3/15 |
2006/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/Security, Recreation/Humor] UID:44052 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto 80%like:44043 |
8/17 This is pretty funny: http://tinyurl.com/ku2mp (schneier.com/blog) -John \_ Another funny link on the same page: http://geekz.co.uk/schneierfacts |
2006/8/17-19 [Recreation/Humor] UID:44049 Activity:nil |
8/17 Wow, aliens can really rock. (Funny pic) http://alienlovespredator.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2208 |
2006/8/17-19 [Computer/SW/Languages, Recreation/Humor] UID:44048 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
8/17 http://www.madore.org/%7Edavid/programs/unlambda The Unlambda Programming Language. Your Functional Programming Language Nightmares Come True. The act of learning Unlambda is oh so boring and meaningless and you just want to kill yourself. In another word, it is like being in grad school. -kchang |
2006/8/17 [Computer/SW/Security, Recreation/Humor] UID:44043 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto 80%like:44052 |
8/17 This is pretty funny: http://tinyurl.com/ku2mp -John |
2006/7/19-22 [Recreation/Humor] UID:43732 Activity:nil |
7/19 Old but funny: http://www.ultimateshowdown.org -John \_ Fucker, it took me months to get that out of my head -sky \_ Is it suppose to be funny funny, intellectually funny, or dumb-and-dumber funny? |
3/15 |
2006/7/17-19 [Recreation/Humor] UID:43692 Activity:nil |
7/16 http://youtube.com/watch?v=A-u9B6nouBo&search=customer%20support Funny customer service call \_ Fuck you. It is funnier when a fucking whitie tries to speak another foreign language. \_ Riiight, and you say *westerners* are shallow and judgemental?!? I think you could give westerners a few lessons, buddy. \_ You're an idiot and a racist. Have a nice day! \_ I listened to this without watching it, and without the distraction of the visual cues it's not that hard to understand. It did take a little concentration. -niloc |
2006/7/13 [Recreation/Humor] UID:43653 Activity:nil |
7/12 First minute is one of the funnier Daily Show bits in a while http://movies.crooksandliars.com/TDS-North-Korea.wmv http://movies.crooksandliars.com/TDS-North-Korea.mov |
2006/6/23-28 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Recreation/Humor, Consumer/TV] UID:43477 Activity:nil |
6/23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5GfuRRZKaU&search=bicycle%20race%20funny Looking for a similar video like this that was shown on America's Funniest Video. The fall on AFV was much more catastrophic and more dramatic. Thank for any help. \_ Just like that dumbass snowboarder in the Olympics. |
2006/6/21-24 [Recreation/Humor] UID:43453 Activity:nil |
6/20 "Tough Crowd" was funny for a brief shining moment: http://youtube.com/watch?v=A0N3EJ9GAc0 |
2006/6/20-21 [Recreation/Humor] UID:43440 Activity:nil |
6/19 What's the "For a good time call xxx-xxxx" meme supposed to be? Is it just a joke where you put someone you don't like's phone number on a wall? \_ Yes, originally bathroom walls. -John \_ 867-5309! \_ You probably have to explain that for the youngins \_ There is no explain, only google |
2006/6/1-4 [Industry/Jobs, Recreation/Humor, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:43245 Activity:nil |
6/1 Semi randomly generated spam I thought was funny: Hi there lovely, This kbind of opportunity comes ones in a clife. I docn't want to miss it. Do you? I am comcing to your place in few days and I though may be we can meet each other. If you don't mind I can send you mcy picture. I am a girbl. \_ I am a gerbil. |
2006/6/1-3 [Recreation/Humor] UID:43243 Activity:nil |
5/31 http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/archive/images/dilbert2006305340601.gif Best Dilbert ever :) \_ What company does the Dilbert author work for? \_ He used to work for PacBell, but hasn't in 10 years or more. Now he's Scott Adams, Inc. In case you were wondering why Dilbert sucks now. -tom \_ Well, that and he's stopped doing any thing other than workplace humor (by popular request.) Some of his funniest gags were of Dilbert outside work, IMHO. -jrleek |
2006/5/5-16 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42951 Activity:nil |
5/5 Pretty funny (Star Lords!) link:csua.org/u/fpv -John |
2006/5/3-6 [Academia/GradSchool, Recreation/Humor] UID:42913 Activity:nil |
5/3 http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=47 Funny only if you're a PhD student. \_ Comic author speaking on campus today. |
2006/4/26-27 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42831 Activity:nil |
4/25 We arre /25 Titanic 2: Jack's Back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nm7-w1EODds&search=titanic%202 Could be funnier, but eh. -John \_ Ha ha ha this is pretty funny. Well done. Thanks john. |
2006/4/26-27 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42830 Activity:nil |
4/26 Funniest thing, but coke seems to have come back to the bay area in a big way. The most amusing thing about it is the new mixer that people are doing - lines of 1/2 coke, 1/2 gunpowder. Apparently it is harder to get the gunpowder than the coke in SF. Discuss how banning gunshops now lets people fetishize gunpowder. \_ Doesn't that have a name? \_ See "Lord of War" starring Nick Cage. \_ I haven't noticed. Everyone I know smokes dope and the etards do ecstacy. Where I live I see mostly crack heads. Where is all the coke? -- LA expat \_ I've seen coke, but only heard people joke about brown-brown. |
2006/3/31-4/3 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42596 Activity:nil |
3/31 http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3693 Funny Photoshop Friday since, well this one: http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3574 (Both 90% worksafe) \_ My vote on this is: stupid links not worth visiting. What is your vote? \_ We care why? \_ This might have actually been funny on Valentine's Day. |
2006/3/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Humor] UID:42537 Activity:nil |
3/29 Isn't it funny that many hispanics decided to switch and vote for the GOP and now the GOP is dissing them? \_ Because all hispanics are in favor of open borders by virtue of their ethnicity? Isn't it funny how many people can hold incredibly racist beliefs and not even see it while at the same time pointing the same fat finger at others? |
2006/3/29-31 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42525 Activity:nil |
3/29 What day of the week should I vacuum my house? \_ Tomorrow \_ Actually, if this is the average sodan slob, the answer is more likely "yesterday" \_ I think you missed the joke. \_ Doesn't a joke have to be funny..or at least amusing to qualify as a joke? \_ No I didn't miss the "joke" \_ You missed the mockery of the inane motd questions like the one below. BTW, the "green pants" post is in the smae vein. If you are too stupid to get a joke or allusion, it's may not be funny or subtle to you but it is still a joke and you are still a loser. |
2006/3/24-25 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42410 Activity:nil |
3/24 http://www.jibjab.com/Oddities/OddityRedir.aspx?full=1&oddid=46 Weird jibjab stuff. Not exactly funny funny just a bit of humorous |
2006/3/20 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42333 Activity:nil 62%like:42332 |
3/20 Anyone else remember that old comic Yamara from Dragon? It's on the internet now... "More wierd than funny" indeed. http://yamara.com/yamara/index.php |
2006/3/20-22 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42332 Activity:nil 62%like:42333 |
3/20 Anyone remember that old comic from Dragon, Yamara? "More weird than funny" indeed. http://yamara.com/yamara/index.php \_ "Wormy" was a lot weirder. \_ Eh, Wormy wasn't that weird -- it was pretty straightforward semi-narrative fantasy. What made it quirky was the use of traditional badguys as the protagonists. Now, Roman Dirge's stuff, or perhaps Jhonen Vazquez's JTHM *that* is weird. -mice \_ Maybe so, but Yamara was trying to be funny. \_ Yeahhh...the art style on the first page of the Yamara link kind of squicked me out, so I'll take your word for it. Wormy was generally pretty pleasing to the eye (comparatively, at least). -mice \_ Yeah, Yamara's art got more and more busy as time went on. It started out ok, but was pretty much unreadable near the end. They were just trying to stuff way too much into a few panels. \_ I've been told that Sluggy Freelance is kind of moving in that direction. I stopped reading it regularly after I was laid off in '01, but people have been telling me that it's gotten progressively busier and takes more work to read. Oh well. -mice \_ Ah, but the payoff is richer. The "That Which Redeems" story-arc won awards for the payoff. Cf. Achewood. --erikred \_ Is it? I mean, I'd be willing to put up with more text etc if the payoff is there, but I've heard for current Sluggy, it's not. I never quite forgave sluggy for giving the DoP to that Bruno the Bandit guy and his endless stream of scatological humor. -mice \_ I repeat, the "That Which Redeems" arc was worth it. The "Timeless Seas" arc, well, not so sure about that one. And yeah, the DoP guy was definitely Not Funny. They have a Saturday guy now who's actually funny and very obviously a fan of the comic. --e-red \_ Hmm, okay. I guess I'll give it a try and see how the 'Elevator to Hell' arc reads. Hopefully is doesn't suck. Thanks for the info! -mice \_ Wormy archive: http://www.angelfire.com/wa2/haroog/archive/Archive.htm |
2006/3/16-18 [Recreation/Humor, Politics/Domestic] UID:42273 Activity:low |
3/16 Our great leader getting ready to RIDE BIKE http://photos1.blogger.com/hello/187/1525/320/belly4.jpg \_ As an American, I was pretty dissapointed with my two choices in the 2004 election...but as a cyclist, I was damn happy with both choices. \_ I don't get it. \_ Is it the pink socks? Is it the balding guy checking his gut behind him? It just doesn't scream "presidential". \_ That's your it? He doesn't look "presidential" when he's exercising? Heaven forbid! (Honestly, I'd be pretty happy if he ever looked presidential.) \_ It's humour, not some slashing criticism... chill. if you don't find it funny, watch some dennis miller... It's a lot funnier than Ann Coulter's "jokes" about killing supreme court justices. \_ yeah but short skirts and long legs... mmmm. \_ If the skirts are short enough, you might be able to catch a glimpse of her dick. \_ I loved the thread about how that was ok because "Democrats are always threathening to kill the president" "Democrats are always threathening to kill the president" (no examples given) \_ The guy behind him is putting on a chest strap transmitter for a heart rate monitor, not "checking his gut". \_ Again, seriously, it's simply amusing. Overanalyizing is stupid. |
2006/3/9-11 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Media] UID:42153 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
3/9 So I've now seen two wonderful movies with disappointing endings in one week: Corpse Bride and Howl's Moving Castle. How can they put so much work into having such beautiful movies, then so obviously blow the endings? Bah, I say! \_ you got sucked into watching it and paid the same amount of money had the ending been better. So, u=teh suxor. \_ Eh, they were still worth the ~ $1.07 I pay per movie on the 2-at-a-time Netflix plan. What frustrates me is that they were so good...until the endings. \_ just like War of the Worlds? \_ Yeah, I gave that one some slack for being based on a book, though I guess Howl's was too. \- "I saw the best movies of my generation destroyed by bittorrent ... destroyed by piracy ..." \_ Huh? (I get the song reference, but not why) \_ Clearly you don't get the reference. \_ I hate the beats, but you make me sad. google for "ginsberg" and "howl" \_ Hah, never knew that. I never thought to see where the TMBG lyrics came from. \_ The MOTD makes the baby Cassady cry. \_ This is not related to this song, is it? http://www.lyricsdepot.com/they-might-be-giants/i-should-be-allowed-to-think.html http://www.lyricsdepot.com/they-might-be-giants/i-should-be-allowed-to-think.html \_ How would you have like Corpse Bride to end? I thought it was a normal, predictable ending. \_ Exactly! It didn't fit the movie at all! |
2006/3/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:42125 Activity:nil |
3/7 Heh, funny [sic] interpretation of Bush's recent South Asia trip http://www.filibustercartoons.com http://www.filibustercartoons.com/comics/20060306.gif (direct) |
2006/3/2 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42068 Activity:nil |
3/2 German John, motd is boring. Please post funny Eurotrash jokes. Heil. |
2006/3/1-2 [Consumer/Audio, Recreation/Humor] UID:42056 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
3/1 What if Microsoft designs the iPod package: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAGr3mVVUwE I am looking for a wmv/mov/rm format of this video. thanks. kngharv \_ Google video it \_ http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=36099539665548298&q=microsoft+ipod |
2006/3/1-2 [Recreation/Humor] UID:42053 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
3/1 John, is this you? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-890218145934088002&q=berlitz |
2006/2/21-23 [Recreation/Humor] UID:41941 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/21 http://www.yesyesserver.co.uk/temp/WeAreSinking.swf Humor. Titanic ship sinking. German coast guard to the rescue. |
2006/2/17-19 [Recreation/Humor] UID:41904 Activity:nil |
2/17 Cheney cartoon. Pretty damn funny. http://csua.org/u/f0q \_ Who are you, far-left poor taste in humor guy? \_ f0q! \_ Thanks for the laugh. |
2006/2/13 [Recreation/Humor] UID:41812 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/12 http://dickhunt.ytmnd.com |
2006/2/10-13 [Recreation/Humor] UID:41792 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/10 more CHUCK http://www.youtube.com/w/Chuck-Norris?v=BhiTsC1fY7s \_ Not funny. \_ After that smile on their faces when Chuck returns the handbag to the woman in red, I fully expected the next scene to be a squeaking bed given what all the other Chuck Norris Fact Sheets say. But instead! \_ Sung by Jack Bauer no less! The Bauer/Norris rivalry continues! |
2006/2/10-13 [Recreation/Humor, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:41791 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/10 Rave Party! (No clue, don't ask) http://www.glumbert.com/media/rave.html -John \_ http://www.exile.ru/2004-September-04/war_nerd.html |
2006/2/8 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Humor] UID:41763 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/8 gayest thing ever http://www.hugi.is/hahradi/bigboxes.php?box_id=51208&f_id=1471 |
2006/1/19-21 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Humor] UID:41442 Activity:high Cat_by:auto |
1/19 Marketing at its best: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6685078570737229515 \_ Thank God for creating cute Asian girls. Now I need to go to the bathroom to relieve myself. \_ It wasn't God, it was evolution! \_ whatever it was, intelligent design was at work. \_ She could've been green for all I care. By the way, what was the commercial about? ;) (Maybe not *too* good marketing.) \_ "She couldn've been been green..." meaning you find her unattractive? Or you don't care about looks? \_ Chocolate candy, FWIW. I wonder if there is anything one cannot successfully sell with boobs. \_ Anyone happen to know Japanese? What did she say after she looked down? \_ I think having boobs upstage your product is not such a good thing. What did you say the commercial was about again? \_ Brain transplants for the intellectually feeble. Are you the same person who was so bothered by the "naked news" post a few days ago? \_ You can't sell breast reduction surgery with these, I guess. guess. http://rallosnobr.afreeserver.com \_ I think it was "brand reinforcement" style; not targetted at actually being informative. Look at Nike ads.. would you ever know what they're actually for? \_ Cute Japanes girls to be specific. In other Asian countries it would be politically incorrect and frowned upon by flat-chested women and hypocrites. \_ If you want to save the .wmv for off-line relief, go to http://www.jengajam.com/r/Choco-Party-Good \_ Another funny one:http://hpbimg.rydell.nl/Map-Movies/Boob-Popper.wmv |
2006/1/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:41422 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
1/18 http://www.babybushtoys.com \_ Wow, that looks like an awful lot of work for jokes that are only "heh" level. |
2006/1/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:41416 Activity:kinda low |
1/17 The Iraq Invasion as Zork I transcript http://www.defectiveyeti.com/archives/001561.html \_ You went to the trouble to transcript that boring drivel? \_ transcribe \_ You have missed the humor and been eaten by a Grue. \_ It's not very humorous. -tom \_ It was worth a few chuckles. It wasn't the super brilliant "OMGROFLMAOWTFBBQ!!!!" that 90% of the ditto head "me too!" commenters made it out to be but it had humor value. You didn't think "IT IS NOT THAT KIND OF SEAL" was funny? \_ No. -tom \_ So what's out there that you do find funny? \_ Clearly not this. \_ Clearly. I want to know what he does find funny. \_ That was pretty funny, but it didn't need FILL SHOES. Probably lost some audience with that. \_ The truth hurts huh? \_ The weak trolls are out in force today. \_ nah, the FILL SHOES line was forced, albeit true |
2005/12/19-21 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Interesting] UID:41071 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/19 the video at http://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2005/12/sushiya_etiquet.html is totally awesome. - danh \_ http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6905089586228877019 (better net) --dbushong \_ Kikkoman sauce: http://yoga.at.infoseek.co.jp/flash/kikkomaso.swf \_ Kikkoman sauce: http://yoga.at.infoseek.co.jp/flash/kikkomaso.swf |
2005/12/16-18 [Recreation/Interesting, Recreation/Humor] UID:41048 Activity:kinda low Cat_by:auto |
12/16 Making money from stupid people by selling $15 for $21 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5644161666 \_ More accurately, stupid people make you money by buying $15 for $21. \_ was bought by someone in the uk. suppose he isn't clear on the exchange rate. \_ more like you can probably use it to get around iTunes having different stores for different countries. \_ good point. apple sells songs for 79p for the UK ($1.40) so $21 probably is a great deal for a Brit \_ Bonus question: USD15 of songs at USD.99/song :: GBP?? or songs at GBP.79/song ? (answer--not much of a deal) \_ Much more lucrative would be selling JP gift cards in the US. You can buy JPop albums from the music store for ~Y2000 but in the US, you might pay $50-80 for an import through Amazon. Search for "Love Jam" (Ai Otsuka) for comparison. \_ redeeming a JP gift card would probably tricky from here in the US. \_ wow, you can make 33% profit with each sale to the UK |
2005/12/16-19 [Recreation/Humor] UID:41047 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/16 The problem w/ Wikipedia: http://www.penny-arcade.com/images/2005/20051216h.jpg \_ heh this is pretty funny, thanks |
2005/12/16-18 [Recreation/Humor] UID:41043 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/16 Today's PVP reminds me of the motd: http://www.pvponline.com http://www.pvponline.com/archive/2005/pvp20051216.gif \_ Today's PVP reminds me that PVP just isn't funny |
2005/12/12-14 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40983 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/12 The picard song: http://hjem.wanadoo.dk/~wan13237/darkmateria_the_picard_song.mp3 \_ Holy fucking shit that's awesome. |
2005/12/9-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Humor] UID:40934 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/9 New game teaches female sexual gratification: http://www.boingboing.net/2005/12/08/videogame_teaches_fe.html -John |
2005/12/7-9 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40895 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/7 Big brains means small balls (at least in bats): http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,17490140-13762,00.html \_ Is this why all male porn stars are so well-hung? |
2005/12/7-9 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40894 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
12/7 Definitive Guide to Gansta Combat: http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=414704&page=1 \_ So, umm, the joke is that they are black? Gee that's funny. \_ Um no. The joke is that they have no idea how to properly handle a gun. Just like most "urban youth." \_ You're a retard. \_ Very funny. -John |
2005/12/6-7 [Recreation/Humor, Computer/SW] UID:40876 Activity:nil |
12/6 Hi kchang. You're pretty funny: "This web site is filled with nothing but trolls, sarcasms, and insults and should NOT be used as a substitute for honest informational sources such as http://FoxNews.com and WhiteHouse.gov." If I want political commentary from you I'll rattle your cage. \_ It definitely sounds tongue-in-cheek. He's implying both sites are not "honest" and "informational" |
2005/12/6-7 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Humor] UID:40872 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/6 http://shockingfun.zoovy.com/product/POOPOOSNOWMAN And Christians get upset about a "holiday tree"? God I love capitalism! |
2005/12/6-7 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40871 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/6 Boy, Dutch people are weird. Mildy NSFW. http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~mjvdh/pag1.html \_ Ha ha ha "Pame-la" ... (la means drawer in Dutch) \_ Origin of the idea: http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~mjvdh/boobycase%203a.html (NSFW) |
2005/12/5-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Humor] UID:40858 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
12/5 The Japanese game to end all Japanese games. http://tinyurl.com/9mo2s http://gpsc.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gspirits_r1_web.wmv \_ Ew. I want the purity of my eyes back, please. \_ video game showing panty. Definitely NOT work safe. \_ That is awesome. \_ How does one capture output from a game to a .wmv file? Thanks. \_ TV capture card. |
2005/11/28-29 [Recreation/Interesting, Recreation/Humor] UID:40739 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
11/27 Okay, maybe Icelanders are more strange than the Germans: http://www.hugi.is/hahradi/bigboxes.php?box_id=51208&f_id=1471 \_ No. \_ Japan trumps that. http://www.devilducky.com/media/38146 |
2005/11/25-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Humor] UID:40734 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
11/25 Girlfriends Against Video Games: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1514150/20051118/inadjlasddex.jhtml \_ A girlfriend is not a substitute for a playstation! \_ for some dead or alive beach volleyball in hd could be \_ What it hooks up to a fleshlight now? \_ and Boyfriends Against Girlfriends Against Video Games! |
2005/11/25-28 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40732 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
11/25 Pat Morita ("Mr. Miyagi") died yesterday: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051125/ap_on_en_mo/obit_morita |
2005/11/7-8 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Humor] UID:40479 Activity:low 66%like:40474 |
11/07 without looking at the sites in question, what do you think these are: http://www.whorepresents.com \_ Dildos http://www.expertsexchange.com \_ Tranny doctors. http://www.penisland.net \_ Gay porn http://www.therapistfinder.com http://www.powergenitalia.com \_ Penis enhancements http://www.molestationnursery.com \_ I read that http://www.powergenitalia.com didn't really exist, and the host name was just a joke. \_ http://www.archive.org foolio. \_ Oops, I read it wrong. It's a real site, but it's just not related to the UK company Powergen. http://www.snopes.com/business/names/powergen.asp \_ On the contrary: http://http://www.whitehouse.com ...... Sorry, it used to be a porn site. Now it's not funny anymore. \_ now check http://http://www.policeman.net \_ http://http://www.whitehouse.net |
2005/11/7 [Recreation/Humor, Industry/Startup] UID:40474 Activity:high 66%like:40479 |
11/07 without looking at the sites in question, what do you think these are: http://www.whorepresents.com \_ Dildos http://www.expertsexchange.com http://www.penisland.net \_ Gay porn http://www.therapistfinder.com http://www.powergenitalia.com \_ Penis enhancements http://www.molestationnursery.com \_ I read that http://www.powergenitalia.com didn't really exist, and the host name was just a joke. \_ http://www.archive.org foolio. \_ Oops, I read it wrong. It's a real site, but it's just not \_ Oops, I read it wrong. It's a real company, but it's just not related to the UK company Powergen. http://www.snopes.com/business/names/powergen.asp \_ On the contrary: http://http://www.whitehouse.com ...... Sorry, it used to be a porn site. Now it's not funny anymore. \_ http://http://www.snopes.com/business/names/powergen.asp fool. \_ On the contrary: http://http://www.whitehouse.com |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Computer, Recreation/Humor] UID:40354 Activity:nil |
10/31 Civ 4, The Internet wonder http://netfiles.uiuc.edu/chudnoff/www/gore.jpg \_ Tell me that was a joke please? \_ It prolly is a joke but that is how it is in game. Pretty funny. |
2005/10/31-11/1 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40351 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
10/31 Is this real??? http://www.zippyvideos.com/138107019747255.html [The Chinese title says "Squid camouflage (must see!)"] \_ WMP can't play (requires codec) \_ would someone download the clip and put it in /csua/tmp? \_ /csua/tmp/octocamo.wmv \_ Yes, but it's an octopus. Octopodes are awesome. They can change color _and_ skin texture for camoflage; most of their brain is, in fact, dedicated to running their elaborate camo system. \_ also look up cuttlefish. freaking awesome. I've been looking for a place to get one as a pet, but have been unsuccessful so far. \_ Holy shit! That freaked me out more than any Halloween stuff. |
2005/10/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:40152 Activity:nil |
10/18 Funny daily show clip on the staged telcon. 2nd half is good too. http://www.crooksandliars.com/2005/10/18.html#a5429 |
2005/10/15-16 [Recreation/Humor] UID:40115 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/16 10 steps to becoming Republican: http://www.thefrown.com/player.php?/frowners/becomerepublican |
2005/10/15 [Politics/Foreign, Recreation/Humor] UID:40107 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/14 Another Jib Jab on foreign imports and outsourcing: http://www.jibjab.com/Movies/MoviePlayer.aspx?contentid=122 \_ keywords: Walmart BoxMart Box Mart |
2005/10/14 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Media] UID:40081 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/13 THIS is modern art. (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch.php?v=vwl98dU0kY8 |
2005/10/11-13 [Finance/CC, Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Recreation/Humor] UID:40045 Activity:high Cat_by:auto |
10/11 "I Can't Afford My Gasoline" (has sound) http://toccionline.kizash.com/films/1001/178/index.php \_ Once we hit $6/gallon, those hybrids will start to look attractive, too. \_ It's been over $6/gallon in Europe. Cost me 34 Euro for a half tank of gas on a Ford Fiesta (rental car) 2 weeks ago. Figures it would cost around $85 for a full tank. And we're taking puny car. \_ do you have a choice? how about Ford Ka? \_ I don't buy cars that chops heads off of cats. \_ I probably did, but didn't know how to say it in Spanish. \_ Where in Europe? Get a SMART. \_ Was in Spain (Madrid), I don't think Avis has SMART; besides I don't know if I'd fit in it (too tall). \_ A colleague of mine drives one. He's 6'6", about 250lbs. He got it because of the leg room. -John \_ Take the train. |
2005/9/22-23 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39813 Activity:nil |
9/22 'The Aristocrats' = funny |
2005/9/22-23 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39807 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
9/22 I've posted my lifelong collection of weird, unusual, and plain stupid pictures: http://csua.berkeley.edu/~kchang/pix/funny \_ How about these: http://www.livejournal.com/users/zete_tic/329.html?page=1#comments -jblack http://www.livejournal.com/users/zete_tic/329.html?page=1#comments \_ Wow, I didn't know there were that many stupid people on LJ. \_ Wow, Bush sure does look heroic in that fighter suit with stuffed codpiece, doesn't he? I wish he would strut around like a rooster again and taunt the enemy some more, while safely in his bunker 10,000 miles away, don't you? \_ I was hoping you guys had a sense of humor and post some humorous pics of Bush... oh well. post some humorous pics of Bush... oh well. -jblack \_ I was hoping you conservatives had brains and found some humorous pics that were given to you. oh well http://csua.berkeley.edu/~kchang/pix/funny/politics/bush \_ Wow, I thought jblack's pics were stupid, but these really take the taco. \_ Uh, which ones did you find acceptable and which ones did you find offensive? \_ Not offensive, stupid. "Huh, huh, I photoshopped in a chimp instead of Bush! I'm brilliant!" etc. In general the only thing lamer than collecting a bunch of bad pictures of someone who is constantly being photographed, is to make bad pictures with poor photoshop manipulation. \_ "Bush in that fighter suit with stuffed cockpiece ......" |
2005/9/21 [Science/Disaster, Recreation/Humor] UID:39795 Activity:very high |
9/21 A clip of last night's Daily Show hurricane coverage. Extremely funny. Yes it is streaming, sorry. http://www.livejournal.com/users/dailyshow_video/82699.html \_ why watch that instead of http://comedycentral.com? \_ the lj page is in a much cleaner format. |
2005/9/5-6 [Science/Disaster, Recreation/Humor] UID:39504 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
9/6 HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA: The Fema Rap http://www.fema.gov/kids/femarap.htm |
2005/9/5-6 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Humor] UID:39496 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
9/6 Grape Scented Light Saber http://download.theforce.net/theater/animation/grapescented/grape_scented.mov \_ totally hilarious. I can somewhat relate as I can't get laid, and I have a deep hatred for jocks who rock the ceiling of my apartment late at 4AM and get laid all the time. |
2005/8/22 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39211 Activity:kinda low |
8/20 If I tell a Jewish joke, I'm antisemetic. If I tell a black or Mexican joke, I'm a racist. But if I tell a Polish joke, I'm a comedian. Why is this even acceptable? \_ Actually, no matter what kind of joke you tell, you're a moron. -tom \_ Have polish jokes been considered funny any time this last oh say... generation? Hint: no. \_ Except for the one about the simple pole in the complex plane. \_ I enjoyed Chris Rock's joke in a comedy show about the difference between blacks and n*ggers. I wouldn't call him racist. -- Asian |
2005/8/19-20 [Consumer/Camera, Recreation/Humor] UID:39183 Activity:nil |
8/18 Practical photography lesson: "Funny thing about angles and webshots" http://csua.org/u/d39 \_ Slightly NSFW. |
2005/8/17-20 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39151 Activity:nil |
8/17 Mom p0wNz son in WoW forum: http://tinyurl.com/akgpb (forums.worldofwarcraft.com) Read post #3 (Brion) and then post #5 (Faydra) (and the rest just gets funnier) \_ Yah, phunny, but only the first page. \_ The mom makes another good post on pg 10-11 \_ Oh yeah, you can just click the magnifying glass next to their names to see all their posts. \_ I don't understand why she apologizes. -John \_ Mom porns son in ...... |
2005/8/13-15 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39110 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto Edit_by:auto |
8/13 MY EYES! http://www.bpninc.com/evideo/video_mac_hi.mov \_ damn those red states. \_ keywords: Funny red neck video banjo banjos duet |
2005/8/7-11 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39032 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
8/7 Do you say "soda" or "pop"? http://www.popvssoda.com \_ That's fucking awesome! Thanks for the link! I'd like to see one with sub/hoagie/grinder/hero \_http://cfprod01.imt.uwm.edu/Dept/FLL/linguistics/dialect/maps.html You want #64. \_ I say soda because I was stuck in fucking soda hell while my bisadm friends were partying and getting straight A's and screwing up hot chicks and now they already have MBAs and making tons of money while I'm now stuck being in a fucking code monkey with my job ready to be outsourced by foreign monkeys ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I HATE SODA \_ I lived in the Bay Area for the first 23 years of my life, so I say "soda". 4 years ago I moved to Eastern Washington where everyone calls it "pop". I just can't make myself switch. -bz \_ Then there's the fucked up south. customer: I'd like a coke please. waitress: What kind? customer: How about a Sprite...no make that a Coke. waitress: Got it. A Coke coke. \_ Have you actually observed this? \- you know the CocaCola Corporation has people to go out an \- you know the CocaCola Corporation has people to go out and test for this as evidence they are defending their trademark and not "letting" it become a generic term, like say "escalator" or "aspirin". \_ I haven't observed this very exchange, but it is true that "coke" can mean "Dr. Pepper", "Sprite", or other soda. |
2005/8/7-8 [Recreation/Humor] UID:39029 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
8/7 Pancake Rabbit! http://www.syberpunk.com/cgi-bin/index.pl?page=oolong \_ KAWAII!!! \_ Um, how come Japanese people are so weird? \_ http://www.stuffonmycat.com -John \_ Oolong tea? |
2005/8/3-5 [Recreation/Humor, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:38980 Activity:nil |
8/3 Okay, basically this looks like the funniest shit ever: http://accstudios.com/f/comicpreview_page_cover.htm \_ Yawn. Dismissed as crap months ago. |
2005/8/2-4 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38954 Activity:nil |
8/2 Read them all, they are all pretty funny: http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/show-them-the-code \_ Man, my geek-fu is weak. I don't get any of these. |
2005/7/26-27 [Recreation/Humor, Academia/GradSchool] UID:38838 Activity:nil |
7/26 Was it a Douglas Adams book that had an offhand joke about the Committee For The Study Of The Exceedingly Obvious? http://www.thedartmouth.com/article.php?aid=2005071201040 |
2005/7/23-25 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38790 Activity:nil |
7/23 The site is pretty funny: http://petakillsanimals.com Includes PETA empolyees arrested for animal cruelty, etc. |
2005/7/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack, Recreation/Humor] UID:38527 Activity:nil |
7/11 http://www.freerepublic.com/images/freepathon/petersvi20-vi.gif http://www.freerepublic.com/images/freepathon/DemsJumpO-vi.jpg Funny comic [jblack] \_ immature not so funny conservative comics to be deleted |
2005/7/9-12 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38501 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
7/9 girl in a bikini falling endlessly http://www.thechump.com/neverendingfall.swf \_ I think she's double jointed \_ I think she came from http://www.realdoll.com \_ This is cool and yet really creepy. |
2005/7/7-9 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38460 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
7/7 Here's a fairly amusing comic about being an exchange student in Russia: http://www.bigcheesepress.com/brandt.php?n=f \_ Wow. It's like a blog, but much, much more work. I like. \_ I read through the lot of them, overall it's okay, but this one made me laugh out loud: http://www.bigcheesepress.com/brandt.php?c=2005-07-01 -dans \_ HAHA. That guy looks just like someone I know from Ukrain. \_ Heh, cute. I like, too. And I got a kick out of the same one dans did, too. -alexf \_ IMO, the Russia strips are kind of week compared to her ones from home, though the once I picked out above is still my favorite: http://www.dailycardinalcomics.com/everyonedrunkbutme -dans \- i have no idea what any of the above means but i though comment at #7 by ucb math prof R. BORCHERDS was pretty entertaining, from: http://csua.org/u/ahe Feel free to gift me any of those books. ok tnx. \_ "Bogoliubov was probably the leading Soviet field theorist. The claim on the back that this is an undergraduate textbook should not be taken seriously outside Russia." Haha! -- ilyas \- my other russian associates also found this pretty humorous [berkeley physics phd, ucsf phd]. |
2005/7/7 [Computer/SW/Apps, Recreation/Humor] UID:38449 Activity:nil |
7/6 http://www.geekcruises.com \_ I thought this was a humor link until I clicked further and saw a plethora of PDFs that contain real information, or information too detailed to not have been a joke. \_ Wow. I've only known about Linux Lunacy. Didn't know there so many others. The Photoshop Fling and Roaming Reflection seems like a good option for a photographer. |
2005/7/4-5 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38410 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
7/4 Strap-On Veterans For Truth: http://www.straponvets.com \_ Reminds me of the movie "To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar" |
2005/7/3-5 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38404 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
7/3 Someone auctioning his x-gf's stuff for revenge: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=5594026579 \_ Mmm. Bidding on stolen property. This can only end well. \_ Winning bidder: http://csua.org/u/clv "NON PAYING BIDDER HAS LEFT ME SEVERAL HARRASSING/THREATENING EMAILS" Sounds like these two were made for each other. \_ No bras or penties. Who would want to buy it? \_ Wow, I guess you've got something in common with David Beckham. |
2005/6/28-29 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Travel] UID:38339 Activity:high |
6/29 Freestar Media: "Lost Liberty Hotel" proposed on Justice Souter's http://www.freestarmedia.com/hotellostliberty2.html \_ It's too bad the "developer" decided to be so heavy-handed with his message. I think a more subtle approach would have been funnier. \_ Losing your home is never funny. Talk about missing the point. \_ Giving a precedent for taking your home away in this way isn't funny. Talk about missing the point. \_ You must be young. The point is that this guy knows he is not going to be able to flatten a USSC justice's home to build his hotel. This is not going to set any precedent. The USSC already said what he's doing is ok. He is showing how stupid and unfair the ruling is. \_ I don't think they're trying give a message. I think they're really trying to condemn Souter's home. \_ It says its not a joke. I think it would be awesome though, a good illustration to the people who change policy without thought that it could effect them. -mrauser |
2005/6/26-28 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38307 Activity:nil |
6/26 funny, http://www.flickr.com/photos/hep/21765956 might be too gay for your workplace. - danh \_ why is it funny? I see something similar all the time. |
2005/6/17-18 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38172 Activity:nil |
6/16 Heh, political cartoon about "Live 8" http://www.filibustercartoons.com \_ Just curious, does this site get a lot of play on freeper? \_ I have no idea. I don't read free republic I think this site is funny, so I check it regularly. -op \_ With all due respect, I find it about as informed and funny, in its intended sense, as freeper. \_ That's fine, don't read it. Political cartoons are rarely funny to everybody. You notice I didn't post it as an IP address to try and fool you or something. \_ And I appreciate that, I truly do. |
2005/6/7-8 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Recreation/Humor] UID:38024 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
6/7 http://s94009834.onlinehome.us/xyz/move.html Nifty Javascript. Doesn't work well on OSX Firefox but pretty well on OSX IE and OSX Safari |
2005/6/7-8 [Recreation/Humor] UID:38006 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
6/7 Asian rap: http://www.funnyjunk.com/pages/asianpride.htm |
2005/6/7-8 [Science/Electric, Recreation/Humor] UID:38004 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
6/7 Lonely dateless geeky Asian men invent ballroom dancing robot. If only they'd make Geisha bots... http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/06/07/robots.ballroom |
2005/6/2-3 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37938 Activity:nil 80%like:37931 |
6/1 http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/archive8/2005-06-01_linuxgeek.html http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/archive8/2005-05-31_monitorarch.html geek humor (SFW) \_ haha thanks that's pretty funny. Please keep posting funny stuff! \_ warning: those may be SFW (inasmuch as obviously not doing work is SFW) but clicking elsewhere on that site resulted in a NSFW. \_ I liked this one: http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/archive8/2005-05-22_fredphelps.html |
2005/6/1-2 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37931 Activity:high 80%like:37938 |
6/1 http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/picture.html and http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/archive8/2005-05-31_monitorarch.html geek humor (SFW) \_ haha thanks that's pretty funny. Please keep posting funny stuff! \_ warning: those may be SFW (inasmuch as obviously not doing work is SFW) but clicking elsewhere on that site resulted in a NSFW. \_ I liked this one: http://www.nickscipio.com/funstuff/archive8/2005-05-22_fredphelps.html \_ First link is now Not Safe For Work. |
2005/5/27-31 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37853 Activity:nil |
5/26 http://www.storewars.org/flash/index.html Store Wars, funny/humor site. |
2005/5/26-27 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37849 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
5/26 This old ad is great. http://www.boardsmag.com/screeningroom/commercials/235 \_ This is sick. \_ Am I right assuming the above is NWS? \_ Not in particular really. \_ Oh ffs, it's fine. Do you work for the moonies? "Oh dear! She showed an ankle!" Sigh. -John \_ It's not risque or anything, but it came on without a prompt when I looked at it and I would suggest having the volume turned down. (I hadn't noticed that my wife had the volume up before watching and got a bit of a shock.) BTW, it's not all that. -- ulysses |
2005/5/23-26 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37805 Activity:nil |
5/23 Ok, this is pretty funny (Star Wars joke) http://www.shortpacked.com |
2005/5/15 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37688 Activity:kinda low |
5/14 Someone wanted an amusing link: http://csua.org/u/c2p Sort of like a mix between Walter Miller, The Eye of Argon and enormous amounts of drugs and too much free time. -John \_ On a scale of 0-10: Funny if sober=-1, funny if you're a retards=10 \_ get a sense of humor. It was amusing. \_ "if you're a retard" without the 's'. |
2005/5/11-12 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37629 Activity:nil |
5/11 Heh (funny videogame comic). http://www.vgcats.com/comics |
2005/5/9-11 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Humor] UID:37588 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto Edit_by:auto |
5/9 http://www.thebricktestament.com Something both Athiests and Religious right wing nuts can enjoy \_ one fugly baby: .../exodus/too_many_hebrews/ex01_17.html \_ Keywords: lego legos bible bibles jesus funny |
2005/5/3-4 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37491 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
5/3 Revenge CD + Ear plugs: http://wishingfish.com/revengecd.html \_ OH. My. God. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I've been looking for this for the longest time. Now I can finally accomplish my objectives. Long live John, the greatest motder on csua! \_ If you like, I can post a complimentary mpeg of me thumping my manly chest. -John \_ Can you put track3 on /csua/tmp as mp3? ;) |
2005/5/3 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37470 Activity:high |
5/3 If would be funny if someone JIBEs some Spanishized motd. \_ HA HA HA HA this is hilarious |
2005/4/26-27 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37361 Activity:nil |
4/25 Funny immature cartoons: http://happytreefriends.atomfilms.com/watch_episodes |
2005/4/2-5 [Recreation/Humor] UID:37049 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto |
4/2 Really funny Best Buy drunken mail-in rebate call: http://forums.dealcatcher.com/m_316229/mpage_1/key_/tm.htm |
2005/4/1-2 [Recreation/Media, Recreation/Humor] UID:37028 Activity:nil |
4/1 New Dr Who announces that he is quiting (no joke) http://news.bbc.co.uk/entertainment/tv_and_radio Weird to quit after your first episode is shown and got good reviews and ratings |
2005/3/28 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36919 Activity:nil |
3/28 http://www.cosmeticgyn.net \_ Funny. I saw ads for this in the LA Weekly the last time I was down there. Up here, it's ads for electrolytic hair removal that amuse me. -- ulysses |
2005/3/24-25 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Humor] UID:36857 Activity:kinda low Cat_by:auto |
3/24 The Fellowship Baptist Creation Science Fair! http://objective.jesussave.us/creationsciencefair.html Winners include "My Uncle Is A Man Named Steve (Not A Monkey)", "Women Were Designed For Homemaking", and "Using Prayer To Microevolve Latent Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria". \_ Wow. That last one made me laugh out loud. Until I went to the link and saw that it was real. -emarkp \_ It's not. \_ It's not. Main evidence: the non-existence of "Fellowship University", where their various "experts" are supposedly professors. \_ You missed such jems as: "Pokemon Prove Evolutionism Is False" and "Rocks Can't Evolve, Where Did They Come From Mr. Darwin?" -jrleek \_ Jesus Christ is getting stronger every single day, and will finally come back to rule the earth! In another news, Christians are building a space ship, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE, YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED \_ there's a space ship behind the comet \_ Unfortunately this site is satire. Check out the Landover Baptist site that they link to: http://www.landoverbaptist.org \_ No, I don't think so. It is getting harder and harder to tell parody from seriousness from these guys, but they comdemn Landover Baptist Church: http://objective.jesussave.us/shutdown.html Okay, this convinces me: http://www.cafepress.com/objectivemin.11596947 They have *got* to be kidding. |
2005/3/24-25 [Politics/Domestic, Recreation/Humor] UID:36847 Activity:high |
3/24 Best commentary on the Schiavo clusterfuck evAR: http://www.mnftiu.cc/mnftiu.cc/war45.html -dans \_ No. Commentary is written in sentences and paragraphs. Comics involve art, and graphically based humor. This is neither. It is in the same category as that fucking talking penguin. \_ you mean pokey the penguin? i love pokey! - danh \_ i don't know his name. it's from This Modern World. death to the penguin! \_ Tom Tomorrow >> the above crap \_ tom tomorrow sucks ass. He is neither a real cartoonist nor a real editorialist. He is a guy who uses unspeakably shitty art to make simple minded points using non-funny sarcasm. he is an insult to real cartoonists everywhere. \_ wow, "unspeakably shitty art"? wtf is your problem? no, more plausible is you hate the message. who is a "real" cartoonist or "real" editorialist? you have been classified as: a fucking idiot. \_ Actually, I usually agree with his message. Examples of real cartoonists would include Trudeau, McGruder, Larson, Waterson, and Andy Singer. Editorialists are people who *write* in *English*, in actual sentences and paragraphs. Tomorrow is simply a shitty, no-talent hack who sells his crap to people who like his message so much that they have blinded themselves to his lack of talent. \_ Political cartoons are editorial in nature... I'm not saying TT is so wonderful but his art and his english sentences carry as much weight as most other political blatherers out there. How is http://www.andysinger.com/sample5.html \_ The only thing funny about this is the liberal/author- itarian implication that people wouldn't voluntarily follow traffic lights. They most certainly would. (think blackouts) -phuqm any different? It's worse than most of TT. Larson and Watterson are a completely different category. \_ Michael Ramirez of the LA Times is a real cartoonist! http://csua.org/u/bhi -troll \_ Well, he's better than Tom Tommorow. He actually draws funny pictures. \_ this one is pretty dang shitty: http://www.latimes.com/includes/ramirez/ramirez_20050306.gif \_ Thank you oh great anonymous wanker who knows all of art, commentary, and humor. A few suggestions to guarantee that you never let any wisdom taint your blessedly naive omnipotence. 1) Avoid dictionaries. Even the literal meaning of words can be dangerous. 2) Don't ever read {Understanding, Reinventing} Comics by Scott McCloud 3) Don't ever enroll in a top notch Bachelor of Fine Arts program. You will have your ass handed to you on a platter. 4) Don't ever enroll in a top notch Master of Fine Arts program. Your ass will be flambeed, and then handed to you on platter. This will be done in front of an audience as a performance art piece, and filmed for posterity. -dans \_ As stupid as I think the whole Schiavo thing is, I'm really not sure what was supposed to be funny about these comics. -jrleek \_ that's great \_ FUCKING LAME, don't waste your time reading it. The best jokes are quick and to the point, like The Far Side. This is neither. \_ There's no accounting for taste. |
2005/3/24 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36842 Activity:nil |
3/23 This is seriously the funniest thing I have seen in a while: http://www.epsilonminus.com/darquedungeon \_ you should get out more. \_ Hey man, NIN r0x! You guys just don't understand meeeeeeee... \_ They talk about goths, but all the music they mention is techno-industrial. Besides, girls in black plastic are a good thing. |
2005/3/11-12 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36647 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
3/11 Humor of the day: http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/~kchang/2005/VisitDay/Supper |
2005/3/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:36573 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
3/7 Wouldn't it be funny if you type Republican on google and out comes anti-Republican sites? YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN! On your homepage, insert the following "<a href=http://www.bushin30seconds.orgRepublican</a>" If you get enough friends to do this and if they can do the same, it will happen! Now go and spread the word!!! \_ Eh. Googlebombing is so 2002. Try starting a blog, they're much more effective at googlebombing than static web sites. -dans |
2005/3/7 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36571 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
3/7 If you have a penis, I recommend dropping reference of this site to your sex partners: http://fellatiouniversity.com There's a quick and handy bookmark too: http://fellatiouniversity.com/images/FU-bookmark.pdf |
2005/3/2-3 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36493 Activity:nil |
3/2 Why do foreigners especially E Europeans and Russians insist on insulting people using their funny commie accents? Why don't they listen to themselves on tape and make attempts at improving themselves? -- !ilyas \_ Why do Westerners especially Americans insist on insulting people using their funny American accents? Why don't they listen to themselves on tape and make attempts at improving themselves? |
2005/3/2-3 [Recreation/Celebrity/MichaelJackson, Recreation/Humor] UID:36488 Activity:kinda low Cat_by:auto |
3/2 What does Michael Jackson looks like before all the face surgery? His current face is like a ghost everytime I look at it. \_ I remember seeing pictures of his early days, and he looked like a normal black person with dark skin and African complexion. Nothing as scary as how he is today. \_ http://anomalies-unlimited.com/Jackson.html The complete horrific history. \_ Why does anyone give a shit about Michael Jackson now? The 80's are over, folks. \_ Wow, there's a new entry since last time I looked. That's... disturbing. |
2005/3/1-3 [Recreation/Humor, Finance/Investment] UID:36474 Activity:high |
3/1 Why do people say 'rate of speed?' -- ilyas \_ Speed is d(distance)/dt. Rate of speed is a specific, determinant value. It's legalese. It has to be that accurate. \_ Ok, 'rate' is used to mean 'measure,' rather than 'rate of change.' That makes sense. That's unfortunately ambiguous though, and it always sounded jarring to me. -- ilyas \_ it's funny and redundant because speed already means rate of change of position to you. distiniguish it from rate of inflation, rate of decline, etc. and realize some yokels said rate of speed instead of rate of movement. not any more silly than "ATM machine" etc. \_ What's wrong with the term "rate of speed"? Ever heard of dv/dt? \_ It has more syllables. If you want a serious answer, that's probably\ the real reason. Same with "nukular"--some people just like to add \_ People don't use it to mean dv/dt. -- ilyas \_ People don't use it to mean dv/dt. Also, you know, I don't mean your regular people off the street. I mean 'professional news people.' Kind of depressing, really. -- ilyas \_ "It made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs" \_ If it's dv/dt, it would be "rate of change of speed". \_ It has more syllables. If you want a serious answer, that's probably the real reason. Same with "nukular"--some people just like to add syllables. \_ That's horrible. They should really utilize a shorter word. \_ +1 funny. \_ the same reason that people believe in organized religion: because they don't use their brains. \_ hey, lookey, a dictionary uses the exact phrase! http://www.bartleby.com/61/13/R0051300.html \_ amazing \_ People who nitpick on minute things like typo, grammar, and what not have above average IQ, but not much higher. \_ You don't get out very much, do you? Perhaps you should, like, give your everquest a break and like, meet some real people. \_ I believe the word you're looking for is "prig." \_ But this is neither a typo nor a grammar problem. \_ Because most people are kind of confused about the difference between movement, speed and accelaration. \_ hey I got a great idea, how about sharing an MP3 of your voice. Let's see if we can improve your loud, annoying non-native accent. That and maybe proper grooming will definitely help you get more chicks. \_ Because language works and evolves in ways that my not be completely "logical". Think about expressions like "cheap at half the price", or words like "orthogonal", which gets used metaphorically, or "finite" which some people use to mean greater than zero. For that matter, think about things like the negation in Russian "ja nikogda ne...". However, amazingly enough, we still manager to seem to be able to understand each other. \_ But "rate of speed" is logical. It's legalese. One could argue that their speed was the distance traveled over the time it took. If they were going 100 mph, then got caught in bumper-to-bumper, they could say they weren't "speeding" because they averaged 40mph. Rate of speed pins it down. |
2005/3/1 [Science/Disaster, Recreation/Humor] UID:36469 Activity:high Cat_by:auto |
3/1 Quantum Sleeper! http://www.qsleeper.com \_ Foster, you're dead! \_ Ha ha! Whoever wants to harm you can just wait outside until you have to go to the bathroom. \_ Yes, I hear tornados are very patient. \_ Tornados can't uproot the whole sleeper? \_ Look at the list of features fool, it includes a toiletry system!! \_ Can you turn your excrement into an offensive weapon from inside the bed? |
2005/2/22-23 [Reference/Religion, Recreation/Humor] UID:36369 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
2/22 emarkp, does your baby have mad book? http://www.users.muohio.edu/miyamadm/babygotbook512.mov \_ That was pretty awesome. \_ FUNNY! Best hilarious site of the year. I wonder how many death threats this guy got from religious right fundamentalists though. \_ Ummm... presumably none. Most fundies like this sort of stuff. \_ Yeah, I don't think this would offend many Christians. \_ I don't go to URL's without descriptions. Especially from the motd. And I'm done answering anonymous questions. -emarkp \_ And you've had your sense of humor surgically removed, I see. \_ Not that I'm all that sympathetic to emarkp, but don't be fucking stupid. I don't think having all the anti-religious trolls beating on you can reasonably be likened to a 'joke'. Dumbass. \_ Thank you, leave him alone. He's usually wrong, but at least he sticks by his opinions and signs his posts, which is more than I can say for most of the third-rate repressed schoolyard bully types. -John \_ It's a parody of the music video "I Like Big Butt." The title is "I Like Big Bible," and it encourages people to read the Bible. And thanks for answering anon questions, you're a brave soul. You have a lot of guts standing up for your belief knowing that you'll be ridiculed over and over again. It takes a lot of guts & faith to do that, and I respect that a lot in a man. Most people wouldn't have done the same. Emarkp, you're one fine man in my book, and you're cool -emarkp's agnostic admirer \_ I'll second that. -mice \_ thirded. -- ilyas \_ Fourthed (and I think this applies to jrleek too, for that matter). Though, to the PP, the title of the video is "Baby Got Book" and it's a parody of the Sir Mix-A-Lot song "Baby Got Back". - anonymous motd agnostic socialist coward \_ Read this post out loud in a Stuart Smalley voice for hours of fun. |
2005/2/22-23 [Recreation/Humor, Reference/Religion, Science/Biology] UID:36366 Activity:very high Cat_by:auto |
2/22 Dear motd conservatives, what do you have to say about this: http://tinyurl.com/45m4w (Scientific American on evolution). We know who you are, please answer. \_ Read this and then maybe you can start to reconsider some of the assumptions implicit in your question: http://www.townhall.com/columnists/georgewill/gw20050106.shtml \_ Einstein meant he wasn't an atheist in the crusading sense, but he was an atheist in the essential, didn't believe in God sense: "From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist ... I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our being." "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." \_ Einstein is going to hell! -Christian \_ People are dumb, they believe all sorts of weird crap. Even on the MOTD, Berkeley, etc. I've encountered people who believe that evolution isn't a proven theory, or that quantum mechanics is wrong, or that classical mechanics is wrong and therefore invalid, or that a so-called "red state" is completely republican or a so-called "blue state" is completely democratic, or that tsunamis shouldn't cause deaths because people should be able to swim out of it, etc. etc. Trying to convince them otherwise is just a futile exercise in frustration because after a certain age people's minds just calcify. I mean, if you think about it seriously, doesn't the concept of a guy who can tell what's going on 24/7 on a planet with over six billion people seem a bit ridiculous? Or the fact that a bunch of migrant Jews would know better than anyone else that their version of god is the true version vs. all the others? If you think about it, it's somewhat ironic that a minor cultish sect of judaism took over the Western world. I bet if you were living back then in Roman times you'd bet the farm that we'd all still be praying to Jupiter in the next couple of milleniums. Of course, if you were talking to a Born Again Christian they'd say it proves their faith. What it really proves is that you can fool a lot of people a lot of the time, and we as a human species like to be fooled a lot. \_ See, I am not religious but I have a lot of problems with evolution. For one thing, some evolution 'defenders' (it's very odd that a theory would need defenders in the first place) have taken on decidedly militant tones lately. It's very misleading to talk about evolution as a 'proven theory,' firstly because evolution is an empirical claim and as such isn't something you prove, and secondly because there is no single 'theory of evolution.' The theory, like many mature theories, undergone evolution.' The theory, like many mature theories, has undergone several revisions because it disagreed with the data, and as such had to be fixed. Evolution as a theory has a lot of problems that need fixing. I wish people would stop wasting time with the fundies, and similarly stopped treating evolution itself in a fundy way, and started fixing problems with it. Or finding new ways to hunt fossils. On a related topic, I am very interested in the current state of the art on the origins of life question, which is the big unsolved gorilla you need to tackle if you accept the 'western secular' interpretation of life. I would also like to add my extreme scepticism towards current explanations for certain events in the Earth's past, like the advent of multicellularity, and the Cambrian explosion. -- ilyas \_ I postulate God created the Universe! and left all those fossils to lead the heathens to Satan \_ You seem to have confused "conservatives" with "young-earth creationists". I'm the former, but not the latter. (And Scientific American proved itself as a rag in its attack on "The Skeptical Environmentalist") -emarkp \_ I really don't understand why people (on both sides) think evolution contradicts God/relligion. What if God desgined the principle of evolution? \_ because the Bible is the "word of god", and evolution directly contradicts most of the Bible's creation story. -tom \_ Some people (why, it's beyond me) interpret the Hebrew word 'yom' which was translated to English 'day' to mean a literal 24-hour period in the highly symbolic account in Genesis. -emarkp \_ Even if you accept the idea that Genesis doesn't represent literal days, it is still completely wrong. And things like the Great Flood clearly never happened. -tom \_ There's no historical evidence of the exodus, yet I accept that as history. Some people argue for a limited geography flood (rather than global) which I'm objecting to less than previously. I know that the scientific evidence strongly contradicts the flood--but then it also strongly contradicts the resurrection, walking on water, etc. I don't know where dinosaurs figure in (or early hominids) but I don't reject the scientific evidence, nor do I dismiss the teachings of scripture. -emarkp \_ yes, we're well aware of your ability to believe mutually contradictory things. My original point was just that people who are not so good at that find science to be threatening, since the implication is that their "Word of God" is just a bunch of made-up stories. -tom \_ It shouldn't be surprising that people can feel threatened when their beliefs are attacked on a regular basis by fallacious logic. The hard part is separating the reasonable arguments (no scientific evidence for global flood) vs. the fallacious assertions (Jesus wasn't resurrected) vs. fallacious logic (God can't create a rock too big to lift, so he must not be omnipotent!). -emarkp \_ Well, it's not that hard; you can do what you just did, which is put two red herrings out there to deflect from the fact that you've already lost the argument. -tom \_ Hewbrew? Some fundies have problems accepting the idea that the King James version isn't the pure translation. \_ There are problematic issues when you accept evolution and try to reconcile it with Adam and Eve. Like, who were the birth parents of Adam & Eve? Did they have souls, etc.? -emarkp \_ what if the birth parents of adam&eve had slightly different mitochondrial dna and rna.. the mutation in eve's mitochondrial dna and/or rna resulted in a new species (since mitochondrial dna and rna is only passed down maternally.) (of course, this is assuming that it was not literally adam's rib that resulted in eve.) \_ That's the trouble with religion. You never know which bits of nonsense are 'highly symbolic' (i.e. 'yom') and which are literal truth (i.e. Adam and Eve). It's fairly obviously to me Adam and Eve were not literally first obvious to me Adam and Eve were not literally first humans. -- ilyas \_ But they appear to have been real individuals who made an important decision. But then I believe that prophets today clairfy sticky issues like that. -emarkp \_ Wow. That's really cool. In my religion, prophets get like, nailed to crosses, or beheaded or end up wandering aimlessly in deserts for 40 years. What's your current prophet's name? I'd like to send him an email and get some clarifications. thanks. \_ What makes you think they were real? Just because there's a legend about them? Don't you see how fucking retarded that is? \_ I accept the Bible as a record of revelations. I don't claim it to be perfect/inerrant, etc. Reading that record strongly indicates there were two people named Adam and Eve in Genesis. -emarkp \_ You don't address my question. I ask you why accept that. There's no basis for accepting it. \_ You asked if I believed that Adam and Eve were real just because there's a legend about them. Reparsing that, my answer is: no. -emarkp \_ Well my further question is why you accept the bible as a record when there are obvious problems with that. Just taking the Mormon stuff separately, you are basing a huge set of beliefs on the mere assertion of one man. I find that to be ridiculous. And absurd that God would operate in such a feeble fashion. (Although I believe the same basically goes for Christ, at least the claim there is that various miracles were witnessed by multitudes.) \_ Along this thread, i've wondered why the Stargate series hasn't touched on christianity. seems a logical plot path. \_ One man? How's that? There were 11 witnesses of the golden plates that the BoM was translated from. -emarkp \_ Oh 11? I wasn't aware of that. See, God's not too good at getting His message across. Since 11 people saw it I'll believe it now. \_ Glad I could help. \_ What would you do if somehow something came up that proved Mormonism was untrue? Would be willing to accept that or just have faith that it's true anyway? I guess I'm thinking like a verifiable diary of the dude admitting he cooked it all up in order to reap the benefits of ruling a cult. \_"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." -- Seneca by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." -- Seneca \_ Great quote, thanks. I also found this quote by the same: "I don't trust liberals, I trust conservatives". Heh. \_ http://www.skinnypanda.com/pastepisodes/2005/05-02-21.gif \_ This is hilarious!!! Best jotd, thanks for sharing this. \_ how many death threats did the author get from this? \_ Crap I laughed my ass off -- One of the more brilliant things I've seen on the internet so far -- much better than "tubgirl" \_ 1. Conservative != Religious. I'm sure there are plenty of atheist conservatives. 2. You cannot reason with religious people about their religion, especially if it's Christianity/Islam/ Mormonism, etc., religions that say "This is the way the Universe works exactly even if your own eyes say otherwise", as opposed to other religions that don't try to tell you exactly how the Universe works but just try to give people a moral framework and some philosophical insight. Like Governor Jesse Ventura said, religion is mostly for people who cannot deal with the philosophical implications of what happens when you die, when did the Universe begin/was it always here/how will it end, etc. If you cannot figure it out yourself, life becomes hard because it makes reality harder to cope with. So you turn to religion to give you answers. Or, you've been brought up with it or your country/community encourages/forces it. But trying to "reason" with religious people is hopeless since they have already accepted conflicting information in order to gain the above answers to the difficult questions of life, even if it does seem silly to some to base your understanding of reality on texts writting 2000+ years ago. Would you trust a surgeon from 2000 years ago to operate on you? |
2005/2/21-22 [Recreation/Humor, Computer/Theory] UID:36343 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto |
2/21 Robot Chicken was one of the funniest shows I've seen on TV in a long, long time. Was that really ilyas in the third X-files screen test scene?? -meyers \_ can I download this somewhere? I don't have a TV... \_ http://www.mininova.org/tor/9884 |
2005/2/19-20 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Stripclub] UID:36251 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/19 http://tinyurl.com/6q6vu Strip Club becomes an Art Club |
2005/2/18-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Humor] UID:36240 Activity:low Cat_by:auto Edit_by:auto |
2/18 http://everquest2.station.sony.com/pizza A sign of the times, or something \_ it would be cool if I could use motd to order pizza, because that's pretty addictive as well. \_ Just post your home address and credit card number, and we'll, uh, order something for you. \_ Everquest rules! |
2005/2/18-19 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages, Recreation/Humor] UID:36232 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/18 A parent's primer to computer slang http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/children/kidtalk.mspx -John \_ "Was this information helpful to you? Yes" \_ "Please tell us more:" "omgwtfbbq" -geordan |
2005/2/15-16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Jblack, Recreation/Humor] UID:36189 Activity:kinda low |
2/15 Funniest thing I have seen in a long time: http://www.stopabductions.com I can't tell if he is serious or not... \_ I've posted that a million times before on the motd, and it gets deleted every time. What makes you so special? \_ The secret is to post it with a freeper troll, so the motd censor feels self-righteous and deletes the obvious bait and leaves the other one alone. |
2005/2/11 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36148 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/11 BIG BUNNY!!!! http://www.big-bunny.com (worksafe) |
2005/2/8-9 [Recreation/Humor] UID:36098 Activity:moderate |
2/8 Anyone buy from http://t-shirthumor.com? They're on the up and up, right? They won't sell my credit card number to NAMBLA? In general, how should I look into this kinda of thing? (Whether sites are legit, not NAMBLA, you perv.) \_ I already gave your info to NAMBLA back when yermom asked me to. \_ So, you're more concerned that some credit card thief might be a pervert than that they will steal your money and ruin your credit? You voted for Bush, didn't you? \_ BWAHAHAHA! You're an idiot! -!op \_ You seem to have trouble with this whole "humor" thing, huh? -!pp \_ BWAHAHAHA! You're ALSO an idiot! -!op \_ BWAHAHAHA! You're ALSO an idiot! -!op \_ OMG, the motd is caught in an infinite loop! \_ OMG, the motd is caught in an infinite loop! \_ NAMBLA? North American Marlon Brando Look Alike? [ deleting bitch. ] \_ North American Man Balogna Love Association -- for those who truly love their lunch meats. |
2005/2/4 [Recreation/Humor, Recreation/Media] UID:36065 Activity:nil |
2/4 How funny someone asked about doggy bags below. Seinfeld talks about it in his stand-up routine tonight. |
2005/1/30 [Recreation/Dating, Health, Recreation/Humor] UID:35978 Activity:nil |
1/30 Never mind that PETA seems to be confusing their cause of animal rights with the cause of male sexual health, but this is pretty funny. http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs.asp?video=super_bowl_60 |
2005/1/30 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35977 Activity:very high Cat_by:auto |
1/30 Hilarious 1980s TV commercials from Soviet-dominated Estonia http://www.lehvalehva.ee/inc/teenused_reklaamfilmid_sisu.php \_ A totally unrelated VW one: \_ OMG ROFFLE \_ link doesn't work \_ Works fine; some of them are no longer on that page. |
2005/1/28-29 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35963 Activity:kinda low Cat_by:auto |
1/28 I have a feeling most motd'ers will be on the receiving end of http://papernapkin.net, rather than giving the address out. But in the name of being fully-informed... http://papernapkin.net \_ "You have recieved this email because your sysadmin doesn't actually give a fuck about your problems. RTFM." \_ In the footsteps of that rejection phone number that people give out. \_ Oh man this is funny. \_ Geeks are too shy to get that far. They just stare at the chick. \_ I feel sorry for you. Perhaps you should get therapy for your chronic lack of self-confidence. |
2005/1/25 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:35896 Activity:kinda low |
1/26 Awesome. MOTD full of 5 most important subjects: Bush, Abortion, Death Penalty, Iraq, and lesbians. -John \_ dude, it's boring. How about posting something interesting or funny or odd? For example your Black German link was pretty funny. \_ But where are the Swift Boats?! |
2005/1/21 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35840 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
1/21 For the Motd Jew-hater. You may need one of these to protect against the Zionist conspiracy: http://www.stopabductions.com/main.htm |
2005/1/20 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35825 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
1/20 Heh. http://www.thestranger.com/2005-01-20/bigcover.html |
2005/1/14-15 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35717 Activity:moderate |
1/14 Hilarious interview from 1950s radio with Allen Ginsburg and very square woman about the term "beatnik." http://www.audioblogger.com/media/24759/125009.mp3 \_ This is kind of interesting, but what is hilarious about it? -tom \_ All Humor must be approved by Tom. \_ What do you find funny about it? -tom \_ This comment was pretty funny, at least. \_ Dunno, I just thought the way that the woman talked to him was funny. He's also pretty clearly stoned out of his gourd. |
2005/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity, Recreation/Humor] UID:35567 Activity:very high |
1/6 So, the neocons deleted my post on Alberto Gonzales' appointment. This is why I hate neocons. They will always rally behind their leaders regardless what he does, and if they can't win an arguement, he simply make them silent. The mentality behond those who deleted my post and those US marines fire missles at Al Jazeera TV station... sigh... \_ http://www.filibustercartoons.com/archive.php?id=20041229 \_ Wow, I was going to point out the error in the assumption, but this cartoon does it so much better. \_ Does this cartoon ever get good? \_ I mostly disagree with it politically, but I have to admit this particular strip has a point. --liberal \_ What? that both sides have crackpots? Duh.. \_ I think it's pretty funny, as far as political cartoons go. Political cartoons aren't usually laugh out loud funny. Why don't you post some cartoons you prefer? \_ http://www.workingforchange.com/comic.cfm?itemid=18323 \_ A guy complaining about an un-funny political cartoon posts "This modern World?" Irony lives! \_ I thought it was funny. I think the point is, if you're a liberal you enjoy liberal viewpoints, if you're a freeper/libertarian you enjoy those, etc. |
2005/1/5 [Industry/Jobs, Recreation/Humor] UID:35553 Activity:kinda low |
1/5 Need someone to show the parents for the holidays but put off by the stigma attached to hiring a lady of the night? Now there's a service for you: http://csua.org/u/al5 \_ ob hawt bengali potemkin dates for partha \_ HAHAHAHA funny funny, thanks for sharing it. Keep up the funny links! |
2004/12/16-17 [Consumer/Camera, Recreation/Humor] UID:35329 Activity:high |
12/16 John, what are they saying? Can you please translate? http://postarchives.entensity.net/110104/media.php?media=wakeup.wmv \_ "A bazooka as alarm clock? Would you have understood this joke? In the US, people are currently having a hearty laugh about such practical jokes. What looks like a brutal assault commando is a new humor show in the US--candid camera for the really hardcore." Uh, I'm torn between (a) this is true and Fox has outdone itself and (b) RTL (kraut equivalent of Fox) is taking random shit out of concext again so we can all say "look, ha ha, ze silly Americans!" I suspect the latter, it's quite common. For a Dutch perspective, http://humor.nl/filmpjes/gunther -John \_ THANK YOU. It's nice to see that motd is contributed by people other than the typical Berkeleyean, Bush hating self righteous hippies \_ http://postarchives.entensity.net/100104/image.php?pic=greatjob.jpg http://postarchives.entensity.net/010604/media.php?media=bounce.wmv Gift for you John. Nice looking German girl. NOT WORK SAFE. \_ What is that from? Some kind of public nudie contest? \_ Good God. That woman must have no feeling in her chest. |
2004/12/7-8 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35196 Activity:kinda low |
12/7 http://www.dilbert.com/comics/dilbert/shop/html/weasel_poll_results.html Dilbert-reading wage slaves filled with Communists - Weaseliest Country United States 19918 France 12941 North Korea 4915 Israel 2289 Iran 1830 Pakistan 1177 |
2004/12/6 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Recreation/Humor] UID:35190 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
12/6 http://users.pandora.be/bonte/forumafbeeldingen/dancemonkeyboy.mpg Why I'm so hyped about MS. \_ Ah, that brings me back. I love that one. Ironically I can't get it to play in Windows Media Player when downloading through IE. *sigh* \_ "Give it up for me!" This guy is the best advertising for open source anywhere. \_ He's about 2 deep fried twinkies away from a heart attack. The remix is even better. |
2004/12/4 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35171 Activity:high |
12/4 This is pretty funny. Anime Popeye! http://www.campchaos.com/show.php?iID=888 \_ This IS funny! Thank you humour guy! And to the humourless nuke guy, please fuck off. \_ Um. kind of. |
2004/11/23 [Recreation/Humor] UID:35040 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto Edit_by:auto |
11/23 OK, this is seriously cool: http://www.cyphic.net/zoomquilt/zoom.htm \_ Alright, someone has to do a goat.cx version of this... \_ That's amazing! Thanks! \_ what's so cool about something zooming in and out forever, infinity? |
2004/11/21 [Recreation/Humor, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:35003 Activity:nil |
11/21 jotd: The day that doctors announced that Yasser Arafat is in a vegetative state, a Palestinian newspaper published the headline "The Great Leader is Brain Dead." If this were published in the United States of America, no one would really have noticed. \_ har. get a life. -tom |
2004/11/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Recreation/Humor] UID:34737 Activity:moderate |
11/7 jotd: What is it aboot the Canadians that they can't pronouce certain words correctly? \_ This is a joke, right? \_ Brain damage caused by putting mayonaisse on french fries. \_ You hoser, that's dad's beer money -John \_ Little Known Canadian Mispronounciations: Ask your Canadian friends to pronounce the following words: "shone" (as in "the sun shone in the sky") and "lasso". It's fun for the whole family! Also, when they pronounce "out" as "oot", ask them to pronounce "outhouse". \_ Accents from the British, where English originated? |
2004/11/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:34702 Activity:very high |
11/5 Loyal Bush supporter attempts to save the lions: http://www.local6.com/news/3887764/detail.html \_ Loyal Kerry supporter posts misleading headline. Oh and he's an idiot too. \_ Loyal Bush supporter can't take a joke. \_ That was a joke? \_ heh, that's funny, in a 2004 Bush mandate sort of way -!op \_ Of course. Given a choice between "misleading idiot" and "jokester", which would you choose to be? \_ more reasons to nuke the uneducated country folks! -neo-liberal \_ My link was funny. You are not. --op |
2004/11/1 [Recreation/Humor] UID:34502 Activity:nil |
11/1 http://www.boomchicago.nl/images/Voting_Machine.mov \_ That was funny, someone had to do it I guess. \_ you laugh now. It's not too far from the truth. |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Humor] UID:34407 Activity:nil |
10/28 This is funny. And I do agree that Bush is an effective leader. Lead us to wrong directions, but an effective leader never the less: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/10/27/opinion/27kristof.html username / pw = bobbob \_ obLongUnproductiveThreadAboutWhatEffectiveLeaderWrongDirectionMeans \_ America, fuck yeah!!!! \_ That is funny. Thank you. |
2004/10/22-24 [Recreation/Humor] UID:34301 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/22 EE pr0n: http://www.gizmodo.com/archives/circuits-discover-each-other-024002.php |
2004/10/19 [Recreation/Humor] UID:34222 Activity:high |
10/18 Second amendment, the right to bear Arms (humor link): http://www.maineiac.com/ethnic/Bear%20Arms.jpg \_ Do you think the first amendment is funny? If not, then why is the second? \_ Lame troll, no cookie. I mean, really, did you see the picture? \_ I'd laugh at a good joke about the 1st amendment if you can find me one. The 2nd is just much more fertile comedic ground. |
2004/10/4-5 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33919 Activity:nil Edit_by:auto |
10/4 http://tshirtsthatbite.home.comcast.net/bush.htm Bush Hippie Hippy T-Shirt |
2004/10/3-4 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33900 Activity:nil |
10/2 This is slightly funny. The first page is sort of SFW, but all the others are very NOT Safe For Work. http://www.pornforprogress.com |
2004/9/21 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33662 Activity:kinda low |
9/21 Creepiest Laffy Taffy Joke: How does a boy know when he has become a man? When he can data a Shirley Temple instead of drinking one. \_ What kind of data? temperature data? pressure? salinity? \_ Humidity? Friction (how slippery)? |
2004/9/17 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33601 Activity:nil |
9/17 What, is it Dumb Joke Friday? \_ #t |
2004/9/3 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33323 Activity:nil |
9/3 Wow, BC is actually kinda funny today. Can't remember when that happened last. http://featurepage.creators.com/washpost.html?name=bc \_ I guess it's funnier than Mallard Fillmore. \_ Sorry, not funny. He should have stuck to Fat Broad jokes. |
2004/9/3 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33321 Activity:nil |
9/3 Okay, http://somethingawful.com is really funny today. \_ Thought the Penny Arcade box was the best. |
2004/8/31 [Recreation/Humor] UID:33256 Activity:nil |
8/31 Today's Ted Rall comic is probably funny only for liberals: http://www.ucomics.com/rallcom \_ Oh, as opposed to all his other comics which are normally funny for nobody? \_ You're right, they're usually more satirical than funny. The football player being an "idiot" was not funny. \_ I found it quite amusing. |
3/15 |