3/15 |
2002/6/20 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:25155 Activity:nil |
6/19 Anyone remember playing TW2002? telnet to link:bbs.answeringmachine.org to play. We want more players! \_ No... don't tempt me. I had free time... -geordan \_ Come on, you know you want to. There's only about 6 active players right now, and the game was reset only about a week ago. It's still anybody's game! \_ I tried to join, and the Tradewars menu only let me get (S)hip listings or (Q)uit back to bbs. \_ Yeah, I noticed some of you signed on, but not on TW2002 Just wait a day for the sysop to validate your accounts. |
2002/6/6-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:25018 Activity:kinda low |
6/6 Age of Mythology-- DUDE or DUD? \_ Just play Age of Empires. It's still the best. \_ I or II? Have you tried Empire Earth? Or Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds? \_ Not ROR, not II, just AOE. \_ I have Empire Earth. It is friggin complex, with 240 units to memorize. Graphics is awsome, but the learning curve is too high \_ Just rush through the ages as fast as possible and zot them with cyborgs and heavy bombers. \_ When is Warcraft III coming out? I've not played video games in a long long time. What's a good game to get this summer? \_ MORROWIND! MORROWIND IS THE STANDARD! \_ Current projections put it at 2 July. |
2002/6/5 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer] UID:24992 Activity:very high |
6/3 hey old people, what's the name of the tune in "The Bard's Tale" when you had your bard play a tune? Maybe there were six different types of bard spells? I used to play it on a c64 a lot - danh \_ speaking of which, have any of you tried playing any really old games on your P3 or P4? How well does it work? \_ Is wizardry 7 old enough? It works great on new machines. -- ilyas \_ was it designed for DOS? Win 3.1? \_ DOS, I think. \_ is Wiz 7 real-time? Does it go back too fast? Does Mahalito still exist? \_ This "old person" a geezer at 32 would know that there's a million walk throughs and other info on the net. obgoogle \_ obPSB \_ There were six different tunes. One was "Traveller's Tune" iirc. \_ I still have Bard's Tale running on my PC under an Apple ][ emulator. It runs fine. <DEAD>www.mjmicro.bc.ca/jgaudet/bard/bt1<DEAD> \_ Are there emulators for Linux? I have old 5.25 disks w/ AppleWorks files that I want to read. \_ BARDS TALE III character advancement cheat: Make 6 new characters of any class, race, etc... Form a party of 7: 6 new chars and one mage with the "super" damage spell- i forget the name but it would do lots of damage. Go to temple in Skara Brae, Tarjan, teleport spell to lower corner of 3rd level, down, go fight brilhasti Ap Tarj. If you beat brilhasti, all the 1st level characters advance by something like 60 levels. -joshk \_ don't you wonder what all the old game programmers are doing these days? |
2002/4/22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:24526 Activity:nil |
4/21 Boyfriend's b-day is coming up. Which game console should I get? Playstation? Dreamcast? N64? -dunno much about games \_ what? a CSUA chick has a b.f.? that's gnu. \_ playstation 2. if you dont have the guts and the cash, then regular playstation. \_ PS2 = faster/more bits than PS? \_ Yes, plus it doubles as a cheap DVD player. Unfortunately, they're only sold in Japan right now. \_ "cheap"? Only relative to DVD player prices in JPN And there's only about 10 released games --oj \_ Which type of games does he like? How much are you planning to spend? I have all of the above mentioned consoles, email me for an opinion. --oj \_ Bah. N64 if he's a 12 year old Dreamcast if he likes collecting amigas and other orphaned products Playstation if he's a reasonably intelligent person who likes adult-quality games. \_ "adult-quality games"? Isn't that an oxymoron? If you're an adult you wouldn't be dicking around with games. Only dateless l0sers have time for that crap. The only games I play are of the sexual kind. --dateless l0ser \_ I have an N64 collecting dust (last great game was Zelda64, and before that, WaveRace64, which came out when N64 launched). I also have a Dreamcast which already has more quality games than N64. Currently playing Resident Evil: Code Veronica & Dead or Alive2. I already preordered my Playstation2 coming September / October. \_ Didn't the PS2 come out more than a year ago? I have a friend who got one (in the US) at least that long ago. Why do you need to pre-order a PS2? \_ Get him a stock ticker, that way you can ensure he grows up to be a responsible adult. Get him a game console if you \_ http://realdoll.com want him to be a miserable failure and a poor husband you can't provide for you or your future kids. \_ Speak for yourself. We have N64, PS, & DC, plus $200k annual income and stock options worth around $750k. \_ travel forward in time and buy him an X-BOX! |
2002/4/10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/IO] UID:24395 Activity:nil |
4/9 What is "khooker?" in windows. \_ http://www.answersthatwork.com/Tasklist_pages/tasklist_k.htm |
3/15 |
2002/4/9 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:24387 Activity:moderate |
4/9 What was the name of the operation at the very end of "Spy Game" to save Brad Pitt? It involved the word "dinner". \_ Those with better taste in movies call it "closing credits". Only the "closing credits" could save Brad Pitt's career from this movie. \_ Operation Dinner Out. It was a pun on a similarly-named Vietnam-era operation |
2002/4/4-5 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:24325 Activity:high |
4/3 Barry Bonds is the best position player ever to play the game of baseball. \_ Too bad he's a prick. Besides, this is motd. Who's Barry? \_ Why is this here wasting precious bits? \_ precious? i have yet to come across one bit here that was remotely precious. \_ Exactly. They're all squeezed out by this kind of noise. \_ Which still means I should've come across at least some semblence of preciousness in my eight years here. |
2002/3/14 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:24105 Activity:high |
3/13 Black and White-- good game, bad game? \_ I thought it was boring. Training the animal sounded cool on the box but it was too slow to learn and because it was doing so many things at once it was hard to train it. Often it would do something I wanted and just as I was going to reward it, it would then do the wrong thing and I'd be reinforcing negative behavior. I also did a fair amount of discouraging good behavior. Sigh. It was almost a good game. \_ I'd agree too. The whole animal thing is lame and annoying. fortunately theres a few levels in single player where you dont have the annoying thing. \_ I just tied mine up and left it there. \_ but then it starves and passes out and goes back to your temple untied. And there's at least two points where you HAVE to use your creature to continue on iwth the game. annoying. \_ Yeah but it's gone for a while. And who finished the game anyway? :-) \_ Those of you who've played it, have you ever trained your creature to take dumps in the grain fields? My creature only seems to prefer doing its business near trees and rocks. \_ Sure, it was easy enough. Tie him up in the grain field and then feed him by hand. Praise when he dumps. Whatever. |
2002/3/12 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Media] UID:24085 Activity:insanely high |
3/11 At least it looks watchable: http://www.starwars.com/exclusive/clonewar/clonewar_md.html \_ It wants me to register. What's the CSUA group login/pass again? \_ cypherpunk@cypherpunk.com ; cypherpunk \_ motd/motd should work also \_ Barely watchable. I think they strung together all 2 minutes worth of action sequences for that trailer. Of note was what they *didn't* show. I spotted no new obvious toy-aliens for the kids. Since we know SW is nothing more than a gimmick to sell junk to kids, the lack of any makes me that much more suspicious of this trailer. It's a scam to steal your 9 bucks. This'll be the first one I'll be skipping unless it gets fantastic reviews from people over age 8. \_I like how the california department of corrections hates star wars so much, they actually shot an ILM employee - danh \_ y'know, there's easier ways to scam people out of 9 bucks. \_ That's probably true -- but this has proven to be GL's M.O. -mice \_ correction: to steal your 9 bucks and sell lots of toys to your kids and make shitty PC/PS2/Xbox games, pull in ad revenue from bad cartoons, etc. Better? \_ By watchable I ment that once I dl it and watch it, I won't regret having wasted the time and bandwidth. Note that this did not apply to eps 1. \_ Since it insisted my 5.00 Qt wasnt new enough and their scripts weren't working well with my browser, I had to pull the qt.exe installed from akamai, etc, so I'm not sure the time was worth it for me and what's up with needing the qtPro \_ version to see the larger movie? Scam, scam, scam.... I can't wait to see more Jamaican frogs fighting and defeating the pre-Empire's forces. \_ I wasn't talking about the trailer, I was talking about the divx of the movie which should be out in a few mos. \_ I know a buncha folks over at ILM. They say the first half hour blows goats, but the last two thirds are crazy chaotic action. Lucas ruined Star Wars, now it is just another scifi action movie. Enjoy it for what it is, now that the legacy has been crushed. Hey, at least you get to watch swarms of clones exterminate the Jedi. [moved was here] |
2002/2/25 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23965 Activity:low |
2/24 And Canada gets the gold in men's hockey! That's it for another four years. \_ these were a fun olympic games. slc came through! \_ Fun? Not the way NBC fucked them up. It was like MTV Olympic Broadcasting. It was better before NBC got their dirty paws on the games and made them unwatchable. |
2002/2/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23953 Activity:high |
2/22 I got a Gameboy Advance for my birthday. Where can I find a good selection of cheap GB games? (Used cartidges are fine; non-GBA games are fine. I just want to play more than the one game it came with, at less than $29.95/game . . . ) \_ Funcoland \_ What are you? 12? \_ ebay \_ you're supposed to get one of those flash cart things and download every f'n game in existence, then never play them. \_ http://www.gamerankings.com some of the high ranking GBA games are awesome!! My favorites are THPS2 and Advanced Wars. \_ if you're annoyed by the lack of visibility in all but the optimal lighting conditions, check out http://www.portablemonopoly.com |
2002/2/21 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23937 Activity:high |
2/21 What's the resale value on the classic, 4-shades of puke Gameboy? \_ 5 cents? |
2002/2/6-7 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW] UID:23794 Activity:very high |
2/6 http://www.flashyourrack.com/flash.cgi?user=lissof2 \_ eh? \_ looks like lila \_ Sure, until you actually look. \_ None of my exs ever get on the net. Even the slutty ones. \_ That's your fault, then. \_ How so? They're my "ex"'s. I have no contact with them at all. Get off drugs. |
2002/2/4-5 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:23774 Activity:very high |
2/4 chiapet, what did you think of the Pats-Rams game \_ I here they're calling it the "Super Bowl" these days \_ I hear they're spelling it "hear" these days. \_ I hear they "should've gotten a Dell, dude" these days. |
2002/2/2 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23757 Activity:nil |
2/2 Gaming in Los Altos this saturday. How many gamers are there in the CSUA? (not computer games): http://davekohr.best.vwh.net/gamesday \- I would do an East Bay ATOMIC ENCOUNTER if there is interest. Is fear-the-void@sloda still active? ok thx, --psb (13-2 at CE) |
2002/1/28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Computer/HW] UID:23690 Activity:high |
1/27 http://www.flashyourrack.com/flash.cgi?user=biggirl \_ Thank you danh! \_ Who says danh posted this? -!danh \_ Hi reiffin. Haven't you heard? The MOTD gets logged; it hasn't been really anonymous for many years. \_ Aside from RCS log (which doesn't log the user) how is the motd logged? \_ Yes I know it's logged and not really anonymous. And you feel really smart posting about this? Yes, you 'caught' me posting a joke URL. What's your point? \_ Did someone fix the flat tires on the car afterwards? |
2002/1/24 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:23647 Activity:nil |
1/23 I'm bored at work. I want to play classic Infocom games via telnet. Anyone remember the address? \_ telnet://zork@eldorado.elsewhere.org \_ Hot damn! I had no idea. HGTTG and everything. Thanks motd! -- !OP |
2001/12/31 [Reference/BayArea, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23417 Activity:nil |
12/30 Where's an arcade in the South bay that has Megatouch Maxx games? |
2001/12/14-16 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23248 Activity:high |
12/15 I just went into an arcade for the first time in a couple of years. Geez, are there any games don't don't require foot coordination or some musical ability these days? It's all dancing and DJ'ing. What happened to all the good racing and pinball games? \_ losers like you stopped going to the arcade and spending money on them. \_ Does the "Underground" still exist? And where is it now? \_ It's smaller, but still exists -- the new entrance is maybe thirty paces north of the old one. \_ does the manually scored bowling lane still exist? \_ no one's stopping you from scoring manually. \_ Manual scoring in bowling: the lost art. \_ does this imply there is a new bowling lane, and it does have automatic scoring? \_ I feel similarly about home video games. Every game nowadays has ten characters and twenty weapon to choose from and thirty button sequences to activate forty special moves. Gee, I just want something simple like Space Invaders. If I wanted some brain exercise I'd be writing code. \_ they are releasing old Atari games for the PC \_ Duh they are emulators \_ what does this have to do with the fact that they are releasing old Atari games for the PC? \_ Well, if you're talking about "official" releases, yeah, they're different. But you can currently play virtually every Atari, Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and older Arcade games on your PC. \_ games are getting more complex because kids today are getting smarter. Their IQ and coordination is getting higher and higher \_ uh... games are getting more complex because technology is evolving. \_ Kids today are not smarter. Kids today are smoking their illiterate little brains into a drug induced STD sharing haze earlier than ever before. If you knew any kids in the 9 to 16 range you'd know this. \_ But EECS majors these days learn less and less. I think it's just a redistribution of brain power from school/CS to games. \_ if kids are getting smarter and smarter, then we must be getting dumber and dumber! If they can master Pacman/Space Invader in 1/4 time we need, then what hope do we have learning those ultra complex first-person shooter games? FUCK! \_ You went to Sunnyvale Golfland, didn't you. That's probably not the best gauge of arcades. |
2001/12/13 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23230 Activity:high |
12/12 I just remembered this PC game that my roomate had freshman year: It was like this robot battling game where you select a group of robots before hand (like little walking bombs, fast ones, slow strong ones, etc), and then pit them against each other in a race for each player to get the most robots across the board to the opponent's side. Anyone ever heard of this? Remember the name? Thanks. \_ I played a sort of football based robots game like this years ago. There were several games made like this but sorry I can't remember the names of any of them. I'm useless. \_ RoboSport by Maxis? \_ There were a couple of games like this at the time. It was a mini genre that never really took off. |
2001/12/9-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:23194 Activity:nil |
12/9 congrats to tw for winning the first world cyber games held in kr. \_ world... cyber games?!? are these the same folks who tried to convince the world that Quake was a sport? |
2001/11/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:23116 Activity:moderate |
11/27 Can somebody id this puzzle game? It's like a typical jigsaw puzzle except that all the pieces are squares and made of plastic. You put the plastic pieces into a tablet. If the puzzle has 16 pieces total then one blank piece is removed. You have to complete the picture by moving the squares up, down, left, and right. Since only one piece is removed, you can only move one piece at a time. It's for kids and varies in complexity. I'm trying to get it for my niece. \_ Slide puzzle \_ http://www.slidingpuzzle.com ! \_ it is also known as the "15 puzzle". |
2001/11/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23104 Activity:moderate |
11/26 Hi, I just thought you guys would be interested in some more details on the XBox talk for tomorrow night. Speaker: David Angeloff - member of Microsoft's XBox team. Agenda: - general console business model - general XBox business model/ console and online - XBox game development - XBox demo - Question and Answer period Don't forget to sign up for the XBox raffle by creating a user on http://www.devhood.com registered as a UC Berkeley student. I will check the member directory at 5:30pm to ensure that I have all the names of those that sign up. If you don't want to sign up on devhood to take part in the latest .NET technology user group, then you can still be entered in a raffle for t-shirts, hats, books and software. Devhood is only for those that want to have a shot at winning the XBox. If you have any questions between now and then feel free to e-mail me. Thanks and I'll see you tomorrow night! - Kirsten \_ Isn't xbox basically a PC running a stripped w2k with no option for a real keyboard because MS didn't want it too closely associated with their other crashware? \_ No. You have no clue. But also, this appears to be a non-technical lecture, being very marketing-heavy, and not something I'd be enthusiastic about. -blojo \_ Ok, clue me. |
2001/11/16 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:23060 Activity:moderate |
11/15 2 Big Game tix for sale. Mail me. --dpassage \_ motd poll Cal will win, and I've put money on it: Cal will win: Cal will lose by <= 24 points: Cal will lose by > 24 points: Cal has no chance in hell: |
2001/11/15 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23055 Activity:nil |
11/15 Buy XBox! Don't buy the games! |
2001/11/14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:23035 Activity:nil |
11/14 anyone wanna trade xbox games? \_ No. |
2001/11/5-6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:22941 Activity:nil |
11/5 Ouch. $1b estimated loss on xbox until 2004. http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,5099214,00.html?chkpt=zdhpnews01 |
2001/11/5 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:22934 Activity:moderate |
11/4 Finally that idiot Holmoe announces he's stepping down as head coach. \_ When was our last Big Game win? '95? \_ our last big game win was in '94... but the last win against *anybody* was 10/28/2000. \_ we probably couldn't even win against De La Salle (best highschool team in the nation) \_ This is important? |
2001/11/4-5 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:22930 Activity:kinda low |
11/4 Anyone know where I can get a cheap playstation 1? \_you have no imagination or initiative... \_ umm... I've looked. I've only found them retail for $99. Neither ebay nor other auction places have them, eventhough I thought that'd be reasonable. I thought there might be some other used sale forums available, or some discounters who sell old equipment. \_ what the hell are you talking about? do a search on eBay for "psone system" (no quotes) and there are number of systems currently in the $40 range \_ note that 'psone' is not the original Playstation, but a cheap version released about the same time as the PS2. \_ well, the original poster did want cheap... does it matter, anyway? \_ http://www.half.com/cat/buy/prod.cgi?cpid=1071397431 |
2001/10/30-31 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:22877 Activity:nil |
10/30 XBox-- dude!!! or dud? \_ Go play with the demo units in EB or Software Etc (I know the one in Valley Fair has one). So far, I'm unimpressed. Yeah, sure, pretty graphics, but no quantum leap over PS2. and there really isn't any must-own games except for perhaps Halo, which is more than likely coming out for the PC next year. \_ Yeah, no point in buying Halo for X-Box as the Mac/PC version is going to be more detailed and will flesh out the story better. Remember the Marathon! \_ MONKEY BALL! Oh wait that is GameCube --oj |
2001/10/8-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:22669 Activity:moderate |
10/8 How can one obtain a console development machine and compiler? Can you simply pay Sony/Nintendo for a the hardware/software? \_ traditionally, you need to submit your game proposal first, and if approved, then you sign an NDA and then pay for the development hardware and software. for hobbists, Sony had development hardware and software. for hobbyists, Sony had the NetYaroze (PSOne) program and now PS2Linux in Japan. these two would allow you to program technology demos on \_ you also need to spend thousands of dollars the hardware, but not full-fledged bootable games. --jwang \_ what is the difference in the developing a tech demo and a bootable game? Is the Playstation development tool the same? \_ licensed PlayStation 2 developers use different hardware and costs of entry to reflect commercial vs hobbist interests. software tools than PS2Linux users -- the two have different costs of entry to reflect commercial vs hobbyist interests. \_ the word is "hobbyist." A Hobbist is a follower of Hobbes. a PS2Linux demo only runs out of PS2Linux -- you can't burn the executable to a CD-R and boot another PS2 with it. --jwang |
2001/9/6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:22332 Activity:nil |
9/4 If you havent expessed your interest in linux for PlayStation2, consider bumping up the momentum again: http://ps2linux.scea.com/interest_form.shtml \_ what is the use for Linux running on a ps2? \_ that's not the POINT! The linux "kit" comes with a hard drive and keyboard AND VGA adapter. so then you have a single relatively cheap device that will play kickass games, DVDs, AND websurf, AND... Hey, at minimum, I'd think the VGA adapter will clean up the res even more than a component output cable, since you get to use a "real" monitor on the other end now. \_ except a game has to specifically have support for the vga adapter, which of course none have. It doesn't just work. |
2001/8/20 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer] UID:22187 Activity:nil |
8/20 G4M3RZ R L4M3RZ: http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/50/21135.html |
2001/7/28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:21984 Activity:nil |
7/27 Anyone play tropico? Is it a decent game? |
2001/7/23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:21913 Activity:moderate |
7/23 Anyone play Summoner? Is it a good game? \_ yes. no. |
2001/7/13 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21794 Activity:nil |
7/13fri beijing takes the games!!! |
2001/6/28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:21659 Activity:high |
6/28 R U: pro-MS? anti-MS? neutral? There are probably a lot more neutrals in the general population than those who are taking a stand. (csua motd is not the general population) \_ Anti-MS!! Especially right now. Installing a game on my Win98 partition made Windows unusable. Splendid! \_ Win98 is perhaps the finest gaming PC platform i've seen, as far as variety of games go. I find that whenever i want to play games, i always load vmware, load windows98 and then run a game. \_ I prefer Win95 for gaming. When I feel like playing a game that's not available for Mac, I launch up VPC with Win95, install and go. I can't wait until they release the MacOS X native version of VPC. |
2001/6/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21651 Activity:moderate |
6/27 diabloII expansion, Electronics boutique, hilltop mall, richmond. available today. - paolo \_ is diablo II the best role playing game right now? What are the best ones for loyal AD&D fans? \_ baldur's gate, bar none. \_ what about the new Pool of Radiance? Is the new Pool of Radiance the same plot as the old gold box POR? \_ godamn fuckin-a baldur's gate 2 + expansion illustrates the principle of "i have no time" \_ i agree, plus I hate that infinity engine they use for all those games. load times are slow, the real time combat sux, and the graphics don't justify it. If you want a quality game, look for Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura, from the designers of Fallout. Not AD&D exactly but the game mechanics should be much more solid and interesting. \_ my comment about bg2 taking too long was not a critique of the engine (although I actually upgraded my computer for it) as much as just not having much time. I also played the Arcanum demo and thought it sucked rocks - ambitious, but poor execution. \_ ah. that sucks. well did you like fallout? i based my enthusiasm on that. oh well. i got the cd images off the newsgroups so i'll try it out. \_ fallout ruled. fallout tactics, however, once again demonstrated "i have no time" |
2001/6/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21631 Activity:nil |
6/26 My friend has a modded playstation, and wants to play a new (legitimate) game, but the disc won't operate on a modded system. How can one get around this? \_ You need to get the modchip switch that turns the modchip on and off. The alternative is to just download the Krack for the game and burn a Kracked copy. Since you own the original there's no reason to feel that its "wrong". \_ the free way: open up the psx, find pin1, and cut it. reconnect it when you have to. this is not the pretty way. \_ Is all this trouble really worth your time? \_ hella easy. \_ there are two generations of mod chips, as there were two types of copy protection introduced over time. check out the stuff at http://easybuy2000.com |
2001/6/16 [Computer/HW/Drives, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21541 Activity:nil |
6/15 So I only recently learned that the Gameboy Advance is already emulated on the PC and every rom is easily available for http download. Plus, there are flash carts for playing these roms on the real thing, and all this stuff was available before the actual hardware was released. Does anyone else find this kind of disturbing? \_ You should be disturbed at your US-centrism. The hardware's been out for ages in japan, and the specs for even longer. \_ the gba was out March 21 2001 in Japan. Ages? The first emulator came out in 9/2000. Does consumer software protection these days come down to "make the program friggin huge, cuz otherwise it winds up on every kiddie's free web page, and even then it ends up in newsgroups weeks before the retail launch"? It's enough to make me feel kind of funny about my 300+ CD warez collection. Is there really no solution to it? \_ Good for us. \_ The point of a Gameboy is (duh) to play on a handheld. If you have a PC, there's little reason to play this thing. \_ Dragon Warrior 3. \_ well like I said, there are flash cart interfaces to the pc so you can play on the actual gameboy. I have my doubts about this anyway, people I've known with game boys seemed to just play them like it was a regular console, so they could play those zelda games and stuff. |
2001/6/13-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21505 Activity:very high |
6/13 What is the best FREE massively multi-player on-line game? \_ shockforce. \_ xcraft. http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~xcraft \_ is this just a ripoff of http://www.freecraft.com \_ so out of curiosity, did 169 grade you at all on originality/ design? \_ you ripped off the warcraft gifs, and made it networked. you expect this to remain "free"? \_ the graphics can be easily changed (though the units, spell effects and such would also need to be) ... still, I find it rather audacious for the authors to say, "Xcraft is ... similar to Warcraft 2". Similar? Similar is comparing Warcraft to Starcraft. Xcraft is a clone, don't deny it. BTW, I'm assuming that since Xcraft is a WC2 clone, it only supports a maximum of 8 players. That's hardly massively multi-player. \_ also not bad for 3 months work in 169. --jon \_ No; it only has footman and peons. We had progress \_ They actually wrote all the source code for building bases, casting spells, etc.? In 3 months?? \_ No; it only has footmen and peons. We had progress reports to write and MBAs to coddle. --dbushong \_ I'm not saying it's not impressive. It is. But it's still asking for lawyers to come knocking. \_ It was a class project. Who cares. \_ Well, long term it'll use the data files from the original... or would have. It looks like the freecraft people are doing fine, so I don't feel terribly compelled to put more time into it. --dbushong \_ Even more impressive after visiting the web site and finding out that Donald Horton was one of their team members. I was unfortunate enough to have him in one of my project groups; a stuffed animal or a cheap paperweight would've made more of a contribution to the group than he did. \_ Wow.. another victim. Good old Donald "Whoa, whoa, whoa.. No One Said Anything About Archers!" Horton \_ Actually the #/players limitation in XCraft is largely that's it's basically 100% server intelligence. If you can get a machine buff enough to pathfind, track, etc N moving units for M players, it'll handle that many players... in theory. The plus of this is that cheating is largely impossible. Of course the whole server really needs a rewrite (I'm free to say this since I didn't really work on the server ;) --dbushong \_ netrek - if you want to have real skills \_ mailto:lwall@csua.berkeley.edu \_ BSXMUD / ReGenesis \_ playing "spot the darkie" in soda hall? \_ is that you, bem? \_ why must we be so racially insensitive in this day and age? \_ Listen to this whiny-assed rice-boy. Ain't he cute? \_ Woe be to he who is an asiaphile anime-watching rice- chaser participating in the assimilation of h07 42N CHIX! \_ The H07 42N CH1X think so. \_ forty-two'in ? \_ EarthSiege3, the alpha tech release, is the best Mech game I've ever played. Actually, its one of the best games ever if you think skill and smooth game play are important. |
2001/6/5 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21428 Activity:nil |
6/4 I take it everybody who has posted a message today lives somewhere east of England... \_ Nope. Sorry. http://www.time.com/time/interactive/entertainment/gangs_np.html \_ reminds me of the time gang members here were beating up each other over streetfighter 2 "cheating" \_ well it was bloody well easy to cheat in sf2. |
2001/6/5 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21426 Activity:very high |
6/4 If I get a modchip for my PS2, can I play games on backup CD-R game that I copied from video rental places? \_ I thought modchips were specific for Japanese versions of PS games. It shouldn't have any effect on whether it can play CD-R or not. \_ gee, it's awfully nice of you to backup these games for the rental places. I assume you're backing them up so that when you play them, you don't risk damaging the rental disc, and then give the backup to the rental place afterward? why don't you just come right out and say "pirate games"? \_ "backup" is the proper lingo for "pirate" in PSX land. Just like "pirate" is the proper lingo for "illegally copy" in the PC world. |
2001/5/25 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21352 Activity:nil |
5/24 The motd has been innoculated. -ali \_ infocom games on java applets: http://www.pond.com/~russotto/zpletx/minizork.html (zork 1 subset) http://www.douglasadams.com/creations/infocomjava.html (hh's guide) |
2001/5/24-25 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21348 Activity:low |
5/24 Hi. Who here has played Red Faction? I'm dying for a good game while waiting for gt and mgs2. If you've played it please send me your comments since I can't read the motd through the firewall at my company. I've got it on hold right now and am trying to figure out whether or not I want to shell out the $50 after work. -- steviembeaumont@yahoo.com p.s. who's Janeway? and Buffy died? Noooooooo! \_ If you can read your yahoo mail, you can probably read the motd. Have you tried http://csua.berkeley.edu/motd and/or finger motd@csua.berkeley.edu? \_ who can log onto soda with just a browser? you can read yahoo email with a browser, i'm not poster but you are a clueless twink \_ You don't need to logon to soda to read the motd. Insert witty Latin phrase about the dangers of a short temper here. \_ Hmm, I'm logging on with just a browser right now. http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/ssh -- yuen \_ woops. Still though, out of all of you, nobody answered except aspolito. Thank you sir! \_ [a lot of idiots posting stuff contradicting the above deleted. the above is correct, and so is yuen. go fuck yourself.] \_ you need help. there was one person without a clue, and then three people telling him he's wrong. |
2001/5/23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21336 Activity:high |
5/22 Anyone played black & white? Is it good? \_ Multiple friends tell me that it's the bees knees. \_ I think it sucks. Gets real boring real fast. Get Kohan instead; it's a better AOE. \_ that's what I heard from two of my co-workers. they say it starts off being good but gets really repetitive. \_ How many games have you played for the PC that aren't like that? I can only think of two, offhand: Evercrack, Nethack. Both start off being really repetitive and get really good. \_ Bob, is that you? \_ get Skillz, play Netrek \_ After 20 or so hours of EQ it was still boring as hell. Why do I have to play a game for more than 20 hours before it starts to get good? And no, most games start off fun and eventually play out but not before you've finished it once. Here are my choices for games that start off fun and stay that way for a *long* time: Civ (1 & 2), MOO, MOO2. I've got about 8 other recently published games installed right now but didn't bother finishing any of them. A hint for any of you working on games right now: fuck eye candy, make the game fun! \_ well if you like shooters, I found quake and counter-strike to stay fun for years. if you get bored of mindless deathmatch there's teamplay, and in a league situation it's pretty exciting. many good games are just single player experiences and it's not really their fault if they have limited replay value. the whole concept of black and white never appealed to me in the first place. \_ I think you answered my question about gameplay and fun. I don't play FPS. I suspect most of the hardcore development time is being spent on FPS these days and other game genres are getting the short end. \_ well, since you're only interested in turn based strategery, you can look forward to Civ 3 and MOO 3. I used to play that too, but they suck too much time away. There's also things like Age of Wonders 2, HOMM 4, Europa Universalis. I take back what i said about not really their fault for limited replay though. I remember coming back to old NES games time and again because the actual gameplay was fun even after beating it or whatever. \_ Play AOE the original. It's still fun after a few hundred games on the zone. \_ can you say overhyped? try it before you buy it. |
2001/5/22-23 [Politics, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21326 Activity:high |
5/22 What are some good economic/business simulation games out there. I am aware of Capitalism, Industry Giant, and Star Peace (the last is an online game like Everquest). Anyone know of any other good ones? \_ solitaire with Vegas option turned on \_ Idiot. \_ where can I download this game? \_ does something like Transport Tycoon count? \_ It does, though it's more of a transportation sim. Transport Tycoon Deluxe is now freely available for download, btw. I am hoping for something along the lines of single player Star Peace (hate dealing with munchkins and paying $10 a month for the privilege), or Capitalism with updated graphics. -- original poster |
2001/5/10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:21228 Activity:high |
5/9 Does anybody have clearer photos on how to perform either the "cog-trick" or the "knife-trick" disk swap on a ps2? The demonstration photos on the web are abysmal. It's too bad they haven't figured out a complete, external usb plug-in other than the sbox plug which...doesn't help very much. Much obliged. \_ sign your name so we can send out the Hunter Killer Aibo to give you a personal demonstration. -jwang@playstation.sony.com \_ it's not that hard to figure out from the pictures on the web. imo, the knife method is easier if you use a nail file. grab the file from sgt. dan's site (http://ps2.sgt-dan.com/)...and i'm not afraid to sign my name. -uctt \_ the photo I've seen of how to remove the front panel of the drawer isn't THAT clear. And admittedly, I am a bit leery about accidentally breaking off the tab that holds it in place. I mean, it'd still work...but it'd be like if you had a new car and then proceeded the next day to dent the front end by hitting a tree or something... And jwang, I got one thing for you. No, make that two: 1) =P PPPPPPLLLLlllllllllllllllt! Neener neener neener you can't catch me. I'll do whatever I damn well please. 2) (__)(__) Kiss my ugly deformed ass, motherf******!!! \_ You're such a twink. --!jwang \_ <DEAD>ps2central.pika-power.com/main.html<DEAD> has good pictures |_ How about a ps2 mod chip or workaround ? \_ it's really hard to get that cover off without breaking off the little tab. i was real careful and got it out without breaking but it later ended up breaking off anyway. there are ps2 chips (sbox and neo2 are the most popular) but there's really no need to get one at this point. the chips aren't that great and you still need to swap disks with gameshark 2. just get a gameshark 2 to play your backups. -uctt |
2001/5/7 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:21197 Activity:nil |
5/7 name the game: runs on linux, 2D scroller with a spaceship fighting these big maze things with guns. The only way to destroy the maze things is to shott certain nodes; their destruction unravells part of the maze, eventually exposing the core. What is the name fo the game? -brain |
2001/5/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:21154 Activity:high Edit_by:auto |
4/30 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/aponline/20010430/aponline165428_000.htm Some stuff about a new hasbro game with wireless builtin. Your 'pox' attacks the 'pox' of any other unit within 30 feet. Reminds me a bit of the old old old game where programs battled in "core" memory. Anyway, I love this quote: Child psychologist Diane Levin of Wheelock College in Boston said such products can be harmful. "The toy industry is getting better at concealing the fact that they're selling violence to children," Levin said. To be fair, though, the last quote is a different child psychologist saying the exact opposite. :-) Frankly, I don't think it'll teach children anything about violence or their environment. Maybe how to use their brains. That'd be different for child's entertainment. \_ corewars. loved that game. <DEAD>www.csua/~paolo/corewars.tar.gz<DEAD> |
2001/4/16 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Industry/Jobs, Industry/Startup] UID:21001 Activity:nil |
4/16 Games dot com is a luz3r company. Those who joined and stayed till now, are the stupidest of all. <DEAD>-fuckedcompany.com<DEAD> \_ That's pretty danged stupid! -redneck |
2001/4/12 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:20954 Activity:nil |
4/12 http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/8/18279.html Is Black & White spying on you? |
2001/4/12 [Recreation/Celebrity, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:20944 Activity:high |
4/12 Who can tell me the atomic weight of bolognium? \_ maybe you should look at this hole in ipf? http://false.net/ipfilter/2001_04/0087.html \_ Oooh... delicious? \_ Correct. I would have also accepted snacktacular. \_ Gooooo Oscar Meyer! \_ You can't beat a Coleco, eh? \_ You better get the rust-proofing though. \_ Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers! I'm learn-ding. |
2001/2/23-24 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:20663 Activity:high |
2/23 I have a x86 box running redhat 6 and I can't get my new soundcard to install. where should I go to get help? someone told me the motd would be a good place to ask, because there are alot of linux users here. \_ linux user, yes. Helpfull people, no \_ I guess you failed the TOFEL. Learn some spelling and grammar fob. \_ OSuX! OSuX! 1T'5 A11 A80U+ OSuX D00D! K3WL AKWUA & 5H1T! \_ The first thing I would try is a later version of RedHat. \_ D00D D1D U U53 linSUXconf? TRY RH 6.2, 1T W0RK5 4 M3! - 3133T LinSUX H@X0R/L0053R \_ What does a server need a sound card for? If you want to play games or pirated mp3s go install win98. It's better at both. \_ Or MacOS. Its better than Win98 at both. \_ MacOS? games? that's certainly news to me \_ UT, Q3A, Monkey Island, Voyager Elite Force, Diablo II, Baulder's Gate, all playstation games, SimCity 3K, Caesar III, Oni, Marathon (it is still the best fps ever made), radom other games. Yeah, there aren't 50 million retarded games like in the PC world, but that's just because a Mac is more than a simple WinTendo. \_ silly me, I thought people didn't publish Mac games because there just aren't enough Mac users to justify it, but I guess I was wrong \_ uh you are on crack. by the time something comes out on the mac it's usually pretty old news already. marathon is not the best fps ever made, i played it. \_ Perhaps in your opinion. But I still like it. No other fps I have ever played works well with just keyboard controls and produces so much carnage. I've played newer games and Marathon is still better. i guess half-life, fallout2, arcanum, baldur's gate 2, planescape: torment, nolf, deus ex, and tons and tons of This is available on a Mac _/ \_ well exqueeze me. old classic games that were never available on the mac just don't matter when it comes to what system is better for games. p.s., guess what game dominates online fps play by a huge margin, and can't be had on a mac? \_ CounterStrike? Yeah whatever. A Mac is much more than a WinTendo. If I want to play games, I'd buy a console. I use my computer to do *real* work. \_ first you say macs are better at gaming. then you say whatever, you don't want to play games. well that's fine dumbass but then why the hell are you talking about it. anyway try playing counterstrike or any other mod for any game on a console. or any rpg more complex than the linear "interactive cutscene" style of console rpgs. Also, what sound card? \_ I wish Apple had died and Amiga survived. Amiga wiped the floor with Crapple. |
2001/1/21-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:20390 Activity:nil |
1/20 Game Theory class taught by Papadimitriou http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~christos/cs294.html Promises to combine algorithms, economy, e-commerce, and Greek lovin'. |
2000/12/25-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:20172 Activity:kinda low |
12/25 The Dolphins/New England game end was strange. Dolphins celebrating the end of the game and the Coach congratulating the team in the locker room, but wait. The officials said that there were 3 seconds left on the clock. So they had to play one play after 35 minutes and after all the players may have finished changing. With all the recounts in Florida, this game end does not surprise me. \_ how interesting and insightful. -tom \_ actually, a player made the last comment. |
2000/12/4 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:19994 Activity:nil |
12/3 50% off video games & "family" videos/dvds at http://www.familywonder.com |
2000/11/25-27 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19909 Activity:moderate |
11/24 Thanks to the beauty of SoCal TV, I now know about the ultimate 1337 piece of software: http://www.catechumen.com \_ uh, what's so '1337 about this? it looks like any other 3d game to me, except for being Christian \_ if you have to ask, you don't know. \_ well, DUH. If I knew, I wouldn't be asking. \_ Those who tell don't know, those who know don't tell. \_ s0rr4, i gu355 i'm n07 31337 3n0u6h 70 r3ad th3 m07d \_ ><-/\]<7|_Y. |
2000/11/13-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19757 Activity:moderate |
11/13 DOes anyone know if the Japanese version of the PSII is compatible with games/DVDs published in North America? \_ its not.. need mod chip, but current mod chip not good for orig us games.. http://www.modchip.com orig us games.. http://www.modchip.com -shac \_thanks. This is what I needed to know. \_ If you get an early model JPN PS2 it's possible to play some region 1 DVD's, but for games modchip is needed --oj \_ what's the best site around to keep up on the modding progress on the ps2? \_ my "sources" at ign say http://www.modchip.com they have a mailing list. -shac |
2000/11/9-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19682 Activity:moderate |
11/9 Is HL:Counterstrike all that? Worth getting? I haven't played FPS since Quake2 and am itching for some shmucks to frag. \_ http://Gamers.com has the exclusive. http://www.gamers.com/s/feature/001107-counter/index \_ when are they going ipo? if u hear 'soon' too many times its not going ipo. |
2000/11/2 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19636 Activity:nil |
11/1 hehe, I'm back. didya miss me? back to the ps2 survey that I missed viewing due to bad internet connection last last week. How many of you sodans -- stood in line for 8 hours or more, and got it: -- stood in line for 1 hour or less, and got it: -- didn't stand in line and still got it (pre-reserve): -- you are one of those greedy motherfuckers selling ps2's and accessories on ebay, and damn proud of it: -- never plan on buying it: -- are planning to buy it later: -- your mom hooked you up at Target by winning the employee raffle and your are gleeful: 1 always and forever --> the bitter alum |
2000/10/28-30 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19590 Activity:moderate |
10/27 I saw this poll on http://gamefaqs.com, I'm curious how everyone else came out. How many of you fellow Sodans: - Waited in line for a ps2 and didn't get shit: 1 (me) - Waited in line and scored a unit: 1 - Never planned on buying one: 3 (games are for wussies) - Never planned on buying one: 2 (game consoles are for wussies) - Preordered wisely and avoided bs: 1 - Got a Japanese PS2 back in March: 2 - Lazy bastard who'll get one in a few months: 3 - Will get one when I can wander into a store and jsut buy one off the self. If the current new of Dreamcast games doesn't live up to the promise that is: 1 - are bleeding-edge and tired of giving Sony money, so will be buying a DC with Dance Dance Revolution, Shenmue, and Jet Grind Radio sometime very soon: 1 - I don't think that word means what you think it means : 1 - All of the previous is false: 1 - thought that PS2 was a very old computer from ibm the first time you read this post: 2 - don't play games. - 1. |
2000/10/9-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19450 Activity:moderate |
10/09 Has anyone played Opposing Forces and/or Deus Ex? Are they as good as the original Half-Life (engaging story, game-play, etc.)? \_ OF - fun but a little short. A good expansion pack that is faithful to the original. DX - I liked it, but others don't. Brings out the limitations of the unreal engine and runs like ass on a non voodoo card. Oh and it falls apart at the end like most games do, but at least ti is fun getting there. \_ DX is a groundbreaking game that has some minor tech problems, nothing that fast hardware won't solve. OF is also fun, not quite as good as original Half-Life with the exception of one or two puzzles that are actually better. Both games are well worth your time (though OF kind of wimped out on the what-are-you- supposed-to-be-doing-in-Black-Mesa thing). If it's an either/or situation, though, I'd say get Deus Ex. -blojo \_ Which one has a better story line? Yeah, I know that most people consider the story pretty irrelavent in a FPS, but my first FPS was Marathon, so I like FPSs with a good story line. \_ If you want story, play BG2. That game is TOO - DAMN - BIG. \_ BG2? Do you mean Bauldur's Gate 2? Its a RPG. I want FPS. \_ BG2? Do you mean Bauldur's Gate 2? Its a RPG. I want an FPS. I prefer to kill things in real time rather than wait my turn. A good story makes the killing more fun. |
2000/10/6-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/HW/Display] UID:19429 Activity:high |
10/6 Good Games to test out a new system(950 Athlon, ATI Radeon)? \_ rouge, nethack, xtrek, xblast \_ You mean "rogue"? \_ Riana Rouge is a good test \_ Why'd you do that? \_ Life \_ Counter-Strike!!!!!!!! \_ Freespace 2. \_ Homeworld: Cataclysm \_ MS Flight Simulator 2000 \_ Where can I get such a system? |
2000/9/29-10/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19368 Activity:moderate |
9/29 Why are pro basketball players playing for the U.S. but not in games like baseball? \_ Because they're BASKETBALL PLAYERS. Geez! \_ those baseball players are pros \_ the real baseball players are currently in a pennant race \_ That wouldn't be known at the time the team was \_ those who are not could be playing in the Olympics. \_ That wouldn't be known at the time the team is organized. \_ Who are the baseball players on the U.S. teams? Are they AAA farm system players? \_ Yes. \_ because they are weinies who go on strike because X million dollars a year isn't enough money for them. \_ To play a child's game. \_ I have to pay $0.25/minute to see live adult games vs. $0.08 ($15/3 hours) for a live baseball game. \_ Um WAKE UP CALL: Someone almost lost to Latvia. -John |
2000/9/17-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:19269 Activity:nil |
9/17 <DEAD>www.rendell.uk.co/gol/turing_js_r.gif<DEAD> turing machine as a conway game-of-life pattern |
2000/9/13-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19238 Activity:kinda low |
9/13 Is it possible to use the AoE2 Expansion Pack during multi-play? The Expansion Pack says you can automate more (e.g. farmers auto replenish farm, etc) and that should give me a lot more competitive advantage. However, it doesn't say if it is compatible w/multi-play. Thanks. -gaymer \_ I REALLY doubt the expansion pack magically turns off multiplayer play. \_ no, the question is if the Expansion Pack features could be used in a multi-player game. \_ Yes, of course, but RM is all about feudal rushing, so the auto-features really wont make that big of a difference in competitive games. \_ What's RM? Why don't you guys play it at the zone? It's free there http://www.zone.com You play Age Of Conquerers againts 8 (max.) other ppl. \_ RM == Random Map. |
2000/9/13 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:19237 Activity:nil |
9/13 Anybody been to an Olympic game? I've heard that all the parties that goes on in the Olympic games are basically sex binges. A chance for athletes to "mingle" after a game. win or lose. This is like the NBA where it's all about sex and money. |
2000/9/6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19183 Activity:nil |
9/5 ~pld/bubblet.el now v0.62. Undo now affects the RNG. Also check ~pld/bubblet-scores. -pld \_Games: 10 Avg: 636 / 3.06 High: 2552 / 3.18 -pld \_Games: 10 Avg: 530 / 3.02 High: 1328 / 2.97 -tom \_ how do these scores relate to those below? \_ newer format, additional info (avg blocks) \_Total games: 29 Average score: 294 High score: 1084-ali \_Total games: 80 Average score: 261 High score: 872-oj |
2000/9/2-6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19162 Activity:nil 80%like:19145 |
9/1 ~pld/bubblet.el now v0.61 \_Games: 5 Avg: 619 / 2.98 High: 1104 / 2.92 -pld \_Total games: 29 Average score: 294 High score: 1084-ali \_Total games: 80 Average score: 261 High score: 872-oj \_ where are high scores saved? \_ Same place customize saves them -pld |
2000/9/2 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19160 Activity:kinda low 80%like:19145 |
9/1 ~pld/bubblet.el now v0.6 \_Games: 5 Avg: 619 / 2.98 High: 1104 / 2.92 -pld \_Total games: 29 Average score: 294 High score: 1084-ali \_Total games: 80 Average score: 261 High score: 872-oj \_ where are high scores kept? |
2000/9/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19145 Activity:high 80%like:19160 80%like:19162 |
8/31 ~pld/bubblet.el \_ so far, my high score is 154 \_Total games: 7 Average score: 188 High score: 380 -ali \_ Total games: 26 Average score: 444 High score: 966 -pld \_Total games: 29 Average score: 294 High score: 1084-ali \_ how do you use this? --emacs newbie \_ Install Emacs 20. Copy ~pld/bubblet.el to your local machine. Start emacs. M-x (a.k.a. Meta-X, i.e. hit escape then x) load-file(hit return) Give path to bubblet.el(hit return). M-x bubblet. Whee. \_ tr -d \015 |
2000/8/29 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer] UID:19120 Activity:nil |
8/28 I'm playing Crystalis on a Color Gameboy. Anyone know how I get to Zombie Town from Spirit Island? There is that sliding platform that is supposed to get me there but I keep falling off. How do I stay on it? |
2000/8/24 [Recreation/Activities, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19089 Activity:high 66%like:19091 |
8/24 I used to play tennis and video games with a good friend of mine. After he got married he stopped hanging out w/ me. How do I get him back? \_ Offer to sleep with him (and/or his wife) \_ Find a woman who plays tennis and video games. Or another man. |
2000/8/23 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games, Reference/RealEstate] UID:19077 Activity:nil |
8/22 Looking for studio in downtown San Jose. anyone knows the average rent there? -/-- It wasn't here for very long before getting trunc'd, but for the person looking to teach programming to a 10-yr-old: http://www.toontalk.com "ToonTalk is a video game for making video games." -David Kahn, 10 "It's an animated world where kids can make, run, debug, and trade programs."-Ken Kahn, David's dad and inventor of ToonTalk --mogul |
2000/8/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19066 Activity:high |
8/21 Don't you think an ex-USCA co-op resident, and better yet, current CSUA member, would make a passable Survivor contestant? ^contestant^actor --psb \_ No. I don't. The first 2 losers kicked off the island were the only 2 bay area people. Think about that. \_ What are you trying to say psb? \_ The coops were a ZOG survivor contest. -John \_ ausman! ausman! ausman! ausman! \_ I have never even seen this show before. Think I really ought to apply? -ausman \_ I can't think of anyone more perfect, Jim. \_ yes. Next show is in January. Everybody apply! inmates fight one another. I think this has happened before. \_ The show will become markedly stranger if we get 3+ sodans on there. Let's go everyone, apply!!! \_ How much of a bribe would it take to say, the Chinese government, to have a deathmatch-oriented survivor. "No games. No rules. No mercy.", where the contestents are encouraged to knock each other off? \_ Get a job as a California prison guard, then make the inmates fight one another. "deathmatch-oriented survivor" is played out everyday in the prisons. Join the fun! \_ there is a new reality based show coming out called jailbreak. People become prisoners and try to break out of prison. \_ CA penal system is a bit more organized than Survivor, eh? They have gangs, or one-on-ones, or "group vs. child molester" altercations, which arent really the same. It ends up being bigger beats smaller. Plus, it's not co-ed. \_ well, the winners don't get a million dollars. \_ They would not allow that. The kidney trade is too lucrative to risk damaging the goods. \_ USCAers would not survive unless it was a contest to "make your own granola" or "score some drugs". CSUAers would never survive unless it was a "virtual survivor" where you are a character in a video game. Of course both would win if it was a "how long can I last without showering" contest. \_ you call that winning? |
2000/8/20-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:19049 Activity:high |
8/19 Playstation II or DreamCast? Pros/Cons? Are Playstation I games compatible with Playstation II? Also, is it possible to play Japanese CD with the US Playstation? Thanks... -game newbie \_PSX I games are compatible w/ PSX II, further they are enhanced! Jpn PSX games will NOT work on PSX II (territory lockout) For short term (1.5-2yr) get the Dreamcast, for long therm (3-4yr) get the PSX2. \_ Very short term (< 1 year) for the DreamCast, most game companies are developing for the PSX2 or X-Box at this point. \_ the does lie the possibility for "mod chips" that can be soldered into the ps2 to enable u.s. units to play japanese games, but that can't be determined for certain at this time since the ps2 doesn't come out until oct. 26. if you can't wait until oct. 26, buy the dreamcast, otherwise wait for ps2. or if you have lots of money, buy them both, then you don't have to worry about system A vs. system B. Playstation games should play on ps2 b/c apparently, there is a ps1 inside the ps2, that's why the two units are backwards compatible (at least that's what I last heard, which was awhile ago). ALSO: you need a ps2 simply b/c metal gear solid 2 is coming out in 2001 (see the 90 MB trailer at http://psx.ign.com). Hopefully, this game will kick much ass compared to the original. \_ Don't get another box, use your PC/Mac: http://www.virtualgamestation.com There's even a modchip so you can play CD-R and Japan games MacAlly and Gravis sell the PSX controllers in USB format so you even get that (controllers ~ $19). \_ don't listen to this guy. you can't emulate dreamcast or ps2 yet (duh!). it works ok for most games on playstation, except some games looks really bad. ("silent hill", you see the box mappings around characters, gran turismo has texture problems... hmm...might've forgot to adjust my memory on that one). Metal gear solid has slowness problems...so the emulation isn't really perfect. the box is cheap enough.. unless you happen to be a CHEAP ASSHOLE like some companies announced future products will be for PS2/XBox. -oj sodans I know. \_ Okay, so it doesn't do PSX II or DreamCast, but PSX II isn't out yet and DreamCast suxs! PSX still has great games. Gran Turismo and Gran Turismo II run exteremely well on my PB G3 400. So does Driver and Super Puzzle Fighter II. \_ http://www.xbox.com \_ Only PSX games "written to the proper standards" will work. The \_ isn't the xbox going to cost >$500? pretty unfair to compare that to the playstation 2 \_ The above post is simply not true. Most, estimating approx. 98%, \_ http://www.chipzone.com from Sony and Gaming News Agencies. The only games with issues \_PSX I games are compatible w/ PSX II, further they are enhanced! Jpn PSX games will NOT work on PSX II (territory lockout) For short term (1.5-2yr) get the Dreamcast, for long therm (3-4yr) get the PSX2. \_ Very short term (< 1 year) for the DreamCast, many game companies announced future products will be for PS2/XBox. Oh yeah JPN PSX1 will work on JPN PS2. US PSX1 discs and CDR's won't. I assume similar things for US PS2 -oj \_ the does lie the possibility for "mod chips" that can be soldered into the ps2 to enable u.s. units to play japanese games, but that can't be determined for certain at this time since the ps2 doesn't come out until oct. 26. if you can't wait until oct. 26, buy the dreamcast, otherwise wait for ps2. or if you have lots of money, buy them both, then you don't have to worry about system A vs. system B. Playstation games should play on ps2 b/c apparently, there is a ps1 inside the ps2, that's why the two units are backwards compatible (at least that's what I last heard, which was awhile ago). ALSO: you need a ps2 simply b/c metal gear solid 2 is coming out in 2001 (see the 90 MB trailer at http://psx.ign.com). Hopefully, this game will kick much ass compared to the original. \_ Only PSX games "written to the proper standards" will work. the games written by folks who ignored the rules won't always work. Only about 1/4th of em will work I've read. \_ the above post is simply not true. Most, estimating approx. 98%, of PSX I games will play on the PSX II based on various reports from Sony and Gaming News Agencies. the only games with issues are basically only 1st generation Japanese games. Sony has issued a list of games (~20) that are not compatible which futher proves this point, see: http://www.vnunet.com/News/106992 \_ Not what I read. YMMV. \_ spoken like a true Sony monkey \_ http://www.modchips.com |
2000/8/11-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18963 Activity:nil |
8/10 nethack 3.3.1 installed as "nethack-3.3.1"; please try it out, and let me know if you notice any problems. I'll make 3.3.1 the default in a few weeks, and then you'll have to run "nethack-3.3.0" to get the old version. Saved games are not compatible. --mconst |
2000/7/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18759 Activity:moderate |
7/22 I'm thinking of buying a video game system. Does anyone have suggestions or pointers to sites with good reviews/comparisons? \_ Xbox, Microsoft. The rest is junk. Go with a quality company that has support and knows the business. Forget Sony, Sega, and the rest of these pretenders who entered the arena too early. \_ http://gamefaqs.com is a great site for that kind of thing, at least for the games themselves. If you want to find information on each console, look at the far left, click on the console you are interested in. This will bring you up to a screen where one of the subsections reads "faqs and codes", and one of the topics listed under there is "general/system faqs." Also...NextGeneration magazine (next-generation.com) had a wonderful pros/cons comparisons of the upcoming systems this next year, but I don't know if it's available online. http://ign.com is a an OK place to find info too...look at the left side of the page "games" Here's a rather short summary of what's available now (anybody else feel free to contribute) 1) Playstation: this is a somewhat old system soon to be replaced by the ps2. It has some lots of games out for it, and better yet, you can copy (*gasp*) most of them if you have a cd-burner, so you can save lots of money on games. It's best to stick with what you like instead of hoarding piles and piles of cd-r's though like some people I know. To play the cd-r's, you pretty much have to solder in a small chip on the motherboard of the unit though. (at last last I heard). 2) N64: don't buy this; it's technically higher-performing than the playstation, but it didn't really catch on witht the public that match. mediocre game selection. 3) Dreamcast: this is an enjoyable "newer" system. People expect this to be bumped off by ps2, but for now, this is highest end system available on the market to date. There's a good number of game titles out there for it...nothing really to complain about it except that the controller is damn ugly and big and clunky like a cadillac. 4) saturn: it was alright, but the marketing was done poorly and not many bought this compared to the playstation. you probably don't want to buy this unless you are a big video game freak (some good games, including X-men VS. Streetfighter complete with tag-team playability, only came out for saturn). I would say get a Dreamcast if you are bored and can't wait for ps2. However, the ps gives you a wider selection, and any games you buy for it as well as peripherals will be compatible with the ps2...only problem is that the ps2 will be dvd-based and cd-r burns will probably not work... Anybody have any update on mod-chip viability on the ps2? Of course, if you are not strapped for cash, get the Dreamcast and the ps then wait for the ps2 to come out..=) |
2000/7/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18758 Activity:nil |
7/21 can anyone suggest some computer games that are network-able and are not killing games? (such as raceing games or fighter plane games?). Games that parents of 8 year-olds would not complain too much about. Thanks! -sofia \_ Try the Need For Speed series \_ Totally addictive esp. w/Force Feedback Wheel, which also comes with Monster Truck Madness. \_ Star Wars Pod Racer \_ Flight Simulators |
2000/7/18-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18710 Activity:high |
7/17 People, you have to give me time to read the post before you nuke. Again: for those of you working in the game industry either as a programmer or in the art department, can you describe the reality of such a job other than the long hours and the substandard pay (compared to other possible cs/art jobs)? Is it in enjoyable, or do the tight deadlines typically make the whole experience downright unpleasant? It's a little bit hard to get the inside opinion on this type of thing, informational interviews can only show you so much. -- disgruntled non-cs, non-arts bitter alum \_ What would you be doing? What is the company? Do you know anyone there? A "game company" doesn't mean much. Specifics, believe it or not, help. \_ Non art? Non CS? What else is there? \_ a shit job like mine; there are endless number of shit jobs but only a few good ones -- bitter alum \_ working in games is a lot like work in other industries \_ I think Blojo and Bolt Action have it right: You work on games to have fun, try new things, do nifty tricks in your code, but you earn your money by calling yourself "Berkeley Consulting Group" and charge corporate suits to fix problems. \_ No, actually, Blizzard has it right. Blojo and Co aren't talented enough to actually make a game that sells, so they have to whore themselves to stay afloat. \_ I bow to your superior wisdom and demonstrably is coming up with a unique play concept. This has NOTHING vast experience. -blojo \_ Oh spare me your posturing and write something that sells. Or if you don't want to write something that sells at least tell your people that they are working at a java-monkey consulting company, not a game company like you claim. \_ Look man, you've obviously never talked to anyone who works with me, and you don't know anything about the game industry. If you sign your name then at least I will know who to shun. -blojo \_ And you do? Just get something published for crying outloud. At least I don't claim any knowledge, you do. Which of us is a greater fool? \_ you are, reiffin. -tom \_ Nothing wrong with having a hobby company and supporting it with your consulting work. Didn't they get a game on http://Won.Net or MS game zone or something? Some tank hunter thing? \_ Lack of talent isn't a sin, but it sure sucks. \_ You're both wrong. The tough part of making a "hit" game is coming up with a unique play concept. \_ horseshit. Nearly all the hit games are rehashes of existing concepts. -tom This has NOTHING to do with how '1337 a programmer you are. Once you have that, there are any number of good programmers who can execute the concept. The benefit of having an uber-hacker is that it can run on a pentium 100, vs a pentium 500. [plus these days, you gotta have good artists] \_ And sounds/music too with all that 3d audio shit going on. SPOCK! MUST-HAVE-MORE-EYE-CANDY! AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!!! \_ *sigh* \_ Oh right. "*sigh*" yerself. Like you never mushed a thread before. \_ Though this has little to do with the thread, but in light of recent posts trying to get people to sign on with Sony, etc., if you happen to end up working for a Japanese company, you can begin to feel sorry for yourself: you have no future. There are many reasons Japanese companies can't make good software / hire good CS-competent staff. Most of the good games sold by the Japanese gaming industry are games written by other companies, sold under their brand name label. I interviewed with a Japanese software game maker once a few years back, and I have interviewed with Sony (non-gaming division, though) and many other Japanese-run companies. Most of the 50-year old dweebs in charge have no klew about computers and software at all. Maybe they know their hardware really well, but software and common sense and logic often escape the Japanese gurus. There was this big thing in the 80's about the Japanese-style of management. Trust me, there is not much happening in the back offices of most Japanese corp- orations these days. Simple, individual Greed has replaced most of what was a decent model 15-20 years ago... in fact, I'm not convinced it ever was a decent model to follow. Sorry for the long excerpt, but I wanted to write a bunch more. If you're mulling over working for a Jap. company, send me mail first. I'll do my best to convince you otherwise. --mtbb \_ So, if I understand you correctly, working for a Japanese company has both very high short and long term benefits and no real drawbacks and you strongly recommend working at a Japanese company even for less pay because the other benefits are so great? \_ BUT AS1AN CHYX R __H0TTT_!!!1! 1 WANT 2 W0RK 4 A JAPN3Z3 CUMPANY BECUZ 1"M H0P1NG THAT A L0T UV YUNG AS1AN CH1X 1N TH0Z3 SH0RT SK00LG1RL SK1RTZ W1LL B3 W0RK1NG TH3R3 2 !!1!! |
2000/7/16-17 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18690 Activity:high |
7/16 anybody out there working in the game industry (for console systems and PC's) who has any words on what the job is actually like, in terms of both coding and graphic design/art positions? i already know that the pay is less than other jobs, but how enjoyable is the job...? \_ really depends on the company and you \_ i've still to find a job that i like so much i want to sit around for more than 8 hours. i've heard that the hours are long, which is fine, but i've also heard that the the deadlines are extremely tight, so one guy i talked to mentioned it wasn't as fun as he thought it was going to be. \_ It depends on what your job is. If you're hired as a peon, and you work for some big, icky company, then your job is going to suck. Do not let this happen to you. If you work as, say, lead engine programmer (or some level higher up than code monkey) for a company that treats its employees well, it can be great. As a general rule the smaller companies are better, but too small == a lot of risk that you may never even finish a first game before the company goes down. The main way to get a good job in the game industry is to have some kind of game-specific experience before you go in. It can be something dumb, like a Half-Life mod or whatever. But have something. -blojo \_ I am sure jobs at small companies can suck too, isn't that right blojo? \_ what game company? |
2000/6/27-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18555 Activity:high |
6/26 Where can I get the nude patch for The Sims? \_ sunsolve \_ http://www.game-revolution.com/download/sims_nude.htm \_ Pervert... \_ The Sims is really weird. What's up with having a virtual life? Is guiding a digital sim through digital life really better than the real thing? \_ I'll take any nudity i can get. |
2000/6/23-24 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18531 Activity:nil |
6/22 Does anyone know where I can find a crack for AoE2? Thanks... \_ i have successfully duped the CD with CloneCD -aaron \_ Electronics Boutique. Costs $39.99 for the crack. \_ http://www.gamecopyworld.com \_ this is for the dreamcast, I presume? how do you copy dreamcast stuff? i suppose this is a moot point anyhow, considering that a) when you're working, buying a few games is cheap entertainment and b) even if you do copy a whole shitload of games, it's impossible to play through all of them unless you're working for a game site that reviews them. -- psycho ps game burner \_ Uhm, no. -working for !game company, has lots of time for all aspects of life |
2000/6/19-26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:18501 Activity:kinda low |
6/19 Jobs available at Sony Computer Entertainment of America. Learn the PlayStation2 architecture, meet lots of game developers, and write your own ticket in the game industry! See /csua/pub/jobs/SCEA. -mogul \_ isn't this system "already dead" before it's even released in the U.S.? \_ You're funny! -mogul \_ No. It's already dead. Xbox is going to destroy ps2 across the U.S. Release it fast and sucker in as many v1.0 victims as you can. You'll need a new job by Xmas of 2001. \_ The Best scenario for the X-Box as a gaming console is for microsoft NOT to lose their shirt, on selling a unit which cost $50-100 more then it should to manufacture. -nweaver \_ uhh nick, we all know you area dumbass but I just want to point out that the money is not in the consoles. The money is in the games. \_ in clear laymen's terms, why is it harder to develop games for the ps2 than let's say...the dreamcast. the "difficulty" for making games for this unit is supposedly higher than the saturn, which was already THE worst nightmare platform. \_ It's not harder, just requires people to learn more and think differently. Take the job and find out. -mogul \_ Translation: you didn't release a SDK. Thanks. \_ You could look at it that way. -mogul \_ Always have to have the last word, eh? \_ Supposedly it is tougher than the Saturn. Mainly because Sony didn't bother to develop any guildlines for the best way to impiment a given effect. So apparently programmers will get halfway through doing something in way X, when they figure out they should've been doing way Y and have start completely over. (Note: I can't imagaine the PSX2 is worse than the Atari Jaguar though, talk about nightmare systems...) \_ Sony put out a library for PS that developers hated. They said they'd rather have the raw metal and specs and write their own libs; eventually Sony gave out the specs and the games got a lot better as a result. For the PS2, Sony skipped the libraries and gave developers what they said they wanted. Unfortunately, they didn't count on the number of super-lame PC programmers fleeing their shrinking share of the games market; these are people raised with DirectX, with no idea how to program a graphics pipeline on their own. These are the same people who are complaining the loudest whenever they're interviewed. I was a PC game developer, and I made the switch. It's NOT that hard. -mogul \_ Hey, good way to do developer relations!! I can't wait to join up with an attitude like that. --super-lame PC programmer staying in shrinking market \_ I didn't say all PC game programmers are super-lame... Just that there are a lot of them. \_ Why not release a library to placate the super-lame programmers, and also release the specs? Seems like the right way to go, even if you accept the thesis that only people that can program the bare metal are going to turn out worthwhile games. -brg (not a game programmer, or even a game programmer wannabee) \_ That was my logic, and apparently it just occurred to someone in Japan where (unfortunately) all such decisions are made. A lib will be released shortly. -mogul \_ So this is a heavily top-down org-chart sort of place good for drones but bad for anyone who might stand out? Get a new watch after 20 years of making the company millions each year? \_ This is just for what goes in the official devkit. Sony treats its employees extremely well. -mogul \_ "Hi! I am Dilb^Wmogul, loyal peon." \_ Welcome to the japanese way of doing business. \_ Microsoft seems like a great place to work... I'm sure they'd love to have you on the X-Box, and they're not very top-down... -interviewee \_ Microsoft is a shitty place to work and has an uncertain future. \_ Over there, they ride linux and run bikes over with suvs |
2000/5/10-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18231 Activity:high |
5/10 This is a question for soda RPG fans. What are some good, hardcore RPGs to buy (old games ok, naturally). I am thinking maybe the Wizardry Archives... Anyone have any thoughts on how good wizardry games are? Are there other recommendations? \_ Wizardry was pretty cool. Rumor has it it was written in Pascal. Also, Ultima series, Pool of Radiance, other SSI type of Dungeons and Dragon Games. \_ Ultima 4 and 5, maybe 6. 3 on my old mac was good. Wizardry and SSI games, yes. You can get an SSI games collection that has about 12 games in it, maybe 6-8 worth playing, but even moslo won't help on a pentium, with those. Bard's Tale 3. Maybe Darksun (1, not 2). Fallout / Fallout 2 if you don't mind futuristic stuff. Betrayal at Krondor was very good and is now freely downloadable. -niloc \_ I generally agree especially Ultima 3,4,5 and Wizardry and SSI games. I forgot about Bard's Tale. \_ GOLDBOX! \_ DAGGERFALL! \_ Sorcerer. 100% spell absorbtion, shield spell, point at ground, launch fireball. Infinite mana. Thus infinite shields, healing, etc. Tough character to start but a cake walk after that. \_ The ol' Hellfire Warrior from SSI, very early 80's on the Apple IIe \_ You don't know anything about Apple //'s until you've played Montazuma's Revenge. \_ Out of the recent stuff, Fallout I and II. Download patches. -muchandr \_ Planescape: Torment beats the utter crap out of any other RPG released within the past few years. -blojo \_ I agree, it was brilliant. I forgot to mention it. But Fallout was good. I'd rank it second, of recent games. -niloc \_ Wasteland! |
2000/5/10-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18230 Activity:kinda low |
5/10 Speaking of old games, how do I slow down old games on a faster PII or PIII machine? Old == games designed for 8088 or a 286? \_ moslo \_ what exactly is moslo? \_ it's a little erratic (can make games jumpy) but I think it's the best thing available, allows you to specify % of processor speed to use for a (dos) game. \_ Try looking it up on http://www.google.com \_ http://www.hpaa.com/moslo |
2000/5/9-10 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18214 Activity:high |
5/9 What game do you think has been completed the most by CSUAers? Starflight? Wizardry? Myst? King's Quest? \_ Wolfenstein 3D? Doom? \_ /usr/games/fortune. Forget everything else you've ever seen. \_ Tass Times in Tonetown!!! \_ Zork! \_ 1, 2, or 3? \_ Leisure Suit Larry (All Versions) \_ /csua/pub/life \_ MineSweeper \_ 115sec on expert. Still can't break the 100sec. barrier :( \_ what about rogue, angband, moria or nethack? \_ mario 64 \_ Freecell!!! \_ NT pinball is actually a good game especially for a freebie. \_ It's not free if you have to buy NT. \_ I would say Nethack to all you windoze heathens, but it's CSUA-user 'completed' game. \_ Yes. Nethack is CSUA-complete. Everything in class CSUA reduces to Nethack. \_ isn't there a unix version of some infocom game somewhere? \_ I played "adventure" (aka Zork 0.1) on 4.2BSD. \_ soda mark IV had an "infocom" interpreter that had lots of the classic games. -tom \_ Angband--I seem to recall a big race to see who could finish Angband first on soda back in 1992 or 1993. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean "finished", since after whoever it is got through it (Kube?), people seemed to lose interest. -John \_ I finished it too. The problem with Angband is that after 2000 feet you either win or get killed by something breathing on you in one turn. It's sorta dull. -tom \_ http://www.adom.de I like this one a lot. -- ilyas \_ monopoly. Oh wait, you meant *computer* game? \_ But for bill gates, it is a computer game! |
2000/4/21-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:18075 Activity:high |
4/21 Boyfriend's b-day is coming up. Which game console should I get? Playstation? Dreamcast? N64? -dunno much about games \_ what? a CSUA chick has a b.f.? that's gnu. \_ playstation 2. if you dont have the guts and the cash, then regular playstation. \_ PS2 = faster/more bits than PS? \_ Yes, plus it doubles as a cheap DVD player. Unfortunately, they're only sold in Japan right now. \_ "cheap"? Only relative to DVD player prices in JPN And there's only about 10 released games --oj \_ I thought I saw about 20 on the shelves there \_ Which type of games does he like? How much are you planning to spend? I have all of the above mentioned consoles, email me for an opinion. --oj \_ Bah. N64 if he's a 12 year old I play are of the sexual kind. Dreamcast if he likes collecting amigas and other orphaned products Playstation if he's a reasonably intelligent person who likes adult-quality games. \_ "adult-quality games"? Isn't that an oxymoron? If you're an adult you wouldn't be dicking around with games. Only dateless l0sers have time for that crap. The only games I play are of the sexual kind. --dateless l0ser \_ I have an N64 collecting dust (last great game was Zelda64, and before that, WaveRace64, which came out when N64 launched). I also have a Dreamcast which already has more quality games than N64. Currently playing Resident Evil: Code Veronica & Dead or Alive2. I already preordered my Playstation2 coming September / October. \_ I'm still building my sony points for it. \_ Get him a stock ticker, that way you can ensure he grows up to be a responsible adult. Get him a game console if you \_ http://realdoll.com want him to be a miserable failure and a poor husband you can't provide for you or your future kids. \_ Speak for yourself. We have N64, PS, & DC, plus $200k annual income and stock options worth around $750k. \_ Cari? |
2000/4/11-12 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17966 Activity:nil |
4/10 Anyone try play by mail games? (not email) If so, what game and what was your experience with it? \_ Yes. A bunch of games. Generally not worth the price. There are cheaper/free games available by email with the same quality. But if you've got cash to space . . . - seidl \_ Some years ago I did, but then the internet came along and the online games were sooo much better. -ERic \_ online realtime? Or online, batch mode type of game? \_ they were all batch mode. A conquer teh galaxy game called 'Capital', and a rather amusing run-your-own-street-gang game I dont remember much about. At the time I had a friend who was playing a interesting gladiatorial combat game called ... "Gladiators" That looked like a lot of fun too. -ERic \_ Any galaxy/conquer the galaxy with military, or diplomatic means type of online games? \_ STARS! \_ There was an interesting mail game called Duelmaster in which you train a gladiator in a particular weapon style. It had very involved combat mechanics, which is why I liked it. I never played it (too slow for my tastes), but I am hoping someone will write a computer game with combat mechanics of a similar sophistication. -- ilyas \_ N33D I 54Y MOR3? - the stars "tell ussss" \_ You didn't play it, but you liked it? \_ I liked the mechanics because they were well thought out. I probably wouldn't have liked the game itself because they charge for it, and because I wouldn't have wanted to wait for God knows how long for the next move to arrive. -- ilyas intelligent emergent behaviorsss _/ |
2000/3/13-14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17758 Activity:nil |
3/13 What are CSUA's top board games? \_ Griljor. -pld \_ description please? |
2000/2/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17630 Activity:moderate |
2/25 What do you people do with old MSDOS games or Win 3.1 games? Donate? Throw away? Or are there some avid gamers who still play those games? \_ MSDOS games? Some of the best games I've ever played were MSDOS. And, hey -- they run great under DOSEMU, so I don't even have to reboot to play them. I really don't think you have to be all that avid a gamer to still play old games -- as a lot of them have much more creativity and fun gameplay than today's crop of deathmatch games, which gets old fast. Win3.1 games? There were Win3.1 games that people actually bought and played? -- ajani \_ Master's of Orion! |
2000/2/25-26 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17621 Activity:kinda low |
2/25 Looking for a used copy of Freespace 2 and Planescape Torment. Anyone want to get rid to the game sitting idle on their shelf? - seidl 2/25yet another dickhead's comments about a thread he decided to delete deleted. fuck you. that's a pretty lame way to be. if you're going to respond to something, dont fucking delete it. -not the orginal poster, and doesn't care about the original post |
2000/1/28-29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17363 Activity:nil |
1/28 I'm looking to pick up a few used video games. If you've got something you've finished and would be willing to part with it, let me know. Looking for list in ~seidl/used_games - seidl |
2000/1/5-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:17168 Activity:low |
1/4 X-like game 1, or X-like game 2? \_ X-like games are weak. Play Y-like game. \_ You clearly missed the point. \_ What was the point? |
2000/1/5-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17161 Activity:high |
1/4 UT or Q3A? \_ I've played both and prefer UT. just seems more polished, and it's fun. but Q3A is a good game too. \_ UT if you aren't a fanatic. Q3A if you say things like frame rate consistency \_ Kingpin \_ Fuck fuck fucking FUUUUCK you motherfucking fuck fucker. \_ Fuck off and die motherfucker! -kingpin \_ Neither. Twitch deathmatch games are weak. At least play Tribes or something that pretends to have some sort of teamwork and strategy if you must play a twitch game. \_ CTF. Domination. Assault. UT all the way. \_ "Eh" \_ CTF is still completely tactical, there's no strategy at all. -tom \_ Play Counter-Strike mod for Half-Life. It rocks. It's free. |
1999/12/29 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17118 Activity:moderate |
12/29 Any Rose Bowl predictions? Stanfurd's Troy Walters will miss the game b/c of a wrist injury, it was announced today. \_ Who cares? It isn't interesting and has no effect on the real world. It's like asking about who might win the big Quake3 match. \_ Ron Dayne will break the Rose Bowl record for rushing yards. -tom |
1999/12/8-9 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17032 Activity:high |
12/7 I am looking for a graphical solitaire to use on the EECS solaris x86 machines. Does anyone know a good place to find such a game? \_ Look this message wasn't meant to cause so much controversy. Yes it is true you are not supposed to play games on the instructional PCs. But, quite often when I am programming or trying to read some instructional material online I get stressed or tired. I find that playing some lame game like solitaire relaxes me enough so that I can get on with my 36 hr programming nightmare. thanks for xsol and xtrek :) \_ xsol. \_haven't been able to find this on solaris x86 or HP \_ get a fucking life. \_ No games on instructional machines. Leave them for people who need to get work done. \_ Yeah whatever, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol!!! Take *that*!! What's wrong with you kids today? Used to be that the whole point of being a lab assistant was to get an account to play xtrek with/on. And now uptight thought police bullies are censoring the answer from the motd. If you need a box and some clown is playing solitaire just politely ask him to leave. My God. And "sheesh!" as well. xsol! \_ it has nothing to do with policing, it has to do with solitaire being a fucking stupid thing to use computers for. \_ That's a matter of opinion and I strongly disagree with yours. xsol all the way, baby! \_ your sheesh makes me proud \_ Use policy prohibits games. Read the sticker on the monitor. - paolo (a.k.a one of the root@cory people who is tired of cleaning up after people race their chairs down the hall because they are lame and don't have lives.) \_ Uh oh! A "policy"! Uh huh. I used the "no food and drink" signs in e260 as a food mat to keep the tables from getting sticky. Lighten up. -not John but agrees with him. (and oh yeah, if you don't like your lame job, quit) \_down which halls and why? are they speed contests between 2 people? \_ You know, I vaguely seem to recall at least a few people with a sense of humor when I was at Cal. Have they all graduated? -John \_this question was meant to be humorous... oh well. \_ humour? College is the culmination of a lifetime of self sacrifice and hard work for some of us. We dont' take it lightly. \_considering that most college students are twenty something, lifetime really doesn't mean all that much... \_ And some of us did that hard work and self- sacrifice and still managed to maintain a sense of humor. \_ I 'member good ol' xtrek and griljor in e260! I sucked at xtrek, except on that one server that had souped-up galaxy-class ships. Griljor was much better. -nick \_ Griljor was cute but had this "I know the map and you don't" thing going which made it hard for new players to get into it. I left the lab many a morning with xtrek claw though. \_couldn't find any of these games either. \_ Griljor was a home grown project. Maybe someone here knows where the source is? xtrek is now Netrek. Clients are available to contact publicly available servers around the world. Read <DEAD>rec.games.net<DEAD>rek for more info and current flames. |
1999/12/8 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:17025 Activity:nil |
12/7 I am looking for a graphical solitaire to use on the EECS solaris x86 machines. Does anyone know a good place to find such a game? Look this message wasn't meant to cause so much controversy. Yes it is true you are not supposed to play games on the instructional PCs. But, quite often when I am programming or trying to read some instructional material online I get stressed or tired. I find that playing some lame game like solitaire relaxes me enough so that I can get on with my 36 hr programming nightmare. thanks you for xsol and xtrek :) \_ xsol. \_ get a fucking life. \_ No games on instructional machines. Leave them for people who need to get work done. \_ Yeah whatever, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol, xsol!!! Take *that*!! What's wrong with you kids today? Used to be that the whole point of being a lab assistant was to get an account to play xtrek with/on. And now uptight thought police bullies are censoring the answer from the motd. If you need a box and some clown is playing solitaire just politely ask him to leave. My God. And "sheesh!" as well. xsol! \_ your sheesh makes me proud \_ Use policy prohibits games. Read the sticker on the monitor. - paolo (a.k.a one of the root@cory people who is tired of cleaning up after people race their chairs down the hall because they are lame and don't have lives.) \_down which halls and why? are they speed contests between 2 people? |
1999/9/10-13 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:16502 Activity:insanely high |
9/10 The Dreamcast sucks. Fuck Sega. \_ ha ha!! you got a game that doesn't work, eh? \_ doesn't WORK?? what the hell kind of QA does sega have? \_ got mine yesterday. lost sleep over it. Soul Calibur rocks. \_ yeah, such great QA at both sega and some of the game publishers that some games just don't work \_ Anyone try telneting into their Dreamcast or connecting to it with a web browser? \_ Rule of thumb is that faster the film, more grainy it is, and less colourful it is. If you have a point-n-shoot, you probably better off with something like Kodak Max just because the speed of the lens tend to be slow. Otherwise, the 400 speed film is pretty darn good these days get my product, then I say Bring On The Hype! \_ 1600 b&w can produce some lovely prints \_ SUCKER!!!! You were a First Day New Technology Hype Victim!!!! Hahahahhahahahahhaha!!!! *NEVER* buy anything on the first day. *Always* wait until the consumer idiot fucks have pissed away their money for you so you don't have to get screwed. Hahhaha \_ Hmmm, I'm glad to be a FDNTHV then. I love my Dreamcast. If being a victim means having loads of fun from the moment I and without the hassles. Just bc you were one of the get my product, then I say Bring On The Hype! I am a consumerist bastard! I love obeying the media. I want to be stereotyped and marketed to! \_ I'll have the same fun, without the heart break as a Sega beta tester/consumer. I'd just have it a week later, lucky ones this time, doesn't mean you won't get your fingers charred in the future. I'm glad you're there beta testing for me though. Thanks! hahahahhahahahhahahahhhahhha, cough, gasp, wheeze! \_ money grubbing? how about the idea that they have earned half since they supported you and your career while letting their own career idle away? a selfish little prick like you deserves to lose more than half; unfortunately, the law doesn't punish people for stupidity and selfishness. with a fucked up attitude like that its no wonder you're divorced or will be. -your mom \_ keep telling yerself that if you have to buddy *somebody* cleans her pool, delivers mail/milk, & tends to her secret garden. - tpc \_ got mine yesterday. lost sleep over it. Soul Calibur rocks. |
1999/8/18 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:16334 Activity:low |
8/17 http://www.avault.com/news/displaynews.asp?story=8171999-1156 The idea of "it's bad to warez" not withstanding, I thought the terminology used was very interesting. \_ Razor 1911 is my favorite cracking group. Much better than Paradigm. |
1999/7/21-22 [Consumer/Camera, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:16177 Activity:very high |
7/20 Is motion-sickness / motion-tolerance genetically bound? And is there any way to compensate for it? I just saw the Blair Witch Project, which made me nauseous. My friend actually puked. All the quick camera motions got to us. We're weak sauce. \_ I get sick playing most 3D type games (almost all Nintendo 64 games and some others too). I even had difficulty with Zelda 64. -cdaveb \_ there is an actual medical term called DIMS - doom-induced motion sickness. --caliban \_ There is a genetic predisposition to motion sickness. But is it really motion sickness if you are not really moving? \_ there's a difference between motion sickness and IMAX-type disorientation. \_ There are actually well documented cases of the relation of visual motion and physical motion causing severe nausea. I myself was once on a flight simulator in New York where the gyroscopic action controlling the simulator was just slightly out of phase with the video play back. You've never seen so many people get sick so fast in your entire life. I would say the same thing is possible even when you are not moving if your brain is duped by the film. Try dramamine but my guess is that you should see movies with stabilized cameras or else bring a barf bag and give your more hearty friends a good laugh -asa \_ It helps to sit in the back. Way back. Last row. \_ Not enough. For the rest of you who have this problem, wait until it comes out on video and watch it on a small TV from across a room. \-anyone ever use the SGI solaris system browser demo ... at some point i didnt know what i was doing withit as i was flying through the solar system on a really fast machine and i felt kinda ill as i was doing these dives into the ecliptic plane. that was actually pretty fun. --psb \_ Ginger root powder (you can get it at any pharmacy) helps. Chinese medicine rules. \_ Ginger in general calms the stomach. Have some ginger snaps. \_ Dramamine or Bonine are stronger; antihistamines with strong antiemetic side effect. Some people say they keep you from getting dizzy too. But unlike ginger, they taste bad (esp. Dramamine, yuck), make you tired, may cause stomachache. \_ All of these remedies have varying levels of effectiveness for any one person. You have to sample and see. You do get more tolerant with experience. -jor (boat diver) \_ Take a hit. Then take another hit if you dont feel anything \_ This kind of motion sickness is caused because your brain is getting conflicting reports about movement: your eyes say it's going on, but the rest of your senses contradict that. I'm not sure dramimine would help. |
1999/6/28 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/HW/Drives, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:16028 Activity:very high |
6/28 Should I buy TA: Kingdoms? \_ I liked DK2 better (yes I tried them both). Someone else likes TA:K better. ymmv. There's a Best Buy ad in today's paper for $29.95 straight up for TA:K, so you can price match if you bring it with you to your local EB. \_ I like TA:K. The single player is very good storytelling, multiplayer is fun, the graphics are cool (especially dragons). Only problem, when 200+ units are running around, the game tends to slow down. \_ Well, hmm, let's see... you plus 7 computers with 200 units each (when 150 is the default) adds up to 1600 units and you think it's slow? I'm on a P5 and its still ok like that. You can't possibly be playing on a shittier computer. Oh yeah, P5 running NT4 while doing other shit in the background. \_ TA:K sort of has Starcraftish visuals with the far superior TA interface and controls. Buy it if you like SC and TA. |
1999/6/9-12 [Finance/Investment, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15933 Activity:nil 55%like:15925 |
6/9 Looking to trade Starsiege: Tribes for a more strategic game. Preferably Starcraft/Broodwar. I won tribes in an online give-away, but I don't play networked games much. -seidl \_ Are you willing to trade a "backup" copy? \_ maybe. since I'm not using the game at all now. I would like documentation though. mail me and we'll talk. \_ WAREZ! \_ Yeah.. sure.. I'll trade you StarCraft, which requires the CD in the drive and the exclusive use of a license key for Tribes, which doesn't require the CD after installation and has no license key.. suuuuuuuuuuure \_ Starcraft runs with license key 1234567890123..whatever, except that you can't play <DEAD>battle.net<DEAD> with it. And assuming you don't have an ethical problem with warez hosing, there are plenty of key generators on the net. -John \_ If you don't trust the person you're trading with, don't trade with them. I have no interest in networked games right now (in fact, my PC currently has no way of connecting to the net except through floppy-net) -seidl |
1999/6/9 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15925 Activity:nil 55%like:15933 |
6/9 Looking to trade a new copy of Starsiege: Tribes for something more strategic. Preferably StarCraft/Broodwar, but I'll take other offers. Won the game in a contest, but has never been played. -seidl |
1999/5/23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:15860 Activity:high |
5/23 must read: -- cm1ee http://www.nytimes.com/library/magazine/home/19990523mag-keegan.html |
1999/5/14 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Recreation/Sports] UID:15810 Activity:nil 53%like:15834 61%like:15823 |
5/14 Internet game internship: /csua/pub/jobs/Skotos |
1999/3/24-25 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15643 Activity:low |
3/24 Whats a good online place to look for reduced price games? Last years stuff. None of the local software stores have a reasonable bargin bin, and dealing with EBay auctions sucks. - seidl \_ looking for anything in particular? If I have it, I'd just loan it to you. No big deal. You'll play whatever for a week or two and give it back. Happiness for everyone. \_ Well, I'm in Colorado, but I'd happily pay shipping to borrow somehitng and return it when I'm out in the BA this summer. But its hard to contact you with no name - seidl \_ I'm actually interested in the answer to the question also. Is there a good reduced-price games shop online? \_ Look for used game dealers on the net. There are a few, but I forgot their URL/800 # |
1999/3/10-11 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15573 Activity:nil |
3/9 If you know of regular, scheduled Ultimate frisbee games (pickup or practice, I don't care), please email me. --sowings \_ Kleeberger field on thursdays at midnight. --sly |
1999/3/5 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:15545 Activity:nil |
333333 I just wanted to remind everyone that I have just fulfilled my chilldhood dream of making it past one million on the original authentic ASTEROIDS game with extra ships across the screen and plenty of style to boot. Thanks. --jnat |
1999/3/4-9 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:15539 Activity:kinda low |
3/4 Does anyone know what OS Sony will use for Playstation 2? \_ Rumor is linux at least for the development platform \_ I heard linux too but that wouldn't make sense to put it a Playstation since linux isn't a real-time embedded OS and has way too many capabilities for a game system. Why not vxWorks? \_ Actually, at the company I used to work for we stripped down Linux so that it would fit into ~15MB and run on 8MB Ram. \_ PicoBSD! Now if I could only get it to run... -John \_ Years ago linux ran happilly on 4MB ram machines all the time (as long as you didn't run X) \_ Our stripped down system was running X. \_ You can run X under 4MB if you have enough swap; I did that just for fun, though I wouldn't try running much more than 2 xterms. QNX proves you _can_ have a responsive WS in much less if you're willing to try hard. -- schoen \_ no fuckng source (unless you want to pay lot of moolah) \_ Didn't Sony have its own OS for game machines called Aprios or Aperios or something like that? Or is that OS already dead and they have decided to switch to something new? -- yuen \_ Linux sucks! WinCE rules! Flame me! \_ D00D!!!1! 1F TH3Y UZ3D L1NUX 4 TH31R D3VEL0PM3NT PLATF0RM, THAT WULD B3 S0 K-RAD, B3CUZ 1F 3NUFF UV US ASK3D, MAYB3 W3 C0ULD G3T S0NY 2 G1V3 0UT TH31R PLAYSTATIUN K0D AS 0P3N S0URC3!!!1!! TH3N 1 K0ULD PLAY PLAYSTATIUN GAM3Z 0N MY GNU GPL PLAYSTATIUN 3MULAT0R 1NSTEAD UV HAV1NG 2 SP3ND MON3Y 2 BUY a PLAYSTATIUN!!!1!!! TH3N MAYB3 GAM3 CUMPAN13Z W0ULD B3 S0 1NSP1R3D BY S0NY"Z 3XAMPL3 TH3T TH3Y"D START WR1T1NG GAM3Z UND3R GPL AND G1V1NG TH3M AWAY 4 FR33!!!1!!! THAT'D T0TALLY RUL3!!!1!!! PLAYSTAT1UN 4 FR33, D00D!!!!!!1!!!!!1!!! |
1999/3/4-5 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15535 Activity:nil |
3/3 http://www.gamespot.com/strategy/heroes3/index.html A review of HoMM3. |
1999/3/2-3 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15513 Activity:moderate |
3/2 Opinions on HoM&M III ? Is it as good as the others (especially for someone who's never played any of the others, like me) - seidl \_ Reviews say its just like the others. Evolution, not revolution. Try a demo for one of the earlier games. Same idea. You either like that sort of game or you don't. I enjoyed the earlier games although like many games they got a bit tedious at the end, but not especially so. I haven't played III yet though. \_ Well, if I really like MoM or MoO II, will I like this? \_ MOO is a different genre. MoM is very similiar. Certainly the same genre of games but has it's own twist, of course. I'd say if you liked MoM, then you'd probably like the first two HoMM games which are probably 95% the same as III. As I said though, haven't played III yet. \_ I liked #2 and #1 and King's Bounty, and this one really, really is more of the same. Freakin' boring. Hero micromanagement gets nuts. Maps are huuuuge. Argh. \_ To each his own. I like the micromanagement thing. The FPS frag fest is amusing for a while, but really.... \_ it's like, I was watching someone play both HOMM3 and Alpha Centauri, and I liked Alpha Centauri a lot more. Even though it's like the same ol Civ1/2 micromgmt, all the tech stuff was interesting reading. |
1999/1/13 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15226 Activity:nil |
1/26 Is Glint (comes with RedHat Linux) the same thing as Linuxconf, except with fancy GUI? Is there any more advantage for using Glint? Thanks. Look. It's really _astonishingly_ simple. The game formerly known as Paradise is now the property of the Netrek Paradise Governing Junta, of which I am the dictator. I have decreed that the game is now forever henceforth to be known as 'Frilly Pink Panties'; that there shall be no more Frilly Pink Panties servers; and that all Frilly Pink Panties players be clearly marked for the good of society with the Sunscreamer Tattoo on their foreheads. Anyone using the banned term 'paradise' or persisting to whine about the glorious occupation forces gracing the sterile, drab lands of Frilly Pink Panties must be failing to comprehend the divine word of sunscreamer. Failing to comprehend the divine word of sunscreamer is, obviously, a forbidden, capital crime. As so eloquently proven lo these several years ago, Frilly Pink Panties is a false game. A silly game. A game played by clumsily half-trepanned mongoloid apes during their kindergarten recess. The fact that this was established may not be 'fair', but sunscreamer is not required to be fair. Sunscreamer, as you know, establishes the requirements. Perhaps, vassal, you begin to comprehend the divine word of sunscreamer? You are required to stop simpering like a weepy teenage cleft- palated orphan who has just been informed of the nonexistence of the tooth fairy. double grand admiral sunscreamer, dictator, NPGJ |
1998/12/18 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:15124 Activity:insanely high 80%like:14247 80%like:15861 |
12/17 Shut the fuck up, cmlee. \_ this is grown tedius. Both of you toms shut the heck up. \_ Children's games are always tedius CUZ OF YOU. I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!1!!! YOU HAPPY NOW??? - CM1LE \_ Children's games are always tedius. So are their temper tantums, personal motd flame wars of no interest to anyone, and their heavy handed censorship of anything not of direct personal interest. -jake \_ jake, please get tom off my back. btw, he is a ucb sysadmin. -- cm1ee, very distressed. \_ ALIRHGT TOM, YOU WIN< YOU MOTHERFUCKER> I AM QUITTING CSUA CUZ OF YOU. I CAN"T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!1!!! YOU HAPPY NOW??? - CM1EE \_ hey I never knew cmlee was B1FF!!!1!! |
1998/12/16-17 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15106 Activity:moderate |
12/16 Anyone have an Illuminati deluxe boxed set they want to sell me for a reasonable price? I've been looking for one for a few months now, and all the ones for sale online are either in shitty condition or atrociously expensive. I just want to play the game again... -John \_ wait a couple of weeks. SJG is rereleasing it. - seidl \_ So I heard. Hacker, Nuclear War, and Cosmic Encounters still seem to be dead, though :( -John \_ hacker and CE are OOP, but I think NucWar is still available. or at least I've seen copies in my local game store. - seidl \_ GoB has gone mainstream. No cool games anymore. What store are you talking about? |
1998/12/15-17 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15096 Activity:high |
12/15 Starcraft: Brood War just went gold. \_ Open body, insert life, close body. \_ Operation failed. \_ Um, so, playing games = no life? I suppose I should just go back to hacking some Linux source code. \_ No. My point was not that playing games = no life. My point was, "ok, yet another random game has shipped, so what?". This is hardly something worth posting about. \_ This is the motd we're talking about here. How much of posted material is significant? I'd say not much at all. All the true gamer-geeks already know and the rest don't care and wonder why you do. After the game has been out for a while and the non-fanatics who think Blizzard can do no wrong have started playing and reporting back on it, I'll take a look at the demo, if any, and then think about buying it. This month or next month makes little difference. Something to consider: if all the other games prior to now were so hot, you drooled when they announced they went gold, why are you so excited about this game? Go play those others. Oh? You say they suck now? They're boring now? Oh, I see.... -plays games, but not a fanatic \_ By your logic, anything posted here would already be old news to those who really care about the topic. \_ GAWD! you're hopeless... \_ so, um, what constitutes "life"? I thought it was the pursuit of pleasure. \_ Troll deleted. \_ nethack, you lusers! :-) -brg \_ Kirin the Traveler St:25 Dx:18 Co:18 In:16 Wi:18 Ch:12 Dlvl:28 $:22 HP:134(134) Pw:114(114) AC:-32 Xp:17/650428 I need no life :) \_ get a real character class :) \_ I chose a tourist for the challenge. Well, that and the platinum card. -niloc \_ Level 17? Pathetic! You lifeless loser! \_ GET A LIFE A new computer game ate your brain. 100 hours later, you beat it, and you're ready to get back to hacking. But you get only one hack this turn. You may not skip your turn for a system upgrade. Play on a rival at the beginning of his turn. \_ Is this from the Hackers games or did you make it up? \_ yes. -oj |
1998/12/1-2 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:15051 Activity:high |
12/1 Zelda 64: a game that actually lives up to the hype. I'm having way too much fun with this game. \_ Betcha can't get that Song of Storms out of your head. Go around! Go around and around and around! \_ A-Down-Up-A-Down-Up \_ What's up with that Sheikah and his lame-ass harp?? \_ where are the stupid chickens??? =) \_ have you tried firestorming them? fucking hilarious. |
1998/11/19 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/SW/Security] UID:14981 Activity:nil |
11/19 http://www.gamecenter.com/Reviews/Item/0,6,0-2289,00.html?st.gc.fd.gca \_ Oh. My. God. |
1998/10/21-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:14797 Activity:very high |
10/20 LucasArts has announced that their Day of the Dead-inspired 3D adventure game Grim Fandango has been released to manufacturing and should be available to U.S. and Canadian customers beginning the week of October 26. All hail the mighty mogul! --pld \_ THE ONE REAL QUESTION: When will all of berkeley have it (burned)? We should have a competition with other Universities: The 100% Pure Piracy competition. Except for MS-interns who buy at 90% discount, who buys this shit anyway? We're CS/EECS, and who the !@#$ has time? \_ Rumor has it that Lucasfilm is bailing on all their Macs name? Ok how's this: --- been burned too many times for a strictly NT network... \_ Well, we all know Lucasfilms is in the buisness of making things blow up. So I guess NT is a good start. \_ Yeah whatever. Yet another shitty game for the junk heap. name? Ok how's this: -aswan \_ Thank you. It's nice to know how my three years of loving toil will be rewarded. And oh yeah... SIGN YOUR NAME, BASTARD! -mogul \_ Hey, fuck you. What makes this one so special? How many shitty games must I buy before a decent one comes out? I don't give a shit that you coded for it. You want my name? Ok how's this: --burned by too many shitty games \_ "95%. The finest adventure game ever." -PC Gamer UK "9.5/10. Play a gaming legend today." -Our second review. Those are just our first two reviews. I'm sorry other games suck; it's too bad that makes you avoid good games as well as bad. -mogul \_ The same rags that gave crap like Red Alert top marks. No thanks. \_ Wow, this tears you down even better than anything I could write. \_ Really? So I should buy *your* shitty game on your say so? I feel so self-torn. Peddle your shit elsewhere. / Since when did this become the computer game whiners association? GF is technically ambitious and interesting, and Bret did a lot of neat design work on it. I really don't care what games you like or buy, especially now that you've shown yourself to be a kneejerk -pld \_ Gee, could you be a bit more defensive and touchy? Talk about kneejerk. "Some s0da h0serz wrote it s0 it must B k-RAD!!11" \_ Let's try an analogy here. Someone posts to the Public Health Undergrad Association's motd: Congratulations to mogul for discovering that quinine is effective against malaria! \_ Cool! How does it work? \_ Yeah whatever. Another shitty bitter drink. Fuck you. That clueless latter person is you. What a maroon! --pld \_ Seems to me you're saying this game's gonna be shitty because someone here is promoting it and someone else here coded it. Or is it automatically anytime anyone promotes a game, it's shitty? \_ I'm saying all games are shitty until proven otherwise. Gimme a demo and maybe I'll come back tomorrow and rave about it. Is there a playable demo available? \_ of course there is, dumbass \_ Prove it. urlP \_ Oh, gee, what is this? http://www.lucasarts.com Hey, it says "The Grim Fandago Playable Demo" is now avaiable for download." Damn, now why didn't I think of looking here? Oh yeah, I'm a dumbass. I downloaded and played and now I can say with %100 _/ certainty that this is Yet Another Hyped Shitty Game. I'm not only unimpressed, but mildly offended at the wasted download and install time. --burned again but not dumb enough to piss away cash \_ You must have an incredibly high standard not to like LucasArts adventure games. Only games outside LA that are of same quality is the Gabriel Knight series, in my opinion. \_ Pretty good play. However, some stupidly random mandatory tests, and crashes all the time. I give G.K. an 85%, personally. \_ Probably. I expect a game to be _fun_. Silly me. \_ most lucas arts games have been pretty crappy in comparison to other games like doom, etc. i was extremely disappointed with dark forces, for example. --disappointed with lucas arts \_ Well that's pretty funny because (for example) the id Software guys have often stated that they felt that Dark Forces was the only good game that came out as competition for Doom. And it also received much critical acclaim.... -blojo \_ I dunno, I just thought that after the novelty of blowing away Storm Troopers wore off, DF was pretty dull. At least Duke Nukem 3d was kind of funny and Quake was pretty.. -John \_ hmmmm, have you tried the playstation version? this is the crappy one. maybe the pc version is better. --disappointed \_ I've played just about every 3D shooter out there, and the only ones I've cared to finish are Quake2, Dark Forces, and Jedi Knight. The latter two proving technology isn't everything. \_ Day of the Tentacle. Sam and Max. Lucas Arts games rewl. -lim \_ Only LA, Blizzard, and iD have near perfect track records. \_ Blizzard? Only if you like super micro management click fests like Starcraft. AI? Hello? \_ Name a game with good AI. Quake is not a fun game because of its AI. Neither is Star/Warcraft. And what kind of argument is click-fest? Heck, even Tetris is is a click-fest. You want a game where things just unfold for you? \_ Nethack is not a clickfest \_ For starters, how about my units don't stupidly stand there while a building right next to them gets pounded or my mutalisks don't pursue a single enemy on their own flying right over 30 missile towers. Apparently, that's far too much to ask. Or maybe my units using their special powers on their own once/century. clickclickclickclickclickclickclick! \_ Go bret! |
1998/10/3-5 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:14727 Activity:nil |
10/2 http://ign64.ign.com/news/4952.html (kill kenny on your n64) |
1998/9/18 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:14622 Activity:nil |
9/18 SWINGERS drinking game, movie quote server, and more. You love it! http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~azarm |
1998/9/10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:14566 Activity:high |
9/9 Any of you gung-ho eecs types want to try and help me fix a Gauntlet II arcade game? -ERic \_ Can we put it in the CSUA lounge when you're done? \_ technically it belongs to a guy at my work. I suspect it'll wind up next to wired digital's stargate game. -ERic \_ Did ERic get the Gauntlet II machine for his birthday? \_ no. -ERic \_ He got your sister. |
1998/9/4-7 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:14545 Activity:high |
9/3 Text mode quake - <DEAD>webpages.mr.net/bobz/ttyquake<DEAD> See screenshots. This is wrong. Very wrong. - sagarwal \_ What this says is quake is nothing but eye candy with near zero game play. If you can't enjoy it in text, you're not really enjoying it, your eyes are. \_ That's a very narrow-minded description of enjoyment, don't you think? Are my eyes not part of me? So can I say I'm not really enjoying the food I eat, my taste buds are? \_ But does not the fire also need water? Does not the mountain need the storm? Does not your scrotum need kicking? -- beavis \_ No. The whole "the graphics suck so the game sucks" line is narrowminded. "Quake II has the gr00viest grafx so it iz D best gaime d00de!!!11" is the same thing from the other side. Whats wrong with playing a fun game with a text interface? If the game sucks without pretty graphics then maybe there was never a game worth playing. Just pretty graphics. \_ I never said graphics made a game. It enhances it, surely, but Quake is definitely a game worth playing, more so than Quake2, which has superior graphics. Heck, Jedi Knight had far inferior graphics than its peers, yet infinitely more satisfactory game experience, single player wise. My point: I agree with you. \_ Honestly: thank you. of them all--netrek. --PeterM of them all--masturbation. --PeterM \_ All computer games pale in comparison to the best game of them all--masturbation. --? \_ masturbation pales in comparision to sex. Oh wait, i forgot this was csua. Never mind. \_ Ask saarp about that.. |
1998/8/21-22 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:14495 Activity:nil |
08/20 The Match Game! Your celebrities are Richard Dawson, Mary Tyler Moore, and Charles Nelson Reilly. "Hot Dang, them ______'s good eatin!" |
1998/7/27 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:14404 Activity:nil |
07/27 what is the best combat flight simulation game out there for the pc? |
1998/7/20-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:14345 Activity:high |
7/19 MASSIVE ATOMIC WARFARE! Warheads falling from the sky like rain! A judgement that will destroy the puny works of a vain humanity! It's coming -- AND SOONER THAN YOU THINK! Don't say I didn't warn you! \_ Which theatre? \_ A strange game, the only way to win is not to play at all. \_ The game of Life? \_ The game of Global Thermonuclear War. \_ The game of Global Thermoundie War. \_ The game of Global ThermoNucleaUnder Wear \_ A good line but really this is more like "not losing" than actually winning. If you had enough subs firing enough MIRV h MIRV nukes at just the right moment.... We'd win that. \_ you're a hard man to find, professor. , /csua/pub/jobs/Lloyd-Ritter-kernel -- schoen \_ I dunno, hacking at random doesn't sound very fun. \_ "Random" because I don't know the company or what the job entails. -- schoen |
1998/6/30-7/2 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:14278 Activity:high |
6/30 Come play a bitchin' 3D internet game. Wulfram wants more test players! For more info see <DEAD>www.bolt-action.com<DEAD> and <DEAD>wulfram.gagames.com<DEAD>. Or like send email to jon@bolt-action.com. \_ When I see it on OGR, I'll think about it. \_ OGR? \_ You Will. |
1998/5/26-28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:14137 Activity:kinda low |
5/24 What's the rare game piece in the Taco Bell Godzilla game? \_ a brain \_ cmlee |
1998/4/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:14010 Activity:nil |
4/25 A NEW VERSION OF MAME IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \_ Ok, what is MAME and what is the URL? Without this information, who gives a shit? \_ its an arcade emulator. http://www.davesclassics.com/frames/mame/mamepage.html \_ ARKANOID!!! \_ SINISTAR! \_ TOOBIN!!! \_ MARBLE MADNESS!!!! \_ SNOW BROS.!!!! \_ X-RATED ATARI GAMES!!!! \_ TETRIS!! |_ BAD DUDES! |_ HEAVY BARRELSSS!!! |
1998/3/25-27 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games, Computer/Theory] UID:13862 Activity:high |
3/25 Are there any practical applications of Conway's Game of Life? \_ xlock \_ [ignorant babbling about the board game deleted] \_ A PC moria/angband/rogue/etc clone called ADOM uses it to determine growth for various plant life in the game. \_ Just saying "no" would have been shorter. \_ I thought there was some use for that and other cellular automata in generating pseudo-random numbers. \_ there's an encryption scheme based on a 1D cellular automaton called CA with a standing challenge to crack it \_ cellular automata are still an inspiration for some artificial life work. And they're equivalent to Universal Turing Machines, so you can do math on Life if you want to go to the trouble. |
1998/2/8-11 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Recreation/Sports] UID:13639 Activity:nil 61%like:13630 |
2/6 The roguelike game omega has been installed in /csua/bin for your enjoyment. I hacked in a ".omega" extension for savefiles and turned setuid back on. Please report bugs to me. -- cm1ee |
1998/2/6 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13630 Activity:nil 61%like:13639 |
2/05 The roguelike game omega has been installed in /csua/bin for your enlight^H^H^H^H^Hjoyment. Report bugs to cmlee. -- cm1ee |
1998/1/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:13565 Activity:nil |
1/25 Game blather removed. |
1998/1/26 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:13563 Activity:nil |
1/25 That was one hell of a game! \_ Oh shucky darn, I accidentally cleaned my room instead. -- tmonroe \_ game sucked. 3rd Rock rocks! \_ game sucked, 3rd rock is the second worst show on tv (suddenly susan). |
1996/12/18-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:32016 Activity:high |
12/17 For those of you who are interested, you can open a hidden maze game(?) called "Hall of Tortured Souls" from the B95 cell in Excel 95. \_ http://haas.berkeley.edu/~aomizu/fun-stuff/tortured \_ http://terry95.alfredtech.edu/easteregg.html http://weber.u.washington.edu/~davidnf/egg.html for more. \_ more details please. (what do we do in that cell?) \_ http://haas.berkeley.edu/~aomizu/fun-stuff/tortured But you have to figure out the magic word to make the white wall disappear! ;) --yumin |
1996/9/29 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31904 Activity:nil |
9/28 Got my Nintendo 64. Super Mario kicks @$$! \_ Got mine too... *DOOSH!* \_ Got mine too... death to playstations!! |
1996/9/25 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:31895 Activity:nil |
9/24 Does someone have a ticket to the Stanfurd game they will sell me? It would make me happy! -gong |
1995/2/1 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:31738 Activity:nil |
1/30 Anyone looking for a full time position doing Customer Support for a game company? Email me -- pmcnab |
1995/1/5 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:31691 Activity:nil |
1/5 There now is an e-mail alias for dissing all things related to the game griljor. If you are interested, e-mail griljor-request, and I'll add you. -eric |
1994/12/21 [Recreation/Sports, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31677 Activity:nil |
12/20 Great new ibm game Heretic (beta, oh well) in /tmp/heretic.zip - danh |
1994/6/14 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31633 Activity:nil |
6/13 Attention diplomacy players. I need replacements for an e-mail diplomacy game as soon as possible. The game is an Asian version of standard Diplomacy. Mail fab@soda for details. -fab |
1994/1/28 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Recreation/Sports] UID:31467 Activity:nil |
1/27 Since the CSUA meeting coincides with Da Bearz game, does anyone have an extra ticket to spare? I am looking to buy one for an unexpected visitor from out of town. Thanks. -dim |
1993/12/10 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Domestic] UID:31436 Activity:high |
12/9 What's the lastest news on that Atari Jaguar(before any chucks $250 plus tax)? Saw it at the Good Guy's. The rep. said the shipment for preorders coming Xmas Eve. Anyword of third party games...or is Atari gonna choke again? \_ lastest news on rec.video.games.misc is that the Jag is crap, but what else do you expect frtom Atari? I'm waiting for the 64bit sgi/nintendo vr machine comming out in xmas 94 \_ What exactly is 64 bit on that machine? couldn't be 64 bit color... that'd be 2x10^19 colors... 64bit processor? that sounds like overkill. I think it's a lie. \_ The data bus to the display memory? High resolution/color live action video needs bandwidth. \_ No CD = no where to store detailed graphics = really fast stick figures. Yawn. |
1993/9/10 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31395 Activity:nil |
9-9 Killer game starting up. read /usr/local/games/lib/killer/README for more info. Mail killer-owner for further info (beyond that which is in the games-lib directory) or to be added to the mailing list. |
1993/6/4 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31344 Activity:nil |
6/4 Keroppi karnival! Keroppi wants you to come! Meet Keroppi and Hello Kitty in person. june 5th 12:00 to 4:00. Eastridge community center. crafts! games! prizes! |
1993/5/6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31298 Activity:nil |
5/6 Two files of interest. 1. In ~xxxxxer/item.list, a list of where all the items in ANGBAND are found. Also, more information on "feelings". Could someone who is group games copy it into /usr/local/games/lib/angband? Or cat it onto the end of the angband man page? 2. The results of the HUGE pouring. pour 234 1234 ... or someting like that in ~xxxxxer/hugetest. |
1993/5/3 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:31293 Activity:nil |
5/3 What was the result of the GB-LT game??? I read rgn, no news. \_ Much DOOSHing, of course! \_ 12-8 LT, I posted a summary. |
1993/5/3 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Recreation/Sports] UID:31292 Activity:nil |
5/3 * No non game activites on Soda! * Those caught not playing angband, MUD, or some similar activity will have their account's removed. |
1993/4/18-19 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:31273 Activity:insanely high |
4/18 letters installed. It's a reasonably fun typing practice game. Thanks to xxxxx for compiling it. -XXxx \_ I'd like to request that the word 'xxxxxx' be xxxxxxd from the word file. Thanks - Xxxxx \_ Go xxxx yourself you little pile of xxxx. Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxship is _out_. If you Xxxx to xxxxxx what others know, take your little xxxx face to xxxxxx. \_ who Xxxxs to post this one to alt.xxxx? \_ I'd like to request that the word 'xxxx' be xxxxxxd from the word file. |
3/15 |