3/15 |
2008/2/11-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:49123 Activity:moderate |
2/11 What's the best way to sell used video games. Most fairly recent. I'm never going to play these again and they are worth quite a bit. GameStop is a ripoff. Ebay is a pain in the ass. Craigslist is totally hit and miss. There has to be an easy way to unload these suckers. \_ You can have ease or a good price. Pick one. \_ I'm willing to sacrifice some price for ease. I just was wondering if there is a good middle ground I'm missing. \_ List them here on soda. You might get lucky. \_ A good idea. Looking at the few replies below, there may be a small but concentrated/local market here. \_ agreed. There are sites like http://cheapassgamer.com where people trade games, but that's not really all that different from ebay or CL. If I really didn't want to sell each game for less than a buck, I'd try CL first. If you buy a lot of games, some say the pay-for club thing at gamestop/ebgames actually helps. You can also try to wait for specials where they give you more trade-in value if you use it towards a preorder. I originally meant to do CL, but eventually gave up on the idea that I'd follow through with it and went the ebgames route. \_ Some other games stores will buy them. There is a good one near me (LA area) called Enteract. There might be one in your area. Otherwise, realize that GameStop is paying you less because they are less of a PITA than the alternatives and just deal with them. \_ I recently used http://half.com. Sold my Assasin's Creed for PS3 for $35 there. I called GameStop before that and they said they would have only given me $18 for it. \_ I've sold most of my games using Amazon. It is fairly easy and you should be able to get a decent price, esp. for new games. \_ I'll pay $15 for Dead Rising. -jrleek \_ Speaking of, does anyone wanna buy Forza 2 for the Xbox360? I'd be willing to trade as well. -jrleek \_ That's a pack in title right now, so there are tons of copies floating around. Anyone want to buy Mass Effect? -aspo \_ Crud. They still seem to be asking $40 for it at GameStop. Maybe I can trade it for a copy of Dead Rising there. -jrleek \_ You're a MARRIED MORMON with a full time job, why are you playing computer games? \_ 'Cos they're fun? Oh, wait, you were kidding. \_ I know this is a troll, but I don't even get it. What are you talking about? -jrleek \_ TV + video games = evil liberal influences. Just look at all the drugs and violence and crazy celebrities like Britney Spears. I thought Mormons are against evil liberal influences. \_ Doesn't procreating and having awesome through me thou will live in The Most Glorious of Glories with me for all eternity Mormon sex take up all of your time? How do you have time for video games? \_ Sorry, I don't think my wife would like me buying a game that features virtual orgasmic rape. |
2008/1/30-2/2 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Security] UID:49034 Activity:moderate |
1/30 One of my friend in china is asking me to sign up a world of warcarft account for him. I am not too familiar with this game, I am going to buy the game from Amazon, and use the CD-key to sign up an account. Do I need to tie my credit card with the account? Since the online game is fee based, I'd imagine I need a credit to get this to work, if so, then I'll tell him I can't do it. If I don't need a credit card, then I will do it. Does anyone on the motd play this game? Can you enlighten me? Thanks! \_ Friends don't let friends play the World of Warcraft. Mothers Against World of Warcraft. \_ Is this guy a "friend" or an actual friend? \_ Tell him you can't and let him figure out if you're wrong. \_ Sometimes these games allow you to buy a monthly usage card online but I don't know if warcraft requires a cc for signup or has the monthly thing. I don't understand why your friend can't just sign themself up? \_ He claims that he's in China and he can't sign up. How do I prove he's wrong? \_ 1.5 Chinese World of Warcrack players? \_ Go to China and sign up. \_ Remote-Desktop into your friend's machine in China, and sign up. \_ He can't sign up for US servers, only on Chinese WoW servers. There's millions more WoW players in asia than there are in the US, but they are all on asian WoW servers. \_ It's true. If you are a good friend, don't help him to play WoW in any way. \_ he probably wants you tot get a US version of the game so that he can get access to US servers. The Chinese version will send him to chinese servers. His play experience will likely suck due to more lag, but whatever. If he plans to go into gold farming there might be more market for his 'product' than if he were on a china server -- however that's against the game's ToS. Anyway, you can buy the boxed game and send it over. If you try to install and sign in, it will either ask for gamecard or credit card info to get the WoW account started. I'd recommend not taking that step. -ERic \_ He might also be trying to make a conduit account. I don't play Wow, but my understanding it that the Chinese Gold farmers nead dealers (conduits) on the US side to deliver their wares. \_ they have plenty of hacked accounts to do this with. \_ I can think of a host of reasons why a chinese person might want an account on US servers -- most of them involving some from of ToS violation -- but there are a few legitimate ones. Maybe he wants to play with US friends/aquaintances. I'm willing to give them the benefit of doubt. However, whatever you do don't log into the US game (sign up the account) with your own user information and/or cerdit card if you plan on handing the account over. This makes YOU the 'customer of record' -- the owner of the account, responsible for whatever mischief your Chinese "friend" wants to commit with it. -ERic \_ that's like trying to legitimize one's use of bittoreent because one uses it to download Linux ISO's, when the reality is most of one's use is really restricted-copyright mp3's and videos. Most likely the intended use of this cross-region WoW account is illegitimate. Gold Farming, selling gold taken from hacked WoW accounts, etc... \_ Very helpful replies. Thanks everyone! I am going to just say no. ;) |
2008/1/20-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Reference/Military] UID:48976 Activity:nil |
1/18 War on Terror: The Board Game http://www.cocktail.uk.com/shop/products/product.asp?ID=4288 |
2007/12/31-2008/1/7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:48877 Activity:nil |
12/31 I have a PSP UMD game (Wipeout) that won't load anymore. The UMD looks pretty clean, although the case is fairly beat up. Any idea what could be wrong? The PSP plays other games. |
2007/12/10-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:48778 Activity:moderate |
12/10 Fun games to play if you're bored: http://www.pbs.org/saf/1102/features/name_game.htm http://www.minijuegos.com/juegos/html/index.php?id=5974 Make sure to tell us what level you get to. \_ Level 10... I don't know shit about Africa. I would replay it but I don't want to go through the first 9 levels again. \- i think to make the quiz "better" they should 1. make the map bigger 2. maybe get rid of country shadings 3. not tell you what country things are in. e.g. if they say "city of york" obviously the only famous one is york->yorkshire. i suppose there are some more fundamental problem as well, but those can be fixed via the scoring system [like you error is going to be a lot higher via the scoring system [like your error is going to be a lot higher on a pacific island than something in england, or central america] \_ Level 11. Twice. -ausman \- I think to make the map quiz "better" they need to make the map larger, and maybe get rid of country shadings. \_ you know why people ignore whatever shit you have to say? it's all talk. "\- i think it's better if it is that way or this way." Well, wake up. No one cares what you have to say. you fix it, or you don't ... the problem persists. opinions and criticisms are dime a dozen. do something about it or shut the fuck up. \- yes, "it's all talk". what were you under the impression the motd was? \_ Level 11, both times I played. -ausman \_ Level 11: 440,086 points. Bloody South Pacific Islands. --erikred \_ L11 also, around 480k. hard to play with track pad ... I accidentally put Vancouver in SF and Jerusalem in the South Atlantic. The gave me a lot of Mexican resorts. \_ Uhm, wait, Vancouver isn't in SF? Damn.... \_ game flash countries country iq |
2007/11/4-8 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:48532 Activity:low |
11/4 I read of a game once where a a group of people either give each other smiles or frowns. If you get a circle of smiles, everyone gets a good amount of points. If everyone frown, everyone gets few points. If everyone smiles but one guy, who frowns, frown guy gets a butt-load of points, but everyone else gets 0. Sort of a "prisoner's deliema" game. Does anyone know where I can find a writeup of this game? Something more specific? Thanks Addendum: I just want a description of the standard rules. \- uh this is a little too braod/vague. this has been under discussion since at least jjrousseau and the stag hunt. the "standard" modern non-technical work is RAXELROD: Evolution of Cooperation. again it depends whether your interesting is (mathmetical) game theory, behaviorial game theory (read: psychology), applications to social science etc. you might search around for "repeated" or "iterated prisoner's dilemma". \_ Ok, thanks, I really just want a standard set of group rules. \- it's not so much "the rules" but the payoffs ... that's what you use to calculate the equillibria/um, normative strategies ... then you can analyize the empirical w.r.t. to the normative. btw, IPD isnt that exciting, but i suppose it is "the standard" starting point. something like the ultimatium game is more interesting, IMHO. \_ Ok thanks. Actually, I'm not studying it for academic interest. I was using it to play with my Sunday School class of 5, 11 year old boys. It seemed more interesting than hangman. \- you should enter an IPD tournament with the WWJebusD strategy. \_ I give you a..... SMILEY! |
2007/11/1-6 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Industry/Startup] UID:48515 Activity:high |
11/1 Intelligient writeup of Google's OpenSocial platform by Marc Andreesen: http://blog.pmarca.com/2007/10/open-social-a-n.html I got a chance to start working with OpenSocial before the public release as part of my job at Slide, and it's been a pleasure to work with. If you're looking for an interesting new platform to hack on, I'd suggest giving OpenSocial a look. Incidentally, Slide is hiring. Shoot me an email if you're interested in working for Slide. -dans \_ You are advertising well: "come work with that motd idiot." \_ Clearly, since you think I'm an idiot, you don't want to work with me. Since you lack the courage or the common courtesy to stand behind your opinion by signing your name I don't want to work with you. Aww, the feeling is mutual. It's like we're bonding! -dans \_ I think you're an idiot, I don't want to work with you, and I'll sign my name. -tom \_ No offense tom but I'd rather work with dans. At least there's a chance of getting IPO and getting laid. \_ Don't all those hot UCB co-eds want to get laid? \_ not to old grumpy sysadms. \_ "hot UCB co-eds" is an oxymoron \_ Come to Carnegie Mellon, where you won't find anyth\ ing if you don't speak Korean. -jeffwong \_ Come to Carnegie Mellon, where you won't find anything if you don't speak Korean. -jeffwong \_ Exactly, there are no hot blondes. \_ http://www.genmay.com/showthread.php?t=733919 \_ I forgot about our pole vaulter, but I'll admit some exceptions. That girl who posed for Playboy was hot. A dozen hot girls among 13K ugrad coeds doesn't cut it, though. \_ Karen was and is hot. -dans \_ HAve you snuck her into a bar yet? \_ I'm pretty sure she's of age, and, even if she wasn't, I don't see how it would be my place to do that. -dans \_ Seriously, we should call a truce and have a beer one of these days and see if we still think of each other so poorly. -dans \_ You don't come across better in person, imo. -- ilyas \_ For once I agree with ilyas. \_ Ouch! \_ Ditto. -dans \_ You come across worse in person. \_ My friends disagree. -dans \_ That's selection bias. -- ilyas \_ P.S. The "motd idiot" is one of the principal authors of an application that, according to current public estimates, has over 12.5M users. The M is for millions, not the roman \_ Update: 12.75M numeral M. -dans \_ I thought it was 12.5 Male users, which would be about right. \_ Everyone is hiring. \_ Not everyone has anywhere near the reach of Slide: http://www.quantcast.com/top-sites-1 I should further note, that just counting web site visitors lowballs our numbers spectacularly. -dans \_ you: http://www.quantcast.com/slide.com/traffic competitor: http://www.quantcast.com/rockyou.com/traffic They have more page views, and more views per visit which means they're "stickier" than slide. Mmmmm, fun with \_ Actually we went to great pains to make http://Slide.com *less* sticky. If you actually understood what we do, then you'd understand why that's a smart move. -dans \_ I've never heard of a business model where users going away is a good thing. Seriously, best of luck to you and your company. Done here. \_ Slide makes embeddable content. Create -> Embed -> Repeat. Note that our embeddable content feeds people back to the site. You're right, you are done here since you clearly don't understand what you're talking about. -dans statistics! \_ You should re-read the data. Actually we have more page views globally, double the uniques in the US and over 20M more uniques globally then they do. We have also managed to soundly trounce them on every platform where we have competed. You're right, statistics are fun! -dans \_ we are SO impressed that you work for the 400,000th Friendster clone, and that you think you're beating the 399,999th Friendster clone. Woo. -tom \_ Slide is not a social network. And hey, we're only bigger than Digg. And Craigstlist. And http://cnn.com. bigger than Digg. And Craigslist. And http://cnn.com. But, yeah, you're right. It's probably just a gimmick. -dans gimmick. Update: we dipped below Craigslist again. Bummer. -dans \_ You had me going for a while until you said you were bigger than Craigslist. I believe you are now talking out of your ass. \_ Believe what you like; the numbers don't lie. -dans \_ Bigger is a funny word. In what way are you bigger than Craigslist, for example? They have been making oodles of raw cash for years with a tiny staff and nearly no hardware. They have a proven business model. What's yours? \_ Apply to work here, and, if we're interested, we'll bring you in to sign an NDA and you can find out. I mean, hey, we were only founded by the former CTO of PayPal, and he clearly \_ PayPal sucks has no idea what he's doing. -dans \_ PayPal is a very political company and most of the original engineers became disgruntled and started their own company ... it's called YouTube. Read some of their employee's blogs on their former employee, PayPal. In short it's hardly impressive and mostly crap. \_ URL? I would like to read these blogs. \_ Yeah, YouTube is a PayPal cabal company. It was funded by the Founder's Fund, which is run by Peter Thiel, the founder and former CEO of PayPal who recruited Max to be the CTO of PayPal. Slide is funded in part by the Founder's Fund. Ditto for Yelp, and a bunch of other PayPal cabal companies. You may not find the engineering challenges that PayPal solved to be impressive, but then I suspect you don't really understand what PayPal is at it's core. Yes, PayPal does payment processing, but that's not the interesting or challenging part of the business. Fundamentally, PayPal is a risk-management company, and there are some pretty cool problems to be solved there. Also, I find it amusing that you write off a company that had a 1.5B liquidity event as crap. -dans \_ I think Youtube guy is engaged to the daughter of the Netscape/SGI guy \_ Their business model is to sell advertising through their widgets which users of friendster clones add to their profiles. I find the thing plausible but questionable given that they don't really own the space they are playing in and the widgets are dispensable/ interchangeable. How valuable is having an ad on that stuff and how do you measure it? How much would users or the host sites put up with? I'm not in that industry so, shrug. \_ Oh, that's our business model. Thanks for enlightening me. -dans \_ Oh. So that's our business model. Thanks for enlightening me. -dans \_ You could have just looked at: http://www.slide.com/advertise But hey, glad I could help. \_ It's cute how you see that and assume to have complete knowledge of our business model. -dans \_ I don't understand why you have a secret business model. Is it the slave trade? Drugs? Small arms? \_ So I used to believe that running everything out in the open was the smartest way to run a company. Working at Slide has made me reconsider that. Sometimes there's value to be had in playing things more close to the vest. -dans \_ So the advertising program is just a sham? I don't assume to have complete knowledge of it. I don't really understand how youtube or imageshack make $$$. I run adblock so maybe I miss things sometimes. Anyway, the advertising is obviously part of the model at least. Aren't all these companies based on ads? Isn't that why you care about page views? I can't see anyone paying to use these widgets. Really though I was trolling you for information. \_ Of course the advertising is part of it. -dans \_ Here's the fun part you missed out on because you think these numbers are either accurate or mean something: this is just a statistics game. The numbers don't mean anything. Here's something that does for those looking to get some startup money: your company has over 120 people on staff these days, right? Your competitor has about 20, right? When/if each company sells, someone hired at your company now will have a much smaller option package than your competitor. They can sell for half as much as yours (unlikely) and still make individual employees more money in the transaction. Like I said, fun with statistics, which btw yours are wrong. You: global views: 542,034,086 Them: 635,964,222. And as I said, your stickiness is way lower. Uniques are just people who signed up and went away. But I guess you have to find something to hang your hat on. this is just a statistics game. The numbers don't mean anything. Here's something that does for those looking to get some startup money: your company has over 120 people on staff these days, right? Your competitor has \_ That's an interesting number. You can look on our website to see if we've publicized the actual number. I can't disclose it under the terms of my NDA. -dans \_ Uhm whatever. \_ Um, yeah. Stop making shit up. -dans about 20, right? When/if each company sells, someone hired at your company now will have a much smaller option package than your competitor. They can sell for \_ Funny I explained precisely this to my last friend I recruited. Our grants are still big enough to be worthwhile. Also, you have a bunch of facts wrong regarding both Slide and our closest competitor. -dans \_ Ok, correct me. What are the facts? And if yours are 'worthwhile' your smaller competitor's should be 'more than merely worthwhile', yes? \_ If you apply, you can sign an NDA and all shall be revealed. -dans only half as much as yours (unlikely) and still make individual employees more money in the transaction. Like I said, fun with statistics, which btw yours are wrong. You: global views: 542,034,086 Them: 635,964,222. And as I said, your stickiness is way lower. Uniques are just people who signed up and went away. But I guess you have to find something to hang your hat on. \_ Actually those are the public numbers. I could also point you to Alexa numbers which are, compared to Quantcast, crap. Unfortunately, I can't point to our internal numbers, as they are way more accurate, alas, that's privileged information. -dans \_ Ok, again, you're missing the core concept here. I'll try again. Slowly. These numbers don't mean anything. You could have 10x or 1000000x those numbers. It would mean nothing. I'm curious: were you working during the last dotcom round in the 90s to 2001 or so? We believed all sorts of crazy shit then, too. \_ No, I think you're the one misssing the point, which is that when enough people use a company's products every day, you have to acknowledge that maybe there's more to it than just hype. For the record, I came out here in '97. I dropped out of Berkeley in '99 to start a company, and closed a $500K angel round literally months before the bubble burst. That company cratered, but it was a valuable learning experience. -dans \_ people used http://pets.com and webvan, too. \_ How many people used them? I seriously doubt either one ever got anywhere near our size. Also, we don't have the overhead of shipping 50 pound bags of dog food or running a shipping fleet. -dans |
2007/10/20-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:48399 Activity:nil |
10/20 Will Cal pooch the Big Game for the choke trifecta? \_ Poodles vs. Labs. Who is smartest?! \_ Border collies. |
2007/10/7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:48256 Activity:nil |
10/7 Odds on Cal pooching it and losing to both USC and at the Big Game? |
3/15 |
2007/9/21-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:48144 Activity:nil |
9/20 anyone get that Xbox game yet where you shoot your way through first scene in the John Woo movie Hardboiled ? |
2007/9/19-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:48120 Activity:nil |
9/19 http://www.fantasyflightgames.com is remaking Eon's Cosmic Encounters \_ Where was this announced? \_ I'm on an email list where they announced it. If you want I can repost the email here but it pretty much is what I said plus marketing fluff. -op \_ Hopefully it is better than Hasbro's dismal showing. |
2007/9/16-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:48082 Activity:nil |
9/15 I just got an old PS/2 (SCPH-30001R), and it works, except that it seems to take about 20 seconds for it to even start spinning the disk, let alone load the thing. Is this normal? Shouldn't it load the game right off? -never owned a PS/2 before \_ More than likely you have a dirty lens on your laser. If you open up the case you can then open up the disk tray (lots of tutorials online, but you don't really need them). Then you can wipe off the lens with a Q-tip and alcohol. The extra 20 seconds is from the laser focusing. -scottyg \_ Ah, thanks. So it is supposed to start right up? Cool. It's supposed to go right from the floating cubes screen to the game loading screen, right? I actually think I need to adjust the laser I already cleaned it. \_ I have a first generation PS/2 and mine never did that. It goes from the cubes to spining dots screen and sits there for 10-20 seconds before the game starts. \_ Oh, really? Hanging out for 20 seconds at the spinning dots is normal? Huh, I guess as long as it works I'll quit worring about it. \_ laser adjustment is primarily necessary for the first few models that had early laser failures where it had trouble reading blue PS2 discs and/or dvd movies. If it's spinning up and down and up and down, that's probably the cause. If it just spins up slower, it may be the drive motor. \_ Addendum: I timed it tonight, it takes 65s to spin the disk, then 10s to start loading. -op \_ That is waay too long. I hope you didn't pay for it and got it from someone tossing theirs. I've noticed that many online game accessory stores carry replacement parts for most consoles. Maybe you can find a drive for cheap? If you have the patience, I guess you can play until it finally dies. I can see if I still have the old PS2 that had the laser death if you want to try a bit of surgery, though I think I tossed it during my last move. \_ I paid $5. I guess I'll just play it till it dies. |
2007/8/23-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47725 Activity:nil |
8/23 Typoon 2001, and awesome free remake of the Atari Jaguar hit Tempest 2000. Currently Windows only. Try it out , it's a really great game. http://typhoon.kuto.de/download.html |
2007/8/20-21 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47674 Activity:nil |
8/20 http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1771556 |
2007/7/29-8/2 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:47461 Activity:nil |
7/28 LucasArts is releasing a Lego Indiana Jones game: http://urltea.com/1370 (techeblog.com) |
2007/7/25-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47417 Activity:nil |
7/24 http://www.wickedpissahgames.com/games/gravitypods/GravityPods.html Pretty fun flash game! What level did you get up to? \_ i got to level 14 then clicked on an ad URL. I lose. \_ i thought you win big when you punch the monkey? ;-) |
2007/7/19-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47342 Activity:nil |
7/19 Wow. Checkers has been solved. http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/07/19/1952211 \_ International checkers (which is a much better game) has a 10x10 board and rules that much culling much harder. |
2007/7/19-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:47336 Activity:kinda low |
7/19 For NetTrek fans - MacTrek, a Native NetTrek implementation for OS X (its a UB as well): http://mactrek.sourceforge.net/About%20MacTrek.html \_ Wow. It's been a long time since I played (like over a decade). Does anyone here know the origin of the term "ogging" to be a massive suicide assault? \_ Yes. Terence Chang (Exxon Valdez) started playing here at Berkeley, and then went to grad school at CMU and started a server there. The CMU guys are all weenies, so he played much more aggressively than they did, and there was one particular game where the server was full, and Terence joined as an Orion in one of the extra slots (Og) and started dooshing people with armies. One of the weenies, I forget which one (probably Rick) started messaging that Og kept coming after him, he was being Oggggggged. "Doosh" was a Berkeley term, coined by annoyed CS60C students to describe the noises made by Buen (Freeman) while he played netrek. -tom \_ Were you actually there for that game tom? As much as I disagree with your politics, hearing nettrek games in the Web or Evans 2nd floor are some of my fondest memories of 1991-2. -emarkp \_ I certainly heard Buen going "doosh doosh" a lot. The term kind of got coined in the GRIPES file, which was a world-writable file in the c60c directory that students could write stuff in. After a bunch of complaints, games were "banned" with a couple weeks to go in the semester. After the semester, a bunch of us (me, kube, oj spring to mind) had a game where we started up DOOSH DOOSH characters, and dooshed everyone in site, which is what brought the term into the lexicon. -tom \_ Awesome. I don't know if anything will match the fun/frustration of playing nettrek on diskless Suns. -emarkp \_ Trying to write papers on those self-same machines while roy and others were constantly renicing, xroaching, or meltdowning your machine probably comes close in the frustration category. --erikred \_ It used to take 45 minutes to compile out big ass \_ It used to take 45 minutes to compile our big ass app on a single Sun machine. Then we changed the compile process to distribute the compiles across both the web and the E260 machines, and it compiled in 5 minutes. The best part was watching the netrek players start cursing and yelling "LAGGGG!!!" when 2 or 3 of our compile processes hit their machines. \_ in the age of xtrek/RIP routing, the real lag was caused by "out of band" bttacks like routing the packets through MIT. \_ My memories are a little bit fuzzy but I was a CS60C grader at that point and I vaguely remember a message, it could have been from the gripes file or an e-mail, complaining about a "dorky guy with a ponytail constantly yelling out 'doosh doosh' in the computer lab" -eric \_ Exactly. -tom \_ http://www.netrek.org/about/akira-history-of-ogg.php |
2007/7/9-13 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47238 Activity:nil |
7/9 Using multiplayer Alternate Reality Games on the Internet to find solutions to complex world problems http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2007/07/10/alternative_reality_games \_ WE NEED MORE GOLD! |
2007/7/6-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Computer] UID:47197 Activity:nil |
7/6 Marta Domachowska: bustier than other Eastern Europe tennis players http://www.mfwweb.com/tennis/IW05/#Marta_Domachowska http://www.icelebz.com/celebs/marta_domachowska/photo13.html |
2007/6/29-7/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47118 Activity:nil |
6/29 worksafe http://www.playcornhole.org/president.shtml \_ I'm not going to a site called "play corn hole", no matter what you label it. \_ WORKSAFE! I SWEAR! \_ http://www.playcornhole.org/whatis.shtml "Cornhole or Corn Toss is similar to horseshoes except you use wooden boxes called cornhole platforms and corn bags instead of horseshoes and metal stakes. Contestants take turns pitching their corn bags at the cornhole platform until a contestant reaches the score of 21 points. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point." |
2007/6/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:47085 Activity:nil |
6/26 Cool little web game I found: http://www.astroempires.com Let me know if you join, I started guild "SYM" which should appeal to csua'ers... -John |
2007/6/16-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:46984 Activity:high |
6/16 article on chinese (gold) farmers --psb http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/17/magazine/17lootfarmers-t.html \_ I never really understood why people pay real cash for loot in these games. They don't take that long to hit the level cap and long before you're there you should have more cash than you know what to do with. And really, isn't getting loot and leveling the whole point of these games? \_ Becuase some loot is mind numbingly boring to get, and the only 'challenge' is putting in the time to acquire it. Take the worst case -- epic flying mount, which once you have the level, the only requirement is 5000g. You can 'farm' -- repeatedly killing stuff for gold, netting, say 50g an hour -- thats a 100 hour investment. Or you can just go buy the gold for real cash from one of these operations. But many of the 'best stuff' is not buyable, you have to 'earn it' yourself in big raids. But much of the raid design requiers you to get potions and enchants to prepare for the raid, and THIS is stuff you can buy from others (including farming operations). There are many who would prefer to raid rather than farm for materials to support their raiding. The guild Nihilum, who were the first to complete some end-game boss raids, admitted to doing this, at one point. \_ Ok, I can see how that goes. But it seems to me that rather than pay someone to do the 'boring' parts of the game it would be better to play a different game. If all games have parts that are (semi)mandatory but boring then maybe it would be better if everyone just stopped playing these sorts of games until developers respond. \_ OK, you get on that WoW boycott and let us know how it works for you. \_ I bought my copy a month after it started. I played for about 5 nights and just stopped. It was totally boring and I didn't even get to the point of grinding anything. \_ 5 days isn't far enough into the game to see any of this. \_ 5 days into the game was more than enough to see that it was a boring waste of time and effort. As I said I didn't get the "opportunity" to grind the game because it sucked too much to bother to get that far. \_ I don't know about pp, but my Wow boycott has been great for me. I save money, have more time, AND don't have to grind. I recommend it. \_ Me too. I play other games still, so I'm not saving that much time, but I get a much greater variety of experiences. I can play Angband if I want to grind. The social aspect of WoW isn't very interesting and requires large chunks of time to maintain. An MMO with more focus on player-driven world economy and power would be more interesting for me. Still hard to avoid the time sink effect in a realtime game world. \_ EVE onlnie has much of this. The problem is it is hard to find direction in their world. There is no clear path of quests and levelling to follow and puts of a lot of people. the "now, what do I do ??" effect. \_ Sounds like you are not tall enough for EVE. \_ I have read about EVE and yeah it's the one that seems closest however it is still based on grinding for resources at heart. At least your group can struggle for the most lucrative places and stuff. Still too much work stuff. In a single player game you can play someone who is really special, as opposed to superhero class 14881 instance 74941781, wait in line to kill evil overlord #4281 for the 654819th time. \_ "The Grind" is a design feature of MMOs. People enjoy MMOs for the same reason they enjoy exercise -- there is an endorphin release involved with delayed gratification. People who bypass 'the grind' perhaps crave adrenaline release instead. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/exercise.png -- ilyas \_ The Grind is an example of poor story design. A better idea would be more single-player quests. Hard to tell if this is a limitation of the system or the designers. \_ 'The grind' has nothing to do with 'the story.' Look at angband -- it's all grind, no story, and people play it. 'The story' caters to people who view video games like a book, 'the grind' caters to people play it. 'The story' caters to people who view video games like a book, 'the grind' caters to people who view video games like exercise. The grind isn't really a flawed concept -- it fulfills a need in certain sorts of players. Are 'one-armed bandits' in Vegas flawed? You need to get away from this "I don't like it -> it must be bad design" thing. Actually angband reminded me of another this "I don't like it -> it must be bad design" thing. Actually angband reminded me of another psychologically powerful feature of 'the grind' -- it relies on uncertain rewards, and so results in gambling behavior where you gamble with your time instead of your money. Delayed gratification coupled with uncertain rewards is powerfully addictive stuff. -- ilyas \_ If I understand you correctly, you're saying that the Grind is like Minesweeper. That's cool, but minesweeper is an opt-in activity, not one you have to play N times before you're allowed to play Freecell. If the Grind were option, if you could level w/o Grinding, I'd buy your argument. Since you generally cannot, I suggest to you that the Grind is used in place of good story dev. \_ There is no freecell, though. The grind never stops, you never get past it to get at some other phase of the game. If you don't like the grind you shouldn't play games with grind in it. Perhaps what confuses you is that leveling has two purposes in games -- it's a tool to pace content consumption, and it's (one of the) tools for grinding. Sounds like you are interested in content consumption, and that's fine -- there are plenty of games built on that. But that doesn't imply there is something wrong with the grind as a gameplay feature. A pure 'content consumption' game would be something like Myst. A pure 'grind' game would be something like angband (or diablo its derivative). Both are fine games, they just appeal to very different players. -- ilyas \_ Well, those grind games do have some sort of content: new monsters, areas, and abilities. So the gameplay does change a bit over time. This stuff is fairly minor of course, but it keeps the grind feeling fresh over time. Diablo also has a few high quality movies to reward you. In the long run it is simple gambling for random items as you say. \_ The new monsters are just like the old monsters with more hit points and they hit back harder. The new areas is just a bigger place to walk through, killing more play time. New abilities can change game play but not if it is just "spell damage++". I played several MMOs for years and just don't see the point anymore. \_ I don't see the point either, although I did enjoy Diablo where you could beat it in reasonable time. I was just pointing out that the different quests and such is content and takes writers and artists and such. I wasn't commenting on the value of it. \_ Most of this thread can be summed up by an exchange that occurred between me and a friend who really wanted me to get into Diablo: Me: "Liked D, but thought it repetitive." Him: (Ironically) "Ya think?" \_ The 'grind' in general is a means of keeping players *in* the game, in that they have limited developer time to design the 'end game stuff' and once players have it, then what? in a few days they get bored and quit. These games are subscription based, keeping them in the same game is how the publisher gets money. Unlike a pay to buy the game model where you want the players to burn through the game and get a new one. I don't really agree with the model here, but its what they do. \_ I suspect there will come a point where either someone designs a game that isn't like that and kills the entire current crop or enough people just give up on the MMORPG thing that the genre slowly fades away. I hope for the former. \_ I am taking bets that neither the former nor the latter will ever happen. -- ilyas |
2007/5/13-16 [Consumer/TV, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:46614 Activity:nil |
5/13 Has anyone tried using a 1080p TV as a monitor (games? presentatino?) How's the quality? \_ I'm using a 24" 1080p monitor works great. |
2007/5/3-5 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:46517 Activity:nil |
5/2 Make and FPS map of your HS go to jail as a terrorist: http://urltea.com/hbk (fortbendnow.com) |
2007/5/2-4 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:46505 Activity:moderate |
5/1 I have roughly $500 to spend on a "toy". The finalists are PS3,TiVo, Sirius or an High Def TV. I am concerned though; that the technology is still too new and the prices may drop further. Which one of these is the safest bet to be a good deal? Thanks \_ Wii \_ second the Wii, get 2 controllers and 2 nunchucks and box it out \_ $500 isn't enough for an HDTV. PS3 will drop in price. Tivo is only good if you have analog cable (the HD Tivo is more than $500). \_ PS3 will drop about 100 dollars in a year, good games for it won't really exist for about 3-6 months. Is that worth it to you? High def needs $1000 at least. The other two seem stupid to me but then again I'm not big on radio and I get my tv online. \_ PS3 is $600 not $500. And anyway there don't seem to be any great games yet (or maybe one). New Xbox 360 Elite is $480 though and has more games. I guess you should first look into an HDTV so that you can get the benefit from the other things. I don't recommend the Wii because there are few good games. It's fun for a while though. The Nintendo DS is fun. A 360 with Guitar Hero 2 etc would be a better "investment". Another fun toy to consider: a Glock 19 (~$550) \_ is there any small (19" HDTV) for less than $500? \_ at that size, it would be much more economical to just put in a HDTV tuner in your computer. \_ Dell sells widescreen monitors for $400. |
2007/4/25-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:46444 Activity:low |
4/24 Is it cool that Politburo is spending $600 on XBox 360, even if it is ASUC money? How about hardware that doesn't crash instead. \_ Video games are a huge recruiting resource. While I agree it'd be nice if soda wasn't probabilistic, having an xbox 360 in the office probably brings in more new members than anything to do with soda. \_ Do XBox 360s crash? They may be doing just what you suggest. \_ Seriously. Regardless of changes in youth culture, you can't put "played video games" on yer resume. I always thought there was an educational mission implicit in the CSUA's activities. \_ Nor can you put "ate food at bbq". Clubs are clubs. Social events are part of the club. A video game system in the office is a social thing. Previous generations had a snes and a ps2, this is about the same. \_ I have always viewed the CSUA primarily as a social organization; the goal should be to build community. Game-playing can be part of that, and game-playing has certainly been a large part of the history of the CSUA, dating back to netrek/nethack/griljor, not to mention the Risk tournament. I do think that the organizaton needs to accomplish more than it currently is to earn the credibility to spend a bunch of money on a game system. If the CSUA is viewed as "that office where geeks just sit around playing Xbox," and the basic business of the organization isn't being taken care of, it could lead to serious problems with the CS department and with the ASUC. -tom \_ Well said. |
2007/4/18-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:46364 Activity:moderate |
4/18 I can't hit shit with my dominant hand with a .22 How the hell did Korean Shooter manage to shoot 50 people? Did Chow Yun Fat train him? \_ Some people are naturals...I personally took a pistol course offered through my martial arts class taught by the same people who train FBI agents. AT the end we were tested, I got an expert level marksmanship (highest). I hit the target every single time (50 rounds)...only two rounds were not within the first circle of the target. This was all while moving, at varying distances. Note, I've never owned a gun before or since. I do have better than 20-20 eyesight. -scottyg \_ the sheeple just sat there waiting for their turn \- he did a lot of "hand exercises" \_ lots of CS. many victims were shot 3+ times, some in the head, which is what you do in CS -- shoot for the body while they jump around, and then for the head when they slow down. besides, most dead people were found in two classrooms, with him blocking the only exit (no backdoor). he shot a girl in the mouth. \_ What does CS stand for? \_ Counter-Strike \_ Unless he was playing CS on a Wii or with a Light Gun, I don't see how this translates. Your mouse is not a pistol. \_ ob CS + hands-on practice + some dexterity a friend who is a trained shooter pulls single shots between multi-second pauses playing a stand-up arcade game. I agree just CS is not sufficient. \_ Glock 19 comes with 3 15round mags. From the picture of the hollow points, and the statement of the gun store, he bought Remington HPs - the cheapest HP - because they come in qty 50 Most HPs are sold in qty 20. |
2007/3/30-4/3 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:46152 Activity:nil |
3/30 Batman Lego Game: http://www.majorspoilers.com/archives/1189.htm \_ If it's as fun as Lego Star Wars, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. \_ Totally, Lego Star Wars (I and II) were excellent games. You know what would be really k3wl - Lego Monkey Island. |
2007/2/25-3/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45818 Activity:nil |
2/25 Call of Duty 3 on Wii-- worst game for Wii, evar. The controls are unlike the other Wiis, where aiming and focus is slow, imprecise, and unintuitive. The jeep driving part is totally unplayable where you have very little control over the vehicle because the Wii tilt sensor has a 500ms delay. I loved CoD2 and CoD1, but CoD3 is worst game of them all. Don't waste your money on it. |
2007/2/23-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics] UID:45800 Activity:nil |
2/23 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr23tpWX8lM Lock Bumping. 90% of the locks can be opened easily with this technique. \_ O Motd, benificent, what locks are recommended to avoid this? \_ The video mentions Medeco and Primus \_ If you listen carefully, it also mentions Schlage. -dans |
2007/2/13 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45725 Activity:nil |
2/13 the few times I offer blow-jobs and he, swear to goddess, says "after the save point," and, really, all he has to do is pause the fucking game. that's when I stomp off in a huff because no sane man should turn down a blow-job |
2007/2/5-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45656 Activity:nil |
2/5 I told you the PS3 was too expensive and they'd have to cut prices. http://www.siliconvalley.com/mld/siliconvalley/business/technology/16589429.htm?source=rss&channel=siliconvalley_technology My follow-up prediction was that Sony could price themselves entirely out of the game console market pulling off a major crash'n'burn with the PS3 debacle. You heard it here first. \_ No no no. *I* predicted on motd that the PS3 would be a complete debacle before *you* did. Shut up. \_ Let me guess, you also shorted google. \_ No, I'd never short a company that won't reveal what they do or how they do it. I don't believe in magic or secret IT rituals. |
2007/1/16-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45548 Activity:nil |
1/15 Dear motd prediction guy, your prediction is WAAAAAAAAAAY off. http://csua.com/?entry=45214 I have personally been monitoring the prices, and it appears that in reality PS3 supply has matched up with demand quite well. BestBuy and eBay supplies are plenty, as bids from 12/25-now have been in the $600-$700 range. Wii on the other hand took everyone by surprise. Bids have cooled from $480 range before Christmas to about $350 lately on eBay. Moral of the story: It's not about pixel and superior graphics. It is all about fun and playability. PS3 has 10X better graphics, but who cares? Wii is 100X more fun. \_ Personally, I was really looking forward to the Wii, but I didn't expect it to be impossible to get. It's popularity has certainly caught me by surprise. Of course, it it boat-loads of fun. I'm curious how the PS3 will do when some decent games appear. So far the graphics are no better than the 360, and the games suck. \_ Slightly better graphics + same playability <<< Same graphics + superior playability. Sorry, but Sony really fucked up this time. \_ Wait, who do you say has the slightly better graphics? Wii graphics are clearly worse. Also, I thought Wii Sports was fun for a while but lately I just keep crossing it on the serve return and the other guy has no chance to get to the ball (because you have no control of the character). And at this point the only other games I'm interested in are Zelda (also for GC) and... yeah. \_ I have a Wii and it is 480p. How about XBox and PS3? Do both of them support 720p and 1080p? |
2007/1/15-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45547 Activity:nil |
1/15 Nintendo geeks, this is for you: http://youtube.com/watch?v=gPutYwiiE0o |
2006/12/26-30 [Reference/Celebration, Recreation/Computer/Games, Consumer/Audio] UID:45497 Activity:nil |
12/26 What did you guys get for Christmas? Anyone got a new car or Wii? \_ Eight new cell phones for my extended family. \_ Some pants from Banana Republic, an iPod, a nice tie, a nice bottle of scotch. |
2006/12/26-30 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Display] UID:45494 Activity:nil |
12/26 I just got a Wii and it looks bad on my 10 year old 20" tube. What is the resolution of RCA connectors? If I get a new plasma or LCD will it look better? \_ component cable will make it better |
2006/12/12-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45438 Activity:nil |
12/11 Anyone reccomend a way that a desktop and a ps2 can share a flat screenn monitor that has only a vga connector? I would like to be able to not to use my TV to play ps2 games and I don't have the $$ yet to upgrade to a ps3. \_ There are a great many products like this: http://csua.org/u/hor around. My sister has one she bought at Liksang, and she seems happy with it. Of course, Liksang is now out of business so I can't point you directly to that. |
2006/11/22-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45360 Activity:moderate |
11/22 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2964751562925463883 Video of PS3 vs. Nintendo Wii (kind of like I'm a PC, I'm a Mac) PS: Lots of bikini but no nudity. May o/r may not be work safe. And BTW it's better without sound. \_ this is work-safe only in O'Reilly's production studio |
2006/11/17-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45350 Activity:nil |
11/17 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/15757524 Nintendo Wii preferred by previewers over PS3. Wheeeee! |
2006/11/16-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Media] UID:45343 Activity:nil |
11/16 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-274981837129821058&pr=goog-sl&hl=en Coca-cola + mentos = explosion. Fun video. |
2006/11/11-12 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:45330 Activity:high |
11/11 Why is Cal trying to lose the game? Red zone, three downs, can't TD, why does it feel like the '90s again. \_ This game left a bad taste in my mouth. Cal didn't play well, but the Hughes interception overturned and Hawkins' ability to turn 2 TDs into FGs really hurt. Cal should have won this game, despite Longshore playing like dookie. So if Cal beats USC and Stanford, we can still go to the Rose Bowl, right? Same as \_ we? you're on the team? cool! it was before this game happened. BTW, I thought Cal should have gone for it on 4th and goal. What good does the FG do unless you're worried AZ is going to kick one, too? Cal needed the TD. Stupid Hawkins. \_ We needed two scores to win. If Jackson's foot lands one inch \_ You're on the team, too? That's awesome. I had no idea so many soda geeks played football for Cal on the side. Way to go sodans! \_ you're a moron. -tom \_ *laugh* one day 'we' hope to be smart like you. differently, we would have won the game because we kicked a field goal on the previous posession. -tom \_ Yes, but even without it Cal would have tied. The way it worked out Cal lost. Counting on a miracle drive to win is risky. I'd have rather gone for the TD. It's a lot easier to gain 3 yards than 88 yards. \_ We had just lost yardage on two consecutive plays, then almost had a pass picked off. Our chance of converting on fourth down was likely less than 50%, and there was plenty of time left on the clock (over 7 minutes). And in fact, we did get the ball back and we did have a really good chance to score. It didn't work out. Sometimes that happens. -tom work out. Sometimes that happens. -tom, bear apologist \_ Probably, but what are the chances of converting on an 88 yard drive when we hadn't gone on a drive all game? If AZ had made one more first down Cal wouldn't have even gotten the ball back. |
2006/11/11-12 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45324 Activity:kinda low |
11/11 What's a better game, GTA Vice City or GTA III? \_ If I ever get past that damn RC airplane task Vice City might be better. \_ this mission is much more fun once you connect a gamepad to your PC. I recommend the Logitech wireless rumble one. \_ IMO, though each of VC and SA have been technically better than "3", they've been less fun as the areas have gotten bigger and you feel that getting to know every nook and cranny of "the town" would take you for-frickin-ever. In 3, you could do so, and it was fun. |
2006/11/9-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45290 Activity:low |
11/9 French Minister thinks that video game makers should get tax breaks b/c they are artists just like film makers: http://mobile.iht.com/articles/2006/11/05/business/games06.xhtml \_ I think there's very little artistic difference between video game design production and movie production these days. Good luck getting US lawmakers to recognize that. \_ My vote would be fore revoking the tax break on movie makers. \_ Art-- you do something, but you don't make much money out of it and in fact you may die of hunger doing so. Game-- you work 70-80 hours a week on a crunchline set by your asshole PM and all the young kids worked hard for it and when the game finally publishes the game gets bad reviews and 50% of the team members quit in 1.5 yrs because they're fed-up and overworked and underpaid and pissed off and swear to never work at a fucking game company again. However SOMEONE is profitting from your hard labor so it's most likely not considered "art" \_ Hello, the comparison here was film vs. game, not the esoteric concept of capital-a Art vs. Game. \_ My vote would be for revoking the tax break on movie makers. \_ exactly -pp |
2006/11/8-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45264 Activity:kinda low |
11/8 What stops this from happening? JoeL decides he wants more than his seniority and chair position. He wants to be majority leader and have final say about what goes into every senate bill or he'll caucus with the R and switch control back. \- because then some marginal R might switch to D in return for other privilages. when yoyu have this knife edge balance, this is a real problem. it is a problem in parliamentar systems, it was privilages. when you have this knife edge balance, this is a real problem. it is a problem in parliamentary systems, it was a problem when JEEM JEFFORDS switched ... it's also a generic economic problem [look for "hold out problem"]. economic problem [look for "hold out problem"]. insitutions deal with or mitigate them in various way ... usually by evolving norms or agreeing to bylaws and such. \_ What marginal r? Joe isn't a D. He can do what he wants and go where he'll get the best deal. That's how politics works. There are no bylaws or agreements in place to stop this. [hey thanks whoever over wrote this, please dont] \_ i hate JoeL mostly because he torpedoed the GAAP and other financial reforms right after Enron. sigh... \_ He was also one of the leaders of "OMG violent video games! Won't someone please THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" \_ I lost respect for Hillary over that, too. Not just because it's knee-jerk and reactionary, but because it shows they aren't in touch with modern America... who plays video games.. aren't in touch with modern America... who play video games.. as ADULTS. \_ Not too many people over 30 are playing games as adults. I know a few, but they are freaks. This is definitely not the norm for 'modern America'. \_ Average gamer age is over 30 last I heard. \_ I read something a while ago that "average gamer age" is skewed by all the Madden/whatever sports game players, who don't consider themselves "gamers". I mean, it's just sports, right? -John \_ What defines a 'gamer'? If I play Playstation 5x per year does that make me a 'gamer'? \_ Playing video games. \_ Yes, but how often? If I play once per year am I a gamer? That's about how much I play. I don't consider myself a gamer based on that. \_ No, no - you're a gamer you freakin' cheese-eating, non-wife-screwing, slacker, kids-ignoring, Everquest-playing zombie! MOTD told you so! \_ a) how'd you pick "over 30".. why not "over 18"? b) there's this (very, very wrong) mentality that only kids play video games. it's like saying "let's put restrictions on the (book) publishing industry because restrictions on the (book) publishing industry b/c lots of kids read books" \_ It's not that adult should not play games, it's that adults generally don't have the time. Those who make the time are generally shirking responsibilities. All of the wives of gamers I know are none too happy about it, except for the couple of wives who play, too. Is it worth getting a divorce over? Do you want to miss playing with your kids because your Everquest pals are going on a quest? Whenever I play games I feel like I am wasting my time. Sure, I waste time in Vegas once per year, too - and that's about how often I play video games. often I play video games. I feel the same way about, say, people who watch too much TV. If you are spending more than a couple hours per week playing games/watching TV/whatever then you are not a very productive adult. There does come a time to 'grow up'. Go fuck your wife for that hour and forget the game. Believe it or not, some people have issues with that. \_ I know plenty of married gamers whose spouses don't game but don't have a problem with it. It's a question of how much you do it. Being a gamer doesn't mean you are a terminal case who makes games your first priority. \_ You're all missing the point. The point is that "gamers" are not a voting block. Whether they're 19, 30 or 50, they'll vote based on taxes, war, religion, social policy or whatever just like everyone else--whereas the moms of underage gamers can easily be swayed by stupid fear campaigns. So you can win votes from soccer moms who are known to vote in large numbers and to be willing to vote for either party by demonizing video games, but in spite of all their bitching on slashdot or motd, the "gamer vote" doesn't matter. How old the gamers are is completely beside the point. |
2006/11/7-8 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45214 Activity:nil |
11/7 Next-gen console predictions anyone? I'll start: PS3s sells out instantly, eBay for around $8-900, remain out of stock through christmas then just as supply is kicking in, they run out of people willing to spend $600 on a console. Wii will sell out initially, but resupply will just barely keep up with demand. \_ You do realize that there are almost exactly as many ps3s available as there were xbox 360s last year. I'm amused how the 360 gotgood press about what a successful launch they had while the ps3 is getting dumped on. --buying a wii \_ I don't recall the 360 launch being called successful... \_ According to this, 360 had 1mil consoles at launch i nthe US. That's more than twice the number of PS3s. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/xbox-360/official-360-launch-numbers-136058.php \_ How about ps sells out upon release and are 2,000 on ebay the moment sellers get the machines (in fact thats what they are already). Since Wii is sooo much cheaper it will probably sell many more units. $600 is just too much. \_ That's basically what he said. The PS3 is having huge manufacturing issues, and there will only be at most 500,000 available at launch, worldwide. The Wii is easy to manufacture, so Nintendo is planning to have over 1 million just in North America. \_ I'll buy one for $8 \_ My take: first batch sells out but sane people aren't willing to spend 8 gajillion dollars on a console when the competition costs 1/2 to 1/3rd as much and the second batch sits on shelves for a month followed by drastically reduced prices leading to sony rethinking their entire home entertainment strategy and possibly leaving the console market. \_ My take: you are wrong |
2006/11/1-2 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45080 Activity:nil |
11/1 Any Nintendo DS owners out there? Any must own games for it? \_ the doctor game and the lawyer game \_ I got one but I haven't played it in a long time. I thought the New Super Mario game was pretty good, and the Castlevania one. I was playing Brain Age for a while; it includes sudoku puzzles. I haven't kept up with it. Advance Wars and Mario Kart are pretty good. \_ I really like Kirby's Canvas Curse, but YMMV. \_ Bomberman! you need one cart for 8 players! it rules! also Mario is good, which has a mini-game multiplayer and sort of a duel multiplayer. Mario Kart is good too. -brain |
2006/10/31-11/2 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:45059 Activity:nil |
10/31 Pretty interesting article in the New Yorker about the guy who invented SimCity and The Sims: http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/061106fa_fact - danh \_ That was interesting. Thanks for the link! \_ I have this lurking suspicion that Spore will bomb. (Well, sell moderately well, but barely make back it's development costs.) |
2006/10/24-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:44942 Activity:nil |
10/24 oski crowd surfing from the game: http://youtube.com/watch?v=iChgCGa0ikg |
2006/10/23-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:44928 Activity:nil |
10/23 Game review: http://seanbaby.com/nes/egm10.htm |
2006/10/22-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44909 Activity:low |
10/22 GT HD for PS3 looks crazy: http://tinyurl.com/vavtr (techeblog.com) \_ Gosh I wish I could enjoy new toys like PS3 but I need to pay my mortgage, property tax, and countless trips to Home Depot \_ Looks like any racing game pretty much? No new actual features? \_ I haven't seen a racing game that look as good as GT HD. \_ The Xbox 360 ones look pretty similar to me. It's hard to tell from a lowres youtube. But still no damage modeling for example? Next gen should be about more than graphics. |
2006/10/20-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:44893 Activity:nil |
10/20 I have a free extra ticket to the cal game tomorrow in the young alum section...email sking@zonelabs.com if you want it --sky |
2006/10/16-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44841 Activity:nil |
10/16 New PS2 game Bully lets players gain health by kissing boysrnie http://www.gamebrink.com/playstation-2/1833-Bully-reviews.html \_ if i had 1 hp.. i might consider it.. but i'd be dead for sure |
2006/10/8-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44724 Activity:nil |
10/8 Basically, you all wish you were South Korean: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/08/arts/08schi.html?_r=1&oref=slogin "Frantic, piercing, the shrieks echoed down the corridors from one corner of the vast underground complex. There hundreds of young people, mostly women and girls, waved signs and sang slogans as they swirled in the glare of klieg lights. It was the kind of fan frenzy that anywhere else would be reserved for rockers or movie legends... In fact the objects of the throng's adoration were a dozen of the nation's most famous athletes... These were professional video gamers, idolized for their mastery of the science-fiction strategy game StarCraft." \_ In Korea, there are several television channels devoted solely to televising matches between video gamers on games like StarCraft. I guess that sure beats having several television channels devoted to home shopping of crappy, useless household items, as we do here in America. |
2006/10/5-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44700 Activity:nil |
10/5 http://reviews.cnet.com/4520-6449_7-6647505-1.html?tag=nl.e501 Don't get overhyped on PS3 and Wii. CNET reporter says that in his informal poll, 3 out of 6 people he knew who got an early Xbox 360 had their hardware eventually fail. The warranty is only 90 days, although after enough bad press MS is paying for all repairs for machines built before 2006. \_ People trying v.1 are brave and stupid. Like the people who tried Win95 v1, Win98 v1, and MacBook Pro v1. \_ Or Microsoft bloodstream beta, once medical nanobots become reality. \_ So don't buy a ps3 or a wii cause microsoft fucked up big time? Isn't that a bit backwards? \_ it all depends on what 'overhyped' means |
2006/10/4-6 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44665 Activity:nil |
10/4 http://ESPN.com, you're killing me here. How hard can it be to display a page with the results of the most recent playoff games by division along with a running tally of who's ahead of whom? The World Cup website was able to keep track of a hell of lot more teams playing a hell of a lot more games. Why is it so hard for the MLB and ESPN to display the results from the playoffs for 8 bloody teams? \_ Answering myself: not hard at all. Yahoo to the rescue: http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/playoffs Fie on you, ESPN. |
2006/9/26-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:44544 Activity:nil 88%like:44536 |
9/26 Double Agent Trailer: http://tinyurl.com/ef3no (gametrailers.com) \_ Wait, am I supposed to want to play this now? 'Cos I mostly just feel icky and powerless. \_ The game is supposed to be less linear, allowing you to choose what to do and different consequences result. \_ I cannot recall the last time that a video game presented me w/ a moral dilemma of this nature. Any video game that forces one confront this type of problem seems interesting to me. |
2006/9/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:44536 Activity:low 88%like:44544 |
9/26 Double Agent Trailer: http://trailers.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_splintercell_da_trailer4.mp4 \_ Wait, am I supposed to want to play this now? 'Cos I mostly just feel icky and powerless. \_ The game is supposed to be less linear, allowing you to choose what to do and different consequences result. \_ I cannot recall the last time that a video game presented me w/ a moral dilemma of this nature. Any video game that forces one confront this type of problem seems interesting to me. |
2006/9/23-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44510 Activity:nil 76%like:44509 |
9/23 PS3 Gran Turismo HD Concept Trailer: http://trailers.gametrailers.com/gt_vault/t_granturismohd_concept.mp4 \_ above link not working. IGN published these last night -shac \_ It's saved on the archiver: http://csua.com/?entry=44509 http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/713/713809/vids_1.html \_ fixed. |
2006/9/23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44509 Activity:moderate 76%like:44510 |
9/23 PS3 Gran Turismo HD Concept Trailer: http://tinyurl.com/ezmyw (techeblog.com) \_ above link not working. IGN published these last night -shac http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/713/713809/vids_1.html |
2006/9/15-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44402 Activity:nil |
9/15 Anyone know any good N64 games? \_ Yeah, there was this one I met in college. Man, it was hot. \_ Golden Eye. My other favorites include Mario Cart and Cruising USA. |
2006/9/14-16 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44373 Activity:nil |
9/13 IslamoGaming: http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3153332&did=1 |
2006/9/12-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44357 Activity:kinda low |
9/12 http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/920464.asp for all u p0s3ur5, Space Rangers 2 is the best top-down space game (equipment upgrades, trading, missions) i've played. plus, you can play 1 hour or 12 hour sessions, save, and come back later. i got the full version via direct2drive, but I think there's a demo too. \_ Of course, the demo is only 1.2 GB to download. \_ Er.... I bought SR2 a few months ago. I'm still on my first game. It has a lot of potential but there was no there there. Some of the mini games are cool, some are a PITA. The RTS mini game got so fast and brutal and the UI was so primitive it became unplayable even though RTS is my favorite genre. The pizza making contest was amusing. Space combat is irritating because the targets keep docking at local planets in mid combat. Some of the alien-alien humor and backstory made me laugh, approaching the humor in some other classics like Star Control 2. At the start of the game I suggest getting a trading type ship (forget weapons, you can't kill anything anyway), and get a long range engine and big fuel tank. There is a *lot* of hopping from star to star and going A->B is much better than having to stop in C, D, and E on the way to refuel. \_ I don't play the RTS, and I make sure to let targets fly far away from any dock before I open up. I stopped doing assassinatn missions anyway since killing pirate hulls piss off all Peleng planets. i also agree that long-jump engines are the #1 priority along with trading drugs/luxuries (primarily peleng) in the early game. Mid-game, courier with high courier bonus makes money faster. SC2 is a classic, but I really enjoy SR2 ... better than Diablo w/o the sore-fingers and potion-chugging. faster. SC2 is a classic, but I really enjoy SR2 ... \_ What are some good osX games? Are there any free ones? \_ When Steve says you're ready for good osX games you'll get good osX games and not a minute sooner. |
2006/8/21-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:44083 Activity:nil |
8/21 Iain Banks next book is late b/c he played too much Civ: http://forums.idlethumbs.net/showthread.php?p=64916 \_ I loved his references to Civ in Complicity. Mind you, he wanted Civ Advances like Pharmaceuticals and City Improvements like Addictive Substances to keep his cities in line.... \_ I thought the newer Civ allowed for custom user mods? \_ Of course, and so did Civ2, but Banks is not a modder. \_ Well there's that. I haven't tried but I thought it was supposed to be *really* easy to do. shrug. \_ Oh, you're absolutely right, it's easy to do, but I'm here to tell you, modding is even more of a time-sink than the actual game itself. |
2006/7/28-30 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:43825 Activity:nil |
7/27 http://www.espgame.org (game) |
2006/7/18-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43711 Activity:nil |
7/16 DEAR SELF R1GHTEOUZ GURMAN JOHN. I CHALENGE U A GAME! I WIL LEARN ENOUGH ENGL1SH + GRADU8 FROM AMURICAZ 2P PUBLIC \_ "2 GRADU8" \_ "2 BE GRADU8D" UNIVURSITY. U + U WIL LEARN ENOUGH EAST AS1AN LANGUAGE 2 \_ SUPURFLUOUZ "U" GRADU8 FROM ANY SUB-T1UR UN1VURSITY. MAY THE BEST MAN WIN. \_ Congrats on yo' accomplishment. Rastus's point dat ya' should sharpen yo' English skills 'cuz it'll enhance yo' success in de real wo'ld is valid, dough. Face it, plum as in de motd, de real wo'ld is full uh assholes who'll judge ya' on yo' language skills. --PeterM \_ I assume that both of the above posts were generated using scripts. Someone should write a script that converts real English to chicom troll English. \_ It's actually cheaper to just outsource this to a real chicom troller. \_ Didn't the Chinese govt. just hire something like 500 of these? -John \_ Dat's 'esactly whut it is. Sheeit. Dere is some whole bunch uh dese in /usr/games --(michener | /usr/games/jive) |
2006/7/14-18 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43674 Activity:nil |
7/14 Valve announces they're finally going to release Team Fortress 2 http://www.steampowered.com/index.php?area=news&id=691 |
2006/7/11-18 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43635 Activity:nil |
7/11 This is so cool: Falling Sand game http://fallingsandgame.com -John \_ That kind of rocks! Thanks for posting, John. -mice \_ About 5 years behind the times there, John. \_ Get a life, loser. \_ And still beautiful. How many things on the web can boast that? \_ I'll take that as a compliment. -John |
2006/7/10-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:43608 Activity:kinda low |
7/10 I am delighted Zinedine Zidane has miraculously won the BALL OF GOLD for the 2006 WC. ObIamNotMakingThisUp. [I think they do the gold ball tally before the match is over, so may have been decided before The Incident. Not sure why, since I didnt think they announced it immediately and there doesnt seem any reason not to wait 1-2 hrs. But I am still glad they didnt change the decision.] BTW, the ZZ header after the pass from Sagnol then blocked by Buffon was pretty awesome. --psb \_ You are wrong about the timing of the close of the vote tallying. Please leave the sports discussions to the experts. Thank you. --richard \_ I liked it. You are stupid. Keira Knightley is still flat. \_ I just read that the voting closed at midnight last night instead of at halftime, like they used to. ZZ's header was good, but the save was even better. My favorite goal was the German double-header. \- the block was fast and ultimately what mattered but i think the header was more impressive eventhough ultimately moot becase you might say it involved more "spatial degrees of freedom". \_ http://www.headnut-zizou.de.vu http://tonaz.altervista.org/zidane.html -John \- BTW, here is a crappy video of another famous [and this time successful] ZZ 3 deg of freedom header goals: successful] ZZ 3 deg of freedom goals: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tD-h_BDmQ6w if you have a better link, that would be great! \- Here is a decent ZZ highlight video with some good "3 degrees of freedom" shots: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYUtKKbBTkw For those of you who dont follow futbol, this GK save by an associate of PABLO ESCOBAR is also pretty amazing: http://fcsc8041.home.comcast.net/ReneHiguita.mpeg (but also a "what the fuck are you thinking" move ... it was in a friendly game tho ... he probably only attempted it because he know Escobar would not have him killed) in a friendly game tho ... he probably only attempted it because he knew PESCOBAR would not have him killed, unlike AESCOBAR) |
2006/6/28-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43516 Activity:nil |
6/28 50 worst game names ever http://www.gamerevolution.com/feature/worst_names -John |
2006/6/23-28 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43484 Activity:nil |
6/23 So the US is out, but at least they scored one goal. Did ppl find the first 60 minutes of the Japan/Brazil game dull or interesting? I'm not a soccer otaku or anything, but I thought it was really entertaining until the 3rd Brazilian goal. What are the "games to watch" this weekend? \_ Both the Saturday games should be good. \- go to el farolito in the mission for the ARG-MEX game ... ask for wheat beer and keep asking people if they remember when USA beat MEX. \_ The first goal by Japan was surprising and interesting, but then the game devolved into Brazil beating Japan down, and that's just not entertaining no matter who you are. \_ Unless you're Brazil or a Brazil fan! 4-1 baby! |
2006/6/21-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:43448 Activity:nil |
6/20 Please to be speaking up now if you do not want me to post the World Cup results for Iran-Angola and Mexico-Portugal. Thank you. \_ Can we institute a 24 hour moratorium on discussion of the games? Feel free to talk about the England game or something. Weekend games are excepted. Feel free to talk about the England game or something. Weekends excepted. \_ Okay, no problem. \_ I won't mention the team names, but when two teams play to a scoreless draw and the articles about the game say things like how "fast and furious" the play was and how it was a classic I realize that even though I like (and played) soccer, the game kind of sucks. How does the rest of the world get so into a game where a scoreless draw is not only a possibility, but seen as a good sign of two team's abilities? \_ What article said that? Neither team particularly cared to win that match since it didn't matter. \_ Yes, meaningless games are what makes the World Cup so great! \_ If two really good teams work really hard at scoring and yet simultaneously prevent each other from scoring, how is that not incredibly exciting? Frankly, I find this much more exciting than the NBA, where the game comes down to who messed up and didn't make the matching goal; it's almost as bad as bowling. \_ I can appreciate good defense. A no hitter in baseball is exciting. What is not exciting is that it's a scoreless *tie*. Please play until someone scores. Hockey can get away with ties, because 1) at least they have the concept of overtime, 2) the ties are rarely scoreless, and 3) even if they are there are usually more shots on goal that the goalkeeper actually has to save. In soccer, one team scores a goal and then plays defense the rest of the game. That's a disservice to the phenomenal athletes. \_ This is the first round. Each teams plays three matches and scores match points based on how they do; the teams with the most match points in their groups move the second round. From the second round forward, the rules change: "If, after 90 minutes, a match ends in a draw, extra time of twice 15 minutes will be played. If the score is level after extra time, penalty kicks will be taken to determine the winner (cf. Art. 17, par. 2, and 3 of these Regulations)." Now, if you want to argue over the fairness (or sanity) of ending a match through PKs, brother, you're preaching to the choir. If you really want to know why people riot after WC matches, look no farther. \_ I think they should decide it based on corner kick differential over the course of the match. \_ The first round is odd in the respect that it actaully encourages scoreless ties. In the tiebrakeing process, a scoreless tie is worth more that a scoring tie. \_ How so? |
2006/6/15-16 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Display] UID:43409 Activity:nil |
6/15 A little old, but I'm sure you all want to know about ATI's new video card optimized for ASCII gaming. http://bbspot.com/News/2003/02/ati_ascii.html \_ I know it was satire, but you could do that with pixel shaders. |
2006/6/2-4 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43263 Activity:nil |
6/2 Hmm.. I need a good cheap pickup puzzle game for the Gameboy/ Gameboy Advance. Anyone got any recommendations? \_ Pokemon puzzle challenge (previously known as Tetris Attack) Awesome game. \_ Thanks, I bought the game yesterday. It's a great game, and perfect for what I wanted it for. Thanks. -op \_ Trying to stimulate your brain? Or is this for your kid? \_ "pickup puzzle"? what's that? \_ I just mean a puzzle game I can pickup and play without having to invest a lot of time. I realized last night that all my games are very involved. You invest a lot of time and have to get to save points and such. Makes it difficult to use when you're just waiting on something. |
2006/5/30-31 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Reference/History/WW2] UID:43224 Activity:nil |
5/30 Super Mario -- Communist Propaganda? http://www.allempires.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12015 -John \_ Funniest shit I've ever seen on motd. Thanks so much John. |
2006/5/26-31 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:43201 Activity:nil |
5/26 Anyone have a link to the Meat Loaf / McPhee duet? \_ there is probably one on http://youtube.com by now. |
2006/5/8-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42987 Activity:nil |
5/8 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060508/ap_on_hi_te/video_games_ap_poll 4/10 Americans play video games. |
2006/5/2-4 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42886 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
5/1 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2139555376132383479&pl=true Super Mario Bro on stage |
2006/4/27-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42851 Activity:nil |
4/27 Nintendo announces offical name for Revolution. "Wii" http://www.rewiredmind.com/news/revolutiongetsanewname Cue the piss jokes. \_ \_ That's...uhm...bizarre. \_ http://cheston.com/pbf/archive.html |
2006/4/26-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Health/Women] UID:42829 Activity:nil |
4/25 http://nerdnirvana.org/g4m3s/borderpatrol.htm Border Patrol Flash Game. Kill immigrants, drug smugglers, and pregnant Mexican women. \_ It must be so nice to live in such an intellectually truncated world. \_ I'm glad you can sit there in your nice Aeron chair, drinking lattes, without a care for your security, and believing that law enforcement of all kinds are just modern day Nazis. \_ I'm glad you can sit around in your Aeron chair, and live in fear that the terrorists really want your php coding ass while you don't have the balls for supporting nuking them first. \_ Your counter-flame has been classified as: weak. Keep trying, grasshopper. \_ I've always said nuke first and ask questions later. I was saddened the day Bush, Sr. stopped W88 production. |
2006/4/3-4 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:42640 Activity:nil |
4/3 Michigan Video Game Law ruled unconstitutional: http://gamepolitics.livejournal.com/249146.html |
2006/4/2-4 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42621 Activity:nil |
4/2 Does anyone else remember this old ASCII DOS game, ZZT? It turns out there's a whole cult built out of making new games with it's internal programming language ZZT-OOP. Weird stuff link:zzt.belsambar.net |
2006/3/29-30 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42510 Activity:low |
3/29 Poll: Most homoerotic arcade game (playble on MAME) PitFighter: Knuckle Bash: . I'm Sorry: Street Fighter I: . FINAL FIGHT: . \_ Maybe some of the wrestling games? A lot of them are really terrible though. |
2006/3/27-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42467 Activity:nil |
3/27 I've learned of two good arcade games to play on MAME through the motd, "Gain Ground" and "Strike Force." What other slightly obscure arcade games do motders like? GunForce - Awesome Contra Style shooter (GunForce 2 is good two, it's a different style of shooter.) \_ MERCS, Ghouls N' Ghosts, Black Tiger, Magician Lord, Peter Packrat, NARC, Crystal Castles, Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom, Rampage, Sidearms, R-Type, Strider, Ninja Gaiden, Alien Syndrome, Altered Beast, Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters, In The Hunt In The Hunt, Karnov I would play Forgotten Realms if there was an easy way to duplicate the 32 way (I think?) directional joystick. \_ 1943 \_ Cabal, Hammerin' Harry \_ If you enjoy totally studly homoerotic games about wrestlers battling Jean-Claude Van-Damme vs giant BDSM leather daddies wearing gimp masks and knife wielding Frenchmen, Pit Fighter is your game! \_ ...and "Hammerin' Harry" isn't homoerotic? \_ You need to play Pit Fighter. It's totally insane. Buff dudes in their underwear beating the shit out of each other. Sometimes you get a "brutality bonus". Maybe I can find a screen shot of "TOTALLY STUDLY." \_ http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?game_id=9034 \_ "Orientation: Horizontal" \_ http://www.consolevision.com/members/covers/gen/pitfighter.jpg \_ Doesn't hold a candle to Knuckle Bash http://www.klov.com/game_detail.php?letter=K&game_id=8338 \_ Zombies Ate My Neighbors \_ Two Tigers (This game is weirdly addictive) |
2006/3/23-25 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42402 Activity:high |
3/23 Any one reccomend a mod chip installer for the ps2? \_ Well, if all you want to do is play your completely legitimate single backup copy of a game or imports, you will most likely be better served by a bootdisc. While there are a couple odd exceptions that don't work with it, they are a minute minority. The office currently is using Swap Magic 3.6 to great effect. There are physical mods for your case (for both the regular and slim line) that make swapping the disc really easy. All in all, considering the probability of borking your ps2 terribly or paying through the nose for a modchip and someone to install it, the bootdisc is the better deal. \_ If you have the old school ps2, you can backup your games to an IDE hard drive w/ the network adaptor, and play them using a memory card + PS1 game with buffer overflow trick -- google for PS2 Independence exploit -- it's quite nice: no swapping, reduced loading times, etc... You will probably need to swap once, or know someone who can write arbitrary data to a memcard to get you started though. \_ I should have been more specific Iwant to modify a ps2 to play Japanese games. I know, for example, the ps1 required a single mod chip that I got installed at a local shop that is no longer in business. \_ Apparently hdloader (the program you boot with the exploit trick) ignores region checks so it will allow you to play most .jp games, no mods needed BTW, a similar trick supposedly exists for XBOX, too. \_ all of the hardware you have to buy online ? |
2006/3/21-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42367 Activity:nil |
3/21 I'm trying to remember the name of an arcade game they used to have in the UC arcade, I was hoping someone else might recognize/remember it. It looked a little bit like defender, but had much more updated graphics - you could choose which planets to fly to (the planets varied significantly), where you had to save colonists from aliens, and collect weapons? (You had these marines that would hang from your ship, and drop down to pick up stuff). Thanks! \_ Strike Force ? -oj http://www.arcadeathome.com/shots3.php?strkforc \_ That was it! Going to try it with the emulator shortly, thanks! -mds \_ I like the ad on that site: http://www.arcadeathome.com/images/ads/XG_MAPU4_v2.gif "Play Over 4,000 Classic Arcade Games for FREE... Only $99.95 + S&H" "Play Over 4,000 Classic Arcade Games for FREE... Only $99.95+S&H" Ah, "Free". Meaningless in advertising, meaningless in modern politics. |
2006/3/13-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42220 Activity:kinda low |
3/13 Anyone have an idea where I could find high quality sounds of a tank being hit by an AT round and blowing up? -John \_ extract from a movie/DVD/game? \_ Many movies/games might just use a generic explosion sound. \_ not free: http://www.leonardosoft.com \_ My roommate Mike is a sound artist/engineer. I'll ask him and let you know. He can almost definitely point you to a great non-free source, and may know of a good free one. -dans \_ That'd be awesome. I'm helping a friend look around for various war-sounds; he's putting together sound packs for a free game mod (Forgotten Hope, pretty awesome.) I dunno if these types of companies ever donate anything? -John \_ What game, John? --erikred \_ Ah, BF1942, gotcha. --erikred \_ Forgotten Hope actually--nice historical accuracy mod that's done nutso things with the EA engine. -John \_ To my knowledge, they rarely make donations, but, in recent years they moved from a model of buy this sound library with hundreds of sounds for thousands of dollars, to a model where you can buy just one sound for, say, five bucks. -dans |
2006/3/12-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:42201 Activity:nil |
3/12 http://www.streetwars.net/la2006.php#playarea http://csua.org/u/f84 (latimes.com) Geeks grow up. ~ 200 L.A. residents in game of "Assassin / Killer". Obtain a card with your target's work and home locations, and photo, and attempt to soak them with water (water gun, balloon, hose, etc.), after which you take over their target. Not too good if you have a SO / kids, since it appears that your home is a valid place where you can be "killed". |
2006/2/26-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:42012 Activity:nil |
2/26 Worst Game Controllers of All Time: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/690/690449p1.html \_ The Atari 5200 controller is the #1 worst controller in my book. The Xbox and Jaguar controllers don't even come close. Actually, I kinda like the Jag controller, but it should've had 6 buttons. The Intellivision controller isn't that bad either, bit of a hand cramper though. -jrleek \_ In "best controllers of all time" land, I liked the SNES controller. \_ Gotta agree with the xbox's controller being beyond bad. |
2006/2/17-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:41906 Activity:nil |
2/17 Is there a game review site this isn't basically a direct extension of the industry (a la gamespot and IGN) and aimed at an audience other than mouthbreathers? \_ is OLD MAN MURRAY still around? \_ wow. last update was in jan 2002. i totally forgot about that site after i graduated from college. |
2006/2/16-17 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41890 Activity:low |
2/16 A game I am developing is a finalist in the Independent Games Festival (http://igf.com and I am looking for 1-2 people to come to the Game Developers Conference in mid-March to help demo the game. The game is very interesting and cool, and you get a free pass to the conference in return. Good opportunity for a student. Email jon@number-none.com. \_ jon, you such a handsome asian man! do you have a boyfriend? \_ Hmmm ... do you know who you are talking to? \_ I thought I was talking to jon kurada? \- this is not the jon you're looking for. keep walking. \_ I have many dopplegangers, Jon Blow is not one of them. --Jon (@csua) |
2006/2/16-17 [Politics, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41883 Activity:nil |
2/15 You sunk my Imperial Star Destroyer! http://www.hammacher.com/publish/66141.asp?promo=homepage# |
2006/2/15-16 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:41876 Activity:nil |
2/15 Seeing that the "What are your favorite old school computer games?" troll yields a lot more responses than the "What did you give/get for Valentine's Day?" troll really tells you a lot about sodans. |
2006/2/14-15 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41841 Activity:moderate |
2/14 Related to the gaming thread below. What made you/inspired you to take CS? Computer gaming as a kid? \_ Hott CS women. I was obviously misled. \_ Isn't karen hot? \_ Note that the comment is plural. \_ If you're CS, yes. \_ I liked computers and liked the idea of controlling them. I guess I got started with LOGO and a toy robot that could be given simple programs like "go forward, turn left, go forward, flash lights" etc. \_ When I was 7 years old I used a Heathkit computer that my uncle had bought. Just seeing some of the retarded games on it got me interested. \_ Anthro 193 survey form filled out by 200+ undergrads: all but a trivial number said "money" or "parents made me for money". \_ must have been during the boom years. I liked CS because it was interesting. \_ Early 90s. Definitely pre-boom. It was a recession. \_ Writing really simple games in basic/pascal. \_ Writing really simple but cool graphics code on an old Atari. Pixels and sprites 4 life! \_ Writing machine code on Apple II with no assembler to read some hardware switches, and interfacing it with BASIC, was fun. \_ Fuckin' a. \_ Reminds me of when I wrote machine code to access the sectors of a disk directly so I could read the Ultima IV map off the disks. Then I remapped the character set of my dot-matrix printer to match the game. The map was 256x256 squares. Ah, those were the days of hand-assembled 6502. \_ Just goes to show that practical application is a powerful motivator; I learned ResEdit just so's I screw around with hex code in Prince of Persia. \_ We made our own maps on Ultima IV & III once we learned what all the codes stood for. \_ My mom was a ai researcher. |
2006/2/14-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41836 Activity:nil |
2/14 http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/6320/ard/misc/whatever.htm "Yes, Colleen and Candy, Colleen being the Atari 800 and Candy the 400 were 2 well endowed female employees. In fact almost all the original hardware projects were named after well endowed Atari female employees. The Atari 2600 was Stella, the Atari 3600 (never came out, a horrible 10-bit processor design) was Sylvia and the Atari 5200 was PAM, ..." How many original hardware projects did Atari have? Damn, it must have been a very pleasant place to work! I was born too late, too bad. \_ The background art in the Atari games Xenophobe and Rampage feature very busty females. \_ what video game art doesn't feature busty females?? \_ Try the Castro district in SF. \_ HAHAHAH! FAG JOKES ARE FUNNY! \_ Actually, I've noticed that a lot of the video game art featuring MEN often feature ludicriously oversized codpieces ... Either that's where sci fi soldiers store a second change of clothes or ... \_ Sci-fi soldiers are evolutionally superior to-- well--you. \_ Those are actually female soldiers on steroid wearing Maxi pads. \_ More importantly, no apparent shortage of busty females working there. |
2006/2/13-20 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41824 Activity:moderate |
2/13 What are your favorite old school computer games? \_ Recently rediscovered Pathways into Darkness http://pid.bungie.org \_ The skill levels for weapons was a cool innovation for a fps. \_ BEYOND CASTLE WOLFENSTEIN \_ Jumpman Jr. \_ The Pawn (C64 - 1985?), Conan (various 1986?) \_ The Prawn (C64 - 1985?), Conan (various 1986?) Impossible Mission (C64 - 1986?) Stay a while. Stay forever!!!!!!!!!!!! Pool Of Radiance. \_ Conan and Bruce Lee! Also, Black Magic for the Apple ][. \_ Leisure Suite Larry 1-3 (1986?), King's Quest 1-6 (1983-9?), Police Quest (lame lame lame), Manhunter (Bad bad bad), Space Quest 1-4. Faces/Facetris (1990?), Starcon (1991?), Montezuma's Revenge (1985?), EA's One-on-One (Larry vs Erving in the early 80s), Music Construction Set (ok it's not a game but it was like, WOW in the early 80s), Lemmings (1990s?), Ancient Art of War (loved archers), Ancient Art of War at Sea, Up-and-Down (1983?), Sopwith (cute little game). \_ Ultimate Wizard for C64 (1989 or so?) Burger Hut Of Apshai (see above) Jumpman Jr. (see above) Hardhat Mack (see above) Gemstone Warrior (apple IIe 1986 I think) Miner 2049'er (really really old Atari 800 game) Odyssey (apple IIe, near the epoch) \_ Is Odyssey the game where you explored an island building an army? I eventually bought some ships but had no clue what to do after that. \_ CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE PUT THE YEAR (2006) BY THE NAME OF THE GAME? \_ Geez look 'em up yourself if you care so much. Almost all of these are from the mid 80's. I doubt most people here really remember exactly what year a game came out. \_ Apple ][: Lemonade, Taipan, Lode Runner, Archon, Adv. Const. Set Macintosh: Shufflepuck Cafe, Robosport. On this topic, anyone know how to run b/w or 16 color games on OS X? \_ try vMac or Basilisk II: http://www.vmac.org http://basilisk.cebix.net \_ i am surprised that no one mentioned: "Captain Goodnight" \_ having to walk underneath the grenade arc of lots of robots and then restarting from the beginning of the level was not fun "Rescue Raiders" \_ http://www.the-underdogs.net \_ Lode Runner. I played on Apple II plus. \_ I 2nd that \_ heh, yeah -- that was pretty fun. (c64, baby) -mice \_ Yah, that was pretty fun. (c64, baby) -mice \_ how many levels did you finish? \_ I made like over 100+ levels and I remember getting to at least level 64 -- !ppp \_ Less than 10. I didn't play that much computer game, but Lode Runner is one of my favorites when I did play. \_ This was one of the best games on my Mac. I also remember the PowerPC version that was in color w/ nice backgrounds. Truly classic game. \_ Ultima III -- ended up editing the disk and removing the snake because I couldn't find the right dungeon to get the final mark. Of course right after I defeated Exodus I found the dungeon. Commodore 64. Also MULE on the commodore and Atari \_ Wizardry \_ anyone remember Archon? \_ Heh, yeah -- Archon rocked. The sequel wasn't nearly as fun. -mice \_ Got a little boring playing the computer after I figured out how to defeat it 100% of the time in 5 moves (I think it was: Manticore to top disk thing, Manticore to bottom, sword guy to Center, Teleport shapeshifter on top of character next to wizard/ sorceress, defeat wizard/sorceress) \_ Dude, at that point you had to start making personal challenges. When I won the game with only one soldier guy was when I knew the game was getting old. \_ I once defeated the sorceress with a knight in "Archon Ultra" (a new PC version that came out a while ago) My friend who was playing against me stormed off pissed and we never played that game again. \_ Sword of Aragon \_ Lady Tut on Apple II Plus. \_ Lady Tut on Apple II Plus. I especially like that the notes in its theme song somehow don't sound like square waves when it's played on the Apple speaker. How did they do that? \_ Fort Apocolypse on the Atari 800 \_ Temple of Apshai and the sequels \_ Paratrooper, robotron, spacewar (last was freeware on X). \_ Mail Order Monsters, Bard's Tale I-III, can't forget Might and Magic I where nothing really made any sense. -mice \_ Does netrek count? -tom \_ Does netrek count? (1986) -tom \_ yes, but why didn't they have PC or Mac clients? \_ At the time, there were very few PCs or Macs on the Internet, and the network stacks weren't up to the task. The first viable Windows client appeared in the early 90s. -tom \_ CGA SpaceWar \_ Bilestoad. \_ King's Quest \_ I completed this. \_ Summer/Winter/California Games from Epyx \_ Ancient Art of War \_ Ancient Art of War (1984) \_ you too? Did you create your own scenarios? What formation did you typically use? Hit and run with archers? \_ Hit and run with archers was the "money play". Archers in a line at the back... \_ I don't recall creating my own scenarios. yes, hit and run with archers wins the game. \_ Can someone put together a chronology of when the above games first appeared? \_ That's hard. Many games have different versions (arcade, Atari console, C64, Apple II, ...) that appeared in different times. \_ I'm guessing you are a recent grad or an undergrad? \_ Wasteland \_ Oh, man -- that brings back memories. I think wasteland is still in my top 10 favorites. -mice \_ I so want to replay wasteland to remember all the plot points. But I so can't get over the interface these days. -sax \_ I only played Wasteland after I'd already played Fallout. After getting into the old-game mentality it was good, but I enjoyed the Fallouts more. \_ No infocom games on this list?? \_ With the exception of H2G2, infocom was more endured than enjoyed. \_ NFL Challenge, Scorched Earth \_ NFL Challenge was good, but there was a play on defense that worked well. \_ Sopwith / Red Baron, and you can still get it for free! \_ Sopwith (1984)/ Red Baron, and you can still get it for free! \_ Railroad tycoon, colonization, civilization, anything by Sid Meirs \_ asteroids \_ Nethack \_ Lemmings \_ on the Amiga -- that was great. I liked Qix a and Boulderdash a lot too (C64). \_ Dark Castle! And Battletech, for the Infocom guy. -John \_ AutoDuel \_ AutoDuel. Secret of Monkey Island. Montezuma's Revenge. Donkey Kong. Choplifter. Bomberman. Donkey Kong. Choplifter. Bomberman. bz. Donkey Kong. Choplifter. Bomberman. bz. Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. \_ AutoDuel was cool, but the laser deaths were l4m3. \_ M.U.L.E. Really though, I think I spent more time playing coin-op games. I think I pissed away more lunch money on Xevious than anything else. Also, I spent a lot of time typing in code from various magazines and books, like CIA Agent. -gabriel \_ Aztec, Taipan, Chivalry (written in PASCAL!) \_ Empire on the Vaxen. \_ Empire on the Vax. (Ordered by time: hunt, empire, dtrek, nettrek) \_ Empire \_ Simcity \_ Neuromancer and Nine Princes in Amber \_ Does anyone here remember a series of text-based games for the TRS-80, including Archipelago and some Dracula-like game? I'd love to reconnect with those. \_ Dungeons of Daggorath on the TRS-80 CoCo. \_ Found them! Located in the trs.zip file here: http://www.ifarchive.org/indexes/if-archiveXgamesXtrs80.html \_ Double Dragon, Yie-Ar Kung Fu, Street Fighter 2, Burgertime, Super Dodge Ball, Bards Tale(s), Ultima (3-6) \_ *sigh* I miss the days when ECA made good games. -mice \_ burgertime, nethack, lode runner, phantasie iii, lemmings \_ Lemonade Stand. Now available for MacOS X: http://www.codenautics.com/lemonade |
2006/2/12-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Recreation/Sports] UID:41806 Activity:nil |
2/12 So, does anyone else here play SDL sopwith? That game is awesome, and I've always wanted to try the network mode. (For, like 15 years) -jrleek \_ I want to play BZFLAG. \_ Maybe we should set up a CSUA BZFLAG server... \_ If you want. I don't think it's worth it. There are lots and lots of public BZFLAG servers out there. apt-get install bzflag if you're a debian nerd. |
2006/2/7-9 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41741 Activity:nil |
2/7 Does anyone know from first-hand experience whether a PS1 Gameshark (or Gameshark lite) works on PS2 for PS1 games? I tried to google for it but couldn't find any conclusive answers--everyone seems to be saying different things. Thanks. |
2006/1/7-9 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41282 Activity:nil |
1/6 Very cool Open Source Turn-Based Strategy game. Supports online multiplayer. http://www.wesnoth.org \_ VERY cool, thanks for the link! Blew Saturday playing it... |
2006/1/5-9 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Media] UID:41253 Activity:nil |
1/5 I just found out about the underground flash phenomenon. Here's a few of my favs, skewed to video game heads: SFII vs MK3: http://tinyurl.com/7wb2f Scorpion Addicted to Mortal Kombat: http://tinyurl.com/c9qd4 Star Wars Gangsta Rap: http://tinyurl.com/8ogyy \_ welcome to the 21st century |
2005/12/31-2006/1/4 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:41185 Activity:nil |
12/30 Oh man, a new Gamepark, and it looks AWESOME. http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-d1-70-uq6.html http://www.gpx2.com \_ Doesn't look too different from a Tapwave Zodiac. I have a Zodiac, and I have to say, the thumb joystick thing kind of sucks for NES/SNES games. I'd prefer a normal directional pad. \_ I've never seen the Zodiac before. Interesting. Looks like you can get it new for about $200 now that the company has abandoned it. I can see how the analog could suck for emulation though. |
2005/12/13-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Interesting] UID:41008 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/13 http://www.samorost2.net \_ keywords: fun flash game samorost samrost samrost2 |
2005/12/9-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Humor] UID:40934 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
12/9 New game teaches female sexual gratification: http://www.boingboing.net/2005/12/08/videogame_teaches_fe.html -John |
2005/12/5-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Humor] UID:40858 Activity:low Cat_by:auto |
12/5 The Japanese game to end all Japanese games. http://tinyurl.com/9mo2s http://gpsc.hp.infoseek.co.jp/gspirits_r1_web.wmv \_ Ew. I want the purity of my eyes back, please. \_ video game showing panty. Definitely NOT work safe. \_ That is awesome. \_ How does one capture output from a game to a .wmv file? Thanks. \_ TV capture card. |
2005/12/2-5 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:40818 Activity:nil |
12/2 Does anyone remember the 80s sega system 24 arcade game Gain Ground? I am not talking about the sega genesis version. Is there an unencrypted ROM for it floating around? Does it work with MAME? - danh \_ A quick google says it works with MAME (as of 0.96). If sure you can figure out how to get a MAME rom. |
2005/11/25-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Humor] UID:40734 Activity:moderate Cat_by:auto |
11/25 Girlfriends Against Video Games: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1514150/20051118/inadjlasddex.jhtml \_ A girlfriend is not a substitute for a playstation! \_ for some dead or alive beach volleyball in hd could be \_ What it hooks up to a fleshlight now? \_ and Boyfriends Against Girlfriends Against Video Games! |
2005/11/21-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:40680 Activity:nil |
11/21 Basically the only reason I care about the Xbox360 at all: it's music visualizer was written by Jeff Minter. Awesome. http://csua.org/u/e1w http://llamasoft.co.uk |
2005/11/21 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:40674 Activity:high |
11/21 No talk about the Big Game? \_ Ummm... look below? |
2005/11/19-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:40657 Activity:low |
11/19 Steve Levy >> Joe Ayoob Its funny how Tedford put him in for like two plays at the very end of the game (when we were up by 24 points with like 30 seconds to go). -mrauser \_ Levy really didn't throw very well, and the offense didn't move very well until the game was in hand. I'll give him kudos for winning his first collegiate start, but I haven't seen anything to indicate he's better than Ayoob. (Ayoob has six wins). -tom \_ Levy just doesn't have the brain freeze that Ayoob does. Ayoob kills the team with mistakes. \_ Levy fumbled deep in our own end with the score 6-3. He also threw an interception when we were in field goal range when the score was 13-3. -tom \_ And yet still made far fewer mistakes than Ayoob has been making. \_ His mistakes didn't happen to cost us, playing against a weak team. Ayoob had five victories in a row over weak teams. I don't think Ayoob is great, but Levy is not a real QB, and if we go into a bowl game with him at QB, any decent defense will put a spy on him and he will be in trouble. -tom \_ You are right that Levy is not a 'real QB'. I think he sucks. Yet, I'd still rather have him out there over Ayoob. Only one turnover in the entire game. Levy tries to do less than Ayoob and that helps the team more. \_ Ayoob has had one or fewer turnovers five times this year. -tom \_ And 7 INTs in 2 games, which sent him to the bench. \_ He threw four INTs in the USC game. One was when he and the receiver didn't agree on the route (if Jackson had turned the route up, it would not have been intercepted). One hit the receiver in both hands, but went through his hands. One was a desperation play at the end of the half, and the other was on fourth down. It's not clear that *any* of them constituted a mistake on Ayoob's part. -tom \_ You've got to be kidding me. Let me guess: Ayoob is your cousin or something. \_ let me guess; you don't understand the difference between a decision and a result. -tom \_ Ayoob's decision-making is terrible. \_ It's at least as good as Levy's. -tom \_ Based on what? \_ Based on knowing a lot about football, having season tickets, and watching the two of them all year. -tom \_ If you're defending Ayoob then I have to question your credentials as someone who 'knows a lot about football'. His play is inexcusably terrible. \_ His play has not been good, but he won six games. Levy against Stanford never went past his first read, and had serious happy feet in the second half. 8 of his 10 completions were dumpoffs or short outs, and he telegraphed every pass. Even the TD pass to Jackson was badly underthrown, although I wouldn't exactly call that a mistake since it was a good matchup for us in one on one coverage. -tom \_ What about the fumble in the USC game? And don't even get me started on the OSU game. He should have been pulled after that fiasco. |
2005/11/18-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Health, Politics] UID:40648 Activity:nil |
11/18 To whoever posted http://urbandead.com here, you rule. -John \_ Agreed. What's your handle and where are you? I wanna come kill you. \_ The game sucks! I became a zombie already. \_ Who else plays this? Is there a limit to how much you can carry? Is there any point keeping low value (0 value?) things like multiple wirecutters? |
2005/11/17-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:40629 Activity:nil |
11/17 Is there any on-line store that sells Big Game apparel which support Cal? I only found a Big Game 'Ticket' tee which doesn't suppport either side. |
2005/11/12-13 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:40556 Activity:high |
11/11 So, what's the spread on the USC vs. Cal game today, and how much will we satisfy it by? \_ Spread was 19 and USC will cover easily. \_ yay! |
2005/11/7-8 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/StanfUrd] UID:40467 Activity:nil |
11/6 So, how bad are we going to get pummeled by SC? Their first two games this season were 63-17 and 70-17. \_ If you look at scores vs. similar opponents, probably about 42-21 or so. But college football has enough luck in it, that if our QB gets his shit together on those long throws and actually hits people instead of overthrowing them and we get a few lucky breaks, like the turnovers early that USC gave Arizona and Oregon, we could actually beat them. Notice how USC always scores a ton of points at the end? That is because of superiour conditioning. They won't do that to us, we are the same kind of team. "That's why they play the games." \_ Can we at least not lose as badly as the 'furd? That was 51-21, 30 points ... not too hard, right? \_ God I hope so. At least have it be respectable for 3 qtrs. |
2005/11/5-8 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:40452 Activity:nil |
11/4 Funny game titles: http://www.somethingawful.com/articles.php?a=3327 -John |
2005/11/4-8 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:40444 Activity:nil |
11/4 F.E.A.R. review: boring, repetitve set design (on par with Halo's "Library" level) throughout the whole game. Paper-thin story which is easily guessed in the first few minutes of the game. Doom3 with lights on at best (but with less variation in the baddies). Avoid it. \_ I completed it and have fond memories. It's true the cubicle levels are ultra-dull. \_ I haven't tried the full-version, but deathmatch is pretty fun, and free. |
2005/10/23-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/Rants] UID:40235 Activity:moderate |
10/23 I was reading a Chinese newspaper, and according to an article in it, they now have 8000 people in rural villages in China working to make virtual gold for World of Warcraft. The job for these villagers in China is to play the game and do simple repetitive tasks to earn gold. The virtual gold is then sold to US players. The money they make doing this is better than what they get from farming. The article also says that these people are causing severe inflation in the WofW world, since what they do is like printing money. Because of the inflation, they are making less than before but it is still very profitable. It also quoted an estimate that says China will make 100 million US dollars from this. One guy doing this business says he makes US$10000 per month. \_ Could you please post the url, or was this a physical paper? \_ this is from the "weekly magazine" that comes with today's (Sunday) copy of World Daily, a US newspaper owned by one of 2 major newspapers of Taiwan. (Sunday) copy of World Daily (US subsidiary of one of 2 major newspapers of Taiwan) which I get for free when I buy $20 worth of groceries. 2 major newspapers of Taiwan). \_ The Economist had some mention of this, but nothing on this scale. \_ OMG WTF when did the world turn into a Neil Stephenson novel?!?!1!! D0000D!!!!11!! \_ Either PC Gamer or Computer Gaming World had an article about this it's big business in asia, boiler rooms full of people running scripts over and over again and selling the stuff. My question always is: who are all these clowns spending real $$$ for this stuff? \_ You can spend 6 hours of time on tedious gold gathering \_ You can spend 12 hours of time on tedious gold gathering activities, or you can spend 2 bucks for the gold, and head on off to exciting adventures with your buddies. \_ what I dont understand is most of the stuff truly worth getting in world of warcraft you can't buy from other players and have to go and get yourself. There's not a lot of worthwhile stuff that is buyable with gold alone. So who are these farmers' customers and what the heck are they buying? -Avid WoW player \_ I only played for a month and got bored and cancelled. If the good stuff can't be bought with gold, then why is the person above talking about spending 6 hours gathering it? What use does it have? I never got above level 20 so I have no idea about the high level game but I never found myself starving for cash. I used the junk that dropped, sometimes nabbed something cheap at the auction house, bought some trivial supplies a few times, but never felt that "in only I had another 100,000 gold I'd be set, I should farm it for 6 hours or spend real money buying it". I just played the game, such as it was. \_ I don't play, but don't you have to buy your "mount" with gold? And maybe skills and stuff? \_ the 'mount' and 'epic mount' are really the only major thing you can get with gold alone. The basic mount is 100g, and usually you have enough gold for that accumulated by the time you are high enough level to use it. The 'epic' mount, at 1000g, certainly would take extensive farming. but it is a one-time purchase, and not that great anyway. I still dont see a $100M market out of gold just for mounts. And skills aren't that significant an expense either, and also, one-time purchase per character. \_ I read a short story where rival "farming" gangs hired players to knock off the others' farmers plus the added twist where some person was trying to unionize them. Cute bit of fluff. \_ I ran across an article that describes how these "sweatshop" workers manage to smuggle some of the gold from their bosses to make profit on the side. |
2005/10/19-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:40181 Activity:moderate |
10/19 At what age did you start losing interest in console or PC games? \_ Not yet (26). \_ Try 69 years: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20051019/bs_bw/id20051018173699 \_ Woah! Your sneaky, back-handed method of polling motd ages has succeeded where all other attempts have failed. Clever. \_ Not yet (26). I play a lot less than I used to, though. Like the poster below, I enjoy simple, old games (but for my generation, that means the original Super Mario and Mega Man). \_ ~22 (now 35), and that's because the games became too complex. You have to remember the 10 buttons on the joystick and how to make 20 moves and choose among 30 weapons. I'd rather play something simple like the original Space Invaders and Pac Man. \_ How about Serious Sam co-op? \_ Or Katamari Damacy? No buttons at all. \_ Never heard of it. Forgive my ignorance. \_ Frantic FPS. Sort of like Doom on caffeine & speed. \_ Not yet (31). Speaking of which, F.E.A.R. was released today: http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3144858&did=1 "this game is basically gun-porn and you'll experience multiple gun-gasms playing it ..." \_ I am still interested but haven't played in 3 years because \_ I am still interested but haven't played for 3 years because (1) don't have time, (2) getting lazy with going through the learning curve for the typical real time strategy games I like to play. Last game played was AOE, and I can do some serious arse kicking. (33) \_ Still going @ 34 ... But my playing is very sporadic now I go for months without playing anything at all. \_ About the same, but only 30. Every now and then I check the video game news and see that some game that I know something about came out, buy it, play for a while, and then I let the old ps2 collect dust for a few more months. The less I play, the less games I pay attention to, the less that happens. It's not so much that I don't enjoy playing games, it's just that it takes a lot of time not only to play, but also to keep up with all the news and happenings. If you don't keep up you just don't buy all that much. \_ My game playing peaked at around age 24 or so after an earlier peak @ Berkeley \_ My desire to play video games has been pretty steadily decreasing since I was 20 or so. I like them, but I usually have more important/funner things to do. I pretty much stick with pre-PSX stuff these days. \_ I was a great fan of Civ III type turn based strategy games until I was about 32, then gradually lost interest in them. Have not played any in about five years now. like to play. (33). \_ 32, still play a lot of WWII FPS (mainly Forgotten Hope) online. Rarely interested in single-player; only when the plotline and gameplay is outstanding. -John \_ late-30's and still play tons of PC games. Mostly MMO now a days and a few console games. \_ 30, and still going. Mostly BF2. And I just picked up the latest SSX, and also F.E.A.R. But I don't buy nearly as many games as I used to. \_ If you like BF2, check out the mod I mentioned (it's for BF42, but they're porting it.) A lot fewer hosers, and they try to add a lot of historical realism. -John \_ http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php?date=2005-10-03&res=l \_ Ha. It's an accuracy mod, not a simulation--they put in a pink Panther and the n00b stick... -John \_ Not yet (30). I still play games on my Mac. I was never into console games. \_ Right around when I started getting laid. |
2005/9/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39890 Activity:kinda low |
9/27 CSUA minutes: "Getting new games: $120 dollars for as many games as possible; passed 5:0 Who gets new games: Edilac will get new games, bring in front of politburo, see people want what games." A few questions. How much money does politburo have, and why should donations be made to them so they can enjoy while all I had played was stinkin' netrek? \_ Didn't you play Risk? \_ get Titans? \_ Titan is an enormously long game for people who aren't experienced with it. Better games for the CSUA office are simple things that can be played by a few people sitting around. Carcassone, Bohnanza. -tom \_ Not to mention that a Titan set costs more than 120 these days. Damn me for letting mine get water damaged. -aspo \_ http://colossus.sourceforge.net "Colossus is a Java clone of Avalon Hill's Titan(tm) boardgame." I've actually tried a previous version of it. Works well. Reminds me just how long a Titan game takes and how I totally forgot how to play. -bz \_ CSUA was founded on Titans.. *gasp* \_ Netrek.. the card game.. \_ the _collectable_ card game.. \_ get the "Mojo Riser butt" (torping) special edition \_ We decided to allocate more money for games because it was said that a PS2 in the office was a large draw to attract people. Anything for more members. -mrauser |
2005/9/19-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39748 Activity:nil |
9/18 http://www.eyezmaze.com/grow/cube/index.html Same idea as that sphere game a while back where you select from 10 items and try to do so in the right order so that everything grows to its fullest. -bz |
2005/9/16-17 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39707 Activity:kinda low |
9/15 Nintendo revels their new controller, and it really is different. REALLY different. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3143782 \_ It looks all good until you get to the "plugging shit in and having it dangle" stuff \_ I see carpal tunnel all over this thing. You can only squeeze your hand so many times to press a button. At least with two hands you get some leverage off of each hand. |
2005/8/31 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39378 Activity:nil |
8/31 Let's play a game on motd. Post the h077es+ azn you can find on Friendster. Hottest defined as attractive women who are over 22+: http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=2693650 http://www.friendster.com/user.php?uid=1978073 \_ Tiffany is lesbian? \_ neither of those are 25+ \_ Is it possible to be "over 22+"? |
2005/8/25-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39280 Activity:nil |
8/25 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050825/ap_on_hi_te/skorea_computer_game_addiction Play games too long, you'll die. \_ Maybe it's a hoax. http://csua.org/u/d5p In other news, China has a new regulation for limiting people's playtime in MMOs: http://www.interfax.cn/showfeature.asp?aid=4913 But maybe it's just to prevent Chinese from playing in foreign servers and becoming impure. \_ Koreans are weak.. played more than 5 days straight and lived.. House Of Doom.. \_ Breathe too long, you'll die too, 100% guaranteed. |
2005/8/24-25 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39238 Activity:low |
8/24 New pool player looking to buy a "decent" cue in the south bay. Those at Copeland sell for about $10 to $40. Have no idea if they are "decent". Recommendations of places to buy a "decent" cue would be greatly appreciated. Best if they have some knowledgable staffs to help me select the right one. \_ dont buy that crap from those sporting goods stores.. search web for viking, meucci, etc.. \_ This is good advice. Go to a specialty pool/billiards store, not a general sporting goods store. Going to copeland's for a pool cue is like going to McDonald's for fine french cuisine. -mice \_ I suppose it depends on your definition of 'decent' and what your budget is. I spent $250 on an 18 Oz. meucci (a very light cue) about 4 or 5 years ago. I'm still using it, and it's a fun cue to play with -- the weight and balance are excellent, and it doesn't look like a cheap POS. Of course, I've had my ass handed to me by people playing with whatever is at the pool hall, so ultimately the equipment isn't likely to affect your game unless you're really good or it's *really* bad. Check out: http://www.hawleys.com/main.htm They have a great selection and their staff is really helpful and responsive. Shoot me an email if you ever want to go shoot a table or two, or just want to chat more at length. -mice \_ it is not going to make any difference what so ever. Don't waste your money unless you get a discounted rate. |
2005/8/23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39229 Activity:low |
8/23 ilya, what do you think of Arimaa? http://arimaa.com/arimaa \_ Well, if you want an example of a game where computers do poorly, there is no need to invent a new one -- Wei Chi will do. But thanks for the link -- looks interesting. My intuition about this game, without looking into it carefully, is that one of the superstrategies is dominant (it is very difficult to balance the rules in such a way that you can have completely different looking games, and have them all be reasonable strategies). -- ilyas |
2005/8/17-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39145 Activity:nil |
8/17 Anyone played the multiplayer online games in China (or Korea) offered by companies like Shanda and Netease before? What are they like and how do they compare with US offerings? |
2005/8/12-15 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:39105 Activity:nil |
8/12 Anyone have a download of the video of the baseball players smacking into each other. \_ which baseball players? \_ http://www.sportsline.com/mlb/story/8730257 \_ http://csua.org/u/d1j (Mets site; not for the faint of heart) |
2005/8/4-6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38986 Activity:nil |
8/2 Atari Flashbacks: <DEAD>www.atarimuseum.com/fb2hacks<DEAD> |
2005/7/31-8/3 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38895 Activity:nil |
7/30 Sorry to interrupt... Have anyone played Eve Online? I looked at a bunch of fuzzy game play videos and read the FAQ, etc. What's game play really like? Thanks. \_ EVE is a good game. Email me for a detailed response. -- ilyas \_ I too play this game, email me if you want more info --ERic(mehlhaff) |
2005/7/28-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:38865 Activity:nil |
7/28 So remember the guy on motd the other day that claimed that Microsoft's new anti-piracy measure would kill piracy once and for all? Hacked within 24 hours: http://www.boingboing.net/2005/07/28/microsoft_genuine_ad.html Now come back so that we can mock you. \_ I wonder how long before they patch the website up. Anyway, MS has the ability to do some real anti-piracy crap if they really wanted to, like they kind of do on XBOX live. However, I'm pretty sure someone out there will just start an alternate semi-legal "windows update" site that bypasses all this crap (like there are alternatives to XBOX live nowadays that doesn't do all that hardware and bios CRC checking). \_ I agree that this is a hack you need to do everytime you go to the Windows Update site (it's not as convenient as having a keygen'd product ID that just works), and it's likely it's not too hard for MS to fix by updating their HTML scripts. |
2005/7/28-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38857 Activity:kinda low |
7/28 Re violence/sex in games - Does anyone think that you need lots of graphic violence/sex in order to make a good game (esp. for younger kids)? \_ Obviously not. Some of the best games ever have no sex and only the most abstract type of violence. I guess you could say that loadrunner is violent since the bad guys get buried alive. \_ Is that the Load Runner back in the Apple ][ days? \_ That's the only one I ever played. Is there an updated version? \_ It's "lode runner" not "load runner" -- google "lode runner" + I'm feeling lucky \_ I agree with the above poster. Videogames do not neext be explicitly violent. To be frank, GTA is one of the most vile games I've ever played. It's also a lot of fun. \_ There was the whole Myst trilogy. Also one of the best selling games of all time is the Civ. group. The latter has abstract violence only. \_ We just finished the 5th Myst installment. Due on shelves in late September I believe. -bz \_ 5th Myst game? I didn't even know that Myst 4 was released. Is Cyan actually behind the 5th game? I thought Myst 3 was made by some other company (Ubisoft?) under license. -dans \_ Ubisoft is a publisher, I thought. -geordan \_ Yes, Ubi is our publisher. We took a break from the official series to do Uru, so Myst 3 and 4 (4 came out last year) were done by other companies. Myst 5 is all us. It's the last one. Our next project has nothing to do with Myst. -bz \- Sims. Sims 2. Sim City. They should also have games that promote better driving, less middle fingering, and less crashes. It seems like games today do the opposite. \_ It's true that the vast majority of games involve violence. If you have a game where you directly control a character, usually you make the character do something violent. There are exceptions, like sports and driving games (but driving games usually become more fun when weapons are added). There are also adventure games like Monkey Island, Myst, The Longest Journey etc, but those don't really involve direct action; more just clicking on screen hotpoints. I guess Tomb Raider isn't primarily that violent. But the sexy character helps. Other examples: Katamari Damacy, Dance Dance Revolution \_ Games like railroad tycoon, civilization, transport tycoon, SimCity, don't have any violence except in the most abstract of terms ... Games don't need to have violence or sex but if they are highly interactive they often need it to be more compelling, since there usually isn't that much thinking involved in playing them ... \_ Civilization isn't violent? C'mon, you can NUKE cities in that game, what could possibly be more violent? |
2005/7/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38850 Activity:nil |
7/27 Blind (optic-nerve not connected) 17-year-old kicks your ass in Soul Caliber 2 - http://tinyurl.com/bzsva (AP) cf. Woozie in GTA3: SA "I freak people out by playing facing backwards [away from screen]." |
2005/7/27-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38847 Activity:low |
7/27 http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/fun.games/07/27/game.lawsuit.ap/index.html What a dumb bitch. \_ She's a bitch regardless, but only dumb if she can't win. \_ I remember back when Tipper Gore and the PMRC were pulling all their idiotic shenanigans over explicit song lyrics. Remember when Dee Snyder and Frank Zappa came in and made them all look stupid? Where are the heroic game designer equivalents of those musicians? Who will reveal Hillary Clinton and Orrin Hatch to be the grandstanding tools that they are? \_ I haven't seen anything by Hatch, what did he say? \_ Sigh. Google Orrin Hatch video games. Like the War On Drugs, the War On Indecent Anything is a bipartisan fallacy. All politicians love to grandstand. \_ Well I like how the article never mentions the obvious, uh what's the right phrase here? anyway that the game was already rated "Mature (17+)" and these idiots are buying it for kids. And they are so concerned about essentially harmless sex scenes that a kid cannot see without specifically looking for how to access it and then using a 3rd party patch/tool, whereas with far less effort he can type "lolitas" into google, or whatever, and furthermore they couldn't care less about the game's extreme violence. Fuck 'em. \_ Sen. Danforth: "There is nothing on the face of the album which would notify you if the record has pornographic material or material glorifying violence?" Tipper Gore: "No, there is nothing that would suggest that to me." Frank Zappa: "I would say that a buzz saw blade between the guy's legs on the album cover is good indication that it's not for little Johnny." -- The Senate Commerce Committee hearing on rock lyrics, from The Village Voice, 6 Oct 1985 \_ Have you at least played through 50% of the game? Don't tell me, "I haven't but I know what's going on Hillary's a dumb bitch!!1!" or "I only saw it at a friend's house". \_ No, Hillary is a very smart and venal bitch. -- ilyas \_ as opposed to dubya being ... \_ I am sorry what does this entire thread have to do with Bush? -- ilyas \_ fyi hot coffee video for proper background http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2673401 \_ by presenting one fact without another highly related fact, there is the perception of misleading information. For example, the statement, "The CIA's judgment is that there are no WMDs in Iraq" is true. However, you need to specify also, "But at the time Dubya made the decision, the CIA's judgement was there were WMDs in Iraq". Withou the 2nd sentence, there is the perception of misleading information ... an incomplete picture not including critical elements. It's what lawyers do everyday anyway. \_ But that's not what pp said. He brought up Bush because I said a Bad Thing about Hillary. -- ilyas \_ That's 'cause we all know you're a BUSH LOVER, ilya. \_ Yes, I am apparently an administration apologist. -- ilyas \_ Yes. Motd says you are. Now go stand in the corner and hang your head in shame. -motd \_ Actually yes, I have. What is your point? I was actually referring to the old woman plaintiff but as for Hillary I'm gonna go with ilyas' assessment. GTA is definitely a "mature" game but it has nothing on a lot of R rated movies. For example the movie "Colors". \_ being able to control my rate of screwing and vary my sexual positions among 5 different virtual girlfriends while viewing it with sound effects in an MA+-rated product from arguably the most popular software publisher (Rockstar) using an easily downloadable and well-known activation mod is revolutionary (not to mention the simulated oral sex)! \_ You should sue women for having hidden sexual body parts. \_ fyi hot coffee video for proper background http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2673401 |
2005/7/18-19 [Recreation/Interesting, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38685 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
7/18 Cute little flash game: http://questfortherest.com \_ I wish this game puts in lives and deaths. I want to see players die with a lot of blood, and maybe decapitation, like Happy Tree Friends. \_ How do i play this game?? |
2005/7/18-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38671 Activity:nil |
7/18 Does anyone have good or bad experiences with networked media centers? If so, which do you have? \_ Does a hacked XBox count? If so, I've had one for about 18 months and it works great as a MP3/AVI/DVD player. A recent version of the hacked firmware lets you upconvert AVIs and unencrypted DVDs to 720p and 1080i. The upconverting isn't as good as my Oppo DVD player but its not bad. \_ Where did you get the hacked XBox? Did you hack it yourself? \_ Hacked it myself. The new mod chips take all of 15 mins to install and even come w/ a switch to turn them off in case you need to use your XBox for XBox Live. \_ How hard are they to install? \_ Mod chips are dead easy to install. You just click them into place, turn on the XBox and wait for the little red led on the mod chip to turn on indicating you did it right. Most of the 15 mins need to mod your XBox involves unscrewing the case and hd. |
2005/7/17-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Interesting] UID:38670 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
7/16 Beautiful little flash game http://nlp.fi.muni.cz/~xsvobod4/amanita/samorost/intro.html \_ http://www.samorost2.net/samorost1 \_ How do i play this game?? \_ Figure it out. \_ as the above poster said, figuring out how to play the game is part of the game. \_ keywords: fun flash game samorost samorost2 samrost samrost2 |
2005/7/13-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38589 Activity:low |
7/12 Any MUD afficianados around here? My buddy is teaching a class to kids in "interactive fiction" and wants a MUD or mud like app that - Easy and fun to learn. Presumably it is fun when you get a lot of results for little effort. - Can be played on the net via a java applet, so parents can play it without installing anything - Illustrations with the text -- some of the text adventure systems allow you to include sound or text, and that would be a fun thing to add to the story telling aspect. I.e. here's a picture, write an adventure related to it. Advise? \_ Why do you want to ruin their lives? -phuqyu \_ Why do you want to ruin their lives? \_ Weren't aaron / danh pretty active with arctic? I also recall sowings mucking with Genocide a lot a while ago. You have been eaten by a grue. -John \_ I played mume and sojourn once upon a day. Armageddon is probably the best roleplaying mud on the net. You know, now that I think of it, I am not sure there ARE muds for kids. Some infocom games might be appropriate, but they are not multiplayer. -- ilyas I think of it, I am not sure there ARE muds for kids. -- ilyas \_ You could port griljor to Java. Now _that_ would rock. -John \_ Check out http://www.skotos.net It was a mud company when I worked there, though it's branched out a bit in recent years. I'd particularly recommend checking out the articles section: http://www.skotos.net/articles Skotos' games are fairly complex and aimed at older audiences so they may not be the best thing for a class oriented towards kids, but the articles have a lot of useful thought on game design in general, and muds in particular. The articles might be useful food for thought for an educator crafting a curriculum. I'd also suggest taking a look at the single player interactive fiction development tools. On the easy and fun to learn front, you might consider rolling your own system in scheme or logo modelled after the 61A interactive fiction project. -dans \_ Oh yeah, now that I think of it, there was a lot of work done on Crossfire (which, although not strictly a MUD, still incorporates a lot of the elements of one.) For some names, take a look in /csua/share/include/crossfire* -John \_ I played mume and sojourn once upon a day. -- ilyas \_ there is no /csua/share/include \_ /csua/share/aliases.include. Sgt. Bobby Shaftoe says: "Display some fucking adaptability". And man locate, you Cal student, you. -John |
2005/7/5-6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38425 Activity:nil |
7/5 Dang it. If you had asked me this morning, I would've said there was nothing that could possibly make me want an XBox 360. http://csua.org/u/cm4 \_ You should get yourself a Clavilux! |
2005/6/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Foreign] UID:38317 Activity:low |
6/27 Has anyone been lucky enough to get to play a preview/beta version of Battlefield 2? What are your thoughts? Is it better than Battlefield Vietnam or 1942? "In Battlefield 2, players will choose to fight for one of three military superpowers: the United States, the Chinese, or the newly formed Middle East Coalition." \_ May I humbly suggest you try out Forgotten Hope? I am really looking forward to their BF:2-based version. It's the best mod I've seen yet. -John \_ I tried it without ever seeing BV or 1942. Way too complicated. Way too much loading time. I uninstalled the demo pretty quick. \_ Try the demo. Much better than BF:V. Memory hog though. --paulwang \_ Its the best thing since sliced bread, and more addictive. Way better than previous Battlefields, with the new dimension of squads, so there is a big push for teamwork now. Loading time only happens when loading the level. This game is a resource hog though, even more than HL2. Downsides: Snipers got nerfed big time, and often require 2-3 shots to take someone down. Reloading time seems a lot longer too. If you are at all interested, get the demo. -rollee \_ Is that 2-3 head shots, or just anywhere shots? I think recently snipers have been way too powerful in many games. My favorite example is AvP2, where the tougher aliens could take 5 anti-tank rockets to the head, but one sniper bullet kills them. \_ According to the forums, headshots are not instant kills. |
2005/6/20-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:38211 Activity:kinda low |
6/20 If there are any X-COM: UFO defense fans in the audience, check out laser squad: nemesis. Very fun squad-level turn-based strategy game, in the spirit of X-COM, Combat Mission, Jagged Alliance, etc. -- ilyas \_ I would love a game where you can lead a platoon and order them to do things (split, outflank, regroup) AND participate in the war in 3D. For example, in Battlefield 2 you're a soldier and you have no way of ordering men, and in Rise of Nations you're the commander and have no way of participating it in the first person. They should have something that combines both. \_ Savage does exactly this. One person plays commander and gets an RTS view, everyone else plays it like an FPS. Tribes also did this. \_ Half-Life Natural Selection also does it. No vehicles though. \_ Brother in Arms? \_ Have you played Homeworld? It's not person-based, and you can't really take a 1st-person view, but I think being able to order squadrons around in formations is really neat. -John \_ Mothership. \_ I looked at it a few years ago and it was much more frustrating than any of the games you mentioned. It wasn't nearly as clean, mostly because everything happened at the same time and being able to tell how long it would take to do an action was really hard. \_ It uses combat mission's 'VCR tape' metaphor for combat, which I personally like, but I can see why people would hate it. It IS harder to get good results in this metaphor, but it's more realistic than units taking turns, imo. -- ilyas \_ I don't care about realism. I care about fun. But I could live with it if it gave you a way to actually tell what the fuck you expect to happen during a turn. As it is I don't know how many pixels I expect someone to run, or how long a gun takes to shoot so I can wait until after I think a few shots have gone off to have someone dash for the door. \_ Gamespy just gave Battlefield 2 five out of five stars! Yes I know it's multiplayer FPS and not turn-based stgy. \_ You better have a kick-ass machine, the minimum system requirements are ridiculous, my machine cannot play it! \_ There is this old jungle saying about how 'no plan survives contact with the enemy.' Having to plant for survives contact with the enemy.' Having to plan for possible contingencies based on limited information about enemy position, movement, and intent, and having to deal with the fact that you soldiers are perfect drones obeying your every order exactly is something I find kind of neat. YMMV, as I said. -- ilyas with the fact that your soldiers are not perfect drones obeying your every order exactly is something I find kind of neat. YMMV, as I said. -- ilyas \_ It's not the planning I mind it's the fact that "I want this person to start running this way as soon as X is dead" is not possible. So instead I have to guess and hope I'm right. Especially considering I have to guess even how long it will take to shoot n times which I think should be enough time to kill X. There needs to be a better way to give the dudes orders because as it is right now it is just frustrating. And I'm fine with them not obeying orders all the time, morale issues are kind of fun in a game, but dealing with poor ui is not morale, it's fighting with the game engine to get it to do what you want. \_ Yeah, that's true. Having a 'programming language', or, more accurately, a contingency planning language (a big AI area) would be nice. A nice bonus here is that it would be possible to write good AI for these games then, or at the very least bring modern techniques to bear. -- ilyas \_ I've heard nice things about Full Spectrum Warrior. I've wanted to try it. Any motd opinions? |
2005/6/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37918 Activity:nil |
6/1 I seek a characteriszation of the many video game review/news/media sites by characterization of their typical reviewers and readership. I'll start with IGN, since I've noticed that seems to be the the site most solely devoted to teenage boys with a need for cheesecake. IGN: desperate boys. mainly favor FPS games with lots of constant carnage. separate section devoted to babe photos. GameSpot: a slightly diversified crowd. too nice to games that should be dismissed out of hand like movie-based games. some women on staff. heavy product placement. Gamespy: Gamefaqs: http://Gamer.com: Please add more you might know. |
2005/6/1-3 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37912 Activity:nil |
6/1 I can't wait till Age of Empires III comes out. Everything else out there sucks in terms of GUI and playability. Sucky games including Rome:Total War, Rise of Nations, and especially Empire Earth II (this game has not improved much since the first version, SHAME). Emsemble has a great track record, I hope they don't ruin AoE3. \_ Associates of mine (albeit ones who loved R:TW) say that Cossacks is the mutt's nuts. -John \_ I've played Cossacks. It looks nice. It plays nice. It's just not that much fun. I blame it on the fact it's written by Bulgarians. - danh \_ In Soviet Bulgaria, Cossacks play YOU! -John \_ Hey they wrote game called Cossacks, not Bulgarians (A game in which armies of shadowy characters stab each other with poison umbrellas). I have no point here, I just like saying "rupleforeskin" -pvg (resident Bulgarain) |
2005/5/26-31 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:37840 Activity:nil |
5/26 http://www.pcgameworld.com/top50.php Are you bored? Want to download cool game demos? Here are top 50 games to try. Make sure you have a nice PC (Athlon 64, +1G RAM, vid card). \_ Umm, are you saying if it's not a P4, it's not a "nice PC?" I take you on any day with my three Athlon 64 machines on games. \_ It's just a rough guideline, chill. |
2005/5/25-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/IO] UID:37842 Activity:nil |
5/25 Does anyone have a PS2 -> DIN AT Keyboard adapter? Like this? link:csua.org/u/c6z Or perhaps even a DIN keyboard they don't use anymore? I want to buy it. Or have it bequeathed to me please. --maxmcc \_ you can get that at Fry's for $4.99 \_ I'll let you know when the cops find my stolen truck. Until then, please see above! --maxmcc |
2005/5/20 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games, Industry/Jobs] UID:37784 Activity:high |
5/20 For the person who was asking how to best answer the question, "What's your weekness?" during the interview. IMHO, the best way to answer that is to talk about how you'd like to be more proficient in an area that you are _not_ interviewing for. For example, if you are interviewing for a backend position, then talk about how you are not as strong in front end design but would love to get more exposure to it. Or for non-managedment engineering positions in general, it is also okay to say you are not comfortable enough speak in front of hundredes or thousdands of people but you would like to take some public speech classes if the company can sponsor it (it is important to quatify the number of audience; you want to point out you are totally comfortable doing a technical presentation/review for your peers). This answer usually leads to discussion about company's education benefits, which is what you want to find out anyway. \_ The best answer is "I don't have any weaknesses" \_ I'd rather someone blew off the question than respond this way \_ No, that's the worst answer.a \_ I dunno -- the last thread about this had some pretty messed answers.... \_ It's not the worst answer if it is true. If you're good at your job and you have good people skills to boot plus tons of experience in the relevant positions then why would you have any weaknesses? I mean, seriously, what the hell are you supposed to say? I don't have a good backhand in tennis? I don't play golf? I mean, seriously, wtf ARE you supposed to say if you have 10+ years of experience in the field, worked on various projects as follower or leader, have had a pretty good track record on those projects, given lectures on the field, published papers, etc. etc.. If you are the best candidate for the job, why SHOULD you have any weaknesses? \_ If you think you're perfect, that's a weekness. \_ Perhaps if you think you are NOT perfect for the job, now that's a weakness. If you don't think you're perfect for the job, then why are you applying? Also, who said anything about thinking that you yourself are perfect? Not having a weakness != perfection. \_ Okay, I'll emend that. If you don't think you have weaknesses, you're lying to yourself and others. \_ So in other words, you don't believe that people can be good at what they do. That's an interesting attitude. \_ No. I believe that people who are never introspective are dangerous. I believe that people who don't find they have things to better in themselves are stunted and boring. \_ Being introspective is one thing, being weak at something is another. Don't mix the two. You're confusing self assessment with being weak. Self assessment leads to improvement, even in things you are strong at. It's akin to saying that Tiger Woods has a "weak" short game. His weak short game still blows 99% of the population out of the water. He can improve on it, (heck, he can improve on all aspects of his game), but I wouldn't call it a weakness, especially if you're applying for a job. Seriously, this is one of those dumb corporate interview questions that should be banned. It's a dumb question and leads to no real answers. \_ Sounds like you're reading too much into the question. This is exactly what they're asking about. Things you'd like to be better at. Maybe it's bad terminology, but you're being really obtuse. \_ If you asked Tiger Woods his biggest weakness and he said "My short game" it would make plenty of sense. How his short game compares to mine is not the question. \_ my biggest weakness is not being able to find more time to <stick in something irrelevant to work>. For example, I'm unable to find more time to read fine American literatures, take French/cooking, class, and do things that'll make me a better rounded person. Heck they don't give a shit how well-rounded you are, so why not. \_ The purpose of this question is to bait you into revealing a real show stopper flaw, or see if you dodge the question or throw up a smoke screen answer. As long as you answer it honestly and don't throw out a juicy flaw like stealing other people's lunchs from the company refrigerator, you are probably fine. -ax \_isn't hacking code and eating Doritos making you more well-rounded \_ Only in the chiapet sense. |
2005/5/12-13 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37649 Activity:nil |
5/12 For some reason, I find this line amusing: Mr Gates says the new Xbox will show that Microsoft "is hardcore about gaming" \_ What kind of hardcore can be made by someone who's micro and soft? |
2005/5/7-11 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37569 Activity:nil |
5/6 Awhile back I asked if anybody knew a place where one could rent game consoles. Nobody responded with a useful answer. So, if anybody else care, Silver Screen on Grand rents PS2s, XBoxes and game cubes. |
2005/5/4 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37511 Activity:nil |
5/3 Does anyone here own Midway Arcade Treasures 2 for the PS2? Do you know how to select Ralph in Rampage World Tour? If I use Controller 1 I get George, if I use Controller 2 I get Lizzie, how can I choose Ralph? \_ Character selection in Rampage To play as the following characters, start the Rampage game with controller one. At the start screen for Rampage press Start on any of the other controllers. You can disconnect the first controller if you only have one and plug it into another port. George the Gorilla: Controller one Lizzie the Lizard: Controller two Ralph the Wolf: Controller three \_ So you need a four-player tap to use Ralph? What a retarded system. -!op \_ That's what I was afraid of, agree with the above poster, that's stupid of Midway. He was my fav, and I don't want to buy a multi-tap just to play as him :( \_ Heh, you posted on rec.games.video.classic as well. \_ dun dun Dun Dun DUN DUN DUN DUN DA DA DA DADADAH! dahdahdun |
2005/4/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37378 Activity:moderate |
4/26 X-Com UFO Defense is an awesome game. \_ is this 4/26/94? \_ nope, it's 4/27/10191 \_ Seconded. I reinstalled it on my laptop (there is a nice launcher to make it work under XP as well as a multiplayer add-on) to play on planes and places w/out wifi. Let me know if you want pointers to the XP patch/multiplayer stuff. Also, if you're into old timewaster games, remember Worms? -John \_ Ooh, please! Last time I tried installing it there were wierd ploblems from timing loops being out of whack on modern hardware problems from timing loops being out of whack on modern hardware which made it unplayable. -dgies, !op \_ Worms 2 works okay on most new windows boxes. \_ Yup, and worms 2 is the best incarnation of the game, especially in the area of interface design. \_ I was talking about X-Com -dgies \_ You can always try using moslo \_ I run it under dosbox, and it seems to work pretty well. When I just ran it under XP it was funky. -op \_ Yes, pointers please! \_ http://ufo2000.sourceforge.net for multiplayer. http://f0dder.schwump.net for the bugfixed version. Worms is technically still sold by Plan19 so you're going to have to find that yourself. If you still have problems with x-com, drop me a mail at john@zog.net -John \_ you shouldn't put email addresses as email harvestors are collecting emails to sell to spammers \_ <generic-sounding first name>@three letter http://domain.net? We get about 3500-4000 spams to this email address per day and stop almost all of them. Am I worried? -John |
2005/4/11-13 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:37146 Activity:nil |
4/11 Korean minister says he supports army gaming corps: http://tinyurl.com/6o45o \_ To understand why this actually sort of makes sense, you have to know the place Starcraft holds in Korea. It is a very popular sport. At least 2 channels show tournoments almost all day long. The players hold the same position for people as popular sports figures. It is a big deal. -jrleek |
2005/3/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:36809 Activity:low |
3/22 Hello fellow l0s3r5, I mean g4m3rz. If you want a brain-dead RTS with lots of spiffy graphics and a wacko plot but for some reason you'll enjoy, try Act of War: Direct Action. Still $38 at Fry's. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/actofwardirectaction/review.html \_ I would have gotten this except the French developers kept playing scenarios of nuking the white house. \_ sounds like a selling point! \_ What's wrong with that? I hate French people, but I hate the current administration even more. \_ Do you honestly hate French people? Or just go along with that because it's cool. Now personally, I can find a lot of things to complain about if I wanted about Frenchies but I can do that about any group of people. \_ I wish that America would exterminate the French gene from the human race. \_ That sounds like something Hitler would say! \_ Why do you care either way? It's a game. -John \_ If they were "just games" I don't think the Army would be advertising so heavily on video game sites, and producing their own video game. |
3/15 |