3/15 |
2004/10/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34255 Activity:insanely high |
10/20 Hey conservatives- take back your own party please. A bit of history: http://www.theocracywatch.org/taking_over.htm \_ You must not be familiar with the extensive Christian origins of this nation. \_ They were mostly deists. The current regime are fundamentalists. \_ Patently false. Stop reading these atheist internet sites, they are bogus. \_ Patently false. Stop reading these atheist internet sites, they are bogus. \_ Patently false. Stop reading these Christian internet sites, they are bogus. \_ I'm not going to bother to get into this. If one reads their original writings and speeches their Christianity is obvious, unless you are stupid. \_ Most of them, but not all of them. Jefferson was not. \_ Indeed a great number of them, but the separation of church and state was more than an offhand comment to them. Remember what they were rebelling against: King George and the COE. Royalty and theocracy. Two things our current George seems perfectly happy to bring back. I for one don't want to see revolution in my lifetime. I'd much rather see the fucker go peacefully in this election. --scotsman p.s. It's good to see you as blissfully ignorant as ever mr. black. \_ I am amused that professed lovers of democracy start muttering about revolution under their breath as soon as an election or 3 doesn't go their way. Make up your mind is the tyranny of {the majority|electoral college|etc} good or bad? I don't know what Bush truly wants to do in his heart of hearts (probably party or something) but the office of the POTUS is a moderating kind of chair to sit in. The bigger the chair, the less important are the psychological particulars of the ass sitting on it. No one is complaining about Nancy Pelosi and her brand of Bay Area liberal insanity, although she is very influential in the DNC right now. If you think Bush wants to bring royalty back in the US, you ve gone off the deep end, sorry. I mean this makes LeRouchies sound reasonable. -- ilyas \_ Ilya, I'm talking about history and vague worries when I talk about revolution. Our democracy is far from healthy. The tyranny of the majority is really the tyranny of less than a plurality of, oh, 30%? And by royalty, we've had this discussion before. It's not direct governmental plutocracy. It's handing over power, tax refunds, and a blind eye to institutions and individuals who could give a shit about the public. If that's what the subplurality of 30% really want, let alone a majority of the public, then, yes, I worry. --scotsman \_ (a) Saying "all Bush opponents are talking about revolution" equates to "all conservatives are right wing religious nutcake loonies." (b) POTUS itself may eclipse individual personalities, but it _is_ a tremendously powerful office, especially when combined with a disciplined and determined crew, as now. (c) Who says nobody's complaining about Pelosi? She's part of the reason voters are being forced to choose "less worse" instead of "better" this year. -John \_ re: (a) I was talking about Ben in particular. re: (c) Maybe people are, but I haven't heard anything, and certainly nothing compared to the volume of low grade bile directed at Bush. -- ilyas \_ (a) be more specific, (c) a lot of SF residents have loads of low grade bile for her from when she was a supervisor. -John \_ BushCo is interested in maintaining power, moreso than any other Pres. since LBJ. The more petty and ridiculous tricks are pulled by both sides, the less moral high ground there is to go around, and the more both sides sound wholely corrupt and powermongering. That BushCo has players who excel at the game while the Dems seem be playing the Washington Generals merely stokes the flames against the Pres. \_ That's because a whole lot of these "professed lovers of democracy" are actually thinking, "I'm smarter than everyone else. I should be in charge." They're fine as long as everyone else agrees with them, but if some people think differently, they must be stupid and wrong and therefore should not have a vote. \_ I am, I should, they are. Well, most of them, anyway. -John \_ No, Mr. Leek. It's not some elitist tendency. It's a compassionate, dare I say Christian (raised Lutheran over here), drive in me that actually cares about the people and the country. Did I claim anyone should "not vote"? I would love to see election day made a national holiday so no one would have an excuse not to. I would love to have been required to take civics in high school or even jr. high. If our voter turnout even began to approach that of some other countries, I think you'd be greatly dismayed at how out of touch you are. In the meantime, I'd suggest that rather than be insulting, you actually put your arguments forward in good faith. --scotsman \_ I actually not sure how to respond to this mix of oddness. I agree that people should take civics in school, along with economics. I'm not sure where you get the idea that I don't care about the country or the people. I'm not even sure what \_ I didn't say you don't. Read what you said. See how it's directly insulting. Read what I said. Realize I was talking about myself in defence of charges of a super- iority conflict. --scotsman you're saying I'm out of touch with. All I'm saying is that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I think you're making assumptions about my political positions that you know nothing about. (And what's with telling me you were raised Lutheran? Am I supposed to care? Did you know Paolo was rasied Catholic? So what? He's still Paolo.) \_ How delightfully low on signal. Drop trou and produce debunk (and not from some fundie site) or eat crow. |
2004/10/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34251 Activity:very high |
10/20 The snobbery of the elite liberals continues: http://csua.org/u/9km \_ I wonder what kind of ketchup they serve in the White House? \_ Maybe W ketchup. Supposedly bush supporters put out their own brand of ketchup because "You don't support Kerry, why should your ketchup". I mangled that, but it was something similar. \_ *shrug* It's not like the left side of the theater has a monopoly on elite snobbery. \_ It's sounds to me more like Mrs. Heinz-Kerry has never had what I would define as "a real job." \_ What are you talking about? \_ A woman worth $1 billion that she inherited should not be talking about who has or has not had a "real job". \_ Are you saying she does not have a real job? \_ Yes, and never has. \_ Have you done any research into her previous job history? \_ I am sure she worked at Wendy's and did tricks to come up with the last $100 of rent money. She's basically a billionaire philanthropist. She's never had to work. \_ I take that as a no. Please stop talking out of your ass next time. \_ I think this is particularly ironic, considering Teresa Heinz later apologized for not knowing Laura Bush worked as a librarian and a teacher. \_ There is no irony. I'm the same person who posted that fact at the bottom of the thread, and the same person who's been responding to you. \_ Oddly enough, I'm not "you" nor any of the other posters on this sub- thread. \_ Too bad it doesn't change my point. \_ I was merely pointing out an incorrect assumption on your part. \_ Like, duh! \_ Hey, even I knew that, and I don't pay attention to this kind of stuff and don't care. -- ilyas \_ Not sure what Teresa Heinz's job history may be, but she is snobbish and a bitch. So says my brother, who know the Heinzes and roomed with Chris Heinz in college. I think most people will say that the W's make better house guests and dinner companions, but I don't know what relevance that has to the election. \_ Instead of "snobbish and a bitch", how about: knows what she feels and will tell you honestly about it instead of backstabbing with gossip? \_ I don't imagine that my brother has been backstabbed by her. I do know that he has been snubbed by her for not being worthy. Perhaps you've had a different experience with her. Care to share? \_ No, I do not have any second-hand experiences from a brother to relate. I do trust these interviews, where her personality leaks out, more than what your brother says, obviously. \_ You'll understand that I trust my brother's personal experiences more than what I can infer from some staged and prepped interviews. \_ Sure, you can believe your brother, since it's your right to believe what you want to believe. \_ I'm glad you approve. And I'll be happy to extend to you the same privilege of believing whatever you want to believe. \_ It's an inherent right. No one is extending anyone anything. Duh. \_ As you wish. I'll go back to watching interviews to see if I can infer more about my politicians from them. \_ Note I did not posit any request to you for you to say "as you wish". I would urge you to evalute interviews on a case by case basis as well, instead of implying that they're all less useful than stories from your older brother. \_ Let me see... On one hand, I have my brother, who roomed with Chris freshman year, still exchanges occasional emails with him, and has met Teresa several times over the course of a year of living with her son. On the other hand, I can study Teresa under the artificial condition of a staged interview, where she was no doubt on guard to try to present a good image of herself, and where she was likely prepped by handlers on how to answer the interview questions and on how to conduct herself. Tough choice. \_ I don't believe we are covering any new ground. I've said my piece, you've said yours. said yours. If we were on O'Reilly, this is where he'd say, "Now we let the viewers decide". \_ Tell you what... I'll ask Chris if his mom is a snob when I see him at my bro's wedding next spring. Would that be a definitive enough answer for you? Or will you still cling to your interview inferences? \_ Probably won't help, but thanks. I think what could help more are highly descriptive stories (rather than just the concluding label of "snob" or "bitch") from which people can make their own judgments. \_ I'll just note that it's interesting to see how your position has shifted over the length of this thread. \_ Please state in one sentence what has shifted. Please think about this sentence carefully before you post. Thanks. \_ Nope, I can't do it in one sentence. Why this silly requirement? \_ instead of "snubbed by her for not being worthy", how about: she didn't want to hang out with your brother but wanted to hang out with someone else instead? \_ Oh you were there too! That must have been a crowded dorm room. \_ Clearly I am suggesting a reasonable alternative to your brother's interpretation of what happened; and clearly everyone understands that your brother was there and I was not; and clearly everyone *should* understand there is weight in both positions. \_ Alex Kerry (John's daughter) doesn't like her either. \_ John Kerry married an ice-queen! He's clearly unfit to be commander in chief! \_ I don't know that the nicest and most friendly people also make the best presidents. However, attempts to buff up Teresa Heinz's character clearly implies that some people do think so. \_ She's a South African Republican bitch. The fact that she and Kerry have a lot in common (apparently) is scary and worth noting. \_ I thought we had gotten beyond denigrating people for where they came from. \_ The conservative spin machine goes into overdrive. Determining there is an insult where there is not: "Well, you know, I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don't know that she's ever had a real job -- I mean, since she's been grown up. So her experience and her validation comes from important things, but different things. I'm older, and my validation of what I do is a little bit bigger -- because I'm older, and I've had different experiences." \_ Actually it's just annoying because she's stupid. I never thought it was an insult, but I usually figure that you should keep your yap shut if you don't know what you're talking about. \_ But apparently you think it's ok to be president of the United States if you don't know what you're talking about. amazing. \_ Did I say I was a Bush supporter? You're an idiot. \_ "stupid"... from what do you gather this? "snobbery"... from what do you gather that? I smell Limbaugher. \_ To state that you don't know anything about someone and then go on to postulate about what kind of jobs they've held in the past is, well, stupid. The assumptions she makes about said jobs is snobbish. \_ You are really reading into this too much. Bang! You've just been spun by the conservative spin machine. \_ Umm.. the quote is directly above this post. Which part of is has been spun by the "conservative spin machine?" \_ *All* of the quote above. Taken in context, it is not an attack on Laura Bush. If you don't know what the "conservative spin machine" is, recall "sensitive war on terror" and Dubya having said the same thing. \_ Wow, you have some reading problems don't you. As I said above, I never thought it was an insult, or an attack, on Laura Bush. It's just stupid. \_ Nah, I just think THK got used by the Republican spin machine. I don't think what she said was stupid. \_ The AP is a conservative spin machine! Call out the tin-foil corps! \_ What she said makes sense to me. She should realize that Republicans are evil when it comes to taking quotes out of context. It's not stupid not to realize this. \_ Some people just seem to have a real skill for pedial-oral insertion. insertion. [ don't change this, make your own joke ] \_ And the Bush folks miss the point: 'Karen Hughes, an adviser to President Bush, criticized Heinz Kerry's remarks as "indicative of an unfortunate mind-set that seeks to divide women based on who works at home and who works outside the home."' So even Karen Hughes seems to think that Laura Bush has always been a stay-at-home mom. \_ Republican - spin - machine. I doubt Karen Hughes really thinks that. On a note of fairness, Teresa Heinz-Kerry issued a press release apologizing for not having known that Laura Bush was a teacher and librarian. I doubt Heinz-Kerry didn't know that. Democratic - unspin - machine. \_ Which sounds more likely?: THK knew Laura Bush's history and decided to talk smack about it in the face of logic. -OR- THK was uninformed but talked out her ass anyway \_ I'm putting my money on the latter. THK is very proud of her record as "opinionated" and "outspoken." In other words, she proud of her ability to talk out her ***. |
2004/10/19-21 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34241 Activity:high Edit_by:auto |
10/19 Sorry, I get confused. LATimes is liberal or conservative? Anyway, according to them, the CIA is delaying a 9/11 report that points fingers and names names until after the election: http://csua.org/u/9k9 Text of article can be found at: http://www.theregular.org/node/209 \_ LA Slimes is in the same vein as NYT. \_ whoo how clever! yeah they're pretty liberal. for your incredibly conservative dose of southern california news go read the OC register - danh \_ All of LA Times, NY Times, and Washington Post offer good, mostly objective reporting. ABC News and NBC News as well. CNN tilts to whatever the current administration is to maintain "access". CBS News screwed up on memo-gate, but they also offer good, mostly objective reporting. Fox News shows an American flag in the upper-left part of the screen to show that they support America, implying that the other stations do not, or have a "liberal agenda". \_ Hi, I've created a toy web site that will hopefully be a bit of insightful: <DEAD>slantcheck.org<DEAD> I already bought the domain names, I'm looking for a place to host it. If you would like to help please email me. -kchang \- if you become the number one hit for google(chang,slant) you may be able to make money ... maybe as a p0rn tunneler or something --psb \_ Wow, that's amazing. I didn't know the report was already done. I heard the reason for the delay was that it was too big to finish before the election. Also, the article is an op-ed column; it is not a news piece. And here's the news piece, one day later: http://csua.org/u/9kr (Yahoo!) In it it says the official reason for the delay is ... the report is still a draft! \_ "Congressional officials said they were told that the CIA inspector general's office had completed the report in July" Now who do you believe? I'm waiting for a CIA leak. |
2004/10/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34234 Activity:nil |
10/19 Fun quiz as of 5:45PM, match the following headlines with the stations. Don't cheat boys and girls! 1 "Poll: Bush Lead Over Kerry Widens" 2 "Poll: Bush Hits 50 Percent. Bush Passes Critical Number But First-Time voters Could Help Kerry" 3 "Bush Kerry Deadlocked" 4 "Bush Holds Narrow Lead In <station>Poll" A MSNBC B Fox C CBS D ABC News \_ Educated guess: 1 B, 2 D, 3 A \_ NBC has em tied among likely voters. \_ NBC/WSJ has em tied among likely voters. |
2004/10/19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34223 Activity:very high |
10/19 http://csua.org/u/9jt - Text of Gore's speech last night. I dare anyone who plans to vote for Bush to read it from start to finish. \_ I saw a few minutes of it on the tube. It was painful. I felt bad for him. He needs help. Losing in 2000 broke him in some deeply fundamental way. \_ This thing is huge. I recommend reading it from the last page, and stopping when you're bored. \_ Reading is hard, let's go shopping! \_ Why, so I can remember why I didn't vote for Gore 4 years ago? \_ I dare anyone who voted for Gore in 2000 to read it from start to finish and not think, "We almost elected a tin-foil hat guy!" \_ I couldn't vote for Gore in 2000. If you don't think the current executive branch is run by a bunch of neocon loons I'd like some of what you are smoking. If you think Bush has a clearer view of reality than Gore, then you've been shooting up as well. Please provide examples from the speech of "tin-foil hat" thinking. \_ Example: The central elements of Bush's political - as opposed to religious - belief system are plain to see: The "public interest" is a dangerous myth according to Bush's ideology - a fiction created by the hated "liberals" who use the notion of "public interest" as an excuse to take away from the wealthy and powerful what they believe is their due. Therefore, government of by and for the people, is bad - except when government can help members of his coalition. \_ This would be tin-hat fodder if not for the Orwellian named Clear Air Act and the Healthy Forests Act. There is no need for conspiracy theories anymore; it's all out in the open, and the heads of state just don't care if you know it. Ask Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay. \_ Al Gore speaks, Alcoa goes up. Tin shortage on the rise! \_ Partisan Blinders, Activate! Form of: An ostritch! |
2004/10/19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34217 Activity:high |
10/18 funny propaganda posters: http://homepage.mac.com/leperous/PhotoAlbum1.html \_ work-safe? \_ Yes. \_ Actually, the lame thing about this is that the NSA and DOE are still producing lots of these sort of posters. There are a couple in every building here at LLNL, and a lot of them are WAY funnier. (Because they're real.) -jrleek \_ where do i get a palm beach retired jewish democrats for buchanan bumper sticker? - danh \_ huh? \_ obGoogle "butterfly ballot." \_ jrleek, I DARE you to print these posters and put them around your office/cube till the election is over. \_ Why would I do that? Those posters are retarded. I dare YOU to put up a big sign on your door that says, "I AM STOOPID" -jrleek \_ jrleek, wouldn't your above comment be considered questionable and unpatriotic in your work environment? \_ Only if you're a dumb liberal with an axe to grind. No one else cares. -jrleek \_ it would be funnier if one of those Up Yours Bush posters were posted by a dissent while everyone else ignores it because they're so used to seeing them. |
2004/10/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34195 Activity:kinda low |
10/18 For the guy who claimed that the majority of geeks lean left... still waiting for the url backing that up. -- ilyas \_ I don't think anyone has specifically surveyed "geeks," ilyas, so you're probably not going to get an url from him. But I believe there have been surveys showing that the more educated a person is, the more likely they are to be center/left leaning. Geek doesn't necessarily correlate with "more educated," I admit. \_ Actually, I heard it's more of a bell shape -- the richest and poorest tend to vote DNC, the middle tends to vote RNC. Similarly, for education, high school dropouts and grad students for DNC, the rest for RNC. -- ilyas \_ I thought I said education, not income level, but whatever. \_ Reading comprehension >>> you.a \_ Reading comprehension >>> you \_ I got what he said. I just don't know why he started talking about income level, because that is not what we were talking about. \_ 2000 election No HS degree: +20% Gore HS degree: +1% Bush Some college: +6% Bush College grad: +6% Bush Post-grad deg: +8% Gore Just goes to show, a little education makes you smart enough to watch O'Reilly and think you're smarter than those damn tax-you-to-death, government-handout, eternal victim, take no personal initiative / responsibility liberal elite. \_ This left-right thing needs a lot more defining. There are anti-abortionists who support gun control and pro-choicers who oppose gay marriage. If you're talking pro-DNC or pro-RNC, I think ilyas has answered well above. \_ saved by the Jargon File http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/politics.html I have found much evidence to support the JF's claim that many geeks (hackers, whatever) tend to be libertarian leaning. I think framing this discusion in terms of right/left is really a bad way to look at it right now in our current politcal climate where even the repub pres is not really a conservative by most definitions. - rory \_ I ll buy that geeks tend to lean libertarian, because that actually matches my (anecdotal) experience fairly closely. -- ilyas \_ Hey, if someone told me: Liberal Democrat = more freedom, more government Conservative Republican = less freedom, less government Libertarian = more freedom, less government ... I'd go libertarian every time. It's not that complicated: "Duh, hey, I'm a libertarian, I'm fucking 1337! Go away tax-and- spend liberals, go away nazi pro-lifers." The key criticism with libertarianism is that the U.S. is still a two-party country, and well, there are a lot of libertarian geeks, and who wants to hang out with the nerds? \_ If Bush is anything to go by, Conservative Republican = less freedom, more government. \_ exactly my point. Bush is not a conservative Republican by the traditional def. \_ It seems that once the Republicans became the dominant party, after years of playing the underdog, they realized that they didn't hate this government stuff all as much as they thought they did. Spending is much easier to support when it benefits you directly. \_ its easy to say you want to shrink govt when you disagree w/ the people running it. \_ THAT is the "key criticism" of libertarianism? \_ Okay, let's just say "An important criticism". Then you can tell me what the key one is. \_ libertarianism appeals to nerds (esp mathematically minded ones) because it is based on a supposedly objective series of rules and says that, if left to their own, these rules will naturally and justly govern people. The key criticism of it is that these rules are not as natural as people think... they are based on societies and social order, etc. ie, people say, "hands off, let the market regulate"... but the fact is you cant have good markets w/out good gov'ts. - rory \_ I wonder sometimes where 'good governments' come from. Lately, I've been leaning towards 'good culture' as the wellspring of 'good government.' -- ilyas \_ why is that any easier to define? \_ It's not. But I am not sure good government can spontaneously happen if the culture is not ready for it. Introducing a representative republic in Dark Ages Europe would have done no good. To respond to rory, you are thinking of anarcho-capitalism (which I admit I find appealing, I just don't see how it would work). Libertarianism has inherent tensions because it generally dislikes government but acknowledges its necessity (i.e. it's not a 'terse' belief system like A-C). -- ilyas \_ gawd, if libertarianism is this complicated, I can understand why it's not popular. I would much prefer it if it were described just as "more freedom, less government". Otherwise I'd just settle with calling myself a small-government Democrat or personal-freedom Republican. (Yeah, silly, but not as bad as objectivist Libertarian.) \_ Can I still have the FDA, fire departments, health inspections of restaurants, product safety commissions, etc., or will I just have to gamble with my life and hope for the best anytime I eat something, buy a new product, buy prescription drugs, or need emergency services? \_ It will be just like ebay ratings! You go with the ones with good feedback. Sure, sometimes someone decides to screw over a few thousand or million people and then move to Turkey, but think of the freedom! |
2004/10/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34186 Activity:very high |
10/17 A Bush debate bounce? WTF? http://www.pollingreport.com \_ I call it the Team America: World Police bounce. \_ so is it a pro-Bush movie? Trey Parker/Matt Stone pro-Bush? \_ I think I read that it's less anti-republican than anti-democrat. But niether Bush nor Kerry appear in the film. \_ I think both sides got bashed very fairly and accurately. The important difference is who can laugh at themselves or not. \_ Trey and Matt hate conservatives, but they REALLY hate liberals. The movie is pro-Bush. \_ Trey and Matt, like Vice magazine, are WAY past their sell-by date. Nihilism is so 2000. \_ Who do they like then? \_ Who cares? They don't. They just want to trivialize anyone who genuinely cares about anything (c.f. South Park episode about Mormons). They are aggressive nihilists. And yes, I guess I just don't "get it." \_ Trey and Matt are libertarian. \_ Trey and Matt are system-buckers. They like to get a rise, and modern liberals are easy to get a rise out of with a minimum of effort. It's easy to lampoon the Right, but it's hard to tell if the Right gets it sometimes. \_ All your election are belong to Rove. \_ All your electronic ballot are delivered to Rove by Diebold. |
2004/10/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34178 Activity:very high |
10/14 So I watched Outfoxed and thought it was really cool, until the last bit of the film when it creditted http://moveon.org. Now I know it's just another damned left wingnut propaganda film. \_ I heard O'Reilly likes phone sex is this true? \_ you are teh gay:w \_ So, truth is entirely dependent on where it comes from? \_ truth is closer when you have a non-biased party observing and reporting. While Foxed is not Fair and Balanced, neither is Outfoxed, which is supported by a biased party \_ You are an idiot. \_ well? are you going to explain why he's an idiot? \_ he disagrees with the correct political thought. he is an idiot. \_ oh, come on. anyone who can actually watch that entire documentary, and then just think it's partisan because of something they saw in the credits is living in a fucking cave. the whole thread is probably just a troll by someone who's bored and doesn't care one way or the other, but you are still a moron. \_ excellent documentary. It got me thinking about the shows they broadcast and how they fit into the executives' agenda. Take the show Cops for example. It repeatedly shows you that blacks and hispanics are bad drug dealers. Look at their kids show. Buffy. The OC. Whitie good. Minorities bad. If you have more examples please respond to this thread. ok thx. \_ Um. There is a reason there are a lot of blacks and hispanics on Cops. Media bias, however, ain't it. -- ilyas \_ There are more total numbers of white criminals than black and hispanic criminals. \_ In major urban areas - no. \_ Yes and if you want to do the same analysis of other stations you'll find similar results in regards to both racial profiling in TV shows going back decades before Fox existed to today and news reporting that fits into the executives agenda. \_ Not that I'm defending Fox, but Buffy was on the WB. And what about shows like Friends and Will and Grace? Those are supposed to take place in NYC, yet there were no non-white major characters. As a person-of-color, I find that far more offensive than the OC (which is supposed to take place in the white part of Orange County) or even Cops. \_ there are no unbaised and neutral sources. all sources, all reporting, all documentaries are biased. the intelligent person understands this. \_ You are correct insofar as no human being can be completely without bias or opinion. However, it is the purpose of journalism to report facts (also known as news). When all of the relevant facts are provided, the general public can make informed opinions about the matter. Calm and objective editing is the key. Fox completely lacks this. Other news orgs simply slip every once in a while. Cf. the documentary "Control Room," a rather objective look at Al Jazeera's coverage of the sack of Baghdad. \_ big evil corporation from Rupert Murdock and Sinclair support Bush and broadcast anti-Kerry materials. Don't the Democrats have friends in mass media? \_ Sinclair owns roughly 1/4 of the stations. The other 3/4 are anti-Bush & pro-Kerry. Watch the nightly news to see. \_ You're full of shit. Give some examples of this bias. |
2004/10/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34171 Activity:nil |
10/16 Super Rich Step Into Political Vacuum http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A38722-2004Oct16.html |
2004/10/16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34165 Activity:nil |
10/15 Michael Moore made tons of money from his anti-Bush documentaries. How much did he donate to the Kerry campaign? |
2004/10/15-18 [ERROR, uid:34161, category id '18005#9.15375' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34161 Activity:very high |
10/14 Michael Dell and Jim Barksdale endorse Bush. I hope their companies die die die. Buy a Dell computer, support the Bush Dynasty. http://www.fortune.com/fortune/fastforward/0,15704,724369,00.html \_ What did you expect? Dell Computer is based in Texas. \_ A big business endorsing a Republican? Shocking!! My last computer was a new Dell, and my next one will be one too. \_ Are you going to swear to kill them and their families now? \_ no, I'm not a gun/NRA fanatical Republican, like the ones that planned, masterminded, and proceeded w/ the assassination of JFK \_ Cool, you not only have nothing to say, you proceed to tin foil the whole place. I love it. Carry on, Comrade! \_ nice threadjack, but maybe i should reserve this comment for later \_ jfk was killed in retaliation for bay of pigs. Besides, jfk should never have been president anyway, his dad cheated and had dead people vote which prevented the rightfully elected man, Nixon, from taking office. \_ How's that tin foil suit treating you? \_ Its a joke. Kids these days. \_ The bay of pigs part is tin foil. The latter part is accepted by a great many as true and has a high probability of being true. Careful where you spray the tinfoil. Some things are actually true or are at least a reasonably thing to think even if you personally disagree or don't want them to be. \_ Regardless of its truth (or whether Kennedy really would not have won without Illinois), I find it amusing that this is STANDARD freeper talking point that is supposed nullify massive Republican vote shenanigans. \_ Dems do it every year where they control the polls. Reps do it where they control the polls. To say one side or the other is always angelic and the other side is always satanic is simply naive, childish and koolaid drinkerish. \_ I don't give a shit which side is defrauding voters. ANYONE caught doing this, REGARDLESS of party affiliation should be spending time in prison, with their patron organization getting the living shit sued out of it. Making this into a partisan issue EITHER WAY rather misses the point. |
2004/10/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34152 Activity:very high |
10/15 Most interesting "Doonesbury discovers URLs" yet: http://www.iconoclast-texas.com/Columns/Editorial/editorial39.htm (Source URL for Dubya's hometown paper endorsing Kerry) \_ Seriously, stop posting this crap. If you continue to do this I'll change your links to porn sites. \_ I find it kind of interesting. It's not blatantly offensive and could lead to a nice little flamewar so why should you censor it? -!op \_ Fascinating piece on the responses the paper has received on this: http://www.iconoclast-texas.com/Columns/Editorial/editorial40.htm \_ We are on the road to civil war. If Bush wins this election, I am buying an AK-47 and training in its use, and moving to a low population-density state in anticipation of the coming apocalypse. \_ If you actually read all the letters they got, they ran at least 4:1 in support. \_ That's not fair! People who support Bush are much, much less likely to possess the ability to write a letter. |
2004/10/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34150 Activity:nil |
10/15 http://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/naes/index.htm Strong support for Dubya and dislike of Kerry on this survey of servicemen and women and their families. Note the strength of support when the breakdown is given for the soldiers only (not including family members). \_ I applaud the strenght and resolve our armed forces have in implementing free market reforms in Iraq. Do they realize Paul Bremer thinks implementing a flat tax and reduction of tariffs are his main accomplishments in Iraq? - danh \_ Military personnel in a non-draft military tend to be Republican. They also tend to favor strong military action over diplomatic solutions and sanctions. Cf. military personnel support for Reagan over Carter. On the other hand, would someone please explain to me how a survey of 655 service personnel accurately reflects trends in a military that now has over 200 times that number on duty in Iraq? \_ If your complaint is that they also need a survey for boots on the ground folks in Iraq, then it's warranted. ... but, I don't see military higher-ups authorizing pansy election surveys while they're trying to fix Iraq. \_ I'm sorry, I just don't get the methodology that says that the opinions of 655 people translates into an accurate picture of all military personnel. How does this work? \_ Like any other poll, it's basic statistics. You may wish to consult the concepts of "sampling" and "margin of error." This is how any poll works. That said, selecting a representative sample is very difficult, and lots of polling organizations get it wrong - even good ones. c.f. Gallup's accuracy issues of late. \_ Right, so I read up on Annenberg's methodology and the basic stats page below. My question then is how accurately this reflects the views of the boots on the ground, whether the same results hold true for reservists currently on duty, and what questions were asked, since the specific wording of the questions could influence the results. Kudos to the motd for helping me to get a grip on this. \_ Note your points were already brought up ... three replies before your post. \_ How do polls of non-military citizens of 600-1200 meaningfully represent *millions* of people in a state if you're unwilling to allow the same 600+ to represent ~130k? \_ Sorry, not trying to be a troll, but genuinely curious. How does this actually work? \_ You may find this link helpful. And oh yeah, obGoogle. http://www.isixsigma.com/library/content/c040607a.asp \_ thank you! \_ Is this the part where we're supposed to call them stupid and uneducated and braindwashed? \_ This is the part where we talk about yermom. |
2004/10/15-16 [ERROR, uid:34149, category id '18005#6.81' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34149 Activity:nil 50%like:30258 |
10/15 Interesting poll analysis. Why the same poll can give you different numbers, depending on how you choose to look at it: http://www.newspolls.org/story.php?story_id=33 |
3/15 |
2004/10/15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34144 Activity:nil |
10/15 Richard Cohen of Washington Post gives GW Bush up for dead in campaign for President http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A34164-2004Oct14.html \_ Read section 3 of the 14th Amendment. \_ Freeper boy! When'd they teach you about that constitution thang? Wow! Clever clever. -John |
2004/10/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34136 Activity:nil |
10/14 Robert A. George, Real Conservative, on why he is not voting for Bush: http://www.tnr.com/doc.mhtml%3Fi%3D20041025%26s%3Dgeorge102504a (registration required, try BugMeNot) |
2004/10/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34129 Activity:very high |
10/14 Did anyone catch Bush saying "You know, it's pointless/unreliable/ whatever to quote outside... oh, never mind. Let me quote blablabla". That was so funny. His notes have to be prepared by someone else. [contentless wind removed] \_ BUSH: In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's credible to quote leading news organizations about -- oh, never mind. Anyway, let me quote the Lewin report. [http://csua.org/u/9he] \_ They repeated my claims that Saddam had WMD, so you can see how unreliable the mainstream press is. \_ i do find it amusing that bush keeps critisizing kerry for believing his iraq lies \_ He believed me, now he doesn't. He's a flip-flopper. We need a president who has the courage to believe his own lies in the face of overwhelming evidence. \_ Thank you! I couldn't have said it better myself! \_ They were not lies. Every Senator, Congressman, President Clinton, his staff, Dems, Reps, everyone, repeated the exact accusations at one time or another. That you have a selective memory on this issue indicates self-delusion. \_ Wow, you know what everyone in the world said. You must have a super big brain. Funny, I remember posting in the motd that SH probably did not have any WMD. My memory must be faulty. As for the self-delusional charge, please look up the psychological term "projection." Here is what Barbara Lee really had to say about SH and WMD: http://www.counterpunch.org/lee0930.html I defy you to find one quote where she claimed that he had them. \_ Yes, I laughed out loud. "not so sure it's credible to quote leading news organizations about -- oh, never mind". [contentless wind removed] \_ i'm sorry, but 'wc -l /etc/motd.public' still shows more than 0 \_ Yah, sorry -- it tends to grow and repopulate at a rate which is hard to keep up with. |
2004/10/14 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34120 Activity:very high |
10/14 Summary: Private corporations + interest in outcome + broadcast in public medium = conflict of interest. My prediction for news coverage-- a total repeat of 2000, Fox will again declare Bush as the winner many hours before the election's officially over. "We report, you comply." \_ Hopefully they'll do it early enough that more Repubs won't vote. \_ I sent my professor the above and he said "In Europe we learn this in primary school :-). [Granted, my two main teachers were communists.]" \_ Media here don't make any claims to being objective. It can get irritating, but hey, there are plenty of reasonably balanced sources of information to choose from. -John \_ I don't mind the bias here but I wish the media would stop pretending to be objective when they're not. I'm ok with yellow rag journalism. They should just be honest that they aren't objective and let the readers decide. \_ Well, even when they are pretty direct about having a political agenda/bias (or rather, not giving a rat's ass about trying to appear objective) the ultra holier-than- thou attitude of a lot of Euro papers and TV news can be pretty abrasive after a while. -John Earth to ilyas the communist born but turned to ultra left wing nut, what do you have to say about the original statement on conflict of interest, and what do you have to say about my professor's comment? -op \_ [ actually I changed my mind. I won't even dignify this phrasing with a reply. -- ilyas ] \_ so, you're as suprised as the rest of us to see yourself called an "ultra-left wingnut?" who knew? \_ Earth to poster: read the thread again from the beginning. \_ Wow, you've figured out that all media outlets are biased in one way or another. Congrats. \_ you're right. the difference is i think MOST media outlets try to be balanced and fair. foxnews and co. don't give a fuck. \_ A bias you share is invisible. Conservatives tend to find a lot of liberal publications (time.com is a good example) pretty grating, but I bet you don't notice, since it all seems reasonable to you. -- ilyas \_ I think the bias in several popular mainstream media outlets, like drudge, fox, wsj opinion page, those fucks at the media research center, is pretty NON invisible and far greater than any secret jewish conspiracy at the nytimes. find a lot of liberal publications (time.com is a good example) pretty grating, but I bet you don't notice, since it all seems reasonable to you. -- ilyas \_ Look, I don't want to argue this again. I ll just paste something laughable from Reuters next time it comes up. What's your response to the LA times "we ll dig dirt on Arnie but not Davis" thing? -- ilyas \_ And liberals tend to find a lot of conservative publications (time.com is a good example) pretty grating. \_ I think Time is pretty mainstream but is definitely 'small-c' conservative in that it doesn't like to rock the boat very much. \_ I also agree that Time is mainstream, siding with the current administration a little, Democrat or Republican. Democrat or Republican. CNN is like this too, but one increment more. I also find Krauthammer's essays in Time pretty damn stupid, but then again I think the same thing about Safire. \-if you are writing in the motd, i assume you have an SAT above 1000. why are you reading TIME? krauthammer is a human-cockroach cross breed. |
2004/10/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34111 Activity:very high |
10/13 As of 10/13, 8:45PM, Kerry seems to be leading the polls with the exception of http://freerepublic.com, a republican dominant troll site with a lot of Bush fanatics (Kerry, Bush): http://cbsnews.com 84.79% http://cnn.com (no longer available for some reason) http://foxnews.com 63%, 36% http://latimes.com 96.7% http://msnbc.com 74%, 26% http://freerepublic.com 2%, 72% (republican site) \_ You need to be registered to vote on http://freerepublic.com. Frankly, I'm too scared to register. \_ As I repeat for the third time, "thanks" goes to the DNC e-mail spam. If you're on the e-mail list, it tells you go go vote online among other things. spam. If you're on the e-mail list, it tells you to go vote online among other things. After the embarrassment that was the first debate, Democrats got really enthusiastic about online voting. \_ Same thing happens on the RNC email list. \_ Calling freerepublic a "republican site" is a little misleading. It's a site for wingnuts like the guy who in an earlier motd post referred to the republicans as being too socialist. \_ Only in Bay Area does espousing the political beliefs of the Founders earn classification as a "wingnut". \_ Only in your diseased mind does freeper frothing reflect the political beliefs of the Founders. \_ You know, I find it amazing how frequently freerepublic shows up as a dead horse to be kicked on the motd. Truly, have you no better things to do than kick them over and over again to make yourself feel better? I don't kick Michael Moore, or Rush Limbaugh I just ignore them. On an unrelated note, I love how when meyers et al bitch and moan about how the republican congress is protectionist, and spendy, and passing pork bills, that's considered legidimate criticism. While at the same time if some freeper calls them socialist (they are probably complaining about the same things) he is a wingnut. You people are amazing. -- ilyas \- does anybody remember who used to keep saying "the pentagon (procurement) is the last bastion of stalinism?" --psb |
2004/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34107 Activity:high |
10/13 When is the debate? \_ NOW, MORON \_ GWB is a lot more calm, composed, and articulate than ever before. I'm very very impressed. Kerry-- waaaay too much negativity. It's looking ugly... \_ How 'bout "waaay too much reality".. \_ Freedom is on the march, assholes!!!!!!!!!!! \_ MARS, BITCHES!!! \_ a very well scripted debate, with a lot of cooperation between Bob the moderator and GWB. I wonder what's in it for Bob. \_ sorry but this debate is unfair. It's so obvious that the moderator is on the Republican side. |
2004/10/13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34103 Activity:nil |
10/13 Long post on What Bush Admin Has Done moved to /csua/tmp/whatbushhasdone for the curious. I understand what you're saying, and I think it's important. I don't think it needs to crowd an already overflowing motd. |
2004/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34099 Activity:high |
10/12 Given that Bush is so inarticulate and stupid, how in the world did Al Gore lose 4 years ago? \_ the media decided to leave the "GORE SIGH" on endless repeat. - danh \_ because he's very "likeable" and "personable" in person. or so they say. \_ Gore isn't as uber as Kerry. People thought you could have a dumb leader at the top and talented lieutenants running the show. With small government, people thought this was possible. How much brains does it take to cut taxes and ignore the deficit? By the way, Gore won the popular vote by over 500,000 votes. \_ My midwestern aunt and uncle had this exact view. They told me a story about Gore making a speech to a local union in which he mentioned his mother singing him a particular union song to him in his cradle, and the song wasn't actually penned until the 70s (or thereabouts). They thought Gore was untrustworthy, and Bush was stupid but "the president can't make any bad decisions, he just has to be a good man". \_ all right did your midwestern relatives actually SEE AND HEAR gore saying this? or are they repeating what they heard from the media? gore used to joke that the lady who was a DNC delegate 13 times (she's 88) used to sing him to sleep with the union label as a lullaby. it's obviously a JOKE, who would seriously sing that song as a lullaby to a baby? i don't know why the media never got it. i think gore never adequately explained his joke because it seems too retarded to have to explain humor to living breathing human beings. that's why i really doubt your relatives heard gore say those exact words, you can dig up tapes of Gore speaking to teamsters, he tells the joke, they all laugh, because he is just joking about his deep democractic union roots, he's not being serious. oreilly joked about being totally high on the jon stewart show last night, when are you going to report him to the ATF? - danh \_ I believe they told me it the info came from a friend. I should also note that I was a Dean guy before supporting Kerry, and that this aunt and uncle are perhaps the nicest, smartest, and wittiest relatives I have. I'm 25 and they're still sending me bday cards, and I'm going to thank them for it in a letter that probably includes the post above about the last 4 years of Bush. \_ I hope voters find a solid, noble core in Kerry, like what's described in the Washington Post article on him today. Gore had all the best intentions, but you can't help but wonder if there was something to the latent Big Mac attack he developed after he lost the election. \_ God, this is such rotten revisionism. Gore had a solid, noble core, and the GOP repetition campaign ("He said he invented the Internet!" "He says they based Love Story on him and Tipper!" "He's not honest!") and his own advisers ("Press the attack!" "Beat up on Bush!") killed the campaign. So the man ate a few burgers and grew a beard after being outplayed by loudmouths and anti-intellectuals. What's more human than that? You want a candidate who was brilliant but an awful people person, look no further than Bill Bradley. \_ By the measure of 9/11, IMO Gore would have done an excellent job had Osama struck on his watch. I'm just trying to describe some intangible that led Dubya voters to vote for Dubya instead of Gore. \_ Because Gore didn't just beat Bush in the debate, he beat him up. Americans hate bullies. That's why it looks so bad when Bush cuts off the moderators. \_ Gore was stiff and boring and unlikeable. Kerry, while a bit of a blue blood, is much more personable. -Nader voter in 2000 |
2004/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34094 Activity:very high |
10/13 Does the president get "patted down" or have to walk through a metal detector anywhere he goes here in America? \_ That's no sock in the President's flight suit! \_ "What do you think?" because that's a really dumb question. What, he's going to carry a bomb on an airplane and blow himself up? They need to protect Dick Cheney from him? Can you think of a single scenario in which he would need to be patted down? \_ Actually, Bush needs to be protected from Cheney, as do we all: http://www.theonion.com/news/index.php?issue=4041 \_ This argument is just plain stupid. By this reasoning, then we shouldn't pat anyone down at the airport. \_ Are you really this fuck-stupid? \_ He's not, but you are apparently. \_ Please. He's extrapolating a conclusion based on the absurdly false premise that the office of the president is somehow logically equivalent to everyone else. This is categorically untrue, and your inability to see this only confirms my first opinion: that you're fuck-stupid. \_ actually you are. \_ no... YOU are \_ wdyha? \_ wdYha??? \_ ED! \_ BUD DAY! \_ You're dumb. \_ Am I? OK, give me one good reason to pat down the president. \_ If it's because you/others believe he's more moral than us or because he more than anyone should know not to break a law, that's nonsense because neither he (nor any other person) is. if it's because he's constantly surrounded by secret service officers, then fine, that makes more sense. \_ Dude. Seriously. 1) he's a republican. 2) he's texan. \_ He loses the election and wants to take congress with him, are you really this stupid? \_ Now _that's_ a Ludlum premise if I've ever heard one: "Silence gripped the Senate as the ousted President lifted the ticking device above his head. 'My God!' someone suddenly cried, 'the President has a bomb!'" \_ Why doesn't everyone stop name-calling and just attach explanations with their responses. Are we in 3rd-grade still? \_ dood UR teh gay \_ Excellent question to ask. If he gets special treatments, then maybe a terrorist could hire a Bush double, have him board airforce one, then have him hijack the plane to crash into the Bush mansion. \_ How do we know he hasn't already been replaced by a double? \_ Because a double would have a noticeable bulge on his back where the battery pack goes. |
2004/10/13 [ERROR, uid:34089, category id '18005#5.98625' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34089 Activity:nil |
10/13 Checking the Facts [for tonight's debate] in Advance: Paul Krugman http://csua.org/u/9g5 |
2004/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34083 Activity:nil |
10/12 Garry Trudeau puts up another long, broken link. Someone needs to introduce this guy to the concept of a URL shortener. Here's the link from today: http://csua.org/u/9g3 \_ seems he is struggling to realize he might rather have a blog than a comic strip |
2004/10/13 [ERROR, uid:34077, category id '18005#7.78125' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34077 Activity:nil |
10/12 Democrats spending ~2X the money than Republicans on the election. Something's wrong: http://money.cnn.com/2004/10/12/news/economy/election_ads \_ What happens to campaign funds that they don't spend? \_ It goes to Bud Day. \_ This theme is incredibly lame, but I can't stop laughing. |
2004/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34076 Activity:nil |
10/12 Bud Day and Senator Edwards both like lawsuits: http://www.classact-lawsuit.com/index.htm |
2004/10/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34067 Activity:high |
10/12 Bud Day's biography. http://csua.org/u/9fv \_ GW Bush's biography. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush \_ I don't think anyone can argue that W was a war hero of any stripe. I also don't think anyone can argue that Bud Day was anything but heroic. I hope that we will think on Day's service to his country before we choose to deride him. \_ He's a great soldier. That doesn't make him any more more qualified to talk politics though. \_ Argue against his position, then, but respect the man. It's uncalled for and childish to play silly games like changing his name to "Bad Day". He had a bad day when he was captured by the Vietcons. He had a bad 6 years when he was a POW. I wonder what was the worst day ever suffered by Mr. "Bad Day". \_ It's uncalled for and childish to keep deleting other people's posts and keeping yours. If you can't learn to respect other people's posts, stop whining when other people mess with yours. \_ Being a hero is not something to be mocked for, but it doesn't grant you immunity from being mocked for other reasons. \_ I guess we disagree then. I don't mock those whom I respect, no matter how vehemently we may disagree. I would think that Bud Day is worthy of great respect. He has earned that privilege. \_ Just going out on a limb here, but I don't think that Mr. "Bad Day" is making fun of Bud Day. I think he's making fun of the op. \_ Who knows what the intentions of Mr. "Bad Day" were? Only the man himself. However, there are ways to make fun of the op without at the same time belittling Bud Day. Deriding Bud Day and letting that pass unchallenged diminishes all of us. \_ did you go to boarding school in Connecticut? \_ Yeesh, what a pompous windbag. \_ And you wonder why veterans tend to vote Republican? \_ No, I don't -- it has nothing to do with this discussion. \_ No, you wouldn't think so. That's why veterans vote Republican. \_ No, actually, it's probably not. No cookie for you! \_ Bud Day isn't a pompous windbag. pp is. Your inability to distinguish between the two is part of what makes you a pompous windbag. \_ The man's a hero and former POW. Many heroes and POWs thought the antiwar movement was a betrayal of the troops. Many heroes and former POWs also joined the antiwar movement. The real villains in all of this were the ones who stood silent. \_ So which of his actions were worthy of the MOH? He survived a bunch of torture and wounds. I've read stories on some site about WWII citations that sounded far more incredible than this. Other than undertaking an escape from certain torture/possible death, the dangers are not of his own choice. It's like the difference between a guy escaping a burning building versus a guy running inside to rescue somebody. In any case his arguments seem one- sided and unconvincing. \_ Don't go there. Questioning how much someone suffered/risked to earn their medals is unseemly. How much have you bled for your country? \_ Oh, I see. So its okay to question Kerry's medals, but not this guy's medals. Seems logical. \_ I'm a Kerry contributer. -pp \- I think it is reasonable to trade off between "character issues" and policy preference when it comes to a political candidate. e.g. it seems reasonable to hold Clinton's infidelity against him, but not fair to pin Vince Foster's suicide on him. I can reasonably see a veteran not being able to forgive Kerry for his "betrayal" after he returned from Vietnam. I personally think this is more than offset by Bush's avoiding service, his avoiding responsibility for stuff like Abu Graib, his disregard for frankness and the truth, but then again I am not a verteran who may feel the betrayal far more viscerally than I would. However, while his post-service conduct may be a fair issue, the swiftboat stuff is just a sleazy smear. --psb |
2004/10/12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34057 Activity:nil |
10/12 How much do you want to bet that the CIA has one more bullet left in its belt to go against Bush? Valerie Plame??? http://csua.org/u/9fi \_ It's difficult for me to say whether there is a vendetta like the article says, there is a genuine urge to publish accurate intelligence briefs that can't be spun by Dubya, or some combination of this |
2004/10/12 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34053 Activity:insanely high |
10/12 Heh, Teresa Heintz pays 15% in taxes. Hehehe. Where's the outrage? \_ Heinz \_ Outrage at the Republican-written tax system? There's plenty. \_ Our tax system favors the uber-rich. She's uber-rich. So is John Kerry. So are Bush and Cheney, although not quite to the same degree. They're all rich fucking bastards and getting more rich by the minute. This election is all about "pick your favorite rich bastard." I'll take the one that seems like he can actually think coherently, thanks. \_ also, Teresa Heintz is the *recipient* of the outrageous Bush tax cuts. Bush is the source. He'd be a bastard even if he paid his fair share. \_ Heinz and Kerry put their money into tax shelters. So raising their marginal rate won't help anything. Kerry's whining is nothing more than class warfare. \_ Whining is not equal to warfare. Except to an idiot libertarian serial overexaggerator. \_ Bush has ~$10M. Kerry/Heinz have ~$1000M. Two orders of magnitude make quite a difference. \_ So the rich are EVIIIIIIILLLL if you disagree with them? \_ I don't see any problem with people being rich. Just pointing out that Heinz/Kerry are two orders of magnitude more rich than Bush. Saying they're all the same is ridiculous. \_ You have no idea how rich bush actually is.. \_ You don't *have* to vote for either of them. Vote for psb! \_ That's why there's a need to remove the tax break for rich! \_ No. We should all be paying no more than Mrs. Heinz. \_ Her 17% is more than you make in your lifetime! \_ Haven't you noticed? The Dem motto is "High taxes for everyone! (but me!)" Also See "Kennedy" \_ Nader in 2004! The only candidate with an established history of being *for* the common man and working hard *against* large corporations! -Nader'04 \_ To quote James Carville, I wouldn't piss down Nader's neck if his \_ AKA Gollum. \_ Huh? \_ Carville looks like he was beaten with the ugly stick. \_ That's rich coming from a FAT SYSADMIN! \_ You have no idea who posted this. \_ Doesn't matter. FAT SYSADMINS are the STANDARD! chest was on fire. \_ Not to meantion against the common mans' jobs at said large corporations! \_ 8 out of 10 richest Congressmen are democrats. What a surprise. The party of the little people indeed. \_ Your wealth does not make you for or against a particular class, your positions do. Remind me again which party is in favor of taxing dividend income, the Head Start program, socialized medicine, and raising the minimum wage. \_ However, it is easier to generous with your wealth when you already have so much of it. Given great wealth, I would hope that most of us would be decent enough to want to give back to society, through either private donation or greater taxation. The problem is that most of us aren't blessed with great wealth, and those incremental dollars that may not mean much to a Kennedy or a Pelosi might be more meaningful to us. \_ sourceP \_ #t \_ Not the previous poster, and from a highly unreliable source, but http://vikingphoenix.com/public/docs/50rich.txt . 7 of top 10 richest member of congress are Democrats, and I am too lazy to filter for just house members. \_ And Kerry's money is actually his wife's as per their prenup. So, it's actually 6-4. \_ I think it's silly to argue over which party have more wealthy members in the Congress. However, I am a fan of fairness and honesty. If you use the above-posted list, and you drop Kerry from the number 1 spot, then you end up with 3 tied for the 10th spot, 1 R and 2 D's. So the tally would be 8D-4R. I suppose that's still better than 7D-3R. |
2004/10/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34044 Activity:high |
10/12 Anyone have an opinion on Austin Texas? Preferably someone that has actually been there, and not "Bush and Texas suck!". \_ My older brother got his laptop stolen out of his rental car there while he was eating lunch. \_ He left his laptop sitting open on a seat with a sign that said "Steal me, my owner is stupid". Austin sucks! \_ Actually it was in his trunk. \_ Shit happens everywhere. BTW, I think the other day you have mentioned this happened in San Antonio. \_ Just reporting a data point. Chill. \_ It's not a bad city. I drove through it and spent 3 days there. Austin would be the only city that I'd consider living in, in TX, and the biggest reason I wouldn't want to live there is that it's land-locked. \_ seconded. it's the only livable place in texas for several reasons. the weather is less hellish than typical texas weather, and the culture is not so monolithically texan. The UT area of austin looks amazingly like berkeley. \_ I had a gf out there. The city has a lot of very nice lakes, so if you just need water, its very nice. I would have considered moving out there. \_ I have many, many coworkers who went to UT Austin. They all liked it a lot. Most did say it was the only place in Texas they would live. The majority went there for grad school and were not originally from Texas. Only one of them was from CA, though. I feel Californians have higher standards. Still, the guy from CA ended up settling there. Most of my coworkers have since left Austin, but talk highly of it. Me, I've never been. \_ Flew out of Austin yesterday (first visit since junior high). I was pretty impressed. Like other posters noted, it's by far the best place to live in Texas. Big tech industry, great university as the core of the town, really educated population, big live music scene. Probably as liberal as you'll get in Texas. It's probably the closest you'll get to Silicon Valley culture outside of Silicon Valley (although I don't think it's a whole lot like Berkeley, maybe more like Rockridge). \_ I once came up with the big 4 reasons to relocate to TX, when I considered it several years ago. My 4 reasons were: 1. no state income tax, 2. concealed carry, 3. open containers in cars, and 4. women with big hair. Texas might have sissified in recent years, so I don't know how many of the reasons may still apply. |
2004/10/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:34036 Activity:high |
10/11 Congress just passed a bill to hand out $14.5 billion to people who *choose* to live in the path of hurricanes. ilyas, and other motd libertarians or other social regressives, how do you feel about being "forced at gunpoint" to pay for these handouts? -meyers \_ What about the $120 billion for people who "choose" to live on top of our oil? Where's the outrage? \_ Consider it evening the scorecard for Kosovo. At least this time we are fighting for the right side (against militant Islam as opposed to for it). \_ California has earthquakes, Washington state has volcano, other states has tornados, etc. Heck, we should all move to a state without any natural disasters. \_ what, and create a state with 'man-made' disasters? \_ NYC has terrorist attacks. \_ That volcano ain't nothin'. We should create some more disasters on the west coast to keep things fair with the fed relief funds. \_ CA already tossed it out of office. \_ You're all missing the point. We hear whining about giving handouts to people who *choose* to be poor, but now we have a republican congress just giving federal money away. Where's the outrage about not letting the free market fix this problem?? There are numerous insurance companies which could be making big money here (insuring against disasters, not in paying out claims, of course) -meyers \_ I disagree with giving fed disaster relief, and pretty much all subsidies of any kind. Calling this a 'republican congress' because RNC has a slim majority is more than a little misleading. I am neither republican nor a conservative. I try my best to game a system where the two major parties are basically centrist, and I don't like either. I do tend to dislike the modern DNC more than the modern RNC, but that's DNC's fault. On a slightly unrelated note, I am glad you found something else to talk about. Thoughtful liberals and thoughtful libertarians tend to agree on social ills (it's 'bad' that people able and willing to work don't get enough to eat, etc). However, liberals are more impatient, they are willing to prod society in what they feel is 'the right direction' with a bayonet, if necessary. Libertarians are deeply suspicious of bayonets (and certainties of what 'the right direction' is), so much so that they are willing to put up with a lot of social ills to avoid said bayonets. -- ilyas \_ unless said bayonets are used by the government to murder innocent people who are wrongly conviced of a crime. apparently that doesn't even count as a social ill for libertarians. \_ I don't see how the old legal dilemma about the proportion of innocents hanging in the gallows vs the guilty prowling the streets (and where I happen to think a reasonable solution lies) have to do with libertarians. Everyone has to solve this problem. Libertarian opinions on proper solutions differ, just as liberal and conservative opinions. You are a troll. Come back with an actual point. -- ilyas \_ Which is.. exactly what they do in florida. insurance companies and hurricanes have a long colorful history. \_ Yes it's rediculous, there is plenty of discord on conservative sites. \_ You just overwrote someone. I know there are insurance companies in Florida. Where's the outrage about govt messing with their market?? -meyers \_ The same place the rest of your black 'n' white red herring strawman went. In the trash. Try again with new bait. \_ 14.5B for disaster recovery is nothing compared to the shameless giveaways to the special interests, such as the $160B farm bill signed in 2002. Even The Economist commented: "The real explanation for America's farm idiocy is electoral". Divide that by the number of tax payers. This is on average how much is being taken from you for farm subsidies. \_ As if I wouldn't pay for it at the super market or every time I eat out. I prefer paying that way but since aggressive income tax schedules are sucking my income in half I'm ok if some of that money goes to making my life better in some other way. \_ It is plain and simple vote buying by the Republican Party, no more and no less. Perfectly legal and how pork barrel politics works. |
2004/10/10-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34022 Activity:very high |
10/10 RIP Christopher Reeve. http://www.drudgereport.com \_ Does anyone else feel dirty getting this from http://drudgereport.com? It's like hearing about it from Joan Rivers. \_ Yeah, but it has quite literally just been released. I saw a ticker on ABC to this effect. Damn. \_ No. \_ You feel 'dirty' getting news from a link re-posting service? Whatever.... \_ Stem cell research might have saved his life. \_ Yeah. As it is, it's probably better this way for him and others in the same position. Admirable guy. -John \_ Thank you for politicizing a celebrity's death. Thanks a lot. \_ He was very outspoken and political on this subject. I doubt he would mind this. If it gets people atually talking about it.. \_ *LAUGH* Yes, if only we had spent a few billions on stem cell research in the last 3 years, Reeves might be alive today! Hahahahahhaa, what a crock. Yes, they were on the cutting edge of useful real world success when the evil Bush stopped the Federal funding of harvesting the unborn. Riiiiight. \_ So you're aware that the stem cell lines were coming from extra embryos left over from artificial insemination? That such embryos would be thrown out anyway? \_ So you're aware that private research is totally unimpeded, and that all Bush did was not spend federal funds on new lines, right? And why hadn't those embryos been thrown out? \_ Ending federal funding is as good as killing the research dead. \_ If there was something there then it would be very profitable for private companies to spend their own money on it. They spend billions on new drugs. \_ Corporations are risk averse and slow to change. Most really pioneering research remains solely funded by the gov't. Drug research is a rare exception. They spend billions on new drugs. They can spend billions on something with an even high profit margin *if* there was something to it. \_ Sure, just like they spent billions developing the ARPANET before it was profitable. And just like they developed the transistor as a spinoff from the Apollo program, leading to the modern computer. \_ Yes and there's still Federal money going into this. They simply can't butcher more unborn for the vague hope something will come of it. Not with Federal money. \_ SINCE YOU ARE NOT LISTENING, MAYBE YELLING WILL HELP. THE STEM CELL LINES COME FROM EMBRYOS OTHERWISE USED FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. NOT FROM ABORTIONS. IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE DIFFERENCE, YOU ARE BLIND. \_ Here it is from Yahoo news: http://csua.org/u/9en \_ Rest in peace, Superman. *salute* -- ilyas \_ Aye, R.I.P.. Superman lives in us. -- alice \_ movies actually used to be good. what happened? |
2004/10/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34009 Activity:nil |
10/9 http://www.ucomics.com/rallcom ("Bush is stupid" comic) \_ Everyone who thinks Bush is stupid already reads this. This is like telling us to read http://johnkerry.com for honest candidate and policy evaluations. |
2004/10/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34008 Activity:high |
10/9 Conservatives control the House, the Senate, the President, and two Supreme Court Justices. How do they still manage to come off as the victims of some huge liberal media conspiracy? \_ The control of the media by foreign liberal elements is well documented. http://csua.org/u/9eg \_ In case you didn't notice, members of the House, Senate, Presidency, and Supreme Court neither write newspaper articles, nor do they read the network news on the air every night. \_ OP knows. He's just a troll. \_ A little piece of news for you - most Congressional Republicans are not conservative. The conservatives embody a relatively small minority of the Congressional Republicans. \_ So true. Most Congressional Republicans are part of the New World Order Illuminati/Masonic conspiracy to kill our unborn children, take away our guns and sell us into bondage to the UN. |
2004/10/9 [Health, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34006 Activity:very high |
10/9 Does *anyone* believe Bush's lie about drugs from Canada? I'm sure there are morons in St. Louis who believe that Bush is protecting them from Evil Canadian drugs, but does anyone on the motd actually not see this as a shameless giveaway to the drug companies? \_ Bush told a bald faced lie: .. Bush told the truth: . \_ I laughed at loud when Dubya said he was against Canada-imported drugs to protect us from dangerous drugs. The true answer, obviously, is that cheaper Canadian drugs would impact U.S. drug company profits significantly, and Republicans are wont to take actions that reduce profits from U.S. companies in any business, since they believe, supportably, that this is un-American. It's what my O'Reilly-loving younger brother says: Of course the Republicans know the real reasons and they are plenty good, but it's necessary to play the political game. \_ Speaking of whom, I saw Bill on the Daily Show, and my respect for him actually went from none to grudging. He's a smart guy, and I really can't wait for him to quit Fox and write a book about his experiences there; I think he knows he's being paid to be an actor on (nearly) state-supported TV. \_ No you moron. The real issue is that as soon as we start importing drugs en masse from Canada, Canada will stop getting drugs from pharmaceuticals companies for the current price, and there will be a single worldwide price. \_ Right, blame the evil drug companies when in fact the US taxpayer subsizdizes the worlds (eg. Canada and Europe's) drug consumption. \_ The world is better of without those Candians. -G.W.B. \_ Yes, your HS brother represents all Republicans. Can I quote my 19 year old half sister for the Democrats? BTW, what is Kerry's plan for Iran? |
2004/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34003 Activity:high |
10/9 All of Karzai's opponents boycott the election and cite fraud. http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200410/s1216608.htm No wonder Bush is taking credit-- that's how democracy works in Bush country. \_ Republican-sponsored vote fraud: Good enough for America, good enough for Afghanistan! \_ I could tell you that an imperfect election process is better than dictatorship but I suspect you'd disagree. I'm already walking the IHBT line by even responding. \_ It's that simple, isn't it? Either you're for an imperfect election process or you're for the Taliban. What about taking the time to hold a reasonable election? \_ Is this from the same ABC that put their left wing bias on paper and published it? Try a URL from a reliable source. \_ Which, the Australian Broadcast Corporation (this) or the American Broadcast Corporation? 'Cos I got both. http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=151668 |
2004/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34000 Activity:very high |
10/8 Bush was asked to name three mistakes he's made. He can't name one. He's had the hardest job in the world for almost four years and he cannot name a single mistake. Is he the Second Coming of the Messiah? \_ Actually, as much as I loathe bush, I thought his answer was pretty clever. He claimed his biggest mistakes were various appointments who he didn't want to embarass on TV. Of course I'm positive that 1) he didn't think of that himself and 2) it's Rove's message to anyone who might consider showing disloyalty to the chimp in chief that they are about to become Bush's biggest mistake. What would any of you have said (assuming you had actally drunk the neocon kool-aid and wouldn't way the war)? \_ There aren't any "neocons" on the motd. It's a made-up phrase to sound like "neo nazi". \_ you are Bush's adviser. What would you advise him? \_ Republicans just don't apologize. This makes them dumb AND evil. \_ Haha, this is one of those classic annoying interview questions. Bush spent most of his answer defending the Iraq war so I guess that was one of his mistakes. \_ Wrong war, wrong place, wrong time! \_ Other than Ashcroft, I can't think of a single mistake. \_ Again with O'Reilley on the Daily Show: Bill pointed out that these people (Bush, et. al.) are highly insulated and get a lot of sycophantry; couple that with an almost maniacal belief in everything they say and do, and what you have is a President who very literally cannot see the mistakes he's made. \_ All Republicans are stupid/evil drones straight to the top. All Democrats are enlightened and good people who sensitive to the needs of terrorists and others around the world. Seriously, the question was an obvious setup straight from the DNC fax machine. It would have been blitheringly stupid of any candidate to name 3 mistakes. It would be front page news the next day and he'd get beat over the head forever. What about John Kerry? Was voting for unilateral disarmament in the 80s a mistake? Was voting against the first Gulf War *after* the UN had passed a war resolution a mistake? Was making shit up about Vietnam war crimes a mistake? Has John Kerry ever made a mistake? Please name 3. \_ _Bush_ hasn't made any mistakes because he doesn't make any real decisions (except in what to say when the reception dies to his remote control during a debate). And he's not qualified to comment on Cheney's mistakes... so what's he gonna say? |
2004/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33995 Activity:insanely high |
10/8 As of 10/8, 8:39PM, polls ask who you think won the second debate (Bush, Kerry, [undecided]): http://cbsnews.com (11.51%, 88.10%) http://cnn.com (16%, 82%, 2%) http://foxnews.com (30%, 70%) http://msnbc.com (27%, 73%) http://freerepublic.com (95%, 1%) \_ "Poll: Bush, Kerry tie in 2nd debate", an article from CNN. So what's up. CNN becoming conservative and trying to save face? \_ Thanks to the DNC e-mail spam, I guess. \_ Check http://freerepublic.com for all the "FREEP THE MSNBC POLL" posts. The difference is that the freepers (and Chris Matthews, apparently) actually think an online poll means something. The lefty swampers are trying to show just how FUCKING POINTLESS these online polls are. --scotsman \_ There's about 150 freepers vs. the tens of thousands of Dems on the DNC mailing list. This has been said many times before on the motd: freepers are not conservatives or Republicans and all clear thinking people disavow them in the same way you should disavow nuts like Michael Moore and the democratic http://underground.com \_ You've been trolled scotsman! HAHA -!person who posted it \_ Actually, no. I know who posted it, and I'm just explaining how I see the poll slamming, not flaming them. And unless there's a freeper manifesto you can point me to that says that they're trying to make a mockery of the polls (I can point you to plenty on the left), then I stand by my point. --scotsman \_ Thank god we have geniuses like yourself to point out the absurdity. Please, let me express my unwavering gratitude. Thank you! P.S., don't you find it slightly unusual that you have worked yourself up into a frenzy about this. \_ No more so than any other criticism of journalism in this country.. Are you happy with the state of affairs? Do you like bankrupted localities? Do you like soldiers being killed and wounded in a preemptive war against a non-threat? Do you like all of this wrapped up in a pretty media package? You mock my anger? I mock your complacency and cowardice (sign your damn name, mr. black). --scotsman \_ RACIST!!! \_ RAPIST!!! \_ PAPIST!!! \_ TRAPPIST!!! \_ PRIAPIST!!! |
2004/10/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33993 Activity:insanely high |
10/8 Holy SHIT Bush is actually doing pretty well, did he rehearse or something? In addition, he's taking notes!!! He didn't do that last time. SHIT. \_ They gave him back his cocaine. \_ Uh, well? Maybe on the "internets." Did you see his Dean Scream moment? \_ *SCOWL* \_ Kerry mistakes so far, add if you wish: 1) "I'm a lawyer too" (most ppl hate lawyers) \_ I don't think this was a mistake \_ First thing we do is kill all the lawyers. 2) "Join me to defeat ppl who make over $200,000" (bad bad bad, they control YOUR life) \_ my combined income is, in fact, over $200,000. I don't like Bush, but I like my nice house and I enjoy co-owning my Piper Arrow. That is why I'm voting for Bush. \_ hmm, so you are really dying for that $2000 taxcut you get with bush huh with your $200k income? "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money from the public treasure. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy followed by a dictatorship." \_ I'm glad you believe that! Now take a history lesson \_ My wallet isn't your public treasure, thanks. I'm not the piper guy. \_ Some money has to come out of someone's wallet for the "public treasure". You just don't want it to be you, because it's not *fair* to tax people more just because they can afford more. So horribly unfair. \_ Ever hear of equality? I know its a new and radical concept, but perhaps you might want to consider it. If all citizens are equal then they should all pay an equal percentage of their income as taxes. Why should I have have to pay a higher tax rate just b/c my income is higher, when all I did was study hard, work late nights to get to a better job, and mr. pot smoking slacker english major drank his way through school and now can't get a job and expects me to pay more so that he can live off of my hard work. That is BS. \_ What if that English major wins the lottery, inherits money, or happens to get a good job through nepotism? What if I worked hard like you did and yet make less money through choice or bad luck? I am all for a flat tax, but your argument is stupid. Some rich people work hard. Some don't. Same as the poor. \_ In general, barring lottery winners etc. people getting paid more are doing more economically valuable work. If you make less money through choice then why do you want others to make up the difference? And let's say in theory we do the same type of work, but you work half as hard and get half the income. Why should your tax rate be different for the year? \_ Easily answered: "gimme! gimme! gimme!" \_ simple numbers game, piss off 2% of the populus and curry the favor of 98%, that doesn't make sense to you? \_ no but under Kerry I'll have to pay a LOT more tax. No thx. \_ Someone has to pay for all of this invading, you're just going back to the Clinton levels \_ Which were too high. 3) "Bush's [nonexisting] lumber company" \_ Bush DOES have timber company... http://www.factcheck.org/article.aspx@DocID=265 \_ good find. ******************* Partisan Tools Below This Line ********************* \_ Is it partisan to say Bush sounded even stupider in the second debate? \- it's not partisan, it is foolish. --psb \_ Are you saying it is foolish because Bush did not sound even stupider; or because the statement invites scorn; or both? \_ Did you even watch the debate last night? \_ Bush started strong but he is fading fast \_ Did you watch the same debate? Wishful thinking? Faint hope? \_ That was the way it went in the first debate, too. \_ And you didn't notice any difference between his first and last night's efforts? Ok.... whatever..... \_ Bush creamed Kerry this time. \_ Dubya was even more stupid this time. You don't become less wrong by yelling it louder. \_ Would you like the pink or the blue kool aid? \_ apparently that's not how people outside of California think. My officemate from Indiana (very pro Bush) shouts loudly when 1) he feels that he has a strong point 2) when he doesn't want to hear from you again. People outside of California seem to have different social protocols, and shouting works for them. \_ your co-worker from Indiana is pretty stupid \_ that may be so, but people like him are all over the United States, voting for Bush. \_ True. And liberals all across the U.S. are asking "Why isn't Kerry whooping this chimp?" \_ I know why, and you should too, if you have been paying attention. -- ilyas \-My opinion on the two people at the top of the ticket is well known but i have to say that Melman fellow from BUSHCO is 100x better than mary beth cahill. it was sort of sad that charlie rose basically gave the bush campiagn a lot more free airtime to "clarify" [and it was well done] than kerry's spokespeson. it was lame of kerry co to let bushco go last and get a lot more time. they need to be more ruthless on "details" like this. --psb \_ Charlie Rose? Who watched *that*? \_ Yes, I know why. People are dumb. Dubya and his handlers know how to talk to dumb people, as he is himself: dumb. Granted there are smart Republicans out there, but they don't form the majority of those voting for Dubya. Clinton: "When people think, Democrats win." \_ I'm voting for Dubya and I'm dumb! Woot! We is all jus' whitey craker red neck hiks on thiz side uh da ile! You just keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about last night. I prefer to always assume my opposition is not moronic and not take things for granted like you do with your weak labelling. \_ when people start thinking, we'll democratize both parties so that party bosses don't control every political position where one party controls a safe majority. \_ When people who profess to care actually bother to vote then Democrats would win, too. \_ Isn't the DNC asking for volunteers to take an hour or two to make get-out-the-vote phone calls on election day? I think if you do have spare time, this could make a big difference. \_ The election is done. Everyone already know who they'll vote for. Everyone who is going to show is already going to show. The only thing we don't yet know is which polls are more accurate than others. Anyway, when I see "political call" show on my caller ID, I don't pick up. I doubt any apathetic person would either. |
2004/10/8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33982 Activity:high |
10/8 Bush was secretly wired during the debate http://salon.com/news/feature/2004/10/08/bulge/index.html \_ It was a personal Holtzmann shield. \_ too much risk of nukular explosion in case of lasgun usage. \_ I believe he was wearing something, but I'm curious-- why didn't they position the bulge lower, in the small of his back? I can fit an ipod or even a thin novel just above my belt with very little visibility, and that's not even wearing a jacket. \_ Transmission distance. This proves liberals are smarter: Kerry's magic cheat pen with wireless receiver and handwriting- recognizing transmitter had a wider operating range. \_ so...let's suppose that Bush *was* secretly connected to some wireless device during the debate. Do you really think that they couldn't use something more compact? It just doesn't add up. And where is the wire going to his ear? most cameras were pointed at his head, and that wire would surely be visible. \_ It could be a receiver/transmitter with a tiny earpiece you can't see. Look at websites for spy stuff, we can assume that Bush has access to the best. \_ Right. Let's assume he has access to the best. Does that really include a bulky rectangular thing worn on the back under one's shirt? \_ Well, if you wanted to be super-cool you'd use encryption, spread-spectrum, and transmit constantly so it just looks like background noise. That all requires more electronics and battery power. To top it off, they might not have wanted to bother with some custom design, and chose to go with something 'off the shelf' that may not have been optimized for size. \_ here's something off-the-shelf: http://www.thespystore.com/covertcommunicationequipment.htm I don't see any reason why spread spectrum or encryption would take more space or batteries. this is just what 10 seconds with google turned up. I'm positive that if Karl Rove really wanted to beam spread spectrum, encrypted signals into W's ear, no giant battery pack would be needed. One wonders how many kids are cheating their way through school with these things, though. \_ Both encryption and spread-spectrum require extra chips, and cen be fairly demanding (several watts) depending on what encryption or DSS you use. Continuous transmission (to look like background) would up the power requirements a lot. Thing of a cell phone operating continuously, with more complicated signal processing and you get a sense of the power requirements. CDMA uses DSS but it's only spread over (I think) 1.5MHz. You'd want a much wider spread for being sneaky. \_ Alcoa is up today. \_ Heh. -- ulysses \_ Let's assume GWB had access to Star Trek Tech(c). There was obviously no one feeding him lines through it. \_ 'Obviously'? How do you figure that? \_ Did you *see* the debate? \_ Read the article. Their expert seems to be saying that this is both plausible and technically possible to do wirelessly. Given how poorly Bush did in the debate, however, I'd almost believe that someone hacked the feed. \_ Yes, I go to Salon for all my non-partisan information. Could you use something less biased like the http://democraticrepublic.com or http://www.johnkerry.com next time? Thanks! \_ Not everything http://salon.com or http://drudgereport.com reports is a lie. \_ Salon: Abu Ghraib scandal, Drudge: Monica Lewinsky \_ Liberals, trying to outstupid stupid. They might win. \_ Couldn't somebody just start blasting the debate with broad-spectrum whitenoise (or move up and down through the frequencies until Bush looks pained)? Or what about a cell-phone killing EMP? \_ Broad-spectrum white noise would work, but it would disable every wireless device in the room. (Did the moderator have an earpiece? Did somme backstage techs?) Shifting frequency would not jam it if it uses spread-spectrum. An EMP would fry the cameras. \_ So no one has mentioned the fact that Bush wears body armor when he's in public (at the insistence of the Secret Service)? It appears that Salon is doing spin in a response to the video showing Kerry violating the rules of the 1st debate. See http://www.drudgereport.com/dnc57.htm for a link to the video. \_ Don't delete my mocking or I'll delete your post. \_ KERRY BROUGHT A MAGIC DEBATE-WINNING PEN! HE CHEATED!!! \_ i thought it was a magic penis \_ "I'll take 'The Penis Mightier', Alex." \_ Personally, I think he was packing heat. Probably that pearl handled revolver that they took off Saddam Hussein when he was captured. \_ 1. If he wore body armor because the secret service required it, you would not know about it. Making that info public just tells potential assassins to go for a head shot. 2. Presidential candidates are also given a SS detail, so both Bush and Kerry would be wearing it. Any shots of a Kerry bulge? 3. Body armor is BULKY and HOT. You would see it much more clearly, and the Bush team would not be asking for 70 degree room temperatures. \_ all three of these "arguments" are weak as hell. #3 is true of some armor but not of the light-duty armor plates that are thin and flexible. i find it instructive about your cognitive abilities that you make arguments which rely on the assumption that you know everything there is to know (about, for example, body armor). #1 is a really shitty argument and doesn't hold up to any sort of logical scrutiny. compare to "if bush had a bodyguard, you wouldn't know about it." #2 assumes that all security details have the same threat model. to sum up, you're a fucking idiot. --aaron \_ you suck --aaron \_ Is this what Google Millionaires do with their spare time? Send some of that green my way, aaron, and I guarantee I'll have more fun with it. \_ I know that facts carry less weight than your from-the-ass speculation, but here's at least one reference: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=26143 "The concealed body armor currently worn by George W. Bush, the Secret Service and many law-enforcement folks..." Hackworth is not exactly a Bush partisan. \_ WorldNetDaily is a piece of shit. \_ Then read the same commentary at: http://www.hackworth.com/21jan02.html And find out who Hackworth is before dismissing him. Dumbass. \_ just a technical point. If you wear body armor that doesn't have bulky plates, it won't protect you against assault rifle rounds. It's mainly for pistols. Hackworth should know better. |
2004/10/7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33969 Activity:very high |
10/7 maybe he's lying, but Bush claims no draft while he's president: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/10/20041005-6.html \_ there won't be a draft because draftees are useless or have negative value to the modern US military. it takes a few *years* to train a new recruit to be useful on the high-tech battlefield. by the time they managed to draft and train a million slackers, whatever event they were drafted for would be long over. modern warfare is so fast now that when war breaks out there is no time to build up anything. it's a bring-whatcha-got kinda thing now. thus, the idea that there will be a draft for anything short of a mass invasion by a foreign nation (which we know can't happen) is simply daft. \_ Kerry wants more troops sent in.. so more likelyhood of draft \_ not necessarily US troops. \_ not necessarily US troops. likelihood _/ \_ "as long as I am President, there will be no draft" -Dubya, Tuesday \_ Read... My... Lips. \_ I believe Dubya says this because he thinks the current Iraq plan (currently deployed U.S. troops + Iraqi National Guard) can work. He'll probably say his commanders on the ground said Samarra was the example of this. \_ And we can trust everything Bush says, because he is so honest and straightforward with the American people. Not to mention having such great judgement. \_ I think he's a lying sack of shit. I also think he's not going to restart the draft unless there is a really major attack on American soil. -op \_ I want to play devil's advocate: If there is a terror \_ I want to play devil's advocate: Say there is a terror attack on American soil that does not do significant damage to the economy/stock market and business infrastructure, Dubya may still implement the draft, while a whole lot of people may think it wasn't a "really major attack" but won't say anything because they'll be accused of being traitors. Then we go after Iran even though it was al Qaeda that did it, because you know, this is the post-9/11 world and if America shows weakness or uncertainty, the world will drift toward tragedy. SERVICE GUARANTEES CITIZENSHIP! How do we like dem apples? \_ Do you buy your tinfoil hat off the rack or do you get them custom made? \_ Homemade from only the finest heavy-duty Alcoa foil. \_ How _much_ do you think this differs from what happened with Iraq, justification 9/11? Except I can definitely say Iran is a much greater threat today, than Iraq to U.S. national security before we invaded. \_ The rest of us carry state information. Perhaps you don't. \_ I make a solid devil's advocate case. I can't say much for what you provided. \_ If you're making a devil's advocate claim, then the question of tinfoil hat is justified. \_ So says you without any meaningful indication of why, even after three posts. \_ Yup, just like when he said he wouldn't do any nation building. \_ I'm a uniter, not a divider. We must be humble. \_ We mut have a strong but humble foreign policy. |
2004/10/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33968 Activity:very high |
10/4 What personal gain does Soros have for not electing Bush (did Bush turn down Soro's contract or something? If anything Soros has a lot of gain from Bush's tax cut for the super wealthy). And did http://factcheck.com/georgesoros.com help undecided voters determine which way to vote? \_ Soros is rich enough that he can go with his conscience, which he never did when he was younger. He is an example of someone who can afford to be a liberal. \_ among the other plantation owners \_ What a hypocrite. Okay, I'll go with my conscience when I become super-rich someday. super-rich some day. \_ Maybe Soros sees how BushCo is royally fucking up this country and wants to use his power and influence to do something about it? Did you actually read the speech? Maybe it's hard for Bush supporters to imagine someone doing something without gaining from it financially? \_ Maybe he has witnessed fascism in his lifetime and doesn't want to see it again. Maybe he doesn't like the idea of the plutocracy which will result from the Bush tax agenda. Maybe he sees that serfdom is a bad idea. \_ Soros is concerned about the drift toward totalitarianism in this country. He grew up in a Soviet block state so he knows the dangers. \_ You know, most ex-Soviet block folks are not on the DNC side... Equating Bush et al with fascism is like equating Cheney with the neocons -- stupid. -- ilyas \_ You'll have to explain this one in more detail, tou've lost me. \_ You'll have to explain this one in more detail, you've lost me. \_ Pronoun dereference error. -- ilyas \_ I've definitely had issues with the man who destroyed the Thai \_ Not true. I beat him to the punch. Fascism is governement working hand in hand with industry. The bush administration is replete with examples of cronyism, favoritism, deregulation (read lawlessness). All fascist tendencies. \_ This is incoherent. -- ilyas \_ First of all totalitarianism is not the same thing as fascism. Are you deliberately trying to change the topic by Godwin'ing it? Secondly, do you honestly believe that George Soros is "stupid?" He seems pretty brilliant to me. \_ I wasn't the first to bring up fascism in this thread. I ve never met Soros, so I can't comment on how 'stupid' he is. I think being concerned about totalitarianism is always healthy. Thinking that Bush is a dangerous lunatic like we had 60ish years ago is ... overreacting. Bush is not a dangerous lunatic, he is a frat boy. I ve heard so many shrill comparisons of Bush and that short german guy that I have a hard time taking these sorts of discussions seriously anymore. Having said that, is anyone willing to give a thoughtful argument for how the US politics are in imminent danger of sliding into something unsavory if Bush is reelected? -- ilyas \_ Bush has eroded civil liberties, more than any president in my lifetime. This concerns me. And I certainly did not bring up facism. I think you are responding to the wrong entry. Just because totalitarianism took one historical path (by following a lunatic) once in history 60 years ago does not mean that there are not other ways to it. Read up on the history of Mussolini, Pinochet, Franco and Peron for more germane historical examples. \_ Yeah, that concerns me too. However, compare to Roosevelt during WWII (specifically internment and press restrictions). -- ilyas \_ Or WWI, which was even more severe, with the alien sedition act. But the problem with these comparisons is that during WWI and WWII we were fighting a state actor and had a clearly defined goal and endpoint to the civil liberty restrictions. Today, we are fighting "terror" something so ill defined that it will never be defeated. And to top it off, Bush used a war that he chose to get into as an excuse to further the crackdown on civil liberties. Combine these and you start to see a dangerous precedent, especially compared to historical actors who have done similar things. \_ Yes, that's true. Though one wonders how these restrictions managed to steamroll their way into law. It's not like the POTUS can randomly rewrite laws without some help (or at least inaction) from other branches. I am less concerned with Bush specifically, and more concerned with the government machine which makes the crackdown not only possible but a reality. The office of the POTUS doesn't have enough power to be a worry in and of itself. -- ilyas \_ Don't underestimate the power of demagoguery combined with an enraged populace. Though I suppose the biggest threat has passed for the moment. What about after the next 9/11? And there will be a next one. \_ I've definitely had issues with the man who destroyed the Thai economy for fun and profit preaching about high-minded politics but I am mostly over it. \_ Is he heavily invested in dollars? Could he be afraid "4 MORE YEARS!" will result in the dollar losing value? \_ warren buffet also likes kerry, and he has like a 19 billion bet on the dollar falling. |
2004/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33963 Activity:nil |
10/6 Where have all the MOTD conservatives gone? Are you guys just licking your wounds at this point, or what? Now that you've been proven wrong about just about everything, are you just going to take it and vote for Bush anyway? |
2004/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33949 Activity:moderate |
10/6 If you look in the transcript of last night's debate, Cheney said the following: (from http://www.debates.org/pages/trans2004b.html "...They know that if you go, for example, to http://factcheck.com (sic), an independent Web site sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania, you can get the specific details with respect to Halliburton." Try it. go wo http://www.factcheck.com oops. I wonder exactly how this happened. \_ Here's the story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A12901-2004Oct6.html \_ whois http://factcheck.com: Registrant: (I bet it's an offshore Halliburton subsidiary) Name Administration Inc. (BVI) Box 10518 A.P.O. Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands B.W.I. \_ this is already all over the blogs \_ It now redirects to Location: http://www.georgesoros.com "George Soros, the billionaire investor and philanthropist, is beginning a nationwide tour this week to talk about how the war in Iraq is making America less safe -- and why President Bush should not be re-elected." How wierd.. should not be re-elected." How weird.. \_ slate claims Soros took advantage of Cheney's blunder and bought up http://factcheck.com. http://slate.msn.com/id/2107809 Is this even possible? Could the domain name propagation even happen that fast? \_ It's more likely someone already owned the domain and put in a redirect. \_ slate has corrected the article to state this. |
2004/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33945 Activity:nil |
10/4 "if you compare the language used to describe Jeffords to the language used to describe Zell Miller [after the Democrat's pro-Bush speech at Republican convention], you will know almost everything you need to know about the modern media." Remembrance of Contracts Past http://weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/004/691zjgqk.asp \_ Except Jeffords is right, and Miller is wrong. \_ I know nothing of Jeffords, but Miller tried to challenge his interviewer to a duel. Now THAT'S news. \_ Honk if you demand satisfaction! |
2004/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33943 Activity:nil |
10/4 This seems a bit...unfair. http://tinyurl.com/45qwp \_ fairness is when you're in kindergarten and a kid steals your candy bar and you cry and the teacher spanks that kid. GWB wasn't born with the gift of logic and speech, is that fair? Cheney wasn't born with nice hair and nice white teeth, is that fair? Get real you hippies and liberals, there is no such a thing as fairness in the real world. \_ Everyone look at the cynical heartless Republican! \_ Not really. Networks are supposed to give equal air time to political ads from the two parties leading up to the election, so the speech probably won't be carried on network TV. |
2004/10/4-6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33917 Activity:low |
10/4 Apparently Michael Moore was offered the fraudulent Killian memos during the making of F9/11 and decided to pass on them. So who was shopping these things around, and why did Dan Rather take something that Michael Moore wouldn't even touch? http://www.thewashingtonnote.com/archives/000097.html \_ Michael Moore *claims* he was offered the memos. Thanks. \_ (1) Some liberal. (2) Moore sees a trap; Rather sees a scoop. \_ Sure smacks of Karl Rove hiding a bug in his own office only to find it and pin it on the opponent. \_ As much as some liberals think of Rove as Emperor Palpitine, I believe there is no credible evidence that he goes beyond misrepresentation to Watergate-level stuff. \_ I don't think the Killian memos were Rove. A tactic that subtle just doesn't seem like his style. Rove treats politics like an FPS videogame. Find a simple attack that works and just keeping doing it until it doesn't work anymore. At least that's what I've gathered so far... -- ulysses \_ If the Killian memos were Rove, how would this compare to Watergate? Illegality here would be hard to prove. I suppose Bush could sue for slander, but why bother? |
2004/10/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33908 Activity:high |
10/4 Still think the draft is just a rumor? Check out HR163 and S89 at http://thomas.loc.gov \_ Direct link, for the lazy: http://csua.org/u/9bc \_ Old news. A bunch of Democrats suggested we resart the draft. What I don't understand is why Kerry now seems to want to pin this goofiness on Bush. Don't worry about it, it won't go anywhere. \_ Regardless of reality, it is becoming a campaign issue. "Don't worry, be happy" isn't a very good way to deal with it. \_ So let me get this straight... a bunch of democrats want to restart the draft, and the campaign issue is "Bush will reinstitute the draft"!? Do you have brain siphilis? reinstitute the draft"!? Do you have brain syphilis? \_ http://www.blatanttruth.org/draft.php \_ So now we backed off from the credible *.gov link (which implicated democrats) into some fly-by-night left wing freep show which implicated Bush with t0p-s3kr3t d0cz!!~!```11 You are pathetic. \_ News flash: the Dems were lodging protest legislation designed to point out the class inequalities in the current SS. BushCo is looking to start up a Skills Draft. \_ This is a retarded link. None the less, it's old news. The draft was never "stopped" you know, the Selective Service still exists, and I see no reason it shouldn't be updated with the rest of the military. Call me when that democrat bill goes though. \_ Not just Democrats, dude. Chuck Nagel is a Republican from Nebraska. \_ Virtually all are Democrats. One Republican doesn't prove anything. \_ Here's the sponsor list. Where's Chuck? http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d108:HR00163:@@@P \_ Surely you can type "Chuck Nagel draft" into google all by yourself. \_ Whoops, it's apparently protest legislation: http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/01/07/rangel.draft More likely to affect us here at CSUA is the Skills Draft: http://csua.org/u/9bf (sfgate) Sorry about the confusion. -op \_ Skills draft? I don't think the typical sodan's el8 linux hax0r skillz are draft quality. \_ Spent any amount of time with GI Joe lately? The ability to use a computer is in high demand in the army these days. \_ Because knowing is half the battle! \_ Special Skills Draft: Putting your Counter-Strike skillz to the ultimate test! |
2004/10/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33898 Activity:moderate |
10/1 A dimwit conservative is asking questions and is waiting to be flamed. Can we find all the falacies in these statements and mass mail them to Bush supporters? http://forums.go.com/abcnews/thread?threadID=8246 \_ Republican: stupid/evil, Democrat: smart/good. If he's so dim, why don't you have the answers at the tip of your fingers? You shouldn't need help and research to find flaws in such obvious crap. Right? \_ No, you have got it backwards. Democrats: evil/stupid, Republicans: smart/good. Just ask Rush! |
2004/10/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33879 Activity:moderate |
10/1 So what do Kerry supporters think of the whole "draft is coming" misinformation campaign? \_ The Bush Administration has reinstated the draft as a "backdoor" draft already. People whose terms of duty in the military are being required to continue to serve. Reservists are being shipped out. Reservists, by and large, signed up thinking that they would only be used in the direst of dangers to the US. Bush's using them like normal combat troops, for which they are untrained, unready, and unfit. \_ While this may be a legitimate concern (though what I've read doesn't support this entirely), that wasn't my question. I'm referring to MTV's "Rock the Vote" and emails going around saying that Bush will reinstate the draft after the election. \_ So what do you think, as a Bush supporter, of the RNC mailers going around Arkansas saying the Democrats want to ban the bible? \_ No matter who's in the white house, if the president decides to "Stay the course" or increase our commitment, there will have to be a draft as our "volunteer with an asterisk" army is starting to really show the strain and lack of manpower: http://www.d-n-i.net/lind/lind_9_24_04.htm -nweaver \_ This link is so biased and ill-informed, it's almsot useless. The national guard and the reserves are military units with expectations and training commensurate with soldiers in the US Army, because, well, they ARE in the army. The whole article seems to miss this basic point. Enlisting in the Gaurd or the reserves with the expectation that you won't be sent into combat is just fucking stupid. THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR. \_ Considering that William S Lind is politically VERY conservative and militarily brilliant (after all, he literally wrote the book on Maneuver Warfare, which became the basis for Marine Corps tactical doctrine), he is probably one of the best commentators on this whole mess. -nweaver \_ If he's one of the best, then field as a whole must suck. The article is couched in phrases that go a long way toward undermining its credibility. Perhaps this brilliant man has a better article which you can reference to make your point. \_ There's no problem with calling up the reserves. The problem is with calling up the reserves for multiple tours of duty which they're NOT for. And calling up the IRR (individual ready reserve) which is a system whereby an enlisted soldier can be called to serve AFTER the term of their enlistment expires. The IRR is intended only to cover emergency mobilizations, not a long-term elective war planned a year in advance. How would you like it if you served your term in the army and they call you up YEARS afterwards and order you to return. Wouldn't it feel like a draft to you? \_ Unfortunately, the link does a poor job articulating this, instead focusing on sensational comparisons to Soviet Infantry regiments, and silly statements such as: "Most Guardsmen enlisted expecting to help their neighbors in natural disasters" as if this has any relevance. When you sign up, the contract is pretty clearly stated: it's NOT about natural disasters or repairing roads four miles from your home; it's about going to war as unit of the US Military WHEREVER and HOWEVER the US Military sees fit. It's a crime that the tours are being extended the way they are, but at least find a more objective link to make your point. \_ I think the draft is coming, no matter who wins the election. There is a severe manpower shortage. We have not activated the IRR since Vietnam and when we did, the draft followed the next year. -Vet |
2004/10/1 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33878 Activity:moderate |
10/1 fuck you narrow minded liberals who have to resort to selectively nuking when you can't make intelligent counter arguments. Expect more mass deletion from now on. \_ I can counter-argue anything you'd like, but if you ask me to debate 20 points with you, I'll just give you the finger. FWIW I did not nuke your "debate". -dgies \_ why don't we outsource the nuking of motd the same way GWB outsourced killing bin Laden to Afghan warlords? \_ You mean they'll ask for lots of $100 bills and then let the motd escape? |
2004/10/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33869 Activity:nil |
9/30 <DEAD>www.democrats.org/support/kerry.html?dsc=NETHAM1<DEAD> I'm drafting a chain letter asking people to donate just $10.00, do you guys have suggestions? \_ Chain letters are evil. Are you trying to help Bush? |
2004/9/30-10/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33865 Activity:very high |
9/30 this is the url i give to my relatives who tell me they are voting for bush: http://www.newyorker.com/online/slideshows/pop/?040510onslpo_prison \_ http://csua.org/u/9a4 is better. - danh \_ Yeah, Bush is responsible for that. It's just the same as Saddam cutting off their hands, and rape. After all they are prisoners, right? \_ true conservatives should be angry bush hired guys dumb enough to take those photos on their digital cameras and and attach them to email to their buddies back home. and attach them to email to their buddies back home. - danh \_ shit rolls downhill. Bush has hired a cabinet of people who show consistent, deliberate contempt for the Geneva convention, and for basic American ideas of human rights and justice (ashcroft, Rumsfeld, etc.). This is why my mother in law who voted for Reagan twice, voted for Bush Sr.(in 88, not in 92), and voted for Bob Dole is actually giving money to the Kerry campaign. All this in spite of her hating Kerry and never having given to a political campaign before ever. You can keep telling yourself that swing voters are too dumb to understand things like the Geneva convention, but you're wrong. \_ Well put. -John \_ Bravo, and thank you for speaking up. \_ Your mother is deeply concerned about the Geneva Convention and is going to change her life long (R) voting pattern because some goof balls put underwear on some guy's heads? This is unbelievable. \_ This is a ridiculous response. "Political activism is dumb, sheeple! Don't stand up for your values!" Fuck you. \_ Strawman. Political activism is not dumb. Your 'story' about your mother is. Try again. \_ Nice reading comprehension, guys, it's "mother in law", not mother. \_ Ad hominen. It isn't relavent if it was your \_ hominem mother or your spouses mother. Try again. |
2004/9/30-10/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33864 Activity:low |
9/30 Does the president get live input during the debate? or do they have everything in their head? \_ why do you think bush continues to say "um"? \_ No. Yes. |
2004/9/30-10/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Media] UID:33862 Activity:moderate |
9/30 NUCULAR! NUCULAR! \_ Has anybody seen sweat? \_ Stop picking on Jimmy Carter! The man is out of office for almost a quarter century and is ~80 years old. Let his speach errors die. Enough abusing the ex-President. \_ Assuming you're not being ironic, have you considered that they might be picking on the Chimp-In-Chief? \_ Don't you mean Commander-In-Chimp (a-la Simpsons)? \_ I've seen that Simpsons and was NOT referencing it. Chimp-In-Chief is Bush perjorative which *may* derive from the Simpsons, or maybe just from Bush's appearance and percieved intelligence. \_ I see you've put a lot of thought into your dehumanization of the opposition. Carry on. -- ilyas |
2004/9/30-10/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33856 Activity:high |
9/30 Poll, I predict that in today's debate: Kerry will mess up, 4 more years of Bush: . Bush will do great, 4 more years of Bush: .. Kerry will finally have a position, 4 more years of Bush: . Bush will mess up, 4 more years of Bush: . \_ Kerry is getting is ass kicked as of 6:39 PM PST. Its great. \_ yeah what are you talking about? bush is floundering big time. - danh \_ I'm watching channel 7. Bush is doing great. Just one example: Kerry trots out the Global Test wrt US pre-emptive action, gets his ass kicked on it. He also got schooled on Iran NK issue and the whole more sanctions and diplomancy bullshit. \_ i guess this must be a case of liberal vs conservative. from my viewpoint bush is doing awful. - danh \_ I think this a motd troll. Even the freepers can't find nice things to say about this Bush performance. Anyway, it doesn't really matter what happens now - it's all in how its reported by Pravda. \_ I'm not a troll. Bush did well. He basically said America First, the world be damned. Kerry said America First but only if the Euro-peons say its okay and btw I went to Vietnam. I'm more libertarian than conservative. [ why was this deleted? ] \_ Er, not to get all freepy on you, but Bush got pwned. I think you're delusional. \_ You live in a leftist echo chamber. Stop reading Bab's website for news and info. \_ Which debate are you watching? \_ you're not watching the one on fox news where they swap bush and kerry's voices, are you...? |
2004/9/29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33829 Activity:high 69%like:33823 |
9/28 Best Bush 2000 flashback ever. Bush would "use the power of persuasian" to lower oil prices. http://www.nytimes.com/library/politics/camp/062800wh-bush.html \_ Bush did convince the Saudis to open the spigot, you know. Problem is it's still not enough. \_ You missed the best line in the article though: Asked why the Clinton administration had not been able to use the power of personal persuasion, Mr. Bush said: "The fundamental question is, 'Will I be a successful president when it comes to foreign policy?' " \_ I can believe people get so uppity about oil prices. $2 a gallon is really freaking cheap. The evidence is that people are driving around in cars much bigger than they could possiably need. All those people commuting to work in F-250s like to whine about oil prices, but they are just making it really obvious that oil is dirt cheap. -jrleek \_ Not to mention Mercedes sedans that look small but get less than 20MPG on highway. \_ Why single out Mercedes? All of the major manufacturers are guilty of this, with their blind horsepower quests of the last five years or so. And the cars have all been generally getting bigger - its just that they look small next to the other behemoths on the road. Compare a modern Accord, for instance, with one from even five years ago. \_ But even a low-end C-Class, which looks pretty compact, gets less than 20MPG on highway. Anyway, people only pick on SUVs but not these deceiving cars. My SUV has better mileage than that. \_ According to fueleconomy.gov you are incorrect. C-class gets ~26MPG. \_ And that's the 2.6L V6. The 3.2L V6 gets 27 hwy, and the tiny C230 Kompressor that he's complaining about specs at 30, almost identical to all other cars in its class. He's just a hater. \_ It may be cheap relative to other things, but it's expensive historically speaking. If salt went up to $5/lb, it would still be dirt-cheap for food purposes, but people would rightly ask "WTF?" \_ It's cheap historically too, if you adjust for inflation. \_ Wow, jrleek and I agree on something. That said, our economy is fairly dependent upon cheap oil. Adjustment will be painful. \_ And who are you, mystery man? \_ Who knows? The shadow knows! \_ One of the annoying things (to me) in this election is that niether Bush nor Kerry has a realistic energy policy. -jrleek |
2004/9/29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33823 Activity:nil 69%like:33829 |
9/28 Best Bush flashback ever. From 2000 election, "Bush Would Use the Power of Persuasian to Raise Oil Supply" http://www.nytimes.com/library/politics/camp/062800wh-bush.html \_ Bush did convince the Saudis to open the spigot, you know. Problem is it's still not enough. |
2004/9/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33816 Activity:kinda low |
9/28 This is great. Crawford, Texas newspaper that endorsed Bush in 2000 endorses Kerry. http://news.iconoclast-texas.com/web/Columns/Editorial/editorial39.htm And of course, the inevitable "Why does Crawford, Texas hate America?" \_ cuz they like shooting illegals in the back as they run? |
2004/9/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33809 Activity:high |
9/28 To all the "beat a chimp" people: It's been frequently quoted that Dubya has never lost a debate. \_ It's not like he's had dozens of debates under his belt ... I think it's hard for his opponents to perform in Bush's reality distortion field. \_ good point. I think I'm listening to the liberals too much. \- I am pretty sure Kerry never has either, right? That is how they both got this far. It is the battle of the two middle aged heavyweights, for the boxing crown! \_ Putin could kick both their asses in a fight. \_ He could probably kick their asses in a debate, too. |
2004/9/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33808 Activity:kinda low |
9/28 I still can't quite comprehend how the majority of people want to vote for BushCo given everything he has done in the past 4 years. But come to think of it, if they are dumb enough to believe everything that's coming out of BushCo's mouth, then they probably deserve 4 more years of BushCo. \_ Beware the person who believes that all who disagree with him are dumb. \_ The problem is, for the rest of us with a triple-digit IQ, we get stuck with 4 more years of BushCo as well. \_ Too bad the there aren't enough of the triple-digit IQ voters as shown by the polls. \_ Maybe you are the idiot? \_ Maybe you ALL are homosexuals. -- Rainier Wolfcastle \_ A majority does not. Only one poll has Bush at +50% and all the good ones have it tied: http://www.pollingreport.com My prediction: Kerry by 7 points and the Senate to the Democrats. \_ http://www.electoral-vote.com shows 14 states tied or nearly tied, using *many* polls. They are: Pennsylvania Michigan Washington New Jersey New Mexico Missouri Iowa Nevada Oregon Minnesota Maine Florida Maryland New Hampshire Every single one shows an increasing Bush trend. see them for yourself: http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/pennsylvania.html \_ This trend line is a joke. Look at it yourself. Bush is obviously trending down here. http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/michigan.html \_ Bush still loses. http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/washington.html \_ One outlier does not make a trend. http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/new-jersey.html http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/new-mexico.html http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/missouri.html http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/iowa.html http://http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/nevada.html http://http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/oregon.html http://http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/minnesota.html http://http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/maine.html \_ No Bush trend here. http://http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/florida.html \_ This is an increasing Bush trend? You need to have your eyes checked. \_ I am reminded of "Band structure in Germanium, my ass" \_ That writeup kicked ass. Reminds me of the good old physics 7abc days. -- ilyas http://http://www.shartwell.freeserve.co.uk/humor-site/germanium-humor.htm http://http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/maryland.html http://http://www.electoral-vote.com/states/new-hampshire.html \_ Read Zogby, The Christian Science Monitor and The Economist polls. The problem with electoral vote is that they throw in the obviously cooked Gallup numbers. Electoral vote is biased and the guy even admits it. You need to look at unbiased pollsters like the CSM. What is your prediction? Let's see who is right on Nov 2. I really don't mind you being self deluded, just don't cry how the election was fixed on Nov 3. Things will be clearer after the first debate. \_ Do you think Bush lied about WMDs, or do you think the CIA screwed up and Bush acted on the best available intelligence? Do you think the war was illegal, or that the U.S. enforced the "serious consequences" clause of a UN resolution and showed the world that not complying when WMDs are concerned is not tolerated? Do you think Bush is a fool who alienated our allies unnecessarily; or do you think he is always acting to protect America no matter what anyone else thinks, domestic or foreign, while relying on the best advice of his cabinet? Do you think he is a reckless deficit- spender, or do you think when he says tax cuts are coming, they are? Do you think Bush went into Iraq without a well-thought-out plan to win the peace against advice from the Army chief of staff who was fired because he disagreed (and happened to be right); or do you think they already understand this and are trying their best to leave Iraq stable, and domestic dissent and public criticism both aids the enemy and hurts the morale of soldiers in the field? \_ I think that we should elect Bush President For Life and incarcerate and re-educate anyone who says anything bad about him until the War on Terrah is over. Which will be never. \_ Tear \_ I'm just trying to show how a lot of people can still vote for BushCo given everything that's happened. IMO, they're all wrong, though, so I agree with your sarcasm. |
2004/9/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33803 Activity:nil |
9/28 Has there been any election year in the US where no voting was conducted because there was only one presidential candidate? \_ Yes, Bush/Ashcroft 2008 -- They got 99% of the vote after suspending the constitution. |
2004/9/28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33800 Activity:very high |
9/28 What happened to the color of Kerry's skin? He's orange! http://graphics.jsonline.com/graphics/news/img/sep04/kerry1092704.jpg \_ pic? Are you sure you aren't thinking of Carter? Now HE'S looking like he had too many carrots. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1096306030421_91715230/?hub=CTVNewsAt11 \_ Hee, hee. It looks like someone dipped him in tanning oil. \_ Makeup? bad lighting? \_ Now we can choose between Orangity Orange, and Lemony Yellow! \_ Photoshop |
2004/9/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33746 Activity:nil |
9/24 http://www.steveclemons.com/GOPMailer.htm Vote Bush, or the terrorists^W satanists have won! |
2004/9/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33728 Activity:very high |
9/23 Not trying to incite another flame war but what are some of the advantages for voting Bush? I live in S Cal and I see a lot of pro-Bush stickers on cars. What is Bush good for and why do ppl want to vote for him? ok thx \_ We are voting for Bush because we are eEEeeeEEEVvvvVvvvIIIllLLLLlL Republicans! What more did you need to know? --E.R. \_This is dumber than ilyas. - tom \_ Pure. Flame. Bait. \_ no really, let's hear it from the other side. Lots of people are voting for Bush and I want to know what they have to gain by doing so. It's good to understand the psychie of your enemies so that you can crush them. \_ he's not Kerry \_ I suspect most Bush voters honestly believe he's better for the country. I know that's incomprehensible to you, but Bush voters don't live in the same world you do. \_ obviously they believe he's better, but why? \_ I think some voters believe he might be worse for the country but he's better for them. So they vote for him. \_ The same could be said of "some voters" for Kerry. So? \_ Bush is for anti-gay, pro-God, anti-abortion, pro-gun, pro-America, anti-terror, anti-tax voters! Kerry = the reverse. \_ pro-corporation, anti-littleguy. \_ anti-trial lawyer, neutral-littleguy. \_ trial lawyers gave more money to Bush than Gore. \_ URL? \_ Here's the breakdown by industry for Kerry: http://www.opensecrets.org/presidential/indus.asp?id=N00000245&cycle=2004 and here it is for Bush: http://www.opensecrets.org/presidential/indus.asp?id=N00008072&cycle=2004 They don't break it down by type of lawyer, but the above poster appears to be incorrect. \_ If they don't break it down by type of lawyer, how does this make it appear the above poster is incorrect? And where's your Gore data? \_ you are one lazy ass motherfucker. http://www.opensecrets.org/2000elect/indus/AllCands.htm You're right about Gore, though. I somehow read "Kerry" instead of Gore. \_ If you make enough money, he has lowered your taxes a lot. \_ He's going to bankrupt social security by giving big business all these tax breaks which was his plan all along. Transfer money from the middle and lower classes to the haves and have more's. \_ Yeah, hence the haves and have more's probably vote for him. \_ SS isn't funded by business taxes. Try again. \_ No, but the business tax breaks are funded by the SS trust fund. \_ He's protecting us from the likes of Cat Stevens. \_ YOU'RE NEXT DAVID BOWIE@!@@@@!!! \_ Well, he did write that song "I'm Afraid of Americans." OFF TO GITMO WITH HIM!!!!!1! \_ I was expecting more intellectual responses, like "Bush's tax has made X percent improvements in this and that sectors" but it's obvious that there are no pro-Bush advocates on motd. \_ We keep getting censored. I am not sure why. Nothing inflammatory. Maybe that's why. \_ that's dissapointing. could you put it in a seperate file? \_ It's a troll. Read the motd everyday and you'll easily figure it out. The real question is why would anyone think a man like Kerry who did *nothing* with his *19 years* in the Senate is magically going to fix the world as President. \_ He broke the BCCI scandal which lead to the Iran-Contra affair. Republicans like you still can't forgive him for proving that Reagan was a lying scumbag like the rest of them. He is a great muckracking Senator, and has done lots of other stuff in his 19 years. And you a lying FUD throwing sociopath, just like the rest of the "power at all costs" Republicans. \_ You live in OC, d00d. I'm in West L.A. and I see mostly Kerry stickers. \_ i've been seeing a lot of stickers too and wish i could get a "i drive this piece of crap and will be cancelling out your vote for bush" but more succinctly put bumper sticker \_ You're both in CA. Your vote is meaningless. |
2004/9/23 [ERROR, uid:33723, category id '18005#4.3125' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33723 Activity:nil |
9/23 CBS apology on TANG memos received significantly more media coverage than NYT apology on WMD coverage: http://mediamatters.org/items/200409230005 \_ This is election season. There's more coverage of everything. |
2004/9/23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33720 Activity:very high |
9/23 Ladies and Gentleman, Irony is officially Alive. Apparently, "60 Minutes II" ran the Bush TANG memo story by preempting a story about the forged Niger Uranium documents. [why was the last line of this description deleted?] http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6073449/site/newsweek \_ I apologize for brutally hijacking a motd thread, but gwbush is the original master of irony. An example: James Harding (Financial Times): Mr. President, I want to return to the question of torture. What we've learned from these memos this week is that the Department of Justice lawyers and the Pentagon lawyers have essentially worked out a way that US officials can torture detainees without running afoul of the law. So when you say you want the US to adhere to international and US laws, that's not very comforting. This is a moral question: Is torture ever justified? President Bush: Look, I'm going to say it one more time. ...Maybe I can be more clear. The instructions went out to our people to adhere to law. That ought to comfort you. We're a nation of law. We adhere to laws. We have laws on the books. You might look at these laws, and that might provide comfort for you. And those were the instructions...from me to the government. - danh \_ Yeah, and? The law also allows for people to kill others given the right political circumstances. By your logic: Soldiers, they kill people, that's bad. But they were following law, so people who make the law are bad. Therefore The US Government is bad. But wait a minute, all governments allow people to be killed for political reasons. Therefore government is bad in general. We should do away with government because killing people should never be justified. \_ wow. this is too stupid even for ilyas. -tom \_ If the alternative is to be smart like you, tom, I d rather stay an idiot forever. -- ilyas \_ you're doing a good job. -tom \_ I think we should pass a law that basically sanctions torture solely for tom, either that or ship him off to Afghanistan. I'd think that would get unanimous consent from both the House and the Senate. \_ I think we should pass a law not only allowing tom and ilyas to get married, but forcing them to. Then we could have a whole reality TV show around the happy couple. \_ I think tom's peculiar brand of bulldog yapping is exclusive to the safety of the Internet. I would be very surprised if he was like this face to face. -- ilyas \_ I'm not sure what you mean by "like this." tom is just as opinionated in real life, but it doesn't come off quite the same way. Do you talk so much about your weapons and about punching people in the face so much in real life? If so, I bet you get laughed at. A lot. \_ I don't remember ever mentioning 'my weapons' on the motd. I think I mentioned punches to the face once, maybe twice. I have never threatened anyone with violence. By 'like this,' I mean that tom comes across as stuck in ad hominem mode about 90% of the time. I mean I have to wonder about his mental health sometimes, he seems really angry, all the time. -- ilyas \_ Way to miss the point. \_ i am aware that torture happens in all wars, it's just a fact of war. the bush administratoin is doing a spectacularly bad job of lying about it and pretending they had absolutely no idea this was happening. we're suppoesd to be the good guys. if you want to turn into aaron, go read http://www.nybooks.com/articles/17430 - danh |
2004/9/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:33701 Activity:nil |
9/22 The story about forged documents that 60 Minutes should have run: http://csua.org/u/95x (MSNBC) |
2004/9/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33660 Activity:low |
9/21 Burkett explains how he obtained memos: http://csua.org/u/951 After he received the documents in Houston, Burkett said, he drove home, stopping on the way at a Kinko's shop in Waco to copy the six memos. In the parking lot outside, he said, he burned the ones he had been given and the envelope they were in. Ramirez was worried about leaving forensic evidence on them that might lead back to her, Burkett said, acknowledging that the story sounded fantastic. "This is going to sound like some damn sci-fi movie," he said. -USA Today Another story: http://csua.org/u/952 (Post) \_ Sci-fi movie? Shouldn't he have said suspense movie if that's really his recollection? \_ Never fear, the kosers are now searching Texas for Lucy Ramirezes, and they've even found a few. This proves that a Lucy Ramirez does exist, and therefore the memos are legit. http://csua.org/u/94w |
2004/9/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33654 Activity:moderate |
9/21 One day after I post about how Dubya is going to send more troops to Iraq to crush the insurgents, Paul Krugman of the NY Times expresses his opinion on this: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/21/opinion/21krugman.html?hp \_ csuamotd/csuamotd doesn't work any more. What happen? \_try csuacsua/csuacsua \_ Some one set us up the password change. \_ use mine! dykewhore / dykewhore - danh \_ danh must have changed the password in an attempt to monopolize the free password market with his popular dykewhore brand name! \_ I am just trying to prevent your brain be polluted with liberal biased media. |
2004/9/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33652 Activity:insanely high |
9/21 What would we do without the true believers at dailykos? These guys are just as wacky as the freepers! http://csua.org/u/94w \_ I agree. "Hunter" sounds like a freeper, but he's a liberal. The characteristic in common is that the typical freeper and Hunter here just won't acknowledge central weaknesses in their position. E.g., for this dailykos guy, it's http://csua.org/u/94h (the Post comparison of memos), and the Post's reporting that all existing Texas Air National Guard memos have reporting that all 100+ existing Texas Air National Guard memos have been in fixed-width font, except these four from Burkett. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18982-2004Sep13.html -liberal \_ Not to mention that the signatures on the comparison memos aren't even remotely similar. \_ This is really embarassing, and it just goes on and on! \_ They are just as whacky as Freepers because they point out that Freepers are liars and extremists? Whatever. \_ You don't think that "The right-wing are liars. They have been liars. They will continue to be liars. It is part and parcel of modern "movement" conservatism." sounds just like a freeper, but with right-wing instead of left wing? Not to mention such great explanations as: "Does it remain possible that Killian re-typed them at a later date, and that his inexpertise as a typist is responsible for the differences between those docs and official TANG docs? Certainly." It's POSSIBLE, but it's pretty freakin' unlikely, don't cha think? You know, on the same level of possibilty as the plot of "The Day After Tomorrow." \_ The modern right wing movement is based on extremist and easily disproven religious BS like creationism and the Virgin Birth. It is extremism to point out this obvious fact? The guy could be more tactful, but the truth is the Religious Right's entire worldview is based on fantasy. \_ "Easily Disproven?" Go ahead. Prove to me that virgin birth is impossible, and creationism isn't true. Or heck, why not just go straight for it and prove there is no God? \_ If you continue to believe that the world was created in seven days in the face of all the evidence from the fields of biology, geology, physics and astronomy, then there is no hope for you and I will not waste my time. Take a science class sometime. The existence or non-existence of God is tangential to what any particular sect or cult believes in. Oh, I agree with you on the memos, btw. \_ it was reformed in 7 days, not created \_ You need to study up on your Christianity. In the Hebrew in the bible it doesn't say "7 days" it says "7 periods of time" which could mean ANYTHING. People who literally believe 7 days are probably idiots. Although, if you can't prove the non-existence of God, ANYTHING becomes possible, and 7 day creation is just as logical as anything else. Anyway, the point was that the people you're calling wackos are using the same argument as the people you're defending. You mock the belifs of one and not the other, although they use the same argument style to back up their conclusions. "You can't prove it's NOT true!" \_ that's ridiculous. There is physical evidence which supports the Big Bang and evolution. There is no evidence to support the creationist view except some book that some wack jobs wrote, and there are portions, like the Great Flood, which are directly contradicted by all the physical evidence as well as simple logic. Shit, I've been trolled. -tom \_ Why are they idiots? I say you're an idiot for believing in your version. The early bible stories are all ripoffs of old Babylonian etc. mythology anyway. So you really believe the Bible is some kind of elaborate metaphorical construct that could mean ANYTHING? Or do you simply apply that to things science disagrees with? \_ ripoff? nah, I would say they have the same origin. afterall, abraham was a babylonian, being from ur. different books of the bible are written in very different manner, so yes, parts of it could be metaphorical and other parts not. could be allegorical and other parts not. Jesus used parables all the time. (ref. "dict ur") \_ "7 day creation is just as logical as anything else." No. It is not logical to believe something in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It might be conceivable, but it is not logical. \_ You've convinced *me* there's no God. Would you please sign your name so I'll know who to thank for completely changing my world-view? |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33647 Activity:very high |
9/20 Novak suggests Bush may withdraw almost immediately from Iraq if reelected, regardless of consequences: http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak20.html \_ How about Bush sending 100K more troops there with the aim of crushing all insurgent havens while still training up the Iraqi national guard / police / Army and hoping it gets down in four years? national guard / police / Army and hoping it gets done in four years? If he's going to do a job, he's going to try to do it right as soon as the election is over. Otherwise he'll just look like a flip-flopper by abandoning democracy in Iraq. And, this also puts a lot of people ready to go into Iran. If you ask me, this is what Bush will do. Heck, we might send 200K more troops there by that logic. \_ Only if people like you join up to make up the 100k troop deficit. Time to put your mon-, lives where your mouth is.... Thought so. \_ Don't you think this is what Dubya was pulling back all the troops from Europe / S Korea for? \_ Bob Novak, mouthpiece of the regime and supreme douchebag. |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33645 Activity:moderate |
9/20 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/20/eveningnews/main644664.shtml Burkett: "I also insisted when I sat down with your staff in the first face-to-face session, before I gave up any documents, I wanted to know what you were gonna do with them. And I insisted they be authenticated." The failure of CBS News to do just that, to properly, fully scrutinize the documents and their source, led to our airing the documents when we should not have done so. It was a mistake. CBS News deeply regrets it. \_ Then how come Burkett didn't provide CBS the original doc to be authenticated? \_ It's their fault for not insisting on it if they didn't get it. They aren't babies. They are adults with a professional responsibility to the public and special Constitutional protections. \_ The failure of CBS News to do just that ... \_ What a complete disgrace. The democrats and their media sycophants have sunk so low. sycophants have sunk so low. Their behavior completely vindicates Zell Miller. \_ wherefore art thou trollio? \_ "Uh! It says a bad thing about my media whores! You must be an evil trooooolll!!! No content reply required!" \_ so you're saying you aren't a troll? If you meant every word of what you wrote, then more power to you. |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33635 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 CBS recants. http://csua.org/u/94g I hope all the defenders of the authenticity of the Killian memo have the intellectual integrity to admit they were misled. I can understand the impulse to defend all things anti-W. But when the subject is unworthy, the defense ultimately hurts more than it helps. \_ What, I've been saying all along that at least one was probably a fake or transcribed. You must be talking about those sodans posting the http://dailykos.com links, right? Anyway, for those who STILL think they're authentic copies, here's a side-by-side comparison of real vs. fake. -liberal http://csua.org/u/94h (Post) \_ I wish the defenders of the memo would be at least honest enough to admit their faith in their authenticity was unjustified. I'm a Salon reader, and they defended the memos when they came out. I don't think they've mentioned CBS's apology except in passing. \_ I never said they were real, I just said that they were not produced with MS Word. I still stand by that. -real liberal \_ you sound like how dubya wants to portray kerry. -"fake" liberal \_ I guess I don't follow. \_ yer dodging the substantive question and trying to have it both ways. \_ Which is what this whole debacle is anyway. I like how the secretary saying "I didn't type that memo, but I typed others with the same sentiment" quickly was shortened to "I didn't type that memo." \_ Are you the "That is correct" guy in the following motd posts? Quoting... \_ Are you saying that the specific memo talked about in the URL is not fake? \_ That is correct. If you create a document using a font with a typewriter and then reproduce it 30 years later using a computer, they should look very much alike. That is the whole point of having a font. And then later in the same thread, (more quoting) \_ Look, I just proved that it was not produced with a computer. What else could have created it? \_ In response to: "At least one of the memos is MS Word generated." Admit it, you were wrong about the MS Word bit. That was all I was contending, which is obvious if you read the whole thing: http://csua.org/u/94j \_ It looks like you started arguing against MS Word generation and then broadened your claim when you said "That is correct" to the question "Are you saying that the specific memo...is not fake?". How else would you interpret "That is correct" to "is not fake"? \_ I do wish people would be honest enough to admit they backed the wrong horse. - !pp \_ If you misinterpreted it, then I am sorry. I should have been more clear. But if I had intended to proclaim them genuine I would have done so in the start. I just knew that the LGF claims were bogus. \_ "Are you saying that the specific memo... is not fake?" "That is correct." \_ I was the liberal who wrote "At least one ... MS Word generated". Later on I wrote that I read the dailykos stuff (completely) and this created reasonable doubt on MS Word. Later on, I wrote that, even with reasonable doubt, the preponderance of evidence was still at least one or more memos were transcribed or fake. (especially with the Post finding that all verified memos didn't use proportional font, see the URL nearby topic header for example) \_ Ah, the "raised 'e'" nonsense. The scans in the .pdf are so bad that it looks like an aliasing problem. They were scanned-in faxes stored at low resolution. The raised 'e's look sharper than the surrounding text which would suggest imaging problems rather than a typewriter. \_ I never cared either way but I had a problem with faulty logic being applied to "prove" they were fake. \_ What are some of the examples of faulty logic? Were the defenders of the memo logically more correct? \_ CBS has more credibility to lose than freepers. \_ Why doesn't someone (CBS?) just find a reputable lab and run forensics on the original document, and see whether the ink on the document is laser toner, inkjet ink, or typewriter ribbon ink. Or just see if the paper itself is today's paper or 1972 GI paper. \_ CBS never had access to the original documents. \_ CBS is airing an interview tonight with Burkett, who passed the documents to CBS. Burkett will say he misled CBS. Don't know where Burkett will say he got them from. \_ 'So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood; see to it yourselves." ' \_ This is incredibly lame, even for soda motd. \_ But hey, Gibson made Pilate out to be the good guy, misled by the eeeeeeevil Jews! If Mad Max says it, it must be true! \_ Um, no, that's not what he did. \_ Yep. Rather and CBS is blameless in all this. Crucify Burkett. \_ Between blameless and the crucifixion quote, the truth is found somewhere in the middle. \_ "There are some people who will argue whether the flames are blue or green when the real issue is that their arse is on fire." The memo was a fake. The facts outlined in the memo were not. \_ As much as Rather would like the only fire to be Bush-related, an equally legitimate fire is the memos probably being fake. \_ In fact, it looks like controversy over the memos will make it difficult to talk legitimately about Bush's National Guard non-service. \_ If the memos were false, how do you know their claims are true? The 30-year memories of an addled 86-yr. old? The claims of a partisan Democrat? \_ Yes, but she's a spry 86-year old. \_ Why won't Bush simply sign his Form 180 and put this controversy to rest? |
2004/9/20 [ERROR, uid:33634, category id '18005#16.7297' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33634 Activity:kinda low |
9/20 I like how some Republicans are honest and not just chanters of "Four more years!": http://edition.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/09/20/bush.monday.ap/index.html "The fact is, a crisp, sharp analysis of our policies is required. We didn't do that in Vietnam, and we saw 11 years of casualties mount to the point where we finally lost," said Sen. Chuck Hagel ... \_ Bush should've been out on his ear this election. He shouldn't be re-elected, and even most Republicans agree. The Dems should've had it in the bag, but the screwed it up. -conservative \_ Don't conservatives usually know how to spell the word? \_ we dont need no fancy book-learnin \_ Do you only believe what Repubs say when they disagree with Bush? \_ No. I also don't believe Democrats when they're being stupid.-op \_ Bush has support because this is a campaign about America and Americans. America is great because of great Americans. Americans are good, strong people. They support a strong America. The American people are good people of Faith. We believe in our kids, and in our young men and women in the armed forces. Americans support our troops. George W. Bush understands Americans, and knows the value of maintaining strong communities that are the heart of America. His opponent may not share these American values. His opponent may stand up there and complain about America, and tell you Americans are wrong. Well that's for Americans to decide. There's an old Texas saying, it went "America: the land of the brave". Or was that the home of the brave. And the free. Because this is about freedom. Thank you. \_ Brilliant summation of the Bush argument style. It's so hard to believe people lap this up. \_ People lap this up because they are STUPID DOGS. They need a FEARLESS SOCIALIST PARTY TO TAKE CARE OF THEM AND SHOW THEM THE WAY! Save us Berkeley liberals! Save America! \_ That's right! Those evil socialist communist terrorist homosexuals think they're so damn SMART! We don't need their droning pompous WHINING! Real Americans know a Real American President when they see one! Oh and here, have some free conservative prescription drugs! \_ Agreed, however this is simply Nationalism which can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. I would give examples but don't want to be mistaken as a troll. \_ Dude, bring a napkin, you are getting your liberal jizz all over the motd. \_ I'm surprised you can speak with your mouth wrapped around Cheney's dick. \_ Is this some sort of liberal overcompensation for the Clinton fiasco(s)? Kind of like how the DNC convention looked like a military junta because they were accused of being anti-military wimps for so long they had to lurch too far the other way? \_ Boys, boys, please! This is not http://freerepublic.com! \_ It's easy when the dick is so BIG and TAX FREE! |
2004/9/19 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33621 Activity:high |
9/18 Defend private property from illegal invasion, get shot by the FBI Federal agents surround ranch in Douglas, Arizona http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1218545/posts \_ from one of the freeper posts a bit down on the page: "I remember that we held our noses 4 years ago. The pubbies told us to give him a gop House and Senate and we'd get what we wanted. We held up our end of the deal. This year, I'm not holding my nose." Hah! you fuckers are losing your base. It continues to amaze me how the same people who claim to be radical opponents of excessive government power can support the Ashcroft justice department. \_ As much as reality may upset you, gun toting freeper yahoos are not the (R) base. Someone who refers to them as "The pubbies" clearly sees himself not as the base but outside the party and needing to be bought. Carry on. \_ Generalizations accomplish very little - there are statists in both parties. Exactly which provisions or actions by Ashcroft are you upset about? I never heard outcries from the left about Clinton's 1995 anti-terror act, of which the Patriot Act simply ties up the loose ends. \_ Explain this to us less tinfoil-oriented types. \_ Because Clinton:good, Bush:evil. Very straight forward. |
2004/9/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33615 Activity:low |
9/18 Relax, fat sysadmins. You're not nearly as fat as these people: http://www.dimensionsmagazine.com/dimtext/kjn/people/heaviest.htm \_ don't get too relaxed. you are probably as dumb as this: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/browse \_ What about skinny sysadmins? Why are we always left out? |
2004/9/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:33598, category id '18005#5.48425' has no name! , ] UID:33598 Activity:low |
9/17 About the girl with the ripped sign. The blog suggests it's really the guy's son who's staging it (with of course no data). I just heard an interview with the guy and he absolutely denies that. In fact he says his two older sons are in the military. pic still here: http://csua.org/u/934 \_ The guy's a real estate salesman with political aspirations. He's run for local offices 4 times, failing every time. Don't you think it's a bit too much of a coincidence that for 3 different election cycles he's been able to get the same story into the national press? \_ No coincidence, but no conspiracy either. He attends some rallies for the opponent with a sign for his candidate. That's it. His comments were that he's had many union families come up to him and tell him "good job, glad to have you here". \_ And here's the audio for free of the interview: http://www.glennbeck.com/news/09172004-2.shtml \_ Nice. This incident happened in Huntington, W. Va. In another story, someone fired a gun into the Republian party HQ there: http://www.herald-dispatch.com/2004/September/08/LNtop1.htm \_ You're going to have to work harder to convince me there's sinister intent behind a stray bullet in West Virginia. \_ Both of you losers: The bullet was through the center of a sign saying "Marriage - One Man, One Woman". They took down the sign and then started snapping photos. \_ Probably staged. \_ The article said it was a pellet gun. What bullet? \_ Are you illiterate? \_ Did you read the article? |
2004/9/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33597 Activity:high |
9/17 2^10 dead soldiers in Iraq .. GO BUSH! FOUR MORE YEARS! I know he can make it 2^20 with a just a bit more time \_ You are inferring nukular detonation in a city center of a Western nation, right? \_ No, I was thinking more battlefield nukes on the plains of Iran. Not to mention a good exchange in Korea. \_ I think he was implying, not inferring. |
2004/9/17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33591 Activity:high 50%like:33592 |
9/17 What is wrong with George W. Bush. Ridiculous!!1! http://csua.org/u/93e \_ So Kerry looks like a moron, and Bush looks like a pediophile. \_ A ped-i-o-phile? What's that? \_ apparently a typo. get over it. \_ rediculous!!! |
2004/9/17 [ERROR, uid:33584, category id '18005#8.03066' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33584 Activity:high 100%like:33610 |
9/16 Classy. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/040916/480/wvrs10309162250&e=2&ncid=1756 \_ are you talking about this family of morons? link:csua.org/u/939 - danh \_ I think this is part of Kerry's campaign to look "strong." \_ The guy is a union thug. Union members commonly attack protestors at political rallies. \_ The guy who did it is a union thug. Union members commonly attack protestors at political rallies. \_ The guy is his SON. \_ No it isn't. The blog is unsupported and refuted by the guy himself (see above). How much of a tinfoil hat nut are you? \_ Who is, the guy holding the kid? \_ http://csua.org/u/934 \_ This guy is a fraud. Read this entry: http://csua.org/u/935 \_ Um, yeah that's conclusive. Not. \_ I don't know that this means he's a fraud, just that he likes to cause trouble. Considering this seemed to be standard operating procedure for dems at the RNC, it hardly bothers me. \_ So what about Young Republican shown on ABC news kicking the female protester when she was down? Where's your outrage now? http://atrios.blogspot.com/2004_09_12_atrios_archive.html#109542699935507535 \_ That bitch deserved it for embarrassing our Commander In Chief that way. Too bad she didn't end up in the hospital. \_ Dumb asshole subjecting his little girl to that stuff, standing around at an airport antagonizing people. That girl is what, 5? "I'm a victim!" \_ Didn't see it but it sounds scummy. But ripping the sign out of the hands of a 3-year-old child?!?!? \_ Read the above URL. It seems to be staged. \_ That blog is less evidence than the CBS memos. |
2004/9/15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Computer/SW/Apps] UID:33538 Activity:high |
9/15 http://www.electoral-vote.com Has nice popups per state which shows currently numbers and the way each state voted in 2000, gives details on how the numbers are gathered, compiled, and generated. Excel spreadsheet and xml is available free from the site. Updated once per day in the morning. \_ woah! bush wins! I guess we don't have to have an election now, since the compueter and the polls tell us who should be president. \_ you're a moron. \_ This is a great site. It was posted on the motd a while ago and I've been following it for a few weeks. Every time a state poll is conducted the thing jumps around. |
2004/9/14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33534 Activity:nil |
9/14 AP Uses Fake SEAL to Back Kerry, Slam Bush MSM caught lying again. http://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1214014/posts?page=1,50 \_ See, there's no point in censoring you when you post laughable crap from http://freerepublic.com. Let me see if I can find a Mother Jones link to keep you similarly entertained. Here you go: http://csua.org/u/91i Repubs gerrymander San Diego district! pimp for Military- Industrial Complex! All liars and crooks! \_ Well freerepublic broke the false ANG story. Authentiseal says this guys muslim name and original name do not exist in their database. Believe what you want, the guy or AP author lied. SEALs take frauds very seriously. \_ so why haven't they beaten up jesse ventura? - danh \_ visit their sites. \_ So, the guy may or may not be a SEAL, but, the evidence is inconclusive. He claims to have changed his name since he served, and as it says in the SEAL response, if he's changed his name the search is meaningless. -motd conservitive |
2004/9/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33533 Activity:nil |
9/14 Killian's secretary talks to DRUDGE http://www.drudgereport.com/bushtang.htm "I typed memos that had this information in them, but I did not type these memos. ... The information in these memos is correct." ... Knox speculated as to how she thought the forgeries were created saying, "My guess is that someone in the outfit got hold of the real ones and discussed it with a former Army person." ... Knox told the DRUDGE REPORT that she did not vote for Bush in 2000 because he is 'unqualified' for the job, and does not intend to vote for him in 2004, either. ... "Bush was not the only person of privilege who had a spot in the Guard. Senator [Lloyd] Bensen's nephew was in headquarters. There was a big jewelery store, Gordons. Their son was in the Guard. The owner of Batelstein's, a posh department store in the area, his son was in. The other kids couldn't get in like that. Hugh Roy Cullen's grandson was also in. He was a big oil man." Knox, however, did have some kind words about then Lt. Bush. "[Bush] was always pleasant and gentlemanly to me," she said. "I never noticed him not being respectful. I thought he was a nice young man and that he must have had very nice parents to produce a son as nice as he seemed to be." ... Ms. Knox states emphatically that she is not acting for political motives, and has no formal relationship with any political party. She says she just wants to set the record straight. \_ I don't think I buy that some Army person got ahold of the originals are rewrote them. That doesn't really make sense. Seems more likely to me that some Kerry supporters just wrote them, and since the info was true, the forgeries loosely corrospond with what she actually wrote 30 yrs ago. |
2004/9/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Recreation/Media] UID:33528 Activity:nil |
9/14 WaPo defends CBS and Killian memo. Not. http://csua.org/u/91e |
2004/9/14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33515 Activity:high |
9/13 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18982-2004Sep13.html Of more than 100 records made available by the 147th Group and the Texas Air National Guard, none used the proportional spacing techniques characteristic of the CBS documents. Nor did they use a superscripted "th" in expressions such as "147th Group" and or "111th Fighter Intercept Squadron." [There is reasonable doubt, but the preponderance of evidence is that one or more memos are either fake or transcribed -- also, the authenticity of the memos is independent of whether the events described occurred or not. -liberal] \_ Your last sentence there is probably the most interesting. To be frank, I'm pretty sure that Bush got special treatment. Kerry did to, so no real biggie there. However, none of that justifies pathetic forgeries. -conservative \_ Kerry was a really smart Yale guy who leveraged that and his connections into becoming a swift boat captain. \_ Kerry was a smart, accomplished Yale guy who leveraged that and his connections into becoming a swift boat captain. Dubya was a frat president jokester at Yale with below-average or average grades who leveraged his connections into getting OUT of the war into the Texas Air National Guard. This should be supremely obvious to everyone, regardless of political viewpoint. |
2004/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33509 Activity:very high |
9/13 Right Wing Nutjob Bloggers schooled by dailykos: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/9/10/34914/1603 \_ You know, I think both candidates are pretty much poor in this election, and I'd really like to think of myself as neutral in all the mudslinging. But Kerry supporters trying to pass this off as a legit memo is just irrational. Through this fantastic series of coincidences - some backwater base buys this super expensive typewriter to write memos, and some guy whose family says he could barely type uses proportional spacing in his memos, and the word wrapping and font just happen to be identical to what MS Word does on the default settings, etc. etc. ... sheesh. It's fake. Deal with it. Save your breath for an issue where you might have some legitimacy. \_ Yeah, go back to your hole, ya left-wing bleeding heart wannabe independent. If the memo was real you'd be all over it like a dog in heat trying to hump a dead tree stump. Fact is that the memo was from the Kerry campaign. Fact is that it was a blatant attempt by the Kerry folks to retaliate to swiftboat. Fact is that they failed miserably and now CBS and the Kerry boys have egg over all their collective faces because Kerry doesn't know how to hide his trail. \_ Speaking of slimy political maneuvering: http://olympics.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=politicsNews&storyID=6224278 \_ Did you read the article? They refute every argument against the memo's legitimacy. Better get in a few more quick "just give it up"s before your whole argument falls apart. \_ Like I said, save your breath. "Falls apart". Hah. Would you be willing to bet a Kerry presidency on those memos being legitimate? \_ While the line wrapping is exact, the font is not, according to that http://dailykos.com URL. Also, the http://dailykos.com consensus now seems to be the IBM Executive typewriter, not the Selectric Composer. The former is common; the latter is expensive and not. http://dailykos.com people are trying to get their hands on an Executive now. \_ Anyone know, how did line wrapping work on these electric typewriters? Did people just guess where to hit the carriage return or was there some better indication to avoid going over the margin? \_ I owned one a selectric--you could set mechanical tabs which would either stop the carriage and not let you type any more, or on some models do a CR/LF for you. -John The spacing is the most suspicious, including the centered header on another memo (although it is actually not centered but shifted over to the right by 1 tab). \_ This link unsatifactorily addresses two, yes only two, of the inconsistencies found in the memo. The blog contains only information found earlier on the 'right wing nutjob' websites. Another example, one of the Gen. referred to had retired 18 months prior to the memo. There are 10 or 15 more discrepancies. So, try again. \_ As ex-Army, http://dailykos.com should realize that the abbreviations used in the memos reveal they were written by someone who was never in the military. He should know what a Form 180 is, and which candidates have and have NOT signed it. |
2004/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:33507, category id '18005#26.1328' has no name! , ] UID:33507 Activity:high |
9/13 http://tinyurl.com/3wyfy (story.news.yahoo.com) fucking little bush. \- things like the steel trarrifs were not "flipflops" they were far worse. that particular case was cynical vote mongering ... burying principle for electorial votes. in re: flipflopping over changing circumstances, as JM Keynes said: "When the facts change, I change my mind -- What do you do, sir?" Another good Keynes quote: "Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist." --psb \_ Also note that changing your mind based on changing facts is different from denying facts while making your decision, then changing your mind when your polls drop. \_ If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. -GW Bush \_ cf. letting the ban on assault weapons lapse to gain the NRA endorsement. "I support the ban," the President said. \_ "I would sign it if Congress passes it" is not the same as "I support it." \_ http://csua.org/u/90v (NYTimes article, abstract.) He vowed to support the ban on assault weapons. \_ yes, he vowed that, and then he didn't do anything to support it. Do you think Tom Delay would be saying "it'll never come up for a vote" if Bush supported the ban? Don't be obtuse. -tom \_ Speaking of obtuse, tom, my point is that GWB vowed to support the ban on asssault weapons, has not publicly reversed himself on that position, and yet still won't push his fellow repubs to bring the matter to a vote. In other words, he's pimping for votes. |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33506 Activity:nil |
9/13 This is incredible. The press is now fabricating anti-Bush stories repeatedly. First false "Clinton booing" at a rally, then the blatantly fake CBS documents, now this. AP stands by its story about anti-Bush SEAL http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=40427 \_ Well, not to meantion that's just a stupid think to print in the first place. \_ Your "blatantly fake" claim about the CBS documents isn't any more true the more you say it. We have no way of knowing, and to claim you do is foolish. As for the Clinton booing, the reporter made the report. The recording of the speech doesn't have the booing. That doesn't mean there weren't people booing away from the mics... I'm not saying anybody booed, but i'd be surprised if no one did. Now I'll look for your new outrage on something OTHER than world net daily. \_ A cursory glance at the evidence concerning the memos shows they are false. I can recreate the memos with Microsoft Word, overlay them, and they match perfectly. Your media sources have now resorted to fabricating lies in order to win a political campaign. What a pathetic disgrace. \_ And you can do the same with a late 60's model IBM Selectric Typewriter. And CBS has not shown itself in any way as anti- Bush. \_ No, it's theorized that you could, with a lot of work, produce something kinda similar to what Word does automatically. Getting that that type of letter spacing out of a seletric involved pulling a little lever everytime you wanted the letters closer together. Almost no one ever did this. It also probably wouldn't be in the Word font either. And what about the super scripts? They're DEFINATLY done Word style. And what about the lack of page indentations from the typewriter head and the lack of cloth fibers from the Selectric's cloth ribbon? Have you ever used a typewriter? You don't seem to know anything about them. \_ Some of the lines in the Killian memo were centered, right? I learned to type on an old typewriter, and it's a pain to center a line. And that's with a fixed width font. I imagine it's pretty painful trying to center a proportional-spaced line on a typewriter. In fact, how *do* you do that? Does the alleged typewriter have some special lever or switch to do it? \_ I haven't seen the one with the centered line. \_ for example, link:csua.org/u/90s \_ Has anyone done this experiment? Get the correct period typewriter (I assume there must a functional one some- where) and try to reproduce the letter? It'd be instructive to see how much of a task it would be. \_ There is one thing about the memos that a period typewriter at all, and that is to make the super- script 'th' in 4th: http://tinyurl.com/qqe6 (suntimes.com) Also as the article says, Times New Roman was not licensed for use by anyone other than the Times of London till the 80s so it is not possible for a 60s era typewriter to produce the memo in question. \_ False. IBM was using it since the 50s. \_ URL please. \_ You are right, it is "incredible." Your source has no credibility, neither do you. \_ Courier's vanquisher was Times New Roman, designed in 1931 by Stanley Morison, Typographical Advisor to the Monotype Corporation, with the assistance of draughtsman Victor Lardent... (Ironically, at the same time IBM invited Frutiger to adapt Univers for the Selectric Typewriter, they asked Morison to do the same with Times New Roman.) [edited to retain point but remove unnecessary verbosity] |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:33505, category id '18005#7.99559' has no name! , ] UID:33505 Activity:nil |
9/13 At least one of the memos is MS Word generated. Look here: http://csua.org/u/90r (blog, and downloadable Word doc) You will find the Word doc was created using all the default settings, with word wrapping occurring precisely where they do in the CBS News documents. Don't be a dumb liberal. -smart liberal \_ Don't be a tool: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/9/10/34914/1603 At least one of them could not have been generated by a computer, with the funny "e"s moving up and down the middle of various words. -real liberal, not fake "liberal" \_ You need to acknowledge that at least one document (the one discussed in the URL) is probably fake. \_ In the original CBS document, some letters "float" above or below the baseline. For example, in the original document, lowercase 'e' is very frequently -- but not always -- above the baseline. Look at the word "interference", or even "me". Typewriters do this; computers don't. Granted, if you are comparing a lowercase 'e' that is only 10 or 12 pixels high with another lowercase 'e' that is only 10 or 12 pixels high, you're not going to see such subtleties. That doesn't prove the differences aren't there; it just proves you're an idiot, for making them each 12 pixels high and then saying "see, they almost match!" \_ Are you saying that the specific memo talked about in the URL is not fake? \_ That is correct. If you create a document using a font with a typewriter and then reproduce it 30 years later using a computer, they should look very much alike. That is the whole point of having a font. \_ I will only believe this if someone can come up with a 1972 typewriter that outputs MS Word Times New Roman 12pt exactly as in 19-May-1972.doc. Please provide URL when you find evidence of this, and exactly this. Or ... if you can find a verified National Guard-related document also from 1972 that shows the same style as 19-May-1972.doc. |
2004/9/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, ERROR, uid:33480, category id '18005#3.5' has no name! , ] UID:33480 Activity:high |
9/12 Why is the story surrounding fake ANG memos presented by CBS and 60 minutes not receiving more coverage? The story has huge implications. \_ It was front page news on CNN for two days. You'll probably see more once they get a better idea who produced them. What more do you want? \_ There is no left wing media bias. Please ignore fake memos and swift boat vets behind the curtains. Thank you. You shall be escorted from the building by security. Have a nice day. \_ Yeah, I am sure they are real. Makes perfect since he got an honorable discharge. Afterwards, he threw his medals over the White House fence as well. \_ If they aren't real, then the white house should come out and say it. That they haven't should tell you alot. \_ What? No it doesn't. It's supposedly a secret memo this guy wrote and hid. How would Bush know if it was a forgery or not better than anyone else? He never would have seen the document before. Dang, I think I've been trolled. \_ Hid? They came up in FOIA requests. \_ URL for this claim? \_ Sorry I was wrong. They were supposedly from Killian's personal files, but they are marked "for record". As FOIA requests in regards to this matter are all funneled through the white house, we won't know until the presidency changes hands. |
2004/9/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33474 Activity:high |
9/11 Hi soda losers. I had my panties in a bunch worrying about Dubya ruling for the next four years, but I'm now in the middle of Cat's Cradle (book) and learning to not worry so much. Thanks, bye! "There's nothing there!" \_ Why is the GWB censor afraid of the truth? Oh, yeah, he's a liar, a cheat, and an idiot. |
2004/9/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33472 Activity:very high |
9/11 Happy 9/11 Anniversary! Or, maybe not so happy, I don't know... \_ \ "I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.'" [President Bush, on Osama Bin Laden, 09/17/01] "I don't know where he is.You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... I truly am not that concerned about him." [President Bush, Press Conference, 3/13/02] \_ I am glad you like to edit his speeches because he is so difficult to understand. \_ You do realize his sentiments simply reflected pretty much that of the American public, at the time. Taking quotes out of context won't make a bush voter vote kerry. |
2004/9/10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33456 Activity:kinda low |
9/10 New poll shows Bush stomping Kerry. I guess people like it when they know where someone stands. http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/Vote2004/bush_campaign_poll_040909 .html \_ Dubya delivered a good speech, but it's aaaaa-llll baloney. Take it from me. -smart liberal \_ No, the *new* poll has Bush with a two point lead. Do you really only check the poll that Rush tells you to look at? http://www.pollingreport.com/wh2004.htm Has a survey of all the pollsters. |
2004/9/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33447 Activity:very high |
9/9 So CBS and 60 Minutes are so set on bringing down Bush they usef fraudulent documents!?? This is crazy. \_ The white house released their own copies and have not denied their authenticity. You're pretty damn quick to jump on noise. \_ at least describe what you are trolling with. here i'll help you out http://www.powerlineblog.com http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=40376 \_ You know, I think they are fakes. -liberal \_ I think you are a fake. \_ But the blog sounds so real. We're all D00M3D!! -liberal \_ DAMN THAT LIBERAL MEDIA!!! \_ Proportional fonts notwithstanding, all military documents require the date be in caps. \_ The documents are real. \_ Have you ever served? Do you not know military protocol in regards to writing the date in only capitalized? It is like when armchair warriors do not know what Zulu time is. Format is always Zulu Time, Day, Month CAPITALIZED, year. \_ Is military protocal ALWAYS followed? Even in things like slapdash memos? The existence of a regulation != 100% compliance with it. Not saying it's not a forgery, but you should be a bit more precise (especially with badly formatted motd posts.) -John \_ Could the documents be transcriptions? \_ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A9967-2004Sep9.html See, even the Post agrees. Wah, I don't want Dubya to win. -liberal \_ Well no, that is not what that article says. Reread it. \_ It says the Post's experts say it's fake, and CBS won't reveal its experts and that CBS checked it with Killian's Republican, Bush-loving superior, but the guy isn't returning calls! \_ The pdf's presented by CBS are obviously fakes. One can overlay a Microsoft Word version and they match perfectly. The question now is the motive and culprit. This story first broke on http://freerepublic.com, BTW. \_ Please provide one in /csua/tmp. I believe you, but I want to see what you've created. \_ Look here http://www.littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog \_ I am not convinced either way (yet), reading all this neat stuff about the history of fonts is fun, your liberal friends have posted responses http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/9/10/34914/1603 - danh \_ Thanks. That pretty much seals it for that particular memo, at least, in that it's not an original 1970s copy. The only possible explanation, for that memo at least and perhaps the others, was that it was forged or transcribed. -liberal \_ Whee! More media circus of irrelevant bullshit. \_ Call me paranoid but what if the Bush people are secretly the source of the forged documents? having this stuff come out and slathered all over the press and then proven to be fake is really benefitting Bush, because now he can still say he served his time etc, but also say "look at the dirty tricks the Democrats are up to!" so it just makes the Democrats look evil AND stupid. \_ Guilty as charged! -democrat |
2004/9/9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33435 Activity:high |
9/9 http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=584&e=3&u=/nm/20040909 pl_nm/campaign_sticker_dc Why are they angry? They are the same as hitler. The comparison is perfectly valid. \_ http://csua.org/u/8yy \_ This is a blatant lie "MoveOn.org, an independent liberal group, briefly aired advertisements that featured a photograph of Hitler transforming into Bush's image. " The bush/hitler ad was one of hundreds of entries in a contest *run* by http://moveon.org. It lost, was never even a finalist, and never aired. \_ Please note that the Dems came out immediately to denounce the sticker. Who in the RNC denounced the purple heart bandaids? |
2004/9/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33412 Activity:high |
9/7 Hmmm apparently the Japanese word for Poop needle is Kancho! http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=popvox&id=414&page=12 (Guy #2) http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=popvox&id=379&page=17 This one's about organ donataion. The first and third ladies are pretty funny. http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=popvox&id=367&page=18 Best one yet! First lady wants to be Bush's "Monica Lewinsky!" |
2004/9/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33404 Activity:very high |
9/7 Kerry cosponsored bill banning gun he waves http://www.drudgereport.com/dncg.htm \_ a waste of a great gun :( \_ MacGyver wised up and became Colonel O'Neal \_ pistol grips on shotguns are way less accurate then regular grips, they should let the twinks keep them \_ it could help in close, urban situations where accuracy of one shot isn't the primary concern. \_ most experts agree, pistol grips should be removed cuz they suck in urban situations \_ how bout for full auto shotguns \_ TWO MILLION JOBS LOST! $9 BILLION "UNACCOUNTED FOR" IN IRAQ! A UNILATERAL WAR BASED ON COOKED INTELLIGENCE! SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ASS! I WANT MY COUNTRY BACK! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!111!! --aaron \_ Amen. There's not really enough "stfu, u teh gay" in US politics right now; in addition to agreeing wholeheartedly with Mr. Smith, I welcome this move to introduce better form into the political debating process. -John \_ You are cruel, John. -- ilyas \_ I would like to note at this point that I just gave my largest donation to date to the DCCC and DFA, and I now feel much better. Thank you for your concern! --aaron \_ lose one for the flipper! Let me tell you my impression \_ you really should stop posting this "quip" unless you're trying to sound totally inane. of Kerry. I was watching him on a book interview on CSPAN. He was asked what books he was reading or would recommend. He stammered on for 3-4 minutes and effectively said nothing. He stated one childrens book he had read and something about the importance of the Bible. The rest of his response was nuanced evasive nonsense about what types of books, how many... on and on. He could of named 5 books in 30 seconds and been done with it; instead he was afraid to define himeself. Someone with this type of personality does not make an effective executive, especially during national crises. \_ Let me tell you my impression of GW Bush. I was watching him read _My Pet Goat_ for seven minutes after he learned of the 2nd tower being attacked. He knows how to delegate authority -- someone else was taking care of it, so he doesn't have to worry about it himself. didn't have to worry about immediate action himself. \_ That wouldn't define him. naming a few books with no explanation? I don't buy that about effective exectutives. Bush wasn't a particularly effective executive. (And I doubt he could give a fast and direct answer to that question anyway). Bush had both houses of Congress Republican. This thing about strong leadership is some kind of folklore. Simple folks love to think that down home backwoods wisdom always beats fancy book learnin'. If something can't be stated in a simple sentence they don't want to hear it. The real world isn't black and white and involves nuanced decision-making. People base the whole image of Bush on "he invaded Iraq => strong!" That decision had many consequences and many of us think it was wrong at that time, and inadequately planned. His economic policy is sustained by record-busting deficit spending. Bush's only other executive experience was the company he ran into the ground. NCLB act a funding disaster, and a bizarre thing in principle from a traditional conservative standpoint (taxing billions from the states, then handing it back to them on a restricted and problematic basis). Industry-coddling energy, environmental, and medicare policies. http://www.democrats.org/specialreports/top10_lies http://www.democrats.org/specialreports/top10_flipflops http://www.democrats.org/specialreports/specialinterests You guys keep saying "Kerry is nothing but not Bush". The reason this is somewhat true is that's pretty much what we want. Bush on the other hand is nothing but "invade the middle east". \_ This is bigotry. You are speaking of people you have no familiarity with. You think you are smarter than everyone else, and thus, entitled to tell them how they should live and what they should believe. Inside every leftist is a tyrant. So are so vain you can't even see yourself for what you are. \_ You're saying I have no familiarity with "simple people"? I can't even respond to this because you don't even make an argument here. You're simply lashing out with incoherent bile. My point with that was to criticize the idea, which certainly exists, that intelligence and nuanced thinking is unneeded and even undesirable in leaders. I see this notion in the popular mythology. You should look up what bigotry means. And inside every rightist is a coke-sniffing pedophile. \_ Your use of the work "simple people" is telling. \_ what does it tell? \_ It's usually considered derogatory and belittling when you call someone "simple". \_ It's an abstract group of people. It should only offend people who consider themselves simple, but then they wouldn't think it's derogatory. Or maybe they hold the "dumb is wise" view, in which case I I heartily belittle them. \_ For your criticism to be relevant it is incumbent on you, or anyone, to propose a cogent alternative foreign policy paradigm. No such policy was ever proposed, all you and left could offer was appeasement. \_ appeasement of what? Saddam did not have WMDs and was not attacking anyone. Letting countries run their own business is not "appeasement." -tom \_ False. Alternative paradigms were loudly proposed. You can even look it up and read about it, if you choose. I can't objectively prove such alternatives could be as cogent as "invade". It would be pointless to go into that whole argument right now, I think we both know what's been said. \_ Where? What? By who? Here is concise explanation of that which you speak: appeasement, cede sovreignty to the UN. cede sovreignty to the UN. You want "nuance" terrorists, its rediculous. \_ false again. a U.N. vote != ceding sovereignty. appeasement applies to giving in under threat. and the saddam <=> terrorism relevance is primarily a concoction. \_ So I can sum up your position as: you want entitlements from the government? You believe you have a ordained right to a job, free health care and other free gov't services? Right? \_ No, you can't, because I didn't say that. I'm not a libertarian though, so basically the gist of that is true for most people. Here's another case where a little "nuance" might let you acknowledge that there are more possibilities than pure libertarian versus full-on communism. I don't know anybody talking about "right to a job" and you use that as a straw man because you have no argument. \_ The other 50% of the country would like to keep the country as it is and away from the likes of you. C'est la vie. \_ There is no pistol grip on that shotgun. You are no gun owner or you would know that. \_ The deal is that the language of the bill defines "pistol grip" broadly: "... grip, a thumbhole stock, or any other characteristic that can function as a grip" \_ That shotgun still does not have a pistol grip, even by that definition. \_ According to that bill, this counts as a pistol grip. http://www.gunslocal.com/gunimages/1385.jpg This is the one he was presented with: http://www.berettaweb.com/semi%20auto%20shotgun/A300.htm \_ (a) Yes, it's not 'really' a pistol grip (b) As guy above says, the language of the bill was stupid enough where yes, it was considered a pistol grip. (c) I have yet to hear an effective argument from the gun control crowd about how these regulations involving pistol grips and 'assault-looking' weapons do anything other than piss off gun owners. It's the stupidest thing I ever heard. If you want to ban automatics, I could see the argument for that (I don't agree, but I understand it). If you want to ban scary looking weapons you are an idiot or a fretting soccer mommy. -- ilyas \_ Obviously somebody thought pistol-gripped semi- automatic shotguns were not meant to hunt game, but whose sole purpose was to kill people. Note that the bill is for a renewal of an assault weapons ban on AK-47s, AR-15s, and military sniper rifles, and is not only for aforementioned shotguns, as some might infer. \_ Ok, I don't understand that. Why are pistol-gripped things bad for hunting game? Is this because Elmer Fudd doesn't use a pistol grip? Take a handgun. Very few people hunt with handguns, they are generally for 'killing people' (and going to the range, but no one seems to bring that up). So what? Why is this bannable? Hunting rifles kill people just as well. I guess I don't see the thought process at all. Also, what's a 'military sniper rifle' and how is it different from a hunting rifle with a scope? -- ilyas \_ Let me summarize the "answer" for you. For many liberals, it's "How many guns can I outlaw?". For many conservatives, it's "How many guns can I leave legal?" There's your answer. BTW, a Dragunov is one of the named illegal sniper rifles, and is obviously military- grade; a hunting rifle with a scope is a hunting rifle with a scope (with less penetrating rounds, less accuracy when you take your run of the mill hunting rifle, and not necessarily semi-automatic or automatic). Pistols are for "killing people", but are strongly associated with self-defense, unlike assault rifles. Semi-auto shotguns with pistol grip make you think of semi-auto shotguns used by police, except they use them to take out bad guys. \_ I am a liberal, and I am anti-gun control. I believe that this is more consistent with the pinciples of liberalism than being pro-gun control. Personally, I find hunting to be excruciatingly dull and I suck at target shooting and live in a safe area, so I have no guns, but I support the rights of others to have whatever guns they want. \_ This is where I point out I know more about guns than you. A run of the mill remington 700 with a 'decent' scope will have: (a) more penetration than the dragunov (308 is a bigger round) (b) larger effective range (900 yards vs 400 yards) (c) better accuracy than the dragunov (dragunov is semiauto, and not that well made, the remington uses the nice mauser bolt-action). By any reasonable standard, a remington 700 is a deadlier rifle than the dragunov, yet the dragunovs are the ones that are outlawed because of the 'scary grips.' That things are 'associated with' or 'make you think of something' is a dumb (and scary) argument for outlawing anything. I realize you may not necessarily hold the position you are presenting -- I am attacking it, not you. I was hoping for a defense of 'how many guns can I outlaw?' -- ilyas \_ semi-auto vs. bolt action, clip ammo. I dunno, I think it's reasonable to think the Dragunov can be deadlier vs. multiple targets. I don't know too much about guns though... are pistol grips so useless? Why then are they on all the military rifles? --otherperson \_ Against multiple people you use a sprayer, not a frigging sniper rifle. Sniper rifle = single kills. Pistol grips are on military rifles because they are comfy. Of course comfy grips make it easier to 'kill people.' *sigh* -- ilyas \_ Well, actually, no. You don't use a sprayer, you practice...you know...accuracy? So you hit what you shoot at when you pull the trigger? 1-3 seconds of full auto on most assault rifles is really only useful for suppression and making lots of noise. \_ I have to admit that when I'm killing people, I look for as much comfort as possible. That's why I use a Dragunov<tm>. -geordan \_ also maybe it makes it easier to identify the real assault weapons, if you ban lookalikes, that might possibly be modified? |
2004/9/7 [ERROR, uid:33401, category id '18005#4.8325' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33401 Activity:nil |
9/7 What does history suggest when the polls have the election tied on Sept 1 and again one week after the end of the Republican convention? http://www.rasmussenreports.com/Presidential_Tracking_Poll.htm |
2004/9/7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33395 Activity:nil |
9/7 NYT on Kerry's prospects. http://csua.org/u/8y4 \_ ob article from a paper that wants Dubya to go down. -liberal (even though it's less inaccurate than "Kerry is toast!") \_ Have you read the article? \_ Yeah, just pointing out that the NY Times does want Dubya out \_ That might matter on the editorial page, but it has no effect on the news reporting. \_ ... if the NY Times didn't let their personal opinions affect their news reporting. This is the point of contention. I guess I'm not arguing for or against on that point, but I'll wait and see. \_ I predict that President Bush will win California! \_ LANDSLIDE IS THE STANDARD! \_ In every election except one since the 1930's, the Gallup poll leader at the start of September has won the election. Margin changes, intermediate lead changes, but in every presidential except the 1960 one the September leader ended up winning the election. The only exception is Kennedy 1960, when he was behind 46% vs 47% and won with 50.1% of the final vote. This doesn't mean that Kerry is doomed, since this is a very unusual election, but he clearly has history against him. \_ Never before has the convention occured just before Sep 1. Did you even read the article??? \_ Quoth me: "...since this is a very unusual election..." Apparently I have read the article. -pp \_ Your reading comprehension skills are poor then. \_ Methinks your wishful thinking is showing. \_ Of course, just because it isn't on the editorial page doesn't mean that it doesn't read like an editorial. I find little news in it. And look at the sources for the quotes: Simon Rosenberg, president of the New Democratic Network Mark Penn, a Democratic pollster Joe Lockhart, a senior Kerry adviser David R. Gergen, a veteran adviser of the Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton White Houses. |
2004/9/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33376 Activity:high 57%like:30994 |
9/6 USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll: No bounce for Bush among registered voters, Bush with 7% lead among "likely voters". http://csua.org/u/8xs Poll conducted Sep 3-5. (Time and Newsweek were several days earlier.) Was there a Beslan effect? \_ Well, the problem (if you are a democrat) is that people are voting against bush, and not for kerry. Traditionally this has been a sign of a weak candidate. If you take a look at elections like the 76 or 80 elections people voted for the alternative, not against the establishment. The 92 elections might well be described as against the establishment, but it also had a sizable 3rd party presence (sizable in terms of hype, movement, and somewhat of a spoiler) in Ross Perot which offered an alternative for the conservative basis (somewhat like Nader in 2000, but more so). conservative base (somewhat like Nader in 2000, but more so). In the 2000 election people who voted for Bush actually liked Bush (neocons, religious conservatives, general hawks, etc.) vs. people who voted for Gore didn't particularly find Gore appealing (people liked Clinton, so in essence Gore was supposed to be Clinton 3rd term like Bush Sr. was Reagan 3rd term). They voted for him because they didn't like Bush. \_ I think this time you're going to see a lot more non-likely turnout. A _lot_ more. \_ No, you're not. Outside your hyper active political we-hate- Bush bubble, the Bush haters I know are the standard non- voters who whine a lot and saw F9/11, but they'll be too busy or traffic was too high or there was a show on that night or they had a date. History doesn't back your theory. The number of people voting vs. registered vs. legal to register people is at an all time low and continue to sink. \_ Wrong. In 2000, there were 9.5 million more votes cast than in 1996, a 2% increase relative to eligible voters. http://www.fairvote.org/turnout. -tom |
2004/9/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33364 Activity:high |
9/5 Four more wars! http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2004_09/004635.php \_ What font is that, and why do liberals seem to like it? \_ This is depressing. \_ Yeah, I can't believe this hack has any readers. \_ "I disagree with someone, therefore they must be a hack" \_ Yeah, that too. \_ why do you keep replying to yourself? - danh \_ Uhm, there's at least 3 participants in this thread. You're not as clever as you think you are. |
2004/9/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33360 Activity:nil |
9/5 sfgate at spin control. http://csua.org/u/8xd "While som early polls show that Bush may have gained from the convention..." Or "Early polls...showed Bush getting as much as an 8-point bounce. A Washington Post/ABC News poll...with Bush just barely ahead of Kerry 48 to 47 percent" and no more mention of the big bounce. Well done! |
2004/9/5 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33356 Activity:nil |
9/4 A sagging economy, endless violence in Iraq, record high oil prices, \- not "record high" [yet] oil prices were higher in early 80s. --psb a bad employment picture, an uncertain future, and everybody in the world hates us, yet the Democrats are now BEHIND in the polls? WTF? What the hell happened? How can the Dems lose both in 2000 and now it looks like 2004? Are you guys cursed? \_ Perhaps a belief that, as bad as things are, the Democrats would have made an even greater mess, and better days are ahead. \_ 3% GDP growth and 5.4 % unemployment is a sagging economy?Contrast that with Carter's double digit inflation, interest rates, and unemployment. Oil prices will be ~30-35$ per barrel by November. Also, maybe this has something to do with it: Boy who begged for water was bayoneted |
2004/9/4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33353 Activity:nil |
9/4 Frances comes. Bush will declare Florida a disaster area, pump lots of Federal fundings, and Florida will vote for Bush. Four more years. That, is my prediction. \_ This proves it -- Satan is on the side of Bush (he sent the unholy hurricane as an election aid). \_ Even with Florida voting Republican, the electoral college is still roughly split 50-50 according to http://www.electoral-vote.com To win this election, all things being equal, it would be enough for Kerry to win in one or two swing states like Colorado, Iowa, Arkansas, Pennsylvania and maybe Arizona or Missouri most of which are split roughtly 50-50 right now. Though, I think you are probably right about Florida. If I was JFK.v2, I'd ignore it from now on and concentrate on the states I have mentioned above. |
2004/9/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33338 Activity:high |
9/3 Sigh. Big bounce for Bush. http://csua.org/u/8x3 . Yes, I know. It's unreliable. It's pre-debates. It'll disappear. It still sucks. \_ Its also an outlier with the other polls, and it was done mostly *during* the convention... \_ Yes, it still sucks. Did they do the same poll during the Democratic convention? \_ How can it be an outlier when it's the only reputable poll taken during the convention? It can only be an outlier if there are other reputable polls taken during the convention which show a small lead or none. Do not easily dismiss the Ah-nold and Giulani effect. Do not easily dismiss the Ah-nold and Giulani effect, and the fact that Dubya delivered a speech that sounds very good. \_ Zogby, through 9/2: Bush 46, Kerry 44 American Research Group, through 9/1: Bush 48, Kerry 47 \_ I found the URL for you: http://csua.org/u/8x4 Hard to tell who's right, since Zogby leans a little left and IMO Time leans a little right, and one day can make a difference (especially with the Chechens). I'd wait for more polls, but Dubya definitely has his "We got a bounce!" line, unless Time comes out saying they goofed, which I doubt will happen. \_ Apparently even the Bush people are saying this poll is an outlier, although it seems most of the data was gathered before Bush's actual speech. Its actually the media which is currently doing the "Bush GODDA BOUNCE!" dance. \_ Well, Time is. I think the news media would have no problem saying "Tiny Bounce For Bush! Race still deadlocked!" \- did the idea futures mkts move of bush v kerry? \_ Tradesports has him as a 57/43 favorite now, where it was even right after the Democratic convention. It was 57/43 about six weeks ago, just before the Democratic convention, so they cancelled each other out essentially. \_ Not that big really, since he was +2% by that same poll a week ago. So it was an eight point bounce and that poll has a margin of error of +/- 4%. So the move was less than the total margin of error. Or am I confused about my statistics here? |
2004/9/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33334 Activity:nil |
9/3 I'm kind of glad Bush was President 2000-2004. We needed to be total assholes to lock up the U.S., and Republicans are good at that. (Democrats aren't as practiced at being assholes.) Now the Democrats can take over for 2004-2008 and restore good relations with our neighbors (who were right about Iraq after all), say it was all a bad Bush dream, and peel back some of the really bad civil rights violations and unnecessary security precautions. \_ Lock WHAT up? Innocent US citizens? They haven't locked down SHIT, least of all our port facilities. --aaron \_ Well, ONE good thing Bush did is inspire me to give money to the Democratic party for the first time. |
2004/9/3 [ERROR, uid:33324, category id '18005#3.3325' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33324 Activity:very high |
9/3 Loved this AP headline: "Bush Glosses Over Complex Facts In Speech" http://csua.org/u/8ws \_ In other late breaking news, things continue to fall due to gravity. \_ Heh, exactly. \_ Nope, no bias there. \_ So now the FACTS are partisan? You keep sucking the "liberal media" shit out of a tube, we'll keep living in reality. \_ Hey, at least it provides a tiny smidge of balance against the raw Leader-Worship the networks engaged in after the speech. They were comparing him to Churchill! \_ Our President is a dumbass, and he has acknowledged this. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33312 Activity:nil |
9/2 http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/columnist/2004-09-01-moore_x.htm Michael Moore: ... I would like to hear [GWB] say tonight, "I'm sorry. There never were weapons of mass destruction and there never was a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11. There was no imminent threat, our lives were not in danger, no missiles were going to hit Cleveland." (The next sentence regarding oil was stupid.) ... The other thing I would like to hear tonight is: Why haven't you caught Osama bin Laden? You've had three years to find him. The man killed nearly 3,000 people here on our soil. \_ The Village Voice told me that BushCo already caught bin Laden a long time ago and is waiting for some key moment to let us know. \_ The eve before the election? \_ To deny that Iraq, along with Iran, Syria, and Lybia, were the largest state sponsors of terror over the past 30 years is patently false. Two are down, two more to go. \_ Who's denying Iran, Syria, and Lybia [sic] are the largest state sponsors of terror? |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33290 Activity:very high |
9/2 I figured the motd socialists would be out in force insulting the Republicans this week during the RNC convention. You've got more fresh speeches and material to work from right now than any other time since 2000. I'm disappointed you can't even make something up or take something out of context to get snarky and cute about. \_ Go stick your head in a pig. To quote a whole lot of people on the motd from the last convention, who watches the damn things? They're just scripted television commercials. \_ This would fly except y'all get so hot n bothered and spend so much time digging up other old quotes and speeches. Sorry, no dice on this reply. \_ Many of my friends are depressed because they have this sinking feeling (strictly gut-based) that Bush is going to win. One is talking about retiring to his Tuscan villa for the next 4 years. \_ Can we get them to promise in writing that they'll leave? I thought it was really funny 4 years ago when a number of celebs were recorded promising to leave the country if Bush won, but mysteriously none did... \_ Is there a list out there of all of the celebs that promised to go away? I only know of one guy who actually did and he isn't a major public celeb (some artist/writer) and already had a place in France anyway. \_ http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/outrage/leave.htm \_ Sad, isn't it? That Bush can have 4 years with absolutely no meaningful accomplishments other than looking good standing in the rubble of the WTC, and yet he seems to have the momentum. \_ Isn't it just as sad that Kerry had 20 years in the Senate and his claim to fame was marrying a rich widow and being a war hero despite a handful of medals he might or might not have thrown away? \_ Its certainly better than what we got now. His tax cuts haven't worked and his war was a disaster. In the words of Donald Trump, "I'm sorry, but you're FIRED!" \_ His tax cuts have been working. Do you have a job? Do you know anyone who wants a job and doesn't? The war was the best fought war in the history of the planet. We lost more soldiers on each beach on DDay than we have in a year+ in Iraq. Are you trolling or simply ignorant of basic historic facts? \_ The best fought war in the history of the planet? The war that found not a single WMD and has created a virtual jihadist factory? \_ We took over a country in record time with fewer deaths than seen on our highways in a few weeks. Yeah, it was a poorly fought war. You're an uber military genius. Were you one of the scumbags that was hoping it would turn into a vietnam style quagmire with body bags coming home by the hundreds every week? \_ Hmm... so you're bragging by saying we've lost fewer soldiers in a war aginst a militarily inferior foe than in one of the biggest battles in the largest war ever, against a foe our technological equal? I guess by your logic, Bay of Pigs was a resounding success because we only lost a few hundred people. \_ The Nazis were our technological superiors, btw. \_ No they weren't (except for tanks). -- ilyas And your comparison to the Bay of Pigs is silly because maybe you didn't notice but we won in Iraq but the Cuban nationals lost in Cuba. They weren't American soliders. This isn't even apples to oranges but more like celery sticks to Ford pickup trucks. At least get your very basic history correct before you step up to bat. \_ What do you mean? I'm saving $30k just from personal tax cuts and gobs more if you count in estate tax changes. \_ Then you're far better off than the larger chunk of us, and probably were not hurting from it before... Tell us. How many new jobs have you created? \_ Me personally? I grew my group from 12 to 17 people in the last 2 years. Before that I started a company that went from 3 (the founders) to 23 at its peak. Hurting? Why did it have to hurt for me to appreciate keeping more of the money I earn? \_ YOUR anecdote trumps all statistics! The economy is roaring like never before! Bush has created millions of jobs!...oh wait, right, he'll likely be the first president since Hoover to have negative job growth...maybe them pesky tax cuts aren't working out so well. \_ He was asked how many job he created, he answered and then you attack him for answering! BWHAHAHAHAHA! YOU SO FUNNY! \_ The recession started at the end of the Clinton years. The troubles in high tech (and certainly in the telecom space where I play) now comes from over investment during the boom years. Blame runaway optimism in the 90's if you want to assign blame. The price of getting drunk is the hangover. \_ Uh huh. I seem to recall Clinton pulling us out of a similar recession in 92 quite capably. Then again, he didn't go starting some useless disaster of a war either. Sorry, you're still FIRED! \_ According to the National Bureau of Economic Reserach, that recession went from 7/1990 to 3/1991. It ended well before the start of the Clinton terms. They also said the current recession was from 3/2000 to 11/2001. This started 3 months after the start of the GWB presidency, but it's still hard to pin it on him since it started only 3 months into his watch. Please try to base your argument on data instead of urban myths and silly catch phrases. \_ Facts just trip us up and get in the way of our partisan frothing and mewling. --wannabe motd lib \_ Is this the first presidential election your friends have voted in? This convention back and forth is typical. \_ Late 30's, not likely their first election. Kerry can't win this election; Bush can lose it. It doesn't seem like Bush will lose. \_ Still too close to call, exactly the wrong time to give up hope. Kick your friends in the ass for me. \_ Not really. Unless Bush rapes a nun on national TV, the whole thing is done. \_ In your dreams. It is not even close to finished. It isn't even halftime yet. Do you even bother to look at polls or do you just figure you can predict the future better than the experts? \_ http://hosted.ap.org/photos/R/RNC18709020300-big.jpg http://hosted.ap.org/photos/R/RNC18809020300-big.jpg A picture speaks a thousand words. \_ All I can say about Zell Miller is: YEEEEEAAAAARGHHHHHHH!!!!! \_ Really? 'Cos "sell-out" and "collaborator" are what I'd say about the man. Mind you, that pic doesn't exactly catch him in his best light: you know, a smoky back room.... \_ Just curious, did you feel the same way when the Senate briefly changed hands when whats his face switched to voting (D) from (R) a few months after he was elected using (R) funds? Or were you cheering like a partisan hypocrite? \_ The difference there is Jeffords actually followed his conscience instead of hanging onto a misnomer like Zell does. Also, he didn't "vote (D)". He tossed his vote to the (D)'s for organizing the Senate and to give them the majority and changed his affiliation to (I). He didn't necessarily vote with them on their bills. In fact, looking at what little that session did, his switch didn't really do all that much. \_ Jeffords was called a traitor, etc, by the (R) side. He did the one thing which fucked the (R) for that entire time period. Voting however afterwards doesn't matter as there are many in both parties who cross lines for various things. In this case, he fucked his party so he could get the chairmanship of a dairy committee he wanted to control for his dairy state. So short sighted and stupid he now has nothing and his state got fucked twice over. What an idiot. Anyway, as I said, you thought it was a-ok for a (R) to turn coat but it is treason of the highest order when a (D) does it. Hypocrite. At least try to be honest with your rationalizations. \_ Nah, I just meant he had some serious Howard Dean moments last night. First he chewed the scenery up with that speech ("unleash rage" was the headline that the AP had). Then he goes on Hardball and keeps challenging Chris Matthews to a duel! \_ Well, maybe he was having a Ted Koppel moment (TK challenged Jon Stewart to a duel on The Daily Show). \_ It doesn't matter how it played to some motd/Bay Area leftists. It matters that a Democrat Senator got on TV and said his country was more important than his party and that his party was fucked. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33289 Activity:insanely high |
9/2 It takes a republican to put Elaine Chao, the first Asian American women in the U.S. Cabinet: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/09/01/gop.main/index.html \_ more like, she had to marry a republican senator first. \_ Republicans are oppressing her with their big white penises? \_ http://www.whitehouse.gov/government/chao-bio.html \_ I am sure she's very capable herself, but that alone isn't usually enough. \_ that is right. Chinese communities knows Elaine Chao for years. and, if she never married to a powerful senator, she would never gotten where she is now. Further, I hate her policies, and that alone is good enough for me to discredit her despite she belongs to the same ethnic tribe as I. \_ That's fine. There are lots of Irish politians I don't support. I think race based support for anyone is stupid. \_ I don't think the gwbush administration is racist. I think they just hate poor people. \_ I hate those racist republicans! We need more equal opportunity supporters like John Kerry and his all-white all-the-time campaign! \_ Yeah, like the way GWB has more non-whites in his administration at any level than Clinton did in 8 years and Kerry has on his staff now. But don't let facts trip you up on the way to the next meeting of the proletariat, comrade! \_ You respond to obvious sarcasm by pretending it is an honest statement. Boy are you stupid. \_ Hi fool! I was joining in on the sarcasm fun. Thanks for adding your idiocy to the motd. We didn't have enough stupid people here already. Everyone understood and let it be. How'd you get so stupid? \_ But wait, say the Republicans, we're not racist. We put Colin Powell and Condi Rice in positions of power (where we can veto them immediately if they get uppity). See? How can an Administration with token blacks possibly be oppressing blacks? Oh, that's right, by cutting valuable social services that help to redress more than 228 years of discrimination and outright oppression. \_ By putting people on the public dole, we lift them up and give them incentive to do better from one generation to the next. Er uh, yeah. Right. Have you ever been on the dole? It is the most anti-incentive thing I ever experienced. \_ Except that the programs Bush has cut haven't only been the welfare checks. He's also cut housing subsidies, funding for pre-school education, and tons of counseling services. If it was welfare alone, I'd be right there with you, but when you take away the means to improve, that's just wrong. \_ Then you'd be unique among the left who think welfare reform is the ultimate evil. \_ Untrue. See "Clinton and welfare reform." (And if you're going to restore, restore it all.) \_ BWAHAHAHAHA! \_ Hey, can I have some of that? My people were totally oppressed for longer than yours. -- ilyas \_ Than mine? I'm a Danish-Irish-Pole; my Danish ancestors were oppressing my Irish and Polish ancestors before Columbus was ever born. \_ Wait, ilya, I missed the part where Russian Jews were brought over in ships to do forced labor for their entire lives on cotton plantations, and then "freed" only to face official government policies of segregation and discrimination for 100 years. \_ Dude! You had ships? We wish we had ships. We had to go to Egypt and Babylon ON FOOT, UPHILL BOTH WAYS, long before your ancestors even knew what slavery was. -- ilyas \_ This conversation has reached epic stupidity. You don't think Jews have ever been SEGREGATED? \_ You miss the point. American government policy and its people supported slavery and, later, "Jim Crow." American government policy had nothing to do with the oppression of the Jews - if anything, we helped to save what was left of them with WWII. The plight of the African-American is a uniquely American responsibility. \_ The plight? 1) stop using crack, 2) stop shooting your neighbors, 3) send your kids to school, 4) install some values in your children, 5) stop listening to music that glorifies thuggish street life and says all women are whores and property. That would be a good start. You know, that whole self responsibility thing. Maybe we need a Federal entitlement program to encourage more self responsbility? \_ I'm the guy who wrote the bit about tokens, and even I can tell you straight up that American government policy at several points had plenty to do with the oppression of the Jews. We nearly didn't even get involved in WWII because of anti-semitism. Look, both Jews and African Americans have suffered. Cutting support to one because the other's not getting a leg up is just plain stupid and spiteful. \_ I repeat, WHERE'S MY PIECE OF THE PIE!? My ancestors suffered, damn it! Gimme gimme gimme! -- ilyas \_ I blame the Jews. \_ And why not? Everyone else does. The weak always make good targets. \_ Um, alright you should dig up the American government and its people (who were around at the time) and get them to pay up. See, the rest of the world has gotten past the feudal concept of familial inheritance of legal responsibilities. Maybe you should too. -- ilyas \_ Do you support increasing the estate tax? \_ jesus fucking batshit. why don't you spill some blood in the sharktank while you're at it? \_ Do you support sending people to prison for what their 4x great grand parents did? \_ Hey, it's not regressive to see that the current social situation in the ghetto is a direct result of both that "peculiar institution" and Reagan's policy of cutting assistance and enrichment programs, as continued by the current administration. \_ It may not be regressive, but it is BS. The "great society" did not increase the speed of blacks entering the middle class, it DECREASED the speed. Furthermore, prior to the great society, ghettos were pretty safe. Now no one lets their kids walk down the street in the ghetto. Woohoo! Did we ever get a great society from LBJ! \_ Your claims are ludicrous. Please back them up. \_ Yours is more so. How does flooding an area with government cash encourage anyone to do better with their life? Please back up the claim that the ghettos are a result of Reagan's policies and slavery. There were shitty ghettos and crime long before Reagan was around. \_ And yet another fallacy: throwing money at the problem does nothing. Spending money to improve schools (read: not on vouchers), provide retraining, educate children through Head Start and other pre-school programs, and provide drug-, health-, and job-counseling decreases crime and social welfare. \_ Spending money intelligently works. Throwing money at a problem, by it's very nature, does not solve problems. The schools are fucked because parents won't take responsibility for their kids in your nanny state and the teachers unions are all about the teachers unions and couldn't give a fuck about the kids. \_ I notice you have not provided the evidence. Perhaps because it does not exist? \_ I notice you have not provided the evidence. Perhaps because it does not exist? See how we can both play that game? You made a stupid statement. I challenged it. Then you try to back your statement by saying I didn't back mine when you have provided no backing for your earlier statement. That turkey doesn't fly. Your debate fu is WEAK! \_ This is the first time you have requested evidence. I can provide plenty of it. \_ It isn't but thats ok. You're doing your best and for that I think you have earned a social promotion to the next level so we don't damage your self esteem. \_ Corporations live forever and can write contracts far outlasting the life of their signees. I think they can be held responsible for their actions 150 years ago. \_ Sue them. \_ Change the law so I can. \_ BWHAHAHAHA!!! SO FUNNY! Poor baby! You are such a victim! What exactly are you going to sue them for and who? \_ There are plenty of corporations that benefitted from slave labor and could be sued. For economic damages of course, what else do you sue a corporation for? Are you this ignorant and rude in person? \_ I asked you to name them and what you'd sue them for since you weren't damaged by it. Are you this obtuse in person? \_ A very quick google gives: http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/03/26/slavery.reparations http://www.millionsforreparations.com/lawsuit-ww.html I think you can make an economic argument that the descendants have the right to sue. We already return solen art to the decendants of the victims. But the law would have to be changed to make this possible. \_ Tell us about the legality of the sacking of Jericho and the displacement of the Canaanites, ilya. \_ Without the Infinity Trident we're defenseless against the Five Jew Bankers! \_ John is that you? \_ Where's the magic spear and shield?! I must have the ring else all hope is lost! \_ You idiot! We made up the Five Jew Bankers! \_ http://internationaljewishconspiracy.com (Relax, it's a satirical site, not racist.) \_ How did a conversation on Elaine The Asian And The Big White Penises become so intellectual? \_ Where exactly did it become intellectual? \_ I agree that the claims that the Republicans are racist are silly and counter-productive. It is not surprising that the Republicans are the first to put an Asian woman into the cabinet though. There is a great J. K. Galbraith quote about how it is the fate of American politics that the party that is not believed to embody a particular quality is the one that actually has to put it into practice. Just like how the Democrats are the party that actually has sensible, business- and growth-friendly economic policies. The Republicans don't need to have these, because everyone assumes that their policies are economically sound. The first Black or Female U. S. President will be a Republican. - (one of many) motd liberal \_ thank god, there are people on motd has non-volitile memory. \_ last week we caught a Jewish spy, for some reason, we don't have the cox report and all that witch hunt. Racism at work... (if the motd-format God would like to come bless me, I would be appreciative, otherwise sorry about the formatting) \_ I would except those other morons put their crap in the middle making me uncertain who is writing the parenthetic. --motd formatd \_ Chacellor Chang-lin Tien would have been another asian in the cabinet but the big China stealing nuclear secrets brouhaha made it impossible. \_ Tien was from Taiwan, not Mainland China. \_ it doesn't matter. wenholee is from taiwan too. incidentally, so it elaine chao. \_ Elaine Chao's chinese name means Little Orchid. \_ Does it ever occur to you guys that Lincoln was a Republican? \_ Somewhat clever troll, or didn't pay attention in U.S. History. Which one are you? \_ Are you saying Lincoln was a Democrat? \_ Yeah, Lincoln didn't want to ENSLAVE Americans, otherwise he would be a Republican! \_ CSUA has its own Elaine |
2004/9/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33273 Activity:insanely high |
9/1 Anyone else catch Arnie praising Nixon? High-larious! \_ yeah so you were all alive back in 1968 and wanted Humphrey don't you know anything about history, I'm talking the complete story not just Watergate. \_ In the draft of the speech, it was Hitler, but they softened it a bit in the rewrite. \_ I guess you are part of the 30% who disapprove of Arnold in this state. \_ Of course. He didn't slip it in secretly. And the talking heads commented on it afterwards. What about it? What Nixon did would not even get mention today. What happens commonly today and is dismissed by the media and public would yield prison terms during Nixon's era. \_ You mean it wouldn't matter if a Republican did it. Or have you forgotten that a blowjob in the Oval Office seems to be more impeachable than leaking the identity of a CIA agent? \_ Um, no. Perjury and suborning perjury. Not a blowjob. \_ Yeah wow, lets have THIS argument again. Woohoo. You've heard of the Nixon tape where he tells Chuck Colson to BLOW PEOPLE UP, right? \_ I'm not the above poster, but what does blowing people up have to do with blowing people in the oval office? \_ Lying about getting a blowjob ... How many politicians tell the truth about affairs unless confronted directly with incontravertable evidence? \_ Sheesh. This is such a lame attempt at justification. He was under oath in front of a grand jury. Lying to a grand jury is not ok no matter who you are. \_ Note that it appears to be ok to lie to Congress (Reagan, Bush Sr), the SEC (Bush Jr), and to fuck your employees even if you're married (Gingrich). Don't be a democrat. \_ And the earth is round and the sky is blue. All true, but not the issue. The man should not have been questioned about an infidelity in front of a Grand Jury to begin with. \_ The case was a SEXUAL HARRASSMENT CASE. \_ which was THROWN OUT for being MERITLESS \_ Nope. Sorry. It was in the context of the Whitewater probe, remember? \_ And you remember this? "Having an affair with an intern is not a federal crime, but lying about it, or asking others to do so, is. And that's why Whitewater special prosecutor Kenneth Starr's inquiry has expanded to include it. Allegations so far involve possible perjury, suborning perjury and obstruction of justice." http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/multimedia/timeline/9809/starr.report/cnn.content/starr.legal \_ and then there's lying in front of grand jury compared to lying about WMD's infrot of everyone.WTG! \_ Nixon was an effective president, a crook, but a pretty good president. -liberal \_ So its okay to be a criminal, as long as you are an effective criminal? \_ Isn't that what all the Clinton lovers taught us? \_ If lying under oath about your infidelity is wrong, I don't want to be right! \_ So you think infidelity is ok? Does your wife/gf know you think that way? \_ Nixon started out with great intentions and fell into paranoia and dirty tricks. By the end, he was up to his neck in ethical and legal violations, and the only thing he could think about was trying to save his own ass. \_ if Nixon rose from the dead, I'd vote for him instead of gwbush. \_ Oh no! Zombie Nixon! http://www.filibustercartoons.com/store_tshirts.php \_ yeah so you were all alive back in 1968 and wanted Humphrey don't you know anything about history, I'm talking the complete story not just Watergate. \_ Put your drivel at the bottom like everybody else. Ok tnx. \_ In the draft of the speech, it was Hitler, but they softened it a bit in the rewrite. \_ I guess you are part of the 30% who disapprove of Arnold in this state. \_ I haven't taken part in this thread at all yet, but while I had once approved of Ah-nold prior to his speech, I now disapprove and this probably won't change. "If you still support George W. Bush, you're still stupid." \_ Sheesh, just trying to inject a bit of humor into this landmine filled motd "debate" \_ Put your drivel at the bottom like everybody else. Ok tnx. \_ Yeah because you can win any debate by just comparing the other guy to Hitler. This is brilliant! Now I have the key to winning any debate on any topic! Thank you motd! \_ What did Ah-nold actually say? \_ "I finally arrived here in 1968. I had empty pockets, but I was full of dreams. The presidential campaign was in full swing. I remember watching the Nixon and Humphrey presidential race on TV. A friend who spoke German and English, translated for me. I heard Humphrey saying things that sounded like socialism which is what I had just left. But then I heard Nixon speak. He was talking about free enterprise, getting government off your back, lowering taxes, and strengthening the military. Listening to Nixon speak sounded more like a breath of fresh air." \_ What's really great is that Nixon NEVER DEBATED Humphrey... \_ Ah-nold never said he watched them debate. \_ He has in the past, and it's what he implied. Listen to the speech rather than just reading the transcript. http://www.walrusmagazine.com/article.pl?sid=03/10/08/1951245&mode=nested&tid=1 \_ See, I don't see what's so bad about this. I probably wouldn't have said it, but saying he liked what Nixon said about economics in his campaign speech is hardly a big deal to me. \- also see: home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/Politics/NixonObit-HST.txt \_ so, how is Nixon different from Dubya and friends, other than getting caught? -lame troll #69 |
2004/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33259 Activity:nil |
8/31 Frances ready to strike US! http://csua.org/u/8um [sfgate.com] \_ Don't you mean Freedom? |
2004/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33253 Activity:high |
8/31 Michael Moore learns not to rant and plays it cool at GOP Convention. His column is actually well written, IMO. http://csua.org/u/8uj (Washington Post) http://csua.org/u/8uk (official USA Today column) \_ It's not bad. Aside from the bad statistics he uses to justify him is own far-left views, he's right. Most republicans aren't far right. What he's missing is that not being far right doesn't make them far left either. \_ Yes, you're so clever. I'm sure Michael Moore doesn't understand false dichotomies. Go play in the street. \_ This response was needlessly agressive, perhaps to make up for the fact that it doesn't actually say anything. Anyway, yes, I assume Moore knows what a false dichotomy is. However, understanding it doesn't mmake you immune to using them. This RINO concept in this column is basically one big false dichotomy. \_ I'm not the "you're so clever" guy, but Moore is just saying there are the small-government Republicans with more liberal views on social policy (Ah-nold), and there are the Republicans who are conservative in the social policy sense. Moore is saying this latter group is not a reflection of America. \_ Fair enough. Although Moore also annoyed me with his useless straw-man arguments. \_ ... which were? Granted Moore didn't write anything about how Dubya and friends have a clear, precise, \_ i guess you're right, "shoot them all" is clear, and consistent... not too precise though and consistent policy on terrror, whereas Kerry and friends do not. Is that what you're annoyed about? \_ An example "I asked whether women should have equal rights, including the same pay as men." Name a promient republican who would say no to this. I can't think of any. Do you think Rice makes less than Powell? \_ ugh, Michael Moore. Can we just stop talking about this guy? How about this - we'll stop talking about Moore and you guys stop talking about Hannity, O'Reilly, and Coulter. --liberal \_ w00t! Deal! Although it should really go the other way. I'll stop talking about Moore, and you stop talkint about how stupid O'Reilly, Coulter, etc. are. \_ Moore is talking about the religious right and the associated traditional family structure. Not a straw man. But yeah, I do think it's a stretch -- he would make a stronger case just to stay with pro-lifers. \_ It IS a straw man. Being pro-family is not pro-opressing women. Saying women should take care of the babies they have is not the same as saying women who work shouldn't get a paycheck. That's just dumb, and I've NEVER heard anyone even suggest it. Even the Bible is against that. \_ No, I say Moore makes a weak argument, but I still say it's not a straw man. What's a straw man? "Name a prominent republican who would say [they favor policies that would create a situation where women earn 0.75 cents to the dollar]." Even if a prominent Republican did favor this, they would never say so. What's a straw man? "saying women who work shouldn't get a paycheck". No one says that or thinks that, period. Moore: weak, completely unsupported argument on women's pay. You: straw-man king. \_ Sheesh. Sorry for the hyperbole. No one says or thinks women should get paid less for equal work either. \_ The Bible says that women should be obedient to their husbands and their fathers, not that they should have equal rights. \_ The Bible also says, in the same way, that children should honor their parents. Saying that means women should have equal rights is a mis-interpretation of scripture. \_ You're either with us or against us! \_ MM'08! \_ Funny how he says, "we New Yorkers" when he's always tried to play up his whole everyman Flint, MI angle in the past. \_ Meh. He grew up there, worked in the SFBA for a time, and is now a New Yorker. He's probably qualified to talk casually about any of those places. \_ What? He moved?? FLIP FLOP!!! |
2004/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33240 Activity:insanely high |
8/31 Bush makes Garrison Keiller go nutzoid: \_ psb was certainly not in the "republican:evil democrat:good" camp 4 years ago. This is another one of gwb's achievements. - psb #37 fan http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/979 \_ I enjoyed that. Thanks. --aaron. \- A good example of irony is the flourishing of political rhetoric [in english anyway] set off by the rise of the Chimp-in-Charge --psb \_ HAIL GREAT EDUCATOR PSB! REPUBLICAN:EVIL! DEMOCRAT:GOOD! \_ psb was certainly not in the "republican:evil democrat:good" camp 4 years ago. This is another one of gwb's achievements. - psb #37 fan \_ Keillor is a great writer. Even if you like Bush you should check this out - definitely in the great tradition of the American polemic a la Mark Twain. \_ Waaaa! I liked it better when MY party were the gerrymandering fear mongers! What happened to Democrat victimhood, and Democrats being the ones taking all the bribes? Davis, 'O Davis, where art thou? \_ Garrison Keiller is most definitely not a Californian, so why are you blabbering about Davis? Trying to start another Arnold flame war? I've got news for you - Davis lost. We've moved on to Swift Boat. \_ Sheesh. Did you notice the whole post was about Democrat things of the past? I was making fun of Keiller's article by pointing out that everything he accuses the Republicans of are things the Democrats are famous for. And I used things from Democrats past. Since I'm posting on a forum that almost exclusively read by Californians, I thought it fine to invoke the name of a California democrat famous for the things Keiller attacks Bush for. \_ So you think the playground mentality justifies something? "But he did it first!" does not qualify as a moral stance. \_ Umm... no. I'm not saying that what I think the Republicans are doing is GOOD. I'm just saying it's funny to watch the pot call the kettle black. \_ Fear-mongers? When were the Dems the fear-mongers? \_ Certainly my whole life. "Hole in the Ozone! Global Warming! Return of Jim Crow Laws! Vouchers cause racism! etc. etc." \_ Yeah that's the same as preemptive invasion. Die painfully. |
2004/8/30 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33233 Activity:nil |
8/30 Another claim about his past Kerry can't seem to get straight: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=merron/040830 (Kerry claims to have run in, and finished, the Boston Marathon "in '80, something like that" -- but there's no official record of his feat, and his campaign did not provide further details despite repeated inquiries.) \_ What an important issue. Send this to Lehrer so he can bring it up in the debates. \_ I heard Kerry eats French cheese! \_ I've climbed Mt. Tam but you won't find that documented anyplace. If I ran for office I wouldn't bother trying to document it either. \_ Climbing Mt. Tam doesn't usually have a sign up to get on the mountain unlike running in a marathon. \_ He was probably on a secret CIA / Seal mission at the time, that's why. |
2004/8/30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33221 Activity:high |
8/30 I was in Oregon yesterday on the way to the airport. Some old guy in a station wagon in front of me had written a note in Sharpie and taped it to his back window: "If you still support George W. Bush, you're still stupid." \_ In 2000 it wasn't so much a matter of stupid as gullible. Now it's stupid. \_ I'm sorry but, Gore? Come ON! \_ A smart man with no soul who would bring in a cabinet largely from the Clinton administration, or an affable man with no brain who would bring in a cabinet largely from the Reagan administration. \_ Cthulu/Yog Sotthoth '00! \_ Why vote for a lesser evil? Bush/Cheney '04! \_ I'm sorry but, Bush? Come ON! |
2004/8/30 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33216 Activity:high |
8/30 Looking at the latest http://pollingreport.com numbers, our boy's back! \_ huh? how are those polling numbers any different than we've seen for the last couple months? What are you talking about? \_ Wow. A tie! You mean it hasn't been tied before? Horrors! \_ The polling looked a lot bleaker for bush even around the beginning of the month. \_ Anyone who thinks this election isn't going to come down to the wire is smoking some serious drugs. [restored] \_ Anyone who thinks it's better to go into the debates 5 points down rather than even is also smoking some serious drugs. \_ who's 5 points down? Are we talking about the same polls? some polls have bush ahead by margin that's in the noise, and some have kerry ahead by a margin that's in the noise. just what the fuck are you talking about? \_ He's on crack or he's only been reading the questionable polls like Zogby or Rasmussen. Good polls like Fox or Gallup have consistently shown a dead heat for quite awhile. \_ Time with leaners 8/5 has Bush down for 7. Even Fox 8/4 has Bush down for 5. NPR 8/24, Bush -5. Democracy Corps 8/5, Bush -7. Zogby 8/14, Bush -7. \_ Are those likely or registered numbers? A lot of people get confused and compare the two sets. \_ Our? |
2004/8/29-30 [ERROR, uid:33215, category id '18005#8.21625' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33215 Activity:very high |
8/29 Dan Rather, corporate media whore, boosting GWB: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/08/29/opinion/main639222.shtml \_ Damn liberal media. \_ so, that makes General Electric a liberal company? \_ Well, they own a media company, don't they? Must be liberal! \_ what mainstream media are consider "conservative" then? \_ Fox News \_ Sorry but what idiot reads Dan Rather's opinion pieces? Stick to the colored pie charts in USA Today. \_ Dude, Dan Rather rocks! I still remember how he called California the 'Big Burrito' on live coverage of the 2000 elections. A guy that dumb had to do a LOT of sexual favors for Satan to make it this big. -- ilyas \_ what about his "bush is storming through the south and midwest like a tornado through a trailer park" line? that at least made me snicker. \_ Dan Rather, sucking dick for Satan. Thank you, ilyas, I think we have a new bumper sticker. |
2004/8/26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33158 Activity:insanely high |
8/26 Why is there still this misconception? Wouldn't everyone be better served if at the least the truth is known? Quoting from below: \_ "Your media"? Anyway, some major news organizations (NYT included, I think) did a full manual recount of the state and showed that under most recount rules if there had been a full recount Gore would have won Florida. Of course this happened several months after the Supes appointed GWB, so by then it was a moot point and it didn't get a lot of press. \_ Actually, you are exactly wrong. The study you referred to (done by the National Opinion Research Center, commissioned by NYT, CNN, etc.) showed that Bush would have won by 493 votes had there been a recount. And, no, it didn't get a lot of play in the media. http://csua.org/u/2b5 \_ Good article and thank you. Your single statement from it is exactly true but the article says a great deal more. I suggest people read it. -- ulysses \_ This NORC??? http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/CarolASThompson/NORC.htm \_ Rehashing the recounts is pretty pointless, I'll agree. But the larger concern is Florida's continued registrar shenanigans. \_ There is a lot of anger over the recount that is unjustified, given the above link. We can argue over politics, but I hope we can all agree there should be more civility in our argument. These kinds of misconception make civility impossible. \_ The misconception about how the votes went down in Fl'2k is still being perpetrated because the more you tell the big lie, the more people will believe it and get mad because they won't do their own research into the truth which is that in all the ways the votes were being counted and recounted, Gore lost, no one was appointed President and it pisses off the left to no end. Had Gore only won his own home state, it wouldn't have mattered what happened in Fl anyway. \_ You are precisely a victim of the kind of propaganda you decry. Read the NORC link above. \_ I read it before posting, thanks. What next? You're going to tell me that there was a huge conspiracy across Florida between Jeb Bush, the police, and the dog catcher's union to prevent blacks from voting? \_ I would sincerely hope that a Cal CS student would know what precision of measurement is. The above link very clearly shows that Bush won under some methods of counting and Gore under others. Which you still deny, even though the evidence is right in front of your face. You are either 1) insane, 2) lying or 3) unable to read and comprehend English at a 12th grade level. I suspect #1, actually. \_ Gore did not win under any method that was actually being proposed to count ballots. He won only under a method that neither side suggested which was fabricated by the media counters so people like you could claim there was bizarre circumstance under which Gore won. Bush won under all the ways the votes were being counted. By the courts. Not by the media who was making up more ways to do it, although Bush won under some of those methods as well. \_ This is false as well. By the standards set by the Florida Supreme Court: "one in which there is a clear indication of the intent of the voter" Gore would have won, due to the overvotes that both marked him clearly and had his name written in. This was what the State of Florida law required, but the US Supreme Court ruled that there was not enough time to conduct this recount. Remember that the Bush team did everything it could, both legally and illegally, to delay that recount. http://supct.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/00-949.ZPC.html Just admit that the vote was "tied" by any reasonable interpretation of the results. In our legal system, "ties" go to the courts to adjudicate. This one belonged in the Florida State Supreme Court, but in a maneuver so suspect that even they claimed that it was not precedent setting, the USSC took it away from them. That's \_ Would you have preferred the method of the 1876 election? Then Bush would have won. the breaks, I say, but it is Constitutionally suspect and the reason there remains a cloud over the results. The Bush Administration from the very start believed that they didn't have to answer to the rule of law. Thanks for reminding me all all that, btw, I am going to donate another $100 to the John Kerry campaign. \_ A Federal election is a state court issue.. huh!? Read article 2 and Amend. 14, the implication is obvious. The legislature has plenary, manifest authority over the choice of electors - period! What provision of Federal or Fl. state stature talks about 'ties go to the courts' - that statement tells me you have no understanding of the law or intent of the Const. authors. This has been discussed an nasaeum, the decision was 7-2 and Bush won under every possible scenario except the bizarre one you promote. If one extrapolated these absurd scenarios far enough you could probably make Buchanan win too - he should have sued!!! \_ I would say that the article showed that Gore would have won under the most permissive interpretation of ballots, and Bush under more generally accepted methods of interpretation. \_ Are you the same guy that claims that "in all the way the votes were being counted and recounted Gore lost"? \_ Nope. I'm the Gore-would-have-won-under-the- most-permissive-interpretation-and-Bush- everything-else guy. The in-all-ways guy is someone else. |
2004/8/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:33142 Activity:high |
8/25 Dear god, I agree with the Nazis about something: "Schoep, who's from Litchfield, Minnesota, says the National Socialists are protesting the "corrupt dictatorship" of President Bush." \_ I hate Illinois Nazis. And the ones from Minnesota too. \_ Calling all party members in the tri-state area \_ I've always loved you! \_ So, in other words, the Nazis agree with Jewish liberals. There's irony for you. \_ Self destruction is a common trait among Jewish liberals. I believe it has something to do with a cultural sense of self- hatred. "They're always trying to kill us so we must be bad people". Something like that. \_ I met a Jewish Nazi skinhead once. I kid you not. At a Chateau Party. I am still trying to figure that one out. \_ that's still not as ironic as the black white supremacist. \_ Well maybe he kid you. \_ I hope so. He was hanging out with another azzhole wearing a "Screwdriver" t-shirt, so I don't think so, but maybe it was all some kind of sophisticated joke that I didn't get. \_ I'm Jewish? That's news to me! -op \_ You're not sure if you're Jewish? \_ *shrug* All I'm saying is that lots of Jewish liberals hate Bush, too. \_ Nazis. I hate these guys. |
2004/8/25 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33135 Activity:high |
8/25 Does anyone know what Kerry's polling margin over Bush is in CA, NY, or IL? What Bush's margin over Kerry is in TX? I know, "huge" or "double digit". Anything more specific? \_ Insurmountable! \_ 18% in NY, 13% in IL, 12% in CA \- we are on our way to a landslide victory for Dubya in California. See URL below. -troll \_ heh, too bad you didn't actually read the content in the link. Train harder, grasshopper. \_ http://www.electoral-vote.com \_ Thanks. This is exactly what I am looking for. |
2004/8/25 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:33126 Activity:nil |
8/24 More garbage from the State Department, a waste of taxpayer money. Islamic Influence Runs Deep in American Culture http://csua.org/u/8ra |
2004/8/24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33123 Activity:nil |
8/24 It could be worse, he could have claimed he was in Cambodia a week before he really was: http://thenation.com/capitalgames/index.mhtml?bid=3&pid=1704 \_ There is still zero evidence Kerry was ever in Cambodia. And despite the media blitz stating otherwise two of Kerry's purple hearts continue to have gaping holes as wide as the Mekong Delta itself. |
2004/8/24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33100 Activity:very high |
8/24 IMO, Dubya has been looking pretty tired/beat up recently. Take note of how he looks the next time you see him on TV. http://csua.org/u/8qo (Yahoo! News) \_ He's supposedly on heavy anti-depressants and psychoactives.. \_ LIAR!! If he were, he'd look happier. \_ I keep seeing photos of Bush like this one with halos / sunbursts behind his head- is this intentional? Were other presidents photographed in this way? \_ The AP thinks it's cute when it runs photos like that: http://www.drizzten.com/blargchives/000576.html \_ The halo is just a very common way of shooting portraits. I don't know about the sunbursts. \_ I've never seen anyone, especially a politician, photographed this way. I'd be very surprised to see Clinton in this pose. Or do I just never notice it because the guys were never so overtly Christian? \_ Yes, it's intentional, and yes it's a Christian sainthood motif. Bush also sprinkles his speeches with coded phrases that are grounded in biblical language. |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33085 Activity:nil |
8/23 http://money.cnn.com/2004/08/23/news/election_models/index.htm?cnn=yes models predict the election result \_ "Despite an embarrassing failure in their forecasting four years ago ..." |
2004/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33076 Activity:nil |
8/23 Old, but summarized: Florida felon can't-vote list includes highly disproportionate number of black voters, but only 50 Hispanic names, in a state where 1 in 5 residents is Hispanic. ("Hispanic names" is a superset of Cuban, which votes heavily GOP). Total size of list is 50,000 names. http://billmon.org/archives/001601.html |
2004/8/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33034 Activity:high |
8/20 The Vietnam thread below is almost interesting except the participants are speaking past each other. Anyway, what Kerry or Bush or anyone else did or didn't do in Vietnam really isn't important to me as a voter. Bush went AWOL and Kerry faked his own records. They're both losers and better off not relying on their 30+ year old stories there. I want to hear what Kerry did for the country in 19 years as a Senator and Bush in his first term as President and detailed plans of what each intends to do in the next 4 years. And really, as far as security of the country goes, ask yourself this one, "If foreigners could vote in our elections, who would Osama bin Laden, Castro, Chavez, Chirac, and other America haters vote for?" \_ An idiot who's demonstrated his willingness to financially and diplomatically ruin the US? \_ Hussein, too? \_ Hussein always wins 100% of the vote, so obviously he voted for himself. \_ In SOVIET CUBA, politicians vote for YOU! \_ You ask too much. WDYHA? \_ I like how you try to claim both Bush and Kerry's Vietnam experiances are the same. Ok, we all know about Bush and the AWOL accusations and how the documentation pretty well supports that. But Kerry lieing about his records? Well let's see his is accused by a doctor who claims to have treated him on the front although there is NO documentation to support that. The same docotor somehow remembers minor details about an insignificant wound someone recieived in a war zone 30 years ago. Then there is the guy claming Kerry doesn't deserve his Bronze Star because there was no combat going on in the incident. Well, let's look closer shall we? That same accuser RECIEVED A BRONZE STAR FOR THE EXACT SAME INCIDENT. Oh and the "who would america haters vote for" bit is classic. Especially lumping bin Landen (now what ever happened to him anyway) with the rest. And Castro? Please, are you that stuck in the 60s? Oh and why don't you care about domestic policies as well? \_ Sheesh, why do people keep saying the documentation supports that Bush was AWOL? There's NO documentation to support that. There's just a suspicion that some documents claimed missing really exist and haven't been released that might support that Bush was AWOL. \_ Documentation doesn't support that he went AWOL, but there's scant documentation that he was where he was supposed to be. That all documentation has not been found leads some (myself included) to believe there's a coverup, but it is also plausible that he did serve and the papers have been lost. \_ And that's cool. I don't mind if you have your suspicious, heaven knows I have mine. Just don't try to upgrade your suspicions to fact in public debate with out evidence. Thank you. \_ So if all the evidence supports Bush and is against Kerry we still have a man who got out of going to Vietnam versus a man who volunteered to go when he could have avoided service. \_ I think its clear that terrorists fear Bush much more than probably anyone else. The problem is that so do many Americans. I hate to invoke Godwin's Law, but I'm sure Muslim terrorists were very afraid of Hitler, too. He was a dangerous man. Bush is likewise a dangerous man. He'll attack the terrorists, but what will he sacrifice in the process? \_ Have you read 'Inside an Al-Qaeda Hard Drive' in "The Atlantic"? It had emails from Osama in 2001 basically talking about how he wanted to get more publicity and that by attacking the US he hoped the US would end up in a quagmire which would result in more Muslims joining his cause and the US military too occupied to flex it's muscle in other parts of the world. Kinda sounds like GWB gave him just what he wanted, doesn't it? |
2004/8/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32998 Activity:very high |
8/18 Play if you want. (Hurry, Bush's people will have a response tomorrow morning!) 13-term House representative Bereuter will be discredited in what way? [blah blah] \_ Eh, forget it. I noticed http://cnn.com has some responses already. They are: political vendetta, entitled to his opinion. I also missed one, which is: Dismissing him as small fry. There's also another approach, which is to attack one or more weaker elements of his letter, which is probably what they'll do tomorrow morning (something like "we are achieving peace, just as with the disbandment of the Sadr militia") -op \_ Why does he need to be discredited? All he's saying is that with 20/20 hindsight, the world was better with Hussein in power than with him out of power. I think Bereuter says loud and clear all on his own what he believes. No need to discredit him. \_ there have been other consequences to that war besides (in_power? hussein iraq) \_ The big deal is, with hindsight, Dubya still says going to war against Iraq was the right thing to do. This Republican (also vice-chair of the House Intelligence Committee between 2001-2004) has said in hindsight after reviewing all the data, it was a mistake. |
2004/8/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32990 Activity:very high |
8/18 http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/08/18/congressman.iraq/index.html GOP lawmaker: Iraq war a 'mistake' ... Rep. Doug Bereuter of Nebraska, who until earlier this month was the vice chairman of the House Intelligence Committee -- a panel that reviewed much of the evidence the administration cited before going to war: ... "I've reached the conclusion, retrospectively, now that the inadequate intelligence and faulty conclusions are being revealed, that all things being considered, it was a mistake to launch that military action, especially without a broad and engaged international coalition ... Left unresolved for now is whether intelligence was intentionally misconstrued to justify military action" \_ Hey, what's in the "..." sections? I hate when partial quotes are posted. Now I've got to go read the whole thing to find out what he really said. Motd bits aren't that expensive. Just post it next time. \_ Oh gee.. Another politician who doesn't march lock-and-step! \_ Well, he was vice-chairman of the House Intelligence Committee from 2001-2004. He's going to catch a lot of hell, even though he's retiring. What I'm really curious about is how Dubya's people will do it. <SARCASM>He really needs to be made an example of.</SARCASM> -liberal \_ Are you serious? He needs to be make an example of for stating an obvious truth? \_ Are you serious? He needs to be make an example of for stating an obvious truth? [formatd] \_ For breaking party ranks: Loyalty > "making the right decision" > "truth" If it was such an obvious truth that it was a mistake, Bush wouldn't still be saying it was the right decision anyway. \_ Independent thought! Horrors! \_ Another entry for the "No shit sherlock" file. \_ Why isn't this on http://freerepublic.com yet? They're usually pretty fast. \_ it is. \_ Wow, you're right. I see the freeper responses are: he's Kerry's toady; disunity shows weakness, encouraging terrorists; France/Germany/Russia had financial incentives for not joining a coalition; just what is this Asian Foundation he's joining; he lives in a city of liberals. |
2004/8/16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32930 Activity:high |
8/16 Washington Post columnist: "Who's the Flip-Flopper?" http://csua.org/u/8m1 "Bush would not negotiate with North Korea. He did. Flip-flop. Bush told the United Nations to butt out of Iraq. Now he wants it in. Flip-flop. ... But it is the areas in which Bush's convictions have not changed that are the most troubling, and this includes a religiosity that comforts him in his intellectual inertness and granite-like beliefs that are impervious to logic, such as his tax policy and his relentless march to war in Iraq." \_ In a nonpartisan spirit, I'd just like to mention how the timing of this sort of thing mirrors simple playground politics: "you're wishy-washy!" (wait wait wait) "no YOU are!" (*bell rings*) "damn." \_ Your characterization is significantly more cynical than "non-partisan". \_ In a nonpartisan spirit, I'd just like to mention how GW Bush is perhaps the most inarticulate U.S. President of the last century. Now here's the partisan spin by press secretary McClellan: "... just shows even the most straightforward and plain-spoken people misspeak. But the American people know this president speaks with clarity and conviction, and the terrorists know by his actions he means it." \_ Is our children learning? \_ "They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." \_ "Karen is with us, a West Texas girl, just like me!" \_ Either you or this columnist should really quote where it's clear that "Bush would not negotiate with NK" \_ I'll assume you're serious about this, and I won't need to quote. The Bush administration's whole stink was that Clinton negotiated and appeased; Bush would not, and would only expect NK to back down without any guarantee of foreign aid. Bush realized that he couldn't count on South Korea to side with him on an aggressive posture, and in the mean time, NK had probably built one or two nukes. Bush negotiated. |
2004/8/16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32918 Activity:high 80%like:32924 |
8/15 Why does Bush refuse to release his military records? \_ yermom's record is she's a slut \_ yer reaching. \_ Maybe he's waiting until a few days before election to make the best use of it. That is, if there's nothing wrong with his records. \_ if Nixon had immediately released the tapes, even with editing for "national security interests", chances are that he could have survived Watergate. But instead, he delayed and temporized encouraging the belief (which just happened to be true anyway) that there was a coverup. \_ But nowadays, the media are compliant lapdogs. Just look at formerly hallowed institution of the WaPo, who brought down Nixon. Now they have to run apologies after the fact for their lazy and dishonest WMD reporting. So its in Bush's best interest just to sit on anything he has that's embarrassing, because the media will quickly get bored and return to Bennifer or Laci Peterson or whatever else sells papers and increases ratings. \_ And Kerry's as well for his records but no one asks for those from a man who is running solely on his 4 months of duty on a swiftboat. |
2004/8/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32907 Activity:very high |
8/14 Norman Podhoretz, "World War IV: How it Started, What it Means, and Why We Have to Win". http://www.commentarymagazine.com/podhoretz.htm The reason I post this is not because I believe or disbelieve his historical world view. The reason to read this is to get an all-in-one -place summary of every terrorist attack going back to the 70s. I found the number of attacks shocking. I knew about each one but I have never seen them together like this. \_ Good article, a few serious errors though (ex.: Khomeini's motivation to not have the Soviet embassy stormed--USSR was not a major sponsor of the Shah.) Also, he makes a common mistake-- "sneers and jeers" are not directed at the Bush speech use of "good" and "evil", but rather at ham-fisted and faulty (and dishonest and ineffective) response to these. -John \_ You haven't read the 9/11 commission report, have you? read it. everything in your article is covered in much greater detail, and without the partisan noise. Pundits love to trash the 9/11 report because if people actually read stuff like that they'd be out of a job(which they should be.) ok, i retract my attack on your article; it's actually pretty interesting. Everyone should still read the 9/11 report. \_ I didn't read the report, true. Is there a historical summary of events section? It's not my article. I'm just posting for the historical summary part. I don't accept or deny the rest of it. -op \_ read it. seriously. All the pundits are trying to spin it as being useless because it doens't trash the politician they hate(be it clinton or bush), but just sticks to the facts. It gives all the historical background on the attacks in your article, all kinds of background info on al qaeda, lots of relevant information on how the structure of our government is or isn't set up to deal with terrorism, and some basic American history that everyone should know but probably most people don't. And that's just from the first five chapters i've read so far. It also gives a blow-by-blow narrative of *exactly* what happened on 9-11-01 that I don't think you'll find anywhere else. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911 \_ Good article, thank you. -- ilyas \_ [ troll gone ] \_ "What Clarke for all practical purposes did--both at the hearings and in his hot-off-the-press book, Against All Enemies--was to blame Bush, who had been in office for a mere eight months when the attack occurred, while exonerating Clinton, who had spent eight long years doing little of any significance in response to the series of terrorist assaults on American targets in various parts of the world that were launched on his watch." Clarke did blame Bush, but the rest is flat-out wrong. You guys should all know this when you read it. It's so sad that Americans still don't get it. What happened to |
2004/8/12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:32863 Activity:high |
8/12 So can anyone tell me where the political wingnuts on the motd came from? I don't remember anyone so nutty when I was involved in the CSUA (97-01). \_ I think we somehow gave an account to a pissed off re-entry veteran student. - danh \_ Young people are generally apathetic about politics. My theory is that as the posters to the motd grew older, they became more interested in politics. As to why they are so nutty, your theory is as good as mine. \_ I think the nutty stuff is mostly trolls from people who have boring jobs with nothing to do most of the day- and the recent increase is just from post-dot-com-bust-shitty-job-market. From 97-01, people had too much to do. From 01-02, nobody was employed. Now, people are employed, but don't do anything. \_ two words: graduate school. \_ So you think Freeperguy just keeps track of the latest freeps so that he can troll the rest of us? \_ http://FreeRepublic.com. Fox News. Not really liking poor people. That's all you need to create a right-wing "wingnut". Liberal media. Michael Moore. Not really liking rich people. That's all you need to create a left-wing "wingnut". \_ This kind of Red-State/Blue-State thinking is the whole problem. Reducing people to abstractions doesn't teach you anything about them. The computer science solution to problems is not always the correct one. \_ agreed. i think the average "red state" or "blue state" person would be horrified by most of the socialist/communist lefists and ayn rand rightwingers that prevail on both sides of the political spectrum among geeks. \_ Hey, someone asked how wingnuts came about, I gave an answer. Of course there are a lot of non-wingnut left and right-wingers. Hell, my "I will kill Michael Moore if I ever see him" younger brother who watches O'Reilly all the time managed to get his hands on my copy of Starship Troopers (book not movie): He nows says he's joining the Army as long as Kerry isn't elected. \_ Your brother sounds like he really needs a CSUA account. \_ Rent him the DVD. See if he gets the satire. \_ He saw that movie 10-20 times already. Apparently he likes both. \_ Politics have gotten far more acrimonious since the 2000 Election. This election cycle has simply built upon that. \_ Labelling people as a wingnut if they don't agree with you. \_ Ha. No. |
2004/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32843 Activity:nil |
8/11 Is George W. Bush a satanic mass-murderer? http://csua.org/u/8k8 |
2004/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32838 Activity:nil |
8/11 "Afghanistan's interim president, Hamid Karzai, faced questions during a news conference ... about the legitimacy of that election in light of reports that many voters have registered multiple times and may try to vote more than once. 'This is an exercise in democracy. Let them exercise it twice!' Karzai said. 'We cannot be perfect.'" http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/ap20040811_1192.html \_ "Karzai later hastened to add that voters will have their hands marked in ink that will be difficult to remove in an effort to prevent them from voting more than once." Oh boy, Taliban targets! |
2004/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32834 Activity:very high |
8/11 Wouldn't even Republicans agree that any administration that purposely leaks classified info (in the latest case, the identity of a Al Queda operative working for us) for political gain, endangering this country's security in the process, should be removed? Isn't this on the level of Nixon's crimes, if not greater? \_ Wouldn't even Democrats agree that any administration that purposely sold nuclear secrets to China in exchange for campaign money, endangering this country's security in the process, should be removed? Isn't this far above the level of Nixon's crimes, if not far far greater? \_ Yeah, if such a thing actually happened, it would be. But since it is only a fiction of some paranoid loons imagination, I not going to worry about it too much. Forget your tinfoil hat? \_ Which Clinton administration official admitted that this happened? Condi Rice actually ADMITTED the name was leaked by the Bush admin \_ It's minor compared to what Nixon and Reagan administrations did. Nixon used the CIA to counter the FBI investigating his reelection committee's illegal activities. Reagan sold arms to an enemy state to fund an illegal war. This said, what Bush's admin did was just really stupid, not illegal. The Valerie Plame thing was illegal. \_ Nixon/Reagan stuff was clearly wrong ... but did it give aid and comfort to a foreign enemy we are at war with? Scale vs. direct effect. \_ Why no recrimination for Clinton buying arms from Iran to give to the KLA? So having another Soviet satellite state in our hemisphere would have been a good thing? \_ 1) Because after nearly 20 years, attempts of normalization of relations with (supposively moderate) Iran through economic mean is not a totally bad idea. \_ The arms tranfers were illicit, just like those in Iran-Contra. \_ Sigh. Context has no meaning to you. -EOT- 2) The US Congress had outlawed the sales. Both El Salvador and Nicaragua were economically, politically, and militarily incapable of threatening the US. \_ So a Soviet controlled Central America would have been no problem during the 1980's? \_ The US told these nations "our way or the highway." They took the highway and Cold Warriors struck back. If the US had tried to fix the oppressive (pro-US) regimes, socialism wouldn't have taken root. \_ I had never even heard of this charge before. Are you sure it is not one of those "who killed Vince Foster" type Clinton-hater legend? \_ SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! - Bill O'Reilly \_ He only says that to people repeating liberal nonsense after they've had their turn. \_ Only 40% of Americans believe the Bush administration would be \_ And when encouraging people not to speak out about the war. And when the son of a man killed on 9/11 tries to point out that the terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. \_ Only 38% of Americans believe the Bush administration would be capable of that. http://i.timeinc.net/time/covers/1101040816/poll/images/poll_2.gif \_ No, it's only incompetence that led to the al Qaeda operative's name being leaked to the press at an inappropriate time. Who exactly leaked it? Tom Ridge says he doesn't know. Rice implies the name was purposely released by the administration to press. http://csua.org/u/8jx \_ It's worse than that. The guy had flipped and was giving the Pakistanis viable intelligence, plus feeding Al-Quada trash. Knowing that someone had been found drove Al-Quada back underground instead of into the hands of authorities. \_ I'm just talking about the motive, not the results (which are as severe as you say). I say incompetence, not politics. |
2004/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:32832 Activity:high |
8/11 Kerry states he was in Cambodia multiple times, and compares himself to Martin Sheen in Apocalypse Now. Nevermind Kerry's swift boat was 50' long. http://instapundit.com/archives/017129.php \_ Why do you read Instapundit? The guy has been so wrong so many times and he never admits or corrects his mistakes. \_ http://www.falloutshelternews.com/BushHitlerLinks.html \_ Hitler? Ok. \_ Tet 1969 would actually fit his story perfectly. We started bombing Cambodia in March 1969, I am sure we sent in some guys undercover to do recon just before that. Did Nixon make some speech like that during Tet? \_ Tet was Jan of 1968. \_ Tet is every year. It is a Vietnamese holiday similar to Christmas or Chinese New Year. \_ Oh, a wiseguy, eh? \_ I am just telling you the truth. You can't handle the truth! |
2004/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32830 Activity:very high |
8/11 George W. Bush sucker-punches a rugby opponent at Yale (photo) "George Bush delivers illegal, but gratifying right hook to opposing ball carrier." http://csua.org/u/8jv \_ Clinton puffs and cheats. So? People still love him. \_ It must be nice living in your own reality. \_ Yeah he played rough rugby in school. He should be impeached! \_ Punching the guy with the ball == "rough rugby". HA HA! \_ Worse than that, he claims that he played Varsity rugby for Yale for four years, when there is no such thing. And he only played Rugby at all for one year. He can't remember every single exact detail from his life 30 years ago, he is a lying scumbag that cannot be trusted with the Presidency!!! \_ He only claimed one year, but it was still a lie, yes. Not as consequential as lying us into an illegitimate invasion and destroying America's soft power/credibility. LOACFAG. \_ At least it wasn't lying about getting blowjobs in the oral, err, oval office. \_ What about his claims to have played rugby with Mulan Rouge in Cambodia!?! |
2004/8/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32801 Activity:high |
8/10 Bush: "My opponent hasn't answered the question of whether knowing what we know now, he would have supported going into Iraq." Kerry: "I'll answer it directly. Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it is the right authority for a president to have but I would have used that authority effectively." \_ Kerry challenged Bush to answer some questions of his own -- why he rushed to war without a plan for the peace, why he used faulty intelligence, why he misled Americans about how he would go to war and why he had not brought other countries to the table. "There are four not hypothetical questions like the president's, real questions that matter to Americans and I hope you'll get the answers to those questions, because the American people deserve them," he told reporters. \_ Have you stopped beating your wife? The American people deserve to know the answer to this real question. \_ The charge that Bush had no plan to win the peace is legitimate but the charge that Bush relied on intelligence agencies implies that Bush should have become fluent in Arabic, Farsi, and Pashto, handed the presidency to Cheney, and went off and gathered his own intelligence. \_ No, it just requires that he was willing to search out and listen to people who disagreed with the *false* phoney consensus presented by Wolfowitz and Tenant. He could have found them with Google, or by talking to the numerous CIA career agents who quit in protest to the hyping of the intel. The fact that he either does not have people in his inner circle willing to tell him what he doesn't want to hear or that he ignores them speaks volumes about his competence and ability to lead the nation. \_ So when the President, who already suffers information bombardment, gets info from the guys he is supposed to rely on to give him info, he should dismiss them and read blogs he found from google to create our foreign policy? This is a joke, right? IHBT? \_ He has surrounded himself with yesmen and ideologues and doesn't even read a newspaper. Even after they failed him, he has not shaken up his cabinet. He demonstrates a fundamental inability to think critically. Stop deleting this. If you can't reply, just nuke the thread. \_ What newspaper? According to the wall, the mass media is all dog food and we should get our news from blogs. If he shook up his cabinet like Tenet getting the axe, you'd just be here saying like you have before that he was blaming his subordinates for what he is resonsible for and he should resign, not leave the buck at his subordinate's desks. There is just no making some people happy. You hate the guy and that's ok but don't try to hide it behind that sort of noise. Just be upfront about it. It's ok. [and no i didn't delete anything, get over it. my reply is there. you havent posted anything that isnt trivial to reply to.] \_ Nope, if he shook up his cabinet, I would have some respect for him. At least he would have admitted to himself that there was a problem. As it is, he claims that he makes no mistakes. He is an arrogant boob and should be trusted with the kind of power he has. As for what newspaper, how about the Christian Science Monitor? How about the WSJ? How about anything at all??? And what *I* said was that Bush should fire Cheney, Wolfowitz and the neocon cabal, apologize to the nation, apologize to the UN and apologize to France and Germany. Hell, if he did all that, I would probably vote for him. But since I post anonymously, you are to be forgiven for confusing me with some other "Bush hater." \_ So you think the WSJ, CSM, etc, have better access to information than the FBI, CIA, and other multi billion dollar funded intelligence agencies?! Ooookeeey.... Why should anyone apologise to anyone? For what exactly? \_ For leading the nation to war under false pretenses. It is okay to make mistakes. It is not okay to make mistakes, pretend like you never did it, and not fix the problem that led to the mistake. At least the CSM isn't a bubble filled with people who all agree with each other. Perhaps you didn't notice that a bunch of CIA analysts quit in protest over the poor handling of the intel, as well as half the British cabinet. I suspect Bush didn't notice. Here is a bunch of great stuff from conservative commentators agreeing with me, that Bush will never see, because, sadly, he doesn't read anything except from his bubble world: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/05/18/bush/index.html \_ Which false pretenses? WMD was not the only reason to go in. And has been posted and censored many times before, the intelligence agencies in this and many other countries all believed Iraq had large stock piles of WMD. Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Albright, and many others are on record as saying they believed he has had WMD for years. Why did none of them fire all their people and go read a blog or the CSM? Robert Novak, 1 elected official and 1 random paper is hardly "a bunch of great stuff from conservative commentators". It's some stuff from 3 sources. I don't consider Novak a conservative, btw. \_ "Iraq has ties to al Qaeda" "Iraq can mobilize chemical and biological weapons within 45 minutes" "Saddam kicked out the UN inspectors" And could this be considered a flip flop? Then: " It costs a lot to fight this war. We have spent more than a billion dollars a month -- over $30 million a day -- and we must be prepared for future operations." Now: they plan on putting off their funding requests until after the election, then have to ask for $50B emergency authorization... \_ WMD was certainly one of the major, if not the major justification given to the American people. And they are not there. No, your one 10 year old sarin shell does not count. It does not really matter that much who else made the same error, since the decision to go to war was with Mr. Bush, but it mitigates it somewhat He still needs to say mea culpa somehow. Which he has not. \_ But they had Weapons of Mass Destruction-related program activities! \_ By "I would have voted for the authority", did Kerry mean he would have voted for going into Iraq today knowing that there is no WMD anyway? \_ I believe he has said that he looked at voting for war powers as giving the president a new tool for handling the situation, but that he thought it would be used as a credible threat and possibly a banner to rally allies behind rather than us diving in with a pitiable coalition. \_ Nuance! So really he meant to show the world (again) that the US is a paper tiger that makes threats but never backs them up in modern times. Good plan. That'll scare em! That and his fighting a more 'sensitive war against terrorism' (his words) will keep the world safe! I'm voting for Kerry this fall for sure! --Osama \_ That's not how I read it. I read it as: I would have fought a war againt Iraq, but I would have listended to Shinsheki and gotten 300k troops like he requested, not taunted him, called him a coward and a traitor and run him out of Washington. \_ That's not what he said. Anyway, even if that *is* what he said or meant, 300k troops would do what exactly for us in Iraq right now and the last year? Make more targets? Make the Iraqi people even more upset about the even larger force sitting on their territory? We have more than enough fire power to genocide the entire country. Lack of troops is not the problem. \_ Tell that to the generals who have said otherwise. The big problem is our military is trained to go in, destroy quickly, and leave. We are not trained for peacekeeping missions, let alone nation building. Bush's biggest failure in Iraq was not taking this into account and alienating our allies who have a better track record in this area. \_ Shinseki was canned for saying we didn't have enough troops. Now Bush says, "If the military asks for more, I'll give it to them". The military doesn't ask. Get it now? (just google for shinseki fired) |
2004/8/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32772 Activity:moderate |
8/8 I despise Bush, and will certainly not vote for him in november, but IMHO Bush's recent speech at the UNITY conference was the best of his presidency. Definitely worth viewing. Go to http://www.cspan.org and click on "Pres. Bush Remarks at UNITY Conference" He actually manages not sound like a dumbass or a right-wing nut for over half an hour. Particularly impressive in front of an openly hostile audience. \_ 1/2 hour out of 4 years just doesn't cut it. \_ Erm, wasn't this the speech where the audience was laughing at him, mostly to do with his answer to the question about Indian sovereignty? Something like "sovereignty is well ... sovereignty, and if you have sovereignty you are sovereign." \_ I said "over half an hour." There were still some dumbass parts during the q&a session. OTOH the fact that they got him to publicly come out against legacies in admissions is pretty funny. \_ Without legacies how would the next generation of politicians like Al Gore get into school? We know he isn't smart enough to get in on his own. |
2004/8/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32737 Activity:insanely high |
8/6 Whoever posted that Norman Mailer dialogue -- It is actually a decent read. It shows Mailer excercising more subtilty of judgement \_ how subtle! than I thought him capable of. \_ The observation about Rumsfeld was something that resonated with me immediately. -- ulysses \_ 1. Donald Rumsfeld is a mammal. 2. Donald Rumsfeld fights ALL the time. 3. The purpose of Donald Rumsfeld is to flip out and kill people. \_ Anybody still have the link? \_ http://newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/news/rnc/9574 Now just don't say I never did you anything. -- ulysses \_ Oh yea, perpetual America hater and 60's leftist ingrate. Cause celebre for Jack Henry Abbott and Mumia. I can't wait for these 60's leftovers to die off. It's as though they didn't do enough damage to the country in the 60's. \_ you miss the day when you don't have to share anything with colored people, don't you? \_ The south was solidly democrat in the 60's and 70's. Right back at ya! I counted the word 'feel' 12 times in that article - appropriate or what? |
2004/8/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32729 Activity:nil |
8/7 Didn't Bush snub CA a while back? How supportive do you think Arnie is going to be? Should he pull a few punches to try and negotiate or is he better off going 'all out' so that Bush 'owes us'. I don't like Bush, but you have to give him credit that he's pretty damn good at returning favors to his buddies... |
2004/8/5 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32709 Activity:nil |
8/5 I just ran the numbers again, and I was wrong. Even if Bush wins Florida, I have Bush leading Kerry a little on electoral votes, before counting seven medium states in a dead heat. |
2004/8/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32700 Activity:nil |
8/4 http://barlow.typepad.com/barlowfriendz/2004/07/dancing_in_the_.html Come dance with John Perry Barlow in Manhattan |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32686 Activity:nil |
8/4 I've seen it claimed on the motd that Sandy Berger has been cleared and that Bush has military documents he can release but hasn't. I've asked for links substantiating both these claims, but have not receieved a single response. Not even a blog link. Can I conclude that these are silly lies now? \_ Christ, just quit bitching and google. http://members.aol.com/forvets/htomr.htm \_ Oooookay... so I knew this. But I thought the claim was that Bush's records of 72-73 were MISSING.... \_ I believe the beef that AP has with the Bush records is that he didn't grant them the rights to the records, he requested his own copy and then forwarded them with the wax stamp unsealed, so to speak. \_ I do not think Bush has released all possible military records \_ Dewd, there are a lot of unverified claims on soda, and some posts that debunk them and tell you exactly why. Berger has been cleared of obstructing the 9/11 commission by 9/11 commission representatives; the Archives people are still deciding what to do about Berger violating Archives policy on notetaking and removing classified photocopies. http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/story/10235294p-11155782c.html \_ Thank you, I wasn't able to find that link. \_ Kerry has not released all of his military records. \_ Yeah, so what we have is: Bush claims he has released all relevant records. It can perhaps never be verified that he did or did not. Kerry has said he has released all military records, but from press reports, reviews by superior officers were not made available (unclear why). \_ and medical records related to his medals. |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32679 Activity:nil |
8/4 Did you know, Powell re-confirms Bush did the right thing? http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/7/21/231135.shtml \_ Everyone thinks Bush did the right thing, unless you are a commie scum bastard \_ then, Bush must has done the right thing! |
2004/8/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32664 Activity:nil |
8/3 To the guy who claimed Bush can release some gaurd duty records by signing something, do you have a reputable link for that? It's the first I've heard of it. |
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