3/15 |
2008/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51443 Activity:low |
10/8 Get ready for the great fraud election of 2008 http://www.ogdenonpolitics.com/2008/10/voting-early-often-indianapolis-bloated.html \_ Courtesy ACORN: http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=308358130652174 \_ Of course it is not possible that McCain is going to lose simply because his ideas and his party are unpopular. I actually like this meme, it guarantees that the GOP will remain out of power even longer, as they refuse to admit to their problems. \_ the 100 guys the all powerful ACORN have signed up will tilt the election! |
3/15 |
2008/10/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51419 Activity:nil |
10/7 Prop 8 proponents pouring millions into it, these bigoted assholes might get it to pass -- go to http://www.eqca.org and donate $$$ Don't let prop 8 pass! \_ my wife got a flyer supporting prop 8 at work. it was from a church goer, all in Chinese, and pretty slick. \_ Interestingly the poll shows that all of the pro-prop 8 movement is coming from young people. \_ URL? |
2008/10/5-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51390 Activity:nil |
10/5 Guess which VP candidate has read the Constitution? PALIN: Of course, we know what a vice president does. And that’s not only to preside over the Senate and will take that position very seriously also. I’m thankful the Constitution would allow a bit more authority given to the vice president if that vice president so chose to exert it in working with the Senate and making sure that we are supportive of the president’s policies and making sure too that our president understands what our strengths are. BIDEN: The only authority the vice president has from the legislative standpoint is the vote, only when there is a tie vote. He has no authority relative to the Congress. \_ He said "He". SEXIST. \_ Of couse he won't say "she" at this point of the campaign. Just like he'd say he already knows that the next president will be black, even though deep in his mind he's not sure. \_ But Palin has read the Russian Constitution! \_ She can see it from her house! \_ Palin is not entirely wrong. A Republican VP is more powerful than a plain VP. Just look at how powerful Chaney is (seriously). a plain VP. Just look at how powerful Cheney is (seriously). \_ Research Cheney and the VP position. Constitutionally, VP has no more power/responsibility than Biden says. Cheney has _created_ new power for the VP position because "the goddamn constitution is just a piece of paper." |
2008/10/3-6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51375 Activity:nil |
10/3 Hypothetical moral question: if you know someone who has the opposite political stance as you but know that the person isn't sure whether he/she wants to vote, would you: 1) encourage that person to vote because it's in the American spirit to vote? 2) don't bother that person to vote because he/she will nullify your vote. Please explain your answers. \_ I think everyone should vote who's paying attention. There's something to be said for the wisdom of democaracy, but I think something to be said for the wisdom of democracy, but I think that breaks down if the voter isn't paying attention. \- 1. i dont think this is a moral question typically 2. not voting is a form of voting. longer answer: if you are persuaded the way you are voting is "moral" and the other party is not ... like say they believe in torturing people ... the moral act is to try to persuade them to do the "right thing". now in some cases it's reasonable to agree to disagree or the other party may reasonably have different interest from you. i think discussing issues matters more than voting. but to answer your question directly, #2. --non-voter. \_ Cast an additional vote on their behalf for your candidate. -rdaley \_ It doesn't matter. -DIEBOLD |
2008/10/2-7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:51349 Activity:moderate |
10/2 What is it like to date a Republican? \_ Dated a TAIWANESE Republican. Great sex, but some side effects. Always thinks she's right. Very stubborn. She's never wrong, and you're always wrong. Materialistic. Always talks about money. Complains about job all the time. Wants more money. Plays stocks a lot. Talks about stocks all the time. Great sex. Always talks about herself. High maintenance. Talks too much. Talks about stocks and $$$. Complains about work. More righteous than anyone else. Wants more tax cuts. Does not care about anyone else except herself. Fuck mass transit and homeless and social programs, the government should spend more money on ME ME ME. Wants more tax cuts. Does not care about war as long as it doesn't affect her tax rates. Votes Republican all the time because it's GOOD FOR TAIWAN, so nothing else matters! And low tax, oh my! Republicans are GOOD. Who cares about faggots and minorities, lower tax is good for me! Me me me. $$$. See, she's totally self absorbed & selfish & annoying. My advice is that to be happy with someone like this, you too should be a Republican and use her until she's no longer of value to you. \_ Great sex. Annoying arguments. Overruse of cloying personal care products by your SO. \_ Annoying sex. Great arguments. Crappy food. \_ Why crappy food? I thought southerners ate better and took better care of themselves. SOUTHERN BELLES, MAN. \_ Have you ever been to the south? \_ I've never been to the south. In fact, like many people here, I've never left Northern California. people here, I've never been outside of N Cal. The only real reference I have is Sweet Alabama. Please tell me about the South. -pp \_ Well the Republican I dated wasn't from the South, but classic Southern food isn't exactly known for being healthy. \_ There's usually an inverse correlation between something that tastes good and something that is healthy. \_ Spoken like someone who knows nothing about food. \_ The key word is: usually. \_ You beat me to it. \_ I have. Women there (men, too) from the upper classes \_ I heard Southern pussies are bigger. Whether that's environmental or genetic is still debatable. http://csua.com/?entry=34794 \_ Southern men are just more well-endowed. are more put together. They dress up more often and wear makeup everywhere they go. This is in stark contrast to people in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic who are boring and plain-looking. I am not sure where to classify Texans, but there are lots of hotties in Texas, Florida, and Georgia. \_ And generally chubby, you forgot that part. MOTD boob guy would like it there. \_ And you forgot that dim like them chunky. Dim \_ I was visting family, sorry. \_ And you forgot that dim like 'em chunky. Dim likes 'em Texan size. Dim like JACKIE JOHNSON. Dim like LA and suburban homes. Bigger IS better. |
2008/10/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:51343 Activity:nil |
10/1 I am a liberal. I've constantly being lectured about how great free-market is. I am a bit frustrated now that practically *NO* ONE talk about free-market anymore. \_ eBay works well in the free market. In short, IMHO free market works the best if you're dealing with oranges and such, and not so well when you're dealing with homes and healthcare. I for one welcome FDR style government because we're ready for it. The pending wave of Socialism reforms is about to sweep America. I know, because I am the next generation, and we want Socialism. We are as talented and hard working as the generation before us, and the generation before that, but unlike them we all missed out the dot-com and housing boom. We have NOTHING to win and everything to lose with the F-U everything for myself Reagan style Capitalism. But we have everything to win and NOTHING to lose with FDR style programs. We're fed up, and we want CHANGE. The future of America depends on a bunch of people like us, and we want Socialism NOW. More taxes on the people who have, and less taxes on people who do not. Fuck Prop 13, fuck corporate tax cuts, fuck religious nuts, fuck anti-gay biggots, fuck tax cuts, fuck deficits, fuck automobiles, fuck free market. We are ready for change. \_ http://tinyurl.com/socialismisback |
2008/9/30-10/4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51342 Activity:nil |
9/30 Senate to vote on bailout tomorrow, attaching bailout proposal to existing bill. If passed, will go to House for a vote. \_ Has anyone read this 451 page monstrosity? It has something for every special interest that ever walked the Halls of Congress. My favorite is an excise tax break for manufacturers of wooden shafts for children. The shafts must be laminate, not all wood, less than 5/16ths of an inch in diameter. Then there is the excise tax relief for rum producers... that's nice. The bill is full of this sort of junk. This is insanity! \_ This... is... the SENATE! |
2008/9/29-10/6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51328 Activity:nil |
9/29 A key problem with this bailout is that the final version was released on Sunday, and Dems and Republicans were expected to follow their leadership and vote Yes after reviewing it for < 24 hours. This is crazy for a $700B bailout. Every House member who voted for it should be kicked out in November. If you're gonna spend $700B, you FUCKING DO IT RIGHT. 150+ economists are against this plan. See http://fedupusa.org for one approach. \_ It isn't $700B \_ please elaborate \_ $250B at first, $100B available by asking for it. Another $350B that is only available if congress explicitly agrees to it via a joint resolution after the Treasury asks for it. So it's really a $350B plan with the option to increase the plan if desired. (Which is still a lot of money) \_ Plus, we probably end up getting most of it back. \_ how much of RTC did we get back? \_ So let's see... the govt buys the assets that the banks want least (presumably because it's tied to borrowers who are most likely to default), and the govt wants to not buy it at firesale prices, since that would cause the banks to realize large losses and still make them go out of business, so we'll buy it at prices that are fairly close to "hold to maturity" (this according to Ben, anyway). And then we hope and pray that we can actually hold it to maturity without the borrowers defaulting. How does it stand to reason that we'll probably get most of it back? Just because the govt buys their debt, these people will now more likely not default? \_ The reality is that the default rate is pretty low in either case. The problem is that no one wants to buy the debt. It's a liquidity problem. The banks would probably be fine if they had enough cash reserves to operate, but they were counting on selling the securities. Recall that in the early 1990s banks owned a lot of RE and it caused them massive liquidity problems even though they would have made large profits if they could have held on for 10 more years. Banks don't want houses, though. They want cash. The gov't can afford to sit on it. Note that I am still against the bailout. \_ ^liquidity^solvency taxpayer should take a loss because Hank said so \_ Or, the taxpayer could take a gain. You really don't know and neither does anyone else. Do you even know how the bailout bill plan for auctioning securities was going to work? I guess it doesn't really matter now, but the next bill will have something like it. You claim that the taxpayer will take a loss, but the truth is, we won't know for a while if that is true or not. \_ how much of RTC did we get back? \_ I don't know, but we got 100% of the money we lent out using the HOLC and even got a slight profit. We even got 100% of the RFC money back. How much of the RTC did we get back, you seem to know. \_ http://tinyurl.com/4th5r7 \_ That does not answer the question, but one person quoted that the US would end up getting 50% back. But the total cost ended up double (?) the original estimate. \_ We lost $124B on a total purchase of $400B of debt and distressed assets: http://tinyurl.com/4mogcb \- re: the S&L crisis: 1. the circumstances of the s&l crisis was deposit insurance not an intervention. so the govt in a sense didnt have a choice [or the nature of the choice was different ... e.g. the could have closed firms earlier ... if you are interested in a difference between today [FDIC now] and "yesterday" [FSLIC back in the late 80s] see e.g. http://tinyurl.com/4gts57] 2. to understand the full costs, you must add the signficant costs of the failed FSLIC in addition to the successor, the RTC [there are a bunch of smaller orgs as well, but those can be ignored]. [the FSLIC shutdown about $100bn worth of S&Ls and was insolvent from very early in the process, but continued to go through the administrative motions] 3. these assets the RTC had were seized, not purchased, and the seized, not purchased, and then disposed of. so the govt can be criciized about how they disposed of stuff, but not their selection of what to buy ... in the current situation the problem facing the govt is how much to pay when buying and holding, as opposed to how to dispose of a carcass while keeping your promise. \_ "You really don't know and neither does anyone else." |
2008/9/26-10/1 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51319 Activity:nil |
9/26 http://abcnews.go.com/Primetime/News/story?id=180291 Republicans more satisfied with sex than Democrats. \_ Women and fags are more likely to be Democrats. \_ I think it is all the bathroom sex. |
2008/9/22-29 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51256 Activity:nil |
9/22 When's the last time to register to vote for Nov? -first time voter \_ In CA, Oct 20: http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_vr.htm \_ http://www.rockthevote.com/voting-is-easy/important-dates |
2008/9/21 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51251 Activity:nil |
9/21 Contact/email your representatives to oppose the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. http://boxer.senate.gov/contact/email/policy.cfm http://lee.house.gov/?sectionid=44§iontree=18,44 http://feinstein.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=ContactUs.Home |
2008/9/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:51212 Activity:nil |
9/17 Ah-nold to veto Dem+GOP supported California state budget. karma++ |
2008/9/10-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51122 Activity:nil |
9/9 California anti-gay leaders raking it in http://justinmclachlan.com/08/46/california-family-council-money |
2008/9/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51102 Activity:low |
9/7 I can't stand the smirky tone of Palin's voice. Her mocking of Obama, especially when her facts are wrong or deliberately disengenous as they are shoved at her by Republican operatives, pisses me off. I wasn't going to vote for her anyway, oh well \_ I hated her too. She has that primly self-righteous tone of holier-than-thou which I learned to despise from a co-worker of mine, this sheltered whiny self-centered woman-child who was pleased to level judgement on everyone else, but who, when justifiably called flaky for actions she herself committed, got all pissed off and then went on the attack instead of admitting that yes, she HAD been a flake, sorry, she'll try to do better. \- but she runs a state with a land border with CANADA and a martime border with RUSSIA \_ http://donate.barackobama.com/page/contribute |
2008/9/7-14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:51088 Activity:nil |
9/7 U.S. taxpayer put on hook for junk stuffed in FNM/FRE/FHLBs. Cost likely to exceed $500B over next couple years: "In the end, the ultimate cost to the taxpayer will depend on the business results of the GSEs going forward" - Hank Paulson http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122079276849707821.html \_ Thanks Republicans! Deregulation sure had worked out great! \_ Thanks Republicans! The deregulation thing is working out really well. \_ Get ready for FOUR MORE YEAR. \_ Wrong. There's been a dedicated regulator created just for these guys since early 90s, and it has always done a terrible job. Fannie, et al have great lobbyists. Repubs have been fighting to cut them loose and completely privatize, while Dems defend them because they help subsidize loans to lower income people. \_ The article says Treasury will put up up to $200B. Where does it say $500B? \_ Wrong. There's been a dedicated regulator created just for these guys since early 90s, and it has always done a terrible job. Fannie, et al have great lobbyists. Repubs have been fighting to cut them loose and completely privatize, while Dems defend them because they help subsidize loans to lower income people. \_ But but Bush sucks! \_ An interesting way to put it; another way might be to say that the Dems are supporting the dream of home ownership, while the GOP want to cripple the govt. by privatizing any successful programs. \_ Didn't Bush just nationalize them? It is true that F&F have given generously to both parties over the years, but the GOP could have easily killed them when they controlled both house of Congress and the White House, but they didn't. Instead they let the IBs run wild with SIVs and GSEs and derivatives and ignore their capital requirements. http://preview.tinyurl.com/5w38tk (FNM gives to whoever is in) \_ The article says Treasury will put up up to $200B. Where does it say $500B? |
2008/9/6-12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:51078 Activity:nil |
9/6 http://www.econlib.org/library/Columns/Courseyvalue.html \_ Screw polar bears. |
2008/9/4-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51056 Activity:nil |
9/4 "Attacks, praise stretch truth at GOP convention" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080904/ap_on_el_pr/cvn_fact_check |
2008/9/3-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:51049 Activity:nil |
9/3 Caught a minute of the GOP convention, and I swear I heard Obama's name mentioned more often than McCain's. (Granted, in negative contexts, but still more often.) This seems... counter-productive. \_ It's been like this all year. The GOP literally has nothing positive to run on. \_ Vote for Our Guy! He's not... that guy! \_ Pretty much. \_ HOPE! CHANGE! \_ McCain's name was mentioned more in the Dem Convention than Obama's name was at the RNC. I guess the Dems have even less to run on? The R's appear to have a more uniform distribution whereas the Dems are completely focused on McCain and CHANGE! http://tinyurl.com/6yhfym [nytimes.com] |
2008/9/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:51017 Activity:low |
9/2 California hasn't paid bills for over 62 days. The government is starving. The beast is starving. Is this what Republicans have been dreaming of? Will a dying beast be good for everyone? Should I go out and buy guns ammos and water filters? The message I'm getting is that I need to be SELF RELIANT. \_ "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years," he u \_ "My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years," he says, "to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." -Grover Norquist \_ ammo, not ammoS \_ You can't buy guns without a waiting period. If fit hits the shan your ass is defenseless due to Democrats like Perata (who has a concealed carry permit but doesn't want you to have 1) \_ If you wait until the shite hits the fan to learn how to shoot, you have lost already. Why do you keep deleting this reply, btw? \_ Because I'm a liberal and I really hate guns and want to SODOMIZE you. |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:50972 Activity:nil |
8/26 Gary Glitter spent months in a Vietnamese prison cell. Can I vote for him too? \_ that's a fit punishment for writing "Rock and Roll Part II". -tom \_ What are you talking about? \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Glitter \_ I know who Glitter is--I didn't ask *who* the op was talking about. \_ Did you see the part about how he was sent to jail in Vietnam? \_ BUD DAY doesn't appreciate what you are trying to imply here. \_ OJ Simpson is a black celebrity. Can I vote for him too? \_ Your analogy doesn't hold since Barack Obama isn't so much a celebrity as a politician. Your analogy would work somewhat better if you stated that the similarity between OJ and Barack is that they're both black, but that would make you sound racist, esp. as op drew parallels between experience and not skin color. Would you like to try again? \_ No, because you are incredibly stupid and not worth conversing with. \_ Yay! Win by annoying you! Yay! |
2008/8/26-9/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Law/Court] UID:50967 Activity:nil |
8/26 Bernie Ward, super-perv http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/08/22/BA0912G3V4.DTL \_ Man, that article is full of all kinds of irony. |
2008/8/21-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50923 Activity:kinda low |
8/21 CA highest income tax bracket hits at 44K? http://www.ftb.ca.gov/aboutFTB/press/2007/07_38.shtml \_ seems like it's 60k for head of household, which would apply for anyone not claimed as a dependent I believe. --jwm \_ So 90K for married filing jointly. Anyone here call that rich? \_ I think Head of Household is when you are not married and you pay for more than 50% of the living expense of another person who is not a dependent of another taxpayer. \_ Yeah you're not head of household if you are just a single dude without dependents. (like me). fuck. \_ Well, at least we still have one of the lowest property taxes, and capped so that when we retire, we don't have to worry about ridiculously amounts of tax increase! By a happy owner. Once you buy a home in CA, DON'T EVER SELL!!! Trust me. This is the way of life in California. \_ ObSwami \_ الله أَكْ! \_ No, our property taxes are around the median. \_ Median in rate, but because of Prop 13 they are lower than most places if you've owned a property a long time. When I bought my house for ~$350K N years ago it had been in the seller's family for 65-70 years. They paid something like $600/year property tax, which is definitely low. I paid $4000/year on the same property when I bought it, not that I'm complaining, because now my neighbors are paying $8000+/year on similar houses. \_ You know I wouldn't pay $100K for any piece of land in inland Southern California, though I would be willing to pay millions of dollars for Malibu and coastal estates. S Cal inland in general is dumpy, including Santa Ana, San Fernando, and even Pasadena. Hot. Traffic. Dumpy. \_ Yes, much better are New Jersey, Texas, and Florida. |
2008/8/19-26 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50905 Activity:nil |
8/19 Dem assemblywoman votes against budget, is thrown out of capitol building. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/sfgate/detail?blogid=14&entry_id=29225 \_ the aristocracy lives! \_ Pointing this out is going to make me sound like I support the CA dem party, but WTH: she didn't vote for because she wants a water bond for her district, not out of any great moral objection. This didn't stop the CA GOP spokesweasel from standing behind her and pretending that she was just about to switch parties. \_ الله أَكْ! |
2008/8/4-10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/HateGroups] UID:50771 Activity:low |
8/3 I have lived in N Cal all my life and have had a very sheltered and liberal life. Actually it's pretty deprived as well. I've never been to the South, and I'm wondering how accurate the portrayal of the hicks are in the movie Sweet Home Alabama? \_ No. Hollywood is exaggerated. \_ What does North Hollywood have to do with it? \_ OP was wondering how accurate the portrayal in a Hollywoor movie was. Perhaps PP meant "Hollywood is exaggeratING." \_ The South has been homogenized just like the rest of America - so you'll see lots of the same fast food restaurants, parking lots, and big box stores. More churchs, although this actually applies more to Missouri than the "proper" South. Folks there are generally the same mix of friendly and ignorant you'll find in any other suburb, though the accents are a little different. The cities are just as urban as anywhere else. Honestly Americans are much more alike than they'd like to think - regional differences are much more superficial now than they have ever been. This was likely very different, say, 100 years ago, when travel was much more difficult and expensive, and mass media consisted only of newspapers. \_ It depends on where you visit. If you go to Chapel Hill, you will people as open minded and cosmopolitan as anywhere in California. find people as open minded and cosmopolitan as anywhere in CA. If you go to rural Kentucky, you will feel like you are in another country. In general, the cities are like cities everywhere in America, maybe a little more tolerant, since there is more black- white race mixing. Rural areas can be kind of scary. I was in Asheboro, NC last year and I saw a photo of the "old time" local Klan chapter up on the wall of an antique store I was visiting. I am sure he was just showing off a bit of local history, but I think he was making a statement about how he felt about race relations at the same time. He was not very friendly to my Asian wife. Are you planning on visiting? If so, I can give you some pointers. I was stationed in NC for three years and learned some things about how to relate to Southerners. \_ I own a house in Alabama in a smaller city, my mom lives in Missouri near the Arkansas border (but Missouri is Midwest and not The South), and my mom-in-law lives near Biloxi, Mississippi. I've spent a lot of time in The South and not just in Atlanta, Tampa, or New Orleans as I've done some touring of the rural areas by car. I don't really remember the movie, except that the seemingly redneck guy turns out to be a successful artist, which is \_ But all his friends are trashy, like the friend who keeps suggesting "Wanna arrest someone?" "Strip club?" etc etc pretty typical of The South. Yes, people are bigoted there and not just by race but also by religion. You even find a divide between regular church-going people and occasional church-goers and even the enlightened think Jews and Asians are novel/neat as in "There's this Jewish fella over there. His family's been here for 2 generations and he don't cause no trouble. He done told me he don't eat no pork. Can you believe that?" Of course, I found people in New England to be just as bigoted against WASPs, so I hardly want to single out The South. Southerners also tend to be classist as in Old Money versus New Money. I think found people in New England to be just as bigoted against (other than) WASPs, so I hardly want to single out The South. Southerners also tend to be classist as in Old Money versus New Money. I think everywhere might be like that, but it's very evident there because there are so few wealthy folks to begin with. \_ Yeah, New England types are much more unfriendly, even stuck up. found people in New England to be just as bigoted against non-WASPs so I hardly want to single out The South. Southerners also tend to be classist as in Old Money versus New Money. I think everywhere might be like that, but it's very evident there because there are so few wealthy folks to begin with. \_ Yeah, New England types are much less friendly, even stuck up. |
2008/8/3-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:50767 Activity:kinda low |
8/3 It is much better to have homogeneous suburbs than diverse cities: http://www.city-journal.org/html/eon2007-06-25jl.html \_ you know why "It's a small world" is such a happy ride? because every race is segregated.. if u mixed them up there'd be wars and genocides on that disney ride \_ BEST (FUNNY) RESPONSE EVER. Thanks! :) \_ I was on that ride a couple times and the only thing I didn't like was that the music was too loud. Never though that the whole thing was actually politically incorrect. \_ I always knew that diversity is good EXCEPT when Latinos and Mexicans are involved. I've lived through LAUSD for 18 years and things are in fact deteriorating. However, like Putnam, I keep this to myself because every Liberal thinks diversity regardless of the type of diversity is good. \_ I'm not saying this dude's data is bad. I'm just surprised because I think of the places I lived, and the ones that were the most souless/didn't know anyone who lived around me were the ones where pretty much everyone was the same. To be fair, I really wasn't so maybe the benefit of homogenity only works when you identify with the majority? \_ I read "The Geography of Happiness" and apparently cultural homogeneity is is a big element of societal happiness. Homogeneous groups were much more like to be happy groups. Some of what this article mentions matches my experience as well. Any difference in norms is a potential conflict, so people do often hunker down. I had some Mexican neighbors I liked OK in my old house, but we clashed a few times, and I put up with a lot of weird crap just because I didn't want to fight about it. (Who keeps a rooster in a highly populated area?) I got along much better with my White neighbors even though I liked the Mexicans more. \_ My amazingly white mormon nneighbors kept a rooster. And it \_ My amazingly white mormon neighbors kept a rooster. And it wasn't in a rural area. \_ Doesn't religious diversity count? \_ Doesn't religious diversity count? The problem is cultural homogenaity, not race per se. In my case one group was Mexican, and the other was CA style white trash. If you were Mormon, you'd see those guys at church, and it would be pretty easy to find a chance to say, "Hey, your rooster is waking my daughter up at 4 am every morning. Why do you have rooster?" If you don't have some sort of common cultural raport, you have no idea how your neighbor will react of your inquiry, and you'll tend to hunker down instead. diverity, not race per se. If you were Mormon, you would see them at church and it would be easy to ask why they have a rooster waking your daughter at 4am every morning. With no social/cultural rapport it is much more difficult to predict their reaction, and judge how you should approch the the situaltion. So people hunker down instead. (Sorry, somebody squished this.) \_ The mormonness is just to point out just how blindingly white they were. "Step outside and instantly burn on an overcast day" white. \_ Racial integration is sex-based. Until they start screwing each other's women and having mixed kids people mostly stick within their own ethnic groups. Therefore my new liberal government plan is arranged marriages between races. \_ Is that why I see so many asian chicks with white dudes? \_ It's because the Asian chicks are gold-diggers who somehow find prestige in dating white men and those particular white men are too geeky to even try to hook up with hot Nordic blondes but still won't date fat chicks. They produce mongrel children who possess the worst traits of both. \_ Are you a Moonie? |
2008/7/30 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50738 Activity:nil |
7/30 Can I CCW a gun into say, a post office? How about other government buildings? What happens when you have to go through the airport and they scan you, can you just show them your CCW permit and carry your gun inside the building? \_ Read the CA law. The permit is for CA, not for federal property. Airports have specific regulations about guns. |
2008/7/30-8/5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Military] UID:50731 Activity:moderate |
7/30 Can I CCW a gun into say, a post office? \_ no. How about other government buildings? \_ no. \_ Incorrect. State or City gov't buildings are covered by CCW. \_ I'd like to see you take them into a police station or courthouse. I'll be there with the camera taking pictures of your surprise. \_ I'd like to see you take them into a police station or courthouse. I'll be there with the camera taking pictures of your surprise. \_ A CCW covers any local or state building or meeting required to be open to the public. \_ I dunno, cops go into these things all the time and they are all armed. They just take off their side arms when they go through the metal detector. I imagine it would go more or less like that, in fact most cops would probably just think you were undercover or something. \_ right, except they actually have real badges and you have a frigging commoner's CCW permit \_ Of course I've *been* in a courthouse with a CCW while carrying, no problem. (No metal detector either.) \_ Where? San Diego and most SFBA Courthouses screen with metal detectors. What happens when you have to go through the airport and they scan you, can you just show them your CCW permit and carry your gun inside the building? \_ you go to jail. actually i lied. they take you to stupid person's jail, which is deep underneath the real jail. \_ you go to jail. actually i lied. they take you to dumbass jail, which is deep underneath the real jail. \_ Read the CA law. The permit is for CA, not for federal property. Airports have specific regulations about guns. \_ In an airport, a CCW covers you up to the sterile area. No exceptions for firearms beyond that (see CA penal code 171.5(b)(1)) \_ If you're dumb enough to carry a gun to an airport these days, I think you should stay home. \_ But I want to be a hero like emarkp and save innocent people from TERRORISTS!!! -emarkp #1 fan |
2008/7/29-8/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:50720 Activity:nil 90%like:50716 |
7/29 Swami! Your prediction is off by 6 months!!! You SUCK http://preview.tinyurl.com/6opb7h [cnn] \_ Wow San Francisco went UP by 22%. How about San Jose, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Santa Clara, etc? \_ Fuck SF. Let them pay for their own stupid bridges. \_ Based on the for sale flyers I see, prices in the parts of SJ near Cupertino/Saratoga have gone up slightly from January. \_ This is a typo. "SF" for Case Shiller means SF MSA, which is SF, CoCo and Alameda counties. SF, Marin, San Mateo, Alameda and CoCo counties. \_ What is the peak of this graph? http://bubblemeter.blogspot.com/2007_09_01_archive.html -GS |
2008/7/25-30 [Finance/Banking, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50696 Activity:nil |
7/25 not exactly WaMu: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080726/bs_nm/banks_fdic_dc_4 |
2008/7/25-30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50691 Activity:moderate |
7/25 "This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably." Um, say what Obama? \_ This is straightforward enough to me. What is confusing to you about this statement? Was it the word "share" that threw you for a loop? \_ I find it amusing that he's so clueless that he's talking to the people of Berlin about how they threw off communism, and then talks about reimposing it. \_ you're a moron. \_ You mean sharing is communism? Thanks for warning me, I had been teaching my toddler to share, I will stop immediately. \_ "This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that open markets have created, and share its benefits more equitably." Communism \_ Public schools, free clinics, world-wide efforts to eradicate AIDS, the US military... and everything else your taxes pay for. Communism? No. Government? Yes. \_ Forcing people to share is communism. \_ Paying taxes that fund social services that improve the basic quality of life is part of the social compact. Do not confuse your a failure to meet your silly Libertarian ideals with Communism; there's plenty of room in-between. \_ Taking money from one group and giving it to another is communism. Plain and simple. \_ you're a moron. \_ Did you actually attend Berkeley? Communism requires the elimination of private property and the ownership of the means of production by "the people". And we already do this in our system, except the money goes from the poor/middle class to the wealthy and corporations. \_ Did you actually attend Berkeley? Communism requires the elimination of private property and the ownership of the means of production by "the people". And we already do this in our system, except the money goes from the poor/middle class to the wealthy and corporations. \_ the problem with you liberals is that you think everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot and that you're smarter than everyone else. Think about that for a minute. everyone else. Think about that for a minute. -emarkp #1 fan \_ no, we think *you* are an idiot. -tom \_ We are smarter than you. QED. \_ Straw men aren't particularly fun debate partners. \_ He wants to raise taxes. \_ His first action as President will be to send the 82nd Airborne into the Hospitals to nationalize them. Next he will seize the banks. After that, your will have Obama Party officials spying on you at your place of work. He is a Marxist. into the Hospitals to nationalize them. Next he will nationalize the banks. After that, your will have Obama Party officials watching over you at your place of work. He is a Marxist. \_ BLACK HELICOPTERS! |
2008/7/23-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:50662 Activity:nil |
7/23 DNC: gas tax dodgers http://www.9news.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=96282 |
2008/7/19-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:50631 Activity:moderate |
7/19 Hey tom, since you're employed by the state (and receive a 6-figure salary), maybe you shouldn't be the one arguing for higher taxes in the state? \- I'd be happy paying Denmark tax rates for safety, security, cleaniness, and all the good stuff in Denmark. Your brain has been classified as: puny and selfish \_ Having been to Denmark, I disagree. \_ Visitors to Denmark get access to social services too? \_ Considering that Conservatism reached a high water mark with the Bush/Rove/DeLay/Frist team, the only real question is can we expect 10 or 20 years of Liberal dominance. If it is 20, you just might get your wish. \_ It will never happen because Americans in general are proud and self absorbed and don't see outside their States let along their country. \_ Why did the New Deal happen then? How about the JFK/LBJ period that gave us a bunch of liberal advances, including the Civil Rights act? Your knowledge of American history is extremely poor. \_ Get a life. -tom \_ You don't think it's relevant that the organization you advocate sucking more money out of my pocket pays you? \_ No. -tom \_ Oh, so when Exxon execs say global warming is a hoax, you won't object? Got it. \_ Once again, you suck at putting words in my mouth. Practice isn't making you any better. You also should consider outsourcing your attempts at analogies. -tom \_ Once again sucking at putting words in my mouth. Practice isn't making you any better at that. You also should look at outsourcing your production of analogies. -tom \_ Hush tom, the grownups are talking. \_ Not on the motd they're not. \_ You know, Tom, the "you" you addressed isn't the same person as the last person you said that to. You'd be a lot more objective and less knee-jerk if you didn't take the motd personally. |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:50627 Activity:moderate |
7/18 California state government spent $145 billion last fiscal year, $41 billion more than four years ago when Gov. Gray Davis got recalled by voters. With all that new spending -- a whopping 40% increase -- we ought to be in a golden age of government with abundant public services for all. http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-matsusaka17-2008jul17,0,7957570.story \_ same flawed assumption as before; using the CPI as the measure for inflation is wrong, because both salaries and real estate costs in the state (not just in the public sector) have risen far faster than CPI inflation in the past 10 years. -tom \_ Just look at the nominal values. \_ nominal values of what? \_ Which means exactly zero. You're saying that the adjusted numbers aren't adjusted enough. Or that the rich should be getting soaked more. The point remains that the state spending has increased by a huge amount in a short time. The whining about the budget is ridiculous, especially considering that the proposed budget will still increase next year--mostly by stealing from other funds and raising taxes: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-arnold18-2008jul18,0,334514.story http://tinyurl.com/6b9koc [latimes] \_ Yes, I'm saying that the adjusted numbers aren't adjusted enough. State spending has increased by a huge amount in a short time *because of inflation*; it has not increased by a huge amount relative to the cost of doing business in California. Actually I would expect that, except for the prison sector, real state expenditures relative to California-indexed prices are flat or down over the past 4 or 10 years. -tom \_ Since you don't believe the published numbers, you'll just pull them out of your ass! \_ What are the published numbers for California? -tom \_ High real estate costs don't much affect State spending and I doubt even State salaries are up 40% in 4 years. \_ Real estate is absolutely a major cost to the state. So are fuel and energy. State state. \_ I doubt it much impacts operations. How much real estate does the State buy after all - especially residential real estate, which is where the bubble was? You'll have a hard time arguing 40% over 4 years undersells the State's real estate cost inflation. By the way, every business in CA has done business in the same inflationary environment. How many have increased spending 40% in the last 4 years? I know my employer hasn't. More like 5% per year which is about 23% over 4 years. Inflation hasn't been 40% over the last 4 years. \_ California's gross state product is up over 40% since 2000, so clearly business spending has increased by at least that much. I wasn't able to find 2002 numbers, but given the dot-com crash, I'm sure it didn't increase much from 2000-2002. -tom \_ What is your source, I can use it in my next debate with a net.libertarian. -ausman \_ Big difference betweeen 40% since 2000 and \_ Big difference between 40% since 2000 and 40% over the last 4 years. Here are the GDP numbers, BTW (in millions of current $): (Source: http://www.bea.gov/regional/gsp 2000 1,287,145 2001 1,301,050 2002 1,340,446 2003 1,406,511 2004 1,519,443 2005 1,632,822 2006 1,742,172 2007 1,812,968 So California GDP is up ~40% over 7 years. Since 2004 it is up 19%. \_ This is an awesome data source (and is a pretty strong argument that The State is spending more), thanks. Aren't classroom sizes smaller these days? So are fuel and energy. State population is up over 7% since 2000, which represents an absolute baseline for spending increase. Median household income rose from $46K in 2000 to $54K in 2006. And by cherry-picking a 4-year period, you're ignoring the fact that there were state budget cuts the three prior years. \_ And you're ignoring that the state was still deficit spending in those years. \_ So? They still had to defer all kinds of expenses. -tom \_ So. What? The state shouldn't be spending more than it takes in. Period. \_ Why not? Pretty much every business and family spends more than it takes in, at least occasionally. -tom \_ Time to recall the Governator! \_ I'd be for that in a heartbeat. -op |
2008/7/18-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:50620 Activity:nil 54%like:50612 |
7/17 More hypocrisy from Al Gore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESxvY1tQHTo [Promo/hit piece from Americans for Prosperity] \_ It's pretty tough being Al Gore. On one hand, he wants to get his message across. On the other hand, it is extremely difficult to get his message across without violating his messages. On one hand, I'd wish he would bike to conferences using a single speed bicycle and wearing spandex. On the other hand, no one really listens to hippies dressed in tie dye shirts shouting "Global warming is here! Conserve!" Tough position man. What would you do in his position? \_ "This video is no longer available" \_ works fine for me \_ http://AmericansForProsperity.com has a picture of RONALD REAGAN Oh yeah this is a GREAT message and a GREAT site RONNIE is our GREAT HERO YES VOTE CONSERVATIVES NOW! Patriots unite!!! \_ Translation: I feel really stupid for supporting this hypocrite, ad hominem time! \_ You're a conservative, why do you care what other people do with their lives? As long as you are eco-conscious or can help others become more eco-conscious, what do you care? \_ Mainly just because it's annoying to have some hypocrite harranging you. -!op \_ Al Gore is trying to get policies enacted to force me to act in a way that he himself doesn't. It's clear that he doesn't actually believe in his global warming hoax since he doesn't even do a thing to live like he tries to tell the rest of us to live. \_ WWAGD. Bwahaha http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=33#comments \_ Al Gore is 10 times the leader that Dubya is. Too bad the Supreme Court selected Bush. |
2008/7/15-23 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50574 Activity:nil |
7/15 i stuck 'sex dungeon' in my google news alerts http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=us&ie=UTF-8&ncl=1226788863 |
2008/7/14-16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50559 Activity:nil |
7/14 Customers line up in front of IndyMac bank branches in hopes of pulling out cash http://tinyurl.com/5k5b72 (yahoo.com) |
2008/7/14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:50558 Activity:nil 92%like:50565 |
7/14 Mythbusters need people in the bay area to help out in September http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2008/07/help_mythbusters_recreate.html |
2008/7/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Industry/Jobs] UID:50537 Activity:high |
7/11 Regarding the below discussion about "overpaid" government employees, here is a result of a search on all programmers who work for the State Board of Equalization: http://www.sacbee.com/1098/story/766730.html As you can see, the pay is below industry standard. \_ You know who makes way too much in California? Firefighters. Screw those guys. Just as soon as they're done fighting the 3000 simultaneous fires going on now all over the state and turning my sunset a pleasant red, I expect a full auditing of their overtime and massive firings. \_ If they have to work that much overtime then maybe they need to hire more firefighters. However, I bet the unions won't allow that. There are lots of people lining up to be firefighters and there are no positions to be had, yet these guys work crazy overtime (which has to be unsafe). They won't accept making their base salary amount, though, which is what they'd have to take if enough were hired. \_ My take all along has been that IT is one of the *few* areas that the government underpays, which is probably why so many of you think that government pay is low. \_ Never worked for the government I see. \_ Never lived in DC I see. \_ Show me a job title and employer where the pay is high then: http://www.sacbee.com/statepay All I see is mediocre (at best) pay levels. \_ How about an OC detective making $221K? \_ Unsourced anecdotal evidence is pretty weak. I presented you with a database with tens of thousands of salaries, now go make your case. \_ Happy? http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-deputies14-2008may14,0,1117569.story "The average salary for federal employees is $60,517... the Washington, DC area has an average salary of $78,593." (Source: http://www.fedsmith.com/article/687 "The top overtime recipient was sheriff's investigator Theodore R. Harris, who made $120,000 in overtime, bringing his total pay to $221,000" (Source: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-deputies14-2008may14,0,1117569.story (Source: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5lxapl [la times]) "City workers' average salaries will reach about $68,850 for civilians and $93,800 for sworn police and fire by July - placing them in the upper ranks of comparable cities and far higher than private-sector workers." (Source: http://www.dailynews.com/search/ci_9221826?IADID=Search-www.dailynews.com-www.dailynews.com (Source: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5lb8s9 [daily news]) "What was not reported was her annual salary, which, according to a database published by the Daily News, is $104,000. Another DWP mother in attendance was Wendy Ramallo, the wife of Joe Ramallo, who, according to the database, makes $167,478 per year. By the way, if those two drove to the meeting, they probably drove a car you own. You see, all DWP employees with six-figure incomes get, in addition to their salary, a free car, paid for by you, the taxpayer/ ratepayer. Sara Perez and Jo-Del Navarro also spoke out, but they "only" make $86,025.60 and $72,620 per year." (Source: http://www.citywatchla.com/content/view/1032 "As the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power seeks a hefty taxpayer rate hike, a Daily News review of salary data shows the average utility worker makes $76,949 a year - or nearly 20 percent more than the average civilian city worker. More than 1,140 of the utility's employees - or about 13 percent - take home more than $100,000 a year. And General Manager Ron Deaton, who is on medical leave, rakes in $344,624 a year making him the city's highest-paid worker. DWP salaries are on average higher than city and far higher than private-sector workers'" (Source: http://tinyurl.com/6xctu5 [laist]) LWDP database showing painters making $79K: http://lang.dailynews.com/socal/ladwpsalaries/?appSession=735104577589687 http://preview.tinyurl.com/64ubs3 [dailynews] Feel free to search for your own job titles at: http://lang.dailynews.com/socal/ladwpsalaries/ Even "CUSTODIAL SERVICES ATTENDANTS" make $46K. "Have you heard about the fire captain in the city of San Diego who made $242,138 in one year? How about the city lifeguard who made $138,787? It's all true - and if you thought the city of San Diego's pensions were generous, wait until you see how much some city workers are being paid." "For years, the city's powerful unions and many city officials have claimed city workers are underpaid - using the official salary schedules published in the budget as their evidence. It is time that the public be told exactly what city workers are paid. Taxpayers should not have to rely on an institute to dig up the information using W-2 data. City departments (such as the Fire Department) also put "phantom positions" in their budget to hide off-budget expenses such as excessive overtime. Mayor Jerry Sanders recently discovered that 400 or more salaried positions are not even included in the budget each year." (Source: http://tinyurl.com/pz5wo [sd union tribune]) \_ "The average salary for federal employees is $60,517... City workers' average salaries will reach about $68,850 for civilian workers..." Sorry, those numbers just don't seem that exorbitant to me, do they to you? Perhaps there are a few departments where employees are overpaid (and it sounds like DWP is one of them) but to extrapolate from that to all they to you? Perhaps there are a few departments where employees are overpaid (and it sounds like DWP is one of them) but to extrapolate from that to all government employees is bad logic. I do not begrudge someone getting paid 2X a normal salary if they do 80 hrs/week of work and I don't understand why you would either. It does sound like their boss needs to hire someone new, but this is their boss needs to hire an extra person, but this is not always possible, as should be obvious if you stop to think about for even a second. \_ 1. It depends on the job being done. For an accountant maybe not. For a simple clerk, painter, or custodian then yes. The argument was that gov't employees are underpaid and that is clearly untrue. They don't have to have 'exorbitant' salaries for that to be untrue. I make $100K and I don't have a free car, for instance. 2. I gave data for all federal employees, so we don't have to extrapolate. 3. Do you really think these people are doing 80 hours/week of work based on the hours gov't offices keep and your experiences in working with the city/county? For instance, in San Diego they get every other Friday off. And they are still working crazy OT? No way. It's a farce caused by lax auditing. Why are people who make $100K per year getting any overtime at all? At my company (and most companies) people at that level are exempt and we just suck it up or quit. The article is making a point that "phantom positions" are created to perpetuate this overtime fraud. The gov't will never hire appropriately because it would be akin to a pay cut for the workers. It's easier to continue with the status quo because you have an excuse why you are behind on work (short-staffed) and make the paper salaries seem small. 4. Like I said, I have two sisters working for the gov't and it's easy money. My one sister is very honest and she always says she doesn't have enough work to do and asks for more and they tell her she needs to stop working so hard and just enjoy it, except she gets bored. She's an executive secretary (which means she is the personal secretary for a high-level engineer) and she makes $70K. In another 4 years (will have been 20 years) she can retire with 50% of her salary and free medical for life. I don't begrudge her that, but let's be honest about how that compares to being a secretary at, say, Wells Fargo (where my mom worked for many years) where those benefits are non-existent and you would be lucky to make $40K in that position. Put the 'government employees are underpaid' thing to rest. At worst, they are compensated as well as anyone else and usually better. \_ You're talking a lot, but you're not saying anything. \_ You're a moron who can't read. \_ Since you are the king of making up things to support your position, I need a lot more than "the friend of my sister-in-law over heard at a party" kind of data. Give me a job description and a state department and show me a sector of employees in the in the State of CA database. All of the data is there for the world to see, surely if public sector workers are so overpaid, you can find at least one of them. $60k/yr for a mid-career teacher, police officer or skilled craftsman seems very reasonable, even underpaid, to me. The majority of local spending is on education, public safety and public works, so that is where the majority of employees are going to come from. The rest of your comments are mostly not worth replying to, but I will note that if these jobs are so great, why aren't people lining up to fill them? There is a chronic shortage of police officers and teachers in CA, hardly indication that they are overpaid. http://http://www.bls.gov/news.release/ecec.t03.htm Note that total overtime pay is .4% of overall salary, so your opinion that overtime pay in the public sector is ubiquitous is clearly wrong headed. \_ Plug in "exective assistant" for the Dept of Water Resources and you will see pay varies from $39k to $48k. |
2008/7/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50527 Activity:nil 80%like:50517 |
7/9 Dallas County meeting gets racial. http://csua.org/u/lvy \_ Do we really need every damn freeper article reposted here? |
2008/7/9-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50526 Activity:moderate |
7/9 Now we know what the definition of "rich" is: $150K/yr/household http://www.sacbee.com/111/story/1069753.html \_ Only $150K, why you poor poor thing. \_ The GOP has no function in CA, except as obstructionists. \_ You mean like all those Republican unions that got all of the Governator's propositions defeated in the 2005 special election? \_ I notice you still can't pick one thing that the GOP has accomplished in California in the last 30 years. \_ That's because the California State Legislature has had a Democratic majority for the past 30 years. So the inability to get anything done is somehow the minority party's fault? Try again, dumb troll. \_ In other words, their only function is as obstructionists. \_ Sure maybe in the CA Legislature, but the you must have missed my comment 9 lines above yours. Oh wait, you're a troll. So you're deliberately ignoring presented facts. \_ Somehow the Republicans in Congress get things done even though they are in the minority and they control the Executive. Why can't the GOP in CA? Is it because the Executive. Why can't the GOP in CA? \_ You do realize that US Congress has a completely different legislative process than the state of California, right? Oh wait, you're a troll. Is it because they hold onto a tired and inflexible ideology which rejects the possibility of compromise? Also, there rejects the possibility of compromise? \_ You're nothing but a political homer if you think California Republicans are the only ones with an inflexible ideology. Also, there have been many GOP "victories" at the initiative level. Why not trumpet those? The extension of Prop 13 tax breaks to the decendents of the original home purchaser must count as a great victory in the general Conservative agenda of advancing inherited wealth over earned wealth. breaks to the descendants of the original home purchaser must count as a great victory in the general Conservative agenda of advancing inherited wealth over earned wealth. \_ Prop 13 is older than 30 years old. How about "Three Strikes and You Are Out"? earned wealth. How about "Three Strikes and You Are Out"? Surely, breaking the back of the State budget with earned wealth. How about "Three Strikes and You Are Out"? Surely, breaking the back of the State budget with overflowing prisons and severely cutting back public post-secondary education must count as one of the greatest victories of American Conservatism in the 21st century. The GOP has always hated great public institutions like the University of California, and it looks like you will finally get your long desired goal of destroying it, or at least severly weakening it. How about Prop 187? Surely eliminating schooling for the about Prop 187? Eliminating all schooling for the children of the poorest must rank as a great victory in the Class War against The Poor! Isn't it every Conservatives secret desire to have a house full of poor, dumb, uneducated servants, too hopeless to be anything but docile? Eliminating any chance of becoming literate is surely a huge step in the right direction. Oh, that's right, the courts shot that one donw. C'mon Oh, that's right, the courts shot that one down. C'mon fly your flag high, you have lots to be proud of! \_ So pretty much the California GOP has the courts against them now too. So, what have CA Dems accomplished with the deck stacked so heavily in their favor? \_ Were you foaming at the mouth when you wrote this rant? \_ Yes, because obviously anyone who disagrees with the GOP is rabid. \_ That is the most off the rails rant I've read in months. That has nothing to do with the target. -!pp \_ Still waiting for some "successes" from the CA GOP. Don't the things I listed count as initiatives they are proud of? \_ Actually, if you read it it is $321K. The $150K number is just for a child dependent exemption worth $200. \- well there are a few way to approach "rich" ... say the "top 5%, 2%, 1%" in the country/state/"area" and then there is "doesnt have any money worries" ... can buy any car they want "within reason", can vacation anywhere they want, no worries about healthcare expenses, or college tuition for kids, has all the house they "need". i think we operate in the latter context ... but if you are "richer" than 98% of "everybody", can you really say you arent "rich"? rather than picking a wealth/income level, how would you define "rich"? the "relative income" approach or the "opportunity" approach or something else? |
2008/7/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50525 Activity:low |
7/9 Got too many junk mails? Thanks to People's Republic of California, Comrades can opt out of mailing lists. Take your pick: Tons of free-market junk mail, or socialist controlled junk mail: http://www.ciwmb.ca.gov/wpie/JunkMail/default.htm \_ And what's a free-market alternative method of opting out of junk mail? It's so damned cheap to produce and send that almost any result makes it profitable. \_ The free market alternative would be to refuse to accept it, but the USPS doesn't allow one to refuse to accept mail. \_ what would be the advantage to the delivery service of allowing you to refuse to accept deliveries? -tom |
2008/7/9-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50524 Activity:nil |
7/9 Electric Minis for CA Only: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6qbnn9 [autobloggreen.com] |
2008/7/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:50517 Activity:nil 80%like:50527 |
7/9 Dallas County meeting gets racial. http://cityhallblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2008/07/dallas-county-meeting-turns-ra.html |
2008/7/9-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50508 Activity:high |
7/9 Check out the graph of CA revenue vs spending http://preview.tinyurl.com/2ttws3 \_ CLEARLY, we need to cut pork, like education (for illegal immigrants), lunch food (for illegal immigrants), healthcare (for illegal immigrants), transportation (amigos driving on my I-210). You see it's all about illegal amigos. Say no to illegals, say yes to tax cuts! !dim \_ it's hard to tell whether this guy is a nutjob, or is satirizing nutjobs. \_ Is this guy one of those "compassionate" conservatives I keep hearing about? I just *love* his idea of scrapping public health. Can you say epidemic? \_ Look at the chart. Notice how spending increases outpace revenue increases? -op \_ what a surprise, given relentless tax cuts amidst growing demand for services. -tom \_ Next time I spend more more money than I make, instead of cutting back on my expenses, I will just order my boss to give me a raise so that I can keep on binge spending. That is such a great plan, I can't believe I never thought of it before. \_ Noone is saying cuts shouldn't be made, but the cuts this person came up with are beyond dumb. You can cut services that may very well pay for themselves and have serious quality of life concerns when they are gone (even for people who don't directly benfit from them) or you could go after the real pork like prison overspending. \_ I agree. I don't agree with the cuts the guy in the url wants to make. I think some of them are totally nuts. My point was only that some cuts should be made and that it is unrealistic for the government to keep demanding ever increasing taxes to fund pork projects. \_ How about, next time your are spending about as much money as you make, you order your boss to give you a pay cut, since the extra profit the company makes from paying you less salary will trickle down to you. -tom \_ This is just bizarre. Revenue was increasing. Spending increased as well, just faster. I can't see any evidence of "tax cuts" in the revenue curve. \_ Well tom's idea is that spending has a natural positive growth and income should have a similar growth (by maintaining or increasing taxes). I don't think he accepts the premise that perhaps government spending and income shouldn't grow. Re tom's hypo - perhaps the government should try spending LESS than it makes and re-thinking what services are absolutely necessary. \_ I think my brain just popped. Does tom think that we should decided spending first and then set taxes to raise that money? \_ You can find evidence of tax cuts in the legislative record. Revenue continued to rise because *more people came to California*. In 1980 there were 23.7 million people in California; now there are 36.5 million. -tom \_ Overall state government spending as a percentage of GDP has been within 1% of 9% since the mid 90s. It has not gone appreciably up or down. \_ Inflation-adjusted per-capita spending has increased over 40% in the last decade. \_ Please provide evidence for this "fact". \_ Math is hard. \_ http://www.caforward.org/dynamic/pages/link_10_135.pdf \_ link:preview.tinyurl.com/65rpor [caforward.org] \_ Personal income has risen much faster than state spending; obviously the state's increase in spending is trickling down to the people of the state. (NB: a likely flaw in these numbers is use of incomplete or fudged figures for inflation.) -tom \_ So, as a percentage of personal income, state spending has actually gone down. As I have asked before, why do you think that state spending should track inflation? Most of what the State spends on is salaries. Shouldn't state spending track GDP or personal income instead? Why do you think that State employees should expect their salaries to constantly lag behind the private sector? \_ Government employees in general are compensated extremely well. Have their numbers increased or decreased over time? (Honest Q) \_ Government employees are not compensated well compared to corporate employees; at low levels, if you include benefits (which are better for government employees) people are still paid a little better in the industry, and at the high end, there's nothing in the public sector anywhere close to the compenstation given to industry executives. Their numbers have increased, as the population and thus the need for government services has increased. -tom \_ Actually, government employees are compensated very well. We're not talking CEOs here. We're talking rank and file government employees. Government jobs are some of the highest-paying jobs around *NOT ACCOUNTING FOR* the ridiculous benefits. You don't realize it, because you work in one of the few fields where the government underpays. Two of my sisters work for the gov't (county and city) and for example the county just hired a new 24 y.o. civil engineer with an MS at $120K per year. The evidence is not just anecdotal, either. For example, 2/3 of OC sheriff's deputies make $100K+ with the top sheriff making $221K. Note that this is not The Sheriff, but a detective. not The Sheriff, but a detective. The average DWP employee makes $77K. Locksmiths and painters for DWP make $80K. I read a gardener for the City made $100K including overtime and a transportation coordinator (coordinates events like LA Marathon) made $120K base + $60K overtime. No, the government pays quite well, the benefits are good, expectations are low, and it's hard to be fired. \_ gee, then why aren't you working for the government? How much do you think a sheriff's deputy should make? -tom \_ My industry is one in which the gov't underpays unless I move to DC which I don't want to do. But, actually, I do work for the government indirectly. Not sure what your point is with that ridiculous comment anyway. As for deputies and prison guards, compare their salaries with those of free market security guards. I think a deputy should be paid more, but not *that much* more to work the mean streets of Irvine. BTW, if gov't pay is so low then why have you been working for the gov't for 20 years - all through the <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> era of easy wealth? <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> era of easy wealth? \_ Because I am not motivated by pursuit of wealth. -tom of wealth. (Although I will note, you have no clue about my career.) -tom \_ I was exaggerating, but it's been 13 years according to your own resume. \_ Your anecdotal evidence is BS, as I am sure you well know. I have three family members who work for State of California and they are all paid poorly for their level of experience. One is a DBA, with 20+ years of experience, who makes $80k one is a programmer, with about 10, who makes $60k and the last is a secretary, who makes about $30k. \_ IT is one of the few areas where the gov't underpays. I won't dispute that. However, a secretary at $30K is about market value. The average pay at the DWP is $77K. That is not anecdotal, and the average is not brought up by lots of $800K managers. In fact, only about 10% of the workforce makes more than $100K. If you work for DWP you can make $70-80K for just about any job and it's easy money, too. It's not just the DWP either. Pay in the public sector is, in general, below the private sector. And even if it wasn't, why should people who work in the public sector expect their pay to lag and fall further and further behind? You cannot even answer this question, which is why you are trying to change which is why you are trying to change the topic. \_ I have no interest in answering that question. I am not the person to whom it was asked. I just want to point out that the government wastes a lot of money, which should come as a surprise to no one other than tom. \_ Corporations waste a lot of money, too. -tom \_ Maybe, but here's the point you miss: It's *THEIR* money! The government's money is *MY* money. \_ So? It's not possible to run a large organization 100% efficiently; that standard is simply not realistic. -tom \_ So? SO? You like handing over your $$$ to be wasted?!?! Maybe the gov't shouldn't be so large then. shouldn't be so large then. \_ It doesn't bother me any more to hand over money to the government than to United Airlines or any other faceless corporation. I think most governmental programs have decent return on investment. -tom \_ I can't say I agree that that has been true for many years now. It was true once upon a time. What's the ROI for attacking Iraq? D'oh! \_ State spending as a percentage of GDP has remained essentially unchanged since the late 80's: http://www.cbpp.org/7-31-07sfp-f2.jpg \_ http://www.urban.org/publications/1001173.html "State and local revenues have been relatively stable over the last 30 years..." Sorry to bust your bubble, buddy. |
2008/7/8-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:50497 Activity:kinda low |
7/8 FREE HANS \_ It seems like he has a decent chance of getting out in 15 years. Would they let him use computers in jail? \_ CA pretty much doesn't give parole to murderers anymore. And I suspect his computer use will be pretty much non- existant. \_ Only 15 years for strangling his wife? \_ 15 to life. Parole no sooner than 15 years, though the state doesn't tend to grant parole to murderers. \_ I know what the minimum sentence is, but I disagree with the "decent chance of getting out in 15 years" comment. \_ Ok, I made that up. Nevermind. \_ Can't he get 1/3 off for good behaviour? He might be out in 10 years! \_ he won't behave well. -tom \_ he's being sentenced to 15-to-life, instead of 25-to-life. I don't think it matters at all. it just means in 15 or 25 he is eligible to apply for parole. So he applies for parole. The Parole Board makes a decision. That decision is 'sorry'. Even if they agree to let him out, the governor has to sign off on it. no CA governor since Pete Wilson has parolled a murderer. ok i think maybe Arnold just released a woman who killed her rapist abusive husband 30 years ago. I dunno why we even have a goddamn parole board if they don't let anyone out. is 'sorry'. Even if they agree to let him out, the governor has to sign off on it. no CA governor since Pete Wilson has parolled a murderer. ok i think maybe Arnold just released a woman who killed her rapist abusive husband 30 years ago. I dunno why we even have a goddamn parole board if they don't let anyone out. \_ We let people out. Just not murderers. Do you think you can rehabilitate a murderer? Some, probably. Most, I wouldn't take a chance on. What's sad is that a lot of sex offenders do get paroled and then go out and repeat offend. |
2008/7/8-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50495 Activity:low |
7/8 Congress approval in single digits for first time ever http://preview.tinyurl.com/5d496t \_ The Democrats in Congress are considerably higher, though still quite low, at 21%: http://www.pollingreport.com/cong_dem.htm \_ The trick is, the Republicans are also 21% favorable. "Congress" is too amorphous a body to have a meaningful approval rating. -tom \_ Also meaningless because generally people like their guy. And since you can only vote for your guy overal approval rating is really just a indicator of how fucked up people think the country/economy is getting. \_ But the comparison to previous congresses is valid. \_ The way this congress handled issues like war spending, Farm Bill, and the upcoming FISA bill make me want to vote out pretty much every incumbent senator and congressman out of office regardless of party affiliation, starting with Nancy Pelosi. This congress has not attempted to resolve any issues that they were elected to work on, and for the last 12 months they had been for the most part engaging in election year politics and pandering to voters. most part engaging in election year politics and pandering to voters. \_ Totally agree. Didn't we elect them to remove the rubber-stamp practices? I don't get why Pelosi doesn't stand up to Bush the way she did when first elected, telling the President he needed to calm down. Since then, every confrontation the democrats have caved. Almost all the slightly controvertial legislation they have passed has been vetoed, why does Bush have any credibility or sway with them anymore? Its getting pretty annoying that the republicans vote in a complete block but the democrats can't come to a cohesive position... ever. \- i'm willing to wait and see what kind of hearings we get about cheney and the other liars and theives and tortures after the election. i can see being risk averse if it looks like you will cruise to victory. \_ Not exactly: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5n4kc2 [yahoo news] |
2008/7/8-10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:50493 Activity:nil |
7/7 Study: Gays in the military don't undermine unit cohesion http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080708/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/military_gays \_ Well heck, the Greeks knew it helped. \_ Study funded by gay activist group. \_ Those goddamn fags |
2008/7/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50450 Activity:moderate |
7/2 Christopher Hitchens on Waterboarding: "Believe me, it's torture." http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/02/humanrights.usa \_ Gee, how nice of him to change his mind now. Rats. Ships. Sinking. \_ As much as I dislike Christopher Hitchens, it seems hard to fault him for this. He had the courage to back up his claim that waterboarding wasn't torture by trying it out, and then (having learned what it was like) he admitted he'd been wrong. I wish everyone was so principled. \_ 4 years too late... I don't have much sympathy for anyone who defended torture as strongly as that man did. \_ FLIP FLOPPER! \_ And why should I care what he thinks? \_ Because he has been a tireless defender of the technique as not being torture and has now been convinced, by experience, that it is. If you believe that it is not, perhaps you should try it out yourself. \_ Torture is any experience so horrible that no-one would consider trying it out simply for the purpose of writing a Vanity Fair article about what it's like. http://sweasel.com/archives/1269 \_ If he'd thought it was torture before he experienced it, he would not have tried it out. Now that he's experienced it, he recognizes it as torture and would not do it again. \_ Yah, see here's the thing, torture is something that you know you wouldn't try it even before you try it. \- i think that is true for "medieval" type torture [gouging out eyeballs], and highly likely for modern "clinical" pain-inducing torture [electric wire between teeth] but i dont think it is necessarily possibly to i dont think it is necessarily possible to know the effects of things like sleep deprivation, and psychological/terror oriented approaches such as mock executions [russian roulette style, fake firing squad, blind folded and dropped from firing squad, blindfolded and dropped from helicopter etc] until you've "been there/done that". anyway, i thought this was a settled issue given that all the "warriors" [mccain etc] said "wboaring \_ Not by a long shot. Quite a few military members said *they'd* been waterboarded, and said they had no problem with us doing it to others. \- who is a "military member" who has said "it's ok if somebody waterboards US troops when captured". is totally clearly over the line" and it was only chickhawks [bush, cheney, limbaugh] either saying it wasnt clear or it was like frat hazing. i was was captured and you said you were going to if was was captured and you said you were going to put me in the iron maiden, i'd talk right way. if you threatened to waterboard me, i might go for a minute or two. --psb \_ McCain voted to support waterboarding. -tom \_ I missed that. A point in his favor. -emarkp \_ I'm sorry, "emarkp", but I think you need some introspection on whether you're serious about your religion and whether your support of torture is really consistent with that. \_ Why the quotes? It really is me, and I find it laughable when someone else tells me what my religion should be. Especially the prolific atheist relgion-haters here (though I obviously I don't know if you're one of them). -emarkp \_ The quotes were simply to open the door to the idea that someone was masquerading as you to make you look bad. Now I'm forced to go with the person below: your "religion" is a hollow sanctimonious shell over your hateful and vile core. \_ yeah, it's easy as an atheist to underestimate the ability of religious people to rationalize whatever it is they want to do or believe. -tom \_ You should be careful trying to apply your childish understand of something to a grown-up discussion. -emarkp \_ You're right, no one can tell you what your religion is or should be. But thanks to threads like this one we know that whatever your beliefs are, they serve as little more than a hollow sanctimonious shell over your hateful and vile core. \_ you're an idiot. \_ I don't understand, shouldn't you be calling him evil rather than stupid? This looks like a clear values call. -- ilyas \_ and anyone disagreeing with your opinion is an idiot. Great logic, comrade! Welcome to People's Republic of California. \_ No, I am tom! Do not anger me! \_ I disagree with people who are not idiots all the time. But *you* are an idiot. -tom \_ I believe you are confusing torture with deterrents. \_http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/Articles/Politics/Schelling.q \_ I wouldn't try waterboarding, but I'm not a fucking idiot like Christopher Hitchens. -tom |
2008/7/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:50446 Activity:kinda low |
7/2 Why do people CCW or open carry? I mean, in a place such as Cupertino or Sausalito, wouldn't you get more disturbances out and hastle from open carry than the minute, less than lottery chance that you'll heorically save someone from danger? \_ Let's see. If you are a Mormon with Asperger's syndrome, you'll feel that you're a lot smarter and better and more righteous than everyone else and that no one can be trusted. In addition, if you live in Chico, you gotta protect yourself because everyone else is a nutcase -- they have very different "values" and beliefs that you have. So in that respect, it totally makes sense to carry a weapon. \_ It's worth it so you can finally feel like a man again. \_ Is it worth even responding to this crap? \_ Wait, there really is some other reason? Let me guess, you are just waiting for the armed revolution to start so you can go shoot some cops, and it would really suck if you had to go home first casue someone else might have gotten them all? \_ My right to protect myself and my property is constitutionally protected. Your interpretation is bizarre. \_ But the right to protect your right to protect yourself and your property is not constitutionally protected. I.e. the constitution can be changed by votes. \_ do you really go to UC Berkeley? \_ Yes I did. Do you? \_ It has been many years since I took crim law, but iirc, the US Constitution does not require the states to provide any defenses to the accused, i.e. self- defense, defense of of others, and defense of property are all defense provided by state law and are constitutionally protected, if at all, by state constitutions. So, in one sense, your statement is probably correct. In the context of this discussion, I assume that you are referring to 2d amendment personal right(s) to keep and bear arms. And I assume that you mean that the constitution can be changed via the amendment process. If so, I think that your statement is only true in a very technical sense because the amendment process operates as designed and prevents any drastic changes from being made to the constitution. We have only used the process 27 times and the 27th amendment was pending was over 200 years. This suggests that the 2d amendment personal rights can considered immutable because amending the constitution to remove the 2d is about as likely as an armed revolution to to overthrow the republic. \_ It's really easy. The EARLIER number amendment the less likely you can challenge it as time goes on. \_ If you are so afraid of the world you can't wander the mean streets of Cupertino without packing lethal force you are laughbly pathetic, constituationally protected or not. \_ I keep a flashlight on my keychain as well. Does that make me afraid of my own shadow? \_ Do you keep the flashlight around so that if some scary dark looking person comes near you you can shove it in their eyeball while shouting "semper fi motherfucker!" \_ Do you do that with your car instead of riding on the bus? \_ So you don't drive? \_ I sure don't keep a car in my pants in order to keep my dream of getting to run over some dangerous looking feller in the name of justice alive. \_ If you have to rely on someone else to protect you, you're pathetic. \_ See, unlike you I'm not afraid of my shadow, so I don't need to have a gun around as a security blanket. \_ Dude, you don't know what it is like on the mean streets of Cupertino. Jackbooted, BMW-riding Cupertino motorcycle cops routinely use their gestapo tactics to ticket jay-walking pedestrians who are just trying to save a few minutes on their walk to TapX or I Heart Yogurt. Open carry is all that keeps the man at bay. \_ OpenCarry Yogurt! |
2008/7/1-14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:50436 Activity:nil |
7/01 Stevens' dissent in Heller (DC gun ban) has a few factual errors. http://armsandthelaw.com/archives/2008/06/stevens_dissent.php \_ Don't you have a job or something? |
2008/6/30-7/14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic] UID:50423 Activity:nil |
6/30 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7481857.stm Please explain to me why Mugabe doesn't get arrested as soon as he leaves Zimbabwe? \_ Does he leave? Does he leave to go to countries that have the political power and will to arrest him? Does he leave to got o countries with the political power and will to arrest them who haven't given their word not to arrest him? \_ He just arrived in Egypt for an African Union meeting. \_ If you have an African Union meeting and you arrest the leaders who go there it isn't going to be very Unionious for long. \_ Hey: "he was elected, he took an oath, and he is here with us, so he is president". What's your problem, huh? \_ >.< Lines like that make the baby jeebus weep blood. |
2008/6/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:50335 Activity:nil |
6/23 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/20/opinion/20brooks.html "And then on Thursday, Fast Eddie Obama had his finest hour. Barack Obama has worked on political reform more than any other issue. He aspires to be to political reform what Bono is to fighting disease in Africa. He.s spent much of his career talking about how much he believes in public financing. In January 2007, he told Larry King that the public-financing system works. In February 2007, he challenged Republicans to limit their spending and vowed to do so along with them if he were the nominee. In February 2008, he said he would aggressively pursue spending limits. He answered a Midwest Democracy Network questionnaire by reminding everyone that he has been a longtime advocate of the public-financing system. "But Thursday, at the first breath of political inconvenience, Fast Eddie Obama threw public financing under the truck. In so doing, he probably dealt a death-blow to the cause of campaign-finance reform. And the only thing that changed between Thursday and when he lauded the system is that Obama's got more money now." \_ "Fast Eddie Obama"? David Brooks has valid points. Shame he's got such a hard-on for a Heritage Foundation sinecure. |
2008/6/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:50327 Activity:kinda low |
6/22 Who Ruined California Public Schools? http://www.broowaha.com/article.php?id=267 Is it true that CA is 42nd in school spending? By what measure? \_ Oh yes, blame it on Prop 13. Why do you hate tax cuts? \_ No, it's a simple lie. CA spending has been well outpacing inflation, and enrollment has actually declined significantly. \_ Other states could still have raised their spending more. Do you have any data that supports your claim? \_ Which means nothing. Performance has almost no correlation with spending. \_ So does that mean you have changed your tune and now agree that CA is 42nd in school spending? \_ Not the PP and I'm not sure what the right number is, but it has nothing to do with Prop 13 as CA tax revenues are the same as they always were. \_ You need to explain what you mean by "the same as they always were". Same in nominal dollars, in inflation adjusted dollars, in inflation adjusted per capita dollars or as a percentage of GDP dollars. Those are all pretty different things. \_ http://www.rand.org/pubs/monographs/2004/RAND_MG186.sum.pdf We used to spend 4.5% of total income on education, now we spend 3.5%. \_ Enrollment has declined since 1978? Are you crazy? |
2008/6/19-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:50305 Activity:nil |
6/19 High gasoline prices accelerating return to the cities: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4gdqop (SF Gate) \_ http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200507/fallows Reading SF Gate + Atlantic is like reading Kunstler's rants. CITY GOOD SUBURB BAD! Fucking hippies. Pasadena rules!!! \_ This article is amusing, but unlikely. Why would China want to collapse the American economy? This would be like a crack dealer shooting his best customer. |
2008/6/14-17 [Politics/Domestic/President, Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50260 Activity:nil |
6/14 The Exile: http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2008/06/russian-government-press-feedom-putin-ames-medvedev.php |
2008/6/11-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:50224 Activity:nil |
6/10 Slow down everyone! http://www.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/worklife/06/06/balance.slow.movement |
2008/6/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:50219 Activity:nil |
6/10 Oops. More problems with Obama's friends. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/06/obamas-answer-o.html \_ Heh, nice comment from JA on the page about Bsuh Obama similarity. \_ Did you ever figure out who killed Vince Foster? |
2008/6/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Finance/Investment] UID:50215 Activity:low |
6/10 Millions Paid to Dead CEOs Outrage Over 'Golden Coffins': Tech T: http://www.csua.org/u/lqh (finance.yahoo.com) "Among the more outrageous posthumous packages: * $298.1 million for Comcast CEO Brian Roberts * $288 million for Nabors CEO Eugene Isenberg * $115.6 million for Occidental CEO Ray Irani * $17 million for Shaw Group CEO J.M. Bernhard to not compete with the firm after he dies" I wonder if J.M. Bernhard is thinking about breaching the contract. \_ Why should you care what someone's compensation is? \_ It's just funny that a firm is willing to pay a CEO to not compete with the firm after he dies. --- OP \_ That's the wording of the author, not of the contract. \_ see the WSJ link; it's a non-compete clause in the contract, which still pays off if he's dead. -tom \_ Correct. Which is different than the wording of the author. -pp \_ I understand now. Thx. -- OP \_ it's still pretty lame to have a non-compete clause pay off in the case of death. -tom \_ duh. It is just to make sure his family gets the money if he leaves the company by dying instead of by leaving. It is to encourage him to stay until he dies and not leave early to cash in on the non-compete when he's otherwise doing a good job. It is not lame if you accept that any non-compete clause was worth that number. Why is it necessary to explain such a simple concept? \_ What better way to guarantee fulfillment of the non-compete side of a contract than to die? |
2008/6/5-10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:50162 Activity:nil |
6/5 It's pretty amazing to read this and think "wow, that was only 42 years ago" http://ourfuture.org/blog-entry/meaning-box-722 42 years ago there was regular rioting in Chicago because of laws saying it was illegal to have neighborhoods where you couldn't buy a home unless you were white. That's pretty mind blowing. \_ the phrasing of this is interesting. It is also subtly wrong. \_ How so? |
2008/6/4-10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:50149 Activity:low |
6/4 In Venezuela, ratting on neighbor is the law http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/nationworld/sfl-flavenez0603sbjun03,0,4071658.story \_ Hugo Chavez: proving at every turn that scumbaggery knows no ideological boundaries. \_ Yeah, he's totally breaking new ground as far as communist strongmen go... \_ Funny. Actually, he made several improvements to the country and he continues to do so; he's also not breaking any ground on the Civil Liberties front. \_ Name those improvements. He's a thug like all other thugs. I hope you don't tell us how he made the trains run on time. \_ He nationalized a corrupt oil industry and funneled at least some of the money to improving conditions for the poorest Venezuelans. \_ Wow, so a corrupt politician cum dictator took property away from corrupt businesses and tossed some breadcrumbs to the peasants. Yay! He's my friend now! \_ I dunno how corrupt the foreign investment of infrastructure part of the Venezuelan oil industry was that he nationalized. It looks like he has embarked on a poorly planned program of massive socialism to placate the masses and buy their votes to keep himself in power, without thinking of the further economic consequences. and I'm a bleeding heart American liberal. \_ From Wikipedia: "By the end of the first three years of his presidency, Chavez had initiated a land transfer program and had introduced several reforms aimed at improving the social welfare of the population. These reforms entailed the lowering of infant mortality rates; the implementation of a free, government-funded health care system; and free education up to the university level. By December of 2001, inflation fell to 12.3% the lowest since 1986,[38] while economic growth was steady at four percent.[39] Chavez's administration also reported an increase in primary school enrollment by one million students.[39]" And that's about it for the good. You're right: he is a thug. That his thuggery happened to also involve some social improvements doesn't change that. On the plus side, he didn't suspend the constitution after the ppl voted down his Chavez-for-life proposal. On the minus side, hell, just about everything else. |
2008/6/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50147 Activity:nil |
6/3 One reason no true conservative should ever vote for McCain: Keating Five |
2008/6/1-5 [Politics/Domestic/California/Prop, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50116 Activity:nil |
6/1 question for MOTD Armchair Economists, are home prices in CA artificially high because of old people homeowners and Proposition 13? are rents artificially high because property value is so high? are rents really artificially skewed in the Bay Area because land is more precious than gold, Prop 13, rent control and what the hell throw in all powerful fabulous and fabulously wealthy gay couples? \_ according to Master Dimwit, they are high because of speculation. Speculators think it'll be high, so they keep buying until... they're too high for speculators. In all seriousness, dimwit will most likely say something to the effect of free-market, supply and demand, etc. \_ Bay Area is more expensive because of several reasons. One is a much much stricter land use control. Lots of areas are reserves and hippies from Sierra Club fight to preserve whatever land is available in the Bay Area, so developers have less land to build. The other reason is average income. N Cal on average has higher income and educational level and attracts more immigrants who are well educated or well to do. In contrast LA has been the manufacturing and service hub of CA and attracts different types of immigrants and workers. In addition LA has been sprawling crazy in the past few decades so homes are plentiful and cheap and attracts a much diverse populace, from those who are super rich all the way to those who are super poor. Proposition 13 is just one of the few components, and just as important as Prop 13 is the low property tax, which drives demand from investors from all over the world who hold on to their investments for decades but don't really use (look at all the empty and expensive homes in Arcadia and San Marino), since homes in CA have much lower tax to deal with (compared to say 3% prop tax in Texas), which make properties in CA very good long term investments. CA properties attract certain types of buyers (investors) similarly to FL properties that attract certain types of buyers (criminals... because properties in FL are not repossessed even if you go bankrupt). All of these things make \_ WTF are you talking about? If you don't pay your mortgage in FL you lose your home just like anywhere else. \_ In FL, if you paid off your home and then declare bankruptcy, they can't repossess your property back. This is why Al Capone "invested" heavily in FL properties, and ditto with many criminals. \_ You are confused about the Homestead Exemption: http://preview.tinyurl.com/63bs5f (No need to read the whole thing, just read the five states that allow unlimited HE, FL is not one of them) Also, Federal bankruptcy code changes have considerably limited this kind of protection. \_ Dude! Capone! Obviously we are still living in the 30s! Now why aren't you wearing a suit and hat? CA homes highly desirable, which then drive up huge demands from all over the world, which then drive up prices. It's all inter-related. \_ What makes you think rents are too high and if they are too high then why do people pay them? All things considered I find rents in CA reasonable compared to income. I can't believe people pay $1000/month to live in places like Alabama. (I own a rental home in Alabama so I know what rents there are.) |
2008/5/30-6/2 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:50101 Activity:nil |
5/30 CA Torture Trial Airs Family Horror Stories http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/05/30/ap/national/main4137681.shtml |
2008/5/22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:50026 Activity:high |
5/22 We brought together the heads of big oil. See that big head over there? Yeah, he runs Shell. That one? That runs ExxonMobil. Mr. Big oil, we're here to talk about the high price of gasoline. How could it have possibly gotten this high? Let me tell you what we've done here in congress. We told you that drilling in ANWR is off limits. We told you that drilling off the coast of Florida and California is off limits. We told you, Mr. Big oil, that there wouldn't be any new leases for drilling in the Gulf while China and Venezuela and even Cuba pursued these leases and have just signed 100-year leases on the oil in the Gulf of Mexico. We here in congress have promised, as all three presidential candidates have also promised, to introduce and pass in the next term a cap and trade legislation bill that will increase the price of gasoline according to the EPA by an additional $1.50. Some people say it could be as high as $5 additional per gallon. We have said that we're shutting down oil fields in Colorado. We won't let you develop shale oil fields in several Western states. And yesterday we passed legislation that would let us sue OPEC with the full understanding that they'll never retaliate. Yes. We have allowed environmental attorneys to sue you big oil fiends for future possible destruction of Alaskan Eskimo village which legal experts believe is the same strategy used to bring down big tobacco. We're especially proud of our recent action to protect the polar bear and their habitat which just happens to be where the future oil deposits happen to be located. We told you that you're making too much money and that we're looking at seizing any money that we consider windfall profits. Yes. We have allowed you to drill in some very small areas in Alaska while simultaneously creating very generous environmental laws which have tied up the very production we authorize through years of litigation after you spent the money on buying and setting up equipment. We told you through our policies that we would not allow you to build a new refinery in over 30 years. In fact, this great country, under our tutelage, has even reduced the number of operational refineries by half since 1982. We have even told your potential competitors in the nuclear and hydroelectric industries that we would send the environmental lawyers after them if they even dared think about building a new plant or a new dam. We've refused to fund or allow the deployment of coal-to-oil technology which has been around since the 1930s. We've told you that you have to make different blends of gasoline, let states like California dictate what unique gasoline blends you have to make for them. We will not reduce our federal gasoline tax. We won't even consider reducing it for the summer months. So Mr. Big oil, tell me why exactly are gas prices so high? \_ This guy is barking up the wrong tree. Prices are high because demand is high, due to economic growth in India and China. The US cannot possibly pump enough oil to satisfy worldwide demand increases, in fact, we cannot even make a dent in it. What grandstanding politician are you quoting? \_ This is essentially what the hearings on gas prices are. -op \_ Yes, we agree. I guess this guy (Glenn Beck?) has a point on the nuclear and hydro issues. \_ No, demand is not driving the price. Speculation is. \_ Wow you're stupid. \_ Should I bother showing you why you are wrong, or is this an ideological belief of yours that is not subject to debate? \_ Go ahead and show me, because I've seen the charts that show current usage versus supply. Usage now is about 12% higher than it was a decade ago. Sure, that's higher. Not enough higher to create the crazy high gas prices we are seeing now as production hasn't dropped. Also, the low dollar is making gas seem expensive to us, but if you adjust for inflation (use real dollars) gas prices are not even at historical US highs. In short, people are buying oil because they are worried about supply interruptions and because they perceive that the price will always rise. This creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. The DOE has 3 oil-price profiles and only one of them (worst case) has oil prices rising from here over the next decade. If you look at supply versus consumption versus price on a graph you will see that consumption is indeed driving oil prices higher, but most of it is speculation. You think oil prices have gone from $60 to $130 per barrel in a year because of an increase in *consumption*?!?! -dim \_ http://preview.tinyurl.com/6de8js (BP usage data) This is the most recent good data I can find, which shows more like a 20% increase in demand. Are you laboring under the illusion that a 12% increase in demand (with no increase in supply) should only lead to a 12% increase in price? The truth is, prices should obvious that gasoline demand is pretty inelastic meaning that people don't use it much less just because the price goes up. Also, your factoid about the dollar is not really true: gasoline is now at an all time inflation adjusted high. It might perhaps not be true if you use some oddball deflator factor. Look at oil priced in Euros. Speculation does not increase the consumption of oil, in fact, it will decrease it. If your theory about speculation is correct, oil prices should collapse real soon now, right? \_ The truth is, dimitrious has a linear mind ding ding ding! \_ More of he doesn't understand the non-linear nature of cost with inelastic demand: http://www.investopedia.com/university/economics/economics4.asp \_ No, I never said that 12% = 12%. The curve, if you look at it, has a certain slope/shape that does not match the reference at present. \_ What curve are you looking at? I am curious what your reference for this statement is. -dim \_ Where do you see a supply-demand curve for oil consumption? I would be interested in your source for this. increase as much as needed to clear the market. It is \_ You could say this about real estate recently, too and yet that was driven by speculation more than by actual need for housing. \_ Not every increase in price is due to a "bubble." \_ You could say this about real estate recently, too and yet that was driven by speculation more than by actual need for housing. \_ Bzzt. In 1981 it was $3.29/gallon in today's dollars. \_ Not all price increases are "bubbles." \_ Bzzt. According to the DOE in 1981 it was $3.29/gallon in today's dollars. I found a chart that says $3.17 with an all-time high in 1918: http://tinyurl.com/emy76 Regardless, the point is that prices have been just as high in the past. This is not ground-breaking. \_ Speculation increases the *PRICE* not the *CONSUMPTION* which we already established is just a bit higher than before. -dim \_ I think they will eventually decrease a lot from current level, yes. \_ I moved your comments out of line. you're welcome -dim \_ *********FUCK YOU*********** Worry about your own fucking posts, dick. \_ Stop putting yours in the middle of others. Makes it really hard to read. Or are you too stupid to organize your thoughts? -dim \_ This guy is wrong about oil shale and coal gasification, too: http://preview.tinyurl.com/6xs54d He is wrong about most things. \_ Your story is from before congress changed things. |
2008/5/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:50025 Activity:low |
5/22 Bill Gross on underreporting the CPI and what it means for the little investor: http://preview.tinyurl.com/52vfy2 \_ http://www.theleftcoaster.com/archives/004721.php \_ http://www.isil.org/towards-liberty/inflation-gov-lies.html \_ http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=59409 \_ Ah so it started with the Carter administration. See, Democraps are evil! \_ It actually started with Clinton, but that doesn't change your basic premise. Politicians of both parties lie all the time. \_ LIES. The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn't lie. The government doesn't lie. Why would it lie? \_ Ron Paul has been saying this for years and people say he's some sort of crazy racist. http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2008/cr031108h.htm http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2008/cr0305a08h.htm http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2008/cr022608h.htm http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2008/cr021308h.htm http://http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2006/cr050206.htm http://http://www.house.gov/paul/congrec/congrec2006/cr042506.htm \_ Non sequitur often? \_ Oh it's sequitous. Here these directly question CPI: http://http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2004/tst030804.htm http://http://www.house.gov/paul/tst/tst2006/tst071006.htm http://http://www.house.gov/paul/press/press2006/pr021506.htm \_ What does race have to do with inflation? \_ Ron Paul IS a crazy racist, irrespective of what he has to say about the CPI. |
2008/5/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:50024 Activity:nil |
5/22 http://tinyurl.com/3h2zvh (market-ticker.denninger.net) Good post re current events in commodity, treasury, and stock markets. To summarize: - The Fed balance sheet is contaminated with CDOs - Money is going into commodities rather than Treasuries - Rates are going up Several more points: - Expect the commodity bubble to drive inflation in the near term. - The commodity and equity bubbles will sweep up excess credit from bad banking practices. The subsequent blow-up (occurring over 3-12 months for the undesired chaotic crash, or 1-10 years for a controlled descent) will efficiently sop up this cash. - Guess who loses their bux on: (1) The building up of the commodity bubble (2) The reduction of said bubble http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?episode=355 Excellent radio segment (.mp3) which talks about "giant pool of money" and where it goes (guess where this money is going now) \_ What's the difference between a CDO and a mortgage backed security? \_ MBS = Pool of mortgages. One structure is rated (e.g., all shares from an MBS are given a single rating, i.e., AAA). CDO = Pool of MBSs. Structure is sliced into different levels, each of which may have a different price and rating. each of which has a different price and rating. The lower tranches will have the lowest rating and eat any losses first, but have the highest yield. losses first, but advertise the highest yield. MBS and CDOs are both asset-backed securities (ABS). Now go listen to the MP3 and find out how Joe Schmoe was raking in $1M/year. \_ Funny how this guy rants and rails about Congress and does not mention the word "President Bush" even once. Where is our nations leadership during this time of financial crises? Oh, and what you call a "commodities bubble" I call the market functioning normally to get supply and demand in balance. Do you have any evidence that excess oil is starting to pile up anywhere? Copper? Coal? If prices are "too high" shouldn't that be happening? \_ He's a Republican who is likely to vote Democrat in November. Here's his anti-Republican rant from four days ago: http://tinyurl.com/5dsp98 "Commodities bubble" = (a) Hedge on the stock and bond markets (b) Huge pool of money needs to go somewhere (c) Certainly there is a supply/demand factor to commodities prices (d) Hedge on strength of U.S. economy, financial system, dollar He rants and rails? Okay. Good thing I'm here to summarize! |
2008/5/21-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:50021 Activity:nil |
5/21 The Great Lie of Supply Side Economics: http://preview.tinyurl.com/5mjhk5 \_ Econ as agenda! I love that blog! |
2008/5/20-23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:50011 Activity:moderate |
5/19 Here's my whacky idea for how politics will go after 2008: The (D) continues a leftward shift, alienating the center, Hillary loving, soccer mom, family types. \_ Why do you see (D) moving left and not more Moderate? \_ Look at who's leading it. Obama is *the* most left in the Senate. Olbermann, http://moveon.org, dailykos, etc. are all waaaaay left. -not op \_ I'm genuinely curious: what policies of Obama's do you see as left-leaning and not moderate? Are they socially left-leaning or culturally left-leaning? \_ How about: universal health care immediate withdrawal from Iraq (backed off this) removal of funding to NASA \_ not according to his website raising taxes on the wealthy \_ raising taxes or closing loopholes? opposition to free trade making life easier for unions \_ through secret ballots or New Deal? \_ Obama advocates removing oversight of Teamsters. http://csua.org/u/lne \_ The rest of the story: http://csua.org/u/lnf Seems like typical D stuff. \_ And what in there is lefty and not moderate? \_ All of it. You think Universal Healthcare is moderate?! \_ *shrug* I see a lot of Americans behind it. If the majority want it, is it that lefty anymore? \_ Lots of people want a free lunch, but it's very lefty to want the government to control business. \_ UHC or an equivalent is considered a need by a lot of people. This is not simply a handout or a free lunch. Opposition to such may be categorized as Conservative, not Moderate. \_ I wouldn't say proposing it is very moderate. It's left, which is why the right opposes it. \_ maybe the right opposes it because they're a bunch of morons. Or maybe this whole argument is just another attempt by conservatives to redefine reasonable ideas which produce results in every other industrialized country as "leftist," as if that's supposed to be an insult. -tom \_ The CEOs of GM, US Steel and WalMart are on The Left? Wow, you guys on the Right must be feeling pretty lonely at this point. \_ Shoving more of the cost onto the gov't means less of the cost shouldered by the business. Many businesses pay little tax as it is so why do they care? \_ So, the people and big business both agree that universal health care is a good thing. So, uh, who is against it? Oh, right, anti-government ideologues. -tom \_ TANSTAAFL \_ Case in point. \_ Every election year some obviously hack study comes out that says "surprise surprise, the Democratic candidate is the most liberal senator/congressperson/gov/etc" so idiots like the poster above can go spout this crap. \_ I'm unaware of *any* lefty idea he doesn't support. -pp \_ What, you're saying he wants to nationalize industry, creche your kids, mandate pharma for the proles, etc.? Seriously, can you tell me what particularly makes him "the most left in the Senate"? I'm genuinely interested in hearing what you have to say, but I'd like some substance. \_ Did you mean "nationalize all industry?" \_ Whoops! Yes, I did. Self-correction in 5. \_ That's pretty funny, considering I haven't seen any substance from Obama. \_ Yay! You hit the fish in the barrel! Now, how about an answer? \_ How about how he wants to raise the capital gains tax even though it may decrease revenue, to be "fair" ? \_ That would appear to be lefty, but could also be viewed as populist... or just popular. Here's the interview with Charlie Gibson where he says it: http://csua.org/u/lng Frankly, I can't argue with this: why are multi-millionaire hedge-fund managers paying a lower tax-rate than their secretaries? \_ Well, there are two possible "fixes" to this inequity: 1) raise taxes on capital-gains, or 2) lower income taxes. We *know* (1) decreases overall revenue, so.... \_ BZZZT! No. The only answer is to call the money the hedge fund managers make what it is: income. It is not capitol gains *for them*. For the money manager is it *income*. If their income was taxed as such they'd be paying a boatload more than their secretaries. Their earnings are misclassified. \_ No, we know (2) decreases overall revenue. Or at least every sane economists (even those who support tax cuts) knows that. \_ I'm sorry, but I don't agree. \_ clearly you're not a sane economist. I guess that makes you a clueless ideologue. -tom \_ Sane = "agrees with you" Clearly a 100% tax rate will maximize revenue. \_ No, but it is quite clear that our tax rate does not maximize tax revenues, and that cutting taxes from the current rate reduces tax revenues. -tom \_ Cutting capital gains tax does not raise tax revenue over the long run. There is often a short term uptick (bonus points if you can figure out why) but it lowers them in the long run, at least as long as it is below the Laffer Curve, which appears to be around a 40% tax rate. \_ We should be optimizing for GDP, not for tax revenues. \_ Says who? \_ We should be optimizing for the general welfare of the citizens of this country. GDP growth is now almost totally disconnected from the general welfare. -tom \_ Yes, comrade. A healthy, growing US economy benefits only corporate industrialists. \_ Tax revenue == general welfare in your mind? Wow. \_ clue == completely absent in your mind? Obviously. Try reading it again. -tom \_ Funny, I've seen lots of substance from Obama, it just changes every time he talks. "Unlike most politicians, Barack Obama does not waffle. He comes out boldly, saying mutually contradictory things." -Sowell \_ Why would you bother quoting Sowell on anything? -tom \_ Because, unlike you, he's occasionally right. The (R) party splits. (R1) goes to the center with McCain. Grabs all the center-left the (D) loses, but loses the conservatives. Conservatives form new party, (R2). (R2) has a small set of hard core voters, similar to the smaller (D) party. (R1) party gains plurality of seats, offices, etc, but can not rule without assistance of (D) or (R2) in general or pass individual bills without help. Ok, the odds of this actually happening are small but it would make things interesting, IMO. If it does happen, you heard it here first! \_ Our winner-take-all system of representation makes three parties inherently unstable. If a third party does arise, it will die immediately, or else kill one of the existing parties. -tom \_ My prediction: Obama and the Democrats end the war and balance \_ My prediction: Obama and the Democrats end the war and balances the budget, following mostly Clintonian economic policy. This \_ You forgot stopping Global Warming and starting the Age of Aquarius. \_ No, that waits for the second term. stabalizes the dollar, brings down the price of gasoline and gets the economy going. The voters reward the Dems with a filibuster proof majority in 2010. Obama then passes comprehensive health care reform, which ends up being the most popular program ever, even more than Social Security, which is supported by 2/3 of all voters. He is re-elected in 2012 in the biggest landslide since FDRs second term. \_ My prediction: McCain wins but not by a large margin. Not a whole lot really changes. |
2008/5/16-6/13 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49975 Activity:nil |
5/16 Planned free public transit day on June 19, 2008: http://www.sparetheair.org \_ Except BART. \_ Where's it say that? \_ Sorry, no free rides on spare the air day (March 15th). My bad... \_ You meant May 15th (and 16th), right? \_ ^free^taxpayer funded \_ Is there any kind of "free" that's not funded by someone / something? \_ Free as in freedom? \_ "Free" in the sense that the first reply was saying it wasn't "free". \_ Yes. But in this case, no. The government can not give anyone anything for free in the real sense of the word because the government produces nothing. The government, on a good day, only transfer wealth from producers to non-producers. On a typical day, the government destroys a good portion of that wealth along the way. On a bad day, the government flat out destroys wealth or prevents the creation of wealth. \_ You should move somewhere nice, like Iraq. \_ You should actually read what I said before snapping off a brainless one liner. \_ So why don't anarchies like Somalia have the world's best economies? \_ Because no one is advocating anarchy. The government has a role collecting taxes to raise a common defense, building roads/bridges and other infrastructure projects. The government has no business taking from one group of people to benefit another group to empower themselves at the ballot box. The government does not create wealth. The government can enable/assist others to do by so building infrastructure or destroy wealth creation through taxation and regulations. \_ Some regulations are good of course. E.g. to protect common resources like air quality, to prevent fraud, or prevent cabals/monopolies from screwing people. \_ But the govt is taking from one group (taxpayers) to build toll-free highways to benefit another group (drivers). \_ What % of taxpayers drive? Honest question. \_ "The government does not create wealth" is a completely meaningless statement. Want to \_ It's not meaningless, it's false. Learn the difference. -- ilyas know the #1 employer in California? UC. UC also does more research and invents more things than any company in California. Unless your definition of "creating wealth" is limited to "giving money to the CEO", it is obvious that the government can and does create wealth. -tom \_ So UC is the #1 employeer. So what? Its not like UC is self-sustaining - w/o tax revenues, government, including UC, can't operate. When the government starts making a profit independent of tax revenue and starts sharing that profit with the people, then one can say that government has created wealth. Since that day will almost certainly never come, government cannot create wealth. \_ I was going to respond to this, but it's simply too stupid. But here's a hint: wealth takes forms other than cash. -tom \_ I'm not pro-socialism but this is not accurate. In the simplest case, if the state owns a mine and operates it then technically it creates wealth. Maybe you should define "create wealth". \_ Well my definition is pretty simple: wealth is created when an operation is able to repay its creditors, cover its operational expenses, and still has money left over that can be distributed to its members/investors. Can government run its operations such that repays its creditors (the taxpayers), covers its operational expenses, and then still has money left over that can be distributed to the taxpayers? I can agree that parts of the government can create wealth under this standard (e.g. the USPTO or a mine in your example), but as a whole, government cannot create wealth. There is no incentive for it to create wealth and most of its operations are not designed for wealth creation (I suppose if our government started to follow the British colonial model and plundered from the places it invades, then our government could generate wealth, but I hope this is not where we are headed). Perhaps tom is right that government can create wealth in non-quantifiable ways. But, that kind of "wealth," unlike dollars, euros, &c. can't be used to better your life independent of location, so I don't think it counts. \_ It's obvious that education hasn't bettered your life. -tom \_ Actually my UC engineering degree was quite worthless. Mostly the moderate financial success I have had was due to things I did outside of my ug education along with private professional school. And the cost of my ug degree was more than paid for by my tuition and the taxes I and my parents have paid over the years. \_ yes, but some people make it through Cal and actually are not complete morons afterwards. Sorry you couldn't manage it. -tom \_ Yes. For instance sea water is free. \_ Sure. "Planned free sea water day on June 19, 2008!" \_ "All you can drink!" |
2008/5/15 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49957 Activity:high 66%like:49954 |
5/15 When will this windfall be taxed? http://csua.org/u/ljk \_ My favorite quote: "You'd be taxing success here," Kevin Casey, Harvard's associate vice president for government, community and public affairs complained in a quote that will soon be framed and hung in my office. "Over time, this would put us at a real competitive disadvantage, which would drastically hurt the Commonwealth." \_ Amusingly, everyone else seems to have missed this. -op \_ Missed what? Glenn Beck is still a tool. and a troll. I hate you for making me think about him today. You win. \_ Missed the quote from Kevin Casey you moron. \_ why didnt you point it out, furryboy? \_ I figured "everyone else seems to have missed THIS" pointing to the quote was sufficient. \_ Yes, this is quite ironic. \_ my brain is hurting from trying to parse this article. Harvard == GIANT UNREGULATED HEDGE FUND!!!!!!!!!! you know there are real live unregulated giant hedge funds out there who do actual shady documented crap, they probably don't concern themselves with giving out degrees. \_ The fact that this is from Glenn Beck explains it all. GO IRAQ WAR IT IS THE RIGHT THING! \_ But Glenn Beck apologized for misleading America and being a cheerleader for an incompetent and corrupt Administration. Right? \_ "But while their financial statements may look similar, their missions aren't. The Gates Foundation is working to cure malaria, develop new tuberculosis vaccines, and stop the spread of AIDS. Most of our colleges and universities are only working to spread the radical political views of some of their professors." Oh that's right Glen Beck. Harvard (which he had just been writing about a sentance earlier.) just exists to spread radical politics! THOSE DAMN FIFTH COLUMNISTS AT HARVARD. You read this shit and take it seriously? Do you have more braincells than God gave a chihuahua? This dude makes the chewbacca defense seem reasonable. \_ toy poodles are even stupider \_ url? \_ Yeah. Never mind the universities spend far more money on useful research and training in engineering, fundamental sciences, life sciences, and yes, also in medicine. Neither the views of humanities faculties are necessarily politically radical. I have taken 3-4 humanities courses and never felt that the instructors were necessarily biased, much less spread radical views (although I know such people exist). This man discredited himself after that paragraph. \_ yeah, whoever posted the url... glen beck is not a noted economist. people pay attention to him. im not sure why. he's not as mean spirited as Rush. that might be it. \_ This windfall is even more disgusting: http://csua.org/u/ljp (Times Online) \_ Why is ExxonMobil's profit disgusting? \_ It's disgusting in terms of the massive subsidies they still get despite these sorts of profits. \_ You're an idiot. Do you know how much they paid in taxes? \_ Probably 35 percent on earned income, minus the gajillion deductions any giant company with an army of tax lawyers at their command should be claiming. if you're talking about that recent email floating around about how Exxon already pays 40 percent in taxes... oh dont get me started. if you're talking about that recent email floating around about how Exxon already pays 40 percent in taxes... oh dont get me started. \_ IIRC, they paid more than 2x in taxes than they had in profit. |
2008/5/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:49950 Activity:high |
5/15 CA Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080515174435.xgo31cvp&show_article=1 So much for law. \_ Must people in ORANGE COUNTY are disgusted by this. -oc \_ I don't hate gays. I like gays. I am straight. I'm fine with gays getting married. marry who ever you want. I believe that in the united states, children are served best by having a present mother and a present father in their life. not divored. someone around up until they leave the nest. now notice i mean a 'female mother figure' and a 'male father figure' does this make me a flaming homophobe? help me motd, you are my only hope. \_ No it makes you an in-denile homobphobe. \_ No it makes you an in-denial homophobe. \_ Not necessarily a flaming homophobe, just ill-informed as to what serves children best. I'd argue that a stable home-life with love, attention, and discipline is better than simply having a female mom and a male dad at home. \_ What would Glenn Beck think? \_ Perhaps true and fits in with my own bias, but I would like to see actual studies before I made such a statement. Would you have The State take away children if their parents get a divorce, too? The fact is, people do things I disapprove of all the time, but that doesn't give me the right to try and regulate their behaviour. \_ If you're into gay marriage, you MUST check out Planet Unicorn HEYYYYY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQJD1ura7G4 \_ Not sure what you're implying... actually I know what you are implying. Courts interpret the law. So it's... the law! state props suck anyway. Given enough money I could hire a vast army to get my geeks should be forced to swear CA state props suck anyway. Given enough money I could hire a vast army to get my Geeks should be forced to swear forged iron slave collars and 20 sided dice prop on the ballot. It's far to easy to get your pet legal initiative on to the It's far too easy to get your pet legal initiative on to the ballot of the largest state in the country, which is insane. \_ I'm implying that laws should be interpreted based on how they were written. It's the only protection we have against tyranny. \_ And I think the Court's job is to determine if a state prop is constitutional. The Court decided the state prop is not constitutional. I'm more afraid of being tyrannyized by a CA state prop than the court, what about you? \_ More afraid of the court, really. 7 people telling the rest of us what to do, who aren't subject to election? \_ They're subject to recall. In all seriousness, I really am more afraid of specious CA ballot proposition stuck on the ballot with not very well thought out consequences, than the state supreme court. I really do think that it's a lot better to have your law painfully go through the House/Senate bill process (and hopefully die in committee) than for it to magically pop up there one day because someone with too much money hired 1000 people to stand in front of your local supermarket and have you sign their petition. \_ Admittedly, I don't think the court would have outlawed eating horse meat. -!pp \_ So you don't trust the voters, but you do trust the judges. Okey doke. \_ How do you like the CA prop system? What if get a ballot init to outlaw Catholics? \_ See, that's why we ratified the constitution. The individual laws have to conform to the constitution. However, a judge redefining language long after that document is written is a huge mistake. Fundamentally, the power rests with us, the people. I vastly prefer the prop system to activist judges. \_ The opinion talks about this at some length. \_ The opinion (link:csua.org/u/lji deals with this question directly and in detail. Have a look at pages 107-116, starting with "The Proposition 22..." and ending before "After carefully evaluating...". http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/opinions/documents/S147999.PDF \_ The opinion (csua.org/u/lji) deals with this in detail. Look at pages 107-116, starting with "The Proposition 22..." and ending at "After carefully evaluating...". \_ Judges are supposed to decide if a law is constitutional or not. They are the check on just any insane law getting passed. \_ How did the CA SC redefine language? \_ The word "marriage" \_ The word marriage has only ever legally meant a contract between two consenting adults according to the CA constitution. No redefinition there. Try again. \_ Unconstitutional laws are by definition unlawful. \_ I just don't get it. Let's allow gay marriage, they'll just marry each other and becomes extinct. It's how nature \_ not if they get artificially inseminated and raise hot lesbians. mmmmm lesbians. works. it's like someone who has cancer and demands society to recognize them as healthy. Well fine, you'll just die, it's the best proof that you are NOT healthy. \_ Actually how nature is supposed to work is, gay marrying each other will have no offspring, so their disease is self contained and when they die the disease dies with them. But now they want to adopt, and corrupt their offsprings. This must be out-lawed. other will have no offspring, so their disease is self contained and when they die the disease dies with them. But now they want to adopt, and corrupt their offsprings. This must be out-lawed. \_ I would so vote for a constitutional amendment labeling you an idiot. \_ This is the perfect time to get a wedge issue like gay marriage on the ballot and raise all of those Republican value voters from the dead to vote in the November election, assuring McCain's future 100 year reign of darkness after he wins and declares elections a quaint honorable custom favored by my honorable opponent, until our boys in Iraq stop dying. Great timing, gay people! \_ This is the perfect time to get a wedge issue like gay marriage on the ballot and raise all of those Republican value voters from the dead to vote in the November election, assuring McCain's future 100 year reign of darkness after he wins and declares elections a quaint honorable custom favored by my honorable opponent, until our quaint custom favored by my honorable opponent, until our boys in Iraq stop dying. Great timing, gay people! \_ This is by far the most hilarious post. Thanks! |
2008/5/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49946 Activity:nil |
5/15 Sign the angry renter petition! No bailouts! http://angryrenter.com \_ Angry renter? How about the 99% of mortgage holders who pay their bills *and* the taxes that would fund a bailout? \_ Actually a product of a billionaire and a politician: http://www.csua.org/u/lk4 |
2008/5/14-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49942 Activity:nil |
5/14 If you don't vote for Obama you're a racist http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/14/navarrette/index.html?eref=rss_topstories \_ The author didn't even recognize Obama is not exactly, to borrow his phrase, "black American". \_ Really? He's not American? He's not black? \_ He wasn't raised as an American during his formative years. |
2008/5/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49901 Activity:moderate 57%like:49908 |
5/8 Next time a CA politician says we need more moeny for schools, remember this: http://www.johnandkenshow.com/archives/2008/05/07/another-lausd-waste http://www.latimes.com/business/careers/work/la-me-lopez4-2008may04,1,718733.column \_ These guys are lying to you. The school cost $230M, not this sculpture. How much did the sculpture cost? http://www.latimes.com/business/careers/work/la-me-lopez4-2008may04,1,718733.column \_ The sculpture cost over $40M. The original budget for the high school was less than the sculpture alone. See the LA Times story. http://www.latimes.com/business/careers/work/la-me-lopez4-2008may04,1,6298591,full.column \_ The *theater* with tower cost that much, not the sculpture. Still a tremendous waste when kids don't even have books. Public education is a sham. |
2008/5/5-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Health/Disease/General, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49886 Activity:low |
5/5 "Who should MDs let die in a pandemic? Report offers answers" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080505/ap_on_he_me/pandemic_rationing_care \_ I vote for football players, then politicians, then lawyers \_ Very old people, people with chronic conditions, people who have other problems making them likely to die. Thing is, amongst the rest, who gets allowed to die? Males? \_ The obvious answer is the ALPHA MALE. One Alpha breeds with all the females. \_ You Mormon! \_ Welcome to triage. \_ In a real pandemic everyone is going to die. The doctors won't have a cure right away, if ever, and no one is going to run around asking victims to see their driver's license, prior medical, financial and educational history before treatment. This is just silly stuff. |
2008/4/29-5/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49853 Activity:kinda low |
4/29 How Frederick Douglass addressed the 3/5 issue: "I answer.and see you bear it in mind, for it shows the disposition of the constitution to slavery.I take the very worst aspect, and admit all that is claimed or that can be admitted consistently with truth; and I answer that this very provision, supposing it refers to slaves, is in itself a downright disability imposed upon the slave system of America, one which deprives the slaveholding States of at least two-fifths of their natural basis of representation. "A black man in a free State is worth just two-fifths more than a black man in a slave State, as a basis of political power under the constitution. "Therefore, instead of encouraging slavery, the constitution encourages freedom, by holding out to every slaveholding State the inducement of an increase of two-fifths of political power by becoming a free State." http://medicolegal.tripod.com/douglassuos.htm#three-fifths-clause \_ Quite impressive, the human ability to rationalize. He practically sounds like a Randroid. -tom \_ The irony police are overwhelmed with tom, send in the irony national guard! \_ The 3/5 compromise was made by abolitionists who wanted to weaken slave states. Go back and read history tom. \_ It was actually done by both sides, hence the label used "compromise." \_ Yes, but the slave states wanted the slaves to count as 1 person. \_ ...with their votes cast by the slave owner. -tom \_ You are confused. The slave owner still only had one vote. The 3/5 rule was for the number of seats that state got in congress. \_ Right, so if the slaves were truly free to vote, and at 1:1 representation, the state of Georgia might have more seats in Congress, but the people in power in Georgia would lose power. -tom \_ Well, at the time women were counted as 1 person but couldn't vote. People under voting age are still counted as 1 person but obviously can't vote. \_ Parents are the legal representatives of their children; slave owners and slaves have diametrically opposed interests. -tom \_ And womenfolk? \_ Personally I think women's suffrage is a good thing--you disagree? -tom \_ The US had the choice to allow slavery, or not allow it. It is pretzel logic to claim that, presented with that choice, deciding to allow slavery but make it somewhat less attractive was "encouraging freedom." There's also no reason to believe that slaves would vote the same way as their masters; giving slaves full votes would likely have led to abolition via democratic processes, for example, rather than civil war. You could say that the 3/5ths rule meant that "Georgia" had less power than New York, but the people who actually had power in Georgia were strengthened by the fact that their slaves couldn't vote themselves freedom. -tom \_ The current congress has the choice to continue war or not. And? I thought you lefties thought it was conservatives that only think in black and white. \_ Do you think that the current Congress deciding to continue to fund the war is "encouraging peace"? -tom \_ Are you trying to change the topic? \_ Umm, the US had the choice to allow slavery, or not exist. You know when the constitution was written right? \_ I thought you trolls believed in the power of the free market. -tom \_ Whaa? Am I talking to some sort of eliza program based on tom rantings here? \_ The idea that the US could not have existed without slavery in 1787 is ridiculous. -tom \_ It seems pretty obvious that the South would not have signed a constitution that outlawed it. Hence, the US would not exist, at least as we know it. \_ It's not necessarily obvious. The Southern Colonies might have conceded, or they might not have. That they were never forced into position where they had to make the decision is not evidence of which way they might have jumped. Interesting counterfactuals proceed from both eventualities. \_ Don't let that whole Civil War thing stand in the way of your hypothetical. \_ Don't let a lack of understanding of the causes of the Civil War or the nearly century-long gap between it and the signing of the Constitution stand in the way of a one-line quip full of sound and fury signifying nothing \_ is there some reason the 3/5ths compromise is suddenly big news on the motd? did Hillary finally get behind it? Did Reverend Wright vow to travel back in time and rip Dred Scott limb from limb? What's going on? \_ is there some reason the 3/5ths compromise is suddenly big news on the motd? did Hillary finally get behind it? Did Reverend Wright vow to travel back in time and rip Dred Scott limb from limb? \_ Rev. Wright would more likely wish to rip Taney, CJ, limb from limb. What's going on? \_ Assuming this quote is correctly attributed to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Douglass call me crazy, but on this one I'm going to go with the smart guy who lived through it over tom. \_ In what way? Frederick Douglas and tom speak to utterly different audiences: FD to a world where legalized slavery is still considered a possibility, whereas tom speaks to a world where slavery is an abhorrent concept. FD had to be almost painfully cautious in expressing his beliefs, whereas tom is free to express his with very little fear of danger to his own physical person. Had he had his 'druthers, FD might have said something more strident and provocative. --erikred \_ FD wrote tons of provocative stuff. Start with the wiki link. Not buying it. Also tom is claiming the union could have somehow existed with the south agreeing to end slavery. No. Ridiculous. If that were the case there would have been no need of the 3/5th "compromise". You really think they didn't talk about all this stuff at the time? Wow! \_ FD also had his house burned down. I'm sure they talked about it at the time; that doesn't change the fact that deciding to encode slavery in the Constitution is not "encouraging freedom." -tom \_ /shrug. FD was being politic, working with what he had at the time. It would be interesting to see what he had to say post-Civil War, Emancipation Proclamation, 14th Amendment. Also, pp's point vis-a-vis that the union could not have existed without a 3/5ths compromise is speculative. Carry on. --erikred |
2008/4/22-5/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/RealEstate] UID:49797 Activity:nil |
4/22 Yes, they are illiterate peasants. http://www.wltx.com/news/story.aspx?storyid=61193 \_ "Back in January, he became the first Colorado lawmaker censured by the House, after he kicked a newspaper photographer for taking his picture during a prayer." Sounds like a classy guy. \_ He was in prayer, and someone was at his feet clicking away. He nudged him away with his foot. And what does that have to do with the correct statement that most (if not all?) illegals from south of the border are indeed illiterate peasants? \_ Do you have a link for that? Just curious. \_ http://cbs4denver.com/politics/bruce.photographer.kick.2.636572.html "Bruce told the committee that the photographer goaded him and was responsible for creating a disruption. Bruce also denied that what he did was a kick, saying he gently pushed the photographer away with his foot." \_ Colorado house votes 63-1 to censure him. Did all those Republicans who voted for the motion fear Political correctness? \_ Colorado house votes 62-1 to censure him. Did all those GOP members who voted for the motion fear PC? http://www.csua.org/u/lbz \_ so he calls it like he sees it, and gets in hot water. This is classic stifling effect of 'political correctness' \_ THE MAN IS KEEPING HIM DOWN! \_ being a jerk has always been impolitic |
2008/4/14-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic] UID:49749 Activity:nil |
4/14 LA is facing a budget crisis. The city's a shithole. Ditto with 80% of the S Cal cities. \_ Unlike beautiful urine-soaked San Francisco. \_ Golden shower in the Golden State. \_ http://www.danheller.com/sf-top.html \_ Doesn't mention how all of these sites smell like urine. \_ You have your nose in the gutter, when instead you should have your eyes upon the stars. \_ surprisingly, people like LA more than SF, according to Mr. Google: http://appleorangescale.com/?wd0=san%20francisco&wd1=los%20angeles |
2008/4/13-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Finance/Investment] UID:49744 Activity:low |
4/14 The Conservative solution to the housing mess: print lots of money. http://www.csua.org/u/l9t (WSJ) \_ And the solution to the federal deficit. What is a better solution to cut your deficit by 1/2 than inflation? MORE TAX? \_ LESS SPENDING? \_ Let's cut social programs. \_ Agree. Let the homeless people go rampant on the street, and let the desperate and starving ones carry their struggle in their 'hood. Let's put them away somewhere far so that we don't have to deal with them, ever. \_ (inflation is, effectively, a tax on people with savings) Let's designate that place as Southern California. \_ Can we put them in all the empty McMansions in the exurbs \_ I think these places are called SF, Berkeley, Oakland, Hollywood, Venice, and Santa Monica. \_ Sadly, criminals don't stay in one place. Therefore a better solution is to put them far away from the civilized world (e.g. putting criminals in S Cal) \_ Northern Cal seems to have more of an affinity for these people based on voting trends and anecodotal evidence. Southern Cal on the other hand (e.g. Orange County) does not except for the cities I mentioned. \_ You have obviously never been to downtown Los Angeles. \_ Skid row? Skid row is a perfect example of how poorly the homeless in SoCal are treated and how unwelcome they are. For example: ordinances against camping on the street, ordinances against sleeping on the sidewalk during the day, and so on. The ACLU and LA constantly clash. \_ (inflation is, effectively, a tax) |
2008/4/8-12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Food] UID:49688 Activity:low |
4/8 Fattest States: http://calorielab.com/news/2007/08/06/fattest-states-2007 \_ "California not getting fatter" only because starving immigrants are making the average less, while fat lazy trailer trash whities from Riverside and the Inland Empire keep moving inland towards Las Vegas and Arizona. \_ Erm... Mexico is the second fattest nation after the U.S. \_ I'm talking about LEGAL immigrants you dits, like those \_ dits? skinny nerdy INDIANS who took over 1/2 of our company. Oh well at least they work 2X as hard for 2/3 the pay. Go company stock! \_ You are so funny. You should go into stand up. But you might need to throw in a few "white people drive like this, black people drive like that," jokes. You know, just to spice it up. Also maybe a joke about how women love to shop. \_ How about guatemalans and el salvadorans? \_ It's true Mexico is about to overtake the USA in obesity. Is Kuwait still fatter than the USA? \_ I seem to recall that hispanics have the fastest growing obesity rate. \_ Given that rice prices are going up, and a bigger percentage of CA residents compared to other states eat rice, this will probably become more true. \_ Don't you mean lice? \_ http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20080407/cm_csm/efood_1 |
2008/4/7-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49680 Activity:moderate |
4/7 In Massachusetts, Universal Coverage Strains Care http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/05/us/05doctors.html \_ If you add more people to the system and not more dollars this will happen. Universal care will end up costing taxpayers more money for a reduced (or the same) level of service - and don't give me this BS about how preventative care will save money. If you think that's true then make the Universal system include only preventative care. \_ Well, any solution that amounts to layering a bureaucracy on top of the existing system is dubious. \_ ...well, hell, if you don't believe preventative care will save money, how about you go ahead and stop receiving any of it and let us know how you're doing in about 10 years? \_ I think you missed his point. -!pp \_ Not if his point was that preventative care will save \_ Not if his point was that preventative care won't save money or cut costs in a Universal healthcare system. \_ Do you mean 'will not save?' \_ Er, yes. Will fix soon and erase both of these comments. \_ Preventative care won't save money if it then leads to expensive procedures anyway. However, I'm all in favor of free medical exams. Free clinics funded by the government do this already. That's the extent of it, though. \_ http://www.overcomingbias.com/2008/04/prevention-cost.html -- ilyas \_ Excellent: _some_ preventative medicine will save costs; indiscriminate spending on unproven preventatives will raise costs. That's important to know so's we can focus. \_ Does early cancer screening save costs, improve quality of life, or neither? I would argue that overall it might improve quality of life, but it doesn't lower costs. In fact, it adds to costs because you have the cost of the screening plus the costs of the treatment which is much the same either way. On top of that, as the article points out, you've extended a life so that you can have more expensive screenings and ultimately (in many cases) a recurrence anyway. Prevention works for conditions which we have cures for like polio. It doesn't work so well for cancer, heart disease, and such which is probably where most of the medical $$$ go anyway. \_ Have you included the value of saving the lives of fully-productive adult members of society in your calculation? [Hint: No.] -tom \_ We are comparing prevention to no prevention + treatment. Are you claiming that the former actually saves more lives (aside from the known beneficial cases, e.g., vaccinations)? -- ilyas \_ The data shows that the cases where preventative care actually does save productive lives are very rare, except for those few known things like vaccines or a single colonoscopy at a certain age. \_ This depends entirely on what you consider preventative: is abstinence education prevent- ative? how about safe sex classes including information on condoms? It makes sense, though, that certain testable measures are much more reliable than, say, handing out pamphlets. \_ No, because over 1/3 of the current costs of the medical system go to the "free market" beauracracy. All those countries that go to the "free market" bureaucracy. All those countries that have introduced universal health care have cut costs. I leave it as an exercise for the reader to discover how this could possibly have happened. \_ US government != European governments. As history proves over and over again, US government = inefficient beauracracy that cannot be trusted, and hence we have no choice but to rely on the free market. \_ You mean inefficient like the US Army or Marine Corp? \_ Our military branches are efficient at torture. \_ They save costs because you die while waiting to get the surgery you need because of rationing. The free market can allocate resources much more effectively than some bureaucrat can. If you really want to cut costs you should eliminate insurance entirely. Right now people don't pay attention to whether their doctor charges $1400 versus $1200 for a procedure. If it's within the customary averages insurance companies are going to pay it. However, if that extra $200 comes out of their pocket you can be sure people will pay more attention to costs. Our current nightmare of employer-sponsored HMO plans is basically already Universal Healthcare for the working class. Sure, you can purchase individual coverage but how many people eligible for an employer-sponsored plan do that? (And if they do, not many employers refund their portion of the premium!) For the elderly we already have Medicare. Universal health care is a step in the wrong direction. Eliminate virtual-mandatory participation in these plans and watch both doctors and patients become much happier as they split that 1/3 overhead that HMOs currently enjoy. I pay $600/month for health insurance if you count my portion and my employer's portion and I am under 40 and healthy. That's your UHC tax right there. Refund it back to me and let me decide how to obtain medical care. Don't legislate away the only choice I have (not to participate). \_ Savings have to come from eliminating bureaucratic fat, better experimental study design (so we actually know what works), and more personalized medicine (relying on averages works), and more RUSSIAN medicine (relying on averages is expensive and kills people). People who just want Universal Healthcare <tm> basically aren't thinking about the problem, they are just shouting a political meme. -- ilyas \_ You mean how the free market so efficiently allocated resources during the dot-com bubble and the housing run-up and collapse? Simply repeating your ideological position does make it any more persuasive. Yes, the free market rations health care according to ability to pay and state run systems allocate them according to need. Guess which one gets more bang for your buck? People die in both systems waiting for health care. \_ What exactly was wrong with the <DEAD>dot.com<DEAD> bubble or the housing run-up? It's how markets work. I'm sure you far prefer the former Soviet Union which didn't have those "problems". Bureaucrats cannot decide "need" as well as dollars can. I argue that more bang for the buck is the one that eliminates the middle-man. \_ The medicare and VA bureaucracy is much more lightweight than the HMO/medical insurance one is. I prefer what works, not what my ideology tells me "must" work. \_ I think you are the one with an ideological problem here. \_ Another issue is that people without insurance or ability to pay still get care in emergency rooms. I don't know what the $ numbers are for those cases. But most med insurance is pretty obviously not very efficient. If med. insurance should be mandatory it should have really high deductibles. The biggest problem with insurance is that it neuters market forces towards the medical industry. With most insurance plans, all doctors and all drugs cost similar amounts, barring some brand name vs. generic category things. The consumer as you say has little reason to look for medical "deals". And insurance is expensive, and those who aren't insured freeload. \_ Exactly. There is no reason to shop around. When shopping for a new doctor how many people inquire as to his rates? How many times do you pay your bill at the doctor *after* services are rendered? High deductibles and large co-pays make sense, but I do not think that's what the UHC people have in mind. Anyone who has spent time at a free clinic (or knows someone who works at one) realizes what a disaster that is for all involved. We should be looking for a more streamlined solution, not a bigger and more difficult to administer solution with mandatory participation that will screw middle-class taxpayers even more than they already are while doing nothing to improve medical care. \_ I agree with everything except for your conclusion. UHC works very well in the places it has been tried: the US Army, VA hospitals, Canada, England, etc. In this country, we will probably have to have a two tier system, more like England, rather than a mandatory participation system, like Canada, though. \_ Do you know anyone in the military? My gf's mom was an Air Force and then Army nurse (active duty) for 30 years and when she retired from nursing she continued to work closely with Tricare, NIH, VA, and State Dept (believe it or not they are involved for things l like sharing patient data between branches of military) as a consultant. She was also a hospital administrator for a military hospital and her daughter (my gf's sister) is Air Force reserves, former Army, and works full-time for the VA right now. In addition, my gf's dad and stepdad were both military officers and my gf's sister's ex-husband is active duty Army who spent time in Iraq. I can say from my experiences at military hospitals (visiting) and from the stories I've heard that I do not want military medicine or the VA as a model for anything. \_ I grew up on military bases all my life. My father was a hospital administrator for the Navy (35 years service). While I would not suggest that OCHAMPUS is by any means perfect, it provided adequate health and dental coverage for us throughout my childhood. I would consider it a fine model for basic services. --erikred \_ The key words you used were 'adequate' and 'basic services'. I would say 'substandard'. I wouldn't go to a military hospital unless I had to. Lots of military people like it because it's free to them, but if I had a serious illness I would rather it be treated elsewhere. Also, ask your dad about the waste that goes on. For instance, military hospitals require the RNs to be trained in almost every discipline. Private hospitals only require nurses train in the field they work. I think that part of the reason that military healthcare seems cheap is that many costs are hidden. For instance, doctors' salaries are very low (which scares me in itself) but there are other benefits they receive which many think makes it worth their while. You will not be able to hire doctors privately at those salaries because the total package needs to be evaluated (e.g. retirement benefits, travel benefits, and so on). I am not sure if studies that examine the costs of military medicine account for these externalities. The military hospitals receive many benefits private hospitals do not just by virtue of being part of the military machine and yet the quality of care still sucks. \_ I was a medic for three years, so yes I am familiar with the military medical system. I think it is fine. The VA system is even better. We can easily hire doctors at the pay level that the military pays them: that is what MDs make everywhere in the world, except here. The AMA artificially keeps the supply low, to inflate salaries. I am surprised that such a purported free market cheerleader would not be aware of this fact. \_ Many people would dispute your assertion re: AMA. The AMA does not have this power. Less than 20% of physicians are members and the AMA has no direct regulatory authority. Also, many countries keep MD salaries artificially low. Spain, for instance, recruits MDs from Eastern Europe and Third World nations at low salaries and holds them hostage with visas. It's not worthwile for Spaniards to even bother with medical school at those wages. The salaries of US doctors are high and it's one reason we have a high standard of care. Plus, US doctor salaries have actually eroded over the past 40 years. \_ The AMA controls licensing for medical schools, which is how they keep the number of doctors low. Show me proof that MD salaries have eroded over the last 40 years, because I don't believe it. Maybe for primary care docs, but almost assuredly not for specialists. Salaries are high due to monopoly pricing power, not quality. \_ The AMA does no such thing. The government controls this. Sure, the AMA is a lobby but they can't mandate anything. http://tinyurl.com/e33gk http://tinyurl.com/4yn35s \_ Your articles provide support for my claim that an artificial shortage of MDs has been created. And a four year snapshot of MD salaries from 10 years ago doesn't prove much. Lately MD salaries are going up: http://www.csua.org/u/l96 \_ An artificial shortage of MDs has been created by whom? \_ AMA of course. Why is it so hard to get a medical edu.? Actually learning the stuff isn't that hard, but getting into the school is. -!pp \_ The articles dispute that the AMA has any such power. such power. It is the gov't that you trust to admin UHC which is the problem. -/ http://www.acgme.org/acWebsite/newsRoom/newsRm_acGlance.asp "The ACGME's member organizations are the American Board of Medical Specialties, American Hospital Association, American Medical Association, Association of American Medical Colleges, and the Council of Medical Specialty Societies. Member organizations each appoint four members to the Board of Directors, which also includes two resident members, three public directors, the chair of the Council of Review Committee Chairs and a non-voting federal representative." The AMA is one of the people on the board of the organization that certifies medical schools, but is not the only member. \- Might be of interest: WSJ article on non-profit hospital profits: http://tinyurl.com/55v9th \_ Nice to know, but in the end it is the government (through Medicare) \_ Nice to know, but in the end is it the government (through Medicare) that funds residents. In theory, we don't need any more accredited programs to churn out more doctors. We just need more students in the existing programs. \_ In other words, the AMA (amongst others) controls licensing for medical schools, which is what I said. The AMA also agressively lobbies the government to underfund medical education, but that is a bit more complicated as there are other players. But for generations, the AMA has done everything in its power to keep the number of doctors artificially low. Nice to see that some people are waking up to the fact that this might not be a good idea afterall. \_ This is what you said: "The AMA controls licensing for medical schools" (This statement is not really true as the AMA does not have sole, or even majority, control. They have input.) "which is how they keep the number of doctors low." (This statement is not really true either since, as I pointed out, the number of residents is largely determined by the government.) The AMA is a lobby out to protect the interests of doctors. Wow, what a shocker. Next you will tell me that UAW is trying to protect American autoworker jobs. However, the AMA always gets blame for artificially limiting the number of doctors and the reality is that they don't have that capability. They have the desire, but let's not overstate their authority. The biggest party at fault is the government - the same government that people want to run Universal Health Care. \_ You said "the government controls this" which is entirely false. "The government" is you and me, put the blame where it belongs. \_ You can increase funding for medical residents? You should get on that. |
2008/4/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:49648 Activity:nil |
4/2 http://blog.wired.com/cars/2008/04/should-drivers.html?nup=1&mbid=yhp "Yet motorists in Los Angeles County might be paying an extra 9 cents per gallon at the gas pump -- or an additional $90 on their vehicle registration fees. The purpose? It would help fight global warming." Yeah. Let's do this here in the Bay Area also. |
2008/4/1-6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49637 Activity:nil |
4/1 The Masculinist Coalition http://masculinists.org/updates \- YMWTGF("Harvey Mansfield", manliness) \- Professor Mansfield touched me. I am lewis@soda. |
2008/3/28 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49593 Activity:nil |
3/28 Google Maps is lame. From 34643 Allegheny Ct, Fremont, CA To 1309 Elmer St., Unit A, Belmont, CA Yahoo Maps: via Dumbarton Br, 18.3 miles Google Maps: via San Mateo Br, 23.2 miles \_ Yeah, google maps really hates the dumbarton for some reason. |
2008/3/23-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:49541 Activity:low |
3/23 Democracy comes to isolated kingdom - Yahoo! News: http://www.csua.org/u/l3q '"If you had a referendum, even today, Bhutan would reject democracy. That's the ground reality," said Khandu Wangchuk, the burly, gravel- voiced former foreign minister who is running for a seat in the western town of Paro. "But there's no use wishing democracy away."' Between the Democratic presidential nomination and the Taiwan election yesterday, this is strange news. \- Bhutan is not a "normal place". The "gross national happiness" would be a lot lower if not for massive indian subsidies. would be a lot lower if not for massive Indian subsidies. Imagine Hawaii without govt handouts, and the govt not turning a blind eye to Hawaiian price discrimination etc. For example Bhutanese can buy cars heavily subsidiezed by find from India, which they then turn around and sell at a profit to Indians ... rinse and repeat. Also they have no foreign policy/defense expenditure etc. Bhutanese can buy cars heavily subsidized by India, which they then turn around and sell at a profit to Indians ... rinse and repeat. Also they have no foreign policy/defense expenditure etc. And this doesn include airport, power, road building etc subsidies or outright construction. Bhutan = leech. \_ The Feb. Natl Geo paints those subsidies as India buying hydro- electric power. Is this not a correct depiction? \- I have not read the National Geographic article, so I cannot comment on that, but there is very large development subsisdies as well as non-developmental subsidies from India. Bhutan doesnt do anything other than moderate tourism. Bhutan = leech. |
2008/3/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49436 Activity:high 80%like:49431 |
3/12 Spitzer's Kristen, 5'5" 105lbs revealed. Don't drool! http://www.pagesix.com/story/spitzer+s+hooker+revealed \_ ANOREXIA!!! \_ No way is that woman 105 pounds. \_ How about this one: http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sportbikebabe4cx4.jpg I'm guessing 5'5" 100lbs. \_ More like 115-120. \_ Depends on how tall she is. 115-120 is not thin for a woman who is 5'2". More like 95-100. Models are usually about 5'9" 120. \_ Well look at the MOTORCYCLE!!! The in-seam height of a CBR600RR is about 32-32.5". Extrapolate, and you'll get the actual height. I can't do it now because I'm at work. \_ http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/13/nyregion/12cnd-kristen.html \_ Liberal new york times. \_ You crack me up. So, when the NYT reports the biggest scandal of the moment, and it happens to be to a hypocrite Dem, that means they're not Liberal? Or what does your post mean? \_ http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2008/0312084kristen1.html \_ Wait he paid $5K a trip for her? WTF I wouldn't pay over $285/session for this woman. I can get better looking women for only $300-500/session. \_ Why do you go to hookers? \_ C? Looks more like a B to me. \_ Some of us have seen real breasts. That's a nice full C in that photo. \_ My ex had D and my wife has A. I've seen and touched them countless times. IMHO the ones in the pic look closer to A than to D. So I guessed they're B. -- PP \_ So in other words you have very little boob experience. |
2008/3/12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49431 Activity:nil 80%like:49436 |
3/12 Spitzer's Kristen, 5'10" 105lbs revealed. Don't droll! http://www.pagesix.com/story/spitzer+s+hooker+revealed |
2008/3/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49404 Activity:nil 88%like:49402 |
3/10 Why there won't be a second Florida primary: http://preview.tinyurl.com/2yz4s2 [new republic] |
2008/3/10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49402 Activity:nil 88%like:49404 |
3/10 Why there won't be a second Florida primary: http://www.tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=8da17f52-5cff-4a48-9d49-a7d2293aefd9 |
2008/3/8-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49392 Activity:moderate |
3/8 So here is a question: it's conventional widsom that CA and NY are Hillary States. However, I dont really meet a lot of pro-Hill people ... but most of the people I encounter among whom this politics comes up are high incomes 30 somethings ... so not really Hillary constituency [menopausal women and economic losers and Hollywood insiders?] ... so does anybody here live in a heavily Hillary pocket of CA? If so, who and where is this crowd? Stockton? North Hollywood? Malibu? Palo Alto PTA? \_ You probably don't hang out with enough Asians or Latinos. \_ Asians above age 45 are afraid of/dont trust a Black man? There are a lot of younger, high incomes, liberal Asians in the Bay Area. Which Asians are you talking about? \_ Look at the demographic or by-county breakdown of Obama vs. Hillary voting in CA, that's all I'm saying. The by-county breakdown is particularly interesting. \_ What does O's race have to do with it? I thought only the evil republicans were racists. Please help me out here. \_ Racism has nothing to do with party affiliation. Does that help? ok tnx. \_ Do you know any women at all? Almost all the women I know are voting for Hillary, most of whom are in there 30's or above and have good educations and jobs. These women live in San Francisco and Riverside. \- do all the hillary women you know wear pantsuits? i have talked the small number of hillary-women i know out of supporting her by mocking/shaming them ... by making them feel dumb or hypociritical. well at least they publicly claimed to have switched. \_ FWIW, Obama won San Francisco county 52% to 44.5%: http://csua.org/u/kzw (latimes.com) She cleaned up in Riverside, however. In more recent elections, Obama has been splitting younger and educated women, however...only the older women have been sticking with her by big margins. FYI, all of the women I know voted for Obama with the exception of my mom. No argument seems to persuade the older women out of the "But she's a woman" argument. \_ Right and since her support skews female it is obvious that a majority or close to it of San Francisco women voters voted for her. \_ One more note on this - after a recount, Obama picked up 8 more delegates in CA when the vote was certified this week. This was not widely reported. I'm not sure what the "official" vote totals ended up looking like. \_ My mom (in her 60s) voted for Obama. Most women I have talked to are in favor of HRC, though. |
2008/3/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49391 Activity:nil 88%like:49381 |
3/7 CA judge outlaws homeschooling? http://preview.tinyurl.com/2x2g2y (sfgate.com) \_ "The ruling was applauded by a director for the state's largest teachers union." surprise, surprise, surprise. -crebbs [formatd] \_ You know, I don't have any use for religion, but I have even less for meddling government bureaucrats. Hey Teacher! Leave those kids alone! |
2008/3/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49381 Activity:high 88%like:49391 |
3/7 CA judge outlaws homeschooling? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/03/07/MNJDVF0F1.DTL \_ "The ruling was applauded by a director for the state's largest teachers union." surprise, surprise, surprise. -crebbs [formatd] \_ You know, I don't have any use for religion, but I have even less for meddling government beauracrats. Hey Teacher! Leave those kids for meddling government bureaucrats. Hey Teacher! Leave those kids alone! \_ "The ruling was applauded by a director for the state's largest teachers union." surprise, surprise, surprise. -crebbs |
2008/3/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49371 Activity:nil |
3/6 No one remembers that the national Dems warned FL Dems not to have their early primary? And FL Dems chose to do it anyway (deciding not to have a caucus later)? http://www.sptimes.com/2007/06/13/State/Florida_primary_will_.shtml \_ I remember, why did you forget or something? The FL voters are always trying to twist the rules to their advantage, remember 2000? \_ That wasn't the voters |
2008/2/29-3/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49299 Activity:nil |
2/28 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3gQfz8GC0o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Etk_O-nhlA4 \_ Hillary cackles in response to serious questions as technique to avoid answering same questions. Amusing but not really meaningful now since her campaign ended Feb 5th. |
2008/2/25-29 [Politics/Domestic/California, Transportation/PublicTransit] UID:49241 Activity:high |
2/24 so who here is up for giving FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS to AC Transit so they can completely foul up east bay city traffic by making bus only lanes up and down shattuck all the way down International, closely mirroring BART (why? no clue), and to give San Francisco 1.5 billion to 6 billion dollars to build a 3 stop subway from Chinatown to the ballpark (they claim it'll cost 1.5 billion, this thing is going to go under the most densely populated spot on the entire west coast, yay sure it'll only cost 1.5 billion. \_ Roads are fucking expensive. Traffic costs a shitload of money to deal with. That's why the "trains aren't efficient" idiots don't have a leg to stand on. \_ Trains can be efficient, but you keep trying to cram that square peg into round holes. In *most* instances, trains are poor solutions to transit problems. There are *some* instances where they work, but they are few and far between. \_ yes, those few and far between places are called "cities" \_ Cities of a certain size and density that are also built around a central core of which there aren't many. \_ yeah, cities with downtowns are so rare. uh, not. \_ How many factors did I cite? Cities that possess all 3 are rare. For instance, LA and San Jose have only 1 of the 3 (size). Many have downtowns but not size or density. The concept of a downtown is a turn of the century idea and the concept of people commuting from suburbs to a downtown for work is from maybe the 1930s and 1940s. It hasn't been that way for a long time. How many people out of the Bay Area population commute to downtown SF for work? Not that many. Not even Tom. Isn't it like 5%? (350K out of 7M) And that's for a dense city with lots of high-paying jobs. (Note: LA and SJ obviously have downtowns, but these exist mostly in name only.) \_ Seriously, I bet I could name hundreds. Do you really want me to start? Anytime you have enough density of population trains are the way to go. \_ Just name 5 in CA. \_ SF, LA, SD, Sacramento all could benefit from significant rail infrastructure. Oh no, that's only four in CA! You must be right! -tom \_ All of your cities are too big and lack a real city center for a real train system. Trains can supplement an auto system but never replace one. The idea is simply ridiculous. \_ Oakland. There, that's five. \_ Yay! What do we win? -tom \_ Are you kidding? I didn't say to just list names of cities in CA. \_ Those are all cities in CA which were built on rail transit. It's absurd to suggest that rail transit can't work in them. -tom \_ Sacramento's farebox recovery ratio is 20%. You call that working?! \_ Better than the 0% that the roads bring in. Farebox recovery is a red herring. -tom \_ Roads are not 0%. Every car on the road is contributing through fuel taxes and through the purchase of the car itself. \_ If you count taxes, the train system is doing just fine, right? Enough with the irrelevanices. -tom \_ That's a disingenuous response. You know damn well that fuel taxes are equivalent to train fares as a 'use tax'. \_ And what percentage of the total cost of auto usage is recovered by fuel taxes? \_ I dunno. Feel free to calculate and share. \_ Oh, so *now* you come up with a new requirement. Any city built before 1950 is probably going to be dense enough to support rail. That does exclude most of California's flash-in-the-plan unsustainable California's flash-in-the-pan unsustainable suburbs. \_ $400M just for marking the lanes or paving new lanes? URL please? \_ I'm not a big fan of the BRT proposal. I'm not sure about the Chinatown proposal; it would be better if it went a little further into North Beach. $1.5 billion is not that much money for a major infrastructure project; the Bay Bridge east span is costing four times that much (before they calculate the overruns). -tom \_ $400M is also the ballpark for the Caldecott fourth bore and the Devil's Slide tunnel. -tom \_ It was stupid to build the caldecott with 3 tunnels and it was stupid how much politics has gotten in the way and increased the price of the 4th bore over the last few decades everyone knew it was needed. \_ Obviously the free market didn't think it was needed, then or now. -tom \_ Why should the free market provide what the gubmint provides? You cannot compete with the government. \_ The Caldecott was completed in 1937; the third bore was added in 1964. The free market had 40 years to put in a tunnel there. Why didn't they? The Bay Bridge could have been replaced, another toll Bay crossing could be done privately. Why aren't these things done? Because they're huge money-losers. \_ So if they are money-losers then why does the government waste money on them? Sounds like you are wising up. \_ The purpose of government isn't to make money. -tom \_ Sign I saw today: "Paved roads: yet another example of government waste." Maybe the government should consider what makes financial sense before committing to spend money that isn't theirs. \_ If it's making investments on behalf of the public, the investments should have some real value to that public. Of course the problem again is accurately quantifying the benefit of such shared resources, who receives that benefit, and who should pay. And what other things might we use those resources for? Do I, living in the South Bay, really give a shit about the Bay Bridge? I wouldn't personally pay to use it. Would it stimulate economic growth of the area? I don't know, maybe it just screws with the natural market-driven path of development in other directions. \_ There's no such thing as a "natural market-driven path". It's a tautology. Yes, the government should evaluate different ways to invest public money to "promote the general welfare" (remember that bit?) As I've already noted many times, the cost/benefit equation is much better for rail than for roads; the analysis has been done. The only reason the U.S. doesn't build more rail is politics and the power of the corporations. -tom http://www.brookings.edu/views/papers/winston/200605-aeijc.pdf Every $1.00 spent on highway construction returns 11 cents in congestion reduction benefits. -tom \_ No point in drilling an extra bore. New roads become filled to capacity almost immediately anyway, mostly with frivolous trips. There is an almost unlimited appetite for "free" ways. \_ I like the way you think. Since there's no point in providing a service that will *gasp* just get used(!!!) we should only provide services people don't need or want. They won't get used and we'll save a lot of money. Bravo! \_ Why didn't they? Because government regulations make it impossible for non-government to do such a thing. Duh. You can't just build your own bridge anywhere you damned well feel like it. You're just trolling now, right? You can't actually believe this stuff. \_ Perhaps you could list all the proposals private companies came up with for building new tunnels and bridges in the Bay Area. Surely there would be some interest in a new Bay crossing, even if it required a toll. And private industry is (ideologically) so much more efficient than government, they should be able to do it cheaper, right? Why didn't they try to supply the demand? -tom \_ You are right, they should spend twice as much and run it all the way to Fisherman's Wharf. Someday they will, I am sure. We spend more then $1.5B in Iraq every week. \_ Iraq? Yawn. Has nothing to do with anything. "We've spent money on dumber things before!" is not a reason to spend money on some other dumb thing, even a somewhat less dumb thing. \_ Stop wasting all that money in Iraq and we will have money for all kinds of useful things, like transit. |
2008/2/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:49225 Activity:low |
2/24 I'm about to buy a home in an unincorporated city, what are some of the ramifications of having a home in an unincorporated city? Does that men we're screwed if the road/sewage/water need repairs? What about tax and other ramifications? \_ I live in an unincorporated area. A lot of it depends on who provides your services. It's usually the county. If you live in a rich county it can be good. A poor county might mean you don't get good services. Taxes will be less. In my particular case, we get better police and fire services, worse roads and utilities, more freedom when it comes to building codes and ordinances (can be a plus or a minus), worse humane society, and worse library system. case, we get better police and fire services, worse roads, worse electric utility, more freedom when it comes to building codes, zoning and ordinances (can be a plus or a minus), worse humane society, and worse library system. No difference with schools in my situation (which again can be better or worse - some uninc. areas have their own school system and others use a nearby district and it can vary which is better). The sewer and water are handled by my county either way. In short, the bad part is that there's no one to complain to and the good part is that there's no one placing restrictions on you. If you like HOAs you might not like an unincorporated area. If you like more freedom you will. My county has more money and so a plus is that when we want something expensive all we have to do is convince our county supervisor. That means we can get expensive things a small city may not be able to afford if we can make a case for them. (A certain amount is budgeted by the county for our district and that is not true in incorporated areas where the county figures the city should pick up the cost.) Essentially, we have access to a bigger pool of funds to use on pet projects like redevelopment zones, parks, and libraries. (Even though our library system is worse than the nearby city that's just because theirs is really extensive. Ours is very nice for an area our size.) Over the years there have been many votes to incorporate or to be annexed to the nearby city and they have all failed, so the majority of people must like the status quo (probably don't want to pay the additional 0.25% property tax in exchange for being told what to do). \_ Thanks Unincorporate City Guru! It's very very useful! May I ask which county or city you live in? \_ The answer is: it depends. Who provides sewer, water, power and heating gas? Is there a chance your neighbors are going to get together and vote you all a tax increase to pay for more services? Read up on what a Mello-Roos is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mello-Roos \_ Communities, incorporated or not, can vote taxes for themselves. It's not really relevant to the discussion. Mello Roos is tangential as well. Unincorporated areas don't necessarily have Mello Roos fees. I would guess most don't. \_ An area without water, electricity or sewer is much more likely to vote a tax increase to fund those things than an area that already has them. \_ Sure, but what does that have to do with incorporated vs. unincorporated? Absolutely nothing. \_ You know of incorporated areas with no sewer, water or electricity? In America??? \_ Yes. All you have to do is leave the cities. Go to the central coast of CA for instance and you will find homes which are part of a city but which get water from a well and use septic for waste. Hell, La Canada Flintridge just got a sewer system in the last 10 years and it's a wealthy city. The residents voted to pay for it and some people got majorly screwed. My boss had a $40K bill for his portion *and* he had just installed a new septic system just a few years before. Yes, it is an incorporated city (1976). |
2008/2/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Humor] UID:49223 Activity:nil |
2/23 it would be reall funny if huckabee somehow won the nomination \_ I'd never vote for him, but you've got to appreciate a man with a sense of humor. Good on him for doing Weekend Update on SNL. --erikred \_ I would love to see it, since I always thought Huckabee was sort of like some SNL character to begin with. \_ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hac-UHi56Xc Probably not good for long, since YouTube deletes SNL clips mighty quickly. --erikred \_ key word: somehow \_ Already gone. \_ On the SNL site now: http://csua.org/u/kw9 |
2008/2/22-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:49214 Activity:nil |
2/22 House GOP plaigarizes new season of 24: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY9iXX1fT3A \_ Dude this is awsome! \_ Yeah, they've got the Jerry Bruckheimer vote in the bag. \_ key word: usually |
2008/2/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:49162 Activity:nil |
2/15 http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5i5y6nS4ErwjpwekMrJe53uPrnTcwD8UQCMEG2 :wq le |
2008/2/14-18 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:49148 Activity:kinda low |
2/14 Seriously, does a black man really have a chance against a more experienced (though controversial) white Caucasian candidate? Is America really ready for a black President? \_ What is this "experience" that she and everyone keep talking about? \_ Is America ready for a 72 year old President? \_ Reagan was 70-78 years old during his presidency. \_ What is this "experience" that she keeps talking about? \_ Someone had to mind the store while Bill was busy with the staff. \_ Given how people are talking when interviewed, this really appears to have become a non-issue. \_ Americans vote for charming winners that appeal to their hearts while right wing people vote for smarties (or at least those who seem annoyingly smug about their superier intelligence) \_ Please tell me this was edited after the fact. http://csua.com/2008/02/04/#49061_ (stop deleting this asshat) It's not about the policies, damnit. \_ Oh look, it's Mr. MAINSTREAM AMERICA posting again. \_ Really? I thought right wing was anti-smarty. It's the liberals that always say they're the smart people. Big city elites and all that. \_ Rush always says that Democrats are a bunch of crack smoking welfare moms. Does he mean welfare moms with PhDs? Don't forget the illegals and lazy Union thugs. Are these all supposed to be intellectuals? \_ Think Presidents David and Wayne Palmer. But one hopes that Michelle Obama is nothing like Sherry Palmer. \_ I love conservatives. When it comes to policy, 'racism doesn't exist anymore.' When it comes to candidates, 'OH NOES BLACK GUY RUN FOR THE HILLS!' \_ Why do you listen to Rush? \_ After seeing Presidents David and Wayne Palmer in action, America is totally ready for a black president. A black first lady, however, is a different story. Hopefully Mrs. Obama is nothing like Sherry Palmer. \_ This country is not ready for a black president. This contry isn't ready for a female president either. However, it is ready for a moron president (http://www.presidentmoron.com |
2008/2/14-18 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49141 Activity:kinda low 75%like:49133 |
2/13 Mythbusting Canadian Health Care http://preview.tinyurl.com/2gpm64 (part I - http://ourfuture.org) http://preview.tinyurl.com/27ejwh (part II - http://ourfuture.org) \_ Oh sure, you'd expect this from free-market deniers. \_ Care to respond to the arguments or just blather and set up strawmen? \_ "1. Canada's health care system is "socialized medicine." False. In socialized medical systems, the doctors work directly for the state." This is a joke. It's a semantic nit-pick. (And goes downhill from there.) \_ All I can say is that I have one of the best PPOs money can buy in the USA, and it SUCKS DONKEY BALLS. If what Canada has is socialism, then bring on the socialism. ok thx. \_ What sucks about your PPO? \_ Maybe your PPO isn't as good as you think. My current one sucks, but my previous one was awesome. If yours sucks then it doesn't indict the entire medical system. \_ Move to Canada then. \_ yeah, because who would want to do anything to improve America? -tom \_ I don't think it would be good for America, and the arguments at the links above are specious. I think the government needs to get *less* involved in health care, not more. If you want Canada's system, go to Canada. \_ If the system changes and you don't like it, where are you going to go? -tom \_ Excellent non sequitur, sir! \_ Mexico, where health care is cheap and of high quality. \_ Cuba! \_ What exactly sucks about it? That it's not free? \_ This is my favorite: "We'll have rationed care Don't look now: but America does ration care. And it does it in the most capricious, draconian, and often dishonest way possible. "Mostly, the US system rations care by simply eliminating large numbers of people from the system due to an inability to pay." Um, yes. That's called capitalism. This is saying, "socialized health care would be better because socialism is better!" -emarkp \_ no, it's saying that capitalism rations care. -tom \_ No, capitalism puts care on a market. \_ and that's good because...? \_ Because markets are a proven mechanism for optimizing results and give you a choice of where and how to spend your money. What's good about socialism? You are trying to change the system so the onus is on you. \_ Evolution is also a proven mechanism for optimizing results. Just let all the poor, dumb people die, it's the natural order of things. \_ Don't forget about the UNLUCKY. Evolution doesn't care if it operates fairly. Fairness is a human peculiarity. \_ Darwinism does account for luck where both the lucky and unlucky offset each other hence you'll still find order in any chaos system. \_ It's lots of fun for those who lose because of bad luck, isn't it? \_ It is a fallacy that markets optimize results. An obvious failure case in the health realm is that markets don't provide universal vaccine, which ends up being a larger public health cost than vaccine would be. -tom \_ I'm not saying everything should only be driven purely by markets. So provide free vaccine. Next? \_ Socialist. \_ Exceptions don't mean it's a fallacy. "Commons" concerns are a known area where markets alone can't optimize the problem, because the costs and benefits aren't easily quantified or owned. Another example is stuff like national parks and open space. The actual value of open space to the society at large or in the area is hard to accurately capture. I'm open to discussion of what constitutes such cases but I don't see convincing arguments with respect to health care. \_ Proven, you mean like how the markets put CAs power out a few years back? And gave us M$ as a monopoly product? No one seriously believes in unregulated markets as a mechanism for optimizing anything. \_ No one seriously promotes unregulated markets, dumbass. Power markets are a laughable example however: regulations prevented investment in more power infrastructure. \_ Then if you agree we need to regulate markets you are just arguing over how much "socialism" we really need. \_ Regulation (laws) is not socialism, dumbass. \_ I'm confused. op posts article debunking myths about Canada's healthcare system. emarkp makes comparison to socialism. criticisms of capitalism follow, then praises of capitalism (by way of the free market, i.e., competition), then bad examples of said competition, then qualifications based on possible limited regulation, followed by ironic invocation of "socialism," followed by literal reference to socialism. At what point does any of this point to the US system somehow being better? \_ dumbass \_ Yay! You're contributing! \_ Well, it's true but oddly twisted. All limited resources must be rationed some how. I only know of 3 ways, money, politics, and violence. The Free Market uses money for a variety of good reasons, but sometimes it doesn't work. However, we are so used to the free market that we only call political rationing, rationing. It's just a matter of common language use. \_ No, it's saying "fears of rationing care are based on a fictional lack of rationed care in the US." \_ I love this argument: - Universal health care is Socialism! Capitalism rox! F U TAXES! - Our health care system sucks! We need Canada's system! OBAMA!! |
2008/2/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:49133 Activity:high 75%like:49141 |
2/13 Mythbusting Canadian Health Care http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/mythbusting-canadian-health-care-part-i http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/mythbusting-canadian-healthcare-part-ii-debunking-free-marketeers \_ Oh sure, you'd expect this from free-market deniers. \_ Care to respond to the arguments or just blather and set up strawmen? \_ "1. Canada's health care system is "socialized medicine." False. In socialized medical systems, the doctors work directly for the state." This is a joke. It's a semantic nit-pick. This is a joke. It's a semantic nit-pick. (And goes downhill from there.) \_ All I can say is that I have one of the best PPOs money can buy in the USA, and it SUCKS DONKEY BALLS. If what Canada has is socialism, then bring on the socialism. ok thx. \_ Move to Canada then psb. \_ That wasn't psb. --also not psb \_ Maybe your PPO isn't as good as you think. My current one sucks, but my previous one was awesome. If yours sucks then it doesn't indict the entire medical system. \_ Move to Canada then. \_ yeah, because who would want to do anything to improve America? -tom \_ I don't think it would be good for America, and the arguments at the links above are specious. I think the government needs to get *less* involved in health care, not more. If you want Canada's system, go to Canada. \_ If the system changes and you don't like it, where are you going to go? -tom \_ Excellent non sequitur, sir! \_ Mexico, where health care is cheap and of high quality. \_ Cuba! \_ What exactly sucks about it? That it's not free? \_ This is my favorite: "We'll have rationed care Don't look now: but America does ration care. And it does it in the most capricious, draconian, and often dishonest way possible. "Mostly, the US system rations care by simply eliminating large numbers of people from the system due to an inability to pay." Um, yes. That's called capitalism. This is saying, "socialized health care would be better because socialism is better!" -emarkp \_ no, it's saying that capitalism rations care. -tom \_ No, capitalism puts care on a market. \_ and that's good because...? \_ Because markets are a proven mechanism for optimizing results and give you a choice of where and how to spend your money. What's good about socialism? You are trying to change the system so the onus is on you. \_ Evolution is also a proven mechanism for optimizing results. Just let all the poor, dumb people die, it's the natural order of things. \_ Don't forget about the UNLUCKY. Evolution doesn't care if it operates fairly. Fairness is a human peculiarity. \_ It is a fallacy that markets optimize results. An obvious failure case in the health realm is that markets don't provide universal vaccine, which ends up being a larger public health cost than vaccine would be. -tom \_ I'm not saying everything should only be driven purely by markets. So provide free vaccine. Next? \_ Socialist. \_ Exceptions don't mean it's a fallacy. "Commons" concerns are a known area where markets alone can't optimize the problem, because the costs and benefits aren't easily quantified or owned. Another example is stuff like national parks and open space. The actual value of open space to the society at large or in the area is hard to accurately capture. I'm open to discussion of what constitutes such cases but I don't see convincing arguments with respect to health care. \_ Proven, you mean like how the markets put CAs power out a few years back? And gave us M$ as a monopoly product? No one seriously believes in unregulated markets as a mechanism for optimizing anything. \_ No one seriously promotes unregulated markets, dumbass. Power markets are a laughable example however: regulations prevented investment in more power infrastructure. \_ Then if you agree we need to regulate markets you are just arguing over how much "socialism" we really need. \_ Regulation (laws) is not socialism, dumbass. \_ I'm confused. op posts article debunking myths about Canada's healthcare system. emarkp makes comparison to socialism. criticisms of capitalism follow, then praises of capitalism (by way of the free market, i.e., competition), then bad examples of said competition, then qualifications based on possible limited regulation, followed by ironic invocation of "socialism," followed by literal reference to socialism. At what point does any of this point to the US system somehow being better? \_ Well, it's true but oddly twisted. All limited resources must be rationed some how. I only know of 3 ways, money, politics, and violence. The Free Market uses money for a variety of good reasons, but sometimes it doesn't work. However, we are so used to the free market that we only call political rationing, rationing. It's just a matter of common language use. \_ No, it's saying "fears of rationing care are based on a fictional lack of rationed care in the US." \_ I love this argument: - Universal health care is Socialism! Capitalism rox! F U TAXES! - Our health care system sucks! We need Canada's system! OBAMA!! |
2008/2/13-18 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49131 Activity:moderate |
2/12 Why does Feinstein keep getting elected by California? She's like our version of Lieberman. http://tinyurl.com/34kexz \_ Last chance to stop it: link:secure.eff.org/site/Advocacy?id=363 \_ because the democrats are too wimpy to run anyone plausible against her. She's a serious sell-out. -tom \_ What has she sold out on? \_ Follow the URL. OP: thanks for the link -- I was looking for that info myself yesterday. \_ Patriot Act. DMCA. Iraq. Mukasey. FISA. Death penalty. Flag burning, for chrissakes. -tom \_ Who is your ideal office holder? (Among all national level elected figures). \_ how is that relevant? DiFi is inches away from being a neocon. -tom \_ Shows how far left you are. Ask your NRA friends what they think of Feinstein. \_ It's "far left" to be against the Patriot Act, DMCA, and FISA? -tom DMCA, FISA, and the flag burning amendment? -tom \_ I wouldn't call Feinstein "far left" but she's certainly not "inches away from being a neocon". She's not even close to a moderate right winger let alone a neocon. \_ So she has a few votes you don't like. What about the rest of her zillion year voting record? No politician is going to agree with you 100%. What politician has a 100% record with you? \_ ...? If you have perhaps a half-dozen hot- button issues, and she screws you over on all six, the rest of her record becomes increasingly irrelevant. \_ Her voting against one's personal HB issues doesn't make her a sell-out. I'd still like to know the candidate anyone here agrees with 100%. \_ How would you define "sell-out"? -tom \_ What candidate has a 100% track record with you? \_ Someone who mostly votes against party lines and/or constituents' desires. Since Feinstein keeps getting re-elected it looks like the voters are happy with her record. I am. Not everyone who votes 'D' is as far left as you. \_ What credible liberal candidate has run against Feinstein? The fact that she can beat a tool like Michael Huffington by less than 2% (failing to even get a majority) is hardly an endorsement. -tom \_ Someone would run against her if they thought they would win. \_ prove it. Party politicos tend to smack down serious challenges from within the party. -tom \_ Not if there's a person in office they dislike and who opposes their ideals. \_ Medea Benjamin? \_ Har. Oh, and DiFi is also from Stanford. -tom \_ Who do you consider to be a credible liberal? \_ Isn't that a plus? That she's smart? \_ Who do you consider to be a credible liberal? \_ executive summary: she voted against removing telecom immunity for illegal wiretapping from the FISA Amemdments bill passed by the senate. \_ so? \_ http://www.csua.org/u/krr Summary: very pro-choice and anti-gun, but other than that, mostly a moderate. |
2008/2/7-11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49088 Activity:moderate |
2/7 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120241324358751455.html?mod=googlenews_wsj Biofuels actual worsen warming and other problems, while gov't mandates their use. Score another one for meddling, overbearing, incompetent government. \_ You might want to look at who's really backing biofuels. -tom \_ How is that relavent to the point being made? \_ How is that relevant to the point being made? ADM and their ilk are backing it. Many of the environmentalists (at least the organizations) have come around and realized that only tools were supporting this, but guess what, it will continue to recieve giant subsidies. -crebbs will continue to be mandated and subsidized . -crebbs \_ The issue, then, is the power of the coporation, not "meddling, overbearing government." -tom \_ Govmnt is always acting on some's behalf. Usually some large already powerful organization like a corp. The difference is that the coporation does not have the power the forcibly take my money (without getting the government to do it for them). and use it fuck shit up. Only the Govmnt has this and use it to fuck shit up. Only the Govmnt has this power, which is one of the reasons continually expanding the power of govmnt is a bad idea. (see Hayek for others (and more lucidity). It is also why the point made by top is relavent and it is not why the point made by top is relevant and it is not reasonable to try to move blame being rightfully assigned (a piss poor use of government power) to "the big evil corporations". (even if, as in this case, a particular big evil corporation certainly does share culpablility). -crebbs does share culpability). -crebbs \_ LIBERAL RANT ALERT BELOW! LIBERAL RANT! \_ Government doesn't inherently work on behalf of coroporations, although that's certainly been the case in the U.S. since Reagan took office. The more you weaken government, the less it has the ability to fight against the control of large powerful organizations. The fact that conservatives beholden to large corporate interests have been championing deregulation and lower taxes is not coincidental; it is quite intentionally meant to foster a specific pro-corporate ideology, that the purpose of the government is to protect coporate interests. -tom \_ If the government was limited to essential functions, instead of messing around with stuff like lightbulbs and fuel percentages, then corporations could not do this. Same goes for income tax shenanigans that corporations do: a simple fixed tax scheme would go a long way towards preventing those. \_ If coporations ran everything except "essential functions", we'd be worse off than we are. -tom \_ No we wouldn't. Yay! \_ Cf. Free Market in Baja California. \_ You're an idiot. \_ You're an asshat. Are we ready to talk like adults now? \_ The farm lobby? \_ Whoever cornered the corn market in Mexico? \- cornholio? \_ Isn't that guy worth more than Bill Gates now? \_ President Bush signed energy legislation in December that mandates a six-fold increase in ethanol use as a fuel to 36 billion gallons a year by 2022. See, it's all Bush's fault: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23057867 |
2008/2/6-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:49078 Activity:high |
2/5 How about this instead of the BS below: I found out my school district spends $16K per child and it's ranked in the bottom 1/3 in the State. Please explain why the State deserves more of my dollars. A family of four is not getting their $32K worth. In fact, many people in my city put their kids in private school even though the government is spending $16K/kid. That's a shitload of money for the government to waste. This is how well the government manages your money and the education of your kids. --dim \_ Nice. You forgot to mention that we need to deport Mexicans who are leeching off of tax dollars, that we need to be tough on crimes, and that we need to build bigger jails. \_ As opposed to... giving amnesty, being soft on crime, and shutting down jails? \_ Yay! Binary worldview! \_ You know, countries that don't provide social services end up having other problems like huge crime rate, mafia, gangster, child gangster, prostitution (e.g. Brazil) and that affects everyone from the middle class all the way to the upper class. I guess this huge disparity is one of the main reasons why nice LA/OC/SD homes are mostly gated communities with private security guards. \_ How about the State spend that $16K/pupil in a way that makes sense instead? Many private schools educate for less than $10K/pupil and even the best are at no more than $24K/pupil. Please tell me why the education is substandard at those rates. If the education was better maybe some of the poor kids stuck in public schools would contribute more to society and feel better about their prospects. \_ You can't compare costs of private and public schools directly, because of the selection bias of private schools. (Kids of poor families with uninvolved parents don't go to private school). -tom \_ Ah. This is the hew and cry of the liberal. When one \- did you go to private or public school? it's "hue and cry". --your common law consultant \_ Seems to be both now, although originally "hue and cry": http://tinyurl.com/3bh7fm http://tinyurl.com/32tod4 \_ If you're going by current usage, that's a pretty liberal definition of "seems to be both". Google has 548,000 hits for "hue and cry" vs. 888 for "hew and cry", a ratio of about 600:1. For comparison, "their" vs. "thier" gives 58:1. \- no, "hue" is correct. if hew is commonly used in error, it is still an error, \_ That's not really how our language works. \- i said "commonly used in error" not commonly used. common usage as slang or as a short cut is one thing ... there isnt a requirement to use say "whom" ... but in the case of a word with a known origin, there is a right and wrong. somebody can call herself "candee" but if you spell the sweet that way, it is wrong. say "shall" vs will ... but in the case of a word with a known origin, there is a right and wrong. eventhough geeks like virii, that is not correct since its not from a latin word for one. either in latin nor english today. \_ And it's not even commonly used in error, according to the Google stats above. as with "toe/tow the line". note that your second link is not to the "official" nyt, where "hue" is used. of the schools in my district scored highly even with mostly black and Hispanic students people like you said the same thing. It's self-selecting, the principal shipped out the bad kids, and so on. Nevermind the school was a shithole for 20 years before that. Now parents want their kids to attend there and the effect is snowballing. You have to start somewhere and putting kids in an environment conducive to learning is part of that. You cannot allow a few disruptive kids to destroy the entire system and the education of millions. The teachers and administrators are very upset that that school is doing well, which shows how sick the system is. \- look i dont disagree with you that $16k/student is a lot, but a couple of points: 1. the selection bias is a huge issue. my private high school spend something like half what public schools spent but they could choose who to take. they didnt have govt mandates to meet special education needs of of either handicapped students or the pain in the ass factor of difficult students. 2. surely you realize you can be matched one for one with outrages in the private sector. the bart supervisor making +$150k or the NYC school janitor who is filed fishing on his boat during school hours is trivial compared to corporate welfare, and the or the golden parachutes for incompent but not criminal executives in the private sector. private industrury make be more efficient at many things and one of them is extracting resources from the govt. \_ red herring: there is corporate graft so gvt graft is ok. it isn't. gvt graft is far worse because they extract my money by force and they choose how much to extract. if a corporation is run poorly they will go out of business. i do not have to give them my money if they provide a poor product or service or charge too much. "surely you realize" this. \- corporate graft [agaist shareholders] isnt the same as corporate welfare or graft agaist the govt. i'm not talking about high CEO salaries, backdating options etc. more things like no bid contracts, "socializing losses" etc that is "theft from the taxpayers" just like fraud in the oakland school district ... except they are better at it and the amounts are more. see savings and loan bail out, agriculture subsidies etc. \_ Uh huh, and this happens *only* because the gvt has that money available because it has taken it from tax payers. once the gvt takes your money, it matters little if they piss it away on public or private theft. a corporation can not take anything from me in a clean-gvt environment. clean the gvt and the rest automatically follows. you can not clean your sort of gvt-aided corporation theft while the gvt is dirty. \- this "starve the beast" analysis is ridiculous. you are choosing between what is possible not what is platonic. "the main reason american soldiers get killed is because we sent them to war" -> people in favor of war hate the troops BTW, if the corporations can influence what the standard is for breach of fiduciary duty and can get directors and officers insurance, then they certainly can rip you off. you should read barbarians at the gate for example. do you know how conflicts of interest work in practice during LBOs? you might also want to read james surowiecki. \_ I never said starve the beast. The rest of your stuff has nothing to do with what I said. I said a clean gvt will not give my tax dollars to corps for stupid/corrupt things. \_ I don't think you will find too many people arguing for a corrupt gov't. There have been arguments about how to best allocate resources for as long as their have been gov'ts, which is to say since the beginning of recorded history. What kind of things do you advocate to help clean up gov't, other than your somewhat ambiguous notion that it should be smaller? It seems to me that campaign finance reform might be a better place to start. \_ I didn't say it should be smaller, just that what they do have should be spent more wisely and less wastefully. If there was real oversight of budgets we stopped all earmarks, and corps were no longer 'citizens' with rights and were not allowed to donate money to politicians, that would go a long way to clean gvt. What is your solution? again, read somebody like martin wolf. i think there are a number of outragous cases where "sepcial need" students have disporprotionate resources spent on them, but just like heavy public medical subsidies of "lost causes", it's a hard problem. \_ Like the birth-right citizenship person before you, it sounds like your issue is with problems in how the education system is run, not necessarily the system itself. Although it may be more work, fixing the system is likely to prove less expensive and more beneficial to society as a whole than simply abandoning the system entirely and jumping to vouchers spent at private schools or academies (many of which are founded by people looking to make a quick buck by preying on parents who are frightened of a public education, and many of which are destined to go out of business in less than five years). \_ It's impossible to fix the system. It doesn't want to be fixed. The solution we are proposing is to form our own school district and secede. I guess you can call that 'fixing'. \_ It's not impossible to fix the system. It will, however, take a lot of work, dedication, and determination. I understand that this is not as sexy as, say, vouchers for private schools and military academies, but the end result is a stable, beneficial system. \_ People have been trying to fix this problem for 20 years now. There's a point where you just say 'Screw it' and start from scratch. \_ For most people, this point is when their kids have graduated, which means we have to count on a new crop. \_ We should forcibly bus the kids from gated communities to ghetto public schools. That way we ensure a level playing \_ I see you are a budding Jonathan Swift, but FWIW we did this. That's how the schools got screwed up to begin with. Then the parents who really cared took their kids out and sent them private, leaving behind only those too poor or unconcerned. It had a devastating effect. Now our 'racially integrated' schools have no caucasian or Asian students and the other kids who want to learn are screwed. It's so much better now. field. We should ban private schools. We should also ban marriage, so that gays, bisexuals, and non-sexuals will not be disadvantaged, and kids with single parents won't be disadvantaged over kids with married parents. Actually we should take kids away at birth and randomly assign parents for them. We should make food and housing free for all, and energy for heating and cooking and lighting and hot water, and health care, because all those things are basic human rights needed for survival. We should ban automobiles and ban wasteful single family housing structures. All housing structures shall be randomly assigned but with economic and ethnic backgrounds balanced, and mandatory "community learning sessions" shall take place 3 days per week. Community job centers shall provide equal-opportunity employment, with jobs to be defined by each employee. \_ This is truly brilliant. \_ at least school districts are more incompetent at stealing your tax dollars than halliburton. i do think we should stop glorifying school teachers ... i've some school teachers who were smart but quite a few seem to be glorfied day care personnel. but at least the rank and file teacher arent as venal as school administrators. but again even they arent ken lay, dennis kozlowski etc. you should read martin wolf. \_ Oh, you're just selfish and hate children. \_ Motd says you're contributing to the common social good and you should be happy to be paying these taxes because there is no other possible way to educate children other than turning them over to the state for several hours a day. The schools can get better only by raising your taxes even more. Teachers are starving. Students are failing and not learning the right things. It is all your fault. \_ Incorrect: it's not op's fault, it's your fault. \_ I'm in favor of 100% tax rates and therefore maximum government revenue for maximum social good. how is it my fault, comrade? \_ Not your comrade, you filthy communist bastard, and there's your problem in a nutshell: some regulation and government organization != communism. Embrace compromise. \_ This isn't about regulation. This is about control. The power to tax is the power to destroy. And you, comrade, obviously are in need of higher taxes. For the common social good, of course. Embrace social good. \_ Marriage is slavery! All men are rapists! Dems tax and spend! You're missing a lot of !!! \_ Where did you find this out? Considering the general veracity of the "facts" you state on the motd, I would need verification before I would believe it, especially considering average per pupil spending in CA is half that. -ausman \_ Average spending per pupil does not account for things like facilities. From CA DOE: "This amount includes the cost of employee salaries and benefits, books and supplies and replacement of school equipment. The current expense of education does not include non-instructional expenses such as construction and acquisition of facilities, benefits for retired employees and food services." CA spends about $70B dollars each year to educate 6M K-12 students, or almost $12K per student per year - not the $7K you often see quoted. you often see quoted. Maybe more. Not sure if $70B considers locally voted indebtedness or funding sources like PTA. http://www.ebudget.ca.gov/StateAgencyBudgets/6010/agency.html Our district has a lot of facilities for the number of kids (since so many have been lost to private over the last 40 years) and has been shuttering schools, which is ridiculous in itself when you consider that almost everywhere else they are building more schools and complaining about a shortage of space. --dim \_ Your math is off quite a bit as there are really 6.4M K-12 students and some of the Dept of Education budget is for adult education. The best I can figure the real numbers are 67.5B/6.4M kids = $10.5k/student, not the $12k you bandy about. But you have a point that the Dept of Education takes \_ You are splitting hairs here. $10.5K is still a lot of money. You can go to a good private school for that money and actually receive an education. The best public school districts spend more than $10.5K I'm sure. That's just what they get from the state and federal governments as far as I can tell. \_ Plenty of people go to public schools and get a perfectly fine education. Things could always be better, but there is lots of evidence that the schools in CA are getting better. I will probably send my daughter to improving. I will probably send my daughter to \_ Plenty of people go to public schools and get a perfectly fine education. Things could always be better, but there is lots of evidence that the schools in CA are improving. I will probably send my daughter to public school (and I can afford private). The best public schools rival the best private schools in education quality, so I am not sure what point you are trying to make, except perhaps that a great education costs quite a bit of money. \_ 1. The best public schools do not rival the best private schools. There are some very good public schools, but no one is ever going to confuse those with an Exeter or Groton. Of course, those schools cost quite a bit more, too. I realize that. \_ Compare Stuyvesant's Ivy League admission rate to Exeter's. \_ Can I send my kid there? I live in CA. Also, talk about self-selecting. Also, talk about self-selecting. BTW, I think Exeter's rate is higher. Stuyvesant sends more in terms of numbers because it is larger. Why would one want to go to a private university anyway? I am offended that you would use that as a metric instead of looking at the rate of acceptance to glorious UC. \_ Exeter is probably a bit higher, but they are in the same league anyway. I don't think I would want to send my child to boarding school anyway, but maybe I will feel differently once she is a teenager. If you really want UC admission send them to Lowell High which is in SF. 2. No one has a problem with the top 10% of public schools. It's that bottom 90% (and especially bottom 30%) that's the real problem. 3. Personally (and this is just my preference) I wouldn't send by kid to even the best public wouldn't send my kid to even the best public school. However, I still think a quality "public" education is important, because not everyone has that choice in the current system. a large "tribute." You still haven't provided any evidence that they spend $16k/student in your district. a large "tribute." You still haven't provided any evidence that they spend $16k/student in your district. \_ Sorry, but I cannot find this online. Is it really far-fetched when the average is $10.5K? Like I said, we have a lot of schools and a shrinking number of kids which makes the overhead higher than most places. (I read it is 2x higher than the state average.) \_ Why does everyone else's esstimate of per pupil spending \_ Why does everyone else's estimate of per pupil spending in CA differ so widely from yours. You are the one making the outrageous claim here, back it up. \_ What do you want me to do? I can't find it online. Take it or leave it. I don't think $16K is outrageous when the average is $11K. \- ausman: the range in CA is really wide. that number is plausible for a state school district, but it is hard to imagine it is in such a poorly perfomring school district ... i.e. not saratoga or CA. i can believe high spending per student with poor performance in a place like SF (NYC spends something like 14k per student ... but the top hedge fund guy made more money last year than all the NYC teacher put together ... for three years). but all that being given, i was wondering if the number was correct as well. \_ SF has generally good results and does not spend that much per pupil. link:preview.tinyurl.com/2jxbxb (PDF) \_ Hmm, I forgot SF public schools was very heavily asian. I am guessing that keeps costs down. I was just thinking about the white flight and minitory-heavy side. Might be interesting to look at oakland hills vs oakland flats. \_ The experiment has already begun. Google "oakland school district demographics"; the first hit is a 2007 report noting that OUSD is hemorrhaging students, particularly African-American students; they're "out- migrating" to non-bankrupt School Districts (cf. articles on fraudulent enrollment in cities like Hercules). \_ Perhaps you should move to San Francisco: http://www.reason.com/news/show/33293.html \- special announcement: there is another long piece on ADRIAN FENTY and MICHELLE RHEE's Washington DC school reform program on TV tonight. it is about halfway through the MACNEIL-LEHERER SHOW today. n.b. FENTY and RHEE are respectively the mayor and school chief for DC. they are also both about 37! the evil arlene ackerman was in DC before she came to SF. ok tnx. |
2008/2/5-7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49072 Activity:nil 66%like:49063 |
2/4 Shriver is vomiting for Obama. \_ For whom do you expect her to vote? A Republican? \_ He got her pregnant? |
2008/2/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49063 Activity:nil 66%like:49072 |
2/4 Shriver is voting for Obama. \_ For whom do you expect her to vote? A Republican? |
2008/2/2-6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:49054 Activity:nil |
2/2 Did anyone get a CA vote-by-mail ballot where it says "No postage necessary if mailed within the United States" but the same mail also says to apply 58 cent postage? |
2008/2/1-7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:49046 Activity:high |
2/1 Just out of curiosity, are there any registered Republicans here on motd? -emarkp \_ Tell us what you think about the Iraq War. Was it a right decision? \_ We're mostly flip flopping Independents and are not as rigid and brain dead as most of the ultra right wing Conservatives. \_ I am. But I always vote Democrat. I'm also the same guy who is trying to seduce the hot 30 year old Mormon. \_ by the way, how's that going? \_ I register Republican and vote for the 2nd or 3rd weakest person in the primary hoping to dilute their hope of winning. The Party of Corruption must go away. \_ So both the Dems and Repubs then? -emarkp \_ The corrupt party IN POWER needs to go away. That party is currently R, but when D's take control, I will vote them out as well. -smart independent \_ Dems = Good. Reps = Evil. \_ Another flaw of this political system. \_ I should be I guess, but I'm Nonpartisan. I can't vote in the R primary in CA. I hate the mainstream of both parties. I'm not sure what I'll do for the primary. I guess I'll go and vote in the D one for the hell of it. Ok I've decided to vote for Obama. I would vote for him over McCain in the general election anyway. Ok I've decided to vote for Obama. \_ I am also "decline to state" and I didn't think choosing the R primary was an option this year. My ballot says I get a choice of D or some other smaller parties, but not R. \_ Yeah, that's what I'm referring to, the CA R party excluded the independents. But we could have registered R up until the Jan 23rd or some such. \_ Why would the R party do that? I would imagine more I voters choose R over D. \_ Probably not this year. \_ Not this election. --erikred \_ I registered undecided. Its sad that the Republican party excludes us undecided's from their primary. I guess they don't care about our our feedback on which of their candidates would appeal most to the undecided folks, and would rather cede the 'undecided' vote to the other party in the real election -- the one that actually counts. \_ Yeah, I'm rather disappointed that I can't vote in the R primary this time. The canidates are actually kinda good. The Ds have scum and dumb. \- it just seems arrogant and stupid. The R members are most likely to vote for an R in the election, regardless of which of their candidates get chosen in the primary, so the real election gets decided by who gets the most of the the 'undecided vote' (assuming a even distributino of R and D's). It's stupid to marginalize the undecide voters' appeal in that situation. \_ Of coure the reality is that the CA distribution is heavily Democratic, so much so the Republicans might as well not bother holding a primary here. \_ Yeah, no way an R can win an important office in CA \_ Yeah, not like the governorship or ... anything ... \_ Except he's a RINO. \_ Exactly. It'll never happen. About as likely as an R President from CA. \_ All you people complaining about not being able to vote in the primaries because you're not registered should have changed your party 2 weeks ago. There's a simple form you can use to change party up to 2 weeks before an election in CA. \_ I've been a registered Repblican for nearly 15 years, but I think I will probably switch to Independent b/c the party has gone all kook in recent years (well, except for the Governator). \_ What are you looking for in your political party/candidates? \_ I guess I'm looking for people who are willing to think things through and come up with reasonable solutions. I just don't see the current crop of GOP and Democrats as willing to do that. Currently both the Dems and the GOP kind of weird me out - the Dems on social issues and the GOP on the Religious Right & the War in Iraq. I think we need more reasonable people like the Governator running the country. \_ I agree that both parties stink right now. One wants big government and handouts like universal health care. The other one wants to erode our civil liberties and bankrupt the country fighting wars. Candidates should stop pandering to the populace and do what makes sense. \_ The current Admin is rooting for three of the four things you complain about plus tax cuts for the plutocrats. What makes sense is universal healthcare, even if it's work-based; what doesn't make sense is a first-world nation with working-poor. \_ Illegal immigration directly impacts the poor. It dilutes the value of uneducated, unskilled labor. It also adds more poor kids into public schools whose parents don't pay taxes, thus lowering the education quality for the poorest people. A welfare state is incompatible with lax immigration policies. \_ This I agree with. Because I believe in the promise of America, I support lax immigration policies and a free market state. Hardcore liberals fail to realize that their alternative is a socialist state with strict immigration policies. That almost sounds like fascism to me. They sweep that part under the rug. I think it helps more people to be able to migrate here and fend for themselves versus keeping everyone else out but having a populace of fat and lazy sheep. \_ Too late. LA is full of lazy fat sheeps who blast hip-hop music on 101/405/210/5 710 freeways in their SUVs. You know what annoys me even more about S Cal? People leaving their dogs alone 12-14hrs a day in the backyard, barking non-stop and annoying the hell outa everyone else. The only good thing about LA is the abundance of cheap gardeners for their beloved lawns. \_ I am vehemently opposed to universal healthcare. I am also opposed to non-working middle class, like in Europe. Pay for other people with your dollars, not mine. BTW, if you want free medical, retirement, education, and housing then there's the US military waiting for you. \_ I was vehemently opposed to the Iraq War, but that didn't stop you from spending my tax dollars on it. Get used to being out of power for a while. Move to Canada if you don't like it. \_ I'm not an R and I'm glad Bush is leaving office. \_ Did you vote for him? \_ Unless you went to private schools all your life, earned every penny you've spent, and inherited nothing, I find your petty Libertarianism utterly unconvincing. \_ Did you return Bush's tax cut to the IRS? -- ilyas \_ No, I reinvested in hookers and blow. \_ I find your petty Liberalism utterly unconvincing. -- ilyas \_ Touche', Academic Libertarian living off the grant teat. \_ This is complete shit, sorry. The welfare state exists and using it has nothing at all to do with whether one believes it should exist. exist. If you were in communist Russia, would you not eat the government bread? \_ I'm not trying to convince you. If you like socialism then Europe is waiting for you. If you like American values then you are in the right place. 1. Yes, except for UCB which I sometimes regret, and a year in elementary school which was a waste of a year of my life \_ Your parents paid for private schools almost your entire life and yet you claim you will not inherit anything. How is that possible? \_ They spent a lot of their money on private schools instead of on themselves. I am sure when they die I will get a bill and not a check. Private schools are not completely filled with blue-bloods and you can qualify for aid. \_ The money they spent on your education _is_ your inheritance. You benefited from their benefits. To pretend that someone, somewhere along your line didn't benefit from social progams or position from birth is simply dishonest. \_ Using your definition we all inherit from our parents. I think that's a stupid definition. \_ Not all of us go to private schools. \_ Non-sequitur. Did you not benefit from your ancestors in some manner? \_ You're making my point for me: we are all beneficiaries of the system. To pretend that you earned everything you have on your own merits is ridiculous. \_ Nobody is saying that, nice straw man. What is wrong with families supporting each other? Why do we need "the system" to replace that? That is out of some Orwellian dystopia, not America. \_Are you a 1st generation immigrant? There is nothing wrong with that, but it might explain some of your half-cocked ideas about what "America" is. \_ "The system" is not "my ancestor". 2. Of course, 3. That's right. However, I'm not Libertarian. They are too far to the right. I'm just practical. I understand that most candidates running now wish to bankrupt the country, whether on idiotic sojourns to Iraq or by government handouts. To be honest, Arnold S. is my brand of government and I'm not the person in this thread who already mentioned him. I am socially liberal but fiscally conservative and I really, really hate socialism and socialist policies as a product of my European family, most of whom can't wait to get the hell out of the shithole that is Europe. \_ You speak as if it were not possible to provide minimal assistance and public services and yet not put us in deficit: Where were you when Clinton gave us the surpluses? Also, which shithole Euro nation did you flee? The socialist Nordic states seem to doing just fine. \_ Those surpluses were fleeting and the product of a gigantic bubble we won't see again for decades. Clinton (and government in general) had nothing to do with it. However, they did manage to spend that money. BTW, I think at issue here is what 'minimal assistance' means. It means different things to different people. \_ More of your GIGO thinking. Government shrank during the Clinton era. Clinton had nothing to do with this? \_ Had more to do with revenues increasing than any shrinkage of government. BTW, what the hell is "GIGO"? \_ Garbage In Garbage Out What do they teach CS students these days? \_ Heard the term, but never saw it referred to with that acronym. Makes sense now that I know. \_ How did increasing revenues lead to a smaller gov't headcount and decreased real per capita gov't spending? \_ My family is from France, Germany, and the Netherlands. My French relatives in particular cannot stand France anymore and are selling their property to move to places like US and Canada. More would come to the US, but for GWB giving us a bad reputation. The EU has not been a good thing for Western European citizens. It has made everything expensive, eroded social services, made people work harder (or for the first time in their lives) and brought in an influx of cheap labor from Eastern Europe and Russia. Now that Europe is finally grappling with the same problems the US has been it is clear that their model needs to change. It is certainly not the direction the US needs to move in. They will collapse before we do without serious reforms. The people in countries like Denmark are living in la-la land and think that they will be immune to the problems facing countries like France, but they have their heads in the sand. \_ Boewulf is cool man!!! Go Scandinavia! \_ Norway is rich because of oil. The others aren't doing that great. Aside from that, "seeming to do fine" is not a meaningful point of discussion. Communist USSR, Vietnam, and China "seem to do fine" also. The USA seemed to do fine with slavery. \_ Denmark boasts happy people, a strong economy, and socialized medicine. Not a lot of oil. Life is good. Wtf was the slavery/communism thing about? \_ Denmark is the size of my living room. \_ OK, how about measures like crime rate, literacy rate, infant mortality, life expectancy? The US scores poorly. \_ And yet we are the wealthiest nation in the world. I think a lot of those measurements are meaningless. What matters more is what the top 10% are doing and not the conditions of the bottom 10% who are just drains on society anyway. Do you want to compare standards of living of the top 33% of Americans with the top 33% of <pick your nation>? I am not necessarily advocating throwing the poor to the wolves, but this is the country where that poor person can die a billionaire. The price to be paid is that some people are chewed up and spit out. I prefer a system that rewards ability even if it means some people fare a little worse (but still *very very well* compared to most of the world.) The US takes in the dregs of humanity and provides for them. Of course the averages are going to suffer for that. Most of them (if you ask them) wouldn't move anywhere else. They love having opportunity! Why do you insist on telling people what they want? \_ Let them eat cake. \_ The US is the antithesis of the French monarchy. \_ In its purest form, yes. The current tax cuts for plutocrats bring us closer to Le Roi du Soleil. to Circus du Soleil \_ Great: Now prove that the US system rewards ability. Income mobility has decreased in the U.S. since the pre-Reagan years, and the U.S. has less income mobility than most European countries. (Obligatory Reagan answer: poor people just want to be poor). -tom \_ What data do you have saying income mobility decreased or is less than Europe? Maybe some people do want to be poor. Maybe the welfare state encourages that. Why is it that certain immigrant groups do much better here than others or than certain poor natives? \_ http://www.csua.org/u/kp7 The Economist magazine on class mobility in the US. (They also say it is higher in Europe, but not in that article). \_ That's not data, that's an article headline. I can't get to the rest of the article. \_ I put a copy in /var/tmp/economist.mobility for you and added /var/tmp/economist.america for good measure. \_ Ok, how useful is it to talk about class and average incomes in an essentially socialist country? For example the NYTimes thing compares gen-to gen income growth. But this would of course take longer if there is a wider range to start with. Wealth disparity: is it an inherent problem to be addressed? The e'ist also points out that the poor are better off in absolute terms than they ever were. This is also in the context of an America that is not free of welfare, so it is not really an appropriate example for comparison. Denmark is too small to be appropriate anyway. \_ I'm not the one making the extraordinary claim that there is more opportunity in the US than elsewhere; or even more oddly, that the relative lack of social services in the US *causes* greater opportunity. Where's the evidence for that? -tom \_ Well, the evidence shows a) more ppl *believe* they have opportunity, and b) the successful ppl in the US are apparently more successful than those elsewhere. \_ or the system is rigged in favor of the rich. -tom \_ Do you think we should allow there to exist rich people? Maybe we should have an asset cap? \_ Do you think we should allow both obscene wealth and abject poverty to exist in the same society? -tom \_ Allow? I think obscenity is subjctve and you have a personal choice to give wealth to the poor. But remov- ing wealth seems a more efficient solution to that issue. The excess wealth will naturally be auctioned out to the "have nots" and bring everyone closer to avg. Unlike handouts, it scales to any level of national wealth and does not put a drag on economy. \_ I'm calling BS on the class mobility in Europe. It is still very important who your family is/was in Europe. I have a Czech friend in France who is a scientist there (and who was also one here). He told me their system allocates N slots for scientists and you have to wait for one to open up before you can be hired. The allocated slots are filled with people resting on their laurels and their cronies. A surprising number are based on nepotism. If your dad was a famous scientist or politician then you will likely get a slot. He says this is in stark contrastely get a slot. This is in stark contrast to the US, where the brightest students get a slot no matter. Sure, it matters who you are here, too (GWB) but not like in Europe where it seeps into every day life. \_ The pluaral of anecdote is not data. /var/tmp/economist.europe From the NYT: http://www.csua.org/u/kpb A nice book: http://www.csua.org/u/kpc \_ Let's put this in a way you will understand: How many Euros come to the US for opportunity vs. how many Americans go to Europe seeking opportunity? You went to Cal. How many classmates went to Europe for grad school/postdoc and stayed there? How many Euros came here for grad/postdoc and stayed here? There is a lot more opportunity in the US, but it's funny that Americans are often not those who take advantage of it. You can lead a horse to water... I think that helps explain the above numbers. \_ Even when all the evidence points\ against you, you continue to believe a false proposition An unwillingness to learn is not conducive to success. \_ The evidence does not all point against. Irony. \_ I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. |
2008/1/14-18 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48947 Activity:insanely high |
1/14 Why do we put up with plurality voting for stuff like primaries? When the "winners" get around a quarter to a third of the vote something is broken. We should have IRV. And also, national popular vote for president. \_ IRV is not monotonic. What you want approval voting. -dans \_ Actually I'd rather have IRV. I think we discussed this before though. I think monotonicity is mostly irrelevant. The arguments I've seen against IRV are either wrong (use a misconception of what IRV is) or else cite concerns about tactical voting. But we have tactical voting now. The question is whether the situation is improved. I believe we can be a lot more confident in broad support of an IRV winner than a plurality winner. \_ Uh huh. But approval voting has all the advantages you just described, doesn't suffer from being not monotonic, and elimnates tactical voting. As a practical matter, have you ever tried to count the votes in an IRV system? It sucks, and is completely opaque. -dans \- See Arrow Impossibility Theorem \_ Thank you for supporting my point. -dans \- I am not supporting your point. you pretty much cant eliminate tactical or various other pathologies. if you think you can, you dont understand the Arrow Thm ... which is of course quite possible. \_ Actually, you're the one who doesn't understand it. Voting systems can and do eliminate the pathologies mentioned, it's just that a given system cannot eliminate *all* of them. Tactical voting has a very specific definition in this context, and you don't seem to understand it. Indeed, all the arguments I've seen that suggest approval voting is not strategy free seem rooted in the same misunderstanding you hold. -dans \_ What is the specific definition, and who decides it? If there are problems that don't fall into your specific definition, who cares what the definition is, if the problems are real? The fact is that approval voting does not allow ranked choices and has its own pathologies/strategies/whatever. \_ Pathologies != Strategies. Obviously approval voting does not have ranked choices, but that's not the point. The point is that all forms of ranked choice voting I've seen add significant complexity to the process, and can produce oddball results where people's choices get permuted. Both of these considerations are unforgiveable. -dans \_ Approval also adds complexity to the process. IRV is being used already so it is clearly a manageable complexity and obviously "forgiveable". Oddball results I think you're just wrong about. \_ It does not have all the advantages. It does not eliminate tactical voting, duh. If I approve A, but like B better than C, I could vote B even though it hurts A's chances. That is tactical. It does not let you rank your choices which is the entire point. How is monotonicity relevant? Who gives a shit? With approval voting, approving another candidate could lead to my preferred candidate losing. How is that better? \_ You're just wrong. If you vote for A and B in approval voting, then you're saying you're okay with either A or B, and there's no way your vote can help C, who you don't approve of, win. In IRV, if you vote A as you first preference and B as your second, you can actually cause C to win. Whoops. -dans \_ Show me a realistic example where that happens. \_ Read the literature. -dans \_ I have. It doesn't happen in any realistic case. I believe, and I'm not alone in this, that your concerns about being monotonic totally irrelevant. \_ You're making the assertion. \_ It's not my job to do your homework, especially when if you're just going to assert that my example is unrealistic. Don't be disingenuous, and don't bring a knife to a gunfight. -dans \_ I've done my homework and think you're wrong. Many <learned authorities> support using IRV. Show me where we "cause C to win" by voting A. I think you're selectively playing fast and loose with terminology. Examples of this problem: Math Prof at Temple University: http://www.csua.org/u/ki3 Wikipedia: Instant-Runoff Controversies: http://www.csua.org/u/ki4 -dans \_ I read the first example in the first link and it's ridiculous. Range voting is obviously less intuitive when you have averages, and his first example shows C winning even though the majority of the voters either dislike or know nothing about C. The discussion of monotonicity also shows how irrelevant the concern is. Yes, it is unrealistic: it proposes looking at the results after the fact and saying "if I had done such and such then the outcome would be different". How would you ever know to that detail how others would vote? You could easily end up accidentally electing C. The reality of the example is that it is close to a 3 way tie and any winner is "reasonable". Most importantly, the result of the "honest" IRV is reasonable. And how would you translate that into approval voting? All voters ranked \_ <cut mostly irrelevant comments -op> How would you translate the example to approval voting? All voters ranked all 3 candidates. Does that mean they approve them all? approve them all? Let's say they each approve their top two choices. Then B wins. But what if the supporters of A, being crafty, decide to withhold their approval of B, to make A win? In this way, "lying" helps them. So regardless of your terminology the same "problem" exists. \_ I am not advocating for range voting, merely citing an egregious flaw in IRV. Since we're asking for citations, kindly cite all future unnecessary changes of subject and strawman arguments you plan to make before continuing this discussion. -dans \_ I'm sorry you're too dense to comprehend. I'll give up now. I mentioned the range voting because the source advocating it as realistic means the source is dense. \_ You're right. I am dense. If I was sparse I would have also asked you to list all ad hominem attacks you would apply before continuing the discussion. -dans \_ The ball was in your court and you gave a worthless response so I responded in kind. \_ No, it doesn't. They approve of both A and B. One of A or B wins. Notably, in most actual ranked choice systems, e.g. San Francisco, you must rank all candidates. Whoops. -dans \_ In the example below, A or B still wins. So it is the same. Perhaps it is merely a bad example. I found this one far more convincing/damning: http://rangevoting.org/CoreSupp.html However, I still don't agree with that article's conclusion. Pairwise comparisons aren't so meaningful. In this example, C and G are sharply split: you have those 5 voters in the middle who rank C on top and G on the bottom, who give their votes to M. votes to M. Condorcet isn't provably the best winner. (Example from the link:) voter1: A>B>C voter2: A>B>C voter3: A>C>B voter4: A>C>B IRV EXAMPLE. voter5: B>A>C voter6: B>A>C voter7: B>C>A voter8: C>B>A voter9: C>B>A One of IRV's flaws is that it is not monotonic and dishonesty can pay. In the example, suppose voter1, instead of honestly stating her top-preference was A, were to dishonestly vote C>A>B, i.e. pretending great LOVE for her truly hugely-hated candidate C, and pretending a LACK of affection for her true favorite A. In that case the first round would eliminate either C or B (suppose a coin flip says B) at which point A would win the second round 5-to-4 over C. (Meanwhile if C still were eliminated by the coin flip then B would still win over A in the final round as before.) In other words: in 3-candidate IRV elections, lying can help. Indeed, lying in bizarre ways can help. \_ It sounds like your grief is with the imple- mentation of IRV (i.e., mandatory ranking of all candidates). If you allow voters to NOT rank all candidates, this problem appears to evaporate. \_ And lying in approval voting can help. So what? But you said "In IRV, if you vote A as first preference and B as your second, you can actually cause C to win." You haven't shown an example of that, which is what I asked for. \_ No, it can only hurt. Casting a vote for someone you don't want in office helps them. Not voting for someone you do want in office hurts them. -dans \_ Most real people have a top choice. If everyone only votes for who they really want then AV reduces to plurality voting. \_ Really? Show me data. You realize this flies in the face of a fairly large body of psychological, sociological, and hci research about choice, and peoples ability to effectively express their choices. -dans \_ Well *I* always have a top choice. The problem with plurality winners that the majority of the votes did not count. A minority is able to elect the winner. With IRV, the rank system ensures that your preferences get factored in to the outcome. No, IRV does not eliminate tactical voting: with a field of strong candidates with divergent voter preferences there would be tough choices to make as to which of your top 2 choices to rank first. But that's perfectly fine: it's inherent to any runoff system. AV does not solve the problem that IRV solves. It still decides the winner based only on plurality. IRV also solves the 3 candidate spoiler problem while AV does not. \_ I've read the wiki and other articles on most of the voting methods. Although interesting most of them ignore the increased complexity of the system over a simple, "mark an X next to my favorite and drop it in the box" method we use now. Some people say that various methods of anti-voter fraud are too high a burden for voters and are discriminatory but that's nothing next to the complexity of several of these alternative voting schemes. What I got from my reading is that each of these other methods has a different idea of the 'best' way to determine a winner but their idea is based on their own notions of fairness. Fairness is not a measurable absolute. \_ Approval voting is not complicated. Instead of mark an X next to my your favorite candidate, you mark an X next to any candidate you would accept in office. The winner is the one with the most votes so its notion of fairness is pretty close to that of plurality voting. -dans \_ If it "pretty close" then why not just do the simpler way we already have now? Seems like added complexity for no reason. \_ It eliminates spoilers and, more importantly, would make it possible for us to grow viable third parties. -dans \_ What you call a spoiler I call a low support third party candidate. For example, I don't think Nader ruined Gore in 2000. If those people really wanted Gore to win, they understood the voting process and should have voted Gore not Nader. I also don't see the need for third parties. What has happened in this country to third parties is the two major parties have absorbed their platform when it became popular enough eliminating the need for the third party without causing the instability of a multi party mush that you see in some other countries in Europe, Israel, etc. In those place you end up in a situation where an extremist party with a normally trivial number of votes gets joins the majority party coalition and ends up with power that far exceeds their vote count in the general population. I don't see that as a positive. \_ So in other words, you believe something, and whenever someone presents evidence to the contrary you redefine the terms to suit your purposes and state that the evidence is irrelevant. Awesome! P.S. Your assessments of the American two party system as well as politics in "Europe, Israel, etc." show an impressive degree of ignorance. -dans \_ Why did you have to make this personal? What is wrong with you? How about you provide some actual facts or even some contrary opinions instead of personal attacks? I think if you call me a "douche" like you normally do, you'd look really extra super duper smart. Good street cred. \_ There's nothing personal about this. I present facts, cite source, you repeat the same arguments, change the subject, and dissemble. Nothing personal about that, unless you think my pointing out that your bad form is 'personal', in which case, get a thicker skin, and maybe join a debate or forensics society. And, yes, you're being a douche. -dans \_ Of course it completely misses the point that "I could live with this bozo" vs "I really want this guy" are two seperate things. While IRV does have some theoretical issues, in any real world situation they don't actually matter worth a damn. Oh and as to how to count votes, well guess what, there's this magical thing called software. \_ Okay, "mark an X next to any candidate you want in office". Don't be a douche. Of course, since you're advocating a voting system that, by your own admission, is so complex that it requires software to effectively implement the count, you have shown yourself to be utterly unqualified to take part in any discussion of voting systems and methodologies. -dans \_ Suppose I have an election with a total bozo (B) and 2 pretty good candidates. (A and C). Out of 100 people 99 like A and C but like C better. But 1 person likes A and B. In an approval vote system that gets you candidate A. But if B isn't in the race that gives you candidate C. Thus having B in the race changes the results UNLESS people vote with the knowledge that B has no chance. I'm not saying it is likely, but then again neither are the contrived IRV problems, and IRV has big wins because ranking matters. \_ By the numbers, more people wanted A. Get over it. -dans \_ No, more people "approved" A. But the vast majority wanted C. There is a difference. \_ Now you're just arguing with semantics. -dans \_ No, because if C wasn't in the race the \_ No, because if B wasn't in the race the result would be different. But because you have decided on a set of criteria that happily ignores that you don't think it is a problem. You've decided "tactical voting is bad" and then defined tactical voting in a nonsense way so that you don't have to admit that in ANY voting system there will be tactical voting. Oh and once again in real world situations IRV is much less likely to be broken and much less likely for a small group of tactical voters to throw an election. Plus it gives you ranked choices which are a win. \_ You're ignoring his point about ranked choices. Don't be a douche. I've yet to see a case where IRV produces results that are "unreasonable". (Where "reasonable" is intuitive, since no one result is provably "best" for all voting scenarios.) Don't be a douche. Show me some cases where IRV produces "bad" results and let's talk about how bad they really are. \_ Preference inversion (i.e not monotonic). Done. -dans \_ How's that STD going dans? \_ Awesome! I've got a sentient talking boil on my ass that likes your philosophy, and wants to know if you have a newsletter it could subscribe to. As a practical matter, would you actually make fun of someone who had an nasty and possibly life-threatening disease? Wow, what an asshole! -dans \_ the most common STDs are not life-threatening. \_ Yeah, 'Sorry about your syphilis man, Haw Haw!' like I said, what an asshole. -dans |
2008/1/10-12 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48921 Activity:high |
1/9 California wants to control the temperature in your house http://csua.org/u/kfn (Utility Consumer's Action Network) \_ That's great news. Thanks. \_ Yer welcome. \_ "Thanks to efficiency standards, California's demand for electricity has remained flat since the late 1970s even as its population has doubled, Gottlieb said." Remained flat since the late 1970s? Really? \_ You were right to be suspicious. Gottlieb is apparently wrong. http://enduse.lbl.gov/info/LBNL-47992.pdf This says that annual electricity consumption in CA went up from 167 TWh in 1980 to 258 TWh in 2000. That's significantly less than double, but not "flat". \_ Residential use versus commercial use? \_ if you read the PDF.... but anyway, ALL of {commercial, residential, industrial....} went up, NONE doubled. \_ How is this worse than a rolling blackout? |
2008/1/8-12 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48910 Activity:high |
1/8 Ron Paul says he didn't wright the vile things in his newsletter. Ron Paul lies. http://csua.org/u/kfc [LGF] \_ Whether or not he's lying, he allowed it to be published. I've had vague doubts about Ron Paul, and this morning, I finally realized why. Paul's espoused ideology ultimately comes down to every man(*) for himself. I don't trust someone who is motivated purely by self interest, but isn't willing to come out and say it. -dans (*) As an aside, I say 'man' here because Ron Paul is a misogynist. His views on the role of women in society are a throwback to the middle ages. \_ Please cite a primary reference for Paul's view on role of women. \_ a) His stated views on abortion and a woman's right to choose. b) His newsletters. Go read them. -dans \_ Anti-abortion == middle ages? You're nuts. Women have the right to choose not to fuck people. \_ the constitution is not "freedom to NOT do things." It's freedom TO. \_ That's a really stupid statement. You don't have the freedom to kill a baby. Abortion has little to do with the Constitution. Personally, I see both sides of the argument: I don't care about it as an issue and a candidate's view on abortion doesn't matter to me. \_ Odd, it's not "every man for himself", it's that the government shouldn't intervene in what every man does. \_ I may be mistaken, but I don't get the sense that Ron Paul is espousing the ideologically pure libertarian viewpoint I think you're referencing. I am curious though, if you strip the government of power, how do you effectively avoid society turning into a free for all? -dans \_ The impression I get of him is that he's trying to push towards a pure libertarian stance. Unfortunately, he's a hypocrite. However, how do you define "free for all", and how do you see it as being bad? -emarkp \_ What is "pure libertarian"? He's not advocating removal of government. He's advocating limited government based on Constitutional principles. \_ That's what I meant by "pure libertarian". -emarkp \_ Is he really a hypocrite? Let's imagine I am an opponent of public schools. Am I a hypocrite if I send my kid to a public school? No, because that is the existing system. I'm not sure just what you're referring to however. \_ He's a hypocrite because he puts earmarks into bills and then votes against them. -emarkp \_ He's a hypocrite because of what he's done as a rep, not because of anything in this discussion. For instance, he adds pork to bills, and then votes against them so that he can bring pork to his district and also say he votes against it. -emarkp \_ That's why I brought up the school analogy. \_ so if you're taking political ideologies to their extremes, you'd perfer the opposite, where the government controls everyone and everything, for their own good? \_ 1st, the things weren't that vile and a couple of them have been lied about. For example the article in question did not "support PLO terrorists". 2nd, a philosophy "based on self-interest" is not necessarily against the common interest. Communism vs. capitalism. We know that EVERYONE is motivated primarily by self interest, that's human nature. Even when you help someone else you're doing that because it makes you feel good. This is how markets work and why they generally perform better over time than management by fiat, no matter how selfless the masters. So many supposedly well- intentioned efforts end up doing more harm than good. Wasting public resources on pointless wars and bloated government programs hurts everyone. \_ please let us know when you finish reading Atlas Shrugged. -tom \_ let me know when you have anything interesting to say. \_ Holy shit, I agree with tom. I actually believe in such a thing as enlightened self interest, but the self-interest Ron Paul espouses doesn't qualify. -dans \_ why not? \_ GOLD STANDARD. |
2008/1/3-7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48882 Activity:nil |
1/1 Yahoo! Weather for Newark, CA today: High: 61, Low: 40, Current: 34. What?? \_ I've seen this all the time. No explanation. |
2007/12/20 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48845 Activity:nil |
12/20 ultramonkey has a stupid name and appears to not have been updated So the dumbducks in Congress are legislating what type of light \_ Oh my god. You are dumb. Suppose what you said was \_ You're an idiot who didn't read the link or pay \_ You're a fucking dumb ass. If you had a $10k chandelier anyone of having no sense of taste? You're a moron. \_ Seconded, the op sounds like a dumb ass. \_ Wow, you're dumb and don't even realize it. \_ You know what is even dumber about this idea? In probably 10 is going to look pretty stupid in 10-20 years, I bet. \_ Wow. The PM's at your company are either assholes or idiots. -dans dumb to decide those arent the numbers you \_ 'linear combination of arrogant and dumb', people who believe stupid rhetoric about "death taxes" or if you say "candidate X is either a moron or a liar". 2. many positions are morons and scientists ... so they probably do weak/stupid -- witness our tolerance for predatory lending. to take advantage of stupid ones? Morally OK? Granted, government can't protect stupid people bastards who're taking advantage of the stupid. You know, \_ congratulations, you're not stupid! Now how would you feel if by a combination of having been born stupid stupid ones over? Now, do you think you're smarter than stupid and doesn't attack the problem. It exacerbates it by giving price to some dumb shmuck. There are far more cases of people don't agree you're either stupid or in |
2007/12/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:48832 Activity:moderate |
12/18 Can anyone explain why so many Republicans keep claiming that tax cuts raise government revenue, even when they know it is not true? http://www.csua.org/u/ka9 (WashPo) \_ Because in a high-tax environment, it's true? Tax RATES aren't the same as tax REVENUE. \- yes, "everybody" acknowledges this may have been true in say the eisenhower era, but it's disingenuous to imply this holds true today. \_ Well the relationship between tax rates and GDP growth isn't an exact science either. \- "we dont know what 'causes cancer' ... how can you say smoking is bad for you?" "evolutionary theory cant explain fainting goats ... so it's 'merely' a theory just like ID is a theory." \_ You are a tool for two exciting reasons! Firstly, science is powered by scepticism, so it is never a vice. Secondly, you seem to think economic causal theories are as well understood as an extremely well-studied medical special case. -- ilyas \_ when was the last time you took a shower? anyone ever asked you that? \- no, it is more like second guessing a jury verdict .. it could be wrong, but substituting your opinion when you dont know any of the details of the case and havent heard the arguments is crazy. so maybe decrasing tax rates increases revenue down to 10% MRT, but if 95% of the econ profession believes revenues go negative somewhere between 80 and 40%, it's seems some linear combinaion of arrogant and dumb to decide those arent the numbers you \_ 'linear combination of arrogant and dumb', that's a good one. I think I'll borrow it. -dans will operate with. even if there are a couple of smart guys here and there who (sincerely) disagree. i am not saying it is TRUE, i am saying it is what you must operate on unless you have some extremely heavyweight reason why you dont. peter duesberg might have some "heavyweight" reason to disbelieve the HIV->AIDS theory but for Thabo Mbeki to disbelieve it require some explanation other than "well as a world famous biologist, in my opinion, here are the flaws in the science ...". There are some questions where there are truely split opinions among experts ... like say on the mechanism of planet formation [http://tinyurl.com/37oy55] [rumor is you are an expert on "the stars"?] but supply side econ not such an example as applied to the US today. you also seem to be unaware of the different quality of certain econ predictions. there are econ predictions about certain equillibium conditions that are not speculative because there are clear forcing functions [arbitrage] ... so while there might be lots of competing theories about the level of exchange rates [CIP, UIP, PPP etc] the cross exchange rate parity prediction is a strong one. (one more thing: yes science is powered by scempticism, e.g. the H PILORI example, but these pols and motd posters arent DOING SCIENCE, they are running for office or trying to justify a policy. they arent being sceptical. they are usually lying and some some small number there may be some other expedient explanation.). -danh (the planet) \_ That last bit is 'high priest thinking.' You don't need to be Doing Science to be a sceptic. Criticism isn't a privilege of the knowledge producing class. Now it is true most criticism/scepticism of any given theory that DOESN'T come from scientists themselves will generally be silly or misguided. However, this isn't always so, and it is very important that there remain outside channels for challenging the current status quo in science. This is because science, for a number of reasons, is particularly susceptible to 'mafia effects.' -- ilyas \_ This is all well and good, but it's orthogonal to the point that supply-side economics is believed to be bunk by the economic establishment, and while it may not have the imprimatur of of the COBE experiment, it's pretty damned good science. -dans \_ That's pretty funny considering what "imprimatur" means. -lewis, nihil obstat "imprimatur" means. -psb \_ imprimatur: Official approval; sanction. I guess I just can't do funny. -dans \_ Historically from the Pope giving out an official decree. \_ See also http://csua.org/u/kaa (New Yorker) \_ It's called faith based government -- tax cuts raise government revenues because we believe they do. Tax cuts also cure cancer and bring endangered species back to life. \- IMHO: "they" do it because "they" can get away with it. \_ Post a link to your blog, windbag. so the question degenerates to "why can they get away with it?" well aside from "there is a sucker born every minute" [e.g. people who believe stupid rhetoric about "death taxes" or "double taxation" etc] type explanations [and remember, in america in 2007 we have three people running for president who can say "i dont believe in evoluation" and not be sent who can say "i dont believe in evolution" and not be sent packing on the hayseedmobile], i believe there are two pathologies in american journalism that leads to the pols not being called on this: 1. fear of having "access" cut off if you say "candidate X is either a moron or a liar". 2. many journalists are experts at "journalism", not a subject area. so they are trained in things like "objective/neutral view points", "presenting both sides" rather than having subject matter expertise and being able to render judgements. now they kind of research they may be good at is "digging up connections, influence, following the money" ... or maybe digging up gossipy thigns like who'se campaign is in trouble when they present the things like whose campaign is in trouble when they present the election as a horserace ... but they are not good at evaluating substance in areas like climate science, economic science etc. those are trickier areas than say evolution where the two postions are morons and scientists ... so they probably do positions are morons and scientists ... so they probably do ok there. now the nice part of "america 2007" is the blogosphere contains many people who are not journalists but ARE subject matter experts. these people are much better at holding the journalists and pols feet to the fire. but of course they dont generally have the giant podium the MSM journalists have. of course some exceptions: paul kurgman has a big podium of course some exceptions: paul krugman has a big podium [but he isnt a journalist. i know many journos kvetch about the blogosphere, but to the complain about giving a plum column to a non-journo? i am glad the NYT gave it to PK and not some random liberal journalist.]. james suroweiki also an exception. i think his finance coverage is really good. one reason the e'ists science coverage is decent is they look for "science people" who have some writing talent, rather than a journalist to has some interest in science. i guess the one thing that might be worse than the "silly objectivism" of some journalists might the the ones that forget they are journalists, like gary taubes' pronouncements about "fat research". \_ Why don't you ever post your name, unreadable screed guy? -jrleek \_ If you don't know that's partha, you have better things to do than motd. How exactly is it unreadable? \_ Massive wall of text, lost interest and skiped the rest \- supply side economics -> wall of voodoo about 10 lines in. This is the motd, not a novel. \_ You are too short for this motd thread.... \_ I don't care if higher taxes raise or lower government revenue over time. My goal is not to maximize government income. My tax goal is to pay as few taxes as possible while getting the minimum government services required to run the country smoothly and safely. (And I didn't need an unreadable 2 page rant to explain). \- "what do people owe each other" merits a longer answer than say "what is your favorite color". a personal statement of perference is a different beast than the search for the explanation to a normative or empirical question. you have have offered a 6line reply, but "your tax goal" provides neither insight into accuracy of supply side economics nor its "cost free" adoption by all the R candidates. \_ I think this is a good and admirable goal (and one that I share) but I think we should have that discussion honestly, not lie to the voters and claim that tax cuts are "free" which is where the Republican Party is now. \_ Ron Paul doesn't say this. It's not "the Republican Party" it is those particular men who say this. \_ Okay fair enough. But it is stated as true by all the other candidates. There is some economic sanity left in the Party, but you have to admit it is in the minority these days. \- Brad de Long [ucb dept econ] heavily covers the gap between economists and pols on supply side econ. of recent postings, see this "straight from the laffer's mouth" article: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2007/12/justin-fox-on-a.html |
2007/12/18-20 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48824 Activity:nil |
12/17 When the state comes to you for more taxes, remember how they're spending your money right now. http://www.knbc.com/news/14866201/detail.html http://www.dailynews.com/opinions/ci_7745781 http://www.dailynews.com/news/ci_7733735 \_ And software never goes over budget or over schedule in the private sector, right? |
2007/12/5-12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Food] UID:48747 Activity:nil |
12/4 Where do people buy those candies that reads "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" Any pleaces in the San Mateo or Fremont area? Thanks. \_ Preston's Candy & Ice Cream 1170 Broadway, Burlingame, CA they have a lot of nice candy too, in addition to the gimmicky baby candy. I recommend the honeycomb, rocky road, and the hot cocoa kits. -brain preston http://prestonscandy.com \_ Cause cigars are so your grandparent's generation. \_ the chocolate shop on telegraph has chocolate cigars. you can get them online too. They are a bit pricey but <shrug> \_ so are babies \_ The Candy Store in San Francisco on Vallejo b/w Polk & Van Ness is really, really awesome. I've seen "It's a g/b" cigars there. http://www.yelp.com/biz/TZJ7a4slnPGIjIMkMbuFyw \_ Go to SF, they have "Congrats, it's a gay boy!" cards. \_ And in The South, you can get "Congrats, it's a Redneck" card. \_ Thanks for all the responses. Party Land in San Mateo carries it, but the girl kind is currently out of stock. Party America in Union City has both the boy kind and the girl kind in stock. -- OP |
2007/12/3-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:48733 Activity:moderate |
12/3 Perot was right: http://www.csua.org/u/k50 (SF Gate) \_ about what, dubya being an idiot? \_ Ron Paul > Perot \_ Damning with faint praise? \_ What was bad about Perot? Was Clinton better? \_ <doubletake> Huh?!? \_ It's R code. A vote for perot was a vote for clinton. \_ Perot was a protest vote for those who thought the party was drifting. The contract with america was the response to that protest. Then it all fell to shit. |
2007/11/20-26 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48671 Activity:moderate |
11/20 If gas price doubles, what are some states that'll suffer more than the others? Farm states? States that lack cities/mass transits? \_ States where residents pay a larger proportion of income for fuel. In consumption per capita the top states are Wyoming, the Dakotas, Alabama, and South Carolina. California is #51 (list includes DC). In consumption per $ GDP the top states are Mississippi, Montana, Alabama, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. California is again #51. (Source: http://tinyurl.com/yvsxav \_ California and NY both have residents who pay a lot for fuel, *and* have to have goods trucked in to large population centers. Your gas will cost more, but so will your vegetables. \_ The expensive states spend more as a proportion of income on things somewhat unaffected by fuel prices like housing and insurance and less on things like vegetables. I also suspect that fuel costs are a smaller proportion of operating costs as a percentage of sales price in states like CA where items like food are so expensive relative to other states. \- you're sort of on to something, but i think a more correct "econ dept" analysis is "wealthier people spend a smaller fraction of their incomes on non-discretionary purchases, and thus they can more easily adjust to price changes. you can drink "second growth" wines instead of premier crus as the dollar falls. you can decide to stay in star-- hotel on your vacation if the if you are spending more on gas around the year. but that is different than trying to change your food or utility bill 24x7." however this is analyzies the "welfare" or "utility" impact, not the prices. but when you say "suffer" that's what you mean. obviously a "luxury tax" on +100ft yachts will raise the price, but you cant really call that suffering. anyway, again you are on to something when you look at prices and the composition of expenses but you have to factor in substitution effects. and in that case i'd look at "rich" vs "poor" rather than cost of living. [e.g. poor people in the bay area dont have high heating bills in the winter]. an interesting philosophical detour is to look at the "utility monster" aspect to this. although this is better looked at across more disparate populations, like say us vs china, rather than california vs alabama. per diminishing marginal returns, somebody making $10k a year will get more utility from making an extra $1k per year and thus lose more from not making the extra $1k compared to somebody making $100k. however the question is if the $10k person has sort of adapted to low expectation but the spoiled and weak person at $100k sort of expected to keep getting raises and "suffers" serious shopping withdrawal, who is really suffering more? obviously it is hard to suggest public policy should compensate the whiney/subjective utility. \_ You think vegetables grow in Montana? There is actually quite a bit of economy of scale in shipping vegetables to large urban areas. I wouldn't be suprised if it actually cost more to ship to smaller morkets that are closer. cost more to ship to smaller markets that are closer. \_ Umm.. I know some people who grow vegetables in Montana. Hence, yes, I think vegetables grow in Montana. They also grow in California, and many other places. \- Famous Montana Potatos. there are a lot of cerial \- Famous Montana Potatos. there are a lot of cereal crops grown in montana, although i dunno how much of this makes econ sense and how much of this is because of crazy subsidies. amazingly enough, there is a proposal to grow sugar cane in the imperial valley [read desert + massive water subsidies = crazy plans] \_ I used to live in Montana. No one is growing any significant quantity of vegetables there, unless they are using a hot house. It freezes too late and too early. |
2007/11/19-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:48657 Activity:very high |
11/19 Warrent Buffet says that the inheritance tax / death tax is a good mm thing. No surprise since his company makes a fortune buying up properties sold to pay for the tax. http://www.renewamerica.us/columns/vernon/050824 \_ The problem with death taxes: when I earned the money, I was taxed on it. Now it's mine. I should be able to do what I want with it. Taking it from my estate upon death means giving it to other people who had absolutely nothing to do with earning it. Giving it to my family & friends means giving it to people who physically, emotionally, and/or financially helped me earn it. For example, a man who spends all his time working has less time to spend with his family. It cost the family something. When dad/husband is dead, the least they should get is the money he earned for them while away from them. Neither the government nor any strangers getting 'entitlements' are entitled in any way to his earnings. They already got their cut when he earned it. I have no interest in hearing from the ultra wealthy about their solutions for the country which always seem to involve things that don't hurt the billionaires or their families in any way. Buffet is obviously a great investor but he is in no position to dictate social or tax policy for the Little People. He should stick with what he knows: investing in successful companies other people built. \_ You say you should be able to do what you want with your money and not be taxed on the transfer. When you buy goods from a merchant, you pay sales tax, even though you've already paid \_ not all states have a sales tax. i also have a choice to buy elsewhere or not at all. death is mandatory. taxes on the money you used to pay the merchant (presumably). Wealth is taxed more or less whenever it changes hands; why should it matter if the transfer is due to death instead of a voluntary transfer? And if you think the government didn't help you earn that money, you need to brush up on both your civics and your economics. \_ the government helped. they got paid the first time. i see no reason to pay them a second time when my family hasn't been paid the first time and it cost them a lot more than it did some random government chosen recipient through random vote-buying 'entitlement' program. if you want to tax the rich, just go for it and create a straight wealth tax. go tax buffet a few billion a year (i think 10% is fair) just for having money. \_ Good luck getting your ideas implemented into law. \_ Would you prefer to return to hereditary aristocricy? This guy is another rich guy doesn't want to pay his fair share of taxes and would rather that someone else pay it for him. What else is new? \_ The important thing isn't income disparity (which is increasing) but lifestyle disparity (which is decreasing). -- ilyas \_ What does this even mean? \_ What it means is that income differences matter less and less. There was a thread on this in the past. Personal computers, cell phones, reliable cars, electronics, etc. are getting cheaper and better all the time, which means the poor in America can afford many of the same 'bits of lifestyle' as the rich. This is why a straight income comparison is misleading, the rich spend more and more of their surplus on 'brand differentiation' not quality. -- ilyas \_ Not so sure of this. Look at the crappy food the poor eat. The lead-based toys and other cheap Chinese imports from Wal-Mart. I know some wealthy people and their lifestyle is not really extravagant, but the eat, their lead-filled toys, and other cheap Chinese imports from Wal-Mart. I know some wealthy people and \_ It's a free country, people are free to eat and play whatever/whenever. Ultimately, people are responsible for their own actions. If they want to smoke to death or play with lead laden toys, that is their choice. \_ Sure, but there are a lot of people who cannot afford a healthy lifestyle even if they want to live one. This isn't about choice, but about opportunity. The poor eat far more often at McDonald's because of the price and they pay for it with their lives. Many would probably prefer organic grassfed beef burgers, but it's not an option for them. \_ Like I said, this is a free country, if the rich can afford more options, then they will pick the better options. So what? It's been like that way since the dawn of mankind. How are you going to "solve the problem" for the poor? Communism? Socialism? More regulations? \_ You're arguing against your own strawman. I didn't say we need to do anything about it. I am just disputing the assertion that lifestyle disparity is decreasing even as income disparity increases. \_ I dispute that notion about McDonald's. McDonald's is not cheap when compared to home cooking using modest ingredients. For example, just cooking rice/potatoes/ any commodity staple, cheap veggies, and some cheap meat from Safeway is going going to be healthier and cheaper than McD's in all likelihood. However McD's is fast. Maybe some of the poor have no time to cook, because time is a luxury. But I think it's mostly their own laziness: most people can do better than McD's. (You don't even need meat, of course.) \_ You're very wrong. I cannot make a double cheeseburger for myself for 99 cents even if I use the worst ingredients I can find. Yes, I can eat plain white rice for cheaper, but that misses the point. My girlfriend and I cook a lot - more than most people - and it's always the same or more expensive than eating fast food. Sure, the quality is better, but it costs more. It's cheaper than a good restaurant meal, but not by much. Restaurants have economies of scale that I can't match. Maybe if you have 9 kids you start to get close. \_ In terms of actual food value the rice is better, so it's not missing the point. Anyway, the 99 cent cheeseburger uses frozen, crappy meat and not a lot of it, and ultra cheap buns that are mostly air anyway. The cheese is process cheese. If you make your own you would spend more because you'd use better things, but you don't have to. There's nothing else on that except condiments. I think you can pretty easily make meals that have more "food value" than those burgers per dollar. If you really wanted you could also cooperate with other poor families to create that "economy of scale" thing. \_ We're not talking about "food value". I am using McDonald's as an example of the type of fast food that the poor eat and comparing it to the type of fast food that the wealthy eat. If you want to talk about cooking at home, then the wealthy can live even better. Your argument is "Don't eat fast food at all" which misses the point of the comparison. BTW, I would be very unhappy if I ate plain rice every day and I would harm myself or others. \_ We're not? I am. You said: "poor people eat McD's because of the low price... pay for it with their lives... would prefer organic grassfed". I'm just saying that if they wanted to they could eat tasty alternatives that are healthier, or for not much more, cook their own hamburgers. I'm not saying not to eat fast food. I'm saying that it's a choice. Many millions of people eat "plain rice" every day. \_ If you tried to subsist on a diet of only rice, you would die. \_ That's not what I suggested in my original reply. their lifestyle is not really extravagant, but the quality is much better. Are you one of those people who thinks a handmade leather Italian shoe and a machine-made shoe made in Mayalsia out of rubber are equivalent because they provide equal utility and the main difference is 'brand differentiation'? The wealthy live better and tend to live "smaller" in that they care more about things like environmental toxins and political issues in faraway lands. The poor just want the cheapest shoe possible, regardless if it will turn their toes green. Important products that everyone used to have, like organic food, are now only affordable to the wealthy. Those products are more important to a good quality of life than the fact that LCD televisions are now in reach of the common man. \_ It's true that some things that were more available in the past like organic food or hand-made furniture are less available/more expensive today, but you are being disingenious by ignoring the VASTLY LARGER number of things that were invented and made affordable to the general population. Again, it's true that premium brands tend to be better made (although not always, for instance luxury car brands tend to be less reliable than hondas/toyotas). I am merely saying that the gap in lifestyle has been shrinking for the last 100 years. If you are truly concerned about 'the gilded age' trends, you need to look at lifestyle, not income. Of course, 'lifestyle differences' are much harder to quantify and talk about, we are not talking about numbers in a bank account. -- ilyas \_ In general, a bigger bank account means a \_ In general, a bigger the bank account means a better lifestyle. A much bigger bank account means a much better lifestyle. I don't think this has changed very much. I know where you're coming from (a king in 1400 lived less well in many ways than we commoners today) but I don't see a trend where this disparity has really changed much over the last, say, 40 years at least. In fact, the gap seems to be widening if you look at statistics like home ownership. \_ Yes, of course income is strongly and positively correlated with lifestyle quality. My claim of decreasing lifestyle gap comes from the observation that mass production, specialization, and other capitalist institutions result both in innovation (invention of additional ways to improve lifestyle), and efficiency (current lifestyle improvements strongly tend down in price). The only way for the lifestyle gap to be increasing is if the number of qualitative lifestyle changes was increasing faster due to inventions than existing lifestyle to inventions faster than existing lifestyle was trending down in price. But there is little evidence for this. Innovations to differentiate products for wealthy consumption seem to favor premium brands as value-in-itself, various 'intangibles' (like hand-crafted assembly), and health and environmental consciousness. These things are valuable, but that the rich increasingly turn to these things is hardly evidence of a widening lifestyle gap. -- ilyas a widening lifestyle gap. (I would be surprised if long term home ownership trends weren't strongly positive, btw). -- ilyas \_ How about looking at home ownership or at the number of dual income families compared to, say, the 1950s? Even in my own family in the 1970s, neither my mom or dad had a college degree and they worked entry level jobs. They still had a house in the suburbs, two brand news cars, and sent the kids to private school even though my mom took 5 years off work to help with the kids. That still happens in parts of the country, but the fact that it's much less common now is evidence that the gap is increasing, since the rich live as well as ever and yet the middle class lifestyle is eroding. \_ http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/census/historic/ownerchar.html -- ilyas \_ Home ownership has been trending up since the 50s (http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/housing/census/historic/ownerchar.html \_ But if you look at the numbers you'll notice that it's the over65 segment which rose even while more and more families became dual income households. I think that is significant. I also don't think dual incomes have as much to do with social norms as with the need to make ends meet. I think you acknowledge that there is greater income disparity. I think it is patently obvious that what follows is a lifestyle disparity. You can't point to a shrinking disparity because of this nebulous 'brand differentiation' without more data that I haven't seen you produce. \_ So that's it? That's your evidence? All this is evidence of is that housing costs rose faster than effective income. You need a lot more comprehensive argument to counteract the vast evidence for my conclusion (for instance look at the availability of consumer electronics since the 70s, or car quality, or power/price of personal computers, or a thousand other things). There is more to lifestyle than a house, that's why I say you need to average over everything. -- ilyas \_ Most households spend over 50% of their net income on housing, so it's a lot more important than anything else. You can say that electronics has gotten better since 1970, but how does it follow that the disparity between the quality of the lifestyles of the rich and the poor has gotten smaller? I don't think the standard of living now for the lower classes in the US is higher than ever, but it certainly is for the wealthy. QED, unless you want to make the argument that the lower classes (or even middle class) are living better than ever. From my observation, I wouldn't say the middle class lives a better lifestyle than the 1950s even we now have a lot more gadgets and the average car is nicer than it was. \_ Your notion of 'better' is strange and confusing. -- ilyas \_ Here's an idea to help you understand: Look at household debt now versus at some point in the past. Having more useless crap doesn't mean we live a better life. \_ So cars, personal computers, the internet, home electronics, medical advances, etc. are 'crap?' Gotcha! The number of dual income families has apparently been trending up since the 50s, but that in itself is not evidence of a 'squeeze' (but changing social norms for women). Neither is your anecdote. -- ilyas your anecdote. Even changing percentages for specific expenditures like housing or healthcare is not, in itself, evidence of a squeeze. (This is why lifestyle is difficult to talk about, you have to average over everything). -- ilyas \_ So you admit that people are working longer hours, getting paid less and having to commute more, but in the face of all this, you claim that their lifestyle has "improved." How about the fact that crowding has increased over the last decade? Food insecurity? \_ Is it true the vast majority of "food-insecure" adults are overweight? \- panem et circensus. lcd televisions in the reach of the common man keeps people from boredom and involved in petty politics and/or revolutions. lcds and football games are like the romans bread and circuses. feed 'em so they dont starve, and keep 'em entertained...and you wont have to worry about public unrest. it was true in roman times, and it's at least as valid today. panem et circensus \- ps b i am gay \- ps i am gay \_ This is not psb's voice, btw. \_ There is so much wrong with this I'm having a hard time starting. 1) False dichotomy 2) Are you saying we don't have a hereditary aristocrisy? I guess the Kennedys don't exist? 3) Anyone with enough liquid assets can easily get around this by: - setting up a non-profit and donating money to it - appointing their children as the board of directors and compensate them quite well 4) I've just started my own business. The death tax would force my kids to sell off my share. \_ Who do you propose to pay the tax burden instead? How long has America had an inheritance tax? This guy (and you) all made money knowing full well what the rules are, why should we change them in the middle of the game to favor you even more? And isn't the first $5M untaxed anyway? Why should a bunch of people who did nothing to deserve a windfall benefit at the expense of everyone else? \_ Here's a key concept: It's not your money to take away. If I can't give my property to my children, I don't own it. It's one thing to fund the government, it's another to be a communist. -op \_ I notice you have not answered the first question, nor are you able to do so. You claim that anyone who is in favor of any taxes whatsover is a communist? You are a lunatic. I do not have conversations with crazy people. a lunatic. I do not have conversations with crazy people. \_ I don't like to have conversations with stupid people. I said "funding the gov't is one thing". That means I understand the need for taxes. However, once you say "why should he get money?" you're a communist. communist. -op \_ So who are you going to raise taxes on instead? I am always amused when far right wingers claim that the position supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans is extremism. \_ It's not amusing when far left wingers do it? \_ If you can give me an example of that happening, I guess I would let you know if I thought it was funny or not. If you mean people like ANSWER, yeah I think they are pretty funny. \_ It's a bad question. The question isn't "who should we take from", it's "if we remove this tax, what do we do". Firstly we should eliminate the programs that are simply wealth transfers. That'd take care of about 60% of the federal budget. -op \_ So you want to eliminate Social Security so that the wealthy don't have to pay estate tax. I see. \_ They're 2 separate issues. SS is going away anyway, but yes, I'm in favor of eliminating it. Yes, I'm in favor of eliminating the death tax. The first is not to provide for the 2nd. -op \_ Which "wealth transfers" are you talking about then? There is no way that "wealth transfers" are 60% of the federal budget, unless you include SS in that 60%. http://www.warresisters.org/piechart.htm You can quibble about the percentage of debt payment that should be considered devoted to "past military" but those numbers are all up to date and accurate. Military + VA + debt is already half the budget. Do you call things like the Dept of Homeland Security a "wealth transfer"? And the death of Social Security has been predicted many, many times, but so far, she is still beating strong and overwhelming popular. \_ Who says it's so popular? Are payroll taxes popular? \_ 70 years of persistance in the face of Conservative attempts to eliminate it speak to its popularity. You could also google for a poll, if you really wanted an answer. \_ Slavery persisted a long time too. I could google for one, but I thought you might already have had a source in mind. But no, it was just something you pulled from your ass. \_ You really believe that answers the point? Social Security enjoys upwards of 70% support in any poll you could find. In addition, GWB's plan's disapproval never dropped below 60%. You seem to be something pulled from an ass. --scotsman \_ that's the 70% of people who plan to get a lot more out of other people's pockets than they'll ever pay in who have no plan for their own retirement. that sort of number not only does not impress me but worries me that this country is turning into a nanny state socialist pit. \_ If you don't like democracy, leave. \_ Should I quote the line about democracy being great until people figure out they can vote themselves goodies? The motd is full of uber geniuses today. \_ Quote all you want, you undemo- cratic, elitist thug. \_ I don't know but 60% is not "overwhelming". GWB's plan is not the only alternative to SS. SS as implemented is broken and regressive. \_ It is when approval never got above 35%. never got above 33%. GWB's plan wasn't about "fixing" it. There are broken portions, and changes need to be made, but the pp spoke of eliminating it. That's an idea that you can't sell to this country. \_ I love that "his fair share". Define fair share. -op \_ Arbitrarily: 50%. \- The only question worth asking about the Renew America columnist is "is he stupid or does he think you are stupid" ... i.e. "is he stupid or is he disingeuous?". If you arent interested in speculating on that Q, not worth reading. \_ So everyone should pay 50%? -op \_ From each according to his means, to each according to his needs. \_ I am a democratic and I am opposed to the death and inheritance tax. It should be my god given right to give my hard earned money to my children without tax. Take 50% of that away is just robbery, plain and simple. \- Grover Nordquist just got his wings. \_ You haven't done much research on this subject, have you? \_ Odds are that if you're not the uber-rich, you will be able to give your money to your kids with a minimum of tax. \_ And if you are the uber-rich, you will certainly be able to give your money to your kids with no tax at all! \_ How? If so, what the fuck is the inheritence tax for? The not so rich father that didn't know better? \_ It has been argued that inheritance taxes on the rich exist as incentives for those worthies to donate heavily to charities. \_ But the real reason is "because we can" \_ That's right, the same people who fought tooth and nail against godless communism are now taking rich people's money because they can. See you in the food lines, comrade. \_ Oh boo hoo, everyone has to pay taxes and it has been thus since Roman times. Forgive me if I don't shed a tear for you. \_ That's a fascinating argument. All sorts of shitty things have been true since Roman times. Death, for instance. \_ I think we should bring slavery back. It's the natural order, has been since Roman times. \_ I agree. MANIFEST DESTINY!!! \_ Yes, we should outlaw death too. That will work. Why not move someplace where is no functioning government and therefore no taxes? I think Somalia is a libertarian paradise. You can have all the guns you want, too. is no functioning government and therefore no taxes? I think Somalia is a libertarian paradise. You can have all the guns you want, too. \_ Dailykos talking points! \_ You are an idiot. \_ Please give some examples of this happening. \_ Cf. Gallo \_ http://www.csua.org/u/k15 (PBS) Are you referring to this? It says here that they paid their taxes, but over a number of years. Do you mean something else? \_ Check out the Straight Dope article. You're right, they didn't avoid the tax entirely, but they've reduced it significantly. \_ By what percentage was their tax reduced? I am not being contentious, I am just curious. |
2007/11/15-18 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48643 Activity:high |
11/15 So newly minted RON PAUL fans, this is a link from Daily Kos about some of his extreme positions, he gets a few points from me for not spouting the usual drivel and having an honest straight forward persona and not being double gitmo pro torture, but I really can't vote for the dude: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/5/15/124912/740 \_ I could, knowing full well that no matter what my vote is, California will go overwhelmingly for whomever the democratic candidate is. So the electoral votes will swing that way, I can vote for Ron with a clean conscience that my 'share' of the electoral votes will still go to the D's. -California voter torture, but I really can't vote for the dude: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/5/15/124912/740 \_ I could, knowing full well that no matter what my vote is, California will go overwhelmingly for whomever the democratic candidate is. So the electoral votes will swing that way, I can vote for Ron with a clean conscience that my 'share' of the electoral votes will still go to the D's. -California voter \_ Yes, California. The state that gave the world Nixon, Reagan, and - to some extent - Ford which has a Republican governor and who elected Pete Wilson to the position. \_ while the state does have some record of occasionally electing republicans, I think for the forseeable future they are solidly democratic. \_ Ed Meese, George Deukmejian. These are not just some random Repubs, but they were very powerful Repubs. I agree that D seems to predominate at the moment, but to say that CA "occasionally" elects Repubs is deceiving. Since 1900 CA has had 15 R govs and 4 D govs. \- and 1stripper: Earl Warren. The State is changing as the demographics change, but even now 3 of the last 4 were R. \_ seriously, come on now, do you think *any* of the R candidates have the slightest prayer of taking CA's electoral vote? It would take something bizarre like one of the D candidates taking all of them out in a freak murder-suicide in a primary debate. \_ Who knows? Lately, the R's have been conceding CA and it's worked. If they campaigned here instead of just hitting OC up for $$$ then maybe they'd have a better chance. CA elected *Pete Wilson*. \_ I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. The GOP is entirely dominated by religious fanatics who care more about punishing other people for their bad behavior than the old Reagan ideal of small government. If the GOP nominated another western libertarian, then they could compete in CA again. But they won't (do they even have one running?). \_ Duncan Hunter is from CA. He gets no press seemingly. Calling Reagan a libertarian? I scoff mightily at that. Mightily indeed. Did Reagan even reduce the size of gov't? He might have cut some taxes, but it's spending that determines the size. Reagan and Bush spent like crazy. GOP isn't "entirely" dominated by fundies. They are just a large group that GOP needs to pay lip service to. \_ If DailyKos is opposed, then Ron Paul is certainly worth considering as a serious candidate. \_ This article means nothing to me. "A vicious, comptemptible racist". \_ This article means nothing to me. "A vicious, contemptible racist". It's self-evidently horseshit. |
2007/11/7-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:48564 Activity:low |
11/7 What can i do? The top 3 repub candidates are in an insaneD alternative universe proclaiming to the people how they are more pro torture than the other guy. It's really odd. I can't vote for any of these guys. They're almost as bad as the fascist president in the movie 'The Dead Zone' \_ What's the problem then? \_ Don't vote. R is doomed this election anyways. Thanks Georgy! \_ It's not Georgy's fault he was elected. \_ Fucking Al Gore and Kerry's fault. Speaking of Kerry, what is he doing these days, sulking like Al Gore? \_ Gore is hardly sulking. He is jet setting and giving speeches, basking in the glow of his Nobel Prize. \_ Gore is apparently promoting Peace. \_ And poking fun at himself on shows like 30 Rock. Go, Al. |
2007/11/5-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:48551 Activity:nil |
11/5 The Ron Paul spam http://www.metafilter.com/66234/Ron-Paul-Spam I dunno about you, but any candidate that's got the endorsement of Stormfront AND the John Birch Society has got my vote! |
2007/11/5-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:48541 Activity:kinda low |
11/5 The more you drive, the less intelligent you are: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Columnists/Column/0,,1671053,00.html \_ Ah, Guardian, the libural outlet of the socialists. \_ I just started a job much further away than my previous job. So I'm dumb for taking a better job further away? \_ only if you drive there. \_ well not exactly, but I love this quote from the article: When you drive, society becomes an obstacle. Pedestrians, bicycles, traffic calming, speed limits, the law: all become a nuisance to be wished away. The more you drive, the more bloody-minded and individualistic you become. -ERic \_ Fuck you eric. Read this: http://images.libertyoutlet.com/prod/p-myvehicle.jpg \_ Hey, don't attack me, it's not my opinion -- I was just pointing out a choice quote. -ERic (and yes, I have a SUV) \_ America is built because of individualism. If you hate individualism, you hate America. -Randian individualism, you hate America. -Randroid \_ Pretty true actually. And a shame. \_ There was a TV commercial a couple months ago that started with the line "I only care about me, myself and I." \_ America is the land of the individuals, the land of the uncommon man, the land where man is free to develop his genius-- and to get its just rewards. Individualism fosters invention and ingenuity. NOW I SHALL GO PUT KEROSENE IN MY HAIR. -Ayn fosters invention and ingenuity. -Ayn \_ None of the above jackasses got the Repo Man reference. Sad face! \_ Actually I did, but it was a bad reference, unless yoy are trying to imply that individualistic implies less intelligent. -ERic \_ It made me want to drive more. And I live in LA, and fucking hate to drive here. -- ilyas \_ You Go Girl! |
2007/11/5-8 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48536 Activity:kinda low |
11/5 Barack Obama on net neutrality: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd8qY6myrrE I think Obama just got my vote. -dans \_ I find it hilarious that I post something related to politics, and it generates no response, but I post a job req and it triggers a massive flamefest. -dans \_ It isn't your job posting that triggered a flamefest. It was your hostile response to very simple, common, and expected questions about your company. I don't recall anyone here ever responding in such a manner to simple job questions. \_ Really? Because I'm pretty sure it all started with someone referring to me as 'the motd idiot'. I'm not sure how I come across as hostile in that regard. -dans \_ That isn't how it started and you know it. Now you're just trolling. \_ Please stop making shit up. -dans \_ Maybe you're reading a different motd. \_ Apparently. Try signing your name once in a while. -dans |
2007/10/30-11/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:48492 Activity:nil |
10/30 Is this guy a Republican or a Democrat? http://www.csua.org/u/jv5 (The Guardian) Orange County Sheriff charged with accepting bribes \_ He is gay and he wants you. \_ I don't think sherrifs usually run on party platforms. \- he's trying to show why government is bad. |
2007/10/25-29 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:48449 Activity:nil |
10/25 Fox News blames socal fires on Al Qaida http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Fox_advances_theory_that_CA_fires_1024.html \_ ... while the spread of the fire is blamed on bureaucracy. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/wildfires_grounded_aircraft \_ Randi Rhodes blames Blackwater http://newsbusters.org/blogs/p-j-gladnick/2007/10/26/randi-rhodes-suggests-blackwater-started-california-fires |
2007/10/24-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:48436 Activity:low |
10/24 Animated gif satellite view of the fires http://www.osei.noaa.gov/Events/Current/CaliforniaFire.gif \_ Wow. I never heard about the one in Mexico. \_ bah, it's only a four hour window \_ http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery \_ http://www.signonsandiego.com/firemap \_ http://alg.umbc.edu/usaq |
2007/10/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:48427 Activity:moderate |
10/24 the weather girl on KRON4 has a gigantic rack. I really should drive to work. \_ What does that have to do with driving to work? \_ Pics please? The weather video on http://www.kron.com only features a guy. \_ I like Jackie Johnson here in LA (on the left). link:tinyurl.com/37359e \_ Lisa Guerrero is hotter. http://www.hottystop.com/lisa-guerrero/4.jpg \_ Amazing, but I still like Jackie better. She's more fresh and wholesome seeming. Lisa Guerrero has a better body, but she looks like she's been around the block. |
2007/10/18-24 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48371 Activity:low |
10/18 Watson backpedals from statement like mad http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071018/ap_on_sc/controversial_scientist \_ Watson is wrong. ALL MEN are created equal. The bible says so! \_ "In 2000, in a speech at the University of California, Berkeley, he suggested that sex drive is related to skin color. "That's why you have Latin lovers," he said, according to people who attended. "You've never heard of an English lover. Only an English patient." WAIT what??? So if I'm brown I'm horny? \_ Shouldn't the headline be "Watson backpoodles from statement"? \_ Shouldn't the headline be "Watson backausmans from statement"? \_ Haha! \_ Shouldn't the headline be "Watson backgerman shepherds from statement"? |
2007/10/16-18 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:48338 Activity:moderate |
10/16 The Religious Right has boatloads of cash on hand. http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/archives/13257.html \_ Interesting. I wonder if there's a sense among the RR that 2008 is pretty much a wash and that it would make more sense to save money for 2012. \_ The RR is a single minded entity with a single bank account? Sort of a giant Jesus Multi-Body Entity(tm) with a single group mind? \_ You have a question/answer/real point to make? Or you just like using question marks? \_ It's there. Try again. |
2007/10/12-15 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48296 Activity:nil |
10/12 I am very curious... do people in USA actually think they have the moral high ground of accusing others for genocide? http://csua.org/u/jpq \_ Yes. Oh, and today is the 12th of Oct. \_ Absolutely, and that doesn't negate our obligation to recognize injustices to Native Americans by our predecessors at the same time. \_ i am still waiting. \_ Dude, we let them gamble and they don't have to observe state law. It's a pretty sweet deal! ;) \_ They can even declare themselves sovereign nations. Exactly what it means by having sovereign nations within the US, I don't know. \_ Exactly. As far as I can tell it means they have to follow federal law, and that's about it. \_ Your logic: because the US was responsible at one time in the past for atrocities against the natives here we have no business telling people committing genocide today to stop. Thank you for joining us today. Maybe you'll have better bait tomorrow. \_ my logic is that the only reason why we stopped is not because we didn't feel it was the wrong thing to do. We stopped because we've gotten what we wanted and these natives are no longer have any means to fight back. ANd even today, USA never officially label these acts "genocide," nor have American produce any sort of remedy for such act (return some of their land? monetary compensation?). and now we are passing a bill labelling Turkey for doing the same thing? \_ Same logic: you did bad stuff so you can't point out when other people do bad stuff. \_ The bill has no 'weight'. Symbolic only. At least in the US most people would agree that we were pretty shitty to the Indians. The Turkish government completely denies anything happened at all. \_ Sounds similar to Germans vs. Japanese regarding WWII. \_ You're over generalizing. If anything, the Germans of today accept MORE than their fair share of the blame for WW2. They won't shut up about how awful they were. Boo hoo. nationalist Japanese parties like to pretend the barbaric excesses of the imperial army did not happen, I'll give you that. \_ The "weight" is that Turkey will become an enemy. Currently, 70% of our supplies for Afghanistan and Iraq go through Turkey's airspace. This bill has been attempted for over a decade. Only now, when it will cut off the supply lines to our troops are the Dems working on it. \_ The Dems are building alliances around the world! \_ While calling Bush terrible at diplomacy. \_ Enjoying some crow with your Freedom Fries? \_ Huh? \_ Native American tribes can run casinos in CA. White trash, n***er and Chinamen can't. \_ http://www.filibustercartoons.com/archive.php?id=20071011 |
2007/10/10-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48286 Activity:high |
10/10 Two suggestions for elections: 1) Voter lottery: each person who votes gets entered in a $10M lottery. 2) Electoral points: each voter gets to allocate a pool of "electoral points" to whichever candidates he or she prefers; say six "electoral points," so as to allow pyramid- ical ranking of 1, 2, and 3. Thoughts? \_ Obviously, voting is too difficult of a job that the average American does not want to participate in. We should outsource voting offshores. We should also offshore our politicians to reduce conflict of interests. \_ Yes. Your understanding of math and civics is poor. -dans \_ dans: shitting in other people's cornflakes for the hell of it. \_ Others' responses below elaborate on my points nicely. -dans \_ 1) Don't like it. if they don't want to vote, let them not vote. Work on making voting easier. Absentee ballots are probably easier for most people but it's a bit of a hassle to get them. 2) I think this is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumulative_voting I prefer IRV for a single-winner election because it doesn't make you compromise your support. Dividing points to create ranks is inferior to simply ranking them outright. \_ Lack of voting is a signal that is often interpreted as 'none of the above.' -- ilyas \_ How about an IQ test or a test of knowledge? So many people who *do* vote don't know most of the issues and do more harm than good. \_ Or how 'bout a poll tax! Do you know anything about our country, constitution, or history? The point that would be valid here is that since democracy is predicated on an educated populace, access to education is an inherent right. \_ Hah! Do your research on rights. Oh and on the difference between a republic and a democracy. \_ Maybe we should abandon voting altogether and use the jury selection method: random lottery selection per election period. Apparently this is how ancient Athens appointed officials. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortition We could use multi-member districts and use approval voting or cumulative voting etc. to let voters elect representatives from a pool of randomly selected residents (somewhat akin to how juries are approved). Perhaps the pool should be limited to those who "sign up" to be in the pool, to avoid personal liberty issues. The advantage over direct democracy would presumably be that dedicated officials would have the time to fully educate themselves about the issues. The advantage over elected reps is to remove the money-driven election apparatus and get ordinary people rather than giant political parties. \_ That's what we thought about representative democracy. \_ It's still representative democracy. The method for choosing representatives can vary. \_ Perhaps only Veterans should be allowed to vote. -Vet \_ There are many vets who aren't even citizens and cannot vote. \_ I was under the impression that serving in the US military guaranteed one citizenship. Is this incorrect? -dans \_ You're thinking of Starship Troopers. There is fairly recent legislation to expedite citizenship for members of the military, but it's not automatic. \_ We are increasingly going the route of Rome in its later years, with an Army made up primarily of non-citizens and mercenaries. \_ Perhaps only people of my ethnic/socio-economic/education/ geographic/professional background should be allowed to vote. \_ At least one person got my point. It is disingenuous for a bunch of CS geeks to argue for an IQ requirement for voting. -Vet \_ A basic civics requirement wouldn't be too much to ask, would it? "Here's a pamphlet in all 300 official US languages. Call this phone # toll free to hear it read to you." \_ Actually, yes it would be too much. Education requires funding and free time. Making it a requirement for voting makes it equivalent to a poll tax. Education is the silver bullet. A more educated populace yields a "better" electorate and, one would hope, a "better" democracy. This is what I speak about above, that the idiotic replier doesn't understand. --scotsman \_ So making sure someone had read a flyer or listened to a 2 minute explanation of our government system on the phone or at the polling place is too high a burden to ask a voter? If someone can' be bothered to do so little to vote I don't want them voting. I think you're taking the poll tax concept way too far. Do you think non-citizens should be allowed to vote? If not, why not? Is that not a burden which puts a person in a position to be a victim of government with no say? Taxation without representation, etc? \_ Citizenship is a prerequisite for voting. I would not change that. I think it's a very sad thing that non-citizens likely know more about US civics than natural born citizens. The solution is not to make people prove they're "capable" of voting. It's to improve education. As to non-citizens, I assume you mean people who are seeking citizenship, or people working (and taxed) under a visa. In those cases, they are ` working under pre-agreed conditions. If you're talking about undocumented people, I don't speak on that subject for lack of knowledge. --scotsman \_ My idea is about improving education "on the spot", if you will. \_ It's not the place for it, and I'd presume law and precedence on the matter would back me up. IANAL. http://epress.anu.edu.au/cw/mobile_devices/ch13s02.html http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-1004351/literacy-test \_ It isn't a literacy test. You're way too focused on that part. How do you expect your populace to get educated? \_ An educated populace doesn't solve the problem. You need to demonstrate you care enough to know the issues. Knowing a lot about EE doesn't mean you know diddly about Prop XYZ, or even read it. Therefore, I think some sort of test of knowledge would be useful. "Do you know what Prop XYZ is about?" \_ An EE degree != educated. I think it was clear that in the context of this discussion we're talking about a basic knowledge of civics, not about requiring a 4 year degree. Ok, let's try again: I want to see voters who know what they're voting for/about and I want their votes to count without going to direct nationwide polling. What is your suggestion? \_ And I want a pony and a blowjob, but wishing doesn't make it so. Actually, I'll probably get the blowjob. What is your point? -dans,!PP \_ If you have nothing to contribute, don't. I'll stick to the validity of my 'civics lesson requirement' for voting since no one here can come up with a flaw in it, just childish noise. \_ Read a fucking history book. Reading requirements for voters were historically abused to systematically disenfranchise poor and black voters. Your civics lesson nonsense would be subject to similar abuse. Others have made this point. I shouldn't have to do it again. Enjoy your pony. -dans \_ You are totally ignoring what I have been saying. It can be read, it can be a phone call, it can be read to you, I don't care what form it takes and you keep intentionally ignoring that which makes you a troll. If there is a Hellen Keller voter out there who can't read, hear, or anything else then we'll give her a pass on the requirement. You're just trolling. I'm not tom, stop trolling me like I'm him. \_ So because someone may abuse a law that means we should not have it? The status quo, with only a few people at the polls and many of *those* having no clue what they are doing is not being abused by politicians? \_ Hyperbole; we're not there yet. Also, as to yr first q, when there's a track record, yes. |
2007/10/7-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:48258 Activity:moderate |
10/7 Let's make every vote count. Unless it hurts us. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2007/10/07/MNSESIOTG.DTL \_ Changing the electoral system of the most populous state in the country, while leaving the rest of the states the same, is not "making every vote count"; it's a transparent attempt to undermine the electoral process. If you want to change all 50 states, we'd have something to talk about. -tom \_ I'd take a 50 state change. And no, CA wouldn't even be the first leading the way, but the third. And if you read the article, they have no concern about voters but their own power. How many quotes in there are about killing babies and shooting guns and other forms of violence? \_ I'd consider a 50-state change, but that's not what's on the table. I'm sure the Republicans would fight heartily against a 50-state change. This is a political move (led by Guliani's campaign) and was defeated politically by the opposing party. No surprise at all. -tom \_ Of course, that can never happen. States aren't allowed to make those compacts. Frankly I think it'd be better if every state went to the congressional district solution, but I'd be okay if CA did it. That would probably go for TX, NY and FL as well. The states are too big. \_ 'States aren't allowed to make those compacts'? E_LACKS_FACTUAL_BASIS. You're a moron. -!tom \_ What part of "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress ... enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State" in Article I, Section 10, paragraph 3 of the constitution don't you understand? http://csua.org/u/joe \_ The part in Article II that says "Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors...." http://csua.org/u/joj If a number of states pass state legislation conditional on other states passing similar legislation concerning a winner-take-all award of electors, that would not constitute the Agreement or Compact you cite above. \_ I believe that making the allocation of electors conditional on how other states allocate their electors would be an illegal compact. Do it or not. None of this crap about "who else is going"? Otherwise, all compacts could be "we'll do this if State B implements it as well" would be a way to get around this paragraph every single time. \_ Welcome to Constitutional Law 101. \_ I believe you are not a fucking lawyer, and that you should shut the fuck up before you highlight your lack of domain-specific knowledge further. \_ Jesus, even I wouldn't go that far. It's the motd, not Debate Club. -!pp \_ You'd be wrong about the (R) fighting a 50 state change. Because they'd win the Presidency hands down if the last several elections are anything to go by. Anyway, I don't care who came up with an idea if the idea is good. The source of a good idea seems to be a reason to dismiss an idea to you. To me that is just ad hominem. \_ No, you forget that Gore won the popular vote in 2000. \_ In the current climate of gerrymandering by both parties, district-based electoral votes are meaningless. A direct apportionment by popular vote would be more representative, esp. if coupled with Instant Runoff Voting. --erikred \_ Ok, true, I forgot the gerrymandering part. I still like the concept even if the implementation would be flawed due to policians picking their voters instead of voters picking their politicians. I'm not entirely thrilled with true direct democracy given how stupid the average citizen is. As a separate issue I think IRV is too complex for most people to figure out. You think the butterfly ballot and hanging chads thing was a mess? Wait til people start complaining they didn't understand IRV or it wasn't clear or whatever so they ended up with Pat Buchanan in office. \_ Question: why would you expect less direct methods to succeed in the face of postulated stupidity of the voter? -- ilyas \_ The point (to me) of having to win voting blocks (of whatever size) instead of just across the entire set of individuals helps prevent a regional candidate from squeaking in. When regional votes count you have to please the entire nation to some degree not just a large enough group who all think the same. \_ Alright, but given your own assumption of voter stupidity how does pleasing a wider section of voters help? You are slicing the same stupid pie. -- ilyas \_ It spreads the stupidity such that a candidate must gain the confidence of *different* sets of stupid people. Just taking a single geographic region or heavily taking cities/rural areas alone won't be enough. Call it a 'stupidity smoothing function' if you like. I don't think you'll find that many stupid people all thinking the same thing across multiple slices of the country. \_ If you just want to average, you leave yourself open to well known biases, anchoring, etc. Averaging over stupid opinions doesn't give you good outcomes if good opinions are 'far away.' Further, if you want to average, you can just bypass the voting thing entirely. -- ilyas voting thing entirely. Still, it would be nice to harness the 'wisdom of the crowds' effect, though I think markets do that better than voting schemes. But then using markets to make political decisions is batshit crazy, right? -- ilyas \_ How would you use a market? Require people to bid for the right to vote? \_ I submit to you that ordering your choices 1, 2, 3 would be much easier than asking Amerians to select one, and only one, candidate, and tough shit if he doesn't win outright. \_ Of course it isn't easier. "Pick one" is easier than "pick an ordered list". \_ I haven't thought about voting schemes a lot, but your notion of 'easier' seems misapplied. What's difficult about 'picking one' is choosing which candidate matches your beliefs better, out of a field of candidates who are generally not very well matched to your beliefs. This creates 'hard choices,' since the winner takes all. In this case, an ordered list makes the choice less hard, since you are signalling your beliefs much better. Voting isn't a computational problem but a signaling one. -- ilyas \_ I haven't thought about voting schemes a lot, but your notion of 'easier' seems misapplied. What's difficult about 'picking one' is choosing which candidate matches your beliefs better, out of a field of candidates who are generally not very well matched to your beliefs. This creates 'hard choices,' since the winner takes all. In this case, an ordered list makes the choice less hard, since you are signalling your beliefs much better. Voting isn't a computational problem but a signaling one. -- ilyas [formatd] \_ Sorry, I meant easier to implement. True, making that one pick is not easier for a conscientious voter, especially with >2 candidates and tactical concerns. But the practical apparatus, instruction, and reporting of results are obviously harder than pick one. AFAIK this is the primary complaint. Personally I actually have long supported IRV, ever since I heard about it in high school or whatever. \_ I submit to you that the typical American voter barely knows anything about their first choice much less has 3 choices in mind they could actually rank. \_ IRV is not monotonic, and thus not strategy-free. I think this makes it a terrible idea. Approval voting >> IRV. Simpler too. -dans \_ Approval voting is not strategy free either. I think its simplicity is a major point in favor though. It's very close to the simple FPTP system logistically. However I feel it does not really address the "spoiler problem" which is the main benefit to alternative voting systems as I see it. \_ Okay, just brushed up on this (I haven't done serious research or study of voting systems since 2004), and you are correct, approval voting is not strategy free. There exists, however, fairly strong evidence that it is about as resistant to tactical voting as one can hope for without introducing non-determinism. We seem to be having some problems with semantics because approval voting *eliminates* the spoiler problem, how do you feel it fails to address it? IRV, however, partly because it is not monotonic, and due to several other side effects risks *severe* spoiler effects. -dans \_ Due to the Primary system (which won't go away with IRV), approval voting already has tactical voting built in. I consistently re-register as a member of whichever party has the Primary I want to vote in. Je suis un saboteur. \_ That's reasonable, but it has nothing to do with approval voting itself. And, arguably, approval voting makes the primary system unnecessary, though I understand why it probably wont' go away for political reasons. -dans \_ Consider candidates ABC and I think A>>B>>C. Do I vote for B or not? Voting for B hurts A's chances. But I really don't want C to win. IRV lets me just rank them A,B,C and leads to a reasonable result in general. The results may not always match some theoretical rule but I don't think it has practical problems in most cases. It's not perfect but it lets me state my preferences better than approval voting. \_ "This voting for 3 people thing really confuses me and I've now been disen- franchised! I want to re-vote! Wah!" \_ It would sure as hell be easier to divine voter intent in IRV than hanging chads. \_ Um, the idea is terrible. It's a blatant power grab. Furthermore, past events are not a predictor of future behavior. There are some very interesting shifts in the behavior of substantial voter demographics in red states. Oh, and you don't seem to know what ad hominem means. You're a moron. That's ad hominem. -!tom \_ Ad hominem: attacking the man, not the idea. Thank you for showing us how little you know. The idea is great. It gets us closer to true democracy instead \_ Little known fact: The founding fathers didn't want "true democracy". They thought the people as a whole, were dumb. So much stupid shit happens these days that I am inclined to agree with them. There's a reason we are a 'representational democracy'. \_ I'm aware of that and the FF were right. But the country was much smaller then and I don't think they foresaw half a dozen states of 50 determining the POTUS with no realistic say for the rest of the country. Going to county sized voting blocks would still be representational without going 100% democracy. \_ I take it back, you're not a moron, you're a disingenuous tool. \_ Who cares what you think? You've yet to post anything that could be mistaken for rational thought or adding value to this discussion. of the current system of Red/Blue states where if you're in the "wrong color" state your vote has no power. It is not a power grab. I don't care which "color" President gets elected. I want votes to count. What do *you* want? You want "your guy" whoever that is to be in office no matter how they got there. *That* is what power grabbing is about. \_ Stating the fact that Giuliani's campaign was leading the push is not an ad hominem. Stating that it is a naked political push to crack CA's electoral vote bloc is not either. Saying "I don't like it because Giuliani's a doo doo head" would be, but no one said such a thing. The \_ In context, it was clearly meant as "G. came up with this so it must be bad". \_ Bullshit. You're laying your opinion of the matter on others' comments. \_ Welcome to the motd. Ready to play? other two states that break up their votes along district lines each have 3 electoral votes. For them it makes sense to do this so they can grab attention from the candidates. For CA it would \_ 3 votes isn't attention grabbing. \_ In a tight race, it can be. \_ "In a tight race your vote might count, maybe, otherwise screw you." That isn't what our voting system was supposed to be like. \_ I don't see how you've put any proposal forward which would change this. \_ I stated I think we should do it by county or by voting district or polling place or whatever instead of as giant state sized blocks. I've also explained why I think this will improve voter 'value' in more than the current top 6 states. \_ If the race isn't tight, your vote still wouldn't count. be a sacrifice of the state's sway in electoral politics. I would tend to agree with an amendment \_ We have no sway. We're the bank for the party who comes through here doing no campaigning at all because they know our votes don't matter. They just take our money. to institute such a change nationwide, though it would be a big bite out of the 10th.. I would also agree with abolishing the electoral college, but that's just me. --scotsman \_ I'm not saying CA should be the only state doing it. I'd go for a nationwide change. But not doing it out of pure partisan power play politics puts party before nation. I have no interest in that. Nation first. \_ How would the nation be better off if California (and only California) split its electoral votes? -tom \_ It would bring candidates here to earn our votes because it would suddenly matter. Other states would see that and follow suit. Voila! Now everyone's vote matters more and the nation is better off. \_ With us voting last and our primaries near last, the elections are often 'called' before they even get to us. Granted recent years much of this has changed. \_ That's another story. As a CA resident our insanely late voting date always irked me. This time we're Feb 5th only a few weeks after the first votes take place so we finally get a say in things. We're still the bankroll for both parties and they don't campaign here at all but at least our votes might count for something. \_ The Democrats have been campaigning like mad in California, where have you been? Each major candidate has been to the Bay Area alone in the last six weeks. \_ Proud statements, but it's not a persuasive argument for CA switching. Politics is the process by which the nation runs. Go find a benevolent monarchy if'n you don't like it. \_ See my response to tom just above. But I do find your "love it or leave it" line amusing. I wonder if you see the irony in that statement in a dicussion of how to better run our representational democracy. :-) \_ In your argument, you've decided to reject the process that under- pins democracy out of hand. I wonder if you see the irony in thinking you're astute enough to declare something ironic. Are you the same person who claimed "earmarks" == "pork"? \_ In what way have I rejected the process that underpins democracy? Au contraire mon frere! I want more people in more places (all places) to know their vote is valued. \_ You reject "politics". We are a representative democracy. Do you support Mike Gravel's direct democracy initiative? \_ Eh, I'm gonna have to go with !tom on this one. Maraland passed a similar law with the stipulation "when enough other states change to swing the electoral college." To do it in just one state is whack. That said, yeah CA is WAY too large. \_ Sure, but if you split it into NorCal/SoCal, SFBA and LA would still be the 500lb. gorillas. \_ That's only because human beings should have more of an effect on the electoral process than dirt does. -tom \_ What? Dirt? Huh? \_ The Bay Area has people. Modoc County has dirt. -tom \_ So you think people in Modoc County shouldn't count? LA has way more people than SF. By your logic, we should only count LA's votes. Oh, and San Jose since they have more people than SF, too. \_ If Modoc, Salinas, King, Fresno, San Diego, and Orange all swing against LA, LA loses. \_ Ok, and so? It takes 6 counties, 2 of them heavily populated to top LA. What is wrong with that? \_ Nothing. It just proves that people count more than dirt. \_ So you disapprove of the Senate? \_ As arbitrary divisions of representation go, this one is still oddly more repre- sentative than are Districts. \_ You're inconsistent (or you're inconsistent with tom). Either dirt counts or it doesn't. \_ You're beating a straw man. Note that I said "more of an effect." -tom \_ And in the Senate, the dirt matters more than the people. \_ If so, Alaska would get more Senators than RI. \_ Arguably, the Senate is neither about dirt or ppl, just arb. pol. distinctions. -pp \- Trying to get this implemented ni a large state with a long history of voting for a particular party is patently unfair unless coupled with a number states whose combined electoral votes show a similarly strong record voting for the other party. I could agree with legislation to divide CA's electoral votes by popular vote if that condition was met. The alternative of course, is implementation over all states. Were third (and nth) parties considered as well? \_ You may wish to peruse: http://economistsview.typepad.com/economistsview/2007/10/andrew-gelman-w.html |
2007/10/6-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48250 Activity:low |
10/3 http://www.kidsdata.org/topictables.jsp?t=18&i=7&ra=8_2 Look, Democrats are more concerned about children than Republicans by ~20%! See, Republicans are selfish bastards. -troll \_ Charles Manson was a liberal. Any question? -anti-troll \_ So was Hitler - anti-anti-troll \_ i hope you are not talking about the recent veto of extending health insurance to low-income children. Because that bill is largely sponsered by Republicans. One thing I failed to understnd is that congress can EASILY use war funding to choke President Bush but they don't have the gutts to do so. They should know that even if we just cut the war funding, the public probably won't hold much against it. \_ Well it's well known that liberals are wishy washy flip-flops who are afraid to fight Osama Bin Laden, or something like that \_ No, official policy is that terrorism is a criminal matter, thus an FBI issue. \_ I found the real reason why he vetoed it - the hidden cigar tax! Bush may not smoke them, but his rich buddies all do. |
2007/10/3-5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:48233 Activity:nil |
10/3 Secessionists meeting in Tennessee http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20071003/ap_on_re_us/secessionist_movement_1 |
2007/9/27-10/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48205 Activity:high |
9/27 In response to the previous threads about rubber stamp Democrats. My point is not rather we should fund the war or not. But rahter, if we going to fund it, fund it as part of regular budget process instead of going through all these supplement spending bills which doesn't have the same oversight as regular spending bill. Further, I failed to understand why Democrat would take Bush's veto threat about domestic spending while this guy's military spending is going completely out of control. Democrats should just say "fund the war via the regular spending bill, or not fund the war at all." \_ Ask Pelosi and Reid why they continue to fund it. The American people put them in office for a reason. They promised to end the war and clean up government. Under their watch, the war has actually expanded by 30k troops and corruption is rampant across the board. Oh yay, I so can't wait to vote for that bunch again. They've been so effective. \_ In what way is "corruption rampant"? Is there more or less corruption than with the Republican Congress? \_ Hello? Earmarking the hell out of the budget? Just like Republicans, except the Democrats promised to cleanup. So we get corruption+hypocritics instead of 'mere' corruption. There's a reason Congress's popularity rating as a whole is at all time lows. No one likes a liar (Iraq funding) or a hypocrite (earmarking corruption). \_ give some examples of corrupt earmarking. earmarking is not inherently corrupt. \_ you're kidding, right? DiFi's committee granting nobids to her husband's company? Pelosi granting handouts to her family's companies? Murtha, well damn, just about anything Murtha has come near. Look, be serious. You can't point a finger at the other party and scream 'corruption!' when your own party is doing the same crap. Glass houses and all that. If you spent less time prowling for Republican corruption and turned less of a blind eye towards Democratic party corruptions, you'd see the hypocrisy and I for one have had enough. I will not support corrupt people of either party even if they sometimes agree with me or even vote the way I like most of the time. \_ Please back up your claims. \_ I did. I'm not going to discuss this further with someone so clearly wearing blinders. You would google for it yourself if you actually cared and weren't suffering from severe self inflicted blindness. \_ No, you didn't. You gave allegations. \_ Whatever. You don't want to know and wouldn't care if I put it under your nose. Bored now. Bye. \_ "And I'm taking my ball and going home!" \_ No, just bored and not looking to get trolled today. I gave you more than enough info to google it if you cared to know. You don't. Story over. \_ Wow, fools do mock! -!pp \_ Your contribution: zero. oktnx \_ You do know that the current Congress has 1/10th as many earmarks in the budget than the GOP Congress immediately preceeding it, right? \_ When it is zero, lemme know. "Woot! The one party is not quite as corrupt (yet) as the other party! Yay for such heroism in government!" \_ Good luck on holding out for your utopian society. Are you going to hold your breath until you get it? Not everyone even is able to agree on what "corruption" in government is, so you will never find one without any. As a previoius poster noted, sometimes there are legitimate uses for an earmark. \_ Name a legitimate use for an earmark. I'm not certain you even understand what an earmark is. An earmark is a politician sticking something into a bill to give money to some local cronies in their district which usually has nothing at all to do with the bill. The bill in question is typically one of many "must be passed" pieces of legislation so no one will vote against it even though it is loaded with pork. If the allocation of money was legitimate it would have it's own bill. Earmarking = corruption. Unless you already hold office or are the recipient of said funds. \_ Earmarks can be legitimately used to fund specific projects. Don't be obtuse. -tom \_ Name a legitimate earmark. Just one. A specific project can and should get a specific bill, or be part of a larger related budget. I expect the military budget to include funding for specific weapons and bases. I do not expect it to include bridges to no where, funding for DiFi and Pelosi family and friends, or anything not related to the military. Either you don't know what an earmark is or you're being a total idiot intentionally. Either way, no one has posted a single earmarked item that is legit. Given how many billions of dollars in earmarks go out in each budget, you should be able to name one legitimate earmark, if there were any. There are not. \_ Here is $1B worth of earmarks to improve the CA freeway system. Are you going to claim that all of them are unneeded? link:www.csua.org/u/jma \_ privatized freeway systems are cost effective and better utilized. \_ Better utilized? Wtf does that even mean? \_ So your claim that these earmarks are corrupt is based on the idea that freeways should all be tollways??! Hoo-kay, please sign your posts with the moniker "Libertarian Troll" next time, so I will know not to waste my time researching a reply. \_ You're kidding right? Of course a transportation bill has money for transportation projects. Why do you even bother? I don't get it. Do you think no one will fact check your links? I specifically said they're filling the budget with money for local projects unrelated to the bill they're attached to. Transport money in a transport bill is not what I was talking about and you knew that. \_ The transportation bill is one of the appropriations bills that make up the "budget". It is you who do not know of what you speak. He pointed to a "budget" bill with "earmarks" which you admit are "valid". You are clearly too short for this ride. --scotsman \_ I was quite specific about this. If you choose not to read it and instead pick and choose single words out of context to 'feel big', then do so but don't think you've actually proven anything. \_ You have repeatedly mistaken "earmarks" for "pork". When called on it, you got all defensive and claimed that everyone else is an idiot. To earmark is to set aside monies for a specific project. Tom's phraseology is right. Yours is wrong. Also, you mentioned the "Bridge to Nowhere". I assume you meant Stevens' $200M joke. What bill do you think that was to be in? Hint: it wasn't in Defense. --scotsman |
2007/9/24-27 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48166 Activity:nil |
9/24 Gosh, why do we even have Proxy Vote for stocks? It's not like any of us commoners have any power. Look at this for example where the Board of Directors vote against all commoners' wishes: 02. PROPOSAL FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE ADOPTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 EXECUTIVE BONUS PLAN. Directors Recommend: FOR <--- uh, DUH, they want my MONEY 03 . PROPOSAL TO RATIFY THE SELECTION OF ERNST & YOUNG LLP AS INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM OF THE COMPANY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MAY 31, 2008. Directors Recommend: FOR <--- uh, DUH, they suck 04 . STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL ON THE AMENDMENT TO THE CORPORATE BYLAWS ESTABLISHING A BOARD COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS. Directors Recommend: AGAINST <--- uh, DUH, human rights will get in the way of PROFITS 05 . STOCKHOLDER PROPOSAL ON AN OPEN SOURCE REPORT. Directors Recommend: AGAINST \_ Duh, of course the recommend stuff that lines their pockets. Sheesh. This is direct plutodemocracy. You vote with your dollars. Don't have as many dollars = less voting power. Why should someone who invested $100m into a company have less say than you who dropped $5 in? |
2007/9/20-22 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:48133 Activity:low |
9/20 Someone deleted my CRV question. Where does the money collected by the CRV end up? I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that some of it is used to pay refunds, but what happens to the rest? I STFW already. \_ The first two hits on google for "california CRV money" came up with very informative articles on this subject: http://www.sdreader.com/php/ma_show.php?id=384 http://www.sdreader.com/php/ma_show.php?id=279 about the 6th hit is http://www.somelifeblog.com/2007/01/californias-redemption-value-increase.html which goes into great detail on this. The latter ones two seemed really relevant to your question. At this point all I can say is LRN2STFW. -ERic \_ I used Yahoo! and not Google. BTW, thanks. \_ Its is a poor craftsman who blames his tools. \_ Not blaming the tool. Just saying #1 and #2 hits on Yahoo! were not informative. In fact, most were not. |
2007/9/14-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:48077 Activity:nil |
9/14 Paging AGONZALES : http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-ucilaw13sep13,0,5893599.story [considering what LSUMMERS was booted for, as BDELONG says "Why does MDRAKE still have a job?" \_ Right Wing Political Correctness run amok. \_ Political Correctness run amok. \- speaking of LSUMMERS: http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2007/09/unclear-on-the-.html \- speaking of LSUMMERS and UC: http://tinyurl.com/2kvadz |
2007/9/14-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:48070 Activity:low |
9/14 Another radical leftist on Bush's economic policies: http://www.csua.org/u/jj5 "Little value was placed on rigorous economic policy debate or the weighing of long-term consequences," Greenspan writes of the Bush administration. Greenspan said he unsuccessfully urged the White House to veto "out-of-control" spending bills while the Republicans controlled Congress. Republicans "deserved" to lose control of Congress in last year's election because they "swapped principle for power," he said. \_ Who are you baiting? I don't recall anyone here being an ardent proponent of high spending. \_ There sure are (were?) a lot of pro-war pro-spending folks posting a few years ago. Nice if they all had a change of heart. \_ You're confusing pro-war with pro-spending. I was appalled when Bush's first action in 2001 was to do an across the board increase to every federal budget. I'm still anti-tax, anti-spending. That has no relation to my opinions on the war which is a foreign policy decision, not an economic or political one (for me). \_ You think the war is free? \_ Don't strawman, of course it isn't. It also isn't a "spending" decision as I explained. \_ It's not a spending decision, it's just a decision which requires spending! As much spending as all our other decisions combined! Right! \_ Snarky was cute in HS. If you have something worth saying I'll gladly discuss it further with you but if all you've got is snarky one liners in response to my serious explanations then don't bother. Snarky is no longer a successful debate tactic at this stage of life. \_ You don't have a serious point. "war is a policy decision, not a spending one" is tautological and meaningless. Whether to embargo Cuba is a policy decision; whether to go or war or not is a spending decision. \_ Well, going to war without cutting anything else is certainly an interesting spending decision... \_ Oh they cut things. Taxes for one. \_ Well, duh... CUTTING TAXES INCREASES REVENUES DIDN'TCHAKNOW \_ No, it is not a "strawman" to point out that starting wars costs money. It is kind of willfully blind to pretend that it does not. pretend that it does not. Would you support starting a war that had a moderate foreign policy gain if it cost $10T? $100T? Of course cost considers into the decision. |
2007/9/12-14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic] UID:48035 Activity:moderate |
9/12 High School students not allowed to wear US Flag \_ On 9/11 \_ The day that changed everything! http://img406.imageshack.us/my.php?image=736551408894700123226loxq4.jpg http://www.nbc17.com/midatlantic/ncn/news.apx.-content-articles-NCN-2007-09-11-0027.html \_ More imporantly, stupid school bans wearing flags, has to deal with the consequences of such an assinine rule. \_ The US flag isn't a foreign flag. \_ It's a stupid fucking rule. Start banning things just because they are foreign and you are asking for a much deserved lawsuit. \_ I'm pretty sure schools can ban pretty much whatever they like Anyway, it is a stupid rule, I agree. But the leap from that rule to baninng the US flag is mind-boggling. -op (!pp) \_ No they can't. There are free speach limits even at a school. And let's take a hypothetical. Hispanic students start wearing Mexican flags, people get upset some kids get into fights. The school bans Mexican flags. (And it doesn't get smacked down.) Now some of the love it leave it assholes who were also part fighting start wearing American flags as a fuck you this is America display (not hard to imagine now is it?) Why is one acceptable and the other not? \_ Umm.. because this actually IS ths US? \_ So why are they banning flags then? Because "This is America damnit (tm)" or because flags were causing a significant disruption? \_ What is wrong with "This is America damnit (tm)" anyway? Is this *not* America? \_ Besides the xenophobic viewpoint it's not appropriate for schools to degenerate into violence. Why were flags banned in the first place? Until you get answer that, this is just squwaking. \_ Flag Code aside (because that isn't why they were banned): Banning flags is not the real issue. The issue is violence. Banning flags doesn't make the hatred that causes the violence to go away. Now that I've answered that, tell me what is so wrong about loving your country and putting your own nation above others. \_ Why not look it up yourself, squwaker? You're the one asking. Why is it my job to answer your questions? \_ Because I'm not the one in hysteronics about the evil anti-american flag cabal? \_ Wearing the US flag is a violation of the Flag Code: http://www.legion.org/?section=our_flag&subsection=flag_code&content=flag_respect -tom \_ So is lowering the US flag to half-mast when some local hero (e.g. firefighter in your community) dies while in line of duty. But people do it arbitrarily anyway. \_ You are incorrect. Half-staff may be ordered by the president, but that does not preclude respectful displays by other local authorities at other times. (Oops. I'm wrong. The order to half-staff can only come from the President or a Governor. Never mind.) \_ Yes, it's just funny to see rah rah U-S-A types defending violations of the Flag Code. -tom |
2007/9/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:47999 Activity:moderate |
9/10 Will Hsu have as much fallout as Abramoff? \_ No \_ Abramoff was a criminal working for other criminal republicans in an ongoing effort to subvert the usc and all that is right and \_ Abramoff wa s a criminal working f or other criminal republicans in an ongoi ng effort to subvert t he usc and all that is right and good in the world. Hsu is a victim of racism and an overzealous hostile prosecutorial system that seems to oppress and limit his natural free speech right to assist his chosen and righteous candidate obtain high office so she can fight the good fight for the entire village against the barbarians. Hsu is a vic tim of racism and an overzealous hostile prosecutori system that se ems to oppress and limit his natural free speech right to assist his c hosen and righteous candidate obtain high o ffice so she can fig ht the good fight for the entire village ag ainst the bar barians . So, no. \_ I know you think you're funny, but I can't figure out how Hsu may have benefited from all of contributions. \_ I kno w you think you're funny, but I can't figure out ho w Hs u may have benefited from all of contributions. This is an important distiction. \_ You can't figure out how a businessman benefits from contributing lots of money to politicians? contrib uting lots of money to politicians? \_ Yeah, I can't actually. What was he selling besides suckering people into a Ponzi scheme in CA 15 years ago? Exactly how does holding fundraisers jump start my Ponzi scheme business that I can't tell anyone about suck ering people into a Ponzi scheme in CA 15 years a go? Exactly how does holding fundraisers jump start my Ponz i scheme business that I can't tell anyone about because if they figure out who I am I'll go to jail? \_ If y o u can't see how bundled cash has destroyed our s yst e m of government then please don't vote. \_ If you can't see how bundled cash has destroyed our system of government then please don't vote. \_ Sorry, is there a quid-pro-quo actually being alleged? I haven't seen anything other than "convicted felon gave money, politicians give it away". I haven 't s een anything other than "convicted felon gave money, p oliticians give it away". \_ If yo u ca n 't see how bundled cash has destroyed our system of g overnment then please don't vote. \_ If you can't see how bundled cash has destroyed our system of government then please don't vote. \_ But... But... Money is SPEECH! You don't want to LIMIT SPEECH, do you?! Until we have public funding of elections, bundled money will persist. And unsavory characters will pop up. You seem to be insinuating, though, that taking Hsu's money auto- matically means that politician is corrupt. If you can't see that's not necessarily true, you're the one in need of the civics lesson. \_ Money corrupts. Bundled money corrupts absolutely and has for a long time. Was there quid pro quo on this particular bundled cash? I don't know and I don't care and I don't think it matters. It is a systematic problem. I have never stated a preference either way on public funding or the 'money is free speech' concept so I don't know why you're going there. Money = corruption. Big money = big corruption. This isn't that hard to understand. If you're still looking at this as a "I must defend Hillary from her evil attackers!" issue then don't bother. She isn't that important. She's just one symptom of a greater illness in the government. \_ So what are you doing about it and what do you think a solution would be? Just complaining doesn't do much to help, if anything at all. \_ This wasn't about what I am personally doing about it. This is about "does bundled money corrupt government or not?" And my answer is "yes it does". \_ I agree with you 100%. I am just (mostly) at a quandry as to what to do about it. Got any suggestions? \_ What he said, and also, this "pox on both their houses crap" is for the weak. \_ How very black and white Bush of you. "You are either with us or against us!". I'm a politically aware moderate and if your party (whichever that may be) keeps pushing your one sided idiocy your asses will be out of office. The real power is at the center in the hands of swing voters. Your party will displease us at their peril. \_ Hu is Hsu? |
2007/9/10-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:47996 Activity:high |
9/10 A reminder of 6 years ago http://www.coxandforkum.com/archives/001195.html \_ Lucky bastard. \_ Yes, I remember how the Commander-In-Chief finished reading _My_Pet_Goat_ and then ran away and hid, while America was under attack. \_ Nice partisan shot at a non-partisan post. I salute you troll! \_ Cox and Forkum is non-partisan? In what Universe? \_ The post itself was non-partisan, irrespective of the rest of the site. \_ You are so 9/12. With everything that has happened since then if wasting 7 minutes for the cameras and then going to airforce one like he's supposed is still on your mind as being important at all then vote republican next time. They can use your help. \_ Who decides what the President is supposed to do in this case? Most past Presidents had enough personal bravery to fulfill their responsibility to the nation first. \_ Yeah yeah nice, join us here with our problems in 2007. As far as your whining about being on AF1 6 years ago, maybe standing in front of the whitehouse trying to catch an incoming 747 would have been a nice gesture but they still evacuate buildings for anthrax and bomb scares, too. Next time congress has a scare should they stay there anyway to show their bravery? You're too stupid to continue breathing. Please fix that, trollboy. Back here in 2007 no one gives a crap about pet goats. \_ That's right, join us in 2007 where we STILL need to impeach the treasonous SOB. \_ Treasonous and cowardly. \_ At least the topic of impeachment is 2007 and is about things more important than pet goats. \_ I get what you're saying, but I get a serious twitch thinking that we're somehow better off now that we have something more than silly behavior on which to base a call for impeachment. \_ No we're not better off, of course but it is a total head-shaker for me that anyone would even bother to troll on pet goats at this point. It's just a stupid waste of bits. As far as impeachment is concerned, that is and always has been a political issue, not a legal one. The *only* requirement is having enough votes for it. If you got the votes and the balls, then go for it. If you don't, then there's no point in mentioning it. I think an impeachment could be exciting in a spectator sport sort of way but it isn't going to happen so what's the point of talking about it? By "you" I mean "whoever is in power at the time and doesn't like the current administration now or at any other time", not "you personally". I don't expect a random csuaer to single handedly impeach the US President. :) \_ You asked for "recollections of 9/11." I posted mine. Too bad that anything other than your rose colored vision of the past is "Trolling" to you. \_ Yes, Congress should stay to show their bravery. It is the overreaction to 9/11 that caused more damage than the event iteslf. If our leaders had shown some courage and self-sacrifice, the population at large would have done so as well and we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now. \_ Hence the call for impeachment. \_ You didn't peg the Troll Meter. You just broke it. You think Congress should stay in a bomb/anthrax scare building to show their bravery? Complete waste of precious bits. Get off the net. Find a bridge to hide under. \_ There was a time when bravery was considered a virtue by most and it still is by some of us. Obviously, you are not one of them. Who are you to decide who is deserving of having on opinion or not? Grow up. or not? Grow up. How many bomb threats a day do you think Congress gets? Why did they evacuate Capital Hill because a single-engined Cesssna flew off course? It was all part of an attempt to terrorize the sheeple, which apparently took quite well in your case. Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, indeed. |
2007/9/7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:47947 Activity:nil |
9/7 Is Norman Hsu in witness protection program after "falling" on the train? http://www.csua.org/u/jgy |
2007/9/7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:47946 Activity:nil |
9/7 Norman Hsu, big Hillary fundraiser, now under indictmen, "falls" on trainride to Arkansas: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1892624/posts |
2007/9/7-10 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:47931 Activity:nil |
9/6 http://berkeleydailyplanet.com/article.cfm?issue=09-07-07&storyID=27961 Editors, Daily Planet I flew from Tennessee to California to attend the UT-CAL game this past Saturday. The Cal campus is beautiful. Although I wore the most obnoxious orange clothes and shoes I had, everyone I met was exceedingly friendly and gracious. Except for the fact that my team lost the game (the better team won) everything else about my time and experience in Berkeley and on campus was exceptionally positive. I was, however, slightly unnerved by the people in the trees. Everywhere I went I heard people saying they had high-powered rifles and could be snipers. Although I didn.t take such talk seriously it did create a slight sense of uneasiness. I asked a police official stationed at the base of an occupied tree overlooking the football field if there were any truth to the .rumors.. His half-smile while saying "no" was not very reassuring. The attitude of the authorities and people in California is cavalier and dismissive as if a Virginia Tech or University of Texas Bell Tower incident couldn.t happen there. I know this is very unpleasant, uncomfortable, difficult and even painful to contemplate for some of you but it could happen. Perhaps they have conducted background checks and psychological tests to ensure the people they allow in the trees are emotionally and psychologically healthy and stable. I hope so. Robert W. Overman Memphis, TN |
2007/9/7-10 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:47929 Activity:nil |
9/7 "World's largest photograph displayed in California" link:www.yahoo.com/s/670318 Is there anything in that large photo??? All I see is some gray color. |
2007/9/6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:47908 Activity:kinda low |
9/6 Who would vote for Fred "old, grumpy, get off my lawn white guy who doesn't seem that different from the other 9 old grumpy white guys hoping for the repub nomination" Thompson? I don't get it. \_ Ching ching! \_ HILLARY CLINTON WILL NOT BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!@!!1! |
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