3/15 |
2008/9/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51021 Activity:kinda low 75%like:51040 |
9/3 I think McCain secretly thinks Obama is the best choice and is dooming himself to throw the election. It's the only explanation. Also MAGICAL JESUS UNICORN's behavior around the time of the birth of her last child was REALLY odd, I am willing to bet that it's not really her daughter and that she decided to raise her daughter's newborn as her own. I applaud her effort but I think she's done for. \_ which historical figure had a female in his life who he thought was his sister, but it was really his mother? I can't remember... \_ That's how Ted Bundy got started. \_ You're an idiot. \_ Normally I prefer a more complete response, but in this case, this is really all that can be said. \_ Yeah, I started writing a more comprehensive response, but replaced it with simplicity. -pp |
3/15 |
2008/9/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51014 Activity:nil |
9/1 Protesting the war...by attacking buses? http://gatewaypundit.blogspot.com/2008/09/bus-attack-in-st-paul-anarchists-attack.html \_ And cub scouts! |
2008/9/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51013 Activity:moderate |
9/1 Dirty tricks, not just a Karl Rove thing: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080901/pl_nm/usa_politics_palin_dc_3 \_ Yah, this is pretty low. Stay classy libs! \_ You mean "Yah, this is pretty liberal. Stay low fellow cons!" \_ How is this low? Liberals have MORE unwed moms than conservatives \_ Perhaps, but Conservatives have more divorces. \_ According to this BBC article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7592636.stm Obama 'said people should "back off" from such stories. THE ONE 'said people should "back off" from such stories. SATAN SATAN SATAN 666 'said people should "back off" from such stories. McCain 'said people should "back off" from such stories. "I think people's families are off-limits, and people's children are especially off-limits," he told reporters. "This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."' "This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential Governor MAGICAL JESUS UNICORN's performance as a governor, or her potential Governor TINA FEY's performance as a governor, or her potential Governor MCGINA's performance as a governor, or her potential Governor McCain's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice-president."' Well said. I'm looking forward to having Obama as President. Well said. I'm looking forward to having THE ONE as President. Well said. I'm looking forward to having SATAN SATAN SATAN 666 as President. Well said. I'm looking forward to having McCain as President. \_ Worth noting from http://www.coolnurse.com/marriage_laws.htm : "Alaska: If either of you are under 18, you will need certified copy of birth certificate, both parents must be present with identification, or if you have a legal guardian they must be present with a court order and identification." "Alaska: If either of you are under 18, you will need certified copy of birth certificate, both parents must be present with identification, or if you have a legal guardian they must be present with a court order and identification." So: if Bristol Palin and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they will need Governor Sarah Palin's say-so to do so. So: if Bristol MAGICAL JESUS UNICORN and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they will need Governor Sarah MAGICAL JESUS UNICORN's say-so to do so. So: if Bristol TINA FEY and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they will need Governor Sarah TINA FEY's say-so to do so. So: if Bristol MCGINA and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they will need Governor Sarah MCGINA's say-so to do so. So: if Bristol McCain and her baby-daddy intend to get married, they will need Governor Sarah McCain's say-so to do so. |
2008/8/30-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51010 Activity:kinda low 75%like:51032 63%like:51036 60%like:51043 |
8/30 http://FightTheSmears.com apparently is also start-the-smears http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/31096_McCain_Campaign_Behind_Anti-McCain_Smear_Site \_ Ahh, LGF... must be true. Can I counter this with a Kos link? \_ Did you read the article? Did you follow up on the IP addr leads? \_ What would you say if I buy http://goatsex.com and HTTP redirect it to http://FightTheSmears.com? Is that FightTheSmears is also goatsex? to http://FightTheSmears.com? Is that FightTheSmears is also goatsex? \_ Ah, good point. Thanks. -op \_ Learn how CNAME works and get back to us. This is no more than grafitti. |
2008/8/29-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51006 Activity:nil |
8/29 so your gf gets raped. You get to raise the kid, according to Palin. No abortions for you. \_ You've got to be shitting me right? Oh well Palin will attract former Hillary supporters and the religious belt. Biden attracts... ??? Brilliant choice. The Karl Rove legacy lives on. \_ Link? \_ Yes, if there was only some way to let someone else raise the child. Some way to let another family "adopt" it... "adoption" if you will. \_ Yep, I hear there's a serious shortage of babies put up for adoption. \_ Of caucasian babies there is. \_ http://www.vpilf.com Words fail. \_ lulz |
2008/8/29-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51005 Activity:nil 70%like:51039 |
8/29 McCain only met with Palin once. http://marcambinder.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/08/the_daily_bricabrac_sarah.php#more The facts on Palin are going to be gold for the Dems: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0808/12987.html \_ "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency," (Obama) I'm not sure what to make of experience criticism from Obama. He has about the same amount of experience, and he wants to BE the president. \_ Hmmm, which other major candidate has been making the 'experience' argument? \_ It's not that it isn't a valid criticism in general, just that it's more dangerous to Obama than Palin. Those in glass houses and all that. \_ The above quote was from an Obama campaign spokesman, and their second statement was much milder. I suspect they'll just ignore her and continue to go after McCain. Meanwhile, this neutralizes McCain's one solid attack, which was the experience argument. Basically this was a really dumb, cynical move to try to suck up Hillary voters and I'm surprised conservatives think it was a good pick. Though I guess "conservative" basically means "Republican hack" now for the most part. \_ Oh, I must have misread the attribution. My bad. Anyway, I'm not really sure it neutralizes the experience argument, since Palin isn't running for prez, although it may sort of strengthen the "Mcain is old" argument. She's not who I would have picked, and I hate picking a woman just to have a woman type thinking. I would hope no one actually votes that way, but it's pretty obvious many people do. It does bloster his ticket with the Bible belt the way say, Romney, would not have. I really hope this means Mcain can quit trying to pretend to be a far righty. \_ Palin is a trivial figure, and someone comparing her to Obama says far more about themselves than they do about Obama. \_ I guess you'll have to explain what you mean, because I don't get it. What makes an Alaskan Gov. more trivial than an Illinois senator? \_ She seems to be a lightweight and Obama is not. How many books has she written? She was Miss Congeniality for God's sake and went to the University of Idaho. We will know more after her debates with Biden. If she does well in them, my opinion of her will go up. \_ And Arnold Schwarzenegger is governor of the most populous state in the union. People don't care about book-writing academics. Why don't we have presidents who have Ph.Ds in political science and economics? \_ so what does it say? \_ http://blogs.tnr.com/tnr/blogs/the_plank/archive/2008/08/29/an-astonishingly-arrogant-v-p-selection.aspx \_ Comments are pretty good. \_ But Palin is 3,990,722 times hotter than Biden. We live in an era of TV fluff politics. Palin is a great choice. Who else should he have picked? One of the standard geezers wouldn't be interesting at all. More than anything the VP is a figurehead role. And Palin checks the conservative boxes. \_ It's really amusing how the GOP has become the affirmative action party. \- Consider also how the VP hopefulls feel to be snubbed for McCain's Folly, the Alaskan Cipher. Either it's obnoxious and insulting, or McCain couldnt stand anybody, or nobody wanted to go down with the S.S. McCain. |
2008/8/29-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:51004 Activity:nil 66%like:51034 72%like:51038 |
8/29 Hooo boy, Palin on Iraq: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7niokOXyjs \_ hoo boy? \_ She sure as hell isn't good at the coherance thing. |
2008/8/29-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51000 Activity:nil |
8/29 http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/28/republicans.react.to.obama Obama to raise tax for people making $42K? That is screwed up. \_ No, not really. McCain is lying again. That is screwed up: http://www.newsweek.com/id/151621/page/2 \_ It's not a lie. Even your own article says it is true. |
2008/8/29-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50998 Activity:nil |
8/29 crap. mccain inc and 9000 years of eternal darkness starts in Nov. you heard it here first. \_ do you have a point? \_ yes.. voting for mcCain now since Palin is a real woman. \_ right... we believe you \_ The question is, are you a racist, or are you a sexist? |
2008/8/29-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50995 Activity:nil |
8/29 “As for that VP talk all the time, I’ll tell you, I still can’t answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?" - Sarah Palin http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0808/12969.html \_ Wakes up and checks the obituaries. \_ http://amipresidentornot.com |
2008/8/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Recreation/Celebrity/BritneySpears] UID:50991 Activity:high |
8/28 Wow, remember how Obama complained about being compared to Britney Spears? His holy temple set is being built by...Spears' set builder. http://tinyurl.com/5ft7yl \_ Wow, that's so meaningful! \_ Stay on track, little GOPpuppet. Keep telling America that it is \_ Stay on track, little GOPuppet. Keep telling America that it is a bad thing to elect leaders who are popular and charismatic, I just love this line of attack. \_ Hilarious. I'm not a GOP. -op \_ as independant as o'reilly eh? |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50975 Activity:nil |
8/26 I've been wondering about the Georgian side of the story, here it is http://preview.tinyurl.com/6bn2co Very interesting. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Obama for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames McCain for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Bush for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Putin for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Rice for the whole thing. \_ Can you summarize? I'm not going to read this unless it blames Gorbachev for the whole thing. {Obama,McCain,Bush,Putin,Rice,Gorby} for the whole thing. \_ No, if I could summerize in 80 characters, it would not be very interesting. I will say this explanation makes much more sense than the reported one, although I would need futher confirmation to totally believe it. It does have much less "WTF?". \_ This is the part I don't understand. It is Georgia started the whole thing, knowning fully well that Russian is going to step in. Now, they are crying foul? \_ So, you didn't read the article? |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50966 Activity:nil |
8/26 How dare anyone question The One! "Obama not only aired a response ad to the spot linking him to William Ayers, but he sought to block stations the commercial by warning station managers and asking the Justice Department to intervene. The campaign also planned to compel advertisers to pressure stations that continue to air the anti-Obama commercial." http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D92PL7400&show_article=1 \_ Obama's response is pretty funny. "He blew things up when I was eight years old, so it's ok!" Ummm... what? \_ Dittohead desperation level: purple \_ Ok, now you're just in denial, troll. \_ You aren't really anyone to call someone else a troll, troll. \_ typical dictator \_ Let's see: someone starts publishing ads slandering you, and you turn around and call them on the slander. Hm, yeah, I guess you're right; only the guilty would call bullshit, right? Btw, would it affect your vote if you knew that McCain had a black baby out of wedlock? -krove@csua |
2008/8/25-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50954 Activity:nil |
8/23 I was deeply disappointed Obama didn't pick Wesley Snipes as his running mate. There's still time for McCain to do the right thing. |
2008/8/23-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50949 Activity:nil |
8/23 Socialism is the solution to most of the problems GWB and Ronald R created. Fuck McCain, go Obama! \_ Is Obama a Socialist or a Nazi or a Stalanist? You guys need to get your story straight here... \_ Uh, all of those are socialist. \_ Why do you think they call it Socialist Security. \_ What do you expect, he was born a North Korean: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4u377r \_ He/she forgot to alter the seal as well. It still says Hawaii. |
2008/8/23-31 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50946 Activity:nil |
8/22 I find Biden uninspiring \_ Biden was my first choice for President. I voted for Hilary in the primary. The Biden choice makes me likely to vote for Obama, even though I voted for McCain in the 2000 primary. So it got him at least one vote. \- is it because of the difference between hillary and omaba on some issue you are able to look past the fact that she clearly is a liar [this is indisputable, short of claiming she has clinical level psychological problems] and in my opinion sanctimonious, condescending and self-interested ["barak obama is not a muslim ... as far as i know", "barak, i cant believe you plagerized from deval patrick" etc]. i liked biden when i watched him on the senate judiciary cmte a long time ago, then he lost me a bit, but i started to like him a little more lately ... i didnt pay too much attention to him in the debates, but i still do see him on cmte hearings and he did make a number of proposals w.r.t. iraq which are at least the starting point for decisions, unlike hillary who was just about triangulating and bending with the wind. --non voter \_ Did you vote for Singh's party? \_ All politicians are liars. I voted for Hilary, because I didn't know much about Obama and I feel he is inexperienced. I prefer the devil I know to the devil I don't know. \- all politics may be about compromise, but all politcians are not liars. and even if in some senses that is true, broad comments like "all pols are corrupt, liars, all the same" are not meaningful and are just naive. the std example of this is "do you really believe if ALGOR was elected we'd be in the iraq fiasco"? do you believe all exaggerations on a resume are the same? "expert c++" when your coding chops are only so-so != "i have an MBA from harvard" when you dont". the examples i gave above are the "beyond the pale" examples. i didnt include cases like hilary trying to link obama to the weather underground and including the line "people died, barak". yes, i didnt expect her to volunteer bill clinton pardoned some members of the WU for "full disclosure" and maybe the fact that nobody actually died was an "honest but convenient" mistake [i cant remember if really nobody died or one of the WU people got themselves killed], but the example above [and the bosnian sniper episode] admit no charitable explanation. those deserve the political death penalty. \_ Eh. It doesnt bother me as much as it apparently bothers you. |
2008/8/22-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50945 Activity:nil |
8/22 Google for John McCain, then click on the ads. Congratulations, you've wasted McCain 0.0000001% of his money. Keep it up guys! |
2008/8/22-29 [Reference/Military, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50943 Activity:nil |
8/22 Cindy McCain - The only way to get around Arizona is a private plane! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/07/14/cindy-mccain-in-arizona-t_n_112695.html \_ She must have gotten that advice from Al Gore. \_ What is the carbon footprint of owning 7 homes? Lawn, heat, AC, maintenance, wash, etc etc? \_ Pretty impressive that she managed to spend 50-100 hours getting training without him noticing. |
2008/8/22-29 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50940 Activity:nil |
8/22 More birth certificate wackiness! Just after http://factcheck.org finally nailed the Obama birth certificate conspiracy shut: http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html Pro-Hillary lawer opens case claiming Obama is ineligible to be POTUS http://www.americasright.com/2008/08/obama-sued-in-philadelphia-federal\ .html \_ Bwahahahaha, Berg cites differences in the English and Italian versions of Wikipedia as proof of discrepancies in Obama's birth records; this is the work of a kook. |
2008/8/21-26 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50928 Activity:moderate |
8/21 What's the big deal with arugula anyway? When did this become a talking point? I like arugula. \_ Please give more context, thanks. \_ Apparently the McCain campaign keeps bringing this up. \_ if this election is won or lost on whether McCain can convince Americans that Obama is a weird arugula eating motherfucker, I am going to be really pissed off. \_ I haven't seen it recently except in jokes, because the Obama quote is pretty funny. -!pp \_ URL? I don't watch TV and the argula eating staff of the New York Times hasn't mentioned it yet. \_ http://csua.org/u/m5d (NYTimes blog) \_ I am a freak and read the paper version. \_ The NY Times blog is dumb. You can get arugula at freakin Wal-Mart. \_ McCain spokesman goes ape: http://tinyurl.com/6p69fp \_ الله أَكْ! \_ Hahaha, McCain doesn't even know how many houses he owns and apparently neither does his campaign. Such a "man of the people" indeed! \_ Turns out, he owns zero. Cindy and related trusts own eight properties. \_ Arizona is a community property state, therefore if she owns them, he owns them. \_ Only if she bought them while they were married. Not if she owned them prior to the marriage or with funds that are clearly not comingled with his in any manner. \_ saying The Cindy/John McCain trusts own their property and the McCains is a complete cop-out, and you know it. \_ Like I said, McCain Corp doesn't even know how many houses he owns. \_ You mean like how the GOP made fun of Kerry for "owning" four homes with his wife and how he was called a "Gigolo" with a "sugar daddy wife." Kind of like McCain is. |
2008/8/20-26 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50911 Activity:nil |
8/20 Get ready for President McCain! \_ if dubya can be President, anyone can \_ And reelected, at that! \_ ugh i hope not. \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/8/19-21 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50902 Activity:moderate |
8/19 Obama to choose a running mate. + Didn't choose Edwards - VP candidate l0s3r potential still significant \_ I think he'll pick Ted Kennedy \_ l0lz \_ Biden is rocketing up on Intrade. Not my first choice, but not a bad one either. \_ Why does anyone care? Discuss the choice when it happens. \_ I don't think Biden will be picked. That I am insane and accidentally plagiarized a speech charge will haunt him. Also, Biden loooooooves to hear himself talk, the man does not shut up. \_ I can't understand the second sentence. Also, I don't think that speech will haunt him, that barely rises to the level of anyone noticing. I doubt even far righties would bring that up. \_ far righties bring up the fact Obama visited his grandmother in Hawaii. do not underestimate the pettiness of far righties. \_ http://mediamatters.org/items/200703290011 Let their own words speak for themselves. |
2008/8/16-21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50885 Activity:moderate |
8/16 Hilarious. Barack catches himself saying Clarence Thomas was not exprienced enough. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfblJvKXiP0 \_ you know Justice Thomas hasnt said a word in court for 2.5 years? \_ Do you now he has written some of the best dissents? \_ Do you think Obama is experienced enough? \_ Yes. Do you think Clarence Thomas is experienced enough? Would you a Diet Coke while you think about that? \_ Then where does Barack of 143 days get off saying Thomas isn't experienced enough? \_ What does Obama's time in office have to do with Thomas's experience? \_ That he's unqualified to rate someone else as inexperienced. \_ So someone has to have worked longer than in their field than someone else in another field in order to say that person is not experienced enough? Have you never supervised someone older than yourself? \_ yes \_ The drugs must be tasty in your neck of the ward. \_ So what? These days almost all cases are decided on the briefs. In my experience, oral argument is often a waste of time and rarely matters (esp. at the appellate level). \_ not asking any questions at all for 2.5 years is kind of weird \_ This may simply be a difference of opinion, but I find that the justices seem more influenced by the Q&A these days than the actual briefs. \_ Almost as funny as Bush complaining about Russia invading Georgia on phony, trumped-up charges, in violation of International Law. \_ that is a pathetic response \_ So it is okay that Bush is a hypocrite but not that Obama is? Why do you hold Obama to a higher standard? \_ Who said it's okay? Jesus Christ you buffoon. But since we're on this topic, democratic Georgia is different from Saddam's Iraq with its history of aggression. The US actually did present its trumped-up case to the UN etc. and gave Saddam alternatives. Russia pretty much just rolled tanks in. We are also not annexing pieces of Iraq to the US. |
2008/8/15-19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50877 Activity:nil |
8/15 The Republican Campaign of Hate has just begun: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6bqc2t \_ What further proof is needed that free speech is alive and well in America when hate-filled garbage can get printed? \_ Corsi isn't Republican: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=57812 "Why I am not a Republican" \_ Uh-huh. \_ Right. \_ "just begun" ? \_ And the "liberal media" plays right along: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5kjpju |
2008/8/13-19 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50864 Activity:nil |
8/13 Wow, how does the kool-aid taste? http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0808/11/sitroom.01.html "My point is that a President Obama will have a good, strong dialogue-oriented relationship with Russia, where these kinds of situations would not occur." \_ Red-flavor or blue-flavor? \_ This particular one is blue-flavor. \_ Sure, but how is the sentiment different from that of some- one who drank the Red talking about McCain? \_ Obama's force of will will prevent war? \_ McCain's sheer anti-Russianism will prevent war? \_ I haven't seen that claim. Are you just pulling it out of your ass? \_ If Condi did give the OK nod that might not be so far fetched. \_ Yeah, that berry-blue flavor is pretty good, huh? \_ Hard to tell what's water and what's not anymore. If 10 years ago someone told you the administration was going to make it legal to torture prisoners you'd think they were crazy. \_ Hard to tell what's water and what's not anymore. If 10 years ago someone told you the administration was going to make it legal to torture prisoners you'd think they were crazy. \_ we need dubya and condi out on their asses before they fuck things up even more \_ Didn't Bush tell us he was going to "jaw-bone" the Saudi's to keep oil prices low? How well has that one worked out for us... \_ worked prety good for ~6 years. \_ No it didn't. Just $3 gas seems cheap now. |
2008/8/12-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50851 Activity:low |
8/11 Obama forgets that Russia is on the UN Security Council http://www.tampabays10.com/news/national/story.aspx?storyid=87027&catid=81 \_ Bzzt. Regardless of the fact that Russia would veto it, a proposed resolution calling for an immediate end to the violence would send a strong message that the international community does not condone Russia's actions. \_ ^international community^lackeys of the West \_ Why is that important? The UN is worthless and always has been. What use is it when you had communist dictatorships on the "security council"? Sending a strong message is orthogonal to the UN. \_ You are diluting your OBAMAMA IS THE CRAZY AND WILL KILL WHITEY message. Please get back on track. \_ You're getting drool on your sweatpants. |
2008/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50837 Activity:nil |
8/10 Obama shifts towards economic-based affirmative action. http://news.yahoo.com/s/politico/20080810/pl_politico/12421 'Obama said that his two daughters should not be given preferential treatment, owing to their relatively privileged upbringing, and has called for government to "craft" a policy "in such a way where some of our children who are advantaged aren't getting more favorable treatment than a poor white kid who has struggled more."' I think I'll vote for him. |
2008/8/8-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50825 Activity:kinda low |
8/8 Drive Naked, Save America http://tinyurl.com/6xmyer [cnn.com] \_ Is this worse or better than reducing the national speed limit back to 55 (and 65 in some cases)? \_ This is better than handing out tire gauges how? \_ For one thing, there would be lots of naked chicks on the road. \_ And more accidents. \_ Drilling for oil in the OCS is going to have a negligible effect, too. As much as it will pain conservatives, they are just going to have to learn to live with less oil. \_ And you won't? \_ Since I already don't own a car, I doubt it will have a huge impact on me. Perhaps on food prices, but that is a very small part of my budget. \_ The price of oil affects the price of almost everything. \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/10/opinion/10friedman1.html Too bad the conservatives blocked the CAFE standards from going up for all those years. \_ Yeah, incinerating trash sure sounds environmentally correct. \_ This is moronic. Way more oil would have to go towards climate control because clothing helps people regulate temperature. This guy ridicules Obama for proposing a good idea and being stumped that the Republicans would mock him for it. Its dumbass partisan politics to mock someone for an idea you agree with. May as well mock yourself. |
2008/8/8-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50819 Activity:nil |
8/8 One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute (USNews) http://csua.org/u/m1n Whoever thought this was good idea.... \_ Clearly stolen from Star Trek http://tinyurl.com/6fc8zb \_ Who must have stolen it from the University of Oregon. |
2008/8/8-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50816 Activity:nil |
8/8 Russia invades Georgia http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article4486208.ece \_ Welcome back Soviets, we missed you. \_ They picked the luckiest day to invade! \_ Anyone have any idea what's really going on here? Georgia wants to join Nato and be west aligned, so Russia has been supporting some rebel/seperatist groups? These groups are Russian citizens or what? I don't really get that part. Georgia just made a major offensive against a seperatist group and crushed them, so Russia is rolling in the tanks? \_ There's a population of ethnic Russians in that region of Georgia who want to break away and join Russia. Mind you, given Russia's opposition to Kosovar independence and Chechnyan separatists, the irony is appalling. \_ Just curious, was that population of ethnic Russians shipped there by the soviets? They did that with some areas. \_ Turns out (on closer viewing) that the separatists are a different ethnic population from Russia and Georgia. As usual, the BBC has an excellent primer on the region: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3261059.stm |
2008/8/6-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50798 Activity:nil |
8/6 Wow, welcome to the new McCarthy Era "But you'd think an arch conservative working in an overwhelmingly liberal town would think about restraining himself for expediency's sake, if nothing else." http://www.hollywood-elsewhere.com/2008/07/scratch_him.php \_ Yes, it's exactly like the McCarthy Era. (How did you get into Berkeley again?) \_ By banging yer mom. \_ Do you think he will end up blackballed? If he is, you can complain about McCarthyism. \_ The senate is holding hearings about this? Really? And to think that just a week or two ago I was reading about how a recent administration was using string loyalty tests how a recent administration was using strong loyalty tests for non partisan justice department jobs. |
2008/8/6-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50791 Activity:low |
8/6 Maybe Obama is just too weird http://tinyurl.com/59325e \_ What, you aren't going with the tire guage attack? Maybe you can go the "celeb" route and attack him for being too damn charismatic. I mean shit, that's always a good reason to hate some. \_ Oh man, I so want one of those tire gauges. Pure comedy. -!pp \_ Wow, I didn't even know about the tire gauge attacks. The Republicans are attacking Obama now because he told them the truth about something? The GOP is more out of touch and delusional than I had even imagined. And I imagined that they were pretty out of touch. "It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant," Obama said. \_ The truth? Obama's "inflate your tires == drilling" moment is the truth? Sorry, not so. \_ Ahh, there we go. I've been waiting for you to start spewing this kind of crap. Are you going to start ranting about how obama thought he claimed tire guages next? \_ "Making sure your tires are properly inflated, simple thing, but we could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling, if everybody was just inflating their tires and getting regular tune-ups. You could actually save just as much." -- Obama \_ And? Someone asked "How can I help?" and Obama told him. How DARE he! Let's go give McCain a huge campagin donation so he will change his votes on offshore drilling! (Oh wait, too late) \_ Obama made a specific claim: that proper inflation on your tires, regular oil changes, and tune ups would save *AS MUCH OIL* as we'd get from increased drilling. This is patently false, and simply laughable. It also doesn't take into account how to *grow* our economy. \_ You are as ignorant as Limbaugh. \_ Ad hominem! Excellent sir! \_ "Simply laughable." \_ Why is it simply laughable? \_ Do you believe that we cannot grow our economy without increasing oil consumption? \_ Is Obama correct? Inflating your tires would save more oil than we would get by drilling offshore. You do know that Obama is correct about this, right? http://preview.tinyurl.com/6oy9uk \_ Nope: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5fqnrq \_ In other words, Obama was right. Powerline adds in 1T barrels from Oil Shale, which is clearly not gotten by drilling. \_ Um, no. The barrels/day extracted number is based on the *profitable* extraction, where oil was at $60/barrel in 2008 -- which it isn't. \_ Dude, you are amazing. I want to have sex with you RIGHT NOW. \_ So you honestly believe that some partisan blogger is more accurate in his prediction of how much energy is profitably extractable from the OCS than the experts? Simply laughable. \_ Appeal to authority! Excellent if you don't care about the truth of an argument. \_ Too bad Obama listens to guys like petroleum engineers and guys who are petroleum engineers and guys with PhDs in economics. He could be like the GOP and get all his policy ideas from blowhard internet bloggers who have so far never been right about anything. But then he would be a Republican, not a Democrat. "It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant." been right about anything. "It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant." \_ The quote I saw had Obama doing his own poorly thought out back of the evelope calculation. -!pp \_ If true, he deserves to be made fun of then. \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/62asue Scroll down to the 1T line. Read the comments section to see where he gets eviscerated for including oil shale, I don't have time to repeat it. Scroll down to the 1T line. \_ Not only is there the magic 1T barrels, the dude also ignored the bit about tuneups. Nor is that Obama's energy plan. It is his answer to "how can I help." Energy plans good. Personal conservation, especailly "free" conservation good. Combined even better. Why does that make you so sad? Is it too communist for you or something? \_ Uh, modern cars don't have tuneups. \_ Uh, yes they do. But instead of not working without them they tend just to work less efficiently. Still, moving parts go out of tolerances after 1000's of miles, modern or not. |
2008/8/5-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50782 Activity:nil |
8/5 I may have to start watching Jon Stewart again. http://tinyurl.com/5zhpfa \_ The "liberal" media goes after whoever is in power. Anyone older than 21 remembers the Clinton years and already knows this. \_ Wait, what??? I thought the liberal media always says nice things about Jewish people \_ Yes, but when the audience has to be prompted to laugh when an Obama joke is made, it gets a bit tiresome. Now that people are able to laugh at Obama as well as McCain I might be able to watch it again. \_ So your problem is with his audience. \_ And the rarity of the Obama jokes. Now that he's figured out an approach that isn't PI, that rarity is probably not an issue any more. \_ I am sure after he is elected President, he will be the subject of non-stop jokes and ridicule. \_ PI? Wait, you think Jon Stewart and the Daily Show are concerned with being Politically Incorrect? Are you fucking retarded? \_ Why yes, yes he is. \_ WRT Obama, they were avoiding hitting him until recently. \_ WRT Obama he's a lot less hit worthy than McCain. McCain is a joke, Obama isn't. \_ Hahahahahaha! \_ Don't worry, humorous attacks on the POTUS will remain a legal expression of 1st Amend. under President Obama. God, I'm so looking forward to January. \_ Obama track record: jack and shit. \_ McCain track record; fuck up and backpedal. \_ Don't forget being one of the Keating 5. \_ It's not track record. McCain is running a pathetic campaign, the kind that just begs to be made fun of. "That's not change we can believe in... [insert pained smile here]" \_ This post is contentless. \_ I enjoy the Colbert Report more. \_ His schtick gets old pretty quick. \_ I never tired of it. \_ I'm sick of the sponsorships. \_ ha |
2008/8/4-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50775 Activity:low |
8/3 Hess Oil Executives gave huge contributions to McCain campaign just days before his drilling reversal http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/08/oil_company_executives.php \_ So who gave to Obama then? \_ So just to be clear, you DO admit McCain is a corporate tool right? Even though you are being obviously dishonest in your attempt to paint Obama with the same brush, can you at least accept that McCain is a dishonest pol in the pockets of the engery companies and anyone else who is willing to pay? (P.S. I'm not happy with Obama's windfall tax idea either.) \_ So just to be clear, you admit McCain is a corporate tool? But you are trying (poorly, wrongly) to try to claim that's ok because Obama does it as well, right? Since you are wrong about Obama can you just accept that McCain is a dishonest pol in the pockets of the energy company and anyone else who is willing to pay his way? (P.S. Before you bring it up, I'm not happy with Obama's windfall tax idea either.) \_ When did he reverse himself on drilling? \_ http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_080804.htm \_ [!facepalm] Read the speech and now revising my opinion. He's not reversing himself, no matter how it's being portrayed, and if you read his speech, you'll see a well-thought-out plan: http://preview.tinyurl.com/57br62 (PBS) \_ Let's see. Don't open new offshore drilling until the old ones are dry. AKA, keep stuff in reserve rather \_ So wait for current reserves to run out making sure there's a gap between running out and starting up? Newsflash: we don't make enough oil for our needs right now. \_ When you are spending more money than you are making is the right response to burn through your savings or to cut back, try to get a better job, and save your savings for when you might really need them? \_ His proposal is to get the oil-monkey off our back by the time that happens. -!pp \_ "get a better job" in this example than burn through it right now. That's always been his position. There is something which is unsaid which is hopefully by refusing to burn through all our oil RIGHT NOW we will transition to other energy sources before any of the reserves are needed which means we will never have to drill there. \_ I thought Obama supported a compromise between the pro and anti-drilling forces. Here in grown-up land we think that compromises are a good thing, even though we have had to suffer the last seven years with a "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists" President. |
2008/8/4-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50773 Activity:nil |
8/3 vp picks? i'll start: Obama picks the governor of Virginia: . McCain picks the governor of Louisiana: . Obama picks governor of Indiana: . Obama picks Powell (R): . \- how does that make sense? protection against assasination by bigots? |
2008/8/2-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50762 Activity:low |
8/1 McCain goes negative http://nymag.com/news/politics/powergrid/48928 \_ What else are the Republicans going to run on? Their good stewardship of the American economy over the last eight years? Their fresh new ideas? The Iraq War? What other choice do they have? \_ Economy was fine until Dems took over congress (though I'm not stupid enough to blame a president or even congress for the economy). The Fed is the real problem. \_ really? i thought the problem was basing our economy so heavily on service fees for bundled debt products. I don't think that's a Dem/Repub thing \_ Deregulation, which is primarily a Republican thing, is what led to the explosion of financial services. That and the laissez-faire attitude of The Fed (more Republicanism). \_ No, forcing companies to lend to groups traditionally not receiving loans is what caused the problem. Fannie and Freddy buying up bad loans was the other problem. Fannie & Freddy being backed by the government is what allowed them to be so irresponsible. \_ Wow, I hadn't realized there was a fantasy-land version of the credit crunch! \_ I don't think that this really explains the whole story, but it is likely that Bush's American Dream Downpayment Initiative, his Single-Family Affordable Housing Tax Credit and his Self-Help Homeownership Opportunities Program, all had an impact on lower income home ownership rates, which is what they were intended to do. The GOP also pushed for banks to loan to more low income people in low income neighborhoods, sorry I don't know the name of the specific Acts that did this. But a bigger factor was the explosion of unregulated credit, in the form of CDOs, SIVs and the like that flooded the market with easy credit. The money supply is the market with easy money. The money supply is the responsibility of The Fed and regulating banks is the responsibility of Congress and The White House, but because of their philosophy, they decided to let "the market sort it out" which is what we are suffering through right now. \_ I'm sorry you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground but can you please go drool somewhere else? Thank you. \_ Do you mean Greespan, who was appointed by Reagan, or Bernanke, who was appointed by Bush? Somehow, I thought that these record deficits might have something to do with why our economy is underperforming, but perhaps you have a different theory. \_ Greenspan let the tech bubble last too long, then applied too much pressure to kill it. Bernanke should stop printing money like it's going out of style. \_ Could you not use "printing money" as a euphamism for "loose monetary policy". Gives me the willies. We're not Zimbabwe. |
2008/7/31-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50748 Activity:nil |
7/31 Reggie Miller = Obama? \_ Looking forward to your interpreting this into English, really. \_ They are both black guys who play basketball, I see where you going with this. \_ By this logic, Bill Bradley = Obama: they're both politicians who play basketball. |
2008/7/31-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50746 Activity:nil |
7/31 Obama, such a class act. Accusing McCain of being racist (groundlessly) _again_. http://csua.org/u/lzl \_ do you get everything from michelle malkin dot com? your language is the same. \_ Wow. McCain is indulging in the most disgusting of campaign tactics which even people like Ranesh Ponnuru are decrying, but it's Obama whose accusations are groundless. If you don't get the obvious message sent by putting Obama in an ad with two sexually available white women, then you are extremely naive. \_ Right, anyone who doesn't see racist undertones in everything is naive. Two sexual availible white women, sheesh. If that's the first thing you think of, your either trying too hard or a perv. \_ You don't have to see racist undertones in everything to see it when it's obvious. -!pp \_ FIND ME A LINK. THANKS. \_ ugh, article is boring and uninteresting. can either you post a link to video of the ad? ok thx. \_ No where in this article does Obama accuse anyone of being racist. In fact, the Obama camp specifically denies that claim: http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/07/obama-camp-obam.html Try again. |
2008/7/29-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50726 Activity:nil 90%like:50723 |
7/29 McCain far less active than Obama on the hill http://preview.tinyurl.com/6re4qd [the hill] \_ So what? I mean, I know what you're trying to say, this is supposed to defuse the critisism that Obama isn't doing anything. The difference is that McCain has been very active for 25 years. Obama has been pretty much inactive for 3 years. What they are doing right now matters much more to Obama since his history is so much shorter. |
2008/7/29 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50723 Activity:nil 90%like:50726 |
7/29 McCain far less active than Obama on the hill http://thehill.com/leading-the-news/sen.-mccain-holds-off-putting-his-name-on-gop-energy-proposal-2008-07-28.html \_ So what? I mean, I know what you're trying to say, this is supposed to defuse the critisism that Obama isn't doing anything. The difference is that McCain has been very active for 25 years. Obama has been pretty much inactive for 3 years. What they are doing right now matters much more to Obama since his history is so much shorter. |
2008/7/26-30 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50699 Activity:nil 52%like:50697 |
7/26 http://myrightwingdad.blogspot.com/2008/07/fw-obama-death-list.html Obama was beheading in the name of Allah at the tender age of 10! \_ This is hysterical, thanks. I think I am going to post it to The Free Republic and see what they do with it. \_ That's hilarious. I like the comments tying Obama to the Waynes. |
2008/7/26 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50697 Activity:nil 52%like:50699 |
7/26 http://myrightwingdad.blogspot.com/2008/07/fw-obama-death-list.html Obama was beheading in the name of Allah at the tender age of 10! (Actually my favorite is the man killed in a "catfish restaurant," especially because the dead man is one of the few real names on that list and IS STILL ALIVE.) |
2008/7/25-30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50691 Activity:moderate |
7/25 "This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably." Um, say what Obama? \_ This is straightforward enough to me. What is confusing to you about this statement? Was it the word "share" that threw you for a loop? \_ I find it amusing that he's so clueless that he's talking to the people of Berlin about how they threw off communism, and then talks about reimposing it. \_ you're a moron. \_ You mean sharing is communism? Thanks for warning me, I had been teaching my toddler to share, I will stop immediately. \_ "This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably." Communism \_ Public schools, free clinics, world-wide efforts to eradicate AIDS, the US military... and everything else your taxes pay for. Communism? No. Government? Yes. \_ Forcing people to share is communism. \_ Paying taxes that fund social services that improve the basic quality of life is part of the social compact. Do not confuse your a failure to meet your silly Libertarian ideals with Communism; there's plenty of room in-between. \_ Taking money from one group and giving it to another is communism. Plain and simple. \_ you're a moron. \_ Did you actually attend Berkeley? Communism requires the elimination of private property and the ownership of the means of production by "the people". And we already do this in our system, except the money goes from the poor/middle class to the wealthy and corporations. \_ Did you actually attend Berkeley? Communism requires the elimination of private property and the ownership of the means of production by "the people". And we already do this in our system, except the money goes from the poor/middle class to the wealthy and corporations. \_ the problem with you liberals is that you think everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot and that you're smarter than everyone else. Think about that for a minute. everyone else. Think about that for a minute. -emarkp #1 fan \_ no, we think *you* are an idiot. -tom \_ We are smarter than you. QED. \_ Straw men aren't particularly fun debate partners. \_ He wants to raise taxes. \_ His first action as President will be to send the 82nd Airborne into the Hospitals to nationalize them. Next he will seize the banks. After that, your will have Obama Party officials spying on you at your place of work. He is a Marxist. into the Hospitals to nationalize them. Next he will nationalize the banks. After that, your will have Obama Party officials watching over you at your place of work. He is a Marxist. \_ BLACK HELICOPTERS! |
2008/7/23-28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50669 Activity:nil |
7/23 Obama claims that the Banking Committee is "his" committee? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjzb61wfyN0 \_ Well, he is the president! \_ Weak sauce. He was referring to provisions he offered last year to the Iran Sanctions Bill: http://obama.senate.gov/press/080717-senate_banking \_ Okay, so when he said "we just passed" he meant the Senate (fair enough), what did he mean when he emphasized "my committee"? \_ He misspoke: he meant that "his" provisions had been passed by the Banking Committee. \_ I'll take a few minor flubs by Obama over Angry McCain's current bout of doozies. \_ Articulate Harvard educated elitists aren't allowed to flub. Cranky ex-POWs, however, can say whatever they want. \_ Quick, to the Iraq/Pakistan boarder! \_ Yeah! That plays loud music and is like, 2 months behind on his rent! \_ Quick, to the Iraq/Pakistan border! |
2008/7/23-28 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50659 Activity:moderate |
7/23 See, I told you he was HITLER! http://preview.tinyurl.com/6dv7mr \_ I thought Obama was a Marxist. Is he Hitler, too? Obamarxhitler just doesn't have the same ring as Bushitler, does it? \_ Obama == Socialist ~ National Socialist == Nazi == Hitler \_ Socialist >>> Bush Reagan Capitalist > McCain Therefore, Obama >>> McCain \_ This is too long for a soundbite, you need a way to say this in a snappier fashion. \_ I orignially posted about Obama's choice to speak in front of the victory column. My intention wasn't to imply the Obama was Hitler, just that he was incredibly arrogant and aften tone deaf. I expect this sort nonsense from Bush, but you'd think the more 'humble' Obama would, I don't know, ask a German where he should have a speech in Germany. just that he was incredibly arrogant and often tone deaf. I expect this sort nonsense from Bush, but you'd think the more 'humble' Obama would, I don't know, ask a German where he should have a speech in Germany. \_ You know he was denied his original speaking location, right? Perhaps the Obama campaign should have you as a consultant, since you obviously have his best interest at heart. He should dress up in a fighter suit, pad his codpiece, land on a aircraft carrier, and give a speech to a cheering throng under a "Mission Accomplished" banner like a good Republican fake war hero instead? Where was your outrage at the fascist overtones then? \_ 1. Yes his original location was the Brandenburg Gate. Which was a jaw-droppingly arrogant, and insulting, first choice. He can't ask a German? \_ "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" \_ Ummm... Yes? Said a standing President? Your point? \_ So it is okay when Reagan does it, but not when Obama does? Got it. I see where you are coming from, thanks. \_ Was it a campaign stop for Reagan too? Reagan wasn't invited to speak there? Oh. You have no idea what you're talking about? Got it. I see where you are coming from, thanks. \_ "Milk Strike ends at Brandenberg Gate" http://preview.tinyurl.com/5a7oee "Fulan Gong Rally at Brandenberg Gate" http://preview.tinyurl.com/5afy56 It gets used for all kinds of things. Are you German or something? I don't think you know what you are talking about, you are just parrotting some right wing talking just parotting some right wing talking points you heard somewhere. \_ see below. \_ Why can't the presumptive president use the same location? \_ Hey Germans, I think this hugely important landmark, usually reserved only for visiting heads of state, would make a nice campaign speech backdrop, how that sound to you? speech backdrop, how's that sound to you? \_ Sounds to me like exactly the kind of thing that a Harvard educated elitist would think was a good idea. \_ It actually gets used almost daily by various sorts of protestors and the like. Who told you otherwise? \_ Sorry, I wasn't clear and overstepped there. Obviously context is important. The Gate is a public area, I didn't mean to imply it was sealed up or something. But there's a huge difference between a bunch of German protestors and a foreign pol giving a speech there. The latter comes with HUGE political implications. \_ 2 weeks ago if someone had said Obama was having a speech at the Brandenberg Gate you would have not be blathering this bullshit. However, you read a bunch of blogs flinging shit at Obama desperatly trying to make "gaff prone elist" stick and suddenly it is OBVIOUS HOW ELITIST AND TONE DEAF Obama was. Jesus H. Motherfucking Christ you are so damn perdictable. -!pp \_ Predictable? I predicted your petty pointless frothing before I posted this. You accusations are false, but I don't feel any need to discuss with a gibbering monkey. Good day. \_ You are fooling noone. \_ So who exactly would have been offended by Obama's speach at the Brandenburg gate? \_ HITLER \_ Bush's attack poodle, Merkel. 2. "I expect this sort of nonsense from Bush..." Can you read? \_ Anyone running for the office of President of the United States is arrogant, almost by definition. The closest thing we ever say to humility in that office was Carter, and you can see where that got us. \_ Ok, true. But I don't think a little bit of sensitivity to our allies is wildly unrealistic. \_ he's so fucking insensitive that every German TV network covered his speech and 200,000 people came network covered his speech and 20,000 people came out to see him speak. What an asshole. -tom \_ HILTER drew large german crowds OBAMA draws large german crowds HITLER == OBAMA qed \_ Who the hell is Melissa Clouthier, and why would I want to read her blog? |
2008/7/23-28 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50658 Activity:nil |
7/23 When did the National Enquirer start reporting stories that are true? \_ Oh even the Weekly World News included the odd true story. (In the WWW news' case, usually as a 1 paragraph blurb.) \_ Quite a while actually. They even win real awards every now and then. Of course they also do tons of crap as well. \_ You mean the "SEN. JOHN EDWARDS CAUGHT WITH MISTRESS AND LOVE CHILD!" story? Or the "BUSH BOOZE CRISES" one? \_ i hope its not true. you have to pretty incredibly awe inspiring worthy of study and fodder for comedy show jokes for the next 10 years to have an affair when you are a mainstream presidential candidate. they always get caught. |
2008/7/21-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50649 Activity:nil |
7/21 Ah, Obama's not a flip-flopper, he's just a liar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHEIi4XKRmM \_ No, he's HITLER \_ lol @ your inability to handle Obama criticism \_ Lol at your weak sauce. !pp \_ Jan 10, 2007: surge won't work, will increase violence Jan 5, 2008: I've always said the surge would work \_ See, just like HITLER \_ You mean Stalin. \_ POL POT!!!!!!1one |
2008/7/21-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50644 Activity:high |
7/21 Look at all these corrupt Democrats. But how can this be? Democrats are supposed to be noble and good. And getting the Green party off the ballot sounds... undemocratic. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08193/896353-454.stm \_ They are all HITLER \_ Corruption seems to be endemic to the human experience, unfortunately. I don't believe anyone (here) has claimed that Democrats are all noble and good. Is that a Straw Man you are furiously bashing? \_ And yet, strangely, they still won't be the party that sold out the government to Halliburton, Worldcom, and Enron. \_ What exactly does "sold out the government" mean? \_ Started a ruinous war to further profits for. \_ Yet, strangely, Democrats voted to authorize that war. An inscrutable contradiction! Could it be that Democrats also profit from Corporate America, Inc.? But that's silly. Corporations are evil and Democrats are axiomatically good. \_ And yet, strangely, they're collaborators, not instigators. Their culpability is still less than that of the GOP, war-profiteering-wise. \_ Strangely, I think you need to justify that. \_ And stranger still, I think the charges need to be justified first. \_ A majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the war, but you already knew that. Don't the facts get in the way of your supposed rhetorical point. \_ A majority of Democrats in the Senate voted for it. Enough in the house to pass the resolution. They are Democrats. A few Republicans also voted against it, so what? \_ An overwhelming majority of Republicans voted for the resolution and an overwhelming majority of Democrats voted against it, even when it took quite a bit of moral and intellectual courage to do so. The resolution would have passed without any Democratic support whatsover, since the GOP was in the majority. Why are you so hellbent on re-writing history? Are you a GOP partisan? Ashamed of your earlier war support? I remember when Bush supporters were smashing courage to do so. Why are you so hellbent on re-writing history? Are you a GOP partisan? Ashamed of your earlier war support? I remember when war supporters were smashing shop windows and beating opponents of the war, where was your outrage then? \_ I am still wondering why the Democrats didn't try to impeach Bush. God, they have no balls at all. Repubs impeach a guy for oral sex while Democrats win control of Congress and proceed to mostly whine about a supposed war criminal. \_ I don't seem them whining about war crimes. Who does that? Not the mainstream ones, anyway. You get guys like Paul, Gravel, + Kucinich but nobody votes for those guys. People vote for the status quo. \_ You mean they are complicit and aren't opposed to the war? That makes it better for them? I was giving them some credit. People voted Dems into office because they were unhappy with the Repub leadership and the Dems turned around and did absolutely nothing. And now morons believe Obama is gonna change that? \_ Better to do nothing than to do something stupid. Stupid. \_ They did do the stupid thing themselves. They authorized the war, continue to fund it, and Obama says he'll keep troops there indefinitely. Yay. Politics is all about complaining about whatever bad thing exists. Like gas prices. Look at the price of gas! Vote for me! What am I gonna do about it? Who cares, vote for me. War? War is bad right? Vote for me! \_ More lies. Obama said he will bring the troops home. Do you get your playbook from Rove? the troops home. \_ That's why the Dems will never get anything done. They don't want to make bad decisions. That never stopped the Republicans, who beat the Dems like a drum. Good leaders aren't afraid to stick their necks out. They worry about being proven right later. I'm not saying bad decisions are a good thing, but I'd say no decisions at all is worse. We don't need a government if we're not going to take any actions. Just refund the tax dollars to the citizens then. I think a token rumbling about impeaching Bush would have been a good thing, even if they didn't actually go through with it. Instead, they approve everything Bush wants. \_ Kucinich has repeatedly tried to get articles of impeachment to the House floor, but cannot get the votes. This is the way a Democracy works. There are other ways to win in politics, other than beating your opponent like a drum. That is the Rove playbook. Did FDR ever beat anyone like a drum? No one would dispute that he got a lot done. \_ "Did FDR ever beat anyone like a drum? YES! Geez, don't you know any history? \_ Where and when? Maybe you define beating like a drum differently than me, but mostly FDR was a good consensus builder, not a 50% + 1 kind of divisive leader like the Bush/Rove/Cheney gang. \_ They tried, over and over again, to get a time- table for withdrawal passed, and you know what the GOP did? Filibustered. That's right, the party that threatened the "nukular" option if the Dems filibustered turned around and fili- bustered. Couple that with Bush's veto-frenzy, and the charge that the Dems did nothing quickly becomes: the GOP cock-blocked every way they could. But hey, go ahead and blame the Dems for the GOP's fuckups. |
2008/7/20-23 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50641 Activity:high |
7/20 Oh, that crazy Obama, he couldn't get the Brandenberg gate, so he switched to Hitler's favorite monument of militaristic dominance. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,566920,00.html Not that he could have asked any German reporters about this. http://preview.tinyurl.com/5tqtgy (Washington Post) \_ Yes, because Obama LOVES HITLER! He's a crazy secret muslim HITLER LOVER! HITLER HILTER HILTER! \_ Perhaps it is part of Obama's effort to reach out to White \_ Don't forget he's a commie who wants to raise all our taxes to 100% and outlaw all guns except if the state needs to use them in an "on-demand" abortion. \_ HITLER! \_ Um, deal with it. When Obama wins, you'll have to learn to live with this crap for the next 4 years just like everybody had to deal with BUSH=HITLER nonsense for the past 8 years. It's a small price to pay for having your team finally win one. \_ You are missing what is important here. Obama is HITLER! \_ Wait, you mean you stopped calling Dems HITLER, LIAR, and FLIPFLOPPER when Bush became Pres.? Your weak sauce is old news. \_ Not sure Obama is going to survive 4 years with all the gun-toting whackos in this country. \_ The gun-toting whackos in the Secret Service will protect him just fine. \_ Just like they did JFK and Raygun. \_ Yeah, too bad JHJr assassinated Reagan. Oh, wait, he _didn't_. Secret Service hasn't lost anyone since JFK. Get over it. \_ Oh yes, because Reagan and Brady managed to survive I guess that means the SS did its job. Maybe Obama will just be a vegetable so you can still stand by your stupid point. \_ Right, it's easier for you to imagine that the Secret Service is incompetent than to simply accept that the fact that no one's been assassinated since JFK is a result of professionalism. \_ Only in your world is the POTS being \_ Only in your world is the POTUS being shot and nearly dying considered a success. \_ Perhaps it is part of Obama's effort to reach out to the White Supremicist vote. |
2008/7/20-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50637 Activity:nil |
7/20 If you disliked the Obama cartoon, did you see the McCain cartoon from last month's Rolling Stone? http://preview.tinyurl.com/5f9ysg \_ Don't you guys ever get tired of trying to "work the refs"? |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50626 Activity:nil 88%like:50614 |
7/18 McCain violates OPSEC http://preview.tinyurl.com/6hhzvp [tpm] |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50625 Activity:nil 85%like:50613 |
7/18 BUD DAY: "The Muslims are going to kill us." http://preview.tinyurl.com/5skflp [miami herald] \_ BUD DAY doesn't appreciate your tone. |
2008/7/18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50614 Activity:nil 88%like:50626 |
7/18 McCain violates OPSEC http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/2008/07/mccain_says_obama_trip_to_iraq.php |
2008/7/18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50613 Activity:moderate 85%like:50625 |
7/18 BUD DAY: "The Muslims are going to kill us." http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2008/07/mccain-pow-bud.html \_ BUD DAY doesn't appreciate your tone. |
2008/7/15-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50577 Activity:nil |
7/15 Obama: we've always been at war with Eastasia http://preview.tinyurl.com/59otvg \_ What the fuck are you talking about? \_ What the f*** are you talking about? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four#The_War \_ I know what you were referencing. That doesn't change the fact that we can't figure out what the fuck you the fact that I can't figure out what the fuck you the fact that I can't figure out what the f*** you mean. |
2008/7/14-23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50568 Activity:nil |
7/14 The Fox Newsification of AP: http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/16193.html |
2008/7/14-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50561 Activity:nil |
7/14 Damn that Liberal Media! http://preview.tinyurl.com/5qwoz9 (Obama New Yorker Cover) \_ Yes, incompetent lefties sure do the darndest things. \_ It's a stupid cover, but part of the problem is it is really hard to do satire when the people you are making fun of are beyond satire. I mean shit, sometimes the Colbert Report sounds scarilly like a real right wing talk show. \_ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2045045/posts \_ http://michellemalkin.com/2008/07/14/grow-a-pair-obama \_ Your point is what? That Malkin is insane? We knew that already. |
2008/7/13-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50556 Activity:nil 93%like:50555 |
7/13 McCain THROWS PHIL GRAMM UNDER THE BUS http://preview.tinyurl.com/6hj8dj [tpm] http://www.pbs.org/nbr/site/onair/transcripts/080711b |
2008/7/13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50555 Activity:nil 93%like:50556 |
7/13 McCain THROWS PHIL GRAMM UNDER THE BUS http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/07/mccain_camp_gramm_is_not_advis.php http://www.pbs.org/nbr/site/onair/transcripts/080711b |
2008/7/12-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50544 Activity:nil |
7/11 Berkeley's own Brad DeLong on the Fannie Mae bailout: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/07/every-time-i-tr.html Most amusing moment: Grover Norquist blames Nancy Pelosi for high gasoline prices. \_ I blame Al Gore. |
2008/7/11 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50543 Activity:nil |
7/11 Grover Norquist blames Nancy Pelosi for high oil prices: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/07/every-time-i-tr.html |
2008/7/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50521 Activity:moderate |
7/9 http://appleorangescale.com/?wd0=obama&wd1=mccain Obama rules, McCain sucks! There it is guys, Obama is going to win. \_ I don't believe in crazy conspiracies. I think there will be a a big terror attack before the election. No false flag crap, no inside job stuff, it'll just happen. After that everyone will run scared and vote for McCain. McCain will keep us in Iraq for 5000 years. The US will collapse from the unsupportable expense. Osama wins. \_ CARE-O-METER: |.o......................................| \_ Where's the TAX CUT??? I don't care about anything else. \_ http://appleorangescale.com/?wd0=bush&wd1=hitler Bush now less popular than Hitler. \_ now that is sad, really really sad \_ This website is another large drop in the vast sea of stupid. |
2008/7/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50511 Activity:nil |
7/8 McCain jokes about killing Iranians again http://preview.tinyurl.com/6mbe67 [wp] |
2008/7/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50491 Activity:kinda low |
7/7 Obama: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military... We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." Wait, what does THAT mean? http://csua.org/u/lva \_ If you read the article and didn't cut out important words with that eplisis it would be a lot clearer. But then you couldn't take a quote out of context, removing the words that it obvious the quote is out of context, and make it look like Obama is spouting nonsense. \_ Isn't that guy some kind of Marxist or something? \_ Sorry, full quote is still nonsense. \_ we already do.. every able bodied american citizen has the right to bear arms \_ "Obama repeated his pledge to boost the size of the active military" Gee, that sounds so hopeful and changey! I bet that will cut the deficit! Health care and boosted military and peace corps expansion and who knows what else! Obama has a tax dollar for everyone. \_ The military could be 5X as large and it would still cost less than blowing shit up in Iraq. |
2008/7/4-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50474 Activity:nil |
7/4 Americans don't care about flip flopping: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/07/flip-flopping-as-american-as-apple-pie.html |
2008/7/4-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50473 Activity:nil 71%like:50472 |
7/4 Wow, even the NYTimes is noticing Obama's 'refinements' http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/04/opinion/04fri1.html |
2008/7/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50472 Activity:nil 71%like:50473 |
7/4 Wow, even the NYTimes is noticing Obama's PLEASE USE ANOTHER TERM OK THX BYE http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/04/opinion/04fri1.html |
2008/7/3-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50465 Activity:nil |
7/3 Phrases that need retirement: "thrown under the bus" "douchebag" "flip-flop" ... \_ I get "flip-flop." Why the others? \_ In some right-wing circles "Obama throws X under the bus" has become a running gag. \_ Really? I'd always thought it more fitting for McCain's Straight-Talk Express. \_ Only because Obama keeps throwing people under the bus. http://littlegreenfootballs.com/article/30309_Obama-_The_Disassociator \_ Dude, the phrase needs to be RETIRED. Have you ever heard of a "thesaurus?" "sheeple" "hope and change" |
2008/7/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50450 Activity:moderate |
7/2 Christopher Hitchens on Waterboarding: "Believe me, it's torture." http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/02/humanrights.usa \_ Gee, how nice of him to change his mind now. Rats. Ships. Sinking. \_ As much as I dislike Christopher Hitchens, it seems hard to fault him for this. He had the courage to back up his claim that waterboarding wasn't torture by trying it out, and then (having learned what it was like) he admitted he'd been wrong. I wish everyone was so principled. \_ 4 years too late... I don't have much sympathy for anyone who defended torture as strongly as that man did. \_ FLIP FLOPPER! \_ And why should I care what he thinks? \_ Because he has been a tireless defender of the technique as not being torture and has now been convinced, by experience, that it is. If you believe that it is not, perhaps you should try it out yourself. \_ Torture is any experience so horrible that no-one would consider trying it out simply for the purpose of writing a Vanity Fair article about what it's like. http://sweasel.com/archives/1269 \_ If he'd thought it was torture before he experienced it, he would not have tried it out. Now that he's experienced it, he recognizes it as torture and would not do it again. \_ Yah, see here's the thing, torture is something that you know you wouldn't try it even before you try it. \- i think that is true for "medieval" type torture [gouging out eyeballs], and highly likely for modern "clinical" pain-inducing torture [electric wire between teeth] but i dont think it is necessarily possibly to i dont think it is necessarily possible to know the effects of things like sleep deprivation, and psychological/terror oriented approaches such as mock executions [russian roulette style, fake firing squad, blind folded and dropped from firing squad, blindfolded and dropped from helicopter etc] until you've "been there/done that". anyway, i thought this was a settled issue given that all the "warriors" [mccain etc] said "wboaring \_ Not by a long shot. Quite a few military members said *they'd* been waterboarded, and said they had no problem with us doing it to others. \- who is a "military member" who has said "it's ok if somebody waterboards US troops when captured". is totally clearly over the line" and it was only chickhawks [bush, cheney, limbaugh] either saying it wasnt clear or it was like frat hazing. i was was captured and you said you were going to if was was captured and you said you were going to put me in the iron maiden, i'd talk right way. if you threatened to waterboard me, i might go for a minute or two. --psb \_ McCain voted to support waterboarding. -tom \_ I missed that. A point in his favor. -emarkp \_ I'm sorry, "emarkp", but I think you need some introspection on whether you're serious about your religion and whether your support of torture is really consistent with that. \_ Why the quotes? It really is me, and I find it laughable when someone else tells me what my religion should be. Especially the prolific atheist relgion-haters here (though I obviously I don't know if you're one of them). -emarkp \_ The quotes were simply to open the door to the idea that someone was masquerading as you to make you look bad. Now I'm forced to go with the person below: your "religion" is a hollow sanctimonious shell over your hateful and vile core. \_ yeah, it's easy as an atheist to underestimate the ability of religious people to rationalize whatever it is they want to do or believe. -tom \_ You should be careful trying to apply your childish understand of something to a grown-up discussion. -emarkp \_ You're right, no one can tell you what your religion is or should be. But thanks to threads like this one we know that whatever your beliefs are, they serve as little more than a hollow sanctimonious shell over your hateful and vile core. \_ you're an idiot. \_ I don't understand, shouldn't you be calling him evil rather than stupid? This looks like a clear values call. -- ilyas \_ and anyone disagreeing with your opinion is an idiot. Great logic, comrade! Welcome to People's Republic of California. \_ No, I am tom! Do not anger me! \_ I disagree with people who are not idiots all the time. But *you* are an idiot. -tom \_ I believe you are confusing torture with deterrents. \_http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/Politics/Schelling.q \_ I wouldn't try waterboarding, but I'm not a fucking idiot like Christopher Hitchens. -tom |
2008/7/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50449 Activity:nil 85%like:50443 |
7/1 Who's smearing whom? http://preview.tinyurl.com/56u2nx [politico] \_ This article is really out to lunch. The smears of Obama are everywhere. There are whole websites devoted to proving that he's a gay racist from Indonesia who studied in a Madrassa, and there are armies of freepers feeding the rumor mills. See the above WaPo article for more. Just because "nobody with the McCain campaign" is openly calling him a Muslim doesn't change the fact that a large % of Americans now fervently believe this, and are seemingly oblivious to the true fact of the matter. Obama not be Swift-boated, because the fringe lunatics will do it for them. \_ So is being called a Muslim a smear? \_ Of course not. It happens to be untrue. If someone were to say that John McCain is homosexual, would that be a smear? |
2008/7/1-14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50445 Activity:nil |
7/1 This is funny. Tim Mahoney, D. Rep from Florida, sends out mailpiece about honoring the troops, but includes Soviet vet on the cover. http://csua.org/u/luc (blog Link to pdf included) |
2008/7/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50443 Activity:very high 85%like:50449 |
7/1 Who's smearing whom? http://dyn.politico.com/printstory.cfm?uuid=DEFCE7F3-3048-5C12-00A118B64440DF50 \_ This article is really out to lunch. The smears of Obama are everywhere. There are whole websites devoted to proving that he's a gay racist from Indonesia who studied in a Madrassa, and there are armies of freepers feeding the rumor mills. See the above WaPo article for more. Just because "nobody with the McCain campaign" is openly calling him a Muslim doesn't mean that a large % of Americans now fervently believe this. Obama will McCain campaign" is openly calling him a Muslim doesn't change the fact that a large % of Americans now fervently believe this, and are seemingly oblivious to the true fact of the matter. Obama not be Swift-boated, because the fringe lunatics will do it for them. \_ So is being called a Muslim a smear? \_ Of course not. It happens to be untrue. If someone were to say that John McCain is homosexual, would that be a smear? |
2008/7/1-6 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50442 Activity:nil |
7/1 The Obama smears and rumors (yes Virginia, they exist) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/06/29/AR2008062901871.html \_ "The truth is that right after 9/11 I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security. "I decided I won't wear that [American Flag] on my chest. Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, [emphasis added] and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism." --Sen. Barack Obama |
2008/7/1-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50438 Activity:nil |
7/1 Obama to expand faith-based funding http://blogs.usatoday.com/onpolitics/2008/07/obama.html \_ Waiting for emarkp's brain to asplode... \_ Huh? -emarkp |
2008/7/1-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50434 Activity:low |
7/01 Obama's continuing flip-flops. This time on same-sex marriage http://www.sacbee.com/111/story/1051404.html \_ hey guess what dittoheads: conservatives are the only people who care about "flip flops." The rest of us call it "reconsidering." \_ I don't think _anyone_ here listens to Limbaugh. You might as well put that one to bed. \_ No wonder you like Obama, he reconsiders his opinion each time he speaks! He's so nuanced! \_ I hate to sound like a partisan defender, but what do the failures cited in this article actually have to do with Obama or his proposed policies? Many of the failures began before he became a State Senator. (Aargh. Posted in response to wrong troll.) \_ The problem which keeps being hilighted is that Obama changes his opinion every time he's asked or talks to a different group. He's said in the past he's not for same-sex marriage. Just like he said he'd filibuster FISA, and now voted for it. Just like he said he felt the DC gun ban was constitutional, but now says the court made the right ruling. \_ What does this prove? That he's capable of being persuaded of another opinion? What makes this newsworthy? If we're going to go this route, how about McCain's flip-flops on the tax- cuts and off-shore drilling? \_ When the change is within a short time, it's a flip-flop. More time allows for 'persuaded'. \_ McCain in May: Off-shore drilling will not help. McCain in June: Off-shore drilling for life, yo. \_ I have no love for McCain--it's the worship of Obama I find confusing. \_ I just looked this up (HuffPo: http://csua.org/u/lu8 and I think you're a bit off the mark. He's argueing short vs long term, which I think is correct. \_ Agin' it before he was for it: http://preview.tinyurl.com/3zzkof (cbs) \_ This adds nothing to the HuffPo link, it's almost content free. Why did you post this? \_ It says that he was against off-shore drilling at all before he was suddenly for it. This was my original point. There was a month's time-difference here. \_ Haha "persuaded of another opinion." That's a pretty nice way of putting it. I'm not against people changing their minds, but Obama is flopping all over the map. He never seems to give a reason for the changes either. It just matches whatever the audience wants to hear. -!pp \_ Pfft. I thought, for a moment, that you had an actual point, but I see you're just trolling now. Looking forward to more bitterness when President Obama is inaugurated in '09. \_ How do those blinders fit? (Not same person BTW) \_ Willing to listen and talk, but not interested in childish characterizations like "flip-flops" especially when ignored in your own candidate. \_ Who said I ignore them in McCain? Did you miss the McCain thread a while back? But as the guy says above, time allows for persuasion. Changing your stance the NEXT DAY is a little extreme. \_ Potato, potato. If we're back to flip- flops, the election's already over. \_ Ummm... it worries me that they guy has \_ Ummm... it worries me that the guy has changed position so many times I can't even figure out what is position IS on most issues. You appear to just be complaing about the word. Ignore that. I don't think it's the right term for what he's doing anyway. \_ Then let's stop using the word flip-flop for anything apart from footwear. Given its historical use as propaganda against Kerry, it's a loaded term, and it needs to be retired. \_ Works for me, I never use it. I'm not the guy who posted the link though. I actually have no problem with Obama's position here anyway. It's a dumb link. -pp \_ GOP in 1996: VOTE FOR DOLE, he's a WAR HERO! GOP in 2000: Forget that this guy is a draft dodger, it's CHARACTER THAT MATTERS! GOP in 2004: Don't vote for Kerry, he's a FAKE WAR HERO! CHARACTER MATTERS! GOP in 2008: Vote for MCCAIN, he's a WAR HERO! \_ What, you mean the GOP backs its canidate? Sacre Bleu! \_ And throws logic and previous statements under a bus in his support? Quel shock! \_ This is not a flip-flop, you are just too stupid to understand his stance. He has said repeatedly that he believes that each state should set its own same sex marriage policy and that the the federal government should not set it nationwide. He has not changed on that. He also disagrees with the initiative to ban same-sex marraige in California. He can have an opinion on a CA state proposition, in fact I expect my elected officials to have opinions. That is not the same thing as trying to legislate your opinion. Your black and white view of the world is precisely why Conservatism is in the sorry shape that it is in. \_ I agree. This is a dumb link. -Obama hater guy !op |
2008/7/1-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50433 Activity:nil |
7/01 Obama: "I'll meet McCain anywhere, anytime!" ... "or not!" http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/politics/5837182.html |
2008/7/1-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Reference/RealEstate] UID:50432 Activity:nil |
6/30 Grim proving ground for Obama's housing policy The Boston Globe: http://csua.org/u/lu6 \_ I hate to sound like a partisan defender, but what do the failures cited in this article actually have to do with Obama or his proposed policies? Many of the failures began before he became a State Senator. \_ This is actually Bill Clinton's fault. |
2008/6/30-7/14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:50425 Activity:nil |
6/30 http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/07/07/080707fa_fact_hersh Bush Administration aiming the US toward war with Iran. McCain would go along. Voting for McCain might get us into a war with Iran. |
2008/6/30-7/14 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50422 Activity:nil |
6/30 That Wesley Clark, class act right there. http://www.politicususa.com/en/Clark-FTN \_ How was Clark questioning McCain's record? In what way was this "swift boating?" \_ It wasn't. The right is just filled with Righteous Anger with nowhere to focus it. \_ It's not a "swift boat" because it's so stupid it will never stick. \_ It's not a swift boat because it isn't someone lieing about McCain's record. If it was a switft boat Clark would be claiming that there is a serious allegation that McCain actually intentionally crashed his plane and then just hid in a bunker for umpty whatever years and was never actually a POW in the first place. Instead what you have is Clark making the very sane point that being a POW doesn't count as experiance towards being president. (Re: Kerry. I never thought that being a war hero would make someone a good president (or a bad one) but the swift boaters were lieing in order to cast doubt on if Kerry actually WAS a war hero, not asking "does it matter if he was a war hero?") \_ Did McCain really lose five planes in Vietnam? \_ When is McCain going to sign his SF-180? What does he have to hide? |
2008/6/27-30 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:50405 Activity:nil |
6/27 Recreate '68! I have to admit, I think this is pretty funny. I hope these bozo's totally flop. http://www.denverpost.com/search/ci_9719752 |
2008/6/27-30 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Academia/GradSchool] UID:50404 Activity:nil |
6/27 Milton Friedman still ticking lefties off even from the grave http://westernstandard.blogs.com/shotgun/2008/06/milton-friedm-1.html My personal view on this whole affair is: what a knee jerk reaction! Obviously, all these lefties do not seem to realize that Milton Friedman's pro-free market views have become mainstream economic thinking. Read his "Capitalism and Freedom" and compare it with any freshman economics textbooks used virtually at any school, from community colleges to private universities. There is no difference. I read his text after being exposed to economics in college and, having heard so much about the author before, I was actually quite surprised how balanced, carefully thought out, and predominantly non-partisan his views were. It actually gets quite boring after the second or third chapter because you realize that it mostly echoes your principles of economics textbook. \_ Who are you talking to? \_ Whom \_ To whom |
2008/6/27-30 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50403 Activity:nil |
6/27 In a blistering condemnation of President Bush's willingness to go to the wall for corporations he relies on to spy on Americans, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann says the president's message in his State of the Union address calling for immunity of telecommunications companies is a "textbook example of fascism." http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Olbermann_rails_against_Bush_fascist_telecom_0201.html Obama votes for FISA bill with immunity of telcoms. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/06/26/politics/politico/main4212811.shtml Yesterday, Olbermann says: "Senator Obama also refusing to cower even to the left on the subject of warrantless wiretapping. He's planning to vote for the FISA compromise legislation, putting him at odds with members of his own party . . . But first, it's time to bring in our own Jonathan Alter, also, of course, senior editor of "Newsweek" magazine." http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2008/06/26/olbermann/index.html |
2008/6/25-30 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50378 Activity:nil |
6/25 ok im convinced http://www.imvotingrepublican.com \_ One of the replies on the associated myspace blog, "Quality film. Unfortunately you are further conditioning the public that the Republicans and the Democrats are different. They are the same and so you are only dividing the population, creating a false right/left paradigm. 100% of the things mentioned in the video concerning the Republican Party can be directly attributed to a Democrat Controlled Congress as well. For without the Democrat Controlled Congress, the bills would not have passed allowing the cheap Chinese plastic crap. Additionally, the Federal Government \_ Whatever. I want my tax raise now!!! Fuck y'all rich people. has no legal right under the Constitution to decide if a women can kill her baby or not. The states do have that right. Your knowledge of Government and the Constitution REALLY needs to improve before you make another video. If you are going to make videos such as this that warp or form the opinions of peoples minds, you should at least have the good form to be responsible for providing facts versus fiction. Your video screws good people like Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich. Obama and McCain alike will bring us closer to an economic meltdown due to either grotesque socialist programs (Obama) and additional military spending / war spending (Obama and McCain). Both of the men are what are known as Collectivists. They have no respect for Liberty and they both believe that the small number of elite should tell you and I what is best for us. They believe that you and I are not worthy of making our own choices. Well, we continue to elect Democrats and Republicans and we get the same results. So what makes you think that voting for a Democrat this time will be any different. Insanity." |
2008/6/25-30 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50369 Activity:nil |
6/25 "I really didn't love America until I was deprived of her company." -John McCain http://www.jedreport.com/2008/06/damaging-mccain.html Fox edited this comment out of a transcript and never broadcast it. \_ This guy thinks it was edited out because it's too similar to Michelle Obama's comment? Huh, I guess I don't see this similarity. Mrs. Obama's comment sounds kind of shallow and self-serving, McCain's seems more sincere. \_ How so? I think they both sound sincere. |
2008/6/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50355 Activity:moderate 92%like:50333 |
6/23 Passing out "homemade" signs at Obama rally http://preview.tinyurl.com/67xltd [theunfocused.blogspot.com] \_ this is about the level of me seeing a pro mccain poster on the bulletin board at work. big whoop-dee-do. stop blogging about your toast being burnt. \_ Wow, look at all that FURIOUS ANGER in the comments. This is awesome. \_ The always vitrolic and bile-filled Right actually has something to be upset about for once. I wonder if their heads are going to explode in November when O actually wins. \_ What do they have to be upset about again? That they were given a free reign to do anything they wanted for 5-6 years and ended up destroying the economy and America's reputation? \_ They are losing control of the government. \_ You mean they are unable to control the BEAST!!! Big government BAD BAD BAD! Starve it! Go Reagan! \_ It's all Bill Clinton's fault! \_ When Bill was POTUS we had a Republican Congress. \_ Yes because the economy and America's reputation were perfect before W. Hint: deficits and bubbles were existing problems. And don't liberals love gas prices being high? \_ The argument that the absurdities of the W-Admin should be forgiven because no one's perfect fails on its face. In the history of !perfect, no POTUS has done more to screw us up. \_ Carter. \_ Even Carter didn't leave our military and our economy in a mess on the scale of W. \_ Carter only had four years, W got eight. \_ Are you kidding? Carter's military failed to get a bunch of helicopters across the desert. Carter's economy introduced the phrase "double digit inflation" and "odd-even gas days" to the American public. *AND* he managed to fuck up the country in only 4 years. Were you even alive during Carter's term? Do you remember any of it? I do. We've been over this before. As bad as Bush has messed up any number of things, Carter was worse. I could go on and on with Carter's failures but there's no point. If he was a (R) you'd think he was Satan. If Bush was a (D) you'd be making excuses for him. Go read Carter's Malaise Speech. That sums it up nicely. \_ You're comparing Carter's inability to rescue the hostages to our humiliation at the hands of insurgents with IEDs? The resurgent Taliban? Year after year of quagmire? D or R doesn't matter to me nearly as much as the squandering of surplus of budget _and_ international support by the Bush Admin. \_ I'm comparing Carter's entire concept of diplomacy and military gutting policies to nothing. The failure stands tall and proud on the absolute scale without requiring any comparison. How much international support do you think we had after the fucked up rescue? After The President Of The United States Of America gave the fucking "Malaise Speech"? Really, I seriously suspect like our other poster here that you either weren't alive or aren't old enough to remember the nightmare and very dark days for the Carter era in this country. I don't think you're stupid or anything like that, I believe you're simply uneducated on the topic. Go look up that speech and we'll talk after. \_ you know, you're right, i was not a thinking human during the carter years, but im going to go out on a short limb here and state that the Bush Administration has screwed up America 100x worse than Carter could have dreamed. Do you realize how much of a gigantic clusterfuck Iraq is? fuck. i don't swear that much but just thinking of bush right now makes my heartbeat go up. thinking of bush right now makes my heart- beat go up. \_ You weren't there and the media would never remind you. I'm sorry but really you have no clue how bad it was in *this* country during Carter's era. Since you seem so intense about Iraq, I'd rather the cluster fuck be in another country than in this country. \- BUSHCO is a vastly bigger fuckup than PEANUT. and unless you are a die hard israel supporter, carter is a good "ex-president". what are the odds BUSHCO will grow up and be respected for his service, sacrifice, maturity of thought etc. \_ After he's out of office I really don't care what he does. I barely care now. I'm not a die hard anything but I do believe it is stupid to support the theocrats and thugs in the area over the only democracy that has women's right and doesn't execute homosexuals. \- let's review: you dont have strong feeling about the US being a democracy that tortures people, is becoming a plutocracy, and appoints judges hostile to women's/gay rights ["I barely care now"], but you are significantly concerned about women's and gay rights in the middle east. why is it hard to take you seriously? YBHBCA:S. --psb |
2008/6/23-27 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50338 Activity:nil |
6/23 WTF? McCain actually talking sense about energy issues? http://preview.tinyurl.com/3pyo7g (cnn.com) \_ Voted for it before he voted against it. \_ Umm... This is pretty much in line with McCain historically. What are you talking about? \_ Not that this necessarily applies here but I think changes of position/flip flopping aren't inherently bad and screaming about a particular flip flop is just stupid. Only complete morons never reconsider things. If it happens all the time or is hypocritical/insincere that's another thing... \_ A fine idea. I hope President Obama adopts it during his first term. Actually, that would be superb: McCain as Energy Secretary. |
2008/6/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50333 Activity:very high 92%like:50355 |
6/23 Passing out "homemade" signs at Obama rally http://theunfocused.blogspot.com/2008/02/passing-out-signs-at-obama-rally.html \_ this is about the level of me seeing a pro mccain poster on the bulletin board at work. big whoop-dee-do. stop blogging about your toast being burnt. \_ this is about the level of me seeing a pro mccain poster on the bulletin board at work. big whoop-dee-do. stop blogging about your toast being burnt. \_ Wow, look at all that FURIOUS ANGER in the comments. This is awesome. \_ The always vitrolic and bile-filled Right actually has something to be upset about for once. I wonder if their heads are going to explode in November when O actually wins. \_ What do they have to be upset about again? That they were given a free reign to do anything they wanted for 5-6 years and ended up destroying the economy and America's reputation? \_ They are losing control of the government. \_ You mean they are unable to control the BEAST!!! Big government BAD BAD BAD! Starve it! Go Reagan! \_ It's all Bill Clinton's fault! \_ When Bill was POTUS we had a Republican Congress. \_ Yes because the economy and America's reputation were perfect before W. Hint: deficits and bubbles were existing problems. And don't liberals love gas prices being high? \_ The argument that the absurdities of the W-Admin should be forgiven because no one's perfect fails on its face. In the history of !perfect, no POTUS has done more to screw us up. \_ Carter. \_ Even Carter didn't leave our military and our economy in a mess on the scale of W. |
2008/6/18-24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Reference/Religion] UID:50287 Activity:nil |
6/18 Obama refuses to photographed with Muslim supporters: http://preview.tinyurl.com/568yxo (Yahoo news) \_ Liar. His campaign officials did this. Remember, all campaign officials are dirtbags. -emarkp \_ By necessity. |
2008/6/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50267 Activity:moderate |
6/16 McCain campaign caught promoting Hershey's and Food Network recipes as Cindy's: http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/06/mccain_camp_cribs_recipe_for_c.php \_ Do you really think this means anything? I mean seriously is this really something you care about? Don't you have more important things to worry about? -not a mccain fan \_ Do you really think this means anything? I mean seriously dude, don't you have more important things to worry about? -not a mccain fan \_ OMG! That is horrible! Way way worse than McCain's Keating Six involvement, crushing free speech, or trying to destroy our borders and any meaningful concept of citizenship. And they've got Obama's ugly land scam deals and friendly associations with racists and known terrorists covered too. Recipe theft! Execute them all! \_ Of course you are insane too, so it balances out. |
2008/6/13-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50256 Activity:nil |
6/13 What is it with the nutters who support Obama? http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-06-10-ohio-lethal-injection_N.htm?csp=34 \_ You're really reaching with this one... |
2008/6/13-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50249 Activity:high |
6/13 McCain flip-flops again, this time on Social Security: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5tg6m6 \_ Finally a genuine criticism. Yep, it looks like ol' McCain doesn't have any grounding philosophy on this. You can probably parse the statements to make them consistent (using partial vs full privatization), but looks like a flip-flop to me. (Unless the full quotes expand on the partial thing.) Now when will Obama supporters notice his flip-flops? -emarkp \_ In general, Obama tries to avoid speaking in specifics, so that people can interpret his generalities however they prefer. This is pretty clever, campaignwise, but is bound to set people up for disappointed if he is elected. -Obama supporter \_ So why are you a supporter? -emarkp \_ oil is the ultimate strawman. the MSM websites harping on oil are part of the conspiracy all over the internet to conceal the nature of an exponential function. search for a graph of Moore's Law, the quaint rule that the number of transistors on a chip doubles every 18 to 24 months, you will see a graph of a linear function, ie a straight line, see this wiki page for a 'censored' graph of Moore's Law: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Moores_law.svg however if this were a true linear function, the scale of the y-axis would increase in regular increments, 10,000 then 20,000 then 30,000... etc... instead the y-axis of every Moore's Law Chart you see increases in increments 10,000 then 100,000 then 1,000,000... making an exponential function appear to be a linear function. I imagine this is to avoid general societal panic. for a comparison of a linear graph and an exponential graph see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_equation and for an exponential function here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_function the graph of an exponential function at some point will veer sharply up into infinity. before the powers that be began to censor the true appearance of the Moore's Law chart on the internet it was apparent that the singularity would occur in the year 2032, when the chart veers sharply up into infinity. so the singularity clearly occurs in the year 2032. CASE CLOSED. \_ Because for the most part the two candidates are both competent human beings with good advisers, but Obama's ability to inspire me is worth more to me than McCain's oft-vaunted experience, especially when I'm still not sure which McCain is running this time around. --erikred \_ I received a passing grade in my rhetoric classes. I don't find Obama inspiring. Go find a video with full audio of the original I Have A Dream and you'll know what inspiring is. I got chills. Obama is a nobody reading other people's words off a teleprompter. He has no guiding philophy, principles or ethics. (And please don't respond by bashing McCain. I don't like him either). \- your babbling isnt worth more time than a a URL cut-n-paste: http://tinyurl.com/ytgsfm note the biography of the endorser (he's basically bush'41's JYOO). \_ So you haven't actually heard the original Dream speech. And no I didn't bother to go to your blind tinyurl link. \_ The tinyurl link goes to a Slate article. \_ And yet, Obama has the pride to put his name behind his words. Do you? --erikred \_ Damn, I sure hope so since he's asking to be the most powerful individual on the planet where as I'm just some dude on the motd. Were you trying to make some sort of point? When I run for office I hope to do better than "CHANGE! WE CAN DO IT! CHAAAANGE!!!!!" as a replacement something real and worth listening to. \_ It's the standard politician's playbook. Bill Clinton had a similar campaign mantra. You stand up there and list various problems and describe some sorry individual who had some misfortune and say we need to elect you to fix all this stuff. Elect Obama and all bad things will end and the government will fix all your problems and those of the rest of the world too, probably. \_ ^some sorry individual ... misfortune^Bush \_ What would you consider real and worth listen- ing to? Perhaps I can help you find it. \_ After eight years of being disappointed by the devil I know, I am prepared to be disappointed by the devil I don't know. -Obama supporter \_ Then vote third party instead of more of the same machine politics. I am. \_ I did that in 2000 and look where that got us. I think Obama > Gore, too. -Obama supporter \_ So your 2000 vote, presumably in CA, got us GWB? \_ A friend who lived through JFK and was disappointed by his presidency seems to think Obama will also disappoint. Perhaps. And yet, perhaps not. I'm looking forward to taking a chance with a clear conscience for once. --erikred \- i wasnt around to decide how inspiring JFK was, but i sure dont find him to be a person of integrity, even after lowing the bar for politicians. i think the best thing you can say about him is he respected intelligence [unlike BUSHCO]. politicians. \_ Integrity is just something the press whacks the right over the head with when they screw up and covers up or dismisses when the left fails in that regard. You'd be hard pressed to name a politician or member of the press for that matter, who has real integrity. Certainly neither of the current nominees for President has a shred of it. \- just like "i wasnt indicted" isnt a real defense, saying "they are all the same" ["all pols are corrupt" "the dems and reps are all the same"] is also lazy. if you cant tell the difference between the bogus "plag- erism" charge w.r.t. OBAMA and DEVAL PATRICK vs JFK and the TSORENSEN/Profiles In Courage episode, then it's not productive to discuss politics with you. |
2008/6/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50240 Activity:nil |
6/12 Barack Obama's Birth Certificate http://images.dailykos.com/images/user/3/BO_Birth_Certificate.jpg Not really that interesting, except that I didn't know that his full name is "Brack Hussein Obama II" (The Revenge) \_ This obsession of yours is beginning to look unhealthy. \_ I'd like to thank Obama for releasing this so that the burgeoning conspiracy theories could be nipped in the bud. \_ Wait, Kos got it without saying how? This means the conspiracy theories will only continue. *sigh* \_ His middle name has been listed in Wikipedia. |
2008/6/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:50237 Activity:kinda low |
6/11 Fox News: Not even trying to hide the racism anymore http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/9671.html \_ http://sadlyno.com? Pst. Nice try. \_ MSNBC, now officially part of the Obama campaign. And? \_ First, you are wrong. But even if you are that's not the case. \_ First, you are wrong. But even if you are that's not the issue. It's not that Fox is blatently pro-R. I expect that. It's that Fox is being pretty damn racist. I'm not cool with "anti-Obama" turning into "stoke the flames of ugly racism." And calling Obama's wife his "baby mama" is pretty fucking obviously racist overtones. Then again, this is the same network that let's Bill O'" my god black people eat with knives and forks" Reilly on the air. Obama's wife his "baby mama" is pretty fucking obviously racist overtones. Then again, this is the same network that let's Bill O'" my god black people eat with knives and forks" Reilly on the air. \_ You know Michelle called Barack her "babby daddy", right? \_ So what? Seriously. If you don't see that Fox is not so subtly painting Michelle Obama as an uppity angry black woman you have your head in the sand. I don't care if you don't like Obama. At this point I don't care when it comes to Fox being a shill for the Republican party. But I do care when then the anti-Obama strategy is to pander to racism. Then again what else do you expect from a party that pretty much has no way to win unless they pander to hate. \_ Yeah, I wish the Dems would knock that off too. \_ Obama is Malkin's Baby Daddy? This explains everything. |
2008/6/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50207 Activity:high |
6/10 Obama plans to disarm America http://preview.tinyurl.com/6afu7g Actually, I was kinda meh on this video until is 3rd point. World-wide ban on fissile material? Wah? \_ Yay! Little Green Footballs! What, no freep link? \_ We'd better disarm America. Otherwise we'll blow! \_ Dittohead Desperation Level: Red \_ So, you think there should be a world-wide ban on fissile material? \_ Depends on how it's implemented. I don't think the idea is inherently wrong. \_ Umm... nuclear power? \_ That's about as brilliant as a world-wide ban on ammonium nitrate. \_ Did someone suggest such a thing? \_ not exactly, but its not a bad analogy -- Banning something that is either vitally userful or potentially explosive, depending only on its concentration. \_ No kidding, all the defense contractors and other War Profiteers must be crapping their diapers right now. \_ Wow you're painfully confused. With zero nukes the same people will make the same money as before. Weapons money has very little to do with nukes. You went to Cal? \_ Did you watch the video? \_ Yay, Little Green Footballs. What, no freep link? \_ Hmm? It's a youTube video of Obama. \_ By way of the LGF weblog. Great talking to you. \_ Ah, so it is. Obviously this video must be fake. \_ He probably should have said "weaponized \_ Ah, so it is\ . Obviously this video must be fake. \_ You don't like the source of the link so that makes the final content untrue? What are you smoking? Things are true or not no matter the path the link may have taken to get to you. \_ If the boy cries wolf enough times, you're going to ignore him the next time he cries wolf, even if he's right. LGF doesn't like Obama and makes no bones about it. As a result, LGF likes posting reasons why you shouldn't like Obama, either; the majority of these are trivial or non-issues dressed up to look like issues. As a result, when I see LGF behind a link, I immediately assume he's crying wolf. The source matters because it alerts me whether to take the "facts" seriously or not. In this case, not. \_ This way of updating your beliefs works great in cases where you have no fucking clue how to evaluate claims yourself. -- ilyas \_ Or a less than unlimited amount of time to waste weeding through dreck. Are you still a grad student? \_ I've got a low threshhold for bs. Fool me twice, forget about it. \_ You don't understand it? It seems quite obvious to me. This is how he maintains his belief that he is always right. Any place that disagrees with him is labeled as "unreliable." All facts even linked to from such a place are by definition, untrue. Therefore, no facts can be true that disagree with his worldview. QED. A video of Obama displaying utter cluelessness? It is linked to by LGF, therefore it cannot have actually happened! \_ Here, wipe your mouth, the froth is showing. \_ He probably should have said "weaponized fissile material" instead, but other than that, I am 100% behind this. Note that he said a "goal" of nuclear weapons elimination worldwide. I think it is great to have goals. I sure wouldn't want to be the first one to eliminate my arsenal, though. Hey, I have a question for you.. I want to give Obama money for the general campaign. Should I do it now, or wait until after the convention? eliminate my arsenal, though. Hey, I have a question for you. I want to give Obama money for the general campaign. Should I do it now, or wait until after the convention? \_ He needs to know wth he's talking about. He said what he said. When there's a "clarification" let us know, until then he's on record as opposing all fissile material. If he did mean what you want him to mean then he's following Ronald Reagan nuclear doctrine without the important "verify" part. I fear for the free world. \_ Right, so McCain thinks we should stay in Iraq for 10k years. \_ If you can't win the argument, make things up! \_ Here, have an obviously liberal link: http://thinkprogress.org/2008/01/06/mccain-permanent-bases |
2008/6/9-12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50201 Activity:moderate |
6/9 you know, physically, McCain doesn't look so hot. I hope he makes it to November! \_ Nice war hero you got there, I would hate for anything to happen to him. \_ McCain/Stroke 2008! \_ McCain/Stokke 2008 \_ McCain will pick Byrd as a running mate to make himself look more youthful. \_ He reminds me a lot of Bob Dole. |
2008/6/9-12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50190 Activity:nil |
6/8 Obama backpeadals on his pro-Israel statement http://csua.org/u/lq5 \_ How often do you read the Jpost? \_ John Kerry II. \_ Like John McCain on waterboarding? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/13/washington/13cnd-cong.html \_ Yeah, almost, except completely different. \_ Yay, it's good for the gander but not the goose! \_ That definitely looks like a "clarification" not a backpedal to me, but I guess it depends on how you define those terms. He definitely should have expected that AIPAC would interpret differently from what he intended. |
2008/6/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:50182 Activity:moderate |
6/6 Did you guys get a load of Obama's victory speech? This guy really does think he's the messiah. "I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment - this was the time - when we came together to remake this great nation..." Good thing he's facing it with profound humility, what the heck would he be saying if he wasn't? \_ Dittohead Desperation Level: Orange \_ Unlike poster below, your value-add is zero. \_ But identical to poster above. \_ http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2000/transcripts/121300/bush.html Everyone says things like this when they win. Did you just start following politics this year? Together, guided by a spirit of common sense, common courtesy and common goals, we can unite and inspire the American citizens. Together, we will work to make all our public schools excellent, teaching every student of every background and every accent, so that no child is left behind. Together we will save Social Security and renew its promise of a secure retirement for generations to come. Together we will strengthen Medicare and offer prescription drug coverage to all of our seniors. Together we will give Americans the broad, fair and fiscally responsible tax relief they deserve. Together we'll have a bipartisan foreign policy true to our values and true to our friends, and we will have a military equal to every challenge and superior to every adversary. Together we will address some of society's deepest problems one person at a time, by encouraging and empowering the good hearts and good works of the American people. This is the essence of compassionate conservatism and it will be a foundation of my administration. \_ And thus we see how the R's have become the D's of a few years ago. \_ ...what language is this, and what does it mean in English? |
2008/6/6-12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50177 Activity:nil |
6/6 Hee hee. Obama 2008 == Cuomo 1984 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYa8k09V7lI \_ Except McCain is not quite as charming as RONALD REGAN THE AMERICAN HERO!!! |
2008/6/6-12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50176 Activity:kinda low |
6/6 "I am looking forward to a debate with John McCain. John McCain is a good man. He's an American hero. We honor his service to this nation. But he has made some bad choices about the company he keeps." -Barack Obama \_ "I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way" -- BUSHJR \_ No way Obama really said that. That is so pot-kettle-black. \_ Yes he did. See for yourself: http://youtube.com/watch?v=o6XyE_J-Xyo at 1:25 in the video \_ Wow, amazing given Obama's list of friends. \_ It will be good to have this election to see if the American people really want to continue the War in Iraq or finally end it. That is what democracy is all about. \_ You mean like in 2004 and 2006? \_ Sure. In 2004 the public voted to keep the project going. In 2006 they voted the other way, but the legistlature does not have enough power to act unilaterally. Our framers set things up like that on purpose. \_ If they voted the other way, why did so many pro-war candidates win? Why did Lieberman win? The 2006 election as mandate to leave Iraq is one of the biggest media lies in the last quarter century. \_ so what's your explanation? The complete bankruptcy of Republican ideology and policies? -tom \_ Explanation for what? And yes, for once you're finally right (a broken clock strikes twice) but not for the reasons you feel. The Republican party no longer has an ideology. They now have the same long term goals as the Dems: acquire and retain power. For a few years there they actually believed in something, but no longer, sadly leaving those who care about the long term health of this country with no one to vote for. Oh but wait I can vote for the extreme left marxist or the somewhat left socialist. Fortunately, we term out the POTUS, so the amount of damage either can inflict is repairable. \_ Maybe you'd be better off in Myanmar. -tom \_ He should go to a place where the govt. has no ideology but to hold power because he doesn't like that in our parties? You're making even less sense than usual. -jrleek \_ Which one do you think is the "extreme left marxist"? Can you please sign your future posts "WN" for wingnut, so I can filter them? Thks. \_ I actually thought this comment was too stupid to be worth replying to, but after reading the above, I have changed my mind. The reason "so many" as you put it, pro-war candidates won is because the war was still popular in certain sections of the country. I imagine it still is, in a few places. There are 435 different Congressional elections. At least one of them must still be pro-Bush. \_ Hopefully the American people are smart enough to understand that voting based on a single point is pretty dumb. "I ended the war but turned the country into a debt ridden socialist mess the likes of which Jimmy Carter can only dream of!" The war will end soon enough no matter who is in office. I vote based on the long term health of the country which has little to do with Iraq and everything to do with long term economic policy and security as always. \_ gee, I wonder if there is some huge discretionary expense that we could cut out of the budget...I'm wracking my brain to think if there might be anything we're spending a shitload of money on for no good purpose... -tom |
2008/6/6-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, ERROR, uid:50166, category id '18005#14.3352' has no name! , ] UID:50166 Activity:nil |
6/6 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91226631 Obama Bans DNC from Taking Lobbyists' Money \_ Meanwhile the charity "Friends of New Orleans" will pay for the party at the DNC in Denver http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0608/10878.html \_ Further proof that Obama is a radical marxist. |
2008/6/5-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50158 Activity:low |
6/5 Rezko convicted of 16 counts of corruption http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/06/04/obama-saddened-by-rezko-verdict Obama: "This isn't the Tony Rezko I knew." Now was Wright the pastor "he knew" Who does this guy know? \_ Ahh, smell the desperation. Is this really the best you have right now? \_ Ahh, smell the desperation. Is this really the best you have right now? \_ Starting in 2003, Rezko was one of the people on Obama's U.S. Senate campaign finance committee, which raised more than $14 million. Rezko threw an early fundraiser for Obama, and that fundraiser was instrumental in providing Obama with seed money for his U.S. Senate race. Obama has since identified over $250,000 in campaign contributions to various Obama campaigns as coming from Rezko or close associates, and has in consequence donated almost two thirds of that amount to charity. \_ This is why we need campaign finance reform. Every politician has to cater to people like this. Remember Bush and Enron? McCain and the Keating Five? They all have to do this just to stay in office. \_ No, I just thought it was funny. This guys is surrounded by hustlers, and he just keeps saying "That's not the ____ I knew." He's either an idiot or a hustler. Which do you think he is? \_ Surrounded by hustlers! Everywhere he turns! Pimps and drug dealers! \_ Try this, "Republican State Senator involved in land for cash deal with power broker convicted on 16 corruption charges!" You'd be the first one screaming for that (R) guy's head and telling us how this proves (R) are all evil. But in this case it is Obama so there's no problem with his prior actions or associations. I don't have a horse in this race but I do find your comments intellectually dishonest. I don't see how Obama is any different than McCain and his dirty deals or Clinton and her dirty deals or the rest of the Washington insiders and their dirty deals. I fail to see how anyone can look at Obama and give him such a big pass on *everything* so blindly just because he sounds good reading from a prepared speech or teleprompter and talks about hope and change a lot. \_ But this isn't about Obama. If Rezko is guilty he should pay the price, but you are seriously reaching to pin this on Obama. It's not like Rezko was convicted in corruption as part of his relationship with Obama. (And yes I know about the land deal, it seems like a weak story at best right now.) \_ P.S. As to if it was an R, nah I wouldn't. Some here might, but they'd be wrong too. If Obama was going to the mat for Rezko I'd be upset, but I don't see any evidence of that. \_ *cough* Abramoff *cough* \_ Wait, you think this is anything like Abramoff? Seriously? You are that blinded by the need to hate Obama? \_ do we really need a president who can't observe worth a damn? \_ Judgement! \_ AND HE ONCE KNEW A COMMUNIST! \_ The Hillary wikipedia page has a paragraph about how Hillary worked for a Known Communist for a summer straight out of law school. \_ "Known Communist?" Are we travelling back in fucking time? Aren't the new enemies the brown people from Arabia? \_ I think we're moving towards pasty Han people. |
2008/6/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50147 Activity:nil |
6/3 One reason no true conservative should ever vote for McCain: Keating Five |
2008/6/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50146 Activity:moderate |
6/3 Since no one else seems to be willing to bite, here is my case for Obama: 1) He was always against the War. This shows good judgement and political courage. I have some sympathy for those who got swept up in the tide of emotion and then apologized for their mistake, but better to have not made the mistake in the first place. \_ I am not sure whether this shows good judgement or just a certain type of undesirable (for a President) mentality. \_ In other words, he's not your candidate because he didn't support the war. \_ No. I just question whether he was really the only wise person in Congress. There is nothing in his academic or other record to indicate so. I think maybe he wears his heart on his sleeve or in some way didn't quite comprehend the situation in a way that others did. I don't believe for one second that all of Congress is stupid and easily deceived except for greenhorn Obama. If anything, it may have been a calculated political move which has apparently paid dividends. \_ The majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the war. \_ The majority of Democratic Senators voted in favor of the legislation. It is true that the majority of the House Democrats voted against it, but that is playing with statistics since the House has so many more members. How did Obama vote again and what was unique about his position? \_ You seem to be arguing both sides of the fence here. ".... all of Congress is stuid and easily here. ".... all of Congress is stupid and easily deceived except for greenhorn Obama" and then "... what was unique about his position?" Are you the same guy? Voting against the War was hardly a unique position, which the first comment implies. It was somewhat of a contrary and politically risky (and correct, imho) one. \_ Obama makes it seem like he was the only one opposed to the war from the beginning, but he was not. As you know, he didn't even vote on it but so what if he had? \_ Technically they voted to authorize Bush to go to war if deemed necessary, not to simply go to war. 2) Fiscally responsible. We have a huge budget deficit that only one party seems to be willing to face. Better to start closing that hole now, rather than continue on with our current policies. 3) Health Care: While the Obama plan isn't entirely to my liking, it is much better than doing nothing. Health care costs will eventually overwhelm our economy, if we don't do something about it. 4) Character: I was going to make a whole bunch of different points, but decided to roll them up into what I think is the most important one: Obama is intellectually curious, optimistic, generous spirited, and profoundly democratic. In an era where most leaders either pander to the lowest common denominator or go for a divisive 50% + 1 strategy, it is refreshing to see one that honestly tries to reach across the aisle and try to include moderates and even conservatives in his decision making. We have been able to afford a certain amount of infighting amongst ourselves recently, since we have not faced any serious threats, the way our parents and grandparents did, but I think we are coming up into a time where Americans are going to have to come together to face our problems. Obama overwhelmingly offer the best opportunity to do that. The Obama overwhelmingly offers the best opportunity to do that. The best in a generation, in fact. -ausman \_ Stop overwriting other people's edits, please. \_ I had the motd locked. Respect the lock and you won't have this problem. \_ don't lock the motd forbloodyever and maybe we'd respect the lock more. I hate when some dumass starts motdedit and then goes idle for a prolonged time. \_ I don't do that. At most I spend a few minutes with the motd locked, but I will try to shorten that. \_ His plan is to add at least $800B per year to our budget. How is that fiscally responsible? What is Obama's health care plan and how do you think it will reduce costs? -emarkp \_ 40 million uninsured Americans with untreated costs will tear up the economy. \_ Whose cost does insuring the uninsured cut? The money for covering the actual medical bills ought to come from somewhere, and it's going to be from the premiums. \_ Preventive care is much cheaper in the long run. People without health insurance tend to have crappy preventive \_ Preventative care is much cheaper in the long run. People without health insurance tend to have crappy preventative care. \_ Prove it. \_ I see. Thx. -- PP \_ An ER is an expensive place to get primary care. \_ According to his website: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/pdf/HealthCareFullPlan.pdf I have not read this in its entirety and don't feel qualified to debate it point-by-point, but you asked, so here it is. --e-red \_ I'm not interested in point-by-point, nor even a full debate. If you're making the case for him, I'd like to know why you think his plan for health care is good, even in a nutshell. -emarkp \_ Single payer could reduce costs. I don't see how a mandated and/or subsidized version of the existing insurance system cuts costs, but that's what HRC and BHO propose. \_ Guaranteed coverage will improve labor mobility, which will make the economy more efficient. Standardization of things like IT delivery of health care records will save money. Guaranteeing that preventative health care is available to all will save money. Providing coverage to the 46M currently not covered is the humane thing to do. In a nutshell. \_ Where do you get the $800B figure from? \_ It was the number I recall for the sum of all his promised plans. I'll dig for a reference. I may have conflated it with the projected $845B (over 13 years) for the global poverty act. -emarkp \_ Ah, I did conflate the two. It's over $280B per year. http://csua.org/u/lp1 -emarkp \_ Ending the War and letting the Bush tax cuts expire will raise and save much more than that. \_ Well, that's *very* speculative. For instance, Obama said he'd be for raising the capital gains rate because it would be more *fair* even if that meant a reduction in revenue. Allowing the Bush rate cuts to expire may very well reduce revenue as well. As far as the war goes, any savings will be quickly eaten up by new programs Obama has proposed. (I also disagree about what bailing out of Iraq will cost, but that's even more speculative.) -emarkp \_ Raising tax rates increases government revenue, especially at current tax rates. To claim otherwise is disingenuous. \_ ???? You're ignoring history, and Obama. Charlie Gibson pointed out that in the past, raising capital gains tax rates *decreased* revenue, and cutting the rate *increased* revenue, and Obama conceded it. This is like saying that raising a price on a commodity must increase revenue for that commodity, and betrays a profoundly naive understanding of economics. -emarkp \_ epong: didn't your spider senses go off when you cited Charlie Gibson as an authority? \_ I'd like to learn more about this. Do you know where I can get read about these tax cuts/increases and their results? \_ No, it is not like saying that. I guess you are sincerely misinformed about basic economics, not disingenous: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5kcels Obama should not have conceded that point, he should have contested it. Supply side economics is pure wingnuttery, which the overwhelming majority of economists agree. \_ #1, that blog is a joke, #2, the point was HISTORICAL. It *did* happen, period. It's not up for debate. -emarkp \_ You realize that just because an event (#2) happens after another event (#1), that #1 wasn't necessarily the cause of #2, right? \_ A Tax Holiday will tend to bring in extra revenue, for reasons that I hope I don't have to explain. \_ Greatest hits of the motd: http://csua.com/?entry=50011 \_ Fiscally responsible + voted for farm bill? \_ The Farm Bill is your sole criterion for determining fiscal responsibility? I agree that it was a bad piece of legislation, but surely voting for the War in Iraq has proven even more costly? \_ When he's actually been in a position to vote, he has voted to fund the war. \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/56j2dn Wizbang blog \_ There's not a whole lot to work with in regards to his record. What fiscally responsible votes of his can you reference? \_ 1) It doesn't take that much political courage when you aren't actually voting on it. 2,3) His health plan and support for the farm bill don't say fiscally conservative to me. 4) "Profoundly democratic", man you are drunk on the Kool-Aid. Howard Dean had similar plans and ideas as Obama and was against the war. But he was white and did the yell. "Come together to face problems" is BS. What exactly does that mean? His plans are like those of the other Democrats. How is that reaching out to Republicans? "Generous spirited"? That's fine as long as it's his money; spending other people's tax dollars isn't generous. Optimistic? He always talks about how we are at a crossroads and we're going to have dire consequences unless we elect him. Obama is an extremely gifted public speaker, best in a generation perhaps, but he is still a politician, and he still blows a lot of hot air. \_ Remember "It's morning in America" from Reagan? Leadership matters. Reagan was a good president primarily because he was optimistic. Obama will do the same. I am prepared to be disappointed, but eight more years of the same screaming Rove/Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly crowd in power is not what America needs. \_ Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly were never in power, and McCain is not Bush. Obama is not optimistic like Reagan. He's very frowny and concerned looking in his speeches, not like Reagan. I don't really get where you're getting this optimism thing from. He is mostly about "we need to change from Bush". What's so sunny about that? That's what Hillary says, that's what D's were saying in 2004. \_ Well, he seems to believe he can do anything. I'll talk to Iran and they will stop enriching uranium! Promise! \_ This is a legitimate criticism, and I saw the same with Kerry. Always "I'll talk with them about xyz." That's fine, but there should be discussion about what to do if they tell us to go pound sand. -emarkp \_ Beginning a conversation with, "If you don't do what I want, I'll bomb you" tends to be a good way to abort negotiations. Listening and then replying is much more diplomatic; it also gives you more options, since you're not committed to a course of actions ahead of time. \_ You know Iran is in violation of a treaty they signed right? And they've already refused every carrot Obama claims to be planning to use? The conversation didn't start with that, it got to that. Sure, Bush didn't do a good job but Obama is blowing smoke at best. I'm not interested in trading Nixon for Carter again. \_ And you're not going to get Carter for Nixon because Bush is worse than Nixon, and even Nixon understood the need to talk w/o preconditions-- that time with PRC. Obama is not Carter, and McCain is not Reagan. \_ China and Iran are totally different circumstances. They have nothing to do with one another. \_ You're right, but not for the reasons you think you are. Iran has at least two different factions in play: the Pres. and the Supreme Council. PRC was mostly monolithic. My point, though, was that even Nixon recognized that talking >>> huffing and puffing, sometimes. We're militarily tapped out and can't invade/occupy Iran, so why pretend like we can? Let's meet, then we can show everyone else how reasonable we are and what a showboating clown Mahmoud is. \_ He seems optomistic to me (and to most Americans). I \_ You know our ambassadors meet occasionally right? It's not like we have no diplomatic contacts at all. \_ Are you high? Apart from a highly unproductive meeting in Baghdad in 2007, the US diplomatic position on diplo- matic contact with Iran has been "they can read our position in the papers." EDIT: Our ambassadors aren't meeting, but our Treasury Dept. have: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7248148.stm \_ He seems optimistic to me (and to most Americans). I don't know where you get the frowny thing from. Read his book, I don't have time to recap it here. \- I have not read all of the above, but the post-WW2 record is quite clear "structure trumps ideology". Budget deficits are better predicted by whether Congress and President are same party or diff party, not which party. \_ McCain's daughter is HOT HOT HOT http://i27.tinypic.com/2qtzww9.jpg |
2008/6/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50137 Activity:very high |
6/3 Since no one else seems to be willing to bite, here is my case for Obama: 1) He was always against the War. This shows good judgement and political courage. I have some sympathy for those who got swept up in the tide of emotion and then apologized for their mistake, but better to have not made the mistake in the first place. 2) Fiscally responsible. We have a huge budget deficit that only one party seems to be willing to face. Better to start closing that hole now, rather than continue on with our current policies. 3) Health Care: While the Obama plan isn't entirely to my liking, it is much better than doing nothing. Health care costs will eventually overwhelm our economy, if we don't do something about it. 4) Character: I was going to make a whole bunch of different points, but decided to roll them up into what I think is the most important one: Obama is intellectually curious, optimistic, generous spirited, and profoundly democratic. In an era where most leaders either pander to the lowest common denominator or go for a divisive 50% + 1 strategy, it is refreshing to see one that honestly tries to reach across the aisle and try to include moderates and even conservatives in his decision making. We have been able to afford a certain amount of infighting amongst ourselves recently, since we have not faced any serious threats, the way our parents and grandparents did, but I think we are coming up into a time where Americans are going to have to come together to face our problems. Obama overwhelmingly offer the best opportunity to do that. The best in a generation, in fact. -ausman \_ Stop overwriting other people's edits, please. \_ I had the motd locked. Respect the lock and you won't have this problem. \_ don't lock the motd forbloodyever and maybe we'd respect the lock more. I hate when some dumass starts motdedit and then goes idle for a prolonged time. \_ I don't do that. At most I spend a few minutes with the motd locked, but I will try to shorten that. \_ His plan is to add at least $800B per year to our budget. How is that fiscally responsible? What is Obama's health care plan and how do you think it will reduce costs? -emarkp \_ 40 million uninsured Americans with untreated costs will tear up the economy. \_ Whose cost does insuring the uninsured cut? The money for covering the actual medical bills ought to come from somewhere, and it's going to be from the premiums. \_ According to his website: http://www.barackobama.com/issues/pdf/HealthCareFullPlan.pdf I have not read this in its entirety and don't feel qualified to debate it point-by-point, but you asked, so here it is. --e-red \_ I'm not interested in point-by-point, nor even a full debate. If you're making the case for him, I'd like to know why you think his plan for health care is good, even in a nutshell. -emarkp \_ Single payer could reduce costs. I don't see how a mandated and/or subsidized version of the existing insurance system cuts costs, but that's what HRC and BHO propose. \_ Guaranteed coverage will improve labor mobility, which will make the economy more efficient. Standardization of things like IT delivery of health care records will save money. Guaranteeing that preventative health care is available to all will save money. Providing coverage to the 46M currently not covered is the humane thing to do. In a nutshell. \_ Where do you get the $800B figure from? \_ It was the number I recall for the sum of all his promised plans. I'll dig for a reference. I may have conflated it with the projected $845B (over 13 years) for the global poverty act. -emarkp \_ Ah, I did conflate the two. It's over $280B per year. http://csua.org/u/lp1 -emarkp \_ Ending the War and repealing the Bush tax cuts will raise and save much more than that. \_ Well, that's *very* speculative. For instance, Obama said he'd be for raising the capital gains rate because it would be more *fair* even if that meant a reduction in revenue. Allowing the Bush rate cuts to expire may very well reduce revenue as well. As far as the war goes, any savings will be quickly eaten up by new programs Obama has proposed. (I also disagree about what bailing out of Iraq will cost, but that's even more speculative.) -emarkp \_ I'm for not killing all infants at birth even if it means it causes a zombie outbreak that destroys the world. \_ Raising tax rates increases government revenue, especially at current tax rates. To claim otherwise is disingenuous. \_ ???? You're ignoring history, and Obama. Charlie Gibson pointed out that in the past, raising capital gains tax rates *decreased* revenue, and cutting the rate *increased* revenue, and Obama conceded it. This is like saying that raising a price on a commodity must increase revenue for that commodity, and betrays a profoundly naive understanding of economics. -emarkp \_ I'd like to learn more about this. Do you know where I can get read about these tax cuts/increases and their results? \_ No, it is not like saying that. I guess you are sincerely misinformed about basic economics, not disingenous: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5kcels Obama should not have conceded that point, he should have contested it. Supply side economics is pure wingnuttery, which the overwhelming majority of economists agree. \_ #1, that blog is a joke, #2, the point was HISTORICAL. It *did* happen, period. It's not up for debate. -emarkp \_ You realize that just because an event (#2) happens after another event (#1), that #1 wasn't necessarily the cause of #2, right? \_ A Tax Holiday will tend to bring in extra revenue, for reasons that I hope I don't have to explain. \_ Greatest hits of the motd: http://csua.com/?entry=50011 \_ Fiscally responsible + voted for farm bill? \_ The Farm Bill is your sole criterion for determining fiscal responsibility? I agree that it was a bad piece of legislation, but surely voting for the War in Iraq has proven even more costly? \_ When he's actually been in a position to vote, he has voted to fund the war. \_ There's not a whole lot to work with in regards to his record. What fiscally responsible votes of his can you reference? \_ 1) It doesn't take that much political courage when you aren't actually voting on it. 2,3) His health plan and support for the farm bill don't say fiscally conservative to me. 4) "Profoundly democratic", man you are drunk on the Kool-Aid. Howard Dean had similar plans and ideas as Obama and was against the war. But he was white and did the yell. "Come together to face problems" is BS. What exactly does that mean? His plans are like those of the other Democrats. How is that reaching out to Republicans? "Generous spirited"? That's fine as long as it's his money; spending other people's tax dollars isn't generous. Optimistic? He always talks about how we are at a crossroads and we're going to have dire consequences unless we elect him. Obama is an extremely gifted public speaker, best in a generation perhaps, but he is still a politician, and he still blows a lot of hot air. \_ Remember "It's morning in America" from Reagan? Leadership matters. Reagan was a good president primarily because he was optimistic. Obama will do the same. I am prepared to be disappointed, but eight more years of the same screaming Rove/Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly crowd in power is not what America needs. \_ Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly were never in power, and McCain is not Bush. Obama is not optimistic like Reagan. He's very frowny and concerned looking in his speeches, not like Reagan. I don't really get where you're getting this optimism thing from. He is mostly about "we need to change from Bush". What's so sunny about that? That's what Hillary says, that's what D's were saying in 2004. \_ Well, he seems to believe he can do anything. I'll talk to Iran and they will stop enriching uranium! Promise! \_ This is a legitimate criticism, and I saw the same with Kerry. Always "I'll talk with them about xyz." That's fine, but there should be discussion about what to do if they tell us to go pound sand. -emarkp \_ Beginning a conversation with, "If you don't do what I want, I'll bomb you" tends to be a good way to abort negotiations. Listening and then replying is much more diplomatic; it also gives you more options, since you're not committed to a course of actions ahead of time. \_ You know Iran is in violation of a treaty they signed right? And they've already refused every carrot Obama claims to be planning to use? The conversation didn't start with that, it got to that. I'm not claiming Bush did an awesome job, but Obama is blowing smoke at best. I'm not interested in trading Nixon for Carter again. it got to that. Sure, Bush didn't do a good job but Obama is blowing smoke at best. I'm not interested in trading Nixon for Carter again. \_ And you're not going to get Carter for Nixon because Bush is worse than Nixon, and even Nixon understood the need to talk w/o preconditions-- that time with PRC. Obama is not Carter, and McCain is not Reagan. \_ China and Iran are totally different circumstances. They have nothing to do with one another. \_ He seems optomistic to me (and to most Americans). I don't know where you get the frowny thing from. Read his book, I don't have time to recap it here. \- I have not read all of the above, but the post-WW2 record is quite clear "structure trumps ideology". Budget deficits are better predicted by whether Congress and President are same party or diff party, not which party. |
2008/6/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50132 Activity:nil |
6/2 Bo Diddley, dead: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080602/ap_en_ot/obit_diddley |
2008/6/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50128 Activity:kinda low |
6/2 See, it's not hard. I'm not a McCain supporter, but he's the most likely vote for me. I'll enumerate his plusses and minuses without referencing any other candidate: + Supports of the 2nd amendment + Supports the completion of the Iraq war + Likes originalist judges - Amnesty - enemy of the 1st amendment (McCain-Feingold) - Has succumbed to the Global Warming hoax (added after 1st post -emarkp) Now let's have someone pro-Obama do the same. -emarkp \_ Please define 'completion' of Iraq war. \_ I have a couple: + Knows something about foreign policy \_ Where do you get this from? \_ I do not think 'supports Iraq war full heartedly and jokes about bombing Iran' == knows something about foreign policy \_ That's ok, you're too cowardly to even post your name next to your political views, so I'm not all that interested in what you think. -jrleek \_ I'm amazed at how often people sign their ramblings with my name, so I've given up signing most of my posts. \_ Here is my password hash: $gqxSEpB62znlWCH4vHW2a1 \_ Where is the password file? \_ I'm not the pp, but I agree with his point, and I _will_ sign my name. It's still not clear to me which McCain is running: the one who stood against Bush in 2000, or the one who seems to have thrown that one under the Straight Talk Express. --erikred \_ This is a fair criticism. I personally put actions far above words. McCain has a pretty well known history. -jrleek \_ There was an excellent '03 OpEd written as McCain's proposed State of the Union 2005 and based on his historical support for progressive measures that made me think that I might actually vote for him. Sadly, his campaign this year has made me doubt his commitment to the same ideas that would have made him attractive to me. --erikred + Historically fiscally conservative (no on farm bill, no on pork) - gas tax proposal Is that one about foreign policy too close to referencing Obama? -jrleek \_ Ah, forgot the fiscal policy part. The only drawback is that he's from this current pork-loving congress. -emarkp \_ What does fiscally conservative mean? That he voted for Bush's $2T+ increase in the debt? That is a strange use of the word "conservative." \_ I'm pretty interested in any policy an Obama supporter agrees with that Obama hasn't changed at least twice. \_ The iraq war was a mistake from day one. He knew it. He made it clear he knew it back when saying that meant it branded you commie or a traitor. As to the rest, well, you are making baseless arguments so whatever dude. \_ Heck, I said that too. Does that mean I should be prez? \_ Well you've got the changing the goalposts thing down pat, but then again the goal is someone NOT like Bush. \_ You would probably do a better job than the current occupant. |
2008/5/31-6/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50103 Activity:kinda low |
5/30 Clinton is winning Puerto Rico. YES. \- i wouldnt dismisss the PA results but the PR results are totally meaningless ... Clinton is basically the Senator from Puerto Rico: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puerto_Rican_migration_to_New_York#Currently Either you are being sarcastic or ... Your brain has been classified as: poco. --psb \_ Are you a MCCain supporter or a Hillary supporter? Why wont you sign your name? Are you embarrassed to be a Hillary supporter? \_ I'll just use your name. -- psb \_ Why won't YOU sign your name? -jrleek (!pp !op) \- i have been an strong obama supporter since Feb [i was out of the country before that and pretty much assumed hillary the liar would win, so i didnt develop any strong opinions and just ruminated on mccain vs clinton]. i also think it is reasonable to have many anonymous conversation on the motd ["where can i get a good sandwich in berkeley"] but for threaded discussion, anonymity makes it hard to know if you are talking to the same person ... so i jokingly suggested signing with a hash of your name. are there *any* soda motd/wall participants willing to publicly say "i support hillary clinton". there are people publicly willing to take different sides on the iraq war, gun control, gaylordism, drug legalization, the housing crisis/financial regulation, and i believe there are some mccain supporters, but how come no hillary supporters are willing to name themselves? is it more socially awkward to admit to being a hillary supporter than to talk about your love of p0rn, as numerous sloda people are willing to discuss [wang, holob, the asp], or again does it say something about the lack of confidence and general insecurity of hillary fans? or am i mistaken about this? i am prepared to respond to "you are a naive fool for voting for somebody with no experience". i can also understand "i have no interest in discussing politics on sloda" ... in which case why the craven crowing [i assume OP is a hillary supporter not a mccain person]. by they way, i certainly can understand your being embarrassed to be a hillary supporter, so i dont expect you to announce yourself. i am just curious if you are embarrassed. for example i've written lots of one off sloppy code and i'm embarrassed to show it to people if that comes up. so i certainly understand when another colleague is sheepish about sharing something done at a low quality. but it is a different matter when somebody shares something and has no clue it is crap and has no sense of knowing better and the attendant reticence. --psb \_ I was being funny. I cannot think of anyone who seriously still believes Hillary can win the nomination. It was a good fight. It's interesting that Obama is really not winning a giant landslide of pledged delegates, but I guess in delegate races we often get these really close contests. \_ Why do you support Obama? -emarkp \_ how can you NOT support Obama? McCain wants us in Iraq for the next 500 years, he seriously believes that the Iraq conflict is exactly like us assisting peace loving Germans, Japanese, Koreans, Puerto Ricans, Hawaiians, have I left out any of our other successful military occupations of this century? \_ Those are reasons to *not* support McCain. I see nothing to recommend Obama. -emarkp \_ "I do not want to keep our troops in Iraq a minute longer than necessary to secure our interests there." - jmccain What you're saying is a blatant mischaracterization. McCain wants the mission to be completed. Do you think it would take 500 years? \- Obama treats people seriously ... I've been impressed with his "big speeches" [post-Rev Wright race speech] and smaller stuff [the way he handled a stupid reporter when he left the Trinity Church over the weekend]. I also believe "character matters". In ths case his democratic opposition, Hillary Clinton, is a lying, sleazy, sanctimoious hypocrite. Policy obviously matters as well, an on those grounds, I'm worried about McCain and "plutocraticzation" ... note: I've long liked I also believe "character matters". In this case his democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, is a lying, sleazy,sanctimonious hypocrite. Policy obviously matters as well. On those grounds, I'm worried about McCain and "plutocratization" ... note: I've long liked and "plutocraticzation" ... note: I've long liked McCain -- for reasons I wont go into -- I put a fair amount of weight on his VN story and a few other things ... but his recent pandering [gas tax] is a little disturbing. We also have to forgive some campaign time pandering, but I've again been impressed with Obama relatively good record on this [ok some on trade, but 1. there are issues there 2. at least he treated people like adults on the gas tax] and in contrast Clinton the liar has gone over the top denouncing the enter science and profession of economics. Also on McCain, I'm less sure than many a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq is a good idea ... not because of the terrorism issue, but I think the US has responsibilities to prevent a Rwanda-like slaughter there, so they need to factor that in to their calculations, not "only" minimizing US casualties. I am not a Lawrence Lessig Fanboy ... I had never gone to his WOB site before this ... but his 20min PPoint on "Why I'm for Barak" is a good statement of "my position". http://lessig.org/blog/2008/02/20_minutes_or_so_on_why_i_am_4.html http://blip.tv/file/664200 I strongly encourge people to watch the first one. I'll skip re-interating Hillary's list of Unbelievable Cockroach moves. I'll skip reiterating Hillary's list of Unbelievable Cockroach Moves. Sure some Obama supporters are shallow youth just going along for trendy-ish reasons, but he seems to have gotten a disproportionate amount of the supprt of "serious adults" with a good record of being smart and principled, e.g. Prof deLong and Senator GOPAT. Which Hillary endorser are you impressed with? Eva Longoria? Look at their endorsements page on Wikipedia. Paul Krugman's endorsement tant him, and doesnt help her [like his apologia about her gas tax stance saying "it's not a big deal" ... missing the point he is obvously aware of that it's what it says about her, not the policy issue ... if a friend of your steals $5 from your wallet when you are in the bathroom, is that "not a big deal"?]. \_ Any particular policy of his you like? \- put somethng on the table, if you want an answer. \- put something on the table, if you want an answer. \_ Huh? -emarkp \_ No one knows what the mission is. Unless you're talking about McCain's fantasy of Iraq becoming a warm friendly place where an American soldier can walk down the street unarmed and only fear being pelted with delightly spring begonias, and THEN we'll leave. \- Peace with Honor. \_ There you go again. Do you honestly believe that? If you're gonna try to discuss things like an adult then you shouldn't exaggerate. Reality should be enough. The mission is to safeguard the security of the new Iraqi state: "John McCain believes it is strategically and morally essential for the United States to support the Government of Iraq to become capable of governing itself and safeguarding its people." "Our goal is an Iraq that no longer needs American troops." \_ iraqi state is artificial construct. Cheney is secretly an Iranian Shiite cleric. We should just pack up and leave Iraq, we have messed up beyond any reasonable doubt. \_ McCain has changed his mind about half a dozen times on what "The Mission" is, so he is not to be trusted. What is the goal this week? \_ Interesting. What were the 6 different things? \_ The war will be easy. -2002 The war will be hard. -2003 We should not leave a permanent force. -2005 We should stay 100 years. -2008 We should make Iraq a democracy. -2006 We should make Iraq stable. -2007 http://tinyurl.com/3o6w3x \_ next goal will be 'we cant leave Iraq because then Iran will just roll on in and annex it, thereby controlling over half of the world's remaining oil.' by then i'll probably agree. good work, BushCo. - sad liberal. |
2008/5/28-31 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50070 Activity:high |
5/28 Former White House press sect comes out with book bashing his old boss. I feel like we're trapped in an alternate universe where I read the newspaper and think immediately 'well OF COURSE I THOUGHT EVERYONE KNEW THIS STUFF' when I read the newspaper and that The Onion should give up, since their writers will never be able to keep up with the tragic humor masters of the Bush administration. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/05/28/national/w051712D44.DTL http://preview.tinyurl.com/6h9yup \_ Uhm... "fired staffer pens bash book" is not exactly news for \_ Uhm... "fired Bush staffer pens bash book" is not exactly news for any administration. Is this your first election cycle in this country? \_ Yeah, let's talk about something more important, like WHY DOESN'T THAT MARXIST OBAMA WEAR A FLAG PIN? \_ Nice strawman. Bush bashing is such old hat now isn't it? I mean, how \_ doesn't get old. consequences of trying to pave Iraq with no viable plan will be with us for decades. old money bluebloods in CT still whine about the New Deal, and that was a long time ago. Iraq isn't even last week. Iraq is The Now(tm). \_ Well, Al Qaeda has a part to play in this doesn't it? If it didn't do 9/11 and fight us in Afghanistan and Iraq then a lot fewer innocents would have died. If Saddam wasn't a brutal strongman then we'd have no excuse to go in there. Who is responsible for the terrorism in Iraq? It's not the USA that is blowing up street markets. Iraq is pretty effed up but it was already effed up. \_ AQ wasn't in Iraq pre-US Invasion. AQ and SH were not BFF. We should have stopped with Afghanistan. We should have brought other pressures against SH. There were no WMD. There was no link to AQ. Stop perpetuating lies told by chickenhawks to sell a war to demonstrate that the Powell Doctrine was bunk. \_ I know there was no link to AQ, but there is now right? So what about that? Should we ignore AQ? AQ is there now and causing deaths. \_ AQI is nowhere near as powerful or popular as the AQ was when the Taliban ruled Afg. We should leave the internal affair of cleaning up AQI to the Iraqis. much more dead can that horse get? Me, I consider myself an independent voter because the reality is that both major parties are full of posturing blowhards. If you really care about change then you should push for instant runoff voting and support real change from status quo American politics. Not Obama populist speechmaking change, actual structural change. Americans are too complacent. We often complain about the choices but then go ahead and vote for one of them anyway instead of making a concerted effort to bring someone else in. I actually think a random selection of people would be better Congresspersons than district-based elected reps from political parties. Proportional representation would be pretty good but political parties in general are somewhat broken. You could have a bunch of people randomly selected from an opt-in pool and then have voters approve some number of those. The usual road to political campaign promotes corruption and actor-style figurehead polticians. change. Americans are too complacent. \_ You really think a Democratic President is going to be exactly like a Republican one? You expect more unprovoked wars and massive transfers of wealth from future taxpayers to well-connected defence contractors? I don't. If you support real change, you should join Common Cause and push for campaign finance reform. I did. \_ You really think a new Republican President is going to be exactly like Bush? Bush couldn't do what he has done without the support of Democrats in Congress. Do you really think Democrats \_ I believe Bush and his advisors were able to brilliantly out maneuver and bully Congress into funding their Iraq plan. Also in another thread we can all rant about Bush not following laws, interpreting laws only in the way his lawyers say they should be interpretted, just simply not following laws he didnt like because hey its war time, and then we can get into torture and how Bush has thrown away decades of world good will by showing how the US just doesn't care about the Geneva conventions. \_ Laugh. How did they bully Congress? If Bush is not following laws, why don't they impeach him? \_ I DO NOT KNOW! \_ They didn't have the votes. What laws? What world good will exactly? The \_ look up 'signing statements' \_ what material effect has this had? good will was already pretty suspect in most Arab countries; we have been strongly supporting Israel for a long ass time and fucking around protecting or deposing various third world regimes. The Guantanamo dudes were mainly from the Afghanistan thing which everybody seems to think was a fine and jolly war. \_ American popularity has plummeted worldwide, not just in the Middle East. \_ Well, it doesn't seem to matter anywhere but in the middle east. I don't think this is a long term thing. Muslims aren't very happy about Europe either, and China already had tension for obvious reasons. I don't see any real long term difference. \_ The majority of the Guantanamites were sold to us by our allies in Pakistan. The Bush Admin encouraged a sloppy attitude toward accepting these guys without research or due process. This same Admin then took a laissez-faire approach to torturing those same people, most of whom have now been released as not having been terrorists to begin with. are corruption-free? Do you think liberals are good and conservatives are evil? Democratic presidents took the USA into WW1, WW2, Korea Vietnam, and Kosovo. \_ WW1 = won WW2 = won Korea = stalemate Vietnam = lost Kosovo = won I think the batting average of a Dem >>> Rep \_ That's nice, pinhead. \_ somalia = lost grenada = won nicaragua = won \_ Somalia: poor planning, no war. Grenada: The entire USMC vs. a minor band of guerillas; if we'd "lost," there would have been hell to pay. \_ Panama '89 = won Democrats are just as cosy with corporate America as Republicans. Campaign finance reform is mostly meaningless. \_ Bush definitely could not have done what he did without the support of the GOP. If the Dems are collaborators, then GOP are Nazis. I'll take the former over the latter any day. \_ Really. Why? Bush couldn't do what he did without the complacence of the American people. Anyway Iraq isn't fundamentally very different from those \_ So, since we didn't storm the White House or impeach them, we're to blame for his bad behavior? This is like someone killing people then blaming the police for not catching him. \_ Well, yes, because we elected him twice. I blame the American people and Congress. What do you want from me? We have only two stinking parties and they are both bad in various ways. Last time I voted for Kerry, but I didn't even like Kerry. This time I will vote for McCain. What exactly do you want to impeach Bush on? \_ Lying. Suppressing intel that didn't favor his plans. Destroying e-mail. Outing a CIA operative. What do I want from you? A realization that no matter who gets elected, they are not going to be as fundamentally bad as the President and Veep; a statement to the effect that no matter what anyone else didn't do stop them, they were responsible for the evil that they did. I want you to hold the Bush Admin responsible for its actions, and I want you to do so without qualifying it with excuses or references to the Dems' behavior. \_ No, I can't hold ONLY Bush and Veep responsible because they did not have the power to do their thing alone. Congress was complicit, CIA members were complicit, Britain went to war and we did not force it to do that. There was evidence that SH wanted WMD even if he did not have them, and there was an insufficient trail for the WMD that he was supposed to have had. It's not useful to fixate only on Bush and ignore the big picture. How much was evil and how much was incompetence I do not know. SH did sponsor Palestinian terrorism to some extent. \_ I want a drug pony, indict me. The POTUS was in a position to know that the intel he was receiving was shaky at best. He still passed it on like it was a "slam dunk." I buy that Congress didn't stop POTUS, and that some in the CIA wanted to please the prez. The least you can do is admit that the Prez. set the tone and ignored anything that contradicted. This inability to accept *any* blame w/o blaming someone else at the same time is the key character flaw of this Admin and its apologists. \_ Yes, obviously POTUS wanted war, and dismissed indications that were contrary to his aim, and pumped the dubious stuff and misportrayed the state of intel. This was wrong etc. But then it's not like there was hard evidence against the WMD thing. We do know SH had a WMD program of sorts and it's possible we'd have ended up in Iraq by now anyway for one reason or another. But yes, I do blame the prez for the war. But I don't transfer this blame to the entire Republican Party; or at least not really more than the D Party. Americans elected W after the WMD fiasco was known. At that point I am less concerned about Mr. Bush personally. other wars in principle. Saddam was a bad guy and we're fighting for freedom. What's the \_ the reasons we invaded Iraq change every day. i don't think this is like past wars, at all. \_ It's exactly like past wars. The US was not threatened in any war except WW2, and that case was after the US already made offensive moves against Japan. The difference is that Bush was more clumsy and hamhanded about it with the lame justifications. He wasn't able to make adequate speeches to inspire the rabble (but it was still enough). \_ We got involved in the Korean and Vietnam war to show our muscle and annoy the local power in that part of the world, China. So we invaded Iraq to annoy Iran? Piss off Syria? Huh I guess you're right the Iraq war is like every other war! \_ So your argument is that just because others talked us into illegal actions we should let this bungler off the hook just because he was so bad at it? What the hell kind of behavior are we rewarding here? \_ No that's not my argument. (?) difference? We killed lots and lots of civilians in those other wars too. What's your big problem? Did defense contractors not profit in the past? Let's say we didn't go into Iraq. We'd still be in Afghanistan, right? We'd still maintain the overwhelming power of the US military. We'd still have dot com bubbles and housing bubbles. The D's aren't putting forth anything really different. Guys like Nader and Ron Paul do put forth stuff that is different. In 2000 Gore and Bush sounded very alike and spent the debates mostly agreeing with each other. \_ Clinton significanly cut the military budget and used that money to balance the fed budget. This is not a small thing. A more liberal Democrat might actually get something significant done, like national health care. WWII was different in that we actually attacked the people who bombed us. I will grant you Vietnam. \_ Of course the Republican strategy to Vietnam would have been so much less aggressive. \_ Re: national health care Be careful what you wish for. \_ No, Democrats aren't just as cozy with corporate America as the Republicans, or they wouldn't support things like Unions. Corporate America hates unions. But they are cozy with certain sorts of corporations, ones that do things like educate, build mass transit, entertain and litigate (okay, not so great perhaps). I prefer all of these to bombing civilians for profit. I am kind of nutty that way. \_ You are pretty nutty to believe that Republicans literally bomb civilians for profit, and that they don't educate or do anything other than rape babies. Seriously, take a breath and think about it. Corporations give huge amounts of money to Dem campaigns. Dems have huge investment stakes and other ties large corporations. HRC served on the board of Wal-Mart. But no, Republicans bomb civilians for profit. Yay. \_ Yes, I am very familliar with which special \_ Yes, I am very familiar with which special interest groups give to which candidates. Obviously, you are not. Who does Boeing, Halliburton, Bechtel and the other war profiteers donate to? Do you even know? Most big corporations hedge their bets a little, but Big Oil and the Military Industrial Complex overwhelmingly lean GOP. Can you guess why? Wal-Mart arguably does some things that are in the public interest (I know, so does Big Oil...) \_ Show me the data. And show me where the money is going in the current election. Democrats seem to be getting a lot of funds from defense industry employees now: http://opensecrets.org/pres08/sectors.php?sector=D Democrats have had power in this country before and have power in Congress now. Where's the beef? Where's the utopian legislation that will lead us to the promised land? Democrats authorized Bush to invade Iraq. Democrats do Bad Things sometimes. National defense is not a Republican invention and none of the frontrunning candidates are going to cut our military meaningfully after 2008. The only one with that platform was Paul (a Republican). \_ and Kucinich, Gravel, Frank Moore. \_ what about Nader? Point being that these guys are essentially not in the Democratic Party. What's Obama gonna do? \_ Look at the last eight years. But yes, everyone can see which way the wind blows now. A majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the bill to give Bush the authority to invade Iraq, no amount of spin can change that. I think you are wrong about Obama and defense spending. Clinton cut it by 1/3 from Reagan. Obama will do the same. There is no promised land, but leadership matters and some of it is clearly better. \_ Obama would inherit Iraq. He's not going to be able to cut the military by 1/3 in a first term, you are nuts. Clinton did not inherit any wars. The president doesn't even have that power, he needs Congress to do it. As you said, companies try to go where the wind is blowing and the wind was blowing for GOP in the last 8 yrs. \_ Repeatedly questioning my sanity does not make your arguments any more pursuasive. I have been shown to be 100% right about Bush, even when my position was the extreme minority. You have not apparently learned anything at all. Simply ending the war in Iraq will cut the military budget by 1/3. I expect Obama to do thatin the first expect Obama to do that in the first two years of his term. \_ Your position was never in the extreme minority; that proves you have a fantasyland inside your head. What am I supposed to learn? I didn't vote for Bush, nor do I like him. I am just being pragmatic. The Democrats are not better and are worse in other ways. The war in Iraq will play out similarly with any of the candidates. Obama will "end" the war but we will still have troops there. We already ended it a long time ago; mission accomplished etc. \_ Bush popularity rating was 91% at one point. Either you have a strange definition of extreme minority or a very selective memory. \_ His rating was never 91%. Maybe among Republicans. \_ Oct '01 according to some polls. Check: http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob1.htm Riding high after 9/11 '01? Bush hadn't done shit by then. _/ But ok I stand corrected. What were you saying about him in Oct 01 that you were so right about? In Oct 01 we were inundated with patriotism. \_ Apologies: stat was posted by motd fact-checker, not pp. Pls continue. \_ Somebody sure made money from all those bombs dropped on Iraq. They don't build those things for free, you know. \_ You think no Democrats profited from that? Hell, maybe you have a mutual fund with defense industry stock and you profited yourself. I probably profited. Democrats profited from napalming Vietnamese villages. This is not a fruitful line of discussion. \_ "...You are pretty nutty to believe that Republicans literally bomb civilians for profit..." Yes, I would imagine you find it unfruitful. \_ Yes? \_ Hardly a strawman: Obama was called a Marxist on the motd and the flag pin question was in the PA debate. \_ Wow, that's real serious important discussion there. \_ Exactly my point. The media has spent more time on Obama's non-existent flag pin then on health care. \_ What? No, this is false. \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/69jcj3 Okay, they have pretty much the same amount of entries here. Do you have any evidence to back up your claim that the media has spent more time on health care? \_ If only McClellan had said something about books like this...oh. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/05/as-scottie-sowe.html \_ You know what? I think if Gore the Democrat had been elected, the new Gore Administration would not have been full of hubris filled neocon toadies. I do not think they would have invaded Iraq under false pretenses. We can debate this all day, but I firmly believe this. I do not think the world would appear to be headed towards a gigantic United States led clusterfuck if a Democractic, Gore led administration were in power right now. I believe there are significant differences between the current Republican Bush administration, and my fantasy Gore Democractic administration. I believe an Obama or Hillary (ahem) administration would not blindly invade Iran right now. I haven't heard Obama or Hillary (ahem) casually mention that we should prepare to be in Iraq for the next 1000 years. \_ While this is most certainly true, I think this has more to do with BUSHCO than it has to do with the GOP. I doubt Pres. McCain would have blindly invaded Iraq, &c. \_ It was hardly blindly. It was very deliberate. \_ yes, in fact it had been suggested by the whole host of GOP chicken hawks as far back as 1997. See the PNAC. -tom \_ Which is exactly why a McCain administration will invade Iran, if they can figure out how to talk Congress into it. \_ It depends on which McCain we get after the election. |
2008/5/28-6/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50065 Activity:nil |
5/28 http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?source=hptextfeature&story_id=11412562 The amusing bit is at the end, where McCain voted against this, and Obama voted for. Extra amusing is how someone deleted this without comment. (Bush vetoed this bill also). -- ilyas \_ Change! |
2008/5/20-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50011 Activity:moderate |
5/19 Here's my whacky idea for how politics will go after 2008: The (D) continues a leftward shift, alienating the center, Hillary loving, soccer mom, family types. \_ Why do you see (D) moving left and not more Moderate? \_ Look at who's leading it. Obama is *the* most left in the Senate. Olbermann, http://moveon.org, dailykos, etc. are all waaaaay left. -not op \_ I'm genuinely curious: what policies of Obama's do you see as left-leaning and not moderate? Are they socially left-leaning or culturally left-leaning? \_ How about: universal health care immediate withdrawal from Iraq (backed off this) removal of funding to NASA \_ not according to his website raising taxes on the wealthy \_ raising taxes or closing loopholes? opposition to free trade making life easier for unions \_ through secret ballots or New Deal? \_ Obama advocates removing oversight of Teamsters. http://csua.org/u/lne \_ The rest of the story: http://csua.org/u/lnf Seems like typical D stuff. \_ And what in there is lefty and not moderate? \_ All of it. You think Universal Healthcare is moderate?! \_ *shrug* I see a lot of Americans behind it. If the majority want it, is it that lefty anymore? \_ Lots of people want a free lunch, but it's very lefty to want the government to control business. \_ UHC or an equivalent is considered a need by a lot of people. This is not simply a handout or a free lunch. Opposition to such may be categorized as Conservative, not Moderate. \_ I wouldn't say proposing it is very moderate. It's left, which is why the right opposes it. \_ maybe the right opposes it because they're a bunch of morons. Or maybe this whole argument is just another attempt by conservatives to redefine reasonable ideas which produce results in every other industrialized country as "leftist," as if that's supposed to be an insult. -tom \_ The CEOs of GM, US Steel and WalMart are on The Left? Wow, you guys on the Right must be feeling pretty lonely at this point. \_ Shoving more of the cost onto the gov't means less of the cost shouldered by the business. Many businesses pay little tax as it is so why do they care? \_ So, the people and big business both agree that universal health care is a good thing. So, uh, who is against it? Oh, right, anti-government ideologues. -tom \_ TANSTAAFL \_ Case in point. \_ Every election year some obviously hack study comes out that says "surprise surprise, the Democratic candidate is the most liberal senator/congressperson/gov/etc" so idiots like the poster above can go spout this crap. \_ I'm unaware of *any* lefty idea he doesn't support. -pp \_ What, you're saying he wants to nationalize industry, creche your kids, mandate pharma for the proles, etc.? Seriously, can you tell me what particularly makes him "the most left in the Senate"? I'm genuinely interested in hearing what you have to say, but I'd like some substance. \_ Did you mean "nationalize all industry?" \_ Whoops! Yes, I did. Self-correction in 5. \_ That's pretty funny, considering I haven't seen any substance from Obama. \_ Yay! You hit the fish in the barrel! Now, how about an answer? \_ How about how he wants to raise the capital gains tax even though it may decrease revenue, to be "fair" ? \_ That would appear to be lefty, but could also be viewed as populist... or just popular. Here's the interview with Charlie Gibson where he says it: http://csua.org/u/lng Frankly, I can't argue with this: why are multi-millionaire hedge-fund managers paying a lower tax-rate than their secretaries? \_ Well, there are two possible "fixes" to this inequity: 1) raise taxes on capital-gains, or 2) lower income taxes. We *know* (1) decreases overall revenue, so.... \_ BZZZT! No. The only answer is to call the money the hedge fund managers make what it is: income. It is not capitol gains *for them*. For the money manager is it *income*. If their income was taxed as such they'd be paying a boatload more than their secretaries. Their earnings are misclassified. \_ No, we know (2) decreases overall revenue. Or at least every sane economists (even those who support tax cuts) knows that. \_ I'm sorry, but I don't agree. \_ clearly you're not a sane economist. I guess that makes you a clueless ideologue. -tom \_ Sane = "agrees with you" Clearly a 100% tax rate will maximize revenue. \_ No, but it is quite clear that our tax rate does not maximize tax revenues, and that cutting taxes from the current rate reduces tax revenues. -tom \_ Cutting capital gains tax does not raise tax revenue over the long run. There is often a short term uptick (bonus points if you can figure out why) but it lowers them in the long run, at least as long as it is below the Laffer Curve, which appears to be around a 40% tax rate. \_ We should be optimizing for GDP, not for tax revenues. \_ Says who? \_ We should be optimizing for the general welfare of the citizens of this country. GDP growth is now almost totally disconnected from the general welfare. -tom \_ Yes, comrade. A healthy, growing US economy benefits only corporate industrialists. \_ Tax revenue == general welfare in your mind? Wow. \_ clue == completely absent in your mind? Obviously. Try reading it again. -tom \_ Funny, I've seen lots of substance from Obama, it just changes every time he talks. "Unlike most politicians, Barack Obama does not waffle. He comes out boldly, saying mutually contradictory things." -Sowell \_ Why would you bother quoting Sowell on anything? -tom \_ Because, unlike you, he's occasionally right. The (R) party splits. (R1) goes to the center with McCain. Grabs all the center-left the (D) loses, but loses the conservatives. Conservatives form new party, (R2). (R2) has a small set of hard core voters, similar to the smaller (D) party. (R1) party gains plurality of seats, offices, etc, but can not rule without assistance of (D) or (R2) in general or pass individual bills without help. Ok, the odds of this actually happening are small but it would make things interesting, IMO. If it does happen, you heard it here first! \_ Our winner-take-all system of representation makes three parties inherently unstable. If a third party does arise, it will die immediately, or else kill one of the existing parties. -tom \_ My prediction: Obama and the Democrats end the war and balance \_ My prediction: Obama and the Democrats end the war and balances the budget, following mostly Clintonian economic policy. This \_ You forgot stopping Global Warming and starting the Age of Aquarius. \_ No, that waits for the second term. stabalizes the dollar, brings down the price of gasoline and gets the economy going. The voters reward the Dems with a filibuster proof majority in 2010. Obama then passes comprehensive health care reform, which ends up being the most popular program ever, even more than Social Security, which is supported by 2/3 of all voters. He is re-elected in 2012 in the biggest landslide since FDRs second term. \_ My prediction: McCain wins but not by a large margin. Not a whole lot really changes. |
2008/5/19-20 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50008 Activity:nil |
5/19 Here's my whacky idea for how politics will go after 2008: The (D) continues a leftward shift, alienating the center, Hillary loving, soccer mom, family types. The (R) party splits. (R1) goes to the center with McCain. Grabs all the center-left the (D) loses, but loses the conservatives. Conservatives form new party, (R2). (R2) has a small set of hard core voters, similar to the smaller (D) party. (R1) party gains plurality of seats, offices, etc, but can not rule without assistance of (D) or (R2) in general or pass individual bills without help. Ok, the odds of this actually happening are small but it would make things interesting, IMO. If it does happen, you heard it here first! |
2008/5/16-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49973 Activity:nil |
5/16 Congress passes huge pork bill. http://tinyurl.com/4wwys7 http://tinyurl.com/44fywg \_ Hello NATIONAL REVIEW crap! \_ Is it wrong? \_ No. NationalReview is right. Very RIGHT. Righteous. Right wing. Right. \_ Is this an interesting line of discussion to you? Partisan line-drawing and team-based politics? Left, right: it's all bullshit. Both left and right wing politicians do stupid and corrupt things. The rational individual will evaluate criticism impartially. \_ The rational individual learns that some sources are untrustworthy propaganda. While there may be a story here, I'm not going to pay much attention to the National Review's framing because I know they are mendacious idealouges. (That being said I am anti-farm subsidy, but there are plenty of sane op eds out there declaiming the current bill.) \_ Context seems to mean that you are saying that there are lots of sane op-eds out there supporting this bill. URL please? (if so) \_ Untrustworthy propaganda? It's an op-ed. It is not even a source. Find me a better op-ed then. You talk as if you have no brain and can't judge an argument on its own merits. Where's the outcry from a mainstream source? \_ If it's an op-ed, then label it as such. Posting a bunch of shortened urls with a label that appears to be about news is misleading. -10 pts. \_ It is now. Any fact given in NRO immediately becomes untrue by virtue of being printed there. \_ Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. |
2008/5/6-9 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49894 Activity:moderate 75%like:49913 |
5/6 Hey, Yoo lover: Yale denounces its own http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/05/john-yoo-and-pr.html Thanks for the link, psb. \- er, so does berkeley http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/05/the-torture-mem.html \_ It's always better when an entire school suffers from group-think, right? \_ You mean the hippie dippie liberal 'group think' that torture is wrong, makes us look like complete idiots to the world, and doesn't give us reliable intelligence? Sign me up for group think then. \_ No I don't mean that. It has nothing to do with agendas. It has to do with the OP talking about a school "deouncing their own". I'm saying a school is thousands of people. They don't all have to agree with each other on everything. That's inane. \_ Any turly educated person agrees with me. \_ How tur. \_ Right. Your interpretation would be retarded, and I couldn't think of a better verb than "denounces." I can't imagine anything closer to "Yale denounces its own" having meaning, than the dean of the law school criticizing Yoo on legal, ethical and moral grounds at a large, official gathering of that institution, such as commencement, which is exactly what happened. -op |
2008/5/3-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49880 Activity:moderate |
5/2 Hillary: Let's cut gas tax! Blue Collar: Yay! McCain: Let's cut gas tax! \_ McCain proposed it, Hillary agreed. Blue Collar: Yay! Obama: Gas tax break will increase demand and the cost of gasoline in the long run. Besides, it is not sustainable and not a long term solution. \- For an short term inelastic demand good, the price will be set by the demand, and if you drap the tax, that will convert consumer surplus into windfall profits. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_incidence This is like an Econ 1 midterm question. \_ What about if demand is elastic? \- a full discusson of this is beyond the scope of the motd. a fuller discussion involves questions of "is it movement along the demand curve" or "is it a shift of the agg demand curve". also the view w.r.t. to oil is supply is also constrained due to refining capacity being maxed out, but this is complicated by the possibility of drawing down inventory stocks. but what really makes this complicated is the "clean theory" assums competive markets [prce takers, marginal cost pricing]. the theory of monopol is also "clean" but the world we are probably in w.r.t. to oil is oligopoly ... and that isnt a "clean" theory ... anyway, let's leave it at that. Big Oil: We'll just raise your cost to match whatever price difference the temporary lack of tax would create, and pocket the the money. HA Blue Collar: FUCK YOU! \_ I think you underestimate the Blue Collar in this country. -raised BC \_ I think you underestimate the Blue Collar in this country. -raised BC \_ Vote for GEORGE W BUSH! PATRIOTISM, SERVE OUR COUNTRY! -BC \_ That was BC in 2002. What do you think it is like today? \_ McCain served in the armed forces and was patriotic. VOTE FOR MCCAIN, FIGHT TERRORISTS! -BC \_ Kerry had a rather more distinguished record of service compared to Bush, and look how that went. \_ SWIFT BOAT LIES! -BC \_ No, now it is more like MY GAS COSTS TOO MUCH. @#$%! BUSH \_ No, now it is more like MY GAS COSTS TOO MUCH. @#$%! BUSH AND ALL THOSE POLITICIANS IN DC! \_ The gas companies don't care what the tax rate is. There is more gasoline sitting in storage in the US right now than there has been for years. Current prices have little to do with the gas tax or a healthy functioning market. For starters, states like CA should get together with nearby states and use the same formula for gas. That would create a larger market of the same product and yield a more stable price as well as lower prices over all. Strengthen the dollar. Since oil prices are effectively keyed to the value of the dollar, as the dollar decreases oil prices *must* increase. This isn't even Econ 1 type stuff. \- Hillary Clinton has decided to ignore "so called experts" and "history" and "the facts" ... 'cause she's The Deciderette. Hmm, now who does that sound like? "Trust me ... I'm experienced, compassonate, tough, have what it takes, can swiftboat somebody when I need to ..." http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/05/friends-dont-le.html http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/05/expertise.html http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2008/05/i-think-paul-kr.html |
2008/4/29-5/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49853 Activity:kinda low |
4/29 How Frederick Douglass addressed the 3/5 issue: "I answer.and see you bear it in mind, for it shows the disposition of the constitution to slavery.I take the very worst aspect, and admit all that is claimed or that can be admitted consistently with truth; and I answer that this very provision, supposing it refers to slaves, is in itself a downright disability imposed upon the slave system of America, one which deprives the slaveholding States of at least two-fifths of their natural basis of representation. "A black man in a free State is worth just two-fifths more than a black man in a slave State, as a basis of political power under the constitution. "Therefore, instead of encouraging slavery, the constitution encourages freedom, by holding out to every slaveholding State the inducement of an increase of two-fifths of political power by becoming a free State." http://medicolegal.tripod.com/douglassuos.htm#three-fifths-clause \_ Quite impressive, the human ability to rationalize. He practically sounds like a Randroid. -tom \_ The irony police are overwhelmed with tom, send in the irony national guard! \_ The 3/5 compromise was made by abolitionists who wanted to weaken slave states. Go back and read history tom. \_ It was actually done by both sides, hence the label used "compromise." \_ Yes, but the slave states wanted the slaves to count as 1 person. \_ ...with their votes cast by the slave owner. -tom \_ You are confused. The slave owner still only had one vote. The 3/5 rule was for the number of seats that state got in congress. \_ Right, so if the slaves were truly free to vote, and at 1:1 representation, the state of Georgia might have more seats in Congress, but the people in power in Georgia would lose power. -tom \_ Well, at the time women were counted as 1 person but couldn't vote. People under voting age are still counted as 1 person but obviously can't vote. \_ Parents are the legal representatives of their children; slave owners and slaves have diametrically opposed interests. -tom \_ And womenfolk? \_ Personally I think women's suffrage is a good thing--you disagree? -tom \_ The US had the choice to allow slavery, or not allow it. It is pretzel logic to claim that, presented with that choice, deciding to allow slavery but make it somewhat less attractive was "encouraging freedom." There's also no reason to believe that slaves would vote the same way as their masters; giving slaves full votes would likely have led to abolition via democratic processes, for example, rather than civil war. You could say that the 3/5ths rule meant that "Georgia" had less power than New York, but the people who actually had power in Georgia were strengthened by the fact that their slaves couldn't vote themselves freedom. -tom \_ The current congress has the choice to continue war or not. And? I thought you lefties thought it was conservatives that only think in black and white. \_ Do you think that the current Congress deciding to continue to fund the war is "encouraging peace"? -tom \_ Are you trying to change the topic? \_ Umm, the US had the choice to allow slavery, or not exist. You know when the constitution was written right? \_ I thought you trolls believed in the power of the free market. -tom \_ Whaa? Am I talking to some sort of eliza program based on tom rantings here? \_ The idea that the US could not have existed without slavery in 1787 is ridiculous. -tom \_ It seems pretty obvious that the South would not have signed a constitution that outlawed it. Hence, the US would not exist, at least as we know it. \_ It's not necessarily obvious. The Southern Colonies might have conceded, or they might not have. That they were never forced into position where they had to make the decision is not evidence of which way they might have jumped. Interesting counterfactuals proceed from both eventualities. \_ Don't let that whole Civil War thing stand in the way of your hypothetical. \_ Don't let a lack of understanding of the causes of the Civil War or the nearly century-long gap between it and the signing of the Constitution stand in the way of a one-line quip full of sound and fury signifying nothing \_ is there some reason the 3/5ths compromise is suddenly big news on the motd? did Hillary finally get behind it? Did Reverend Wright vow to travel back in time and rip Dred Scott limb from limb? What's going on? \_ is there some reason the 3/5ths compromise is suddenly big news on the motd? did Hillary finally get behind it? Did Reverend Wright vow to travel back in time and rip Dred Scott limb from limb? \_ Rev. Wright would more likely wish to rip Taney, CJ, limb from limb. What's going on? \_ Assuming this quote is correctly attributed to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Douglass call me crazy, but on this one I'm going to go with the smart guy who lived through it over tom. \_ In what way? Frederick Douglas and tom speak to utterly different audiences: FD to a world where legalized slavery is still considered a possibility, whereas tom speaks to a world where slavery is an abhorrent concept. FD had to be almost painfully cautious in expressing his beliefs, whereas tom is free to express his with very little fear of danger to his own physical person. Had he had his 'druthers, FD might have said something more strident and provocative. --erikred \_ FD wrote tons of provocative stuff. Start with the wiki link. Not buying it. Also tom is claiming the union could have somehow existed with the south agreeing to end slavery. No. Ridiculous. If that were the case there would have been no need of the 3/5th "compromise". You really think they didn't talk about all this stuff at the time? Wow! \_ FD also had his house burned down. I'm sure they talked about it at the time; that doesn't change the fact that deciding to encode slavery in the Constitution is not "encouraging freedom." -tom \_ /shrug. FD was being politic, working with what he had at the time. It would be interesting to see what he had to say post-Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, 14th Amendment. Also, pp's point vis-a-vis that the union could not have existed without a 3/5ths compromise is speculative. Carry on. --erikred |
2008/4/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49777 Activity:moderate |
4/17 McCain makes decent amount of money, but not rich: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/04/18/916355.aspx (US Navy Pension pays $58K a year? WTF?) \_ McCain, combined with his wife's wealth, is probably the third or so richest member of senate. \_ You didn't know military pensions pay very well? That's one of the big incentives to stay in a long time. \_ except your exposure to carcinogens and other health risk factors go up significantly. \_ Umm, ok? Also risk of capture, torture and death go up? \_ The pension usually pays 50% of active duty salary, but it varies with years of service. Free medical for life, too. \_ There are not too many jobs where you can retire after 20 years. \_ I make more money than him. -dotcomer \_ Him has better grammar than you. \_ Him did it! Him's the one! \_ You made more than $418k in 2007? Hot damn, good for you! \_ He can get a law passed that will end your career in a heart beat. Unless you're an AZ voter, you can't do squat. \_ except the dot comer is already rich and doesn't need a "job" \_ One good tax law and dotcommer is in the poor house. McCain: 2, Dotcommer: 0. \_ His wife, however, is completely loaded. Remember when Kerry was being made fun of because all of his money came from the Teresa Heinz fortune? I expect the media will be mocking McCain for this any day now....NOT. \_ I most of the stuff in that vein I saw was contrasting Kerry's words with his actions. For example, he says "SUVs are evil" but owns one. "Rich should pay more taxes" wife only pays 14%, etc. \_ McCain is rich, but the money is locked up in his wife's beer company. He has a pretty sweet arrangement: married to a woman 18 years his younger, who is also his sugar momma. Where can I find a woman like that? \_ No, the question is HOW DID MCCAIN DO IT? He must have secret mojo that we desperate sodans don't have. What does it take for us to get his secret mojo? \_ If I married a woman 18 years my junior I'd go to jail. Well, unless I did it in Yemen. \_ If I married a woman 18 years my junior I'd go to jail for polygamy. \_ Unless you did it in Yemen. \_ Just upgrade, like McCain did. \_ You can marry a 14 year old in Alamaba, if you can talk both parents into attending the wedding. \_ Can you imagine if Hillary tried to get away with what he's doing? "Oh, Bill's finances are separate and private, we're not going to release those." One standard for Rs, another for Ds. \_ Wow. Just wow. To borrow a phrase: epic fail. \_ epic fail \_ You have a short-term memory. Did Teresa release hers in 04? \_ At first she didn't and the press hounded her until she did. \_ She released a "summary." Besides, we're still not actually in the race yet, it's still the Dem primary. Why would the press hound McCain now? It is currently not particularly news worthy. \_ McCain has been getting away with murder for years. I expect the press to roll over for him in the general just like they always have. Reporters *love* him. \_ "Liberal" media. |
2008/4/18 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49776 Activity:nil |
4/17 Turns out McCain makes a LOT more money than me. WTF. Are there ANY candidate who makes normal amount of money, instead of those who are born are are married into money? http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/04/18/916355.aspx |
2008/4/15-23 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49756 Activity:kinda low |
4/15 I guess this is Obama is worse than HRC guy's point? http://www.primetimepolitics.com/primetime/site/page/a_living_lie \_ That Thomas Sowell is an idiot? I don't think that's news. -tom \_ ^is an idiot^disagrees with tom \_ Is he really accusing Obama of being a Marxist and a Fabian Socialist? This guy has a few screws loose, if he is. If he is not, what is the point of his last few paragraphs? \_ Instead of simply saying why he has a few screws loose, why not explain why you think that's the case? \_ because it's Thomas Sowell, so it should be self-evident. \_ I think maybe it's you with the problem. Or is it because he's a Senior Fellow at Stanford? \_ No, it's because he's a freakish right-winger who believes all sorts of insane things, and would never say anything good about a liberal (unless it was to insult another liberal). -tom \_ Tom, everyone right of Stalin is crazy to you. Go away. \_ Yeah, only communists disagree with the idea that the New Deal caused the Great Depression. Get a clue. -tom \_ Not the issue. You call anyone who disagrees with you an idiot or crazy. And you fail to ever substantiate it. You're the one with the problem. \_ I call *you* an idiot. I don't call everyone who disagrees with me an idiot. There's a difference, but I'm sure you're too stupid to figure it out. -tom \_ When have you *ever* engaged in debate or discussion with *anyone* and granted the other person was right and you were wrong? I've never seen it happen on the motd. \_ Nice misdirection; I engage in debate on the MOTD without calling the other person an idiot all the time. Idiot. -tom \_ Did Sowell say that? I doubt it. He may have said that some of FDRs policies lengthed the depression, a stance for which there is fairly good evidence, and the espousal of which hardly makes one 'crazy.' \_ I already did explain why. Do you expect me to explain why it is obvious that Obama is not a Marxist? This guy is as lame as the Bushitler crowd. \_ It looks pretty clear to me that Obama /is/ a Marxist, so yes I'd appreciate a serious reply. \_ Then I think it's pretty clear you have no idea what Marxism is. \_ Sigh. So much for a serious answer. \_ If you want to claim the moon is green cheese the only answer you are going to get is "No, it isn't." \_ You're the guy who's never read any of his books, right? -!pp \_ You are silly, but I will entertain your request: Marxism: Believes in the Dictatorship of the Proletariat Obama: Believes in Democracy \_ No difference between democracy and "dictatorship of the proletariat". Who are the proles anyway? The bitter people on Pennsylvania? \_ You claim that there is no difference between Democracy and dictatorship. I beg to differ. Marxism: Believes that The Workers should own the means of production. Obama: Believes in a modern regulated Capitalism \_ Regulated to the point that business works for the government. Thus, socialism. \_ Is this Marxism or isn't it? Marxism: Believes that Workers are naturally alienated in a Capitalistic society. Marxism: Believes that Workers are naturally alienated in a Capitalistic society. Obama: Believes in The Audacity of Hope \_ Wrote a book with that title. Really believes that the workers are naturally alienated and thus are bitter gun toting christians. \_ Have you read the book? Do you think that the 15% of rural citizens constitute the entire body of "Workers?" And even if you take the bitter quote at face value, it is actually a statement complaining about the alienation of a small group of people, not a claim that this is their natural condition. Marxism: Elevates Class Consciousness above all other means of understanding human relationships. Obama: Believes in an integrated political consciousness that includes race, class, religion and family and downplays it as a method to achieve political change. \_ O believes he and people who share his views are superior, the rest are gun toting racist white hicks in the outback. \_ Everyone believes that their views are superior, even you, I bet. Are you still going to maintain your claim that Obama elevates Class Consciousness above all other philosophy? your claim that Obama elevates Class Consciousness above all other philosophy? Any other questions? \_ Your descriptions of Obama's positions are way off (if not entirely useless--what does 'the audacity of hope' even mean?). I see him as far closer to Marx than you do. Fine. \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Audacity_of_Hope You haven't even bothered to learn the first thing about Obama, yet you are quite certain that he is a Marxist. Fine. \_ This is why idiots like Bush get voted in. \_ No. Idiots like Bush get voted in because the other guy was so much worse. Bush was the unknown lesser evil the first time and the lesser evil the second. If the (D) had real candidates running Bush would be a footnote, not President. Twice. Hint: SF is not in the political center of the US. \_ Are you still claiming that Obama *is* a Marxist, without having the foggiest clue about what his actual positions are? Where do you get your information about what a candidates positions is, a Cracker Jack box? Do you even know what Marxism is? \_ Bush was the lesser evil? Twice? Really. Interesting argument. So you think Kerry and Gore both would have made \_ Bush was the lesser evil? Twice? Really. Interesting argument. So you think Kerry and Gore both would have made a foreign policy decision more disastrous than Iraq, and a domestic policy decision more disastrous than tax cutting and spending the nation into a debt-ridden hole. and spending the nation into a debt- ridden hole. \_ The Center is moving left, in case you hadn't noticed. SF looks better everyday. |
2008/4/13-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49745 Activity:nil |
4/12 Obama on 2004 on the "bitter" topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oGF3cyHE7M You can park your trolls here now, ok tnx. \_ You're so last week. |
2008/4/11-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49735 Activity:moderate |
4/11 Did Obama just shoot himself in the foot? I am an Obama supporter, but this statement seems like a political mistake to me. http://www.csua.org/u/l9l (newsday) \_ Oh bullshit. You are not an Obama supporter and everyone knows it. \_ No, I really am an Obama supporter. I even voted for him in the primaries. \_ The guy is going to make a lot of political mistakes. He is incredibly green. \_ Holy cow, I guess he just insulted 1/2 of America. I guess this is why McCain is going to win. \_ I could be wrong, but I don't think 1/2 of America lives in rural areas. \_ FWIW, Obama's response to the all of the "umbrage" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc9PepjyDow \_ He is pretty slick. \_ I think what you wanted to say was that he's a SASSY NIGGER, didn't you? \_ Yawn. How many times are we going to have to see this lame troll this election? FAIL. \_ Sigh. Modern politics just reminds me of the trial scene in Idiocracy. \_ I knew enough about McC and HRC to not like either so I was looking at Obama back in January/February. But now that I know more about him I think he's the worst of the three for the country and I *really* don't like the other two. This statement shows what he really thinks and it is ugly. \_ What about his statement do you disagree with so strongly? Try the response video on youtube linked above, too. \_ It was definitely a political error. Calling a broad swath of people "bitter" and saying they "cling to guns or religion... anti-immigrant or anti-trade" makes it sound like those aren't valid opinions to have; that they are desperate fools. His subsequent response framed it differently: saying that they focus on those things because "they can't count on Washington" for economic or other problems. It's a clever response but it has a different twist than the original statement. Clearly he didn't intend for his remarks to a liberal SF audience to be seen by the "bitter" people themselves. Barack admits mistake: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7344532.stm \_ I actually agree with his remark and I was raised in a small town, but I think it was dumb of him to voice it. -op \_ He regrets the remark, but he didn't apologize for it. \_ Worse than HRC? Really? i don't know if I'd go that far. I would say Hillary has the same elitest views, coupled with distain for democracy and voters that I find appalling. See her attempts to get the Michigan delegates seated and her continuing Bosnia delusions. What makes you think Obama is worse? -Obama is a racist guy \_ Yes worse than HRC and I *really* loathe her. Here's how I see it: HRC: same dysfunctional war room self-induced crisis/fuckup of the week for 4-8 years but that's 99% their internal problems and doesn't truly hurt the country in a real way over the long haul. BHO: true believer in socialism, hates our allies, loves our enemies, no clue at all about half the country's needs/desires and most similar in my mind to Jimmy Carter, worst president ever. Given how the election is going, it looks like BHO gets the party nod and goes up again McC and gets crushed because quite frankly BHO is even more distant from real people than McC and has another 6+ months to say more stupid things. McC: not (R), nor (D), nor (I), he represents the (Selfish) party. Self aggrandising, nearly as criminal as BHO and HRC in his financial dealings, no guiding philosophy other than getting his name in the paper, the Presidency would just be a huge ego trip. I don't know who I'm voting for in November but it won't be any of these losers. IMO, no matter who you vote for (of these three), you're voting based on lesser-evil, as none of them has a single good idea in their head. If anything positive comes from the next President (no matter who) it will be a case of the broken clock being right twice a day. I guess by my own words, HRC is the least worst and wow does it make me ill to say that. \_ So who is your ideal candidate? \_ My ideal candidate wassn't in the race. It sure as hell isn't Pat Buchanan. This whole election cycle is a wash. \_ When wasn't it a wash? Did you think that Dubya would make a good president? How about Kerry? Gore? Clinton? \_ Patrick Buchanan \_ Le sigh. \_ So is he an ANGRY SCARY NEGRO or is he an OUT OF TOUCH IVORY TOWER LATTE SIPPING ELITIST? Which is it, please? \_ Both. \_ Wow, I guess angry and partisan doesn't have to make sense, huh? Just go with your feelings, Luke. \_ Huh? Which of those things you listed are mutual exclusive? You don't think someone can be and angry scary elitist? That's how I'd define a lot of people I met in elitist? That's how I'd describe quite a few people I met in Berkeley. -!pp exclusive? You don't think someone can be an angry scary elitist? That's how I'd describe quite a few people I met in Berkeley. -!pp |
2008/4/11-16 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Finance/Investment] UID:49721 Activity:nil |
4/11 McCain campaign attacks George Soros for funding third party groups, even though Soros has funded McCain's own causes: http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/04/mccain_attacked_sorosfunded_de.php \_ What's the betting pool like for odds on McCain self-destucting or having a stroke before the election? \_ "I was for George Soros before I was against him" |
2008/3/31-4/6 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49615 Activity:moderate |
3/31 Mark Steyn analyzes 'Dreams From My Father' http://csua.org/u/l5p This transcript covers on feature of Obama's first book that I found so odd. I surprised more people who plan on voting haven't read it. \_ Gee townhall. Surprise surprise. \_ Ahhh, the Hugh Hewitt show! Let me guess, you're a Romney voter. \_ Actually, I'd never heard of Hugh Hewitt until today. I got this off a blog. I take it neither of you have read "Dreams From My Father?" It's not that it's an amazing book or anything, but it was the first thing I read when I first heard of Obama and was thinking about voting for him. It's also the reason I decided I didn't want to vote for him. I continue to be surprised that more people haven't read it, especially among those who love and those who hate him. -op \_ Which aspect(s) of the book made you not want to vote for him, and does that mean you chose Clinton instead? \_ Well, I actually voted for Obama in the primaries because I still like him a lot more than Clinton. Looks like I'll end up voting for McCain in the general election unless something big changes. The book bugged me in a couple of ways. He seems to realize early on that he can choose who he wants to become. This is an unusual and admirable quality. So he decides to join the black radical culture. This I find less admirable. He then spends a lot of his youth trying to prove how 'black' he is. Even going so far as to pressue other african-american students if he doesn't think they're acting black enough. He even calls one guy an Uncle Tom for studing too hard, although he apologizes for that. There seems to be a sort of 'hate whitey' undercurrent throughout the text, although he never actually says something so quoteable. There is one line where he writes (as I recall) 'I came to the conclusion that perhaps not all whites are worthy of our scorn.' Umm, thanks? And perhaps not all blacks are criminals? I would be okay with this if he ever seemed to get past it, but near then end of the book he suggests that some random white family in a restraunt in Kenya is there because they "want black people to serve them." This is all difficult to draw strong conclusions about because, as the article mentions, he never overtly states his positions, or if his ideas have changed. He also comes across as ignorant of economics. -op \_ Did you try the second book? \_ No, I read the first book partially because I figured the second book was likely to be written purely for political reasons, and would therefore not show his true beliefs. He stated in an interview that Dreams From My Father contained things that were 'politically inconvinent' but that he stood by them. I was impressed by that bravery. However, since he never really makes any solid statements in the first book, I guess I may as well read the 2nd. -op \_ Okay, you piqued my curiosity enough that I am going to read this book. I wonder what kind of book Dubya would have written at that age. Probably nothing as impressive. \_ This constant bringing up of Dubya sounds kind of pathetic, along the lines of 'Ok, but the Republicans are still worse... right? right? Just checking'. -- ilyas \_ Why is it pathetic? Wasn't Dubya the best possible candidate the Republican Party could nominate? We have heard for years what a great President he was, from many Conservative pundits. Would McCain be any better? \_ What's pathetic is your fixation on Dubya. This thread isn't even about Dubya but you keep somehow trying to bring him in. -- ilyas \_ Dubya == McCain. I am not the one who brought up McCain. \_ No, Dubya is not McCain. McCain is McCain. I think you should let Dubya go. \_ I think it is pathetic that the Bush voters want us to forget history so quickly. You should have the loyalty to stand by your man or at least be willing to learn from your mistakes. In what significant way do McCain's In what significant way does McCain's policy positions differ from Dubya's? \_ I am not a Bush voter, and I grow tired of this conversation. WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! \_ Facts are such tiresome things. You are going to vote for McCain even though you have no idea what his policies are, just because you don't like a book the other guy wrote 20 years ago? That is a reason to vote for someone I guess. Kind of a lame reason, imho, but it is your right. \_ This has got to be a troll. We have no idea what McCain's policies are? No one here could make such a stupid statement seriously, could they? -!pp \_ So tell me then where McCain would be different than Bush. Their important policies are the same. \_ And Obama = Clinton = LBJ! \_ Also LBJ == JFK == FDR \_ No Obama's policies are quite different than LBJ's. Depending on which Clinton you mean, you are actually pretty close to the mark there. \_ The quotes I've seen clearly seem written from the perspective of exploring the mindset of various individuals and groups, not really statements of personal philosophy. Obama clearly has "racial baggage" and identity confusion as part of his life experience. The book seems more of an explanation of why/how he would be involved in black radicalism rather than an espousal of it. Can you honestly say you have never had racist thoughts? Obama's book is open about it, but I can't see any evidence he "hates whitey" at this point in time, or understands less about econ. than his rivals. \_ Well, I find that theory even more disturbing. Does he have no principles at all? What does it mean when someone goes to so much trouble to avoid making any sort of personal statement of principles? \_ Most of us have a personal and moral philosophy that evolves as we mature. I think that this is a good thing and a sign of a smart and agile mind, but I know that some (mostly extremists, on all ends of the political spectrum) find that to be a sign of moral weakness. \_ That's not the focus of that book. The second book is. Honestly though, I'm not sure what you expect. How do you write a book on the subject he did? Did he need a "for dummies" chapter to reassure white people that he doesn't hate them? What is "the solution" to the problems he deals with? Should blacks ignore racism, pretend it doesn't exist? On balance it seems better for him to have written the book than not. It shows that he has allowed himself to process and consider ideas that we don't find appealing. But I think in the end he rejects them, if only because he decides the ideas not effective. Have you ever seriously considered the merits of communism, segregation, etc.? The reality is that most smart people don't pretend to have a simple rulebook for every situation in life. The best he can do is point to his past actions and show that he considers all angles of a problem and its solution. There doesn't seem to be any way for him to prove himself to you -- after all, if he simply says something you can suspect him of hidden resentment and hatred. \_ The most common objection I've seen to the book is that Obama's description of himself as a young man doesn't match up with the experience that others had of him - that he was much more outgoing and cheerful than he seems to have thought himself. I'd say this is really common - I'm willing to bet most of you would have a description of your younger self that contradicted what others saw. Self-awareness takes a LONG time to really develop, and some people never develop it. \_ I love how Barack just confuses the hell out of conservatives. \_ I love how Barack demonstrates so clearly how shallow the majority of Dems are. \_ What defines a non-shallow Dem for you? \_ The silence just speaks volumes, doesn't it? |
2008/3/30-4/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49613 Activity:nil |
3/28 Finally, the Clinton Death Spiral? Obama up 10 pts in Gallup tracking poll for first time http://www.gallup.com/poll/105841/Gallup-Daily-Obama-Now-52-Clintons-42.aspx \_ And McCain still up on both. (Barely.) \_ Not a problem once the democrats have a decisive choice. Voter turnout in the primaries had the 2nd place democratic candidate often beating the sum total of all republican votes so I think the presidential will pretty much be decided by the Clinton/ Obama choice. \_ Are there any numbers from previous elections that equate higher primary turnout with general election victory? Are you taking into account the huge number of cross over voters this year who voted strategically? Are you counting the number of people in both C and O camps who said they would stay home or vote for M if their candidate didn't get the nomination? \_ I don't think he was counting anything. His statement was more of a statement of faith than anything else. -!pp |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49597 Activity:nil |
3/28 Political debates on NPR are worthless. They really need a ref with fact verification powers or something. I was listening to one this morning talking about the Cow Palace, and the debators couldn't even agree on basic facts, like if the Cow Palace operates in the black or not. It's impossible to draw any kind of conclusions from two lists of completely contradictory "facts." |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49592 Activity:very high |
3/28 The only way the democrats are going to win this November is if they join forces. But both candidates are too arrogant to accept that. This country is not ready for a black candidate, nor a woman president, but both of them, together, will hold those democratic votes that may otherwise shift to McCain. This is just sad. Personally I will vote for McCain if Obama wins. I am not ready for a black kid president, regardless of how good his speech skill is. -ray \_ His "speech skill" is clearly better than yours. \_ Though he seems to have learned from the Shatner school of speaking. \_ Well, I am not voting for a fucking black president, because all black knows how to do is the play the racist card when they commit a crime. I've seen plenty of them in Oakland and San Francisco, wearing extra large T-shirts and pants dropped down. They belong in jail. -asian \_ This has to be a troll. You argument is logically inconsistant. \_ Yours too, troll-boy, so what? -jrleek \_ I don't think I combined ticket would actually make any sense. Why would Obama want to be vice-president to Hillary? He'd just end up playing second fiddle to Bill. Why would he want to have Hillary as his vice-president? It would be impossible to get her to tow the party line. -jrleek \_toe \_ Obama fiddles Bill. Hmm ... |
2008/3/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49578 Activity:high |
3/26 NBC/WSJ poll shows Obama has survived the Wright imbroglio relatively intact. Meanwhile, Hillary's negatives continue to soar. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/03/26/821438.aspx http://img210.imagevenue.com/view.php?image=49717_9_123_419lo.jpg \_ I told you guys a year ago Hillary would never be President and you laughed at me. Now most of you are here saying how horrible she is and how she should get get of the race. Hillary hasn't changed one bit in the last year. Why are all of you bashing her now? \_ Please point to the thread where you attacked HC so we can tell if you were attacking her based on credibility or gender. \_ Are you totally new here? Except for the last ~8 weeks, the motd has been all about HRC and her inevitability. My favorite response to my comments on her unelectability due to her ridiculously high unfavorability ratings (amusing that you assume I a) attacked her or b) it was gender based) was someone who posted a silly url to one of the 'vote with your money' fake market betting sites. Show me all the rabidly pro-Obama posts prior to Jan/Dec, or the rabidly anti-HRC from Dems. Good luck with *that* motd search. \_ Let me sum up the problem for you: you post anonymously; there have been a lot of comments against HRC; it becomes difficult to verify your "I told you so" claim without knowing which of those comments were yours. \_ Let me sum up the problem for you: I don't care if you believe *me* or not. It is not "me vs. the motd!". It is a simple fact that until very recently the motd was full of "HRC IS INEVITABLE! CANCEL THE ELECTION! WE NEED A CORONATION!" types. Now that Obama is winning, quite suddenly the mood has shifted heavily against her here, despite the fact that she hasn't changed one bit from a year ago when this place was full of HRC cheer- leaders. This has nothing to do with me. I don't give a damn what you think of me or my track record. I want to know what caused all these people who very recently loooooved HRC to turn on her like she was Karl Rove's pet dog. *She* hasn't changed a bit. You're just deflecting. \- Are you so clueless to think there is a "the motd unified opinion"? Would you care to evaluate (explode motd). I'm probably as active a motd editor as any, and I've disliked Hillary Clinton since at least 1996 [possibly 1993-1994, but "on the record" since at least 1996]. \_ I still think HRC would beat McCain, but I like Obama better. \_ Funny how so many Dems have suddenly turned on her. I didn't like her then, but I like her now given that Obama is her opponent. \_ You would rather see Hillary as president than Obama? \_ Yes. \_ No. She still can't win. My dog could beat her in the general election. Well ok my dog isn't 35 so he can't run, but if they didn't create anti-dog ageist rules, he would. \_ I've been saying forever that Hillary is too polarizing to win, but people kept pushing her. Interesting that those same people now think she's a terrible candidate just because Obama has the momentum. I think Hillary is terrible, but at least she has experience in the form of Bill. Obama is completely green and not ready for primetime. I get the feeling he turns to Michelle in the morning and says "Holy fuck! I might be President! Can you believe that shit?!" \_ Bill is a sleaze and a low-life but his personal life and various crimes aside, his actual policies weren't that bad (about the best you can say about modern politicians, unfortunately). His wife and her opposition are both worthless. It amazes me that either got this far and may actually end up as PotUS. More amazing to me is the visceral hatred each camp has towards the other. Their policies are exactly the same. It's all just identity politics and has nothing to do with leading the country. \_ And Bush has been a great president, right? \_ He "likes" Hillary for the general in the same way that Rush does. \_ Because Obama is unqualified? \_ Stating something repeatedly doesn't make it factual. \_ What has he ever done? I am not saying Hillary is super-qualified, but Billary is. |
2008/3/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49556 Activity:very high |
3/24 McCain's endless free ride http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2008_03/013394.php \_ McCain's free ride will end when Hillary finally gives up. He's going to get slaughtered. -tom \_ Maybe. I wish I shared your confidence in that. \_ No kidding, Bush was going to get "slaughtered" too how the the heck does a bumbling incompetent get [s]elected twice? \_ c.f. "Idiocracy" \_ I didn't think Bush was going to get slaughtered. The situation is completely different today. McCain will be viewed as the candidate of yesterday; he will win if people think the country's current state is good. What do you think? -tom \_ Unless the Dems get their act together and nominate ALGOR, McCain is going to be our next president. It is fairly clear that Billary can't win. I used to think Obama could win but Billary has really done a number on him in the last few weeks. Because of this I think McCain has a good chance of beating Obama. I think McCain has a very good chance of beating Obama. I think McCain will most likely beat Obama. \_ The idea of Al Gore as a candidate is laughable. He had enormous advantages over Dubya and still lost. He lost his own home state. He's got one strong topic, the environment, which doesn't seem like a major issue in this campaign. -tom \_ ALGOR's biggest advantage is the realization of the electorate of how different things would have been if he had become President in 2000. Also, unlike Obama, he hasn't been broken down by Billary. At this point, he is probably the only democrat who can take on McCain and win. \_ Asserting that again doesn't make it any less stupid. -tom \_ Do you really think people who voted for Dubya in 2004 will vote for Obama now? I think it will be the usual red vs. blue scenario. \_ Yes, I do. Something happening twice doesn't make it the "usual" scenario. Votes are a lot more elastic than that. Ronald Reagan carried New York. Clinton carried Georgia. -tom \_ Consider: McCain is less polarizing, seen as more moderate, than Bush. Obama is more polarizing than Kerry or Gore, apparently: for the racial issue if not the political issues. I rate their chances as 50/50 either way. It will depend on what media events happen between now and November. But don't take my word for it: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2yke8u The trend is actually for McCain. Saying McCain is going to get slaughtered is delusional. It's typical for you guys to delude yourself about the appeal of the Republican candidates. You don't understand the R voters. The only way McCain will get slaughtered is if he goes senile and cracks up on national TV: his age is his weakness. \_ I understand R voters just fine, you don't understand swing voters at all. They care mostly about the economy, which is going to hell. Who do you think they are going to blame for this? How much do you want to bet on the outcome? -ausman \_ I don't want to bet. I already said I rate the chances 50/50. If I want to bet near 50/50 I'll go play craps somewhere. I pointed to polls showing 50/50. Are you a Swami who foretells some vast shift in public opinions within the next 6 months? It's not very credible to place blame for all problems at the feet of the incumbent party. The D's voted us into Iraq also. The D's have controlled Congress lately. \_ Intrade and the Iowa markets have it \_ Intrade and the other markets have it more like 60/40. But I am sure all the people betting there are not as wise and experienced in these things as you are. I expect the polls to change pretty hard against McCain after the Democratic nomination. And a majority of Democrats in Congress voted against the Iraq War. Retelling that tired old lie of yours doesn't make it any more convincing. \_ The Senate is not Congress? A lot of D's voted for it, and a majority in the Senate. D's control Congress. D's continue to fund the war. I think I was mentioning delusions a couple posts ago. McCain hasn't really begun to fight. You really think it's so obvious? You should go bet on Intrade, those 40-something ask prices are ripe for the picking. \_ You are the one claiming that it is 50/50, you should be grabbing all the 40's you can. \_ The topic here started with someone questioning tom's claim that McCain will get "slaughtered". If you want to define what that means (Obama gets >60% of pop vote?) then maybe I could bet against that. I'm not claiming Obama will lose. I don't like the odds enough to risk losing. You are the one who is apparently certain of the outcome. My entire point is that it's uncertain. (Someone else claimed McCain would win.) \_ I am not certain, but I think the race is the Democrats to lose. They might just do that though. |
2008/3/21-25 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Crime, Reference/Religion] UID:49530 Activity:high |
3/21 Krauthhammer on Obama's speech http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=290899211643217 \_ Does Krauthammer still call them Freedom Fries? When is he going to apologize for the Iraq War? The guy is a fool. \_ So, in other words, he's right and you have no answer to any of his points? Thanks. \_ No, he has shown himself time and again to be mendatious \_ No, he has shown himself time and again to be mendacious and has shown repeated bad judgement. Why would anyone waste their time bothering to untangle what a proven fool is blubbering on about? \_ It's an opinion piece that *many* people would agree with. Fine if you don't want to read someone's opinions. \_ I don't waste my time reading Ann Coulter's "opinions" either. Some people have worthwhile things to say, this guy has proven, to me at least, that he does not. \- you remember that reporter in manhunter/red dragon? think krauthammer. \_ That's nice. If you don't want to read something that is fine. However, that puts you in a poor position to comment on the article. Your opinion of the writer's previous statements does not create the logical grounds for outright dismissing a later statement. -!pp (and no, like you I haven't read it either, but unlike you I am not going to comment on something I haven't read) \_ I didn't comment on his article. I dismissed him as a fool. \_ Exactly. You gave a zero-content knee-jerk response to seeing his name. Why bother? Is that really going to convince anyone of anything or just venting? I see no reason to post content-free rants. Perhaps you can explain the value of your original post? \_ It is pretty funny that a guy who defends Krauthammer would complain about a content free rant. \_ It's even funnier that a guy who complains about Krauthammer would engage so much in content free rants. -!pp \_ Show me even one column of his that is not: 1) tendentious 2) partisan and 3) wrong and I will reconsider my POV. The truth is, I have read over 20 of his columns and not even one of them was worth the time I spent. them was worth the time I spent. And btw, saying "Krauthammer was wrong about Iraq and I will not consider his opinion until he recants" is hardly comment free. Perhaps you don't agree with the comment, but it is certainly not comment-free. \_ I'm at no point defending Krauthammer. I made it quite clear I didn't read the article and it doesn't matter at all what the article says since you didn't read it either. You are intellectually dishonest or possibly just mentally deficient. Either way you have still failed to make a point or even attempt to. -pp \_ No, I made my point just fine, you just refuse to admit it: some people aren't worth wasting your time considering. Do you remember when the motd was covered with Freeper trolls? I used to post links to Prof. Thomas' excellent blog, The Economist's Voice, excellent blog, The Economist's View, until some of the Motd Conservatives complained about the tone of the comments section. Krauthammer is far worse. worse. \_ You didn't make a point. A point might have been convincing. You expressed a content-free opinion. There is nothing wrong with that. It just isn't a point. Don't confuse your opinion with fact. \_ My reply was deleted, so here's the rehashed version: You posted your opinion. Yay. I'm happy for you. It still isn't a fact and your opinion is not something that can be falsified. You don't like him. Ok. As far as freepers go, if you were the one posting freeper links, I was the one saying we don't need that here. There's no reason at all to post a freeper link when all we're getting is freeper hate plus a link to the original article. Just post the original link without the hate. I also don't see a need for dailykos hate either, just so you understand I'm even handed with my hate-link complaints. \_ The answer to his question (why he stayed in the church) is pretty obvious. A church is primarily about religion and faith. Politics are secondary. A preacher expressing an opinion he doesn't agree with isn't a crime that reflects on him or his judgement. Unless you say he should have left because, cynically, it might be used against him for political muckraking and fearmongering purposess. \_ A preacher saying the things Wright said should have no congregation. \_ Well, I'd say any preacher should have no congregation since religion is all a giant pile of bullshit. But go figure: it seems to help them. You aren't in that church, you don't know what pros there might be to counter these supposed cons. \_ It's an opinion piece that *many* people would agree with. Fine if you don't want to read someone's opinions. \_ There *is no pro* that can counter these cons. And what do you mean by 'supposed'? \_ You know everything, why don't you figure it out? \_ You know, this kind of shit is amazing to read, given how much shit famous ring-wing christians get here. -- ilyas shit famous right-wing christians get here. -- ilyas \_ Well, I guess to me the thing is that Obama explicitly and publically rejects the controversial statements at hand. The only real controversy with him then is his church membership and apparent friendship with this man. I don't recall the right wing politicians rejecting wacky religious right stuff. Actually they (Bush etc) invoke it in public policy matters. \_ Slightly off-topic, but if you take a closer look at Wright's philosophy, he's far more of a conservative than a liberal. \_ Hey, I think he is a kook, but I think that about most religious people, so I think my opinion doesn't really matter religious people, so my opinion doesn't really matter here. What is going on, imho, is that religious conservatives are waking up to the fact that there are other strains of Christian faith and it kind of freaks them out. |
2008/3/20-25 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49521 Activity:nil 83%like:49515 |
3/20 McCain asked for Hagee's endorsement http://preview.tinyurl.com/yvqryp [editor and publisher] |
2008/3/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49515 Activity:nil 83%like:49521 |
3/20 McCain asked for Hagee's endorsement http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003728364 |
2008/3/19-21 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49504 Activity:moderate |
3/19 The Swiftboating of Obama begins in earnest: http://csua.org/u/l2s (politico.com) Has it really come to this? Again? Are we really going to have a campaign that's a replay of 2004? Are there any adults left? "Idiocracy" is starting to look like prophecy. \_ Oh no! Some one posted a video critical of a politician on youtube! Send him to the gulag! Fairness doctrine! \_ Oh no! Some one might tell the truth about a politician in a hotly contested election! Quick! Smear the opposition! \_ "the truth"... Uhhuh... Are you one of those people holed up waiting for ObamaBinX to launch his racial holy war? RAHOWA! ATTACA! Fuck off. \_ Bad troll! No cookie! Back to your content-free cage! \_ Wow, 38,000 whole views. And I bet 99% of them were all rabid GOP partisans. Yawn. \_ actually, the article we all came from to view it, was critical of it. I expect a large portion of the views are from people who are pro-obama, and the video will change approx. 0 of their minds. It is actually pretty weak, I doubt it will become a big item. \_ A McCain aide was just suspended for pushing it: http://preview.tinyurl.com/3co4w4 [tpm] \_ It what way is that article critical of the YouTube clip? It seemed mildly congratulatory, to me. \_ Yeah, it was pretty poorly done. Of course, the combo of "Just words?" and "God Damn America!" was pretty obvious. |
2008/3/18-21 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:49486 Activity:high |
3/18 Full text of Obama's "pastor" speech. Whatever else you might think, this is moving stuff. I guess you can either choose to believe it or not. http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/03/full_text_of_obamas_big_race_s.php#more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWe7wTVbLUU \_ Not only do I not think it's moving, I think it's a cynical side-step. \_ That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. However, I think the bulk of people who would consider voting for Obama at all will consider it brave, principled, and devout. He may be doomed by the Idiocracy that only thinks in 5 second sound bites, but he probably would never win with these folks anyway. Whether they may make up 50% + 1 of the electorate remains to be seen. \_ My original response to you was nuked. On the assumption that it wasn't you that nuked it, let me ask, in what way did you find it cynical, exactly? \_ He will make a great President. My father still talks about JFK and how much me moved a generation, we are going to finally see and how much he moved a generation, we are going to finally see something similar: a man of great charima, passion and intergrity something similar: a man of great charima, passion and integrity who is going to move America in a new and better direction. \_ But... but... he's black! You know that those people are all lazy shifty criminals who hate the white people and want payback! My god, HE HATES AMERICA! AND SO DO YOU! \_ I just got back from a two-week vacation in Australia. Every conversation longer than five minutes that I had with Aussies turned to the US Dem Primaries. There's a lot of hope/interest in Obama, even abroad. --erikred \_ Fortunately the rest of the world does not vote for our leaders. \_ Your statement is difficult to unpack. Are you suggesting that it is fortunate that the rest of the world does not vote for our leaders, that it is fortunate that the rest of the world has no say in the choosing of our leaders, or that despite his popularity abroad, Americans are unlikely to elect Obama? \_ All three. I don't see a difference between A&B which is what I meant when I posted, but C is also true, but not because he is or is not popular with the rest of the world. Americans as a whole don't vote on that basis. The reason it is fortunate that non-citizens do not vote is they would obviously vote for someone best for their own country, not ours. I think it goes without saying (although I'm saying it :)) that an elected official in any office should represent the interests of the voters/citizens, not random people from some other country who have their own government and election system. \_ *shrug* I don't see how my initial statement that there's a lot of hope/interest in Obama, even abroad, led to your statement. Perhaps I'm just still jetlagged. --erikred \_ We'll try again later. \_ After six years of Freedom Fries and calling our allies names, our reputation abroad could use some improvement. \_ You're confused. \_ What do you imagine that I might be confused about? Do you think that our reputation abroad has gone up under The Decider? Do you think that our declining reputation is a good thing? \_ Historically JFK seems to have been a pretty poor president. See "A Legacy of Ashes." \_ I agree. Ronald Reagan is our hero. \_ Not sure I agree entirely, since he only had 3 years in which to work before he was shot. He did inspire a generation to service and to get to the Moon. He did well in the Cuban Missile Crisis, the closest we ever came to full on nuclear war with Russia (imagine if LBJ had been prez for that). Then again, he did get us further into Vietnam. Hard to say. s \_ And he made it ok to go outside without a hat. That alone is worth being a hero. \_ It would be nice if people wore more hats. It's also good for us guys with thinning hair. \_ So you think that last year would've been pivotal? Or are you saying it takes 2 full terms to matter? \_ I'm just not sure. I don't think there is a hard and fast rule. As an enduring postive symbol of America, I think there's no question that he's had impact, just as Reagan did and continues to do so - though Reagan's second term wasn't exactly littered with great accomplishments. I think to put him in the same category as say, Garfield or Harding, is a mistake. I don't think we can say for sure what he would have gone on to accomplish, but I think it's fair to say that the '60s would have been quite different without the trauma of his assassination. Talk to boomers about it - for a lot of them, it defined their lives. \_ re: boomers. Absolutely. I 100% agree. OTOH, I don't care that all those people remember where they were and what color their socks were when they heard he got shot. As a realist I only care what he (or anyone else) did or did not accomplish. I'm not sure I agree the 60s would have been any different though if he had lived. The US would still have been hip deep in Vietnam. The hippies would have hipped. Free love would have been just as not-quite free. Am I missing something? \_ The Civil Rights Act. \_ Uhm no. That was grass roots. Without the marches, the water cannons, dogs, shootings, lynchings and millions of Americans saying "No!" the CRA would never have happened. \_ Uhm no. You can perhaps argue that it would have been signed sooner or later, but the Montgomery bus boycott started 10 years earlier. It took great political courage to push through the CRA. \_ People dying on the streets made it happen, not some paper pushers in DC. It took no courage to pass something most of the country was in favor of given what was going on in the south. Politicians are by their very nature not courageous creatures. \_ What makes you think that a majority of the country was in favor of it? As LBJ said, it gave the South to the GOP for at least a generation. \_ Replace all references to Reverend Wright in that speech with David Duke and you might get a feel for why I'm not that impressed. \_ So you think the two are the same? Really? Are you insane? \_ One's a white guy who hates black people, and the other is a black guy who hates white people. What's the difference? Enlighten me. \_ The United Church of Christ doesn't burn crosses on people's lawns. \_ Uh, please show me where he hates white people. Seriously. I've seen the videos. I don't see him shouting how WHITEY MUST DIE. \_ Which videos? I have yet to see a url that points me to these videos. \_ In other words, you're comparing David Duke, former Grand Dragon of the KKK, an organization publically and vocally dedicated to racism, to Rev. Wright, a man whose views you only know through reports in Right Wing Media? Dude, more research, please, before opening mouth. \_ Different person, moron. \_ Wow, if only you'd signed your post, AC. \_ It's pretty obviously a different person. Sheesh. I signed as well as you did. \_ 1) This obvious you speak of is not so obvious. 2) I'm not the one who complained about being mistaken for someone else. If you really want to be differentiated, sign your posts. \_ I suppose it's only obvious if you have an IQ over 12. I'll spell it out for you. If you're discussing an article/video, and post comes along from someone who doesn't even know there IS a video, it's probably not from the same guy. \_ And David Duke claims to not be racist, but that he is "a racial realist defending human rights." So what? I admit, I don't have a 'smoking gun' statement, I'm just infering from his attitude and general distain for 'Amerikkka' and 'middleclassness.' (acting like whitey) At the very least we know he is a conspiracy nut. \_ Please document. Seriously. Because I have a feeling your ass is getting very empty right now. \_ You said you saw the videos. Perhaps they weren't the same videos? You could also read the church website, but it's been purged recently. link:csua.org/u/l2c (church pdf) Or you could read Obama's first book, "Dreams From My Father." Perhaps you should not be insulting other's research. I've obviously done more than you. \_ Yup, it's totally empty. \_ Keep deleting this if you want, but it is still obvious your ass well is running dry. \_ Are you kidding? I love it when people ask for evidence, and when you give it to them, they say "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LALALA!" I admit, you win, I laughed first. \_ There is no way any of the things you are talking about come anyway close to David Duke. In any way shape or form. I'm sorry but this whole thing should be a total non-story. \_ I've heard some of his sermons on the radio. There is no way that a) any reasonable person can consider what he said anything but racist and hateful or b) that someone who knew the guy for 20 years, called him mentor, attended his church for 20 years and had him as a campaign advisor has no clue what the guy has been saying and doesn't agree with at least some of it. --someone else \_ So I am supposed to take the word of some anonymous motd hozer, in the abscence of any evidence what- soever? I am curious, are you one of the guys who thought invading Iraq was a good idea, too? If these sermons are so racist, find the text of one on the Net and share it and let me decide for myself. Your judgement is suspect to me. \_ It took me 10 seconds to find a pile of links. It took 10 more to find links from a sufficiently left wing source that you might accept them: http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=4443788&page=1 http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=4443230 I can't play the video but it should be the live speech. If not, you can easily find the video or audio elsewhere. Have a good evening. \_ I looked at both of those and watched the video. Which quote exactly is the problem? You had no idea what you were talking about before and now you can't find shit. \_ Ok, now you're just trolling. No reasonaable human being can call that anything but hateful. \_ Were P Robertson and J Falwell's musings on "God removing his protection on 9/11" more or less "hateful" in your beady little mind? \_ Which? \_ It is about as "hateful" as your average Rush Limbaugh show or rant from Ann Coulter, which is to say, yes. Not racist though, at least it doesn't seem so to me. is to say, yes somewhat. Not racist though, at least it doesn't seem seem to me, a white guy. so to me, a white guy. \_ If Ann and Rush were Obama's advisors and friends of 20 years they wouldn't get a pass like Wright. \_ Which is why Ann can talk at the RNC and call Edwards a fagot and the media barely pays any attention to the story? Why McCain can suck up to a preacher who calls the Catholic church Satanists and he gets a pass? Why Pat Roberston can blame 9/11 on gays and feminists and still be sucked up to by the republican machine? This is whole thing is bullshit. Obama didn't say these things but he takes the hit. Meanwhile major rep. powers spew tons more hate regularly and noone blinks. How is being the subject of intense media _/ scrutiny and being the number one story in newspapers all over the country qualify as "getting a pass"? |
2008/3/17-21 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49475 Activity:kinda low 90%like:49473 |
3/17 Oops, Obama was at the hate sermon http://preview.tinyurl.com/yumfcv [newsmax] \_ Yawn. All it takes is one Swift Boat to destroy him. \_ What an incisive analysis! \_ Wait, I thought the newsmax line was that Obama was really a closet Muslim. Which one is it? \_ Why can't a closet Muslim show at an extremist hate sermon? Apparently he wasn't there but being a Muslim or not has nothing to do with it. \_ It's pretty funny how a few youtube clips of this preacher, whom Obama has repeatedly said he doesn't always agree with, trump everything Obama has ever said or written throughout his life. That's a pretty amazing standard. I guess by this standard, McCain has always believed that the Catholic Church is the "great whore?" \_ URL to the youtube clips? \_ This story was already debunked. Sorry. \_ link? \_ http://factcheck.barackobama.com/factcheck/2008/03/16/fact_obama_did_not_attend_serv.php \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/39cpn7 [barackobama.com] http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/17/opinion/17kristol.html?_r=2&ref=opinion&oref=slogin&oref=slogin http://conwebwatch.tripod.com/blog/index.blog/1797602/did-kessler-make-false-claim-about-obama http://preview.tinyurl.com/26jw5f [nytimes] http://preview.tinyurl.com/ytjtje [conwebwatch] \_ newsmax is a much more reliable source than the liberal biased NYT. \_ Teehee. The newsmax story argues for something that appears to have been physically impossible. But I guess three separate cites debunking your precious fantasy aren't enough, so please continue to stand by it. Also, the NYT link is to a column by William Kristol, not exactly a member of the vast left wing conspiracy. He has retracted the "fact" at the top of his column, you will note. \_ Kessler says he's standing by his story. \_ Apparently Davis, who is a freep poster, "lost his notes." http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1986607/posts?page=334#334 http://preview.tinyurl.com/2xlxox [freerepublic] This shit is laughable. Are you really going to stand by this? \_ Kessler scrubbing his wiki page: http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/03/newsmaxs_kessler_scrubs_refere.php http://preview.tinyurl.com/32u723 [tpm] |
2008/3/14-17 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49462 Activity:low |
3/14 Obama: Anti landmine. Clinton: "uh... well... you know I don't want to be seen as weak on defense...." McCain: I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's pro landmine. THE CHOICE IS CLEAR. \- you know the landmine issue is more complicated than you and "Princess" Di spin it to be. Yes, scattering them around the countryside [Afghanistan, SE Asia] is irresponsible, but planted along a DMZ, they are defensive, not offensive weapons. I dont think a categorical ban makes sense. Of course we know what happened to John "nuanced answers" Kerry. \_ Yeah fuck nuance. landmines suck. they outlast your conflict. they maim future generations. no one should be using them. \_ I couldn't agree more. Just think what would have happened to the Federation if Sisko had adopted a nancy Euro-Picard "Mr. Worf Hail Our Surrender" anti-mine stance and had failed to mine the wormhole at the end of Season 5. |
2008/3/14-17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49458 Activity:nil |
3/14 Yay! Dem-led congress rejects earmark reforms! \_ Earmark reform is a strange beast. It is arguable people mad at something but taking it out on the wrong tool. Earmarks by nature are not evil. Earmark != pork. \_ Yes, all earmark = pork. \_ Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. We won't be fooled again! \_ "earmark reform" is one of those great conservative ideology-laden terms, like "tax reform" and "welfare reform." Conservatives don't really have a problem with earmarks; they just don't want to provide public services. -tom \_ Case in point, 2000-2006 congresses were the worst ever with respect to earmarks, but now that the Democrats got control Bush and the republicans in congress have been complaining about earmarks long and loud. The democrats did push through a bill that required that the earmarker actually be named in an earmark so that you could see what congresscritter asked for what earmarks, which was something that could not pass when the republicans controlled congress. \_ Note: Obama has released his earmarks. Hillary "I've got a secret" Clinton has not as of yet. McCain hasn't been doing earmarks for a while. |
2008/3/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49408 Activity:low |
3/10 I love this expose of the liberal media circle. http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/7060 thinkprogress -> media matters -> Keith Olbermann -> media matters -> new york times \_ So if I go on national tv and ask if George Bush rapes little boys that's totally just you know, sillyness? \_ You haven't watched the clip, obviously. -emarkp \_ Even if done in jest, it is the sort of thing that adds up. Especially when done on a serious news program. \_ Sorry, you're an idiot. Beck has called the people who are asking if Obama is the Anti-Christ, "crazy" and "nutjobs". Mockery and sarcasm are common and reasonable ways to express an opinion. -emarkp \_ It's the way the mockery and sarcasm are presented. Find me a talking head asking "Is George Bush a Nazi?" on a national news show. I doubt you'll find it. \_ So you still haven't watched the clip? -emarkp \_ Ah yes, the "liberal media." \_ Yes, precisely. -emarkp \_ Exactly how "liberal" did you find the NYTimes series on WMD? A little bit, a lot, or extremely? Damn liberals! \_ How fair did you find the front-page utterly fabricated smear on McCain? A little bit, a lot, or extremely? \_ The Times sucks. No disagreement from me. But calling them the "liberal media" is ignoring reality. \_ Yes, you're repeatedly denied that they're liberal. However, they consistently err on the side of criticizing the right. -emarkp \_ Except for their years-long crusade on behalf of the Whitewater investigation, their shameful series on WMD from Judith Miller, etc... \_ Ah, I wrote "consistently". My bad. I meant to say they do so in the overwhelming majority. -emarkp \_ I'm not sure what you base this "overwhelming majority" assertion on. They infuriate me on a daily basis. --liberal \_ Hypothesis: The right is worthy of criticism more often. \_ Odd hypothesis, and probably difficult to test. \_ Eliot Spitzer, the Democratic mayor of [prove] \_ Eliot Spitzer, the Democratic gvrnr of New York just got busted on a connection with a prostitution ring (!?). -- ilyas \_ ... which the Times is doing a huge story on. \_ yes. And note, he wasn't "connected with a prostitution ring"; he hired a prostitute. -tom \_ Governor of NY State. \_ Yes sorry, fixed. -- ilyas \_ I disagree. They just tend to go after whoever is in power, which is part of the role of media as government watchdog. See the huge above the fold story about Spitzer right now. It has just been so long since the Democrats were in power, that people have forgotten the role the NYT played in attacking Clinton, Rostenkowski, etc. The NYT might be slightly more liberal than most, but that is just a reflection of their readership. Overall, they are just another big corporation, controlled by billionaires and in the business of selling ads. Why do you believe otherwise? \_ If their role is to go after those in power, why did they play such a major role in aiding and abetting the WMD shenanigans and in going into Iraq in the first place? \_ War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it. -George Orwell \_ I guess I've never seen Keith Olbermann before, he looks like he's made of plastic. |
2008/3/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49398 Activity:moderate |
3/9 Basically, the math is simple. Hillary's screwed. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/3/9/184226/0219/795/473137 \- i wouldnt discount the out-of-the-box thinking capacity of the reptiles in hillary inc. i think factors in play are florida., michigan, edwards, ALGOR, "obama surprise", some judicial stunt, mccain doing something to set up mccain-billary, modelling the brains of menopausal women aka "the hillary base". on a positive note is lot of cash for obama. who can keep supporting hillary after the fucking "as far as i know" comment. jesus. remember normal odds handicapping doesnt work when the otherwise doesnt play by MoQ rules but will bite, gouge, hit under the belt etc. brains of menopausal women aka "the hillary base" and the Power of Bill. on a positive note is lot of cash for obama. who can keep supporting hillary after the fucking "as far as i know" comment. jesus. remember normal odds handicapping doesnt work when the otherwise doesnt play by MoQ rules but will bite, gouge, hit other sidedoesnt play by MoQ rules but will bite, gouge, hit under the belt etc. \_ Hi. Hillary supporter here. what is the 'as far as i know' thing? \_ Clinton was asked in an interview whether BHO is a Muslim. She basically said "No, he's not. As far as I know." \_ oh. ok that's pretty bad. \- and then she went on to talk about herself ... "oh i dont believe in smearing people ... i've been smeared a lot. did i tell you i know what it is like to be smeared?" constrast that with obama's above and beyond the call comments about "i am not a muslim" + "it's sad that being called a muslim can be considered a smear". remember michael igantieff's lesson from iraq: character matters. [i.e. if you get into bed with evil fuckers just because you agree with them on some particlar end [say universal healthcare] you will get burned. remember michael ignatieff's lesson from his iraq war mea culpa: character matters [MI = liberal supporter of the war, who later came to the reali- zation, if you get into bed with evil fuckers, just because you agree with them on some particular policy platform --- say universal healthcare --- you will get burned ... because ultimately what matters is they are evil fuckers.] \- also see: http://tinyurl.com/2ewyx6 \_ Here's the video: http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=55904 |
2008/3/6 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49363 Activity:nil |
3/6 I can't stand The Hillary, but I don't like Obama's chances in the election. I love Obama like a brother (tee hee!) but he's the most liberal member of the Senate, why would middle America vote for him instead of Hang 'Em High McCain? |
2008/3/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49351 Activity:moderate |
3/5 The more Hillary & Obama fight each other, the less $$ they'll have against McCain. Stop the infighting! \_ Hillary's win in Texas has sustained my hopes for riots at the DNC \_ Billary v. Obama just means ALGOR will be the next president. \_ It is called "an election", not infighting. \_ I wonder how many of Clinton's votes are coming from Rs trying to follow Limbaugh's suggestion. \_ Clinton will probably get the Republican votes from Repubs who want to sabatoge Democratic primaries while Obama will get Republican votes who actually want to see him win. \_ Probably not many. I'm R leaning, but I voted for Obama because I figure there's a chance that whoever has the D in front of their name will win by default. Given that, I'd rather have the prez who posseses at least a few admirable qualities. Of course, I don't like Limbaugh anyway. |
2008/3/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49349 Activity:high |
3/5 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/22/us/politics/22mccain.html (old but tasty) McCain: "At no time have I ever done anything that would betray the public trust or make a decision which in any way would not be in the public interest or would favor anyone or organization." Asked if he had ever had a romantic relationship with the woman, Vicki Iseman, Mr. McCain responded, "No." Translation: Blowjobs and/or other inappropriate physical contact. They specifically chose one or two reporters who would ask the question in a certain way. This is not tinfoil--just the way it usually works. \_ Not everyone is like that horn dog Slick Willie. \_ okay, maybe just heavy petting or fondling \- what about Hillary's Alaska "into the wild" Lesbo Phase? \_ McCain is a politician who helped out some special interest and slept with some woman. Yawn. \_ he also married his 2nd wife, age 25, when he was 43 \_ What is wrong with that? It is a perfectly normal age spread in this country. It is also none of your business. There are plenty of reasons not to vote for McCain, but this is not one of them. \_ Don't you think dumping his first wife for a younger, hotter model says something about his character? \_ 30 years ago it probably did. Today, no. \_ well he has been married to th "hotter model" \_ well he has been married to the "hotter model" for ~27years. \_ If McCain was contesting an election in the 70s the fact that he upgraded to a newer model might have mattered. These days I think it is a non-issue. \_ 25 is the prime age of hotness for women. GOOD JOB \_ Really? He's my hero! \_ Then you should get them around 22-23, that way you will enjoy the prime age longer. \_ not if you replace them every few years, with a newer model. \_ He's my hero! \_ All the yellow journalism that's fit to print. |
2008/3/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49347 Activity:nil 90%like:49344 |
3/5 America is "just downright mean" says Mrs. Obama http://preview.tinyurl.com/23jjtf (newyorker.com) |
2008/3/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49344 Activity:nil 90%like:49347 |
3/5 America is "just downright mean" says Mrs. Obama http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/03/10/080310fa_fact_collins?currentPage=3 |
2008/3/4-7 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:49336 Activity:nil |
3/4 With 0% of the precincts reporting, Obama and McCain take Vermont, projects CNN. \_ I love the 0% projections. \_ Damn, it looks like Clinton is going to take Ohio and Rogue Island. And Texas is too close to tell. \_ Hillary will inspire oll of us that you too can cry, whine, bitch, throw tantrums, and scorch earth your way to the White House. |
2008/2/28-3/4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49295 Activity:nil |
2/28 "more than one in every 100 American adults is in jail or prison," http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080228/ap_on_re_us/prison_population \_ We're number 1! |
3/15 |