3/14 |
2013/3/5-26 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:54619 Activity:nil |
3/5 http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-charm-school-20130305,0,1910998.story Berkeley needed this long time ago. You engineers smell! |
2012/10/19-12/4 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:54507 Activity:nil |
10/19 Techie Booze Guidelines: Developers drink beer. QA drinks wine. Ops drinks hard liquor. DBAs drink the blood of the innocent. |
2012/10/2-11/7 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:54489 Activity:nil |
10/1 Is Steve's BBQ still around? \_ yes. can't you google for it? http://www.yelp.com/biz/steves-bar-b-que-berkeley \_ http://csua.com/?entry=28112 and http://csua.com/?entry=21798 |
2012/5/9-6/4 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:54385 Activity:nil |
5/9 "Science Reveals How Not to Spill Your Coffee When Walking" http://www.csua.org/u/wcr No wonder the UC is short in funding. Just put a damn lid on! \_ Before you complain "Now that there are studies for everything, some day we'll hear about studiets on studies", please note that the Pentagon is always one step ahead of you: "This Is Not a Joke: Government Issues Study of a Study About Studies" http://www.csua.org/u/we6 (news.yahoo.com) |
2010/3/23-4/14 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Reference/Religion] UID:53758 Activity:nil |
3/23 Oh my God! Even He is a parent who needs to worry about child obesity. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_med_last_supper_obesity |
2009/11/4-17 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:53497 Activity:nil |
11/4 http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/10/29/one-hundred-things-restaurant-staffers-should-never-do-part-one/?src=tp \_ sorry, why should we care? Who runs restaurants here? |
2009/10/12-11/3 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:53446 Activity:low |
10/12 In the same spirit as below, I'm going to be in the Florida Keys for a few days Thanksgiving Week. Any recs on what to do, where to stay, what to eat. All I know about is going snorkeling. Also in Miami for a day and half, if you have any recs there. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=51778 \_ You know how when you depart from an airport you need to pay extra $2-3, depending on the airport? Well one time I took a taxi from Miami back to the airport, and when I got off the taxi I gave the driver $14 (fee) plus $2 tip. He asked for tip. I explained that I already gave him $2 tip and he got all worked up and said I need to pay the extra $2 airport fee. "I work for tip, mon!" I explained on the taxi sign that the extra fee would be incurred when going out of the airport, not going in. He obviously didn't read English well and started to curse at me. I gave him the extra $2 so that he would go away but went to an authority and confirmed that they're not suppose to do that. I then called the mass transit/taxi registration to report the case since I got his taxi stall number, and they promised to call me back on their investigation. They never called back. You really have to watch out in Miami. It is not as peachy as Seattle or Houston. Shit hole. \_ Leaving the SF airport, I had a cabbie not turn on the meter until we were already into the ride, and tell me "to here it's usually $2, so you can pay me $2 more than the meter." The scam is that they have to pay the taxi company based on the meter (which should include any airport fees), and they're pocketing the extra. -tom \_ Miami is like a 3rd world country. If you like Los Angeles then you may like Miami. Lots and lots of ethnic food, TRAFFIC, women in skimpy clothes and shady looking guys in gold that scream ROB ME PLEASE, TRAFFIC TRAFFIC and lots of rude \_ and really really nice cars drivers, partying, ethnic food, lousy parking situation. Driving there REALLY sucks. So in a sense it's like a hybrid of Venice, Rodeo Drive, Hollywood Sunset, and I-10 freeway all merged into one. If that's your kind of thing, yeah go to Miami. -person who will NEVER go back \_ Good food and partying with scantily clad women. I can see why you'd avoid it. Driving sucks in every big city and it's 10x worse to drive in Boston or DC than it is in LA. How does Miami's traffic compare to those? \_ I don't like Los Angeles, and that's probably why I don't like Miami. If that's your type of thing, fine. \_ Maybe you should say what you *do* like. So far we know you don't like food, don't like parties, don't like scantily clad women, and don't like traffic. We need to calibrate your comments. Let us know that you like quiet time at home reading, bookstores, skiing, fat women who wear glasses and your favorite food is a sandwich (or whatever). \_ I love food and whatever you said, I just don't enjoy driving between the points in Los Angeles. I don't enjoy I-10, I-110, I-405, I-5, and whatever it is you need to take to get between the amazing points of interest on Sunset, Santa Monica, Westwood, Orange County, and what not. I'll gladly take inferior ethnic food in the Bay Area without your rude drivers and the time you need to spend on the road, thank you very much. \_ Bay Area has great food. \_ Compared to many places, yes. Try to find a decent burrito, though, for example. \_ I actually don't like most mexican food. I never liked beans and salsa. \_ Probably because you never had good Mexican food. What kind of food *do* you like? \_ Cheap likes: Italian, Japanese Expensive likes: French, Russian I suppose any big city will do, but I think elite foodies will beg to differ and offer a plethora of suggestions below. \_ I don't find Italian or Japanese to be cheap. Maybe you should try Mexican fish dishes. The best catfish I had in my life was at a gourmet Mexican restaurant and the sauce was made with guava. The Mexican preparation of skate wings is also really good. In LA, I really like La Serenata de Garibaldi and miss (now gone) El Emperador Maya. I also like Monte Alban, Guelaguetza, and Babita. I have heard Rosa Mexicano is good, but I don't know. It's a small chain like Border Grill. Menu looks good. Do any of the dishes in good. Also heard good things about LA institution El Rinconcito Del Mar. Do any of the dishes in the "Favorites" section of the below page appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/yfo3twx \_ I've been to nice Mexican and Texmex restaurants and I just don't enjoy them as much the same way certain people don't enjoy pizza or burgers. Having that said, yes a lot of the food desc are good, I would probably like them, esp. the ones without beans and salsa. Thanks for your suggestions. Are there any other non Mex food in LA you can recommend? \_ Papalote is decent, but LA Burrito > SF Burrito http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=73331041 Burrito discussion starts at 44:29. \_ SF Burrito > Miami Burrito \_ Mexico burrito > SF burrito \_ No such thing as a Mexico Burrito. \_ SF Cuban <<<<< Miami Cuban \_ You would think that, but when I was in Miami I never had any great Cuban food. The Jamaican food was great. I was only there for a week and busy campaigning for Obama, so I didn't really have time to check out Little Havana. Do you have any particular places you would recommend? \_ If you couldn't find good Cuban in Miami then you are hopeless. \_ If you can't help by offering alternatives then you're a total ass !op \_ Maybe so, but a 60 second Internet search followed by a talk with a concierge and perhaps a few locals is not hard to do. It's not like searching for good Latvian food in Arizona. Maybe the OP just doesn't like Cuban food. I'm curious where he had better. Only better I had was in my friend's kitchen. \_ If the op wanted opinion from a random guy on the internet, he would have searched already. There is value/anti-value in getting opinions from CSUAers. If you missed that point, why bother contributing shit on motd you fucking dip shit? \_ Teaching a man to fish is more valuable than giving him a fish. \_ I was in Opa-locka and Miami Garden busting my ass 16 hours a day campaigning, I didn't have time to go to the Republican parts of Cuban Miami. The only real Cuban food I had was from my bosses wife in The Army, who was Cuban. Cha Cha Cha has a few vaguely Cuban dishes, which I like. In Miami, I asked quite a few locals where to food I have ever had was from my bosses wife in The Army, who was Cuban. Cha Cha Cha has a few vaguely Cuban dishes, which I like. In Miami, I asked quite a few (black Hatian) locals where to get Cuban food and finally ate at a place in Opa-locka that was mediocre, but that is probably like eating Chinese food in The Mission. \_ Er, thanks for your concern, but I'm passing throught Miami, not moving there. Anything about the Keys? |
2009/10/11-11/3 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:53444 Activity:low |
10/11 Are there any CSUA'ers in NYC, or who know things to do in NYC? steven and I are doing the tourist thing. \_ I thought the Empire State Building was much better than I expected it to be. The museums are all stellar, especially the Met, MoMA, and Natural History Museum. Lots of good plays/shows/concerts. Top notch restaurants. Worth seeing the Statue of Liberty from Battery Park. Ellis Island. Trinity Church Cemetery near Wall Street, which is where Alexander Hamilton is buried, if you like that sort of thing. Saint Patrick's Cathedral and Rockefeller Center. NYC Ballet and the Lincoln Center including Chagall's paintings in the Metropolitan Opera. Lots of good shopping with stores that have their only US location in NYC (or maybe NYC and LA both) like the NBA Store. I liked Central Park. Times Square was a waste of time. Didn't get too much out of Chinatown, Greenwich Village, SoHo, TriBeCa coming from SF. Depends on what you are into. \_ Already been to the Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square, Battery Park, and Wall Street. Except for Central Park, all at night, though. Care to be more specific about the plays/ shows and restaurants? --toulouse \_ I don't know what's playing. Look online. As for restaurants, look at something like Yelp or Zagat to find something to suit your tastes. Try Gramercy Tavern, Gilt, Aureole, Daniel, Jean Georges, Le Bernardin, Per Se, Alto, Corton, Picholine, or anything else which won a Michelin star and you'll be in good hands. Ethnic food is good in NYC, but we get that in California. What we don't get so much of is fine dining. Waitstaff in particular are much better in NY. The bar at the Ritz Carlton near Wall Street is cool, because you can sit outside and overlook the harbor and the Statue of Liberty while having your drink with a bunch of traders who just got off work. I recommend that. \_ There is great food in NYC, but it is not like the Bay Area where you can find amazing food for $20. Be prepared to spend at least $50/person (usually more like $100) for good food. -ausman \_ Except for pizza, which fills the culinary niche taken by the Mission Burrito in the Bay Area. John's, on Bleeker Street, is one of the reference pizza places. While you're in the Village, go check out one of the underground jazz clubs. -tom \_ I'd do some "A-list" stuff in NYC, but then I'd switch to stuff NYC has that where you are coming from doesnt have. Like instead of going to all the big museums, go to say the http://www.icp.org if interested in photography, or some ethic food not avail in your home space etc. You can look in the "About Town" [in the NYker] or Time Out etc for what's going on. Oh, I also check on "expiring" stuff, like special exhibits at museums ... NYC gets some better travelling shows than SF. I assume you know about the "half-price tix" type operations. Cloisters is another interesting museum not mentioned above. BTW, a bunch of the named restos above are going to be +$200, and easily can go +$400/pp with "modest wines". A new thing in NYC is http://www.thehighline.org \_ I was going to mention the Cloisters, but it's part of the Met. It is worth noting, to me anyway, that NYC has the best museums I have ever been to. I have not been to those in London, but I have been to most of the big ones in the US (Smithsonian, Field in Chicago, Cleveland, Getty, Dallas, Boston) and some in Europe (Rijksmuseum and all the big French ones) and the museums in NYC blow them away, IMO. So don't think "Well, I'm from DC and we have good museums here." NYC makes the National Gallery of Art and Smithsonian Natural History Museum look like crap. Odds are, where you are from does not have anything like what you will find in NYC. Certainly not if you are from SF. \_ Better than The Louvre? Come on. But yes, far better than anything in SF or LA even. \_ To me it was better than the Louvre and the Orsay, but it depends on what kind of art you like. The Met had more of what I like. Yes, the Louvre has the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo while the Met doesn't have any Michaelangelo at all (well, they do, but rarely on display - yes, I realize Michaelangelo did not do those works, pardon my poor sentence). Louvre has a great antiquities collection. On the other hand, the Met has more Asian art, more 1800s+ art (which the Louvre has none of b/c it is in the Orsay), arms and armor, musical instruments, and textiles. Orsay had a nice collection of Tissots and Whistler's Mother, but overall the Met had a more impressive modern art collection (e.g., Impressionists and people like O'Keefe). Collectively, I would say the art museums in Paris are larger and better, but under one roof I was more impressed with the Met. P.S. The Orsay is sending a lot of its collection to SF next year while it undergoes renovation. This is your only chance to see most of this art in SF. \_ Check out PS1 in Queens. When you get here, read the 'stuff that is happening' section in the various free weeklies. Those tourist buses that sell you three days passes are actually pretty convenient. If I ever get some time off I want to hit all of this: http://travel.nytimes.com/2009/09/13/nyregion/13stop.html - danh |
2009/4/21-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:52887 Activity:nil |
4/21 Which restaurant allows bringing your own wine bottle? \_ McD's usually seems cool with it. Homeless winos do it all the time. \_ Most restaurants that serve wine will let you with a corkage fee. \_ But unless you are bringing a high end wine it is considered a bit tacky to bring your own. \_ Would a bottle of Yellow Tail be considered high end enough not to be tacky or should I buy Rosemount Estate? \_ Haven't you heard? Frugal is the new black? \_ Still tacky. Go without or don't eat out. \_ Or it's your own wine or a wine made by a friend. |
2009/4/7-13 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:52821 Activity:kinda low |
4/7 Where can you get good food for $10? I went to an Italian restaurant last night. Pizza/pasta was only $13 or so, but with an appetizer and dessert the meal was over $50 (no drinks, 17% tip). And it was ok food, with homemade gnocchi but didn't taste like anything that you couldn't make at home with a little effort. No comparison to actual good Italian restaurants (e.g. Bar Bambino, Delfina, SPQR) that are in the $30-50/pp range... I'd rather have gone to Fuzio or Pasta Pomodoro and get something quick. But I find it really hard to eat (except for Mexican or Asian) for <$20. Even a decent pizza with a side salad runs around $20 these days (e.g. Zachary's, Pizzaiolo, Pauline's, Little Star)... \_ Good Fricken Chicken. Does Middle Eastern food count? \_ Most Mexican places will cost less than that. Cuban, too. In fact, I think you should look to ethnic cuisine of all types in that price range. You will not do well to find European food in that price range. \_ What part of except Mexican wasn't clear? \_ Even then dinner < 10 bucks a person is going to be hard. After tax and tip that's about 7 dollars each. Even a burrito and a drink is over that and let's face it, burritos are good but if that's all you are eating out then you need to expand your palate a bit. \_ My girlfriend and I usually split something like an enchilada or burrito plate and an appetizer and it comes to less than $20 if you don't have any margaritas. We are not big eaters and sometimes it's too much food even when we split it. In college, we used to split the burritos at La Fiesta and the hoagies at IB's. You can get a pizza (easily) for less than $20, too. \_ Dude, it's also not quality food by any streach of the imagination. \_ I didn't see the word 'quality' in the original RFP but it's certainly 'good'. \_ How much is the "spicy chicken over rice" at TC Garden these days? Is that place still around? It used to be $3.25... or about $4 with tax and a 15% tip. \_ TC Garden is one of the worst chinese restaurants I know of. They use some sort of special sauce that's like nothing I've ever had, and not in a good way. I say this as an asian who's eaten in tons of different chinese restaurants growing up. \_ I just got "The Fortune Cookie Chronicles", will report later \_ Old Spaghetti Factory has a 40% off special on Tuesdays through May. Which makes it about $6 before tax/tip for a complete meal. There are various other chains with recession specials, probably some at the $9.99 mark. I don't think you'll get any decent non-chain Western food for <$10 unless it's a burger or something. \_ Read Cheap Eats in the Bay Guardian. \- to eat under $10 you need to do the following: 1. avoid paying for service 2. you need to do time and/or space averaging. time averaging = eat a can of soup or 99cent burgers, slice of pizza etc for one meal and that will increase your budget for other meals. space averaging means split with somebody else ... ideal for cheap chinese to go food: since you can get 2 entrees and a soup or fried rice/chow mein for a littl emore than $20. next you have to figure out what are the best local options in a couple of categories: prepared food bars, sanwiches, burritos, quesillas, tacos [if you can find them for $1.50 or less], cheap hamburgers [nations, if you like mayo, as an alternative to fast food. you can go up to barney's level, but you cant do cafe rouge/900 grayson ... the right thing depends on where you live but there will be some place with a decent $5 burger], shawerma, indian/pakistani dives for kebabs and chicken dishes + cheap rice = lots of calories. you also can eat stuff like good bread and good buter/oil for very cheap in berkeley. you can buy decent cheej, decent salted meats ... obviously not roquefort and proscuitto [+$25/lb], but domestic goat or blue or cheaper hard cheeses and say coppa, salami [>$15/lbs]. oh and you have to avoid paying retain for alcohol. \_ I think the op was saying $10/meal, not $10/day. \- and ... ?? |
2009/4/3-12 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:52794 Activity:high |
4/3 A few days back someone was advocating going to good restaurants over saving money. I'm curious, I've never been to a really expensive restaurant. (Over $30 per person.) In general I've found that once I get beyond about $10 the food doesn't get any better, instead I start paying for stuff I don't care about, like "atmosphere." Which basically means I've rarely been to a restaurant where the food wasn't both tastier and more healthy at home. At what price point does the food quality start to increase again? Oh, and I don't like steak, which may affect the pricing. \_ Anything over $15/person is Gluttony. Seriously. Spending so much time and effort on food is frivolous. You could spend the same amount of effort on making society better. People who are self- centered and are into self-indulgence are waaay too concerned about food. Just look at the post below. It disgusts me. -Zen guy, not really religious \_ Food is like porn. You start with cheap bland stuff, then as you gain experience you get into more hardcore stuff. Bland baby food, then McD, then fine hotdog/pizza, then real hamburgers, then New York Steak, then Filet Minon, then wine (light Shiraz-> medium Merlot->complex Cabernet), etc. Likewise, you look at naked pictures of women, then noticed leg quality differences, then noticed boob size differences, nipple size, their curvatures, their vaginas, size of their vagina lips, then you want to get into XXX, XXXX, etc. It just goes on and on. My point is like any hobby the more exposure and knowledge you accumulate the more hardcore and the more $$$ you get sucked into. \_ You don't know much about Shiraz, but you sure know your porn. \_ If you go to New York City, $30/person isn't extraordinary. Having that said, I find that many city slickers and snooty urbanites love food and are willing to spend a lot of money on food, whereas people from the mid-west and south don't spend as lavishly on food. \_ If you think 30 bucks/person is "really expensive" I'm not sure I trust your experiance with high end restaurants. Now I love food and I love to cook, and I know full well a lot of places are way over priced. But still, there are damn good restaurants where you can eat some damn good food. Often it's stuff you just can't make at home, or an attention to detail you need years of training and a level of talent most people just don't have. If it's not your thing, that's great, but don't think that there's not a reason good restaurants cost a significant amount. (And as I said before, yes there are plenty of places that charge way too much for crap, and some of them seem to be able to stay around for a long ass time, but then again, there's always suckers. Look at Monster Cable.) \_ Oh, I see, you can't read can you? Your posts make sense now. \_ 1. This depends on how good of a chef you are for one thing. Alice Waters cooks just fine at home. Many people are not good cooks. 2. Do you mean over $30 for an entree or over $30 total? 3. A big difference between expensive and cheap is the quality of the ingredients. Did the beans come out of a can or from the field? Is the shrimp fresh or frozen? Is the beef USDA Prime or USDA Select? Usually fresh ingredients taste better. 4. Maybe you just don't have a good palate. I know my dad doesn't. It's all pretty much the same to him. Most people can recognize the difference between Olive Garden for $10 and a nice Italian restaurant like Acquerello. The dishes are more complex, the ingredients not only fresher but more unusual (e.g., you won't find truffles at Olive Garden), and the food is prepared more carefully (e.g, not overcooked or burned). \_1. I'm an OK cook, my wife is really good. 2. I don't usually get anything but an entree because I don't eat very much, and don't drink, so it's about the same to me. I was thinking of total though. 3. I think this is often the problem. I don't think I've been many places that use really fresh ingredients, where as we use really good stuff at home. 4. I certainly don't have the palate my wife has, she can pick an amazing amount of detail about each dish (each ingredient, etc.) But I can usually tell what's fresh. It's probably a combonation of 1 and 3. \_ If your wife is a good cook and you are buying good quality ingredients, than probably the food you get at home is generally just as good or even better than a $30/person restaurant. That is certainly the case in my home. \_ Ditto in my case except I can't brag to my yuppie DINK friends about how much knowledgeable I am with food and how well we eat. \_ There is one easy solution for that: throw a dinner party. You have to talk your wife into this of course. \_ You guys are kidding yourselves. My wife is an excellent cook who can make a lot of restaurant-quality dishes (we eat a lot of Julia Child recipes) and we are not so silly as to believe that we eat better than at a good restaurant just because a few dishes turn out as good or better - and when they do they are incredibly time-consuming (take a whole day or more) and expensive (sometimes just $40 in ingredients for a single course). You just need to up the quality of the restaurants you eat at, admit you don't have a good palate, or maybe you are one of those people who just like simple foods better. Nothing wrong with that. My parents don't really get into a lot of the haute cuisine and just want mashed potatoes and a chicken breast and that's what they order when we go out most of the time. We could make that at home, like you say. \_ Most $30/person restaurants in SF just aren't really that fancy. My wife is Vietnamese and what she makes takes some time, but is at least as good as what you would get at Slanted Door. I have been to Masa's and La Folie and Aqua and yeah, they were a whole different experience, but I also spent $200/person at Aqua. \_ And yet an entree at Aqua is only about $30. I, too, spend about $150-200 per person when I dine out, but that's just because I order a lot of different dishes along with wine. Just because some restaurants are bad doesn't mean that anything over $10 is diminishing returns and you may as well dine at home, which was the original supposition. If your wife is cooking like Masa's every night you need to set that woman up with a restaurant. http://www.masasrestaurant.com/masas_nine.htm http://www.masasrestaurant.com/masas_menu_three_course.htm \_ No, I just said the opposite of that, that "they were a whole different experience." With wine and tip, $30/person restaurants are places like Chow or Zuni Cafe or Encanto, all of which are fine, but nothing special. I drink wine with dinner at home, so I can't imagine why I shouldn't include that cost when I dine out. Some things are impractical to make at home, like Dim Sum and are well worth the value. Which restaurants are between $30-$150/person and well worth the value from a taste standpoint? Farallon, La Ciccia, maybe some sushi places, I can't think of much else, but I also don't tend to spend that much money on dinner. Oh, I am obviously not the original poster. \- You pick some hard to lump together restos. Chow does the kinds of comfort food you can do at home. But it is quite reasonably priced, so unless you really enjoy cooking, it is a reasonable place to go [I really like the short rib dish there for $12-$15]. Zuni is a place with "buzz" ... that is in part what you are paying for ... for a night out, not just a plate of food. Encanto [sic -> Incanto], is exactly the kind of place that is going to make stuff you are not going to make at home [like tuna heart, cockscombs etc]. Farallon is passe and frankly it was not that food focused ... it was partly "Disney" and partly Sex and the City. \_ Any recommendations? \- what are your parameters? \_ They were in the previous post. $30-150/person and worth the cost from a food taste standpoint. \-panda country kitchen, china village [solano av], for DEEM SUM the place next to ton kiang, village [solano av], "the place next to ton kiang [DEEM SUM], poc chuc -- upper mission, red jade, osteria del forno jade, osteria del forno, chinese laundry aka jai yun ... maybe little star pizza, han il kwan, lers ros, bodega bistro, maybe lahore karahi. \_ I think you just need to try a better restaurant than you have in the past. As the guy above said, if you think $30 is expensive then maybe you haven't had that many good meals. Not every restaurant charging $34 for an entree is good, though. Go to some reknowned for high quality fish and creative dishes. Maybe a place like Gary Danko or (if it's still good) Masa's and order the more unusual dishes (especially the tasting menu). People who go to a high end restaurant and order chicken may as well have eaten at home. Get squab or grass eel or caviar blinis or pureed leek soup or something your wife doesn't usually whip up except on special occasions. \- I dont think there is especially any reason to cultivate "expensive" restaurants ... espcially if you are not big on fancy wine/drink, fancy cheej, "premium" ingredients like foie gras, truffle etc. Also, I never go to fancy places without friends I like ... so the social aspect of dining is a big part of the experience for me ... more so than the "atmosphere". However, there are definitely dining experiences you cant get at home and if you are interested food at all, it's worth doing some research. For example you can try the fancy cheej at home. For example you can have very interesting chinese, or thai food in the $30 range. There are places with better pizza than you can make in your home oven ... like say Pizzalio. The research part of this is going to the good places instead of the so-so places ... in the case of chinese restaurants, these places are often basically the same price or maybe 20% more expensive [as long as we arent talking high end asian sea food]. So the question you should be asking yourself is "what *kinds* of cuisine do i like that i cant get at home" ... "expensive" isnt a kind of food. once you figure out what you want to chase, then you can start doing the research to optimize price-performance ... for example i am willing to pay for high end french, but generally not a fan of paying for high end sushi. and if you dont know what you like in terms of asian, latin american, african, french, sushi, steak, pizza, italian, middle eastern ... you can start doing "research" at modest places. BTW, high end food isnt just about ingredient sourcing ... there are lots of complicated dishes or desserts which are not reasonable to make at home because of the complexity (short of seeing it as a "project"), unless possibly complexity (short of seeing it has a "project"), unless possibly if you cook a lot and keep stuff like demi-glace on hand, or have specialized pastry equipment and ingredients. and of course there is cheep stuff you also probably wont make at home ... tandoori, (high temp oven) pizza, al pastor, shawerma, DEEM SUM (XLB) etc. specialized pastry equipment and ingredients. if you live in the bay area and have some discretionary income, why dont you just ask for recommendations. \_ Thanks for writing this. I think cuisine is a good starting point. And Pizzaiolo (or Pauline's or Little Star) is a good example of the difference between a $10 meal and a $25 meal. Cheese Board is a $10 meal which proves that price may be correlated with quality, but not necessarily so. Start with a cuisine you like but don't cook at home (e.g. pizza, Mexican, Chinese, Indian) and find what you like. Actually, a lot of ethnic foods aren't very expensive for pretty good stuff. It's a lot of the European foods (and sushi) that can get expensive very quickly. \_ Re: High end sushi: There's expensive sushi and very good sushi, but it's hard to know the difference without having experienced very good sushi. Unless you're a connosieur, Isobune or Samurai Boat is probably just fine. If you're a reincarnated sushi chef, order the omakase at Sushi Sho on Solano, but _don't_ add wasabi or soy sauce unless he tells you to-- and don't be surprised when the bill tallies $70+ per person. \_ $70/person is not a lot for high-end sushi. \- or for $88k, you can buy Sushi Sho http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/reb/1109818860.html \_ GODDAMNIT. \_ ok. So where are you going to find a sushi chef? \_ When I eat dinner with my friends in Manhattan and Brooklyn, the bill always comes out $25-$40 per person, and I start missing La Fiesta. - danh \_ When my friend's sister visited from London for a week, her and \_ When my friend's sister visited from London for a week, she and her husband ate Mexican food 8 times in 7 days. You're not alone. |
2009/1/30 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:52490 Activity:nil |
1/30 Is there a variety of red wine called Sangria? I don't mean the wine punch with fruit, etc. I had a glass of this "Sangria" at a restaurant a while back and it's the only wine I've had so far that I actually liked, rather than just tolerated. Granted, I don't drink wine that often anyway, so there may be plenty of wines I'd like that I've never had. It wasn't particularly expensive; $6 for the glass I think. P.S. Searching for "sangria" along with "wine" obviously didn't give me great results. |
2008/11/24-28 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:52084 Activity:nil |
11/23 Sic Transit Gloria Bud http://www.thebigmoney.com/blogs/daily-bread/2008/11/20/king-beers-toppled |
3/14 |
2008/7/25-30 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:50690 Activity:moderate |
7/25 Yay! CA has banned trans-fat! Now if only the legislature could make all of my decisions. Oh, and pass a budget that spends less than it takes in. Thanks progressives for the new prohibition, 100 years after the last one. \_ Schwarzenegger is a progressive? -tom \_ The legislature is--the girly-man Gov. just wants to be liked. \_ did they include a budget for enforcement? How did they think they would implement this. \_ I wouldn't think it would require much money for enforcement. It's just another box for the health inspector to check. \_ Is it just restaurants or also packaged food in stores? \_ "a ban on trans fats in restaurants and retail baked goods" Both of which are already check for lots of stuff, so, while I think it's silly, I don't think it's going to cost much to the gvt. \_ Does that include twinkies or not? \_ Right now you can't add rat poison to baked goods either. Not even if you put "tasty tasty rat poison" in the list of ingredients. How much do you think that costs to enforce? There is not going to be a transfat division added to police forces across the state. Instead it's one more thing that it is illegal to add to food. If a company does and labels it as transfat gee, that will be pretty obvious SO THEY WON'T. If a company does and doesn't label it they will be breaking labeling laws (which are pretty harsh) SO THEY WON'T. Small bakers may get away with using transfats for a while but 1. that's not a big deal state healthwise and 2. over time bakeries will stop, because it's not worth the trouble. \_ Why don't they ban something that actually affects other people like SMOKING and let people eat whatever the hell they want to eat? \_ Bill Gates is working on that. I wonder if humanity suffers more from diseases caused by years of eating trans fats, or from smoking? hard to say. \_ I don't really care to protect humanity from itself. I just don't want to choke on other people's smoke. \_ You can continue to eat all the transfats you want. You just won't get them in mass-produced food items. Your choice to kill yourself with transfats has not been impinged; the option to soak other people in them without their consent has. Opt-in fat good. \_ My choice to use whatever ingredients I want in my food (as a manufacturer) has been impinged. There is no evidence transfats are intrinsically bad for your health. If you eat too many of them and exercise too little they aren't good for you but neither are sugar, beer, and coffee. You can overdose on water even. This is selectively discriminating against an ingredient for arbitrary reasons. \_ Your "rights" as a manufacturer are already subject to regulation (cf "rat poison" above). If your argument is with the arbitrary nature of the ban, that's different from "let[ting] people eat whatever the hell they want to ear." \_ Rat poison is hardly the same thing as transfats. \_ "There is no evidence that transfats are intrinsically bad for your health"??? You should educate yourself on the topic, the AMA and NAS disagree with you on this. \_ What is the health risk of eating transfats? None at all. Did we ban saturated fats? Should we ban baking with butter, too? Eat too much of them and exercise too little and you will get sick. However, a healthy person can eat a transfat-laden muffin with no ill effects. Maybe we should ban steak. It's laden with saturated fats *and* unlabeled as such! I never knew! \_ "from a nutritional standpoint, the consumption of trans fatty acids results in considerable potential harm but no apparent benefit." -New England Journal of Medicine "...any incremental increase in trans fat intake increases the risk of heart disease." -NAS Dietary Reference Should I take the advice of these two peer reviewed experts or anonymous motd hozer? Hmmm... \_ "from a nutritional standpoint, the consumption of vodka results in considerable potential harm but no apparent benefit." "...any incremental increase in cheesesteaks intake increases the risk of heart disease." Clearly we need to ban cheesesteaks and vodka. \_ And yet we don't let people sell rubbing alcohol as a cheap vodka substitute. \_ Weak. \_ Actually, there are numerous studies indicating that moderate alchohol consumption is salubrious. And cheese steaks in moderation are good for you, too. I agree with your main point, that people should be allowed to poison themselves, but you are not arguing from the facts here. Transfat is worse for you than white sugar, even. \_ Transfat is, arguably, no worse for you than saturated fat. In fact, many studies have credited transfats for lowering risk of heart disease as substitutes for saturated fats. Sure, some studies say saturated fats are worse, which is why I use the term "arguably". Certainly saturated fats are very unhealthy and there is no cry to ban them. Transfats have become the boogeymen du jour. BTW, I seriously doubt vodka has any positive benefits. Wine, sure. Vodka, I doubt. Maybe as a blood thinner if that's a positive thing for you. |
2008/6/24-27 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:50350 Activity:nil |
6/23 If civilization collapses, at least I can make wine out my own urine http://www.arthurmag.com/magpie/?p=2833 \_ Obama will never let that happen. Candy rainbows will arc over chocolate rivers; happy children playing on the banks. \_ Um no, you are confused. She is making pruno, not wine. |
2008/3/13-17 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:49440 Activity:moderate |
3/13 Help. Mother has slowly gone insane in the past few weeks. Claims to be really sick, takes her to ER, nothing. Does this several times before we realized she's just lonely. She eats crappy food like KFC and canned food and is mal-nutrioned yet refuses to eat "expensive food." She is a complete hazard on the road, and her place has become a total dumpster and a fire hazard. It's apparent that her mental capacity and reasoning power has slowly diminished to... zero. What are some possible solutions? I don't want to kill her. \_ this sounds very familiar. I recommend, for the lonely/depression problem: 1) force her to get social hobbies 2) force her to have regular interaction with people 3) enforce a quota - like going out every day we went from 1 false alarm ER visit a month to one every 6+ months. --brain \_ Thanks but already tried and doesn't work. After 2-3 meetings people realize she's a total nutcase and avoid her. I mean I've already lost gf's thanks to her. Socialization is not for someone who's brain is already hardwired. \_ What about senior centers? Here in Livermore we have the "friendship center" or something like that for old people to hang out at. http://www.larpd.dst.ca.us/friendship.html \_ Do you equate putting her in a home with 'killing her'? She sounds like she needs and would benefit from being in a home. They'll watch over her and she'll have other crazy old people to hang out with. Alternately, you could quit your job and nursemaid her yourself. \_ So how much is a nursing home going to cost? -op \_ Sounds like my dad, so I have the greatest sympathy with your plight. My dad would not consider moving out of his home until he finally crashed his car and depleted of his home until he crashed his car and depleted his bank account, but finally agreed to move into an assisted living situation, where he gets three meals a day and his own apartment. This costs $1800/mo, in Riverside California. It would more in the Bay Area, 1.5X to 2X more depending on the facility. You can actually get it for less, but it starts to be pretty primitive. \_ OH LORD. I don't have that kind of money. I guess I'll just let her rot and crash into other people like George Weller or something. \_ Doesn't she have any savings? Where is she living now? \_ No. She said she was counting on Social Security. But I've been mostly supporting her. I don't have other family members as they're also crazy and scattered all over the world. It's just my mom and I, 50 miles apart. I have to admit, this has been one of the loneliest months I've ever had in my life. It's times like these that I wished that I was a Christian or something. -op \_ How much does she cost per month right now? $1800 doesn't seem like that much if you include rent, food, utilities, etc. \_ Her mortgage is $600/month. \_ Wheew... I think you'd have to move closer to her, (or vice-versa) and get a part time caretaker to clean up and such. Actually, coversation (relieving loniness) is a big part of the caretaker job. They are used to it. It's usually about $10 an hour. (Often under the table.) \_ Social Security is only about $650 or so a month. With a $600 mortage... when did you say her reasoning powers went to 0? \_ On what planet is SS $650/month? My mom gets twice that and she wasn't even in the highest earner bracket. \_ Not all of us come from wealthy households. I think my Dad's is about $800/mo, though he gets some CalPers pension on top of it. \_ My mom isn't wealthy, but she worked her entire life. Your dad probably got less because he had CalPers instead and didn't contribute to SS his entire working career. \_ You might be right there. His overall pension + SS is about $2500/mo, which is just enough. \_ Can you just move her in with you? I thought about this with my Dad, but he is just too hard to get along with. \_ oh, no, HELL NO am I ever going to live with her again. She wakes up in the middle of the night and vacuums and cleans and moves furnitures. She will dig through my books and bank accounts and mess up my private life. HELL NO. -op \_ My Grandmother never got too crazy, she realized when she was too old to drive and stopped driving herself. I lived with her for a while when I went to Junior college, but when I went to Berkeley she hired a maid and meals-on-wheels. After a while she brought on a part time caretaker. However, she was quite happy living a solitary life, reading books and watching TV, so even when she dingy she didn't really cause many problems. On the other hand, some realatives lived close by watching TV, so even when she got a little dingy she didn't really cause many problems. Some realatives lived close by and would visit on at least a weekly basis. I'm not sure how much it cost, but it was probably cheaper than a home, but she also owned her own home. \_ tell her to ride bike and use linux -tom's #1 fan \_ RIDE TANK! BAN GUNS! - tom's #5 fan \_ Take her to a doctor who knows something about age related mental disorders. |
2007/7/31-8/3 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:47479 Activity:kinda low |
7/31 Go vegetarian to save money - MSN Money: http://www.csua.org/u/j8u \_ I just spent $204 on a dinner for two at Millenium. I guess I'm eating the wrong vegetarian fair. \_ WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! DUBYA EMM DEEEES!!!! \_ Don't eat a fair next time \_ And what, half that was wine, plus 15-20% was tip? \_ Does that include the huge carbon footprint caused by shipping in interesting veggie items from all over the world? \_ Be smart, eat what's in season. It's cheaper, it gives you interesting variety, and the food tastes better. \_ veggies have much less carbon footprint than beef. -tom \_ Oh great, veggies are less evil. How about taking the health of our only planet seriously and stop playing the "I'm less evil than you so what I'm doing is ok!" game, huh? \_ I don't think it's about people feeling "okay," but about making a conscious effort to do less damage to the environment. We've gotten to where we are because we didn't pay attention to what industrialism and advancement of human kind has gotten ourselves into. Now people eat more meat because they can be bought "cheap," and we have to subsidize the farmers if we want non-meat stuff. Human \_ say what? where'd you get the idea that farmers are subsidized for the purpose of creating non-meat food items? actually are what we consider locusts to be. We devour resources beyond what eco-systems can handle. While less evil is NOT "okay," it's still a lesser of the two evil. \_ I think it is better to live in harmony with the planet than to destroy it a bit slower. I see no point in that. So it takes 100 years instead of 50 to make the planet unlivable, so what? \_ Who's playing that game? I also think local sourcing is important. It's just silly to talk about the carbon footprint of veggies as being bad relative to meat. -tom \_ Only you were talking about that strawman. The rest of us were talking by then about how importing your veggies from all over the world at all times of year is very hypocritical if you're doing it to save the planet. \_ A lot of veggies can be imported by slow frieght. That's actually amazingly efficient in large quantities. Yes it isn't as good as local; yes there is a bigger carbon footprint, but it's still way less than cheap factory farmed meat. Probably orders of magnitudes less. It's the air freight veggies that are a disgusting waste of fossil fuels. \_ Uh, you're the one setting up the straw man. Did anyone defend importing veggies from all over the world? -tom \_ You're just pulling my leg now, right? Did you even read the Op or the article or anything or just came around looking for another motd ring around the rosie rhetorical dance? Whatever. Have the last word to say whatever. I'm not going to waste more time or precious bits on this. \_ The article talks about saving by focusing on seasonal/local produce. You are the only person to have brought up importation. Your troll fu sucks. --scotsman \_ Actually his troll fu is mighty, since he started a huge flamewar over nothing but his inability to read and comprehend carefully. |
2007/6/7 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:46883 Activity:nil |
6/7 Dutch students invent powdered alcohol: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2xoe37 (news.yahoo.com) \_ Powdered alcohol has been around a long time. Their only inventiveness is in circumventing the age/tax laws. |
2007/5/31-6/13 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Health/Disease/General] UID:46800 Activity:low |
5/28 I'm in Mendocino now. What is worth doing here? I don't drink wine BTW. \_ Skunk Train. Lost Coast beach hike (20+ miles). Buy hydroponics. -tom \_ I 2nd the Lost Coast hike. do it now, don't do it in the winter! \_ Mendocino is a pretty big place. Are you near Jenner or Ukiah or Leggett? Orr Hot Springs is quite nice, especially if you like naked hippies. There is great beer in Hopland, at the Medocino Brewing Company. You can kayak in the bay near Jenner. Bodega Bay is really beautiful and there are lots of things to do there, including diving for abalone. Occidental is nice to do there, including diving for abalone. Occidental is good if you want to get out of the fog. -ausman \_ Mendocino Brewing Company is good, as is Anderson Valley Brewing Company in Boonville. Try to find and read a copy of the _Letters of Wanda Tinasky_. \_ I was the op. Mendocino was a cute little walkable town. I liked going to the one and only supermarket. It was almost comparable to Trader Joe and Whole Food Market. Other than that all the shops were selling useless things that no one really needed. Food was pretty good, but nothing that you couldn't get from the city. Fort Bragg totally sucked unless you were interested in riding the Skunk Train. Weather was far from ideal-- it never got above 63F, and overcast all the time. Cold and windy. The drive to Mendocino was a total drag. Route 128 was full of trailers, curves, etc etc. It was painful to be on 128 for nearly 3 hours. Overall, the pain of going to Mendocino was not forth the little pleasure you get being there. I hate Mendocino and I'm never going back. \_ sounds like you didn't take anyone's advice. \_ I grew up there. It used to be a nice little hippie town, until it got taken over by parasites (aka tourists) and all of the stores that sold useful things were replaced by real estate offices selling vacation homes and Wilkes Bashford outlets. It sounds like you missed out on all the truly interesting stuff that's hiding there, so you might want to consider getting better advice and giving it another chance. --lye \_ I advised you to go over the hill to someplace sunny, if you got sick of the fog. -ausman |
2007/5/25-28 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:46756 Activity:moderate |
5/25 I don't really care about ethics and how people look at me. Is it perfectly legal to be an asshole and NOT tip at restaurants? \_ If you can't afford to leave a few bucks on the table then you can't afford to eat out. It is legal but you should examine your economic situation more closely if that level of cash outlay actually matters to you before you go out again. Or just eat at fast food places where we don't tip. McDonald's sounds like the right level for you anyway. And woe be if you're out with 99% of this country and don't put in your fair share for tip. Your fellow diners will remember and hold it against you forever which is likely to cost you a lot more over time than the tip. So don't be a trolling cheap-ass and leave a few bucks. \_ It's legal. You should move to Korea. No tipping culture. \_ Or Japan. \_ just dont go to the same place twice..unless you like special sauces or something \_ In a country where people's wages are reduced because they're expected to get tips, it's rude, boorish, and petty to not tip. There are plenty of countries where failing to tip is fine, but the U.S. isn't one of them. However, it's not illegal. Just fuckin' stupid. -tom \- why is it stupid? it may obviously cause problems at tip-expected restaurants you expect to go back to, but for one offs, i think it is assholish and you might get deservedly abused, but stupid suggesting it will hurt you, not sure why you would say that. \_ driving a single-occupant SUV to work every day may not hurt you, but it's stupid. \- i think buying $400 shoes is usually stupid too, but usually people mean something like "it is irrational" rather than "i wouldnt do it" or other "bad" behavior like being selfish, or an asshole etc. in fact often assholeish behavior like freeriding is "rational". is not contributing to npr/public tv stupid? no, i dont think so. so in some cases you can show people are behaving irrationally when they dont realize it, but it's incumbent on you do present some argument. for example the study that shows there is a corrlation between car price and a question like "how much do you like your car" but there isnt a correlation between car price and how pleasant/unpleasant was your commute. i.e. people thing about their cars different when they are thinkign about their cars and how the use experience transpires. ok thanks i have to go now i am in a hurry. \_ I don't know about you but I personally think a late 30 year old ambiguously gay Indian guy spending ~$1000 a month eating nice food and drinking fine wine is beyond stupid. \- i probably drink less than 2 bottles of wine a month. i hate spending money on wine. to me it is a "tax" on going out to eat with friends. unless you live with your parents, i probably also have a higher savings rate than you do. of all the ad hominems directed at me in the motd, this is about the lamest, e.g. starting with "i dont know about you ..." |
2007/5/24-26 [Health/Sleeping, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:46742 Activity:moderate |
5/24 serious question here: I take a dump every other day or so. after my last few acts of congress, I'm really sleepy, for several hours. what's the deal? does this happen to everyone? \_ Whahh?! That's very rare shitting. I shit about 3-4 times a day and also eat 4-5 times a day, I don't think what I do is normal either. \_ Are you bulimic? \_ More fiber, less spicy food. \_ No. You are not healthy. \_ See a doctor. \_ The closest I get to a doctor is watching House. \_ And just before they perform some incredibly dangerously invasive procedure they figure out you've been eating too many twinkies and send you home. \_ I don't think I've ever been unusually sleepy after a poo, that's kinda odd. Generally pooing once a day is considered regular. At every other day you should probably eat more fiber and drink more water. (Not soda, beer, etc.) However, despite a diet unusally high in fiber and water, I still take about 20 mins on the can. My wife is done in about 1 min. I don't know why this is. \_ Maybe she won't shit where she eats.. So to speak. \_ Maybe you and your wife should consider switching roles during anal sex. \_ I feel more alert after a nice poo. Weird thing for me lately: smelling a strong coffee odor when I pee after having had coffee earlier. I can't recall any other food making it through my system with its olfactory properties intact like that. \_ HOW WEIRD! I've been noticing the same thing! I've never noticed that till recently. I'm in my 30s. \_ Stop drinking coffee. It is bad for you anyway. |
2007/5/10-14 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:46581 Activity:nil |
5/9 Heineken beer navigation: http://adsoftheworld.com/files/images/heineken1.jpg \_ Wow, that's dumb. |
2007/3/23-26 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:46077 Activity:nil |
3/23 Wow, German judge approves wife-beating based on Koran http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070322/wl_afp/germanyjusticeislam_070322132641 \_ Anyone have background on this? Sounds like the judge is playing provocateur. \_ And in other news in the march of Sharia, Target has some cachiers who won't ring up pork products. http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/breaking_news/16925919.htm \_ I don't understand why anyone would be this afraid of pork. The Korean says don't eat it, not fear it. Koran says don't eat it, not fear it. \_ Is that the same Target where fundie pharmacists refused to dispense birth control? |
2007/2/10 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:45703 Activity:nil 50%like:45699 |
2/9 Heh: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1592288510 [Seduced by Bacon by Joanna Pruess] |
2007/2/10-12 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:45699 Activity:nil 50%like:45703 |
2/9 Heh: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1592288510 |
2006/9/1-5 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:44245 Activity:moderate |
9/1 I want to give a small gift to several faculty members who are writing me letters of recommendation. What's an appropriate, professional gift I could get them? Any ideas will be appreciated. Thanks. \_ A big brown paper bag full of cash. Make sure you hand it over in person with no witnesses present. Preferably in a dark alley. \_ If you are female and the professors are female, get a gift card to Nordstrom or a day spa like Burke Williams. If you are male and the professors are female, get a gift card to your favorite classy lunch spot. If you are female and the professors are male, a simple piece of paper with your phone number written on it, along with the short message "Call me anytime" will suffice. If you are male and the professors are male, then you are a total fag. \_ Succeed in their field and expand their empire. Mwuahahahah!!! I think it's clear what they all want. \_ Paper weight. \_ Starbucks gift cards. My profs really liked these. \_ Nice pens. -John \_ but nice pens cost a lot. wouldn't you think it would both parties a bit uncomfortable? How about a nice, made-in-China fake pens? Tell him/her flat out that those are fakes. It has a lot of entertainment value. \_ They needed. Yes, if you're looking at ebony & silver \_ They needn't. Yes, if you're looking at ebony & silver Faber-Castell fountain pens, they'll run a few hundred. But Cross and others make really nice, not-crazily-priced ones too. Anyway, it was just a suggestion. The wine idea below is good too (just make sure they drink.) -John \- ObBottleofWineInYourBudget. Even if faculty member doesnt drink can take to colleague party. Give a gift that is consumable rather than persistent. If you are in Berkeley, go down to Kermit Lynch and talk to one of them. \_ Does a big variety bag full of different types of condoms from Good Vibrations count as "consumable rather than persistent?" \_ Yes, those are consumable. However, you may be sending the wrong message to your professor. \_ I considered wine, but I then I thought (falsely?) that alcohol might be inappropriate. I'll consider it now. -op \- a bottle of tequila is inappropriate. wine is ok. [well i suppose it is possible if one is muslim or something like that it might be inapprorpate. but wine is easy to get rid of in the academic social milleu]. wine is the standard. |
2006/8/18-19 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:44065 Activity:moderate |
8/18 Re: government per diem rates It looks like per diem for Paris is $155. Per diem for San Francisco is only $64. Overall, foreign per diems are much, much higher. I dunno why. I have only travelled domestically on government business and I find the sums paltry. $155/day isn't bad at all, though. That is in addition to hotel. \_ Maybe you should't work for the government then, eh? Would you like some cheese with your whine? \_ Please post your name so we can examine your situation and give you short shrift the next time you have an issue. \_ They don't want you hiring cheap foreign whores. \_ Only the best for the on-travel types! \_ I find it a lot easier to travel cheaply when I speak the language natively. Maybe that has something to do with it? \- what do you spend your per diems on other than food? $65 seems perfectly reasonable for food to me. especially since if you are under the per diem you generally dont need to submit receipts. \_ $65 would be a very nice $10 breakfast at Le Zinc, a very nice $20 lunch at Fog City Diner with $35 left over for steak and a glass of wine at Encanto or Delfina. I don't know what this guy is bitching about. \_ Transportation can cost a hell of a lot if you are some place for bussiness. But I agree, 65 seems enough. \- if that is so, you can rent a car and expense parking separately from the per diem. need receipts for those. when i was in chicago for a week, the travel people foolishly rented a car for me and paid like $28/day to park it at the hotel ... used it twice for personal business. \_ So are taxis seperate as well? \- they used to be. may need receipt tho ... same for airport shuttle etc. there are big problems with govt travel, but the per diem isnt one of them. |
2006/7/23-24 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:43764 Activity:low |
7/23 After a long time thinking all tequila is gross, I've decided I like "the good stuff" straight. I like ones that taste more like aloe/pine or minerally, but less like vanilla/butterscotch. Any types I should try? \- oh hello, i think tres genercions is pretty good and not difficult to find. you may also analyze El Viejito and "El Corredor" [i'm not sure i have that name right ... \_ i really like el tesoro reposado and el jimador. ultra high end stuff like El Tesoro Paradiso and Don Julio 1942 are more akin to cognac... good stuff, but not necessarily worth the $$$. \_ As something of a neophyte I'm not sure if what I'm looking for is the more aged tequilas. I like the mellow woody flavors you get in aged whiskey or brandy, but won't that make tequila lose the 'zesty' parts? -OP \_ Dona Tomas on Telegraph and 51st has a superb set of tequila tasters that might help you out. --erikred \- oh hello, i think TRES GENERCIONS is pretty good and not difficult to find. you may also analyze EL VIEJITO and EL CORREDOR [i'm not sure i have that name right ... i was in my tequila phase like 6yrs ago ... i dont really drink any more]. yeah, some of these sipping tequilas, some are really peppery/minerally. you should just go to one of the places with a large tequila stock, e.g. Tommy's out in the avenues on geary, or maybe Guaymas [in tiburon], if you want to make it a nice evening with your associates. for shooting/ mixing tequilas, i think HORNITOS RESPOSADO and SAUZA SILVER are ok. [there is also a more accessible place called COLIBRI downtown, but it is really expensive]. places with a large tequila stock, e.g. TOMMY'S out in the avenues on geary is THE STANDARD. Also Guaymas [in tiburon], if you want to make a bit of an event out of it. [there is also a more accessible place called COLIBRI downtown, but it is quite expensive]. for shooting/mixing tequilas, i think HORNITOS RESPOSADO and SAUZA SILVER are ok. \_ Above a certain $$, they're mostly the same quality-wise, as a good bartender will tell you. As TSB says, go to a place with a big stock and a bartender that looks experienced and try a few (after the first 8 you won't know the difference.) Just note that real tequila doesn't have a worm, comes from one of only 5 states, and doesn't have to contain more than 51% agave. Look for premium (100% agave) tequila, not from syrup. You may also want to consider mescal; there are some high quality mescals that are the exact same as tequila, but because of denominacion de origen laws, can't use the name. And are way less expensive than super- premium tequilas. Enjoy. -John \- If you go to TOMMY'S, you can also participate in the TEQUILLA CHALLENGE. |
2006/5/11-14 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:43015 Activity:nil |
5/11 Dear balsamic vinegar beef marinate guy and red wine beef marinate guy. I have new test results. 4/5 of my test subjects consistently prefer the taste of balsamic vinegar beef, and 5/5 prefer the tenderness of the red wine beef. I reproduced the results twice, using Costco new york beef marinated for 3 days. This week I am going to experiment a hybrid approach by marinating the beef with red wine to make the meat more tender, then put balsamic vinegar right before I cook them. I'll report results next week. ok thx. |
2006/4/22-25 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:42800 Activity:nil |
4/21 Alumni BBQ Poll -- What did you guys think about the bbq? I know it was nice to meet a lot of you for the first time and put a face to the extremely disgusting links/comments I see all the time. -mrauser Good: - Steaks and sausages were excellent Bad: Ugly: - No tom/partha/dans cagematch, I want my money back! \_ I don't get why you think I care about dans. He made some stupid comments on MOTD, I pointed out that they were stupid, he persisted (and persists). That doesn't separate him from a dozen other twinks. My comment would be, if you create a new politburo position for alumni relations, you should manage to do better publicity than one email sent weeks in advance and complete failure to announce the location. -tom \_ hear hear \_ Hear, hear. \_ I'd really want to know where they got the steaks from. They were *that* good unmarinated. I shoulda prolly poured beer on mine whilst on the grill. I also appreciated the lack of lecturing going on, everyone just seemed happy to hang out and see each other. - At one point there was 8 guys, and 4 girls. I think that's a record? Bad: - danh still cannot open his car. Can someone call AAA for him? Ugly: - No tom/partha/dans cagematch, I want my money back! \_ I don't get why you think I care about dans. He made some stupid comments on MOTD, I pointed out that they were stupid, he persisted (and persists). That doesn't separate him from a dozen other twinks. My comment would be, if you create a new politburo position for alumni relations, you should manage to do better publicity than one email sent weeks in advance and complete failure to announce the location. -tom \_ hear hear \_ Probably because you keep responding to him. |
2006/3/28-30 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:42504 Activity:high |
3/29 http://www.viceland.com/int/v13n3/htdocs/coffee.php?country=us Another choice is Chinese food. Chinese-food restaurants above 96th street are as ubiquitous as Starbucks coffee shops are in the rest of the city, but they look like Mao designed them. A table or two, a metal grill door, and two or three gas jets is all you're getting. Also, the employees are actually Chinese, and by that I mean two weeks ago they were in China. I always feel bad for these guys. Their average height is about 5'3", they weigh maybe 95 pounds, and they speak no English. And these are the DELIVERYMEN! Not surprisingly, they get robbed with alarming frequency. Hell, most women could kick their asses. I always like to speculate what these guys' lives are like as I take a report and try to find the kids who took their $42 and BBQ spare ribs. One day you're in China, kicking around the countryside, checking on your crops, then three days later you're on the 25th floor of a housing project with a bleeding lip and no money, trying to explain to me what happened with the 25 English words you know. They keep coming over, though, so I can't help but think, "Damn, Communist China must really, really suck." \_ aspolito has a huge ass. \_ Most of the Chinese restaurant workers who came here illegally are from Fuzhou, China. I read a wsj article a year or two ago saying that the Fuzhou people no longer care to come to the US, because China's economy is booming and there are better opportunities there. That's why these days, I noticed they are being quickly replaced by Mexicans. At its height, the Fuzhou guys have a really good network. Dump one of them in Fuzhou-nese have a really good network. Dump one of them in any US city, and he would be able to find someone from his hometown, and thus find work and housing, and make a living, albeit a not very good one, relatively speaking. hometown, and thus find work and housing, and survive. Their superb overseas network was one of the reasons why many of them were able to come the US to work for a while, make some money, and then go home. money, and then go home. Fuzhou is part of the Fujian province. The Fujianese, together with Cantonese, Hakkas, Teochews, make up a big part of the Chinese diaspora, and dominate the economies of Taiwan, Hongkong, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Filipines. These dialect groups are all from poor fringe coastal regions of southern China, though the Hakkas always believed they have royal northern bloodlines, and migrated south when northern China was invaded. The poverty of these regions resulted in a tradition of emigration and entrepreneurship. \_ That's nice. So which group has the prettiest women? \_ Are you angry because even they have a job, while you don't? \_ Are you angry because they have a job, while you don't? \_ I'm not angry. I thought it was a funny writing piece. I hope the recent Chinese immigrants assimulate into my country and lead productive satisfying lives but something tells me they won't. \_ You are easily amused. \_ That's what people always say about new immigrants. What usually happens is the first generation doesn't assimilate very much and ends up middle class but their kids do fine. \_ I would settle for "ending up middle class". Nothing wrong with that. \_ Not to Chinese. Haven't you noticed how hard they make their kids study and they all have to be doctors and lawyers? Middle class is failure. \_ Yeah but 1st generation don't end up doctors and lawyers, but a helluva lot better than when they were FOB. \_ Actually, I've been meeting quite a few first generation doctors and lawyers lately. Seems like they have made it easier for foreigners to become doctors in the US. This is bad. These jobs should be reserved for Americans, and first generation foreigners should stick to restaurant work. \- i think the AMAs efforts to make it harder for indian and russian doctors to practice here is well known. \_ Foreign doctors need to pass the same board exams everyone else does to practice here. \- See e.g. particularly section on physicians: http://www.cepr.net/publications/professional_supplement.htm I didnt know about the clinical skills exam that is only given in Philadelphia. Also, a tricky part of this is how to "distinguish" between american who went to foreign medical schools because they couldnt get into med school here and foreigners trained in their home country who want to come here. in addition of visa-obtaining issues, and language testing, there is the "fifth pathway" program. I am not an expert on this but it's well understood that self-regulating bodies like the ABA and AMA engage in "income protection" plans under the guise of "public safety" [yes, irconic reference to french rev], see e.g. the nolo v texas case. BTW, I am not suggesting foreign trained doctors are as well trained, but this is an area where the outcomes area heavily dictated by regulation rather the "free mkt". http://www.cepr.net/publications/professional_supplement.htm \_ Sorry but those comments just spew of complete ignorance. If 1st generation-ers are competent and contribute in a meaningful way, there should be nothing wrong with that. Do you somehow believe you should have natural right to having everything spoon fed to you? \_ I hope they do well too, but I like them doing their own thing, which adds diversity and spice to my country. \_ Sorry, but I have more sympathy for our kids who get sent to places like Vietnam and Iraq, and come back missing a leg, a ball, and half a dick, angry and confused as to how they got their arse kicked by 80 pounds, 4'9" vietnamese peasant hags and stone age desert tribes. Just browse through the "Names of the Dead" ... 18 years old ... 21 years old ... all tender, fresh and innocent. What a waste. \_ Good one. It's sad to see our brave soldiers maimed there and then come back to the states and wait on the freeway with the sign "Vietnam War Soldier Spare a Dime." In addition I have to say that these tiny little Viet soldiers on the other side did quite a bit of damage despite their lack of equipments and trainings. If tiny little men can do big jobs, it makes you go hmmmmm. Lastly on my rant I'd like to commend these tiny little men who reproduce really hot Vietnamese women \_ I am glad you've found solace with tiny little men. Vietnamese girls are not my cup of tea, but hey, if they are a fit for you, whom am I to object. At least you didn't become a pedophile. \_ If it weren't for tiny little women there would be more pedofiles in America. -op \_ thanks for sharing your sexual disposition with us. \_ I don't think they were confused. I think it's pretty clear that a 4'9" 80 lbs stone age vietnamese desert tribe peasant can kill you when armed with modern weapons in a proxy war fighting on their own turf. Angry? Probably. Confused? Not likely. A waste? Yes, of course, big time. \_ Maybe I didn't phrase it right, but I meant confused in the sense of "WTF am I doing in this hellhole getting killed?! I don't belong here. I want my mom!" \_ Not the ones I know who have been in combat. \_ Really? How then did so many of them beoome depressed, suicidal, alcohol and drug addicts, etc.? \_ What is "so many"? And how does that percent compare to the general population who was never in the military? Obviously it is an anecdotal sample set but all the ones I know are normal people who came back and got on with their lives. We've sent millions overseas in the 20th century. Our society is not overrun by millions of depressed, suicidal, alcoholic drug addicted ex-soldiers. (But is overrun by millions of depressed, drug addicted civilians). \_ "percent"? "general population"? "sample set"? Sorry, this is too hard. I am American. I watch teevee, and teevee says they're depressed and suicidal. \_ You are right. I am wrong. |
2006/3/20-25 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:42324 Activity:nil |
3/20 "Michael Pollan is one of the foremost food and plant experts in America. He wrote The Botany of Desire a few years ago, he teaches about food, plants, and biodiversity at the University of California, Berkeley, and he just finished a new book called The Omnivore's Dilemma. It's about eating in the same way that the Bible is about God." http://www.viceland.com/int/v13n3/htdocs/children.php?country=us |
2006/3/20-21 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:42323 Activity:nil |
3/20 Journal of eating an entire cow: http://www.viceland.com/int/v13n3/htdocs/eating.php?country=us \_ zzz. just a bunch of pics of raw cow meat. |
2006/3/7-9 [Recreation/Food, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:42126 Activity:low |
3/7 Dear balsalmic vinegar beef marinating guy. What kind of vinegar do you use? White? And what brand is good? Thanks. \_ I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess... balsamic. \_ The message above is obviously written by someone ignorant. There are many types. White distilled vinegar, rasbery balsamic vinegar, red \_ [80 col. please] wine balsamic vinegar (most common), olive vinegar, rice vinegar, so on so forth. \_ In fairness to the OP, there is such a thing as white balsamic vinegar. But you ought to use the regular dark kind. Quality it not *too* important, so just get something halfway decent. -- different balsamic marinating guy \_ Racist! \_ Balsamic vinegar of color, then. \_ Stop giving me black medicine! ... I mean ... black vinegar. |
2006/3/2-5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:42073 Activity:moderate |
3/2 So much for federalism. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060302/ap_on_he_me/food_warnings \_ 1) federalism is LONG dead (in these united states) 2) Whatever the possibly undesirable outcomes of such legislation, the concept of unified food labeling is completely consistent with the principles of Federalism and in particular with the interstate commerce clause of our constitution. It boggles my mind, that in a time in which that clause is used to justify (successfully, btw, see the CA marijuana case) leg. regarding things that aren't even commerce, let alone inter- state commerce, that you would point to the above link as some sort of watershed legislation signifying the end of Fed.ism I suspect (just a guess, and i don't know who you are since you didn't sign, so don't get all offended) that you are just some dumb leftist who doesn't have the first clue about federalism (and probably doesn't care) but (mistakenly) thinks he has caught his "opponents"(a larger mistake I won't go into), in some sort of a hypocrisy/contradiction. -crebbs some sort of watershed legislation signifying the end of Federalism. -crebbs \_ "Consumers across the country deserve a single set of science-based food warning requirements, not the confusing patchwork that we have today," said Rep. Marsha Blackburn (news, bio, voting record), R-Tenn. I demand faith-based food warning requirements! \_ According to the bible, a believer can drink any poison and survive, so why do we need food warnings at all? Note I'm getting this from a recent Boston Legal episode, but I'm sure some Christian can give the reference. \_ you are right, see Psalm 91:11,12 - (1) but then you are also wrong, see Deuteronomy 6:13 - (2) but then you are also wrong, see Deuteronomy 6:16 - (2) and then there is Matthew 4 where satan uses (1) and Jesus uses (2) in reply. oh wait, u are just trolling. doh! \_ The bible contradicts itself? You're shattering my world! \_ Psalm isn't the (very general, directly countered in Matthew 4) reference they were talking about; they were talking about Matthew 16:18. talking about Mark 16:18. \_ Deuteronomy 6:13 applies to Mark 16:18 too. It's \_ Deuteronomy 6:16 applies to Mark 16:18 too. It's the same idea. \_ "Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by his name." -- Deut 6:13 ooooooook... (note: verse corrected from 6:13 to 6:16. thanks!) \_ My bad. It's Deut 6:16. \_ To think I wasted years of my life building up an immunity to iocane powder when all I needed to do was believe. -westley \_ Do you really think that we would be better off leaving all food labeling to the states? The FDA std labeling require- ments for many types of foods are a net positive for consu- mers in terms of consistency and safety. You can go to any store in any state in the union and read the label and know what you are getting. That is a good thing in my book. I agree that taking away the ability of the states to add extra warnings could be a bad thing, but if the federal stds are better than the state stds, then maybe it would be okay. \_ If you read the article, this isn't about "better federal in place of"; it's about states adding extra, and mfrs. complaining b/c of cost. \_ I read the article (hence, the "I agree, ..."). I was suggesting that in this case abs. federalism would not be a good thing. I have not read the bill, but if the stds it required were more than anything the states currently required (unlikely) it could be a good thing as well. \- The POWER of CAROLENE PRODUCTS |
2006/2/22-27 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:41960 Activity:nil |
2/22 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/germany_manure_dc URL self explanitory. Heil Shit Eating German John!!! \_ What kind of wine pairs well with pig manure? \_ shit eating? what the fuck is your problem? seriously? |
2006/2/22-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:41948 Activity:moderate |
2/22 How do you like to prepare your steak? I'll start: \_ marinate it in cheap cabernet for a whole week. tender and tasty. Yummmm \_ Seasoned with Crazy Salt, paprika, garlic powder, grilled, then liberally doused with butter and lemon. Scrumptious. \_ Coarse Sea Salt, Coarse Black Pepper, oil the grill, grill to medium rare. Keep it simple. \_ I just had an awesome filet done in balsamic vinegar. Yum. -John \_ how long do you guys marinate it for? I had this awsome steak that melted in the mouth one time. The waitress said they age their steak in wine barrels for a few months. I wonder what kind of marinate they used. \_ Perhaps you misheard or she misspoke. If you 'aged' steak in a marinade for months you would have only putrid sludge. I'm thinking she might have meant 'dry aged' meat. Getting back to your original question: Depends on size. Steaks typically 12-36 hours. Larger roasts, 24-72 hrs. \_ I have seen the results of marinating the head of a moose in a 55 gallon drum of water for months, and it was indeed putrid sludge. |
2006/2/22-27 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:41947 Activity:moderate |
2/22 What's the difference between Cabernet, Merlot, Zinfandel, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, and Semillon? \_ Basic answer is that they are all varietals of the same species of grape: vitis vinifera. Wines are sometimes made from other species as well, for instance vitis aestivalis (Norton grape), but are generally not well-regarded. Vitis vinifera has its origins in Europe and was brought to the New World because most New World grapes make bad wine. \- er do you know they are the mostly the names of grapes varieties or are you asking more than that. usa: wine named after main grape. france: wine named after place it comes from. the usa system is a lot more friendly. if you want a user friendly book for just basic basics [i.e. to prepare you to order non-french wines] you get look at say the DUMMY WINE BOOK. to start out you can learn what is red and what is white and the rough mapping from grape -> french region [e.g. cab -> bordeaux, syrah -> rhone, pinot noir -> burgandy etc]. cab: expensive. merlot: some ok. zin: ass, pinot noir: good, pinot gris: good. chardonnay: \_ I'm quite fond of the Ravenswood Zinfandel, though there does seem to be a mediocre vintage every few years. It's fairly cheap to, usually $6-$10 at Trader Joe's, maybe $8-$15 at Safeway or Andronico's. Also, I'd highly recommend visiting the North Berkeley wine shop. They always do well by me. -dans cheap are ass, same with chablis go with sancerre or PG instead if not $$$. i would not invest more than 30 min learning about wine. beyond the basics all you need to know is a good wine store [kermit lynch in berkeley]. if you have a more specific question, why dont you ask it, like "what is a good $15 red that is easy to find?". to find?" [safeway, rodney strong]. \_ One thing to consider is that different regions handle different types of wines better than others. I'd recommend learning a little bit about what grape types usually have what qualities, but only as a general guideline, and what sort of provenance is more suited for what types. Mr. Winerjee is right about just bothering with the basics; don't let anyone tell you "rules", just try things out. The best is if people can point out various good and bad aspects of certain wine types (such as how to look for complexity, and why and when things like color and age matter), but I usually steer clear of anyone who claims to be an expert. With time you'll start appreciating differences and qualities more. One last thing--within a certain price band (varies by country) there's usually some correlation between quality and price, but once again, only as a very rough & approximate guide. Always try new stuff and don't be afraid to ask, even if a crappy sommelier does b.s. you at some point--you'll spot this with time. Always remember, it's just a drink, you have to like it. -John \- Here is the 30 second list of grapes -> taste mapping: *cab: usually fair amount of tannin unless expensive strives for full body and complex taste. the king of red wines. \_ Tannin has more to do with age. Some of the best are extremely tannic, but the tannins mellow with age. *merlot: fruitier and lighters than cab *pinot noir: less ambitious than cab but less tannin so more likely to be good for cheep \_ More likely than *what* to be good for cheap? Cab, maybe. Any other wine, probably not. \_ Most likely to be non-repugnant for cheap. Least likely to be good for cheap. \_ Pinot is less likely to be good for cheap. *syrah/shiraz: i have nothing to say \_ Popular Rhone varietal along with grenache and mourvedre. Makes outstanding wine. geweurtz,*riesling: sweet sancerre/*pinot gris: watery ... i dont mean that in a bad way. esp since i like spicy food *zin: spicy. i dont like zins. doesnt go well with the food i like. yes i have had some good zins. \_ This is the typical wine for Italian food. \- I prefer THE POWER OF BAROLO but that is beyond the price of this thread. The good ones are better alone or with cheese than with food. \_ Also goes well with grilled meats and BBQ. There are a lot of bad ones out there though.. *chardonnay: good ones are crispy and dryish but cheep ones i think are not to my taste. i'd rather drink the even cheeper pinot gris. the king of white wines. I would try a $12-$20 bottle of each of the 7 *ed wines and that should give you a representative sense of each. I wouldnt worry about the varieties until you decide how serious you want to get about wine (time and money). n.b. i would rather drink fruit juice than wine but i feel obligated to order when i go to restaurants with my friends. and i suppose it's good to be able to bring something reasonable to a dinner party. BTW, i think most wines can be described with this vocabulary: full/med/no body, yes/no tanin, sweet or not sweet, high/med/low fruity, spicy aka is it a zin, dry or wet. most of the people using words like nutty, buttery, raspberry, guava, choclate, leather etc have their head -> ass. you should learn about cheej not wine. \_ I had a Toad Hollow pinot the other day. I couldn't place the nose, but my roommate did. Rotten Oranges. It's not all bullshit. \_ If you're feeling cheap, Trader Joe's has $3-$7 bottles of most of the above types. When you're ready to try quality, visit Vino in Rockridge or on Piedmont and plan to spend $12 to $20 for decent examples. --erikred \- i've had decent table wine in france for $4-5 but here i think bottles in that range just taste sort of generic (or bad). \_ Generally speaking, you're playing with fire in the $4-$5 a bottle range of wine, but you do get lucky from time to time. Nonetheless, what you just said flys completely in the face of conventional wisdom and actual events. French table wine is shit. It's so bad that the French prefer cheap Californian wine to it. This happened on such a large scale that the French government had to impose massive import duties on cheap California wine so French table winemakers wouldn't go out of business. -dans \_ Were you ever really into comic books? Did you ever have three hour debates about the merits of various minor characters in the X-men universe? Wine "people" are like that, only they're adults and frequently drunk. \_ But you know what's funny? Every discussion on the motd having to do with wine ends up as a flame war about wine dorks, and yet if someone had instead posted a highly technical question about an X-man, it would be seriously debated for three screens with no one pointing out how dorky it is. \_ You forgot one other distingiushing characteristic. As comic dorks age, they realize that a better use of their comic collection is to keep it in good condition and sell it, ending up with a net profit. Wine dorks on the other hand, drink up their stupid and expensive hobby. Which is of course the point. \_ Lots of wine people collect more wine than they drink. However, drinking it is a lot more fun than selling comics. Collecting comics will, for instance, probably not get you laid. Collecting wine probably will. \_ I dispute that. And I will further state that people who will fuck you because of your comics collection are far better lays than people who will fuck you because of your wine collection. -dans \_ Not 'because' of the collection, but because you shared it. I wouldn't touch any chick that was into comics, BTW. Yuck. \_ The notion that one might have a collection of *anything* he/she was really into and not share it with an SO is just bizarre. And your idea that `chicks' who are into comics are yucky is silly and juvenile. I'm going to make an equally ridiculous logical leap and guess that you won't touch women who have tatoos or dyed hair or who perform what, to you, must seem like bizarre deviant sex acts such as oral and anal sex. I hope you enjoy your boring, missionary sex, with your boring, missionary chix. -dans \_ I think you miss the entire point, which is that you tend to have a lot more fun with women after you've shared 2 bottles of wine with them than after you read Sandman #1 together - in general. BTW, tattoos are nasty on women. You are right that I don't touch that. More for you, I guess. \_ Wow. So getting drunk and having sex can be fun. I'll be damned. You can do that with a bottle of Old Grandad as well. \_ Not if the woman has any class or taste you can't. \_ Well, I would probably hate the women you spend time with just as much as you would hate those I spend time with. Yes, it's a class thing. I just think people like you are shit, and obviously it's mutual. So fuck you. \_ You need some anger management classes. I don't hate you at all. \_ Don't be stupid. Breaking this down into wine/comics is a useless generalization. I suspect dans' point is more along the lines of "conservative snob != fun". But naturally women that read comics never ever drink. \_ I went to an Exploratorium presentation on The Science of Wine. It was funny to watch all of these very nicely attired and sophisticated people degenerate into lushes. \_ "Wine people" are as bad as restaurant groupies. The word you are looking for is "pretentious". And for once, amazingly, I agree with psb about "head->ass". I'd even go so far as to say that "x goes well with y" is no more than a general guide; if you're ever in a restaurant where the sommelier looks at you funny for ordering, say, red with fish (or for any reason), leave. -John \- good sommaliers have come up with some neat pairings and recommendations. but that's true of more than just wine and food ... like pears go well with some cheejes, chocolate and orange is a a classic combination, chocolate and thyme is not. i can both think over cooking a good steak is a waste and you have poor taste or order such well done, yet support your right "have it your way". \_ The short chain organic molecules in wine do combine over time to create the esters and phenols that create the distrinctive smells of different foods. It is not just your imagination if you smell leather or chocolate in a wine, especially a well aged one, the exact same chemicals that help give something its distinctive odor might be in your wine. Don't assume that everyone has their head -> ass time to create the esters, phenols and aldehydes that create time to create the esters, phenols & aldehydes that create the smells of different foods. It is not just your time to create the esters, phenols and aldehydes that create the smells of different foods. It is not just your imagination if you smell leather or chocolate in a wine, especially a well aged one, the exact same chemicals that help give something its distinctive odor might be in your wine. Don't assume that someone has their head -> ass just because you cannot smell them. -ausman \_ Dogs have much larger sections of their brains devoted to smell than humans. It would be amusing to train a dog to distinguish all these subtle wine distinctions. \_ Dogs have much larger sections of their brains devoted to smell than humans. It would be amusing to train a dog to distinguish all these subtle wine distinctions. to smell than humans. It would be amusing to train a dog to distinguish all these subtle wine distinctions. I think it would not be too hard to modify the drug dog training for this purpose. \_ Everyone recognizes different smells in wine, you are absolutely correct. The "head->ass" part comes from my subjective observation that people who pontificate about how marvelous wine xyz is because it smells like the orgasmic fart of the black-striped Angolan bog fungus or whatever tend to be pompous morons. "Wine people". -John \- jim ausman: there is a difference between "ok i can see why you say this has a hint of raspberry" after tasting something and taking two of those head->ass adjective vectors and using them as a basis to pick a wine. i'm saying those little cards in stores that talk about how one wine has a hint of nutmeg and chocolate and cherry and other has a soupcon of lemon zest crossed with clover honey is not useful. more useful would be a 10 word vocabular that actually mean something. maybe a good analogy is to crayola. i understand you need to go beyond RGB and "blue green" to describe some colors. and you do get a sense of what color is meant by peach or salmon or olive green ... but do you have any fucking clue what color "raw umber" is? ok tnx. (raw umber is the color of "dirt"). \_ There is no "raw umber" crayon; it was "burnt umber," and it's been discontinued. I agree that the cards in wine stores aren't useful to someone who isn't a wine snob, but certain wine snobs can quite accurately determine a specific wine in blind taste tests, so there's clearly something there. -tom \- are you such an authority on crayons you you didnt even bother to google this? BTW, wine snobbery is about attitude, not resolving power. \_ tom -> smacked |
2006/2/19-23 [Finance/CC, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:41928 Activity:kinda low |
2/18 Does anyone know whether or not it is legal for a restaurant to withhold wages/tips from a waiter if a customer leaves without paying? This seems totally illegal to me but my google legal fu is weak. \_ Wages, no. Tips, the portion the customer might reasonably be expected to tip. -dans \- i doubt that is legal. in CA management cannot force the tips to be shared with anybody not directly involved in front room service [can share with busboy butr not dishwasher front room service [can share with busboy but not dishwasher or cooks]. in fact i would think this is covered under some broader employment rules about you cant charge employees for fuckups like this. i can ask a acquiantance who is a chef-owner fuckups like this. i can ask an acquiantance who is a chef-owner in SF about the dine&&dash situation. \_ might depend on locale... see #9 http://waiterrant.blogspot.com/2005/07/check-please-ah-check-my-favorite-part.html \_ That guy needs to seriously get a different job. \_ http://www.restaurant.org/legal/ask_archives.cfm -- whoops, next link down. \_ This answers the question. Since most waiters make minimum wage (in CA), it's going to be illegal in most cases. \_ at least in santa clara county, you can call for a quick 20min free legal referral \_ It's illegal in all states my contact at the Golden Gate Rest. Assn. knows of. If someone doesn't pay for a meal, obviously there's no tip for that meal for the rest. owner to withhold, but they may not withhold money from any of the other tips. Nor can they charge waiters for broken dishes or the likes. That said, there is a good reason why most people who matter in any given restaurant loathe waiters (especially primadonna prissy whores like the blogspot guy above). Good ones are few and very far between and deserve a nice fat cash tip. -John \- Your GGRA assicate isnt named "Dan" is he? \_ No, it's my friend Vinnie da Pesto Hammer. -John |
2006/2/3-7 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:41696 Activity:low |
2/3 Apple sued based on iPod volume: http://tinyurl.com/892c8 It's lawsuits like this that make our legal system look sue-happy. I find that portable music players in general aren't loud enough and occasionally have to use software to increase the volume on my mp3 files. Yet these type of suits force manufacturers to lower the volume. I like listening to my music loud, being totally engulfed in it. I know I'm putting my ears at risk, but that's my choice, just like it was for this plantiff. It's common sense. If I ride my bike down a steep hill in SF I could lose control in crash, should the bike manufacturer put a warning that gravity could impact my ability to control a bike on steep hills? NONSENSE! \_ Uhm, did you ever figure that maybe you need to turn it up so high because you have *already* damaged your hearing? \_ Yep, and that's ok, it should be my choice. You only live once, and if that means enjoying music at a nice loud volume, but having to ask people to speak up or repeat things, that's ok. Just because Oreos make me fat doesn't mean they should be sued because I choose to eat a row a day, imparing my health. that's ok. Just because Oreos make me fat doesn't mean Nabisco should be sued because I choose to eat a row a day, imparing my health. \_ All true but not really what I was getting at. But I guess if you're willing to spend half your life unable to hear in exchange for loud music today... shrug. I suspect your 50+ year old self will curse your 20-30 year old self when the time comes. Let us know how that goes. \_ "If I'd known I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself." \_ It would be interesting to see how much power it puts out of the headphone jack compared to an early 80's Walkman. I suspect it is about the same. \_ Read the article; it claims most players put out 100db, the iPod puts out 115db (except in Europe, where Apple was required to limit it to 100db). -tom \_ The 80's guy has a point, walkmans used to be louder, before the lawsuit against Sony in the 80's. That's why all their players now have AVLS, which lowers the volume down to a whisper. There's actually hacks for some Sony walkmans to unlock the true volume potential (http://tinyurl.com/b2ecw \_ My Sony CD Walkman from 10yrs ago has a switch to turn off AVLS. It has three settings: Off, AVLS 1 (less reduction), AVLS 2 (more reduction). \_ The earbud headphones are much more likely to damage your ears, especially the iPod ones because 1) The speaker is much closer to your ear canal and 2) It doesn't block out outside sound as well which means people crank it up higher to filter out the world. \_ This really is ridiculous. They have clear notices that cranking it up can hurt you. We don't speed limit cars to 5mph because any faster "could hurt or kill you". \_ Actually, we do put speed limiters on cars. \_ objection, argumentative. \_ This reminds me of the McDonald lawsuit which a lady ordered a cup of hot coffee, put it between her legs, drove off, spilled, burnt herself, and sued because the hot coffee was hot. I think McD should avoid future lawsuits by changin its menu offering: Customer: One hot coffee please. Cashier: Hot or cold? Customer: Hot coffer please. Cashier: The hot kind of hot coffee or the cold kind of hot coffee? Customer: ...... \_ Stella Liebeck: http://www.lectlaw.com/files/cur78.htm During discovery, McDonalds produced documents showing more than 700 claims by people burned by its coffee between 1982 and 1992. McDonalds ... held its coffee at between 180 and 190 degrees ... Other establishments sell coffee at substantially lower temperatures. Liebeck, who also underwent debridement treatments, sought to settle her claim for $20,000, but McDonalds refused. McDonalds asserted that customers buy coffee on their way to work or home, intending to consume it there. However, the companys own research showed that customers intend to consume the coffee immediately while driving. For those preferring a biased source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/8/1/141345/4615 \_ Just because the other establishments mislabel their warm coffee as hot coffee, it doesn't mean McD should be required to follow this practice. \_ Now you're just trolling. If you don't know wth the case was about, do us all a favor. \_ If Liebeck thought the coffee was too hot, why was she drinking it while driving? She wanted to burn her throat and stomach? \_ Well, I'd assume that she didn't know it was 'too hot' until she'd already sustained severe burns. Your comment suggests that either you didn't read the lectlaw link, or that you missed some rather important details while skimming it. Perhaps you should, at least, reread the article. \_ Erm who gives a shit? PP is right, why was she drinking it while driving? A normal person will take a sip, realize it's too hot, and wait. -John \_ 1) she wasn't driving. 2) the vehicle wasn't in motion. 3) the coffee was 185F. Do your homework or STFU. Or don't. Whatever's funnier. *shrug* \_ Actually, reading you get annoyed is pretty funny. -John \_ Yeahyeah, bite me. Punk. :P \_ I have to agree. McD coffee has always been nukingly hot, and takes forever to cool down in its insulated container. annoying. \_ Apple Discontinues Sales To Stupid People: http://tinyurl.com/dg9q7 |
2006/2/2-4 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:41672 Activity:high |
2/3 Do people really freak out when seeing bones or seeing a fish head when eating? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/chronicle/archive/2006/02/01/FDGMRGTIIG1.DTL \_ My sister won't eat meat if there's anything to remind her that the meat is from an animal. But somehow the shape of a chicken breast muscle doesn't push that button.. People are weird. \_ I am guessing you are not Asian. \_ You'd be correct. \_ So I'm curious. Do you whities think that we Asians are barbaric? -asian \_ I'm stunned that you would have to ask. Of course we do, what with your kancho video games and rice bomb cars and those wacky samurai swords. Are you gonna try and convince me to eat my dog next? I hope not, cuz that just ain't happening mah brotha... \_ Riceboys ain't yer brotha, white trash. -- n***er \_ Riceboy ain't yer brotha, white trash. -- n***er \_ You'd be correct. But this is beyond "not Asian". It's a sad dissociation that people want to ignore where food comes from. \_ I think all kids should be taken hunting and/or fishing when they are young. It eliminates BS pussies like your sister and teaches respect for nature. I wanted to take my 9 year old pussy nephew who doesn't eat meat for similar reasons duck hunting and his retard mom (similar to your sister) has brainwashed him so much that he won't go. The only meat he'll eat is pepperoni on pizza. That's just plain wrong and (IMO) unhealthy physically and mentally. - not OP \_ In Japan there is a kind of sashimi where they take a live fish, cut out all the flesh off one side of the fish except the head and the tail, leaving the whole head, tail, skeleton, and the other side of the body intact. Then they cut the flesh into sashimi, and put it back on the fish body. They they serve it to the table. When you eat the sashimi, the fish is still not dead yet. Its mouth and tail still moves a little. I tried it once at a restaurant in the still move a little. I tried it once at a restaurant in the Kawasaki area called Bikkuri Sushi. Interestingly, "bikkuri" means "surprise". \_ I strongly agree. \_ I totally agree. If you are going to be a uncivilized barbarian and eat meat, you should be comfortable killing and eating it like a wild animal. If, on the other hand, you want to be a decent civilized human being, eschew meat altogether and be a vegetarian. \_ You grow all your own food? You only eat food that grows natively in your region without the use of chemicals? You don't eat food grown else where and brought in by diesel burning trucks and ships? And why is it ok to eat plants anyway? Plants are alive, the same as you and your dog, fluffy. \_ In Japan there is a kind of sashimi where they take a live fish, cut out all the flesh off one side of the fish except the head and the tail, leaving the whole head, tail, skeleton, and the other side of the body intact. Then they cut the flesh into sashimi, and put it back on the fish body. They they serve it to the table. When you eat the sashimi, the fish is still not dead yet. Its mouth and tail still move a little. I tried it once at a restaurant in the Kawasaki area called Bikkuri Sushi. Interestingly, "bikkuri" means "surprise". \_ A faimly took me out to a restaurant in Tokushima and served me this. It was called "ikizukure"(sp?) ("living, twitching") sashimi, there. -- ulysses \_ Thanks for the name. I forgot. It's either ikizukuri or ikezukuri. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikizukuri Check out the picutre link at the bottom. When I had it, it's even worse. The chef put the meat right on the body, and I more worse. The chef put the meat right on the body, and I had to pick the meat off the skeleton. -- PP \_ There's a sushi place in Bel Air, CA that serves this. \_ Any in the Bay Area? \_ I find that both disgusting and cool. Photos of the process and result: http://www.oak.dti.ne.jp/~koione/english-ikizukuri.html \_ This just seems gratuitously cruel. the picutre link at the bottom. When I had it, it's even more worse. The chef put the meat right on the body, and I had to pick the meat off the skeleton. -- PP \_ It looks like he bonked it on the head first... \_ if you want to guarantee freshness, you have proof. \_ Do they do anything with the other half of the fish, or does that just go to waste? \_ After finishing the sashimi, the customer has the option to have the other half cooked into something else. I had soup cooked from it. -- PP \_ There's this scene in Oldboy where the guy eats a whole live octopus, which wriggles all the way down. This definitely rules. \_ I'm fine with fish & meat and the way it's caught and butchered, but I really don't need to see it on my plate, staring at me. -John |
2005/9/21-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:39792 Activity:low |
9/21 Why is the Chinese black egg black? Is it safe to eat? What chemical compound made it black? It looks like lead, but it's yummy. \_ You mean thousand year old egg? I think that's duck egg preserved in tea. \_ It's funny that the thousand year old egg was featured in Fear Factor. When I saw that episode, I'm like "I'll eat it without a prize." \_ Koreans sometimes soak hard boiled eggs in watered down soy sause. They turn brown. Those are pretty tasty too. \_ The Japanese do something similar for oden. Cf. the egg in vinegar science trick. (The egg in oden is not as rubbery...) \_ Let me tell you something *REALLY* scary... *TRADITIONALLY* those 'thousand year old egg' was made by marinating the egg in *HORSE PISS*. No, I am not kidding. We don't do it in horse piss anymore, if you are really interested in this, I can find out. It bothers me that how my ancestors one day came up with this idea "let me soak egg in this and see how's taste..." \_ Well it's not as bad as the famous Shit Eating German porn. \_ I have a guess as to why urine was pissed. A disgruntled chef in the Dynasty thought it'd be funny to serve the emperor egg that is dipped in urine. It turns out the emperor liked it so much that it's an official dish. Uh, seriously though, that's just an urban legend. Black eggs are black because of charcoal, tea, and other things. http://ask.yahoo.com/20011114.html <-- see? \_ Like how we grow mushrooms on cold horse shit? \_ No way, you're shitting me!!! \_ MOVE OVER GERMANY!!!!1!! \_ Nothing beats your Shit Eating German porn. How the hell did you guys come up with that stuff. It is just sick. \_ I hate to sound like a freak, but piss in general has a lot of really useful properties (all that ammonia, etc.). Pre-Industrial really useful properties (all that urea, etc.). Pre-Industrial folks had a lot of uses for it, including medicine and laundry. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urine |
2005/9/9-11 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:39598 Activity:nil |
9/9 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20050909/od_nm/germany_beer_dc The world's strongest beer. VAT IST IT BOUT ZIE GERMANS?? \_ Another high bar for those Floridians. |
2005/8/16-17 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:39135 Activity:high |
8/16 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050816/ap_on_re_us/hispanics_immigration "A majority of Hispanics born in the United States don't think illegal Hispanic immigrants should be given drivers' licenses, according to a new poll." \_ C'mon, folks, it's a sting operation. \_ That would be kinda funny. "Here's you driver's licence sir, and here's your border patrol officer." \_ Seriously, you don't see this happening? \_ In a word, no. \_ You don't need borders! How Cold War! Become a Citizen of the World! Get your Global Work Permit! Travel! See the sights! When there are no more borders, there will be no more war! Hey, what is the EU policy on non-EU people trotting about? How about Switzerland? \_ We have a treaty with the EU to allow bilateral work permits very easily. The overprotected, overpriced, mollycoddled Swiss markets could use it (just like the overprotected, &c &c US, Jap and EU markets could use some competition) as we're seeing an insane amount of super-qualified people coming in from Germany and Austria who are fleeing statist ham-handedness there, and really raising the quality bar here. And although the EU is a bureaucratic shitpile, its very existence is sure motivating the Poles/Czechs/Balts and friends into becoming lean, fast- growing economies. Global economics is not a zero-sum game, to be ruined by protectionist tax-horny command-economy government hacks. May I suggest a cabin in Montana? -John \- I am for sure going to have fun watching "libertarian" geeks sort themelves out into various flavors under the pressure of globalization. i wonder if there will be an attempt to vincent chin somebody in a pathetic geek way. \_ Partha once went on record as saying libertarians are libertarian because this allows them to excuse the way they naturally feel, or something like that. I am sort of they naturally feel, or something like that. I was sort of idly wondering if John is going to show up one day and accuse Partha of overgeneralizing and 'wrongthink,' but then I realized it's only chic to do that to me. -- ilyas \_ Dey took ur' jerbs!! \_ We'll just take our families and go start american food restaurants in Calcutta. That'll show 'em. -JOhn \_ Genuinely curious... Do they sell Garden Burgers in India? \- no, in india it is easy to find vegetarian food that actually tastes good. you dont have newly minted vegetarians who "miss" the hamburger experience. and burgers are generally mutton or chicken if memory serves. serving beef in a high profile way [like if you are mcd] is just asking for trouble. \_ Spoken like someone who's never tried a really good veggie patty. I am not a vegetarian, and I appreciate a good beefburger, but there is such a thing as a really tasty veggie burger. \- when i go to india, kolkata in particular, i basically become a vegetarian because the vegetarian food is better than about every- thing else and cheaper too. so while i dont typcally eat vegetarian burgers here, on statistical grounds this is pretty defensible. many of the vegetables here are really expensive or bland, especially tomatos. in much of india since you buy fresh vegetables at the market every day, they may look funky but they are vastly better than about any non-chez panisse level vegetables here. i think a better comparison is something like say flan ... flan will not take off in india anytime soon because there is nothing to cause the flan market to go through a "hyper inflation" phase. it's not a matter of whether flan is good or bad ... it's not enough better than domestic sweets. pizza on the other hand is an innovation that is taking off because of marketing and novelty. in spite of the pizza being bad. so yes if for some reason a company making really tasty veggie burgers dumps millions of dollars into mkting, then maybe they will taken off, but that's not going to happen. \_ I have a colleague originally from around about Hyderabad who went to the Bombay Inst of Tech. He complained (at length) about American hamburgers. His reasoning was the home of the hamburger (his idea, not mine) should have a huge variety of meat and non-meat hamburgers available. This because he bragged about the huge variety of specifically non-meat burgers available in (I presume) Bombay and Hyderabad. He also, IIRC, said meat hamburgers were uncommmon. That said, he may simply have been whinging since he was dealing with some pretty bad culture shock at the time. -- ulysses \_ There is a huge variety of meat and non-meat burgers available here in the USA. \_ Yup. One place has Ostrich burgers I think. Forgot the name. \_ Fuddrucker's does. It's also common to see turkey, buffalo, salmon, and many varieties of soy/veggie burgers. \_ There's also an awesome place on the main square in Sonoma that does a duck burger with foie gras. It's really good. -John \- well i think those still dont count as "common". mcd, bk, carls jr, wendys etc are mostly beef, some chicken options, one fish item, but no lamb, mutton, goat, turkey, pork [maybe turkey] etc. contrast to say a typical mexican facility with al pastor, carne asada, ground beef, chortizo, carnitas, tongue etc. same for a deli ... lots of options compared to a typical hamburger facility. --psb \_ Look in a Wal-Mart for what the "common" American eats. The places you mentioned have about as much food value as Viet Cong sandals cut from truck tires. As for Indian food, didn't the head of Congress' youth wing once chop up his gf and hide her in a tandoori oven? Mmh! -John \_ The discussion was about common hamburger options, not what is healthy or common to eat. \_ Yes, and the options meantioned were of Viet Cong truck tire sandal food value, allowing for crack about average Americans' dining habits, Wal-Mart and tandoori dismemberment. Capisce? \_ Almost every fast food joint offers a chicken sandwich/burger. Jack in the Box had the Turkey Jack. Once you stray from the big chains, though, you easily find the rest. Turkey burgers are especially easy to find, as are veggie burgers. Even the big chains have had veggie burgers at various times. I think some still do. \- BTW, one reason traditional burgers and pizza in india are ass is because you cannot get good "cheej". i dunno if you will "get" this if you dont know india, but i thought this was both hilarious & insightful in the horrible VS Naipaul way: http://csua.org/u/d26 [you have to click fwd to the first page of text]. you may also wish to see: http://csua.org/u/d27 for more fun with Sir Vidia. \_ There is lots of good vegetables \_ There are lots of good vegetables at reasonable prices here. You just have to go to Farmer's markets, like the one at the Civic Center in San Francisco. Organic produce from Whole Foods is also quite good, but pricey. -ausman |
2005/7/24-28 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:38799 Activity:nil |
7/24 foodP! 7pm Fondue Freds, Wednesday 7/27 come one, come all \_ use evite. \_ how much is it? I'm poor... \_ The idea is to take advantage of their 6+ person deal, which comes out to basically $20/person. Definitely more expensive than say a TopDog, but it is an all-you-can-eat deal for fondue and their house wine. The CSUA used to have regular FoodP's, a tradition that has (sadly) apparently died. -ERic \_ Who is going? Alumni or students? I'm a poor student, can you rich wealthy land-owning alumni buy me food? I promise to entertain you guys with new Soda Hell stories. Are there going to be hot women? Is karen going? \_ Are there going to be stalkers attending? \_ Why? You lose yours? \_ CSUA w/ booth babes. Now there's a concept. \_ I had fondue once and hated it. Maybe it was the particular cheese? Or is it usually the same type? It was also expensive for what it is and the skill involved. I think I'd love a chocolate fondue though. \_ There are many variations, but a typical cheese fondue will contain some of swiss, gruyere and ementhaler cheeses, plus dry white wine, and often some garlic, or lemon juice, or kirch. Personally I love gruyere, but some people hate it. \_ A crappy fondue has too much starch, low quality wine, shitty cheese, cat intestines, whatever in it. -John the Fondue Expert \_ I like Fondue Fred's. And their house wine is excellent after the third glass or so. I'd go if I was in the bay area. -niloc |
2005/7/13-14 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:38595 Activity:nil |
7/13 Coffee shop opens in Utah without coffee, cigarettes, or alcohols because Mormons can't touch them: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,162317,00.html \_ I'd say that's totally gay, but Mormons don't like that either. \_ Well, sell to your customers. It's not hard to get coffee and alcohol in Utah if you want them. |
2005/6/8-9 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:38030 Activity:nil |
6/7 Has anybody been to Cafe Jacqueline in SF? Is it a reasonable first date restaurant or is it a little over the top for a 1D? Also does the menu work with 2 people or best with more? OK TNX. \_ It's reasonable. But it's pretty expensive. It is best for 2 people since some souffles are two-person serving. I ended up paying over $60 per person for two meal souffles and one dessert souffle (no wine, no appetizers). I didn't think it was worth the price. The restaurant itself didn't look fancy, but something too fancy could be intimidating for a 1st date. |
2005/5/3-4 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:37494 Activity:nil |
5/3 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7720569/?GT1=6542 big burger war |
2005/4/8-10 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37124 Activity:moderate |
4/8 Which is best? Suppenkuche, Walzwerk, or Schnitzelhaus? \-Der Wienerschnitzel on San Pablo. \_ Are all three in SF? Speisekammer in Alameda is also decent. Only been to Suppenkuche and Speisekammer, both were quite good (but Suppenkuche was superior, I though) \_ Enlighten us mere mortals: WTF are you talking about ? \_ German restaurants. \_ Huh, it seems Spieskammer is owned by a half-owner of Suppenkuche. \_ I've never been to a German restaurant, what is it like? The closest I've ever gotten is Top-Dog where I eat semi-Germananic frank. Yes, it's pathetic. What exactly do you get at German restaurants besides frank and lager? Do you get to see hot robust German blond waitresses with thick Bulvarian accent? \_ Der Wienerschnitzel, for one. Also potato pancakes and hearty dark German lagers that are nothing like American lagers. \- you can get your meat stuffed with meat at Suppenkuche \_ Is that homosexual code? \- du bist eine hasa \_ Ach, mein Leben! -John \_ Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn! \_ there are regional variants, i.e. fish from the coastal areas and wimpy bland sausage from the alps, but classics found in the u.s. include roulade (meat or cabbage rolls w/ meaty stuffing), hot potato salad, and sauerbraten (roast beef marinated for many days in wine vinegar). of course many sausages, cabbage variants, soups, and chunks of fatty roated meat. all go well w/ beer. |
2005/4/5-8 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37078 Activity:moderate |
4/5 Any recommendations for an SF restaurant that can accomodate 25-30, at $30-$40/person. Note: in my experience big dinners tend to come in 20-30% more expensive than smaller dinners [i.e. a $30/person rest comes in at $40 when you have 20-30 people ordering glasses/bottles of wine or appetizers right and left, or taking advantage of a split check]. Tnx. \_ Check the Blue Plate or Chenery Park and ask if you can just rent the place. They're very nice people. -John \_ how about Jillian's, i'm sure enough alcohol can get you up to $30 per. \_ Just about any decent sized place in Chinatown will do this. The Slanted Door has a room for 24. Might be a bit out of your price range. -ausman \_ Check out Delancey Street Restaurant (600 Embarcadero at Brannan) it's pretty good, plus they do cheap ($4) valet parking if people are coming by car. -dans \- Hmm, this may be a good option on a non-baseball night. I guess I'll havve to stop in and try the food. ok tnx. I guess I'll havve to stop in and try the food. SD, BP, CP are all more expensive. this is just for a dinner with friends so i dont really want to or feel the need to rent an exclusive venue. i think metreon probably has to much of a rifraff factor on a fri/sat night. ok tnx. \_ What is wrong with Chinatown? Do I need to give you a specific restaurant name? -ausman \_ I like the food there a lot, and it's for a good cause. \_ one of my favorites while I lived in the Bay Area was Eos. |
2005/3/31-4/1 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:37002 Activity:high |
3/31 So I heard this 'rumor' from someone that a bunch of Hispanic people ate at a Chinese restaurant, and decided to make a run for it and not pay. The restaurant stopped the last person and called the police, but the police fined the restaurant and let the person go because the restaurant does not have authority to detain anyone. Does this sound right to you guys or am I missing something here? What should the restaurant do? This supposedly happened in Chicago recently. \_ Bah. They're buying too many houses anyway. They deserve to be dined-and-ditched. \- The restaurant may be in the wrong, but that doesnt mean the dine-n-dasher gets off scott free. Both parties can be guilty/liable for different things.--psb \_ So what's the proper course of action for for the restaurant? Is this different from shoplifting? \- There is probably both a civil and criminal claim they could persue. I dont know what they should do. This is one of those stories where you probably hear a bunch of upfront stuff that gets people outraged but you never hear the followup [like the $20million jury award which ends up being whittled down to $1.2m]. --psb \_ can't you citizens arrest them? \_ This largely depends on local statutes and the circumstances. Generally, skipping out on your bill is a petty larceny (unless you're a dining at the Ritz). A private party generally does not have the right to restrain someone they suspect of this low level of crime. If this person was detained against their will and that detention was wrongful, the detained party has a false imprisonment or false arrest claim to which there is no defense. The restaurant's best bet for recovery is in small claims ct under a breach of contract theory. \- dont you think if you were in the shoes of the restaurant you would be more interested in the dasher beinf punished than getting your $30. if the da office will take it [broken window theory], that's what i would do. --psb \_ I agree that I would prefer a criminal conviction, but a DA will probably not take the case b/c he has no interest in wasting a bunch of time to get a conviction or plea bargain for a crime that carries w/ it a max penalty of $500 or so. It would be much easier to show up in Small Claims w/ the bill and the name of the dude you detained and ask for damages for breach of contract. This would be a 15 min deal. \- yes but then you have to rely on the sheriff or whoever to enforce the $30 collection. i doubt these people really care about having a judgement against them. maybe if something like that can affect their credit it would be worth it. in the economic pale this is a non-starter. i assume DAs offices spend some amount of resources on "broken window" crimes, and if this becomes high profile [i.e. race card] that could work in your favor or against [vandalism to your restaurant]. --psb \_ Hmmm.. Interesting. My question remains, how is this different from shoplifting? You mean the store cannot stop me from walking out with their merchandise without paying too? I don't think that's the case but I don't see the difference here. \_ Generally, in order for a merchant to detain a person suspected of a crime, the crime must have been committed in their immediate presence (watching a crime on video counts). If the crime is not witnessed by the merchant, then they can still detain you but they risk a false arrest/imprisonment suit. As an example, say that you go to Fry's and you pick up a copy of Chaos Theory put it in your backpack and try to walk out the front door. Unless they saw it all on video or a clerk saw you give yourself the 5 finger discount, the highlighter dude can't stop you from walking out of the store w/o risking a possible false arrest suit. \_ So you're telling me that there's no legal basis for all detainments made by store detectives for shoplifting? I know there was some discussion about this 2-3 years back. -John \_ Thanks! I am gonna try that with a PSP, isn't this country great! ;) \_ Yup, this country is great for lawyers. \_ Before you do this, please realize that if they choose to detain you, they might call the cops who can arrest you for real. You would not have an action against the cops b/c they acted under probable cause. Note that the cops could probably arrest you even if you had proof (ie a receipt) that no crime was committed b/c it is not the cops job to judge the proof. BTW does the PSP cost more than $500? If so, suspicion of swiping one would be a Grand Larceny and you don't want to go there. \_ Yes and no. Police (in CA) aren't empowered to arrest you for a misdemeanor crime that they didn't witness taking place. On the other hand, if a citizen wishes to make a citizen's arrest, they can sign the 'citizen's arrest' form that the peace officer has in his car. Of course, if it turns out that the accusation is false (and therefore a false arrest) ALL the liability falls on the person that signed the form. If the cop is a good one, he'll warn you if he thinks you're making a mistake. So, be wary of detaining someone, then signing them into custody on the basis of a citizen's arrest form -- if you can't prove your case, you could lose your shirt. -POC \- look the law is more likely to work in the case of serious offenses and against people \_ serious offenses? like, say, felonies? felony != misdemeanor. who are not "judgement proof"... either because they have money, they have informal or formal reputations etc. this is even more the case with "de minimus" one shot economic stuff. what ever happened with sloda' LA vigilante who went after the bus driver or whatever it was. --psb \_ reread, please. Police can make an arrest for possible felonies without being there to witness the crime. it's not very complicated. -POC \- i'm talking about pratical outcomes, not what is theoretically possible. after my car was stolen the people who stole it left a time stamped receipt for a jack in the box drive thru where i am sure they have a video camera. i am also sure the police have no interest in pursuing this one i got my car back. the above was (clearly i thought) a general comment on minor minor crimes [broken window]. --psb \_ I'm sure BUD DAY has the authority to detain those damn dirty wetback spics. \_ Are you Chinese? Do you have any of idea of the effect of Chinese food on Hispanics? \_ Remember those Korean guys with rifles on top of the grocery stores during the Rodney King riots, when it turned out that the protection rackets would actually have to provide protection for real? Other alternative is to bring their food into line with mediocre Chinese food in a lot of places and make the remaining check-skippers regret they ever ate there in the first place. The regular college crowd will keep coming regardless, all that cold pizza and stale beer makes you immune to whatever ChiCom biological warfare agents they put in that shit. -John \_ it's just MSG. \_ Walgreens often encourages their managers to run shoplifters down with their cars in the parking lot, and to engage them in highspeed chase if they get away. dumb? yes. Illegal? almost certainly. But I know a manager who was yelled at for *not* engaging in a car chase after a shoplifter. \_ Bah. They're buying too many houses anyway. They deserve to be dined-and-ditched. \- The restaurant may be in the wrong, but that doesnt mean the dine-n-dasher gets off scott free. Both parties can be guilty/liable for different things.--psb \_ So what's the proper course of action for for the restaurant? Is this different from shoplifting? \- There is probably both a civil and criminal claim they could persue. I dont know what they should do. This is one of those stories where you probably hear a bunch of upfront stuff that gets people outraged but you never hear the followup [like the $20million jury award which ends up being whittled down to $1.2m]. --psb \_ can't you citizens arrest them? \_ This largely depends on local statutes and the circumstances. Generally, skipping out on your bill is a petty larceny (unless you're a dining at the Ritz). A private party generally does not have the right to restrain someone they suspect of this low level of crime. If this person was detained against their will and that detention was wrongful, the detained party has a false imprisonment or false arrest claim to which there is no defense. The restaurant's best bet for recovery is in small claims ct under a breach of contract theory. \- dont you think if you were in the shoes of the restaurant you would be more interested in the dasher beinf punished than getting your $30. if the da office will take it [broken window theory], that's what i would do. --psb \_ I agree that I would prefer a criminal conviction, but a DA will probably not take the case b/c he has no interest in wasting a bunch of time to get a conviction or plea bargain for a crime that carries w/ it a max penalty of $500 or so. It would be much easier to show up in Small Claims w/ the bill and the name of the dude you detained and ask for damages for breach of contract. This would be a 15 min deal. \- yes but then you have to rely on the sheriff or whoever to enforce the $30 collection. i doubt these people really care about having a judgement against them. maybe if something like that can affect their credit it would be worth it. in the economic pale this is a non-starter. i assume DAs offices spend some amount of resources on "broken window" crimes, and if this becomes high profile [i.e. race card] that could work in your favor or against [vandalism to your restaurant]. --psb \_ Hmmm.. Interesting. My question remains, how is this different from shoplifting? You mean the store cannot stop me from walking out with their merchandise without paying too? I don't think that's the case but I don't see the difference here. \_ Generally, in order for a merchant to detain a person suspected of a crime, the crime must have been committed in their immediate presence (watching a crime on video counts). If the crime is not witnessed by the merchant, then they can still detain you but they risk a false arrest/imprisonment suit. As an example, say that you go to Fry's and you pick up a copy of Chaos Theory put it in your backpack and try to walk out the front door. Unless they saw it all on video or a clerk saw you give yourself the 5 finger discount, the highlighter dude can't stop you from walking out of the store w/o risking a possible false arrest suit. \_ So you're telling me that there's no legal basis for all detainments made by store detectives for shoplifting? I know there was some discussion about this 2-3 years back. -John \_ If the Store Detectives did not witness the shoplifting, then the detention was probably not valid. However, there are some conditions under which there might not have been any detention. If the detective tells you to stop you don't have to comply. If he physically bars you from leaving the store it can be a false imprisonment. If he says he is going to call the cops if you leave, then that can also be false imprisonment. But if you can leave at any time and you remain to clear your name, then it is not false imprisonment. Also it can make a difference if you are suspected of a felony (grand larceny) vs a misdemeanor (petty larceny). \_ Thanks! I am gonna try that with a PSP, isn't this country great! ;) \_ Yup, this country is great for lawyers. \_ Before you do this, please realize that if they choose to detain you, they might call the cops who can arrest you for real. You would not have an action against the cops b/c they acted under probable cause. Note that the cops could probably arrest you even if you had proof (ie a receipt) that no crime was committed b/c it is not the cops job to judge the proof. BTW does the PSP cost more than $500? If so, suspicion of swiping one would be a Grand Larceny and you don't want to go there. \_ Yes and no. Police (in CA) aren't empowered to arrest you for a misdemeanor crime that they didn't witness taking place. On the other hand, if a citizen wishes to make a citizen's arrest, they can sign the 'citizen's arrest' form that the peace officer has in his car. Of course, if it turns out that the accusation is false (and therefore a false arrest) ALL the liability falls on the person that signed the form. If the cop is a good one, he'll warn you if he thinks you're making a mistake. So, be wary of detaining someone, then signing them into custody on the basis of a citizen's arrest form -- if you can't prove your case, you could lose your shirt. -POC \- look the law is more likely to work in the case of serious offenses and against people \_ serious offenses? like, say, felonies? felony != misdemeanor. who are not "judgement proof"... either because they have money, they have informal or formal reputations etc. this is even more the case with "de minimus" one shot economic stuff. what ever happened with sloda' LA vigilante who went after the bus driver or whatever it was. --psb \_ reread, please. Police can make an arrest for possible felonies without being there to witness the crime. it's not very complicated. -POC \- i'm talking about pratical outcomes, not what is theoretically possible. after my car was stolen the people who stole it left a time stamped receipt for a jack in the box drive thru where i am sure they have a video camera. i am also sure the police have no interest in pursuing this one i got my car back. the above was (clearly i thought) a general comment on minor minor crimes [broken window]. --psb |
2005/3/11-12 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:36648 Activity:low |
3/11 What is the biggest, cleanest, nicest Korean market in the 415/510 area? \_ The only good Korean Market that I know of near Berkeley is the Koreana Plaza on Telegraph in Oakland. Just head south on telegraph to around 45th or something. It's on the left. http://www.eastbayexpress.com/issues/2005-03-02/food.html -jrleek \_ Second that. There's a hole-in-the-wall in El Cerrito but Koreana (formerly Pusan) is pretty much it. They have all their banchan boxed up, now, too, if you're squeamish. --ulysses banchan boxed up, now, if you're squeamish. I have opinions on their bulgoki, too. --ulysses \_ The best thing of all, which I found out recently, is that they're open 24 hours now. There's a Korean market in SF/Daly City area off of John Daly blvd that looks pretty big, but I haven't been inside. \_ I like how they have guys who flag the drivers around the parking lot as if the shoppers were landing 747s. |
2005/3/3-4 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:36503 Activity:high |
3/3 Steve Albini discusses food. http://www.gourmandizer.com/ezine/albini \_ Who is Steve Albini? \_ the subject of the best Wesley Willis song ever \_ Lead singer of Big Black (awesome band from Chicago, late 80's). Graduated from singing to being a producer. Cool fr00d. \_ I think you meant to say "really hoopy frood" \_ He also currently has an on-again, off-again band called Shellac. Highly recommended. \_ "Here is a recipe anyone can use to make a wonderful Sauce Mayonnaise: ..." That's soo cool. I'm gonna try that. \_ I tried this recipe a while back... It wasn't bad but is real mayonnaise supposed to taste like that? I'm afraid I've been spoiled by Kraft. \_ What did it taste like? Cream? A cross between Hollandaise and cream(ie. texture and richness of hollandaise, w/o the distinctive flavor?). \_ Sorry, I'm sauce-illiterate wrt Hollandaise. Texture was smoother than Kraft, flavor is dominated by garlic/olive oil/lemon juice. i.e., I could identify the component ingredients whereas with mayo, there's some alchemy going on -- preservatives probably? \_ You do realize that Best Foods/Hellman's is a more authentic mayo than Kraft is, don't you? |
2005/2/23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:36374 Activity:high |
2/23 Holy shit, this Sierra Nevada Bigfoot ale is strong. \_ It's classified as a 'barleywine'. There are better and stronger. \_ If you like barley wine, check out Stone's 2005 Old Guardian Ale (it was available in Berkeley Bowl a couple of weeks ago but given that it's a seasonal ale, it might not be available any more..) \_ I didn't know it existed. I thought it was just another beer but after my head was swimming a bit after only half a bottle I read the 9.6% alcohol on the label. The taste took getting used to also. A pretty serious beer. Bigfoot is seasonal too but apparently that season is now. I'll have to try some others. \_ By the way, barley wine is one of the few types of beer that can be stored for aging and drinking later. I heard people say that SN Bigfoot is specially good once you age it a bit (but I don't remember for how long, check http://ratebeer.com if curious). |
2004/12/21-22 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:35386 Activity:moderate |
12/21 Dating advice for the week: DO NOT eat Edamame beans at the Japanese restaurant! I had so much gas I farted several times. I don't think I'm gonna see her again. ARGGGGG. \_ You should learn the art of holding it. \_ Or the art of letting it out silently. \_ say "Please excuse me, I have to go to the Men's room" \_ HAHA, that's hilarious. thanks for the advice, too! \_ A likely story. It takes hours for farts to develop from eating soybeans. You're probably just flatulent in general. \_ He may be flatulent but you can't format properly. The penalty is death! 80 columns! \_ When I was in Japan, we ate edamame frequently, but only when out drinking beer. They were the standard bar with-beer snack. I think that the US appropriation as restaurant food is interesting. Maybe you've discovered why they aren't restaurant food in Japan. <snicker> |
2004/12/4-5 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:35174 Activity:insanely high |
12/4 Interested in killing time in Napa wine country to do some wine tasting. Can someone recommend a good winery there? Thanks. \_ Go to Sonoma. The Napa wine places are touristy dumps. Paying to taste wine is a nazi war crime. -John \_ We don't all have wineries pouring tastes of free trockenberenauslese in our backyard. \_ Doesn't wine cost money to make? It would make sense for people to pay something to taste it, wouldn't it? \_ It doesn't cost that much to make, but if there's a market for it then the winery is losing the revenue they could have had by selling it. \_ Ask yourself the same question about web browsers. \_ Ask yourself the same question about sampling ice cream at an ice cream parlor. \_ Civilized societies realize that wine tasting is a prerequisite to getting you to buy wine. It is an investment a vineyard makes as a kind of risk. You may try x kinds of wine before you like one enough to buy a couple of bottles of it. Imagine if dealerships charged you to test drive cars or if you had to pay a buck every time you tried on a piece of clothing... the whole "pay to taste" abomination comes from changing wine tasting from a part of wine buying into some sort weird-ass activity all by itself. It is about as king lame as it gets. YMMV. -John \_ Mmhmm. And all the places I buy food at let me taste before I buy too. By the way, your analogies are false because wine is consumable and cars and clothing are at least semi-durable. \_ I don't know how it works in the US, but showroom cars here (the ones they use for test driving) are usually sold every year here at a decent knock-off. Furthermore, when I buy food, I either know what it tastes like or don't care about the couple of bucks I'd lose on it. Compare that to the ~$2k my gf and I spend on wine every year--the guys we buy from know that the loss from opening some bottles (which they can then keep as samples for 2-3 days with good stoppers) is less than the cost of losing my custom if they were dicks about letting me taste it. That said, I can see why the Napa guys charge, now that it's a tourist activity. -John \_ Moron, most grocery stores *do* have free samples to taste when they get new stuff. \_ No, they don't. But granted, food stores do generally have a much larger product selection than vineyards, so it would be logistically more difficult. \_ Foodstuffs of a given brand/type tend to have a more consistent flavor & quality. And good food stores very often do let you try out new items or perishables. -John \_ Napa wineries used to have free tasting but the change is based (IMO) both on milking tourism AND the fact that freeloader winetasting tours became too popular in the Bay Area. Yes, it sucks. I blame people. \_ I know a life of crime led me to this sorry fate... but I blame society. Society made me what I am. \_ There are lots of great wineries in both Napa and Sonoma. Yes, you will have to pay at some. Wineries cannot pour $120 bottles of wine to drunk tourists all day long for free. Usually you can taste free if you are a serious drinker (e.g. make an appointment or sometimes ask the right questions while tasting and they will waive the fee). You should ask yourself if you want an 'experience' or if you want great wine. The two are often, but not always, exclusive. A good start would be for you to name some wines/wineries that you like or are familiar with. \_ I really don't know much about wines. I'm doing this to learn more about it. It's kind of like the Lonely Planet vs. Rick Steves approach to traveling. Lonely Planet is more of a reference guide where if you've been the Europe before, it would help you whereas Rick Steves simply plans everything out for you assuming you know nothing. Everything I've found on the Internet has resembled the Lonely Planet approach. I guess I need something more dumbed down. I'm interested more in the "experience" but would rather drink decent wines. \_ Instead of the internet, check out some good books. At the SF main library, many years ago, I found this incredibly helpful book (it was kinda old even then) and it explained about the names of the grapes, the types of woods used in the barrels, etc. Actually, you could probably find out more just by talking to the people pouring the wine at the tastings (especially the older ppl). \_ Why bother, it all tastes like crap anyway. It's all just foo-foo bullshit that wineries make up so they can differentiate and charge for what basically is a commodity product. Like you are ever going to taste the difference between a '57 v. a '58 Chardonay, give me a break. \- there is a dramatic different between $5 and a $100 bottle of wine. that's pretty much objective. whether the difference is worth $90, is a subjective Q, as is whether you'd prefer a coke or water to the $100 bottle. \_ The person above obviously doesn't like wine. People *can* tell the difference. A sommelier is tested on it. If you cannot tell the differences between a white grand cru from Burgundy, a fine California chardonnay, and jug wine made from 'chenin blanc' then your palate is dead. To the OP: you are going to have to make some choice here even if it is just red/white. \_ With practice, I'm sure I could develop the ability to differentiate between gasolines made at different refineries around the world with different processes in different years by smell also. It would still taste and smell like shit. Whenever I meet an American wine snob they turn out to be a pretentious asshole. \_ So you don't like wine. BFD. I don't know why you have to be so hateful about it. I don't like men fucking my ass and yet if it works for you then great. \_ I've spent plenty of time around guys who like ass-fucking, but none of them have ever said the equivalent of, say, "If you cannot tell the differences between a white grand cru from Burgundy, a fine California chardonnay, and jug wine made from 'chenin blanc' then your palate is dead." I guess the equivalent would be to imply that my cock doesn't really work since I know nothing of the finer points of ass-fucking, with the implication that I'm also uncultured because of my ass fucking deficit. Yet I have never heard that sort of elitist horseshit from any of the ass fuckers I have ever known. Fuck all wine snobs. \_ You sound like someone in need of a good ass fucking. \_ That's not an elitist comment. Anyone with with working tastebuds can tell the difference between those wines, although I wouldn't expect them to be able to tell which is which. PP's comment, translated to condiments would be "If you can't tell the difference between ketchup, mustard and mayonaise, your palate is dead." You seem to have a big chip on your shoulder. Certainly there are big wine snobs but just because someone knows and likes wine that does not make them an elitist snob. -!pp \_ I never said that liking wine or even being an expert on wine made someone an elitist snob. I said I hate wine snobs. Past threads have shown that the motd is full of dickhead culture snobs on several subjects, including wine. I saw an opportunity to tell them to fuck off and I took it. \_ I asked a question not long ago about authentic Italian restaurants and you (the real dickhead) accuse me of being a culture snob. What I didn't tell you was that I was asking for my friends who are Italian who are sick of "Italian restaurants" in this country who want something closer to their homeland. Instead of going around accusing others of being culture snobs, why don't you provide some useful info. \_ Well, I guess you've outed me as a misanthrope. I loathe humanity, and unless you're an AI that means you. So fuck off. \_ You know, from all the wine folk I've met, it seems they're just about the nicest people around. I've met far more arrogant elitist snobs in the sciences, business, and computers than in enology. \_ Correct usage of esoteric technical word: +2 points. |
2004/11/24-26 [Reference/Celebration, Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:35062 Activity:moderate |
11/24 OK, I'm a WASP and I've only ever had Thanksgiving dinner with other WASPs. What are some ethnic things other people like to have on Thanksgiving? I'm kinda curious. \_ "To serve man" -John \_ Thanksgiving is not an Anglo thing. Just ask anyone from Great Britian. :p It's a pure American holidy, and for the most part, we don't do anything other than glad to have couple days off :p \_ We have this dish called "turkey". It is a very big bird and we prepare it by roasting it in an oven. We also have corn, sometimes on the cobb, and there's always the smoked ham we get from Costco. -williamc \_ tamales. \_ We WASCatholics do much the same thing, but then we drink. \_ Well we put out the good wine on Thanksgiving. -opWASP \_ From a bottle? \_ with a cork! \_ Twist off caps are going to be the hot thing soon \_ oooh... \_ Pff... 2 years ago we had a ~20 y.o. bottle of Stag's Leap Cab. Sauv. -op \_ Turducken. mmmmm \_ I just heard about Turducken during a recent trip to Texas, where are you from? \_ My family is traditional w/ Thanksgiving, but Persian friends of ours sometimes make a sweet walnut stew or sour cranberry rice. Both seem somewhat Thanksgiving-compatible. \_ See, this is the kind of thing I was asking about. -op \_ My family is Chinese American. Just about the only thing we do that's different is instead of stuffing (which we all think is gross), we use sticky rice. \_ Inside the turkey? \_ Navajo. My parents make some food and we take it to the shelter to feed most of the homeless people who live there. Sometimes when it's a wasp guy, I think, "I bet this is what it felt like back then." And then I think of my slaughtered people and spit in their food when they're not looking. I did that alot when I worked in a restaurant in high school. \_ Geee! Now there's a mature attitude to take! Spitting in someone's food plate, when you're there to help. Stupid fucking moron. Oh yeah, I bet the guy whose plate you spat on killed 100 indians, right? -non-WASP \_ It was really mature of the white people to give Indians nice warm blankets laced with small pox back in the day. \_ Is this the first ever Native American race troll on the MOTD? \_ As a WASP you must atone for your racist imperialist history. \_ My in-laws, who are Vietnamese, just eat normal Vietnamese food. \_ Good to know, I'll be keeping my pets indoors today. |
2004/8/13 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:32884 Activity:kinda low |
8/12 R.I.P. Julia Child. Pour out some wine on the ground in respect. \_ And of course, don't forget the optional heavy cream for added richness. \_ "A bit of cream at the end is a nourishing touch, but by no means necessary." -- Julia Child from The Way to Cook |
2004/6/16 [Recreation/Activities, Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:30831 Activity:very high 66%like:34588 |
6/16 KISS MY ASS, LAKERS!!! \_ Yah -- it made my day when the lakers went down in flames. \_ No one cares. Sorry. Sports just aren't important. Have some bread with your circuses. \_ Speak for yourself, geekboy. How's that wedgie doing? \_ How's the bread taste? Best circus I've seen since the one last week! Pass me a beer and a joint! \_ Bread? Dunno, don't watch the games. Don't smoke out either, so you're on your own there, too, Mr. Pothead Dork. I don't think you're as smart as you think you are. Perhaps you'd better stick to EQ. \_ thank you, NERFAMC \_ Ok, so you drink, you don't get laid, can't identify a bread product and watch a lot of sports. Big winner! \_ heh, let's see: assumption, projection, assumption, poor reading comprehension. 0/4. Big Winner! Keep trying, Dorkie. \_ *laugh* ok, how about this: you're anal, boring, drink, don't get laid with women, watch a lot of sports, like bread products and take it up the ass from your boyfriend twice a week. \_ I might take your moral superiority seriously if I thought you were in the peace corps, or donating all your free time to a non-profit, but in reality I'm sure you're just some geek into videogames, comic books, and sci-fi who just doesn't like sports. \_ What moral superiority? I never said I was better. I said sports aren't important. Sorry, no vgs, cbs or sci-fi. \_ The only thing better than watching the Lakers lose was watching the Red Sox kick the Yankees' asses in New York. |
2004/6/15-16 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:30811 Activity:insanely high |
6/14 Even better than ketchup as vegetable, USDA declares that french fries are a vegetable! Or is that Freedom Vegetables? http://csua.org/u/7rs (yahoo news) \_ it's like the Ents took a long time to decide something obvious \_ Ketchup isn't a vegetable, it's a fruit. \_ Look, a fruit bat! \_ Eric the fruit bat? \_ The USDA never said ketchup was a vegetable but it's up there with Al Gore Invented The Internet jokes. \_ They were considering classifying it as a vegetable for school lunches. The fact that they even considered it is enough... \_ 'They' consider all sorts of stupid things. I'll bet you there are war plans on a dusty shelf in the pentagon somewhere for what to do when Britain turns against us, invades Florida and nukes the New York and Washington. Just because it was considered doesn't mean anything. You take your government way too seriously, IMO. \_ Uh, the point was/is that governments suffer from dilbertesque idiocy and lack common sense. I don't see how you could grok that I "take government too seriously" from that. Perhaps you are projecting... I think it's rather sad that our tax money is being wasted on studies such as "should ketchup be classified as a vegetable." Apparently you don't. Perhaps you'd like to pay for my share in all stupid studies, because I'd certainly like a refund on my tax dollar. \_ I think it's worse than sad. I think government is too big and too stupid. I think our taxes should be 10% at most and all the stupid programs, welfare, etc, should go away. I also think it's a hopeless cause. \_ read the cia's own account of the government conspiracy to conceal the existence of extraterrestrials--even in the absence of any such ETs existence: http://www.cia.gov/csi/studies/97unclass/ufo.html \_ Ok...? But what has this to do with ketchup, the USDA and Al Gore's inventions? \_ It's an example of government idiocy which may appear somewhat sinister, but is really just plain old idiocy. hence it supports what the post one level up was saying, which was why i posted it. \_ Ah, ok. Thanks. I'll check out the link when I get home. \_ But he DID!!!! Remember the information super-highway??? \_ Remember the Alamo! \_ Wrong. The Reagan administation did propose classifying ketchup as a vegetable until public outcry forced them to back down: http://mimi.essortment.com/historyketchup_rlju.htm \_ Why do you hate America? \_ Yes yes some idiot always has to bring up some bullshit. Move along. I was there. You were in diapers. \_ obBothWaysUpHillThroughTheSnow \_ Off topic, eh? I said you were ignorant, not that my life was harder. \_ wimp. we had to fight sabertooth tigers for our lunch and access to the modem pool. This being before fire, clubs or dsl. \_ tigers? you had tigers?! jeez, what kind of goddamn wet behind the ears punks are they letting in these days, anyway? \_ This is accepted fact. Stop with your blatant attempts at mythologizing. \_ Accepted fact among your "thank god he's dead, I'm going to rent Taxi Driver to celebrate" friends. The rest of us remember the truth. \_ Wow. You are truly deranged. http://www.fact-index.com/k/ke/ketchup.html \_ http://fact-index.com? uh huh. \_ Wrong. Of course, this is the "liberal Washington Post" so I am sure you will discount it: http://csua.org/u/7s6 \_ Discount it? Yes, but that's better than simply deleting it instantly which is what you do when I post links to back my statements. |
2004/4/12 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:13155 Activity:nil |
4/12 Motd restaurant review: Liaison Bistro, Berkeley Decor was pleasant, if perhaps a little overwrought in its attempt to recreate an authentic French bistro(t). Service was polite and attentice, without being solicitous. Roast leg of lamb was excellent; fairly strong sauce complemented the meat nicely without overpowering it. Duck confit was very good. It was moist and flavorful. I would have prefered some vegetables in the presentation. Marinated artichoke was good and the presentation with citrus and fennel complemented well. Sauteed spinach also good. Not too special but well done. Desserts were mixed. Tarte tatin was good but not special. Side of rum raisin gelato went well. Crust was a bit soggy. Poached pear was poached in red wine, served with very rich vanilla ice cream and slice of puff pastry. Topped with excellent dark chocolate sauce, which unfortunately distracted from the rest of the dessert. Creme brulee had excellent custard with a lot of vanilla, but the sugar was too thin so it didn't form a stiff crust. \_ hello tawei. learn to indent. \_ I'm not tawei \_ restaurant/movie reviews with no attribution are worthless. \_ tawei hasn't logged in for a month \_ I haven't eaten at Liason in over a year, but I recall it was quite good. They had fresh oysters on the half shell as a specialty appetizer which was excellent. Portions were niggardly (no that's not a slur, look it up), but the meal was enjoyable nonetheless. \_ Oh dans, you are so smart and manly, can I suck your cock please? Pretty please with sugar on top? \_ Geez, you're really hostile. You should work on that. You'll forgive my defensiveness, but college professors have been kicked off campuses because some reactionary elements choose not to use dictionaries. In this case, it was the right word. -dans \_ college professor? I thought it was some city official on the right coast. Personally, I prefer Gregoire on Cedar. The food is comparable to that at Liaison, and, though not cheap, much more reasonably priced. Decor is, however, nonexistent. -dans \_ The portions seemed fine last night. Probably depends on what you order. \_ I'd believe that. As I said, I haven't eaten there in over a year. A lot can change in a year. -dans \_ So wait, Kinney's stuff is bad, but this excretion is ok? \_ basically, kinney's stuff is much longer, and he is known for it. personally I like his posts, though. \_ me too. |
2004/3/21-22 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:12787 Activity:nil |
3/19 How many beer bottles are in a case of beer? \_ 24? \_ or 12 \_ it depends on how drunk I am. \_ 12 bottles or 24 cans |
2004/3/5-6 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:12541 Activity:high |
3/5 Wired has an article about tracing meat (and all food) back to the source, and mentions Niman ranch. Does anybody know more about this place (eg, visited a supplier)? Is it a free range sort of operation? http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.03/start.html?pg=2?tw=wn_tophead_8 \_ Niman is as politically correct as a meat-purveyor can get without letting all its animals munch on grass. Chez Panisse gets most of its meat from Niman, if that means anything. \_ Is it really such a problem to let the animals walk around a bit and... I don't know, sniff flowers, have sex with each other, do what animals do? I'm not trying to sound like a smartass, I'm \_ duh, it costs more money just wondering if it's possible to get meat that was raised this way, and how to find it. \_ http://www.nimanranch.com Before moving to meat-packing nirvana (Chicago), I'd get grass-fed beef from Berkeley Bowl. The guys Niman's grass-fed beef from Berkeley Bowl. The guys behind the meat counter would be kind enough to give me detailed directions for cooking (temp not as high, time not as long). The Wednesday food section of http://sfgate.com has featured many articles on beef sources. Do a search for "grass-fed" in its archives. -elizp \_ what brought you to chicago? \_ My husband (login: fab -- yes, we're yet another pair of csua breeders) was a UChicago grad student while I taught at DePaul. -elizp \_ oh, I took a class at DePaul last year, and am thinking of a part-time MBA at UChicago. me detailed directions for cooking (temp not as high, time not as long). -elizp for "grass-fed" in its archives. -elizp while I taught at DePaul. -elizp What's fab studying at UC? \_ Walk around: Pigs and cows can do this already. They're not the most athletic animals, though. Sniff flowers: They are penned in high-enough densities that flowers get trampled. For there to be non-trampled flowers, they'd have to be kept in a large area, like rangeland. That costs $$. Have sex? No way. They are selectively bred. If they were allowed to breed randomly, you'd get traits that are undesireable in a food animal. Plus they are usually sterilized and/or segregated so they won't fight. Would it really make sense to have bulls or roosters fighting all day? |
2004/1/21 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:11858 Activity:nil |
1/20 I'm gonna be in San Diego for a weekend. Can anyone recommend anything cool to do or see (other than the SD zoo)? Thanks. \_ go to the movies? read a book? seriously, though. the Wild Animal Park out in north county is pretty neat. much different feel from an ordinary zoo. sea world is pretty much one big advertisement for anheiser busch. but, it's there. old town. pretty touristy. good mexican food. there. eat good mexican food. even the most run-down ro(x)berto's will have better mexican food than most places up here. stay away from mission bay park. it's nasty. go to belmont park, wander the boardwalk. coffeeshops have a much different vibe down there, are actual interesting hang-outs. pacific beach has a bunch of them. claire de lune in... mission hills?... is also pretty nice, they have a lot of open mics and poetry nights. la jolla cove is a nice place to swim. there are good bookstores on adams avenue, around the ken theatre. i haven't been there since i was a kid, but seaport village used to be fun. way back when. unfortunately, the best part was a fish and chips place which has since closed. maybe very bleak or very touristy, but who knows? maybe it still has class. \_Boy, you almost make me wish I was going to San Diego. Can you do this for other cities? If I had known that the motd was a travel guide too, I would have asked it lots of stuff before. Is there anything the motd CAN'T do? (besides ignoring trolls?) \_ You missed the two best walking neighborhoods in San Diego: Gaslamp District and Hillcrest. Hillcrest has lots of coffee shops and cafes and Downtown has tapas bars and Croce's, a Jazz joint. The Downtown Mall is a trippy place. The Elephant Bar is La Jolla is fun. Lots of dance places in Pacific Beach, they come and go all the time, so I can't recommend any specific one. \_ Isn't Old Town the same thing as the Gas Lamp? I was just in Coronado this weekend and had a good time there. La Jolla is another favorite. \_ No, Old Town is near the airport and Gas Lamp is downtown. \_ punany in tihhhhaaaajuana \_ if you can't get it at berkeley you can't get it in tj. once you figured out how to get it here you can get it anywhere. it's all the same. \_ Yeah, that's how I felt about your mom. \_ You can't afford my mom. \_ Go see if there are hot chicks at UCSD? \_ If you like good beer, visit Stone Brewing Co. \_ In an industrial park in San Marcos, North County, my home town. On the way to/from the Wild Animal Park. --erikred |
2003/12/28-30 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:11601 Activity:high |
12/28 A La Carte Restaurant on Dwight near Sacramento: Been there? Any good? Still open? \_ I have been living there for three years. Never heard of that one before. The two restaurants I know there are "Breads of India" and "Mehak Cusine", both Indian. The later is pretty good but I haven't been at "Breads of India" yet. \- Breads of India is often described by white people as "a good and cheap hole in the wall". the most true part of that description is "hole in the wall". you can look for my "cognitive dissonance theory of BoI" on ba.food. I didnt think A La Carte was anything special then again/that is why I havent been there for +1yr. --psb \_ I've never understood why race somehow gives one credentials to judge food. I don't go to a restraunt to study what authentic cuisine some some culture or another is, I go there to eat. \_ You can bring a whore to culture, but you can't make her think. \_ was that your idea of 'deep though'? keep at it. \- it's not a matter of judging authenticity in this case. in fact authetnticity is BoI's strong point to some extent. but going to an indian restaurant is a different experience for "white people" than someone who grew up eating indian food. i am sure dim sum is a different experience for someone who gre up in HKG vs someone who never went to dimsum until they moved to califonria from the midwest to do their master's degree. e.g. it doesnt bother my HKG associate to yell across the restaurant in cantonese to get a water refill, while whitey or psb might consider that bad service. i'll give you one funny example: the last 3-4 times i have ordered a mango lassi in the evening, it has been spoiled. this is really obvious ... it's like drinking sour milk. i have never seen a white person complain about this. also white people and indian people have different "population distribution properties" in terms of hotness. etc. --psb \_ there are so many idiotic aspects to your blather i don't know where to start so i'll stick with a minor one. It's funny how your definition of white is "not from india". I had no idea there were so many white people in China and Africa. \- by "white people" i actually meant people not from india, pakistan, sri lanka, pela, bhutan, sikkim and afganistan and not a uighur. --psb \_ Partha, you are one hot Indian. I've thought so for many years, you neo-hindu-con hottie!! \_ Hey partha can you write up an essay on the food preferences of other people, too? Did you start that ba.food about black people and watermelon? That was a classic! Oh yeah, like you, I also have black friends so it's ok, right? \- how long did you have to rub your two neurons together to come up with that? --psb \_ racism is as racism does (or posts threads). your post was really sickening. \_ Seconded. Painful to read and psb should know better. \_ I pity the liberalPC-on-the-brain fool who mistakes factual honesty with racism. \_ I'll bet you have a black friend, too. \- do black people like cheeseboard? --psb \_ Partha, it sounds like you've been to A La Carte. Do you know if it still exists? I'm looking for a cajun/creole fix, and the rabbit at Gingerbread House still has pellets in it. --op \- i was forced to go to the gingerbread house ... i dont think it does well in price/performance. but then again i dont like the complicated cajun/creole dishes. you should have gone to gravy's while they were still around. soul bros kitchen might still have alligator on the menu. [not that exciting]. --psb \_ It should be noted, however, that alligator does not, in fact, taste like chicken. It tastes like fish. \_ Best dish I had in New Orleans: shrimp and alligator sausage cheesecake at Jacque-Imo's. \_ That would make my taste-buds explode. \_ What's a "sausage cheesecake"? I'm having trouble with the visual. \_ It was kind of like quiche, actually. \_ The Gingerbread House is crap. Sadly, pickings for cajun/creole are slim around here. Tropix on Piedmont Ave. is okay though. And I think Soul Brothers Kitchen is now an Ethiopian restaurant. --chris \_ We ended up going to Tropix. It was exquisite. My wife had the gumbo, and I had the jerk chicken, and we were both well contented. And while I'm not usually partial to beer cocktails, their Bul was the perfect drink to go along with the spicy food. We have a new favorite place to take visitors. --op \_ Glad you enjoyed Tropix. My husband is from Louisiana, it's the only place he feels has "decent" cajun/creole around here. We have had better, but it has all been in the South. --chris |
2003/12/22-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:11562 Activity:high |
12/21 I want to buy some really nice fancy chocolate; what's a good place in SF? Other than Godiva, Ghiradelli. Like the fancy chocolate place they went to in NYC in Queer Eye. \_ support small businesses http://www.prestonscandy.com has been in Burlingame for over 50 years and is GREAT candy. \_ If you can mail order, http://www.teuscher.com -John \_ Go to Neiman Marcus, top floor. Ask for "La Maison Du Chocolat." By far the best chocolate you've ever tasted, if you're in luck. It often sells out VERY Quickly. Although, I believe the boutique store in NY may ship if you desire. In that case, just google, and look for the NY store(upper East side, iirc). They might sell directly online, but that would be from Paris. If it's too $$ or not fast enough, Neuhaus is _far_ better Belgium than Godiva is. I believe Macy's cellar has Neuhaus. But I would go with LMDC first, if possible. -nivra \_ Other than fancy packaging and European, are they really any better than America's own See's Candy? \_ I've got to assume this is a troll. Ugh. \_ Is there a difference between a Tootsie Roll and See's? \_ Silly customer. You cannot harm the Twinkie. \_ No one ever claimed the TR was made of chocolate. \_ In a word, yes. \_ In another word, wax. \_ I didn't realize that anyone local sold La Maison Du Chocolat; it's \- this is a real name and not a joke ... like say the fine purveyors of "crunchy frog"? yes, real name. surprised _/ you haven't come across their stores while in paris. would not be surprised if the name is "la maison du chocolat" from when they were in fact the house of chocolate. personally not particularly fond of their chocolates. usually buy from madame de sevigny instead if i'm in the pricey-chocolate-for-the-woman mood. obtw, thanks for pointer to nils. didn't visit the outlet with the hot blonde, but they made still quite good sandwiches at another location. \- did you have the reindeer sandwich? [this isnt xmas trolling ... that is what i had]. the best sandwich in paris ... in fact the best swich i ever had in my life is at le regency bar at the prince des galles in the 8ieme. not cheep--psb the one time i set out to find le _/ regency on your recommendation, i did not realize it was in prince de galles, so i could not find the restaurant even after walking the length of georges v. i have not had the time to repeat the quest the other times i've been in paris since. - tse, obtw oh and all of your names are being filed away for death when the revolution comes --psb \-Advisory for Garvitch: A fun paris food guide for Paris is E. Rubin: Gourmet Paris. For a longer stay, P. Wells: Food Lover's Guide to Paris. Other good s'wich locations are Cosi on R. Seine 6e, and (IAOC) La Maison du Cassoulet [I am not making that up] on R. Mont- orguil in 1er --psb the best I've found. I usually order online from their store in New York. Since it is their policy to only ship via next day air, it won't take long to receive (though that does add significantly to the cost). I'd suggest you start with their plain truffles. If you're intent on something that originated in SF, I've heard good things about XOX Truffles. Lots of people seem to like Joseph Schmidt's chocolates, but I've never cared for them. - alawrenc \_ let me just say Herschey's Pot of Gold sucks. \_ The Candy Jar, in SF. Their stuff gets resold at places like Nordstroms. Good stuff. You can drop by their factory store and pick up either the pretty packaged boxes or you can get a box of assorted seconds that taste just as good. Give them a ring to check hours and such. --Jon The Candy Jar Inc 2065 Oakdale Ave San Francisco, CA 94124-2040 Phone: (415) 550-8846 \_ has anyone tried cabaret chocolates? Were they good? http://www.cabaretchocolates.com \_ Depends on your idea of chocolate and your wallet. Some BA makers: http://www.xoxtruffles.com (SF) sells fresh traditional European-style flavored truffles (small irregular balls rolled in cocoa dust). http://www.jschmidtconfections.com (SF) sells fresh American truffles (chocolate shell, flavoring inside). http://www.scharffen-berger.com (BRK) specializes in dark chocolate bars. http://www.cabaretchocolates.com (OAK) are dark chocolate candies (not as dense as bars). The latter three can be found at The Candy Store on College, near Clarmont (across from the Safeway). The first can be found in SF but I do remember seeing a reseller on 4th St. next to Peets. Note that much of this stuff is the deeper dark chocolate flavor with less sugar involved. Your tastebuds may disagree. My family is partial to the XOX truffles... \_Scharffen-Berger is great...if your areever in Berkeley go on their factory tour (about an hour and free). Their chocolate is more like chocolate for wine lovers...very rich/complex. \_ I second this. I've tasted a hell of a lot of the world's chocolate and there is not much better than Scharffen-Berger, domestic or otherwise. They don't do much by way of chocolates though - just the pure chocolate. -- ulysses \_ Thirded. Scharffen-Berger is awesome. Kudos to mconst for first pointing it out to me. -- ilyas \_One of the best chocolatiers I know is Bernard Callebaut, originally from Canada. They used to have a store in SF, but closed because of no publicity. http://www.bernardcallebaut.com Pricey, though. \_ Valrhona and Callebaut are widely considered to be the best two chocolates in the world. Valrhona leads all chocolate in percentage of cocoa used (over 80% by weight). \_ Scharffen-Berger has a 99% one. \_ Unsweetened, of course, and for baking not for consumption as a treat. \_ I ve eaten it before. \_ None of these places hold a candle to Le Chat Bleu, an artisan chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. Famous all over France for having the best hand made chocolate. \_ It's fucking French, dude. You don't go to France for chocolate, you go there for cheese. Schober & Teuscher in Zurich is IT. -John \_ This report link from XOX says it's merely "acceptable": http://www.xoxtruffles.com/press/press15.htm \- does anyone else think "Leonidas" is a \_ This report link from XOX says it's merely "acceptable": http://www.xoxtruffles.com/press/press15.htm pretty weird name choice for a putative high end chocolate? --psb \_ It's Spartan, but delicious! See the lists on the bottom. I thought you go to Zurich chocolate, you go there for cheese. Schober & Teuscher \_ Don't be a hater. chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. Famous all over France for having the best hand made chocolate. in Zurich is IT. -John See the lists on the bottom. I thought you go to Zurich for bank accounts and watches? for bank accounts and watches? \_ Guns too. \_ Guns too. \_ This list is the "Greatest Chocolates in America". I am not sure what that means except that it excludes a lot of superior European chocolate. \_ Freshness, availability, cost of transport, and perhaps some bit of nationalism. \_ Yermom's famous all over France, too. \_ Don't be a hater. |
2003/11/10-11 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:11010 Activity:high |
11/10 I'm bringing a Triple Rock beer ball tonight. What do you prefer? \_ Is the beer ball an object or an event? \_ err ok in english: I am bringing a box of beer to the csua bbq Bug Juice: 01 |
2003/8/5 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:29233 Activity:very high |
8/4 What sort of food will change the color of various body fluids? \_ if you eat enough of 'em beets'll turn pee pink \_ Certain vitamin supplements make urine green. \_ if you eat enough of 'em beets'll turn pee pink \_ Asparigus makes it stinky. Vitamin C makes it REALLY yellow. \_ b12 makes it almost orange it is so yellow. \_ Enough wine will make your spit turn purple. \_ cantaloupe will turn your shit green, blueberries -> blue \_ and beets will make you convinced you are shitting blood \_ I don't know about color, but last time I ate really hot buffalo wings, my penis stings when I pee. Only time that happened even though I ate spicy stuff all my life. \_ that wasn't the food. that's an STD. get to a clinic. \_ And for something men will prolly want to try http://boom.net/aw?atJM \_ Just eat lots of pineapple and don't smoke. Rumor has it being vegan helps too, but I've never tested that one out. -aspo \_ that's just wishful thinking, look at your teeth, do you think man was meant to be a vegan? |
2003/6/12-13 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:28717 Activity:very high |
6/12 Goddammit, quitting caffeine (again) sucks. How the hell did I do it the last time, and how do I stay awake in the meantime? --erikred \_ Don't go cold turkey. \_ Too late. And now I'm a cranky bastard. --erikred \_ You *have* to. You can't slowly cut down. It never works. \_ How do people get addicted to caffeine? I used to have coffee and/or soda daily, but one day I just stopped, and I never really felt anything different. Was I not drinking enough? \_ Soda daily is not as likely to cause addiction. Two cups of coffee per day is much more likely. I got addicted when I started teaching (from zero to two cups per _morning_ in nothing flat). Also see: http://home.howstuffworks.com/caffeine.htm and http://home.howstuffworks.com/question480.htm \_ Ah ok. You take it all at once. If I do drink more than one cup, it's usually hours apart. \_ If you drink coffee, you've got a caffeine addiction. Try stopping and see how shitty you feel. Either that or you're getting it from somewhere else like massive amounts of chocolate. \_ Is this the same dumbass who said "no one drinks coffee for the taste"? \_ Not necessarily. I went on vacation for two weeks and never had a sip of coffee or soda and didn't feel any side effects. And I despise chocolate and most sweets. \_ Is this the dumbass who said "no one drinks coffee for the taste"? Get a life... \_ No and you've added nothing to this thread. Thanks for nothing. \_ Why are you quitting? If you want to zip thru the morning, eat half a melon for breakfast. Avoid carbs for lunch. If you crash in the evening, have a small cup of coffee to get you thru the last hours. \_ what does a melon do for helping you zip through the morning? Or are you just talking gastrointestinally? \_ Well, carbs are one form of brain food. Unfortunately, refined sugars zip in and then out of you too quickly, i.e. they pick pick you up, but then let you crash too quick. The carbs in fruit, like a melon, seems to be more time-released. So, at least for me, my thought processes and productivity were pretty incredible during the mornings. A low-carbo lunch helps to avoid having (or feeling) to take a nap in the afternoon. \_ Well, carbs are one form of brain food. Unfortunately, refined sugars zip in and then out of you too quickly, i.e. they pick pick you up, but then let you crash too quick. The carbs in fruit, like a melon, seems to be more time-released. So, at least for me, my thought processes and productivity were pretty incredible during the mornings. A low-carbo lunch helps to avoid having (or feeling) to take a nap in the afternoon. [corrected wrap] \_ Yeah like I would just make sure to take the final using the same drugs I studied on and it puts me in the same state of mind! \_ you are an idiot. -phuqm \_ Oh, thank you, guru! Tell me how else to fix my miserable life through your, populist/hippie/newage/media-hyped anecdote-driven, "nutritionalist" nonsense. \_ Believing it works is half the battle. \_ Why not just use crack? If you're going to be a drug addict, just do it right and stop playing around like a baby. \_ Wimp. Just fucking stop. \_ Oh, thank you, guru! Tell me how else to fix my miserable life through your tough-love method. \_ Kill yourself. \_ Would that prove that I'm hardcore? \_ It would improve your life. Proof is for the weak. \_ I've quit coffee a couple times, once was at the start of summer vacation, i had nothing to do and was too lazy to buy and make it for myself, (it was easy at the co-op) so i just quit. I had a headache for three days/nights straight, but then i was over it. The last time i quit i was working and the cold turkey thang was not an option. I did the gradual thing and it worked fine. for the first week or so i allowed myself one cup in the morning and then all the black tea i could drink. Then i went to just all the black tea i can drink, now i pretty much drink nothing but green-tea. I never had a headache, but i had desperate cravings for coffee, much worse than any i experienced when i quit cold (because i was at work, and I haven't had a job/school without chain drinking coffee since i was about 14). -phuqm \_ be a slave to your drug of choice! \_ I'm a slave to both my drugs of choice (caffeine and alcohol) but if i believe the populist-hippie-newage "nutritionalistis" like the one above then, hey, that's o.k. because green tea is good for me, so the 8 cups or so a day i drink are helping me stay healthy. -phuqm \_ Rice and green tea and living atop a mountain spinning prayer wheels and humming all day while mastering Bruce Lee moves will keep you healthy and young forever. \_ This is cool, phuqm, but I'm trying to quit caffeine, not just coffee. Sure, I'll still drink decaf (3-4mgs I can handle), but switching from coffee to green tea is like switching from crack to cocaine-- I don't just want to trade masters. ok, thnx --erikred |
2003/5/18-19 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:28480 Activity:very high |
5/18 Any recommendations for where we can take wine-tasting classes? Bay-area location. \_ Stanford has such classes. The pompous dickhead I work with who went there won't shut up about it. Fuck you and your spoiled grape juice. \_ If he was truly pompous he'd say how terrible the class was and point out all the instructor's errors and bad taste. \_ You need a class to drink wine? or men that way. \_ Why bother? Do some reading up on basic grape types and drink what you like. -John \_ Well, I suppose that you could meet somewhat affluent women or men that way. [formatd] \_ If you're playing host to educated people, it's nice to be able to order wine without looking like an ass. \_ Uhm gee, I'm educated but I know nothing about wine. I guess that Berkeley degree wasn't really worth anything since I didn't take the student run wine drinking class. \_ If you're host to truly educated people, you will look like more of an ass if you try to be pretentious and show off how knowledgeable you are about something as silly as wines--trust me on this one. Order what you are \_ Sure you are not gay? comfortable with from experience, and for god's sake, I don't know what problem people have with ASKING THE SOMMELIER. That's what he's there for. Or someone else at the table if you're not sure or he recommends the most expensive bottle (which isn't always the best.) It does not show your ignorance--I find self-proclaimed "experts" who grab the wine list while your group is ordering to be pretty insufferable. -John \_ Hmm. That's pretty decent advice, actually. \_ I find idiots who don't drink wine at all with their meal or who have a problem with me checking out the wine list to be insufferable. A great meal deserves a great wine. I agree that asking the sommelier is a good thing, though. Many people never speak to the sommelier and he can be a great help. Sommeliers are more helpful the more you know, though, so it's a Catch 22. Tell the sommelier your price range, what you are eating, and what you've had that you like. That will help. --dim \_ You find it insufferable that others don't drink wine with their meals? There are numerous reasons to not drink wine such as: religion, recovering, or you just don't like it. I find your attitude insufferable! \_ I find the fact you find it insufferable insufferable. If you don't drink wine you are a heathen unless there is a medical excuse. --dim \_ that depends on what your definition of educated is. \_ Who are you, Jesse Jackson?? Use a frickin' dictionary. \_ A dictionary, huh? According to the dictionary definition, I and most of my friends are *very* well educated. Yet somehow neither I nor anyone I can stand to be around is a wine snob. Because wine snobs are assholes. Some of them are well-educated assholes, and some of them are just assholes. But they are assholes nonetheless. I'll bet you think golf and sailing are sports. \_ Nope. Not sports. But at least I know how to use a dictionary. \_ % dict asshole \_ % dict dictionary \_ It's useful to have some guidance. There are so many wineries from different countries at different price points making wines with different grapes in different styles. A good wine shop might be a useful first start. Kermit Lynch in Berkeley is a good wine shop. Ask there. Also, you have a huge benefit in being near to Napa/Sonoma and environs so you can go taste on your own, although you won't learn much unless you schedule an appointment and go on a tour. --dim \_ Sure you are not gay? Try the castro. \_ Try UC Extension. \- Barrier to entry on california wines is about 30 min. Barrier to entry on french is like 10 years. I think it is reasonable to read something like the Wine-Dummy book and find out what the various grapes are, since CA wines pretty much tell you and the book will give you some sense of how they "map" to french regions. I think after about 30 min, diminishing marginal returns set in. --psb \_ Can't I just order a 7UP and just enjoy my meal? \_ Just order Italian Dolcettos - honest, affordable and tastes good. |
2003/5/1-2 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:28290 Activity:very high |
5/1 http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/05/01/farm.salmon.ap/index.html Now that I'm a vegetarian, I don't have to deal with BS like this. Best of luck to you meat eaters. -happy vegan \_ No, you get to deal with BS like the Organic Food mis- labelling legislation. labelling legislation. Lucky you. \_ Are you vegan or vegetarian? You know they color cheese too, right? Do you have to worry about your protein? -happy omnivore \_ they aslo color butter, not sure about Margarine. Natural butter is actually semi-transparent (like solidified oil as it should be) most of the time. \_ I'm vegan. I don't drink milk or eat cheese or eat eggs. No animal products. If you want to find out more, I strongly recommend John Robbins' Diet for a New America and The food revolution. -OP \_ How come all the veggie people look so unhealthy? \_ too bad veganism doesn't include knowing how to format motd posts correctly. \_ I'm a level 7 vegan. I don't eat anything that casts a shadow. \_ Level _FIVE_. Level _FIVE_ Vegan! You suck. \_ sorry \_ Is that like +7 Charisma? \_ as an omnivore I refuse to eat dyed cheese. Also the whole vegetarians need to worry about protein thing is pretty much a myth. \_ Vegetables and fruits have natural coloring in them. \_ ... and these colorings can often be used to roughly gauge the health or flavorfullness of a fruit or vegetable. dying farm-raised salmon so that is appears more "natural" just seems gross... not to mention deceitful on a certain level \_ Farming salmon seems like a responsible thing. No one would eat it if it was gray, but there's nothing wrong with it. --dim \_ There are problems and a great deal of research about it, particularly at UW School of Fisheries. The jury is still out. Nutrient loading down-gradient from the farms has been a particular issue as well as some concerns about escapees. \_ agreed. \_ You know, there's a reason why americans are so fat and sick. It's all about the food. You eat too much and also there's too much processed and packaged and "ready-to-eat" meals. If we all go back to our roots and start cooking from fresh ingredients again, we wouldn't be in this health crisis. -OP \_ Go back to our roots? You understand that almost everything in the market comes from another continent, right? That if we went back to our roots, there'd be nothing in CA to eat except fish and acorns and we're all outta fish! \_ BUZZ! Much of the produce you eat is grown in CA. Same with a lot of the meat and poultry if you buy decent quality meat. \_ Good try but only to a small degree and to zero for the more exotic items littering the typical veggie diet. \_ How is farming salmon any worse than you buying your veggies and lentil beans at Berkeley Bowl? You're still buying goods that have been prepared and shipped to you. \_ That's why I eat wild salmon. I've heard that the wild salmon who feed on plankton are more nutritious anyway. \_ Yeah! Support the wild salmon industry! -former salmon fisherman \_ Vegans are great, especially marinated with a red wine sauce and some vegetables on the side. (gotta love that corn fed beef). \_ Kids are better. Still soft and tender. So yummy! Not all stringy and fibrous like a vegan. \_ Damn it, you guys are making me hungry. |
2003/3/2-3 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:27581 Activity:insanely high |
3/2 Restuarant Review: Athithi on Haste. Great vegetarian indian food. The samosas and vegetables squares with chutney were superb appetizers. Also tried cream of wheat with veggies (excellent) and lentil pancake (not bad). All this stuff fed two people for $11.00 \_ wait, isn't Athithi on Dwight at Telegraph? \_ Where can I find an Indian restaurant that does beef? Cow tastes good, would be better with some of their sauces. \_ learn how to cook and make it yourself pathetic boy. \_ Who says I don't? But good restaurants do a better job \_ Why does a brother got to sign his name? I don't know, there seems to be some arrogance about those who always sign their names It is like saying, "Oh what i'm saying is so great and smart, i'll sign it and flaunt my great knowledge of books, movies, computers, wine, politics, etc." see tom, psb, etc etc than I, and it's worth my $$ to save my time. \_ Why not sign your name to this? Are you afraid of being sued? or are you a family member of the owner? --PeterM \_ Habit. Neither. -- mjm (op) \_ Why duz some broda' gots'ta sign his dojigger? ah' duzn't know, dere seems t'be some arrogance about dose who always sign deir dojiggers It be likes sayin', "Oh whut i'm sayin' be so great and smart, i'll sign it and flaunt mah' great knowledge uh scribblin's, movies, clunkers, wine, politics, etc." see tom, psb, etc etc \_ In this case, I asked the guy his name because now he can be emailed follow-up questions, and people who know his taste in food sucks or rules can weigh it accordingly. --PM \_ you prefer people who think what they're saying is so pathetic and idiotic they won't sign their name to it? -tom \_ I prefer that it not be an issue at all. -- someone else \_ of course it's an issue. there's a value to knowing the source of a comment. -tom \_ not "of course". not when some people put more \_ You're right, there is that tendency among a few. But fortunately, it continues to be the case that no one's forcing you to sign your name. value on the source of a comment than the text of the comment looking to start a flame fest. \_ the opposite is much more true; trolls posting inflammatory garbage that would be ignored if it were attributed. -tom \_ I beg to disagree. You sign 3/4s of the time and people (like me, duh) still reply to you for some reason. Drat. I just realized I've been trolled! ack! \_ who's preventin' de motd fum becomin' cliqueish \_ So you are flatulent? |
2003/1/30 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:27243 Activity:nil 63%like:27239 |
1/29 What's de difference between edyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol? I went t'a drug sto'e and saw products labeled "70% edyl alcohol", "70% isopropyl alcohol" and "91% isopropyl alcohol". ah' plum wants' sump'n t'wipe da damn skin befo'e some needle injecshun. (No it be not drugs.) \_ use edyl. it be sump'n ya' kin actually drink. it be safer. \_ blindness be cool. \_ If ya' duzn't know Buckwheat shit, den, shut da damn fuck up. de one dat cause blindness be Medanol. CH3OH \_ isopropyl be used as some disinfectant. \_ Edyl=CH3-CH2-OH, Isopropyl alcohol=(CH3)3-C-OH \_ Use hyodrogen puh'oxide. What it is, Mama! Wo'ked on mah' fro. |
2003/1/29-30 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:27239 Activity:high 63%like:27243 |
1/29 What's the difference between ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol? I went to a drug store and saw products labeled "70% ethyl alcohol", "70% isopropyl alcohol" and "91% isopropyl alcohol". I just want something to wipe the skin before a needle injection. (No it's not drugs.) \_ use ethyl. it's something you can actually drink. it's safer. \_ blindness is cool. \_ isopropyl is used as a disinfectant. \_ Ethyl=CH3-CH2-OH, Isopropyl alcohol=(CH3)3-C-OH \_ Use hyodrogen peroxide. Worked on my hair! |
2002/11/25 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:26625 Activity:low |
11/25 Anyone got a url to a photo of the Far Side cartoon, top half of the panel, nerd is sitting in bed, thinking 'Does she like me? Does she like me? Does she like me a lot? Does she like me more than I like her? Does she? Huh? HUH?' and the bottom panel has the girl sitting in bed thinking "I wonder if I like ice cream?'. It's "You know, I think I really like vanilla." or something like that. -ax http://www.gibberish.com/tales/101296.html |
2002/11/14 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:26537 Activity:very high |
11/13 Trivia: Anybody know any references to "angel in disguise"? It could be from music, TV, movies, just about all media. Chick offered me dinner if I could tell her where it's from. Please help, MOTD! \_ It's likely a bible reference lifted directly from the text. \_ are you incapable of using google? \_ I've Googled and STFW, but wanted to cull the collective consciense of the CSUA. Google found Brandy songs, but that's probably not it. \_ http://us.imdb.com/Title?0041124 http://www.altavista.com/web/results?q=%22angels+in+disguise \ %22&kgs=0&kls=1&avkw=qtrp -John \_ I've heard of devil in disguise \- er is it likelt to be pop trivia or something obscure/literary. assuming the former, probably an ELVIS reference. --psb \_ Her big hint: elizabeth shue, angel in disguise -OP help! \- it is a leaving las vegas thing then. i recommend asking "isnt E. Shue the chick who played the skanky ho who was sodomized in LLV?" Which brings us back to ELVIS. --psb p.s. are you an alcoholic? \_ google using elizabeth shue? Must be some romantic movie? \_ Leaving Las Vegas? Yup. Romantic movie. I suggest renting it the next time you want to get all cuddly with your gf/bf. \_ I'm getting lots of references to the movie the Saint with Elisabeth Shue and Val Kilmer. \_ What a farce: she considered Pi Beta Phi's to be Angels in Disguises Is that a reputable sorority? \_ Huh? \_ there are a lot of blond people in Pi Phi - danh \_ All this for a dinner date? She didn't even promise a BJ for this nonsense? Dude, seriously, find another chick. Avoid mind games. \- i dunno if it is so much the "playing games" in this case as the choice of LLV. if i am right, you owe me some answer lookups. --psb \_ Nope, not LLV. Sorority girls think different. But the audacity ... she 'spected dinner from me! One Top Dog, coming up! Thanks for all the help, MOTD -OP. \_ you don't really apreciate top dog till you don't have it. -alum \_ Or sorority chicks. -another alum \_ I concur. Spend a few bucks more and have a real dinner. You may not score, but isn't worth a few bucks to find out? \_ No. She's obviously just looking for a free meal. Don't get used. You don't have to buy sex at Cal. There are plenty of perfectly good chicks walking around who will put out without the games or the meal fees. Avoid the freebie meal mind chicks like the plague they are. \_ What? So you spent an extra $5 for a small meal at an cheap place and trap the poor gal into talking with you for the hour. Is it worth the entertainment value? |
2002/8/21-22 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:25637 Activity:very high |
8/21 Everytime I mention that I like Starbucks' coffee to someone they always make snide comments. Why don't people like Starbucks? \_ I don't know about you, but I think people are pretty stupid to pay 5 bucks for a 25c beverage. Then again, they pay $1 for 16 oz of water, which is practically free. Anyway, coffee isn't good for you, drink water. \_ I don't know about you, but I think people are pretty stupid to pay 5 bucks for a 25c beverage. Then again, they pay $1 for 16 oz of water, which is practically free. Anyway, coffee isn't good for you, drink water. [formatd] \_ personally, i just hate coffee culture and everything that goes with it, including the stupid ass coffee snobery seen below. all in all, starbucks is less infuriating than some of the indy coffee shops. at least there's room to sit. on the other hand, they are a symbol of the faceless yuppie strip mall that is replacing the concept of american community. \_ Cuz they have bad coffee. \_ Try Noah's Bagels coffee. Taste the difference. \_ Tully's, or any number of the downtown berkeley cafes... There are such better options than starbucks. All you're buying is the brand.. \_ I like Starbucks, too, but there are better coffee's out there. Sometimes the quality varies even within the same store, so find out who makes the best coffee, and go there when they are on shift. \_ Is making coffee really such rocket science? How hard can it be? --non-coffee-drinker \_ If you can boil water you can make coffee. The difference in taste of coffee is like the difference in taste in wine. It's a load of bs propogated by arbitrary connoiseurs trying to market what basically is a drug. People don't drink coffee for the taste, they drink it because they're addicted to caffeine. \_ and people who drink wine drink it because they're addicted to alcohol? grow up. \_ strawman. try again? \_ just using your comparison. Saying people don't drink coffee for the taste is an utterly baseless claim. \_ It wasn't my comparison and you're still a strawman whereas the person you strawmanned had lots more to say which you ignored. Now for my personal take on it: coffee is vile and disgusting. It reeks. It tastes bad. The only way someone could start coffee drinking is through peer pressure and the only way to continue on to that nasty "wakes me up in the morning" habit and the X-many cups/day habit is caffeine addiction. Try to stop drinking it without a caffeine sub. You can't. You'll go through caffeine withdrawl and get sick until your body recovers. \_ It's a combination of the coffee bean, the roasting method, the freshness of the grind, the water, how it was prepared, and how long it's been sitting around. Decent coffee, like many things, takes some effort. You can tell bad from good, but most folks can't tell good from great. And there's nothing wrong with that. \_ I guess it's the idea that like "real men go to local stores". For example, "real handymen go to ACE Hardware instead of Home Depot", "real photographers go to Looking Glass instead of Ritz Camera". \- real photographers buy over the net. this is generally more about price and what is stocked. this is not a good analogy. \_ Not every real photographer is computer-literate. Something like that. It gives them pride. \_ Because of the number of stores and it's distribution system, Starbuck's has less quality control than smaller stores. It does actually tastes worse than Peet's and a few of the smaller chains. That and their emphasis on pricey sugary milk/coffee combos means their coffee quality suffers. \_ "Gypsies, tramps, and thieves, but every night all the men would come around and lay their money down." \_ Good use for a Starbucks: http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2002/08/141433.php |
2002/3/25-26 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:24221 Activity:very high |
3/25 I've recently become vegetarian. I'm wondering after 20+ years of eating meat, how long does it take for my body to clean out the meat-related toxins? I've heard that our bowels often have undigested meat stuck in there. Thanks. \_ meat? Forget about that. What about your marble? Pitchford. I won't even begin to address the bunk below except to say that one of the many reasons that eating commercial slaughter is worse than eating even sprayed vegetables is that oil-based pesticides (and so many other toxins) bioaccumulate in the fat of the animal. \_ your gains as a veggie comes from less saturated fat and colesterol. But you may just be trading for different toxins. \_ I've read that it takes anywhere from 2 to 10 days. \_ How about all of the gum I swallowed as a kid? Is that there too? \_ You need enemas. Lots of enemas. Mine more enemas. \_ So instead of meat toxins you're going to ingest all the chemicals that get sprayed on plants? Good plan. So what do you plan to replace all that protein with? \_ Do you think that they even wash animal feed to get the pesticides off? Eating less meat reduces your exposure to chemicals. -- not a veggie \_ Of course not, the bugs would crawl back in if they did that. \_ Organically grown plants don't get sprayed with chemcials. There are many grains/beans that have much higher protein content than meat. \_ That's not quite correct. Grains/beans are often incomplete complete proteins, you have to learn how to mix and match them so that you can get all the essential amino acids. \_ Its not very hard to get the right mix. \_ although some of the best grains (e.g., Quinoa, which has more calcium than milk and more protein than meat, and is very balnanced -- are NOT EVEN GRAINS! they just look, taste and act like grains. WOAH. \_ So I guess you're getting it from the bugs like the below person says. Whatever floats yer boat. I'm guessing that peanut butter will become a bigger part of your diet. You'll note peanut butter is heart clogging and will make you fat. So are you going all the way and not eating honey either because they 'abuse and exploit the bees by stealing their honey and smoking their nests to steal it"? \_ I'm not the original poster. I've been a vegetarian all my life. I don't eat much peanut butter or honey (maybe one or twice a year at most), mostly because it is too sweet for my taste and not because of the "poor bees"). Grains and beans are a sufficient source of protein and are not as fattening as meats. BTW, I wash my food to clean off insects and dirt before cooking. Perhaps this is a novel concept for you, oh great hunter of wild beasts who eats the flesh of his killing uncooked and uncleaned. \_ So you don't care about the bees? That's really heartless and cruel. Why do you wash off the bugs and dirt? They add flavor and important nutrients. You state you've been a vegetarian all your life as if that grants you some sort of special dietary knowledge. Ok, I've been an omnivore all my life. Does that grant me special knowledge, too? And what does any of this have to do with "... oh great hunter of wild beasts who eats the flesh of his killing uncooked and uncleaned"? Nice attempt at e190 quality poetry but it has nothing to do with anything. I suggest you stick with what you know, beans and peanut butter. \_ Vegetarians live longer healthier lives. Many studies have shown this. Sorry to pop your holier than thou bubble. \_ And they get sand kicked in their face for those extra 2-3 years. Quality of life, man. Nothing beats good lamb. \_ well it's true they may have used a hatchet \_ White veal, yum! \_ True or not this is not a reply to anything I said. Why would you bother replying to me with this statement? You could have at least attempted to reply to something I said. \_ You said "what you are going to replace all the protein with" and "you are going to eat all those pesticides" as if being a vegetarian was bad for your health. It is not. \_ Yes, and? \_ From the insects on the plants, of course. \_ A good first book would be Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford. It's not a simple question to answer. The main thing is to learn about proper nutrition and stick with it! \_ wallgrep -4 guardian (today. -5 tomorrow.) \_ Good for you. \_ unless you were a carnivorous plant before, you will always contain meat-related toxins. your body makes them. \_ I heard your bowels contain as much as 5 lbs of undigested raw meat which, in time, will rot and grow maggots and oh my! \_ http://www.guardian.co.uk/Archive/Article/0,4273,4369605,00.html \_ OK, I'll bite - where around here can you do this? \_ lol \_ I'm sure you can find someone in SF willing to help. \_ i read about them first at: giant robot (ISSUE #22... "Haruki Murakami, Cambodia, Cambodian Shop Signs, Getting a colonic, and more. $6.00") i dont remember the details, but i think the guy was in l.a. and the people who gave him the colonic were korean, so you could probably find a place in the bay area. |
2002/2/16 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:23884 Activity:nil |
2/15 Woman performs TJ Hooker stunt. Saves beer. http://www.msnbc.com/local/wyff/A1078665.asp \_ Dude, she died! That's horrible. \_ But she saved the beer! |
2002/1/29-31 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:23701 Activity:high |
1/31 Three King Cake parties this week! This is a Berkeley tradition culminating in a chaotic parade throughout Berkeley on Fat Tuesday (February 12 this year). Costumes encouraged! Food, cake and drink provided (homemade organic beer and wine too) but bring somethin' 1) TODAY!!! 1/31 7 PM 2522 Piedmont #7, theme: GODZILLA AND THE MASSES (bring your own skyscraper, green feet encouraged) 2) Fri. 2/1 7 PM 2185 Acton at Addison, theme: ALIENS, LIVESTOCK & AMERICA THE MIDDLE 3) Sat. 2/2 8 PM 2951 California (just north of Ashby), theme: DRESS AS YOUR FAVORITE CONSTELLATION 4) Tuesday 2/5, all-day cooking & gardening work party, Humanist Hall, 411-28th St. Oakland btwn Brdwy & Telegraph, 11 AM on (bands at 7:30 PM, music all day) \_ This sounds like something a bunch of losers would do. \_ Yea, almost as bad as pointing pointless, contentless, worthless flames on the motd. But not quite. That's reserved for the _true_ loser... \_ Wow, that's like so, recursive. \_ Okay, I'll bite. What's a King Cake party? |
2001/12/10-11 [Health, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:23203 Activity:kinda low |
12/9 There's a malt drink in Germany called "Karamalz" or something like that. It's not alcoholic and I heard it's very healthy. Well healthier than drinking coke/pepsi at least. Anybody know the exact name? I'm trying to see if I can get it here in the states. \_ Kaiserdom Club-Malz? http://www.germandeli.com/4004591065048.html \_ Is that the fermented horse's pubic hairs I've been hearing about? |
2001/11/21 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:23065 Activity:moderate |
11/21 What does it mean when a person responds to an email or newsgroup posting and include everything the previous person wrote, but adds no response? It's so annoying. And I don't think it was done by mistake. \_ you should cc: sef@kithrup.com for added excitement \_ It's *THE* most offensive thing another usenet poster or email sender can do. You should go all usenet jihad on their ass and turn the whole thing into an endless multi-year flamefest and get the police, FBI and each other's employeres, universities and ISPs into it, because, ya know, hey, it's usenet, it must be important. \_ HEY! it IS important. where else do you go for the latest pics of britney's nipple?!? \_ Dude, it's a serious question. I didn't start a flamewar over that. I asked the guy who did that and he didn't respond. I'm curious just what exactly does that mean? Does it mean "hey everybody I've read this and I want you to know". \_ It was a serious answer. It means *nothing*. Get over it. Move on. Let it go. It isn't important. COLLEGE STUDENT! \_ They are practicing Zen posting where they reflect what was written and demonstrates it means everything. But they are on the wrong path. This path leads only to beer. Beer leads to liquor. Liquor leads to karaoke. Karaoke leads to suffering. \_ I don't know about you, but for me, liquor leads to a bottle of 30 yr scotch, a cigar, and two ho's next to me on my leather couch. Train harder, young grasshopper. |
2001/9/21 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:22563 Activity:nil |
9/20 Overseen on internal mailing list at work (seems oddly appropriate given the nature of the earlier motd discussions) : If you bought $1000 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49. If you bought $1000 worth of Budweiser (the beer, not the stock) one year ago, drank all the beer, and traded in the cans for the nickel deposit, you would have $79. My advice to you is to start drinking heavily and recycle. \_ That's very funny! :-) \_ If I didn't drink any beer I'd have $1000 instead of $79 |
2001/9/18 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:36331 Activity:nil |
9/18 Anyone listen to trance/techno/house/electronica in the morning? Its so awful. Just like Beer and Cold Pizza in the morning. |
2001/9/7 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:22342 Activity:moderate |
9/6 See the chocolate industry do their best to convince you chocolate is good for you: http://www.cocoapro.com/nutrition/current.html \_ GOD DAMN the Chocolate Industry!!11!1 They will pay for their sick, twisted ways in BL00D!!1 \_ can we sue them for knowing that excessive chocolate is not only addictive but also makes you fat and clogs up your artery? it is a health risk that people need to be more concerned about \_ "A chocolate bar, such as SNICKERS(R) or DOVE(R) Dark, has between two and three grams of protein." I assume they mean from the chocolate... I'd hope all of the peanuts in a snickers have more than that.... \_ I used to work with this redneck who would always hold up his beer and say "this is one porkchop right here!" |
2001/8/23-24 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:22227 Activity:high |
8/23 as for the napa comment-winetasting in livermore >> winetasting in napa. Wineries there are free, they are not rude, they are not all just trying to cater to billionaire eurotrash. \_ It's not hard to find free wine (V. Settui comes to mind), and I've never encountered a rude person in all the wineries I've been to. - Baron Karl Geunter Goebbels III \_ Rude is charging $2 for a taste of your lowest grade vino. \_ concannon vineyards in livermore is free, and has pretty good syrah. \_ shiraz? \_ It is very difficult to find vineyards who give free tastings nowadays. On a recent trip to Napa, I checked out over 5 vineyards who _used_ to give free tastings, and now they all charge. -nivra \_ I've been told that almost none of the wineries in Sonoma \_ That's correct. -crebbs charge for tasting. - mikeym |
2001/7/14 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:21798 Activity:insanely high |
7/13 What are the restaurants/food places you miss most from UC Berkeley? \_ Chez Panisse. Honey wine at the Ethiopian restaurant (Blue Nile?) \_ Wasn't this place extrodinarily overpriced for small portions? \_ My sole experience with Blue Nile involved cockroaches. \_ Santa Fe Bar and Grill, TC Garden, and Yokohama Station. \_ There used to be this place in Durant Square commonly referred to as "The Greasy Burger Place". \_ Originally that was Nation's - until sometime in the early 90's. \_ and then it became Golden Bear Burger before it disappeared \_ flint's \_ where and what kind of food? \_ bbq on shattuck \_ didn't they close down? flint's on south san pablo was better before it burned. \_ barney's \_ where and what kind of food? \_ shitty, dry, and overpriced hamburgers \_ well you CAN ask for the medium rare which helps a lot \_ The last time I went there, I did, but was told that they can't cook it any rarer than medium. I haven't been back since. God save anyone who orders a well- done Barney's burger. \_ I thought they just wouldn't do rare... \_ They didn't _use_ to be this way. And their milkshakes actually used to be generous. Ah.. the old days. \_ zach's \_ intermezzo \_ that korean bbq place and japanese snacks in same location \_ steve's house of charred meat? \_ I miss it for the H07 4ZN CH1X I used to eat there with. \_ do people miss sun hong kong? I know, the food isn't that great, but do you miss it anyway? \_ I miss it for the H07 42N CH1X I used to eat there with. \_ 5P3111NG C0RR3C73D \_ 5P3111NG C0RR3C73D [ 4ZN -> 42N ] \_ i only miss the mongolian beef chow fun and the seafood chow fun \_ I miss being able to get jook at 1:45 AM. -oj \_ yeah, open till 3am. BTW, there is a restaurant or two open near Ranch 99 pretty late. \_ have you tried the food at CSP? well, at least they're open pretty late \_ Which Ranch 99? \_ the one near Central Ave. off highway 80. \_ It's truly amazing how far that place fell considering how reasonable it was when it first opened. \_ fat slice and bongo burger (they had cheap yet decent tasting falafel) \_ bongo rocks. was in the area a short time ago. just had to stop in for old time's sake. \_ Bongo kicks ass! \_ Bongo burgers #1! \_ Anyone ever missed Stuffed Inn? \_ yes! I also miss Top Dog and reasonably priced crepe places. and La Mediteranee (the Berkeley one is way better than the SF ones), Nakapan, Cheese Board Pizza, and of course Zach's. \_ Yes & High Tech Burritto \_ In four years of school, I never once ate at High Tech. I regret it because my brother and his friends keep telling me how good (and cheap) it is. half the salary. for a while anyway. \_ Stuffed was OK, but I actually liked the sandwiches from Seven Thieves on the corner even better. Their seeded rolls are just amazingly tasty. \_ i miss IB's Hoagies and La Burrita. LB because it was so cheap and decent and open late, and IB's because it was cheap (at first neway) and it's not easy to find that type of hoagie. What's a good hoagie place in south bay? the one in mccarthy ranch doesn't cut it. \_ if you want good hoagies all the time, cheap , move to the east coast. you will quickly realize, however that you have been screwd badly as far as fast food goes, though since all burritos are about ten dollars and totally suck. \_ What's a hoagie? \_ hoagie == grinder == sub == hero; regional differences \_ Yeah I miss La Burrita. It was cheap and had decent food. Best of all it was across the street from Bongo Burger. So I could have one for lunch and one for dinner. \_ man, you peasants ate some shitty food in your time at Berkeley. Me...? I miss little Chicago deep dish pizza in its prime as a competitor to Zachary's. Tasty deep dish, and cheaper than Zach's too. It's still there on University, but they've gone downhill. Don't know about West Coast pizza as a favorite late night delivery hole (they operate out of the same kitchen). ahh...the good old days. and not so long ago. working life, aside from the money, hella sucks, don't you all think? \_ well it's not so much the working life, but more that i have to actually pay for everything and hence work. i work more than i want to...tech jobs are hard to do part time. i wish i could just work half the time for half the salary. for a while anyway. that would rock. or even 60%...3 days work, 4 days off \_ Your wife might not appreciate your lackadaisical ways, especially if it affects the amount of alimony she gets after the divorce. \_ Too much pizza is *very* unhealthy as I discovered sophomore year. That's when I switched to La Burrita and Bongo Burger. They were about all I could afford as I was working to put myself through school. As far as working is concerned, I rather like it, but I've probably been quite lucky (I was with cisco during \_ before my time, $0.99 for one slice of cheese was the cheapest I remember (I guess its sub one dollar) the boom years and one of the companies I worked for was acquired by sun) so I haven't developed a dislike for working. \- anyone miss Heidelberg [chinese-german]? i guess i miss the silver ball and the comic book store that was across the street. how can you seriously miss sun hk or la burrita? i miss sub one dollar arnell's slices. --psb \_ before my time, $0.99 coupon for a slice of cheese at Fat Slice is the cheapest I can remember. (I guess it is technically sub one dollar) \_ it's hard to jusdge inflation by fatslice prices, since i think they only increase in 25 cent increments. \_ That's like over 15 years ago! Sheesh, youre OLD. \_ Old Motd Saying: PSB is older than OCFs equipment \_ what about those baked potato huts on sproul plaza? Do they still have those today? \_ I'm surprised no one has mentioned Fat Slice or Blondie's. \_ Fat Slice is mentioned above (along with Bongo Burger) \_ You are? \_ My sole experience with Blondie's happened the second day of freshman year. I was about to walk into Blondie's when I bumped into my cousin. I asked her if she wanted get a slice of pizza at this place and she said she didn't care much for cockroach as a topping. I never set foot in that place. Years later I was told by a friend that he found a cockroach shell in a slice of pizza from Blondie's and I was glad I never ate there. \_ Top Dog... also Misha's from Durant Square (back when they served their spicy chicken sandwich) |
2001/2/12-13 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:20573 Activity:very high |
2/12 I am so screwed! I'm calling around, trying to make dinner plans for Valentines day, and everything is booked. Is it completely hopeless or can I save our relationship? \_ if you need to wine and dine your GF to "save" the relationship, then it's probably not worth saving. Cooking for her is much much more meaningful. Even if you can't cook a decent meal, the gesture is something she will remember. \_ by "cook", we mean candlelit dinner, silverware, several courses -- not incandescents, TV blaring in the background, Napster downloads on your counterstrike server. I hope most sodans already knew this, but ... \_ Get married, it will solve all your problems. \_ Dump her today. Get back together on Thursday. Take her out then. \_ I'll take her out, I can get reservations \_ You couldn't get reservations even two weeks ago. Plan earlier next time. BTW, the cooking thing is a good idea. \_ I was actually able to walk into a place that was reasonably nice last year. \_ Try Trattoria la Siciliana on College, they had space left when I checked on Saturday. Also, I just cancelled my reservation at Mazzani Trattoria on Telegraph--decided to cook instead. \_ You're doomed. Give it up or get married. \_ Lyon's or Olive Garden :P |
2000/10/24 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:19553 Activity:nil |
10/23 Can somebody recommend a fancy vegetarian restaurant in the bay area? I'm looking for something like Chez Pannese but 100% vegetarian. Thanks. \_ Long Life Vegi House in Berkeley (assuming it's still there) is not quite as fancy as Chez Pannise and they also serve seafood...but it's _damn_ good. --recovering vegan \_ you know, all those poeple who like long life vegi house must have been beaten as kids. The food is bland and unispired, even the pure vegi dishes. It is true white boy chinese food. \_ I've observed that many "vegi" only restaurants serve the most bland food on the planet and look at you as if you are a grotesque sea monster from a black lagoon on mars if you ask them for red pepper or hot sauce. I find it frustrating to eat americanized "vegi" food. - indian who is glad to have home cooking \_ it's pretty hard to be a vegan epicurean... \_ it's not very hard to be a fucking moron -pld \_ Gosh that was a useful comment. \_ case in point? \_ Consider yourself invited Chez Moi. I'm not professionally trained or anything but I'm not a bad cook and I love having vegetarians for dinner. -seano \_ You eat vegetarians for dinner! Damn I thought there was a law against that. \_ Actually, I prefer vegan meat; for breakfast and cold cuts... but all vegetarians go well with a compliment of asparagus bordelaise and a crisp sauvignon blanc. -seano \_ the joke was funny until you explained it \_ Interesting. Soda's own Jeffery Damlher. \_ He didn't exclude women from his invite list.... \_ is he like Jeffrey Dahmer? \_ and the nice smell of rotting food adds so much to the ambience \_ I heard of a restaurant called Green's. Don't know if it still exists or not. It might be in SF. \_ Yes, Greens. Don't go anywhere else. It's in SF (Fort Mason). Fleur De Lys is also reputed to have a good vegetarian tasting menu according to Zagat. --dim \_ Fleur de Lys is a pretty damn good restaurant \_ Never been to Greens, but I have a copy of their cookbook, VERY yummy food, but note, Greens has absolutely NOTHING whatsoever to do with being healthy. A nice lean steak is probably healthier than many of their dishes. \_ Millenium - in the ground floor of some hotel in SF. (Almost vegan, but has some dishes with cheese and/or honey.) \_ millenium is for the hard core vegetarian or vegan. it rocks if you hate meat. in the abigail hotel on mcallister near van ness --chris \_ What does hating meat have to do with begin vegetarian? - vegetarian who does not hate meat, but rather choses not to eat it. \_ i meant if you hate meat, you'll like millenium. it's almost all vegan, they have seitan, tofu galore...so if you like the taste of meat, the meat substitutes won't make you too happy. --chris \_ I like the taste of meat and think meat substitutes are disgusting. Any vegitarian who eats those things should stop being stupid and just eat meat once in a while. If you are gonna be vegi do it right and eat stuff that isn't pretending. IT TASTES BETTER. \_ just for reference, i eat vegi fake meat because i like it, not because i hate meat or because i want to replace it. in fact, i've never tasted red meat before, unless you count the bologna i accidentally ate once when i was little that made me violently ill. -lila \_ hey, kind of like those peas i choked on that accidentally rolled next to my porterhouse when i was 9... \_ no, not really \_ Okay, its obvious that my comment was misunderstood. I'm a vegetarian who doesn't eat "meat" substitutes. I've always had a vegetarian diet (indian), but I don't hate meat and I'm not a member of PETA or anything stupid like that. I think that one should be free to choose to eat meat or not. There is no point in heckling people over their choice. \_ I don't think chris was saying vegetarians explicitly "hate meat." i think she said you had to be a vegetarian who hated meat to like and really appreciate millenium \_ saw a bumper sticker: "I Love Animals. They taste delicious" \_ Another: "If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?" \_ reminds me of the Far Side cartoons tofu gazelles while the Lions looked on. \_ Green's is a good suggestion. You may also want to try Joubet's at the end of the N Judah line. Vegetarian French-South African cusine. |
2000/7/18-19 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:18704 Activity:very high |
7/17 What is that restraurant on top of Bank of America in the city called? thx. \_ the Carnelian Room, http://www.carnelianroom.com \_ Thanks. Any ideas on whether it's overrated? \_ way overrated. ate there with my family. We all had diarrhea afterwards. \_ It depends how much you want to pay for a view. \_ the Dresden Room, http://www.thedresden.com \_ The Carnelian Room restaurant won't let you in without a jacket and tie, a policy I find unacceptable. Go to the bar if you want the view. -tom \-by and large avoid restaurants that move. this is a high school prom kind of place. if you want good food, go elsewhere. --psb \_ The one of top of BofA building doesn't rotate -muchandr \-"move or have a view" --psb \_ You don't own a jacket and tie? What the hell is wrong with you? \_ Whether I own them or not is irrelevant. Whether a business that I am planning to give far too much money to for dinner *requires* me to wear them is the issue. \_ You miss the point. It is thus: by making a dress code requirement, even one so minimal as jacket and tie, they can more easily keep out the riff raff and the few who get confused and show with jacket/tie anyway, at least won't be a complete embarassment and can be stuck in the back near the kitchen. By not dining at this sort of place... well nevermind. \_ i've never seen a riff raff at a restaurant. just old (or chinese) people with really bad manners. this reason seems bogus. \_ Ahem. Cough. \_ you forget rule #1 of conspicous consumption: try to consume out of your league. dress codes protect he consumers' delicate sensibilities from the horror of the tide of humanity being able to afford the same pleasures as they. \_ I like being protected from the horror of the tide of humanity. That's easy to spout off about form your dorm room's high speed line. Go out and see it sometime and get back to us. \- this is another "center of the universe" problem. let a thousand restaurants bloom ... carnelian room wants to have a dress code, let them. the food sucks and i will go to boulevard which has better food and let me in with shorts and flipflops and a tshirt. the ritz carlton dining room has good enough food to have been jump through sartorial hopps to dine there. --psb |
2000/4/23-24 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:18089 Activity:insanely high |
4/22 What good restaurants in SF do people recommend? \- is this a serious question? are you looking for "deals" or the best restaurants in town? taqueria san jose ($5)is a good deal. acquarello is the best italian place in town ($100) and pastis is a nice place in the middle ($50). there's a start. --psb \_ Cha Cha Cha on haste is really good cuban/jamacan food, on Haste near golden gate park. Long lines and no reservations, however, so go on a weekday. The best Ice Cream is Joe's Old Fashoned Ice Cream on 18th and Geary. -nweaver \_ How about "Thirsty Bear" on Howard/Hawthorne? Does anyone have any commments on that place? \- is this a serious question? are you looking for "deals" or the best restaurants in town? taqueria san jose ($5)is a good deal. acquarello is the best italian place in town ($100) and pastis is a nice place in the middle ($50). there's a start. --psb \_ Italian in Northern California sucks compared to the stuff you can get on the east coast, which, in turn, sucks compared to the stuff you can get in Italy. -dans \-have you been to acquarello? otherwise what is the relevance? i think this generalization usually applies most to low to medium "end" places. --psb \_ this coming from a man who thinks House Of Nanking is the best Chinese in SF. \_ Cha Cha Cha on haste is really good cuban/jamacan food, on Haste near golden gate park. Long lines and no reservations, however, so go on a weekday. The best Ice Cream is Joe's Old people's place. Food is best when it's a communal experience. Fashoned Ice Cream on 18th and Geary. -nweaver \_ a second Cha Cha Cha's has opened in the Mission, same food without the lines \_ no way, man! Mitchell's on Guerrero. \_ House of Nanking. IMHO, the best Chinese food in SF. The \_ Bwahaha! Maybe cuz yer gwailow. ambiance isn't too great (i.e. non-existent), but the food more than makes up for it. Afterwards, wander (literally) around the corner to Little Italy(i.e. North Beach), and get desert at The Steps of Rome (overly trendy, always busy, but tasty). Stop at City Lights bookstore on the way if you so desire. Makes for a nice evening out. -dans \_ Sucker! You enjoy standing in line to get herded into a cramped little hole that serves shitty, bland, tastes of generic sauces food? Look at the crowd sometime. Notice how it is 100% white. there is a reason. HoN may once have been good, I dunno. But if so that was a LONG time ago. \_ Name something better. Have a cookie, troll. While you're at it, sign yer name, twink. -dans \_ I like seeing trolls like dans use my "have a cookie line". Gives me the warm fuzzies all over. Tinglies up my spine. --fellow troll P.S. I like cramped dining. You get to eat off of other peoples' plates. Food is best when it's a communal experience. And even though your statement about the crowd being 100% white is flat out wrong, it doesn't carry much weight? What, white folks aren't allowed to have good taste in food? \-Eric's chinese, an otherwise pretty good restaurant, totally screwed up a dish once and when an associate of mine inquired was told "white people like it that way" [this was clearly a fuckup ... there was so much pepper in the dish, nobody could possibly "like it that way. although the conversation took place in chinese, given that 3/6 people at the table were white, you had to wonder if the staff person thought the "explanation" would not be translated for whitey]. --psb \-Eric's Chinese, ton kiang. --psb \_ let me guess, you are from Orange County aren't you? \_ My Chinese friends told me that my taste in Chinese food is like that of white folks. What does that mean? They seem to think that this is funny. - confused Chinese \_ You have lousy taste in food. Take the hint. --white boy who prefers real chinese food \_ re: Thirsty Bear. It's a tapas bar/brew pub. The food is ok and reasonably priced; the beer is quite good (esp. their wheat beer). It's now a SoMa hang out, so it's very crowded Thurs-Sat eve. |
2000/4/5 [Health/Disease/General, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:17920 Activity:nil |
4/4 http://www.milksucks.com/beersurvey.html |
2000/3/27-28 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:17865 Activity:high |
3/27 First donuts. Then pizza. What other college food groups (aside from Beer) are we missing? \_ YerMom. \_ Chocolate. Scharffen Berger opened a factory in Berkeley. \_ never thought of chocolate as a college food group (Stereotype warning): I guess because I'm a male who doesn't crave chocolate. \_ burritos? top dog hot dogs? Greasy northside food? |
2000/2/25-26 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:17624 Activity:kinda low |
2/25 What's the deal with the cronicle's almost daily articles about "Hip young twentysomething dot-commers?" There is a particularly hilarious one today... \_ what link exactly? \_http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2000/02/25/MN47093.DTL&type=food \_ Jealousy. Remember, these are late 30-something baby boomers who missed out on their own generation's prosperity. Maybe not so much jealousy per se as a longing for what they missed out on in their own lives. \_ No, it's just that Michael Bauer is an insipid cretin. -John \_ Essentially, all the interesting web/net stuff took place at least five years ago. But it wasn't until the creation of the web that any of the baby boomers took notice. And it wasn't until the creation of the web that any of the non-tech saavy Gen Xers (read business types) started trying to sell shit on the web. All the tech folks knew it couldn be done, they just didn't think it was an interesting problem so they didn't. Once the the bizbots flooded the web, it turned into something that baby boomers could appreciate, if not understand. For a particularly revolting article that highlights a) Baby Boomer fascination with essentially lame web stuff, and b) Yet another lame net startup backed by a bizbot that hasn't done anything either technologically interesting or economically feasible, check out the article "Hey, I Just Work Here" in this month's issue of WIRED. Also, note that, since WIRED's purchase by Conde Nast, it has gone from a sometimes technologically inept, but usually interesting and usually written with the right idea magazine to a consistently technologically inept, rarely interesting, and usually written with the wrong idea to begin with magazine. -dans \_ What I found funny was the implication that everyone who eats in these fancy rest. are "millionaires" or whatever, and not overworked corp slaves who get off work at 9-10p every night and are too zombified to do anything else but shove food in their face... \_ How times a month do many post-undergrad CSUA go to fine restaurants? \_ I got roughly once a week. -post-ugrad CSUA \_ I go out at least once a week, usually twice. -ugrad CSUA |
1999/12/18-21 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:17064 Activity:low |
12/17 Are there any delivery services, like takeout taxi, that deliver food from vairous restaurants around Berkeley? Anyone have a phone number or URL? -forest \_ Dominos. \_ Waiters on Wheels? Not so sure it serves Berkeley though. http://www.waitersonwheels.com \_ I found this: http://www.slip.net/~john/delivery -forest \_ http://www.food.com http://www.dine.com we've used http://dine.com, it takes a long time, but it gets done, sure beats driving across town to pick up food. http://food.com was recommended to me by a respected coworker, we have yet to try it out. --chris \_ good thing is wasn't referred by a loathsome coworker. |
1999/11/30-12/1 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Transportation/Car] UID:16975 Activity:low |
11/30 Does anyone know what the steaming factory next to the West Oakland BART station does? During morning commute hours there's often a very strong alcohol-like smell near there, so strong that if I forget to turn off the A/C in my car when I drive by there, my car will be filled with that smell within seconds. \_ It's West Oakland's natural scent (the smell of gangs and cronies) \_ They produce cyanide ther for the medical industry. \_ They produce cyanide there for the medical industry. \_ alcohol-like smell? probably baking bread for the day... \_ They produce high-test malt liquor for the indigenous population. |
1999/9/9-10 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:16493 Activity:moderate |
9/9 Friend coming to SF area, is interested in going to Napa Valley. What is a good place to go for free wine, good food, good atmosphere? How do I get there? Thanks. \_ in Napa, they're rude, and will charge you nearly everywhere for wine. $2/taste at Domain Chandon, $5 for a barrel sample at Silveroak. it sucks. Go to Sonoma - they like you being there, traffic is lighter, and tastings are generally free or the fee is rarely collected. -jor \_ carmel valley. less traffic, less crowds, just as good wine. \- go to AAA and get their wine maps. those have hours and and whether tastings are free. if you are not a snob,go to VI Sattui ... you can taste like 6 or 7 wines with a lot of sugar for free. --psb |
1999/9/6 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:16474 Activity:nil |
9/6 BBQ right now at 1419 Alcatraz (near Sacramento). Beer, food, and people are already here. |
1998/4/13 [Recreation/Food, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:13939 Activity:high |
4/12 My gf's birthday is coming up and I want to do the most romantic thing ever done for her. Ideas anyone? \_ give her... "the greatest love act of all." \_ Have dinner (McDonalds) at the CSUA lounge. \_THE GUY SAID ROMANTIC!! so make sure you super-size... \_ Watch a porno together and then you and some friend gang bang her \_ The Fully Monty! \_ Take her to Jerry Springer show! \_ One night with me, it doesn't get more romantic... \-well, i dont think there is a very large kernel of stuff that are "universally" considered romanitc buy women. except diamonds, due to the DeBeers conspiracy. anyway, i think you have to ask a more pointed question like "know a good place for a picnic" know a good restaurant in SF" etc. --psb, your romance counselor. \_ There are like websites and stuff. Search for romantic idea -muchandr \_ Asking for romantic advice on the motd? MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! But seriously, I'd suggest something involving food and a getaway. Mostly depending on your budget. EG, cheap: A nice picnic somewhere around the area (I personally like the Sonoma coastline.) Somewhat more expensive: A fancy, but not too fancy resteraunt. Really fancy: Some quaint little bed & breakfast combined with a really fancy resteraunt. |
1998/3/4 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:13757 Activity:nil |
3/4 Support the smoking ban! The smoking ban is an unreasonable peice of legislation. It is a ban. That means that there are no exceptions no matter what. The next step is to ban smoking in any room containing more than ten people where alcohol is served because that is just like a bar. Even if it is your home or workplace.-nesim \_ The ban does have exceptions: namely when the bar is operated entirely by the owners. If you want to die from second-hand smoke, you're free to do so. You're not allowed to have working conditions that force your employees to do the same. \_ sounds sensible. you're not one of those nasty smokers, by chance? \_ the difference between alcohol and smoking is smoking affect other people, where as alcohol doesn't. \_ How many drunk drivers kill people every year? \_ I am sick and tired of people smoke in public areas. If I died of 2nd hand smoking, I will come back as a ghost and take a fucking smoker with me. \_ Just one? \_ Bars aren't public places. Even without smoking they are pretty bad for your health. |
1994/6/12 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:31623 Activity:nil |
6/12 I might do another pizza-beer-cosmic-encounter thing at my place again, although i cant promise i'll be able to get to the store and get more beer. send mail if you are itnerestd for sunday early eve, and i'll keep you posted. --psb |
1993/8/10 [Reference/BayArea, Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:31382 Activity:nil |
8/7 I'm looking for a good liquor store in Berkeley/Oakland/SF that carries reasonably expensive imported wines and other sorts of stuff. You know, the kind with snooty cashiers. If you know of one, let me know or something. --blojo \-seriously, liquor barn in albany is actually pretty good. --psb \-if its snooty wines you want, theres a wine store right near Chez Panisse up on Shattuck. --karlb \-there are quite a few good quality, reasonably priced wines at Whole Foods (at the corner of Ashby and Telegraph). --ausman \- Also a wine merchant or two on San Pablo, near Gilman I think -payam |
3/14 |