3/15 |
2009/2/24-3/3 [Reference/Law/Visa] UID:52630 Activity:low |
2/23 Do I need my passport on me to drive from San Diego to Tijuana and back? \_ No, but you are supposed to carry your Driver's license and some other official proof of your identity, like your voter registration card. Why not bring your passport? Also, make sure that you have Mexican car insurance. \_ ACORN!!@#!@#!@!!@#!@!1!1!one \_ I thought the rules for that changed a while back, so that you always need your passport when entering the country? \_ It looks like you are right. \_ So what happens if you just don't have it? Do you have to go through some giant hassle and visit some sort of embassy? \_ I am guessing if you don't look Latino and you don't get into any trouble with the law in Mexico, that nothing happens to you. I have never been asked to show any ID travelling across the US border by land and I have crossed it at least 20 times. If you get arrested in Mexico and you don't have ID, this could really suck for you though. I am not sure what ICE would do to you, probably detain you until you could prove citizenship. \_ obGoogle. Rules change June 1: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Do_you_need_a_passport_to_go_to_Tijuana http://travel.state.gov/travel/cbpmc/cbpmc_2223.html |
2007/9/12-14 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:48040 Activity:nil |
9/12 immigration by numbers http://video.google.com/videoplay docid=4094926727128068265&q=numbersusa&hl=en |
3/15 |
2007/6/29-7/2 [Politics/Domestic/President, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:47129 Activity:low |
6/29 Ted Kennedy self-Godwins after immigration bill dies: "Referring to opponents of the bill, Mr. Kennedy said: 'We know what they don't like. What are they for? What are they going to do with the 12 million who are undocumented here? Send them back to countries around the world? Develop a type of Gestapo here to seek out these people that are in the shadows? What's their alternative?'" \_ Gush Ted, how about we enforce some of those laws from the last \_ Gosh Ted, how about we enforce some of those laws from the last amnesty bill in 86 that the Feds completely ignored? Then after we try out those laws for a few years we can see where we stand. \_ Isn't it the job of the executive branch to enforce the laws? I don't think Congress has a very large police force... \_ Didn't PP say it's the Feds who ignored the law? |
2007/5/11-14 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Visa, Reference/Law/Court] UID:46590 Activity:nil |
5/11 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,271438,00.html Authorities charge 28 in South Carolina of arranging phony marriages to help foreigners evade immigration laws |
2006/4/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:42687 Activity:nil |
4/5 Harry Reid, 12 years ago http://www.drudgereport.com/flash1hr.htm \_ what, no child molestation charges?? |
2006/3/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa, Finance/Investment] UID:42535 Activity:nil |
3/29 http://weneedafence.com I personally don't care about the immigration issue but I'd like to buy stocks in companies that make fences. What are some companies I should look into? |
2005/11/12-15 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:40560 Activity:kinda low |
11/12 I got my greencard 5 years ago, what's the cheapest and fastest way to get US citizenship? My mom did it through a 3rd party service where they did all the paperwork (for $310!). Thanks. \_ Seems impossible, since the application fee itself is $320. \_ They make up for it in volume. \_ 5 yr is not enough. You need to wait for another year to apply for citizenship. At least what is what I've done. and FYI, they can revolk citizenship without any reason at any time, so behave. \_ I'm reading it's only for extreme cases like if you're a Nazi war criminal, etc. \_ citizenship is not protected by anything. Yes, in pratice, they don't do it very often, but who knows what kind of stunt Dubya is going to pull in next few years. \- unless you are being really cynical, and i dont think there is need for that yet if you are white, ^citizenship^naturalization. \_ There is still this little thing called due process. \_ that's why they've been setting up places in Cuba and eastern Europe to detain people. due process was one of the first things to go. \_ What kind of process is in question, but some process is required before a citizen can be deprived of life, liberty, &c. (see Hamdi) \_ If Bush is reelected, rape will be legal! --Cameron Diaz \_ Uhm, wow. That's, well, impressive. \_ Since rape is allowed according to the Old Testament, and since much of Bush's base wants to see the Old Testament become the law of the land in the U.S. this is not so far off the mark. \_ Rape is legal at the CIA torture prisons and at Gitmo. At least according to the Bush regime. \_ But only if you're doing it to protect the nation from terrorism. \_ Nonsense. 5 years is ok. In fact, you can start the application process before the 5-year period ends. \_ The third parties seem unnecessary without any special circumstances. \_ The 3d parties seem unnecessary without any special circumstances. Download the PDF form from the INS web site, fill it up with acrobat reader and print it. Add to your package a check for the processing fee and any required supporting documentation and you're set. You should get an appoitment notice for the interview within one to two months after sending the application. Now, if you really want to expedite the application process don't miss and don't try to reschedule the appointment. I forgot about mine and sent the form to reschedule the appointment. What a mistake! I had never heard back from them. Another 8 months later I managed to schedule an interview after someone gave me a useful advice to call the local INS office directly (agaist the INS directions that said otherwise) instead of their useless country-wide 1-800 number where everyone yelled at me: "How dare you to call us because of this issue? Just keep waiting. We'll schedule another appointment. Make sure not to call a local INS office. Oh yeah, your application will expire within call a local INS office. Oh yeah, your application will expire w/in a year after we got it if you don't pass the interview by then." \_ Which INS office was this? I had to reschedule and they were very reasonable for me ... I was dealing with the SF INS office. \_ Pretend you are a Mexican (or other Latin American) and sneak across the border? sneak across the border? -jblack \_ When did you stop beating your dead horse? \_ I don't know what 3rd parties will do for you but the process is easy. I put it off for a long time but finally applied in Feb 2004, and got sworn in in November. The form is long but fairly simple, the only complication for me was having to remember the dates for all the times I went to Canada since I got my green card (they don't stamp your passport, or at least didn't used to). The interview is a piece of cake. |
2005/11/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:40435 Activity:nil |
10/27 Jobs program tries to discourage immigration to U.S. |
2005/10/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:40328 Activity:nil |
10/27 Jobs program tries to discourage immigration to U.S. -jblack http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1510519/posts |
2005/5/9-11 [Transportation/Car, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:37589 Activity:moderate |
5/9 Here's someone who found a creative use for a math degree: http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/05/06/students.scheme.ap/index.html \_ What a lamer. \_ It crazy to do this for someone whose parents can donate $21m to a \_ It's crazy to do this for someone whose parents can donate $21m to a school. \_ This is like Catch Me If You Can. I half heartedly applaud this guy. I'd be much happier if he used those money to donate to charity. I want to see a modern Robinhood who takes money from big faceless corporations and land-owning aristocrats and redistribute wealth to people who need them. \_ You mean the big faceless corporations that employ the people who need the money? And what "land-owning aristocrats?" If you said, "Steal the money from ugly CEOs," it would at least sort of make sense. \_ Jrleek, small corporations in the past employed, trained, & treated their employees as family members. Things have changed a lot since the early 20th century. Today, big corporations are owned and operated by shareholders, who want many things, and among them, PROFIT as their #1 goal. They increase profit via training/nurturing employees, attracting highly capable workers, giving out incentives, bonuses, etc. However, they also increase profit via other means, such as outsourcing, cutting employee benefits, merger, hostile take-over, increasing work responsibility (legalized increase of work hours), and other methods. And in today's highly competitive world, corporations will do all of the above. We already witnessed the monopoly of AT&T (until 1983), the dominance of Microsoft, the abuse of F1 VISAs, the displacement of auto-workers, the use of child labour in South East Asia, etc etc. These are not isolated incidents, but rather, strong tendencies by corporations for the sake of increasing profit. Right now ethical laws exist to protect workers in extraordinary events such as accidents, child bearing, etc. But if corporations had a choice, you bet they'd get rid of these laws. In short, big corporations have no allegiance to anyone, any ideology nor have any compassion for its employees. Its primary interest is PROFIT, period. I guess this is all difficult to grasp but will be a lot clearer when you're force to rethink about your career in the future. \_ I totally forgot that jrleek works in the government so most of what I said becomes totally irrelevant. -pp \_ Do big corporations have allegiance to their shareholders? \_ You asked a very good question. The point is, unlike mom/pop stores, corporations don't have a soul. Let me give you in layman's analogy. The corporation Let me explain in layman's analogy. The corporation (board membors) are like assassins, they take money to do their job, which is to use money to earn more money. If they fail to meet their objectives (not getting their quarterly earning expectations), they risk getting pounded by shareholders (stock price going down, board members fired, take-over). All corporations try to optimize, slime-line, and do creative things to meet earning expectations. In some cases however, they become so desperate that they take short-cuts or do things without ethical considerations, such as polluting, cutting health benefits, etc. If Ford and GM can double their assembly line productivity by moving to Malaysia or Phillipines (where they can hire cheaper, younger, workers without having to pay them health benefits) do you think board members would object due to ethical considerations? Heck, they already did it in the 80s. What makes you think corporations today are any different? \_ Interesting that you seem to have something of an understanding of economics, and yet can't add 2+2. |
2005/5/6-9 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:37551 Activity:nil |
5/6 The last few pages of my passport say "Amendments and Endorsements". Are these pages usable for normal entering/exiting countries, or do I need to get extra pages added if this is all that remains blank in my passport? \- Well you have to consider who cares about and gives you the visa. Typically a country will say "your passport is full" and refuse to put the visa on the A/E page. However, when you show up at the airport in Swaziland, I suppose you could claim it was their embassy that put it there. I'm not saying it wont ever work, but it is a bad idea. [what if something like a schengen visa is used to cover up something?]. BTW, many countries have a "jumbo" passport for drug mules er people expecting a lot of stamps. i would be kind of curious what the us immigration would do if some other country decided to cover up one of you A/E pages. --psb |
2004/8/24 [Politics/Foreign, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:33091 Activity:moderate |
8/24 Question: I am green card holder and now I want to go back to my country. Do I need to pay uncle sam for the income I earned in my home country? \_ i suggest you do it anyway, in case you decided to get citizenship later. It's a pain, but generally you won't need to pay a penny unless you are making more than $84k per year (the figure changes every year, it's slightly above $80k/yr). \_ is it true that if you are outside of the US for some period of time (>6 months), it would jeopadize your citizenship application? \_ umm, you should talk to your immigration lawyer about that. |
2004/6/17 [Reference/Law/Visa] UID:30857 Activity:moderate |
6/17 Oops! Good thing it was only the 575 F1 instead of the Enzo: http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2004272369,00.html |
2004/4/7-8 [Reference/Law/Visa] UID:13069 Activity:nil |
4/7 What's the best way to keep your passport safely when travelling abroad? Does anyone have good or bad experiences with those slim pouches that wrap around your waist/stomach/chest? \_ I kept my passport in a slim waist pouch inside my pants during a two week trip to rural China. It wasn't really that uncomfortable. As a safety precaution, make sure you have a photocopy of it kept somewhere else in your bags. \_ I keep mine in my front pants pocket. Don't need no steenkin' waist or under-the-shirt pouch. \_ Good tip is to make 2 photocopies of main passport page and all pages with relevant visas or extensions. Keep one in your bag, the other in your wallet. I just keep my passport in an inside jacket pocket "fo' e-z access". -John \_ Don't put anything important on some object that hangs outside your body screaming, "stupid naive tourist". |
2003/6/24 [Computer/SW/Database, Computer/SW/Security, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:28824 Activity:high |
6/24 Oh god. I wish the EU (useless bunch of poltroons) would get at least a semblance of a backbone. http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/55/31380.html Does anyone know more about new biometric passports the US is supposed to be issuing? I'd frankly much rather deal with the hassle of a visa with my Swiss passport than submit to this. -John \_ Maybe it's just me, but John seems to talk about his Swiss passport pretty frequently. \_ Biometrics are such a huge mistake. No one seems to be addressing the issue that if your biometrics are compromised, there is no way to issue new ID--well, without replacing your eyes. -emarkp \_ Hm? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the process: you have an ID or passport with your retinal scan/fingerprints on it. They scan your ID, compare it to a db of such things, and then you put your eye/hand to the scanner and verify that you are who the system says you are. Are you saying that someone could hack the db and sub their own particulars for yours and so take your bank account? If so, you now have their fingerprints / ret. scan on file-- should be fairly easy to find the duplicates in the system and arrest the perp. \_ No, if someone else can ID themself with your biometrics or subvert the system somehow, you're screwed. You can't get different biometrics. -emarkp \_ What are we talking here? Fake fingerprint gloves? False retinal scan contacts? Not saying it can't be done but quite a stretch, no? \_ Actually it's quite easy to fake out the fingerprint thing. The retinal scans can be horribly difficult obtain accurately at times. The real problem is identity theft and proving that it wasn't you who shifted your bank account/stock portfolio/real estate to party X. VERY tough to dispute. \_ I fail to see how biometrics makes this worse; right now you're being authenticated on your signature, which is way easier to forge than even the simplest biometric. -tom \_ It's not worse. It makes id theft much more difficult. I'm more for dual source authentication. Bio + PIN. However, businesses might make it much harder to dispute id theft and make corrections since it is technically so difficult. I fear an overreliance on tech. \_ I think this has less to do with tech, and more to do with the nature of big business and bureaucracy. Bureaucracy and silly overhead happen just fine without any technology at all. What you'd hope is that intelligent policies will be put into place to deal with situations that the tech makes 'unlikely'. \_ You'll submit and you'll like it. \_ Grey matter! Grey matter! |
2003/4/18-19 [Reference/Law/Visa, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:28160 Activity:nil |
4/17 Are there plug-ins/add-ins (or something like that) available for xfig to make it easier to draw circuit schematics? \_ Try "dia" IIRC, it has an icon set for circuits. --dbushong |
2003/3/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:27675 Activity:very high |
3/12 For those of you who are naturalized citizens or who somehow know, after you have formally filed application for naturalization but before you are granted an interview and/or the approval, can you leave the country for an extended period of time without jeopardizing your application? I have googled and searched on INS site, but did not find the answer. It must be in some CFR or USC, but that are big. Please answer only if you know the answer. Appreciate any URL too. Ok, tnx. \_ Yes, but you need permission. If you leave the country w/o it, you are f*cked. \_ That's for leaving Before you file the application, for over 1 year or 6 months, or there is a requirement for after the application is filed also? \_ the needed permission is called "advance parole": <DEAD>www.immigration.gov/graphics/howdoi/travdoc.htm#parole<DEAD> Here is the link for travel: <DEAD>www.immigration.gov/graphics/howdoi/registry.htm#travel<DEAD> \_ My mom left the US for a few months after filing her application for naturalization. She came back after getting her interview notice. She is currently staying put waiting for her oath ceremony after her interview resulted in a "recommended for approval", but I believe the immigration officer at the interview told her she can leave the country if she wants to. Consult a lawyer. \_ How long does it take her to get an interview notice and interview itself after filing the application and how long to get the ceremony? Ok tnx. \_ She filed in April, had her fingerprint in July, and her interview the day before Thanksgiving. She got her oath ceremony notice very fast (originally scheduled around late December), but the day before the ceremony, she was informed that the whole ceremony got cancelled. From reading the news, it seemed that in the past, if INS doesn't hear back from FBI, they assume the case is ok, but now, each case needs to be individually approved by FBI, and FBI cannot keep up with the work load, so INS cancels. Also, it seemed like INS just left the whole pile of cases sitting there until my mom called them. Then things started rolling and they said "4 weeks". 3 1/2 weeks later, my mom called again, and was told "one more week" (to get the notice for ceremony). That's where it is sitting now. Calling INS can mean long hold times. I think they then give you a number for a local INS office to call, which is where you can find someone who can actually check your case. All this is in Chicago, so it may not apply to you. \_ ** errors corrected ** \_ Great, another immigrant come to steal my social security trust fund. \_ I think you don't get any social security unless you work and pay taxes for 10 years. My mom would get it though since she worked for U of Chicago for some years, back in the 60s. \_ Not so. She'd get it if her husband had it. She'd get welfare and a boatload (hah!) of medical bene's just for being here. \_ I think you are mistaken about the "husband" part. Also, I believe the same 10-year rule applies to medicare and medicaid. \_ My God! We live in a fascist state! Look at the huge and privacy destroying hassle we put innocent people through just to be able to live here. Just because they were born somewhere else is no reason they shouldn't have all the rights of someone who simply had parents here. |
2001/12/6 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Reference/Law/Visa] UID:23160 Activity:high |
12/5 Snowboard gears: step-in vs. strap bindings Which is better? \_ Consider Flow bindings (<DEAD>www.flow.com<DEAD> They don't have the problem of clogging with snow, or wearing out (like clickers), nor do they take an age to put on (strap-ins) and they give a LOT of hold. <DEAD>www.flow.com<DEAD> -John \_ I've had switch binding for 5 years and am about to replace them with a good set of strap bindings. I have yet to be able to get the strap settings to give me a good tight ride without causing circulation problems in my calves. \_ My general rule of thumb is use step-ins for free-riding and straps for free-style. Straps allow for more flexibility while step-ins are more rigid. \_ I'd say the opposite. Strap-ins hold you in much more securely than do step-ins. \_ I've got a strap-on set that can give you a good tight ride. \_ Only posers use step-ins, sorry to say. \_ I can't stand step-ins. I've had strap bindings for the last 10 years and have never found step-ins that work as well. I spent one winter in Tahoe giving snowboarding lessons and the rental shop that year rented step-ins... all the students would come in using them and constantly have problems with them getting clogged up with snow and ice and not clicking in exactly right and just being a general pain in the ass. -rory \_ Bet they were K2 Clickers and not Switch. \_ I have K2 Clickers. I have no problems clicking in on dry days. But it can get clogged up on powder snow. Overall, it's very convenient to click in and out of the binding. \_ To all the step-in haters... the new generation of step-ins is significantly revised. They no longer have a nasty bar in your boot to restrict your riding, but have a high-back similar to strap ins. That said, if you're serious at all, you go with strapin. And if you're buying a board, you're either rich (in which case you can buy strap ins later) or you want to be serious, so you should buy strapins. |
2001/1/24 [Reference/Law/Visa] UID:20418 Activity:very high |
1/23 Short of going to an attorney, what are or where can I find some brief answers to these: \_ motd formatting god was here. -motd formatting god \_ If I marry a foreigne student, can she stay here with me even after 1) If I marry a foreigne student, can she stay here with me even after her visa expires? \_ Can she work legally? \_ Yes she can, as long as you adjust her status. <DEAD>www.ins.doj.gov<DEAD> \_ Can she leave and then come back to the US? \_ she should have the green card by then. \_ I heard it may take 5 years for her to officially receive a green card. \_ A friend of mine did just this. Your lady will get a 'provisional' green card (they're now called Alien Registration card, I-551) valid for 2 years. After that you will have to re-apply at the INS, in which to prove that your marriage is genuine and you're still together. I believe both of you have to appear for interview. 2) Can she work legally? \_ with the green card, yes. \_ Now, to get the physical green card it would take about 4-6 mos. But the INS will stamp her passport with a temporary green card that would authorize her to seek employment. that would authorize her to seek employment. Of course, this can only happen after she is approved a resident status. 3) Can she leave and then come back to the US? \_ if it's non-frequent, most likely not. You may be questioned though by INS. They could potentially revoke your wife's green card. Most would not leave for the first year. \_ After her passport is stamped (like I mentioned above), she should be able to travel without having to apply for a reentry visa to the U.S. \_ There's something called a re-entry permit. Is that for solving this problem? -- not original poster \_ Re-entry permit is for folks (who have pending resident status) who left the country for more than 1 year and seek to return to the U.S. If you're just going to Mexico for vacation, for example, you don't need this. You may be confusing this with an 'Advanced Parole', which is a travel document for those who haven't gotten their green cards yet NOR have gotten their I-485 approved. \_ From the above answers, you definitely should see a lawyer instead. Just pay the $50-$100 one hour consultation fee. I think if your future wife is already here, she can get a I-485 pretty fast which I think allows her to stay and get a work permit too. She then has to do a change of status if she does not want to leave the country and re-enter. Again, ask a lawyer. \_ http://www.shusterman.com is a great site to look up all these things. Also read misc.immigration.usa & alt.visa.us newsgroups. |
3/15 |