3/15 |
2007/12/28-29 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48862 Activity:moderate |
12/28 So I just got my 4 month old puppy and for the past month have been working on getting him to not jump on guests. We've been practicing the "ask for permission" game where he would have to sit and look at me before going to other dogs/guests (this works well when your guests are cooperative). Well one day I went to this petstore and this lady came up to my puppy WITHOUT MY PERMISSION and started playing with him. This totally threw me off guard, and she started screaming "no jumping, no jumping. You need to train him. Here's my card, I'm a trainer." First she ruins my training, then she tells me I need to train my puppy. I can't believe she has the guts to give me her business card. What a bitch! Her name is Lori Ann Spagna, Los Angeles Westside. Ph 310-273-5600, lspagna@thepetstaff.com http://www.TrainMyCanine.com The front of her card says Dog Training, the back says The Pet Staff. Don't bother going there. \_ She is pretty hot though! http://www.trainmycanine.com/Images/spagna.jpg \_ Oh wait, maybe she was trying to get a date. SHIT I messed up. |
2007/11/21-27 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48681 Activity:nil |
11/21 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMXCuW9LDps&feature=related Why cats are so cute! |
2007/11/9-15 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48587 Activity:nil |
11/8 There it is, 9 dog breeds that bite the most. Boy, I hate dogs. I hate CHOW CHOWS esp., they're stupid and unlike many other dogs they'll bite without warnings. Chow chows are fit to be eaten but not fit as human companions. -i hate dog troller http://www.trivia-library.com/a/9-dog-breeds-that-bite-the-most.htm http://www.resource4dogbitelaw.com/viciousdogs.html \_ Poodle #3. THEre It IS, proof that poodles suck, not just chows \_ The best and smartest trail dog I've ever met was a chow mix. And in any case, they're smarter than you. -tom And in any case, they're smarter than you, kchang. -tom \_ That's because mixed dogs are smarter. Haven't you ever heard of gene shuffle, genetic vigor, and diversity? \_ That is why I married an Asian woman -white guy \_ Too bad that idea is false. \_ Too bad you're wrong. Google for hybrid vigor. Mixed species are beautiful and healthy. Case in point look at mixed Hollywood stars. \_ Fallacy. Case in point look at non-mixed Hollywood stars. They are stars because they are beautiful and healthy, not because they are "hybrids". They are not mixed species either, dummy. Look at some breeds of cats like Burmese. They are smarter than the average cat. Hybrid vigor is applied *when* a hybrid is more vigorous. It's not necessarily true that they always are. They simply can be, especially if the parents are inbred like many dog breeds. \_ All purebreds are by definition INBRED. Stupid. \_ That doesn't contradict what I said stupid. \_ I need to stop talking to stupid people. Damn I've been trolled. \_ Nah, you're just stupid. \_ I own a chow. At first I thought you were just misinformed so I provided facts and anecdotes to help you over your confusion. But now it is obvious you're just a troll. How about you stop wasting bits on the motd with this and find something else to troll about? -chow owner, can't be trolled twice \_ Little do you know, you just were. \_ you too, idiot. -idiot #2 \_ calling someone on their trolling is not being trolled. you're not the sharpest knife in the kitchen. \_ Dogs are dirty and leave poops on your lawn. \_ My chow not only uses the toilet, he washes his paws after with antibacterial soap. |
2007/11/8-12 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48579 Activity:nil |
11/8 Are eunuchs able to have erections or orgasm? What about neutered dogs? \_ Dunno about dogs, but our male cat still tries to mount our female cats, despite having been neutered years ago. -ERic \_ There are different types of eunuchs, so the answer varies. |
2007/10/30-11/2 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48490 Activity:nil |
10/30 I got a fucking pet as a present and I really don't want it. What are some humane alternatives to disposing the pet? This is not a troll. I'm just pissed off, that'l all. \_ Tell her to read this site: http://petgiving.com And if you got a cat, make sure to get How To Kill Your Girlfriend's Cat: http://petgiving.com/cats/hate.html \_ Nice site: "If you live in a ghetto, do mankind and dogkind a big favor-- save the money that you would have spent on guard/attack dogs and move to a safer neighborhood. " soda [201] whois http://petgiving.com \_ "You can take the man out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the man." \_ train your dog to bite! http://www.leerburg.com/drives.htm \_ This is just a prelude. Next is, "babies are cute, ya?" \- wow. start another motd soap opera. just out of curiosity, what kinda pet and what is your relationship with the person who gave it to you? \_ Her: kitties are cute ya? Me: Ya, sure. Her: SURPRISE here's kitty! he'll be a good indicator of our parenting skills! Me: WTF? Ugh... -op \_ just tell her if you were ready to take care of a cat or parent a cat then you would ask her to marry you \- er if your gf/wife got you some cats, i would suggest this is a cse if her making a life choice without you this is a case if her making a life choice without you, rather than getting you a present. \_ Go ask your in-laws "kitties are cute ya?" and pray that they say "Ya, sure." \_ Tell her you meant "shaved kitties" and she must have misunderstood you. \_ ugh, my Brother-in-law got numerous pets with now-ex gf's. In most cases he was able to send the pet back with the ex in the break up. However, 7 years later we still have his chinchilla. I'd say put up with the critter for now, just make sure it goes when/if the chick goes... -ERic \_ You know, I hate it when my friends/coworkers ask if I want free kittens. "Ooops my cat accidentally got pregnant!" I also hate it when people drop off their kitties in front of my door hoping they'd be taken care of. I hate cats that roam freely in my backyard. In short, I hate irresponsible cat owners, and cats in general. \_ Has someone actually dumped kittens on your door step before? WTF? Do you have such a gigantic cat herd that this would seem reasonable to someone? |
2007/10/23-25 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48420 Activity:nil |
10/22 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNqUJCw79YQ Why monkeys are smarter than dogs (they ride dogs!) \_ If I watch this am I going to see a dog getting tortured by a monkey? I don't want to see that. Also, I don't think anyone has considered dogs smarter than monkeys in the last century or more, if ever. |
2007/10/22 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48406 Activity:nil |
do the dog baby, cant ya do the dog. Cant ya? (Dog.) OOOOOOOH Yeah, this is a story of a famous dog For the dog that chases its tail will be dizzy These are clapping dogs, rhythmic dogs Harmonic dogs, house dogs, street dogs Dogs of the world unite Dancin' dogs Yeah Countin dogs, funky dogs Nasty dogs (Dog) A-to-mic dowaowog A-to-mic dowaowog Life on all fours when you're out there walking the streets May compete Nothin but the dog in ya Bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay Bow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay Bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay Bow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yay Life on all fours when you're out there walking the streets May compete Nothin but the dog in ya (oooohoooo.) Why must I feel like that Oh, why must I chase the cat Life on all fours when you're out there walking the streets May compete Nothin but the dog in ya Ruff Ruff Ruff Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Nothin but the dog in me Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Nothin but the dog in me Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Nothin but the dog in me Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Nothin but the dog in me Do the dogcatcher, dogcatcher Do the dogcatcher Do the dogcatcher, dogcatcher Do the dogcatcher Do the dogcatcher, baby, do the dogcatcher Ooh Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Nothin but the dog in me Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Nothin but the dog in me Bow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yeah Bow-wow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yeah Bow-wow-yippie-yo-yippie-yeah Just walkin the dog Oh, atomic dog Futuristic bow-wow Ruff Leader of the pack Wild dog Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Just the dog in me Nothin but the dog in me Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat Just the dog in me Nothin but the dog in me Why must I feel like that Why must I chase the cat The dog in me (Dog in me) The dog is in me (Dog in me) Do the dogcatcher, dogcatcher Do the dogcatcher Do you wanna do the dogcatcher Well, baby, why don¡¯t you do it again for me Dogcatcher, dogcatcher Do the dogcatcher House-trained dogs Wild dogs Say it again Why must I feel like that Why |
2007/10/20-24 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Recreation/Pets, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:48397 Activity:nil |
10/19 I'm the op who threatened to delete dog posts using my super script. I didn't actually write one, but I did trick you guys into posting dog shit amonst others. Boy, that was fun!!! \_ POODLE! (super script? It's a few lines of perl... ARF!) Maybe you need a nice lab: someone who can keep up with you. |
3/15 |
2007/10/19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48392 Activity:nil |
10/19 Today is unofficially Motd Poodle Day! Put Poodles everywhere! |
2007/10/19-24 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48391 Activity:low |
10/19 I don't particularly like dogs. Nope, not poodles, labs, or any other dog. Will this get deleted? \_ How can you not like dogs? They're very tasty when properly prepared! \_ Really, I found mine bland. Perhaps it wasn't prepared correctly. \_ No, because trolls last the longest on the motd. I give this one at least until Monday COB. \_ Ever tried poodle? \_ Grows too slowly, too skinny, too high maintenance. Not a good livestock to keep. Chow Chows are superier as livestocks. Fast growth, low maintenance, moderately tender meat and is the #1 choice of dog meat lovers. |
2007/10/18-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48364 Activity:moderate |
10/16 Hey reiffin, why are you such a fuck tard? \_ He can't help it, it's in his nature. \_ What did reiffin do? \_ I deleted a bunch of old crap from the motd that no one had touched in days. That is the first time I've ever been called a 'fuck tard'. Do I get a medal? Maybe if I swore like a gradeschooler about silly stuff I could be cool, too. How can I be as cool as the op? \_ I wish you'd delete the stupid poodle crap. I be as cool as the op? !reiffin I be as cool as the op? [usually someone adds my name to something I didn't write. now someone is saying I didn't write something I did. you need to work on your scripts.] \_ I wish you'd delete your fucking stupid poodle crap. \_ I wish you'd delete the fucking stupid poodle crap. \_ Poodle crap deleted. It'll be back in minutes. \_ It's the motd. If we want to talk about poodles, we will. Don't read it if you don't like it, or better yet, post something more interesting. "If you can't do, teach, if you can't teach, criticise." \_ motd censor deletes anything interesting. \_ Hey op, don't you know fucktard is one word not two. Jesus you're a fucktard. -dans |
2007/10/18 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48357 Activity:high |
10/18 Dear sop (Scared of Poodles) guy, I'm really sorry that you got bitten by poodle(s) and I'm wondering if you could share your horror story with us, and how we can prevent from getting bitten as well? Thanks for your tips. -scared of ALL dogs guy \_ It went like this: I was born, I lived to this day without getting bit by a poodle, then someone on the motd said I was bit by a poodle and was scared of them so it must be true. My advice: don't post on the motd and you won't get bit by a poodle. \_ moron. |
2007/10/16-18 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48335 Activity:high |
10/16 Are standard poodles smarter than George W Bush? \_ Yes because they're not as stubborn and bullheaded as GWB. \_ Why the obsession with smart dogs? They're harder to train and get bored easily. Bored dogs destroy stuff. \_ Actually, I have experiences with both smart and dumb dogs (poodle, beagle, dachshund, yorkies) and the smarter they are on the dog IQ list, the EASIER it is for them to be trained. It's a LOT more pleasant to have a smart dog that will be potty-trained easily, and it's a LOT more pleasant to walk and to go to places with smart dogs. You can train smart dogs rules and boundaries and they'll "get it" whereas dumb dogs require barriers and a lot more repetitions before they get anything. Dumb dogs like beagles cannot be trained to walk straight even after 100+ repetitions because they follow their nose instead of their handlers. It's a pain in the ass to live with someone stupid, and likewise, it's a pain in the ass to live with a dumb dog. Having that said, smart dogs are in fact more "creative" when they're bored and create their own things to do. But when they're properly exercised everyday, they're a lot more pleasant to live with. \_ Beagles aren't stupid. They're stubborn. There's a big difference. Ok. They are stupid. But they problem is their stubborn nature not lack of brains. There are plenty of extremely dumb dogs, like labs, that are very easy to \_ Labs are NOT dumb dogs. \_ Like a brick. Set up tennis ball tossing machine. Fill. Turn on. Watch Lab chase tennis balls for hours. If you can train it to put them back in the bin the lab won't stop chasing them until you turn the ball thrower off. \_ As opposed to what, stopping chasing balls to write the Great American Novel? \_ As opposed to getting bored mindlessly chasing tennis balls for hours. \_ And then do what, lie around waiting for someone with opposable thumbs to turn on the TV? Also, how is mindlessly chasing balls fundamentally different from playing Tetris for hours? Or Xbox? \_ Your dog can't turn on the xbox himself? Must be a lab. \_ I'd pay cash money for a brick that could do that. \_ How much? I'll sell you that brick for the right price. \_ Labs come in 7 on the intelligence list below. \_ That's pretty bright for a dog which will get fat if it doesn't exercise a lot, which is what the link below says about labs. \_ Chasing tennis balls for hours is smart? \_ That's the thing. A dog sees another dog on TV and starts looking around and behind the TV and the husband says "Look honey, he's so smart, he recoginizes another dog!" and the wife fires back "That is so stupid, he should know by now there's no other dog." To each his own man. \_ Actually when the dog responds to a dog noise on tv, I say, "I guess they used a real dog for that sound clip", but that's just me. To each his own dog. train. Training is about attitude, not smarts. I notice all the dogs you list are very small and have personality flaws. Just noting. \_ Standard poodles are considered small? Ooookay! \_ Yes poodles have personality issues. The important thing in training is not size. You missed the point. \_ What kind of personality issues have you seen? I haven't experienced them myself. Please share your experiences, thanks. \_ Standard pooldes are one of the smartest breeds and do not have any personality issues that I am aware of. Why do you think they are? aware of. What personality issued do you think they have? http://www.csua.org/u/jqy (Petmedsonline) Poodles are #2 \_ Poodles attack more people every year than pitbulls. They just do less damage. Not getting killed by a dog is always a good thing but getting 'only' bitten is still no fun. \_ URL? \_ http://www.dogbitelaw.com/Dog%20Attacks%201982%20to%202006%20Clifton.pdf Dog attack statistics (not maimed but just "attack"). Poodle: 2. Rottweiler: 109 Pitbull terrier: 397. There ya go. Let me just say from my personal experience at 4-5 different dog shows and agility and obedience/ralley, that I've never seen aggressive poodles in my life. Maybe your one experience skewed your bias but still, it is a bias and does not reflect reality. \_ My one experience? You're making that up. I think your experience with the super trained robot dogs seen at dog contests has biased you a bit. Pun intended. I'll go with the stats over the personal anecdote. I do appreciate you posting them honestly though instead of trying to hide them or making shit up like a few others here would have done. Anyway, I would not let the typical pet poodle near my kids. It won't kill them but they don't need their faces bit or to learn to hate dogs. \_ What a great comeback. "Thanks for posting facts that indicate poodles are quite harmless (2 bites) but I'm still not convinced." Faith over facts. Great. \_ Oh you're so scared of POODLES! One bad experience and you're scared! What a fucking retard. \_ I already said I've never been attacked by a poodle. You're simply stupid. I don't know what else to say. \_ Are you talking about the standard poodle or toy poodles? They have very different temperaments. And to the guy who posted the URL, thanks--pit bulls are a breed apart and I'm glad no one will insure them. \_ I'm talk standard poodles. \_ The sop (scared of poodle) guy thinks they're all the same even though they're not. Toy/tea-cups are yappy snappy and get scared easily. They're the one that bite eagerly partly due to bad breeding and low self esteem, and partly due to bad owners (usually first time owners). However this is not limited to toy poodles but to the rest of the toy breeds in general. Now, standard poodles on the other owners). Standards on the other hand are confident, smart, scary smart and have been said to have the IQ equivalence of a 5 year old kid (vs. 2-3 for average dogs). They are intelligent, elegant, easy to train, obedience, and for 100's of years have been the favorite choice for those who want to have substitute kids and those who can actually afford them. Yes, I have a poodle. \_ Are you the same poodle-loving can't-read clown from above? Why are you posting such a huge amount of crap about a dog you've never even seen? What's wrong with you? \_ I have a poodle, so until you provide facts that show poodles bite more than any other breeds in America, shut the fuck up. -pp \_ ah the truth comes out. go read the url above to see attack stats. have a nice day, poodle-lover-boy! |
2007/10/9-11 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48268 Activity:low |
10/9 http://www.chanda-leah.com/home.html The world's smartest dog with over 1000 tricks in the Guinness World Records belongs to... a fucking TOY POODLE? WTF, I thought toy breeds are suppose to be stupid. \_ A lot of very smart dogs flunk out of guide dog training. It requires too much attention to something that just isn't interesting to them. Same thing for assistance dog training. Playing fetch all day long for the disabled is simply boring for the smarter breeds so a lot of them fail out. The ones that are not quite so smart but still trainable and more eager to please are much more likely to succeed in these roles. They aren't as fast and don't always get it right but they don't give up and serve well in those roles. \_ This is true with engineers. If you hire someone too smart for your code monkey job, he/she gets will get bored easily and jump ship or transfer to a more challenging job. On the other hand if you hire someone patient but not too brilliant, that person tends to stay a bit longer. \_ Why would you hire a smart engineer for a code monkey job? Of course the smart engineer will leave when given a code monkey job. He/she has better things to do with his/her abilities. It's as simple as right tool for the right job. \_ Smarter dogs would refuse to learn tricks and still get fed, like cats. \_ You have a stupid definition of "smart". Smart dogs do tricks so they can have more offspring--people don't usually breed cat-like dogs. So it's: want more chance of having kids? do tricks. \_ And you have a restricted view of smart, too. Wanting to have kids is more instinctive thing than "smart" thing. When I watched "March of the Penguins," I thought, "is it worth that kind of trouble to reproduce?" If a penguin decides to enjoy the life it's been given without succumbing to instinctive desires? Is that a "smart" penguin or a "stupid" penguin? \_ You're assuming that dogs want kids. \_ Whether or not they want kids, they want to get laid. \_ Then the smart dogs will run away before they're old enough to get fixed. \_ Wow, this topic got stupid fast. Really fast. \_ Actually, I find it interesting. Why is it stupid? |
2007/9/23-25 [Recreation/Pets] UID:48155 Activity:nil |
9/23 Heil German dog shrink postmen: http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/11-20-2002-30734.asp \_ fine owners of dogs who attack postal workers. use fines to supply postal workers with doggie treats to use to placate aggressive dogs. --jon |
2007/9/10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47968 Activity:kinda low |
9/9 Dog breed intelligence (IQ): http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/4296/intelig.html?20079 There it is, Chow Chows rank at the bottom 10 (4) whereas European dogs like Border Collies rank at 100. I've always known that Chow Chow's are stupid and there's an indisputable proof. Ditto with oriental breeds like Shih Tzu (11), Lhasa (13), and Pekingese (7). -got bitten by Chow Chow before \_ German Shepherd: 98, Golden Retriever, 97 \_ I doubt Poodles are smarter than dogs like German Sheperds. Also, having owned a Golden Retriever, German Sheperd, and Doberman I would say that the Golden was not too smart, even though they seem to make good seeing eye dogs. \_ Full sized poodles are scary smart. Miniture poodles, like all animals bred for only one characteristic, are dumb as dirt. |
2007/9/3-4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47878 Activity:nil |
9/3 There it is, scientists have proven that chihuahuas are related to giant rats: http://www.watleyreview.com/2004/052504-3.html \_ Don't chihuauas mate with other dog breeds? I thought different species can't mate? \_ It's a satire website. Kind of like theonion |
2007/9/1-3 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47871 Activity:moderate |
8/31 Holy )(*#)($# I'd never thought a dog would actually hump a cat but this video is indisputable proof that it CAN happen: http://youtube.com/watch?v=9GGuJS2IhTs \_ have you ever had a dog? they'll hump just about anything. \_ Yes I have a dog, her name is Isabella and I've never seen her hump anything. Why is that o Mr. Wise Man? And what about neutered (eunuch) male dogs? Do they hump, Mr. Wise Man? \_ The other way round: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTEIp_g0GTM |
2007/8/28 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Pets] UID:47769 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
8/27 Dear crazy dog person, here's a funny comic for you (and for the rest of us): Cats are Democrats, Dogs are Republicans. http://www.strangecosmos.com/content/item/103262.html |
2007/8/10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47578 Activity:high |
8/10 I just found out Vang Rhames' vicious killer dog is a Fila, a very "protective" breed that has a history of killing strangers. Filas were bred in Brazil to protect farms and to track & kill Brazilian slaves & fugitives. I hate dogs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fila_Brasileiro http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dangerous_Dogs_Act_1991 \_ *laugh* Hi again Anti-Dog Troll. Seriously, you've beat this horse to death. You hate dogs, you hate dog people, you think dogs are filthy and stupid and smell and eat babies and target pregnant mothers and rob banks and suck people's souls while they sleep and are actively plotting to take over and/or destroy the world with Dogs of Mass Destruction (DMDs) since we all know dogs are the true master behind the Z.O.G. Did I miss anything in your anti-dog rant? \_ yes cats rule. -op \_ and for kicks I just read the first wiki article which you flagrantly misquoted re: tracking and killing slaves. if you're going to troll at least don't misquote the links. it dramatically diminishes the value of your troll. |
2007/8/9-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47568 Activity:high |
8/8 Did you know Islams hate dogs? Muhammad is said to have given an order to kill all the dogs in Medina because the archangel Gabriel does not enter a house in which there is a dog. Islam casts the dog in a negative light by emphasizing its impurity and often identify dogs as demons or minions of the Devil. Did you know most Muslims do not have them as pets? According to Sahih Muslim, Muhammad declared that he who keeps a dog except for hunting, shepherding, or guarding will have his Godly reward [for good deeds] reduced by "two carats" per day. According to Sunan al-Nasa'i, Muhammad commanded Muslims not to trade or deal in dogs. Muhammad said that dogs and donkeys, if they pass in front of men in prayer, void or nullify that prayer. Christians love dogs, Muslims hate dogs. Go figure. \_ dogs are fucking gross and you are breathing in a pound of dog shit every year. fuck dogs. \_ fuck dog. RIDE CAT. or something http://youtube.com/watch?v=jtik5zN5m2g \_ Muslims hate a lot of things. \_ RACIST! Or, um, Muslimcist! \_ They only hate Christians, and anything Christians love. For example Christians love dogs, women, and freedom. By transitivity, Muslims have no choice but to hate dogs, women, and freedom as well. \_ So do Christians and so do Jews. Go figure, huh? |
2007/8/4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47533 Activity:nil |
8/4 Hello, I think I've found a puppy mill and I'd like to report it to the authority. How do I go about doing this? The mill/broker is called Star Yorkie Kennel located in Encino, CA. http://www.staryorkie.com/home.html There are a few very obvious signs of an irresponsible breeder: 1) They specialize in tea-cups, in multiple breeds. I emailed them about the lifespan of tea-cups (which is usually very short), and they simply side-stepped the question. Good breeders don't purposely breed tiny breeds, since they tend to have liver problems, thyroid problems, and sickly puppies in general that end up tiny. The average lifespan of a teacup is less than 5 years. 2) Their registry is KDF (Korean Dog Federation) instead of AKC/Canadian CKC. I'm unable to find any references to KDF on the web site, nor can I google for it. Sounds like a fake registry. Good breeders use AKC or Canadian CKC. 3) They say we cannot see their parents (their FAQ says "they're in Korea")-- good breeders are open and are happy to give you physical addresses for inspection. 4) They take credit card and will ship the pet to you directly without any question. Good breeders will ask you questions to make sure their pups go to good homes. 5) "I have puppies available all the time", "Puppies are available all the time." -- Good breeders take time to breed 1-3 litters a year, and take time to socialize pups up to 3-4 months. How do I get the authority to investigate their business? Thanks. \_ http://www.yorkietalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=84519 Crooks they are. \_ First and foremost, contact AKC. Look here for more help: http://www.columbusdogconnection.com/ReportingPupMill.htm \_ Check this out, they pretend that they're not breeders http://www.nola.com/forums/animals/index.ssf?artid=167283 |
2007/7/30-8/2 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47466 Activity:nil |
7/30 Pet liposuction? Cosmetic testicle surgery? Root canal? Plastic surgery? $1200 collar&leash? Pet parties? Proof: pet lovers are STUPID. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20024783 \_ And in Japan, they're robots. \_ Hi pet troll. Liposuction means they have misfed their pet and are taking a stupid way out. Cosmetics for pets are stupid, I agree. A root canal is not stupid if your pet needs dental work. Having a broken tooth or exposed nerves can be incredibly painful for a pet, just like a human and you're a bastard if you let your pet suffer for no reason. Expensive collar&leash: got it? flaunt it. *I* don't have it but lots of people with more money spend it on lots of things I wouldn't. Maybe I would if I had that kind of money. shrug. Pet parties: we call this socialization. Having your pet interact with other pets in a controlled environment is generally a good thing if you have a social creature like a dog. I hope I didn't ruin your troll by partially agreeing with you and rationally explaining the rest, sorry. \_ Root canal < put the animal away Unsocialized animal < put the animal away Pet insurance < put the animal away Lots of people are dying of famine and diseases and it's ridiculous seeing yuppies paying $$$ to save their dying *ANIMAL*. Just put the damn thing away. \_ Sorry, friend, but that dog don't hunt. (hah! I'm so funny). Troll harder next time. Really, it was a good effort but way too obvious and hammer to the head. If your final bit was about how farm dogs are treated instead of yuppy dogs you might have been able to pull it off, but the pseudo I'm-so -concerned-about-my-fellow-humans thing falls flat on the floor, nose first. Your troll has been rated: C+ |
2007/7/27 [Recreation/Pets, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:47455 Activity:nil |
7/27 fuck you motd puppy guy |
2007/7/27 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47451 Activity:low 66%like:47436 |
7/27 i hate you motd dog guy \_ Go fuck yourself. \_ I hate you. and your dog. \_ Go fuck yourself. and your dog. \_ Go fuck yourself. and your little dog. |
2007/7/26-8/1 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47437 Activity:nil |
7/27 Why is this getting deleted? I need help with my giant puppies. Please. Look at them. link:tinyurl.com/2loacy It's been said that my puppies should get LOTS of socialization from birth to 3 months. However, it's also been said that they should not play with other dogs until they've gotten their 4th shot at around 12 wks, or 4 months. How can I socialize the pup safely if it hasn't had all the shots before the 4th month? \_ Your not a "parent" unless you fucked the bitch yourself. \_ Aren't you supposed to socialize your dog with people? \_ Marinate. Cut into fillets. Barbeque over medium heat for 3 hours. \_ Take your dog to puppy training. Usually after the 2nd shot your pup should be safe enough for that but ask the training place. I liked Sirius for the all-treat positive-only training method. If you live in SF, Berkley, Oakland, or there abouts do not not not not not let your pup out on public streets or meeting other dogs you don't know from those areas. The rate of $disease_name_I_cant_ remember_but_kills_pups_easily is very very high in those areas and simply walking through an area an infected dog has been is enough to catch it. |
2007/7/25-26 [Health/Disease/General, Recreation/Pets] UID:47423 Activity:nil |
7/25 Guess what I found a really really cool site! Now you can find out your dog's sire/dam (assume they're registered) along with their genetic diseases (OptiGen test, CERF test, HIP test, etc). From this you can [manually] generate a pedigree and find out if your dog is from inbreed/linebreed, or inherited disease, etc! Here's an example: http://www.offa.org/display.html?appnum=1266552#animal |
2007/7/23-26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47387 Activity:low |
7/23 Dear fellow puppy parents. If you have those non-shedding fluffy hair type of pups, at what age are you suppose to shave your puppy completely so that it'll grow fuller hair as an adult? Also, what was your crate-training schedule like? Is it something like sleep sleep sleep->wake->poo outside->play->eat->poo outside-> sleep sleep sleep->wake->poo outside->play->eat->poo outside-> repeat 8 times a day? I'm thinking of taking an entire month off (plus maybe 1-2 more weeks) till he's maybe 4 months old. \_ ^parents^owners \_ "owners" -> "guardians" -> "parents"??? So now even "guardians" are not politically correct anymore? \_ DOG IS THE STANDARD TROLL! \_ Shaving won't affect hair later in life. \_ Crate training: the 'rule' is that a dog can spend no more than an hour or two at a time in a crate per month of life. For our dogs, one absolutely refused to go in the crate at all but was really easy to train to knock to go outside around the corner to his spot. The other one loves her crate but we had a very hard time getting her to let us know when she needed to go out. The carpet was just as good in her mind. What we did was hang some bells from the back door handle, took her out a *lot*, like every 30-60 minutes all day, every day, rang the bells when we opened the door and gave her a treat when she came back in. At night, one of us would stay up later and the other would get up early so she'd be crated as short a time as possible. After a short time she got the idea and started smacking the bells to go out all day to get her treat. Over time we reduced the treat load and she stopped ringing for no reason and now she's old enough and has the bathroom concept down. Repetition is the key. One thing you *never* want to do is leave your dog in the crate for so long they can't wait and mess their crate. Once a dog has broken their crate training like that you are hosed. They won't mess their crate from the natural instinct to not mess their own bed area but if you leave them no choice they'll keep doing it. I've seen puppies rolling in their own filth at puppy mill places and pet stores. Never take one of those home. Oh yeah, most pups have to go sometime in the first 20 minutes after a play session, so be alert or just take them out if they've been romping around the living room. Nature's Miracle for the errors. Look up the Sirius method of pet training for an all positive reinforcement scheme that works with most dogs. \_ Most helpful post ever. Thanks. What's your login? \_ reiffin. Feel free to send mail if you want to talk more dog stuff. |
2007/7/21-23 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47375 Activity:nil |
7/21 http://youtube.com/watch?v=fbVqEn5UVxg Doggy pooper scooper WITH FLASHLIGHT! This is exactly why dogs are dumb. They're dirty and make you work hard. \_ The dog trolling is boring. You can move on to something else now. |
2007/7/18-21 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47333 Activity:high |
7/18 Most popular dog breeds in different cities (smart city=smart dogs, dumb city=dumb dogs): http://www.akc.org/reg/topdogsbycity.cfm \_ In NYC, well educated poodles drink latte and capuccino and espresso, AND listen to jazz. Poodles are gay, and #1 in NYC. \_ San Francisco: Labrador Retriever. Stupid dog. \_ I'm down to Miami and with the exception of Miami and Detroit every other city has Labrador Retriever as the #1 dog. In Detroit it's #2 after german shepard, in Miami it's #3 after german shepard and yorkie. Can't blame SF on this one. \_ Hint: the whole post is stupid. The op didn't even read their own page. Do you actually believe that "smart city= smart dogs, dumb city=dumb dogs" like the op said? C'mon.... \_ Is this some kind of troll? Labs are very smart. \_ No they aren't. They are very friendly, they are very willing to do repetitive tasks, they'll chase a tennis ball for hours, they are not very smart. The troll is the recent spat of bizarre dog related posts, probably from some evil cat person. \_ Yep all dogs are smart. Cats are smarter! \_ Pigs are smarter than dogs or cats, but aren't that smart by being born tasty. \_ It's probably less to do with being tasty and more to do with being not-cute-enough. They are probably easier to fatten up too (omnivorous) and aren't escape artists like cats. \_ Cats go better with ketchup. \_ wikipedia disagrees with you. wikipedia uses the word "intelligent" on them at least three times in their article. You have no credibility. \_ *LAUGH* Ouch! You made me bust out loud in the office. Using Wikipedia of all things to say someone else has no credibility goes way beyond funny. Were you trying to be funny? I'll just assume you have a really dry sense of humor and you win this week's Most Funny Motd Post award. Congratulations! I am your #1 Fan! \_ I have to agree with you entirely. Once you've been around a truly intelligent dog (queensland heeler for example) you would never call a lab "smart". Wikipedia is hardly a credible unbiased source either. \_ http://dogsobediencetraining.com/info/dog_intelligence_ranking_wiki.htm \_ http://urltea.com/10pp (dogsobediencetraining.com) Not on the list. Is this a common breed? \_ Australian Cattle Dog is the breeder name. They are a little too independent to be considered easily trainable. Also they tend to bond to one person very strongly. They are the worst dog to have if you don't have time to spend with them as they are too intelligent to just sit around. They are a young breed. Dingo crossed with Timon's Biter about 50 years ago I beleive. Insanely intelligent though. -scottyg \_ Working dogs are all smart high energy breeds that get bored easily and tend to have annoying traits like trying to 'herd' you, other dogs, the cat, and the kids if they're that kind of working dog. Most people are better off with a happy dopey lab. |
2007/7/17-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47317 Activity:nil |
7/17 http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewShortStory.asp?AuthorID=7277&id=20959 Barker Brothers, what I love about suburbia. |
2007/7/16-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47303 Activity:moderate |
7/16 Sims Pet Stories from EA is out! Alice, a woman who faces financial problems and is about to lose her home. So she enters her pet Dalmatian into a local dog show to try to earn enough money to save her house. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sims_Pet_Stories http://sims.yahoo.com/about/petstories/sams-park \_ Why are land-owners frequently portrayed as the villain? "The land-owner (who owns a poodle) wants to evict Alice for her selfish needs." WTF? \_ Presumably because the Sims target audience does not usually own property. \_ So why a poodle? Why not something meaner, like a rottweiler or a pitbull. \_ It is pretty hard for a renter to evict someone. \_ I don't get it, why was this posted? \_ Sims 2 -> game -> geek -> CSUA. Therefore, Sims 2 -> CSUA. \_ My guess is because of the ridiculous premise. It's about pimping out your dog for your own personal gain. \_ Her house can't be worth much if a local dog show ribbon is going to save it. |
2007/7/15-18 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47294 Activity:nil |
7/14 Is it socially acceptable to name your pet after a person? Like Joseph, Michael, Jacob, Abraham, etc? \_ No, the only socially acceptable name for a pet is "Sex": http://www.snopes.com/humor/jokes/namedsex.asp \_ Why not? All of my pets have had human names: Fred, Holly, Geoffrey, Gerald, Gigi, Fiona. What do you think people name their pets? Fluffy? \_ Sure. It's also acceptable to name it after a deity, such as Apollo or Jesus. \_ The most popular name for dogs in Japan is John. No joke. --erikred |
2007/7/15-18 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47293 Activity:kinda low |
7/14 Woman Killed by Her Own Pet Dog. Chow chows rule. http://www.topix.net/content/ap/2007/06/woman-killed-by-her-own-pet-dog \_ Clearly, she did not establish herself as the alpha. \_ Chow chows and chow mixes do not enjoy being beta. \_ While this is true, chow chows are independent and aloof and behave like cats. They're not your usual dog breeds that behave according to the hierarchical status. The concept of co-operation has not been a factor in breeding the chows-- they're bred for their looks (cute and fury) and for food. Chows have 25% bedience intelligence (meaning they'll respond to your command less than 25% of the time) and with a naturally dominant nature ("Hey *I* am the boss"), they are one of the most difficult breeds to train with. A chow pup requires 80 or more repetitions to learn a trick. Smart pups like [border] collie, poodle, lab, learn in less than 5-10 reps; and once they got the trick they will listen and respond correctly 95% or more. TV shows will never show a smart and obedient and co-operative chow chow-- they nearly don't exist. Pretty yes. Bad temperament and low IQ, that too. \_ Why do you keep posting this made up stuff? Did someone's Chow snarl at you when you were 5 or something? \_ !pp: chow's are dangerous, dumb and not worth owning. \_ Great meat. \_ "The strong-willed Chow needs an equally strong-willed owner. They have definite minds of their own and can easily become your master if you allow it. Chow puppies are naturally well-behaved, more so than most breeds. They're seldom destructive or disobedient. Because of their good behavior, many people fail to train them properly. When an untrained Chow reaches adolescence, that dreadful teenage stage all dogs go through, he may refuse to accept your authority. We've found that most people who've had behavior problems with their Chows failed to train them and earn their respect." \_ http://petrix.com/dogint/70-79.html \_ I met a chow-mix owner one time and it was his 4th dog. He had laborador and german shepherd mixes and loved them all except the chow-mix, which is the laziest and dumbest dog he ever adopted. \_ From everything, it seems like Chows are fit only to be eaten. How do they taste? \_ Like chicken. \_ Anyone who ever owned a Shepherd or a Lab wouldn't get Chow if they had any dog clue. As always, do research before getting a dog. Lab is a great family dog. Shepherd can be a great family dog if raised right. Chow is a horrible family dog but can be great for a single person if raised right. \_ If you watched the video, the dog in question has smooth fur not fluffy chow fur but let's not let facts get in the way of a sensational story. A pure chow is too small to kill an adult but mixing a chow with something much larger and then dumping it in the backyard wouldn't be smart. As far as dumping her dogs in the backyard goes, she should've read this: http://www.dogsdeservebetter.com |
2007/7/8-11 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47219 Activity:low |
7/8 Dolphins are smarter than dogs & cats. \_ Thanks for all the fish. \_ Bullshit. Try teaching a dolphin something any puppy can easily be taught: "sit!" \_ Here you go: http://us-p.vclart.net/vcl/Artists/Bradley-Smith/sittingphin.jpg \_ Ok. Not sure what else to say to this but thanks for the effort. \_ You know dolphins have been taught to do complex tasks, like disarm underwater mines, right? \_ Yes of course. You're aware that usually involves blowing up the mine on themselves, not cutting the red wire? And they still can't sit. \_ So are pigs. \_ And pigs taste better, too! |
2007/7/7-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47210 Activity:high |
7/7 Dear cat owners: What is it about cats you like? -dog guy \_ dog: Everyone's equal except the master. Communism rules! cat: Fuck you and fuck everyone else. Libertarianism rules! \_ The cat kingdom doesn't have a complex social hierarchy. Likewise cat owners tend to hate hierarchy. They do what they damn please. The two have a lot in common. \_ Great apes and wolves have a similar social structure. Most dogs view the human as the alpha. Dog owners get a pet to fulfill the need to be an alpha in a social hierarchy. \_ Funny. Dog expert Cesar Milan says *most* owners are not being calm & assertive owners, and are treated by their dogs as equals or even inferior member of the pack. You can easily confirm this fact by the number of dogs that walk their owners (when the dogs lead the leash) instead of the other way around, and how unobedient many dogs are with constant barking and uncontrollable behaviors because their owners are not being calm and assertive leaders. In reality, most owners are *not* perceived by their dogs as the alpha. Sad. \_ I understand that. I like dogs. I like having a companion with whom I can share my social structures with. I'm baffled as to why people love cats. I don't understand cats. They give me no respect, and don't recognize any of their owners. They sleep 2/3 of the time. They're lazy, unmotivated, and they're slightly smarter than furnitures. In fact, they are moving furnitures. If my dog is 200 pounds, it is still my best friend. If a cat is 200 pounds, I become its meal. Other than the fact that they're clean and low maintenance and provide a little bit of entertainment (they're obsessed about yarns and strings and curtains), I really don't understand why people love cats but I'm curious and I want to know why. Thank you for your useless response. -dog guy \_ You like having a slave or a wingman. Dog owners measure dog intelligence by how much of a beta the dog is. (Back in the old days folks in the South used to measure the intelligence of black slaves in the same way -- by how well \_ Well I have to say that the southerners did a pretty bad job because many many African Americans are anything but submissive. -robbed at gunpoint they followed instructions.) You don't understand cat owners because you have a lot of social insecurity, so much so that you crave 'respect' from an animal. \_ The ability to communicate is one trait that separates smart animals from others. Smart cats can understand up to 50 different human words. Average dogs understand 250 different human words. Smart cats are often said to communicate with the human equivalence of 18 months old baby. Average dogs communicate with the human equivalence of 2 year old kids. http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/Features/Columns/?article=catsanddogsdogthink \_ Cat communication is more subtle and involving of body language and expressions with eyes/ears/tail. I agree that dogs are more attuned to individual human words. But they aren't attuned to cat communication. If you pay enough attention to cats you can communicate enough. They will be more likely to respect you if you are able to do this. \_ Why would you expect dogs to be attuned to cat communication? Say what? Dogs are very responsive to human non-verbal cues and express plenty of their own through non-vocal means. What are you trying to say here? \_ I'm just saying that communication ability isn't defined by understanding human words. \_ Of course not but cross species communication is a good indicator. \_ Actually Mr. Freud, it's a lot simpler than that. Obedient slave will do tasks that alpha slaves will not. Economically speaking, beta slaves yield high ROI (return on investment) whereas alpha slaves are liabilities. Likewise, dog owners need to have beta dogs to yield a higher ROI where their definition of investment is time/training/vets vs. how much fun it is to be with their dogs. From what you're saying the only ROI dog owners want is a psychological need to feel superior, which may be true for some dog owners but is certainly not a universal need for all dog owners. Many dog owners are just as content having cats around for companionship. \_ Your comments were insightful and I thought it was going to lead to a logical conclusion, but alas, it's just the usual motd ad-hominem \_ Sometimes an insult is the logical conclusion. The OP started the thread to try to troll cat owners -- he got exactly what he deserved. he got exactly what he deserved. What's funny is a typical cat owner would find the original comment of 'wanting to be an alpha' insulting, but I think it's too subtle a jab to be caught by a dog owner. \_ in general a generalization like yours makes you appear to be a person who likes to generalize. \_ What's up with the giant trollish net you're tossing over all dog owners? It's kind of hard to respond to someone in a serious way who makes such grandly sweeping trollish statements. \_ I don't know about you, but I stopped taking this thread seriously after OP's first response. \_ It's the motd, none of it is serious. With that in mind, I just wanted to point out the giant hand waving trolling sweeping over- generalisation since it went beyond motd norms. \_ I don't think the motd can survive without your observational skills. Thanks! \_ No problem, I'm here for you, Brother! \_ Cats are beautiful creatures that still have a lot of the \_ beautiful as in "wow I love the color and the fur, let me put on Gucci decorations and make it cuter!" or beautiful as in "it moves with god given grace" ? \_ Graceful, agile, and overall attractive. They seem to be very proud animals. wild in them. They *do* recognize their owners and they can be very loving. They are small and clean and don't smell bad, like dogs do. I've had both as pets and while I grant that it's better to have a dog sometimes (e.g. for security) as pets I far prefer cats. I think cats are smarter than dogs are, btw. \_ I'm still not hearing a single specific about any case where cats are smarter than dogs in any way. \_ Let me guess, you're a dog owner? -pp \_ I've had both. Going to answer the question or keep attacking at a personal level? What is 'smarter' about cats? \_ In a 1:1 match the cat wins hands down. Cats have better agility and faster reaction time. They're born with better survival instincts and individual hunting instincts. They track targets well, hide better, and attack only when they're in an advantageous position. In an even n:n match where n is greater than say, 5, a pack of dogs wins hands down. This is mainly because dogs learn and adapt as hunters and are able to co-operate with others. God built cats with faster CPU and bigger ROM, but gave dogs much more RAM. \_ Where do lions fit in? \_ Once again lions have superior hardware but wolves have slightly better written software. One on one, lions win hands down, but the slightly better designed software will allow a pack of wolves (5-25) to wear down loner lions. \_ What makes it better? Packs of lions work together better than wolves do. Go watch some nature videos. videos. -troll#319 \_ I've seen plenty of videos of both. Both pack hunt in pretty much the same way in everything I've seen. What have you seen different? \_ I've seen them cooperating to get prey in ways wolves don't do. But whatever: if you say they're pretty much the same way, then why do you think wolves have better software? -troll#319 \_ I'm not the software analog guy. I think it comes down to pack vs. non-pack. Lions will do things like encircle prey, have a chaser lion spook the target into other waiting lions, etc. So do wolves. I dunno exactly what ways you're talking about. \_ Why are you replying then? I was responding to the claim that wolves are smarter than lions. are smarter than lions. -troll#319 \_ You've been chatting with me since lions were brought into this. I'm still not mammals=computers guy. \_ uh? he was the one who claimed wolves have "better designed software" and my reply was to him. -troll#319 \_ Okey dokey. He hasn't been here for a while though. Maybe you're on the wrong thread? Try Google's New MOTD Maps! \_ Mostly lazing around while the few females hunt once a week or so on the pride's behalf. \_ Sounds pretty smart. \_ You mean "Sounds pretty lucky." They didn't "think & act" to reach their status. \_ You base this opinion on what? \_ So if I repeatedly put a dog & a cat in an identical maze (at separate times of course), a cat will learn to traverse the maze faster than a dog? \_ Not really what I meant, but I've read that cats are capable of learning tasks that dogs cannot. \_ Yes like learning to climb a tree. SMART! \_ Such as? With patience you can train a dog to do almost anything. It probably won't understand why you've taught it to use the vaccuum cleaner but it can be taught to do so. \_ http://www.jeffrydwight.net/writing/catsarestupid.asp \- can you elaborate on your definition of smart? \_ Capable of more advanced thought processes. \_ You mean they're too smart to obey commands because they know they'll get food anyways? \_ Intelligence is domain specific. The cold virus is more intelligent in its own domain than the entire human race. If you define intelligence as the capacity to obey commands then computers are smarter than people. -- ilyas \- Most scientists today will agree that intelligence is defined as capacities to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn. There is no doubt that the cold virus is WELL SUITED for its domain (host) and the cat is WELL SUITED for its domain (jungle). I.E. the germ is WELL SUITED but by no means INTELLIGENT for its domain. It doesn't reason, plan, and comprehend ideas but certainly its offspring variants LEARN to defeat anti-biotics. \_ Do you believe an observational test is sufficient to determine intelligence? (The Turing Test is observational). It sounds like you don't, because you are appealing to the 'causal structure' of the mind as found in human beings (e.g., implementation: planning, etc.) Blockhead doesn't plan, but some people would consider it intelligent. I don't consider any collection of cold viruses to possess 'general intelligence,' but I am not sure that concept is well defined anymore. -- ilyas anymore. The architecture of the human mind The architecture of the human mind has more in common with that of a cold virus strain than of Blockhead. -- ilyas strain than of Blockhead. I don't consider any collection of cold viruses to possess 'general intelligence,' but I am not sure that concept is well defined anymore. -- ilyas \_ Exactly what are these more advanced thought processes that the cat has? I've had both cats and dogs, often at the same time, and didn't ever once see or hear of my or any other cat doing anything smarter than leaving dead things in the house as a gift. \_ HOW DARE YOU question cats' intelligence! They climb trees, kill pests, clean themselves, and are self sufficient. Dumb dogs cannot do any of the above. -dog guy pretenting to be a cat guy \_ I didn't expect to get a real reply from a cat person, so thanks for filling in. :-) |
2007/7/6-7 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Pets] UID:47188 Activity:low |
7/6 The tennis star always keeps abreast of Mandy (Moore)'s movements. http://www.funlol.com/pictures/mandy-moore-boobs.html (NSFW) \_ You owe me 4 seconds of my life back. |
2007/7/6-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47187 Activity:nil |
7/6 If you're gonna get a dog, DO NOT get a Chow Chow. http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/thisweek/story/0,12977,1083409,00.html \_ Agreed. Not a good choice: http://en.allexperts.com/q/Dogs-701/chow-chow-2.htm \_ "Coren's study says Chows were originally bred as food animals. Who needs smart food?" I've actually met a few Chow Chow owners who got them as pups and were surprised at how lazy and aggressive Chow Chow's turned out, and their lack of motivation for learning new trick. In many cases they would defend the intelligence of their dogs by saying something to the effect "Well *my* dog is different, it's too smart to listen to anyone." In short, stupid owners own stupid dogs (or put it another way a dog's behavior is a reflection on the owners) \_ Chows aren't an aggressive breed in the sense that pit bulls are. Mostly they just want to be left alone so unless you go out of your way to find and harass a Chow the Chow will happily ignore you, but sure if you go harassing the poor thing then expect to be snarled at. Duh. The deal with Chows is they're not social pack oriented dogs. They will find a single person they decide is theirs and want the rest of the world to go away. If you're that one person you've got a great friend, if not then just ignore it and leave it alone and it'll leave you alone. Tricks: their one person can get them to do stuff but they tend to choose someone who lets them alone in the first place so no they tend not to be a trick performing dog. In short, they're not family dogs, but they can be really good for a widow(er) who won't inundate the poor creature with hordes of family. I'm not sure where you came up with all these Chow owners you've known. It isn't a very common breed. \_ I lived in Asia. It's common there. Sadly, most owners I've met buy dogs because of their looks (oh it looks so cute and the color matches my purse!) and do not understand anything about temperament, health, genetics, maintenance, etc. Dogs are well behaved when their owners are assertive and lead. Most dogs do not behave well and bark excessively or have some neurotic behaviors because the owners are shy or incapable. This is why so many dogs are let go on the streets and end up as chows. In conclusion, people are stupid. -pp \_ Like I said the other day, before getting any dog the wanna-be owner should research the breeds they're interested in and dog care requirements in general. Chows are great for some people, terrible for others. The same can be said for any breed. For example the dogs they train as 'assistance dogs' for para/quadra- pelegics(sp?) are not the super whip smart dogs. They grow bored too easily or in some cases do great in training but won't respond well for someone who can't physically dominate them. Assistance dogs tend to be mellower, slower, less smart but willing to work for their person all day long while the smart dogs give up after a few minutes. \_ Very scientific. |
2007/7/3-4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47161 Activity:low |
7/3 I'm researching purebred dogs. What does it mean when a dog's parents (sire/dam) have "Ch." in front of them? Like "Ch. Rosemary" or "Ch. Mercedes"? I'm guessing it's some certification, or a winner at the dog show? Does it mean they're genetically tested or examined for predisposition to diseases? \_ Ch = Switzerland. It stands for "Confoederatio Helvetica" \_ Ch == Champion? \_ Cheese \_ Praise cheeses! |
2007/7/1-4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47142 Activity:nil |
6/31 Resident develops new breed of dog-like cat - the puppykat: http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2006/03/20/news/californian/31906192121.txt \_ Just get a chow chow. They like to play with their own tails and chase any little thing that moves and ignores most of your commands except the word "food". They're as dumb as cats. |
2007/6/30-7/4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47141 Activity:kinda low |
6/30 People buying purebred animals often buy them at petstores and are contributing to the problem. ADOPT MUTTS DON'T BUY PURE! http://www.helpinganimals.com/ga_petstore.asp \_ Suppose every single person in America adopts a pet, will the problem be solved? No, because there will be more litters of unwanted pets due to negligence from new owners who fail to keep their pets indoors and/or spayed/neutered, and the whole cycle repeats. Adopting to solve the unwanted pet problem is like boycotting gasoline for a day. It doesn't get to the root of the problem-- irresponsible owners. I once adopted a pet from an owner who had unexpected babies. I thought solved his problem. Well guess what, his pet kept having unexpected babies. Adoption does not work. Punishing irresponsible owners does. \_ I wonder if you are willing to extend this argument to people having children 'irresponsibly.' \_ Meanwhile the rest of the world has bigger problems. \_ Agreed. We need to bring justice to all the evil bastards who had [oral] sex with his/her interns. -conservative \_ Phew! Interns. I thought you were going to say sisters. \_ http://dogs.about.com/od/dogbreeders/a/why_buy.htm Buying from a breeder makes you evil? \_ Yes, and so does driving, and complaining about airline security and living in the city and why do you hate America? -John \- that breeder link reads like a debeers ad. \- that breeder link reads like a debeers ad. strangely "debeers" and "breeders" are just a letter off. \_ Buying from a puppy mill doesn't make you evil. If you want a nice family dog, don't buy from a PM *or* from the local pound if you're in the SF area. The PM dogs are very likely to be unhealthy because they breed for looks and there's a *lot* of inbreeding going on to get certain 'designer' looks in dogs. The pound dogs are usually either abused or pit mixes, neither makes for a family friendly dog. Places like "Arf" provide the healthiest mutt and sometimes mixed puppies. Breeders who have a litter every year or so from their 1 or 2 dogs provide the best pure breed dogs. Dog health and attitude aside, please make sure *you* are the kind of person who is ready for a dog. Dogs require a *lot* of time, they are messy, they eat expensive stuff you don't want eaten, and they never grow up and go away to college. It's like having an infant for 10-15 years but furry with teeth, tail, and in need of more attention through most of it's life. I'm a very happy two dog owner but I'm ok not being able to travel, spending thousands a year on vets, food, and other dog expenses, and I gave up counting total damage for each dog when they hit the $3k mark. Research the breeds you're interested in before buying. If it is a working dog it will be smarter than most other dogs but also be very high energy. Other dogs require a *lot* of grooming. Some breeds require human intervention while giving birth. There's all sorts of weird things we've done to dogs. Do yourself and the dog a favor and know what you're getting into first. If you got a dog and gave it away or abandoned it because you were clueless when you got it, *that* would be evil. |
2007/6/29-7/2 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47132 Activity:nil |
6/29 Dear cat lovers, look: http://www.petmedsonline.org/top-10-smartest-dogs-in-the-world.html http://www.petmedsonline.org/least-intelligent-dogs.html Search for the word "cat-like characteristics" on both of these pages. Many of the dumb dogs have cat-like characteristics. Yes, I think cats are dumb. Sorry. \_ I love it when cat owners always give the argument "Well *my* cat is too smart to listen to anyone." |
2007/6/29-30 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47128 Activity:kinda low |
6/29 Romney mistreated his dog http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-On-the-2008-Trail.html \_ Actaully, that sounds fine to me. Dog had a carrier and a wind- shield. \_ Other than that it was illegal... \_ Actually no. It would be illegal only if it was "an unnecessarily cruel or inhuman[e] manner or in a way and manner which might endanger the animal carried thereon." From the article, it does not seem likely that the putting the dog in a carrier on the roof of the car was "unnecessarily cruel or inhuman[e] manner." Also, provided the carrier was properly secured, it seems unlikely that this would endanger the dog. In any case, I am still surprised anyone would do this and it would be pretty funny if this campaign ended b/c of a 25 year old incident with a dog on the roof. \_ The dog was litterally scared shitless. \_ You know this how? Really the only info in the story is that the dog pooped. \_ Probably the best time the dog ever had \_ It isn't fine. In a wreck the dog is going to get smeared and wind shield or no the dog is still exposed to the elements, getting nailed with debris kicked up from the road, etc. \_ Uh, 25 years ago it was common not to wear seat belts. If the car didn't roll, the dog is probably safter than the people inside. And there was a windscreen, so it wasn't exposed to things kicked up from the road. \_ Would love to see his campaign implode over this particular incident. Romney, fucked by his dog. \_ I am a member of PETA = people eating tasty animals |
2007/6/29-7/2 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47125 Activity:nil |
6/29 http://images.google.com/images?q=miniature%20poodle Some of the white poodles have those pom-pom looking hair on their legs. Is that natural for white poodles or is it artificially groomed-cut? \_ They are cut that way, dufus. \_ Yes but WHY? \_ http://www.slate.com/id/2095247 History of Poodle's weird hairdos. \_ Poodles come in different clippings (cuts) and grooming: http://www.poodle-place.com/poodleclip.htm |
2007/6/29-7/2 [Recreation/Pets] UID:47122 Activity:nil |
6/29 http://www.netpets.com/dogs/healthspa/longevity1.html Miniature poodles live the longest. I'm going to guess they have rich owners who can afford expensive treatments. |
2007/6/8-13 [Recreation/Pets] UID:46896 Activity:nil |
6/9 Men tend to prefer dogs over cats because dogs are pack animals so men can lead as an alpha leader. Women prefer cats over dogs because cats are like babies and they grow up as independent individuals. I guess this is why many gay men love cats as well. http://www.listnow.com/helpingpaws/articles/article_245.html \_ warning: this article has zero content or interest. NSFIP. |
2007/6/3-6 [Recreation/Pets] UID:46840 Activity:high |
6/3 Are you a dog/cat/no-pet person and why? \_ Cat person. Dogs smell. Pets make my life better. \_ People smell too. That's why they need to be bathed. \_ Dogs smell like dog. You can't wash that away. \_ People smell like people. If your dogs smell you're not taking care of them. \_ My dog smells like Tide and Fabreze _at_all_times_. \_ Don't feed your dog Tide. \_ I don't mind the smell of people. I do mind the smell of dog. Therefore, I don't have a dog. I have never met a dog that didn't smell like dog, even dogs that appear to be well cared for. \_ You don't mind the smell of people? You went to Berkeley? Walked along Berkeley streets? Wow. All I can say is "Wow" and "so don't get a dog". \_ I don't mind the smell of people who wash themselves. I don't intend to bathe my dog every day. I'm sure most dog owners don't, even though they bathe themselves every day. \_ No Pets, allergic to them. Wish I could have a dog, but just can't. \_ If I pick up its poop, it should support me in my old age. \_ I'm with you. You clean up after a pet for 15 years, then it dies. At least a child has the possiblity of becoming something useful. \_ Or a huge drain as it becomes a crack addict and pregnant for the third time at 17 and you become the active parent for another generation while she's in prison for a few years. \_ If they're over 18, you never HAVE to take care of them. \_ You don't have to take care of your crack addict kid once they're 18 and in prison but what about your crack baby grand kids? \_ Get it a manager and put it in the movies and it'll support you now. \_ I've had cats but prefer dogs because as pack animals they're naturally inclined to adopt you as their pack mate and be your buddy than cats. Some cats will hang out and like people, but plenty of cats are just living mobile objects. \_ My personal feeling about dogs vs. cats vs. lizards: Reward dog(HumanWork w) {return (Reward) w / CONSTANT} Reward cat(HumanWork w) {return (Reward) w / (CONSTANT*CONSTANT)} Reward lizards(HumanWork w) {return 0} Reward cockroach(HumanWork w) {return -w} \_ Hopefully your constant is > 1. And has no units. \_ Well what is this reward? Display of affection, interaction? Even a fish can display some "reward"... for example fish can learn that you are the bringer of food and they kind of get excited and swim around when you go to feed them. So arguably that is a nonzero reward. And some of these creatures just plain look cool and are fun to watch or impress guests with, and may have a lower minimum HumanWork value than more complex animals to be healthy. Thus the Reward:HumanWork ratio could still be favorable. I find cats require much less work than dogs. \_ It is a personal thing. Cats do require less work but most cats return less than most dogs. YMMV. \_ Value is a partial order. -- ilyas \_ Thanks, that was funny. |
2007/3/16-20 [Recreation/Pets, Recreation/Food] UID:45994 Activity:nil |
3/16 Pet food maker announces major recall http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070316/ap_on_bi_ge/pet_food_recall "The FDA was working to nail down brand names covered by the recall, ......" I didn't know the "Food" in "Food and Drug Administration" includes dog food. |
2007/2/23-26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:45804 Activity:nil |
2/23 Best name for a dog grooming salon, EVAR! http://tinyurl.com/2p4r77 |
2007/2/13-15 [Recreation/Pets, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45733 Activity:nil |
2/13 "Dead pets give birth to diamond ring" http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070210/od_afp/britainanimaloffbeat Yew. Is she sick? \_ Is that worse than keeping the ashes on your mantle? \_ It beats having blood on your hands. |
2006/11/21-25 [Recreation/Pets] UID:45358 Activity:nil |
11/21 Schrodinger's Cat: http://preview.tinyurl.com/y8pphs (http://www.acc.umu.se \_ I don't get it. Why is it funny? \_ Wanted 'Dead AND Alive' |
2006/11/17-27 [Recreation/Pets] UID:45347 Activity:low |
11/17 http://www.quantumpicture.com/Flo_Control/flo_control.htm The flo-control project. Science application at its best. \_ That guy has a nice view. \_ nice view of the cat? \_ of Puget sound (in the background). \_ Oh I see. How rich do you have to be to live there? |
2006/9/28-29 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Pets] UID:44595 Activity:kinda low |
9/28 God, what a depressing day. Can someone post some lesbians so I can feel better? \_ Here you go: http://www.oceanlight.com/html/boobies.html http://www.rit.edu/~rhrsbi/GalapagosPages/Boobies.html http://tokyoahead.com/main/article.php/galapagosbirdsboobies \_ What a lot of pretty boobies! Thank you boobie guy! \_ Better than seagulls, I guess. --op \_ link:tinyurl.com/7wxd2 \_ http://www.heaven666.org/celebs/Anna%20Kournikova%20Gets%20the%20Sand%20Out!/anna-kournikova-sandyvag3.jpg \_ Go watch Saving Face. It's a romantic comedy about Chinese American lesbians... and I feel guilty for saying this, but the sex scene was HAWT. |
2006/8/4-6 [Recreation/Pets, Recreation/Media] UID:43897 Activity:nil |
8/3 Whoo dog! Oklahoma family entertainment! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5854686068870249151 \_ That's almost as good as http://www.retard.com -proud American \_ Redneck alert! |
2006/8/1-6 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Recreation/Pets] UID:43862 Activity:nil |
8/1 County officials in one Chinese province decide to club to death all non-military/police dogs due to rabies outbreak. Check out the photo. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14139027 \_ Why USA codemn mainland china for beat dog when Iraq Guataanimao no China USA brutal Israel@! \_ American care more about dog than they cares about non white. \_ That's not true. As a proud American, I care deeply about all black and Mexican women...at least when I'm just about to climax on them. -proud American \_ I was going to make a dumb joke but that's just sad. \_ did you delete the existing joke(s)? that's sad... \_ No. \_ I love my cat, I club my dog \_ they should of use lethal injection, just like what USA does. \_ They probably deserved it. -proud American \_ Those filthy dogs deserved everything they got. -proud Chinese |
2006/7/20-21 [Recreation/Pets] UID:43743 Activity:nil |
7/20 Infinite cat project: http://www.infinitecat.com -John \_ Would be appreciated if people could add more description to the link (like is it a humor site? is it a political statement site? is it a game site?) It'll help a lot of busy people here who don't have much time to check it out. Thanks! |
2006/7/18-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:43702 Activity:nil |
7/17 On a lighter note, cute cats! http://whatjeffkilled.com (contains gruesome rodent remains) http://www.catsthatlooklikehitler.com \_ http://www.catsinsinks.com http://www.kittenwar.com |
2006/6/20-24 [Recreation/Pets] UID:43436 Activity:nil |
6/19 Protozoa that infects mice and rats make them attracted to cat odor. Reproduces in cats and excreted in cat feces. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/20/science/20toxo.html \_ Same organism makes humans more reckless. \_ 50% of humans thought to be infected. Linked to risky behaviour in men and promiscuity in women. France has 88% infection rate. Draw your own conclusions. \_ Um, ok, so if I'm a lonely virgin geek I have a better chance of getting laid in France? If that's true, I'm totally moving to France. \_ so people who like cats are just suffering from an infection? |
2006/5/26-29 [Recreation/Pets] UID:43203 Activity:nil |
5/26 Alien image found inside of duck: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2006/05/26/BAGVCJ28RM33.DTL \_ Nice: "Unusual characteristics are commonly on display among male mallards during the spring mating season, according to Travers. Their testicles, for instance, grow to three times the size of their brains, but they have never been known to sprout an alien head, she said." |
2006/3/24-25 [Recreation/Pets] UID:42414 Activity:high |
3/24 ilyas? \_ no. \_ hypocrite. \_ wanker. \_ [ilyas is] like the man that was bitten badly by a dog as a child and persists in believing that all dogs are evil. Best commentary on ilyas eVAR!!! \_ Apparently he has never been shot, then. \_ huh? -dans \_ huh? Ah. Guns. Nod. -dans |
2006/3/23-25 [Recreation/Pets, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:42396 Activity:nil |
3/23 http://www.cnn.com/2006/LAW/03/22/doghandler.sentenced/index.html Abu Ghraib dog handler conviction "He also was convicted of allowing the dog to participate in the lewd acts of licking peanut butter off of a woman's chest and a man's genitalia." (Not off prisoners, but fellow soldiers, for entertainment) \_ Dog's razor sharp teeth + genitalia == Worst jackass episode evar! \_ A dog's not going to _accidentally_ bite you while licking peanut butter. \_ Uhm, either way, why would anyone want a dog doing that to them? Yech! \_ I beg to differ. I think the dog would try to take a bite out of what it's licking. For instance, I've never seen a dog satisfied with just licking a piece of meat - it usually tries to bite a chunk off of it. -!pp \_ dogs are experts at licking balls.. \_ Dogs know the difference between a hunk of meat and a person. \_ That's true in general...but once a dog gets excited, the line often gets a little blurry, then Bad Things are (much) more likely to happen -- especially when you've mixed dog+genitals+food. -!PP \_ I don't think peanut-buttered dangling penises are things a dog normally knows much about. \_ How drunk would you have get to test that theory? \_ That would be a great darwin award. \_ So this joker just magically got it in his head one day to "release the hounds"? What about his superiors? \_ I think the way it worked was: there was a lot of bad stuff that happened that produced some sort of results. The superiors didn't order or condone it, but probably rewarded the results. The people we're seeing are the failures who got caught. \_ Umm... "let slip the dogs of war"... \_ So all the underlings had spontaneous outbreaks of uncontrollable urges to torture inmates? I still don't know how anyone prosecuting the absolutely lowest people on the totem pole do not break out laughing uncontrollably. \_ Maybe they used to be Wal-Mart executives. "Here's your payroll. You can't actually run your store with it legally, but that's your problem. Be creative!" |
2006/3/21-25 [Recreation/Pets] UID:42363 Activity:nil |
3/21 What do you do if you see a stray dog/pet in your neighborhood? \_ aggressive? call animal control. friendly? grab it and see if it has a name tag with contact info. \_ is animal control open at night or weekends? \_ If it is a cat, ignore it unless it is a total baby. Feral cats aren't going to let a stranger get anywhere near them and if it isn't feral it has an owner. Lots of cats refuse to wear collars. \_ Call your local Korean restaurant. If it's a kitten/puppy, take it home (I never see kittens/puppies, they're too tender and get snatched up very quickly.) -John \_ John, are you trying to be funny or are you trying to insinuate that Koreans are barbaric? Do you even know anything about the Koreans? I don't know who you are personally but I am personally offended. I am Korean. \_ No, I'm insinuating that Koreans eat dogs. -John \_ You're on my watch list now. -Korean |
2005/12/29-2006/1/1 [Health/Disease/General, Recreation/Pets] UID:41169 Activity:high |
12/29 Damn, I can't believe I need a prescription for my fucking pet Are there any Mexican Vet Pharmacies online that will sell me some .8mg levothyroxine pills. - can't get throught the spam. \_ Unless you're opposed to prescriptions for humans, you have taken an inconsistent position. Many of the medicines prescribed for pets are the same as those used in humans, especially painkillers. If you think they should all be available over the counter, fine. But you can't just expect stores to sell prescription painkillers over the counter with a label that says "only for pets" and expect that to work. \_ And yet you can buy a lot of medicines at a farm supply (including some medicines a human would need a prescription for) that would require a prescription for, say, a dog. When a farmer needs to treat 1000 cows/chickens/whatever he often treats them all and without a prescription. The problem with shopping at a farm supply is that the concentrations are often too high to dose a single pet. \_ The law, much like life, is inconsistent. Deal with it. \_ Can't believe? First pet? \_ My cat might have this, too. What were the symptoms of your pet? \_ sounds like his pet is hypothyroid, so it'll probably be lethargic, tired, overweight, and slightly cold. \_ Why don't you just go to the vet. considering you know that your pet needs levothyroxine, I'm assuming you realized this because a vet told you. \_ http://www.inhousepharmacy.com/general/eltroxin.html |
2005/12/1-4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:40807 Activity:nil |
12/1 Hungry killer Russian squirrels rip a "big" dog apart at a park: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4489792.stm \_ wow. over 24 hours old, and not a single snarky comment. |
2005/10/7-9 [Recreation/Pets] UID:40022 Activity:nil |
10/7 Do people name their pets: Michael or Jennifer? - not a pet owner. \_ Why not? \_ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22dog+named+michael%22&btnG=Google+Search \_ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22dog+named+michael \_ Are all your pets named Eric? \_ Personally I'd name my dog 'sex': http://www.snopes.com/humor/jokes/namedsex.htm \_ Human names for pets are the norm these days. Theories on this generally center around the way pets are more members of the family now and/or surrogates for children in many households. |
2005/10/7-9 [Health/Men, Recreation/Pets] UID:40014 Activity:nil |
10/7 Fake Dog Testicle Creator wins Ig Nobel http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051007/ap_on_fe_st/ig_nobels Apparently they are called "Neuticles." \_ What is a "testical"? \_ It's like a cubical. \_ This one makes me chuckle: PEACE: Two researchers at Newcastle University in England monitored the brain activity of locusts as they watched clips from the movie "Star Wars." I imagine all these little locust brains hooked up with wires and a big screen playing "Star Wars" in the background. Hilarious! I wonder if they are hooked up "Clockwork Orange" style. \_ You should have seen the activity go off the chart when cell phones started ringing and the popcorn ran out. \_ What is a "testical"? \_ It's like a cubical. |
2005/9/28-10/3 [Recreation/Pets] UID:39915 Activity:nil |
9/28 Here's an ethics question: Suppose someone is a vegetarien for ethical (animal suffering) reasons, and thet also own a pet dog/cat. The can either feed their pet standard meat-based pet food (and directly contribute to the death of more animals) or they can feed it high protien vegetarian food which costs 3x as much and gives their animal indigestion. What is the ethical thing to do? (This is purely abstract) \_ Cats are carnivores, and can't survive a vegetarian diet. Dogs can, though their diet has to be watched carefully to make sure they're getting enough nutrients. \_ Vegetarians == Murderers - Fruitarian \_ What do you do with the seeds? \_ shit them out and watch them grow.. \_ eating seeds is like abortion! It kills! -fruit cake \_ the whole reason trees bear fruit is for animals to eat them and spread their seed ... symbyosis.. \_ You should feed pieces of yourself to your pets. Start eating tons of vegetarian food, so you get really fat, and hopefully you will regrow chunks of yourself fast enough to let the pet survive. You can tranquilize and take parts off other people at first. \_ I have an acquaintance who adopted a cat from a vegan moron who fed the cat a vegetarian diet. The cat was unhealthy and small. She's still messed up by it. You have to feed your pet a proper (carnivorous) diet. Period. If you cannot do that then do not get a pet. \_ Cats are carnivores. In fact, one argument vegetarians often use to show that humans *aren't* pure carnivores is to contrast the digestive tract of a feline with the digestive tract of a human. Felines have short, straight digestive tracts versus the long and bendy digestive tract of a human ... Feed the cat meat or don't have a cat. I don't know anything about dogs. \_ please.. look at archeology.. all the tools prehistoric humans used to evolve were mostly to kill animals and eat them.. we evolved as carnivores.. \- IMHO, vegetarianism is mostly a life style choice and only putatively an "ethical" choice. "can you be politically opposed to slavery and have a pet" ... shouldn't you give it the chance to run away at any time? looking for ethical it the chance to run away at any ime? looking for ethical consistency here is silly. There are some big ethics questions this touches [like how to respond to the "infinite demands or morality" and the comission/omission problem (if you are opposed to animal suffering why arent you quitting your job and helping animals rather than "merely" not eating them) but the motd is too small for extended discussion of that kind of thing. \_ The point is that if you have a cat and are hurting it by feeding it vegetarian food then you can't win if you don't want to hurt animals -- cats need meat -- so either feed the cat meat or don't have a cat. \_ Humans aren't carnivores. Humans are omnivores. \_ some options: 1. choose not to own a pet 2. if you must own a pet, get a vegetarian pet (most animals are vegetarian, so its not that hard) 3. if you must own a non-vegetarian pet, let the pet feed itself via hunting (its not like you personally are doing the killing) 4. if you can't let the non-vegetarian pet feed itself, then feed the thing appropriate food. \- 5. get a chiapet \_ or a nintendog \_ Or a Penthouse Pet. Are those vegetarian BTW? \_ Or a Penthouse Pet. Are they vegetarian BTW? \_ Well thanks for the pet care tips but this is a purely hypothetical question. I'm an omnivore and so's my dog. -op \_ i don't understand your 'animal suffering' logic. Animals suffer a lot more as a whole due to expansion of area of human activities. If you really care about animal's well-being, have less children, and don't critize countries who are trying (i.e. China). And at the same time, dump your SUV, and seperate your garbage. These things will go a long way \_ "separate." And "loose" is not the same as "lose." \_ i meant seperate and recycle \_ nope, still not a word. \_ seperate? \_ http://webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=seperate&x=0&y=0 \_ http://webster.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?va=seperate \_ http://tinyurl.com/dx4fe (webster.com) \_ seperate! \- Why cant we all get along ... and have a Separate Peace. and have A Separate Peace. --rodney && john \_ dump your car, even if it isn't a SUV. RIDE BIKE! \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ What if the bike is made in the USA? \_ It probably looks French. \_ riding bike looks french? really? I always thought that riding bike looked asian or british. \_ Commuting by bike is very popular in the Netherlands. than eating them, as they are legit source of protein. Just skip any sport that kills for fun, such as possum hunting and fishing... unless you are planning on eatting possum and all the catch you got. \_ I call the big one bitey. \_ I'm a vegetarian and if I had a cat I would feed it meat. I would laugh at people who tried to call me on my ethical inconsistency, because they just Don't Get It. None of us are perfectly consistent. That doesn't mean our sporadic "good" actions have no weight. -niloc \_ I'm a vegetarian and if I had a cat I would feed it meat. I would laugh at people who tried to call me on my ethical inconsistency, because they just Don't Get It. None of us are perfectly consistent. That doesn't mean our sporadic "good" actions have no weight. -niloc |
2005/9/21-23 [Recreation/Pets] UID:39797 Activity:low |
9/21 Is there such a thing as a category 6/7 hurricane? Is it exponential? \_ cat 4 l35 mph winds, cat 5, 165 mph.. \_ cat 5 is >=155mph. There is no 6. \- NOAA has now standardized Cat 5e. --psb \_ NOAA is yet another incompetent government agency. They need to dismantle it and replace it with a much more effective private corporation. p.s. Since you always seem to need the reminder, Clinton ain't presnit no more. effective private corporation. \_ 6 is what you get after you drop a nuke in a cat 5 \_ Three Sir! |
2005/9/17-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:39719 Activity:nil |
9/17 Moscow Cats Theater, in New York http://tinyurl.com/7kksr (NY Times) \_ There's also an exhibit of Russian art there now called "Russia!" (I forget where they're having it) with a lot of really cool stuff from the Tretyakov. A lot of these you don't see in Europe/the US. I highly recommend it, the paintings are fantastic. -John |
2005/9/14-15 [Recreation/Pets, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:39676 Activity:kinda low |
9/14 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050914/od_nm/germany_cats_dc German invertor creates renewable fuel. A newspaper say he uses dead cats as the source but he denies it. Fucking Krauts. \_ Maybe he can improve the technology to use lying politicians and all our energy problems will be solved. \_ What's wrong with using dead cats? \_ Yeah they should use Hilary and her Democratic minions. \_ Dead fat cats? \_ You know, if he were born 60 years ago, he'd use Jews as a renewable resource. I mean, they're pretty cheap. \_ Holocaust on your plate! \_ Wait, you mean 1) they're plentiful, so they're cheap to find or 2) that Jewish people are cheap, as in frugal cheap? Which one do you mean? \_ Its about time someone figured out a good use for cats. And any time you need a fill up just run over a cat! |
2005/8/14-15 [Recreation/Pets] UID:39114 Activity:moderate |
8/14 Hey motd, I've found myself in possession of an 8-week-old kitten with a very sweet disposition (rescued it from a mother that was no longer interested in caring for the runt of the litter). Unfortunately, I don't think I can afford to keep a pet for any long duration. I'd rather not just bring it to a shelter, so if anyone here knows of a good home where I can get it adopted, contact me. BTW, I'm going to get it its first round of shots on sunday, and will likely get it (a male) fixed on monday. That's really about as far as my budget and time can be stretched. I can wait for a week, maybe two, but after that it's off to the shelter. TIA. -mice \_ Moved this back to the top in the hopes of catching any sodans that have lives and don't check motd on weekends. -mice \_ I noticed you deleted my "trash" comment (which was to ridicule ilyas' moronic "gas chamber" comment). Restored. \_ Actually, no -- I didn't delete your pointless trash comment. Sorry. -mice \_ Actually, no -- I didn't delete your trash comment. If you're going to make accusations of this sort, at least be sure of your information. -mice \_ Look at yourself. \_ Look at yourself. Here is a thread trying to save a life, and the only way you can contribute is by 'ridiculing' a post someone else has made. You aren't offering to help, or posting something useful, you just sort of pee on the thread and move on. Pathetic worm. -- ilyas \_ Whatever. Comparing euthanizing animals to gas chambers was peeing all over humanity. \_ Seek therapy, son. \_ Whatever dad. Without referencing 1940s Germany or modern death row I think the allusion to gas chambers is overwrought and offensive. \_ You take yourself waaaay too seriously, son. Relax. \_ This is in the LA area, yes? I will ask around. For the love of god don't send it to the gas chambers. -- ilyas \_ Actually, thanks for the clarification: I'm in the BA, but I do have friends in socal, so I *might* be able to deliver ht kitten and visit with my socal friends in one trip. Of course, I'd prefer not to leave the sf/ba. Gracias, ilyas. -mice \_ Yeah, just throw it in the trash instead. \_ Actually, thanks for the clarification: I'm in the BA. But... I do have friends in socal, so I *might* be able to deliver the kitten and visit with my socal friends in one trip. Of course, I'd prefer not to leave the sf/ba.... Gracias, ilyas. -mice \_ Hey mice, try http://www.arf.net in Walnut Creek. The Animal Rescue Foundation is not really a shelter so they treat their animals like royalty. Lots of adoption happening there-jthoms \_ Yeah, just throw it in the trash instead. |
2005/8/11-13 [Recreation/Pets] UID:39095 Activity:moderate |
8/11 Insurgents using dogs to deliver bombs: http://tinyurl.com/c2vbq (newsday.com) \_ kewl, news magazine cover should have Bomb Sniffing dog sniffing bomb carrying dog's butt. \_ dogs now have a legitament reason to sniff other dogs ass \_ now can we call suicide bombers "dum dogs"? \_ I wonder if this means that the suicide bomber recruitment pool has gotten sparse. \_ I like how this (seemingly) horrifies people _more_ than using humans. \_ Are you seriously going to claim that a dog's life is not worth more than that of a terrorist? \_ Oh, you're serious. \_ ^terrorist^commie -tom \_ dumbass \_ The Russians actually tried this out in WWII, but the dogs kept coming back to the hand that fed them (and hanging out under tanks and things.) -John \_ I also recall from my marine mamals class that this has been tried with dolfins, but once the dolfins see another dolfin blow up, the rest all know better. \_ "Dolphins", and for added hilarity you should look up "bat bombs". -John \_ Because one suicidal bomber can now be non-suicidal and use dogs to deliver bombs over and over again. Plus dogs are smaller and run faster, so it's harder to shoot. \_ The dogs have no choice. It's like using children. Adult bombers made a decision, even if perhaps a suspect one. \_ Not if the rumors they're often using retards is true. \_ for the purposes of this discussion, you are a retard, to use the perjorative. \_ just shoot any dog with a backpack,easy \_ Are you suggesting doggie profiling? What if he's just on his way to work? \_ Then the army should hire more Korean chefs. Arf. \_ I don't think it's discrimination to suggest we look a little closer at Afghan Hounds. |
2005/7/19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:38699 Activity:nil |
7/19 Birds learn to imitate cell phone ring tones: http://www.hindustantimes.com/news/7242_1434263,00180021.htm \_ I've heard mockingbirds around here doing the whole four-tone car alarm. -tom |
2005/6/20-21 [Recreation/Pets] UID:38213 Activity:high |
6/20 Boredcast Message from 'eric': Mon Jun 20 17:06:08 2005 So, psb, Mr. philosopher: If a woman gets fucked by a male dog, is it rape? I'll bet that happens a lot more than the other way around. I don't read wall that much, but this caught my eye, because I am told in Roman coliseums, specially bred and trained dogs raping slave women was one of the attractions. \_ ? why are you trying to reply to a wall on the motd? \- anonymity? re the above [reformatted] comments: 1. i dont think this was relevant to the legal principle of the composition of tort damage or magnitude of criminal sanction i was interested in. 2. this not an area of roman history i am especially knowledgeable about. \_ Why does psb hate raper dogs? \_ Let me rephrase the wall: "If a women has sex with a male dog, did *SHE* rape the dog?" -- Dogs do not go around raping women, unless I've missed some major news item recently -eric \_ Well, I dunno about dogs that rape, but this dog raper guy really is an argument for 110th trimester abortion: http://www.fox21.com/Global/story.asp?S=3456745 \_ Gah. Don't forget he also molested two little girls. |
2005/6/10-13 [Recreation/Pets] UID:38082 Activity:nil |
6/10 Pictures of stuff on top of cats. http://www.stuffonmycat.com \_ I think this stuff encourages cruelty. Like that cat-scanning thing from a while back. \_ Oh please, cruelty to cats doesn't need to be encouraged. \_ I can't get this page to load - do they have anything cool on top of a cat, like say a CAR? \_ Dammit, bandwidth limit exceeded. Looks like the cats were too cute for their own good. \_ It's back, as of 6/12 |
2005/5/27-31 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37868 Activity:kinda low |
5/27 Ten foot tall "LIGER" - part lion; part tiger; weighs half a ton and is still growing! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1411998/posts?page=1,50 \_ Freepers are strange. \_ hey free republic guy, do you get all your pop culture info from free republic? I just blew 5 minutes reading all of that, I hate you. I notice none of the responses mention the real genetic reason ligers happen. - danh \_ Extreme fishing: dogged noodlers who wrestle catfish from the depths http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1412946/posts [fuck you and your ip addresses] |
2005/5/18 [Recreation/Pets, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:37755 Activity:nil 80%like:37753 |
5/18 Bush Attacking People in Texas: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/18/birds.attack.ap/index.html |
2005/5/18 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37753 Activity:nil 80%like:37755 |
5/18 Birds Attacking People in Texas: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/05/18/birds.attack.ap/index.html |
2005/5/17-18 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37721 Activity:very high |
5/17 My garden has big rat and previous attempts of poisonous baits were not effective at all. I am considering using mouse cage to catch the rat but I am concerning with the disposal of the rat. What is a humane way to dispose the caged rat? \_ May I ask where you live? \_ it might sound nasty, but... boil a pot of water and pour on it. then burry it somewhere. you don't want to touch it, and kill them by physical means gets nasty... blood everywhere, etc. mind you that when rat dies, it tend to poop, so, you want to do it outside somwhere. -been there, done that \_ 22 or BB gun \_ I agree. BB gun is a lot more fun too, though it's not always that effective (you can't get rats when it's dark). They're good for gopher shooting though. \_ There's no such thing as one rat. \_ Take it to Tilden Park and let it go. \_ Are you using mouse poison or rat poison? \_ Wait... poison... humane? Dude, rat poison is not a pleasant death. \_ Feed it rat poison. \_ Feed it to a snake. \_ Take it to Casa Zimbabwe and let it rejoin its family. \_ <clap> <clap> \_ I lived in CZ and had mice, but not rats. A few traps and they figured out to stay away from me. They are smart little buggers. They would purposefully pass by my room. \_ What about the fleas, coop residents, and other assorted vermin? -John \_ Never had fleas. The residents, well... \_ We had several infestations while I was there, and often it was some of the residents that had the fleas. I just vividly remember one of the vegan nutjobs nearly throwing a shitfit at the idea of gas-bombing the place because she wouldn't have chemicals. She stormed out of a house meeting after all the semi-sane people laughed at her idea that we all just eat more garlic because the fleas would hate it. And almost every building where there's food lying around has mice, it's just a question of scale. -John \_ There were plenty of mice in the radiators. As for the compost heap, I believe it had plenty of rats. \_ Probably. They are always rats outside. That's why the original poster is a putz. Rats live, uh, outside. I never saw a rat inside of CZ, though. Mice, yes. \_ Wow. are people really this stupid? \_ No, just you. \_ A spring trap, while gruesome, is a pretty quick death if you pick the rat-size ones. \_ Unfortunately, even the rat-sized spring traps don't always kill rats right away. My girlfriend managed to get a rat with its nose cut off running around the living room, bleeding all over everything. It did die eventually, though. \_ What if a cat steps in it? \_ Nobody said anything about cats. Can you place a trap inside? \_ Wow, way to think ahead. It's a *garden*, so it's outdoors, where cats are... \_ The cat doesn't catch rats? \_ "...and we get the cat skins for nothing" \_ The 'easiest' way would be to drown the rat by sinking the cage under water. Rats are like mosquito, you need to get 'rid' of it, not relocating it. \_ Think 'Caddyshack'. -meyers \_ My friend's roommate has a cat that keeps catching mice in the apartment. Get a hunter cat (abassinian?) to take care of the rats. \- do you marry a plumber if you have a "plumbing problem"? "get a cat"is not the solution to the vermin problem, it is a solution to the "i dont have a cat and would like one" problem. maybe hire a cat. \_ I used to keep an applehead siamese and it regularly caught rats and mice outside (though other small animals fell victims to it too. I guess that's the collateral damage) \_ Flush it down the toilet. \_ you can clog the toilet. \_ You want to get rid of your roommate? \_ My dad got a high-powered rifle with IR & laser scope for the muskrats on his farm. That may not be the most practical solution, but it's sure the most entertaining one if you don't mind a bit of a mess (and have tolerant neighbors.) \_ Too much for a rat. Just a simple 22LR with subsonic ammo will do. \_ Muskrats. Big 2 foot long fuckers. I recommend you watch 'Split Second' for how to deal with rats. -John \_ What do people think of RatZapper? Sounds like it would work well indoors: http://www.epestsupply.com/mice.htm |
2005/5/13-15 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37670 Activity:nil |
5/13 Dog gets a degree: http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2005/05/13/dogdegree0513.html |
2005/5/12-13 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37644 Activity:nil |
5/11 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/05/06/eveningnews/main693667.shtml Animal cosmetic surgery. \_ do they make Neuticles for men? |
2005/5/10-11 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37616 Activity:low |
5/10 Bird Nest in Public Ash Tray: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_midlands/4534379.stm \_ Best news title ever. \_ Ha ha! There are birds with "tit" in their names! We're in sixth grade! \_ "The holes for butts on the box are the same size as on a bird box..." huh huh huh! Butt! \_ Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca It's between Bolivia and Peru Lake Titicaca, oh Lake Titicaca With waters tranquil and blue. Oh Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca Why do we sing of its fame? Lake Titicaca, yes Lake Titicaca 'Cause we really like saying its name! Titicaca! \_ is this from Animaniacs? |
2005/4/18-19 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37237 Activity:low |
4/18 Why did the big cats survive (Tiger, Lion) but the big dogs didn't? \_ maybe the big dogs were in areas good for human agriculture, and so were actively hunted, whereas the big cats were either on continents not as effected by widescale agriculture, or were in niches that helped them survive like jungles and mountains. \_ This happened to lions in Europe and elsewhere... the African ones survived because of the vast wilderness areas. But now they're relagated to dwindling preserves. Tigers survived in some large jungles but humans have caught up to them now too. Those animals all need very large habitats and herd animals to prey on. Those herds will all be replaced with McDonald's cow factories. \_ Survival of the fittest-- homo sapien. YAY we're ALL WINNERS! \_ For tigers, I think it needs several sq. miles of territory *per tiger* to survive. For lions, since they live in groups, I guess the area needed is smaller. \_ They need pretty huge areas too. In the small preserves they get under pressure from hyenas etc. and easy prey is harder so they get injured more. If you consider the area of the whole ecosystem it needs to be friggin huge. \_ Several hundred square miles is more like it. It depends on how food-rich an area is. Tiger territories are anywhere from 8 to 400 square miles. Lions need about 15-100 square miles per pride. I assume it is less because big game is plentiful in most of Africa. \_ bigger teeth? dumbed downed by human domestication? \_ God didn't want them to. \_ the big dogs did, they're called wolves. - danh \_ I was under the impression that dogs and bears are relatively recent relatives, evolutionarily speaking. So the primordial dog-bears diverged into wolves/jackals/coyotes on one side and bears on the other. \_ Bear dog! http://www.bbc.co.uk/beasts/evidence/prog3/page5.shtml |
2005/4/13-14 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37174 Activity:moderate |
4/13 Does it mean anything when an apparently friendly house cat takes a swipe at you after you stopped petting it ? I am not the only one that this has happened to wrt to this cat. \_ People own dogs but cats own owners. You've been owned. (dogs see humans as masters, cats see humans as equals) \_ that it's a cat. \_ seconded \_ that it's time to put it down. \_ What does "take a swipe at you" mean? walking by you? \_ that you're now the cat's bitch and must obey its every order \_ apparently friendly? you mean, because it looks like a cat? \_ I agree. What makes him think it is friendly? I have a cat like this and I make sure to tell visitors that it is not friendly. \_ the only friendly house cats are dead ones \_ Swipe lightly? He's just playing. And lightly can still hurt, those claws are fucking sharp. \_ That's possible too... I've actually seen some cats that are smart about this and try real hard not to scratch. Like, he could jump onto my back from high up and not use his claws at all, just slide around a bit. Our other cat was clueless and had razor sharp claws because it didn't walk outside much. \_ Cat's claws don't get dulled by walking outside, since they are retractable. \_ How much they retract claws depends on their environment when growing up. Playing with other kittens gives them training in how much they have to retract, cuz they learn that it hurts. If it was raised w/o other kittens, then it has never learned to retract claws. |
2005/4/3 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37051 Activity:moderate 75%like:37048 |
4/2 Ass Kicks Cougar http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1376303/posts \_ obCheckSnopesFirst http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/mulelion.asp \_ this is already in the the thread \_ this nevertheless does not justify posting to the motd before checking. who the hell wants to dig through FR threads? \_ Free Republic makes life Worth living! \_ Every village needs an idiot, after all. |
2005/4/2 [Recreation/Pets] UID:37048 Activity:high 75%like:37051 |
4/2 Ass Kicks Cougar \_ obCheckSnopesFirst http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/mulelion.asp \_ this is already in the the thread \_ this nevertheless does not justify posting to the motd before checking. who the hell wants to dig through FR threads? |
2005/1/27-28 [Recreation/Pets] UID:35942 Activity:high |
1/27 Okay, this cracked me up: http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/wdc/56471618.html \_ oh my god this is so cute!!!!!!!!!!! cute cute cute :) Thanks for posting this site. \_ Cute to you. Abuse of a trusting pet to me. \_ I used to hate cats. Now that I've seen how cool cats can be, though, I've become convinced that most cats are bad because cats imprint stongly on their owners' behavior, and many cat owners have severe and obvious personality defects that rub off on their pets (see above). \_ So for cats that have been raised by one individual since kittenhood, if the cat's an asshole, then the owner is a bastard? \_ I think "asshole" is a term I would very rarely apply to a cat. What I find irritating about most cats is that they're so prissy and terrified of everything, and I've definitely seen correlations between that behavior in cats and their owners. I guess that behavior is not exactly harmful in a cat, anymore than sitting on a rock all day is harmful in a pet lizard, it just makes them lousy pets. \_ Lighten up. \_ I generally agree. But when one owner has two cats with very different traits, what do you figure is going on if they are both inheriting traits from their owner? Do you figure each cat has become a familiar to a particular part of their owner's personality, or does this indicate that anthropomorph- izing the traits of small domesticated animals is inadvisable. \_ I agree somewhat but I'm not sure what makes some cats become really outgoing and friendly. I think it might be exposure to (nice) strangers when young. Our two family cats were both very friendly to the family but freaked around strangers. We had some asshole neighbors who might have been mean to them. I think there's some genetics too of course. At my apartment place there was a really cool friendly cat who just treated everyone as a friend and played/followed them into their apartment etc. \_ Lighten up. \_ Cute is not funny. \_ Lighten up. |
2005/1/13-14 [Recreation/Pets] UID:35694 Activity:kinda low |
1/13 Where would I buy a small basket that can be used as a bird nest? You know those kind of like a gift basket. There are a few birds that seem to like to stay in under the roof of my deck standing on the rails at night. There's nothing in that area that would allow them to make a nest. I believe those birds are hatched from another spot under the deck roof a year or two ago, but that spot is no longer available due to me fixed something. I am thinking if I hang a small basket under the rail, they eventually might figure out to use it as a nest? \_ Michael's or similar, any of dozens of locations around. You want to be careful about birds. They'll chew up your roof and attract vermin if you don't get rid of them. Better if you found them a nice tree to stay in. \_ one of those arts and crafts stores? \_ <DEAD>PETCO.com<DEAD>? \_ Cost Plus |
2004/10/21 [Recreation/Pets] UID:34271 Activity:low |
10/21 Deal dog experts. I've heard that chocolates are bad for dogs and may kill them because it's like cocaine for them. Is this really true? How about other types of food? Say, McD fries? I'm asking because my gf's dad fed their dog McD fries (which we all had) and the dog got really really sick, so I'm wondering if fries are also bad for dogs. ok thx. \_ Dogs don't metabolize the caffeine and theobromine properly, so it affects them much more strongly and they 'overdose' very easily. As for mickey-D fries... was it just sick as in barfing and/or diarehea? If that's all I'd just blame there being more oil than their digestive system could handle. A small digression: Do not feed dogs any raw or cooked onions. A compound in onions causes hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) in dogs, which leads to anemia or even death. Grapes, raisins and wine are also toxic to them for some unknown reason. \_ As above, plus in general dogs should not be eating more than a taste of modern human foods and never raw. Some people believe that since dogs eat raw in the wild, they should eat raw in captivity, but this doesn't apply, even to a simple bone, because in the wild they consume a bone along with the fur, skin, etc, so bone shards are coated in other unedible garbage that passes through. When you feed your dog a raw bone without the rest of the kill, you can cause serious harm. As for the rest of human foods, they are simply not build to safely eat all that garbage. I let my dog get a *taste* of a lot of things including chocolate very rarely but I'm talking a *taste*, as in less than half a tea spoon and more commonly just whatever is coating the tip of one finger. Do not feed your dog greasy shitty crap like McDs. |
2004/9/12-13 [Recreation/Pets] UID:33483 Activity:moderate |
9/12 I often buy roast chickens. After picking over them there's still bits of meat and fat on the carcass. If I make stock from this, the meat falls off the bones and the bones take on the consistency of dry-rot eaten wood. Is it safe to feed these crumply bones to my dog? I know all about hard bones' danger but these seem harmless. Is this a new source of dog treats? Advice would be welcomed. \_ No. Chicken bones splinter far more than beef or most others. Your dog may cause damage to his digestive system. Most vets will tell you to never give your dog (or cat) chicken bones. \_ I thought cats natually like eating birds. \_ These don't splinter, they crumble under light pressure. \_ Not to be dismissive of your question here (I'm sure somebody knows about this here), but maybe your vet would be a better person to ask? \_ Hear, hear. And don't bother with google. The cooked/raw/never bones controversy is a flamewar unto itself among pet owners. The fact is there's significantly more risk than if they _don't_ eat bones at all, it's just a question of how beneficial they are to their dietary health. (IMO, it's not worth it) |
2004/8/17 [Health/Dental, Health/Men, Recreation/Pets] UID:32971 Activity:nil |
8/17 Plastic surgery for pets: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3923099.stm |
2004/8/17 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32953 Activity:high |
8/17 Question for soda ilyases regarding envrionmental protection. The rationale, as I understand it, against envrionmental protection goes as follows: "it is not fair that some nameless, faceless government agency can regulate what people can and can not do on property they own." Assume I agree with this. Let's consider a related kind of property. Some people own cats. In some sense, this is property just like land. Would you support people's right to burn their cats alive? \_ Yeah, fresh cat is always best prepared when the cat is broiled alive. Where have you been? \_ Mmmm...Ilya satire is an untapped goldmine! \_ Satire requires more effort than this. \_ Well, I said it was _untapped_. I like the idea more than the above attempt. \_ Since people act as a colony much like ants, and since ants have the right to eat any food the colony deems important, is it not logical that humans may eat their children? -mock-ilyas \_ Yeah, it's easier to mock than it is to respond intelligently. \_ No. Arguing with ilyas approaches a limit at infinity of uselessness extremely quickly. \_ Yeah, and a lot more fun than responding to stupid questions, too. \_ Will no one else help mock? \_ Actually, yeah. I don't give a crap if people want to light their own cats on fire. -motd conservitive \_ So it OK with you if I burn your cat and then pay you its fair-market value? \_ No, you can only do that if you're the government. \_ I can drop a ton of bricks on your car and pay you fair market value for it. Why can't I do the same to your cat? \_ No. A cat is not *owned* like a car or a house. And no, you don't have the right to destroy other's property and simply replace it with FMV. Property rights are a fundamental part of western society that the alleged motd conservative above fails to understand. --real conservative |
2004/8/16 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32940 Activity:high |
8/16 psb, tell us about the birds! \_ and the bees! \_ You really want to learn about the birds and the bees from partha? Try http://www.whitehouse.com instead. |
2004/8/10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32806 Activity:nil |
8/10 House cat hijacks airplane: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3551672.stm Boy! I sure feel safe now! Let's just hope those terrorists don't have cats. \_ uh oh. terrorists are training animals to attack and take control of the plane |
2004/8/8 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32767 Activity:very high |
8/8 What level of laser would be necessary to blind a bird? I need to eliminate pigeons around my house hazard (health hazard!) Would shining a 4.99 mW laser into their eyes do the trick (highest IIIa legal)? Humane stuff is not working and I am limited by what I can do due to homeowners association rules ... \_ Can't you put up some of those little spikey things that keep them from landing? I see those on buildings where they don't want birds to shit all the time. \_ that's pretty freaking cruel. just shoot the bird and kill it altogether. no need to blind it and make it forever miserable. \_ are you in a large city? what is this health hazard? you sound like a pretty weird person to want to go shining lasers into the eyes of birds. \_ Good luck shining the laser directly into the poor pigeon's eye. \_ Just hunt 'em with a blowgun. \_ You need to buy a .22 rifle. \_ Blinding probably won't work. It would be really hard to get both eyes anyway. A better choice would be a powerful BB gun, if you're into shooting them. I you could keep it up long enough, they would also learn to stay away from your house. However, probably more effective would be poison bird seed. Just mix some rat poison with bird seed, or, even easier, just buy some gopher poison, which is usually wheat with cyanide. Or maybe try the old bread and alka-seltzer trick, all though I'm not sure that works on pigeons. \_ This is one of the oddest posts I've ever seen. |
2004/7/26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32481 Activity:insanely high |
7/26 Bush's cat India gets Indians enraged: http://sify.com/news/offbeat/fullstory.php?id=13512345 \_ "Oh look! India's licking its asshole again!" \_ Huh? \_ Did he name the cat India after he was president? or is this an old cat. If he named it since becoming pres, he really is a dumb SOB Of course, the Indians are lame for getting all bent out of shape over it, but Damn. [update: Bush has owned cat for 10 years and it is named after some sports person, so it seems that these Indians are just lame.] -phuqm link:www.news24.com/News24/Backpage/Offbeat/0,,2-1343-1347_1552060,00.html \_ The namesake is supposedly Ruben "El Indio" Sierra, and the cat is 10 years old, according to http://csua.org/u/8bu "Indio" is a term for a dark skinned Mexican, and ranges from derogatory to affectionate. Okay. That was really hasty. For a wider perspective, "indios" are those who have more native-american features, as opposed to Spanish/ European features. This is a very deep racial divide in Mexico, with its own Jim Crow type attitudes (however unspoken/ unwritten). In the US, this word has been reclaimed by the Chicano movement as a term of pride. To name a cat "India" would seem to be insensitive to Mexican Americans rather than Indians. --scotsman \_ I named my cat Shiva. I bet it's much more insensitive to Indians than 'India' is to Mexicans. You are stretching, dude. -- ilyas \_ Sorry, I wasn't clear. The last sentence should have read "...would seem to be _more_ insensitive..." I personally think getting in a huff over a cat's name is insanely silly. With the previous post, I was just trying to disect what was behind the name. --scotsman \_ I am going to rechristen my dog Frog. \_ There's a singer named India Arie. \_ a friend named his cats tcsh and perl. \_ NEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDSS!!!! \_ How do you pronounce tcsh? "tee see ess aich"? "tee seesh"? "tuksh"? I'm gonna name my cats Yahweh and Lucifer (Lucy). \_ "teesh", duh. \_ Excuse me but THERE IS A MOTHERFUCKING "C" IN THERE!@!!! \_ Do you pronounce the t in "listen"? \_ http://www.mit.edu/people/rei/tiel-tcsh.html \_ so? man tcsh is authoritative. some random link about bloody cockatiels is not. \_ Um... what tcsh man page are you looking at? \_ tee seesh. teesh is the trusted shell. |
2004/7/12 [Recreation/Pets] UID:32238 Activity:very high |
7/12 My dog (15lb. Daschund) swallowed a slice of a round bone 1.5" in diameter and 1" long. I'm surprised he was able to swallow it. It did not splinter. Do you think he's in danger and should I take him to a vet? \_ Maybe you should... call a vet and ask them? \_ Dogs have stomachs with extremely low pH. They can eat almost anything as a result, including whole bones. \_ I'm not worried about splintering and piercing, but since he barely swallowed it I'm worried it could cause a bowel obstruction. \_ I don't know. It might be a good idea, although I bet the vet would just keep him overnight and wait for him to pass it. \_ http://www.thepetcenter.com/imtop/bones.html Take him to the vet. \_ can they handle milk then? many said one shouldn't feed dogs milk because dogs are lactose intolerant. \_ They say that about cats too but I hear about people doing that all the time. I think that's a STFW topic though. \_ Are dogs carnivores? Don't most carnivores have pretty simple bowels so that they can eat prey in big chunks without causing obstructions? \_ Don't wild dogs die around age 6-7? \_ The fact that it's a long dog means that their bowels can easily twist and cause serious damage. Take him to the vet, even if it's just for monitoring. A bowel obstruction is a very painful way for your dog to die. \_ I have two dachshunds, I empathize -- they eat EVERYTHING! Go to your vet, or to Pet Emergency (the one in Berkeley on Univ and 10th a block off San Pablo is the recommended one hereabouts). Don't wait for it to become a problem, get your pet examined! At the very least, the vet will prescribe a diet that will allow your dog to pass the bone more easily...and the vet could also save your dog from severe distress and death. --chris \_ That's a huge bone. Your dog is kind of stupid. \_ Dachshunds weren't bred for their high IQ.... \_ successfully resisted (barely) the temptation to replace dog with something else in this thread... :) |
2004/7/2 [Recreation/Pets] UID:31130 Activity:kinda low |
7/2 OMG HOOOJ CATS!!!!1!!! http://www.messybeast.com/freak-size.htm |
2004/6/28-29 [Recreation/Pets] UID:31041 Activity:kinda low |
6/28 Dog saves Toronto: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,123882,00.html \_ Why does the dog hate America? |
2004/6/20-21 [Recreation/Pets] UID:30926 Activity:nil |
6/19 OMG CAT RAVE!!!1! http://www.spatch.net/catrave.html \_ http://fyad.ytmnd.com |
2004/6/4 [Recreation/Pets] UID:30607 Activity:nil |
6/4 Dog eats master: http://forums.macnn.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=215407 |
2004/6/1 [Recreation/Pets] UID:30527 Activity:high |
6/1 Why are so many CSUAers *really* into their cats? \_ ob-substitute-for-pussy? \_ They are? Examples please? \_ Kittens: Dang They're Cute! \_ What kind of "into"? Physically? \_ Mod +5 Troll! You win! \_ They are tasty with barbeque sauce. |
2004/4/17 [Recreation/Pets] UID:13249 Activity:nil 54%like:13354 |
4/16 Why do dogs (specifically pomeranians) eat their own poop? (serious question). \_ Just a guess- same reason cats bury their poo- to cover their tracks so that predators can't track them? \_ Dog eat their poop cause it's tasty. Cats cover their poop cause it's stinky. |
2004/4/16 [Recreation/Pets] UID:13231 Activity:nil |
4/16 Tom, please stop deleting my dog post. Thanks. \_ yea, I like the dog post. please stop deleting it! \_ yeaH, EVEN I didn't read it, please stop deleting! \_ If tom really is the guy who deletes stuff, I find that interesting, since tom always comes down on 'anonymous cowards,' but deleting entries anonymously is in some sense the ultimate anonymous coward reply to a post. -- ilyas |
2004/4/16 [Recreation/Pets] UID:13226 Activity:nil |
4/16 Last night while out walking my dog I had my first ever encounter with a pitbull. Idiot head teen actually let the thing off leash as I went by with my dog on leash. The pitbull beelined for my dog from about 20 yards away and attacked. I kicked at it many many times and nailed it hard half a dozen times but it ignored blows hard enough to lift it into the air and drop it 2 feet back. Eventually the stupid owner finally stepped in and grabbed it while it was trying to latch onto my dog. I was about half a second away from grabbing the collar and gouging its eyes out with my fingers at that point. I'm a dog person closely involved with dog raising and training for many years but I've never met a pitbull before. After last night I now firmly believe the entire breed should be destroyed. If you're considering buying or raising a pitbull you should know that in CA as of this year you are now legally responsible for the full damages your pitbull inflicts. If your pitbull kills or injures another dog, the monetary penalty is no longer the replacement street value of the victim but you can be sued blind for the standard array of emotional damages, loss of companionship, full medical bills, funeral costs and everything else. If you know someone with a pitbull let them know how the law works now and how much someone like me is going to enjoy utterly destroying their life when their pitbull attacks. In my case, I was able to beat on it long enough to keep my dog from being physically harmed which was *very* lucky for everyone involved. The other group left the park immediately but I expect them to return. When they do, I'll be sending the cops or animal control there to pick up their dog for behavior testing. When it fails and is determined to be a vicious dog, it will either be destroyed or at a minimum the owners will be required to spend thousands on fences and special locks and not be allowed to take their dog out in public ever again for any reason. If I see that thing off leash again I'm going to kill it on the spot and then call the police. Pit bull owners: fuck you. The rest of you please be alert and aware when around them. These creatures are not misunderstood. You, your dog, or your child *will* be attacked if the dog can get to you. [restored several times] \_ My dog was attacked by a psycho poodle, and had several stitches. Even the "nice" breeds can be mean. It's all in how they are raised. \_ Poodles are responsible for more bites than any other breed. Poodles and chows are not nice. They are mean! \_ get a less wussier dog , aren't dogs suppose to fight for you? not vice-versa \_ no, my dog is a pet. if i wanted a weapon, i'd carry a weapon. is it now necessary for everyone to get a pitbull so we can safely walk our dogs without being attacked? \_ let me guess, you have a cocker spaniel (which is more prone to biting people than pit bulls are) which provoked the attack \_ I'm not the person you are responding to but I've seen two pit bull attacks. Both times the pit bill suddenly bolted and went straight for the neck of the dog/child in question. Once was a kid, other time was a little fluffy white thing. Both times the pit bull started from a distance of about twenty yards or more away. I don't see how these attacks were provoked. BTW, I also know of a pitbull that is so docile it simply hides behind it's master's legs when new dogs appear. I'm not in the pit bulls=evil crowd. There does seem to be something about them that requires more care taken by the owner is all. One of the above attacks took the pit bull owner completely by surprise. \_ Your post is poignant to me but you may want to do the psb thing and summarize with a link to an off-motd fuller text. -- ulysses \_ I have owned and trained dogs my whole life, and I agree with you. Perhaps some day they AKC will destroy the killer instincts of the pit bull through the same kind of breeding they've used to destroy the good qualities of other breeds, but the problem is a lot of pit bulls come from the ghetto, where they're still bred to be vicious. One side effect of the vicious ghetto dog phenomenon is that if you live in the ghetto, all the hoods will be terrified of your sweet, harmless border collie because they all figure it's another kind of pittbull. \_ Yikes! A close friend has a 6-yr-old female pit bull. Gracie's the sweetest dog I've ever encountered (during my friend's divorce, the only point of contention with her husband was over the dog), but it took *hours* of training & reinforcement to reign in her baser instincts. Getting a pit bull should be like buying a handgun, with required background checks, psychological testing, etc., etc., -elizp \_ that would be a great analogy if all handguns were required to run buggy AI software written by Microsoft, which are connected to the internet and have as a default that they can be fired by romote users or by the AI on its own in certain modes. \_ God, I would hate to see you robbed and beaten. You will probably then call for genocide of the ... breed in question, no doubt invoking the 'killer instincts'. -- ilyas \_ You understand the difference between poor breeding and the problems in society, right? A bad dog in a good home is still a bad dog. Or were you just trying to be funny? It can be hard to tell on the net sometimes. \_ Did you miss the brilliant 'my dog was attached by a pitbull therefore all pitbulls must be destroyed' argument in the original post? -- ilyas \_ are you saying it's hard to tell funny from stupid on the motd? |
2004/2/24 [Recreation/Pets] UID:12389 Activity:nil |
2/24 Freeze-dried pets: http://showcase.netins.net/web/helling/at/petp2.htm |
2004/2/24 [Recreation/Pets] UID:12375 Activity:nil 66%like:11664 66%like:11699 50%like:12007 50%like:13096 50%like:30147 50%like:30208 |
2/23 http://www.powergenitalia.com (work safe) |
2004/1/16-17 [Recreation/Pets, Computer/SW/Security] UID:11810 Activity:nil |
1/16 The Fish That Threatened National Security: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/03362/255283.stm \_ Petty tyrants can arise in even the smallest domains (and no, I'm not talking about the fish--I'm talking about airport security). \_ story sounds fishy (hah!) People routinely take pets through passenger screening at airports. Maybe the TSA folks were being particularly annoying at LGA. -- Someone who works airport secy. \_ the newspaper probably fact checked this it doesn't appear they've printed a retraction for the last three weeks, anyway to me it just looks like overzealous and mistaken TSA there \_ The TSA allows pets on the plane, and they will not x-ray them: http://www.tsa.gov/public/interapp/editorial/editorial_1036.xml \_ If you want to smuggle something through, having a cute cat probably helps -- I had my cat, who was drugged beyond belief and when they made me take him out all the TSA people stood around and ooohed and aahed and petted him. -chialea \_ The TSA recently destroyed a very expensive flight case of a friend of mine who travels for business. Apparently the goons at the TSA didn't understand the latching mechanism and so used a crowbar on the joints instead. He has a claim in but it may take a VERY long time to get any money out of them, knowing the feds. \_ Did your idiotic friend understand the big sign that says to not lock stuff or they'll have to break them open? Did he take the very simple precaution of unlatching it for them or opening his stupid mouth to explain at some point or whine like a stupid bitch afterwards and file his paperwork? Are *you* the friend with no clue? Frankly, I'm glad they busted open his case. I would've done the same thing just to teach him a lesson. \_ I am not the one who posted the above, but somettimes a case has to latched just to keep the content from spilling out, esp. if you put too much stuff in. The above post does not say the latch was locked. This would be like someone breaking a closed door without trying to turn the knob. |
2004/1/11-14 [Recreation/Pets] UID:11749 Activity:nil |
1/10 How do I get emacs to do nice indenting on html files? Thx. \_ meta-x left-shift-control-hst (at the same time)-html-indent-style- number-XYZ (where xyz is a number from 3 to 628) -fix-indent while singing dixie and dancing nude upon your desktop while swinging a black cat three times around the room praying to the moon goddess just moments before you toss the cat in a boiling cauldron (other black cat three times around the room praying to the mooon goddess just moment before you toss the cat in a boiling cauldron (other contents are in the emacs faq) and you jump into the roaring fire. |
2004/1/9-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:11734 Activity:nil |
1/9 Merc review of Top Dog: 'The best dog in San Jose' http://csua.org/u/5hx |
2004/1/9-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:11733 Activity:high |
1/9 hey what happened to danh. I enjoyed his walls of bizarre stories. haven't seen those in a while. -danh #1 fan \_ I heard he got married and settled down in Antioch. \_ he has a cat and a baby on the way... due in June \_ rad! I love cats! Is the baby due the same month? \_ The cat will steal the baby's breath! \_ uhh, you guys are kidding right? \_ Dude, "he has a cat and a baby on the way" in a danh context can only mean he's mail-ordered some horrid Mongolian jungle tiger, and a Somali war orphan to feed it with. -John \_ this is funny. - motd humor critic \_ no it's not. John is not as funny as the anonymous motd comic. -amc #1 fan \_ Yes he is. amc, what have you done for me lately? |
2003/12/1 [Recreation/Pets] UID:29678 Activity:nil |
12/1 link:csua.org/u/54k Say hello to my boomstick! (dogs maul people) \_ What's interesting is that the dogs had attacked people before, and the dogs hadn't been shot then. Apparently the owners hadn't even been held responsible. The freak? |
2003/11/26-27 [Recreation/Pets, Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Media] UID:11241 Activity:nil |
11/26 How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog was a very good movie rental-- along the lines of Adaptation, but funnier and not so strange. \_ This coming from someone who thought Adaptation was "strange" |
2003/9/26-27 [Recreation/Pets] UID:10340 Activity:nil |
9/26 Is pet insurance worth it or is it a scam? \_ what's your pet worth anyway? \_When you get medical insurance, do you consider how much you are worth also? \_ What is pet insurance? \_ i bet the owner of the dog i ran over a month ago would think it's worth it (made a nice *crunch* sound) \_ are you talking about pet health insurance? If your dog gets run over then you still end up making those payments. |
2003/9/13 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Pets] UID:29537 Activity:nil 50%like:10182 |
9/12 http://www.cnn.com/offbeat/gallery/content2.html |
2003/6/24 [Recreation/Pets] UID:28825 Activity:high |
6/24 I find that asian couples tend to call each other by a pet name more often than caucasians. Is this true? Quick poll, what do you call your SO most of the time? first name: honey: darling: 'merv': . other pet name: . \_ You may have been watching too much anime 'merv': . other pet name: . \_ I have never heard asians call each other by petnames. They are all too formal to do such things. \_ Belladandy: . |
2003/6/22-23 [Recreation/Pets, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:28806 Activity:low |
6/22 I *knew* it! I knew they were tapping my brain with electrical waves! http://www.klas-tv.com/Global/story.asp?S=1330758&nav=168XGVQf \_ protect yourself now: http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html |
2003/6/8-9 [Recreation/Pets] UID:28671 Activity:moderate |
6/8 I just saw a disturbing video of a dog humping Pikachu. Why would a dog do something like that? \_ It's what dogs do. \_ P1K4CHU 15 4 H07 4514N, UM, CH1X! \_ there's a girl at my work named Pik Chu. \_ And my workplace a Kim Chi. |
2003/5/23 [Recreation/Pets] UID:28536 Activity:moderate |
5/22 WANTD: Recipies for civet cats. \_ http://www.ooze.com/ooze13/cats.html Civet shouldn't be too much of a stretch. -John \_ See also http://www.straightdope.com/columns/010525.html \_ That is extremely funny. More so because I can just imagine the type of people who pay that much for coffee. \_ What's with the civets today? http://csua.org/u/30e |
2003/5/10-11 [Recreation/Pets] UID:28398 Activity:high |
5/10 http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,3-674949,00.html This is just... unreal. Besides the other stuff, is it common in China for people's pets to just be running around loose outside or in apartment buildings? I can imagine that for cats but dogs? \_ More likely they will end up on dinner tables in restraunts. \_ Personal observation: When I was there in '95, I saw _no_ stray dogs (as opposed to places like Bangkok where feral and stray dogs are ubiquitous), but I saw a lot of stray and feral cats. The one mother dog I saw was in the zoo, locked up in a cage separate from that of her pups, presumably to keep her from eating them, as mother dogs are known to do. (Whaaa~?) \_ Cats have parasites, so you can't eat them. \_ random fact: SARS is harmless to cats. it just passes through their system in a couple weeks, doing no damage. \_ That's what you dirty humans think. Stay away from us - big cat \_ Obreddwarfreference |
2003/3/5 [Recreation/Pets, Computer/SW/Security] UID:27600 Activity:high |
3/4 This is good: jose CP 3:14PM 1:39 cat /etc/motd.public How do you cat something as short as the motd for over 1.5 hours? "So the guy at the bar says, 'that's no cat, that's my wife!'" hahahh! \_ you can pipe it through "more" \_ I guess... why not just 'more $file'? \_ because $file expands to whatever $file is before the command is execed. \_ I was being generic. I'll spell it out for the anal among you and try again, "why not just 'more /etc/motd.public'? \_ or losing an ssh connection while executing the command. \_ Doesn't sshd use tricks to detect such stale sessions and kill them off, including all applications that belong to the same session? \_ maybe but it's pretty funky dropping a connection in the split second it takes to cat the motd. im suspicious of this behavior. |
2003/2/26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:27543 Activity:nil |
2/26 http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/stz_lion.htm For that guy who wanted pictures of the shaved kitty. \_ the story was almost certainly made up to go with the picture. \_ Hilarious! Looks kind of like a poodle. |
2003/2/25-26 [Recreation/Pets, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:27522 Activity:high |
2/25 Several days ago someone posted some pictures of a cat which all its hair are shaven except on its head and the skin on its body looks gray. Can someone post that URL again? I searched for "cat" in ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v but couldn't find it. Thanks. \_ That was me. Use the wall logs... or maybe GIS --aaron \_ I've never used wall. Where's the wall log file? Thanks. \_ /var/log/wall* \_ Didn't find anything either. Must be older than 7 days. But thanks anyway. \_ /csua/lib/wall. and how'd you SEE the ORIGINAL wall if you don't use wall? --aaron \_ because it was ALSO posted on the MOTD, aaron, you JACKASS! -!op \_ aw, shit! --aaron |
2003/1/21 [Science/Space, Recreation/Pets] UID:27167 Activity:high |
1/21 Has anybody found a product that keeps a cat from chewing on power cords? Mine is about to re-enact a scene from Christmas Vacation. \_ Another undeniable proof that cats are stupid. \_ if it's the same ones all the time, look for something at the pet store called sour apple or bitter bite or some combination of those. spray it on whatever you want and after the first time the cat tastes the spray it will make a weird face and never bite that again \_ brush on some rat poison \_ I read this tip in a maxim or some magazine like that. Rub some soapy water on the cords and then let it dry (without wiping it off)...then when the cat tries chewing on the cord, it tastes the bitter soap and hopefully won't touch it again. \_ Remember to unplug first before you rub water on them. \_ You're putting water on a plastic cord. If it's already broken through to raw wire you should be tossing the lamp or replacing the entire cord. \_ Dude, they *have* nine lives! Just keep an incremental counter and worry about it when it gets to seven or eight. \_ Thanks for the laughs. I love the motd. |
2003/1/18 [Recreation/Pets, Recreation/Dating] UID:27145 Activity:high |
1/17 What's the English phrase that means "Since you look good, you have/deserve a good-looking gf" or "since you're smart, you naturally have smart friends" or something like that? Thanks. \_ You so money! \_ You're so money! \_ I live 3 blocks from here if you ladies are interested. \_ Birds of a feather flock together. \_ If meant in a bad way, water seeks its own level. \_ [apostrophed was here] \_ I meant a line like "Things alike get together." or something like that. Is there such a line? -- OP \_ Misery loves company? Great minds think alike? Birds of a feather flock together? (mentioned above) \_ airheads think alike? (u look so good, so do ur friends) \_ Your fellatio is promising. \_ [apostrophed was here] \_ A man is known by his friends \_ Like father like son \_ Providence |
2002/11/7 [Recreation/Pets] UID:26451 Activity:nil |
11/6 Dere dis REALLY cute Vietnamnese goat in mah' class. What's de best way t'go out wid her? \_ Say, "me lika da pho." \_ Ask her. Ah be baaad... \_ roofies \_ move in wid ha' and neva' say some wo'd until ya' figure out she's some ragin' lesbian. 'S coo', bro. - danh \_ You's wants'ed advice specific t'Vietdojiggerse honky chicks? You's could start by not misspellin' "Vietdojiggerse". \_ steal some dog. den feed da bud it togeder. Ah be baaad... \_ Afta' all, whut's de mo'al difference between some hamburger and some collieburger? \_ dogs gots' some soul. \_ if dogs gots' souls den so's do pigs \_ dog's gots sucka'ality. Right On! |
2002/10/10-11 [Recreation/Pets, Recreation/Media] UID:26146 Activity:insanely high |
10/9 Birds of Prey, the only new show that can actually make Firefly look watchable. 70 minutes of pure hell. \_ Yeah. It sucked pretty hard. \_ batman did not have a love child with catwoman! \_ Um, actually he did -- on Earth-2. (Not really a "love child", the two of them actually got married.) There hasn't *been* an Earth-2 in the comics for a while now, but I see no reason why the TV show shouldn't go back to that original character concept. \_ And you allowed your brain to retain this information... \_ Apparently you haven't actually watched Firefly. It's the first show I'm actually interested in seeing weekly in a while. \_ I watched Firefly. You just have no taste. It was a total snoozer and made no sense. \_ Funny, it made sense when I watched it (every episode so far). Maybe you're just retarded? \_ I wasn't stoned when watching. Perhaps you could share? I haven't heard someone use the word "retarded" as an attempted insult since about 5th grade. Gosh, it takes me back to simpler days... thanks for the memories, kid. \_ Um, the fact that both you and I remember "retarded" as a put-down suggests we're of comparable age. I'm on an anti-pc kick at the moment. Were you asking me to share IQ points? Sorry, they're non-transferrable. \_ I was asking you to share whatever you were smoking when you decided Firefly was worth watching or interesting in anyway. Maybe the concept of happily legal hookers got your boat floating? No guilt sex with hookers who *want* to sleep with you? A good deal for you I think. \_ Ah, now your discontent is clear: your hookers don't look that good. I can see how it would be difficult to suspend disbelief when your sad reality assaults you every waking minute. \_ Now I know I want some of whatever you're on. \_ Is it that much of a surprise that I don't need brain-altering substances to enjoy good characters and passable writing? Man, it *is* a sad little life you lead, isn't it? \_ You need to check the dictionary. Those words don't mean what you seem to think they mean. It's a one season show. \_ You guys should exchange contact info so you can get into a fist- fight over it. I loooove you, motd!! \_ this thread make my fucking day. i don't have a tv and have no idea what the hell they're talk ing about, but it rules. \_ This is the lamest conversation ever \_ Which is lamer? The conversation or the person who felt compelled to comment on it? \_ Self-referential lameness. Whoo.. \_ Okay, actual point that Firefly got me hooked--at the end of the first episode, after having a fight (shots fired, knives thrown, etc.) we get the following exchange: Bad guy (about to be released by good guy): \_ I was flipping through my cable yesterday and when I saw "Birds of Prey", I thought it was an animal program, so I switched to it. After watching for about 2 minutes, I switched to a talking heads News channel. From what I remember of the 2 minutes, there were like 3 girls in Birds of Prey. One looks ok, the other 2 so-so. I still prefer watching wild turkeys running around on Discovery channel. What is Firefly? Is it about insects? The good thing is, now when people talk about Birds of Prey, I know what they are talking about instead of sounding like a clueless idiot, and having my gen-y cousinette call me a retard. "Keep the money. Use it to buy a funeral. It doesn't matter where you go, or how far you fly. I will hunt you down. And the last thing you see will be my blade." Good guy: "Darn." -- Boots bad guy right into the engine. They've got me for the first season just for that moment. \_ You mean the only season. \_ Um, no. I mean the first season. It's already better than the first season of Enterprise, so I'm confident it'll get at least one more. \_ I was semi-excited to watch the premiere, but I had to turn it off after 20 minutes. It was that God-awful. I knew it was in trouble the moment the daughter was supposedly crying over her dead mom. Could her acting actually be any worse? \_ Hey! That was *quality* acting! As a Batman fan I'm also annoyed that they have the Joker doing his own thug work and Batman just sort of "left town, I guess, gee, golly". Where's the first and last season of Firefly when you need it? \_ I was flipping through my cable yesterday and when I saw "Birds of Prey", I thought it was an animal program, so I switched to it. After watching for about 2 minutes, I switched to a talking heads News channel. From what I remember of the 2 minutes, there were like 3 girls in Birds of Prey. One looks ok, the other 2 so-so. I still prefer watching wild turkeys running around on Discovery channel. What is Firefly? Is it about insects? The good thing is, now when people talk about Birds of Prey, I know what they are talking about instead of sounding like a clueless idiot, and having my gen-y cousinette call me a retard. \_ is't that a klingon war ship? is this some kind of startrek thing? \_ What's a cousinette? |
2002/4/17 [Recreation/Pets] UID:24459 Activity:nil |
4/16 What is the sh equivalent of "foreach x (`cat foo`) ? \_ for x in `cat foo` ; do stuff ; done ; |
2002/4/8-9 [Recreation/Pets] UID:24369 Activity:moderate |
4/8 Typical anti-dog thugs at it again working over disabled guy. http://www.msnbc.com/local/KNSD/A1153618.asp?cp1=1 \_ huh? who are the anti-dog thugs in the incident? the cat? you understand it was a cat that attacked the dog and the dog owner who's suing, don't you? what exactly is typical about a cat attacking a dog, and who are the thugs? what the fuck are you talking about? |
2002/2/8 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney, Recreation/Pets] UID:23812 Activity:nil |
2/7 If kinney were in prison, would he be a: bull queer: bitch: . J-Cat: . blameless victim of society imprisoned unfairly by The Man: .. |
2001/11/5-6 [Recreation/Pets] UID:22940 Activity:high |
11/5 Is there a place in Berkeley that adopts homeless pets? Near my house lives a cat that obviously is a domestic kind of cat. It doesn't seem to be adapted for living on the street at all. I feed it occasionally but can't take it home because of my housemates and the landlord. -akopps \_ Do you live in that house on Ellsworth by any chance? I hate that damn cat. \_ Just make sure that you don't give the cat to aspolito. He'll tell you that he's a cat lover. And he's 100% correct. He loves cats. LITERALLY! He have sex with cats. Some of them die during intercourse. It's really disgusting. Avoid aspolito at all cost! \_ Male or female cats? \_ why don't you install ipf on it \_ Also, what about in the Fremont or Union City area? \_ How old? Kittens are easy to give away. \_ ASPCA or a lesbian couple \_ ? \_ American (?) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals \_ there are lots of places around here, but I'd call the local humane society and ask them for a listing of non-kill facilities in the area. Older cats are harder to adopt so please don't take one to some place that will put it down in a year. \_ meowr |
2001/7/26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:21950 Activity:very high |
7/25 Do people walk their cats? I want to try putting a leash on my cat and walk her outdoor like a dog, but I'm afraid I might get sued for animal cruelty or something like that. \_ My neighbor in Cupertino does....looks weird. ^_^ Why is it that Asian people don't use _/ the standard "sideways" smileys a la Bitnet? \_ I think in Japan the standard smiley is the upright one. \_ Leashes for cats are retarded, period. All cats are outdoor animals--you should put a nametag on them, make sure they have had their shots, and send them off. If you feed them, they will return. Putting a leash on one puts you in the same league as little old ladies who dress up their poodles and feed them tea cakes. -John \_ My neighbor in Cupertino does....looks weird. ^_^ Why is it that Asian people don't use _/ the standard "sideways" smileys a la Bitnet? \_ well, don't put it on their neck. i could imagine some kind of harness on the body. why would you want to do this? why can't the cat just do the cat thing outside on its own? \_ usually the cat will let you know. Every cat i know who wanted company while walked just walked a little ahead of the human, and made sure the human wasn't going to wander. - paolo \_ What Paolo said. -- ilyas \_ If you're worried about the SPCA, etc., then put the lease around your own neck and then attach the other end to the cat. They can't really complain about that. \_ I think in Japan the standard smiley is the upright one. \_ It should be fine, so long as you're not swinging the animal around your head by the leash. \_ Darn. That's just want I wanted to do with my cat. \_ Garfield hates leashes Jon. You should know that by now. \_ yeah PETA really cares \_ Yes, people walk their cats. I walk mine and have since she was a kitten. They don't walk like dogs, though. Expect to cover very little ground in a lot of time. I've seen other people walking cats from time to time. There's nothing cruel about it. --dim |
2001/7/15-16 [Recreation/Pets, Health/Women] UID:21803 Activity:very high |
7/14 So the poor guy that rid this world of Leo got smacked with a 3 year jail sentence. I hope that judge that sentenced him gets mauled to death by a tiny little useless dog. \_ seriously. guy's life is screwed now...hope he gets parole soon. \_ the said guy was a moron anyway. why do you feel sorry for him? he's a social misfit who obviously can't control his anger. besides, now he's currently under trial for stealing equipment from PacBell. in addition, now he's currently under trial for stealing equipment from PacBell. \_ And this is what's WRONG with him? Who the fuck are you? \_ Clearly his actions aren't civilized behavior. He got what he deserved. What's your problem? \_ Look, when your casual drug dealer, who is doing nothing wrong to anybody, and in fact providing people with a service, gets 10 to 20, you can't really expect me to be sorry for this bastard. \_ Not to say that that guy didn't deserve it, but shouldn't you be arguing against jailing the casual drug dealer instead of using him as an example of "oh well, the system's f*ed"? \_ First, he's not a moron. Don't tell me you've never stolen equipment from your school or work, and don't tell me you've \_ I have never stolen equipment from school or work. If you have, you are scum, and I hope you end up in prison one day. never been outraged at an animal. Next, I feel sorry for him because the poor guy is gonna be locked away for 3 freaking years because he did away with a lowly animal. It wasn't a \_ bah, with good behavior, just 1.5 years \_ 3 months human baby or anything, but a #$%& dog! To me, it's the same thing as throwing out a houseplant. A dog's got a bit more brains, but it's still inferior to humans. => Fine him; that's all. \_ It doesn't matter if it's inferior to humans. Retards are inferior to me but that doesn't mean I can throw them into traffic. Besides animals have value to their owners that you can't calculate easily like a broken window. You can't just buy a new one and that's it. Animals have memories and personalities, some more than others. If advanced aliens come along they should throw you into traffic. \_ All men are created equal. Retards are not "inferior" to you or anyone else. They are full citizens in the eyes god and the law. - nitpicker \_ You obviously have never had a dog. \_ That's true, I never have. But, although I do realize that people often treat their pets as companions, I don't think that dogs/animals deserve the same status as humans. \_ they don't have the same status as humans. If the guy threw a baby named Leo into oncoming traffic, he'd have gotten a lot more than 3 years. \_ What if the baby was ugly, useless, and barked in a really annoying manner? \_ that describes every baby i've ever seen, only replaced "bark" with "cry". \_ Then I'd Leo its ass. \_ it'd end up a motd poster just like you \_ I have never stolen equipment from school or work. Just because you have no ethics doesn't mean I don't. The dog owner dinged his precious SUV, so he walked over to her, grabbed the dog, and threw it into traffic. Animal abusers are often sociopaths anyway, so \_ In PC-eco whack america today animals are as if not more important than humans. Look at the farmers vs. the sucker fish in Klamath Falls, Or. it's a good idea to get these nuts off the street. \_ If you get mad at a dog, kill it and serve it to its owner. If you get mad at a baby, do not kill it THAT IS WRONG!! just sew up its mystery hole and keep feeding it peas. The End. \_ In PC-eco whack america today animals are as if not more important than humans. Look at the farmers vs. the sucker fish in Klamath Falls, Or. \_ Save a farmer! Fillet a sucker fish! \_ Die farmers, die! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! \_ Hey, this is America. Love it or leave it, dude. \_ The whacked PC eco nutcase liberalism is the complete antithesis of the principles that America is based on. We love America, its the whacked out PC eco nutcases who need to leave. |
2001/5/7 [Recreation/Pets] UID:21196 Activity:high |
5/7 http://www.sptimes.com/News/050401/TampaBay/Unusual_otter_attack_.shtml Attack otter kills dog, attacks man's foot. All otters must be licensed and confined or destroyed. Let's do it for the children! \_ Let's sue the otter industry! |
2001/5/5-7 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Pets] UID:21174 Activity:insanely high |
5/5 At top dog, what type of sausage do you like best? My favorite is the calabrese. \_ Bird Dog \_ Bird, Dawg: http://www.midnightinsanity.com/Photo/Lingerie/Julie2.jpg \_ ouch. that almost as awful as http://www.ouchytheclown.com \_ ouch. that's almost as awful as http://www.ouchytheclown.com \_ even nastier \_ nasty. \_ You son of a motherless goat! Only an idiot with his head stuck in his urethra could possibly stand a Bird Dog. You call yourself an eater of meat? \_ There's not much other choice if you're not an eater of swine. \_ what's a bird dog? Chicken and turkey combination? BTW, is it still open till 2:00am? \_ yes. yes. \_ depends on which Top Dog. Northside Top Dog has different hours than the southside one, I think. \_ northside closes ~11pm \_ the hours are different on different days, too. \_ Lubricated Kielbasa. \_ you know, I haven't been to Top Dog for so long, I think when I visit, I'll take some. Berkeley actually has lots of good food, inexpensive and medium priced. Does Lyon's in Emerville still close at Midnight? \_ Hot link. \_ what is the correct way to pronounce "calabrese"? \_ Kah-Lah-Breh-Seh, and roll your 'r's. -John \| no. change the "Seh" to "Zeh". -dpetrou \_ Zorry about zat. -John \_ It's pronounced "Cal"! -tom \_ Smocked chicken apple is good. \_ they haev a hot dog made out of soy ... what's it called? The \_ German bratwurst (or was it bockwurst?) \_ yum! \_ ick! \_ Calabrese and Hot Link \_ Lemon Chicken \_ mmmm. cock. \_ Gave up eating meat. But I used always have a Hot Link or whatever they were called. \_ Your mom had a hot link last night. \_ I did not. - yermom \_ they have a hot dog made out of soy ... what's it called? The Weenie? \_ top dog. lemon chicken. I miss the New York frankfurters. dont you? |
2001/3/11 [Recreation/Pets] UID:20750 Activity:insanely high |
3/11 I wish the moron who thinks it's clever to spell it "linSUX" would just shut the fuck up. \_ it SUX, hence LinSUX. Its no different than SlowLaris or M$ Lose*. The truth hurts doesn't it? Grow up and get a Real OS. \_ Sadly, I think alot of morons have taken up this particular witticism. I used to be a linux guy myself, but after struggling with it in a production environment for the last year, I'm not so impressed with it anymore. \_ Its a cheap toy that's been hyped to all get out. When people wake up and realize that there is nothing that LinSUX can do that other systems do *much* better it will fizzle away and die. Some fine examples of the stupidity of LinSUX Lusers can be found on this page: http://members.verizon.net/~jjdarcy/linux_essays \_ You must avenge my death, Kimba -- I mean, Simba. \_ Almost. \_ Oh Mufusa. Why have thou forsaken me? \_ Luke, I am your father. \_ that one was lame. \_ This is CNN. \_ this one's even lamer. \_ The leader is good. The leader is great. We surrender our will as of this date. \_ I assume this is an attempt to be clever or funny. You seem to have missed on both counts, kid. Keep trying -- maybe you'll get it right eventually. \_ What are you going to do? Release the dogs? Or the bees? Who let the dogs out? _/ \_ Woof, woof, woof-woof. Or the dogs with bees in their mouths so that when they bark they shoot bees at you? Well go ahead. Do your worst. \_ naah. I'll just mildly mock you for your lack of originality. \_ how is that unoriginal? \_ nana-nana-na, leader! nana-nana-na leader! leader! leader! \_ batman! I mean leader! I love the leader! \_ On a not-so-related note, why does everyone say "fscking" instead of "fucking"? Yes, I know what fsck is, but it still doesn't make any sort of clever sense. \_ Don't blame me. Blame it on the Percidan. If you ask me that stuff rots your brains. |
2001/3/9-10 [Computer/SW/Mail, Recreation/Pets] UID:20734 Activity:moderate |
3/8 I am looking for a Calendar Server that will work with (open)LDAP as well as interacting with microsoft outlook clients (so that a person using outlook can see the schedules of others in their group). However, i don't want to use Exchange. Is there something out there that does all this well? what? \_ Have you looked at MS Project? It might do this. \_ Might want to check out CorporateTime. Has a client for practically everything and an Outlook Connector for those who want to use Outlook to access. See: http://www.steltor.com \_ the outlook connector sucks if you try to use it for email.. \_ everything about outlook sucks if you try to use it for email \_ iPlanet. \_ He said "well". \_ name something better. \_ I didn't say there was better or worse. I was saying it doesn't do it "well" as requested. You can use 'cat' to write a novel, but it doesn't do it "well". Emacs or vi are the "upgrade" from using cat to write a novel. iPlanet is still at the cat stage. I shouldn't have to spell this out to a Cal student. Have things continued to decline over the years? Maybe too many "American Cultures" garbage requirements getting in the way of learning and thought. \_ When cat was the only game in town, you had to use cat. The only thing you've got now is cat and you have to write a novel, WTF are you going to do?!? I know, you're just not going to write the novel, because your tools suck. Yeah, that's it. iPlanet is the only game in town, it may be cat, but its all you've got. Suggest an alternative that works better or STFU. \_ Exchange works better. Yes, I've used both extensively. Have you? "STFU" yourself if you haven't. The original poster is just in an anti-MS whine. There's a reason iPlanet \_ Exchange is shit. Total and complete shit. M$ couldn't code its way out of a paper bag to save its life. I've used iPlanet and exchange before. They both SUCK, but if iPlanet is cat, then exchange is cave painting. They *tried* to get it running at Cisco, with help from *M$* and it took months and still wouldn't work right. It was finally shelved. Many of us felt that management was total f'ed up to even try a shitty M$ product. It was a total waste of time and money. is free. You're getting what you paid for. \_ My original post was deleted, but heres the basic summary: Exchange is shit, its worse than shit. Cisco management wasted lots of $s and got M$ to help and still scrapped Exchange because it SUX! We told them it SUX but they didn't believe us. \_ Yes, Exchange sucks. It's still better than iplanet. Exchange is like ED. iplanet is like cat. \_ If iPlanet == cat, then Exchange is akin to gorillas beating each other with sticks. Several million evolution is required for Exchange to stop sucking. |
2001/2/14-15 [Recreation/Pets] UID:20598 Activity:high |
2/13 http://www.restrooms.org/standing.html \_ Where do you people find stuff like this?!? \_ dude. you never heard of http://restrooms.org? you're so behind the times... \_ it's L337, h4xor! \_ While we're on this topic. Why don't we use sea water to flush our toilets? This way we don't have to worry about conservation. In Hong Kong sea water is used to flush the toilets, and tanks are huge (about 8-10 gallons) even though conservation of drinking water is a big issue. The water department does charge for flush water, but it's at a much lower rate than drinking water. Here we can at least do this in costal regions. Yeah we need to build new pipes, but still. \_ It would cost billions of dollars to build a secondary set of pipes & infrastructure this late in the game. Besides, what would dogs drink out of if the toilet water wasn't drinkable? \_ Dogs drink out of toilets??? Yucks! \_ Yeah, makes you wonder why anyone would want to own a dog. Cats are not much better, they keep licking themselves all the time. When you touch a cat you are touching a big wad of saliva. Disgusting. \_ But that's still better than touching dog saliva which means touching toilet water which means touching excrement. BTW how come dogs don't catch diseases that way? \_ Dogs like to dig up cat shit and eat it. \_ not all dogs do this. my dog never drank out of the toilet nor dug up cat poop. \_ yeah, dogs drink out of toilets and animals lick their genitals too! And some people let dogs lick their face. \_ I was having sex with the girlfriend and I flipped her over and there was a big brown streak in her buttcrack. horrific \_ Your gf was licking your dog's ass? Huh? \_ haven't you ever wondered why dog breath smells like ass? \_ i brush my dogs teeth everyday. \_ My friend caught his roommate letting his dog lick peanut butter off his (the roommate's) genitals. \_ got milk? \_ If the dog licked long enough it would get milk. \_ That's not milk. If the roomate was a she and breasts where involved you would be correct. \_ Was it a male dog or female dog? \_ What's any of this dog hater stuff have to do with salt water toilets? Go get a date. \_ I got one. Do you? |
2001/2/6-7 [Recreation/Pets] UID:20504 Activity:nil |
2/6 O cat? A taco? |
2000/11/29-30 [Recreation/Pets] UID:19942 Activity:moderate |
11/28 So how is that "more" is able to get keyboard commands when you're already piping data to it via stdin while executing something like cat foo | more ? \_ Good question. It's an ugly hack: it reads your keyboard input from stderr, which is usually your terminal. (And yes, this means that more won't work if you redirect its stderr.) The problem is that unix doesn't let a command in the middle of a pipeline, like more, get access to the stdin of the command at the beginning of the pipeline. You see this with xargs too: "cat users | xargs mail" looks like it should do the same thing as "mail `cat users`", but it doesn't -- it actually sends a blank mail to each of those users, because xargs can't read the stdin of the entire pipeline. \_ as usual, good question, idiotic answer. stderr is not readable. see aaron's comment below. more opens its controlling tty and reads directly from there. \_ stderr is readable, and more really does read it; try "truss more" on Solaris. (FreeBSD's "more" is actually a link to less.) \_ learn about ttys. stevens apue is a good start --aaron \_ magic. |
2000/9/21-22 [Recreation/Pets, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:19308 Activity:moderate |
9/21 http://www.f1.net.au/users/dan/hanging.htm \_ What is this, some kind of GOOK recipe book? \_ "How to stew your round-eye yankee POWs" - flavoured with agent orange. \_ sick. i did see a skinned dog being sold. i almost threw up and i did go into hysterics in the middle of a very busy korean market. |
1999/9/14-15 [Recreation/Pets] UID:16510 Activity:moderate |
9/13 Damnit. free cat. 3 months. black. 2.5 lbs. female. answers to the name "it". take it before i toss it out the window. -- sky \_ cat has been spoken for. --sky \_ Is that before or after putting it in the microwave \_ Huh huh... he said, "free pussy..." \_ uh no. he said free cat. reading isn't your strong point is it? \_ "mal" = "bad" in French \_ "huh?" = "confused" in English |
1999/8/9-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:16276 Activity:high |
8/9 Biologic buffs-- I've always wanted to ask this question. Why do birds fly in a V formation when they migrate? How is the V formation advantageous for their migration? I don't understand. \_ All this drafting stuff is just garbage. They do it as Mother Earth's way of saying "Peace!" to everyone down below. Science is a myth. -earthmother \_ The bird behind takes advantage of the air dragging effect of some sort on the wing tip of the bird in front, so as to save energy. Don't know exactly what it's called. It's the same idea when bicycle racers tailgate their teammates. -- yuen \_ Drafting. \_ The birds wings throw off wing-tip vortices, which swirl back upward on the outside sides of the bird's flight path. So when birds fly to the sides and behind, they get slight updrafts from the leading bird's vortices. -ERic \_ see http://www.gi.alaska.edu/ScienceForum/ASF12/1248.html -ERic \_ Furthermore, they switch off being lead bird, since that one doesn't get to draft. Look up agent-based simulations of bird migration, and see how few instructions need to be coded in order to observe the V pattern. \_ When I ran cross country, the last person in a line would have to sprint to the front. Then the new last person in line would do the same. But we used to call them fartlickers. Our coach told us some guy named Fartlicker came up with the idea. \_ MEEP MEEP \_ it's a modification of the typical paceline used less for the drafting then as an exercise to improve one's ability to change pace. It's goes by various names often depending on the coach. --jon \_ Why didn't the first person drop to the back instead? Wouldn't a short sprint consume more energy and be more likely to overtire the runner? \_ Fartlek is swedish or something for drafting or interval training or something like that. Our coach yelled at us if we made fun of the name. Then he got caught sleeping with his female students and we didn't have to run fartlickers anymore. \_ A Fartlek is a training technique involving running a series of alternating short full-speed sprints and low speed jogs to recover. \_ It (supposedly) stands for SPEED PLAY. |
1999/3/1 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Pets] UID:15499 Activity:nil |
2/28 Sex with dogs \_ no, sex w/ cats |
1998/10/26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:14832 Activity:moderate |
10/26 when cats get depressed, do they get diaarhea? \_ Who cares? Its just a cat. \_ You care when you have new berber carpet. |
1998/8/9-13 [Recreation/Pets] UID:14433 Activity:nil |
8/7 http://www.unrealnation.com/crackhouse/catscan.html \_ Cat Butt: Fear It! -=Aubie |
1998/5/4-6 [Recreation/Pets, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:14043 Activity:moderate |
5/1 Anyone know the name of the song in the Swatch commercials? "Free to give my life...."??? Artist and title? Thanks. \_ Midge Ure "Breathe" \_ The commercial and the song is nice, but it doesn't make me feel such a need to buy a watch. \_ I have bought 4 Swatches in the past 10 days. I didn't think it was because of the commercial, though... but, then again I don't have any pets, I don't think... of course, you could count the cat but GODDAMN THAT FUCKIN CAT! \_ How does Tyra Banks make you feel? \_ Potatos. \_ Potatoes. \_ Protoss |
1998/4/24-26 [Recreation/Pets] UID:14007 Activity:high |
4/24 Does anyone know of pet-sitting services where someone houses your pet for a modest fee for an extended period of time (1 yr.)? \_ A year? After a year your pet won't even know who you are. \_ My dog has better memory than my husband. \_ This says nothing about your dog. \_ So many people think animals are like people that it's amazing... then there's the wacko on the campanile, yeah, Dr. Doolittle himself couldn't seduce a pig as well as chain, as does the pet aformentioned pet who would attempt that guy. I'm sure he rejoyces every time a bird shits on him. Personally, I believe in the concept of the food chain, as does the aformentioned pet who would attempt to eat its loving owner in a second if hungry enough. "We should all live in tee-pees because it would be much better that way." (Tree-hugging lab-rat-fucking hippies piss me off. I'm going to go eat some veal. FOOD CHAIN!) BTW, I don't know any pet-sitters. \_ WHAT is your point? \_ I think his point is that he forgot to take his lithium. \_ What the hell are you talking about? Are you agreeing? Disagreeing? Talking about something else entirely? |
3/15 |