriting regulation there is. Or use FedRes' considerable influence to stop the BS. \_ So what are the consequences? I haven't paid much attention honestly but I haven't heard of any high profile people getting fired or anything. \_ Oh Jees. Something like a dozen CEOs have lost their jobs in the last six months. But no one in the White House, it is a "responsibilty-free zone." \_ you mean they they found an excuse to take their golden parachute early. |
2008/2/11-14 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49121 Activity:nil |
2/11 So I have to say http://walkscore.com totally sucks. I put in my grandpa's house in Arcadia/Temple City and only got 40 points even though he's only 1-2 blocks away from Dim-sum, Chinese markets, noodle house, etc. None of these stores show up on http://walkscore.com. Totally sucks. \_ as far as http://walkscore.com cares, if a business doesn't have any web references, it doesn't exist. Hence the 'unwarranted' low score. |
2008/2/8-11 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49095 Activity:moderate |
2/8 Theoretically how low could the Fed be allowed to lower the interest to? 2%? 1.5%? Anything over 0%? Is 0% actually possible? \_ Technically anything lower than current inflation rate is 'free money.' \_ The BOJ pursued a Zero Interest Policy for many years. \_ The BOJ pursued a Zero Interest Rate Policy for many years. \_ What's the BOJ? \_ Bank of Japan. \_ Monetary policy become useless in a deflationary environment. Google for "deflationary trap" to see why. Google for "liquidity trap" to see why. \_ You will probably see 0.10% before 0% Anyway, lower rates these days is more about saving the banks than lowering mortgage rates. Mortgage securitization is dead. Mortgage rates for 30yr fixed didn't drop below 5% even when the Fed Funds Target was 1%: http://tinyurl.com/2zgbws (imageshack) |
2008/2/8-11 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49094 Activity:kinda low |
2/8 10- and 30-year treasuries take rocket shot Conforming mortgage limit to increase to $730K for Santa Clara pending Dubya's signature \_ Oh shit! I was hoping the economy and home prices would come crashing down, with with conforming mortgage limit going up crashing down, but with conforming mortgage limit going up and record low interest rates, maybe they won't be crashing down as hoped? -guy who saved up for 5 years, still waiting \_ URL? \_ http://tinyurl.com/265duj (AP) http://tinyurl.com/ywc3qy (yahoo.com) |
2008/2/5-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49071 Activity:low |
2/5 Swami advice needed. Here is my situation: married, stable job, saved up a few hundred thousand dollars in CDs, kid popping out towards the end of the year, and wife screaming to buy a house. I understand the current volatile situation of the housing market as well as the oh-so-low interest rate. When is the nadir of the housing market in California? I need solid data to convince my wife to WAIT patiently. -patient but whipped guy \_ I hate to say this but she has a better sense of timing than you. When people are screaming RECESSION, LAY-OFF, HOUSING BUBBLE, NATIONAL DEFICIT, IRAQ WAR, TERRORISTS, EARTHQUAKE, KATRINA FLOOD, etc etc... that is the right time to buy. If you follow the crowd like a sheep you're already too late. \_ what are you buying now? \_ GOLD... vote Ron Paul! \_ I've done really well on energy in the past 2 years. Energy discovery hasn't really kept up with demand and it's a really deal even now. \_ you should probably be looking now to see if you can find a despereate seller or a good foreclosure deal. Buying is generally a slow process, especially if you are in no hurry to do so, and you can have the time to find the deal you want. -NotSwami \_ you in Santa Clara? \_ no. -op \_ if you don't plan to move for > 5 years then it might make sense. personally, I can't stand a mortgage larger than $417K (total). buy a townhouse and upgrade later. $417K (total). buy a nice townhouse and upgrade later. \_ What are you waiting for? You really seriously expect the motd to accurately predict the future of the housing market for you so you can make your life's largest financial decision? Based on motd advice? This *has* to be a troll. Please please please tell me it's a troll. \_ No. Swami has given me a lot of good directions in life. -op \_ If you have a few hundred K in CDs you've already waited too long. \_ Swami already answered this question: your family tranquility is worth more than any minor gain you might make by timing the real estate market. If you can find a place you can afford and like right now, then buy it. The real estate market will most likely be stagnant for many years, longer than your marriage will last if you are not careful. -Great Swami |
2008/2/5-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49068 Activity:low |
2/4 Need Housing Swami advice #2: Let's say a 30-year fixed mortgage is 6%, or $2500/month for this particular condo my wife is dying to get. Let's also say a 5-year interest only mortgage is 5%, or only $1600/month. Let's also say that I'm 90% sure we'll move again in 5-10 years as we'll probably need a bigger single family home for additional family members. Would it make sense to do the 5-year interest only mortgage? If I pay $2500/month on the interest only loan of $1600/month, or $900 extra/month, would I be paying more principle (1% more) and thus be in a better position than the 30 year fixed rate? Frankly, the 5-year interest only mortgage is looking more and more attractive despite all the bad things people say about it. \_ that's a big, heavily leveraged gamble that you are making that the property will sell for the same or more when you move. Is that a gamble you're willing to make? Also have you compared the cost of renting an equivalent place? Rent = no risk. -- NOTSwami \_ Most entrepreneurs today would argue that not taking any risk is a losing proposition, especially when you have many years ahead of you. \_ ^entrepeneurs^real estate agents \_ what will fuck you over: - value of house #1 drops - you lose your job or there is a major medical expense (parents) - value of house #2 drops less or increases in value - you have no cash cushion what ist gut: - value of house #1 increases - you keep your job and there are no major medical expenses - value of house #2 increases less - you have significant cash cushion \_ Are you the same as the guy below? -GS \_ People who say bad things about interest-only mortgages are idiots. It's just a product. You can use it wisely or you can use it poorly. If you think you have the resolve to actually pay $2500/month then do it. However, what happens after 5 years with the mortgage you are looking at? \_ The op said there's a 90% chance of moving. What did you get on your SAT verbal? Your reading comprehension is weak. \_ Ergo, a 10% chance of not moving. I am curious what happens to his loan in that instance. Does it reset to fully amortized payments? If so, that's still only ~$2500/month. Does the interest rate vary? \_ No one here can tell you if that's good or bad. Everyone's situation is different. But some things to consider: what happens if you don't move in 5 years? What happens if you can't afford a house in 5 years because housing skyrockets again? Will you really be able to afford to move? OTOH, if prices collapse are you stuck with a ballooning rate in a house you can't sell and thus can't afford to take advantage of the low market? The opposite points can be made for buying into the $2500/month in various market conditions. When it comes to something important like having a roof over my head, I choose the safer route. If it was a second place for income-only then I'd be more risky with it. Let us know what you decide and why. |
2008/2/2-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:49053 Activity:nil |
2/2 http://tinyurl.com/3an6s5 (blogspot.com) Buy a foreclosed house in San Diego before they run out! Buyers of foreclosed homes accounted for 42% of sales in January! Non-bank short sales accounted for another 12%! Don't miss the boat while your GOOG shares go underwater! \_ By the time the shoeshine boy is giving stock tips on the motd, the time has passed for that investment. |
2008/1/24-31 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:49003 Activity:nil |
1/24 Yay! Conforming loan limit to be raised to $625,500 for Santa Clara \_ What does this mean? -not a homeowner, but want to learn \_ Housing loans under X amount get goverment funded loans that are at lower intrest rates. A jumbo loan is a loan for over that amount and intrest is about 1 1/2 percent more. By raising the cap they are basically making more expensive houses cheaper to buy (cause the intrest rate is less, and loans are easier to get.) They are trying to reinflate the bubble. Yay? \_ I see, so what prevents stupid people from getting exactly $625,500 for the first loan and another $300,000 for the second loan? And how do you look up the rate limit for the area you live in? Thanks. -pp \_ Until recently the limit was country wide. Don't know how the look up works. As to the second, you could do that but because how second mortgages work they tend to be even higher intrest rate. (Basically if a house forecloses and is sold the entire first mortgage is paid off before the second mortgage gets a crack at it, I'm not sure how liens work.) Some people do manage to get a cheaper deal by doing what you suggest, but it still more expensive than not needing a jumbo loan. \_ piggyback loands are done ALL THE TIME. it's cheaper than one huge jumbo. of course, if you have the down payment, then a single conforming is best of all. the conforming limit is currently $417K countrywide except hawaii and alaska (+50% higher). the proposed plan says median price of the "metropolitan area" + 25% should be the new cap. however, the numbers need to be made consistent between the house/senate versions, looks like feb 15 is target sign date. \_ it's an experimental erectile dysfunction pill for the CA real estate market, FDA approval and short-/long-term effects TBD Santa Clara = rock hard East Bay = softening San Bernardino = flaccid \_ !swami says this is step one for a complete federal (i.e. taxpayer) bailout of the mortgage mess (i.e. banks). \_ !swami also says this is basically legalized theft. |
2008/1/22-31 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48989 Activity:nil |
1/22 Dear swami, today's interest rate has gone low low low and my wife is whining to get a house. Is now a good time? \_ you in santa clara county? \_ Swami says that keeping your wife happy is more important than trying to buy at the bottom of the market. If you can find a home that you can afford with a 30 year fixed rate mortgage in a place you like and can imagine staying in for a long time, go ahead and buy now. -GS |
2008/1/22-31 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48988 Activity:nil |
1/22 RIP Heath Ledger I wish I could quit you! http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/23/movies/23ledger.html |
2008/1/4-5 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48892 Activity:nil |
1/4 Real estate books by former Chief Economist of Natl Assoc of Realtors http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2008/01/latest-lereah-b.html |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48878 Activity:nil |
12/31 http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSN3155842820071231 Analysts project -6.1% drop in earnings growth for 4Q07 for S&P500 (down from +11.5% estimate released on Oct 1) But no problem: Analysts project +5.1% growth for 1Q08! |
2007/12/30-2008/1/7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48867 Activity:nil |
12/31 So I live in a condo without a backyard and I don't like to hike, camp, etc. For some reason I got a brand new mini 40 pound cast iron BBQ grill & set for Christmas. There's no way I can use it in my condo, and no way in hell am I getting my hands dirty on charcoal, dust, cleaning, etc. I sure ain't gonna go camping or the sort. Actually I'm just a bit pissed off at getting this piece of heavy iron that's has no meaning to me and taking up space in my little condo. What is the best way to dispose it? Salvation Army? \_ craigslist for 1/2 its new value will move it pretty quickly \_ thanks that's a good advice. I looked it up on ebay and the same (new) grill is selling for $50 plus $30-$40 S/H. the darn thing is so heavy, it cost almost the same as its value! lol \_ What city are you in? What's the url for the BBQ? I might want it. |
2007/12/26-2008/1/4 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:48860 Activity:moderate |
12/25 Seriously dans. What is the age group of the people at your startup? 25? 26? Mostly unmarried and no mortgage I presume? \_ It's a wide range. Yes, we have some folks who are 25 or younger, but we have several people who are in their early 40's and have families (including kids) and mortgages. Actually, a surprising number of the folks under 30 own in SF. -dans \_ Born to money? \_ No, married, no kids, and both parties have near or above six-figure incomes. -dans \_ Did they really save $100k in five years on less than $100k/yr salary? That is kind of amazing. Was this a couple who bought or a single person? Even $100k/yr won't get you close to the typical $1M SF home. Did they buy a condo? \_ 'both parties have near or above six-figure incomes' So $1M is not uncommon in SF, but there are things that go for less, I'd say $700K is more average, but I haven't looked at prices in a while. Some people purchased condos, some people purchased in more outlying districts where property values are less. -dans \_ That phrase can be interpreted in one of two ways: 1) two separate people each bought a home or 2) two people together bought a home I thought you meant the latter, but I wasn't sure so I clarified. $700k is average for all sales in SF, condos included. SFH only is upwards of $1M, but yes, you can get a place for much less in some neighborhoods. I still wonder about the downpayment. That is some mighty good saving, if they actually did it on their own. \_ I've saved more than $100K in less than 4 years, on a single income of < $100K a year, with a wife and 2 kids, in the Bay Area, ignoring 401K. BWAHAHAHA! \_ Congratulations. What does that mean, ignoring 401k? Not including the 401k into the $100k? Even more impressive! How much is your rent? Does your wife work? \_ Yes, I didn't include my 401K in that total, and my wife does not work. I'm helped a lot by the fact that my job is in a suburb, so I can get a 2 bed 1 bath duplex for $1150 a mo near my work. \_ Your presumption was incorrect. Are you actually going to change your behavior or working set of assumptions based on this? Or was this just a troll? -dans |
2007/12/13-20 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48794 Activity:nil |
12/12 Buy a foreclosed house from Countrywide! Mean price $328K for CA! http://countrywide-foreclosures.blogspot.com \_ Yeah, the prices still aren't all that hot in my area. Well, prices have dropped about $100K, but countrywide's prices are just barely in line with that. \_ They aren't going to let them go for less than market value. That's the misconception about REOs. \_ Where do you live? In The City, prices are staying steady, perhaps even going up a bit. \_ Location, location, location! \_ Prices on low end homes are plummeting in most of the state, why the hell would you try to buy now? \_ one of things that people don't seem to get is that you very rarely if ever get rich by posessing real estate. You get rich by buying it cheap and selling it at a higher price to some dumb shmuck. There are far more cases of people being stuck with land as the value plummets than the other way around. \_ It's not a question of getting rich. It's a question of not getting way less house than you could get if you wait a year. The difference between a semi-cruddy house and a decent place is often only 15-25% more. If you buy the cruddy home now for the price of the nice house a year from now you are going to be stuck with that cruddy house for at least 3-4 years. Is owning for 1 year worth that? \_ Actually, possessing real estate is one of the easiest ways to get rich. The problem lies when you buy it without looking at the cash flows and instead hope for quick appreciation. Anyone who bought a profitable property probably still has a profitable property, unless the economy tanks and then lots of businesses get hurt. |
2007/12/9-13 [Reference/RealEstate, Recreation/House] UID:48769 Activity:moderate |
12/9 I live in a house with lots of windows. The windows are all single pane, I don't feel very insulatled. It's pretty cold in here. What are some things I can do? Is there some sort of clear plastic sheeting I can buy that I can seal the windows with? \_ You rent/lease? \_ rent. yes. i rent. \_ Yes, there's shrink-wrap stuff you can get at a decent hardware store. \_ Turn on the heater? Hang some drapes? My house is the same way and unless you live in a very cold climate I wouldn't waste money "upgrading" my windows to dual pane anyway. \_ Wear warmer clothes while inside. Its the cheapest/simplest way to solve the problem. Seriously, if you live in California winter is relatively short and not really all that cold. -ERic \_ Agreed. I upgraded my windows mostly because my wife wanted the better look. -- yuen \_ Are you still getting laid? \_ I own my house. Don't waste money upgrading to double-pane window if all you care is winter and your walls and celing are not well-insulated. I upgraded mine to high-quality double-pane (Anlin). They worked very well in summer in keeping the house not too hot by blocking the heat and only letting through light. However they did nothing in keeping the house warm in winter. The windows them selves are fine, in that there is no condensation and they don't feel like a fridge comapred to the old windows. But my windows themselves are fine, in that there is no condensation and they don't feel like a fridge compared to the old windows. But my poorly-insulated walls and celing cover a much larger surface area, and they are the ones that lose heat to the outside. and they are the ones that lose heat to the outside. (Both comparisons were done without using A/C or heater.) -- yuen \_ I am in a similar situation. When I bought my house, I replaced everything to dual pane window, Milgard, including a sliding door to the backyard, for about 7k. In the summer my house is very cool (partly due to the window, partly due to the insulated metal roof), but in the winter it's cold. Not a lot of solar energy penetrating through the roof, and walls are not insulated and attic has only R13. You get the best hang for your buck adding insulation to the attic. Probably about 1.5k for a R30 blown-in, then the windows, and then the walls if you want your house to be more energy efficient. If you plan to be there for a while, then it is wise to do something about it. My city (Santa Clara) has a free energy audit, you may get something similar where the inspector can tell you what's the most bang for the buck for your house. \_ I guess Your Mileage May Vary, but my dual-pane windows seem to've cut at least 30% from the heating bill while allowing a few more degrees of heat to be kept in the house. Albuquerque, NM. \_ The rest of your house must be very well insulated. Even dual pane glass filled with gas insulates poorly compared to insulation in the walls and attic. One advantage of dual pane is that it better blocks noise, but if you care mostly about noise (and appearance, since dual pane looks terrible) then go for insulated glass, which is what I had installed. It is two sheets of glass stuck together with a film between them (so still "dual pane" in that sense). It blocks noise better and the glass is still relatively thin so you don't have that ugly "dual pane" look. They don't insulate as well as argon-filled windows, but I didn't care about that much. \_ My wife got the dual pane argon filled windows and also had insulation blown into the ceiling. I don't think it was worth it in energy cost savings, but the heating bill is much lower, the house doesn't feel as cold (less draft from the windows) and most importantly, it is much quieter. The latter is important when you live in a city. It was worth the cost to me for the last improvement alone. \_ One of the reasons why I'll never live with my parents is they always want open windows regardless of how cold/hot it is. They think they'll suffocate and die. Ditto with A/C and heater in the car. I really don't enjoy being with my parents. How about you guys? -Chinese guy \_ My in-laws are not Chinese and they always open the windows to the house and the car, too. It drives me nuts. I especially hate the car window open with the wind blowing in my face, the smell of exhaust, and road noise. Why do it when the car A/C works just fine?! \_ Are they from the "old" generation (pre-AC generation) and are scared because friends/family members died from carbon monoxide poisoning? -ditto guy \_ My in-laws are the opposite. They always keeps the windows in the house shut. They don't even like turning on the hood when cooking (not that it'd do much with all the windows shut, but still.) They still don't open the windows when they have cold or flu, so diseases always spread in the house. Drives me nuts. -- Chinese with Chinese in-laws. |
2007/12/7-13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48764 Activity:nil |
12/7 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119698775454016534.html http://www.smartmoney.com/consumer/index.cfm?story=20071206 Who qualifies for the mortgage rate freeze plan? - Subprime ARM holders: typically 1-3 years fixed, rates adjusting to 8 to 12+% (Prime ARMs--typically 4+ years fixed or those with low adjusted rates--do not qualify) - FICO < 660 - FICO score has not improved by 10% or more since start of mortgage - < 3% equity in house, based on appraised value at start of mortgage - You are currently living there, and not renting it - Mortgage can't be 90+ days past due (seriously delinquent) - You can't have 2 or more 60-day lates in the last 12 months - Mortgage originated between Jan/2005-Jul/2007 - Mortgage adjusting between Jan/2008-Jul/2010 - Mortgage was sold to investors, FNM/FRE, etc. via MBS pool The idea is if any of the above is not true, one or more of the following is likely: - You can pay for it anyway - You can refi to better terms by yourself - The loan is owned by a single bank so deal with them - You're just out of luck because you took a 2/28 loan in 2005, it already adjusted, and you can't refi The above are guidelines only. Your mortgage servicer makes the final call, since they are obligated to maximize returns and may be sued by investors (MBS holders). Otherwise, you got your 5-year freeze! |
2007/12/2-6 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:48732 Activity:kinda low |
12/2 http://tinyurl.com/2lgwc2 (signonsandiego.com) Old mortgage: 2004-2007 4.97% interest-only on $352K 2007-2009 7.97% to 11.97%, principal payments start 2009-2034 11.97% New mortgage: 2004-2007 4.97% interest-only on $352K 2007-2010 5.25% interest-only 2010-2034 5.25% principal payments start Countrywide is da b0mb! \_ Moral of the story: it doesn't pay to be fiscal responsible. \_ Lame. "Oh we didn't understand the terms of our ARM. We're too dumb to read the papers right in front of us. We thought we were getting a free lunch because we're nice people. Now, only because the rest of the mortgage industry is fucked, we get totally lucky and keep a super low rate forever". \_ Countrywide can tell them to go pound sand. It's the free market at work like it should be. What I have a problem with is the government attempting to legislate these discounts or, worse, making taxpayers pay the bill. \_ All the deficit spending is effectively a tax. We are getting taxed out the ass. \_ This is a non sequitur. \_ Well, it's related to fiscal irresponsibility. Someone always pays the bill in some way. Legislating discounts for idiots passes the bill onto responsible people. |
2007/10/26-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48451 Activity:nil |
10/25 Ben Stein loves LEH when he should have loved GS more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XtQoZAqjc8 Pundits discuss housing prices for 2007 back in Dec '06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoZV5jt9puc |
2007/10/23-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48417 Activity:moderate |
10/22 Confused about my property tax bill. It says: Payment due: 11/01/07 If not received or postmarked by 12/10/07, extra fee added. So, it's due on 11/01/07, but I really have till 12/10/07. What exactly is this saying? \ This sounds like my property tax bill for the past 5 yrs. I've always sent it in (via mail) by around 12/5/07 so it gets to the county by 12/10. Never got harassed. The same goes for your 2nd installment which is due by 04/10 (the following year), even though it says '03/01'. \_ Which county? My Alameda County statement says the same thing. \_ I'm in S Cal and mine says pretty much the same thing. I believe ambiguous and confusing government forms has been pretty standardized. \_ It is saying "We prefer getting your money by 11/01/07 so that we can earn interest rate for a month. We'll be happy about it and Uncle Sam will be your friend. We'll accept your money by 12/10/07 and if you don't pay up by then we'll get pissed off and charge you extra fees." Is this an accurate translation? \_ Yeah, they're all like that. It's like there's an unspoken rule that prevents government offices from making sense. But seriously, everyone asks the same question. The best I could come up with was: 1) As long as they have your money by "delinquent after" date, you're cool. 2) If the payment is not made by the "delinquent after" date, then the penalties/fees are calculated from the "due date." \_ How about you just pay your bill? \_ It means that it is due on 11/01/07. This is true of a car or a mortgage, too. The date you are assessed a late fee is not the "due date". My car payment is due the 1st. I usually pay around the 5th-7th. The late fee is assessed on the 11th or something. I never pay any late fees, but I am still late and my creditor considers me late. This is not limited to the government. BTW, the time between the due date and when a late fee is assessed is the "grace period". Grace periods are extremely common. The property tax one seems weird because it is so long and the late fee is so high. \_ Does anyone actually pay on time? One month of interest rate is not insignificant. \_ Neither is the fine for paying late if you miss. \_ Of course people pay on time, especially people who hire others to handle their bills and who have fat bank accounts. If you have $5M in the bank then you don't sweat that one month interest on your $3K property tax payment. At 5% it's like $12. |
2007/10/22-24 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48412 Activity:high |
10/22 Beauty Queen vs. The Landlord. That blondie is HOT HOT HOT. What kind of accent does she have? AL? TX? TN? http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=Fruitchill \_ Hey ausman do you think she's hot? \_ Not my type, but I can how someone might find her attractive. -a \_ Not my type, but I can seehow some would find her attractive. \_ Not my type, but I can see how some would find her attractive. \_ Hey dans do you think she's hot? \_ That blondie is hot? \_ Nice body, nice hair, nice face... hick accent but otherwise very wholesome. What is not hot about her? |
2007/10/15-17 [Reference/Law/Court, Reference/RealEstate] UID:48317 Activity:kinda low |
10/15 2 blocks of my neighborhood were completely blocked and there were police all over the apartment unit next to mine. They blocked everyone and they wouldn't even let residents nearby go in/out of the street! We were locked down for maybe 2.5 hours-- I was starving, and almost peed in my pants. Is the lock down even LEGAL??? Can I sue the police for creating disturbance? Anyways rumor has it that there were shootings and some people got killed. As I'm searching local news online I couldn't find any reported incidents. Are there other places to find crime data and details of the police report? -just got a pepper spray \_ I hope you are trolling the motd for amusement. In my heart I hope to G-d none of my fellow sodans are this dumb. I hope to God none of my fellow sodans are this dumb. \_ Do you live in Oakland? \_ You don't have a toilet in your apartment bathroom? \_ In order to sue, you'd have to prove that the police were not acting in accordance with their duty at the time. If there were shootings and people got killed, your odds of doing so are slim to none. \_ Great idea, sue the police for trying to stop shootings in your neighborhood. \_ There was a shooting and you bought... pepper spray. Okey dokey! \_ You did't see the "Talk about bringing a gun to a knife fight:" article in that other thread above? -- !OP |
2007/10/8-11 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:48264 Activity:nil |
10/8 http://money.cnn.com/2007/10/05/real_estate/fdic_rate_freeze/index.htm FDIC chair asks industry to forego rate increases on resetting ARMs for owners who live in their homes and are current in their payments \_ Bah! \_ You see? Only risk-takers win! |
2007/9/20-22 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48127 Activity:nil |
9/20 Bush cites 'unsettling times' in housing market. Afterwards, he urges everyone to get more education. -The Onion |
2007/9/11-13 [Finance/Investment, Reference/RealEstate] UID:48011 Activity:nil |
9/11 http://www.csua.org/u/jhl "I'm leaving him," she said. "He's grouchy all the time. I want a guy who's rich and cheerful all day and all night. Why should I have to suffer because his business is bad?" Are any of you losing wives over the whole housing bubble popping? \_ Hi, I'm Ben Stein and watch me try and claim that the housing bubble is going to turn around any day now, but do so in a way that if it doesn't I can pretend I wasn't saying that. God damn that man is such a wanker. \- "I won the John Bates Clark Medal. You, sir, are a game show host." ... BEEN STEIN is not just a pud, but may actually be semi-insane. This is well worth reading: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2005/06/a_missing_piece.html \_ Hi, I'm a motd troll. Watch me make fun of an article I haven't read, poorly. Did I fool you? \_ Dude, in that article he tries to play it both ways so bad it isn't even funny. \_ "Six years." \_ Why do you take it so seriously? It's obviously not a "here are my weighty predictions" article. It's just some dumb fluff piece. \_ Look, it's just a dumb fluff piece so I can take both positions. See, just a dumb fluff piece. Of course after everything goes down I can point to the parts that were right and forget all the fluffyness. If things go totally haywire and neither X nor Y happen I can just shrug and say it was a dumb fluff piece. This is exactly why I think The Daily Show shouldn't get a pass for being on Comedy Central. \_ Uh, when have people pointed to the Daily Show in a serious way? I don't see how anyone could point to this article here in a serious way either. \- Jon Stewart doesnt claim to be a lawyer && economist && journalist && philosopher, seek affiliation with think tanks which lobby to change public policy etc. BSTEIN allegedly was #1 in his class at yale law, so ostenisibly he at some point was a smart guy. but he says so many whack things, that why i think you need some theory ot explain his brain snapping or being disingenuous etc [like ann coulter clearly says some things so she becomes a media story-> free advertising]. |
2007/8/21-23 [Finance/Investment, Reference/RealEstate] UID:47695 Activity:moderate |
8/21 Still believe there is no housing bubble? http://www.csua.org/u/jdm "The entire Central Valley of California(and, in fact, the entire State, with a very few exceptions) is in the worst real estate downturn in my 30+ year career. THERE, I'VE SAID IT!" \_ And she doesn't have an agenda does she? \_ If there's anyone who doesn't believe there's a housing bubble, please post here and sign it so we can laugh at you. -dans \_ I believe this woman has pretty little credability. \_ While I agree with you on this point, I still think folks who believes there is no housing bubble should post their names on the motd so we can laugh at them. -dans \_ I never said there was no bubble, I just think this woman is a moron who is trying to make money off of fear. \_ I never claimed you did. -dans \_ I don't recall any sodan ever denying there was a housing bubble - just ridicule about timing, poor logic, hyperbole, etc. \_ What does "housing bubble" mean? What are you predicting as a result of this supposed housing bubble? \_ did you have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky? \_ Who here said there was no housing bubble? Prices go up, prices go down. Things change over time. Sometimes they change fast. This is how the business cycle works. And I still don't understand why you or anyone else would be hoping and praying or gloating over a potential fall in housing pricing. All that means is the whole economy gets dragged down, interest rates rise, etc, and you still won't be able to buy a house. |
2007/8/17-20 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:47636 Activity:low |
8/17 http://tinyurl.com/383pmp (latimes.com) L.A. Times reports CFC bank web site slow, so customers crowded branch offices to transfer out money that exceeds FDIC coverage \_ Panic on the streets of London. Panic on the streets of Birmingham. I wonder to myself, could life ever be sane again? \_ Panic isn't insanity. |
2007/8/16-20 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47629 Activity:nil |
8/16 Alright guys, this is it! The market will free-fall and the housing market will reach a new low starting November of this year. 1987 all over again, just slow motion. -swami #2 fan \_ Cool, then I can afford to sell my house and buy a new one. |
2007/8/15-20 [Reference/History, Reference/RealEstate] UID:47619 Activity:nil |
8/14 San Diego County NODs (three months past due in mortgage payments) and foreclosure sales, from 1991 to now http://tinyurl.com/yqnqfr (californiahousingforecast.com) \_ What I see in this chart is that foreclosures are generally at some level around 400-600 except when the market starts to rise and then they, naturally, fall as it becomes easier to sell property that may go into default. I am actually a little bit surprised that the rate isn't much higher than typical, although the second derivative is a bit alarming. |
2007/8/15-17 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:47616 Activity:nil |
8/15 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=alpGocvOGiDM Countrywide Financial selling 30-day bonds at 12.5% Overnight bonds at 6 to 6.5% |
2007/8/8-13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47560 Activity:nil |
8/7 House takes big step forward for lobby and ethics reform: http://preview.tinyurl.com/3yahy6 (Common Cause) |
2007/7/24-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47413 Activity:low |
7/24 It might blow up, but it won't go pop It might blow up, but it won't go pop IT MIGHT BLOW UP, BUT IT WON'T GO - *BANG* http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-countrywide25jul25,0,5439657.story?coll=la-home-center \_ Whoa, time to panic, Countrywide only had $485 million in profit! Run for the hills! \_ So, your response is "La, la, la, la! I can't hear you!" ? \_ What response should there be to half a billion dollars in profit for a mortgage company? -tom \_ Ummm, I think "the husing market is so screwed it's messing up even secure finance" is important. You don't? \_ How is a $485 million profit "messed up"? -tom \_ Profit is evil. We must all share the good and the bad as a society. Think of the children, you brute! \_ The 66% drop in earnings isn't a big deal? \_ No, not really. The industry clearly has slowed down, which was anticipated by everyone, including Countrywide. They're still making gobs of money. They might make smaller gobs of money in the future. They might even lose some money. So what? This is a company with an $18B market cap and $200B in assets. They are not going away due to a few mortgage defaults. -tom \_ link:www.mercurynews.com/ci_6452404 Foreclosurse notices at 11-year high in CA \_ yes, and? It's a cyclical industry on a down cycle. -tom |
2007/7/23-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47395 Activity:nil |
7/23 Families staying in the cities, driving up home prices: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/22/realestate/22cov.html |
2007/7/19-21 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47341 Activity:low |
7/19 city of berkeley just inspected my heater and said it was pumping out carbon monoxide, that i was gonna die, and they disconnected it until i get it fixed. they said it had probably been broken for several years. moral of the i guess is get it inspected? \_ The City of Berkeley is a total dump and you should save yourself and move out ASAP. \_ How do you go from broken heater in one home to the city being a dump? \_ inspection thing started because berkeley passed law mandating all heaters must be inspected after the Reddy realty sex slave died from carbon monoxide poisoning \_ If you are renting, heating is one of the core requirements that need to be addressed by the landlord. You can usually file for a deduction in monthly rent if the landlord takes too long for loss of service. If you own, how old is the heater and when was the last time you had it inspected? Anyone know if it's a requirement to get it inspected every few years? My apartment just had PG&E inspect all units at once. \_ Yeah, inspections are key. In addition, you can buy inexpensive carbon monoxide detectors that plug into low electrical outlets. |
2007/7/2-4 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47144 Activity:nil |
7/2 Re: Aspen and "PECUNIARY EXTERNALITIES" ... http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/02/us/02aspen.html |
2007/6/26-28 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47077 Activity:nil 90%like:47066 |
6/26 SF Condo conversion laws gone amuck http://urltea.com/uot (examiner.com) \_ Dude, she bought the place and it a part of the title report. The laws aren't amok in any way shape or form. She should have read the damn title report. SHE IS A LAWYER, HELLO! Also her agent was unethical in not alerting her to the problem and probably can and will be sued, but it wasn't like this wasn't documented at the time of the sale. \_ Way I read it, she should never have been able to buy the place at all, and if she should have, it would have been at the 'below market rate' low income buyer price. She got swindled by the sellers. Boo hoo. caveat emptor. \_ Well, the sellers and the Real Estate Agents. And now she's sueing everybody, which is actually the right thing to do in this case. |
2007/6/25-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47066 Activity:kinda low 90%like:47077 |
6/26 SF Condo conversion laws gone amuck http://www.examiner.com/a-782304~S_F__condo_rules_snarl_FBI_agent_s_plans.html \_ Dude, she bought the place and it a part of the title report. The laws aren't amok in any way shape or form. She should have read the damn title report. SHE IS A LAWYER, HELLO! Also her agent was unethical in not alerting her to the problem and probably can and will be sued, but it wasn't like this wasn't documented at the time of the sale. \_ Way I read it, she should never have been able to buy the place at all, and if she should have, it would have been at the 'below market rate' low income buyer price. She got swindled by the sellers. Boo hoo. caveat emptor. \_ Well, the sellers and the Real Estate Agents. And now she's sueing everybody, which is actually the right thing to do in this case. |
2007/6/19-22 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:47017 Activity:nil |
6/19 Economist's View: Suburban Sprawl http://www.csua.org/u/iz5 |
2007/5/30-6/1 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46798 Activity:nil 92%like:46789 |
5/29 http://urltea.com/nx0 (bloomberg.com) "US housing prices decline for first time in 16 years." \_ Congrats! You just discovered the 'Business Cycle'. \_ REAL ESTATE NEVER GOES DOWN! \_ No one with half a brain ever said that. The actual statement is real estate will always go up *over time* and is a good *long term* investment. I hope it makes you feel smart to completely misquote and misrepresent a view you don't agree with and then bash it. That's called a strawman argument. Rhetoric 1A. \_ You may kiss my feet now. -Great Swami \_ for being completely wrong? |
2007/5/29-30 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46789 Activity:kinda low 92%like:46798 |
5/29 http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=a0t.xQqgUdjs&refer=home "US housing prices decline for first time in 16 years." \_ Congrats! You just discovered the 'Business Cycle'. \_ REAL ESTATE NEVER GOES DOWN! \_ You may kiss my feet now. -Great Swami \_ for being completely wrong? |
2007/5/24 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46740 Activity:nil |
5/24 http://tinyurl.com/2g7lh3 (bloomberg.com) I don't get it. Why do they report sales increase month-to-month but median price change year-to-year? I know they sales year-to-year is buried in there, but where's median price month-to-month? |
2007/5/18-19 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46680 Activity:nil |
5/17 http://drhousingbubble.blogspot.com \_ Guess there's more than one Sour Grapes Housing Guy |
2007/4/24-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46434 Activity:kinda low |
4/24 The sign is here. Swami the Magnificent's prediction is coming true. November 2007 will be the nadir of Real Estate: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18289082 \_ Swami was already wrong by at least a year on the peak, and real estate prices haven't gone down an appreciable amount. If they just start going up again in November 2007, Swami will have been 100% wrong. -tom \_ Do you mean "Unless" instead of "If"? His prediction that the nadir is 11/07 would mean they would start rising in 12/07, right? I think prices still have a long way to fall and will fall throughout 2008 as more and more neg ams cap out and ARMs expire. \_ His prediction was that the peak would be in 2005. If prices just stop going up for a while, and then start going up again, there was no peak at all. Personally, I agree with you that we're likely to see prices flat or down for a more extended time. -tom \_ http://www.csua.org/u/ik1 "...other cities have exhibited persistent monthly declines since last spring, such as San Francisco and Boston yielding negative monthly returns since May of last year." \_ You can't look month over month; housing prices are seasonal. March numbers in California showed a year-over-year rise of 3.2%; the Bay Area was up 5.6%. Other places are down. Overall it's going sideways in terms of price, on lower volume. -tom \_ When do you think the peak was Tom? \_ I think we've been on a plateau for the past 9 months or so. It may eventually represent a peak, depending on what happens in the next year. -tom |
2007/4/24-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46429 Activity:moderate |
4/24 Existing home sales drop 8.9% in March, largest since 1989. Median home values drop 8th straight time. Where's smug housing guy? http://urltea.com/fbq \_ Ooh, another huge 0.3% year-over-year drop! RUN FOR THE HILLS! \_ Super-inflated Santa Clara / SF is going to take a long effin' time to drop significantly in price. Podunk-ville, I can see real drops. There are three major categories of people in America: - Median wage earners - Professionals - Professionals (the future wealthy) and the wealthy - Fucking-super-wealthy bastards I call it "three America's". I think that the latter two are doing much better in terms of growth in net worth than the first group, which is reflected in the real estate environment we see today. It's not a stretch to say as housing slows down, we'll see this trend more clearly. I call it "three America's". estate environment we see today. Translation: Regions with lots of professionals and/or the super-wealthy will maintain values -- professionals and/or the super-wealthy will maintain value -- because they can afford it, and they can stretch. professionals and/or the wealthy will maintain value -- because they can afford it, and they can stretch. \_ I think the profressionals are going to do worse and worse every \_ I think the professionals are going to do worse and worse every generation from now on till they more or less don't exist anymore. \_ It's happening right now and has been for 20+ years. Look at doctors for a start. \_ What about them...? I agree that over time professionals are doing worse in ways that matter: hours worked, vacation, benefits etc. Most doctors I see are doing very well though. Maybe they suffer more getting started though. \_ Their incomes have eroded and their work hours have increased. My neighbor is a doctor and he said that his life is much different than his father's was (his father was also a doctor) and that he's not recommending that his 17 year old son go to medical school at all when the time comes. Yes, doctors still do well, but the above states "worse and worse" which is true. That's not even accounting for "getting started" which involves (for many) $200K in student loans. \_ When prices drop 8.9% *and* I'm trying to sell my house during that drop, let me know. A co-worker was reading too many blogs and convinced himself that a 40% drop in prices was coming (due about 6 months ago). I'd love to see a 40% price drop. Then I could afford to move to another house and buy a few more as investments. Or housing prices can stay where they are or keep going up. Then when I sell my house I have a huge profit. Either way, as a home owner I win big time. \_ I'm not saying there's going to be a 40% drop, but if there WAS a 40% drop here is how it would start. Prices on houses drop a little. The market gets a bit skittish. People trying to sell their residences take places off the market/stay where they are for longer. If this reduction in supply doesn't bring prices back people who have to sell or new construction has to drop because the owners are losing money if they don't sell. Thus starts the death spiral. Once again I'm not saying this is going to happen. |
2007/4/18-20 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:46361 Activity:nil |
4/18 Free advice sought from soda financial advisors. I'm a single guy making about $120k with no debt and about $150k saved. What would be a ballpark estimate of how much house I can afford in the Bay Area. Any other major variable to consider? Thanks! \_ Um, STFW? There are mortgage payment calculators on the web. Second, do you know your own budget? How much of a payment can you afford? And remember to figure in $250/mo for utils, and monthly payments for house insurance and property tax. Not to mention a monthly expense to "buy stuff" for your house, like furniture, and don't forget house maintenace. \_ http://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/houseafford/houseafford.html assumes 33% payment-to-income ratio for "aggressive". for san jose this comes out to a ~ $585K house. \- that calculator probably assumes dependents [children]. if you you are single, and not a cokehead, or driving "teutonic rolling stock", it's probably ok to shift toward the aggressive side, tempered by factors like job-relocation flexibility and what your beliefs are about the future of the mkt [i say beliefs, because you dont want to end up in an investment that causes you stress because it's at odds with your appetitie for risk]. there are also difficult, person-specific choices like borrowing against 401k/403b etc [how common is that for 20-30somethings? different people have very different expectations of future income from salary increase reates, inheritance etc.]. btw, i think the calcultor there has some other issues. the house price changes by exactly the same amount as the down payment. i.e. for a downpayment of $150k, the house price is exactly $150k more than $0 downpayment. but it's certainly reasonable for a ballpark [i.e. you can do better than a $350k house in the sticks but probably not a million dollar place in sf]. it's kinda funny that with those stats, buying a place in "90%" of the country is a non-issue [the land of <$350k houses]. if not sf, not palo alto, not nyc, not ... \_ Well *I* think you can go up to about $1M, but you probably can't get a bank to lend you that much. What are your current expenses? You should be able to do the math on what you can afford. People in the Bay Area have always spent more than 33% on housing. |
2007/4/17-19 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:46348 Activity:nil 92%like:46343 |
4/17 Foreclosures up 800% in California from a year ago http://urltea.com/dxp (latimes.com) \_ link:www.mercurynews.com/help/ci_5684801 "On a loan-by-loan basis, mortgages statewide were least likely to go into default in Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties" \_ Defaults are also up in these counties. \_ agreed, and at a significant rate from the previous quarter, but my point is it might not be enough |
2007/4/17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46343 Activity:high 92%like:46348 |
4/17 Foreclosures up 800% in California from a year ago http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-foreclose17apr17,0,6881514,full.story?coll=la-home-business \_ "Los Angeles County, the largest housing market in the state, is surprisingly strong." Santa Clara / SF probably "stronger". \_ link:www.mercurynews.com/help/ci_5684801 "On a loan-by-loan basis, mortgages statewide were least likely to go into default in Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties" \_ Defaults are also up in these counties. |
2007/4/13-16 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46285 Activity:nil |
4/12 josh@csua: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2007/04/13/DDGTLOSCTP1.DTL Ways to spend money: -- Real estate agent Michael Murphy of Zephyr, holding an open house at\ 26th and Florida a couple of Sundays ago, didn't have high hopes when a prospective buyer arrived at the house on a skateboard. But the shopper\ looked around, liked what he saw and paid $649,000 (without a mortgage) for the house, his first. His name is Josh MacDonald, he is 31\ years old and he is an engineer at a successful Silicon Valley company. \_ Why would you pay cash? I don't think that's very smart, but then I guess I am not a Google millionaire either. |
2007/3/28 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46127 Activity:nil |
3/28 http://www.forbes.com/markets/feeds/afx/2007/03/28/afx3559835.html Bernanke: "At this juncture ... the impact on the broader economy and financial markets of the problems in the subprime markets seems likely to be contained" ... Consumer spending likely to sustain "moderate" growth in economy. |
2007/3/27-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46119 Activity:moderate 80%like:46113 |
3/26 REAL...ESTATE! SHE ALWAYS GOES UP! http://urltea.com/2fs (burbed.com) \_ I see Sour Grapes Housing Guy has his account back \_ Oh come on, that page is funny as hell. \_ I see Humorless Married to His Mortgage Guy is still around, too \_ A mortgage is like free money. You get some money off your taxes and would have to pay rent otherwise and while living a few years in the thing you own it goes up in value. What is wrong with having a mortgage? What have you done with the 'freedom' that renting provides? \_ Unless, of course, you're in a depreciating market and/or have an ARM and/or an "interest only" loan. In which case, a mortgage is a great way to convey what little wealth you actually have/earn and give it to someone else. |
2007/3/27-29 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:46105 Activity:nil |
3/26 BUT....BUT.... BUT REAL ESTATE ALWAYS GOES UP!!!!! \_ Yes. It does. Over time. No one with a multi-decade investment time line ever lost money on real estate. If you bought swamp _______________________________________/ \_ The same is true of the stock market. Read a random walk down wall street. Over any 20 year time span, including one where you invest on the eve of the great depression, the stock market has averaged at least 20% annual returns after inflation. Read a random walk down wall street. -dans \_ 20% after inflation? I think not. Try more like 7%. -ausman \_ mea culpa. -dans land, that's your problem. Land ownership is the traditional way to wealth going back to the start of history. The other way is military conquest of the world but I doubt you have a personal army. \_ Is that true? I remember a time when Tokyo real estate bubbled to truly absurd values. If you bought at the wrong time I think you may have failed to beat inflation over a 30 year period. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_asset_price_bubble \_ Yes, it's true. If you buy over priced swamp land you're going to get burned. Doesn't matter if the swamp land is in Florida or Tokyo. There's always more people, there's always less land. \_ I'm pretty sure you've qualified that statement so much that an equivelent statement could be made for stocks. "No one has ever lost money in a multi-decade investment in a well diversified portfolio." Is that not true as well? \_ Not equivalent--key diff is "diversified". You could easily lose money in real estate in selected markets, even long term. \_ I think that land ownership has been the traditional way to store and transfer wealth. The traditional ways to create wealth have been trade and military conquest (which is just taking someone else's wealth). \_ I did mention conquest. Trade is another way but requires more effort and skill than sitting on land and waiting. |
2007/3/26-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46099 Activity:nil |
3/26 http://money.cnn.com/2007/03/26/news/economy/new_home_sales/index.htm Commerce reports new-home sales down 18% Feb 06 - Feb 07, down 4% Jan 07 - Feb 07 (economists had forecast +13%). |
2007/3/23-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:46070 Activity:nil |
3/23 http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/070323/economy.html?.v=9 Realtors report Feb 07 existing-home sales increase 3.9% from Jan 07. Fine print: Feb 06 - Feb 07, 3.6% drop nationwide, West down 9.6%. Fine print 2: Jan 07 was so bad it made Feb 07 look good. Fine print 3: Raw numbers (not seasonally adjusted), Jan 07 - Feb 07 saw a 6.5% drop for the West |
2007/3/18-20 [Reference/RealEstate, Reference/Tax] UID:46006 Activity:high |
3/18 I will soon be graduating after many years of grad school, with a job with a reasonable salary lined up. What strategy do you all in the "real world" take to save money? I'm planning on taking my monthly income, pay out rent/utilities, put a certain amount or percentage in my savings, and then keep the rest in my checking to play with. Is this reasonable? I know advice like this needs to be individualized but I just want to make sure I'm not way off. Thanks. \_ Short GOOG! \_ Pay off any high interest debt first, then start maxing out your 401k now. Retirement seems like a long ways away now, but believe me, you will be happy in 10 years that you started saving for it now. Build up a three month emergency fund and put it in a short term CD or savings. Then figure out what you want next. Is it a home? If so, start saving a down payment and put it in something relatively safe, like a CD. When you have enough saved up, start thinking something with a little more return, like short term Munis. If you are looking more for an early retirement, open a brokerage account and start investing in the stock market. There are plenty of market junkies on soda who can give you advice on stock picks. -ausman \_ Good advice, but I am not sure I agree with 'maxing out your 401k'. Yes, invest in your 401k. I don't think putting $15K/year into it is all that wise, though, unless you are making well over six figures. A 25 year old making $70K out of school should probably not be putting 20% of his gross into retirement with possible student loans and (as you say) saving for a house. I would put 'maxing your 401k' farther down the list of priorities. Put as much into your 401k as you need to in order to get all of your company's match, but I wouldn't start with more than that. \_ Owning a house is maybe a better retirement investment than you may think. Once you own your house your rent/mortgage is gone and all you have is upkeep, tax, and utilities. Once my house is paid off, my biggest single need for income is gone and I can live with much less income. \_ How do property taxes compare with rent? \_ Depends, of course. For me, property tax is about 12% of the mortgage. \_ Annually? Remaining mortgage or simply value of your home? I pay $1k per month in rent; what value house could I own that would cost me about the same in property taxes? \_ It's percentage of entire mortgage payment. interest and principal. Annually or monthly, what difference does it make? I gave you a percentage. You could own approx. $1.2M of house and pay $1k/month here (not CA). \_ In CA, property tax rises are capped (Prop 13), so the amount you pay in property tax is dependent on how long you've owned the house. It's also dependent on where you live. But $1K/month is way, way more than most people pay in property tax. -tom \_ Good to know. Thank you both. \_ In CA, property tax is about 1% of the purchase price (annually) and is capped at 2% per year raises after that. \_ Homes aren't really that great an investment, the last decade or so notwithstanding. You would actually do better to rent and put the savings in the stock market, if all you want to do is make money. -ausman \_ Only if you ignore the concept of leverage and the tax advantages of real estate. Of course, leverage is a two-edged sword and it can beat you up something fierce in a down market. \_ No, even including the tax advantages. Over the long run, real estate goes up about 1% more than inflation. Pretending that real estate is a risk free investment is stupid. You can leverage your investment in the stock market too, if you don't care about risk. -ausman \_ Tax advantages like $500K tax free, not interest deductions. I never said real estate is not risky as an investment. However, go try to borrow $500K to invest in the stock market with $0 down and see if a bank will make that loan. However, in real estate it is done all of the time. \_ http://www.csua.org/u/i9r (Rueters) "Countrywide Financial Corp., the largest U.S. mortgage lender, on Friday told its brokers to stop offering borrowers the option of no-money-down home loans, according to a document obtained by Reuters." No one will be doing this for much longer. \_ Second that paying off high interest debt (i.e., credit cards & student loans that aren't deferable). If your loans are deferable, get ready for them by putting the money that would have paid towards paying them off in a CD so that you get the interest anyway. 401Ks are great, but consider a Roth IRA or other such that would allow you to contribute pre-tax and use for a house without penalties. Also, check and recheck your income tax wthholding; now that you're likely to owe taxes, it's a good idea to know what you're going to owe next April 15. Whether you feel like loaning the US Gov the amount in advance (i.e., max out your withholding) or owing on the date is up to you. Good luck. --erikred \_ I am kind of assuming that this person lives in the Bay Area, where it can be ten years or more before they can afford a home, so waiting to start saving until the first house is bought would be a mistake. Also, I think you should grab as much of the tax deduction from contribution to your retirement as you can possibly afford. I am not actually expecting this person to max out their 401k, but if they did, that would really give them a leg up. A Roth IRA can have slight tax advantages, but it depends on all sorts of complexities like what your expected tax rate will be in retirement and the difference from a 401k is really slight, so I didn't want to get into that. -ausman \_ I also recommend max'ing out your 401K. Also, put 4/5K into a Roth IRA every year. You may also wish to consider max'ing out any ESPP program you are eligible to participate in. Most ESPP programs give yout 15% below the lowest closing price of the opening/closing day price of the stock, so you make an easy 15% percent - tax by dumping the day of the purchase. |
2007/3/14-17 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:45968 Activity:nil |
3/14 NEW delisted so fast it doesn't show up on Yahoo! Finance anymore http://finance.google.com/finance?q=new \_ Holy cow. I didn't know Google was doing a finance interface. That is about the coolest thing I've ever seen. So what happened Feb 8? (Oh wait, they had to restate earnings) |
2007/3/13-17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45957 Activity:nil |
3/13 Looks like foreclosures are slowing. Is the housing slump coming to a soft landing? http://milwaukee.bizjournals.com/nashville/stories/2007/03/05/daily12.html \_ don't worry, default notices will convert into foreclosures \_ if so, why is there so much distress in the subprime lenders market? |
2007/3/12-14 [Health/Men, Reference/RealEstate, Health/Women] UID:45945 Activity:nil |
3/12 Best wikipedia page ever: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Chase \_ Uh huh. -dans |
2007/3/7 [Finance/Investment, Reference/RealEstate] UID:45903 Activity:nil 88%like:45906 |
3/7 The Myth of "Superstar Cities" http://www.joelkotkin.com/Urban_Affairs/WSJ%20The%20Myth%20of%20Superstar%20Cities.htm |
2007/2/27-3/3 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45832 Activity:nil |
2/27 Go Go Subprime Mortgage index! http://www.markit.com/cache/curves/db69cdf4e9fd6ba85c48cdf17f2.png \_ What index is that / where did they get their data? \_ ABX-HE-BBB- 06-2 |
2007/2/12-15 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/RealEstate] UID:45723 Activity:nil |
2/12 http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/12/us/12armory.html \_ What was so bad about my 'Kink.com in SF' caption for this url? sheesh. \_ ahh, http://Kink.com, who ocassionally puts on parties at the porn palace. (And, I'm pretty sure, shoots scenes there, too.) I can see why mission hipsters are hating on them, though... --linxu \_ I don't think Mission hipsters care about this at all. Mexican immigrant families in the immediate area probably care. They nearby neighborhood advocacy group opposed the last 4 or 5 development project ideas, so that's what they get! |
2006/12/15-23 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45454 Activity:kinda low |
12/16 http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CEFD6133BF93AA1575BC0A966958260&sec=&pagewanted=print Let history be a guide. \_ recent history has not seen the concentration of wealth we're seeing - maybe santa clara+l.a.+manhattan will stay rich, and avg locations eat it \_ Why the fascination with concentration of wealth? It's captial that allows us to create companies, which create jobs. It's not surprising that the more specialized we get, the more capital is used to create industry. \_ Through out Chinese hisotry, 9 out of 10 dynasties fell not because of the ruler being brutal, but rather, over concentration of wealth. Over concentration of wealth will eventually made into policies which denies opporunity for the mass to get ahead, thus, re-enforce the wealth which they have amassed. The brightest would no longer have a chance to go to school because it's too expensive. The skilled wouldn't have a chance to use it. The offspring of the super-wealthy would just sitting on their butt and complains the mass is not working hard enough and don't deserve the opportunity they demanded. \_ You got the trees. Here's the forest: "9 out of 10 dynasties" fell *because* they were dynastic and not at all democratic and thus completely unresponsive to the needs and wants of the people. \_ it's a balance. no one likes communism, and no one likes an aristocracy. the problem is over the last five years there has been a significant shift to the latter. the impt question is: are we getting closer to or further away from what's good for America? \_ Both are government and economic entities. As long as we have a functional democracy, where's the problem? \_ Big assumption. \- without getting into a longer answer, there is also a positive feedback loop. if i am so wealthy, all i need the gov for is defense, then i'm willing to lobby for lower taxes at the cost of say public education, social safety insurance or medical social safety net [because i can self-insure]. we havent totally gotten to the point where people can opt for lower support for say fire and police protection by self-insuring ... while those haven't gone private, there are definitely class shenanigans that area too [people of course talk about gated communities with private security, but a more sublte example might be something like piedmont "opting" out of oakland ... i dont know the history of how piedmont emerged, but my understading is piedmont has about 10 cops while the oakland police beat that surrounds it is larger and has 2 cops. i bet if you were teleported into a piedmont and the nearest oakland school, you could guess with a high probability which one you had been sent to in each teleportation trial. \P if there is no cooperation/social contract via progressive taxation, you are more likely to end up in a sub-pareto equillibrium rather than adopting optimal outcome ... since optimal outcome often has distributional consequences, so you can only get their either via coercsion or enforced side payments. in the context of a corporation, once the trickle down to the rank and file goes below some threshold, incentive based performance doesnt really work any more ... if my marginal dollar of productivity goes 99% to people 4 steps up from me in the org chart, what's the point? all liberals should be able to answer the question "why should we have a progressive tax code". i guess that was pretty long. \_ yeah could you point to some wikipedia articles or concise urls, i get asked this a lot by my liberotarian friends and i really would like to defend myself articulately. \- dood, the internet is not the be all and end all of learning. read "the procedural republic and he unencumbered self". i dont know if it is avail on the public WEEB. it is available via JSTOR. this isnt the kind of thing to look for in a wikipedia article. if you are really interested, i probably have a pdf i can dig up. the short version of the answer is "when society makes investment, the rich disproportionately reaps the rewards" sort of like when up to $1m of mortage interest is deductable that disporpropiratioantely benefits people buying million dollar houses rather than $200k houses. similar logic applies to NIH research (an agency i dont remember hearing criticized as as much as say the Dept of Educ). also many "xfers" to the wealthy are not in the form of easy to see cash xfers [welfare, food stamps] but more subtle [nicer parks, faster police response time]. finally there are some deeper criticisms of measuring efficiency/risk/etc in dollars terms, but hat is beyond the scope of this motd post. if you are a berkeley student, consider taking philosophy 115, political philosophy. samuel scheffler would be a good person to take this from. --psb \- I'll add one thing: generally the way Lib'tarians operationalize force/fraud is rather self-serving, just like most countrys' notion of what constitudes "free trade" or a resonable IP regime is totally self serving. the world is a complicated palce and all "one line" philosophies are inadequate, whether it is Libertarianism [force/fraud], Jebus and the Golden Rule, Communism [each according to needs/means], Original Intent/Plain meaning jurisprudence, untilitariamsim etc. \- BTW, I'd be interested if you could ask your little liberatrian friends if they would get rid of the SEC. \_ Could you try to capitalize words on occasion or simply point to the wiki article? \_ Hey, don't restrict his form of expression with your bourgeois grammer rules, you facist! \_ grammar \_ Same to you! \_ It turns out that an economists blog I read it talking about \_ It turns out that an economist's blog I read is talking about this very same subject right now -ausman http://www.csua.org/u/hre "How Inequality of Wealth Destroys Liberty" \- JAMES AUSMAN ADVISORY: i assume you know this, but some of this may be the tail end of something that errupted a few mos ago: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inequality_Debate_of_2006 but of course for thoughtful people, this is a perennial issue. as your web site suggest, it was discussed a 100yrs ago. this is not a bad book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0815764758 |
2006/12/15-16 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45453 Activity:nil |
12/15 Own your own luxury condo on the sea for $25 mil! Lots of rich people out there I guess: http://www.realtor.org/rmomag.NSF/pages/Feat2200602?OpenDocument \_ I'm sorry, $500000 a year HOA fee? Is that a typo? \_ Definitely not for country-living loving dim who loves to own SFHs with a huge ass backyard he rarely uses, situated out of nowhere, many miles away from the closest shopping mall, far from away from other people, isolated. Not for dim, your average American Joe, who love 0% down and interest only ARM. \_ Where do you get this stuff? \_ But I read on the motd that condos always lag SFH as investments... \_ They do. What do you think a SFH on the same site would cost? |
2006/11/29-12/8 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45393 Activity:nil |
11/29 SF is the most bubble proof city. LA is #2. Swami sucks: http://money.cnn.com/popups/2006/biz2/newrules_bubbleproof/index.html \_ While the market may not crash, I don't believe it can continue its meteoric rise - I see it leveling out for a long time. The house price to median salary ratio is just ridiculous. \_ Hello bitter rental guy! \_ Hello bitter mortgage guy! |
2006/11/28-12/8 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45382 Activity:nil |
11/28 http://money.cnn.com/2006/11/28/news/economy/homesales_october Home sales plummet in October. -swami the magnificent #1 fan |
2006/11/7-8 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic] UID:45235 Activity:nil 76%like:45228 |
11/7 http://tradesports.com House GOP control now at ~ 10, Senate back to ~ 65. \_ What do these numbers mean? \_ basically 0 means people think it will not happen 100 means people think it's guaranteed to happen \_ Does that mean that if I bet on GOP control of house, I get back 10X what I bet if they win? \_ if you buy at 12, and the GOP wins the House, then you get 88 x $0.10 = $8.80 profit for every contract (share) you bought at 12. let's say GOP loses the House (and you held onto your contracts until the bitter end). Then the contracts you bought are worthless. You're out what you paid for them, 12 * $0.10 = $1.20 per contract. \_ Please excuse my denseness, but this site is blocked at work, and I'm considering going home to bet. I still don't get it. In your scenario, how much did each share cost? Did I pay 12 dollars and get back 12+ the 8.80, or what? \_ updated answer. any more q's? \_ I just don't understand what's going on. Is each share 0.1 dollars? Then where does the 88 number come from? How does that relate to 12? \_ Let's say the price is 12 right now. This means 1 contract (share) costs $1.20. You buy 1. Let's say the GOP wins the House. You can now automatically sell this for $10. You make $8.80 profit for that 1 contract. If you can find someone who's selling 100 If you find someone who's selling 100 contracts (shares) at 12, and your dream comes true, then you make $880 profit. Actually, I see someone offering 440 contracts at 10.5, so you can get them even cheapter. \_ Ok, I finally get it. Thanks! |
2006/11/6-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45188 Activity:nil |
11/6 http://csua.org/u/hdu (mysanantonio.com) http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?from=R40&satitle=joseph+statue Bury a figurine of St. Joseph on your property, and the power of the Lord will help you sell your home \_ Sounds very feng shui |
2006/11/1-2 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45072 Activity:kinda low |
11/01 http://piggington.com/bubble Evidence of a California Housing Bubble \_ Good analysis, but he's wasting his time. Of course there's a housing bubble. The question is what happens when it ends. His guess is it will be about 17 years to the next low. History says it will be about 7 years. Splitting the difference, let's say 12 years. Is that a big deal when most people stay in their homes for 7-10 years? \_ I don't think the question is what happens, but how it happens. A slow gradual decline to point X and date Y is no big deal while a quick snap to X on date Y is going to screw up all sorts of things. \_ It's always a slow, gradual decline with housing. His charts show that and he explains why housing prices are sticky. \_ When prices drop people who can afford not to sell are much less likely to sell thereby drying up the market, keeping prices from falling too fast. \_ Mostly I agree with this but there are enough locations such as Las Vegas where prices dropped by very large numbers almost over night to make it not entirely so. \_ The thing about Las Vegas is that there is a ton of almost undifferentiated housing. The far suburbs of the Bay Area are that way, too. Undifferentiated housing will always be more prone to lose value than houses with more intrinsic value (good location, charming/interesting appearance, good workmanship). -tom \_ More like San Diego Housing Bubble \_ Isn't this like, a year old. Even the Great Swami was predicting a housing bubble by then. |
2006/10/28-11/1 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:45023 Activity:nil |
10/28 "If you control for inflation and quality...real home prices barely budged between the eighteen-nineties and the nineteen-nineties. The idea that housing prices have nowhere to go but up is, in other words, a statistical illusion." http://www.newyorker.com/talk/content/articles/061030ta_talk_surowiecki \_ How exactly do you control for 'quality'? By that measure you could say medical care hasn't changed cost either because due to inflation and 'quality' prices are about the same. Except they're not. I need money to conduct and publish a bogus study. \_ At least one of the studies they cite (Shiller's) controlled for quality by tracking the prices of particular individual houses over a long period, rather than comparing this year's median (which includes spiffy new houses) with last year's. \_ Except the older houses probably had better quality. |
2006/10/26-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44993 Activity:nil |
10/26 http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/26/news/economy/newhomes New home price plunge worst since 70s \_ fyi, this is a Commerce Dept result, of only new homes; this is more forward-looking than existing homes, as article explains. the Natl Assoc of Realtors recorded a 2.2% drop in median price year-over-year of all types of homes sold - biggest drop ever. ob swami sux. if we took out incentives, it would a fuckin' rout. of course, santa clara (and SF) remain strong. ob swami sux. santa clara county (and SF) remain strong. ob swami sux. http://rereport.com/scc/charts/prices.gif |
2006/10/24-26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44946 Activity:moderate |
10/24 Dear $200K man. Don't buy a home unless you are seriously prepared for it. Sure there are countless good reasons for buying a home but you need to ask yourself whether the purchase will fit your lifestyle. It may be the right decision for many people out there but you need to evaluate YOUR own needs. Data point: We purchased a home last year when we were all hyped up by our friends, HGTV, Extreme Makeover shows, etc. Things were great for a few months. We were excited about our new home, new furnitures, and upgrades. When the honeymoon period was over reality started to hit. After paying property taxes, countless expensive trips to Home Depot, HOA, Adjusted Supplemental Tax, reassessment fees, and many unexpected and surprising $$$ maintenance work, we were basically burning through our life long savings within one year. This year, I'm totally stressed out because our entire savings account is approaching $0 and unless I get a 15% raise or get a nice bonus this year I may simply have to take out loans and find other means to extend my current lifestyle, which already means not going out to eat out, no vacations, no PS3, and no Christmas toys. Unless you buy a cheap home AND make over 1/3 of the total loan AND enjoy going to Home Depot every other weekend and pay unexpected costs associated with homes, I don't recommend buying one as an investment. Good luck and please tell us what you ended up doing! \_ I think you are right about this being a "lifestyle" choice. I hate it with the typical rent vs. buy debate. Most of the time people are comparing apple to orange. It is like saying leasing a Kia is cheaper than buying a Lexsus because both are cars and get you from point A to B. Renting an apartment is not the same as buying a house soley based on the fact that they provide shelter. You buy a home because you want the benefits associated with it such as not sharing a wall with your loud and inconsiderate neighbor. Housing is one of the \_ You can rent a home, you can buy a condo. \_ Yes, but most "debate" about rent vs. buy is about renting something smaller and buying something bigger. Either way, the OP didn't do his homework before jumping into property owership. Do you think his last landlord only charged his PITI as rent and not included any of the "unexpected" expense? few necassity in life where you could potentially "make" money from. It is not totally an investment. money from. It is not totally an investment nor is it just an expense. So, if you don't want the hassle associated with ownership, by all means, go rent an apartment or a house. Just realize that, at the end of the month, all the same expense you have now, your landlord has it too. You will ultimately pay the same thing thru rent. \_ op is exhibit one for "dumbass", but that doesn't mean that buying a home is necessarily a good investment. You can easily spend more these days on the _non-principal_ parts of home ownership than you would (total) on rent. Think about that. The home is only remotely an investment when either: a) it's increasing in value b) you're putting money into the principal (a)'s not really true right now and if you're spending more money on not-(b) than you'd spend renting, you're better off renting and putting the difference into a good investment that _is_ increasing in value. (Yes, yes, of course count interest and property tax as deductions before you come up with your final numbers.) \_ Pray tell, what are you doing to spend that much money on "non-principal parts of home ownership"? \_ I think he means maintenance and repairs. I probably spend more each year on that sort of stuff than I would to rent a cheap studio apartment somewhere. An apartment would cover trash and water, too. \_ OP mentioned new furnitures. -- !PP \_ Mortgage interest, points, PMI, Property Tax, Utilities that might be otherwise included in rent, maintenance, repairs, homeowners insurance... --pp \_ If you didn't include intrest, points (one time fee that) PMI (there's a reason you should always do 20% down) property tax and insurance into account when you bought, well, you were a moron. And I'm amazed your mortgage broker didn't point those all out to you before you bought. \_ I never said these were surprise fees; I was just listing possible sources of non-principal expenditures related to owning a home. Nice strawman, though. \_ I never said these were surprise fees; I was just listing possible sources of non-principal expenditures related to owning a home. Nice strawman, though. \_ sorry, I thought you were the person complaining about unexpected costs. \_ Plus homeowners association fees. \_ I just want to point out that if I have to pay some motherfucker money for the privelage of having them tell my to cut my lawn, paint my house in a certain way, and generally buy into their little cult, I don't really consider that ownership. Paying taxes to the local government which will put the fire out if your house catches on fire is one thing, but once some fucking corporation starts asking for money and enforcing rules, you're taking one step backwards towards serfdom. I'd rather own a little bunker outright in a piece of remote swampland than be a fucking serf in your suburb no matter how much square footage I get. Some day you bastards realize you are on the path to slavery. Until then good luck. swampland than be a fucking serf in your suburb no matter how much square footage I get. Some day you bastards realize you are on the path to slavery. Until then good luck. \_ You're confused. My HOA fees are $80 month. That covers them hiring people to take care of my front lawn and a bunch of other stuff. You're thinking condo associations. If you *really* want a purple and orange house with a glowing green door I didn't want you as a neighbor anyway. Short of that and your pig farm, HOAs are reasonably harmless. \_ Why would a purple and orange house bother you to that extent? Shouldn't people be free to paint heir houses other than the same shade of beige as every other house in the association? \_ Because it's tasteless and drives down prices. They should be free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't screw other people. It isn't for everyone. Don't do it if you don't want it just don't whine when your neighbor sets up a pig farm or has chickens and there's nothing you can do about it. Those roosters get really loud at sun-up. \_ Zoning laws address whether one can raise chickens or hogs. As for whether it's tasteless to paint your house some color other than beige, that's just your opinion. Lots of victorians look \_ It is the opinion of most home buyers which is what counts. \_ It is the opinion of HOA Nazis, not most home buyers. great in purple. It also doesn't drive \_ Seen a victorian in the bay area recently? \_ Yes, in this small little town called San Francisco for one. down prices. Prices are determined mostly by the size of the house and the location (comparables). Color isn't an issue, because it's easily changed. Why \_ Sure it is. If my neighbor is raising pigs and has 8 cars in front on blocks in their purple, orange and green house, then my home price will drop. I can not easily change their color. \_ Again, zoning addresses the issue of raising animals and usually the number of cars one can have. The color of a house is not significant in any way, because a new buyer can change it. How much less do you think a purple house is going to fetch relative to the beige one next to it? $2K? Oh my God! Your house is now worth only $710K instead of $712K. That's really worth being a Nazi over. You people who love HOAs (instead of just tolerate them) make me sick. I hope a kid falls down on your HOA sidewalk and sues the HOA for millions and you get to cough up your share. Then you will appreciate HOAs more. must you be a Nazi about what color someone paints his/her house? \_ See above. \_ Plenty of condos are like 2-6 units, and the "HOA" is really just a few people who meet every now and to figure out how to handle what issues have popped up. Not all condos are 200 unit monstorsities. \_ I don't think he's upset about condo HOAs, but did you realize that if the HOA gets sued (e.g. someone hurts himself on a cracked sidewalk) then all owners share in the pain? \_funny you should mention that, as our HOA got sued by one of the members, who was upset that they couldn't get an expansion approved. \_ Absolutely. Luckily, HOAs aren't all that common is much of CA, since they tend to be associated with new development. \_ New development--in other words the problem is getting worse. My problem with this is not that I'm afraid I will have trouble buying a home with no HOA, it's the value system represented by people who think that's ok. \_ I still think you don't know what HOAs are about but whatever. \_ HOAs are about people foreclosing on your house because your grass is too long. \_ No, but ok. Whatever. Go find a cabin in the woods. Just don't send people bombs. \_ Yes, they can. If the HOA fines you because your lawn is too long and you don't pay that fine (or you dispute it) then after 12 months they can foreclose on you. A new law made it such that they can only foreclose if the amount owed is > $1800, but before that it could be any amount and $1800 isn't all that much to lose one's house over. People have lost their houses over $120 fines, which spawned the legislation. I don't think most HOA members realize what deep sh*t they are in. \_ Uh, cut your lawn. In my case, my $80 covers that so if my lawn isn't cut I am the one with the complaint, not them. The sky is falling!!!! People have been hit by meteors but no one with a tinfoil hat has ever been hit by one. Fact. \_ Go fuck yourself. I'll bet anything you also supported Bush's suspension of habeus corpus, as well as torture. Why? Because people like you hate freedom. You want to live as a corporate serf with fucks like you for neigbors? Fine. But if I catch you and your fascist budies trespassing on my swamp, I'll shoot you right between the eyes. \_ I see. So it's perfectly okay that if you are on vacation in Europe for a month and your lawn gets long that the HOA can foreclose on your house? You don't see a problem with that? Did you ever read your CC&Rs? |
2006/10/23-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44929 Activity:high |
10/23 I have like ~$200k sitting around that I've been ignoring because I'm incredibly lazy and money management is boring. What should I do with it? I guess I should buy a house? Or dump it in an index fund? It's been sitting in... a checking account. Go me. \_ I'm lazy and risk-averse, so I keep most of my money in CDs (currently earning 5.94%). Not optimal, but it's really easy and safe. If I were less lazy, I'd use multiple banks or joint accounts to get FDIC insurance for the whole amount. \_ Where do you get that 5.94 at? \_ Cal State 9 Credit Union, with 5-year $5000 variable-rate CDs. http://www.calstate9.com/web/Rates/certificate_rates.asp \_ Wow, I don't think checking accounts are even FDIC insured above 100K. Anyway, how long term? Very long term an index fund is probably the best idea. Short term, CDs or ING. \_ Yeah, long term I guess. The only reason I'd use this cash is for real estate or maybe starting my hot new business idea but I've no plans for those atm... \_ They're insured at $100K per account holder. If you get a joint account, it's therefore insured at up to $200K. The money also could be spread across multiple accounts. \_ As the above says, they're not insured above 100k (for all that's worth anyway). Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend? If not, go into a bank office run by some hottie bank manager and explain your situation to her. You are guaranteed to get very very personal attention and she'll help you manager your money better, too. \_ op didn't say "in one account" I have a similar situation, I just divide it amongst more than one acct (at different banks). http://www.fdic.gov/deposit/deposits/insured/faq.html #10 \_ um, yeah it's in one account right now... yeah... -op OK i'll do this first. Too bad ING direct doesn't have offices with hotties helping you. Or does it? Actually screw ING, emigrantdirect has better rates. \_ That's the problem with electronic transactions: you lose out on the personal touch and you may want that in both senses. You'll get the same advice no matter where you go so pick a place where you'll get hottie service. \_ http://secure02.principal.com/bank/apps/rates/index.do 5.26% from Principal Bank vs. 5.05% at ED ED also has the hokiest website once you actually start digging into it \_ Well now I found 5.75% CDs at http://e-loan.com. I can't find 5.94 like the guy above though. Maybe an "intro" rate somewhere. \_ The B of A branch at 909 E. Hillsdale Blvd, Foster City, does have many hotties at the counter and the cust srv desks in the morning shift. The problem is that there are also one or two fat ones, so there's a small chance you end up with one of those. I did when I went last time. :-( \_ Any money manager will tell you to diversify. Take at least half of that and split it into socks, bonds, commoddieites, etc. Go to any investment company and ask for help. Or better yet, ask anyone you know who does manage his money better for a recommendation of someone. \_ My investment plan is to buy a house. No it isn't optimal, but it's a decent investment (if you don't have one already) and it is an investment you are going to make every damn month, no slipping up and forgetting to invest. Lots of mutual funds let you auto invest once a month. Do a bit of reading, pick a few mutual funds, set them up to auto invest some amount that is reasonable and forget about them for a year. You won't do worse than bank account intrest, that's for sure. \_ well, buying a house now is like buying socks in early 2000. On margin! Be careful what you invest in. \_ A house that you live in is a home, not an 'investment'. Don't confuse the two. However, if you are renting right now and can afford the mortgage on a house, then what are you waiting for? You are throwing money away by renting. \_ A home that gains in value. Maybe not at the insane rates that it has the last few years, but still, it's an investment. Consider person A who lets his money sit around getting 1% intrest in a checking account and who pays rent vs person B who gets a home, pays his mortgage, etc. 5 years later if B sells his place (and the housing market hasn't tanked like some people think it will) then person B will have significantly more money than A. If A invests intelligently that is much less of a given, but the OP already admitted he isn't a good investor. \_ No, it's not an investment if it's your primary residence. It's a cost. However, it's still a good idea because you are fixing the cost of one of your biggest expenses over the next 30 years. \_ What makes it different? \_ For one, when you sell it (or if you lose it) then you are homeless. \_ When I sell it I'm in the exact same place that the renter is at. It isn't a very liquid investment, but I still think of it as an investment. \_ If you buy it at $700K and it falls to $400K then you are not where the renter is at and you can't sell it either. So why buy it? Because even at $400K it has value as a home. Most people buy another house when they sell one, so it's not really money they have invested. The government agrees, hence the cap gains exclusion for the first $500K. Two good questions gleaned from the WWW: 1. What if it's a good investment but doesn't work out as a home? Would you stay there anyway, or sell for less than you'd get by waiting? 2. Suppose it's a good home but turns into a lousy investment? Would you cut your losses and move? Or would you take the financial hit and stay? \_ 1. You can lose money on any investment. Houses do have a bit of risk because you are buying on margine, but it's very rare for a housing market to drop for a significant amount of time. (Yes, I know about Tokyo.) I'm not saying there isn't a bubble right now, but I don't think prices are going to fall much further if at all in some areas. 2. As to the questions you asked, you can always rent your place if you want to move (I know people who own, rent their house, and themselves live in a rented apartment, for just the reasons you gave.) The second question you ask is valid, but I don't think that makes it not an investment. It just makes it a bit more complicated of an investment. \_ Can you write it off as a loss if you lose money when you sell? What if you rent it for less than the mortgage? With investment property, you can write it off a loss. With your primary residence, you can't. You might treat it like an investment, but it's not. It's an asset, but so is a car or a dishwasher. Those aren't investments either. To treat your primary residence like an investment is folly. \_ You're splitting hairs. The dictionary definition of "investement" is "that with which one is invested." It's obvious that a home is an investment by that definition. A home has different characteristics than other investments, but you're still invested in it and expecting a positive return on the money you put into it. -tom \_ No, you should not be expecting a positive return. You should be expecting a place to live. You are invested in it only to the extent that you're invested in that new stereo that you bought. Historically, return on houses is about the rate of inflation (i.e. 0). Even if your house does go up in value, what good does it do when you can't sell w/o being homeless? \_ So you're claiming that a renter is better off in the long term financially than a home owner? They get a place to live, don't pay for repairs, can leave any time with only moving costs, and can choose to pay less/month than a home owner. Sounds like home owning is moronic and renting is a brilliant path to financial success. Except we know that isn't true. \_ I am not claiming a renter is better off financially. I said that fixing the cost of housing is a smart thing. However, that doesn't make it an investment. \_ Making money by reducing costs is somehow different than making money by increasing income? A penny saved is a penny earned. There are two sides to the cash flow equation. \_ Not reducing costs. Fixing costs. If you move from a $1600 apartment to a $1200 apartment does that mean you are investing $400 month? Not if you are keeping that $400 under your mattress you aren't. \_ If the total value of a leveraged investment increases at the rate of inflation, your investment increases at greater than the rate of inflation. Also, zero return is a lot better than what you get on rent money. -tom \_ For sake of argument, assume you are not leveraged. I, like you and most other people who bought a house more than 3 years ago, have a lot of equity on paper. However, it does me no good, because if I use it (say for law school or to start a business or to buy a Ferrari) then I am homeless. I am not saying not to buy a home. I am saying that a home is not an investment - not even an illiquid investment. It's a cost. Fixing that cost over 30 years is a good thing, but it's still a cost. An investor expects to make cash on cash, not fork over $4K each month for 30 years with no return. \_ Why would you assume I am not leveraged, when practically every home is leveraged? You can sell the home at any time; you won't be homeless, you'll just be renting, which is the alternative to owning a home. It may make sense to rent in some situations, but there is no investment which has returned anything close to what my home has in the past 7 years (something like 1000% return on investment). -tom \_ Right, so when are you selling and quitting your job to live on your "investments"? \_ How is that relevant? I certainly could sell if I wanted to get the cash out and go back to renting. -tom \_ That's not really an option for most homeowners. I wouldn't do it and neither would you. _/ If I had reason to do so--if my home were no longer a good investment--I would definitely sell it. I am almost certain to sell it at some point in my life. And again, whether I would sell it or not is not what qualifies it as an investment. I have stocks I wouldn't sell unless there's a fundamental change in the marketplace; same with my house. -tom \_ I assume your stocks are producing dividends. If not, you'd be a fool to hold them forever. As for your home not being a good investment, I don't buy it. It will probably go down in value next year. You gonna sell? You would if it was a stock. _/ You are now bordering on being not worth responding to. Point 1: Only an idiot would sell a stock just because it went down. I sell my stocks either because I need money (rarely), or because the fundamentals of the business have changed. Do I think, long-term, that a home near Piedmont Avenue in Oakland is going to lose value? No, so it would be foolish to sell, especially in a down market. Point 2: Stocks are not the only kind of investment, and not all investments behave like stocks. You will not see anywhere in any definition of the term "investment" that the object invested in must be bought and sold regularly. In fact, that's closer to the antithesis of investing than it is to the definition. -tom \_ Point 1: If I told you with 100% certainty that your house would drop 15% next year would you sell it? What if I told you with 100% certainty that a particular stock would drop 15% next year? Point 2: I never said stocks were the only kind of investment. Red herring. Houses certainly can be. Just not your primary residence, unless you like being homeless. The vast majority of homeowners would not go back to renting, even when sitting on huge gains. Most investments return cash on cash. Your primary residence, with you living in it, say, 30 years isn't returning anything to you. I realize the average person sells after 7 years, but they also turn around and buy another house with the proceeds. At what point does one profit from that? When you die and your heirs sell it off? \_ Warren Buffett buys companies all the time, with no intention of selling them. Is he not an investor? Your understanding of the word "investment" is completely wrong. -tom \_ So Buffet isn't making any profit from these companies? He just buys them with no intention of selling and considers the money he put into them lost forever? My idea of investing involves a return, often called a profit. Buying a house and sitting on $700K in paper money while paying $4K/month until one dies is not a great way to profit and not a very good investment. \_ Yes, Buffett buys companies with no intention of doing anything other than holding them. Just because you haven't sold something doesn't mean you haven't gotten a return on it. -tom I know two different people who sold -/ a place in the last couple of years and went back to renting. In both cases they felt the market was due for a downturn and they weren't happy with where they lived at the time. The sold their places, are renting for a few years and may buy again if they think the market has corrected. Taxwise they got hit a bit hard, but it was a choice they both made. Take it as you will. \_ It's not very common. Did they have a lot of gains? Are they happy renting? How long did they own? Most homeowners value their houses as homes first and foremost. Any possible gains are secondary and almost incidental. You could have made a lot of money buying in South Central over the last 2 years. You gonna live there to profit from it? I know a lot of real estate investors and they have all said that one's primary residence should be paid off so that that cash flow (going into the mortgage) can be put to good use and never to touch the main house after that. Buy 10 houses in Watts if you want, but the primary residence isn't even part of the portfolio. It's an expense to be paid as quickly as possible and a place to retreat to to lick your wounds when/if things go bad. \_ One person did very well (San Diego, crummy nieghborhood, got in and out at the perfect time) The other had a very low intrest loan (teacher) and did fairly well. I'm amused how you deny that you can go back to renting if you want to cash out of your house on the premise that most people won't want to. If you don't want to sell your house it is because it is worth more to you than the money could get out of it. If your house is worth more than what you could get out of it (with a bit of fudge for pain in the ass factor, but people have already admitted a house isn't the most liquid investment) than isn't that good way to invest your money? A house isn't like a car or a stero or most material goods that make your life better because unlike most of those a house goes up in value (maybe not much, but up) rather than down like almost everything else. And if you are the kind of person who doesn't like investing money and can't be bothered to stop letting your money lose value by sitting around in a checking account doing nothing a house is a very good way to invest money AND improve your life. (Stupid buyers who buy more than they can afford as a few threads above not included.) \_ Not to mention a lot better than what you get on money sitting in your checking account. And let's not forget all the mortgage deduction tax law issues as well. \_ There's a pretty simple calculation you can do to tell if renting or buying is better in a given market. Of course, it ignores significant changes in home value. -!pp \_ I rent therefore renters are smarter and home owners are all evil for pricing me out of the market. \_ If you contact me, I will put you in touch with my broker. -ausman |
2006/10/19-23 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44870 Activity:nil |
10/19 http://csua.org/u/h9g http://csua.org/u/h9h (sfgate.com) Bay Area home prices fall on a year-over-year basis for the first time in four years (dot-com bust era). Notice houses (not condos) in Santa Clara and SF make strong gains in exception to Bay Area trend. Notice also that when considered separately, both houses and condos increased in price (fun with statistics). For a real housing hard landing see San Diego County, year-over-year loss of 4.4% for Sep. ob Swami sux. \_ Is 4.4% really that hard after all the up of recent years? \_ i guess if you bought at the high with a neg am. also, SD has been pretty steady for two years (since 3Q04). http://csua.org/u/h9i (latimes.com) CA mortgage default notices now 45% of 1996 Q1 peak \_ Were they still doing the super crazy loans at the peak? I know 3-7 years ago they were doing all sorts of wild stuff but I thought that slowed down a lot in the last 2-3 years. \_ Credit has been looser than ever over the last 2-3 years. You are out of it. \_ ob yermom joke |
2006/10/12-14 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:44788 Activity:kinda low |
10/12 Why do numbers in some street addresses have so many digits? There are only ten houses on the one-block dead-end street in Fremont that I live on, but the numbers start at 34000. On the other hand, street numbers in the Bay Farm area in Alameda only have two or three digits. \_ IIRC, numbers don't repeat in a given "line", so if you find the next street before/after that cul-de-sac that's roughly in a line w/ it, the numbers will continue that way. I have a similar deal. I'm on a relatively long st. w/ a 4 digit address, but the 10 house cul-de-sac around the corner is 5-digit, because it points the direction of the rest of the (fairly long) city. \_ some address numbering trivia. There are a number of long streets running through Orange County which go through multiple cities, each with their own numbering scheme. Usually, it's not a source of much confusion since most cities cooperate. But there are/were small stretches (like < 6 blocks) in unincorporated areas of the county which are on the county numbering scheme -- usually 5 digits instead of the 4 digits that most cities use/used. Yeah, that's fun trying to find an address -- 3340 3350 3360 27400 27420 3520 ... \_ In Florence (Italy), numbers run in disjoint blue (residential) and red (commercial) sequences. So you can have 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 2 7 3 4 8 and so on. -tom \_ disjoint is not really the right word. \_ How do you tell which sequence it is from the address on an envelop? Are people required to write/print with red and blue ink? \_ Dunno, maybe they just do "R15" or something. -tom \- on an envelope or otherwise you write ###r if it is "rosso". Stendahl's famous novel "The Red and the Black" is about a fight between people with red and blue/black addresses in Florence, which he wrote after having a breakdown there trying to find the right address. YMWTG(stendahl syndrome, florence). \_ All I gotta say is "Japanese Addressing Schemes" particularly say in Tokyo or Kyoto. Street numbers are picked on totally an arbitrary basis many times -- family tradition, good luck, numerology, whatever. |
2006/10/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/RealEstate] UID:44772 Activity:moderate |
10/11 Holy shit, Bin-Ladin decided to strike a month later! http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061011/ts_nm/crash_plane_dc_1 \_ New York Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle was apparently piloting the airplane and died in the crash. Wow. Who knew that Al-Qaeda had infiltrated the Yankees and Major League Baseball!?! \_ See? Yet another failure of the Bush administration to indentify the spread of terrorism into our turfs before they strike. The CIA should have taken action when Lidle met with bin Laden at the Afghan cave last year. \_ Osama Bin Laden flys a small single engine plane into a luxury condo because... he thinks Bush resides there? October Surprise! \_ Isn't Bill Clinton's place up that way? Maybe Osama was trying to get back at him. -tom \_ Get back at him for what? \_ fyi, comparing overhead images with photos of the scene, I would say it was intentional (revenge, suicide, terrorism, whatever). It's a straight shot into the center mass of the north face of one of the taller condo complexes, with other directions blocked by other tall bldgs, and the river nearby if they really wanted to ditch. I also understand it was very foggy, so it's possible pilot was a numbnut. \_ i bet it's a domestic thing. i bet the guy was seeking revenge for a BITCH that used him to do her b-school cs9x projects and then tossed him away \_ Rent/own a piece of fine Manhattan real estate! http://www.olshan.com/property.php?id=137940 http://www.olshan.com/property.php?id=149028 \_ I need to boost my salary five-fold to be able to afford these. numbnut. I also think "524 e 72nd st" is the wrong address. \_ Which? If you could boost your salary five-fold and afford the second, I'd still be impressed with your current salary. \_ Apparently the plane was flown by The Yankees pitcher Lidle: http://tinyurl.com/gssov (newsday.com) \_ Why do the Yankees hate America? \_ Hey, the man couldn't pitch them into the playoffs, so he did the honorable thing. Odds are that was a Mets fan's apartment. \_ http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=2621860 Murphy's law. You tell the NY Times a month before about only 1% of pilots ever experiencing an engine failure, and those that do safely landing the plane most of the time, and a parachute that can be deployed for the whole plane, and then you crash into a condo. \_ If ARod had been piloting, they would've missed the building. |
2006/10/9-10 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44741 Activity:moderate |
10/9 http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/05/real_estate/moodys/index.htm Swami the Magnificent warned you! \_ I like how the Bay Area barely grazes that list. \_ I'm sure people are very freaked out about a possible 3-10% housing 'crash'. By the way, I think that Moody's is being optimistic. Prices are going to come down a lot more when/if rates rise and credit tightens. \_ My house has already dropped about 10%. Shrug. Only buyers, sellers, and creditors who stupidly gave out highly risky credit need to care about this stuff. \_ We bought in late 2002. Since then our house peaked up 51% in late '05, now has lost ~3% since that peak, and is now up ~ 47% from when we bought. 51% in late '05, and is now up ~ 47% from when we bought (all according to http://zillow.com) \_ I dropped 10% from peak but it doesn't matter either way. |
2006/10/9-10 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:44739 Activity:nil |
10/9 Swami says if you have ARM, you're FUCKED! http://money.cnn.com/2006/10/09/real_estate/arms_nightmare \_ The Great Swami does not use coarse language -TGS |
2006/10/6-9 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44708 Activity:kinda low |
10/6 Mmmmmm... housing idiot: http://www.sfgate.com/columnists/lloyd Young 20-something buys 8 homes in 8 months seeking fabulous fortune. \_ What parade of idiots gave him credit for this real estate spree? \_ The article says he got a lot of stated income loans and lied on the applications. \_ And they didn't check?? \_ "Stated income" means "stated income". If they checked then it wouldn't be "stated income". \_ Kind of a neat idea: When young, make some really big financial gambles by taking out huge loans. If you win, great. If you lose, declare bankruptcy and be free and clear in several years. \_ Free and clear? I think it's worse than that. This little shit has been promoting his sob story all over both the MSM and the housing bubble blogs now for quite a while. I predict that his book deal will make way more money than he ends up losing. \_ Not with the new bankruptcy laws it isn't. \_ can't you circumvent the new laws by living with your parents and studying for your next job for a couple years, maybe go get an advanced degree? \_ With a less-than-median income and massive debt, you are fine to BK even with the new law. \_ There's still a lot more to it. And he'd have to go many months without a job. Not to mention credit counciling that might tell him he could get that 200k debt, suck it up, get a web job and pay it off in 30 years. \_ Credit counseling required under Chapter 7 is a joke. In any case, he can easily declare for Chapter 13. \_ Bad credit or not, he might be prosecuted if he lied on the application forms. |
2006/10/4-6 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44670 Activity:nil |
10/4 I got my mortgage for 6.25% and my payment is about $2500. My mortgage lender just called me saying they can get me 6.00% which will be about $2400, for "0 point 0 fee." Having an extra more or less $100/month payment isn't going to make or break me as I'm pretty comfortable either way, and I'm wondering if there's anything weird I should know besides the "0 point 0 fee" deal? \_ Good to double check, but there needn't be. I refied from 6.75 -> 5.75+6.375 -> 5.25 all no point/no fee. $100/month of free money is $100 you don't have to scrimp on your phone/power bills. \_ I assume the motivation is to get the homeowner to stay with the original lender before they jump to another lender who may have a slightly lower 0 point/0 fee rate. what do people think? \_ Yes. Make sure they aren't rolling costs into the new mortgage, though. \_ I did all of my 0/0 refis w/ different lenders. Get yourself a good mortgage broker. |
2006/10/3-5 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44650 Activity:nil |
10/3 Let's say I just bought a new home. I heard that you can minimize capital gains tax by keeping track of home improvements. Does that mean I can use all of my Lowes and Home Depot receipts this year and subtract them from my income? \_ No, but you can add them to the cost basis of your house, which could have an effect on the capital gains when you sell it. (Well, to be accurate, you can add items which are part of renovations to the cost basis, but not items which are part of maintenance. So if you replace a broken toilet, you can't add that to your cost basis, but if you remodel your bathroom, you can add that). There is a fairly large exemption on capital gains on the sale of a home, anyway, so unless the house has appreciated more than $250K ($500K if married) at the time you sell it, your Lowe's recepits won't come into play. -tom sell it, your Lowe's receipts won't come into play. -tom \_ As Tom says, you can't. Wouldn't that be nice, though? Save them to use when/if you sell the house, though. I never thought I'd need that stuff, since the capital gains exemption is so high, but then the real estate market went crazy and I'm glad I saved that stuff. |
2006/9/26-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44539 Activity:kinda low 66%like:44537 |
9/26 Housing prices falling? http://tinyurl.com/l2qo6 (washingtonpost.com) \_ Business cycle. \_ "The conclusion that I'm drawing is that we're very close to the bottom of the housing market ... By the first quarter of next year, we'll start to see a rebound." -Economic Outlook Group executive director \_ Are you sure this isn't David Lereah? |
2006/9/26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44537 Activity:nil 66%like:44539 |
9/26 Housing prices falling? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/25/AR2006092500432.html |
2006/9/25-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44526 Activity:nil |
9/25 "This is the price correction we've been expecting - with sales stabilizing, we should go back to positive price growth early next year" -NAR Chief Economist, http://csua.org/u/h01 (realtor.org) |
2006/9/19-10/13 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44456 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://money.cnn.com/2006/09/19/news/economy/housingstarts Swami the fucking Housing Magnificent predicted this long time ago. Swami is great. \_ How many other times has Swami predicted this? \_ Swami only made one prediction, and so far it's been right on. \_ Swami predicted that housing prices would peak in Q3 2005, which did not happen. In fact, it's still not clear whether housing prices have peaked, and Q3 2006 starts Friday. Edit to add: He also predicted a nadir in November 2007, which is even stupider than his first prediction. Once this market cools off, it is likely to go down or sideways for several years at least. -tom \_ "Extended is deliberately left undefined because I have no idea how long it will go down. Even the Magnificent no idea how long it will go down. Even the fucking Magnificent Swami has his limits. Certainly more than two quaters." -The Magnificent Swami (in June 2005) \_ San Diego County went negative year-over-year June '06, with a negative trend starting Q4 '05. Swami would have been done much better to issue a prediction for the Bay Area or SoCal, instead of leaving it open to intepretation, but then again the guy calls prediction for the fucking Bay Area or SoCal, instead of leaving it open to intepretation, but then again the fucking guy calls himself "Swami" ... http://csua.org/u/gxr (latimes.com chart) FYI, you can also see a plateau between Q3 '04 through now for San Diego County. \_ I also hear that prices went down in Baghdad. If the best you can come up with is "well, in one If the fucking best you can come up with is "well, in one specific area, that Swami didn't mention, he was only wrong by 9 months," you really shouldn't waste your time. -tom \_ I'm not supporting Swami, but I guess that wasn't clear. I will, however, waste my time posting real data in addition to our obvious criticisms of Swami. \_ Swami was talking about month to month appreciation. And he was right -Swami http://www.realestateabc.com/outlook/westmedian.gif link:www.csua.org/u/gyk http://www.rereport.com/sf/charts/pvs_sfr.gif \_ My Swami-style prediction is: oil will go > $100/barrel \_ Ah, but Swami the magnificent said WHEN. What will Oil got \_ Ah, but Swami the fucking magnificent said WHEN. What will Oil got to 100$/barrel? \_ Oh, sorry, forgot that part. Like Swami, I will repeatedly change my prediction as it is wrong, so let's say: next year. |
2006/8/28-31 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44177 Activity:low |
8/28 When will the housing sector hit its bottom? -patient investor \_ Fuck you, asshole. If it weren't for parasitic fucks like you who buy houses they don't plan to live in as "investments", there would be no housing bubble, many many more people would be living in their own homes, and the coming crash would not happen. I have an idea, why don't you go find a sector of the economy to invest in that has growth based on real productivity instead of some ludicrous bubble and the victimization of ordinary working people. \_ So what you're really saying is no one should own more than 1 house. That there should be no rental market for houses. Or that house rentals should only be through corporations. Ok. Ordinary working people can rent an apartment for less than the monthly on a house. If you think these people are making money off their recently purchased second homes as rentals you're terribly confused. They're taking a huge risk that they'll be able to sell higher than they bought, they are subsidising some one's rent who is likely not even covering the monthly and they are supporting the housing industry so there is more supply which drives prices down, not up. There are so many things wrong with your rant I'm going to have to stop there before the motd runs out of bits. \_ Same thing can be said about stocks / gold / frozen concentraded oragne juice / ... \_ Yeah, but housing affordability can translate directly into commute time. \_ and oil. google the word "contango" \_ If you honestly believe you can get an answer to a question like that you're not an investor. \_ Swami the Magnificent says Nov 17, 2007. http://csua.com/2005/03/22/#36812 |
2006/8/25-28 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44150 Activity:nil |
8/25 http://money.cnn.com/2006/08/24/real_estate/pluggedin_tully.fortune Yeah it's about time!!! -bitter young grad, born and graduated in the "wrong" era and missed out on dot-com and housing boom. \_ I think a correction to cool things down is a healthy thing. --- '93 grad who didn't profit from the dot-com or housing boom, didn't have rich parents, and own one home and one rental \_ I think it's a good thing. --- old grad who didn't profit from the dot-com era, didn't have rich parents, and own one home and one rental \_ Bad news is that rents are on the way up. \_ Awesome. Now we renters can be smug on the motd. RENTS WILL NEVER GO DOWN!!!!11!!! --smug renter |
2006/8/23-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44115 Activity:nil |
8/23 http://csua.org/u/gqw (wsj.com) 5-bdrm existing house in Virginia appraised for $1.1mill Sep 05, sold for $530K Aug 06. Chart at bottom also shows year-over-year declines in median home prices for select areas. \_ Why bother? Posting to the motd about the real estate bubble is like posting to a creationist message board about the latest in evolutionary biology--you can't argue with True Believers. \_ I'm posting important facts, which helps future discussion, since accompanied with the trolls, there is also an objective truth \_ I'm posting important facts which I think should reduce trolling (or at least reduce the boring trolls) \_ The same could be said for most of the motd's other regular topics. BTW, nice attempt at trolling there with the bizarro comparison to creationists vs. evolutionists. Maybe next time. \_ You're aware that Virginia had a Las Vegas style bubble that makes everything going on in CA look tame, right? That's hardly the typical region. Obviously the housing market has cooled off, which I think is a healthy thing, but this is not a useful example of what is going on. \_ dang, I knew I should have disclaimed "ob example is outlier" but all you need is one sodan to assume other sodans are stupid -op even though I thought it was obvious (even if I thought it was obvious) \_ When it's 50% of your post it isn't obvious you knew it. \_ well, i concede my intent wasn't entirely troll-free ... |
2006/8/17-24 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:44044 Activity:low |
8/17 For the sake of posterity, San Diego County had its first year-over- year decline in median home price in June 2006 (for the current cycle). L.A. and the Bay Area have not gone negative year-over-year, yet. Also, if you look at month-to-month, I believe San Diego County went negative Jan 2006, but not certain about that. http://csua.org/u/gpa (signonsandiego.com) \_ Keep dreaming if you think the real estate markets in L.A. and the Bay Area are going to crash. Maybe there will be a slight market correction and a 10 percent price dip, but if you ride out the dip over the next couple of years, your home price will be fine. To all you renters out there, you are still screwed. \_ All renters are screwed, huh? By "renter", you mean anyone who wants to live and work in california, but who does not already own a home. In other words, any recent college, highschool or professional school graduate, any immigrant, or anyone from out of state--i.e. the workforce that would be required to grow or even continue the california economy at its current levels. When one of you California homeowners retires, who's going to replace you? When you want to grow your business, who are you going to hire? You'll only be able to get so many suckers to spend 10 times their annual salary on a home, which means that when there are no more suckers, the california economy will shrink hard and fast. It's already happening, as business leave your state in droves to Texas and other parts of the southwest to escape your la-la-land prices. prices. And as the economy continues to shrink, the number of people willing to pay your prices will continue to drop. Do you really think that in the face of a rapidly shrinking economy, these prices will be sustainable? Or perhaps you think there will always be another sucker willing to move to california to either be a serf to the landowning class forever or pay 10 times their yearly salary for a home? \_ Try to come up with a convincing argument. Your entry just says that you think houses prices will crash because: (1) CA homewoners will retire someday, (2) people are going to get tired of over-paying for homes, and (3) CA business are going to move to Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. Now, it may be true that CA residential real estate prices drop, but it won't be because of CA homeowners retiring, people suddenly becoming smart about home prices, or because of this supposed future max exodus of CA business to dust bowl crappy states like Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico. The truth is that because there are so many more professionals and people in general in California, that has increased the demand for homes, as there is a limited amount of space here. And unfortunately, people don't all of a sudden realize that they should correct market prices. People are stupid. And trust me, no one in CA is worried about the "threat" of its neighboring crappy states. The SF Bay Area, which is the financial and technology center of the West, and Los Angeles, which is the entertainment capital of the world, aren't worried about New Mexico. Believe me. But anyway, in the meantime, have fun in your 750 square foot studio. \_ Your summary of those reasons is generally correct; the crash or whatever you wish to call it will happen for basic economic reasons. When most homes are bought for speculation, an increase of value of say, >10% is needed to cover the various fees for the sale, any upgrades you added, and the cost of of the house itself (assuming this is a 2nd home). Without such growth, the speculators lose money. When most of the GDP growth, increase in jobs, etc. is from the real estate boom, a pause in real estate is sufficient to gut the economy. Which, of course, will go back to house prices. Oh, and DQ News reports 30-40% decline in sales volume for the BA. Pull up a chair, pop a beer, and wait for the fun. of the West, and Los Angeles, which is the entertainment capital of the world, aren't worried about New Mexico. Believe me. But anyway, in the meantime, have fun in your 750 square foot studio. \_ Your summary of those reasons is generally correct; the crash or whatever you wish to call it will happen for basic economic reasons. When most homes are bought for speculation, an increase of value of say, >10% is needed to cover the various fees for the sale, any upgrades you added, and the cost of of the house itself (assuming this is a 2nd home). Without such growth, the speculators lose money. When most of the GDP growth, increase in jobs, etc. is from the real estate boom, a pause in real estate is sufficient to gut the economy. Which, of course, will go back to house prices. Oh, and DQ News reports 30-40% decline in sales volume for the BA. Pull up a chair, pop a beer, and wait for the fun. \_ As a home owner for several years I don't care *at all* what happens to housing pricing. The only time the prices matter to me is when I'm trying to sell my current home to buy a new one. I tried to explain this to a renter-wannabe-home-owner at work several times but he keeps gloating as prices in the area slowly decline. I'd love to see housing prices crash to the price of a cup of coffee so I could easily sell my home in 5 minutes and buy anything I wanted much closer to work where homes are nicer and going for over a million. Housing prices going up and down is normal and healthy and good for home owners overall. As a home owner I am not losing money when prices drop since I choose when I sell and since I want a more expensive house than I have now prices compressing downwards saves me money when I move to a nicer place even though my house has also dropped in price. It will not have dropped as much as the place I want. --someone else \_ Exactly. So your house is worth $700K and drops 20% to $550K. The house you want is worth $1M and drops to $800K. The gap is now $50K less. If you bought your place for, say, $350K then this can be a boon depending on rates. If housing prices drop then it's a buying opportunity, if you can afford it. If they don't drop, then you've lost nothing. That said, I certainly wouldn't buy now if I didn't already own. \_ I am a homeowner in LA and also studying to be a real estate broker. I think a 10% decline is optimistic. We will see perhaps as much as a 30% decline. However, so what, unless you're sitting on a huge pile of cash? \_ If you think a million-dollar home will suddenly depreciate in value to 700K in the span of 1 year or 2 years, and if you think starter homes in middle-class neighborhoods currently at about 600K will suddenly drop to about 400K, you are living in fantasyland. \_ I don't know what the span of time will be, but I think that this will happen as long as interest rates continue to rise. It's happened before. However, like I said, so what?\ \_ The last time it happened was the early '90s when the drop in prices was due to a serious national economic recession, high unemployment rates, and increased taxes (thank you George Bush Sr.). Somehow, we have \_I'm glad you truthfully wrote that Mitchell pushed for this as Senate Majority leader. \_ "Read my lips. No new taxes." -George H. Bush, Sr. been able to avoid a recession, significant rises in the unemployment rate, and any tax hikes. If that stuff DOES all happen in the near future, housing prices will be the least of all our worries. \_ I think that all of this is possible, but the driver will be rising interest rates. As for how important this is to "you", that is your own list of priorities. \_ Dude, anything is "possible." But the reason for rising interest rates is to put a damper on inflation. Rising interest rates do not lead by themselves to a recession, increased unemployment, or added taxes. |
2006/8/16-18 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:44036 Activity:nil |
8/16 http://money.cnn.com/2006/08/16/news/economy/housingstarts Housing sector is FUCKED. \_ We need to lower taxes further to stimulate the economy! -GOP \_ LALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU!!!! YOURE JUST A BITTER RENTER!!! HOUSING PRICES WILL RISE EXPONENTIALLY FOREVER!!! THERE IS NO BUBBLE!!! \_ Well, Swami is still on target, any yes Tom, prices are lower (here) than they were at the same time last year. \_ Target? Did Swami predict anything more specific than "something bad in the housing market" happening "sometime in the future"? \_ Home prices will start to fall in Q4 of 2005 and reach a nadir on Nov 17, 2007. -Swami the Magnificent (on 3/22/05) \_ So does Swami want to predict how many more months he will continue to be wrong? -tom \_ Swami may be right (or at least early by one quarter) *if* you use San Diego County as the metric and you are assuming month-to-month, as the original prediction seems to be be worded. on "prices start to fall" *if* you use San Diego County as the metric; and if you are assuming month-to-month, as the original prediction seems to be be worded. \_ gee, I didn't realize it was still 2005. -tom \_ uh, no they're not, unless "here" is Cleveland or somewhere like that. "Meanwhile, the median price paid for a home in the state last month hit $475,000, an increase of 5.3 percent from the same period last year." "The median price paid in July for a Northern California home was $627,000, an increase of 3.5 percent from the previous year." -tom \_ 'median' only works when you have a goodly amount of sales happening. Once people stop buying and inventory piles up (like is happening) the median price will still rise if the only real volume is in higher-end properties. Oh.. wait... has this thread happened already? I'll get my coat... \_ Do you have any evidence to back up your implication? -tom \_ http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-homes16aug16,1,1446316.story For the six-county SoCal region, prices rose 4.9% comparing July '06 to July '05. However, the number of homes sold July '06 dropped 27% compared to July '05, and is also the fewest number of sales in a July since 1997. |
2006/7/12-17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43644 Activity:nil |
7/12 http://money.cnn.com/2006/07/07/technology/newvillages.biz2 The next real estate boom-- dense settlements, not sprawling ranch suburbian style houses, are the future. \_ only 150 people in the settlement? |
2006/7/11 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43626 Activity:nil |
7/11 Holy shit, Paper Clip dude bought a house: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/internet/07/10/paper.clip.to.house.ap |
2006/7/6-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43582 Activity:nil |
7/6 Finally, apartments under 300 grand in SF! http://www.socketsite.com/archives/2006/07/book_concern_bu_1.html \_ How Manhattanesque. \_ keywords: loft condo 300k manhattan SF real estate crash |
2006/6/16-19 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43420 Activity:nil |
6/15 any tips for finding housing in UCSD? (med school) thnks \_ housing near ucsd is expensive. grad housing is relatively cheap, but the wait lists can get absurd. get on the grad housing waitlist asap at http://housing.ucsd.edu. you can also try the housing listings at http://offcampushousing.ucsd.edu, although that is mostly used by undergrads. beyond those two options, it's pretty much the usual... check craigslist, pick up copies of the free "apartment guide" at news stands, etc. email me if you have more specific questions. -jlau \_ I have lived in both UCSD owned "Single Graduate Apt" and "La Jolla Del Sol Apt". "Single Grad" is on campus, you have your own room, but share the rest with 3 other grad students. "La Jolla Del Sol" is off-campus, somewhat expansive, and feels like any other apartment. expensive, and feels like any other apartment. \_ Curious, not trying to nitpick: expansive or expensive? \_ Fixed. Expensive ($$$) |
2006/6/14-19 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43384 Activity:nil |
6/14 http://finance.yahoo.com/columnist/article/richricher/5766 How to get richer and richer! By the finance guru Kiyosaki |
2006/6/9-13 [Reference/RealEstate, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:43332 Activity:nil |
6/9 I REALLY need to reduce neighbor sound in my place. How much does it cost to add sound insulation for a 300 sqft room? Thanks. \_ If you're in an apartment or townhome with shared surfaces (wall/ floor/ceiling), the only things you can do to fix the problem are 1) get your neighbor to be quiet, 2) get your neighbor to move out, 3) move out yourself. No amount of sound insulation will prevent sound from coming through support structures unless you make a floating structure inside your room, kind of like a room in a room. You can try to make truce with an agreement like "no noise between 10pm and 7am" or something like that. My previous neighbor was a drug addict or something. There was no choice other than moving out. \_ I have no choice, I have a condo. Hip-hop penetrates through everything. -pp \_ Put your speakers right up to the wall and blast country. \_ Err, why not just knock on their door and ask them to turn down the base? \_ While this might be technically true, you can certainly do things to reduce the amount of sound coming through. Adding insulation, rugs, an extra layer of sheet rock all help. If you really want to reduce it you need to add a lot of extra mass to absorb the energy or isolate the studs, which are both expensive. -ausman \_ I recently checked out pricing on foamy stuff to reduce noise for my computer case. It was shockingly expensive. Try an audiophile shop online, maybe it's cheaper for bulk rate stuff for your walls. |
2006/5/26-28 [Finance/Banking, Reference/RealEstate] UID:43195 Activity:nil |
5/25 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12975777/from/RS.3 More signs of a housing bubble. If you still have variable rate mortgage, you're fucked. \_ I thought more people bought houses, and GDP increased 5.3% during the first quarter \_ I've heard this statistic before (foreclosures up 72% over same time last year) but I also know that foreclosures have been very low for the last 5 years. So is the current rate higher than average? \_ Having an ARM and being fucked has *nothing* to do with any housing bubble, real or not. It has to do with rising interest rates which have been pushed up each time the Fed has met over the last 2-3 years. If housing prices dropped 90%, an ARM buyer would be in the same position as 30 year standard loan buyers so long as rates didn't rise. This is pretty basic stuff. \_ Not quite. The ARM buyer will want to get into a fixed loan and can't, because he'll get really shitty rates b/c he has no equity \_ Why would the ARM buyer want to get into a fixed loan if the rates weren't going up? \_ The hypothetical given didn't exclude rates going up. \_ Did it include rates going up? Since it was my hypothetical I'm pretty sure I know what I meant since I said "so long as rates didn't rise". |
2006/5/16-18 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43072 Activity:nil |
5/16 http://www.latimes.com/business/la-051606homes_lat,0,7740079.story SoCal home prices "only" increase by 9% from April '05 to April '06. Sales down 21% during that period. |
2006/5/15-18 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43058 Activity:nil |
5/15 http://money.cnn.com/2006/05/15/real_estate/NAR_firstQ2005_home_prices Real estate cools down, prices in the first quarter fell 3% though are still up more than 10% from a year ago. Gosh, I can hardly wait. -bitter young guy who missed the dot-com boat and didn't get a chance to buy 3 investment homes like everyone else |
2006/5/12-17 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:43038 Activity:nil |
5/12 A tiny little city I live in is going through a major redevelopment process. In 2008, they're going to tear down a huge plaza that was built in the 70s, along with with all the mom&pop stores and replace them with a super mega parking structure, hi-end shops by the marina, an art gallery, etc. At the same time they're going to tear down a mostly empty parking lot to build a 300+ apartment building with lots of mixed use retail/office space on the first floor. My property is 0.5 mile from the land. Is the construction going to devaluate my property? \_ Not unless the new construction is blocking your view or something. Sounds like the changes will put you in a more desirable area in general. general. (Assuming you actually live in a currently desirable/ in-demand area. If there's no demand, and this construction doesn't create it, and it raises your property taxes, then yes, your property value could go down) \_ No, expect your value to go anywhere from up to way way up. Even if you lost a view, the rest should more than make up for it. The only downside is if the new mega mall fails and ends up dormant. Just curious, what city is this? \_ Marina del Rey. The mom&pop stores are in Fisherman's Village. The massive apartments&condos&mixed use buildings are along Via Marina. The construction could take several years so I'm a bit concerned with noise, traffic, and pollution. \_ Marina del Rey?! That's not exactly what I think of as a "tiny little city". I am not sure the megamall is going to make a blip compared to what's already around there (a tiny little city called "Los Angeles"). The real question is whether the new development will be perceived as an improvement, which it probably will. I doubt it will impact property values much, though, as MdR is already sky-high. \_ According to http://www.city-data.com it is 0.9 sq mile. \_ Thank you master of the obvious. The point being that a suburb of LA cannot in all honesty be evaluated as a "tiny little city" even if it really is a "tiny little city". In this case the size of the city isn't a factor like it would be if, say, that megamall is the only one around for miles. MdR is going to be desirable no matter what based on location, not because of (or in spite of) some development unless the development, say, blocks all access to the marina or something. My opinion is that high-end retail will do very well in MdR and will probably be a boon. An exception is if these condos/apartments aren't "luxury" apartments. \_ You forgot to mention tsunami and huricane which will render coastal cities completely worthless \_ Very good Mr. Expert. Who are you and what is your credential wrt Los Angeles? \_ You're looking at an investment. If you try to sell while construction is just beginning or looks unlikely to complete, then yes, you may lose value. Stick it out, though, and your property should improve in value nicely. Sorry to hear about the mom&pop shops, but the mixed-use sounds like good urban planning. |
2006/5/4-9 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42940 Activity:nil |
5/4 http://money.cnn.com/2006/05/03/news/economy/realestateguide_fortune Swami the Magnificant predicted correctly. Spring 2006 begins the fall of housing. -Swami Stud's #1 Fan \_ ObAccusationOfBitterness \_ Can the Swami guy like, produce an Excel chart for me showing the mean price of a 3-bdrm standalone house in San Jose with $ on the y-axis and time on the x-axis through the next ~ 5 years (use error bars because nothing's definite). Tnx, then I'll know exactly when to buy! \_ uh, Swami predicted Q4 2005, and prices are still going up in Q2 2006. -tom \_ Not according to http://Zillow.com. They say that prices in SF and Alameda County peaked in Nov 2005. http://www.zillow.com/Charts.htm?chartDuration=1year&zpid=24811647 \_ that's not seasonally adjusted, and Zillow is not any kind of authority, anyway. Update: Bay Area home prices rose by 10% in March. http://tinyurl.com/n6p3h (sfgate.com) -tom \_ I'm not sure if the guy meant "They" meant http://zillow.com, but: "... firm DataQuick. The peak price of $656,000 [considering single-family homes only] came in November" Here in SoCal we had a bounce from a depression around Feb 06 to a new peak Apr 06, so it could happen for Bay Area ... Here in SoCal we had a bounce from a low spot around Feb 06 to a new peak Apr 06, so it could happen for Bay Area \_ month-to-month prices are not meaningful; you need to compare with previous-year numbers for each month. -tom \_ What is the inflection point for the following series of prices? To me it is Nov 2005. For you it is Apr 2006, I guess. -ausman Apr 2005 $100 May 2005 $100 June 2005 $100 July 2005 $101 Aug 2005 $102 Sep 2005 $103 Oct 2005 $104 Nov 2005 $105 Dec 2005 $104 Jan 2006 $103 Feb 2006 $102 Mar 2006 $101 Apr 2006 $100 May 2006 $99 \_ You can't look at prices in isolation. Houses are known to have seasonal variation in price; houses purchased in January are, all else being equal, less expensive than houses purchased in May. -tom |
2006/5/4-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42939 Activity:nil |
5/4 http://money.cnn.com/2006/05/03/news/economy/realestateguide_3_fortune "As painful as it will be for many people, the looming correction may turn out to be welcome news for house-hungry Americans. Young couples now priced out of the market will once again be able to buy a ranch or colonial without forking over half their income for mortgage payments. Growing families will be able to trade up for more living space without raiding the kids' college funds." Thank God for the housing crash. Fuck you all existing homeowners. -bitter young guy who is disillusioned that wealth is created by those who happened to be at the right place at the right time. In another word luck plays a bigger role than anything else \- without arguing what has the "biggest" role, in addition to luck, wealthy people have more control over their fates and circumstances which means 1. the can lobby to change some of the rules of the game 2. the can adapt better to the exiting rules of the game. take an investment banker who can structure his income to reduce taxes, incorporate himself etc. \_ Isn't most wealth inherited? |
2006/4/27-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42848 Activity:nil |
4/27 Spanish Socialist party wants to give human rights to apes http://www.spainherald.com/3438.html It's a mad-house! A MAD-HOUSE!!! \_ more votes for ... well someone. \_ Smearing poo on the ballot is a obvious vote for the Socialist party! Voter intent! |
2006/4/25-29 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42828 Activity:nil 80%like:42825 |
4/24 Ranting better than buying, part #1023: http://patrick.net/housing/crash.html \_ does renting make you bitter like this guy? \_ What I love about this guy (and this new stuff hasn't changed it) is that AFAICT he assumes that: a) home prices will not go up (net) in the next 30 years b) rental costs will not go up in the next 30 years Both assumptions favor renting over buying.. and are completely ridiculous. Renting certainly has been a win over buying for the last year or two... but you don't need these faulty assumptions to make it so. \_ Tend to agree with you there. --op \_ I can't see where he assumes a and b for the next 30 years. I haven't read the whole thing (it's pretty long) but he never seems to suggest that. He does suggest it's bad to buy right now, but you aren't argueing with that... (He does seem to be playing the conspiracy card pretty hard though.) \_ Granted this guy's rant makes lots of observations about current market conditions, and assumes they will persist for a long time. They wont, but the bubble conditions certainly do make a good short-term argument for renting. An interesting thing about this is that the crash is one of those things that won't happen unless lots of people buy the line and participate, like a run on a bank. I can't help but wonder if this guy is a bitter landlord. \_ I think he's a bitter renter who could have bought a house back in 1999, but thought houses were too expensive then. He's probably been playing this "Houses are Overvalued" song for five years now, and is increasingly angry at the opportunity he's missed. -tom \_ followup: a great find! http://tinyurl.com/hzg6p ba.housing posting from Patrick Killelea, September 1998, "couple looking for a house to rent at or under $1900/month." -tom \_ Tom, I'm a renter who couldn't afford to buy in '99, and who is only marginally in a position to buy right now, but I agree with him that it is not now a good time to buy a house. --erikred \_ If he were merely saying "now is not a good time to buy a house," I might agree. But he's making all sorts of fatalistic predictions based on little more than his own conjecture, and mis-reading of statistics and news articles. -tom \_ Clarification: I agree with him that now is not the time to buy. The rest is suspect. --erikred \_ The funny thing is most could afford to buy in '99. After all, the market has shot up while the interest rates dropped. So probably, in hindsight, most renters with a job could have bought (with interest-only and/or nothing down loans if need be). \_ which is a large part of why there is a dearth of renters right now, and why rents are so low. \_ So I'm not sure _exactly_ how long he's been saying this, but let's see: I bought in 2002. After a few refis, my mtg payment is now < rent for a comparable house. When you subtract mtg int deduction but add taxes but subtract tax deduction but add upkeep, yadda yadda it's a bit more, but not much. But add to that that I have a whopping loan at 5.25%, and at the rate things are going I'll be beating that with casual investments in a year or two, and things look pretty good. |
2006/4/25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42825 Activity:moderate 80%like:42828 |
4/24 Renting better than buying, part #1023: http://patrick.net/housing/crash.html \_ does renting make you bitter like this guy? \_ What I love about this guy (and this new stuff hasn't changed it) is that AFAICT he assumes that: a) home prices will not go up (net) in the next 30 years b) rental costs will not go up in the next 30 years Both assumptions favor renting over buying.. and are completely ridiculous. Renting certainly has been a win over buying for the last year or two... but you don't need these faulty assumptions to make it so. \_ Tend to agree with you there. --op \_ I can't see where he assumes a and b for the next 30 years. I haven't read the whole thing (it's pretty long) but he never seems to suggest that. He does suggest it's bad to buy right now, but you aren't argueing with that... (He does seem to be playing the conspiracy card pretty hard though.) \_ Granted this guy's rant makes lots of observations about current market conditions, and assumes they will persist for a long time. They wont, but the bubble conditions certainly do make a good short-term argument for renting. An interesting thing about this is that the crash is one of those things that won't happen unless lots of people buy the line and participate, like a run on a bank. I can't help but wonder if this guy is a bitter landlord. \_ I can't see where he assumes these market conditions will continue. I haven't read the whole thing (it's pretty long) but he never seems to suggest that. He does suggest it's bad to buy right now, but you aren't argueing with that... (He does seem to be playing the conspiracy card pretty hard though.) \_ I think he's a bitter renter who could have bought a house back in 1999, but thought houses were too expensive then. He's probably been playing this "Houses are Overvalued" song for five years now, and is increasingly angry at the opportunity he's missed. -tom \_ followup: a great find! http://tinyurl.com/hzg6p ba.housing posting from Patrick Killelea, September 1998, "couple looking for a house to rent at or under $1900/month." -tom \_ Tom, I'm a renter who couldn't afford to buy in '99, and who is only marginally in a position to buy right now, but I agree with him that it is not now a good time to buy a house. --erikred \_ If he were merely saying "now is not a good time to buy a house," I might agree. But he's making all sorts of fatalistic predictions based on little more than his own conjecture, and mis-reading of statistics and news articles. -tom \_ The funny thing is most could afford to buy in '99. After all, the market has shot up while the interest rates dropped. So probably, in hindsight, most renters with a job could have bought (with interest-only and/or nothing down loans if need be). \_ So I'm not sure _exactly_ how long he's been saying this, but let's see: I bought in 2002. After a few refis, my mtg payment is now < what I could rent for for a comparable house. When you subtract < rent for a comparable house. When you subtract mtg int deduction but add taxes but subtract tax deduction but add upkeep, yadda yadda it's a bit more, but not much. But add to that that I have a whopping loan at 5.25%, and at the rate things are going I'll be beating that with casual investments in a year or two, and things look pretty good. |
2006/4/21-23 [Recreation/Food, Reference/RealEstate] UID:42796 Activity:nil |
4/21 the Vice guide to Russia http://www.viceland.com/int/v13n4/htdocs/the_vice1.php - danh \_ heh, it makes me want to go back to rediscover my russian roots. - Zhirinovsky's #1 fan. |
2006/4/18-20 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42782 Activity:nil |
4/18 http://tinyurl.com/h8oe3 Buy your 830 sq ft dream house in Redwood City for only $729K! Silicon Valley rules. |
2006/4/6-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42701 Activity:nil |
4/6 I *THINK* I know how to calculate "time value of money." and I know how to convert APR to "real interest." But I don't know how to calculate mortgage payment. The part that I don't understand is for monthly payment, there is a certain percentage of it goes toward principle. But the percentage (of total monthly payment) is different from payment to payment. Where can I find the math/formula on how to calculate this percentage? Thanks. \_ Look for "amortization". \_ Look up "amortization". http://www.hughchou.org/calc/formula.html |
2006/4/5-7 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42679 Activity:nil |
4/5 Has anyone lived through Japan's winter? Is insulation there as bad as what people say it is (walls have the R value equivanlent of wet papers)? \_ Outside of Hokkaido, the insulation is terrible. I often used to wake up in the morning to an apartment so cold I could see my breath-- and I lived in the south, where it was supposed to be warmer. \_ Yes. My girlfriend spent 3 months there (Feb-Apr) and was freezing most of the time. I was there in Mar/Apr (Tokyo and surroundings & Kyoto) and it was still pretty chilly, although not terribly so. -John \_ No. No one has lived through Japan's winter. \_ Those wily japanese folks must breed like rabbits... |
2006/4/3-4 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/RealEstate] UID:42625 Activity:kinda low |
4/3 Where is the "no links without personal comment intended to start conversation" brigade? Look at all those links without trollish comments attached! When will the madness end? \_ In my case, hanging with my GF, cooking and eating tasty food, and generally enjoying life. -dans \_ It's great to date a 19 year old isn't it? She's hornier \_ It's great to date a 17 year old isn't it? She's hornier than the old hags and you don't have to think about marriage, kids, minivan, and a downpay for a Bay Area home that you can't even afford. Ah, it is so wonderful to date a young girl. I remember how life was so carefree when I was dating this young girl. Enjoy your life while you can. Write about it in your journal. Some day, you may need to read it again to remind yourself how life used to be so great. Hopefully, that day will never come, but you never know -bog \_ How old is old? I have many friends in their mid-30s and a a handful in their mid-40s who seem to enjoy their lives very much. Some have houses, marriages, etc, and still live happy lives. -dans \_ Some have houses, marriages, etc, and are happy *because* of that, not despite that. \_ Yup, I would consider those things to be sources of happiness, the poster I responded to implied that those things caused him stress or disappointment. -dans \_ You don't think making mortgage payments on my 4000 sq foot house in the suburbs causes me stress? How about my four hour commute each day? How about the fact that after I am done slaving away for my family, I come home at 9PM to a cold dinner and children in bed? Enjoy it while you can padawan... \_ Why did you buy a house of that size if the mortgage payments cause you such stress? Why are you working a job that requires a four hour commute (to pay your mortgage?)? Where you are in life is a combination of the choices you make and dumb luck. If unlucky breaks or previous bad choices led you to a place in life where you're unhappy, there may be alternatives to hating life and trying to drag the rest of the world down into your hole. I'm not suggesting you try to smile through the pain and pretend that lame things are anything but. That said, a serious examination of where you are, the choices that got you there, and where you want to be, often yields options you might not have known about. These options are rarely easy, true change usually isn't, but they offer hope. You sound pretty bitter. I hope you find this helpful. -dans \_ Sex and food. Just like monkeys. |
2006/3/24-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42412 Activity:nil |
3/24 Housing bubble bursting! Go Swami! New home sales fell by 10.5% in US. In the West, it fell by 29.4%. Median price fell by 2.9% from Feb, following a 1.6% drop from Jan to Feb. http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/060324/economy.html?.v=10 \_ Hi Bitter Renter-Guy. I'm curious, what size/location/age house would you like and how much would you think is a fair price for your first home? |
2006/3/22-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Reference/RealEstate] UID:42371 Activity:moderate |
3/21 http://www.davidappleyard.com/japan/jp10.htm "The winter I spent in Seoul was the most comfortable winter of my life," reports an English friend. "With life in Korea, as in Japan, lived mainly on the floor, the ondol was very cozy, even when it was minus 20 degrees outside." jrleek, is this true? \_ The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco. \_ Why wouldn't it be? Even in the US, radiant floor heating is generally considered the most comfortable. \_ Traditional ondol has one spot that's *really* hot(too uncomfortable for my taste) and it gradually cools as further from the heat source it gets. Traditionally, the elders got the hotspot. The bad thing is that most homes with ondol are heated by a charcoal like thing, and if there's any crack in the pipe that runs under the floor, people can die from carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide poisoning was actually quite common in the 70s and 80s. \_ You can buy carbon monoxide detectors for about $20. In fact, everyone with a gas heater should consider buying some. \_ When were you last in Korea that most homes with ondol were heated by charcoal? That's extremely rare these days, even in the countryside. -jrleek \_ Sure, heated floors are pretty great. I think Koreans tend to turn it up too high, but that's personal taste. It's pretty efficent too. In modern times it's usually done by piping hot water through the floor from the hot water heater. This is done in states too, but isn't as common. It has the This is done in the US too, but isn't as common. It has the disadvantage of being really expensive to fix, and only lasting about 30 years. This is ok in Korea as they tear everything down within 30 years anyhow. -jrleek \_ On a moderately-related note, this is also done for driveways and walkways in cold places. Several Tahoe-area ski resorts have heated pavement in one place or another. I always wonder what the energy and maintenence costs for something like this are. \_ I suspect the answer is "cheaper than getting them cleared with a snowplow, snowblower, or shovel frequently enough to keep them useable." \_ here is a crazy idea: - implement "wet installation" for the pipes, burry them in a relatively large concrete slap. - route those pipe to Solar panels, using Sun to heat the water - use concrete floor's heat capacity to store the heat this way, one can have a relatively warm house in the evenings without flip the heater on, no? \_ i'll ondol YOUR floor \_ eww. Well at least let me put down some newspaper first. |
2006/3/21-25 [Science/Disaster, Reference/RealEstate] UID:42370 Activity:low |
3/21 Yet Another Useless Motd Poll: . I own property in California and I: Have earthquake insurance: .. \_ My parents own, but I pay the earthquake insurance in lieu of rent. Dont have quake insurance: ... \_ Insurance is always a ripoff if you can survive without it. And as most of the value is in the land anyway around here... \_ If you own a $600,000 home (low for the bay area) and get hit with $200k in damages, how are you going to survive it? What if it was a total loss and your house is condemned and red tagged? \_ Earthquake insurance deductible is huge (15% of house value when I last asked). So for your hypothetical $600k house, the deductible would be $90K. So it's also a question of your chances of the getting hit with >$90K or <$90K damage. In the worst case, of course insurance makes sense. But you really have to look at the potential range of damage to make a logical decision. \_ This begs the question: Is the deductible based on property value or structure value? And if the former, is it possible to get a policy/deductible for just the structure? \_ Structure. pp's didn't account for that. \_ Who said the deductible is 15%? Mine is $30k on ~$850k house insured for $600k. \_ let me get this right. You own a home in the Bay Area that is almost 1 million dollars? Most likely it's not near the mansion type you see in Texas. Why do you guys even want to live in the Bay Area to buy tiny little old beat up home for near 1 mil when you can live in the life of luxury elsewhere? What is so attractive about the Bay Area? -tired of Berkeley \_ What's attractive is that if/when he decides to leave, he can buy that mansion in Texas if he wants to. The person in Texas doesn't have the option of buying even a small house in the Bay Area if he wants to and probably can't buy the Texas mansion either. It's about freedom and about making money somewhere with a high cost of living to (later) spend somewhere else, if one so chooses. It's the same reason people immigrate to the USA and then go retire in their home countries. \_ Correct. I live in a 'nothing special' home pretty close to work that I own a large chunk of. When it's time, I'm going to sell it, make a bundle, buy a huge house in a beautiful place elsewhere and still have tons of cash and retire. My counterpart in Texas is going to work until he drops. \_ I don't find having a huge house particularly appealing. Here I have nice weather, I'm close to interesting shops and restaurants and good jobs. Should I trade that to live in a huge tasteless house out in the suburbs? \_ Who said you should? You should do what makes you happy but don't expect anyone else to support you in your old age. I never said I had a huge house in the suburbs. I am close to my great job. No, I'm not in walking distance of interesting shops but I'm not a consumer either so that doesn't mean anything to me. Go live on the beach if you want. It's your life. We all live with the consequences of our earlier choices and actions. No one has told you to do otherwise. \_ You don't consume? \_ "Every offer of earthquake insurance must provide coverage for your dwelling, for your personal property (not less than $5,000 or 10% of the covered dwelling loss)... CIC Section 10089(b) states that the maximum deductible that can be charged is 15% of the policy dwelling limit. It is common for the deductible to be the maximum 15%." http://csua.org/u/fbe [<DEAD>www.insurance.ca.gov]<DEAD> \_ Note the "if you can survive without it" part. We bought a few years back and could survive an extra 200-300k tacked onto the mortgage. It would be hard, but we'd survive. And in the mean time, we've got $10k more in the bank from not paying earthquake insurance. And, as other posters pointed out, the deductible _is_ generally huge. -pp |
2006/3/21-25 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42353 Activity:nil |
3/21 Does anyone know what inflation value is used as a deflator on nominal GDP to get real GDP? It is pretty clear that the CPI has been understated, since it strips out housing costs (since 1983). Does this mean that real GDP has also been overstated? -ausman http://csua.org/u/fb6 \- ausman advisory: the three commonly used prices indexes are: CPI, Producer Price Index and "the GDP deflator". The GDP deflator CPI, Produce Price Index and "the GDP deflator". The GDP deflator is based on a very wide set of goods and this bundle changes over years as the production weights change in the economy ... in contrast to the CPI which measures a fixed bundle of goods and services considered to be representative of an (urban) end user (although of course this bundle is recalibrated over time, and of course price may not capture quality improvements, but that is understood to be a limitation of GDP measurements). The other major difference between the CPI and GDP deflator is CPI would include some imported items which the end users demand, while the GDP deflator only includes domestically produced stuff. PPI is similar to CPI except the bundle is one representative of retailers and producers so the CPI lags the PPI. finally, of retailerrs and producers so the CPI lags the PPI. finally, CPI and PPI are announced monthy, while GDP deflator is a quarterly estimate. note also CPI can be used to do real GDP calculations in some contexts ... in sophisticated settings, which deflator is used and the index year is advertised (are you interested in cost of living, or physical growth of the economy). these numbers are often restated in retrospect as better data becomes avail. i believe the estimates for the underground economy not captured is supposed to be in the 3-8% range but i am not sure if these error bars have increased over the last 10yrs say. for a more sophisticated discussion about fixed vs weighted indexes you may enjoy googling for "PAASCHE and LASPEYRES". consumer substitution leads to systemic biases between the CPI and GDP deflator. --psb leads to systemic basies between the CPI and GDP deflator. --psb \_ Not answering your question, but providing more information on your underlying assumption. You might want to look at http://www.nber.org/books/CRIW03-BH/gordon-vangoethem6-26-05.pdf , Table 11 (on page 61). Comparing rents computed from CPI and actual survey of rents, the CPI is found to underestimate the price of rental by 0.33% from 1995-2003. The table also shows an improve- ment of the accuracy of CPI (compared to actual rents) over the last 40ish years. The sky may be falling, but it's actually been falling more slowly. \_ OBTW, the CPI doesn't strip out housing costs so much as it separates the owner occupied housing costs into 2 values, one for the house as investment (which is not part of the CPI computation) and one for for the house as a residence (which is part of the CPI computation). enjoy googling for "PAASCHE and LASPEYRES". consumer substitution leads to systemic basies between the CPI and GDP deflator. --psb |
2006/3/20-21 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42342 Activity:kinda low |
3/20 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11675835/site/newsweek http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/scc.php SCC2 is the Second Annual World's Smallest, Coolest Apartment Contest. The guy who lives in a 75sqft apartment in Manhattan is going to be the judge. To be eligible, your apartment must be less than 650sqft. Function, form, comfort will be taken into consideration in the contest. \_ 650 sq. ft. is small? \_ Yes, very. \_ It's all relative. 650sqft is big for a student who's used to the dorms, but is tiny to Mr. Dim Wit who loves to live in McMansions even though they're wasteful and located in inconvenient places that require driving 15 minutes just to get grocery. |
2006/3/20-22 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42330 Activity:nil |
3/20 Bought a new property last year. As a preemptive measure I sent out a lot of opt-out letters to opt myself out of mailing list. However, I'm still getting an enormous amounts of junk mail, and opting out is not working. It did in my apartment. Any advice? Thanks. \_ More evidence that "preemptive" strike does not work! \_ you need to write letter to direct marketing association of america and put yourself onto "do not mail" and "do not call" list. This would stop a lot stuff from larger direct marketing firms. |
2006/3/18-20 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42303 Activity:nil |
3/18 Flipping a house? Buying something old and crappy, fixing it up, then selling it for a big profit? Screw that. Flip an entire town! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060318/ap_on_fe_st/ebay_town |
2006/3/7-9 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42131 Activity:nil |
3/7 Good renters of yesterday bought homes with 0% down interest only mortgages, leaving renters today "cream of the crap" http://news.yahoo.com/s/fool/20060303/bs_fool_fool/114141034906 \_ Believe me, the current crop of landlords is nothing to brag about. |
2006/3/7-9 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance] UID:42127 Activity:nil 61%like:42133 |
3/7 Ok, long term interest rates finally went up. We know housing is in trouble, but what will that do to the overall economy? Will that help control inflation, or is inflation now determined by factors overseas? \_ Recent inflation was 9% annual and the Fed is printing money like crazy. It has also stopped publishing the M3 number, I wonder why? \_ What's the M3 number? -dans, finance weenie \_ M1, M2, M3, L are different measures of the money supply at different levels of liquidity. You may wish to google for M3 :-) --psb |
2006/3/3-6 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:42094 Activity:nil |
3/3 ARMS and Subprime mortages increasing to record levels. %ARMS %subprime 2003 28% 9.9% 2004 48% 22.2% 2005 47% 24.3% http://tinyurl.com/ntg84 (wsj) In same link, greenback will fall 20% if OPEC switches crude currency to basket (US$, EURO, Yen, pound). \_ I guess we'll have to take your word for it since the link is behind a pay wall. \_ sweet! come on housing bubble!! |
2006/3/3-5 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:42082 Activity:nil |
3/2 http://money.cnn.com/2006/03/02/real_estate/luxury_home_sales_soaring "... total sales of homes costing $1 million or more reached $55.9 billion, up 24 percent, compared with $45.1 billion in 2004." Yeah the Bush economy is working!!! Go George W Bush!!! |
2006/3/3-5 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42081 Activity:nil |
3/2 NYT chart showing housing price trends over the years: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/01/business/01leonhardt.html Also, article about how a downtrend in prices can actually help homeowners trade up (like I was talking about the other day): http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/01/business/01leonhardt_side.html \_thanks for the link, I'm trying to convince my wife we should move she is reluctant, I sent her there link. This may be even more apt around here where some cheaper neighborhoods actually have not been declining, but nicer areas like rockridge have. |
2006/3/1-2 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42051 Activity:nil |
3/1 Swami is a fraud! http://csua.org/u/f4d \_ Those are Jan 1 - Dec 31 stats. What about Dec 1 to Feb 28? \_ I hear prices dropped 50% on Feb 2. \_ It was 150% |
2006/2/28-3/1 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42034 Activity:nil |
2/28 http://www.zillow.com/Charts.z?chartDuration=5years&zpid=20461297 http://www.zillow.com/HomeDetails.z?zprop=20461297 So why would a SoCal house that zillow thinks is worth $800K sell for $1.41 million in March 2005? I mean, it sold for $452K in 2002 and $480K in 2003, the house was last updated in 1941, and it's only 1,072 sq ft. \_ Someone really wanted it. \- Vaughn JONES lived there. zillow needs to use the HOMFLY polynomial. \_ Maybe it was owned by a Congressman. \_ Tell me why this home, that sold for $710k in 2003, is "worth"\ $1.4M now? \_ Tell me why this home, that sold for $710k in 2003, is "worth" $1.4M now? http://csua.org/u/f47 Ans: zillow is only a rough estimate. \_ Things are "worth" what someone will pay for them... shrug. |
2006/2/27-3/1 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:42015 Activity:high |
2/27 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060227/ap_on_bi_go_ec_fi/economy Now officially begins the housing bubble pop. Swami the Magnificent was right all along. \_ He will only be right if there's actually a pop. This is still just a slowdown (oh no 6% appreciation? they'll be ruined!) \_ Actually yeah. Given the interest rates and taxes, around here you have to be appreciating at something like 12% to actually make any money. (Assuming you bought the house right now and certain load characteristics) \_ Well not making money isn't the same as being in trouble. Also that article is about nationwide numbers. Regionally the market could be different. --not a homeowner \_ There's a difference between a primary home and an investment. I dont' have to *make* a penny on my primary. I don't care *at all* what the market does. I have to live somewhere and paying a mortgage to own something is better than paying rent to make someone else rich in my book. My mortgage never goes up. I don't have a landlord or share a wall with my neighbors and I take the mortgage interest off my taxes. By the time my 30 years is up my mortgage will be a fraction of someone's typical rent. My grandmother's mortgage was $200/month when \_ what about property tax? \_ prop 13. Based on the original sub-100k price, it was peanuts. she died. I was paying $1250 for an apartment in a bad area at the that time. I do have to pay for maintenance on the house of course but I get to choose what I pay for and when and how much I'm willing to put in it. I expect to sell in about 10-15 years, take my profit and roll it into a nicer place closer to work and have that entirely paid off within another 5-10 years, live there til I retire then go buy some huge gorgeous place in some other part of the country and have a zillion bucks in the bank and no worries. The ups and downs of the market day to day or even year to year don't concern me in the least right now. It all runs in cycles and I can easily afford to wait to sell until a higher point. I don't think I'll get the top of a cycle, I think trying to time that is impossible but housing moves slow enough that it's always clear if things are generally up/down/hot/cold. \_ Are condos bad then? You're buying something and still have to *eeeck* SHARE walls. \_ IMO: house>>>condo>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>renting. \_ If your time frame is 10-15 years before a move, then you're in much better shape than the average CA homebuyer. If your time frame is 0-~10 years (which you're not of course) and you recently bought a house in CA, there is a very real chance you may be paying more in interest, property tax, and other non-principal costs compared to living in an apartment, and may also lose equity in your 0-~10 year time frame. \_ No hurry. I live 15 mins from work, reverse commute. Eventually I'll be 2 mins from work, streets only but if that never happened, whatever. I don't see buying a house with a <5 years time frame so much as a primary residence as much as a mid term investment/speculation event for most people. This is a general statement of course. When I was a kid, we moved every 1-4 years and my parents always bought a house and never lost money on one but that was a weird work thing. I suspect most people aren't in that mobile a situation. \_ The average homeowner sells a house after 7 years. Coincidentally, housing markets usually go in cycles >= 7 years. So if you get supremely unlucky and buy at the very top you might have to wait ~14 years to sell for more than you paid, which is ~7 years more than you wanted to. to wait ~14 years to sell at the peak again, which is ~7 years more than you wanted to. In reality, though, talking to people who were in that situation they just took a 'loss' on the property since they had paid enough of the mortgage down to afford to take a loss. I say 'loss' in quotes, because they all traded into bigger houses in better areas and when the market (eventually) turned around they were much better off than if they had stayed and waited it out. If your house falls in price so usually does the one you want to trade into, so qualifying for the mortgage is easier. Many of my coworkers bought houses now valued at $1M+ by selling for a loss in a down market. They don't worry about the (say) $100K they lost when their (new) $600K house doubled to $1.2M and their $300K house (which they sold for $200K) is now worth $600K, since they made that money back and then some through the magic of leveraging. I don't know anyone who bought a house that didn't eventually make money. It's like the stock market in that way. The general trend is up. \_ I lived 2 minutes from work and church when I rented. Now I bought my own place and it's a 20 minute commute, which kind of sucks. The consolation was that there are lots of shops on the way home so it's convenient to pick up stuff when going home. \_ It doesn't take a genius to predict 20% year-over-year won't last forever. However, it's difficult to predict the bottom as well as the top. I would've told you 2 years ago housing was overvalued and yet it kept rising. So now if it falls when do you buy? Stop trying to time the market and buy something you can afford when you can afford it. I did, despite fears of a 'bubble' in 2001, and now I don't worry over it. I have a house with payments I can afford and it would take a 50%+ drop just to go back to what I paid. In short, even if swami is right, he's still an idiot. \_ Not all of us were in the housing market in 2001. \_ Yes, but if you were you might have called it 'overheated' and 'overvalued' then, too. Who knew it would keep rising? I mean, I knew in 1996 that the <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> bubble would burst, but it rose higher and took longer than I thought. That's another way of saying I was (at least partially) wrong. Same with this guy. He's been saying the housing market will crash and has thus predicted 7 of the last 2 housing crashes, so to speak. \_ Has he? I only started seeing "Swami the Magnificent" stuff about a year ago. \_ I don't know how long, but , again, it doesn't take a genius to point out we're near a top after the run we've had. The market was frenetic 5 years ago so to predict the housing bubble will eventually burst is no great feat. The questions are: When? How far down? For how long? Markets are cyclical. I can predict now that the market will fall, rise, fall, rise, fall, and then rise again with close to 100% accuracy and yet so what? That in itself is obvious (and useless) information. \_ Well, here's his first "Swami" prediction. http://www.csua.com/?entry=36812 http://www.csua.com/?entry=3681 Here in Livermore, prices did begin to fall in 4Q 2005. I'm not saying you're wrong, but as the "Swami" he made a prediction, and so far for my area, he's right. Of course it was just a silly shot in the dark, but you can't really accuse him of predicting 7 of the last 2 housing crashes, so to speak. \_ Prices fell year-over-year? Link, please. -tom \_ Re-read above and try again tom. \_ The yahoo link says that prices were up 4% from December, which means they are probably up 20% from last year. -tom \_ yea but it is still below the all time high set in october, which means Swami's prediction that housing will start falling in 4Q 2005 is so far so good. \_ only if you're a complete moron. Median sale prices go down in 4Q *every year*. -tom \_ how do you make sense of this then, genius?: http://tinyurl.com/p5gfj \_ Uh, December 03 was lower than November 03, and December 04 was flat from November 04. It's called seasonal variation. That's why you compare to the same month (or quarter) one year ago. -tom \_ I am sure you understand the difference between a quarter and a month. Are you admitting that your statement "Median sale price go down in 4Q *every year*." is .... wrong? (I don't expect tom to admit he's the moron, so I will let the that pass. Let's see how tom will continue to try to wriggle.) \_ If you want to define by quarter, prices did not start to fall in Q4 2005; they hit an all-time high, and were up from Q3 2005 and significantly up from Q4 2004. As for your other "point," don't be pedantic; I am saying that the fact that sales prices dropped in December is neither surprising nor meaningful. If it would help you masturbate better, I will admit that home prices do not drop "every" December. -tom \_ No, I was defining by month and using what the original article says (october peak). You were the one who started talking about quarters, with idiotic proclaimations like "Median sale price go down in 4Q *every year*". Yes, exposing you as the "complete moron" (you started the name calling) was kind of fun. \_ I am not the one who brought up 4Q 2005; read the thread, twink. -tom \_ I was talking about peaking in "october", which is in the 4th quarter of 2005, which is very clear from the thread above. You first tried to claim that its a yearly seasonal trend, which was exposed as a load of crap. Next you tried to say that I am wrong if I am using the quarter as the time unit for the peak, but it's obvious from the above that I am using the month. I am sorry, but the only "twink" here is your honor. _/ Your claim is akin to predicting that global warming will stop in the Northern Hemisphere in Q4 2005, and then claiming you're correct after Q4 hits temperature records, because November and December were cooler than October. It's completely asinine. -tom \_ Are you predicting that home prices will go up this spring, then? Do you think Q1 2006 wil be higher than Q4 2005? \_ I think Q1 2006 will be higher than Q1 2005, which is the relevant comparison. But I'm not really in the predicting business. -tom / - So, if home prices go down from Nov to Dec, then go down again from Q4 to Q1, you will still not call that a "top"? When exactly would you admit that home prices had started falling and when that happens, when would you put that date? \_ Homes are not commodities; the fluctuation in prices over the course of the year has more to do with what homes are going on the market than what current prices are. (You don't have an open house on your perfect 3/2 move-in-ready, good school district, nice neighberhood, on Christmas). I would say that home prices have started to fall when three or four consecutive months show declines from the comparable months the year before. -tom |
2006/2/24-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:41986 Activity:nil |
2/24 $70K/yr income could qualify you for housing assistance in FL: http://tinyurl.com/s5ocr (sun-sentinel.com) \_ Damn.. Median house price is $339k and they do this? SFBA is fux0red. \_ It's higher in most of the bay area. \_ sourceP \_ personal experience; 70K income was the cutoff to qualify for "below market rate" condos. (.3M$ instead of .6M$ market.) No idea about 'higher' though. |
2006/2/23-27 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:41976 Activity:nil |
2/23 What's the difference between stone, granite, limestone, sandstone, travertine(sp?), marble, etc? \_ For.... floors? countertops? sculpture? bathroom wall tile? \_ I'm the op. I just bought a condo with flat looking travertine floor. It looks flat and I really want to make it shine. I hired this dude who used the floor stripper, and then a no name brand urethane floor sealer to seal it three times to make it look shiny. I'm thinking about doing the same thing on my marble countertops and marble bathroom, but the dude said that's not necessary because they're shiny already. So my question really is, what's the best way to clean both marbles and travertine, and what's the best way to seal them, and how often do I have to strip the urethane and reseal it? \_ Travertine is a river rock and has a lot of holes in it. It's usually honed and filled and used for a low-sheen flooring. Some people think of it as a shallow-earth equivalent of marble, which is usually found deeper in the earth. Granite is a countertop material. Stone surfaces need to be periodically re-sealed. If you have small critters (cats, dogs, small children) at home, I'd stick with porcelain tile, which is lower maintenance and not as sensitive to urine as natural stone. \_ Granite isn't just for countertops. Likewise, countertops are often made from marble and other stones, especially in bathrooms. Granite is used as flooring and on walls, too. I'm not really sure WTF the OP is asking, though. He needs to be more specific or use Google (or both). |
2006/2/23 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:41972 Activity:high |
2/23 http://money.cnn.com/2006/02/10/real_estate/monster_condos_come http://csua.org/u/f2m (money.cnn.com) Americans are buying monster condos as second and third vacation homes at a rate never been seen. Dare to say Bushconomy isn't working? \_ it's working for rich dudes \_ So what is wrong with that? The rich got richer through Reagon's new tax cut initiatives in the 80s. Money trickled down to the poor, stimulating an economic boom never been seen in the history of US. Unfortunately the Clinton administration unfairly took credit for it all. Why do you hate rich people? Are you a communist? http://www.commondreams.org/headlines05/0511-08.htm (ft.com) "Real wages in the US are falling at their fastest rate in 14 years" \_ Interesting. For 2005, real wages were flat to a decline of 0.1 percent. This article was posted in May 2005. Note that more recent numbers show real wages increasing. http://money.cnn.com/2006/01/30/pf/real_wage_growth_slow \_ where do you get flat to -0.1%, and is that for the time period of Jan 1 2005 to Jan 1 2006? \_ That would be Shelby TN and Greene MO. \_ I heard "flat to -0.1%" on a radio financial show. I haven't found a URL to support it. \_ "real compensation for 2005 was essentially unchanged-- down 0.2% and the worst year on record" according to the http://epinet.org link below. radio guy was probably talking about real compensation, not real wages. \_ http://www.bls.gov/news.release/prod2.nr0.htm Table B. (Year/change in real hourly compenasation for business) 1996/0.8 1999/2.7 2002/1.8 2005/1.7 1997/1.1 2000/3.5 2003/1.6 1998/4.6 2001/1.4 2004/1.9 Manufacturing swings much more wildly, and this excludes government compensations, which is probably more stable. Since none of the above sources quote actual bls references, I have no idea how they derived their claims. However, unfortunately as per norm, the doomsayers are more grand verbiage and bad statistics than truth. \_ compensation != wages http://csua.org/u/f2q (epinet.org) unfortunately as per norm, the dubya-lovers are more grand verbiage and bad statistics than truth. \_ Yes, compensation > wages. And it's pretty shifty to draw conclusions based on 2 hand picked quarters. Consider the graph on http://csua.org/u/f2r [bls] for a better quarterly compensation (not real, seasonally compensated) picture. \_ what are the beginning and ending quarters you are talking about? \_ Epi compares 2004q4 to 2005q4. \_ you mean the most recent annual data, or is that beginning of Q4 to beginning of Q4, and perhaps government fiscal quarters? \_ One year hardly a pattern forms. |
2006/2/22-24 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:41964 Activity:nil |
2/22 Is there somewhere I can search to find out property developments (size, residential/commercial, estimated construction time, etc)? The huge plot of land across my condo used to have Kinkos, Marie Calendar, etc. Within a month, they all moved somewhere else and the whole place is vacated. I'm wondering what they're planning to do, and for how long. Thanks. \_ Try your local city hall. Likely in the basement, mind the stairs. \_ Look through the planning division website of your city. Some city have site with enough information so you don't have to actually go to city hall. |
2006/2/20-23 [Reference/RealEstate, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:41930 Activity:nil |
2/20 Has anyone bought a place in the Bay Area and gotten a one year home warranty. If so, who did you use? Email, website, ph # ? \_ We did. American Home Warranty, I think. Totally worthless (not that we paid for it (directly)) Took forever to respond, didn't cover the stuff hat actually broke, didn't replace stuff, just (sort of) repaired it. \_ I got a warranty from First American (http://homewarranty.firstam.com from our real estate agent who wrote that into the bid. Took advantage of it for the central heating system, drainage problems, and dryer. Response times were reasonable. I can't remember exactly, but the deductible was $40-$45 per claim. \_ In my case, the seller did pay for 1-year home warranty through American Home Warranty (it was around $450/yr). I negotiated w/ the seller's agent in order to get this, so it's not by default. I didn't renew it after it expired since *knock on woods* my appliances are still relatively new and the past owner was very anal-retentive about keeping them pristine. (we got lucky). YMMV, if you feel your appliances may be at their last leg when you inherit them, might want to look into renewing it. (or do a math comparison vs. buying a new one) \_ You can get the home warranty from the seller/seller's agent written into the bid, but if the market is competitive, you may lose the property to someone else who has offered about the same amount with no/fewer contingencies. The housing market seems to have cooled down a bit now, though. |
2006/2/14-15 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:41831 Activity:moderate |
2/13 Rather than paying hotels and other expensive social programs that people always need, why doesn't the government simply give raw materials to the Katrina victims to build their own homes? Doing so will promote self-reliance, free-market, small government, and fiscal rectitude. I'm sick and tired of giving my tax dollars to lazy bums and immigrants. \_ That is what I don't understand neither. We are dumping billions of dollars into this, can't we just divide those billions of dollars to the number of victims and ask them to relocate to somewhere else and prohibits flood zone to be developed? Each of the victims will have close to a million dollars for it, and I think that is good enough for most of them to get back on their feet! and I think that is good enough for most of them to get back on their feet! \_ Your fucking "Do everything yourself" cowboy gunho Republican ideology doesn't work well for population that is either too sick, too old, and too young. Go fuck yourself. \_ It was a troll. YHBT. Go take a pill and relax. \- how about we given them weapons and transport to conquor another country. \_ how about they give supplies and a no-bid emergency reconstruction contract to Bechtel and Halliburton, and other politically connected contractors? \_ That will bypass the labor unions, good. But then most residents don't have the skills to build a house that can survive a hurricane, let alone following all the local codes and regulations, bad. \_ Hell, I don't have the skills to build a house. \_ Why are we still building houses from scratch in NOLA? Given the scale of the rebuilding and the government funding, they should just put up pre-fab houses that are pre-approved for hurricane conditions. Pre-fab houses are cheaper and quicker to assemble, more environment friendly, and I am guessing less prone to cost inflation from corruption. \_ There's no such thing as a broken-dam safe house when you're down stream. Anyway, why would we put any houses up in an area that is just going to get wiped out again anyway? \_ Agreed. But given that we're putting up houses anyway, why not do it in an efficient manner? -pp \_ Because this isn't a command economy? \_ Of course people can build whatever they wish. But the government can have separate application processes for pre-fab and bespoke houses, and the process for pre-approved, pre-inspected, pre-negotiated, pre-fab houses can quite reasonably be simpler. \_ Are you kidding me? Your solution is *more* government 'processes'? \_ Do you get whiplash when your knee jerks that hard? \_ Think about your 'solution' realistically. \_ Oh, I do. It's clear I'm too subtle for you. \_ It's ok. I understand you don't understand. \_ Bureaucracy never solved anything. Are you Chinese by any chance? \_ Again the knee jerk. Now consider your previous question "why would we put any houses up?". Perhaps my solution is one that yields a favorable outcome whether it achieves its stated goal or not. \_ My last comment was "why would we". Anyway, to your question: because a solution that doesn't achieve its stated goal is a failure? How about restating your goal to be, "create more government jobs and raise taxes"? Then your solution and outcome would match. |
2006/2/8-10 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:41769 Activity:kinda low |
2/8 Satellite view of your neighborhood with price estimates for ALL neighboring houses. By the founder of http://expedia.com: (works on IE for me, doesn't work with FF + flashblock, also, if you click on details for a property, you can get a graph of its estimated value over the last 1/5/10 years - christ, what happened in Jan '04?) http://www.zillow.com \_ Bush said he would try to make everyone a homeowner. Greenspan acted by 1) lowering interest rate even further and 2) saying in public to the effect that anyone who paid off his/her home isn't investing wisely. But rather than getting everyone a home, those who already had a few decided to get even more, and started the arms race to own more homes. http://www.zillow.com \_ How are the prices estimated? It says my home in Fremont doubled its value since Jan '04! Well, I don't think so. \_ http://tinyurl.com/b6uf9 (latimes.com) "Zillow would pore over county records and other government data on 60 million homes nationwide. It then would use proprietary computer analysis to determine current values ... Providing a home's history, including all past sales transactions, tax assessments and other details ..." (yes, it does have current property tax and past sales dates, at least through '96 for my previous home) \_ Works fine in FF + Flashblock if you add http://www.zillow.com to the Flashblock whitelist. --dbushong \_ still having trouble with moz/ff with whitelist. \_ Bush said he would try to make everyone a homeowner. Greenspan acted by 1) lowering interest rate even further and 2) saying in public to the effect that anyone who paid off his/her home isn't investing wisely. But rather than getting everyone a home, those who already had a few decided to get even more, and started the arms race to own more homes. \_ queueing lafe who may have something to say about the current state of economy that seems to put those who have little (lafe) at a much greater disadvantage for buying homes. \_ url on Greenspan item 2? I know real estate agents have lots of fun saying that: http://csua.com/?entry=39331 \_ Sour grape. \_ A country with a planned economy won't have this problem. |
3/14 |