3/14 |
2010/5/11-26 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53827 Activity:nil |
5/11 "UN fears 'irreversible' damage to natural environment" - Yahoo! News: http://www.csua.org/u/qql "The report argued that biodiversity was a core concern for society that would help tackle poverty and improve health, meriting as much attention as the economic crisis for only a fraction of the cost of recent financial bailouts." \_ Green guilt is the new white guilt. |
2010/5/8-26 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53823 Activity:nil |
5/8 What was up with Greece of all things affecting the market? \_ I'm not sure why, but I guess a Greek collapse could screw up the Euro as a currency. |
2010/4/25-5/10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53801 Activity:low |
4/25 "Aliens may exist but contact would hurt humans" http://www.csua.org/u/qmq (news.yahoo.com) Normally I'd just shrug it off when I hear comments like this, but this time the one who said it was Stephen Hawking. \_ Why? what aspect of Hawking's intelligence makes him any more compelling than the 1000s of others who have pointed out this analogy? \_ Only Arizona will be safe. "White man may exist to the east but may hurt our tribe, pocahontas." \_ A follow-up article: http://www.csua.org/u/qo0 '"Anything that we have here, they could find where they live," Shostak said. If there was a resource found on Earth that did not exist on the aliens' home planet, there would certainly be easier ways to get or make the resource than coming here.' I wonder if the Native Americans had similar reasoning before Columbus arrived. \_ It's not about the resource, but the cost of obtaining a resource. There was silver and gold in europe but there was a way cheaper way to get it from the new world. I think the same happens today with food, it's cheaper to import than grow your own. Same with labor (cheaper to buy chinese than local). Alien physiology is unknowable, but the steady law of supply/demand is a constant in the universe. \_ Unless they have replicators. \_ I'll posit that once a civilization has those deus ex machines to make anything from nothing, it won't bother to explore much, or care much, about anything anymore. |
2010/4/7-15 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53774 Activity:nil |
4/7 Mystery French hero who saved someone's daughter from a chilly NY river has been found: http://www.csua.org/u/qhn |
2010/1/11-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53622 Activity:nil |
1/11 Social democracy and economic growth are not incompatible: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/11/opinion/11krugman.html \_ SOCIALISM ( yes i did read it ) \_ Krugman == socialist? \_ Obama = Socialist |
2009/12/7-2010/1/3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Health/Women] UID:53577 Activity:low |
12/5 Miss France is very good looking: http://curiousphotos.blogspot.com/2009/12/miss-france-2010-pictures-13-picsvideo.html \_ she has a hook nose and face is a bit too V shaped. Body is ok. I mean lets look at the sample pool of 20 something EU: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkPI8m5GhnA \_ French women in general are good looking, so Miss France is probably always very good looking. Can you find pics of previous years winners? \_ American women are prettier. They actually come in all sizes and all colors. French women? Blah. It's like eating the world's best crepe every single day. Even the best will taste bland after you get used to them. Variety is the spice of life. \_ I noticed a lot more blonde women in France than I expected to see and, yes, many are very attractive. My aunt moved \_ it's the organic food, I tell ya. to France and her daughters (my cousins) are all half-French and I think that they were very pretty when they were young. (They are pushing 50 now.) However, Miss France, although extremely attractive, doesn't have much in the way of T&A. Of the bunch of girls in the swimsuits she has probably the best body for modeling, but not really the most sexy body. \_ I agree, JACKIE JOHNSON is waaaay prettier! I like Jackie's more robust body. NICE. \_ Lisa Guerrero > Jackie Johnson. http://www.hottystop.com/lisa-guerrero/4.jpg She might have the least curves of any of the women. I find that she's too skinny and unathletic. Do you like girls with flat butts? BTW, I think all those girls are French, right? "Miss France" was Miss Normandy. \_ The norse woman has flat butts. Look at examples across the channel as well. Their fat accumulation occurs on the arms. \_ stupid generalization. It's like saying all the Japanese women are petite with a nice clean face like all the jporns. \_ In general is not the same as all. \_ In general is not the same as all. If I was looking for petite women, Japan would be a good place to look. \_ my point is, in Japan, most women are NOT as petite and good looking as JMedia make you think it is. In fact, most are slightly overweight, have freaky hair, beady little eyes, NOT petite, and frankly, ugly. \_ You know petite has more to do with height than weight, right? I would say 95% of Japanese women are petite. \_ Wow you're an idiot. Petite = (height < 5'4" && weight/height < constant) \_ No. My mom is petite and my girlfriend is petite. When I shop with them (in the petites section) there are certainly size 0 and size 2 clothes but there is also size 16P. It's a function of height and not weight at all. "In fashion and clothing, petite sizes are standard clothing sizes designed to fit women of shorter height, typically 5'3" or less." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petite_sizes \_ More overweight than American women? \_ there is no such a thing as an average American woman. America is too diverse for any generalization \_ yep, just watch the olympics if you have any doubt. Esp the volleyball teams. \_ http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/data/trends.html http://www.time.com/time/covers/1101040607 |
2009/11/9-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53515 Activity:nil |
11/9 http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2009/11/free-market-capitalism-gets-thumbs-down-in-27-countries-including-us.html Most people think Free Market is not fine the way it is and needs some adjustment/tuning. \_ Why don't you move to France, you Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey? \_ Tuning in their favor no doubt. \_ obviously. the emotion is not too different than that that which fueled the French revolution \_ I mean "tuned in their own favor" versus "for the common good". I think the French Revolution was more of the latter. \_ who determines that? the people who revolt or the people who were revolted? Do you give each individual an equal weight? \_ The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. However, I think that these people who think the free market needs tuning are mostly thinking about themselves and not the common good. \_ don't you think most people in this world (e.g. most are 3rd world countries) think about themselves much more than they think about others? Have you been to China and Brazil? \_ Yes, I do think so, which is why I think the results of the poll are meaningless to use as a guideline to set economic policy. |
2009/10/7-12 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53434 Activity:nil |
10/7 "Somali pirate error ends with 5 in French brig" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091007/ap_on_re_af/piracy Dumb privates. |
2009/10/5-12 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53428 Activity:nil |
10/5 "Italian scientist reproduces Shroud of Turin" http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20091005/sc_nm/us_italy_shroud |
2009/9/4-12 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53334 Activity:kinda low |
9/4 RIP Idan...the best soul i have known. And the best security researcher ever...He will be missed beyond words. He died at a rave in italy 50m from his tent and was found blue and dead in the morning. http://csua.berkeley.edu/~sky/idan.jpg http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=120940113154 http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3762724,00.html --sky \_ is he gay? \_ fuck you he is Dionysus. --sky \_ Ok, he likes wine, I get it. What else? \_ He's dead MTF. Weep for the dead. --sky \_ Well I hope he's in sodomy heaven. \_ If so he is enjoying your dad and little brother --MTF |
2009/8/26-9/9 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53303 Activity:nil |
8/26 Micro$oft is racist!!! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_tec_microsoft_poland_picture Seriously, is it any different from replacing the black actor with a white actor and then re-taking a real photo to suit a foreign market? Would it cause the same outcry if, say, M$ Photoshop'ed ... I mean photo-edited ... the Asian man and the white woman with two blacks for the South Africa market? \_ Yes, it's quite different from taking two different photos. Especially with that awful clone job in the background. -tom \_ I'm surprised they left the asian guy in there. Many Poles who live in Poland are extremely racist. \_ Agreed. They should have Photoshopped in a pure white blonde hair blue eyed Ayran. |
2009/7/21-24 [Academia, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53174 Activity:nil |
7/21 wtf is http://berkley.edu? they have a http://csua.berkley.edu, xcf, etc note berk-ley no 'e'. Registrant: Berkley Business College C/ Ingeniero Marquina, 3 Oviedo, AS 33004 SPAIN \_ yet another fuckng scam site, they have copied all http://berkeley.edu hostnames.and put sshd's on them \_ I don't think they 'copied all http://berkeley.edu hostnames' . I think its a dns catchall A record. $ host http://paolosotttttttttto.berkley.edu http://paolosotttttttttto.berkley.edu has address \_ http://berkley.edu is not a scam site; it's a college in Spain. I don't know where the name comes from. Yes, they're using wildcard DNS. -tom \_ Check yer hostkeys folks :D |
2009/7/9-16 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53127 Activity:nil |
7/9 The world's worst tourists: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090709/lf_nm_life/us_france_tourists Surprise! It's not us Americans. |
2009/6/30-7/15 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53099 Activity:nil |
6/30 German John was talking about miniskirts in Europe. Well, I made it to Paris and Amsterdam in June and he wasn't kidding. I liked the tall blonde Dutch girls riding bikes in short skirts and boots. \_ Damn, now I want to go to Amsterdam. Again. Without my wife and two kids. Probably not going to happen this summer. |
2009/5/27 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:53050 Activity:nil |
5/27 Tell us again how that inflexible European model causes unemployment: http://tinyurl.com/qjaeor |
2009/5/11-18 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52983 Activity:nil 80%like:52980 |
5/10 A Quite good article about the financial crisis: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200905/imf-advice |
2009/5/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52980 Activity:nil 80%like:52983 |
5/10 A Quite good article about the financial crises: http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200905/imf-advice |
3/14 |
2009/5/1-6 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52931 Activity:nil |
5/1 Europe Explained: http://www.swiss-miss.com/2009/05/europe-explained.html \_ Can't read some of the smaller print. What's it saying about Bosnia, Albania, etc? \_ http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3510/3192055736_5d3e9ca1f0_o.jpg |
2009/4/20-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52874 Activity:nil |
4/19 Germany boycotting UN anti-racism meeting: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090420/ap_on_re_eu/un_un_racism_conference "In recent meetings, it (Germany) has expressed dismay about some governments' attempts to downplay the significance of the Holocaust." How dare you say my sin was nothing!? I'm quitting! \_ Seriously? You're giving shit to a country that's trying to take responsibility for their past? \_ I was just joking. Actually, I admire what they do, and I hope Japan does the same and face its past the same way. -- OP \_ I was just joking. Actually, I admire what Germany does, and I hope Japan can face its past the same way. -- OP \_ So, not srsly. Cool. \_ At some point Israel just need to admit that Israel as a nation is no different than South Africa 15 years ago... Those who pretend that is not the case will do foolish things like what Germany is doing. \_ NO FREE SPEECH FOR RACISTS! \_ NO FREE SPEECH FOR RACISTS! (Pretty funny that this remark keeps getting censored, it proves my point) |
2009/3/29-4/2 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52765 Activity:low |
3/29 Good news, Yoo to be investigated for violating International law: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/29/world/europe/29spain.html \- I'm actually happier to see Alberto, Feith, and Addington on the list ahead of Yoo. |
2009/3/16-23 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52717 Activity:low 66%like:52718 |
3/16 Solidarity, comrade! http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/15/nyregion/thecity/15part.html \_ How do you know an article is bullshit designed to make people mad? It's in the NYTimes style section! \_ Why do you call it bullshit? Don't you think this place actually exists and as described in the article? actually exists as described in the article? |
2009/2/25-3/3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:52634 Activity:nil |
2/25 Whoops, looks like SFCron is on the rocks. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/02/24/BUannounce.DTL \_ Not surprised. They don't even run a full page of comics. Instead, they waste pages and pages on something called "news," which is almost always boring and depressing. |
2009/2/21-25 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52618 Activity:nil |
2/21 So, European AC is 220 (2 round prongs), and my American dryer takes 220, right? Now, I'm pretty sure it's not a good idea to plug a European appliance into my dryer's power outlet, but I'm not really sure why. Is it just the 50hz vs 60hz problem? \_ I think it would work fine, actually. \_ most dryer sold in USA only takes 110V, and 220 outlet will destroy your dryer in matter of seconds. - being there, done that. |
2009/2/5-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:52523 Activity:nil |
2/5 Funny, the country that started WW 1 and 2, and killed millions are viewed as the most favoriable. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7873050.stm \_ They haven't killed as many Vietcongs, Korean commies, and Super EVIL Terrorists as America for the past 50 years. \_ Vietcong is already plural. You wouldn't say Chineses. --tt \_ Sure he would. \_ Funny that was 4 generations ago. \_ I'm not sure you can accurately say that Germany "started" WWI. |
2009/2/2-3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Finance/Investment] UID:52496 Activity:low |
2/2 http://tinyurl.com/buyetf (Jesse's cafe) Stock tip ... what is it, #6? Start with paragraph 6. What the knowledgable and "insiders" are talking about. Note they may be wrong. (fyi, some bozo probably set that tiny URL code earlier) \_ What a waste of time. Many paragraphs to say that they don't know anything and that the situation is fluid. Genius. \_ Sorry, there is no "buy at x" "sell at y" type advice, but isn't identifying what they don't know, and what they think will happen in/around 2010 helpful? \_ This is fearmongering at its worst. |
2009/1/31-2/3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52491 Activity:nil |
1/31 French liburals riot against bailouts http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=53b_1233279992&c=1 |
2009/1/26-29 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52458 Activity:nil |
1/25 UK Treasury official says UK financial system was on brink of collapse, preparing to terminate all wire transfers, halt withdrawals \_ URL? |
2009/1/13-15 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52368 Activity:kinda low |
1/12 I'm thinking of going to the Caribbeans for honeymoon, then maybe Disneyworld. This is for mid-March. Any advice? I'd like to make it as simple as possible... the less work, the better. \_ Isn't Disneyworld for children? \_ Go to EPCOT where they have beer and hot foreign chicks. \_ I went to Disneyland with my wife twice (October and June). Hot MILFs everywhere. But if you go in cold months you probably won't see their bodies under thick clothings. Anyway OP is talking about honeymoon, so MILF or not is not an issue. Plus Disneyworld in another state may be different. probably won't see their hot bodies under thick clothings. Anyway OP is talking about honeymoon, so MILF-or-not is not an issue. Plus Disneyworld outside of SoCal may be different. \_ I wasn't talking about MILFs, but the people working there. They are young, attractive, from foreign countries, and interested in seeing something other than boring Orlando. This hot Moroccan girl started hitting on me when she found out I was from California and told how she wanted to visit, etc. If I had been single I would've offered to host her and show her around. Same thing happened with this Swedish girl who I actually did meet (she was headed here anyway as it turned out) and show around. EPCOT is like a big European hostel for bored, but adventurous (or they wouldn't have signed up) youth with loose European morals. That doesn't help OP, but does address the "for children only" comment. \_ Did you actually end up "showing her around"? \_ If you're interested in Disneyworld, this may not be your speed, but: http://www.slickrock.com -tom |
2009/1/8-12 [Reference/BayArea, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52344 Activity:low |
1/8 Macy's closing 11 stores: http://preview.tinyurl.com/9f6576 [newsday] \_ I wish I had saved this graph that compared retail space per capita between Britain, Sweden and the United States. We had something like 20x-30x more retail space per capita which suggests there are a lot more store closings coming up. \_ Not necessarily. The US has a lot more land and our cities are spread far apart so there are a lot more locations per capita than in a more dense nation. \_ 20X? That seems unbelievable to me. -skeptic \_ Found the chart: http://www.oftwominds.com/photos07/retail-sq-ft.png US: 20.2 sf/person Sweden: 3.3 sf/person (Sweden has more land per person than the US). \_ Yes, but the population is not spread out much. UK: 2.5 France: 2.3 Italy: 1.1 Note that according to http://tinyurl.com/6j2gtq US sf/person grew to 38 sf/person in 2005, but that same article claims European countries have 10 sf/person. So the gap is anywhere from 4x to almost 20x depending on the source. -pp from 4x to almost 20x depending on the source. -pp \_ Where's the source data? \_ From the looks of that graph it is somewhere on http://www.icsc.org/sct/index.php |
2008/12/22-2009/1/3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52294 Activity:nil |
12/22 http://tinyurl.com/9o2ps8 (telegraph.co.uk) In the UK, repo-men to be authorized to: - Restrain residents while they remove goods which they have stopped making payments on - Break into a home while you are or are not there Still can't: - Remove money from your pockets - Remove jewelry/valuables you are wearing w00t for U.S. 2nd amendment? w00t for financial responsibility? \_ What if some woman misses several monthly payments for the 32DD bra she's wearing? It's not jewelry, so ...... |
2008/12/5-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52179 Activity:nil |
12/5 German prisoner escapes in a cardboard box: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7730018.stm \_ Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! \_ YOU are number 6. |
2008/12/2-7 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52150 Activity:low 85%like:52148 |
12/2 for sodan parents: http://preview.tinyurl.com/3cxtgm [telegraph.co.uk] \_ OH yes I believe this. American parents are TOO laxed and spoil their children. This is reflected with the fact that American people are loud and self absorbed and it's always about ME ME ME have it my way or no way. Lame. French >>> Americans. \_ Can't agree more. --- parent of 4-yr-old and 2-yr-old \_ Why would I want my children to grow up and be Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys? \_ For one, you'll have a more enjoyable parenthood for the first 20 or so years of their lives. \_ and be bitterly wondering in a super cheap retirement home why your kid is such a rank and file lower middleclass java monkey too quiet to be noticed and too scared to speak up to make it into mgmt. |
2008/12/2 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:52148 Activity:nil 85%like:52150 |
12/2 for sodan parents: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/global/main.jhtml?xml=/global/2007/06/15/nosplit/ftmaman115.xml \_ OH yes I believe this. American parents are TOO laxed and spoil their children. This is reflected with the fact that American people are loud and self absorbed and it's always about ME ME ME have it my way or no way. Lame. French >>> Americans. |
2008/11/18-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Recreation/Sports] UID:52034 Activity:nil |
11/18 "Italian soccer strategy gets a racy look" http://sports.yahoo.com/sow/news?slug=ap-italy-shortsdown Can't wait until the Italian women's soccer team adopts this new strategy. |
2008/11/13-26 [Reference/Law/Court, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51961 Activity:nil |
11/13 EU's Court of First Instance rules that Lego bricks are not trademark- able: http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/11/12/business/lego.php Opinion available at: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6s77ap [europa.eu] \_ SOCIALISM. oh wait its Europe |
2008/10/30-31 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51753 Activity:nil |
10/30 Ever wonder why Ghadafi was sleeping in a tent behind his mansion instead of in it, that day we bombed it? Turns out our "allies" tipped him off: http://tinyurl.com/6crt3g \_ Why didn't he just leave the site altogether? \-Muammar has left the building. |
2008/10/27-29 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51692 Activity:kinda low |
10/27 Sales of new homes up 2.7%. Really disappointed. I really wanted a doomsday scenario. Still pissed about how home prices rose 50% in less than 4 years. Life is so fucking unfair. I want SOCIALISM NOW!!! Fuck Capitalism. \_ What do you think got us here? \_ France? Socialism? \_ Poorly regulated markets and an easy money policy promulgated by an Ayn Rand flunky. What do you think got us here? \_ They need a 1-year chart of this overlaying 2006 to 2008. The "no jumbo" crash happened September 2007 I think. The "no jumbo" crash happened September 2007 I think, which would make 2007/2008 Sep yoy easily positive. make 2007/2008 Sep yoy easily positive, which is what happened with the existing home sales numbers. |
2008/10/8-9 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51425 Activity:nil 57%like:51426 |
10/8 Nikkei 225 getting fucked up the ass UK getting super fucked - oh wait, UK equity indices haven't yet caught up with this fact. Don't worry. They will. \_ Japanese schoolgirl anal.... sorry, what did you say again? |
2008/10/6 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51398 Activity:high |
10/6 This golfer's gotta be putting on a show to promote himself among the rich and gaymous. http://preview.tinyurl.com/3jzrtp (Yahoo News photo) \_ Wow aren't you clever. \_ Wow aren't you clever. Dude is a professional athlete with good looks so in your jealousy you decide he is some effeminate freak and not a "real man" so you can feel better about your lazy slovenly life. Your homophobia is as ugly as your jealousy. |
2008/10/2 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51356 Activity:high |
10/2 Bank runs in Greece! \_ URL? \_ google above. may be just electronic, since there are no photos \_ The top hits are "ronpaulforums" and "usagold". Sorry, this does not qualify as anything but a rumor at this point. \_ try clicking the "News" link padawan fyi, there were also silent bank runs on WB after WM went TU, which led to WB's forced merger by FDIC \_ None of the "news" links mention a bank run of any kind, they all just say that Greece has guaranteed all deposits. What is a "silent bank run"? \_ no lines, yet significant net withdrawals "after panic withdrawals by customers in Athens and Thessaloniki, creating an unstoppable stampede across Europe" - telegraph.co.uk \_ And you believe that sensationalistic drivel? Are they predicting a European wide bank run or reporting on it? What is a "panic withdrawal"? Are their lines outside the banks? Did any banks fail? It just sounds like a slow news day to me. \_ yes, you are right. i will slink home and kill myself. i am stupid. |
2008/9/19-23 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Finance/Investment] UID:51240 Activity:nil |
9/19 bumped for discussion: \_ My financial advisor says to not try and time the market. \_ what else did your financial advisor say? did you ask them about getting more of your portfolio into safer, lower yielding assets? \_ No, actually he told me that the latest recommendations for someone my age was to be 50% in overseas stocks. He also seems to think that I have a bit too much in dividend paying blue chips and that I should buy more small caps, but he hasn't said anything like that in a few months. He also said that there was no reason to be concerned about Pimco Total Return anymore, since the Fed guaranteed all the FNM debt. \_ re PIMCO Total Return: - ask him why funds seem to be selling agency paper this week if there is no risk - ask him what about the MBSs inside re overseas: - what is the breakdown by country/region? (Europe/UK/Japan/China/India/etc.?) \_ Can regular individual give PIMCO money to manage or is it just for the super-rich and institutions? \_ Anyone can buy Pimco Total Return, it is the largest fund overall, in terms of assets. Ticker is PTRAX. \_ Get him as your advisor yourself and ask him all these questions if you are so curious. Who told you that funds are selling all this agency paper? I just looked and it looks like PTRAX is 80% in cash right now anyway. I will eventually ask him the country by country breakdown, probably by email next week. If you are curious, I can post it to the motd. |
2008/9/14-19 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:51167 Activity:low |
9/14 Good-bye, Britain: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article4749183.ece ISLAMIC law has been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases. \_ Just like how the Jewish courts run there too? At least they stooped so low as to have non-judges presid and make judgements for kangaroo courts broadcast on television like here. \_ Ummm... TV courts aren't leagally binding beyond the contract you sign when you go on. That's a huge difference. -!pp \_ "Under the act, the sharia courts are classified as arbitration tribunals. The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case." It's the same thing. Civil case. "Law" means under contract law. You go to agree to arbitraion and you agree to the results, you are now under contract. This is nothing but fear mongering and racism. \_ yea, what he said. -ppp \_ Sharia tends to be a bit more murdery and misogynist, don't you think? |
2008/8/20-26 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50917 Activity:nil |
8/20 Germany wins a bunch of equestrian medals. Are Germans richer than Americans? Expensive sports man. \_ Germany has three luxury automotive brands. US has zero. \_ الله أَكْ! \_ Cadillac qualifies. Possibly so does Lincoln. However, Germany has 4: BMW, MB, Audi, Porsche. Ford owns Volvo and GM owns Saab. I don't know how you count those. \_ Oh, I forgot about Audi. I personally still think of Volvo and Saab as Swedish brands. -- PP |
2008/8/11-18 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50843 Activity:kinda low |
8/11 Anyone have thoughts about what the US should do about Georgia? \_ Annex it as Georgia II. \_ Not much I'm afraid. Especially since Georgia seems to have started it. Russia was fomenting the battle, but when Russia is itching to attack you, don't give it an excuse! \_ Russia moved troops into Georgia, not the other way around. Doesn't seem fair to say Georgia started it. \_ You're right, that's quite right. But Georgia attacked seperatists Russia was more or less explicity supporting, and Russia has been itching to attack, because they want to show off how "strong" they are. Georgia didn't exactly start it, but they did walk into a pretty well marked trap. \_ Agreed. Don't walk into that trap until after you actually join NATO. -- !OP \_ I'm not sure I'd support them then, unless they cleared it with NATO first. This is pretty similar to the sort of BS that started WWI. -pp \_ So because they didn't let Russia simply annex South Ossetia, it's their fault? \_ I don't know enough about the situation to say. I've heard a number of contradictory claims. But better to lose one province than a whole country. -pp PS: I'm not sure fault is interesting in this case, since the question isn't really moral. We know the Russians are currently in imperialist dictatorship mode. Certainly attacking is the Russians 'fault'. But does that matter? Do you want to get involved? \_ Georgia is a good friend of the US, is our primary flight path to Afghanistan, and has an oil pipeline that carries 1 million barrels of oil per day. \_ So, it that a 'yes I'd like to get in a war with Russia,' or what? \_ It's a "I think we might have to" \_ Don't be stupid. Russia would crush us if tried to intervene here. 1M of oil is not enough to risk WWWIII over. \_ Mark my words: if no one stops Russia now (or at least steps up to face them via sanctions and condemnations), Russia _will_ reconstitute the USSR. \_ Okay, I will mark them. I think you are wrong, but we will find out in a few years. I am curious, do you think \_ Okay, I will mark them. I think you are wrong, but we will find out in a few years. I am curious, do you think Russia will invade Lithuania? Because I don't think so. Can you tell us how your other motd.prections have worked out so far? \_ Lithuania: no. Belarussia: perhaps. Ukraine: perhaps. My predictions on the motd so far: haven't tracked them. Bet: $1 to you if Russia doesn't annex Belarussia or Ukraine (or Georgia) within 5 years. \_ If the only country they annex is Georgia, that hardly qualifies as "reconstituting the USSR" now does it. They would have to annex all or at least most of their former colonies, right? I actually think that Russia will only annex South Osseta and only annex South Ossetia and leave Georgia after they have been "taught a lesson." Within a few weeks, at most. \_ I'm trying to make the bet measurable in terms of winning; reconstituted USSR may take more than five years. \_ How are you defining that term? Do you really see East Germany and Poland returning to Russian control, on any timeframe? -tom \_ A fair question. No, I'd define this as core elements, not satellite clients like E. Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, or the Baltics. \_ A Russian general yesterday said Poland is opening itself to nuclear attack with a 100 percent possibility if it continues to host American base. kewl!!!!!!!!!! \_ Damn! Maybe I should have included the Satellites in the bet! |
2008/8/6-10 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50802 Activity:nil |
8/6 "Fakeproof" e-passport is cloned in minutes http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article4467106.ece http://tinyurl.com/62awe6 |
2008/7/25-29 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50681 Activity:nil |
7/25 200,000 or 20,000? http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/blog/blog.aspx?id=2492 \_ Dittohead Desperaton Level: Red \_ Troll level, poor. \_ Dittohead Desperaton Level: Still Red \_ I just want to know what the number is. This makes me desperate? \_ He's in France now, should he call our French allies "Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys"? Hey, are you guys still calling them "Freedom Fries"? Just curious. \_ Numbers are irrelevant in the face of hope and change. |
2008/7/23-28 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50660 Activity:nil |
7/23 "Are You Satisfied? The World's Most Optimistic Countries" http://www.citizensugar.com/1805531 The US is on par with France -- in a bad way. \_ We used to rank higher, before Bush got hold of the economy. |
2008/7/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50597 Activity:nil |
7/16 http://wonkette.com/401074/your-first-exciting-batch-of-paultardpalooza-photos my favorite is the guy with the giant "READ ATLAS SHRUGGED" sign \_ When I first saw that sign I parsed "READ" as the word that sounded the same as "RED". I thought sign dude was just bragging that he managed to finish the whole damn book. \_ This is some funny shit. |
2008/7/7-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50488 Activity:nil |
7/7 We Americans are no longer the worst tourists. http://www.csua.org/u/lv7 (Yahoo! News) I wonder if it's the decline of the US dollar that made us more humble. \_ I doubt it, that wouldn't fit with this: "Americans wind up as the biggest-spending and best-tipping tourists." \_ we're very generous with money we borrow. \_ More likely the decline of the dollar has simply made us travel abroad less. |
2008/6/20-23 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50318 Activity:low |
6/20 Hinchey still thinks nationalization of refineries is a good idea, but doesn't think it's likely http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,369321,00.html \_ It's a stupid idea. He should be shot. Building more refineries and not having 8 zillion different blends for ego stroking reasons is a good idea. \_ I'm amazed the communists state it openly. Last I checked there were property rights in this country. Besides, the government doesn't do /anything/ well, I don't see why anyone would think they'd manage the energy industry better than the actual owners. \_ The government does lots of things well, you just don't appreciate them. The military kicks ass, public schools, especially at the post-secondary level (think UC) are good and Social Security is the greatest anti-poverty program ever created. \_ The government is "good at" huge expensive bureaucracies. That doesn't mean those are really good things. While it's tough to find a good alternative to the military given the current situation in the world, I find your other examples entirely unconvincing. For one thing, it does not compete on a level playing field: we are forced to pay for it while private alternatives have to earn your $'s. Considering the money spent it does not do most things well. Greatest anti- poverty program eh? Ok... how is it better than the Euro socialist systems? \_ SS administrative costs are 0.6%. Where else are going to see costs that low? Part of that is precisely because of the economies of scale. It also costs much less than the European systems. |
2008/6/11-13 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:50228 Activity:nil |
6/11 Forget something? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/7449255.stm |
2008/6/1-2 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50110 Activity:nil |
6/1 France legislates regulation of line dancing http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4036375.ece |
2008/5/31-6/2 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50104 Activity:nil |
5/31 How did the Peruvian potato get all the way to Ireland so the evil British king could keep it away from the populace and then kill 1 million totally hot Irish girls? \_ I think a crystal skull was involved. \_ Weren't the British conducting a giant 'let the market forces determine the availability of the potato' experiment? |
2008/5/19-23 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:50002 Activity:nil |
5/19 "The aim is to include countries like the United States, China, India and Brazil, which have not accepted any binding curbs on their emissions so far." http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/04/21/business/rtrinside22.php Cap and trade not exactly working. |
2008/5/16-23 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49980 Activity:nil 80%like:49978 |
5/16 German Chancellor Merkel deploying Weapons of Mass Distraction at national opera house in Norwey: http://www.csua.org/u/lko (Yahoo! News) |
2008/5/16 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49978 Activity:nil 80%like:49980 |
5/16 German Chancellor deploying Weapons of Mass Distraction at national opera house in Norwey: http://news.ifeng.com/photo/200804/0414_24_489359.shtml |
2008/5/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49898 Activity:high |
5/7 The most sought-after chick-magnet political diplomat in the world: http://www.un.org/sg/senstaff_details.asp?smgID=118 \_ Did someone order... some humanitarian relief? Bwam-chika-waa-waa. |
2008/4/16-23 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:49760 Activity:nil |
4/15 Being a controversial book aside, IQ and the Wealth of Nations shows that we're the SMARTEST NATION BABY!!! 107! bahaha -proud hk http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IQ_and_the_Wealth_of_Nations \_ I'm an athiest and I'm smarter than everyone else! http://hypnosis.home.netcom.com/iq_vs_religiosity.htm \_ http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2007/09/24/headsize_hum.html Head size has some correlation with IQ. YEAH BABY -big head Asian \_ You're also uglier than everyone else. \_ I don't listen to country music, therefore I'm smart! http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_kmwwn/is_200405/ai_kepm460196 \- northerners are smarter. S Cal people are STUPID: http://anepigone.blogspot.com/2007/04/intelligence-and-latitude-in-us.html http://services.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/view/SGXXRFsOtha6cGEMGuwWF2- http://services.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/view/SGXXRFsOtha6Rpll-bPvF2- http://services.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/view/SGXXRFsOtha6IpVbiPPvF2- http://anepigone.blogspot.com/2007/03/map-of-estimated-average-iq-by-state-in.html \_ Attractiveness inversely correlates with intelligence, so NoCal people are UGLY. SoCal people are beautiful. \_ It's true. Plan B Gentlement's Club, Spearmint Rhino, 4 Play, Deja VU Showgirls are consistently better than any of the strip clubs I go to in N Cal. I mean just compare gorgeous babes in S Cal beaches vs. smelly hippy bitches in N Cal. Moral of the story: If you wanna get laid with dumb bimbos, S Cal is THE place baby! \_ ob dumb blonde joke. \_ I didn't realize HK was a nation. I guess the authors have a low IQ. \_ Nor was Puerto Rico. BTW Macau (avg IQ 104) is mentioned in the text but not in the table. Maybe the author is not completely dumb after all. \_ Wow! The big dragon and the four small dragons of Asia took the top five spots. \_ And Germany is #7. Obviously, Hitler knew what he was doing. \_ What I see from this graph: Light colored athiest >> Christians > Muslims > colored athiests |
2008/4/9-12 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49695 Activity:nil 66%like:49676 |
4/7 this has it all. Nazis, nazis, and nazis: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4j3jh2 [nyt] |
2008/4/7-9 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49676 Activity:nil 66%like:49695 |
4/7 this has it all. Nazis, nazis, and nazis: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/07/world/europe/07formula.html?sq=nazi&st=nyt&scp=1&pagewanted=print |
2008/4/3-9 [Consumer/Audio, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49654 Activity:low |
4/3 Teen-repellent device! http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080402/wl_uk_afp/britaineutechnologyyouth \_ "Inventor of Teen-repellent device seeks regulation of his invention." \_ "British inventor of teen-repellent device wants laws regulating it" \_ Does this work on beagles? My neighbor's beagles bark all day long when he's gone and it's driving everyone nuts. Actually it's not so much of a bark as it is a deep WOOWOOOWOOOO! WOOWOOOOWOOOOO! WOWOWOOOOOOOWOOOOOOO!!! It's not your typical bar bark bark sound. I don't know the proper name for a beagle WOOWOOWOOOOOO! \_ Beagles don't bark, they "bay." \_ I don't know about 'the mosquito' but anti-freeze works great for that problem. \_ So does jail time for killing the dog. Idiot. \- there is an mp3 of this you can download. i added it to my itunes ... it's kinda interesting to see who can/cant hear it on my MPB. my itunes ... it's kinda fun to see who can/cant hear it on my MPB. \_ Hey genius, I told you last time you whined about the dog to call the cops with a noise complaint. Did you? No. I'm ashamed to think we went to the same school. \_ Actually I did, the cop said if the owner is not violating animal cruelty law (sanitation, food, shelter), and that I should take it up with the city as there's not much they can do about this case. Neighbor-to-neighbor disputes need to be taken care of in civil/litigation or something. \_ A few things then. 1) your cop/town is lame. you have a valid noise complain in any civil place. 2) abusing the dog will not get it to quiet down, 3) try talking to your neighbor, 4) please accept my apologies for bashing you earlier, I'm honestly quite shocked the police didn't take a noise report which is the start of the process to ding your neighbor for disturbing the peace in a normal city. \_ Ya it's ok, motd doesn't bother me compared to what I have to tolerate every day. I searched online for this problem and unfortunately it's really complex as each state and city and county ordinances are different. The cops are right though, it's a neighbor to neighbor dispute in which they can't arrest anyone for it. Unless violence or harm has done they can't really put the owner in jail. They can however write police reports, which may prove to be helpful in the court. |
2008/3/21-24 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49527 Activity:nil |
3/21 I had no idea that German toilets were so odd, any comments? http://www.asecular.com/~scott/misc/toilet.htm http://www.banterist.com/archivefiles/000212.html \_ Heil German John! Can you explain to us, John? |
2008/3/13-17 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49452 Activity:nil 75%like:49448 |
3/13 Spitzer is an Repblican now! http://preview.tinyurl.com/ynmspk [yahoo news uk] \_ Maybe they found out he used male prostitutes too \_ It's AP news. Give them a break, it isn't like they're a real news service. They collect propaganda from around the world and publish it as fact unvetted. |
2008/2/28-3/4 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:49288 Activity:nil |
2/28 Prince Harry looking like a bad-ass American GI: http://www.csua.org/u/kx1 (Yahoo! News Photos) \_ Doesn't he look more like a British soldier? \_ But that face looks more like an American GI in Vietnam to me. -- OP |
2008/2/26-3/4 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49271 Activity:low |
2/26 Why are there so many Indian women on BBC talking about British and world news? Shouldn't they present Indian news instead? \_ Outsourcing. \_ Light skin coloured Indian women with Bengali last names speaking in Standard British accent sound more sophisticated and smarter than bloody dumb blondes. \_ Their skin color makes them sound better? \_ It doesn't, but most Bengali's are fair skinned and very Westernized (they love Channel and Fendi and Tiffany's) and have a presence more elegant than bloody dumb blondes. Southern women tend to be a bit more brash and ditto with Punjabs -pp GO INDIA! \- speaking as a bengali who is reasonably fair skinned, has bought ChanNel [sic] but hates spending money on perfume [maybe Channel 5 is the Chav version of Chanel No. 5?] owns a Fendi scarf, but equates Tiffany with the Devil aka DeBeers ... you dont know what you are talking about. \_ Hey, give him a break, he's probably a sexually inexperienced nerd who is confusing being attracted to exotic women with character judgement. \_ Why are there so many East Asian women on US new channels? \_ Why are there so many East Asian women on US news channels? I bet the answer is the same... \_ Is it because big robust blonds like JACKIE JOHNSON looks less exotic and intellectual than Asian news-anchorwomen? |
2008/2/20-22 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Recreation/Media] UID:49196 Activity:nil |
2/20 The First Jedi Academy is opening in the UK: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/02/20/jedi_academy |
2008/1/28-2/2 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:49019 Activity:nil |
1/15 Dear French experts, can you please point me to a website (like babelfish) that'll help me pronunciate French words? For example I have no idea how to pronunciate "Bichon a poil Frisé". |
2008/1/23-31 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48997 Activity:nil |
1/23 Ok, this sounds like satire... but it isn't. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7204635.stm Uk agency considers 'The Three Little Pigs' to be racist. |
2008/1/7-10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48897 Activity:low |
1/7 'Iranian boats "provoke" US Navy ships in Hormuz: CNN' http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080107/ts_nm/usa_iran_ship_dc \_ Why is 'provoke' in quotes? You don't think their actions were a provocation? \_ If Iranian battle ships are sailing as clost to our border as we are, you bet we'll provoke them as well, haha. Now go back to work. \_ 12 miles, kids. It's the law. International law. Outside 12 miles you're in international waters and free to float. \_ I just copied the title verbatim from the web page. -- OP |
2007/12/20-29 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48843 Activity:kinda low |
12/20 We don't need no stinking Kyoto: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2007/12/kyoto_schmyoto.html The Kyoto treaty was agreed upon in late 1997 and countries started signing and ratifying it in 1998. A list of countries and their carbon dioxide emissions due to consumption of fossil fuels is available from the U.S. government. If we look at that data and compare 2004 (latest year for which data is available) to 1997 (last year before the Kyoto treaty was signed), we find the following. Emissions worldwide increased 18.0%. Emissions from countries that signed the treaty increased 21.1%. Emissions from non-signers increased 10.0%. Emissions from the U.S. increased 6.6%. In fact, emissions from the U.S. grew slower than those of over 75% of the countries that signed Kyoto. \_ Wow! If this is true, how come the Bush Admin didn't make a fuss about this? \_ Well, that's a little misleading since the "developing" signers didn't actually have to do anything, and they're the ones with the really big growth numbers. They are pushing up the averages. \_ No, that is exactly the point. \_ US: 6.6% Canada, 8.8% Japan, 11% Finland, 15% Norway, 24% Iceland, 29% China, 55% \_ China is developing. Anyway, hy only published a few countries. Why about France, Britain, Germany, etc? I guess it doesn't really matter, I think Kyoto is dumb too. \_ France, 6.2% UK, 3.4% Germany, -1.6% Spain, 37.8% \_ China's emissions exceed ours now. They're the biggest emiiters in the world. The author has an XLS sheet of absolute numbers. \_ That link appears to be broken. Anyway, Kyoto was designed to have that result. Why be surprised? \_ Link works for me. http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/tables/08s1314.xls \_ So I am curious, are you trying to make the claim that the Kyoto treaty actually led to the world producing *more* greenhouse gases than if it had not been signed? That seems pretty unlikely to me. If you are claiming that is was ineffective, I agree, we need much more stringent standards than the ones we have now. \_ No, we just need to meet the standards already in place. \_ No, I mean that the harping on ratifying the protocol or not is silly, when we're doing better than most countries that signed on to it. -op |
2007/12/6-13 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48756 Activity:kinda low |
12/6 About "While Europe Slept" Having recently published an indictment of Christian fundamentalist intolerance in the U.S. (Stealing Jesus), New York native Bawer relocated to Europe with his Norwegian partner in 1998 and found an even more dangerous strain of religious and cultural bigotry ensnaring Western Europe. A swarming menace called radical Islam, he writes, rings Europe's cities in smoldering Muslim ghettos, provoking everything from so-called honor killings and political assassinations to the Madrid subway bombings and the massacre of school children in Beslan. Worse, the Taliban-like theocracy Bawer sees looming inside backward immigrant populations resistant to integration flourishes under the protective wing of Western Europe's America-bashing, multicultural, liberal establishment. \_ Sure, and that's why armed thugs are enforcing burka-wearing ordinances in Fremont. Oh, wait, they're not? How'd that happen? Oh, right, because Bawer's a nut and a bigot. \_ He's gay, and went to the Netherlands to live in a more accepting place with his partner. He was assaulted at least once by Muslims who saw him together with his partner. \_ And on the basis of this he insists that Europe is one step from Sharia? Cf. "I got mugged by a black man, so all black men must be criminals." \_ Fremont is in Europe? \_ Sorry, misread "Europe's" for "American." s/Fremont/Amsterdam/ \_ Yeah, go back and read about how the Irish/Italians/Mexicans, etc would not integrate and were doomed to destroy America. It is the same old alarmism. It is perhaps true that Europe has a shorter history of integrating immigrants, so will need to learn, but same old alarmism. It is perhaps true that Europe has less experience in integrating immigrants, so will need to learn, but hardly concievable that a small minority would overwhelm the majoritarian culture. \_ Irish/Italians/Mexicans were not Muslim. \_ And therefor not EEEEEEEEEEVIL? \_ No, they were Catholic, which was considered even worse. \_ Yet they weren't blowing people up. \_ Neither are Muslims. The French riots, 9/11, etc were all the acts of "students" and "youths". \_ You are obviously unfamiliar with the history of the IWW. IWW. Ever heard of the Haymarket Riot? |
2007/12/4 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48739 Activity:nil |
12/4 http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/136642/most_popular_dog_breeds_in_southern.html Yorkshire Terrier is the 2nd most popular dog in the South. These fucking annoying little bastards bark all day long in my apartment complex and I simply don't understand how their owners actually tolerate them. Fuck yorkies. -dog hating troller |
2007/11/11-15 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48605 Activity:nil |
11/11 Kick them out - Home secretary set to order Italian-style crackdown on immigrants \_ Why would anyone ever click on a link with a bare IP address? When you're using tactics common in spam and worms, it doesn't put you or your points in a good light. -dans \_ Um, because for every 10 smart guys like you (AH HEM ya ok) there is 1 more sucker who will click on it. \_ Which is why those things work in spam and worms which are a numbers game anyway. I'd like to believe the level of clue on the motd is appreciably higher than people who click on links in spam. Perhaps I'm a fool for wanting to believe that. -dans \_ Oh yes, the fact that you're trolled so easily, is a clear indication that you are. \_ Who's the greater fool, the fool or the fool who follows him? -dans |
2007/11/2 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48520 Activity:nil |
11/2 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071102/ap_on_go_ot/us_iraq_curveball |
2007/11/1-2 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48505 Activity:kinda low |
11/1 "I surely hope those Americans who renamed French fries into freedom fries and then those Americans who poured perfectly good French wine down their drains, I hope they realize what foolishness that was." http://www.csua.org/u/jvh (Yahoo News) \_ Isn't French fries actually "french fries" which has nothing to do with the country France? \_ Isn't French fries actually "french fries" and doesn't it have nothing to do with the country France? \_ "frenched fries" -> "french fries". To french a vegtable is to cut it in matchsticks. \_ Or kiss it with lots of tongue. \_ Oui. \_ why couldn't they just call them 'chips' like the brits do. \_ Because in the US chips = crisps. You'd have to change 2 words. I think just 'fries' would have been fine tho'. \_ I just call them 'fries' |
2007/10/29-11/1 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48468 Activity:nil |
10/28 What's the proper pronunciation for "chien" in French? \- er how are you expecting people to tell you? roughly "shee-ay". dont pronounce the n unless fem form "chienne". i assume you arent looking for the nuanced difference between chien in french french vs quebec french etc. you may wish to watch "un chien andalou". \_ Thanks partha, you rule! So how do you say caniche or chien canne? \- i dont know. http://tinyurl.com/gamqr \_ "Un Chien Andalou"? Oh, cruel, cruel Partha. |
2007/10/20-24 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48395 Activity:nil |
10/19 german shepherd. \_ labradoodle \_ swami the not so magnificent \_ ObSwamiRules |
2007/10/19-24 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Recreation/Media] UID:48387 Activity:low |
10/19 new VAN DAMME movie http://youtube.com/watch?v=PBmTA51qGzm \_ Is there a Labrador in it? \_ No, JCVD isa big Poodle fan. \_ No, JCVD isa big ausman fan. \_ No, JCVD isa big german shepherd fan. |
2007/10/18 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48379 Activity:moderate |
10/18 when a girl tells me she is seeing someone else, what does that mean? they're making coffee? picking out drapes? had the german soldier marching? building the beast with two backs? taking the flesh express to tuna town? aardvarking? hiding the salami? motd not getting laid guy, do you have a good cable package? we should hang out. \_ It means everything is cool and you should upgrade your phone plan. \_ What does that mean? I'm not a complete idiot you know! |
2007/10/18-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:48369 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 has a new all powerful motd troll emerged from the primordial ooze? All hail not believing in the advancement of the internet guy! \_ huh? \_ Probably just an old troll, back from the dead, Frankenstien-like. \_ All hail 'make shit up op troll guy'! \_ He believes in the power of the german shepherd! |
2007/10/17-19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48345 Activity:high |
10/17 What are some examples of successful & sustainable colonies? \_ Israel \_ A colony of what country, USA? You're funny. \_ We do give them a few billion a year. Same with Egypt. I doubt Egypt or Israel would exist in its present state without our aid. You could argue that they'd be better off in a different version. \_ phillipines (better troll) \_ A colony of what country, USA? You'rnes (better troll) \_ A colony of what country? \_ Ants and Bees \_ Sheffield, Cairo, Marco Nicosia, Odessa, Sabishii, Mangala, Dorsa Brevia, Christianopolis, Acheron \_ USA \_ No you stupid. USA is not a colony, USA is a sovereign nation and has been since 1776. A colony is one that depends on the motherland. Georgia, Massachussettes, etc were colonies of England. Likewise, Poland, France, etc were colonies of Nazi Germany. They're all sovereign entities now, but not colonies. \_ You have a different definition of success than me, then. \_ Hong Kong (before it went back to China.) \_ The United States of America \_ Someone already said "USA" above. \_ Maybe they meant Usa, Japan? \_ My wife's family is originally from Usa, Japan. --erikred \_ Her family were colonists? How cool is that! \_ Oh, the truths spoken in ignorance. :) Usa's a fishing town on the southern coast of Shikoku. There's plenty of speculation about internat'l relations among the fisherfolk, even under the Tokugawa isolation policy. --erikred \_ I'm aware of Usa, Japan. You know about the post-WW2 shipping labels, right? \_ I'm aware of the "Made in Usa" urban legend, yes. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usa%2C_Japan It says the myth part is that the city was renamed, not that anything was shipped from there. \_ Over the long term? None. They always either collapse or break away and go independent. In a few cases they become absorbed but that is much rarer. \_ Breaking away doesn't mean they aren't successful and/or sustainable. The USA has been very helpful to the UK in the 20th century. \_ If it breaks away it isn't a colony. \_ Ok, fine. But the USA, Australia, NZ are still cultural colonies of England in a broad sense. \_ Sure, ok, they all speak some form of English and have some sort of democracy so in a "broad sense", sure. I won't argue that. In a broad sense. \_ Canada and Australia are still under the Queen of England, no? I would say that Canada, USA, and Australia are examples of colonies that were extremely successful and sustainable at least until the point they broke away. What about Hawaii or Puerto Rico? How do you classify those? \_ I don't know about you but Iraq has been sustainable so far and we're getting a hecka amount of oil from them. \_ I don't think we're getting any oil from them. Damn, trolled. \_ We are, just not as much as hoped. Note the huge military presence in key oil refineries. \_ The Spice must flow! \_ You know for a SF epic written in the back of a van behind the old Chronicle/Examiner building, there are an amazing amount of parallels you can draw between Dune and current events. Frank Herbert, you ruled. \_ Here's hoping he got the Kwisatch Haderach part wrong... \_ You just tipped the geek meter. Grats. \_ Northern Ireland. |
2007/9/19-22 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48119 Activity:nil |
9/19 Heil German John! http://www.csua.org/u/jjs \_ " Man hides sex toys in the wurst way..." Yahoo! News \_ "Man hides sex toys in bigger sex toy." \_ Hilarious, THANKS for the link! More!!! |
2007/9/18-22 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:48099 Activity:nil 75%like:48098 |
9/18 "Shrinking kilogram bewilders physicists" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070913/ap_on_sc/shrinking_kilogram *The* kilogram is weighing less. \_ Old news. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/premium/0286/0286-8938134.html \_ Even worse, WE DON'T KNOW WHY!!!! \- maybe the dildo really is 9lb! \_ It's completely natural for a dildo to lose weight when it goes from erect state to flaccid state. Oh wait ... |
2007/9/18-20 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics] UID:48095 Activity:nil 60%like:48092 |
9/18 Shades of Andromeda Strain: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2ftvyg (Yahoo! News) |
2007/9/8-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47956 Activity:nil |
9/8 John Edwards calls upon world to join us in fight against terrorism saying you're either with us or against us: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20070907/D8RGM0R00.html \_ Can't wait to vote for Obama in the Primaries. \_ Imagine the gall of the guy, actually trying to engage our allies. Wouldn't we have better luck if we called them Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys and renamed fried potatoes Freedom Fries? \_ You didn't RTA. He is doing no such thing. Read his quotes, not the "journalist's" description of it. You join us and follow our rules or you're with the terrorists. Your second sentence is just noise. Not even Bush has called anyone that. \_ Once again, your reading skills are subpar: "Those nations who refuse to join will be called out before the world." Explain to me how you get "you're with the terrorists" from this. At worst, I see a vagueness in what will happen to nations that refuse to join. -!pp \_ On 11 March 2003, Representatives Robert W. Ney (R-Ohio) and Walter B. Jones, Jr. (R-North Carolina) declared that all references to French fries and French toast on the menus of the restaurants and snack bars run by the House of Representatives would be removed. House cafeterias were ordered to rename French fries as "freedom fries". |
2007/9/4-7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47896 Activity:very high |
9/4 "Annual job growth has definitely not reached pre-recession levels in 1990s. In California, 200,000 jobs were added last year compared to 400,000 (annually) between 1997 and 2000. In the United States, we're still nowhere where we were in annual job additions as a whole." The 200,000 increase was unable to keep up with the state's increasing population, with unemployment jumping to 5.2 percent in the last 12 months from 4.9 percent the previous year. The same holds true for wages. While earnings rose by 0.4 percent between 2006 and 2007 nationwide, the biggest increase in five years, in California real wages fell by 0.8 percent. Statewide, wages are 1 percent lower in 2007 than in 2003. -Arindrajit Dube, UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education \_ You mean the economy of the 90s that was based on nothing, like http://pets.com? And "jumped" to 5.2%? I thought that was theoretically full employment. Or are we supposed to ignore the unemployment rate only when it's going down? \_ From poking around http://www.bls.gov/lau (regional resources there on the right) it looks like unemplyment is due for a serious upswing soon. One thing to note about those graphs, if you look at the cycles they have they are pretty cyclical, but the unemployment percentages have been trending down over the years. That's because politicians have had a strong intrest in redefining unemployment so that the numbers come out lower. In the 70s it was a hell of a lot easier to be classified as unemployed than it is now. \_ Screw your predictions. Let us know when it actually happens. \_ http://tinyurl.com/3asgnu Tell me that doesn't look like the start of a big jump. \_ Oh good grief. You can't extrapolate 100 data points from 3 (numbers pulled out of my ass). \_ I'm not saying it is a sure thing, but I'd bet even money on it. In a heartbeat. \_ This bet is looking better and better: http://www.csua.org/u/jgl \_ I read this morning that for the first time since 2001, Japan and a few EU countries might have exceeded US GDP growth. So clearly the non-US countries have the right economic plans in place. It just took 6+ years to see the positive results. \_ Japan's GDP growth has a lot to do with trade surplus against China. And China can only afford such trade plus because *ITS* trade surplus against USA. So, in that regard, you should give yourself a bit more credit. Now, please go ahead take out another equity loans for the sake of global economy growth. \_ Umm.. I don't think that follows, exactly. \_ This. Is. MOTD!! Where non sequitur rules! \_ What has GDP/capita growth been like in those countries? Who really cares if the nations overall GDP has gone up if all that has just been due to population growth? Most of Europe has beaten US GDP/capita growth for about three years. And even Japan is starting to beat us now. \_ 5.2% is a cooked figure that does not include all the out of work illegals. According to The Economist, if we used the pre-Clinton way of counting unemployment, it would be about 1.5% higher. Most economists these days discount the idea of "full employment" after the decade long period of 4% unemployment and low inflation in the 90s. How man people do you think actually worked at http://pets.com and other <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD>s? It was a pretty small part of the economy. \_ Pre-Clinton? You mean Bush/Reagan? 6.7% is still lower \_ Pre-Clinton? You mean Bush/R \_ Pre-Clinton? You mean B\ ush/Reagan? 6.7% is still lower than anywhere in Europe yet their economies and health plans are stronger than here so we should be emulating their success. \_ No, there are many countries in Europe with an unemployment rate less than 6.7 or even 5.2. Try Ireland, The Netherlands and Switzerland, to start. And it was Clinton who really started fudging the numbers, not Reagan. \_ Those are not big economies. My village of 12 people has a 0% jobless rate. And I don't know about the other two but Ireland is hardly known for their high productivity, hard work, and strong work ethic. Take a look at real countries like Germany and France. \_ What benefit do hard work and a strong work ethic bring to the citizens of a country? Other than more work. -tom \_ Prosperity. Or we could all just live off the government dole with magically created food, housing, and other products. Where do you come up with this stuff? Is there some web site where I can just pre-read all this bizareness? \_ The countries in western Europe are plenty prosperous. And they're more productive than the U.S. on a per-hour-worked basis. -tom \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/04/business/worldbusiness/04output.html?ref=business -- ilyas \_ hi ilyas my elisp killed your url. sorry. \_ So you have the 5 seconds to apologize but not 5 seconds to put the url back? It's this btw: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/04/business/worldbusiness/04output.html ERROR: Moved Temporarily If your scripts are broken don't use them. -- ilyas \_ my url shorterner really hates that url. very very odd. \_ Not only are you wrong about current productivity but western europe's socialist system is headed towards complete collapse as the number of workers per slacker has dropped dramatically in the last few decades. But nevermind all those pesky facts. The government will just raise someone else's taxes and magically provide the rest of us with all we need from cradle to grave. \_ Usenet libertarians have been predicting the imminent collapse of "socialist Europe" since at least 1989. Since then, if anything, they have been catching up to the US. \_ Catching up in what way? Europe will collapse before the US does. They have already started cutting services. \_ Median GDP per person as a percentage of the US median GDP. How would you measure "catching up"? \_ I didn't see what you were getting at. I don't think median GDP per person is useful in this sense. What is important is to look at outlays versus expenditures, especially commitments that have been made. If GDP doubles, but outlays will triple then Europe will still go broke. \_ If their economy is growing faster than ours, it is pretty hard to make the case that it is collapsing. No one (no one who is intellectually serious at least) believes that govt outlays will exceed the size of the economy. \_ Of course not, because they will be cut before then as is already happening. When those outlays shrink then, surprise!, socialism becomes strikingly similar to what we have in the US currently. It is impossible to continue with the current European model. You should look at "profit" as defined by GDP growth minus growth of outlays at the current level of benefits. I am betting this is a negative number. \_ Not a chance that this is a negative number since 1989. \_ What makes you say this? France's 2% GDP growth? This chart doesn't show what I'd like, but it still shows that France is borrowing heavily: http://tinyurl.com/23d4ny ERROR: Don't shorten\ urls from other shortening services BTW, the unfunded SS liability in France is 2x that of the USA. Yes, that chart doesn't show what you'd like_/ In fact, it shows the exact opposite of what you'd like. It shows that public deficit peaked at 5.9% in 1993 and since then has more or less steadily been going down to the current level of 2.5%. Unless taxes have been going up (hint: they have not) the "growth of outlays" as you put it has been negative. So GDP (per capita, because that is what really matters) minus growth of outlays (which has been negative) is quite strongly positive. How do I know this? Because I pay attention to stuff like this, that's why. The government's expenditures as a percentage of the total economy has been trending down for a while in Europe, which is the exact opposite of your thesis. http://qsi.cc/blog/pictures/GovConsShareofGDP.gif link:xrl.us/5puc \_ France reformed its SS system, so that could be why expenditures have been less. It could be because they cut other programs like defense. We don't know from this data. However, cuts will continue to happen. If you look at your own chart you will see that expenditure is flat from 1991 to 2002 (slightly higher for France, actually). As for the chart I showed, that is the deficit each year. The country is in the red every year. How many years can that continue? Sure, they are better off now than in 1993, but essentially flat since 1990. In fact, the deficit exceeded that of 1990 in 15 of 18 years. When a country runs a deficit every year that means the current model is not sustainable. I have an aunt and many cousins in France and two aunts and a cousin in Holland and they all say that the level of government services that they had in the 1970s and 1980s does not exist anymore. They blame the influx of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. Regardless of who is to blame, the socialist utopia is breaking down and I think it will ultimately erode almost to the point of the US system. It is ironic that so many in the US wish to emulate them when their governments are trying to emulate us (though it is a hard sell to people used to being on the dole). My Dutch cousin, a teacher by trade but an artist and author in an ideal world, was made to go back to work for the first time in her life (she's 45). She had worked when she wanted and took time off (paid for the government, of course) to do art and write when she wanted. Needless to say, she eventually didn't bother teaching at all. Why would you when you get checks and an apartment for nothing? Well, the government finally (after the last reform) told her they needed teachers, she wasn't injured and to get her butt back to work. The horror! Oh she was so mad! It's just another sign that things are not how they used to be and I think that is good for the Europeans, many of whom had gotten lazy. \_ The plural of anecdote is not data. What other major economic power has run a budget deficit every single year (except one) for the last 20 years? Hint: you don't have to look too far to find it. The EU has huge efficiencies that that US does not, which I will not bother trying to explain to you, since your mind is already made up, in the abscence of any factual information whatsover. In any case, my prediction is that the US and EU economies will converge, and that neither one will "collapse", which is your prediction. Let's watch and see who is correct, shall we? \_ The EU will collapse *unless they change what they are doing*. If they converge with the US then of course they won't collapse. However, that's not status quo now is it? The US is running debts because of defense spending and not because of social programs. I have anecdotal evidence *and* data. You don't have either. have you ever been to Europe? Do you know anything about it? \_ Yes, I have been to Europe, many times. You predicted the complete and inevitable collapse of the EU economy. Nice to see that you are backpeddling now in the face of evidence. The only data you presented not only didn't support your case, it argued against it. And why is deficit spending due to defense spending any more likely to improve an economy than any other? The best kind of deficit spending is probably on infrastructure improvement and education, not on blowing up people in Iraq. \_ Uh, no. My chart does not argue against my point. France is running a deficit every year and 15 of the last 18 years it has run deficits larger than it did in 1990 so clearly it is digging itself a hole with current policy. I never said that defense spending is "better" only that we are talking about social programs. The US will not spend itself to death because of social programs unless Hilary does something stupid. France, on the other hand, will do so unless they change their system. It's a lot easier to cut defense spending than to tell several generations of people to expect less because their expectations of housing and health care were unrealistic. BTW, I predict that EU will collapse *if they continue doing what they are doing*. They can always alter the course. I would never argue against that. It's not backpeddling. I would lump in Japan, too. \_ As stated, the EU continues to make more non-working people than working people. If you can explain how that trend can continue without leading to inevitable collapse I'd love to hear it. If you can explain what will stop that trend, instead, that would be nice too. Until you can do so, smearing people with some silly 'usenet libertarian' label and changing what was said into a straw man. \_ "European socialist" is not a straw man, but "usenet libertarian" straw man, but "usenet libertarian" is? How about this one then? You are a crackpot. libertarian" is? How about this one then? You are a crackpot. \_ They proudly call themselves that. It is not an insult to call them socialists. Now then anytime you'd like to answer my trendline questions, feel free. \_ Did you say "anywhere in Europe" or not? And those are just the ones I knew of off the top of my head, I am sure there are others. But yes, the big countries in Europe all have high unemployment, with the exception of the UK, if that is Europe. And you obviously don't know about the "Irish miracle." It is one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. \_ Based on freakishly low, nearly illegal levels of business taxes designed to drain their neighbor's economies. Miracle indeed. \_ Can you explain for us not economically enabled how you can drain your neighbor's economies by doing something in your own country? \_ "illegal levels"? lol \_ If you have free trade and work agreements with other countries those may very well have rules to stop just this kind of abuse. Treaties with other nations work like laws, the penalties for breaking them are just different than if you get caught going 150 mph with 5 kilos of blow and trunkload of dead hookers. \_ Low business taxes are not an abuse. Why must there be any business taxes? A business is not a person. It's redundant with other forms of taxes. It's the argument of idiots that we should "tax the rich greedy corporations" as if they are magical beings independent of their employees, customers, and shareholders. \_ Because then everyone who can afford to incorperates, and has a magic bussiness that buys them what they need and it is a huge loophole. But mostly because taxes are not a one time thing. The same money gets taxed over and over again, goes into the government who spends it and guess what, gets taxed AGAIN. It's not a simple system and any attempt to claim that taxes should only happen at one place because anything else is double taxation or whatever bullshit is the ravings of a moronic libritarian utopian. \_ No, it is the ravings of a perfectly intellegent and self-serving wealthy person who is trying to shift their tax burden to someone else. \_ "intellegent"? stupid fuck. \_ spelling flames: the last refuge of he who has lost his argument \_ I saw no argument, merely an idiotic assertion. \_ Incorporating isn't that expensive. You file some paperwork, it costs a few bucks well within reach of anyone with income to be taxed. \_ A magic business buying everything someone needs is illegal. You can't write off everything unless you are committing fraud. I didn't say tax should happen at one place because of double taxation. I just say that business taxes result are say that business taxes are ultimately paid by people. And your argument is fucking stupid: "mostly because taxes are not a one time thing". Uh, stupid? one time thing". That's not even an argument. "You need business taxes because taxes are not a one time thing." ??? Libertarianism is a worthy goal where it works. We should avoid something because it is "libertarian"? Yes control is good for its own sake. Totalitarian fuckwad. \_ Libertarianism is a great thing in your magic utopian world where it works worth a damn. Then again so is communism. And benevolent fascism. Sadly, we don't live in any of those worlds. \_ Only in your pessimistic communist world is Liberty itself and impossible ideal. \_ And you want to flame others for their spelling? Oy vey. \_ Yeah, those lazy Irish can't do crap. Eatin' potatoes and drinking beer all the time. \_ Not so much on the potatoes anymore but otherwise just about right, yeah. |
2007/8/31-9/3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47857 Activity:moderate |
8/31 Why'd you trash my HUMAN WEAPON thread but you kept the one about the chick in Unit I with 32DDD tits? \_ They do not get that pig wihtout significant \_ They do not get that big without significant pork action. \_ French martial arts look hilarious. "When you are hit in leg, do not look at your leg. You are not hurting in your leg, only your heart." \_ This is reflected in their "French military victory" records. :-) \_ Ignoring the Maginot Line, the french actually have an \_ Ignoring the Maginot Line, the French actually have an incredible history of military victories. They lost so badly and quickly in WW2 because all of their fighting men died horrible deaths in Verdun. Anyway Americans who go on and on about French 'surrender monkeys' piss me off, there would be no America without French military support in the late 1700s. The French spent so much money on America that the French people got pissed and executed their monarchy. \_ I know how to settle this debate: Let's just invade France!! They got weapon of mass destructions, and they host terrorist... perfect. what are better way to find out how good they fight by FIGHTING them? \_ 1700s: true. WW2 lost due to WW1: false. The Germans lost a huge number of men in WW1 also, so apples to apples the French got their asses handed to them in WW2 because their generals were *stupid* and still trying to fight WW1 with their static fortress which didn't even cover their entire border to the coast leading to the well known end-run around it straight to Paris. And btw, the French in WW1 were so stupid, they had a revolt on the line which only ended when a number of revolt leaders stepped up to be executed for the revolt in exchange for the generals promising to stop being such jackasses. \- you may wish to read: http://tinyurl.com/22bxm9 http://tinyurl.com/yr8pd4 [the first book pretty much grew out of a UCB PhD thesis]. Also Twenty Years Crisis/EH Carr is very good but on a slightly different matter. These are all standard. \_ I don't see how either of these books refutes what I had to say about France. Or are you just suggesting further reading I might find interesting? In that case the second link does look interesting, the first much less so. Thanks for the links. \- i'm not agreeing or disagreeing with you. but poltical scientists talk about ww1, ww2, the cold war etc in different terms than historians and these are two "standard works" in this area. the carr book is just a good read, as is "man the state and war" [which also touches on ww1 as test case for a certain theory, but that is really a theory of IR book, not a book about 20th cent events, but is a major classic. on a trivia note: the author of MSW is an important emeritus ucb prof. the author of link #1 did his phd under him. after he retired from ucb, the author of #2 link invited him to teach an columbia]. BTW, if you are deeply interested in the French military history of the early 20th cent, you might also look at this: http://tinyurl.com/2h6fas Beth Kier is also not unattractive, although her book is not of the stature of the ones above (i havent read all of this one. it's a little more airy-fairy). Beth Kier I believe did her phd under the link #2 author and is not unattractive, although this book is not of the stature of the ones above (i havent read all of this one. it's a little more airy-fairy) |
2007/8/1-3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47504 Activity:nil |
8/1 http://www.csua.org/u/j99 Hope on the Battlefield by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman Military leaders know a secret: The vast majority of people are overwhelmingly reluctant to take a human life. |
2007/7/27-31 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:47445 Activity:nil |
7/27 This is one crazy story. http://news.google.com/news?&ncl=1118495264 One of the suspects is the scion of a wealthy Russian family. I like how seomeone went through wikipedia already and linked their pages to the younger suspect. |
2007/7/26-27 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:47440 Activity:nil |
7/26 at least it wasn't black people this time http://news.google.com/news?&ncl=1118495264 |
2007/7/16-17 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47304 Activity:nil |
7/16 Are all German women this distracting German John? http://www.csua.org/u/j5j \- E_ZU_SEXY_FUR_DEN_BUS |
2007/7/9-11 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47237 Activity:low 50%like:47248 |
7/9 Heil German John! Do all German's have smelly feet? http://www.csua.org/u/j3t \- NED >> GER [or <<, depending on your perspective] ... http://www.leshy.net/stuff/001_fecesking.php |
2007/7/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47159 Activity:nil |
7/3 Landlock country Switzerland won yachting's most prestigious race. http://sports.yahoo.com/top/news?slug=ap-americascup&prov=ap&type=lgns \- assuming this is in earnest, "swiss" team in this sense only means that is where the syndicate money came from. the crew is a 1/3 from NZ and about 10% swiss. \_ Yatching? \_ Typo. Should be yachting. -- OP |
2007/6/20-24 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:47027 Activity:nil |
6/12 Sicko: funny stuff. watch it. learn French. move to France before you get old. \_ Well, sure if you want to die in the next heat wave. \_ At least they saved the salmon. |
2007/6/7-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:46886 Activity:moderate |
6/7 "For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!" -Keynesian economist http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,363663,00.html \_ Sounds like instead of sending them a bunch of crap, what we need to do is actually buy stuff from them. Subsidize buying stuff from them instead of subsidizing our own farmers. And/or directly employ them to improve their own roads etc. Although buying food from them would be Bad. Hmm maybe he's right and we shouldn't do anything except maybe set up schools (the teaching industry is something they could take over later). \_ We should send them MS Office licenses. \_ Oh yeah they'll be lining up at the trucks for those! \_ The problem is that so many Africans are working in industries like farming. They need to industrialize. More investment in Africa would help. Your idea of building infrastructure is a good one. However, I think the West would rather give Africa its leftovers than cold hard cash. It's easy to donate your old bicycle and three pairs of dress shoes you never wear anymore. Doing more than giving our castoffs away would require real work on the part of the West *and* Africans. \_ Cash just vanishes into various higher ups bank accounts. \_ I am not suggesting cash be given as a gift, but that cash be invested rather than goods given. \_ Investing in most african countries is silly unless you are a huge company willing to spent a large amount of money on protection and bribes. And then you are part of the problem. \_ So you think that, say, Ford building a plant in Africa is unthinkable? Why would you say that? \_ Maybe, instead of industrializing, they could simply skip to the part where they have nothing but services and financial industries like we do? \_ Take a look at http://kiva.org. It's a microfinance site that enables people to chip in on making loans to people in third world countries. The money goes from kiva to a local microfinance company to the borrower. --alawrenc \_ I've lent +$400 via Kiva, but it seems like a lot of their current businesses is moving toward just lower interest rate current businesses are moving toward just lower interest rate working capital rather than development capital. i.e. Instead of "I want to buy a new oven for my bakery so I can produce 2n loves of bread" it's more like "I want to borrow $500 at 10% instead at a higher interest locally, so when I sell the good for a 20% gain, I make a greater return ... then 6-12mos later, I'll do the exact same thing." Whereas the guy with the bigger bakery is now off and running with an expanded business. There used to be plenty of people looking for of small amount like $250 for soem kind of "tool"/means of production ... barber chair, seeds, revenue producing construction ... now a huge number are for higher amounts just to buy stock. \_ This is an interesting one: http://tinyurl.com/2p7w5b \_ We could certainly do more in combatting AIDS and malaria, which would have lots of ancillary benefits, as well as improving the standard of living of millions of Africans. I am not so sure that cutting off all food aid to famine victims is the right answer, but it certainly should be controlled better, so that it does not all end up in the pocket of corrupt rulers. |
2007/6/1-5 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46834 Activity:nil |
6/1 HEIL GERMAN JOHN! http://www.csua.org/u/ito |
2007/5/25-28 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46752 Activity:nil |
5/25 "There is little available evidence that the United States has more relative mobility than other advanced nations. If anything, the data seem to suggest the opposite. Using the relationship between parents' and children's incomes as an indicator of relative mobility, data show that a number of countries, including Denmark, Norway, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Germany, and France have more relative mobility than does the United States." http://www.economicmobility.org/assets/pdfs/EMP%20American%20Dream%20Report.pdf \_ After unions and WWII, manufacturing jobs overpaid for low-skill work. Now globalization is letting anyone else with the same set of skills do those jobs, for relatively less in wages (though well paid in their home country.) Getting an education and a job in industries that are America's strengths is the path to prosperity. Cutting student loan subsidies was a huge mistake. |
2007/5/9-14 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46574 Activity:nil |
5/9 "France will be by the side of the oppressed of the world. This is the message of France; this is the identity of France; this is the history of France." --Sarkozy Apparently he doesn't know much French history. \_ There was that whole Bastille thing... \_ But that whole colonialism thing.... ya know, the Algerians might have something to say about the history of France and the oppressed. \_ Why do you hate France? :-) \_ Not to mention Vietnam \_ American politicians say the same kinds of things about the US. |
2007/5/7-9 [Transportation/Car, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46549 Activity:kinda low |
5/7 730 Cars burned in France b/c Sarkozy won: http://preview.tinyurl.com/28kczw (nytimes.com) \_ Pictures of the riots: http://boklm.livejournal.com/8072.html \_ typical cry baby liberals \_ Told you the Left is violent. :-) \_ that's why we need guns, to keep the psycho left in check \_ Cheese eating surrender ... oh. \_ I wonder what the carbon footprint of 730 burning cars is \_ Clearly we need greener riots. |
2007/4/27-5/1 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Science, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:46465 Activity:nil |
4/27 Commentary on Aristole found in the Archimedes Palimpsest: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6591221.stm |
2007/4/4-7 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46189 Activity:low |
4/4 Britian gets its soldiers back through good old fashioned negotiation. http://www.juancole.com/2007/04/breaking-news-british-sailors-freed.html \_ That and the Iranian Easter/Passover Bunny. (I agree with Cole, but feel it's necessary to point out that Ahmadinejad almost certainly did this to preserve/gain face. Mission accomplished.) \_ And to test the resolve of the UK. After they tested Israel last summer. \_ I wonder what the British gave up in return for their navy people. Negotiations are rarely, "Give us our people back and we'll give you nothing", "Oh, ok, here they are, sorry about that". \_ Cole thinks this was part of an internal struggle between Khameini and the higly unpopular Ahmadinejad. \_ Negotiation is for pussies. England should have followed Bush's lead and declared war. \_ And the very fact that we didn't even escalate shows you how badly stretched our forces are right now. |
2007/3/30-4/3 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46158 Activity:kinda low |
3/30 Oh yeah, that was definitely written by an English-speaker: http://www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=10654 \_ "To British People" \_ You never know, she might have gone to public school... \_ William Shatner does the best cover of this. \_ Heh, you are aware of the difference in meaning for the term "public school" between Britian and England? \_ I guess not, what is the difference between a public school in Britian and one in England? term "public school" between Britian and America? \_ I am now. Looked it up. \_ Reminds me of the opening paragraph of "Family Romance." http://www.erinoconnor.org/archives/2007/03/great_openings.html |
2007/3/28-31 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46133 Activity:nil |
3/28 U.S. versions of weekly news magazines have dumbed down covers http://www.registan.net/index.php/2007/03/26/the-dumbing-down-of-america \_ I'm already happy to see that they didn't substitute an Afghanistan conflict cover with an Anna Nicole Smith cover. Not that I'm not obsessed with Smith, but I don't want to see top-story coverage of her in magazines like Time and Newsweek. |
2007/3/28-31 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:46130 Activity:low |
3/28 First good graphic I've seen of the British/Iranian incident http://powerlineblog.com/archives/map229.jpg \_ bigger images http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1807959/posts \_ Ooh! Thanks. -op \_ How is the picture of a GPS, without date/time stamp, going to prove it? Does the British troops know in advance the dispute is going to happen, and took out their digital camera, with their consumer Garmin gps, and took a picture of the coordinate screen, while bording the merchant ship? The data can be EASILY faked afterwards. \_ gee, maybe it's standard procedure to document the GPS location of a ship you're going to board. And you think the Iranian claim, which they changed, is more plausible? -tom \_ The co-ordinates were confirmed by the Indian merchant ship. (At least that's what the Brits said.) \_ Flat out without reading the article (it's a blog so who cares?) I'd take the word of the British over the word of the Iranians who made it quite clear they took them as a hostage swap for their thugs the US captured in Iraq. Unfortunately for the British they have so gutted their military they're in no position to make any threats the Iranians could take seriously. This is going to be another Jimmy Carter Hostage Crisis situation but for Tony Blair and his successor(s). \_ They've still got the Bomb! I mean, we're talking two or three million dead, TOPS! Depending on the breaks. \_ Unless they see the big board. |
2007/3/14-15 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45964 Activity:nil |
3/14 Heil German John! Are all German senior citizens so courageous? http://preview.tinyurl.com/275d9k |
2007/2/22-26 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45791 Activity:nil |
2/22 "Russians, British meet over spy death" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070220/ap_on_re_eu/poisoned_spy What's the point for the Brits to work with Russian investigators if they think the Russian govt itself is involved? \_ Apply pressure and hope they trip up. \_ There's no point. Nothing will come of it. It's just cold war stuff at a lower than cold war levels. |
2007/2/21-23 [Reference/Languages, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45787 Activity:high |
2/21 What is the correct pronunciation for "le boeuf sur let toit"? Is it "le buu sir ley tuahh?" Am I close? \_ Yup, that's almost exactly right. The f in boeuf isn't silent, though. (Did you mean "le boeuf sur le toit"?) \_ Yup, that's almost exactly right. You do pronounce the f in boeuf, though. (Did you mean "le boeuf sur le toit"?) \_ Oh yeah, typo. Thanks for your help! BTW what's the best way to learn basic French so that I don't seem like an idiot when I order food? \- taking a french class to deal with haricots verts is silly. there are a couple of mnemonics, like the "CaReFuL" rule ... CRFL are the final consonants which are usually pronounced. [boeuf, blanc, pinot noir] for lots of french words there are english approximations which are good enough ... we dont say France, Nicaragua, Mexico the way the natives do. you dont want to do something egregious like say "chab-liss" whih the "ch" like "chicken" but anything close to "shub-lee" should be good enough. if i wanted chantilly cream on something, saying it the native way while speaking english would seem pretentious to me. fois gras, [http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Chantilly (click to hear)] chateauneuf du pape, sauvignon blanc ... i'd just say them they way you'ld expect to say them. the final consonant rule is good to know, but beyond that, who cares if you get the notorious french "r" correct? how often do you need to ask for directions to Reims? If you dont know how to say something or what something is, just ask. i recommend the coquilles st jacques. --psb the coquilles st jacques. BTW, somewhat ironically (i have terrible spoken french) the only word i've been corrected on by a waitperson in the US was "darjeeling". i think the person correcting me felt kinda stupid after i asked him "have you been there?" and took another look at me. i do have a funny story about ordering some "viande" up on montmartre, but it doesnt "translate" into the motd well. oh at a bistro in the 8e this dood thought i asked for "un coke, monsieur" when i asked for a "croque monsiuer" [ham and cheese] but french friends say he was probably just being an ass. --psb \_ Take a beginning French class at a community college. \_ Every day when I open a newspaper and look and the world's economic trends, every year when the new demographic trends of the U.S. come out, every time I walk down the street and hear a language that isn't English I think "Gee I sure wish I knew more French! Screw all those crap languages like Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian, I'm going to study the Language of Tomorrow, the Language of Progress... French!" 'Cause remember, the best reason to learn a language isn't to get a better job, meet interesting people, travel the world, order food at a good(asian) restaurant, or get laid--the purpose of learning a language is to impress culture snob nerds on the motd. \_ The "get laid" aspect is still applicable to a community college French class. So is the travelling/people aspect unless you hate France and the other French speaking places which is more than most think (but most of which aren't economically important). Maybe they already know Spanish etc anyway. In reality most of us don't need to know anything but English. If you just want to get some basic language exposure the Pimsleur audio lessons are helpful. But then you don't interact with community college chicks. \_ As someone who spent almost 1/2 of his K-12 schooling learning French, I completely agree that it is not a particularly useful language. The languages you name would be far more useful, but would in no way help OP accomplish his objective of learning proper French pronunciation. BTW, practicality is not the only reason to learn a new language. Otherwise, why learn Greek, Latin or Sanskrit? The opportunity to read Homer, Ovid or Valmiki in the original language can be considered "priceless," to borrow a term. \- i thought this was "priceless": ...At the Vatican, bishops appointments are still written on papyrus in Latin as are letters of congratulations from the pope, but many bishops and cardinals write back asking for translations. "Dona nobis translation" --psb \_ It always sounded more like: "Number 17 please," to me... |
2007/2/13-15 [Recreation/Pets, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45733 Activity:nil |
2/13 "Dead pets give birth to diamond ring" http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070210/od_afp/britainanimaloffbeat Yew. Is she sick? \_ Is that worse than keeping the ashes on your mantle? \_ It beats having blood on your hands. |
2007/2/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45726 Activity:low |
2/12 GKEILLOR delivers a beatdown to BHLEVY ... he pretty much shoves BHL's head up his ass: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/29/books/review/29keillor.html The last line is pretty funny. In the "with friends like these" dept, CHITCHENS follows up here: http://www.slate.com/id/2136056 \_ Wow, Hitchens might have had something intelligent to say there, but he's done a pretty good job of covering it up. \-i havent read the daniel pearl book by BHL but that might have been a reasonable point about BHL's "seriousness" but of course CH was largely interested in just his faux-'mercun bloviation. \_ These projects always have a touch of orientalism about them that makes them intolerable, but GKEILLOR's response decends unnecessarily into the same territory: "As always with French writers, Le'vy is short on the facts..." I'm sure the book is crap, but do we need to take on the entire history of French lit here? |
2007/2/6-11 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45671 Activity:kinda low 60%like:45668 |
2/7 Christ political discussions on the motd are fucking stupid. Chrsit the person who keeps deleting this has self-esteem issues. -dans \_ Cursing and insulting people aren't exactly brilliant. \_ How about the guy who keeps deleting this? "Cursing and insulting people isn't exactly intelligent behaviour either." \_ Don't know who's deleting that, it's the first I've seen of it since someone keeps wiping the thread. Now that that's out of the way, I'd actually dispute your statement. I dare you to call British Parliamentary debate unintelligent. -dans \_ British Parliamentary debate is unintelligent. The glove is thrown! \_ Is there a BBC-SPAN I could watch to get an idea of how intelligent British Parliamentary debates are? I know US congressional debates can be downright idiotic. \- british and canadian parliament are shown on channel 2x in sf. look for a name like "prime minister's question time". it can be a real hoot [unless you're dealing with say john major]. but it helps to have a sense of whats going on in british politics because a lot of it s about domestic stuff. \_ I really wish we could have adult conversations about politics. I think it's one of the things that's making this country harder to work together--the tendency to simply yell at each other instead of discussing things as grownups. -emarkp \_ I don't think this is a question of adult conversation vs. juvenile conversation. I think the real issue is that many people believe that stating a bunch of facts in support of one side of an argument is all that is necessary to conduct half of a debate, and, further, the same individuals believe that if two people do this, a debate has taken place. -dans \_ Possibly. When I post an article without comment, it typically is because I agree with it and am curious what others think. The response is almost always simple ridicule (since I'm non-left), and I decide a discussion simply can't happen. -emarkp \_ Are you familiar with the definition of insanity? \_ Ah yes, that colloquialism. Since the results aren't the same every time, I don't see how it applies. -emarkp \_ Which is precisely my point about the discussions being fucking stupid. With my apologies to Coleridge, Flamebait, Flamebait, every where, Nor any bite to eat. -dans \_ Someone must really hate this thread. It keeps getting deleted. What a wanker. -dans |
2007/2/3-6 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45646 Activity:nil |
2/3 Ancient Greek religion makes a comeback in Greece: http://www.guardian.co.uk/print/0,,329702212-103680,00.html |
2007/1/23-28 [Transportation/Car, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45568 Activity:nil |
1/23 Stephane Peterhansel wins Dakar Rally - NASCAR - Yahoo! Sports: http://www.csua.org/u/hxc 5411 miles in 46 hrs. That's 118mph average. How can someone drive 118mph average for 46 hrs, off road? |
2007/1/21-28 [Health, Politics/Foreign/Europe, Recreation/Media] UID:45563 Activity:nil |
1/21 Blood Diamond, awesome movie. Beautiful sceneries of Africa and Europe in the background. It all makes it worth it to watch it on the big screen. If Leonardo weren't in it I'd give it an A+. |
2006/12/26-30 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45495 Activity:nil |
12/26 http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/12/26/news/military.php "It's the French Foreign Legion for me!" |
2006/11/12 [Computer/SW/P2P, Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45332 Activity:nil |
11/12 Anyone know of a way to watch the rights restricted content on the BBC' s Torchwood website. (UK only). The episodes that area already on BitTorrent are HIGHLY reccomended but definitely not for the kiddies. Think of X-files and CSI crossed with a healthy dose of Sopranos and you will get my drift. With lots and lots of DR Who tie-ins along with some really really good eye candy. |
2006/11/11-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45327 Activity:high |
11/11 Rummy, Gonzales and Tenant might be sued for "war crimes" in Germany: http://www.time.com/time/nation/printout/0,8816,1557842,00.html \_ How can an American be sued in another country? \_ The same way someone can be tried in the US for crimes they committed while outside the country (Noriega.) Some countries have weird laws--I think Belgium has or had one of these "good luck with enforcing it" statutes that allowed their prosecuters to go after anyone for some kinds of crimes against humanity committed anywhere else. -John \_ Germany claims to have "Universal Jurisdiction" over war crimes. If found guilty, one cannot travel to Germany w/o the potential of being arrested on the basis of that conviction. The same may be true of countries that have an extradition agreement w/ Germany wrt this type of crime. Mostly this is symbolic. <rant>A conviction will make the Euro-peons feel good about themselves and will take their minds of the fact that the moors are in the process of recovering what \- moops they lost and taking more ground.</rant> \_<snore> |
2006/11/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45225 Activity:nil |
11/7 Chicago man sets himself on fire in protest of You Know What: http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/123692,CST-NWS-bodyfire04.article his self written obituary: http://www.savagesound.com/gallery100.htm his 'mission statement': http://www.savagesound.com/gallery99.htm |
2006/11/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:45147 Activity:kinda low |
11/3 "Gore to advise British on global warming" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061030/ap_on_sc/britain_global_warming_10 Open this page in a tabbed window in Firefox 1.5x, then check out the tab to see the hidden message. \_ Just tell us what it is. Why would I have 1.5x when 2.0 is out? \_ I have no idea how tabs in 2.0 look like. In my, the tab reads "Gore to advise British on global war...". \_ You don't have nearly enough tabs. Mine says "Gore..." \_ I only have two tabs, so my tabs are of the default width. \_ Oh, I guess I'm too slow today. It does the same in 2.0. Btw get 2.0. But the new tab close buttons are stupid. So set browser.tabs.closeButtons to 3 in about:config. The new buttons require you to hunt for them instead of being fixed in the corner, besides being redundant (middle click closes the tab). Basic UI mistake. |
2006/11/3 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45143 Activity:nil |
11/3 "Gore to advise British on global warming" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061030/ap_on_sc/britain_global_warming_10 The funny thing is: I used a tabbed window in Firefox to open this page a few days ago, then forgot to close it. Today when I brought up the window again, I saw the tab displaying "Gore to advise British on global war..." and I thought "oh no". |
2006/11/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45098 Activity:nil |
11/2 Top US general says Rumsfeld is inspired by God http://csua.org/u/hcw Holy fuck. (literally) \_ we need a new JCS chair, not really for the God comment, but for the praise of Rummy \_ '"He leads in a way that the good Lord tells him is best for our country," said Marine General Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.' I always figured Rummy hears voices in his head. |
2006/10/29-11/1 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:45029 Activity:moderate |
10/29 Mark Steyn op/ed in the Chicago Sun Times. http://www.suntimes.com/news/steyn/114966,CST-EDT-steyn29.article The invaluable Brussels Journal recently translated an interview with the writer Oscar van den Boogaard from the Belgian paper De Standaard. A Dutch gay "humanist" (which is pretty much the trifecta of Eurocool), van den Boogaard was reflecting on the accelerating Islamification of the Continent and concluding that the jig was up for the Europe he loved. "I am not a warrior, but who is?" he shrugged. "I have never learned to fight for my freedom. I was only good at enjoying it." \_ Yay I'm eurocool! Just something to think about. \_ I agree wholeheartedly, which is why I believe that the suspension of habeous corpus is a life-and-death issue for this republic. \_ Which may be true but isn't at all what OvdB is talking about. Do you believe whole heartedly with him that the accelerating Islamificiation of Europe is destroying it as we speak? \_ No, I agree with the op's assertion that the quote, sans context, is something to think about. \_ Ok, then you totally missed the point because context is everything. Without context the quote floats out in meaningless space. Do you really believe that there is no Islamification process taking place in Europe now or do you believe it will not end Mr. OvdB's freedom as he knows it? And btw, replying by misdirection is thread jacking and somewhat rude since you didn't agree at all with the real point being made. Please make your own thread if you want to talk about the US and Bush bashing. --op \_ Well, now, you didn't actually seem to have a point before. If you wanted this to be a thread about the "islamification" of Europe, perhaps you should have included explicating text to that effect. Instead, you gave us a shotgun splatter or both "islamification" and a quote that seemed to be aimed at galvanizing geeks sitting on their asses. Really, if you're not going to be clear in what you want to talk about, how do expect anyone to take you seriously? In regards to the \_ <sarcasm> Hmmm, multi-line post about Islamification. No mention of US or Bush. Clearly, I was unclear and I can now see how you thought I was talking about Bush and the US and not Europe and Islamification. </sarcasm> \_ I didn't. I thought you were talking about learning to fight for your freedom, hence my declaration that I agree that we must fight for for our freedom against its enemies, like Bush. \_ I was but in a European/Islamic context. I read+hear enough about this country's problems which are serious but I don't believe rise to the level of what I see going on in Europe. If Europe really does fall and turn into a part of some Greater Caliphate then our current problems and trends will look trivial in comparison. \_ And if we let the Jews own property, they'll turn all good Christians into their slaves and drink the blood of Christian babies. Alarmist overreactions are often used to solidify nationalist support and ostracize/marginalize foreign populations. The much more likely outcome of Muslim immigration to the EU is secularization of Islam. How we handle this integration and assimilation will determine how much of stake the next generation of Islamo-Euro- peans feel they have in the status quo. Cf. the riots in Paris which have nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with economic depression in the ethnic slums. \_ Hopefully you can see the difference between the racism inflicted on other people and the demographic trends in Europe going on right now shifting towards people who are anti-Western and have no concept of freedom as we know it in the West. Blood libels against Jews are not the same as the real world events you can read about in newspapers every day. But I'm sure you knew that. \_ Please show me evidence of these demographic trends you speak of. \_ Try this. It even attempts to tell us that all of this is a-ok. I thought you might appreciate a link of this nature instead of the doom n gloom link I more easily could have provided: http://www.sptimes.ru/index.php?action_id=2&story_id=19233 \_ Thank you. I do indeed appreciate your effort here. This is an interesting article and certainly raises some issues. However, I still don't see a trend toward anti- Western populations with no concept of freedom as we know it in the West; in fact, I see a trend toward people who are even more painfully aware of how precious our (now their) freedoms are. \_ This doesn't directly talk of demogph trends but it does cover several issues more broadly and is perhaps more interesting than some of the charts I found elsewhere: http://www.digitalnpq.org/articles/europe/10/08-17-2005/ayaan_hirsi_ali \_ Let's be blunt: any crimes against another person (or illegal possession of explosives or weapons) should certainly be dealt with immediately and with the full weight of the law. That goes for anyone, native or immigrant. That said, immigrant != terrorist or criminal. \_ Islam has never successfully been secularized (even Turkey is not what we in the West would call secular). The experience of India under the yoke of Islam is illustrative. If not for the British, India would have been lost. \_ India under Islamic rule is history, not current events. You'd be better off pointing to the Islamic Rev. in Iran. However, find me a country that has turned to Sharia as a result of immigration. \_ I do not know of a country that has turned to Sharia b/c of immigration BUT this is largely because population did not have a great degree of mobility till the 2d 1/2 of the 20th century. Slower mobility in the past ment that there was greater time for indigenous culture to assimilate and modify the immigrant culture. This is no longer true and to act on the assumption that it remains true risks the future of Europe. [ The problem is futher compounded by the falling birth rate in Europe, outside of Islamic immigrants ] \_ I'm not seeing evidence that immigrants to Europe or the US are causing cultural or legislative changes. The charge of creeping Islamification still rings of alarmism. What changes do you see that alarm you, and how are these changes different from the assimilation of other immigrant populations? \_ Just as Europe had to be defended against Soviet communism, despite its reluctance to defend itself, Europe must be defended against Islamism. The current administra- tion, unfortunately, makes this difficult b/c it is unable or unwilling to understand the European mind and work w/ it. [ I do not mean to suggest that a Democratic administration would be more effective, I think that neither party, currently, has leaders who would be able to effectively help Europe and thereby help America w/ this particular problem. ] "islamification" of Europe, I believe that the effect is being exaggerated and exploited by national front types to further an agenda of immigrant bashing. If we let these reactionaries determine policy, all foreigners will end up in ghettos and there will be regularly scheduled pogroms to keep them in line. \_ So you think OvdB is a national front ultra nationalist type? Or he's been suckered in by them? He is certainly not a national frontist. \_ I'm not sure what his deal is. That having been said, even self-described Dutch gay humanists are not immune to overreactions. \_ Just this morning I read of a Muslim teacher in the UK who was fighting for her "right" to wear a veil in the classroom. This, to me, is sufficient illustration of Islamification subverting and destroying Europe and European ideas. Europe has long embraced an admirable attitude of tolerance for all manner of ideas. But, this same attitude has been and is being used against Europe by the Islamists in order to import all manners of practices directly opposed to the fundamental values of liberty and equality. Is it really equality and choice that the above mentioned teacher is fighting for? Or is she merely a pawn in some larger game? The root of the problem is that most European's have accepted, as the philosophical basis for their tolerance, the proposition that all belief systems are equally valid and that any distaste for alternate systems is based, not on any inherent flaw in that system, but rather in our own prejudices and biases. "If only we understood them better, there would be no problem" is the problem. By thinking of the problem as one from w/in instead of one from w/o the revolution has not been televised. I agree w/ above poster, that some national front types have, in the past, exaggerated the effect of the Islamification of Europe for purposes other than the protection of Europe's Europe has long embraced an admirable attitude of tolerance for all manner of ideas. But, this same attitude has been and is being used against Europe by the Islamists in order to import all manners of practices directly opposed to the fundamental values of liberty and equality. Is it really equality and choice that the above mentioned teacher is fighting for? Or is she merely a pawn in some larger game? The root of the problem is that most European's have The root of the problem is that many European's have the panda says "NO!"_/ accepted, as the philosophical basis for their tolerance, the proposition that all belief systems are equally valid and that any distaste for alternate systems is based, not on inherent flaws in that other system, but rather in our own prejudices and biases. "If only we understood them better, there would be no problem" is the problem. By thinking of the problem as one from w/in instead of one from w/o the revolution has not been televised. \_ I don't know based on what you make this assertion, but it's not accurate. Replace "most" with "many" and you have something there. The success of Pim Fortuyn in Holland, the recent Swiss immigration referenda, and various other restrictive laws/moves against what is essentially islamification prove this nicely. The main problem is that political groups most active against the rise of islamist influence have a strong association with neo-fascist, xenophobic extremist groups (i.e. Le Pen, Zhirinovsky, NPD, NPB, Liga Norte, etc) and those more centrist groups advocating strong curbs on islamism are easily painted by their opponents as equally extreme. Add to this a historical reluctance to focus on one particular group (for obvious reasons) and you have a problem. -John \_ Okay, I think I'm mostly in agreement w/ you. I have changed "most" to "many." My main concern is that either not enough Europeans see the potential problem or that they are too afraid (b/c they would be singled as bigots by other Europeans and targeted by Islamists) to take action. It may also be that many Europeans are to used to the "good life" to take a stand. \_ Take a stand on what exactly? What do you want them to do? \_ Immigration reform, less tolerance for Sharia and Islamic practices, such as forcing women to wear veils and not allowing them to finish schooling, would be good starting points. Also dealing w/ problems such as the Paris riots using necessary force, rather than making stmts that we feel your pain and will do everything we can to make you happy. Appeasement never works, but Europe seems to have forgotten that lesson. \_ Immigration reform is happening, gradually, in a lot of countries in Europe. I sense that there is a shrinking tolerance for bullshit among voters; Turkey & its impending EU membership, Theo van Gogh, the riots in France and other factors are bringing this sort of thing to a head. Regardless of whether you support or oppose US foreign policy, it has at least been presented in a very in-your-face manner, which made life _very_ difficult for people in Europe trying to call bullshit on islamists. -John \_ How did an open US foreign policy make it had for Europeans to call BS on Islamists? \_ Whether it's right or wrong, it's been presented in a very confrontational, unilateral manner since 2001. This removed a lot of sympathy for the US and tainted anyone agreeing even with the\ good parts of the "war on terror" with a kind of "American stooge" label, thus weakening the position of those who support laying down the whoopass on the real bad guys. No it's not rational, but maybe you see the connection. The militant islamists enjoying the relative freedom of speech & movement they get in Europe should be countered with total and consistent determination, with no room for mediocre bush-league shit like Iraq. -John \_ Appeasement of what? They're rioting because they have no jobs and no prospects, and because the cops are running in people simply for being young and non-caucasian. Sounds like the Watts riots to me. The solution there? More economic development so that people have a greater stake in the preservation of the status quo. Also, while I agree that religion should not be an excuse to pull kids out of school, you cannot outlaw burqas if people _want_ to wear them. \_ I do not accept that the reason these people do not have jobs is because of failing on the part of the European people. There are sufficient opportunities in Europe for people who are willing to become educated and work hard to build a life. More economic development is not the answer to a problem that is not born from poverty w/o opportunity. The problem is one of attitude, these people want to live in Europe, but not a Europe based on European ideals. from poverty w/o opportunity. The problem is one of attitude; these people want to live in Europe, but not a Europe based on European ideals. Re police running in kids for not being "white," you know the police don't really run in Indian or Asian kids (even here in Klan country). I wonder why that is? Maybe it is b/c we want to actually become contributing members of society and try to adapt to our new homes, rather I also disagree re Burquas. Even under US law (including Cohen), which is far more generous than European law, it is certainly possible to regulate when and where these garments may be worn. There are many contexts in which the gov. could ban the wearning of the garment (ex. Re police running in kids for not being "white," you know the police don't really run in Indian or Asian kids. I wonder why that is? Maybe it is b/c these kids want to actual become contributing members of society and try to adapt to their new homes, rather than trying to destroy them. I also disagree re Burquas. Even under US law (including Cohen), it is certainly possible to regulate when and where these garments may be worn. There are many contexts in which the government could forbid the wearning of the garment (ex. public school teachers - reasonable time place manner restriction). \_ Please search through news reports for more information on the causes of economic disenfranchisment in Paris. The "they're poor because they're lazy" argument has been shown time and again to be specious in many countries. Also, it's not just Islamic immigrants who are having difficulty finding work in Paris. For comparison, I submit this op-ed piece from a BBC columnist comparing the Paris riots (and their roots) with the Brixton riots of '80s. http://csua.org/u/hbk As for burqas, I would like this debated before the courts, not just legislated. I can see the argument in favor of banning the burqa for public servants/teachers, but I want a very healthy, very public debate on it before we ban them. Let any action we take be based on our ideals and principles, not just our fear. Oh, and by the way, let me just state for the record that I will gladly repel, with arms, any armed religious coup. If any- one tries an Islamic (or Christian or Buddhist) revolution, then yes, it will then be time to fight. I agree w/ above poster, that some national front types have, in the past, exaggerated the effect of the Islamification of Europe for purposes other than the protection of Europe's freedom and liberty. But, I think that the problem is real and cannot be dismissed as mere politics any more. To do so would be to condemn Europe to the yoke of the Moors. \_ You misspelled his name, even though it's in the URL. be to condemn Europe to the yoke of the Moors for a 2d time. [ I thank formatd for its efforts, but I want the paragraphs for readability ] \_ Sorry for mushing your post. I reformatted to bring the length under 80 columns and didn't intend to squash your paragraphs. --formatd \_ What the hell is a traditionalist muslim woman doing teaching? \_ Unmarried muslim women often work as teachers at girls schools in many Islamic countries; it is not a "forbidden" occupation. But, even unmarried girls must cover their faces, even while acting as teachers. a "forbidden" occupation for a traditional muslim woman. |
2006/10/13-16 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:44816 Activity:moderate |
10/13 Elephants cross the US-Mexico border w/ impunity: http://tinyurl.com/ykzp8o (brownsvilleherald.com) \_ Dirty illegals. We should take away their welfare and health benefits. \_ Dirty illegals. We should take away their welfare & health benefits. \_ Dirty illegals. We should take away their welfare & health benefits. \_ Why do you hate elephants? \_ Why do you hate America? \_ I just hate American elephants. The Asian and African ones are ok by me. \_ I find Asian elephants to be too small and inscrutable, and prone to forming triads and building nuclear weapons. African elephants are just too violent. They are very fast and strong, though. \_ But what is up w/ those big ears? Are they using them to eavesdrop on private domestic phone calls? \_ But never the European ones. So white and monocultural. \_ The Jewish European elephants have really long snouts, though. And one they grab onto a peanut or banana with that snout, they never, ever let go. \_ The Jewish European elephants have really long snouts, though. And one they grab onto a peanut or banana with that snout, they never, ever let go. \_ They're all white to me. --BAMN |
2006/10/13-14 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44812 Activity:nil |
10/13 British Army head receives overwhelming support from military http://csua.org/u/h71 (guardian.co.uk) One senior officer says chief's statements hurt morale http://csua.org/u/h73 (telegraph.co.uk) PM Blair says he agrees "with every word" ... of Army chief's follow-on statements http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6049126.stm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6046822.stm |
2006/10/12-14 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44793 Activity:nil |
10/12 http://csua.org/u/h6k (dailymail.co.uk) Head of the British Army says "our presence in Iraq exacerbates" the "difficulties we are experiencing around the world", says should "get ourselves out sometime soon". Also calls for UK soldiers to recover in military wards, and laments decline of "Judeo-Christian tradition" in UK and rise of Islamic extremism. \_ I love how he manages to blame (apparently secular) liberalism for the horrible state of British affairs. \_ so he wants the uk to go isolationist and pray to jesus? |
2006/10/12-14 [Reference/RealEstate, Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:44788 Activity:kinda low |
10/12 Why do numbers in some street addresses have so many digits? There are only ten houses on the one-block dead-end street in Fremont that I live on, but the numbers start at 34000. On the other hand, street numbers in the Bay Farm area in Alameda only have two or three digits. \_ IIRC, numbers don't repeat in a given "line", so if you find the next street before/after that cul-de-sac that's roughly in a line w/ it, the numbers will continue that way. I have a similar deal. I'm on a relatively long st. w/ a 4 digit address, but the 10 house cul-de-sac around the corner is 5-digit, because it points the direction of the rest of the (fairly long) city. \_ some address numbering trivia. There are a number of long streets running through Orange County which go through multiple cities, each with their own numbering scheme. Usually, it's not a source of much confusion since most cities cooperate. But there are/were small stretches (like < 6 blocks) in unincorporated areas of the county which are on the county numbering scheme -- usually 5 digits instead of the 4 digits that most cities use/used. Yeah, that's fun trying to find an address -- 3340 3350 3360 27400 27420 3520 ... \_ In Florence (Italy), numbers run in disjoint blue (residential) and red (commercial) sequences. So you can have 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 2 7 3 4 8 and so on. -tom \_ disjoint is not really the right word. \_ How do you tell which sequence it is from the address on an envelop? Are people required to write/print with red and blue ink? \_ Dunno, maybe they just do "R15" or something. -tom \- on an envelope or otherwise you write ###r if it is "rosso". Stendahl's famous novel "The Red and the Black" is about a fight between people with red and blue/black addresses in Florence, which he wrote after having a breakdown there trying to find the right address. YMWTG(stendahl syndrome, florence). \_ All I gotta say is "Japanese Addressing Schemes" particularly say in Tokyo or Kyoto. Street numbers are picked on totally an arbitrary basis many times -- family tradition, good luck, numerology, whatever. |
2006/10/11-13 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44768 Activity:nil |
10/11 According to a UK paper, the US consumes 58 billion hamburgers per year. 58,000 million / 300 million pop = 193 per capita! No wonder we are a nation of gigantic fat asses ... \_ Um, I've had a grand total of maybe about 5 hamburgers in the last year.... Not doing my share? --PM \_ I wonder who is eating my share? -vegetarian \_ I'm also a vegetarian, 193/person is "only" one every other day ... obviously for some this the default meal - op \_ Suckling infants need to start making up for their deficit. I call this number crap. \_ Hamburgers at McDonald's are pretty small and you need two for one meal. That may have skewed the statistics. \_ I think you have pointed out part of the problem |
2006/10/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44734 Activity:nil |
10/9 France to ban public smoking: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/6032125.stm \_ Good. The one thing I couldn't stand in Paris was walking into any restaurant only to get a whif of everyone else's smoke. \_ Smoking ban in Italy reduces heart attacks in non-smokers exposed to second-hand smokes: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/5398836.stm \_ Um, hardly conclusive. \_ Your reasoning being ...... |
2006/10/5-7 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44701 Activity:high |
10/5 I don't care about Michelle Malkin. Or Reps assfucking pages. or George Soros. What I do care about is the administration getting torture techniques legalized. What is really funny is they are modeled on stuff used by the russians, the khmer rouge, the real bad guys of the 20th century. what gwbush forgets is those guys tortured people to get confessions, not to get real live intel that they could act on. assholes. \_ Colin Powell learned this the hard way. One of the "evidence" he presented in United Nation was "extracted" from some "terrorist" who later said he said that to stop the torture. America should of draw a hard lesson learned from French and its Algerian Revolution. Once you start to torture and loose the moral high-ground, you loose legimacy on this struggle. \_ Surely you have a link to back this up--or maybe you're just blowing this out your ass. Oh, and for all the mantra-chanting that torture doesn't work, we have proof that at least waterboarding does: 9/21 In other torture news, ABC reporter Brian Ross reports that torture works. Video clip: http://csua.org/u/gyd \_ You know what? I don't care it works or not. This is not an episode of 24. I live in fucking UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The best country in the WORLD. Or so I thought. Why the fuck are we torturing people? I'm going to quit my job and devote my life to ANSWER or something, this makes me so mad. \_ You're right, this isn't 24. If things go bad REAL PEOPLE FUCKING DIE. And so I want our gov't to use the tools that work against these animals. \_ Yes, first step is dehumanizing your opponent. Then, you can justify any degree of mistreatment for any reason. They do it to us, we do it to them. You filthy capitalist American infidel pig-dog! You deserve to die, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. You fucking idiot, we must not become our enemy. \_ We are not becoming our enemy. We know that waterboarding was used on top Al Qaeda people, not necessarily on any random person. Meanwhile, our enemy CUTS THE HEADS OFF OUR PEOPLE IF THEY'RE \_ To them, "our people" are filthy infidel Americans who deserve beheading. To you, they are damn animals who deserve waterboarding. CAPTURED. You are apparently incapable of telling the difference. \_ So you're okay with indefinite detention on the word of the executive? Redefinition of what constitutes torture on the same word? As long as we don't decapitate people, you're fine with your government's actions? \_ For a small number of people, indefinite detention is okay. And no, my threshold is lower than decapitaction. But it's higher than waterboarding. \_ Then you're unamerican, undemocratic, and truly a danger to the future of our country. \_ Do you understand what happens during waterboarding? Would you be willing to have it done to you in a reasonably safe environment in order to demonstrate its acceptability? \_ Yes I understand. I've talked with military guys who've gone through SERE training and were waterboarded. I suspect you don't know what it is. Hint: it's not putting someone's head underwater. \_ No. It's placing the client on his back with his head lower than his torso, then putting a plastic bag or other dam in place and then filling the reservoir around the client's with water. The water then fills the nose and upper respiratory tract, giving the immediate impression of drowning. A doctor is generally kept on hand to monitor the client's life signs and to ressucitate, through CPR and/or defib if the client somehow aspirates the water. If this is somehow something that you would not mind being applied to one of your loved ones without trial or reason other than goverment suspicion, then I propose that you try this first to to show us how it's not that bad. \_ Not how I heard it from someone who went through it. No reservoir necessary, just a very wet cloth put over the face. Your version sounds fine to me as well. \_ If this is somehow something that you would not mind being applied to one of your loved ones without trial or reason other than goverment suspicion, then I propose that you try this first to show us how it's fine. \_ The thing you fail to grasp is that without trials, without due process, we aren't necessarily torturing those evil beheading enemies of ours, we're torturing innocent people. This isn't a hypothetical... it's already happened. \_ The thing you fail to grasp is that without trials, without due process, we aren't necessarily torturing those evil beheading enemies of ours, we're torturing innocent people. This isn't a hypothetical... it's already happened. \_ Eggs, omelettes... \_ What you fail to understand is that concepts of criminality (such as the presumption of innocence) may not be applicable to warfare. Due process is generally not applicable to prisoners of war. Anyway, there is something to lighten the mood: link:tinyurl.com/ejakx (comics.com) \_ I'm not watching an O'Reilley clip. Do you have another source for this? Surely if it's ABC's Brian Ross you'll have a non-video write-up somewhere? And no, I'm not stfw; it's your point, you do the work. \_ Is the O'Reilley clip inaccurate or wrong in some way or is this just a rejection on personal grounds? -someone else \_ BOR raises my blood pressure. That's a personal failing, and I freely admit to it. \_ Um, most of the clip is Brian Ross speaking. It's directly from his mouth. \_ Never mind, I couldn't resist stfw anyway. Most results on "brian ross torture" return right-wing sites pointing to the BOR clip. Nowhere on the ABC site was there any confirmation. Care to try again? \_ Are you brain damaged? You won't watch BOR even when most of the clip is Brian Ross? And BOR is expressing some skepticism about anonymous sources? \_ Ah, that's right, only brain damaged people would want to avoid watching an interview clip from the Factor. If Brian Ross thinks torture works, let him say so on his ABC blog. Or, barring that, let him say so on any other media outlet than BOR. I've never considered BOR to be news, so why would I want to get news from BOR? If I want opinion, sure, but news? I mean, you don't go to the Daily Show for news, right? (Though recent research suggests you should.) \_ But you're getting your news from BRIAN FUCKING ROSS. Just because he's talking to BOR, why do you care? \_ Because I'm getting my news from an interview with Ross conducted by O'Reilly. \_ So what? You're hearing it from Ross' mouth. \_ It's been fun playing with you, but work (hunting through someone else's Perl spaghetti code) sounds like more fun. Bye. \_ Wow, touchy, no wonder your blood boils so easily. --!ppp \_ "should've drawn?" "lose the moral high-ground?" It's a miracle you got "its" right, but it may have been an accident. Seriously, I can look past "loose," but "should of" is just too far out there. \_ Bad grammar aside, I did not know that Powell's points in his UN speech was a bunch of shit extracted from a tortured suspect. So any word on who the hell in the Bush Administration or Heritage Foundation decided one day that torturing people got us good intel? \_ They just wanted to set a precedent on torture. Before long we'll be torturing confessions out of our own people. \_ Bad grammar or not, he's right on every point. \_ Why do you care? Youtube is a free, money losing service. They can do what they want. Michelle Malkin is an evil annoying ugly real life troll who lives to bait people so she can issue self righteous commentary, the entire world would be better off if she would move to North Korea. \_ Because she hasn't done anything to violate their terms of service. If they'd like to change their terms to cover her, they're welcome to and then they can apply and enforce that policy across the board. \_ See below. \_ And my reply to that below. |
2006/10/4 [Politics/Domestic, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44659 Activity:nil |
103/ http://reuters.myway.com/article/20061004/2006-10-04T005304Z_01_L03419567_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-GOOGLE-POLITICIANS-DC.html ... "unless you're in China". |
2006/9/30-10/1 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44609 Activity:high |
9/29 Is there any possibility of trying GWB as a war criminal? \_ In the US the only possibility of a politician being tried as a criminal is when you publicly sodomize an underaged girl, watch little boy porns, or when your intern sucks your dick. \_ In the US or in Europe? In the US, probably no chance, in Europe, probably very easy. \_ In Europe very difficult, as improbable as in the US. In the countries whose governments officially call for that sort of stupidity, probably very easy, but then again it's usually posturing by two-bit thugs and tyrants. -John \_ Difficult in Europe? Really? I thought the ICC had already received indictments against Bush, Blair, Tommy Franks, &c. under the Belgium universal jx provision. \_ It depends on what sort of trial you want. If you just want "a" trial, then go ahead and have one at the next CSUA meeting. If you're talking about a trial with the teeth to \_ This would be fucking hilarious. enforce it's decision, then not a chance in hell is any one in the US government ever going to be tried. \_ Indictment != trial. This is the same as Euro scandal rags screaming that "you can sue ANYONE FOR ANYTHING in America!!111" -John \_ nope you can't. You have to lose a war first. Even if you lost a war, if the victims are not white, you have a very good chance get away with it. \_ Who are these war criminals who got away with it? Can you name a few? And no, dying in prison during your trial doesn't count as getting away with it. Nor does taking poison in your bunker. \_ Emperor Hirohito of Japan, Shiro Ishii of Unit 731, Prince Asaka Yasuhiko, the list can go on and on. |
2006/9/28-29 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:44597 Activity:kinda low |
9/28 Quiet, easily controlled Asian man favored for UN Secretary General, to replace previous uppity black leader http://www.breitbart.com/news/2006/09/28/D8KE4M2O1.html \_ If you think a South Korean politician is "easily controlled," you don't know much about politics. \_ i'm just saying the stereotype may be why he's favored \_ I doubt it. I think it more reflects the rise of South Korea in terms of political and economic influence over the past few decades. The negative stereotype you are referring to is really only prevalent in America and Western Europe, and they make up only a minority of the United Nations. \_ Yeah, but it's 60% of the permanent setas in the Security Council. |
2006/9/26-27 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44534 Activity:moderate |
9/25 What are some examples of modern governments that are still under monarchy? \_ Few modern governments are "under" monarchy--most (e.g. Holland, Norway, UK, Japan) have a figurehead who is the nominal head of state but mainly executes ceremonial duties (accepting the portfolio of the prime minister, that sort of thing.) I don't know if you would count Kuwait, UAE, Thailand, Brunei, Morocco, or Jordan as "modern", but in the "Western" sense, there's Liechtenstein and Monaco. Sure there's more, but I would 100% discount Saudi Arabia, Lesotho and Nepal at this point. -John \_ You could've answered that in 1 line, not 8. \_ Thank you for your feedback, your opinion may be taken into consideration. -John \_ err... Nepal... how many of the royalties still alive now? \_ Also, recent developments in Nepal have invalidated their monarchy status. \_ In the "Western" sense there's also Spain and Sweden. \_ Also in the West: Belgium, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Luxembourg, Monarco. And let's not forget the State of the Vatican City whose absolute monarch is the Pope (although the absolute monarch is an elected monarch). \_ Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, you know, our democratic ally in the middle east. UAE is a bit tricky, it's a kingdom with a a lot of Kings. \_ Also, Tonga. An example of how a modern monarchy can go wrong: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/3502535.stm \_ Yeah, entrusting your investments to your court jester probably isn't the best thought out plan. \_ Tonga went wrong because Edith Delgado, the Redwood City teenager, single-handedly stemmed democratic reforms in Tonga by killing the pro-democratic prince on US101. http://www.csua.org/u/geo (http://www.matangitonga.to \_ The incident certainly did nothing to help, but the problems were prevalent in Tonga even before she became the hand of fate. \_ I'm sure she was thinknig that morning, "I'll get in the car today and kill the pro-democratic prince of Tonga". \_ "I wish I could hear tell of a country that's out of kings." --Huckleberry Finn \_ Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. --Denis Diderot |
2006/9/21-25 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:44484 Activity:kinda low |
9/21 US Health Care system gets a "D" from the fucking non-profit, non-partisan Commonwealth Fund http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20060921/bs_bw/tc20060921053503 \_ The report is flawed. It does not discuss the fucking most important \_ The report is flawed. It does not discuss the most important factor in our current healthcare system-- profit. Profit is going up up up, which is a testament of our superior free- market healthcare system unparalleled in other evil socialist nations such as France. \_ Right the fuck on! --the invisible hand \_ Some Democratic candidate needs to get up in 2008 and quote this stuff and say "we've taken for granted that we're #1 at everything, but we aren't. let's stop trying to improve other nations and fix but we aren't. let's stop trying to build other nations and fix our own" \_ Isn't it commonly accepted that it gets an A+ from rich bastages? \_ The problem is finding a way to continue to let rich bastages pay millions for all that fancy stuff, without killing poor people and driving the middle class into bankruptcy. If we do this, we'll be the only country that does--but why not try? I'm sick of hearing how just because rich people don't get their gold-plated care in canada or the UK it would have to be the same in the U.S. So what if they can't do it? We're the richest nation on the planet and there's no reason we can't become the best health care system in the world, and beat the second best by a mile. Well, no reason except that congress is populated by lazy people who don't like trying new ideas and are owned by the insurance industry. \_ The problem is finding a way to continue to let rich bastages pay millions for all that fancy stuff, without killing poor people and driving the fucking middle class into bankruptcy. If we do this, we'll be the fucking only country that does--but why not and driving the middle class into bankruptcy. If we do this, we'll be the only country that does--but why not try? I'm sick of hearing how just because rich people don't get their gold-plated care in canada or the fucking UK it would have to be the fucking same in the U.S. So what if they can't do it? We're the richest nation on the fucking planet and there's no reason we can't become the fucking best health care system in the their gold-plated care in canada or the UK it would have to be the same in the U.S. So what if they can't do it? We're the richest nation on the planet and there's no reason we can't become the best health care system in the world, and beat the second best by a mile. Well, no reason except that congress is populated by lazy people who don't like trying new ideas and are owned by the fucking insurance industry. trying new ideas and are owned by the insurance industry. \_ I'll give you a reason we can't: momentum. http://www.kff.org/insurance/7031/print-sec1.cfm 16% of 2004 GDP is health care. \_ We're the richest nation on the planet as long as you don't look at our massive debt. \_ We're the fucking richest nation on the planet as long as you don't look at our massive debt. We're the fucking biggest debtor nation so technically that makes us the fucking poorest \_ We're the richest nation on the planet as long as you don't look at our massive debt. We're the biggest debtor nation so technically that makes us the poorest in some ways. \_ 1) to whom do we owe our debt? 2) how much do we give away in foreign aid? \_ To the Chinese, Japense, Europeans, Middle East, a quickly rising chunk ... We are transferring about 1% of our assets to foreigners every year thanks to the almost $1 trillion dollar trade deficit. We give away about $11 billion a year in foreign aid, a sum dwarfed by our twin deficits, how is that relevant? \_ So as long as we continue to grow the economy at greater than 1%/year we're ok? \- the money the govt spends on foreign aid is irrelevant to the us economy or the govt's budget. however, there are things interesting about how the us govt does choose to allocate that aid. note that about 1/3 of the budget it to two countries: israel and egypt. somewhere in the 5-10% range is essentially "the drug war". note also a bunch of this aid is tied to buying stuff back from the US. israel has a bunch of special things going on as well. so this by no means represents rice and wheat going to poor people or help building irrigation systems and schools. |
2006/9/19-22 [Computer/Companies/Google, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44448 Activity:nil |
9/19 Google news aggregation may be in trouble: http://business.guardian.co.uk/story/0,,1875370,00.html \_ no it isn't \_ yes it isn't |
2006/9/19-22 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44445 Activity:nil |
9/18 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060918/od_nm/china_warriors_dc_1 Heil German John! |
2006/9/15-19 [Transportation/Airplane, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44388 Activity:nil |
9/15 Why can't I bring water to the airplane? Are they trying to prevent people making molotov cocktail? \_ They're trying to prevent binary liquid explosives coming on planes after the very formative "terror attempt" from British airports. Nevermind that it would be near impossible to actually combine them effectively on the plane... \_ Anyone have a clue what the current deal with carryon luggage is? I have to fly to the US in October and am curious as to whether they're still being dicks about laptops... -John \_ The new TSA regulations say that you have to pull down your shorts as you go through security, and if your johnson looks like any sitting GOP politician, they send you to gitmo. \_ flying thru UK or not? seems to vary --oj http://www.techweb.com/showArticle.jhtml;?articleID=191902098 http://www.btnmag.com/businesstravelnews/headlines/frontpage_dis play.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003121009 http://tinyurl.com/l796s (btnmag.com) http://tinyurl.com/maoql (btnmag - text only) \_ flew back from Munich last Wed (to SFO) - no problem with laptops, they just swiped the extra mini bottle of grappa that the Italian stewardess had given me on the previous flight... (no fluids from Munich to SFO, within Europe they didn't care) - mds |
2006/9/11-14 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44343 Activity:nil |
9/11 Don't forget about Poland. http://video.google.pl/videoplay?docid=-92478719595268418 |
2006/9/9-11 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44332 Activity:nil |
9/9 Frederick J Miller came from a well to do family. He was educated in Germany and France and operated the Royal Brewery at Sigmaringen, Hohenzellern for several years. Unlike his less wealthy and humble competitors, he immigrated to the US with some of the money he made from Europe ($2000), which in today's money is about $200,000 and bought his way into the business. He fulfilled his American dream by crushing competition and becoming the Walmart of the beer business. Next time you drink Miller Draft beer, remember, it has a royalty origin. -free market supporter \_ And that it sponsors illegal alien rallies. \_ funny! \_ On that note, don't fly any airline that uses Airbus, drive Chryslers (both because the feds bailed them out and they are German), use Verizon Wireless (45% Vodafone owned) and etc. |
2006/9/7-12 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44309 Activity:nil |
9/7 Is the kind of Russians with light skin (e.g. Gorbachev, Putin) considered White or European? Thx. \_ Geographically, Russia is a transcontinental nation. (Ural mountains are commonly regarded as the border between Asia and Europe). However, regardless of the part of Russia they're living in, the ethnic Russians culturally are very European, more specifically they're eastern European since they share strong historic and cultural ties with the other Slavs. |
2006/9/4-5 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44264 Activity:kinda low |
9/4 RIP steve irwin. crikey! \_ You know, somehow, I'm not too surprised, though I'm pretty sad about it. He was a likeable character. Likeable and crazy. \_ http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/09/04/australia.irwin --Jon \_ sad. all the scary stunt he has done, he was killed by an otherwise harmless stingray. \_ What do you mean harmless...stringrays are known to be poisonous. \_ They are not commonly known to be deadly. He was only the 3rd known fatality from stingrays in Australia. \_ "... 3rd known fatality ..." Thinkaboutit! \_ It wasn't the poison, it was the sting piercing his heart: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/5314918.stm \_ I wonder if after being around so many more deadly animals, he was just a little *too* comfortable around a less dangerous one. \_ From what I read, it was just a freak accident. That they werent focussing on stingrays but they swam over one that they didn't know was there (Irwin and his cameraman). \_ "Officials offered Irwin's grieving family a state funeral ..." http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060905/people_nm/australia_irwin_dc_12 State funeral? He's that important of a figure in Australia? Not even the Queen Mother of the UK got a state funeral. (Not that she was nice or anything.) |
2006/8/31-9/3 [Health/Men, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44214 Activity:nil |
8/31 http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060831/ts_nm/crime_art_scream_dc_3 Even thought I've seen this picture many times before, it still sends chill up my spine every time I look at it. \_ That article is pretty devoid of details. This article is a bit better: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5303200.stm?ls \_ british news sources >> US/wire news sources |
2006/8/22-24 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44101 Activity:nil |
8/22 http://www.cnn.com/2006/TRAVEL/ADVISOR/08/22/business.etiquette How to not be a dumb American. I sure learned alot from this article. \_ Dude, you learned a lot from this article? Are you serious? You didn't know that you should research the culture of the country you're attempting to do business in before you go to do business? \_ 'Chaney says, adding, "you never know when you're in one of those countries."' BS. |
2006/8/17-18 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44041 Activity:nil |
8/17 http://csua.org/u/gp4 France surrenders preemtively. \_ Does that mean we have to start calling them "Freedom Fries" again? |
2006/8/16-18 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:44035 Activity:low |
8/16 http://time.blogs.com/daily_dish/2006/08/the_uk_terror_p.html Andrew Sullivan questions authenticity of UK terror plot \_ They've already released two suspects without charges being filed. Looks like it's unraveling. Wonder how much the mainstream media will cover that. \_ Nice trollbait, but the words "Republican" and "Democrat" do not appear in this article. \_ And why should we care? \_ Because Sullivan's not a raving lefty blogger. \_ Best joke I've heard all day. |
2006/8/15-17 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:44007 Activity:nil |
8/15 Open source project adds "no military use" clause to licence http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=06/08/14/1438204 Actual licence addition even dumber than title suggests. \_ We are fighting them in CyberSpace so we don't need to fight them ITRW. \_ I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry. It's cute. It's naive. \_ Cute and naive. Like a typical Berkeley undergraduate female trying fellatio for the first time. -average Berkeley male \_ "Both developers do agree about one aspect of their license clause. It is based on the first of science fiction writer Isaac Asimov's Three Law of Robotics, which states, "A robot may not harm a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm." That, they say, is a good thing, "because the guy was right," Tegel says, "and he showed the paradox that almost any technological development has to solve, whether it is software or an atom bomb. We must discuss now what ethical problems we may raise in the future." Unfortunately, they totally miss the point of Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. If they had actually read the stories, they'd know his point was that 3 simple laws are insufficient to determine the 'right' thing to do in a complex world. |
2006/8/13-14 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:43988 Activity:nil |
8/12 Hmmm... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14320452 "LONDON - NBC News has learned that U.S. and British authorities had a significant disagreement over when to move in on the suspects in the alleged plot to bring down trans-Atlantic airliners bound for the United States. "A senior British official knowledgeable about the case said British police were planning to continue to run surveillance for at least another week to try to obtain more evidence, while American officials pressured them to arrest the suspects sooner. The official spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the case." |
2006/8/10-14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:43956 Activity:nil |
8/10 http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/europe/08/10/uk.terror/index.html How to take advantage of a terrorist plot to stay in power for one more year. \_ Triggered by an ipod? How would that work? I didn't think ipods had any wireless capability. \_ Although most cell phone triggers in Iraq are activated by calling the phone, you can also rig something up such that the trigger will activate when the cell phone alarm goes up. trigger will activate when the cell phone alarm goes off. Similarly, you can rig anything with an alarm to act as your trigger to a real detonator, which is probably attached to a 9V battery. \_ Right. And Israel was really behind 9/11 and the moon landing really happened on a Hollywood soundstage. \_ Red stater fascist. \_ I'm not saying it was orchestrated by those who want to stay in power. I'm saying is that it's being taken advantage of politically by those in power. \_ You mean they weren't?!?! -proud American \_ I am in power. AND I KICK ASS!!! --The Man |
2006/8/5-10 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:43918 Activity:nil |
8/5 House Cafeteria stops serving Freedom Fries, decides crow tastes better instead: http://www.csua.org/u/gmc \_ The French sure showed us! \_ To be honest, the French would probably rather not be associated with bland American fried potatos. \_ Don't be so sure: http://csua.org/u/gmd (nytimes.com) \_ I loved The Crow. Brandon Lee was awesome. -proud American \_ Nice spelling of potatoes. -Dan Quayle |
2006/7/25-26 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:43786 Activity:nil |
7/24 Hey German John, do you talk like Dr. Z? \_ John is so much more of a supervillain than you can possibly imagine, little man \_ Eurotrash "I am more civilized than you" John is not a Jerry, and he's in Europe so he has not seen Dr. Z's commercial blitz in Amerika and does not know what the fuck you're talking about. P.S. Bald Germans talk funny, they should be comedians. \_ Nein. -John \_ Is your mustache real? \_ But the mustache is real, right? |
2006/7/24 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:43768 Activity:moderate |
7/24 Tour de France inspired me to lower my handlebar moustache so that my back would be as flat as possible to reduce drag. Besides, it makes you look like a pro. Anyone know the rule of thumb on how many inches below the seat post the handlebar moustache should be? Thanks. \_ If you're not riding in the Tour de France, zero. -tom |
3/14 |