3/15 |
2001/8/22-24 [Politics/Domestic/California, Industry/Startup] UID:22207 Activity:moderate |
8/21 what's the correct agency to contact when a person/company wont pay me for work done? \_ The Board of Shait Cunts. \_ California State Labor Board. \_ How much money is it? If its enough and the company is big enough you should threaten to sue. You can probably work out a good settlement, perhaps for more $s than just back pay if you get the media involved. \_ Threaten to sue or bring the subject up with the State Labor Board. If you take it to the Labor Board, it will take time to get your money, but the company will be forced to show their pay records of all employees affected by California state taxes. This is NOT an idle threat. Be sure you ARE right, otherwise the company can countersue for harrassment. \_ why don't you tell us fellow sodans which person/company is it? \_ send the Soda Brotherhood after them \_ There is no secret cabal of daves. |
2001/8/18 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:22167 Activity:nil |
8/18 Waaaa, waaa, waaa. Its all Bush's (and Texas') fault. http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a3b7dc6a54935.htm |
2001/8/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:22147 Activity:kinda low |
8/16 I need a few grams of magnesium. Are there any chemical supply stores in Berkeley? -mjm \_ Alfa Aeser: http://www.alfa.com they will send you what you need fast. \_ Get a cheap Cube case on ebay. http://simson.net/photos/hacks/cubefire.html \_ Making your next bomb? |
2001/8/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Dating] UID:22129 Activity:very high |
8/15 I'm curious about alimony and child support. In general how long does one pay these things? I assume child support is up until the kid(s) are 18? As for alimony? You don't pay that for the rest of your life do you? BDG? Do you care to comment? Thanks. \_ The comments posted below are true, provided you get a hearing in a court where the judge is interested in justice rather than promoting her communist lesbian feminazi agenda despite knowing that your ex-wife is a lying cheating heartless slut. In some states you can get stuck paying for a long time, until she gets married to some other poor dumb slob. And she will her quit her job before submitting the paperwork for a divorce so she can claim in court that you are her only source of income thus get a bigger and longer settlement. She will also add on charges of physical and mental abuse along with stories of your philandering in order to get more of your stuff, including assets which belonged to you before you two were married. Take my adivce, don't get married. If you do get married, get a prenup and make a good solid trust before you get married. And *WHEN* you get divorced, make sure who hire a better lawyer than she does. It doesn't matter that he costs $500/hr, its much cheaper than paying her way for the rest of your life. \_ He's back with us! Don't stay away so long next time! -- BDG #1 fan \_ Is BDG one person, or a set like-minded individuals? \_ I posted the other day, but I toned down the message so you might have missed it. \_ It depends on the state. In California, alimony is extremely rare; CA is a community property state, which means that any property acquired after the beginning of the marriage is owned 50% by each party, and will be split that way after the divorce. Alimony only comes into play if one partner, for example, never had a career because she stayed home to take care of the kids. Child support is negotiable, sometimes includes college, doesn't have to. (Are you going to delete this, too, paolo?) -tom \_ tom, quit trolling me... 'nuff said, i leave you all to your "discussion." - paolo \_ Paolo are you "flaming" tom again? \_ My buddy got nailed with 12 months of alimony, 15 years of child support (ok, the latter was not 'nailed with'). \_ Alimony is actually not rare in California, and does not have to do only with the reasons that Tom suggests. In general, a "standard of living" is created during a marriage. If, after a divorce, one party will be living at substantially below the married standard of living than alimony may be appropriate. For short term marriages (less than 10 years), alimony generally has a maximum length of 50% of the time span of the marriage, so if your buddy had a 2-year marriage, 1 year of alimony was extremely appropriate, according to the law. If his marriage was longer, he got off easy. Knowledge is always a solution to ignorance. Go read "How to Do Your Own Divorce in California" by Nolo Press. Cody's has copies. --Phillip "Edward" Nunez \_ Heeeeey -- is Bitter Divorced Guy your alter ego??? \- so is alimony level "renegotiated" if the paying party is laid off from $100,000+ job -> unemplyment? How about if he/she quits? ok tnx --psb \_ my dad was forced to go back to work after being laid off from AT+T. (He's now at SAP). -tom |
2001/7/24 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:21930 Activity:nil |
7/23 Is it just me or does the photo of GW Bush at http://latimes.com have him resembling a chimpanzee? \_ Hey, chimps are good. They are the intellectuals and scientists. Watch out for those Gorillas though. (hint, Charleton Heston and Apes) |
2001/7/20 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:21872 Activity:nil |
6/21 again notice how no one is talking about power situation in Ca Any more. All those evergy guys run models based on expected growth occuring and all the new construction being filled- ie all those nice brand new building in the bay area- empty..... thus they aren't sucking any power. Thus no energy crisis. Add to that reduction in power through conservation and no crisis. Note that there is only like a 1-2% shortfall. This is easy to solve by just turning off some lights- raising the temp but a degree. simple conservation techniques. But then again- I could be wrong- but since no one talks about the details how would I even know But the fucking media just doesn't talk about it- They only talk crisis and no analysis and it really pisses me off. The analysis and commentary is what is interesting and you just don't get that through media- That is why I like watching sports- the "commentary" is good. or at least better than anything else. Now obviously some media includes commentary but it is like tageted on whats in the news and not on what is NOT in the news. This world is so damn complex and so large with so much going on- yet for some reason the only thing that is important is 2 words "tech meltdown" or even more general "recession" |
2001/7/18 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics] UID:21837 Activity:very high |
7/17 Which of the current issues do you think will be UC's biggest reason for their downfall? 1) Creating UC Merced, 2) Abolishing the SAT, 3) Allowing them to consider race in admissions, or 4) Automatically accepting the top 4% of high school students? \_ Blatantly loaded question. First present a definition of "downfall" and hard evidence that the UC is undergoing "downfall" \_ 3 and 4. \_ True, it's loaded, and true there's no hard evidence I can give to prove it. But a hand-wavey explanation would be that the prestige of the UC system is going down, especially Cal's. Especially wrt Cal, they are riding on the high laurels that they used to have. Next, looking at Cal graduates (from ugrad and grad), they aren't as successfull/productive as those from other schools. Next, look at the intelligence (or whatever you wanna call it) of incoming students. Half are getting smarter (due to a more selective admissions process) and the other half are even dumber than before (due to automatic admissions, and most of all, our favorite: affirmative action). That latter half will help bring UC down even more. \_ gee, Cal managed to get along with affirmative action for 30 years...was it "riding on high laurels" then? (Whatever that means). -tom \_ lameness. why don't you realize this. Cal sucks for different things. if you like people to hire for a cube farm who will work hard and never complain until they get strokes from overwork, then cal's great. But if you want leaders and people who will inovate and come up with new ways of thinking, then look elsewhere. I'm not even sure cal grad school has it. \_ That's when it was making an effort providing high-quality professors (i.e. people who could do research AND teach; you don't find the teaching component part of the criteria anymore, unfortunately), recruiting high-quality students, and not let the bullshit politics and political correctness interfere with its mission. So, despite the affirmative action, it was successfull enough in the other areas. \_ really, what evidence do you have that teaching isn't part of recruitment criteria? I'm sure that the L&S Deans would be very surprised to hear that, seeing as how they're the ones actually doing the faculty searches. Oh wait, you're just an anonymous cowardly troll with no real point. Sorry I said anything. -tom \_ a friend of mine applied for a fulltime faculty position on the math department. he was working as soft-money part time faculty, and he told me all the department wanted was a list of publications and research qualifications, and did not even ask about teaching. perhaps the math department is worse than most cal departments, though. \_ Tom's right (throughout this thread), here are some URLs to support him; you come up with some evidence that contradicts below, THEN we'll have a argument. http://www.berkeley.edu/about/honors http://uga.berkeley.edu/sled/dta.html \_ Anonymity is irrelevant here. So...how do I know teaching isn't part of the recruitment criteria? Tell me you aren't that oblivious. Haven't you taken a course at Cal? Don't you see firsthand the quality of the "teaching"? So tell your L&S deans to do a better job, if you wanna keep playing that card. And...no need to apologize for saying anything. \_ Translation: "Cal was DAMN GOOD right up until I graduated. (Just like *me*!) Then it all started going to hell. Kids these days . . . " \_ Nah, it was already on the downhill while I was there. But now it's gonna plummet now, due to reasons 1-4 from above, though. That stuff DID happen after I graduated. \_ Cal engineering will be fine. There are a lot of poor bright people like me who prefer going to public school because its cheaper which allows us to graduate without being saddled with debt. \_ It has nothing to do with race. When I was in L&S CS, most of the students were oppurtunists who cheated on tests and did the minimum to get by. And most of these people were Asians. I'd say it has more to do with people who are unable to enjoy learning. And BTW, I'm also Asian who made it out with a 3.5 so it's not a jealously thing. \_ You graduated from L&S with only a 3.5? Damn you must have been slacking off. There is no excuse for graduating from L&S with under 3.8 since there is no real course work (except if you were math or physics, which you weren't). \_ I did REALLY bad freshman year. \_ The issue is that these people, myself included, didn't go to college "to learn." They go because you need it to get the big bucks. But really they just want to have fun and don't particularly give a shit about Scheme or n-channel mosfets or the OSI reference model. I liked learning about history. There's an inherent problem with my knowing history though: it's not particularly useful to ANYONE ELSE WHO WILL PAY ME. \_ I'll bet alot of history majors are making double your salary. |
3/15 |
2001/7/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Health/Men] UID:21757 Activity:very high |
7/10 Men become obsolete: http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010710/hl/sperm_1.html \_ did a woman post this? \_ remember that women outnumber men. Therefore, they have "majority". Prepare for all men to now be voted into ghettos in the US. \_ Women won't take over the world. Dolphins will. Either that or a couple of lab rats. \_ My vote is for the cockroach. \_ The rights of the one outweigh the rights of the many in this country. Thank god we are not a democracy. \_ I knew the 19th Amendment was a bad idea \_ After that, in the first election women get to vote, they help elect arguably the worst president of all time - Warren G Harding, who had the first cabinet officer convicted of a felony while in office. Poll after poll rate him as the worst \_ Gimme a fuckin' break. I'm so sick of hearing about men acting like a bunch of whiny victims. \_ Excuse me woman? That's because you and your race have made it all but a felony to even look at a girl improperly. So stop YOUR whining; we gave you what you wanted. \_ Women complain when we look at them, but they complain even more when we don't look at them. \_ http://www.kirbyinwood.com and that's another warning! \_ where is /etc/motd.authenticated? \_ In my pants. -geordan \_ Ah. No wonder no one can find it. \_ Well, pull it out and share. Stop sitting on it. |
2001/7/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/SW/Security] UID:21720 Activity:nil |
7/5 http://www.securityfocus.com/templates/article.html?id=221 \_ Computer security consultant and confessed cyber intruder Max Butler will serve out his 18-month prison term at the privately-run Taft Correctional Institution in central California, sources say. |
2001/6/19 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21581 Activity:nil |
6/19 California companies cannot make california full-time employees take time off. They can't "force vacation". \_ That's fine. Employees can have a choice: time off or layoff With this economy, most employees really don't have a choice. |
2001/6/17-18 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:21553 Activity:insanely high |
6/17 If you're concerned about competing for jobs with H1B visa recipients, consider writing your Congresspeople and president. The economy sucks right now and companies are hiring H1B people instead of recent grads or recent layoff-ees. \_ Actually, most high-tech companies just plain aren't hiring anyone right now. Plenty of openings in fast-food & retail though, and they can't hire H1-B's. You can find addresses for some senators/congressmen/president in ~peterm/Addresses. Get your friends to write, too. --PeterM \_ I didn't have you pegged as a xenophobe, peterm. -tom \_ I deny being xenophobic. The rationalization for H1Bs was always that companies couldn't fill positions. I know plenty of people who can't find jobs now. The time for H1B's has ended, for now. I'm happy to have them all back when the economy improves. Also, I have no objection to IMMIGRATION. But this half-assed H1B serfdom is perverting the market.--PeterM \_ This is a logical fallacy: "X is a better solution, so we should oppose Y." I don't see you writing letters to congresspeople telling them to relax immigration laws, and it's highly unlikely in the current political climate that immigration laws will change at all. So getting rid of H1B's is equivalent to "getting rid of those damn furriners who are taking 'our' jobs", as if we have more of a right to those jobs because of where we were born. Do you buy anything electronic? Ride a Taiwanese bike? "American" jobs have been farmed out to furriners who will work for less for many years. Now that it's happening (on a very small scale) to rich white guys, it's suddenly a problem. Boo fuckin' hoo. -tom \_ Wow, I agree with tom, for once. Open borders, all the way. \_ I drive a japanese car. Open borders all the way. \_ Yes let's just distribute everything equally to everyone in the world! Why should I have more than the overcrowded destitute multitudes! We should all live like that! Think how efficient it will be having dense cities of hard workers with mass transit and solar panels and windmills on all the roofs! Ah, it brings a tear to my eye. Viva la revalucion! \_ who said anything about distribution? we're talking about letting your vaunted free market decide who gets the money. Oh I forgot, you only like the free market when it benefits rich white males. -tom \_ "why are you bashing white males like everyone else, tom? it it because it's the right thing to do?" "no, but it's quicker...easier...more seductive if that's the question. -tom than coming up with a real answer" \_ uh, a real answer to what? -tom \_ It's pretty easy to work at a University job and say being against H1B Visa's is an example of xenophobia. Try competing in the open market where you are up against H1B people who claim to be able to do your job for 1/3 the pay \_ Immigration is very necessary to a strong economy. For and see how pro H1B you end up being. The result is that the market gets flooded, wages go down, and you've turned California into the traffic congested, out of energy mess it is today. -ax \_ It's trivial to compete if you are smart. Are you smart, ax? \_ It's easy to sit around in a job with artifically high wages created by an artificially constrained supply of workers and then complain when the party's over. -tom \_ Are you prepared to give up your Cal job to an H1B Visa holder who will do it for less money than you and put your money where your mouth is? -ax \_ I don't feel I have anything to fear from H1B visa holders, which is the relevant question. -tom \_ let me get this straight. are you seriously blaming immigrants for the energy crisis in california? \_ 25% of the people in California are not citizens. We're about 25% short on power. See an easy solution to this math problem? The population of the US only grows because of immigration. -ax \_ Immigration is very necessary for a strong economy. For example, the Japanese have priced themselves out of many job markets, but they refuse to allow Koreans and others willing to work those jobs into Japan. The end result is that the Japanese economy is stagnant even though the net worth of an average Japanese is $450,000. --dim \_ and the US, specifically, is forecast to have growing need for immigrant labor for precisely this reason. Guess ax will just stop eating grapes. -tom \_ I'm sure a lot of those non-citizens are illegal immigrants from places like Mexico. How much electricity do you think they use? Electricity use is not evenly distributed among the populace. Let's not forget that a lot of the power consumption is from businesses (server farms, etc.). \_ If a company is dumb enough to hire someone less qualified (and believe me, there are a lot) then they should have the right to. But I don't think being an H1Ber has any bearing on your qualifications (or your lack thereof) or your likely- hood of being hired. Actually, you're probably less likely because managers would rather not go through the hassle of dealing with an H1B applicant. As for my experience, I had to work with 2 NCGs, one of which had an H1B. I found the \_ ?? \_ new college graduate. -tom American citizen utterly incompetent but the guy on H1B to be qualified. \_ from a companies point of view, H1B's can be good -- they tend to get locked to a company 3-6 years at a time. Also, do you have more objective proof of some of the annecdotes you offer? \_ Of course it is good for companies. Wouldn't you want an employee you could underpay, overwork, and have thrown \_ Shut up, Paolo. out of the country for any reason whatsover? \_ PeterM, immigrants are essential to the U.S. economy. Without the cheap Indian and Chinese workers the hi-tech industry wouldn't have boomed the way before. Also without the cheap Mexican and negros you'd have to pay $10 per nugget. Immigrants are good. \_ If that argument were true, the economy would be booming beyond belief now since we have more cheap labor than ever. -ax \_ You are right. We needed the foreign labor then. Now, we don't, and citizens have to compete with non-citizens who cannot compete fairly in the job market because they are hindered by red tape. IF WE WANT FOREIGN WORKERS MAKE THEM CITIZENS INSTEAD OF H1Bs. No more H1Bs. Either FULL citizenship or GET THEM OUT. --PeterM \_ what about green cards? \_ Those with green cards don't have to have an employer to stay in the country, right? Their bargaining position is equal to a citizen's, then, and they won't pervert the labor market, as much, or at all. --PeterM \_ along similar lines, why not support labor laws requiring businesses to pay H1Bs fair market wages? just curious --erikred \_ I wouldn't make a statement as strong as "FULL citizenship or GET THEM OUT", but I would say that if there are temporary work visas for foreigners, the foreign workers should have the same privledges as citizens/permanant residents. This would be more fair to both citizens and to the foreign workers. In the current law, the people who benefit are big corporations -- they can hire H1B applicants for less money and it is a pain in the ass for H1B applicants to switch to a new employeer. Both the citizens/prem. residents and H1B holders get screwed in this deal. \_ I say throw the illegal immigrants in vats of boiling oil and tape it, then show the tape on HBO. This will send a message to the rest of the world that we are bad-ass mutha-fuckahs. \_ They just upped the number of visas. By the time you get congress to change the laws back, we'll start needing them foreign workers again. Congress must think we are nuts out here in California -- we WANT H1B's, we DO NOT WANT H1B's. we WANT, we DO NOT WANT...Make up your friggin mind. In good or bad economy the labor arguments: "H1B serfdom is perverting the market" (peter M) still apply, so why now? friggin idiots you should have thought about this before you let them up it in the first place. \_ Hey, I have always been against HB1B visas and have even gotten friends of mine to write stories in the Examiner and Chronicle outlining the dangers (this was years ago, btw, way before the bubble popped). It is easy to mouth off on the motd, but a bit harder to actually go out and do something about it. Now that the cat it out of the bag, so to speak, I think we have an obligation to give full citizenship to the HB1B visa holders (and the inevitable 25 relatives they will want to bring over). But I still think we should cut off the indentured servitude program. -ausman \_ Give me concrete proof that companies are hiring more H1B visa holders right now -- my experience is that most companies are passing over candidates with H1Bs and favoring either green card holders or citizens in this current market. Most of the hiring managers I run into don't want to wait for any sort of visa processing and feel they can find someone immediately available under the current job market conditions. --chris \- you know this is pretty interesting to read. i think it is a good example of moral reasoning not coming from intuition. --psb \- i fwd this to my liberal indian activist friends. they will soon be picketing sloda now they are done with that pederast reddy. well at least you guys will be able to check out some hot indian women. tom might even get some for leading the good fight. ok tnx. --psb \_ I've "got some," tnx. -tom \_ Your liberal indian friends need to be shipped back to India, where the victory of socialism has already been achieved. They will have nothing to picket there, they ll just slowly starve to death. |
2001/6/16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21540 Activity:very high |
6/15 Those European bastards are getting uppity: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-2001201087,00.html \_ D00D, 7H47'5 B3K4UWZ 3UR0P34N5 R 3V1L C0MM13 L1B3R4L5. \_ I know that you are being sarcastic, but europe is pretty socialistic and state orientied. The people there tend to vote themselves onto the dole as frequently as possible and they like to limit freedoms and the abilities of oridinary people to achieve as much as thier abilities allow. \_ Nobody votes to limit their own rights. The argument that Europeans are naturally stupider than Americans won't hold up. What motivation would anyone have to vote to limit their own unalianable rights? Nothing. The only reason anyone would vote to strip common people of their rights would be if we had an oligarchy or some sort of Orwellian state where it serves the leaders to limit natural freedoms. Again, Europeans are dumber than Americans isn't a valid argument. \_ europe is fucking lame. they just suck eggs over there. bunch of stupid gay wankers \_ Couldn't have said it better myself. \_ GO TO TEXAS! \_ Bush is just helping further the stereotype that Americans are arrogant pricks. \_ Bush and Chenny have been the greatest thing to happen to American television since Pinky and the Brain. George: "Gee Dick, what are we going to do tomorrow night?" Dick: "Same thing we do every night, George. Try to take over the world!" \_ Oh yeah, just because Americans don't want to be a cash cow for the rest of the world... \_ Bush is doing a great job in my opinion. Can't wait to vote for him in 2004. \_ We *are* arrogant pricks, see. \_ We are not arrogant pricks, the rest of the world is jealous of our freedom and prosperity and they want to drag us down to thier level. \_ He's not taking a hard enough line in most cases, but, I'll vote for him again. |
2001/6/12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Travel] UID:21484 Activity:very high |
6/11 So my company had originally notified us that it was shutting down for July 5th and 6th, but they just were told that forcing exempt workers to take vacation days was illegal in the state of California. So my question is how do other companies shutdown for that week, and also in December? Hasn't anybody challenged this? Man, sometimes I really love this commie state and all of it's great laws concerning wages. \_ Yeah, it sucks when companies can't decide not to pay you whenever they want. \_ Say what? You love this commie state and all of _it_is_ great laws? Anyway, are you sure about this being illegal in California? If so, cool! I can raise hell here..., again.... --ricky \_ uh, your honor, i read on the motd that this was illegal, and everything I read on the motd is true! \_ If it was scheduled company holidays instead of personal vacation days, it should be fine. \_ My company, which shall remain nameless for now, is shutting down for the whole July 4th week. If an employee does not have 4 days of vacation time to use during that week, that employee will NOT be paid for that week except for the 4th, which is a company holiday. How's THAT for a bad policy? New workers only get 10 days of vacation per year and they're forcing you to use 4 of those on July 4th week. They'll probably force you to use some more during xmas time. BTW, I can't find any confirmation of this state law. Does anyone have a proof? --ricky \_ McNealy is da' man! \_ I don't work for Sun. I work for Compaq. (I usually say Digital, but in this case, I'll say Compaq.) --ricky \_ That wasn't hard to figure out. All you had to do was look at your wtmp records. \_ Oops, well, Sun's doing it too. \_ Sun gives new workers 11 days per year (not 10). Also, if you dont have enuf vacation, they they will make accomodations. You still get paid. But, don't know if any of this forced vacation is legal... but I know layoffs are legal. \_ They are not "forcing you to use vacation". They're just saying they wont pay you for those days. Technically, there's a difference. On the other hand, for "salaried employees", this sounds rather hokie |
2001/6/12 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:21481 Activity:high |
6/11 http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig/felkins1.html now you know why Chaney was forced to sell his shares in Halliburton. http://biz.yahoo.com/t/41/2631.html Ahh will you look at that: Chaney is a director of EDS... and where has EDS been getting all their money from......(EDS got like a 5 billion contract with the navy to upgrade their whole IT systems.) I got pissed off at Verizon when I was ready up on them- GTE ( now Verizon ) sold their government systems group to "lockheed" ( not sure if it was lockeed ) and DYncorp. . Dyncorp is a shit hot company when it comes to govn sub contracts which probably no one has ever heard of. \_ God damn conservatives! I am so mad at them!!11! \_ Duh... virtually every politician profits from their influence. \_ this may be true, but most people, as in the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, are not so blatant about it. I don't condone it, but since you are such a through investigator, why don't you look into why Clinton moved technology export and licensing from the State Department to the Commerce Department. All the while John Huang, who was subsequently convicted of of funneling campaign contributions from the People's Republic of China to the DNC, worked there. Clinton took this behavoir to an all time low and sold out the country at the same time. Why is there outrage from liberals about corrupt government, yet, the first chance they get they vote to raise taxes. Bizarre! At least conservatives are for smaller government. I'll take the lesser of two evils any day. \_ i don't think it was a repub vs. democrat thing, it just sounds more like a "what is going on here (currently) post?" \_ your attempts at bipartisan strawmen serve your tri-lateral is this like from the kama sutra? _/ council masters well. Bravo. Brown and Root - heard of them-- they did the whole logistics support operation in Bosnia: ( $2 Billion http://www.dtic.mil/bosnia/army/arnews/16.html ), FYI, I'm a republican - orig poster. I just want to make sense of who the big shakers are. (i already know it ain't no ".com") \_ Thanks tjb. Now please go back to the crack pipe. |
2001/6/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21466 Activity:low |
6/9 I had posted earlier about the CA State Tax board not cashing my check after two weeks and me being worried. They just cashed it last week. My mom's accountant told me they can take up to 6 weeks to cash your check. Just FYI. \_ I wish I was that lucky. Thanks for the FYI. |
2001/6/5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney] UID:21431 Activity:nil |
6/5 What happened to AmIHotOrNot? \_ they changed the name to http://hotornot.com for marketing purposes \_ who is this person? Administrative Contact: Eightdays,Inc James Hong 229 Heartwood Lane Mountain View, CA 94041 \_ That would be James Hong, who lives in Mountain View. Really, what kind of answer are you expecting? --Galen \_ That would also be jhong@{csua,hkn}, Cal EECS class of '95, one of the two founders of the company (other one being jimy@hkn, Cal EECS '94). What kind of answer are you expecting? \_ duh. - kinney \_ If we ignore you, will you go away? -- kinney #1 fan \_ no, i'm bored and waiting for grad school to start in USC. |
2001/5/26-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:21367 Activity:insanely high |
5/25 Russia introduced a flat tax of 13% last year. Am I the only one who finds that ironic? (Tax revenue was up 70% this year, btw). \_ Why is this ironic? Econ 1A. \_ It's ironic because the former bastion of communism has learned the lessons of capitalism better than the United States has. \_ your argument will/would make more sense when and if Russia becomes a place human beings actually enjoy living in. Do you read the newspaper? Russia is a lawless hellhole. The United States is not (yet). \_ RUSSIA IS AN EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL COUNTRY \_ Russia was never a place suitable for the enjoyment of human beings. It never will be. What's that got to do with it? Are you trying to imply that the IRS is the source of American prosperity? Surely, you jest. \_ THE IRS IS AN EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL ORGANIZATION \_ what funds the government? little fluffy clouds? \_ CLOUDS ARE EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL WATER VAPORS. \_ You think the government is the source of American prosperity? Who cares what funds the government? The government is not what makes this country great. The government only holds us back from being even greater. Had some pork lately? Pay your taxes like a good little boy and run along. Why do all you lefties think the government is capable of improving your life or anyone's life? \_ GOVERNMENT IS AN EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL IDEA. DOWN WITH AMERICAN GOVERNMENT! \_ I haven't posted on this thread yet, but yes I do think the government deserves a lot of credit for our prosperity. I came to this country as an immigrint with nothing. I was able to attend excellent public schools from grades 1-12 and then I received a scholarship to the best public university in the world. After graduating I was able to contribute to a variety of companies some of which are doing quite well. Now I am in graduate school supported by a fellowship. A good deal of our country's success in technology can be traced to government programs like education which take people like me who would otherwise be flipping burgers due to lack of education and turns them into scientists and engineers. Although I would obviously prefer to pay less taxes, I am happy to pay my taxes every year because I'm grateful for the benefits I've received. \_ PUBLIC SCHOOLS ARE EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL THINGS. BANNISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS! IMMIGRANTS AND IMMIGRATION ARE EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL THINGS. BAN BOTH OF THEM! \_ Amen, brother. \_ Glad you got a piece of what me and so many others have had sucked from their wallets for so many years. How much of my money goes straight to welfare for the extended families of immigrants who came here to do nothing with themselves as opposed to the rare few who did something useful such as yourself? How about _this_ story? _Their_ taxes helped put _you_ through school. Be ashamed. And oh yeah... "Amen, brother", but for them, not you. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/134299780_family27.html \_ The American government has the ability to enforce contracts and thus promotes much legitimate commerce. This is because it has a very strong judiciary and a credible encforcement capacity. The Russian government hasn't quite figured any of this out yet and so is incapable of creating an environment where people improve their own lives. \_ INTERNATION RELATIONS ARE EVIL COMMIE LIBERAL THINGS. FUCK INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS \_ you are free to move to a nice place without a legitimate government (or taxes)... like Angola. \_ Nice strawman. Could you explain the correlation in your mind between taking 50% of my income and freedom as a citizen? Thank you. \_ Who's taking 50% of your income? \_ sure! what do you think supports all your freedoms in america? harsh language? the good will of the people? I really do think we enjoy more freedom in america than in other countries with near anarchy and no taxes. if you're trying to argue that the progressive tax is wrong, that's another argument, i will have to go do some reading. \_ The government doesn't create freedom. The US Constitution does by *limiting the powers of the Federal Government*. The government, by it's very nature restricts freedom. And yes, the progressive tax is wrong. There's no reason to take a greater percentage *and* a greater absolute amount from one citizen and give it to another. I support sales and usage taxes (such as bridge tolls) which is a system where only those using the service pay the tax. I am strongly opposed to any form of income tax. The progressive income tax is only one step shy of a total confiscatory "tax". I *really* don't like hearing elected reps in federal government saying "no one needs more than $X amount a year". That's none of their god damned business. As if they'd have a clue what a citizen needs anyway. Career politicians know nothing about the people. \_ When will people learn? Communism == mobilizing a nation's economy through command-control pervasively controlling every aspect of life, including thought and media (like 1984). Communism != tax. Communism is evil (at least to Americans) because it violates the very principles of the Bill of Rights but it has nothing to do with taxes. \_ It seems like you might be confusing the philosophy with an implementation of that philosophy.... \_ Communism is evil because communism is a slave system where the government effectively owns the people. The tax rate is meaningless when you're owned by the state. \_ Nah. They just read some basic econ books. BTW, Feinstein voted in favor of the miniscule Bush tax cut. |
2001/5/24 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21347 Activity:very high |
5/24 Buh-bye Gray Davis! Don't forget to turn out the lights on your way out! http://www.capitolalert.com/news/capalert04_20010524.html \_ typical americans, blam everyone but themselves. \_ I love this guy. He sits around quoting lines from "Die Hard" about how much the US and its citizenry suck, but never actually says what nation he's from. Personally, I think he knows that the hypothetical 'superiority' of his nation is based on the fact that he allows no one to actually scrutinize it on the motd allowing him to make up whatever little fantasy makes him happy. What a fucking coward. \_ I am from Sweden. You have a problem with that? \_ Hej-hej. Sweden's nice you know but it isn't perfect. Its socialist policies have made it uncompetitive in the global marketplace. I'm glad I don't live there and lose most of my income to supporting lazy bums who get free apartments and health care and child support without having to do a thing to earn it. (only some of it does). \_ Hmm ... Is that why our Ericsson is kicking your Lucent's arse in wireless infrastructure, and our Finland bretherens' Nokia is kicking your Motorola's arse in mobile phones? \_ Maybe so. It depends on who you blame for not building more (or any) power plants in CA in the last 10 years. \_ Los Angeles is surviving this crisis just fine. Maybe it's just a bay area thing. (bay area people being what they are) \_ You haven't seen the June bill, yet. Let us know in mid-July how fun it was to pay that one. \_ _City_ of Los Angeles runs it's own municipal utility, LA Department of Water and Power. They generate a surplus of electricity. Too bad we dont have one of those here. \_ And how many times did the Bay Area and the rest of California bail LA out of bankruptcy? \_ I must've missed this one. --dim \_ i'll write you a thank you card. right after i turn up the A/C and the spa heater. \_ We should cut off the Sierra water supply to these ungrateful pigs! \_ I blame the love of money. \_ Sure. Ok. |
2001/5/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21339 Activity:high |
5/23 Can someone recommend a cruise line or agent for cruises along the California or west coastline that is trustworthy? I just don't know which ones of the hundreds listed on Yahoo conduct honest business. Thanks for any info. -- Gay or straight ? \_ Straight. With my wife. \_ Swinging or Non-Swinging? \_ Huh? \_ http://www.scifi-cruises.com - if you and your wife are trekkies \_Carnival Cruises was inexpensive and quite enjoyable. |
2001/5/16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21288 Activity:nil |
5/15 Unionization ruined our schools: http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0501/bowles.html \_ bs, as usual. some union doesn't dictate politics. people voted down vouchers. people vote for the "corrupt polititians." if those are problems the people are to blame. |
2001/5/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:21281 Activity:kinda low |
5/15 How long does it tax for the CA State to cash my tax payment check? It's been almost one month. The IRS cashed it in a week. \_ You'd think Davis would want your money as fast as possible these days. \_ usually very fast like within a week. maybe your CA return is lost in the mail. \_ I mailed my CA forms on the 15th and the check was cached on the 24th. 24th. indeed _/ |
2001/5/12 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21256 Activity:nil |
5/11 California is doomed: http://www.latimes.com/business/reports/power/lat_risky010511.htm Davis' power plan is based on hopes, guesses, and ideal estimates. This is no way to run a state. \_ But it's a great way to run a nation's budget. \_ I love this. Beyond some hack writer's story, on what evidence do you base this statement? Do you have some method to make polisci and economics quantitative? Hell, its half guesswork and half voodoo. If you have a better plan , perhaps you should run for office. \_ Is there *any* news source you would accept? When stuff from conservative media sources are quoted the response is usually, "That's just right wing propoganda. No one reads that!" When it's a left wing media source like the LA Times, the response is to attack the one particular random author. What little world do you live in? And more importantly, have they stopped building power plants? If not, I want to go there too. \_ Uh, no. Someone intelligent can discern between and opinion and a fact. Facts come out of reports like 10K reports or official government pubilcations or if the news media takes that data or wording from that publication and reports it verbatim. But once a reporter starts to infer, it's no longer a fact but an opinion. \_ So things like quoting Davis as saying we'll have X much more power by Y date (which isn't happening) and that things like his business conservation program which only has 2 companies signed up so far is just the reporter making stuff up? Okey dokey! \_ No, because despite having sound bites and quotes from almost every other person involved, the reporter never once quoted Davis himself. So in fact, the article makes it appear as if Davis is using the "we'll have X much more power by Y" argument without actually reporting what he said. \_ Yeah it's just the people who are supposed to be implementing it who have no idea how it's going to work and are quoted as saying so. Time to let it go. The plan is fucked and playing word games about who was quoted directly or indirectly in an article won't save the State of California. \_ The only solution to the problem is more supply == more power plants. Unfortunately the dimwitted anti-progress tree-huggers and no nukes alarmists won't allow that to happen, because they secretly relish the fact that this state will soon revert to the stone age, because that is the highest level of technology they are capable of understanding. \_ wait, what about the demand side, dude? \_ This was discussed yesterday. CA already has the greatest conservation rate per capita in the nation. There's only just so much more to be squeezed from that rock. No new power plants have been built in 10+ years in CA as the population and business usage grew. Think about that one. \_ No, Hawaii and New York are at the top, not CA. And you would expect New York to run the heaters non-stop. And if you look at the distribution, the numbers can go lower. In Los Angles, residents consume an average of 5400kW hrs which is significantly lower than the state's average (7700kW hrs). \_ Yeah, the tree huggers should stop recharging thier EV1's. \_ Rocks can be used to assault others. We must eliminate rocks... for the children! \_ Laws of physics can be used to assault others. We must eliminate laws of physics ... for the CHILDREN! \_ Sky equipment kills people. We must attack the sky equipment industry! \_ Science has made us what we are! Science has made the guns, the power shortage, the nukes, the traffic jams! We must eliminate Science and trust God... for the children! Good lord man, the fucking CHILDREN! \_ This is problem. F*cking is what created the children. We must eliminate f*cking! |
2001/5/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21235 Activity:high |
5/10 I know this sounds like a troll, but seriously.... There's a sticker on the gas pump at my local station that says, "This product contains MTBE which is known to the State of California to cause environmental harm". Ok, knew that. But the idea was supposed to be that we add MTBE to protect the environment. But here we are with MTBE laden fuel that costs more but doesn't protect anything. What gives? Is there a real explanation for this? Why are we using MTBE? \_ MTBE lowers hazzardous air emissions, but contaminates ground water. EPA misadvised the Bush Sr. Administration which signed off prematurely and corporate lobbies pushed MTBE through before we knew the later facts about ground water in detail. \_ Ok, so what does MTBE do for the corporate lobbies? What do they care? And why can't we dump it now that we know better? \_ MTBE clean up for a gas station is extremely expensive. \_ So they don't have to do any cleanup as long as they put the stuff in the gas and continue poisoning the water supply, but once they decide to stop ruining the water, it suddenly becomes expensive? \_ Cleanup is now required by state law. \_ I read that MTBE can be substitued by ethanol. Eliminating MTBE can mean either increase (if air standard is still required) or decrease (if air standard is lowered) ethanol demand. Ethanol is made from corn. Corn in US is politics. -- yuen \_ MTBE is a by-product of the refining process, so otherwise the refineries would have to dispose of it. That's why they want to keep selling it |
2001/5/7 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:21189 Activity:very high |
5/6 According to http://www.pge.com we're in a stage 1 power emergency. I didn't see anywhere that said if we're doing rolling blackouts today or not and which areas. Anyone got a URL? My power blipped out twice just now and it'd be nice to know. \_ rolling blackouts don't hit until stage 3. -tom \_ Rolling blackouts don't hit until you get a liberal fool in office. \_ the mad anonymous Republican troll strikes again! \_ Ok, now we're in stage 2. Anyone got a URL? \_ Check http://www.sfgate.com They usually have pretty good coverage on power blackouts. Second half of block 14 is next. \_ News releases from the CA ISO: http://www.caiso.com/newsroom/pw2000.html -- yuen \_ Turn off your monitors and lights when you leave your offices / labs / classrooms. Screensavers only save the screen, not electricity! \_ Actually, screens haven't needed saving for years now. We're far removed from the days of image burn-ins. \_ If you'd like to know, get on the email notification list. Sorry, cant remember if it's on http://pge.com or http://sfgate.com |
2001/4/28 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21126 Activity:nil |
4/27 how did elections go? I know the outcome, but the vote tallies? runoffs? \_ we won \_ Woohoo! |
2001/4/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:21047 Activity:very high |
4/20 "Indeed, if I understand this global-warming business correctly, the danger is that the waters will rise and drown the whole of Massachusetts, New York City, Long Island, the California coast and a few big cities on the Great Lakes --- in other words, every Democratic enclave will be wiped out leaving only the solid Republican heartland. Politically speaking, for conservatives there's no downside to global warming." --- Mark Steyn \_ Stupid. It will just turn Indiana into New York, and there will be no "heartland" left. \_ But think of the children! Won't somebody please think of the children! \_ family values \_ Its a joke. Get it a joke. Anyway, I think Global Warming will be good. We need warmer weather. I hate wearing pants and shoes and San Jose is soo far from the beach right now. \_ And you think my answer is serious? Yes, I like warm weather. It's cold where I am. \_ and don't you hate pants? \_ especially underpants. \_ yeah, punk rock. now this thread is going someplace. \_ better thread topic: how about asian girls who shave "down there", wear skirts and no underwear. who shave "down there", wear skirts and no underwear. \_ damn. now I'm all wet. |
2001/4/13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:20962 Activity:insanely high |
4/12 Are there any good links on the thing about the federally income tax not being legal? My google search only got me a lot of yellow on red background rants with LOTS of CAPS for EMPHASIS. I'd like to see something a bit more scholarly than the typical conspiracy crap. on the net. Thanks. \_ Overseen on wall.log: Boredcast Message from 'tom': Fri Apr 13 09:03:16 2001 it's not important that americans get a tax cut at all. americans are severely undertaxed \_ Tom! Say it ain't so!! I knew you were a big-gov't anti-gun Fascist but this is TOO much. It must be lie; slander. Perhaps you were on a bad trip. explainP -Formerly Tom Fan #11 \_ <DEAD>givemeliberty.org<DEAD> \_ http://evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html \_ if only this guy started to refute motd claims as well \_ Search on http://www.freerepublic.com \_ Just pay your fucking taxes.. sheesh. \_ I will pay my taxes (for now). But at least I know that taxes are illegal and amount to extortion from liberals who want to waste my money on crappy projects that are completely worthless. \_ who pays for the glorious american infrastructure you are using RIGHT NOW? \_ [ deleted ] \_ Wow, this is the longest I've ever seen an anti-liberal post go without being deleted/censored. What gives? [restored. twice] \_ tom must be idle. At lunch on his gub'mint salary job. \_ Typical motd "I don't want to think about anything" spewage. Just what exactly is wrong with asking for a link about a current event topic? Even if the stuff is totally bogus, some people still find it interesting. More interesting than the Yet Another Security Bug, "yermom", C++ weirdness, or small penis links that get posted. "WAAH! It's outside the scope of my little geek world! Don't think about it! Don't post on it! I want to stay ignorant and boring!" |
2001/3/22 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:20876 Activity:high |
3/21 Suppose that someone proposed some "Vote For Yourself" initiative by which whatever you vote for only applies to you. For example, voters who vote for higher taxes get only _their_ taxes raised. People who vote to eliminate gun ownership, can't own one. What would be the legal problem with this? Possibly equal protection under the law? Can it be structured differently to make it possible? \_ I vote for the right to kill anyone I want. And you'll be the first person on my list. \_ It only applies to you. So you can kill yourself. \_ Some laws need to be universal, because some rights are universal. The trouble with politics is that people do not agree on what universal rights are, if they did no division would exist. -- ilyas \_ I vote that I become President. \_ you morons are missing the point. I never said vote for anything you want. Just that whatever you vote for only applies to you. dumbshit. \_ "applies only to you". You'd only be voting for the right to kill yourself. Some find this right more important than others based on personal circumstances. I say "go for it!" I fully support your right to kill yourself. \_ Aside from legal issues like having a unique set of laws apply to each person which makes the legal system cease to have meaning, the logistics of keeping track of your personal vote tally would be a task beyond mythical proportions. Also, what do you do about the 80% of people who don't vote? Anyway, you'd never get the left to agree to give up the power to tax the rich to buy the poor. That's the entire basic and core function of the DNC these last several decades. I can't see Gephart going for it. :-) |
2001/2/26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:20702 Activity:nil |
2/26 Miami Herald reports Gore would've lost anyway with a full troll manual recount: http://www.miami.com/herald/special/news/flacount troll \_ I was going to post that. Damn it. I'm going to post it anyway: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/2001-02-25-recount.htm troll \_ Your corporate masters have spoken. Go back to sleep. Democracy is safe in our hands. troll \_ Uh huh... and if they said something different, you'd be the first screaming for GWB to resign. \_ No, I voted for Nader. The Republicrats are all scum. troll \_ Oh Yeah. "Let Every Vote Count!" Bush should've let it happen, and then said to Gore "Looser!". We all knew Gore lost. troll \_ You mean let DNC shills steal it? And the word is "loser", not "looser". "looser" is yermom. Went to a diverse school, did you? |
2001/2/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:20698 Activity:moderate |
2/26 Is California still at some stage of power alert? Or how did we get out of the crisis? I've been missing the news lately. \_ We did not get out of it. We postponed it by racking up massive debts that consumers are going to get shafted with. This summer is going to have blackouts. -ausman \_ The Consumer Utilities (i.e. PG&E) are still on the verge of bankruptcy, and the state is still burning millions of taxpayer dollars a day to prop them up. Due to plants returning to service from maintenance, the supply is still there and there's no more power alerts. Start saving for your power bills, its going to be the taxpayers and power users who wind up paying for this mess. \_ Thanks for deleting my post and saying exactly what I said. We might be able to avoid blackouts this summer with the use of dozens of smallish, high polluting power plants scattered throughout the state. It is still being decided. \_ You'd prefer we just not have power? |
2001/2/26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:20697 Activity:high |
2/26 Miami Herald reports Gore would've lost anyway with a full manual recount: http://www.miami.com/herald/special/news/flacount \_ I was going to post that. Damn it. I'm going to post it anyway: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/2001-02-25-recount.htm \_ Your corporate masters have spoken. Go back to sleep. Democracy is safe in our hands. \_ Uh huh... and if they said something different, you'd be the first screaming for GWB to resign. \_ Oh Yeah. "Let Every Vote Count!" Bush should've let it happen, and then said to Gore "Looser!". We all knew Gore lost. \_ You mean let DNC shills steal it? And the word is "loser", not "looser". "looser" is yermom. Went to a diverse school, did you? |
2001/2/23 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:20658 Activity:high |
2/22 Are butterfly knives illegal in CA? Are there any good online sources where I can find out information on stuff like this? \_ blades less than 4" are legal. butt knives, stilettos are not legal no matter what the length. \_ Previous poster is wrong (*all* blades over 4" are not illegal! That would outlaw steak knives!). CA state law says that \_ No, you just don't know how to read. The two statements 'blades less than 4" are legal' and '*all* blades over 4" are not illegal!' do not contradict each other. The first statement implies that some blades over 4" are not legal, but it can be completely true even if all blades less than 4" are legal, since it actually says nothing about blades longer than 4". \_ yup (late night). The statement "blades less than 4" are legal" is false, which is what I should have said. automatic knives with blade lengths of less than two inches are legal. CA case law classifies butterfly knives as automatics. As far as state law is concerned, a butterfly knife with a blade less than two inches long is perfectly legal. Some local governments (Mountain View, for example) ban possession of all automatic knives, regardless of blade length. <DEAD>pweb.netcom.com/~brlevine/sta-law.htm<DEAD> is a good reference on state knife laws, but I don't know of one that covers local ordinances. The relevant federal agency (sorry -- I don't remember which one that is off the top of my head) has reversed themselves, declaring that butterfly knives are no longer not carried in public. considered automatics (making them legal for interstate sales and importation into the country). California's state knife laws are ambiguous and open to abusive enforcement. \_ my apologies. i stand corrected. wow. and just to think i could have been carrying a legal 2" butterfly knife. guess i'll sell this 6" one. \_ The 1.9" automatics are kinda cool. With how poorly the laws covering this are written, some argue that it is technically legal to own a full-size butterfly knife in CA, as long as it is not carried in public. Wanna be the test case? \_ is my rapier legal? \_ I think it's legal to carry around a sheathed sword, as long as it's visible. \_ Yes. Is it under 2"? \_ You can't go wrong with a flail. \_ I prefer the standard mace. Just a big chunk of steel at the end of a stick can do wonders on Telegraph. |
2001/1/14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Celebrity, Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:20310 Activity:nil |
1/13 Shockingly biased Palm Beach Post says _Bush_ would have gained more votes than Gore if all votes properly counted in Miami-Dade! I think these right wing hacks should be locked up. The rightward bias in the media must stop. We need new regulations to control the media and stop the lies and yellow journalism. http://www.gopbi.com/partners/pbpost/epaper/editions/today/news_2.html |
2000/12/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:20195 Activity:nil |
12/28 English is not the National Language in the US: \_ Yeah, and it's not even required for elected officials or the people who try to vote for them. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/debate.htm \_ Ok... so who is putting the little daffy symbol in Mr. Daffy's 'corrections'? "The 1990 Census found that most minority language speakers are bilingual --- 94.2 percent of them speak English with varying levels of proficiency." Yes. Varying. Like the same way I knew the Spanish word for 'water' when the busboy didn't know the English word for it. English, American dialect, *is* the national language in the U.S. Trying to deny the obvious is plain stupid. Have a cookie, troll. \_ officially, it is not the official national language. It may be the unofficial national language, but not the official one. \_ Officially? That's not what the link or the original post is about. Like, uhm, hey, duh. We know there isn't an "official" language so why bother mentioning it? Might as well remind us all that Martian isn't the official language. \_ so it's the official unofficial language? \_ What the hack. In Singapore, Malay is the official national language, but the government and businesses use English for everything, and most people speak Chinese after work. \_ the appropriate term is "de facto" |
2000/12/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:20167 Activity:low |
12/24 It's amazing. More Republican vote theft. No wonder they didn't want every vote counted. Look at all these people who Jeb screwed over: http://www.herald.com/content/today/news/dade/digdocs/110495.htm A deep investigation of Florida and some folks are going to vote from prison next time. \_ Convicted felons can't vote, moron. \_ They can so long as they're republicans in Florida. \_ You didn't get the joke did you? |
2000/12/14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:20101 Activity:high |
12/13 http://washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A2768-2000Dec13.html Different groups can't even agree which votes are in dispute, much less how to re-re-re-re-re-count them.... \_ I'm very interested in whether they'll have any success here. I trust the liberal L.A. Times more than the GOP for a report on how counts would have turned out if a single, state-wide standard for under/overvotes were taken. Even if the liberal L.A. Times reports "Broward was bad mm-kay, because the indented ballots were entirely subjective." \_ Trying to determine what someone intended when there's anything other than a clear punch is subjective. I trust the late night psychic hotline woman more than the LA Times. \_ Go away (right-leaning) troll. Even the Republican counsel at the Supreme Court hearing implied that a penetrated ballot could count as a legal vote. |
2000/12/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:20091 Activity:insanely high |
12/12 Supreme Court rules for Bush, 5-4. /- I've re-worded it, ya crazy sodan: | Of the seven justices that felt there were constitutional | problems, two did not feel these problems warranted a halt | to the recount. Hence, the 5-4 vote. \_ This isn't true no matter how you word it. Try again and this time use something other than jesse jackson's website as an info source. \_ Dewd. You are sick. \_ 7-2 agreed that there were problems with the Equal protection clause. \_ 7-2 agreed that there were constitutional problems with what has been going down in Florida. \_ They agreed that there was not a consistant way to hand count votes (ie. the different chads) because of that, there would be a question of equal protection under the law. There is no law of what a vaild vote is in Florida, except that it is determined they the Secretary of State. The problem lies in that there is disagreement of whether or not the Supreme Court should have interferred at this point in the process. Bush wins by litigation. \_ Bush wins by having more votes. Thank you for playing. \_ Gore had more votes...don't be silly. Not even the Republican lawyers are suggesting the Bush actually received more votes. Congrats on preventing the recount in Florida while getting one in New Mexico. \_ New Mex. recount was automatic, not requested AFAIK. And AL could have cheated his way to more votes, not quite the same has getting more votes on election day. Spare me your whimpering about under votes, etc. If you really care about your vote, you would make *SURE* that you punched the ballot all the way through. If you can't even bother to do that, your vote deserves to be discarded. \_ Stop using the "F" word! _F_acts offend the mindless ultra left. Yes, NM was an automatic recount just like the machine recount in FL, and the automatic recount triggered in Oregon in the Senate race. Bush had more votes. \_ url? \_ If you didn't notice the other recount, you aren't really interested (If you have to ask, you don't already know) \_ uh, Florida did get a recount. The count was certified, Gore went to the lawyers, yadda yadda yadda. \- bush wins by delay of game. penalty 150 votes. --psb \_ stupid republican comment deleted \_ COMMIE CENSORS CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! \_ Poor babies. For the poor ultra leftist clowns who can't deal with the truth I essentially said that Bush won every vote, and count and recount using the most stupid rules invented by Gore's Demo buddies with ballots manually counted by Gore's Demo buddies and at no point despite this travesty of justice was Gore ever ahead in Florida. Good bye Mr. Gore. Nice speech. Hopefully your last public speech ever. \_ and Gore WASN'T trying to? the votes were recounted, the count was certified, Gore went to the lawyers, yadda yadda yadda. \_ The Republicans hand recounted their districts then denied the Dems the same right. And got away with it, it turns out. Face it, your man stole the election. \_ url? \_ It does not exists, because it did not happen. The GOP did not recount any district by hand. \_ Hello? Volusia? Broward? Only the most heavily 20% Democratic areas in Miami-Dade? Al Gore did his best to steal it and got beaten down like the mad dog he is. If I wanted spin and lies I could turn on CNN or MSNBC. They do it better than you do and shower more often. \_ I agree that the Republicans "stole the election". The Republican strategy was to not count all legal votes, especially legal votes that could go to Gore. I often had the impression that they were rushing the election to a close. Not to say that the Democrats were entirely fair, but the Republicans didn't want to play ball and go ahead with a statewide recount (probably those slippery, pro-Gore liberal counters), so the Democrats were forced to pursue recounts in only liberal-heavy counties. I do not agree with the Republican propaganda that valid recounts had been repeated thrice. I believe Gore's assertion that not all legal votes were counted. \_ Grow up, child. Gore could've requested a statewide recount but instead chose 3 or 4 cherry picked Demo areas where he thought he could scum up a few more improperly cast votes by "diving the will" through his political surrogates. \_ Yeah, I bet you believe that AL created the internet too. All the votes that were correctly voted were counted by the machine. Hand recounts amounted to guessing which ballots when to Al by people who want him to win. If some stupid fool in FL can't be bothered to check his/her ballot then they don't deserve to have a say. I disagree, too, with the assertion that "the Democrats would have resorted to the same stalling tactics if they had the lead." In this case, if the Republicans asked for a statewide recount, the Democrats would have accepted. This coincides with the general principle that Democrats are good (know what's going on) and Republicans are evil (are misinformed). \_ And you base this on what? Your leftist mindwashing on campus from your drooling babbling communist profs? WAKE UP! COFFEE IS READY! \_ Republicans didn't steal anything. The won fair and square under the laws as they existed on election day (ever hear of ex posto facto?). \_ Hey dumbshit. No laws were made by Al Gore. In case you're too stupid to figure it out he doesn't have the power. Figure out what the hell "ex post facto" means before you blab it out on the motd. It is within the FL supreme court to interpret existing laws. \_ 'after the fact', extending the recounts past the original legislative deadline was illegal. The courts can interpret the law, they don't make it and they shouldn't break it as the FL Supereme Court did. Fortunately the US Supreme Court has the wisdom to stop their activisim. GWB was ahead in the initial count, the machine recount and every other count (despite challenges to military ballots). AL's plan for a statewide recount by his vote counters would have amounted to a coup d'etat, subverting the laws in order to win. Furthermore, the GOP did not ask for a recount in states where GWB lost by similar margins. If FL had gone to ALGOR by 500 votes, GWB would have conceeded and AL would be Pres. Elect. Only a Democrat would have the gaul to act as AL has. His behavior only serves to reinforce the general principle that Democrats/Liberals == EVIL COMMIES and the GOP == the good guys. Only Jefferson and \_ I take it you never took US history? Let me rephrase, Jeffersonian _/ principles are good, Jefferson the man made many scary mistakes. Very few democrats even have principles, so Jefferson is a decent one in my book. Truman have ever been able to transend this principle. [ Possibly unfair characterization of a liberal removed by author. ] \_ You make a good argument, but I'll have to look at Rehnquist/Scalia/Thomas' opinion in the Supreme Court case. I think their reasons for voting "no-recounts" are substantively different than yours. \_ Yes. As I understand it they said no recounts because of two reasons. First, the choice of electors belongs to the leg. branch not the jud. branch according to the constitution. Second, partial recounts w/o standards violates equal protection under the 14th amendment (as I recall). I'm basically saying that what AL did was not the right or proper thing to do for a gentleman and a president. \_ they gave up b/c it was going to be "too big a mess." what a cop-out. \_ You went to the Jesse Jackson School Of Logic. I can tell. \_ I'm not sure you're right about the first part and will have to check. The second part would suggest that if the state court a) extended the deadline to the 17th and b) more precisely explained how re-counts would be conducted, and explain how it would not be a violation of equal protection -- if the state court did both of these things, the U.S. Supreme Court would have let the recount go on. \_ They extended to the 26th. Not 17th. \_ Yes, that is correct. Despite the democratic cries of a partisan Supreme Court, a timely recount with a statewide standard would have been allowed. This seems so obvious that I find it puzzling that the Democrats didn't push for it. The only explanation I see is that they really were fishing for votes. \_ I don't know what it's like to be a liberal Florida Supreme Court justice, but it looks like what happened is that four justices produced a hasty, poorly thought-out decision, in order to meet a Dec 12 safe harbor date. |
2000/12/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:20019 Activity:kinda low |
4/250 What is DTS Digital format? \_ Competing sound system to Dolby. First introduced in Jurassic Park. Most popular in California. Some say it sounds better, but that's for the individual to decide. \_ I thought that was THX \_ THX started with Return of the Jedi. THX & DTS/Dolby are not competing, rather complementary. \_ DTS competes with Dolby 5.1. THX is another brand name tag that's been watered down by a greedy lucas, prompting the equally greed motivated THX Pro spec, which is what THX origionally was, and is more $$$. |
2000/12/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19973 Activity:high |
12/1 More evidence of Republicans trying to disenfranchise the poor, minorities and other citizens they don't like: http://www.herald.com/content/archive/news/elect2000/digdocs/080337.htm \_ Read it again. 75% of those illegal votes were by registered Democrats. And yes, felons and aliens can't vote -- Sorry Gore. \_ A vote is a vote, simply because someone who cast a vote isn't a citizen or made some mistakes in the past, isn't a valid reason to disqualify their vote. Everyone makes mistakes, and at some point in the past most americans weren't citizens of america. Valid reasons to disqualify votes are: 1. Failure to get a postmark on your absentee ballot. Its the law and you have to abide by the law. And don't tell me you are serving in the line of fire and can't get to a local post office. I've heard that excuse before. 2. A vote for my opponent. DAMN who you be so dumb? \_ how the hell do you infer that Republicans are to blame for this? Quote from the article: "Nearly 75 percent of the illegal ballots discovered by The Herald were cast by registered Democrats." \_ Hi troll. Felons can't vote. I am sure Republicans don't like them, but you can't disenfranchise someone with no right to vote, now can you? \_ How dare you suggest that felons and non-citizens can't be disenfranchised! Anyone who wanted to vote for me or voted for me but hasn't had thier vote counted can be disenfranchised. The only invalid ballots come from soliders in the field who can't be bothered to get a postmark. Come on, how hard is it to get a postmark? Even the felons and illegals, who are a significant percentage of my base, got postmarks. - Al |
2000/11/30 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19959 Activity:high |
11/30 Why would anyone think that a recount is more accurate than a machine count? Can't they use an OCR program, with 99.9% character recognition (and much more for simple items like the ballots) to go through the ballots? \_ it's hard to count ballots with your head up your ass. -tom \_ Hand Recount is the only fair and honest way to clear up this mess and make me president, and office that only I am capable of holding. Hand Recounting, when performed by highly skilled members of team gore, uh, I mean the voting board, using their fair and impartial criteria (award all votes to gore) will produce the desired, uh, I mean correct result, which is that I ALGOR won the election and thus the presidency. - Al |
2000/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:19888 Activity:high 61%like:19887 |
11/21 hand-count must be counted, but it will not be enough! -_Gore stole election \_ Of course it'll be enough. Our people are doing the check for voter intent. They're going to intend 1000+ Gore votes from thin air. The kicker is that the FL SC used Illinois law in their ruling. I got a big laugh out of that. Home state to Daley and his vote box stuffing machine! Great stuff! Pie in the face for all republicans! ahhahahhahha! \_ He's getting help: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2000/11/21/110744.shtml http://foxnews.com/election_night/112100/militaryballots_kehnemui.sml http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2000/11/21/114527 |
2000/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:19887 Activity:nil 66%like:19883 61%like:19888 |
11/21 hand-count must be counted, but it will not be enough! -_Gore stole election \_ He's getting help: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2000/11/21/110744.shtml |
2000/11/21 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19873 Activity:nil |
11/21 Okay. We haven't had a good troll on the motd for days. What's up? Where have all the trollers gone? Here's my (pitable) attempt at starting one: Why is it that all the hot asian chick who vote democratic go after rich white republican business major guys who use windows, drive non riced cars and have less than a 384K uplink to the internet? - asian cs major who voted NADER and RIDES BIKE and uses LINUX and has a 1.5/1.5 DSL link to the internet and would like a rice rocket and hot asian chick. |
2000/11/19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19853 Activity:nil |
11/19 Daley isn't going to last a week once he gets back to Chicago. WPB: Bush+12 with 20% counted. Broward: Gore+57 with 33% counted. At least he'll still get to vote after they bury him. |
2000/11/19 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19852 Activity:nil |
11/19 A few things for the FL Supreme Court to consider: Separation of Powers, partisan nature of the canvassing boards, a lower circuit court having ruled in Harris's favor (Democrat judge), the recount isn't going to make a difference, hypocritical Dems purging 1000+ military ballots in violation of FL election laws while saying every vote should count, and no judge anywhere wants to touch this hot potato. My bet is they rule Judge Lee was correct, the counts can continue but Harris can ignore them, and the final tallies won't change anything and all the other suits out there will be thrown out by the lower court judges because they don't want to be responsible for continuing the mess Gore started. |
2000/11/19 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19847 Activity:moderate |
11/18 Anyone know how the absentee count is going in CA? Is Gore going to widen the gap? \_ WHO cares about CA? \_ Widen the gap in CA? Are you insane? No. Duh. Absentees in CA are heavily Republican. His lead will shrink after CA finishes and reports official tallies in early December. |
2000/11/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19839 Activity:high |
11/17 CNN: Gore operatives must manufacture 927 votes to steal Presidency. Bush +926 with all counties reporting. That a *lot* of votes, especially when WPB is failing to uphold their duties and has found more Bush votes than Gore votes so far. Gotta replace those 3 clowns with people who know how to create votes properly. \_ Yeah, let's let Jesse Jackson and Mayor Dayle's boy and ALGOR do the recounting. \_ Update: Unofficial tally is Bush+930. What is Gore's group thinking? This is no way to win an election. If they want the victory, they need to do it Chicago style with tommy guns in an empty warehouse. When Gore loses, he'll just fade into historical obscurity. Daley is going to "have an accident". Bye Daley. \_ Perhaps this is inconceivable to you bastards, but maybe they're doing the recount honestly? Maybe Al Gore's game the whole time was to see if he really won or not based on the most accurate count possible? Nah, you guys would rather find in him the same smut and slime that is in your own hearts, even if you have to "manufacture" the evidence yourself.--PeterM \_ Yeah, hand recounting, where its upto partisan counters using subjective standards to evaluate choices is really a "honest" recount. ALGOR isn't trying to figure out if he won, he's trying to ensure that he wins. If you think that ALGOR is above doing something like this, you forget that he and his boss have already sold out this country to N. Korea, China, and Iran via covert illegal channels. choices is really a "honest" recount. Tell me another one. ALGOR isn't trying to figure out if he won, he's trying to ensure that he wins. If you think that ALGOR is above doing something like this, you forget that he and his boss have already sold out this country to N. Korea, China, and Iran via covert illegal channels. \_ Well, his partisan recounters sure seem to be counting honestly despite your assertion that they're biased. In fact, if your theory is correct, why is Gore not ahead? Your willingness to "find" dishonesty and prejudge people is a condemnation of your self more than it is of Gore. \_ Because it's hard to find enough competent people to screw up the votes without getting caught and they *are* getting caught. Slime in our hearts? Tsk. Tsk. What happened to not wanting to be a part of the politics of personal destruction? Lefty smears. If you can't win honestly, smear smear smear and recount count count until you do. We can see what's going on down there and it's ugly and unAmerican. \_ Are you really a wingnut, or do you just play one on the Internet? \_ They are trying, but the votes just aren't there. The problem has escalated from maufacturing 300 votes to manufacturing a 1000 votes. Its much harder but ALGORs counters are trying: http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2000/11/18/134509.shtml http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2000/11/18/194259 \_ Here's the deal: with 1% of the hand recount done in Palm Beach County, Gore had +19 new votes. So, he's on pace to pick up 1,900 new votes there, which would be more than enough to beat Bush. If the FL S. Ct. allows the hand recount, Gore should win. \_ Actually, its a lot worse for ALGOR than that. The 4 precincts that were counted went Gore by large percentages. That only 19 new votes is a setback for Gore, since most of the other precincts were evenly split or heavily bush. And everyone knows that linear extrapolation from a single data point cannot yeild correct results. \_ Who taught you basic math? Some partisan 70 year old bimbo in FL on the tube? 1900 is not a realistic number. As the above states, those 4 precincts do not represent the rest of WPB's voting patterns. Those were the absolute *best* Gore precincts in the state. 1900 is a theoretical maximum based on the assumption the rest of county had the same voting patterns. They don't. |
2000/11/17 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19831 Activity:nil |
11/16 If Gore wins, 30 states will succeed from the union \_ California shouldn't need this election as an excuse to cecede (yes it's "cecede" troll) from the union. We have all the good \_ Try "secede" you loser spelling-god wannabe. stuff. Without the United States we would have the 6th (new figures?) largest economy in the WORLD. Think about it. It's a good plan. \_ Hi troll. This is the dumbest thing posted on the motd in at least 6 months. \_ I would hope all 50 would. \_ Bush supporters also tend to have the same level of vocabulary as Bush himself. \_ Typical leftist. If you can't win, smear, smear, smear. They \_ smear? You dumbshit. Everyone knows Bush is a crack smoking idiot. Even Republicans know that. Even his dad. It has nothing to do with who wins this damn election. The guy can't say an English sentence without fucking up. \_ So, the ends justifies the means? It's ok to steal the election is the end result is what you want? Wow... how naive of me to think The Will Of The People still mattered.... \_ The Republicans stole the election by hand counting ballots in Republican majority counties then refusing the Dems the same right. voted, Bush won. They recounted, Bush won. They're in court now, Bush is winning there, too. The recounts aren't _creating_ enough new Gore votes to change anything. Bush won. The overseas votes are 5:3 (R) voters, Bush won. Give it up. You've been in the Bay Area too long. Even my coworkers who voted Gore are saying he lost and should give it up. \_ The Republicans stole the election, not Gore. \_ Err ... I also think Gore should give up, but that doesn't mean I should like Bush Jr., or have any confidence in his vocabulary. \_ This isn't about GPA's, even though Bush's GPA was higher. It's about stealing the election through the courts with PR blitz assistance from the slanted press. \_ Then they will be rogue states. Hope they can defend themselves. \_ good riddance \_ So if 30 succeed, will the other 20 (not incl PR and DC) fail? \_ I'd like Gore to take a road trip from East to West Coast. I dare him to try to find a path through Democratic States. He won't be able to without being forced to cross through Republican country (can't leave the U.S. borders, of course). \_ Who cares? They're a bunch of gun hugging hicks who marry their cousins. \_ We leftist call that "fly over country". Driving is for plebes. \_ This must be a troll. Republicans know better than to call for secession based on the results of an election; we value the laws of the land (unlike most democrats). \_they would cecede because this has become a nation of lawyers not laws. Al Gore can win an election by a judge and not law. So why note cecede and keep the constitution the way it was meant to be? \_ You people are all fucking pathetic. This is almost-but-not- quite above the level of knuckle-dragging trash talking you get in an 8th grade pickup basketball game. I'm ashamed to have graduated from the same educational system that spawned people as incapable of rational thought as yourselves. And the worst of it is, you get to vote on my taxes. Spite, contempt, vitriol. -John \_ Hi John. If they voted intelligently, they'd be lowering your taxes. Intelligently = can read a ballot and poke 1 hole per candidate. \_ Is there more than 1 hole per candidate? \_ In Florida, some morons voted once for Al Gore and a second vote for that nice Joe fellow because he's a nice boy, you know? |
2000/11/17 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:19827 Activity:nil |
11/16 1976: Carter 297, Ford 240, Reagan 1 (margin of 57) Was Reagan an independent candidate? (the above are electoral votes) \_ The electors are able to vote for whomever the choose. In 76 one vote in Washington (state, not dc) was cast for Reagan. Take a look at the following page: http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/case/3pt/electoral.html The relavent part: "Most recently, in 1976, a Republican elector in the state of Washington cast his vote for Ronald Reagan instead of Gerald Ford, the Republican presidential candidate. Earlier, in 1972, a Republican elector in Virginia deserted Nixon to vote for the Libertarian party candidate. And in 1968, Nixon lost another Virginia elector, who bolted to George Wallace. " \_ If you're hoping for (R) electors to switch votes, don't hold your breath... broken glass... broken glass. |
2000/11/17-19 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19813 Activity:nil |
11/17 Vote for your favorite operating system: Windows 2000 ----------O Linux ------------+----O <-------- Pat Buchanan FreeBSD ----------|----8 <-------+ Windows 98 | OpenBSD -------+ | () <--+---- tjb <------+ Write In | +----o o | ________ | | +---- Linux . +----------+ \_ Ugh! This is utterly confusing! How can you expect a dumbass like me to figure it out? \_ Nice try. 1st graders in the deep south can get it right. Why can't race baiters like Jesse Jackson? Oh wait. They use the same ballot in *his* voting district and it went ok. |
2000/11/16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19800 Activity:nil |
11/16 WPB officials deny request for hand recount: In the 1984 Palm Beach election, more than 310,000 ballots were cast. The margin between two County Commission candidates was 242 votes. The loser in that race and in others on the ballot protested, among other things, the hanging chad problem. Officials denied a request for a hand recount. http://www.herald.com/content/archive/news/elect2000/decision/035445.htm |
2000/11/16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19787 Activity:nil |
102.166 Protest of election returns; procedure.-- (1) Any candidate for nomination or election, or any elector qualified to vote in the election related to such candidacy, shall have the right to protest the returns of the election as being erroneous by filing with the appropriate canvassing board a sworn, written protest. (2) Such protest shall be filed with the canvassing board prior to the time the canvassing board certifies the results for the office being protested or within 5 days after midnight of the date the election is held, whichever occurs later. (3) Before canvassing the returns of the election, the canvassing board shall: (a) When paper ballots are used, examine the tabulation of the paper ballots cast. (b) When voting machines are used, examine the counters on the machines of nonprinter machines or the printer-pac on printer machines. If there is a discrepancy between the returns and the counters of the machines or the printer-pac, the counters of such machines or the printer-pac shall be presumed correct. (c) When electronic or electromechanical equipment is used, the canvassing board shall examine precinct records and election returns. If there is a clerical error, such error shall be corrected by the county canvassing board. If there is a discrepancy which could affect the outcome of an election, the canvassing board may recount the ballots on the automatic tabulating equipment. (4)(a) Any candidate whose name appeared on the ballot, any political committee that supports or opposes an issue which appeared on the ballot, or any political party whose candidates' names appeared on the ballot may file a written request with the county canvassing board for a manual recount. The written request shall contain a statement of the reason the manual recount is being requested. (b) Such request must be filed with the canvassing board prior to the time the canvassing board certifies the results for the office being protested or within 72 hours after midnight of the date the election was held, whichever occurs later. (c) The county canvassing board may authorize a manual recount. If a manual recount is authorized, the county canvassing board shall make a reasonable effort to notify each candidate whose race is being recounted of the time and place of such recount. (d) The manual recount must include at least three precincts and at least 1 percent of the total votes cast for such candidate or issue. In the event there are less than three precincts involved in the election, all precincts shall be counted. The person who requested the recount shall choose three precincts to be recounted, and, if other precincts are recounted, the county canvassing board shall select the additional precincts. (5) If the manual recount indicates an error in the vote tabulation which could affect the outcome of the election, the county canvassing board shall: (a) Correct the error and recount the remaining precincts with the vote tabulation system; (b) Request the Department of State to verify the tabulation software; or (c) Manually recount all ballots. (6) Any manual recount shall be open to the public. (7) Procedures for a manual recount are as follows: (a) The county canvassing board shall appoint as many counting teams of at least two electors as is necessary to manually recount the ballots. A counting team must have, when possible, members of at least two political parties. A candidate involved in the race shall not be a member of the counting team. (b) If a counting team is unable to determine a voter's intent in casting a ballot, the ballot shall be presented to the county canvassing board for it to determine the voter's intent. (8) If the county canvassing board determines the need to verify the tabulation software, the county canvassing board shall request in writing that the Department of State verify the software. (9) When the Department of State verifies such software, the department shall: (a) Compare the software used to tabulate the votes with the software filed with the Department of State pursuant to s. 101.5607; and (b) Check the election parameters. (10) The Department of State shall respond to the county canvassing board within 3 working days. |
2000/11/16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:19786 Activity:high |
11/15 Please read the text without ragging on the source. Dr. Laura had the easiest to read (in terms of fonts, etc) copy of this quote: http://drlaura.com/letters/index.html?mode=view&tile=1&id=115 Any opinions on this quote? Was Tyler full of shit? Where do you think we stand on Tyler's timeline if he had it right? \_ Tyler is full of B.S. True democracy in a country where the people are 100% educated won't vote for more money. That happens in the U.S., in Philipines, in Mexico, etc, where the average voter has no clue of what's happening. We haven't even progressed to true democracy yet, much less going on to bondage again. \_ unless by "100% educated" you mean 100% brainwashed into your or my particular ideology (and even the latter would be a high price to pay for what wouldn't really be a democracy), you, like most people, have an entirely irrational faith in education. -crebbs \_ You missed the point. "true democracies" dont last, you always degenerate into the haves and the havenots, which then accelerates like how the US is going now. \_ Its a moot point, since the US is not and has never been a true democracy. The US is a representative republic. A true democracy is not much different than mob rule. A simple majority often makes hasty and ill considered choises. The founding fathers knew this and created a system of government resistant to drastic changes that can plague a democracy. \- that quote does better on style than substance. the fall of athens has a lot to do with the peloponessian war. See Thucydides and Kagan IV: The Fall of the Athenian Empire. You know being invaded genreation, that men intheir prime could not be found or [by the macedonians] also didnt help. I dontthink we need to worry about invasion. The point about populism is interesting. See the rule on land reform legislation in Republic of Rome. --psb \_ It's not across from France anymore? Where did they move it to? \- here is an interesting quote from Kagan: "It is revealing of the state of Athenian politics that the Athenians believed they must seek such qualities ["prudent cautious, moderate leadership"] in an earlier genreation, that men in their prime could not be found or trusted to provide it.". --psb \_ The U.K. wasnt "invaded" either, but it is no longer where it once was \_ It's not across from France anymore? Where did they move it to? \_ Thanks to the liberals who turned it into a socialist welfare state. \_ The British Empire fell long before that. Unless you are calling Winston Churchill a liberal. \_ It was still an empire into the early 50's, well after Churchill was out of power. \_ The British EMPIRE is anti-democratic. That's why it fell. \_ Actually, it fell because it actually tried to be somewhat nice to the people it conquered, rather than ruling with an iron fist forever. The last straw was of course the massive draining of resources due to WWII. \_ Yeah sure, massive draining of resources from the colonies to the European front. When the Japanese Imperial Army came with 30000 soldiers, the 80000 Brits ran so fast down the Malayan peninsula, the Japanese soldiers had to grab bicycles from the locals to keep up with the retreating British (note that the terrain in Malaysia is unsuitable for armored vehicles). \_ They will face a problem 10x worse than what the French had when they persisted in their anti- democratic ways in Algeria and IndoChina. \_ Nice? Please explain in what ways the British were "nice" conquerers. Taken a history class anytime in this life? \_ yeah, thats a pretty fucking dumb thing for someone to say. it's always hard to tell on the motd who is a troll and who really is a moron. there are so many true morons and so many really devoted trolls who have honed there skills over the years and they both seem to like to post to the motd. -troller \_ The democracy/republic which is the United States will persist as long as most people feel that the U.S. is the best country to be a citizen of on this planet. It also persists on a common, nation-wide feeling of what is right and wrong, what is fair and not fair, and that honest, hard-working people can better their situation in a reasonable way, in the face of all that is wrong and not fair. Voting to give yourself money is generally accepted as corrupt and embarrassing, unless you have a good reason that other people will buy. For example, most people will vote to give veterans money, but most people will not vote to give only rich people tax breaks. People may want to abolish taxes, but most people understand this will upset the system and create a situation where the U.S. is no longer a great place to live. Anyways, the bottom line is that Tyler makes a lame, inflammatory college frosh argument that you'd hear in section and from your \_ Explain then, why every democracy in existence has a higher tax rate now than it did 50 years ago? And higher 50 years ago than it was 100 years ago, (obviously you can keep going with this). \_ Interesting trend. Explanation not available. Opinion unchanged. |
2000/11/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19779 Activity:kinda low |
11/14 Lets say a state w/ 2,000,000 people has 20 electoral votes another state w/ 1,000,000 people has 10 electoral votes. Candidate 1 gets 1,000,001 popular vote in state 1 wins 20 votes. Candidate 2 gets 1,000,000 popular votes in state 2 wins 10 votes Popular vote: Electoral Votes Candidate 1 1,000,001 20 Candidate 2 1,999,999 10 Candidate 2 wins popular vote but loses electoral votes. What's the big deal about crying about winning electoral college but not popular vote? \_ we are in a republic so the state gets represented, not the people. So the above is correct. \- part of the reason the popular vote claim is a little bogus is that wasnt the strategic target the campaigns were aiming at. it would be like at the end of a foodball game ignorning the score and awarding victory to the team with more total time of posession. --psb \_ a switch to a popular vote might not pass anyway because the smaller states (in terms of population) would not approve. In campaigning, candidates would campaign in big metropolitan areas and ignore the smaller states. \_ They already do that. Gore never bothered campaigning in the "Bush" states and Bush didn't bother campaigning in the "Gore" states. It was only the swing (or battleground) states that they cared about. states that they cared about. Do you think Al Gore cares what people in N. Dakota think about him? How about Bush in Hawaii? \_ True, but the effect would be even greater with a popular vote. \_ There's a ton of folks in the little shithole backwaters of places like NH that have personally met every major candidate going back 50+ years. Think that'd happen in a popularity vote contest? |
2000/11/14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:19774 Activity:high |
11/14 For those of you who still think that Gore is getting more votes becaused he earned them: http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=65000596 http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=65000613 \_ i dont' agree with the Wall Street Journal's numbers in that article \_ Ok, great. Make up your own. What numbers would you prefer? Make some up and post a URL. Sheesh. Let's not let little things like "facts" get in the way of the truth. \_ I'm glad to see you've learnt something. The one thing that Bill taught me was to never let facts and the truth stand in my way. - Al Gore PS. After inventing the Internet, I became an 3113T H@X0R and I'm posting this from my R00T SH311 D00DZ! A1 G0R3 0WNZ U! \_ Hmmm, Wall Street Journal. No bias there. The first article is purely subjective stating, to a first order approximation, "recounts are bad, mm'kay." The second article features fast and loose journalism "Statisticians tell me that is highly unlikely". Who are these vaunted statisticians? Are they College Professors? Are they bored students taking stat 2? Are they even real? Who can say. Go sourcing. Why should anyone trust the statisticians a writer for the Journal pulled out of his ass? Why will they have anything but the bias needed for Fund's angle? |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19762 Activity:high |
11/13 Watch Volusia come back with _just_ enough votes to tip things back to Gore, Daley scream that we need to stop counting and for the first time in decades, the oversease ballots actually go heavily to the left. You heard it here first. \_ I kick you in da nuts here first. \_ Volusia halfway done. +21 or so for.... Bush. Let's keep counting until we "get it right". \_ Volusia is now done with complete manual recount. Gore is up about 20 votes or so. They're doing the absentee and other stuff like provisional ballots now. Nice try Mr. Daley. Try suing Broward. Might get some court action from a leftist activist judge. |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19761 Activity:nil |
11/13 Why a partial and selective recount is flawed, for those who didn't do so well in Stat 2: http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment111300m.shtml \_ you don't need to read the article to know that selective recount is flawed. It is common sense. \_ Posted for some of the less clear thinking motd readers. |
2000/11/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19744 Activity:very high |
11/12 Ok, so WPB had a lot of stupid people so they're getting a "do-over". Why are they also recounting 3 other heavily Dem counties? I haven't heard a reason other than "county shopping". \_ Democratic counties are using punch-hole ballots. 32 errors per 1000. The richer Republican counties are using scan-tron ballots. 1 error per 1000. Secondly, Bush's team didn't ask for recounts in his Republican counties within the 72-hour legal deadline. Gore's team did. --PeterM \_ So you're all for law and order? Are you also in favor of the 5pm certification deadline on Tuesday or opposed because in that case, the law doesn't support your political position? C'mon.. let's see the twisted reasoning for only following the law when it suits your political cause. Gore is a crybaby and is killing this country. -N'04! \_ Actually, I'm in favor of a recount for Bush too. However, in his rich counties with the scan-tron ballots, he's going to get few new votes because of voting count error. --PeterM \_ C'mon Peter. You ducked the question. Are you in favor of following the law which states that Tuesday 5pm is the deadline for turning in certified tallies or not? This isn't a softball press conference with Barbara Walters. This is the motd and you can't get away with that shit and not get called on it. \_ I didn't respond because I don't know the Florida law on the 5pm deadline. I've seen it characterized as an arbitrary rule imposed by the Republican Sec'y of state and not a law at all. If it is a law it should be followed, unless it is contradictory to some other law, in which case a court must rule on it. In the absence of credible data on whether the 5pm deadline is a law or not, I have no opinion on the topic. Is that clear, Mr. X? --PeterM \_ This isn't something the Democrats want because it would trigger a full check and investigation of not only 'irregularities' in Florida but other states as well. The Dems have a lot more to fear from a countrywide cleaning of ballots than the Repubs. You don't hear the Daley/Gore ticket suggesting this happen and for a good reason. They're not looking for a fair and accurate count. They're fishing. Turn it around. If Gore was in Bush's position would you tell him to sit back and relax and take it like a man if Bush was cherry picking which votes to "clean" and having it done by partisan Repubs? Uh huh... thought so. Thanks for playing. You can try again in 2004. So will we. Green in '04! \_ rationale is that there were ballot irregularities which may have resulted in many ballots being discounted. more specifically, the ballot machines will not read your ballot if there are any dangling bits of paper (instead of clean-punched holes). in a race where the ultimate decision may be made on the basis of a few hundred votes, it makes sense to be absolutely sure. \_ Spoken like a true Gore apologist. Gore wants a recount in only Democratic counties so that he can eke out a win handing to him by partisian vote counters (they are all Democrats). \_ There were irregularities all over Florida starting with the media reporting the state went to Gore 70 minutes before the heavily Republican west panhandle closed their polls. Let's let all of the panhandle revote! DO OVER! \_ Bah! It's likely that *more* Republican voters turned out in the panhandle to try to win back the state. \_ You seriously believe that? Don't be daft. |
2000/11/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19739 Activity:insanely high |
11/12 The paragraph third from the bottom is my favorite. They've certified 800 more votes countywide in WPB than the precint by precint number reported from election night. Not only are the dead voting, they're voting a bit late this year in WPB. http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=65000590 \_ Do you actually understand the failure rates of mechanical punch-vote systems? A second revote, in a pure mechanical- system, will certify more votes. A hand recound will get even more. \_ You you understand no one from any party was claiming any sort of mechanical failure? Did you see Lepore this morning make it \_ Do you understand no one from any party was claiming any sort of mechanical failure? Did you see LePore this morning make it clear this was voter error and not in any way machine error? LePore is the Democrat who designed the ballot and one of the 3 Democrats on the WPB board that voted to do a full hand recount. Recount the whole state or none of it. Shit happens everywhere. \_ I think the democrats would be quite happy to recount the whole state. It's clear that there's a mechanical error; two mechanical counts arrived at significantly different numbers, and then a test count by hand found even more of a discrepancy. That's separate from the ballot design issue. -tom \_ That depends on what your definition of "significant" is. Or was that "is is"? I have trouble keeping up. And of course a partisan committee found "even more of a discrepancy". The Dems know exactly how many more votes they need to steal to rob the election. I'm still bitter that Gore stole my man's votes. -N'04! |
2000/11/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19736 Activity:high |
11/11 1% of votes counted in Palm Beach = +19 votes That whiny little Bush is going to shit his pants once he does some "fuzzy math": 19 * 100 == ~1900 votes Let's face it, the machines are very bad at counting and are the only things supporting Bush. Gore has the true will of the people. \_ Uhm, ok, let's do some more math. That was a county that voted Democratic-dominated ones. roughly 90% Gore, 10% Bush. Roughly 9:1. Why is it that about 1/3rd of the fucked up ballots went to Bush instead of Gore? More first round vote fraud from the Democrats? Why did a recount produce 3x as many as it should have statistically? And while we're at it, let's try recounting a few heavily Republican counties.... The only fair way to do this is either accept the first machine recount that was done by the machines or recount the whole friggin state by hand. You can't clean up only some of your data and expect to get a valid result. You get a _less_ valid result. I shouldn't have to explain this to a Cal student.... \_ Dude, get yer shit together. First off, Palm Beach voted 62% Gore, 36% Bush (courtesy of http://CNN.com, data taken from first count to get a feel for the percentages). I'll generalize that Gore got 2 votes to every 1 vote Bush got in Palm Beach. Now let's look at the new votes they got. Gore got 33, Bush got 14. Hmm, wow, it looks like it's about a 2 to 1 ratio again. Oh wow. So in general, we should see just as many non-counted ballots by the machines. To me, as a Cal student, makes a lot of sense. As for the entire state recounting by hand, I say GO FOR IT! Of course the Republicans realize that such a recount could (I say could, not would) make them lose, so they are scared of such a notion. And yes, the votes will even out if the entire state was counted. But I have a hunch that more Democrats are less likely to punch the holes cleanly and make sure the chad drops. Let's face it, Republicans are typically a bit more in tune to such technical things, and are also typically a cleaner and tidier group of people. Yes, that's a stereotype, but hey, that's all elections ever come down to anyway. So go suck it with this "_less_ valid result" bullshit. I want accuracy, not politics. -phale, the original poster who finds himself forgetting to clean up all of the chad he leaves behind \_ They should do a recount in every county then, not just the Democrat-dominated ones. \_ Yes, that would be the fair thing to do \_ Not everyone wants to get gored. \_ Good point. Whereas everybody loves to get a little bush. \_ I personally don't want to get dick \_ I uhm, want, uh... GO GREEN! -N'04! \_ PB County is actaully about 2:1 Gore. http://www.pbcelections.org \_ Correct. The precincts they chose to reinterpret were 90:10. |
2000/11/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19731 Activity:moderate |
11/11 Back to election talk: Someone asked on wall why they didn't use the touch screens that Riverside had. Here's a quote from a cnn article: But the technical standards for elections and the conduct of elections in the United States that we are all seeing graphically and clearly for the first time are that it's extremely decentralized. It operates at the state level, rather than the federal level. In fact, most of the job of the elections in putting everything in place, even to the point of designing and printing the ballots, is done at the level of county and local jurisdictions. There's a beauty to that, in that it's a safeguard against any attempt to take over or manipulate the election system in national elections. On the other hand, what we are seeing is that it also leads to some uneven quality standards and not a following across the board of best practices or of use of best available technology. \_ Look at the ballot and tell me what was so damn confusing: http://www.jokeslayer.com/Pictures/FloridaBallot.gif \_ I might have been the one you were talking about, and I'm fully aware that the elections are run by the states and not the feds, but apart from not being able to write in candidates (someting I'm sure will be fixed within the next two years), the touch screen system they had in Riverside was everything you could want. -hjkim \_ So what was so great about the touch screens? I haven't seen them and know nothing about them. \_ from what I've seen/heard: it's not confusing and it doesn't tie the voter to a specific polling location \_ I didn't find the WPB ballot confusing either so maybe this isn't as useful as it sounds. Frankly, I think we *want* to ditch the ballots of anyone too stupid to vote correctly. This is a good thing, not bad. |
2000/11/11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19726 Activity:nil |
11/10 Say hello to President Gore. Gore is particularly interested in Broward County, where Democrats contend up to 6,700 ballots were punched, but not all the way through, preventing machines from counting them. ``Al Gore carried Broward County with more than 60 percent of the vote,'' an aide said. ``We believe a hand recount will put most of those 6,700 ballots in our column and Al Gore on top.'' \_ It's interesting how most of these ballots with punchhole problems seem to be for Gore. |
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19719 Activity:nil |
11/10 DO OVER! Let all military personel get another chance to vote! http://www.worldnetdaily.com/bluesky_dougherty/20001110_xnjdo_congressma.shtml Or... we could all just accept that elections have always been kinda fucked, shit happens, try better next time, let it stand and move on. --Nader'04! |
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19716 Activity:nil |
11/10 NEWSFLASH: The official FL vote count is Bush+960 (or so) with 2 yet to report. This isn't AP or VNS. It's the numbers from the real thing. And of course an unknown number of overseas yet to arrive over the next few days. \_ Give EXACT source for these things \_ Sorry. It was on cnn and other cable channels. Every one of the national news cable stations had it. cnn, msnbc, cbs, etc. Take your pick. They're all getting this from the same source so it hardly matters which you listen to. |
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:19713 Activity:nil |
11/10 http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment111000d.shtml Non-citizens voting? How can this be? |
2000/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19712 Activity:nil |
11/10 http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/11/10/latimes.election.official For those of you wondering why all vote counts have been increasing in the recount. \_ Quote remove in the interst of space. Go to the URL if you care. Summary: punchcard machines don't work right if you fail to read directions and punch out your ballot without making sure the little piece of paper gets separated from the ballot. |
2000/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:19708 Activity:high |
11/9 Ok, looking at a close-up of the disputed Palm Beach ballot, WTF is the problem?? The "5->" clearly points to one hole. \_ the problem is you are looking at the ballot knowing that there is an issue. \_ Ok, suppose I'm a Palm Beach resident. I go into the booth not knowing there's any problem, and knowing I want to vote for Gore. How could I possibly punch "<-4" and not "5->"? \_ I see Gore is second, so I punch the second hole. \_ it was set up with the intention of confusing voters that don't bother reading the ballot. I mean, why the hell the second major opponent (whether democratic or republican) be "the third hole?!!!" Most normal ballots have the two major political forces as the first two holes. I smell a conspiracy...as pointed out on television, why would this type of ballot only exist in a county there the majority of residents (blacks and jewish) are pro-Gore? It doesn't add up. \_ A conspiracy? Uhm, yeah. The ballot was created by Democrats. Approved by Democrats. Published in the newspapers. What friggin conspiracy? This wasn't a hidden secret ballot popped up out of nowhere on the unsuspecting populace. And while you're at it, please explain how this conspiracy has changed the results in other places like, oh, say, the exact same ballot format where Jesse Jackson and "My Dad Stole 1960" Daley voted? \_ apart from the much publicized "x to the right of the name," the fact that Gore was the third hole might also make the ballot illegal since Florida law dictates that the candidates be listed in the order of finish in the last gubernatorial race, and I'm pretty sure the Reform Party didn't finish second \_ NO! NO! NO! GO READ THE LAW! Stop getting your news off the tube! *I* _read_ the law and it does *not* in any way dictate any such thing! Stop spreading lies and propoganda! --Nader'04! \_ Well, nowhere in the Constitution does it say voters have to have any intelligence to vote. It's their own damn fault for not reading & understanding the ballot clearly. \_ Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that voters should be given illegal ballots. \_ its not illegal. Forms like that have been used in the past, and the Democratic Official for that area approved that ballot. \_ Gore people are working to prove that it is illegal. I think that's as much as can be said on the pro-Gore side. And control yourself next time, Senor "Prove it, bitch". \_ That's a much different (and weaker) assertion than "Florida law says it's illegal." Why not admit you simply did not speak the truth? Bitch. \_ People like you need to sign their names. Really. \_ Nah. He just need a good bitch slap. \_ Some of us (me) actually found the law on the official Florida website. The idea that this ballot was in any way illegal is a sham. \_ Actually, it is technically illegal. By Florida state law, the Democratic option was supposed to be placed where Pat Buchanan's spot was (which wasn't the case). See S101.151(4) and S101.191(1999) \_ Go re-read the entire law. This is not so. Don't pick and choose individual lines that support a particular conclusion. The lawyers get paid a lot more than you to do that already. \_ It's 95% clear, that is, it was clear to 95% of Gore voters in Palm Beach. \_ also, it penalizes only stupid gore supporters. stupid bush supporters were not given the same dilemma. \_ There was no dilemma, only people too stupid to vote. \_ But they are able to vote. Some of them must support Bush. Those ones didn't have to be smart enough to read directions. Besides, with a margin of 0.01% or so, the too-stupid-too-vote probably make the difference. \_ You really want the "too-stupid-too-vote" people deciding who the President is? Honestly, if this was the exact same situation except the names were reversed would you be saying the vote in Hicktown, USA should get another chance bcause Bubba was still hungover from his moonshine binge? No, you probably wouldn't. Don't let your political bias color your decision making process. --Nader'04! |
2000/11/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19697 Activity:nil |
11/9 I know this is unlikely (and not related to current election), but what happens if there is a tie, either in the popular vote within a state (barring voting irregularities, inconsistencies, ballot stuffing, etc) or at electoral state level? \_http://www.access.gpo.gov/congress/senate/constitution/toc.html \_ I think that it goes to the house. |
2000/11/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19687 Activity:high |
11/9 In regards to the presidential race, check out ~dpetrou/petition. \_ Don't be stupid. We don't have grade school "do-overs" in this country because some morons can't read. In fact, I find it frightening that anyone would seriously consider as valid the opinion of someone so stupid they can't figure out how to punch out a ballot properly. There *is* a minimum requirement in this country to vote. You must be able to poke the right hole and only one hole. If you can't do something *that* simple your \_ look, even aspo, an otherwise intelligent individual, can't figure out that he's been poking the wrong hole all along \_ What if we have a legally enforced 'do-over'? vote gets tossed out. Give it up. This is a Gore pipe dream. \_ The ballot form looks reasonably clear to me. - Gore supporter \_ The other equitable, but probably not legal, option would be to take the ballots which selected multiple candidates and give each candidate selected a fractional vote. \_ That's not fair, then Gore would win. \_ then i would want to switch my vote from nader to bush if they get to do that crap. \_ it would be hillarious if there were three rounds of, "Okay, now whoever wants to switch votes, do so now" {deleted a few older threads to save space, not to censor them} |
2000/11/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19683 Activity:nil |
11/9 Maybe they're Pat's votes after all.... http://www.nationalreview.com/nr_comment/nr_comment110900c.shtml |
2000/11/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19678 Activity:high |
11/8 Perhaps the electoral college should be changed to give each candidate the number of electoral votes proportional to the percentage of popular vote they win in that state. This would make things a lot more exciting and the outcome of this election wouldn't hang on a few thousand votes in FL. \_ Why? Fuck that, use the popular vote. \_ Fuck the popular vote. We live in the United **STATES** of America, not the Undifferentiated Blob of America. We don't want something like the following happening: I was in IL for '96 Senate election. Repub. won _every_ county; except, that is, Cook County (where Chicago is) which is so huge and so pro-Demo. that the Demo. won the election. \_ More exiciting. Ties will be more common, making the houses' role in elections important. \_ with the advent of the whole internet thing, we'll all hopefully be able to go back to a popular vote system using email. a big important factor will be security and preventing tampering with the system. \_ "a big important factor will be security and preventing tempering with the system." G'duh. And you advocate this over e-mail? Please don't procreate. \_ Actually, voting over the internet has the potential to be much more secure than voting like we do now. -crypto grad student \_ After reading some articles by constitutional lawyers, I think that the Electoral College works well a designed. The founding fathers wanted to ensure that large centers of population in a few states did not dictate federal policy for all states. I'm still amazed by the effectiveness of the constitution and of the foresight demonstrated by the founding fathers. \_ Can you explain a little bit more as to how one (Electoral College) leads to the other (large centers of population not dictating federal policy for all states)? It's not apparent to me. \_ Candidates would only need to visit big cities to win the popular vote, ignoring the backwater hick-states One problem I have with Electoral College, is that when pupular election, I will feel that my vote always matters. I am in a state clearly leaning one way or another, I don't feel that my vote counts, whereas if it is a popular election, I will feel that my vote always matters. \_#t, esp. in CA. The only way individual CA votes mattered in this election was that they tipped the popular vote, which is meaningful, yet irrelevant to the EC president selection system. \_ CA wasn't the best example. It was getting sort of close, and Gore had some last minute worries about CA. You have new mail. |
2000/11/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19675 Activity:nil |
11/8 http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2000/11/08/politics2207EST1052.DTL&type=election For those who don't read the wallog. It's about the 19,000 ballots thrown out in Palm Beach Florida. |
2000/11/7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19662 Activity:high |
11/6 i no longer live in california. what absurd propositions are on the ballet this year? (most entertaining only please.) \_ There's a proposition to state fund the CSUA and Trevor Buckingham's hot gay sex brothel. \_ Ballot. Pathetic from a Cal alum posting on a machine with dict installed. Glad you're not voting here. --dim |
2000/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:19644 Activity:high |
11/3 Support yer CSUA gals! Support Lila Patton and vote on <DEAD>www.amiahotbabe.com!!!<DEAD> \_ ew. \_ to the site or to Lila? \_ To each his/her own. \_ is that you, kchang? \_ "unable to locate the server <DEAD>www.amiahotbabe.com"<DEAD> \_ do you mean http://amihotornot.com? |
2000/10/31 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19610 Activity:nil |
10/30 Vote how much bull you think the candidates are saying. http://politics.bayarea.com/election/docs/bull_question2.html |
2000/10/31 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19605 Activity:low |
10/30 vote anarchy \_ a vote for anarchy is a vote for yermom \_ vote cthulhu, why choose the lesser of two evils, when you can choose evil itself. |
2000/10/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19598 Activity:very high |
10/29 Regarding all this voting stuff, urls, opinions, etc. Since at least 80% of sodans aren't going to vote, what's the point in discussing it or bitching about the candidates? Is this just one of those motd things? \_ I believe that the 20% who are going to vote (or have already voted) discuss their points of view on the motd. The honest exchange of ideas (and opinions) is a good, our republic was founded on it and sustains itself from it. ----ranga \_ Vote Early. Vote Often. \_ Speak for yourself. I am going to vote. \_ And this is why I'd prefer if even more of you *didn't* vote. Did I say "100%"? Nooooo.... If you can't read and understand a simple sentence, you shouldn't be voting. -original poster \_ keep in mind that 50%+ of the Sodans are _ineligible_ to vote as non-citizens. \_ Where do you get this information? --PeterM \_ observation \_ There was a green card check to join the CSUA? \_ Based on the publically available list of known Sex Offenders. Felons can't vote AIR. |
2000/10/25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Humor] UID:19561 Activity:nil |
10/24 Vote: User Friendly: .. Dilbert: . \_ what are these two voting for the worst comic stip of the decade? Megatokyo: . Crack-ho magzn: . (yermom, that is) Kevin and Kell (http://www.kevinandkell.com . Blondie: . |
2000/10/25 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19560 Activity:high |
10/24 I bought something AS IS on eBay and it doesn't work. Is it legal (moral?) to resell it AS IS? \_ if you know it's defective and don't identify it as such, it's neither legal nor moral. -tom \_ tom's opinion deleted. \_ BS. Caveat Emptor. If you say AS IS, only someone who is a total idiot would assume that it works. If you say AS IS it may or may not work, then you cannot be held legally responsible. \_ On the legal grounds, what are you using to support that it is illegal? On moral grounds, the device was $500... is the correct moral thing to do claim that it is not in working \_ Certainly that would be correct morally. There are plenty of legal grounds for being able to collect damages from people who knowingly sell defective products. -tom condition and get what I can for it (maybe $250)? \_ tom's opinion not respected \_ Yes, but only if they do not state AS IS, (perhaps working, perhaps not). And its stupid to sell it for less than you bought it. If some sucker is willing to pay you for a broken POS more power to you. \_ say no to tom \_ look, troll, we know you're a stupid coward, but it's trivially obvious that selling known defective merchandise is actionable fraud, whether or not you say "as-is." -tom \_ In California, you are now legally required to tell a potential buyer if your house is haunted... \_ Yeah, but usually it just comes down to them saying "it worked when it shipped" and then your ass collecting the insurance money from the post office... \_ That's lying. It's illegal (insurance fraud) and immoral. |
2000/10/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Health/Men, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:19538 Activity:nil |
10/20 Screw Gore and Bush and especially Pat. Vote Quimby http://www.quimby2000.com \_ I'm voting Vader: <DEAD>www.vaderfor2000.org<DEAD> \_ Well, look at how cool you are you hedonistic pinkhaired shitkitten. God forbid should you have an original thought lest in a somewhat related fit of your disrobed, impotent wisdom you take to trollying in public your hamster-shaming gonads with your ridiculeworthy genetalia as your mindless little heart bleeds amidst my laughter to the current of your own excretions... smeltsucking infantfelcher. - (fucker) \_ Welcome back. We've missed you. |
2000/10/5 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19413 Activity:insanely high |
10/4 Don't forget to REGISTER to vote before 10/10! \_ This time, try registering nonpartisan. Gets them republicrats all in a tizzy. \_ Uh no. - registered republican \_ What's the easiest way to register? Post Office? or should I just stand on Sproul and wait for someone to come by asking me to sign a petition. - unregistered \_ Wait for one of the main annoying absentee ballot forms to show up in your mailbox. Fill it out and then you can vote in the privacy of your own home. In fact fill one out for your friends, and help them all make the "informed" decision they might otherwise not make. |
2000/9/29-10/1 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19374 Activity:high |
9/29 Question for all the taiwanese members of soda. Why do most citizens of taiwanese background keep voting democrat despite the fact that democrats are setup to surrender taiwans freedom to RED china. Similarly, why do jews vote democrat even when it is apparent that democrats want to give as much of israel as possible to the arabs? \_ don't generalize; most citizens of taiwanese background don't vote; they're too rich to give a shit \_ don't generalize; most citizens of taiwanese background don't vote; they're too rich to give a shit \_ don't generalize; most citizens of taiwanese background don't vote; they're too rich to give a shit \_ Poor stupid fool: you're confusing political beliefs on the American liberal/conservative deficrat/rejectican dictate what Israel does, you are severly misguided. scale with economic systems. Go back to preschool and buy a clue from those as ignorant as you. \_ Hmmm... Nice troll. What are you suggesting, that jews should vote Republican and get in bed with Chrisitian Coalition? \_ Not all republicans are christians. \_ And not all Christians are part of the Christian Coalition \_ Of course, but that's not the point. Republicans it's a very complex issue, and if you think USA can dictate what Israel does, you are severely misguided. \_ Yeah but without all the US support Israel gets it would be hard pressed to continue to exist. represent more conservative (in some dimensions) forces; jews tend to be more liberal. As for Israel -- it's a very complex issue, and if you think USA can dictate what Israel does, you are severely misguided. \_ Yeah but without all the US support Israel gets it would be hard pressed to continue to exist. \_ And then the nukes would fly! (or more correctly, be driven to their destination) WooHoo! Onward to the valley of Megiddon! Let's see if those new testament wussies are really right. \_ The question "why don't Jews vote republican" shows such a fundamental lack of understanding about Judaism and Jewish culture that is not really possible to answer it. \_ not to mention there are plenty of jews who don't agree with isreal's politics. Oh and BTW isreal could survive without US intervention these days. \_ not from a military standpoint. u.s. companies equip much of israel. their sales are subject to u.s.government approval. and some stuff have not been ok. the fact israel has nukes is also in no small part to the u.s. \_ Maybe because said taiwanese & jews care more about what the politicians want to do to this country since it affects them directly, and no matter what they say, it won't really affect taiwan & israel directly. \_ To know the answer, go and read their public forums. The answer is pretty silly. I got depressed reading them. \_ The question "why don't Jews vote Republican" shows such a fundamental lack of understanding about Judaism that it is not really possible to answer it. \_ Nowhere in my question do I ask why they don't vote Republican, rather my interest is in determining why the insist on voting democrat. There are other alternatives to the democratic party. |
2000/9/26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Media] UID:19327 Activity:nil |
9/25 <DEAD>www.vaderfor2000.org<DEAD> - vote for vader! |
2000/8/23 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19074 Activity:nil |
8/22 Any reason why I should/should not join California Alumni Association? \_ there is exactly one reason: this is the cheapest way to have access to the uc berkeley library after you graduate. if you join you get a card automatically, and to get a library card as justa random person (they dont give a fuck that you are an alum unless you join) is about twice as expensive. \_ You can get discounts on membership to RSF too, but it's still over $40 a month. |
2000/8/22-23 [Recreation/Computer/Games, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:19066 Activity:high |
8/21 Don't you think an ex-USCA co-op resident, and better yet, current CSUA member, would make a passable Survivor contestant? ^contestant^actor --psb \_ No. I don't. The first 2 losers kicked off the island were the only 2 bay area people. Think about that. \_ What are you trying to say psb? \_ The coops were a ZOG survivor contest. -John \_ ausman! ausman! ausman! ausman! \_ I have never even seen this show before. Think I really ought to apply? -ausman \_ I can't think of anyone more perfect, Jim. \_ yes. Next show is in January. Everybody apply! inmates fight one another. I think this has happened before. \_ The show will become markedly stranger if we get 3+ sodans on there. Let's go everyone, apply!!! \_ How much of a bribe would it take to say, the Chinese government, to have a deathmatch-oriented survivor. "No games. No rules. No mercy.", where the contestents are encouraged to knock each other off? \_ Get a job as a California prison guard, then make the inmates fight one another. "deathmatch-oriented survivor" is played out everyday in the prisons. Join the fun! \_ there is a new reality based show coming out called jailbreak. People become prisoners and try to break out of prison. \_ CA penal system is a bit more organized than Survivor, eh? They have gangs, or one-on-ones, or "group vs. child molester" altercations, which arent really the same. It ends up being bigger beats smaller. Plus, it's not co-ed. \_ well, the winners don't get a million dollars. \_ They would not allow that. The kidney trade is too lucrative to risk damaging the goods. \_ USCAers would not survive unless it was a contest to "make your own granola" or "score some drugs". CSUAers would never survive unless it was a "virtual survivor" where you are a character in a video game. Of course both would win if it was a "how long can I last without showering" contest. \_ you call that winning? |
2000/7/12-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:18648 Activity:high |
7/11 Question. I'm an out-of-state resident and I'm supposed to get a California driver's license because my insurance company won't cover me anymore. First of all, why is the California DMV so slow at issuing a new license (1 month). It's a stupid plastic card with a hologram on it (less sophisticated than my company ID which only took 5 minutes to make). Second of all, how in the world are we supposed to get around for a month in situations where banks ask "can I see your photo ID please" when they take away our old licenses? \_ It's called a passport. Do you have one, or are you a hick? \_ Or a credit card with your picture on it. \_ tell dmv that you lost your old license. dont know what california requires, but when i told the dmv here that i lost my cal license they told me to ask california for proof (which i got with a phone call and a wait of three weeks). got the other state license (maryland) without actually giving up my california one (still valid until 2004). in short: tell lies and be patient. \_ They took your old license? Why? When I moved to California, the guy at the DMV took my out-of-state license, punched a hole in it (through the expiration date), handed it back to me, and explained that it was for exactly that reason. I still have it. \_ Same here, except they put a sticker on that said something like "For temporary identification use only." -alan- \_ Why can't someone have both a valid license from California and a valid one from another state? \_ because states only grant licenses to residents and you can't be a resident of two states at once \_ Looks like you should go to the private sector. BTW, it takes them 6 months to make my card. - muchandr \_ But, But, But, thats becuase everyone loves you so much! \_ DMV gives you a piece of paper called 'Temporary Driver License'. Carry this around with you (yes, I know they're bulky) because it is a valid piece of ID. Then bring any picture ID you have; even it is a valid piece of ID. \_ No it's not; in fact it says "not valid for identification" right on it. They took my NJ license when I moved here, it was very inconvenient. What's really annoying is that good drivers only have to go to the DMV every 12 years for a renewal, while you have to go in every 6 years for an ID card. -tom \_It's only 5 years for good driver renewals, actually \_ Nah, did mine by mail. Been driving 15 years. Then bring any picture ID you have; even your old Cal Berkeley ID. I agree with everyone here; DMV should NOT have taken your out-of-state driver license but rather void the DL and hand it back to you. As for the argument for having TWO DLs from different state is due to consistency issue (I guess). Someone explained it to me a long time ago, just can't remember. \_ Finally *someone* mentioned the temporary CDL. And yes, bring and use your passport until you have a CDL. \_ You can't buy a gun with the paper temp CDL. Pisses me off. \_ I'm pro-gun but I'm glad certain people are too stupid to manage to buy one. \_ When i was 19 and lived in the dorms, the guy down the hall made me a Calif Driver's License for $50. Got it in 2 days. \_ Yeah and then a cop runs the number and arrest your dumb freshy ass. \_ I got my new photo ID in 15 days. And registration sticker in less thanthat. The DMV hates you out-of-staters, so they purposely sent your license to the wrong address. |
2000/6/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Food, Recreation/Media] UID:18434 Activity:insanely high |
4/69 I've heard of Survivor. But is it really worth watching? \_ Hell yes. Did anyone tape it last night? Or will it be on again Saturday? \_ is it like the Real World? \_ Basically. But they eat rats and nasty shit. They have to dig their own latrines, work out the lack of toilet paper issue. Every week one of the teams votes one of their own off the island. They dramatize it and make it really harsh. Good entertainment. Richard needs to die. \_ It seems like most of them are pricks ... even the nice ones. \_ Richard is homosexual... I hope this isn't why you want him dead. \_ Gawd did anyone else see them eat the beetle larva last night? That was disgusting. I can't imagine those people that seemed to swallow it whole. \-when is it on? i couldnt find it. --psb \_ on Wednesdays at 8pm, CBS...and CBS is repeating it this Saturday night at 10pm. It's on the CBS homepage. --chris \_ I can't wait till Smash TV comes out. -geordan |
2000/5/30-6/1 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:18367 Activity:very high |
5/30 anyone stupid enough to join the cal alumni society know of any other benefits other than a stupid plate cover, another email address, and the constant harrassing for donations? i thought about joining but there doesn't seem to be a single reason. -- troll baiter \_ What email address? -Alum soc. member \_ yourname@alum.calberkeley.org \_ it buys you connections, but not always... \_ you don't need to be in the society to get constantly harassed for donations... - Bitter Alum \_ I haven't ever been harassed, but I spent the $400 when I graduated to become a life member. I'm not sure what its good for though, the only tangable benefit (if you can call it that) for me is getting the California magazine. I'm not sure about the library use though, do you need a special library card or alum card? I don't have either. \_ I pledged $200 and then refused to send in the check. After 4 or 5 letters, they gave up, and never called again ever. \_ UC library use and rsf discounts if you are close to any of these - stupid cal alumni society member \_ I got the library use without paying. --another cal alum \_ Uh, how? -- Marco \_ Uh, use your student ID. -- Polo \_ Uh, use your student ID. -- Paolo \_ Uh, use your student ID. -- Polo (don't change the name) \_ uh, that doesn't work when you're NOT A VALID STUDENT \_ I just whined and said I didn't have time to fill out the forms and could I just use it the one time. Always works. New student staff everytime. \_ California magazine. \_ You're supposed to put a " :-) " after a joke. \_ I think they help you build up your human network for advancing your career, or so I read. -- yuen \_ Yeah right. You can talk to all the other fuzzy majors about the latest burger flipping techniques and speed filling a tank? \_ hey, that info's important. --philosophy major \_<DEAD>www.alumni.berkeley.edu/membership/index_new.html#benefits<DEAD> |
2000/4/13 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17998 Activity:kinda low |
4/12 To the person who was asking about California tax law regarding capital gains: "California does not conform to the federal reduced capital gains tax rates. California taxes capital gains at the same rate as other types of income." From CA 540 Sched D. Of course, information from the motd is worth what you pay for it. -ausman \_ I see. Thanks a bunch! |
2000/4/12-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:17986 Activity:kinda low |
4/12 screen-3.9.5 installed as screen.new -- it's not compatible with the old version, so I won't install it as screen until all the old screen processes are dead. There's a list of new features (including split- screen support) in /csua/tmp/screen-3.9.5+idle/NEWS. --mconst \_ what escape key combination have any of you found to conflict the least with existing programs? C-a seems to be used quite often. Also, is there a way to make the new shell start with the same terminal type as the shell that invoked screen (it always thinks the terminal type is screen, but I'd like it to be vt100 or xterm, whichever one I started screen with). \_ I use CNTRL-D: alias screen="screen -e^Dd". For the term type I think that it is -T <type>. Just use a function: screen () { if [ -z "$TERM" ] ; then TERM=vt100 ; fi /usr/bin/screen -e^Dd -T "$TERM" "$@" } \_ Wow.. this person has scary ways of doing things that will tend to break. Please don't listen to them. Use ^O. Set it in your .screenrc. Set your term to vt100 in your .screenrc. You'll be happy. \_ What's wrong with Control-D? It prevents you from accidentally logging out as a side effect. I prefer xterm to vt100 since meta works correctly for emacs -nw when term is set to vt100. Yes I mostly use xterms. \_ How do you wall??? \_ Did someone mention useless functionality? ;-) \_ I never wall. On the boxes I admin, I just kill everyone's processess and then sync x 3 and init 5 (or 6) to reboot. \_ Hm, I use ^D as delete in emacs. And ^O for various other things in pine. Any other suggestions? \_ use a better mail reader \_ emacs uses every key that exists and a few that don't \_ I use ^o ... other than it being oflush in telnet, it's unused. -geordan \_ I use the spacebar. Since I'm only using the mouse for almost everything, this rarely conflicts. |
2000/4/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:17971 Activity:moderate |
4/11 Does California tax long-term at a lower rate than short-term capital gains with like the federal does? I just filled out Form 540 but it taxed all my capital gains as ordinary income. Thanks. \_ Yeah, unfortunately that is the case when I did my taxes with TurboTax. :( Owed a LOT of money in Federal for cashing out an ESPP stock, got hit by FTB again as ordinary income. :( \_ You did your taxes wrong then. Long-term (stock held for more than one year) gains are taxed at 20%. Short-term gains are taxed at your income rate (probably 31 or 36%). \_ Max CA state income tax rate is ~9%. You're confusing state & feds. \_ That's what the federal tax return does, but I can't find where the California tax return separates long-term gains from short-term gains and ordinary income. |
2000/3/31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics] UID:17902 Activity:nil |
3/30 "Whether or not AA is good is independant of the fact that Equal Opportunity statements are contradictory to AA. Does anyone have a response to this abuse of language issue?". First, let's take a specific, known institution: UC. See http://cois.chance.berkeley.edu/compliance/employ.html and http://www.ucop.edu/humres/policies/sp-2.html Current UC AA is much different than older AA. Older AA set quotas, less older AA used race/gender as a factor in addition to merit, more recent AA had race-limited outreach, and current AA lacks quotas, the race factor, and race-limited outreach, but does two things: Promote an atmosphere of "equal opportunity", and maintain non-race-based outreach programs. The atmosphere is created by things like: (1) Appending a phrase, like "[All] Qualified applicants are encouraged to apply[, including women and minorities]", (2) Making sure the job has been publicized through women and minority channels in addition to the traditional ones (which may be accessible mainly to non-minority groups), (3) Having literature that says there is no discrimination (the non-discrimination clause in the 1st paragraph of the first URL). The outreach programs used to be race-based, but because of Prop 209 should have been opened to all ethnic groups. This is AA as UC currently implements it. UC has no contradiction in its non-discrimination and AA statements. Unfortunately I'm not sure what the nationwide breakdown is on AA implementation; quotas are definitely out, factors are discouraged to some extent, and I think race-based outreach is what most institutions do these days. http://www.dol.gov/dol/esa/public/regs/compliance/ofccp/how2/ofcpch4.h! shows what the federal government thinks current AA for the construction industry should be like; notice how similar it is to UC AA. |
2000/3/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17852 Activity:high |
3/24 ROMEO MUST DIE, 9:30pm, California Theatre tonight! come one come all! \_ So? Was it any good? \_ many people seemed to hate it but you know what, if it was a Hong Kong movie those same people would be raving about it. \_ i haven't had time to see it, but my friend gave it a positive review in regards to entertainment value. Jet Li's English was notably good, from all sources, as compared to jackie chan and chow yun fat. \_ fun, stupid, and he says about 10 lines in english |
2000/3/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:17843 Activity:high |
3/23 CSUA donutsP trip to the new Krispy Kreme in Union City. When should we go? \_ Why should we go? \_ Krispy Kreme == decent donuts with alot of hype... not any better than Kingpin in my opinion. \_ Cold, they're not, but still warm, they crush Kingpin (even warm Kingpin). -dans \_ i might be cajoled into driving -brg \_ suggestion: call ahead and find out their hours for the "hot light" krispy kreme is in general just okay. _except_ when they are "hot" then their donuts are exceptional and like nothing else out there. they are "hot" only during certain hours (eg between 6 am - 11 am and again at 6 pm - 11 pm). what "hot" means is that they give you donuts that have just come out of the fryer and have just been glazed. they really are _warm_ and you can still taste the eggs that went into them. there is no better snack than these "hot" krispy kreme donuts. they are soooo fresh! -hahnak \_ Is this some kind of joke or porn reference? \_ I was wondering the same thing.... \_ in all likelihood it's just the initial KK elation syndrome you'll be the same way once you've had your first KK donut \_ A few friends of mine went down there the other day and waited in line for 2+ hours until one guy just went up and bribed the first person with a dozen donuts to buy him a dozen... it seems like this is the way it always is there. My point: I dont think this warm/not-warm thing is really an issue since it seems like they are always making donuts to try and satisfy the huge hordes who could just be going to Kingpin. \- my guess would be the KK operation has fewer cockroaches than KP. seriously. the donuts are much better but that is admittedly a matter of taste ... unlike cockroaches, i assume --psb \_ hey nice job associating their donuts with the filthiest creatures alive. Asshole. - #psb#1h8r \_ You are beneath the lowest of the lowliest of the lowest of cockroaches! How dare you even think about the possibility of offending the psb?! When caught, you'll die by your own words, you fiend! A thousand KP cockroaches force fed down your throat! --psb #1 Fan \_ !psb for president! Why vote for a lesser evil? \_ Bah! You're reusing the Cthulhu line. Try "Vote !psb. Isn't 12 years of psb enough?" \_ It's been more than 12 years and I've been loving every minute of it!!! --psb #1 Fan \_ People...it's a DONUT. Why all the excitement? There are plenty of good places for donuts if you know where to look without having to go to a specialty chain like KK! Even that hole in the wall place on Euclid has yummy stuff to eat...(is it still there?) \_ But... but... oh nevermind. |
2000/3/17 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17787 Activity:nil |
3/17 Vermont passes law allowing queers the same rights as married people. However, unlike attempts in California, Vermont queers don't try to poison marriage. Vermont queers = smart. California queers = stupid selfish whining losers. I would have voted for the Vermont law if it was a California proposition. Since queers made such a fuss out of a simple and obvious issue like prop 22, they just lose here. Screwed themselves again, as usual. |
2000/3/9 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17727 Activity:nil |
3/8 somebody said in the lefty-commie-liberal thread: Because you're a leftist and normal people are retaking the country. Maybe we need to pass an initiative giving lefties 10 votes for every normal vote? A sort of affirmative action for leftists at the ballot box? Then maybe some of that garbage will pass. what garbage exactly are you referring to? we have to spend most elections trying desperately to prevent the conservative kneejerk scapegoating garbage from passing... \_ you both need to read "memoirs found in a bathtub" by stanislaw lem right now. \_ Conservative kneejerk scapegoating like legalizing pot? Uhm...huh? Most propositions are heavy handed lefty big government nonsense. Most moderates and the right wing don't think it takes a village to raise a child or to collect even higher taxes to give away to the undeserving. Or believe in failed socialist agenda that has consistently failed all over the world for almost 100 years. \_ The statement would have been funny if it were not true. In reality the lefties are trying to get exactly this sort of thing passed. See prop 26. \_ Your very words depict exactly the situation that is occuring, but not the way you think. Since you're incapable of clear and independent though, please allow to me to spell it out for you: "kneejerk"ing only happens after you hit someone's knee in the first place. If you stop kicking normal people's knees, we'll stop what you call kneejerking. Scapegoating is a lefty agenda item. "Oh! Woe is me! I'm a minority and I need $150m spent in my SF neighborhood in reparations! And oh woe! All blacks (_not_ hyphenated-Americans) need reparations, too! Everything is someone else's fault! Da Whitey Man dun it too me! Kill Whitey! Only Da Whitey Cracka Man kan be racist!" Your kneejerk label is obviously intended to paint anyone who disagrees with you as unthinking and reflexive, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Maybe the 2/3rds of the voting public is just stupid and fascist and evil and shouldn't have the right to vote or first amendment rights along with those lefty affirmative action voting rights? You plan on voting for that traitor Al Gore who took foreign money in trade for selling out his country? |
2000/3/8 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17716 Activity:very high |
3/8 How come everything I vote for gets defeated and everything I vote against passes? \_ Um, because you're (by definition) in the minority? \_ Because you're a leftist and normal people are retaking the country. Maybe we need to pass an initiative giving lefties 10 votes for every normal vote? A sort of affirmative action for leftists at the ballot box? Then maybe some of that garbage will pass. \_ You laugh, but a person I know suggested just that. \_ Was he a leftist? Its the sort of thing that a leftist would suggest. And when did we start calling them leftists rather than using proper terms like PUTRID COMMIE SCUM or REDS? \_ Commie mutant traitors! \_ that menace has passed. The current watchwords should probably be: QUEER GODLESS BONDAGE FAERIES! \_ "normal people are retaking the country." this is one of the more ridiculous delusions I've heard from a conservative for a while. Thinking that people should be free to choose who they marry, whether or not a woman should have the right to choose to have a baby or not makes us black-blooded pinko commie reds. Oh, the moral degradation. Society is going to crumble under the torrent of porn and bomb-making instructions that the subversive liberals are unleashing over the internet. Man, I guess everyone should want to be a normal, red-blooded, church-going, other-hating, trolling white male like you. -dans \_ Uh oh, the lefties are sticking words in someone else's mouth again. Where did I say anything about the right to choose? Lost on the marriage proposal by crushing numbers so you have to duck and weave and change the topic? Typical Clintonite. No one said anything about internet first amendment rights or going to church or being white or being male or church going or anything else. How easy to stick a label on something to make it easily smearable rather than talking openly and honestly about your agenda to bring about a 'do anything you want and screw everyone else' society. You need some new labels. Your old labels are all worn out and used up. No one cares about your thought control 'political correctness' crap anymore. Thankfully the poison of SF hasn't spread to the rest of the state and now it's clear it never will. \_ All I did was extend your (flawed) logic out to its natural conclusion. If you don't like that conclusion, perhaps you should rethink your assumptions. And, since you're talking about putting words in peoples' mouths and slapping labels on people, how did I begin a Clintonite, and a typical one at that? As usual, your logic has more holes than swiss cheese. Let me know when you have a well reasoned argument instead of "you called me a name, I'm telling on you!" for a response. -dans \_ No. You brought up isues and claimed they were my positions and then slammed me for them. Tell me, who'd you vote for in the last 2 elections? Was it Bush/Dole, Clinton/Clinton, or the Communist party candidate? \_ yeah, whatever happened to "to each his own"? \_ But, honey, if people of the same sex can have loving marriages, it will reveal what a truly shallow and weak relationship we have, and then I'd have to divorce you. Now get back down there. \_ Have a cookie, troll. Now go run along and play. \_ Have your own. Don't call it marriage. Go pass a bill to give yourself the same civil rights but don't call it marraige. You'll get higher taxes, divorce court, child support issues and all the rest of it. \_ Um, child support? \_ You weren't aware gay people can both adopt children and are still biologically capable of it as well? I said child support and meant it. Think it through. \_ Yeup. Now hopefully we can pass a law to stop that travesty of nature as well. |
2000/3/8 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17712 Activity:nil |
3/7 where can I see current proposition results online? \_ Typically you have to wait until the polls close. That's 5pm on the East Coast. Check any website (CNN, local tv station/paper) for results after that. \_ That's 11pm east coast, unless you mean east coast of Maui 8pm PST. 7:50 BKST \_ http://vote2000.ss.ca.gov starting at 8pm |
2000/3/7 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17707 Activity:nil |
3/7 DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! \_ what if you forgot to register? |
2000/3/6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17705 Activity:nil |
3/6 VOTE TUESDAY YOU APATHEIC MORONS \_ what, is there an election tomorrow |
2000/3/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17684 Activity:nil |
3/2 http://news.excite.com/news/r/000303/03/japan-suicide Nothing wrong in the this boy's life yet he tosses himself out the window. Vote No on Prop 22! |
2000/2/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/BayArea] UID:17524 Activity:high |
2/16 more disturbing than the other la story: http://www.latimes.com/news/front/20000215/t000014741.html \_ Yeah. And the California politicians are trying to get handguns out of the hands of private citizens so THESE bozos can protect us (!?). "Uh, I dunno, I just shot him." Apparently one needs a gun not only to protect oneself from the criminals, but from the police as well. -- ilyas \_ Thank you for another impecably reasoned post, ilyas! You \_ Thank you for another impeccably reasoned post, ilyas! You are an inspiration, an example for the rest of of us \_ It's 'impeccably,' my illiterate, cowardly friend. At any rate, feel free to trust the police and the government if you wish. I am sure they have your best interests at heart. -- ilyas motd slobs to aspire to! Thank you! -- ilyas' #2 fan \_ This is all libertarian propoganda from the anti-police LA media. You don't seriously believe the LA Times can get a story like this right, do you? --long time LA resident and LA Times reader \_ ignore paolo. he knows nothing about anything, yet jumps at any chance to display his ignorance. \_ It says that you *DELIBERATELY CHOOSE* not to live in a crime-free, corruption-free, pollution-free, traffic-jam- free ecotopia like the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area! So you must be brain-dead and you deserve every bad thing you get, you yuppie-scum, urban-sprawling, single- occupant-vehicle-driving Southern Californian, you! \_ traffic-jam-free? Has the Bay Area changed that much since I was at Cal? -emin \_ That was sarcasm and deserved paolo bashing. \_ wow paolo, you almost managed to eke out a tiny and entirely personal attack which completely ignored my point about the trash that is the LA Times. Come back when you have mastered something beyond the "sticks and stones". \_ I wouldn't trust the police if I were you. The police is not your friend. -- !sky \_ Sky? Is that you? I thought you were in Europe with the guys you met in prison? \_ the fact that you choose to live in LA speaks alot about yourself. -paolo \_ It does? What does it say? --dim (also LA resident) \_ It says paolo is the kind of person who says "alot". \_ But whatever its faults, the LA Times still beats out the SF Comical. The only time I was ever thankful for the Chron/Ex combination was during the two summers I lived in New Mexico and my only choice of paper was the *Albuquerque Journal* (which consisted entirely of AP/Reuters pieces and "local color" articles -- "This Sunday: 10,000 More Things You Can Do With Chili Peppers!") and other lesser places. Other local pieces focus \_ I cancelled my Comical subscription years ago. They dump a free one on my door every time the delivery guy changes and the paper never gets any paper. It isn't much different from the Albuquerque Journal. The Comical is AP/Reuters pieces shredded to fit and local color articles about how SF is the greatest city in the world (according to local pollsters :-) ) and much better than NYC, SJ, LA, and other lesser places. \_ but they're right on that one. Other local pieces focus on the politcally correct and evils of the center and right wing. I'd rather read about chili peppers. At least that would be informative. Does the AJ deliver out here? :-) |
2000/2/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17410 Activity:moderate |
2/2 Less than one week left to register to vote in the March elections. \_ Oh? Thanks. Amazing that the motd can actually be good for something at times. \_ http://vote2000.ss.ca.gov to see who & what there is to vote for/against on March 7 |
2000/1/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:17377 Activity:high 75%like:17372 75%like:17378 |
1/29 Vote for your favourite CSUA male: phillip 2 lila 1 \_ is this because i talk about my penis so much? -lila \_ there you go again kane 5 tom 1 elm 1 psb! 1 - psb #1 fan \_ You are *not* the --psb #1 Fan --psb #1 Fan Fuzzy Bunny 1080388899039883710298775773838102-3@782898.30923$3!!! !psb 100 |
2000/1/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:17373 Activity:insanely high 75%like:17378 |
1/29 Vote for your favorite CSUA female: -lila 1.6 -reeser 42 -chris -10 * i -kchang port 6667 -kiersten 1 -ahm 1 -jkoh 1 -sony 3 -tjb 1 for each professor who wants hot gay sex with tjb -alissa 1 |
2000/1/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:17372 Activity:high 75%like:17377 |
1/29 Vote for your favorite CSUA male: phillip 2 lila 1 kane 5 tom 1 elm 1 psb! 1 - psb #1 fan !psb 100 \_ is this because i talk about my penis so much? -lila kane 5 tom 1 elm 1 psb! 1 - psb #1 fan !psb 100 |
1999/12/29-2000/1/1 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17120 Activity:moderate |
12/29 Does anyone remember the name of the city (located in Northern California) where they use their own printed money? And the name of their currency? I think it is called something like EcoDollar or EcoMoney or something like that. \_ Don't the Feds get really angry when people do that? \_ Depends on how they do it. A system of IOU's and promisary notes isn't illegal. \_ you have to pay taxes on them though right? \_ No idea. I'm guessing no. \_ umm, I tihnk the government would crush them then \_ Depends. If it's just IOU's there's no income. This is all assuming the original post wasn't a troll anyway. \_ then why don't all corperations use legally binding IOUs intead of currency? I bet it is taxable. \_ If it's just IOU's what's the point? Everyone just runs up massive debts until the whole town is bankrupt? At some point the IOU's have to be paid off, either with cash or in exchange for something else, both of which are taxable. The IRS will go after people who use non-cash barter to try and avoid taxes. \_ In exchange for other IOU's, items, or services. Yes, there was an economy before the IRS and before cash. |
1999/12/24-28 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:17098 Activity:high |
12/23 All pro-child molestor spew from aspo & bh on down has been removed. Don't get confused. This was intentional. If you think this is a troll, I don't care. aspo and bh sicken me. \_ what were they saying that i missed? -- swings \_ read ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v to escape the censorship of this loser. \_ advocating gay marriage is child molester crap? -aspo \_ No, it was sickening spew. Go read mehlhaff's file if you care. \_ Summary: Same-sex marriage is the wrong answer. Removing government involvment/benefits from marriage is better. \_ you know there are non governemnt benefits to being married. For instance my spouse gets my health care if I get married. That has nothing to do with the government. -aspo \_ Someone please tell me exactly what these so called 'benefits' are? You'd like the option for unmarried couples to pay more taxes? What government benefits? -married \_ Automatic inheritance. Much better odds of being allowed to adopt a child or even retain custody of your own children. Insurance coverage. \_ Automatic inheritance? No thanks. Any idea how screwed you get if there's no will? Adopt? Some crack child? Yeah right. Retain custody? Why would I have lost it if I had it in the first place? Insurance: your company just sucks. Mine allows me to add anyone I want if I pay. Or even better is that my wife works and has her own insurance, so I still don't see the BFD deal here. \_ Unfortunately, marriage is also associated with the "right" to be parents in many peoples minds. To truly fix the system, the state should declare marriage a religious ceremony it no longer has anything to do with, and make all people who want the traditional marriage benefits sign a domestic partnership contract (gets rid of the whole pre-nup mess as well, since that would be included in the contract). Those who want to be parents should be required to get a license, everyone else given mandatory birth control. Then you've taken both religion & genetics out of the picture, and prevented a whole lot of unwanted pregnancies and children born to people who can't or won't take care of them. \_ Mandatory birth control? Are you nuts? You want a government controlled eugenics program?! This doesn't sound like Nazi-ism to you? Aren't you now just 'fixing the problem' (as you see it) with an even more nightmarish solution? Right now marriage confers a few minor benefits. In your Orwellian hell, The State suddenly has insanely powerful new controls over the average citizen. I'm no Libertarian but you're way way waaaaaay whacko. Please tell me this was a troll and that I don't share the planet with anyone who really thinks like this. \_ Did you ever read "A Simple Proposal" in high school? Did you think he really meant it or was it "just a troll"? \_ Do you mean Swift's "A Modest Proposal" (Babies as gourmet dish) or are you referring to something else? Purely literary curiosity. -dans \_ Yes I read it but the above was not written in the same tone or style. \-A simple plan + a modest proposal = a simple proposal --psb \_ oh yeah right, we should just leave everyone with the ability to have kids, and penalize them if they act irresponsibly with that ability. A pity the government could not do the same with the ability to own guns. \_ "we"? Which we? I don't want _you_ to decide if _I_ can have kids and I doubt you want me to make the same decision for you. \_ If you're gay, YOU CANT "have kids". Your only options are to pervert nature even more. The whole idea is truly scary. Since when is the Government the best decision making body for how citizens should live their lives? Did you grow up in the United States of America? And, no, there's no real penalty in this country for doing a shitty job raising your kids. If you've ever dealt with the family court system you would know that. -dealt with fcs \_ Actually, about a third of sodans did not grow up in the USA. (Most of them apparently grew up in Russia it seems, but that's a better example of government incompetence.) \_ It shows. Few Americans would want the government this involved in their lives. The Founders would spin in their graves. Much blood has been spilled to keep the government out of daily life on issues far less important. ____________________________________________________/ As a Sodan who grew up in Russia, I can tell you that you are seriously misguided as to the amount any given citizen of the said country _wants_ the government in his life. The idea above is idiotic (and double so if a troll) by anyone's standards. Americans aren't as special as they apparently think. \_ Well _some_ clueless moron obviously _wants_ the government to decided who is allowed to have kids and not. And _that_ \_ I grew up underneath a table in the WEB. When I reached the age of 18, I emerged and joined OCF Staff. spawn more overlords _/ is what I was going off about. \_ [Summary: Some people want the US to be a super fascist government controlled state, others don't, aspo proposal may or may not make ballot, make or may not become law, if passed other states will write anti-ss-marriage laws, supreme court will side with states and CA law would only apply within CA, come the revolution aspo and bf will be first against the wall, bh needs help but as no one denied this bh threads died out quickly] \_ HA! I'm gonna be a member of the firing squad. -aspo \_ No one puts obnoxious jerks like you on the trigger side of the rifle. \_ Except, of course, the police department. \_ The police have higher standards than aspo. He'd never make it. They require very _basic_ mental and emotional stability for starters. \_ Really? ^^^^^^^^^^^ guess that explains a lot \_ No, really, "stability" like I said. Go ahead and wipe the motd if you like but don't change the meaning of other's words. "stability" restored. All you whiny "I hate cops" anarchist idiots need a good clubbing in a back alley to remind you why you can walk down the street without a gun in your pocket. \_ I'm just happy to see you. \_ Wow. That was almost clever. Keep trying -- maybe you'll get it right someday, kid. \_ I'm just happy to see you. \_ Even less so the 2nd time. |
1999/12/22-27 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17088 Activity:nil |
12/22 for those of you with office accounts, log in and hose neuromancer.csua I'm stress testing this box. - paolo [date corrected for CA time] |
1999/12/21-24 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:17080 Activity:nil |
12/21 What's a good ISP for Southern California? \_ ED! ED! ED is the STANDARD! Southern California Internet Service Provider. \_ Earthlink |
1999/11/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:16847 Activity:moderate |
11.8 Vote NO on the new sports referendum - why? -it raises money to maintain non-revenue men's sports, and doesn't raise money for women's sports. -the bulk of the money raised will be spent on expanding the RSF. -it will raise your student fees by over $130 next year, and cause subsequent fee increases of over $200 over the next three or four years. \- YOU CANNOT STOP MY DESIRE FOR CHIKS IN TIGHTS SO GIVE IT UP -the bulk of the money raised will be spent on expanding the RSF. -it will raise your student fees by over $130 next year, and cause subsequent fee increases of over $200 over the next three or four years. \_ and money has already been allocated for the RSF, and Title IX is supposed to take care of balancing men's and women's sports. \_ I'm not on campus so I don't know the details but if this is a "should we charge ourselves a few bucks for sports stuff", you should vote no on the general principle that fees like this never go away, never go down, and never end up spent on the stuff they're supposed to be spent on. Go check out your latest CARS statement. (Or whatever they call the billing system now). See the "Campus Fee"? How much? It started in the 70's as a $10 fee. Think about it. Yes, I also vote against all bond measures and other forms of tax-n-spend take-from-the-middle-class-to-give-to-the-government programs. Never vote to tax yourself. Someone else is always happy to do that for you. |
1999/8/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:16433 Activity:insanely high |
8/30 Under how many weeks of pragnency is abortion legal in California? \_ I have heard that they have now legalized abortion up to the 40th trimester. - sameer \_ Umm, it normally only goes up to 3 trimesters. \_ After the third trimester, it's called "retroactive." \_ That's one HELL of a pregnancy \_ Sort of like the 4th book in a trilogy. \_ not really \_ yes really (you added 0 content, so can I) \_ So long. Thanks for all the fish. \_ Dude you people are SO FUCKING ILLITERATE. -sameer \_ South park is a book now? |
1999/8/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:16398 Activity:very high |
8/25 RIBE DIKE! \_ BRIBE DYKE! \_ use linux!! \_ use nulix!! \_ Vote Quimby. |
1999/8/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign] UID:16223 Activity:high |
8/2 http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9908/02/ucita.idg Now, it is legal for Microsoft's Windows 2000 to use the internet to check the validity of the license, and disable Win2000 remotely. This is BAD for pirates like us. \_ Can you say "input firewall rule"? ipchains -A input -j REJECT -s <DEAD>.microsoft.com<DEAD> \_ it is? all you have to do is blackhole *.microsoft.com via routing. But the UCITA is bad for other reasons. \_ Its already dangerous to put a windoze machine on the net. \_ pirates can surely still crack the licensing mechanism. \_ such as ... ? \_ This sounds like a great ODS attack. Can anyone say bo2k plug-in? |
1999/6/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:15970 Activity:nil 66%like:16055 |
6/16 Ding, dong, DIVX is dead. http://www.divx.com \_ good riddance. |
1999/3/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/California, Reference/Tax] UID:15597 Activity:high |
3/16 Why don't you have to pay tax when you buy things from out of state? And why does Seattle Filmworks charge tax? \_ You're suppose to pay taxes, just lots of places don't charge them. \_ Out of state businesses can't collect CA sales tax, but you're legally required to pay a "use tax" to CA on out of state purchases. \_ The US Constitution has a section prohibiting states from interfering with commerce. This section is interpreted to mean that states can't assess taxes on transactions in other states. This is why if you mail-order something from Rhode Island and you live in California you pay no state sales tax. However, if you mail-order something from California you pay sales tax. Seattle Filmworks might have a California branch or office so you might still have to pay California sales tax but you won't pay Washington sales tax. I think that is how it works, but I'm not a tax lawyer. Any tax lawyers on soda who can comment? -emin \_ I'm not a lawyer but I don't get taxed in Washington state when I show the store clerk my Oregon driver's license (doesn't work for restaurants though). But California doesn't seem to care about charging sales tax to out-of-staters. --jeff \_ The more important question here is why you'd want to buy anything from Seattle Film Works in the first place . . . \_ The pics-on-the-web feature is nice. And I've had no problems with quality. -tom \_ The resolution on that is terrible, and I've had a lot of trouble with scratches on the negatives with them. Just not worth the premium for that. -jor \_ the resolution is fine if all you're doing is putting them on the web. -tom \_ But you can pretend that you're using 3L33T3 YUPP13 SUP3R F1LM!1! |
1999/2/23 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:15466 Activity:moderate |
2/22 Has anyone heard of a law change that requires all CPA candidates to hold Masters degree if they don't pass the CPA exam by year 1999? Thanks in advance. \_ CA law requires all CPA's to be tested for Year 2000 compliance by the end of 1999, or to have enough brains to ask very important questions that could greatly affect your future of much more informed and reliable sources than the CSUA motd. Perhaps http://www.aicpa.org can help you. \_ Got it. Thanks. |
1999/2/23-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:15464 Activity:very high |
2/22 Name the top 10 most beautiful people on soda \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~sandyl/Junko/html/j10.html Sandy is so hot!!!! - Josephine <CS Graduant '97, Last name not to be mentioned> \_ well let's see, there's only one josephine on soda, jkoh. Unless her web page picture is unusually unflattering, you've got to be kidding. \_ kkat \_ N1CK W3AVER!?! \_ Hint: they are not necessarily women. \_ those people don't read this file. \_ r u a female? - Sherry <As above> \_ Presumably sherryg, who looks OK via http://csua/~sherryg/sh1.jpg but certainly not impressive. \_ These are both very generic and mildly attractive asian chicks which is more than good enough for the top 5 MBPoS list. \_ my vote: - <DEAD>~jean/me.html<DEAD> But that has a lot to do with a good \_ ahm voting for leigh (cynthia@soda) ditto on the jkoh vote. 1. <DEAD>~jean/me.html<DEAD> But that has a lot to do with a good oh, and dpassage looks just as good in drag. ~jean/personal.html. Gee, so arrogant! \_ what dpassage are you talking about? \_ Any pics? Her home page doesn't work. \_ nude or clothed? \_ Preferrably nude, but either is fine. \_ my votes: 1. <DEAD>~jean/me.html<DEAD> But that has a lot to do with a great photographer. Also check out the "Status:" line in ~jean/personal.html. Gee, how arrogant! 2. <DEAD>~anjie/portfolio/anjie/noir.html<DEAD> \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~anjie/portfolio/images/meth03.jpg is more yummy. --sky 3. <DEAD>~fonger<DEAD> \_ They are all Asian women! \_ Well, you never hear of a Caucasian fetish, do you? \_ Dude, hazy photoshop touched up pictures can make most girls look fine. --sky \_ Now lets vote for the ugliest people on soda! \_ 1. jsl \_ 2. whoever voted for jsl |
1999/2/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:15405 Activity:high |
50-50 for obstruction of justice. \_ Now its time for endless debate on censure motions. \_ Not. Thankfully this CYA bullshit is dead. \_ I thought it was supposed to be > 50. Oh well. \_ No, after the house impeaches him in a majority, the Senate must convict on a 2/3 majority in order to remove the president. \_ Seriously, did anyone think that it could possibly be anything better than 56-44 to get him out of office? what a waste of time. Good job GOP, you just about guaranteed that you won't be in the White House for a few more terms. \_ Not. You haven't been in this country long enough to understand that no one but a few crackpots is going to vote against a Rep. candidate because of the impeachment. Don't be silly. The so called analysts and newspapers never manage to understand or guess correctly what the American people are thinking or going to do each election. \_ You base this on what? POLLS!? Hahahhaha, they don't poll the 'voters'. They poll the 'people'. Keep in mind that statistically the people they're polling are more left than the average voter. Voters are more conservative than "The People". \_ Not the way polls are going against Al Gore right now for 2000. \_ When Clinton originally ran people didn't think he had a chance even against his own party adversaries (Paul Tsongas) and look what happened. I think we should pull another Jessie the Body Ventura/Ronald Reagan and vote Bill Bradley into office. \_ Al is a stiff board nobody. Put him on stage in a debate against anyone with half a personality and then see if the voters choose a person or a 2 dimensional image. |
1999/2/10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:15393 Activity:nil 52%like:15387 |
2/9 Can someone suggest a nice place to proposition on Valentine's Day? \_ hetero couples propose, gay guys in public bathrooms in parks proposition \_ Do you mean "propose" or "proposition"? I'm thinking about either the parking lot outside Lawrence Hall of Science after dark, or Treasure Island facing SF. Thanks. \_ suggestion: die \_ there are some good places in nevada, the Bikini islands, and Amchitka. \_ As far away from Berkeley as possible. You should have planned a lot longer than five days before so that you could plan plane trips to Seattle or Hawaii or something like that. Unless you're poor of course which, in which case, you're stuck here. \_ I suggest _not_ doing so on V-day unless you -know- she's going to say yes. Don't want to ruin your V-day forever.... \_ Something indoors is better because cold noses and blown around hair isn't romantic. A fire is good too. -a girl \_ Set your girlfriend's hair on fire. \_ How about outdoor but in a car? No cold noses and blown around hair. Would a girl think it's romantic? \_ No. My girl advisor says, "No. Cars don't work. It's trashy." She goes on to say, "Just take her to your place or borrow a friend's with a fireplace and make her dinner. He's too late to get reservations at a good restaurant. He needs to show that he's put effort into it". I think the idea is to forget the view and do something nice. She went on and on about it but that's all it comes down to. Don't be a cheap spaz. \_ if you're stuck here, I would suggest The Rose Garden. - tpc \_ Not after dark. I've seen drug deals there at night. Not very romantic. \_ Rose Garde in Golden Gate Park? But there're no roses these days. \_ Don't! It's not good to get married. You lose all your freedom, free spending habits, and all the good looking babes on soda, etc. \_ Who on soda is a good looking babe? Any homepage? Thx. \_ This is exactly the reason there aren't any. Go take a humanities class of some sort and stop looking so desperate and for your own sake as well as God's, TAKE A SHOWER! No, one shower last Thursday doesn't count. Moving it up to at least twice a week is a good start. \_ What do humanitites classes and bathing have to do with good looking babes on soda? I bathe every day and took a few English classes, but I've never seen a babe on soda. There weren't any babes in the English classes either, most were commies with too many body piercings. \_ mmm, commies with body piercings... come to butt-head -humanities h0zer \_ Agreed. I've been in a lot of humanities classes here and the good looks are hard to find. I find that the cutest girls are the bio/wanna-be-premed types. \_ And those at Haas too, I think. \_ But I was just trying to conserve water. \_ When the US military wants to stockpile on chemical weapons they simply go to the 2nd floor of Soda. |
1998/12/31 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:15155 Activity:very high |
12/30 Are there any states that allow cousins to legally get married? This is a serious question. Thanks for any info. \_ Kentucky. \_ So if two cousins get married in Kentucky and then return to California, will the marriage be recognized by California as legitimate? \_ Full Faith and Credit. |
1998/12/4-6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:15071 Activity:kinda low |
12/4 Troll deleted again. Amy Biehl was a Stanfurd graduate who left for S. Africa on a Fulbright scholarship to help with voter registration in the nation's first all-race 1994 election marking the end of apartheid. In the wrong place at the wrong time, she was in the black township of Guguletu when an angry mob returning from a political rally stoned her car, dragged her out, beat her, and killed her. At least one of her black compatriots attempted to defend her, telling them that she was a friend. Four people were convicted and sentenced to 18 years. In July of this year, these four men were released from prison, granted amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (as required by the amnesty provision, they had fully confessed to the attack, including the individual who committed the fatal stab wound). Peter and Linda Biehl of Newport Beach, CA, released a public statement supporting the commission's decision, and have since regularly travelled to S. Africa to confirm to passersby that they have truly forgiven their daughter's killers, and towards fostering understanding between those who would be blood enemies. Whether each part of this story is right or wrong I don't say -- that you know that each part happened and think about it is what's important. When this disappears, ~jctwu/pub/biehl. \_ Well now I understand how the daughter could be so stupid, given what the parents are like. I knew about the daughter, but had no idea this was a multi-generational defect. \_ was the daughter cute? is the mom? do you have film of the mother and daughter doing the nasty? otherwise, why should we care? \_ so was the bitch cute or not? \_ The daughter is almost as stupid as the parents. Yet another total victory for the forces of Charles Darwin. |
1998/11/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/Electric] UID:14961 Activity:high |
11/14 It's winter time and my gas furnace and gas water heater is eating a lot of gas. My gas bill jumped by a lot, as expect. However, I thought my electric bill would go down since the only thing that eats a lota electricity is my frig, but NO, my electric bill jumped a shit load, with some new charges like "Transmission, distribution, nuclear decommissioning, competition transition charge, trust transfer \_ You didn't vote on election day, did you? amount." What the fuck are these new charges and why the fuck is my electric bill so high now??!??!?!?? Do you guys see it as well??? \_ Hey PEOPLE did you vote YES on 9? Well, if you didn't that's too bad, you should have, just like you should have seen it coming with all those ads saying 9 was bad for CA. Who exactly pays for those ads? Answer: whoever has the most to lose. Who's that? Answer: the UTIL cos. \_ No, no, no. Prop. 9 was GOOFY! It would make everyone run backwards. Everything would be happening in reverse if Prop. 9 had passed. Don't be silly! \_ What was prop 9? -- can't vote but has to live with it \_we live one astronomical unit from a pretty good fusion reactor. PG&E can't change that. quit bitching and get off the grid. |
1998/11/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:14924 Activity:high |
11/6 Newt Gingrich is resining from Congress. See http://www.cnn.com for details. \_ i say let him stay. the more harm he can do to the gop the better. \_ he's resining from congress? you left out a g. \_ better than recosining -- that's just sick! \_ Not to run for sPECKER of the House. \_ Darn! Can't depend on republicans for making foolish mistakes anymore. \_ now let us see if clinton has got the balls to follow suit. \_ it's about time! |
1998/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14906 Activity:nil 75%like:14888 |
11/3 Don't forget to vote today. --tabloy \_ For a dissenting view, hear Friedman (166 Barrows, 7p). -- schoe \_ people are too stupid for this sort of thing to work \_ Maybe this thing is just too stupid to work \_ looking at the results, this state is going to suck!!! Time to move.. \_ what did you expect? 2 people who didn't deserv to be governers and 2 more people who don't deserv to be senators. Fong, Lungren, Davis, Boxer all stink \_ Someone actually asked Friedman whether people had to b smart for anarchocapitalism to work. He suggested tha the "natural conservatism" of people meant that peopl \_ I'm going to take out five seconds to laugh m ass off at this "human nature" argument would likely become accustomed to it and its institution once it was established, whether or not they wer particularly intelligent. (He also said he did vote, straight LP slate, but that there was no real reason t vote unless one happens to find it fun.) -- schoe |
1998/11/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:14905 Activity:nil 66%like:14902 |
11/4 The magic of democracy.. http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1998/10/01/mn.governor \_ Yeah, so? What's your point? That Minnesotan's are tired of the same old shit from the one party system? |
1998/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:14902 Activity:nil 66%like:14905 |
11/4 The magic of democracy... http://www.cnn.com/ALLPOLITICS/stories/1998/10/01/mn.governor |
1998/11/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14888 Activity:high 75%like:14906 |
11/3 Don't forget to vote today. --tabloyd \_ For a dissenting view, hear Friedman (166 Barrows, 7p). -- schoen \_ people are too stupid for this sort of thing to work. \_ Maybe this thing is just too stupid to work. \_ looking at the results, this state is going to suck!!! Time to move... \_ what did you expect? 2 people who didn't deserve to be governers and 2 more people who don't deserve to be senators. Fong, Lungren, Davis, Boxer all stink. \_ Someone actually asked Friedman whether people had to be smart for anarchocapitalism to work. He suggested that the "natural conservatism" of people meant that people \_ I'm going to take out five seconds to laugh my ass off at this "human nature" argument. would likely become accustomed to it and its institutions once it was established, whether or not they were particularly intelligent. (He also said he did vote, a straight LP slate, but that there was no real reason to vote unless one happens to find it fun.) -- schoen |
1998/10/29-31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:14852 Activity:moderate |
10/28 http://www.salonmagazine.com/news/1998/10/27newsb.html has an interesting take on Proposition 9. Anyone know of other good voting information sites? \_ on localhost in /dev/null...personaly I am trying to find out how to get my ballot in chines alowing make to make how to get my ballot in chines allowing me to make a provably random selection. Idiocy deleted. \_ You forgot to delete the rest of the motd, including this thread. \_ I didn't say "all idiocy deleted" I was forwarded this from a co-worker. I did this and I'm telling you, it's really weird. Follow the directions slowly, and do not go forward until told to do so. I think you will find this really eerie(and very true...). This is quite amazing but its fun and seems to work!! Enjoy!! SPOOKY - Do this its quite wierd... First things first: NO CHEATING Really. I mean it. Don't cheat. This is a little game that has a pretty funny/creepy outcome. Don't read ahead, just do it in order. It takes about 3 minutes It's worth it. It's kinda eerie.... First, Get a blank piece of paper and pen. P.S. When you are asked to choose names, make sure it's people you ACTUALLY KNOW, and go with your first instincts! Scroll down one line at a time - don't read ahead or you'll ruin the fun!! 1.) First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column. 2.) Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write any two numbers you want. 3.) Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex (or same sex if you're gay). Don't look ahead-or it won't turn out right! 4.) Write anyone's name (like friends or family...) in the 4th, 5th and 6th spots. Don't cheat or you'll be upset that you did. 5.) Write down four song titles in 8, 9, 10 and 11. 6.) Finally, make a wish..... And here is the key for that game.. 1.) You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game in (the number in space 1) days in order to make your wish come true. 2.) The person in space 3 is the one that you love. 3.) The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out. 4.) You care most about the person you put in 4. 5.) The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well. 6.) The person you name in 6 is your lucky star (I have no idea what this means but it sounds good!) 7.) The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in 3 8.) The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7. 9.) The tenth space is the song that tells you most about your mind. 10.) And 11 is the song telling how you feel about life! GOOD LUCK! Idiocy deleted again. |
1998/10/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14783 Activity:kinda low |
10/15 Anyone have any friends that are Nevada residents? It could be worth several hundred dollars if they would do me a small favor that would take 5 mins. of their time. Thanks. --sky \_So is it cool to use the motd to solicit accomplices in low-risk fraud? \_ Only if you don't get caught \_ I was born in nevada - is that close enough? -alan- \_ Needs to be a current resident \_ LOL. :) Tax is stupid. Particularly mail-order instate/intrastate -it's a big scam, and we're punished for living in hi-tech california where it's all sold/net stores... even if that's not the point of sky's post, I can think of much worse things on the motd. Go Sky! |
1998/9/29-10/2 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14693 Activity:nil |
9/28 Last day for registering to vote in CA if you want to vote in the Nov 3 election is October 5. If you aren't already registered (and can legally vote in CA), you may want to do so. -- tabloyd |
1998/9/1-3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:14533 Activity:high |
9/1 Check out famous CSUA alumnus Bret "mogul" Mogilefsky on page 19 of this month's California Monthly. \_ Cool! Where do I get my copy!? -mogul \_ What does this dude do again? \_ Play with sock monkeys and hit old machines with the csua bat. -John \_ He's the little known right hand man to George Lucas, the "mogul" of LucasArts (hence the nickname). \_ I wish! I'm the lead programmer on the game Grim Fandango. -mogul \_ When's it coming out? Looks fucking badass from the previews I've seen \_ sorry, but 'mogul' predates his lucasarts employment \_ I only attended one meeting, and after seeing a white guy swinging a bat around menacingly, that was my last. \_ Racist prick. If it was some nigger with a bat, that'd be ok? \_ Sheesh, I was kidding. But now I hope I offended you and only you. \_ I too am deeply offended that you chose not to participate in the CSUA due to the organization's President being Caucasian. There is no place for such racism in this organization. Please go fuck yourself with a splintery broom. -Offended Whitey \_ "Cerebrally ambidextrous." Man, it's so easy to impress the yokels. -mogul |
1998/6/3 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14168 Activity:nil |
6/3 Proposition 225: Proof that the majority of California voters shouldn't be allowed to vote. \_ IGNORED VOTER'S INSTRUCTIONS ON MOTD POSTING |
1998/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14161 Activity:high |
6/2 Vote early. Vote often. Vote no. \_ just be sure to take the time to vote against 226 please, thanks - danh \_ Vote _YES_!!!1! Otherwise the jackbooted communist thugs will march in from over the state border and steal money from union workers, build highway bridges that cost three times as much, and force our schools to only teach children in Swedish. At least that's what the TV commercials tell me. \_ As a conservative I have deleted the response previously in this space as it was either written by a leftist in an attempt to make the right look bad, or it was written by the bottom of the genetic barrel. Either way, it wasn't worth the bits it was written with and the world, both left,right,and center, is better off without that sort of mindless stupidity. -JAC \_ fucking nazi censor \_ kinda hard to fit all that on a bumper sticker \_ If you _get_ a bumper sticker like that, you're probably some kind of reactionary country-club pro-life wealthy-from-exploiting-the-downtrodden-poor gun-nut environment-destroying kneejerk arch conservative who'd be much more likely to be driving some big-ass huge gas guzzling SUV or ostentatious luxury car (as opposed to, say, a Geo Metro or Ford Aspire). Therefore, they'd have enough bumper space, plus some extra to spare, for a larger-than-normal bumper sticker. -- warm hearted, compassionate liberal (and in this case, I'm jealous, because there isn't enough space for _both_ the "Save the Whales" and "You Can't Hug Children With Nuclear Arms" stickers on the top of my bike rack.) \_ Typically, those who actually get rich from exploiting the downtrodden poor are generally too careful with their position to risk it with such nonsense. It's the pathetic incompetents who WANT to be exploiters but don't know how who waste time on such things. -mel \_ You guys don't know what you're missing. We have a socialist and a nationalist party. Our politics are more fun. We're invading California next week, but in an eco-friendly way. -John |
1998/5/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14098 Activity:kinda low |
5/14 I need a recommendation for a good ISP which has dialups throughout California (north and south) and in Florida. Any ideas? -randal \_ Yes \_ Havent you figured out there are not good ISPs with dialup. |
1998/5/1 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:14031 Activity:nil |
4/30 VOTE FOR HANK THE ANGRY DRUNKEN DWARF \_ URL? \_ e-mail from two days ago: >>Pathfinder is running a '50 most beautiful people contest' which, >>inevitably enough, is currently being won by rodent-faced teen idol >>Leonardo Di Caprio. The voting form is at: >> >> http://www.pathfinder.com/people/50most/1998/vote/index.html >> >>Happily, there is a contender who is gaining ground rapidly. I urge you all >>to rush over to the Web site and cast your vote for: >> >> Hank the Angry, Drunken Dwarf \_ Here are the latest results: 1.!psb, 278910 votes 2.Hank the Angry, Drunken Dwarf, 191644 votes 3.DPK, 47619 votes \_ ??? 4.Leonardo DiCaprio, 9092 votes \_ I want your rat face and clean shaved ass, Leo!!! -aspo \_ I wonder if people even realize that the result on the website will have no effect on whomever they choose for the magazine cover. The WebSite is separate from the magazine - android \_ so what? at least we can help strike some healthy fear of the net into the minds of the idjit editors at People (and other publications targeting readers with IQs 70 and below) \_ if you are so smart, why are you an overworked corporate stooge? \_ Stooges of the World Unite! -stooge #3 \_ObGetAClue -#9 psb fan |
1998/4/15 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13956 Activity:very high |
4/14 There was a CSUA election where a female candidate claimed that guys were voting with their dicks. Does anyone remember the details? \_ That was almost certainly rachel.. don't remember much else \_ nope \_ It was Rachel in private. VP doesn't need that many extra dicks/votes to win. \_ that was probably Alissa Pritchard vs. Amee election. And if anyone was doing anything with their dick, it was Amee. \_ i like alissa. Tall... Blond... Cute... Smart. :-) Where has she been lately??? -horny CSUA guy \_ as far away from you as possible |
1998/4/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:13941 Activity:nil 71%like:13957 |
4/12 Federal: http://www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/forms_pubs/forms.html California: http://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/97_forms/index.asp \_ Feed ME! -da guberment |
1998/3/4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Dating] UID:49812 Activity:nil |
3/4 Can someone post the age of consent again? Thanks. I remember Hawaii is 14, California is 18, what else? Age of Consent Laws in the United States ---------------------------------------- Age 14: Hawaii, Pennsylvania 15: Colorado, South Carolina 16: Alabama, Connecticut, Deleware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakata, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming 17: Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Texas 18: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Calif., Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Mississippi, North Dakata, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin I suggest checking out Hawaii :) |
1998/3/3 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/Rants, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:13752 Activity:very high |
3/3 Jim Barksdale admits that he is a Bill Gates "admirer". http://www.cnnfn.com \_ Who is this and why do we care? \_ ceo@netscape.com \_ Ok, now why do we care? \_ If you admir your enemy, then you are STUPID. And you NSCP people, don't even try to erase this message again! \_ Your spelling and attitude demonstrate your ignorance clearly. Mr. Barksdale on the other hand obviously sees Mr. Bill has built Microsoft into an incredible juggernaut, and can admire him for that while trying to compete against it. \_ This is like saying "I think Hitler is c00l, but I hate him." \_ No, this is like Jason Kidd saying "I think Michael Jordan is a great basketball player even though I have to try and beat him when our teams play each other." |
1998/3/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:13747 Activity:very high |
3/02 A new constitutional amendment is being introduced to eliminate the seperation of church and state. In effect, the majority of a locality will be able to mandate religious practices. Jewish children in southern towns will be graded on their essay on the topic "Why Jesus Loves Me" \_ call for references please -- it's not April 1 yet. \_ I love watching the right try to generate election year issues that they think will help them. Minimum wage, nuking the tax code, and now this... --scotsman \_ Isn't the minimum wage a traditional democratic issue? \_ when you pay taxes, you'll be glad to see a flat tax too \_ I do pay taxes. But if there's going to be tax code reform, i'd like to see it done with responsible legislation, and not as some election year ploy. --scotsman \_ I don't care what the reason is, I'll take a flat tax any year. Sooner the better. Why do you care what the reasoning is as long as the end result is positive? \_ Hellloooo!! *EVERYTHING* these days is an election year or poll making ploy. You've lived here how long? \_ It probably will fail to get the 2/3rds vote it needs, and then the Republicans will use it in the offyear election as a campaign issue, emphasizing the "anti-God" vote of the Democrats. -mel \_ Uhm, yeah. Don't go into politics mel. Stick with computers. \_ And they are also considering a constitutional amendment to sell The Brookyln Bridge to the highest bidder. \_ Did I tell you about the Swamp Land Amendment from Sen. Jason Crock of Florida? \_ What about the Hank Hill Propane Gas Consumers & Small Business Act", sponsored by Rep. Spennncer Bachus of Alabama? (I kid you not). \_ Oh ya? Cool. Who does it give my tax money to? |
1998/2/19 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:13701 Activity:high |
02/18 What's the minimum age of a female that I can legally "sleep" with in the States and in California? \_what's the matter...can't get anyone your age to sleep with you? now you're thinking about sleeping with your kid sister? \_ Guess what you will be giving her as present on her 18th birthday? \_ Your parole! Hahaha! \_ 0. You can sleep with anyone, but if you are talking about having sexual intercourse... \_ Yes, that's what I mean. \_ I doubt there's a federal law, there are state laws and in California, the age is 18. \_ in "incredibly hip" california, the age is higher than other states, some of which say its okay at 16?! \_ Check an almanac. Some states are even lower. BTW, California isn't incredibly hip, it's just run by people who don't give a shit. Very big difference. \_ For all you cradle robbers, here's a handy guide from the 1/97 Playboy for vacation planning: \_ Thanks. -psb Age of Consent Laws in the United States ---------------------------------------- Age 14: Hawaii, Pennsylvania 15: Colorado, South Carolina 16: Alabama, Connecticut, Deleware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Dakata, Utah, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming 17: Louisiana, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Texas 18: Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, Calif., Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Mississippi, North Dakata, Oklahoma, Oregon, Tennessee, Virginia, Wisconsin I suggest checking out Hawaii :) |
1998/2/5 [Politics/Domestic/California, Recreation/Dating] UID:13627 Activity:high |
2/4 In California, what's the closest blood relationship between a male and a female that is still legal for marriage? Or where can I find out about this info? Thanks. \_ Fallen for your sister, eh? \_ Fallen for your mother, eh? \_ Plan on becoming Amish? \_ What about Amish? \_ Ask psb or tom; didn't they both fall in love with themselves ? \_ Don't worry about it, masturbation is still legal in all 50. |
1997/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:32029 Activity:nil |
1/4 The recent devastating Flood is the God's way to punish us for passing Proposition 215. \_ Um, actually, the rain was my fault. My weather maker experienced a power surge while in the monsoon testing mode. Sorry about that, won't happen again. - scotsman \_ Stupid motd entries are God's way to punish us for not having stricter entrance requirements for UC Berkeley. -JOhn \_ Oh boy somebody has a direct line to God. Ask him/her if we are in for anymore disaters. \_ Oops, I don't think it was wise of me to taunt him. I am now a proud owner of a bong with a broken carb that's going to cost me big time to replace. So beware of any taunting \_ Yes. -The High Almighty \_ Excuse me sir, it's a collect call from God, he says there should be more intelligence at Berkeley \_ Didn't this say prop 209 yesterday? \_ No, it's always said that. Smokers in the State are trying to fool you! \_ For the record, it was 209. Who gives a shit about 212? \_ I originally put 209 (CCRI) there but some dumbass changed it. You should not change someone's words just because you can't handle them. \_ You should not expect an entry in a world writable file to remain 2. |
1996/11/5 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:31992 Activity:nil |
11/5 VOTE!!! Don't write off this election until all the votes are in. -- erikred \_ Besides, the results can't be any worse than the last politburo election. |
1995/2/1 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:31735 Activity:nil |
1/31 P U L P F I C T I O N Thursday, February 2, there's a Pulp Fiction event planned for the evening. If you want to come, we can organize rides, etc. We're planning on 7:00 pm at Pacific's California near the SW corner of go!) Please mail aaron if you're interested in going. --aaron \_Did anyone else find this movie brutally violent, racist, and homophobic? What is its appeal? I saw it and could not believe thamount of racist epithets and sickening bloodiness. Explain its "brilliance," someone. -wft \_ Have you stopped to think that the film is not racist, but the characters portrayed in the film? The realism of racist characters portrayed in a film may be shocking to some PC dimwits, but you must realize that some art mimics life. -mlee \_ If you think Pulp Fiction is "homophobic", you are a brainwashed idiot. If I were homosexually gang-raped, I'd want to get Medieval on the assailants' asses as well, but that does not make me homophobic. Maybe if you thought about the things you watched, rather than producing knee-jerk reactions in accordance with the way you've been programmed, then people might treat you like you had a brain. -blojo \_ I don't think "thinking about the things he watched" is all that he needs to think about. -mlee \_ Chill out. If you like movies where blacks are constantly called "niggers" and gory brutality is treated as a laughing matter, then more power to you. I was more curious to know what makes this film worthy of artistic acclaim by its advocates. -wft \_ The problem here is that you are totally missing any and all significance that the film contains. Your measly attempts to classify this film with the many other more violent, less intelligent films out there just adds merit to my beliefs that you have no mental capacity whatsoever. When you realize that "blacks" call each other niggers in real life, then we can begin to have an intelligent conversation. Please also note that Samuel L. Jackson, a very succesful actor, who could be in one of many roles, accepted to play the role of Jules, who is called a nigger and calls other blacks and even whites niggers, with pride and a lot of enthusiasm. He also stated that Quentin Tarantino has not one racist bone in him. -mlee \_ tell us your login and I'll mail you an essay... the motd is hardly a place for this discussion. -seano |
1993/11/15-18 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:31423 Activity:nil |
11/10 Thanks to a LOT of politicing from Senator Dave, and some last minute sucking up by President Seidl, the CSUA is now richer to the tune of $500. The bill passed!!! - seidl \_passed by a vote of 23-0-0 --dpassage |
1993/6/4 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:31345 Activity:nil |
6/5 Someone compiled, and advertised, a list of internet dialup possibilities elsewhere in the Bay Area and CA a while back. Anyone know where it's stored? - gojomo \_ Try alt.motd |
1993/4/8 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:31262 Activity:nil |
4/8 I suggest people calling their respective Republican Senators and complain about the filibuster tactics they used to kill Clinton's stimulus package. Essentially, what they are saying is: "We know you are out of a job, but we are saving you millions!" \_ I suggest you try looking at the package before you whine. It's actually full of swimming pools, unemployment benefits, and projects for Puerto Rico. Stuff that will not help the majority of the US people get jobs. Besides that, it's way inefficient. $900,000/job is the cost. It is very, very fortunate that the Republicans had enough votes to prevent a vote. Now, a compromise will be forced, which might just provide a bill that will not destroy the economy and drop us back into a recession. [By the way, California doesn't have any Republican Senators to call] |
1993/4/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:31247 Activity:high |
3/31 I have decided to start reporting all incidents of copyright violation on soda to the FBI and the University. Yes, this does include pirating of software and gifs. Expect federal response and possible university expulsion if such activities continue. \-"bite me" --psb \_ Since when are gifs illegal? \_ gifs are not illegal. distributing gifs of copyrighted works is illegal (assuming they haven't given permission), but then again i'm not a lawyer so i have no real knowledge of this -oj \_ I LIKE GIFS OF NEKKID GURLZ!!! \_ i would like to ask again, please, if you are going to post something in the motd which is beligerent and threatening, sign it. i think i know who this is, but i would rather not be guessing. -hh \_ The posting may be belligerent, in that it is "combative" and "assertive" - that should be expected. In this brave new world, it is necesary that the law abiders combat the law breakers. The posting is only threatening in the same way that laws are - if you break them, you will be punished. The poster is simply helping that punishment along. No less should be expected. Break the law, go to jail. Period. It's sad that someone has to do it on their own, when staff@soda should be the one's responsible for making sure laws aren't broken on their machine. /_ Just because something is illegal, that doesn't mean that it's necessarily right to help enforce or even to obey the law. Obeying the law blindly or attempting to be a secret policeman is not always the right thing to do. As an example of a bad law, consider the school teacher (featured on "A Current Afair" last night) who was raped by her 14 year old student and then convicted of having sex with a minor. Think carefully about the function of any law before you decide destroy the basic legal principal of the accused having the right to confront the accuser. \_ I was a bit worried about this initially too. Fortunately, you don't know what you're talking about. Last time I spoke with the FBI, they assured me there would be no issue. I am simply providing information. The FBI will be doing the accusing. Bringing this back to copyright, I and many others believe that the creation and exchange of information would be helped rather than hurt by dramatically reduced intellectual property restrictions. (I'm not advocating breaking the law in this case. I just want to suggest one possible way your decision to rigorously enforce copyright laws could be, on the balance, counter-productive to society.) --Adam R. \_ Spoken like a true Peefer. It has long been the case that the unimaginative and the uninventive have tried to steal from those that can. Fortunately, the law protects us artistes, us programmers, us writers and us cartoonists from you banal masses. \_Excuse me, but I'm a writer, and an artist, and a cartoonist, and a musician, *and* a programmer, and I _still_ think you're a bozo. The only thing you've just proven is the abnormal size of your ego. By the way, you forgot engineers, architechtects, theorists and hardware hackers in your list of "creative" people. --Lee \- WHat exactly does ego have to do with law enforcement? You break the law, you pay the price. Simple. \- You're about as much of a programmer as George, that is, not much. \_as far as i'm concerned you can stick your ego up your banal mass. --howlee \_ Personally, I would be proud to be considered a "banal mass" considering that most of the great thinkers have always based their works on previous ideas. Galileo, for example, stole the design for the telescope--and then was the first to think to point it up. And Shakespeare wrote exactly one original plot in all his years of playwriting. A free exchange of ideas is far more benificial to society than keeping thoughts under tight reign. Look at the technical progress of the U.S. compared to the U.S.S.R. (The space program is of course, an exception, but then, that was the area where the U.S. was almost as tightlipped as the U.S.S.R.) -boss \_ how will *you* decide if I'm breaking the law without looking at the content of my files ? did you discuss search warrants the last time you spoke with the FBI ? --cynthia \_ some people left things world readable. it's mentioned in the minutes of the last meeting. -oj \_ Just to let you know, despite all of the bleeding heart liberals complaining about being punished for breaking the law, I am STILL filing reports with the FBI (and will be sending a large packet of information to the Student Conduct Office this weekend). The FBI today stated to me that they nearly had enough information to file some search warrants (and thanked me for my work :). \-who you callin liberal? bite me --xxx \_ Bite me, too, while you're at it. -xxxxxx \_ Bite my f*ckin' ass, moron -- calling me a liberal is like calling you intelligent -- xxxxxxxx \_ Sure you did. Did you talk to J. Edgar himself? Anonymous motd posts are hardly credible, dude. \_ Go to *HELL* you self-important son of a bitch. \_ "I never knew I was a thought criminal until my little girl turned me in." Thanks for taking it upon yourself to turn our little corner of the world into your version of Airstrip One. I feel sorry for you, informer. -- xxx \_ Hey you SOB, watch your files very closely. Make sure *YOU* don't have anything illegal in there. \_ Maybe you should just report me anyway, you weed. xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx, 12xx xxxxxxxxx Dr. #xx, xxxxxxxxx, CA 94xxx. Who are you? \_ Well, personally I think we should thank this patriotic asshole for keeping our country, and in particular, Soda, safe from the sort of lowlifes who advocate the free spread of information (the \- It isn't free spread of information you fucking dumbshit. It's theft, pure and simple. Would you like it if someone didn't pay you while you were working register at McDonalds? Same fucking thing. Just advocating the free spread of McNuggets. damn pinkos). I'd also like to salute his/her courage in standing up for what he/she believes in, and in cowering in anonymity while doing so. \_ I'm sure you'd love to see my true login so that you can harass me, try to drive me from this machine and maybe try to kill me. Such are the stigma that we true patriots face. Rest assured, I will keep watching and you will be punished. Period. I do not understand why you are incredulous when I talk of how I talked to the FBI. They do have local office, you know. If you wish to speak with them, ring: 553-7400 (that's 415 code). \_ Of course the FBI has a local office. But why should we think you're anything but a prankster? I think you're just making noise for chuckles. |
3/15 |