3/15 |
2004/11/27 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:35089 Activity:nil |
11/27 http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/americas/11/27/bush-plot/index.html Cheney almost became the President. The rebels DO hate America!!! \_ A.. D'uh |
2004/11/24 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:35057 Activity:nil |
11/24 Hmm. Reports that the Russian military is being used against the Ukrainian protesters. Intereeeesting. http://hotline.net.ua/eng/content/view/2533/37 http://eng.maidanua.org/static/enews/1101252011.html http://csua.org/u/a3k \_ The Russian Army. It checks in, but it don't never leave. \_ With Putin appointing the governors these days, how long until Ukraine rejoins the Russian Federation? In Russia, Russia federates you! |
2004/11/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34885 Activity:low |
11/14 Bin Laden given "religious approval" to use nukes against the US: http://csua.org/u/9yp What will the West do if bin Laden vaporized the Pentagon and a good chunk of DC?: 1) Nuke all Muslim countries with ties to terrorism (Saudi Arabia, Syria, Pakistan, etc.) 2) Tactical nuking of terrorists locations 3) Conventional war invading above countries 4) Give up \_ this is CBS news, it is for the liberals and is as convincing and as credible as the ultra conservative Fox news. \_ DEAR BIN LADEN, please don't bomb the Blue States! We didn't vote for Bush. If you must bomb, please bomb those blood sucking Red States, like Texas or Alamaba. Thanks. \_ funny is the democrats believe this plea will work. \_ Dear conservative, you are a blithering idiot if you believe this. Have a nice day. -moderate \_ If all it takes to get "religious approval" is to have one cleric say ok, I doubt that Bin Laden ever actually saw this as a problem. |
2004/11/14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Religion] UID:34881 Activity:nil |
11/14 Bin Laden given "religious approval" to use nukes against the US: http://csua.org/u/9yp Thanks, Saudi religious person! |
2004/11/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34850 Activity:very high 61%like:34847 |
11/11 Here's one for the Arafat trolls to chew on for a while: http://tinyurl.com/4sljz (boston.com) \_ Hell NO! We won't think! \_ You are right. It was so much easier when the Palestinians peacefully accepted their ethnic cleansing. I hate that bastard for daring to fight back. \_ Wow. Revisionist history makes yet another appearance on the motd. \_ What's revisionist about it? \_ Um, 'ethnic cleansing'? \_ The Palestinians just all left their own homes and farms on their own accord? Right-o. \_ What's to chew on? Palestinians have used terrorism. Is this news? Shall we chew on that while ignoring Israeli occupation? How does that make sense? \_ wait a minute, so suicide bombing is evil, but killing civilans blindly using American donated Apache gunship, missiles, and tanks is perfectly ok? -peacenik \_ I think there's a substantial difference between thugs that TARGET civillians with carbombs and suicide bombers and beheadings as a tactic to control the people vs trying to kill the people that are doing this TO THEIR OWN COUNTRYMEN (mostly, anyhow). The US is doing everything it can to minimize civillian deaths, but the remorseless insurgents must be eliminated. I suspect that if the US just ... left ... that the people stepping forward to fill the vacuum would create a legacy hideous beyond describing. It's rather sad that someone getting a Berkeley education would need this explained to them. If you think the use of these weapons is blind, then honestly, you're saying you can't tell the difference between random violence against innocents and violence targeted against inherently violent people that have no respect for life. \_ in war, there's no such a thing as good civilians vs. evil militants. The militants are the civilians, and at times the civilians are the militants. The civilians give birth for new militants, and they feed and shelter each other, period. And by the way there's no such a thing as Berkeley educated people having homogeneous opinions, and in fact, not everyone on motd is educated let along having a Berkeley degree. The idea that the world is so black and white, is so Bush. \_ Holy shit, you've missed the point so completely it makes my teeth ache! The point is a matter of intent b/t the US military vs the intent of the terrorists. Likening them is dumb. Jesus H Christ, are you even posting in the correct thread? I'm honestly baffled. \_ It's not entirely binary, but there really are normal civilians and thugs. Civilians mostly just want to be left alone. Thugs terrorize them into giving them shelter, etc. You = m0r0n (the dangerous moral relativist kind) \_ Come on, don't be so harsh. Where would this world be without Lenin's "useful idiots?" |
2004/11/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34838 Activity:high |
11/11 http://www.dailykos.com/story/2004/11/10/01247/557 Excellent discussion of the reality of Bin Laden and where we're headed. \_ Thank you. I go to dailykos for all my unbiased political analysis. \_ What does "dailykos" mean, any how? Daily Kooks on S***? \_ I never read the site; got the link off a KDE developer's blog. It doesn't seem biased actually... more about the futility of waging a public opinion war with guns and bombs. -op \_ dailykos doesn't seem biased? WOW! \_ The guy who started it is nicknamed "kos," pronounced with a long "o." Hence "dailykos." It is a left-wing echo chamber, similar to Freerepublic but just a hair less loony and obviously on the other side of the political spectrum. Occasionally they have some good top level links. \_ dailykos has some good stuff sometimes. most of the freerepublic people have net personas of dangerous psychopaths. \_ Do you lean conservative or liberal? \_ lib. i read and have read the free republic urls, a lot of them have "let's go shoot some libs!" tangents. dailykos does not. \_ What?!? The right is NEVER violent!! \_ Kos himself is not looney at all, in fact he is pretty much a mainstream Democrat. He is about as "looney" as say, John Kerry. Some of his posters are nuts though. \_ The posters are mostly what I was referring to. I like kos, but his site has been almost completely taken over by the fruit loops. He doesn't even write most of the entries any more. \_ Read "Guerilla Warfare" by Che Guavara. He describes fighting a superior force using exactly those tactics. |
2004/11/10 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:34803 Activity:moderate |
11/10 This is kinda funny: Protest Warrior vs Gael Murphy http://hq.protestwarrior.com/?page=/featured/Miami/military_shield.php \_ Wow, imagine what good the fine folks of Protest Warrior could accomplish if they'd just grow up. |
3/15 |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34657 Activity:insanely high |
11/04 So I posed this question to a liberal friend of mine. Say, you are elected POTUS in 2004, instead of W. Say a few days after your inauguration, NYC is nuked by a terrorist attack. As in, a crater is left where NYC used to be. What do you do? Feel free to modify the past however you wish to make your job easier (by disappearing the Iraq war, for instance). I am just curious what the ideal liberal (or conservative, or libertarian) response would be to something like that. -- ilyas \_ You can win wars, fight crime, insurgencies and terrorism and make friends internationally without ruining your moral authority, your currency, your economy, and your rule of law, and you can do it right. -John \_ Ok, what do you do? \_ I hate to say this, but the answer is "it depends." I'd certainly try to hit back in a measured, well-considered way, like W. did in Afghanistan, before FUCKING IT ALL UP. I would also have better prerequisites for doing all these great things because I would not have appointed a bunch of opportunists and nutjobs as my deputies. I'd not just bask in the tremendous outpouring of international sympathy, but actually actively use that to try and build support for countermeasures, instead of cowboying it alone and pissing off everyone in sight, and I'd focus on good, useful protective measures instead of appointing a meathead in charge of announcing a new color every day and blowing my civil defense budget on distributing gas maskes in Dubuque. Anything more detailed than that is just mental masturbation. \_ Dude, John. 'It depends' on what? NY fucking C is gone. This is an oddly general answer to a fairly specific question. You honestly have no general policy in mind? You probably shouldn't be president. (I don't mean this in an insulting way, nor am I implying I would do better). -- ilyas \_ I immediately figure out how to shift the tax burden from the idle rich to the working poor! \_ That's easy. You find out who did it, and nuke them back. I don't think anyone is going to argue for something less than total commitment with an attack like that. --liberal \_ Say Al Qaeda posted a video on Al Jazeera claiming responsibility, and spouting. The issue is not whether you would commit, but what exactly you would do with the committment. -- ilyas \_ I think I already told you - nuke them back. With an essentially stateless organization like Al Qaeda, you can't just nuke any old major city - you'd probably have to go after whoever you think they got their bomb from. A nuclear weapon capable of actually turning NYC into a crater is just not something AQ could create on their own. I'm not sure what you mean to gain by asking this question with such an extreme example, unless I'm being led into some sort of false dichotomy trap. Given that this is ilyas, that might be a good assumption to make. \_ Ok, say Al Qaeda managed to steal a nuke from Pakistan or bought one from Ukraine. -- ilyas \_ Pakistan's nukes are probably far too clunky for AQ to realistically deliver to an NYC target, so let's say they bought it from Ukraine. Let's further assume that they bought it from a rogue agent acting alone, and that Ukraine itself is not responsible. Is that okay? \_ Sure. \_ Okay. So you don't actually have a state that you can nuke, at least not just yet. You've got to hunt down and exterminate every last AQ member, and nuke any country that gets in your way. Again, I'm not sure why you're using such an extreme example. The answers get much murkier with more realistic scenarios. \_ So basically what you are saying is, you will not do anything different from what we are trying to do now: hunting down Al Qaeda (how?). This is after America's largest city is turned to dust. I think this is an alarming state of affairs. -- ilyas \_ What else are you supposed to do? Start nuking random countries? I knew you were going to turn this into some kind of logical trap. \_ I don't know what we are supposed to do. If this is a trap, it's not really my trap. I am just pointing out that it's not really as far fetched as people say for the US to take a very proactive, and possibly intrusive, stance in the world, over and above vaguely 'trying to hunt down Al Qaeda.' Btw, if NYC is in fact dusted, there is no way you will be able to politically justify essentially doing nothing, as you are proposing. -- ilyas \_ I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to discover with this line of questioning. Personally, I'd have no problem invading a country that's harboring terrorists who nuked NYC. But the US has limited resources, and it's stupid to overextend into countries that are not directly responsible or accountable (ie Iraq). I don't think this is a Liberal or Conservative issue, it's a common sense perspective. Violence should be cold and reasonably applied, not randomly meted out according to the whimsy of someone's murky, conflicted agenda (ideally, anyhow). -mice \_ Who will you invade? The nuke was bought from a ukranian rogue! \_ I'm assuming that the point of of the exercise is to probe the 'liberal' stance of motd'ers, and show their hypocrisy or their naivete, using Iraq as the point of contention. This is an interesting question, though I don't like ilyas' socratic RP-scenario approach to ascertaining this. -mice \_ I think you are attributing more malice to my line of questioning than there is. I don't really know what we should do. I think it's more curiosity than anything else. If I am pointing out anything 'malicious' it's that the typical liberal response might not necessarily be politically tenable if something truly bad happens. -- ilyas \_ Eh, it's not malice; the presupposition that there's a 'typical liberal response' seems to give some measure of validation to my opinion that there's a measure of socraticalness in the conversation. I apologize if I it seemed I was accusing you of malicious intent; you just very seldom ask unloaded questions. So what, in your view, IS the 'typical liberal response'? -mice \_ Well, I gathered it's 'don't do anything other than gather intel and try to catch terrorists, just as we are trying to now.' -- ilyas \_ Honestly ilyas, if NYC really gets nuked, all bets are off and traditional politics probably goes out the window as the apocalypse begins. \_ Get into that underground nuke-proof bunker with Rice and Elaine. Lock everyone else out. What follows are left for your imagination. -- troll \_ Blame Bush. \_ Maybe it would be better if you asked a hypothetical question that had a non-zero chance of obtaining. \_ You think the probability of a nuclear terrorist attack on NYC is 0? -- ilyas \_ I don't think this is a liberal/conservative issue. Your question is too vague to give any particular answer. \_ You can attack this question on a lot of grounds, but not on vagueness. I gave a particular situation. NYC is a crater. You are the president. What is your policy? -- ilyas \_ Just for fun, here was the ilyas policy from an older motd post: "nuke the arab world". And in ilyas fantasy land, while the US is launching its nukes to wipe out all those muslim countries, no other country does anything. Iran doesn't nuke Isreal, India and Pakistan don't nuke each other, North Korea doesn't nuke either Japan or China, etc. The rest of the world happily sits on their hands and lets the US do all the nuking. -meyers \_ Meyers, I believe I made the _prediction_ that the US will mobilize and do a long term invasion of the Middle East as a response to a nuking of NYC. (http://csua.com/?entry=32820 This prediction was NOT my policy suggestion. Furthermore, I never either predicted a nuking, nor advocated a nuking myself, unless something like a GTNW was already in progress. You are pulling this out of your ass. (Certainly if US will have nukes going off everywhere, i.e. a 'free-for-all', then US will retaliate, but that's a rational response.) -- ilyas \_ Okay smart guy, what is *your* response? \_ Did you read this thread at all? \_ Yes, I read the entire thread. Ilyas has no answers, only criticisms. \_ I go on TV and make a rousing, determined, patriotic speech mobilizing the entire country to blindly support my domestic political agenda. I blame Bush for fucking up on the Bin Laden situation and overextending our troops, and having bad priorities w.r.t. Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Pakistan etc. We have to consider how a terrorist could actually acquire and detonate a city-destroying nuke in NYC, seems highly unlikely to me. I think it would be more likely that if they acquire one it would be in the Eurasian continent and they would perhaps target Israel. I would not nuke another country since it seems unlikely that a state will have any direct responsibility, and it would piss off the world with nuclear contamination and deaths of poor dumb peons somewhere in a symbolic act of rage. I suppose nuking Mecca and engaging Islam in a full-on apocalyptic shitfest would be what some rightists would call for. I would not do that. I would concentrate on Pakistan and Iran with intensity. I don't know much about Musharraf, but I would claim that an international security force is needed in Pakistan since it seems Al Qaeda is operating out of there. I would lobby other nations hard for military support in Iraq and other places, and use the threat of economic consequences if they fail to help... this must be done right after the attack while the moral mandate is on our side (but we wouldn't be publically hostile until after an ally publically shit in our face). until after an ally publically shit in our face). -moderate \_ You are not ilyas. \_ too much posting, too lazy to arrange properly. \_ If the US is nuked by AQ, then I think the solution would be marshall law in the US. We probably would round up every \_ Wataaaaa! vaguely Muslim or Middle-Eastern person and close the borders. Meanwhile, I would not be surprised if many allies did the same thing. Israel and the US would go on the offensive against the Muslim states (Syria, Egypt, Jordan, etc.) but I do think most of the changes would be here at home. |
2004/11/4 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34649 Activity:high |
11/3 So, which Supreme court decisions do you think will be overturned after Roe? I'm betting on Griswold, and perhaps maybe the big enchilada, Marbury vs. Madison: http://www.nv.cc.va.us/home/nvsageh/Hist121/Part3/Marbury.htm \_ not really funny \_ seriously, how many of you neocons on soda actually want Roe v Wade overturned? -nivra \_ none but the fact of the matter is that Bush is in the office and you bet your ass something's gonna give \_ RVW was the worst USSC decision ever. Further opened the door to judicial activism. It should be reversed merely on Constitutional merit, and abortion rights returned to states, where they preexisted. \_ BvBoE was the worst USSC decision ever. Further opened the door to judicial activism. It should be reversed merely on Constitutional merit, and racial segregation rights returned to states, where they preexisted. |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34610 Activity:kinda low |
11/3 Dear Mr. Osama Bin Laden, please continue your cause. Please don't target your friends in big cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, etc. Do please target ultra right Christian gun-owning rednecks in the red states like Ohio and Florida. Thank you. \_ And if you target Indiana, pretty-please spare Bloomington. The Demos won all but one of the county and city races last night. \_ I guess the end of the election hasn't made the trolls go away for even a second. \_ Hello? This is the motd? \_ How is this a troll? In 10+ years, when the orphaned Iraqi's grow up, what do you think the first thing on their mind is? Do you really think terriorism can be solved by killing more innocent people? Kill first, ask questions later? If BushCo wants to fuck the rest of the world as they pleases, then they have every right to strike us back however they can. And idiots who vote for Bush and think Bush will make them safer just don't see it. \_ That's why we have to round up and kill all of the Iraqi orphans! Duh! You liberals are too soft! |
2004/11/3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:34600 Activity:nil |
11/3 Any bets on the next senate minority leader? If they pick that son of a bitch Liebermann, I'm leaving the party for good. \_ Damn jew! \_ Reid, don't you know? \_ What's wrong with Liebermann? \_ He was one of the authors of the homeland security bill that created the DHS, is a big supporter of the patriot act, was part of the crusade to censor music and video games, is owned outright be the insurance industry, and is a total welfare whore for the ct. defense contractors. In the primaries the candidates were asked about how to deal with America's healthcare crisis. Everyone had some answer or another except him. His response was basically "I don't think the american people want to hear about that." Hell, even the republicans admit our healthcare system is fucked, they just disagree on how to fix it. When someone says it's just not a problem, that's far far worse. As a ct. resident, I particularly resent him because I've voted for him on a lesser-of-evils basis, but he continually represents the corporate interests of CT, rather than the people. \_ So, to sum up, he's the biggest liberal in the Senate. \_ huh? \_ Engage humor processor, read again. \_ Sorry. that part of my brain fused about 11 pm last night. I've got dual cooling fans on the rage processor, and had to shut down other auxiliary fucntions. |
2004/11/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34578 Activity:high 57%like:33227 |
11/2 There was no terrorist attack! |
2004/11/2 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34529 Activity:high |
11/2 Osama will bankrupt us, and the current administration will help: http://washingtontimes.com/upi-breaking/20041102-073358-8320r.htm \_ Cool, OBL is taking a page from the Reagan vs. Soviet play book. Go Osama! Go Kerry! \_ As if you current economics can even be affected like they were to such a backwards economy like the Soviet Union. \_ Why are you posting shit from that Moonie paper? Stop posting garbage links. \_ I have wondered at times if Bush is in fact controlled by an enemy of America, out to ruin us, such as the Chinese. |
2004/11/2 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34524 Activity:very high |
11/1 http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/11/01/binladen.tape/index.html You know I'm trying really hard to find some idiotic thing OBL said but actually he is not that dumb. Anyone feel this way? \_ Of course you can't find anything you disagree with. His latest video is from the DNC and Michael Moore talking points. When you find yourself in agreement with a psychotic like OBL you seriously need to take a step back and evaluate your own philosophies. \_ the caliphate is dead dead dead \_ What he said (this time) in and of itself is not idiotic. What he said (this time) in the context of being a sanctimonious, ruthlessly murdering prick representing an oppressive, twisted fundamentally defective ideology plumbs new, untold depths of politically opportunistic cretinism. Don't go there. -John \_ Anytime he mentions the 19 blessed martyrs or the pure soul of Mohammed Atta, he shows stupidity and evil. Don't forget about the planes and the ~ 3,000 innocents, especially the ones jumping from the tops of the buildings. \-i was once told this story: my uncle's car got a flat just outside the fence of a mental institutuion in michigan. as he was changing the tire, an inmate stood on the other side of the fence peering at him. at some point a car drove by an hit them hubcap on which the lugnuts were resting, scattering them into the vegetation making them impossible to find. my uncle just stood there in frustration, not knowing what to do, since he didnt have any spares. finally after a while, the inmate fellow spoke up and said, "you can take one lug off of the 3 other tires" ... my uncle was delighted at the solution and bit surprised at the source ... and delicatly raised the issue about his incarceration in the asylum, to which the fellow said in a deadpan, "i'm crazy, not stupid." \_ I mean stupid in the ultimate sense of stupidity of massive killing of innocents. I am not talking about technical, managerial, or inspirational skills. Osama == stupid. \- i think the "massive killing of innocents" is better characterized as "wrong" than "stupid". \_ Evil is fundamentally stupid. -- ilyas \_ "And now, Lone Star, you see why evil will always triumph over good: because good is dumb." Evil is not stupid, it is, well, evil. But why all the argumentation about semantics? The overall "wrong- ness" of certain individual goes beyond good or evil, into the area of "mad dog who should be put down", not out of any feelings of rancor, but on a purely rational basis (i.e. if he's allowed to live, he'll have another x,000 innocents killed.) But then again, I'm an elitist nazi, for what it's worth. -John \_ where's the hail german john guy? I see an opportunity here... \_ Yeah; I'm kind of worried, actually. I hope he's OK. This was a freebie... -John \_ hm still no sign of the hail john dude. John, what the hell did you do? Make death threats? \_ eh, you're probably right, but I was coming at it kind of from ilyas' angle. \_ which proves you're wrong |
2004/11/1 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34515 Activity:nil |
11/1 http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/33124.htm CA to be safe? \_ Based on a rather biased translation of UBL's speech. Cf. houris as grapes instead of maidens, and maiden instead of virgin in certain religious works. |
2004/10/30 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34455 Activity:moderate |
10/30 You know, after watching the Bin Laden video, I couldn't help it thinking... wow, he's a pretty calm, intelligent guy with a pretty clear message, unlike our Chimp in Chief who loses temper and can't even speak English and construct clear ideas. \_ You're nuts or a troll. OBL is a lunatic. \_ I don't think he's a lunatic in the sense of being a frothing at the mouth, raving mad kind of lunatic. I think he probably does have an understandable beef with the US, and he's not trying to be a terrorist just for the hell of it. Of course, his decision to take it as far as actively plotting to and then actually killing people is presumably what you think makes him a lunatic, but I think it's a rational and considered move, albeit one I disagree with. \_ I don't think it's rational in that it will ultimately prove counterproductive to his cause. Attacking the US historically had not proven itself to be a smart thing to do. -- ilyas \_ well the US gov historically does not negociate, period, leaving the poor ppl with no choice but to resort to terrorism. \_ US should negotiate with whom? For what? What do you mean 'no choice?' Are you trolling? -- ilyas \_ Well he wants Islamic theocracy and thinks the USA stands in the way of that (which it does). His methods are rational in that desiring to achieve his goals by force they're probably the only possibility. But his goals are insane and evil. |
2004/10/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34452 Activity:kinda low |
10/29 Bizarre. The media is in spin-overdrive, declaring the OBL tape a "big win for Bush." I don't get it. Please, someone explain this to me. \_ Is it TV you're watching? Which stations? \_ "The airing of a tape of Osama bin Laden capped a week of bad news for President Bush that threatened to derail his candidacy in the final days of the presidential election" --CBS \_ CNN is saying pretty much exactly the opposite, that the tape "completely wipes away the events of the last week." \_ Perhaps meaning that it supercedes it... it's a statement that says nothing about being good or bad for Bush. \_ NBC Nightly News: ""The Bin Laden tape has erased any momentum that John Kerry may have had during the past week". Go TV news! How can he even pretend to know that? \_ I think it's reasonable to expect that the release of the tape will change the dialog over the next couple of days; that's not the same as "erasing any momentum," since it could wind up being positive for Kerry. -tom |
2004/10/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/911, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:34447 Activity:moderate |
10/29 You know I actually agree with what Osama said. Our security is in our own hands, and while it may make some difference between who we pick as our leaders, our actions aboard is the direct consequence of why we suffered 911. And unless we fundamentally change the way we deal with the rest of the world, we will never be safe. Competition and survival of the fittest is good and all that, but we shouldn't take it to the extreme that the other side simply can't survive. If we want to be the world police, then we need to do so using a more \_ America, fuck yeah! balanced approach. \_ you may want to rethink your use of the word "consequence" \_ Why do you hate America? \_ I agree too. America's streets will run red with the blood of infidels, God willing. America has held the world under its merciless boot-heel for so long, it's too late for redemption. \_ The problem is that there's always someone feeling oppressed in the world, it doesn't matter how nice you are. There are also a lot of people who are just jealous and always want to "take down the big guy a peg or two." \_ Nobody hates Sweden, or the Swiss or the Dutch. It is possible to have material wealth without stomping on others. \_ Dude, people hate the swiss, even I know that. And, uh, the germans. -- ilyas \_ Why do you hate CERN? \_ These are very small countries. It is easy to maintain a high standard of living with such a small populace without pissing off too many people. |
2004/10/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34445 Activity:moderate |
10/29 Bin Laden speaks out right before the election. Is that going to help or hurt our great President of the United States? This can't help, but I'm not an pigfucking inbred moronic loser: "It appeared to him (Bush) that a little girl's talk about her goat and its butting was more important than the planes and their butting of the skyscrapers. That gave us three times the required time to carry out the operations, thank God," he said. \_ Hurts Dubya. He didn't nail Osama and Osama is laughing at him. \_ you guys realize that the Democrats are sheltering Bin Laden for the purpose of winning the election right? -conservative \_ How's that koolaid tonight? \_ Are you serious? Who is the "Commander in Chief" right now? \_ Bin Laden is taunting Bush, but also trying to persuade Americans to vote for Kerry. So the question is: Why would bin Laden want Kerry as President? \_ http://andrewsullivan.com But why release a tape just before the elections? The obvious impact will be to help Bush. Any reminder of the 9/11 attacks will provoke a national rallying to the commander-in-chief. The deep emotional bond so many of us formed with the president back then is Bush's strongest weapon in this election, and OBL has just revived it. The real October Surprise turned out not to be OBL's capture (sorry, Teresa!) but OBL's resilience. I have a feeling that this will tip the election decisively toward the incumbent. A few hours ago, I thought Kerry was headed for victory. Now I think the opposite. I also have a sinking feeling that that was entirely bin Laden's objective. \_ I don't think criticism of Bush is meant to help Bush win. How the heck do you draw that conclusion? \_ Let's see... "Any reminder of the 9/11 attacks will provoke a national rallying to the commander-in-chief. The deep emotional bond so many of us formed with the president back then is Bush's strongest weapon in this election, and OBL has just revived it." Just a random guess of Andrew Sullivan's thinking, of course. \_ There is a good rebuttal to this ridiculous line of thinking right on his own web site. \_ It's total bs-- up til now Bush could probably claim that Osama was buried in a cave somehow. It's not good for Kerry, but it's definitely bad for Bush. \_ He might be right, but Osama is pretty nuts, and his understanding of American phychology is sketchy at best. Who can tell what he's thinking? \_ Derka Derka Derka? \_ So much for the tin-foil-hat brigade saying we had him in custody and Bush was saving him for the Oct. surprise. \_ "Bin Laden" is a computer program in a pakistani movie studio. The kurds will release Bin Laden (in a daring US Army Raid) on monday. \_ There's still 3 days. |
2004/10/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:34442 Activity:nil |
10/29 Osama bin Laden: "It never occurred to us that the commander-in-chief of the country [Bush] would leave 50,000 citizens in the two towers to face those horrors alone ... because he thought listening to a child discussing her goats was more important. ... Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. ... To the U.S. people, my talk is to you about the best way to avoid another disaster. ... I tell you: security is an important element of human life and free people do not give up their security. ... If Bush says we hate freedom, let him tell us why we didn't attack Sweden, for example. It is known that those who hate freedom do not have dignified souls, like those of the 19 blessed ones ... We fought you because we are free ... and want to regain freedom for our nation. As you undermine our security we undermine yours." \_ it would be funny if osama came out with a tape blaming the wtc crashes on jews pilotting the planes filled with defenseless arabs. \_ Kerry using bin Laden to gain votes? \_ You partisan spinning must be topping 10k rpms. Take a step back and try to get some perspective here. \_ Uhhh....huh? \_ The very first sentence "It never occurred ...... was more important" sounds like Kerry. \_ This is a translation. Comparing speaking style in different languages is not easy. \_ Bush using fear to gain votes? \_ Is there a full or even partial transcript URL? I'd like to read the whole thing or at least as much as is out there. Or was this the whole thing? Thanks. \_ Isn't it great that Osama Bin Laden is irrefutably accepting responsibility for the attacks now that Muslims don't have to cling to that Jews-did-it conspiracy story anymore, since the whole world hates our guts anyways? \_ It was a Jewish actor masquerading as Osama. It's a devious plot to pin blame on Islam. |
2004/10/29 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34435 Activity:nil |
10/29 Go Drudge! Go Drudge #1 Fan! http://csua.org/u/9pw |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34420 Activity:moderate |
10/28 Any bets on whether the new "Al Qaeda" tape will prove to be real? \_ I don't think al-queda is as centralized as the administration says it is. they didn't start calling themselves "al-queda" until the gwbush administration started blamin everything on them. \_ It IS real. Authenticated by the CIA. Delivered in Pakistan. Professionally done. Speaker follows the news and is more articulate than Dubya. \_ Um... "But agency officials said they have not been able to authenticate the tape." http://csua.org/u/9pd (yahoo news) Also, who is leaking this shit to Drudge? \_ "The CIA and FBI have authenticated a new al Qaeda videotape" http://www.drudgereport.com/abct2.htm Well, that's where I got "authenticated" from, I guess. \_ Sure, a Drudge link. Heh. \_ Anyway, I guess the CIA hasn't authenticated it, but from all evidence so far it's real: http://ww.csmonitor.com/2004/1029/p06s01-wosc.html Of course, IMO, the guy is talking completely out of his ass. \_ In case you haven't noticed, pretty much all terrorists are totally nuts. Who but a nut job could you get to drive a car full of explosives someplace and BLOW HIMSELF UP? \_ "talking out of his ass" = making claims that he can't back up with actions \_ Oh, sorry. Does that make me a FOB? \_ 5 dollah sucky sucky! \_ that's not really a global definition. To "talk out of one's ass" generally means talking bullshit, usually in the sense of making stuff up as needed. Similarly, "he pulled that out of his ass" means he just made something up and passed it off as real. |
2004/10/28 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34410 Activity:low |
10/28 http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=206661 "No, my fellow countrymen you are guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. You are as guilty as Bush and Cheney. You're as guilty as Rumsfeld and Ashcroft and Powell ... After decades of American tyranny and oppression, now it's your turn to die. Allah willing, the streets of America will run red with blood matching drop for drop the blood of America's victims. ... People of America, I remind you of the weighty words of our leaders, Osama bin Laden and Dr. Ayman al-Zawahri, that what took place on Sept. 11 was but the opening salvo of the global war on America ... And that Allah willing, the magnitude and ferocity of what is coming your way will make you forget all about Sept. 11." \_ "And, again, I don't know where he [bin laden] is. I -- I'll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him." -GW \_ That's nice you quote only this part. Shows how honest you are. \_ "Azzam, who formerly worked for Haliburton, KBR, and Senior Presidential Advisor Karl Rove, says that this imminent attack should serve to underscore Vice President Dick Cheney's fearmongering." |
2004/10/26-27 [Reference/Military, Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34366 Activity:high |
10/26 Awesome. Children's puppet show encourages massacre. http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=41091 \_ I love You, You love me We'll murder the Zionist Enemy... \_ that's hilarious, sad it's true.. sheesh.. \_ If your livelihood was an olive grove, maybe you'd want to shoot the people ripping it out. \_ Oh please. Did you catch the palestinians were using the trees to hide rocket launchers? \_ I knew that, but the people firing rockets from olive groves are not the same people who live/work there. The Israeli Army's distinct lack of sympathy for innocent farmers is not exactly winning them friends. \_ And how would you suggest an army deal with this situation? Ask them to stop? \_ Look, if they feel the need to destroy an olive grove for security reasons, that's OK, but you need to pay them a fair-market price if you're going to take away their means of earning a living. From what I've heard they just send in the buldozers and say 'tough shit'. \_ Did you know that if the police destroy your property while pursuing a suspect, etc. they are not liable for damages? Sounds like you don't know much about established law. \_ From what you've heard? Still reading dailykos? Or is that the PLO website? \_ Wow, the governments on your planet must be really fucking cool. Could you kindly cite an actual example of any existing government compensating individuals (in this case non-citizens!) for property destroyed/seized for security reasons within a reasonable timeframe following the destruction/seizure? \_ The US Army routinely reimburses non-citizens for property damage incurred during training. I know this for a fact, since I saw it happen in Panama. -Vet \_ I am unaware of any police department deciding they are in the business of punishing people, that is a matter for our correctional system. \_ If the army flattened your house while persuing terrorists in this country, you would probably be reimbursed but it isn't guaranteed. If your property was being used to hide weapons and you didn't report it and the military destroyed your house, tough shit. \_ Actually, you probably wouldn't be reimbursed, even in the case where you were just an innocent bystander. \_ There's no need to speak hypothetically here. One word: Waco. \_ But they were religious nutters so they don't have any rights. Just because Reno could have had Koresh picked up in town when he made shopping trips, usually alone, twice a week. \_ yea, easy for you to say. report it, and the next day, you will be killed by those bastards for "collaborating with the enemy". |
2004/10/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:34307 Activity:very high |
10/23 http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/10/21/1440244 Interview with Robert Scheer, LA Times reporter, on a CIA report that was completed in May/June this year. "... what I reported was people who have knowledge of this saying they're stalling the report until after the election, so, it won't adversely affect Bush's chances ... And Porter Goss ... is the one who is currently stalling it. So, here is a study on what happened at 9/11 demanded in December of 2002 -- 2001 by Congress -- 2001 by Congress. An eleven-man committee at the C.I.A worked on that question for almost two years; and it hasn't been turned over. ... My understanding is that this report is explosive because it says the Bush administration was asleep at the wheel before 9/11 and it fixes responsibility on individuals quite high up, and that it says the administration covered up after 9/11 by not holding these people accountable. So there it is." \_ Yeah, yeah, yeah... and cruise missile diplomacy used by Clinton really worked. \_ It went something like: "Hey Dubya, I pissed off Osama by blowing up his base and almost getting him - you better watch out, he wants revenge. Dubya: Wut??!" \_ Translation, "That chick with the cum stained blue dress was out there trying to ruin my legacy, so I wagged the dog, destroyed an aspirin factory, killed a few camels, and whipped up a hornets nest. I never did jack about bin laden, never made a major effort to do anything about terrorism, never really did anything but try to create my legacy by forcing Israel into dealing with terrorists and we know how that worked out. The first WTC bombing, the Cole, the 2 African embassies, and the rest... it's a criminal issue for the FBI to arrest and prosecute individuals." \_ This is all true, which is why Clinton did NOT tell Bush "Terrorism will be your most important issue and watch Bin Laden" during the transition, which Bush promptly ignored since his neocons were busy planning an Iraq invasion. Isn't it funny how the same people who criticize Clinton for launching missiles at enemy terrorists who attacked our embassies and ships as "Wag the Dog" praise Bush for invading a country that did not attack us, totally wrecking our standing and reputation all over the world? \_ This post is odd. You're confused because people who criticize Clinton for not doing enough praise Bush for doing a lot? That's not confusing to me. \_ No, people criticize Clinton for doing something (Wag the Dog) and praise Bush for royally fucking everything up. \_ An apirin factory and a dead camel is doing something but wiping out thousands of terrorists is royally fucking everything up. I'm guessing you describe their actions and results in the opposite terms I do because you pray east a few times a day. I can't think of another reason why thousands of dead terrorists is bad and doing nothing is good. \_ Clinton could have wiped out Bin Laden & the entire royal family of UAE in one shot ... He chose not to create a diplomatic disaster, plus his hands were tied. Bush, thanks to 9/11, has way more options open to him than Clinton, but he ends up invading a country which has little to do with 9/11, islamic fundamentalism, funding/harboring Al Queda, etc. That's what royally fucking up means. Plus, anti-Americanism is at an alltime high in Islamic countries, you can be sure that whatever number of terrorists Bush has killed, 3X replacements have been recruited since Bush is Bin Laden's poster boy for new terrorists. It probably doesn't bother you that thousands of innocent lives have been lost in the Iraq war either, since all brown people are terrorists anyhow. \_ Clinton: Tried to get bin Laden after he killed hundreds in two embassies, almost got him, even with Monica on his cock. \_That's nice you forgot to write Sudan offered him and Clinton turned it down. \_ Wrong. Sudan was begging the Clinton admin to take him and did so at least three times that we know of publicly but Clinton didn't because they decided they didn't have the legal authority to do so. They should have asked Al Gore who would have told them there is no over riding legal authority on such matters. \_ How is that essentially wrong? Clinton didnt see what we did to Noreiga? U.S. can damn well arrest anyone we please! \_ They hate us because of our freedom! \_ This is just a bald faced lie. http://prisonplanet.com/sudan_offered_to_arrest_bin_laden.html Stop getting your "information" from Right Wing propaganda sites. Dubya: Ignored fact that bin Laden wanted revenge after we blew up his base and almost killed him. Let bin Laden get away, attacked Iraq instead. \_ That's nice you forgot to include the part about why the base was blown up. \_ The base was blown up because bin Laden was responsible for attacking two U.S. embassies, killing hundreds, and because Bill had information that bin Laden was at one of the target sites at that very moment \_ Almost killed him? Bullshit. Let him get away? Is this the Tora Bora lie? \_ We were moving troops out of Afghanistan and into Iraq. Tommy Franks expressed displeasure with this, but made do with what he had, and bin Laden got away. "Almost killed him": http://www.iwpr.net/index.pl?archive/rca/rca_200111_88_2_eng.txt (this was pretty well known back then, but I guess you've been drinking the Konservative Kool-Aid a bit too much) |
2004/10/19 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34225 Activity:high |
10/19 So in my completely uninformed opinion, October 31 is the best time for a terrorist attack, successful or not. Soft targets. Have phun. \_ bullshit. I predict that, unless Bush's poll numbers drastically improve, we'll see a vague threat from tom "political whore" ridge for halloween, though. every dingbat soccer mom will make their kid stay home and think about al queda instead of tricker treating, and nothing will happen. \_ I hope you're right. Basically, if there is no attack, we win (for that round at least). I do agree that a security announcement is virtually assured - since if the President's people say nothing and something blows up, they'll look like idiots again. Better to say something and not have anything happen and imply that's because you were taking care of things. -op \_ My current favorite scenario is the "Bush parachutes into Baghdad on eve of election to get photo-op with troops" angle. \_ If you go trick-or-treating, the terrorists will have won. \_ This is a war of cultures. The pagan terrorists and their activist trick-or-treaters are trying to undermine strong Christian American values. \_ Trick or treating died years ago. We buy 2 bags of candy each year and leave the lights on, the traditional invitation, and I end up eating 1.5 bags of candy every year. The same is true at all my friend's houses both here and in other states. \_ You must live in a crappy area where people don't know their neighbors. I bet I'll run out of the 3 large bags of candy I bought, just like last year and the year before that. \_ Yes I do and so do all my friends. Nonsense. Your 3 large bags is nothing compared to the 15+ bags we shelled out every year when I was a kid and then we gave out pennies and other small change until we had nothing left and they still kept coming. 3 bags? Whatever..... Trick or treating is dead because all the moms are afraid their kids will eat razors, drugs, and poison. This goes back about 20 years. 3 bags? I'm still shaking my head on that one..... \_ I don't think they worry about the candy (razors etc.). They worry about bad people out there at night. When I was a kid we just went around on our own. Now I always see some worried parent hovering just behind the kids. Or they go to some well-lighted mall or something. Pussies, the lot of 'em! \_ It can really vary a lot. My mom used to get like 2-3 small groups of kids, but last year it seems a bunch of kids moved into the neighborhood and she went through 2 big bags. \_ Come Oct 31, there will not be any terrorist attack. Terrorists know that if the conservatives win, the US will do whatever it takes to fit their conservative foreign policy agendas. Terrorists are not dumb, they know this, and they will not attack. Instead, there will be a lot of vague warnings from the Homeland Security Dept. on possible attacks, and a lot of heightened alerts from the Sinclair/Fox network scaring people into thinking that there will be a major attack. Fear--> wanting a big safe powerful government. It worked before, it will work again. -election oracle \_ What about a Republican sponsored "terrorist" attack? They have done some pretty crappy stuff (secret Paris negotiation with the Vietnamese, Iran-Contra) in the past to win elections, why not this year, when the stakes are even higher? \_ Yes! Yes! And the JEWS will help them! And who says the terrorists even exist? Only FOX News! Dubya and his JEW cronies blew up everything on 9/11 and would've got more if it wasn't for the brave few people on the 4th plane. How do we know they were Saudis? How do we know bin Laden even exists or if he does (unlikely) that he isn't a Dubya agent? We've all known for years that Dubya and his JEW allies in Israel are just trying to establish the Zionist Occupation Government! Iraq was just the a practice session for when they take over German, France, Russia, Spain, North Korea, Syria, and all other good and free and liberal minded places! We must strike first! We must protect liberty! Let everyone know Dubya is in cahoots with the JEWS! \_ Wow, you're really a stupid Jew. |
2004/10/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34138 Activity:high |
10/14 Green Zone Cafe blows up. Terrorists win! (shorter timer this time) \_ Terrorist win, you die. \_ One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. \_ Yermom, though, will always be a slut. |
2004/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:34094 Activity:very high |
10/13 Does the president get "patted down" or have to walk through a metal detector anywhere he goes here in America? \_ That's no sock in the President's flight suit! \_ "What do you think?" because that's a really dumb question. What, he's going to carry a bomb on an airplane and blow himself up? They need to protect Dick Cheney from him? Can you think of a single scenario in which he would need to be patted down? \_ Actually, Bush needs to be protected from Cheney, as do we all: http://www.theonion.com/news/index.php?issue=4041 \_ This argument is just plain stupid. By this reasoning, then we shouldn't pat anyone down at the airport. \_ Are you really this fuck-stupid? \_ He's not, but you are apparently. \_ Please. He's extrapolating a conclusion based on the absurdly false premise that the office of the president is somehow logically equivalent to everyone else. This is categorically untrue, and your inability to see this only confirms my first opinion: that you're fuck-stupid. \_ actually you are. \_ no... YOU are \_ wdyha? \_ wdYha??? \_ ED! \_ BUD DAY! \_ You're dumb. \_ Am I? OK, give me one good reason to pat down the president. \_ If it's because you/others believe he's more moral than us or because he more than anyone should know not to break a law, that's nonsense because neither he (nor any other person) is. if it's because he's constantly surrounded by secret service officers, then fine, that makes more sense. \_ Dude. Seriously. 1) he's a republican. 2) he's texan. \_ He loses the election and wants to take congress with him, are you really this stupid? \_ Now _that's_ a Ludlum premise if I've ever heard one: "Silence gripped the Senate as the ousted President lifted the ticking device above his head. 'My God!' someone suddenly cried, 'the President has a bomb!'" \_ Why doesn't everyone stop name-calling and just attach explanations with their responses. Are we in 3rd-grade still? \_ dood UR teh gay \_ Excellent question to ask. If he gets special treatments, then maybe a terrorist could hire a Bush double, have him board airforce one, then have him hijack the plane to crash into the Bush mansion. \_ How do we know he hasn't already been replaced by a double? \_ Because a double would have a noticeable bulge on his back where the battery pack goes. |
2004/10/13 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:34086 Activity:high |
10/13 GITMO: Terrorist U? link:csua.org/u/9g4 (SJ Mercury News) \_ "It was not clear why U.S. authorities released Mehsud. After he returned to his tribal homeland in South Waziristan, he became a rebel leader and has opposed Pakistani forces that are hunting Al-Qaida fighters in the semiautonomous area." Now why is this a surprise? If I've been detained by some country for 2 years, you'll bet your ass when I am freed, I will do all I can do get even. \_ Thank you for spelling it out. -op |
2004/10/12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Recreation/Food] UID:34051 Activity:high |
10/12 What is the wisdom of blowing up an unoccupied restaurant that is used as a terrorist meeting place? Why not raid the restaurant on the ground while it is actually being used? I doubt the terrorists are saying: "Damn! They blew up the restaurant. Now we're screwed." They'll just meet somewhere else. This is stupid. \_ 1. Hope they get people when they are in the place. 2. Hope other shop owners will care more and not let them meet at their places. 3. Terrah! 9/11! \_ Wouldn't it make more sense to stake it out and actually catch the guys? \_ Of course not. Blowing up the place intimidates shopkeepers and has almost no risk of casualties. \_ What about, I dunno, actually catching/killing some terrorists? |
2004/10/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:34040 Activity:moderate |
10/11 I-Team investigation uncovers voter registration fraud http://csua.org/u/9f9 Hundreds of completed voter registration cards found stashed in car http://www.kstptv5.com/article/stories/s3189.html Election boards overwhelmed http://cleveland.com/news/plaindealer/index.ssf?/base/news/1096191056165960.xml \_ MOTD readers underwhelmed |
2004/10/8 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33978 Activity:high |
10/7 If Bin Laden were found in the next week or so, do you think the election would favor one party or another? \_ Yes. Dubya. Duh. \_ W. might just be delaying a Bin Laden capture in time for the elections. At the very least, an early capture of B.L. might have kept W. from invading Iraq. \_ I worried for a while that this was a possibility... but if they were going to pull this rabbit out of the hat, don't you think they would have dont it already? Seems too late at this point to not appear calculated \_ If Pakistan can pick him up, basically anytime, then maybe they can "bargain/extort" more for producing B.L. for W. than whatever was agreed to before. \_ I think you need more tin foil in your hat. \_ Think reagan/carter/hostages... \_ Think "I'm an idiot" you moron. |
2004/10/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:33972 Activity:high |
10/7 I notice on wall people are discussing the idea that Guantanamo interrogations "have not prevented a single terrorist attack". Here's the source article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/guantanamo/story/0,13743,1318702,00.html \_ People on wall don't discuss. They just echo each other and say "w00t!". \_ Then add to the discussion. Anonymous Coward. -scotsman \_ This is what wall reminds me of: http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame69.html -- ilyas \_ http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame88.html \_ Whoa. It's aaron with a fro! \_ I hate Oliver Stone. --aaron \_ I find it amusing that the only thing aaron could find to counter the caricature of himself was that he does not like Oliver Stone. Way to go aaron! You are not a 1-d stereotype! You are a HUMAN BEING! \_ Congratulations! You got the joke! --aaron \_ Congratulations! You are a cardboard cutout! It's not a joke, it's depressing. \_ Anonymous insults sure are noble. \_ Anonymous insults sure are noble. \_ Anonymous insults sure are noble. (it's time someone stepped in to terminate the recursion). -- ilyas \_ Actually, insulting an anonymous person anonymously is perfectly symmetrical. Slightly silly perhaps, but no harm done. Insulting someone by name is defamatory. Do you really not understand this? \_ Wow! You got the point of the comment! Good for you! Now maybe you can work on using silverware without a bib! \_ even Conan the Barbarian? \_ Okay, I hate Oliver Stone except for Conan \_ What about Wall Street? do you hate that? \_ w00t! pwn3d! |
2004/10/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33926 Activity:moderate |
10/5 Truth: "To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links the two [al Qaeda and Saddam] ... I have seen the answer to that question migrate in the intelligence community over a period of a year in the most amazing way ... Second, there are differences in the intelligence community as to what the relationship was" - Rumsfeld, Monday afternoon Dubya's truth: "A question I answered today ... regrettably was misunderstood ... I have acknowledged since September 2002 that there were ties between Al-Qaeda and Iraq" - Rumsfeld, Monday night, via web site \_ Yoo-hoo, hello? Bush defenders, where are you now? Neo-cons? \_ There are no "neo-cons" on the motd. It's a mde up term of the left to make a word that sounds like "neo-nazi". Get over it. No one is eating that bait. |
2004/10/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:33901 Activity:moderate |
10/4 here's a pretty good reason to not re elect gwbush, his administration's efforts to outsource torture to other countries. http://csua.org/u/9b4 \_ Oh no! The horror! Humans hurting other humans! We should rewrite our genetic code to stamp it out and live off the land. \_ gave me a good chuckle \_ Or a good reason TO re-elect him, depending on your POV. \_ true. too bad i have to share the country with psychos. \_ Republican: evil/stupid, Democrat: good/smart. \_ WDYHA? \_ If you think it is a GOOD reason, you should ask yourself why we should outsource rather than doing it in house. Outsourcing is unamerican! |
2004/10/1 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33878 Activity:moderate |
10/1 fuck you narrow minded liberals who have to resort to selectively nuking when you can't make intelligent counter arguments. Expect more mass deletion from now on. \_ I can counter-argue anything you'd like, but if you ask me to debate 20 points with you, I'll just give you the finger. FWIW I did not nuke your "debate". -dgies \_ why don't we outsource the nuking of motd the same way GWB outsourced killing bin Laden to Afghan warlords? \_ You mean they'll ask for lots of $100 bills and then let the motd escape? |
2004/9/30-10/1 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33848 Activity:moderate |
9/30 Republicans trying to pull a "Florida" in Ohio: http://act04.org/paperstock \_ How? No one pulled a "Florida" in the first place except the lawyers after the fact. \_ Um, bogus felons lists being used to prevent blacks from voting. \_ Um, didn't happen. http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/kirsanow200310150822.asp If you don't believe his analysis, follow the link the the actual investigation. \_ ...are you for real? \_ Yes, I am. And I read the report. Did you? \_ Yes, I did, and I see a system that failed to accomplish its goals. \_ That article is from the guy who wrote the dissent of the US Election Commission Report. In other words, he was in the minority in his opinion. The majority disagreed with him. \_ Did you read his dissent? Did you read the facts he presented in it? \_http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/ch2.htm Facts are such stubborn things. He claims no one was disenfrachised. The commission found at least 78. I read his "dissent." It was nothing more than a partisan rant, just like that article. \_ "The majority of those witnesses who experienced problems and who came before the Commission testified that they were ultimately able to cast their vote, despite the problems they described; a few were not. A chief flaw in the majority report, however, is that it generally fails to distinguish between problems of mere inconvenience, difficulties caused by bureaucratic inefficiencies, and incidents of potential discrimination. In this way, the complaint from the white male voter whose shoes were muddied on the path to his polling place is accorded the same degree of seriousness as the case of the seeing-impaired voter who required.but was denied.assistance in reading the ballot, or the African American voter who claimed she was turned away from the polls at closing time while a white man was not." \_ The dissent was written by Thernstrom and Redenbaugh. The article was written by Kirsanow. \_ Sorry, got that wrong. \_ truck in illegals, raise the dead to vote, democrats are hypocrites. \_ You can't possibly be comparing election fraud with wholesale voter disenfranchisement based on race. \_ So you think Democrats having the dead vote is ok? If it was Repuiblicans who raised the dead every 4 years you'd be the first raising hell about it. \_ Since "wholesale voter disenfranchisement based on race" didn't happen... \_ http://www.usccr.gov/pubs/vote2000/report/ch5.htm \_ This was based on felonies (not race), and whites were twice as likely to be incorrectly put on the list. \_ Uhm, you do realize that whites outnumber blacks by more than a factor of 2x, yes? \_ Lies, damned lies, and statistics. Yes? |
2004/9/20 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33645 Activity:moderate |
9/20 http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/20/eveningnews/main644664.shtml Burkett: "I also insisted when I sat down with your staff in the first face-to-face session, before I gave up any documents, I wanted to know what you were gonna do with them. And I insisted they be authenticated." The failure of CBS News to do just that, to properly, fully scrutinize the documents and their source, led to our airing the documents when we should not have done so. It was a mistake. CBS News deeply regrets it. \_ Then how come Burkett didn't provide CBS the original doc to be authenticated? \_ It's their fault for not insisting on it if they didn't get it. They aren't babies. They are adults with a professional responsibility to the public and special Constitutional protections. \_ The failure of CBS News to do just that ... \_ What a complete disgrace. The democrats and their media sycophants have sunk so low. sycophants have sunk so low. Their behavior completely vindicates Zell Miller. \_ wherefore art thou trollio? \_ "Uh! It says a bad thing about my media whores! You must be an evil trooooolll!!! No content reply required!" \_ so you're saying you aren't a troll? If you meant every word of what you wrote, then more power to you. |
2004/9/15 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:33545 Activity:very high |
9/15 Emmanuel Goldstein at the RNC: http://www.2600.com/rnc2004 \_ Yeah! Civil disobedience! What? You mean I might get arrested for breaking the law?!? NO FAIR MAN! \_ No, you get arrested for not breaking the law. Do you seriously support jailing people for their political beliefs? \_ No, I support people being arrested for breaking the law though. I just pointing out that it's really amusing how protesters always seem to think that civil disobediance should be legal. I'm not saying that that's what everyone in New York was doing, but it's obvious even from this report that a lot of "civil disobediance" was going on. \_ Goldstein was not breaking any laws. Did you read the link? \_ What site did you read? It sounds to me like a whole bunch of people just got rounded up on the street and arrested for no reason. Certainly *some* of them were breaking the law, but to just arrest everyone when most are being peaceful and law-abiding is political repression, plain and simple. \_ Well, we're only getting one side of the story. If the NYPD arrested people without charging them, then that's a tort case for illegal imprisonment. One would have to read the charges to get a clearer picture. I wonder what the total number of protestors was, the percentage arrested was probably very small. \_ So you don't see anything vaguely... oppressive about mass roundups and incarceration of people in order to arrest a few scattered people? \_ Interesting, you assume that one side of the story is valid without having heard the other. Since neither you nor I (and please correct me if I'm wrong) have all the facts pertaining to the incident you presuppose that mass oppression has occurred. I suppose it depends on your definition of oppression. If incarceration is simply oppression then all people incarcerated, whether guilty or not, are oppressed. Being detained can definitely be viewed as a type of oppression. However, if you are trying to infer from that that we are living in an oppressive society then I believe that your argument is rather weak. Sure, there is oppression in the criminal justice system. I'm not quite sure how you could have it any other way. At least we don't guillotine people on the spot and afford them the right to due process and a right to seek damages through torts from the government. \_ You may wish to consult Amendment I, regarding "freedom of assembly." [restored] \_ Yer gonna need a permit for that. -troll \_ nah, it didn't happen to supporters of the President so no one cares. There were no terrorist incidents, either, so it must have been a good policy. Be proud of NY City's finest! -troll \_ This happens all the time in SF. Last time it did, The City had to pay out $10k to each person illegally incarcerated. I expect NYC to end up doing the same thing. Municipalities probably consider it money well spent. I consider it a violation of civil liberties. |
2004/9/14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Military] UID:33523 Activity:nil |
9/14 I like this quote from the dailycal (About the assualt weapon ban: "The 10-year-old law, a major achievement of Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., outlawed the types of weapons used in the 2000 Columbine High School shooting." 2000 < 10 years ago... http://dailycal.org/article.php?id=16091 \_ were the weapons used in the columbine high school shootings legally obtained or not? \_ Or... maybe they were >10 years old. \_ Next on CNN: Sen. Feinstein (D) proposes to prevent another 9/11-style terrorist attack by outlawing airplanes. \_ When airplanes are outlawed, only outlaws will have airplanes. \_ We should get right to the heart of the matter and outlaw all criminal behavior. Then only criminals will commit crimes. \_ Are you trying to suggest the ban is a bad idea because it did not prevent all of the banned weapons from being used? People are still being murdered, maybe we should repeal murder laws. \_ It's kind of like stopping terrorism. You don't really notice how many terrorist acts have been preempted from happening. Similarly, you don't notice how many Columbine like incidents have been prevented by the "assault" weapon ban. \_ it's like sysadm. You don't know how good the sysadms are until your machines crash. -underappreciated sysadm \_ The pubbies are letting the assault weapons ban lapse so that AMERICANS CAN LOAD UP ON ASSAULT WEAPONS TO DEFEND AMERIKKKA!!! "If America shows uncertainty and weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy." -GW Bush (nevermind you will need to go out of CA state to get some ...) |
2004/9/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33504 Activity:high |
9/13 Won't a terrorist attack backfire? It may unite the country behind the current administration \_ i'd rather vote Kerry and let the United Nations take care of us \_ Poster is incredibly stupid. \_ but it will make Osama look /<-rad! \_ If Osama and co had an opinion, they would WANT 4 more years of Bush. "The one indespensible ally for Osama bin Laden is US Foreign policy." From _Imperial Hubris_. \_ Yes. Things have gone so well for Al Qaeda since 9/11. \_ Have you been asleep? Sure, they lost an ally in the Taliban, but they now have unrivalled support in Iraq, they're making headway back into Afghanistan, and they're swamped with new recruits. Oh, and the US pulled out of Saudi Arabia. Things are looking pretty sweet for AQ these days. \_ Read the 9/11 report. AQ is no longer an organization as such, but a philosophy and an inspiration. We are k-screwed, even if we do kill Bin Ladin. |
2004/9/13 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33490 Activity:kinda low |
9/13 The 4 Stages of 9-11: Democrat v. Republican http://www.ucomics.com/tedrall/2004/09/11 \_ The four stages of Ted Rall. 1) I am so smart 2) Pubbies are so stupid 3) I draw great art 4) Profit!!! \_ I challenge you on 3). \_ http://www.explodingdog.com \_ My O'Reilly-watching younger brother actually mirrors the Republican caricature pretty well. When I showed him the http://drudgereport.com video of the reporter blowing up, he said: "Is he from al-Jazeera? Good!" He routinely makes "kill all of them" statements. -op |
2004/9/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33472 Activity:very high |
9/11 Happy 9/11 Anniversary! Or, maybe not so happy, I don't know... \_ \ "I want justice. And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.'" [President Bush, on Osama Bin Laden, 09/17/01] "I don't know where he is.You know, I just don't spend that much time on him... I truly am not that concerned about him." [President Bush, Press Conference, 3/13/02] \_ I am glad you like to edit his speeches because he is so difficult to understand. \_ You do realize his sentiments simply reflected pretty much that of the American public, at the time. Taking quotes out of context won't make a bush voter vote kerry. |
2004/9/10 [Transportation/Car, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33455 Activity:high |
9/10 I guess we are learning from Britain... http://abclocal.go.com/wls/news/090904_ap_ns_camera.html \_ For all Americans who've not yet visited the UK (it's worst in London) and who can't imagine why massive CCTV surveillance is a bad thing: -It hasn't cut down on violent crime (in fact, the various face recognition trials conducted in the UK failed to snag a single suspect) -It's leading to suggestions of even further surveillance (such as satellite monitoring of car "black boxes" by the police, or even the ability to shut down a vehicle remotely if it's speeding) -Most cameras are connected to their equivalent of the DMV which will have a ticket printed and in the mail, fully automatic, within seconds of nailing you -Fantastic amounts of CCTV footage, supposedly kept confidential under "trust us"-type privacy legislation, finds its way into sensationalist TV shows not even worthy of fox (like people having sex in their car, with voiceovers from the cops watching and making fun of them.) In short, be very very very afraid. -John \_ More taxes, less effectiveness! w00t! |
2004/9/9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic] UID:33443 Activity:high |
9/9 Islamic militants attack Austrailian Embassy in Indonesia. As usual, they kill a whole lot of innocent civilians, and not one Australian. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=6195871 \_ It is erroneous to write "as usual ... and not one Australian". cf. Bali bombing. "oooohhh ....!" |
2004/9/9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:33428 Activity:very high |
9/8 So after the happy siege, the russians are now saying they will launch preemptive strikes against terrorist bases anywhere in the world. Interesting, that. -- ilyas \_ Their big terrorist problem is right there and always has been: Chechnya. Putin said he would solve Chechnya five years ago. All he is doing now is trying to look like he's in control; there's no new policy as far as I can tell. \_ Well, I ll give them a year or five. If the russians are serious, I look forward to the world's reaction to russian 'unilateralism' with great amusement. -- ilyas I'll look forward to the world's reaction to russian 'unilateralism' with great amusement. -- ilyas \_ The UN has already washed its hands of the Chechnya problem, so don't expect any 'unilateralism' comments on activities in Chechnya. The Iraq problem, OTOH, was being handled by an international coalition. The US decided to break with that coalition and the policy of containment. Hence the term 'unilateral.' Ilya, you're smarter than this. Are you just bored? \_ I am sorry, did you miss what russia actually said? Preemptive strikes against bases _anywhere on earth_. Not strikes in Chechnya which is old news, and no one cares. At this point, the rhetoric itself is amusing me to no end, since it's, you know, American rhetoric. On a slightly unrelated note, comments like 'Ilya, you're smarter than this' are the flip side of the coin with 'You are an idiot' printed on the front. It's a bland tom holubesque insult slightly sugar coated. You need to work on your habit of going after the man reflexively as a conclusion to anything. I mean this is the motd so it's ok, but in real life people will sort of stare at you. -- ilyas \_ Putin == Strong Soviet Leader! Americans are with the Chechen terrorists, just like supporting the Afghanistan insurgents! \_ Containment? In what way was the Oil For Stuff program containing anything? Who was doing this containment? France, Germany, and Russia all had multi-billion dollar deals with Hussein. They sure as hell weren't helping to contain anything. Are you talking about Guam or something? \_ Containing Saddam from being a threat to his neighbors, and to us from the possibility of his giving WMDs to terrorists. Bush incorrectly concluded he had WMDs because the CIA is supposed to be smarter than him and he thought that was fine. The world was still looking at a highly circumstantial American case. And Saddam was not a threat to his neighbors. Are you a total ignoramus? \_ http://www.counterpunch.org/leopold06272003.html Both the CIA and The State Dept said we had him contained just fine. \_ Apparently the CIA's opinion changed after 9/11. They didn't want Saddam on TV saying, "Take that stupid Americans" and the CIA not having said anything. \_ "And frankly [the sanctions] have worked. He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors. So in effect, our policies have strengthened the security of the neighbors of Iraq..." -- Secretary Powell, 24 Feb 2001 ... So containment was working until 9/11 at which point Bush had an excuse to invade Iraq. \_ Dubya wasn't listening to Powell after 9/11. He was listening to the CIA, "no doubt" Cheney, and "slam-dunk" Tenet. \_ And you expected dramatic action a week later? A week later the US was still looking for a target and making speeches. \_ Listen, dufus: The U.S. had an obvious enemy in Afghanistan, and had not done anything yet. Russia has been stomping all over Chechnya for the last five years and more. \_ It is quite understandable that Russians would use this siege as an excuse to go after Chechens with links to sesessionalists in as an excuse to go after Chechen sesessionalist leaders living in other countries. A number of Chechen leaders have received political assylum in Europe and Middle east. They might or might not be linked to Chechen terrorism. They all deny charges of terrorism but Russia claims they all have links to terrorists and demands their extradictions. No credible evidence of terrorist links has been extraditions. No credible evidence of terrorist links has been presented so far and the Russian requests have been frowned upon. A few months ago, a Chechen ex-president who was living in Qatar was assassinated. Qatari intelligence services with the help of CIA quickly traced the assassination to the Russian special services. Two russian agents have been convicted and sentensed to life in prison in Qatar. Russians tried denying any involvment but the evidence was overwhelming. What Russians are now saying is that what happened in Beslan gives them a moral right to go after Chechen leaders living in other countries. Europeans aren't buying this argument. \_ Will the Europeans bring it to the UN when their people start getting blown up on a regular basis? Or just knuckle under and elect socialists like Spain who will turtle them up until it's too late? The Islamic world has been fighting against the west for a thousand years. They still are. It is only now that some Western nations have come to realise this. \_ Which I guess goes to show how bad the Islamic World is at warfare these days. \_ http://strange.timetrip.net/?entry=throwrocks -John \_ Would you mind giving a summary of this? I don't like to watch videos at work. \_ It's about 20 seconds long. Sight-gag, largely. \_ A thousand years? The Islamic world? Using the same broad generalizations that fuel statements like those, the Poles are part of an economic powerhouse and empire that has been enslaving and exploiting the third world for 500 years, and Laos is part of a technological revolution. \_ The Poles don't make speeches to this day about how they will be retaking Spain. \_ When the Europeans start being blown up, then the right thing to do would be to go after the terrorists and I am sure they well. But my point was that it generally appears that Russia is pursuing its own political goals by going after the Chechen leadership in exile. For example, when Russia presented the "evidence" that Aslan Maskhadov's representative, Ahmed Zakaev, is a terrorist, the British laughed so hard that they gave him a political assylum. \_ So it is ok for EU to sit back until they're getting blown up, too? Then going after terrorists will be ok? The British have opened the doors and provided legal protection to all sorts of vicious evil human garbage. The Brits giving asylum to someone means little. \_ That's the whole point. The Europeans are not getting blown up, nor will they be, because they are no longer imperialists nor do they support Isreal unblinkingly. America still cannot admit to itself that these attacks are the inevitable results of imperial policies. |
2004/9/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:33363 Activity:very high |
9/5 They Knifed Babies, They Raped Girls It should be pointed out that Beslan is a small Christian enclave among a Muslim population. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1208007/posts \_ And the Russians raped and killed Chechens, a small Muslim enclave ruled by a Christian population. Right? \_ No, the Russians didn't rape anyone. Killing is what happens in war. \_ Well, the Russians have never been famous for their | kinder, gentler military. (Well, unlesss you're | comparing to the imperialist Japanese) But they probably | weren't so systematic about it. Sigh. Do I really have to dig up links? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/2618021.stm http://www.torturecare.org.uk/news/newsRelease04-15-04.php http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,820261,00.html Russian rapes are widely reported, although often without direct proof, but do we have direct proof of this "They Raped Girls" allegation? \_ I don't ever recall the Russians taking a school and shooting 200 children in the back, do you? \_ Maybe, but they blew up entire villages and so forth. Why split hairs? Fact is the Russians have no justification for being there. It's left over from old Russian imperialism. If the Russians wipe out a village it's fine, but some terrorists take over a school it's unthinkable brutality. \_ Look, no one disputes that what the hostage-takers did at the school was dispicable. I think what the pp is trying to point out, though, is that they didn't do it just because they were bored and felt like being evil. To prevent this sort of thing from happening again, you need to understand why it happened in the first place. If you adopt the "all Muslims are evil" posture of these freeper idiots, then there is no hope. \_ It happened because some people *are* evil. This was it. No one said all muslims are evil. To prevent this sort of thing from happening again, you need to understand that some people *are* evil, they mut be found, they must be killed before they commit more acts of evil. You're strawmanning with the all muslims are evil line. \_ "If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" - Alexander Solzhenitsyn \_ Hey, I hear ya. There are people who are just born evil, and there's nothing you can do about it. But I don't think comparing these guys to Son-of-Sam/Zodiac Killer types is entirely correct. Some people are born evil, some people aspire to evilness, and some people have evilness thrust upon them. In which group are these guys? As for "all Muslims are evil", did you read the entire text of the link you posted?: "And to anyone who is appalled at the prospect of killing "innocent" Chechens, these scum didn't grow up in a vacuum. They were raised to be fiends by other fiends. It's us or them." "If the muslims will not police their own, make Mecca Melt." If you want, I can pull even more egregious examples out the freeper bunghole. \_ Woah! You mean people sometimes post stupid crap on Internet message boards? No Way! \_ Dude, don't be fatuous. You posted a freeper link, and I made a comment on the content of that link. You then accused me ok creating a strawman argument, and I then posted evidence that I was responding to statements in the link you posted, and now I am somehow to blame for you posting a dumb-ass freeper link? Sheesh. \_ A) I'm not the same guy. B) Perhaps he was trying to link to the article, not to what a bunch of freepers SAID about the article. \_ watch how easy it is to link to the article without linking to freeper noise: http://csua.org/u/8xo [mirror.co.uk] that took me all of about 10 seconds. \_ http://www.filibustercartoons.com \_ It is not surprising that this attack happened in Beslan and not elsewhere. There have been always attacks on Ossetia throughout 90s and 2000s but most didn't seem to be worthy of coverage to the western media (those were mostly explosions on the markers, etc). It is quite possible that this time the terrorists were intending to instigate ethnic strife in all of Northern Caucasus. Many Ossets are already talking about revenge on the Chechen and Ingush peoples living in their republic. Beslan is the third largest city of the autonomous republic of Northern Ossetia. Here are some facts that put Ossets at odds with the Chechens: 1. Ossets are predominantly Christian (although there is a small muslim minority among Ossets, mostly living around the town called Digora). 2. Ossets are probably the most pro-Russian people on the Northern Caucasus. While they are very proud of their Ossetic identity, they are also very proud to have been part of USSR and now Russia. (BTW, they are also very proud of the well-known fact that Stalin's true father was an Ossetian from South Ossetian part of Georgia). In addition Russians seem to favor Ossets in their territorial conflicts with the neighboring Ingushetia and Georgia. 3. In the early 90s, Ossets have been involved in a short lived but very violent territorial conflict with the neighboring republic of Ingushetia. Ingush were demanding the return of the territories that were taken away from them by Stalin after WW2 for sympathizing with Germans. During the conflict Ossets succeeded in ethnically cleansing their territories from the Ingush who have moved in after they were rehabilitated after Stalin's death. Nothing has been done to solve this conflict since then and both sides consider themselves as victims. It is important to note that the Ingush are ethnically very closely related to Chechens. (they have similar languages, customs, etc) \_ short recent article on the ossentians in The Exile http://www.exile.ru/2004-August-19/war_nerd.html - danh \_ Thanks, that was among the most informative posts I've read on the MOTD. Like information I would expect to find on, gasp, http://freerepublic.com \_ The signal to noise ratio is much higher in places like the Journal of Foreign Affairs. |
2004/9/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33359 Activity:moderate |
9/5 U.S. Official Says Close to Catching Bin Laden: http://csua.org/u/8xe Hey, Boondocks called this moooonths ago. \_ I'll predict that he will not be captured before the election. And I'd be grateful if morons would stop informing the press that "we're close to" something. I'm reading the 9/11 commission report, and a (pre-9/11) leak to the press at one point caused Bin Laden to change his communications and made him much harder to track. \_ I agree with you on the general concept but simply saying "we're close" for the *th time isn't a big deal. Been saying that for 3 years now about every 6 weeks. \_ I am also in the middle of reading it(I'm not the dude above.) It's worth remembering that if Pakistan hadn't fucked us, Bin Laden would've been killed pre-9/11. I agree with you about leaks, but I would also say that the fact that no one in the Pakistani gov't is in the loop is neither bad nor suprising. \_ The report makes it pretty clear that unless the intelligence had been 100% with zero chance of collateral damage, no one would have taken the necessary action to kill OBL before 9/11. But yes, Pakistan was pretty clearly feeding info to OBL. \_ cut and pasted directly from chapter 4 of the 9/11 report: "Later on August 20[1998], Navy vessels in the Arabian Sea fired their cruise missiles. Though most of them hit their intended targets, neither Bin Ladin nor any other terrorist leader was killed. Berger told us that an after-action review by Director Tenet concluded that the strikes had killed 20-30 people in the camps but probably missed Bin Ladin by a few hours.Since the missiles headed for Afghanistan had had to cross Pakistan, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs was sent to meet with Pakistan's army chief of staff to assure him the missiles were not coming from India. Officials in Washington speculated that one or another Pakistani official might have sent a warning to the Taliban or Bin Ladin." \_ That was right after the embassy bombings, when there was a brief flare-up of will. From p.140: "It was in Kandahar that perhaps the last, and most likely the best, opportunity arose for targeting Bin Ladin with cruise missiles before 9/11. In May 1999, CIA assets in Afghanistan reported on Bin Ladin.s location in and around Kandahar over the course of five days and nights.The reporting was very detailed and came from several sources. If this intelligence was not .actionable,. working-level officials said at the time and today, it was hard for them to imagine how any intelligence on Bin Ladin in Afghanistan would meet the standard. Communications were good, and the cruise missiles were ready..This was in our strike zone,. a senior military officer said. .It was a fat pitch, a home run.. He expected the missiles to fly.When the decision came back that they should stand down, not shoot, the officer said,.we all just slumped.. He told us he knew of no one at the Pentagon or the CIA who thought it was a bad gamble. Bin Ladin .should have been a dead man. that night, he said." \_ The problem with all this is not that it isn't true, I believe it is and I'm both pissed off any highly disappointed in both the GWB and Clinton admins for not nabbing him years ago, it is that by the time they could've hit him in Afghanistan, 9/11 was fated to be. Killing bin Laden would not have stopped that mission at that point. Had he been nabbed in the 90s, then yes, probably, but not guaranteed then either. The real tragedy is that it took 9/11 to understand we were at war. We'd been attacked dozens of times yet no one (very few) in the West understood or believed. Most of Western Europe still doesn't get it. I think the Brits get it, kind of, after the Northern Ireland thing. The French and Germans and Spanish do not get it at all. The Russians might have just figured it out. Maybe. The rest are hopeless. \_ UBL! UBL! UBL is the STANDARD! Abbreviation. |
2004/9/5 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:33356 Activity:nil |
9/4 A sagging economy, endless violence in Iraq, record high oil prices, \- not "record high" [yet] oil prices were higher in early 80s. --psb a bad employment picture, an uncertain future, and everybody in the world hates us, yet the Democrats are now BEHIND in the polls? WTF? What the hell happened? How can the Dems lose both in 2000 and now it looks like 2004? Are you guys cursed? \_ Perhaps a belief that, as bad as things are, the Democrats would have made an even greater mess, and better days are ahead. \_ 3% GDP growth and 5.4 % unemployment is a sagging economy?Contrast that with Carter's double digit inflation, interest rates, and unemployment. Oil prices will be ~30-35$ per barrel by November. Also, maybe this has something to do with it: Boy who begged for water was bayoneted |
2004/9/4 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33349 Activity:kinda low |
9/3 Although not funny, it is sort of like the old joke about a Republican is a Democrat who got mugged. Here's Putin finally "getting it": http://tinyurl.com/5qd7h \_ Who do you think the remark at the end is aimed at? -John \_ Original post is highly misleading, as Putin has been "tough" on Chechen separatists all along, as his main thing was to crush them his last five years in office. He is having his own mini political catastrophe: He is synonymous with being very tough on the Chechens, and look at what it's gotten him? I believe Russians will see right through this, even though Putin does control the TV and print media these days. Washington Post editorial: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60580-2004Sep3.html "Russia's abominable behavior has helped spark but does not excuse Chechen terrorists and their partners in crime." An even better one: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A57859-2004Sep2.html "On Mr. Yeltsin's watch, the Russian army turned Grozny, the Chechen capital, into a ghost town of corpses and rubble. Tens of thousands of Chechens fled the country. As we wrote on Tuesday, President Vladimir Putin has since made the situation worse, launching a second invasion, cutting off the region from aid groups and journalists, refusing negotiations, and allowing Russian troops to torture and torment Chechen civilians." \_ You're confusing the Chechens who may or may not have a valid gripe against the Russians with the muslim terrorists who just killed about 350 people, all civilians, mostly women and children. Putin is saying he fucked up on terrorism, this has little if anything to do with his actions in Chechen territory which is a national issue between two lands with defined borders. |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33315 Activity:nil |
9/2 http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/09/02/binladen.wealth.ap/index.html Bin Laden didn't support 9/11 afterall. \_ rtf911cr |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Computer/SW/Security] UID:33308 Activity:nil |
9/2 http://csua.org/u/8wm (LA Times) A senior Russian security official said authorities are faced with a dilemma even worse than the 2002 seizure of the Dubrovka Theater in Moscow by Chechen militants, which led to the death of 129 hostages and 41 guerrillas when Russian troops gassed the theater and stormed in. "The situation is much worse than Dubrovka. Believe me, much worse ... It seems almost certain that the hostage-takers are not really interested in negotiations, or any demands. So far, we haven't gotten any coherent statement of what they really want. ... They are just biding their time, as if waiting for us to start storming this school, and then they will blow everything up. I think they are ready to blow themselves up, together with the hostages, in any case. It seems to be their one and only plan." So, you are Putin. What do you do? Please withold jibes about vodka and "In Soviet Russia ...". \_ Decimate the Chechens (i.e. kill every 10th). Do so after every terrorist act by the Chechens. \_ I read that as Chickens and was very confused... \_ "Fear...will keep the local systems in line." \_ As far as the current crisis, there is really only 2 options. A siege, starve them out, or gas 'em again. Probably niether would be very effiective. I guess the previous guy's idea might work over the long run. \_ Why not a standoff while you try to bring in some hostage-taker's relatives and religious authority figures and see if they can convince them to let everyone go in exchange for amnesty. \_ Oooo, family members. Good idea. But who's getting the amnesty? The terrorists or the family members? North N. Korean style would be to kill the terrorists AND their extended families. \_ tactical nukes over rebel hideouts \_ Why do you hate thermonuclear weapons? \_ You're really a moron, you know that? You undercut any sensible counter-argument Cheney and friends *could* have. \_ I don't think the thermonuclear comment was made seriously. You're STILL the moron. \_ Cheney offers to help with Russian hostage situation! "We have to many of these things anyway, and I've always wanted to drop one or two on Ruskies!" |
2004/9/2 [Politics/Domestic/911, ERROR, uid:33292, category id '18005#6.25625' has no name! , ] UID:33292 Activity:high |
9/2 Democrats, You over slept - It isn't 9/10 Anymore! http://lifetrek.blogspot.com/2004/09/democrats-you-over-slept-it-isnt-910.html \_ So what you're saying is, 9/11 changed everything? I haven't heard that one before! \_ He's saying your party didn't notice. \_ God, grow up freeper. Did I say that I was a Democrat? \_ Did I say I was a freeper? I'm probably wrong. You're likely to be too far left for the Democrats. I'm sorry if I insulted a socialist by calling them a Democrat. \_ Gosh, I'm not sure I got the point of all of those speeches at the RNC. Maybe if they'd held it on September 11, the point would have been clear. \_ "...enviro wacko's [sic]..." "...job loses [sic]..." "...full years [sic] economic activity..." The guy's a moron. |
2004/8/31 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:33243 Activity:kinda low |
8/30 All right, I googled for the "$8 million" to re-sod Central Park, but I didn't find anything. Please help. \_ jesus fucking christ, youy're a dumbass. second link from google: http://www.nydailynews.com/front/breaking_news/story/224945p-193242c.html They say 18 million. whatever. \_ What's your problem? I asked nicely. \_ ok, sorry. nothing personal, i just hate everyone. \_ 100,000 protestors... 100,000 America-hating liberals, all in one convenient location, in a major landmark of a city known to be a terrorist target. What a waste of opportunity! \_ This joke telegraphed itself about a mile ahead. I was waiting looking at my watch for this sad mule to finally pull into the freaking station and ring the bell, already. --acs \_ Sorry. Wasn't feeling very sassy today. |
2004/8/30 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33227 Activity:nil 57%like:34578 |
8/30 What would a terrorist attack in NYC do to the election? How about if it came in Houston? |
2004/8/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:33214 Activity:very high |
8/29 John Ashcroft, censoring quotes from the Supreme Court: http://csua.org/u/8ta (The Memory Hole) \_ LET THE EEEAGLE SOOOAR! \_ Citizen! You will be added to President Ashcroft's Official Post-Coup Blacklist! \_ What don't you protest against Osama? \_ What don't you protest against Osama? Civil liberties are unequivocally the most extensive that they have ever been in this country. \_ Osama is against BushCo and so am I. Kerry in 2004! \_ What evidence do you have for Osama being against BushCo? \_ Freak. It was sarcasm. \_ Repeat after me: it is possible to see that BOTH Osama and Ashcroft are separately and simultaneously dangerous to our health and safety. \_ Unequivocally? There's a secret travel blacklist that prevents some citizens from travelling without being subjected to humiliating searches and questioning, and the FBI has been questioning people on what they've been seen reading in public. See, I seem to remember not having this situation in, say, 1994. \_ I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but your suggestion that civil liberties are more extensive than they've ever been is laughable. 1. Uncontestable secret access to you book-buying and library records. 2. Terrorism suspects denied lawyers on the grounds that the lawyer could be told secret information by the suspect. 3. Terrorism suspects denied exculpatory evidence and subject to hearsay testimony. 4. Shopper escorted out of a mall for wearing a 'Peace' T-shirt. 5. Quarter-million person protest denied a permit to protest because it would HURT THE GRASS. Why don't you ask the civil liberties watchdogs before mouthing off about how free we are. \_ #4 is hilarious because it has nothing to do with civil liberties. A store is a private place that can remove you for any reason at all. #5 you're leaving out the part that they spent roughly $8 million to fix/replace the grass about 7 years ago and the $8 million is too high a price to pay so you can stomp around yelling about no blood for oil or whatever this year's kewl protest statement is. \_ Look at you. You're pathetic. You just got fucking owned. This is the best you can do? Get bent. --aaron \_ owned? uhm ok, whenever you stop smoking, let us know. i tore apart the 2 easy items so i got owned? whatever. \_ Hi bigot! \_ Hi brownshirt! \_ Um, that's a letter FROM the ACLU *to* the court. \_ Yes, but the relevant quote is from the Supreme Court (US vs. US District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan) \_ Was it really from the court or was it a summary? I don't have the original to compare it. \_ Direct quote. Here's the original (from FindLaw): http://csua.org/u/8tk \_ When you show weakness, terrorists win! -dubya \_ Please tell me, how is this not true? In life as well as war. Boy has living in Berkeley made you into a beatnik. |
2004/8/29 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33203 Activity:nil |
8/28 For those of you who are wondering why conservitives tend to assume liberals hate america, go down and check out the magazines at Berkeley Bowl. The articles all have titles like, "The Evils of Capitalism" and "Why the American Empire can't last" etc. They sound exactly like islamic terrorists. You could do a word replace script on a statement of Bin Laden's, replacing [America will be destroyed because they] "Don't follow the teachings of Allah" with "Don't follow the teachings of Nature/Mother Earth/Pychology/Sociology/etc" and get an article for one of these mags. \_ Speaking of hateful rants... \_ Not everyone on the left is a liberal. \_ Smart liberals know that dumb liberals are what makes conservatives conservative. \_ If you listen to Herr Lakoff, what makes conservatives conservative is their dominant metaphor: http://www.wwcd.org/issues/Lakoff.html If you listen to me, what makes a conservative is what makes anybody else -- a choice of a moral system. -- ilyas |
2004/8/24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33124 Activity:nil 68%like:33116 |
8/24 Two Russian passenger jets, taking off from same Moscow airport, crash within five minutes of each other. One sent out a hijacking signal before going down. 90+ feared dead. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/08/24/russia.planecrash/index.html \_ It's a Bush dirty trick! Rove secretly bribed the pilots to crash the planes so they can run ads to discredit Kerry. \_ Nah, the only dirty trick we're expecting is capturing Osama before the election, and other fiddling with the color-coded alert system. (I think all major points of interest will go Orange 2-4 weeks before the election). \_ You think they have bin Laden in prison some where and will trot him out in late October? And no one has leaked this? \_ nah are you some right-wing weenie? guess again. \_ If terrorism is involved, I would say its highly likely to be Chechen rebels. They have committed plenty of terrorist acts before. Also, this is a RUSSIAN airline we are talking about, so you can't rule out massive equipment failure. \_ Don't forget the pilots, drinking vodka and letting kids take over the plane! \_ kids? \_ Da Comrade, one for me, one for plane. |
2004/8/24 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33116 Activity:nil 68%like:33124 |
8/24 Two Russian passenger jets, taking off from same Moscow airport, disappear from radar within five minutes of each other. One verified crash, the other missing. 100+ feared dead. http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/europe/08/24/russia.planecrash/index.html \_ It's a Bush dirty trick! Rove secretly bribed the pilots to crash the planes so they can run ads to discredit Kerry. \_ Nah, the only dirty trick we're expecting is capturing Osama before the election, and other fiddling with the color-coded alert system. (I think all major points of interest will go Orange 2-4 weeks before the election). \_ You think they have bin Laden in prison some where and will trot him out in late October? And no one has leaked this? \_ nah are you some right-wing weenie? guess again. \_ If terrorism is involved, I would say its highly likely to be Chechen rebels. They have committed plenty of terrorist acts before. Also, this is a RUSSIAN airline we are talking about, so you can't rule out massive equipment failure. \_ Don't forget the pilots, drinking vodka and letting kids take over the plane! \_ kids? \_ Da Comrade, one for me, one for plane. |
2004/8/19 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:33028 Activity:nil |
8/19 Pakistan does it right: Torture is all these killers deserve! http://csua.org/u/8o6 |
2004/8/16 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32931 Activity:high |
8/16 Orson Scott Card rambling book review/essay, that eventually comes to an interesting synthesis between republican and Democrat views on the war on terror. http://www.ornery.org/essays/warwatch/2004-08-08-1.html \_ Hi emarkp! \_ WRong, but nice try. -op \_ Indeed, I hadn't even seen this article yet (though I read the column, the current one was just posted). -emarkp \_ Wait, let me get my hat and my magic stones! \_ Hi aaron! \_ Hi ilyas! |
2004/8/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32907 Activity:very high |
8/14 Norman Podhoretz, "World War IV: How it Started, What it Means, and Why We Have to Win". http://www.commentarymagazine.com/podhoretz.htm The reason I post this is not because I believe or disbelieve his historical world view. The reason to read this is to get an all-in-one -place summary of every terrorist attack going back to the 70s. I found the number of attacks shocking. I knew about each one but I have never seen them together like this. \_ Good article, a few serious errors though (ex.: Khomeini's motivation to not have the Soviet embassy stormed--USSR was not a major sponsor of the Shah.) Also, he makes a common mistake-- "sneers and jeers" are not directed at the Bush speech use of "good" and "evil", but rather at ham-fisted and faulty (and dishonest and ineffective) response to these. -John \_ You haven't read the 9/11 commission report, have you? read it. everything in your article is covered in much greater detail, and without the partisan noise. Pundits love to trash the 9/11 report because if people actually read stuff like that they'd be out of a job(which they should be.) ok, i retract my attack on your article; it's actually pretty interesting. Everyone should still read the 9/11 report. \_ I didn't read the report, true. Is there a historical summary of events section? It's not my article. I'm just posting for the historical summary part. I don't accept or deny the rest of it. -op \_ read it. seriously. All the pundits are trying to spin it as being useless because it doens't trash the politician they hate(be it clinton or bush), but just sticks to the facts. It gives all the historical background on the attacks in your article, all kinds of background info on al qaeda, lots of relevant information on how the structure of our government is or isn't set up to deal with terrorism, and some basic American history that everyone should know but probably most people don't. And that's just from the first five chapters i've read so far. It also gives a blow-by-blow narrative of *exactly* what happened on 9-11-01 that I don't think you'll find anywhere else. http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911 \_ Good article, thank you. -- ilyas \_ [ troll gone ] \_ "What Clarke for all practical purposes did--both at the hearings and in his hot-off-the-press book, Against All Enemies--was to blame Bush, who had been in office for a mere eight months when the attack occurred, while exonerating Clinton, who had spent eight long years doing little of any significance in response to the series of terrorist assaults on American targets in various parts of the world that were launched on his watch." Clarke did blame Bush, but the rest is flat-out wrong. You guys should all know this when you read it. It's so sad that Americans still don't get it. What happened to |
2004/8/13 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32890 Activity:high |
8/13 I think terrorists are spamming me. \_ As a representative of the President of Nigeria, I have a special opportunity for you. \_ Ex-president that is. |
2004/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32844 Activity:nil 84%like:32820 |
8/11 Al Qaeda plans to assassinate a major western leader when Osama gives the go-ahead. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040811-123531-3824r.htm I'll bet anything they're going after Kerry. If I was bin Laden, the \- "we had to incarcerate the candidate to save him" last person in the world I'd want as President of the US would be a war hero who promised to fight a more 'sensitive war on terror'. Run, John! Run! Hey, this sounds familiar: "The goal of the next attack is twofold: to damage the U.S. economy and to undermine the U.S. election," the official said. "The view of al Qaeda is 'anybody but Bush.' " \_ "The one unrelaceable assett for al Quaeda is US FOreign policy", if al Qaueda is for "anyone but bush", they are dumber than I thought. Iraq was a christmas present for Osama. \_ Sure was. Why go for the Americans near Mecca when we can tryfor the U.S. itself ! Committing terrorism is so much more effective thousands of miles away from America. \_ It's pretty obvious Al Qaeda is dumb. -- ilyas \_ What about the scores of pages describing potential targets written in perfect English found in the latest arrest? (e.g., can't get a truck in the garage, drive a limo instead) \_ You are missing the forest for the trees. There's no doubt Al Qaeda is smart enough to organize 911, etc. Nevertheless, something about the way they are going about their business that strikes me as fundamentally dumb. -- ilyas \_ Targeting a high-profile individual for assassination, when there are so many out there that you can't always protect, is dumb? Please identify what is fundamentally dumb. \_ Any extremist organization is fundementally dumb. If they were smart they wouldn't be extremist. \_ Ok. Say they succeed. They assassinate Bush. Or set off a dirty nuke in Los Angeles or something. What will this get them? America already isn't very happy with the Arab world, and even Arab Americans. Do you realize what will happen? We will most likely: (a) institute the draft (probably won't be necessary with the volume of volunteers) (b) convert to war footing a la WWII (c) absolutely SQUISH the entire Middle East, and possibly institute a long term occupation. Is this what Al Qaeda is trying to accomplish? Because that's what it's going to get -- a really pissed off US in their backyard for 20, 30, 50 years. I think people underestimate the US. The US has an itchy trigger finger kind of frontier culture, to this day. The US also has the industrial and scientific resources to basically impose their will on most of the world, and if the US perceives itself to be in genuine danger, woe be to everyone else. -- ilyas \_ That's all very nice and melodramatic but an assassination cannot produce such a reaction. There (probably) would not be any link to any national entity. Go after the Saudis? America is very cozy with the Saudis and will not just "go and squish" them based on an Al Qaeda attack. \_ Sure, but eventually, Al Qaeda will do enough damage where the US feels genuinely threatened. What then? How do they hope to win? It's completely stupid. You don't want to fight the US. -- ilyas \_ How do you target al Qaeda? We already took out Afghanistan, and are making sure Iran doesn't get nukes. \_ You do understand that al Qaeda wants a war of the U.S. vs. the Arab world, right? You do understand that they understand that the U.S. has a superior military capability, and will win in any conventional conflict between nations? So why then, do they continue? I don't think it's because "Al Qaeda is dumb". \_ I think it is. If it truly becomes a free-for-all between US and Arabs, US nukes the Arabs. Game over. Al Qaeda is trying to provoke the power that can take on all of the rest of the world put together, most likely. They are irrational religious fanatics obsessed with 'holy war.' If their wildest dreams come true, this 'holy war' will only get them, and likely most other (innocent) Arabs killed. Al Qaeda is dumb. -- ilyas \_ Well, you overwrote my post, but let's say al Qaeda assassinates Bush. Just how does the U.S. decide "the Arab world" is the culprit, and then justify: "SQUISH the entire Middle East". \_ I always love it when people accuse me of overwriting their posts. Or writing stuff on the motd when I am really asleep. You must have spyware in my head or something. As for the US, a blow up of two buildings resulting in the US invading 2 countries. If serious attacks continue, the invasions continue. The 'Arab World' is a hotbed of religious fundamentalism which results in things like Al Qaeda. The US can reasonably conclude that one way to fight fundamentalism is take over the Middle East and institute reforms that way, rather than wait for history. -- ilyas \_ Dude, ilyas, you just overwrote my post again. How are you editing the motd? \_ I also peed in your sink and slept with yermom. -- ilyas \_ I ask you again, how are you editing the motd? I notice you were using vi a second ago, but I have a suspicion you were using something else earlier today. I mean, c'mon, I was editing this thread, posted a comment, and 30 seconds later it's gone and in its place is your post. This happened twice in this very thread. \_ I always use vi from soda. I think your post got overwritten because you simply were editing during a busy time. Mine get overwritten too, for the same reason. Blaming the guy you are immediately talking to is stupid -- lots of conversations are happening at the same time. -- ilyas \_ So I have your word of honor that you are very certain you did not overwrite this thread today while using vi? vi should print warnings; what command are you using to save? You aren't using :w! I hope. \_ I use :w. Vi gives warnings. -- ilyas \_ hm, I guess I don't have your word yet. \_ No you don't. But feel free to blame me anyways. -- ilyas \_ US can nuke the entire Arab world, but occupying it is beyond US's ability. It would bleed the US to death financially. But yes, I agree with you than Islamic fundamentalism is a dead end. But those people think they don't have another choice, or rather, the only other choice seems to be the corrupt crony regimes like Saudi Arabia, which they want to overthrow. \_ No way that 4% of the world's population can enforce its will on the other 96%. Especially when some of that 96% is armed with nukes. \_ Yep. Check out this translation of an interview with Osama's former bodyguard in the London Arabic paper Al-Quds Al-Arabi http://cryptome.org/alqaeda-plans.htm \_ But the problem is that Osama is not Christian. \_ For the tinfoil hat crowd, ponder this: Bush assassinates Kerry before the election and pins the blame on bin Laden. \_ Nonono ... that would be Cheney orchestrating the plot. Bush wouldn't have a clue. |
2004/8/11 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32820 Activity:very high 84%like:32844 |
8/10 Al Qaeda plans to assassinate a major western leader when Osama gives the go-ahead. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040811-123531-3824r.htm I'll bet anything they're going after Kerry. If I was bin Laden, the last person in the world I'd want as President of the US would be a war hero who promised to fight a more 'sensitive war on terror'. Run, John! Run! Hey, this sounds familiar: "The goal of the next attack is twofold: to damage the U.S. economy and to undermine the U.S. election," the official said. "The view of al Qaeda is 'anybody but Bush.' " \_ Man, that would make a good campaign ad for Bush. "The terrorists say, 'anybody but Bush.' What do YOU say?" \_ Maybe Bush is one reason they're attacking us in the first place? \_ Maybe Bush has put the fear of god into them? \_ Haha, that's a good one. \_ In the first place? Where were you during the Clinton administration? \_ "The one unrelaceable assett for al Quaeda is US FOreign policy", if al Qaueda is for "anyone but bush", they are dumber than I thought. Iraq was a christmas present for Osama. \_ It's pretty obvious Al Qaeda is dumb. -- ilyas \_ What about the scores of pages describing potential targets written in perfect English found in the latest arrest? (e.g., can't get a truck in the garage, drive a limo instead) \_ You are missing the forest for the trees. There's no doubt Al Qaeda is smart enough to organize 911, etc. Nevertheless, something about the way they are going about their business that strikes me as fundamentally dumb. -- ilyas \_ Targeting a high-profile individual for assassination, when there are so many out there that you can't always protect, is dumb? Please identify what is fundamentally dumb. \_ Any extremist organization is fundementally dumb. If they were smart they wouldn't be extremist. \_ Ok. Say they succeed. They assassinate Bush. Or set off a dirty nuke in Los Angeles or something. What will this get them? America already isn't very happy with the Arab world, and even Arab Americans. Do you realize what will happen? We will most likely: (a) institute the draft (probably won't be necessary with the volume of volunteers) (b) convert to war footing a la WWII (c) absolutely SQUISH the entire Middle East, and possibly institute a long term occupation. Is this what Al Qaeda is trying to accomplish? Because that's what it's going to get -- a really pissed off US in their backyard for 20, 30, 50 years. I think people underestimate the US. The US has an itchy trigger finger kind of frontier culture, to this day. The US also has the industrial and scientific resources to basically impose their will on most of the world, and if the US perceives itself to be in genuine danger, woe be to everyone else. -- ilyas \_ That's all very nice and melodramatic but an assassination cannot produce such a reaction. There (probably) would not be any link to any national entity. Go after the Saudis? America is very cozy with the Saudis and will not just "go and squish" them based on an Al Qaeda attack. \_ Sure, but eventually, Al Qaeda will do enough damage where the US feels genuinely threatened. What then? How do they hope to win? It's completely stupid. You don't want to fight the US. -- ilyas \_ How do you target al Qaeda? We already took out Afghanistan, and are making sure Iran doesn't get nukes. \_ You do understand that al Qaeda wants a war of the U.S. vs. the Arab world, right? You do understand that they understand that the U.S. has a superior military capability, and will win in any conventional conflict between nations? So why then, do they continue? I don't think it's because "Al Qaeda is dumb". \_ I think it is. If it truly becomes a free-for-all between US and Arabs, US nukes the Arabs. Game over. Al Qaeda is trying to provoke the power that can take on all of the rest of the world put together, most likely. They are irrational religious fanatics obsessed with 'holy war.' If their wildest dreams come true, this 'holy war' will only get them, and likely most other (innocent) Arabs killed. Al Qaeda is dumb. -- ilyas \_ Well, you overwrote my post, but let's say al Qaeda assassinates Bush. Just how does the U.S. decide "the Arab world" is the culprit, and then justify: "SQUISH the entire Middle East". \_ I always love it when people accuse me of overwriting their posts. Or writing stuff on the motd when I am really asleep. You must have spyware in my head or something. As for the US, a blow up of two buildings resulting in the US invading 2 countries. If serious attacks continue, the invasions continue. The 'Arab World' is a hotbed of religious fundamentalism which results in things like Al Qaeda. The US can reasonably conclude that one way to fight fundamentalism is take over the Middle East and institute reforms that way, rather than wait for history. -- ilyas \_ Dude, ilyas, you just overwrote my post again. How are you editing the motd? \_ I also peed in your sink and slept with yermom. -- ilyas \_ I ask you again, how are you editing the motd? I notice you were using vi a second ago, but I have a suspicion you were using something else earlier today. I mean, c'mon, I was editing this thread, posted a comment, and 30 seconds later it's gone and in its place is your post. This happened twice in this very thread. \_ I always use vi from soda. I think your post got overwritten because you simply were editing during a busy time. Mine get overwritten too, for the same reason. Blaming the guy you are immediately talking to is stupid -- lots of conversations are happening at the same time. -- ilyas \_ So I have your word of honor that you are very certain you did not overwrite this thread today while using vi? vi should print warnings; what command are you using to save? You aren't using :w! I hope. \_ I use :w. Vi gives warnings. -- ilyas \_ hm, I guess I don't have your word yet. \_ No you don't. But feel free to blame me anyways. -- ilyas \_ No way that 4% of the world's population can enforce its will on the other 96%. Especially when some of that 96% is armed with nukes. \_ Yep. Check out this translation of an interview with Osama's former bodyguard in the London Arabic paper Al-Quds Al-Arabi http://cryptome.org/alqaeda-plans.htm \_ But the problem is that Osama is not Christian. \_ For the tinfoil hat crowd, ponder this: Bush assassinates Kerry before the election and pins the blame on bin Laden. \_ Nonono ... that would be Cheney orchestrating the plot. Bush wouldn't have a clue. |
2004/8/9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:32790 Activity:very high |
8/9 Wow, the FBI really does need reforming. If this is all true, they should just tear the whole thing down and start over from scratch: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/10/25/60minutes/main526954.shtml \_Reminds me of the story where Israeli translators fluent in Arabic were shunned because they were Jewish, and it wouldn't look right. \_ Must be Clinton-appointed people, or at least inspired by him. \_ YES! THE CLENIS! THE CLENIS MUST HAVE BEEN INVOLVED! OH HOW I HATE THAT MANLY THROBBING CLENIS. --Typical Freeper \_ Well, the FBI said she was fired because of her disruptive behavior. While I have no way to know who is lying (maybe both?), there are those paranoid people who run around doing no work but making accusations until they are fired and then make an even bigger fuss. |
2004/8/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Military] UID:32758 Activity:insanely high |
8/7 Anyone know this guy? http://csua.org/u/8i4 \_ Hopefully no one will know this loser. \_Loser or not, I think it's rather instructive on how terrorism works. Terrorism would've never worked before there was a popular press and technology has made terrorism that much more effective as a propoganda tool. Now anybody with a webcam can become a jihadist. \_ it worked in spain quite recently. \_ terrorism never worked? Terrorism has been around for centries. check out the word "assassin" and find out where is that word from. \_ Using terror as a weapon works quite well. Genghis Khan and his ilk noticed this a long time ago. Back in the old days a lot of battle armor designs were meant to intimidate the opponents. The Picts fought naked as an intimidation measure, the Mongols made piles of human heads, etc. etc. Modern 'terrorism' is a nasty and irrationally collectivist version of the old warriorship idea that attacking the mind is more effective than attacking the body. ('Irrationally collectivist' because modern terrorists attack societies as a whole, and that is counterproductive in settings other than total war). -- ilyas \_ it worked in spain quite recently. \- well ignorning the first law of internet warfare, "never get into an argument with someone in grad school; they have more free time than you" ... i dont see the relevance of most of your historical examples. terrorism isnt just using psychological intimidation techniques. i'd suggest it is a combination of attacking civilian morale and avoiding direct military confrontation. when the roman army in 146 bc "salted the earth" at carthage and sold off much of the population of corinth into slavery, these flowed from direct military conflicts. when a group avoid *direct* military conflict but engages in indirect fighting, that is better described as guerilla warfare than terrorism. spain bombing: terrorism, clearly. i dont think it's productive to call the viking raiders or g. khan terrorists. they were more looters and thugs. if an IRA "terrorist" assassinated a british military person, that is probably guerilla warfare. if he put a bomb in the london underground, that is terrorism. if he shoots a bar owner in belfast for serving british troops, that's murder. --psb \_ My thesis is 'terrorism is an old phenomenon.' It still holds if we take your definition. It's as old as fighting empires, where direct military confrontation is infeasible. -- ilyas confrontation is infeasible. Also, I think there is a definite connection between 'terrorism' and 'looters and thugs.' Also, I am having a hard time 'looters and thugs.' Also, I am having a hard time seeing the line you see between guerilla warfare and terrorism, especially if the former targets civilians (and it often does). Is terrorism just 'guerilla warfare with bombs?' -- ilyas \- no, it has to do with target selection. shoot/snipe and run [vietcong, american revolutionaries etc] is guerella tactics when aiming at military-related targets. random/civilian targetting for a political goal is closer to terrorism. i suppose there has to be some element or organization and some threashold goal ... i wouldnt call the unabomber or the washington sniper pair terrorists. maybe the weather underground, but they were pretty stupid and incompetent. \_ The Czars and their cossacks were very capable terrorists. \_ As an aside, I heard a great story about one of Genghis Khan's battle tactics. His army surrounded a city and said that if the citizens delivered 10,000 cats to the army along with some gold and other treasure, they would move on and not attack. The citizens complied. Genghis Khan then had his army tie rags to the tails of the cats, light them on fire and release the cats. The cats fled back to their homes in the city and the entire city started to burn. In the ensuing chaos, Khan's army easily conquered the city. \- there are lots of stories like this. see e.g. ~psb/MOTD/SultanTughlak. However if you think this or the tzarist repression is terrorism, you misuse/ misunderstand the word. tyranny != terrorism. --psb \_ KAAAAAAAAAAHN!!! \_ Now that's psych-warfare. |
2004/8/4 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32686 Activity:nil |
8/4 I've seen it claimed on the motd that Sandy Berger has been cleared and that Bush has military documents he can release but hasn't. I've asked for links substantiating both these claims, but have not receieved a single response. Not even a blog link. Can I conclude that these are silly lies now? \_ Christ, just quit bitching and google. http://members.aol.com/forvets/htomr.htm \_ Oooookay... so I knew this. But I thought the claim was that Bush's records of 72-73 were MISSING.... \_ I believe the beef that AP has with the Bush records is that he didn't grant them the rights to the records, he requested his own copy and then forwarded them with the wax stamp unsealed, so to speak. \_ I do not think Bush has released all possible military records \_ Dewd, there are a lot of unverified claims on soda, and some posts that debunk them and tell you exactly why. Berger has been cleared of obstructing the 9/11 commission by 9/11 commission representatives; the Archives people are still deciding what to do about Berger violating Archives policy on notetaking and removing classified photocopies. http://www.sacbee.com/content/politics/story/10235294p-11155782c.html \_ Thank you, I wasn't able to find that link. \_ Kerry has not released all of his military records. \_ Yeah, so what we have is: Bush claims he has released all relevant records. It can perhaps never be verified that he did or did not. Kerry has said he has released all military records, but from press reports, reviews by superior officers were not made available (unclear why). \_ and medical records related to his medals. |
2004/8/3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:32651 Activity:high 76%like:32656 |
8/3 Orange alert info pre-dates 9/11 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/08/03/politics/03intel.html http://news.yahoo.com/fc?tmpl=fc&cid=34&in=US&cat=Terrorism officials "reported that they had not yet found concrete evidence that a terror plot or preparatory surveillance operations were still under way." \_ Okay. What should we conclude from that? \_ That the orange alert is politically timed? \_ That the timing is, again, dubious. Old information trotted out after a major event for the other side. \_ It's not old information. The files were updated *this* year. Furthermore, 9/11 was planned for years. So it's NEW information to us, and the fact that some was originally planned years ago doesn't simply mean that it might be outdated, but that it might be close to fruition. \_ Be nice to the op. I don't think he's very good at reading comprehension. \_ No such thing as facts, only an interpretation of the facts, huh? Its pretty funny to watch the freepers try to defend the credibility of Tom Ridge as it approaches singularity. \_ What are you talking about? The NYT article makes it pretty clear what was going on. Just because the info is a few years old, doesn't mean it's out-of-date. \_ No, but it's not news. The announcement is for areas that are already in an elevated state of alert. This was yet another "we're still doing stuff" announcement. Also, by virtue of predating 9/11, any surveillence from then would be more or less useless because we've changed and improved the security measures... right? \_ Hilarious. Every major news outlet is carrying this story in one form or another...except for Fox News. Their headline is "lady liberty reopens to public." The story doesn't seem to appear anywhere on their site. \_ So there really *is* a news bias? \_ Informed. Powerful. Huge Penis. \_ could someone please explain the HUGE, TAX FREE PENIS thing? what is that a reference to? \_ In re: Ann Coulter it's a reference to the fact that some motder(s?) like her and the only plausible reason for liking a woman who admires Joe McCarthy is that they want to have sex with a reasonably hot arch-conservative, so the retort is "Oh! Your penis is so BIG and TAX FREE!". \_ So you're saying this originated on the motd? \_ Nice straw man. |
2004/8/2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32636 Activity:nil |
8/2 I almost misread this quote on CNN pull: "Will President Bush's intelligence help thwart terrorist attacks?". I missed the 'reform' between intelligence and help. :) \_ Bush = Strong Leader ; Kerry = Flip-flopper \_ Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth. \_its what drives the Liberal media, it seems to work. it brainwashed you twink. \_ I think you are more brainwashed than you think. \_ Anybody who thinks the media is liberal is out of touch with reality. |
2004/7/30 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:32584 Activity:high |
9/11 commission report -- they don't portray the intent like this book does. I have postponed reading it up to today. \_ The timing of this information is very suspicious... \_ The timing of this information is very suspicious... why on sysadmin appreciation day? \_ It's to distract us from our day with off topic propaganda. Clearly this is a plot by the <insert political group directly opposed to your agenda> to destroy Sysadmin Credibilty Around The World For Generations To Come! \_ Tenet has lost SO much credibility because of the "slam dunk" claim. That statement was 90-99% bogus, based on the assessments at the time by the CIA \_ Yep. And he's the guy the President relies on for information. Should Bush have jogged over to CIA HQ and started quizzing individual intel analysts? \_ "When McLaughlin concluded, there was a look on the president's face of, What's this? And then a brief moment of silence. ... 'Nice try,' Bush said. 'I don't think this is quite -- it's not something that Joe Public would understand or would gain a lot of confidence from.'" |
2004/7/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32552 Activity:insanely high |
7/28 Who provides the cheapest wireless plan? (for emergencies only) \_ How often doyou have emergencies? I ask because a coworker's wife apparently has daily emergencies around lunch time. \_ That's when the milkman arrives at the door. \_ if it's truly emergency-only, any cell phone with signal, regardless of plan, can access 911. So you dont' really need a plan at all and its FREE! \_ not sure about that... if I take the SIM card out of my GSM phone, I don't think it can register on the network to make a call (though I've never tried dialing 911) \_ federal law requires all carriers to allow free 911 call access, so maybe a non-GSM phone would be enough? \_ Taking the sim card out of mine still allows emergency calls. Just for yuks, try '112' (European emergency number) if 911 doesn't work. -John \_ my motorola v66 manual says you can dial emergency numbers even if the phone is locked or no SIM is inserted. I think it will try to register after you press send. but if your emergencies are not police emergencies, pre-paid is good. \_ So if I have a non-GSM phone, and I cancel my plan which releases the phone number, I can still call 911? \_ prepaid. $50 would last you 3 months. \_ good suggestion. Any favorite carrier? \_ Cingular. $20/3 months = $7/month. $50 for 1 time activation. \_ Another suggestion, AT&T Free2Go. I think it has $10/90 days = ~$3.33 / month. |
2004/7/25 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:32471 Activity:nil |
7/25 Is it any surprise that Sandy Berger attempted to dowplay the Cox report on Chinese espionage? 'Sandy Berger must go' from 1999 http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1178015/posts |
2004/7/24 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32468 Activity:high |
7/24 I'll see you a Berger and raise you a Shelby: Republican Senator Richard Selby target of a Justice Department investigation into leakage of classified 9/11 phone intercepts. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,126904,00.html \_ IIRC, this started after Shelby criticized FBI for faiilure in 9/11. \_ Not quite the same thing. Berger didn't deny the action. Shelby does. Berger appears to have destroyed documents, etc. Hang Berger and if Shelby did it, hang him too. |
2004/7/23 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32448 Activity:nil |
7/23 Woman With Possible Terror Ties Arrested (smuggled thru our southern boarder) Doing the jobs Americans won't do.... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1177157/posts MIDDLE-EASTERN INVADERS CAUGHT CROSSING FROM MEXICO IN COCHISE COUNTY IN PAST SIX WEEKS http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1177082/posts |
2004/7/23-24 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32446 Activity:insanely high |
7/23 I wonder which "domestic terror" group they could be talking about? Have the Freepers formed their own militia? http://csua.org/u/8am (yahoo news) \_ yes. \_ There have been domestic terrorists practically forever. Just off the top of my head I can name, the KKK, 1900's anarchists, the SLA and abortion clinic bombers. Domestic terrorists are left or right wing fringe elements who believe violent means are justified in persuit of their goal. \_ Don't forget ELF and the various militias in the central north. \_ I'm sure I've forgotten a dozen groups, but I'm just saying there's all kinds of terrorists. \_ Has the ELF actually injured/killed anyone? \_ a.out \_ You think Hummers don't feel pain? \_ Idiot. Look up "tree spiking" and why it can kill. \_ Fatass. Look up why yermom is so fat that she could kill somone if she sat down on them. But she hasn't yet, so we don't call her a murderer, just a fat ugly skanky Hummer driving hobag. \_ When my mom spikes a tree, I'll let you know. When your idiotic 'heroes of the environment' stop trying to kill people and destroy property, let us know. \_ "There is something slightly absurd about a scenario in which those who want to destroy a forest can accuse those of trying to perserve it of property damage..." -Maines \_ I was referring to the number of autos that were burned or spray painted, not trees spiked. Re: "ugly skanky Hummer driving hobag". \_ and what about all the pedestrians killed by drivers of monster suv's who can't see over the dash? what about all the asthma deaths associated with excessive driving in urban and suburban areas? When one persons actions lead to the death of another and that death is preventable, i call that violence. \_ Sue GM, Ford, etc. RIDE BIKE! Yeah, whatever. Troll, troll, troll. Not even a good troll. Only ilyas bothered to respond. \_ You need to become familiar with a legal concept of 'main cause.' -- ilyas \_ most tree spikers (YES I KNOW NOT 100 PERCENT BUT FUCKING CLOSE) make the tree with paint to let everyone know they spiked it. \_ so only some loggers are likely to get injured or die and those who don't check for paint? \_ I would say a small number of loggers have a slight chance of being injured if they are dumb enough not to LOOK AT THE DAMN TREE THEY'RE CUTTING. \_ Does that include the ones where they glued bark over the hole, or painted the nail so it wouldn't shine and is harder to see? How about they file some lawsuits or vote or do something within the legal bounds of society instead of forcing their views on others through violence? \_ Injured, yes. Dead? Not that I know of but only due to luck. Their stunts could easily have killed someone. \_ FWIW, Earth First! disavowed tree spiking and never took responsibility for any of it officially. Their MO was more blocking logging operations and camping out in trees. That's not to say their extremist rhetoric couldn't have inspired others to do such things. \_ EF != ELF. Anyway, they're all shadowy .orgs with no real official structure anyway. Killing people is killing people and *someone* was spiking trees, whichever terrorist .org they belonged to. \_ Tree spiking has not hurt or killed anyone, in spite of logging company propaganda. And I agree with you, killing people is killing people, but tree spiking never killed anyone. Blaming EF for tree spiking is almost as dumb as blaming Rush Limbaugh for the Oklahoma City bombing. \_ Well, it hurt this guy: http://www.peterherrick.com/content/treespiking5.htm \_ That doesn't count! He's white! \_ Okay, I take it back. One minor injury. \_ You're an asshole: "This happened in California in 1987, where the operator's jaw was broken and several teeth were knocked out". \_ Yawn. Minor injury. \_ *laugh* Now, I _know_ you're a troll. Sub thread is now dead. \_ So are all these guys seriously trying to claim that ELF is the terrorist org that the FBI says is planning to kill journalists at the Democratic convention? Somehow, I kind of doubt it... \_ Earth Liberation Front. I have no idea which ELF you're talking about and if the FBI says they're planning to kill anyone. \_ You really think it is the Earth Liberation Front that is going to go after the Democratic convention eh? You are battier that I had even thought, I and I thought you were pretty batty. Did you come up with that one on your own, or do you have some kind of source for it? \_ 1) the person you're replying to (me) didn't state anything about ELF attacking the DNC convention except to say I hadn't heard anything about what the other poster claimed about the FBI. 2) learn to read. 3) given #1, there is no need for #3. See #2. |
2004/7/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32429 Activity:nil |
7/22 http://www.gpoaccess.gov/911/index.html \_ The butler did it. |
2004/7/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:32393 Activity:very high |
7/20 Berger investigated for taking classified reports http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20040719-112728-6891r.htm "...he had taken from classified anti-terror documents he reviewed at the National Archives by sticking them in his jacket and pants." This guy was Clinton's and Kerry's NSA (equivalent to Rice) \_ Again, even though you erased it, what's really interesting about all of this is why this is suddenly "news" when the investigation has been going on since last December. \_ how is the timing relevant in any way? This guy stole and lost documents from the National Archives and you are worried about the timing. Congress had known about Abu Ghraib for half a year before it came out, and??? \_ And you screamed bloody murder about it all being leaked out in time to be an election-year issue. If that was politicking, then so the hell is this. \_ I don't know who 'you' refers to. I though the whole thing was overblown, nothing more than hazing of terrorists. Again, when is a good time to release a former NSA stole and lost documents while the 9/11 commission was ongoing? I don't think you have an answer. I can't believe you have the audacity to worry about the 'timing'. \_ Pshaw all around. The NSA scandal and the Abu Graib scandal should have been revealed at the same time: as soon as they were discovered. How do you like my answer now? \_ Abu Graib was revealed when it was discovered. I remember seeing it mentioned months before the pictures came out. It was only the pictures that suddenly put it on the front page. \_ You simply reinforce my opinion that to you what matters is style over substance. You could care less that someone violated the law and effectively interfered with a Congressional investigation. In summary, you are unethical and choose to do defend like individuals. \_ Is that the impression you got? Let me disabuse you of it: If he violated the law and interefered with said investigation beyond a reasonable doubt, I not only care, I will be happy to see him punished. Now pay attention here, because this is where it gets tricky: at the same time that I agree he should be punished, I _also_ understand that the timing of this release of information is of particular use to the Repubs in their efforts to discredit the Kerry campaign. See that? Two beliefs, one pro-punishment and the other rather cynical, held at exactly the same time in my brain. You should try it some time. It's a kick. |
2004/7/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32387 Activity:very high |
7/20 Are Filipinos embarassed over your country being cowards? \_ they should be. They should of stand tall and so *NO* to American at first place. \_ Chicom troll! U Rock! -Chicom Troll #1 fan \_ Just want to inform you guys that USA is bullying just about everyone to contribute troops in Iraq hence caused a lot of resentment toward USA. An interesting case is the Korean one. I was talking to a Korea national (not Korean-American), he told me that Koreans are generally bitter toward USA for the beheading of one of the translator, eventhough it is Iraqi who was doing the killing, resentment toward USA is far exceed resentment toward Iraq \_ the filipino president just barely won her election and there were lots of charges of voter fraud, she decided having the US mad at her was less important than no political support at home, AT ALL, at this time. \_ They were scheduled to withdraw in August. Troops home 10 days early, 1 truck driver alive. Definite cowardice. \_ Have you stopped beating your wife? And why do you hate America? \_ http://csua.org/u/89q (Filipino gets hammered, then hammers wife) \_ I am troubled by the fact that they gave into terrorists but I fail to see how not withdrawing is an act of bravery. It's not like an soldiers or government officials would have had their heads cut off. They could have just decided to let the guy get fucked to save face. Would that be considered brave? \_ The thing about Filipines is that it has like a million OFW (overseas filipino workers) working in muslim countries. It has take their interest and safety into consideration. \_ Well in the long run they have just painted a huge target on those poor OFW's. Now any small-time kidnapper with a beef against the Phillipines just has to grab a filipino and threaten to behead them and they'll have the phillipine Gov't at their knees. Way to reward the terrorists, guys. \_ Umm... don't you think you might be exagerating a little? All they got was the withdrawal of a mere 50 troops just 10 days ahead of schedule. I'd hardly call that 'at their knees'. \_ but maybe this Iraq business isn't where they should make a stand, and unnecessarily threaten the lives of the OFWs. Do the Islamic terrorists just kidnap people from random countries and make random demands on those countries? \_ They're planning on kidnapping some Finns so they can demand more cell phones. \_ Do Filipinos have an inferiority complex? \_ As Paolo points out, their country is named after a Spanish king. What do you think? -- ilyas \_ oh yea, whatever. at least they don't change their name to barnstone just to cover up their heritage. \_ at first, it seems like randomn. But now the pattern is quite clear: kidnapping the not-so-willing allies, and put the final straw which break the camel. \_ Forget OFWs, I bet the Philippines are more worried about the Muslims in their own country (the embattled southern islands have lots of Muslim extremists, and reportedly a few of Osama's illegitimate children). \_ Last time I check, we dumped over 10 billions in 10 years helping these "freedom fighters" to do the fighting in Afghanstan. Now, please tell me who is rewarding the terrorist again? \_ You have been Trolled. -OP |
2004/7/17 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:32330 Activity:nil |
7/16 blowkay [bloh'-kay] adj. of an attitude, typically exhibited by the electorate, that elected officials who have sexual relations outside of marriage while in office are less deserving of impeachment than officials whose decisions lead to the loss of human life. Folks say the new senator from Rhode Island is a skirt chaser, but as long as he doesn't send thousands of Americans off to die in a war on false pretenses, he's blowkay with me. \_ fuck that. I don't think it's too much to ask to have leaders who don't screw around with interns or lie to american people, or give government contracts to their buddies without bids or make deals with terrorists to fund secret wars to support dictators in latin america or run a secret gang of thugs from the whitehouse to perpetrate illegal "dirty tricks" on opponents or let a unwinnable war drag on forever while lying about it to the american people...goddamn all of them all to hell. \_ Moron, without corruption there would be no government. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The founding fathers of this country weren't stupid, and they knew this, which is why our government is designed to be a balancing act. You can never eliminate graft or nepotism, it's the grease that keeps government working. You can't codify human behavior into simple law. The law is simply a framework which we work from. |
2004/7/12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32243 Activity:high |
7/12 My nightmare seems closer to reality now. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/07/12/politics/campaign/12vote.html ("Federal officials are looking into what legal authority if any they would have to postpone the November presidential election in the event of a terrorist strike, a Department of Homeland Security official said Sunday.") \_ What is your nightmare? An orderly response to a terrorist attack? Note that the NYC mayoral primary was delayed when the attacks hit on 9/11 (day of the election). Considering that a hit would most likely be on an urban center (which tend to vote liberal) do you think this is a bad thing? \_ mayoral primary. big deal. \_ A primary is a quite different. For one the dates of the election are not mandated in the constitution. For another they don't have quite the same importance. Remember Guilliani also tried to get a few more months of his term to "deal with the situation" in New York and that made a lot of New Yorkers who were previously happy with Gulliani quite grumpy. He didn't get those extra months BTW. \_ Have the freepers come to motd? Usually we have more intelligent conservatives posting. \_ Do you have a response to the content or are you just another mindless ad hominem drone? \_ Your last sentence ("Considering that ...") speaks for itself. What are you trying to say in this sentence? \_ I think what the poster was referring to is the president might create a terrorist event to reschedule the election more to his liking. \_ Yeah, but I tend to ignore tinfoil hat nutjobs. He probably thinks Bush orchestrated 9/11. \_ Bush didn't orchestrate 9/11, but he sure took advantage of it in order to topple Hussein, and take away our civil liberties with the un-patriotic act. If there is a terrorist attack *and* Bush has the numbers to lose, don't bother even questioning for a split-second that Bush won't delay the election until he can spin-ster his way to victory. \_ That bastard! How dare he topple Hussein! -- ilyas \_ Teresa Nielsen Hayden: "I deeply resent the way this admin- istration makes me feel like a nutbar conspiracy theorist." I don't think W [w|c]ould orchestrate a terrorist attack. That said, I am deathly afraid of any postponement of the election. Come up with a better plan, you morons. -op |
2004/7/12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32235 Activity:nil |
7/12 Eyeballing the White House http://cryptome.org/whrez/whrez-eyeball.htm -John \_ What are you planning, terrorist?! |
2004/7/12 [Computer/SW/Security, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32227 Activity:moderate |
7/11 LIVE IN FEAR PESANTS! http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/editorial/outlook/2660471 \_ Do you mean 'peasants'? \_ Ok so you won't mind if we profile Muslims and kick out all of the illegals? Which is it? \_ Your reply makes no sense to me, but I'm sure it's exactly what the TSA folks think too. \_ The fact that they talked to him seemed reasonable, but I think any sane police agency would have quickly said, "ok, no big deal" pretty damn fast. Although I think the person who reported him is a moron, I do understand the "we have to follow up" reponse. I don't understand the "we have to look tough and try to scare him" response. \_ I don't think your version would make a very good newspaper story. \_ It's just the way cops are. You never met a cop before? This idiot writes like he's never met one either. But really, the above is correct. The guy had a deadline for X column inches so he wrote some crap. Since nothing happened and you can't check his story, who says it even happened at all? The URL and the original 'story' and I do mean 'story' are trolls. \_ He's not an idiot; this is unacceptable behavior by stupid and officious thugs in uniform. I was approached by a little toad bitch in St. Louis (after they'd lost my luggage) who asked me if I were visiting on business or pleasure--I replied "pleasure", at which point she started snapping at me "then why are you wearing business clothes?!?" (Khakis and a shirt.) These are the menial and uneducated, placed in uniform with a mandate to intimidate. See comment about paying what you get for in the camera discussion below. -John \_ America: land of the free, home of the brave. |
2004/7/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:32190 Activity:high |
7/8 Joseph Stalin and Osama Bin Laden more popular than Bush! http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20040707/od_nm/bush_dc_1 \_ Sounds like a stupidity test. \_ Probably because everyone that Stalin and Bin Laden didn't like got killed, whereas Bush isn't rounding up and executing leftists by the millions. Maybe he should be. \_ You are saying that you love both Stalin and Bin Laden? \_ In Soviet Russia, Party hates YOU! \_ I'm saying you should take a reading comprehension class. \_ How will this make you a clear and informative poster? |
2004/7/7 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:31209 Activity:insanely high |
7/7 Concerned senior citizen speaks out in support of Kerry: http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/04/Jul/kerry.html \_ Dear Mr. Bush, Since the start of your presidency, membership in our club has grown by leaps and bounds; donations have quadrupled, and media coverage has been daily and constant. Keep up the good work. Yours, Osama bin Laden \_ Yeah, and when they stated as early as '93 they were out to get Americans, what did Clinton do? \_ he tried to kill him. Mind you that at the same time, you were busy trying to impeach Clinton, completely ignoring all threats imposed by Al Qaeda. \_ Laaaaaame.... try harder. \_ no lamer than the original. -tom \_ The original was actually quite amusing. The followup just tried too hard and doesn't ring as true. \_ I'd like to think you're joking, but I'm afraid I'd be terribly mistaken. \_ Apparently you have no sense of timing. I bet you find knock-knock jokes still funny... \_ but true. \_ Uhm, no... \_ It was cute the first time but now it's old as dirt and best forgotten. Don't beat a dead horse. \_ Kerry has the support of foriegn leaders! \_ And Al Gore invented the Internet, and Ketchup is a vegetable, and you REALLY need some new material. \_ Bush has the support of Al Queda! \_ Anyone that does not agree with me is a terrorist and hates America! \_ I know you're being sarcastic but I hope you don't believe anyone actually ever said that for real. \_ Anyone on the motd, the Bush administration, or the right-wing press? Take your pick. I bet I can find examples from all three. Poster below just found one from Bush himself. \_ "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." -GWB |
2004/7/6 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:31182 Activity:very high |
7/6 Old news, but interesting Sources: Cheney curses senator over Halliburton criticism http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/06/24/cheney.leahy \_ This was already discussed on the motd and there's nothing new. Perhaps you should read the motd archives. \_ What was the conclusion from sodans? \_ http://csua.com/?entry=31000 \_ Why the hell do we need some UCLA guy archiving the Berkeley csua motd??? :) \_ It's better than some Stanford guy, hehe... \_ Looks like the curse word was debated for exactly one entry before the whole thing turned into an off topic pissing match about Al Qaida and Iraq. So it would still seem worthy of discussion. \_ Cursing is only bad when Democrats do it. \_ Ah, go fuck yourself. -a Demo \_ Best take on the whole thing was Jon Stewart's: "This shows that Cheney is coming out in support of gay marriage." |
2004/7/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:31169 Activity:insanely high |
5/7 Why does anyone take Moore seriously? His movies are fiction, not documentaties. First columbine now 911. Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911 http://davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm \_ written by a democrat who voted for nader. \_ holy shit! he voted his concious instead of his party! traitor! kill him! burn the witch! he violated group think! he has independent thought! destroy the infection! \_ "independent thought" != intelligence. \_ its relevant bc its written by a dem, not hannity or foxnews. \_ A Dem who writes for the National Review. NRO has spent the last six months openly campaigning for Bush and slamming Kerry, so they are hardly an objective source. \_ even before seeing 911, I do not see how any reasonable, compassionate person could vote for gwbush again. \_ compassionate? meaning what? you take my money and give it to yourself and others who haven't earned it through the power of the federal and state government? get a job and you won't need compassion. \_ no, i don't sit around thinking of ways to steal your money and give it to welfare queens. I am an equal opportunity bush despiser. there's lots of reasons to not vote for george bush, i could easily make a list of several hundred good ones not involving taxes. \_ It is a common fallacy of the politically maladroit to assume that compassion has anything to with politics. It does not. Politics is about ambition, and ambition plays to what is expedient and necessary. How is your Boston Brahmin any more or less despicable than the Texan? You need wake up and smell the coffee. Believing that compassion rules human behavior is something that wisdom and common sense should have easily discredited. \_ And yet he sold his platform in 2000 on "compassionate conservatism". We all knew the term was bullshit, and yet it sold. \_ No, it didn't. People voted against Gore because he did poorly in the debates and is a crackpot. Very few voted 'for' Bush in 2000. Gore's own home state wouldn't even vote for him. \_ Funny, I seem to remember Gore got over 50 percent of the vote... \_ Funny, you seem to remember wrong. 48.38%. http://www.fec.gov/pubrec/2000presgeresults.htm \_ Perhaps. But like any good game, politics requires either compromise or utter domination. For a short while there, the Repubs had the latter: the House, the Senate, the Presidency, the Bench, and the support of the People. Recently, they seem to have lost the latter two and confused the former two. This requires compromise, and the Texan (and his Cabinet) are notorious for being poor compromisers. The Boston Brahmin is famed for being able to come to reasonable compromises that diminish neither side. \_ Famed? I call bullshit. I've *never* heard anyone claim the most liberal voting Senator is famed for any such thing. \_ HE'S A FLIP FLOPPING LIBERAL, I TELL YOU! (For the clue impaired, "flip flop" is right wing speak for compromise.) \_ Incidentally, whatever else may be true, 'flip-flopping' is perhaps the most damaging smear against Democrats in the Republican arsenal, in terms of real effects. -- ilyas \_ What happened to 'waffling'? \_ you mean it's not a piece of electronics!? \_ Because the dems are out of power and they need someone like Moore. The Reps used to use Limbaugh when they were out of power. The opposition party always needs a wacky muckracking spokesman to rally the troops. Moor's just the latest in a long line. \_ Yes Rush is a firebrand but he's never this deceitful. \_ Bull. Rush spews false stats, misquotes, and is almost psychotically hypocritical. \_ Uh? Rush doesn't tend to give any stats at all, when he does he's quoting someone else, and his quotes are all checkable online. Where is he a hypocrite? He was never an anti-drug crusader so turning out to be a drug addict doesn't make him a hypocrite. Do you know *anything* about the man or are you just spewing the DNC talking points? I wonder if you've even listened to his show for more than 5 minutes, if ever. \_ http://www.fair.org/extra/0311/limbaugh-drugs.html You are wrong, again. As usual. \_ More Limbaugh Lies: http://www.fair.org/press-releases/limbaugh-debates-reality.html \_ As opposed to CNN, NYTimes, ABC, etc. which is just 100% fact. Yup. \_ By the kind of argument employed in that url, everyday there are 10 imes more "deceits" in any of the above than F911. \_ I've been saying that about the media for years on the motd but people always call me a crackpot for saying the main- stream media is inaccurate, biased, or in any way unreliable. Are you a crackpot, too? \_ If that means considering mainstream media inaccurate rather than accusing them of bias along particular directions, yes. \_ well, i think you're both off base. if "news" means 15 minutes of ads, 10 minutes of sports, 10 minutes of weather, 10 minutes of "puppy saved in local lake" and five minutes of sound bites with pretty pictures about what's actually going on in the world, who gives a shit if it's biased or wrong? that's just not the point. the point is that no responsible journalist is *ever* going to be able to reduce the news to a five minute cartoon, and as long as that's all people will take for their news, we have a serious problem. I blame the morons who don't bother to *read*, not the tv news networks that respond accurately to the demand of the news consumer. \_ You'd feel differently if it was *your* puppy. \_ not likely. in my experience, they'd get the name of the puppy wrong, then say the police rescued it when it was really the fire department, and incorrectly name the lake from which it was rescued. \_ When your sources include Slate articles by Chris Hitchens, you really must be scraping the barrel. \- are you in fact the only person in the world who refers to Christopher Hitchens as "Chris"? \_ No, I'm in good company: http://csua.org/u/81y However, I promise not to call you "Par." \_ Either the material is true or it is not. If you have to attack the source instead of the truthfulness of the material presented, you're not even in the barrel anymore. \_ Hitchen's article is a fact-free zone - its just a bloviating screed. \_ Maybe. You expected anyone to actually read the URL before commenting? \_ So you're saying that the clip in the movie at Camp David does *not* show Bush sitting next to Tony Blair? \_ 50 of these "deceits" are not even lies, by any stretch of the imagination. It is a "deceit" to show that Bush sat and read in a classroom for nine minutes after being informed of the 9/11 attacks? The author calls it a deceit because Moore offers no attacks? The author calls it a "lie" because Moore offers no other suggestion as to what Bush should have been doing.... Whaaaat? Most of the rest are the same. He calls Moore a "liar" for not presenting both sides of controversial topics. This is a good example of "bias" but a terrible example of a "lie." This guy is a big hypocrite anyway, if you read any of his columns, he does not bother to present both sides of any views. |
2004/7/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:31129 Activity:very high |
7/2 How will The Republicans respond to this? http://csua.org/u/80w (Yahoo News) \_ their standard response: "Get over it!" - pst \_ this coming from someone who falls at the feet of a group named "moveon.org". \_ An amusing stunt to be sure. You might want a more descriptive line like: "Some Democratic Congresspeople request UN observe US election." There's some loon who censors any link without what he considers to be an adequate description (presumably so he doesn't have to deal with the shock and awe of reading anything he might disagree with). \_ Idiot. So it a) doesn't waste his time and b) avoids work unsafe links. Moron, we aren't all surfing in our underwear at home with the motd in one window, pr0n in another and our dick in our hand. \_ The Republicans will not respond to it because the UN has no real jurisdiction here. I mean, what are you going to do if the UN Monitoring Committee finds that the elections are a fraud? Invade the US? The UN is merely a sock puppet for the U.S. anyway, and has no real power. \_ The UN exists so the 3rd world dictators can have a place to safely, and powerlessly, mouth off and feel important so they don't something stupid and actively harmful. The UN doesn't have jurisdiction *anywhere* on the planet. \_ This is as stupid as standing on the porch of your trailerhouse with your shotgun in hand, declaring "them gubmint regulators ain't got no authority here" but you probably do that, too. |
2004/7/2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:31124 Activity:very high |
7/2 Why isn't Jackass:The Movie considered a documentary? All this talk of F/911 being the first documentary to debut at #1 and being the highest grossing feature length documentary. \_ 1 : being or consisting of documents : contained or certified in writing <documentary evidence> writing 2 : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE <a documentary film of the war> ; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE 2 : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE \_ Jackass sounds like a documentary to me then! \_ F911 doesn't/ \_ By that logic, every movie is a documentary, since it documents what the actors are doing. \_ I'm assuming you haven't seen Jackass. \_ If you can equate Jackass with F9/11, can I equate Hannity and Rush with Bozo the Clown? \_ Bad dodge! Btw, IMDB has Jackass down as a documentary http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0322802 \_ A bunch of retards on the Intarweb say it, it must be so! \_ A bunch of retards on the Intarweb say it, it must be so! \_ and Yahoo http://movies.yahoo.com/movies/feature/jackass.html \_ You're still being deliberately obtuse by equating F9/11 with Jackass. No one mistakes "Jackass" for a documentary, although apparently that was the category a couple of websites decided to stuff it into for lack of a better term. F9/11 is a documentary about current events, like it or not. It is based primarily on news footage of real events. Jackass is completely staged. Get real. \_ I'm assuming you haven't seen F/911 either... \_ Based is an interesting word in this case. If only it was based on and presented facts, then it would be a documentary. \_ I haven't seen F911 yet, but I want to see it in a reasonably conservative area. What's the most conservative place in the SFBA? \_ I recommend Castro Valley. I dated a girl from there... they have a rodeo and lots of Bush Lovers there. \_ Why? Any particular reason? Are you scared some volvo-driving latte-sipping New York Times-reading scary liburul is going to solicit you for gay butt love? \_ I don't drink latte -straight BMW-driving liberal. \_ But you're cool with the gay butt love? \_ No, but if you're looking I recommend Castro St. \_ No. I'm a left-liberal and want to see what the other half thinks of it, rather than going to see it with a bunch of people going whoop-whoop. \_ Most conservatives won't go and see this "movie". We have better things to do with our $9 than waste time watching some twit's lame over-hyped ramblings. \_ And you know that this movie is some "twit's lame over-hyped ramblings" because you saw the movie or because you listened to some twit's lame over-hyped ramblings about how you shouldn't see this movie? \_ I know things like Richard Perle saying that he told MM that what MM put in his movie about RP's stuff simply wasn't true and MM had months to fix it before release and wouldn't even respond. For example, RP says he is the one who gave the OK for the bin Laden family to leave the US; it never went higher than him personally yet MM blames Bush for it as if it was a Bush/bin Laden oil conspiracy. MM is a proven liar and a scumbag and won't see my money. Thanks for asking. \_ I don't listen to the radio. I saw a summary of the movie in a newspaper (think it was the WSJ). The newshour had some stuff about it as well. Seemed to me like yaOverHypedFlick. Anyway, movies aren't really my thing. The last movie I saw was ST:Nemsis. The next movie I'll see might be Bourne Supremacy. \_ Most of this "hype" is being generated by people calling it some "twit's lame over-hyped ramblings". I'm sure Michael Moore couldn't be happier with all the free publicity conservatives are giving him. \_ When someone tells the Big Lie in public and worse, gets money and accolades for it, it is important to say something. Otherwise people will blindly accept it as fact instead of as "that controversial movie by that guy". \_ Ahh, so you just have extremely poor taste. Likely you don't bother to vote anyway, so its moot. \_ Can't argue about the poor taste in movies part. I'll watch almost anything with the words Star Trek in the title. I have voted Republican in every election since 1995. Someone has to keep the commies from taking over the country. :-) \_ The Trekkies vs. the Commies??!!?! Now THAT I would pay $10 to see. \_ Winner takes on the Moonies in a steel cage death match. \_ Bust a deal, spin the wheel! \_ Apparently you're wrong about that, but please continue with your fantasy world, its amusing to the rest of us. \_ Don't you see his logic? If they see the movie, then they aren't Real Conservatives (TM). It's like how lots of Christian denominations disclaim other wacky Christians by saying "Those aren't Real Christians." \_ no. if we see the movie, we're wasting our time and money better spent with families, at work, or doing something useful elsewhere. \_ Most of my conservative friends have skipped this movie prefering to spend their money on real entertainment instead (spidey 2). \_ Spiderman's a Democrat. \_ So what? Conservatives can't like Democrats? When was that law passed? \_ Dude, it was a joke. I don't even think Spiderman has a political affiliation. Take that rod out of your ass. \_ So was my response. \_ obAnnCoulterToThread \_ "I'm having trouble paying my mortgage, but everyone is these days in the Bush economy." \_ Yeah with interest rates at 46 year lows, if you can't pay your mortgage you're an idiot. \_ I vote for Danville or Atherton. \_ I dunno if Atherton is that conservative - just extremely rich. \_ Piedmont - extremely rich and pretty liberal Atherton - extremely rich and pretty conservative \_ All the Atherton residents I know (8 households, both my age-group and my parents') are fairly liberal. \_ Are you liberal? If so, what are the odds you would spend social time with anyone who wasn't? \_ Maybe Stockton? Most of the Bay Area is pretty liberal. All major Bay Area counties voted Dem in the 2000 election. \_ To call F911 a "documentary" is an injustice to real documentary film producers such as Ken Burns. Its like comparing the crap on Discovery channel to real programs such as Nova or American Exp. \_ Ken Burns? You've gotta be kidding me. I would argue about this with you but just the thought of Ken Burns is putting me to sleee.....zzzzzzz \_ Almost everything Ken Burns has produced for American Experience has been exceptional. Entertaining, factual, well researched. \_ ZZZZZZzzzZZ....mph...ZZzzz \_ Nova is a real documentary??? It can be many times more biased than F9/11 except nobody is bothered about it. \_ I've been watching Nova for more than 20 yrs. I haven't ever seen a biased eps. \_ That says more about you than Nova or F9/11. \_ Name some biased eps in Nova. |
2004/6/30-7/1 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:31089 Activity:high |
6/30 Nepal buddhist put in solitary confinement for 24/hr * 3 month for unknowingly videotaping outside a FBI building. http://www.nytimes.com/2004/06/30/nyregion/30deport.final.html And recently a NYT photographer was prevented form taking picture of Times-Warner building. Will it now get someone in trouble if he takes pictures on the street with major landmark or government building in the line of sight? It doesn't matter if he will eventually get out. \_ Four more years! Leader Bush is teh greatest! \_ And this will change under kerry because..? \_ I don't want Iranian nationals taking pictures of landmarks in my country. -allenp \_ Why not? --iranian national. \_ While we're rattling sabers with each other. -allenp \_ Better just ban all tourists from taking any pictures. You never know who might be our enemy tomorrow. Thank goodness Eastasia is our ally. \_ w00t! \_ Now, _that_ was a funny edit. Nice. \_ "Ignorance of the law is no excuse, for it can always be faked." That said, the real problem here is the unbelieveable bueracuracy that infests our government. Look at the INS. Just ridiculous. \_ He was on an expired visa. That's life. Maybe he can tell his friends to obey our immigration laws and then there's no problem. We should have forced him to refund US taxpayers the cost of jail and trial before release. I'm sure FBI agents have more important concerns than this twit. \_ Not only that. He was *working* with an expired *tourist* visa. \_ So deport him. If you want him punished, work out a treaty the law, and staying of a tourist visa is too. with Nepal where they punish their citizens for violating your immigration laws. \_ That's what the FBI agent in charge was trying to do, and he eventually got him out. \_ Are you a tax lawyer? Then you've almost certainly committed tax fraud and mail fraud. When they come to lock you up, please remember what you've written today. \_ Bad analogy. This guy knew he was breaking immigration law wide open. You don't have to be an immigration lawyer to know that working on a tourist visa is against the law, and staying of a tourist visa is too. \_ straw man. The penalty for working on an expired visa is deportation, not 3 months of jail. -tom \_ Wrong-o, Tom-o. Or at least you're responding to the wrong question. I didn't say anything about the punishment being just. I just pointed out that this fellows analogy was wrong. That's not a straw man. \_ 'Wrong-o, Tom-o'? What the fuck is wrong with you? \_ I get too much fun out of life. \_ No analogy being made here. If you're not a tax lawyer, you have almost certainly violated some minor part of the byzantine US tax codes. If you show no sympathy for a man who was put in solitary confinement for 3 months for working on an expired visa, expect no sympathy when the powers that be arrest and detain you on the pretext of tax and mail fraud. \_ "No analogy?" Your whole argument us based on a bad analogy, That purposely breaking a well known low in 2 different ways is somehow analgus to breaking an extrememly obscure law unintentionally. \_ Here is the correct article non PC title: Greedy Nepalese Flaunts US Laws and Distracts FBI from Pursuing Terrorists. He is responsible for his decision to break our laws when we are under terrorist attack. He is lucky to have gotten off as easy as he did. BTW this is classic NYTimes bias. \_ Wait, so its only an objective headline if its worded like a news report in Starship Troopers? \_ Motd Poster is flaming asshole and rabid propagandist! Click here to learn more! \_ Do you want to see more? \_ I think, what you are saying is, he was lucky because: (1) He was kept in solitary, he wasn't raped, he was only strip-searched (2) It was only three months, could have been a year+ (3) He could be in Guantanamo, he was in Brooklyn (4) He eventually got to talk to a lawyer (5) He had a senior FBI agent helping him (6) He got a free ticket back to Nepal, didn't have to pay any fines, and did manage to send $37K back to his family (7) He broke important laws during a very sensitive time, he should accept the consequences \_ If rape is inevitable, sit back and enjoy it! |
2004/6/24-25 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:31000 Activity:very high |
6/24 omg, cheney cusses in senate. http://drudgereport.com "Cheney curses senator over Halliburton criticism... VP to Sen. Leahy: 'F**k You'... Nearly a dozen senators witnessed..." \_ Poor guy's under a lot of pressure right now, what with being caught lying and all about Iraq / Al Qaeda connections. \_ Wow, this is so done. Let's have a direct quote which turned out to be false. \_ Gee, I've got more than two hundred. Here's one, you wilfully ignorant fool: "There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." --Dick Cheney \_ Clinton lost it during an interview with the BBC. He accused them of siding with the "far-right" for asking a non-softball question. At least with Republicans, it takes idiotic criticism night and day to finally see them pop, but with Democratic politicians, anything can make them burst, because of the constant coddling they get. Bush and his crew, despite being accomplished and impressively educated, get called "stupid" by all kinds of Hollywood people who dropped out of high school and college to act. \_ I forgot to tell you Clinton doesn't control the world anymore. \_ I forgot to tell you Clinton doesn't control the world anymore. \_ Fortunately, he never did. What gave you the idea that the US President controls the world? \_ Actually, only Bush gets called stupid. (Cheney is called evil, Rummy is called a warmonger, Wolfowitz is called a neocon.) \_ Have you actually seen the Clinton interview? http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsa/n5ctrl/progs/panorama/latest.ram The "losing it" bit is about 16-17 minutes into it. I don't think it is fair to say he lost it, but you should at least see it yourself before you make up your mind. (Oh and a short 1 minute edited clip does not mean you saw it.) -aspo \_ So you'll make sure in the future to not take Republican statements and events out of context? Is there a 17 minute clip leading up to Cheney "losing it" we can watch? \_ So I'll take it you haven't seen it? When there are clips available I'll watch them, when there are full transcripts I'll read them. In this case I really don't think Clinton lost it at all, but yes I have a bias. As for Cheney, I don't see why the fuck anyone cares. All it means to me is that this adminstration is feeling the heat a hell of a lot more. Yay! -aspo \_ You know, I'm getting tired of this repeated lie. The head of the 9/11 commission has said there's no significant difference between what the President and VP are saying and what the commission is saying. You want to argue this? Post your quotes and sign your name. -emarkp \_ The 9/11 commision and the President/VP are on the same page as far as "'links' between al Qaeda and Iraq". op is wrong. What the media jumped on was, "no collaborative relationship" -- the NY Times overstated this by writing "No Iraq-Al Qaeda Tie" in its headline. \_ Yes, Saddam didn't help plan 9/11. But there /are/ links between Al Queda and Saddam's Iraq. This is the same big lie that poeple tell WRT illegal immigration. When people demand that immigration laws are enforced, the demagogues say "why do you hate immigrants!". I'm tired of it. -emarkp \_ Ok, there is a link between al Qaeda and "Saddam's Iraq" but it's not really fair to say that. The cell remotely linked with al qaeda was in Kurds autonomous region, outside Saddam's control, protected by US of A. \_ The only control Saddam didn't have was air power over certain regions. Since he didn't have an air force that hardly matters. \_ There are links between Al Queda and a whole bunch of other countries. Even the United States is "linked" to Al Queda. We armed them in the 80's. Heck, about 19 of them were in the United States as they committed a horrible act three years ago. But we can't invade every damn country that's "linked" to Al Queda. \_ You've stretched reality beyond the breaking point. If this was a class paper (outside the Sociology department), you'd get an "F" for that line of reasoning. \_ [ delete my post and I get to delete yours ] \_ Logical reasoning is so tiresome. \_ Relevance? Saddam was courting them /recently/. Also, the links were more substantial than the mere presence of Al Qaeda agents in Iraq. And sign your posts. -emarkp \_ "courting them": gotta back this up, d00d. \_ Here's a link for you: http://tinyurl.com/2q6x5 (upi.com) \_ You're several days late; the CIA believes those were two different people. -tom \_ That's it? One dude in a low-level militia is your collaborative link between Iraq and Al Queda? Even Pakistan has high level nuclear scientists doing more collaborative work with them. \_ There are more countries have bigger ties with Al Queda. Why attack Iraq? \_ Al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist organisation. \_ That link does not show "courting", fool. \_ Hmm, Saddam gave Atta(?) a visa and trained him as a pilot? \_ Al Qaeda wanted Iraq as a safe haven and for WMD development, and Saddam never responded. This is the no "collaborative relationship" result. \_ We attacked Iraq because it refused to collaborate with terrorists. |
2004/6/23 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30964 Activity:very high |
6/23 Read the interrogation memos yourself: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A62516-2004Jun22.html Start with Feb. 1, 2002 (John Ashcroft's letter), it's short. Then go to Feb. 7, 2002 (Bush's memo). Now, my question: Why isn't anyone talking about the "UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment", which I believe should apply to everyone, al Qaeda included? Anyway, those two are really short reads, and it's interesting to see how the AP mischaracterizes some parts. \_ Another point is the Geneva Convention covers warfare between nation states, the Bush administration decided the taliban and al-queda are not valid nation states, so the geneva convention does not apply to such prisoners. I don't agree at all but that's their reasoning. \_ Yeah, to put it succinctly, if you read the two memos I highlighted -- Ashcroft said: Afghanistan is a failed state! Therefore, GC does not apply to Taliban. Bush said: I accept what Ashcroft said (and if he's wrong, he takes all the blame). But, I still say the Taliban should be covered by GC, but I reserve the right to remove GC coverage later. \_ Conversely, it's therefore okay for non-nation states to torture others since they are not signatories of the Geneva Convention. \_ It's not quite conversely. Let's say al Qaeda chops off heads in Iraq. Then they could be prosecuted by the Iraqi government for murder, or extradited to the U.S. The difference is, that if the U.S. tortures al Qaeda people in Guantanamo, no one cares. If the U.S. abuses an al Qaeda suspect who turns out to be innocent and people complain about it, then you have problems. \_ If the US doesn't torture a guy who had information that would have lead to saving thousands more American lives, you'd be the first to bitch about it and blame Bush. \_ Okay, I'm answering my own question: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/menu2/6/cat/treaties/convention-reserv.htm See United States of America. On signing, the USA made an exception for itself. They took out "degrading". Haha, I can't believe it was that straightforward. Hahahahaha ... it's totally legal for U.S. forces to treat those not covered by GC in a degrading way. This is what Bush means by never condoning torture or anything illegal, which is "true". Also, see this for the legal aspects behind torture at Guantanamo: http://www.warblogging.com/archives/000865.php Bottom line: It's *all* legal! (if they wanted to use torture there) \_ Well, the beating to death stuff is still illegal. \_ According to what you've posted, making prisoners stand naked would be acceptable. Sexual assault, violence, and murder, however, would still be considered inhumane and would therefore constitute violations of the conventions. In other words, Pfc England would be within the good zone if she just pointed, but would be in the bad zone if she touched. \_ Sexual assault, violence, and murder would be legal for an al Qaeda member at Guantanamo. Iraq is fully covered by GC, on the other hand. This is the Bybee memo that the Bush adminstration has been disavowing as "too broad, theoretical" for the last two days. \_ No, murder, sexual assault (rape), and some forms of violence would still not be ok. \_ Not according to the Bush Administration. Well, they would be "not okay" by policy, but Bush claims that he is above the law and that the Administration could not be punished by any judge or legislative act. So the prison guards could rape away without fear of any punishment if that was Administration policy. Or so they claim. \_ Bullshit. Show me where Bush said murder and rape are ok in any American controlled prison. \_ Don't forget: Iraq, it's not legal; Guantanamo, legal for al Qaeda members. -op \_ That's right, torture/killing of al Qaeda members at Guantanamo is "not okay" (Bush said don't do it), but it's "legal". Big difference. -op \_ Torture, yes, of course. Killing, no. It is intellectually dishonest to use "torture/killing" as a one word phrase when only one part of it is true. \_ Let's put it this way: If an al Qaeda member ends up dead at Guantanamo from a torture session gone wrong, what charge will be brought? Can we at least say that this manner of killing is legal, as determined by the Bush adminstration? |
2004/6/18-19 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30911 Activity:insanely high |
6/18 New York Times 1998: Bin Laden and Iraq Made a Deal NY Times 2004: No Al Qaeda Iraq Connection http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1155977/posts \_ what kind of link? the US originally passed billions in weapons and supplies to afghanistan via pakistan in the 80s, i'm sure some of it ended up with al-queda. so we have a link to al-queda. should we torture ourselves? \_ what? huh? what does the us giving weapons to the anti-soviet forces have to do with Iraq today or in 1998? \_ it has nothing to do with iraq. it has everything to do afghanistan and the early stages of the forming of al-queda. \_ It's the NYT. They have an agenda. They push their agenda. Everyone knows it. Why bother stating the obvious all the time? \_ What kind of agenda are they pushing if they're not even consistent among themselves? \_ It is very consistent. In 1998 Clinton needed support for his bombing campaign and distraction from his other issues so there's this big link and deals are made and the NYT is there as the big fly on the wall. In 2004, Bush is the President so suddenly there was never any connection. Agenda. See? All the news that's fit to print and fits the agenda. \_ 9/11 comission says link: http://csua.org/u/7tl Chairman Thomas Kean has confirmed: "There were contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda, a number of them, some of them a little shadowy. They were definitely there." Following news stories, Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton said he did not understand the media flap over this issue and that the commission does not disagree with the administration's assertion that there were connections between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's government. \_ Links, but no credible evidence of a collaborative relationship. \_ There's a shitload of evidence of a collaborative relation- ship. What there isn't is proof either way that Iraq was or was not involved in 9/11. \_ Dude, you should really stop parroting Cheney's line: "We just don't know." "No credible evidence", "no convincing evidence" works much better. \_ Anyone who could read a newspaper or URL was aware of the truth before Cheney said it. Should I invent my own truth just so I'm not saying the same thing as him? The truth it the truth. You've said nothing to dispute what I said. \_ Hey loser, the NY Times was reporting on what the 9/11 commission said. The NY Times did err in having the headline "No Iraq-Al Qaeda link", but in the lead paragraph, they say, "no credible evidence of a collaborative relationship". They shouldn't have pushed it, when they already had something good. They served it right up for Cheney and the Republican spin machine. \_ It isn't spin if you're correcting a media error. That's called being right. \-I think this discussion is largely pointless without some threashold for what "involvement" involves ... otherwise you can claim there is a link between 9-11 and 7-11 because Md Atta bought a Super Big Gulp one night. For example, France denied overfly rights when the US went to bomb Libya. How does that compare to the level of support given to AQ w.r.t. to 9/11. I think you need to keep it focused to 9/11 because if you just use the general standard of support of assorted terrorist groups, well then we've known about that all along [e.g. Abu Nidal] and it sort of seemed an expedient case of being "shocked, shocked". Keep in mind, the "western powers" have certainly harbored their share of thugs ... from Noreiga and the US, to the many African thugs and criminals with their "palaces" or hotel suites in various European capitals [Paris, Brussels, London], or on the Cote d'Azur. --psb \_ Moral equiv. Good move. |
2004/6/18 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:30898 Activity:insanely high |
6/18 WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? What's the matter. Are you sick of people using the one quote you have against liberals and turning it into a joke? \_ What quote? I didn't even know it was against liberals. I never "got it". You toss it around at random so it never means anything. \_ Are you fucking blind? "Why do you hate America?" is the most overused attack either on the motd and in the FoxNews media. That, followed by "Why do you support terrorists?" \_ On the motd it isn't an attack. It's just spewed around at random. Maybe you thought it was some bit of cleverness. I am simply stupid because as I already said, I never got it. I've *never* heard the line from any Fox media outlet or any other place in the world outside the motd. Has the motd become a Fox media outlet? \_ This post, just one week after 9/11: 9/19 Another one for the America haters http://www.FreeRepublic.com/forum/a3ba89ffd1b40.htm \_ That's it??!! A single motd post from 9/19/2001 with a freeper URL? *That* is the source of all america hatred?? \_ No, I'm not talking about the source of all "america hatred" but the accusations of others hating America when they never admitted to it. Go do your own homework. I'm not going to look up all the motd entries for you. But just in case you're too lazy, here's another one 7/4 Happy 4th of July! (even to you America haters) \_ WHY ASK WHY? |
2004/6/18 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30893 Activity:insanely high |
6/18 AH-64 Apache engineer beheaded and photos uploaded with head placed on his back. \_why dont you so called hackers destroy their islamic websites? \_ why don't you so-called nationalist hawks destroy their ability to wage war on us? \_ Workin' on it. \_ working on it. what have you done for the country lately? \_ great! and by "working on it" i suppose you mean supporting a president who lied to the american people and the world to divert our military efforts from fighting terrorism to carrying out a war of personal vengance in iraq? good for you! keep wasting time at your sysadmin job while posting to the motd and freerepublic and we'll have those islamists under control in no time! \_ Nearly all Republicans think Dubya did it to protect America, not as a matter of "personal vengeance". \_ Since 50% of Americans think Saddam Hussein conspired with Al-Qaeda, a lot of Republicans are misinformed, to say the least. \_ ... could be half Democrats, half Republican. Anyway, the far more believable scenario is Bush not being tall enough to cut through the crap and seeing that there was no WMD threat, in spite of Cheney/Wolfowitz/Rumsfeld/the CIA/Chalabi. \_ Assuming Republicans are at least as likely to believe the lies of a Republican administration as Democrats, then 50% of Republicans are misinformed. \_ I already said that \_ Well, the 9/11 commission is in that 50%. Not conspired to commit 9/11, but there were many Iraq-Al Qaeda links. \_ They said there is no credible evidence of a collaborative relationship between Iraq and Al Qaeda. "Links" means Al Qaeda formally requested Iraqi support, and Iraq never responded. \_ Point me to some Islamic Websites to take down. (No Al-jezzera) \_ in progress. you let them get strong enough that it's going to take a while. \_ the beheading is part of terrorist's propaganda campaign. should the media keep on hyping this event? |
2004/6/17 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30858 Activity:high |
6/17 Bush disputes the Arch liberal 9/11 commission findings: http://csua.org/u/7st \_ Presidents like this will destabilize the Middle East for years to come. \_ WDYHA? \_ Generations, damn it! And that's American credibility. Get the Big Lie right before you start telling it. |
2004/6/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30789 Activity:very high |
6/14 if Osama gets caught, give him a sex change operation, big boobs and release him naked through the streets of saudi arabia \_ first, give him a queer makeover \_ Queer Eye For The Fear Guy?! \_ if osama gets caught, we're not gonna find out till at least a year later, if at all. \_ Smart money says he's already dead. How do you get bi weekly kidney dialysis in a cave?! \_ By the grace of Allah! Duh! \_ Smart money says that BushCo has him locked up overseas somewhere and will unveil him in time for the election. \_ No, that would be the long odds. I give you 35:1. \_ Nah, there won't be that big an october surprise. It'll be Al Zarakawi (sp?) the #2 guy that's been given us some problems recently or maybe Al Sadr. \_ Nah, he was always a hypocondriac. He isn't nearly as ill as he always seemed to think he was or he would've been dead years ago. |
2004/6/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30745 Activity:insanely high |
6/11 poll, USA was safer before/after the fall of USSR: before: . after: \_ better question is if the USA was safer before the Muslim genocides in the 800s or after \_ There was the USA in the 800s? \_ why do you hate America? \_ Inhabited by pre-Americans. \_ This is just stupid. Was the USA safer when we and the USSR were pointing 30,000 nukes in each direction and willing to kill every human being on the planet or are we safer now that they're gone, the Russians are in the G8 and we have cordial chats with them about world affairs? New poll: is it better to live a long and happy life or a short painful miserable one? Duh. \_ myth: world was unsafe because of USSR fact: none of the nukes were actually used \_ fact: both sides had itchy trigger fingers. you're safer when one side ceases to exist and there's no one looking for an excuse to destroy the world. im stunned we're even having this discussion. \_ But after the fall of USSR, their nukes can now be easily stolen or purchased for the price of a BMW. So now we don't even know who has them. \_ Yes, but in this case, if ONE is used against us, it isn't clear who we can counter-strike against, and then suddenly we'll "find" lots of funds to go find the rest. \_ Exactly. It's the perception of ominous threat vs. reality. In reality, we are in far more danger now because the nukes can and will fall into the wrong hands now that there is no more than an anemic military watching the shop. I'm not saying the fall of the USSR was a bad thing, but this is not one of the reasons it was a good thing. The USSR did not want to use their nukes any more than the USA did. This cannot be said of some of the folks with access now. -- ulysses \_ Maybe, maybe, maybe, some terrorists will get a nuke, figure out how to use it, get it somewhere, and detonate it killing an entire city's worth of people. The other way the USSR and US were prepared to kill *everyone*. \_ Oh really? So there are thousands of ex-USSR nukes around now? Where does it say they're that easy to buy? \_ when USSR existed, 1/2 of the rogue country's frustrations and anger were directed at USSR. Now all are directed at USA. \_ I understand your probabilities argument but if it goes off in my city. I'll be too dead and glowing to carei how many other cities went at the same time. \_ another problem with his probabilities argument is that the ussr was brutal when it came to responses to arab terrorists. there was a kidnapping of some russians in the early 80s. the kgb sent the kidnapper his brother's ears and one of his balls in a gift wrapped box. the hostages were freed and no other russians were ever taken again until after the fall. \_ Except most of the terrorists (and mideast states) were funded by the KGB. \_ No, they were self funded on their own oil sales. The other arab states then funded terrorists around/in Israel. \_ Wow! KGB >>> CIA. KGB rule!!! \_ URL please? \_ What are the odds I can find you a URL from the early 80s? \_ I didn't want an URL from the 80s. I want an URL about that event in the 80s. \_ Good luck. The entirety of human history is not on the web. You have everything I remember about the situation. Go google for it for a few hours and let us know. |
2004/6/10 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30726 Activity:very high |
6/10 This keeps getting deleted, but nevermind. Global terrorism report being revised by State Department after Administration meddling. Revisions will show terrorism at highest level in 20 years, rather than lowest level in 34 years as originally stated. http://csua.org/u/7o4 (latimes via yahoo news) \_ Piffle. An LA Times story with unnamed sources critical of the Bush administratioN? What a surprise. Wait until the facts come out and then post it again. \_ You are way, way understating this. The poster, IMO, overstated somewhat. Let's just call it what it is. They are revising the report ... upward. And, a Washington Post story today: http://csua.org/u/7op This is where you say, "Liberal media ... bad!" \_ Its only true if Rush Limbaugh says so. \_ Rush never said you're an idiot, but it's still true. \_ I always laugh when people attack radio, tv, newspaper or other public figures they've never listened to, seen, read, etc. \_ I didn't cry "libural media"--I was criticizing a single paper. I don't trust the LA Times or the NY Times unless it's corroborated. And I don't trust unnamed sources. Oh, and I don't listen to Rush. \_ revise the report to go back to 900 AD and see how much terrorism the muslim world produced \_ RACIST! \_ Why do you hate history? \_ Include the Crusades then too. \_ Crusades was dark ages version of "War on Terror" |
2004/6/8 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30670 Activity:insanely high |
6/8 The very bottom of http://www.michaelmoore.com/index_real.php has a small article with the following paragraph: "When he was seven years old, Brandon Maxfield was accidentally shot in the face, becoming a permanent quadriplegic, completely paralyzed below the neck. The pistol that discharged while being unloaded was deliberately designed so that its safety had to first be moved from "Safe" to "Fire," making the trigger active and accidents more likely. I can't figure out what that last sentence is trying to say. Help? \_ That you can't unload the gun with the safety on, and that's a bad feature for a gun. \_ It's also a bad idea to point a gun at a 7 year while unloading it. \_ Agreed. In gun safety courses you're taught *never* to point a weapon at something you don't intend to shoot. Of course, young kids aren't typically sent through hunter safety courses anymore. \_ It doesn't say who was unloading the gun. It feels to me like the article leaves out details to obscure what actually happened. |
2004/6/5-6 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30620 Activity:nil |
6/5 Gunman goes on armored bulldozer rampage - http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/Central/06/05/bulldozer.rampage/index.html [URL fixed] |
2004/6/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30528 Activity:high |
6/1 "CNN - Government lawyers told the Supreme Court on Wednesday that the president has the legal authority to detain and interrogate suspected terrorists indefinitely without charging them regardless of whether they are arrested overseas or in the United States." Is this one easy or what? This should be a unanimous ruling. And if you have to ask, yes, unanimous AGAINST the power. Otherwise we might as well start calling him King George II of the United States of America. We even have Scalia saying that the president's commander in chief status "doesn't mean that he has power to do whatever it takes to win the war." \_ I thought he already is. If he wants to do something, just utter the "terrorist" word and no one will say otherwise. It's the magic word to get things done, like communism. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ WHY DO YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE? \_ Because there's nothing to like about it! \_ When are you leaving and for where? \_ You want to capture the TERRORIST or not!! \_ TERRORIST have no rights! \_ You sound suspiciously like a terrorist to me. \_ Why do you hate TERRORISM? \_ What's that? Terror-ism? Terrorgasm? Bush only uses "Terror". We are at war with an emotion. \_ Yes, Jeff. \_ Bush has the supreme court in his back pocket. He'll get what he wants. \_ I'm going to say this will be unanimous, and that this is the case the conservative justices will point to to show that they're not in Bush's back pocket. \_ I'll say 7-2. Scalia will write a convoluted dissent and Thomas will say "me too." \_ Why do you hate black people? How long have you hated black people? \_ Clarence Thomas is black? I thought the NAACP revoked his membership. \_ It's not what's on the outside, it's what's on the Coke can that counts. \_ FOUR MORE YEARS! |
2004/5/26 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30430 Activity:insanely high |
5/26 Terrorists Have No Geneva Rights http://www.aei.org/news/newsID.20589,filter.all/news_detail.asp \_ This whole thing is very academic to me. All I really care about is did the various abuses the prisoners underwent result in new intelligence that saved lives or did it not? If it saved lives then whatever if some dude was naked in front of some chick or had to wear panties on his head. \_ saved whose lives? every darn torturer would claim that their torturing is for some greater cause. \_ Saved American lives. I don't care about any others if it means a dead American. And no, some torture is pure sadism. Some is to get information. \_ If you don't care about Iraqi lives, why are you in Iraq? For the oil? \_ American lives >> Iraqi lives >> terrorist rights not to wear panties on head. Oil is a dead energy source. The amount being pumped from major sources around the world has been shrinking the last few years and it's getting harder and harder to get what's left. They're pushing the fields too hard and damaging some of them as we speak and going back 3-5 years in some places. Fighting for oil is stupid. If that was all it was about, the money was better spent doing fusion research and building nuclear power plants. If enriching GWB's friends was the point, the money was better spent on research and nuke plants and it would've made for better polling numbers, too. When I'm elected, that's the way it'll be. And yes, we'll continue spending money on space exploration in a big way, too. Lack of progress in science = death. \_ Also on this site: Democrats cause cancer. \_ Is that why they hate America? \_ Why do you hate white people? \_ There are so many deceptions, errors of reason and outright falsehoods in this article that it is hard to decide where to begin, but I will start by saying the Geneva Convention applies to the signers no matter what the "other" side does. There is no provision for being released from it if the other side violates some provision of it, for reasons that should be violates some part of it, for reasons that should be obvious if you think about it for half a second. \_ Wrong! Have you even read the Convention, or are you paraphrasing a http://commondreams.org article? \_ Is it so hard for you to just post the relevant sections or a link? "In addition to the provisions which shall be implemented in peace time, the present Convention shall apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them. The Convention shall also apply to all cases of partial or total occupation of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if the said occupation meets with no armed resistance. Although one of the Powers in conflict may not be a party to the present Convention, the Powers who are parties thereto shall remain bound by it in their mutual relations. They shall furthermore be bound by the Convention in relation to the said Power, if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof." The second-to-the-last sentence is ambiguous and sets in motion the debate as to whether a signer is obliged to abide by the conventions when not in conflict with another signer. http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/lawofwar/geneva03.htm \_ And if you bothered to continue to article 4 you would instantly recognize you are a complete moron. Why do I bother arguing with someone who hasn't even read the thing???? \_ Show me what part of article 4 applies. Quote the specific passage. Article 4 just defines what a Prisoner Of War is. It does not deal with being released from the provisions of the GC. I think you are reaching. \_ You haven't figured out that this was whole point of Yoo's article? Let me spell it out very simply: the Geneva Convention applies to POWs, classification as a POW requires that the individual satisfy several preconditions articulated in article 4. Why do you think every subsequent part and section begins with some reference to "prisoner of war"? The title of the the document is "Geneva Convention (III) Relative to the Treatment of PRISONERS OF WAR" Is this a troll - are you feigning stupidity? \_ Doesn't GC cover non-combatants as well? When did we declare the entire population enemy combatants? How does a democracy of combatants work? \_ GCIV covers non-combatants. Resume Fight! \_ GCIV covers non-combatants. GCIII covers POWs. Resume fight! *ding* \_ So when the red cross reports that 70-90% of those held were not combatants, did nothing requiring detainment, how the hell does that jive wth the GCs? Also, see III4A.6 \_ Most of the world doesn't even accept the whole "enemy combatant" designation as a valid category: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlawful_combatant \_ Motd. It's like Usenet, but more so. \_ I have obviously read and understood more of it than you. \_ John Yoo, Boalt professor, sponsor of both the Patriot Act and non-GC treatment in Afghanistan. Clerked under Thomas. Descriptions of what counts as "torture" under federal law. Yay! "It's fair to say that Berkeley is liberal and Boalt Hall is a very liberal law school. I wouldn't say I've ever had any problems with my colleagues. Almost all of them disagree with me, but are respectful of my ideas. They're more interested in debating rather than disregarding my beliefs." \_ impressive pedigree but unfortunately he is a statist. \_ Just goes to show that no matter how much of a right-wing extremist you are, there is always someone worse. \_ Right wing, bad! Left wing, center! Good! Yes! W00t! AARRRRARRRARRRARAAARRRRGGHGHHHG!!!! -- your guy last fall \_ Again, when the right reaches for stuff this weak, you know they know their boy's in trouble this November. |
2004/5/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30425 Activity:insanely high |
5/25 CNN: "Sources: Major terror attack possible this summer" Should I change my summer plans? \_ yes. they're on to you. \_ flee before the motd reports you to the fbi \_ It'll be fun to watch Rummy say how terrorists will try to influence the November election ala Spain. Vote Bush or the terrorists will win! \_ You've been alive for at least 6 months, right? 2 seconds after the Spanish bombings, *everyone* was saying they'd try to do the same thing here. Where the hell have you been sleeping? \_ You misunderstood the remark. I want to hear the Republicans state outright "Vote for Kerry and the terrorists win." There has been lots of talk of the terrorists attacks influencing the election, but no one big has yet politicized them to this point. Fun! Fun! Fun! Feel the dark side! \_ I see. My misreading. Nevermind. Are you also waiting for the Dems to say, "See? If Kerry/Gore was in office, these things would have never happened because the UN would have been involved!"? \_ Try googling "would have never happened" "UN involvement" and nothing turns up. Of course, I'm sure you feepers and the Office of Information Manipulation will put up a fake Dem website that says "If Kerry/Gore was in office, these things would have never happened because the UN would have been involved!" \_ You understand the difference between the past which would be a google search and the future which is what the word "waiting" means, right? Now go back and try again after going to http://dictionary.com instead of http://google.com and typing "waiting" into the box. \_ You lose. Everyone already says that. Even Neocons will state, if Gore were in office, Saddam Hussein would still be in power, implying no war on Iraq, therefore no mess in Iraq. Of course, Bush is now pushing the terrorists / Al Quada == Iraq which is now true thanks to the war. Ah, I love self fulfilling prophecies. It makes me feel more an Evangelical Christian! \_ Iraq? We're talking about terrorism in the USA. If you were remotely on topic I might lose but since you're off in babble land your post is bit-waste. |
2004/5/25-26 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:30423 Activity:high |
5/25 Don't believe it could happen? http://abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/jointchiefs_010501.html \_ it? what it? fucking trolls. im not going to read your zero content teaser link. that's almost as bad as a cock tease. get off the motd you link tease. \_ It's not like it's a disguised freeper link. \_ It might as well be. Why can't OP just say what "it" is? Link tease! \_ Operation Northwoods \_ Which means what? "Don't believe Operation Northwoods could happen? <url here>" Ok, so what? |
2004/5/24 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30396 Activity:high |
5/24 More news on the bombed-out Iraqi border town the US says was a terrorist safe-house, and which the locals say was a wedding. There's a videotaps of the festivities showing bride arriving and the men having a party. There's film of the wedding singer, who is apparently semi-famous, and there's film of him being buried the next day in the same clothes he sang in. See it at: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/5045772 \_ don't they mix and match different events? like how do I know which things happened when and where? \_ Let's see.... are you seriously suggesting that the evildoers found a random wedding tape, then massacred the attendees, including children and the wedding singer, then drug the bodies over to the bombing site all in order to make the US look bad? \_ Why do you hate America? \_ No, but why is it impossible to believe that they hired him for their wedding? Terrorists get married, too. |
2004/5/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:30352 Activity:nil |
5/21 http://csua.org/u/7ej (ABC News) 30-year-old Abu Ghraib sysadmin Sgt. Provance stripped of his security clearance and told he may face prosecution because his comments were "not in the national interest." He was probably smacked because: "Provance said when Fay interviewed him, the general seemed interested only in the military police, not the interrogators, and seemed to discourage him from testifying", making Maj. Gen. Fay (who has been assigned by the Pentagon to look into MI's role in the abuse) look really bad. \_ If you're a sysadmin you'd better be at least a Major. Sergeants get paid peanuts. They got what they paid for. |
2004/5/21 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30336 Activity:very high |
5/21 Bomb Canada: http://tinyurl.com/32jdo (canada.com/national post) \_ If we're nice to the terrorists, they'll be nice back! It's just because we're so mean that they attack! \_ I think we should negotiate with the terrorists. Surely their demands are reasonable and can be accomadated. \_ I agree with both of the above. If we just let them kill all the Jews, give them back Spain, build new Wahabi schools to educate more of their children, and all either convert or kill ourselves, they'll stop attacking us. \_ I think Bush and Osama need to get together for some tantric yoga. \_ Just think of how much more we could have gotten done in the war on terror if we hadn't listened to Chalabi. |
2004/5/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/911, Reference/Law/Court] UID:30332 Activity:high |
5/20 Terrorist lawyer released. (yahoo AP) http://tinyurl.com/2bxac \_ The fingerprints turned out to be from another guy. But, the lawyer has a gag order on him. From the story: Mayfield's brother, Kent, had to be pulled away from the TV cameras by Wax when he shouted out: "This proves it was a total witchhunt!" \_ Can there be a blanket gag order to thwart all hate-america anti-freedom speech and writing? \_ But Foxnews said that freedom is slavery. you're not pro-slavery are you? \_ We should all be slaves of God, Christ, and His free market on earth. Are you a godless communist? \_ Good way to kill what could have been a good conversation. Do you *really* prefer that the motd is just partisan noise? |
2004/5/20 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30319 Activity:moderate |
5/20 http://tinyurl.com/2g3gu (news.yahoo.com) And you thought Lindy England was bad. \_ Is she related to Libby Hoeler? Does that name ring a bell to anyone? She was famous during the .com boom. \_ It's definitely not as bad as you're saying. The guy is already dead, and she had nothing to do with his death. \_ and how exactly do you know she had nothing to do with his death? \_ always assume the worst of people. screw that innocent before proven guilty bullshit. \_ The guys who were descerated in Fallujah were dead and the folks dancing around like idjits had nothing to do with their deaths. Their punishment was a hundred or so dead, many more wounded, and a month-long siege. It's all relative. \_ Seems like the little fish that are being fried are fighting back. Hopefully, the bigger fish will get their due. \- random observation: are all the low level people involved so far in the pictures white people? --psb \_ No. There is one black dude involved. |
2004/5/19 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30295 Activity:nil |
5/19 All leftist half truths and lies on a single page for easy talking points reference. Here's Dowd for your reading 'pleasure': http://www.sltrib.com/2004/Apr/04272004/commenta/commenta.asp |
2004/5/18 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30282 Activity:nil |
5/18 And the shit keeps hitting the fan. Intel Seargent Samuel Provance alleges cover-up at Abu-Ghraib http://tinyurl.com/2w2ts (ABC News link) |
2004/5/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30213 Activity:moderate |
5/13 Leaking self-doubt: How the military outed its own scandal http://www.spiked-online.com/articles/0000000CA521.htm \_ Whatever. The military was in the middle of conducting an investigation and was preparing a PR release when CBS found out about it and had to scoop the story to make it look like some all purpose military conspiracy to hide the truth. They were asked to hold back on the photos until the military could get their report out (roughly 1 week) but this is CBS. Not exactly the home of good journalism. So some shmucks at CBS played 'gotcha!' and won because you can't fight the media on their own turf. Think CBS is going to spend a lot of time highlighting all this? \_ How is this not good journalism? Should the media always self censor at the request of the government? |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30168 Activity:high |
5/11 I'm waiting for the media and Dem. Congress to work themselves up into a frenzy over Berg's decapitation. Of course no news organization will show the video on TV. \_ His family sent their son their just so they could blame it on Bushco. \_ I heard they played it on CNN. \_ "This kind of barbaric behavior will have the same effect it usually has: it will make civilized people around the world more determined than ever to exterminate al-Qaeda and its likeminded brethren. "Barbaric behavior doesn't win wars, it just makes your enemies more dedicated to their cause, which is why it's so important to eliminate the kind of barbarism we've recently seen at Abu Ghraib from our own side: because it just makes our enemies stronger. If we don't purge it root and branch, we've as good as lost the war. In more ways than one." -http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2004_05/003893.php \_ What do you hate America? Why are you not on the side of our troops? What's wrong with our heroic soldiers having some fun? Why aren't Iraqis grateful enough to volunteer as comfort women and boys? |
2004/5/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30113 Activity:kinda low |
5/9 http://breaking.examiner.ie/2004/05/01/story145446.html Why you shouldn't believe every report about terrorist plots uncovered \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ At a guess: Because people are always shouting at him? |
2004/5/7 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30091 Activity:nil |
5/7 Shocking news flash! Michael Moore is a self-promoting lying scumbag. http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=518901 \_ self-promoting? sure. everyone in the industry is. lying? The crux of his charge is that disney decided not to distribute his film because of pressure from politicians. when he knew about it doesn't change the validity of the charge. scumbag? i'll leave that to people who know him. Keep in mind that he was already on the cannes festival shortlist. \_ i can handle one little white lie by mm versus well just about 1000 other things going on right now. \_ Non sequitur. \_ If you read what Mickael Moore really said, that article does a very good job at taking stuff out of context to make him sound a lot worse that he really is. Shocking news flash! The Independent is a totally partisan rag! \_ You can't really fault a filmmaker for trying to create free publicity. MM is indeed a lying scumbag, so much so that this is \_ Yes I can. like criticising the devil for smoking (though, i have to admit, i still am a bit of a fan), but it is his affinity for dishonesty *IN* his movies that is dispicable, not his self-promotion. -phuqm \_ Of Satan or Michael Moore? -- ilyas \_ shrug, what's wrong with having an agenda to make Disney look bad? He didn't lie in this instance. He just held the news until he could exploit it to maximum negative effect. Seems to me the reporter is just swallowing the freeper spin hook, line, and sinker. |
2004/5/4-5 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30010 Activity:very high |
5/4 What's the probability of Bush getting reelected? Will he stage something like the Taiwan president did? (ie, let one terrorist attempt be successful the week before election?) \_ You mean like 9/11? \_ on a much smaller scale. 911 again would be bad for Bush. \_ Another 9/11 would be great for Bush. It would also result in a draft, large scale mobilization of industrial capacity of the US, and the summary squishing of most of the Middle East, in my opinion. Bush is at his best in squishing mode. Nothing's scarier than a pissed off America mobilized for war. What's happening now is scary enough, and we aren't even on anywhere close to war footing. -- ilyas \_ Hmm. I'm not so sure about this. If it was Bin Laden again, well, it doesn't look like there would be anything in particular to do about it. I don't think congress would jump on board a general "war on muslims" policy. The other dictators are being pussies lately. Hell, Saddam was trying hard to be a pussy until the end. \_ Not 'war on muslims', 'war on fundamentalist islam, and middle eastern dictatorships'. \_ You know, Oliver Stone foretold all of this in Wild Palms s/911/boca raton nuke/g and it's very creepy - even to the part about the "Liberty Bill" \_ according to John Zogby it's very close to 50/50, and he makes money off of being right, not off of being partisan one way or the other. \_ I'd be really curious what the oddsmakers have on it. Can you bet point spread on elections or is it only up/down? \_ The Insider has it at 9/8, tradesports at 58/42. You can bet on total electoral votes on tradesports. Betting on elections is illegal in the United States. http://www.campaignline.com/index.cfm \_ What are the odds on the US "suddenly" capturing UBL in October? http://csua.org/u/76q \_ The odds on him being captured by Set are 30/70, by the end of the year 40/60. |
2004/5/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:29951 Activity:high |
5/2 Everyone be sure to watch "10.5" on NBC tonight from 9-11 PM. It's TV at its finest! |
2004/5/1 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:26955 Activity:nil |
5/1 General Suggests Abuses at Iraq Jail Are Encouraged (warm up part of intel interrogation) http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/02/international/middleeast/02ABUS.html \_ Those pictures show why there should be no women or gays in the military. What is shown is those pictures is nothing more than hazing. |
2004/4/27 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:13414 Activity:nil |
4/27 Interesting little article on early (18th century) terrorists. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38200 \_ OMG! WTF? LOL! Worldnetdaily, heh. \_ 1) They're pirates, not terrorists. 2) There's an article on the Library of Congress site that does a better job of outlining the conflict: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/mtjhtml/mtjprece.html \_ You're wrong too. Pirates are people who copy CDs, instead of meekly paying out for everytime they scratch the original disc. \_ Piracy : robbery on the high seas \_ *laugh* yeah right, like the *only* mp3s you have are either from copyright free sources or replacements for cds you scratched. that's sooo believable. |
2004/4/27 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:13407 Activity:nil |
4/27 Terrorist attacks in Syria? http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/04/27/world/main614030.shtml |
2004/4/19 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, ERROR, uid:13262, category id '18005#5' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/911] UID:13262 Activity:nil |
4/18 Besides frontline what is good to watch online? \_ http://www.cspan.org Has cspan, cspan2, cspan3, cspan radio and archived bits from the various cspans. All free. \_ http://Archive.org has a ton of "ephemeral films" free to download. |
2004/4/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:13204 Activity:nil |
4/14 For every American hero killed, we should dispose of 100 Iraqi terrorists. \_ you mean dispose 100% terrorist before an American is killed \_ I mean this will teach those Iraqi terrorists a good lesson. \_ Especially those who were pro-American before an errant bomb decimated their village. \_ Name an Iraqi village that got decimated by an errant bomb. \_ Bombs are smart but people are stupid, at least the terrorists are. They just don't want to be liberated. |
2004/4/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13196 Activity:nil 61%like:13197 |
4/14 What media bias? (different article, different topic, same theme) http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38026 |
2004/4/13-14 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:13176 Activity:nil |
4/13 John Ashcroft testimony for 9/11 commission paraphrased: It's not our fault. It's Clinton's fault. Had we known exactly when, where, and how a terrorist attack was going to take place, we would have stopped it. We need the US PATRIOT act. http://wid.ap.org/transcripts/ashcroft_index.html \_ To paraphrase John Stewart, the buck does not stop anywhere near these guys. \_ at least this time you included a transcript with your biased crap. |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13137 Activity:low |
4/11 Read the Presidential Daily Briefing for yourself: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4710772 \_ Yeah, but this was during Bush's vacation. I know I don't pay attention to stuff on vacation. \_ If any of you were President at the time what would you have done differently that wasn't already being done and why would you have done so without hindsight to guide you? \_ I'd've solidified no-fly-zone policies nationwide, and I would have made it clear that shooting down a passenger plane or three is preferable to the use of planes as bombs. I would have made it clear that any lack of communication between the FBI, CIA, and NSA not having to do with Congressionally legislated limitations would result in the immediate termination of the various directors involved. These are old problems, and they should have been dealt with. \_ No fly zones? Wouldn't have helped. A national order on shooting down planes? You wanted to be impeached? You wanted the various 3 letter agencies to communicate with each other in VIOLATION OF THE LAW and bring the privacy nuts down on your head? Okey dokey! So you'd be about as effective as my dog as President. Probably less so. My dog is very cute. \_ How wouldn't no-fly zones have helped? How does having a policy on when it's acceptable to shoot down a plane become an impeachable offense? What part of "any lack of communication between the FBI, CIA, and NSA not having to do with Congressionally legislated limitations" is in violation of the law? When will you stop fellating your dog and post something intelligent? \_ I'd have ignored it since they haven't killed enough people to be significant. When they pass the magic total, I'll use it as an excuse to create an American hegemony in the Middle East. Perferably one with lots of oil. \_ I'd also cut anti-terrorism funding because we all hate swatting at flies. \_ Magic total = 911 people? \_ Contestant number 3, are you the son of a former President? |
2004/4/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13134 Activity:high |
4/11 Bush knew! He's going down! Kerry'04! http://www.humaneventsonline.com/article.php?id=3558 |_ restored after you can't deal with the truth \_ go fuck yourself. |
2004/4/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:13109 Activity:nil |
4/8 I'm driving up to Seattle/Vancouver on Sunday just for kicks. Any suggestions of places to stop on the way? So far I've been recommended the Tulip Festival in Skagit (tulipfestival.org). \_ I'm leaving Sunday and have to be in Seattle on Tuesday, so like the person below says... I am sort of "blasting" through. However, I would like to make a 3-4 detour either through a national forest, quaint town, or something like that. The suggestions below are all great... much appreciated. \_ errr ... that's a very long drive with literally hundreds of places on the way worth visiting. \_ yes, that's teh problem, so much to do, so little time. http://traveloregon.com is a pretty good site. \- helo if you are interested in geology, there are some interesting locations in eastern oregon to drive through rather than blasting up 5. but yeah, you have to put more on the table for meaningful feedback. \_ If you're going through Portland, I recommend stopping at Powell's bookstore. I've been told it's the biggest bookstore. \_ Powell's rocks. Also in Portland is the nickel arcade (very cheap arcade games) and Dot's, a dive-y bar with a sock monkey tree. I recommend the Lime Rickey. -brain \_ An arcade? give me a break... \_ Redwood national forest on the border btw Oregon and CA, and some volcanic lake the name of which I forgot somewhat more inland. These things stand out on any map so I guess maybe you are not into nature things if you bothered to ask. \_ Crater Lake. It's cool. I think it's a National Park. \_ I was thinking about going here. What's it like? Big holes in the ground, volcanic ash? \_ It's a beautiful deep blue lake that is very deep. It's surrounded by a cliff rim all the way around that drops several hundred feet to the lake surface. There's a funny little island in the middle you can take a boat out to. You can also hike up to some of the little peaks around the rim. \_ Portland's rose garden is nice, though probably not so much so this time of year. \_ The Bridgeport Brewery in Portland: http://www.bridgeportbrew.com/bp-brewery.html Free tours at 2 and 5 daily. \_ don't forget to pick up danh on your way back \_ Lake Shastina. Say hi to Ponch while you're there. |
2004/4/8-9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13098 Activity:nil |
4/8 Claim vs. Fact with Rice's Opening Statement and Q&A: http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=44887 http://www.americanprogress.org/site/pp.asp?c=biJRJ8OVF&b=44918 \_ Cool, mind if I send you to an equally biased site for a "claim vs fact" on this or other hot button topics? Why do so many of you think your biased crap will be taken seriously by anyone who isn't already a singing member of the choir? \_ Hey, if we can have freep and drudge links we can have American Progress links. They're more credible than both of those sites put together anyway - the left equivalent to freep would be international ANSWER, or something... |
2004/4/6 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:13033 Activity:nil |
4/6 Gary Hart: We warned Bush in January 2001 about probable terrorist threat; why hasn't 9/11 commission called us? http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2004/04/06/commission/index.html \_ Because Gary Hart is a liar and a piece of shit has-been and no one cares what he thinks or claims to know about anything? |
2004/4/6 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:13032 Activity:high 50%like:13030 |
4/6 Don't you hate it when facts get in the way of your book sales? http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1112119/posts \_ Here's a much better article on the same subject: http://www.washtimes.com/national/20040406-121654-1495r.htm \_ You are joking right? \_ if you have to ask... \_ exactly. \_ i don't get it |
2004/4/6 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:13030 Activity:high 50%like:13032 |
4/5 Damn it, I hate when facts get in the way of my book sales! --clarke http://washingtontimes.com/national/20040406-121654-1495r.htm \_ Damn it, I hate it when the real news doesn't furnish pithy, topical subject lines, so I have to resort to my limited creative writing skills. \_ Clue bat: this isn't a news site. If you want boring, go read CNN. But you do score half a point for completely ducking the content and point of the URL. Maybe next time you'll get an entire cookie! \_ Damn it, I hate it when people having fun pointing out the faults in my posts gets in the way of my trolling! --op \_ Keep ducking. So far you've got 2 ad hominens, 2 ducks and 1 falsely signed post and 0 real replies. --real op |
2004/4/2 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:29901 Activity:nil |
4/2 Brits, Japanese, Germans, and Aussies to be fingerprinted at Passport Control: http://csua.org/u/6qe (NYTimes by way of Google) Question: Will my wife, who has a Green Card, be subjected to this, or is it just for temporary visitors? \_ I'll bet you my U.S. passport that if the Bush junta gets another 4 years of power, this will include U.S. citizens, canadians, and everyone else within four years. Right now the U.S. is very clearly on the road towards fascism, and if America falls no one will be safe anywhere. |
2004/4/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:12995 Activity:high |
4/2 http://tinyurl.com/2h3cv "Russia said in February that it was developing a so-called hypersonic missile technology capable of piercing the United States' system. But Mr. Ishiba said he did not believe that a shield would encourage other countries to develop missiles that would defeat the system. "If you launch a missile and it gets shot down," he said, "you give up missile production." " ** Huh? ** \_ saying that if the non-hypersonic missiles get shot down why bother with missiles \_ Maybe he's trying to say there's cheaper ways of fucking us up. \_ The argument for missle defense is not that it will be perfect. That's stupid. The argument goes more like: (as a metaphor) Despite the locks on your door, thieves can metaphor) Despite the locks on your door, theives can break in and steal. Should you therefore leave the door open? \_ I've never felt safer than when i lived just up from a crazy biker dude who left his front door literally wide open all the time. if anyone wanted to rob our place, they'd probably the ceiling. the DETERENCE of the mad biker was much more just wander in the front door and get blasted straight through the cieling. the DETERENCE of the mad biker was much more \_ Ok you're safer from random violence. But psycho biker may attract violence, or somehow harm you. I'd rather just live in a normal neighborhood and take steps. useful than a locked door. deterence has worked with nuclear weapons for half a century as well. \_ How much have we spent on Star Wars? $100B? $200B? \_ About $2b total, mostly in basic research to get where we are today. Please stop inventing random numbers. With $2b they wouldn't be *any* safer after the union driven harbors got their fingers in the pie. open? How much safer could our harbors and airports be for that much money? \_ But it'd be easier for a terrorist to sneak a nuclear device in the same way drugs get in here from South America. So the argument is more like: What good is locking your door if you've got a gaping hole in your wall big enough to drive a car through? \_ Umm, not exactly. Nice red herring though. We have something of a defense against that. It sucks, but it's not nothing. We have NO defense against missiles. \_ But what's the bigger threat? Terrorists are the main bad guys these days, and they don't usually go for (expensive) ICBMs when they have cheaper and simpler options. \_ The red herring here is that we should/can only \_ No, the red herring is that a $30 lock is analagous to a $200 billion missile defense system. The missile defense system is simply not cost-effective; a lock on your door is. \_ What is the cost of a city getting incinerated? I suspect more than $200b. What is the cost of your house getting robbed? I suspect less than $200b. You're struggling with the concept of appropriate levels of response. The correct level for keeping a city from turning to ashes is much higher than for your bike parked out on telegraph. defend against a single threat. The reality is that we should try to defend against all threats. Natn'l defense is not an either-or proposition. \_ That's true that terrorists are the bigger threat, but that's doesn't make them the ONLY threat. We're working on how to stop terrorists, but don't be fooled into thinking that NK, China, or even Russia are completely neutralized. With the lazer 747 we can help defend Japan and SK against the North. \_ what do you mean "even russia"? russia is still the only country that can incinerate the entire USA if it so chooses. strong man putin is pulling russia back on its feet, and in this era of cheap labor and high material costs, the vast land and riches of mother russia is going to benefit russia tremendously. the russian bear shall rise again! \_ "incinerate the entire USA". So you think a country that can potentially only incinerate the west coast such as China or NK isn't a threat? btw, russia is still going through the death throes of self destruction. they are not yet in a recovery phase. \_ you are out of date. russia is very much into recovery. It is using the formula of get rich first with capitalism under strong authoritarian leadership \_ russia is fucked. their last election was a total joke. they're teetering on the edge of dictatorship (again) and now they have a broken military *and* terrorists beating on their doors at the same time. i'm not out of date. im right here in 2004. you're living in the hey day of post-communism but before they saw how hard the road to freedom really is. oh yeah and their environment was and still is *devastated* from what the communists did to it which makes our worst problems look like a fairy land of healthy goodness. russia = fux0red. open? cheaper and simpler options. \_ you are out of date. russia is very much into recovery. followed by US allies like Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, etc. when these nations were in a similar stage of development. |
2004/4/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12989 Activity:nil |
4/2 For the interested (and since it was deleted right after I posted it), the raw numbers for the 308k jobs added in March are at: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t14.htm To the person claiming it was all part-time jobs: how many of the "jobs lost under Bush's watch" were part-time? And how many weren't directly attributable to 9-11 (hint: 1 million jobs lost because of 9-11)? \_ http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t05.htm 300,000 of those jobs are part time \_ I believe you're pointing to the 'household survey' which isn't the same bunch of numbers at all. Also, how many of the previously lost jobs were part time? \_ I am not the only one saying this. The chief economist of Wells Fargo says the same thing: http://csua.org/u/6qv It is a good number, but not a great number. Expect employment numbers to go down next month. \_ Expect employment numbers to go up/down based on what? I love the motd prophets. Was that tea leaves or chicken bones? \_ Both your links are not working because the .gov cannot seem to afford servers robust enough to handle the load. \_ Because it was posted on some very active news sites. It'll be easier to read in a few days. |
2004/3/31-4/1 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:12941 Activity:moderate |
3/31 Guess who used to believe in the Iraq/al-Qaida connection? From your favorite neo-marxist Christopher Hitchens http://slate.msn.com/id/2097901 \_ You know that some (but not all) of so called neo-con movement are formerly known as liberals. One even likened the U.S. to the Soviet Union appreciatively. \_ I have no idea what you are trying to say. \_ uh, no news here... Hitchens used to be really liberal until 9/11 \_ You don't believe Iraq was funding any terrorists? How is that when it is public info announced to the world by Iraq under Saddam? \_ Funding which terrorists? And don't say they're all the same; many of the groups have trouble _not_ bombing each other, let alone the infidels. The point, in my mind, is that Iraq had nothing to do with the Al Qaeda attack on the WTC and nothing to do with Al Qaeda afterwards. There was no justification there for invading Iraq. \_ "Terrorists" are not one big team. This is not G I Joe. And usually if you want to be taken seriously, you cite an article where you are getting this "public info." The assertion that there were WMDs was also "public info" but that information, like yours, was not backed by any real facts. \_ You're nuts, dude. He was giving bounty money to families of suicide bombers. What more do you want? One of the original cashed checks after it went through the Bank Of Hamas? \_ Thanks for the psych eval. Bounty money to families of suicide bombers != justification for invasion. It was bad, yes, and needed to be dealt with, yes, but not necessarily through invasion. \_ I hear this a lot, and would completely agree if SOMEONE could just make a reasonable alternate suggestion. \_ Well, tell what your parameters are for "reasonable" and I'll try to put one together for you. If your definition of "reasonable" requires an instantaneous solution, I doubt I'll be able to help you. \_ Israel could just seize the money. Duh. \_ It is our moral duty to oppose immoral actions on the part of our government. It is the duty of our government to propose moral solutions to problems. If the only solution the government can come up with is an immoral solution, the govt. is not trying hard enough. Being unable to provide an alternative solution does not justify an unlawful solution. \_ Hamas is not America's problem. Since when did we invade foreign powers at Israel's bidding? Do we invade Boston next because some Irish give checks to the IRA? \_ Isn't Israel the 51st state? \_ s/Israel/Puerto Rico/ \_ The fact that terrorists like the Jordanian caught with his passport when his car bomb did not go off, along with calls for holy warriors to converge on Iraq, should prompt 1) apologies from the left for their lack of vision 2) relief that terrorists are necessarily converging in smaller numbers here, given there are not an infinite number of terrorists. \_ Dude, I can't believe you just paraphrased the Emperor. \_ I got your apology right here, bitch. \_ While I certainly believe in the maxim "the best defense is a good offense" especially in warfare, there is another one which is even more appropriate "strategy is the art of multiplying your allies, while isolating your enemies." Bush's actions have succeeded in doing exactly the opposite. |
2004/3/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12934 Activity:nil |
3/30 English majors are all lefties! http://www.frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=10762 \_ Starts out fun, but then launches into uncalled-for, irrelevant ad-hominem attacks on authors championed by the liberal Liberal Arts \_ No shit sherlock. It's always the dumb humanities kids who start and take part in all the protests. Useful idiots indeed. \_ Humanities students are no more or less dumb as a group than engineering students. Propensity for blatant generalizations, \_ prove it. \_ Thanks for your comment, demonstrating that engineering students can be just as dumb! \_ can't prove your assertion, can you? \_ I don't have to. The assertion that must be proved is that humanities student --> dumb, which is patently ridiculous. \_ "patently ridiculous" means you have no factual proof against the claim, right? \_ Correct! There is absolutely no way to prove humanities student --> dumb, its just small dicked engineering student smug superiority syndrome rearing its ugly head for the zillionth time. \_ how about entrance exam scores? or relative performance in "neutral" classes? or post college achievement? none of them are perfect measures, but they would tend to make claims of patent ridiculousness silly. \_ Yeah, but none of them would prove the assertion at all. \_ The assertion that humanities students are dumb, or that they're no more or less dumb? Certainly the first assertion is the one requiring proof. \_ by again refusing to answer the question, i assume you realize that while my suggestions would not perfectly prove or disprove the proposition, it would make your claim of "patently ridiculous", well, patently ridiculous. \_ of course, you have completely misinterpreted the post you replied to. a claim that dumb humanities students do something does not imply the claim that all humanities students are dumb. \_ Actually, the claim is that, as a group, humanities students are as smart as engineering students. To disprove this, you just have to show, as a group, that one group is smarter than the other, using some accepted metric \_ great. what are the relative entrance exam scores between the 2 groups? what is their relative performance in "neutral" classes? how do the post college achievement of the 2 groups compare? \_ Come to think of it, the claim is "no more or less dumb". This implies the metric is "common sense", not intelligence in general. In this sense, it can be reasonably claimed that humanities and engineering students as groups have similar levels of common sense (are no less dumb than the other group). \_ Why yes, that's pretty much what I meant. At least someone gets it. For some reason as soon as you say "intelligence" some people here automatically assume you must be referring to "ability to do second order differential equations." Sorry, I should have been more clear. \_ Guy, you don't even understand that the claim of stupid humanities kids doing something is not equivalent to a claim that all humanities students are stupid. \_ Does the common understanding of "dumb" imply a lack of common sense? Well, dumb originally meant the inability to speak, as in "deaf and dumb". Does that have anything to do with common sense? "Dumb" came to mean, from WordNet via dict, "slow to learn or understand, lacking intellectual acuity". Does that have anything to do with common sense? Are you ascribing new meaning to the word just to make your claim plausible? \_ Someone please shoot this guy. His pretentiousness is starting to make my head hurt. \_ Dewd, he already said sorry for not being clear. \_ Was he unclear? Or did he just latch onto some non-plausible excuse that would make his claim, well, less "dumb"? I suspect the latter. however, can be found in almost any group of students. |
2004/3/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12921 Activity:very high |
3/30 Chen permits recount to proceed immediately, Taiwan stock market soars http://csua.org/u/6o4 (NY Times, password needed) U.S. forensics team talks with doctors, note openness of investigation http://csua.org/u/6o6 Same experts discuss common misperceptions about the ballistics http://csua.org/u/6o3 Chen comments on China's predicted hard-line move in Hong Kong http://csua.org/u/6o5 Moron complains about Taiwan election http://csua.org/u/6o7 \_ CSI Taipei! Was David Caruso there? Same experts discuss common misperceptions about the ballistics http://csua.org/u/6o3 Chen comments on China's predicted hard-line move in Hong Kong http://csua.org/u/6o5 Moron complains about Taiwan election http://csua.org/u/6o7 \_ Given Chen's long history as a drama queen and the very close vote count, the opposition's peaceful and orderly demand for a recount and investigation into the shooting incident is totally reasonable. \_ You should talk to the DPP college student getting beat on TV by 4+ KMT folks for speaking to TV reporters just outside their rally. \_ Is that the best you can come up with for a rally of 500k people? how many people did the DPP mobs beat up in its many rallies over the years? These days, in many places in Taiwan, if you don't speak Taiwanese, you can get cursed and ostracized, thanks to DPP's divisive politics. \_ And how many of those people (who watch KMT-biased TV coverage) believe in the faked assassination theory? Your dismissal of KMT's televised violence is also disturbing. \_ feel free to post urls of any other violent rally incidents from the multitudes of pro-DPP newspapers as opposed to your so-claimed "KMT-biased TV". newspapers. \_ This entire thing has missed a huge point. Extremely large number of military personnel were denied their consititution right to vote. And it turned out that there is no legal basis for their detention. Thus, by definition, this election result is invalid, and thus, the legimacy of this so-called democratic government is in question. \_ Are you talking about Taiwan or the US? \_ First URL, a viewpoint not well-covered by the KMT-controlled press: "The opposition Nationalist Party on Monday publicly dropped its demand that the Taiwan military be allowed to vote again after a disputed presidential election a week ago... Mr. Chen and the Defense Ministry replied that the alert had had no effect on voting, because staggered shifts had made it possible for the servicemen and police officers to vote." \_ Contrary to what this guy is saying, KMT doesn't control the press at all. Chen and DPP is the government in power, and has systematically moved to control the press to silence the opposition. Just recently, the owner of a pro-DPP press told all its employees to vote for DPP or be fired. \_ URL? 'Cos the same rumor mill sez the KMT drinks the \_ This is in the news a few weeks before the election. Go ask a few people in Taiwan and you should find someone who've read about it. Taiwan related news sites don't seem to keep good archives of older articles online, so I can't find any url, unfortunately. blood of babies. \_ See "Formosa Betrayed" written by U.S. vice consul during the 2/28 incident. obGoogle. There is a similar book called "Formosa Calling". Both are published way back. \_ errr .... 228 incident is 57 years ago. Taiwan's government, while under KMT, had admitted to the wrong doing, and had compensated families of the victims long ago. Taiwan has been under pro- independence presidents for the last 16 years. yet, DPP supporters like yourself constantly need to bring up 228 for political purposes to fan hatred against mainlanders and their descendants, most of whom has nothing to do with 228, or \_ actually, I just bring up 2/28 to criticize the KMT as a political party. I think you're being a bit prejudiced. weren't even born then. \_ http://tinyurl.com/3xwo6 Search for "station". You'll find other links on google. Like I said yesterday, the KMT has had over 50 years of total control of Taiwan to consolidate its power. \_ snicker ... this starry eyed russian commentator has no clue what he is talking about. he portrayed putin and chen as heroes of democracy. I bet he is real happy with putin and his rubber stamp parliament and recent election. chen of course, could not care less about the development of democratic principles and institutions. he will bend all rules as long as it helps him win. the commentator also portrayed Lee Teng-hui as representative of the big-bad KMT. He didn't even know Lee has always sympathized with everything the DPP believes in, and made it his personal life mission to destroy the KMT from within. what a joke! Of all things, you chose this clueless commentary to post. \_ Uh ... the point is that the KMT controls the major TV stations, and stirs up anti-Chen sentiment in order to get the KMT back into office. I just want to make sure you see this. \_ I am sorry, but if this Russian commentator is so clueless about the above, you can't expect anyone to accept his unsupported assertion the Taiwan's media is controlled by the KMT. Besides that piece of clueless writing was from 4 years ago, kind of outdated. I don't know about TV, but contrary to your belief, most of Taiwan's \_ So what would you say if I provided a URL that showed the KMT controls the major TV stations? Does it suffice to say that most newspapers are pro-DPP, and most TV stations are pro-KMT? BTW, it was my mistake way above. When I said "press", I meant to say "TV". I just want to make sure you see this. \_ snicker ... this starry eyed newspapaers are actually pro-DPP. \_ btw, someone broke http://csua.org/u see motd entries above |
2004/3/29-30 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12910 Activity:kinda low |
3/29 What does Condi have to hide? \_ yea, she's Black, she must be hiding something.. \_ What do YOU have to hide? Why do we have that pesky 4th amendment? \_ What did Clarke have to hide? http://www.drudgereport.com/rc1.htm possible news program talking about the same topic. \_ I think the distinction here is that Clarke wasn't going on every possible news program talking about the same topic. This is a drudgereport flurry over absolutely nothing. Nobody is contesting the claiming of separation of powers concerns. They haven't subpoenaed her or any others. But members of the commission from both sides of the aisle are urging her to come forward. The distinction is not small. Now, if Clarke had criticized her and the administration for doing this, that could be a legitimate flash-in-the-pan topic, but this more of the same drudge drivel. --scotsman \_ She has offered to come forward in closed session. Only grandstanding politicians are insisting on public testimony. Specifically, Lee Hamilton said: "But there's another whole dimension here, and that dimension is the public dimension -- and I think the American public would benefit from hearing Condi Rice testify under oath." Isn't the panel trying to find out what happened? Why does Hamilton think it needs to happen in public? Answer: grandstanding politician. \_ Except he is no longer a member of congress. \_ she is National Security Advisor, i wouldn't want her to divulge anything that might help the terrorist alter their plans. \_ but if it helps get Kerry elected..let the terrorist win \_ I agree with you, but I don't see how this precludes her testifying publicly. She's free to say, "I'm sorry, that would violate National Security" if it comes up. \_ no, that's exactly why it's a priviledge for NSAs to not testify publically. |
2004/3/28-29 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12896 Activity:very high |
3/27 Clarke caught in yet another lie \_ aka http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1106748/posts \_ That's it, he is a Republican who voted for Gore? Is that the best you guys can do??? What "other lie" have you caught him in. The stench of Republican desperation is becoming pronounced. \_ Compare his interview from 2001 and his testimony before the 9/11 commission. \_ The Post article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A20071-2004Mar24?language=printer says that Clarke claimed under oath that he voted Rep. in 200. The MSNBC article: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4608698 quotes him as saying he voted for Gore. He's lying in one of those, obviously. \_ I'm not even sure why we bother to point out this guy is lying anymore it's so obvious. I don't know if he's being paid by Democrats or has some personal vendetta against Bush, but he'll be coming up on perjury charges real quick here I expect. \_ I didn't realize Scott McClellan had a csua account. \_ Dude. He registered Republican. He voted for McCain, a Republican. Gore was not listed as a choice on Republican primary ticket. For the Presidential election he voted for Gore. Both elections \_ I'm not even sure why we bother to point out this guy is lying anymore it's so obvious. I don't know if he's being paid by Democrates or has some personal vendetta against Bush, but he'll be coming up on perjury charges real quick here I expect. happened in 2000. Is it really that hard for you guys to think ? \_ Please don't bring facts into the discussion! |
2004/3/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12882 Activity:nil |
3/26 Stranger than freerepublic being down, the Sept. 11 commission website can't figure out its ass from its ... ass. The published url was http://www.911-commission.gov I checked a few days ago. There was a CNAME pointing to 911-commission.gov. 911-commission.gov had an MX line but no A record. I check again yesterday. 911-commission.gov is _gone_. In its place is 911commission.gov (note the missing hyphen). They finally have an A record, but all links on the site point to absolute URLs at 911-commission.gov. Haven't checked it yet today. --scotsman \_ It's obviously a BushCo conspiracy to hide the truth! Not about Iraq or WMD or anything, but you know... the *real* truth! |
2004/3/24 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:12834 Activity:nil |
3/24 Clarke told reporters different story in 2002 background briefing http://cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/03/24/clarke.bush.binladen/index.html \_ Okay, now try a news source that isn't rabidly right-wing. \_ Cnn is rabidly right-wing.. umm whatever Lenin. \_ Sorry my sarcasm was too subtle for you. \_ Apology Accepted. |
2004/3/22-23 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12801 Activity:kinda low |
3/22 All posts critical of the President will be deleted immediately. Criticism of our Commander In Chief or the Republican party during wartime will no longer be tolerated. -DHS \_ so when will the war be over, so that we can resume criticizing our CinC? \_ Chimp in Charge? \_ W00t!!! \_ The struggle to preserve freedom will NEVER end! \_ War is Peace! Freedom is Slavery! \_ lefty troll. \_ You're right. It's not that criticisms of Bush won't be tolerated. It's just that you will be deemed anti-American, an America hater, pro-terrorist, or a commie. \_ Come on, is there an insult more anachronistic than "commie?" You can't even use it ironically, its so tired. The RPG Paranoia made a joke out of it in 1985. That was almost 20 _years_ ago. \_ Why is it a troll? Everytime I put up a post critical of Bush or any Republican policies, it is immediately deleted. I am just stating the facts. \_ facts fuck my ass.. \_ facts my ass.. |
2004/3/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12781 Activity:nil |
3/19 The assassination stunt Taiwan's president Chen pulled is kind of like the President of the United States using his presidential powers to stage an assassination attempt by Al Queda in a last minute bid to win the election. \_ Tinfoil hat time. What evidence is there that he had himself and his VP shot? It's ridiculous. \_ what about this claim that years ago he falseley accused political rivals of poisoning him on TV right before another election? Is there any basis in fact there? I'm not trying to troll here, I'm just new to following Taiwan politics. \_ it's totally like something he would do. he does anything and everything to win elections. |
2004/3/19 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:12755 Activity:high |
3/19 Journalistic fraud that makes Jason Blair look honest. http://www.usatoday.com/news/2004-03-18-2004-03-18_kelleymain_x.htm \_ He's a conservative, so it doesn't matter. It is only when the liberal media fakes stories that it is big news. \_ WTF? String this guy up. And any reporter who makes things up. You're an idiot if you think people en masse ignore fabrications because of ideology. - a conservative \_ Let's see if this becomes a big story, like the Jason Blair thing. I predict that it will not. \_ Um, I know it will not. However, that's because a) it was the NY F'ing Times, considered the standard for journalistic accuracy, and b) it was the first big story about journalistic fraud--first is always biggest. \_ reporters lie all the time, to promote their career, ego, etc. Journalists are scumbags just like lawyers. \_ Is he Jewish? http://www.usatoday.com/news/2004-03-19-jerusalem_x.htm \_ What difference does it make? \_ Well it might affect what he was thinking, like was he just cynically latching onto any sensationalism or did he have some other motivations. |
2004/3/17 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:12713 Activity:nil |
3/17 http://csua.org/u/6gv Government officials insist that they never misled the public, and that they released in a timely manner all the information and evidence they had gathered. "We told the truth at all times to the Spanish people," Acebes said on Monday. In retrospect, however, there were signs that the government was at least selective in releasing information about possible culprits. -Washington Post \_ http://www.moveon.org/censure/caughtonvideo \_ Consider, though, that there's never been a significant incident involving islamists in Spain, they have a long history of ETA bombings, and the March 11 attacks bore a lot of ETA hallmarks.) Had ETA been responsible, the PP's stance both on domestic security and its Iraq policy would have been boosted, whereas an attack by islamists would have underlined points made by the socialists--it's imaginable that this may have influenced the finger pointing, but it doesn't change what seemed pretty obvious at first glance. As for whether the socialists' victory is "knuckling under" to terrorists, that's another discussion. -John \_ I think you are being too generous here, John. The morning of the attacks, I heard someone from ETA's Sinn Fein say that they didn't do it -- he pointed out that ETA always provides a warning before they set off a bomb, and there was none in this case. And all the terrorism experts I heard said that it may have been ETA, but the MO was quite different from their past. Plus, the PP persisted in insisting that it was ETA for several days, despite mounting evidence to the contrary. \_ Point taken. Interesting you use the Sinn Fein analogy-- like the IRA, Sinn Fein is pretty fragmented since Spain & France started working together to smash them. -John \_ ETA MO is to set off a bomb and then see what the PR looks like and disclaim responsibility if the PR is negative. The ETA was stopped from setting off a train bomb just like this last year and last month was busted carting around a large amount of explosives. It was also reported that the explosives used in Madrid are the same ETA has used a lot in the past. So fingering the ETA was a good call at the time. Oh yeah, the ETA is also reported to have a new group of younger members moving into higher ranks that are much more aggressive than the original bunch. It made sense and was believable. Obviously finding al qaeda tapes, AQ agents and then a posting on an AQ web site last year saying that they could put the socialists in power if they timed it right is good evidence it wasn't the ETA but none of that was known that first day or so. \_ It was the omission of including AQ as suspects that ticked everyone off. There wasn't enough information at the time to make the call and laying blame the ETA without proof made it look politically expedient. \_ ETA was a good first guess. It was only 48 hours between the bombs and the polls opening. I think your depiction is really harsh. \_ You should really read the entire article. Then come back and post what you think. -op \_ Spain gave in to threats and voted to "appease terrorists" in the election Sunday that turned out a top U.S. ally in the counterterror war, the top Republican in Congress said Wednesday. ... "Here's a country who stood against terrorism and had a huge terrorist act within their country and they chose to change their government and to in a sense appease terrorists," Hastert said. -AP \_ And if the US had gotten more than Spain, Poland, and the UK to help police Iraq, the loss would be less apparent. |
2004/3/16 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12695 Activity:high |
3/16 I posted this last week, but it received no serious responses. Does anyone have any experience/advice with using air couriers for international travel? Is it a reliable thing to use? Thanks. \_ what do you mean by using "air couriers"? back when I was at cal, several of my friends travel "courier" which means that they can't bring any check-in lugguage. the space was sold to a courier service instead. I believe my friends don't need to touch whatever luggage that is being couriered at all and are not responsible for what is being couriered. The courier company already arranged things with the airline directly. It was many years before 911, even though I don't see why 911 must impact this. \_ Yes, this is the service I was talking about. Did they share any advice/thoughts on travelling like that? -op \_ they seem pretty satisfied, mainly with the price. Instead of around $900, they paid like $500. \_ Here are your eyes. |
2004/3/15 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12677 Activity:nil |
3/15 Your morning dose of inanity as brought to you by the Mouthpiece: "Terrorists are indiscriminate (as to) who they attack. They want to spread fear and chaos," McClellan said." \_ heh, so terrorists really want to spread joy and happiness to specific targets? \_ "I do not like to be beaten about the head and shoulders." "You would prefer being beaten on the feet and knees?" Your syllogistic logic has no affect on the inanity of the Mouthpiece. \_ You think that quote is stupid? Check out the right-wing editorializing (all over the place, obUseGoogle) that the victory of Spain's opposition party is a victory for the terrorists. Even tho, ya know, the ruling party was the one that backed Bush against 90% of the public and then tried to blame the terrorist attack on ETA without any evidence. Democracy is only good when they agree with us. \_ Hmm, PP is way ahead in polls. Bombs go off. PP loses. Yep! It's a loss for the terrorists! |
2004/3/15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12669 Activity:nil |
3/15 Spain to leave Iraq, because of new government voted in as a result of the terrorist bombings. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2004/03/15/international0736EST0480.DTL Another Victory for the Terrorists, and an example of why they will crush the wimpy western democracies? Discuss... \_ Turnging and turning in the widening gyre... \_ Sorry guys, the talking points this time are just stupid. The Popular Party was not "way ahead in the polls." They were within the margin of error. The bombings, and the sloppy attempt to blame them on ETA, just pushed it over the edge. The War in Iraq killed the PP and you guys know it. Also, the "Socialist" party in Spain is no more socialist than the ruling parties in, say, Germany. \_ It sounded to me like: "It must have been the ETA" "Why?" "Because they're terrorists." "But what about al Quaeda?" "It must have been the ETA" \_ You forgot the part where they took a kernel of truth and lied from there. "It must have been the ETA because they had been planning an attack to coincide with the elections," which is true, but the bombings didin't fit with ETA's modus operandi, and everyone knew it. \_ It wasn't about difficult MO. It was about the government delaying the release of information. |
2004/2/23 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12355 Activity:nil |
2/22 So my carb sync measure (something that measures the carburator suction) broke and mercury spilled on the garage (about 50 mL worth) and on my hands. I called 911 and asked if I should be concerned and they sent 3 guys from the fire department over in about 10 min. They looked at it, said it was no big deal, and to just dump the stuff int the trash can. I asked if I should put them back in the bottle and have them properly disposed and they said it's no big deal. He even said when he was a kid he used to touch them and play with them. Is there something wrong with this picture? \_ It is not a problem unless you drink it. Highly insoluble. \_ In HS, a kid broke one and supposedly it cost the school $95 to get some company to dispose it. It doesn't add up to $15 B in excess, but it's there. (I'm waiting for the response about the costs of preventative maintenance) |
3/15 |