3/14 |
2013/9/3-11/21 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:54737 Activity:nil |
9/3 "NY case puts N-word use among blacks on trial" http://www.csua.org/u/114a (news.yahoo.com) |
2013/6/18-8/13 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:54695 Activity:nil |
6/17 Don't mess with Texas: http://gawker.com/woman-tells-carjacker-he-picked-wrong-witch-runs-him-513728108 \_ Kudos. I just worry that some shameless ambulance-chasing lawyer might sue her on behalf of the criminal. \_ America has more lawsuits per capita than any other nation. Lawyers, rejoice!!! |
2012/10/18-12/4 [Reference/Law/Court, Reference/Religion] UID:54505 Activity:nil |
10/18 Holy s*** I didn't know Atheists are banned from holding public office in the US: http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/184232/these-7-states-ban-atheists-from-holding-public-office \_ Yeah, those laws are pretty embarrassing, but they're ancient and unenforceable. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torcaso_v._Watkins \_ Are these the same states that ban garage sales unless you're selling your garage? |
2012/10/1-11/7 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:54488 Activity:nil |
10/1 Photos of the Supreme Court in session: http://preview.tinyurl.com/8zuqc25 [slate] |
2012/7/23-9/24 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:54442 Activity:nil |
7/23 Sexual assualt victim could be sent to jail before the attackers: http://www.csua.org/u/x44 (news.yahoo.com) Our justice system is great. |
2012/3/27-6/1 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Law/Court] UID:54349 Activity:nil |
3/27 Trayvon Martin case: http://www.csua.org/u/vw7 (http://www.dailymail.co.uk Is this truth, or false rumor spread by critics? \_ Does it make any difference? \_ I guess since there probably won't be solid evidence on either side of the story (no witness, no surveillence tape, ...), this will sway the jury if it's true. \_ Lemme put it this way: if they try this in a Simi Valley equivalent, all the jury hears is black dude acting suspicious. Cf. Rodney King. |
2011/7/5-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Law/Court] UID:54138 Activity:nil |
7/5 "Motorcyclist crashes in helmet law protest, dies" http://www.csua.org/u/tqr (news.yahoo.com) How ironic. He got what he fought for. |
2010/4/6-15 [Reference/Law/Court, Reference/Religion] UID:53772 Activity:nil |
4/6 "Ohio Christian convert fights to stay in US" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100406/ap_on_re_us/us_runaway_convert_7 Give her asylum! We need more hot gals like her in this country! |
2009/11/11-24 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:53519 Activity:nil |
11/11 The DC sniper Muhammad was executed 7yrs after his crime. Don't denth penalty convicts usually spend much longer time on death roll? What put him in the express line? \_ Even the supreme court said they should have had 2 weeks to consider commuting his sentence to life. anyway troll boy, perhaps the mountain of evidence against the guy, the confession of his accomplice, and terrorizing our capital had something to do about it. \_ In contrast, this guy lived 16 years and never saw the Chair. Damn. "Oakland man on death row dies in hospital" http://www.csua.org/u/pkv (http://www.sfgate.com http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/11/21/BAO71AO2BH.DTL |
3/14 |
2009/10/28-11/3 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:53478 Activity:nil |
10/28 "Price to PepsiCo for Not Being in Court: $1.26 Billion - Yahoo!" http://www.csua.org/u/pev This two guys scored it really big. Who would have thought that a company as big as PespiCo wouldn't even show up in court? |
2009/10/2-22 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:53427 Activity:low |
10/1 It costs $500,000 USD to rape a child: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009/10/roman-polanski-paid-samantha-geimer-601583-in-civil-settlement-of-sexual-assault.html \_ "Geimer, now a mother of four, has said repeatedly and publicly that she thinks Polanski was treated unfairly and expressed a desire for the case to be resolved without prison time." So she thinks he didn't commit a crime but she wants him to pay her? Or what? \_ "treared unfairly" and "he didn't commit a crime" aren't the same thing. \_ If that's the case, it means she's saying that someone drug-raping a 13-yr-old and being a fugitive doesn't deserve jail time. \_ or perhaps she means the claims against him were exaggerated? \_ or perhaps she means the claims against him were exaggerated? (I certainly don't know, but neither do you) \_ Yes, that is how I read it too. Maybe she means that he has already suffered enough and now just owes restitution to his victim. It is not an unreasonable position to take. |
2009/5/8-15 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:52973 Activity:kinda low |
5/8 http://csua.com/?entry=52724 I had my day in court today. Was awarded the $350 he owed me, $150 in damages, and $200 for having to drive down from SF to LA. If I had a pay stub, he probably would have given me money for PTO. The case went extremely quickly. He asked when I moved out, how long I lived there (2.5 years) and if I got a statement of deductions within 21 days. I hadn't (postmark was 24 days) and he asked the landlord if he mailed it within 21 days. The landlord (who is old and nearly blind) said that he was sick and was a few days late. But the judge said that the law was "very, very strict" when it comes to the deposit and that was the end of that. He didn't care whether or not the deductions were "reasonable". Yay justice! In a month or two, I'll send an update with how my collection process is going. \_ good job taking $700 from a blind man! \_ your brain has been classified as: slave of emotion \_ http://antagonie.blogspot.com/2009/04/attack-of-returned-evil-blind-dead.html \_ justice! just because he's old means he can arbitrarily deduct money? his wife always seemed very lady-macbeth-like. \_ good job. blind or not, he was probably relying on your being out of the area. as i advised you earlier, the law is pretty strict, so as long as the judge find you credible [tried to work it out, so as long as the judge finds you credible [tried to work it out, not asking for $10,000], he'd probably rule for you. \_ good job, seconded the above comment. Being old or insane or stupid are not excuses. I congratulate you. You've learned to fight for your justice, and that you'll need to do this over and over again throughout your lifetime so better learn to fight for your right now than later. Life is unfair, and the law is for your rights now than later. Life is unfair, and the law is there to help you. In this case, the law prevailed because you did your job as a citizen of justice. Good job, and CONGRATS! you did your job as a citizen of justice. Also, by doing so, you're indirectly helping your fellow citizens as your action is a deterrent for future offenders. Good job, I whole heartedly thank you for being such a good citizen, and CONGRATS! \_ I second this sentiment. \_ with small claims, getting the judgement is the easy part. Collecting on it is what is hard. \_ i dont get the sense that this guy is a "hardened criminal" but just going for the easy shakedown. i suspect if the fmr tenant indicates he'll file for a lien against the property, and/or contempt of court, this guy will pay, if not immediately upon losing, since the fmr tenant has already demonstrated "resolve". \_ Here is what happened to me if you're wondering: I lent my motorcycle to a "friend" in the parking lot who was begging to learn from me. He's a full time bus driver in San Diego. We did this many times, so why not. He went fast, and wrecked it, but promised payment and gave me his contact, and left. Two I lent my motorcycle to a "friend" in the parking lot. He's a full time bus driver in San Diego. Why lent the motorcycle? I've done it many times with my other friends, so why not. He wrecked it, promised payment, gave me his contact, and left. Two weeks later he said "Sorry you should have known better, you've learned your lesson." I filed for SC and served the paper to his address but it's fake. I totally forgot that he also specialized in fake IDs. Anyways, I hired a PI who helped me get through the process, step by step. Fees included getting his actual address, his employer information, serving paper (actually very hard since he could refuse signing and invalidate my SC, which he did), and collection. Around the same time I also "consulted" with a lawyer for 10 minutes and charged only $45 but he was COMPLETELY USELESS. Anyways, I filed, then he delayed the court date, then I won the case, then he appealed, then he delayed the appeal court date, then finally I won the case again. I wrote him 2 letter asking for payment, and after a month of inaction as anticipated, I got in touch with his employer's Wage Garnishment Department to collect payment (yes, a lot of bus drivers are child molesters, debters, and shady characters in general so they have a special department just for that). Yes I got paid but then I started getting "weird" calls. I moved and changed my number, several times. What an adventure, but it was all worth it. The best part was the court made him pay for my private investigator because he was so elusive! The judge hated that! LOL he sure learned his lesson. Here is the full chono: 2003: 4/3 http://csua.com/?entry=27971 wreck "car" (really a motorcycle) 5/8 http://csua.com/?entry=28377 he gave me a fake ID 6/14 http://csua.com/?entry=28730 can I use digital pictures? 7/1 http://csua.com/?entry=28888 his friend refused to go to court 10/8 http://csua.com/?entry=10547 won first time 10/31 http://csua.com/?entry=10888 thinking back 11/5 http://csua.com/?entry=10954 he delays court date 2004: 1/20 http://csua.com/?entry=11839 lawyer in small claims? 1/27 http://csua.com/?entry=11974 serving the paper? 4/6 http://csua.com/?entry=13034 Garnishment how to's 4/7 http://csua.com/?entry=13067 Writ of Execution (garnishment) 5/22 http://csua.com/?entry=30368 Got notice about garnishment 6/2 http://csua.com/?entry=30550 Got my MONEY!!! 9/23 http://csua.com/?entry=33725 Beware of retaliation, esp. from shady characters Unrelated to the above, but goody (not me, but was interesting): http://csua.com/?entry=12128 Landlord asshole http://csua.com/?entry=26050 Move out deductions? http://csua.com/?entry=28520 $150 worth suing? http://csua.com/?entry=31179 Holiday Inn assholes \_ my life is so boring \_ Curious: how did you win in the first place? it sounded like you couldn't get the witness (friend of the opponent) to cooperate, so I wonder what proof you had. |
2009/5/6-9 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:52959 Activity:nil |
5/6 "Wal-Mart pays $2M to avoid charges in death probe" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090506/ap_on_bi_ge/us_wal_mart_death "Nassau County District Attorney ... said that if she had brought criminal charges against the retailer for negligence in the worker's death, the company would have been subject to only a $10,000 fine if convicted." Choosing to pay $2M-for-sure over $10K-maybe? Does Wal-Mart have a conscience now? \_ Of course not. They're paying for avoiding an admission of guilt. They're also paying to avoid a wrongful death suit. -tom |
2009/4/30-5/6 [Reference/Law/Court, Finance/Investment] UID:52927 Activity:nil |
4/30 So I have been posting reviews to Tripadvisor. They are usually good. A couple have been poor. I noticed that the poor ones tend to recieve poor marks for "helpfulness". I think that is someone at the establishment marking my poor review as "unhelpful". What really irritated me is when my honest and accurate review was removed from the site. I got a letter from Tripadvisor saying that I had violated policy by "smearing" the establishment. (I actually rated the place 3 stars but related a poor experience I had.) So Tripadvisor acts under pressure from property and restaurant owners to remove bad reviews apparently. This calls into the question the value of any reviews on that site. This is certainly unethical, but is there a basis for a lawsuit? Article I found: http://www.chicagotribune.com/travel/chi-travelquest_0525_r_lmv_pmmay25,0,5120261.story \_ See also the East Bay Express story on yelp. http://www.eastbayexpress.com/gyrobase/yelp_and_the_business_of_extortion_2_0/Content?oid=927491&page=1 -tom \_ Good article, thanks. \_ I have a friend at yelp who is one of those people who is so earnest he pretty much can't tell lie. (It's kind of embarassing how earnest the guy is.) His take on that article was that it is 100% bullshit. That said, yelp reviews suck so hard they are useless. \_ The guy who owns Mama's Cafe told me he's repeatedly received calls from Yelp saying that they'll "re- prioritize" bad reviews in exchange for donations. \_ This is my least favorite Yelp reviewer on planet: http://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=G3bUPrjE__b-jKpYASYFxg \_ Why? Looks like he gives a lot of relevant information. \_ how nice: "It's like the creepy math nerd from high school: I wouldn't hang out with him if I didn't have to get his class notes! " \_ Dude probably was the creepy math nerd. Anyway, I am not on Yelp to make friends. I want lots of accurate info and he seems to provide more than average. \_ What would you sue them for? They haven't caused you any harm. IANAL, but you have to have some kind of personal stake in something to file a lawsuit. http://www.lectlaw.com/def2/s064.htm \_ "I suppose a disgruntled business could bring an unfair-trade-practices-type lawsuit of their Terms of Service, but it has to hinge on whether they're saying one thing and then are doing something else. That's the only way there could be any legal action." |
2009/4/28-5/5 [Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript, Reference/Law/Court] UID:52919 Activity:nil |
4/27 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8023341.stm SCOTUS upholds FCC's zero-tolerance obscenity policy. |
2009/4/10-20 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:52838 Activity:low |
4/10 Is it common for a judge in a family court situation to tell the attorneys or both sides how he wants to see the situation resolved, and inform them that if the parties don't agree to that resolution in open court that it will not go well for party not toeing his perffered line? This seems a little strange to me. It also leaves no record of the outside influence for the future which is disturbing. --jwm \_ Sounds odd to me, but I don't knoe anything about a family court. Is this in reference to some current event, or is it personal? \_ It's something I encountered. Apparently this is the second time it's happened. It's my GF's case, and I wasn't there the first time around. \_ Judges have a lot of authority for a reason. If you don't want to go with his proposed settlement, you might want to try and get judges changed, but you are not likely to be successful. What does your lawyer say? \_ Laywer seems unphased by it, and said that's how it is. She drops her counter-claim, or basically we'll lose. The judge is threaten to decide against the side that chooses to litigate. It wouldn't seem as weird if it happened in open court, were it would be on the record, but it wasn't it, it was done in a backroom, with only the lawyers present. It just seemed shady to me. Seems that only courses are to aquiese, or litagate lose, and appeal. The secnd is not a good option as it's very expensive, and there's not way to prove that the loss the first time was the result of judical bias. Maybe this is standard and customary, but it just feels like it's unethical if not outright illegal. \_ Isn't this the whole point of having a judge? \_ This is pretty normal in most civil cases. \_ That's good to know. I'm not unhappy about the result, but it seemed a little strange since it was backroom deal, and kept off the record. Just seemed like someome was hiding something. \_ From what I've seen, Judges have a good sense of what a reasonable settlement is and try pretty hard to get the parties to settle. While I haven't been to a pre- trial conf. yet, I'm told that in marginal cases the Judge will often tell a party that he/she/it is going to lose and should just settle and that parties who don't take the Judge's advice often end up regretting their loss even more b/c of the additional expense and burden of trial. \_ I am a little surprised at the discretion judge have in some cases beyond the "pay money" "go to jail" "take a class" "specific \_ I am a little surprised at the discretion judges have in some cases beyond "pay money" "go to jail" "take a class" "specific compliance with the contract" standard forms of "community service" ... e.g. cases where the judge said "you can either go to jail or wear a sign saying ..." or do some other humiliating/shaming thing. to lose and should just settle. \- http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/28/us/28judges.html?pagewanted=all |
2009/3/17-23 [Reference/Law/Court, Reference/RealEstate] UID:52724 Activity:moderate |
3/17 I posted on 2/10 about a landlord that stiffed me $600 on my deposit. I wrote him a "strongly worded letter" and followed it up with a "Pay up or I'm going to file a small claims court in 10 days" template. He didn't respond so I filed a claim, but the day I filed a claim, he wrote me back and added $250 to the deposit. If I hadn't already spent the $60 on the filing, I would have been happy and taken the money and gave up. As is, I think I should probably still do that, but I'm interested in learning about the whole legal process. Anyone have any experience with Small Claims Court? Is it as fun/fascinating as it sounds? The worst part is that I'm guessing that the judge won't give me the 2X deposit that I'm suing for because he's no longer acting in "bad faith"... \_ Unless you can claim your costs are greater than $250, the judge will probably get annoyed at you for wasting time and public resources. What are you going to ask for ... you cant say they reason your pursued the case was to see how the system would work. If you proceed, you definitely want to have on record an explanation to the former landlord why the current settlement still leaves you short and what it would take to resolve it [i.e. "I spent $X in costs and time T, which is worth about $Y ...]. What did your landlord's letter say? [Also, I am not sure if your cashing the check has any legan bearing ... if a landlord tried to evict you but takes legal bearing ... if a landlord tried to evict you but takes money from you, it alters the situation for him]. \_ I appreciate your advice, but I don't understand "costs >$250"? He's still deducting $250 from my deposit for things like paint, but I lived there for 3 years, longer than the typical life of cheap apartment paint. Can you not sue in small claims for $250? I don't want to waste the judge's time, but I thought small claims was for exactly that... small claims. \_ I thought you meant the landlord sent you a $250 "bribe" on top of what he owned you to drop the case for double/punitive damages/costs. I didnt realize he still left you short. I think you need to clear up the accounting if you want motd.advice. By the way, there are a lot of obligations in CA for landlord w.r.t. to deposits, especually if he doesnt return the whole amount. You might look at the Nolo Press book for renters. \_ Small claims is, technically, for anything up to $1,000; after that, you jump up to regular court. That said, the trend in modern justice is toward mediation and, well, breaking even, so since you're already getting what you wanted (minus $60), a judge is likely to tell you to get lost. -!pp, IANAL \_ limit is now $7,500 in CA for small claims \_ See? More evidence that IANAL. \_ I don't understand, did he deduct $250 from the money he owed you (and therefore still owes $250) or did he add $250 to the money he returned? If it is the former, you can still reasonably sue, if it is the latter, I can't see what your claim would be. \_ If he gave you back $600-$250 then hell yes you can take him to small claims (and may even be able to ask to add your filing fee to the judgement if you win). If he gave you $600+$250 then shut up and take your money. \_ He owed me $1060 and gave me $600+$250=$850. So he still owes me $310 (+filing fee?). Are you suggesting I shut up? owes me $310 (+filing fee?). Should I sue or shut up? \_ He owed me $1060 and gave me $460+$250=$710. So he still owes me $350 (+filing fee?). Should I sue or shut up? \_ up to you, but I would at least write him a letter or e-mail saying you got his extra $250 and he is still short $x, and you still feel stiffed and will still sue unless he pays up. Judges like to see this follow up since if it works, it saves them time. \_ Seconded. Make copies of everything you send so you can show it to the Judge. Oh, and buy a book on how to collect your judgement if you win; it's not just a matter of having the Judge make the landlord hand you the money. \_ 1060 - 850 != 310 \_ Derr, at least the math in my letters to him was correct. Here's the real accounting: Deposit: $1060 First Check: $460 Second Check: $250 I'm going to cash the check today and have someone serve him papers tomorrow. I will also write him a letter saying that I received his second check but that he is still short $350 and that he should pay me the $350 or contact me if he wants to settle this out of court. Thanks for the tips. Also, Nolo Press is awesome. \- Nolo >> Texas \_ Inflamed hemorrhoids >> Texas. |
2008/12/21-2009/1/3 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:52289 Activity:nil |
12/21 "Calif. Court: Would-be Good Samaritan can be sued" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081218/ap_on_re_us/samaritan_protection That's why there are so few good samaritans in America, The Country of Lawsuits. |
2008/11/25-12/2 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Reference/Law/Court] UID:52107 Activity:nil |
11/25 Judge legislates from the bench, strikes down 31-year-old law prohibiting adoption of children by gays http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2138201/posts </for jblack fetish guy> \_ If you're going to piss off jblack, you should post pro immigrants and pro colored people URLs. I'm sure these two issues will really push his buttons. Or just email him at jblack@csua.berkeley.edu. That's Justin P. Black. issues will really push his buttons. \_ For those who are interested the opinion is available at: http://www.aclu.org/images/asset_upload_file16_37906.pdf \_ when laws and words don't mean anything anymore time for secessions. \_ If words don't mean anything anymore, why is it that all you have to offer are empty words? \_ look up "balance of powers." \_ The South Will Rise Again! \_ Didn't they just do that for the last 8 years? |
2008/11/19-23 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:52044 Activity:nil |
11/18 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/11/19/BANK1478HP.DTL Hans Reiser, the computer programmer who admitted to strangling his estranged wife, is trying to appeal his conviction and sentence on the grounds of ineffective assistance from his lead attorney. Reiser gave a number of other reasons for his appeal, saying he wanted to explore "anything else that may help me get out of prison and reunited with my children" and get his "life situation improved." \_ Umm... little late for that, don't 'cha think? Besides, do his kids WANT to see him now? I sure wouldn't. |
2008/11/13-26 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51961 Activity:nil |
11/13 EU's Court of First Instance rules that Lego bricks are not trademark- able: http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/11/12/business/lego.php Opinion available at: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6s77ap [europa.eu] \_ SOCIALISM. oh wait its Europe |
2008/11/12-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election, Reference/Law/Court] UID:51947 Activity:nil |
11/12 http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSTRE4AB8KG20081112 Appeals court upholds Jefferson charges Dear "Why aren't they going after Jefferson?!?!?"-guy: they are. And now the man gets due process. If, like Stevens, he's convicted by a jury of his peers, calls for his resignation will be heartily supported. \_ LOL. \_ it's teh 'lolz', not lol. |
2008/10/22-27 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:51632 Activity:nil |
10/22 Poor thing. The moral of the story here is, don't confess to anything: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27321165 \_ ZOMG POT! Clearly a communist. \_ Umm, she skipped out on a check. She deserves what she gets, probably more. \_ How would non-confessing have helped? She was pretty clearly guilty. I guess she could have made it the 10 days...? \_ A truly smart person would have seen the cops and immediately paid the bill. To confess to bailing on the bill is just dumb and arrogant. \_ No, there is not really enough evidence there to make a good jury case. At the very least the DA pleas it down if you hire a good lawyer. Though if you have three "friends" that are willing to finger you, you are totally screwed. I really just posted it as a gratuitous big boobed woman though. |
2008/10/17 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Law/Court] UID:51556 Activity:moderate |
10/16 ACORN really is the biggest threat to democracy? Holy shit. Who knew get out the vote drives were so dangerous. \_ Uh, didn't know it was "the biggest". You might want to check out the situation in Ohio though. \_ "We need to know the full extent of Sen. Obama's relationship with ACORN, who is now on the verge of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy." The fact the McCain is morally bankrupt enough to say this in a debate is just... well.. wow. \_ The GOP is playing a very dangerous game here, by threatening violence if they lose. They could really end up in a very big hole for a very long time if they follow through on that threat. \_ What, where the supreme court agreed that the voter \_ What, where the supreme court unanimously agreed that the voter \_ What, where the supreme court unanimously agreed that voter disenfranchisment is not a valid campagin tactic? |
2008/9/20-23 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:51246 Activity:low |
9/20 Paulson is trying to pull off some kind of coup: Sec. 8. Review. Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency. \_ The Paulson Plan is a crock of shit. It must be stopped. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09/20/no-deal http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/218444.php \_ ugh. are we totally fucked then? I would hope that faced with GLOBAL FINANCIAL RUIN AND ANARCHY, the finance firms would shut the hell up and take their medicine. \_ Now he is talking about usuing taxpayers dollars to bail out foriegn banks? What kind of nonesense is this? |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Law/Court] UID:50967 Activity:nil |
8/26 Bernie Ward, super-perv http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/08/22/BA0912G3V4.DTL \_ Man, that article is full of all kinds of irony. |
2008/7/6-9 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:50479 Activity:nil |
7/6 "Employers use federal law to deny benefits" http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/080705/benefit_battles.html Don't think your family is safe when you have life insurance. |
2008/6/11-13 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:50229 Activity:nil |
6/11 Poor Judgment? http://preview.tinyurl.com/54onws |
2008/5/26 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:50055 Activity:nil 80%like:50032 |
5/22 r kelly trial commencing: http://www.hitsville.org/tag/r-kelly hey, the first one is still good. \_ just saw it. bleah. someone went wacky with the raytracing. |
2008/5/22-26 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:50032 Activity:nil 80%like:50055 |
5/22 r kelly trial commencing: http://www.hitsville.org/tag/r-kelly \_ fuck rap and hip-hop |
2008/5/17-23 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:49988 Activity:nil |
5/16 PoMo Darmouth Prof goes nuts, sues students for disagreeing with her: http://www.csua.org/u/ll5 \- Wow, that's an amusing distraction from the more serious case of Torture, Tenure and John Yoo. If she gets her "day in court", I hope she gets a judge like CSAGAN did in the "BHA" case: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Humor/Sagan.txt |
2008/5/12-16 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Court] UID:49934 Activity:nil |
5/12 here is a fairly reasonable timeline, with notes, of Hans Reiser's actions up until his arrest: http://www.jaygaskill.com/GURUonTRIAL.htm \_ zzzzz... MurderFS developer kills wife, goes to prison, justice served. |
2008/5/10-16 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:49929 Activity:moderate |
5/10 In Linux, is there a safe way to resize a mounted LVM ext3 partition? I know you can do it with reiserfs. None of my partitions are in reiserfs. I was thinking of converting to reiserfs, but then I don't want to wake up one morning and read how Linus has decreed no convicted murderers can touch his git repository now. \_ Yes. Search for ext2online. \_ Reiser might yet possibly succeed on an appeal. Did we have \_ HA! - danh much discussion about his trial here yet? http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7544 \_ through sheer force of will that crank has posted his rantings on many many sites on the internet, it doesnt make it believable. http://jaygaskill.com/blog1 is a better place to start. or wade through the sfgate reiser blog articles. - danh After reading that I'm pretty dubious about how they could convict him in criminal court. Unless that page is leaving things \_ uh that is by a known crank... when he's not busy posting insane stuff about the reiser trial, he is pushing his guide to cross compiling in windows and linux and cygwin. dont pay attention to him - danh \_ Just curious, is there something wrong with his cross-compile guide? \_ What does a cross compile guide have to do whether Hans murdered his wife? \_ I don't know either, but danh mentioned it like it proves the pro-Reiser guy is a crank. So, I'm curious. -pp \_ Pretend there is a forum for people commenting on the Reiser trial. Pretend there is a dude who keeps posting about how the Jews have it in for Reiser, it's obvious Nina's best friend killed her, some more stuff about Jews, then he posts his linux/windows cross compiling guide. All the posts are by the same guy. It is reasonable to assume the dude is a crank. Most of his posts have been deleted from the sfgate news articles and reiser trial blog, he just can't help himself from ranting about the Holocaust myth. It's the same guy on the proronix forum, and it's the same guy who is the only person who posts to the linux kernel dev. lists from an AOL account. - danh \_ Can we give him a soda account? \_ No computer access allowed in jail. out. No body, no weapon, no direct evidence. \_ plenty of circumstantial evidence, plenty of motive, defendent did an amazing public job of destroying evidence. - danh \_ Then he should be tried for destroying evidence right? \_ Destroying evidence, and getting caught destroying evidence, before being tried for the murder of your wife is looked upon poorly by jury. \_ The prosecutor was able to bring up the reasonable argument of "Why would Hans destroy the interior of his car, wash it out with a hose, and tell the jury a completely implausible story about his actions, if he were not guilty of murder?" \_ That may be a reasonable argument, but not beyond reasonable doubt (w.r.t. implausibility) \_ It's simple: kill your wife, go to jail. Very reasonable. Writing a filesystem is not a get out of jail free card. What exactly was the circumstantial evidence? The car seat? That doesn't seem to hold up to the reasonable \_ You should look up the photos of the CRX interior. A funny thing is it wasnt even his own car. So he ripped out the passenger seat, the carpeting in the interior, and the trunk interior, and just sort of lost it and says he doesn't remember where he dumped it. Plus he hosed it out with a garden hose. Then he claimed he did all of this so he could sleep in his car. In a storage unit. In Manteca. Then on the stand he said oh nevermind about all that cat stuff, I only spent 1 night in it. \_ He ripped out the carpeting? I thought they said \_ First, remember this isn't his car. He got rid of the passenger seat. He got rid of the interior carpeting of the trunk. He cut out the interor carpet of the backseat of the car (remember a CRX has more of a 'bench' back there, not a full seat) On the witness stand he said he was doing to make some kind of futon back there. The prosecutor had a lot of fun picking that argument apart. ok I don't remember what happened to the interior carpet on the passenger side. He did hose out that area (he claimed he was cleaning his car. Who the hell hoses out their car?). The Oakland PD inventory report said there was a couple of inches of water in the soggy carpeting, when the car was confiscated as evidence. Hans claimed he slept in the car, even when it was in this soggy state. \_ See what I really need is an accurate account of the trial. All I have so far is the thing from the "crank" and useless articles like the wired one below. \_ yes, obviously you "need" that so you can try to prove what you already want to believe. The people who saw it all convicted him. \_ No, obviously you're a douchebag. I'm not trying to prove anything. I'm skeptical and looking for info. Juries aren't always right. You're a douchebag. \_ There's a ton of info about it all over the net. Pick your source. The rest of us figured it out already. He's a cold blooded killer. --someone else there was wet carpet in the car? Supposedly he did not have a real place to live and had financial problems so trying to live in the car \_ he could have slept at a friend's house. it makes no sense that he would store his car in a storage unit, in manteca, then sleep in it. he took a lot of weird trips in the car to Fairfield, Reno, Truckee, and Manteca, even on days he was supposed to be in court for the custody of his kids. His own mother was unable to entire the house for a few weeks because the police were searching the house for evidence, she stayed with friends, like a normal person. Maybe Hans has no friends. It doesn't appear that he does. _/ Are weird trips evidence of guilt, or just weirdness? Was he somehow driving around disposing of body parts? \_ Maybe! He spent a big chunk of his testimony saying how much he loved his kids, and lived for his kids. There was a hearing for the custody of his children. Nina couldn't make it since she was busy being a missing person. Hans spent the day doing some unknown thing in Truckee. \_ Hans and Nina were together in Truckee. Hans + Nina_corpse + shovel spending a family day in Truckee. doesn't seem completely implausible. Forgetting where he put the car seat does seem implausible though. I'd like to see a timeline of events that isn't doesn't seem completely implausible. Forgetting where he put the car seat does seem implausible though. I'd like to see a timeline of events that isn't from a "known crank". Where did you get your information? doubt criterion. Reiser is clearly a weird dude. But for example it's not criminal to evade surveillance or buy police investigation books. \_ It is criminal, and extremely stupid, to get on the witness stand and lie to the jury It seems to me that Reiser's extreme social weirdness made the jurors and judge hate him. I haven't seen a logical story of how the killing theoretically happened. It seems to me that Reiser's extreme social weirdness made the jurors and judge hate him. I haven't seen a logical story of how the killing theoretically happened. \_ I posted a reasonable timeline in a different link. sure, everyone hates hans. he weirdly spent 10 days on the stand telling everyone what a horrible human his wife was. if you're on trial for the murder of your wife, as your internet lawyer I recommend DONT DO THAT \_ No, I came around to the general consensus after reading more. But just from an entertainment/murder mystery perspective I am pretty curious exactly what he did and how it fits with the timeline. It's odd that he did most of the most suspicious things after he was already under police surveillance. His recorded phone call response to the wife's friend was pretty flamingly guilty. This dude has serious issues. He seems to have near-zero social sense/empathy. \_ I think it's weird there is no body. I do not think Hans is/was clever enough to make a body disappear. \_ I think he was probably quite clever in specific narrow ways. I mean, if he hadn't sabotaged his own trial he might now be a free man. Or if he hadn't said certain things that only a social retard would say. \_ no, his ridiculous eye-rolling lies made them hate him. This has nothing to do with your question of course. \_ Here's Wired's take: http://blog.wired.com/27bstroke6/2008/04/reiser-guilty-o.html He seems to have been mostly convicted on the 'strength' of his own testimony. Not sure why it's first-degree though. \_ Why did his attorney have him testify at all? Sounds like a mistake. \_ His attorney didnt. Hans did. Hans threatened to fire his attorney. I guess his attorney relented. Hans is dumb. \_ jury thought he lured his wife to his house, with the children, on a weekend when he wasn't scheduled to see the children. also there are some interesting ways to interpret 'with pre meditated motive'. you don't have to plan your crime for days and days beforehand. - danh \_ Doesn't that seem flimsy? Is that premedidation beyond reasonable doubt? \_ I thought first degree was a bit excessive, but he did annoy the crap out of the jury. He should have stayed off the stand. \_ "Hey Nina come on over so I can whack you dead, bury you out in nowhere and lie my way into jail!" It was very clearly first degree. After he killed her he gave a zillion different stupid stories on the stand, never said, "oh oops sorry, I killed her in a fit of rage because xyz" or anything else a reasonable person could believe. Justice was well served. \_ Reiser did all sorts of things which removed "reasonable" doubt. I believe the jury returned the correct verdict given the evidence. |
2008/5/6-9 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:49890 Activity:nil |
5/6 Will someone tell Hillary that our antitrust laws don't extend to foreign countries? \_ She made it clear that she would allow common citizens to sue and get them at the WTO, etc. \- hillary isnt the SOA on this: http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=s110-879 of course it would be interesting to see other countries deciding US pushed IP regimes dont apply in their domain. --psb |
2008/4/27-5/4 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:49844 Activity:nil |
4/27 Let's say I'm someone famous and SNL/Mad TV keeps making fun of me like it does with all famous people. Let's say it is outrageous and they portray me as a child molester in my Santa Barbara mansion. At what point can I sue SNL/Mad TV for libel? \_ Never, see Falwell vs. Hustler. \_ If you can sue media for libel, South Park wouldn't be airing would it? Nothing is as worse as South Park. \_ Except, possibly, your grammar. \_ whenever you feel like it. Of course, your suit will likely be thrown out of court and you'll be wasting lawyer dollars. |
2008/2/14-18 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49144 Activity:moderate |
2/14 good reiser trial blog http://www.jaygaskill.com/blog1 \_ His defense seems to center around "my wife went to russia". Can't he hire someone in Russia to find her and take some pictures of her at lunch or something? \_ OJ is still looking for Nicole's killers \_ Well, without a body can there really be a crime? Yes, but there's a huge element of doubt introduced. \_ People get convicted of murder without the body sometimes. I bet it'll be a mistrial \_ Sure they do, but it makes it really tough. \_ If he takes the stand, he'll be found guilty. If he doesn't, he'll probably get a hung jury. -tom \_ There's no body but he's claiming she fled to russia. The case will be dropped instantly if he could prove that. It makes me suspicious that we haven't heard a single thing about investigating his claims she's living there now. \_ He's just saying that he has no idea where she is and that she may have gone there. How do you investigate that? It's hard enough to find someone in the US. \_ If she's there where she has family and other roots she shouldn't be that hard to find. It isn't the heart of Africa. \_ Unless you think Nina's family are masters of manipulation, it's pretty clear her side of the family thinks she's dead. I guess she could have accepted her new job, gotten groceries, taken the battery out of her cell phone, THEN hopped skipped and jumped to a secret hole in Russia and resolved to never talk to her beloved children again. Oh yeah this is after she planted her blood, and Hans' blood, on the stairport of Hans' house. Remember Nina hasn't lived in that house in over a year. \_ It's hard to find someone who doesn't want to be found. Thats my point. If she's just living a normal life there then sure. \_ Unless you think Nina's family are masters of manipulation, it's pretty clear her side of the family thinks she's dead. I guess she could have accepted her new job, gotten groceries, taken the battery out of her cell phone, THEN hopped skipped and jumped to a secret hole in Russia and resolved to never talk to her beloved children again. Oh yeah this is after she planted her blood, and Hans' blood, on the stairport of Hans' house. Remember Nina hasn't lived in that house in over a year. \_ Actually, the way it went down was that ext3 was feeling the heat from reiserfs so it ordered a combo hit/frame-up on the Reisers. Nina was killed and Hans was framed so that reiserfs would wither and ext3 could go on try to take over the world. \_ From what I know I think he killed her. I'm just saying that if his defense is that she's is Russia, how much effort has he put into finding her? Seems kinda important, no? |
2007/11/21-27 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:48675 Activity:kinda low |
11/21 The USSC granted Certiorari in DC v. Heller (the DC gun control case in which the DC Cir. held that the 2d amend confers a personal right to keep and bear arms): http://tinyurl.com/2ybkhz (nytimes.com) The SCOTUSBlog discussion for this case is here: http://tinyurl.com/36ou5y (scotusblog.com) [For those who asked me to update the motd on how I did on the CA bar, I passed!] \_ Yeah? Congrats? Who are you? \_ ranga@soda \_ Do you have an Innnndian accent? \_ Grats! That's cool because we had a shortage of lawyers. \_ That's great! Obviously, this world needs more lawyers! \_ [Congrats! What kind of law are you planning to do?] \_ I'm working at a firm that mostly handles patent cases. \_ Right now, I'm working at a firm that mostly handles patent cases. \_ Are you making more money than you used to? Working more or less hours? -ausman \_ I am making quite a bit more money. My hours are about the same as when I was a coder. |
2007/11/2-4 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:48521 Activity:nil |
11/2 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071102/lf_nm_life/usa_highways_sleep_dc '"Maggie's Law," is named after a 20-year-old college student, Maggie McDonnell, who was killed by a drowsy driver in 1997. The driver admitted to being awake for 30 hours after smoking crack cocaine. His lawyer successfully argued that there was no law in the state against falling asleep at the wheel. The judge barred the jury from considering the driver's sleep deprivation as a factor in the crash. He was fined $200.' Two-hundred dollars for killing someone. WTF? \_ Names named after innocent girls are always stupid \_ yeah.. like yer-mom \_ Laws named after innocent girls are always stupid \_ Was she riding a bicycle or something? \_ This is stupid. What if it was not due to drowsiness, but just accidential? The driver made a mistake? How can he possibily be off by just paying $200? So next time I hit someone I'll just say I am sleepy and that's it? America is great isn't it? At least in China you get executed. -troll \_ Let me guess, no general "driving under the influence" law, just a "driving while ETOH intoxicated" law? |
2007/10/15-17 [Reference/Law/Court, Reference/RealEstate] UID:48317 Activity:kinda low |
10/15 2 blocks of my neighborhood were completely blocked and there were police all over the apartment unit next to mine. They blocked everyone and they wouldn't even let residents nearby go in/out of the street! We were locked down for maybe 2.5 hours-- I was starving, and almost peed in my pants. Is the lock down even LEGAL??? Can I sue the police for creating disturbance? Anyways rumor has it that there were shootings and some people got killed. As I'm searching local news online I couldn't find any reported incidents. Are there other places to find crime data and details of the police report? -just got a pepper spray \_ I hope you are trolling the motd for amusement. In my heart I hope to G-d none of my fellow sodans are this dumb. I hope to God none of my fellow sodans are this dumb. \_ Do you live in Oakland? \_ You don't have a toilet in your apartment bathroom? \_ In order to sue, you'd have to prove that the police were not acting in accordance with their duty at the time. If there were shootings and people got killed, your odds of doing so are slim to none. \_ Great idea, sue the police for trying to stop shootings in your neighborhood. \_ There was a shooting and you bought... pepper spray. Okey dokey! \_ You did't see the "Talk about bringing a gun to a knife fight:" article in that other thread above? -- !OP |
2007/7/14-16 [Computer/SW/Security, Reference/Law/Court] UID:47292 Activity:nil |
7/13 Another good Conservative railroaded by Fitzgerald: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/1865420/posts |
2007/7/13-14 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:47275 Activity:moderate |
7/13 "Under the president's reasoning, any while-collar defendant should receive no jail time, regardless of the reprehensibility of the crime." U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White, a Bush appointee, said before sentencing attorney Troy Ellerman to prison. DAMN LIBERAL JUDGES!!!!! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/07/13/BAGR7QVVIF1.DTL&type=printable \_ I was confused when reading that in the paper today. I couldn't figure out why the judge would bring up Scooter while sentencing someone. I mean I can see why, but legally... it shouldn't matter. \_ Eh, please read more carefully? The defense lawyer cited the commutation in asking for a lighter sentence. \_ Because Bush explicitly said that the sentance was too high. That was his rational. Not that the crime wasn't exactly as the prosecution claimed but that jail time was too much for the crime. Therefore jail time should be too much for someone else charged with the same crime, no? \- i just want to point out this is bullshit ... kinda like when MSFT wanted to pay a fine in donated software. ------------------------------------------------------- White gave Ellerman until Sept. 13 to report to prison. He did not impose a fine, saying it would be a hardship for Ellerman's family, but ordered the attorney to give talks at 10 California law schools about "the importance of being a fair and honest advocate" in the three-year period after his release. ------------------------------------------------------- 1. i dont want an ethics lecture from a criminal 2. he will probably put "lectured at X law school" on his resume 3. this is hardly unpleasant work 4. he should have to do something involving a a orange jumpsuit and used chewing gum. \_ He still has to go to jail for 2 years doesn't he? |
2007/7/7-8 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:47208 Activity:nil |
7/6 21ST CENTURY CATCH-22 Journalists: "We've been spied on by the feds, we're gonna sue!" Federal Court: "Sorry, you have no standing, your case is thrown out." Journalists: "What do you mean, no standing?" Federal Court: "You can't prove you were wiretapped." Journalists: "But it's a secret program!" Federal Court: Sorry, ask the white house." White House: "We're sorry, we can't give you that information." Journalists: "But then how can we prove we were harmed by your illegal program?" White House: "You were saying?" |
2007/7/6-10 [Health, Reference/Law/Court] UID:47198 Activity:kinda low |
7/6 FREE CLARENCE AARON: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/snitch/cases/aaron.html \_ Yes, because an interview with a convicted criminal is never one-sided. \_ the first time offender got 3 consecutive life terms for being a middle man in 1 drug deal. Do you really think that's fair? \_ Who are you responding to? \_ Or so he claims. \_ even if he personally inserted cocaine into the noses of 80 school children, do you think he should get life without parole? \_ Given that we don't know the whole story, I have no idea what the proper penalty should be. \_ There's a link on that page to a prosecutor's comment and explanation of the case and sentence. still seems just a little harsh. \_ And you didn't post the link why? \_ Pure laziness actually. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/snitch/cases/clark.html http://urltea.com/xgd (pbs.org) I dont like mandantory anything. \_ I don't see anything from the prosecutor. But at any rate there's a lengthy interview with the defense attorney there. Still the same side of the story. \_ Screw the circumstances, if he personally inserted coke into the noses of 80 school children, the answer is YES, he should get life without parole, first-time \_ I was joking... \_ Aaaaand? offender or not. Some things are just beyond the pale. As for the current situation, well, that's a different matter. |
2007/7/5 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:47183 Activity:nil |
7/5 hi. motd liberal here. if bush commuted this guy's sentence, i will immediately convert to the cause of gwbush conservatism. no fooling. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/snitch/cases/aaron.html \_ "So one particular day, my friend Robert called me at Louisiana to ask me, could I introduce the two parties? I said, 'Yes.' He say, 'Well, if you can introduce us, I'll get you fifteen hundred dollars, if you can introduce us we can come to some type of agreement.' I said, 'Oh, I have no problem with that.'" Um, sounds like he may have known more than he claims. \_ i think he's guilty. he says he's guilty. guilty guilty guilty. do you really think deserves life in prison? we're talking life here. he's not getting paroled. he will die in prison. |
2007/6/25-28 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:47067 Activity:nil |
6/26 Students have freedom of speech unless they want to talk to about bad stuff, says Supreme Court http://www.cnn.com/2007/LAW/06/25/free.speech/index.html |
2007/5/22-24 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:46723 Activity:nil |
5/22 Identical Twins sleep with the same woman, neither wants to pay child support. http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/LegalCenter/story?id=3195632&page=1 \_ "Look, she had a bunch of girlfriends to the rodeo and they got drunk and she went banging on Raymon's door trying to have sex," Copeland said. "He says he did reluctantly.but I can't imagine it was reluctantly . and that's when the baby was conceived I guess." That doesn't sound like judge-talk to me. She just handed down a ruling, and she ended her commend with "I guess." \_ It sounds like Judge Judy! \_ You ever been in a court? It sounds just like a judge. And I mean a real court, not watched it on TV. \_ I've only been to the Small Claims Court in Oakland once. But the defendant didn't show up, so I won by default and the judge didn't really need to explain his ruling. |
2007/5/11-14 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Visa, Reference/Law/Court] UID:46590 Activity:nil |
5/11 http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,271438,00.html Authorities charge 28 in South Carolina of arranging phony marriages to help foreigners evade immigration laws |
2007/4/12-15 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:46272 Activity:nil |
4/12 http://www.cnn.com/2007/LAW/04/11/cooper.transcript/index.html I knew it! Duke players innocent. This will teach colored people a lesson that you can't use the race card all the time. -someone pissed about oj's trial \_ Uhm, yeah whatever. It was pretty clear the prosecution's case was flawed in the first few months. Your last line about 'teaching' people is weak trolling. Try again some other time. Or just don't. \_ O.J. Simpson vs. Scott Peterson. |
2007/4/2-3 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:46176 Activity:nil |
4/2 USSC denies cert. in Gitmo habeas appeals; lets D.C. Cir. get first crack. http://urltea.com/3ay (scotusblog.com) |
2007/4/2-3 [Reference/Law/Court, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:46175 Activity:nil |
4/2 Are you a gadget freak? Do you know a gadget freak? The US District Court is looking for a gadgeteer to supervise just about any device not attached to a desk. Listing here: /csua/pub/jobs/courtroom_tech_spec E-mail me with questions. --erikred |
2007/3/31-4/6 [Reference/Law/Court, Computer/SW/Security] UID:46167 Activity:nil |
3/31 Anti-plagarism service sued for copyright infringement: http://urltea.com/321 (washingtonpost.com) \- hello if you are interested ... really interested ... I have put the complaint at: http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Ephemeral/TurnItIn-complaint.pdf \_ Thanks. \_ Am I the only one who really doesn't like TurnItIn but really hope they win because of what it might mean for fair use rights? |
2007/3/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Reference/Law/Court] UID:46134 Activity:moderate |
3/28 Attorneys fired for performance, not political reasons? It depends on what "performance" means: "The distinction between 'political' and 'performance-related' reasons for removing a United States attorney is, in my view, largely artificial" -Kyle Sampson, chief of staff to Gonzales http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/03/28/fired.attorneys.ap/index.html \_ The administrations can define the meaning of any words in the language as needed. For example, "sex". \_ Yes, clearly the incompetence and corruption of the current administration is the fault of Clinton's penis. \_ The only crime taking place is the political stupidity of the admin who should hav come out on day 1 and said, "We fired them because we can, tough shit" and walked away. At least KS is finally, but too late, sort of kind of saying it. \_ There is a reason they lied about it in the first place and I am kind of surprised that you don't understand why. |
2007/3/27-29 [Reference/Law/Court, Reference/Military] UID:46107 Activity:kinda low |
3/26 "I support the First Amendment right to carry and bear arms," - Rudy Giuliani, on Sean Hannity's radio show. \_ Are there any other ultra-dense cities in the world where it is legal to carry guns? \_ Maybe he's trying to make the point that the pen is mightier than the sword! \_ only if said pen is stuck into the neck \- how would you like a pencil in your neck? get off bob dole's lawn. --bdole \_ ??? \_ Thus far, the D.C. Cir. has little company in its holding that the 2d enumerates two rights, one for the states re militias, and one for the people. But no court has held that this this personal right is incorporated against the states. Maybe "Rudy" thinks the personal right would get more mileage in the courts if one were to claim that it was based on associational freedoms, "free exercise" rights (particularly if one was a sikh) or "expressive" political speech rights, all of which receive strict scrutiny and are incorporated against the states via the 14th. Or he just misspoke 1st for 2d. \_ "Rudy" misspoke? Anyway.... If the USSC rules that the 2nd does mean 'personal right' to carry a weapon, will you accept that or come back and complain that BUSH's court has destroyed the USC? \_ If my comments conveyed the message that I believe the D.C. Cir. incorrectly decided that the 2d enumerates a personal right and a state right, I apologize. I think that the D.C. Cir. correctly decided that the 2d enumerates a personal right. I would completely support a USSC decision finding that (1) the 2d enumerates a personal right; and (2) this right was incorporated against the states via the 14th. Finding a personal right w/o incorporation is, in my view, insufficient b/c the states would remain free to regulate arms. Since the 7th's jury trial in civil cases hasn't been incorporated, conceivably the 2d's personal right may not be either. \_ Thanks for clarifying. |
2007/3/26-28 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/GradSchool] UID:46097 Activity:nil |
3/26 Alberto Gonzalez just keeps on lying. Now I personally think that NO ONE should be surprised that the bush administration has been firing US Attorneys for politically motivated reasons. It's just the sort of thing they would do. Yawn. I wonder why Gonzalez gives new and exciting reasons for it all happening every day. His masters should tell him to quit talking to the press. |
2007/3/26-29 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:46095 Activity:low |
3/26 33-year-old senior counsel to AG Gonzales takes the fifth http://tinyurl.com/2358nr (washingtonpost.com) \- how long before immunity offer? you know the republic is in trouble when the president's lawyer's lawyer has a lawyer.--psb \_ The AG is not the President's lawyer, more like the countries. \- not this AG. i forgot who said this but one reasonable media commentator said somthing along the lines when ALBERTO went from the white house to the DoJ, his office changed but his job didnt. and it's "country's". \_ "between 1981 and 2006, only five of 486 U.S. attorneys who served in those 25 years have been fired before their terms expired, and none were fired for political reasons." http://www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2007/03/22/attorneys \- for the nth time, this case is not about a "statistical" argument [beyond the prima facie "firings are very rare".] this is because we KNOW the details of each (most) individual case. for example nobody is bringing up the SF dood because it is well established he was leem. you use statistical args when for some reason you cant see inside the process ... like say in a venire/population that is 30% black and one DA over the last 20 trials has 1% black jury members due to his use of peremptories ... which one the one hand, he doesnt have to "explain" but on the other hand he cannot throw off somebody "only" because of race [BATSON v KY]. or say other cases of discrimination where there is no per case paper trail ... e.g. men and women are evaluted differently for promotion ... and there is no memo saying "grade women harder". if there is a statistical argument, it is in the classifications of this class of united states attorneies [where patrick fitzgerals was given a mediocre grade, others were given good grade that changed suddenly etc] |
2007/3/23-27 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:46078 Activity:nil |
3/23 "WASHINGTON - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales approved plans to fire several U.S. attorneys in a November meeting, according to documents released Friday that contradict earlier claims that he was not closely involved in the dismissals." http://www.philly.com/philly/hp/news_update/20070323_ap_documentsshowgonzalesokdfirings.html |
2007/3/21-26 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:46039 Activity:nil |
3/21 One of the fired US Attorney's tells his side of the story: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/21/opinion/21iglesias.html |
2007/3/15-17 [Consumer/CellPhone, Reference/Law/Court] UID:45981 Activity:nil |
3/15 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2007/03/15/national/a072741D41.DTL Spann's father, Gary Spann, told The Sacramento Bee in 2005 his daughter routinely called the girl a "devil child," and she belonged to a cult that worshipped the late rapper Tupac Shakur as the reincarnation of the 16th century political philosopher Machiavelli. She also was upset because her daughter kept getting out of bed and interrupting a telephone conversation, according to the court filings. |
2007/3/13-15 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:45961 Activity:nil |
3/13 More on the BUSHCO US attorney fiasco: http://preview.tinyurl.com/b76k6 (boston.com) |
2007/2/8-11 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Court] UID:45687 Activity:high 61%like:45690 |
2/8 Okay, weird but true: RIP Anna Nicole Smith http://preview.tinyurl.com/3dm4p5 (cnn.com) \_ Weird? More like not altogether surprising. -dans \_ I was shocked. I miss her. \_ Her child is being sold on ebay! \_ I would probably die too if Howard Stern was my boyfriend. \_ That attorney looks pretty decent on TV. \_ Actually, I was confused. I thought Howard Stern her boyfriend was the same as Howard Stern the radio guy. So I slammed the wrong Howard Stern. \_ The only weird thing is it took this long. \_ No one will remember her in 50 years. \_ No one will download her in 50 years. \_ I wanted to download into her. |
2007/2/6-11 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Court] UID:45669 Activity:nil |
2/6 Amusing op-ed on the early responses to the Duke rape case. (Has kind of a "where are they now?" feel) http://www.weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/013/190uejex.asp \_ Is it good or intentionally amusing? I don't want to by chance pollute my mind with the Weekly Standard. \_ Good, I guess. It's kind of a well reaseached rant. Good if you were/are really annoyed with the lynch mob that formed around that case, but you could probably pick it apart if you felt like it. \_ Like some of the people we saw posting about it right here? \_ It's pretty good. It's not brilliant, but the general point is solid. It may push some people's buttons. -niloc \_ Long, tendentious and tedious, like most Weekly Standard articles. \_ I agree. I much prefer 5 second sound bites, too. |
2006/12/20-23 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Court] UID:45481 Activity:high |
12/20 Georgia kid gets 10 years for getting a bj from a 15 yo when he was 17. No parole plus sexual offender registration. http://www.csua.org/u/hr9 \_ IMHO 10 years is too much, given that the age of consent in Georgia is 16. I wonder if that's even longer than some adult rape sentensings there. \_ The point is, why is it even a crime? \_ Who pressed charges? The girl's parents? If so, they are despicable. \_ The people who made the law are despicable. \_ What's the problem with the law? It protects minors from abuse. What I want to know is how he got convicted. \_ Way to ruin a life morons. \_ I bet the girl was white. Our lily white daughter befouled by this colored boy!? Guilty! \- if BILLARY wins, he may get a presidntial pardon! are any of the sex fiend teachers having relations with students cases in GA? |
2006/11/14-25 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:45340 Activity:nil |
11/14 http://www.forbes.com/home/feeds/ap/2006/11/13/ap3170519.html Immigrants charged with being terror suspects may be held indefinitely, with no right to challenge their detention. |
2006/10/18-23 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:44858 Activity:nil |
10/18 Hi sodans. I'm thinking of getting married to my h07 42n ch1x gf. After we get married, I want to convert her to a PR (green card). A lawyer is charging $1,500 for this plus $935 to the government, for a total of $2,435. Process takes 4-6 months. Does this all sound about right? Thanks. (The URL below mentions $500 for lawyer fees and $50 for a do-it-yourself kit.) http://www.usavisanow.com/immigrationservicesprices.htm \_ Why the hell do you need a Lawyer for this? Especially if she's here and you are marrying her. There's 0 probability of this being denied, short of her being a terrorist. So just file the paperwork yourself, it's not that complicated. You graduated from Berkeley and can't figure out how to file some INS paperwork?? Save the $1500 on something else. I know a place that will do this a lot cheaper in Mountain View, probably $300-$400. I'll post it tomorrow if you want it. \- some of the INS paperwork is crazy. it's not a matter of cleverness but recordkeeping and dilligence. i mean the ask thinks like "list every time you have left the country with dates" and "list ever law enforcement event including all (non-parking) tickets, with dates". so some of that's almost impossible to get 100% correct. \_ Partha, how many "law enforcement events" have you had? And c'mon, you don't keep track of when you're in and out of the country? Mexico doesn't count. \- i guess the INS/DHS probably doesnt know about the "you, i know" episode with the campus police. those are not the first words you want to hear from a cop. it also seriously freaks out any of the other people you are with. \_ thanks, fyi, the $1,500 lawyer is in cerritos, and another couple used them. i also figured i could just spend $ on the govt filing fees (which I tabulate to $190 I-130 + $395 I-485 = $585), but I wasn't certain. -op \_ I-130, so she's not here. The place I used charged me about $200-300 for filing the initial paperwork. Afterwards I did all the follow-up paperwork myself, no big deal. Makes me wonder if I should've paid the $200 in the first place, but it's only $200. \_ she just graduated on F-1 and will be working on OPT in the U.S. for at least ten months. don't i still need to file an I-130 to establish the spousal relationship? \_ I don't know. I thought I-130 is for spouse who is not here. But I am no expert. I'll post the place I used tomorrow. \_ My wife and I just finished the process, including lifting the conditional PR (married in late 2002). It did require diligence and chasing the INS at various points, but I didn't think that it required a lawyer, just good record-keeping and thoroughness. Don't ever believe anything they tell you, though, to some extent - every person we ever talked to at INS (phone or in person) would tell us something completely different. Glad it's over. One benefit at the time was that we could still go in in person (Sacramento), so my wife had work authorization from day one under the new status. You can email me if you have specific questions - mds \_ thanks for all the advice, everybody. fyi, the process seems to be much quicker these days. The $1,500 lawyer got that SoCal couple I know the PR card for the grad student / non-citizen spouse in about four months from the initial time of filing I believe. I hope it will be just as quick w/o the lawyer. -op |
2006/10/17-18 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:44849 Activity:nil |
10/17 http://csua.org/u/h8f (washingtonpost.com) Ken Lay gets the last laugh: By dying with pending appeals, his convictions are vacated and all litigants will need to sue the estate via civil action |
2006/10/12 [Reference/Law/Court, Recreation/Humor] UID:44803 Activity:high 80%like:44802 |
10/12 HANS: http://tinyurl.com/jlbjp (geekz.co.uk) \_ I find these in poor taste and, worse, unfunny. |
2006/10/12 [Recreation/Humor, Reference/Law/Court] UID:44802 Activity:nil 80%like:44803 |
10/12 HANS: http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/so-i-married-a-kernel-programmer |
2006/10/1-3 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:44617 Activity:low |
10/1 Is it illegal to tape someone without their knowledge? And if so, why? \_ In some states, yes. As for why, I'd assume for privacy? \_ No. Just ask George W. Bush and Albert Gonzales. \_ No. But if you surreptitiously tape a conversation without the other person's consent, although the act itself is not illegal, that evidence is not admissible in court. Unless you are a law enforcement officer, and it's part of an undercover sting. \_ OK, that's *exactly* what I was trying to determine. Why is that? The best way to get an admission out of someone is without their knowing it's being recorded; so why is it inadmissible? -op \_ Thank Linda Tripp. Following Monica-gate, several states passed or strengthened existing laws governing wiretapping without express permission. This is why your phone company tells you that your help call may be recorded for quality assurance. \_ Reference, please. Most sources I've seen say that it's illegal, period. \_ You can tape them, just not a phone conversation with them. |
2006/9/27 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:44562 Activity:nil 66%like:44561 |
9/27 Anne Nicole Smith got fucked by her left-wing socialist attorney. HA HA HA HA HA \_ Is Anne N. S. the same person as Anna N. S. the Playboy Playmate? \_ It gets better ... Her attorney is Howard Stern! \_ She just had a baby a few weeks ago. She can already resume intercourse? |
2006/9/12-15 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:44360 Activity:nil |
9/12 USPTO Trademark attorney cites 10 MB of pr0n as evidence to reject a trademark filing: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/0911061uspto1.html |
2006/8/24-28 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:44140 Activity:nil |
8/24 Can someone please summarize what the Mesothelioma lawsuit is about and why it is such a big deal? \_ asbestos + lawsuit money + govt plan to enforce settlementsa \_ Nothing. Just another plan for mediocre law school grads to try and make a quick buck. They advertise on late-night TV; try to make a quick buck. They advertise on late-night TV; that should clue you in. \_ How do I qualify for it? |
2006/8/10-14 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:43958 Activity:nil |
8/10 Martinez murder, the weirdest part is the todo list http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/08/08/MNG3IKD9Q45.DTL \_ Nicole Brown Simpson's "real killers" strike again. -Mark Fuhrman |
2006/7/13-18 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:43660 Activity:nil |
7/13 http://www.usatoday.com/news/pdf/plame_lawsuit.pdf Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson sue Libby, Rove, Cheney, + John Doe's for retaliatory action under color of federal law for the exercise of free speech |
2006/7/12-18 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Court] UID:43646 Activity:nil |
7/12 http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/people/features/6280/index.html How did an Orthodox Jewish lawyer and family man fall so hard for a Scores stripper that he invited her to his kids' bar mitzvahs? \_ this is from Aug 2002? Is this apropos of anythign in in particular?? \_ Sounds like a story for link:ihatestrippers.com \_ Is going to strip clubs really that common a business practice? \_ Unless you're gay or a religious person, yes. That's how the world works to close big deals. No string sex or no deal, take your pick. \_ I read the article and noticed that it's incredibly similar to a Law & Order CI rerun that I watched recently, right down to the really small details (except there was a murder involved in the tv show). Is it legal for a show to take a story like this and make it into an episode? can they still claim that "any similarity to persons living or dead" is just a coincidence? |
2006/7/11-12 [Reference/Law, Reference/Law/Court] UID:43638 Activity:nil |
7/10 Scientists Question Nature's Fundamental Laws - Yahoo! News: http://www.csua.org/u/geg |
2006/5/25-28 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:43188 Activity:kinda low |
5/25 Ken Lay convicted on all 6 counts (conspiracy to commit wire/securities fraud, wire+securities fraud). Jeffrey Skilling convicted on 19 of 28 counts (conspiracy to commit wire/securities fraud, securities fraud, making false statements, 1 out of 10 counts of insider trading). Judge separately finds Lay guilty on all 4 counts of bank fraud. \_ http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12973712 Conviction of Enron's founder marks another dark moment in the Bush era. The jurors took a chain saw to the moral claims of the Texas-based corporate culture that had helped fuel the rise to power of President George W. Bush. \- you know just the the prosecution did in the enron case, it is better to stick to your strong claims when making a case than dilluting it with iffy claims. invading a country on false pretenses, shooting the us reputation in the foot by torturing people, dispensing with separation of powers, and putting us on the road to plutocracy is enough to hang on BUSHCO. \_ obviously, Kenneth Lay is a bad CEO. A good and effective CEO would have bribed the judge and jury and kept its shareholders happy. That's the job of a CEO. Even Al Capone would have done better than Kenneth Lay. \_ Maybe the judge gave erroneous instructions to the jury, and the case will be thrown out two years later \- some commentators seem to think the jury is really solid, and by example use the fact that they acquitted SKILLING on many counts, suggesting they were carefully assessing the evidence in teh cases they voted to convict, rather than having some kind of shutgun approach. \- commentators feel the jury in this case was pretty careful. the use the fact that SKILLING was acquitted on quite a few counts to suggest they were deliberate in their findings rather than doing things in a shotgun manner. \_ it doesn't matter how competent the jury was if they were given erroneous instructions from the judge. the supreme court will agree unanimously to throw out the case if it happened in the same way as: \_ it doesn't matter how competent the jury was if the judge, uh, innocently gave the jury the wrong instructions http://csua.org/u/fzu (Wash Post) \- sure it could happen but if ever you believe the but there are reasons to believe the jury this time was "better than average" rather than worse than average. i dont know if the appeals based on judge's instructions look more like "per se" or "rule of reason" type violations [do you have to hit some fuckup threashold or is it purely technical] but there is one view from HPITT, the former SEC chief: fuckup threashold or is it purely technical]. here is one view from HPITT, the former SEC chief: http://csua.org/u/fzx ok tnx. ok tnx. i think the real outrage in a sense is it seems clear those two illegal CEOs will go to a cushy prison rather than weekly beatings/ sodomy/hepatitis/hiv+ prison. ok tnx. \_ For many centuries, greedy big oppressive imperialistic penises who have absolute control of the institutions they inherited, altered the lives of many that they touched for worse. Case in point, American Natives, Blacks, Indians, Asians, Iraqis, Arabs, etc, all for what? The bottom line-- PROFIT. They raised profits without regard to humanity, by bringing drugs (opium, alcohol), diseases (blankets with smallpox), prejudice (Manifest Destiny), greed, humiliation to non-whites, and other evils of humanity. They implemented regime change to pillage resources like oil, they broke up tribes and families for cotton labor, they forced people to follow their religions, they rewrote text books that glorified the white race, so on and so forth. It's about time these white oppressive imperialists pay for what they and their ancestors have done for centuries. In short, I'm very very happy with the outcome of the trial. I hope it is one of the many trials to come. Down with all evil white hypocrits like GWB. Equality and justice for all!!! \_ white, jblack is, but small penis, he has. what say you? \_ You know, this sounds like an insane rant... except, it's, well, true. \_ There is no need to apologize for our actions. The only thing true is that this is written by an angry minority. \_ All this and still the best, sanest, society created. \_ History is written by the victors, and you seem to \_ History is written by the victors (written by the victors dipping their large white penises in ink), and you seem to know your history well. \_ Yep, study history so you can be the victors. Otherwise, you're dead (or maybe a slave). \_ Thanks. I'm trying my best. I've been educating people on why we should oppress evil white men and the movement is growing strong. Wish me luck! -pp \_ Are you that naive? Do you like what you have? I mean think about it. There are so many resources in the world. You knew it was dog-eat-dog growing up. And you complain and complain and complain? What has all that leftist crap brought to the world? Nothing. What has all this greed and evil brought? Sure some profit more than others. But geez! \_ somebody has a tiny little penis. \_ Agreed. It is a God given right and our destiny to get land, lumber, and petroleum. If little people happen to get in the way, it is our duty to use our God given powers to re-educate them. \_ perfect is the enemy of best. \_ Next stop: pound me in the ass prison \_ Like hell. They go to min. security pound-me-in-the-chessboard "prison" \_ Cool. When is their public hanging? \_ "As I told him, we've just begun to fight" -Skilling's lawyer |
2006/5/19-25 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:43120 Activity:nil |
5/19 http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/05/18/gym.bribes.ap Teacher pleaded guilty for taking $1-a-day bribes. Result: three years probation, pay back, and 300 hours of community service. |
2006/5/17-22 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:43082 Activity:nil |
5/16 Sowell on the Duke rape case http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/thomassowell/2006/05/17/197673.html \_ I don't see anything wrong with any of his points; they just come down to the truth of what really happened. That opening quote from the "young man at NCCU" really is reprehensible. Whether this is as much of a shared attitude as Sowell claims is another matter. \_ I guess you've read "Bonfire of the Vanities" -John \_ I like how he conflates one idiotic statement by one stupid college student with the attitude of the entire civil rights leadership. \_ that's a pretty common pundit tactic these days. \_ When I get bored I leap to the defense of scummy rich white guys from Duke who run around raping black women. \_ allegedly raping... or maybe we should skip the whole trial? \_ Was the victim attractive? \_ She was dressed in a provacative manner! \_ Remember, strippers' testimony isn't worth as much as that of "normal people" \_ No, but getting your story straight is important. |
2006/5/12-16 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:43037 Activity:nil |
5/12 http://csua.org/u/fu5 (Wash Post) Votes for death for Moussaoui were 11-1, 10-2, 10-2 on three death- penalty eligible charges. On the 11-1 vote, jury foreman says the reason for the life in prison vote was never put forth by the dissenter for discussion by the group despite repeated attempts to draw out a reason. \_ I think he's a delusional whack job who did not personally bomb the WTC. he probably wanted to really badly. is that reason enough to improsin him for life ? \_ Yes. Isolating dangeous people from society is one of the big responsibilites of the government. Just because the reason you're crazy is that you're delusional doesn't make you any less dangeous. reason you're dangerous is that you're delusional doesn't make you any less dangerous. \_ So? I'm actually glad to hear you don't have to provide reasons for a decision like this. \_ In a jury room they are supposed to. That's what they're there for. Otherwise we might as well roll dice or draw cards. \_ I thought you had to supply reasons _for_ voting for the death penalty, not against? Or do we have mandatory death penalty for big enough offenses now? I thought it was always a choice between life imprisonment and the whack for murder 1, sufficiently bad treason, terrorism and a very few others, with the jury given the ability to choose between the two if the prosecution asks for the death penalty? -John \_ I'll clarify: I believe the jury should be discussing all their options and everything presented in the case before them before reaching a decision. It sounds like one juror was unwilling to perform their full duty while the other 10-11 tried very hard to do so. If the juror simply didn't believe in the DP then they shouldn't have been allowed on a potential DP trial, but since they didn't speak up we will never know why they voted the way they \_ Ah okay, "should". My question was more, is there a legal requirement for them to justify their vote against the DP lest the judge declare a mistrial or something? -John \_ I don't believe there's a strict legal requirement. As jurors they have a lot of latitude in what and how they deliberate. See "jury nullification". Even so, I still feel they *should* have even if they probably weren't strictly legally required to. \- the term you are looking for is "death qualified" it is constitiional to require jury members be open to capital pushisment in captial cases but that is not a requirement. i dont know if the prosecution asks on a case by case basis during vore dire "we want a death certified jury" or if it is mandated in certain jurisdictions automatically under certain circumstances ... like can you ask for a death certified jury if you are still open to negotiating if you will go for life or death penalty? this is relevant because there have been some studies whether death qualfied juries are more pro-prosecution ... in which case they would want a DQ jury even in a non-capital case. while jury nullification means the jurors never have to give an explanation, they actually can be quite limited in how they negotiate ... like they cant find for a lesser charge unless it is offered to them, and in some cases judges have done things like turned down requests for a dictionary etc. i dont remember the USSC cases on this but no doubt you can find them on the WEEB once you have the right term. did, if there was any reason at all, good, bad, or otherwise. In some sense I feel justice has been robbed. I'd much prefer if they had participated fully in deliberations and it went 12-0 against the DP than 11-1 or 10-2 for, but not knowing. My cynical side says to look for the book hype from juror #12 in the next few weeks. \_ I dunno, my analysis is that the lone standout may have been afraid of getting outed as the one voting against death, and subsequently getting screwed by dumb Americans in terms of privacy, success, and happiness for the rest of his or her natural life. How many 9/11's are there? \_ Fame is fame. If I was the hold out I'd be making mega bucks with in 3 months. No one famous was ever held back by anything but their own stupidity. Look at Hollywood. There are oodles of rich and famous people, many of whom have no talent, education, or anything else going for them, yet there they are. \_ So to summarize: You say maybe it's a book deal, I say maybe the guy's afraid, you say if you were the holdout you'd be making a book deal ... \_ You may wish to read about the case of the United States successful bioinformatics researcher by day / Islamic intellectual by night Ali al-Tamimi. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Al-Tamimi - danh |
2006/5/7-10 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:42968 Activity:nil |
5/7 NIA Deputy Director General Michael Hayden: No probable cause mentioned in the 4th Amendment. Easily refuted. http://monkeydyne.com/lj/probable_cause.mov \_ Probable cause applies to warrants. You can search without a warrant, as long as it's reasonable, like when a police officer pats you down for weapons if he or she has a reasonable suspicion you might endanger them, orwhen Dubya says so. reasonable suspicion you might endanger them, or when Dubya says so. \_ ...also called probable cause. \_ do your homework: http://csua.org/u/fr5 (flexyourrights.org) \_ do your homework http://csua.org/u/fr5 (flexyourrights.org) http://csua.org/u/fr6 (findlaw.com) "Where a reasonably prudent officer is warranted in the circumstances of a given case in believing that his safety or that of others is endangered, he may make a reasonable search for weapons of the person believed by him to be armed and dangerous [392 U.S. 1, 3] regardless of whether he has probable cause to arrest that individual for crime or the absolute certainty that the individual is armed. (a) Though the police must whenever practicable secure a warrant to make a search and seizure, that procedure cannot be followed where swift action based upon on-the-spot observations of the officer on the beat is required. ..." This scheme is justified in part upon the notion that a 'stop' and a 'frisk' amount to a mere 'minor inconvenience and petty indignity,' which can properly be imposed upon the [392 U.S. 1, 11] citizen in the interest of effective law enforcement on the basis of a police officer's suspicion." Can't blame you for not knowing, though, since it took a Supreme Court challenge to resolve this ... in '68. \_ "5. Where a reasonably prudent officer is warranted in the circumstances of a given case in believing that his safety or that of others is endangered, he may make a reasonable search for weapons of the person believed by him to be armed and dangerous [392 U.S. 1, 3] regardless of whether he has probable cause to arrest that individual for crime or the absolute certainty that the individual is armed." Please to be pointing out where this applies to wiretaps. \_ "when Dubya says so" so, do you acknowledge you were wrong about "also called probable cause"? \_ Am more inclined to quibble endlessly with you about whether said "probable cause" in this case is the suspicious behavior of suspects, but suspect that we're of more similar than dissimilar mind. \_ eh, I've been kind of doing a Colbert thing, so you're right about that part. |
2006/5/3-4 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:42915 Activity:nil |
5/2 Zacarias Moussaoui verdict in 20 minutes (it's now 1:10PM, it'll be out at 1:30PM). What is your prediction? Death or life in prison? \_ Life. He didn't actually participate, and his role was minimal. Death if the jurors are stupid / weak-willed. I wouldn't be surprised if they vote for death just so they won't be outed as the juror who voted for life for a 9/11 terrorist. \_ 1:40PM LIFE!!! You're good. Let's play this game again. juror who voted for life for a 9/11 terrorist. I might do the same. \_ Thanks, but I also thought the jury wouldn't convict Scott Peterson. \_ The guy belongs in an asylum, but of course, we don't put people with deeply held, illogical religious convictions in asylums. We praise them as "people of faith". them as "people of faith" (or, if we don't agree with the beliefs, just call them "evil"). \_ It's okay to have faith and spiritual beliefs. Really. \_ Sure it is, as long as they don't cause you to make dangerous decisions because of an illogical spiritual conviction, like "I can fly" or "God wants me to lead this country to war" or "I will get 40 virgins in Heaven for this" \_ But those are just as valid as any other non-fact-based belief. Those beliefs are ok unless they aren't... well maybe they're just not ok. |
2006/4/6-7 [Computer/SW/Security, Reference/Law/Court] UID:42708 Activity:kinda low |
4/6 http://csua.org/u/fg6 (orlandosentinel.com) Lawyer for DHS ICE Operation Predator chief (who pleaded no contest to exposing sexual organs and disorderly conduct), says he could have won the case: "The victim's account is not credible, Phillips said, saying that if the teen could see 2 centimeters of flesh from 20 feet away when others sitting much closer to Figueroa didn't notice anything, 'she has the visual acuity of most birds of prey.'" \_ 2 centimeters? Now I feel sorry for the guy ... \_ It's not too hard to see 2cm at 20 feet distance. \_ He thinks the average juror Joe would know how long a centimeter is? \_ because clearly, 20 feet from someone is a safe distance to be masturbating. |
2006/4/6-7 [Reference/Law/Court, Recreation/Media] UID:42700 Activity:nil |
4/6 Netflix sues Blockbuster for patent infringement: http://tinyurl.com/qvqpw (reuters.com) |
3/14 |